HomeMy WebLinkAbout19961054 Ver 2_More Info Received_20110712Maher, Niki From: Mark Fonseca [Mark.Fonseca@noaa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 2:44 PM To: Maher, Niki Subject: Responding to your SAV request Attachments: 2011 FINAL REPRINT fonseca_Addy revisited.pdf; Integrating biology and economics in seagrass restoration 2000.pdf; Rest Hndbk_Chp7_reduced.pdf; Mark_Fonseca.vcf Nice talking with you, Niki. Hope you don't bake too much up there in Raleigh. It is 72oF here today, light breeze, drinks being served on the patio, etc etc. Anyway - first document is the review paper i mentioned; just got pdf today (2011 Final Reprint..pdf....). focus on the abstract - you'll get the point about what constitutes 'success' and the rather warped way it is measured. the 2nd document, Rest Hndbk_Chp7.pdf with the informative title of "Seagrasses" has the detailed breakout of costs you were looking for on pg 167 (note USD 1996, values). Fonseca, M.S., Kenworthy, W.J. Julius, B.J. Fluke, S., Shutler, S. 2002 Seagrasses, p 149-170 In A.J. Davy and M. Perrow (eds.) Handbook of Ecological Restoration. Vol 2. Chp 7. Cambridge Univ. Press. third document - see this web link for the national guidelines document: http://www.col2.noaa.gov/pubs/das/das l 2.pdf • Fonseca, M.S., W.J. Kenworthy, GV.!tfidyer 1998 Guidelines for mitigation and restoration of seagrass in the United States and adjacent waters. NOAA COP/Decision Analysis Series. 222p We have lots of papers on this subject - but these are good entry points - we also have extensive experience with preparing this kind of information for assisting NOAA General Counsel and the Department of Justice in claims cases; depositions, expert reports, federal court trial material, etc. if you find yourself going down that road. Note that our valuation method is called HEA; or habitat equivalency analysis. The short on this is that no one is going to successfully argue that seagrass meadows are not valuable - bad decision because they would be overwhelmed with admissible information that would make them look very, very stupid. So - given that point is universally conceded, we develop costs based on tlaq ?W to restore the injury (balance lost services with restored services, discounted over time, etc.). 4th optional document with more on how discounting, etc., works: Integrating biology and economics..pdf. Fonseca, M.S., B.E. Julius, W.J. Kenworthy. 2000. Integrating biology and economics in seagrass restoration: how much is enough and why? Ecol. Engineer. 15:227-237 Anyway, let me know if you have any questip.,; ?,azn confident I have cured any insomnia issues you may have. Best Mark NOAA's Beaufort Laboratory Mark S. Fonseca, Ph.D., Chief Applied Ecology and Restoration Research Branch Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, NOS, NOAA 101 Pivers Island Road Beaufort, North Carolina 28516-9722 USA (252) 728 8729 voice (252) 838 0809 fax (252) 241 1564 cell Website: http://www.ccfhr.noaa.gov/ ----------------------------------------- ><> 2 Addy Revisited: What Has Changed with Seagrass Restoration in 64 Years? Mark S. Fonseca ABSTRACT A brief appraisal of the present state of seagrass restpration jn the context of the 64-year-old seminal publication by C.E. Addy reveals that early observations were prescient;and have remained the basis for our collective attempts to conduct open system seagrass restoration. Our ability to:ensure I restoration success remains limited. A flawed philosophical frame- work for choosing restoration, frequently exacerbated by management inexperience and failure to apply known standards for site selection, continues to plague the process. Moreover, seagrass restoration has become an on-demand attempt to overcome hysteresis and shift a habitat from one stable state (unvegetated) to what is arguably a more complex stable state (vegetated) by artificial colonization methods. These methods are frequently overwhelmed by natural processes that ordinarily rely on orders of magnitude more propagules and years of recruitment classes. As a result, the expectations for successful seagrass restoration, like most wild community restoration projects, are often unrealistic and improperly held to an even higher standard than agricultural crops. Limited attention to project monitoring, lack of practical recovery metrics, and, in some cases, limited scientific knowledge of seagrass (e.g., population ecology, genomics, and landscape dynamics) limit our capability to generate quantitative guidance and realistic expectations. Improving the probability of successful restoration depends not so much on overcoming technical transplanting issues, but on avoiding injudicious reliance on restoration to solve higher-level resource mana jement issues. Overall, conservation of seagrass remains a more reasonable alternative than restoration, and Addy is revealed as a keen observer of the field. Keywords: history, methods, restoration success, seagrass I -N Jespite a number of reviews regarding seagrass restoration (Phillips 1960, Fonseca 1992, 1994, Fonseca et al. 1998, Calumpong and Fonseca 2001, Short et al. 2002a, Pickerell et al. 2005, 2006, Orth et al. 2009, Paling et al. 2009), there are few new, unreported dimensions of the practice that carry an expectation of improved outcomes in the years since Addy's (1947a) seminal paper on the subject. However, it may be just as interesting to note what has and has not changed during this time, and why, rather than reiterating the pitfalls of habitat restoration (sensu Race and Christie 1982, Race and Fonseca 1996). In 1947, C.E. Addy, a biolo- gist with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, published a two-page paper in the Maryland Conservationist (a quarterly) titled "Eel grass planting guide." Addy's paper (1947a) was prompted by attempts to facilitate the recovery of eelgrass (Zostera marina) after the pr6clpitous decline of the 1930s- `(Cotten 194, Renn 1934, Addy ,pcf l ylwarc?` 1944), ascribed to a slime mold infection (Short et al. 1987, 1988). Addy's short paper had a number of interesting comments regarding early efforts to transplant eelgrass using both vegetative shoots and seeds: Theridea` of..ttansplanting eelgrass is noCmew and has;. been tried many times under the auspices of the old Biological Survey and in more recent years by the Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice. Attempts were even made by the service to transplant seeds and runners of the West Coast variety. In all numerous attempts were made to re-establish eelgrass in local areas from Massachusetts to North Caro- lina by the Government, private agencies and clubs. No notable achievements were made in these plantings and many of them failed completely. (p. 17) Ecological Restoration Vol. 29, Nos. 1-2, 2011 ISSN 1522-4740 E-ISSN 1543-4079 ©2011 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Unfortunately, detailed information on these projects appears to be lost in obscurity (but see limited reference in Addy and Johnson 1948 and Cottam and Munroe 1954). Addy (1947a) and Addy and Aylward (1944), however, recounted how the natural recovery process was apparently occurring quite vigorously by 1943 in many areas that had been denuded during the 1930s. From Addy's descriptions, it appeared that there were persistent (or perhaps isolated) strains, apparently unafHicted pockets of eelgrass that were supplying seed to create small, isolated patches March/June 2011 ECOLOGICAL RES7'ORATION 29:1-2 4 73 j< ? ? l ii : 9 so Other da;urrtents Prier-rnv~d dnc.umnnis r?\Q•. h? ?` ?i .. , ? 25 __ III 1,1Z 7 ( \ ' \0 W D 20 M 5 s i j I 195h 14G t9(S 'R?U 1615 19&} '9115 t99U "911 11%#I 2G75-• JG'(? YEAR N4IDPOINT Figure 1. Historical trend in seagrass restoration literature for peer-reviewed (white) and all other (gray) documents. Records from before about 1998 (dotted line) are based on the literature reviewed by Fonseca and others (1998) that included project reports and obscure printing venues; more recent records are from a Web of Science search of peer-reviewed literrature using the term "seagrass restoration." (pers. obs.; the late Mel Durfee, a fisherman then living on Nanaqua- ket Pond in Rhode Island showed me eelgrass patches in the late 1970s that he claimed had persisted through the blight of the 1930s, providing anec- dotal evidence that some relicts of the former distribution did indeed remain to form founder groups). Addy's obser- vations of these dynamics apparently led him to a series of experiments and recommendations of how to accelerate the eelgrass recovery. Admittedly, attention to seagrass restoration has not been consistent in the intervening decades (Figure 1). Interest lapsed from the 1940s until the late 1970s and then enjoyed a sustained research and application posture only since the late 1980s (see reviews by Fonseca et al. 1998; Paling et al. 2009, van Katwijk et al. 2009). Here, I review which aspects of sea- grass restoration were evident early on and how those rather prescient observations have been rediscovered and amplified in recent times. Addy: Then and Now Transplanting Stock Addy recommended limiting harvest of vegetative stock to extensive beds (one acre or more. [? 4,000 m2]) a practice continued today so as to reduce impacts to isolated populations (but see Fonseca 1994, where, for efficiency purposes, removal of entire small patches in high-energy areas was recommended). Addy also speculated that sods may be kept longer than a day, if kept cool and moist-another practice unchanged today. In addition, he advised harvesting as close to the planting site as possible (thus allowing type-matching). The last recommendation is not consistent with Williams atad•'Orth (1998), who assert that maintenance of the natural population's genetic structure could be better attained with harvest from larger spatial areas. Con- versely, it has been argued that use of local plants could be beneficial owing 74 4 March/June 2011 ECOLOGICAL RESTORAT ION 29:1-2 to the selection of locally adapted gene complexes (Hammerli and Reusch 2002). Incorporating genetic diversity considerations in seagrass restoration remains difficult on a practical basis, not only due to costs, available exper- tise, and rapid evolving technology, but also due to our lack of understand- ing of the role of genetics in seagrass bed maintenance and resiliency (e.g., van Dijk et al. 2009). However, the original intent of Addy to select simi- lar "types" or locally adapted plants still is supported by current under- standing of plant genetics (Williams and Orth 1998, Hughes and Stacho- wicz 2004, Ruesch 2006, Procaccini et al. 2007, Hughes et al. 2009). There- fore, while Addy's guidance was based almost exclusively on logistics, those protocols seems to mostly fit well, if serendipitously, with current thinking on seagrass population ecology and genomics. Areas to Be Planted Addy suggested choosing locations that would be useful to waterfowl, but given the potential devastating effect of waterfowl on eelgrass plantings (pers. obs. and review by Valentine and Duffy 2006) it is likely that such a practice would be counterproduc- tive to successful restoration. How- ever, Addy's recommendations about bottom type ("similar to that from which transplants were taken" and "of mud containing a moderate amount of sand" p. 16) are still core elements of site selection (Phillips 1960, Fon- seca et al. 1998, Short et al. 2002a); unfortunately, these recommenda- tions are used in only -9% of studies (Fonseca et al. 1998, 38). Addy's suggestions about elevation are also mirrored in current guidance to choose depths similar to those observed in nearby, healthy beds (Fon- seca et al. 1998, Short et al. 2002a). Nonetheless quantitative determi- nation of the appropriate elevation (or depth) for planting remains an elusive goal. It is likely that this will quickly change as global positioning systems (GPS)-based techniques for obtaining high-resolution vertical measures become more affordable and less complicated and are combined with precise tidal and vertical datum. Presently, site selection errors con- stitute the single greatest challenge in the restoration process, despite Addy's intuitive guidance (Fonseca, pers. obs.). Many of these errors could be avoided if the plant's growth strategy were considered. Some species spread faster than others and can be augmented by simple facilitation techniques; thus, uncomplicated calculations of planting density and recovery projections can and should be made. When site selec- tion has been effectively evaluated and implemented, better success has been achieved (Paling et al. 2009). This was not a pressing issue for Addy, as eelgrass is a seagrass species possessing many attributes that make it amenable to transplantation: it has vigorous sexual and asexual reproduction, possesses only apical shoots, responds well to changes in sediment elevation, inhab- its various habitat types from silt to cobble sediments, and so on (Fonseca et al. 1998). Few generic site evaluation tools have been developed in the interven- ing decades. Short and others' (2002a) Preliminary Transplant Suitability Index (PTSI) and Transplant Suitabil- ity Index (TSI) are among the first for systematic site evaluation since Phil- lips's work in the early 1980s. Even those indices, however, do not repre- sent a dramatic departure from Addy's guiding principles. The development of similar indices for the subtropi- cal species is another prime area for research. Since Addy's time, issues surround- ing seagrass restoration have expanded to include a variety of other consider- ations, including the need to quantify restoration in ways that meet emerg- ing policies guiding restoration, such as comparative (among restored and injured sites) function and extent. For seagrass in general, adherence to some simple metrics for site selection can be utilized (sensu Fonseca et al. 1998). Sites should have the following: • Dgp'th that is similar to nearby nat- ural beds • Anthropogenic (as opposed to natu- ral) disturbance • Sufficient acreage to achieve goals • Similar characteristics as other suc- cessfully restored sites • Similar quality habitat as that which was lost Sites should not be the following: • Subject to chronic storm disturbance (discussed below) • Undergoing rapid and extensive nat- ural recolonization • Among patches of existing seagrass Equipment Little has changed with regard to the kind of equipment needed to trans- plantseagrasses:iSmall.boats, manually operated extraction. tools (i.e., shov- els),- and wetted burlap (for moist- ening and cooling of plants out of the water) are all still commonly used today (but see mechanization, under Methods, below). Time of Planting Addy's' 'reeoir rhendation of spring plaritlAgs off vegetative sprigs of eel- grass also remains applicable (Fonseca et al. 1998). Even casual observers of eelgrass reproductive ecology would be able to deduce this timing. However, exceptions to planting times are often made to avoid periods of disturbance, such as heat or cold stress, biotur- bation (biologically mediated distur- bance), or storm seasons. For example, eelgrass planting south of Chesapeake Bay should,4,.,performed in the fall, not spring ?(Fp`hseca,, et al, 1998) in orderso acl ieve,the,maximum growth before,the annual stress period, which is summer in this region. Another exception is made in Chesapeake Bay for seed planting methods, where seeds are typically spread in the fall of the year. Orth and others (1994, 2009) found that for this Mid-Atlantic area theyres,F,nee of seeds prior to the sprlrlgiperminarjon period was impor- tant for success. Planting times for other regions and species may also vary from Addy's norm (Fonseca et al. 1998). Methods Use of shovel-size sods (planting with sediment attached) remains a mainstay of vegetative transplant techniques. Nearly 30% of the eelgrass transplant projects reported as of 1995 used an attached sediment method (Fonseca et al. 1998, 37). Nonetheless, adop- tion of sediment-free methods (plants only) that dispense with the burden of moving large masses of sand and mud have been widely used with good results (Fonseca et al. 1998). The most recent, significant progress with this approach has been the use of plant- ing frames. With this method, shoots are attached to heavy metal frames and dropped overboard (Short et al. 2002b). Both eelgrass and shoalgrass (Halodule wrightii) have been used in this approach, and the plants soon become rooted and independent of the frames, allowing recovery and reuse of the frames. The advent of mechanized techniques (Fonseca et al. 1998, Paling et al. 2001, Traber et al. 2003, Fishman et al. 2004, Bell et al. 2008, Orth et al. 2009, Uhrin et al. 2009) is the first major shift in technology for vegetative plantings since transplanting began. However, mechanized techniques remain in the development stage for most areas (Uhrin et al. 2009). Addy recommended harvesting and sowing eelgrass seed in the fall and spring, respectively; however, the effectiveness of this technique "has not been fully determined" (Addy 1947a, 16). Addy's quiet enthusiasm for this technique was reinforced by observations that "natural reproduc- tion from seed is taking place rap- idly and on a large scale," as well as by Addy's other work from that time (Addy 1947b). Nonetheless, he rec- ommended use of both sexual and asexual propagules. These sections by Addy (1947a) provide information about sowing seeds that was largely ignored for decades. In the late 1990s, March/June 2011 ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION 29:1-2 tO 75 Granger and others (2002) and Orth and others (2000) began experiment- ing with the technique (also see Tho- rhaug 1974, Churchill et al. 1978). Addy's sequence of harvesting flow- ering shoots and storing them until seeds are released, followed by over- winter storage of the seed, is funda- mentally the same approach that Orth and others (2003, 2009), Granger and others (2002), and Pickerell and others (2005) have used effectively. In summary, Addy's (1947a) paper dealt primarily with a half-dozen issues that are still considered today: transplanting stock, site selection, equipment, planting method, propa- gation, and planting by seed. Addy implied that in general, substantial experimentation in eelgrass restoration had been underway by 1947. Unfor- tunately, the detailed transplanting methodology used by Addy was not followed by substantive information on the success of the technique. The absence of monitoring data raises the possibility that the protocols Addy so clearly reported were in part theorized, rather than derived from field applica- tion and observations. If so, this would constitute a comingling of observation and practice, leading to speculation that Addy was drawing logical, yet untested, conclusions. Clarification of this point may be lost to history. Restoration Success- Unrealistic Expectations? Addy's work was generally optimis- tic, but new challenges have emerged. New resource management practitio- ners who have only recently entered into their positions often have unre- alistic expectations of seagrass restora- tion outcomes. They often lack direct project experience, and some have not received appropriate training. As a result, their philosophical framework for utilizing habitat restoration is often deficient, and their expectations for success are far higher than are justified by data. For example, Fonseca and others (1998) conducted a survey of most of the extant projects at the time and found that successful establish- ment of seagrass cover occurred in <50% of the projects-a classic "glass half-full, glass half empty" scenario for characterizing success. Given;these data, it is unrealistic to expect'letter results from any gi'ven' seagrass-?'esto- ration project, and Aadys'cla m that eelgrass transplanting was an effective accelerant of the recovery process must be viewed in this context. From a natural recovery stand- point, successful recruitment and maintenance of seagrass 40% of the time would be a highly significant event. In contrast, 40% is considered a low success rate when attempting to offset human impacts via restora- tion projects. Another, perhaps more useful perspective iiiiy bo gained by comparing seagrass re'stoi tion results with marketplace speculation on crop futures. Despite our collective millen- nia of terrestrial agricultural practice on landscapes where we can exert con- trol over a wide variety of ecological factors, it is still a profitable exercise to speculate on crop success iii any given year. Given our' limited knowl- edge of seagrasses (s' c'om'pared to crops) and the lack ofco'ntrols that we can exert on wild, open systems like seagrass restoration sites, we should not be surprised at moderate success (defined as persistent target acreage) rates for seagrass planting. From this perspective, 50% begins to look like the glass is half full, not half empty. However, early controversial results of large-scale restoration attempts (e.g., Stein 1984) contributed not only to lowering the statistical mean success rate but also discouraging regulatory personnel from attempting seagrass restoration (Fonseca, pers. obs.). All of this begs the question whether cur- rent permit requirements (which are often highly variable among projects worldwide; Fonseca, pers. obs.) con- stitute an appropriate performance level. Although beyond the scope of this limited review, there are indica- tions that seagrass restoration suc- cess is on the rise (sensu Paling et al. 2009). 