HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030909 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20030303• V o`'~~ W A r~9~c r ~ ~ o ~ Dr. Greg Thorpe, PhD., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1548 ~ ~~ A ~ sloo fii~ ~ U ,,'"2'9I<'1, `~~,~1 ~~9~~~H February 12, 2007 Subject: Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act and Randleman Buffer rules, with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS for Proposed improvements to the Greensboro Western Urban Loop from I-85 south of Groometown Rd to south of I-4- Interchange in Guilford County, Federal Aid Project No. STPNHF-NHF-124-1-(1); State Project No. 8.U492101; WBS Elements 34820.1.8 and 34820.1.10; TIP U-2524 AB&AC. Water Quality Certification No 3435; DWQ Project No. 03-0909 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Attached hereto is a modification of Certification No. 3435 issued to The North Carolina Department of Transportation dated October 6, 2003. This modification is applicable only to the additional proposed activities. All the authorized activities and conditions of certification associated with the original Water Quality Certification dated October 6, 2003, and subsequent modifications still apply except where superceded by this certification. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director cc: Andy Williams, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Office J.M. Mills, P.E., PE, Division 7 Engineer Jerry Parker, Division 7 Environmental Officer Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission DWQ WSRO Regional Office DWQ 401 Transportation Permitting Unit N~on~,e~, Caro na Transportation Pennitting Unit / ~"~kCQ~~(~ 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-17861 FAX 919-733-689311ntemet: htta://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ~O nM Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director ILI,=~ 1`+( Division of Water Quality An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Empbyer - 50% Recycledll0% Post Consumer Paper \0~0~ V Y " r c9QG ~ r ~ _, O `~ < William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director •- Division of Water Quality _t- ~+ Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act and Randleman Buffer Rules with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS THIS CERTIFICATION is issued inconformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B.0250. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your modified application dated received February 8, 2007. All the authorized activities and conditions of certification associated with the original Water Quality Certification dated October 6, 2003 and any subsequent modifications still apply except where superseded by this certification. Should your project change, you are required to notify the DWQ and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If any additional wetland impacts, or stream impacts, for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or 150 linear feet, respectively, additional compensatory mitigation maybe required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to remain valid, you are required to comply with all the conditions listed below. In addition, you should obtain all other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. This Certification shall expire on the same day as the expiration date of the corresponding Corps of Engineers Permit. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. All other conditions written into previous Water Quality Certifications for this project still apply. 2. This modification approves the stream relocation repair plan for Site 2BA, Long Branch Relocation (Section AC) submitted by NCDOT and dated January 25, 2007. The purpose of this repair is to stabilize the stream relocation channel. 3. Construction of this stream repair shall be closely overseen by NCDOT, Natural Environment Unit, Natural Environment Engineering Group (NEU -NEEG) staff or their designee. On-site changes to the repair plan may be made by direct supervision of NCDOT, NEU-NEEG staff or their qualified designee. Upon completion of the project as-build drawings will be submitted to the Division of Water Quality. 4. Upon completion of the repair project, Randleman Buffer reforestation will occur to any disturbed areas within the originally approved reforestation area. 5. Upon completion of the repair project, stream and buffer monitoring and reporting as originally required in the October 6, 2003 Water Quality Certification will restart and continue for a period of five years. Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federa1404 and/or Coastal Area Management Act Permit. 'This Certification shall expire upon the expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. No~C hCarolina Transportation Permitting Unit ~QEllCQ~e'l,/ 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733.17861 FAX 919-733-68931 Internet: http•//h2o enr state.nc.us/ncwetlands An Equal OpporlunitylAffirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper \o~v, .h,OG _~ ~ ~ o ` -c North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition confornung to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 12~' day of February 2007 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Alan W. Klimek, P.E. ,~ Director WQC No. 3435 N'o"~`nCarolina Transportation Permitting Unit Jvatlrral~j 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-17861 FAX 919-733-68931 Internet: htto://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncvvetlands An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Y.rv ~~ ~~ ~.~~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTZVIENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR January 25, 2007 :'/~~ ~' ; ! r,;' . p~, '' .