HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080229 Ver 2_MBI Modification_20110912AGREEMENT To FSTAB[I,IS1MIE FOR FSTt'RFF.K RIP A ANBUFFI,",11 ND IN 0 R A N ` Q& CO ,J'N;"1'?Y; N'0R'IIII (-`AR01,INA This 3iit)_Iri_C J)l[Iti I' mtd Nult'l mi MTiUmai! hAnkiny IiISII'lllnod (RIM O 1, ]liadc micI'vr)lcI'w°tt !iit6 (I I lily c:l lv u! /A ? 01 -IT .201 1, h) F3\-9 'E i, l .' t i :l y -9 : 1 IiE;I a t l 11,111 C ?jpoIISOr Iind th." I?ollh ( 1("OIbm INOli?Ii 0( Waicr f?ualil (NCIAVO)), TWIMP X911` hlll'jose o thk AI1rewillew is to ;iCi?Cind Mc, i.xl?.tiny. I'Oilt;tii Ci'G'"l'9i li Il?i7'iilf] Buller I.Mit! l'atiou hank illadc, and entewd OR) i) l the Y day O( Aprd AMSS. 11& 2Jmcndcd glCCMCCIt is l6 C',`itatJl& 1110 FIMTC'St (_°°c.ek Riparhin 10% myl Oqiiti7 I" ,Mitipathn Hank k13i.llik) (i)1'tiwi, roll f7O19i C6!ul)tiil.`,;:it611` lull ,tiol! 161' !_I i1El??Cli(;l?3l1le r1pai'i(:3I"i iiill"ac:is; SCl?ai ?tC9V amlwrC xt d by A ll(_IloI,i/alio!l.S ol. \?,trianccS t6 impact Ncw c kiVvci' 1z ip,.n ian I;IIi[rr? in ::i111")I'(a7rmtc circumist?lncc; ;!11d Illil.''?(.ll1Qi1 Or do\-Ci6 unci11 (bt)th cxIting ;itli.l pa lmeQ raft ,i1ti:Ik' 1ltitriClii 01'I'SCt ili!v 111011'\. VWI II`Ri ?`.? till; B:aik Sponsor currend,, controls ;hrotji the Imil'Cili>sc ml iC'coiding o a pci'I7 miclit ."onscrvatx)l1 2i,S(?Rli,',!11. O1 i),irccls C9 1-_fl(9 (I3llr}9t 1?<3I'C'i',i) C';)Iil(IIIlirlh? ??I)17i'i)Xll"i"IGilwIV 29.87 <!(_res loc,,[ted in 3)Iwlq? c Count,, N'vrl.9l ?_ lE'091iia, i_lesclil)Ci9 in Sic 1i;nik "Vhli15 alioll I'Ll, (Nihipation Plait) Jii Ap l'11dk =A )I the 6righiml IWO MilIINahm )3Ilkhgl IIistninlcill, w id as sho"n on a Il1aP recordmi ill Plat; Boor- ((1.i, and ..',6 at 11w ( mngc, Counly RcQistcrOI' NVI-II;IU,'A S N(:i) VO agrees that thu Tank Pzrccl -?i suitl19)ie ri}?(iri;lil hliiier and m1fricrit oi195ct !"lllQl!(m h ink sil ° and tat iI11picn"1cination o tlic I'11? I. s as Cle.scriiJcd in the IV?IItI??(itii?!1 Plait lS Ii viv to result & !2wrod owd i?i'tAC'dcd 6parimn 9:ii719tB at Te Wk she mW tippaTriaW IllitlAmt lo} ld E,,'i uclion. Fmd has t91t.'rclor I!")hrowd the 1??l11C?aLIC?i1 1'1;111, 1' II :IZiTC R14 it is mutua% agrt::ed b t"cen OW 1larlic°s to this Agrcuil cw fliat the fallowing j) -Ovi'Sio ns d"C' a(lohlC°(l and wdl I)c I111??iCillc??1'ta-cI upon si 1naturc, oi,th!s Wt9`tIM, Ganci-dal l'rm isions ?