HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110731 Ver 1_More Info Received_20110912 (3)Strickland, Bev From: Witherspoon, Lauren Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 11:27 AM To: Strickland, Bev Subject: FW: DWQ Project #11-0731 (Post Parkside at Wade) Attachments: Det BMP 5.pdf; Nitrogen Map - Lot 6.pdf; Planting-BMP #5 11 X 17.pdf; Riprap Design BMP 5.pdf; WQ BMP 5.pdf For file From: ColeJenest & Stone - Robert B. Hayes [mailto:rhayes@colejeneststone.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 20112:14 PM To: Witherspoon, Lauren Subject: DWQ Project #11-0731 (Post Parkside at Wade) Lauren, Please find attached the calculation for BMP #5 for the above referenced project. If you could please just reply back to me to confirm that you have received this email, I would appreciate it. If you have questions or concerns, please give me a call. Thank You, Robert B. Hayes COLEJENEST & STONE, P.A. 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 1400 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Tel 704-376-15551 Dir 704-971-4552 Fax 704-376-7851 www.coleieneststone.com IThink before you ink This information is intended only for the use of the recipient or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and subject to copyright. Any unauthorized use, copying, review, retransmission or disclosure is strictly prohibited. Drainage Dagr m for 6,23.114054-BMP 5 ,231 -4054- M 5 Type 8244?w RAL - 10 yr; 24 hr Prepared by Co?eJenest& Stone Fl??nted 7/`/2011 pC, ? . ...... ......... ......... ......... ....... l..ir ?e span=0,00-120.00 hrs, dfi:-=0.05 hr s, 2? t:r'1 p6nt Ri., off L)y L5CS TR...20 r°s efliod, U1...1. (l,-3 Reach routing by Stogy,-Ind+T? ans r?nes h ):1 - f::Icmd rut. ng by S€.w`--Ind me?hod S?ri 8?at I r ?er?t 4a; B¢ ?? 5-Pre -,f?`V (?€??_3'?oH De,Pt? =2.23" F ow €..engfl7 9 2" To= ,? 8 rnw: C€I -7,2 '.EZrzr>ff C? ?;f t .! 14 of Su catchment 4b: Basin 5-Post Runoff Are ?=6 Eztl(") s..: Rur:cff Depth:4.35" € c_5,0 min C',N ,? 4 Runofff:::41.96 cis 2.174 of Pond P etlar' d 5 Peak Eev=s 76, 37 Stc,,r,, je=4:3 239 cf Inflow=41.:96 cfs3 2.174 of Outflow=9.26 cis 2.148 of Total onoff Area 12.000 ae Runoff Volr. me = ,288 af Average Runoff Depth = 6.29 57.66°'Eo Pervious = 6.660 ac 42.60% h-npervlou = 5,100 ac .23.11-4 4s P Type N 4-ter RAI... - '10 p, 24 hr fRainf,??1-5,04„ Prepared Lq Co?e,Jencst,,'?, Stone 11"/dr?:3t,AD E.50 ?(r2 :70 5T"-,, HyrJr,)( ` D ' o .Htk.(r??t I € (W: ?. SU t m t 4a, Beam -Pr H V d r o g rap Y ? i ?i). ;`0 rfa Type 11 24-hr R AL - 10 yr- 2 hr Rainfall=5.04" Un f Area=6.000 a. Runoff Volume= .114 of Runoff Depth=2r2 " Flow Length=932' Tc=32.8 mit'l :A?. _ ......., 7 2 i rd' .y.. d . d rr r '• r,Y r.r?? rrr' ,+' r° .?° - d ' -''' d?' I" r-63 (hourr?) u c tchment 4b-. Basin -Post Hy drogrya h BI 24-hr ,L .. '14 yr 2 r Rainfall=5.04" noff Ar°ea=6.000 ac ff VoIum e 2.174 of Ulnoff Depth-4.35" Tc,=5.0 min _ r t'- 0 90 Time (hours) 6.23,11-4054- MP 5 ?Y/-,a U 24-13,r RAL. - 10 Y?; 2.:? hr 'a;nfalr m-, 5.04" Prepared by CoIeJenest Store; R-inte i 7%? 