76 4 March/June 2011 ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION 29:1-2 New Issues-Or Old Issues Redefined Community-Based Restoration The recent trend (within the last decade in particular) of mobilizing local communities to conduct seagrass restoration deserves some attention. Although community-based efforts can be successful for marshes (Curtin et al. 2008) and land-based portions of seagrass planting operations (Short et al. 2002a), there are both positive and negative aspects of community-based restoration (CBR). On the positive side, CBR educates young people to become environmental stewards with a conservation-minded lifestyle. It raises public awareness of the importance of seagrasses, which creates the potential to change zoning to protect seagrasses and limit development projects that adversely impact seagrasses. On the negative side, CBR gen- erally lacks project monitoring, thus giving a false sense of success. On the other hand, perceived or actual limited success could create the impression that restoration is a lost cause. Finally, there is little evidence that it has actu- ally reduced any negative impacts on seagrasses. Absence of critical proj- ect evaluation may indicate more outcome-based actions are needed. Disturbance, New Stable States, and Hysteresis One of the key issues for present-day seagrass restoration not mentioned by Addy is disturbance. Disturbance of planted seagrass beds particularly by animals is emerging as a key factor in limiting the success of seagrass resto- ration projects as well as the natural spread of seagrasses into historical dis- tributions. The role of bioturbation in limiting natural seagrass recruitment to these sites as well as establishment of planting under restoration is well documented (Orth 1975, Suchanek 1983, Harrison 1987, Merkel 1988, Valentine and Heck 1991, Fonseca et al. 1994, Philippart 1994, Valentine et al. 1994, Townsend and Fonseca J Figure 2. Low tide at Crown Beach, Alameda, California, in 2004. The intertidal portion of this site is heavily colonized starting in the late spring (March, left) by what appears to be a genetically distinct, annual form of eelgrass (Zostera marina, sensu Talbot et al. 2004). Note the excavations that indicate frequent disturbance of the site by rays that feed on the site at high tide. The frame standing upright (at left) with the survey team is 1 m2. In August (right), the eelgrass seedlings have extensively colonized and grown to about 15 cm diameter patches since the cessation of ray disturbance. Photos by C. Addison 1998). Bioturbation sometimes com- pletely eliminates plantings in very short periods of time (hours to days): • Callianassid shrimp (Callianassa spp.): west Florida shelf (Fonseca et al. 2008) • Crabs: New Hampshire (Davis et al. 1998), New York (seed predation) (Wigand and Churchill 1988) • European green crab (Carcinus maenas): Rhode Island (pers, obs.) • Ducks: North Carolina (pers. obs.) • Fish herbivory: Florida Keys (pers. obs.), Setubal, Portugal (pers. obs.) • Lugworms: Canada (Harrison 1987), Great Britain (Philippart 1994) • Rays: Florida (pers. obs.), North Car- olina (Townsend and Fonseca 1998), San Francisco Bay (pers. obs.), Tampa Bay (Fonseca et al. 1994), Virginia (Orth 1975) • Sting rays: San Diego Bay (Merkel 1988) • Urchins: Florida (Camp et al. 1973, Valentine and Heck 1991, Valentine et al. 1994) Dudgeon 2004). If an unvegetated state is stable, especially in the pres- ence of bioturbation, a prolonged effort to introduce and maintain seagrass may be required in order to overcome system hysteresis and shift the system back to a sustainable, stable state of seagrass habitat. Such an effort may be beyond the scope of many res- toration projects. The hysteresis of the unvegetated,, dition or, state is, ;4 course;i t]lm' itedkw,, sites influenced by bio,ttrbat ' Even without biotur- bation many other factors (e.g., storm waves that cause sediment movement and resuspension) will, in the absence of the seagrass bed, give rise to light- limiting conditions and physical insta- bility; these factors can make the sea- grass recolonization process difficult and pffild'h`g fl e°unvegetated state. In essence, seagrass restoration is a calculated attempt, to shift a habitat from one stable state (unvegetated) to what is arguably a more complex, higher-energy stable state (vegetated). The artificial colonization methods that are used to achieve the vegetated state are dwarfed by natural processes that typically rely on orders of mag- nitude more propagules and years of recruitment classes in order to be "successful." This makes restoration of these open, uncontrolled systems especially challenging. Disturbance might even influence the selection of local genetic strains of seagrass. At one site in San Francisco Bay, a broad intertidal flat is success- fully colonized only by a genetically distinct annual form of eelgrass, even though biennial forms exist only meters away, below a 50 cm shelf (Talbot et al. 2004). The elevation and tidal regime of this site is well within the vertical range of other biennial beds around the Bay (Fonseca et al., unpubl. data). It is possible that seasonally extreme physical disturbance by stingrays dic- tates that only an annual life history strategy can survive on this site, as eel- grass seeds do not germinate until early spring, after the peak ray disturbance period (Figure 2). Thus, bioturbation on this flat may be creating a situa- tion where only the annual life history strategy can withstand the periodic disturbance. Concerns not addressed (or per- haps not present) in Addy's time are now emerging regarding the influ- ence of bioturbation, both on natural It seems that bioturbation is a key concern in restoration efforts because it can create and sustain a new, unveg- etated, stable state (sensu Petraitis and M re / tine 2011 ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION 29:1-2 4 77 seagrasses and restored seagrass beds, as animal populations adjust to human pressures. It is possible that bioturba- tion has significantly increased since 1947. Are the numbers of bioturba- tors such as stingrays on the rise due to overfishing of key predators (Myers et al. 2007), or is there a prolifera- tion of herbivores, especially in marine protected areas (Ferrari et al. 2008)? If so, then restoration practitioners may need to include temporary bio- turbation exclusion devices more often (sensu Fonseca et al. 1994). However, most of these devices are labor inten- sive to construct, place, and main- tain, and they may pose problems for regulatory agencies (for example, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) who oversee the permit process for place- ment of structures; this is particularly true when an agency is trying to avoid conflict with people using mobile fish- ing gear and simultaneously prevent harm to wildlife. A significant amount of work is needed to develop cost- effective means for inhibiting grazing on seagrass transplants and physical disruption in general. Introduction of nonindigenous spe- cies may also pose a new challenge to recolonization of historically vegetated areas. One example is the presence of the European green crab in the north- western Atlantic and northeastern Pacific (Davis et al. 1998). Vessel Groundings Unlike Addy's time when the number of motor vessels was comparatively few, escalating numbers of boats oper- ating in the coastal zone have led to a rapid increase in boating-related inju- ries to seagrass beds (South Florida Natural Resources Center 2008), as well as programs to mitigate these impacts (Kirsch et al. 2005). This has become a significant regional manage- ment dilemma, particularly in areas with slow-recovering species such as turtlegrass (7balassia testudinum). Because injuries to slow-spreading sea- grass like turtlegrass persist for many years, cumulative impacts are elevated and become especially evident when new injuries occur in relatively short time spans. With short injury return intervals, even seagrasses such as eel- grass, which has comparatively high recovery rates, can be overwhelmed by vessel injuries (Ortl e't!'4l.16k). Final Observations and Comments In revisiting Addy's paper I was struck by the confluence of those observa- tions and today's practices. Another way of saying this. is that, while many improvements have been 'made iri sea- grass restoration?rechiiol'ogy, in many instances they remain grounded on observations made over six decades ago. This is not unlike the conclu- sions we reached on wetland resto- ration in general, also on a decadal review schedule (Race and Fonseca 1996, commenting particularly on Race and Christie 1982). Perhaps the most problematic and challenging issue with seagrass resto- ration is the lack d'f adequate prepara- tion and subject knoMedge 'Byj `ttrany involved in the devef6p''neni"o' f res- toration projects. Too often, little or no attention is given to review of the available literature before and during project planning. This may be exacer- bated by the participation of personnel who are unfamiliar with seagrasses or their restoration. In addition, many important findings are not published at all, or information is not ptoJided in easily accessible forrnarsAt is extremely important that more results be pub- lished in journals, so that they are critically reviewed and evaluated by peers and more broadly disseminated to other practitioners. The combina- tion of lack of adequate knowledge on the part of some involved in restoration project planning and implementation, along with inaccessibility of documents that are often rich in practical infor- mation, has produced.a tremo dous amount of low-quality.- restoration projects and some redundant work (Fonseca et al. 1998). My personal observation is that the significant issues of seagrass 78 4 March/June 2011 ECOLOGICAL RESTORA710N 29:1-2 S' restoration are often not involved with installing plants; there are many viable techniques (see review: Fon- seca et al. 1998). Rather, the selec- tion of methods and protocols is often a market-based issue where various constraints (i.e., regulatory author- ity, bidding competition, local skills, environmental setting, availability of seagrass species and funds) often inter- act and perhaps compete to produce a restoration plan that is a compromise and often unrealistic at best. Perhaps the most recurring failure in seagrass restoration plans is the site selection process, where project plans call for off site planting locations that fail on multiple points (see above list under "Areas to be planted"). Thus, to the uninitiated, this process frequently produces the impression that seagrass restoration is "experimental." Certainly, the high cost of a well- planned and appropriately moni- tored project could give the appear- ance of a research project, but risk (50% of seagrass restoration projects met their goals; Fonseca et al. 1998) should not be confused with experi- mentation. While experimentation is always welcomed to improve success and reduce costs, that does not mean that all seagrass restoration is experi- mental. That is, seagrass restoration is a proven positive alternative to no action at all. Experimentation with adjustments to methodology is typi- cal for any agricultural practice; and, given the comparative lack of site con- trol in open system restoration (as is the case with seagrass), adaptation to local conditions and logistics is logical. The distinction is that experimental manipulation is unnecessary for effec- tive seagrass restoration, because there are proven, standard methods (e.g., Montin and Dennis 2003). Rather, as stated earlier, the expectations for sea- grass restoration are grossly unrealistic, because it is frequently being held to much higher standards compared to agricultural crops. This leaves us with the well-known adage that it is far less expensive to conserve a seagrass bed than it is to try to restore it. In summary, there are several issues that need focused consideration: • Validation. Useful (informative) mon- itoring data must be obtained for making midcourse corrections (i.e., adaptive project management). • Site selection. Existing published guid- ance must be used to avoid choosing poor sites. (Fonseca et al. 1998, Short et al. 2002a; see site criteria under "Areas to be planted," above), • Technologies. Appropriate, cost-effec- tive restoration technologies that cap- italize on seagrass reproductive ecol- ogy should be used; seagrass popu- lation ecology should be fully uti- lized to enhance project design and efficiency. • Knowledge base. The lack of scientific rigor in investigating past work and inadequate information dissemina- tion results in redundancy of effort and hampers progress. The intent of this review was to stress that seagrass restoration is a viable, but not simplistic, manage- ment option. Outcomes of restora- tion projects depend to a great extent on heeding past lessons, operational details, and personal experience (sensu Phillips 1960). However, all the shortcomings discussed above can be resolved through rededication to science-based project management and a decision process that, in reality, is easily achievable. It is essentially the blueprint put forth by Addy over 60 years ago. Acknowledgments I would like to thank my colleagues at the Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, Christine Addison, Jud Kenwor- thy and Amy Uhrin for their long collabo- ration and discussions that strongly influ- ence my thoughts on the subject of seagrass restoration. 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ELSEVIER cological Engineering 15 (2(X)0) 227-237 ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERINC www. clscviel'.com,7ocatNeco le n Integrating biology and economics in seagrass restoration: How much is 'enough and why? Mark S. Fonseca a,*, Brian E. Julius b, W. Judson Kenworthy a c " National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Orean Service. Center for Coastal Fisheries care/ Habitat Research, 101 Pirers Island Roud, Beaufort, NC 28516, USA h National Oceanic and Annospherh Adbninisiration (NOAA), National Orean Service, Deanage Asscss'rrtent Center, SS.UC4 Root 10118, 1705 East-West Higlmeq, Silver Spring, MA 20910, (,SA Received 30 March 1999; accepted 10 March 2000 Abstract Although success criteria for seagrass restoration have been in place for some time, there has been little consistency regarding how much habitat should be restored for every unit area lost (the replacement ratio). Extant success criteria focus on persistence, area, and habitat quality (shoot density). These metrics, while conservative, remain largely accepted for the seagrass ecosystem. Computation of the replacement ratio using economic tools has recently been integrated with seagrass restoration and is based on the intrinsic recovery rate of the injured seagrass beds themselves as compared with the efficacy of the restoration itself. In this application, field surveys of injured seagrass beds in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) were conducted over several years and provide the basis for computing the intrinsic recovery rate and thus, the replacement ratio. This computation is performed using the Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) and determines the lost on-site services pertaining to the ecological function of an area as the result of an injury and sets this agairliJ? ',ht';J f e>ne>acc between intrinsic recovery and recovery afforded by restoration. Joining empirical field data with :economic theory has produced a reasonable and typically conservative means of determining the level of restoration and this has been fully supported in Federal Court rulings. Having clearly defined project goals allows application of the success criteria in a predictable, consistent, reasonable, and fair manner. Published by Elsevier Science R.V. Ke,rsrards: Seagrass; Restoration; Success criteria; Goals; Discounting; host ecological services: Recovery: Habitat equivalency; Population growth 1. Introduction ' Corresponding author. Telfax: Guidelines for site selection, monitoring, and 252-7289784, .: + 1-252-7288729; + I- success criteria for seagrass beds have changed E-mail addresses: nrrrk.l'onsec,,t(atnoaa.gov (M.S. Fonseca), little in the past decade (Fonseca, 1989. 1992, brian.juliuswnoaa.gov (B.F. Julius).jud.kenworthy(q)noaa.gov 1994). These criteria focus on achieving an initial (W1 Kenworthy). level of planting unit survival that could generate 0925-8574 00'S - see front matter Published by Elsevier Science 13N. P11: 50925-8574(00)00078-1 I: 228 A,. S. Fon.vecu eI u1. l:inluQicul F.ngineerinrg 15 (2000) 227 2.37 the targeted acreage of seagrass in a prescribed period of time. Shoot density has also been com- bined with survival and acreage as an indication of the (asexual) reproductive capacity of the plant- ings. However, physical setting, which influences seagrass landscape pattern (Fonseca and Bell. 1998), could also alter the rate of bottom cover- age. Thus, basic ecological information in the form of intrinsic population growth and coverage rates, net population growth rate, and environ- mental setting have been combined to provide guidance and set expectations of resource man- agers faced with restoring injured seagrass ecosys- tems. However. the manner in which these data are applied in order to determine the quantity of habitat restoration that must he performed, has often been inconsistent. In this paper we explore how basic ecological data on habitat recovery, restoration effectiveness, and society's value sys- tem may be linked to provide fair and consistent computations on the extent of habitat restoration that must be performed to compensate for anthro- pogenic injuries. The purpose of habitat restoration (the term `mitigation' is sometimes used) is to 'compensate for environmental damage or loss of habitat through replacement of functions, values, andior acreage' (Race and Fonseca. 