HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081143 Ver 1_Year 1 Monitoring Report_20111108 YEAR 1 (2011) ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT CRIPPLE CREEK MITIGATION BANK Developed Through RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT OF UNNAMED TRIBUTARIES TO BOYD CREEK AND ADJACENT PALUSTRINE WETLANDS Alamance County, North Carolina ;.,� ; � � '�x �i�d":i.r �'a '-� .�''tr ���"';c � � J.,.,,� ����� ,b Y��� � � C � ��-;.s��d k ���� 9���. p".: ^,t$: ti �-3aH:R t±, ��^""°a^� t h �t .f � - ,� i... °"'' ' �^ ��.,� t� {y� �A1.!t ��-��` wy `. y fi ?�4 i;� _.� } �k p -. '�.s.���7.�i�', e. �v . �I �`�+..y.,� ,� IFYk '� � �`��'r�� _..$ 'y * ���' n .Y'- �, ,..",�`��pQr' ' �'F� � N +'�v- Y . � • ,-� ��! ���: ., . � ��b� �`9�'"I :,_ �°+'ifl .'.! �r.. . .� _'` 'S . , . ".M-�+�.. ' . • : . L�4- � � wY � � . . ��' .g: . l�'��� . . � :�r�. , ,� �i' .� . '. .:.;.. i¥i .�� � � i � k1.Y 6 H k �.V ��r� ..�„� ! 15 � ._ . a x F �� �,�t '� � �.r>^ 1 , ; A �f �'A �� � ` � ' b P�y l � � � i i � � °���Y� ��Y +��� � �', � *���i � ' + >�� �ti ' �� r� �wri��� i ���f X���z1��E�� '� ,��i�' � , ;� .,t�'' i6sx�a�} "k �py' '� `,`..r��:�nr.4, M:.��,`��15a��,s.,��'!r,���:i PREPARED BY: RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC 1101 HAYNES STREET, SUITE 211 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 AND AXIOM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 218 SNOW AVENUE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603 OCTOBER 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Restoration Systems, LLC has established a stream and wetland mitigation bank at the Cripple Creek Site (The Bank) located approximately two miles northeast of Burlington, in northeast Alamance County. The Bank is located within the Cape Fear River Basin in 14-digit United States Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit and Targeted Local Watershed 03030002030050 of the South Atlantic/Gulf Region (North Carolina Division of Water Quality [NCDWQ] subbasin number 03-06-02). This report serves as the Year 1 (2011) annual monitoring report. The Bank's mitigation plan included 1) construction of a stable, riffle-pool stream channel, 2) restoration/enhancement of historic wetland functions, 3) enhancement of water quality functions (reduced nonpoint source sedimentation and nutrient inputs), 4) restoration of a natural woody riparian buffer (at least 50' wide) along The Bank's stream reaches, 5) restoration of wildlife habitat associated with a riparian corridor/stable stream, and 6) establishment of a permanent conservation easement which will encompass all restoration activities. After restoration,the Bank offers 4487 Stream Mitigation Units and 7.9 Wetland Mitigation Units. Eleven vegetation plots (10-meter by 10-meter in size) were established and permanently monumented. These plots were surveyed in September 2011 for the Year 1 (2011) monitoring season following guidelines established in CT�S-EEP Protocol for Recording T�egetation, T�ersion 4.0 (Lee et al. 2006). Vegetation sampling across the Site was above the required average density with 725 planted stems per acre surviving. In addition,each individual plot was above success criteria. Twenty cross-sections and appro�mately 3100 linear feet of longitudinal profiles were measured for the Year 1 (2011) monitoring. As a whole, monitoring measurements indicate that there have been minimal changes in both the longitudinal profile and cross-sections as compared to as-built data. The as-built channel geometry compares favorably with the emulated, stable E/C type stream reach as set forth in the detailed mitigation plan and construction plans. Current monitoring has demonstrated dimension,pattern, and profile were stable over the course of the monitoring period. No stream problem areas were noted during Year 1 (2011)monitoring. Six groundwater monitoring gauges were installed at the Bank with an additional groundwater gauge installed in a reference wetland located appro�mately 4 miles west of the Bank. Four of the monitored gauges within restoration areas were inundated/saturated within 12 inches of the surface for greater than 12.5 percent ofthe growing season,which extends from April 18 to October 22 (188 days). An additional gauge (Gauge 6) was installed in June 2011; therefore, data from the beginning of the growing season is not available. Based on data from the remainder of the growing season it is likely that this gauge would have met criteria. Gauge 2 was just shy of success criteria with inundation/saturation for 9 percent of the growing season. In summary, Site vegetation, streams, and wetland hydrology met success criteria for Year 1 (2011) monitoring. Annual Monitoring Report Executive Summary Threemile Stream and Wetland Restoration Site TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................i 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Location and Setting..................................................................................................................... 1 12 Project Objectives......................................................................................................................... 1 13 Project Structure,Restoration Type, and Approach...................................................................... l 2.0 ANNUAL MONITORING...............................................................................................................2 2.1 Vegetation Assessment.................................................................................................................3 2.1.1 Vegetation Success Criteria..................................................................................................3 2.12 Vegetative Contingency Plan................................................................................................3 2.1.3 Vegetative Problem Areas ....................................................................................................3 22 Stream Assessment.......................................................................................................................3 2.2.1 Stream Success Criteria........................................................................................................4 2.22 Stream Contingency Plan......................................................................................................4 2.2.3 Bankfull Events.....................................................................................................................4 2.2.4 Stream Problem Areas ..........................................................................................................4 2.3 Wetland Assessment.....................................................................................................................4 2.3.1 Wetland Success Criteria......................................................................................................5 2.32 Wetland Contingency P1an....................................................................................................5 2.3.3 Wetland Problem Areas........................................................................................................5 2.4 Biotic Community Changes..........................................................................................................5 3.0 CONCLUSIONS...............................................................................................................................6 4.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................8 FIGURES Figure1. Site Location...............................................................................................................Appendix A Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View................................................................................................Appendix A APPENDICES APPENDIX A. GENERAL TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1. Site Restoration Structures and Objectives Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Figure 1. The Bank Location Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View APPENDIX B. VEGETATION DATA Table 4. 20ll (Year 1) Tota1 Planted Stems by Plot and Species Vegetation Plot Photographs Annual Monitoring Report page i Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank APPENDICES (continued) APPENDIX C. MORPHOLOGICAL SUMMARY DATA AND PLOTS Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events Tables 6a-6b. Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables 7a-7c. Monitoring Data-Dimensional Data Summary Longitudinal Profile Plots Cross-section Plots APPENDIX D. HYDROLOGY DATA 2011 Groundwater Gauge Data APPENDIX E. BENTHIC DATA Figure E1. Preconstruction Benthic Station Locations Preconstruction Benthic Sample Results Habitat Assessment Field Datasheets Annual Monitoring Report page ii Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Location and Setting Restoration Systems, LLC established a stream and wetland mitigation bank at the Cripple Creek Site (The Bank) located approximately two miles northeast of Burlington, in northeast Alamance County (Figure 1, Appendix A). The Bank encompasses 19.6 acres of land utilized for livestock grazing and hay production. Prior to construction, The Bank was accessible to livestock and was routinely cleared and mowed for hay production, resulting in local disturbances to stream banks and wetland soil surfaces. Additional land use practices including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, and relocation, dredging, and straightening of onsite streams had resulted in degraded water quality, unstable channel characteristics (stream entrenchment, erosion, and bank collapse),and reduced storage capacity/floodwater attenuation. Directions to The Bank: ➢ Take exit 150 off Interstate 85-40 just east of Burlington ➢ Travel north/towards Haw River/Green Level for�22 miles ➢ At the Highway 49 junction, turn right/travel north on Highway 49 towards Green Level/Roxboro for�2.7 miles ➢ Turn left on Sandy Cross Road (atthe Sandy Cross Mini Mart)for�1.6 miles ➢ Turn right on Fonville Road for�1.7 miles to a T-intersection ➢ Turn left on Deep Creek Road for�09 mile ➢ Turn left on Roney-Lineberry Road just after Deep Creek Baptist Church for�0.3 mile ➢ After passing through a trailer park,take a left at the stop sign into The Bank ➢ Point in center of road crossing at the upstream end of the Main Channel Latitude: 36.138332274 °N, Longitude: 79380963290 °W 1.2 Project Objectives The primary components of the Bank's mitigation plan included 1) construction of a stable, riffle-pool stream channel, 2) restoration/enhancement of historic wetland functions, 3) enhancement of water quality functions (reduced nonpoint source sedimentation and nutrient inputs), 4) restoration of a natural woody riparian buffer (at least 50' wide) along The Bank's stream reaches, 5) restoration of wildlife habitat associated with a riparian corridor/stable stream, and 6) establishment of a permanent conservation easement which will encompass all restoration activities. 1.3 Project Structure,Restoration Type, and Approach A 19.6-acre conservation easement was placed on the Bank to incorporate all restoration activities. Prior to construction, The Bank was accessible to livestock and was routinely cleared and mowed for hay production, resulting in local disturbances to stream banks and wetland soil surfaces. Additional land use practices including the maintenance and removal of riparian vegetation, and relocation, dredging, and straightening of onsite streams had resulted in degraded water quality, unstable channel characteristics (stream entrenchment, erosion, and bank collapse),and reduced storage capacity/floodwater attenuation. The primary goals of this stream and wetland restoration project focused on improving water quality, enhancing flood attenuation, and restoring aquatic and riparian habitat,which were accomplished by: 1. Removing nonpoint sources of pollution associated with agricultural activities including a) excluding livestock from streams, stream banks, and floodplains; b) eliminating the broadcasting of fertilizer, pesticides, and other agricultural materials into and adjacent to streams and wetlands; and c) establishing a native woody riparian buffer (at least 50' wide) adjacent to streams and wetlands Annual Monitoring Report page 1 Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank to treat surface runoff which may be laden with sediment and/or agricultural pollutants from the adjacentlandscape. 2. Reducing sedimentation within onsite and downstream receiving waters through a) reduction of bank erosion associated with hoof shear, vegetation maintenance, and agricultural plowing, and b) planting a diverse native woody riparian buffer(at least 50' wide) adjacentto The Bank's streams. 3. Reestablishing stream stability and the capacity to transport watershed flows and sediment loads by restoring a stable dimension, pattern, and profile supported by natural in-stream habitat and grade/bank stabilization structures. 4. Promoting floodwater attenuation through a) reconnecting bankfull stream flows to the abandoned floodplain terrace, b) restoring secondary, entrenched tributaries thereby reducing floodwater velocities within smaller catchment basins, c) restoring depressional floodplain and seepage slope wetlands, thereby increasing the storage capacity for floodwaters within The Bank, and d) revegetating floodplains to increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing The Bank. 5. Improving aquatic habitat by enhancing stream bed variability and the use of in-stream structures. 6. Providing wildlife habitat including seepage slope wetlands, which are uncommon in the piedmont portion of the State. As constructed, Bank restoration activities resulted in the following. • 4487 Stream Mitigation Units by: o Restoring approximately 4235 linear feet of stream channel through construction of stable channels,thereby reestablishing stable dimension,pattern,and profile. o Enhancing (Level II) approximately 629 linear feet of stream channel through the removal of invasive species, cessation of livestock grazing, and bank stabilization. • 7.9 Wetland Mitigation Units by: o Restoring approximately 5.7 acres of riparian wetlands and 1.2 acres of nonriparian wetlands by reconstructing channels of tributaries that e�ibit more natural, historic interplay with the floodplain, filling ditched channels, rehydrating floodplain soils, and planting with native woody vegetation. o Enhancing approximately 1.4 acres of riparian wetlands and 0.5 acres of nonriparian wetlands by reconstructing The Bank's tributaries within the floodplain, rehydrating floodplain soils, removing livestock, and planting with native woody vegetation. • Planting a native woody riparian buffer (at least 50' wide) adjacent to restored/enhanced streams and wetlands within The Bank. • Protecting The Bank in perpetuity with a conservation easement. Completed project activities, reporting history, completion dates, and project contacts are summarized in Tables 1-3 (Appendix A). 1.4 Monitoring Plan View Monitoring activities for the Site, including relevant structures and utilities, project features, specific project structures, and monitoring features are detailed in the monitoring plan view in Figure 2 of Appendix A. Site features including vegetation, stream dimension (cross-sections), stream profile and pattern, wetland hydrology, and photographic documentation were monitored in Year 1 (2011). 2.0 ANNUAL MONITORING Monitoring of The Bank's restoration efforts will be performed until agreed upon success criteria are fulfilled. Monitoring is proposed for the stream channel, riparian vegetation, and hydrology (Figure 2, Annual Monitoring Report page 2 Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix A). Stream morphology is proposed to be monitored for a period of five years. Riparian vegetation is proposed to be monitored for a period of seven years. Wetland hydrology is proposed to be monitored for a period of five years; at which time a request will be made to the IRT to discontinue groundwater hydrology monitoring. The IRT reserves the right to request additional groundwater monitoring if it deems necessary. Monitoring reports of the data collected will be submitted to the IRT no later than December of each monitoring year. 2.1 Vegetation Assessment After planting was completed, eleven sample vegetation plots (10-meter by 10-meter) were installed and measured within the Site as per guidelines established in CT�S-EEP Protocol for Recording T�egetation, Version 4.0 (Lee et al. 2006). Vegetation plots are permanently monumented with 4-foot metal garden posts at each corner. In each sample plot, vegetation parameters to be monitored include species composition and species density. Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will also be documented by photograph. Vegetation plot information can be found in Appendix B. Year 1 (2011) stem count measurements indicate an average of 725 planted stems per acre across the Bank. In addition, each individual plot met success criteria. 2.1.1 Vegetation Success Criteria Characteristic Tree Species include woody tree and shrub species planted at the Site, observed within a reference forest, or outlined for the appropriate plant community in Schafale and Weakley (1990). An average density of 320 stems per acre of Characteristic Tree Species must be surviving in the first three monitoring years. Subsequently, 260 Characteristic Tree Species per acre must be surviving by the end of year 5, and 210 Characteristic Tree Species per acre by the end of year 7. The IRT may allow counting of acceptable volunteer species toward the 210-tree per acre density upon review and evaluation of the annual monitoring data. No single volunteer species (most notably red maple, loblolly pine, and sweet gum) will comprise more than 20 percent of the total composition at years 3, 5, or 7. If this occurs, remedial procedures/protocols outlined in the contingency plan will be implemented. During years 3, 5, and 7, no single volunteer species, comprising over 20 percent of the total composition, may be more than twice the height of the planted trees. If this occurs,remedial procedures outlined in the contingency plan will be implemented. If, within the first 3 years, any species e�ibits greater than 50 percent mortality, the species will either be replanted or an acceptable replacement species will be planted in its place as specified in the contingency plan. 2.1.2 Vegetative Contingency Plan If vegetation success criteria are not achieved based on average density calculations from combined plots over the entire restoration area, supplemental planting may be performed with tree species approved by regulatory agencies. Supplemental planting will be performed as needed until achievement of vegetation success criteria. 2.1.3 Vegetative Problem Areas No vegetation problem areas were identified within the Bank during Year 1 (2011) Monitoring. 