HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC 43 (6)ern NCDENR ( North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources I Division of Water duality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary March 29, 2011 MEMORANDUM. To: Colin Mellor, NCDOT From: David Wainwright, Division of Water Quality ~a Subject: Response to the Indirect and Cumulative Impacts Assessment for the NC 43 Connector from NC 55 to US 17, Craven County, TIP R-4463. This office has reviewed the referenced document dated Mazch 23, 2011. The NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) is responsible for [he issuance of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for activities that impact Waters of the U.S., including wetlands. Under 15A NAC 2H .0500 (.0506[4]), it is the NCDWQ's responsibility to ensure that projects do not result in cumulative effects or cause a violation of downstream water quality based on reasonably anticipated future impacts. Upon reviewing [he information provided in [he referenced document, The NCDWQ has concluded that the analysis performed is sufficient and no further analysis is warranted at this time. However, please .keep us apprised of any additional information or revisions to~the cumulative impact document(s). This decision is based on information currently provided to us; this decision may change based on updated or new information. Thank you for requesting our input at this time. The NCDOT is reminded that issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification requires that appropriate measures be instituted [o ensure [ha[ water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. [f you have any questions or require additional information, please contact David Wainwright at (919) 807-6405. cc: Chris Militscher, Environmental Protection Agency (electronic copy only) Tom StefY'ens, US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington Field Office Garry Ward, NCDWQ Washington Regional Office File Copy Transportation Permitting Unit ~ - Mail Service Center, Ralegh, North Carolina 27699-1650 ~ 1650 OnC t, ~ ~ NOCtr" C8fO1 l Il a .~ Location: 2321 Crabtree alvo., Suite 250..Raleigh; North Carolina 27604 ~ , - ~ ~ ~ -"~~ ~ /// ~ / Phon e 919-733-17861 FAX; 979-733-6893- ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ -` . .•-:-.. :. _~~ lrr~ _ . ... l~ _ . . ..: .,. ' Imemet: hitpJlh2orenrstate.nc.uslncwetlandsl ~ - . , .,_ . An ECUOI OpporWnity l Affmrative Action Employer $TAi[o ~~l~~ STATE OF NOR"tH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE GoveanoR Memorandum To: Mr. Brian Wrenn North Carolina Division of Water Quality Transportation Permitting Unit i From: Colin Mellor NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis Natural Environment Unit Subject: NC 43 Bosch Blvd., Final Updated Indirect and Cumulative Impact - Water Quality Modeling Report, STIP R-4463 Attached is a copy of the Updated Indirect and Cumulative Impact Analysis -Water Quality Modeling Report for R-4463, Bosch Blvd. A CD containing a digital version of the report and the GWLF Model input files is also included. Please contact me by phone (919-707-6139) or email (cmellor@ncdot.gov) if you have any questions or comments. March 23, 2011 EUGENE A. CONTI, JR. SECRETARY attachments MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT QF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ANO ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT UNIT 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 TELEPHONE: 919-431-2000 FAX: 919-431-2001 WEBSITE: WIMN.NCDOT.ORG MAR 2 3 2011 LOCATION: PDEA -Environmental Resource Center 4701-116 Atlantic Ave. Raleigh NC 27604 Indirect and Cumulative Impact Water Quality Study Report NC 43 Connector From NC 55 to US 17 Craven County, North Carolina State Project No. 8.2231201 TIP No. R-4463 Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Transportation /OF •~ ~p h OF Prepared by: Baker Engineering, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27518 March 2011 Table of Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 5 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... .. 8 I.l Background .............................................................................................................................. ....8 1.2 Project Overview and Study Area Description ........................................................................ ..10 2 Existing Water Quality Conditions .....................................:............................................... 11 2.1 Neusc River Basin Water Quality Background ........................................................................ .. 11 2.2 Ncusc River Basin Water Quality Initiatives ........................................................................... .. I I 2.3 DevelopmentConsiderations .................................................................................................... .12 2.4 Stormwater ManagemenL ......................................................................................................... . 16 3 Land Use Forecasts ............................................................................................................... 18 3.1 Updates to the No Build Scenario ..................................................................`.......................... .18 3.2 Upda[es to the Build Scenario Land Use Forecast .................................................................... .22 4 Watershed Modeling Approach .......................................................................................... 28 4.1 Objectives and Model Selection ................................................................................................ .28 4.2 The GWLF Model ..................................................................................................................... .29 5 GWLF Model Development ................................................................................................. 31 5.1 Drainage Areas Dclincation ...................................................................................................... .31 5.2 Scenario Comparisons ............................................................................................................... .31 5.3 Surface Water Hydrology ......................................................................................................... .34 5.4 Groundwater Hydrology ........................................................................................................... .37 5.5 Erosion and Sediment Transport ............................................................................................... .38 5.6 Nutrient Loading ....................................................................................................................... .40 5.7 Consideration,of Existing Environmental Regulations ............................................................. .42 5.8 Modcllmplementation .............................................................................................................. .44 6 Model Results and Discussion ................................:............................................................ 44 6.1 Hydrology ................................................................................................................................. .44 6.2 Pollutant Loading Results ......................................................................................................... .45 6.3 Nitrogen Loading [o the Neusc River Estuary .......................................................................... .49 7 Stream Erosion Risk Analysis ............................................................................................. 50 7.1 Method ...................................................................................................................................... .50 7.2 Results ....................................................................................................................................... .50 8 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 53 9 References .............................................................................................................................. 55 ' NC 43 Connector March 2011 ICI Water Quality Report Tables Table 2.3.1 Permit Holders for Groundwater Withdrawals in Craven County Table 3.1.1 Land Use Categories and Estimated Percent Impervious Cover Table 3.1.2 Maximum Percent Impervious for New Hanover County Table 3.1.2 NCDOT Population Growth Estimates Table 3.1.3 Updated Population Growth Estimates Table 3.1.4 Revised Build Scenario Population Forecasts Table 3.2.1 Revised Build Scenario Household Forecasts Table 3.2.2 NCDOT Population Growth Estimates Table 5.2.1 Projected Changes in Land Use No Build versus Build in Study Area Table 5.2.2 Projected Changes in Land Use No Build versus Build in Study Area Watersheds Table 5.2.3 Land Use Categories and Estimated Imperviousness Table 5.3.1 Surface Water Hydrology Input Parameters Table 5.3.2 Curve Numbers for Land Use and Soil Hydrologic Groups Table 5.4.1 Groundwater Input Parameters Table 5.5.1 Rural Sediment Transport Input Parameters Table 5.5.2 Cover and Management Practice Factors Table 5.6.1 Nutrient Loading Input Parameters Table 5.6.2 Nutrient Runoff and Buildup Rates for Existing Land Uses Table 6.1.1 11-Year Total Nitrogen Loads (Mg) for all Drainage Areas Table 6.1.2 I 1-Year Total Phosphorus Loads (Mg) for all Drainage Areas Table 6.1.3 11-Year Total Sediment (TSS) Loads (Mg) for all Drainage Areas Table 6.3.1 Project Area Nitrogen Loading Percentage as Percentage of Nitrogen Loading in Estuary Table 7.2.1 Storm Flow Volumes (m') for the 1-Year, 24-Hour Storm Table 7.2.2 Storm Flow Volumes (m') for the 5-Year, 24-Hour Storm Table 7.2.3 Storm Flow Volumes (m') for the ]0-Year, 24-Hour Storm Charts Chart 6.1.1 Eleven-Year Nitrogen Loads for all Drainages Chart 6.1.2 Eleven-Year Phosphorus Loads for all Drainages Chart 6.1.3 Eleven-Year TSS Loads for all Drainages Chart 7.2.1 Runoff Predictions for 1-Year, 24-Hour Storm Using SCS Curve Number Method Chart 7.2.2 Runoff Predictions for 5-Year, 24-Hour Storm Using SCS Curve Number Method Chart 7.2.3 Runoff Predictions for 10-Year, 24-Hour Storm Using SCS Curve Number Method NC 43 Connector March 2011 ICf Water Quality Report Figures Figure 1.1.1 Project Vicinity Map Figure 3.1.1 CAMA Plan Future Development Zones Figure 3.1.2 IVo Build Land Use Scenario Figure 3.1.3 Craven 30 North Conceptual Development Plan Figure 3.1.4 Build Land Use Scenarios Figure 4.2.1 Schematic of GWLF Model Processes Figure 5.1.1 Model Subwatersheds Figure 6.1.1 Mean Monthly Water Balance for the Rocky Run Subwatershed (No Build Scenario) Appendices Appendix A. Model Input Data Appendix B. Modeled Drainage Area Land Use NC 43 Connector March 201 I ' IC[ Water Quality Rcport Executive Summary The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has proposed the construction of an extension of NC 43 from NC 55 to US 17 west of New Bern in Craven County. This project is referred to as the NC 43 Connector and is proposed as a four-lane, median-divided, partial control of access facility on a new location. The approximate length of the project is 4.5 miles (7.2 kilometers). The proposed project is included in the North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as project R-4463. An Indirect and Cumulative Impacts (ICI) Assessment was developed in January 2005 to provide comprehensive information on the potential long-term, induced impacts of the proposed project (NCDOT, 2005). In response to NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) comments on the ICI Assessment and in preparation for an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification, a