1996). Federal wet- land regulations require the traditional sequence of injury avoidance, minimization, and, as a last choice, compensation through active restoration. Compensatory restoration has been seen as it means of ameliorating wetland losses. In many cases, some quantity of wetland must be generated at some time after the initial injury has occurred. The amount of wetland to be generated compared with the amount of wetland injured is generally referred to as the 'replacement ratio' and is usually (but not always) greater than unity.. inferring that the replacement habitat is equal to or larger than the injured area. That ratio has varied widely among habitat types, regions, and governmental agencies, from less than unity to as much as 5 U of restored habitat for every 1 U lost (pers. obs.). The actual value of the replacement ratio has, to all appearances. emerged from value judgments about the criticality of the injured wetland itself, e.g. was it endangered species habitat? is it difficult to replace? and how long will it take to reach pre-injury functions? High replacement ratios may also be driven by the generally discouraging track record of mitigation projects (Nicholas, 1992; Roberts, 1993). Moreover, it has been suggested that projects with low replacement ratios must be then followed by other projects with higher ratios of replacement, in order to maintain a regional baseline of wetla.pd, acreage (Race and Fonseca, 1996). The replacement ratio should be set to recoup all lost ecosystem services -- in particular, the loss of resource functions and products that occur between the time of habitat injury and the time to full recovery. Because the concepts of success and functional equivalency are so closely tied, planning for successful restoration and,,'or mitigation re- quires early incorporation of interim loss consider- atiotls;, Hpwever,.as mentioned earlier, the manner in which! intecirn ecosystem losses computed has been inconsistent. Often, the ratio appears to be inversely proportional to the degree of public interest in the project causing the habitat injury. Computation of lost resource services requires three assessments, (1) acreage of habitat lost; (2) the length of time needed for the functions associ- ated with that area (and lost to the ecosystem at large during the period of the injury) to recover to their pre-impact levels; and (3) the shape of that recovery function. Using seagrass ecosystems as an example, if 1 ha of seagrass were destroyed today and replanted tomorrow and, for argu- ment's sake, reached standards of equivalency in 2 years, the interim loss of ecological services over this 2-year period would be relatively low. How- ever, if the restoration of this site were not under- taken immediately and if the site required 7 years to reach its pre-impact state, the level of compen- sation due the public for the interim losses from this same 1-acre injury would be substantially higher, highlighting the weakness of fixed compen- sation ratios. Actual projects, rarely enjoy tight temporal cou- pling either between the injury and on-site repair work, or between the injury and the additional restoration (beyond that necessary to return the injured site to baseline) required to compensate for the ecological services lost from the time of the injury until full recovery. Among other issues, M.S. Fonseca el al. Evobgical Etkgineering 15 (2(00) 217-237 it is very difficult to consistently locate and suc- cessfully create new seagrass habitat that meets ecologically responsible site selection criteria (which precludes simply substituting naturally un- vegetated bottom for vegetated bottom). Finding large acreage of suitable substrate for restoration in close proximity to the impacted area is rare, and often results in restoration at sites physically removed from the impact area. Thus, any func- tions affected by spatial elements of ecosystem linkages (i.e. geographic setting) are lost. Second, the lost production was removed from a specific point in time. Therefore, in some instances it cannot be returned in a way to avoid disruption of ecosystem functions, such as the loss of last year's spawn of herring that might occur as a result of injury to a seagrass bed. Moreover, if there were a longer period of time between the injury and full recovery from the injury, then one could argue that plantings conducted longer after an impact have less value than ones conducted sooner. This realization is the basis for the new approaches by National Oceanic and Atmo- spheric Administration (NOAH) to standardize the problem of computing interim loss services objectively and quantitatively, which then provide a basis for setting replacement ratios and arriving at a quantity of persistent acreage of given qual- ity, that has been defined as an appropriate metric of success (Fonseca, 1989, 1992, 1994; Fonseca et al., 1998). Determination of interim loss and its imRle- mentation into the restoration process is tightly integrated with the establishment of a restoration plan. While such a plan must identify the mechan- ics of the physical restoration itself, the plan must also have a clear definition of injury, site selec- tion, monitoring protocols, and success. As men- tioned earlier, those guidelines had been established (Fonseca, 1989, 1992, 1994), but have not yet been quantitatively coupled with the iss'ug., of interim loss to determine replacement ratios. Recently, NOAA developed and implemented a protocol termed 'Habitat Equivalency Analysis' (HEA) that utilizes basic biological data to quan- tify these interim lost resource services (NOAA, 1997a). While sharing many of the same principles as other methods for incorporating interim losses into replacement ratio calculations for wetlan, (Unsworth and Bishop, 1994; King et al., 199 HEA focuses on the selection of a specific r source-based metric(s) as a proxy for the affects services (e.g. seagrass short-shoot density in tl example discussed below), rather than basing i calculations on a broad aggregation of servics c.,im, -acted. This approach has the advantage c making HEA applicable not only to a wide rang of different habitats, but to injuries of individu? species as well (see Chapman et al., 1998, for . discussion of HEA applied to the calculation o compensation for historic salmon losses). Addi tionally, the selection of a resource-based metri< allows for differences in the quality of service! provided by the injured versus replacement re- sources to be captured and incorporated with tht replacement ratio (NOAA, 1997b). Without spe- cification of a quantifiable resource metric, analy- sis of the recovery of the resource following injury and' or the success of the restoration project may be difficult to evaluate precisely. For example, in the wetlands context, alternative metric specifica- tions may lead to significantly different maturity horizons (Broome et al., 1986) as well as the level of functional equivalence ultimately achieved by the restoration project (Zedler and Langis, 1991). In the remainder of this paper, we report on how this linkage was established by reviewing the theo- ,retical and. biological bases of a restoration plan that,wa, s developed in response to the destruction of a subtropical climax seagrass bed (Thaiassia testudinum), how HEA was utilized in the plan, and how this procedure influenced project goals and success criteria. 2. Case study: an example of how the HEA may be applied An example of applying HEA to habitat restoration occurred in a recent Federal court case (United States of America vs. Melvin A. Fisher et al., 1997) to provide compensation for the loss of 1.63 acres of seagrasses (turtlegrass, T. tes- tudinum) within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). Extremely energetic hydrodynamic conditions at the injury site to- 2230 ttt..S. lintserrr er ul F.cntu,t;ir<r! F.ngineeong 15 (20001 227- 2_t7 gether with intense grazing of the seagrass by nocturnal animals prevented successful establish- ment of plantings. Therefore, off'-site restoration was chosen in the form of in-kind (same species) repair of T. testudinum beds damaged by boat propeller scars (prop scars). This approach fo- cused initially on planting a native pioneering seagrass species, 11ulodule wrightii, to facilitate the eventual recovery of the slow-growing T. te,s- tudinum. This sequence, termed 'compressed suc- cession' (M. Moffler, pers. commun.), promotes more suitable conditions for T. tesiudinton to naturally encroach upon the prop scar while stabi- lizing the site and preventing additional erosion. Project success was to be quantified by four parameters, (1) an average of minimum one hori- zontal H. ivrighid rhizome apical per planting unit must be installed at planting: (2) survival of plant- ing units would be not less than 75'%, at the end of year 1; (3) seagrass shoot density would not be statistically different from that of nearby natural beds; and (4) the target acreage of bottom cover- age would be achieved within a 3-year monitoring period. Additionally, if monitoring indicated that, performance standards were not being met or were not been projected to meet, remedial plant- ings of those affected areas were designed into the plan. However, all remedial plantings reset the monitoring clock for that portion of the project. The ultimate success criterion was unassisted per- sistence of target bottom coverage by the seagrass plantings for 3 years, with photo documentation providing a common basis of assessment, percep- tion, and historical reference. Key factors in NOAA's development of a restoration plan have been the issues of pre-pro- ject planning, particularly regarding site suitabil- itv. Here, sites were reviewed for the suitable use of the following criteria, (1) they were adjacent to natural seagrass beds at similar depths. (2) they were anthropogenically disturbed; (3) they existed in areas that were not subject to chronic storm disruption; (4) they were not undergoing rapid and extensive natural recolonization by sea- grasses; (5) seagrass restoration had been success- ful at similar sites: (6) there was sufficient acreage to conduct the project, and (7) similar quality of habitat would be restored as was lost. The restoration of seagrass prop scars created by ves- sel impacts represented NOAA's preferred ap- proach to seagrass restoration off-site. In order to select a planting site that could accommodate the project's size, the amount of restored acreage was computed using the HF.A, which is reviewed next. 3. Description of the compensatory restoration' scaling approach Accurate determination of the appropriate scale of compensatory restoration projects is necessary to ensure that the public and the environment are adequately compensated for the interim service losses resulting from the injuries to natural re- sources. For injuries to seagrass resources, NOAA has employed HEA 'As the primary methodology for scaling compensatory restoration projects. The principal concept ''underlying HEA is that the public `and the environment can be made whole for injuries to natural resources through the im- plementation of restoration projects that provide resources and services of the same type, quality and comparable value. HEA has been applied to cases centered on seagrass injuries because those incidents typically meet the three criteria defined by NOAA and upheld by the US District Court (United States of America vs. Melvin A. Fisher et al., 1997) for use of HEA, (1) the primary cate- gory of lost on-site services pertains to the biolog- ical function of an area (as opposed to direct human uses, such as recreational services); (2) feasible restoration projects are available that provide services of the same type and quality and are comparable in value to those that were lost; and (3) sufficient data on the required HEA input parameters exist and are cost effective to collect. Note that if these criteria are not met for a particular incident, other valid. reliable ap- proaches and methodologies are available for 'C ompensutory. restoration' refers to any action taken to compensate for interim losses of natural resources and services that occur from the point of the injury until recovery of those resourcesjservices to baseline. Conversely. 'primary restora- tion' refers to actions that return the injured natural resources and services to baseline. M.S. Fonseca er al. ' Eralogic•al Engineering 15 (2000) 227-a`17 scaling the chosen compensatory restoration projects (NOAH, 1997b). At its most basic level, HEA determines the appropriate scale of a compensatory restoration project by adjusting the project scale such that the present value of the compensatory project is equal to the present value of interim losses due to, the injury'. This `balancing' of gains and loss'es' is accomplished through a four-step process (NOAA, 1997x). First (step 1), the extent, sever- ity, duration of the injury (from the time of the injury until the resource reaches its point of max- imum recovery), and functional form of the recov- ery curve must be determined, in order to calculate the total interim resource service losses. Injured Resource 0 L A d Time Compensatory Restoration Project d e 10 L B Time Fig. 1. Depiction of how habitat equivalency analysis accounts for those resource services lost by an injury (A) and those returned in the compensatory restoration project (t3), The curves in this figure represent undiscounted, rather than the discounted, service flows (cumulative provision of services over time) in order to depict more clearly the biological processes of recovery and maturity. In some instances. it may be beneficial to all parties involved to implement a project where the total discounted gains from the compensatory project exceed the total dis- counted losses. This situation occurs when the scale of the preferred project can only be adjusted according to a binary or step-wise function rather than a continuous function, or when the resulting amount of natural resources;:services generated by a restoration action cannot be tightly controlled following implementation of that action (e.g. freshwater diversion projects intended to create wetland acreage. I, Next (step 2), the resource services provided b the compensatory project, over the full life of th project, must be estimated to quantify the benefit attributable to the restoration. This step i analogous to the previous one and requires esti mation of both the time required for the compen satory restoration project to reach its maximun level of service provision and the functional fom of+the maturity curve. After these resource servict losses and gains have been quantified, the scale o the compensatory project is adjusted until the projected future resource service gains are equa' to the interim losses associated with the injury (step 3). This process is depicted graphically in Fig. 1, where the scale of the compensatory restoration project is adjusted until the area under the maturity curve (the total resource service gains, represented by area B) is equal to the interim lost resource services (represented by area A). Because, these services are occurring at dif'fer- ent,points of time, they must be translated into comparable present value terms through the use of a discount rate. Discounting is a standard economic procedure that adjusts for the public's preferences for having resources available in the present period relative to a specified time in the future. Because of discounting, plantings that oc- cur longer after an impact are worth less in present value terms than plantings conducted shortly. after an impact, and therefore more plant- ing, must be done as time elapses. Finally (step 4), appropriate performance standards associated with the compensatory restoration must be devel- oped to ensure that the project provides the antic- ipated level of services. Well-defined and measurable standards are essential to the success of the project regardless of whether the restora- tion will be implemented by the parties responsi- ble for the original resource injury or whether the trustees will receive monetary damages to imple- ment the projects themselves. As part of the scaling process, it is not feasible ta,measure and quantify each of the individual ..re.sc urge services provided by seagrass habitats, such, as fish and benthic production, sediment stabilization, nutrient cycling, water quality en- hancement, and primary productivity. Thus, es- sential to the successful application of HEA is the 212 M.S. H'urfseru et ul i;-eologieul bigineering 15 (2000! 237 237 development of a resource metric that is closely correlated with the services provided by both the injured and compensatory habitats. An appropri- ate metric captures relevant differences in the quantities and qualities of services provided by the injured and compensatory habitats. In past NUAA seagrass cases, short-shoot density has been used as the resource metric for quantifying the resource services provided by the injured and compensatory habitats. Short-shoot density is rel- atively easy to measure nondestructively and rep- resents an important metric of plant coverage that is the basis for the functional role of seagrass habitat in providing food, shelter, sediment stabi- lization, and nutrient cycling services. Increases and/or decreases in shoot density generally indi- cate the growth status of the entire population and not just individuals within the population. It is, however, a conservative metric because it does not account for the ecological services provided by the below-ground production and function of roots and rhizomes, a portion of the T. testudinum plant community that takes many more years to develop than shoot density so as to provide nutri- ent cycling and sediment stabilization equivalent to that of natural beds. Moreover, in both the compensatory project selection process and in the development of an appropriate resource metric, it is important to consider the landscape context as well as the biophysical characteristics of the site (e.g. access by fauna to the site, material flows to and from adjacent communities, erosion control). 4. Development of model input In order to conduct the HEA computation, an empirical assessment of natural seagrass recovery rates was required. If natural recolonization was very high, then planting would have little strategic advantage in accelerating recovery and the differ- ence in the recovered discounted services as the result of planting versus natural recovery would be low, indicating that the project would not substantively accelerate the return of ecosystem services. Determination of these recovery rates is therefore critical for implementing the HEA. Esti- mates for relative recovery rates of different spe- cies of tropical and temperate seagrasses are generally known and several studies reported the critical abundance and the growth parameters needed to begin formulation of the recovery model (den Hartog, 1971; Patriquin, 1973; 'Lieman, 1982; Williams, 1987; Fonseca et at., 1987; Williams. 