2.2 Stream Assessment Annual monitoring will include development of channel cross-sections on riffles and pools, pebble counts, and a water surface profile of the channel as outlined in interagency Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE Annual Monitoring Report page 3 Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank et al. 2003). The data will be presented in graphic and tabular format. Data to be presented will include 1) cross-sectional area, 2) bankfull width, 3) average depth, 4) maximum depth, 5) width-to-depth ratio, 6) water surface slope, and 7) stream substrate composition. A photographic record of preconstruction and postconstruction conditions will also be compiled. As a whole, monitoring measurements indicate minimal changes in both the longitudinal profile and cross- sections as compared to as-built data. The channel geometry compares favorably with the emulated, stable E/C type stream reach as set forth in the detailed mitigation plan and as constructed. Current monitoring has demonstrated dimension, pattern, and profile were stable over the course of the monitoring period. Tables for baseline data and annual quantitative assessments are included in Appendix C. 2.2.1 Stream Success Criteria Success criteria for stream restoration will include 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning stream system (Rosgen 1996) and 2) channel variables indicative of a stable stream system. Annual monitoring will continue until success criteria are met and no less than two bankfull events have occurred, as determined by in situ crest gauge and/or visual signs of overbank flooding. Visual assessment of in-stream structures will be conducted to determine if failure has occurred. Failure of a structure may be indicated by collapse of the structure, undermining of the structure, abandonment of the channel around the structure, and/or stream flow beneath the structure. 2.2.2 Stream Contingency Plan In the event that stream success criteria are not fulfilled, a mechanism for contingency will be implemented. Stream contingency may include structure repair and/or installation; repair of dimension, pattern, and/or profile variables; bank stabilization; chinking of in-stream structures to prevent piping; securing of loose coir-fiber matting; supplemental planting along the channel; and/or maintenance to areas of the stream bank where stormwater or floodplain flows are intercepted to prevent bank failure and head- cutting of the channel. The method of contingency is expected to be dependent upon stream variables that are not in compliance with success criteria. 2.2.3 Bankfull Events Four bankfull events were documented during the Year 1 (2011)monitoring period. 2.2.4 Stream Problem Areas The left bank arm of the downstreammost crossvane on the Main Channel is compromised. It appears that the footers have moved. This does not appear to be a problem at this time;therefore,no proactive measures are recommended. This should continue to be monitored closely. 2.3 Wetland Assessment Six groundwater monitoring gauges were installed at the Bank with an additional groundwater gauge installed in a reference wetland located appro�mately 4 miles west of the Bank (Figure 1, Appendix A). Hydrological sampling will continue throughout the growing season at intervals necessary to satisfy the jurisdictional hydrology success criteria within each wetland restoration area (USEPA 1990). In addition, rainfall data will be usedfor comparison of groundwater conditions with extended drought conditions. Finally, groundwater gauges located within riverine wetlands adjacent to restored stream reaches will supplement staff gauge measurements to confirm overbank flooding events. Graphs of groundwater hydrology and precipitation from a nearby rain station are included in Appendix D. Annual Monitoring Report page 4 Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank 2.3.1 Wetland Success Criteria Target hydrological characteristics include saturation or inundation for 12.5 percent of the growing season, during average climatic conditions. During growing seasons with atypical climatic conditions, groundwater gauges in reference wetlands may dictate threshold hydrology success criteria. These areas are expected to support hydrophytic vegetation; if wetland parameters are marginal as indicated by vegetation and/or hydrology monitoring, a jurisdictional determination will be performed. 2.3.2 Wetland Contingency Plan Hydrologic contingency may include floodplain surface modifications such as construction of ephemeral pools, deep ripping of the soil profile, and installation of berms to retard surface water flows. Recommendations for contingency to establish wetland hydrology may be implemented and monitored until hydrology success criteria are achieved. 2.3.3 Wetland Problem Areas No wetland problem areas were identified within the Bank during Year 1 (2011)monitoring. 2.4 Biotic Community Changes Changes in the biotic community are anticipated from a shift in habitat opportunities as the unnamed tributaries to Boyds Creek are restored. In-stream, biological monitoring is proposed to track the changes during the monitoring period. The benthic macroinvertebrate community will be sampled using NCDWQ protocols found in the Standard Operating Procedures for Benthic Macroinvertebrates (NCDWQ 2006) and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Protocols for Compensatory Stream Restoration Projects (NCDWQ 2001). Biological sampling of benthic macroinvertebrates will be used to collect preconstruction baseline data for comparison with postconstruction restored conditions. Two benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring locations will be established within The Bank (one on the Main Tributary and one on the Southern Tributary) (Figure 2, Appendix A). It is anticipated that postrestoration collections may move slightly from the prerestoration conditions in order to take advantage of developing habitat niches (i.e. riffles, vegetative cover, woody debris in channel, overhanging banks) that cannot be predicted prior to restoration. Benthic macroinvertebrate samples will be collected from individual reaches using the Qual-4 collection method. Sampling techniques of the Qual-4 collection method consist of kick nets, sweep nets, leaf packs, and visual searches. Collection procedures will be available for review by NCDWQ biologists. Preproject biological sampling occurred on June 12, 2008; postproject monitoring will occur in June of each monitoring year. A list of collected benthic macroinvertebrates and Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheets used in benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring are enclosed in Appendix E. Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected using the Qual-4 protocol for streams with a drainage area less than or equal to 3 square miles. This method consists of four samples including 1) one kick sample, 2) one sweep sample, 3) one leaf pack sample, and 4) visuals where all organisms are picked. Samples were then sent to a qualif�ied lab (Pennington and Associates Inc.)for processing. The reference reach samples contained a total of 73 organisms within 18 taxa. This reach received a Biotic Index of 3.89, which is considered excellent and a Habitat Score of 93. The restoration reach samples contained a total of 70 organisms within 23 taxa on the Main Channel and 30 organisms within 12 taxa on the Southern UT. Restoration reaches received Biotic Indices of 8.48 and 8.06, respectively, which is considered poor and Habitat Scores of 79 and 87 (NCDWQ 2006). Characteristic benthic macroinvertebrate habitat is developing well and offers a variety of habitat including undercut banks, rocks, and debris/leaf packs with an abundance of macrophytic habitat in the restoration reach from developing stream-side vegetation. Benthic macroinvertabrate communities are expected to develop and take Annual Monitoring Report page 5 Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank advantage of the variety of habitat offered resulting in improvements to the overall biotic index with increased representation of less tolerant taxa. Visual samples included an abundance of tadpoles and dragonfly nymphs (Odonata), and some fish and crayfish within the restoration reaches. In addition, 41 aquatic insects of 5 taxa within the Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies), and Trichoptera (caddisflies) (collectively, EPT taxa) were collected within the reference reach and 2 aquatic insects within the EPT taxa was collected within each of the restoration reaches. The presence of EPT species is an indicator of perennial streams as well as of good water quality; EPT taxa are considered to be sensitive to environmental stress. The tolerance values of species collected in both reaches are generally high(mostly greater than 5) indicating the probable presence of environmental stressors such as recent construction of the channel and an extended period of e�treme hot, dry weather. EPT taxa are expected to continue to develop and take advantage of the variety of habitat offered. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS Four of the monitored gauges within restoration areas were inundated/saturated within 12 inches of the surface for greater than 12.5 percent of the growing season, which e�tends from April 18 to October 22 (188 days). An additional gauge (Gauge 6) was installed in June 2011; therefore, data from the beginning of the growing season is not available. Based on data from the remainder of the growing season it is likely that this gauge would have met criteria. Gauge 2 was just shy of success criteria with inundation/saturation for 9 percent of the growing season. A summary of groundwater gauge data is included in the following table. Summary of Groundwater Gauge Results Success Criteria Achieved/Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season Gauge (Percentage) Year 1 (2011)* Year 2 (2012) Year 3 (2013) Year 4 (2014) Year 5 (2015) 1 Yes/41 days (21.8 percent) 2 No/17 days (9.0 percent) 3 Yes/151 days (803 percent) 4 Yes/49 days (26.1 percent) 5 Yes/180 days (100 percent) 6 NA**/14 days (7.4 percent) Ref ***9 days (4.8 percent) *Data has been collected through October 14, 2011 for the Year 1 (2011) monitoring season; data will continue to be collected throughout the remainder of the growing season and will be available upon request. **This gauge was installed in June 2011;therefore,data from the beginning of the growing season is not available. Based on data for the remainder of the growing season it is likely that this gauge would have met criteria. ***The reference gauge was installed in May 2011;therefore,data from the beginning of the growing season is not available. Annual Monitoring Report page 6 Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Vegetation sampling across the Site was above the required average density with 725 planted stems per acre surviving. In addition,each individual plot was above success criteria. Summary of Planted Vegetation Plot Results Plot Planted Stems/Acre Countin Towards Success Criteria Year 1 (2011) Year 2 (2012) Year 3 (2013) Year 5 (2015) Year 7 (2017) 1 769 2 567 3 688 4 567 5 809 6 1093 7 647 8 1052 9 567 10 728 11 486 Average of All Plots(1-11) 725 Annual Monitoring Report page 7 Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank 4.0 REFERENCES Lee, M.T., RK Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.0. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Raleigh,North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2001. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Protocols for Compensatory Mitigation. 401/Wetlands Unit, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh,North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2006. Standard Operating Procedures for Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Biological Assessment Unit, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh,North Carolina. Rosgen,D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Appro�mation.North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Army Corps of Engineers, United States Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission,North Carolina Division of Water Quality (USACE et al.). 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1990. Mitigation Site Type Classification (MiST). USEPA Workshop, August 13-15, 1989. EPA Region IV and Hardwood Research Cooperative,NCSU, Raleigh,North Carolina. United States Geological Survey(USGS). 1974. Hydrologic Unit Map - 1974. State of North Carolina. Annual Monitoring Report page 8 Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Appendix A. General Tables and Figures Table 1. Site Restoration Structures and Objectives Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Figure 1. The Bank Location Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View Monitoring Baseline Document and Asbuilt Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Mitigation Quantity* Mitigation Units(Credits)* Mitigation Activity Streams Wetlands Stream Units Wetland Units (linear feet) (acres) (SMUs) (WMUs) Stream Restoration 4235 4235 Stream Enhancement Level II 629 252 Ri arian Wetland Restoration 5.7 5.7 Ri arian Wetland Enhancement 1.4 0.7 Nonri arian Wetland Restoration 1.2 1.2 Nonri arian Wetland Enhancement 0.5 0.25 Tota1: 4487 Total: 7.9 *Mitigation quantities and units only include linear footages/acreages within the easement. All mitigation activities completed outside of the easement are excluded from the mitigation units. Table 2. Pro'ect Activit and Re ortin Histor Activity or Deliverable Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan August 2009 Construction Plans December 2010 Site Construction and Planting December 2010-Apri12011 As-built Construction DrawingsBaseline Monitoring Document Apri12011 2011 (Year 1)Annual Monitoring October 2011 Table 3. Project Contacts Table Sponsor Restoration Systems,LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh,NC 27604 John Preyer and George Howard 919-755-9490 Designer Axiom Environmental,Inc. 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh,NC 27603 Grant Lewis 919-215-1693 Construction Plans and Florence and Hutcheson Sediment and Erosion Control Plans 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh,NC 27607 Kevin Williams 919-851-6066 Construction and Planting Contractor Land Mechanic Designs 780 Landmark Road Willow Spring,NC 27592 Lloyd Glover 919-639-6132 As-built Surveyor K2 Design Group 5688 US Highway 70 East Goldsboro,NC 27534 John Rudolph 919-751-0075 Baseline Data Collection and Axiom Environmental,Inc. Annual Monitoring Performer 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh,NC 27603 Grant Lewis 919-215-1693 Monitoring Baseline Document and Asbuilt Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank , . a, 1 � �' `� . ; ' � N � Directions to the Site: � �, , ''.;° ' , _ • Take exit 150 off of InterstaYe 85 just east of Burlington � Pr+a"s � " - • Travel north/towards Haw River/Green Level for�2.2 miles �� , ��/ Qo � , • At the Highway 49 junction,turn right/travel north on Highway 49 towards --� � ���' W -" � � y_ \ Green Level/Roxboro for�2.7 miles ; � `�_� � `",�"` �� � • Turn left on Sandy Cross Road(at the Sandy Cross Mini Mart)for�1.6 miles � � ��- , ��P'�-�'�i- ° � r • Turn right on Fonville Road for�1.7 miles to a T-intersection �+ '9a ao �N�lo ' -�Eo • Turn left on Deep Creek Road for-0.9 mile "�w�' z��,��\� �� _ • Turn left on Roney-Lineberry Road just after Deep Creek Baptist Church for�0.3 mile � .:E L I�� � y� � �f' '? • After passing through a trailer parl�take a left at the stop sign into the Site �" w � a ` � ,� � �I � ;'�- \ l�. �� � � � � � � � � �� Q � �� � _ ,� ,� � �i�� ^ ��.. ,, , „ , , , _ ��- , � � �,, ., : � � i , , , � � ..,, � � �� `°�� i _ � , " "' � �'�l ,�``- �� ,� � Reference Gauge , � r � 3 r� , � Y� Latitude: 36.1503�N � TheBankLocation ��=�-1r�� � 49 , � �. �`� a�� ���•�� �_ "' Lon tude 79.4644°W �� J Latitude: 36.138332274°N � I�62 �� / y - 4�i�,.� � ��-� " �• Longitude: 79380963290°W � � �,� � l� �i ��; �+. � a�� �`. 4 r i, i �f .� ��"��, e° � _ su.,,a t. �` : ' ' t ' 1'3-- x��-'t��,�; a - I I�FR ..,:q s� s�� ' � . l - , ,� � . - r rL. 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FIGURE � CLF � 218SnowAvenue MONITORING PLAN VIEW ���� Raleigh,NC 27603 Date: (919)215-1693 CRIPPLE CREEK MITIGATION BANK Apri12011 ►�'''- Alamance Count North Carolina P�oe�t � � � y, � Axiom Environmenta�,�nc. 07-016 APPENDIX B VEGETATION DATA Table 4. 20ll (Year 1) Total Planted Stems by Plot and Species Vegetation Plot Photographs Monitoring Baseline Document and Asbuilt Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Table 4. 2011 (Year 1)Planted Stems by Plot and Species Plot Plot Species CommonName Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Plot 7 Plot 8 Plot 9 10 11 Betula nigra river birch 8 1 4 3 4 4 Carya hickory 1 Celtis laevigata sugarberry 6 3 2 Cephalanthus occidentalis common buttonbush 1 2 Cornus amomum silky dogwood 3 1 3 3 8 1 4 4 6 Diospyros virginiana common persimmon 1 1 1 1 3 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash 6 5 3 1 3 17 8 3 1 Nyssa sylvatica blackgum 3 1 2 Quercus oak 1 1 1 1 4 2 Quercus alba white oak 2 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak 5 1 1 1 1 Quercus rubra northern red oak 2 Quercus shumardii Shumard's oak 1 1 5 10 11 Ulmus americana American elm 1 2 1 Unknown 2 1 1 TOTAL PLANTED STEMS 19 14 17 14 20 27 16 26 14 18 12 TOTALPLANTED STEMS/ACRE 769 567 688 567 810 1093 648 1053 567 729 486 Monitoring Baseline Document and Asbuilt Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Cripple Creek 20ll (Year 1) Vegetation Monitoring Photographs Taken September 2011 � Plot 1 Plot 2 •� �..:...: � _� � , .� ._ . �r.�. .- . �-,���,: a N. �:y,�.,��� ""�'�"�;• .;�,��'� � � . ._., _ � - :t ,�; . _ � , �„ �.. �-'���� ,����� �' , a <� � � � . � � �� L � ' � a1�^�,.'��.'�3:�V 4 r _ X.:. �➢ .�a _4�4 ' � , .. v x�� F � i��v E - R^: "�. ,'�: � ,� . �'.k+S' � �`.�[ r`I �`a � e� � ��< q hy � � k , ��� 9 �y�p� �.- � ...3 .y . : .. ..�. 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"�,�� ri `�,s�,s,, w« �--y .t� �.Y„-�. � b �+ ,� �d; t.s F�„�t �� � �,� . "�'� �..d����_y�� �,. �4 t'� i v'y?d� 'k"��a'�F'�§ t `.�''yW�`��'�.. t6�'�; ' iYI.�i1k�"d!'x'SYe.��t�.a. i'a�7'^�# �,,_.^�".a.Y'�. "`� �r�.,�c�n r�.u�°i�?',. #� .,.:�� y. ' { Annual Monitoring Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Cripple Creek 20ll (Year 1) Vegetation Monitoring Photographs Taken September 2011 (continued) �' ,����' a �,� " ��� ; Plot 7 � 3�,, ��"F�i g�` ,�° �, ry:.' +� �. � . � � , �� r " t���. � • „, �1� i, �� � 4��a , . �� :�� �� - a'r . x '� ,r��i� I•��v�.���?f�� �_I��':�44�X��&S � . . . .�. . � . f i "r i �1` ,• �����, mo�a�; � a D �` ;�� s;>�� rys� :y I , �': �1 �ta�r ' �% � f�„ ` �' +'� r�� � ",y ( � � + ��p � '"��R '�•�,' .��, . ri`�d�";#��� ,. 'p�4�i � .".a �#�x�,_.� r1�L O �� r1�L 7 � «+� q���`:�, ' � �� _ �}- ��� ��,w� � ',�,, ':,� _yi�.$� • � �°'. �5 �Y�;.a�' � E�. ,�P'�� ��., �°.... �1�������� • �� ' �� � � � p . ��sn�„ . �7�.