HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030909 Ver 1_Application_20030723«.srNCv ~~~~. ~.~~~,..~ o ~ o ~ a 9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY July 21, 2003 ~~' A~'~/M~ ~~~ U. S. Army Corps of Engineers U7lr 'N Raleigh Regulatory Field Office JU(, ~ y 703 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 120 ~,~nQUA~~ Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 A SECr~~N Attention: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Section 404/401 Individual Permit Application, Guilford County, Greensboro Western Urban Loop, from I-85 south of Groometown to south of I-40 interchange; Federal Aid Project No. STPNHF-NHF-124- 1(]); State Project No. 8.U492101; T1tR~N®: U-2524 AB & AC; USACE Action Id 199403906; $475.00 Debit work order 8.U492101, WBS Element 34820.1.2 Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to construct a portion of the Greensboro Western Urban Loop. The project lies in southwestern Guilford County. The proposed project involves construction of a four- to eight-lane freeway on new location. The purpose of this letter is to make application fora ~ --; Department of the Army permit (Section 404 Individual Permit) from the U.S. Army n =~ Corps of Engineers (USACE). Application is also made to the N.C. Division of Water ~-~ " ~~ r- Quality (NCDWQ) fora 401 Individual Water Quality Certification (WQC), Randleman U _~ Buffer Certification and Randleman Buffer Variance. This permit application concentrates upon two sections of TIP No. U-2524; Sections AB and AC. These sections involve 5.23 miles of road construction on new location. These sections are scheduled for letting in November 2003. This application package consists of the cover letter, a concurrence form, ENG Form 4345, 8'/a" x 11" permit drawings, figures noting the interchange of TIP Nos. I-2402A and U-2524 AB, Randleman Buffer Addendum, Randleman Buffer Variance request, Stormwater Management Plan, and half size plan sheets. Purpose and Need. Construction of TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC and AB Part I will improve east-west traffic and bypass travel around Greensboro. Construction of TIP No. U-2524 MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 $OUTH WILMINGTON STREET 159$ MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 AB/AC and AB Part I will complete connect with the I-85 Bypass of Greensboro and provide an I-40 Bypass of Greensboro. Summary of Impacts. Wetland and stream impacts fall under the jurisdiction of two regulations: the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) and the NC Isolated Wetlands Regulations. Impacts to Waters of the United States from construction TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC and AB Part I total 3.87 acres of fill in wetlands, 0.10 acre of excavation in wetlands, 0.17 acre of mechanized clearing in wetlands, 2.05 acres of fill in streams, 3.92 acres of fill ponds, and 11,525 feet of stream impacts. The NCDOT proposes to relocate 4,610 feet of stream on site resulting in an effective loss of 6,919 feet of stream. Construction of the road project will impact 20.46 acres of Zone 1 buffers and 11.79 acres of Zone 2 buffers. Summary of Compensatory Mitigation. The NCDOT will provide compensatory mitigation for 1.32 acres of wetlands and 7,171 feet of streams. These numbers reflect earlier compensatory mitigation for impacts performed by N.C. Wetland Restoration Program (NCWRP) for most of TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I. Compensatory mitigation for project related impacts to wetlands will be provided at Sandy Creek Wetland Mitigation Site and Blue Tract Mitigation Site in Moore County. Compensatory stream mitigation will be provided at Woodlyn Way, Tick Creek and UT Bear Creek. The total amount of compensatory buffer mitigation required for the proposed project is 60.26 acres (2624925.6 feet2). The NCDOT proposes to make a payment to NCWRP to compensate for these impacts. Project Schedule and History For funding and construction purposes, the project has been divided into seven sections. Table 1 contains information concerning the project section, proposed termini for each section as well as the let date for each section. Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page 2 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC Table 1. Information re ardin ro ect;sectioa~ terminus and iet-:dafes: Section Section Termini Let' Date AA SR 1546 (Guilford College Road), from South of SR 1541 September 1998 Wendover Road to North of SR 1560 Sa Road AB From North of I-85 near Groometown to North of High November 2003 Point Road AC From North of Norfolk Southern RR to south of I-40 November 2003 Interchan e BA From I-40 Interchange to North of SR 2147 (West July 2003 Friendl Avenue BB From North of SR 2147 (West Friendly Avenue) to North July 2003 of B an Boulevard C From Bryan Boulevard to SR 2340 (Old Battleground PY 2008 Road D From SR 2340 (Old Battleground Road) to SR 2303 PY 2008 (Lawndale Drive TIP No. U-2524 AA Section AA involved the relocation of a portion of SR 1546 (Guilford College Road) from south of SR 1541 (Wendover Avenue) to north of SR 1560 (Sapp Road) and the construction of a grade separation and interchange at relocated Guilford College Road and Wendover Avenue. This work had logical termini and independent utility from the remaining sections of TIP No. U-2524. This section of TIP No. U-2524 was authorized under a Section 404 Nationwide Permit 14 (USAGE Action Id 199820229, NCDWQ # 970498). TIP No. U-2524 AA was completed in January 2001. TIP No. U-2524 BA/BB Sections BA and BB were permitted together as these two sections had logical termini and independent utility from the remaining sections of TIP No. U-2524. These two section have been permitted under a Section 404 Individual Permit and 401 Individual WQC (USAGE Action Id 200221216, NCDWQ # 01-0318). TIP No. 1-2402 A and U-2524 AB A portion of the proposed project was previously permitted, but not constructed, and will be referred to as "TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I" in this permit application. This portion of the project is described in the following paral~raphs. A portion of the wetland and stream impacts now found within TIP No. U-2524 AB (Part I) were originally included in the Section 404/401 permit for TIP No. I-2402 A, B and C (USAGE Action Id 199502886 and NCDWQ # 98-0349). Figures 1-3 in Attachment A depict the sites impacted under the construction of TIP No. I-2402 A and those permitted, but not impacted, under TIP No. I-2402 A. Figures 4-6 in Attachment A Grcensbaro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page 3 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC show the roadway constructed under TIP No. I-2402 A and the road proposed for construction under TIP No. U-2524 AB (Part I). There were a total of fourteen (14) sites permitted under TIP No. I-2402 A which are proposed for impact under TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I. These sites include Sites 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24 and 25 in Section AA and Site 28 from TIP No. I- 2402 AB. The permit application for TIP No. I-2402 A included the "ultimate" build for the I-85 Bypass and listed these sites as being impacted in order to connect the I-85 Bypass with TIP No. U-2524 AB. However, the NCDOT only constructed the "interim" design for the I-85 Bypass, thereby not impacting these jurisdictional areas connecting the I-85 Bypass with TIP No. U-2524 AB. To construct the interim design, the NCDOT impacted portions of Sites 7 and 25. Figures 1-3 note sites impacted under TIP No. I-2402 A and those sites proposed for impact under TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I. These figures provide a lay out of how TIP No. I-2402 A and U-2524 AB connect. As noted earlier, a description of and mitigation strategy for these fourteen sites from TIP No. I-2402A are included with this permit application for TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC. These sites tota12.82 acres of impact to wetlands, 0.96 acre of surface waters (natural), 0.07 acre of surface water (pond), 4,525 feet of impact. In addition, there will be 1,887 feet of stream relocation using natural channel design. This action will result in an effective channel loss of 2,704 linear feet. The NCDOT mitigated these impacts by paying into the NCWRP. This portion of the proposed project previously permitted, but not constructed, will be referred to as "TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I" in this permit application. NEPA Documentation The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Greensboro Western Urban Loop was approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on June 4, 1991. The Final EIS for the subject project was signed by FHWA on February 28, 1995. These documents have been distributed to resource agencies for their review. The Record of Decision (ROD) was approved on August 17, 1995. Independent Utility and Logical Termini The projects are in compliance with 23 CFR Part 771.111(f) which lists the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) characteristics of independent utility of a project: (1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope; (2) The project is usable and a reasonable expenditure, even if no additional transportation improvements are made in the area; (3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Pagc 4 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC The proposed construction of Greensboro Western Outer Loop, involving Sections AB Part I, AB and AC, has independent utility from the remaining section of the project. These sections can be considered independent of the remaining section because it meets the objectives of "independent utility" as defined by the FHWA: The NCDOT believes TIP No. U-2524 AB and AC meets the USACE f'or logical termini as presented above. At a minimization meeting June 15, 2000, the USACE agreed with NCDOT's assessment that it may apply for a Section 404 Individual Permit for the referenced sections (AB and AC) since these sections represented logical termini. Avoidance/ minimization steps were also performed for these two sections in conjunction with Sections BA and BB. Sections BA and BB have been permitted thus this Section 404 permit application only involves Sections AB and AC. Indirect and Cumulative Impacts Evaluation The NCDOT has completed an indirect and cumulative effect (ICE) evaluation entitled Indirect and Cumulatil~e Impact Study, dated June 2003. Copies of this document were transmitted the the DWQ on July 2, 2003. Additional copies are attached to this application.This report was a qualitative evaluation of the indirect and cumulative effect and will be referred to in this application as an ICE. The ICE evaluation is qualitative because the Randleman Buffer Rules already exist for almost all of the land affected by proposed road project. This was confirmed in a DWQ memorandum from John Dorney to Coleen Sullins dated May 2, 2002. The ICE documented that Hickory Creek (found in Section AB Part I) and unnamed tributaries to South Buffalo Creek (found in Section AB) are 303(d) list streams. A copy of this study is attached to permit application for the USACE and NCDWQ. The ICI concludes that notable changes in land use patterns are not expected to result from construction of the road project. The City of Greensboro has implemented plans, programs and regulations to protect and improve the city's lakes and streams. The City of High Point has also adopted regulations to protect water quality. With these existing ordinances and regulations, construction of the road project will not result in indirect and cumulative impacts that will adversely affect water quality (ICI, 2003). Federally Protected Species There were no federally protected species listed by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) when the referenced NEPA documents were completed. However, the USFWS now lists the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) for Guilford County. The bald eagle is listed as Threatened-Proposed for Delisting. The NCDOT has concluded that construction of the proposed project will not affect the bald eagle. The basis of this decision lies with the fact that none of the three variables for habitat (close proximity and clear flight path to water, largest living tree and open view of surrounding area) exist within the project right of way. Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application I'agc 5 of 17 "I'IP No. U-2524 AB/AC Cultural Resources The NCDOT has complied with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. There are no archaeological sites located in the project impact areas eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. It has also been determined by State Historic Preservation Office that the proposed project will not affect properties found National Register list or eligible for the list. FEMA The proposed project does cross floodplains and floodways which are regulated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) therefore no coordination was necessary. The NCDOT committed in the FEIS to designing the project such that floodways can carry the 100-year flood without increasing the flood water elevation more than one foot at any given point. Wild and Scenic River There are no waterways in the proposed project impact area having this classification. Impacts to Waters of the United States Impacts to waters of the United States cannot be avoided in order to construct the proposed project (TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC and AB Part I). Road construction will result in 3.87 acres of fill in wetlands, 0.10 acres of excavation in wetlands, 0.17 acre of mechanized clearing in wetlands, 2.05 acres of fill in surface waters (natural), 3.92 acres of fill in surface waters (pond) and 11,525 feet of stream impacts. The NCDOT will relocate 4,610 feet of stream, resulting in a stream loss of 6,919 feet. The proposed project lies in the Cape Fear River Basin. All of TIP No. U-2524 AB Part and AC, as well as most all of TIP No. U-2524 AB, lie in Hydrologic Unit (HU) 03030003. The two exceptions are Sites 1 and 2 of Section AB; these two sites are located in HU 03030002. The NCDOT has conducted wetland and stream delineations for TIP No. U-2524 AB and AC, as well as TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I. All wetland determinations were performed using criteria outlined in 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. The wetland delineation for Section AB Part was completed in fall 1996. The delineations for Sections AB and AC were conducted from July 22- September 1, 1998 and from March 22-23, 1999. These delineations have been confirmed by the USACE. The stream delineation for all these sections was conducted using guidance provided by NCDWQ, "Field location of streams, ditches and ponding: Revision Number Six, Working Draft, dated February 10, 1997." The stream delineation for Section AB Part I was completed in December 1997/Janary 1998. Stream delineations for Section Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Pale G of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC AB and AC were conducted during summer 1999. These delineations have been confirmed by the USAGE. Wetland Impacts Tables 2-4 describes the wetlands impacted by TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC and AB Part I. This table includes information related to wetland impact site number, wetland community, Division of Environmental Management (DEM) rating, and amount/type of wetlands impacted. The DEM rating reflects a wetland evaluation using the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) Guidance for Rating the Values of Wetlands in North Carolina (4`" Version). Table 5 provides a breakdown of wetland community types impacted and wetland community types for each project section. 2 .~Z Section AB Part 1. The total wetland impact for this section of the project ism acres. The two predominant wetland community types are emergent seeps and headwater forests. There is also a bottomland hardwood wetland community that will be impacted. A portion of the wetland system at Site 25 was impacted by construction of TIP No. I-2402A. The total wetland impact under TIP No. I-2402A was 1.02 acres, and, of this amount, 0.64 acres will be impacted with TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I. A comparison of wetland acreages between TIP No. I-2402 A and U-2524 AB Part I revealed a decrease between 0.025-0.07 acre (0.01-0.03 hectare) and an increase of 0.025 acre (0.01 hectare) for several sites. These sites decreasing in the acreage by 0.025 acre include Sites 17 and 21 with Site 14 decreasing by 0.07 acre for Site 14. The increase in acreage (0.025 acre) was for Sites 11 and 13.The net change for these sites between the summary sheets (and for this section) is a decrease of 0.05 acre. The change in these site impacts can be attributed to the use of computer assistance through Microstation now versus the use of a planimeter when the 404/401 permit application was made for TIP No. I-2402A. Section AB, There are two jurisdictional wetland sites in this section totaling 0.13 acres. Site 1 is located in HU 03030002 and involves impacts to an old pond that has been drained. The vegetation in this wetland is primarily herbaceous including spotted touch me not (Impatiens capensis) and false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica) with black willow (Salix nigra), elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) and silky dogwood (Corpus amomum) present along the edge of the old pond. . • Site 2: This is an alluvial wetland system located downstream of the Hester Park Dam. This small wetland includes vegetation of tag alder (A)nus serrulata), spotted touch me not and sweet-gum (Liquidambar styraciflua). Site 9: This 0.21 acres pond that will be drained by the project. This system is an isolated wetland that has been logged. The site had a DEM rating of 32 and a Cowardin classification of PFO1J (palustrine deciduous forested wetland system that is intermittently flooded). The USAGE has determined it does not have jurisdiction over the wetland system at Site 9 and is exempt Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page 7 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC' from the NC Isolated Wetland Regulations because the 30% Design (hydraulic design) for these two sections of the road project was completed in December 1999, prior to enactment of NCAC 2H.1301.f.5.C. Section AC. There are two wetland sites in Section AC, Sites 9 and 1B, and these impacts total 1.19 acres. The wetland community types for these two sites are an old, drained pond and a beaver impoundment. • Site 9: This is a drained pond located near the existing interchange of Wendover Road/High Point Road. Vegetation is dominated by carex (Carex sp.), lobelia (Lobelia puberla), beak rush (Rhychospera sp.), and rush (Juncus effusus). • Site 1 BA: This is a beaver impoundment and former headwater forest. Vegetation associated with this wetland includes black willow, tag alder, false nettle, and rush. The beaver dam is located downstream from the project area. The NCDOT plans to remove the beaver dam as part of project construction. Stream Impacts The proposed project predominantly crosses streams within the Randleman Lake Reservoir although there is one crossing, an unnamed tributary (UT) to South Buffalo Creek, that is not within this watershed. Tables 6-8 describes proposed stream impacts, including site number, stream name, drainage type, surface water impact (natural), surface water impact (pond), existing stream length, relocated stream length, channel loss and amount of compensatory mitigation required. Table 9 summarizes impacts to streams and ponds for each project section. Section AB Part I. Impacts to streams in this section of the project involve Hickory Creek and its unnamed tributaries, all part of HU 03030003. There are 0.96 acres of stream impacts, 0.07 acres of pond impacts, and 4,590 feet of stream impact. The NCDOT proposes to relocate 1,887 feet of stream; thus the effective stream loss in this section will be 2,704 feet. The NCDOT has previously mitigated for Site 7 at a ratio of 1:1 because of the poor quality of the stream. It flowed through a cow pasture and was heavily impacted by livestock. The NCDOT mitigated at a ratio of 2:1 for Sites 25 and 28. There are now additional stream impacts at Sites 7 (171 feet) and 17 (676 feet) for which NCDOT needs to account with Section AB Part I. The compensatory mitigation required for AB Part I is 814 feet. • Site 7: At Site 7, the stream loss at the site has been revised, from 1,123 feet to 952 feet. The stream flows through a livestock pasture and is poor in quality from access to livestock over the years; therefore, a mitigation ratio of 1:1 was used for the 404.401 application for TIP No. I-2402 A. There were two stream impacts through Loop A and between Loop C and I1 Fly which were Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page K of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC counted toward stream relocation under TIP No. I-2402A. The stream length totaled 171 feet (52 m). Therefore, the correct total of relocation at Site 7 is 952 feet, and the NCDOT needs to mitigate (1:1 ratio as it mitigated previously) for an additional 171 feet of compensatory mitigation at this site. • Site 17: In the 404/401 permit application for Site 17 for TIP No. I-2402 A, there was not a stream impact. The NCDOT has revised its characterization of the stream and determined the drainage to be a perennial stream. The project will impact 676 feet. A mitigation ratio of 1:1 is proposed for this stream reach because the stream has low quality since it has been degraded by livestock access over the years. • Site 25At Site 25, the stream was good in quality and NCDOT mitigated for impacts at a 2:1 ratio for impacts under TIP No. I-2402 A. The channel relocation and most of the culvert construction has been completed under the previous road work. The portion of Site 25 that remains to be constructed is the remaining culvert which will impact 346 feet. • Site 28: At this site we installed a pipe and approximately 377 feet (115 m) of stream relocation under TIP No. I-2402A. The total amount of stream relocation proposed under TIP No. I-2402A was 1280 feet. Under TIP No. U- 2524 AB Part I, the NCDOT proposes to relocate 935 feet. Therefore, the NCDOT will relocate 33 feet more than it had originally planned under the TIP No. 1-2402A permit. The increase in footage can be attributed to meanders incorporated into the stream relocation design for this permit application. The NCDOT proposes to apply the "additional" 33 feet toward its compensatory mitigation needs for this section of the project. Section AB. The predominant stream crossed in this section of the proposed project is Reddick's Creek. There are also three UT's to Reddick's Creek traversed, as well as a UT to South Buffalo Creek and a UT to Bull Run. Impacts to streams total 0.57 acres of stream impacts, 0.48 acres of pond impacts, and 2,877 feet of existing stream impact. The NCDOT will relocate 692 feet of stream, thus there will be an effective 2,186 feet of stream channel loss on Section AB. • Site 2: This section involves an UT to South Buffalo Creek (intermittent) and lies in HU 03030002. This reach was determined to not have ecological sigmificance, thereby not requiring mitigation. These impacts are 213 feet of stream impact, 0.05 acre surface water impacts (natural) and 0.48 surface water (pond). • Sites 3,4,6, and 7: The NCDOT will mitigate at a ratio of 2:1 for Sites 3, 4, 6 and for that portion of Site 7 that is perennial. The intermittent portion of Site 7 will be mitigated at a ratio of 1:1. Sites 3, 4, 6 and 7 (perennial) are decent to good quality streams with a riparian buffer. Sites 7 (intermittent) is ecologically significant, although lacks a buffer and has livestock impacts. The total compensatory mitigation needed for Section AB is 2,980 feet. Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page 9 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/A(' Section AC. Long Branch and Bull Run are the predominate streams traversed by this section of the proposed road project. There are also five crossings of UTs to Bull Run and two crossing of UT's to Long Branch. There are 0.52 acres of stream impacts, 3.37 acres of pond impacts, and 4,058 linear feet of jurisdictional stream impact. As part of project construction, 2,031 feet of stream relocation will be performed resulting in an effective channel loss of 2,029 feet in Section AC. The NCDOT proposes to mitigate, at a ratio of 2:1 for Sites 1, 2, 6, 7, 11 and 1 BA, and at a ratio of 1:1 for Site 3. Sites 1, 2, 6, 7, 11 and 1 BA are decent to good quality streams with a riparian buffer. Site 3 is ecologically significant, although the intermittent stream is very entrenched and not connected with its floodplain. The total compensatory stream mitigation needed for Section AC is 3,377 feet. MITIGATION The USACE had adopted, through the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), a wetland mitigation policy that embraces the concept of "no net loss of wetlands" and sequencing. The purpose of this policy is to restore and maintain the chemical, biological, and physical integrity of the Waters of the United States. Mitigation of wetland and surface water impacts has been defined by the CEQ to include: avoiding impacts, minimizing impacts, rectifying impacts, reducing impacts over time and compensating for impacts (40 CFR 1508.20). Executive Order 11990 (Protection of Wetlands) and Department of Transportation Order 5660.1 A (Preservation of the Nations Wetlands), emphasize protection of the functions and values provided by wetlands. These directives require that new construction in wetlands be avoided as much as possible and that all practicable measures are taken to minimize or mitigate impacts to wetlands. The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and NEPA compliance stages; minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. Avoidance and Minimization An avoidance/minimization meeting was held with USACE, NCDWQ, North Carolina Wildlife Resource (NCWRC) and USFWS. This meeting, held June 15, 2000, involved reviewing wetlands and streams within the corridor for the Greensboro Western Urban Loop (Sections A & B). Concurrence. The agencies concurred at the end of the meeting that the NCDOT had minimized wetlands and stream impacts to the maximum extent practicable. The NCDOT agreed to use natural stream channel techniques to design stream relocations. Supporting documentation regarding characteristics of relocation channels can be found in the attached permit drawings. Attached to this letter is a copy of the concurrence formed by the project team members (USACE, EPA, USFWS, NCDWQ, and NCWRC) (Attachment B). Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page 10 of 17 T-P No. U-2524 AB/AC Avoidance: • The NCDOT delineated 13.17 acres of wetlands within the l 000-foot corridor proposed for the road project. The NCDOT was able to avoid l 1.85 acres of wetlands by placing the Urban Loop alignment as proposed for construction. • Wetland W 1 near I-40 as described in the EIS will be completely avoided. Minimization: • Long Branch Relocation (Section AC, Site 2BA). Of particular concern to the agencies was the proposed piping of Long Branch at the proposed Urban Loop/I-40 interchange (Section AC, Site 2BA). This impact and relocation is found on permit drawings for Section AC, Sheets 32-35 of 36, Station 101.80- L- to 12+20-Ramp D-. Due to the substantial amount of channel impacts associated with this stream, the agencies suggested the NCDOT relocate and employ natural stream channel techniques when designing the channel relocation at this site. Natural stream channel techniques has been used in the relocation desigm. Construction of the relocated channel will be in the dry and was included with the design plans for TIP No. U-2524BA. The decision to include construction of the relocated channel in TIP No. U-2524 BA was made to provide a new, stabilized stream channel capable of receiving water near the time of construction for TIP No. U-2524 AC as Sections BA and AC connect with one another. The NCDOT will be replanting 1.21 acres of Zone 1 (within 30 feet of the stream's top of bank) and 0.74 acres of Zone 2 (within 20 of the stream's top of bank). Vegetation to be planted includes black willow (Salix nigra), silky dogwood (Corms amomum), green ashe (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sycamore (Plantus accidcntalis), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tuliperifera), and river birch (Betula nigra). • UT #3 Reddick's Creek. The proposed road project has been placed on top of UT #3 Reddick's Creek (Section AB, Site 3) in order to fit between two housing developments. This impact is located on Sheets Sand l 0 of 26, Station No. 34+00 to 37+10 -L-. The NCDOT has minimized impacts to the stream by relocating it south of the proposed roadway. The NCDOT could not place the stream entirely into a relocated channel due to topographic constraints on the site. Relocating the entire stream in a new channel would have led to severe cuts to, and the taking of, highly valued property to accommodate the relocation and associated floodplain. The resource agencies agreed to this minimization technique at this site. The NCDOT will be replanting 0.67 acres of Zone 1 (within 30 feet of the stream's top of bank) and 0.44 acres of Zone 2 (within 20 of the stream's top of bank). Vegetation to be planted includes black willow (Salix nigra), silky dogwood (Corms amomum), green ashe (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sycamore (Plantus accidentalis), tulip poplar (Liriodcndron tuliperifera), and river birch (Betula nigra). • All box culvert have been buried one foot. As a result there will be no impacts to aquatic life movements. Greensboro Wcstcni Urban Loop .luly 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page I I of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AE3/AC • NCDOT commits to planting 50-foot wooded buffers on each side of all stream relocations where allowable considering design constraints and safety. • The NCDOT met with Ms. Beth Barnes of NCDWQ and you on February 12, 2003. At this meeting, we reviewed the project's plan view, minimization efforts and the connection of TIP No. I-2402 A with U-2524 AB. There were no additional comments from either the DWQ or the USACE about NCDOT's minimization efforts at this meeting. Compensatory Mitigation The NCDOT recognizes its need to provide compensation for wetland and stream impacts. The NCDOT proposes the following mitigation strategy to compensate for these impacts. Vicinity maps of these mitigation sites have been attached to this permit application (Appendix C). Strategy for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation The NCDOT proposes the following strategy to mitigate for wetland impacts associated with the project. Compensatory mitigation for wetlands will be provided for through payment to NCWRP and at two wetland mitigation sites: Sandy Creek and Blue Tract. NCWRP. As noted earlier in this permit application, the NCDOT has previously paid the NCWRP to mitigate for wetland impacts in TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I. There has been no increase in the amount of wetland mitigation requirements for TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I. Im ap ct~mitigated by NCWRP for this section of the project tota12.82 acres. _.-..n-_......_ . __ _.__.--~....___-...~.-._.a- Sandy Creek Mitigation Site. The NCDOT distributed the mitigation planning document for this site to the resource agencies in a letter dated April 7, 1999. This 12 acre site is located in Randolph County (HU 03030003). The site involved restoring 10 acres of bottomland hardwood forest. The NCDOT constructed and planted the mitigation site during Spring 2001. The groundwater monitoring gauges were installed prior to 2001 growing season. The gauge data gathered to date indicate that all gauges meet groundwater hydrology of greater than 11 % for 2001 growing season. The gauge data for this site were included with the Section 404/401 permit application for Sanford Bypass (TIP No. R-2417). The NCDOT proposes to use 1.32 acres of mitigation from Sandy Creek to satisfy its compensatory wetland mitigation requirements for wetland impacts associated with TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC in HU 03030003. The site has been used twice: 2.2 acres for Sanford Bypass project (TIP No. R-2417) (USACE Id 200220899 and NCDWQ 00-1432), and 0.79 acres for Greensboro Western Urban Loop (TIP No. U-2524BA/BB) (USACE Action Id 200221216, NCDWQ # 01-0318). Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Pagc 12 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC Blue Tract. To satisfy the remaining required compensatory mitigation, the NCDOT proposes to use preservation credits from Blue Tract Mitigation Site. The Blue Tract lies in Moore County (HU 0303004), an adjacent HU. The NCDOT distributed the mitigation plan in June 2001. The NCDOT has discussed the preservation concept and ratios with the agencies. The agencies approved the preservation and mitigation ratios and deleted any mitigation credit for preserving streams on the site. This mitigation site includes 64 acres of cypress-gum swamp preservation and 84.8 acres of bottomland hardwood preservation. The NCDOT recognizes its proposal to use the Blue Tract lies outside of the impacted basin of HU 03030003. However, the NCDOT believes the quality of these wetland preserved on this tract is very high, much higher than those being impacted by the proposed road project. Justification for using this mitigation sites lies in the fact that the NCDOT has also worked diligently to identify, purchase and restore wetlands in HU 03030003. However, the NCDOT's efforts to identify, purchase and restore wetlands in this HU have yielded very little available land for wetland mitigation. The NCDOT's efforts to identify wetland mitigation in HU 03030003 were chronicled in the original Section 404/401 permit application for TIP No. U-2524 BA/BB (August 2001). The NCDOT proposes a higher acreage amount of mitigation at the Blue Tract. The NCDOT and resource agencies agreed to 8:1 ratio for the site when meeting all mitigation needs for a particular project; therefore, the NCDOT suggests using a ratio of 12:1 for the bottomland hardwood community to compensate for wetland impacts for this road project. The NCDOT proposes to use 7.92 acres of mitigation from the Blue Tract to satisfy its compensatory wetland mitigation requirements for wetland impacts associated with TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC in HU 03030003. The site has been used twice: • 9.48 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands for Greensboro Western Urban Loop (TIP No. U-2524 BA/BB) (USAGE Action Id 200221216, NCDWQ # 01-0318). • 11.05 acres of bottomland hardwood for Sanford Bypass (TIP No. R-2417) ) (USAGE Id 200220899 and NCDWQ 00-1432). The NCDOT proposes to debit 7.92 acres of the bottomland hardwood preservation component from Blue Tract as compensatory mitigation for impacts from Greensboro Western Urban Loop (TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC). Strategy, for Compensatory Stream Mitigation The NCDOT proposes the following strategy to mitigate for stream impacts associated with the project. The NCDOT needs to mitigate for 7,171 feet. Compensatory mitigation for streams will be provided for at three mitigation sites: Woodlyn Way, Tick Greensboro Western Urban Loop .luly 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page 13 of 17 'TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC' Creek and UT Bear Creek. Vicinity maps of these mitigation sites have been attached to this permit application. Table 10 summarizes mitigation provided for this road project. Table 10. Mitigation' Sites far Stream Ympacts Site Name:... ~ Available Miti anon Miti anon Used Mitigation ' Remainin Woodl Wa 1,195 1,195 0 Tick Creek 4,190 4,190 0 UT Bear Creek 3,850 1,786 2,064 Total 9,23 5 7,171 2,064 Woodlyn Way On-Site Mitigation. This stream mitigation site lies in Guilford County and abuts the proposed project in Section AC. The NCDOT completed a mitigation plan dated January 2002. The mitigation plan was discussed at meeting with the resource agencies on February 7, 2002, and meeting minutes have been provided to the agencies. There were no major changes to the plan except a comment from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the mitigation credits which are 1150 feet of restoration (1:1 ratio) and 45 feet of enhancement (1:1.5 ratio) with a total mitigation footage of 1180 feet. However, the NCDOT believes full restoration credit is warranted as the mitigation involves a Rosgen Priority I project and a total mitigation footage of 1195 feet. The NCDOT provided 60% Design Plans of the mitigation site to the resource agencies for their review. The NCDOT summarized comments in a memorandum to the resource agencies dated November 25, 2002. The NCDOT has completed the design for the project. The NCDOT will construct the site after completion of the roadway project has been completed. The NCDOT proposes to use the entire mitigation site to provide mitigation for the Greensboro Western Urban Loop. Tick Creek Mitigation Site. The Tick Creek Mitigation Site lies in Chatham County (HU 03030003). The project involves enhancing/preserving 3,733 feet of Tick Creek, which has several rare mussel species, and conducting a Rosgen Priority I restoration (2,946 feet) for an unnamed tributary of Tick Creek. The NCDOT described the mitigation project in a mitigation plan developed for the site and dated September 2002. An on-site meeting was held on September 25, 2002 to review the proposed mitigation plan. Comments on the mitigation plan were distributed in a memorandum distributed to meeting participants and dated April 11, 2003. There were no major comments affecting the proposed project. The NCDOT will receive 1,244 feet of credit (3:1 ratio) for enhancing/preserving Tick Creek and 2,946 feet of credit for Priority I restoration of the unnamed tributary of Tick Creek. Total mitigation available at the site is 4,190 feet of stream footage. The NCDOT provided 60% design plans for agency review and discussed the plans with the resource agencies on April 15, 2003. There were no major changes in the Greensboro Western Urban Loop J°ly 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page 14 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC desi~m from the mitigation plan, and the NCDOT did not receive any comments from the agencies which changed the design. The NCDOT has finalized the design plans and intends to construct the project late Summer/Fall 2003 and to plant the site after construction of the stream project is completed. The NCDOT intends to apply all the mitigation available at Tick Creek toward the Greensboro Western Urban Loop (TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC). UT Bcar Creek Mitigation Sitc. This mitigation site lies in Chatham County (HU 03030003). The project involves restoring a 3,850 feet of stream (2,150 feet UT Bear Creek and 1,700 feet UT1 Bear Creek). The NCDOT described the mitigation project in a mitigation plan developed for the site and dated June 2003. The NCDOT and the resource agencies reviewed the mitigation plan on June 18, 2003. There were no major changes or concerns about the mitigation plan. There were minor suggestions on the plan regarding the placement of stream crossings for vehicles and livestock. The NCDOT has begun working to developing design plans for the stream mitigation project. The NCDOT intends to review the design plans with the resource agencies at 60% Design. The construction schedule for the site is Fa11 2004 with planting to follow construction of the stream restoration project. The NCDOT will use 1,786 feet of mitigation from UT Bear Creek. There will be 2,064 feet of mitigation remaining. Randleman Buffers The proposed road project impacts an area protected by the Randleman Buffer Rules. The NCDOT has attached to this 404/401 permit application information relevant to impacts to these buffers, entitled "Randleman Buffer Addendum" (Appendix D). Construction of the road project will impact 20.46 acres of Zone l buffers and 11.79 acres of Zone 2 buffers. The NCDOT also requests a variance to the Randleman Buffer Rules. The NCDOT cannot meet the objectives of the Randleman Buffer Rules at two sites, Sites 7 and 28 in TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I. At these two sites, the roadway project lies parallel to the two stream reaches. The variance request is attached to this Section 404/401 permit application (Appendix E). Regulatory Approval Application is hereby made for a Department of the Army Section 404 Individual Permit for the above-described activities. The proposed action also necessitates Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification, Randleman Buffer Rule certificate, and a Greensboro Western Urban Loop .luly 15,2003 Section 404/401 Pcnnit Application Page I S of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AE3/AC' Randleman Buffer Rule Variance. In compliance with Section 143-215.3D(e) of the North Carolina Administrative Code, the NCDOT asks NCDWQ to debit electronically $475.00 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit application as previously noted in this application (see Subject line). Seven copies of this application are also provided to the NCDWQ for their review. The NCDOT appreciates the USACE's assistance through the avoidance/ minimization process. If you have any questions about this permit application, please contact Mr. Phillip Todd at (919) 715-1467. Sincerely, Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Environmental Management Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch cc: Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ (7 copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Ms. Kathy Matthews, USEPA Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. John F. Sullivan, III, FHWA Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Omar Sultan, Programming and TIP Ms. Debbie Barbour, P.E., Highway Design Mr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. J.M. Mills, P.E., Division Engineer Mr. Jerry Parker, Division 7 DEO Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington (Cover Letter Only) Greensboro Western Urban Loop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page 16 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC Table 2. Impacts to Wetlands from TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I Permit Site Wetland Community Cowardin Classification DEM Rating Fill (ac) Excavation (ac) Mechanized Clearing (ac) Total Wetland Impact (ac) 8 headwater,~emergent seep PFO 1 BiPEM2B 28 0.20 rv'a m~a 0.20 11 emergent see PEM2B 28 0.07 n%a n/a 0.07 12 emergent see PEM2B 28 0.02 n/a 0.02 0.04 13 emergent see PEM2B 33 0.12 n/a n/a 0.12 14 headwater/emer ent see PFOI B/PEM2B 33 1.06 n/a n/a 1.06 I S emergent see PEM2B 28 0.05 n/a n/a 0.05 16 headwater/emergent seep PFO l B/PEM2B 28 0.20 n/a n/a 0.20 17 headwater forest PFO 1 C 33 0.12 n/a n%a 0.12 21 headwater forest PFO 1 C 46 0.12 rv'a n,~a 0.12 23 headwater forest PFO 1 C 29 0.17 n~a n,'a 0.17 24 headwater forest PFO 1 C 16 0.03 n,'a rv'a 0.03 25 bottomland hardwood forest PFOIC 81 0.59 n/a 0.05 0.64 Totals 2.75 0.00 0.07 2.82 Note: PFO I Bdenotes palustrine, broad-leaved deciduous forest, that is saturated. PEM2B denotes palustrine, emergent vegetation that is saturated. PFO 1 C denotes palustrine, broad-leaved deciduous forest, that is seasonally saturated. Table 3. Impacts to Wetlands from TIP No. U-2524 AB Permit Site Wetland Community Cowardin Classification DEM Rating Fill (ac) Excavation (ac) Mechanized Clearing (ac) Total Wetland Impact (ac) I emergent (old pond) PEM 1 B 61 0.10 n/a n/a 0.10 2 alluvial forest PFO1C 55 0.03 n/a n/a 0.03 6 headwater forest PFO I C 51 ni a ni a <0.01 <0.01 Totals 0.03 0.10 0.00 0.13 Note: PEM 1 B denotes palustrine, persistent emergent wetland system that is saturated. PFO1C denotes palustrine deciduous forested wetland system that is seasonally flooded. July 2003 Table 4. Impacts to Wetlands from T1P No. U-2524 AC Permit Site Cowardin Classification DEM Rating Fill (ac) Excavation (ac) Mechanized Clearing (ac) Total Wetland Impact (ac) 9 emergent (old ond) PEM1B 80 0.97 n/a 0.10 1.07 1 BA beaver impoundment PFO 1 Hb 61 0.12 n/a n/a 0.12 Totals 1.09 0.00 0.10 1.19 Note: PEM 1 B denotes palustrine, persistent emergent wetland system that is saturated. PFO 1 Hb denotes palustrine deciduous forested wetland system that is permanently flooded due to beavers. Table 5. Wetland Community Type Impacts by Project Section Wetland Community Type Section AB (Part I) Section AB Section AC TotalImpact per Type (ac) Emergent 0.28 0.10 1.07 1.45 EmergentJheadwater 1.46 rv'a n/a 1.46 Headwater forest 0.44 <0.01 n/a 0.44 Bottomland Hardwood 0.64 n/a n/a 0.64 Alluvial forest n/a 0.03 n/a 0.03 Beaver impoundment n/a n/a 0.12 0.12 Total Impact per Section 2.82 0.13 1.19 4.13 July 2003 Table 6. Impacts to Streams and Ponds for TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I Permit Site Stream Name Drainage Type Surface Water Impact (ac) Surface Water Impact (Pond) (ac) Existing Length (ft) Relocated Length (ft) Channel Loss (ft) Mitigation Required (ft) 7 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.~7 n/a 2402 952 1450* 171 17 UT Hickor}~ Creek Perennial 0.1~ n/a 676 n/a 676 676 25 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.07 n/a 346 n/a 346* n%a 25b Pond n/a 0.07 n/a n/a n/a n/a 28 UT Hickory Creek Perennial 0.17 n/a 1100 935 165* (-33) Totals 0.96 0.07 4525 1887 2704 814 "*" mitigation for channel loss originally provided by NCWRP under TIP No. I-2402 A. Table 7. Impacts to Streams and Ponds for TIP No. U-2524 AB Permit Site Stream Name Drainage Type Surface Water Impact (ac) Surface Water Impact (Pond) (ac) Existing Length (ft) Relocated Length (ft) Channel Loss (ft) Mitigation Required (ft) 2 UT South Buffalo Creek Intermittent 0.05 0.48 213 0 213 0 3 UT +3 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.26 n/a 958 692 266 532 4 UT Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.18 n/a 591 n/a 591 1182 6 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.03 n/a 233 n/a 233 446 7 UT ~ 1 Reddick's Creek Perennial 0.01 n/a 318 n/a 318 636 Intermittent n/a 184 n~a 184 184 10 UT #10 Bull Run Intermittent 0.04 n/a 381 n/a 381 n/a Totals 0.57 0.48 2877 692 2186 2980 July 2003 RANDLEMAN BUFFER ADDENDUM The purpose of this addendum is to provide the N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) with the information needed to evaluate the impacts of the project on the Randleman Basin Riparian Buffer areas. [n addition, we are presenting material in this addendum to illustrate that the project has been designed to comply with the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed: Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas (15A NCAC 02B .0250). Therefore, we request that the NCDWQ issue an Authorization Certificate for the proposed use. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to construct a portion of the Greensboro Western Urban Loop. The proposed project involves construction of a four- to eight-lane freeway on new location. The majority of the proposed project lies in Hydrologic Unit 03030003. Coordination wish Rcrsonnel from NCDWQ and City of Greensboro The personnel from NCDOT Hydraulics Unit met with representatives from NCDWQ Winston-Salem Regional office on October 18, 2000 to discuss Randleman Buffer Rules. In an attached e-mail from Mr. Larry Coble of NCDWQ, the NCDOT had met the minimum criteria for Randleman Buffer Rules. Mr. Coble stated that the NCDOT needed to receive official approval from local governments regarding compliance with Randlemen Buffer Rules. The NCDOT contacted the City of Greensboro regarding compliance with Randleman Rules. The City of Greensboro reviewed the drainage plans and "offer(ed) only a few recommendations" to the NCDOT with respect to Randleman Buffer Rules. A cr~py of this letter from the City of Greensboro, dated June 14, 2001, and a copy of NCDOT's response to recommendations, have been attached to this permit application. Since the coordination with NCUWQ field personnel and City of Greensboro staff, the NCDOT has met with NCDWQ central office staff to review the project. Coordination with NCDWQ staff occurred in June 2003. The NCDO'T' Hydraulics Unit and Project Development and Environmental Development staff reviewed and discussed the design and location of the structures with NCDWQ personnel to accomplish this goal as practicably as possible Randleman I3uffcr Rule lmpacls Due to the nature of this project, impacts to the riparian buffer of Reddick's Creek, Bull Run, Long Branch and their unnamed tributaries, as well as unnamed tributaries of Ifickory Creek, are unavoidable. The NCDOT has minimized impacts to the streams and adjacent buffers by relocating streams in several areas and providing on-site buffer areas for these relocated streams. Vegetation to be planted includes black willow (Salix nigru), silky dogwood (Cornu.ti~ amomum), green ashe (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sycamore (I'luntus accidenlalis), tulip poplar (I,iriodendron tuli~erifera), and river birch (I3c~ulu niKra). Calculations for impacts to the Randleman Buffer Addendum Page I of 'fIP No. U-2524 AB/AC July 2003 buffer, available on-site mitigation and compensatory mitigation needs are presented in the attached tables (Tables 1 A-6A). The NCDOT's avoidance and minimization of impacts to streams and wetlands (which are discussed previously in the "Mitigation" section of the Section 404/401 permit application) by default represent avoidance and minimization of impacts to buffers. Drainage flowing in the general direction of the regulated buffers was handled so the 50-foot buffer zone would not be directly impacted. It was the goal of the NCDOT to have the project designed so that the effects of the drainage would not result in water quality impacts to the waters of the Randleman sub basin as required by the Randleman Basin regulations. Total impacts to buffers are 20.46 acres to Zone 1 and 11.79 acres to Zone 2. The NCDOT will provide on-site buffer at several impact sites, including Site 7 in Section AB Part I, Site 3 in Section AB and Sites 1 and 3 in Section AC), through the stream relocations proposed at these sites. The NCDO7' will provide 2.36 acres of Lone 1 on-site buffer mitigation and 1.58 acres of Zone 2 buffer mitigation. Within the Section 404/401 permit package is a summary of the NCDO'I' proposal to handle stormwater discharges on TIP No. t1-2524 AB Part I and notations for handing stormwater are found on the permit drawings for TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC. Compensatory Mitigation for Buffer Impacts The NCDOT has applied the appropriate ratios of 3 and 1.5 to buffer impacts minus the on-site mitigation. The total amount of buffer mitigation required for the proposed project is 60.26 acres (2624925.6 feet2). Based on a cost of 0.97 cents per square foot, the NCDO"T will pay $ 2,546,177.83 to the WRP to provide the necessary buffer mitigation for this project. TablelA . Impacts to Randleman Buffer for TIP No. t,'-2524 ABl Site No. Road Crossing Parallel Zone 1 (acres) Zone Z (acres) On-Site litigation Zone 1 (acres) On-Site Mitigation Zone 2 (acres) Total Impact Zone 1 (acres) Total Impact Zone 2 (acres) 7 x 2.10 1.40 1.30 0.86 0.80 0.54 x 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 x 0.30 0.20 0.30 020 17 x 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.50 25 x 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.30 28 x L80 1.30 1.80 1.30 Total 6.20 4.50 1.30 0.86 4.90 3.64 Table 2A. Mitigation Requirements for TIP No. U-2524 ABI Site No. Zone l (acres) Zone 2 (acres) Total Mitigation (acres) 7 5.61 2.81 8.42 17 2.40 0.75 3.15 25 1.20 0.45 1.65 28 5.40 1.95 7.35 Total 14.61 5.96 20.57 Table 3A. Impacts to Randleman Buffer Rules for TIP No. C-2524 AB Site No. Road Crossing Parallel Zone 1 (acres) Zone 2 (acres) On-Site :Mitigation Zone 1 (acres) On-Site Mitigation Zone 2 (acres) Total Impact Zone 1 (acres) Total Impact Zone 2 (acres) 3 x 1.35 0.92 0.67 0.44 0.68 0.48 4 x 0.65 0.34 0.65 0.34 6 x 0.42 0.23 0.42 0.23 7 x 0.59 0.04 0.59 0.04 10 x x L03 0.30 1.03 0.30 Total 4.04 1.83 0.67 0.44 3.37 1.39 Table 4A. Mitigation Requirements for TIP \o. U-2524 AB Site No. Zone 1 (acres) Zone 2 (acres) Total mitigation (acres) 3 2.04 0.72 2.76 4 1.95 0.51 2.46 6 1.26 0.35 1.61 7 1.77 0.06 1.83 10 3.09 0.45 3.54 Total 10.11 2.09 12.2 Table SA. Impacts to Randleman Buffer Rules for TIP No. U-2524 AC Site No. Road Crossing Parallel Zone 1 (acres) Zone 2 (acres) On-Site M1titigation Zone 1 (acres) On-Site mitigation Zone 2 (acres) Total Impact Zone 1 (acres) Total Impact Zone 2 (acres) l x 0.93 0.61 0.32 0.22 0.61 0.39 2 (p) x 0.54 0.36 0.54 0.36 2 (i) x 0.62 0.39 0.62 0.39 3 x 0.50 0.28 0.07 0.05 0.43 0.23 6 x 0.40 0.25 0.40 0.25 7 x 0.52 0.29 0.52 0.29 8 2.74 1.05 2.74 1.05 11 x 0.36 0.24 0.36 0.24 1 BA x 0.49 0.32 0.49 0.32 2BA x 3.11 1.68 1.21 0.74 3.11 1.68 Total 10.22 5.46 1.61 1.01 9.82 5.20 Note: Site 8 is a temporary impact involving the draining of a pond during construction of the road project. Table 6A. Mitigation Requirements for TIP No. U-2524 AC Site No. Zone l (acres) Zone 2 (acres) Total Mitigation (acres) 1 1.83 0.59 2.42 2 O 1.62 0.54 2.16 2 (I) 1.86 0.59 2.4~ 3 1.29 0.35 1.64 6 1.20 0.38 1.58 7 1.56 0.44 2.00 11 1.08 0.36 1.44 IBA 1.47 0.48 1.95 2BA 9.33 2.52 11.85 Total 21.24 6.25 27.49 Note: Site 8 is a temporary impact involving the draining of a pond during construction of the road project; the "impact" was not considered for compensatory mitigation purposes. "General" Major Variance Application for Randleman Buffer Rules Part l: General Information 7. Site No. Stream Name Best Usa e Classifcation Stream Index No. 7 UT Hickor Creek WS IV * 17-8.5-(1) 28 UT Hickor Creek WS IV * 17-8.5-(1) Part 2: Proposed Activity 1. The NCDOT proposes to construct the ultimate roadway design for the I-85 Bypass/ Western iJrban Loop. The project for which the variance is requested is TIP No. t1-2524 AB/AC, which is a project to construct a freeway on new location from north of existing 1-85 to I-40. The western terminus of this project connects to I-40 while the western southern terminus of the project connects with TIP No. I-2402, the southern loop of the I- 85 Greensboro Bypass (see attached map, Figures 1-3). TIP No. I-2402 is currently under construction, and its 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) and Section 404 Permit were issued in December 1998 and May 1999, respectively. Those permits approved both the design of an "interim" portion of I-2402 and the "ultimate" design of the intersection of TIP Nos. U-2524 and I-2402. The "interim" design is incorporated into the "ultimate" design. The "Randleman Rules" (15A N.C.A.C. 2B .0248 - .0251) became effective April 1, 1999, after the 401 WQC was issued. "Chere are two areas of concern for complying with the Randleman Buffer Rules; Site 7 and Site 28. These areas are noted on the attached plan views and corresponding summary sheet of buffer impacts. F,ach area is located near the connection TIP Nos. I- 2402 and U-2524. The design of the project in those areas was approved in the 401 /404 permits for TIP No. I-2402. Site 7 is a parallel impact with the NCDO'I~ relocating the stream channel along its side fill slopes. There will be a vegetated buffer, and the NCDOT has minimized its impact to the stream and by relocating the stream as much as it can. There are two areas as NCDO"(' relocates the channel, at its beginning and the end, where the bui~fer requirement of 50 feet will not he met. Generally speaking, the NCDOT believes it can mitigate on- site for some of the buffer impacts at this site. Impacts to buffers total 2.10 acres for 7,one 1 and 1.40 acres for Lone 2. Site 28 is a parallel impact with the NCDOT relocating the stream channel along its side fill slopes. This site violates the bufifer rules because the NCDOT cannot relocate the stream channel to provide the required 50 feet buffer along each side of the stream reach. Impacts to buffers total 1.80 acres Ior "Lone 1 and 1.30 acres for "hone 2. Randleman Bufler Variance Request Page I ot4 TIP No. U-?524 At3 July I5, ?003 2. "The proposed activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize or eliminate disturbance to the riparian buffers than they already have. There are several reasons. First, Sites 7 and 28 were part of the design for ultimate design for TIP No. I-2402 and construction will be completed for this section in September 2003. Impacts to these sites were approved under the Section 404 and 401 WQC permits issued for this project, prior to the enactment of the Randleman Buffer Rules. However, the sites were not impacted by the on-going construction of the "interim design" for TIP No. I-2402 and have subsequently been included with the proposed construction of TII' No. U-2524AB. The proposed project has been positioned parallel to the two streams. Sufficient buffer area was not included as part of the roadway design to relocate the streams. The design was completed in the mid 1990s when streams were relocated on-site as a minimization technique for impacts to surface waters. The requirement for 50 foot buffers was not a policy guideline or a rule at this time. Second, there are topographical constraints affecting the "ultimate" design that preclude full compliance with the Randleman Buffer Rules. To relocate the stream at Site 28 and provide the required buffer, a considerable amount of earth would have to be moved and as reflected on the attached cross sections. At Site 28, the existing stream channel has a relatively broad, low valley with a low valley slope and a Rosgen stream classification of "E". Notable characteristics are a relatively high entrenchment ratio (10.3), low average slope (0.012), high belt width (average of 51.3 feet) and high meander width ratio (8.3). Ideally, if the NCDOT was not constrained by the location of the road project and topographic restrictions, the NCDO'I' would construct a Rosgen stream type which should be present based on the existing conditions, an "E" channel. 'I'o comply with the buffer rules (i.e., providing the appropriate buffer and Rosgen "E" stream type), the NCDOT would have to move a considerable amount of earth (10,800 cubic yards and $ 21,500 to remove the material) and purchase additional right of way ($91,300). Cost of strict compliance to the buffer rule would total $ 112,800. The NCDOT proposes to minimize impacts to the stream reach and buffer by relocating the stream with a narrower valley with a higher valley slope; a Rosgen stream classification of "C". The notable characteristics of the proposed relocated reach are an low entrenchment ratio (4.85), increased slope (0.0178), lower belt width (average of 21.0 feet) and considerably reduced meander ratio (2.5) when compared to existing conditions (see attached morphological table for Site 28). This relocation does not achieve the 50 foot required buffer along the stream reach. The NCDOT has attempted to construct stream relocations in similar conditions involving the movement of a considerable amount of earth to relocate the stream channel (examples are TIP No. X-2D and U-2528 AA). "Che NCDO1' has attempted to relocate the 2,100 feet of a stream channel on TIP No. X-2D on three separate occasions, and the relocation is still not stabilized. Three times the NCDOT has taken steps to attempt Randleman Buffer Variance Request Page 2 of4 TIP No. U-2524 AB .luly 15, 2003 stabilization of the relocated stream at a cost of over $650,000. A fourth time attempt to stabilize the stream is currently underway. It is anticipated that the cost will rise to $900,000. Typically, these extensive cuts to re-create the floodplain, flood prone area and thalweg result in placing the stream on unsuitable, unstable material. `T'he soil material may be saprolite or clay. The result is an unstable stream channel having the tendency to downcut thereby increasing the amount of sediment in the stream. The soil material is also sterile, lowering the potential success of establishing vegetation on the site correlating to success of the stream relocation work. The NCDO"I' has taken measures to minimize impacts to the stream by proposing to relocate the stream with a Rosgen stream classification of "C" with a series of cross vanes to prevent downcutting and reduce velocities. This stream relocation attempts to minimize impacts to the buffers, minimize the amount of earth moved and to maximize the amount of buffer between the stream and road project as practicable. The NCDOT believes it can relocate this type of stream based on topography and a review of reference reaches. 3. As noted earlier, the NCDOT designed the project in the 1990's, and in some areas, there is not adequate land to treat stormwater discharges to the extent prescribed by the Randleman Buffer Rules. The NCDOT has taken steps to minimize road discharges where practicable by installing pre-formed scour holes to allow for treatment of road discharges. 'Chew pre-formed scour holes were not originally part of the design for the roadway project but have been included to comply with Randleman Buffer Rules. A list of treatment areas which meet the Randleman Buffer Rules is attached to this variance request. 1-Iowever, there are several areas where it is not practicable to adequately treat the stormwater discharges from the road. "Treatment cannot occur at other locations because of site conditions or other limiting circumstances. A complete list of areas not complying with the Randleman Buffer Rules attached to this variance request. 4. The NCDO'I' believes compensatory mitigation will be required for impacts at Site 7 and 28 to the buffer. At Site 7, the NCDOT will impact 3.17 acres (12,840 meters2) of Zone 1 and 2.40 acres (9,691 meters2) of 7_,one 2. The NCDO"I' will restore several acres of buffer by implementing the on-site stream mitigation. At Site 7, the NCDOT will restore l .30 acres (5,272 meters2) of Lone 1 and 0.86 acres (3,461 meters2) of lone 2. 'T'herefore, subtracting the on-site mitigation from the impacts, the NCDO"I' will need to mitigate for 1.87 acres of impacts to Zone l buff-ers and 1.54 acres of Lone 2 buffers. Buffer mitigation, using the appropriate ratios, required at Site 7 is 5.61 acres for Zone 1 buffer impacts and 2.81 acres for Zone 2 buffer impacts for a total mitigation requirement of 8.42 acres (366,755 feet2). Randleman Buffer Variance Request Page 3 of4 TIP No. U-2524 AB July I5, 2003 Anticipated impacts to the buffer at Site 28 total 1.80 acres in Zone 1 and 1.30 acres in Zone 2. Mitigation required is 5.40 acres for Zone 1 buffer impacts and 1.95 acres for Zone 2 buffer impacts for a total mitigation requirement of 7.35 acres (320,166 feet2). The first option in providing mitigation for these buffer impacts is paying into the NC Wetland Restoration Program (NCWRP). Mitigation needs total 15.77 acres (686,921feet2) for Sites 7 and 28. Based on NCWRP figures for buffer mitigation (0.97 cents per square foot), the NCDOT would pay to the NCWRP $666,313.37. A second option is to provide mitigation at the Groometown Road Mitigation Site. This mitigation site will treat stormwater discharge from Groometown Road and provide additional treatment of discharge from the Urban Loop (TIP No. U-2524 AB). A mitigation plan for this site has been attached to this variance request. 5. (1) There are several difficulties and hardships which would result from the strict application of this Rule. These difficulties include (a) the constructed interim designed roadway project, (b) the purchase oi' additional right of way; and (c) topographic constraints. The "ultimate" design of the interchange connecting TIP Nos. U-2524AB and I-2402 overlaps with the "interim" design of TIP No. I-2402 which is already under construction and will be completed in September 2003. Both the interim and ultimate designs were permitted in 1999 in the Section 404 and 401 WQC permits for TIP No. 1- 2402. Strict application of this Rule would force NCDO'I' to abandon project TIP No. t1- 2524AB in its current form, and necessitate an extensive redesign to avoid buffer impacts which would likely require delaying a needed project and purchasing additional right of way. TIP No. U-2524AB and I-2402 would not be able to intersect with each other as envisioned in the approved permits Section 404 and 401 WQC permits for TIP No. I- 2402. Finally, if a Rosgen "E/C" stream channel is constructed at Site 28 on the described topographical constraints, the result will be large cuts in the earth and the placement of the relocated stream on soils which are unsuitable for construction. The NCDO1' has attempted to construct projects in such conditions on other projects. The NCDOT has tried numerous times to stabilize these reaches (three times on TIP No. X-2D upon which a fourth attempt will be made). A considerable amount of money has been spent trying to stabilize these reaches using natural stream channel techniques. (2) The difficulties and hardships resulting from strict application of the buffer rules are unique to this project. The NCDOT cannot move the alignment of the road project itself to negotiate around these topographical restraints because the construction of the interim design is nearing completion. Both the interim and ultimate designs were s~ecilically sanctioned in the Section 404 and 401 W C ermrts for TIP No~.I~2402,_which were issued prior to enactment of the Randleman Buffer Rules. ~c~.f tn~-ate 12u,(-es : G~~` 1 ~, t 999 ~vo Randleman Buffer Variance Request Page 4 of4 TIP No. U-2524 AB July I5, 2003 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT I OMB APPROVAL N0.0710-003 (33 CFR 325) Expires December 31, 2004 Public reporting burden for this collection of Information is estimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-0302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subJect to any penalty for falling to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authority: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403: Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. I (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE f{ILLED BY THE CORPS) ~ 1. APPLICATION NO 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 13. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED (ITEMS BELOW TO BE F(LLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANTS NAME North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development & Environmental Analysis 8. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not regwred) 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 9. AGENTS ADDRESS 7. APPLICANTS PHONE NOs. W/AREA CODE ( 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. W/AREA CODE a. Residence a. Residence b. Business 919-733-3141 b. Business 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OR PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions U-2524AB and AC 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (it applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (it applicable) See Tables 6 and 7 of Cover letter for list of Creeks -- -- - 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Guilford Nc I COUNTY STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) Section, Township, Range, LaVLon, and/or Acceasors's Parcel Number, for example. Guilford County, Greensboro Western Urban Loop, from I-85 south of Groometown to south of I-40 interchange; 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE ENG FORM 4345, Jul 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent. CECW-OR) 18. Nature Of ACtlVlty (Description of project, include all features) Construct a four to eight lane freeway on new location 19. PfOJeCt PUfpOSe (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) Public transportation USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED ANDIOR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Roadway fill in Wetlands and stream 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Roadway fill 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (sea instructions> Impacts to Waters of the United States from construction TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC and AB Part I total 3.87 acres of. fill in wetlands, 0.10 acre of excavation in wetlands, 0.17 acre of mechanized clearing in wetlands, 2.05 acres of fill in streams, 3.92 acres of fill ponds, and 11,525 feet of stream impacts. 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes _ No x IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered hare, please attach a supplemental list). See Attached list 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED See Attached Cover Letter -Project History Section Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. __~. .,~ . ~ - 7 ~1-~ SIGNATURE O APPLIC NT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, Jul 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) ~ - 2~ - Zoo3 SUBJECT: Stormwater Management Plan for U-2524AB Part1, Guilford County. Greensboro -Western Loop from North of I-85 near Groometown Road to North of High Point Road ROADWAY DESCRIPTION: The U-2524AB1 project goal is to provide a connection between the new Greensboro Bypass and existing I-40. The project is primarily a new interchange at the Greensboro bypass and the I-40 connector. There are three existing box culverts located on the project that are to be retained and extended. All three culverts are on Unnamed Tributaries to Hickory Creek. There are two other jurisdictional streams that are being relocated and several wetland sites that will be impacted. ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION: The Tributaries to Hickory Creek are in the Cape Fear River Basin and are a part of the Randleman Reservoir Watershed. The stream classification for Hickory Creek is WS-IV. The unnamed tributaries to Hickory Creek are not specified on the DENR Stream Classification List. There are four sites that appear on the soils map. There are a total of fifteen permitted sites on the project, with impacts totaling 1399 m (4590 ft.) of stream with 575 m (1887 ft.) of relocated stream utilizing Natural Channel Design, 10.86 ha (26.84 Ac.) of wetlands, and 4.34 ha (10.74 ac.) of Randleman Reservoir Riparian Buffers. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND MAJOR STRUCTURES: Best Management Practices (BMP's) utilized on this project consist of grassed swales and preformed scour holes. The following summarizes the locations of each BMP: Grassed Swales -I40SBREV- Station 12+00 to 15+40 Lt. Station 15+80 to 17+00 Rt. Station 19+00 to 19+40 Lt. Station 20+00 to 21+00 Lt. -I1I40NB- Station 13+40 to 15+90 Lt. Station 19+00 to 22+00 Lt. Station 20+GO to 20+90 Rt. -CSLIP- Station 17+00 to 18+00 Lt. Station 17+00 to 18+20 Rt. Station 18+80 to 19+C,0 Rt. Station 18+80 to 19+8(1 Lt. T;r.~.. U-Zs~~~~,~u~~- -CSLIP- cont. Station 20+20 to 22+30 Lt. Station 21+80 to 24+40 Rt. Station 24+80 to 2G+10 Lt. Station 2G+10 to 27+50 Lt. Station 28+40 to 29+40 Rt. -IISLIP2- Station 11+20 to 13+00 Lt. Station 13+00 to 15+00 Lt. -I1RPB1- Station 14+60 to 15+60 Lt. Station 14+60 to 15+70 Rt. -I1FLY- Station 12+20 to 13+50 Lt. & IZt. Station 21+90 to 20+50 Rt. -LoopC- Station 12+81 Lt. Preformed Scour Holes Station 31+20 -CSLIP- Rt. Station 31+88 -CSLIP- Rt. Station 32+20 -CSLIP- Rt. Station 31 +28 -I40SBREV- Rt. Station 32+08 -I40SBREV- Rt. Some outlets are not fitted with BMP's due to site conditions or other circumstances. They are summarized below: -I40SBREV- • Station 11 +60 Rt. -Natural ground falls at 12%; therefore, no preformed scour hole used. There is limited room for any other BMP. • Station 18+80 Lt. -This system empties into an existing ditch. Other ways of outletting this system were investigated, but elevation constraints would not allow. • Station 24+20 I,t. -This system ties into the existing system on the new I-85. Rerouting this system was investigated; however, due to elevation constraints we could not provide treatment for this water. • Station 28+68 Rt. - A Preformed Scour Hole was investigated for this outlet; however, there is not enough room between the fill slope and the stream bank to Eit the PSH properly. ~~ ~~ ~' ~ T; n ct- ~~Z~~~ I ~~~ Z~~ Station 30+05 Rt. ~ This system outlet is a 600mm (24") pipe. Per design guidelines, the maximum pipe diameter for a preformed scour hole is 450mm (18"). Other methods were investigated, but there is limited space. -I1I40NB- Station 18+60 Lt. -This system outlets into an existing system. Rerouting this water was investigated; however, due to elevation constraints, no other alternative was feasible. -CSLIP- Station 25+48 and 25+88 Rt. -These pipes empty into an existing roadside ditch on a small service road. There is no room for any other BMP. -I1FLY- Station 19+00 Lt. -This system empties into an existing ditch with no room for any other BMP. -I1RPA- Station 11+GO to 14+50 Rt. -These pipes empty into an existing ditch with no room for any other BMP. Major Structures Station 31+70 -L- (Tributary to Hickory Creek) Existing 1 @ 2.7m x 1.5m (9 ft. x 5 ft.) reinforced concrete box culvert is to be retained and extended on the outlet end. Station 11+75 -LoopC- (Tributary to Hickory Creek) Existing 1 @ 2.4m x 1.5m (8 ft. x 5 ft.) reinforced concrete box culvert will be retained and extended on the inlet end. Station 25+35 -CSLIP- (Tributary to Hickory Creek) Existing 1 @ 2.4m x 1.8m (8 ft. x 6 ft.) reinforced concrete box culvert is to be retained and extended on the outlet end. (.:A~irojcc[\3002\ 135.02(0 ?53.4;A l~ I)\l .cttcrs\ l)~,cumcn[atiun\titonmvatcr iAlana}~cmcnt Pl,in.duc J~.(~ 03 T:p ib- u - ZsZw q. p (~atit I S let' fk ~j off' Natural Channel Design Summary Unnamed Tributary to Meadow Creek (Site 7) TIP No. U-2524AB1 State Project No. 8.U492101 Guilford County, North Carolina Prepared by Mulkey Engineers and Consultants May 2003 This natural channel design summary is presented to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as part of on-site compensatory mitigation for the proposed construction of the Greensboro Western Loop. The proposed roadway extends from north of I-85 near Groometown Road to north of High Point Road on new location. An unnamed tributary (UT) to Hickory Creek, situated immediately east of SR 1497 (Wiley Davis Road) and north of existing I-85, will be relocated westward from its existing location outside of the proposed fill limits. The UT has been identified as a perennial stream and is part of the Cape Fear River Subbasin 03-06-08 (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030002). 'A morphological table, complete with existing channel, reference reach, and proposed reach characteristics is attached. In addition, proposed design and detail sheets are also included with this summary. The project is within the Piedmont physiographic province. The headwaters associated with the UT to Hickory Creek originate at the intersection of SR 1497 (Wiley Davis Road) and McCuiston Road. The UT flows in a southerly direction approximately 1.7 mi (2.7 km) before converging- with Hickory Creek, then another 5.0 mi (8.0 km) to the southwest to unite with the Deep River. The drainage area at the project site is approximately 0.08 sq. mi (0.2 sq. km). It is considered urban with primarily residential development. The proposed project will require the stream to be relocated due to existing fill slope design requirements. Overall stream length will be reduced and slope will be increased in order to correctly align the new channel with its modified valley type. Existing Channel A 200-foot (61-meter) section of the single thread channel associated with the UT to Hickory Creek was surveyed during March 2003. This section was located near Sta. 10+20 -40SBREV- Right, near the northern terminus of the proposed project area. The surveyed reach exhibited channel characteristics similar to an E4/5b stream type, as noted by the Rosgen Classification of Natural Rivers. The E4/5 stream type exhibits low to moderate sinuosities, gentle to moderately steep channel gradients, and very low channel width/depth ratios. This stream type is generally stable due to the influence of riparian vegetation and planform resistance. Bank erosion and bedload transport rates are typically high and the ratio of bedload to total sediment load often exceeds 50%. These stream types are very sensitive to disturbance and tend to make significant adverse channel adjustments to changes streambank vegetation and in flow regime and sediment supply from the watershed (Rosgen and Silvey, 1998). However, the existing channel at this location classes out as an E type but it is in a state of instability. The channel is incised with a bank height ratio of around 1.3 with headcuts spaced throughout the reach. Only one pool was found in the reach, which was dominated by runs. The UT exhibited a bankfull cross sectional area of 4.0 sq. ft (0.37 sq. m), an average slope of 0.015ft/ft, and a D50 of 2.0 mm. A detailed summary of existing channel conditions is presented in attached morphological table. 1 ~ ft ~- ~ ~ ~ Z---~~ Q Lwo t~ ~ r~4'" 5~'~' Reference Reach Due to the existing, unstable condition of the UT, a stable stream (UT Varnals Creek) outside of the project area was selected as the reference reach. This channel was selected based on its watershed components, stream type, and other general characteristics. The reference reach channel is situated in Alamance County and classifies as a Boa. It exhibits a drainage area of 0.24 sq. mi (0.62 sq. km) and a bankfull cross sectional area of 7.9 sq. ft. Based on surveys, the channel is stable and exhibits very low bank height ratios. Its valley characteristics are very comparable with the existing channel. Little to no bank erosion was noted during the survey. A detailed summary of reference conditions are also presented in the attached morphological table. Proposed Channel The proposed channel was based on dimensionless ratios derived from the reference reach survey and data interpretation. The bankfull width will be increased from 4.1 ft (1.25 m) to 9.0 ft (2.7 m) and the bankfull mean depth will be reduced from 1.0 ft (0.30 m) to 0.7 ft (0.21 m). As a result, the width/depth ratio will increase to approximately 13 from the existing 4.3 ratio. A decrease in the bankfull mean velocity will occur with the new channel. The design stream will exhibit additional floodprone area; however, minimal pattern will be provided due to site constraints. Slopes will be actually decrease due to a change in the valley; however, an excess energy will be dissipated via step/pool morphology characteristic with the B stream type. Rock cross vanes will be the primary method influencing the step/pool morphology. These cross vanes will be established throughout the channel in riffle sections and used to provide grade control, center the thalweg, and protect the stream banks on both sides of the new channel until vegetation is established. The cross vanes will also decrease shear stresses throughout the reach. The riparian zone adjacent to the channel will be planted with native vegetation conducive to wetter, floodplain areas. Proposed channel stabilization characteristics are presented on the attached detail sheet. It is anticipated that the riparian zone will be planted with native trees and shrubs above bankfull depth and herbaceous species within the channel. Sediment Transport Based on pebble counts and bar samples taken along the existing channel, the D50 averages 2.0 mm and the D84 averages approximately 17.0 mm. The existing channel exhibits a critical shear stress of 0.67 Ibs/ft2 which may entrain up to a 40 mm particle. Based on the design, the proposed channel will exhibit a critical shear stress of 0.28 Ibs/ft2 entraining up to a 18 mm particle. This reduction in entrainment will further reduce degradation. In addition, cross vanes will be installed throughout the riffle sections to further reduce the possibility of additional channel degradation. References North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), 1998. Yadkin/Pee Dee Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan. Rosgen, D. and L. Silvey, 1998. Field Guide for Stream Classification. Wildland Hydrology, Inc. J ~,(~ U~ r~n~ ~ ~2SZ~~4~ f a~n~- I ~~~ ASS Appendix B Variables 1. Stream type 2. Drainage area 3. Bankfull width 4. Bankfull mean depth 5. Width/depth ratio 6. Bankfull cross-sectional area Morphological Measur Yj n ~ ~ " 1 ~ L y' q-6~ s~.,~G ~ s~ ement Table (Site 7) ~~,1~ U~ Existing Channel Proposed Reach USGS Station Reference Reach E4/5b 64/5c N/A B4/1 a 18.5 Ac. 52 Ac. 154 Ac. 4.1 ft. 9.0 ft. 9.7 ft. 1.0ft. 0.7 ft. 0.8 ft. 4.3 13 12.7 A /~ .. 4 7. Bankfull mean velocity - --,.... ~ .,4. ~,. i.a sq. n. 5.4 ft/s 3.43 ft/s 5.23 ft/s 8. Bankfull discharge, cfs 21.6 cfs 21.6 cfs 41.3 cfs 9. Bankfull max depth 1.4 ft. 1.0 ft. 1.1 ft 10. Width of floodprone area . 35 ft. 13.5ft. 26.2 ft 11. Entrenchment ratio . 8.5 1.5 2.7 12. Meander length Range: 60-112 ft. Avg: 88 ft. N/A 59 ft 13. Ratio of meander length to bankfull . width 21.5 N/A g 14. Radius of curvature Range: 11.8-36 ft. Avg:24.6 ft. N/A 13 4 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull . . width 6 N/A 1 4 16. Belt width Range: 11.5-27 ft. . Avg:20 ft. N/A 15 ft 17. Meander width ratio . 4.9 N/A 1 5 18. Sinuosity (stream length/valley length) . 1.2 1.0 1.2 19. Valley slope 1.90% 0.74% 4.58% 20. Average slope 1.54% 0.74% 4.05% 21. Pool slope 0.00% 0.07% 0.47% 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 0 0.1 0 1 23. Maximum pool depth 1.9 ft. 2.0 ft. 1.6 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull . depth 1.9 3.0 1 9 25. Pool width 5.4 ft. 12.2 ft. 12.0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width . 1.35 1.4 1 2 27. Pool to pool spacing "~ 50 ft. 34.5 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to . bankfull width 5 5 . ~ 5 ~~..y ~~~r N~u~ was iwna m me exisitng channel; therefore, we cannot calculate pool to pool spacing Natural Channel Design Summary Unnamed Tributary to Meadow Creek (Site 28) TIP No. U-2524AB1 State Project No. 8.U492101 Guilford County, North Carolina Prepared by Mulkey Engineers and Consultants May 2003 This natural channel design summary is presented to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as part of on-site compensatory mitigation for the proposed construction of the Greensboro Western Loop. The proposed roadway extends from north of I-85 near Groometown Road to north of High Point Road on new location. An unnamed tributary (UT) to Hickory Creek, situated immediately west of SR 1117 (Holden Road) and nouh of Roberts Court Road, will be relocated southward from its existing location outside of the proposed fill limits. The UT has been identified as a perennial stream and is part of the Cape Fear River Subbasin 03-06-08 (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030002). A morphological table, complete with existing channel, reference reach, and proposed reach characteristics is attached. In addition, proposed design and detail sheets are also included with this summary. The project is within the Piedmont physiographic province. The headwaters associated with the UT to Hickory Creek originate at the intersection of SR 1117 (Holden Road) and SR 1392 (Drummond Road). The UT flows in a westerly direction approximately 1.0 mi (1.6 km) before converging with Hickory Creek, then another 5.0 mi (8.0 km) to the southwest to unite with the Deep River. The drainage area at the project site is approximately 0.10 sq. mi (0.26 sq. km). It is considered urban with primarily residential development. The proposed project will require the stream to be relocated due to existing fill slope design requirements. Overall stream length will be reduced and slope will be increased in order to correctly align the new channel with its modified valley type. Existing Channel A 1600-foot (488-meter) section of the single thread channel associated with the UT to Hickory Creek was surveyed during March 2003. This section was located near Sta. 29+20 -40SBREV- Right, near the eastern terminus of the proposed project area. The surveyed reach exhibited channel characteristics similar to an E4/1 stream type, as noted by the Rosgen Classification of Natural Rivers. The E4 stream type exhibits low to moderate sinuosities, gentle to moderately steep channel gradients, and very low channel width/depth ratios. This stream type is generally stable due to the influence of riparian vegetation and planform resistance. Bank erosion and bedload transport rates are typically high and the ratio of bedload to total sediment load often exceeds 50%. These stream types are very sensitive to disturbance and tend to make significant adverse channel adjustments to changes streambank vegetation and in flow regime and sediment supply from the watershed (Rosgen and Silvey, 1998). The existing channel at this location classes out as an E type and it is in a state of relative stability. The channel has previously incised but has reestablished a small floodplain at a lower elevation. Due to recent ice storms, there was a large amount of woody debris in the channel creating localized instability. Significant bedrock was noted in several area along the existing channel which is helping prevent further incision. The UT exhibited a bankfull cross sectional area of 5.6 sq. ft (0.52 sq. m), an average slope of 0.012ft/ft, and a D50 of sl-~efi-~ ~:~~ ~S- 2.5mm. A detailed summary of existing channel conditions is presented in attached morphological table. Reference Reach Even though the existing channel is relatively stable, a stable stream (UT Lake Jeanette) outside of the project area was selected as the reference reach. This channel was selected based on its watershed components, stream type, and other general characteristics. The reference reach channel is situated in Guilford County and classifies as a C4. It exhibits a drainage area of 0.25 sq. mi (0.65 sq. km) and a bankfull cross sectional area of 7.7 sq. ft. Based on surveys, the channel is stable and exhibits very low bank height ratios. Its valley characteristics are very comparable with the existing channel. Little to no bank erosion was noted during the survey. A detailed summary of reference conditions are also presented in the attached morphological table. Proposed Channel The proposed channel was based on dimensionless ratios derived from the reference reach survey, existing channel survey, and data interpretation. The bankfull width will be increased from 6.3 ft (1.92 m) to 8.5 ft (2.6 m) and the bankfull mean depth will be reduced from 0.9 ft (0.27 m) to 0.66 ft (0.20 m). As a result, the width/depth ratio will increase to approximately 13 from the existing 7.0 ratio. A decrease in the bankfull mean velocity will occur with the new channel. The design stream will exhibit additional floodprone area to aid in stress reduction in the channel. Slopes will be increased due to a change in the valley; however, an excess energy will be dissipated via riffle/pool morphology characteristic and planform associated with the C stream type. Rock cross vanes will be the primary method influencing the riffle/pool morphology. These cross vanes will be established throughout the channel in riffle sections and used to provide grade control, center the thalweg, and protect the stream banks on both sides of the new channel until vegetation is established. The cross vanes will also decrease shear stresses throughout the reach. The riparian zone adjacent to the channel will be planted with native vegetation conducive to wetter, floodplain areas. Proposed channel stabilization characteristics are presented on the attached detail sheet. It is anticipated that the riparian zone will be planted with native trees and shrubs above bankfull depth and herbaceous species within the channel. Sediment Transport Based on pebble counts and bar samples taken along the existing channel, the D50 averages 2.5 mm and the D84 averages approximately 30.0 mm. The existing channel exhibits a critical shear stress of 0.54 Ibs/ft2 which may entrain up to a 35 mm particle. Based on the design, the proposed channel will exhibit a critical shear stress of 0.59 Ibs/ft2 entraining up to a 38 mm particle. This increase in entrainment will not induce degradation as the active bed sample produced a D84 of 40mm. In addition, cross vanes will be installed throughout the riffle sections to further reduce the possibility of additional channel degradation. References North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), 1998. Yadkin/Pee Dee Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan. Rosgen, D. and L. Silvey, 1998. Field Guide for Stream Classification. Wildland Hydrology, Inc. ~ ~ ~,~- U ~Z52~f IMP pug I Appendix B Morphological Measurement Table (Site 28) S~'°`~"-~ `~ ~' Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach USGS Station Reference Reach 1. Stream type 2. Drainage area E4 C4 N/A C4 57Ac. - 75Ac. 57Ac. - 75Ac. 160 Ac 3. Bankfull width . 6.3 ft. 8.5 ft. 9 5 ft 4. Bankfull mean depth . , 0.9 ft. 0.66 ft. 0 8 ft 5. Width/depth ratio . . 6. Bankfull cross-sectional area 7 13 11.7 5.6 sq. ft. 5.6 sq. ft. 7.7 sq. ft. 7. Bankfull mean velocity 4.06 ft/s 3.9 - 4.0 ft/s 4 55 ft/s 8. Bankfull discharge, cfs . 22.7 cfs 22.7 cfs 35 cfs 9. Bankfull max depth 1.5 ft. 1.1 ft. 1 3 ft 10. Width of flnndnrnna araa r,___ . . 65 ft. Avg.41.3 ft. 36 ft 11. Entrenchment ratio . 10.3 4.85 3 8 12. Meander length Range: 85-150 ft. Range: 43-114.5 ft. . Range: 29-69 ft. Avg: Avg: 120 ft. Avg: 73 ft. 50 2 ft 13. Ratio of meander length to bankfull . . width 1 g 8.6 5 3 14. Radius of curvature Range: 10.2-36 ft. Range: 19-49 ft. . Range: 5.3-22 ft. Avg:22 ft. Avg:29.8 ft. Avg:9.7 ft. 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 3.5 3.5 1 02 16. Belt width Range: 46-63 ft. Range: 11.8-35 ft. . Range: 26-40 ft. Avg: Avg:52.5 ft. Avg: 21.0 ft. 33 ft 17. Meander width ratio . 8.3 2.5 3 5 18. Sinuosity (stream length/valley length) . 19. Valley slope 1.35 1.02 1.35 20. Average slope 1.60% 1.85% 0.76% U/S: 1.78% 1.20% D/S:1.66% 0 57% 21. Pool slope . Range: 0.012-0.13%. 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 0.26% 0.35% Avg:0.047% 0.22 0.2 0 082 23. Maximum pool depth . 2.3 ft. 2.0 ft. 2 9 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull . . depth 2.56 3.0 3 6 25. Pool width . 8.9 ft. 12.2 ft. 10 5 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width . 1.41 1.4 1 1 27. Pool to pool spacing Range: 24-63 ft. Range: 20.7~54.8ft. 58.5 ft. Avg:39.4 ft. Avg:40.2 ft. 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to Range: 2.8-7.4 Range: 2 2-5 8 bankfull width 9.3 Avg:4.5 . . Avg:4.23 .. 68 150 ISO ~ 158 29 61 421 2 0 Greensboro PROJECT U-2 4AB RT 1) 70 68 40 es 100 311 61 es 421 68 00~1ET0 2 0 - - -•--- ----- •---•--- --- __ 62 RANDOLPH CO. ~ -'-•- ~---•--- ~~~®~ DIVISION ®F HIGHWA~~ GUILF®I~D C®UN'g'~ PR®JECT:B.U~d92101 (U-252~AB>P~~ ~' GREENSB~RD - `VESTERN L®®P FR®M NORTH ~OF I-85 NEAR GR®~MET®WN TAO NORTH ~F HIG~I PINT R®AD SHEET ~ v DF ~~ 5,~ 15.x" 03 ~ NOF?H CAEOLIP~i<,, END PROJECT SITE 16 ` SITE 15 SITE 7 SITE 14 SITE 8 ~ END PROJECT. / E 12 SITE 11 ti~ ~~`~ / ~ ~5i /~~~ ~ /~ ~~. ~4. ~~d'~i' .. i~~ ij~ ~~ ~~ i~ G ~% ~f~ %~ ~~~ ~~~ *. ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ m ~~/o~~~ j`G~~ ~, s ~~ END PROJECT `,~0 ~l[7[°IE 1~'1[~l~ /SITE 17 SITE I3 /SIT SITE 21 SITE 7 SITE 25 BEGIN PROJECT = -= TO BURLINGTON ~~ SITE 2SB SITE 2~ SITE 23 SITE 28 ~`l~~®~ DIVISI®N ®F HIGHWAI'S GUILF®RD C®UNTI' PROJECT:8.U~92101 (U-252~lAB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FROAi ~~- NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT ROAD SHEET ~ ~ OF ~~ S / 1S / 03 -WLB wE'rLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND L ^,.~ ~^„ ~~~~~ ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE I ~;~;~;~; ~~ ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 MITIGABLE IMP ACTS ZONE I ® MITIGABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 PROPOSED BRIDGE PROPOSED BOX CULVERT PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12"-48' (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & ABOVE SINGLE TREE • • • • • • - - WOODS LINE - BZ RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE -BZ1 - RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 30 ft (9.2m) - BZ2 -- RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 20 f t (6.1m) FLOW DIRECTION T-~- TOP OF BANK --•- WE EDGE OF WATER -- ~ -- PROP. LIMIT OF CUT ---F -- PROP. LIMIT OF FILL -~-- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY --- NG --- NATURAL GROUND ---P~--- PROPERTY LINE -TDE- TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT -PDE - PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT --EAB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY --EPB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY ----~- WATER SURFACE x x x x xx x x LIVE STAKES BOULDER - - - CORE FIBER ROLLS DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD ;~ RIP RAP O ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE ^ PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE (PSH) LEVEL SPREADER (LS) GRASS SWALE ~ ~~~®~ l)IVISI®N ®F ~IIGHWAYS GUILF®R~ C(DUN~'Y PR~JECT:B.U-092101 (U-252~A8) GREENSB~R~O - NESTERN 1.~~OP FROM NORTH ©~F I-85 NEr~R GR®~Ob1ET®WN TAO N~URTH GF HIGH P~DINT R0.1D SHEET~3 ~F5 ~ s~1~;~~_; ~ ~~~~'IL,.~~1D IL~~~I~~7ID -1 -WLB WETLAND BOUNDARY I---I PROPOSED BRIDGE WETLAND L ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ® DENOTES FILL• IN SURFACE WATER (POND) ® DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLAND ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ® DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN SURFACE WATER • ~ = DENOTES MECHANIZED • " CLEARING °~- ~ FLOW DIRECTION TB --"~-- TOP OF BANK ---- WE EDGE OF WATER ---- ~ --- PROP. LIMIT OF CUT ---~ -- PROP, LIMIT OF FILL -~-PROP. RIGHT OF WAY --- NG --- NATURAL GROUND ---P~`--- PROPERTY LINE -TDE- TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT -PDE - PERMANENT, DRAINAGE EASEMENT --EAB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY --EPB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY ---~-- WATER SURFACE x x x x xx x x LIVE STAKES BOULDER - - - CORE FIBER ROLLS PROPOSED BOX CULVERT PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12'-48' (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & A80VE ~•~-' SINGLE TREE • • • • .. .. WOODS LINE -. ~---- DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD RIP RAP O ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE LEVEL SPREADER (L S) ~RASS SWALE ~`L~®~ I)IVISI®N ®F ~iIG]H~VAYS GUILF®I~I) C~UN']C~ PR®JECT:8.U~92101 (U-252~d.4B) GREENS~GRD -WESTERN L®~O~ FR®NI NORTH ~F I-85 NEAR GR~~OMET~OWN TAO NOD/RTH ~F~^HIGH I'~INT RDAD SHEET (~ ~OF ~7 ~ 5,015% 03 NAD 83 I ;~~ 1 ~~ ;`, ~` ` I I ~ ~ ~;~ III III .Y. I I --- a I iii ' ~ F m I iii NN Ft / V I I I V 3 111 / o~ ~~ i ~I 'I / O W N W 1 ~\\ / 0 I ' ili iii 1 ~ -~--__ 'i _-f i i`_ . 1 ~ \ ,` ,` ., ,, ., ` .:~` ~~ I ~ ~ 9f 11 /. / 1 I 111 I IWI I IIII I I I I ~` ` ' i! '~ ~ ~ I a` I ~ i'i' I T 1 .~ I ii. I 1 ~ I I I w ~ ~~" ` ( a 3 ~ Q r w < i I U ~ ,,, I m PROPOSED ~ ' ~ ~ BUFFERS i i '~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~\ I I - ~ I I I I L- I-- - -- ~ i~ MA I ~ I ~ I ~ I - - L- 1------ - ~~ ~[`' I~~ 1E~ _~~ .~ 1~ .~~ ~~ .~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~[ °1[ ' lE'; ~i 6 ,~ .I ~ II ~\ _ ~ \ I ~2~ o~ 1 Y t O ~\\\ ~I 1 ~ ~~ II ~ I~I ~ II I ~I I I a I ~ wi I I ~~ I I ELL Ilom I III I I C ~~ \\~I -~ ~~~~~~ 1f~~VI~I®N ~~~ 1FIIG~WA~~Y~ ~G~rI~,]F~~Idlf~ C®~IN~'~ eta©J~C'I': B.i1~d~~21rJ1 (i1-252~dr~13) GIbEEN~13~~~1~ - ~VEbT1:1bN Z~p~P ~11~1~1 ~~~ N~D1~"~"1-l ~)~ z-rzs ;v ~;.~~ ~c~~~olc~~~2.•r~~w~~ I ~. \ \ \ \ r \ I I l~ \ N~ I \ \ I ` ' I i I ~ I W F \ \ 1 \ \ I I I I i 1`,`,1 ~~ ~ \ \\ ~ N 83 ~; ~ I , ~ ~ ~~ ~ I I I I I I I \ I a` \ PRDPDSEDI ~ BUFFERS I ; I \ v I I I I -i \ z I \ H O ,~~ i I I ~ ~ I (~ lid V I \ I I I ~ ~ I ~ Y'. ~• ~ E W II \\ ~ i~. ~ ~° I . ~ ~ / \ ~ I ~ ~ J / \ ~ O I I I 3 I ~ I ' ~ I , \ \\ e~ ,I I I I i "' \ I ,` ., I I l I ~ 11. ~ ~~ ;, t t ~. , ; I . o ~ ~. , ,; ~ \ \ ~ . I I ' `~ ~ _ \ I' -~- . ~ ~ ~ ~ I' I I ~I''~ '~ 1 I i I ~ I ~~I ;; \ I `` I ~ s ;~ ~' + N =,O ~% % $$ M C7 d Q ~ I mm" ~ ~~ ~ . ', . ~ I } I n D D ~ M - !: NE Q~ K ~ F _ ! ~ I i i 11 ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~0~,~~~( ®I`VI~I©N ®lF IEIIG~IW~~~ G~IJII,~~Ig~ ~C®~7N'1[°~ ~~,,tt 1~1`~1«~~~~~~ 1~F~~C~~~CI':8.t1~V921I11 (U-252~fAI3) GF2,F,ENS)fB~Id® - WFST)E;I~N -.~~~C~I-° 'F Fl,©N'I ~~;; ~~~~~1L:~ ~ N~~Ii'Q'I-I ~~I~ I-8b~ Iv~AI~ ~GIZ~~!C~~1<T;'I~'O~~N ~ ~ . ~;~ ~~ ~~ , '_\ lE~ L - "I"C~ N~Dff~"'1'~l ~~~ 1HIt.H 4~~s~IN'~' i3~(~.-~\1[~ - -- - - .... . ~I-]l~,i~, 1 ~ ;C>I~ b, `_'~6 ~" 113 ' ~ '`I ~ ~1 I 'i1 ~ D A ~ . LINE "D r ~, ~ I ~ ~' NAD B3 I `~ I ~~a ~ ~ ' rv ~ : ,, ~,~~+ ~ r ~ ~s '~' r N tL \V r ` -L I ~ 1 I N N ~ / ~ 1 .1 11 \ < ~0 ry ~ j ~ !111 LL) 0 1 i ~~ 5 ~ u 1 m i~ m I WE 8 m " ~ 11 ~ ~ I I ~ N N .` Y \I' ~. PROPOSED -a"~~~ '~ BUFFERS ~'s°°,~ws", ~ . ~~.-__ I os9~r , ..~ ~ ~ ` I s I - _~~ ~ ~ -~ '' I .uo 1 ~ \~.`\: I / H % 1 ~ 1 I 1 ~~ I tL D ~ r 5 .~ l _~ .` \ `An Z I ~ I ~~ a \ m I D ~ r ~ s I IABAND) ~ ~ I I i ,~_ r ii ~ ``\ I I I~ \ \ I I \ ~ I - - -------- -------~---"_~ I S ~ o I _~--. - ~----- I o s ,1~ 11 'I ~~ \~~nn 1 lid/ / ~ ''' / ~l~r I II ObO~L \ \ V ~~ - -- y I ~ ~' ,. ~~]C 1~ Illy; .~11~,~ ~~~v~~I~N ©~ ~I~~`v~~~~ ~~,~~ ~G'Ug~,F®~gID ~:~UN'~I'`}° 1[.~'IIIE~.~'~~C ~~~ .~ d~'Id~rJ~CT: 8.i1~'~)`11.01 (t1-252-~,~I~) llrr ii _ CTREENSI3~OId~ - N~ ~TI:I~N I~1D~~I' I~RI~A~I :~ il ~ilV 'I', .-/ N~I$TI-1 ~(~l~ I-f~~> NEr~\I~ GIZ~C~ ~fl;"I'~~VN ~~!( .~ ,,~ ~~ , ~1', - 1'~ ; ~1 ~~~ ~~'~~~ ~I'1O NOIZ~'H c~l~ NIGH }~~)IN"I i3~.C-r~l~ ' r ~ ' ~ ` ~ LINE ~' ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ _ ~ o ~° .y1 J _ I I ~ \\ ~ W O / (' F I! ~\ - I 1 1 ,s -~. , r ' ' ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ . - ~ o ~ \ ~ N ~ _ ` ~ ;, ~ ' J a NAD 83 ~ ~ M ! ' I ~ ~ ~ ~ "i ~." 