water quality modeling analysis was conducted to quantify the project's ICIs on water resources. This analysis was completed by Stantec Consulting Services in February 2006 (NCDOT, 2006). The 2006 ICI included aBuild-Enhanced scenario based on measures proposed by the City of New Bern, including re-zoning residential areas south of US 70 to cluster developments. Cluster development is designed to protect environmentally sensitive areas by maximizing undisturbed open space and by creating small lots. In addition, a one hundred foot buffer was added around all delineated wetlands, a five hundred foot conservation area in the southwestern section of the study area was created, and afifty-foot buffer was added to the drainage canal in the Greenbriar community located in the southeastern section of the study area. NCDWQ has requested an update to the 2006 Stantec ICI study because, by August 2010, it was apparent that the measures in the Build-Enhanced scenario were not being implemented (NCDENR, 2010a). Additionally, Weyerhaeuser Corporation is planning a mixed-use development within the project study area and requested three additional access points on the connector. To account for this and any other forecast modifications to the land use changes between 2006 and 2010, NCDOT requested that Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. (Baker), revisit the land use forecasts for the Build and No Build scenarios, and re-run the models to quantify the indirect and cumulative impacts (ICIs) of the project on water resources. Again, the focus of the analysis are the potential increases in stormwater runoff and nonpoint source loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment resulting from future development scenarios associated with the facility. Baker updated the Build and No Build land use forecasts as part of this study. NCDOT provided a geographic information system (GIS) shapefile of the previous land use projections developed by Stantec and these projections were used as a starting point for developing the updated land use models. The City of New Bem Planning Department provided GIS shapefiles of current zoning and planned land use areas based on the New Bern Regional Land Use Plan adopted in 2000 (hereafter referred to as the "CAMA Plan" for its compliance with the Coastal Area Management Act). Weyerhaeuser also provided the most recent conceptual plan for its proposed Craven 30 North development. These resources, along with discussions with local planners, were the basis for determining the relevance of previous assumptions and what, if any, changes NC 43 Connector March 2011 ICI Water Quality Report were needed to account for new developments, changed development expectations, and new population projections. The modeling analysis simulated potential increases in nonpoint source loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment given future land use scenarios with or without the NC 43 Connector. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (GWLF) model (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haith et al., 1992) was chosen to simulate pollutant loading. Additionally, storm event runoff was evaluated using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Curve Number Method (SCS, 1986) to assess the risk of stream channel erosion. A discussion of the modeling approach for this project is summarized in Chapter 4. GWLF model input files were developed to analyze the impacts on water quality from land use changes associated with the NC 43 Connector. This analysis projects nutrient load increases in the Build Scenario beyond the No Build Scenario of 1.6 percent for total phosphorus and 2.6 percent for total nitrogen over nearly 14,000 acres in the modeled subwatersheds. These results assume that the Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Rules (`2Veuse Rules") will be implemented and that nutrient offset payments will be used onlyin a portion of cases (except in the Neuse subwatershed, where offset payments were assumed for all new development). The projected land use changes have less effect on storm runoff, where there is expected to be a l.2 to 3.1 percent less runoff under the Build Scenario (than the No Build scenario) based on an analysis using the SCS Curve Number Method. Total suspended solids (TSS) declined in many drainage areas as a result of the Coastal Stormwater Rule, which requires an 85 percent reduction in TSS loading on all new development with greater than 24 percent impervious cover. In all subwatersheds combined, TSS loading is 3.6 percent less in the Build scenario than the No Build scenario. Whether the TSS reductions are realized is dependent upon enforcement of the regulation. Assessing the effectiveness and enforcement of the regulation is outside of the scope of this study. The subwatersheds that had the highest increases in total nitrogen loading between the Build and No Build scenarios are Hayward Creek (5.9 percent), Deep Branch (4.8 percent), and Rocky Run (4.3 percent). The remaining subwatersheds had differences of 3 percent or less. The higher total nitrogen loading in Hayward Creek was the result of less than 10 hectares being developed as commercial land (Build) instead of medium high density residential land (No Build). In Deep Branch, the higher nitrogen load was due to a 143-hectare difference in high density residential 1 (Build) versus medium high density residential (No Build). This was also the case in Rocky Run where approximately 150 hectares were assumed to be high density residential in the Build scenario and medium high density residential in the No Build scenario. The nutrient loading increases beyond the existing land use may cause some eutrophication of ~ the local streams. The differences between the Build and No Build are relatively small, though greater eutrophication could occur in the Build scenario in some instances. This would entail increased vegetative growth, both in the water column as algae and on the substrate as periphyton, and more dynamic dissolved oxygen levels. Dissolved oxygen would be higher during photosynthesis and lower as algae die or respire at night. [n-stream monitoring may be conducted to observe algal growth and dissolved oxygen levels. NC 43 Connector m ICI Water Quality Report March 201 I [n terms of potential cumulative effects, the loading from the subwatersheds in this study over the 11 year model runs are predicted to contribute 11.3 Mg (2.6 percent) more total nitrogen and 1.4 Mg (1.6 percent) more total phosphorus under the Build scenario than the No Build scenario. These differences are equivalent to 2.8 kg/day of total nitrogen (112.2 kg/day versus 109.4 kg/day) and 0.35 kg/day of total phosphorus (21.7 kg/day versus 21.3 kg/day). The total nitrogen delivered to the estuary from the project subwatersheds is roughly 1.3 percent of the total maximum daily load (TMDL) to the Neuse River estuary, or 8,388 kg/day (see Section 6.3). The nitrogen load difference between the Build and the No Build appears to be inconsequential, but the increase in load from either scenario above existing conditions from may have an effect on estuarine water quality. To summarize, localized water quality impacts to smaller streams in the project area area (e.g., Hayward Creek, Deep Branch, and Rocky Run), such as eutrophication, may occur if R-4463 is constructed and the projected development occurs. However, similar changes in water quality in the Neuse River estuary do not appear to be likely because the incremental increase in nutrient loading between the Build and the No Build Scenarios (2.6 percent) is relatively small. NC 43 Connector March 2011 ICI Watcr Quality Report Introduction 1.1 Background The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has proposed the construction of an extension of NC 43 from NC 55 to US 17 west of New Bern in Craven County. This project is referred to as the NC 43 Connector and is proposed as a four-lane, median-divided, partial control of access facility on a new location. The approximate length of the project is 4.5 miles (7.2 kilometers). The proposed project is included in the North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as project R-4463. Figure 1.1.1 shows the vicinity of the proposed project. Full movement intersections are proposed between the NC 43/NC55 and US 17. An interchange is proposed with US 70. Four access points are included in the design: two between US 17 and US 70 and two between US 70 and NC 43/55 (one of these being the intersection at Bosch Boulevard). Weyerhaeuser Corporation has requested three additional access points to serve a mixed-use development that is being considered. The purpose of and need for this project is based on the economic development of Craven County and on projected traffic volumes. Anew connection between US 17, NC 43, and the proposed US 17 Bypass (TIP Project.No. R-2301 A & B) would help promote economic development in Craven County by providing a transportation infrastructure capable of accommodating future development, which would result in job creation. The proposed connector would provide a more direct route for truck traffic to access US 70 from the north, which would reduce truck traffic on Glenburnie Road between NC 43/55 and US 70. An Indirect and Cumulative Impacts (ICI) Assessment was developed in January 2005 to provide comprehensive information on the potential long-term, induced impacts of the proposed project (NCDOT, 2005). In response to NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) comments on the ICI Assessment and in preparation for an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification, a water quality modeling analysis was conducted to quantify the project's ICIs on water resources. This analysis was completed by Stantec Consulting Services in February 2006 (NCDOT, 2006). ' NCDWQ has requested an update to the 2006 Stantec ICI study because, by August 2010, it was apparent that the measures in the Build-Enhanced scenario assumed in the original study would ' not be implemented (NCDENR, 2010a). Additionally, Weyerhaeuser Corporation is planning a mixed-use development within the project study area and requested three additional access points on the connector To account for this and any other forecast modifications to the land use ' changes between 2006 and 2010, NCDOT requested that Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. (Baker), revisit the land use forecasts for the Build and No Build scenarios, and re-run the models to quantify the indirect and cumulative impacts (ICIs) of the project on water resources. Again, the focus of the analysis are the potential increases in stormwater runoff and nonpoint source loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment resulting from future development scenarios associated with the facility. ' NC 43 Connector March 20] I Page ~ 8 ICI Water Quality Report GREEN ::~: PITT D. 00 JONES ~,o '< ,ONSLOW ~ r.. - } BEAUFORT V ,C~'LP~ J~~ Qa a t' CARTERET Study Area [~ Municipality ~- Major Road ~j Waterbody ~~*...= County Line 1.1.1 Project Vicinity (from NCDOT, Figure 1.1.1 Project Vicinity ~'COOPYDfA Nnruw g ~xoNHeNr tJNrl' 0 5 10 0 MGes NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page I ~ ICI Water Quality Report In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, an assessment of indirect and cumulative effects (ICES) was conducted for the project (NCDOT, 2005). The Council for Environmental Quality (CEQ) defines direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts as follows: Direct effects are caused by the action and occur at the same time and place. (40 CFR § 1508.8) • Indirect effects are caused by the action and are later in time or farther removed in distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable. Indirect effects may include growth inducing effects and other effects related to induced changes in the pattern of land use, population density or growth rate, and related effects on air and water and other natural systems, including ecosystems. (40 CFR § 1508.8) • Cumulative impact is the impact on the environment, which results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency (Federal or non-Federal) or person undertakes such other actions. Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time. (40 CFR § 1508.7) Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972, as amended, requires each state to certify that state water quality standards will not be violated for activities that either involve issuance of a federal permit or license or require discharges to Waters of the United States. Prior to the issuance of a Section 404 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) for the NC 43 Connector, NCDOT is required submit a permit application to NCDWQ to obtain the 401 Water Quality Certification. For this reason, it is necessary to demonstrate that the NC 43 Connector project will not result in downstream water quality violations [ 15a NCAC 2H .506(c)(4)]. l.2 Project Overview and Study Area Description The purpose of this water quality study is to quantify the impacts of changes in land use associated with the proposed construction of the NC 43 Connector. The focus of the analysis was on the potential increases in stormwater runoff and nonpoint source loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment resulting from various future development scenarios associated with the roadway. For the purposes of this study, the water quality study area (study area) is the same as that used in the 2006 Stantec ICI. This includes seven subwatersheds covering 54 km2 (21 miz). The model study area contains portions of Craven County, as well as the following municipalities: New Bern, Trent Woods, and River Bend. The modeling analysis simulated potential increases in nonpoint source loads of nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment resulting from various future development scenarios associated with the roadway. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function (GWLF) (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haith et al., 1992) model was selected for simulation purposes. An additional parameter, storm event runoff, was evaluated using a separate assessment tool, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Curve Number Method (SCS, 1986), to assess the risk of downstream channel erosion. The modeling tools were used to quantify the impacts of various development scenarios associated with the roadway. NC 43 Connector March 201 ] Page ~ 10 ' - ICI Water Quality Report A particular focus in the analysis was the potential increase in predicted pollutant loads to the adjacent Neuse and Trent Rivers, which have been designated as impaired for chlorophyll a, an indicator of algal growth, by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). 2 Existing Water Quality Conditions 2.1. Neuse River Basin Water Quality Background Water quality has long been an issue in the Neuse River estuary. Based on data from Cooper (2000), sediment rates in the Neuse River estuary have increased by more than 300 percent in the past 50 years. There have also been increases in nutrient, metal, and sulfur flux. Cooper states that in the past 30 to 50 years, land use changes associated with industrial activity, increasing population, and other development has resulted in marked changes in diatom and pollen assemblages. Recent assemblages had higher abundances of small planktonic species most commonly associated with high nutrient waters and exhibit relatively low species richness and diversity as compared to older (pre-1950) samples. The most recent Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan (NCDWQ, 2009), stated that euthrophication was noted as a water quality concern in the late 1970s. At that time, NCDWQ began investigations of nuisance algal blooms. These investigations determined that the blooms were associated with high nutrient concentratioris in the Neuse River estuary. In 1988, NCDWQ revised the classification of the Neuse River estuary, adding a Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) designation. In 1993, the Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan noted the problems associated with high nutrient levels in the basin south of New Bern. Since 1994, the Neuse River estuary has been on North Carolina's 303(d) list of impaired waters due to high chlorophyll a levels. Extensive fish kills were reported in the Neuse River estuary in 1995. 2.2 Neuse River Basin Water Quality Initiatives In 1996, the NC Senate Select Committee on River Quality and Fish Kills sponsored a workshop to examine potential mitigation measures for the nutrient issues associated with the Neuse River estuary. The committee reached consensus that a 30 percent reduction in total nitrogen entering the estuary would reduce the extent and duration of algal blooms. 2.2.1 Neuse River Management StrateEy The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) approved the Neuse Nutrient Strategy in 1998. This set of rules were phased in by 2003 and included the Neuse Riparian Buffer Protection Strategy, as well as measures for wastewater, stormwater, and agricultural discharges, and measures for nutrient management goals and nutrient offset payments. NCDWQ is responsible for administering and enforcing these rules. For the complete strategy, please refer to http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/nps/neuse.htm. NC 43 Connector March 201 I Page ~ I I [CI Water Quality Report 2.2.2 Neuse River Estuarv TMDL A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) was developed in a two-stage process and approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in 2002 to reduce nitrogen levels in the estuary. A TMDL is the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet its designated uses. For the complete Neuse River Estuary TMDL, please refer to NCDENR 2001. 2.2.3 Recent Water Ouality Trends O Based on the 2006 sampling reported in the 2009 Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan, the goal of a 30 percent reduction in nitrogen loading has yet to be achieved. Water quality data has yet to show a distinct improvement in nutrient levels, so NCDWQ has stated that they will continue to evaluate the limitations of the current strategy and seek to identify measures that could provide positive impacts to the system. 2.3 Development Considerations There are several aspects of the project area which will have an effect on development in the ICI project area. These considerations are summarized below. 2.3.1 Surface Water Resources The project is located within Neuse River Hydrologic Unit 03020204. This subbasin includes Caswell Branch, Deep Branch, Hayward Creek, Rocky Run, Trent River, Wilson Creek, and associated unnamed tributaries (UTs), all of which eventually that flow into the Neuse River estuary. There is also an extensive drainage ditch system. NCDWQ classifies Caswell Branch, Deep Branch, Hayward Creek, Hayward Creek, the Neuse River estuary, Rocky Run, and Wilson Creek as Class C, NSW, Swamp Waters (Sw), best suited for aquatic life survival and propagation, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. Trent River is listed as Class SB, NS, Sw. None of the waters are listed for a shellfishing use. Trent River from the mouth of Brice Creek to the Neuse River is included on the North Carolina 303(d) list of impaired waters for high levels of chlorophyll a. South of the Trent River, the Neuse River Estuary is also listed for chlorophyll a and high levels of copper (NCDWQ, 20106). 2.3.2 Wetland Resources While most of the project study area is designated as wetlands, based on the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetland Inventory (NWI) (1994) and NC Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM 1999) mapping, the majority of these wetlands were converted to either agricultural or other uses. As stated previously there is an extensive drainage network in the study area. In addition to the NWI data, information from a wetlands inventory conducted in 2008 on behalf of Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company was also included in the project analysis (Weyerhaeuser, on file with USACE, 2009). Based on the NC 43 Connector ICI Water Quality Report March 2011 Page ~ 12 ICI and the 2006 Water Quality Analysis Report (NCDOT, 2005, 2006, respectively), most of the jurisdictional wetlands are located in the southern portion of the project study area, where ditching is less prevalent. Typically, wetlands in the project study area are pocosins and headwater systems, which act as natural detention and infiltration areas. Many of these wetlands are terrestrially isolated from other surface waters, which makes them important habitat for amphibians. 2.3.3 Groundwater Resources Stratigraphy in the project study area consists of layers of permeable (aquifer) and impermeable (aquiclude) units. The most important aquifers are the surficial aquifer, the Castle Hayne formation aquifer, and the Cretaceous Black Creek and Peedee formations. The surficial aquifer is, as the name suggests, the unconfined, saturated portion of the upper layer of sediments. The Castle Hayne aquifer is an Oligocene/Paleocene limestone formation that underlies the eastern half of the Coastal Plain. Recharge to the Castle Hayne aquifer is rather slow, as most recharge is captured by the surficial aquifer or moves laterally to streams. Approximately 3 cm (1 inch) per year reaches the Castle Hayne (Giese et al., 1997). The Peedee formation of the Late Cretaceous age consists of dark clays mixed with fine to medium grained sands with a few thin limestone inclusions. The Black Creek formation of the Late Cretaceous age also consists of dark clays and sands and is not hydrologically distinguishable from the overlying Peedee formation (LeGrand, 1960). According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the water table in the project study area has been steadily dropping over the last 30 years. This has been attributed to groundwater withdrawals, which have exceeded the rate of recharge for the surficial and Cretaceous aquifers. Permit holders allowed to withdraw groundwater for use in Craven County are shown in Table 2.3.1. Table 2.3.1 Permit Holders for Groundwater Withdrawals in Craven County ... -- Permitted Groundwater Approved - `Permit Withdrawal Base Rate Permittee `'. No. "' 'Rate GD "• MG -" T e ~A uifcr•* Industrial, Public We erhauserNRCom an CU1013 3 Su 1 Tch Public Cit of Havelock CU1029 2.8 Su I Tch Public US Marine Co s, Cherr Point CU1060 8 Su I Tch Public CWS S stems, Inc., Fairfield Harbour CU1087 I.OS Su I Tch White Rick Fish Farm, ]nc. CU1090 0.448 A uaculture Tch Public Town of Vanceboro CU1097 0.412 Su I Tch Public First Craven Sanitar District CU] 105 1.476 Su I Tch Van uard Farms, Inc. CUl 106 3 A uaculture Tch NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 13 ICI Wa[er Quality Report Permitted Groundwater Approved Permit Withdrawal Base Rate Permi[tee No. Rate GD MG T ~ e A uifer* Coastal Plains Catfish CUl 108 0.518 A uaculture Tch Craven Pond,lnc. CU1112 1.008 A uaculture Tch Mine Carolina Stone, LLC Griffon Mine) CU1024 3 Dewaterin S Mine Parson Mine CU1028 1.26 Dewaterin S Smith Farm of Vanceboro LLC CU3008 0.792 A uaculture Tch Morris Fish Farm, LLC CU3009 0.763 A uaculture Tch Minc W.O. White Mine CU3017 5.184 Dewaterin S Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. Mine Clarks Quarr CU3033 16 Dewaterin S, Tch Public Town of River Bend CU3052 I Su 1 Tch Craven Count Wood Ener , L.P. CU3055 1.8 Industrial Tch Fish and Chicks, Inc. CU3063 0.36 A uaculture K d Public Kbc, Kucf, Cit ofNcw Bcrn CU3071 5.5 1,549.84 Su 1 Tch S rin Ho e Fisheries CU3087 0.36 A uaculture Tch Public Kbc, Kucf, Craven Count Water CU3108 0.734 952.791 Su I K d Mine W.O. White, LLC J.C. Holton Pit CU3129 2.88 Dewaterin S Mine RJ Bushho in ,Inc., Minc No.2 CU3131 2.88 Dewaterin S Irrigation, Carolina Creek LLC CU3140 0.72 Golf Course S, Tch Mine Cieszko Connt. Co. White Hall Pit CU3143 1.44 Dewaterin S Carolina Stone, LLC (Ft.Barnwcll Minc Mine CU3152 1.44 Dewaterin S, Tch Iriga[ion, Emerald Golf Course CU3155 0.75 Golf Course Tch Mine NCDOT R-3403 A CU4019 Dewaterin S R. J. Bushhogging, Inc., (Willis Neck Minc Mine 1) CU3167 1.44 Dewaterin S, Tch Irrigation, Tabema Countr Club CU3168 0.378 Golf Course Tch Irrigation, River Bend Countr Club CU3179 0.331 Golf Course Tch Souree: NCDHNR Division of Water Resources, 2009 * -Aquifer Types - S=Su~cial, Tch=Castle Hayne, Kbc=Black Creek, Kpd=Peedee, Kucf=Upper Cape Fear MGD =Million Gallons per Day MGY -Million Gallons per Year ' NC 43 Connector March 201 1 ICI Water Quality Report Page ~ 14 2.3.4 Soils Based on the Craven County Soil Survey (US Department of Agriculture [USDA], 1989), the soils the predominant soils in the study area are listed as Bayboro, Craven, or Pantego. Pantego soils, and several other soils in the project study area are hydric soils. According to the soil survey, hydric soils have severe development limitations due to their low permeability and strength. In addition, the majority of the soils in the project study area are classified as prime, unique, or statewide important farmlands, and the Pantego soils are listed as prime farmland if drained. 