HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030909 Ver 1_Reports_20000427NCDQT Project I.D. U-2524BA Guilford County, NC Portion of Greensboro Western Outer Loop from I-40 Interchange to North of Friendly Avenue Prepared by: Richard Scarce & Associates 4946B Windy Hill Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 As Sub-consultants to: HNTB North Carolina Apri127, 2000 REVISED: October 23, 2001 NATURAL CHANNEL DESIGN LONG BRANCH Right of Proposed Ramp C at I-40 Interchange The Greensboro Westem Loop will require that a portion of Long Branch be relocated along Ramp C. Some 1000 meters of existing channel will be filled by the proposed roadway. Approximately 500 meters will be relocated along Ramp C from station 13+40 to station 18+60 Rt. The proposed channel relocation will be designed according to the "natural channel "design techniques proposed by Dave Rosgen. Long Branch drains a portion of Guilford County and this site has a drainage area of 166 ha. The watershed is currently experiencing urbanization with mostly a mixture of heavy and light industry. Most of the areas that have not developed are zoned heavy and light industry for the future. Long Branch was found to be perennial in nature. There is no hydrologic gage data provided on this stream. Discharges were estimated using NCDOT procedures for Urban watersheds. EXISTING CHANNEL The existing channel appeared to be fairly stable and undisturbed, therefore there was no reason to survey a reference reach. There were however the usual signs of urbanization, including sloughing banks in the bends and normal bank erosion. The existing channel was characterized by a mixture of both pools and riffles. A portion of the stream from about station 13+40 to station 14+20 was surveyed extensively for purposes of stream classification. The existing stream was found to have a classification of E3. PROPOSED CHANNEL The proposed channel design has a classification of E3. Stream description and classification data is provided in the attached table for both the existing reach and proposed relocation. Channel slope was controlled by the proposed 2@2.1x2.1 RCBC under -L- line and the outlet end extension of 1@1.8x1.8 RCBC. The proposed channel gradient of 0.0068 closely matches that of the existing stream at a gradient of 0.0065. Channel sinuosity also closely resembles one another. The bankfull cross sectional area of existing stream (1.81 m2) was closely matched in the proposed stream (1.92 m2). This resulted in a mean depth of 0.44 meters compared to an existing mean depth of 0.66 meters. Above bankfull, a flood plain area is proposed to be excavated. The existing flood prone width is approximately 40 meters wide compared to the proposed flood prone width of 17.4 meters wide. Site topography and R/W considerations influenced the width to be excavated. It is anticipated that the proposed channel will have a gravel bed somewhat similar to that of the existing channel. Pool