HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110846 Ver 1_Restoration Plan_201109131 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHADRIC CREEK STREAM RESTORATION o RMBle @D DESIGN REPORT SEP ° 2 2011 WE1t e.IXNR' 41f4TER aiAi Irv AUGUST 2011 RIA&RUng SEP Y 3 2011 D DENR • IMATER QUALITY WEILANOSAND STORMM+ATER BRANCH .wj CLEAR CREEKS CONSULTING pirlo. 1317 Knopp Road, Jarrettsville, Maryland 21084 (410) 692-2164 C ree =m=-Qo If ENGINEERING STREAM WALKER CONSULTING 99 BANBURY COURT WAYNESVILLE, NC 28786 (828) 507-7686 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHADRIC CREEK STREAM RESTORATION DESIGN REPORT PREPARED FOR PILOT VIEW RC&D, INC. and SURRY SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT PREPARED BY CLEAR CREEKS CONSULTING LLC IN COLLABORATION WITH WOLF CREEK ENGINEERING and STREAM WALKER CONSULTING AUGUST 2011 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Project Background 1 Technical Report 1. Study Area 3 II. Scope of Studies 3 III. Watershed Characterization A. Physiography and Basin Morphometry 3 B. Climate 5 C. Geology, Soils, and Land Use 5 D. Hydrology 6 1. Hydrologic Analysis 6 2. Bankfull Discharge Estimates 8 E. Hydraulic Analysis 9 IV. Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment A. Rationale 11 B. Assessment Methods 11 1. Verifying Bankfull Channel Field Indicators 11 2. Upstream Channel Morphology and Sediment Sources 11 3. Level II - Morphological Description 12 4. Level III - Assessment of Stream Condition 12 5. Level IV - Stream Stability Validation Monitoring 12 u C. Findings of Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment 1. Evaluation of Watershed Conditions and Upstream Channel Conditions 12 2. Project Site - Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment 13 a. Historic Conditions 13 b. Current Conditions 13 Reach 1 13 Reach 2 17 V. Restoration Design 22 A. General Approach 22 B. Design Criteria 24 1. Reference Reach Data 24 2. Design Discharges 24 3. Channel Geometry 24 4. Sediment Entrainment Analysis 25 a. Sediment Entrainment Analysis Procedures 25 b. Chadric Creek 26 5. Flowsed/Powersed Model 26 References Appendix A. Watershed Characterization Supporting Documentation ' B. Bankfull Discharge and Channel Dimensions Validation Supporting Documentation ' C. Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment Supporting Documentation ' D. Hydrology and Hydraulic Analysis Supporting Documentation E. Design Criteria Supporting Documentation 1 1 PROJECT BACKGROUND Pilot View RC&D and the Surry Soil and Water Conservation District have a history of working with interested landowners to improve the water quality of streams on their property. This project involves restoration of Chadric Creek along the Arcadia LLC Property near Devotion, North Carolina. Chadric Creek is a second order tributary of the Mitchell River in the Yadkin River Basin. In the 1950's the lower reaches of Chadric Creek were dammed and ' piped with 100% of the baseflow diverted into a recreational fishing pond located along the floodplain between Chadric Creek and Saddle Mountain Creek. This condition eliminated in-stream habitat along this section of Chadric Creek and created a barrier to fish migration into the headwaters of the creek. In the 1960's ' a sediment trapping pond was constructed downstream of the dam and upstream of the fishing pond. Over the decades since it was constructed this sediment pond has filled with material washed in from upstream. Streambank erosion along the reaches above the dam continues to contribute sediment to both ponds. The restoration effort along Chadric Creek involves restoring in-stream habitat as well as fish passage to the upper reaches by removal of the old low-head dam; "day-lighting" approximately 900 feet of the creek that is currently piped; and restoring the diverted baseflow to the newly created open and natural channel. In addition, 340 feet of unstable channel upstream of the old dam will be restored to reduce sediment loadings from eroding banks and terraces, and improve in- stream habitat. As outlined in the Mitchell River Watershed Protection Plan (2001), above the ' confluence with the South Fork, the Mitchell River is classified as an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW), North Carolina's highest water quality designation. The upper Mitchell is also classified as trout waters, supporting the eastern most ' populations of pure southern strain native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Other significant species in the watershed include two species of freshwater mussels, a threatened bog turtle, and two species of salamander which are either threatened or of special concern. The Plan states that the overall conservation goals for the Mitchell River are to maintain the ORW status through the protection of water quality and aquatic habitat in the upper reaches. The primary pollutant of concern is sediment caused by streambank erosion and land disturbing activities. To achieve the ' watershed goals, project partners are working cooperatively to protect the forested headwaters of the Upper Mitchell River and to maintain or improve forested riparian buffers along the mainstem and tributaries through conservation 1 easements and donations from interested landowners. In impacted areas, project partners are working with interested landowners to implement stream 1 restoration projects that establish stable, self-maintaining streams that reduce streambank erosion and create in-stream habitat. The Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan (NCDWQ, 1998) cites the outstanding water quality of the Upper Mitchell River. It also notes that the effects of increasing development are evident. The Plan highlights the efforts of the Surry Soil and Water Conservation District, the Piedmont Land Conservancy, and the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund to protect and restore the Upper Mitchell River Watershed as an example of the type of partnerships that are needed to the goals of the Plan. The North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan (NCWRC, 2005) notes that the recovery of aquatic species that are threatened or endangered requires the protection of the habitats which they currently occupy and the restoration of the habitats they historically occupied. The Upper Mitchell River Watershed is included in the eco- regions of the southeast U.S. identified as critical to achieving the goals of the Action Plan. It is the intention of Pilot View RC&D and the Surry Soil and Water Conservation District to work with the landowner to implement a long-term restoration plan for Chadric Creek that is consistent with the overall goals and objectives for the Mitchell River watershed. 2 TECHNICAL REPORT 1. Study Area The study area for the current project includes the stream reaches along Chadric Creek upstream and downstream of the old dam on the Arcadia LLC property. The project is approximately 1250 feet (Figs. 1 and 2). II. Scope of Studies Existing data was collected and field studies were conducted to: evaluate the current conditions along Chadric Creek; determine the extent of the restoration effort required; develop reliable estimates of the design discharge(s) and other ' design parameters that will guide the preparation of restoration design plans, and satisfy permitting requirements. This study did not include wetland delineations, identification of significant plant or animal habitat, archeological or historical ' studies, or other environmental studies that may be required by local, state or federal permitting agencies. III. Watershed Characterization Existing information on watershed characteristics and land use was collected, compiled and reviewed. The data collected included: topographic, soils, geology, and land use maps; meteorological data; hydrologic and hydraulic data; and published technical reports. The following characterization of Chadric Creek watershed was developed from this information. A. Physiography and Basin Morphometry The Chadric Creek watershed is situated in the northwest corner of Surry County. Its headwaters are located on the slopes of Saddle Mountain. This ' region is situated along the eastern edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains where they meet the Western Piedmont physiographic province and is characterized by rolling to very steep topography. Elevations within the project area range from ' 1360 ft. on upper slopes above Chadric Creek to 1327 ft. at the site outfall (NGVD). ' The Chadric Creek watershed area is 0.97 square miles (620.8 acres) at the downstream end of the project. The upper Chadric Creek watershed is relatively steep and the valley bottoms are relatively narrow, confined by adjacent hill slopes. Upstream of the project area the floodplain along the mainstem widens and channel gradient flattens. Although the valley type changes sinuosity remains relatively low characterized by broad meanders except where the 1 channel flows adjacent to hill slopes. There are bedrock outcrops throughout. 1 i-1 (a R rs A S C `aa' . 1 s J . lpo oll ;moo J? 5 .- OJ',??HJJ? _ s.EUOx no mrv _._- p E r ? ?3(A3v s sh aE Eus o c ?P p,eJt :R 0' 1 ` e BPEM ' ^ V/ (D J. O C? E3tlXdC: CL .:: O - n o,'ry L.V ne /W? i _ VJ a) ?BEaTV ' U Jam, . U g U- "???s.l..` t ymenooia[a[ 1 1 Swam atl *yAC+ , A t4 11 i?tlA All: ,,yam ?? `?4x ,'0. Ail Saddle Mountain 1 4N "NA'A 1 1?` h B. Climate The climate of North Carolina is determined by its location in the warm temperate zone, but is modified by three important factors: the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the distance of the state from the prevailing course of cyclonic storms, and the gradual rise in elevation of the land towards the west to the summit of Mt. Mitchell. Unlike the Coastal Plain, in the Western Piedmont extremes of temperature become greater and rainfall is less. Surry County experiences moderate winters and warm summers. Mean annual temperature is 58° F. Mean monthly temperatures range from 32 to 50°F in January and 68 to 88 in July. There are no distinct wet and dry seasons. Most of the rainfall during the growing season comes from summer thunderstorms, but may vary widely from 4 }i :" d ? r yh Piped Section s Fig. 2 - Chadric Creek Stream Restoration Project Limits place to place and from season to season. Winter rainfall results mostly from low-pressure storms moving through the area and is less variable than summer rainfall. Mean annual precipitation is 44.2 inches, with mean monthly precipitation varying from a low of 2.8 inches in November to a high of 4.6 inches in July. Some snow falls every winter, with total amounts ranging from 1 inch to 2 feet. Mean annual snowfall is 9 inches. Generally, only a few inches accumulate at one time, and such accumulations usually melt within a few days. C. Geology, Soils, and Land Use According to the North Carolina Geological Survey, the Chadric Creek watershed is located within the Metasedimentary rock and mafic and felsic metavolcanic rock of the Ashe Metamorphic Suite, Tallulah Falls, and Alligator Bank Formation (NCGS, 1998). The dominant upland soils weathered from these rocks are Braddock fine sandy loam, Evard-Cowee complex, and Tate-Colvard complex. The dominant floodplain soils along Chadric Creek are of the Colvard and Suches series. The dominant land use in the watershed is forest (80%) along the ridges and steep, narrow valley. Where the Chadric Creek watershed enters the floodplain of the Mitchell River valley, old field and pasture are the dominant land use. D. Hydrology One of the critical steps necessary for any geomorphic stream design project is developing accurate estimates of the flow regime, particularly the bankfull discharge. 1. Hydrologic Analysis The peak discharges for Chadric Creek were evaluated using the NRCS TR-55 methodology, USGS regional regression equations, and regional hydraulic geometry curves. TR-55 Methodology The TR-55 procedure was developed specifically for urban and urbanizing watershed but can be applied to any small watershed within certain limitations. The procedure involves the runoff curve number based on the soil group and drainage conditions along with calculating the time of concentration and the site drainage area. The time of concentration calculations are the sum total of the sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow, and open channel flow. 6 ?J ' Tables 1 and 2 present the site parameters and peak discharge estimates for Chadric Creek developed from the TR-55 model: Table 1: Site Values for Chadric Creek Soil Group B CN 65 Rainfall Distribution Type II Drainage Area 602 Sheet Flow flow path (ft) 150 land slope 0.26 Mannin 's N 0.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow Path unpaved Flow Path Length (ft) 1100 slope 0.2 Open Channel Flow Channel Length (ft) 14442 Channel Slope 0.04 Cross Sectional Area (sf) 6 Wetted Perimeter ft 7.82 Mannin 's n 0.045 Table 2: Peak Discharge Estimates for Chadric Creek Storm Event 1 yr 2yr 10 r 50 yr 100 r 24 hr Rainfall (in.) 2.5 3.5 4 5.9 6.9 CN 65 65 65 65 65 T1 (Sheet Flow) 2.01 E-01 1.70E-01 1.59E-01 1.31 E-01 1.21 E-01 T2 (Shallow Conc. Flow 4.23E-02 4.23E-02 4.23E-02 4.23E-02 4.23E-02 T3 (Open Channel Flow 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 Total Tc (T1 +T2 +T3) 0.97 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.89 Runoff (in. 0.30 0.75 1.03 2.28 3.03 Q (cf/sec/in/sq mi) 214 302 317 353 365 Qp cf/ sec) 60 216 310 765 1049 USGS Regional Regression The United States Geologic Survey provides regional regression equations in the report titled "Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins of North Carolina - Revised," by Pope B.F. et al., 2001. The methodology uses a log-Pearson Type III distribution of annual peak flows for 317 gaged sites. Regional regression analysis is used to develop predictive equations that estimate the 2-yr, 5-yr, 10-yr, 25-yr, 50-yr, 100-yr, 200-yr, and 500-yr recurrence interval discharges. The methodology provides weighting procedures for sites located near stream gauges, however, do to the small size of the site watershed and its remoteness from the nearest gages, only the standard regression equations were used. In addition to the equations provided by USGS, a regression equation was developed for the 1.3-yr recurrence interval as an estimate for the bankfull discharge. The following are the equations for the Blue Ridge - Piedmont hydro-physiographic region and the resulting calculations: Regression Equations Q 1.3-YR = 68.4 DA 0.710 Q2-YR = 135 DA 0.702 Q10-YR = 334 DA 0.662 Q50-YR = 602 DA 0.635 Q100-YR = 745 DA 0.625 Table 3: Blue Ridge/Piedmont Reach DA 2 r 10 r 50 r 100 r Equation 135DA^0.702 334DA"0.662 602DA"0.635 745DA^0.625 Chadric 0.94 129 321 579 717 2. Bankfull Discharge Estimates Three methods were used to develop bankfull discharge estimates. These included 1) updated regional regression equations developed in North Carolina (NCSU and NRCS, 2006), 2) TR-20 Hydrologic Model, and 3) Manning's equation and field data. a. Bankfull Regional Regressions North Carolina State University (NCSU) and the U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) cooperated to develop regional curves for the rural Piedmont area of North Carolina (NCSU and NRCS, 1999). Recently updated regional regressions (NCSU and NRCS, 2006) based on this original work were used as one method for estimating bankfull discharges. I] b. U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service TR-55 Methodology As part of this current study a range of flows varying in frequency from the 1-year to the 