2.3.5 Protected Suedes In accordance with provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, the project study area was evaluated for threatened and endangered species habitat. Six species are listed as endangered (E) or threatened (T) for Craven County: sensitive joint-vetch (Aeschynomene virginica) T, rough-leaved loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulaefo[ia) E, leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) E, West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) E, red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), and American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) T (USFWS, December 2010). Also, the bald eagle (Haliaeetus letzcocephalus) is listed in the study area and is protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The American alligator is listed as "Threatened Due to Similar Appearance" [T(S/A)] to provide protection to the American crocodile (Crocodylus aeutus), but is not protected under Section 7 of the ESA. The project study area does not contain suitable habitat for any of these protected species (NCDOT, 2005). There are 18 Federal Species of Concern (FSCs) listed for Craven County (USFS, 2010). The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) lists an additional species, coastal goldenrod (solidugo villosicarpa) (NCNHP, 2010). There is suitable habitat for several FSCs. The project study area may also host a population of black bear (Urszzs americanus). 2.3.6 Fishery Resources The Trent River and its tributaries may provide habitat for anadromous fish including river herring (Alosa psetzdoharengnzs), striped bass (Morone saxatilis), and American shad (Alosa sapidissima). The NC Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) stated that there are no known anadromous fish spawning areas or nursery areas within Hayward Creek or the adjacent areas of the Trent River (NCDMF, 2003). Bachelor Creek is an important spawning area for river herring and there is a river herring nursery area at the convergence of Bachelor Creek and the Neuse River. The Trent River also contains habitat suitable for estuarine species such as spot (Leiostomzzs xanthurus), croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), and Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). These species are also important for their commercial and recreational value (NCDOT, 2006). Areas of the Trent River have submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), which provides valuable fish habitat, especially during the larval and juvenile development stages of development. SAV also provides habitat for crab and shrimp species. Downstream of the confluence of the Trent River with the Neuse River there is a large area of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), composed primarily ofwild celery (Pallisneria americana) (NCDMF, 2005). NC 43 Connector March 2011 Pagc ~ I S ICI Water Quality Report 2.3.7 Natural Areas The NCDCM has classified areas in and around the Trent River as "public trust waters" and "estuarine waters" Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs) as specified in the City of New Bern's Draft LAMA Land Use Plan (City of New Bern, 2010a). These waters are within the watersheds of the Rocky Run, Hayward Creek, and Wilson Creek. Mitchell Island, located south of the project study area, is an estuarine island protected as an Estuarine AEC. The Croatan National Forest is south of the project study area, bound on its north side by the Trent River. The National Forest and the project study area are along the Atlantic Flyway for migratory birds; the project study area may provide migratory habitat. 2.3.8 Infrastructure The project study area'is bounded to the north by NC 55 and NC 43/55, and to the south by US 17. Other highways included the proposed US 17 Bypass and US 70, which roughly bisects the project study area. The undeveloped portions of the project study area, which are currently managed forests areas, are served bya system of logging roads. An active railroad and two large power lines also traverse the project study area. Water service from the City of New Bern is currently supplied to the Greenbrier community and to properties along NC 55, NC 43, Glenburnie Road, and US 17. Sewer service from the City is available in Greenbrier and along NC 55, NC 43, Glenburnie Road, and US 17, although sewer lines on US 17 do not extend as far west as the water lines along US 17 (NCDOT, 2006). 2.3.9 Other Develoument Considerations The majority of land to the north, east, and south of the project study area has been developed as moderate to high developed by residential and commercial properties, mostly within the jurisdiction of the City of New Bern and the Town of Trent Woods. Most of the land within the project study area is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of New Bern and, as stated previously, is currently managed forestry acreage. Most of the area west of the project study area is undeveloped. As the proposed US 17 Bypass would be access controlled, it would not encourage additional development within the project study area. According to the USEPA, the seven-acre Amital Spinning property along Bosch Boulevard is an archived Superfund site (Superfund ID NCD981928088, also known as the TEX-FI Industries site). The site was originally listed for organic contaminants in groundwater and was removed from the list of Active Superfund sites in 2003. It is anticipated that any development in this area would require the assessments and potential removal of contaminated soils. 2.4 Stormwater Management Although the City of New Bern is not a community subject to the new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Stormwater Rules, the City is subject to the NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 16 ICI Water Quality Report stormwater rules contained within the Neuse River NSW Management Strategy discussed in Section 2.2.1 and the Coastal Stormwater Rule. Both sets of rules seek to lessen the impact that future development will have on water quality. The Neuse stormwater rules require the development of stormwater management plans for each of the 15 largest local governments within the basin. The local government stormwater plans must be consistent with the overall 30 percent nitrogen reduction goal of the Neuse River NSW Management Strategy (City of New Bern, 2010b) and the City's Stormwater Management Manual (City of New Bern, 2007). The Stonnwater Management Manual requires that anyone proposing new developments within a 50-foot riparian buffer around all internittent and perennial streams and other water bodies and anyone proposing new development that will result in disturbance of greater than one-half acre of land must obtain a Stormwater Permit. A Stormwater Permit "requires each development to meet a nitrogen export performance standard of less than or equal to 3.6 pounds total nitrogen (TN) per acre per year (#/ac/yr). Where that standard cannot be reasonably achieved, there are provisions for variance and mitigation offsets." The City also requires that all new development control water runoff so that there is no net increase in the peak discharge from the predevelopment conditions for either the 1-year, 24-hour stone or the 10-year, 24-hour storm. Variances maybe granted for various reasons including limits on impervious area. The North Carolina EMC adopted the Coastal Stormwater Rule (15A NCAC 02H .1005) in January 2008. Included in the amendments are requirements for developments with more than 24 percent impervious cover to control the first one and a half inches of rainfall and to reduce post-development average annual total suspended solids (TSS) loading by 85 percent. The latter has important implications to the model results of this study, which are discussed in Section 5.8.2. The City of New Bern requires that that 50-foot wide riparian buffers be maintained on all sides of intermittent and perennial streams, ponds, lakes, and estuaries in the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (City of New Bern, 2007). The State Stormwater Management Program was established in 1988 under the authority of the EMC and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7. This program, codified in 15A NCAC 2H.1000, affects development activities that require either a Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (for disturbances of one or more acres) or a CAMA major permit within 20 coastal counties, which include Craven. The prol~am also applies to development draining to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) or High Quality Waters (HQW). NC 43 Connector March 2011 ICIWa[erQualityRcport Page~l7 ' 3 Land Use Forecasts 3.1 Updates to the No Build Scenario The February 2006 ICI and Water Quality Analysis Report (NCDOT,' 2006) was based on the implementation of a "Build-Enhanced Scenario," which included designation of new conservation areas and expanded buffers around wetlands to be implemented by the City of New Bern. While City planners have attempted to implement these recommendations during development review, they have not been formally incorporated into development regulations. Therefore, the Build-Enhanced Scenario is not expected to be fully,implemented. Therefore, for this study, future development was based on existing criteria. Also, a substantial new development, Craven 30 North, has been proposed within the study area. These changes, and others, were used to update the land use scenarios. NCDOT provided a geographic information system (GIS) shapefile of the previous land use projections developed by Stantec and these projections were used as a starting point for developing the updated land use models. Existing land use was updated by comparing Stantec's 2006 existing land use with aerial photography from 2008. It appears that minimal changes occurred between those years. The City of New Bern Planning Department provided GIS shapefiles of current zoning and planned land use areas based on the New Bern Regional Land Use Plan