31 ~ ry ~~0 ~ ~ ,~ _ x ~ ~ O ~ i i 175 ~ ~ ~ lG N N ~ \ \ ` _ ~ +B ti~/1~ \~\ ~~ \ ~ ~ '~~ s ~~ti ~"1s A ' ` `~~ . Josue ~ ,~`-` \ • ~ ~ `ASs 6 ~ ~ ,,•,~` 0.GQ G 0 _ I •1 ~ `~ ° 11/1' , X65 ~~(~ ~O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ '~' ~ ~ ~I \ ~\ o~~~ ~ U \ G ~ a~ ~'' `~ ~o F y "i I '~ ° ~,o`~G \ ~ ~ ~ Goy , m I ~ -- ~ \ .y~~ I ~ I ------- ----_. I - . y ~ ~ba iS ~~ I[~'IL,,.E~ 1~ ~I[I~~V ~~~1C;.~~1I IDI~I~I®N ®~ I~IGI-IW~~~ ~~~~~~~~CvI[`~~ PR~OJ~CT:8.U~92101 (U-252~A13D _ GREENSIE3~RSD - WISTIERN I,~O~OP 1~F{~ONI ,I vac' IL J N~D1~T1-I cOF d-8.5 NT: ~\R GR~O~O~~gIE?"T'!OWN ti~~~.~~ ~~~. 1~_~ ~~~.', - "fl'~ N~CD ~"1'13 ~0~' I~IIG~I P~IN"3' R4~.~~ _~ 1L ;I 9 O ~( SI-i~I~;"1• ~~ ~~~ ~S ~r,0~~~~~rr,~ J ~~~ ~~ C n 0 \ ~ ~GQ ~65~ ~~~ ~~ P~ .~ a o~~^A \ \ ~~ \~~~ IP'IL,~~ ~~~~~ ~v1L'J~~ ~~~~ 1~ ~ ~~~ 1~~ ,~ ~~ c,°~~~ ~~ `~~~1 C~PSS ~''' r~~ FZGP ~ \~' ~ ~ X/ ~~ ~~ ~. ~% X ~~ ~%~ ~/ ~ \~ ~~ \~~~/~n G2~~ i~ / oz ~ NAD 83 ~, ~ v ~' Iw ~~~ ~ ~ I ~ G~ ~ ui ~ ~ - ~~~~~ ®IVISI®N ®1F IFII(s1EIW~~~ ~d1I1L,~~®I~I~ ~®iJN'I'~Y I'Id~DJEC'i':8.U~92101 (U-252~d~B) G~EENS~~DId® - W ~ST'IEI~N I,~D~DP }~ i~~DNI N~IZ'i'I-i ~DF 1-ti:i N~.4R GR~D~D~~iET'{D~VN '~ T~CD I~~OII'i'lI DF fliI(;I-I I•'~DIN"]' i~C3,-\ID ~ __S}-IFFY ~ ~ C>I~ ~~ b °i, 113 _- __ S ~J .,S ~~ e' ~~ ~o 2 ~~ N t~ ~ G N ~ o -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c -t- ~ ~ d C I F NAD 83 I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ~I I ~I 1ST ~ K I „ '^ ° u 3 ~~ ~ o _~ 1 8~ ~~ m ~o l7+ 4~ C s I~~~ 1 1 I \~ Illl I I < I I II I I Illl E I µµll~a 1111 1 Q Q I \~ I 1 1 1 1 I i I I i ~/I :~ ! \~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ b ~I ~1.~ 1U/ ® Jl I)IVISI®N ®F HIGHW~~S GUILF®RI) C®UN'll'Y PROJECT:8.U~492101 (U-252~dAB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FROM NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT ROAD SHEE'9' Z- OF ~ S ~' 15 /~ 03 6 ~1~ o~ a B - # ~ s ~~ ~~ . _ - .~ - o ~ •1 ~ ~ m iii ~' C7 1 ~ d '•' .` •. . - i ,a tio~fh ~ ~, , ~~ sD~ - ~ ~ ~ \~` I ~ ~ ~;/ ~ ~ ~ ` \~ LIN ~, B ry ~~0 ~J ~~ ~ ~~ ~, NAD 83 ~~ ,~, ' s ~ 1 ' ''y 1 ~ ~ , ~'\ .. ~~ \ ``\ • .~.. a ~ o W~~~~\ CP c~PgS P ~ \6S0 o ~ ~~ ~2° o I ~ ~ ~+ ` ~ as ~~ ~, G ~ , o m ~~ i I i : ~ ~ ~0~~ \ ~ ~~ ~ ~ GOV~i x I a ~' I i 0PS '~ i ~ ;""'~ Y ~ FS o Fs ~ ' b~ i i ~ F 1 ll ~ V" .L ~/ V V l_~_ 1~tCJ~~ 1F'If~; `C$ ID~v~s~®N ®~ ~g~~w~~~ ~GU~1L1F~h~ID ~~®UN"b'~Y ~.~'I[IF~~~~~(_.~~[`';~ PR~JIECT:6.U~921~01 (U-252~d.~13) _ GI3EFNSII3~R~D - wE~T~I~N II.,®:(51~ )riN.~19i~1 ~~~ ,(~~ ~ N~OI3T~t ~1F 1-85 N~:.-~Id ta1d~LD:Or'dFT~DNN ~~~_~~~~.f Tc~~ - TAO N~01~,"Il'~I ~OF 1-IIG~H I°:OIN~' ~~D.~~ 1L, ll: ~1, ~l ,~ d ~ I D ~ I I ~ `' I ~ A .. NAD 831 ~ • j~~ II .` . ~. , i ~EW I i I ~ I I ~~ I I ~ I I I I ~ ~ ~ ti f I i ~ ~ a I ~ I ' ~' u ~ i O i 3 ~ ~ I ' _---~ o i _ O m I - ~~ l; 11 ~ ~~ I : I ~ i N ~' ~ ~ I I I I I I I I w 190 ~ ~ -~o ^ I Z E~ I W ~~ ' ~ m i ~ r ~ ~ o B- ~ ;~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~' ~' ~' ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ A IL, IE~, = 11.. ~ ~[~ ~ ~(~ ~A ~,., 3~~} B 6saW ~ ~1 \ I.. .. \ \ I .. Ago \\ \\ ~ ~ ~~ I ~~. ~~ .,~^ II \~ ~ ~ ~\ ~ yy ` N ~ ~ ~ Q du ~ \ 'o ~ ~ ~W I ~ `` ~ v .' \ ~~o ~ ~~ " ~ ~ ~ DIVI~I®N ®F HIGHWAYS GUILF®RI) C~UN'I'Y PROJECT:8.U~92101 (U-252~4AB) GREENSB~R® -WESTERN L~~P FR®M NGRTH ®F I-85 NE,~R GR~~OMET~WN TAO NORTH ®F HIGH I~®INT READ SHEET 2--3 ~F ~~ S/~ l:i % 03 a ~ l` ~s \ ~ \o 0 A \\ c ~~~~, \ ~ ~~0 ~ ~ Q/~ \~y\GV-El7/ ~ \ qG~ `~~ `` \\ y \~~ \\ ~~ \ 5 `' ~~`` ~\`1 o. e. / , ~Nyp1E1. GHN'IGE E i °° ~ Y!ti D~N1. e ° °•° ; sEE NAO . ; •° a ;' 8.3 age es is' °j °° V,TE~'1' WING ~ ° $°~~ ~~ E p~GH P 4, ° ° e gEG1N G ~ 2 ` - CqT ~ ` ~ r ~ \ \ „~ ~~\7+g , I `l~GI ~ App CS oWS~~ EIS 1 1 Z ~ ~` 11 1 ~ ~~ pU~E0. ~ O 5 \ ~ y ~ EN Glf~E0. ~~ gEPlA +\9 •Spp ~ ~ ' l ~ ~~' \ ~ o° 0 •~~ ~,, 1 i~~ _• e ,` 1 ~~ e ~~ ~ .i ~ I a i ~Y n ~ m °' ~ ~ 4. ~' ~ r SPK'1I,L ~ ,4 i ~ Y _____~ ati ~.A1SGH ~~i t i i ' ' \ you E I ' ~ ,y .;% : % ; - ., ' , I~ ~ ~ I I ~ I I I I I _____. I /r`y 1_ .lI I I - °' ~_~~.. F~ _ i i y{I,.~~ R4SER t~ I it __.-s% ~~, ~ F~ . , I .. ~1-'., . ~ I <~. ~ i ~k ~~ I I \ `. ` I ~ ~ ______- _ I_I_` ' 1 EgOWS _ _ X~X~ _ _X - _ ~- _ _ ~X_`X ~ I I ~' _ w --. '- _ X~X~.X -- __ a a - _ ~ _ ~11 A~~ V ~~ V V ~t/1LL~ ~11i ~~~~~~ I)IVISI®N ®F HIGHWAY'S GUII.F®IdI) C®UN'I'Y' ~~~~~~~ PR~JECT:8.U~92101 (U-252-0AB) ~~~!~= ~ GREENSB®R® -WESTERN L©®P FR®M ~ NORTH ®F I-85 NEAR GR®~OMET®WN n~ ~ TIC _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ r~ t1~ 1L TAO N~ORTI-I ®F HIGH P~DIN'I' R~O.A.D o , U'~ I ~ ' ' SHEE",~' 2. G ©F .~~ S ~O 15 ~ 03 ,~ \ ~~ \ \~~ \\ ~, ~~ ~~ \ SITE 12 ,, 1'~~ ,~ ~` ~-~~ -,, ,. ,, ,, -~; ,, ~ ~ y'90 B~ j 1.Om LATERAL BASE DITCH x -'~ ~_--.-x s~ ~~J ~ ASS G t ll lls1`il~ ~Yy~~ ~Y~Y ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~-J ~ i~ 1~ ~ ~~ ~- - l1, ,~,I)~I) -~-~~' I ``s' ~ ~\ ~, SITE II ~ , . ~ ~~F \~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~-~-~~ DIVISI®N ®F' ~--IIGff-IwAYS GUII.~~R® C.~UN'I'Y PROJECT:B.U-09210( (U-252-0AB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FR~ONI NORTH OF (-85 NE,~R GROOb[ETOWN TAO NORTH OF H-(.H POINT' RO.~1) ~~~ I INAD 83 I I I I I I I ~ ~ + I ~ I 1 N m ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 3 I ~ ~ N I I a I ~ ~ 19 a IN~+ ~ ~~ ~ 11 I 13 U '~ O u oo w~ o m a ~ ry 3 W i H 2 ~ ~ ~ N A. rQ .g O/f~ 1/.C,~p;, ~Y~S,,,/ Os9~ I I ~ /~ ~ ~ 1 I s~ ~ ~~ d 4~ '`u`~'! 1 ~, I` ~\ W ~ h 0 ~ E~ \\ ti ~ ~ ~ ~~ N w~ N ,~ e ~ - - +~ `~ `~ ~~~.~~ ~Y ~11~ V'V' ~`l~ ll1/~~ ~~~~~~~ I~IVI~I®N ~V I-II~GIEIW~}YS i~ ~UIIL~®I~~D ~'®UN~'~Y I[ ~I[IF~~~C"~°~ PI3~JIECT:8.U~492101 (U-252~4~$) ~~ ~ GI~~;EN513,DR~D - `V~ST~I~,N 6.~O~D,P I:~®NI ~,~~~1 ' 1L=~1 N~DRT~-I ~I~ I-85 N~:~I~ t~I3~D~DrY)E;'I'®WN ~~( ~' .~~ )L_,1_E;= 1~ ~ l~ ';I~~-~(~ "1~~D N,oraT~-t ~DF ~1~;~P~DIN~I~ Ia~o~~ -- -- - - ~, ~..,, -, ~., ~~., .., , ... ~, '. ~~, ~. ~~. NAD 83 .. •.~, - `•.~ ••~ ••, I ;.. ~ ~~~ ~~ ~, '~, i• ~ ~ ,~ ~1 11 I I I ~ ~ 1 O 1 I I I I I _j ~_ I I I^',` I I / ' I \ ~ w I I` O 1 0 ~ I O I I I .I I 1 1 1 l~ .3 ~1°~~~~v~~~ :~ ~~(., :~\ 1[_., l~= I~ ; ,~ (I) ilk :~,.. ^v .~ ~, ~~ Q W U ~. ~o ~W a~ Q ~- ~~~ ~~ 1 m z O ~ ~ ~, V 1 f ' ~ .._ - )~ ~, Q~ , .., ~ N ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ DI'VI~IcON ®1F 1H[IG]FI`V~~'S ~GUI]L1F~Id® C~LIN"]C~' I'R~J,~'CT:B.U~d92101 (U-252~fr~lE3) GRIERNS~3®R~ - `V~ES'~°]ERN 1L~O~DID I:R~M N~©IE~TH ~O~' I-E35 N~.9~R Glf1~D~OidI~'1i'~n1VN 'I'mo N~DR'-'~I ~7: I-iIGI[-3 '~~OIN~" 1~~0:~~ 5~~~~I~ 3 2 ~~~~~ ~ ,~~ r ~, ~, % x 1 I ~I I I r.' !, .~ W ~ . ~ . - I I I v~ .`~-i'f`s ~ ~ \ 1 I ~.__y.•4.--_. _ ~++ __ IV /~~+ ~'--~_- •; ~~~ I ~; !: I i ~ ' b ~~ , ~ i I ~ ~'i,~ I r ~~ j;I x X I V) I ' % ~ I I i / I 1r, 11 / ' I I J' 1 ~ x / -' l ° ~ + ~ ~ NAD 83 ~ I I ,~ x / ~ I ~ I ++ / I I w `~I ~ b I i ~ I `~ ~ i I ~ x I i m ~ ~ ; ~c I ~ i ( l I W~ ~, x ~ ~ O ~eFF ~ I ~I~ -4~ +'~ E w I + o ~ O~ ` i + \ % + I ~ I = ~ `~ xQ I W ~~ ' ~ ~ ~ 'ji I ' ~% I mm O 1 x ~ ~ /+ ~ I _ ~ I ~ ~ I i x ' ~ u' ~\ > I ~ u3 o I I u I ~ ~ g~ nCX + I o I I I '~'~ / ,,1 x / I w I ~ I I I I ;I I i ~ ~ I • I f'N I I I I ' x ~ ~ ~~ • z I I ~ c -----k---. 1 \ x , ; ~ 4 I I %. H , 1x x~_ ~ ' 1 .. .. • i i ~ ~~ ~ , . I I • i I ~ . \\ ~`\ ~x x ~ .. .. .. ' \ x ~ i , x--_x \ ~ \~ , + \ \ I I ~ \ H a %~ ~ I' \ a`~ + l; \ ~ \ ~ ' \ u ~ ¢ ~ \ i ~ I I ~ o ~ ~ ~ I \ yyj ~ W 0 ~ / \\ ~ ~ u o ~ I I ~ ~ ~. ~ fro II~IL~1~ ~][I~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~1.~ ~~~®~ --- I)I'VISI®N ®]F HIGIHW~~S GUI]L1F~IDI~~ C®UN~'Y PROJECT:8.U~492101 (U-252~Qr~B> GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FROM NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT RO.~1~ SHEET 3 ~ ~OF ~S" 5 a is ~ o~ 1 1 1 ' ' ~1 ~\ ~\ / ~ I I ~\ .\ ~ •\ \ ' I I ..\ ~., , , , 0 ''`' ~' ~ ~ ~ ~\ ~" ,, ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~, ~` ' i ! ~ '~~~ I ..'. I I;, `, `, ; `I ~ ~', I , ~, ~ ~ U ~.. o ~~, , •, I , ,,; I ,, .., . ,, , . I ~ ..., Z '~ Q I `~, '~ . ~~. w I ~`~~ '~ J I X 1 i i ~~ I i i i ~~ I ., I S ~~ SI'S'~~ I ~'~ ~ ~ . , ~., + ~ STQ~PIM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I o I '~, '~, - I RE 1.~GAtI , I `\ `, I NAD B3 ~ ~ '•, ; '•, I ', ', •, I '~, I %" I I ~`~` I ' ~' `' UPPERS FO ~., ,\ ~, I I -, . . ~' SITE 7 ~\ , , ~,,~ ~~. I I~ICe~1~T ~~~~ ~T~C~®~`' ~~~~~~ ~IVISI®N ®F HIGHWAYS GUILF®RD C®UNTY ~~~~~~~ PR~JECT:8.U~92101 (U-252~QAB) ~7 GREENSB~R~ -WESTERN LOOP FR®M ~~~~~ ~e NORTH ~F I-85 NEAR GROGMET~WN t~ ~ ~.~ ~~ - ~ o `~;I~ ~~~ TO NORTH ®F HIGH POINT R~OAO --- ---- --- --11- ----- S H E E ~' 3 ~ ~ F ~ ~ S /' l ;i /l 03 x I k I. \\~\1 I -- ' ' I I Z4 ~ I I n ~ I U /~i,i I ; /i /% I I ~;, I ! fo, V ~7 ~ I ~:~'~ I I~ ~~i/ I '•~ x ! ,~ v~ I ' I `~ ! ~ I I ~ /,~ I 1 / ~ ~ / •I/ I / m x $ I j ~ I I I ~ ~ l • NAD 83 I I ~ ~ r ~ I ,I w x ~f ~ b I I ~ ~, I I I ~ ~ i, I I ,' x m , 1 ~ t I ,,` ! ~~ ` T N I I I + •.~ I Z _ `~ x c9 ; Q m~~ i ~ ~ I ~- ~ ~ j ~ I ~ i, I I f I ~ I O ~ I ,'' ~\ 1 ~ x I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ` I N ! 73 s I ~ I ~ ~ g aq ~ } I"u I I I O I ',~ ~ 12~ ~, I I w ~'~ x ~ , I / ! / II I I N I I • ~ l1 ~ I ----~---~ I ~~ ~ '~ ~I 11 I I I ~ >~ I ~ , x ~x x__ o o ~ /, : ~ I ; ~ ~ I I ~'• I ~ 9 ~ 0 WW 6 SB X X . . r --_---- ~ .. .. I ~--_..__.. .. I •,' I i , •/ ~ /, ~~ ~ ` ~ x ~ n ~ x~ m I :' ~ I '' ~ x x-__x- \ ~ ~ I I I W ~ ~ ~ ~~\ I / I : I, 1 \C.I ~ I a %• I / ~ ~ N \ ~r ~ ~ , \ u~ I I; ' 1 ~~ ~~ `~ 1 9u+ N ~ ~ H W ~ F ~ ~~ ~ ' ~ I ; ~ \ I~~~ ~ ~ I A T E; ' LI E \ ; I~~ ~ ~ I I - I~ICs~I~ ~~IE~ 1~T~C~®~° ~~~~~~ DIVISI®N ®F HIGHWAYS GUILF®RD C®UNZ'Y ~,~ PROJECT: 8.U492101 (U-252~4AB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FROM ~~~~ ~~ NORTH ®F I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN ~~ ~ it A ~~ _ ¶ Q I~ ~~ ~~ /f- 1L 11 ~Ll~l TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT RO.~D -- - . -- ~^ - SI-IEET ~~ OF J ~ 5/~ l5%!)3 1~1 ~\ .1 ' :~ '.` '~\ •~ ,'~ ~ ,,` .\ ~ .' ,.' ,, ~ ~~~~ ~~ .., ., ., A T i 1i 1 ~ I 1 ~ , '~ ~ ; ,1 O ;. , ;. ' O ' ` ~ ;~ , ~ ~ 11I ' , + /' ' Ix ~ / ~ 7 1 / I 1 ~ I ..~. '~, '~ '1 '1 ,1 , r ; , ~ 1 ~1 ~I ~l t ~I ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I , ~, / I ~ ~ , . , ~ `, `, `, . O °, ~ ~~. Z i ~~ ~~~ ~~' Q i '•~. ~~ ~ I ~~ ~ /\ `~ 11 .. • m 1 x X X X. ~ I r 1 ~ I l l ~~l 1 I I 1 ~ ~ I t 1 1 ~ O ' \ \ ` \ (/'~~ \1J I \ •\ ~ NAD 83 I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1` x ~ li '11 ' ~ I I I ~ S E.E S ('C ~ 7 i • ~ ' ' ~ ~` '~ `. ~~, '~ ~, ~ '~. ~ sTR. ~ E7'1M ~EC+CC~i ~ (~ 1 ,~ ~~ ~~ '•~ ` ~ `• ••, ~7 ~ y ~~y ~~~l~l ~Y ~~ ~'V' ~~llJ/®~ ~~~~~~ DIVISI®N ®F IHIG~IW~\YS GUIILF®IaD C®UNTY ~~~~~~~ PROJECT:8.U~92101 <U-252~O.~B) ~7 ~~~~~ ~e GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FROM . NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN ~~~~~ ~` ~ J1C~ - 11U (~~n/~ L~ V lL9 TO NO RTH OF HIGH POINT RO.~D -- ------- -- - - ----- ---- > -SHEET J ~ `D F ~ ~ 5 /r' l :i .~ 03 -.. NAD B3 2 GI WITH FLAT GRATE ---------- ~,-v~r-~-`--------- 375 25 F, k SPECIAL DITCH .~- ~~`~'`'~~~ ~~x~ DE SEE PROFILE ~ ~ \k ~~~~ ~,`x ~~ L T • ~-~ k k ,, .~---- `- 7 ~ - / LT _CSLIP, ONC k~`k G -~_h ~~~~ '" k ALT I_35~ --_ _ ~ ~x ___ --- ~-~----- ~v~11~ ~YV' ~~ 2[ ~D ,~ ~C'I[`' I[ ~I`' ~ ``_~~ _~ _ ,~,C , . ~~ iL, IE = IC ; ~~ ~~~~~ A~ ~~~~ I~IVISI®N ®1F ]HI~~ZVA~'~ GUIILF®~~ c®uN T~ I'R~OJE C;T: 8.U~921~1 (U-^^>52-0.-~I~) GREENSI~~ORcO -WESTERN Lc0(~1~ ~R®,~g NORTH ~CDI+ I-85 NEAR GROGOMIET~DWN TAD N~ORT~-i ®E I-3IC~H I~~OINT F~~.O.~D 2 GI WITH FLAT GRATE 25 f60 26 +00 i 30+60 _J N 78° 15' 35! -40SBREV - 7 _CSLIP- f- -~_ -_ ~r I / ~~~~ I II `I .~~--_1__-- --ii--~ f~\--- LATERAL 3 `~~~~ ~~ ~< ~~~~ ~,•\ ;i~~~L V-DITCH -- ~~ ~~ ,~ ---- --- \~~450 r . x .x-max ~xr-X ~~ x--X~ -- ~ NAD 83 I ~C Eq RE i ~ ~ q NOF~C ~ i ~~~~ ~~~~ l~ ;~ VI~~ ~E:;~ ~t~,1 _, ~ ~, ~l~/ ~~~ x- I~IVISIcDN cp1F' ~IIGIFI~~~~ GIJI~,L~~~~ ~©i1N'I'SY ~'R~JEC"I':8.L1-092L~U1 (U-252~4.~~) GREENS33~OIt~O -WESTERN L~~Dp FR(~iti'd NORTH Q~~ I-~35 NE~~R GR~D~DbIET~D~VN TAD N ~O(.R'1'H X01: H I G I-I F~~OI N'i' RED A D ~~HEI;"I~ _l' 'n ]' ~~ 6,% 2 1% 11.3 - _ - - _ - - - - _ ' I CABCE G/R .S Z tUU - -- - -- - - -4-- - - - - - -- -- - -- -L- I I -- -- - - I I ea ° r ----------------------- -------- li ----- II t-t--------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------- e~e-~ ~os® zcl I I - ~as,°ea ~~ losom ~~ I RET ~ ° '~ ~ 2cl r~ e®•~ /~T I ,~~~~~ ~ REMOVE I~ I I ~ ~~ h r- \~- _~-~ -ISM'` ~ ~~~ __ ~L~~~J E~~N~UIDE \ '-------'-.--_' J --- j ST.kkA~A.AA7J6-+U579TER ` \\\ \ //i I I ~ // I I I I I I `\ ~~i L--J t-~ F~ ', I I I I 2 GI WITH FLAT GRA f:~ ~ I -' FLAT GRATE 775 I- T- I I I AI R3~ 4.3'.49.7' E -`fOSBREV- ~-~ I ~ _ ~ I ~ ~~ I / ~ ~~L J i~ FUT'GRATE ~"~" II-I .~ J--1 -L-- I ___ _ ~I~~~ Ic`J'~P-~ -~- \ \ ~`\\ I</1~ ~` - '~ I i i i ~~ A' EST. Q,~ TONS CL-B RIP RAP I EST. 4,3_ SM FILTER FABRIC Loyal Order Of Moose ~~,.~~ ~~T~~ _CSLIP_ ~~ 2GI WITH > £ a FUT GRATE ^' o 'Z' ° I m``n. ON S ~ ~ { 'V'OIiCN FOR N -'-~~~ f SILT BASIN 'A' _.~' ~-x' " q, occcnoucn CL 'I' RIPRAP ~' 85 CM DDE ~~ ~ 50 MTONS 90 SM FF .-~ -~ .'~ ~: ~ZGa ,.._~ ,. I ;_ ~~ I I ',1 ~ ~ ~•. ~~ ~~~ //` ,i ` ~I NAD I ,I , I 83 I,, ~`%~j ~ '. ' ~I'' I `\ ~ `t,n; R ~, ~^~- ~-'~ Jessle W. Morgon ~IE~[`'~.,AZ~' III ~~~I'f'; s~~.~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~IVI~IcON ®F 1~~~(a1~I~V.~~S ~IJI1L1F©I$~ CIO'UN'd"lY d~RID,I~;CT:8.Li~921~0y (2I-252~J~1B) C~I~,IE~NS~~O~~D - ~~F5'Y'IEI~N LIO~O>I' 1F~3~ONII N~~~'I'H I©~ I-t~5 ~I:~R ~t~F~lO101~1[~ET~OWN 'fl'~O N~©I~"I°~-I IDF ~HI~~=1 ~~IOI~iT RIC~.al~ - - - - - - _ _ I I CABLE G/R ,32 f -L- - -- - - I I - - - - -- - - - -- - - - ---------- I I A8 0 --------------- - - I-- ---------------- -------------------- ------- ----- II ------------ I I ---------------------- II ----------- ------f-~------------------ ---------- -------- ----- zcl II ------------------- 0~esae~ ~05~ a~__ REr__'___----'=50®m~~J I (`\ 1T I I za I \\ //I I 1 ~~~~^~ ~ REMOVE I~----~- _~-1 11I.4``-- t----. ~ / y ~~ Et~ SH~ULDE \ --------_'_'._-.~~ =~ J~ 8E~ G TIER \\\\ /~~ I I ~9 I I \ / z IIGI wITH i I I I I T_ 2 GI WRH I I I -40SBRE1/- FLATGRATE aTS FL~I?cRAT~ I ~•;~\,;~ , N 83'43',49.7"E :- r s ~ // L _I 2GI ~ I / / - I I ~ _ ~- agD - ~ / i ,~~ ~ ~~ ££ 2GI WITH FLAT GRATE a ^' o _GSLIP- ~ a -G ITH- - ~ ~:• ~ ~ ~ ' ra I O Os ~~ r FIAT GRATE I I ~ ~ J Ir-I .~ ! ~ 19 I I - ~, i ~~f-+~I- ,~`r i -'V' DITCH FOR SILT BASIN 'A' 1P ~` ~ l ~+ ~_x. _ _ ~~ N r ~~\~ `~ ~ ~I , J 1 ~ S _ ~ ~ T~\ \ I ri \I. \ ~ x .LrS-'x--.- X K x PREFORMED ~ - ~ '~ ~~~ m0 \ \ \ - .~y~ -+~ I SCOUR HOLE ~1 ~ ~~ N ~ ~ \ ~ - X PR F _ \ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~`S \ ~ ~ ~ ~ N07E~ ~ • e a_ E ORMED SCOUR HOLE .S~ ~~ i A, EST. Q,~ TONS CL-B RIP RAP EST. 4,~ SM FILTER FABRIC loyal Order Of Moose Cl 'I' RIPRAP 85 CM DDE 50 MTONS 90 SM FF {"': w~/, .•~: NAp 83 Jessie W. Morgan i i ~ T` •r r ~, -.,` `.\ .,\ ,,1 ' ,1 ~ ~~.~ . \ •1 I ,~ ~ i i i i' ~' ~ i / °II° IE'; ' ~ u~ ~T~CII~~~[° IrIVISI®N ®~ I-IICIFIW~~~ GUIL~~R1[~ CcO~TN'I'~Y PR,DJE~'T:8.U~92101 (U-252-0.~I3> GREENSBIDR'D - WI;S'g'EIdN L~~P ~FRIO~I NIDI~TI-I IDF I-85 NE.Q~R IGR®ION1ET10WN 'l('~D N1~RTT-3 tDF~ ~I(~1~9 IDIDIN'1' ~I O.~I1 -S~IE~T TJ_ OI' ~f> /r' ') ~I ! 03 .~~ • vv I I CABLE C/R 32+00 -~- - - - - -- I I - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - I I ee ° ---------------------------r -------------------------------- ---------------------------I-~----------------- --------------- II ~ II II ---------------------------- fi1---------------------------------- --------------------------- s~ m m _oso zcl I I RET a •~ scl \\ e ~ ~~~ I ~~~~ ` ~ REMOVE I \ / / ~ r---~- J{~-E \ ---------------L J s \\\\ / /~~ \ ~ I I I I \~~~ L---~ ~--I ~. I I I 2 GI WITH FLT GRATES I I I •` ~~ FLIT GRATE 375 _ _ ~- I I ~ ~ , ; 83' 43',49.T E -40SBREV- ~~ I I _ _CSLIP zGl +00 / / I -/ - I ~ -I GI ~ ,- a5D /% ~ I I / / ~ ~, A 2G1 WRH FUT GRATE A "' o ~~ ~ o ~ _CSLIP- /7 -~ % / % rNN ' o N~ - ~ ~-6~-WVTH- FLAT GRATE ~ I ~ ~ I O ~ Y ~_~ ~ ~ f ~ 19 ° T N Foa - ~ _ , ~. If-~ '~~ J ---~} N 11 r ~ ' ~\\ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ' '~ /~n x---x- ~" . a . PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE - - N r . ~ ,~ ~\ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~(~ f ~ 1~ ~ 1~ ~ _ ~ PREFORMED 4 SCOUR HOLE 4 \ ~ \~\ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ x r i ~: X450 x .~x~t V1~EL0 W ,' C x x-~ ~ ~ CL 'I' RIPRAP 05 CM DDE /• % /• ~ 40 x"~k ~~x S A 50 MTONS 90 SM FF ~"~~ ' ~ _~ ~ •~••~ / LITERAL V DIT '~- `''~4 ----- ~ •''_- ---- -^~- ~ - CH / r~-~ I EST. Q,~ TONS CL-B RIP RAP / EST - i• \~ ~ • . 4,~ SM FILTER FABRIC \ r' \, • / ~ •~ \ / 1 1 ~ ` / 1 / ` ` ~ / ~ ~ ~ '~ •'~ , I ''~ i ~ _ NAD B3 ~~ Loyal Ordar Ofi Moose ~ ~ ;•i _ / ~ ~~ i~ ' I i~ • - .. ' I % ~' ! ~ \•\ i i ~ F J assle W, Morgan l - Ll ~ .l~ `~. J ~~ 1.J ~~~~~ ~I~I~~~ON ~~ 1(-~g~][~VV~~~ ~ZTg1L.,]FlDlfg~ C'I©~IN'lL°~ IDI3ID.I~CT:8.U~92101 (U-2b`?-0.~I3) GIa~IENSI3IDI~© - ~'IESTIiRN LIDID~ 1FI31DNI NIDRTH IDF I-85 N~.~~I~ (IIKIDID~'I~TIOWN TID NIOI~TI-I IOF HIGH I~IDIl~"I, I~10:~\I~ ~_ ~Hr ~T ~ ~~ S 5 ~I, ~~al ~~ ~~~,> F ~ I ~ -~ ~ --- F C ------ -- ------ ~ -4OSBREV- ~ ~ ~ , 29 +00 29 +40 -CSLIP- ~'~ 2 GI WITH P~,, ~ ~ FLAT GRATE 1 y ~ r ;' /37 ~' ,/ E t i O ~~~ O~G _.._/ W N ~~~r~1~n- O ------ -~ ~' - - ~~, - .~ .~{-x-- x REMOVE C~-B RIP RAP yV/FILTER FABRIC ~~1'~11~ ~Y ~~ V'V' 1~'C~1~~ ~~~~ ~A~~C~~s~ lI `l~' IT; ~u~ ~, y~ ` IIr t( ~~~ ,114, !l_l ~L !i 1. n'1~~~~~~~~ __ ' P ~ - ~ .~ FILL EXIST lNG ~: ~o.o P ,~ ~/i CHANNEL ~. X40.3 x x x- i i i ~ NAp B3 • I I I I I I I I I ~T I(~ ~IVISI®N cO1F ][-IIG]hIWA~S GUI]L)~'Olf~® C®LTN"I'Y PR~JI/C`I': S.U-0921'01 (U-252~AB) (~REI;NSSORD - WESTERN L®~OI~ FR~t~M NORTH ~DF I-85 WEAR GR~D~MFT~D~VN ' T~C~ N~OR`I'H ;~F ;III~~H PINT I~DAI3 --;;H'EET ~ ~ CAF ~ ~--- 4' ~ ='~I ~~ D,~ i ------------ ----- -- ~'~ ~ ~~ } ~~ ~ -aosa~~- ~- so sG~ wlm- - _ 8 fUT GRA ¢' -GSUP- 2GI wtTt1 - - - - fUT GMTE _ ~ i //~ i _ ~ - x- ~ ` ,__,- ~x~X x~ %~ ,~ i ~ ~~ ~ _ .~ , ~= _~ _ f -T-_ ~ ._~ . t ---------- --- ~.- T` fir. , x~ t~ lx__-•-x-x-x ~.A . 1 ~ I D I --~ George W. µcCulston, etd n ~ 1.659 Ha. By pMD = Db 1712-548 NAD 83 ~ ,--- z ~ m i ~~d71b~1 ~~~ tV b ~1 ~~® 11 ~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY °~° ~ PROJECT: 8.U492101 (U-2524AB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FROM ~+ ~ ~ NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETO WN TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT ROAD _ ~~~~~ ~°~®®® SHEET ~~ OF S~ 6/30/03 ,J ,~y~ ------ ~ -----u--------- - ----------- ~r ~------- -- ____ ----------------- ------------ a d a~ c -- __ -- ---- _~ F C ------------- __------ - _ _ ------ ------~ _~__-_ ~ h~ \ ---- ---~ ___ --- d~ ~~~ ~~ GRATE ,. _ _ xx x x X~ A -, I ' . _ . LTDE-TDE-7DE-TDE-~DE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE- -TDE- I I ~ Mattfe B. McCuiston 0,166 Ha, by DMD ~ DB 1712-548 ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ /J I ZDE1'j0 TDE-TDE-TDE--TD~'~ ~ I ~ NAD 83 Florence H, McCulston ~ DB 1712-551 1.659 Ha, by Tax Map b ~`I ~~®~ DIVISION ®F HIGHNAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT:8.U~92101 (U-252~AB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FRObI NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETOIVN TO NORTH OF~^HIGH POINT ROAD SHEET ~' OF J ~ 5 / 15 / 03 _----~ =~ -~ V!IITH .~ 1`?. Ft.A~' GRATE ~~~ . !~ ~ 1- _=~~ - sip --- --- --- __ - 1~S i ~(r G4G~, y 37~ ;- ._ ` ~ - i ~v ; r ,i -~ - ~ ~ ~ ~E - . REMOVE ~~ x x x -x x x- -r---x D i -~ ~ I ~~ ~ CL-B R1F RAF ~ ~ \ Z ~ ~ JJ Nat? B3 FTl I I _ ~ _~ ~ George W. ~teCuis~on, etaj a ~ . 1~II~:~ ~TIC1~~ ~1 ('~7`~~V' ~ ~E ~~ffi~~1 j~ AA lid V 1 `lO ~'1 1~ 1~ 1 4Y ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~I~~ = ~o~~D~~ ~~~~ DIVISI®N OF HIGHS ~YS GUILFORD COUNTY PRO.TEC'1':8.U~49~101 {U-252AAI;} ORI:I:NSDURO - WFSTCRN L©OP FROM NaRTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN TO CVQRTIi OF HTGH POIl` T R01lI? SH ~ i T 1}+B QF S3 7.! 10103 c r 2 ----- --------------------------- -------------- d----------'---- ------ ----- ---------- -------------------------------Y--------------------- D Sj ~ -~ 9 --. I,o Z _ - --~~~-----------~ ~F ---- - ---'--~ --_ -- S ~~ - _ - court `~ ,i,3,~f ~ ~___~ -~~~~_~~~ - o --~ F2L EJIUSTIIG I ~'~~ ~ ' f± .' ~ ~ ~10tf'jG~- n E. L7FjE ~i 1U~ TDt --tdE-TDE-TUT-IOE-TOE--OE-7DE-TOE- 7U£`-TDF-TGE-TUf-~~9 ~ ~ t Notf ie B. Mo[ulsian ~~ ~ ~t ~ ` ~ \5 } ~ ~ kl `•~ ~ 1 ! ~ 1 ~____/ I ~ rv~ ~~Li]YL __-- F'~ . ;, . FI~~~CB H McCvIS7Gn NfrD $3 Il lL~~~ ~~L~~i ~~11L'tLY 11 DIi~iSI~OAT OF HIGHWAYS ~ ~ ~ -~ ~~ GUIL I~R© CGUNTY' ~~A~~`,°g°~~~~'~°~(~RY PROJECT:8.U442101 (U-252~AB) Jl~f GREENSBORO - R~ESTERN LDOP FROM ~~V~~ ~.~ FORTH OT' 3-85 NEAR GItODMETOWid ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ ¶ • ~ ~ ~ ~ TO NaRTH OF HIGH POINT 3tO~iD 1L SHELT 4~ OF ~ T ~ 30.r' 03 r O W 0 4] 7 3 m s Ol 2 3 C ~0 m m rn r r+ m m ~~~ ~ 3 NATURAL CHANNEL DESIGN TYPICALS DETAIL . ~ <. T'rPICAL FLOOD PLAIN SECTION ~~ r- .Nor to Scale ) Ground I I~ flood PIOin ---/5R VAR. ~~ 8m TO 20m ~ SEE CHANNEL DETAILS CHANNEL DETAIL PROPOSED RIFFLE SECTION (Nat to 5cae I Flootl rNA><. BANKFULL DEPTH Plain none TYPICAL SECTION IAT RIFFLES ~~~dllilil r PIAWs N Ni IN fN Yl ~gYI1N INCOifI~ I; 9LAYs N Nr w cNTrcn~ CHANNEYL CDELTAISL PROPOQ EBENp PIPOOLS~CTION INOr ro sca. I POfIT WpAL PpCL OEPTN Fboo Ploln _y„ Q6m FEN OUANTITES OOE = 21000m~ BOULDERS = 400 EACH COIR AIAT = 260mz GEOTEXTILE FABRIC = 350m~ T/E TO EXISTNG CHANNEL FILL EXISTING CHANNEL- FILL EX/STING ~ CHANNEL c~ssvavE mP~cau SEE DETNC SEE SHEET 2 2400 '"----` - ~~ -- ~ T~ FL:^w oIREGnoN Fll1 TO ELEV.242.4 24392 0 m LTDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE FILL EXISTING CHANNEL TlE TO EXISTNG CHANNEL n I ----- __ '--- __' --- _ --- -~ ~~~~~~~"~~~iE~ PLAN VIEW ~,so~-s~~ ~- ~s o I ~ ~ T ~ ~ FLLW DIRECT/ON ,~oEiT~~ ~ # 8 -TDE-TDE-TDE_ZDE~ T~~-Z~~~~-w P~fl Sl1e~f' ~d ~ f d~ ' ~~,[~ ~3 WETLAI~ P~tMCf [dlPAC'C SUh+bNARY I WETlAI~ IMPACTS SURF,tCE WATER bibPACTS ' SitE No. Sialion ~ ~romlTO) ~ Slructuce Fill h Sae ! Tye ~ Y+ldtands ai Tend Ftil to 61~ands Nathan-v_ad E,ccavation geareag In Wetlaeds {FAeihad IiF} (0a} (na Fbl le SW {Nalir2l} tg Fib In SW ~ ft>'rlp. FiIJ {fond} In SW ita ha Ezi~i~g Ctr~nnel FmpaUed m tdl~ural 3n~m t7esc~n m; 7 12+4G T~] tiE+60 -405BRE1J- 0.139 4~.4 299 7 23+35 -CSUP- 2.4 X 1.8 RCBC 037 990_$ 7 S I +72 -11LPC- 2.4 X 1.5 RCBC 032 65.4 7 7210~D -4GSBF.E1!- < Q09 &4 7 - --- TOTALHrS'ACTS 0'23_-_ - - ----__-- _ _. - 739.8 290.1 -- 8-- i8t60 -1GSBfiEV- OA8 17 73+SURT.-L7Ftf'ft OA3 _-12 74+t?O RT. -L7RPA 0.01 < ff.0i - t:i t5+67 RT.-1914oN& - D.OS i4 95+00 -40SBREW- 0.43 t5 1's+60~OSBREV- I 0.42 _ t 6 `- - L ~ -- 73+2p LT. -40S8t1EU- 0.48 t7 r ti+OG TO +3+O+J -40SBRfiV- ~ 4~& 206.b 1? ; 29+00 -3iFLY- ~ 0.45 I 21 ; t6+60 •LSFlY- 0.05 _ 23 ~ 25+00 ~l7SBP.EV- 0.4~ 2a _ 3G+GORT.-CSLIP- <0.01 - 25 ^c&+90 ~OSBREV- 2-7 ?t 1.5 RC-8C 02S 0-02 ---- ~ _ - -- -- 25 28+90 ~OSBREV- 2.7 X 1-5 RCBC OD3 105.5 258 29+00 ~OSF3REV- 0.03 5a STRE~7wl RELOCATION OD7 335.`s 285 TUTALS 1.11 ~] 0 4.02 039 b.rs 4 13.78.6 575.1 1^~1JiJ 1 DIV><STGN OF H:C=HWA~iS GUTT FORD CC.~IJNTY PRO.IECT F3-1J492if?l {U-25~4AB7 GRSE€V3BORCt -WESTERN L{JGP FROM! P1dRTH dF I-85 NF.IaR GR4dhifiTOVIIV TO NORTH GF H1GH POTT<1T ROAD nr J~7 r iJl Ju~~. v3 BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY IMPACT TYPE ALLOWABLE MITIGABLE BUFFER REPLACEMENT SITE NO. STRUCTURE SIZE /TYPE STATION (FROM/TO) ROAD CROSSING PARALLEL IMPACT ZONE 1 (mZ) ZONE 2 (m~) TOTAL (m2) ZONE 1 (m2) ZONE 2 (m2) TOTAL (m2) ZONE 1 (mz) ZONE 2 (mz) 7 11+60T016+70-40SBREV- X 8425.0 5772.6 5272.0 3461.0 7 2.41 X 1.8 RCBC 25+35 -CSLIP- X 3244.8 3142.5 7 2.4 X 1.5 RCBC 11+72 -11 LPC- X 1170.3 776.0 7 TOTAL 12840.1 9691.1 17 11+00 70 13+00 -40SBREV- X 3325.4 2187.9 25 2.7 X t5 RCBC 26+90 -40SBREV- X 1787.3 1184.7 23 28+50 TO 32+00 -40SBREV- X 7341.6 5086.3 TOTAL: 0.0 0.0 0.0 25294.4 18150.0 0.0 5272.0 3461.0 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U492101 (U-2524A8) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FROM NORTH I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN TO NORTH OF HIGHPOINT RD. 6/26/2003 SHEET OF 5 c1c~,f ~ ~ 3 cEO-rExrrLE fAeRlc _# notlve pfonlings 'S}ECTION A-A `p native plantings _--~_Pro~eci~ top of vane wing ' SLOPE- 2 - 15% boulders ~ ,f . I' ----------------- .,~ ;~.\ ~ ~~ ~ O s4 ~ \ oa~er racks frlLE f,cBR;C s sECrroN a-a ~ • o savxFUC~ oEPrt-~ - Stream Clnmd srreom mnR Footer racKs -NOTE: Boulders should be native quarried rock or locolly shot rock, angular and oblong with approximate mfnlmum dimensions ofi 1.2m x 0.9m x 0.6m and weighing approximately (900 kg) Larger boulders should have approximate mfnlmum dimensions of 1.2m x 1.2m x 0.9m Rocks should tit tightly with minimal spaces Footer rocks should be mfnlmum ofi 2 times 'H' In depth fiat Qravelbed streams and a mfnlmum Ofi 3 tima.s 'N' T~ ~.,.,.~ ti,,,~ ..1____ Geotextile fiabrlc should be placed on upstream side ofi boulders. Fabric should be overlain on exposed boulders and burled to a minmum depth as directed by on site engineer99. Fabric ofio~ld~eox~eond dlpected by onnisite engines~~For urban type protects and/or sandbed streams, fabric should be backfilled with existing bed material. H = 0.06m S!-~f S `F of S-S PLAN ~~~, CROSS VANE ROCK WEIR DETAIL NAMES AND ADDRESSES REFERENCE NO. 1 S 6 Goose W. McCui~Eon MaEEie B. MoCni.Eon ADDRESSES 1500 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1500 3910 SOUTH HOLDEN RD. GREENSBORO, NC 2706 3~ oo S, o t x ~ E }-l I; }fi„y4y ~1R R1~ftoN ~ ~1., 83432 ~1t3 S. ~1o~a¢N RArfl 6 REit~Bo0.o~ pG Z'1 yo L 3823 S ~ NoLp~ (Z0.^a 6R~~NSgQR,~, Nt 2"14oL 7 Floroncc H. McCui~Eon NAMES NORTH CAROLINA DOT WET 'N WILD EMERALD POINTE WATER PARK ~~1.~~®~ DIVISI®N ®~ HIGHWAYS i GUILF®RI~ C®UN'I'Y PROJECT:8.U~92101 fU-`152-0AB) GREENSBORO - WESTERN LOOP FROM N;DRTH OF I-85 NEAR GROONiET~OWN T'O NORTH OF HIGH I'~OINT RO,~,D SHEET ~ ~~OF ~~ t, ! ' _ - -- - - --- - - - ------- --- a0 % 03 ~ ! y /~ i ~ i ~~ QOM i ~ END ~ ` ~~ ! ,-;. PROJECT ~\ ~ ~ , '"" U-2524AB ~~ i - _.-- .._ 0 ` ~ / ~ u 86 LL / ~ y I. . / / a 3 0 0 l ~~, / _'/ Y °` = I I n i ~ 1~ RD• ~ NIGH P~ I ~ 0.D. Y7ESt ~PNOP~ -" Sedgefiel i ! '"-- _-,-. ~~ I / 70 .J ~ I ~-----.~ ~ l._ i 138 -~ ~1 : as ~ i ~ ~---- - -_ J -~ ~ I BEGIN ~ PROJECT f~ `~' --_-_ r~ ~ U-2524AB ~ ~ ~ f~ / / ~ / ~, ,o `, ~ ~ /; ~ _ f~ ~ ' I ,•' I l~-~ ~-''~ `, ~~ V/ClNITY MAP OF PROJECT 8.U492/Ol VICINITY MAP N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNISION OF HIGhWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED NOT TO SCA[E GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET lOF 26 06/03 LEGEND -WLB-- WETLAND BOUNDARY X LIVE X X STAKES ~~ WETLAND ~---W L X X ---~ BOUL DER DENOTES FILL IN - COIR FIBER ROLLS WETLAND ® NER O ADJ P DENOTES FILL IN ® R PAR E~ NUMBER SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ® PROPOSED BRIDGE (POND) ® DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLAND PROPOSED BOX CULVERT DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ~ I PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT DENOTES TEMPORARY (DASHED LINES DENOTE FILL IN SURFACE WATER EXISTNG STRUCTURES) • • • ^ DENOTES MECHANIZED ••~ ••• CLEARING SINGLE TREE ~- ~- FLOW DIRECTION r. TB ~tiL jr,.u{.L,ati,~ WOODS LINE ~- TOP OF BANK WE EDGE OF WATER ^ DRAINAGE INLET --~ -- PROP. LIMIT OF CUT ROOTWAD --E-- PROP. LIMIT OF FILL -~ PROP. RIGHT OF WAY VANE --- NG--- NATURAL GROUND ---P1--- PROPERTY LINE RIP RAP - TDE - TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT RIP RAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR BASIN - PDE - PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT --EAB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY szt BUFFER ZONE 1 --EPB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY azz BUFFER ZONE 2 ~ WATER SURFACE PROPezz- PROPOSED BUFFER ZONE 1 - PaoPez~- PROPOSED BUFFER ZONE 2 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DN/SION OF H/GMNAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET- 2 OF 26 06/03 IMPACTED STREAM SlT E l0 SlT E 9 ~- SlT ES 59 6y 79 AND 8 ` ~ IMPACTED STREAM ,l. SITES 2 f ~, AND 2A ~ ;`v„ ~ G P 1' SlT ES 3 AND 4 _: SlT E l 200m 0 900m N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNISION OF HIGhWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP / I , I / /` u~ (/ .~ ~ ~1 ~. / I r r I r ~ I r r r 14+60 I I ~° I l ~ ~ E - /2L17 ~~ I ,.. .. \ E I .. ~ ,,, ~ I I V U\ LL `- \ ; \ W x ~ U .'. 1 \ , 14+00 ~ ~ ,I 2 u I ~ O l ~ X. ~~ • z o ~ \ x ~ _~ .. /// rw~ ~ ~ ~~ \ r ~1iN r N; ~ p~C r / ~ CJ ~ W v ERNEST RAY SANDS dFLLQz I~ OU+ZL \ Nu ~6r ~ ~JO~ I ~ , CjLL~N i ; E-TDE-TO -TOE- -7DEr-•-7DE• I ~~ -- -- .~ _ .. ~21~ .. .. _. .. .. _. E '• .. .. .. .. ~\ ` -E~ Q X ~ 3 ~~ JJ \ f \~ K~ ~~ o Q U_ 3 -x- nY i ,~ . , ~ . SlT E l DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND IOm 0 20m N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492lO! U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 4 OF 26 06/03 2.68 266 264 ~~ ry c~ 2s2 tug ~ ~c^ a5 ~. W CAV 258 2.56 254 252 +2p VPl- R}IbO~W EL 259955 VGA 601JO17m K- 69 QS- 9abM EX/ST C~iCX/ND -MO f60 +80 //f00 f20 PROFILE -SITE l YlA ,- t VPl- //+80,pp0 EL P58791 VLL W.(XXkn K- 22 as- Baer, 266 264 262 260 G...JV 256 254 252 +40 -f60 -F80 /2f0i0 2m 0 4m vERTICAL scaLE lOm 0 20m HORIZONTAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNIS/ON OF H/GHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEEN 5 OF 26 06/03 ` ~~ ~:~ ~ \ ~. 4 ,- ` \ X11 ~ ~ I ~~ `= ,`-' / / ~~\fi~~~A'Fj ' ~`A ~~_~~~6REEN580~p I ` / f+j ~ N ~~\_ ~ J ,~ •+~D~gF,y¢\+\ i l ~ i ar` i + ~ ~ t 1 O~y ~ \ I ~ / ~. I of ~ ~ IIII 1 l ~ ~~^~S I~1 1~1 ~ YL2 I 1 311ca+r Z-=_,1 ~ O ~ ~___~_~ 311 ~ / x \ -~ '-~- 311 // ~ ~ ~ E'-- Twia smears cr ~s esr ~ oll ~ -, // j ~ / X ~~~~__ // .- ~~ ~~. ~~ I f3 ~\ ~ ~n ~wr. ~-- i./ (t=~- .x i ~.u/1CF B• 1 DES -, _ SlT E 2 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNIS/ON OF HIGHWAYS -~/LB-- WETLAND BOUNDARY GUILFORD COUNTY ~~ PROJECT 8.0492/0/ < _ ~ WETLAND U-2524AB L ® DENOTES FILL IN PROPOSED WETLAND lOm 0 20m GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 6 OF 26 05/03 2~0 268 266 264 262- 260 258 -_- 256 254 -----_-- ia~o 252- BEGlN WETLANDS ~- --```` ~` STA 22+60 t/- 250 37m RIGHT f80 22-00 +20 +40 f60 VPl- P3~yt'1Q'1~ ~ ~~ vc- ~so~o~a„ x- ~ as- ~,atan PROFILE -SITE 2 -L- STA 2/f80 TO 24f00 LEFT PROFILE pro -268 X66 X64 -262 - -260 - ir.~v~s i ~ ------ - ia~r~i ----__ -258 ,~ -256 2m 0 4m vERTICAL scALE lOm 0 20m HORIZONTAL SCALE ___254 -252 -250 +40 +60 +80 24-I-00 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNlSION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524A8 PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 7 OF 26 06/03 L/rV rr L/ LJYrVJ STA 22tB7 +/- 20m LEFT f80 23-f00 f20 \\ / ~~ \, ` N ~ ~ -- Lb ~ ~~~~-~~`~ 6 ` > / ~ ~~ QTY OF ~~/ryr[~ i ~ ~ ; ~`~~~~~~` `'~KF~ ~ ----'~A ~~~A T, H~'$A'~J~ p SRO ~St~ ~ ' /~ ~ . ~ C -~_--.-_-__- r . ~ ~ 1 i / __ _ _ / ~ . / ~ /. ~ j --i i ~~ ,/ ~ ~ . //~.. i ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~' i % ~ O ~v~ I c j % c~ / ~ ~ a' ~ ® I ` // - h j ~, / . ~ ~ / j I ~ ~ / I ~~ ~ 1 ;' ;' : ~~ ~ x ~ k~, / / j SlT E 2A N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DN/SION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (POND) PROJECT E.U492I0/ WE EDGE OF WATER U-2524AB PROPOSED lOm 0 20m GREENS130R0 OUTER LOOP SHEET 8 OF 26 06/03 p ~, JARR~T w~ ~ ,~, EpNA L. SITE 3 ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER • • • • DENOTES MECHANIZED •• •• • • • CLEARING NOTES: 1> ALL LONGITUDINAL SLOPES ARE LESS THAN 4%. 2) ALL GRASS SWALE SIDE SLOPES ARE NO GREATER THAN 3:1. 3) RUNOFF VELOCITIES FOR THE 2 YEAR STORM ARE 2FT/S OR LESS. 4) ALL SWALE LENGTHS ARE GREATER THAN 100FT PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. 5) FOR RELOCATED STREAM (-L- 34+09 TO 35+00 )SEE DETAIL 20 ON SHEET 12 lOm 0 20m 0 r !~- W W S W W W z N J S V F a N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ONIS/ON OF H/GNWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 9 OF 26 06/03 W W W W N W z H -.! U F- Q ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER SITES 3 AND 4 • • DENOTES MECHANIZED •••• •• • CLEARING NOTES: 1) ALL LONGITUDINAL SLOPES ARE LESS THAN 4%. 2) ALL GRASS SWALE SIDE SLOPES ARE NO GREATER THAN 3:1. 3) RUNOFF VELOCITIES FOR THE 2 YEAR STORM ARE 2FT/S OR LESS. 4) ALL SWALE LENGTHS ARE GREATER THAN 100FT PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. 5) FOR RELOCATED STREAM (-L- 36+20 TO 37+i1) SEE DETAIL 20 ON SHEET 12 IOm 0 20m N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DN/SION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492l0/ U-2524A8 PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET /0 OF 26 06/03 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 11 SITE 4 ® DENOTES FILL IN . DENOTES MECHANIZED SURFACE WATER ••~ •`• CLEARING NOTES: 1) UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL ROCK BERM AT SWALE OUTFACE 2) ALL LONGITUDINAL SLOPES ARE LESS THAN 4%. 