11 Pored Pn etiand Hydmgt,aph . i Inflow rye X6.000 ac Peak El vim` 6.3 ° Storage,=49,239 7 45 6,211 1-4054- P Ty,p e // 24-hr RAL. - ? y ,. 4 hr Rwrdaf,-=3, 4 " P?epomed by Coa eJenest & Story ?rir3f:f':ft ?11?C 11 ?...MJl c)r_;:r E -?) 8 50 s// Z'DU 7 t?€ydmCaAD '°zo€ A cros € i t; f::raae Time W,ran=0 0C}...120,00 firs, c€t 0 05 hrs, 2401 poinr >w f<;um,,std € y SCS ..? -20 mete,., LJd =SCS Rea& routing by Sto -8n 1..?.:Tmns rne hocl - Pord rz:)u6nct by SWr..€ncf n3?:Dthocd Subcatchment4a Basin wPra"u R;.moffAI;-"<a-t',0(DC)> i', fin( ic;iv Ec:Jus Rf?e pih-?3f Flow Length=93,2' € ???:n CN. 1 ...`547 of Subcatchmprit 4b' Basin 6-Post Runoff Ar,,a--6,000 ac rSr?.??????G hT ,C::Wk-)Us 1 1- noff l.?er ?::_af 3?)C3 of Pond 5P; Wetland 5 Peak, E ,,,:: 78.79' Store ;e 3,266 Cf €nfl,:;v' 27 q cfs 1.398 of E'w u :1e)w=4.42 cfs 1.373 of Total Runoff Area = 12,000 arc Runoff Volume = 1,946 af Averages Runoff Depth .- 1.960 57.50%) Pervious = 6.999 ac; 42,501/o it perviou = 5100 ac 6.23.11-4054- P Tyj-,fe H 24-, 3r RAL.. - F? yr. 24 hr 1,,7ft7fJP= , 4f," Prepared by C..Ve,.lenest S, S,one P°? raked 7r1r2011 Fi L_. rOCA"D 1.170 E,/r. `1li Hydmf:^`D Sc`f? a? b tchni t 4a: Basin 5-Pre h??clr?yva?t63 Vi { <.r a Q LL Type I 24-hr L - r d 24 hr Rainfall=3.46" Are a=6.000 $gq?gg Runoff Runoff Depth= .RR F Flow .t=932' .. Tc=A min = 7 r r d ? a 46 45 50 ar r0 SS 7q 7 15 12.1 Time 3;hoursl b t hment 4ba Basin 5-Post .. ...................... ...... ................................... _................................ _............................................... __............... _.................................... _...................................... _........ . .._...... .. ........... Type I 24-r RAL - 2 r 24 r Runoff Area=6.000 ac -n em Runoff Volut -1.398 at Runoff Depth=2.80" C=4 ?r I 1 r ? A ! ."f.?" ed'`,d:.?'.f"d'r',?f?'^,dr?'"dd :rr;a'rd/r'',P, '? ?. C 3U as L _ '-5 'jC SS 7Q t• 6U' 65 ¢v 55 1 0 il•r 1 C '':L ">> Tf rle s??ctxes} 3.11_4 P Tyt,-e fl 24-1tr. RA L - 2 yr, 241w Rainl qtr`=.3.46" PrP rm;d by CoIeJe est Stone ON Hy&c:>CA,.D `"oftvv;anm: ._,CdE,dk3ns Ev.L1w, ?:::)r1C.1{' 7 Pon P: Wetland t.d ye:d ro r? q:?1 ... .............................. ...... Inflow Area=6.000 aC Peak E =375.79' Storage=33.20-6 C 3 I 0 L j ri 6.23.11-4054- MP 5 T e H 24-hr TA1... - 25 err; 4 fir ::s r fi- 1 rr repwed by, Cr::rleJenest Stone F',i ked 7/1/2011 r...lu?1 ; A, 50 L,' X,r' n 2r}ri #?x,l>rif:'?0?) ;?s ,fta°v?rE- >€ a€;; ? E d_i_; ?2? .f:. ..kiie span ,,=0.00-1 0,00 h s, d'' =0.05 h 's, 2401 point s P.?.moff by tW>CS .1..P 20 m-w?fh{ucA, lJ -=SCS Reach r utln,j by Sfor--lr,r&Trws me?hc d - Pork. r?:;r.?€:ir1 1 by &or-lr-d r?ie; h cxl ubcatchment 4a: f lri 5-Pr 00'.1, €mr rvLr.) us R; ;:Ioff FIuvv 1... T:; = X12 8 n,' h2 CN-74" Run-I'=1/1,J15) r,€rw 1.488 of Subcatchment 4b. Basin ,.Post Runoff Area= 6 CCO ac 8: G 'OX, € n e?v3r. us Rk,mo?€1' Dc,,pth €..`::::Xy> t mk C;hl::::9 ::, cfs rw. ref Pond 5P: Wetland 5_ F k De -dt_,6 ' Stu?aq 56,991 i.:€' Inf?r?'