adopted in 2000 (called the C.4MA Plan as it was developed to comply with the Coastal Area Management Act). Weyerhaeuser also provided the most recent conceptual plan for its proposed Craven 30 North development. These resources, along with discussions with local planners, were the basis for determining the relevance of previous assumptions and what, if any, changes were needed to account for new developments, changed development expectations and new population projections. Land use categories used were the same as those used in the Water Quality Study. For reference, Table 4.2.] from'the NCDOT 2006 Study is reproduced as Table 3.1.1 below: Table 3.1.1 Land Use Cate ones and Estimated Percent Im ervious Cover LAND USE NAiME GWLF CODE PERCENT IMPERVIOUS Residential -Very Low Density RV L 8 (2+ acres per dwelling unit) Residential -Low Density RLL 14 (1.5-2 acres per d.u.) Residential-Medium Low Density RML 18 (1-1.5 acres per d.u.) Residential -Medium High Density RMH 23 (0.5-1 acres per d.u.) Residential -High Density RHH 29 (0.25-0.5 acres per d.u.) Residential-MultifamilyNeryHigh Density RVH 50 (0.25 acres per d.u.) Office/Institutional/Light Industrial OFF 70 NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 18 ICI Water Quality Report LAND USE NAME GWLF CODE PERCENT IMPERVIOUS Commercial/Heavy Industrial COM 85 Pavcd Road with Right of Way ROAD 85 Urban Green SpacelGolf Course UGR 0 Row Crop ROW 0 Forest FOR 0 Wetlands WET 0 Water WAT N/A Sourcc: NCDO"I~, 2000 3.1.1 Revised No Build Scenario Population Data The 2006 No Build Land Use model used Census Bureau population forecasts and statistical analysis of population trends to develop population forecasts for the study area (NCDOT, 2006). Table 3.1.2 includes the population forecasts used in the 2006 report plus additional calculated percentages in italics. Table 3.1.2 NCDOT 2006 Population Growth Estimates - Po ulation Percent Chan e 2000 201.0 .,.2020 2030 2000- 2010 2010- 2020 2020- 2030 No Build Stud Area 4,659 5,496 6,350 7,208 18.0% 15.5% 13.5% New Bern 23,111 32,517 46,207 63,442 40.7% 42.1% 37.3% Craven Count 91,523 97,513 102,080 105,070 6.5% 4.7% 2.9% New Bern as % o Craven 25.3% 33.3% 453% 60.4% StudvAreuus%ofCraven 5.!% 5.6% 6.2% 6.9% Build Scenario Stud Area 4,659 5,496 9,430 14,523 18.0% 71.6% 54.0% New Bern ~ 23,111 32,517 50,142 73,937 40.7% 54.2% 47.5% Cravcn Count 91,523 97,513 106,015 114,213 6.5% 8.7% 7.7% No Build to Build /rtcrease Stud Area 0 0 3,080 7,3/5 New Bern 0 0 3,935 !0,495 Craven Coun 0 0 3,935 9,143 No Build to Build Percent /ncrease SrudvArea 0.0% 0.0% 48.5"% 101.5% New Bern 0.0% 0.0% 8.5% 16.5% Craven Coun 0.0% 0.0% 3.9% 8.7% Source: NCDOT, 2006 NC 43 Connector March 2011 Pagc ~ 19 ICI Water Quality Report The most recent available population forecasts from the NC Office of State Budget and Management (September 2010) project that population increases in Craven County will be greater than the 2005 forecasts. The 2005-generated forecast of 2030 population in Craven County was 105,070. The 2010 Craven County forecast, however, shows a 2030 population of 116,835. This increase requires changes in the No Build residential land use. To account for this additional population, the NCDOT 2006 population forecasts were analyzed to determine the ratio of study area population to Craven County population. The resulting ratio was applied to the new, higher population estimates to develop a new No Build population forecast. Based on the additional calculations in Table 3.1.2, the study area population is predicted to be 6.9 percent of the Craven County population in 2030. Table 3.1.3 shows the updated No Build population projections, developed by applying the ratio factors from Table 3.1.1 to the updated population forecast for Craven County. Table 3.1.3 U dated Po ulation Growth Estimates Po ulation Percent Chan e 2000 2010 2020 2030 2000-2010 2010-2020 2020-2030 New No Build Pro'ections Craven Count 91,523 101,052 108,942 116,835 10.4% 7.8% 7.2% NewBcrn 23,111 33,697 49,313 70,546 45.8% 46.3% 43.1% Study Arca 4,659 5,695 6,777 8,015 22.2% 19.0% 18.3% Source: Baker 20lf Table 3.1.4 shows the impact of this higher population on households. Applying the same household factors from Table 3.1.2 of the ICI report, indicates that the increased population will require an additional 447 households in the Study Area, representing an 11.2 percent increase over the NCDOT 2006 No Build forecast. Table 3.1.4 Population Growth Estimated Increase Household Tv a '% of All Households Persons Per Household 2030 No Build (NCDOT, 2006 Revised 2030 No Build ifference Percent Difference Sin le Person 32.4% 1.00 2,335 2,597 262 11.2% Famil 63.5% 2.98 1,536 1,708 172 1 ].2% Other 4.1% 2.59 114 127 13 11.3% Total 100.0% 3,985 4,432 447 11.2% Source: Buker 2011 Therefore, the No Bttild Land Use Scenario must be updated to account for the additiona1447 households resulting from the increase in forecasted growth. Based on discussions with the City of New Bern Planning Department, planned land use, zoning and the expectations for growth and development patterns have not changed substantially since 2005, indicating that the overall pattern of development in the NCDOT 2006 Land Use model is reasonably accurate. Thus, the only change needed is to address the increased number of households. Planners with the City NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 20 ICI Water Quality Report indicated that most new development is expected to occur in the Urban Transition zones documented in the CAMA Plan as seen in Figure 3.1.1. i Caswell Branch ~ \ c ~ ~ Neuse River ~ Deep Bra ch t %a o o Wilson Creek 1 Ut to '; ''" ` ~.~, Wilsonson C _ ~. Rocky Run .. 17 ~, / / ~~ r ts~ ^` a t ~~~~ `~ `` Ties c `~ ~, ~ ~~ rrRrvey,° .. CAMA Plan Figure 3.1.1 Future Development Zones CAMA Plan Developed •~ Subwatershed Future Development 0 Urban Transition Zones Limited Transition "'"" °°`" (~ ~Nxruw ~',. Rural t:hVIftON\I8N'1' LjNI7' - Conservation o o.s t D Miles NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 21 [CI Watcr Quality Report Figure 3.1.1 CAMA Plan Future Development Zones Regulations for the Limited Transition and Rural Zones are expected to maintain 4 units per acre maximum density. The most logical area remaining for substantial increase in density to accommodate these households was the area within the Urban Transition Zone along US 17 in the Hayward Creek and Unnamed Tributary (UT) to Wilson Creek Subwatersheds. Residential densities in this vicinity were increased to accommodate the increase in households. Specifically, about 220 acres of land categorized as Residential Medium to High was changed to Residential High or Residential Very High to accommodate the projected additional households. In addition, to incorporate the most recent data, the wetlands delineated by a 2008 survey on behalf of Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company were identified in the No Build Scenario as any development of that site will be required to either protect the wetlands or incorporate measures to mitigate any wetland loss. After the initial forecasting was completed, two adjustments were made to the land use forecast. First, the power line easements that run through the study area were specifically added to the forecasted land use under both scenarios. The changes associated with this addition were fairly minimal since the overall area of the easements is relatively small compared to the overall study area. Second, planners with the City of New Bern indicated that a recent lease agreement had been developed by Martin Marietta to expand the quarry operations in the northern portion of the study area. The approximately 636-acre tract was thus altered under both the Build and No Build Scenarios to indicate that the land would be used for mining operations. The resulting 2030 No Build Land Use is shown in Figure 3.1.2. Since there was little remaining area for increased residential density to accommodate the land uses originally forecasted For this area, it was assumed that those future land uses would shift to areas outside the study area. For this reason, the population and households resulting from the land use model would be lower than that forecast in Tables 3.1.3 and 3.1.4. 3.2 Updates to the Build Scenario Land Use Forecast Similar to the No Build Scenario update, but with one exception, planned land use, zoning and the expectations for growth and development patterns have not changed substantially since 2005 with the exception of the expansion of quarry operations in the northern portion of the study area and the Craven 30 North development. Thus, the overall pattern of development in the Stantec Land Use model is reasonably accurate once these two changes were addressed. The recently proposed Craven 30 North development requested by Weyerhaeuser would include retail, office, industrial and residential development mostly in the northeast quadrant of the proposed US 70/NC 43 interchange. The current development plan, shown in Figure 3.1.3, is still conceptual but the illustrative plan was provided by Weyerhaeuser to provide a basis for updating the Build Scenario. The illustrative plan was converted into the same land use categories shown in Table 3.1.1 below: ` Table 3.1.1 and the new planned uses replaced the previously forecast uses in the 2006 report. This resulted in approximately I50 fewer acres of Commercial and Office/Institutional/ Light Industrial uses and about 120 more acres of residential development. 'Also, about 40 acres of NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 22 ICI Water Quality Report residential land use was increased in density based on the Craven 30 North proposal. Overall, changes made to the Build Scenario to account for the Craven 30 North proposal resulted in increases in the forecasted residential development and decreases in the forecast non-residential development. NC 43 Connector March 201 I ICI Water Quality Report Page ~ 23 ru ~ 43 ~~ \`2P" -. ~, II Bra ~o °~.`~_-~~ ~ `~~ ~~. '< < ~~~~ ~ se vet, , /~~ ~ ~ hV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ep ra ch ~ ° ~~ -~~; a ? -~4i "' w'r ~-,a ' a ~~,F~r ~ x~„ ;fir ~:. 55 ~ ~;. a~ m ~ x ~~'~~,~ r ~ ~ y c3 ~. _ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ti }t ~S~..iq~; ' 2 g ~ar ~ r p, L t fi- na j. i arj~j ~t ~' ~ v~~ ly ,,. "'~~ UI t0 r R ~ ~~ ~ { ~;; son Creek ~ ' i .a .~ =; 1 ~ ~ G-~ ~ )~ Rorer ~ r ~ Land Use + Residential Very High Figure 3.1.2 Forest ~ ~ Residential High NO BUI~d Raw Crop ~ Residential MediumHigh Land Use Scenario Urban Green Space ~~ Residential Medium Low Commercial _ Residential Low rmnr.rnu OfTce/Institutional/Lighl Industrial Residential Very Low ~N~'ru $Nt9RONHfNf Road ~ Mine UHn• Wetland o o.s t Water ~ Subwatershed 0 Figure 3.1.2 No Build Land Use Scenario NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 24 IC[ Wa[er Quality Report a a -~ 4 t !1 gl#i ra °~ ist .7 J l la~ sl :c Id `4 3F is ~i`'J~ -'! 5~~~1 1y1 '~: 3 ~~ I~ + ". ~' ao®oo oo oooo®®®~ (~ g3 3 °IA i ~ 1~ ~t i~ Sg ~S'~ ~~ ~t 95 ~~ 16 ~ ~ A 4 ' ~ ~ ~ 0 IIII !1 ~ S Fa `` s ;~ ~~ z C om ~ tt is @w 1~ 7 1 9 ~ ' ey p v G C (p ~ t -! o 1--~ .y t i S, € ~ `G ~• i ° A ~ ~ ~ w t ~ C ~ ~ ya Y ., ~ ~ ~ z i ~ ,.