100-year discharge was developed using the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service TR-55 Methodology. . The 1 and 2-year recurrence interval peak discharges were utilized to validate the discharge estimates developed using the other two methods. c. Manning's Equation Bankfull discharge estimates were developed using Manning's equation and cross-sectional data collected in the crossover (riffle) of relatively stable reaches along the project area. The slope used was the bankfull slope of the overall reach, and estimates of Manning's n were developed utilizing visual observations of the channel bottom and banks throughout the reach. The bankfull discharge estimates are summarized in Table 4. As shown in Table 4, the bankfull discharge estimates developed for Chadric Creek using the rural regional regressions are somewhat lower than the Manning's equation estimate. Both estimates fall just below the range of discharges bound by the 1 and 2-Year recurrence interval flood flows developed with the TR-55 model. Based on this analysis it was determined that utilizing the Rural Regional Regression estimate provides a reliable method for estimating bankfull discharge for the proposed project design. Table 6 - Bankfull Discharge Estimates Reach NC TR-20 Manning's Location Updated Rural 1 YR/ 2YR Equation (DA mil) Regional Curve (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Reach 1 53.6 60 216 57.3 0.97) Table 6 - Bankfull discharge estimates (cfs) developed using three methods E. Hydraulic Analysis • Hydraulic Methods The purpose of the hydraulic study was to analyze changes in water surface elevations, channel velocities and other pertinent hydraulic parameters associated with the proposed channel modifications. The hydraulic analysis was 9 based on U. S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS version 3.1.2 River Analysis System. The hydraulic model was developed for existing conditions for the 1-, 2-, 10-, and 100- year flow events. Proposed conditions were modeled using the same peak discharges. The figures the bankfull to 100-year water surfaces, cross-section profiles and summary tables are included in the Appendix of this report. The proposed channel sections were evaluated for their ability to convey the bankfull flows and the flood flows of the watershed by performing a computational hydraulic analysis. The analysis consisted of first modeling the existing conditions with the HEC- RAS water surface profile model. Cross sections were taken through the channel and the adjacent valley at representative locations throughout the project reach. Existing hydraulic conditions were evaluated and the model calibrated based on available site data. Manning's `n' was estimated from relative roughness calculations of the bed material and from observation of the channel flow conditions. The existing conditions model for Chadric Creek provides a reasonably good conformity of bankfull discharge with bankfull field indicators along with expected bankfull velocities in the 4 to 5 fps range. The downstream reach of the model is limited in its predictive ability due to the existing divergent flow conditions. In this lower reach a portion of the stream flow is diverted into the pond and portion of it is being diverted into a storm drain while the remainder of the storm flow is flowing in a poorly defined channel. Proposed conditions were analyzed by revising the existing sections based on the proposed channel geometry and by revising the model to reflect proposed pattern conditions and anticipated future roughness coefficients. The modeling results indicate that hydraulic trespass will not be a concern since proposed water surface elevations at the upstream project end are approximately equal to existing conditions within the tolerances of the model. Additionally, the upstream end of the project terminates with the property boundaries, thus eliminating the ability to negatively affect adjacent property owners. The proposed model indicates that water surface elevations and channel velocities are comparable to existing conditions with the exception that water surface elevations are significantly lower where the channel grade is proposed to be lowered. The one area of concern is that the model returns Froude numbers near unity in several locations indicating that the flow regime is approach critical depth. This indicates that grade changes in the bed associated with in-stream rock and log structures could initiate supercritical flow, standing waves and hydraulic jumps. This is not unexpected for moderately high gradient mountainous streams, but it was taken into consideration in the design of the 10 ' stream bed material and the in-stream structures. The output summary tables for the HEC-RAS models are included in the Appendix of this report. IV. Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment A. Rationale ' Stream stability is morphologically defined as the ability of the stream to maintain, over time, its dimension, pattern and profile in such a manner that it is neither aggrading or degrading and is able to effectively transport the flows and sediment delivered to it by its watershed. Morphologic stability permits the full expression of natural stream characteristics. Stream potential is defined as the best condition, based on quantifiable morphological characteristics, for a given stream type. Streams functioning at full potential exhibit a desired or preferred set of stability or condition characteristics that may be quantitatively described in terms of channel size and shape, bed stability/vertical control, and bank stability/lateral control - low bank erosion potential and gradual lateral migration rates. Stream classification as a morphologic stream assessment technique permits a quantitative analysis of the degree to which existing conditions differ from an accepted range of morphological values documented for different stable stream types. The degree of departure for an existing stream condition from its full stable operating potential can be determined in a number of ways including comparisons to: 1) geomorphologic databases; 2) historical photography or surveys of the same reach; and 3) stable reference reaches of the same stream type at different points in the watershed or adjacent watersheds. B. Assessment Methods 1 1. Verifying Bankfull Channel Field Indicators. Updated regional regressions for bankfull channel dimensions developed for use in the rural Piedmont Region of North Carolina (NCSU and NRCS, 2006) were utilized to verify field indicators associated with the bankfull channel in conducting the geomorphic stream assessments along Chadric Creek. 2. Upstream Channel Morphology and Sediment Sources ' A field reconnaissance was conducted to assess existing conditions in the Chadric Creek watershed and along the stream reaches upstream of the project site. It focused on characterizing stream channel morphology and condition, and ' identifying unstable reaches that could potentially impact the project area. . I l l 3. Level II - Morphological Description. The reaches along Chadric Creek in the project area were classified into specific categories of stream types (i.e., 134c, C4, F4, etc.) utilizing the standard field procedures recommended by Rosgen (1996). 4. Level III - Assessment of Stream Condition The geomorphic features of Chadric Creek were mapped and the overall stability assessed. The project reaches were assessed for stream channel condition and influencing factors including riparian vegetation, meander pattern, depositional pattern, debris and channel blockages, sediment supply, vertical stability, and lateral stability. Lateral stability was evaluated using the bank erosion hazard index (BEHI), near bank stress (NBS), width/depth ratio state, and meander/width ratio. Vertical stability was evaluated using a measurement of the degree of incision or bank height to bankfull ratio and a sediment entrainment analysis. Overall channel stability was evaluated using the Revised Pfankuch Channel Stability Procedure, and channel evolution analysis. In addition, the Flowsed/Powersed model developed by Rosgen (2006) and incorporated into the RiverMorph program was utilized to evaluate the sediment transport competency and capacity of the existing channel. 5. Level IV - Stream Stability Validation Monitoring Verification of the assessment data through monitoring was not a component of this project. C. Findings of Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment 1. Evaluation of Watershed and Upstream Channel Conditions The current conditions in the upper Chadric Creek watershed can be characterized as relatively stable with localized areas of instability. Stability problems observed during the field reconnaissance of Chadric Creek included minor stream bank erosion and sedimentation. These instability problems can be attributed to historic silvacultural practices including clear cuts and construction of logging roads and landing areas. 12 J 1 2. Project Site - Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment a. Historic Conditions In the 1950's the lower reaches of Chadric Creek were dammed and piped with 100% of the baseflow diverted into a recreational fishing pond located along the floodplain between Chadric Creek and Saddle Mountain Creek. This activity eliminated in-stream habitat along this section of Chadric Creek and created a barrier to fish migration into the headwaters of the creek. In the 1960's a sediment trapping pond was constructed downstream of the dam and upstream of the fishing pond. When the upper watershed was timbered in the 1970's sediment from logging roads and impacted streambanks was washed downstream into the project area. b. Current Conditions Utilizing the data collected from the Level II stream classification and Level III channel condition assessment the current condition of Big Creek and the degree to which the existing condition of the reaches differ from an accepted range of morphological values documented for similar stable stream types was evaluated. This analysis indicates that the morphology, stability and in-stream habitat of the Chadric Creek reaches have been directly affected by the damming of the creek and diversion of baseflow into the recreational pond. The following is a summary of the findings of that analysis as it relates to the existing conditions within the project study area: Reach 1 (upstream of old dam) The upper reach of the project area is a moderately stable C4 channel. A comparison of channel geometry with that of the reference reach database indicates that this reach has a width to depth ratio that is slightly higher (i.e., wider and shallower) than reference conditions. The channel plan form is characterized by moderate sinuosity. The overall condition of the upper reach is characterized by lateral erosion and vertical instability (i.e., aggradation). The bend along the upper section is eroding into a high terrace. The middle and lower sections are indicative of a channel that formed in the deposits of an old impoundment that had been completely filled by sediment. When the dam was originally constructed these sections of channel would have been artificially flattened and flooded. Unable to move the sediment washing in from upstream, overtime the impounded area filled in with sediment. When the dam breached erosion was initiated across the deposited sediment forming a new channel. 13 With the exception of the deep pool immediately upstream of the dam, the bed form along this reach is characterized by a few, shallow pools, short steep riffles, and long shallow glides. Grade control is currently provided by the concrete dam structure. The results of the sediment entrainment analysis and the Flowsed/Powersed model applied to riffle cross-sections and bankfull slope of the existing channel confirmed field observations that the existing channel is evolving to a stable condition along some sections and developing the competency and capacity to transport the sediment conveyed from upstream reaches. Fig. 3 - Eroding high terrace upper section 14 Fig. 5 - Eroding bank and mid-channel bar middle section 15 Fig. 4 - Eroding bank middle section Figs. 6 and 7 - Old dam at downstream end of reach 16 6 ?A Y - _ Reach 2 (downstream of the old dam) This reach does not include an active channel. Instead, it includes the sediment pond, baseflow diversion channel, fishing pond, and an old field area with a system of drainage ditches and pipes installed to convey storm flows around the ponds and into Saddle Mountain Creek. During the field assessment it was confirmed that 100% of the baseflow has been diverted to the ponds. Over the decades since it was constructed the sediment pond filled with material washed in from upstream. The permanently flooded lower section of the sediment pond currently supports a small emergent wetland colonized by rushes, sedges and cattails. A small channel has formed in the sediment deposits. This channel carries the baseflow and some percentage of storm flows through the sediment pond and into the fishing pond. Although the sediment pond may have protected the fishing pond for some time, it is no longer doing so. Streambank erosion along the reaches above the dam is currently contributing sediment to both ponds. Field evidence indicates the fishing pond is also filling with material washed from upstream. A farm road traverses the middle of the lower reach, providing access from Haystack Road, around the fishing pond, and into the floodplain of Saddle Mountain Creek. A culvert pipe conveys the baseflow from the small channel in the sediment pond into the fishing pond. Additional pipes carry storm flows beneath the road and through the drainage ditch-piped system in the old field area. Fig. 8 - Upstream end of baseflow diversion channel in sediment pond 17 Fig. 9 - Baseflow diversion channel in sediment pond Fig. 10 - Emergent wetland at downstream end of sediment pond 4 18 t .x . { :?.n ?Y,f r'?f. :?,I?T :A • ''mil R. :'fie-...._ to T f Fig. 11 - Pipe under farm road carries baseflow from sediment pond into fishing pond Fig. 12 - Upstream end of fishing pond where baseflow enters, note deposition 19 + l'f .ata ?.??'f?SMFf. ?Y1?M! Fig. 13 - Fishing pond f _ YY l ti 20 Fig. 14 - Upstream end of drainage ditch, arrow indicates embankment of sediment pond yp ?, fve f Y', f !+?y ypt'+ ! a -t« tl10r : a? re ? ? s a v ?"' A 5. ? _?? ? ? - f• ''! ? fat t Sy???'l.i ?{ f ?# S r? S"`?? ? i x s-. ?x p • = y`'v •t i'' a' il' yet. }A7°?", ,V of 1 r. r _ In 'Nv OR, Fig. 13 - Farm road between ponds v ? [Try ? ", _ a?r , ?A, ? ? ???x ? ? ,? ?• Aga ? { ;. ' `` av ?•a .sly .r ? ar„ Fig. 14 - Old field adjacent to fishing pond 21 V. Restoration Design A. General Approach As pointed out in the Findings of Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment Section, Chadric Creek was historically impacted by the construction of a tow- head dam, piping of its lower reaches, and diversion of the baseflow into a recreational fishing pond. In addition, the stream reach upstream of the old dam is experiencing instability including bank erosion and aggradation. The restoration along Chadric Creek will involve: stabilizing 340 feet of unstable channel upstream of the old dam; restoring in-stream habitat along this section of the creek, as well as fish passage to the upper reaches by removal of the old low-head dam. The lower section of the creek that is currently piped will be "day- lighted" by removing the pipes and constructing 900 feet of new open channel that meanders across the old field area that will be converted to floodplain and wetlands. Although 90% of the baseflow will be conveyed by the newly constructed channel, approximately 10% will still be diverted to maintain the emergent wetland in the sediment pond, as well as the recreational fishery in the fishing pond. The restoration objectives for Chadric Creek include: Reach 1 1. Along the 340 LF of the upper reach, overall channel geometry and slope will be modified to improve overall stability, sediment transport capacity, and in- stream habitat. This will be accomplished by reconstructing the unstable C4 as a stable C4 channel. 