3) ALL GRASS SWALE SIDE SLOPES ARE NO GREATER THAN 3:1. /Q/p O 20m 4) RUNOFF VELOCITIES FOR THE 2 YEAR STORM ARE 2FT/S OR LESS. 5) ALL SWALE LENGTHS ARE GREATER THAN 1OHFT PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNISION OF H/GHWAYS GUl(FORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 10 DETAIL 20 srRFau RF.LOrarrox ~ ~, lSDm i~ lppF VARIE VARIES ~ 2 \ A\ -~ a ~- LN = 030m z3T5 mm CLASS B 02 = 0.30m RIP RAP W/ ~~ o B = 09m FILTER FABRIC ~.«~ ..J (XASS B FILTER ES7' STATA7N TO STATKkI R/PRAP FA9R,C DOE TLMS SY pl -L- 34f09D00 TO -L- 35f00D00 LT NOffSr STREAM Rl1DC~PXri SHALL BE IXWSTRLCTEO AND STABlUZED WLTH V11ilTATiC1Y ANO/(a4 APPROVED L1tCS'2W GUNTROL XATrlAG PRKl4 TO ()VERTIAG FLAY lMt7 CHANNEL (XWSTRIA;T YEANDERIAG LAY fLCW CHANNEL AS SlACWN ON PLANS zA1TERYATf R!P RAP UNER TO (%!TS!(1E LY= N[ANA°Ji5 LNE WlCCLW STAKES TO 1?E PLANTLD 1N BEIIYEFX RIP RAP DETAIL 21 srnFlur RFlocArrox ~ ~ 15Dm i~ lgo VARIES VARIES F ~ \ \ -~. a ~- UI = 0.46m z 375 mm. CLASS B L7Q = 0.46m RIP RAP W/ ~~ o 8 = l2m FIVER FABRIC ~.-«1 (XASS B FILTER ESf STAT]CW TO STATK]Y RIPRAP FABFLC 17GE T(1YS SY Lyl -t- 3s+aoooo ro ~- 37+ro87B v wvrES< STREAM R[3DCATiCW SHALL L3E (XY15Tli1CTED AND STAB/UIED WLTH VE(YTATA]V ANO/CW APPfd7VED 13tQ5XIM £OYTAOLYATTLAG PRAW TO A'VERTLNG FLL1Y /MO CHANNEL LXWSTRuCT NEANL~NG L.LY' FLAY (7/ANNEL AS Sl~t71YN ON PLANS zALTL7iNATE R1P RAP UM'Jt TO OiITS/LJE OF YEAf/DERS CNE WILLAY STAKES TO BE PLAMfFD /N BETWEEN R1P RAP SITE 3 -STREAM RELOCATION DETAILS N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT/ON DN/S/ON OF HIGhWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492/OI U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP 268 - 268 266 ~ _ 266 264 ~ 264 PROW GR,4L1E ~- S - 262- - + - 262 260 260 VPI~ J4f50~00 - EL 25L67J 258 VC - /90DG17rn K - ++ 258 DS- //O,trnh _ 256 ---- -- -- --------- ------- - 256 254 ~',__-- ~Ex~sr cRanvo ~'- 254 -l~is~i ---------- - 252 --- --------------------- -------- ~ - ,,.----.~ ----- ~ " - 252 250 ~~P~ ~~ ~ ~ - 250 248 m~¢W ~ Q W~ w +80 34f00 +20 +40 f60 X80 35f00 f20 - 248 f40 f60 +80 STREAM RELOCATION PROFILES -L- STA 34-09 TO 35f00 LEFT PROFILE ~ 0 4m vERrICAL scALE lOm 0 20m HORIZONTAL SCALE N.C. DEPAR7-MENT OF TRANSPoRTATION ONISION OF HIGHWAYS GU/LDORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OU7"ER LOOP SHEET l3 OF 26 06/03 268 266 264 + ~~~ 262- 260 258 256 254 I " ~ i 252- _"y,""" 250 248- VP!= 37f6b~00 EL 86568! VC = E11~00LYn K=87 QS= /KAbnh -~_ 268 26s 264 262 260 - 258 _ 256 - 254 - 252 - 250 248 ~~~ YW~W ~o ~ ~ ~ ----- o eN _~ W W~ W i ------------- z4 x ~s ftcec '~--,- ~aei ~-''~----- - ---~ ,------ -~a-,-,o;-~ 36-F00 +20 +40 -t60 +80 37f0~0 +20 PROFILE SITE 3, 4 AIVD STREAM RELOCATION -L- STA 3&f00 TO 38f00 LEFT PROFILE 2m o 4m VERTICAL SCALE lOm 0 20m HORIZONTAL SCALE x-90 f60 +80 38f0i0 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNIS/ON OF HIGHWAYS GUILDORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492/0l U-2524A8 PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET l4 OF 26 06/03 SITES 5, 6 AND 7 -WLB WETLAND BOUNDARY DENOTES FILL IN ® SURFACE WATER L ~ ~ WETLAND • • . DENOTES MECHANIZED ~L • • •• • • • CLEARING NOTES: 1) ALL LONGITUDINAL SLOPES ARE LESS THAN 4%. 2) ALL GRASS SWALE SIDE SLOPES ARE NO GREATER THAN 3:1. 3) RUNOFF VELOCITIES FOR THE 2 YEAR STORM ARE 2FT/S OR LESS. 4) ALL SWALE LENGTHS ARE GREATER THAN 100FT PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. IOm 0 20m N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP WIFE BERMCE I. COINS ~~~''~ ~ Vn L11'IC - .7CC J17CC I 1 ~ T ~..' W W W W W z N J S V H Q SITE 7 ® OSURFA E FWATER IOm 0 20m D DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ONIS/ON OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492/0l U-2524AB NOTES: 1) ALL LONGITUDINAL SLOPES ARE LESS THAN 4%. 2) ALL GRASS SWALE SIDE SLOPES ARE NO GREATER THAN 3:1. 3> RUNOFF VELOCITIES FOR THE 2 YEAR STORM ARE 2FT/S OR LESS. 4) ALL SWALE LENGTHS ARE GREATER THAN 10OFT PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP cr, r w w x W W N W Z M J U !-- Q SITE 7 SARA J. DUHAN, SHtRLEY T. JAMISON, TRUSTEES MIKE BLACI(MOOD 7ESTAMENTAREYEF TODD JAIdLSON AMILY TRUST lOm 0 20m NOTES: 1) ALL LONGITUDINAL SLOPES ARE LESS THAN 4%. 2) ALL GRASS SWALE SIDE SLOPES ARE NO GREATER THAN 3:1. 3) RUNOFF VELOCITIES FOR THE 2 YEAR STORM ARE 2FT/S OR LESS. 4) ALL SWALE LENGTHS ARE GREATER THAN 100FT PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DN/S/ON OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP 258 - 256 - 254 - 252 - CROSS SECTION -SITE 5, 6, & 7 25m 0 5m vERrICAL scat_E 5m 0 /Om HORIZONTAL SCALE - 258 -256 -254 -252 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT/ON DNISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD CO~1N7Y PROJECT 8.U492/Ol U-2524A8 PROPOSED GREENSBORO DUTER LOOP s' -L- sy ~ 45f00A00 EX. EL 25698 266 264 262_ SITE 5 260 258 ~ 256 BEGIN Fll17~,WETLANDS 254 .STA 4514/ -- ;' 252- END FILL IN WETLANDS -~ STA 4515/ 250 BEGIN FILL IN WETLANDS 248 STA 45+65 t/- - 90m LEFT 45-f00 +20 ~cec END FILL IN WETLANDS STA 46+05 t/- 60m LEFT S/TE 6 f40 f60 f80 46-00 f2O -140 ~ffi0 f80 47fO0 PROFILE SITE 5, 6, & 7 -L- STA 45f00 TO 47f00 LEFT PROFILE 2m 0 4m vERrICAL scALE lOm 0 2Om HORIZONTAL SCALE 266 - 264 262 260 258 256 - 254 - 252 250 248 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNIS/ON OF H/GHWAYS GU/LDORD CIXINTY PROJECT 8.U492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET /9 OF 26 06/03 VPl- 45i6TJDCJI7 EL 256Di91 vc- 6omo», K- 54 QS- lKhtmh + 0300~o z SITE 9 -WLB- WETLAND BOUNDARY ~~ WETLAND ~---+.J L ~[11_LLLLd DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND lOm 0 20m N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNISION OF HIGHWAYS _ GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492/Ol U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP END WETLANDS 27Q-_ 268_ 26~ -L- 52t20.(a0i0 EX. EL. 2fi8D95 BEGIN WETLANDS 270 268 266 264 262 260 258 256 254 264 262- 26(L- 258-_ 256- 25~- CROSS SECTION - SITE 9 5m 0 /Om HORIZONTAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ONIS/ON OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY 25m 0 5m PROJECT B.U492/0/ U-2524AB VERTICAL SCALE PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 2/OF 26 06/03 ~~, i SITE l0 ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER • • • DENOTES MECHANIZED /0/n 0 20m ••~ ••• CLEARING N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DN/SION OF H/GhWAYS GUllFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/01 U-2524AB NOTES: 1) ALL LONGITUDINAL SLOPES ARE LESS THAN 4%. 2) ALL GRASS SWALE SIDE SLOPES ARE NO GREATER THAN 3:1. 3) RUNOFF VELOCITIES FOR THE 2 YEAR STORM ARE 2FT/S OR LESS. 4) ALL SWALE LENGTHS ARE GREATER THAN 1H0FT PER ACRE DF DRAINAGE AREA. PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP 276 274 27Z 270 268 266 BEGIN FILL IN SURFACE WATERS 264 STA 55+50 35m RIGHT 262-_ '~_,_ PROP c ~- 260 258 256 254 55-1-00 EXIST GRWND -^~ JURISDICTIONAL STREAM -~ f20 f40 -1-60 +80 END FILL /N SURFACE WATERS STA 56f0O f/- 94m LEFT - 276 - 274 END PROJECT U 2524,48 ~- 56f9P_583 EL 853JE END GRAOE + oaso4 i _-------- - 272 - 270 - 268 - 266 - 264 =+ 3vb~ --- -262 - 260 VPl- 56f85~CD ~i ~ - 258 K- 6J --,- ol2Gl~ RCP DS- lKaFinS - 256 56-00 f20 f40 +60 f80 57-00 _254 PROFILE -SITE l0 -L- STA 55f00 TO 57f00 LEFT PROFILE 2m 0 4m vERricAL scALE lOm 0 20m HORIZONTAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ON/SION OF H/GHWAYS GUIFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.0492/0/ U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 23 OF 26 0'6/03 SITES 5,6,AND 7 PARCEL Il5 ~- ~ROfiD ~Ac.a.ES, ~ Nc, ~~~ ~~~ PARCEL 864 S b~~~ IJ NCDOT BoQA~ ~C, 21 x•107 SITE l PARCEL N0.7 PARCEL ll6 JOHN R. SMITH AND WIFE GAYLE T. SMITH GOlNS/SNINN 3007 ROBlNH000 OR. 2605 TOPPING DRNE GREENSBORO,NC 27408 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 PARCEL ll8 LESTER G.RNENBARK 3002 LARK DRNE SITE 2 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 CITY OF GREENSBORO OKA T.HESTER PARK PARCEL 823 P.O. BOX /336 NCDOT GREENSBORO, NC 27402-3/36 PARCEL l2/ NCDOT SITES 3 AND 4 PARCELS 7l AND 85 PARCEL l29 ClT1' OF GREENSBORO ARTHUR WOODY DRAWER W-2 2910 CROMWELL ROAD GREENSBORO,NC 27402 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 PARCEL 75N PARCEL l30 MIDWAY PROPERTIES,INC. TRUSTEES OF HELEN TODD JAMISON TESTAMONY PO BOX 14868 FAMILY TRUST GREENS80RO,NC 274/5 503 HOBBS ROAD GREENSBORO, NC 27403 SITE 9 PARCEL N0. l32 L & S PROPERTIES 503 HOBBS ROAD GREENSBORO, NC 27403 SATE 10 PARCEL N0. l3/ DJ-LGRIFFIN WRECKING CO.,INC. P.0.80X 7657 GREENSBORO, NC 274/7-7657 AFFECTED PROPERTY OW NEf~S N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DN/SION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492/01 U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 24 OF 26 06/03 IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS BUFFER IMPACTS NEW BUFFERS Site No_ ~ Station (From/To1 tructure Size Fill In Wetlands (ha) Temp_ Fill In Wetlands Thal Excavation In Wetlands (hat Mechanized Clearing (Method III) that Fill In SW (Natural) (hat Fill In SW (Pond) (hat Temp. Fill In SW (hat Existing Channel Impacted Iml Relocated Channel (ml Enclosed Channel (ml Zone 1 that Zone 2 Thal Zone 1 Thal Zone 2 Thal 1 -Y1A-11+70 1200mm 0.040 2 -L- 22+75 1200mm 0.011 2A -L- 23+00 TO 23+80 0.196 3 -L-34+00 TO 37+10 1500rnm 0.078 292 211 130 0.547 0.365 0.270 0.180 4 -L-36+90 2.4m x 1.Sm 0.072 180 173 0.264 0.174 5 -L-45+41 TO 45+51 6 -L-45+65 TO 46+05 2.7m x 1.5m 0.003 0.013 71 60 0.768 0.116 7 -L-46+10 70 49+80 1350mm/1200mm 0.049 7 53 113 0.239 0.157 9 -L-52+05 TO 52+55 0.085 10 -L-56+20 1200mm 0.014 716 91 0.416 0.217 TOTALS: 0.051 0.085 0.003 0.225 0.196 812 211 507 1.634 1.029 0.270 0.180 SUFFER IMPACTS FOR PROPOSED NAT. STREAfd DESIGN SITE 3 BZ-1 0.0226 ha. BZ-2 0.0256 ha. SITE 4 BZ-1 0.0710 ha. BZ-2 0.0163 ha. SITE 6 13.4m (44.0 ft) of tvro 750mm RCPs removed SITE 7 LENGTH OF EXISTING STREAM IMPACTS- INTERMITTENT 56m PERENNIAL 97m 12.2m (40 ft.) of 750mm RCP removed 6.tm (20.0 ft) of 750mm RCP removed 13.4m (44.0 ft) of 750mm RCP removed N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT: B.U492101 U-2524A8 PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 25 OF 26 06!03 GRASS SWALE SUMMARY ENGLISH METRIC PERMIT SITE GRASS SWALE (GS) LOCATION SIDE SLOPES SWALE GRADE (%) AREA (ACRE) SWALE LENGTH (ft) BASE WIDTH (ft) 02 (cfs) V2 (fUs) Q10 (cfs) V10 (ft/s) AREA (HA) SWALE LENGTH (m) BASE WIDTH (m) Q2 (cros) V2 (m/s) 410 (cros) V10 (m/s) 3 GS to 183AH MED 5:1/6:1 1.03 0.54 328 1.8 1.4 2.8 1.6 0.22 100 0.05 0.44 0.08 0.49 3 GS to 183BK MED 6:1 0.91 0.62 328 2.1 1.4 3.2 1.5 0.25 100 0.06 0.43 0.09 0.47 4 GS to 191 MED 6:1 0.92 1.09 459 3.5 1.6 5.3 1.8 0.44 140 0.10 0.49 0.15 0.54 4 GS to 1RT RT 3:1 1.00 1.24 197 4 3.9 1.8 6.0 2.0 0.50 60 1.2 0.11 0.54 0.17 0.62 4 GS to 2RT RT 3:1 0.80 0.94 98 4 2.8 1.5 4.6 1.7 0.38 30 1.2 0.08 0.45 0.13 0.53 5, 6, & 7 GS to 1LT LT 5:1/6:1 1.16 0.54 262 1.8 1 5 2 8 1] 0.22 80 0.05 0.46 0.08 0.51 5, 6, & 7 GS to 1 RT RT 6:1 0.83 0.42 197 1.4 1.2 2.1 t .3 0.17 60 0.04 0.37 0.06 0 a t 5. 6, 8 7 GS to 211 MED 5:1/6:1 1.43 0.62 328 2.1 1.7 3.2 1.9 025 100 0.06 0.52 0.09 0 57 5, 6, & 7 GS to 212AH RT 6:1 0.30 1.04 131 3.5 1.0 5.3 1.1 0.42 40 0.10 0.32 0 15 0 35 5, 6, & 7 GS to 2126K RT 6:1 1.16 079 262 2.5 1.6 3.9 1.8 0.32 80 0.07 0 49 0 1 t 0 5a 5, 6. 8 7 GS to 218 MED 6:1 L10 1.04 525 3.5 1.7 5.3 1.9 0.42 160 0 10 0.52 0 t 5 - 5, 6, 8 7 GS to 219 LT 6:1 0.82 1.28 394 4.2 1.6 6.4 1.8 0.52 120 0.12 0 49 0 t 8 J ~4 5, 6, & 7 GS to 220 MED 6:1 1.01 0.49 328 1.4 1.3 2.5 1.5 0.20 100 0.04 0.40 0 07 0 4b 5, 6, & 7 GS to 221 RT 6`.1 0.81 1.53 394 4.6 1.6 7.4 1 8 0.62 120 0.13 0.50 0.21 0 56 5, 6, 8 7 GS to 222 MED 6:1 D.65 0.62 394 2.1 1.2 3.2 1.4 0.25 120 0.06 0.38 0.09 0 42 5. 6. & 7 GS to 226AH MED 5:1!6:1 0.47 0.79 459 2.5 1.1 3.9 1.3 0.32 140 0.07 0.35 0.11 0.40 5, 6, & 7 GS to 2268K MED 5:1!6:1 0.30 0.42 262 1.4 0.9 2.1 1.0 0.17 60 0.04 0.26 0.06 0.29 5, 6, & 7 GS to 227 RT 6:1 0.30 0.91 328 2.8 1.0 4.6 1.1 0.37 100 0.08 0.30 0.13 0.34 5, 6. 8 7 GS to 229 LT 6:1 0.30 0.42 197 1.4 0.8 2.1 0.9 0.17 60 0.04 025 0.06 0.28 5, 6, & 7 GS to 231 MED 6:1 0.30 1.09 722 3.5 1.0 5.3 1.1 0.44 220 0.10 0.32 0.15 0.35 5, 6, ~ 7 GS to 236 LT 6:1 0.30 1.66 591 5.3 1.1 8.1 1.3 0.67 180 0.15 0.35 0.23 0.39 5, 6, 8 7 GS to 238 RT 6:1 0.30 1.53 591 4.6 1.1 7.4 1.2 0.62 180 0.13 0.34 0.21 0.38 5, 6, & 7 GS to 239 LT 6:1 0.48 1.41 394 4.6 1.3 7.1 1.5 0.57 120 0.13 0.41 0.20 0 45 5, 6, 8 7 GS to 241 IviED 6:1 0.45 0.74 459 2.1 1.1 3.5 12 0.30 140 0.06 0.33 0.10 0.37 5, 6, 3 7 GS to 243 RT 6:1 0.48 1.46 459 4.6 1.3 7.1 1.5 0.59 140 0.13 0.41 0.20 0.45 5, 6, & 7 GS to 245 LT 6:1 1.23 1.53 197 4.6 1.9 7.4 2.1 0.62 60 0.13 0.58 0.21 0 65 5, 6, 8 7 GS to 246 MED 6:1 0.84 1.16 591 3.5 1.5 5.7 1.7 0.47 180 0.10 0.47 0 16 0 53 5, 6, & 7 GS to 247 RT 4:1/5:1 0.70 2.50 262 7.8 1.9 12.4 2.1 1.01 80 0.22 0.57 0.35 004 5, 6, 8 7 GS to 2LT LT 3:1 3.75 0.37 197 4 1.1 1.8 1.8 2.1 0.15 60 1.2 0.03 0.54 0.05 0 65 5, 6, & 7 GS to 2RT RT 3:1 3.00 0.37 262 4 1.1 1.7 1.8 2.0 0.15 80 1.2 0.03 0.51 0.05 0 61 5, 6, 8 7 GS to 3LT LT 3:1 1.17 0.37 197 4 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.4 0.15 60 1.2 0.03 0.37 0.05 0 44 5, 6, & 7 GS to 3RT RT 3:1 3.00 0.42 197 4 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.1 0.17 60 1.2 0.04 0.56 0 06 0 6a 5, 6, & 7 GS to 4LT LT 6:1 2.04 0.62 262 2.1 1.9 3.2 2.1 0.25 80 0.06 0 58 0.09 0.64 5, 6, 8 7 GS to 4RT RT 6:1 0.30 0.37 131 1.1 0.8 1.8 0.9 0.15 40 0.03 0.24 0.05 0 27 10 GS io 248 MED 5:1!6:1 0.85 0.74 328 2.1 1.4 3.5 1.6 0.30 100 0.06 0 42 0 t 0 0 a6 10 GS to 250AH LT 6:1 0.85 0.54 328 1.8 1.3 2.8 1.5 0.22 100 0A5 0 40 0.08 ~ a5 10 GS to 250BK LT 6:1 0.49 0.37 131 1.1 0.9 1.8 1.0 0.15 40 0.03 0 28 0 05 0 32 10 GS to 251 MED 5:1/6:1 0.85 0.86 394 2.8 1.5 4.2 1.6 0.35 120 0.08 0.46 0 12 0 50 10 GS to 252 RT 4:1/6:1 0.61 1.04 394 3.5 1.4 5.3 1.6 0.42 120 0.10 0.43 0.15 0 46 10 GS to 253 RT 4:1/5:1 0.30 0.37 131 1.1 0.8 1.8 1.0 0.15 40 0.03 0.25 0.05 0 29 10 GS to 255 MED 5:1/6:1 0.85 0.42 197 1.4 t2 2.1 1.4 0.17 60 0.04 0.38 0 06 0 42 10 GS to 256 MED 5:1/6:1 1.06 0.79 394 2.5 1.6 3.9 1.8 0.32 120 0.07 0 48 0 11 0 54 NOTES: 1) ALL LONGITUDINAL SLOPES ARE LESS THAN 4%. 2) ALL GRASS SWALE SIDE SLOPES ARE NO GREATER THAN 3:1. 3) ALL SWALE LENGTHS ARE GREATER THAN 100FT PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. 4) RUNOFF VELOCITIES FOR THE 2 YEAR STORM ARE 2FTiS OR LESS. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492101 U-2524AB PROPOSED GREENSBORO OUTER LOOP SHEET 26 OF 26 06;03 ~~ -~ i SITE 11 ~:. ao ~ ~ ~ ` 412 I ' ` ~ 5 ! °- SITE 7 i GUILFORD COUNTY ` ~ ~ ~ ~ 'SITE 6 ~ ~ _: , '~~ ~~ ~o~e ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~e _ SITE- ~ :. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. SITE 9 m ~. ,: ~ ~~_.:;a ' . _ ~~ ~, ~ - `'~ ~ - ~o SITE 8 ~ ~ ~',~ .~= ~ HilltO *' ~ _ __` Rd: ~ ~ ~ ~: ~. r~ ~~ ~.~ L429 ~. SITE ~~ ~~ ~R ~ _ ~ o ~~. ~ ~ ~ SITE ~3 ~ ~ ,_ ~ SEE INSET `~~ _ ~~ _ ~ ~ d a ~ ~~ SITE '2 °~ n. -- ~ I~ ~ o j" SITE- 1 ~~TS , ~" ~ ~ I - `~ ~ ~; ~ - ~ ~ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION f BEGIN--~ DIVISIQk~T OF HIGHWAYS ___ j , PROJECT i ~ ~ °- ~ GUILFORD COUNTY SCALE PROJECT: 8.U~92101 (U-25Y~AC) .5 0 1 K/V1 GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP ~-- LOCATION MAP _ _ LEGEND -WLB WETLAND BOUNDARY xXXXX O LIVE STAKES ~ ~` WETLAND L ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (POND) ® DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLAND ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN SURFACE WATER • DENOTES MECHANIZED . . CLEARING F- E- FLOW DIRECTION TB ~.- TOP OF BANK -••-•WE•- •- EDGE OF WATER -- ~-- PROP. LIMIT OF CUT -- F-- PROP. LIMIT OF FILL --~- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY -- NG- --NATURAL GROUND - - F~ - PROPERTY LINE - TDE - TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT - PDE - PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT -•EAB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY -•EPB-- EXIST, ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY -••-•~ ••-• -••- WATER SURFACE N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT: B.U~(92101 (U-252~AC) GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP SHEET ~ OF ~~ 6/27/03 BOULDER COIR FIBER ROLLS ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER PROPOSED BRIDGE PROPOSED BOX CULVERT PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT (DASHED LINES DENOTE EXISTNG STRUCTURES) SINGLE TREE -r!'!-L.~ ^-,_~`'-`' `'---r"L- W 0 0 D S L I N E ^ DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD VANE RIP RAP RIP RAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR BASIN m r ~ ?o~~~~ a~~ l UT •9 TO BULL RUN ~ PROP R/W C \ \ \ PREFORNEO ~~ ~ ~T WOODS SCOUR HOLE ~t ~ ~ Rio ~ ` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F9 ~ ~ ~ ~yF ~ ~, \ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PREFORMED GRASS $WALE SCOUR ROLE DA= 3.03ac LsM= 34' F 450 CSP ~ ~ - - - - - - - - 450 C$P W/ 2 fLBAVS \ ' \ ~ ~? ~ ~ B= 5' D= 2' So= 0.0174 55= 3,7 W= 5, d_ I• 02= 9.92cfs V2= I.78fps W/ Z EL90W$ \ ~ ,,,~ 010= 13.ICfs V10= 1.92fps ~ P ~ \ I ' f ~ I ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ `^~.1`~ \` GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP C, f / _ F ' ( ~ ~ ,w~"` ~ + O~ \ \ \ SOUTHBOUND 59+00 /' --~-~ ~ ~, ~, ~ ~ ,~~ .tee -L ~ `;r`~-,, \ -L- S .~ ~~ \ _' GRASS $WALE ~'j ~~ \ ~~ P 7 ~' ~ I \ / ~ GRA55 CA= D.I4ac Lsw= 450' \ ^ P f ~ ~ \ ~ $WALE so= 0.030 55= 5.6.6 M ~ ? ~ENSBORO, WESTERN LOOP \ I / .- cA= Lz6ac LSM= 490' ~~ ~i 02= 1,73cfs V2= 1.96fps 010= 2.26cfs v10= 211f DS \ / ~ ~. NOR ~HBOUND \ ' \ ' ~ ~ So= 0.0223 SS= 5.6,6 9 ~ % \\ / -` 00= 3 2cfs VIO L16fps P t? `-+ r \ • P 9 /C\ ~ ~'• ' +',',' PROP R/W T ...~1 ~ I WOODS ]~ILA~N ~IIE W ~I~I°lE 1 10 0 20 . •-~ . ~. t : ^ : ~ v e e ~a ~ 2` ~ ~~--i . ~ e a r N 1 " '~ • ~+ ~.~ . ~ , : . a .`: ~~ • s • • •* PERM. CHECK DAM fTYP.) NATURAL STREAM DESIGN SEE SHEET OF DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING •~* ems: +' '. 9~qy >~+• < '*' ~~ ~ // P'.~' 6G . > ~ 1 ~ ~ ~/ 'n ! ` DENOTES SURFACE ~. ~ f :. 9 ~e .'''' .~ O r= ~` `, WATER IMPACT S S y / / / / ~ o~~'.',', f f f f \ •,~*' ~~ ' f i ~ DENOTES SURFACE f '~~~. + ~ ~. '~ t lc ' WATER IMPACT P p ~ ' E I (POND) : i I D ~ ~ O ~ ``2 ~ ~~~ ` , ti PREFORMED ! s' ti ~ / ~ O ' ~'~ PERM. CHECK SCOUR MOLE r o 0~ 9= 9. O= 2. / ; 1 .i H ~ ^. ~ 4~~ H ,°~tu DAM ITYP.) J _ _ , / ~ ~~ ~ ;.~~~' woods 4 FF~~ ~ ~ ( z S~F~ E ti 0J. t , ti° off` ~ ~'i_ ~~ ( ti? ~ EL`p~ woods F e ( .~0 / h' F --- ~ls Q f. i ~ , ~ ~,Qp O ~. ~ .~0 0 /s~~ ~S h ~' GRASS SHALE ~' '~ -~-- r ~ ~} UT •7 TO BULL RUN ~ i ` OA= 2.79ac Lsv= 328' ~a `~ ~. ~+~,~~5 UT •6 TO BULL RUN S ~ so= o.olso ss= 3,3 .~F s ,~ ~ ~ ~ } r N 7 ~ 02= 10.39cfs V2_ 1.99fps ~ ~ / K ~ ~~ GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP DA= 0.69oc lsv= 57+' ~ \ ~ ~ ), ~~ l D ;' y`~ S ~~ ~ SOUTHBOUND so= o.ae+ ss= 6.s.z I 0 ` r} / ~ -~ / / i ~ r --_ 2= .84cfs V2= 1.70fps 010= 2.40cfs Y10= 1.78fps C~ r / 5 fi / C~ 2 r `~ Z ~, -~ - - m - 450 N ~ T~ _~ T ..,. - ~ `~' D ~ t 375 - - * + V V GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP RT / N / ~` ~ ~"" ~ `r a - / .,~ HBOUND O / / 2~. te ~, ~ ..~ ~ re ~ ~ o _ r ~ T' O ;.: ~ y w `~ /~~ ~:~ ma GRA95 9WALE ~ ~ ~ - _ ~ ~ ry / t-.~ ~' c.: S / /~~,~•-`~^.:~~. ;:~ ~ ~ ti 3 ~. ~ ~ DA= 0.13cc lsw= 82' sp= o.ozoe 55= 6 9 z f.Y1sl ~ "'p / ~~ RIPARIAN o ~ ~ r n, ~ ~ ~ / ~~ . 0 ~ _~ - -' C~ . . 02= 0.39cfs V2= LlBfps 010= 0.46cfs V10= 1 22fp5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ti _ ' / _ ` ,o ,r / ~ / "„~ . ~ T T / HW l ~ / ~~ ti u ~,.~, `` O .~ N \ ~~~ F l w ' ti PROR'~R W `""~w~ ~ LL v t:~ PROP R/W i • ~ N _ ' m ~ \ ~ W r~ <.3 ~ ~ I f ~ I 2 ~ ~ ~ I ? / ~ /y _ J~ OFFSITE $ / ~ / m / .'f „`'L.`. "~ '~""L~,_.,J"i1 010=9.93cfs ~ ( ' / / e t ~ ~ ~ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATIO N / /,~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS W I / I,I I . ~ ~' ~~ 1C" 1~~ ~ v ~1 woods i ~ / ~~ } 1Li Y~ GUILFORD COUNTY ~ ~~~~ 10 0 20 PROJECT: 8.U~92101 (U-252~AC> DENOTES SURFACE WATER IMPACT S S DENOTES MECHANIZ CLEARING ED ~i4ii iii i GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP i i i SHEET ~ OF ~G 6 / Y7 / 03 PERM. CHECK CRASS SwALE DAM ITYP.) ~ DA= 2.79ac Lsw= 329' So= O.O150 55= 3,3 - _ 02= 10.35cfs V2= 1.99fps O10= 13.59cfs V10= 2.ISfps 6QD CSP W/-~ ~ ------- 2 EL6OM5 o ~ GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP SOUTHBOUND ~" ~ ~ f 65 + 00 I ~„ J c 450 -~- ~- w Z ~~ GRA55 9WALE _ _ GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP ~ -y i DA= 0.67°~ Lsw= 329' ~ ~ am / NORTHBOUND ~ .i so= o.oz6l 55= 5.4,6 02= 2.IScfs V2= 1.95fps Q / ~ ~ O10= 2.86cfs VIO= 2.09fps ~ ~ ~ - -~ /402 ELBOWS + ~ f \ ~~ ---- ------y--- L~\--- \~~ ~ PROP R/W ~ ~ ~ SCOUR HOLE ~ / \ ~ / ~ 8= 5' D= 2' / / W= 5' d= 1' I[~I,~N VIEW ~I~]E ~ ~~ i ~o o zo ~ / ~ ~ ~., %~ Lr~ \c R(~Jmm C. PREFORMED ~ itir ~~ ~ SCOUR HOLE /r3 ~ ~ 8= 5' D= 2' ' R 1(E w= s a= r /r'~ / 1 / / ~ WOODS 8 ~F~v ~ ."~::^-~r"~ ~ ,..5 ~: ;, ~ _ - _ _ _ - -- PROP R/W ~`St • / ti~, / `^ = ~-~~~ _~- ------- 6 / / e- ~^..-...r.~----- ~ ~p~ ~~~ ~ Sy \ ~ UT •5 TO BULL RUN ~ p~ 173 ~ r \ \ I "Q% ~ GREENSBORO / / / r / ~ ~ $ ~'• ~ / \ WESTER SOUTHBOUND N LOOP ~•- ~~ CRASS swALE i ' \ - ~ // ~~\ `~ \ \ ~•~ ~- / / ~ 66 ~(~ ~~~ / '? OA= 0.29pc Sa= 0.003 02= 0.95cfs Lsw= 135' 55= 5.4,6 V2= 0.72fps \ \ i /' -~ ~ \ / ~~ ~ 'OlL ~- O~ 010= 1.27cfs V10= 0.76fp~s - ~ , X / -L- ~ / ~~ - ~ ~ ~:, \ GREENS y \ { / BORO WEST d i RASS SWALE N LOOP i NORTHBOUN / / ceass Sw / r / % ~~ D ~'~ / ~0 / / 0 10 \ aLE DA= 1.37ac Lsw= 636' - d ~ _ / j Q- ~ / _ \ ~ ~4. ' oq~ I. eac Lsw= 492' 553 0.008 5S= 5.6,6 02= 3 Sl f V2= 1 41f ~~ ~ / / ~ / \ 02= ~.SScfs 10= 5 99cfs V2= I.OSf ~ {/ V10= 1 12f~y / \ ;~ J~ ~ / `~ / ~ . c s . Ds 010= 4.70cfs V10= I,52fps J ~'~~ FFSITE . . ,,,, _ 010=10 95cfs \ < `"'' _ _ - - F . V10=2.94fps ~ / / OFFSITE \~ ~ ~ / ~ \ t.,f'" , ~ - - - --- _---~ / / / 010=5.65cfs --f~•--- F - - ~t- _ _-_ _- - / ~ -~ V10=2.67fDS 3 / / ---~-J -L, ---- - -_` ~- ~ C F ~' $ -1 - -~ i - - --- ~ ~ ~ PROP R/W~ \ waoDS W / ~ r \ ~ \ PROP ~q~ y j ` • l * . .~ \\\\\~; ~ . ~ DENOTES MECHANIZED *y•*~*•*• CLEARING / Q ti / ~ * *2 ~ ~ ~ / -_ ~ `•'~~~ Q ~ ~ DENOTES SURFACE ~~~ T S s warER IMPA _Q H / ~ ~ ~ ~ / O W ~•, ti o ¢ ~ ~N ¢ / ~._ / ~ ~ - - N C DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION C ~, ~ W I i W ~ o ~ F ~ ; ~ / ~/ F . . . DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS UT •5 TO BULL RUN v ~~ % 3 ~ ' ~ /~Q ~, " GUILFORD COUNTY ~ 10 0 20 ~I'~[v]E ~ ~ l F r' GREEN ORO WESTERN LOOP :' ~ j SHEET 6 OF ~6 6/27/03 .~ 0 ~ \~ i' GREENS SOUTHBOUNDN COOP ~~ L o0 '' ~0~` ~~, 4T -- s i , ~ P 4~ wooDs y / / /P / / /P ~i~> GREENSBNaRTHBEOUTND N LOOP ~ __ ~ ~F __ ~ PRO? R/{y \~ WOOD ~ \ Y%~ ~.. --------~-~_ T m -- _ ~ W `-' ~ /. ~O '7A//` `T~FJ ~~ 3 ~ ~ ~,y ~ ~ W ~' C~ ~ =:~ 3 F\ .( / P o ~\\ T~F P \ s ? -\ of ~ P ~~ ~`~ P ,~ / D DENOTES SURFACE WATER IMPACT (POND) c^ P T~F / P ~~ \r ~ °c~ °F ~;. ~ P P ~T /P P 0 0~ -a ~ o A rn ~Jl./~N ~ TO ~ \ 10 0 20 I~' ~ `~ ~\ SI~~ 4 ~o~~o~ (:? POND TO BE DRAINED x ~/ / ~~~ ~ ~ -~ 4:3 COH ~~~ OUR/NG y ~ t pE \ ~ /O \~J j~ TC?~ X ~ ~. i P to \ x "' 1 pE tee' \ ~?. ~'` i X~ P ~y--------~ ------ ,i of ~P ~ ~, o ~r~ z~O ~"/ ~ /P ~~ F ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ---------- ~ ------------------- PROP R/W PROP CL ENCE ~~' _ _F,--'', ------------------------F-------C --- ~4---------C ~ ' ;~ ~ S~ ti ~' ~- L~ :J ~ . i~ y ~ ~ f ti "' ~..;~; i^ GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP - 73 + 0n ~ W ~ ~ ;; SOUTHBOUND 74 ~ 00 '" .. ~ 43 ~3 ~ E: ~ ,:r CJ ~ .., -~ ~~ ,:r L i:J '~ r, r,, c7 ~ S~ fir GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP ._ ~- :ti ~~ "' NQRTHBOtJMO ~ ~. , _ i3 lf~~,A~N ~~IEyV ~~~~ ~ ~o o zo DENOTES SURFACE WATER IMPACT P P (POND) t --- J 4 -~-- t ~ -'UBItC R/w w I ~ Y LL --+ ~ ~ -------- ~ ti} `i ~ 11 -------__ mo ~ i ~ H H P~p~ - ~, P~Qp / / N ~ ' --C --~--- F-- ', U7 4 TO BULL RUN ~ S I CRASS SWALE DA= 0.67oc lsr= 328' So= O.O186 SS= 6,53 02= 2.19cfs V2= 0.97fDs O10= 2.86cfs V10= 0.52fps 74 + ~'- ~~ _ _F ------- y'- ~- WOODS DENOTES MECHANIZED :~~~~ ~~. CLEARING DENOTES SURFACE S S WATER IMPACT ~o o Zo i ~ ~r . - ~ -~-JEF ----------~~_ N 0 ti Gov _~ E%i$i VJL R/A ~ ~ PROP R/W ~ /0 WOODS • __ ~f-___-__C_ -,,,,---------~-------~-- CRASS SWALE ~ ~ GRASS SWALE ~- DA= o.43pc Lsr= zl3• ~ DA= D.zoac Lsv= 9e• f GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP So= 0.0186 SS= 5.8,6 m ( So= 0.0186 S5= 5.5,6 ~, SOUTHBOUND 02= I4lcfs V2= 0.39fDS / ~ S / D2= 0.64cfs V2= 0.29fps 010= I.Blcfs V10= 0.44fDS r /! ` I 010= O.BScfs V10= O.J3fps ~~ .~ i I \/I J OO "'~ GREENSBNORTH80UND N LOOP ~\ ~~ I 1s ____ ' f- C PROP R/W ~ Q'i.r~-f-r ~ -,,,1;- ------------- -----~~_ --- ~ _ ~ j • ~ ~~ ~ - z ~ Q r ~~ ~o ~ ti) N W O ~ O ti 1 ~~~ ~F~' ~' ~__~ l[~lLA1 N ~I lE W ~I~]E ~ / / J _~ / m _~~ / i ~apP '~i ry ~~ o ~ ° ~ ~'' ` l~ w D: ~ ~ W o l ~ ~ s ~ (F f ~ b ~ ,> 1 WOODS ~ ~ r s ~ # ~ 600mm s CGYYC.SI[1 s ~ o_ ~~' ,q , ~ .. ~s ~ wooos~ ~ N.C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION ~ ~ ~2 O DENOTES MEC HANIZED •w**•t•~= .,,~, ~ ~ ~ r DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CLEARING j~, . . . 4~-,'-_. . . ~ w , , z I _ DENOTES SUR FACE ~~ ~: Q GUILFORD COUNTY WATER IMPACT S S GRASS SWALE ~ W Z ~'~/ o ~ l \ ~ ~ ~ ~ O10= 30.3cfs VIO= 2.53fps ew \ ~ ' I ~ ~ . ~ \ 1 l `~" PROJECT: S U~92101 (U-25?rIAC) 10 0 20 _ x ~ \ . ~ t . GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP MILAN ~I~yV TIE ~ SHEET lCJ OF ~~' 6/27/03 GRASS S'wALE ` ~ ~ I ~ H ~ \~ ~ \ ~~ I DA= 2.16ac ~ APPRCJX/lIATE Lsw= 810' ~ y _ ~. y I , Se= 0.003 GREENSBORO 55= 6 6 ~ $ ~ ~ I ~ ~ W \ ~ `~ a , C/n' U,1//r 02= 5 65cfs < ¢ I ~ I ;~ o s I w - ~ I . Y2= 1.09fps \ PREFORMED 010= 7.42cfs H ~. z rr ~ I I I ~~~ :/ ~~ ~N W OODS I I V10= I,17fps '1 SCOUR HOLE B= 5' 0= 2' , • • h I' f, k Fs- Ir W + s / ~ ~t ~ } 4r ' f r~ ~ \ w= S G= I I".71 s ~ ~. • ~ f L f' P R ~"."1' 1 . ~~ '.~ PROP R/W Y I GRASS SWALE. C ~~~` ~ ~ ~ --- DA= 0.290c Lsw= I I' ~ -~~~~ s = 0 003 SS= 6 6 ~ } ~ I I T ~ ~--- -- -- _----- --~-_ ~---~ -~--- C ~'V o . , , F ~ ~ 02= 0.74cfs V2= 0.6 fps ~ ^ I S ~. F ~ 010= 0.99cfs YI~O. ,".,.~ _ GRASS S aLE r"`~'~J . DA= 1.22P~ GRASS SWALE ~ ~ ~ ~ : I ~ I ~ ~k ~~ ac Lsw= 164' sr= z$ _5~>"~0:00~ oA= 1.uoc _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I I ~ BULL RUN ~~ 5e= 0.027, SS= 6,6 GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP 5= 6.6 D2= 3.7Bc s o p Lsw~3Z - ~g 003 GRASS SWALE ~ / ~. 02= 0.81cfs SOUTHBOUND ~ V2= 0.98f s ~ S5= 6,6 1 DA= O.12ac Lsw= 66' I ~~ 010= 1.09cfs OI = 4aeJ~ 02= 4 t Sa= 0.003 55= 6 6 W V10= 1.67f s 1 = Ps = Os = c s = ip5 010= 4 52cfs 010= 0.42cfs V10= 0.57f 5 Y10= 1.04fD5 r -[- 375 r ~. GRASS SWALE r GRASS SWALE OA= I.97ac Lsv= 761' R 8~ ~ 00` 'f ~' ~ I v 8~ ~ oo _~ ~~ OA= 0.63ac ' Se= 0.003 55= 6 6 ~ ~~ ~ scoua ROLE ~ J S J 1 ~ ~ ~ GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP Lsr= 486 274 . ` I I PREFORMED ~ i 55= 6.6 02= _.16cf5 0= 9' D= 2' r I i / SCOUR ROLE NORTHBOUND 02= 1.94cfs Y2= 1.06fps C10= 6.78cfs w= S c= P ~ -3 I' ~ / B= S' D= 2' ~~ V2= 1.92fps V10= 1.13fp5 ` F ~ ' I W= S' d= 1' ~~ 010= Z.98cfs V10= 2J2fps 375 ~_ 375 375 F ~ z ~' I w GRASS SWALE O10= IO.BOCfs VtO= 2.95fp s ~ 1 ---- - 1 ti ~~~ ~ ~ ~ F ,_ -- ----- ~ ----- ---- --- - ---------- ----------- ,, z 265 265 260 PROFILE GRADE IN RT `+72"T.D.= 260 E I .1 L '~. S ~ \ ~ 600mm CONC. SILL NATURAL GROUND . ~ _ ~ i ___~~~~ ~~ / 255 ~ ~~~_ / ~ __ - - - ~ ~ 255 2 B 2.1m x 2.tm RCBC PROPOSED PROFILE 250 PI- ea+zs.ooo -L- IRr.I ELEV VC = - ISB.t96 250 z20 0a . om Gt - I-)D. BTODZ cz - ~ I r+tz.Teaz I +80 80f00 t2p +40 +60 +80 8I f00 t20 +40 +5p I~Ig®I~IIL]E ~I~~ ~ N.C.DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 10 0 20 GUILFORD COUNTY HORIZONTAL SCALE 2.5 0 5 PROJECT: 8.U~92101 (U-252~AC) GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP VERTICAL SCALE SHEET ~ ~ ~ ~' OF 6 / Y6 / 03 _ J„-,r ~ ~ ~ a~ ~~~~._ !~ E7C151• RIPpRID.N ' .. i 1'~? ' ~] ~ LONE ~ soy,,; I I y ''2 i ~~~ x /3 ~~ z l3 zoo ` ~ ~' ~ ~ R10.' EXIST • ~ ~ ~ , 5 ~ i r~ ~ ~~~ ,~ % S .' ~.^,- r, ~'t ~-~ ; Z_ ~~ ~ r~ ~~' 'S j~Y.- ~ i i : i i i ZQ~ i i i # i i XE:Try T ~-~ _ ~* * i# i* i# i i i i i* i i a i#* i N OE - _ ~~ / ~ 1 DE i i i i # ! ~ - i i : i - r i i~ ~ TDE 't /i i f D fZ iii • i I /~ ~ ii * ! i+ ~* i ~ / i I ~ f i ~ _ * f/ i f il.i~ '1 ,4~-k~i iii•- iiii _ i~ p P P P f/h i i tii/ i i ii k !s*_ii*i*/ CEEB • i * e iIi * i * : P P P~ DRAIN & SEED F10HD P P ~~ i ~# i i ! i( iYis~isis i i i~~it i f i/ / i i i i i i / Q i i i i i*- / i i i i i P ~- ! i # f P / f i i i # ; / i t i i i i i/ i i f# i i f t i i i i i / fif _! ~i *iiif. i : : f~ i f fi#i~i*fi#i / : ~ ii1 / i i # i. / f i f i #~# # i ~ f i f i i i y • f i T'DE i i l~ i i i- / i i : i i i _x--- iTDE i iiiisisi / 7aE#-. ~' iii ~~ 'U~ i i i i# i i f i f t • RlPgRlgiy @UF ~~~ i i i iiiiiiiiis: FER ~ TOE i ~ ~\~~ l3 1[~1LA~N ~~~~V ~I~"]E 8 ~~ ~ 20 DENOTES MECHANIZED ** **** CLEARING iii i i DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS P p (POND) Q Q w z U Q 2 1~ / f j } f i • r TO BULL RUN ~, / SAN BVFC`g ~~ ' •• TDE ii if~ f : .•iii i~+•e i~C ' RAP PR i ' T D~ -~ • - . • . f i ~e • 1 i • -ea _ _ zoNE z ~ TDB - - i i i ~'' / • . • • • • • /i i / 1 f f i/ i f• i i / i t i•• I / • f • • t • • • , f i f ~f • f / TQNE t + + ~ i • ( ~ +•+ffi ffif• • • 1f••• ii~i.i P - P P ff•*iq•+ii~flV'' I / /• • f f • f { , / i ! • 1+V • f • • f , Q a . .'• f f • r' I ~""if +~.ii ~ / 4 i f • f ~ _ , / Z ~i f r f f • ~ 4 ~'~`~ ~ Q~ ~~' C . _ • • f • r :~~ .rte / ~'~Q(,~ ~ _ /~ • • • ! • f yyy~~~ / .i i+ a•at~~ i f t~ • / ~f •f.r'i•f f R~4p T$€ t /~ f f i I~HE Z L ~j '_' f 79 I .: •' ~ I 1 ~; . ~ ~.'.' f, l4 l ,.. f ~ ~ I f f~ 13 -~-'',,T ~-- 10 0 20 R,pN eu4FER ~ ,~ L~ ,'O r I '~ /~ X ~ t~ x'11 ~~ ~ i ~- ~:' .~ I ~~ ~ r 1 - '. rf I ' `, ~;~ r' i /. ~ , f. i f ~, ~, t 3 _~ ~y ~~~ ~ 4i~ a~~ 2 MILAN ~VIIEW TIE 8 DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING •'•+i'•fi DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS P p (POND) . ` . CLEARING ~ PROJECT: 8.U~92101 (U-Y52~AC) 10 0 20 Fi GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS F F i -- ~ ~ ~( - 1 _ ,-~ \ j. ~ . ~~ ~~~ r ~8 1 r. ` ~ ,1 ~~, Ey ? ~~ ` OJ~F ti/ x ti z ti~~/ 1N 'v3 1 QE ~ \ ~ ~ ~ i A_ _ ~ UT '2 TO LONG BRANCH ,4 .' ~'~i;j f:~ ~\\\ SCOUR HOLE ~} ~~~ i / .~' V- ~ ' l / O~~` ~ ` ` v ~1 ~ ~ ~ i P ~ {. / i ~ WOODS i N ~:. ~ i ~ p ~ ,~ ~~ O ~ ~ ~ / < P Q s ~e P } / C ~: 11 ~ F _~~ ti , \ J `~t ~ ` 1...~ J / ~ I .~ GRASS SwALE ~~ ~~ y~~~' ~/~ ~ ---=.c . _ -~ / / ~~ 010= 12.85cfs V10= 3.Sltps O '~ o ~ ` t 'F ~ IS __~_ - ~~ Qrk ~1 , ~ ( F ------______ ~ ~, --- 4so ~~ , ~ . 1 ~ ~ ~_ .-- DENOTES MECHANIZED ~ ``~~ F ~~ ,~ `1t WOODS o r ; ~~' CLEARING :":~:':`. •~ ~~'~"" ~ ~ ~ s ~s,1-}'' N.C.DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION ~~ ~~ "/'~ ~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DENOTES FILL IN ~~ GRASS SwALE +~ ~~ SURFACE WATERS S S ~` oA= z.7eao Lsr= 33P ~ '/ ~-~ So= 0.0225 55= 3.3 ~ 02= S.I9cfs V2= 1.98fps DENOTES SURFACE ~ ~ 010= 6.81cfs V10= 2.I9fps ~:.