� 5 5�g , j� � " , } . . �. '+�"-y�'¢A'!4,si;i�il9 �W ���: `�L " � � a "�0 �tt:: � t ' .c' ��y qt�' � II � � 'w s � � ' . �'',. � i',� ;� � '* . 1 a �t�� „� :� "�,� { ��.: ' 3 �-,�'�� `"" �.j "� � � � . �+� �.�. '���� ��' fi` � � I �?'' �� � , Y� �_r.�' x�S i�.a rd�r�' `S � b'� de ��4��'��'�. �. .�s i'M��{�f�.[:i�, e...,..:� . .� .-�.�.�,?1F i�,�k m, s.,o ��3,U .�.. .1p.�.Y�,. ,,IX. . ��. � .,. • .. .. �.�'h��:''a.+ _'. , _..-., PIOt 1O �`� PIOt 11 �; ,. � � ��'i,,� `" >�« � ' "^��� ,�.�� �,��! ��<� _,E�� �.'� � . - � ������ _ � . .a . ' �. �, ��a� ;::_ ,� ��;�.� * e � -_ � , c m. M'� 1 A a�'��f . �,1 '�� ���r+.�.�, `= '.� A.� �1 '+y r. �. ` {�� t �7�"' ,��, � 4 ; .�� Y'���f���'��r��'�;' �" . � ��;�il�n� ��r' `��S�`• . ��-:.�"��'�����v� Annual Monitoring Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank APPENDIX C Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events Tables 6a-6b. Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables 7a-7c. Monitoring Data-Dimensional Data Summary Longitudinal Profile Plots Cross-section Plots Annual Monitoring Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events Date of Data Date of Method Photo (if Collection Occurrence available) Visual evidence of overbank including wrack adjacent to channels and a total of.93 inches* of rain April 14, 2011 April 8-9, 2011 documented on March 30, 2011 and 0.96 inches* of Photos 1-2 rain between April 8-9, 2011 documented at a nearby weather station. Total of 1.57 inches* of rain documented between October 20ll May 13-15, 20ll May 13-15, 2011 documented at a nearby weather -- station. Total of 2.83 inches* of rain documented between October 2011 June 27-28,2011 June 27-28,2011 documented at a nearby weather -- station. September 21-28 Total of 3.5 inches* of rain documented between October 2011 2011 ' September 21-28,2011 documented at a nearby -- weather station. *Weather Underground 2011 OverbankPhotos 1-2: Wrackadjacentto 1���"�as'� l���°�" � ta� - e mam c anne an tri u .�. - � . � �;:" - r° ;� r '� " _ � .�- - � �� ' _ .. �. �--� ��� ,`�+ , ,,. � (, _ �� ;.� :� f� _� , ���" °� ��'". � ��.''"�,� 2��� �` a=- ,,�,�� �'�� �; �+ g �': `�`'+� .` '€ �-5r�"k. r� . �� �'„ b 1 �� :y ^`�: .s+" ii .�:_;: .. ��a �'� �i �,.. �'�-4f r .. "��� �� 4 . � . -t�' r-. �`� 6 ,r_' ��' + ��.'�'j�"'q � � M _if''' `�?Yyk � '". .i�A _ S �`k . ���� `$'`.� � }� ��� �'- - � � ' � � . ': . t w %.� '°?�'�'r .�, � '�` ^ � , t , . -,,t �w�; 4. g.:`� '���ti '�1 � ., '^'� �`ry��� dr.1� ����� 1� � a �.� �- ,���� �.+�'' r . , . U 1 i,r/' _ ^ �r,� e4 � � � e , _ ...,. �� . w..'� l�.c 3l=�da�._ !'' .'., .. , ... �, _ X.,' Annual Monitoring Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Table 6a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Cripple Creek Main Channel Parameter Gauge Regional Curve Pr�Existing Condition Reference Reach(es)Data Design Monitoring Baseline Dimension and Substrate-Riffle Onl LL UL E . Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Max Med Min Mean Med Max SD BF Width(ft) 7.1 8.1 9.5 3.0 4.6 6.1 9.0 12.1 10.5 10.7 113 12.8 Floodprone Width(fr) 17 44 75 150 74 174 110 100 BF Mean Depth(fr) 0.9 12 1.6 0.7 1.1 1.5 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.9 1.0 BF Max Depth(ft) 12 1.9 23 1.0 1.7 23 1.1 1.4 13 1.0 12 1.5 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 82 10.4 5.9 82 10.4 7.9 9.5 13.4 Width/Depth Ratio 42 7.5 11.1 4.0 42 43 10.0 14.0 12.0 12.7 13.1 16.0 Entrenchment Ratio 2.6 53 82 24.6 373 50.0 6.7 17.6 10.7 7.8 8.9 93 Bank Height Ratio 13 1.6 1.8 1.0 13 1.5 1.0 13 1.1 1.0 Profile Riffle length(ft 8.9 21.6 20.7 423 Riffle slope(ft/ft No distinctive repetitive pattem of 0.0000 0.0083 0.0154 0.0000 0.0236 0.0116 0.0004 0.0115 0.0123 0.0215 Pool length(ft) riffles and pools due to channel 83 23.0 222 44.4 Pool Max depth(ft) straightening acctivities 1.0 1.7 23 0.9 2.4 1.6 1.0 12 1.5 Pool spacing(fr) 14.0 32.4 39.6 19.8 77.7 52.5 19.8 49.5 693 Pattern Channel Beltwidth(fr) 15.1 243 292 19.8 66.5 42 19.8 39.6 59.4 Radius of Curvature(ft) No distinctive repetitive pattem of 8.9 132 19.4 19.8 55.5 46.1 19.8 21.7 49.5 RcBankfull width(ff/ft riffles and pools due to channel 12 1.8 2.7 2.0 5.0 22 2.0 22 5.0 Meander Wavelength(fr) straightening acctivities 31 47.8 74 49.5 1332 94.5 49.5 89.1 118.8 Meander Width ratio 43 6.6 102 2.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Trans ort arameters Reach Shear Stress com etenc lbs/fr� 1.53 027 038 Max part size(mm)mobilized at bankfull ---- ---- ---- StreamPower trans ortca aci W/m� 27.06 6.96 19.53 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classificatio Eg-type E-type C/E-type C/E-type Bankfull Velocity(fps ------- ----- Bankfull Discharge(cfs) 355 to 45.9 223 Valley Length(fr) 1728 239 Channel Thalweg Length(fr) 1850 292 2075 2075 Sinuosi 1.07 1.22 1.25 1.2 Water Surface Slo e fUft 0.0108 0.005 0.0065 0.01 Table 6b. Baseline Stream Data Summary Cripple Creek-Tributaries Parameter Gauge Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reach(es)Data Design Monitoring Baseline Dimension and Substrate-RifYle Onl LL iTL E . Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Max Med Min Mean Med Max SD BF Width(ft) 3.9 43 4.9 3.0 4.6 6.1 5.1 62 5.6 53 63 7.1 FloodproneWidth(ft) 8 13 25 150 25 65 45 15 50 100 BF Mean Depth(ft) 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.7 1.1 1.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 03 0.5 0.6 BF Max Depth(ft) 1.1 1.6 2.6 1.0 1.7 23 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.9 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 32 5.9 32 1.4 3.0 4.1 Width/Depth Ratio 4.1 6.1 7.7 4.0 42 43 8.0 12.0 10.0 112 14.4 183 EntrenctanentRatio 1.9 3.0 5.1 24.6 373 50.0 4.5 11.6 8.0 2.8 82 14.7 BankHeightRatio 13 1.9 2.7 1.0 13 1.5 1.0 13 1.1 1.0 Profile Riffle length(ft) 4.6 10.5 67.1 Riffle slope(ft/ft) No distinctive repetitive pattem of 0.0000 0.0083 0.0154 0.0000 0.0465 0.0330 0.0033 0.0202 0.0356 Pool length(ft) riffles and pools due to channel Pool Max depth(ft) straightening acctivities 1.0 1.7 23 0.7 1.6 1.1 1.1 12 12 Pool spacing(ft) 14.0 32.4 39.6 112 33.6 22.4 112 22.4 33.6 Pattern Channel Beltwidth(ft) 15.1 243 292 112 28 16.8 112 16.8 28 Radius of Curvature(ft) No distinctive repetitive pattem of 8.9 132 19.4 112 50.4 123 112 123 50.4 RcBankfull width(ft/ft) riffles and pools due to channel 12 1.8 2.7 2.0 5.0 22 2.0 22 5.0 Meander Wavelength(ft) straightening acctivities 31 47.8 74 28 672 50.4 28 50.4 672 MeanderWidthratio 43 6.6 102 2.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Trans ort arameters Reach Shear Stress com etenc lbs/ft� 2.6 0.27 0.44 Max part size(mm)mobilized at bankfull ---- ---- ---- Stream Power trans ort ca aci W/mZ 11.75 6.96 11.02 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classificatio Eg E-type Eb-type C/E-type Bankfull Velocity(fps) ----- ----- Bankfull Discharge(cfs) 0.07 223 Valley Length(ft) 2220 239 Channel Thalweg Length(ft) 2287 292 2823 2823 Sinuosity 1.03 1.22 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slo e fUft 0.02 0.005 0.0165 0.016 Table 7a. Monitoring Data-Dimensional Morphology Summary(Dimensional Parameters-Cross Sections) Cri le Creek-Main Channel Cross Section 2 Cross Section 3 Cross Section 4 Cross Section 9 Cross Section 10 Parameter Pool Riffle Riffle Pool Riffle Dimension MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ BF Width(ft) 12.4 13.1 11.0 10.6 112 10.7 8.8 93 10.7 10.9 Floodprone Width(ft)(approx) NA NA 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NA NA 100 100 BF Mean De th(ft) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 BF Max De th(ft) 1.7 1.9 1.1 12 1.1 12 1.6 1.6 1 1.1 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 10.1 11.1 8.9 88.6 7.9 7.9 7.4 7 10.7 8.6 Width/De thRatio NA NA 13.6 13.0 15.8 143 NA NA 13.7 13.9 Entrenchment Ratio NA NA 9.1 9.5 8.9 9.4 NA NA 93 92 Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50(mm) 03 83 83 03 83 Cross Section 11 Cross Section 13 Cross Section 14 Cross Section 15 Cross Sectionl6 Parameter Riffle Pool Riffle Riffle Pool Dimension MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ BF Width(ft) 12.8 12.5 9.7 9.9 11.4 12 11.1 10.4 13.9 13.5 Flood rone Width(ft)(a rox) 100 100 NA NA 100 100 100 100 NA NA BF Mean De th(ft) 1 1 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.7 1.1 1.1 BF Max De th(ft) 1.5 13 1.5 1.6 13 12 12 1.1 2.4 2.5 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 13.4 12 7 6.9 10.5 9.6 10.1 72 15 14.5 Width/De thRatio 122 13 NA NA 123 15 13.4 15 NA NA Entrenchment Ratio 7.8 8 NA NA 8.8 83 8.6 9.6 NA NA Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50(mm) 83 03 83 83 03 Parameter Baseline MY-1 MY-2 MY-3 MY-4 MY-5 Dimension-Riffle Onl Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD BF Width(ft) 10.7 113 12.8 10.4 10.8 12.5 Flood rone Width(ft) 100.0 100 BF Mean De th(ft) 0.7 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.0 BF Max De th(ft) 1.0 12 1.5 1.1 12 13 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 8 9.5 13.4 72 8.6 12.0 Width/De thRatio 12.7 13.1 16.0 12.5 142 153 EntrenctanentRatio 7.8 8.9 93 8.0 93 9.6 BankHei htRatio 1.0 1.0 Profile-Main Channel Riffle le th(ft) 8.9 21.6 20.7 423 11.5 23 203 48.8 Riffle slo e(ft/ft) 0.0004 0.0115 0.0123 0.0215 ------ ------ ------ Pool le th(ft) 10.6 26.1 24.0 51.6 Pool Max de th(ft) 1.5 1.7 2.4 1.6 1.7 2.5 Pool s aci (ft) 222 55.5 77.7 222 55.5 77.7 Additional Reach Parameters-Main Channel Rosgen Classificatio E/Gtype E/Gtype Channel Thalweg Length(ft) 2075 2075 Sinuosity 12 12 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.01 0.0098 Table 76. Monitoring Data-Dimensional Morphology Summary(Dimensional Parameters-Cross Sections) Cri le Creek-Tributa 1 Cross Section 1 Cross Section 5 Cross Section 6 Cross Section 7 Cross Section 8 Parameter Riffle Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Dimension MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ BF Width(ft) 6.8 73 5.8 4.9 7 7.7 5.8 8.1 53 62 Flood rone Width(ft)(a rox) 100.0 100.0 50 50 NA NA 50 50 15 NA BF Mean De th(ft) 0.6 0.5 0.4 03 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 03 0.4 BF Max De th(ft) 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.4 12 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 3.9 3.4 2.4 13 4.5 4.5 2.4 32 1.4 23 Width/De thRatio 12.0 15.7 13.7 18.9 NA NA 14 203 20.1 NA EntrenchmentRatio 14.7 13.8 8.7 102 NA NA 8.7 62 2.8 NA Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50(mm) 3.4 3.4 0.1 3.4 0.1 Parameter Baseline MY-1 MY-2 MY-3 MY-4 MY-5 Dimension-Riffle Onl Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD BF Width(ft) 53 63 7.1 4.9 6.5 8.1 Flood rone Width(ft) 15.0 50.0 100 50 50 100 BF Mean De th(ft) 03 0.5 0.6 03 0.5 0.6 BF Max Depth(ft) 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.4 0.7 0.9 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 1.4 3.0 4.1 13 32 3.9 Width/De thRatio 112 14.4 183 10.8 14.6 203 EntrenchmentRatio 2.8 82 14.7 62 9.0 13.7 Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.0 1.0 Profile-Tributa 1 Riffle len th(ft) 52 9.9 92 17.4 3.6 7.9 73 13.8 Riffle slo e(ft/ft) 0.0042 0.0232 0.0227 0.0340 ------ ------ ------ Pool len th(ft) 83 13.1 12.6 21.0 Pool Max de th(ft) 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.5 1.1 13 Pool spacing(ft) 112 22.4 33.6 112 22.4 33.6 Additional Reach Parameters-Tributa 1 Ros en Classification E/Gtype E/Gtype ChannelThalwe Len th(ft) 665 665 Sinuosit 1.2 12 Water Surface Slo e(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0161 0.0164 Table 7c. Monitoring Data-Dimensional Morphology Summary(Dimensional Parameters-Cross Sections) Cri le Creek-Tribura 2 Cross Section 12 Cross Section 17 Cross Section 18 Cross Section 19 Cross Section 20 Parameter Riffle Riffle Pool Riffle Riffle Dimension MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ MYO MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MYS+ BF Width(ft) 5.5 53 7.1 6.7 6.4 5.7 6.7 62 6.7 6.5 Flood rone Width(ft)(a rox) 50 50 50 50 NA NA 50 50 50 50 BF Mean De th(ft) 03 03 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 BF Max De th(ft) 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.7 1.1 13 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 1.8 1.8 3.6 3.1 3.4 33 3.8 32 4.1 3.9 Width/De thRatio 162 15.7 14.0 14.7 NA NA 11.8 11.9 11.0 10.8 EntrenctanentRatio 92 9.4 7.0 7.4 NA NA 7.4 8.1 7.5 7.7 Bank Hei ht Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50 mm 53 53 0.1 53 53 Parameter Baseline MY-1 MY-2 MY-3 MY-4 MY-5 Dimension-Riffle Onl Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD Min Mean Med Max SD BF Width(ft) 53 63 7.1 4.9 6.5 8.1 Flood rone Width(ft) 15.0 50.0 100 50 50 100 BF Mean De th(ft) 03 0.5 0.6 03 0.5 0.6 BF Max Depth(ft) 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.4 0.7 0.9 BF Cross Sectional Area(ft�) 1.4 3.0 4.1 13 32 3.9 Width/De thRatio 112 14.4 183 10.8 14.6 203 EntrenctanentRatio 2.8 82 14.7 62 9.0 13.7 BankHei htRatio 1.0 1.0 Profile-Tributa 2 Riffle le th(ft) 4.6 15.1 11.7 67.1 43 17.1 113 64.1 Riffle slo e(ft/ft) 0.0033 0.0180 0.0177 0.0356 ----- ------ ------ Pool le th(ft) 7.5 12.6 11.9 20.0 Pool Max de th(ft) 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.5 1.1 13 Pool s aci (ft) 112 22.4 33.6 112 22.4 33.6 Additional Reach Parameters-Tributa 2 Ros en Classificatio FJGtype E/Gtype Channel Thalwe Le th(ft) 1090 1090 Sinuosi 12 1.2 Water Surface Slo e(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0158 0.0156 River Basin: Ca e Fear ���`� � ° _ ;`� °'= �'�`° ::' Watershed: Cripple Creek ' �"' `�-� � �" � ' ,�., �� XS ID XS-1 *.M14•,� 1� ',`� 5 ;� � F F+_..: � �p� �.-• Feature Riffle ,� � �,�� ; - t�� .. Date: 9/23/2011 �� � ��' � � � � Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson r.. _ - Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA 0.0 618.05 Bankfull Elevation: 617.9 ,- ;� , �.� � "� 3.7 618.04 Bankfiill Cross-Sectional Area: 3.4 , � � ° r $.�� ~ 5.8 617.94 Bankfull Width: 7 3 F�� i � { ��}�•"�,w� ,�` t � � 7.2 617.67 F'lood Prone Area Elevation: 618.6 ' �,¢�� �' ��'��� �� �� 8.5 617.24 F'lood Prone Width: 100.0 ;�.� f �, �i's 1'��� �� r{�r���� ���,�, 9.9 617.21 Max De th at Bankfull: 0.7 ��; -. ' � 11.5 617.25 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 0.5 ���+ ," �2' i �'�-'� �k:;�,�1��°�` +��� 13.1 617.92 W/D Ratio: 15.7 s °'�,�J�4;� 'ffi�'�:1 �� � � ''� ' � 16.4 618.07 Entrenchment Ratio: 13.7 ' � �f. " F '' Yi� ; �1��'��,� �^vY �`°�.�t"�� 6 !� ;•`_- 20.2 618.05 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 +�`."' -'�� '`^'4 �..�'� 3"°^�� �' �X��.�� Stream Type C/E Cape Fear River Basin,Cripple Creek,XS-1 619 ________________________________________________________________________ � 618 � ��������������� �������������������� ������������������� � �� � � 0 � ----Bankfull a .�? ----Flood Prone Area w 617 —�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 616 0 10 20 StaZion(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear '• ` � � ��, _x Watershed: Cri leCreek �� ���= ^ •.� �� x+-� � r� � . f 1 t3�h e"-. '�a XS I� XS-L ... . . ' _ h Y � �}� } 4�-6•(' `� �-., �l :. ! Feature Pool �+� ',q�+���a: � �L r,�, n Date: 9/23/2011 �; :�{�#,;,�,f �f';�� �� Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson " �`k �''` Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA � 0.00 617.21 BankfullElevation: 617.4 ���� '��` • �:. 3.74 617.19 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 11.1 ` + x';;"�''':' ��,�.. �,_. 6.56 617.27 Bankfull Width: 13.1 "'�'� 7.84 617.41 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 619.2 10.23 617.38 Flood Prone Width: ----- ��,q � � � 10.99 617.18 Max De th at Bankfull: 1.8 L � 12.25 616.14 Mean De th at Banlcfull: 0.8 �Y'Y : �-s � ; , ' �',°'�rt� " �.. i� f�. � : , � 13.12 615.54 W/D Ratio: ----- '' ; 13.88 615.68 Entrenchment Ratio: ----- y �';�, �„.�� � >_��� �y�_; �{!� �h� �' r�f�j� 14.59 615.89 BankHeightRatio: 1.0 �F'� ,k ;zsr*g � ' �� �y � i r �.��.y; T'ti' 15.26 616.12 16.58 616.28 Stream Type E/C 18.13 616.48 20.58 616.94 23.63 617.44 Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS-2 26.23 617.43 29.84 617.16 618 ___________ _____ ________________________________ ______ ___ __ : 617 d � 0 '� ----Bankfull d W 616 -�As-Built 2011 �MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 615 0 10 20 30 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear Watershed: Cri le Creek XSID XS-3 - , Feature Rif�le ��� � r;,`� ayr �.-`�. Date: 9/23/2011 � _. * ����; T � � �:� �.;� ,��` � .. 4i�s Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson , , . - � "+�+41�"��';e y Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA ' � �•" �� � ;y� ���i � 0.0 615.53 Bankfull Elevation: 6159 "'�.q`� �,��- �r'�� .• ��`� !' 4.5 615.95 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 8.6 x . ' ,� `•�� � �°�" � c+�$ ' 7.2 616.01 Bankfull Width: 10.6 '�,� E ' , '� • '`t � � � 9.4 615.81 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 617.1 ���� .,•_ � � - � = 11.3 614.87 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 I� '„`^ �a�:!• c��`t'�` a•� x "�� 12.9 614.69 Max De th at Bankfull: 1.2 ,�i�.�. k � �Fy �' 3 � � 14.9 614.81 Mean De th at Bankfull: 0.8 -' Y. , ,:�r� , ��'` `� 17.8 614.90 W/D Ratio: 13.1 ��. ��:y�+� � . , s ��'�''4�"' �'.��; °'+ �'`u� ✓rw°,� ..... y+., ' .. 5 r., 19.3 615.81 Entrenchment Ratio: 9.4 ,��� ,�,��.° , s �, "�'���� �,�� 20.9 616.42 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 � . s !� �t^'�f a-,�•r �; ;� .-y - �� ` ��:% 23.2 616.50 29.7 616.08 Stream Type E/C Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS-3 618 ___________________________________________________________________________- d w � � 616 '� _ _ ______________________ _________________________ > __ _ _ d w ----Bankfull ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 614 0 10 20 30 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear iY *-� "�; tir ,�+.�,, ,F- Watershed: Cri le Creek ' �'� � � . : • • ,_ . t � F f h � XS ID XS-4 ... :.,:� i � . >' � = Featuer Rif�le _"�'r •"�'°��� � , ,-' '- `r" , ° r „ _ Date: 9/23/2011 � � � ,i Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson � • .i Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA ->;':,� 5'� �T ' . 0.0 614.3 Bankfull Elevation: 614.0 � � * �:. ,w��,4 . 4.1 614.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area: 7.9 f � ,y,y ` �� a 6.8 614.4 Bankfull Width: 10.7 �, + u • k � ,�; ;�'��? �'�� 8.7 614.1 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 615.2 >�-i�- „ , r'��" y �'' �* ` " 10.4 613.9 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 � �,�'; . 11.0 613.6 Max De th at Bankfull: 1.2 � �"� ���'' `�� R s*�.�w�4�� �� ., 12.3 613.2 Mean De th at Banlcfiill: 0.7 �'�` " � `� .. �: . ; r� �.�� 13.3 613.1 W/D Ratio: 14.5 �- ':,r�,`, ��'� A� . '��'�'��y#,�1�(' `+�.:: 14.8 612.9 Entrenchment Ratio: 9.3 � �� �'� ,�1`�"�� " � i�'� �';.��s � 16.1 612.8 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 � ���� � � - �,��� � � :� �� � �" � i . - �1� i'�a .. 17.8 613.0 .'�= ' '.c '+�+< : :°--.