« All?,;a)llii)t),`Sl,' C)9 19;i: 1`3;11;1 15110: 1. Illl°)!ovc wawr Cl udity 191I>>uldi the I?"Somfol1 eil ripa arl (?illat.',i Malt i0hill1 illy QpcI Tdcuse 9';.1i Bashi in the 6'+;:11,' o Nodh t_Iirt)lllia. Wind Own CJC'(iI64' owl Sulvcv (CON) IQitdon,w unit (`6clc_` (11H ) 0.';020201' 2, Pio6 idt` itlhi<? Iii(3i1 im huiJt:i ilill)acil: ,Jm: (1(;vciO31lnw!ii (,)ooh, c-xi`3tldli! ai1d i-e(juirinr, Ill1tricn-I (3?ISC1 ? i' t) oils \Whin the (?I)I;;'i Neu m 9 icr 3_lshi in the 'Title` o Ni)mb (an m[' (In kcil States (T owTval sLl'`m) (1:SG i 111 drol(q(, is t ii h (-,cc (IILX ) 0300201. and 16 Sul! an.) resilitin c1'c(f is to {gilt p7 wtics,. . the of CI (hs hum the Wrik to l),'C)y'We rili)iIl'Um huller ?Elld Illo ic'lil t)99SCt T.iti,2,cltion, in aCCO!,d,,I l'C` \-6111 HIC, cC,,i_lircnicnts, i,i the 16116\1 in M?i'lh ( arolina. A(9miI}I;ItClt ive (OW (I?'GAC) scctI01S, mid their corres1x3ndillr' "2c"I?'ral staimcs and (SIj. iQi' hv, Cl!`i C li!V'cr Basin Nulricm .ScrishAv ?xv<<tC',!_S? MGaltycl"umn Slr3t'i:J'V= andW oils We Alm Supply NIlti Cii . 1. 15A NC it 01 A. i `' alsc 13i1W r 1: Ow 7. 15A WIC (1 T[ .02 91) (Nuiricilt 01i'sci Pa 1 11i1'r si under Sm,ll authority l ` ;<iI)h ;la l is SL 2007438 an any tiI'1C,r1(:E sAN M cm iO 000h WI,Klew Sr 2011043), 3. 1 :?,', NT Ak" 02B.(041 (INIc}?.iltAw oKutllCll'It-y felrProicciion ch Niiziinte inceof Riparian 4. 1_))A N(_'A(. 022 0242 (Weise 131.AYr N'111ir'a Ami Pius3r<_li,a) 5. i iA N( i\(' ('1211 .() 2 % ( `id-i ` uiric'tli Strtt_el;,? ) 6. '1?,y N('A G 02]3 .t)%I(; (I)Jill iti(,€IS} 7. I3.'1 ('A( 022) (Sl01'illtwt[(_'t ????It?i(i?;?I?](:I1.1: ???.f?illi'?.'11iC'i?i?; f(.)I"t'Ziev" i( pw("nO 8. 15A N('A(' 0211.0278 t?SlOrill?ti`iliCi` ?'ia11?1!klAlw:lil h[:liiii'e'Slle.'!11`; f6rLcyistin,, Anc:I(ylncm) 9, 15A NOW 012t3 .027Q (i' astc'"'« r (71;('I1_lis'e Rc,;liir(a>will.s) 10. 1,J A N[ A(' 0,2,11 .0 280 (;x(11 is lillwrc) 1i. 15:1 N('A(' ()'?I3.0281 12. 15A NPAC' 0211 UW V)ti?<;c;lOng iNtitriets T_ xid.,,) Appm als nnisthe ill c:(l npliarlc:[: x, ith said Piile , 1 TWIPM shAI 11ulc 11ilai (1c( IsOns CE)Tlcl`1'ilin 111' an Gi m and ;11c Of c:Ornpeilsaiary 1T'1liS?irtlt.}11 to he f':_'CjliAn Or alith nded rill hnn 1luft i ,,n}?E1Cm and x hl.`,thn or n(d tho use of c k'[ hs it mn be Bank is al prof-a'i,Itc to ofis(°t those iwp[ ,lc s. 4. The 13nnk. 1' ilvel is c 'I'Cn" a pan of a dab) StpmutiOll. A ai(mc dct?liled description of tiic WON co11dh Onk on tic she is Conalill(.d in ih[: 1.1111= al1011 :'Lail (App) ndi\ A). 5. Ile B inik ?',1)()11_,soi will perl(`t111 "ork WeRbed W W,, Mlitigatioii Plant including the rc i(iralion (il a1Jl)roxilnaiej1 O?8m0n s ll,m.' feet (1 5. 1 acrc,.i) or riparian bll`:,fd aloe 1 ovrc4 Crc(_L< and m 14Elri inwd lrii_)iatary. 0. 1 he Bank 1)i?onA` or sll dl illoilkor ihc° 13(lil1? ?51iw' us Cli".aired in the '?lt?t.'.