~,~nPFl~ ~c .y LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources / Division of Water Quality ~1 I ' ( n Winston-Salem Regional Office ~ a ~ U ~ v ` v 585 Waughtown St. O Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Attn: Ms. Sue Homewood NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Request for Section 401 Permit Modification for the revised stream remediation information for the proposed Greensboro Western Urban Loop, from I-85 south of Groometown Road to south of I-40 interchange; Federal Aid project No. STPNHF-NHF-124-1(1); State Project No. 8.U492101;WBS Elements 34820.1.8 and 34820.1.10; ;TIP U-2524 AB& AC. References: USACE Section 404 Individual Permit, Action ID No. 200321137 NCDWQ Section 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3435, DWQ Project No. 030909 Dear Madam: On October 30, 2003, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a Section 404 Individual Permit (Action ID No. 200321137) for the subject project. A Section 401 Water Quality General Certification No. 3435 was issued on October 24, 2003 from the N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) with the Section 404 Permit. The permit was set to expire on December 31, 2006. A permit extension for the subject project was applied for on August 4, 2006 and the permit extension was received from the USACE in a letter dated August 21, 2006. The new permit expiration date is December 31, 2007. Site 2BA, Long Branch Relocation (Section AC) of the U-2524 AB& AC permit (attached is a copy of pg. 11 of the permit application) was used as an on-site mitigation MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-715.1334 or LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPDRTATION 919-715-1335 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 2728 CAPITAL BLVD. SUITE 240 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT UNIT FAX: 919-715-5501 RALEIGH NC 27604 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 WEBSITE: INWW.NCDOT.ORG site to offset impacts associated with construction of the project. The stream channel was constructed according to the plans and water turned into the channel in early 2006. Since that time, the stream has experienced bank erosion and the channel has downcut in several locations. The Natural Environment Unit Engineering group was asked by Division 7 Construction personnel and the NCDWQ to evaluate the stream. On August 18, 2006, the Natural Environment Unit Engineering group, Division 7 Construction and the NCDWQ met on-site to determine a course of action. Based on this meeting, it was determined that the Natural Environment Unit Engineering group would prepare a repair plan. On December 18, 2006, the Natural Environment Unit Engineering group, Division 7 Construction, the NCDWQ and the USACE met to review the repair plans. Per this meeting, all parties agreed that the repair plans would address the problems with the stream relocation. Included with this letter are the proposed repair plans. The first set of repair plans are the stream remediation plans and the second set of plans are the erosion control plans. The plans include adding grade control structures, grading down inside meander beds at several locations, removing roorivads that have failed, installing stone toe protection and adjusting the alignment at the downstream end to allow a smoother transition into the culvert. NCDOT is requesting a permit modification from the NCDWQ for the revised stream remediation information. According to Mr. Monte Matthews, USACE, a permit modification is not required for the revised stream remediation information from the USACE. If you have any questions, or need additional information please contact Mr. Jamie Lancaster at (919) 715-1441. Since y, (,~{/ Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. ` Environmental Management Director, PDEA Cc: w/ attachment Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Brad Wall, P.E., Division 7 Construction Engineer Mr. Chris Kirkman, P.E., Division 7 Resident Engineer Mr. Jerry Parker, Division 7 Environmental Officer Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington Mr. Randy Griffin, Natural Environment Unit Engineering Group Mr. Monte Matthews, USACE Avoidance: • The NCDOT delineated 13.17 acres of wetlands within the 1000-foot comdor proposed for the road project. The NCDOT was able to avoid 11.85 acres of wetlands by placing the Urban Loop alignment as proposed for construction. • Wetland W 1 near I-40 as described in the EIS will be completely avoided. iVlinimizadon: • Long Branch Relocation (Section AC, Site 2BA). Of particular concern to the agencies was the proposed piping of Long Branch at the proposed Urban Loop/I-40 interchange (Section AC, Site 2BA). This impact and relocation is found on permit drawings for Section AC, Sheets 32-35 of 36, Station 101.80- L- to 12+20-Ramp D-. Due to the substantial amount of channel impacts associated with this stream, the agencies suggested the NCDOT relocate and employ natural stream channel techniques when designing the channel relocation at this site. Natural stream channel techniques has been used in the relocation design. Construction of the relocated channel will be in the dry and was included with the design plans for TIP No. U-2524BA. The decision to include construction of the relocated channel in TIP No. U-2524 BA was made to provide a new, stabilized stream channel capable of receiving water near the time of construction for TIP No. U-2524 AC as Sections BA and AC connect with one another. The NCDOT will be replanting 1.21 acres of Zone 1 (within 30 feet of the stream's top of bank) and 0.74 acres of Zone 2 (within 20 of the stream's top of bank). Vegetation to be planted includes black willow (Salix pigra), silky dogwood (Corpus amomun:), green ache (Fraxittus peppsylvapica), sycamore (Plaptus accideittalis), tulip poplar (Liriodepdrop tuliperifera), and river birch (Betula pigra). UT #3 Reddick's Creep The proposed road project has been placed on top of UT #3 Reddick's Creek (Section AB, Site 3) in order to fit between two housing developments. This impact is located on Sheets Sand 10 of 26, Station No. 34+00 to 37+10 -L-. The NCDOT has minimized impacts to the stream by relocating it south of the proposed roadway. The NCDOT could not place the stream entirely into a relocated channel due to topographic constraints on the site. Relocating the entire stream in a new channel would have led to severe cuts to, and the taking of, highly valued property to accommodate the relocation and associated floodplain. The resource agencies agreed to this minimization technique at this site. The NCDOT will be replanting 0.67 acres of Zone 1 (within 30 feet of the stream's top of bank) and 0.44 acres of Zone 2 (within 20 of the stream's top of bank). Vegetation to be planted includes black willow (Salix pigra), silky dogwood (Cor~tus amomum), green ashe (Fraxipus penrzsylvanica), sycamore (Plaptus accideptalis), tulip poplar (Liriodepdrop tuliperifera), and river birch (Betula ~tigra). All box culvert have been buried one foot. As a result there will be no impacts to aquatic life movements. Greensboro Western Urban hoop July 15,2003 Section 404/401 Permit Application Page I 1 of 17 TIP No. U-2524 AE3/AC h N f ~.Ff L .,I "* :: -~ «P~r1 ~ 913 v.. ~ ' 1- . ~ry r4-, ~ ft , 7 ,j ~~ "~ ~ c L:.1 r a~ r-~ y ~) -~ ~~~- ~ ~, ,. ~ `- '%; .