HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030909 Ver 3_Fax_20040602i JUFJ-2-c004 10:42 FROM:IJC DIVISION OF IJATER 336771+6.:,0 T0:8'~197336~93 P: 1. 10 ~oF warFR4 Mlchaol F. Ea31ey, Governor William O. Ross Jr., Socrotery ~O G North Carolina Depnrtmont of Environment and Natural Resources ~ ~ Alan V'J. Klimek, P.E. Dlroctor > ~ -a Division of Water Quelity p ^C Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Ol'~ce tlddress: 5$S Waughtown Street, Winston-Saletn, NC 27107 PHONE: (336) 771-600 FAX: (336) 771-631 TAX TO: T3cth Barnes CAX NUA'[I3Elt: 919-733-6893 DATE: 6/2/04 I'ROAi: Sue IIomewood NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING TI~JS SHEET: 10 . "~.~C~l-lr1- ~~ c7 ~~.~ ~~ ;moo ~~,~. --~~~t::~ c~~, L~ ~~1:~~ ~~~~ 1 ~~- ~: ~J~ ~~_ ~~ (YLL~ N. C. Division of Water QuE1lity 1617 Mail S©rvlce Center Ralolgh, tiC 2763-1617 (9'.9) 733-7015 Customer SenrlCP 1 ©00 G23-7740 JUN-2-2DD4 LJED D9:41 TEL:9197336893 NAh1E:D~JQ-WETLAh1DS P. 1 JUhd-2-c(3~34 1D:42 FRO;'l:t`dC DIVISIDN OF bJATER 33677146313 T0: 85197335893 P:2~it3 ~1 N~ n~~ f r "~ ~ o.../' STATE or NORTH CAROLINA rECElVEp ~.C. Dart. at ENR "i~'s b ~ ~ ~~J~~~s K'Innton•Snfert~ Fr'p~4nA! ~cr DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F, EASLEY I.YNDD TIPPETT C30VBRNC?R Sf:CRF3TARY May 17, ZOra4 Ms. Beth Barnes Wctlands/401 Unit NC DENR Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center 1Zalcigl~; NC 27699 (Two Copies) IVIr. John Thomas US nrmy Corps of)/ngineers 650$ Falls of the Neuse Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615-6814 (Two Copies) Subject: Modification Request Concerning Stream Relocation at Site #28 on TIP No. U-2524 AB (Western Urban. Loop) Guilford County, StAte Project No. II.U492110. USACE Action ID No. 20t)321137 DWQ Cert. # 3435 DWQ Project Number 030909 The North. Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is currently constructing the stream relocation at Sitc 28 on project U-2524 AB of the Greensboro Western Loop. During a recent site visit (Apri126, 2004) with contractors and NC Division of Water Quality it was decided that a modified. version of the submitted plats for stream relocation would be better suited to fit the needs of t1~e project. The existing stream relocation plan called fnr overlapping of the existing stream and proposed st~reatn in some areas. Also, the proximity of the proposed. stream to the existing strewn in some areas is very close. Because of the overlapping and close proximity, difficulty is e~cpected in regards to constructing the new stream relocation without impacting the existing stream Because the existing stream is in the Randleman Wrtter5lred which requites a SO foot buffer, rt would be nearly impossible to utilize equipment for the construction o£ the proposed stream without being in the buffer area and without increasing sediment Division 5, 2612 N. Duke Street, Durham, NC 27704 Phone: (919) 56D~6081 Fax: (919) 5603371 JUtJ-2-c(7D4 WED 139: 4Z TEL: 9197336893 NAME: DWQ-L~IETLAf'JDS P. 2 JUN-2-200-~ 10:43 FROM: NC DIVISION OF WATER 33b771~630 T0:8519i3=bB93 transport and turbidity in the existing stream. In addition, working within the tightly confined spaces while trying to keep impacts at a minimum. would severely lengthen the time necessary to construct