1990; Duarte, 1991; Tomasko et al., 1991; Gallegos et al., 1993; Short et al., 1993; Gallegos et al., 1994). However, population growth rates for seagrasses range widely among geographic' region5 and recovery rates depend on the severity of the injury. Therefore, we have recently completed several experiments that provide the requisite data for a frequently injured seagrass ecosystem, 5yringodium filifortne, in the FKNMS (Sargent et al., 1995). To calculate the required compensation under HEA we estimated the time it takes for the in- jured resources to recover to the pre-injury base- line. For the 'same' reasons that seagrass density was 'pr'evi'6usly chosen as a metric for planting performance (Fonseca, 1994), we elected to use short-shoot density as the metric for assessing recovery. We began to develop our model approach using a recently injured S. ft'liforme meadow in the FKNMS, a seagrass species that, like H. wrighth, has a comparatively high population growth rate compared with the target species, T. testudinumn (Fonseca et al., 1987). Using these faster-spread- ing species was critical for us in order to develop and calibrate our modeling approach within a short time (3 years). In addition, this injury was operationally quite similar to the compressed suc- cession approach taken in Section 2, not only because S. filiforme also spreads much more quickly than T. testudinum, but because it per- forms a facilitation role for T. testudinum recovery similar to that of H. wrightd. In the example we are presenting here, between 25 and 501%o of the surface sediment layer was removed by the injury event, leaving only 10- 20 cm of unconsolidated sediment in the injury area. This degree of sediment disturbance was thought to affect seed abundance, and it is known that the growth and development of some seagrasses is limited by sediment depth ("Lieman, 1972). Thus, because of the severity of the injury we found it. M.S. Fonseca el al. Ecological bygineering 13 (3000) 217 337 necessary to collect in situ data on recovery dy- namics to supplement literature values and to calibrate model predictions with actual recovery rates. To accomplish this, we established perma- nent stations at three sites along the extent of the injured area and in the adjacent undisturbed side population (USP), where we obtained population data for S. filforme short-shoot density, short- shoot demography, apical meristem density, hori- zontal rhizome growth rates, vegetative reproduction rates, and apical branching rates (Kenworthy and Schwarzschild, 1998). The three sites were sampled at least twice annually for 4 years. Because T. testudinum grows so slowly,% we derived short-shoot abundance data by sampling the USP. Population growth data for the model was obtained from our previous research and other literature, with the initial assumption that recovery was based solely on asexual reproduc- tion. Kates of horizontal rhizome growth, produc- tion of new apicals, production of new short-shoots, and natural mortality for T. tes- tudinum were determined from an exhaustive re- view of the literature (Patriquin, 1973; Fonseca et a1., 1987: Duarte and Sand-Jensen, 1990; Duarte, 1991; Tomasko et al., 1991; Gallegos et al., 1,99,3;, Durako, 1994). The immigration of T. testudi(?unt,,, rhizome apical meristems into the injury wasi, modeled in the same manner as S. filiforme; but slight differences in plant morphology required modifications to the S. filiforme model structure. Apical meristem densities in the injury were set assuming the same proportion of apical meristems to short-shoot per square meter in the USP. We also collected data on seedling abundance of both S. filiforme and T. testudinum in order to refine the model and determine the relative contribu- tions of seed and vegetative recruitment to recovery. We constructed deterministic population dy- namics models of both S. filifortne and T. tes- tudinutn recovery in STELLA 11 software (High Performance Systems Inc., Hanover, NH) operat- ing on a Macintosh Personal Computer. Although T. testudinum was the target species, modeling the faster-spreading S. filiforine provided an impor- tant model validation step given the time con- straints imposed in Section 2. The model wi constructed to predict the recovery of short-sho< densities, rhizome apical meristems, and othe pp.pltlation characteristics on a square meter bas; within the injury area. In its present configure tion, the model contains stocks (populations) r. rhizome apical meristems (primary apicals an. branch apicals) in the injury and in the adjacen USP of S. faliforme and T. testudinum. Division o the rhizome apical meristem is the fundamenta process that forms new shoots and causes growtl of horizontal internodes in rhizomatous clona plants. Thus, rhizome apicals are the major sourct of vegetative reproduction and horizonta expansion for most seagrasses (Tomlinson, 1974). and were identified as the primary means of rc- covery in the injury. This assumption was confi- rmed for S. filiforine during initial sampling of the injury 1 year after the disturbance when we recorded densities of 1.2-6.6 seedlings m --' ver- sus rhizome apical densities of 15.6-28.1 m-2. Less than 25'%o of the seedlings observed had begun vegetative reproduction, and most were only single shoots. In contrast, the rhizomes of S. filifortnc: immigrating from the adjacent USP were spreading and branching vigorously, in- dicating that the initial stage of recovery was " ea lily dependent on recruitment from the USP. Likewise, we estimated there were 0.26 T. tes- tudinum seedlings per m', a minor component of recovery. 4.1. Model predictions - Syringodium filiforme Model output was generated to predict the number of short-shoots per square meter in the injury over a 10-year period after the injury (Fig. 2a), We validated the output by sampling the three;sites in 2, 3, and 4 years after the injury. For the S. filiforme model, predicted short-shoot den- sities in the injury reached the approximate mean density of the USP after about 3 years. In 3.5 years the predicted density exceeded the measured mean density (2161 vs. 2045) and then stabilized, reaching a steady state population of'short-shoots in approximately 6-7 years. Although the model accurately predicted that the injury would recover to ambient shoot density in the USP in approxi- 234 8 r ru.$. Fullceett e•1 ,d. F.cnlugirui EuKurerriJ,g`iS (,°CHk3} ???-i,?? A. model under the damage scenario, the model was initially run for a 50-year period assuming an UPOWC1 initial population in the injury of 0 (100`%, dam- to*wCt age). The model population was allowed to reach a stable equilibrium and the relative number of r primary and branch apicals and the percentage of r -- modada" short-shoots in each age class were recorded. We • C" as f 25cm Z"quads also ran the recovery model assuming 901%, dam- ' 20em 20cm guads loaa•10em guam age in order to examine its performance as com- 0 0 t 2 7 4 S 6 7 a Years Since l3 afurbance S so 90%damwa / m E 100 / p? p t SO / 100 % darn"* pared with the 10011/, injury scenario. These values T10 were then entered into the model as initial condi- tions and 'the model was run to determine the number of years `f`or the complete recovery. We normalized the short-shoot density in a given year as a percentage of the ambient baseline short- shoot density and used that as a proxy for percent g, services lost. This formed the curve defining area _ B (Fig. 1), whereas area A in Fig. 1 was deter- mined by the review of literature and best profes- sional judgment. d'1 s redid that to 1s 1 20 26 Years Since DlsWrbance The results of these no a run, p recovery io' the` mean short-shoot density in the USP'regia Yes`' pp ieoximately 3 years for the com- paratively`faster-growing S. filiJorine (Fig. 2a) but 17.5 years for the slower-growing T. testudinum (Fig. 2b) in the case of 1001)/,, injury, meaning that 3o after 17.5 years the age structure and apical to short-shoot ratio of T. iesiudinun in the injury were similar to those observed in the USP. An Fig. 2. Results of the STELLA 11 model predictions for S. fdifi;rme (top panel) and 7'. tee+iudinum (bottom panel) recov- ery. Top panel shows the horizontal lines that represent the 95',`.. confidence intervals around the average density of S. filiJ rme short-shoots in the undisturbed population. Also shown short-shcxit densities are in the injury over a 2.5-year interval based on core and quadrat samples. Bottom panel shows the predicted recovery horizon in the injury for 7'. testudinum under two damage scenarios and the mean density of T. intudintem short-shoots in the USP. initial injury of 90,1/,, suggested a similar time to complete recovery.. indicating that a much larger portion of the original short-shoot population than 90%, would have to be left intact in order for mately 3 years, it underestimated the overcompen- sation response of the short-shoot density ob- served in the injury population. 4.2. Model predictions - - Thalassia testudinum To compute the initial values for each stock component (primary apicals, branch apicals, and short-shoot age classes) of the T'. testudinum more rapid recovery to occur. In Section 2, two factors contribute to a re- placement ratio less than one. The first is that the injured area is expected to recover over time. If this area had been lost in perpetuity, the replace- ment ratio would have been greater than one, since the total amount of restoration required would have been 1.63 acres to replace the services provided by the permanently injured habitat, plus additional acreage to account for the interim losses in the period prior to the implementation of restoration. and in, the post-restoration period prior to the restored habitat reaching full maturity (i.e. maximum service provision). The second fac- tor relates to the specific estimated recovery and AI-S. Fonseca 0 ail. %Etvlo,Qii'ul Engineering is (2000) 277, 2,77 maturity horizons for the iniured and restored habitats, respectively. Because of the long recov- ery horizon, many of the total service losses occur far in the future. In the present value calculation, these losses are weighted less heavily than losses occurring closer to the present time (Julius, 1997). Conversely, the compensatory restoration project is expected to provide a large percentage of its maximum annual service flow soon after the com- pletion of the project. These early year benefits are weighted more heavily in the present value calculations than benefits occurring far in the future. Thus, in this example, the combination of expected recovery of the injured resource, plus the greater weight given to early term benefits than late term losses, results in a replacement ratio less than one. Again, this is predicated upon our assertion that the present value of those services provided far in the future is less than the value of the same level of services provided today, and that present-day values are what should drive the restoration process. Therefore, the project goals were set at 1.55 acres and the previously estab- lished performance criteria were applied to formu- late the overall definition of project success. 5. Future directions Although the wedding of' basic biological infor- mation (recovery functions) with economic princi- ples (discounting services) has yielded a reasonable and predictable means of assessing a party's level of responsibility, thereby setting fair and consistent restoration goals, new issues are emerging regarding the application of the HEA. For example, a recent study (Fonseca et al„ sub- mitted), revealed that the placement of a dredged material island among the patchy seagrass beds located in a wave-swept portion of'Southern Core. Sound, North Carolina, towered the wave energy on the lee side of the island and promoted a shift in seagrass cover from - 15`4 bottom cover to over 60% cover. Using simple extent or shoot density as a measure of scagrass impact, the direct loss of seagrass by creation of the island may have been offset to some degree by an increase in cover at similar densities through the coalescence of patchy beds in the lee. The question is, does th offset constitute built-in mitigation? Other issue such as up-front mitigation trade-offs betwet animal communities that might use patchy vast more continuous cover (i.e. functional differenct among scagrass habitats), should be considerec However, future studies will need to consider th degree to which (if any), modification of fray mented seagrass beds may provide some kind c inherent mitigative function by increasing loca percent cover of the seafloor by seagrass as a1 offset to habitat injuries. In general, this exampl, reveals the importance of incorporating othe habitat attributes, such as landscape charaeteris tics, into our evaluation of the true equivalency o'; the selected compensatory project as comparec with the injured area. 6. Conclusions Computations of interim loss have often been divorced from ecological relevance, and conse- quently replacement ratios have not been suffi- ciently quantitative to provide predictable standards for setting performance criteria, compli- ance, and, ultimately success. New, economically based models provide a means of standardizing the interim loss computation. When coupled with mensurative experimental data, this method has been shown, through successful litigation, to provide a reasonable basis for documenting in- jury, setting goals, and gauging restoration success. Acknowledgements .Thanks are extended to Arthur Schwarzschild for his assistance in the STELLA modeling and in the field. We also thank Harold Hudson and Paula Whitfield for their assistance in the field and Stephanie Fluke and Erik Zobrist, who as- sisted in the development of the restoration plan that was implemented in the Section 2. 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Restoration and Management Notes 9, pp. 21-25. Zieman, J.C.. 1972. Origin of circular beds of Thalassia (Spe matophyta, Hydrocharitaccae) in south Biscayne Ba Florida, and their relationship to mangrove hammock Bull. Mar. Ski. 22, 559- 574 Zieman. J.C., 1982. The ecology of seagrasses of south Flo ida! a community profile. USFWSOBS-82;25, pp. 158. Handbook of Ecological Restoration Volume 2 Restoration in Practice Edited by Martin R. Perrow ECON University of East Anglia and Anthony J, Davy University of East Anglia CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Pt1t3LIS1111) 13Y [HE PRESS sYNDtCA"IE M- 1fit- UNIVI.RSVIt Ob CAMBRIDG1 l'he Pitt Building.. Trumpington S[r'eet, Cambridge, United Kingdom CAMBRIDGE USIVE.RSI"rY PRESS bcr Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 Nest 20th Street. New Y("-k, NY 10011.4211. USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne. 171C :3207, Australia Ruiz de Alarcon 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain Clock Flouw- Me Waterfront, Cape'1'own 8001. South Africa http ;Pu?+•w.c•.unbridge.arg c Cambridge University Press 2002 This book is in copvt'il:ht. Subject to stat.utorv exception mid to the provisiorts of relevant collective licensing agtccmejrts no reproduction (A any lxart may take plate without the written permission of Cambridge Iinivvr.SEEN Tress. First published 200'. Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge }tvpefcc Swill. `).12 pt. Sen f1fif 2 - 11131 4 catalogue record €inr this book is available fi•arn the 81iti.tia Library Lilwary of Congress C;amlontaijkg irr Mihiiration data Handbook L)f ecological restoration I edited byj Martin R. Perrow. Anthony j. Davy. p. cm, includes bibliographical reterences. Contents: III Principles of restoration - 121 Restoration in practice. ISBN 0 521 79124 4 1. Restoration ecology. 1. Perrow, Martin R. (Martin Richard'}, 1964- 11. flaw, A. ). Q11541.15 R4i 1116 2002 3:3195 153 - dc-21 -100104'1443 ISBN 0 521 79129 4 hardback Contents I.fst qJ, Contributors page ix 9 Beaches 197 Foreword Xiii CLIVE A. WATMSL.F.Y 1'reftice xv 10 Coastal dunes 214 Part i Restoration policy and infrastructure SIGURDUR GREIPSSON 1 The Americas: with special reference 11 Saltnlarshes 238 to the United States of America 3 JOY 13. LEDLER AND PAUL ADAM MOHAN K. WALL, NIRANDER M. SAFAYA AND 12 Rivers and streams 267 FATIH EVRENDILEK PETER W. DOWNS, KEVIN S. SKINNER 2 Europe 32 AND G, MATT KONDOLF' F. JANE MADGW'ICK AND TIM A. JONES 13 Lakes 297 3 Africa 57 ERIK JEPPESEN AND ILKKA WILLIAM NI. ADAMS SAMMALKORPI 4 Asia 78 14 Freshwater wetlands 325 BRYAN D. WHEELER, RUSS P. MONEY 4a India 78 AND SUE C. SHAW B. B. DHAR AND M. K. CHAKRABORTY 15 Polar tundra 355 4b China: progress in the reclamation BRUCE C. FORBES AND JAY of degraded land 89 D. ?4LcKEIvDRLCK MING II. W'ONG AND ANTHONY D. BRADSHAW 16 lligh-elevation ecosystems 376 KRYS"FYN.A M. URBANSKA AND JEANNE 5 Oceania 99 C'.'( HAMBERS IAN D. HANNAM AND ALISON M. COCHRANE 1.7 Atlantic heathlands 401 L Part 2 The biomes NIGEL R. WEBB 6 Marine and coastal ecosystems 121 18 Calcareous grasslands 419 STEPHEN J. HAWKINS, JANETTE R. ALLEN, MICHALL J. HUTC:HINGS AND P.AUTANF M. ROSS AND MAR"I"IN J. GF.NNER ALAN J. A. STIANART 7 Seagrasses 149 19 Prairies 443 MARK S. FONSECA, W. JUDSON KENWORTHY, SCOTT D. WILSON BRIAN E. JULIUS, SHARON SHUTTER AND 20 Semi-arid WOC)t11L1I1dS and STEPHANIE I-LUKE desert fringes 466 8 Coral reefs 171 JAMES ARONSON, FDIA%ARD LE F-LOC'H SUSAN CLARK AND CARLOS OVALLL Vii viii Contents 21 Australian semi-arid lands and savannas DAVID .1. TONGWAY AND JOHN A. LUDWIG 22 Temperate woodlands PETER BUCKLEY, SATOSHI ITO AND STt-FHANE Mc LAC'HLAN 2:3 Tropical moist forest KAREN D. ROLL 24 "(Topical dry forest: Area de 486 C:onservaci6n Guanacaste, northwestern (:ost;I Rica 559 503 DANII:I, tt. JANZEN Irtdex 585 Colour plates behveerf pages 6-7 and 558-551) 539 Contributors Paul Adana School of` 13iologlcal ` (iences' University of Ne w° South Wales, AiaStralia William M. Adams Department of'Geography University of Cambridge Cambridge CB2 3P.N, UK Janette R. Allen Part Erin Marine laboratory University t.7i Llvvlpool Port Erin Isle of Man 3M9 6JA, UK James Aronson Centre d'Ecologie Fonctioneile et Evolutive C:NRS (1.11'R 9056) 34203 Montpellier, France Robin F. Bav Department of Biology C. _ r..dta College Cola?r.tdo Springy Co 8090:3. USA Anthony D. Bradshaw School of Biological Sciences University of Liverpool Liverpool, UK Peter Buckle y Imperial College at Wye. University of London Wye Ashf6rd TN25 5AII, UK M. K. C hakraborty Central Minim Research Institute (C:M0 Barwva Road. D?hanbad 826001, Indira Jranne C. Chambers F:?,rry Mountain Research Station, tiDA f orest Service, University of Nevada, 920 Vallev Road, Reno NV 89532, LISA Susan Clark Department of Marine Sciences and Coastal Management University of Newcastle Newcastle upon Tyne NEI 7RU, UK Alison M. Cochrane 10 Valentine Avenue Parrarn atta NSW 2350, Australia David N. Cole Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Rockv Mountain Research Station USDA Forest Service Missoula MT 59801. LISA David K. Conlin Department of Biology Colorado College Colorado Springs CO 8090:3, LISA B. 13. Dhar Association of Indian Universities New Delhi 110 002, Indira Peter W. Downs Parh'A Ltd Corte Madera CA 94925, USA and School of Geography University of Nottingham Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK James J. Ebersole Department of Biology Colorado College Colorado Springs CO 80903, USA Faatih Evrendilek Department of Landscape Architecture Mustafa Kemal University 31040 Anatakya Hatay, Turkey ix x List of contributors Stephanie Fluke Nationat Oce mic and Atmospheric Adrninistrstion Office of General Counsel liar Natural Resources Si F`ewrsburg FL 33702, USA Marl: S. Fonseca National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research Beaufi,rt NC 28516, USA Bruce C. Forbes Arctic Centre University of" Lapland FIN-96101 Rovianemi, Finland Martin J. Genner Biology and Ecolo'?y Division School of Biolol-ical Sciences University of S(luthalnl)1011 Southampton 501.6 7PX. 1K Sigurdur C;reipscin Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences 'Troy State University Troy 6082. USA lava D. Haunam 10 Valentine Avenue Parramatta NSGV 2150, Australia Steplaeii ,(. Hawkins Marine Biological Association UK Citadel Hill Plymouth PL1 211B, L!K and Biology and Ecology Division School of Biological Sciences i3niverity of Srnith<vnpton Southampton. 