(L11Oil Nall, until such Sic as the NC'1)VI Q determines drat the success t rVeria [1ewrihall in Ax bmi 10 oI the Wlt it Arn Pitli"1 1mve been n"iet. 'I 11f' moll hOClllr J1el';[1(j X11(111 be is IlilfllillUi`I O 11 0 A?Cars. I Ile Wk Sponsor is responsthle 161 assmlliq' ',lie success of 1 1?: ivstot'zaion. cilzlf no-,I1 cnt:£ill 1J1...scrV'd t_on au;_tv'ion a the lWA Silc and to'r the ov nl1 C?pt.'I' 1.11(ill and management of tilt; 1010. H. The Ikit? Sl onwor Quill pnovi(lc, (U NCDWQ the 'Lpoi'(s xtllillla.ll; as cicsciihcd in eC'.L1?=1 11 ofthe N 1t1IS!'ati<,1'. 1)In11. It A'C'1)"q) shall iv in, saki ("ipods. and may, at cup titno Aer consLiitRtHon with the bank "sl)Ui7sor. dir(.";i. dw 13.mk ShOfmy tit tal- iC;1wd al ;cti(sn Li tliC Bank l it1'Cei. lyCH)C(.lbil a. iOIA Pu'C11I1?._'Cl h N('D) ,','O shall he C1 1L: o'(l to c'111C't[' tl"l(: 4;.1CCeSJ c:-iicvi1 specified abovc. 10. The Bank Sponsor dial! ihlpietr m im; r, niedial ."ll ;t`.ilEx("; reii1.JIvd pursuant lO he aI hove, 1, 11 li3(_' the 13allk .`^ipOlaSOi' Cll°iC1`Elllili,s 111:1. rf'meCl:zll aC'tii)11 i"Y1av N.: Flii'(.='•iSilE'V l.i'i (lCilin'C' Chu 1`equired S 1(,C`c,ss critc6a. It shall 1?1'o ulc no[k't" of st ('1: propos(:xl rc-ll"lethal ?..;'ii(ltl tO WD At'(3. o it??ir:c°,lial actiowr shall he it,! en :.itilmil 12. NCT)V, 0 % dl he all(me(i rczls(wUle accc°ss to the Wilk PM_',A_J Jill the 11tH 11X)Ses 0 insr7(-,[:tio ll of lI e 13,.inlI l'ar u-1 and compliance monitoring ilC'C(.)dirig to the 1$lii`ta Ai Ilan he 11il;f- Silonwr shall hu il(?d6ml 48 hou s A litlt(nny of an) psi, 1???? 11t1 ill?`, the Bank Parew. U. I lat' iCo'."nil)]"1lca1 cr; icc Ai'cci Q SA) is i1h: J-St, nawd ano where1 a hunk can 1'nsonPI)ly t)Cmcd, to I)ro%lilc ajgiCi)I)i'.lac cimllionsatlOIl !or tl;'lll:`Ci.b to Avcdalld of (? her oqurilic 1 S01M'C;C'S. 1 he 6SA 161' idles 11ar3lC shell itlcludc (he Neus River Basin 110rolo is 10', 0302 201 in North E'<irolin t. 1 %Sc of e:ucdits i[`oni ihC 11'Ink 2!) i;r1111??P115?.1?. ° ?i1_ ltllklac; ,, (";cV'ond thy' rF.C'C)?{i" !I)llli: ticrvkc iit'e 3imly I)'c ta)Iishlt:md W N( WK), K), Iii. TO Bank Sponsor aria( INJ OW 0 aq c the p u: ds o ni mgni per ?,,crc of lCsioi' J ripPrian, buCtc:r shil:1 hu two thous,'rnd tw-o hundred id scv\ !noy thrc Irounds pcr acre (1273 pounds 'Icrc) or 111e Pniouill. Of llihk),-'cjl o0sct p r 1Ci'- pt-'r 1)V,`Q [)ohci ' at llie tiilic [1w 1'tiliklll.tion I)Lin wol,8 afij)t-o)ved. ttle' l)ourids of t)hosphorli, ofl'?.C't i)el- Pcic oi,restc)rcd 'il)£;rian SO hall be one WO W forty sib{ Nnd IOUr-al hs nmd ; pu acre i 146.4 pounds ,)i°r oure:) Or lilt'- uniourat of I)I%{)S!"))iC rus WCi per ai rt, pcr 1 VVQ jnol;ic,% i_11_ °l,c, _ilne: tell`, 1`v1.iLigai ioii P1,u) -Aus approx'( d. 15. lllc Bi ink Sl)on5(or and NCUVVQ ltirlhQ1 c1zsYCC that We imiowit o rimricnf i)tfs,°f pcr ,_Cxe slide not 1:hC1?lg dll&Qe &%clo(;fil'mn rind cI' du Rinse `;d1(d&c fill' this lIn . 