2. An 85 foot section of the channel will be relocated away from a steep failing high terrace. The abandoned channel will not be filled. Instead it will be maintained as juvenile fish habitat with approximately 10% of the baseflow diverted through the old channel. 3. All eroding banks along the upper section will be stabilized. 4. Rock and roll riffles, riffles with converging boulder clusters, hook-log run structures, and toe wood will be installed at key locations along the reach to reduce near-bank stress, provide grade control, dissipate energy, and create in-stream habitat. 5. Baseflow will be diverted via a sandbag -pump diversion system during grading and stabilization of the eroding banks, as well as removal of the old dam. 22 1 6. The graded streambanks will be stabilized with alder transplants harvested from the perimeter of the fishing pond and along drainage ditches in the old field area. ' 7. Long-term bank stabilization and lateral control will be provided by planting native grasses, trees, and shrubs on the upper stream banks and riparian ' area. Reach 2 ' 1. The old dam will be removed. 2. The currently piped sections of Chadric Creek will be restored by removing the pipes and constructing a new channel that meanders across the old field area adjacent to the ponds. The new channel will be a stable C4 channel. ' 3. The embankment along the sediment pond will be lowered and the old field area graded to create an active floodplain with wetland areas adjacent to the new channel. None of the existing emergent wetlands in the sediment pond will be disturbed. 4. Rock and Roll riffles and riffles with converging boulder clusters , hook-log run ' structures, toe wood, and log/boulder step-pools will be installed at key locations along the reach to reduce near-bank stress, provide grade control, dissipate energy, and create in-stream habitat. 5. Construction of the 900 LF of new channel including grading, seeding, mulching and transplants will be conducted off-line in the old field area ' adjacent to the pond. 100% of the baseflow will continue flowing into the fishing pond until after the new channel is completely stabilized. ' 6. After stabilization 90% of the baseflow will be turned into the new channel. Approximately 10% will still be diverted to maintain the permanently flooded conditions in the emergent wetland in the sediment pond, as well as the ' recreational fishery in the fishing pond. 7. The streambanks of the newly constructed channel will be stabilized with ' alder transplants harvested from the perimeter of the fishing pond and along drainage ditches in the old field area adjacent to the fishing pond. ' 8. All disturbed areas impacted within the limits of the project will be seeded with native grasses and planted with native trees and shrubs. All disturbed areas impacted outside the limits of the project will be seeded with grasses and ' clover. 9. Access from one side of the new stream channel to the other will be provided by installing one ford crossing located about mid-way along the new channel. ' 23 10. Finally, a conservation easement will be established along the stream corridor. A riparian buffer will be established by planting native grasses, trees and shrubs. The restoration approach presented above is illustrated in the design drawings (i.e., plan view, profile, and cross-sections) attached to this report. The design criteria are summarized in the Appendix to this report. B. Design Criteria 1. Reference Reach Data After determining the targeted stream types (i.e., stable form for the reaches to be restored) for Chadric Creek, dimensionless ratios were taken from a reference reach data base developed from stable C4 streams in the Piedmont and Mountain Regions of North Carolina. The dimensionless ratios are presented in the Appendix to this report. 2. Design Discharges As noted in the Hydrology section of this report, three methods were used to develop bankfull discharge estimates. These included 1) updated regional regression equations developed in North Carolina (NCSU and NRCS, 1999), 2) TR-55 Hydrologic Model, and 3) Manning's equation and field data. Based on this analysis it was determined that utilizing the Rural Regional Regression estimates provided a reliable method for estimating bankfull discharge for the proposed project design. The bankfull discharges used during the design process was 53 cfs. This flow, as well as the peak discharge estimates for the 2-, 10-, 50-, and 100-year storm events developed using the TR-55 model provided input for the HEC-RAS hydraulic model. 3. Channel Geometry The preliminary channel plan form layout was developed in consultation with Dave Rosgen during a site walk. After the plan form was developed general concepts for the layout of the longitudinal profile and the location of bed features were developed in consultation with Rosgen as well. After the proposed channel plan form and longitudinal profile were completed, preliminary channel dimensions were developed utilizing the updated Bankfull Discharge and Hydraulic Geometry Regional Regressions for the Rural Piedmont Region of North Carolina (NCSU and NRCS, 2006) to determine channel cross- 24 sectional area (A) based on the drainage area to a given reach. The calculated A and W/D ratios from our reference reach database were used to determine bankfull width Wbf = ? (Wbkf / dbkf) (Abkf) and bankfull mean depth Dbf = Wbkf / (Wbkf / dbkf). The proposed slope, bankfull cross-sectional area, width, depth and width/depth ratios were adjusted using an iterative process that included multiple sediment entrainment analyses and multiple runs of the Flowsed/Powersed model. After each adjustment the latest channel dimensions and profile were checked against ratios from the reference reach database 4. Sediment Entrainment Analysis In restoration design, entrainment analysis is utilized to verify that the proposed channel generates the shear stress needed to entrain and transport the sediment expected to be moving through the project reach under bankfull flow conditions. Sediment data gathered from riffle pavement/subpavement and point bar samples along the Chadric Creek project reaches was utilized in the entrainment analysis to verify that the project channel dimensions and profile are appropriate to maintain the competency of the restored reaches. a. Sediment Entrainment Analysis Procedures • Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress Calculations Using the following equations, the critical shear stress required to mobilize and transport the largest particle from the bar sample is determined. Determine ratio D50/D50" Where: D50 = bed material D50 of riffle D50" = D50 of bar or riffle subpavement If ratio is 3.0 - 7.0, calculate the critical shear stress using: Tci = .0834 (D50/D50") - 0.872 If ratio D50/D50" is not 3.0 - 7.0, calculate the ratio of Di/D50 Where: D; = largest particle from bar or riffle subpavement D50 = bed material D50 of riffle (100 count in riffle) If ratio of Di/D50 is 1.3 - 3.0, calculate the critical shear stress using: Tci = .0384 (Di/D50) -0887 25 b. Chadric Creek A bulk sediment sample was collected along Chadric Creek during the field assessment. This effort included the collection of riffle pavement and subpavement samples, as well as point bar samples. The data from the sample processing was used in the sediment entrainment analysis to verify the competency of the proposed channel. 1). Calculated ratio of D5o/D50" D50 = 66.17 mm (bed material D50) D50" = 35.38 mm (bar D50) D50/D50" = 66.17/35.38 = 1.87 2). Calculated ratio of Di/D50 D50 = 66.17 mm (bed material D50) Di = 103 mm (largest particle from bar sample) Di/D50 = 103/66.17 = 1.55 Since ratio of Di/D50 is 1.3 - 3.0, calculate the critical shear stress using: Tci = .0384 (Di/D50) -0887 Calculated critical shear stress (Tci) Tci = .0384 (Di/D50) -0.887 Tci = .0384 (103/66.17) -0887 Tci = 0.026 During the design phase of the project, the critical shear stress developed in these analyses was utilized to verify that the project channel dimensions and profile are appropriate to maintain the competency of the restored reaches. 5. Flowsed/Powersed Model The Flowsed/Powersed Model (Rosgen, 2006) was used during the design process to evaluate the capacity of the restored channel to transport the sediment load contributed by the Chadric Creek watershed. Flow duration discharge data and sediment loading data are required input for the model. Because Chadric Creek is an ungaged watershed it was necessary to use flow data from another stream gage in the region. The model runs conducted as part 26 ' of the design process used flow data from a gage located on Norwood Creek near Troutman, North Carolina (USGS #02143830). Developing a sediment-discharge rating curve for Chadric Creek watershed was not a component of this project. Therefore, the model runs conducted as part of the design process used total annual sediment yield data (i.e., suspended sediment, bankfull bedload sediment, and total sediment) provided by Allan ' Walker (personal communication, 2011). 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 I References 1. Earth Satellite Corporation (EarthSat) Land Use, 1997 - 2003. 2. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration - National Climate Data Center, Cooperative Station Data/Record Climatological Observations Website, 2004. Regional Precipitation, Snowfall, Temperature Records for ' Mount Airy, NC 1999 - 2004. 3. North Carolina Department of Transportation GIS Database - River and ' Stream; Road; and National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping layers. 4. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1998. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan 5. North Carolina State University, Cooperative Extension Service and U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1999. Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for the Rural Piedmont of North Carolina. Raleigh, N.C. ' 6. North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission, 2005. North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan. 7. Piedmont Land Conservancy, 2001. Mitchell River Watershed Protection Plan. 8. Rosgen, D.L., 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers. Catena 22: 169-199. 9. Rosgen, D.L., 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology. Pagosa ' Springs, Colorado. 10. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Website - Soil Survey for Surry County, North Carolina 2004. ' 11. U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Topographic Map for Roaring Gap, North Carolina. Appendix A. Watershed Characterization Supporting Documentation B. Bankfull Discharge and Channel Dimensions Validation Supporting Documentation C. Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment Supporting ' Documentation D. Hydrology and Hydraulic Analysis Supporting Documentation ' E. Design Criteria Supporting Documentation 1 F L r 1 Watershed Characterization Supporting Documentation 1 Name: ROARING GAP Location: 036°27' 26.5" N 080°55' 13.8" W Date: 5/28/2011 Caption: Chadric Creek Drainage Area 'Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet 0.97 square miles Surry County, NC N ? O FD N N N ..8Z .b9 ,09 .9Z 369.09 - M OO N ? N ? LO ID n- Z ;> ? m O 7 LL N = f0 U a a O a) 3:(-) Q m Z IMII .P.99 .08 O O co O L O N N x in m N N Q O O a op S S N N V O c ? d N V NZ a ?in O O O CO ?w 7 N w C ZQ ZU .,4.99 ,09 nj N a f0 IO N N t0 tD m m n m N co "o .S co O Y N m a? UU ? c Z c 0 cg U? r? 7 U) m a C C Y L N oU co U '0 m L U 0 . 0 CL m 16 U) CD O E m m ?- N L N N > (,D 0 '0 N V1 3 c o N m U Z m " N O O C L co m m (D 0 = (n N r ° c °) E - U O O O C O a) U N n o .0 Z m E ? m V co U) C _ 0 O y 0) O x L TM co 0 U O 0 0 O •- 7 Q c6 D N 3 (A ? Z y 7 O Z Q m U N ? L U) E U L m _ 0 E yZ U =Z Lp oN y a `° 3` c y Q U n ? (D Z CL a 1 0 0., Q -OO- O Q o 0 3 m m > o m-° am U. .0 w o y aN E o oo c o E.0 aa)) Z 0 N CL N Q L g M U O N co N L N ° CL 5 E ?' m > vo m Z (D m a cDE a Q n !L-. o U m > m J m (? N U) 3 0) (n m L a c N C C O CC « L Z E O N c N N O N O _ (0 O N C N _ I y at L, c w O C . T. m w a Z >+ m (n mm N co [0 m m -0 Q E m O >, YO ? Co O O V Z N N ` N O 2 U) 6 N 0 V j O T m O " CD Lo C CO 10 .-. ? U - 0 0 C O` Z Q m V 7 L N CL co, o N 0) mm E?? o o > U) (D -Z d o"n?m (D E E 2 H d E U) U FL- :5 u) u) m H U- o y co y n a ? m U m s T m y° C m = y ? ? O O CL O N d co y y N m O O ? d y li L O L y m N m m h d d' O m V > 3 0 o 0 o 05 o w _ Z) M J y q m LL Y) 0 z 8 t `0 t a W Ix - w (7 w ° IL 3 + H \ 1 W J Q o d a a o cc U) y n `m d CO 'y' d ' N n _m C y c m .. n N O O a (A 3 y p m o N ° i O O ° W _n N n Q O n N L O CL 3 m CL T w LL O <0 C O (n (n ?. N O V) d Q a U) I 3 0 T y N N t y U d C T C j t Y 0) U T c m Q 0 (n 'p m m U U 0 U J J 2 a) a Of 'a (n m (n 0) a) (A (q 0 co CL (A U) o a c ? o m . ® X i ?4 ® OO OO ) + ?k If$ C7 m y O. y Q ca : 2 co N N p- N N "' a T m 2 U N O Z cA m m o ? a d 00 3U c O m z d U N .2 d 3 N O C u) O 0 m R m ? N m O ZU ?h Soil Map-Surry County, North Carolina Chadric Creek and Saddle Mountain Creek Soils Map Map Unit Legend Surry County, North Carolina (NC171) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BbC Braddock fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 9.4 13.0% CsA Colvard and Suches soils, 0 to 3 percent slopes, 25.8 35.6% ' occasionally 1 CwD Cowee grave lly loam 15 to 25 percent slopes, stony 0.5 0.7% EcD Evard-Cowee complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, 7.61 0 i stony EcE Evard-Cowee complex, 25 to 45 percent slopes, 26.0 35.8% stony TcC Tate-Colvard complex, 0 to 15 percent slopes, 0.1 0.1% frequently flooded W -- Water -- -- - 3.1 4.3% Totals for Area of Interest 72.5 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/27/2011 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 M N O N m ..BZ.7S .00 0 ^ 0 w 0 N W n N (6 a C (Q ? L cu N U'0 °o L (n rn O N ' Z (D ?U c c 'o- U? 0 0 _ O ? o c? o c° cU) U ? co ' O ?f ?..? N U ^ 0 C U ? f0 ' £ L f0 ?U O N r ' O N 1 ^ 1 O ..V,99 D9 a fD N N O M -.01I` N m M .0Z IV9.00 N N N d T Z >,-Z-) (D U) ?a) U N 0 .0 a) O ??U m 0 m z z x o o N in d N Q O O ? pj C .a O ? ry ? O O N m cl) NZ Cl) o o N O t` N ? N m C ZU Z? .4,Sig .00 V; c m 02 f0 N U 'o L C Y O (1) Z d TV ? C 0 (p U C Z O 7 a) o co = (f) o a 4= C .N m co m U m '00 C l0 ?V- E -COD LLO L U CL E m m °' N N > 0 w V N N 3 m O m il- f0 c ? m o o ID L N "O C U (O0 a) 10 j !? 'C O O C O) C _ V E Z L a m C a) 0 co N r; O a) a) N a E O x a) a) Z T U) U O ? S r _ CD (D 0 0 ?... )n N N y Z< Z (j N o E 7 cu M a7 C U) N LL N a L (D Z) Z a Q m O Q -OO O Q C o T co CD 2 m m 3 C w o C? o m -o rri > d T Z o a) T) c ° 0? o maN E pm 0c 0 0- Ea a ma)E A m c a a) m 0 ?L? F- " Da) 0 0 ?F) m ma m m °w I Q o U , D J (D N CD > U) V) CL LD L 0 m 5 (0 a a7 Z ? E N C O) m C O t! O a) ' co : m w a) T N d ?? N f6 d Q m ? 