depths were set at 1 foot on the outside of bends. This depth was the average depth measured in the existing channel reach. Proposed channel stabilization and channel typicals are provided on the attached detail sheet. Type E3 streams, according to Rosgen, are characterized by a high sensitivity to disturbance but with good recovery potential. They also have moderate stream bank erosion potential which can be influenced highly by vegetation. Sediment transport computations were performed on both the existing and proposed channels to determine if the bankfull discharge would be able to transport the D50 particle size without channel siltation. Results show that the bed shear is reduced somewhat for the proposed channel (2.79 kg/m2 proposed vs 3.11 kg/m2 existing) but is well above the critical shear stress of 0.29 kg/m2. Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach USGS Station Reference Reach 1. stream a E3 E3 NIA N/A 2. drainage area 166 ha 166 ha 3. bankfull width 2.76M 4.40M 4. bankfull mean depth 0.66M 0.44M 5. width/de th ratio 4.18 10.0 6. bankfull cross-sectional area 1.81 MZ 1.92 MZ 7. bankfull mean veloci 1.49M/S 1.38M/S 8. bankfull discharge, cfs 2.70cros 2.65cros 9. bankfull max depth 0.76M 0.60M 10. width of floodprone area 40.7M 17.4M 11. entrenchment ratio 14.75 3.95 12. meander len th 12M - 20M 40.OM 13. ratio of meander length to bankfull width 4.3 - 7.2 9.1 14. Radius of curvature 8M -12M 10M 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 2.9 - 4.3 2.3 16. Belt width 5M - 8M 14M 17. Meander width ratio 1.8 - 2.9 3.2 18. Sinuosity (stream length/valley length) 1.15 1.05 19. Valley Slope 0.0075 0.0072 20. Average slope 0.0065 0.0068 21. Pool slope 0.0010 0.0010 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slo e 0.153 0.147 23. Maximum ool de th 0.38M 0.30 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 0.58 0.68 25. Pool width 5.1 M 8.4M 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width 1.85 1.91 27. Pool to pools acing 11.3M 22M 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to bankfull width 4.1 5.0 29. Ratio of lowest bank height to bankfull height (or max bankfull 1.83 1.50 STREAM DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DATA N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U492101 U-25246A GREENSBORO WESTERN URBAN LOOP FROM I-40 TO NORTH OF WEST FRIENDLY AVE. SITE # 2 SHEET 13 OF 24 OCTOBER 18, 2001 PEBBLE COUNT Site: LONG BRANCH Date: 12-16-99 Pa : RNS JKS WCB 'Entire Reach Pebble Count Particle Counts Inches Particle Millimeter Riffles Pools Total No. Item % % Cumulative S' < 62 :::::: ~lC::::: 4 0 Very Fine .i)S2 - .125 ::;:;::::~::::;:;: 0 0 0 0% 4% Fine .125 - .25 :~:~:~: ~A~:~:~:~: 4 10 14 14% 18% Medium .25 - .50 ~:~:~:~1~~~~~ 0 0 0 0% 18% Coarse .50 -1.0 ::::::~~:f.