16. Edpihnn 131;ROU (Wits al)d Nutricilt 0110 Q'CC S sold by tw trunsQ.' al it'! m Ole iunk a) pl'o,gpCc1ivc purChG5cr.s sh",11 tlccolI{at..tor N'(_'DW0-i1t)1)rovCd trxrspol't 1rlCtOI'`.l 1)(.bty 'Cn the l• on!< Ptll'c l c ild the k iC;ilioll o I[-.L: Bank 11?irc ej or dsj'(21o )sa e t Ut11-1?in", such Credits to offset inipacis. IT h :s andvil;.aul by the pai- Ls to US A ient that ns :: of Ritl"lri<ai Btlllci Credits shall he -in-kind:- that is, tliat 6°1mrian h>«cir ercd is will be used to offhel. Qa tia n baaDer iiill)acts. 18. Ri])uriail ITuAbr (AND "M b dc.c°rlliNd acugdiilg to the 1;'C1C`f (llll'',?i i%`I'crcriccd i,.bo-vein GC11""i ii Pri visioiu loralgr;i. h 2. I'3u1W restoralkni and hall- r Citllailcclllellt shag h delined per tile VIcint)ni.ildum iited -N('i)W?Q 13 n& Irttmproatit)ir1('1NK is Ition 12008-17, Januan 25. 2008-. 19. 111parh n my C ANK ilo by WNW th#'b114'il 17UIt '" I "11_t1'?,?tti(li7 t?1 t? C I ???v??) Il(7[?i'l?Iil hu`ierair, dciilwd iii 15A WIC 02R A033 and llcr 15A NC.A _' 021? ,02,12. ?l hiI, lipariaii bulls r resu;rwion or unh<.Il]Ci:I7lua Sc `;112111 We 1 akhh WO K.v as ills'tl:yili's_d 1iC1riZOlihdl) on a We perl)edic.ulirr lO me stll'bwe u? ic:r, Vii). Nutrioni 01t,; A C'i' d it nlilv hu, throui 1) rc'stoi,Ption o is wnm Q= 0 to surAce va cr it atCuvs. At a .11ax1n1U1 1. the \1?IChh o1 [W ruNioi'zltltm <1rC'N, Q Ws at Me rihmt [21nd"ard lll!W o tile', lop o bank (a the RoAxI he imc cou s ti2gC'1titon tii)CI c,AtenJS landn yard a dh. ,IaHCC of 2W) mi'l't on H sk o tlie; slir1we "aux. ,Si_irkwc 1v':awr f attlrm tiers not have 4e be its un11t1Crli ;ended; 1wrennial to ilt.,.. HS: hir dltltl'icrlt r0w ill 10 [Q..YPt ion. 2L De D %q) i'li) riwi Jti.i& as dehncd in !, .'1( 0213 0233 deed p 15.1 NOW 0211, m?.V" he used Wr L hher l;ii)clrian I'ittGr (-']'edit or NutriI:nt (WC." "d Credit, but not. both 1 Its itliSitailClhp the z%"?. PH :_let:khms t'c)ncouNiq the aj)ht°Uy'l o n of lls ri t'rAI; from 1lu,, I3cili< to ofl'sc[ hill-MCIS to i Darian t)i.fllar ;hod! be laude [q W)WlY Any nolicc 'o and COillit111U ayi *06 W1_? vY(A Air use of cretdi s shPP be t11]'Oi liib the rip.iri;ati bil_lll'cr irripaei rev evv, proccss. 3. 1CiI)1tl'311ii IItiI!'Cr Miii, IL'f.E1io11-- kwilk, 1 cjv .1i (3t)'?'n) kd Illc: C?,11 5 totril 1Slp Irian Bid'Icer ('nAhis ?.md l!hricnt Ojf,,:_,i C rc'ditS `it1(lll ??