� ' • � 4'�'• 19.2 613.6 Stream Type E/C 20.1 614.0 22.2 614.3 25.9 614.2 Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS-4 29.5 614.1 616 ___________________________________________________________________________ 615 d w � � 614 .� d w ----Bankfull 613 ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 612 MY-02 0 10 20 MY-03 30 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear ,�� ).-. � "� k =Y`w• �. Watershed: Cri le Creek ;����� � � �,` � � XS ID XS-5 ' 9 �K"';�,ys� ,t': Feature Rif�le k*� � ' , a� ` �` -�3 �. �" �;�. Date: 9/23/2011 � ' t,w�,,,>. �-� � �, � Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson � ���'+"�" ��, ;��,� .; ,„ � .�v� �i }:����S r -... k ,�� .. Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA «�' a;��x f't +�'�s� " "`r�c�w 0.0 622.2 Bankfull Elevation: 622.2 ��K� 'J, . . ���� ��' � t �- 4.1 622.6 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 1.3 �� ��� � � - e � r�� l i 6.5 622.4 Banlcfull Width: 4.9 �;��� r ���� ��'+��i �, � �"" . " h 8.3 622.4 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 622.6 �� �� �� +, ' r;. A Y°^ 10.1 621.9 Flood Prone Width: 50.0 ,�,; 11.8 6219 Max De th at Bankfull: 0.4 t•'.` „� �K� c _ =7�� �4 : - °� �` 13.2 621.7 Mean De th at Banlcfull: 0.3 �• +�v�£y�,� k `r 5 �� x F' h �y, '� �� .. 14.1 622.2 W/D Ratio: 18.5 �,r��� �?�'�{e, . . � r�"��' � y s� ` , ` � 17.4 622.3 Entrenchment Ratio: 10.2 �'�� ° �a r , � " � , f ,�,.4 l r :j,p r 23.7 622.0 Bank Height Ratio: 1.1 `!`� , �' " : , !�. ; �. '` t.;y. - ::w� .!} rfl. -�x� hc`'� t��%�,, + Stream Type C Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS-5 623 _______ __ ___________________________________________________________ d d � ___________________________ ______________ ______________ __ _________ � 3 622 '� ----Bankfull > � ----Flood Prone Area w —�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 621 0 10 20 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear � � � �� Watershed: Cri le Creek �•�, ��'�' . � V;��. " r. RS ID �'S-6 " a• s ..�:"�n� Feature Pool �� .' �f , tit A, • "`�� Date: 9/23/20ll 4�"'a�'�� �`, �"�:, � � w' � �� ^� ,� ,�'M!�I!� �r,� Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson �+��.�� ��� 'k`'"���� � ^� � �,�� � ` }_- � :;"�.� �FF4�.. -�i� . Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA ' ' � �'' r Fs F� v ' 1 � . . ; � �.^.} . � t � i t ` + - W.:. -0.6 620.3 Bankfull Elevation: 619.7 � � ` �,�,c3� � �� � `� `�' �� � . � � '�� � 4.0 620.3 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 4.5 + •.� `"•�r�,d � . 4 �'�,T� � - 4 � � , � y-j�� '�i 7.9 619.8 Banlcfull Width: 7.7 Y�� ' s � j �� t#*_y ��`� +�° {�`` �� �'�,- 9.6 618.9 Flood Prone Area Elevation: ----- �����'.tar� �� _"� ?' � ��- G+y�{x �t �,'��. , b �n�yj.'�l�e�r_��. . r�w}}� ''f�-',� � ., r. . .,, 10.7 618.6 Flood Prone Width: ----- '� %�'7,, '�,� : �� : ti�,-�Y .+ ' } � �;. .'�T S A ..�; ry��.�� aypk. ir S"� S � f r.'-� 11.5 618.7 Max De th at Bankfull: 1.1 4�'; ' �� ;�� � . „ � t , r; _ � .�7 13.5 619.4 Mean De th at Banlcfiill: 0.6 .1 v� � �. �� � � �.h���� ` �h . {��. �•� ` r . . Y {r 15.7 619.7 W/D Ratio: ----- � +�f ��.. �,,; < �`' �W�+4� ,��j„+,ip�` ���� ' 18.1 619.9 Entrenchment Ratio: ----- .` �,� � ,•. �''• ��r�.� . �r +{a,._�� , r g �;`,s �ig• 4�+ �.' +�..i �� 21.1 620.1 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 `, �s � : x� : �ti.. ; ' � �" � `y,A + '' 23.3 620.0 :,•;. �'` +�" �.', Stream Type ----- Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS-6 621 d 620 � _____________________ __________________ _ __________________. � _ __ __ 0 '� ----Bankfull d W 619 T As-Built 2011 �MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 618 0 10 20 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear - � � Watershed: Cri le Creek `��'' � • XS ID XS-7 �,�� t , Feature Rif�le � � Y°_� a7`� �+'� Date• 9/23/2011 �' �k �- �_` � ` ��r a =+p�, Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson � � �� � �� ��,° Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA ��',.,x"` , _ , 0.0 619.1 Banlcfull Elevation: 619.0 � •s 6.3 618.9 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 3.2 �*`�'� �"�,�, �1`, ' �`'� " ,� ' f'',, `� 8.0 619.0 Bankfull Width: 8.1 �' ;:�� �' - '' t+ �` , i�,�' ' y, �, -r +��= y �. �.. r Y+, 8.9 618.4 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 619.6 � t � :'_�'� �. � u'^��, e�a� �c tt 9.7 618.4 Flood Prone Width: 50.0 � � � Y r� � ;��,t��`,s ,� p' '�'�� '�^� #� �, 11.5 618.3 Max De th at Banlcfull: 0.6 �'�`,�S�,�r� r �,y��;�..� '� t ���n' ' � �„ r� : 12.9 618.3 Mean De th at Bankfull: 0.4 �' >� �p +���' ���ts ��,` � � �,+�;'�a �"°�` "`s _ 13.9 618.7 W/D Ratio: 20.5 `� �:,i;�,�. ,"�• '''����'.c�w.' l � r '_ e r �r �a �?�W fi v O F .. � � .� 16.3 619.0 EntrenchmentRatio: 6.2 � =-��y�' a�°�`` "�4��✓�f�y�� "� � �w ���� �� �r�� �,�� � � �i:+ : ��g�, , ��, "A I A,.!i 1 �n i'z,� . 'd '§ � k w r �., � y�,f�. 19.3 618.9 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 �u'�'`e a���-,-� �`."�-�c�� �`•��+'��' • 'i � �-,i� :'�:�!�+�• - 24.1 618.5 Stream Type C Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS-7 620 ____ ______ _ _______________________ _ _________________ d d � � 619 .� > � __ W --Bankfull ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 618 0 10 20 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear x;, � �a Watershed: Cri le Creek tr � '�' ` '��' Y �� �t�,-_. XS ID XS-8 `�,. . 1. `� �� ±�„+�� } � Feature Rif�le �� „� � r�,• ��•��, ��A Date: 9/26/2011 �'a�: �=�'�'°,_ • � `.1���-. +M'r'� • .. q .�. Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson � ' ,,�`" '� � ���. _ � . �.. � .'r'�z'E���4: T i.. Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA '�d`~� -" - � ' 0.0 617.7 Banlcfull Elevation: 617.5 � ' 3.0 617.7 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 2.3 �Y�� t���A, Y �ty� � ';� j�;;�� � r� 5.3 617.4 Bankfull Width: 6.2 ,;r '��,�,���� ��; '� i `�.a�= ��'' 7.7 617.5 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 618.0 � '�� � # , � � � '��' 9.2 617.0 Flood Prone Width: 15.0 .��r�;;; ��;� R, . 4}s�'-,�-.,`a "`-:,,�,+ �� 10.6 6169 Max De th at Bankfull: 0.5 '" - � ..., a+ '` 11.8 6169 Mean De th at Bankfull: 0.4 � �_".,+ �'�s� >,.� _ ��`� ��"� � ���„` � ` '` 13.2 617.3 W/DRatio: 16.7 �'' , 4 '� } �:� ,� E�*::�'"�'_fa-. � ���� 14.5 617.7 Entrenchment Ratio: 2.4 �� . � �r � �' '� �+`w � � �'��' � �'�-`r r . * � �. �� ►4H ; . l� �- � �{ -r'. 17.4 618.1 Bank Height Ratio: 1.1 'p '`� �` `` ��r ��.. y.' � �'�"��'�• 21.2 618.2 ++ � '�' 24.1 618.3 Stream Type C Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS-8 619 .^. _________________________________________________ ________________ d w � ----Bankfull 0 �m 618 ----Flood Prone Area d W -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 617 0 10 20 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear - � �'� � Watershed: Cri le Creek ,t'� �'� � � XS ID XS-9 �3 �, x&x � •� Feature Pool �► ti ' 9�' " ,�""� � �r�-�`,. d'}: l�. �' �:'. Date: 9/23/2011 , s�� ,'� � "� '�a.��� � � Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson ���: � � p Sy' �� �,. ,4 p r .�', � .�����M . �"a t��.� ��y �i�3�j�. �'���f���.. �. �'e1'� .s��} . Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA � j y..=,, ,��4� �-- ' � - 0.0 611.64 Bankfull Elevation: 612.1 � ��r,,: , � , ` 4= 3.6 611.86 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 7.0 �'� � , ;� �' t � 6.9 612.14 Bankfull Width: 9.3 ti. � ° �,�,.� .�� � 9.8 612.13 Flood Prone Area Elevation: - � j ,�a ���p s '_' , x � ` ' �1' 11.2 611.84 Flood Prone Width: - , � ��" �j � ,�,��� •"' =' �` �, v, „�,�t- _ ;< �P.Y;'" � ". 12.1 611.00 Max De th at Bankfull: 1.6 `� �':"� r. 'b"� 'F r � '*+�:� T ' ,��JL"��•{ � 13.3 610.48 Mean De th at Banlcfull: 0.8 �� �`'�� �� '`�������� w � ., '";, �,...,�p r,�nc 14.4 610.73 W/D Ratio: - � �r�`L��.�''� ��f�{'- ++�» ���` ��,�4 � 15.7 611.21 Entrenchment Ratio: - � � :�_ � � d�� 17.2 611.70 Bank Hei ht Ratio: 1.0 �:, +`�""''���r',�+5",� '�'�f��j ' � � �� V�: � � g r'•�', � ,a �.M1 �..�` _�$p� 19.5 612.22 23.0 612.58 Stream Type - 26.8 612.52 30.1 612.86 Cape Fear River Basin,Cripple Creek,XS-9 613 � 612 _______________ __ ___________________ __________________________ m � � 0 � ----Bankfull a °' ----Flood Prone Area W 611 -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 610 0 10 20 30 StaZion(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear Watershed: Cri le Creek XSID XS-10 :�,; Feature Rif�le ;'��� �,,- Date: 9/23/2011 ` � � �a . � �� Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson �`� �`y �����^°'�w' =�t . T`T.���� � � ' � �.. Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA •''° � �. �,k. : 0.00 611.21 Bankfull Elevation: 611.4 '� ;��"i..�9r`x'� a� , � .,; �t�= �� 3.33 611.36 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 8.6 � �i��.'� � ''� '�� � " + � "*1�Y��.` �r� t� 7.14 611.52 Banlcfull Width: 109 � ��+t"'3�-' ' ' 9�r� � ��"� >,;` - 9.8 7 6 1 1.4 4 F loo d Prone Area E leva tion: 6 1 2.5 f�,ti , ,�„ * �a 12.62 610.43 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 � `l��'_ _ � <� i;�"�' 15.59 610.32 Max De th at Bankfull: 1.1 }+�,, ,x ! ; M� a�s���n �t� �a''�t1+. . 19.47 610.69 Mean De th at Bankfull: 0.8 �, '� �• � �'�' ` ' °. �4�� � �y, � r�, G 21.37 611.73 W/D Ratio: 13.8 ,�'" r.t ,� � r �P,�� . ., °��;; rF � , i�: �� ,�t 24.74 611.82 Entrenchment Ratio: 9.2 �,.x•�" '� ����` + �{��{ �,`r,_ h;.1 � �r+.-. s :: 30.07 611.52 BankHeight Ratio: 1.0 �`;;.r �f� � ;',/j Y wi�'`�_ �-� +; �'�� ' Ra�- "`�� `� Stream Type E/C Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 10 613 ___________________________________________________________________________ : 612 d � '�° ____ _______________________ ___________________ _ ____ __ _ __ __ _ _ d W 611 ----Bankfull ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 �MY-01 610 MY-02 0 10 20 MY-03 30 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear � � '' -` -� - Watershed: Cri leCreek �R.� �� � XSID XS-11 ,;, , Feature Rif�le � ���' : }. '`r•. y�i' s Date: 9/23/2011 �,,�� Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson "� - ,,,�;i._ . , Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA s' �w�,�," «,�, r;�y4�;:�?, 0.0 609.79 Bankfull Elevation: 609.5 , _ : ' 4.0 609.84 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 12.0 �' •�� � -' - 7.4 609.96 Bankfull Width: 12.5 � �'��: � 9.1 609.73 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 610.8 -- 11.4 608.37 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 • `��' `F 13.1 608.30 Max De th at Bankfull: 1.3 ' ��� � � ' � ��� � � �`w L�,�:R: �1 ^,,�► � ��'�.. �qi`' 15.4 608.25 Mean De th at Bankfull: 1.0 � � � ` � _ i;, 74'.E c ��; 18.7 608.30 W/D Ratio: 13.0 y�'^ =_`. ��` ;!' , ;'R 4F't ,r.! �'��'�..: � � :•; 21.9 609.51 Entrenchment Ratio: 8.0 ,� . '�, � �: ;���, ��+ ,. �,�� i 24.0 609.63 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 - ' r � �-`..,�,,,; -n�+�� ":.r? �` ` �" ��<�H ' e�,. 26.9 609.61 30.0 609.38 Stream Type E/C Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 11 612 ____________________________________________________________________________ 611 d w � � 610 .� d w ----Bankfull 609 ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 608 0 10 20 30 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear � ����! � � Watershed: Cri le Creek '^�� ' - XSID XS-12 �,� � F�. r Featuer Rif�le . a �� .. '�� � " � � K , ��-� Date: 9/23/2011 ,� � �'�,� �, fi '� .� J �'r ti r ,�ti e .�` ,� ,.� �" �' ���� �-�`y t ��,f Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson '� ,�k �''� �`" ����`• ` t'c�'+�. �3 � f:_ � .'„� ';��, �� Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA � ., .a„ �., i,*� "�,��� 0.0 610.9 Bankfull Elevation: 611.0 k ��!�- � � �'� 3.3 611.1 Banlcfull Cross-Sectional Area: 1.8 � .-.�Ili`�'" I. .. . .. 5.3 611.0 Bankfull Width: 5.3 ' ' ' � � �.�.:-�_,- 7.5 611.0 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 611.5 � ._•�i 8.4 610.8 Flood Prone Width: 50.0 ?"'"•'`'i:* 9.3 610.6 Max De th at Banlcfull: 0.5 - - 10.1 6105 Mean De th at Bankfull: 0.3 � � '`�`��'�" �+;:, 11.9 610.5 W/D Ratio: 15.6 � 13.0 611.0 Entrenchment Ratio: 9.4 � �.�_;,��, �;+.';._., • ,��'.f�v�r.. . 15.2 611.0 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 +'E:±�:' : • ;,�*" � 17.0 611.0 ''�� 18.5 611.0 Stream Type C 20.1 610.7 Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 12 612 d � ____________________________________________________________________________ � 0 .� d W �� � �������� ��������� ���������������� �� ----Bankfull ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 610 a io ee 0 10 20 River Basin: Ca e Fear ` .�� F�'� ` � � �� Watershed: Cri le Creek E � �,.,,�,,�� � _� w,,,� XSID XS-13 � ; ��� �� � ' Feature Pool 4,� j �,�y �:y�S'��y �y ��". ��,+ �, � ¢ �. Date: 9/23/2011 `" ���'��1°`�`'�'�� �� �� ,�' '' , r- Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson ; � �� � � �r_ +� ��>,�S , ��;, �; �.' � �'��� . ` ..,,iM�`�S!���s... ��� �� ..;ir �"�e Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA � .. `'" -" Y 0.0 606.6 BankfullElevation: 606.2 k�;. J ;�' ` 4.3 606.5 Banlcfull Cross-Sectional Area: 6.9 '` .��� � � ' � 7.8 606.3 Bankfull Width: 99 ,;- ��� .� �'� .' 10.6 606.1 Flood Prone Area Elevation: - �����°� `�'� �.;� 12.4 605.8 Flood Prone Width: - . �,,,���'Y ,.� � � � :. 14.6 605.3 Max De th at Bankfull: 1.6 � .,,, � ,Z, _. 15.6 604.8 Mean De th at Bankfull: 0.7 ,,����y���}t� ►,r „,y� y � � y: � #� `,�,�i:M1� 17.2 604.6 W/D Ratio: :cf"��t - i r�A, ���k'�"'}'� vY.�"�< '�� i � ' 19.7 606.7 Entrenchment Ratio: - � _F '�,�„r � > � � •� - �� „ ` - 24.2 606.6 BankHeightRatio: 1.0 1j4-. �'��ry , y ;. �+� ' s .� '�: 27.6 606.1 30.2 606.1 Stream Type - Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 13 607 ____________________ _______________________ _________________ ______ � 606 w � � ----Bankfull .� � ----Flood Prone Area W 605 —�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 604 0 10 20 30 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear ����`` ����. ' 8 p�: a � Watershed: Cri le Creek �''�' �k� - t�� _ ,�.��?t� '�� ' .� ,:„ t� n XS ID XS-14 ;};. ��� {' . :;c , , _ � � ; .. Feature Rif�le �_ ��"" ': Date: 9/23/2011 - � � � � Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson '" ,� a�,� €' x�. Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA ` ' p��� 0.0 604.9 Banlcfull Elevation: 604.8 �'��+ ,,, ,� �, 1� 6.6 604.9 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 9.6 •,�;¢ ��,' „ ' �"t- - �"�'�a� �s , '�. , 8.6 604.8 Bankfull Width: 12.0 „f� . _ �:' ,3„ 4'�#�'�f 10.9 604.0 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 606.0 f , - �,�, �*� ;ti; �. '' 12.6 603.9 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 � ,'^�rit �y� �'� ; 15.3 6039 Max De th at Banlcfull: 1.2 ^a�i ,� �,,�_ ��{ r#,s3 ` 18.2 603.6 Mean De th at Banlcfull: 0.8 <.�`� ' , :,,���;�!�:�i �'� . . 21.1 605.1 W/D Ratio: 15.0 y' � �, ` s � . �'�°.� { ' �- y �� � •. . R�: �'�'�..'��r 25.0 605.2 Entrenchment Ratio: 8.3 ���` y �, �� ��y,, a � � -� f n , 29.8 605.1 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 �'y,�,,', `!s. >;;^�, , _ Stream Type E/C Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 14 607 606 d w � � 605 � ____________ __________________________ _______________________ � _ _ d W ----Bankfull 604 ----Flood Prone Area —�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 603 MY-02 0 10 20 MY-03 30 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear - '� � �' i� t � _ Watershed: Cri le Creek ,� �' XS ID XS-15 ?.,. `� �-�i';� Feature Rif�le �' ��;� � �_��• '� '� Date: 9/23/20ll ���' ' r � �� �� y � �- �� . Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson y ��' ��,� ��• �� -'7': � , -+ ��,, 9 "•j.�� " . �-.} _ . . . � . .r.i. Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA E t 29.9 603.4 Bankfull Elevation: 603.6 ' ? � t}g} r�E^'E 20.4 603.6 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 7.2 � . � , �� �� �; S � s f ;y��� �r 19.2 603.3 Banlcfull Width: 10.4 �, A �__�� � �� �� �.�` 18.1 602.9 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 604.7 �,� ��,'�'�? i r �*� � '� ,�. " �!"`'�` �� 16.5 602.6 Flood Prone Width: 100.0 j w � �' �' ���' � �. '�t . � � ,��,""� r 13.8 602.5 Max De th at Banlcfull: 1.1 't k � r : � -.;4,�• � `,r�� V ,.tiu+f&� 12.1 602.7 Mean De th at Banlcfull: 0.7 4�`�; k:l� ¢ ` � �'�'+� �'� � ' ' 9.3 603.8 W/D Ratio: 15.0 ���` +, .� ~ L � ^� ' 7.3 604.1 Entrenchment Ratio: 9.6 ��,r• � '' � '*�.. � � ' �r� , 2.7 604.3 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 �+.x '' '�'��;' +3 �� � � '"�;� Y-!r` 0.0 604.7 a+Y Stream Type E/C Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 15 605 ________________________________________________________________________ : 604 d o ������������������������ ������������������������ ���������� � .� d W 603 ----Bankfull ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 602 t MY-01 0 10 20 30 MY-02 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear ��� r : �1 � � : Watershed: Cri le Creek � � • � � XS ID XS-16 - � � ' �•� Feature Pool ��^t� ,�^� � ��` x � �^ ' . 1 �r ',a Date: 9/23/2011 �'�`� ;Mw ': ' �* y �y� -d '�,� *i,_ Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson +"�' �; �-„� � yy,,�, ` �' ' ' �*Y 1 �.j` : :-.� Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA '��• � ��F, _ "��`i 30.1 602.7 Banlcfull Elevation: 601.9 , 24.8 602.3 Banlcfull Cross-Sectional Area: 14.5 � � � ' r '� �*��"�. 22.1 601.7 Bankfull Width: 13.5 '�°� ,� ` `` � . , ���-: �� � � I 19.6 601.3 Flood Prone Area Elevation: - "*�+. 17.4 601.1 Flood Prone Width: - , ;� :��;F !' �`+1 F.�' a � � w �„ 15.5 599.6 Max De th at Bankfull: 2.5 ; • � ��` �i � � ��ck{• . � ' � 14.3 599.4 Mean De th at Bankfull: 1.1 ,` :�t��e <�., f�� ��Y,.�� ��� ,"�/�' - ��s'��. �� t ` '�ly l:''�.� i��� ', •� 13.3 599.6 W/D Ratio: - -. �' � �y,r'���,�T v � t, v4.. • 12.5 600.1 Entrenchment Ratio: - '.' �� "F:7" � '- " 10.6 601.7 Bank Hei ht Ratio: 1.0 r �`���� '"'�` ' �```-� ' '�,i",.`r��r � �`j�?' 3� ' '"� 6.1 602.4 g ,�s; �'"-' s .x�, "f ��. �:r4._ 0.0 602.6 Stream Type - Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 16 603 602 ______________________ ______________________________ _ ______________ d d " 601 ----Bankfull � 0 �� ----Flood Prone Area � -�As-Built 2011 w 600 t MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 599 0 10 20 30 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear ,�f�'�>� � Watershed: Cri le Creek � �� ,� � � XS ID XS-17 -;¢ ` �-{ '"�' � � Feature Rif�le ' ��,�, '�-� :� � �, ,;��-�..:' Date: 9/23/2011 �.:� ��'.��;��� `-a�.`' Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson p,�r �,� e4. � F �`� �,f ;M!.'�ie � yt''��! . # . �..'.. t� ��k�',.. Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA �• 0.0 618.86 Banlcfull Elevation: 618.6 ' �•" �� � �` ' � �, ''-'�, � yt ;.. � �r� � n���, 3.5 618.90 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 3.1 �. -► + ��� �'.�;,p ;�" ._''� �',`- � �,�g..�'�,r� "� ��,, k ,�+ 6.8 618.68 Bankfull Width: 6.7 .� � srK _, •�,��> 8.5 618.56 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 619.3 "� ;'': F _ ���� f�'��f��� �� r "„ r �. � 10.0 618.12 Flood Prone Width: 50.0 � :������ F �` 11.0 617.86 Max De th at Bankfull: 0.7 ,i� ��` � � '"��i i�;f�,t � 12.1 617.96 Mean De th at Bankfull: 0.5 �F �;�5� �fi�,�� �";� �,i 13.4 617.88 W/D Ratio: 14.5 ,: ?.