-,ter ~~ . ~/ ~r. .y ~.~... rte, ~P,RO]ECT ~ ' _ fi `\ ry~ Ii!F.ACB ~ Green boin D' ~::-„~ _ ^_~ rte. ri ~... Ta 21 f-.--- ~.. , ~• f ~' t ~;~~ Y f ~, ~,~-.i. ~~ Ui s - ~~ -~ -- ~ { ~i~ ;!_ .~ _. . ,. - - ~ i~ _ ,. .~ _ VICDIQ3Y M NOT TO SC< 0 0 7J171Pd OP SHP.Ii7S ! 27778 SHEb7' lA CfkYVIiyIIOYAL SYMDOL 2 D'.JAI7S: ST.lllR1Z1770,Y u n~rreus: r~arcu caos, 3 SITSL1fARY CIP QOM'777I 1- 3 PIAN AhD PROI+I78 S$ ~~CA~'1E ®~ N®~$~C~~ ~A]~®]L~NA ~~IIIILIF~118TL- ~C~IL7~7f}Y LOCATION: U-2524 -GREENSBORO WESTERN URBAN LOOP mn mn weict swan is ~ *•.u .C U-2524BA 1 7 rtn ~._ ~~~_ ,o.,., 3l~aau ~. ,~ Mio GRAPHIC SCAL&S ~0 -15 0 30 60 PLANS -30 -15 0 30 60 PROFILE (HORIZONiAU -4 -2 0 4 8 i ~ PROFILE (VERTICALI PROJfiCT DATA STREAM REMEDIATION LENGTH = 1,986 FEET Pre~xr~ In tie Offfa d: ECI ~oeociafec .~r~ of North Carolina, II.A. SUTE 11C. lAh9YlRK CFHTEA 4l601M FCRKS AC. AALEILH, NC 176C9-5110 .ENGNEERS • RAtriEflS • ECCLCCi5T5 for Ire DIVISIO2K OF HIGIIWAYS LEffihG L19TE: 71MOTHYP.OOHOM~, PE rTCaa+.r ~m GARY At MRYtaTJ~ E1.T. BL4f.Y 1L1Gf.1C~ uFx A>aE7+al sarrranur nesmT PROJECT ENGABP.R DIVISION OF ffiGHwAYS sr~IS of NoR7a csxor.~ ~~~ DEP.!li77f!ffidi' OF 2RdNSA0RTA770N FEDERAL EIGER'AY AD,itIlYlSIR,fIIOH GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA TYPF. llF WlIRTI~ .c7'uFaA,! u>~~u>~nreTrn~-~ Noce: Norm Scale 5°9°A'J[°E ~]F N~1R~!°1H CA~b~I.~N~ I~` SU.E = Srrbrurfnce Utility 6ngGieaing '~~ ~DIVI~i~N ~Fl3IGY-IW.~~S ~ COf~lVEitlTION~4L PLAf~! SF~IEET SYMBOLS BOUNDARIES A11D PROPERTY.• State Uno County Una Township Une Gt Une -...._...._ - y Rasarvation Una .- - -.- Property Une Er'sting Iron Pin o Property Comer Property Monument 0 Pcrcel/Sequence Number m Ezating Fenw Una -x-x.-x_ Proposed Woven Wiro Fence e Proposed Chain Unk fence a Proposed Barbed wro Fonu E---- Easting Wetland Boundary ----y---- Propasad Weiland Boundary -..- Er.'sting Endangorod Anima! Boundary -w- Es'sting Endangered Plant Boundary -~+- BUIlDINGS AAD OTt~'R CULTURE.• Gcs Pump Vent or UG Tank Cap p Sign 0 s Well o Small Mine x Fcundrnion Arno Outiina ~ Cemrrtary ~'? Building LL.fJ' School ~' Church ~ Dcm XYDROLOGY.• Stroam or Body of Water Hydro, Pool or Reservoir lurudicfional Stroam Buffer Zone 1 Bu~rrar Zona 2 Flow Arrow Disappearing Stroam Snrinn Swcmp Marsh Proposed lateral, Tail, Head Ditch Fa&a Sump r-----~ L----J -u-... - -ez r -_ -.~z- ~-~`~.-~ >v m RAILROADSr Standcrd Gauge - RR Signal Milepost switch RR Abandoned - RR D'umantlad - RIGHT OF WAY.• Ctt fAMSgNfgM ~urRSO'r ss :~ Baseline Control Point Q Existing Right of Way Madcor Q Existing Right of Woy Una --- Proposed Right of Way Une --~--_ Proposed Right of Way Una with Iron Pin and Cap Marker Proposed RightaFWoy Una with Conaoto or Gronita Marker Existing GantrolofAaass - ^„ -~;-- Proposad Control of Across _ ___~~ Existing EasamorrtUne - _E-_ Proposed Temporary Constnrclion Easamarn- -E Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement- -me- Propasad PonnanarttDroinaga Ensamorrt- - -roe- Proposad PonnanarttUtility Easement -roF.- ROADS AND REI.r1TED FFATURES.• Existing Edgo of Pavement -- Existing Curb -. Proposed Slope Sfalc s Cut - - _ .~ _ _ _ Proposed Slope Stafcas Fill _ _ _ ! _ _ _ Proposed Whaol Chair Ramp Proposed Wheel Chair Ramp Curb Cut - Curb Cut for Futuro Whaol Chair Ramp - cr Existing Metal Guardrail Proposed Guardrail Existing Cable Guideroil Proposed Ca61c Guideroil Equality Symbol Paromont Removal YEGETAT70N Single Tree - Single Shrub - Hadge Woods Una - Orchard Yineyard 0 4 0 fl 4 vwrara EXISTING STRUCTURES.• MAIOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Bax Culrort ~~~ Bridge Wing Wall, Haad Wall and End Wall- ~ cac •• MINOR: Head and End Wall ~;,,~ „, Pipe Cuhnrt footbridge ~_--~ Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB bra Paved Ditch Gutter ----- Stone Sawor Manhole p Stone Sower , UI7LI77ES.• POWER: Fasting Power Polo p Proposed Power Polo Existing Joins Use Pola -p- Proposad Joint Use Polo .d. Power Manhole p Power line Tower Power Tronsfonnar 0 UG Power Cable Hand Hole H-froma Pola Recorded UG Power Uno Designated UG Powcr Uno (S.U.E.' WATER: Water Manhole p Wrnar Motor o Water Valve Wrnor Hydrant ~ Recorded UG Water Uno - Designrnod UG WafarUno (S.U.E.'}--- ----•---- Above Ground Water Une ~~c .m. N: N Satellite D'uh ~ N Pedestal N Tower USG N Cable Hand Hole Recorded UG N Cable ~.- Designated UG N Cable (S.U.E.') ----~ Recorded UG Fiber Optic Cable -~• n Dasignrnod UG FiborOptic Cable (S.U.E.'J- ----~•~~ GAS: Gas Vahre Q Gas Meter Recorded UG Gas Une ~- Dosignrnad UG Gas Una (S.U.E.')- ----~---- Aboro Ground Gos Una "` `°' SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sower Manhole 0 Sanitary Sewer Cloanout 0 UG Sanitary Sewer Una -„- Above Ground Sanitary Sower „~ f~„Q„„„ TEU:PHONE: Rawrdod SS Forced Main Una -,,,_ Existing Telephone Polo -G- Designrned 55 Forced Main Una (S.U.E.') - ---_n,_ Proposed Telephone Pole .0. Telephone Manhole 8 MISCEUANEOUS: Telephone Bornh p Utility polo Telephone Pedestal m Utility Pole with Bose 0 ~ Telephone Cell Tower ,i, Utility located Object UG Telephone Cable Hand Hole ® Utility Traffic Signal Box ~ Retarded U-G Telephone Cable ~ Utility Unknown UG Une Dosignrnod UG Telephone Cable (S.U.E.')- --- -~---- USG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil Reconled UG Telephone Conduit R- AEG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil Designated UG Telephone Conduit(S.U.E.'t- --- -n---- U,G TestHola (S.U.E.') Recorded UG Fiber Opfia Cable - ~ ~a- Abandoned Aaording 1o Utility Rewrds - ~ AATUR Designated UG fiberOptia Cable (S.U.E.'j- --- -~~<--- End oflrrfonnation E.0.1. ..101A_uSYM.dgn.dgn 1115!20074:21:10 PM rt~vmoru ~ 1A 1A 6A116ill1 sAX1411(L 51NIffIAI. YIQIH I WeiX I WOM xYm JD' POOL BUR7SOUlD8l97 BElAYlsED ~~ RiFFIE RIFFIE wTEA4L• s'XOAL THIU01ES9 Nf1L GRADED YR OF 607E CIASS A IR4161770NE ArmzT56waswo G~ PFFLE EIOTEON OF ~F~ J LTER wwaal i -~{ FASwc SECTION A-A uP7iti<AY Elm aF SGEiI VANGS, 10:1' N7 N TO sAXKA wX1YUY OF f AT ELEYAliOX OF iC A80VE BED I ~' I r FLICW I ~A RrllE wTFAIAL l C XOw 1HICq¢S9 Vfll cRAGmYxofY7z QA89 A7116167 BTIWf; AX07.S14 YFD. SANG IE/~DEA Roa rT~AYEXG~SGTxwXas, IEYFAXG N 10 sAKKA YI70A-I aF rAT7N ELEYAnwEaIAiTG sAXlouu PLAN VIEW FEY M YANE TO BAA9( wKYU4 CFf ATAM E1fYATICN EOUAlTO LL OR SLX:HiLY STATgN E1FVA110X ARY LENGTH n.n ea66 v iSN7 5513 ~ 1e.n e+/3 u NNb 1965 73 zHU euo ~ FIEADEA ROp(,TYP. SETH&SDElt ROaf BAa( 6EE PRCFIlE FOR AYWWIAE OF IA WO7H FLOIY FIEVATION OFTHE FOQIFI3 ROCK 6ALIFIlL, TTP. 1517farE I FAGVATED Pall ICNYUY. I FO(EiFA ROG(TYP. 