~::: ~::~ 0 6 6 6% 24% .04 -.08 Ve Coarse 1.0 - 2.0 :~: 2 10 12 12% 36% .08 - .16 Very Fine 2.0 - 4.0 ::: 6 18 24 24% 60% .16 - .22 Fine 4.0 - 5.7 ~~:~'~': ~:~ ~ 8 0 8 8% 68% .22 - .31 Fine 5.7 - 8.0 :~:~:fii:: 6 0 6 6% 74% .31 - .44 Medium 8.0 -11.3 :~:: ~~?A>~ ~~ 6 2 8 8% 82% .44 - .63 Medium 11.3 -16.0 ::::V~:: 4 2 6 6% 88% .63 - .89 Coarse 16.0 - 22.6 :::~::~~::~: 2 0 2 2% 90% .89 -1.26 Coarse 22.6 - 32.0 ~:~:~:~~~:~~:~ ~: 4 2 6 6% 96% 1.26 -1.77 Very Coarse 32.0 - 45.0 ;~~'~~::~: 2 0 2 2% 98% 1.77 - 2.5 Ve Coarse 45.0 -64.0 :~~::~::'~:~:~ 0 0 0 0% 98% 2.5 - 3.5 Small 64 - 90 :::::::::'C ~:~: 2 0 2 2% 100% 3.5 - 5.0 Small 90 -128 :::::~:::C3::~:::: 0 0 0 0% 100% 5.0 - 7.1 Large 128 -180 :~::~::$ 0 0 0 0% 100% 7.1 - 10.1 Lar a 180 - 256 :::::~::L:~:~:~:~ 0 0 0 0% 100% 10.1 -14.3 Small 256 - 362 :::::$:;:;:::: 0 0 0 0% 100% 14.3 - 20 Small 362 - 512 :~::!`:::: 0 0 0 0% 100% 20 - 40 Medium 512 -1024 :~:~~~:~:: 0 0 0 0% 100% 40 - 80 Lr - Ve Lr 1024 - 2048 ::~:~:~:~ ~.~ ~:~:~~~: 0 0 0 0% 100% Bedrock ~~:E3)~RK: 0 0 0% 100% ~:~ Totals SO 50 100 100% 100% Particle Slze Distribution 100% 90% .. e0% 70% v 60% ~Sd JIuM ~ 50% 4096 6 30% °' 20°,6 10% 0% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Particle Size -Millimeter NCH Date: 4-1-00 Site: LONG BRA RNS JKS WCB Riffle Pebble Count Pa : Particle Counts l N t T Item % % Cumulai Inches Particle Millimeter Riffles Pools o. a o 4 8% 8°~ SilUCla < 0.062 ~ :~:~:~1~ ~~: 4 0 0% 8`~- Very Fine .062 - .125 : :::: ~ ::: 0 0 0 0 4 8% 16% Fine .125 - .25 ~ ~::A::: ~:~~:~: 4 0 0 0 0% 1696 Medium .25 - .50 0 0 09fo 16% Coarse .50 -1.0 ~:~::E~:~:: ~ 0 2 0 2 49r, 20% .04 -.08 Ve Coarse 1.0 - 2.0 : : 6 12% 32% .08 - .16 Very Fine 2.0 - 4.0 ~ ~ 6 0 .16 - .22 Fine 4.0 - 5.7 ~ ~: ~ ` 0 6 12x16 60% .22 - .31 Fine 5.7 - 8.0 ::~~ ~~ ::~::~ 6 0 g 1296 72% .31 - .44 Medium 8.0 -11.3 : ~ 0 4 896 80% .44 - .63 Medium 11.3 -16.0 6 22 ~:: V •::~ ~: 4 2 0 2 4% ~°~ .63 - .89 Coarse . 16.0 - ~:: ~ ~~: 4 0 4 8% 92% .89 -1.26 Coarse 22.6 - 32.0 ~: ~ 0 2 496 96% 1.26 -1.77 Very Coarse 32.0 - 45.0 ;::. •s..: 0 0 0 096 96% 1.77 - 2.5 Ve Coarse 45.0 -64.0 ::~~ ~ ~~::::~: ~~: 2 496 100% 2.5 - 3.5 Small 64 - 90 ::~::::C::: ~ 2 0 0 0 p Ogb 100% 3.5 - 5.0 Small 90 -128 ::(0:~: ::~ :8 :~:~: 0 0 0 0% 100% •..~ 5.0 - 7.1 Large 128 -180 :: : ~:: . ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 Og6 10096 7.1 -10.1 Lar a 180 - 256 ~ : : : ~ ~ 0 0 Og6 100% 10.1 -14.3 Small 256 - 362 :::$:;: 0 0 0 096 100% 14.3 - 20 Small 362 - 512 :: :L:::: 0 0 0 096 10096 20 - 40 Medium 512 -1024 ::: i3:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 0 0 096 10096 40 - 80 Lr - Ve Lr 1024 - 2048 :: : : ..: : 0 0 096 100% Bedrock ::E~I~i~K ~ 0 50 100% 100% ~:~ :: Totals 50 Particle Size Distribution 100% 90% 80% ~ 70% 80% v ~ 50% 40% ~ 30% ~ 20% ~ ~ ! = ZZrn ~, 10% 0°~' 100 1000 0.1 1 10 Particle Size -Millimeter CULVBflT ANALYSIS 6.1 IflflBGULAfl CHANNBL FILB;flOS106BR N0. ITBN <1> SLOPE OF CHANNBL (a)/(a( <2> NUNBBfl OF CflOSS-SECTION COOflDINATBS (NA% = 15, NIN = 3( <3> SUBCHANNBL OPTION (4 POSSIBLE) (1) LEFT OVBfl BANK AND MAIN CHANNBL (2) LT fi flT OVBfl BANKS & NAIH CHANNBL (3) flIGHT OVBfl BANK AND MAIN CHANNBL (4) SINGLE NAIH CHANNBL COOflDINATB NUNBBfl OF CHANNBL BOUNDAflI65 LEFT OVBflBANR flIGHT OVBflBANR <NUNBBfl> TO BRIT ITBN <BNTBfl> TO CONTINUB 1-Help 2-Progr 3 4 5-End 6 7 8 IflflBGULAfl CHANNBL CflOSS-SECTION CflOSS-SECTION X Y COOflD. NUNBBfl (ul Ial 1 66.30 259.32 2 75.60 258.41 3 81.80 258.13 4 101.70 251.95 5 102.18 256.92 6 104.42 256.85 7 104.62 257.61 8 104.89 251.69 9 107,20 257.81 10 122.20 258.96 11 131.50 259.47 DATB:10-23-2001 VALUE E~i~'~~riJ ~~~ »r,r~ .0065 ~. a h r ,1j 1~1r !1 G ~1 11 ~/ 2 4 B 9-DOS 10 <NUNBBfl> TO BDIT COOflDINATBS ' <I> <D> TO INSEflT Ofl DBLBTB <BNTBfl> TO CONTINUB <P> TO PLOT CflOSS-SECTION 1-Help 2-Progr 3 4 S-Bnd 6 7 B 9-DOS 10 L ~"EVERT ANALYSIS 6.1 DATB:10-23-2001 IRRBGULAR CHANNBL FILB:ROS106BK NANNING'S n NBNU (NORMAL n VALUBS 0.@01 TO 0.2) N0. ITBN VALUB (1) NANNING N LBFT OVBR BANK .08 (2) NANNING N MAIN CHANNBL .033 (3) NANNING N RIGHT OVBR BANK .08 <NUNBBR> TO BDIT ITBN ' <BNTBR> TO CONTINUB 1-Help 2-Progr 3 4 5-Bnd 6 1 8 9-DOS 10 FILE NANB: ROS106EK FILB DATE: 1@-23-20@1 IRRBGULAR CHA NNEL TAILNA TER UNIFORM FLOW RATING CURVE AND MAIN CH ANNEL CHARACTERISTICS FLOK K.S.B. FROUDB VBL. SHBAR ITBRATIONS (i3/B) (a) N0. (o/s) (Pa) NBBDBD 0.00 256.85 0.00 0.00 8.00 1.00 0.92 251.26 0.58 1.08 18.60 2.@@ 1.85 251.46 0.59 1.34 25.81 3.00 ~{ 2.10 25T.61 0.59 1.50 30.54 3.00 3.10 251.11 34.46 3.00 4.62 257.88 0.61 1.15 38.49 3.00 5.55 251.91 0.62 1.85 42.05 3.00 6.4T 258.05 0,62 1.95 45.41 3.00 1.40 258.11 0.63 2.03 48.13 4.00 8.32 258.16 0.64 2.09 50,42 4.@0 ~~0 9 25 258.20 0.64 2.14 52.40 4.00 FLON (v3/s)--> 3.13 ~ ~ VBL. (~/s)--> 1.63 i ANY NORB INTBRPOL ATIONS (Y/N~? 1-Help 2-Progr 3 4 S-Bnd 6 1 8 9-DOS 10 y - L s'Ly y",A 2 ~k~.rTiNs ~haH~e/ ~z s wf f5'Y.t~ G~ CULVBflT ANALYSIS 6.1 IflflBGULAfl CHANNEL FILB:flOS106Pfl N0. ITBN <1> SLOPE OF CHANNEL (i~/(®~ <2> NUNBBfl OF CflOSS-SBCTION COOflDINATBS (NAK = 15, KIN = 3( <3> SUBCHANNBL OPTION (4 POSSIBLE( (1) LBFT OVBfl BANK AND NAIN CHANNBL (2~ LT & flT OVBfl BANKS & MAIN CHANNBL (3( flIGHT OVBfl BANK AND NAIN CHANNBL (4~ SINGER MAIN CHANNBL COOflDINATB NUNBBfl OF CHANNBL BOUNDAflIBS LBFT OVBflBRNK flIGHT OVBflBANK <NUNBBfl> TO EDIT ITBN <BNTBfl> TO CONTINUE DATE:10-23-2001 u ~ 2 S'2y ~A ~~pP~1'CD G'~4nh~l VALUE ~ ° w J ,~ r.~ we .0068 8 2 3 6 1-Help 2-Progr 3 4 5-Bnd 6 T S IflflBGULAfl CHANNBL CflOSS-SECTION CflOSS-SBCTION % Y COOflD. NUNBBfl (m~ (m) 1 3.3@ 1.69 2 5.30 0.69 3 10.00 0.60 4 11.28 0.00 5 13.20 0.0@ 6 14.48 0.60 1 19.10 0.69 8 21.10 1.69 9-DOS 10 <NUNBBfl> TO EDIT COOflDINATBS <I> <D> TO INSBflT Ofl DBLBTB <BNTBfl> TO CONTINUE <P> TO PLOT CflOSS-SECTION 1-Help 2-Progr 3 4 5-Bnd 6 T B 9-OOS 10 l v, CULVBAT ANALYSIS 6.1 IAABGULAA CHANNBL FILB:AOS106PA NANNING'S n NBNU (NORMAL n VALUBS 0.001 TO 0.2( N0. ITBN VALUB (1~ NANNING N LBFT OVBA BANK .08 (2~ NANNING N MAIN CHANNBL .033 (3~ NANNING N RIGHT OVBA BANK .OB <NUNBBA> TO BDIT ITBN <ENTBA> TO CONTINUB 1-Help 2-Progr 3 4 5-Bnd 6 7 8 FILE MANE: ROS106PA FILB DATB: 1@-23-2001 IARBGULAA CHANNE1 TAILKA TBA - UNIFORM FLOW RATING CURVB AND MAIN CH ANNBL CHARACTBAISTICS FLON N.S.H. FAOUDB VBL. SHBAA ITBAATIONS (v3/s~ (al N0. Mal (Pal NEBDBD O.ee e.ae e.oe e.e0 e.ee l.ee 1.18 0.49 0.65 1.24 23.25 3.00 ,f 2.65 0.60 0.67 1.39 21.52 1.00 5.36 0.80 0.T1 1.11 39.80 4.00 7.14 0.89 0.13 1.94 45.73 3.00 8.93 0.91 0.74 2.08 50.7T 4.00 10.11 1.05 0.15 2.21 55.41 4.00 12.50 1.12 0.76 2.32 59.69 4.00 14.28 1.18 0.17 2.42 63.7@ 4.0@ 16.87 1.24 0.17 2.52 67.48 4.@0 rv 11.85 1.30 0.78 2.61 71.81 4.00 FLON (a3/s---> 8.94 @ L VBL. (Q/e~--> 2.09 ANY NOAB INTBAPOLATIONS (Y/N~? i-Help 2-Progr 3 4 5- Bnd 6 7 8 DATB:10-23-2001 u•~Ly~,L~ Pra~ bJPr~ C~4„ne 1 LcN~ ~r4nC~i 9-DOS 10 9-DOS 10 /~ NCDOT PROJECT I.D. U-2524BA LONG BRANCH NATURAL CHANNEL DESIGN 404 PERMIT SITE #2 Prepared by: Richard Scarce & Assoc., P.A. 23-Oct-01 SEDIMENT TRANSPORT ANALYSIS FOR BANKFULL DISCHARGE PARAMETER EXISTING PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANNEL Qtr 2.7 cros 2.65 cros Mean Depth, dbkr 0.66M 0.44M X-SECT Area 1.81 M2 1.92M2 Velocity 1.49M/S 1.38M/S Channel Slope 0.0065 0.0068 Wetted Perimeter 3.79M 4.68M Hydraulic Radius 0.478M 0.410M "n" 0.033 0.033 Ds = D50 3mm 3mm Kinematic Viscosity, u 1.30994mmz/s 1.30994mm2/s U• =(gRS)°'S 174.6mm/s 165.4mm/s R• = U.Ds/u 400 379 Sp. Wt. of Water 1000.7Kg/M3 1000.7Kg/M3 Sp. Wt. of Sediment 2652.OKg/M3 2652.OKg/M3 From Shield's Diagram: F• 0.059 0.059 Critical Shear, T~ 0.29Kg/M2 0.29Kg/MZ Bed Shear, To 3.11 Kg/MZ 2.79Kg/M? Since bed shear is greater than critical shear, the D50 particle will be easily transported at bankfull discharge. m.. t.~,. c a.........~~ a., c+,-o~m~ ~r~ Pnnrlc fnr TiP Nn iL2S2d AR Part i a wl/~C V• Permit aul klwl..J .V UU vw.ua uuu a vu~.a av• . ~~ Drainage ..... ... ~~~ "-- - Surface Water --' - Surface Water Existing Relocated Channel Mitigation Site Stream Name Type Impact (ac) Impact (Pond) (ac) Length (ft) Length (ft) Loss (ft) Required (ft) 7 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.57 n/a 2402 952 1450* 171 17 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.15 n/a 676 n/a 676 676 25 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.07 n/a 346 n/a 346* n/a 25b Pond n/a 0.07 n/a n/a n/a n/a 28 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.17 n/a 1100 935 165* (-33) Totals 0.96 0.07 4525 1887 2637 814 "*" mitigation for channel loss originally provided by NCWRP under TIP No. I-2402 A. m..i.~,. ~ t......,,.*~ r., c+.-o~..,c ~.,~I Pnnrlc fnr TiP Nn_ iT_252d AR a wl/~G /. Permit Site lultlw~.w .v ua. ~.w.uu .