5016 7PX, L7K Karen D. Holl Environmental Studies Department University of Cahftlrnia-Santa Cruz Santa Cruz CA 95064, USA Michael ?. Hutchin<"'s Department of Biology Umversity of Sussex Bril;llton BNI 9Q, UK Satoshi Ito Forest Science Division University of Miyazaki Miyazaki 889-2192, japan Daniel H. Jarizen Department of Biology University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA 19104, USA Ltik Jeppeson National Enviroimmital Research institute DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark 'Pilo A. Jonas UJEnviromilental Harper:, Mill Berrynarbor North Devon FiX34 9TB. UK Brian 1. Julius National Oceanic and Atmospheii( Administration National Ocean Service Damages Assessment Cenrer Silver Spring N41.) 20910, USA W. Judson Kenworthy National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adniiiiistr•ation National Ocean Service Cc•rtter firr Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research l3eaU1C)rt NC 28516, I15A G, Matt Kmidolf Deparnnent of Landscape architecture anti Environmental Planning; iniversity of'California-Berkeley Berkelev CA 94720, USA Edouard Le Floc`h Centre (IT"cologie Fonctionelle et F.volutive CNRS (UPR 9056) 34293 Ylompellier, France. List of contributors john A. Ludwig llkka Sa1TImalkorhi Division of Wildlife and Ecology Watercourse Plarining and Restoration C:SIRO Finnish Environment Institute Winnellie HN-00251 Helsinki. Finland Darwin Ni 0822, Australia Sue C. Shaw Welland Rescaich GrOLIp F. Jmle Nlad*vick Department of Animal and Plant Scicnce I"uropean Freshwater Programme University of Sheffield c/o WWI` Deiuuark Sheffield 510 2'T'N, UK 171-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark Sharon Shutle^r jay D. Mc?Kendrick National Oceanic and Atmospheric PC) Box 902 Administration Palmer` AK 99645, USA Office of"t'cneral Counsel fe r Natural Stellilane M1t Lachlan Resource's Iiily'It{anT1ltlataal `YCIe'alt'e' Program Silver" Shang MD 20910. USA Univer,,iiy of Manitoba Kevin S. Skinner 41'innipt- R3T 2N.. Canada Sc'hocil of Gcograplly Uriivcrsity, of Nottingham Russ P. N.Joney V(aTlillgllam NG7 2RI7. UK Welland Re waI'ch Grollp Department of Animal aid Plant elan J. A. Stewart Sciertce Department of ffiohi*' I,niversity of Sheffield University of Sussex Sheffield S10 2TN, UK Brighton BNI 9Q.1. LlK Carlos Ovalle David J. Tongway CRI Quilairaapit GtIngahlin Homestead Imtituto de Invtstigaaciones CSIRO Sustainable I Cn;+vsle:ms Agropecuarias (INIA) GIIO Box 284 C.asilla 426 Canberra ChilLin. Chile ACT. Australia Pauline M. Ross Krvstvna. M. Urbanska Marine Biological Association UK ?,NtabtltanlSt he'S Institut F'"ITI Citade=l Hill (;11-8044 Zurich, Switzerland IlIvnlouth 1111 21113, UK Mohan K. Wah and OSU F110a'ol'lmetltal SCieflCt? (;Fad'UMe PI'ograill Faculty (A Sa ience° and Tvchnoloa and University of Wes'lern Sydney School of Natural Resources Richmond The Ollio State University NSW 275:3, Australia Columbus 011 43210, USA Nirander W Saf-aya Clive A. Walm,?,k •y Recl.imation Division Countryside Council liar Wales North Dakota Public Service Commission F1hrd I'vnrhos Bismarck ND 58505. USA Bangor 1-1571 2I,Q. UK X1 xii List of contributors Nigel R. Webb N1,RC: Ccmre t0v Ecology and Hydrolm,y Winfrith "Technology Centre Dorchester DT2 8ZD. UK Bryan t). wheclcr WOLInd KeseM-Cll Group Department of Animal and Plant Science Univerrsity of Sheffield Sheffield S10 2TN, UK Scott 1). Wilson Department of Biology University of Regina Regina Saskatchewan S4S OAZ. Canada Ming It. VVong Instilute for Natural KcS0111'teS and EnVirOnmental Manage111Cnt and Department of Biology Hong King Baptist University longg Kong SAR People's Republic of China Joy 13. Zedlcr Botany Department and Arboretum University ot,wisconsin-Madisoil Madison WI 53706. USA Seagrasses MARK S. FONSECA, W. JUDSON KENWORTHY, BRIAN E. JULIUS, SHARON SHUTLER AND STEPHANIE I 'LUKE INTRODUCTION Seagrasses are marine flowering plants consisting ol'12 genera and approximately 60 species growing in all of the world's oceans with the exception of the most polar regions (den Hartog, 1970; Phillips Meiiez, 1988). Nearly all seagrasses grow in uncon- solidated Sediments ill water depths ranging froin the intertidal zone to as deep as :35-50 in. They, are vascular plants anchored to soft sodinic tits by a functional and complex rhizcune and root system, with the exception of the genus Phyl.lospadix which grows on solid substrates along the Pacific coast of' the United States. The seagrass leaf canopy baffles the flow of water, and together with their rhizome and root mat seagrasses stabilise sediments, cleanse the water column of fine particles, and recy?-Jv nu- trients between the sediments and overlying wafters {Ponwca. 19961. Numerous species of invericbrates and large vertebrates consume seagrasses as a por- rion of their diet, and the complex structure and phvsi(,al stability provided by seagrasses form the basis for productive ecosystems consisting of plant ;inc] animal epiphytes, benthic macroalgae, inverte- brates, mobile vertebrates and numerous other or- ganisms (Thayer et al., 1984). Many of the animal species that utilise seagrasses rely on their struc- tural complexity to provide shelter and sources of f6od for their juvenile stages. This is one of the most important biological functions of the seagrass ecosystem, The lack of taxonomic biodiversity in seagrasses is compensated by a wide diversity of Size and morphological growth forms. The size and biomass of seagrass varies over an order of magnitude (Kenwortity et al., 2000), resulting partly from genotypic differences as well as from phenotypic plasticity within individual species. For example. the canopy height of the smallest species known, Hcaiophilca decipiens. usually never exceeds 10 cm while species of Zostera can have canopies exceed- ing 5-7 in in height. The diversity of clonal growth forms and sexual reproductive strategies is accotn- panied by phenotypic variation that allows the lim- ited number of seagrass species to occupy a wide range of environmental conditions from wave-swept shorelines to relatively deeper regions of continen- tal shelves. Only a few other macroscopic plants growing in the ocean are capable of filling the niche type that seagrasses occupy. Even though taxonomic biodiversity is limited in seagrasses, the diversity of size and morpholog- ical forms is accompanied by different growth and survival strategies uniquely adapted to the environ- ments where the plants thrive. The range of growth strategies is also responsible for the patterns of sea- grass bed development seen throughout the world. This is especially evident in multi-species tropi- cal seagrass communities w=here distinctive succes- sional processes are evident in the formation of stable climax communities and in their response to disturbance (Zieman, 1982). In Tropical seagrass communities, cotonising and climax species can be readily distinguished from one another and the unique attributes oaf these species can be utilised to enhance their protection and restoration (Fonseca t't 01., 1987). RATIONALE FOR RESTORATION Fortunately, ill many cotuatries, the battle to recog- nise seagrasses as critical coastal ecosystems wor- thy of conservation and restoration has been won. 149 150 MARK FONSLCA ET At-, Vhi?, recognition can he crediti-cl to lhr puhiic'aimm al, 111m sancta of paper" trnnl do/cns (If cc!untllL" aIoltnd thc° wtllI(I re I) rCSPniing )'(:'d I's 171 re,e:irah To the hest ( A olIr kIIo °ledge. rescarc I I I laa yet to re(oI(I ;I seagrass Nett which i, alivthind; hilt a fannkal-rik 11, highly productive ccusmlcm. that stahihws the v floor, limits coastal ctosfti) and filters the waiter (ol- uliin Iti1ood et all., 1969y thus, the ecological and soctolw4ic l value of seagrclsses has been bro,idly e tablished i%. vllie-f:chevcrria e! (Ii.. -?000) Where these values are not recognised it olten appears to be the result of ]veal pKitical and develop runt interests overriding Cmunnown values ipersaum obse nna t i can j. grass ccosymums and causes c71 Threats to sea! dcgradatic'an arise from a wide variety r>f' Sources. lutr0f:7liication, coastal construction, nwwr vessel cipelation, fishing practices and manly other activ- hies have led to both local and regional tosses of sear,iasses (.Short & Wyl-H Lcheverria, 1996; l riseca ct al.. 1998a(. Losses of magrass alai occur through natural processes such ,i5 disease f4eluelstein. 19ft9: Kobblee et all , 1991 i, trccpiial cyo.fimvs fl Wish "t tat-, 1r}951 and Uyer} 1'alliiS' by 111veriehlaWN (Ro,o et ui., 1999)- Where the species koml)vsflion and lilcditstory, stratc,.;rics promote reenlonisali(,n, aca rassca ran rcrovcr natur:llly front lVilurhatioll- fPree'll ei (FL. 19951. 1107\A+t'1'l'I', ill lllany ul,tall(cs e'a- thcr the scvurily of the etlviroll mcntal luodifica- tfon responsible for the declines or the extremely slow rate of natural recovery leacl.s to king:; tern) losses. For cxampie, in climax tropical Couninuni- ties dvniinatt,d by Jhoiassf<a t?'Snlllirilf?tt the time To full recvveiy in severer damaged vessel *rouud- fng sites can be more than a decade ll entvonhy et it!., 20W Whitfield lit lat.. in pressl. In these In Stan((",, loss of scag'rasses )cads to nu11101,nia tltl desirable and difficuii to reveres rcanditions, most in'ipurtan% the elimination of habitat sea ucturc and the sediment stabilisation prolrerties of rite c,m,lpy and rhizome mat. A negarm, Icedbaclk fill the' CkOSYStelIa I'cttiltS; 011Ce the sedg'rass COW1 i,, lost and with it the self-Sustaining properties of the sVstcni provided by the seagiasses, modification of the sediments and dei?,,radation A the water col.. 1111111 may proceed without interruption Seagrass rcsturatilln then Ivcm(es a much more diftktdt I'l"k, Iac,=aum it IN rlearll irlaf?ossililc to rcplace The altrihtlleN ',e•ai;ra NN Cs provide, and a way to ccarroit IIle hhy1;acacitcilmal properties (ii the sva lcl i must he fitlluci bc;i>rc reiutn?durtiam r7f the si a#,lass(? Ball 1?c.11n. VV'(; posit that the lsstu•s legardult; scat rats mtoratinn are not the teclinolo??,y of planting; and raising sc t,.;rass beet";, but the failure to apple basic ecological principles in Implementing restoration actions. se agrasses can be retaddy transplanted and when sites are appmphaady belened {see below mul (hsc-tlsmon in FvnseCa et ui 1.9988), sfgn.ifi- c;ant resloratioll smC esses have enl(:'rgvd. In fact, new ter htaullrhics arcs continually heing, developed in Noll) the decpwarcr )Perth, Western Australia: Fonseca ct cll., 19981r; E. Paling, personal cormi ts- nlcatirrni and staallow water (Tampa Hay, florid;,: 1. Ander.`e n personal cammunicationi approaches. ;'alson imprammints in l.q scale seeding tech- niques are being advanced which have promise with saatue :ae;agrass sfw(ro lC tatager et at.. 2000; Orth (, cit., ?11(kli, We are only twat he,giluimn to recognise the' many Nil ilallofl^ in which rcfrf?artllnnies firr St1h SiAntlal re"lorallorl have either h(,vII miuandered or s'Craacls iilltitakC'1 in iitc scic(.iion have hce'n inad-c, I il,;;( ly ix'c:aslac tho"k. in~,okcd did viol understand the habitat reiluirclnents atld"'ol the lifi' historv of. thc plants evith wjhich Thad well, vvorkiig; The cxological value of scagrasses tianslates No enonnmis conin ercial and social benefits, For ex- taniple, in the hidian )acct Lagoon, Florida m Wass ineadows page been described as the marine equiv- alent of tropic;ll raint6rests providing the ecolog- ical basis for fiNherics worth ;about US.S25000 per hectare or a lot.al of approximately 'I billion dol- I,ar a ye.n 1V'irlistein ;i %Iorris, 1996!. 5cragrast; clef7Cndcn1 hsherirrs and wildlite k0111111tlnities are the erouolnic foundation for commercial and vecrae- ational fishCrnte`n as well as fire a variety of iudils- I! res and people that utilise ill(. coastal zone for tlietscr commcrcc and personal cii}oymcut. Socially values are transferred to the health and well-being of rile families of these user grOLIpS and the rL giorial economies of nations v"orldwide. The many physical. biological, cCUllortllC and Social attributes Seagrasses 151 combine to ctt:ake scam-asses an essential and ecolog- ically important habitat in coastal marine ecos.ys- rems fWvllie-F.cheverria apt al., 2000); consequently they are in need of restoration where they have been anthropogenically injured or lost (Folrseca et cal.. 1995: Sheridan, 19991. PRINCIPLES OF RESTORATION We base our assessment of the status of seagrass restoration on as perspective front within the United States legal framework. Scagrass beds in United States coastal waters are generally viewed as pub- lic trust resources, and such in to these re- sources art' considered losses suffered by the pub- hc. A nluuber of ?:clc r?rl and state laws includo liability provisions which allow the public to be componsatecl fitr ia.ltwies to seagrasses (lot, exaam- pk% the United etates's ?rational Marine Sanctuary Act cif 1972, 16 USC: 1431 et' se°d.), to evaluate i:his loss in a faaia' and reasonable !minter, we tmtst con- sider not only the static loss in area anchor de- gYree of the injury. but also the loss of resource services- provided by the se•agrass bed between i1he time it is injured and the time it recovers to 1170% of pre-injury conditions (Fonseca et al_ 2000ca). 'this approach is consistent with the 'no-net-loss' of Wetlands policy that has become a benchmark of restoration strategies in the united states- Out' more recent approach substitutes for the `mitigation' or replacement ratio' used to identify the amount cal' habitat to be generated to offset the amount lost. lit the past. use (if' replaCelttent r=atios has fre- quently led to unclerc?ortapensation of lost resources because lost interim ecological services were tint .addressed. Effecting no-net-loss and achieving recovery of in- terim resource services requires that the ilzjured site be fully rehabilitated (on-site restoration), al- ternative compensatory restoration sites be found (off-site) or sortie degree of both. To limit the .;eope of discussion. we are focusing on itt-kind 1%,? oratioal (i.e. seagraass service loss replaced by sea- !,Ii i- service gaills). Oil-site restoration can often 1,,, achieved, but may require en ineering; imeiven- taoals to Aix' the site, such as filling excavation. hales caused by vessel groundings or ;-altering water flaw. ()tfsite selections, in our experience, have had higher probabilities of restorMiott f1lflUre because inexperienced resource managers choose inapprcr priate sites. They, are frequently under the impres- sion that open habitat areas ire prime sites lot restoring se.agrass when, in reality, the sites selected either cannot supl"Wort seagrass, or currently support only low levels of seagrass. This fallacy has been ad- dressed in detail in several publications (Fredette rat al., 1985: Fonseca rl ctl., 1987, 1998x: Fonseca, 1992, 1994). Suffice it to say, Fredette et cry's (1985) con- ehiiort 'If seagrass does not grow there now. what makes you think it can be establisliedT hest sums the problem. Recently, Gatumpong el oil. (in press) listed the criteria for off=site selection that can be used to avoid off-site selection problems. By giv- ing attention to these details of site selection, file probability of sucCesslarl restoration can be greatly enhanced. RESTORATION IN PRACTICE We have clealt previously with what we consider to be the statues of this aspect of' restoration (Fonseca rt ill., 1.998cr). however, there are at 1U,i1t fi;ur major deficiencies in the process of seagr iss restoration. First, the choice of an appropriate metric for evalu- ating restoration has been elusive. 11'e present here for the first time findings front a panel of United States seagrass experts that considered what are the appropriate metrics for tracking; the performance of a seagrass restoration project, second, setting laat, reasonable and consistent ratios for replace- nit tit of damaged seagraasses has also been at issue. We r(-,riew the ntethoc1010111' y used by the National 0ccuiic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for defining the interim loss of resource services accrued by damage to seagrass beds and the pro- cess ot'computing compensatory restoration. !laird, we feel that the weakest part of seagrass restora- tion has been the selection of- the restoration site. We delve into rite pitfalls of site-selection strategy the point in the process where most plans go awry. For- completencss, we briefly review the extant methodologies for restoring seagrass beds. Fourth 152 MARK FONSECA ET AL. and finally, finding: a realistic basis ftr computing cost of these projects has been a vexing; issue for vears. Here we provide an evaluation of cost for the ptanning;, implementation and numitoriml of .r sc lg lass restoration project teased on a l nited Stales federal court ease stwcessfuily prim ci ted by NOW Definition of injury and evaluation of lost interim services Defining lost resource services Computation of lost resource services mcphres three assessments f 11 area of habitat howl: 121 the length of time needed for the hinctiunw associated with that area Land lost to the ecosystem at lat;ge dur- ing the period of tilt, injurpj to recover to their pre impact levels and ! ii the shape of that recov crv function {Fonse(a I Ell. 20000) (:sillg seagrass ecoss mellis as all example, it I hectare of seagrass were ckrstmycd today and replanted tomorrow and. lot argument's salve, reached standards of equiva- Icncv ie.g. shoot density, batntrass, rr?icragc ftt twO vears, the interim loss of ecological ser-vircs over this two-year period woidd he relatrvcly loiv. How- ever, if the restoration of this site bSerc not under- taken inunediately and if ill(, site required seveli Years to reach its preompact state, the level of com- pensation clue the public for the interim losses from this same 1-hectare injilry would be substantially higher-, This highlights the weakness of fixed com- pensation ratios. Actual projects rarely enjoy tight temporal coup- ling hetween either the injury and on-site repair ?roa1:, or between the injury and the additional restoration required to crmlpensate for tilt' ecolog- ical services lost frgm tilt, tinge of the injury' until full recovery. Among other issues, it is very difficult to consistently locate and successfully create new suvrass habitat that meets ecologically responsible site-sc lection criteria. especially those criteria which preclude simply substituting naturally unyegetated bottom tart vegetated bottom (Fonseca et 0. 1998n). Finding large areas of suitable substrate for remora tion in close proximity n) the impacted area is rare, and often rescilts in restoration at Sites physically removed from the impact area. Thus, any 1unctions affected by spatial elements of e(osystcna linkages are lost fl,n geographic settings). Second, the lost pro- ductiota was removed li-orn a specific point ita time. Therefore. in sore inmances it ca nivit be returned ida w., to avoid disruption of ecosystem functions, such as the Ins,, of last year's spawn of herring or set of hay scallops that might occur as a result of injury to a magma W. Moreover, if there were a longer period of time between the injury and full recov- ery from the Injury, then one coWd argue that re- planting conducted a long time after an impact has less value than ones conducted sooner. This realisa- tion is the basis for NOAH' more recent approach to objectively and quantitatively standardise the prob- lem of computing interim lost services by habitat eWitvidency analysis Ifil..A). This approach provides a basis Rkr setting replacement ratios crud arriving at a quantity of persistent area ofgiven quaMy that ha, 11C°en defined as all appropriate raaetric of suc- ce:,s H!""eca, 1989. 