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AnYE na. w,awnx aN7EA A16q 9x Favxs RO, ~~ ~EMOYaERS• 11609-SN1 Pl1xNEAS ~ EC40pST5 CqR F7sFA wT7W0 - wlrnNUE 1r ccYHSDEe wsroXETOE diOfa:TTk'PRQIECTION MACE 1ACFSPECF~® l7DNE Br30WTTE EASi1N(i GRADE AT THE TOE OF BlC7E~ STONE TOE STABILIZATION sovE: Xrs CIRECifON oFF1.ow wmXa ~~~~ ~N~Oi roXrcartEru / f- ~ AF ,~ COM F13ET5 (~) wmMG eAaff6L -, N+a~GRa r cENrEra,9~ TO NVAE1wm~ r cEXTER _-._~S _.---• NTRFNCF - wmncsHALL~ FSACFD M TREwa ANO sAC1~LLEG atREAY IED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION COIR FIBER MATTING DETAIL XurTGSUUE SCENiER9~ - ANCHa78 T YM rxrOVir.n NOOOEN QfAIE ~~ u' N SiEc1 ReXFCRCa6ExreAa u' ANCHOR OPTIONS t W AREASTO sE WTIED, ALLSED71Nq sal carN~Aaw~7Hnt ~YPR~nrF~cr IPEaRanaa PR1Qi TO PIACBIE7Ei aF a]IR ZR~mw w1Y~BE USED W NArE aF noGOE79 BTAAES A8 C9RECTED ST1HE ENGItFIIl ..102 uCDT.dgn 1/15120074:22:18 PM ~I Imo- e' a1EREArarn PLAN VIEW TYP. CHANNEL SECTION. REFER TO TYPICAL AS NECESSARY TO RE-GRADE UNSTABLE RIFFLElRUN SECTIONS TYP. POOL SECTION. REFER TO TYPICAL WHEN DIRECTED TO GRADE BACK ON 3:1 as ~- ae as ORIGINAL DESIGN REMEDIAL DESIGN W=14.4ft W=16.Oft A=20.7ft~ A=26.6ftZ WID=10.0 W1D=9.6 dmaz=2.Oft dmac=2.5ft 4=~~ Q=120cfs rwnrnwow.nwoEt amngxrasr~:~rnow awn on sra i e~ax snuauec d„ =1.011AI dy=28AW d~ = 5.1 MM dN =17.7 AW ae=27.7AW ..102a uCDT.dgn 1115!2007 4:22:56 PM ..,, ~. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES BELT. QUANTITY UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION 000 1 l9 YCOILIUiSON 901 1 L8 OONSTRUCTICN SUflYEY 228 1 L8 GRAOINO 1005 3 TON 29 FINE AG3flEfL1TE J YEOSU91 BAVO 1005 100 TCN N0. 57 STONE 1042 60 TCN RIP RAP, CLASS A 1042 TS TCN pIP PAP, OLA53 a 1042 170 TOV AIP PlP, CIASS 1 iD42J8P 200 TCN STONE, 60ULDEp 1050 800 3Y FILTER FAEAIC FCA DRAINAGE, TYPE 2 1880 2 AC HATIYE GRA93 SEEDING AND ~l1LCNINO 1820 2 AC TEIIPCRAHY SEEDING 1881 50 LB SEED FOA REPAIR SEEOINO 1881 0.25 TOY FEATILI2FA FOR pEPASR BEEOING 1852 80 La 9EE0 FCfl SUPPLEYEttTAL 8EEOINO 1885 0.78 TOY FERTILIZER TOPCRE59IN0 1805 730 LF TEL'POAARY SILT FENCE loss 1 L9 DIVERSION Plx:pING 3P 4 EA SPECIAL 9TILLSM1O B13IN 1830 65 CY SILT EXCAYATIOY BP BOD SY COIp FIBER WT SUMMARY OF EARTHWORK pN CU&C YARDS) SITE EXCAVATION 700 CY SITE EMBANKMENT 200 CY NET WASTE 500 CY NOTE: ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE APPROX151ATE. CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY ALL QUANT1TlE5 TO HIS OWN SATISFACTION. NO SHRINKAGE FACTOR INCLUDED. 103_uCSQ.dgn 1/15!2007 4:23:26 PM ~~ s ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ O ~~~ µ~~11 ~~~ N _v, 8I1~ ~~ ~~~ ~ soap e~ ;';~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~Q i; ;; ~~`. ;;,,, ,~ ~,; ; ;; ~~;~, ~~ F ~S p~ i yI Y O w ~~ ~~ ,;~~ ~ ~ ~ / 5 w ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ 0 0 rn ....l.....i....i..... _ ... i.._....i_.. ........1...': O ....:........:.... :....:. _ ....... ~.. ..: : . .., ... ...! ... .... i.... : .... ....i~ ~ i i '• .... c... i....i. ._ ..>.... i...... . ....i.... J.... 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Dr.;nr__________ T'-' ~ Ri B d ~ . .<r . n _ _ j .~~i 1650.02 S;It B.d, Trc< B_-- ---------•- -- -_`~- 1635.01 T.mper.,r R.<k Silt CL«k Trp.-A___. .~ T,mp...rr Re<k S8t C6«k Tpp.-B____ _D 1656A1 T<mper.n Re<k S<d;m<.t D.. Tpp.-A_ _____ 165/.02 T.Ap...rT R.<k S<d;me,t D.m Tppe-b_ R} 1655.01 1655 02 R.<k P;pe I,Lt Sedfm.,t Tr.p Trw-A_ __CC_VV___ . R.ck Pix (nlrt S<dim<,t Tnv Trp.•B__ _~ 165aa st;lli,, B..i----------------------- -- 165201 Tppe n----------------------- ----A® 1652.02 Trp`B----•------------------ ----8~ 16w.03 TTF• C-------------- Skimmer B------------------------- ----~ GI>?APHIC SCALE 0 PLANS PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 0 PROFILE (VERTICAL) nuuuws 6Yi7R0.WirStTAL 01101' DIFISrOY CIP HlGxwAYS S7AI8 OA xORTE CMOlC1A Prepore? !n th CY/la dt ROADSIDE ENVIRONMENTAL UNIT' r so.,- wuel.i,o. s,. R.1~1~~, xc irarr ZOOb STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ~•4 8aoded Dredoq 1Lr k0onho( radxq e,odeSt r qq.v !o "Aood+rq 6mded ]hmioy'- Bo,d,rq Dr{yt Udt- ~. G D.petm~nvpomt{m ' RI.{!+, K. C. dmd rdr 15, 45Cd nd t5.1mt ~ a ggliorbl. m dir TeoJeot and 4T rdeww 6eebp m sodded ~ yet d 1605.01 TeapeepE~Frm, 1650.06 BowWBrW^'mlBre 1607A1 Ceewl C'm,euelaa Paaou 1611,01 7eeimq Boi &.t CLrk 7pp, A REVISIONS ~CI Aaaociatee ~` of North Caro~ina, P.A. SUTE 220. UNaWPk [ENTER IL 66tl Slx FOPXS RXLE'ON, NC 27609-5210 •ENOwEERS•MNNERS •ECOLOg5T5 u2524 51Tc CONTROL POINTS Polnt Norkq E,ero Ei+axT Davsom tm 91ax1lalo tT23279.9w;d 81974 Krrnap taT 91T191.C99 trx9rsTaa 9L197A JG."Y. tat 7Ca 617117,0132 11Sl181.4291 991.9! IC~ta3 7G HS1i.1151 177S7Ti.4T[8 67aA1 KOkIC1 _ _ -'' - _ NOYA7RJ19HAll Bc-PERFORMED INCAEA9"c MEAHO^Rc - , ~ X665_ CN IA:RUTARY AT 9TA1aK0 OUE PAO;U9 OF CURYATL'RE•17 FT - ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ T090FTBcD RCCKPR:JENi r ` ~ : _' _ - - _` ~ CRAC"TOl1 &OPE CN - , - 660 _' - ~ - INNEd fl~VYC9. I ~ - ~ _ _ - L.CMEq CR.UE TO ' / r r//'~ - ~~ PRO7ECi10HN~41~99f8LE CP-rATE FLCCC MAID 11q/ / ~ ~ . - - ITPANelLONFROMl9A1TO99Ae1 1111\/~/2 X ~~ .. .\~~\\ ` K~~. 1G 111161 1 1 /1~' _5~-,,;=__=r'-'~ ~~~~. 1111111 SIC/ ~ I - _:_ - ~~"~ ~ ~pOgnNp gC~ 6MCEBACKEX19T1N0 \ L @ ~ '_ ~ 65~ - - , a - - - ' - ~' ~),- - ~ 1 \\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ BFDfl00K1417EZiA1 , ' . -_ . -_-__ , BANKB TO A!a BLAPE ~~ --- \ \~ ~/ \\\\~ ~'~ '~ 5 '651.551. ~11~`~ :~~,'_=_=_9o't1=__-_: _--- _= - / / ~~ / rr -- \ - / •854.5 1 11 ~-?Y~' -d5g===-~=.~' \ ~ `-:.'\\ ~ \ ~. .~ ~ ,. 1'51.5 I I ~ /i ~ W / "n n - _ - '_ NOTE PIAGE TFAIPOAARY ROCK SILT CHEQ(S TTPCtiA AT DMINAGE OUflETS. END PROP09E0 G;N9TRUCTEO - PIFFLE WiiH fl00K W^N57R;CiDR PAOIKT 99GENCF N0. SHEFT N0. U-25248A EC-2 MEANCEH PRO7EC1iCR ~ REMOVE ROOTYUD9AN0 BOULCER9 R_v110N Ew9i1NU DRiJNAOE // INSTALL CR039 VAN~PPICR TO MEANDER O~~H TPO~IHLTFRbu'T STREAM B1AnrLIZE SANK Y.TTi1 REMOVEp 90L'LOER9. ~ ~~ .855;-i' ' '~ ter,///~/!,,..; RE,WvNFJ09TN0OfWNAO=DITCH ~ - ~~-- I "`. //Irr /~ ~~\ I~~ 1 ~~~ // , \~ \` /.~ _ \~ ~ i4//r '~~~:' TO INTERSECT 9TP`.A41 AfTE9 POOL - - ~ / / 9 ` \\\ ` f.. r / \ - / ~ \ ~ \\ /i/ „p, /~ . ~ r / , , r RAOW9 Cf NRJANRE•iT Fi --. 