~uv Stream Name a v..v.. .... . ~~ Drainage Type ..... -- ___ ___ Surface Water Impact (ac) Surface Water Impact (Pond) (ac) Existing Length (ft) Relocated Length (ft) Channel Loss (ft) Mitigation Required (ft) 2 UT South Buffalo Creek Intermittent 0.05 0.48 213 0 213 0 3 UT #3 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.26 n/a 958 692 266 532 4 UT Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.18 n/a 591 n/a 591 1182 6 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.03 n/a 233 n/a 233 466 7 UT #1 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.01 n/a 318 n/a 318 636 Intermittent n/a 184 n/a 184 184 10 UT #10 Bull Run Intermittent 0.04 n/a 381 n/a 381 n/a Totals 0.57 0.48 2877 692 2186 3000 August 13, 2003 Table 6. Impacts to Streams and Ponds for TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I Permit Site Stream Name Drainage Type Surface Water Impact (ac) Surface Water Impact (Pond) (ac) Existing Length (ft) Relocated Length (ft) Channel Loss (ft) Mitigation Required (ft) 7 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.57 n/a 2402 952 1450* 171 17 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.15 n/a 676 n/a 676 676 25 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.07 n/a 346 n/a 346* n/a 25b Pond n/a 0.07 n/a n/a n/a n/a 28 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.17 n/a 1100 935 165* (-33) Totals 0.96 0.07 4525 1887 2637 814 "*" mitigation for channel loss originally provided by NCWRP under TIP No. I-2402 A. Table 7. Impacts to Streams and Ponds for TIP No. U-2524 AB Permit Site Stream Name Drainage Type Surface Water Impact (ac) Surface Water Impact (Pond) (ac) Existing Length (ft) Relocated Length (ft) Channel Loss (ft) Mitigation Required (ft) 2 UT South Buffalo Creek Intermittent 0.05 0.48 213 0 213 0 3 UT #3 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.26 n/a 958 692 266 532 4 UT Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.18 n/a 591 n/a 591 1182 6 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.03 n/a 233 n/a 233 466 7 UT #1 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.01 n/a 318 n/a 318 636 Intermittent n/a 184 n/a 184 184 10 UT #10 Bull Run Intermittent 0.04 n/a 381 n/a 381 n/a Totals 0.57 0.48 2877 692 2186 3000 August 13, 2003 . i • I ~ ~~. )1 Sao as ~ ~ _. * . -- ... - _-- _ _ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ a 'I ~ M ~ ~/ ~ v ; ,~ ~ ~~ ` u ~ ~ ~ _~ . ~- ~ al` , , - - ~ -' ~ ea ~` ~ II . .., ~• k ;; ~,.~ ~ o - ~ :i ~ _ ,,~ UT To Lake Jeanette ~ ~,• ~~ , ;~i. ' $ .-...... a. ~ ` ~ '` " ~ 1 1~ `// 1' ~~~: ~ .. T` ,. ,. ~ :. , • ~~ ~~ _ . • • , .-,, / . • •.. + Y 2 :, v - P. - _ • " ~' I~_ .. ~'~ to ~- ~~ E'f4'S , ry y. ~ ~ ~~ ti .~ ~ • Ai. l ~;tRa ~ ~~ ,~ ; • ~ ~ ~, , a ~~! ,,,, ,:~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ,.~ ~ • ~)~~ 0 ~~ ~ 900 '~. ~~ - r . • " nl ~ ~ 9 ~ ~_ • , . ' ~. . ~ • . ~ ~~• _ •~i Feea t:za,ooo 0 700 1,400 2,800 4,20D 5,600 M U L K E Y Maters Figure No. 0 160 360 720 1,080 1,440 FNC3IN EFRF 6 C: f7N _ri LI I.TA NT.ri USGS 7.5-Minute To o r hic uadran Ies:Lake Brandt Con r Interv 110 Feet Prepared For: PROJECT VICINITY °~ U-2524AB ;~o UT To Lake Jeanette Reference Reach Location ~.,, ,.~ Guilford County, North Carolina v "\ ~` • `.( /'J~ _~~ i~~ ~`` J`L GSA` I.~\t !!• l ii,. ~' o I h /' '. ~ ~\,~U^1 ` ~ r ~v <2J21~ /i ~1 \:~ 1 "~ ~y~ ~~` /"' ~~^)1//`I t,`~ t .! ~ ..