6 - • 'O 0.0 a) O a) Z C O C 0) 7 (n p Q 07 m 0 L C a m m N C 2, m E U) 2 O- 07 :3 55 O N PD Z Q m C- M ;6 O 7 U) 0 0 y ' a) n U) U a U) a) a) ' O d a) (6 d [T m P? (0 CD a) o CD = U i N L H - Z o 0 CD E mE a 2 FL E n> o 4 l - o h o N y w a 00 cj? `o co T m N m m m m m z m m U "O - w Q 1. w O V x w m E N U m ?3 o c E 0 N C U m r W c 4) cmU o m- v m ° N € Q x awi E° °°° o m° ? c c ° an d a°) °= ° .° m m _ W m m 19 -t! m N 0 D a _. a) 0 ?-p 0 mE '0 ` ((a E 12 O E O E O E . .0 E m m U) E O V N (D IL r 7 ay?'? ammw am ° ?E L, E , LE z U 0 U) ? 0 5 Q 11 0 U. N LL IL 3 N C O 0 m la E >. C C E C 3 N N N E T m l0 E C 3 p m E 12 w a) 0 =°o°? w (D 2 aU?= cm - CM - CD P =tea) w E a C C C d C d C Y m E >, o m m O p m C a O p m C m C ?6 N m co E 0 m E`mm E m a C E 0 m .o Em m a C E O a C o CL m 2 E a N U m e N co l0 m ? 7 ? o 2 m U? 0) a) 'O m m? ma c m .N m 0 C a m m- 5 m o 'O a), m -a5 m o U) m ` ° m E E E ?' S E ` E v -° v ` E c c E v v m 0 o m " a in rnz a? a da?a a n. m°O°u' a m a m c c°vm a) c c 0 N ? ® O N - "t 0 0 N N r 0) N LO m a T Z U) -O Zu) 7 a) U w = a) o N O_ ?U m c 0 m z a) 0 N d 3 N O 4) m W d 3 N z v V) ?6• Farmland Classification-Surry County, North Carolina Chadric Creek and Saddle Mountain Creek Soils Map Farmland Classification Farmland Classification- Summary by Map Unit - Surry County, North Carolina Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BbC Braddock fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 Farmland of statewide 9.4 13.0% percent slopes importance CsA Colvard and Suches soils, 0 to 3 All areas are prime farmland 25.8 35.6% percent slopes, occasionally flooded CwD Cowee gravelly loam, 15 to 25 percent Not prime farmland 0.5 0.7% slopes, stony EcD Evard-Cowee complex, 15 to 25 Farmland of local importance 1 7.6 10.5% percent slopes, stony EcE Evard-Cowee complex, 25 to 45 Not prime farmland 26.0 35.8% percent slopes, stony TcC Tate-Colvard complex, 0 to 15 percent Farmland of local import ance 0.1 0.1% slopes, frequently flooded W Water Not prime farmland 3.1 4.3% Totals for Area of Interest 72.5 100.0% Description Farmland classification identifies map units as prime farmland, farmland of statewide importance, farmland of local importance, or unique farmland. It identifies the location and extent of the soils that are best suited to food, feed, fiber, forage, and oilseed crops. NRCS policy and procedures on prime and unique farmlands are published in the "Federal Register," Vol. 43, No. 21, January 31, 1978. Rating Options Aggregation Method: No Aggregation Necessary Aggregation is the process by which a set of component attribute values is reduced to a single value that represents the map unit as a whole. A map unit is typically composed of one or more "components". A component is either some type of soil or some nonsoil entity, e.g., rock outcrop. For the attribute being aggregated, the first step of the aggregation process is to derive one attribute value for each of a map unit's components. From this set of component attributes, the next step of the aggregation process derives a single value that represents the map unit as a whole. Once a single value for each map unit is derived, a thematic map for soil map units can be rendered. Aggregation must be done because, on any soil map, map units are delineated but components are not. For each of a map unit's components, a corresponding percent composition is recorded. A percent composition of 60 indicates that the corresponding component typically makes up approximately 60% of the map unit. Percent composition is a critical factor in some, but not all, aggregation methods. Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/27/2011 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Farmland Classification-Surry County, North Carolina Chadric Creek and Saddle Mountain Creek Soils Map The majority of soil attributes are associated with a component of a map unit, and such an attribute has to be aggregated to the map unit level before a thematic map can be rendered. Map units, however, also have their own attributes. An attribute of a map unit does not have to be aggregated in order to render a corresponding thematic map. Therefore, the "aggregation method" for any attribute of a map unit is referred to as "No Aggregation Necessary". Tie-break Rule: Lower The tie-break rule indicates which value should be selected from a set of multiple candidate values, or which value should be selected in the event of a percent composition tie. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/27/2011 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 ..8Z .4S ,09 tD N r ?} .9z .00 00 ? N N 0) Lr) Co 0 IL a? Z 7 U) d m n n am I° co ° N .,4 ,SS ,08 0 _ o 069Z£04 009ZE04 MUM, OZ4Z£O4 0££ZE04 Ot4ZZ£04 a N t0 N M N V N N t0 C1 t0 (7 X In W m N .y Q O a O U? O c a ° N O O ?o ZU) 7 N N f0 (D Q. .0O N O co O z 10 V N I° N I U) l l _ N a :9 O O O (n 7 O CO N w 7 N w C zQ M0 4 SS 09 Q .. , ? ??1 a) c a o as m U u, o 0 Z (D cU o U ZC 0 x-00 - v CO C U) a? .O C c m a) Y = 0 o U _T a a) m r- ?U c (a0 0 N m C E m 0 L N a) 0 U O) N '0 3 -p N O N O U U _ a) 0 a) O '0 a) (0 > U) a) o C y d m O U) (n C O U ca N n - Y a) N Z O E ` ca L U) S a N 4) (D O x 0 4) r Z >, 00 ? () U p O a) O n L w Q lp 00 a) 3 N a o y C Q O Q Z U N a L N L o N m U) 0 Q a) E v y Z U-Z 0 ) 0 LO oN Z a a) a CO 3` `0 c 0 CD < O Z) L LL o C T w C 0 O? O C u) aN E6 'O O a E !, m a) ?E•0 z Z •00 a) .Q m v ) erg _E d ? C U o a? ?a m T ` Q o w E v, m J o ° d CO y Z Z5 J> U) (D 3 aa )) E 0 w N L C O CU a m Z 0- N O 0 C O N O N N N w C y T w d il >. 01 m U) m m N Q Q E O .rn a) c 0 O"O 3 O C a3 O (n •p m f0 0 'O O. a a) N i E 0= a) 'O o i> T M c L O 0 fop 0 U U) 2 O. a) fn 0 N 0 0 O O 0 m as as a 0 a `o i ? > ?L? - Z i t :? o . (D t E n3U . n n - v.!-- o F a) co 0 Q '0 > W A d C T (6 Z d o U t W a) C a) U) C N ' N W C O O. 'O ? '? fA -0 m m N 0 -p c w N E d d a co cc Q W m 2 ' . J C >. O O __ d N O y N d C m W U m T N O V d a Q O to Vi O) a O 3 z U d 0 63 C (0 .2 d !n D J d C d O A 2 R ? ? ? ? d 0 } N \ t0 N O V_ N } i ( d Q O N O a d 3 + 1 r- v 0 0 N N r (1) N_ "' a T m Z a7 7 m U) ??- - ns 0 a) U a 0 3:0 m 0 Z m N? V d 7 N O C d w ? a3 ` d 3 a1 C io O Z V ?L 1 1 1 1 1 1 Suitability for Hand Planting-Surry County, North Carolina Suitability for Hand Planting Suitability for Hand Planting- Summary by Map Unit - Sury County, North Carolina Map unit Map unit name Rating Component Rating reasons Acres in Percent of symbol name (percent) (numeric values) AOI AOI BbC Braddock fine sandy Moderately suited Braddock (97%) Stickiness; high 9.4 13.0%1 loam, 8 to 15 percent plasticity index I slopes .50) (0 - - - ----- - --- - I CsA Colvard and Suches Well suited Colvard (49%) 25.8 35.6% I soils, 0 to 3 percent % -- -- Suches (39%) 1 - slopes, occasionally flooded CwD Cowee gravelly loam, 15 Well suited Cowee, stony 0.5 0.7% to 25 percent slopes, (78%) EcD stony ?Evard-Cowee complex, Well suited Evard, stony 7.6 10.5% 15 to 25 percent (40%) slopes, stony --- Cowee, stony -- --- - EcE Evard-Cowee complex, Moderately suited (35%) Evard, stony Slope (0.50) 26.0 35.8% 25 to 45 percent (55%) slopes, stony ---- - - ----- Cowee, stony Slope (0.50) (30%) TcC Tate-Colvard complex, 0 Well suited Tate (48%) 0.1 0.1% to 15 percent slopes, --- - W frequently flooded - Water Not rated ard (24%) CON I Water (100%) 3.1 4.3%? Totals for Area of Interest 72.5 100.0% Chadric Creek and Saddle Mountain Creek Soils Map Suitability for Hand Planting- Summary by Rating Value Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Moderately suited 35.4 48.8% Well suited 34.0 ' 46.80% Null or Not Rated 3.1 4.3 / - -- --- - - - - - -- - Totals for Area of Interest ---- -- 72.5 0 100.0 /° USDA Natural Resources r Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/27/2011 Page 3 of 4 Suitability for Hand Planting-Surry County, North Carolina Chadric Creek and Saddle Mountain Creek Soils Map Description Ratings for this interpretation indicate the expected difficulty of hand planting of forestland plants. The ratings are based on slope, depth to a restrictive layer, content of sand, plasticity index, rock fragments on or below the surface, depth to a water table, and ponding. It is assumed that necessary site preparation is completed before seedlings are planted. The ratings are both verbal and numerical. Rating class terms indicate the degree to which the soils are suited to this aspect of forestland management. "Well suited" indicates that the soil has features that are favorable for the specified management aspect and has no limitations. Good performance can be expected, and little or no maintenance is needed. "Moderately suited" indicates that the soil has features that are moderately favorable for the specified management aspect. One or more soil properties are less than desirable, and fair performance can be expected. Some maintenance is needed. "Poorly suited" indicates that the soil has one or more properties that are unfavorable for the specified management aspect. Overcoming the unfavorable properties requires special design, extra maintenance, and costly alteration. "Unsuited" indicates that the expected performance of the soil is unacceptable for the specified management aspect or that extreme measures are needed to overcome the undesirable soil properties. Numerical ratings indicate the severity of individual limitations. The ratings are shown as decimal fractions ranging from 0.01 to 1.00. They indicate gradations between the point at which a soil feature has the greatest negative impact on the specified aspect of forestland management (1.00) and the point at which the soil feature is not a limitation (0.00). The map unit components listed for each map unit in the accompanying Summary ' by Map Unit table in Web Soil Survey or the Aggregation Report in Soil Data Viewer are determined by the aggregation method chosen. An aggregated rating class is shown for each map unit. The components listed for each map unit are only those ' that have the same rating class as listed for the map unit. The percent composition of each component in a particular map unit is presented to help the user better understand the percentage of each map unit that has the rating presented. Other components with different ratings may be present in each map unit. The ratings for all components, regardless of the map unit aggregated rating, can be viewed by generating the equivalent report from the Soil Reports tab in Web Soil ' Survey or from the Soil Data Mart site. Onsite investigation may be needed to validate these interpretations and to confirm the identity of the soil on a given site. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff.• None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/27/2011 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 ' Bankfull Discharge and Channel Dimensions Validation Supporting Documentation Chadric Creek Predicted and Measured Values for Bankfull X-Sectional Geometry and Bankfull Discharge I Chadric Creek ' UPS DA=0.94mi2 DS DA = 0.96 mil 0 Method Area Width Depth Discharge NC Regression 18.5 17.1 1.08 40.9 Field Data 18.1 14.5 1.2 68.8 NC Regression 18.7 17.1 1.08 53.6 Field Data 18.3 16.4 1.1 57.3 NC Regional Regression A = 19.233 X (0.6528) W = 17.41 X (0.1692) D = 1.0971 X (0.2852) Q = 55.308 X (0.717) 1 11 1 1 L 1 O 0N :00r aoao(naoao mo ?(q r d-N 'r-(p(O??ONNmn poN o2ao(riN co6ooN (flN oM uiM N No N °N aON 3 76 C= m r ('') O M N V' 00 0) M O) m 0 QwnM(O OO Lo 4 c6 vi V (o (6 (6 c6 C C 'R '?t 0 0 M 0 0 't (() It It 't N c 0 o 'O - n O M (o 0 0 c() n (n n? to 0 0 (LL) oommm?(naoaomao0omaonm X M W EL C ? N O n M 0 (mo m n q N m O N 100 r r r r r r r r r r r C m o '- N 't O M O O a M N O ???. 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 ? O O 0000000 "O O O O 00 O O 00 O 00 L V (o 1 00 NmnMO (1) 0N0Om000 O(o (o(0m N N co N N Cl) Cl) m V' d' V m M ^ r n W O V (r) cq N G N M (n0 0)), m M ?('O O O 4 LM O ui tom m o m nN N,It to Lo nnm°n0ommr NON W OmO?(DMOMM =OO o) Lo N Wo a0 0 0 (00 (0 ONO M(0 LO 'M7 V O X ??F rrNNMMNMd 'tn m CD (tl N O It O _M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _O L <} O 00 00 O m V n N M d' m L) C\j M (() n n Or N r r r CN nN MN N a) E ? ?v(o?(naomv,-rnnaoraom(n C?? V r T c66 O ao 6c6 NNN0 0) roM0- NNE V Lo mnmr N Q U) m m m LL LL M 0 o n O O o O O O O o O O O o O O N- (O OON 0(0000OO(0OOOO 0)C (oOOstO O) OOMOOOo R (?} (O N a r o et r (n ?t r It r 0 N N M N co M N co N N Cl) N M co co N Q ? 0 C > 0) C ? (D a) U a) U s ¢ a`> > z m U U o¢ m m (n d o E E aa) 5, U- = U (00 m t ? - M? > U E L r v o> U m ca 7 a) 0Y O S O c N Y c= 2 07 N c6 O iqZ UmUZ>- :2 0w1553i iiU(n 1 1 1 1 r? 1 1 L V ,O y? T O N E NOW M? cn /\\\TyVVV O L V ..I -.. _.. i .-. -.-. _ .. ... _._ , . _ _. I _ .. . I ? I I I L ._. -- - - - i -- -- ? -- t - I I I } I I 1 , 1 I 1 ! I I I I ' I i I I 1 I O O O O O r O T T (•:4•bs) eaad leuoil3eS ssoao 0 0 0 T 0 0 T W ?E Cr L O T PM ci to M C) co C N pi 11 T- X u T r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L ¦0 4) ?y T E ATAWW\\ N T O V z i I I I I I I i I I I , I I f I III I I, + 1 ? I I ? , ?? ; I I I , III 1 I I I I f ? I . 1 I V I I I I I I I I II I I I I ? I ( I ! i I ? I I ? i 1 i I II I 1 i I I I I I I I I I ? i I I I I I I ? I I i i I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I O O O 00 O r T (slo) GBJ843sia T 0 0 - o T - O T 0 T oo? N ?E N i 0 O K co 0) M O Lli II to N II CC i V t? .O 4) m T E y?_T cn = C? c? 0 o? 0 z I O T (}aal) 41daa ueaw 0 0 0 T 0 0 T W N i a 0 0 in N x 0 .r. 00 r T M 0 1c, A T T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L o y.+ f+ E N T O i It b I I I 1 I I i i - --- --- ---- - i I i I I I I { I I I I I I l I ?- ?. 'I i i I s t I 1 ! I ' I I I I I II I I I ? I 1 I I f' I ? i I i i _...? I li ii i I II 'i I ' I I I O O O O O r O T T (jaaj) 41plM inplue8 O 0 O T O O T N E d L CD m L 0 T N 01 M C K n r Q I }' T u 1 1 1 1 1 1 C 1 1 Channel Morphology and Stability Assessment Supporting Documentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Worksheet 5-3. Field form for Level II stream classification (Rosgen, 1996; Rosgen and Silvey, 2005). Stream: Chadric, Reach - Reach 1 Basin: Mitchell River Drainage Area: 620.8 acres 0.97 mil Location: Twp.&Rge: ; Sec.&Qtr.: ; Cross-Section Monuments (Lat./Long.): 0 Lat / 0 Long Date: 05/28/11 Observers: SWC Valley Type: VIII B F ankfull WIDTH (Wbkt) WIDTH of the stream channel at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section. 15,85 Bankfull DEPTH (dbkf) Mean DEPTH of the stream channel cross-section, at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section (df*f = A / Wbkf). 1.31 Bankfull X-Section AREA (Abkf) AREA of the stream channel cross-section, at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section. 20.81 H Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkf / dbkf) Bankfull WIDTH divided by bankfull mean DEPTH, in a riffle section. 12.1 Maximum DEPTH (d,nbkf) Maximum depth of the bankfull channel cross-section, or distance between the bankfull stage and Thalweg elevations, in a riffle section. 2.08 WIDTH of Flood-Prone Area (Wfp,,) Twice maximum DEPTH, or (2 x d,f*f) = the stage/elevation at which flood-prone area WIDTH is determined in a riffle section. 50 ft/ft i+ Entrenchment Ratio (ER) The ratio of flood-prone area WIDTH divided by bankfull channel WIDTH (Wfp,/ Wf*f) (riffle section). 3.15 Channel Materials (Particle Size Index ) D50 The D50 particle size index represents the mean diameter of channel materials, as sampled from the channel surface, between the bankfull stage and Thalweg elevations. 26.13 ft/ft mm Water Surface SLOPE (S) Channel slope = "rise over run" for a reach approximately 20-30 bankfull channel widths in length, with the "riffle-to-riffle" water surface slope representing the gradient at bankfull stage. 