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RE-0RMEBANK ,~^ RE-0fUCE UTEJUL flifl TO MAIMAlN OIiC'cR TOc PROTEOTION ~~ DANNlwE P;x'9TAaL19H POOL GUOE, PJFFLE P1RN BEOUENCE {E;Gi1VATE PCOLAAEy -30 -15 0 30 60 t 1 GJIAPHIC 5CA1E 856 _ 852 848 844 840 836 10- PgCFAE CONiROLLFO ,. k;`.-:' RE<9TAuU9H POOL OI.IDE RFFL~ RUN &pUEHGE (EXCAVATE POCLAAE/r) BECiN PROPOSED CCN9}MJCTED A~PrLF VMH ROCK CON9TR1CiDR ,- r r --'--~-_'-_~__ r r , , __ . 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(^^ I` N 0 u .. saz ~' y° / -•o ~~ -~ •~ P--~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF T~ANSPORTATTON MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR August 4, 2006 US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615-6814 Attn: Mr. Todd Tugwell NCDOT Coordinator, Division 7 LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY o ~~ ~Ov a~i~ n ~s~ ~~ ~, D T <A~as~~°~STChr,~~ ~ri:~ ~~6 ,gT~RB ~'Cy Subject: Application for Modification to Section 404 permit for the Western Outer Loop from North of I-85 near Groometown Road to North of High Point Road and from North of Norfolk Southern Railroad to I-40 Interchange; Greensboro, Guilford County, State Work Order Number 8.U492101; WBS Elements 34820.1.8 and 34820.1.10; TIP U-2524AB and AC, Division 7. Reference: USAGE Section 404 Individual Permit, Action ID No. 200321137 Dear Sir: On October 30, 2003, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) issued a. Section 404 Individual Permit (Action ID No. 200321137) for the subject project. A Section 401 Water Quality General Certification No. 3435 was issued on October 24, 2003 from the N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) with the Section 404 Permit. Within the USAGE Section 404 Individual Permit is the Woodlyn Way Stream Mitigation Section as (pg. 5). This section (aa) reads as follows: The permittee shall mitigate for 381 linear feet of impacts to stream channel associated with this project with 1,1501inear feet of stream restoration and 45 linear feet of stream enhancement, as described in the "Woodlyn Way Stream Mitigation Plan, Guilford County, North Carolina", dated January 2002 (Action ID 200220514). The permittee shall complete the construction and planting at the Woodlyn Way Mitigation Site concurrently with the construction of TIP U-2524 AB and AC. Attached is a copy of page 5 of the Individual Permit with the Woodlyn Way Stream Mitigation Section aa. MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTI~tENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPNENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT UNR 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 TELEPHONE: 919.715-1334 or 919-715-1500 FAX: 919-715-5501 WEBSlTE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG LOCATION: 2728 CAPITAL BLVD. SURE 240 RALEIGH NC 27604 The North Carolina Department Of Transportation proposes to extend the expiration date of the U-2524 AB & AC Individual Permit (Action ID Number 200321137) to December 31, 2007. The current permit expires December 31, 2006. The request for extension is needed to construct the Woodlyn Way Stream Mitigation site per Special Condition aa. The Woodlyn Way Stream Mitigation Site is being constructed under a separate Purchase order (P.O.) contract. The P.O. contract has been awarded for construction. The completion date for the P.O. contract is February 1, 2007. The planting will be completed by March 15, 2007. The roadway is scheduled to be completed by July 1, 2007. NCDOT elected to wait until the end of the roadway construction to construct the Woodlyn Way site in order that the so adjacent roadway fill slopes could be stabilized with vegetation. Regulatory Approvals Application is hereby made for the modification of the Section 404 Permit from the USACE. We anticipate this project will retain the 401 General Water Quality Certification and are providing two copies of this application to NCDWQ, for their review. " If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Ms. Susan Thebert at (919) 715-1461. Sincerely, ~~Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ (2 Copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Ms. Kathy Matthews, USEPA Mr. Ronald Mikulak, USEPA -Atlanta, GA Mr. Clarence W. Coleman, P.E., FHWA Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Dr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. J. M. Mills, P.E., Division 7 Engineer Mr. Jerry Parker, Division 7 Environmental Officer w/o attachment Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, P. E., Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, P.E., Highway Design Mr. Drew Joyner, PDEA Project Planning Engineer Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington .~ acceptable to the Corps of Engineers. The annual monitoring reports, as required, will include the status of the conveyance efforts. y. The pennittee shall not sell or otherwise convey any interest in the wetland mitigation properties used to satisfy mitigation requirements for this permit, to any third party, without 10 days prior notification to Wilmington District Corps of Engineers in writing, which writing shall reference this permit Action ID number. z. Any sale, lease, or other conveyance of the wetland mitigation site properties shall include restrictions on the use of the properties as described in condition w. above, which conditions shall be enforced by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Such restrictions shall include language providing for third party enforcement rights in favor of the Corps of Engineers. Such restrictions must be approved by the Corps of Engineers prior to conveyance. WOODLYN WAY STREAM MIITGATION aa. 