HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110891 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20111110 �� �w�� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sulims Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary November 10 2011 DWQ Pro�ect# 11 0891 Durham County CERTIFIED MAIL 7010 1870 0001 3324 2920 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Adam Ashbaugh LStar 5511 Caprtal Center Drive Suite 105 Ra(e�gh NC 27606 Sub�ect Property Cardinal Oaks Subdivis�on UT to Chunky Ptpe Creek [030401 27 9 1 WS IV NSW] REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION � Dear Mr Ashbaugh On October 4 2011 the Divis�on of Water Qual�ty(DWQ) received your appl�cation dated October 4 2011 to fill or otherwcse impact 0 099 acre of 404 wetland(permanent impacts) 0 141 acre of isolated wetlands(permanent impacts) 35 l�near feet of perennial stream channel(permanent�mpacts) 31 linear feet of mterm�ttent stream channel(permanent impacts) 2 167 square feet of Zone 1 Neuse R�ver basm protected r�parian buffer(permanent �mpacts) and 2 503 square feet of Zone 2 Neuse bas�n protected r�par�an buffer(permanent impacts)to develop the property with road santtary sewer and stormwater infrastructure The DWQ has determmed that your application was �ncomplete and/or provided maccurate mformat�on as discussed below The DWQ will require add�tional mformation m order to process your appltcat�on to impact protected streams and buffers on the sub�ect property Th�s proJect is on hold and incomplete unttl we receive the add�t�onal mformation requested below If we do not receive the requested �nformation your pro�ect w�ll be formally returned as incomplete Please prov�de the following mformat�on so that we may cont�nue to rev�ew your pro�ect Addit�onal Informat�on Requested 1 Isolated Wetlands a [t appears that you are fillmg all of the isolated wetlands on the s�te Please explain how you are unable to avoid and mmimize isolated wetland impacts on the property b Page 5 of 11 of the PCN appl�cat�on Sectton C 2h tnd�cates that 0 140 acre of isolated wetlands will be tmpacted However column 2f adds up to be 0 141 acre of isolated wetland �mpacts Please revise and resubmit page 5 of 11 2 Stream Impacts a Page 5 of 11 of the PCN application Sect�on C 3a�nd►cates that the stream �mpacts are permanent NorthCarolina JVatura!!y North Carolina Division of Water Qual�ty Raleigh Regional OKce Surface Water Protection Phone(919)791 4200 Customer Service Internet www ncwaterquality org 1628 Mad Service Center Rale�gh NC 27699 1628 FAX (919)788 7159 877 623 6748 An Equai Opporturnty/Affirmative Action Employer—50/ Recycled/10/ Post Consumer Paper Page 2 However Dwg No 3 and 4 md�cate that the stream impacts are temporary Please revtse and resubm�t accurate information 3 Buffer Impacts a Page 7 of 11 of the PCN app(tcation Section C 6b indicates that all of the buffer impacts are permanent However on Dwg No 3 and 4 there appears to be a line that may indicate the lim�ts of d�sturbance to be greater than the ertent of the buffer tmpact If the limits of disturbance exceeds the 30 foot maintenance corridor this should be recorded as temporary buffer impacts Please revise and resubmit page 7 of 11 �f this a correct assumption or erplain otherwise b Temporary [mpact Area#II Dwg No 4 shows that the sewer Itne wtll be tytng into an exist�ng manhole offthe property However you indicate there are no buffer impacts on the ad�acent property assoc�ated with this t�e tn Please eYpla�n 4 Per the requirements of the Neuse River r�partan buffer rules you must show that this site meets diffuse flow requ�rements with level spreader or other BMP per Chapter 8 of the BMP Manual(see http//portal ncdenr org/web/wq/ws/su/bmp manaul) The PCN applicat�on �ndicated that a d�ffuse flow plan was mcluded but DWQ could not locate one Please provide a d�ffuse flow plan Please subm�t five copies of th�s �nformat�on withm 30 calendar days of the date of th�s letter Please send addihonal mformahon to DWQ Central Office,Attn Karen Higgins, 1650 Mail Serv�ce Center,Rale�gh, NC 27699 1650 and copy Lauren Witherspoon(lauren witherspoon@ncdenr gov) If we do not rece�ve this requested mformation withm 30 calendar days of the date of th�s letter your pro�ect will be wtthdrawn and you w�ll need to reapp(y with a new appl�cat�on and a new fee If you need add�t�onal t�me to comp�le the mformation requested above please email Lauren W�therspoon(lauren w�therspoon@ncdenr gov) requesting an extens�on and mdicate a new date for subm►ttal Th�s (etter only addresses the applicatton review and does not authorize any impacts to wetlands waters or protected buffers Please be aware that any impacts requested w�thin your appltcation aze not author�zed (at this t�me) by the DWQ Please call Lauren Witherspoon at 919 791 4251 �f you have any quest�ons regarding this letter or would l�ke to set up a meet�ng to discuss th�s matter Si cerel , / — CJ r�/7 li /� / Danny Sm�th Raletgh Reg onal Office Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section cc DWQ Raleigh Reg�onal Office File Copy WeBSCaPe— 1650 Mail Service Center Jennifer Burdette—Burdette Land Consulting Inc 10212 Creedmoor Road Raletgh NC 27615 F�lename 11 0891 Cardmal Oaks Subdrv�sion -f01 NBR On Hold 1