HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110615 Ver 2_COE Public Notice_20110902h- oLV 1S u2 Dennison, Laurie From: Spruill, Amy W SAW [Amy.W.Spruill@usace.army.mil] Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 1:17 PM Subject: US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application from Atlantic Wind, LLC Attention: David Shadle seeking Department of the Army authorization to temporarily impact 249.21 acres of forested wetlands and 45.67 acres of jurisdictional tributaries; and permanently impact 29.23 acres of forested wetlands and 1.37 acres of jurisdictional tributaries associated with construction of an 150 turbine wind energy generation facility on a 2,513 acre portion of a 24,242 acre project area located 7.5 miles west of Elizabeth City and 2.5 miles north of the Town of Windfall in Perquimans and Pasquotank Counties, North Carolina. The proposed project would impact waters and wetlands adjacent and tributary to the Perquimans River, Little River and Pasquotank River. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands The proposed project is located on a 2,513 acre portion of a 24,242 acre project area 7.5 miles west of Elizabeth City and 2.5 miles north of the Town of Windfall in Perquimans and Pasquotank Counties, North Carolina. The proposed project would impact waters and wetlands adjacent and tributary to the Perquimans River, Little River and Pasquotank River. The project area is located between Highway 158 to the north, Highway 17 to the east and south and County Road 1002 to the west. (36.332109N, -76.399717W) Action ID: SAW-2010-00903 Issue Date: September 2, 2011 Comment Deadline: October 2, 2011 Applicant: Atlantic Wind, LLC c/o Iberdrola Renewables, Inc. Attentiion: Mr. David Shadle 201 King of Prussia Road Suite 500 Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087 1 h- Dln IS uz M US Army Corps PUBLIC NOTICE Of Engineers Wilmington District Issue Date: September 2, 2011 Comment Deadline: October 2, 2011 Corps Action ID #: SAW-2010-00903 The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application from Atlantic Wind, LLC Attention: David Shadle seeking Department of the Army authorization to temporarily impact 249.21 acres of forested wetlands and 45.67 acres of jurisdictional tributaries; and permanently impact 29.23 acres of forested wetlands and 1.37 acres of jurisdictional tributaries associated with construction of an 150 turbine wind energy generation facility on a 2,513 acre portion of a 24,242 acre project area located 7.5 miles west of Elizabeth City and 2.5 miles north of the Town of Windfall in Perqunmans and Pasquotank Counties, North Carolina. The proposed project would impact waters and wetlands adjacent and tributary to the Perquimans River, Little River and Pasquotank River Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www.saw.usace.anny.mil/wetlands Applicant: Atlantic Wind, LLC c/o Iberdrola Renewables, Inc. Attention: Mr. David Shadle 201 King of Prussia Road Suite 500 Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087 AGENT (if applicable): Atlantic Wind, LLC c/o Iberdrola Renewables, Inc. Attention: Mr. Michael Clayton 201 King of Prussia Road Suite 500 Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087 Authority The Corps will evaluate this application and a decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Location The proposed project is located on a 2,513 acre portion of a 24,242 acre project area 7.5 miles west of Elizabeth City and 2.5 miles north of the Town of Windfall in Perquimans Version 12/12/05 and Pasquotank Counties, North Carolina. The proposed project would impact waters and wetlands adjacent and tributary to the Perquimans River, Little River and Pasquotank River. The project area is located between Highway 158 to the north, Highway 17 to the east and south and County Road 1002 to the west. (36.332109N, - 76.399717W) Existing Site Conditions The proposed project is located in the lower reaches of the Great Dismal Swamp in an area that has been altered for agricultural silvicultural production. Currently, 71 per cent of the project area is under active agriculture and 25 per cent is managed pine plantation. The farm fields and pine plantation areas are extensively ditched and the soils are routinely manipulated. Soils are very poorly drained mucky mineral or muck soils with high organic content. Vegetation consists of soybeans, wheat and corn in the fields and monotypic pines in the plantation areas. The canopy in the pine plantation is dominated by loblolly pine (Pines taeda).Understory species in the plantation areas include loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus), sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana), sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), redbay (Persea borbonia), and wax myrtle (Morrella cerifera). Herbaceous species and woody vines included braken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), bushy bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus), goldenrod (Solidago altissima), woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus), common rush (Juncus effusus), cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), and roundleaf greenbriar (Smilax rotundifolia). Canopy species in the non-managed wooded areas include red maple (Acer rubrum), redbay, sweetbay sassafras (Sassafras albidum), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciua), pond pine (Pines serotina), and loblolly pine. There is an extensive network of farm and forestry roads throughout the project area and several farm buildings within the area, but none are located within the footprint of the proposed project. Applicant's Stated Purpose The applicant's stated purpose is to construct a wind energy generation facility in North Carolina. Project Description The applicant proposes to place fill in jurisdictional waters and wetlands in order to construct a 150 turbine wind energy generation facility. Construction in the project area includes temporary crane access paths, permanent and temporary access roads to each turbine, underground and overhead electrical lines, substation facilities, switching station, maintenance facility, temporary batch plant, meterological tower and temporary lay down and contractor staging area. Construction of the proposed project will result in temporarily impact 249.21 acres of forested wetlands and 45.67 acres of jurisdictional tributaries; and permanently impact 29.23 acres of forested wetlands and 1.37 acres of jurisdictional tributaries. The applicant proposes to purchase mitigation credits from the Great Dismal Swamp Mitigation Bank. Version 12/12/05 Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application combined with the appropriate application fee at the North Carolina Division of Water Quality central office in Raleigh will constitute initial receipt of an application for a 401 Water Quality Certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Attention: Mr. Ian McMillan by October 2, 2011. The applicant has not provided to the Corps, a certification statement that his/her proposed activity complies with and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved North Carolina Coastal Zone Management Program. Pursuant to 33 CFR 325.2(b)(2), the Corps can not issue a permit for the proposed work until the applicant submits such a certification to the Corps and the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM), and the NCDCM notifies the Corps that it concurs with the applicant's consistency certification. Essential Fish Habitat This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Corps' initial determination is that the proposed project will not adversely impact EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Cultural Resources The Corps has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and is not aware that any registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein are located within the project area or will be affected by the proposed work. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistoric, or historical data may be located within the project area and/or could be affected by the proposed work. Version 12/12/05 Endangered Species The Corps has reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information, the Corps is not aware of the presence of species listed as threatened or endangered or their critical habitat formally designated pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) within the project area. A final determination on the effects of the proposed project will be made upon additional review of the project and completion of any necessary biological assessment and/or consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or National Marine Fisheries Service." Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidate State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Version 12/12/05 Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, until 5pm, October 1, 2011. Comments should be submitted to Tracey Wheeler, Post Office Box 1000, Washington, North Carolina, 27889 (910) 251-4627. Version 12/12/05 A C W o Co o M m CL a d I??J 'tl T o m m Q' ? In X111 3 ' ? C 111 N N ? o LPL/ r /? LL LNL UJ W? 00 ^ LL Z L Q _V W J 91. (L a U U Z U H Q '"? a Z Tee UJ ? b o Ra o a p 3 A 1? .? 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