'The permittee shall mitigate for 381 linear feet of impacts to stream channel associated with this project with I,1501inear feet of stream restoration and 45 linear feet of stream enhancement, as described in the "Woodlyn Way Stream Mitigation Plan, Guilford County, North Carolina", dated 3anuary 2002 (Action ID. 200220514). The permittee shall complete the construction and planting at the Woodlyn Way Mitigation Site concurrently with the construction of TIP U-2524AB and AC. TICK CREEK STREAM MITIGATION bb. The petmittee shall mitigate for 2,095 linear feet of impacts to stream channel associated with this project with 2,946 linear feet of stream restoration and 3,733 linear feet of stream preservation, as described in the "Stream Mitigation Plan, Tick Creek, Condoret Property, Chatham County, North Carolina", dated September 2002 (Action ID. 200320295). The permittee shall complete the construction and planting at the Tick Creek Mitigation Site by December 31, 2004. UT BEAR CREEK STREAM MITIGATION cc. The permittee shall mitigate for 1,145 linear feet of impacts to stream channel associated with this project with 1,806 linear feet of stream restoration, as described.in the "UT Bear Creek Mitigation Plan, Chatham County, North Carolina", dated 3une 2003 (Action ID. 200320314j, to the extent necessary to provide the required mitigation. The permittee shall complete all the construction and planting at the UT Bear Creek Mitigation Site, by December 31, 2004. q 9Ad "t STAif y"R4.. ~~//\~~~~/ ~~, 4~~ ~~~ ~~ V sr ~ ~ ~ ~ ,$~ ~O STATE of NORTH CAROLINA `1~~ o F%~, I.9 - ~ j DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Ta~~~oU ~o,;~ ~, DZICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO~R~~FyPETT GOVERNOR .SECRETARY July 13, 2005 NC Division of Water Quality Mr. Steve W. Tedder Water Quality Regional Supervisor 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1650 Subject: Greensboro Western Urban Loop State Project No: 8.U482101 TIP No: U2524 AB/AC DWQ No: 030909 Dear Mr. Tedder: Thank you for your letter of June 28, 2005. NCDOT Resident Engineer Chris Kirkman and Division Environmental Officer Jerry Parker have fully investigated the details of the incident that prompted the call to Sue Homewood on June 9, 2005. A meeting is being scheduled with the Contractor's upper management to discuss our findings and mutually take steps necessary to ensure permit and environmental compliance on this project. I wilt advise you on our course of action after this meeting. NCDOT also appreciates its relationship of open communication with your Division and your support and assistance in these very important matters. Sincerely, J. .Mills, P.E. ivision Engineer BW:dlm cc: Mr. Steve Varnedoe, P.E. Mr. Bill Rosser, P.E. Ms. Sue Homewood, DWQ Mr. Jerry Parker Mr. Chris Kirkman, P.E. P. O. Box 14996, Greensboro, NC 27415-4996 Telephone No. (336) 334-3192 Fax No. (336) 334-3637 ~ W q TF Michael F. Easley, Governor O~0 9pG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources \ ~ ~ Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director > y Division of Water Quality ~ ~ Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality June 28, 2005 Mr. J.M. Mills, P.E. Division Engineer, Division 7 North Carolina Department of Transportation PO Box 14996 Greensboro, North Carolina, 27415 Subject: Greensboro Western Urban Loop State Project No: 8.U482101 TIP No: U-2524 AB/AC DWQ No: 030909 Dear Mr. Mills: On Thursday, June 9, 2005, Mr. Jerry Parker, Division Environmental Officer for NCDOT Division 7, contacted Sue Homewood, Division of Water Quality (Division) regional staff, to report offsite sediment loss and stream impacts as a result of actions taken on the Greensboro Western Urban Loop project. Mr. Parker reported that the contractor on the site had desired to dewater an area of the construction site in order to continue working. The contractor created a ditch from the saturated area to a silt basin adjacent to a stream. The volume of water and sediment caused the silt basin to fail and sediment was transported to an unnamed tributary to Bull Run (DWQ Subbasin 17-5-(1), WS-IV). Mr. Parker reported that the sediment had been removed from the stream by hand, the silt basin had been cleared and rebuilt, and the area had been re-established to prevent sediment transport. On June 13, 2005, Sue Homewood visually inspected the site with Jerry Parker. Mr. Parker provided Ms. Homewood with photographs taken by NCDOT at the time the situation was discovered. Discussions took place on-site detailing the timeline of what had occurred. At the time of inspection the area had been properly repaired and the stream showed evidence of re- stabilization. Mr. Parker was informed that no further action was necessary at the time. Please note that if future situations should arise, prompt notification to Division should be a clear priority and in-stream work should not occur without prior Division approval. The accumulation of sediment or settleable solids in the stream channel is a violation of 15A NCAC 02B .0211(3)(c). This regulation states: "Floating solids; settleable solids; sludge deposits: only such amounts attributable to sewage, industrial wastes or other wastes as will not make the water unsafe or unsuitable for aquatic life and wildlife or impair the waters of any designated uses." .~*~ N. C. Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (919) 733-1786 Customer Service: 1 800 623-7748 Mr. J.M. Mills, P.E.. June 28, 2005 DWQ #03-0909 Page 2 These severe impacts to the stream also represent the removal of best usage. Specifically, 1: NCAC 2B .0211 (1) states: "Best Usage of Waters. Aquatic life propagation and maintenan biological integrity (including fishing and fish), wildlife, secondary recreation, agriculture a~ any other usage except for primary recreation or as a source of water supply for drinking, culinary or food processing purposes." NCDOT should take all appropriate actions to investigate all the details of this situation. Th constituted the fourth instance of permit non-compliance and water quality regulation violati since February 2004 within this project. NCDOT shall take all necessary steps to ensure tha contractor acting under NCDOT authority is acting in a manner to ensure continual environmental compliance. If the Division can assist in any way, please let us know. The Division appreciates the open communication that occurred during this situation. We lc forward to continued communication and assistance on this, and future projects. If you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Sue Homewood at 336-771-4600 extension 287 or at sue.homewood@ncmail.net. Sincerely, Steve W. Tedder Water Quality Regional Supervisor CC: Jerry Parker, NCDOT, Division 7 DEO Chris Kirkman, NCDOT Division 7, Resident Engineer DWQ, Winston-Salem Regional Office Wetlands 401 Unit Water Quality Central Files W ~u~ o ~ 2005 DENR - WADER (1UA~I`(Y yyETLANDS AND STORMWAI'FR BRANCH 03-05-'05 19:37 FFUM-Div of to'ater Quality 3367714630 T-340 POGZ/007 D-993 1 ~d y,. V'o~~ ~ ~6 i'~i :{`y f.; 39.E .'i;_ . STA'I'D or NORTH CAI20LINA ~ ,' ~ ~~~. ~.