„ Mr Figure 3.1.3 Craven 30 North Conceptual Development Plan NC 43 Connector March 201 I Page ~ 25 ICI Wa[er Quality Report In addition to updating the Build Scenario to include the Craven 30 North development, residential density was increased to account for the increased population forecast outlined in the No Build section. This update was accomplished by applying the No Build to Build percent increase in population calculated in 3.1.2 from NCDOT's 2006 forecast and applying the same growth factors to the new No Build forecast in Table 3.1.3. The resulting Build Scenario population forecast is shown in Table 3.2.1 and Figure 3.1.4. Table 3.2.1 Revised Build Scenario Population Forecasts Po ulation Percent Chan e 2000 2010 2020 2030 2000-2010 2010-2020 2020-2030 Craven Count 91,523 101,052 113,142 127,002 10.4% 12.0% 12.3% NcwBcrn 23,111 33,697 53,513 82,216 45.8"/° 58.8% 53.6% Stud Area 4,659 5,695 10,064 16,149 22.2% 76.7% 60.5% Souroe: Baker 201 I Converting these population forecasts to household forecasts was accomplished by the same method outlined for Table 3.1.4. The resulting household forecast, shown in 3.2.2, indicates that an additional 899 households, an 11.2 percent increase, will be required to accommodate the additional population. Table 3.2.2 Revised Build Scenario Household Forecast Household Tv a Percent Persons Per Household 2030 Build ~cooT zoos Updated 2030 Build Difference Difference Sin le Person 32.4% 1.00 4,705 5,232 527 11.2% Famil 63.5% 2.98 3,095 3,441 346 11.2% Other 4.1% 2.59 230 256 26 11.2% Total 100.0% 8,030 8,929 899 11.2% Source: Baker 2011 About one-third of the acreage required to meet this increase in households is accounted for in additional acres and increased densities of residential development in the Craven 30 North plan. The remainder was added to the Build Scenario by increasing residential densities along the eastern side of NC 43 south of US 70. Due to the changes required to incorporate the expanded quarry operations of Martin Marrietta and the lack of substantial areas to shift expected development, it is anticipated that some of the forecast development would be shifted outside the project study area. For this reason, similar to the No Build Scenario, the population and households resulting from the land use projections shown in Figure 3.2.1 would be lower than that forecast in Tables 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. NC 43 Connector March 201 I Page ~ 26 ICI Wa[er Quality Report = (~.faVefl ~"_"- Land Use i Residential Very High Figure 3.1..4 Forest [ Residential High BUI~C) Row Crop ~ Residential Medium High L811C~ US@ SC@f18P10 (~ Urban Green Space ~ 1 Residential Medium Low i Commercial ~ ~ Residential Low i Office/Institutional/Lightindustrial _ _ _ Residential Very Low ccua~.ruu ~'Nn~rux i Road '~ Mine 6. VUNn eMr i Wetland o 0.5 t water ~ Subwatershed MO Figure 3. L4 Build Land Use Scenario NC 43 Connector March 2011 Pagc ~ 27 ICI Water Quality Report 4 Watershed Modeling Approach 4.1 Objectives and Model Selection The objective of this modeling analysis is to quantify future pollutant loading as a result of potential land use changes induced by the construction of the NC 43 Connector The analysis does not consider pollutant loading from existing conditions; instead, it quantifies the relative changes between predicted future land use scenarios if the NC 43 Connector is constructed or not constructed. The two future land use scenarios, the Build and No Build Scenarios, were updated from the 2005 ICE as part of this study (Section 3). The updated land use forecasts were incorporated in the model input files (Appendices A and B). The water quality pollutants of interest in this study were TN, total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (TSS), and storm event runoff volume. The modeling addresses nutrient loading because the primary waterbody impairments in the area are low dissolved oxygen concentrations, which can result from excessive nutrient loading. Nutrient loading was modeled on a small watershed scale in order to assess impacts to local streams as a result of indirect and cumulative development from the extension construction. TSS was also modeled because it is a pollutant common to all watersheds and streams, and new development may cause additional erosion. Stonn event runoff was modeled because it is a primary cause of stream channel erosion. This study did not analyze fecal coliform loading because there are no impairments due to that pollutant and there are no waters designated for shellfish harvesting within the study area. The GWLF model (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987; Haith et al., 1992) version 2.0 was chosen to simulate long-term pollutant loading from 16 drainage areas within the ICE study area. The modeled drainage areas contained all of the tax parcels predicted to have different land uses in the Build and No Build scenarios. The same drainage areas were used when estimating storm event runoff with the SCS Curve Number Method. The GWLF model provides a simplified simulation ofprecipitation-driven runoff and sediment delivery. Runoff, groundwater movement, and solids loading can then be used to estimate dissolved and particulate nutrient delivery to the stream network, based on concentrations in runoff, groundwater, and soil. The model is awell-accepted tool for estimating seasonal loads from smaller watersheds (NCDENR, 2007). The model can account for point sources and septic systems; however, none are located in the modeled areas. Based on its features, GWLF provides a basis to estimate nutrient and sediment loading as a result of the two land use scenarios for the NC 43 Connector. GWLF falls in the mid-range of watershed model complexity. There are more detailed mechanistic models, such as Hydrologic Simulation Program -Fortran (Bicknell et al., 1985) and simpler empirical models, such as GIS Pollutant Load (PLOAD) (USEPA, 2001). GWLF is useful for assessment with or without calibration. This study included more formal hydrologic calibration using observed data from a nearby USGS gage. However, a similar water quality monitoring station was not available. Therefore, calibration of the pollutant loading estimates was not possible. Nevertheless, export from specific land uses was adjusted based on empirical NC 43 Connector March 201 I Page ~ 28 ' ICI Watcr Quality Rcport evidence, and overall loading was compared with long-term observational averages from local monitoring data. 4.2 The GWLF Model The section provides an overview of the G W LF model, largely derived from the GWLF manual (Haith et al., 1992). GWLF includes dissolved and sediment-bound nitrogen and phosphorus in streamflow from urban and rural runoff, groundwater, and point sources. The model is illustrated in Figure 4.2.1. Rural nutrient loading is transported via runoff and eroded soil. Each rural land use (e.g., cropland, pasture, forest) is considered to be uniform in soil type, based on an area-weighted composite of the soil hydrologic groups. Dissolved nutrient loads are calculated for each land use by multiplying the predicted runoff by dissolved concentrations associated with a given land use. GWLF estimates surface runoff using the SCS Curve Number Equation (SCS, 1986). Sediment-bound nutrient loading is calculated by multiplying monthly sediment yield by average sediment nutrient concentrations. Erosion is estimated using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), which includes factors for slope lengrth and angle, soil erosivity, and cropping and management practices. The sediment yield is the product of erosion and sediment delivery ratio. Urban nutrient loading is assumed to be entirely sediment-bound. It is modeled using exponential buildup and washoff functions. Septic systems are classified by four types, one working and three failing (ponding, short-circuiting, and direct discharge). Nutrient loading from septic systems is calculated by estimating the daily per capita load from each type of system and the number of people in the watershed served by each type. The model uses daily time steps for water balance calculations. The water balance divides precipitation inputs into streamflow (sum of surface and groundwater runoff), evapotranspiration, and groundwater deep seepage. Daily evapotranspiration is determined by the product of a vegetation cover factor and potential evapotranspiration, which is based on temperature, time of year, and water vapor pressure in the soil profile. Daily water balances are calculated for unsaturated and shallow saturated zones. Infiltration is equal to precipitation minus runoff and evapotranspiration. Daily temperature, precipitation, land use, transport parameters and nutrient concentrations are required as inputs. Transport parameters for each runoff source (e.g., parcel) include areas, runoff curve numbers, and USLE factors. Watershed transport parameters are groundwater recession, seepage coefficients, and available water capacity in the unsaturated zone. NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page 29 ICI Water Quality Report i Preciptation Evapotranspiratan Erosion (LISLE) Land Surface - SCS Curve Number Sunulation Unsaturated Zone Runoff Septic System Loads Particulate Nutrients D~soHed Nutrients Groundwater Loading to I~-%, Stream Shallow Saturated Zone Deep Seepage Loss Figure 4.2.1 Schematic of GWLF Model Processes (from NCDOT, 2006) The GWLF model provides output for the following variables: • Monthly Streamflow • Monthly Watershed Erosion and Sediment Yield • Monthly TN and TP Loading • Annual Erosion from Each Land Use • Annual and Monthly Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loads from Each Land Use • Monthly Precipitation and Evapotranspiration • Monthly Groundwater Discharge to Streamflow • Monthly Watershed Runoff • Monthly Dissolved Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loads in Streamflow • Annual Dissolved Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loads from Septic Systems. NC 43 Connector ICI Wa[er Quality Report March 201 I Page~30 5 GWLF Model Development Descriptions of model development, data sources, parameter inputs, and assumptions for the NC 43 Connector project are provided in the following sections. The transport and nutrient input files for all drainage areas and scenarios are shown in Appendix A. The bulk of the model development was initially done by Stantec in 2006 (NCDOT, 2006). Much of that work was left unchanged. Changes to the original assumptions and inputs are specifically noted in the following sections. 5.1 Drainage Areas Delineation The study area was delineated into seven subwatersheds ranging from 1.63 to 12.07 km2 (0.63 to 4.66 miz) using a hydrology modeling extension developed for ArcGIS (ESRI, 2005). A 6-meter (20-foot) digital elevation model (DEM), a raster grid of regularly spaced elevation values derived from recent Light Detecting and Ranging (LIDAR) data and obtained from NCDOT (2005), was used to develop drainage areas. Field reconnaissance to verify flow paths and directions of drainage aided in refining the delineation. The size of each subwatershed in square miles is shown in Figure 5.1.1. 