~ .-~.s,~ .. f ,,~~~ j1`: `o~ r, ~= ~ I)l \ 1 ~~~ ~, --~ j!1 ~ rj=*a '!.`= ~ t..._...~ ~ ~ Ir ~. ~... ~ ~ \. 609 ~ ~~ (~--~..-- ~ I •-~ - ~ ~1 Jai I ; /~ 1/ .-) t1J (i ~ (~ ,~~~.t~.~i ~'"~- Jees! l . ` \ ;'em '\i; ` ~~,~,j~r.- ~t,\ ~~ ~FU. ,-.. ~~ ! c^ J ~; ' 11 \ ~ _~. Rs C v ~• - ~• ~' / /I':. r ' ~ Mkt 11 ,' " )~ - ~. -r ~'.' ; : ~,. ~ '~~ a .. ... ~! - - <,~ (~. _ . - , r ,`~ - ~ • ~ /~~>Ull. ~~~ f ~ '- ~ I,~~r. G ~, . ~~`~ r. ~ r 600 ~ ~~ . ~' ~ r X2361 ~. ~ .'_, ~~-~~,5~ ~%,, ~' - ~~ '~~,,~ ~" II ~~ ~.~~ ~- > ,~~J /~,~( i `; ;~llJj '~7.1~+ l~_/%'-~~ l.J. ^i i)t ~~~ \ \t~,:.J~ I~'~/~'~~~,(tih'~. i^'_tiLC~ ~~[r~~;.• ,1~~ ~/ _ ~~l ~~ ~f ~ ~~~'f t/~,-i~~,: { ! I ~f.'o ~.f ;tJS J ' Celt `) ~;i j ^) ~~/ ~ :•• ,,jJ ''4fljJ r~J.~ iJ ~,~. `~,. (~ .=.( 1` i. ' {~ ~f ti~ 1 `~"~ ~ii 1 J! ( ,~ ~ 8110 4 r --'~'~ _ ~ ~~ -ZJ~ ~ ,, . ~ ~ f r Jj/ ~~l ~ ~~ I .~.~f ~~ ~ ~.`l '' ? .l- ~ .., , .= -.- ~ J , --°'") / UT To` Varnals Creek / .~ / ~~~ , / t /~ ~r r` V~~ `) % /'~'+ ~J~~hl~ ~.. r,~<<,.~~~ } ;~~ i ~ : 0~~~ ~~ Yy '7'1f~1 ~ ~ ~+~~.~ lf~ /' ~~l \!~~ ~~I~ ~i ~ r 1t r Y ~•i~~ ~t ~ \•-._. ~' I r ~ 14 f ~ r 1/' /~ /r ItV ~J'~/ + 1 ,.ter t ' ~ .." ~ ~ /. -:=Ir' ,-,~~~ r ~ . `a.~-~w~,\ l ~ ~ 1+ I rt/1Ij{ 1 \~ f t l/'v~~1 1 ;,7 ~/ ~ ~I ~''f~/ . i - ~4s~ ~ .~: irr- ~~3~ ,... iJ~Y{ll, ,..~ \.:'Y, \~ N6 •.. 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I ~,l t ~r \il I 1 7 ; r.1 ; a 1L - 1` M'~p ,~ ~~ / , \\ ^ ~ ..t` ~,. tt ` .~ ;alt ~ I J~,~(~ h , 1 ,r; , : r -~, ~ L~ ,!= _ f ~ I~~ = , I ~ , ` \ ~ - ~ , y 1 `~" ~~~ .--o >>i( r l jt / I ~) C( ~ ' ~ r Jet) ~~ ~, .~ ~~~:: ~`' ' ~ ` - I f ~ 1, .~r 1 n ~~`,-.. ~. f 11" 1. ~~~ ~ ~ . ~~ ~'-~ , 1 /1.~ -J /f I ~,4 i I ~f/' i' I '~~lill /,',1~~ ~11~ ~t(( ~1r ~'' ~;~ `' ~~ Tr. 1 Feet 1:24,000 0 700 1,400 2,800 4,200 5,600 '' M U L K E Y Meters Figure No. 0 180 360 720 1,080 1,440 E N G I N F F R 5 ( C O N F 1.1 LTl~ N T P USGS 7.5- Minute To o ra hic Quadran Ies:Lake Burlin ton Contour Interval 10 Feet Prepared For: PROJECT VICINITY 1 ''E U-2524AB g~o UT To Varnals Creek Reference Reach Location '~.,,,„~,~,.~' Guilford County, North Carolina aUG-15-2©0~ ©818 NC DOT ONE-OHE 919 715 1501 P.01 QFFICEs OF NATURAL AND HRJMAN ENVIRQNMENT NORTH CAROLINA DEPAItT11~NT OF TRANSPORTATION FACSIMILE C~~~ c A~s~-~c~ From . p Q - - Fax #: g~ s~Zr3 , Mai~ Offfce Phone#:919-715-1-500 Phone #: Date: ~ ~ ~ • ~°°'~ Pages: (In cluding Cover Sheet , , 3 ~"'$'~ ~ ~`'~~ c„>ti:a~•f• CC: ~,y~er3+:w via ~, Us~~,~ Cbw~9,~ ^ Urgeat ^ For Review ^ Please Commeat Commet.ts- ~~c ~ Gy*rc~+ a ~- ~~~~ p~~.'~ NC Dept ofTransportation- NC Dept of TranSpoRation- Offiea of Human Environment Office of Natural Environment 1583 Mai( Service Center 1598 Mail Service Center 2728 Capital Boulevard 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleibh, NC 27699-1583 Ralei6tt, NC 27699-1598 ^ Pkase Reply ^ Pleaae Reeyck Fax ~urnbrr. 