~. ~~_, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1~IICHI;AL F. EASLEy LYNDO 'I'IPPLIT G ovl:IUVOIi SLCI2LrAI2Y February 22, 2005 PROJECT: 34820.3.19 & 34820.3.20 (U-2524AB/AC) F. A. NO.: NI-IF-124-1(12), NHF-124-1(13) CON'I'I~ACT NO.: 0200940 COUNTY: Guilford DESCRIPTION: Greensboro Western Loop from North of I-85 near Groometown to SR 1541 (Wendover Avcnuc) MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Mike Mills, P.E. Division Engineer FROM: C. D. fu2-lcrnan, P.E /' Resident Engineer C_..~ SUI3JEC'I': Encroachment of Buffer Zone (U-2524AB-Permitted Sites 3 & 4) "this letter will serve as a concise sulnm~try describing the premature encroachment in the buffer zone (Sta. 34+20 to Sta. 36+80 -I,- left), provicliug augttlented protocol with the Contractor & NCDOT, and outlining continued colnl2titment to envu-onmental stewardship along the project's corridor. On Jarlualy 26, 2005 ilie Area Roadside Environmental Engineer, Barry Elarringtor2, performed the monthly assessment of Erosion & Sedimentation Control along the project. During the review, it was discovered tYlat the left Side buffer zone contiguous of the unnamed tributary of Reddicks Creek #~3 was cleared and g2-ubbed. Fortunately silt fence was installed along the bank resulting i21 Ito impact to the stream. On January 27,2005 corrective actio2l was taken by seeding & mulching the cleared area. Mr. John Thomas (Corps of EI1g1nCCI'S) & Jerry Parker (DEO) reviewed the site on Jttnuary 28,2005 anti collfinned that no impacts occurred to the stre~u22. Sue IIornewood with llW(~ reviewed the site on February 1, 2005 with representatives of NCDO"I'. 1•IAP.-2-E[1Ei5 WED 10:33 TEL: 919733b893 NAh1E: DWQ-WETLAIJDS P. 2 1~3-05-' 05 19:37 FFGf•9-Div of t~'ater t~uality 3367714630 T-34'~ PG03/1~07 U-993 Page 2 J.IVI. IVIi11s,I'E Sue Homewood took several pictures while walking the site grid slated a response would be sent within one week. It was discussed that the buffer area would be abandoned and become a roadway fill section upon completion of t:he adjacent streanr relocation. Upon a myriad of interviews with Contraeloz-s (Prune-Archer Western), Subcontractors (Silt I' ence-Carolina Environmental/Clear & Grubbing= Triangle Grading), Inspectors (Silt I;enee/Clearing & Gnrbbing/ Project Oversight), & Survey Party it has become apparent that fire cause of the encroaclunerrt was due to poor communication of all parties. The following will provide the progression of events relating to the buffer encroachment: 1. Vicwin~ of the buffer prior to adjacent work occun•ed on December 20,2004-. Those in attendance was the Project Superurtendent (Archer Western), Project Inspector (CEI-TT4), az><d Senior Assislarrt Resident (TE2-NCDOT). The mutual decision was to clear & grubb only the area where the stream relocation overlaps witYrin the buffer zone. (Sta. 34-+00 To Sta. 34+60 -L- left). The clearing & gnrbbing operation would terzrunate at the temporary construction access crossing the stream. 2. The Project Inspector met onsite with Inspector A (CEI-TT 1) to discuss fire installation of the silt fence on December 20, 2004. 3. "The Project Inspector met onsite with Inspector B (CEI-'IT1) to discuss the clearing and gnrbbirig at all unspecified date according to Inspector B. 4. Inspector B tvas responsible for inspecting ttivo (2) cle~u-ing crews along the project and did not inform or alert the Project Inspector of fire buffer encroachment. The dates of the cleru-u1g arrci l;rubbirrg were January 6.7,10, & 11, 2005. 5. Inspector A was responsible for the installation of silt fence during the dates of January 5 & 6, 2005. A section (St:~. 35+00 To Sta. 36+60 -L- left) of the silt fence was insiailed in the incorrect location along the stream bank. The fence became necessary due to tyre encroachment of the buffer zone. The augmented protocol will provide effective communication of all parties working in pcrrrutted buffer areas. Please refer to attaclunerrt "A" for the Contractor's protocol & Attachment "B" for NCDOT representative's protocol. Upon consideration of all factors contributing to the encroachnrezit, realigzzment of fire inspection staff will occur to provide a more effective inspection team to promote project environmental compliance. h1AR-2-c~~5 6JED 1©:33 TEL: 9197336893 P~lAh1E:DWCJ-WETLAt~aDS P. 3 03-05-' 05 19:37 FF~0['9-Div of eater Quality 3367714630 T-340 P004/007 U-993 Page 3 J.M. IVIi11s,PE Our project has many successes in Environrzzezltal Stewardship, wlzicll has been recognized by DEIINR Land (duality Section, DWC~, and the Sediment. Control Commission. My office continues to be conunitted to environmental excellence by training all staff in environmental compliance, monitoring the project after rainfall events (> 1 /4") with completion of a report, discussing; environmental issues in daily & monthly staff meetings, arzd conzpilh~g a weekly erosion control inspection list for timely correction. The NCDOT representatives continue to approach environmental matters with open conznzurzicaiions on all aspects by providing full disclosure & timely resolution. If you have any questions, please advise. CllK/cdlc cc: Ellis Powell, Jr. , PE Jerzy Parker, DCO B , 1-larrington ue Homewood (DWG) File h1AR-2-c^005 l•~ED 10:34 TEL: 9197336893 t•1AhiE: D~dQ-(1lETLA~IDS P. 4 03-05-' 05 19.38 FPGI9-Div of tdater Quality 3367714630 T-3417' PG06/007 U-993 Attachment "13' NCDU'T REPKIh%SEN"1'A1'1VL'S YKU"1'000L Attendance: Lynn Crisman, James White, Ket Yham, Charlie Jones, Shane Morton. Roger Smith. Scott Cherry, & Chris ICirlcman (Discussed info with inspectors on 2/11/05 <i? 2pm) t . Hist<~rV- Environmental Compliance -Commitment 8r Right thing to do 2. Daily Inspection of Sitc ##3 tar complete a report for file 03-05-' 05 19, 38 F130f9-Div of hater Quality 3367714630 T-349 POG5/OCt7 U-993 Ar.