5.2 Scenario Comparisons Commercial, industrial, roadway, and residential land uses in the Build scenario are expected to increase as compared to the No Build scenario. The development is expected to occur primarily in the vicinity of the proposed facility. Table 5.2.1 shows the overall projected land use changes expected within the project study area. Residential Medium High Density (RMH) is much higher in the No Build scenario (95 percent) while Residential Multifamily Very High Density (RVH) much more present in the Build scenario (47 percent). Table 5.2.2 shows projected changes in land use from the No Build to the Build scenarios for the subwatersheds in the project study area. While no land use differences are forecast to take place in the Caswell Branch subwatershed, there are forecast differences in all other project study area subwatersheds. Table 5.2.1 Pro'ected Chan es in Land Use No Build versus Build in Stud Area No Build Land Use hectares Build Land Use hectares T es COM 324.42 408.25 COMB 320.53 321.57 FOR 796.90 808.55 MINE 257.85 257.85 OFF 168.18 188.92 OFFe 128.90 128.61 RHH 896.18 1,025.20 RHHe 458.97 457.63 RLL 10.52 10.52 NC 43 Connector March 2011 ICI Water Quality Report Page~31 No Build Land Use hectares Build Land Use hectares RLLe 9.06 9.06 RMH 472.47 23.07 RMHe 76.30 76.30 RML 26.43 26.43 ROAD 305.36 364.51 ROW 29.43 29.43 RVH 291.11 428.14 RVHe 74.31 74.31 RVL 17.37 17.37 RVLe 0.38 0.38 UGR 429.65 444.69 WAT 316.18 316.18 WET 108.39 101.91 Grand Total 5,514.72 5,514.72 Source: Baker 2U 11 Table 5.2.2 Projected Chances in Land Use No Build versus Build for Studv Area Subwatersheds 1 Caswell Branch Deep Branch Hayward Creek Neuse River Rocky Run UT Wilson Creek Wilson Creek Types No Build/ Build No Build/ Build No Build/ Build No Build/ Build No Build/ Build No Build/ Build No Build/ Build COM 57.73/57.73 21.24/23.30 5.79/15.53 142.12/174.14 1.94/1.94 37.45/47.07 54.03/84.43 COMB 8.11/8.11 46.24/46.24 6.20/7.54 80.38/80.08 4.45/4.45 25.77/25.77 149.37/149.37 FOR 35.45/35.45 255.17/255.17 -/- -/11.66 506.27/506.27 -/- -/- MINE 125.23/125.23 119.00/119.00 -/- 13.62/13.62 -/- -/- -/- OFF 0.28/0.28 118.31/118.31 14.47/14.47 22.59/43.34 6.47/6.47 1.68/1.68 4.38/4.38 OFFe -/- 3.33/3.33 O.OI/0.01 46.31/46.01 5.57/5.57 0.19/0.19 73.50/73.50 RHH -/- 0/140.93 57.74/57.20 254.64/133.85 64.86/218.56 249.30/238.65 269.64/263.02 RHHe -/- -/- 1.34/0 99.05/99.05 0/0 106.11/106.10 252.47/252.47 RLL 10.41/10.41 0.07/0.07 -/- 0.04/0.04 -/- -/- -/- RLLe 7.70/7.70 1.33/1.33 -/- 0.03/0.03 -/- -/- -/- RMH 1.35/135 145.33/2.34 11.75/2.55 3.64/3.64 166.71/13.01 50.60/0.17 93.08/0 RMHe L55/L55 -/- 10.26/10.26 4.67/4.67 58.72/58.72 1.10/Ll0 -/- RML -/- -/- -/- -/- 26.43/26.43 -/- -/- ROAD IL82/11.82 4L83/41.83 6.12/6.12 62.18/95.22 14.69/14.69 43.58/57.54 125,13/137.28 ROW 1.70/1.70 0.40/0.40 -/- -/- 27.3227.32 -/- -/- RVH 97.89/97.89 -/- -/- 133.34/150.12 -/- 45.41/83.90 14.46/96.23 RVHe 4.76/4.76 -/- -/- 38.84/38.84 -/- 19.02/19.02 11.69/11.69 RVL -/- -/- 17.37/17.37 -/- -/- -/- -/- RVLe -/- 0.12/0.12 0.26/0.26 -/- -/- -/- -/- UGR 127.7 20.59/20.59' 4.98/4.98 46.61/59.27 49.35/49.35 28.39/28.39 151.90/1-54.28 WAT 127.84/127.84 3.42/3.42 -/- 178.55/178.55 -/- 18.08/18.08 0.07/0.07 WET -/- 6.67/6.67 25.87/25.87 25.18/19.67 0.3 42.02/41.04 8.35/8.35 Grand Total 607.87 783.06 162.15 1,151.8 933.08 668.6 1,208.07 Source: Baker 201 I NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 32 ICI Water Quality Report oa co Study Area ~ Model Subwatershed Figure 5.1.1 _ _ Proposed NC 43 Connector ~"'..~ County Line Model /-- Roads i New Bem ETJ Subwatersheds ~- Railroads S Waterbody nroNnY7v~ ^ti"' Stream$ ~M1 V INUNJf I;M1T jJN17' 0 1 2 0 Miles Mgure 5.1.1 Model Subwatersheds NC 43 Connector March 201 I Pagc ~ 33 ICI Wa[cr Quality Repoli 5.2.1 ModelImperviousness The land use categories and percent impervious cover used in the model were derived from the ICE assessment (NCDOT, 2006). Impervious cover affects the quantity and timing of runoff, and consequently, the level of pollutant loading. The land use categories and average percent impervious areas match those used in the SCS TR-55 Manual (SCS, 1986). The categories and their percent imperviousness are presented in Table 5.2.3. Table 5.2.3 Land Use Categories and Estimated Imperviousness Land Use Name GR'LF Code Percent Im ervious Residential -Very Low Density (2+ acres er dwellin unit RVL 8 Residential -Low Density 1.5-2 acres er d.u. RLL l4 Residential -Medium Low Density (1-1.5 acres er d.u. RML 18 Residential -Medium High Density (0.5-1 acres er d.u. RMH 23 Residential -High Density 0.25-0.5 acres er d.u. RHH 29 Residential -Multifamily/Very High Density (0.25 acres er d.u. RVH 50 Office/Institutional/Li ht Industrial OFF 70 Commercial/Hea Industrial COM 85 Paved Road with Ri ht of Wa ** ROAD 85 Urban Green S ace/Golf Course UGR 0 Row Cro ROW 0 Forest FOR 0 Wetlands WET 0 5.3 Surface Water Hydrology Table 5.3.1 summarizes the surface water inputs and assumed values used in the GWLF modeling analysis. More detail on the individual parameters is provided in the following sections. NC 43 Connector March 201 I Page ~ 34 ICI Water Quality Report Table 5.3.1 Surface Water Hydrology Input Parameters Input llescripfion Unit Baseline Comments/ Reference Parameter Value Literature Ran e Precipitation Daily rainfall em Annual ~ 11 years of data Data from Min = 96.5 (1998-2009) used Craven Max = 183.7 for simulation and County Mean = 129.4 assumed to be Airport uniform for the (KEWN) and study arcs COOP Station 316108, State Climate Office of NC Evapotranspir- Cover none Values range Rural land uses: Haith et al. anon (ET) Cover coefficient from 1.0 for default values (1992) for estimating forest [0 0.15 For derived based on ET high intensity land use. Urban land urban category uses: one minus COMM im crvious fraction Antecedent Soil Moisture for up cm 0 Unknown and Haith et al. Moisture to five days therefore assumed in (1992) Conditions prior to initial accordance with ste manual to be zero Runoff Curve Parameter for none Ranges from 63 Site dependant SCS (1986) Numbers converting to 98 in the based on soil type mass rainfall to current study and land use mass- runoff 5.3.1 Precipitation Daily rainfall records from two stations, located one kilometer apart and 4.8 kilometers from the study area were obtained from the North Carolina State Climate Office: Craven County Airport (KEWN) and COOP Station 316108 (Figure 4.1.1). Baker added precipitation from COOP Station 316108 from 4/1/05 to 4/1/09 to the previous seven-year time series assembled in NCDOT, 2006. Thus, rainfall data for an 11-year period were used for this study. NCDOT 2006 stated that data from station KEWN for the period 4/1/98 - 3/31/99 was appended to data from station 316108 for the period 4/1/99 - 3/31/05. Missing values in the time series from station 316108 were filled in using either values from KEWN or the average for that month. The mean rainfall over the 11-year period is 7 percent below the long-term average (139 cm) at station 316108, indicating that the model simulation period includes representative, though slightly dry, hydrologic conditions for the area. Rainfall was assumed uniform throughout the study area. 5.3.2 Evapotranspiration Cover Coefficients Precipitation that is returned to the atmosphere by evapotranspiration (ET) is a function of temperature and vegetative cover. Rural land use coefficients were set according to values provided in the GWLF manual (Haith et al., 1992). The ET cover coefficients were area- NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 35 ICI Water Quality Report weighted by land use and specific to each drainage area. Per the GWLF manual, urban coefficients were set equal to one minus the impervious fraction. The portion of deciduous ~ trees was not known, so vegetation was assumed to grow year round. Cropland was the only land use that had different dormant and growing season coefficients. 5.3.3 Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions Antecedent soil moisture conditions are a function of rainfall levels up to five days prior to ' the day on which modeling begins. Antecedent soil moisture conditions were unknown and were assumed to be zero as per guidance provided in the GWLF manual (Haith et al., 1992). 5.3.4 Runoff Curve Numbers The portion of rainfall that becomes runoff in GWLF depends on the SCS Curve Number. The curve numbers were taken from the TR-55 Manual (SCS, 1986) and are based on soil hydrologic group and percent impervious cover. Soil hydrologic groups were determined using the detailed Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database (USDA-NRCS, Brunswick County and New Hanover County http://www.ncec.nres.usda.eov/products/datasets/ssurgo/). Hydrologic response units (HRU) were derived by combining land use categories with soil hydrologic groups. Each HRU was assigned a curve number based the TR-55 Manual (SCS, 1986) and interpolations where needed. Table 4.3.2 displays the curve numbers based on land use and soil group in this study. The HRUs were area-weighted to derive one number per land use in each drainage area. , Table 5.3.2 Curve Numbers for Land Use and Soil Hydrologic Groups Land Use Land Use Group Group Group Group Group Name Code A B C D B&D Residential-Very RVL 44 64 76 82 73 Low Densi[ Residential -Low Densit RLL 47 66 77 83 75 Residential - Medium Low RML 50 67 78 84 76 Densit Residential - MediumHigh RMH 53 69 80 84 77 Densit Residential -High RHH 57 72 81 86 79 Densit Residential-Very RVH 68 79 86 89 84 Hi h Densit Office/Light OFF 80 87 91 93 90 Industrial Commercial/Heavy COM 89 92 94 95 94 Industrial Paved Road with ROAD 83 89 92 93 91 Ri ht of Wa NC 43 Connector March 201 I Page ~ 36 ICI Water Quality Report Land Use Name Land Use Code Group A Group B Group C Group D Group B&D Urban Greenspacc UGR 49 69 79 84 77 Row Crop ROW 67 78 85 89 84 Forest FOR 33 57 71 78 68 Wetlands WET 45 66 77 83 75 Watcr WAT 98 98 98 98 98 Source: NCDOT, 2006 5.4 Groundwater Hydrology A summary of assumptions and values for the groundwater input parameters is provided in Table 5.4.1. Further discussion on the parameters is provided below. 5.4.1 Recession Coefficient The rate at which groundwater is discharged to stream channels in the model is governed by the recession coefficient. No flow data were available within the study area, so an empirical equation developed by Lee et al. (1999) was used. The authors developed the following equation for the recession coefficient using GWLF model calibrations and regression analyses on numerous watersheds: R = 0.045 + 1.13 * (0.306 + DA)-' Where DA =drainage area in krnz Recession coefficients were calculated for each of the 16 drainage areas. Results ranged in value from 0.14 to 0.63. 5.4.2 Seepaee Coefficient GWLF controls the portion of rainfall lost to deep aquifers using the seepage coefficient. The manual states that no standard technique is available for estimating this rate and recommends that it be determined by modehcalibration. In eastern North Carolina, 2.5 to 5 cm per year typically infiltrates through to deep groundwater aquifers, representing about two to three percent of the water balance (Evans et al., 2000). The seepage coefficient was set to a value (0.005) that produced a two percent loss to deep groundwater. 5.4.3 Available Soil Water Caaacity The amount of water available to be held in the soil profile, or available water capacity (AWC), is dependent on the soil porosity and texture, among other variables. Volumetric AWC estimates were obtained from the SSURGO database and area-weighted according to the soil types in each drainage area. Values for the seven subwatersheds ranged from 12.9 to 19.0 cm. These values assumed a 100-cm rooting depth according to the GWLF manual. NC 43 Connector March 2011 Pagc ~ 37 ICI Water Quality Report 5.4.4 Initial Unsaturated and Saturated Storage The GWLF manual recommends values for 10 and 0 cm for initial unsaturated and saturated storage, respectively, when these values are uncertain, as was the case in this study. Table 5.4.1 Groundwater Input Parameters Input Parameter Description Unit ' Baseline Comments/ Reference Value Literature Ran e Basellow Recession Groundwater Day Drainage area- Lee et al. Coefficient (r) seepage rate Min = 0.14 dependent and (1999) Max = 0.63 calculated by Lee et al. Mean = 0.24 1999 Seepage (s) Deep seepage Day Site dependant; Goal Haith et al. coefficient to generate 2%decp (1992); Evans 0.005 seepage over the et al. (2000) simulation eriod ' Available Soil Interstitial cm Min = 12.9 Determined from Haith et al. Water Capacity storage Max = 19.0 SSURGO soils data (1992) Mean= 16.2 Initial Unsaturated Initial amount em GWLF Manual ~ Haith et al. Storage of water stored Default (1992) in the 10 unsaturated zone Initial Saturated Initial amount cm GWLF Manual Haith et al. Storage of water stored Default (1992) in the 0 saturated zone 5.5 Erosion and Sediment Transport Table 5.5.1 summarizes erosion and sediment transport inputs and assumed values used in the GWLF modeling analysis. More detail on the individual parameters is provided in the following sections. ' Sediment loss in GWLF is simulated through application of the USLE, which uses four input factors: K for soil erodibility; LS for length-slope factor; C for cover factor; and P for management practice factor. 