1992, 1994: Fonseca et ai„ 19980. 2000o I. Determination of interim loss and its implemen- tation into the restor<rtictll plcwue s is tightly inte- grated with the estahlishruent ofa rc:storatiotl plan. W'hile such a phn must ideniity the mechanics of the physical restoration itself, the plat, must also have a clear definition of injury, site selection, Monf- toring protocols anct success. As mentioned earlier. those guidelines have been established (Fonseca, 1999, 1992, 1994), but have not yet been quarinta- iWely coupled with the issue of interim loss to cfe- terinine replacement ratios. Recently, NOAH developed and implemented HFA using basic biological data to gUantAN! interim lost resource services (N()-kA. Damage ;Assessment and Restoration Program, 1997((). VV`hile sharing many of the same principles as other methods incorpo- rating interim losses into replacement ratio caicu- lanons for wetlands 0 insworth & Bishop. 1994: king I A._ 1993). 1IFA focuses on the selection of a spe- cific resource-based tuetricts) as a proxy fir the at- tec red services (e.g seagrass short-shoot density in (he example discussed below). rather than basing its calculations oil a broad aggregation of ininwd rewources. Determination of this metric was one elf the conclusions front the expert 1)anel as discussed Seagrasses 153 in Box 7.5 (bioinass, as opposed to shoot density, has not yea: been adopted because of a lack of ernpisicaal data oil the recovery rate of belovvground Noma", whereas recovery rate of shoots is a robust data see: this choice: is all extremely generous Concession Tx-) the responsible parries[. '11his approach has the ad- vantage of making 1- EA applicable not only to a aide range of clifferent habitats, but to injurics to individual species as well {set, C;hapiraan et cad. 11998 for as discussion of IDA applied to the calculation of' compensation for historic salmon losses). Addition- ally, the selection of it resource-based metric allows fir difftrnlaCCS in the cluality Of sCrViCes providCcl by' tilt' injured and replacenlent resources to be caEr turCd Mid illCOrpUrated 111tt3 than rej)lact_tnCllt ratio (NOAA, Dalliage Asscstment and Kcstciration Pro- giana, 19971a). Without sp c•ifacotion of as quantifi- able resource metric, .analysis of i he recovery cof the resource following injury and?lor tilt: success of the restoration project may be difficult to evaluate prt- cisely, for example, in the wetlands context, alterna- live metric specifications may lead to significantly different maturity horizons (lirootne of al.. 1986) as well as the level of functional equivalence ulti- mately achieved by the restoration proJect (7.edjur N hangi.s, 1991). Box 70 Application of the habitat equivalency analysis (HEA) An csample of applying; HEA to habitat restor.i;icaai occtirred in a r:-cent federal court case to prn?i:ic oiripcr,<,iCiOri f )r the loss of 1.63 acres of ?t -r:a, cs ?t.U r(li'h CA4a, P?al 'c: i,,Srudinutn)witllirl the rIcial'i keta \ational lv arine Sanc•tuary`((I,itteti Shltar ;far, ; ,:a ,4vin A, Fisher et at-, 1997). Exi cTiwiv energetic hydredvil'i nip` conditions <?[ Ow mjt ry 3ite, Together with inrcrst L arazim, cC nc- nocturnal herhivoreo prevented Yuccr,siiil c<tnblishrueut o," seagrass plantings. Theieforv, otfsite restar,o,o,n xvia.i shorn its the form of ii.-kiii,l (sane sl7ecies) repair of T. heeds pry i,,)i ty d.iintt?d by bleat propeller scar, (1)10f` Scat-s). fht> 11ij)l0,1(71 ViLused initially on planting :; n.oivc pioneeri,ig svagaass species, llakn de to f,uilitarethe eventualrecoveryof'tlu- 41L 1aCT FU1 Ulf , Fi ?'tClt Ta ld err. This SeC[aicnc. C, Lt'Fl;:f'if nmaur?sc.l succ:ea :rl?;' (fit. Iv offier, pccsc?nal rc,nuaaunieatitan) proinotes more suitable cw)LH;:ons lbr tllc slower•growing T tesittainurri to ratrc?.zt h : aturaily upon the prop sv.;r whii,, fowpotatily aailr,l ling the, site and preverlin;l, tae},[icmal crosion with a [pore rapidly gro w`ug aprcit- Box 7.3;. Project Success was to be yuanufird by t<,ur parameters; (1.) at planting, a minimum average of tine horizontal I', r1iizoinr per planting unit must be in?t.tlle<l (2) 7 <al of'plantr`ng units, at the end L) r;tr 1; (. ,hoot density (as compared w nea:1)y natural beds): and (4) achieve the tar} c:.tctc ai o of bortom Coverage within .a threo-year anallitoriaig period. Ndd ition ally, of monitoring indicated that performance standards were not. being met or Y,,, re not prti;ec wd to ]w me,, romedial plantings of t1low ca'ffc Ied wort desii;:wd into the plan. iiov vet r, all rc-ttwdi,rl pi;anta a?3 inset ttu: monitoring else, !err tb,it piri iisia of the project. The ultimate success ctiwi-ion was unassisted persistence cl rar >et bottoara e'e,t.t.t r by the sew,--i,s pl, ntings f?r O-M gals, tl5ltln ['llf7tal-tlt)CLn7a.II:.tiic?rl tf) prUVade as ai,Taut'a)rl 17a51S of assessment pe7rCpttvi:, and hislf,rit,d ref-rance. `Key factors in the Nitiortal Oceanic and Atriospheric Adnaini'! I' Lion (NOAA)'s dr,eloprtlent cif' rei o ation plan, h,n%o bec ii issues of prQ-pisgjeci phtnniiat;, panic ul:uly rr aerdir:g site strirab!lity. Here, sill" sere resic.vrd fur Uit ahiiity uimf, the following* cvluri:t Ii thee; t,'Gre adjacent to natural seagrass bads ,it %imil.ir dcp€hs, (2) they were anthropogenically 4r{ltatl:c'tl, ,.;r they existed in areas that were not sub?ii,rt to chronic storm disruption (41 they wkre not ondergoing rapid and extensiva• nio of %i rt i olonisat ion by Seagxrasses: {5) seagrass restoration had been successful at similar sites: (6) there was sufficient area to conduct the pmject; and (7) similar quality habitat would be restored as was lust. '17xe restoration of seagrass prop scars created by vessel impacts represented ?vtWV- prc i? rred approach to seagras, restoration off--,nip, t11 ordai io select a plantin;, sit, that could :+rcotaanv_xlarc: rile proiect's size. rile ?rncrutlt ofresli;rrtl ve:, 4+ra5 awirputed using the tl£:A. 154 MARK I`:0NSECA ET AL. Description of the compensatory restoration scaling approach Accurate determination of the appropriate target scatle, of comlaetas<rtory restoration` projects is lieces- saty to ensure that the public and the environment are adequately compensated for the interim service losses. For injuries to seagrass resources. NOAA Ills employed H FA as the primary methodology for scat ing compensatory restoration projects. The princi- pal concept underlying HEA is that the public and the environment can be inade whole for injuries to natural resources throuf-1i the implementation of restoration projects that provide resources and services of the same type. quality and comparable value. HEA has been applied in cases cantered on seagiass injuries because those incidents typically ineet the three criteria defined by NOAA: (1) tile pri mare c alergoty of last on-site services pertains to the biological f`tuaction of ,111 area (as oppt,rsed to direct human uses, such aas re(redtionatl services); i2) fea- sibic restoration projects Bare aavailaable that provide services of tlae same type and duality and acre com- parable in value to those lost; and (3) sufficient data oil the required HLA input paratnetcTs exist or are cost-effective to collect. If these criteria ate not met for a partictrla r injury, other valid, ro,hable ap- proaches and methodologies are available far .scat- ing the chosen compensatory restoration projects (NOAA, 1997b). These criteria for the use of HEA were upheld by the US I)istrict Court (Utdted States of Atilcrica tip. Melvin A Fisher et. at. 1997 92-10027-C1V- UAVIS). Of equal importance to the Mel Fisher de- cision. was the decision by the US District Court in United Staters a). Arraerko v. Great lakes [)redge Er Dock Co. 1999 9 2: 10-CfV-131'VIS to uphold the use of the [ILA as a proper method by which to scab conapen- saloi-V r'est'oration. ,,,U[t' Ct'Sti?tallull tolor> to dn1 :MiOll ?,Ik,T to e lia nitefiill rat 9:;d rlf i"e4« .t'?ul7rC C? Illd rh,lt ucrtir h-091 Illy point of t11,2 injury 11711 fl 1VC,1TI-V Qf thn?f.r 1.0( MO:Set'tii&l tat bdSC1111c. (,)rn=aTSv1i , 111.1r:"o"inoll r,tar? tit t1.1ton., "hat rt:turt) rL=C iniurOd n:a. .. _, ?U:t,°5 and `lit olilc i11 1.17 [.es, it n,ay be hirnc>flo-11 1" a}1 laattiv, Iit Vt)1VLtt te,1 ll 1t7,Cr:'iLt11 t ]?r??j ('Ct 1R'11 t'rP 1f10 i,"rr:dl etl`;c QllntfCt At its most basic level. HEA determines the appro- priate scale of tit compensatory restoration project bu adjusting the project scale such that the present value of the compensatory project is equal to tile present value of interim losses due to the injury of that action fe,g., freshwater diversion projects in- tended to create wetland acreage).' '['his 'balancing' of gains and losses is accomplished through a four- step process (NOAA, 1997a). First (step 1). the ex- tent. severity, and duration of the injury! (from the !late of the injury until the resource reaches its point of maxiraaum recovery), and functional forts of the recovery curve must be determined, in or- (let- to ealcttLIte the total interim resource service losses. Next (step 2), the resource set-vices provided by the Compensatory Project over the full life of the project must be estunatted to quantify the benefits attributable to the restoration, -1-his step is analo- wous,to tlae previous one and requires estimation of both the time reciiiired f"or the compensatory restoration project to reach its tnaxinnrnt level of service provision and the functional firm of the maturity curve. After these resource service, losses and gains have been quantified, the scale of the com- pensatory project is adjusted until the projected fu- WIT rCsource service gains are equal to the interim losses associated with the injury' (step 1). '17his pro- cess is depicted graphically in Fig. 7.1, where the scale of the compensatory restoration project is atd- jtisted until the area under the maturity curve (the total resource service gains, repro*sc>nted by area B) is equal to the interim lost resource services (repre- sented by area A). Because these somices are occur- ring at (Iiflerent points in time, they must be trans- lated into comparable present value terms through the use of a discount rate- S.ll, iraat :h Cut11(oll? ,kwly plojett C%Ceed tale tort! c ue-crtntecl (inst?s. ihr4 tiItuanon uoout whe? the "C the (1 i}cl^.t':i lrolttet t-,tn onk, ht ,cljuerr+3 ac?ordua to tsiilttu ur stcr'??'ise function rather than i i,witinumi, hurction, clr Mien the scant i[1t; atnouelt of 1 ourlt at°??>u rceti t'rv'ie i'S n, rrr?t d he a reNloiation aa.tia;l c,miwt he tts?,lztlti? conrro;ted t„clawing uillalrndutli.ttaJU. Seagrasses 155 i? i?s<<?.t At?a y U A / vt ? Iune :n J m m a? Compematwy Re tOwhon Prutgt a Time iii.''.(. cmtph"d cltvciko Q hmv haboat t1u vatlrr N a llalv,is t{iI A, scat the ini,, i ant i,>sN 0- s, ;nutr? ,t°r%icr,. Ihiw ,? ochre u? <t ha wits ng the total summons ilaert ai'si lust unfit ccnlipitAt, rercovery hack to pre-oliury conditions Calm A) is equalled I)N7 tha wrvicos rendert:d under the runtpensatcov prujict Cocas Is). Discounting is a standard ecovoniic procedure that adjusts fin- We public's pmbrerlms Wr hawing resounvs available in tiler present period relative to as specified time ill the- future. Becau e 0f discoant- ing. plantings (hart occur lonnerr after an itnpat I are worth last; in present-value terms than pl;tnt- ings conducted shortly atter :ill impact, and there,- tore more planting must be done as time elapses. Finally (step 4). appropriate performance standards associated with the compensatory restoration must be developed to ensure that the project l:)°twiclts the anticipated level of'servicets. Well-defined 4nd ineas- umble: standards are essential to the success cif' the project regardless of'whether the restoration will be i ril,Aetnented by the parties responsible fear the orig- inal resource injury or by ill(, management agency ift-ustees) isialg monetary damages which are recov- ered. In Box 75, we present the outcome of a national wowkshop that set the stage fr)r NOAA to pm ide reasonable and fair assessments of injuries to w& grasses and the cffi)rt needed to recover the last re- sources which must be assumed by the responsible party. The importance of site selection clearly one of the wi-gent problems with sea,gmss transplariling is finding in appropriate place to con- du,?l the restoration aind install the plantings. It is not advised to plant seagmsses in areas wall no Nstog of semgrass cgrowtll, or where the afore- mentioned disturbances have not ceased. Planting should toil be clone under these ciroutnstances btr- cau.se ofthe low probability ofsuc? r,, Pl-ml ig may be done in open. unvegetated area, among patches of seaginim but on, A. We goal of experimen- tal manipulations attd;or the evaluation elf plant- rig techniques Teepitlg in mind that these aniong- patch locations are heat it string test ()I, tile efficacV W a technique as they are embedded within viable ,,,iwgss territory). Seagtass patches migiaw altst-- nately colotlising, c'tarreai(iy anse,,;clated sea ilo)or and dying out where eagrass is located pres(rntly lMa rha rt al., 1994; Marba & Duarte, 1995; Fonseca et id.. 199841, 2000b). `giros, the spaces betwc'en ills' patches today may be naawrally colonised by sea- grasses in the future. Campbell et A (2000) provide a decision stral- e y for assessing; ill(' selection) planting sites that intltade moasures of, light. opiphyttaaitiotl, nutrient loading, water mot0n, depth, proximity of donor site and alternative actions fFig 7.2). Similarly, Fatl- seca el aV (2000a) and i-'aliunipong et fit. (ill press) give the hallo wing (.rtleria for tilt, selection of at rt"4 tr<a- An tine .1t4°av Amn We etdWnal injury slit'. • It is at dvpths similar to neasil)V seagra*s bads it was ant1r0t)0g0TlkA1)V disturbed It exists in areas that are not st.ibject to chr nits storm damage + It is not cindergaing rapid and extensive: natural re- colonisation by seagrasses • Seagrass restoration has been successful it sunilar sites • Viere is suflicient area to conduct file project • SimiMrqualhv habitat mTmId be retitored as wars lost These selection criteria have been used success- Wily in the US 11det°ml Court as the basis for sea- grass restoration projects Wrote l Stia:e,S rtf Arrtrrir i v. Win A. Wher et A '2997. By considering these 156 MARK F?ONSECA ET AC. Llf tlt re,'JU tImerlt t--- No..... ?. r- Kncoin - __ I YL CfiCertake f t ,4,jatlon I F I n r I ---- t tt;3 4??d f't 7iC cq!co I j I N?. _- YC?. t _. I Gin site Isal S tP { - 'No - -I Vfa P c laniy be c nh anc e'J'l -- -? Y', Reiect site ?. 15. et ,rl ?yt<? ? Can ti;It, `-'_ NU ___ weeter <aUalrty higt,". bt L h era f„ ? cr nti?a?f Yes h ab*lR r 7 I R 19? .'B i F r X:.'T-i(y C1 ff?;:)t11 Ot CIU 'Of do!1c,r i t read;?sr ?,^adU+1? Iii,; " ";,)..I Close diay,rmm tcL!;#rdmg s,tk, srlrc14un fw. rc,t ?r;euun, 114Mt (:au1pL<ril rt ri;, t>o(f(?; l,.r[ i0h II tk - I(1s1'1xcnsatwn irr,rdiancc. criteria, it is ;apparent that trallspl,antation should probably not be undertaken lot the purposes of c'r1- hancing rcrccrverV from inatur.rl disturbance events as these events have both an ecological and cerolu- tiorlary function in determining the survival and fitness of'the seagrass ecosystem. When possible, re' habilitation of the primary injury site should be performed to restow or accelerate the recovery of baseline service flow,,, with compenSatorv restor:l- tiotl used to cprnpCn,iAtC the public f0r interim ser- vice losses that ILCIAIC While the site rCachcs its pre- injury levels of service provision Critical factors influencing transplant success NumCrous fector5 havc been dt?1Vl1nirlCd to affect transpl.antim, success. Some are of the crop-riyl< type, are extrinsic and cannot be controlled, oth- ers involve issues of protocol, in a SLIYATy of North American seagrass planting projects, Fonseca ct al, (199811) listed the following as factors that had the potentiai of being controlled by those conducting transplants. • Siniilarit. of environmental conditions of donor and reC pient beds. • Choice of species. preferably same as that lost. but pioneering species inq be substituted to initiate a project. • Presence of grazers or sediment burrowers: these bioturbating organisms may need to be excluded or plantings naayhavc° to he conducted in large patches to dissuade them from their activities, • Source of planting material: similar depths find EInvironnlcntal totlditions grad from over as broad a geogiaph'ic area as possible to ensure genetic diversity l'inic of vear: u>agrass should be planted at it time to ensure the longest period before seasonal stressors_ • Cost: many v:ari.mons of cost have been given but standardised costs are elusive; based on recent cases ill the IIS federal Court, it contracted project that Seagrasses 157 Box 7.2 The need for physical stabilisation after boat grounding: United States of America v. Great Lakes Dredge S Dock Co. Another example of the difficulties faced in primary restoration of'seagrass habitat was recently illustrated in another Federal Court case (United States gj*Arnerka v. Great I,akes Predge 6 flack Co. and Coastal Marine Towing lnc. 1999) where a large tugboat grounded on a shallow wagrass-Pontes coral bank in 1993 and destroyed 7200 m" of habitat, The grounding site was located in an exposed, high-energy environment where seagrass transplantation was deemed inappropriate. The expert case team assembled by NGAA and the LIS Department of justice recommended that t lie primary restoration plan should include filling and regrading the trench made by the tugboat to physically stabilise the site. It was assumed that once the site was physically stable the scagrasses would recolonise naturally: but slowly. Interim losses of seagrass would be compensated off=site in a plan similar to the plan for the United States of America v. Melvin Fisher et at, described previously. Attempts to negotiate a settlement with the responsible parties proceeded for five years without a resolution. In September 1998 the site was impacted by Hurricane Georges which severely damaged the partially recovered portions of the injury and effectively set back the recovery clock (Whitfield et al., in press). Seagrass 'beds adjacent to the injured area were unaffected. The impart of the hurricane confirmed initial concerns that the grounding site was physically unstable and vulnerable to further injury. Clearly, there are caws in high-energy environments where physical restoration is needed to stabilise injured sites to promote the recovery of seagrasses. In the primary restoration plan for this case, the amount of sediments excavated by the grounding; called for substantial in situ engineering to recreate the bank structure. This is not surprising, since it took nature between 500 and 1000 years to form the bank that was destroyed. Recent studies have shown that large vessel groundings are becoming more common on seagrass banks in south Florida and elsewhere in. the Caribbean (6trhitfield et al„ in press). W'hitfic:ld et cll. (in press) have documented the instability of these injuries and recommend that physical regrading is necessary to prevent further damage during severe storms. includes site sunVeys. planting, monitoring and re- (aortirag will cost (in 1996 Us dollar,) L1S$630000 per hectare. It is CSSerrtial to study the substrate-energv ( ' ex- posurO regime, and optical water quality (clarity or light availability) of the area that will be trans- planted so that suitable source materials can be identified. Areas exposed at low tides should be care- fully mapped so as to place plantings with mini- mal exposure to air, unless the plants are regularly occurring in the intertidal zone (e.g. in the Pacific Northwest of the United States). Planting in high wave energy or tidal current areas will require plant- ing in larger groups to avoid disruption (Yonseca et (it., 1998a, hi. Planting in larger groups also ap- pears to be an effective method of deterring physi- cal disruption of the planting by marine organisms. However, as suggested by Addy (1947), matching wa- ter depths, temperature, salinity, water clarity and pliant We remain sonic of the best general guide- lines Cor matching donor and recipient beds. The characteristics of the species, such as fast: growing vs. slow growing; pioneering vs. climax, an- nual vs, perennial growth, etc, must be considered before conducting transplantation work. For exam- ple, Hulodule spp, and Halopiiiia spp. are fast-growing pioneering species while Thcalassiaa spp. and lfttlalus spp. are slow-growing climax species, flalophila spp. rapidly colonise disturbed areas like those with moving; sand bars and are under-canopy species, requiring low light. Although it climax species may have been disturbed. it is often advisable to first install a faster-growing species to stabilise the environment. :Another important factor in the selection of sea- grass for transplanting, besides their intrinsic recov- ery rate, is their growth habit {Short & Short, 2000). Transplanting can be rendered almost wholly )net- festive if' tneristematic regions of these plants are 158 MARK FONSECA FT AL. ??inlul-(?ieri•-tcm tti?:? la;ef-reph?.cintt M All lturnr-mcrisurm:lll? ?un?it•t+t-±??p1:11:mg. z M U1 me(isternatk iVA lepiaculg M E)i-nrrrltil(•urltii nett-I e:11?rU)lacin" 41, N1 I ig. Ili( !our ba is ?,rowtli forms of xagra<s. In rh,, Lasc of ttx mone>-mcnstemauic. k•atr('plaru,,k Klrm. matt! t(•rmill:d shoot ()n true Iminrr is a tiai)l( hlantinh omit - L(?11 )a1'a11 A'LIV 14A% Ill(A.14114lC lI,m !N Ili 01"W IlUiIIlIII , Ihal I IsI (l(It,I'1 ('u(II sIIoUl Ik;I? ttl;yt: pllrenr;al tier )III illuatin%4 to spati,II iU1CIT ti5-ti1m s11 L' Utllt•I till'er' h0InIs r(A quirr :1t IrasI i1ir1'r to I-our short sht")Is hr mainlelin;rd c?