0.01311 Channel SINUOSITY (k) Sinuosity is an index of channel pattern, determined from a ratio of stream length divided by valley length (SL / VL); or estimated from a ratio of valley slope divided by channel slope (VS / S). 1.19 ft/ft Copyright © 2006 Wildland Hydrology WARSSS page 5-29 LL c 3 m co cc a a • ? • N N- O m cz C 0) c O J 1 N N U U ca U 0 E co 0 cn 0) c 0 cu N c c aS w 0 (4) UOIIUAa13 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 11 co N ? II O W (L U A f0 ? 7 N f0 3 10. N CO N a) ? N i w o t x v A (+ U Ca W Y C lE m T . ) U) X Ln I W X A 3 N C O .6 C 7 O (4) U0118n813 n u IN Lo r U C N N 0 N .O O N O 1 1 1 1 L 0 61 O II C yi E d m m c c rn c 0 n. a? ccO T ryy''?? ? N f(yi (.) lC II 4-I ? .xa 0 Q? c5 N y .D VJ U X? 3 Y C co II 4-4 x S N C 0 a c 3 O (4) UOIIEn813 0 N U C co _(n o ? O N O 2 U) O 1 1 1 1 00 O N N C II 0 W d 14 (D A al 7 U) N N 3 LO M co T II y w ? x .Q (' U_ Ca _W C /Y? _j C 1 ?. as co VJ X 0) Ln II w x 3 rn C a° v c 0 0 (11) U0111BA913 n U 0 N a? r U C co An 0 .L 0 O In 0 1 1 1 c? O U II C E A N ? m N c c y c O ,^ d LAJ U 1 _ N N O6 U N r-I 0) O II + N w @) Ca o C n ? X Y C O 40 N II W X A U C O d c 0 (4) UOII8AG13 o U C _ca O N O 2 Ln 0 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 0 00 O II C 44 14 E A N ? co (D C C N C O 0 Lo O O M T a) II N3 W ?? r) Q O IL Ln O EL) 1 (ts VJ C X? Y C co M I W x A S N C O d c C 0 (4) UOIIBA813 O N r N U C cz 0 o ? 0 N 'i 0 2 LO O 1 1 1 1 1 t CO to O f6 ? U ? II C E m N C O TT d VJ N co 7 ? N N N W @) ^` a W V i 0 i C6 C VJ ? X Y c6 O m ? a II 44 x A 3 U) C_ O d 'O C 3 O (4) UOIIEA013 D N LO m U C fz N 0 -Fz O ? O N O 2 L!) O e 1 1 1 1 1 C u 0 w U ? 7 N cd Y N N H O X U ? C C llS m VJ X x 3 y C O a a c m O C7 (4) UOIIUAO13 N (? c cz 0 N 'i 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 rn O lzv w U ? II C E A O CD N C C N C_ O d U 7 ? M N II (f) i' . w V A rr rn CO 0 VJ U a x Y U R CO ? ti II W x A 3 N C O C O (4) UOIILA913 u r m U C cz 5 6 o ? O N .L- O to O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N ? O r U N 'a II C E co coK4 N C N Lr;? tT M N 3 w 0 i-4 U) O O N TT O V' lb U '? C U) XY cis m M II W X A 3 N O C c C O (4) U011en913 n u y N •- U c co N 0 c 0 N .L TO O 2 LO O 1 River Name: chadric creek ' Reach Name: Reach 1 Sample Name: Reach Survey Date: 05/12/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % cum % -------- - 0 - 0.062 ------------ 0 ----- 0.00 ------- ------------------- 0.00 0.062 - 0.125 5 5.00 5.00 0.125 - 0.25 6 6.00 11.00 0.25 - 0.50 6 6.00 17.00 0.50 - 1.0 4 4.00 21.00 1.0 - 2.0 5 5.00 26.00 ' 2.0 - 4.0 1 1.00 27.00 4.0 - 5.7 1 1.00 28.00 ' 5.7 - 8.0 8.0 - 11.3 4 5 4.00 5.00 32.00 37.00 11.3 - 16.0 4 4.00 41.00 16.0 - 22.6 6 6.00 47.00 22.6 - 32.0 8 8.00 55.00 32 - 45 3 3.00 58.00 45 - 64 7 7.00 65.00 64 - 90 14 14.00 79.00 90 - 128 13 13.00 92.00 128 - 180 6 6.00 98.00 i 180 - 256 256 - 362 2 0 2.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.46 i D35 (mm) 9.98 D50 (mm) 26.13 D84 (mm) 104.62 D95 (mm) 154 D100 (mm) 256 Silt/clay (%) 0 Sand (%) 26 Gravel (%) 39 cobble (%) 35 Boulder (%) Bedrock (%) 0 0 Total Particles = 100. 1 0 0 0 O U a) a) U cz a) cc se a) a? i U U ca U 0 0 E E a) N Cl) a) o U cz CL 0 aauid luaOaad 1 River Name: chadric creek ' Reach Name: Reach 1 Sample Name: Active Riffle survey Date: 05/12/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Size (mm) - - ------- TOT # ---------------- ITEM % ---------- cum % --------------------------- 0 - 0.062 0 0.00 0.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 0.00 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 0.00 0.25 - 0.50 0 0.00 0.00 0.50 - 1.0 0 0.00 0.00 1.0 - 2.0 2 2.00 2.00 ' 2.0 - 4.0 1 1.00 3.00 4.0 - 5.7 3 3.00 6.00 5.7 - 8.0 4 4.00 10.00 8.0 - 11.3 4 4.00 14.00 11.3 - 16.0 2 2.00 16.00 16.0 - 22.6 7 7.00 23.00 22.6 - 32.0 9 9.00 32.00 32 - 45 9 9.00 41.00 45 - 64 8 8.00 49.00 64 - 90 12 12.00 61.00 90 - 128 19 19.00 80.00 128 - 180 11 11.00 91.00 180 - 256 8 8.00 99.00 256 - 362 1 1.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 ' D16 (mm) D35 (mm) 16 36.33 D50 (mm) 66.17 D84 (mm) 146.91 D95 (mm) 218 D100 (mm) 361.99 silt/clay (%) 0 Sand (%) 2 Gravel (%) 47 cobble (%) 50 Boulder (%) 1 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 100. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q? Q U U cz U aauid IU90JOd 0 0 0 o E o E N N_ N U cz a 0 River Name: Chadric creek Reach Name: Reach 1 Sample Name: Bar Sample Survey Date: 05/19/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SIEVE (mm) -------------- NET WT ----------------------------------------------------- 63 2.52 31.5 13.48 16 5.15 ' 8 4.15 4 2.49 2 1.39 ' PAN 3.23 D16 (mm) 5.87 D35 (mm) 20.18 D50 (mm) 35.38 D84 (mm) 65.99 D95 (mm) 91.44 D100 (mm) 103 silt/clay (%) 0 ' Sand M Gravel (%) 8.94 74.32 Cobble (%) 16.74 Boulder (%) 0 ' Bedrock (%) 0 Total weight = 36.1400. Largest Surface Particles: Siz e(mm) weight Particle 1: 103 2.29 ' Particle 2: 78 1.44 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _a) Q cz U) co a) a) U U co U JGUIJ IU90JOd 0 0 0 0 0 E E a? N N U co CL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c a. d c i c m s U 11-inear Wavelength (X) E 119 ii 109 1130 lift Linear Wavelength to Riffle Width (X/ Wbkf) 7.968 7.273'8.670 Stream Meander Length (Lm) 147 1 147 ; 148 Ift Stream Meander Length Ratio (Lm/ Wbw) i 9.853; 9.799 19.913 Radius of Curvature (Rc) ; 33.2 1 27.1 1 46.2 Iff Radius of Curvature to Riffle Width (R./ Wbkf) 12.21911.81113.088 Belt Width (WblJ 52 1 36.21 66.8 =ft Meander Width Ratio (Wbn/ Wbkf) i .3.476 2.42014.465 Arc Length (La) i 59.2 1 48 1 68.3 ift Arc Length to Riffle Width (La/ Wbkf) i 3.95713.209 ; 4.566 Riffle Length (Lr) 20.2 19.12 139.6 ift Riffle Length to Riffle Width (Lr/ WbM) ;1.35310.610 ; 2.649 11ndividual Pool Length (Lp) 1 20.4 r 13.7 1 25.9 ift Individual Pool Length to Riffle Width (Lp/ Wba) 1.360r 0.91411.734 Pool to Pool Spacing (PS) 1 56.2 If 43.1 1 67.9 lift Pool to Pool Spacing to Riffle Width (Ps/ Wbkf) 3.754 2.878 4.5351 Valley Slope (Sval) 1 0.0156 Ift/ft Average Water Surface Slope (S) 1 0.01305 Ift/ft Sinuosity (S"d/ S) ; 1.19 Stream Length (SL) 1 376 ift Valley Length (VL) 1 316 ift Sinuosity (SL / VL) 11.19 Low Bank Height (LBH) start! 1.69 !ft end! 2.2 ift Max Depth start ) 1.69 ift (dmax) end! 1.67 ift Bank-Height Ratio (BHR) (LBH / dmax) start! 1 end! 1.32 Facet Sianes Yvan Min Yav nimansinnlaees Farat ttilnm Rating Yaan Yin Yem N 0 a d c c ea t U Riffle Slope (Sill) i 0.023i 0.009:0.031 1ft/ft Riffle Slope to Average Water Surface Slope (S,# / S) li 1.782 If 0.664 112.3401 Run Slope (Srun) 0.041110.018; 0.086 ft/ft Run Slope to Average Water Surface Slope (S,,, / S) 13.170111.347 6.582 Pool Slope (Sp) 10.003i 0.001 i 0.007 1ft/ft Pool Slope to Average Water Surface Slope (Sp / S) 10.24010.05510.510 Glide Slope (S9) 10.007110.004 10.010 1ft/ft Glide Slope to Average Water Surface Slope (S9 / S) 10.56510.32610.803 Step Slope (Sa) 10.00010.00010.000 ift/ft Step Slope to Average Water Surface Slope (Ss/ S) 10.00010.00010.000 Max Riffle Depth (dmaxfff) Max Run Depth (d,n.,un) Max Pool Depth (dmaxp) Max Glide Depth (dmaxg) Max Step Depth (dm..) I Mean Min Max Dimensionless Depth Ratios 1.69 , 1.241 1.94 ift Max Riffle Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dmax,lf / dbkf) 1.9711 1.63 1 2.21 ft Max Run Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dmaxmo / dbkf) 2.51 1 1.98 i 2.87 ift Max Pool Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dmaxp / dbkf) 1.51 1 1.3 i 1.77 ift Max Glide Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dmaxg / dbki) 0 1 0 I 0 Ift Max Step Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dmam / dbkf) 1.3631 1 1 1.56 1.589 1.315 1.78 2.0241 1.5971 2.31 1.21811.0481 1.43 0 0 0 Copyright 0 2009 Wildland Hydrology WARSSS page 5-34 Worksheet 5-4. Morphological relations, including dimensionless ratios of river reach sites (Rosgen and Silvey, 2007; Rosgen, 2008). ivun, max a mean oepms are measurea irom l nalweg io oaniduii at mia-point or feature Tor rITTleS and runs, the deepest part of pools, & at the tail-out of glides. Composite sample of riffles and pools within the designated reach. ` Active bed of a riffle. "Height of roughness feature above bed. 0 1 G G 1 n u Worksheet 5-4. Morphological relations, including dimensionless ratios of river reach sites (Rosgen and Silvey, 2007; Rosgen, 2008). Stream: Chadric Creek Location: Reach - Reach 1 Observers: SWC Date: 05/28/11 Valley Type: VIII Stream Type: C 4 Riffle Dimensions*,- River Reach Dimension Summary Data.....1 Mean Min Max Riffle Dimensions & Dimensionless Ratios*" Mean Min Max Riffle Width (Wf,kf) 14.961 14 1 15.85 Ift Riffle Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf) (fe) 118.62116.1620.81 Mean Riffle Depth (dbkf) 1 1.24 1 1.15 1 1.31 Ift Riffle Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkf / dbkf) 112.07111.94112.17 w c Maximum Riffle Depth (dm.j 1 1.69 ! 1.24 1 1.94 Ift Max Riffle Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (drr,a%/ dbkt) ! 1.36311.00011.565 Width of Flood-Prone Area (Wfpa) 1 26.86 1 24.23E 30.66 Ift Entrenchment Ratio (Wfp. / Wbkf) 11.79511.62012.049 m E Riffle Inner Berm Width (Wb) '1 11.3 ! 9.67 ! 14.41 ift Riffle Inner Berm Width to Riffle Width (Wib /Wbkf) 10.75510.64610.963 Riffle Inner Berm Depth (d;b) 1 0.77 1 0.68 1 0.93 lift Riffle Inner Berm Depth to Mean Depth (dib / db;,f) 10.62110.54810.750 Riffle Inner Berm Area (At,) 1 8.59 1 6.57 1 10.07 IfTz Riffle Inner Berm Area to Riffle Area (Alb / Abkl) 10.46110.353' 0.541 Riffle Inner Berm W/D Ratio (W;b / db) 1 15.15 1 10.61 1 20.631 1 I 1 Pool Dimenslone «.. "' Mean Min Max Pool' Dimensions & Dimensionless Ratios**** Mears Min Max Pool Width (Wbkfp) 1 13.04 1 13.02 1 13.05 lift Pool Width to Riffle Width (Wbkfp / Wbkf) 10.87210.87010.872 « Mean Pool Depth (dbkfp) I 1.77 1 1.38 1 2.15 ift Mean Pool Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dbkfp / dbf f) 111.42711:1113111.734 1 Pool Cross-Sectional Area (Abkfp) ! 22.96 1 17.98 1 27.93 left Pool Area to Riffle Area (Abkfp / Abkt) 11.23310.96611.500 .fo A Maximum Pool Depth (d..,) 1 2.51 i 1.98 1 2.87 Ift Max Pool Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dm.. / dbkf) 12.02411.59712.315 Pool Inner Berm Width (Wbp) i 9.77 i 9.35 ! 10.19 ift Pool Inner Berm Width to Pool Width (Wbp / Wbkfp) 10.7491! 0.71710.781 O Pool Inner Berm Depth (dbp) 1 1.23 1 0.86 1 1.59 ift Pool Inner Berm Depth to Pool Depth Abp / dbkfp) 10.69510.48610.898 ti Pool Inner Berm Area (Abp) i 12.12 1 8 1 16.24 Ife Pool Inner Berm Area to Pool Area (A bp /Abkfp) 10.52810.34810.707 Point Bar Slope (Spb) 134.000133.000135.0001ft/ft Pool Inner Berm Width/Depth Ratio (Wbp/ dibp) 1 8.66 16.39 110.93 Run Dimensions' Mean Min Max Run Dimensionless Ratios"" Mean Min Max w c Run Width (Wbkf,) 1 12 1 11.54 1 12.45 ift Run Width to Riffle Width (Wbkf, / Wbkf) 10.80210.77110.832 c Mean Run Depth (dbkfr) '1 1.41 1 1.22 1 1.59 ift Mean Run Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dbkfr / dbkf) 11.13710.98411.282 Run Cross-Sectional Area (Abkfr) 1 16.77 1 15.15 1, 18.39 !ft Run Area to Riffle Area (Abkir / Abkf) 10.90110.81410.988 Maximum Run Depth (dm.w) i 1.97 '1 1.63 i 2.21 ift Max Run Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dma> / dbkf) 11.58911.315' 1 1.782 M Run Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkfr/ dbkfr) 1 8.73 ! 7.26 , 10.21 ift '1 I Glide Dimensions' Mean Min Max Glide Dimensions & Dimensionless Ratios- Mean Min Max Glide Width (Wbkfg) 1 14.86 ! 14.37 '! 15.35 ift Glide Width to Riffle Width (Wbkfg / Wbkf) !0.99310.96111.026 * w Mean Glide Depth (dbkf,) 1 1.2 i 1.16 1 1.24 Ift Mean Glide Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dbkfg / dbkf) 10.96810.93511.000 c Glide Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf,) 1 17.82 1 16.63 i 19 ift Glide Area to Riffle Area (Abkfg / Abkf) '10.95710.89311.020 4 Maximum Glide Depth (dm..,) 1 1.51 1 1.3 ! 1.77 Ift Max Glide Depth to Mean Riffle De th d / P ( m.rg dbkf) ! 1.21811.048! 1.427 Glide Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkfg/ dbWg) 112.38 112.38 1 12.39 ift/ft Glide Inner Berm Width/Depth Ratio (Wbg/ d;f g) 119.02117.21120.84 v Glide Inner Berm Width (Wbg) i 10.64 i 9.34 1 11.94 ift Glide Inner Berm Width to Glide Width (W;yg/Wbkfg) 10.71610.629!0.803 Glide Inner Berm Depth (dibg) 1 0.57 1 0.45 1 0.69 !ft 1 Glide Inner Berm Depth to Glide Depth (dbg / d bkfg) '0.47510.37510.575 i r , Glide Inner Berm Area (A;bg) i 6.24 1 4.19 ! 8.29 '1W Glide Inner Berm Area to Glide Area (Ab, / Abkfg) '0.35010.2350.465 Ste Dimensions" Mean Min Max St Dimensionless Ratioe- Mean Min, Max Step Width (W..) ! 0 1 0 1 0 !ft Step Width to Riffle Width (Wbkf./ Wbkf) I0.0001 i0.000l0.000 « a Mean Step Depth (dbkf.) 1 0 1 0 1 0 ift Mean Step Depth to Riffle Depth (dbkf./ dbkf) 10.00010 00010 0013d N Step Cross-Sectional Area (Abkf.) 1 0 i 0 0 ift Step Area to Riffle Area (Abkf. / Abkf) 10.00010.00010.000 Maximum Step Depth (dm.x) 1 0 1 0 1 0 ift Max Step Depth to Mean Riffle Depth (dm../ dbkf) 10-0 10 1 0 000011 .000 Step Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkf./ dbkf.) ! o '1 o l o t ' 'Riffle-Pool system (i.e., C, E, F stream types) bed features include riffles, runs, pools and glides. "Step-Pool system (i.e., A, 8, G stream types) bed features include riffles, rapids, chutes, pools and steps (note: include rapids and chutes in riffle category). "'Convergence-Divergence system (i.e., D stream types) bed features Include riffles and pools; cross-section taken at riffles for classification purposes. **"Mean values are used as the normalization parameter for all dimensionless ratios; e.g., minimum pool width to riffle width ratio uses the mean riffle width value. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Worksheet 2-2. Computations of velocity and bankfull discharge using various methods (Rosgen, 2006b; Rosgen and Silvey, 2007). Bankfull VELOCITY & DISCHARGE Estimates Stream: Chadric Creek Location: Reach - Reach 1 Date: 1 5/21/2011 Stream Type: C4 Valley Type: VIII 1 Observers: SWC HUC: INPUT VARIAB LES OUTPUT VARIA BLES Bankfull Riffle Cross-Sectional Abkf .,. d AREA 20.81 f 2 Bankfull Riffle Mean DEPTH 1.31 bkl ( t ) _ (ft) Bankfull Riffle WIDTH 15.85 Wbkf Wetted AMW METER_] 33 I 17 WP (ft) (2 * dbkf ) + Wbkf . (ft) D84 at Riffle 146.91 Dia. (mm) (mm) D84 (mm) /30 4.8 0.48 D84 (g) Bankfull SLOPE 0 (ft / ft) Hydraulic RADIUS . , Abkf / Wp 1.20 R (ft) Relative Roughness Gravitational Acceleration 11 32.2 g 2.49 R / D84 (ft / sect) R(ft) / D. (ft) Drainage Area IL 1.0 DA =U1 ar Velocity 0 712 u* (mil) * = (gRS)'/2 (ft/sec) ESTIMATION METHODS Bankfull Bankfull VELOCITY DISCHARGE 1. Friction Reiatlve u = [2.83 + 5.66 *Log R / D u* FactorZRouahnsss f e4 l l 3.61 ft /sec 75.17 cfs 2. Roughness Coefficient: a) Manning's n from Friction Factor / Relative Roughness (Figs. 2-18, 2-19) u= 1. 49*Rw *S'n/ n n = 0.062 3.10 it /sec 64.51 cfs 2. Roughness Coefficient: u = 1.49*R* *S'2/ n b) Manning's n from Stream Type (Fig. 2-20) n = 0.04 4.81 ft / sec 100.10 cfs 2. Roughness Coefficient: u = 1.49*R" *S "2/ n c) Manning's n from Jarrett (USGS): n = 0.39*S°-w *R-o-'B 2.63 ft / sec 54.73 cfs Note: This equation is applicable to steep, step/pool, high boundary 073 0 ' roughness, cobble- and boulder-dominated stream systems; i.e., for n = 3. Other Methods (Hey, Darc -Weisbach, Chez C, etc.) 3.96 It /sec 1 1782,38 cis Da -Weisbach Leo old, WoIman and Miller -11 3. Other Methods (Hey, Darc -Weisbach, C C, etc. 0.00 ft /sec 0.00 cfs Chez C 4. Continuity Equations: a) Regional Curves u = O / A / Return Period for Bankfull Discharge Q = 1.2 year 2,59 sec J it 54.00 Cfs 4. Continuity Equations: b) USGS Gage Data u = Q / A 1 0.00 1 ft/ c e ?] 