„ 'tv l;. uhll ILIi y!:llc' ir11I1wd,111el\ upon colll lctf,oll OJ ;lil a. l ?;:Ciiliioll ,,C lwi RIN131 M Ow H lnk ? pow) orilml N(- WC 'Q, I b. AI? pi-m o) ;ie I?11)!11 ;N'l1tlf,atloll I'Lul (alrcLt 1v coinploc(h.'. C. Tall er\ to 1) VQ ()1 itlC IfT41;11C'llll c i?lli'ili? (' (I (; t;i ll)Cil IIl 1) 1l ' r1"clj)Il ?1 of his I (allr(°L1CIt' cm 171C1ii')' d. JZccorEatic)i1 c'' t11, l;rc f. tAfli? mechwiisn dc:sc>t:I)c(1 in puagraph 2-S-30 of this R$M131 Comp'c°tcd) Additlc3llally' Ow 1311111; !?;I) )i sor l ms L CC)illi)lcTc t11V I?lltltll 1Jfrvs1;'fll. ,lnd t)iolo lc?.l illlp,rot'C11mC11t5 to flic: B tilk 11i[ CCI 11 i.!?'SUC1ilf io t11;: Mltl"_CitlOo 11t?irl n lair-i lilf_lh lhc: ilt' t 1i.'ll E,EC?;-Z'!i?}' hC,°ll?Qil 1C1 i A?311ir Il"lIt1Ctl C2 )IZi'<<? of d1c, I's mik. 1,11c 1iili1k :"Tow."ol. 51:A[ pi.ovldc 1 3-000;(1 CI1'tl1 fill OI° i:lr11tl,It sul'vCV t(3 O('OViC1t J f'C'CM'd i)1 (11C J111C)CIII, ?llld ll iLIIV OF l?l.IIICI' rc,storal1oii ?lIId C'11_Il"111ccli-wilt C'OmpICtCCI. 4, Sti )ICct to 0,,c 1-11mik `,)c)i1SO1',,, Coiltir,ilccl S,,Jislactoiv ;'(3111pic[ion of all rcoufrcd sllccess w3`ltCi1<1 CI i1Ct lilollitorl,lf,, "Id(litl(;iml N11)1rI111 11till"l' Credits amd Nutrient Of ct Crc(t'[S ,Nili ?c av,111i11 ie i5alc I)v tllc.l Bmfl: Sponl ;o oil 1110 kfflo14M Table I - Credit Release Schedule Ias h roje -t N1dles,Ion C i 13:.tilk i'arct'i Rn 'ilkwillont 1' 1C1?(Irc ;`AIll)1'o\ed 1)1' 1Ai'O- Cons''<<?atiol) i`a>l rl;°ilt oi' 1?_c° tt`If IIC'C (_,o '(all:?Ilt,`? R)"cord:cl tInd _ 1 i?1£mcI 1I : #?SLil?aliC?.' 1)L)Si? (1 ic; L(fl/s aircad i`Cjt'C1SC''C!) ?'l;tlf?zltl()(1 ` ;tC' l;iil'`ll?\i)1'i:. 1'1 f ''ll' 'Ind ol, lkviccC` C(impick-ol AI)1)i'o\zll Ot 13Llilt 1Zu,porl C,_1c Mwl;toj.' . I ?Hulllci ll MI_ill!11f1;?i1 tl, ?101;1? )l'li1Sl tr ort ! i to-) 1)\t'Q £lllcl l?f3l)[tl?:!?I - (il'_C tC 'wuCcc,"'s Crl crt", )?fC7Z'(ll(1" aily l ?)' 5 s 11111)1111,11,.d (?i Monu"Lol'lllr7 R ,pori /L, ) (() 1)vN ( ,) "111II A 31'ii;rl'CLI (mccl5 suc , -ss ul,iC1'ia (cT2(Jil,c' Clli''C'C-ILIi iC'(: 1.1h11?itt?ll c)1 ?1c)11 tOrill? (o 1)\V't1 i r!ilc'Ct5 1CCCSS i i'i[cri'O (cr( ,/,;/s Lf%i'?'U(lL' rc'lc oL,4) ?li()illl 9'ti C` ? C11`%)i111,' P,,,por( ;V io 1)`!VO.1ili_l Appru\Jd `uh111iit-?i of i?fc>tlti.litl?z 1?t Ot;ft' S to DM,() zltid _,? P!,OVA ? , {1'rfC('ts `riicc??ss (?rit(?il?s; `% Credit AN,a ilalhle for Sale 0 iJ I t? '1 s??6?1 ?_ it 1)i4 'HIC ai)O''C SC'.]Pdi.lc altipkcs only to the C'?;lcni the Rln!< f^ioollsor liC)C;tiii)i'nk kw(,'cp[ahle m ixttl and rii"di OI (71Li (al x uc'tOiCii1 as (tC'; oribcd li?ZCio, succe's's 'c iti rio in Lilo Tl otliforini) section u! dig: l?'Iltl;;,11r011 Plan- Vic 1`1hiz7.,ttion l'i,1n x11O ho :'3ni nd. 1 to ii ". ' ,a ??