±?. tIlk, Runner for a conlpiete piaulting unit. 'IN %k('11 ;1, an *Intact ri).izome° apa al merislon". From Y-Ion R Nhort ;2000j. damaged or not incorporated in sufficient quantity in a planting unit to initiate recolonisation. Short & Shorl (2000) summarise the morphotypea of sea- gr:ass it ig. 7.3i. Stiy;r,'155 grazers can have dlSiIStr0115 vflvlcis on plantings. Scat rass grocer im"lidt, sea Ur(htn,. gTastro,pods and herhnvorous fishes. Sorue tttigra t0l?y water-tiJwl such as geese anti ducks haV(' been observed to decimate seagia;s plantings )per- sonal observation). Significant grazing of natural Svrulgodiurit fili/ur,ntbeds points out the general susceplibility of sctgrasses to grazing (Rose et al- 1900). Fonseca et al. 11994 and references therein) totted significant disntrbance by rays in 'Campy Bay. Florida, indicating that it would be necessary to use exclosure cages to ensure the survival of trans- plantecl scagrasses in some areas. Recently, we have seen that planting, in clumps of at least 20-50 cin on 'i side deters many :nlimr is from disturbing the F1Llntin s (authors' unpublished data). yfinjtnisatioll 0f'dIsturh,III(e to the source bed is paramount in scagr•ass transplanting so as not to ex- accrbate injury to local populations. With present techniques focusing on the use of wild, vegetative stocks, this ni, y be achieved by conducting the transplantation in phases, or dispersing the collec- tion effort. thus allowing the source bed to recover. Harvesting of donor stock should also be done from ?' M Seagrasses 159 1 Sexual Propaguie 1 Vegetative Propagule ?, ( ? Is fiizome Seed production No 1 I growth rate No high? YPS Reject , Enhancement t irensplantamt i 1 Yes- _ possible Is seed 1 I No viability high? No l 1 Yes ( - Reject Yes planting unit i 1 derislty of ( No Is seedling establishment No - 1 active growing Try larger high? 1 i shoots high? plugs OR I Potent+'al with ( increase Yes habitat 1 Yes density of enh incement sprigs Consider Consider sprigs Consider plugs I Lseedlings for 1 for transplant for tr 4nsolant ranspkanl unit _unif u. r „ t Minimize handling Fib;. 7.4. Recision irctc Inr choosing seedlings or whole, rnature plant,, for transplanting. We caution that the tecluiolog)" for seed r-ttablishment is not as developed as for the use . Front Campbell of al. (2000). of sprit or (ore, beds over as broad a geographical area as possible. This may help avoid loss of genetic diversity in the planted beer (sense Williams & Orth, 1098) and may actually incorporate the full local range of frenetic diversity into the planting. Fortunately, many pioneering species can be harvested with minimal disturbance to the beds (Fonseca et al., 3994). However, for climax species, harvesting of donor beds may cause long-lasting damage and harvesting from these beds should only occur when the beds are under some anthropogenic source of physiological stress that does not. seem likely to abate or if they are in imminent danger of physical removal (e.g. dredging). The size of the source or donor bed should first be assessed to determine if recovery will proceed `after removal of the sods, cores or sprigs. This is especially true when transplanting vegetative stock, as a large amount of material is needed. Spacing harvesting at -0.25 to for small cores or sods (.: 0.15 x 0.15 m) is often sufficient to avoid long-lasting damage. More- over, Fonseca et al. (1998x) suggested that Kuppia, Halopf la, Hulodule and Zostera spp, can recover in small patches i<-0.25 m") within a year with shoot density returning to normal. Furthermore, Fonseca er ill. (1998x) cautioned that patches ::.-,30 m-' in high-current areas may never recover. Campbell et cal. (2000) also provide a decision tree for selection of planting stock for troth sexual and asexual propag- trles that focuses on intrinsic propagation rates ('Fig. 7.4). Choosing the time-Frame for planting is an obvi- ous concern, and as with all crops, the appropriate time fbr seagrass varies with geographical region. In general, the best strategy is to plant at a time just after the period of highest seasonal stress, when natural populations are experiencing recovery. For example, celgrass (Zostera marina) should be planted in the autumn in ]worth Carolina, and other mid- Atlantic regions in the United States, because sum- mer is the period of maximum physiological stress at that location (Moore et al., 1997). 160 MARK FONSECA ET AL. hg la;,qW,t Mok n.pWWmatwn or ns,> m?.nt VVIde.; tutIA IC.tt'i', INs III dIIIi IIINtl:?u_Ib: tGI? ,, tti1li rdimrnt stacta ,t, , WTI Id piIli +s .,Hnd these vuitlat11 diin?uu, t?su,tlly aDLITIVA "Oh Uinta; nr woul staples Planting methods Fonseca et al. (1998a'i list 14 categories of planting methods fc>t seaArns in the United Statey lbr these methods, source matena_I can be vegetative stock or seeds. Transplantation using vegetative stock typic- Ally requires available wild stock as a source and is labour-intensive and invariably expensive. How- ever, it often gives faster, more rehab)e (vverage than >eecl methods abut see review by orth ct al.. 2000). Most I)rraiCcis t?xlay are Carried out wing ei- ther small scads or sprigging of sediment-free units (Fig. ?.5i. Sediment-free methods For most sediment-free methods, plants are dug up using shovels, the sediment is shaken from the roots and rhizomes and the plants are placed in [loin ing seawater tanks or floating pens. For vegetative stocks. Fonseca et IT 0998a) recommend a mini- mum of one apical shoot per planting wait. Thee number of short shoots on a long shoot should be maximised whenever possible, so as to derive benefits from the clonal nature of the plant. Also. the plants should be collected and planted on the same clay kept in water with the same am- bient temperature and salinity, and kept as moist as possible when out of tlae water. When using vegetative stocks of Thcaltassia testatdinurn. Tomasko et al. 09911 recommend a minimum of one rhi- zome apical and at least three shoots per rhizome wynaent. Seagrass should he planted either directly into the bed (sprig) or anchored using a variety of de- w"n such as rods, rings, nails or Rebar. U-shaped metal staples 1Vith .attached hare root sprigs {no sodimeritl have been widely used as planting units i,Dcrrenbacker & L(,wis, 1982: Fonsma et uf., 1982) or. when negativv huoyaniy is not required, bamboo skoivers may be suhstituted iDavis & Short. 1997). Plants have also been woven into biodOgradablc mesh fabrit: and attached to the sediment surface as a planting unit i,honseca V1 A. 1998ct). Rocky in- W11 1d,11 species. such as T4,a•Ih,llxulix spy, have been attached to boulders. When using anchoring devices, one must cola- Sider using biodegradable or natural Materials such as boulder over metal or plastics. As mentioned above, when using staples, one can choose metal I S50.01 each) or csin intuhl r Wsh kebab' bamboo sticks by bending, them into a V iDavis h, `;host, 19971 which when purchased in bull: could cost only USS0,006 a piece. In tropical areas where batn- bnr is plentiful, this could bc' amore economical medium t„ use. Ratnbtm is also hiodegratlable. Using either ),in(] of staple, planing units are made by grouping plants and attaching the root-rhizome portion under the bridge of a staple and securing the plants with a papernwated metal twist-tie. Fhis tan either he prepared beforehand or Be planting unit can be pinned cfirecfily to the substrate during planting. When using nails. boulders or Popsicle sticks (NW &L 1988L the teclanigti(' is more or less sim- ilar and the planting unit is tied to the anchor- ing irtstrunu°nt. Frames, such as Short's T RY device if,. 1. Short. in Fonseca et tai., 1998a), have great promise for rapid and not-diver-assisted planting at depth. A cage deployment system that has shoots attached to the bottom is lowered onto the sea door and retrieved after the shoots have rooted and their paper As have decompose? This ehm- inates the need for divers in deeper water, can be used in chemically polluted :areas, and provides initial protection of' the plantings from biological disturbance. Seagrasses 161 5eagrass with sediment methods I7ae sad or turf method consists (Aplanting a shovel- full of seagrass with sediment and rhizomes intact. This is the easiest method, and is most applica- ble for hard, compact substrates and sleep-rooted and large species such as F?nhulus acoroides. The only equipment needed are shovels and barge basins- for the sods. However, if' the donor site is far away, transporting the sods may present a problem as the weight of the material is a physical burden. Soane species. such as F. acoroirles, Posidor is spp. and Thalassia spp, may have very deep root-rhizome sys- tents requiring removal of a tremendous 4arnount of sediment to harvest the belowsrotind plant struc- tures all intact (Fig. 76), 'To our lcnawledge, this has only been accomplished in We-stern Australia jby E. Paling, of Murdoch University; see review in Fonseca eat all„ 1998h). Furthermore, hayA'esting am entire sad may constitute one of the most severe perturbations in a seagr<ass meadow, inhibiting re- coven, in the donor bed. -p?.w y,?"'" pry x??.. .. Ili , lr%T5r uS 1 1: - a' The plus; method utilises tubes as coring devices to extract the plants with the sediment and rhi- zomes intact. Ilse plugs are planted directly into the seagrass bed after creation of a hole: to r(Iceisrc the contents of t he tube. The core tubes are usually made of 4-6-cm diameter PVC; plastic pipe with caps for both ends to initially create a vacuum and keep sedinuuni? front washing out the bottom. The tube i, iv,,t t I d into the sedinent. capped twhich creates a vacuum), pulled from the sedinient and capped at the other end to avoid losing the plug. This can only be done with soft but cohesive sediments and generally only far small species to aatoid excessive leaf shearing (unless extreme care is taken to :avoid the shearing„ which adds measurably to the cast. ofthe process). When the donor bed is far away from the planting site, many tubes are needed which also adds to they cost. Sod plugger", extract a plug out of' the donor beet which is then extri.tded into a peat pot; the method vvas first used by Robilliard & Porter j1976) 2 162 MARK FONSFCA ET AL. and modified by honscca et al. (1994). Recause these pots are typically ono a few cm across. they may be inserted into the bottom by liquefying the sedinicni with a hand tool. after the peat pot is planted. its side wails must be ripped off nr torn dawn and the pert pushed into the sediment to allow tho rhizcnncs to spread out Sowing of seed Seed planting; holds promise by l rr oscale reswra- tion but is currently mere applicable ranly in low- energy areas where the seeds can settle and gerrn- mate and vvhere there are few seed predators. This method was first introduced by Thorhang, (1374) with Thalassia testridinurn. A seedling; g;rbw- out method for T testudinuni has been registered by. Lewis 119{47). The availability of seeds must alsci be considered. Large areas in Be Chesapeake Bay have been established by sowing seeds from a small Not fR. 1. Orth, personal c0nununicati0y)). VV01'R ce>ntfn- ues in 09 highly promismg area (Orth et ell., 20001 Experiments using seects prlletised to increase their density to facilitate sinking and seeds cinhedded its biodegradable mesh are presently being; curried out by Granger and his colleagues (Granger of & 2000). Experiments on planting depth also indicate that at least toy 9os4,rri rNuirra, seeds should be within the UT 2 cm of the sediment for best germination and that sowing densities should be 400-1000 seeds per sdu are metre (granger et al_ 2000). Laboratory cultured stocks This approach uses plants reared and grown in the laboratory from plant fragments. 1t I= become es- pecially applicable for large-'scale plantings where a large amount of plantiry units is needed. This tech- ruclue also holds promise for reducing or clituinat- ing donor bed damage and this has been shown to be rnirmnal by pioneering species, such as HaAdule twrightii and Sy-ti ngodruni fili16rrue Wonseca el al., 1994). This approach also has the potential to main- tain donor stocks for unscheduled plantings and could theoretically supply genetically variable and disease-resistant plants. Several aspects of this approach remain con- troversiaL So far, three species have been suc(vss- fully propagated in the laboratory, Ruppia rnaritinui, iltalogihifce d4QQns and 11 rngelmamin (M. Durako, personal communication). Ruppia rrdritit?id has been successfully transplanted from labtirator,y ectlture stock (Bird er aL 1994), but all these species are naturally fast growing, ti.e, pioneering) and it is un- c fear whether Laboratory culture is as cost-offeo ivc mom% of restoring naturally prtmh& spaAes. More- ovcr, questions regarding; the ability to maintain rrenetic tarr.tcttn-r of the: 1101?111ation have nog, been salved. Given the growing ermplams on me•charuwd plantings using wild :stack, laboratory culture will probably only be cost-effective when tccliniques are developed fiar slow-growing species, hence avoiding; long-term donor bed impacts. Monitoring the restoration Monitoring; of the restoration project is necessary to provide data regnimd to ea,aluate the viability of Be project based on then performance standards (defined below). Fhis pern&% timely identification of problems or conditions that may require corrective action to ensure the suvrem of the project. Monitoring schedule and activities Field adlectiein of data by perfiirrnanev uatinM, ing; should occur fear tout 'years after planting. Orig- inal plantings should be monitored for three years and potential remedial plantings in year 2 Should be monitored tot- three years for a total monitoring period of fiiur years. Under this schedule the moni- toring xvould be conducted as follows year 1 - day 60, lilt), 365 year 2 - day 180, 365 year 3 - day 180, 365 year 4 - day 1$0, 365 The precise dates are weathendeperndem. W carbon- ate sedinients, each surviving, planting unit "110111d receive an additional spits of constant-release phos- phorous thodiser 10-39--0, nitrogen-phosphorus- potassium) al day 60 of year 1. Mternatively, bird rociging stake could be installed about every 5-10 in along scmi {see= Rox 73). Data Collection Mordwring should {locus on documenting the num- bers of apicals at planting time. planting unit sur- Oval, shoot density and areal coverage under the Wowing schedule and definitions. This numironng Seagrasses 16; Brix 7.3 Transplanting strategies RESTORING SLOW-GROWING SPECIES i'1ur,6co J aal, (1992) developt-d a stt iiv y tor resturi;lg ?Io +-s;r?t"iin ? specirs such ?s Htata t, !e?-ta,r,a?t?m b,, nltrtiic?kin<_ ,,;+u;zf hu<<csvcn i7tcy ?tii[iu4i4? Mart anatl;c•r?_ - {_t??t?-,htc,?dut -.,?n?c?f?er. ??.?rh ?e i. ..'?;a° t ?t'ti7 ', ,u.?l,lc't'r ?rOitti?r? 5,i'ci ,,., c :'15{Oal' BSfC itc?s ?.7 !. ''.his tenlpoTarq Suh?titutiun t?f:a i.?titef•prnsving'ppr•cir? for a sloes-growinc tint l?r ern<rtc5 ,i mon. smr>able - condition for the + i?'i?'c1'1ng onc 10 C?tat7li5lt ilwil while the faster that' :rahll,,.; th,l scdiiiwiit aril provides a functional sea r, s Iml)ttat tiascd wi a series of ecofo ical Held experiments if owqure,ut et tai, 1993) and traubp! aittusg, studies ji t n tlt- < I t+i.., 2000), we have ticlcrm ned that tonilxcswd sac-e.,ion`of H. WII.s+.L; can be Oils, ncc'ci U v fartili, i u'atl,l?l;i_tts with bird rt>t7:un , 7..atcc?. ,`ft rrtxcrltu•ti° t?orki hs lal??rin:; bird r,wstin>; ?L.ke? cn?cr' the rr.;n}'tartts_ ic?al?irils raostin:q vn thr,tay;e?, d,-It°ca+te n nric?n€s itu?i tltc? w?atcr, stinwl.rtit.; [;,}iid ?r,?xth r _ r?in,pla!t Is ]n , I,(" ii11,?11, 1!;ere a r lx _} of and H, , »e ri of an area can accelerated by placc,neaat of stai,e ::lone. STEPS IN A GENERALIZED PROTOCOL + Study the site to be restored and determine at the followinst parameters; (a) seagrass bed histor- (species composition, cause of lass); (b) expo?ure3 rn air and wavcs and currents 1. ; substrate I pc - rvwd cl.n`s and high w" ,iotic sedr ratios. ;[ti I,itV ut si;tatia?n - }?iantc viten cannot tltthsratad much more than 25"< huriai and vertical g;r0wLh is 13o'0hle ariiV ftor same pc6ecs and gel presence; of ,17tlttaal di,tu0mlicr. • Detemono tine i an,r .tnd l?ttci;ct ,3V t siuatin„ the ?hicat, ,?i iat' Ietlttircr,?er,rs, Mclkcl 11992_ protocol applies to original plantings ft if three years ?. (years 1-31 and io rernedical plantings for three Years (years 2-41 estinasated a minimum of seven persons were required for intertidal, bare-root (e.} ., staple techniyuet and nine persons for suhtidal bare-root planting. The use of scuba incurs higher costs that need to he factored in. In the Philippines. Calumpong et cal. (199:2) at eomplished planting; of 32 0.125 m2 sods in the ntct int l sul?ti(hl with nine persons in one day. }'f,.? eI t " rt; pr wide :, , mpa ison among? 