'll')-'1i-1522/I~1l1 ~C Table 8. Impacts to Streams and Ponds for TIP No. U-2524 AC Permit Site Stream Narne Drainage Type Surface Water Impact {ac} Surface Water Impact (Pond) {ac) Existing Lertgth (ft) Relocated Length (ft) Cbanue] Loss {ft) Mltlgation Required {ft) i UT ~ 9 Bull Run Perennial 0.02 n~'a 239 199 40 84 2 UT # 7 Bull Run UT # 6 Bull Run Perennial Intermittent 0.03 0.03 nla nJa 348 424 n!a n!a 398 424 796 424 3 UT ~ 5 Buil Run Intermittent 0.03 nla 317 60 257 257 4 Pond nla 2.10 nla nla n!a nla 5 Pond Na 0.32 n1a nla n1a n!a 6 UT #4 Bull Run Intermittent) Perennial 0.03 n/a 281 nla 281 562 7 Bull Run Perennial 0,05 nla 343 nla 343 58b 8 Pond a~a 4.04* nIa n!a n1a n/a 10 Pond and UT #2 Lon Branch Intermittent nla 0.04* nla nla n/a n(a 11 UT Long Branch Perennial 0.02 0.54 243 n/a 243 486 lBA UT t#3 Lvng Branch Perennial 0.02 0.42 43 n/a 43 86 2BA Long Branch Perennial 0.27 nta 1772 1772 0 0 Totals 0.52 3.37 4058 2031 2e29 3377 "*" denotes temporary impact Table 9. Impacts to Streams ant) Ponds per Project Section Project Section Surface Water Surface Water Impact (ac) Impact (Pond) (ac) Existing Length {ft) Relocated Length (ft) Ctiaaoel Loss {ft) Mitigaiioo Required {ft) AB Part I 0.96 0.07 4525 l 887 2637 814 AB 0.5? 0.48 2877 642 2186 3000 AC 0.52 3.37 4058 2031 2029 337? Totals 2.$5 3.92 11525 4610 6852 7191 Note: Mitigation Reguired is from NCDOT for impacts less mitigation previously provider) by NCW12P with TIP No. I-24fl2 project. August 13, 2003 ,~ ~1 r-' I RJ m m c.~ m z n d 0 -~ 0 z m i 0 m r tD ,~ r Vl s m ~~ Table 6. Impacts to Streams and Ponds for TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I Permit Site Stream Name Drainage Type Surface Water Impact (ac) Surface Water Impact (Pond) (ac} Existing Length (ft) Relocated Length {ft) Channel Loss {ft) Mitigation Required {ft} 7 UT I-Iickory Creek Perennial 0.57 Na 2402 952 1450' l7l 17 UT Hickory Creek Perennial O.i 5 n!a 67b n/a b76 G76 25 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.07 n(a 346 n/a 346* nJa 25b Pond n!a 0.07 n!a n!a rJa nla 28 UT;`lickoryCreek Perennial O.17 rJa 1100 935 1b5* (-33) Totsls 0.96 0.07 4525 1887 2637 814 "*" mitigation for channel loss originally provided by NCWRP antler T1P No. I-2402 A. Table 7. Impacts to Streams and Ponds for TIP No. U-2524 AB Permit Site Stream ]Name Drainage T}'pe Surface Water impact (ac) Surface Water Impact (Pond} (ac) Existing Length (ft) Relocated Leatgth (it} Cbannel lass (ft) Mitigatiofl Required (it} 2 UT South Bu#I'alo Creek Interrriit[cnt 0.05 U.48 213 0 213 0 3 UT #3 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.2b nla 958 692 26b 532 4 UT Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.18 n!a 591 n!a 591 1182 b lteddick's (;reek Perennial 0.03 nta 233 n~a 233 466 7 UT # 1 Reddiclc's Creek Perennial U.OI n!a 318 n/a 318 636 Intermittent n!a 184 n/a 184 l84 10 UT # 10 Bull Run Intermittent 0.04 n/a 381 n!a 381 nla Totals $.57 O.A8 28?? b92 2186 3~Otl August 13, 20Q3 D ~ C I r-' I N m W m 00 z n a 0 0 z m i 0 m N cn m 0 ~ ~ r m w m W