[ SiIC%C; 5 i?2?.S" of -;20 ("t; C" 11C11 acre after ,i% ,Nilhin the '11-cal?li 1711tt?t!'.S ±o?r which i4ilml'iall BiufiC,' Crcdit is si)ccif"ccl. Mui(lM of the i'I1)ci1' an Mix restowaion mid c;i"(lafli"t unicnl sllO Q hased (Pi die CVS- 1'IT Pr(9$€ "A IN R4'l'B?;I'4ihig V€'getathi" 1xvi-4 1-2 Not °'?anilplii1,g Only Version d.0., as riijx'atwd it) the Mitl?,_itit'll 1144. S. The iNA SOiinny' sh,lil illaintatil thicc () credit led ?t.' 4, one fincUiall N Ru WWI' rnhigation ctvdits tin `i(Iiarc '?Olich (:Irw ?_r'ilCrt3(CC( by 7,111wi art ., s of 1?2ss thdil Cii' COL]C I to :)O 1co( in y?Jdtli: one a couinl_(]n Or ldly),geli of]SE.'t. Ci','iii,S, which ilw Cl1C:'81CCi from t)L!11Cf "o' <_ i up tip -'1100; 6-, in \6dt11. MI'd one a'cotlllting? 166 i311osphoru ollset C{'C dils. !O-t icli r i liw also t'iic'Jt,1f.(i (l°)il1 3i 1 l,1fCI' t_,r L11 to 200 tl`wt in 1\"ldt?i, l_ E"C111t S1iil11 li:CLI1'd 711.0 Mtn of =iiwhl: Isit5231'i2li? 1,.11 n QuhW and 1171.nds ofana allhic_NuIricrit Oflsct Ovdits !,)I- We NO and Lill Ltssocia(ed Cia'hit.5 nud Clvdits. h. Availlii)ic !17Qahon i;i'Cdits (hat arc p(.lron ind wI hhi ihcC D \V() rilmriurl huFlera1 dcfi cd h 1 SA NUAC 021_3 j933 can be convened and t1'ansfo'rudl fi'of1 Rij)iatial?i Bulle.'r Ctvdits to NutiIClli O(tsA Wdlt,s mid 6nni M orient ODisc( C'rcdits to 1'ipariFlll Buft,er Cwdlt.s. Availcahkl Natrient OWN Red11S 111,11 sire , ncr,rted oltisidc o[ fic Mk Q tipli6ln hil1'(er t ?il;ni3t he converted or transicried to Rij)ari,ial llu ffclCredits, 7. All dcrhii and/or credit 1rt1t_),tctions shall be onlcr?,.,d illto d1C Icd(huers. N-odii ? sholi hc' prw? ided to DWQ or its desiz. ucc !vltllin thiily (30) iltl;'> of -cach trall";LICt101"1 1Ol' revi(n" rld data proccssin.,?. ""otification :hwll he st?hillittwd '>'lt_1 CWCtI;3Q nran.`ili isdon or iicY L; q "I"d sllatl incilldc 1.110 a^,sociatCd D???(pr(3C'4;1 hammer as a i'e-1cr?'iice, 1 1':_lSNrtlOllti ty 11i include a lc_ter connriTlk<i the cadds are mailable Or trmisk.r mid dchitl q and jmve hcen Hat%, corltl:ab wd and rw.scrvwd iii: a sl)cCi lc projcoa v"ill inClildc a t1 OCililli?ilt COnllrnling that the (mC. h aSC'r's 1?Cr[u tlpl-,1 afio ll 1.'i ?lrf)rOVCd and the 1?l]1'C1l£1SC1' fidly iullds ilaepurci,,aw oFcic(lits. 28. The 73 ia.L Sponsor sl rill secure a !'cHnNn4_'nt Coil cl'(:,ition Ml.