0.00 I cfs L Protrusion Height Options for the D. Term in the Relative Roughness Relation (R/D..l - Estimation Method 1 Option 1. For sand-bed channels: Measure 100 "protrusion heights" of sand dunes from the downstream side of feature to the top of feature. Substitute the D84 sand dune protrusion height in ft for the D84 term in method 1. Option 2. For boulder-dominated channels: Measure 100 "protrusion heights" of boulders on the sides from the bed elevation to the top of the rock on that side. Substitute the D84 boulder protrusion height in ft for the D84 term in method 1. Option 3. For bedrock-dominated channels: Measure 100 "protrusion heights" of rock separations, steps, joints or uplifted surfaces above channel bed elevation. Substitute the D84 bedrock protrusion height in ft for the D84 term in method 1. Option 4. For log-influenced channels: Measure "protrustion heights" proportionate to channel width of log diameters or the height of the log on upstream side if embedded. Substitute the D84 protrusion height in ft for the D84 term in method 1. Copyright © 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 2-41 Worksheet 3-1. Riparian vegetation composition/density used for channel stability assessment. 1 1 Riparian Vegetation Stream: Chadric Creek Location: Reach 1 Reference h X Disturbed (impacted Observers: SWC reac reach) Date: 05/13/11 Existing Potential species Poplar, Sycamore, White Pine, Wild species Poplar, Sycamore, Maple, Oak, composition: Cherry, Maple composition: Dogwood, Cherry Riparian cover Percent aerial Percent of site Percent of total categories cover* coverage** Species composition species composition Poplar 30% o ....................... _Sycamore .................................................... ... .................._30% White Pine 5% d 0 Canopy layer 60% 35% . ...Wild Cherry . .................................................. Ma le ................................................... 25% ----- --- --- ---- ----- ....----...-.................. 0% 100% Rhododendron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25% ................................................... o Mountain Laurel 15% H ....American.Holl .............................................. y ....................15%................. Shrub layer 0% -......---........----...--.............. .............................................- Privett -...................... --o-.--................. 20% o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . Dogwood ................................................... 25% N _..._..............---...--.--_--_.._--------------°....----.........--- - ° -............._........................ 0% 100% Ferns ....................... ....................................................................... 35% ........................ . . Greenbriar . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ....... . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ........... 5% .................... .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honey Suckle . ......... .................. 2 0 % Herbaceous 55% . ... ............................................... .................. ........ ...... ................... Moss .. . ..... .. .. 20% m .. . . . . ................................................................... Grasses .......................... .o..................... 20 /° ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------0% ............................. = 100% %- Leaf or needle 8% Remarks: litter Condition, vigor and/or M usage of existing reach: Bare ground 2% *Based on crown closure. ** Column Total Based on basal area to surface area. 100% Copyright 0 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Worksheet 3-2. Flow regime variables that influence channel characteristics, sediment regime and biological interpretations. FLOW REGIME Stream: Chadric Creek Location: Reach 1 Observers: SWC Date 5/28/2011 List ALL COMBINATIONS that APPLY ............... Q P a 2 General Cateaorv E Ephemeral stream channels: Flows only in response to precipitation S Subterranean stream channel: Flows parallel to and near the surface for various seasons - a sub- surface flow that follows the stream bed. Intermittent stream channel: Surface water flows discontinuously along its length. Often associated with sporadic and/or seasonal flows and also with Karst (limestone) geology where losing/gaining reaches create flows that disappear then reappear farther downstream. P Perennial stream channels: Surface water persists yearlong. Saecific Cateaorv 1 Seasonal variation in streamflow dominated primarily by snowmelt runoff. 2 Seasonal variation in streamflow dominated primarily by stormflow runoff. 3 Uniform stage and associated streamflow due to spring-fed condition, backwater, etc. 4 Streamflow regulated by glacial melt. 5 Ice flows/ice torrents from ice dam breaches. 6 Alternating flow/backwater due to tidal influence. 7 Regulated streamflow due to diversions, dam release, dewatering, etc. 8 Altered due to development, such as urban streams, cut-over watersheds or vegetation conversions (forested to grassland) that change flow response to precipitation events. 9 Rain-on-snow generated runoff. Copyright © 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-11 1 Worksheet 3-3. Stream order and stream size categories for stratification by stream type. Stream Size and Order Stream: Chadric Creek Location: Reach 1 Observers: Date: SWC 5/28/2011 Stream Size Category and Order' S-2(3/4) I Category STREAM SIZE: Bankfull width Check (ve') appropriate meters feet category S-1 0.305 <1 T- S-2 0.3-1.5 1-5 W S-3 1.5-4.6 5-15 S-4 4.6-9 15-30 S-5 9-15 30 - 50 S-6 15 - 22.8 50 - 75 S-7 22.8-30.5 75-100 S-8 30.5 - 46 100-150 S-9 46 - 76 150 - 250 S-10 76 -107 250 - 350 S-11 107-150 350 - 500 r S-12 150 - 305 500 -1000 S-13 >305 >1000 Strea m Order Add categories in parenthesis for specific stream order of reach. For example a third order stream with a bankfull width of 6.1 meters (20 feet) would be indexed as: S-4(3). Copyright @ 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-14 Worksheet 3-4. Meander pattern relations used for interpretations for river stability. Meander Patterns Stream: Chadric Creek Reach: Reach 1 Observers: SWC Date: 5/28/2011 List ALL CATEGORIES that APPLY M3 I I Various Meander Pattern variables modified from Galav et al. (1973) M5 UNCONFINED MEANDER SCROLLS ? ik M8 IRREGULAR MEANDERS with oxbows and Copyright @ 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-16 Worksheet 3-5. Depositional patterns used for stabiilty assessment interpretations. Depositional Patterns Stream: Chadric Creek Reach: Reach 1 Observers: SWC Date: 5/28/2011 List ALL CATEGORIES that APPLY B1 - Various Depositional Features modified from Galay et al. (1973) r?, ?y.? e1, ; ?i"` B5 DIAGONAL BARS lie* f B6 Main Channel Branching with Numerous MID-CHANNEL BARS and Islands BT SIDE BARS AND MID-CHANNEL BARS with Length Exceeding 2 to 3 Channel Widths 'ail B8 DELTA BARS Copyright @ 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-20 Worksheet 3-6. Various categories of in-channel debris, dams and channel blockages used to evaluate channel stability. 1 n ii iu Channel Blockages Stream: Chadric Creek Location: Reach 1 Observers: SWC Date: 5/28/2011 Materials that upon placement Into the active channel or flood- Check Description/extent prone area may cause adjustments In channel dimensions or all that conditions due to Influences on the existing flow regime. apply D1 None Minor amounts of small, floatable material. F D2 Infrequent Debris consists of small, easily moved, floatable material, e.g., leaves, r needles, small limbs and twigs. Increasing frequency of small- to medium-sized material, such as large limbs, D3 Moderate branches and small logs, that when accumulated, affect 10% or less of the P active channel cross-section area. Significant build-up of medium- to large-sized materials, e.g., large limbs, D4 Numerous branches, small logs or portions of trees that may occupy 10-30% of the l active channel cross-section area. Debris "dams" of predominantly larger materials, e.g., branches, logs and D5 Extensive trees, occupying 30-50% of the active channel cross-section area, often F extending across the width of the active channel. Large, somewhat continuous debris "dams," extensive in nature and D6 Dominating occupying over 50% of the active channel cross-section area. Such ?- accumulations may divert water into the flood-prone areas and form fish migration barriers, even when flows are at less than bankfull. Beaver dams: An infrequent number of dams spaced such that normal streamflow and F D7 Few expected channel conditions exist in the reaches between dams. Beaver dams: Frequency of dams is such that backwater conditions exist for channel D8 reaches between structures where streamf low velocities are reduced and f Frequent channel dimensions or conditions are influenced. Beaver dams: Numerous abandoned dams, many of which have filled with sediment and/or D9 Abandoned breached, initiating a series of channel adjustments, such as bank erosion, lateral migration, avulsion, aggradation and degradation. Structures, facilities or materials related to land uses or development located Human within the flood-prone area, such as diversions or low-head dams, controlled D10 influences by-pass channels, velocity control structures and various transportation Ir encroachments that have an influence on the existing flow regime, such that significant channel adjustments occur. I Copyright © 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-26 Worksheet 3-7. Relationship of Bank-Height Ratio (BHR) ranges to corresponding stream stability ratings. 1 I 1 1 Degree of Channel Incision Low Bank Height: 1.69 Bank-Height Ratio: 1.1 Max Bankfull Depth: 1.9 Degree of Channel Incision Stability Rating c? Slightly Incised Degree of Channel Incision 2 1.9 -- - - - 1.8 CO 1.7 ---- O r - - - - C13 1.6 - - - - --- Fr s 1.5 - - - •? 1.4 - ----- - --- --- - --- - - - - - C 1.3 ------ - -- t0 m 1.2 -- --- -- - - - ---- - - - -- 1.1 ------------------ - ------ --- -- - -- 1 Stable Slightly Incised Moderately Incised Deeply Incised Stability Rating Copyright 0 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-34 Worksheet 3-8. Stability ratings based on departure of width/depth ratio from reference condition. C 1 Width/Depth Ratio State Existing Width/Depth Ratio: 12.1 Ratio of existing W/d to reference W/d: 1.05 Reference Width/Depth Ratio: 11.5 Width/Depth Ratio State Stability Rating c Stable Width/Depth Ratio Stability Ratings 3 1 8 . d m w d ` 1.6 o -- - - - - > o M ? m 1.4 - - ---- - 1 2 --- . Only use "Decrease relative to o reference w/d ratio" for incising 0 1 -__---_----_--- --._ _-. _ __ ___ __.---.....-----.__. _ channels (Bank-Height Ratio A) - 3 3 (Worksheet 3-7) v 0.8 - - - d d? d 0 0 0.6 - - -- - ----- - ----- - -- --- - - ---- o > 0 4 . v d 3 d - - - - - o C5 0 2 . ac o Stable Moderately Unstable Unstable Highly Unstable Stability Rating Copyright 0 2008 W ildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-38 Worksheet 3-9. Degree of confinement based on Meander Width Ratio (MWR) divided by reference condition Meander Width Ratio (MWRref)• 1 u Degree of Confinement Existing Meander Width Ratio (MWR): 7.52 F Ratio of MWR to MWR,f: 2.15 Reference Meander Width Ratio (MWRref): 3.5 Degree of Confinement Stability Rating' Unconfined Degree of Confinement based on Meander Width Ratio ( MWR) / Reference Condition ( MWRref ) 0.1 ?_. I .. _ _.? _ z.. <010 0.2 0.10-0.29 d 0.3 0.4 m....a_ _ ._ _. _ ., . r _..... . .,_, w : __..._ 0.5 u. 0.6 w .,,v - . _.. _. ..._ _ 0.30-0.79 1q Y _ ,.. , ,._ 0.7 0.8 .0.80 -1.00. _, . 1 0 I i . Unconfined Moderately Confined Confined Severely Confined Degree of Confinement Copyright 0 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-38 11 O N U ' O O N !A p1 d N O w O E ' N l0 N 7 N O c co U CL W tb N '7 co OD V co cm V' P G T 1, c o v U) 16 3: M 11 II L' ?' V ` N E m e P) oa '' o Vj Cy Ci. 'v N c? d v ld v a) a) m ttl om m (o .~O. ip of C v cm r cdf co cm 0 oym d N i2 pE.C _ ij E- TE a t O pmp E m N >? ° L O .. fR ?.. V n a) E O 7 m D a O U N > N ' (o U N > O 7 Cd t p O. X N O _ o c ' C a) G O IL a C C _ n IC a d L CD N O O) O U C a 3 a > N p d N E .? c> E m 7 C p O (d Co E o O .° o • O X r O O L Q o c Co ? « . N 0 o ; Z% D o o °m w 03 0 -°o r co N 0) :8 E T 0 w w n m 0. co 'N O OO ., p co N (? 0 - 5 d O A p ? Q E (((c??? n o c 0 0 E N (d 3 m - c m= ? S m p T. C . - U L a p a) L -I L U m Y T ` o _O O a) U C T o, M O O 0 D m m cc cc 4? r O 0 p O> 24 rn c IC ( P O) O 'p a) E N 0 7 a 0 u i m m m E (P to a) 0 0 to m 0 N V o ° C O N O a ? n °' `E C 3 0 C > a)a) 7 /d L T CE :.. =ego x o d ( ) o 0 c U p co T ) 'p nN CO m " 0 co m } cli O X N m 60 f/) N O m t m Cc -Y O C U C j ° Q 'O N 7 O) j W ' 1° ? O Of N O ° O C CA m e C U O a) 'O O m._ t 3 m o p C O- U 'F m > m c 3 c r _ C o Y v ur U _ r w rn c O Q) C £ C 3 in _ c a m y a) w LL @ m = O a E 0 - E U 'O o _ Y C n N Qj 0 0 N O o O o m 2 ? 0 7 N O C U O O co T a) (D 0 C C p m + p. co m oar rnr ° °6 ? Eo) TO ? _ mE 0o o? Gid ox ?m D 6 o m M LL T ?a v'5 ;o ; (a m ?ot o io ¢? CC d wa ?y ) LLm Zm 2E drn m - N t0 0) (O 0) (h In co N N (h M (D r M 44 O' p M + m O to p N + N O T N ¢ r co ° C co ° V c Lu c m C C N o 7 II M n m+ cn to ? (r + O m 3 C 1 r3 II of m O = O O C o U L LO ccpp r (? N Q N E to O X3 C m° I a) U j o •> j m -0 (0 ° 41 O 'o rj ?O co 0 O E N v 2 3 a) C a{ a7 I If .Q O C cd O O .0 y o o a) (n t t II (d L tCp = 01 O C C71 L_ N W l6 10 OOP t0 V N } 0 7 a) O C O 3 m U O O f - ? N 2 0) 3 i O O 7. O LL V c°D 6 O c p O N O L C - OD m 0 v y O C O O a o 0 N O N a LL 7 to E m O 3 m E o 9 ?._ m c ca N i N O v c 3 L rn E O C t; wo m to f id O ? } c+ ^ } N Q N ° T ° E _3 m C¢ ?" c N 0 '- O O O O O . ' O W \ O) O 0 O C r- a U o Y 0 2 O to G7 o N 16 O m ` (i L p o m rn c ` N m O' w ? -. 3 C Q O 'p d o ld (d m = 0 0-- N 0) O O O co ftl C O O to O O O C m 7 m' O ° mm c-° 2 m E I O m L Cb ? c O) U C PY d 'p C '6 C O O O d 4) C O m N> ° ld L O U N p C O m 0 B- E (n to ? 1 ? 0) O } ;: 0 N + p r rn d N CL O O 0 C O N ?, C , o cm j, _ C E a) co co at Co N 0 0 m Co co L O L m °p f? v im Y >, O T ld O a) 4) o y :r p O m m co C a o p O Y p `m an d U O o ' a) 'o •O c a) «N N O O m co li co v 0 '6 c w Y y ca OOQ tD f00 n T o m o O N 3 too n N c Od o o C m i0 y O m O N O Q m O O O c m o (? p d° (3' n 9 c m LL c lid 'v maw _ No 2Em ioE o? Ua 2E 2cc 2E Mm?i 0-.0 E 0 OD ui T c 7 •f a N M Ul) OD N N W N N N V c p o m ? LL T ° + d F Q co n w D) d m o o c a E 0) 0 W .- .9 + Z N 2 0 CO =3 O .5 M O U > O c ° v¢ E ` O 4) C v m N N° ?/ ` a N N m T p E m O 0 1 ' G 9 U y m m m C y U L T O (d O W O co m E m C O 3 0 0 V7 O (? OD n N + 7 O O C c m O m Y E E Q V O .O U C D a) O m 0 CD n D 1 Y. N Q C ? m co y 00 « E N 00 '(D j N ld Q C 0) V t co 00 C2 ) E O N O O 3 m m N Q M m C fd (d N ld m "- O O cd L •.L-. 3 f? j N O O O L O E b W o W + O N + 7 ,C p C L T % ) O C r 7 O L T N U C C O cd > cd -O L m ° y N y 0 0 m . co 0) m ? w tD N W a) ?. 7 U) m a 3 E2 i:- E 0) ° Z O t6 o m "'-' E wM c 7 y ..., a .- NN o °cE E N m E c6 al 1] N cop L cod a t to rot°Ld p C ? ,Od a) v v p a cp + N cn Oo + co + m m 3 m to i m 1- ° b m a m m r o c >d 3 0 N - > c o (D m e Q ca an d v to cP W d d o w a e ( u c ? C L C? d -° m . ° co N Q C o 2 m Q a' II o O u N C Co L U) ? ?"