HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081473 Ver 3_DWQ Response_20110919Strickland, Bev From: Merritt, Katie Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 1:17 PM To: Strickland, Bev Subject: 2008-1473v3 Attachments: DOO091911.pdf Bev, Will you please place this file into laserfische for 2008-1473v3 in the Credit Ledger folder? I would really appreciate it! Please name this file, "DWQ response letter" Thank you MUCH! Katie Katie Merritt Environmental Compliance Specialist & Nutrient Offset Coordinator Wetlands & Stormwater Branch Division of Water Quality Work: 919-807-6371 Website: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/swp/ws/webscape A Please consider the environment before printing this email. 1 e1,t._n:l?lcr 19, 2011 Mr Thorn&? Ri.,':cr Mi. Norfon Wcb,'?ri FBX Nctis C. T I.C c4) F?w, ironui.'atal 11"Aiic S- 1;.chan`c T T C F:n\ r;?ntrcl 1<rl 1;, rl t4 1-? h to r. 9C`% E'?i ,O)ility Dn\ yllitc: 31010 1C)O' .` beet Run 13?(r,c r.1. (rttr lvt NC 27W6 0_,,y i i N,,; i 11 NID 2 11 8_ Re: E13VN rl1 c l ilxlni ii) 13.11 "Cr U mbrella N! t,,>rltion l3ainl: C'r,dIt 1 cd fer RI `-, PC?N"SE `V cSt11roo1: {.'.()t1°-1473 v3) & 1?ucioIoli k;i 010-0405) Tolu:ston Coutlty Dear. Mr. Rinker: DWQ recciIved a response to our lettc°r elated August 26,2011. ' I iulnk on for N-r it detailed response and your .,nojlcr loon is c??rc rrl :l ;1l)?rcc fated, D WQ tr r.; the (,11;1\x, n. cctmm?.li5: lfthc LJ m crcdl(s Mto the 17inii. O'Crc s'1C;ukl I)c .,. -credit" ;ll tlla( account C) w11 , arC1C}U[i1 Chit 1S do 1?ii?Iicd. [1 tl?c 1?i;,r1i1< =A1 L11, 1\-0M, c:'e(1lt5 lrorli tlmc Kink. thcrc shoclld i)c a "Cie:b1( iii Ihataccouiit fr`ril)k i111wuntthat ]S 1111s procc:,s is t1lC ?1h2f' Mictlict'you arc selling credits to <i 11hird 1)art\ or whether you <11c: tr ri.,i,_rrin . Credi s. I hc° tnblcs helow s1:o? c orr,,ctions to be nmd1c ii, the 1cdL rs provided in your respcnsc°. 1t Ain`tllcso changes will eliminate tc t:C ?(I\ c: hlflam:,cti shown on the B..iff r Crectit TTCl?1ti(,??(l.)llti that include a trhilS,C`Y iii mitricnt rti duction credits back to bt.lllcr CIV`dill> )'OUld Imc SholO=1 in thebufl'ci crcJit 1'011o\\ to your Westbrook credit if d"cr. 1 to (3?u,k 9. Z, ?_ R'rc:ctit; IM);t.ci From I3tlnk { r ?tiit Balance 1 c11, ? !? 127,(}02 I tnnSlt c l nr[ !'I o (fir ti EBX Neuse 1, 1.t.(' Page ' o;':', September 19, 201 t Buficr Cr CI?l I i' i 1s1IC 11! tls tiiA ii clurl' a tin nsi? r ol'nulriclit rcclticfloii cr,'clit?, back to buffer Crt'Cl'ts wllotil(1 t7 .: ti:'?(7b\ n M the corrc.;tinomlm'o imtrient red'aictlt i i rc-,1,t ii.`; follows (refer to t'(li " VV ,;stbrooiy ti v(i ICTiol11139): NvtrlcPt t?cduction Credit l .ccli,ur ? CI .? td mt, tl it ? k. e,it i Credited CC ctl? is Debited From ? ? viii H3 ancc? ? Nu:; baser to 5(iJ.i U 3,983.103 ' ,tw)fcr [)uekto bui fcr 1'!c !? 1il<1IC the sctriic ehm-c-? 16r 1 rtms?iction 97 on the Wc.,,Il?i'< uk' bull' i :.ILliiI Jt'(1 ;cr ci11C1 !or Tr?tjr _wtio n 1448 on (I") \ti?esthcook riUtr cnt rc,luci*or credit le(- • The Creclit B_;I«nce I o1.ll oii the iWc?:i?r!)oh'ti't.rtricnt t?cAictio:i C:ivditl.efl<,?irshould not read 0.105 ?,mv,s. hm s?lOl!ld ic'ad"O.01" twres. • On thcsc t)tiFfer c'ivd t Icuk,ers and oi? all ;'acre ht.ilicr credit I?tf`?Ci's_ pl,-sc iiotc tl"tt,t cl-cdIts tin: in the CM,111 orscltrire lcct 1u 1 as YOU nc)tc fll:a credi(s are in Ic)rm i7('"notinilh on \'oU1' • H cLi ;c acl:i al, ?e r >, ; : h i m n to the Credit Balance co h mi on the Westbrook and Rudolf buffer lccl ?,cl'S aHk] ;lip I'u(tirc rlullc°r IiiA.-'ers. • rlcti;c acid the 8-tli?it I !I '(' for the bank parcel at the top of your led' gcr sorne?-, litre. • p1c t c acid the 8-c.i',11 11():(' that c'oiTc.s 9onds to em-,fi Project. I he X-,4-71i HT IC is mentioned in 3 our afticla\ it of crvrit Talc lc;ttrr : l>o\vever, plc-i,?c 1,tko acrd tl ? 1n ormatic)ii to all future credit ledgers as 1 Nell. • Please submit a credit si c .i f I i cl i \ it for the sale: shown on Transaction #5.? o I t h c i? .)cis if nutrient reduction credit ledger for CIR III WF for City o 1 I Dt irham. • Please c:oiitinue to include tl)c €i .A 11<;rcel's DWQ r.rc;jcct atimber on, ll future ?iflidavits of credit salts. Some affidavits that \vcre submitted oni\ include the L `mbrclia Mitiloation Ilanlc project number. Plc ! c resitbirlit tliesc witb,t})c cor-- ctions daiiled above, along with any other information that is c I:,. tcc?: P1c.i-,Q coo not he itatC Lu call Katic Merritt if you have any ctticstlons or concerns about the c(,,ioinc=lts abo\ c at (919) 807-C??71. Tha_ k ) ou again for your coopeiauimi and continued efforts to bt; i i f, mitigation opportunities to North Carolina, Sincerely, Wetlanclti, I iii;°r;. (?ictriii rater Complian,, u & l'c1initi iiig Unit Cc: DWQ Nutrient Offset( om iiimlor- Katie Mci -itt