~acnment ..A" G;ViV'1'KA[/'1'UK'S YKU'1'000L Wetland /Permitted Area Access Procedure This procedure addresses the methods that must be utilized to allow access within the boundaries of a Permitted Area. A permitted area is defined as a location on the project deemed as a wetland, live stream or body of water. These areas are delineated on the project by placement of Orange Fencing. ABSOLUTELY NO ACCESS IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE ORANGE FENCED AREA OF THE PROJECT BY ANY PERSON, FOR ANY REASON, UNTIL THE FOLLOWING PROCEEDURE IS COf~1PLETED. The procedures are intended to be a communication method to prevent unauthorized access into a permitted area. !t is all of our responsibility to adhere to the guidelines, and instruct our employees to the level of detail necessary to insure that all are knowledgeable of the methods that are to be used. I can not stress enough the importance of the responsibility of all persons involved with this project that the proper procedures are followed. There will now be a continuous monitoring of permitted areas to the extent that daily inspections may be done. DO NOT BE THE COMPANY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS PROJECT RECEIVING A VIOLATION. PROCEDURE Initial Area hlcetinn VIEWING Attendance by one of the following Archer Western Supervision must be present. Daniel Lieberman (336-362-1299) Donny Anderson (336-362-2209) S-~ ~ ~,~`.~ Todd Gavitt (336-362-1976) Matt Curtiss(336-362-1796) (It is the responsibility of any subcontractors needing access to an individual wetland to schedule a Viewing and be present). At the VIEWING, detailed instructions will be discussed as to the allowable access within the boundaries of the permitted area. PAY ATTENTION - THIS IS WHERE WE GET IN TROUBLE. ONLYthe methods discussed at tho VIEWING are to be used. If tho method does not work -STOP. If someone else directs your work other then the 4 people listed -STOP Any questions ar unsure of the method -ASK THEN: CONTACT ONE OF THE FOUR PEOPLE ABOVE FOR APPROVAL OF THE CHANGED METHOD. THlS PROCEEDURE CAN NOT BE h10DIF#ED. FINALLY -ALWAYS REMEMBER: THE FIVE ACTIONS TO PREVENT NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS 1. Install and Maintain Erosion and Sediment Control Measures According To Tha Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. 2. talodify Size and Location of Erosion and Sediment Measures for a Specific Condition (VIEWING) 3. Apply Mulch and Seed to Cover Bare Soil and Exposed Areas. 4. Establish with Orange Fence and MAINTAIN the BUFFER ZONES ADJACENT TO 5TREAh1S 5. 1Cer_p All Equipment out of Streams Unless Permitted During A Viewing. h1AR-2-20D5 t-lED 1©: 34 TEL: 9197336893 t~Ah1E: DtJQ-WETLAhJDS P. 5 03-05-'05 19;33 FFGM-Div of ~~'ater Quality 3367714630 T-34J PGG6/OD7 U-993 Attacriincnt "13" PICDUT REYItF:S]N%[V"1'Pl'1'1V1t;'S YKU`1'U(;UL Attendance: Lynn Crisman, Jaimes White, Ket Pham, Charlie Jones, Shane Morton, Roger Sll~lth, Scott Cherry, & Chris i{irkrnan (Discnsscd info with inspectors on 2/11/05 ~ 2pm) 1. Hist~ry- Environmental Compliance -Commitment & 1Zight thing to do 2. Daily Inspection of Sitc ##3 t~ complete a report for file 3. C,on)ntrlnirliioli a. Site Review of Permitted Area i. All parties required to attend: 1. Prune, Subcontractors (operators), Inspector of each operation, `~- ~ • both Project Inspectors, Asst. Resident(Altl:)/Resident s .~ Engincer(RE) 2. Review permit & pl~uis onsite 3. Insure understanding of all parties ii. Day before entry of permitted area 1. Alert Assistant Resident & Resident Engineer for approval 2. Review onsite w/ PI & ARE/RE iii. During work adjacent permitted ~u-ea 1. D~iily follow up by Project. Inspector (effective presence;) & infonrr Asst. Resident 2. Follow up by Asst. Resident & Resident Engilu.er 3. Inspectors "raise the ilsrtf" immediately with concerns a. Escalation Process (NCDO"I') i. Izispcctor->Project Inspector->Asst. Resident- >DEO->(Agencies)->Roadsidc Envir.-> Resident Engineer->Division Const. Engineer->Division Engineer->Constructiolr Unit 4. Expect immediate escalation of concerns b. Project Inspector -FAX drily olx~raticns form to Asst. Resident by 830arn & trlcrt of work of permitted areas c. Barry 1fal•rington(REU), Senior EC Inspector or PI, alrcl Prime Rep. (Jay Mucllcr) to review erosion control on monthly basis. Ride together and discuss issues to promote effective communication. ci. Jay Mueller (Prime Rep.) will coordinate all subcontractors' work for erosion control. IIe Will SCrve aS the Erosion COIltrol COOrdinator. c. Project Inspector & Senior Erosion Control Inspector shall communicate t}ic daily progress of erosion control and work adjacent permitted areas. 4. DWG t.etter (2/7/05) - Monitoruig & twining 5. lVionitorin(; Forms (Stream & Discharge Points) a. Completion of the form (1 day after event) >=1/~ inch r~unfail 6. Senior Erosion Control Insnect~r ~. Expectations i. Effective Presence on project ii. Corlrpletioli of EC inspection report every tvicek iii. Alert the PI/ARE immediately (with 4 days elapse of %C list) if appears the list will Trot be completed Within 7 calendar days. Iv. "As Built" Erosion Control plaits updated each week (timely) v. Pay Record Boole entries -daily entry (timely) anti acctrratc --remember 0% retainage vi. Review & approve EC Ilispectioli report prior submittal to Prince 7. "IT,AM a. 1' till Support tar 'IYust by Resident Engineer & Assistant IZI h. '1'nrst, [~ ecdbaclc, Commitment, Accountability, Results MAR-2-c©D5 WED 1©:34 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 6 03-05-` 05 19:38 FFC~f~i-Div of water Quality 3367714630 Atti<zchment "C" fr''~ %i Site #3 Pictures T-340 P007/007 U-993 Facing East (towards Groometown Rd) F, ,. ,~ ~ Facing East (towards Groometown Rd) y.. ~^~J (~. J y.. Y~, =.l. ,_.. r ~ ~ ~~, ~,... ' ~Y, ~~ x ~P ~ t '~ ' }'. 1 ..t z & k ~~~:., . E., Yi~F. .,_:4:. ,... ,. ~1 , • .~ ~^~] P i k+' ~, ~, N k ~~ 1 ', ~~ J I 1 `~. 4 :1 J } ~ t ~s {f ~ N ~~.. ~~~ „ ~ f ~~, ~ `I { .~J . J j-jK . Y 1 ~ , ~1 -`F . P~ a"`,. £,19' .~,r ~ ... Facing Plest (towards Culvert #16) P1AR-2-c~JGS I~JED 1D:,s5 TEL: 9197336893 NAh1E:DbJQ-WETLANDS P. 7 03-05-'05 19:37 FFO['~-Div of Ulater Quality 3367714630 T-340 POD1/007 U-993 E \f`J A T~ ~'Jdliam G. Ross Jr., Sucret:uy ~ '~i ~ North C,trnhna Department ul Gnvuunmrnt arn1 N~lural Fiusourcus C' (~ A'nn W Klimek, P.E. Director ~ ~ Drnsion of Water Uualily ~ s Y NC Department of Lnvironu>teut and Nahtral Resources Division of ~Vatt'T- Quality `VIIItitUTI-Salem 1Zet;iunal Office '~ ~~ - 5K5 1Vau~l~town Street ~'~rinston-Salem, NC 27107 I (;~~G) 771-46UU Fax (3~6) 771-4G3U ,~ - ~-~;~. r lt~.-1: - ~~- -- -- -- -- _ _. . - '~ ~ )~..~ =- - --_- -------- ------~---- r -~ n~~~rh.: Nl)~IBlt.1L Ole I':1GE:S (includin6 this pa~;c): _---_ --_--•- - ~-_ --~ .-- --- _- -- - - _ ~`~ ~-. __y-C.`+'`~~._ _ c 1. ~~1--- -~~---~~~ - Q ~ }~ ( ('unuttcuts; _ ~": N G Drvrs+on ut Water QualilyrYJater Quality Section Sf35 WaurPubown SUCet YJinslon-Salmi, NC 27107 h1AR-2-cOFJS tJED 1D: 33 TEL: 9197336893 hJAf'1E: G~JQ-6JETLAFJDS ~~~ ~' rat_ucr;a (33G) 771 dGf)p C;uctomer Service { 1300 b;':3 77473 P. 1