` % a cd 7 0 d C) L 4- o E Q O 3 Y Q i () aj 0> E s E o c £ L N C E O N N N N C co f m ` ? O 3 O MV p ov M n } ^ + o U m c? LLE l yp m° v = m3 P' ?9 vcoi c°nvm ocr moo ° ocd c)v O3 0[m o Mw m o o o o to m'v U(cd an d a co aL d (b o ¢ N (h N Cl) r N N V V r r N Q w r N m m a co cn rn a N 10 w O op + °v w co (J) ) m C (T a o LL Y 0 11 r m v 0 co + O w n to + rn p W N a1 N >? S O `a) U C a) c O j O $ e i a I n 00 O E N 10 ° v M t C w N Z5 a) C ° r c a) E c a a m c 5 3 0 Fn 3 U a v () v m B a) U co ° d 1,6 d (O °o } Q n m } ? ; ! __ - m a) o `) c Y Cn d < 0 w 0 to rn ) w E o Z5 C, co N O N E a) C ° N N n Y 10 O n ? O . .2 - C V O E (D C O d II "O O C 41 ` a C 'Q N- K N W c t O O O N m m o 0) T E O ? L a) m O N E W I? Q rn O M O V a7 ' W co + 0 o n M Q. C O V o c 'N cd a) ,C C d a) 2) U a Y L 2 > c a) o O C L - p p V O do O N p N N a y.c m o 21 O C C tCdt mO E (3 0 Q1 N m a) m O m a !a p U a) C O j d O O C N C r O O C C Q Q C' d , c ( j 9 c 0 m + d 7 a) a O U c O >, O r o f/J a o II t o a m L E 3 0 O 'O "O 3.0 cis O C O ry) C 0 T O C N a L CD O C 0 CO O O V O O O ' O C O C N N o 2 m 3 U co \ U N E 0) O CO O (D U U ?' N a) a) N O 'm CO _ '6 O N M (O c > O d 'to C m a) E • x a m o + L 8 a) 0 ? a C 'c C a ° O? o Q C p 0 ? rn m } ? O? td O p O cis t W O C c a m m m - m ' to N O O ? ?p 7r '- O t t 3 N O ) m co > a) O a) m v c 0 0 O a CD a O co z a) w U A N E m m m cc A r m a cn J V J a w w m (7 Q O Z E T V v Q rn rn Y t, 0 O ° C N v C v O v T O n 0 .t °° i E o m (D o ° g m co y o rn o o w v p a p -p a) a) O to C a) C Y m ? 3 °) C O 5 Y 7 ? L m m ° E° O 7 N o . 16 m n e a + m? t0 a0 + V • ( Oa to 0 Y d c C Co 6 O Z; O m U C }r H O U a a) 3 0) 6 ,r Q O D v a 0 r, 0 e OD > 'C L to J O o a O 2 td U o p ( co o O° U o m cCd m 0 td U a .? my d tnv N Q> c o O V co _ • r N M •F LO t0 f? a0 tr N r) W r Be cc 6 1 E r- co Q M "Wsq n sl ueq aa N?ol W OU0 13 O O L as 0 s ° m co 0 u a 0 t (A T a O _ Q _ N N N C i? d1 r = T ? .. _ 3 M O d' co co O Q. ?aR V U r? VJ N T 0 O O T C co Z IA O O N L rn u O U Worksheet 3-14. Sediment competence calculation form to assess bed stability. Stream: Chadric Stream Type: C 4 Location: Reach 1 Valley Type: VIII Observers: SWC Date: 05/28/2011 Enter Required Information for Existing Condition 66.2 D50 Riffle bed material D50 (mm) 35.4 d50 Bar sample D50 (mm) 0.34 Dmax Largest particle from bar sample (ft) 103 (mm) 1 304.8 mm/ft 0.01311 S Existing bankfull water surface slope (ft/ft) 1.26 d Existing bankfull mean depth (ft) 1.65 YS -1 Immersed specific gravity of sediment Select the Appropriate Eq uation and Calculate Critical Dimensionless Shear Stress 1.87 Dso1Dso Range: 3 - 7 Use EQUATION 1: ti* = 0.0834 ( DsoIDnsj 1.872 1.56 DmaxiD5o Range: 1.3 - 3.0 Use EQUATION 2: T* = 0.0384 (DmaxiD5o) .887 0.026 ti* Bankfull Dimensionless Shear Stress EQUATION USED: 2 Calculate Bankfull Mean Depth Required for Entrainment of Largest Particle in Bar Sample 1.11 d z ? - 1)Dmax Required bankfull mean depth (ft) d IS S (use Dma), in ft) Calculate Bankfull Water Surface Slope Required for Entrainment of Largest Particle in Bar Sample 0.01158 S Required bankfull water surface slope (ft/ft) S. S (use Dmax in ft) d Check: f- Stable f- Aggrading f- Degrading Sediment Competence Using Dimensional Shear Stress 1.031 Bankfull shear stress T ='pdS (lbs/fe) (substitute hydraulic radius, R, with mean depth, d ) = 62.4, d = existing depth, S = existing slope Shields 72 co 150 Predicted largest moveable particle size (mm) at bankfull shear stress 'r (Figure 3-11) Shields 1.35 co 0.58 Predicted shear stress required to initiate movement of measured Dmax (mm) (Figure 3-11) Shields 1.65 co 0.71 Predicted mean depth required to initiate movement of measured Dmax (mm) d Z =- T = predicted shear stress, 7= 62.4, S = existing slope YS Shields 0.0172 co 0.0074 Predicted slope required to initiate movement of measured Dmax (mm) Z S 'L =predicted shear stress,7 = 62.4, d =existing depth yd Check: f- Stable f`" Aggrading f` Degrading Z: ij Copyright @ 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-101 Worksheet 3-16. Stability ratings for corresponding successional stage shifts of stream types. Check the appropriate stability rating. 11 1 1 F" C Stream: Chadric Creek Stream Type: C 4 Location: Reach 1 Valley Type: Vlll Observers: SWC Date: 05/28/2011 Stream Type Changes Due to Successional Stage Shifts Stability Rating (Check (Figure 3-14) Appropriate Rating) Stream Type at potential, (CAE), W Stable (Fb-B), (G-B), (F- 13c), (F->C), (D-C) (E-),C), (C--).High W/d C) I- Moderately Unstable (G-,F), (F,D), (C,F) F- Unstable (C,D), (B-->G), (D,G), (C,G), (E-->G) T- Highly Unstable Copyright @ 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-111 ' Worksheet 3-16. Stability ratings for corresponding successional stage shifts of stream types. Check the appropriate stability rating. t u u n 0 C 1 Stream: Chadric Creek Stream Type: C 4 Location: Reach 1 Valley Type: VIII Observers: SWC Date: 05/28/2011 Stream Type Changes Due to Stability Rating (Check Successional Stage Shifts Appropriate Rating) (Figure 3-14) Stream Type at potential, (C--+E), W Stable (Fb->B), (G-B), (F-B.), (F-C), (D-C) (E-+C), (C -High W/d C) )-` Moderately Unstable (G-->F), (F,D), (C,F) f- Unstable (C,D), (13,G), (D,G), (CMG), (ECG) r Highly Unstable Copyright © 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-111 Worksheet 3-17. Lateral stability prediction summary. L 1 11 7 i l Stream: Chadric Creek Stream Type: C 4 Location: Reach 1 Valley Type: VIII Observers: SWC Date: 05/28/2011 Lateral Stabilit y Categories ri bilit it l L e a y cr atera sta Selected (choose one stability Moderately Highly Points (from category for each criterion Stable Unstable Unstable Unstable each row) 1-5) W/d Ratio State < 1.2 1.2-1.4 1.4-1.6 > 1.6 2 1 (Worksheet 3-8) ..................................... ..................................... ...................................... ........................................ (2) (4) (6) (8) Depositional Patterns 61, B2 B4, B8 B3 B5, B6, B7 2 (Worksheet 3-5) ..................................... .................................... ....................................... ........................................ (1) (2) (3) (4) Meander Patterns M1, M3, M4 M2, M5, M6, M7, M8 3 (Worksheet 3-4) ............................. ........................ 1 (?? (3) LNL LIM UL M/M M/H M/L MNH, M/Ex, H/L, H/H, H/Ex, Ex/M, Dominant BEHI / NBS 4 , , , UH, LNH, M/V /VL , , , UEx, H/L H/M, H/H, Ex/H, ExNH, 2 (Worksheet 3-13) .............................. ...... ..................................... VH/VL, Ex/VL ...................................... VHNH, Ex/Ex ........................................ (2) (4) (6) (8) Degree of Confinement 0.8-1.0 0.3-0.79 0.1-0.29 < 0.1 5 ref) a 1 (Worksheet 3-9) .................................... (1) .................................... (2) ....................................... (3) ........................................ (4 Total Points 7 Lateral Stability Category Point Range Overall Lateral Stability Moderately Highly Category (use total points Stable Unstable Unstable Unstable and check stability rating) 7-9 10-12 13-21 ' > 21 r r r r Copyright @ 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-114 Worksheet 3-18. Vertical stability prediction for excess deposition or aggradation. 1 1 1 1 r 11 Stream: Chadric Creek Stream Type: C 4 Location: Reach 1 Valley Type: VIII Observers: SWC Date: 05/2812011 Vertical Stability Vertical Stability Categories for Excess Deposition / Aggradation Selected Criteria (choose one Points stability category for each No Deposition Moderate Excess Aggradation (from each criterion 1-6) Deposition Deposition row) Sufficient depth Trend toward Cannot move D35 Cannot move D16 of Sediment and/or slope to insufficient depth and/or slope- of bed material bed material and/or 1 competence transport largest slightly and/or D100 of bar D100 of bar or sub- 2 (Worksheet 3-14) size available incompetent material pavement size . ........................................ .. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (6) ............................................... (8) Sufficient Trend toward Reduction up to Reduction over capacity to insufficient 25% of annual 25% of annual 2 Sediment Capacity transport annual sediment sediment field of nt field for sed imeime 2 (POWERSED) load capacity and/or and/or ed suspended sand suspended sand .......................................... (2) ............... (4) (6) ...... ............................. ..... .............. ............................ (8) VIA Ratio State 1.0-1.2 1.2-1.4 1.4-1.6 >1.6 3 (Worksheet 3-8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (2) (4) (6) (8) Current stream type at potential (C-High W/d C), Stream Succession or does not (E--,C) (B-High W/d B), (C-D), (F-D) 4 States (Worksheet 3- indicate (C-F) 2 16) deposition/ aggradation .......................................... .......................................... ............................................. ............................................... (2) (4) (6) (8) Depositional 61 B2, B4 133, B5 B6, B7, B8 5 Patterns (Worksheet 1 ..................... ............................................. ............................................... (1) (2) (3) (4) Debris / Blockages D1, D2, D3 D4, D7 D5, D8 D6, D9, D10 6 (Worksheet 3-6) ......................................... .......................................... ............................................. ............................................... 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) Total Points 10 Vertical Stability Category Point Range for Excess Deposition / Aggradation Vertical Stability for Excess Deposition / Moderate Excess Aggradation (use total No Deposition Deposition Deposition Aggradation points and check stability 10 -14 15 - 20 21 - 30 > 30 rating) r F r r Copyright © 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-117 Worksheet 3-19. Vertical stability prediction for channel incision or degradation. 1 1 1 1 1 Stream: Chadric Creek Stream Type: C 4 Location: Reach 1 Valley Type: VIII Observers: SWC Date: 05/28/2011 Vertical Stability Vertical Stability Categories for Channel Incision / Degradation Selected Criteria (choose one Points stability category for Not Incised Slightly Incised Moderately Degradation (from each each criterion 1-6) Incised row) Sediment Does not Trend to move larger sizes than D100 of bed Particles much indicate excess D1oo of bar or > moved larger than D 100 2 1 Competence competence D84 of bed of bed moved (Worksheet 3-14) ........................ .......................................... ........................................... .......................................... (2) ................ (4) (6) (8) Slight excess Excess energy Excess energy Does not energy: up to sufficient to transporting more Sediment Capacity 2 indicate excess 10% increase increase load up ° than 50 /° of 2 (POWERSED) capacity above reference to of annual annual load d load .. .......... ......................................... . (2) ......................................... (4) .......................................... (6) .............................. . (8) Degree of Channel 1.00-1.10 1.11-1.30 1.31-1.50 > 1.50 3 Incision (BHR) 4 (Worksheet 3-7) ......................................... ........................................ ......................................... ............................................ (2) 1.12 (4) (6) (8) Stream Succession Does not If BHR > 1.1 and stream type has If BHR > 1.1 and (13,G), (C,G), 4 States (Worksheets indicate incision or degradation W/d between stream type has W/d less than 5 (E-.,G), (D,G) 2 3-16 and 3-7) ......................................... O ......................................... ......................................... ............................................ (2) (4) (6) (8) Confinement 0.80-1.00 0.30-0.79 0.10-0.29 <0.10 (MWR / MWR 5 ref) 1 (Worksheet 3-9) ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ............................................ (1) (2) (3) (4) Total Points 11 Vertical Stability Category Point Range for Channel Incision / Degradation Vertical Stability for Channel Incision/ Moderately Degradation (use total Not Incised Slightly Incised Incised Degradation points and check 9-11 12-18 19 - 27 > 27 stability rating) r r- I r 1 Copyright 0 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-119 Worksheet 3-20. Channel enlargement prediction summary. 1 1 Stream: Chadric Creek Stream Type: C 4 Location: Reach 1 Valley Type: VIII Observers: SWC Date: 05/28/2011 Channel Enlargement Channel Enlargement Prediction Categories Prediction Criteria Selected (choose one stability Moderate Points (from category for each criterion No Increase Slight Increase Increase Extensive each row) 1-4) Stream Type at Potential, (C--+E), W/d C), (C-> (C,D), (B---.,G), Successional Stage (Fb-B), (G-B , ( E E-C) 2 1 Shift (Worksheet 3-16) (F-13j, (F-C), (E-G), (C-F) (D,C) ..................................(2) ...................................t4) ..................................(S? .................................(8) 2 Lateral Stability Stable Moderately Unstable Unstable Highly Unstable 2 (Worksheet 3-17) ......................................... .......................................... ......................................... ......................................... (2) (4) (6) (8) Vertical Stability Moderate 3 Excess Deposition or No Deposition Deposition Excess Deposition Aggradation 2 Aggradation (Worksheet 3-18) ..................................(2) ...................................(4) ..................................(s) ...................................(8) Vertical Stability Moderately 4 Channel Incision or Not Incised Slightly Incised Incised De Degradation 4 Degradation (Worksheet 3-19) ..................................(2) ...................................(4) ..................................(6) ...................................(a) Total Points 10 Category Point Range Channel Enlargement Moderate Prediction (use total No Increase Slight Increase Increase Extensive points and check stability 8-10 11 -16 17 - 24 > 24 rating) r l- r- f Copyright @ 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-121 Worksheet 3-21. Overall sediment supply rating determined from individual stability rating categories. fl 1 Stream: Chadric Creek Stream Type: C 4 Location: Reach 1 Valley Type: VIII Observers: Date: 05/28/2011 Overall Sediment Supply Prediction Criteria Selected (choose corresponding Stability Rating Points Points points for each criterion 1-5) Stable 1 Lateral Stability Mod. Unstable 2 1 1 (Worksheet 3-17) Unstable 3 Highly Unstable 4 Vertical Stability No Deposition 1 Excess Deposition or Mod. Deposition 2 1 2 Aggradation Excess Deposition 3 (Worksheet 3-18) Aggradation 4 Vertical Stability Not Incised 1 Channel Incision or Slightly Incised 2 1 3 Degradation Mod. Incised 3 (Worksheet 3-19) Degradation 4 No Increase 1 Channel Enlargement Slight Increase 2 1 4 Prediction (Worksheet Mod. Increase 3 20 3 - ) Extensive 4 Good: Stable 1 Pfankuch Channel Unstable Fair. Mod 2 h bili W k 3 . 1 or eet - 5 Sta ty ( s 10 ) Poor. Unstable 4 Total Points 5 Category Point Range Overall Sediment Supply Rating (use total points Low Moderate High Very High and check stability rating) 5 6 -10 11 -15 16 - 20 Copyright @ 2008 Wildland Hydrology River Stability Field Guide page 3-124 II L? 1 0 a) 0 a a) U C O C 0 0 co U) o cz E N ' N M (D O Y O T M O Ci C! p 0 C W r r ) N 0 0 m -O m 4) 0 m o ti N N N cr a CZ - m o O z N = in a) ° a) .. "'' N cf) C, N E C U) a) a o '(n ----- - w ° p O a c: .. O ?- > y N •+ N =0 (D N a C N O ? i C 7 a M r O N ? i o ,? f?A RS Y V C U m CA C ? a -0 + IL (n >' F- C RS t '? C O `p L: O a) O ' > N W I m o 0 CO 5 v, a ii ii 6 vi w rn :t-_ o a) (1) 0) CD ca M a) c > .? -0 Y W (1) 3 : 7 > l? N O v C cz 3: C', v U co p ca -U) 0 E O co co > = m - 4) Y U O r +. w co m to V U d C E E p 1 U M O +? p Y _ a) < N C C N C C L - C N N C - - -- C C () C C Q 06 ym.. m O C J RS E C a V L T - - -- - CL (1) CD a) Q) O Q T a) 0) O p r- c ?