~~ i~ F~Sr: RIPAFdaN GUILFORD COUNTY WATER IMPACT P P w >~ cPOND) ~~~1V ~1~ Vr ~,'F ~~ PROJECT: 8.U~92101 (U-252~AC) 10 0 20 ~V 1 '~~ ~ GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP ~~~~ 11 ,~. / SHEET `~ OF ~6 6/Y7/03 NCDOT Project No. 8.U492101 T.I.P. No. U-2524AC Guilford County, NC Greensboro-Western Loop from North of Norfolk Southern Railroad to North of SR 1541. NATURAL STREAM DESIGN UNNAMED TRIBUTARY N0.9 TO BULL RUN Right of -L- Project Station 58+15 Prepared by: TranSite Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1300 Paddock Dr., Suite G-10 Raleigh, NC 27609 sn~~< l7 ~,r `F6 J~(~ U~ NATURAL STREAM DESIGN UNNAMED TRIBUTARY NO. 9 TO BULL RUN Right of -L- Project Station 58+15 The construction of the Greensboro -Western Loop from North of Norfolk Southern Railroad to North of SR 1541 will require that a 0.21 hectare (0.51 acre) pond on Unnamed Tributary No. 9 (UT #9) be drained. Once drained, a 65 meter (213') stream will be constructed in the pond bottom. The stream will begin at the head of the drained pond and continue downstream to the inlet of a 1200mm (48") RCP. The proposed stream relocation is designed according to "natural channel" design principles by Dave Rosgen. This tributary of Bull Run drains 14.4 hectares (35.6 acres) in Guilford County. Existing land use in the drainage basin is predominantly low density residential and undeveloped. The Guilford County Land Use Plan shows that future land use is low to medium density residential development. There is no hydraulic gauge data available on this stream. Discharges were estimated using procedures outlined in USGS Water-Resources Report 96-40$4, Estimation of Flood-Frequency Characteristics of Small Urban Watersheds in North Carolina. EXISTING CHANNEL The existing condition at the proposed stream relocation site is a 0.21 (0.51 acre) hectare pond with an average depth of 2 meters (6.5'). The pond will be drained prior to construction and the proposed stream constructed through the natural bottom. Shcct ~ g cil~ ~6 ~w~`~- U ~ REFERENCE REACH Since the proposed relocation site is currently a pond, a "reference reach" was surveyed downstream of the pond outlet. The selected reach is located approximately 25 meters downstream of the pond outlet and is 100 meters in length. This reach was chosen because it represents the current natural stream conditions. Based on field survey data gathered, this stream reach was classified as an ES stream. The bed material for this reach was found to be a medium sand with some gravel. The HEC-RAS computer model was used to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the stream such as velocity, shear stress and stream power. Design and morphological data for the Reference and Proposed streams are shown in the "Morphological Measurement Table". PROPOSED CHANNEL The proposed stream is designed to have an ES classification. The gradient of the proposed stream is controlled by the tie to the head of the pond upstream and the inlet of the 1200mm (48") RCP downstream. The proposed stream is designed to have an average bankfull depth of 0.45 meters (1.5') and an average pool depth of 0.75m (2.5'). The natural banks of the existing pond will serve as the flood prone limits for the proposed stream. Proposed stream stabilization is shown on the attached detail sheet and will be grass with coir fiber matting along the entire length of both banks. The flood prone limits and other disturbed areas will be stabilized with native woody vegetation. To aid in stability and reduce stream gradient, cross vane rock weirs with 0.3 meter (1.0') channel drops will be placed downstream of all meanders in the "glide section". In addition, rootwads will be 5hrcl ~_q_ c~(.`E6 Jw~ ~- ~ ~ placed along the outside of the stream bends characteristics of the reference stream. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT ANALYSIS The stream bottom will match the The proposed stream has a bankfull stream power of 3.15 lb/ft-s and a shear stress of 1.01 lb/ft2 as compared to 4.74 lb/ft-s and 1.31 lb/ft2 for the existing stream. While the proposed values are lower than those of the reference stream, they indicate that the proposed stream will transport the current sediment load without aggrading or degrading the stream bed or banks. Additionally, 2-yr and 10-yr velocities and shear stresses were evaluated and found to be within acceptable limits. ~~~~ ~) Shccl ~ ~~f_~~ NCDOT Project No. 8.U492101 T.I.P. No. U-2524AC Guilford County, NC Greensboro-Western Loop from North of Norfolk Southern Railroad to North of SR 1541. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Prepared by: TranSite Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1300 Paddock Dr., Suite G-10 Raleigh, NC 27609 J~`~ U ? ~/- z3 a~ ~F6 PROTECT INVOLVEMENT The proposed project is 4.07 kilometers (2.54 miles) in length and will construct a portion of the Greensboro-Western Loop from North of Norfolk Southern Railroad to North of SR 1541 on new location including and interchange at SR-1541 (Wendover Avenue). The project also includes relocating a portion of existing SR-4126 (Bridford Parkway) and widening existing SR-1541 (Wendover Avenue). The Greensboro-Western Loop will be an eight-lane divided facility with grassed medians and predominantly grass swales left and right. In high fill sections, concrete expressway gutter will be utilized. The proposed project contains one crossing of Bull Run, five crossings of Unnamed Tributaries to Bull Run and one crossing of an Unnamed Tributary to Long Branch. Bull Run and Long Branch are tributaries to Randleman Lake. See Table l for a detailed list of the streams and proposed crossings. Table 1. Stream Crossings Stream Name Drainage Area C1asDfi ation Proposed Structure UT #9 to Bull Run 35.6 acres WS-I 1 @ 48" RCP UT #7 to Bull Run 30.6 acres WS-I 1 @ 42" RCP UT #6 to Bull Run 24.2 acres WS-I 1 @ 42" RCP UT #5 to Bull Run 29.9 acres WS-I l @ 42" RCP UT #4 to Bull Run 58.9 acres WS-I 1 @ 54" RCP Bull Run 0.57 mi' WS-I 2 @ 8' x 7' RCBC UT #2 to Long Branch 20.4 acres WS-I 1 @ 36" RCP UT -Unnamed Tributary In accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0248, "All waters of the Randleman Lake (Deep River) water supply watershed are classified for water supply uses and designated by the Environmental Mana~~ement Commission as a Critical Water Supply Watershed pursuant to G.S. 143-214.5(b). J SWMP-I it ~f -2 sL~~ C Based on the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) Classifications of the impacted streams, all of the sites listed in Table I require "Special Consideration". POTENTIAL IMPACTS The project is located within the City of Greensboro Corporate Limits and Unincorporated are~-s of Guilford County. The project is located entirely within the drainage basin of the Randleman Lake and is therefore subject to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2B .0250, Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed; Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas. The purpose of these rules are to protect and preserve the riparian buffers along all streams that drain into the Randleman Lake and maintain their nutrient removal functions. The Randleman Buffer Rules require that a 50-foot wide riparian buffer directly adjacent to surface waters that drain into the Randleman Reservoir be maintained. The Rule also requires that concentrated runoff from new ditches or manmade conveyances be converted to diffused flow before the runoff enters the riparian buffer. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) As noted in Table 1, the proposed project contains seven jurisdictional stream crossings. All seven crossings meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 2B .0251 requiring treatment of storrnwater nrnoff. The following discusses each Site and its proposed BMPs: Site 1- UT #9 to Bull Run (-L- Sta. 58+20) The proposed work at Site 1 involves constnrction of -L- on new location, a 1 @ 48" RCP and 213 linear feet of natural stream through the drained pond. To facilitate formation of a natural stream bed through the pipe, the upstream and downstream inverts will be buried a minimum of 0.5'. The natural stream is designed in accordance with Rosgen techniques for natural stream design and has an ES Stream Classification. Based on "Level Spreader" design criteria in Forested Areas, the Northwest, Southwest and Southeast quadrants surrounding the existing and proposed streams have natural ground slopes through the buffer in excess of 6~Io and therefore arc not suitable for installation of level spreaders. In the Northeast quadrant, the natural ground is grassed but the slope through the buffer exceeds the 8°lo threshold for level spreaders. Since level spreader design criteria can not be met, grass swales, enhanced grass swales and pre-formed scour holes will be used to provide treatment of stormwater. ~~la-~3 Site 2 - UT #7 to Bull Run (-L- Sta. 62+02) The proposed work at Site 2 involves construction of -L- on new location and a 1 @ 42" RCP. To facilitate formation of a natural stream bed through the pipe, the upstream and downstream inverts will be buried a minimum of 0.5'. No runoff from the proposed roadway is discharged into this stream. Site 2 - UT #6 to Bull Run (-L- Sta. 63+42) The proposed work at Site 2 involves construction of -L- on new location and a 1 @ 42" RCP. To facilitate formation of a natural stream bed through the pipe, the upstream and downstream inverts will be buried a minimum of 0.5'. Based on "Level Spreader" design criteria in Forested Areas, the Northeast, Northwest, Southwest and Southeast quadrants surrounding the stream have natural ground slopes through the buffer in excess of 6% and therefore are not suitable for installation of level spreaders. Additionally, in the Southeast quadrant an offsite drainage feature has been relocated to the toe of fill. Since level spreader design criteria can not be met, grass swales, enhanced grass swales and apre-formed scour hole will be used to provide treatment of stormwater. Site 3 - UT #5 to Bull Run (-L- Sta. 66+15) The proposed work at Site 2 involves construction of -L- on new location and a l @ 42" RCP. To facilitate formation of a natural stream bed through the pipe, the upstream anti downstream inverts will be buried a minimum of O.S. In the Northeast and Southeast quadrants, offsite drainage features preclude the use of level spreaders. In the Northwest and Southwest quadrants, irregular natural topography is not suitable for level spreaders. Since level spreader design criteria can not be met, grass swales and a preformed scour hole will be used to provide treatment of stormwater. SWMP-? 5~'~# Z6 ~~ ~G Site 4 - UT #5 to Bull Run (-L- Sta. 74+74) The proposed work at this location involves the construction of -L- nn new location and a l @ 54" RCP. To facilitate formation of a natural stream bed through the pipe, the upstream and downstream inverts will be buried a minimum of 0.5'. In the Northwest and Southwest quadrants, the presence of existing right of way for the extension of Ruffin Road precludes the use of level spreaders. In the Northeast and Southeast quadrants, irregular natural topography is not suitable for level spreaders. Since level spreader design criteria can not be met, grass swales will be used to provide treatment of stormwater. Site 7 -Bull Run (-L- Sta. 80+61) The proposed work at this location involves the construction of -L- on new location and a 2 @ 8' x 7' RCBC. The RCBC inverte will he hnriPrl ~ minimum „r i n> .,.,.....o.,.-.. ,...., a....._..._____ ._ facilitate formation of a natural stream bed through the RCBC length. Additionally, a 2.0' concrete sill in the left RCBC barrel restricts daily and low flows to the right barrel. In [he Northwest and Southwest quadrants, irregular natural topography and the presence of Ruffin Road preclude the use of level spreaders. In the Northeast and Southeast quadrants, irregular natural topography also precludes the use of level spreaders. Since level spreader design criteria can not be met, grass swales and preformed scour holes will be used to provide treatment of stormwater. Site 11 - UT #2 to Long Branch (-RPR- Sta 2+52) The proposed work at this location involves the construction of Ramp B on new location and a 1 @ 36" RCP. To facilitate formation of a natural stream bed through the pipe, the upstream and downstream inverts will be buried a minimum of 0.5'. The Northeast and Southeast quadrants are located within the proposed interchange and are not suitable for installation of level spreaders. In the Southwest quadrant, the slope of natural ground through the buffer is in excess of 6% and therefore are not suitable for installation of level spreaders. Since level spreader design criteria can not be met, grass swales and a preformed scour hole will be used to provide treatment of stormwater. ''11 1 jn~- U ` ~s z- ~,q ~ ~w~ ~- U 3 s~vn~tt~--t S~f~ Z7 0~ ~( 6 See Table 2 for a detailed list of the BMP locations. DESIGN DETAILS Design details for the enhanced grass swales, variable width base ditches and preformed scour holes are shown on the Roadway Design plans. ,~w~~-~3 SWMP-~ Table 2. BMP Locations BMP Location Plan Sheet Enhanced Grass Swale -L- 58+25 to 59+20 (Lt) 4, 5 -L- 63+80 to 64+80 (Lt) 6 Grass Swale -L- 57+00 to 57+80 (M) 4 -L- 57+80 to 59+20 (M) 4, 5 -L- 59+20 to 60+80 (M) 5 -L- 61+70 to 63+55 (M) 5, 6 -L- 63+55 to 63+80 (M) 6 -L- 63+80 to 64+80 (M) 6 -L- 64+80 to 66+49 (M) 6, 7 -L- 66+49 to 66+90 (M) 7 -L- 66+90 to 68+40 (M) 7 -L- 68+40 to 70+20 (M) 7, 8 -L- 71+58 to 73+00 (M) 8, 9 -L- 73+00 to 74+00 (M) 9 -L- 74+00 to 74+65 (M) 9 -L- 74+65 to 74+90 (M) 9 -L- 74+90 to 76+25 (M) 9, 10 -L- 75+10 to 76+25 (Lt) 9, 10 -L- 75+30 to 76+25 (Rt) 9, 10 -L- 76+25 to 77+21 (Lt) 10 -L- 76+25 to 77+29 (M) 10 -L- 76+25 to 77+36 (Rt) 10 -L- 77+60 to 79+68 (Lt) ] 0, 11 -L- 77+65 to 79+68 (M) ] 0, 11 -L- 77+70 to 79+68 (Rt) 10, 11 -L- 79+68 to 80+10 (Lt) 11 -L- 79+68 to 81 +30 (M) l 1 -L- 79+68 to 79+90 (R) 11 -L- 81+30 to 81+80 (M) 1 1 -L- 81+80 to 83+28 (M) 11, 12 -L- 91+70 to 94+70 (M) 14 -L- 92+40 to 93+66 (Rt) 14 -L- 94+70 to 95+50 (M) 14 -L- 95+50 to 95+65 (M) 14 -RPA- 1 +02 to 2+48 (Lt) ] 4 -RPB- 2+55 to 3+56 (Lt) 14 `~ V 5~~ Z~(~ ~6 Table 2. BMP Locations (Cont.) Pre-formed Scour Holes -L- 57+20 (Lt) 4 -L- 64+40 (Rt) 6 -L- 80+35 (Rt) l 1 -L- 87+37 (Lt) 11 -RPB- 2+65 (Rt) 14 Natural Stream Design -L- ]0+46 to 11+23 (Lt) 4 JAL ~ 3 SWMP-7 (t~1~ (~`~2,sz- ~~ s~ 3 \ \ \ \ ` ~~epNKM~pt ~ .~ i .\ \ SPE~~p~ ~ I ~ I ;~ ~~ ~ \ peo \ MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. ' ~- °z \ P~~~ ~ ~ ~ _.~ __, i ~ _~~~ ,/ ~~ ~ i~~ // i~ /~ ~ ,' , , ~ ' /. ~~~ ~~ ~~ . ~~ ~~ i~ ~~ ~ - ~ ~ ,, ,,. ,- GLpRR OPH µ~C~``pN ~~o 0 F / / // ~~ ~ / ~~ ~ lGi• / \\ \ ~ ~pRRO •`-i~~" • O O O (^ HELEN ~+ J ,1) a N m rv I '1I ~ T x~~ ~ ~ Ir- ' SCALE 20m IOm 0 20m ~/~ DENOTES FILL IN ~////%//~{ W E T L A N D ~~ DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (POND) D' DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING SITE RIBA NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY 8.U492 10 I U-2524~G SCALE AS SHOWNr~ SHEET 3 ~ OF `t' 6 `~'~'~I 2'~3 ~\o~ O~ u h- U P~ /'~/~ 4W ~ jt' ml ~ ~' ~~ ~~r~• W MATCH~INE~ Iq S-T~ 2 .QA SCALE i- 20m IOm 0 20m ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING /~ ~ 4 u i~, i ~, r~ 7~ 7~ iW / ~ / NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY 8.U49210 I U-2524A~t GREENSBORO WESTERN URBAN LOOP SCALE AS SHOWN ~~ ~~'fl SHEET~~ OF ~6 (o ``Zfj i ~,~~?~ ~-+ N ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ MATCHLINE 2 I I\ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I I~ I ~ I II N ~ I~ I I I\ ~ I I I I I, I ,~ ~ N 1 I I ~ ,rte I ~~,~~ W W I ~ I ~,~ ~ ~o - 0 I"~l_ --- m \ \ ~ - W ~" ~, ' ~ ~ ~ I 1 ~ t, ~ '~ $ , ~, ~ \ , I \ , `~ I ~I w~ I `~~ ~ 1 ' '' I I I~ I I ~~ ~~ 1 ,III , II ~ ~ , I ~ \\ , ' ~ \ , I ~ , I ~ ~ ~ '~ I ~ ~ ~1 - r~1 , \ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I \ ~ 1~ ~ ~ \ , ` ~ ~ 3N 1 ~,'~~ `I ~ \ ~ , s~ , ~'4 \ ~ '~ 1 ~ ~~ \ l ' I ~ .r ~ ~,, MATCHL~I E~ f e~~~'" ~~ N NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION S,~ ~ ~~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY 8.U4921O1 U-2524 SCALE GREENSBORO WESTERN UR9AN LOOP 20m IOm 0 20m ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER SCALE AS SHOWN[ [ 'R~ 65E'~ SHEET 33 OF T v ~p1~~0~ i i~ ~ ii ~ ii ~ ~i ~ ~ .. ~ 1~ i i ~ ~i i i , ~i # ~ i~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ . , ., ~~ l%- _~ ~~-, _, ~- ~ ~~ ~ ~1T~ 2 ~ SCALE --~ ,- 20m IOm 0 20m ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ~~5~ ~a ~'~ P~ o ,' ,,~,~ ~~~ f , ~~.~,~~ M A T C H ~ I N E ~ -InOTIJ /`ADAI WA f1CDADT-ICWT nC TDAUCDnoT-rl~ ITEM EXISTING STREAM REFERENCE STREAM PROPOSED RELOCATION STREAM NAME LONG BRANCH N/A LONG BRANCH DRAINAGE AREA (DA) 166 ha. 166 ha. CHANNEL SLOPE (S) .0065 .0068 BANKFUL WIDTH (Wbk{') 2.76M 4.40M MEAN DEPTH (dbkf) 0.66M 0.44M BANKFUL X-SECTION ARE 1.81M 2 1.92M2 WIDTH/DEPTH RATIO 4.18 ~ 10.0 Maximum DEPTH (d mbkf) 0.76M 0.60M WIDTH Flood-Prone Area f e g0.7M 17.4M ENTRENCHMENT RATIO 14.75 3.95 CHANNEL MATERIALS: D50 3mm 3mm SINUOSITY (K) 1.15 1.05 MEANDERS: AVG. LENGTH 12.5M 40.OM AVG. AMPLITUDE 3.87M 8.OM AVG. RADIUS IO.OM IO.OM DISCHARGES: 0 BANKFULL 2.70cros 2.65cros 02 3.73cros 8.94cros 010 9.25cros 17.85cros VELOCITY: V BANKFULL 0.43M/S 0.58M/S V2 0.44M/S 0.91M/S VIO 0.57M/S 1.08M/S CLASSIFICATION E3 E3 STREAM DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DATA SITE #2t3A NATURAL CHANNEL DESIGN TYPICALS DETAIL N vAR. TYPICAL FLOOD PLAIN SECTION Natural I 3.Om (Not to Scote 1 Ground 8/.- 2 Flood Plcin ~ Future :~ _ .L FIII Slope VAR. Z °/ ~VAR. 0 TO 9.4m 0.6 TO .4m I.2m SEE CHANNEL DETAILS Roor ^io Loc r• u• w CHANNEL DETAIL PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION lhat To Scar 1 B~1alFOLL DEPTN 0.6m F O PbN 7 ~ ib00 In PWT~ TTPKK JECTgR I BET^EEN BEH1S WHEN BACKFILLINC OVER AND AROUND FOOTER LOGS,ROOTWAD LOGS enln euruna anrrc claw v ccrIDRE ALL COMPONENTS INCLUDING IBOVE BANKFULL DEPTH ~II~ANNIEIL I~ILA~N ~V~IEW ~,®N~ ]~~A~N~1[~ CHANNEL DETAIL PROPOS TYPI[A SF[TION 0 ND IMEAbDERI I MOT TO S[al~ ) PROIrlT DEEPER UuMEL F ~ eELar GuDE PDMT O.Jm •T BEND ealaFUL DFPTN FboC Plain 7 • [pq FIBER i.On i0 BuRFOLL DEPTN FOOTEA LOG OJm aRCNOR RO[RS wlxCE IiJ Ou. BELOr nvERil I`~0 - Io0 lei LTR[4 SECTgR I ~T BENDS NOTES: NUMBER OF ROOTWADS INSTALLED TO BE DETERMINED ON SITE ROOTWADS TO BE SPACED 4x DIAMETER OF ROOT BASE FOOTER LOG ANCHOR ROCK TO BE PLACED ON THE DOWNSTREAM END OF EACH FOOTER LOG SO THAT IT IS LEANING AGAINST THE LOG ON THE SIDE AWAY FROM THE CHANNEL. ~~~~ ~ ~ U-2524 ~c. ~~,-~.- i ~ ~ Z ~,~~ Revisions for Randleman Buffer ~~o~w~~ June 10, 2003 Site IBA 1) Special ditch grade right of -L- from station 98+40 to 99+20 was eliminated. 2) Run off collected at structure #3 meets grass swale criteria. See attached chart. 3) Outlet ditch for structure #2 has been widened and flattened with 3:1 side slopes to meet grass Swale criteria. In doing so, this eliminates the need for rip rap. See attached chart. Due to the steep terrain at the site, apre-formed scour hole vas not practical. However, the ditch is designed to stop short of the buffers where the water will head up and sheet flow out of the ditch. Site 26A 1) Ditch left of 12+00 -LSB-...all runoff (structures #19-24) is treated prior to entering ditch except structure #15. See attached chart. A box was added at station II+'1b -LSBr to tie to Structure #15 and discharge outside of the buffer. Due to the size of the drainage area and slope, the rip rap could not be eliminated from this ditch. 2) -RPC- 13+20 right... Topography would not allow for this system to discharge to the left into the gore area. Therefore, a box was added to allow for discharge to be directed into apre-formed scour hole at the pipe outlet in the floodplain of the stream. 3) -RPC- 14+20 right...Topography would not allow for this system to discharge to the left into the gore area. Therefore, apre-formed scour hole was placed at the pipe outlet in the floodplain of the stream. 4) Structure #27 (-KPC- 1C>+00)...outlet pipe was revised to cross under -RPC- into the gore area where grass Swale criteria is met. See attached chart. 5) Per Jenny Fleming, gore area between -RPC- and -LNB- was tightened up previously, under Abdul Rahmani's direction, to fit stream between -RPC- and hill. 'I'bis eliminated 3000' of culvert at this site. sG~f#~ 3~ ~ ~6 U-2524 ~ ~ Fn~S l SA ~} 2 8A~ (metric) Permit Site # Str. # DA (ha) required treatment length (m) actual treatment length (m) M 1 M 2 Base (m) Slope Q2 (cros) V2 (m/s) Q10 (cros) Stable? 18A 3 0.51 38.4 40+ 6 6 0.0 0.02474 0.080 0.34 0.100 Y 2 outlet 0.34 25.4 30.0 3 3 2.4 0.03 0.230 0.44 0.300 Y 21~A 15** 0.09 7.1 12.0'" 2** 2** 1.0 0.016667 0.028 0.63** 0.036 Y 19 0.15 11.3 85.0 3 3 0.0 0.0133 0.040 0.24 0.047 Y 20 0.14 10.5 60.0 6 10 0.0 0.0142 0.030 0.13 0.044 Y 21 0.10 7.5 22.0 4 10 0.0 0.006 0.030 0.09 0.040 Y 22 0.69 52.0 144.0 3 3 0.0 0.0121 0.150 0.46 0.190 Y 23 0.44 33.1 140.0 6 6 0.0 0.01 0.100 0.25 0.130 Y 24 0.38 28.6 220.0 6 6 0.0 0.025778 0.090 0.39 0.110 Y 27 0.20 15.1 75.0 3 3 0.0 0.007467 0.060 0.23 0.080 Y Pre-formed scour holes were placed at the outlet of structure # 16A and 26 in the floodplain of stream. Topographical constraints will not allow the systems to be discharged to the left into the gore area. Structure #15 outlet ditch has 2:1 side slopes and is lined with rip rap. RANDLEMAN RESERVOIR BUFFER REVISIONS JUNE 9, 2003 S~~# 3 ~ ~ ~ 6 Project No. 8.U492101 (U- 2524AC) Prop erty Owner List For Each Wetland Site Site Stat ion No. Name Address N0. -L- 57+80 Lt to ~ O Franklin M. Campbell 2513 E. Woodlan Way -L- 58+06 Lt Greensboro, NC 27407-5003 1 -L- 57+78 Lt to Peggy W. Smith 6605 Arcadiz Rd. -L- 58+57 Rt. 2 Partnership Columbia, SC 29206 -L- 61+80 Rt, to 3 NCDOT P.O. Box 20521 -L- 62+15 Lt. Raleigh, NC 27611 -L- 62+12 Lt. to O Southern Bell Britt Properties Attn: Meldona Britt -L- 62+32 Lt. Hwy. 200 South 2 Stanfield, NC 28163 -L- 63+38 Lt. to O Robert P. Schultheis & 5010 Hilltop Rd. -L- 63+50 Lt. Merlyn 0. Schultheis Greensboro, NC 27407 -L- 63+38 Rt. to O Stanley Road Baptist 2500 Stanley Rd. -L- 63+72 Rt. Church, Inc. Greensboro, NC 27407 -L- 65+58 Rt. to O Wiley A. Sykes 820 Larkwood Dr. -L- 66+14 Rt. Greensboro, NC 27415 3 -L- 66+12 Rt. to 8 Ms. Harry L. Hennis, 5955 Church Wood Dr. -L- 66+55 Lt. Widow Greensboro, NC 27407 4 -L- 69+78 Rt. to 9 Fred E. Hodgin & 2225 Mowbray Tr. -L- 70+84 Rt. Ruth A. Hodgin Greensboro, NC 27407 5 -L- 68+92 Lt. to 9 Fred E. Hodgin & 2225 Mowbray Tr. -L- 74+25 Rt. Ruth A. Hodgin Greensboro, NC 27407 6 -L- 74+69 Lt. to ~~ NCDOT P.O. Box 20521 -L- 74+84 Rt. Raleigh, NC 27611 (continued) N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT: B.U~(92101 (U-252~AC) GRE E NSBORO WESTERN LOOP ( ~ ~ ~ SHEET ` OF ~ 6/27/03 Project No. 8.U492101 (U-2524AC) Property Owner List For Each Wetland Site Site Station No. Name Address N0. -L- 80+58 Lt. to // Wendover South 1900 Interstate Tower -L- 80+66 Lt. Associates, LP Greensboro, NC 28202 7 Susan C. Foster, -L- 80+54 Lt. to Trustee of James A. /2 Coomes & Frederica 5535 Wayne Rd. -L- 80+66 Lt. Brown Coomes Greensboro, NC 27407-7316 Inter Vivos Trust /3 Ms. Lucille Brown, 5740 Ruffin Rd. Widow Jamestown NC 27282 8 -RPC- 0+15 Lt. to /4 Ms. Patricia M. Brown, 5740 Rufifiin Rd. -RPC- 2+53 Lt. Widow Jamestown NC 27282 /5 NCDOT P.O. Box 20521 Raleigh, NC 27611 9 -RPC- 3+69 Lt. to /6 NCDOT P.O. Box 20521 -RPC- 5+12 Lt. Raleigh, NC 27611 10 -L- 93+55 Rt. to /~ Ralph Edward McClellan P.O. Box 7 -L- 93+78 Lt. Wanchese, NC 27981 11 -RPB- 2+59 Rt. to /8 Eunice J. Pitts 5912 Hickory Grove Rd. -RPB- 3+06 Rt. Greensboro, NC 27409 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT: B.U,92101 (U-252~AC) GREENSBORO WESTERN LOOP SHEET ~~ ~~ OF 6 / 27 / 03 PROPERTY OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS OWNER'S NAME J ADRES/S ~CL.(~"LAv ~ • GCfJjfj(~.~ ~ $ i 8 l~ ~- l,J o~.d e-~,~-e~, C.~.~-ems,-~..~eJ ,.kJ n. ¢.enz.~i-•a-r_u, `7? • L' ° ..z 7 5< 0 ~J Helen Carrot ('~,~- ~~~3no13 Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. R~~-'-4~ , `71.C~ ' ~-7~ Z z-ao13 Clara D. McCellan ~ ~-w-r~-a-cQ.. ~ nIG D O ~ ~ c/o Ralph McCellan L~J t.C~.i.~-nJ ..~ 2c,c,a/.'..c.~-~' l~ vz.,C c~2r~cy.,..J ~ Wilson Trucking Corp. ~ C ~iG22rca.~a-u1-„J •~f~-~'~- ~~c~`-c;l a~ik..rn C~aa~ce p,n.$~- 9 3:3~ v Pierce Roof Corp. b~~,~/l,,-oZ,_,. '7I•C. ~.a•7~.~.q Duke Power Co. ~ ~'~""~`~ ~`~' ~~D ~~ i ~ ~ O p w an:3C. Mc~i4'_+c-3C .(55~~ Guilford Mills, Inc. ,~n.e..~~,.e-t'/-~-z.-o,7t.~~7~v'7 N C State Ports Authority ~` ~'~"~~`~ ~ N C~ ~ j '~c ~, Vp, '~aX; / ,~ 3o O Ciba Geigy Corp. ~/w~@..r-+.•2t~.•-o-L[~ , n ~ .~ •7y ~ 6812 Friendly Road N C Dept. of Transportation Greensboro, NC 27410 F~-z.~.~Sz -ti~-~-~-,NC.D~T#K Coca Cola Company p.c T3~ ~.~c~z3 Williams Energy Ventures, Inc. .~ c~-~-cv , ~• 7 ~-1.~..1•-I ~z g 712 N. Eugene St. Guilford County Board of Education Greensboro, NC 27401-1654 P.O. Box 3608 Amp Inc. Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY 'ptoPLDr~ 0,~~ iN~~vanraN PROJECT No. S.U492101 U-2524. AG s~,1Tt .~ ZlSA GREENSBORO WESTERN URBAN LOOP FROM ~- 1 45A / Jv6.y "2sw3 SHEET~~F 'C ~ 3I-aZa~ / C7'l,,) PROPERTY OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS OWNER'S NAME ADRESS 6584 Polar Ave., Ste.340 Mid-America Apartments, L.P. Memphis, TN 38138-0612 Alfred K. Sampson, and Wife, ~ tg-~,~yQ ~ t\f C-p ~-~-'Ic Voultine P. Sampson Kilpatrick Associates ~.~,~Ptn-~.G; ~~C,~,L'-1~J~.-°-~...~ ~~ ~P.:ti:E'tl~t.>, ~l ~C, ~'r~r~.Ra-w b~~lUi.J Mast Enterprises r' ~'' ~Ot~ a ~°~ u' ~-~ '~x•~ • 0 7095 - ~ 9 tv 2 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY I PROJECT No. 8.U492101 U-2524 AC ate"- " 1 ~~' 1N~'~n~~ GREENSBORO WESTERN URBAN LOOP FROM 5a-1'~,. ~ 2'C3A ~ ~,~r Jw-Y 2.ac3 SHEET ~~ OF Z.lo IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS BUFFER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size Fill In Wetlands (ha) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ha) Excavation In Wetlands (ha) Mechanized Clearing (Method III) (ha) Fill In SW (Natural) (ha) Fill In SW (Pond) (fia) Temp. Fill In SW (ha} Existing Channel Impacted (m) Relocated Channel (m) Enclosed Channel (m) Zone 1 (ha) Zone 2 (ha) 1 -L- 57+80 Lt 1200 0.010 0.251^ 72.8 60.5 102.7 0.378 0.242 to 58+57 Rt 2 -L- 61+80 Rt 1050 0.014 121.2 118.4 0217 0.137 to 62+33 Lt -L- 63+38 Rt 1050 0.014 129.2 99.9 0.251 0.163 to 63+74 Rt 3 -L- 65+97 Rt 1050 0.013 78.2 © 94.3 0.204 0.122 to 66+54 Lt 4 -L- 69+58 Rt - 0.848 ~ to 70+85 Rt 5 -L- 73+02 Lt - 0.128^ to 73+61 Lt 6 -L- 74+69 Lt 1350 0.011 85.6 80.5 0.160 0.106 to 74+85 Rt SHEET TOTAL 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.062 1.227 0.000 487.0 60.5 495.8 1.210 0.770 O DENOTES DRAINING OF POND IMPACT. POND AT SITE 5 15 A TEMPORARY IMPRCT. zQ THIS QUANTITY REFLECTS AN 18.3m DEDUCTION FOR PIPE BEING REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH OPEN DITCH. ~~ OF ~~ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT: 8.0492101 NCDOT T.I.P. No: U-2524AC 6!27/03 IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS BUFFER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size Fill In Wetlands (ha) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ha) Excavation In Wetlands (ha) Mechanized Clearing (Method III) (ha) Fill In SW (Natural) (ha) Fill In SW (Pond) (ha) Temp. Fill In SW (ha) Existing Channel Impacted (m) Relocated Channel (m) Enclosed Channel (m) Zone 1 (ha) Zone 2 (ha) 7 -L- 80+58 Rt to 58+57 Rt 2 ~ 2.4 x 2.1 RCBC 0.021 104.4 75.0 0.212 0.116 8 -RPC- 0+15 Lt to 2+53 Lt - 1.634 +^ 1.108 0.488 9 -L- 3+68 Lt - 0.392 0 041 to 5+12 Lt 10 -L- 93+55 Rt - 0.015 ~ to 93+78 Lt 11 -RPB- 2+94 Lt to 3+42 Lt 900 0.007 0.217 74.1 61.2 0.147 0.107 SHEET TOTAL 0.392 0.000 0.000 0.041 0.028 1.866 0.000 178.5 0.0 136.2 1.467 711 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0.392 0.000 0.000 0.041 0.090 3.093 0.000 665.5 60.5 632.0 2.677 . 1.481 I N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ,^ DENOTES DRAINING OF POND IMPACT. POND AT SITE 8 IS A TEMPORARY IMPACT. GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT: 8.U492101 NCDOT T.I.P. No: U-2524AC OF T 6/27/03 IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS BUFFER IMPACTS Site No. Station (FromlTo) Structure Size Fill In Wetlands ha) Temp. Fill In Wetlands ha) Excavation In Wetlands (ha) Mechanized Clearing (Method III) (ha) Fill In SW (Natural) (ha Fill In SW (Pond) ha Temp. Fill In SW ha) Existing Channel Impacted m) Relocated Channel (m) Zone 1 ha Zone 2 ha) 16A' 98+00 -L- 1500 RCP 0.05 0.00 0.00 <0.01 <9.01 0.17 13 0 0.20 0.13 2BA 101+g0 .L- I 2 .1 x 2.1 RCBC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 925 540 1.67 1.12 12+zo-RP o- TOTALS : 0.05 0 0 0 0.11 0.17 0 938 540 1.87 1.25 SITE i -BEAVER IMPOUNDMENT AREA A TEMPORARY IMPACT WILL OCCUR IN ADDITION TO ABOVE LISTED QUANTITIES DUE TO TEMPORARY LOWERING OF WATER LEVEL METHOD III CLEARING IN WETLANDS f3.OM BEYOND CONSTRUCTION LIMfT51 Buller restoration at SFte 2BA is 0.49 ha for Zone 1 and 0.30 ha for Zona 2 Attachment A _' ;~. ~ ~ -~ ~, , ~ iN Oo+yV ' ~ ~-+~ ,~ ~Q. ~b •;~ ` ~~> ~,~ /y ~, ~; ~: ~I ~ 1 i 1_ ~ I 1 "t ,,,o ~ 1 • ,r - - v ~ u 1- '~ 11 '~' y~ i ~ it \ 1- 1 II rr / ~I 00~ p~ '1 I /~ ( 4 I / ~ x1 +J r- I Oa ~` Y ~L 0 1Mp10C7lTrl~ 7' ~.fwCR4if~ uw~E.~ -n'r ~ _- 2y' 02 ~4c peapos~ ~, P~~r v~toL'e.. -rim -r~• u -asz~ ea C-~ Z ~ peeN- ~~) y t,E,V l aus ly uu•,n~,e, -riP ~ 2 Z4o2A w f 8 VyfJ '\ Q a a 8 rtou'rn cnttor.tc+n ~tsrntrrrorsr+'r ot~ •rtcA;rsPOtt'Pn.'ION UL'/I~I(iN Ole ULGII4tAY:; GUtLi~ORD COUtI'L"( Pt~.ot~or;t:u .-os rttt:~~.ttr;uc,t+o n•rrnc:; trut~ ; -rt . :;ou'rn r,r r;tu•a•at::o~it~o ~.~~ •+n::;'. r,r uttuwr•ur,tu ac,r.u c::a-; s'~z, ~v ~y 2003 ~d I ~ ~ u ~1 ~N 'arc ~ N ~~.~ . ,_ ` ~ ., 00 4 001'ryy \ I. 'I ~y , i (((` ~ I ro ~ ,I ~ , ''~ ; ,~ i ~ ~ 'gill ~~ ~ ~ a~ ~~, ' i{ /% a) ' ~/ / L1 l1 ~ / "~ it ~L~ 7 H - ~ ~ cF~ m/~ O/ ,J / ,,o / l1 ~l `' 1J l / / ~~ W u) .n ~ F\/ ~U ~ r , ~ _~_ •,, Q ~~~ ~ n ~ 4 y .r ~yQry ~ ~ ri 1 w n o r +~ 3j~ ~` ~_ i 'Y) ~. ~v ~ ~ ; ~ ~ H Q ~ ~ o u, ~ Z ~ <F W ~ U7 ~ ._ ~ ~ ~~ ~, 'd ' ~ O Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Q d L N~~~ ~L~. r `V ~I ~ ? o 2 ~N ~ ~ ~ T ~ ~~ ~ ~µ N ~ ~ \~ ~ ~ W ~~~' Op 71 ~ f S2 ~ ~ ~~ -~ ,~ a ~ ~ o o i a c ~ a ! i a £ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Q ~ Q ~~. ~~~ N ~ N i ~ N ~ ~ ~ i °O{ate ~ NORTH CnROLINA DEPnRTME2IT OF TRANSPORTATIOtf y ~ Q .r ~ DIVISZON OF iIICRHAYS '1'rr~ ~Fl ~r C ~ GUZLFORD COUNTY ,~ ~ o.ua~zJOI I-zaoznD r ~ ~ ~ ;' I ~~ j PROPOSED I-OS CREEifSDORO ^YPASS (, ) ~' I FROM SOUT11 OF US-220 v / I I TO NEST OF EI11-EUGEIIE ST. (SR-J]OO) SCALE n5 SIIOH1f r~~V~~ 2 ;~I,ll,t :;MEET 01' A~.M,E~fT ~'~I it 1~ Ju~Y 2003 III .~ I~~ I Il i'; I n`~ I ~. ~ ,,, s-~~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ 11' `\ I, \`I UJ rQ"~ ~1'', ~_ .~ it ~l ~~\{ ~~ ~~ .~ J _~ o ~~ ~ti ,,, 4 1 9 lei •~~ ~l ~ ~~' M t ~_~ ~~ ~ ~~ V / I -~ \ ~~1tlDy ~ ~I ~ v/i~ ~ 1 _ ~ r ~ ,` I ~c5~ W J ~ ./~ `V t' t ~ Q a a ~ 8 N __/.J=' i - - ~~ r ~~ I I ~(~ 87 cols QOtr3~ ~~~ III ~~^ sb ~~~' \~~ ~ /rte ~ '~~ ~~/}~~ ~ ~, d~\ •I I I I N ~~ ~ ~ " ~., ~ .b S b'b~o Q~s 1 df~ I IIO ~~ N ~ ~~rt ~ b2~ ~~ I I II, ~, h v ~ y~ a ~~~ I ~~~~ ~ / ' LLII `^ /~ ~ ., , ~.__ . ,. uo+os ~- , III ~I ,d ~,~ ~''~,_ I II °9:~ it ~~~ ~ V ~c s ~~ ~~ o)- ~ ~ H 4 ~ r_ N ~ ~a- •~ z 7 ~~ r4 N ~~ H ~- Q ~ ~ ~~ S d~ ~~w tK)R:II CnROLINn DI:PnR'I';1Et!'C OF 'i'Itl~I1S['ORTATION UI'/: IUtt OF IIIGIIWAYS O.Uh7"l.301 i-'l.htlli~i~ t-rr,,~osl:i) :-ns ratr;t.u:.r;r,ar) u•rc~n:;:; ;~r.~~:~ r-r~ carrri r, r• crcr•.ral:nr)I+~, •ir~ 71C5'I' ~Ji' U('Jit4h1u;i1) Rtii,U (:;kp-;.5'1'l.~ ::ui.:~.•r ~r~ ~t~r A J~ ~~ 2~3 `~,l- l, L~ 7 ,~\~ t 1 it~• ~ Jcti \ ,\ ~ N f Lf J~ b~ ~~ >,o \ ~\ L~ye~D ,~-- ~ V~ ~` ~ ~ \1 00+~~ 1 x c~a °~1 a U1,~~ V 11 '~ '. 1 ' ~l ~' Oo+~ G ~ ~ , •, I ~ '' 1~ i I ' 7 ~~, I '` /~ / Tf P ~ T- 2SIo2 A -^ AIM-• 1~ I /~ I~~Lr/W L`-•-~ -n'r ~ U - as z4- Aa '~ z `~<~ r J ~~ ~._ ttOLYCII CnROf.2ttA UL"PAftTM6tl'L' OI" T[tA[ISPOIt'CATIdN UIVLSIOFI OF IIiGIIt•7A'!:; ,UiLFUKU rOUtl'P'! rs.ua~zsul [-zaoznn ,I I PR(iPO:;IiU i-OS GRIiIaI,;ISUNG Il'INA ~ i'RUt4 i-rS:i ..^,011'['11 GI• (:Rha{;i:;[SURU 'L'O 'r1iL:;'L' Oir URUt7I1pNL RGl,U i ;;lt- i '.`I "L j L~i~~H,~s~-r A illy i~ ~ ~~- i ~, ~~ ~ ; ~~ i--~~ ~ ~ 1~`~- 1 11 `\ .1 ~~, Ov+O`'1 1`x`1 1\ (I ~~ ~~ :i J ~i ' ,`, ., ~ ,a a ,., ~~ . ~c, FI ' N S ~t 1 V~ I '' ~ I \\ / ~ ~~~ l~l - ~/ I ~ I - d~ ' r~~%c 1a ( add>s~ ~-' ~ ~i ` ')~ .~ J g Jl Q a 8 N ~~ c ~+~ L Ild ~ ~7 ~, ~ o0'~SE' ~ry/ b~, ~~ ~ I Igo ~ ;~ ~ A~ ' : ~ ~ ,y? oti ., ~I ~ Igo ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ (;~ ~' ~~w ' I S i .~~ ~; ~ / / u~ -III I~. iC u~~ 1 I~ ~~ i I ) '.~~/ oo+a ~ '~' ~, III + b'' .tip ~s I I ~ -11~- 00+ iS 31~ L~.N ~ __----- ,.. -T-; P ~• =2.402 A \l t# , 1~1 ~~: 1' %,, ~~ ~ ` +•.; ~, ~ ~ • ~ ,t OG. '`O~, , ~~S ''/y/ 7 /y 7~ ~~ ~ U~Z~4' Q~ pair T HgR'fll CAI'.OLINA DI:PnIt'[:1C:N'f' OF 't'ItANSPOnTATION UIVLSIOU OF IIIGIIPlAY; GULL.L'oRU CGUfIT7 +1.Uh7"l.701 I-1.h02nn L'RUI'q:;lil1 L -l15 f;111;1::I:;IlfiRO I1'(PAG:; i~llG;4 f -fl i ::QU"'II f)L~ G{!i:h:N:;IlOPU 'Cf) illi:;'[' fJL~ UN.I)I9L1f)NU I'~)AU (JR- L a'1 % j ~ ~•`t 2or,~3 (~ Q ~~ N! J I ~ u) ~~- U a. ''j ~' N ~r) H~ Q Z 1L1l~t w ^r r " LL ~_ N v ~" .7r J4ti C h~~~~ Ci a ~~ iJ ~Oyf ~ ~ ^ C1 ~. G r ~ i S~ a V H h i N W ~ Q. Y. r ~ 0 `7- ~~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~1 n ~r ,^ `~ o ~ ~+ ,,, 1 ~•1 'r` J l(1 // <~ r i n `: ~Y ~i 1 1 s ` / ,~ ~ ~ ' -C j- `T ~ / ~ V r L7/ = •u ~ ul J f~ <y ~ ~ ~ ~„ _ ~~.~ - ~^ b ~ ~ / , ~~ ~ \ ~. i ~ ~ ~J' '~ C ~ ~. ` ~f .i / }-- ~ ~~ ~~\ '^Q ~~ -~~ / i ~ ~ i I I C ~ x IL ) 6 ~, 1 ~ i~1~ 7 ~ `l r '' °O~`s w ~ $ J1 O a a 8 00+0~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMEtfT OF TRANSPORTA7 DIVISION OF t[IGIiHAYS GUILFORD COUNTY O.U472301 I-2402AD PROPOSED I-OS CREElf560R0 DYPASS FROM SOUTiI OF US-220 TO WEST OF ELM-EUGENE ST. (SR-7700) SCALE AS SItOWtf ~ ~V~ ~ ;!IFFY OF k1~~Fn~.~f .~ ~~v4 ?~eo3 r ~ J ~\ ; ~ ~V Attachment B Attachment B Section 40~INEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement f.;oncuri•ence Paint l~'a. 4.: Avoidance and minimization Project Name/llescription: Greensboro Western Urbsn ~.oop fror.Z north of 1-85 near Groomto~vn Road to north of Aryan $ouletiard, Guilford Co~inty, ~l'C, TIP Project U- 2~24 A Fi B A.iD 1`i9`I o390.~ Av~7idance and minimization meatiures include: 1) Re-location of L~mg Branch in open channel to the maximum extent practicable. 2) Avoidance of Wetland W I near T-~0. 