-�"''�;; :,r�•. g�� �.e'; . . 15.1 618.55 Entrenchment Ratio: 7S ,r;; . �'' •y+i ti ��i�,_t i, .,';,;;w•.. �6-=,��. 18.2 619.09 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 _ _ - . 19.9 619.36 22.2 619.62 Stream Type E/C 23.9 619.85 Cape Fear River Basin,Cripple Creek,XS-17 621 � 620 m � _______________________________________________________ __________ � 0 � ----Bankfull ? ����������������������� ������������������ °' -------------- ----Flood Prone Area W 618 -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 617 0 10 20 StaZion(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear Watershed: Cri le Creek '� �' �� �� � � � �r,�,�+, XS ID XS-18 ���� %� �� v - d t�'},f, '-t w�.r :'��,� Feature Pool ;� :xrf`'��- `• . i+�`,;`;;�+ 4+'� �` •� ! �. Date: 9/23/2011 � ' �` Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson � ,���, - �, :.. Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA � ;� �.a� ' �'.� -- � . 11'.n. 0.00 615.51 Banlcfull Elevation: 615.4 ' 4.45 615.68 Banlcfull Cross-Sectional Area: 3.3 'fr' � t � . „ - 6.77 615.65 Bankfull Width: 5.7 - � ���` �� • T� r 8.11 615.58 Flood Prone Area Elevation: k � � � ,� �F�•'�- 9.13 615.46 Flood Prone Width: �'«� 1°-'�•'� `���� �a '+► ������ ��� 10.59 615.20 Max De th at Banlcfull: 1.3 Y `� y�, �s � �1� , ..I ,` ''i�k' �f.� ��...� a� .r 12.07 614.66 Mean De th at Banlcfull: 0.6 �"S1� ,• •4 ,x't_,� � y , .,�y,, y�5��t�� 13.41 614.02 W/D Ratio: t � �i,GG�= � F� s t i r ; �" ��a.� 14.32 614.72 Entrenchment Ratio: '`�j�'°'"'�'�z�'�'� � r "� � ` � .' ��`� • 15.32 615.31 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 f ir; �,x t ' �`*y� _, � 16.68 615.77 19.02 616.20 Stream Type E/C 22.41 616.73 24.22 616.79 Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 18 617 616 d w _______________ _ ___________ ________________________• � � 615 ___ - -Bankfull .� d -�As-Built 2011 w �MY-01 614 MY-02 MY-03 613 0 10 20 Station(feet) River Basin: Ca e Fear - Watershed: Cri le Creek XS ID XS-19 � � �' �' Feature Rif�le c•" ���'''��' 7�jR`'' �'� �` �f 3 Date: 9/23/2011 �� � p� Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson �`r: �� � .� � S '� r F .. � .`..:: .�� ,`.� :� p , A �, w, �;�.� . Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA ��. s� � ' "� '" x t `.""�} .' � � .. 0.0 617.87 Bankfull Elevation: 617.7 �,����Q.=� � ± �� ,,��.�s`t �,,• 4.8 617.84 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 3.2 -� - � '� �:�� �`r� 8.7 617.70 Bankfull Width: 6.2 `'�- �t x`� �'�`����,, �!�� -' �� a , �±E :��� � i- �,�; �-e•�';�F�.� . ��`8s 9.5 617.35 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 618.6 + _ r:. f '. . a!z �-,..4s ��.�. . �/. S� '. I R y"P. .'�,� t� ; � �..ti. �� � . 10.7 616.92 Flood Prone Width: 50.0 `,�;�j�'��r� �� ,:t ,�,�d'�'_ � �s- ;� ,�+,G ,4"� 11.8 616.77 Max De th at Banlcfull: 0.9 4 �� z:���. „�x"�,��,s�� �� �*ti,"��' ��.-��� �'��' � 12.7 617.06 Mean De th at Bankfull: 0.5 ?�1� s"?- � 's�"��� r¢?',: ��� �:i. ��y r�,_ ,,-y 13.3 617.12 W/DRatio: 12.0 �4Y"t�+ -.�i��y `,y '►'r ` i`�T . ���# : 3 ... 14.2 617.50 EntrenchmentRatio: 8.1 �� �"�# _ _ �' ,�,°„� f� , �� 15.3 617.84 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 ° - '� �'�' " r ... ,� ;���, 17.8 618.15 21.0 618.37 Stream Type E/C 24.1 618.79 Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS- 19 619 : 618 d � ____ ______________ _________________ ___________________________. 0 .� d w 617 ----Bankfull ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 MY-02 616 0 10 20 Station(feet) River Basin: Cape Fear � Watershed: Cripple Creek :z;�+,�•.� ��� XS ID XS-20 Featuer Rif�le �„ w � � Date: 9/23/2011 ���'* � Field Crew: Dean,Perkinson ��`�� � �P:i " � ;r '�? J .�.� ` TRf.:' Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA 1� .r � � ?� 0.0 621.0 Banlcfull Elevation: 620.1 - - 3.0 620.8 Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area: 3.9 'f�. ��* - •�� � '.�'�*.� ''�` ,,��.; '�� .�. . � i ..� 4.8 620.4 Bankfull Width: 6.5 � f �t,.s � !�% 7.1 620.2 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 621.0 } �. � y ",� � 8.6 620.2 Flood Prone Width: 50.0 �' '�`� �'�,, 5 S +" j�^'� 9.3 620.1 Max Depth at Banlcfull: 09 ',,���f��k �� a� ' � �p# ��i� ���-- 10.1 619.6 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 0.6 �, t„�,+.°.� , ^���,,t,. ,aF',�'� r� 11.0 619.3 W/D Ratio: 10.8 ' tr� �' �?� '�` ` �s��y� 12.4 619.2 Entrenchment Ratio: 7.7 . R��^ �� ��` -� � 14.0 619.4 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 y ° ��:p� �y��� �, � � ,.�r , i:. „ �`". 14.9 619.7 16.1 620.2 Stream Type E 18.3 620.6 20.4 620.9 22.1 621.1 Cape Fear River Basin, Cripple Creek,XS-20 24.4 621.6 622 ___________________________________________________________________________ d w � 620 _________________________ __ _______________________ _______________ .� > d W ----Bankfull ----Flood Prone Area -�As-Built 2011 t MY-01 618 MY-02 0 10 MY-03 Zp Station(feet) ProjutNmne CrippleIXeek-Yeacl(2011)Pro51e Reach Maiv Channel Station 00+00 to 10+00 Fea/ore Profile Da[e 9/23/11/5/2011 Crew Deav Peddvson 2011 2011 2012 2013 Asbnilt6urvey Ye8rlMOnitoring�6urvey Ye8r2MOnitoring�6urvey Ye8r3MOnitoring�6urvey 6ta[ion BedElevation WaterElevation 6ta[ion BedElevation Wa[erElevation 6ta[ion BedElevation Wa[erElevation 6ta[ion BedElevation Wa[erElevation 0.0 60036 600.68 -22.2 600.0 5.] 599.41 600.63 -2.1 600.4 8.8 599.49 600.6'J 3.5 599.4 600.5 14.0 599.61 600.63 12.3 599.6 600.5 19.3 600.26 600.'/4 18.8 6003 30.1 600.]4 601.06 38.] 600.6 601.1 39.4 600.89 601.1] 41.] 600.5 601.1 46.'J 60036 601.19 54.1 6003 601.0 53.1 60035 601.23 63.1 600.9 60.8 600.18 601.21 84.3 600.9 65.9 600.95 601.22 96.8 600.4 6013 ]6.3 60096 60132 10].0 599.6 6013 92.5 601.13 601.56 1113 602.1 102.0 600.14 601.5] 1249 6019 108.8 599.]1 601.58 12].4 601.6 602.2 1113 602.08 602.20 133.8 601.6 602.2 1243 60191 602.25 140.2 601.8 602.2 138.0 602.02 602.48 144.] 601.2 602.2 142.] 601.81 602.4] 148.6 601.4 602.2 150.2 601.]5 602.48 15].1 602.5 153.6 602.23 602.5] 184.0 602.5 602.8 2011 2011 2012 2013 1683 602.68 602.8] 1913 602.2 Avg.Watu6nrtace6lope 0.0100 0.0098 185.0 602.65 60299 192.2 602.8 RllileLeng[h 21 23 191.2 602.24 60298 199.5 602.1 602.8 Avg.Rif�e6lope 0.0115 ----- 2013 602.19 603.00 2089 602.] PoolLeugtl� 22 26 206.0 602.]6 603.08 219.2 602.8 Av.POO1610 e ----- ----- 2143 602.82 603.20 233.2 6023 603.1 Cripple Creek-Year 1(2011)Profile-Main Channel Station 00+00 to 10+00 612 610 ,� ,..,60S R � a606 -. �.:. .. R W `"'604 G _- F R i � 602 W - 600 59S 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 S00 900 1000 Distance feet As-built(2011)Bed �Year 1(2011)Bed Year 1(2011)W ater Surface ProjlaName CrippleCceek-Yearl(2011)Rofile Reach Mvn Charu�el Station 10+00 to 18+00 Feamre Rofile Date 9/23/11 Crew Dean Perkinson 2011 2011 2012 2013 Asboilt YearlMoNtocingV4wvey Year2MoNtocingV4wvey Year3MoNtocingV4wvey Station BedElevation WatuElevation Station BedElevation WatuElevation Station BedElevation WatuElevation Station BedElevation WatuElevation 991.9 609.� 610.1 9]53 609.5 1008.3 610.0 610.2 1008.'/ 610.1 1016.0 609.2 610.2 1018.4 609.5 610.2 1028.4 610.0 6103 1026.8 609.4 610.2 1043.'/ 610.4 610.6 10323 610.1 1056.4 610.5 610.8 10593 610.4 610.'/ 1062.9 610.0 610.8 1068.� 609.1 610.� l0IJ.6 609.5 610.8 10]4.0 609.6 610.� 1085.� 609.5 610.9 10883 609.6 610.� 1095.2 610.� 6109 1094.2 610.� 1104.8 610.9 611.2 1110.2 611.0 11209 611.1 611.4 1121.� 611.0 1125.6 610.4 611.4 1126.9 6103 6113 1133.0 610.4 611.4 1141.1 610.5 6113 1140.5 610.4 611.4 1148.1 611.1 11463 611.1 611.4 1159.'J 611.2 1156.9 6113 611.5 1162.1 610.'/ 611.5 1160.0 610.5 611.6 1165.6 610.8 611.5 1163.� 610.5 611.6 11�0.2 611.5 116�9 6113 611.6 1181.8 611.2 611.� 1180.2 611.2 611.6 1189.5 609.6 611.� 2011 2011 2012 2013 1186.0 6103 611.6 1198.2 609.9 611.'/ Avg.Watu Swface Slope 0.0100 0.0098 1196.1 609.8 611.� 11993 6123 RitileLengM 21 23 119].1 6123 612.4 12133 611.8 6123 Avg.Ritile3lope 0.0115 ----- 1206.0 612.0 612.4 121�.6 6113 6123 PoolLengM 22 26 1213.4 611.2 612.4 12249 611.5 6123 Av.Poo1310 e ----- ----- 1223.5 611.4 612.4 12319 6123 Cripple Creek-Year 1(2011)Profile-Main Channel Station 10+00 to 18+00 618 617 - 616 - - �, 615 - � 614 613 ° 612 - > d 611 Wv�v"'.��v 610 609 608 � � � � � � � � 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Distance feet Asbuilt(2011)Bed -Year 1(2011)Bed ����°•Year 1(2011)W ater Surface Projec[Nmne IXippleCCeek-Yeacl(2011)Pro51e Reach 11ib�tery 1 Fes/nre Pro51e Da[e 9/23/11 Crew Dean,Perldvson 2011 2011 2012 2013 Asboilt Yem�lMOnitoring�6urvey Yem�2MOnitoring\6urvey Yem�3MOnitoring\6urvey 6tation BetlElevation Wa[erElevation 6tation BedEleva[ion Wa[erEleva[ion 6tation BedElevation Wa[uElevation 6tation BetlElevation Wa[erElevation 0.0 615.4 615.] -2.6 615.4 4.3 615.6 615.'J 4.9 615.4 8.6 615.1 615.] 8.0 615.0 615.] 13.4 615.1 615.8 14.2 615.3 615.'J 1].2 615.6 6159 16.8 615.6 23.5 615.8 616.1 23.3 615.8 2].2 615.8 616.2 28.5 615.5 616.1 30.0 615.5 616.2 29.1 615.4 33.4 615.] 616.2 33.2 615.9 40.4 616.0 6163 36.'J 615.9 42.5 6153 616.2 43.1 615.2 616.2 46.8 615.4 616.2 45.2 615.3 616.2 51.5 615.9 6163 49.'/ 615.8 56.'J 616.0 616.4 54.9 616.3 60.8 615.8 616.4 58.1 615.8 616.4 65.4 6163 616.6 60.'J 615.9 6163 ]13 616.5 616.8 64.9 616.2 819 616.6 61].0 ]8.8 616.4 853 616.1 61'/.0 81.1 616.6 91.4 616.2 61'J.0 85.8 616.0 616.9 96.] 616.2 6169 95.0 616.1 6169 2011 2011 2012 2013 100.9 616.] 61].0 99.8 616.] Avg.Water 6urface 61ope 0.0161 0.0164 108.1 61'/.2 61'/.2 10'/.'/ 616.9 Ri�ileLength 10 8 113.'J 616.5 61'J3 112.'J 616.4 61'J.2 Avg.RiRle Slope 0.0232 ------ 118.0 616.4 61'/3 115.5 616.4 61'/.2 PoolLeng[h 11 13 122.2 61'J.0 61'J3 122.0 61'J.2 Av PoolSlo e ----- ------ 131.1 61'/3 61'/.5 129.0 61'/.2 Cripple Creek-Year 1(2011)Profile-Tributary 1 e�i � r � ei9 k�,... a s�4 o so �oo �so zoo zso 300 350 400 Oirta re�fxt� Asbullt(2011)Bed �Vearl(2011)Bed Vearl(2011)VJaterSUrface SLJ.1 6LU.1 6LU.Y 551.6 61Y.6 6LU.tl � Projec[Nmne IXippleCCeek-Yeacl(2011)Pro51e Reach 1tib�tery2 Fes/nre Pro51e Da[e 9/23/11 Q�ew Dean,Perldvson 2011 2011 2012 2013 Asboilt Yem�lMOnitoring�6urvey Yem�2MOnitoring�6urvey Yem�3MOnitoring�6urvey 6/ation BetlElevation Wa[uElevation 6/ation BedElevation Wa[erElevation 6/ation BedElevation WaterElevation 6/ation BedElevation WaterElevation 0.0 603.9 604.2 1019.2 620.1 9.8 603.8 6043 1013.6 619.] 619.] 1]9 604.1 604.4 1005.3 619.3 619.] 22.] 603.5 604.4 1000.6 619.2 28.4 603.4 604.4 996.4 619.5 293 604.8 604.9 98].9 619.6 36.0 604.8 605.1 9]33 619.2 41.1 604.9 605.2 96].5 619.3 45.2 604.4 605.2 956.9 619.1 51.4 604.5 605.2 952.5 618.5 6193 54.1 604.8 605.2 94'/.0 618.3 6193 58.8 605.0 6053 943.4 619.1 61.0 604.4 605.4 934.0 618.9 64.9 603.5 6053 928.6 618.3 619.2 66.2 605.] 605.8 9263 618.3 619.2 ]2.2 605.5 6059 9209 618.8 619.2 ]8.0 605.8 6059 913.] 618.8 81.4 605.0 606.0 906.8 618.8 8].5 605.4 606.0 903.2 61].8 618.5 93.9 605.6 606.2 901.0 61'J.9 618.5 96.4 606.2 606.5 89].5 618.2 2011 2011 2012 2013 102.6 6063 606.6 886.] 618.0 Avg.Wa[u6orface6lope 0.0158 0.0156 110.1 606.4 606.8 8]]9 618.0 RllileLeugtl� 15 1] 112.5 606.1 606.8 8]39 61].4 618.0 Avg.Rllile6lope 0.0180 ------ 116.9 605.9 606.8 8'/1.5 61'/.4 618.0 PoolLeng[h 11 13 119.6 606.6 606.8 868.0 61'J.'J Avg.POOlSlope ------ ------ 126.4 606.] 60].0 8623 61].8 Cripple Creek-Year 1(2011)Profile-Tributary 2 622 620 61S - �, 616 � a 614 R 612 0 3 610 R i W 60S - 606 604 � 602 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 S00 900 1000 Distance(feet) As-0uilt(2011)Bed �Ywr 1(2011)Bed Year 1(2011)Water Surface Main Channel Substrate Cripple Creek Wei hted Pebble Count Percent Riffle: 70 Percent Run: Main Channel Percent Pool: 30 Percent Glide: Pebble Count, Material Size Range(mm) Total# -- silUclay 0 0.062 12.8 ## -- very fine sand 0.062 0.13 2.8 ## fine sand 0.13 0.25 7.6 ## Note: medium sand 025 0.5 4.4 ## coarse sand 0.5 1 5.9 ## Pebble Count,-- ve coarse sand 1 2 4.8 ## 100% very fine gravel 2 4 7.1 ## gp� fine gravel 4 6 2.4 ## fine gravel 6 8 7.5 ## $�� medium gravel 8 11 10.7 ## 70� medium gravel 11 16 10.3 ## coarse gravel 16 22 7.1 ## 60% coarse gravel 22 32 5.1 ## � 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 4.8 ## F ve coarse ravel 45 64 3.6 ## 40� `m small cobble 64 90 1.6 ## LL 30% medium cobble 90 128 1.2 ## " large cobble 128 180 0.4 ## c°'i 20% ve lar e cobble 180 256 0.0 ## a 10% small boulder 256 362 0.0 ## � small boulder 362 512 0.0 ## �� medium boulder 512 1024 0.0 ## 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 lafge bOUldef 1024 2048 0.0 ## PartiCle SiZe(mm) �Cumulative Percent • Percent Item �Riffle �Pool �-Run �Glide very large boulder 2048 4096 0.0 ## bedrock 0.0 # Size percent less than(mm) Percent by substrate type Weighted Count: 100 D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder bedrock True Total Particle Count: 252 0.131 126 6.6 23 53 13% 25% 59% 3% 0% 0% Riffle Pebble Count Riffle Pebble Count, Material Size Range(mm) Count -- silUcla 0 0.062 10 ## very fine sand 0.062 0.13 6 ## fine sand 0.13 0.25 5 ## Note: medium sand 025 0.5 6 ## coarse sand 0.5 1 14 ## Riffle Pebble Count,-- ve coarse sand 1 2 9 ## 100% very fine gravel 2 4 16 ## gp� fine gravel 4 6 3 ## 80� fine gravel 6 8 17 ## medium gravel 8 11 22 ## ,� 70% medium gravel 11 16 18 ## � 60% coarse gravel 16 22 15 ## a� coarse gravel 22 32 13 ## LL 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 9 ## � qp/ ve coarse ravel 45 64 6 ## � 30% small cobble 64 90 4 ## a medium cobble 90 128 3 ## 20� large cobble 128 180 1 ## 10% ve lar e cobble 180 256 ## 0� � � small boulder 256 362 ## 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 small boulder 362 512 ## medium boulde� 512 1024 ## Particle Size(mm) tCumulative Percent • Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 ## ve lar e boulder 2048 4096 ## Size ercent less than mm Percent b substrate t e bedrock # D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/cla sand ravel cobble boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 177 0.534 3.36 8.3 27 61 6% 23% 67% 5% 0% 0% Pool Pebble Count Pool Pebble Count, a eria ize ange mm oun - silUcla 0 0.062 22 ## very fine sand 0.062 0.13 1 ## fine sand 0.13 0.25 14 ## Note: medium sand 025 0.5 5 ## coarse sand 0.5 1 1 ## Pool Pebble Count,-- ve coarse sand 1 2 3 ## 100% very fine gravel 2 4 2 ## 90% fine gravel 4 6 3 ## 80� fine gravel 6 8 2 ## medium gravel 8 11 5 ## � 70� medium gravel 11 16 8 ## � 60% coarse gravel 16 22 3 ## � coarse gravel 22 32 ## LL 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 3 ## � qp� ve coarse ravel 45 64 3 ## small cobble 64 90 ## a 30% medium cobble 90 128 ## Zp/ large cobble 128 180 ## 10% ve lar e cobble 180 256 ## small boulder 256 362 ## 0% small boulder 362 512 ## 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulde� 512 1024 ## Particle Size(mm) tCumulative Percent • Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 ## ve lar e boulder 2048 4096 ## Size ercent less than mm Percent b substrate t e bedrock # D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/cla sand ravel cobble boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 75 #N/A 0.15 0.3 14 41 29% 32% 39% 0% 0% 0% UT1 Substrate Cripple Creek Wei hted Pebble Count Percent Riffle: 60 Percent Run: Percent Pool: 40 Percent Glide: Pebble Count, Material Size Range(mm) Total# -- silUclay 0 0.062 32.8 ## -- very fine sand 0.062 0.13 0.0 ## fine sand 0.13 0.25 14.4 ## Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 7.2 ## coarse sand 0.5 1 4.8 ## Pebble Count,-- ve coarse sand 1 2 0.8 ## 100% very fine gravel 2 4 1.6 ## gp� fine gravel 4 6 1.6 ## fine gravel 6 8 4.0 ## $�� medium gravel 8 11 4.0 ## 70� medium gravel 11 16 1.6 ## coarse gravel 16 22 72 ## 60% coarse gravel 22 32 5.6 ## � 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 5.6 ## F ve coarse ravel 45 64 4.8 ## 40� `m small cobble 64 90 2.4 ## LL 30% medium cobble 90 128 0.8 ## " large cobble 128 180 0.8 ## c°'i 20% ve lar e cobble 180 256 0.0 ## a 10% � small boulder 256 362 0.0 ## small boulder 362 512 0.0 ## �� medium boulder 512 1024 0.0 ## 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 lafge bOUldef 1024 2048 0.0 ## PartiCle SiZe(mm) �Cumulative Percent • Percent Item �Riffle �Pool �-Run �Glide very large boulde 2048 4096 0.0 ## bedrock 0.0 # Size percent less than(mm) Percent by substrate type Weighted Count: 100 D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder bedrock True Total Particle Count: 125 #N/A 0.14 0.3 29 59 33% 27% 36% 4% 0% 0% Riffle Pebble Count Riffle Pebble Count, Matenal Size Range(mm) Count -- silUcla 0 0.062 19 ## very fine sand 0.062 0.13 ## fine sand 0.13 0.25 6 ## Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 4 ## coarse sand 0.5 1 6 ## Riffle Pebble Count,-- ve coarse sand 1 2 1 ## 100% very fine gravel 2 4 2 ## gp� fine gravel 4 6 1 ## 80� fine gravel 6 8 3 ## medium gravel 8 11 3 ## ,� 70% medium gravel 11 16 2 ## � 60% coarse gravel 16 22 8 ## a� coarse gravel 22 32 7 ## LL 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 5 ## � qp/ ve coarse ravel 45 64 3 ## � 30% small cobble 64 90 3 ## a medium cobble 90 128 1 ## 20� large cobble 128 180 1 ## 10% ve lar e cobble 180 256 ## � small boulder 256 362 ## �� small boulder 362 512 ## 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulde� 512 1024 ## Particle Size(mm) tCumulative Percent • Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 ## ve lar e boulder 2048 4096 ## Size ercent less than mm Percent b substrate e bedrock # D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/cla sand ravel cobble boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 75 #N/A 0.31 3.4 34 74 25% 23% 45% 7% 0% 0% Pool Pebble Count Pool Pebble Count, a eria ize ange mm oun - silUcla 0 0.062 22 ## very fine sand 0.062 0.13 ## fine sand 0.13 025 12 ## Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 5 ## coarse sand 0.5 1 ## Pool Pebble Count,-- ve coarse sand 1 2 ## 100% very fine gravel 2 4 ## 90% fine gravel 4 6 1 ## 80� fine gravel 6 8 2 ## medium gravel 8 11 2 ## � 70� medium gravel 11 16 ## � 60% coarse gravel 16 22 1 ## � coarse gravel 22 32 ## LL 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 2 ## � qp� ve coarse ravel 45 64 3 ## small cobble 64 90 ## a 30% medium cobble 90 128 ## Zp/ � large cobble 128 180 ## 10% ve lar e cobble 180 256 ## small boulder 256 362 ## 0% small boulder 362 512 ## 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulde� 512 1024 ## Particle Size(mm) tCumulative Percent • Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 ## ve lar e boulder 2048 4096 ## Size ercent less than mm Percent b substrate e bedrock # D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/cla sand ravel cobble boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 50 #N/A #N/A 0.1 8 48 44% 34% 22% 0% 0% 0% UT2 Substrate Cnpple Creek Wei hted Pebble Count Percent Riffle: 60 Percent Run: Percent Pool: 40 Percent Glide: Pebble Count, Matenal Size Range(mm) Total# -- silUclay 0 0.062 28.0 # -- very fine sand 0.062 0.13 9.6 # fine sand 0.13 025 0.0 # Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 4.8 # coarse sand 0.5 1 9.6 # Pebble Count,-- ve coarsesand 1 2 3.2 # 100% very fine gravel 2 4 6.4 # gp� fine gravel 4 6 4.8 # finegravel 6 8 5.6 # $�� medium gravel 8 11 4.8 # 70� medium gravel 11 16 4.0 # coarse gravel 16 22 8.0 # 60% coarse gravel 22 32 2.4 # � 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 5.6 # F ve coarse ravel 45 64 32 # 40� `m smallcobble 64 90 0.0 # LL 30% medium cobble 90 128 0.0 # largecobble 128 180 0.0 # c°'i 20% very large cobble 180 256 0.0 # a 10% small boulder 256 362 0.0 # � small boulder 362 512 0.0 # �� medium boulder 512 1024 0.0 # 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 lafgebOUldef 1024 2048 0.0 # PartiCleSiZe(mm) �CumulativePercent • Percentltem -�Riffle �Pool -�Run �Glide very large boulder 2048 4096 0.0 # bedrock 0.0 # Size percent less than(mm) Percent by substrate type Weighted Count: 100 D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/clay sand gravel cobble boulder bedrock True Total Particle Count: 125 #N/A 0.10 0.9 18 40 28% 27% 45% 0% 0% 0% Riffle Pebble Count Riffle Pebble Count, Matenal Size Range(mm) Count -- silUclay 0 0.062 15 # very fine sand 0.062 0.13 # fine sand 0.13 025 # Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 4 # coarse sand 0.5 1 7 # Riffle Pebble Count,-- ve coarse sand 1 2 2 # 100% very fine gravel 2 4 6 # gp� finegravel 4 6 5 # 80� fine gravel 6 8 4 # medium gravel 8 11 6 # ,� 70% medium gravel 11 16 4 # � 60% coarse gravel 16 22 9 # a� coarsegravel 22 32 3 # LL 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 6 # � qp/ very coarse gravel 45 64 4 # � 30% small cobble 64 90 # a mediumcobble 90 128 # 20� largecobble 128 180 # 10% very large cobble 180 256 # ♦ small boulder 256 362 # �� small boulder 362 512 # 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulde� 512 1024 # Particle Size(mm) �Cumulative Percent • Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 # very large boulder 2048 4096 # Size percent less than(mm) Percent by substrate type bedrock # D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/cla sand ravel cobble boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 75 #N/A 1.09 5.3 25 46 20% 17% 63% 0% 0% 0% Pool Pebble Count Pool Pebble Count, a eria ize ange mm oun - silUcla 0 0.062 20 # very fine sand 0.062 0.13 12 # fine sand 0.13 025 # Note: medium sand 0.25 0.5 2 # coarse sand 0.5 1 5 # Pool Pebble Count,-- ve coarse sand 1 2 2 p 100% very fine gravel 2 4 2 # 90% finegravel 4 6 1 # 80� fine gravel 6 8 3 # medium gravel 8 11 # � 70� medium gravel 11 16 1 # � 60% coarse gravel 16 22 1 # � coarsegravel 22 32 # LL 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 1 # � qp� ve coarse ravel 45 64 # smallcobble 64 90 # a 30% mediumcobble 90 128 # Zp/ � largecobble 128 180 # 10% ve lar e cobble 180 256 # small boulder 256 362 # 0% small boulder 362 512 # 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulde� 512 1024 # Particle Size(mm) �Cumulative Percent • Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 # ve lar e boulder 2048 4096 # Size ercent less than mm Percent b substrate e bedrock # D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 silt/cla sand ravel cobble boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 50 #N/A #N/A 0.1 3 13 40% 42% 18% 0% 0% 0% APPENDIX D HYDROLOGY DATA 2011 Groundwater Gauge Graphs Annual Monitoring Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank Cripple Creek Groundwater Gauge 1 Year 1 (2011 Gauge Data) 14 � 3.5 �2 �April 18 October 22 10 � Start of Growing Season End of Growing Season� 8 � I 6 3 4 I 41 Days 2 I � � . � 2.5 -2 � -4 I � N -8 � � � -10 I � 2 � ,.. -12 ................ ............................................................................................................................. ......................................1........, � -14 �. ° -18 I �' I 1.5 Q -20 � I " L -22 � � a -24 � � 1 -26 I -28 � -30 � -34 � I 0.5 -36 � n. .� � -38 � � � -40 I 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � M � � � � N O 0�0 � � N O � � M � 0�0 � � N O 0�0 � � � � N � � � N � � N N � � N M � � N M � � N 0 � � N � � � � � (O � � I� � � 00 0�0 0�0 � � � O O O � � � Date Cripple Creek Groundwater Gauge 2 Year 1 (2011 Gauge Data) 14 � 3.5 12 'April 18 October 22 10 �5tart of Growing Season End of Growing Season� 8 I 6 3 4 I 14 Days I �► 1�;s 0 � � -2 I � 2.5 -6 � I I I � �� •� � � -$ � � � -�o ....... 2 � -�2 ..............�. .......................................................................................................................... ....................................�. _ -14 I � o � `� -20 I I 1.5 Q -22 � I '" -24 I � a -28 � � 1 -30 I � -34 � � -36 I I 0.5 -38 -40 � � -42 -44 I 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � M � � � � N O 0�0 � � N O � � M � 0�0 � � N O 0�0 � � � � N � � � N � � N N � � N M � � N M � � N 0 � � N � � � � � (O � � I� � � 00 0�0 0�0 � � � O O O � � � Date Cripple Creek Groundwater Gauge 3 Year 1 (2011 Gauge Data) 14 3.5 12 � April 18 October 22 � 10 � Start of Growing Season End of Growing Season� 8 � 6 3 4 I 151 days I 2 � � 2.5 -2 �� �V, �. � I � �� � =6 i n � � n � � � i � -$ i � � i 2 � -�o i i o -12 .............................................................................................................................................. .......................................i........, 1.5 Q -14 � ° -16 � � '� 18 I � a -20 -22 � � 1 -24 I � -26 I I -28 0.5 -30 � � -32 I I -34 -36 I 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � M � � � � N O 0�0 � � N O � � M � 0�0 � � N O 0�0 � � � � N � � � N � � N N � � N M � � N M � � N 0 � � N � � � � � (O � � I� � � 00 0�0 0�0 � � � O O O � � � Date Cripple Creek Groundwater Gauge 4 Year 1 (2011 Gauge Data) 14 3.5 12 � April 18 October 22 � 10 � Start of Growing Season End of Growing Season� 8 � 6 I I 3 2 � � -2 � 49 Days i 2.5 -4 I I � I aNi -6 � -8 � � 2 ,..��-.. -10 I � o -12 .............................................................................................................................................. .......................................i........, 1.5 Q -14 � ° -16 � � '� -18 I �; � � �" � a -20 -22 � � 1 -24 I � -26 I I -28 0.5 -30 � � -32 I I -34 -36 I 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � M � � � � N O 0�0 � � N O � � M � 0�0 � � N O 0�0 � � � � N � � � N � � N N � � N M � � N M � � N 0 � � N � � � � � (O � � I� � � 00 0�0 0�0 � � � O O O � � � Date Cripple Creek Groundwater Gauge 5 Year 1 (2011 Gauge Data) 14 3.5 12 � April 18 October 22 � 10 � Start of Growing Season End of Growing Season� 8 � 6 I I 3 2 � � �'� � � 0 � � 2.5 -2 _4 I 180 days I � -6 � '$ � � 2 � -10 I � o -12 .............................................................................................................................................. .......................................i........, 1.5 Q -14 � ° -16 � � '� 18 I � a -20 -22 � � 1 -24 I � -26 I I -28 0.5 -30 � � -32 I I -34 -36 I 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � M � � � � N O 0�0 � � N O � � M � 0�0 � � N O 0�0 � � � � N � � � N � � N N � � N M � � N M � � N 0 � � N � � � � � (O � � I� � � 00 0�0 0�0 � � � O O O � � � Date Cripple Creek Groundwater Gauge 6 Year 1 (2011 Gauge Data) 14 3.5 12 � April 18 October 22 � 10 � Start of Growing Season End of Growing Season� 8 � 6 I I 3 4 14 Days 2 � Gauge was installed on June 7, 2011; �� � p I therefore, data from the beginning � 2.5 -2 I of the growing season is not available. I -4 I Based on data from the remainder of 'I � I � -6 the growing season this gauge likely � � '$ � would have met success criteria . � 2 � -10 I � o -12 .......................................................................................................................................................... ...........................i........, 1.5 Q -14 � ° -16 � � '� -18 I � I � a -20 -22 � � 1 -24 I � -26 I I -28 0.5 -30 � -32 I -34 -36 I 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � M � � � � N O 0�0 � � N O � � M � 0�0 � � N O 0�0 � � � � N � � � N � � N N � � N M � � N M � � N 0 � � N � � � � � (O � � I� � � 00 0�0 0�0 � � � O O O � � � Date Cripple Creek Groundwater Reference Gauge Year 1 (2011 Gauge Data) 14 � October 22 � 3.5 �2 April 18 10 � Start of Growing Season End of Growing Season� 8 I 4 � � 3 2 � 6 Days 9 Days � 0 _2 � � 2.5 -4 � � in _g I I N d � � -$ 2 � � -10 � � � -12 ................ .............................. ....... ................................. ...... . ................................................. ........................... ......., � � -14 �. Gauge was installed on I. � � _�$ i May 5, 2011; therefore, i 1.5 Q � _20 data for the b ginning � _22 � of the growin season is � a -24 I not available. I 1 -26 -2g � � -30 I � -32 I 0.5 -34 -36 -38 -40 I 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � M � � � � N O 0�0 � � N O � � M � 0�0 � � N O 0�0 � � � � N � � � N � � N N � � N M � � N M � � N 0 � � N � � � � � (O � � I� � � 00 0�0 0�0 � � � O O O � � � Date Appendix E. Benthic Data Figure El. Preconstruction Benthic Station Locations Preconstruction Benthic Sample Results Habitat Assessment Field Datasheets Annual Monitoring Report Appendices Cripple Creek Mitigation Bank BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES,CRIPPLE CREEK MITIGATION,NORTH CAROLINA,6/7/2011. Cripple Creek 2011 (Year 1)Benthic Samples(June 7,2011) SPECIES T.V. F.F.G. CRIPPLE CREEK REFERENCE MAIN SOUTHERN UT NEMERTEA Enopla Hoplonemertea Tetrastemmatidae Prosmmasp. 1 MOLLUSCA Gastropoda Basommatophora Physidae Physellasp. 8.8 CG 7 3 ANNELIDA Oligochaeta '10 CG Tubificida Naididae *8 CG N�ssp. 89 CG 1 Prisnna leidyi 9.6 CG 4 ARTHROPODA Inseda Ephemeroptera Baetidae CG Callibaenssp. 9.8 CG 2 Caenidae CG Caenissp. 7A CG 2 LepWphlebiidae CG Paraleptophlebiasp. 09 CG 20 Odonata Coenagrionidae P Ischnurasp. 9.5 1 CordulegasVidae P Cordulegartersp. 59 P 1 Cordulegartermaculata 59 1 Gomphidae P Stylogomphus albistylus 49 P 1 Libellulidae P Libellulasp. 9.6 P 14 6 Plecoptera LeucVidae SH Leuctrasp. 2.5 SH 6 Hwniptera Corixidae 9 PI 2 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae FC Cheum�psyche sp. 61 FC 10 Drplectronamodesta 21 FC 5 Philopotamidae FC Chimarrasp. 2.8 FC 1 Uenoidae Neophyl�ix.consimilis 1.5 5 Coleoptera 1 Dryopidae Helichussp. 4.6 SC 5 Dytiscidae P Acidus sp. P 1 Copelatus sp. 10 1 Laccophilussp. 10 P 2 Ne�rus sp. 8.6 1 Elmidae CG Stenelmissp. 51 SC 1 Hydrophilidae P Helocombus b�dus 1 3 Tropisternussp. 99 P 5 1 Diptera Chironomidae Chironomussp. 9b CG 1 Conchapelopia sp. 8.4 P 4 8 Corynoneurasp. 6 CG 1 Cricotopussp. CG 2 Cricotopusbicinctus 8.5 CG 1 Crypmchironomussp. 6.4 P 1 PolypeaYlum aviceps 39 7 PolypeaYlum fiavum(convictum) 4.9 SH 8 PolypeaYlum illincense 9 SH 1 Rheotanytarsuspellucidus 3 2 Tarrytarsus sp. 6.8 FC 1 4 T ypodinae 4 Zavrelimyiasp. 91 P 4 Culicidae FC Anophelessp. 8.6 FC 1 Empididae 7.6 P Hemerodromia sp. P 1 Stratiomyidae CG Odonmmyia sp. 1 Tipulidae SH Dicranotasp. 0 P 1 Pseudolim philasp. 71 P 1 ZFpulasp. 7.3 SH 1 TOTAL NO.OF ORGANISMS 73 70 30 TOTAL NO.OF TAXA 18 23 12 EPT INDEX 5 1 2 NCBI assigned values 3.89 8.48 8.06 Pennington and Associates,Inc. Page 1 of 1 BenthicsaxiomcripplecreekCLxls 10/10/2011 1��•!'�tr/i `--�h�j'�I��� � 314b Revision 6 Habitat Assessmer�t Field Data Sheef Mountainl Picdmnnf Streams Biaiogicai Assessment Unit,DWQ OTAI,SCORE � Directions fQr use: The obser�er is to su�vey a minimum af 1��meters with 2U0 mctcrs preCerred oi'stream,preferabiy in an upstream directioil startin�abo�e the hridge pool aizd the road right-of way. Tiie segment wlu�h is assessed should represent average stream Conditions. 'I'o perform a proper habitat e�aluation ihe obsezver needs ta gei info the stceam.To coinple#e the forn7,select fhe description whi�h hest tits the observed habiiats and then cir�Ie tt�e score. If the observed haYsitat falis in i�etween two desc��iptions, scic�t an�ntermediate s�ore. A final Iaabitat score is deteriruned by�dding the resnlis frvm the difFerent metr#cs, ��;- •.�i, := - !_��.r i;,,°;�:. ,-�l Stream �!�- �c7 'i'>C?•i,.'.': r'.�*'�.�: Locatio��Jroad: � (Road Natne _)County �° ��t��'i:��•'.'s���_-�' Uate +"�l��r� ' CG#�������rt r���.} .- Basin :.,,:,� =-�-,, � 5ubbasiix '���'� - '� : - C i:� �_. � ;-.,,.��, �� � ��?server(s}� ��•t; ti'; Type crf Study. C�F'ish �Bentlims l7 I3asinwide ❑5pecial Stucly(Describe} _-l�-1 , i,r"�;�1 r t.i 1 , � .. I.atitude r `L�n�itude ` ' `'= Ccoregion: � MT � P ❑ Slate Bell [�Triassic Basin Wafer Qiis�lity: 'I'emperature � °C DO f mgll Cnnductivity(carr.) � µSlcm �H -J Ph,ysi�a!Cl��racler•i��ition: Visiblc la�xd usc r�:f�rs tn immedi;€te ar�a lliat yc�u ca�i se�from samplii�g Ioca#ivn-iiiclurlc wlz�t you estimate drivin�;ttiru flic waterslied in wate�•slicd I;iii� use. Visit�le Laz�d Usc: %�' %T'oresi °/�Rcsiderztial °I�ACI1Ve Pa5LU1'L' %ACt1V� Ct'��75 '��'� ���r��zo�r•���as %�Commerciai °/�[nd�3st��ia1 %.';(? %Ot}�er-Descrih�: �;?,:,.;����..:� `r�: - • ` ' ;i� �;Vatershed land usc : �Porest �4J11grzculture�IUrhan ❑�nima�n�erations upstrLam Widtti:{meters) Str�am ;f ;�'-:� Cliannei{at lap ol��aiik} 'i- '�.'� Strc.�iii Deptlz��ria� llv� " � ,Max �1. �`� ❑Wicifh��arial�le ❑ I,ar�;c river 725i�i wi�le E3.izilc l�ei�;ht(from decpcst part of riffle Ffl tnp of l�ank-iirst tlat surtace yn�r stand c�n}; {m} Ct. I'. l3:�irk A�i�;le� `I � ° ��r ❑ Nl� (Vertii:al is 1U", l�a��izai�taf is 0°.A�1�Ies=9D°iridic:aie slc�pc is Cowards mi�i-chan�zei,:�]0° in�iicate slo�c is��way frnrn�liar�x�el. N�1.if'i��u�k is tr�o low ti�r���ank a�ig�c t��iTiatter.y 0 Cltnnnclircti Dikci� ❑L]�cpIy inciserl-steep,sfraight barilcs ❑13ot11 banks tn�derc�at at Ucnd �Ch�ziu3�� fillcd in wiih scciii�ievt ❑ 1Zcccnt❑�er�ank deposiis ❑13ar tievelUpmenl Di3urie[i sL-ciicture;s OLX}765L'CI�CC�Ti3CIC ❑ L7CCCSSiVC}7C1'F�3]1yI:QCI f�l"OWL�1 ❑ IIL'�V�+Iil�rmentous ai�;ae�rnwt�a ❑�'7iCL'll tiP]�L' ❑�1:W7�C S[TIC�� M�nn�acle Stabili�sition: L7N ,�Y; ❑ltip-r�p,ecmcnt,�;;abicrns ❑ Sed�me�rd�;iade-�nntrn!siru�tu��c�Cicrn�ll��ee T'loF��cnndilians: ❑T-Ci�}� ONortr,al ,1�Law '!'t�rbiciify:�'3C;iear ❑ Sligl�ily'Curhid ❑'�'urbid C�Tannic flMilky ❑Colnred{f3nrn ciyes} Gnnd,pvtential for We#l�ktds Resfar�atr`o�t 1'rn,ject?7 �Cl YES ❑Nt) Uetaiis Ch:�it�iel l+lnw Stafus [Jseful espc�i�l�y under ahnormai nr lo�v ilow canditinns. n.Watez�rcacl�es base af batl3lower ksanks,minimal chanizcl sul�sf��ate ex�ose�l............................ � �3. L�laEer��ls�7S°/4 af a�vailable channel,or�25°/o af�3iamiel suhstrate is exposed........................ �GI C.Water fil]s 25-7�°Iu ofiavailable e1lam�el,n�any lo�slsnags exposed............................................. � D.Raat mats�ut�f whLcr.................,................................................................................................. ❑ E.Very Iittle water iz�chani�cl, n�ostly present as standing poals..................................................... ❑ :G ,�? '-� + Weatlier Conditior�s:�l�'� 1�'.'{- '�,. � '�-� F'hafr�s: CEN E�Y �Lligital ❑35n�n Remarks: ��+• ;l_ � i , .� ,�-� � _ ° : , I� ,-.� � - ,� ,,, - :i, ,� ! l�,� t- . ��.: i j,� 0 i i . 7'� 't >>, �j�( i � 4�.i� ��if�F��if�l'!F i� ` i�i�i��'y�) _�j��,.� i . � �7'" -y � . 39 �II r�1'�1 ��—r r�s{�;�_,.z_� I.Channel Modi�cati�n 5care A, �haz�ziel naiural,f'requent bends.............. r$ ) ...................................................:................... J ................... i l3.channel natural.infrequent bends{�hanneiizatio�could he oid}...................................................... ��� C. some cl3annelization present...................................••••....................................,.................................. 3 l7.znore exiensive�hanneliLation,�44°/fl ofsh'earn disrupted............................................................... 2 E. na ben�s,completely channeli�ed ar rip rappcd or gabiazaed,et�..................................................... {1 ❑ E�idence of dred�ing Cl�yidence of desnaggi���a large woady dehris in stream ❑Banks of uniForm shajaelheight __ Remarks Subtntal ��> I[.I�istream Hahitat: Cansider rhe percentage of��e rea�h tl�at is fa�orak�le foi�benth�s colarzization or fish co�ez•, If�70°/a of the reach is rQC�CS, 1 type is present,circle the scorc:of'7.7.❑e�nition: leafpa�ks consist of older lea��s tl�at are packed tagether aiid have hegun to decay(nat piPes of lea�es in pno�arcas}. Mark as Raxe, C'arzimoi��r A�undartE._ �� �tocIts ��- Macro h Ces r', ;_ p y l-� Stiel�.s a�itl leaf�acks 5na�s anii logs �LTnder�ut 6anlcs ar rnnt nx�ts AMDUNT OF REACN TAVOTirLBLE FQR C�L��iIZATIUN�R COVTR �7�% 40-7U% 2{3-4fl°/o e20°/a SGOZ'e Score Scaa'e Scor� 4 ar 5 types present................. 20 1 G (�12] 8 3 �y}�es�resent......................... l9 15 1-I 7 2 types pi-cseixt......................... 18 �4 10 6 1 type present,.......................... l7 13 � S No types�x'esezrt....................... fl ❑No woody�egetaiian in ripaa�iaii conc FLezz��rks 5{ihtntal �•'' II[.liott[�m Sii�astrsitc�{silk,ssind,detti•itus,gravcl,cabb1e,bni�ldcr) L�alc at entire reacli lor s�ibstrate scorin�,b1iC 4nly laQk at ciff�fe for cmbecidcd:i�ss, �nd us�rocks frvm��Il parts of riFtle-Zook for"inud line"or dif.Yict�lly exlt'actita�;rocks. A.subst�-ate rvitl��oad inix Uf'�i•a�ci, cc��z�lc and N�nialdcrs SCpI'C I..C111E]CCIC�CCit7�55�2i3'%�(vcry liltlu sa��.d,usual.l.y nnly liei�ind large bouldez's}......................... l5 2.cin(�etidedness'lt]-�l(]�%�.......................................................................................................... l2 ?,.cn1E7c[Ic��[�tiess�U°�3O°I�.......................................................................................................... f3 �.cnii�cdcicciiie5s a8C1°/�...................�..,,.,...,.............,................,,.........,.....,............................... 3 B.substratc gr:i�cl xr�d co}a�ale � l. ennbcelt�ler�z�ess c2U%�...........................................,..........,..........................,.......................... t �4 � ,..._- �. em6eddecln�ss 20-4a"��........................................................................................................ ]i 3, cn�Uedd�dncss�46-$U`%...............................................................................................�......., G 4.cmUe�itlec�ness�$U"/a.............................,.......,....,.....................,,......................•••.•••............. 2 C.�ulfstr;►fe na�stDy gravc! 1.f;II7�7L'CI(�LL�I1L'SS=S��/6.......................................................................................,.........._......... H 2,ct��bcd�iedness�5�1"/�............................................................................................................ � D,substrste lio�nageneous l. substrace e�eariy all beclrock,....................................................,............................................. 