- -0 d cr a) V t a) 6 > J O 'v O N 2 (1) m y O a) a N 1 ° 0 m O V O O U 4) 5, F- ? ' N 4) a CL N 0 0 Z 0 U O j N N i tL _ 0 a of c ?, C Y r O ' % O m t C O co N T 21 - w in d 4) N ( ? p V U CD a) k as co 0 J c U -- ---- d z? V ? c W a ima a a U) L. o 4. C > > N v p cc 2 C a) T ca ' 01 m O 0 - V m ?? co O p W o o (a O y Cl) N j O O Q OMO 0) N CO -- ------ sg CO vi C (D O O L II Q) a u m U U L N O) aD a) o .; R c - r_ W O S O a a N °; a C (1) p ° W co o CD C) U) M c n W -c cn CR d p a n c cc r r " E a ca ca 2 o O L L L l r ca 0) tr E ca ?+ O a .-. w •y .. M a) a) - M U ° U) U ?- Q) c L rt J p N a) o O N N N ca 0? :2 :-? C a) (D c U p Q U n N v d ° 3: ti c a i = 75 $ c0 -2L N 0 Q ._O C cz ao M 0) ;- (n 0 CL O N o a 0 O a) T r `' O p M O p O t _? = _? a O m I` N V (n N Lq C) L: -- _-__-- N M 1 L T Ci co IT 0- r o q N U ca - (n 06 C° O? N T a co O w E W C N d O > --3 N - ------ O a N N '' CIS U ° (D U E O ? O vOj cu ° o C ) ( a Q) a i c c co 00a ca0) i . c° u c ai 2 v? a)? ° ?E O 0 0 0 0 a ° a) m C cu W g° Q Co Q } a) E ° a) O Cn ca (D U) U Z Z Z -_j t ?' () C m co pC 0 3 Fm a) ? ° co ° 0) 0 0) U v U) L ° > u oC om ?? ?? min ?m L L L L c ? m ? w ?. d *a = a c d _ °o C d d m d d N M CO m C - a l?0 c?a O o 0 N d -'' = T W E +r W C N p . cA fn 'C _) 'Q C C E ca a) y C a d -= Y d3 i NN m m m W d c a) co C Z NLL mN m EOa C o WU V +O• r 'E O ° C (n O s U > - 1 Nv V J (D O C mt V 00 N M O O7 co !Z Q) 0 N C O) O O a 2 70 c ro O O O N 0) a. O U U CU 0 Cl O ca U c O "O c O U cz Cl) o i CCS E O N ' N M N m L Q r r W r o ch O p r D a p a) d w r r a) ? N 0 C3 ? (D o c .2 r? O IC Ca > = y x _ O M a) O fn a) .. Q C a) p c E (0 O O > ------ 0 C O 0 c O ~ m I U .. y t rn rn , m a c N c v La O U ) = O n Y 0) d LL C6 w- U CO W c CO in 14 c O p : 0 0 D L7] O cc > CC a) \ p cr cu >1 N C1 m to w m Cl) a) > > + _ CC x O a) CO) 0) (n a) CO N Cf) cd ?, 2 W CO > > > O N 7 . a Ca ?: U v as v M <C r ((5 CC (n 2 (A ° Y Y Y > o m U) a) W ` ` U c 0 > a It c o c v ca N _ v v d = E E E E E o O N O N C cn (D cr a) Ir a) cc CD cc -- Er 0 c Q °? N c E ? ? U ----- -- d D D CC i a i a m Z OQ r N O 0 ? O ? ? -p U d Cc ? a ? N -i 0 a) R C2 .. O N C N X 0 0 O CL O N Cl E N C O U y +; O + O +: a) as 41 ~ O > 0 d N 00 N LL 0. (? a) css D 0 3 z N O U O as as U > LL C N C Y c C r N a C/) O E W U O as O a) CO L in d p _ U N k E *? o O o 0 N ? cu c t = Q O W 0) U C/) N a o ? r O R CO U C C ` O' N N O- O J O U --- ------ y Q CC )? N > y x a) W 0 I L L L .. oN i a 0 Z, z m? Om . . Lr p v 6 c N = ? a) ° _? v -? 0) o O U w O o y a co Qcts , T a) r i a Q 0) v, o L o O 00 [n -- ----- N C w C 0) 00 X [ O M c -0 ` co N c>Y a ma c O Y C%4 E O N U U) ? -? W ?c C OM0 d id T M E o LO r ca a o CU as ° L L L L c 4 a E 0 e ^ M a) > (D co 4? U ? c o a ) L J N C15 ? a) U II f' t y V p t4 N O(A m > ?? C 4= CO 0 N 7 ?O - d ?- ?? Q Re Q . U c cu 00 00 o) +D (n O O Ll r, Cfl N o a E O N N r N N O L CO) O a O a O = = 33) a Cn 1` ? N L W p - .. U) N M ti U Nf -- ------ N Co v M r L L L L L r CO N 00 3 ? N r U E Y r O 0 Cr N U O Cl) 06 c0 L) C4 C ? W d 3 m d N wcl: L U U v) a a) y ca i v Y .. L ,-- ------ $ o a a ? a?i CC c ) ° Q) o y c o .? ' w U d a 1 o D w m O ca O C U C,3 C .- flS a) E O N Y t y _0 - - N N fti Cn Z Z Z J L W N M a) N 3 0) ? p co r U c? cn t > F[L om ?cu qtr min L cc,m L? l L L c O •N C V m N E N C) .. i4 ?, .•. - d .? V N O = N d N . O . . Q `5 *L ' 0 E I N N O N C U) E ? D m c a d = -= W X .rw C c d Cc in. of 'Nv? N a a a c w r c cV a) 4) ca C co W N •- C wN EO .. ?o N m a. m V C1 :E w V 01 -d m - " s U d mN J m da wn 4) c at U N N > > t O)V U CO N Ch a) N Q a a C) O O c cz 00 O O N C) Q O U I 1 11, N N Dl t W Y O r U r r O M d t0 r M O n N M O n N T T n n n r, (0 N N M n N Op r N N w+ C M o d O d O r D n N D O M r ) M 7 N N r M O M : 0 '" Ol LO N 6 $ O O t r N N O N r CO t M d U to C d r a O N M d N T N M M O N to n E r r r T N to r O F co 0 r r c c M d 10 r tlY O n N M O n N to l0 co M n M M M M M O C CL x c O O M It It r It to O r M r N N to Il a N C .r.. N 3 Q U C O OD u9 O a co r 0 M tri G r C of M O r C a s 1 E 7 ro N r N N N M M d to d T r N r N N co r N 01 r F ct, rn co v r O min o y x p O O O O O O O O O O O O O O to N r O M It O! E ro r ,. O O O O O O O O G O O G O O O O O T N d o) r OD M 'E 1= ca ' n N O V 0 -0 ' v E c D. N N V U) i 0• n OD O t 1 N O O! to r OR ? c r 2` C 10 ca O O O O O G T T T N M M O 00 r N -e r r d d M m e CL 0 O y N j c m ro o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O) O M N n It OD M co c o go r >. c 0 C N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M w N O M ttl n y -o c c C O O O O O C O C C O O O O O O r M OD N c c ( O O Ea o a) U N ca C7 p^7 E N a O N O to O to O to O to O N O N O M O to U) N N N N M M r r r to N a r a) d t0 w tG 0 t0 O t0 w w O O b t0 OD OD W O) O) M M v E co co M M M co M M M r co M M r r G O O O O .? it '- N c a) y N N 0 0 o o ii o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E - r N O O O O O O O O O O N r r r r r O O O O O E R ?- 3 tN+l (j m OD O) n O O r N d n d M r to d O O M M r t0 c w 01 f- r O O O O r T T r r N M d to n m M t0 M t0 O ca N a c v " 3 •o C C G O O O O O O C O C C O G r r N co Ln F d c- o 7 > m O E ^y M to to M M d M T T m to n O 0 N 0) N O T to M o) d OD M r ? 3 ? M C t0 O OD O O r r T q T tt9 T OD r M N M M M ? n to ao n ? r ? N ? n p (n X i a ? o r s C) ty N 67" d r d r M r V r M r to r n T 0 r T N N N N M W M M d T to O t0 r n N q O O d N N In (D d m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r T r pC U cA ; c0 T 7 T M T M T M T M T M T M T M T M T M r M T M T M T M T M T M T M r M r M T M T M (? J ?--. Nl c C T O r O T O T O T O T O T O T O T O T O T O r O T O T O T O T O T O T O T O T O a) C C O O O O O O O O O O O O O G O O C O .?` n O to m r M to r n O O O M M d N m to m to v tl) t0 to to t0 t0 t0 n n co O r N M to n OD r d OD 0 O O O O O O O G O O r T T r r T T N N N tp t n T OD r O r co r to r O N N N M N n N m M O d 0 d to to to t0 w n M O O) O 0 M M n O ` C O G O G C C O O C C C C C G C r r n r CV Im O U 3 M d M O N n 0 OD w d W r t0 IT N CD O to d M t4 v L x T O OD T M N OD N d n OD O r CO to (O M N n M T V r r N N N - M M M a a d' at ? a O tC) 01 T T - T T T T r T T T T r T T T T T a r t0 q O 0! M r N M M to n n N r N t0 O t0 w to N d 0 n W M M td0 r n m) O . .. N fU O r r N N N N M C9 l!/ l0 n O) T M t0 O • n . Q r r r N N d EE a O O N O n N to d N t0 CO 00 N d CO O OD CO n 0! N Lq N N r M N V M ... c O R O r T r r T N N M N r C? t0 to O ti - O) N n Nf G er to M O U O V U ? O 0 r r N M d <D N r Y y d d C) m Z N a) d n d n t0 d w O It d r Ol t0 O N d f w M d u'! O U1 M d M r •L W V V N v rn T r O t0 O O) C r r M r to r n r O N It N q M O N r tp Ol n ? N N M r N d N 3 y O D s U CO c - o co 0-0 t iii o p) 0 ° O o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 00 o 0 '0 '0 a 0 0 N 3 O •? T «i -- o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 M 0 O 0 U) o O O N ty y IL c O) O O O C G O O O O O C O N O a O 6 O N N O r n C to C N G r C r O N N r O) m P. t0 to d M N r r O in o E tb O Lb a) ZA Q. cc A O O C (0 00 O O O N Q 0 U 1 1 1 1 t "O m N 'O N "O C CL CO) 7 !n 'O lC m 0 ca m A N to N L Y r v o m O M M M O et to Q r N O to M co C to to M M O r COD N ^ O M CD °D r m n+ c O O r r a co N b to M to v N N Q O Co N 7 N E G Cp M G R CD N to M to R r uS a O n h N O V N O o •` M co w T v r N N N M co a to r N N M M h N O H m p 1= m e ti O co co M to l N r O N M at R N at o f 07 M h tD 01 Ol M O tQ r O p r a x m a y c « O p O co to O a CO CV to M N r t 1 l to to Cl h Ot to to N to 01 of a n N pal 0 A r, N N N M M ? to O N M M O H 6 y y N r r t0 o ter, m O O O O O O O O O O O O M N co to co N M O O b O y o a x c ° O O o 0 o O o 0 0 o O o O r to W Co 1!> h to N h O b eo F C O O C O O O O O G O O O O r N N 0 t: N o M in a co c 1 N N CD v ?O E t6 N N to h h co O O co to O1 to Ol O h ?! ^ tOO a N C ? .. ?CL 11 o m a M N Q N Co h CD O r to N r N a to ; O N n ti to in r p co y c E O O O G O O r r N M to 0 M ^ M N co N c y q . O O 0 y y .... r M h w = c N ? 4 " ? v N Yk c r a s ?` m v m ? E t o. m 1C c p N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O -e O h r CD at OI co co O 01 M N Of p 1cp Y c c 0 N c O O 0 O O O O O a O C O O O O n r N to CO y R O U Q E o .... r o? ?? O T R v N D C .-. m .? c0 E y O to O to O Lq O to O to O N O N O to O to to N O M M M M r 0 to N 'o w+ 11 to r' v °t v tG to to lG tG to to b t0 ap to to to CD CD W W 1 to co m N a c O ; y y Q F M M M M M M M M Cl) M M M O O O O O ? V c c E O c y d m N el E a° a°. o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3? 0 o o o 0-0 ° ° ° ° _ A E a m m 3 _ r a U p 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 r r 0 0 0 . 0 0 ° y = Q ? C N Cy ° CD N N to h Of N h h O CO) -T N to h t0 °7 t6 O O O 0 O O G c0 M fl > M a M to h O to 0) M to W O M 1o N h co Loo N CD . fn 0 -- O O O r r r r r N M e} M h O r r r a N , M M O C0 r o O N M a to to to o O Lo O M O h to M N N M h a O m w ' r r r r r r r r N N N M O R M to h °D O O y = d ? C G C C O C O O C C C G O C O G C O 0 c a m ? M M r M M ? M ? 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N ,- m - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - u 11 III 1051 CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8/30/2011 21 ?.12 .045 .12 1366 Legend 1364 - 10 WS 100 yr 1362- - WS 50 yr 1360 WS`Oyr 0 1358 WS2yr > 1356 WS Bankfull 1354 ¦ Ground 1352 • Ineff 1350 Bank Sta 1348 -50 0 50 100 150 200 Station (ft) 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8/30/2011 20 ?.12.045fi .12 _I 1353 Legend 1352 • WS 100 yr 1351 WS 50 yr 9 1350 WS yr °- 1349 WS 2 yr w 1348 WS Bankfull - 1347 -¦ ?f?- - Gr ind Ineff 1346 Bank Sta 1345 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 Station (ft) 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8/30/2011 19 .12 -1 .045 + .12 _I 1349 Legend 1348 WS 100 yr 1347- S 50 yr v c 1346- WS 0 yr 1345 WS2yr s w 1344 -.-_ _- :- --.._ .- WS Bankfull 1343 Graund ? - 1342 1341 ? Ineff Bank Sta 80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8/30/2011 18 .12 -.045 12 1348- LL egend 1347 WS 100 yr 1346 WS 50 Yr c 1345 S o yr > WS2yr w U 1344 WS Bankfu11 1343 - 1342 1 / t 1341 V BankSta -100 -50 0 50 100 1,50 Station (ft) 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8/30/2011 17 .12 _I' .045 .12 1345 Legend ¦ 1344 WS 100 yr WS 50 yr 1343 s\ \\. --?-- WS10yr o 1342 WS 2 yr WS Bankfull u 1341 ?- `?`--s_¦-.-i Ground Ineff 1340 k Sta 1339 Ban -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 BO 100 Station (ft) 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8/30/2011 16 ?.12-.0451_ .12 _I 1344 Legend 1343 ¦ WS 100 yr N 1342 WS 50 yr 0 1341 WS N - a > WS 2 yr d 1340 WS Bankfull 1339 Ground 1338 Ineff k Ban Ste 1337 --- - r -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8130/2011 15 .12 _L .055 d< .12 -? 1348 Legend 1346 WS 100 yr 1344 -?- WS 50 yr 0 1342 WS 10 yr 1340 WS 2 yr w 1338 WS Bankfull Ground 1336 • Bank Ste 1334- -100 80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Station (ft) 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8/30/2011 14 12 .055 )1( .12 311 1342 Legend 1340 WS 01 0 ry WS 50 yr a 1338 ?- WS 10 yr _'w 1336 WS 2 yr w WS Bankfull 1334 Ground • Bank Sta 1332 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Station (ft) U 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8130/2011 13 09 ? L.055 .1? 1342 Legend 1340 WS 100 yr 1338 WS 50 yr c 0 1336 WS 10 yr > d 1334 WS 2 yr w WS Bankfull 1332 Ground 1330 s Bank Sta 1328 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 Station (ft) 1051-CHAD Plan: Plan 07 8/30/2011 12 .09 .055 1336 Legend 0 1334 0 yryr WS 1332 WS 50 yr WS 10yr °- 1330- WS 2 yr w 1328 -¢ WS Bankfull Ground 1326 Bank St. - 1324 -100 - - - 50 0 50 100 Station (ft) O O N \ O O O ? \ O 0 CC) ' Y } r M ; O C a C C Y ` N a ? O O C _ C t L U 2 ? UI 0 O N LO C) M M M Cl) O Cl) 04 O 04 cli (u) u013ena13 ? C A O T T ? a. -0 ? O '- O Lo O N C ? C C 4f ? m O ? ? ' Design Criteria Supporting Documentation I? u 1 I', Chadric Creek Design Criteria Table Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach Design Criteria Stream Types C4 C4 C4 Drainage Area mi 0.97 0.97 NA Bankfull Width (Wbkf) 14.0-15.9 14.5-15.0 Existing Geometry Bankfull Mean Depth (dbkf) 1.15-1.31 1.1 Existing Geometry Hydraulic Radius (R) 1.2 1.0 Existing Geometry Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkf/dbkf) 11.94 - 12.17 13.2 Existing Geometry Bankfull Cross-Sectional Area Abkf 16.2-20.8 15.7 Existing Geometry Bankfull Mean Velocity (Vbkf) 4.3-4.35 4.2 Resistance Equations Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 53 53 Note 1 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmax) 1.24-1.94 1.5 Existing Geometry Dmax/Dbf Ratio 1.0-1.57 1.29 Existing Geometry Width of Floodprone Area (Wfpa) 24.23 - 30.66 40 - 50 Existing Geometry Entrenchment Ratio (WfpaNVbkf) 1.6 - 2.0 1.6-2.0 Existing Geometry Meander Length (Lm) 147 -148 147 -148 Existing Geometry Ratio of Meander Length to Bankfull Width (LmMbkf) 9.8-9.9 9.8-10.1 Reference Parameters Radius of Curvature (Rj 27.1-46.2 30 - 46 Existing Geometry Ratio of Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Width (R,/Wbkf) 1.8-3.1 2.1-3.2 Reference Parameters Meander Width Ratio // (WbltNVbkf) 2.4-4.47 2.4-4.47 Reference Parameters Sinuosity (stream length/ valley distance 1.19 1.1 Existing Geometry Valley Slope 0.0156 0.0156 Existing Geometry Average Slope (Sa„ g) 0.013 0.0195 Existing Geometry Pool Slope (Spool) 0.001 - 0.007 0.002 - 0.0035 Ratio of Pool Slope to Average Reference Slope S ,/Sbkf 0.055-0.51 0.1-0.18 Parameters Riffle Slope 0.009 - 0.031 0.032 - 0.44 Ratio of Riffle Slope to Reference Average Slope 0.664-2.34 1.64-2.26 Parameters P r L! Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach Design Criteria Riffle length 9.12-39.6 22.5-77.0 Maximum Pool Depth (dPOo,) 1.38-2.87 4.5-5.0 Ratio of Pool Depth to Average Bankfull Depth (dp.1/dbkf) 1.6-2.3 4.09-4.5 Reference Parameters Pool Width (WP.,) 13.02-13.05 17-19 Ratio of Pool Width to Bankfull Width (WpOO,/Wbkf) 0.87-0.872 1.17-1.3 Reference Parameters Pool to Pool Spacing P-P 43.1-67.9 59.5-157.5 Reference Parameters Ratio of P-P to Wbf 2.8-4.5 4.1-10.8 Reference Parameters Pool length L ooi 13.7-25.9 22.0-73.0 Ratio of pool length to bankfull width L ..Mbkf 0.914-1.73 1.5-5.03 Reference Parameters Particle Size Distribution of Reach Bed Material: D 16 0.46 mm D 35 9.98 mm D 50 26.13 mm D 84 104.6 mm D 95 154 mm Particle Size Distribution of Riffle Bed Material: D 16 16 mm D 35 36.33 mm D 50 66.17 mm D 84 146.9 mm D 95 218 mm Largest size in pavement 362 mm Particle Size Distribution of Riffle Sub pavement Material: D16 D 35 D 50 D 84 D 95 Largest size in sub pavement Particle Size Distribution of Bar Sample D 16 5.87 mm D 35 20.18 mm D 50 35.38 mm D 84 66 mm D 95 91.44 mm Largest size on Bar 103 mm I Notes: 1. Three methods were used to develop bankfull discharge estimates. These included: a) Regional regression equations developed in North Carolina (NCSU and NRCS, 2006), b) TR-20 Hydrologic Model, and c) Manning's Equation and field data. Based on this analysis it was determined that utilizing the NC regional regression estimates provides a reliable method for estimating bankfull discharge for the proposed project design. r 11 C1 p c ?y ?r ' o in o N ? -? ? .-i o CV v, M o 00 o ?O 0 kn O O o N 00 o O o v1 O N o O v, M ? '" o ° a V H U W) O N O O w to O o O ?n O 0 00 0 M 0 O 4 e 0 4-1 Q 4.1 ? r-L o o a Q o p U O Q O ? s++ O O cd N O 41 O C U U Q ..? N ?r U Q tc O U 12L ?i N I Q un .., O IM O IML O ' a ? ? ? rx m ? cl; ? v? ? r? a! C7 a a a a