3) Planting of SO foot wooded buffers on each side of all streanl relocations when: sllolvable considering desi~Yn Constraints and safety. The Proiect Team has concurred on this date of ___.Iune 15, 200 witYt the avoidance acid minimization mc:asu:e~ taken to date, as shown on life prelir_Yinaty de.:is*n presented on this date, as indicated by the Signatures belo /, USACE ~ _ l~'CDO"I' t ~ ~,~j~ USEI'A -'~ NCDW ~_ ~ / NCDCR ~ ~' USF iV$ ~~ ` '9`_"'" NCWl2C ~ .~~ ~-;~,~-~~' / ,~ FI~V.~ ~ tt~~ ~ :~~: .1rUi.-07-0tst 09 :21 hRQM: WA'V'ER MGdtNT RECIdK 4 S d ~ 484 562 X3343 PAGE 1/'1 Section 404lNEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No, 4.: Av-oidancc and miziimization Project NamelDascription: Grcrxxsborp Westsri, Urban Loop from north of Y-SS near Groorntown Road to north of Bryan Boulevard, Guilford County, NC, TIl' project U- 2524 P. & B; AXD.199443906 Avoid ee and mirl.i}~ization measures include: „~ 1) ~.e-location of?<.oq, B~azzcJa ua vpen ehanxcel to the maximum extent Qracticable. 2) Avoidance of W#ls~nd 1~1 near 1-40. 3) planting of SO foot wood8d bwffers on each side of all stream rciocations where auow-able co~deribg drsi~a constraints and safety. 'f'hc project Team has concurred on this date of _Yuxxe X S. 2()0(3 with the avoidance and minimization measures taken to date, as shown ou the preiirninary dcsi~a pxcsezxtcd oa this data as indicated by the si~atures below. 'USAGE NCllOT 1VCllWQ NC WRC itiC3CR ~:--i4~'A ,k ~; •, Section 404/NF..PA 1\4erger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. 4.: Avoidance snd minimization C~~pl7 Project Name/Description: Greensboro Western CJrban Loop from north of I-85 near Groomtown Road to north of Bryan Boulevard, Cruilford County, I~'C, '1'1F Project 0- 2524 A ~: ~; Alb 199403906 Avoidance and minimization measures include: 1) Re-location of Long Branch in open channzl to the maximuan exter-t practicable. 2) Avoidance of Westland WI near T-40. 3) Planting of SO toot wooded buffers on each side of all stream relocstiars where allowable co~~ideruig design constraints ;ind safety. The Project Team ~~s c;oncurred on this date of June 15 2000 >>rit!1 the avoidance and minimization measures taken to date, as shown on the preliminary desigi presented on this date, as indicated by the signatures below. USACF ?\7CBOT US i/P T`T ~T rJSFWS NCWRC i' ~l r~i 1 07/18f00 TL~E zs: as t",~; r 919 856 Q556 '~' 1~ ~3 7 us~~s-x~L~rr~. `c ~\" \^/ / Section ~~Od.~'NEPA Merger Project Team IViAeti.ng A,greernen: ~n,cizt~rasce Point I~'u. 4.: AYaidanc~ and minimi7stioz~ 1:'roject ~rame/De$erintion: ~rreensboz~o Wester Urban loop Sroin north of 1-~5 r_oa: ' Gs~oomtown Road to nort_~ of Bryan. Aoulcvarcl, ~-uilfor~t County, ~1~, '1`~' PrcJcct U~2~~~ A ~x B; ASI? fl~~4t1~9~6 Atmidartct an~-i ;ztinimi.zation meaSUxC.~ ~.secluce: 1) Re-fccation of T.~rig $r~.nch an ope:~ chan*~el to the ma.~ir~uut eartent pr~~.cticable. ~1 ~.voic~nce ©f aietlancl V4'1 near t-fit';. :~? P13.r:tirg of ~Q fnot waadcd buff'ez~ on each side v£ a]1 s;re~ relocations where allow+:~bfe %onsiderir+..~ desi~- ~nstraints and .aiet}~, The l~roie: t Team has eancurreci ©tz this date of Ju.nc_15, ~OOc~ ~xith the avaidaslcs amW snirimizativn measzu~es takez~ to dale, "cs Shown on ;hc preliminary dosi~c prc:,,cnted o~. this data, a:, indi~i©d by thn si~aturc; hclcw. `i..i.~A «.f~~:~ f ~~C~~~' ri ~V. ~ooz w ~t M* M. ~; Attachment C r~ I Hrr%1~'ll, 01 Irr ',n% ~ / % ~~ :-;,,x< r r r ~ ~ ' i ,, .. r '' ~ i~~ ~ ~ fir/ ' / '• '~~~ ~sl.~~r~ ' 1 ~~ ' ~~' . / ~~~`•t1~t i `~~ ~ ~' / 1 ~ ~~ 7 ~ , • ~ ~\ ,) \ ~ (emu ;I ~~.. _ ~ r - 'j- L ?`"r;;Edwa r ; ... { : _:.. ! n _ ._ rcl r /~ . f~ _ _ (~ / _ /~. fJ _.,,77 : ~:~ 'L-Y:-f-" -o--~Y i ,.w.. t. .." ~ i/'r' J ~l li ll~-'~/~ (. I_.. ~ - -~i i :~~ l-_,..~ z4.,~ ,. i ° // y., ~ ,I 1 ~r I i / r ~` / i ~\ ~ i ,. _ t ~ a "; / ~ ~ _ r~~ .J (r.-j (ate ~ r-" • ..,~ G' / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, ,`_.. , :5 1: _ j ,.~--~_ 1111 ~ ~ ~ / r ---- i ~ ~ ~ i t ~ '' ; .~ `~ ~ (,.~ `1- .~~ _,) I ~ ~\~ ~ ~ .~, ` ~ ~ lily(`, _~, r L; ~ J 1 ~~ ..~ ~;; ~ ~~..J~ ~%.i ~ ~ '~ ~ "1;/,_~ '> i rte.,, '-•_,~ \,lv ~. '1 © ~.J ~\ _~1( /`~- , .:>n ~ . 1, ti ~1 \~~\ ) `t / ~ \ ) i ~. ~ ~ -, _ `.% i. Project Study Area Boundary ~= .~~ ~ 0 2000 `,. ~4~`,'~,. ~..1f'~ ~',~~, ~; 2000 _ `_ ~ ,\ ,' ~ ' ~ ~ :,; i~ ..;' -- _ Feet r`"w~..,~ ,-:'' ), "r _ \ i ~11 Source: USGS Digital Rester Grep .. ~ ..,,~ ; Beor Creek (1970) and Slier city (t 969) Gluadrengles •' r:'_~i, r \ I .. .. I til ~ t' ` _ l?n~~irunmcnt.-I ticrviccs, inc. ..~ ~._. ... ~ ~~«1 \~ L Fi~.urc: t Project: ER02026,01 Uatc; June 2003 Project Location Map UT Bear Creek Mitigation Plan Chatham County, North Carolina \ `~ ~' ~1 ``1\((rr`77 ~ (i\ ... U`t ~i ~.; ~ ~ . 1 ~ `--ti 1 `~ ~I ~ ... _ _ ~. 11. ~ p ~ ~~"~a["~4r~ ~ lv F ~ ` s., i' :i- _. .. _- ~ ~ j' f,^,ti r tom`" ,. ~ / -~; . '" " B M 566. ~ ~ ~ _,` ' , . `; .: SOURCE: ~:,U S GEOLOGICAL SURVE'( MAPS. 7 S MINUTE QUADRANGLE. GRAYS CHAPEL NC 1974 2000 0 2000 Feet ~- AtT~~-^^~' t FIGURE 2 F a H r H~ T E c H VICINITY MAP :anrJ/ CreNk `~/etla~d Mili~ahnn it? .~. fycn vrr~nrr~.n~,rr,;r ~ rr, , -,rnrnrr. R.lnrJolph !:o~lnty, North r;arohna Y , i - l / _ ~ ~ _ ~ -'°- ~ I~' Z~ ~ /(~ ' ~ ' - ~ j ~ ~ ~~ ill - -- ~ ~r i ~ i ~(` i ~< <~', ~ ~= ~ r. 1, ,yl ~ ~~ ~ ~/ / ~ ~. Watershed - , ~ ~' ~~ ~~ a ~ 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Area Total ~ , : ~ ~~ ;~; .~ ~ ~ = = 45.6 Acres ~ ~'~~ ,~ 113.3 Acr®s ~ - ~\ '- _-~ \ _ - .~ _ ~ A 1 i~ I Yi~ _I ~ _ - ~~- ~ ---~~-~ ~ _. _-,__ ~~._~_~1 _ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ - ~ 67.7 Acres - - v1 I ~ ( 1 / _- ki ~ ~~ ~~~ _ 6 ~ ~ -' ~; ~~ / ~ -_ ~ I _ i _ 1 ~, •~ .~-' ~ I ~~, ~~ ~ -- _- 1 ~ ~ ~, _ ~~ ~ ~ i i - - ~ ~ - - i / ~ -_ --~ - ~~ - _ ,. - - ~ ~ _ 1 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ - / - ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~. _ ~ _ - ~ - i ," ~ _,. 'v - - ,' ~ - -- - ~, ~, /~~~~ _ _~ ~ c~- [~ .'• • ~,•~~ ~ North Carolina -Department of Transportation I; Division of Highways Legend ~• Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch © Approximate Site Boundary ~" Q Watershed Boundaries - - - • Row FIGURE 3 Proposed Greensboro Western SITE MAP Urban Loop Alignment Q-q~c,yr~,,~ C Woodlyn Way Stream Mitigation Plan Greensboro Western Urban Loop, Guilford County 500 0 500 1000 Feet ~~ 1SGS Quadrangles: NC, 1969, Photoinspected 1988; NE, NC, 1970 Photoinspected 1980 A~; ._ \ ~ y •~ .-,~ _ ~;^"~ ,,`~- ~ • TRIB-WATERSHED ARE %_ t~~ 1, (: ~~,~ + , .~ •~ ~,,r ~.~,. ;,,ti ~!C`': ~,;•-, ~ ~~:~."~',t. , ~ .~ -'' I\.;~- ~/' ~~ .15 S UARE MILES ~~ ; i l ~,n~ , , / ~Y r {t'I ., i N, ,~~- ~ ~ f-'~,+r~ ~ WATERSHED AREA `' ~ ,, "'~" J .~~ - ~~• ;; ` '/, ~ ~~~ Ir ~, ~~ ~ ~;-~~~ y~~,~ _ ,~ .;~ 20.4 SQUARE MILES s %~ -~_ ; ~ 1. l,. ,~ ; ,~,M ~~ ' ~ ~;~Jr ~~ ~n`.*. ~ f ,'_..1i-^-~~....~~~~.''~\~`~rl~ ~ rij~~- \~ `v/ !' 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Niagara and . -- __ ___- ---1 a-`~ In (~r~3~c~ ~ ',,.,.,;, bass j /~ 2000 0 2000 F~.~:t I `~ '~~' ~. Appendix D RANDLEMAN BUFFER ADDENDUM The purpose of this addendum is to provide the N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) with the information needed to evaluate the impacts of the project on the Randleman Basin Riparian Buffer areas. In addition, we are presenting material in this addendum to illustrate that the project has been designed to comply with the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed: Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas (15A NCAC 02B .0250). Therefore, we request that the NCDWQ issue an Authorization Certificate for the proposed use. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to construct a portion of the Greensboro Western Urban Loop. The proposed project involves construction of a four- to eight-lane freeway on new location. The majority of the proposed project lies in Hydrologic Unit 03030003. Coordination with personnel from NCDWQ and City of Greensboro The personnel from NCDOT Hydraulics Unit met with representatives from NCDWQ Winston-Salem Regional office on October 18, 2000 to discuss Randleman Buffer Rules. In an attached e-mail from Mr. Larry Coble of NCDWQ, the NCDOT had met the minimum criteria for Randleman Buffer Rules. Mr. Coble stated that the NCDOT needed to receive official approval from local governments regarding compliance with Randlemen Buffer Rules. The NCDOT contacted the City of Greensboro regarding compliance with Randleman Rules. The City of Greensboro reviewed the drainage plans and "offer(ed) only a few recommendations" to the NCDOT with respect to Randleman Buffer Rules. A copy of this letter from the City of Greensboro, dated June 14, 2001, and a copy of NCDOT's response to recommendations, have been attached to this permit application. Since the coordination with NCDWQ field personnel and City of Greensboro staff, the NCDOT has met with NCDWQ central office staff to review the project. Coordination with NCDWQ staff occurred in June 2003. The NCDOT Hydraulics Unit and Project Development and Environmental Development staff reviewed and discussed the design and location of the structures with NCDWQ personnel to accomplish this goal as practicably as possible Randleman Buffer Rule Impacts Due to the nature of this project, impacts to the riparian buffer of Reddick's Creek, Bull Run, Long Branch and their unnamed tributaries, as well as unnamed tributaries of Hickory Creek, are unavoidable. The NCDOT has minimized impacts to the streams and adjacent buffers by relocating streams in several areas and providing on-site buffer areas for these relocated streams. Vegetation to be planted includes black willow (Salix nigra), silky dogwood (Corpus amomum), green ashe (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sycamore (Plautus accidentalis), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tuliperifera), and river birch (Betula nigra). Calculations for impacts to the Randleman Buffer Addendum Page 1 of TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC July 2003 buffer, available on-site mitigation and compensatory mitigation needs are presented in the attached tables (Tables IA-6A). The NCDOT's avoidance and minimization of impacts to streams and wetlands'(which are discussed previously in the "Mitigation" section of the Section 404/401 permit application) by default represent avoidance and minimization of impacts to buffers. Drainage flowing in the general direction of the regulated buffers was handled so the 50-foot buffer zone would not be directly impacted. It was the goal of the NCDOT to have the project designed so that the effects of the drainage would not result in water quality impacts to the waters of the Randleman sub basin as required by the Randleman Basin regulations. Total impacts to buffers are 20.46 acres to Zone 1 and 11.79 acres to Zone 2. The NCDOT will provide on-site buffer at several impact sites, including Site 7 in Section AB Part I, Site 3 in Section AB and Sites 1 and 3 in Section AC), through the stream relocations proposed at these sites. The NCDOT will provide 2.36 acres of Zone 1 on-site buffer mitigation and 1.58 acres of Zone 2 buffer mitigation. Within the Section 404/401 permit package is a summary of the NCDOT proposal to handle stormwater discharges on TIP No. U-2524 AB Part I and notations for handing stormwater are found on the permit drawings for TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC. Compensatory Mitigation for Buffer Impacts The NCDOT has applied the appropriate ratios of 3 and 1.5 to buffer impacts minus the on-site mitigation. The total amount of buffer mitigation required for the proposed project is 60.26 acres (2624925.6 feet2). Based on a cost of 0.97 cents per square foot, the NCDOT will pay $ 2,546,177.83 to the WRP to provide the necessary buffer mitigation for this project. TablelA . Impacts to Randleman Buffer for TIP No. U-2524 ABl Site No. Road Crossing Parallel Zone 1 (acres) Zone Z (acres) On-Site 1ltitigation Zone 1 (acres) On-Site Mitigation Zone 2 (acres) Total Impact Zone 1 (acres) Total Impact Zone 2 (acres) 7 x 2.10 1.40 1.30 0.86 0.80 0.54 x 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 x 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.20 17 x 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.50 25 x 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.30 28 x 1.80 1.30 1.80 1.30 Total 6.20 4.50 1.30 0.86 4.90 3.64 Table 2A. Mitigation Requirements for TIP No. U-2524 ABl Site No. Zone 1 (acres) Zone 2 (acres) Total Mitigation (acres) 7 5.61 2.81 8.42 17 2.40 0.75 3.15 25 1.20 0.45 1.65 28 5.40 1.95 7.35 Total 14.61 5.96 20.57 Table 3A. Impacts to Randleman Buffer Rules for TIP No. U-2524 AB Site No. Road Crossing Parallel Zone 1 (acres) Zone 2 (acres) On-Site Mitigation Zone I (acres) On-Site Mitigation Zone 2 (acres) Total Impact Zone 1 (acres) Total Impact Zone 2 (acres) 3 x 1.35 0.92 0.67 0.44 0.68 0.48 4 x 0.65 0.34 0.65 0.34 6 x 0.42 0.23 0.42 0.23 7 x 0.59 0.04 0.59 0.04 10 x x 1.03 0.30 1.03 0.30 Total 4.04 1.83 0.67 0.44 337 1.39 ~~y ~3 Table 4A. Mitigation Requirements for TIP No. U-2524 AB Site No. Zone 1 (acres) Zone 2 (acres) Total Mitigation (acres) 3 2.04 0.72 2.76 4 1.95 0.51 2.46 6 1.26 0.35 1.61 7 1.77 0.06 1.83 10 3.09 0.45 3.54 Total 10.11 2.09 12.2 Table SA. Impacts to Randleman Buffer Rules for TIP No. U-2524 AC Site No. Road Crossing Parallel Zone 1 (acres) Zone 2 (acres) On-Site Mitigation Zone 1 (acres) On-Site Mitigation Zone 2 (acres) Total Impact Zone 1 (acres) Total Impact Zone 2 (acres) 1 x 0.93 0.61 0.32 0.22 0.61 0.39 2 (p) x 0.54 036 0.54 0.36 2 (i) x 0.62 0.39 0.62 0.39 3 x 0.50 0.28 0.07 0.05 0.43 0.23 6 x 0.40 0.25 0.40 0.25 7 x 0.52 0.29 0.52 0.29 8 2.74 I.OS 2.74 1.05 11 x 0.36 0.24 036 0.24 IBA x 0.49 0:32 0.49 0.32 2BA x 3.11 1.68 1.21 0.74 3.11 1.68 Total 10.22 5.46 1.61 1.01 9.82 5.20 Note: Site 8 is a temporary impact involving the draining of a pond during construction of the road project. ~ ~Y Zoo3 Table 6A. Mitigation Requirements for TIP No. U-2524 AC Site No. Zone 1 (acres) Zone 2 (acres) Total Mitigation (acres) 1 1.83 0.59 2.42 2 (p) 1.62 0.54 2.16 2 (>) 1.86 0.59 2.45 3 1.29 0.35 1.64 6 1.20 0.38 1.58 7 1.56 0.44 2.00 11 1.08 0.36 1.44 1BA 1.47 0.48 1.95 2BA 9.33 2.52 11.85 Total 21.24 6.25 27.49 Note: Site 8 is a temporary impact involving the draining of a pond during construction of the road project; the "impact" was not considered for compensatory mitigation purposes. ~~~ ~3 Appendix E DRAFT VERSION 2 02/26/02 a e eceive eques State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality "General" Major Variance Application Form From the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed: Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (Randleman Buffer Rule) for PUBLIC ROAD CONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT & MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES (As approved by the Water Quality Committee of the Environmental Management Commission on February 14, 2002) NOTE: To constitute a complete application, all of the information requested in this form must be provided. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant. The original and two copies of the completed "General" Variance Application Form and any attachments must be sent to the DWQ 401/Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650, (919) 733-1786 and one copy needs to be sent to the Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority (PTRWA), 2216 W. Meadowview Rd., Wilmington Bldg., Suite 204, Greensboro, NC 27407, (336) 547-8437 to constitute a complete submittal. Thls form maybe photocopied for use as an original. Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Applicant's name (the Division Engineer, project manager, person responsible for project): C-a~-~ ~~ ~ P~ . ~ ~ '~ ~ 2F ~-ro~ ~I ~b~ -C~'co~ A 2. Print Owner/Signing Official (person legally responsible for the property and its compliance) Name: ~~ ~ ~, T~h . ~ Title: `t~i~4 c-~oQ... Street address: IS'-i8 M~~~ ~~U~t~, G~~~.-- City, State, Zip: Tz.~-~ ~ cQ N ~-c- 2,~~ ~~~ - ~ s4g, Telephone: (~11g) x-33 - 3 ~ `~ I Fax: q i~) ~3 ~ - ~~~i ~{- 3. Contact person who can answer questions about the proposed project: Name: ~'~L~~~ ~C~9 Telephone: ~i~ ) ~ ~s - I ~~~ Fax: n ~°~) ~ iS - t szZ Email ~ ~ '~~ ~~ • U~ 4. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name -consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): .-~~ r.! s'~2.~~ ~~ FiTF,~ IJ ~e.~ti l.~'t'~ ~ -~-iQ -~ y -Z ~, ~~- ~, l ~:, C 5. Project Location: Street address: City, State, Zip: County: (emu, L, ~~ "General" Variance Application Form (RANDLEMAN) DRAFT VERSION 2 2/26/02 Latitude/longitude: 6. Directions to site from nearest major intersection (Also, attach an 8'/z x 11 copy of the portion of the USGS topographic map and soil survey indicating the location and boundaries of the site): Stream to be impacted by the proposed activity: Stream name (for unnamed streams label as "UT" to the nearest named stream): Stream classification [as identified within the Schedule of Classifications 15A NCAC 2B .0311 (Cape Fear River Basin)]: ~2 ~~.~ 8. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required or have been received already for this project? Required: Received: Date received: Permit Type: 401 Certification/404 Permit Others (specify) Part 2: Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Description of proposed activity [Also, please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as construction or site plans) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. Include the area of buffer Impact in ftz for each zones.: 2. State reasons why this plan for the proposed activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize or eliminate disturbance to the riparian buffers: ~D ~'~~~ 3. If sheet flow of concentrated runoff cannot be achieved prior to entering the buffers, then please provide information on any on-site stormwater management facilities (e.g., grassed swales, extended detention wetlands, etc.) that will be used to control nutrients and attenuate flow (attach construction details and site locations of these plans): "General" Variance Application Form (RANDLEMAN), page 2 DRAFT VERSION 2 2/26/02 4. How do you intend to provide mitigation if required under Condition No. 7 of the variance? (Attach a Mitigation Plan if you intend to satisfy the mitigation requirement through the restoration of riparian buffers.) 5. Please provide an explanation of the following: (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule. (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. ~ c~-~ ~ ~ Part 3: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or firm): Mailing address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Fax: Email: Part 4: Applicant's Certification I, _ (print or type name of person listed in Part I, Item 2), certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions. Signature: Date: Title: NC Division of W,aiar (.2i.i~:afily ((:)WC~) 1'ieclrnunl I~ri~ul l~e~;i~mal WUII".I' Auth~n~il,y (I''IRbb'Al "General" Variance Application Form (RANDLEMAN), page 3 "General" Major Variance Application for Randleman Buffer Rules Part 1: General Information 7. Site No. Stream Name Best Usage Classifcation Stream Index No. 7 UT Hickory Creek WS IV * 17-8.5-(1) 28 UT Hickory Creek WS IV * 17-8.5-(1) Part 2: Proposed Activity 1. The NCDOT proposes to construct the ultimate roadway design for the I-85 Bypass/ Western Urban Loop. The project for which the variance is requested is TIP No. U-2524 AB/AC, which is a project to construct a freeway on new location from north of existing I-85 to I-40. The western terminus of this project connects to I-40 while the western southern terminus of the project connects with TIP No. I-2402, the southern loop of the I- 85 Greensboro Bypass (see attached map, Figures 1-3). TIP No. I-2402 is currently under construction, and its 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) and Section 404 Permit were issued in December 1998 and May 1999, respectively. Those permits approved both the design of an "interim" portion of I-2402 and the "ultimate" design of the intersection of TIP Nos. U-2524 and I-2402. The "interim" design is incorporated into the "ultimate" design. The "Randleman Rules" (15A N.C.A.C. 2B .0248 - .0251) became effective April 1, 1999, after the 401 WQC was issued. There are two areas of concern for complying with the Randleman Buffer Rules; Site 7 and Site 28. These areas are noted on the attached plan views and corresponding summary sheet of buffer impacts. Each area is located near the connection TIP Nos. I- 2402 and U-2524. The design of the project in those areas was approved in the 401/404 permits for TIP No. I-2402. Site 7 is a parallel impact with the NCDOT relocating the stream channel along its side fill slopes. There will be a vegetated buffer, and the NCDOT has minimized its impact to the stream and by relocating the stream as much as it can. There are two areas as NCDOT relocates the channel, at its beginning and the end, where the buffer requirement of 50 feet will not be met. Generally speaking, the NCDOT believes it can mitigate on- site for some of the buffer impacts at this site. Impacts to buffers tota12.10 acres for Zone 1 and 1.40 acres for Zone 2. Site 28 is a parallel impact with the NCDOT relocating the stream channel along its side fill slopes. This site violates the buffer rules because the NCDOT cannot relocate the stream channel to provide the required 50 feet buffer along each side of the stream reach. Impacts to buffers total 1.80 acres for Zone 1 and 1.30 acres for Zone 2. Randleman Buffer Variance Request Page 1 of4 TIP No. U-2524 AB July 15, 2003 2. The proposed activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize or eliminate disturbance to the riparian buffers than they already have. There are several reasons. First, Sites 7-and 28 were part of the design for ultimate design for TIP No. I-2402 and construction will be completed for this section in September 2003. Impacts to these sites were approved under the Section 404 and 401 WQC permits issued for this project, prior to the enactment of the Randleman Buffer Rules. However, the sites were not impacted by the on-going construction of the "interim design" for TIP No. I-2402 and have subsequently been included with the proposed construction of TIP No. U-2524AB. The proposed project has been positioned parallel to the two streams. Sufficient buffer area was not included as part of the roadway design to relocate the streams. The design was completed in the mid 1990s when streams were relocated on-site as a minimization technique for impacts to surface waters. The requirement for 50 foot buffers was not a policy guideline or a rule at this time. Second, there are topographical constraints affecting the "ultimate" design that preclude full compliance with the Randleman Buffer Rules. To relocate the stream at Site 28 and provide the required buffer, a considerable amount of earth would have to be moved and as reflected on the attached cross sections. At Site 28, the existing stream channel has a relatively broad, low valley with a low valley slope and a Rosgen stream classification of "E". Notable characteristics are a relatively high entrenchment ratio (10.3), low average slope (0.012), high belt width (average of 51.3 feet) and high meander width ratio (8.3). Ideally, if the NCDOT was not constrained by the location of the road project and topographic restrictions, the NCDOT would construct a Rosgen stream type which should be present based on the existing conditions, an "E" channel. To comply with the buffer rules (i.e., providing the appropriate buffer and Rosgen "E" stream type), the NCDOT would have to move a considerable amount of earth (10,800 cubic yards and $ 21,500 to remove the material) and purchase additional right of way ($91,300). Cost of strict compliance to the buffer rule would total $ 112,800. The NCDOT proposes to minimize impacts to the stream reach and buffer by relocating the stream with a narrower valley with a higher valley slope; a Rosgen stream classification of "C". The notable characteristics of the proposed relocated reach are an low entrenchment ratio (4.85), increased slope (0.0178), lower belt width (average of 21.0 feet) and considerably reduced meander ratio (2.5) when compared to existing conditions (see attached morphological table for Site 28). This relocation does not achieve the 50 foot required buffer along the stream reach. The NCDOT has attempted to construct stream relocations in similar conditions involving the movement of a considerable amount of earth to relocate the stream channel (examples are TIP No. X-2D and U-2528 AA). The NCDOT has attempted to relocate the 2,100 feet of a stream channel on TIP No. X-2D on three separate occasions, and the relocation is still not stabilized. Three times the NCDOT has taken steps to attempt Randleman Buffer Variance Request Page 2 of4 TIP No. U-2524 AB July 15, 2003 stabilization of the relocated stream at a cost of over $650,000. A fourth time attempt to stabilize the stream is currently underway. It is anticipated that the cost will rise to $900,000. Typically, these extensive cuts to re-create the floodplain, flood prone area and thalweg result in placing the stream on unsuitable, unstable material. The soil material may be saprolite or clay. The result is an unstable stream channel having the tendency to downcut thereby increasing the amount of sediment in the stream. The soil material is also sterile, lowering the potential success of establishing vegetation on the site correlating to success of the stream relocation work. The NCDOT has taken measures to minimize impacts to the stream by proposing to relocate the stream with a Rosgen stream classification of "C" with a series of cross vanes to prevent downcutting and reduce velocities. This stream relocation attempts to minimize impacts to the buffers, minimize the amount of earth moved and to maximize the amount of buffer between the stream and road project as practicable. The NCDOT believes it can relocate this type of stream based on topography and a review of reference reaches. 3. As noted earlier, the NCDOT designed the project in the 1990's, and in some areas, there is not adequate land to treat stormwater discharges to the extent prescribed by the Randleman Buffer Rules. The NCDOT has taken steps to minimize road discharges where practicable by installing pre-formed scour holes to allow for treatment of road discharges. These pre-formed scour holes were not originally part of the design for the roadway project but have been included to comply with Randleman Buffer Rules. A list of treatment areas which meet the Randleman Buffer Rules is attached to this variance request. However, there are several areas where it is not practicable to adequately treat the stormwater discharges from the road. Treatment cannot occur at other locations because of site conditions or other limiting circumstances. A complete list of areas not complying with the Randleman Buffer Rules attached to this variance request. 4. The NCDOT believes compensatory mitigation will be required for impacts at Site 7 and 28 to the buffer. At Site 7, the NCDOT will impact 3.17 acres (12,840 meters2) of Zone 1 and 2.40 acres (9,691 meters2) of Zone 2. The NCDOT will restore several acres of buffer by implementing the on-site stream mitigation. At Site 7, the NCDOT will restore 1.30 acres (5,272 meters2) of Zone 1 and 0.86 acres (3,461 meters2) of Zone 2. Therefore, subtracting the on-site mitigation from the impacts, the NCDOT will need to mitigate for 1.87 acres of impacts to Zone 1 buffers and 1.54 acres of Zone 2 buffers. Buffer mitigation, using the appropriate ratios, required at Site 7 is 5.61 acres for Zone 1 buffer impacts and 2.81 acres for Zone 2 buffer impacts for a total mitigation requirement of 8.42 acres (366,755 feet2). Randleman Buffer Variance Request Page 3 of4 TIP No. U-2524 AB July 15, 2003 Anticipated impacts to the buffer at Site 28 total 1.80 acres in Zone 1 and 1.30 acres in Zone 2. Mitigation required is 5.40 acres for Zone 1 buffer impacts and 1.95 acres for Zone 2 buffer impacts for a total mitigation requirement of 7.35 acres (320,166 feet2). The first option in providing mitigation for these buffer impacts is paying into the NC Wetland Restoration Program (NCWRP). Mitigation needs total 15.77 acres (686,921feet2) for Sites 7 and 28. Based on NCWRP figures for buffer mitigation (0.97 cents per square foot), the NCDOT would pay to the NCWRP $666,313.37. A second option is to provide mitigation at the Groometown Road Mitigation Site. This mitigation site will treat stormwater discharge from Groometown Road and provide additional treatment of discharge from the Urban Loop (TIP No. U-2524 AB). A mitigation plan for this site has been attached to this variance request. 5. (1) There are several difficulties and hardships which would result from the strict application of this Rule. These difficulties include (a) the constructed interim designed roadway project, (b) the purchase of additional right of way; and (c) topographic constraints. The "ultimate" design of the interchange connecting TIP Nos. U-2524AB and I-2402 overlaps with the "interim" design of TIP No. I-2402 which is already under construction and will be completed in September 2003. Both the interim and ultimate designs were permitted in 1999 in the Section 404 and 401 WQC permits for TIP No. I- 2402. Strict application of this Rule would force NCDOT to abandon project TIP No. U- 2524AB in its current form, and necessitate an extensive redesign to avoid buffer impacts which would likely require delaying a needed project and purchasing additional right of way. TIP No. U-2524AB and I-2402 would not be able to intersect with each other as envisioned in the approved permits Section 404 and 401 WQC permits for TIP No. I- 2402. Finally, if a Rosgen "E/C" stream channel is constructed at Site 28 on the described topographical constraints, the result will be large cuts in the earth and the placement of the relocated stream on soils which are unsuitable for construction. The NCDOT has attempted to construct projects in such conditions on other projects. The NCDOT has tried numerous times to stabilize these reaches (three times on TIP No. X-2D upon which a fourth attempt will be made). A considerable amount of money has been spent trying to stabilize these reaches using natural stream channel techniques. (2) The difficulties and hardships resulting from strict application of the buffer rules are unique to this project. The NCDOT cannot move the alignment of the road project itself to negotiate around these topographical restraints because the construction of the interim design is nearing completion. Both the interim and ultimate designs were specifically sanctioned in the Section 404 and 401 WQC permits for TIP No. I-2402, which were issued prior to enactment of the Randleman Buffer Rules. Randleman Buffer Variance Request Page 4 of4 TIP No. U-2524 AB July 15, 2003 SUBJECT: Stormwater Management. Plan for U-2524AB Part1, Guilford County. Greensboro -Western Loop from North of I-85 near Groometown Road to North of High Point Road ROADWAY DESCRIPTION: The U-2524AB1 project goal is to provide a connection between the new Greensboro Bypass and existing I-40. The project is primarily a new interchange at the Greensboro bypass and the I-40 connector. There are three existing box culverts located on the project that are to be retained and extended. All three culverts are on Unnamed Tributaries to Hickory Creek. There are two other jurisdictional streams that are being relocated and several wetland sites that will be impacted. ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION: The Tributaries to Hickory Creek are in the Cape Fear River Basin and are a part of the Randleman Reservoir Watershed. The stream classification for Hickory Creek is WS-IV. The unnamed tributaries to Hickory Creek are not specified on the DENR Stream Classification List. There are four sites that appear on the soils map. There are a total of fifteen permitted sites on the project, with impacts totaling 1399 m (4590 ft.) of stream with 575 m (1887 ft.) of relocated stream utilizing Natural Channel Design, 10.86 ha (26.84 Ac.) of wetlands, and 4.34 ha (10.74 ac.) of Randleman Reservoir Riparian Buffers. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND MAJOR STRUCTURES: Best Management Practices (BMP's) utilized on this project consist of grassed swales and preformed scour holes. The following summarizes the locations of each BMP: Grassed Swales -I40SBREV- Station 12+00 to 15+40 Lt. Station 15+80 to 17+00 Rt. Station 19+00 to 19+40 Lt. Station 20+00 to 21 +00 Lt. -I1I40NB- Station 13+40 to 15+90 Lt. Station 19+00 to 22+00 Lt. Station 20+60 to 20+90 Rt. -CSLIP- Station 17+00 to 18+00 Lt. Station 17+00 to 18+20 Rt. Station 18+80 to 19+60 Rt. Station 18+80 to 19+80 Lt. ~l~nnaJ '~tfRR. V'OQ,i~lCg~ ~•, u( ?