the proposed stream relocation. For the above reasons, it was decided with DWQ in concurrence, that a temporary stream relocation (Fabric Lined Diversion Channel) located away from die existing and proposed $treazn sites would better serve the purpose of the project. By doing so, the contractors would be able to work "in the dry" on the new streatxt locations and thereby minimize impacts and decrease the length of time that the work, would require. Attached are plats of the proposed modification showing; the existing, proposed and temporary stream locations. A construction sequence describing the method of construction is also attached. All work is to be performed as described in the BMP manual (Section 5.2.4) which is also attached. ' t\pplicatiotn is hereby made for a Department of the Army Section 404 Nationwide Pernut (NWd') 33 and NCDENR-DWQ Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) Nv. 3366 for this activity at the project. The NCDOT will comply with all applicable NWP and WQC conditions. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (336) 256-2063. ccrcly, erry A. Parker Division Environmental Officer cc: Suc Homewood, NCDENR-DWQ, Winston-Salem Chris Kirkman, NCDOT Resident Engineer, Greetasboro Barry I-larrington, NCDOT Road.Side Environmcntzil Engineer Phillip Todd, NCDOT PDEA P: ~- 1~7 JUhJ-2-2U0~ 6~lED D9: 42 TEL: 9197336893 tdAP1E: DWQ-LJETLAFlDS P. JUtJ-2-cOD4 1:43 FROf9:NC DIVISION OF WATER 336771463D T0:891973~~393 P:4~1D /~'~ , Y' Archer Western Contractors April 28, 2004 ..., ! l ~ i F. ,11 r ~ J~.` ~ r,G, - s'•_ ~f°__ APR NS 2064 .;.iiUt< R~S~gEr~~. ti, NC Department of Transportation P.Q. Box 14996 Greensbaro, NC 27415-4996 Aitn: Christopher D. ttirkman, P.E. FEE: Greensboro Western Loop, Contract No. C20094Q Stream Relocation Plan -Site 28 ^Qar Chris, On April 2B, 2004 a meeting was conducted regarding Environmental Stewardship and Permits. We have found this meeting to be insightful and a value to all attendees. I would hope that meetings with similar agendas can be scheduled to further oducate both my staff and subcontractors as well as yotar staff as to the importance of following the Permit guidelines to their fullest extent. An immediate result of the meeting was a request that Archer Westem propose a plan to relocate the stream at Site 28. Our planned method is herein attached for your reviewlapproval, tam requesting that this request be given tho highest priority for approval so that the area can be stabilized to its final design as soon as possible. If there are any questions, t may be contacted at 336-362-1299 ar 33fi-632-4270. Sincerely, Archer WGStern Contractors, Ltd. ~, `~ • Daniel M. Lie erman Senior Project Manager Cc: File Dave Hurley X09 Cromwell Rd. A Member of Tho Warh Group GreencDoTO, NC 27407 An Equal Opportuntty Cmployer Phone: 3~.G32.4270 Fnx: 3~6.G324271 www.wnlchgroup.com JU~J-2-cDD4 IJED 09:42 TEL: 9197336893 NAh1E: D6JQ-t•IETLANDS F. -} JUhJ-2-cOD4 10:3 FROM: NC DIVISION OF WATER 367714630 T0:591973~6553 Stream ~telocation -- Sitc 2~ The stream relocation will start from the down stream side at approximately station 29+50 and proceed to station 31-1-50. As showJa on tl~e attached sketch, we have identified three areas that are numbered Area 1, Area 2 anal Area 3. Temporarily