` cnwnt as piq or the regArcinunts Or the overall Hank NA Ill, 29, Inin`. hrOi Q;ners11ip: D`FVQ must a1l31'O c C:1 all), chill"LC in cwtlcrshil)IlI`It?I'to lvlca. ,irii? "he k,\"li('I' hvin t1liS cq-,1cw`went. A tllilEi ill l)1 I.iic I':.lrccl a1)1)r( \,y d l.lndcr ll1[s ;lyrcuinoit and As N?IIt_1tLa on fShn imict be iilu li 't l)YlVmc or puhlic: j?,arty' ?vho has hccll aj)j)roVwf her the DMA) to 1rnpfc.mell11)ro C;,,ts Ior riparian, Ouf6c" 111hiMPt On PUI.1ONCS MY1 IUIIHCnl 0110L t111?'l)O`CS and 1WCCj)( 17al ;IC'i S Or li"! SC,)(1I'IiON.", T l}1011 tar f;r(:Ival tdoweNhll) 0:1121 l!3o t11,it third ;,.toy 11: 11` In rC'(V.Owd to over Into a On b r 2 gPCLlrlwllt and nut Ile' rt'C'I_il7N ii) We it hftilsatk_iri l tai ,, ppR)Vi'CI hY 1)`v IQ for Life associated INS MA 30. Prior to No? P 1r'CCt ensure, the wnS(_'r42itioil l aS?ilti°I11 11127}he t)cri-nan iltly transfwrredto a land tRNL Ilt!wpubt Px,? p. t?i g(i"'I'tlmo-ind MAY ii.) R, hici in approval it ni die I)`.% and 131) n cceyt and ,Il)(>awl h) We t)`,VQ of il,w Year : Mordtoring h ep tJl'l. 3L The Liank `')(;'.?ilom- wdl providc .`icCm,h;' iil Me Arm Urf1CCC!lY<mic rwrMmucc bonds or laws of (mcdA a5 (1e.ssihed in Nnd an paN AM SUM hr iiic ciltin Flank Low-term klanw,"Climit 31 ihC FbIlk SAp(WOr s,AH 613tlWOM WC AWg-teHn IIl.3il_ik',ti.mr.m mc,i`iCws dc'i<:! Awd in the Nllt!phy! ('1.111. SCclio !l 14. Me M ,igalimt I'lon 1)c aiillndcd to `.ipuuit? fl vl=?Ctatt=ll! :itiCCC-?5 r:liC 0020 Per ;1Cit` %li?tc'[' !,i\ c V'i w, 1V Ahin the Stl'C m hullo, IJi' kill h kip"Iriall 11tifii'I' "Ind ??!11tri£.°1)t (:)fg'sc! Credit> ",vc I7cci wd. Iabs°CHan= ous 31 Any tlclay or f ilurc of Ank: Sppnmu Ad! not con shill cX;ad Mt such ;l(:l lv or I< dirt is Ilrimarily caii5cd iilc Spoll?,or,s 1'C'a`;(II11 hlc c'onlrol -Ind SI ,jill_(,'-"nu? tdvV:r< ( l7 ig, bolls i"Ic''CLIndCI il-lCl diil_,: (i) WCtS Of GA. ilN CtmuWht, Winne. stO!'ill. Ilood. or inteT'fcl' ncc by tlthl iaUIR h y any go venitllcniial h( K7 (ill) Co1i1iw'£: in al!mwo OI' p,, snit condiilon, or tilt. l ?l.ri71` lat?(Y1 cI c'1ltcl-wilctl (,>.tion or dc°"Urmiilo6oll C ail` Icdclill_ `,t;ttc Or loca gov' nintent Ishly: or (v) the siorms"m or 1li.: rruptio author /,atiotl or clppi•oval. 11' the l)d:rl?)rnlarlc;(, clip the f?ar (';cnt. Bank Sp(misor sl «ll gl!'c mitten w kw Terco rMsollahly pi«Ammle. If such cuml Ol:c!_!rs ivowc= HIC e a deritili. he°roumiciif aitd to the ril fwfi c--wilt or coil(litiovl??'. I?c.ond 1?. xil'ccts'', obilit",, to pcil6r!rl ii,s f;1111?;t, ca["ll1(li??ll:c"o 11rC, IL1:111?;1?C?L', pwNics; Q cilrl(IcI111tiallon or Othor A IM, iCl.!UlatioIl, ride. ordinance troreal`_ ;ivj arly or(Iul'. jrictln7cl1?. Court. 