HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190229_Meeting Minutes_20110810Scoping Meeting Agenda R-3830: NC 42 (East Main Street - Broadway Road) & SR 1579 (Broadway Road - North Main Street) Sanford - Broadway, Lee County, Highway Division 8 WBS Project No.: 38887 Federal Aid Project No.: STP-0042(49) PDEA CCB Large Conference Room - NCDOT Century Center, Raleigh, NC August 10, 2011 -10:00 -12:00 PM Karen S. Reynolds - Project Planning Engineer Telephone: (919) 707-6038 E-mail: kreynolds(@ncdot.gov A. Announcements and Introductions B. General Information • TIP Description: NC 42 (East Main Street - Broadway Road), from US 421 (Horner Blvd.) in Sanford to SR 1579 (Broadway Road - North Main Street) in Broadway, and along SR 1579 from NC 42 (Avents Ferry Road) to SR 1538 (Buckhorn Avenue) in Broadway. Widen to three lanes, with turn-lanes at SR 1523 (Rice Road), SR 1529 (Cox Mill Road) and SR 1579 (Broadway Road). • Project Length: 5.4 miles • Tvve of Document: Environmental Assessment (EA), unless impacts indicate a CE can be prepared. • Purpose and Need: The purpose of the proposed project is to widen the exiting two-lane, two-way facility to a three-lane, two-way facility, to improve the traffic carrying capacity of NC 42 and SR 1579. The need for the proposed project is to reduce the current accident potential along Broadway Road. C. Existing Conditions • Functional Classification: The section of NC 42 along the project is a Statewide Functional Class 4, two-lane, two-way, Minor Arterial, with no control-of-access. The section of SR 1579 along the project is a Statewide Functional Class 5, two-lane, two- way, Major Collector, with no control-of-access. The facility posts a speed limit of 45 to 35 mph, passing over gently rolling terrain and is not a designated Strategic Highway Corridor. NC 42-SR 1579 (Broadway Road) is listed as a Major Thoroughfare in the Triangle Area MPO 2035 LRTP and needs improvement. The Lee County CTP designated this corridor as a "Complete Street" project, providing for profiles that include curb & gutter, sidewalks and planted medians. • Local Concerns: The City of Sanford will soon adopt the Sanford Pedestrian Plan, addressing the pedestrian needs of this corridor. A bicycle plan will likely be forthcoming and the designation of a bike lane for this entire route is anticipated. Local concern has been expressed regarding the potential impacts of this project on the Shallow Well Church of Christ. This historic church property is along NC 42, just east of the intersection with the US 421 Bypass, and includes cemeteries on both sides of NC 42, a parking lot in front of the church and a Boy Scout activity building. The City of Sanford has requested a sidewalk for East Lee Middle School Scoping Meeting Agenda R-3830: NC 42 / SR 1579 (North Main Street/Broadway Road / East Main Street) Sanford l Broadway, Lee County - Highway Division 8 August 10, 2011 Page 2 of 5 • Adioining Projects: R-2417BB: The Sanford Bypass from SR 1002 to NC 42, including the interchange with NC 42, is complete. R-2417C: The Sanford Bypass from NC 42 to NC 87, is under construction. o Noise & Air Quality: Project construction should not be sufficient to moderate any intrusive traffic noise. The project will not increase traffic volumes, so the impact on the noise and air quality will not be significant. The project is in an Attainment area for carbon dioxide. ® Development Along Project: Urban, no control-of-access. ROW along NC 42, SR 1579 and included Y-lines will be purchased to accommodate additional lanes. This proposed project, known locally as the Main Street / Broadway Road Connector, links an urbanized area of Sanford with the Town of Broadway. This segment of NC 42 - SR 1579 provides access to US 421, US 421 Bypass, major industrial employers, significant retail activity, Lee County High School, East Lee County Junior High School, the Civic Center and Central Carolina Community College. C Structures: None; no major stream crossings exist within the project limits. • Geotechnical: Thirteen sites within the project limits may contain petroleum underground storage tanks (USTs). Four reported Ground Water Incident Sites are located within the project limits. One Hazardous Substance Disposal Site or Superfund Area was identified within the project limits. No Hazardous Waste Facilities, no apparent landfills or no other geo-environmental concerns were identified within the project limits. See the attached map for potential UST and other geo-environmental site locations. • Utilities: Moderate. Eight months will be needed to complete project utility adjustments. (Some areas of sanitary sewer