HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110462 Ver 1_Application_20111116 I a ����� ���� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality ti Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sulims Dee Freeman Govemor Director Secretary North Carolina Division of Water Quahty Transportahon Permithng Umt In-Field Minor 401 Water Quality Cerhficahon,Buffer Cerhficat�on and Isolated Waters Permit Modificahon Pro�ect Name/"TIl'Pro�ect No � yy yy �r�3 bv.�� ���5 C� o� SR !Z32—Date (/VG��wt,(u� ���Z�l� P�4�Za�'a3'l DOT Drvision 1 County �'u.r�u�-�� DWQ Pro�ect No/Permrt Type �Gl/o�G Z /C,G 3�C�a �� � DOT Staff �ias �li,�,.,G►� DWQ Staff l��vr� WGt.�,�w rr9«— �—T ACE Staff DWQ Regional Office Cen-�r�,/ Qi�-i�. Modification Descnphon �� U� �C r-�S -�'C aM Po rct ry ��l i i1 `f( i-.� C�.�. o c� �i Y-�r �� 7 0 ! (�U z.'�(¢r�d S G.`I' s��� ' / ^/ /� �np��/�- / �� I n �'I k I'�� (.A�v.L� G�l r'�G-I � l��''`'I �jt/27 l a!'nd$ .�,�„�orCti v�/ � O � } aGY�s � � ���-1- a � Modification Sketch �� � ���� Transportabon and Perm�ng Urnt 1650 Mad Service Center Rale�gh North Carolina 27699 1650 NonrthCa.Y'ohna LocaUon 2321 Crabtree Bivd Raleigh North Carolma 27604 Phone 919 733 1786 1 FAX 919 733-6893 �atura!!r� Intemet http/m2o enr state nc uslncwetlandsl An Equaf Opportunity lAffirtnaUve Ac6on Employer In Field Modification Page 3 of 3 3 Addrtional Condrtions / / �m,�,,�� v r�V /.w�.t u¢'v_cl �v��.-j S�i ci�� � /-t S-�lJ.��! C kd S�l�i�z.�.� 4s/icx� nl, -f,�.-6f� c.�,�.nl ,L� Failure to construct the proposed action as described m the Modification Description and Sketch on Page 1 of this document and/or violations of any condrtion herem set forth may result m revocation of this modification approval and may result m cnmmal and/or civil penalties This modification approval shall become null and void unless the above condrtions are made condrtions of the Federa1404 and/or Coastal Area Management Act Permrt If the Corps of Engmeers requires a formal written modification to the 404 permrt for the proposed action then NC DWQ must requue a formal wntten modification to the 401 WQC and therefore this m field modificahon is mvahd if addrtional(wetland,stream,buffer)impacts for this pro�ect(now or m the future)exceed(one acre, 150 l�near feet,or one-third of an acre/150 hnear feet,respechvely) or if mrtigation is required above and beyond the current mrtigahon requuements for this pro�ect this in-field modificarion is mvalid and a formal wntten modification is requued This m field modification is effective upon the date the last party signs this document This m field modification is made upon mutual agreement between DOT and DWQ as mdicated by the signatures below and is therefore not sub�ect to appeal by erther party Appeals by thud parties must be made wrthm sixty(60)days of notification pursuant to the contested case prov ons o the Admm trative Procedure Act N C Gen Stat § 150B 23 et sea DWQ Staff Signature Date /�vv-��.� /G ,?�u// DOT Staff Signature � ��� �r �rG�t ��wrp-c. Date ► 1 ( 1 (v � 2 b l l Staff Signature Date � � —An authonzed agent of the Transportat�on PermitUng Umt is defined as DWQ staff that are DOT funded and review and ' issue 401 Water Quality Certifications for DOT pro�ects These staff mclude Central Office and Regional Office personnel � � � i� In-Field Modification Page 2 of 3 This m-field modification is requued for the followmg reason(s) � The mformation contamed m the application or presented m support thereof is mcorrect m the following manner � Condrtions under which the ongmal certification was issued have changed m the followmg manner / / A�a,-�1�h �,� �,+^����.r., -�,�r,.�1e►�T -�v he�h d �'�O-� 1� ��P� l�ss�,,,.,'��,Q /�t//�'� f�S/a►� Go -�^d� M eiiSo r2 S This m field modification is valid only if issued by an authonzed agent of the NC Division of Water Qualrty Transportation Permitting Unrt� This m field modificahon authonzes the NCDOT to �%«e �D o Z ��i{s o� ,l-e�n� ��� �,� �t�t., G�s'.�r t� Gc v e�t I Q�' yU'i� �'n�/ �"A'/h/�.r ,�/��✓�Ls m C„yr �e��. County The pro�ect shall be constructed as described m the Modification Descnption and Sketch on Page 1 of this document dated to-�� �ea-e� rz;Pl�r� �Vcaor tiY,�r��3 ��V� �"�lls Cr�k The approved design is that descnbed m the Modification Descnption and Modification Sketch on Page 1 of this document dated Any further changes to the origmal Water Qualrty Certification dated� 7,J-a// may require a formal wntten modification request The descnption of the proposed action provides adequate assurance that the proposed action m the � , River Basm m con�unct�on wrth the proposed development will not result m a violation of apphcable ater Quahty Standards and discharge guidehnes Therefore the State of North Carohna certifies that this activrty will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301 302 303 306 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95 217 if conducted m accordance wrth the application and condrtions heremafter set forth Should your pro�ect change you are required to notify the DWQ and submrt a new application If the property is sold the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complymg wrth all the condrtions For this approval to remam valid you are requued to comply wrth all the condrtions listed below In addrtion you should obtam all other federal state or local permrts before proceedmg wrth your pro�ect mcludmg(but not limrted to) Sediment and Erosion control Coastal Stormwater Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations This Modificahon Approval shall expire on the same day as the expuation date of the correspondmg Corps of Engmeers Permrt Condrtion(s)of Modification Approval 1 As built drawmgs of the proposed action shall be submitted to the NC DWQ Transportation Permittmg Umt wrthm 30 days of the completion of the action G � 2 All the authonzed activrties and condrtions of the certification associated wrth the origmal Water Quality � Certification dated u� �or and all other correspondmg modifications still apply except where � superceded by this certification r IJ , � i � i i 5 STME U E3! 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