3 2. subsirate trearly all sand........................................................................................................ 3 3, su6stratc n�arly a19 dciritus.................................................................................................... Z 4. sui�slratc ncarly all sild Giay................................................................................................... 1 + Remarks Subtotal i�-1 1V. Pvnl V2sriety Pnals ai•e areas of deeper thatx a�eragc�naxim�3m deptlis witkr little or no surfacc t7�rbulence. Water�elocities ass��ialed witl�paols are al�vays slow. Poois may take t�ze farm af"packet waicr'",small pQpls bolund k�oulders or obslr�tctians, in large hi�h gradient streams,or side eddies. �. Pools present 5carc �,1'vols�requent(�3i7°/a of 2a{]m area surveyed} ----. � a.�ariety aCpaol sices................. �` ! ...........................••-...•-•-........,................................................ I a • h.pools about the same size{indicates poals fillin�ni)............................................................ S—� 2. Pools InTrequent��30%Qf ti��200ni area surveyed) a.variety of poal si�es...........-••................................................................................................. fi b.ponls alaaut the sarne size...................................................................................................... 4 B. PonI�ahsent..................................................................................•--....................................................-•- 4 , Subtotal �`-- [7 Paol bottom boulder-cob�le=hard 0 I3ottom sandy-sink as you walk ❑Silt hottom ❑ Some pvQis v�er wader depth Remarks Page Total �}� 40 Y��l c.�►s17, V.Ri#'tle Hahitats I7e�nifian:Riff�e is area af reaeratior�-can be debris dam, vr nari°ow ct�annel area. Riffles Frcquent Rif#�es Infrequent Score Score A. well deCned riffle and nFia,riffle as wic�e as s�rearn and extends 2�width of strearxx.... /1� 12 B.riffle as wide as stream but rifflc len�th is not 2X stream width,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 7 �.riiTle nat as wide as stream and riffle Ien�th is not 23C s�xeam widt��..,,.,,,,.................... 14 3 D.rifftes�b�sent................................................................................................................... q Channel Slape; �.'{'['ypica�for area OSteep=fast flow ❑Lo�+,�rlike a coastal strearn Su�total �� �� VI.Ban1c Stabi�ity and Ve�etation F110E UPST1t�AM Left Sank �tt.�3ank Score Score L�. �FlI1�C5 SfAtl�O r 1. littde e�idence of erosion or Uaiik fail�ire(excepf outside af Uends),little potential far erosior�..�7� � B. Erosian areas present 1. di�vcrse frees,slnuhs,grass; plants hea£lhy with good zvat systems..................................... 6 5 2. few trees or sm�lt trees ati�i shr•u�s; vogetativn appe��rs gerzeraliy hcalthy........................... 5 5 3, sparse mixed �egetation; plant types and corzditions s�igg�st p�orer sail biA3diz��................. 3 3 4. mostly�;rasses, fiw if aiiy trces aiid shruhs,lii�h erosi�t�and failure potei�tial at high flow.. � 2 5. litt3e or na baF�k�e�;eFativi�,mass erosion ai��i bank failure e�idenC........................................... Q 6 Tatal���_ �emaxks ViI.1,i�}xt Pe�xefr�tian Ca3iopy is deiiized as trec nr vcgctali�e co��r directly abo�e the sh�eam's s�irtace. Canapy wvuld hIocic r�ut sunlibl�t wl�eFi the stin is c3irectly a�erli�ad. Note si�adin� �rc�nn mou.ixt�ins,hut not use C�scare tliis rnetric. Scbre r�.Streazza with goo�l�anapy wit17 some bre�irs far li�;l�i�enetralion............................................. f 4 E3. Strcam with fuli clnnpy-bre�ilrs For li�;ht pcnetration absent..................................................... 8 C.Slrcain with partial canopy-sunit�;lit and Sl�adii�g El!'L'�SS�I11.lii��y+LC�Lk7I.................................. .. `71 f3. 5trcam willi riyiniixial canc�p}�- f'ull sun in aI!ht�t a!�w araas....................................................... (� li. No cat�cipy anr�no sh�[ling....,�.........................................................................�,.............,...,.......... Rensarlcs ��i ` <i, � '� s' ' + .�_____ — -- ----- — ---------------- _Su��tatal �. VFIC. ]�i�f.�ri:��i Vc�;et.itiVe lonc Wi[itli De�nitir�n� RiPari��n 7�ne 1or this fann is arc,i c�f natural�e�ctation ar�ja��ni tn sire�n�(cari bo bcyond [loo�jpluin}. C)�finitinn:tl �reak iai the ripuriar;zone is any pla�e an I_he slream banits whicl�allows sec�in�enl or pvl3tit�nis la directly c��ler ltie slream,such as�aatlis clp��r�tcr slream,51:orzn drains,u��raratcc3 trees,olter slie3es,ele. r•��lc�:uPSTRt�AM Lft.I3an1� Rt. i3nnk IJnminant vc�ctatinn: � 'I'rccs 0 SFu�tl�s ❑Grassis � Weetfslald field ❑�:xoti�s(lciad�u,etL} Scare Scare A.Rip�irian zane ink�rci(iiu breaks) 1. width= l8 metcrs..................................................................................... 5 5 2. vvidt}� 1�-18 rnekers................................................................................... 4 4 3.wi�lc��G-1Z meCers.........................................................................,........... 3 3 4.width�b meCers...................................................................................... 2 2 �3,Itiparian cvne nut iotxct{�reaks} 1.l�rcaks rarc a.widt�i� ]8 meters.................................................,....................... � 4 b. width iZ-�� meters....................................................................... 3 3 �. widil�6-12 meters....................................................................... 2 2 d.wiclth C 5 meters......................................................................... 1 1. 2.breaks commv�a __'__ r � a.widt�i� 1$meters....................... � . � .................................................. {_ 3_l � _ ` h.w-idth 12-18 rneters...................................................................... 2 2 c,width fi-12 meiers....................................................................... 1 1 d,w7�itl��b meters......................................................................... � 4 Remarks Tatal �� Pa�e Tatal `?s'�'` ❑ Dis�laimer-Farm fillcd aut,Uut scvre dvesn't match subjecCi�e apinion-atypical slrcam, 'I'UTAL SCURE t�i 41 M ct4���r L4��:����.`��-'� Supplen�ent for Habitat Assessmcnt Field Data Sheet �7ia�ran�to determine hank ar+gle; �:� � � � f� .q �I_ _ _ ��-'� _ - ,�- - - 9�° 45° 135° .. � Typi��l Stream Crnss-scctifln x _ � _ I�;xtremc lllgh Walcr � ,�l�F _ _ _ �_ ._� �r. � � �] grv w `fE�rmal l�ii�li Wntrr^—— �� �M_.� f4nrmal I�Iow _ _`-T-`-'�� _,_ --_ - _-==-�-��` _ - i-Upprr li�ink � ` l.nn•cr . ISnnk Slrcn�n WIJl1i `I'h.is sitle is 45°hanfc ari�le. Site SkeCch: Dt�xer cnmments: � � i�.�{ � :; ` , , . �,�i l i.:`ti.f` � �. r • �:, 4� �. •�"41 - _....e , � � - - ,�, ,,•� f ,-' 9 1�'r,', - r,Y-" - -.i` , �1- i�. 42 :� . ��-���, 31(16 Revisioi�G Haiuitaf Assessmer�t�iekd Data SheeC MauntainP P'iedm�nt Streams T3iotugicai Assessm�nt Unif,I]WQ T�'TAL S�4RE Directians for use: 'I`he obser�er is to sur�ey a minimum af 100 metei•s w'rth 2UU mcters pref'errcd of stream,prefera6ly in an upsEream direc#ivn siarting aho�ve the hridge paol aiid the rna�right-of way, The segm.ent which is assessed should represeiit a�era�;e strca�n c4nditions. To pertarm a proper habital evaluatian t�e o6server needs ko get inta Che stream.Ta compleie the#'orrr�,select the �es�riptivsi which hest�ts the abserved hal�itats and then circIe the scorc:. If t��e o�served hal�icat falls in between two des�riptivns, select an intermediate score. A final Iiabitat scare is delern�ned by adding the zesults froin t�ie differerit metrics. � � � ��r T;�,} i , ' i �.; r-r ; �� ��� : Stream L1�{ ��', s�����J�.��. ' � 4-'' y-Loeationlrnad: [Raad Name ]Coun r , ,` '�-�- _ h' �I�AV-1rL,��- ��� � t CC# ��*%'�l ' '�,':--','- Basin ���1��� �-�'�?`+ Subbasin '�!- C�� _ �� Da#e - T �-A��Fl k�^I�r, ❑bSCTVCt{SJ�-f'�i,p}r� 1 ype of Siudy: ❑k ish �33enih�s ❑Easinwide L7Special Study(lles�ribe} _ Laiitude �{� ��i`�t-�t J'I,4ngiiude � �� f `r'`�'j�'F''�Fcare�ion: ❑ iV1T �P ❑ S�ate T3elt 7 Triassic.f3asizz Water Quality: Tcmps:raturc "� �°C �i7❑� mgll Coi�ducxi�ity tcon�.}= �FSlcm pI� Yiiysi��tl Cliar�icterk�ation: Visible lanrl use refez•s t«immc�iirite:�rea#h�tt you can see from sanxplirrg location-includc what y��u estiin.ttc dri�in�tl�ru khe watet's�aed zzi w:ttersk�ed land use. Visihle Laitd Use: �?�} �%Fncest `%UResidczilial `%,Active !'astuz•e %Aciive Crops '%�Fallo��Fields °/n Cs�mnxercial `%IndEistriul �f� / . ,� ' 1,,'''.; ,,.• : ,,.l_ ; , , , _ I _�"'❑�tliez--FJescribe; '';�'c��� ., WaLershed la�id use : E�FaresC *�A.�ricuit�ice DUrl�an ❑Animal vperati�az�s u�stre�izn '4Vidth;�meters} Strearn�:� .." , � Cf�ailnel{at Eop af h�ink}T'�-_----- 5kx•eaii�1]cptfi:�m} 1lvg�}�l Max ��:?5 0 W icith��rit�I�le ❑ �.��r�e river�ZSizi wide 43ank I�ci�;li#(Ii•ozia dcepcst�tiart ol' rifi�e to lop ol'E�ank-first flat s�irf�z��you staztd or�}: [m} ''�•'�' E3ank Ar��;le; t�) " nr ❑ NII �VUI'i1G�1�15�U", I3[)I1LUlltal !S�J�.fI11�iL5��JOti 111C{1CF3lE SIq�7L'15�i)WafCIS f111iI-Ch�mtie:l,�94° itidicate slo�ao is aw��y frUm chann�l. NA i1'l��uik is la❑ lnw f.c�r k��irlic an�ic lo malter.} 0 CFzanneliyccI DitGl� ODeeply incised-sCeep,straight U�►iilcs ❑Br�ih Uanks uizciercut at Uc�id ❑[,'hariaui�ii2e� in wiih sedir=lent ❑Rc�ent overbanic depasits Cli3ar dc:velo��menC ❑F.3uA'ied sLnteli�r�s ❑�xpasecl l�edrock ❑ Ex�essi�e periphyton grQwth ❑ ITca�y[il�►menlous af�ae giowlh ClGrcen ti�Ygc C1 5ew�sge sn�,ell Mann�adc Stabili�atinn; ❑IV �Y; Ol�i rap,cement,ga6ions ❑ Sedimentlgrade-�ontrai structure�13ermllcvc:e l+ln�v cotid'rti ns : ❑�Iigh Cli�I��nal �Low 'lttrbidif,y; �Cle�r ❑ Sligl�tly'i'urbid Cl'1'urE�id C�`1'aniiu �1Nlillcy �]Calorccl(fiom dyes} Gaad pnlenliaf fo�•'VVeflan[1s ResEorsi#ion Prv�ect?'? �VF.S ❑NU Details Cliannel Fla�v 51:atus I]seFul especially under atanarmal or Iow llo«candi#iqr�s. A. Water reaches hase of Unih lawer l�airks,miniinal chaz���cl subsn•ate exposed............................ R. Water#ills�75°/n c�f��v�ilable ch�iamel,or�25°/0 of channel su�istraCe is expose�........................ � C. Water fills 25-75°/0 of a�+ailahle cl��imel,many lo�s!sna�s expnsed............................................. ❑ I7.Rot�t�nais vul�f water......................................................,............................................................ 0 �.Very littic�waYcr i�i c�iar�nel,mostiy present as standin�poois..................................................... ❑ �„�!�D � , Weati�er Cnnditinns: G ��?� , 4�3'�'"; , - Pho�tos: ❑N ❑Y �I Digital �l35nun �Eitlai�{S: ��il-'��' i� °i i ��r: �+ 1 {i �f-:a` {7�� .�n l,' � ,r.. � �4 + ��`�.1 j!�rt 1r. {' -,i�'i t' CE'i'y�`11:y [ °+t 4—�k'f 1_—t?4��� __ .__J..__ � 39 � ����7 I,Ch�iinel 1![odi�cafiau 5core _ , 1 A:channel natzual,fr�:yuent bends......................................:.............................................:................... {� 5 , -._. _ �3.chaimel naiural,infrequent t�ends�channelization cauld be fl]d)...................................................... 4Y C.soxne channeli�ation present.....•••.................................................................................•••.................. 3 D.more extensi�e r,hannelization,��40%aCslreazn[iisnipted............................................................... 2 E.nv bends,camp�eteiy channelized or rip rapped ar gahianed,e#c..................................................... fl ❑Evzdcncc af dred�izig ❑Evidence of desnagging=no large wvody d�bris in stream ClBanks of unifarm shapeltieight Remarics °;r'`� ; �-�� � - ;`�� :'. Subtatal `� II.Instream Hahitat: Consicier tlne percenta�e of t�ic reaeh that is favprahle toz benttias�olonizatioz�nr�sl��over. If�7D°/�of the reach is ro�Ics, 1 type is presenC, �ircle ttie score af I7,DefuuCion: leaFpacks consist oFolder lea�es ttyat are packed tagethex�aiid liavc bcgu�lo deeay{uvt pilcs�f lcavcs in�nol areas}. Vlark as Rare.Comrnon,or A6undant. 1 �Racks �"� s�'Iac�•ophytes ���. 'Sticks an�leafpa�ks Snags and lags Uncicrcut bunks nr raot mafs A1VIQl,Ii'VT Or C{CACIi FAVQRARIsi+J TOR COLUIVIGA'TT�7N Qlt CDVER �70% aQ-74% 20-4(}'% C2(]% Scar•e Scor� Scaa�e Scnre 4 ar 5 typcs pres�nt................. 2i] 1G 1� 8 ��. 3 ty��es present......................... 1�} 15 {.11 � 7 2 types present......................... l8 14 lfl 6 1 ty{�e�resez7fi........................... 17 1.3 9 5 Nc�types presezxc.................,..... D � ❑ i�v wnc�dy�egetafi«n in ri��arian�Qne Kernarks SuUfnta] � JII.Tintt�m Sul�str;�te(si1C,s�n�l,€3etx•itiis,�a•avcl,cubhle,bo�alder} I,oak ac enliz•e z�eacFi for suhstrate scoring,biit onIy lo❑k al t'ifFle far ember��ledness,ax�d iise rocks from all parts ol�ri�f7e-loak fF7r"in�td litae"r�r diffiou�ty ext-ractin�arr�cics. A.substrate wilh gv[�d mix nf�r:7ve1, �alal�le sizd ht�uldc�'s Scnrc 1.eiz��ecicicdi�css c�4°/f(vcry 1ifii:le sand,usually oxzly�ehiiid Iarge�oulrlers}......................... 15 Z.e�rahe�lGle;dness 20-40`%n.......................................................................................................... 32 '3.emi3er1�1c�lnzss h4-$Q"/c�................�.........................................................,............................... H 4.ezazbe�l��aln�.ss�8a`%............................................................................................................. 3 R.subst�;ite�;a•:Y�c,l ancl cub}ale �. 1,cml�c�lde�lness�2U%�.........................,...,..............................,....�..............,..,..............,.,...,... ..1� Z.C171E]CC�(�C(II]L'SS�n-�O`%.....................�..,..........................................................,..................... 1 1 3. e�nhcr3decJr�css 4[1-$0'%....................................................... ....,... G ......................................... 4, ornL�orld�ci:iess�8[]`%...............................,............._...................................................,........... 2 C.sul�slr�te �tiusll��gi•a�el 1. �mUecidccincss�5�°/a...............................................,...,......................................................._ 8 2. emUeddedness�5a"/o............................................................................................................ 4 17.su[lstr�tC I�campgcneous 1, su�ish•atc nearly all beci�ock................................................................................................... 3 �. suhstrate nearly all sand........................................................................................................ 3 3. substrate nearly al] eletritus.................................................................................................... 2 4. s�ibsCrat�nearly all siltl clay................................................................................................... l � Remarks _..._ — _._ . . _— 5u�tatal� IY. Pool Vs�riety Pnnis are areas o#`deeper than a�erage inaximurr�depths with little or no surFace t�ur}aulence. Wat�r�elociCies assaciAled with�aols are always slo�r�. Pools may takc tlie fanr�oF"packet tivater",smail ponls helund houIders nr oUsh�z�tivns, in large higt��radient st�eams,or side eddies. A. Poals prese»t 5care I, 1'ools Frequent(�3f�%vf 2�flm area surveyed} a,variety ofpool sizes....................... ` ........................................................................................ i4] b.poo3s about t�e sa�ne siae{iz�dicates pools�lling in}............................................................ S 2.Poo1s Infrequent{�30°/0 oF the 200m area suzveycd] a. �ariety of paol sizes............................................................................................................... fi b.paols a�aout the same size...................................................................................................... 4 �3. Pvals ahsent............................................................................................................................................ 0 Subtotal 1(t ❑Poal bottom baulder-co�ihle=hard�Battom sanciy-sink as you walk Cl Silt�ottom 0 5ame pools over wadez depth RenUarks Page Tatal �� 4a S .��ib . V.Rif'tle HahiYats L7efinition; Riffle is area of reaeration-cai3 he de�ris dam,ar narraw c�annei area. Riffles I`reqiient Riffles Infrequent Score 5core A,weI]de�ned riffle and nan,riffle as wide as stream and extends ZX width af siream.,,. �1 G� 12 B. rif£�e as wide as stream hut riffle length is nat�X strearn width .................................... D 4 7 C. riFtle nat as wide as stream and riffle 1en��h is nat 2X stream width............................. 14 3 I7.ri[fles a sent................................................................................................................... Q Channe151ape: < T}�i�ai for area OSteep�fast tlaw ❑I..a�lik�a�oastal streazn Su6tatal �� VI. Bank Stabitity and Vegetation FACE UPSTREAM Le#'t 33ank Ri. I3�i7k S�flrc Score �. Banlcs stnhle 1. IittIe e�idence af erasion or baiilc Cailure{ex�ept outside o�hends), litile patential for erosian.[� C 7 ,� I3. �rosio:�areas �arese�it ], diverse ti•ees,shrubs,grass; planfs healihy wit�7 good root syskems..................................... G b 2. Few trees nr smali frees and shrubs; v�getation appears benerally heaithy........................... 5 S 3, sparse�nixed �e�etatian; plant typcs and condilions sug�est ponxer sail b��c�ing................. 3 3 �. mostly gr�sses, fcvv if�3ziy trecs�nd sl�nzbs,high erosion and f'ait��re patential at}»�}a {�g��,,, 2 2 5. liltic Ur no b�ti�k�e�etafion,�Zxass erosia�i aiid 6a3ilc failure e�idcnt........................................... f� a Ta1al�-t—'�— I�emaz�ks VII.Ligl�t Penetr.�tinn Canppy is delined a5 tree ar ve�etalive cov�r d�r'ectly aUo�+e L}ze stream`s suz'Pace. CaAZO�y�voiild bloclt oui sunit�hl wh�n ihe s�in is direcily o�erhead, Nc�te shadiilg frvm maLinlains, bui n�i use I:o scare ktxis melric. 5�c�re 1!. Streazn�vitkz g��rr3 caz�opy wiCt�snm�Ureaks [oz�li�lil penelratian............................................. i� 13.Sir�am with t�ull canr�{�y-hrealcs fot'li�h#penelr�ifian abscnl...................................................... 8 �. Str�am wii�r parti.il cari��y-sunli�;ht a�id shadin�;are esseniiaily equal.................................... �] 1].Strcarrt wilh rriinir�tal��nopy- li.il�suii in�zil iaiit a fcw airc��s....................................................... � [i.Nn c:uiupy and «o slzaclin�.........................................�................................................................... � I�emlrks l'� C���� . •� � � r {�;�;_ `:"i i i� '�'['f�.t;R.`� it�u.�r�.s{'c� t �t..:i,��`t(_ � �,`, ��'..;- �, ';•'e ':� '� SuUt[�tal � ---�?--���� --- - - L-- � �r� � � - - _ _, - , . (I'���'(��': �.-iti,r.���r;'yc._� ,�';-�i•.r_,;� VIli. l�i�arian Ve�;et;iti�e���ne►vViclth Defi�iitinn: i{iparian rnne far this fi�rm is arca nf nalurnl vcgctatirrn adjaccnl te�slream(caii�o l�eyand f7oo�i}�lain�.Uefinitinn:A break in il�e ripai�iazi�one is uny place o�i lhc slrca�n l�anics w17ic1i allaws sec�in�c,il nr��Ull�itacils to rJirc�t3y enTer Hic:sh•e�ni,sucl��ts�3€itl�s rlatVn lo slrc�im,s�onn drai�7s,ii�3rnofed trees,oitcr slic3es, �;le. I�ACI-s UPS`f'Rt�iLM L['t. Barak �C.Bank i7nminaii#v�gctatioii: CII.`Crees L'7 Sh2'ii6s C� Grasses ❑Wecc3slold£icld Ol�xotics{ku�lz�i,etc) Score Sc�a�e A. Itiparia�z rone i�etact[�io 6reaks) ___ 3. �vir�tli� 18 meters..................................................................................... 