lines and natural gas lines exist along the project. Water, telephone, cable, and electric lines exist throughout the project.) • Lee I Sanford Schools Transportation Director: 25 school buses travel this section of East Main Street I Broadway Road, per school day. (50 trips) Simple lane closures and flagging would be acceptable during the project construction. • Traffic Volumes: The 2011 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for this section of NC 42 - SR 1579 ranges from 5,200 to 15,800 vehicles per day (VPD). The 2035 Annual Average Daily .Traffic (AADT) for this section of NC 42 - SR 1579 is forecast to range from 7,100 to 26,400 vehicles per day (VPD). • Crash Analysis: NC 42: The total vehicle exposure rate for this 2.92-mile section of NC 42 was 39.7 million vehicle miles traveled (MVMT). A total of 87 crashes were reported between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2010. The following table shows the comparison of the crash rates for the analyzed section of NC 42 versus the 2006-2008 statewide crash rates and the calculated rate. The current total, fatal, non-fatal, night and wet crash rates are near or exceed the critical crash rates for similar type facilities. Rear end crashes accounted for 38% (33 out of 87) of the overall reported crashes. These crashes occurred predominately at intersections. Crashes occurring during wet conditions accounted for 28% (25 out of 87) of the overall reported crashes within the NC 42 section of the project limits. Eliminating or reducing congestion will potentially reduce the incidence of rear end crashes. The installation of new pavement, Scoping Meeting Agenda R-3830: NC 42 / SR 1579 (North Main Street /Broadway Road /East Main Street) Sanford / Broadway, Lee County - Highway Division 8 August 10, 2011 Page 3 of 5 pavement markings, adequate sight distances and advance intersection warning signs may reduce the incidence of crashes occurring during wet conditions. a -.-.ra's- ?a "xRa NC?42 M! iT Y , 4a: Cr h Y ras ' E xCrashes per 100,x- Y 1? ?.' `1VIYIVI' Stat eRate .# m Crihctal Rate?**?-a, ?'i Total 87 219.16 163.65 198.31 Fatal 0 0.00 1.97 6.89 Non-Fatal 22 55.42 61.16 82.84 Night 16 40.30 56.28 77.13 Wet 25 62.98 26.08 40.67 2006-2008 statewide Crash Rate for a rural North Carolina (NC) route. Based on the statewide crash rate (95% level of confidence). The Critical Crash Rate is a statistically derived value against which a calculated rate can be compared to see if the rate is above an average, far enough, so that something besides chance must be the cause. SR 1579: The total vehicle exposure rate for this 2.62-mile section of SR 1579 was 14.36 million vehicle miles traveled (MVMT). A total of 28 crashes were reported between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2010. The following table shows the comparison of the crash rates for the analyzed section of SR 1579 versus the 2006- 2008 statewide crash rates and the calculated rate. The current total, fatal, non-fatal, and night crash rates for this section of SR 1579 are below the statewide and critical crash rates for similar type facilities, although the wet conditions crash rates substantially exceed the statewide crash rate. Lane-departure crashes, which generally include run-off-road, fixed object head-on, sideswipe and overturn crashes, comprised approximately 39% (11 out of 28) of the overall reported crashes within this section of the project limits. The project should address lane-departure crashes by widening the existing roadway, improving roadway super-elevation, widening roadway shoulders, improving pavement delineation and extending the clear-zone widths of SR 1579. The installation of new pavement, pavement markings, adequate sight-distances and advance intersection warning signs may reduce the incidence of crashes occurring during wet conditions. Rate SR 1579 _,ei> ?Crashes s._` "., Crashes per 100x:.,. fish t Statewide Rate r- s %Crit(cal Rate,, an Total 28 195.02 341.76 425.49 Fatal 0 0.00 3.89 15.93 Non-Fatal 6 41.79 121.59 172.94 Night 13 90.54 140.27 195.17 Wet 11 76.61 53.05 88.15 2006-2008 Statewide Crash Rate for a rural 2-lane. undivided Secondary Route (SR). Based on the statewide crash rate (95% level of confidence). The Critical Crash Rate is a statistically derived value against which a calculated rate can be compared to see if the rate is above an average, far enough, so that something besides chance must be the cause. D. Possible Environmental Concerns -Agency Comments • SHPO: A GIS search revealed 13 known structures of historical or architectural importance within the proposed project planning area. There are no known archaeological