.r >.: s '2 6;-118 a Qutfiow=15.06 c.fs 2.6,,1 % ,nt Total Runoff Area = 12.000 ac Runoff Volume = 4.12 of Average Runoff Depth = 4,13 " 7M"/? Per-ViOU = 6.900 ac 42,50% lmpervlous = 5.100 ac ._ . .1 054-EMP Tyl,,)e fl 24 RA L - 25 y r? 24 I?r Pain,,fali=5 98" Prepared b Co eJenest & Stone R-inte 1%-)n11 50, s, 005 9 3 007 ttyrarr:?.??1? So ? , : = LLB,,' p ....... lat:.?i SU at ment : Basin -Pre Hydrcgmph ................ Type 11 24-hr RAL - 25 yr 4 hr Rainfall=5.98" RLInoff Area=6.000 Runoff OlUnIe= .488 of Runciff Depth, Flaw Long i7z =n miry C, -7 r, .+ :....? _' ? e,?i; ':%i: ?'' rr;.??'?r ?%'`''`r''•%'?dd?''?'x?"' ?ds' ,?'?. ?.s "r ??'"`ir ?'?rr?'P ? '?i'`'rir ? ' ! ?.r?rr .?'1rs?i'.<' ? ? ',ta'a.? _,, ra?„_ ? .; .. ,._ , ?_%.?" F '. ." a r'd rte. r ? d ta.ter Time S bcatchrnent 4b., Basin -Pest HydH'ogy ,aph I 1 Z a, . a !5 1. . ,- - Timm.` (hours) 6. .11® 4-B Tyj.,?e 7 24-tar RAL - 25t, 24/w Rainfa8 - , 98" Prepared by q::;oPe,.lem? .-, 1, & Stop "riFfiF,?d 7/V2011 j;..Y:`'_F oC A i 0 W005796 r 7 ±jdmCAD :'aftwwee i;) l T`)f-' i E C: Page, 1 Pond 5P: Wetland 5 Hy<€rrxgmph Li O 6 -----------? WADE FAFK un w5nic u' pe moi x 1 I A/A/ W y EASOM i,_ ?S 3 POST PARKSIDE AT WADE 1 L 1491 deb ColeJenest & Stone PERMANENTLY PRESERVED \ UNDISTURBED OPEN SPACE / BYPASS (UNTREATED AREA) / BMP #4 DRAINAGE AREA / /z, BMP #5 DRAINAGE AREA 3 1, L r._,..ne. r_ n E IIE-11 F:mavn ?117 1, 11,; 0 1. NITROGEN LOADING MAP - LOT 6 POST WADE TRACT M2, LLC c .N?\ n? \\ I I L I ?I II I LEGEND SYMBOL TOTAL NITROGEN EXPORT AREA awn WwnY/wAAD III !' ? ul, -?' ?I 1111 ; I ,. I I I ? III p?I II' I I i 4A e ) 4>, I i --? ?1 ?\ In ql? , III li ? l 9 f II )y11 I Project No. 4054 Issued 8.15.11 SCALE: 1"=200' 0 100 200 400 0,)- I I (Q POST PARKSIDE AT WADE SHALLOW WATER/ LAND LINE -/- MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT -/- ColeJenest & Stone LEGEND SYMBOL DETAIL _ ; 1 + + + + + + + PROPOSED SHRUBS 3/CV8.1 I) ? I PROPOSED SOD -/- + PROPOSED GROUNDCOVER DENUDED LIMITS -/- UR SCHEDULE BMP # 5 SHRUBS CITY BOTANICAL NAME HIBM 96 HIBISCUS MOSCHEUTOS ILEG 27 ILEX GLABRA ILEV 57 ILEX VIRGINICA ROSP 55 ROSA PALUSTRIS GROUND COVERS OTY BOTANICAL NAME 6 CARL 2,914 CAREX LUPULINA 8 CHEG 1,808 CHELONE GLABRA 2 IRIV 1,013 IRIS VIRGINICA 3 JUNE 1,040 JUNCUS EFFUSUS 9 KOSV 3,516 KOSTELETZKYA VIRGINICA 7 LOBC 2,167 LOBELIA CARDINALIS 1 PONC 1,259 PONTEDERIA CORDATA 5 SAGL 668 SAGITTARIA LATIFOLIA 4 SAUC 1,252 SAURURUS CERNUUS COMMON NAME CONT SPAC REMARKS ROSE MALLOW 1 GAL 24" O.C. 0-3" WATER DEPTH INKBERRY HOLLY 3 GAL 4' O.C. LUSTERLEAF HOLLY 3 GAL 4' O.C. SWAMP ROSE 3 GAL 36" O.C. 0-6" WATER DEPTH COMMON NAME CONT SPAC REMARKS HOP SEDGE 2" DIA X 5" PLUG ® 12" OC 6" O.C. 0-6" WATER DEPTH WHITE TURTLE-HEAD 2" DIA X 5" PLUG ® 12" OC 6" O.C. 0-6" WATER DEPTH BLUE FLAG IRIS 2" DIA X 5" PLUG ® 12" OC 12" O.C. REGULAR INUNDATION SOFTRUSH 2" DIA X 5" PLUG ® 12" OC 6" O.C. 0-12" WATER DEPTH SEASHORE MALLOW 1 GAL® 12" OC 24" O.C. 0-3" WATER DEPTH CARDINAL FLOWER 1 GAL® 12" OC 6" O.C. REGULAR INUNDATION PICKEREL WEED 2" DIA X 5" PLUG ® 12" OC 12" O.C. REGULAR INUNDATION LANCE-LEAFED ARROWHEAD 2" DIA X 5" PLUG ® 12" OC 24" O.C. 0-24" WATER DEPTH LIZARD'S TAIL 2" DIA X 5" PLUG ® 12" OC 24" O.C. 0-12" WATER DEPTH BMP #5 PLANTING SCHEDULE POST WADE TRACT M2, LLC Project No. 4054 Issued 8.12.10 SCALE: 1"=30' 0 15 30 60 i J i m, n.. ?... n.r :_.. _.. TO PREVi 'SCOUR HOLE _ ZC ....: ? & "i?F 9 6 £... PRON - 8'¢ 'G?g F F" '' ..,... 