5 f 5� ` 2. wi�th 12-18 rriefers.............•••...... � ............................................................. 4 } 3. �vidthG-17_meters................•••......................................................,......,.,.. 3 3 4. widtli c 6 nieters......................... .......... � Z ................................................... B.Itiparian zone not intacf{breaks} I,hreaks rare a. widtl�� 18�neters......................................................................... 4 � b.widt� 12-18 mcters....................................................................... 3 3 c.width G-12 meters....................................................................... 2 2 d. ��idth�G meters......................................................................... l ] 2. ioreaks cpmmon a,widtli� l8 meters......................................................................... 3 3 i�,widtla I2�-18 meters................•••......,...................................,......,. 2 2 c.��ic�th 6-12 inefers....................................................................... 1 1 d. width�b meters......................................................................... Q D , 7 l�emarks Total ?`' Page Total �� � fliscIaimer-farm filled nut,�ut seore doesn't match subjective apinian-atypical siream, 'I'QTAL SCORE fi�� � � 4I S, Tn��� � Supptenienf for Hahitat Assessment Field Ilat.►5heet Diagram to determine bank angte: �� � � � r •r i r �, '� �. � I- - - - - �-- - - 9�° 45° 135° � TyRl��il SFfCfi[YI Cl'455-SCCtfnfi � � _ � I�,xireme]lI�;L IVxl�r r � .. �..tM�_ i . r �� � � � ' M1nrmnl Eligl�VVater � �1�--- �__..�...-.._.._�� ..._._..— - Nnrrnal]z'I�sw _ ,-^�'"y.-_�-�,._ • - -?=-�-•=��=°-°i=- ^ -IJpper Fionk - I ].owcr iFSauk !-� 5lrc�inl W{dlh 'I'11is sidc is 45°Uat�k an�le. �1�L��CL�C�l: C]ther comments; �:'`?ti_?' `,:1 ;�.�r�i.t °'?� -�r, i €��h�f'�. - 42 � ������.e.;��� 314G Re�isian 6 Habitat Assessment Fielel �ata Sheet Mauntainl Piedmnnf Streams 8ivtngical Assessmen#iTnit,DWQ I'0'TAL S�:ORE '•'l'� Directions far use: The observer is to survey a minimum of lUU meters rvifh 2Up n�eters preferred of slream,preferahly in an upsfrea�n direc#ion starting aho�e the bridge pac�l and tlie rQad ri�ht-af-way. The segrnent which is assessed shoiild represenc xverage streazn canditiQns. `i'o perfQrm�praper habitat evaluation the a�server neec�s#ca get inca th�stceam.Tn cornpletc thc fortn,se3ect#he description which best firs the�bs�rved h�#�itats�tnd then circle the score. Ff the ot�scrved�tahit�t falls in between ttvo descriptidns, sele�t an inCermediate scvre. A final hahitat score is detertnined hy adding the results frv.�n tl�e different me�•ics. ��'� ��7r. .t �.I_! �r '4 i�! :+.,. T� i r r:' ' I � 1 � 9 _ a' . j _'` Stream ��� �� ,�r��".; t �� ^�La��tionlrQad: I [[to�d Nanze }Cauniy��l':�'�'.� !'�? �- U�t� `�'l��f� cc# �� ,�. -,�:, -_�r�`'�' �a��zn � :�� �. . ',, �,.. ,- � . sub�asin ';�".- _ '}:',� - ��•_-- i-'° (-r!tJ�I'�i � � '— Qhserver�s} f,f`1:�:�4 Type oFStudy: ❑Fish G1Be�tthas ❑ F3asin«ide C]Special Study{Descrii�e} ,;r;�� I ;,+�,r'r, —I'� �,li ����R i,atitur�e t Longit�ide � ?�''___Ecaregian: ❑MT �I P ❑Slatc f3clt ❑ 'I'riassic [3asin Water Quality: Temgerature �� °C �� � mg1l Conciucti�ity{car'r.} ~ }iSl�tn pH � Plzyszcal Cha��acte�•iantion: Visihle land usc refers ta immediate area itxat you can iee frum sampling ic�c.ttivn-include wh�f ynu cstiinafe drivir�g llrru tlie watcrs�ie�i iii watcrshed laiz�l use. Visii�le f.aiid[1se: ���� %Foresi °/oF�esidential %ll.ctiv�Pasltti'e °/�Acti�e Crops �%,Fallnw�'ields °/c�Cammercial �%industrial °�nCjI�1C1'-DL'SCYlI7L": Watersheci land use: I�IForest �A�CICLI�LI]I(;❑��['E7�117 ❑ IIXL]1T7r7]O�]Cl'aLl(3115 U]75LTL'aiTl Wir�tlz:(meters} Strean� .���... _ �� Chazutcl ��f tvp al't�anlc} •� ��'�• Strcam [3ept1}:(rit] Avg C�, � M�x ?f .-_ +'f ❑ V+�idtlz v�iriabic 0 ��a�bc ri�cr�25���wide ° F3nzik Yieigl�t�1z°nm dee�cst��art nF ri('fl� to tnp n['banl�-firsl{]at stirFa�c y�i�sta��d vcz);{m} �,� Baialc r'1ii�le: '�`'' {��{•� ° ar ❑ Nfl 4Ver�ic�i]is 9U", i�ori�t3sifal is 0°. Il�igles�90°inc�i�aLe slqp�is loi�ards n�ie�-�Is�zianel,��i]° iinr.liclCe slopc is��way from channel. NA if'l�unk is fo�1�cyw fUr I}tinl�ait�Fe to m�tLfcr,} ❑CJxznneli7cd 17itch � , ❑I�eeply ii�cisetl-stecp,siz•aiblit l�at�lcs OT3nt17 Uaziks{iiid4ccut at�enci ❑Lltan�zef fiiled in witii sedimer�C 0 [2ecenl o�erl�ank depasiis C]Bar ciev�lnpment ❑I3i�zier!slrtickures ❑Lxposed beclr�sck � CJ Lxccssi�ve p�riphytnn�rawch [� I3ea�+y liiainentous al�;ac grotvth OCreen ting� Cl Sewage s��iel� Manmacle Stahili'x,alion: y N ❑Y: ❑Ctip-rap,�eme�tt,�?ahis�ns ❑ Sedimea111gradc-coiilral sdruCLtiir� E�7]3�rn�11e:��� �'�aFv con�iiiuns: ❑Hib� ONormat �].Law 'i'urbidity; �C�iear 0 Sli�;hily Tur}�id ❑7'ur�id OTannic C�1Vliiky ❑Calar�d{frarn dyes} Go�[1 potential for'�Ve#lands Restnr3tion Projezt?? ❑ l'ES �7N0 llrtsiils �hamlel Tln�v Status []selul especially u�ider abnarm�il or low[�aw�o�aclitiar�s. � A. Water rea�hes base U£both lawer banlcs,miiiimai chanl�el subslrc3te expnsed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, R, Waler fi?]s�75°/o af a�ai�aUle channel,or�25°/0 of�hai�nel s�r6s�i�ate is exposed........................ d C.Water fills�5-75% of availahle channel,many lagslsnags exp�sed............................................. ❑ I3.Raat mais Qut of wateF•................................................................................................................... ❑ L. Very littic water in channel,mostly present as standing pools..................................................... 0 ' �s ( �' r Weathei•Conditions: ��5�� , �•InA , �� Yliotos: ❑N DY Ui�ita] ❑35mm � —r" �. Itemarl�s: % i �� •� � r -' ,{ - ��C;�t-f., �,,.. t �� � ,. � �.,...,`!��I 4J} i r, !••,y r i -- _ — �� f ��f ' I.Chan��el Madi�catian ....................................................�............. �� A: charmel natural,freq�ient bends...................................... � B. cllannel nahual,infrequent bends(channeliza#ion eoulci be ald}....................................................•- C. sa�ne channelization present.............................................................................................................. 3 I3.n�ore extensi�e�hanneliaa#ian,�40°/0 of stz�eam disrupce�l............................................................... 2 E.no 6ends,eompietely chaxmeli�ed or rip rapp�d�r gahianed,etc..................................................... 0 ❑ �viden�e af�redging ❑�.vidence of d�snagging=no large woody debris in stream ❑Banks of unifarm shapelheight Rcmarks Suiatotal �-� TI.In5#reRm 13�i�7itat: Cansi�er the percentagc 4f the react�that is fa�orable fox•benthos colnnization on��sh co�er. If 77a°/�of the reach is racks, I #ype is present,circIe the scare af i7.I]eiuution: leafpacks c�nsist of nlder lea�es t13at are packed ta�ether and have 6cgun ta decay(not piles af�ea�es in poal areas}. Mark as Rare, Comtx�on,ar Ahimr�ant. ��i �acks r �l�[acropa�ytes '� 5tielts�ixd 1eaFpacks " Snags and lo�s �Clndercut luanl4s or rQVt mats ,4M�llNT i]F RCACH I+AVQRAI3I�E TaR COI�QNI%A'1'T�N OR CDVER �70°/0 �0-70°/0 2b-4D% �2a°/n Scor� S�orc Score Scnre 4 or 5 typcs present................. 2� �1 G) 12 8 3 i}+pes present......................... l� 15 11 7 � lypes presen#......................... l$ 14 l0 6 l ty�e preseztt........................... 17 13 9 5 Nu types presenl....................... 0 ,., + 17 NU wnsx�y�ebetafinn in ri�3a�•ian zanc Remaxks ;','�!'� '!• j, ' Subtoial I�!) I[l. Iinitoui Suhstrat�(silt,s.ind,[]L'tl'ItkIS��I'�lVf'.I,eol�bie,l�nulrler) i�r�ok at ei2tire re�ch ['or subshate scc�cing,b�it only lnnk at riffle I'or em�e�ideclness,and use racks fz'o�m all par#s af rittle-look Por"nnud iine"c��•cliflieu3ly extrl�ting rocics. A.stibstr.rte with�[rsad nnix uk'�r�vcl, cohl�le:inr�I�ai�lders . Scare 1.cm�?�rtdciiiic:ss�2(}`%(v�zy tittle sand,tssiially c�ciIy Ueliint�lac�e b�rulciers}......................... 15 2.em�cddeciix�ss 20-4i�°/�.......................................................................................................... 12 3.cmhcdc��cii�ess 4f)-80%�.......................................................................................................... 8 4,ctnheddedncs5�$Q%............................................................................................................. 3 13,su}�stratc�;ravel.�iad cut�l�le ,_ l. �mhccic]edncss�Z�`%�............................................................................................................ !.id ) 2. cniUcdcleciness 2[]-40°l�...............................................�..............,..........,.,..............,...........,.. 11 3. embedcicdt�ess 40-8Li`%........................................................................................................ G �4. cmUe�ldect:tess�8[]%�............................................................................................................ 2 C.siibstratc mostly�ravc:l 1, emUedde�iness�5b%............................................................................................................ 8 2.ernY�eddedness�50%............................................................................................................ A (3.sitb5lratc hmm��enepus 1. s�iUstrate�aearly ai1 beriracic................................................................................................... 3 2, sti6st�•at�»early a�l sanrl........................................................................................................ 3 � 3, substrate neaz�ly a�l eietritus.................... ................................................................................ 2 4. suhstrace nearl alt siltl�la � � Y Y................................................................................................... � Remarlcs � _J_...._.__. Subtata4_.'� IV. i'aoI Variefy i'aoIs are areas of deeper tl�an a�erage maximum dept��s wi#h little vr iao suz�fac�tzu•bulence. Wacer�elocities assQCiated wii3i ponls are always slaw. 1'nnls rrfay iake the fann of"�acket water'",srnall poals be�xizzd baulders�rr a6stnzctions,in large hi�;lz bradient streams,or side eddies. A. Paals present Score 1, i�4p15�rec�uent(�30°/a af 26[]m area sur�cyed} ^, ��� a.variety oFpool sizes................................................................................... ........................ � 1(3 .... �a,pools ahoiit tlie same size(indicates par�ls filling in).....................•••.................................... �8 2.Paols Fnf`requent(�30°/�af Ch�20�m area survey�d} a. �ariety af paol sizes.............................................••-............................................................... 6 b.ponls about thc same size..........................................................................................•........... 4 13. Ynois absent........................... .....................................................................,............ Q _ ............................... Subtotal f t� ❑Poal l�att�m bvuide��-cobble=lzard� Svttom sandy-sink as yot�walk C7 Silt battain ❑5ome paols a�er wader de}�th Remaz�ks ! �i �age Tntal )� �d � ���i?+ . V.Ri��te Hahitats Defiuirion:�iffle is area of reaeration-can�ie�ebris dam, or narrow�lyannel area. Rifiles Trequent RiFfles Infrequenf Score S�are A. ��+ell defined riffie and i�in,riffle as wide as stream and exCends 23�width o£sfr�am,... 1 G 12 B,riffle as wide as sfream laut rifFie lengfh is na#2X strcam width ,...................................�:"1� 7 C,riffle not as wid�as stream and riffle len�th is not 2X siream width............................. 14 3 D. riffles abseiit..............................,...........................<...........,..................................,......... 4 { Channel S1Q�e:`pTypical for area ❑5teep=fast flow OLo�rlilce a eoastal strcazn S�ibtotal y�1 VI.Bank 5tability rind Vc�etatiun �'ACE UPSTREAM I.eft Bank Rt.Bank 5core 5�nrc A. lBanks stable 1. littic c�idence�fervsion or banJc#'azlure(exccpt autside o#'bends},IitEle potential Car erc�sion4_7� �:.7� S. ErvsiUn arcas present l. di��rse trecs,shrubs, grass; piants l�ealdry with gaod roat systems..................................... G 6 2, ie�u trees or srr�all trees anrl slirubs; �egetation appears�enerally heaithy........................... 5 5 3. sparse mixed�egetation; p�ant types and condiliar�s suggest poorer soil binr�ing................. 3 3 4. mostly gr�sses,few z!'any lrees anc3 shi�abs,high ero5�oix and 1'aiii�re;pc�#ential at higlr flnw.. 2 2 5. iitt�e or no bank ve�etation,mass crosion and bank failurG e�irieiit........................................... � � , Tata] y�-� l�cn�ur]cs VII.i1i�}xt Pcnctratian �ana}�y is c�cC�izcci as[rec or�egetative�ovcr c�irec[ly aUo�e the stream's surfa�e. Canopy w�uic�l�Zock aur stmlighL when the stin is dixeclly o�erl7eaci. Nale s}�ading frotn muunt:�ins, 6ui not iise la scare this mclii�:. ' rc 11.Strearn wilh�ut�� cannpy wit17 svme br�aks for li�ht penetrativs� ............................................. f 1[] . !3. Stream witk3 fuil car�oPy-l�reaks far li�;hY penctratiot�absezit..........................�......,..............,.... $ - C. �i�reani tiv'rth p�u�ii;al cancr��y-siuiiighl and sl�ading are�ssentially equal.................................... 7 I3. Stream with minina�l cnnc3py- full sun in alI buc a l�w areas....................................................... � r.No r.azxc�py an�i i�❑s�iadir��................................................................................... .. [] 1Zei��arks 5ubtotal i�j 'V11I. Itipsiriays VegeLatir��7�ne Wi�l!}i Ucfiniti��n;Ri�arian to�re F[�r t}iis forrn is areai t�Fi�atural�ebclstinn ad.jaccni la str�.ai�i(c��n�0 6cynisGl fli�odplairi). Delinitio��: A l�rcak in��ic rip�irian zvne is any�lace ars t}ze stre:aa�btsnks w3�ich allows seclimei7C ar pUllu�anls tv dircclfy�nter the siream,suci�;�s p�Chs dnw�i to strezm,str�rm drt3i=is,«pro�ted lrees, ❑tcer slides, otc. FAC�: UPSTfZk3AM l�fl.Bank Rt.13��nk Dominant�eg�t�3tiai�: Cl 7'rccs CI Shru�3s ❑Grasses C]Weedslolc��eld �]Lxc�li�s(kudru,etc� Score �curc <�.Ripariail��sne i�xtaei (no hrealcs} -� I. width 3 18 m�ters..................................................................................... � 5 } �5� ._. + 2. wi�ih 12-1$mcters........................................ ...,...... 4 4 ............... ... ............ 3. wi�Jtli�-12 zneters.........................................................................�..••••••... 3 3 �i.width�G meters...................................................................................... 2 2 S.Ril�arian zone not iiztact{Ure�ks) l.brealcs rare a.widih� I$met�rs......................................................................... G 4 b. width 12-�8 nie#ers....................................................................... 3 3 c. width 5-12 meters....................................................................... 2 � d.wi�ith�6 meters.......,................................................................. 1 1 �.brealts commc�n a. widdi� 18 mcters......................................................................... 3 3 k�.wid#h l2-I$meters...................................................................... 2 2 c.width G-1Z rrteters....................................................................... 1 � d.widch��i meters.......................................................................... Q 4 Remarks Tatal ��� Page Tatal ���] ❑ L��s�laimer-form filled aut,hut scvre doesn't inatch subjective o�inion-akypical stream. TC)TAI.,�CDRE °'-t'-a 41 � �Q r Supple�nent for Hxbifat Assessme�at Field Data Sheet Dia�am to determine bank angle: '� � :�; � � . � / � � �l� _ _ ��, _ .. r��_ _ .. 90° 45° 13 S° Typrcnl Stze�in Cross-scction � I:xtrcnm Hirli Waler y Y _ � � � yursxiol lllgh W;itcr �' � �- -� � —�____� �� �'irrn5al f+lmv ��,��,�"'�}�,;�` _���:.��:�—_ -- _ lJpprr Si:Enk — � 1„nncr IStuik S1rci}m lYlslth � '['liis sicie is 45` banlc an�le. Silc Sk�tch: Qther comments: ( , ;� I-i�`, ' '.,i�'��E�n;:'f'1'. . (j; �'(.;,? �� I I. :,r.l�;�.�- ���.- � -t 9� -i���'. �i�.. I � ;Cl �.�....'"_...� �I .. k I I ,, ' - :'� . r V '...d-.fa c� �I I�� ' . � ' !����i�`� • . i` � �' ' ` �'' ' C 'i1 '-F� � Strickland, Bev From: Kulz, Eric Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 8:48 AM To: Strickland, Bev Subject: FW: Cripple Creek Year 1 Monitoring (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments: CrippleCrk_2011Yr1.pdf To be scanned. Can you print and send a copy over here? Thanks, Eric Eric W. Kulz Environmental Senior Specialist N.C. Division of Water Quality Wetlands Program Development Unit 1650 MSC Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Phone: (919) 715-4631 Please note this is a new phone number Fax: (919) 733-6893 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Williams, Andrew E SAW fmailto:Andrew.E.Williams2Ca)usace.army.mil] Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 11:20 AM To: Homewood, Sue; fox.rebecca@epa.gov; Bryant, Shari L.; John Ellis@fws.gov; Kulz, Eric; Hill,Tammy; Cox, David R.; Tugwell,Todd SAW; Euliss, Amy Cc: Tara Allden Subject: FW: Cripple Creek Year 1 Monitoring (UNCLASSIFIED) Classificarion:LTNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE All: Attached is the 1 year monitoring report of the Cripple Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigarion Bank. I would like to conduct a site visit sometime between Monday,November 28 and Thursday December 1. Please let me know if you're availability for these dates. Thanks. Andrew Williams Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District,Raleigh Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest,North Carolina 27587 919-554-4884 ext. 26 The Wilmington District is commited to prov«image001.jpg»iding the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so,please complete the Customer Satisifaction Survey located at our website at http://per2.nwp.usace.army.miUsurvev.html to complete the survey online. 1 -----Original Message----- From: Tara Allden �mailto:tallden(a�xestorationsvstems.com] Sent Thursday, October 27,2011 11:58 AM To: Williams, Andrew E SAW Subject: Cripple Creek Year 1 Monitoring Andy, The Year 1 Monitoring Report for Cripple Creek is attached for your review. It appears as though all systems are go through the first year. The vegetation is thriving,wetland hydrology is present and the stream is stable,including through four baiikfiill events. What do you need in addirion to the electronic report file?Pd be glad to send along hard copies. As I recall,however,you have been distriburing electronic copies to the IRT. Also,would you like to have a field visit? I look forward to hearing from you. Hope all is well. Regards, Tara Description:RS Logo Landscape Tara Disy Allden•Restorarion Systems,LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh,NC 27604 (919)334-9119 •tallden(a�xestorationsvstems.com<mailto:tallden(a�xestorationsvstems.com> www.restorationsvstems.com<http://www.restorationsvstems.com> Classificarion:LTNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE 2