~3 -CSLIP- cont. Station 20+20 to 22+30 Lt. Station 21+80 to 24+40 Rt. Station 24+80 to 26+10 Lt. Station 26+10 to 27+50 Lt. Station 28+40 to 29+40 Rt. -IISLIP2- Station 11+20 to 13+00 Lt. Station 13+00 to 15+00 Lt. -I1RPB1- Station 14+60 to 15+60 Lt. Station 14+60 to 15+70 Rt. -I1FLY- Station 12+20 to 13+50 Lt. & Rt. Station 21+90 to 20+50 Rt. -LoopC- Station 12+81 Lt. Preformed Scour Holes Station 31+20 -CSLIP- Rt. Station 31+88 -CSLIP- Rt. Station 32+20 -CSLIP- Rt. Station 31+28 -I40SBREV- Rt. Station 32+08 -I40SBREV- Rt. Some outlets are not fitted with BMP's due to site conditions or other circumstances. They are summarized below: -I40SBREV- • Station 11+60 Rt. -Natural ground falls at 12%; therefore, no preformed scour hole used. There is limited room for any other BMP. • Station 18+80 Lt. -This system empties into an existing ditch. Other ways of outletting this system were investigated, but elevation constraints would not allow. • Station 24+20 Lt. -This system ties into the existing system on the new I-85. Rerouting this system was investigated; however, due to elevation constraints we could not provide treatrnent for this water. • Station 28+68 Rt. - A Preformed Scour Hole was investigated for this outlet; however, there is not enough room between the fill slope and the stream bank to fit the PSH properly. • Station 30+05 Rt. -This system outlet is a 600mm (24") pipe. Per design guidelines, the maximum pipe diameter for a preformed scour hole is 450mm (18"). Other methods were investigated, but there is limited space. -I1I40NB- Station 18+60 Lt. -This system outlets into an existing system. Rerouting this water was investigated; however, due to elevation constraints, no other alternative was feasible. -CSLIP- Station 25+48 and 25+88 Rt. -These pipes empty into an existing roadside ditch on a small service road. There is no room for any other BMP. -I1FLY- Station 19+00 Lt. -This system empties into an existing ditch with no room for any other BMP. -I1RPA- Station 11 +60 to 14+50 Rt. -These pipes empty into an existing ditch with no room for any other BMP. Major Structures Station 31+70 -L- (Tributary to Hickory Creek) Existing 1 @ 2.7m x 1.5m (9 ft. x 5 ft.) reinforced concrete box culvert is to be retained and extended on the outlet end. Station 11+75 -LoopC- (Tributary to Hickory Creek) Existing 1 @ 2.4m x 1.Sm (8 ft. x 5 ft.) reinforced concrete box culvert will be retained and extended on the inlet end. Station 25+35 -CSLIP- (Tributary to Hickory Creek) Existing 1 @ 2.4m x 1.8m (8 ft. x 6 ft.) reinforced concrete box culvert is to be retained and extended on the outlet end. G:\rmjcct\2002\135.02(0-352.1,\fi1)\1.cttcto\Oc~cumcntati<m\Stormw;~tcr ~'~IanaRctncut Plan.duc Natural Channel Design Summary Unnamed Tributary to Meadow Creek (Site 7) TIP No. U-2524AB1 State Project No. 8.U492101 Guilford County, North Carolina Prepared by Mulkey Engineers and Consultants May 2003 This natural channel design summary is presented to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as part of on-site compensatory mitigation for the proposed construction of the Greensboro Western Loop. The proposed roadway extends from north of I-85 near Groometown Road to north of High Point Road on new location. An unnamed tributary (UT) to Hickory Creek, situated immediately east of SR 1497 (Wiley Davis Road) and north of existing I-85, will be relocated westward from its existing location outside of the proposed fill limits. The UT has been identified as a perennial stream and is part of the Cape Fear River Subbasin 03-06-08 (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030002). 'A morphological table, complete with existing channel, reference reach, and proposed reach characteristics is attached. In addition, proposed design and detail sheets are also included with this summary. The project is within the Piedmont physiographic province. The headwaters associated with the UT to Hickory Creek originate at the intersection of SR 1497 (Wiley Davis Road) and McCuiston Road. The UT flows in a southerly direction approximately 1.7 mi (2.7 km) before converging with Hickory Creek, then another 5.0 mi (8.0 km) to the southwest to unite with the Deep River. The drainage area at the project site is approximately 0.08 sq. mi (0.2 sq. km). It is considered urban with primarily residential development. The proposed project will require the stream to be relocated due to existing fill slope design requirements. Overall stream length will be reduced and slope will be increased in order to correctly align the new channel with its modified valley type. Existing Channel A 200-foot (61-meter) section of the single thread channel associated with the UT to Hickory Creek was surveyed during March 2003. This section was located near Sta. 10+20 -40SBREV- Right, near the northern terminus of the proposed project area. The surveyed reach exhibited channel characteristics similar to an E4/5b stream type, as noted by the Rosgen Classification of Natural Rivers. The E4/5 stream type exhibits low to moderate sinuosities, gentle to moderately steep channel gradients, and very low channel width/depth ratios. This stream type is generally stable due to the influence of riparian vegetation and planform resistance. Bank erosion and bedload transport rates are typically high and the ratio of bedload to total sediment load often exceeds 50%. These stream types are very sensitive to disturbance and tend to make significant adverse channel adjustments to changes streambank vegetation and in flow regime and sediment supply from the watershed (Rosgen and Silvey, 1998). However, the existing channel at this location classes out as an E type but it is in a state of instability. The channel is incised with a bank height ratio of around 1.3 with headcuts spaced throughout the reach. Only one pool was found in the reach, which was dominated by runs. The UT exhibited a bankfull cross sectional area of 4.0 sq. ft (0.37 sq. m), an average slope of 0.015ft/ft, and a D50 of 2.0 mm. A detailed summary of existing channel conditions is presented in attached morphological table. Reference Reach Due to the existing, unstable condition of the UT, a stable stream (UT Varnals Creek) outside of the project area was selected as the reference reach. This channel was selected based on its watershed components, stream type, and other general characteristics. The reference reach channel is situated in Alamance County and classifies as a Boa. It exhibits a drainage area of 0.24 sq. mi (0.62 sq. km) and a bankfull cross sectional area of 7.9 sq. ft. Based on surveys, the channel is stable and exhibits very low bank height ratios. Its valley characteristics are very comparable with the existing channel. Little to no bank erosion was noted during the survey. A detailed summary of reference conditions are also presented in the attached morphological table. Proposed Channel The proposed channel was based on dimensionless ratios derived from the reference reach survey and data interpretation. The bankfull width will be increased from 4.1 ft (1.25 m) to 9.0 ft (2.7 m) and the bankfull mean depth will be reduced from 1.0 ft (0.30 m) to 0.7 ft (0.21 m). As a result, the width/depth ratio will increase to approximately 13 from the existing 4.3 ratio. A decrease in the bankfull mean velocity will occur with the new channel. The design stream will exhibit additional floodprone area; however, minimal pattern will be provided due to site constraints. Slopes will be actually decrease due to a change in the valley; however, an excess energy will be dissipated via step/pool morphology characteristic with the B stream type. Rock cross vanes will be the primary method influencing the step/pool morphology. These cross vanes will be established throughout the channel in riffle sections and used to provide grade control, center the thalweg, and protect the stream banks on both sides of the new channel until vegetation is established. The cross vanes will also decrease shear stresses throughout the reach. The riparian zone adjacent to the channel will be planted with native vegetation conducive to wetter, floodplain areas. Proposed channel stabilization characteristics are presented on the attached detail sheet. It is anticipated that the riparian zone will be planted with native trees and shrubs above bankfull depth and herbaceous species within the channel. Sediment Transport Based on pebble counts and bar samples taken along the existing channel, the D50 averages 2.0 mm and the D84 averages approximately 17.0 mm. The existing channel exhibits a critical shear stress of 0.67 Ibs/ft2 which may entrain up to a 40 mm particle. Based on the design, the proposed channel will exhibit a critical shear stress of 0.28 Ibs/ftz entraining up to a 18 mm particle. This reduction in entrainment will further reduce degradation. In addition, cross vanes will be installed throughout the riffle sections to further reduce the possibility of additional channel degradation. References North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), 1998. Yadkin/Pee Dee Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan. Rosgen, D. and L. Silvey, 1998. Field Guide for Stream Classification. Wildland Hydrology, Inc. Appendix B Morphological M<:.Aasurement Table (Site 7) Variables Existing Proposed USGS Station Reference Reach Channel Reach 1. Stream type E4/5b 64/5c N/A B4/1 a 2. Drainage area 18.5 Ac. 52 Ac. 154 Ac 3. Bankfull width . 4.1 ft. 9.0 ft. 9 7 ft 4. Bankfull mean depth . . 1.0 ft. 0.7 ft. 0 8 ft 5. Width/depth ratio . . 6. Bankfull cross-sectional area 4.3 13 12.7 4.0 sq. ft. 6.3 sq. ft. 7.9 sq. ft. 7. Bankfull mean velocity 5.4 ft/s 3.43 ft/s 5 23 ft/s 8. Bankfull discharge, cfs . 21.6 cfs 21.6 cis 41 3 cfs 9. Bankfull max depth . 1.4 ft. 1.0 ft. 1 1 ft 10. Width of floodprone area . . 35 ft. 13.5ft. 26 2 ft 11. Entrenchment ratio . . 8.5 1.5 2 7 12. Meander length Range: 60-112 ft. . Avg: 88 ft. N/A 59 ft 13. Ratio of meander length to bankfull . width 21.5 N/A g 14. Radius of curvature Range: 11:8-36 ft. Avg:24.6 ft. N/A 13 4 ft 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull . . width 6 N/A 1 4 16. Belt width Range: 11.5-27 ft. . Avg:20 ft. N/A 15 ft 17. Meander width ratio . 4.9 N/A 1 5 18. Sinuosity (stream length/valley length) . 1.2 1.0 1 2 19. Valley slope 1.90% 0.74% 4 58% 20. Average slope . 1.54% 0.74% 4.05% 21. Pool slope 0.00% 0.07% 0.47% 22. Ratio of pool slope to average slope 0 0.1 0 1 23. Maximum pool depth 1.9 ft. 2.0 ft. 1 6 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull . . depth 1.9 3.0 1 9 25. Pool width . 5.4 ft. 12.2 ft. 12 0 ft 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width . . 1.35 1.4 1 2 27. Pool to pool spacing "' 50 ft. 34.5 ft 28. Ratio of pool to pool spacing to . bankfull width .. 5 5 3 "" Only one pool was found in the exisitng channel; therefore, we cannot calculate pool to pool spacing Natural Channel Design Summary Unnamed Tributary to Meadow Creek (Site 28) TIP No. U-2524A61 State Project No. 8.U492101 Guilford County, North Carolina Prepared by Mulkey Engineers and Consultants May 2003 This natural channel design summary is presented to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as part of on-site compensatory mitigation for the proposed construction of the Greensboro Western Loop. The proposed roadway extends from north of I-85 near Groometown Road to north of High Point Road on new location. An unnamed tributary (UT) to Hickory Creek, situated immediately west of SR 1117 (Holden Road) and north of Roberts Court Road, will be relocated southward from its existing location outside of the proposed fill limits. The UT has been identified as a perennial stream and is part of the Cape Fear River Subbasin 03-06-08 (USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030002). A morphological table, complete with existing channel, reference reach, and proposed reach characteristics is attached. In addition, proposed design and detail sheets are also included with this summary. The project is within the Piedmont physiographic province. The headwaters associated with the UT to Hickory Creek originate at the intersection of SR 1117 (Holden Road) and SR 1392 (Drummond Road). The UT flows in a westerly direction approximately 1.0 mi (1.6 km) before converging with Hickory Creek, then another 5.0 mi (8.0 km) to the southwest to unite with the Deep River. The drainage area at the project site is approximately 0.10 sq. mi (0.26 sq. km). It is considered urban with primarily residential development. The proposed project will require the stream to be relocated due to existing fill slope design requirements. Overall stream length will be reduced and slope will be increased in order to correctly align the new channel with its modified valley type. Existing Channel A 1600-foot (488-meter) section of the single thread channel associated with the UT to Hickory Creek was surveyed during March 2003. This section was located near Sta. 29+20 -40SBREV- Right, near the eastern terminus of the proposed project area. The surveyed reach exhibited channel characteristics similar to an E4/1 stream type, as noted by the Rosgen Classification of Natural Rivers. The E4 stream type exhibits low to moderate sinuosities, gentle to moderately steep channel gradients, and very low channel width/depth ratios. This stream type is generally stable due to the influence of riparian vegetation and planform resistance. Bank erosion and bedload transport rates are typically high and the ratio of bedload to total sediment load often exceeds 50%. These stream types are very sensitive to disturbance and tend to make significant adverse channel adjustments to changes streambank vegetation and inflow regime and sediment supply from the watershed (Rosgen and Silvey, 1998). The existing channel at this location classes out as an E type and it is in a state of relative stability. The channel has previously incised but has reestablished a small floodplain at a lower elevation. Due to recent ice storms, there was a large amount of woody debris in the channel creating localized instability. Significant bedrock was noted in several area along the existing channel which is helping prevent further incision. The UT exhibited G bankfull cross sectional area of 5.6 sq. ft (0.52 sq. m), an average slope of 0.012ft/ft, and a D50 of 2.5mm. A detailed summary of existing channel conditions is presented in attached morphological table. Reference Reach Even though. the existing channel is relatively stable, a stable stream (UT Lake Jeanette) outside of the project area was selected as the reference reach. This channel was selected based on its watershed components, stream type, and other general characteristics. The reference reach channel is situated in Guilford County and classifies as a C4. It exhibits a drainage area of 0.25 sq. mi (0.65 sq. km) and a bankfull cross sectional area of 7.7 sq. ft. Based on surveys, the channel is stable and exhibits very low bank height ratios. Its valley characteristics are very comparable with the existing channel. Little to no bank erosion was noted during the survey. A detailed summary of reference conditions are also presented in the attached morphological table. Proposed Channel The proposed channel was based on dimensionless ratios derived from the reference reach survey, existing channel survey, and data interpretation. The bankfull width will be increased from 6.3 ft (1.92 m) to 8.5 ft (2.6 m) and the bankfull mean depth will be reduced from 0.9 ft (0.27 m) to 0.66 ft (0.20 m). As a result, the width/depth ratio will increase to approximately 13 from the existing 7.0 ratio. A decrease in the bankfull mean velocity will occur with the new channel. The design stream will exhibit additional floodprone area to aid in stress reduction in the channel. Slopes will be increased due to a change in the valley; however, an excess energy will be dissipated via riffle/pool morphology characteristic and planform associated with the C stream type. Rock cross vanes will be the primary method influencing the riffle/pool morphology. These cross vanes will be established throughout the channel in riffle sections and used to provide grade control, center the thalweg, and protect the stream banks on both sides of the new channel until vegetation is established. The cross vanes will also decrease shear stresses throughout the reach.. The riparian zone adjacent to the channel will be planted with native vegetation conducive to wetter, floodplain areas. Proposed channel stabilization characteristics are presented on the attached detail sheet. It is anticipated that the riparian zone will be planted with native trees and shrubs above bankfull depth and herbaceous species within the channel. Sediment Transport. Based on pebble counts and bar samples taken along the existing channel, the D50 averages 2.5 mm and the D84 averages approximately 30.0 mm. The existing channel exhibits a critical shear stress of 0.54 Ibs/ft2 which may entrain up to a 35 mm particle. Based on the design, the proposed channel will exhibit a critical shear stress of 0.59 Ibs/ftz entraining up to a 38 mm particle. This increase in entrainment will not induce degradation as the active bed sample produced a D84 of 40mm. In addition, cross vanes will be installed throughout the riffle sections to further reduce the possibility of additional channel degradation. References North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), 1998. Yadkin/Pee Dee Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan. Rosgen, D. and L. Silvey, 1998. Field Guide for Stream Classification. Wildland Hydrology, Inc. Appendix B Morphological Measurement Table (Site 28) Variables Existing Channel Proposed Reach USGS Station Reference Reach 1. Stream type 2. Drainage area E4 C4 N/A C4 3. Bankfull width 57Ac. - 75Ac. 57Ac. - 75Ac. 160 Ac. 4. Bankfull mean depth 6.3 ft. 8.5 ft. 9.5 ft. 5. Width/depth ratio 0.9 ft. 0.66 ft. 0.8 ft. 7 13 11 7 6. Bankfull cross-sectional area . 7. Bankfull mean velocit 5.6 sq. ft. 5.6 sq. ft. 7.7 sq. ft. y 4.06 ft/s 3.9 - 4.0 ft/s 4 5 8. Bankfull discharge cfs . 5 ft/s , 9. Bankfull max depth 22.7 cfs 22.7 cfs 35 cfs 1.5 ft. 1.1 ft. 10. Width of floodprone area 1.3 ft. 11. Entrenchment ratio 65 ft. Range: 32 - 56 ft. Avg.41.3 ft. 36 ft. 10.3 4.85 3 12. Meander length R 8 .8 13. Ratio of meander len th to bankf ll ange: 5-150 ft. Avg: 120 ft. Range: 43-114.5 ft. Avg: 73 ft. Range: 29-69 ft. Avg 50.2 ft. : g u width 1 9 8.6 14. Radius of curvature R 5.3 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to b kf ll ange: 10.2-36 ft. Avg:22 ft. Range: 19-49 ft. Avg:29.8 ft. Range: 5.3-22 ft. Avg:9.7 ft. an u width 3.5 3.5 16. Belt width R 1.02 17. Meander width ratio ange: 46-63 ft. Avg:52.5 ft. Range: 11.8-35 ft. Avg: 21.0 ft. Range: 26-40 ft. Avg 33 ft. : 8.3 2.5 3 18. Sinuosity (stream len thlvall l th .5 g eng ey ) 1.35 1.02 19. Valley slope 1.35 1.60% 1.85% 20 Average slope 0.76% . 1.20% U/S: 1.78% D/S:1.66% 21. Pool slope 0.57% 22. Ratio of pool slope to avera e sl 0.26% 0.35% Range: 0.012-0.13%. Avg:0.047% g ope 0.22 0.2 0 082 23. Maximum pool de th . p 2.3 ft. 2.0 ft. 2 9 ft 24. Ratio of pool depth to avera e b kf ll . . g an u depth 2,56 3.0 25. Pool width 3.6 8.9 ft. 12.2 ft. 10 26. Ratio of pool width to bankfull width .5 1.41 1.4 1 1 27. Pool to pool spacin : g 28. Ratio of pool to pool s acin t 58.5 ft. Range: 24-63 ft. Avg:39.4 ft. Range: 20.7-54.8ft. Avg:40.2 ft. p g o bankfull width g,3 Ran e: 2.8-7.4 Av 4.,5 9 Range: 2.2-5.8 Avg:4.23 68 I50 ~ 158 42 I 2 0 PROJECT U-2 . RT 1) 68 40 311 es 68 00~1ET0 ~ ~~~~~~~~ 1~11.~1L 29 ~ 61 reensbo 70 42 I ~I~BR_ RANDOLPH CO, -'-_-62 •-•-•• ~~~®~ ]~IVISI®N ®F HIGHWAYS GUII.F®R~ C®UNT'Y PR®JECT:8.U~92101 <U-252~~B) GREENSB;OR~O - NESTERN LQ3®P FR©M NGRTH ~F I-85 NE.~R GR®~MET®WN TAO NORTH OF HIGFI PINT R®t~D SHEET OF 5.~ 15,E 03 i ~ P H ~F~~L~N END PROJECT SITE 16 SITE 15 ~ SITE 7 SITE 1~ SITE 8 - END PROJECT ~ ~- ~. __ ~ . -- .,, s;- , 6 . , ~h~ ~,~ j i ~o~ `~ ~~ END PROJECT f /SITE 17 SITE 13 SITE 12 SITE 11 ,~ / ~ phi ~ //%0 4. 4~~ ~4~~ i ~ld'~i ~~4~ ~o ' \ \ ida~~' SITE 7 SITE 25 ~ BEGIN PROJECT Iyl[A~l~ ~~ SITE 24 - _ s ~s _ _ _- '_ - ______ -___ -= ~ TO .BURLINGTON _~~ i' ~ a a SITE 25B SITE 21 SITE 23 SITE 28 l~! ~~®~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT:8.U~92101 (U-2524AB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FRODI k NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT ROAD SHEET OF 5 015 ~ 03 L ~~~~~~ ~,~~~~~ -•4JLB WE`fLAND BOUNDARY `~ ~--~ PROPOSED BRIDGE WETLAND L ~~~~~ ^,:~:,^,::. ~~~~~ ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE I ` ~`~`~`.`~ .. .. ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 MITIGABLE IMPAC TS ZONE I ® MITIGABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 - BZ RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE -BZ1 -- RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 1 30 ft (9.2m) - BZ2 - RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 20 f t (6.1m) FLOW DIRECTION -'t.~ TOP OF BANK -••• WE EDGE OF WATER -- ~ -- PROP. LIMIT OF CUT ---F -- PROP. LIMIT OF FILL ~- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY --- NG --- NATURAL GROUND ---~-- PROPERTY LINE -TOE- TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT -POE - PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT --EAB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY --EPB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY ----~--- WATER SURFACE xx xXx x x LIVE STAKES BOULDER - - - CORE FIBER ROLLS PROPOSED BOX CULVERT PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12"-4 B' (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES ~j & ABOVE ~•^-' SINGLE TREE •• •• •• .. WOODS LINE DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD RIP RAP O ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE ^ PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE (PSH> LEVEL SPREADER (LS) GRASS SWALE I)IVISI®N ®F HIGHWAYS GUII.F®R~ C®UNTY PR©JECT:B.U-092101 (U-252~O~B) GREENSE~R® - tiVESTERN LG~P FR©M NGRTH ®F I-85 NE.~R GR®~3rIET®tiVN TG N~DRTH GF HIGH P®INT R~.~D SHEET ~F 5 415 ~' 03 ~Y~Y ~~~~~~ ~~`1~~~~ -WLB WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND L ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ® DENOTES FILL' IN SURFACE WATER (POND) ® DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLAND ® DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ® DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN SURFACE WATER " DENOTES MECHANIZED "»'"'» • CLEARING -} -~ FLOW DIRECTION TB -~- TOP OF BANK -"' WE EDGE OF WATER ---- ~ --- PROP. LIMIT OF CUT ----F--- PROP. LIMIT OF FILL -~--PROP, RIGHT OF WAY --- NG --- NATURAL GROUND ---P~-- PROPERTY LINE - TDE - TEMP, DRAINAGE EASEMENT -PDE- PERMANENT, DRAINAGE EASEMENT --EAB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY --EPB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY ---~- WATER SURFACE x x x x xx x x LIVE STAKES BOULDER -- - - CORE FIBER ROLLS PROPOSED BRIDGE ~~ PROPOSED BOX CULVERT ~"'-'~ PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12'-48' (DASHED LINES DENDTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & ABOVE SINGLE TREE ~~ -- •- .. WOODS LINE DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD RIP RAP O ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE LEVEL SPREADER (LS> ~RASS SWALE I)IVISI®N ®F HIGH'6VAYS GUILF®KD C®UN~'~ PRGJECT:8.U~092101 (U-252~VAB) GREENSB~DR® -WESTERN L®~OP FR®bf NORTH ~F I-85 NEAR GRG~DMET~OWN TAO NORTH ®F HIGH PINT R~lAD SHEET ®F 5 ~ 15 /I 03 ,~ -~" r- -4as~~- ~~ ~ - 2GI W177 -CSIVP- Fut G1 2G1 WffT4 ----- FUT GRATE _ , x~x~ - ;~ , ,_~-. ~- ~'~^ t'-_-- ~~ ~~~~~I ~~~ 9Y ~' ~' ~' ~ ~~~~~~~ i ~~~~ ~~ a g /~L RIP r. ~I 'J _~, -- ~~~ ;xr / ------------------------------T---- ------- ~ ---- ~ ~~ ~rt"-~ / ~ H . I D I ~ Ceorga W. McCulston, atai n 1.659 Ha. BY OMO = ~ Db 1712-548 NAB 83 ~ r z i m i --~---------------------------c~ b \ ~~®~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT:8.U492101 (U-2524AB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FRODI NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETONN TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT ROAD SHEET OF 6®30003 --------- - --- - 8--------- ----------- - ~ ~~~ 1~ ---- ---------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------------- ~------- -------------------- ------- ------------- --- ~ o ------------- ----- a '~ f~-~ --------------------------= --------------- ----___ F____--~-~-----------,, \ ! ~ - .. ~~ _I ~~ \ - ~~ i I I ~(o ,~ i~ OE#' LTDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-~DE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE- -TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-~D~ I I I I I NAD 83 Florence H. McCulston I I De mz-ss1 I Mattle B. McCulston I 1'659 Ha. by Tax Ma I 0.166 Ha, b I p I OB 1712-548 DMD I I I i~~wT ~j g~[ I ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1LS ~ b ~1 'l/ ~ ® 11 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~11e 1Lo~®®® DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT:8.U~92101 (U-252~AB) GREENSBORO - ~PESTERN LOOP FROM NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETONN TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT ROAD SHEET OF 5/15/03 ------------ ------------------ -----------------------------------1----------------- - ---- ----- ------------ ------------1------ D oe~ --------- ~ -------- B ------------------ -------- - ----------- _ - -------------- -9----------------- -------------------- - ----- - - - ~_ Iza Z --- ~- ~~---- ~ rT1 F ------- -- --_- as F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - h e~ ~~ \ ~ -- 375 o LTDE-TDE-TOE-TDE-~~DE-TDE-TDE-TDE I I I I I I FUT C~t1AR FLAT GRATE o° 400 CS '~ V42 ELBQb($` - - - -,. ~_ ~ 1 'jQE~ TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-~DE~SO~jDE I Mottle B. McCulston ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ I I I I NAD 83 /~ ~1` -x~-xxx- .A Florence H. McCuistan ~`V~®~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS _ GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT:8.U~d92101 (U-252~AB) GREENSBORO -WESTERN LOOP FROM NORTH OF I-85 NEAR GROOMETOWN TO NORTH OF HIGH POINT ROAD SHEET OF 5/15/03 ~ NATURAL CHANNEL DESIGN TYPICALS DETAIL I dart. T'fPICAL FLOOD PLAIN SECTION rr, (Not to Scale ) Natural round 2 Flood Plain ~uTUrE r .L\ ". ~ vAR. VAR. 8m TO 20m SEE CHANNEL DETAILS '~, CHANNEL DETAIL PROPOSED RIFFLE SECTION rrar ro sw. 1 Papa ~wx. eaNtFLLL pEPTN Plain Pboc iTPIC1L SECTgN 11T RFFLES CHANNEL DETAIL PROPOSED TYPI A CTION Q BENp (POOLSf 1 Nor •o x7l. 1 PWtrt s / ~ ~ ~/' POOL ..o..o~ P~IMIN r PIAIlS M Mi III Ut it1Yi1~ IIlCOIiPI E 9LAIl8 M Ni ql ppiYtill~ OUANTITES DDE = 21000m~ BOULDERS = 400 EACH COUt MAT = 260mz CEOTEXTILE FABRIC = 350m~ TlE TO EX/STNG FILL EXISTING CHANNEL /FILL EXISTING CHANNEL cROSSVavE mPrcau sEE oETac, sEE srrEEt 2 24030~~~ FLOW DIRECTION FILL TO ELEV.2424 24392 --I 0 m -TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-TDE FILL EXISTING CHANNEL TIE TO EXISTNG CHANNEL ~~AN~~E~ P~A~I VIEW jo~,~~~ ~S ~~S pE ~-. , T ~ FLOW D/RECTION ',~DEi1~ ~~ I E 2 8 -TDE-TDE-TDE_Z~E B a .4 .s ~ ~ O N 3~ - 11 // x h Z a h T ~ os9~ LIN ~B /+ N ~~0 .CC~ \ ~ NAD 83 ~ \~\ \~\~ I .,~ 1 . ~ e ~ . ~1 \ ~ ~~~ 1, ~\ i~ ii ~ ~ i ~ , ~ i ~ ~ i \ ``\ \ ~ .. S \ \ \ \ i, ~, ;i , ~~~N V :L 1U `7V I~ lCI ~' 1~' 1~ ~. ~~~I`':~E :i ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ - it ; ~ ,~ ~~ ~J W`Q- G~ RAP ~~\ PSS ` 5 S ~~ ~ ~ ~~1 •~oW s ~ ~~ - i ~GSC FS ~~ .. _.,r ~ boo I__ F IDIVISI®N ®]F 1H[~GI~-IW~~S GUI1LlF®I3ID C®~TN~'~' PR®JECT:B.U~d921~1 (U-252~d.~~) GREENS®R~D -WESTERN -.®~OP FRD1~1 N~)1T~ ~E 1-85 NE.-~R GR~D~ONIET~CDWN T~C~ N~O,'~TI-I ~D'F g-3I(~~-I ~~OINT I~~O.~Ii I '~,`~.`~.. I I ; ~;`• I I I '1 .,. 1 I . ~ I ~ ;'~ I \ I "' I \ I iii I I i~i -- I \ ~ I \ a I iii ~ ii ~ ~ ~ I i / ~ 1 1• ~ I/ ~ ~ ry ~ y ~' ,1 1 I 0 I ~~•~~~~~~~~, ~~ M I ~2~ I ~ I I ~lil ~ ~ NAD 83 ~ fjj 1 ~ i II 1' I ------i i i`_ I I I `•~;;\; ,, I ~~ J 900 MW 6 SB / ~ //~~ tth- 1 I I ''J NNN ~ I , ~ I ~. ,. I II I ` J jW~l I I II ~ _ ~ I I I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I I ` I ~ I /. I ! / i o i 4 I J i a .'i I ~~ I . I '" I ~ ~ i I ' W ail ~ ~ I ~ ~ ^ I o 1 I u wZm'- ~ ! I \\ ~II \\ l I ~ ll l \ ~ ' Q i \ I • 1 '/ _ I I I I / i • I H I I ~\ II I PROPOSED ~ ••' ~ ,r ~ I I s I I W V {$~ "_ "- BUFFERS i i '', 1 I . I I ~ I • E W ~ I . ~~•~, I " a I l o I I I ~' I ~ ' ~ 1 ~ o I I~I ~ ' ='' / I I I `• ~ •• III I u -t Ili 11 m 1 I 1 \~ ",~,~~~ I I 1 \ . .. \ \ o I I I 11 i,, 1 : \~ I I j(~ }~ ~ ~( I ~ ~ v~~l ®N ~~ ~IG~w~~~ ~ GLl1 1.F~13~~ C®LIN'~'~ ~r llcc 1L ~~.c~~,~~~ P R ©JE CT:B.U~~>2101 (U-252~r~1~) GRE E N SI 3~R ~ - NEbTERN 1,®c~p 'FR~DbS d. ~ Jl Jl 1L ./ :/ lv~td ~ ir;t ~~r 1-ti5 N;I~;.-~K GR~O~A~d2;'~T'~C~~\T T'(~ N.C)R"1'r] ~(>~ 1FI1(iQ-I ~'~iN"1" R~(~.~R ,,~>>~:~~ ~>,.~ ~I/ ~>~Il ol> i -~ .i I ;. .. \\ ~ U ui _ ~. ~ ~ I t ~ .. \ \ '~ '- ~ .. ~ .. /' ~q ~'M .. ~\ \\ .. II .. Ac~O ~ I I i i ,i W ~ \ - I ,\ 1 E ~ O ~ ~ \ \ ~ I I ~ N 83 I ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~ I ' i \ I I I I\ a 3 ~ FER ~- I ~ ' v I ' I ~ ~ \ z I ~ ~ ~ -\L' ~ I \ o I I • ~ ~ i . ~s ~ \ j I I ~ ~! ~ \\ ° 1 ~' I I ~ 1 E ' l _ 1 ~\ \ - ~ -' ~'~ \ ~ N0 I ~ I ~ .~'; i \ ~ ~ .. ~ i l nn 111 .` ~. ~ ;~~ ~t~ t \ - I , I 1 ,{ ,. ;; ... ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ - , ~,~ \ - , ,.~ \ I ~~ \ ~`'~~ ~ '. - ~~; ~ w - _~~ ~ y~+ ,, j m~N ,,, ~ ~ d ,~ ~ ~, ~ ~~ ~, - ~ ~ i ' NE ~ ,~ ~ ~ ;,; ~ ~ `~ - ~~~I~~_f~ ~~ ®IVI~I©N ®lF ]EIIIGg-TWA.~t'~ ~IIII.~®KID ~C®~JN~['~ 1~~1~.c~i~~/ 11 ~' ~R~JIEC"S':8.t1•d<)21~ll1 (Li-252~d~~3) ~ ~ GRF,ENS13®I~® - WE~TiERN L~(D~1~ 'E~ Id®N~ ~~ 1C~ rl N~C)~? "Q'~[ ~C~6~ I-F35 N~ .~Fb ~GI3~~C~I~1[~;'-~'©~VN ~ I -"C9 N~C)]f~"d'1H ~~~ 'H1Cz~-I ~~L~IN'~' }3~(~.;t~ ... -~-- - 1~, I~, >I~ <<>~~ ~ ~ ~~,, ~ o, ~ `' 1 ~ \ ~ ,i ~ D,~ A ~ , LINE "D i ' ~ I ~ II, ' NAD 83 '• I - I •~Q ~ ~ : r' ~,~'+ f } N ~ tJ / I p ~SSSF ~~ LL7Z N u~. ~ % ~ % I ` I 'If 2 I ~ ri N -L ~ n ,~ ~~0 ~ h ~ ~ I ~ 5~ 5 ~ u ~ m II m I g m u ~ .. ~. N \ I 4 I ~ y ~ '• •~ _ ~ Y ~\ PROPOSED •a"~'lh ~~ BUFFERS ~'S~y~d1sti ~ ~~ I ' 0 9~ I ~~~:~' 11 ~ i~ I ~ ~ - ~~ I ~~ ~ I~ y ~~ ~ \ _ - I ` \\ I = I ~ a ~ : r-- I ~ .. i (~ ~ . \ r~l I e ~ ~ ~ i \ I IABANDI I /~ •' B .~ II .. ~ ~ I~ \ \\ I / ~• .. ~ i~ \\ ~~ I I \ I \ '~f~ -~,~ \ ~W --- / \ \ I ------------- --- -~---- - I s I _- -~-~ r----- I ° \ ~ ~ I, -~, ~e ~ ~I ~ ,.~ ~ s i / I ISFO I i 0P' ~7 ~ y ~~y + ~~I`~$lE,r~11~'~[ I~IVISI®N ®1F' 1HIGI-IW~\~~ ~\~ `~ ~~ ~UI1LF®I$I~ C~~TN'I'`l' ~~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ `y RR~CDJECT: 8.U~92101 (L1-252-~ r~B) C. _ GREENST3~OR~0 - NESTERN L~i)F~ ER~I~! ~y~v~?l,~ ~/ N~}1T~~ ~3~ 4-85 NEr~R GFZ~C~~(E~'~~VN I~ i -- - -- -- ~ ~ t, t~,; J --~,.: ti 650 `~Ni ~~S -~ U ~--- m\ O 1[` 11~, ~ 1 ~ ~Y ~ ~ V'V' ~~~~~~ ~y~v~I~ S ~~ .,S ,, ~~~ ~~t ~O ~~ Off' G ~~~1 LPSS ~~ ~YV , \~` ~GP G /~~~~ ~E ~ - . X ,~ ~. ,~ ~, ,, \~, J~ G v I ~~ / ~ i p I NAD 83 ~ ~' I G~~ ~ \ x i~ ~ ~ I ~~~~~ ~~VISI®N ®~ ]E~ICaIHWA~~ GUIILIF®I$d~ ~®LJN'I'~' I'R~OJEC"I':8.U~92101 (U-2524A13) GREENS%~R~D -WESTERN L~~~~ FR~NI N~DRT--I DOE I-BS NEAR GR~~ONIET~C~~VN TIC) N~DRTIH ~©E B-IIG~I ~~3INT Rs).~\d~ /~ /X ,--_~ o D: r ~, ~ .r~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ : ~ 11 p i i 975 m 1 ~ ~; ~. d ~, - I .e tio~1h~'. ~ '~~ s ~oy~V1sti~ ~J ° D~ I / I LIME : v\\ ~ `~ NAD 83 ~ ~.d ~ \ \~~ q~ ~~ I \ ',lr v~ s ~ \ I e ~ 1~ \ ,~~~' o aye ~~e _' ~ `~ ^ ~~ X65 ~~N ~p~ (~ \ ~~ s Yl~~p~ ~ r ~' ~ I •.,r(•, l a- ~ + ~ ~ I ~~~ \~ ~\ Go~~0. s~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~~~ e "Ps O S~ Pc ' ~. ~~ ;~ ` ~ ~~~ 111 ~ ~ ,~~'>~ - y i ~ F 60 ~,S \ i }}~~ y ~( y y ~ F \ ~~` ~d V V' ~~ VV ~~~~~~~ DIVISION ®lF ~iIGI-IWA~S GUIILF~RD ~;'~UN'1C~ ~~'~1 ~~~1~~~~ II'R~C3JECT: 8.U~92101 (U-252~Or~~) _ GREENS~~R~ -WESTERN L~D~P FR~DNI ~~~~ J NORTH ~~ II-85 NE.~R GR©~ONtE'II'~OWN ~~C' ~ ~_II_, ~E ' ~1~~~~1.9~O~I) TAD NiO3~Ti-3 ~~~ H1GN P~D1NT R~~.~~ ------- - -- --- -- - -- - -- SH L III`]' ~tJ }' ----- -- ~6 G~ ,> -0 03 Tu.l ~~ ~~ . _~_ f NATURAL CHANNEL DESIGN TYPICALS CHANNEL DETAIL nL SLOPE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION LO. an I xot to Sca. 1 L+Si_ eunruL OEPltl 's .lu ~"r~ TTPr:aL SECTgN I aT IOFiLES NOTEa LSa[E; !S POOLI CHANNEL DETAIL ELL SLOPE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION 0 POOL L Ilbt to Sco4 ) ' f I c-e.w~uL oErTn TTPICaL SECTION = aT POOLS NOTES LK 8aNC5 YITM CON F@ER YdTiHO TO BlMFfS_L FLEYaiION T7'PI[LL : WFFtEI' b K N ! [ ~~' o i R [ b CHANNEL PLAN VIEW SITE # 7 ~° i w rT !r Er yr Eu.rror !WC@!f~ E FIAN! w wr w [wiTlS[ilr OUANTITES DOE _ ~OSOmT BOULDERS = 230 EACH 1230 70NSi COIR YAT = pOOm7 CEOTEXTILE FABRIC = 220mz T/E TO EXISTING CHANNEL f~5~4Y ff~4a4' S = STrYCTIl1E • !w. EIEr. Y1[TLLl FLEY. 1 zu.73. zn.rs. E Tu. p. Nr.1M 7 I.I.S.. !u.lM 1 21[.]Y 2U.fr. s to.:z. xua7. [ Ul.Ol. 21l.7l. 7 2.7.51. Nl.zS. [ T17. T5. tu.w. ! 217.L1. T17.51. w ~ za.15. :.r. rl. „ 217.7V 2.T. [.. IT :1r.zO. E1r.A 11 z.r.w. z11al. ~. zoc.>y z1T.z5. u i.c.rw za.w. I[ 2.[.70[ Ni.![ti ~I - _ I