sites within the proposed R-3830 planning area, so no archaeological investigation is recommended. Scoping Meeting Agenda R-3830: NC 42 / SR 1579 (North Main Street/Broadway Road/ East Main Street) Sanford /Broadway, Lee County - Highway Division 8 August 10, 2011 Page 4 of 5 The known historic structures within the project limits are LE 0334: Shallow Well Christian Church and Cemetery, LE 0335: House, LE 0752: Thomas House, LE 0775: Stevens Milling Company, LE 0270: House and, potentially, LE 0267: Bank of Broadway. (Map attached.) • NCWRC: No specific comments or concerns with R-3830, at this time. • USACE: Environmental concerns the same as the NCDWQ concerns, listed below. • Bike / Pedestrian: No bicycle needs are associated with R-3830. (This is a high-traffic, business / industrial corridor) • Natural Systems: NRTR has not yet been requested. Surveys will be conducted at the appropriate times. • Triangle Area RPO: NC 42-SR 1579 (North Main Street - Broadway Road) is the main route for this area, from Sanford to Broadway. Current Lee County Zoning, from the project beginning to the NC 42-SR 1579 intersection, includes Commercial-Business, Light Industrial, Institutional, Residential and Residential-Agricultural Land Uses. Current Lee County Zoning, from the NC 42-SR 1579 intersection to the project end in Broadway, includes Commercial-Business, Light Industrial and Residential-Agricultural Land Uses. • Division of Water Quality: Preliminary project analysis reveals the potential for multiple impacts to streams and jurisdictional wetlands in the project area, as shown in the table below. Little Buffalo Creek is on the 303(d) list for impaired use for aquatic life, due to biological integrity criteria. NCDWQ recommends that the most protective sediment and erosion control BMPs be implemented, in accordance with Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds, to reduce the risk of nutrient runoff to Little Buffalo Creek. NCDWQ also requests that road design plans provide treatment of stormwater runoff through BMPs, as detailed in the most recent version of the NCDWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices. 40 s`ccctt._;?' ?Stre?atn Nam 4-?'i.3Kk"` RrveBassi #. Stream=Y- 'txClassit-icahon'^x ?3 r-Stream?Index? _Nun b r__ 303(d)'LstIngl Little Buffalo Creek Cape Fear C 1742 Yes Skunk Creek Cape Fear C 03-06-11 N/A Lick Creek Cape Fear B 184-(1) N/A UT to Sanford Water Supply Cape Fear WS-IV 184-3 N/A Carrs Creek Cape Fear C 18-20-7 N/A Patchet Creek Cape Fear C 03-06-11 N/A Fall Creek Cape Fear C 18-8 N/A E. Proposed Improvements • Proposed Typical Section: Three-lane, two-way facility, with one railroad crossing between SR 1519 (Nash Street) and SR 1520 (Rosser Road). This crossing is an industrial spur line of the Atlantic & Western Railway. Scoping Meeting Agenda R-3830: NC 42 / SR 1579 (North Main Street/Broadway Road / East Main Street) Sanford/Broadway, Lee County-Highway Division 8 August 10, 2011 Page 5 of 5 Proposed Right-of-Wav: The existing right-of-way width within the project limits is currently 60 feet along NC 42 and SR 1579 (30 feet on each side of the roadway centerline). The proposed right-of-way width will vary from 80 feet to 100 feet, along the project length. There is no existing or proposed access control. ® Citizens' Informational Workshop: CIW and Local Officials Meeting anticipated by October 13, 2011, in Broadway and Sanford, respectively F. Schedules and Cost Estimates • Schedules Environmental Assessment September 11, 2013 a Cost Estimate FONSI (if applicable) Right-of-Way Acquisition Construction Right-of-Way: Construction: Total: November 10, 2014 May 03, 2016 May 15, 2018 5,500,000 9,200,000 14,700,000 G. Meeting Summary / Action Items ?AA Iv 44 w"', !V 501 RlDl1L@ RI) I 7 I t+ •?J ,J 15 87, 42 (42) i SANFORD"?, z I T. tit f r. ? 11 ?tF, t/I/ ?• ? 7 /j?`jJ kJ V I ? 421 • J j, !J. 7 .s !i / i j 0 6,000 Feet ti VINICITY MAP Coun?y LEE 4 ° y NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT R-3830: Figure OF TRANSPORTATION Div. 8 TIP# R-3324 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS NC 42 - SR 1579 Improvements PROJECT DEVELOPM FNT AND WBS 38887 1.1 P ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS DRANCH LEE COUNTY ?V`' TIP PROJECT R-3830 Date: JULY 2011 zz- UQ cn C7 a U4 O 0 cr N N ti-+ >r L? ? N N' ? N w w .+ ?nV aal w M? n i' u Y A a n s n n 7 1?1 6 h m v f t, 11?Q: xO.` r)? N a n f) n Ilca r4? " 1 N( I J rP'a`?t !1 ?c? ray yf??.,r W n m} OP N r ? f Utr li ?, f A /j a s . ter,. ? a w: ¦ rn io n m >> ? I ? fa r U. 6 k n rn R'Z > w P I ? ? p T !tr n oq r.i, if R r! 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