9 9E4 `APRON ....................................................... -....-_.._......................... _ ...... DEPTH ................................................ _....................... . ..._................_.......................... _. ......................... _........................ . __._........... -. .- ", F• --....................................................................... ??, . .................. . '? ?' B' 80" g _ ...... ................................................ ........ - ? x .?ga.., egg srdx? g? 1 gds" g8 4 ,',,,) r , Sli, ., l6 y7 '?3 ..... k8 L??d .S ??de?X3&s°?'"? ... .... ................................ 1 '301, f7Q U , 7X D4" ??.'2 d9'8W4'9'? ,i . _ ... .... Apron width = pi:- diameter + 0,4'pap a on ien gth} V0e Q? : an "2 3 . Fgopv,j"I12]1 a ...... _ ....................... FEE # Did SLOPE V ZONE ENV RAH d & W0 H .. .... DEEM 99} ?t@ftd:) ...... $t'a:, ....... ......_ r ... . .. _ C i ?0?a .... ...._ ..... .. ?3d3`. ,r ., 0, 0 13 0.013 ! 7.4 2.5 x.02 0,02If Akj ..... ... ........_ ................... __............ ...................... ......... ........ _: _ ..... .................... __.. .................................................. .._................................... .. .? _ ........ ..... .... .... .. .. XXXX .. .... a ... . ...... ...... . .... ... X.Yx _ ^f t;, iia ( Yk .......................................... ....___. V/'cE_E.1E: ....... W!f € .li ! #VA 1 ..... ?'BanE4 :. 'Ci ;?fl?r1F`,?€ i 3niE ark Depar<me^t Gr iran;?poriatlcn, Division of Desi jn and C o^struction, 197' Stoamwate "e,tlIand - BMP #5 ... ..... .......... Post r i at Wade ... DA, E, 07,V§A1. BY: MRM `E?id?E1 1,VV,J. A/L ColeJenest Stone -?._e i•.. ?-?i .frt.., f..,,; ?? ,i cn.„', ,,.q+U ?, ;?qr N(, € )EIV R BMP E)._.: is xr? Manual, J, .J, '200i' DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION Total Drainage Area to l=:Iond O'Ci 11 Acres ...... Post-Developed Impervious Area* = o() jA r a, or _ ,? `%, Designed PPE (Top of Sh al:o krVater) E QUALIFY VOLUME (WQv) n SURFACE E Rv = runoff coefficient (Runoff/Rainfall) WQv = dater Quality Volume (1-inch water quality control) = %o IniperviGUS D = Plant Depth (12" Maximum) ("Simple Method" - Schueler) ?) y 0 01) 9 ,1) I2 - v = cl _8 QV = 0.4'. c, t, 775i ubh c Feet D= = in. This volume mustbe released over a mlnlrrawn pedod of 24 facers ELEVATION TO HOLD WQv Refer to Storage - Elevation Data Chart Pv levation 375.18 RELEASE DATES Release, Rate for J control: vNa1 eC ' rq 31it'y control volume is to be !ee ; ed over f ,c. ay r3I.3 -afiar: ORIFICE SIZING FOR ATE QUALITY VOLUME Avg Head (Weir Fev - Perm Foal lev) Use orifice equation weir lev = 375.00 A= in12 ... 77 ?ncl'$es . s Benches (3-Day Drawdown) (Proposed)