'IdInini'mrative ils cilcy or i of I?i nnit, hc,,'l;wc, collsclit, 1: Sponsor is att :ctcd h? ally such to the N(13vV0 as got l pis is Il:ii!I availahili$v of, all cre£llt`; loo Sale, 1,110 ,N'10!IS01 5011.1 IoNI.' rc111C01al LFC11011 10 i'(2SI )W tti P1,01-)C'i'ty io !l.? i onktitioll hiim. to such f:'v£_orIL in a !1 ortner sufl t'1C' t to !)ywide i1dCgLUOC I1111!gatlon to cover cl" dhs film wcr(-° salt] plrJor to such d0°av. Such 1'cll e ial ?1('tlczil sh. 1 he tz1!xn ht; the Sponsm olll? to tile C`:tcnl necessary rind aipproprl_lic. as dutl':tnKed A 54 C W(h 34. (7 1;1111 party t shall he (C'C £1C,'(. n 1c.'I:(-5' ereo O:' Sliilll h" ei)t111;?'d to 1iCClt C!TIO(`CCl'"1CI11 hero) L 35. hi IN l;?.CM any one or mow Of tilt, l?I01!`si0HS i:(11"11F11i ed hi tlll? RRIN1111 arc held ',o be ilrvAil ilkyai or unc'r11i)wcahle ill on) mpmt. such IrlvalkN Q_ ill( golitc (?r l!nollat•claMly ''oH clot 111M and' other l71'tnkions hci; ok and this RlMM AM h[` cons nwd as it :sUcl'l. invalid, Ilt ,,,d or unc;lMi:2lldc I")rt3Ohm had not hcun C'onu i1i(..'(l hurc!!). 36. this MAIM shall I'7` h) ;111d L't11o;trLcd in acc., dancc with ii1L, lie's ol: North ('FIl•t11ii1;! and the IJWIN! ?Stllu s as ,Iot`ilporive. 37, IN , lC:i,us jud i C)nilltAws o tills RBiv'1131 shall be hIi1 Ql ' uilon, and ill!ic to t1:c benclit oi, the [XtrliC' 11i11't;i() ;1;ld LhCil' I-Cstpccti\e SL!. (,e5 C7rS UIJ(>I1 CY1Clil1('ri by tll 'A'110 r prc?cnt amd Amnmt 111211 Aw) arc 1011067.CCl l(3 C'il Y AU Wi`, U gCC'C'111Ci1t (m Mal o IC l7ai f it `? hercto 38, he partlf; tbof ill(, c'cl,skictatioil ''ar (Nis ,t,recn-, of i5 ,,llc promises coma"ri-cd bmill and At US apreC rent coiltalits the v, ho'e ,'ltl,lconcl". i-wtv!vell tli(.'i12. 9, l his ,,=rcC'incnt d==ill he 1?11lCllll`j upon die 1 2i;tlc? <!!1G1 is C!"LCI-Cd into li!ll"\lli ?1,'. Illi?ll'.??(;llllb'?r1T?? ?(}lllll?i i'ilV', 40. AH no iccs ,hill Il quircd P'('j?m-1s ? hnl,l be "cilf by rc, uLir ,nFlit to each of the p} iiiic,? <ii ?i'ic-ir k2"T (cl1" c iId fvcf scs. provided t?,,Aov, : t•.13. -l;'IV]. t,T,c Atin: lommy{.?f1wl ii'n'i 909 CSIi-Ahili,v Orivc Suits 3100 'SIC- 27006 f ?) I 1 I :"111' -c1=..{.'t? US tl .l' 0121 NC ll)WQ: llWQ Wc(.i,mds'111(i 1_i?l!?i`vlltiCi p[':ai cii 10,?O m"1111 Servio., ( cldkn' Ralchdi? N(' 2-7009 1050 IN W1"ENE S S the paa>rlics laa!a-ctea have € xecaated lima Ap'l-cement a°aatided ccAgi-eaeaaaent To Ysiablish Tile lase°a??f Ca°ccle Rijmria-m liaaffcjc - and NOcient iNliti.,, atima Bank In Oi-aangu County, Noa°tl? Caarolinaa". Slpraaasew: I -f3k T-M, LLC 3 135. s - ? D?n,ti. North C aroliwa lii? ision of AVatcr C, u alit. - LBy,` D,,ii , Tilt oi'Appendiccs AppendiN A- Eorrc;stCreek Mitigaatio Bank kiitigaation Plan