relocate the existinu stream from Arefl 1 to Area 2 A) The temporary channel will be constructed in the dry, leaving a 10' plug bet<vicen the existing stream and the temporary channel. B) The temporary channel will be stabilized with coin fiber on the channel bottom and fabric for soil stabilization o>a the banks. C) A temporary chanael crossing will be placed in the temporary channel to access the permanent stream zelocation area. D) Upon completion of this opezation, a field inspection will be conducted prior to rerouting the stream into the temporary channel. E} Once approved, the IO' plug will be removed in the lower end and the area stabilized in the wet by use of coin fiber and fabric materials. F) The upper 1.0' plug will then be removed to allow the stream to flow into the temporary stream. The area a~ the plug will then be stabilized with fabzie materials. G) Permanently construct the permanent steam as shown on the attached sketch. Use coin fiber and soil stabilization fabrics to stabilize the stream channel. H) Conduct a Meld inspection prior to rerouting the stream from the tempozary channel to the permanent stream location. Proceed between Area 2 and 3 in Bite manner P: S- 1D JUtJ-2-204 bJED D9: 42 TEL: 9197336893 t~JAh1E: DWQ-WETLAt~JDS P. 3 3 i >~ B I R 1 i I r i 1 JU~J-2-c004 10:43 FROM: NC DIVISION OF WATER 3367714630 T0:8'?1973~6893 P:6-`1r 5,2 -Flow Dlvcrsion 5.2.4 Fabric Lined Diversion Channel Purpose Used to divert the normal flow and small storm ovents around the work area without the use of pumping operations. The diversion ' channel is typically con ,trusted adjacent to the work area and is Ilned with apoly-fabric to prQVent erosion of the diversion channel. Condit"cons Where Practice Applies Conditions Where Practice Does Not APPIY / Pipe extensions, headwall installations and some pipe/culvert replacements where adequat© space is unavailable. Construction Step 1 -Install sediment controls. Step 2 -- Excavate the diversion channel without disturbing the existing channel. Stop 3 -Place poly-fabric liner in diversion channel with a minimum of ~ feet of material overlapping the channel banks. Secure the overlapped material using at least 1 foot of fill material. Nxth C.ar~lina Departrnent or Tr~nsportatlon ~ ©MPs for Construction end htalntannnce ActlvhJcs August 2Ca3 Pagp 71 JUPJ-2-c004 I~~ED 09:43 TEL: 9197336893 NAh1E: GWQ-WETLAhdpS P. 6 / When adequate space and slopes exist adjacent to the work area. JUfJ-2-2DO4 10:44 FROM:hdC DIUISIOhJ OF WATER 3367714630 T0:891973~6593 P:7%10 5.2 -Flow Dfversion Maintenance Typical Problems Step 4 --Connect the downstream diversion channel into the downstream existing channel and secure the poly-fabric liner at the connection. Step 5 -Connect the upstream diversion channel into the upstream existing channel and secure the poly fabric liner at the connection. Step 6 -Construct an imp©rvious dike in the exlsting channel at the upstream side to divert the flow into the diversion channel. Step 7 - Construct an impervious dike in the existing channel at the downstream side to isolate the work area. Stop 8 -Upon completion of the culvert construction, remove the impervious dikes and divert the channel back into the culvert. Step 9 -- Remove the poly-fabric liner and fill in the