'cr.d iairilautl, .isiir", li;7t(d tc w"'f`l.cyfound that ci)11I?ciion > fihriL,mmi pistun costs ranged fiom t-3 to 3.5 minutes her hl,ini;;tt; unit with peat put plugs beitw tint, infk?i :,ipid ttictlcnd ;tn{ iCx°es being the slowest method. It is imperative that one recognises what is not timed in that report, such as mobilisation and demobilisation, bath daily and on a project-scale bae4s. travel, rcipor:int= i,d zas??ritoring. The timed 11ial, also =did not .rccuaa;,0ti rnc,?surc the effect of boor dom oil the slat'e'd Write p_axz s? + Lm,,Ite a donor beet ihat ,rnarchc, th, conditions at the planting site, Pm ?c?;tr,?tiar tncihods, this should be near enough ?o the ,Lott;: tan iae planted the same clay. Overntgl nr:t: ,; particularly bare-root inau-_d. ,,..+aid hr lilaced ill moving seawater at ambient ternp2t,itulc'i and salinities.'1o our knowledge, there has not been a sufficict,tt? controlled L,%rerixnent t.o determine the + Ft. pwirtied to nrulagc t: _ r''?,rce with regard to the Icdit,tn ut teaks. l1; .; borciL>rn, varying t,t=`,?s tutttn,?* tndi+?idual? t., . r :1 iE,cful strategy. * t,:,lrefull. dclirtetttE° plot, io t,ttllitatc, I,,uznitoring, + Ct,rr,itS?tr .a31 th.- a:urenacntirnecl p;Itrtiti.+l «5ts, 71)e-5e include <lie tl0inc:ati0n, rcp<;ru, tnubili,atiota and dvIll obilisaIloll, insol,tme. ovclliead, hencht" napping;, planting operalioll', n,oniuirint!, remedial planting and a IW profit rnars;irn Icu crantractors, + Conduct thorough moltittit i-at; (s+ o below) and be prepared to conduct pLuitings. 1, typical counts. Prior to planting, one planting unit out of every 100 collected should lye examined for the number of rhizome apic,als. 3 Survival, Each site should he examined for survival of all planting units during each survey in gear I (days 600 180 and 365) or until coalescence. Survival of each species should he expressed as a perceni- ag;e of the cyri „inal number. but the actual W1101e number should also be reported. Shoot densitY. A Separate (front survival) random 164 MARK FONSECA ETAL. selection of three planting units per 100 planted should be assessed for number of'shoots per plant- ing unit at each survey time until coalescence be- gins. After some planting units begin to coalesce, three randomly selected locations per 100 m' (100 planting units) should be surveyed fir shoot den- sity over a 1 m' area at 0.0(525 m' 125 ctn-.25 cm) resolution. Shoot density should be monitored for three years. 9. Areal coverage. The randomly selected planting; units (may he the same as shoot density selection) should he surveyed for coverage at each survey time starting at day 180 of year 1. Measurements should be taken at a 0.0025 1n' (5 cm x 5 cm) resolution prior to coalescence and over a 1 m' area at 0,0625 111' (25 cm .t 25 cm) resolution after coalescence for each seagrass species present at each survey title. Areal coverage should also be monitored for three years. 5. Video tape transects. Five 100-tn transacts along randomly selected portions of the planted area should be video tape recorded to establish perma- rlent visual documentation of the progression of areal coverage of seagrass through time. ,A tape treasure should be laid along the central (long) axis of the scar and should be included in the video tape to allow physical reference of locations within the scar. Video recordings should be takers at each survey time during the monitoring period of three years. Obsenfation-based assessment of success may be substituted if quadrats are trscd in accordance with a Braun-Blancluet survey method (Fonseca et al., 1998x) or if the data are obtained from the video tape (making the observational data base available for cross-checking). The same number of sample points must be obtained with the same spa- tial extent (i.e. surrey each scar). Similarly, Braun- Blancluet observations of cover at every metre along each scar may also be obtained from the video tape to obtain estimates of'planting performance. Reporting requirements Monitoring reports should include copies of raw data gathered in each survey, an analysis of the data, and a discussion of the analysis. Originals of all video tapes recorded since the previous report should be provided with each new report. Originals of ail sdeo tapes and other photography should be turned over to the permitting agency follow- ing project completion by the party conducting the monitoring. Remedial plantings and/or project modifications If' data fionl a monitoring report establishes that the performance standards are not being; met or are prajcct d not to be met, remedial plantings of those Box 7.4 Performance standards Although it is the overall objective to restore the species that was injured,, performance criteria may also be based on the success of planting of pioneering .seagrass species, as found when Flalodule is installed to expedite the recovery of Tturlassfa (Fonseca et al.. 1998x). APIGALS A mitiiniutn average of one horizontal rhizome apical per unit should be maintained in all original planting and remedial planting. SURVIVAL 77ae survival rate shall be considered successful if a tniniuaum of 75% of the planting units have established themselves by the end of year 1. If it is determined that less than 75% survival has occurred by the end of year 1. then remedial planting should occur during the next available planting period to bring the percentage survival rate to the minimum standard by the next monitoring survey. G GROWTH The third success criterion should be the measured" growth rate of bottom coverage. The growth rate should be considered successful if, starting after one year, the planting is projected to achieve the total desired acreage of bottom coverage, with 95% statistical confidence. within the three-year monitoring period for original plantings. If this t ritedoo is not met, then remedial planting; should -`occur during the next available planting period. Seagrasses 165 affected seagrass species should occur. If there is a recurring problem with survival of plantings or replantings in a particular area, remedial 'planting should occur in another suitable area in as close proximity as possible. subject to the approval of permitting agencies. Rased on past experience in seagrass restoration efforts, it is assumed that 30% of the planted area should require remedial planting in year 2. All orig- inal plantings should be monitored for three years. Remedial plantings should also be monitored for three years. 80x7.5 National workshop for defining the metrics of assessment for seagrass restoration projects Nation;d Oceanic and Atmospheric Admmjn ,trauon iNOAX is &-sig;nated as a trustee for natural resources under several United States lass' and, lot that capacity, is authorised to act on behalf of the public to seek compensation for injuries to its trust resources. Under each of these statutes, natural resource damage _claims are composed of three basic components: (t} the cost of restoring the injured resource to baseline; (7) compensation for interim lost resource services' from (he turxt orthe injury until restoration occurs, aml 131 171(i cost ofrerfo:-ming the damage Habitat equivalency analysis (HLA) is one of the inore avqucntly used methodologies available W iaatural resource trustees for calculating they appropriate scale of restoration projects necessary to compensate for interim resource service losses (Fonseca et eaf., 2000<a). The basic appratob underlying HEA is to determine the amount of eoniprnsahory habitat to be restored, enhanced and,'or created, such that the total services provid<-d by the compensatory project over its tunction,tl like pan .tie equal to the total services lost due to the resource injury., While [TEA is conceptually and computationally . straightforward, proper application of this approach requires a detailed understanding of the biok?glcal -and ecological processes that affect the recovery and 1'40rahk% tilt Co-prchcusivc L^nviroomeutai Rcsponsc. U11-ri cI1,11iun, Liability; Act the Clear, GVater An. the National Mann, latter sties Act, and Ow Oil Pollutioit Act of 1190. Se 1 i,'es here rarer to the ILnctiuns .hat one resource pertorrns liar anc,thel of f<+r hvmaYts. productivity of injured and restougl habitats. In order to gain a better understanding of these processes, NOAA is undertalciri; a systemalic, expert review of the ecological assumptions made within the HEA framcworl, for a number of habitats for which HEA is most fre?luewly applied. Seagrass habitats were selected as the first habitat to review for two primary reasons: (7) N0AA expects that due to the frequeno, of injuries to seagrasses (more than 70000 hectares of injured seagrass in Florida alone), HEA will be commonly applied in cases involving injuries to seagrass habitats. and (21 the relatively small number ofspecies of .,eagrasses present within areas under NOAA's trusteeship made this habitat a logical starling-point Cron) which to develop and refine the teview process for more diverse, comptex babitats, WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS Under the direction of NOAA's Southeast Fisheries Science. Center, several academic experts in addition to NUAA staff were selected to discuss the underly in assumptions of HEA for seagrass environments. The woriloroup was assembled to be geographically diverse, :,s well as to reflect a range ofspeCiaitics within the field of seagrass biology/ecology. "Die workgroup participants were: Susan Bell. University of South Florida; Kenneth Moore, Virginia Institute of Marine Science; Mary Rut kulshaus, norida Siate [University; Frederick Short, University of New Hampshire; Charles Simenstad, University of Washington; Mark Fonseca, at`or a detailed discussion of HE:A, sec Nnrifzmal oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Damage Assewiivnt and Re>torufoT7 Program (March 1995. revised Ocwbct LQ00), habitat EgviV31euCy Analssls_ An Crvertiew, unnublished report. 166 MARK FONSECA ET At. NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center (Modt,r:aTm): John Cubit, NOAA Darr age Assessment Center; Briaq Julius. NOAA Damage Assessment Center; Arthur Schwarzschild, NMFS Southeast. Fisheries Science Center: Erik Zobrist, NOAA Restoration Center. WORKSHOP CONCLUSIONS Prior to the workshop, all participants were provided with background materials on the theory and application of HEA. as well as a series of null hypotheses developed by *IOAA to capture the major issues relative to implementation of 1-I A for seagrass environments. Each of the null hypotheses discuss presented below, accompanied by a suniniary of the conclusions reached by the workgroup. Null hypothesis is Recovery of functional attributes can be forecast based on seagrass biomass and density alone4 The general conclusion of the workgroup was that seagrass biomass represents a more comprehensive, metric of habitat htnction than seagrass shoot density. In general, biomass was cited as preferable to density measures because density measures do not capture the below-ground component of seagrass systems, which may be important in determining the long-term persistence of recovering systems tparticularly fiar'7ba lassiaa tesivdinunt); and seagrass shoot density develops much more rapidly than function-, and may overshoot: haseline )hoot density before achieving equilibrium. Canopy volume (shoot density times the height of the seagrass canopy) was proposed as a preferable measure to biomass. While in most cases canopy volume would be expected to be highly correlated witli total (above- and belowground) biomass, canopy volume has the added advantage of being easily measured in a 110n-destructive manner. Despite the apparent advantages of the canopy volume measure for capturing within-patch functions, the workgroup cited among-patch attributes of landscape structure. scale and setting that would also be expected to significantly, influence functional performance and recovery rates. 4Functional attribtttc,, ref r to the range of ecole}gieal services provided by seagrass habitats including, but suit c; _ e r aIud connectedness among vegetated patches were among the measures cited as important in capturing the among-patch aspects of seagrass habitats. Null hypothesis z: Forecasting seagrass bed recovery is independent of scale I"li general conclusion of the workgroup was that seagrass bed recovery likely will be influenced by the spatial scale of the injury. One rationale provided for rejecting this hypothesis wets that current data suggest seagrass beds inodify their environment, and thus the size severity and shape of an injury will alfec:t the recovery` process, Other participants suggested that as thc'scale of the injury increases, landscape features will be increasingly important in determining and restoring functional attributes of seagrass beds. Stated differently, participants expected differences in the recovery of a continuous seagrass bed versus a beef of the same total density or biornass, but distributed in discrete patches. Dull hypothesis 3: Overcompensation responses by seagrass in injured areas (e.g. generation of shoot densities higher than un-impacted controls) does not. constitute enhanced ecological/biological functions lbe general conclusion of the workgroup was that overcompensation responses by seagrass in injured areas do not constitute enhanced functions. Higher seagrass density does not necessarily indicate higher production. In addition, external controls, such as light availability, will serve as limiting factors on the function of a particular habitat. The workgroup also concluded that the presence of an observed overcompensation response may be an artifact of density-based measures of recovery, while biomass-based measures for the same area may not exhibit the same response The outcome of this workshop set the stage for NOAA to provide a reasonable and fair technical basis to assess seagrass injuries and support the recovery of the lost resource services for which the responsible party is liable, liniatetl ia, primary production. faunal use, nutrient filtration, and sediment stabilization. Seagrasses 167 'fable 7.1. Topg General distribution Pln) of costs b'y tosk (United States of America v. Salvors Inc.); bottom: suannt(lTy of costs by spec-z('ic actions (Fishes Natural Resource Damage Assessment claini) Percentage 'i"ask of total costs Map and ground-truth 5.5 Planting 185 Monitoring 58.7 Contractor 8.3 Government oversight 91 Type of cost US$ (1996 valued tlarrias;e assessment costs Federal assessment costs (up to 26 October 1996) 211 130 Interest on federal assessment costs at judgment 26 553 Subtotal 237 683 Restoration costs Primary restoration costs (vessel-generated holes in sea floor - restoration deemed not feasible with current technology) 0 Restoration site selection analysis 5 465 National Environmental Policy, Act compliance!pertnitting costs 14695 Preparation of mapiground•truthing sites 14 314 Collection, preparation and installation of planting units 64846 NOAA restoration oversightjsupervision costs 17 650 Subtotal 116970 Monitoring costs Monitoring of compensatory prop scar areas 205650 Contractor profit on restorar[c wn'1onitoring work 29028 Grand total for claim 589331 Costs of restoration From our experience, there is a general set of fac- tors that drive up the cost ofseagrass transplanting, particularly inappropriate site selection, inexperi- ence, and disturbance events (requiring remedial planting). Consistent estimates of planting costs in dollars retrain elusive, but recent restoration plans in the United States that have been litigated in the federal courts have shown the full cost of a restora- tion distributed among the various tasks (Table 71) at - US$590000 for a 1.55 acre area or -TS$940000 per hectare (1996 dollars). Two in7portant points here are that: (1) the actual costs of collecting and installing; planting units is less than 20% of the ac- tual cost of rile entire project; (2) while monitor- ing costs at. first glance may appeal- high relative to planting costs, it is important to note that monitor- ill, represents a labour-intensive, multi-,year effort to ensure that performance standards are met and necessary mid-course corrections are undertaken. The majority of'' planting costs on the other hand are incurred at a single point in time. Tl1is cost pattern is not unique to seagrass projects, but is commonly observed in natural-resource restoration projects across different types of' habitats. We con- sider these data to be much more indicative of the real costs of executing a restoration project than previously presented (e.g. Fonseca et al., 1982). CONCLUDING REMARKS In this chapter we have dealt with what we consider to be some of the critical issues that must be ad- dressed in the implementation of effective restora- tion projects. These issues include: (1) choice of an appropriate metric, representative of the array of services provided by a resource, by which to mea- sure success, (2) evaluation of lost interim resources; (3j,appropriate selection criteria for off=site restora- tion projects; and (4) accurate project cost estima• Lion. A fifth issue presented itself as we edited the paper - the role of disturbance. Disturbance is a fun- damental ecological process and we noticed that it repeatedly worked its ways into our discussions, sig- nalling its obvious but subtle role in influencing the outcome of restoration projects. Finally we review methods, but we do not view these to be a weak 168 MARK FONSECA ETAL, link in the prcacess, p(rr se. The vveaakness in meth- ods arises when workers do not study past efforts. Rather, failure of restoration arises in general from not considering the broader context of ecological in- juries. particularly issue (3i, When restoration plans are sent to us for consideration, the first aspect of the plan that we look at is the choice of a restora- tion site. Almost without fail for those with little restoration experience. a site is selected that is not damaged and does not need repair (e.g, planting in spaces anion; naturally patchy seagrass). h7 the United States as elsewhere around the world, we have largely won the battle to recognise the value of seagrasses as a national resource. How- ever, the acceptance by US federal courts of our metrics for assessing success, the concept of interim resource service losses and the methods tar quanti- fying them, and the logic for selecting planting sites has given us an unprecedented ability to luster efiec- five restoration of these habitats. More importantly, perhaps, is the signal chat this has sent to the de- velopment community and responsible parties: that this resource is of vitro national importance and its destruction cannot be tolerated by the public. While transplanting seagrass is not technically complex, in order to meet the goal of maintaining or increas- ing seagrass area, careful attention to detail must he paid to the entire process of planning, planting and monitoring - a process that does not lend itself' to oversimplification. As with all terrestrial crops, there are inherent risks with seagrass and failures will inevitably occur. Given that despite collective millennia of human experience we trade stock fu- tures on the probability of successful cultivation of food crops, restoration of scag;rass ecosystems will suffer from at least this kind of risk. REFERENCES Addv C. E f 1947j. Eel grass planting guide. Afarylarat Cartservationist. 24. 16-17 . Bird. K T, lewctt-Smith. J. & I'onseca, M. S. 11994). Usc of in vitro propagated Ruppia mantima for seagrass meadow restonition. jour-no! aJCoustal Re<eurch. 10. ?32-731. Broonre, S W. Srne(a, t?. 1). & Woodhouse. VV W. 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