diversion channel. Step 10 ~- lAstablish vegetation on fill section and ail other bare areas. • Check the poly-fabric liner for stability during normal tlotiv • Check tht; liner for stability after each rainfall event f ' ~ i j i Q Q i I • improperly installed liners. • Filter fabric not installed (secured) properly. • l=arthen material allowed to come into contact wish water body. • There maybe certain times of the year, especially in the summer, when fabric-lined channels may cause thermal pollution. This could be a problem in trout waters during certain times of the year. North Carolina Deper;mont of Tr,~nsportatfon (3h1Ps for ConStruct(on and Mdintonancr Actw•IGiPs Aupuat2003 Pigr, 72 JUhJ-2-cO84 WED 09:43 TEL: 9197336893 NAh1E: DWQ-taIETLANDS P. 7 JUN-2-c004 10:44 FROM: NC DIVISION OF WATER 336771+630 w X '~ w m z~ z ~o U~ p- ~ W ~ W LL Q ~ ` r ^ ~ UW ~ /i fit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A ,<. ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ , ,, ,,,~~rr ``i f ~~ ~y ~ ' ~ ~ fi ~~~~ / ! te J ` a /~ fib ~y ~ ' T i. M ~~ wo -- ~ i" S ~. ~~ ~° ~ ~ ~. ~ . {~ + ~ ' ~~° t , , W ~ ~ ~~1 ~ ~ Z 1~ J X1:7 [y ~ ~ f ~ 1 ~ ~ ; ~ , v ~ ~ ~ , - .. ~. ~ '~ c . f : ~V ~ ,~ ~. ~~. t _ S ' ~f 5 , ,1` r 4 ~ l ~ ~ .",l , `' ' 4, ' ~ ( ~ wd r ~K~ 1` ~ .. ~~ y ~~. ~ ,~ ~7 z o ~ ~ ~a ~~ ~- ~ x z'_^ .. y ~ w n `. r T0: 891973368'93 P:8%1D 5.2 -- Flow biversion Lu U S W 0 a= Fw- y Cu c~ Ltj Q Y Q: O w C F- U U Z ti _~' 4 Q Z d 0 U 0 LL N Q 0 0 a a 4. 4 h LL J W ~ j~ C a ~W a 2~ Q U ~ ~ Qa 0 o~ ~o w '~ d n ~~ U uiaa N ~wc~i. ~C~7 oQ North CarallnA Depgriment of Transportation Bh1Ps for ConAtructlon dnd Maintenance Activi;los ' August 2Cg3 Page 73 JUtJ-2-20©4 IJED 09:3 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWO-WETLAtJpS P. 8 x 4 a n O ' R. C i fll m 0 ,~ W .~l --I m r w w m ao w m m r r c~ cn -D w ~rJ~- ~11f~'ltn~ ~TT'~4m r ! ~ ~ r 6t'+~~tr ~~~e~rti ~~~lDr~c. ~ r~~~ ~} lei fS! ~ ~ ~~n-1~~ -~ ,~j~ -''---____-- -~--------------------------__-------------------------------- F -Q ------------2-- --------------------------- ~ ~-------------- ~ -_-----~_-----.----- ~~ ~ ~ 1•~1 [©~] _ ~~~ ~ _ _ ,.. "- ~ -7- ' A • ~"- 1 ~ta~ ~ f~~~~4 LTDE-TDE-TDE-TDE-~DE-TDE-TD£-TGE-TCE-TCE-TCE- - DE-TDE-TDE-TDE--~~' ~ I ~ ] ~+cfile B, LteCLlator, , ~ Q.t66 ffc. Cy fl4'D ~ L'6 1712-5~s 1 ' - ~ 1 ~~~~ ~` ~lli YY ~v~~~~ ~~~ ~~>~ ~,1;+ b i~~~~~~ ~:~YliJ~U' ~r,;a + e~ ='otenc• N, ucCe~bJon L65sCNQip2-351 7 iox 1+00 DIVISION OF HIGHjYr~YS GUILrORD COUNTY PROJECT:8.U4g?IDI {U-7574AB} GREENSBORO - NESTEJZN LOOP rROi~i NORTH Or I-85 NEAR GROO,~ICTOjVN TO NO~tTH OF HIGH POINT ROAD J SHTsIIT T~Or ,~~ 5! ~3 1 C N 0 0 co uw ~i ~~ ~, ~~ m 0 ~rtc~ z ~~~ N ~~~ n~ I -s.as ~- m o - 0 ~ .A GSLiT- sawn ~` ~ Mt W ~; - .__ su wm+ ._. - _~ lUT cLtTl --I m r ~ _ ,_ w -- ,~~ 1.rf ~ r r W ~•J- ~' ~~ ~ O ~ i- ~ 0 m r r z c~ ~ ~ - 1 "D 0 ~F'l~,E{ _ "(~',•~~°rnr,~ 5E-rr4... (F~r{~ ern-td,lJ~tizr~13.+ Lhg+~~~-~+P. 5~"+ ~bs5 i r}c, Ash T~RAtW $rRG~ ! ~ 1 •1 Is'~,AN ~I~~~ ~~~~~~ ~I~'~ ~8 ~~~~~ Q ~:~~~~ ~ D ~ ~ C~or~63f~KaB7~d+D std (7 = 1 ' 1IAD B3 0b TiIZ•SIS r G~ , ~ C.~ ~ ~~~~~ DIVISION OF HIGH~TAYS : ~ GITfLFORD COUNTY PROJECI':8.U~42101 (U-2524AB) GREENSBORO - WEBTEItN LvoP FROri . NOR'FI3 OF I-SS NErilt GROOT1ETOrli~ TD I~IORTIi OF HIGi-3 P01NT ROAD SHEgT_~~ OF ~~ 6/3p103