5.5.1 Soil Erodibility Factor ' The soil erodibility factor, K, is the propensity of a soil to erode when it is struck by water. K values were obtained from the SSURGO database and were area-weighted by rural land use type in each modeled drainage areas. For the four soil groups distributed within the ' study area, the K factors ranged from 0.15 to 0.32. 5.5.2 Length-Slope Factor ' The length-slope factor is the average slope length (L) that travels from the highest flow path within a drainage area to the point at which it reaches concentrated flow multiplied by the i' NC 43 Connector, March 2011 Pagc ~ 38 ICI Water Quality Report slope (S), which represents the effect of slope steepness for each soil type. Higher slopes increase erosion risk for a given soil type. LS factors for this modeling analysis were generated in NCDOT, 2006 using GIS spatial analysis using the USLE Sediment Tool included in the USEPA Watershed Characterization System (Tetra Tech, 2000). Area-weighted values ranged from 0.13 to 1.4, with the high values associated with the quarries. Table 5.5.1 Rural Sediment Transaort Input Parameters Input Parameter Description Unit Baseline Comments/ Reference Value Literature Ran e Rainfall Erosivity Kinetic energy MJ-Mm/ha Min = 0.16 Rainfall Haith et al. (R) of rainfall (cool s-cason) erosivity; (1992) for Max = 0.28 varies Wilmington, (warm season, seasonally NC A r-Oct) Soil Erodibility Soil erosion none Arca-weighted Derived from SSURGO soils Factor (K) potential Min = 0.15 soils GIS data data for the Max = 0.32 (function of study area soil texture and orosit Length-Slope Sediment none Varies by Derived from USEPA Factor (LS) transport subwatershed DEM as a Watershed potential based function of Characterization on topography slope and System (Tetra overland Tech, 2000) mnoff Sediment Delivery Portion of none Varies by Empirically- BasinSim Ratio (SDR) eroded subwatershed derived Utility sediment that relationship (Dai et al., is transported 2000) to receiving waters 5.5.3 Cover (C) and Management Practice (P) Factors Soil erosion is also affected by the type of cover vegetation (C) (e.g., soybeans or forest) and the practice by which soil erosion is managed (P) (e.g., no support practice or planting on contours). Cover and management factors for non-agricultural land uses in this study are from the GWLF manual (Haith et al., 1992). With limited cropland acreage in the modeled drainage area and uncertainty about the type of crops grown and the erosion-control practices employed, it was assumed that the cropland C was 0.1 and P was 0.6. Factors for cropland were estimated from the North Carolina Revised USLE Manual (USDA, 1995; NCDOT, 2006). The P factor is equivalent to using contour plowing and C is indicative of a~ moderately productive rotation of corn, wheat, and hay (Stewart et al., 1975; Haith et al., 1992). Cover and management factors for non-agricultural land uses in this study are from Haith et al. (1992). The C factor selected for forested land was 0.001, which indicates a tree canopy of 75 to 100 percent. NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 39 IC[ Water Quality Report ~i ~~ '1 Table 5.5.2 Cover and Management Practice Factors Land Use Name Cover Factor Mana ement Practice Factor Residential - Ver Low Densit 0.0100 1.000 Barren Land 0.5000 1.000 Wetlands 0.0020 ~ 1.000 Forest 0.0020 1.000 Row Cro 0.0940 0.600 Urban Grass 0.0065 1.000 5.5.4 ~ Sediment Delivery Ratio ' The sediment delivery ratio in GWLF accounts for the portion of erosion that is delivered to the stream network from the edge of field, with the balance trapped in the watershed. The BasinSim version of GWLF, used by in NCDOT 2006 included a software utility that calculates the sediment delivery ratio on the basis of the drainage area of the subwatershed being simulated Sediment delivery ratios in the study ranged from 0 212 to 0 318 . . . . ' 5.5.5 Sedimentation from Urban Land Uses For urban land uses, the GWLF model calculates particle loads associated with particulate ' nutrients without calculating sediment load. For the present study, sediment from urban sources was modeled using the same accumulation and washoff functions from the model substituting sediment accumulation rates for particulate nutrient accumulation rates. This procedure follows Schneidermann et al. (2002). Suspended solids accumulation rates were estimated from Kuo et al. (1988) as presented in the GWLF manual (Haith et al., 1992). One rate was set for each urban land use by ' interpolating between the estimates for pervious and impervious surfaces. Rates for residential land uses ranged from 1.8 to 3.7 kg/ha/day, with values increasing with imperviousness. Rates for nonresidential land uses including commercial and institutional ' categories were 2.2 to 2.5 kg/ha/day, respectively. ' The accumulation rate (1.8 kg/ha/day) for roads was determined in NCDOT 2006 by iteratively running the Wilson Creek No Build Scenario, adjusting the rates until the model predicted an export rate of 185 kg/ha/yr. The target export is based on the average of the North Carolina value from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (1990) and regional event mean concentration values in USEPA (2001). ' S.6 Nutrient Loading A summary of assumptions and values for the nutrient input parameters is provided in Table ' 5.6.1. Further discussion on the parameters is provided below. 5.6.1 Solid Phase Nutrients Loading of nutrients attached to sediment particles is governed in the model by soil nutrient ' concentrations multiplied by an enrichment ratio. The soil nutrient concentrations in the i I' NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 40 IC[ Water Quality Report model runs were set at 1,400 mg/kg and 352 mg/kg for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. These parameter estimates were derived from guidance in the GWLF manual (Haith, 1992) and regional soil nutrient concentration observations (Parker et al., 1946; Mills et al., 1985). 5.6.2 Groundwater Nutrient Concentrations Values for nutrient concentrations in groundwater discharge to the stream network were based on work by Spruill et al. (1998). This study monitored groundwater concentrations in the Albemarle-Pamlico Drainage Basin and included sample statistics for the outer Coastal Plain. The resulting median values used for this study were 0.42 and 0.04 mg/I for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. Table 5.6.1 Nutrient Loadin In ut Parameters Input Parameter Description Unit Baseline Comments/ Reference . Value Literature Ran e Solid Phase Nutrient Loadin Nutrient Total nitrogen mg/kg 1,400 Varies Haith et al. Concentration in concentration regionally and (1992); Sediment from by site; 500- Mills et al. Rural Sources 900 based on (1985) literature; multiplied by amid range enrichment values of 2.0 Total mg/kg 352 Varies Haith et al. phosphorus regionally and (1992); concentration by site; Icss Mills et al. than or equal (1985) to 400; multi- plied by Pz05 conversion factor (0.44), enrichment ratio of 2.0 Dissolved Nutrient,in Groundwater Nutrient Total nitrogen ml/L 0.42 Median value Spruill et al. Concentration concentration forthcinner (1998) Coastal Plain Total ml/L 0.04 Median value Spruill et al. phosphorus for theinncr (1998) concentration Coastal Plain 5.6.3 Runoff Concentrations and Accumulation Rates GWLF uses accumulation (buildup) and washoff functions to predict nutrient loads From urban land uses and runoff concentrations to predict nutrient loads from rural land uses. For modeling purposes in this study, all residential land uses were considered to be urban. The NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 41 ICI Water Quality Report accumulation rates and runoff concentrations used in this study are presented in Table 5.6.2. The selected values were based on those used in the Jordan Lake TMDL watershed model (TetraTech, 2003), with some adjustments. These rates are significantly higher than the GWLF default values; however, they were based on event mean concentrations from Line et al. (2002), CH2M Hill (2000), Greensboro (2003), and USEPA (1983). Those rates were found to be in agreement with export coefficients reported in the literature (CDM, 1989; Hartigan et al., 1983; USEPA, 1983; Beaulac and Reckhow, 1982; and, Frink, 1991). The Jordan Lake values appear to be more appropriate given that they are largely based on North Carolina monitoring data. Table 5.6.2 Nutrient Runoff and Buildu Rates for Existin Land Uses Runoff Concentrations Rural Land Uses Dissolved N m /f. Dissolved P m /L Pasture 2.770 0.250 Row Cro 2.770 0.250 Forest 0.190 0.006 Wetlands 0.190 0.006 Barren 0.190 0.006 Urban Greens ace 0.200 0.0065 Residential -Ver Low Densit 0.230 0.007 Mass Buildu Rates Urban Land Uses N Buildu /ha/da P Buildu k /ha/da Residential -Low Densit 0.214 0.040 Residential -Medium Low Densit 0.242 0.040 Residential -Medium Hi h Densit 0.242 0.040 Residential - Hi h Densit 0.219 0.037 Residential -Ver Hi h Densit 0.201 0.033 Office/Li ht Industrial 0.158 0.025 Commercial/Heav Industrial 0.191 0.029 Roadwa s 0.052 0.006 Quarr 0.055 0.005 Buildup rates for roadways were assigned by running the model iteratively to produce the ' loading rates for nitrogen and phosphorus of 5.5 kg/ha/yr and 0.7 kg/ha/yr, respectively (FHWA, 1990; USEPA, 2001). Urban greenspace land uses were assigned values between very low density residential and forest land uses. ' An important assumption of the analysis was that the study area would be served by the existing wastewater treatment plant of the City of New Bern (Avery, personal communication, 2005). As ' a result, no inputs for septic tanks were included in the GWLF modeling analysis. Also; there are no permitted point sources of pollutant load located within the study area. ~. 5.7 Consideration of Existing Environmental Regulations 5.7.1 Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Rules ' The Neuse NSW stormwater management program imposes a 4.0 kg/ha/yr (3.6 pounds per acre per year or lb/ac/yr) nitrogen loading limit on new development. Nitrogen loads from NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 42 ' IC[ Water Quality Report new developments that exceed this performance standard may be offset by payment of a fee to the Ecosystem Enhancement Program provided, however, that no new residential development can exceed 6.7 kg/ha/yr (6.0 ]b/ac/yr) and no new nonresidential development can exceed 11.2 kg/ha/yr (10.0 lb/ac/yr). Since most existing development within the study area occurred before 1998, all existing development was assigned loading rates shown in Table 5.6.2. Rates for future residential and nonresidential development were determined using the iterative process described in section 5.5.5, targeting TN export rates of 6.5 and 4.4 kg/ha/yr for nonresidential and residential land uses, respectively. These export rates are based on an approximation of the percent of the time that land developers in New Bern choose to use the payment offset provision in the regulations rather than implementing best management practices to achieve the loading limits. Meadows (2006) suggests that use of the offset provision occurs 15 and 50 percent of the time for residential and commercial development, respectively. Weighted build-up rates were determined accordingly. These rates were applied to all subwatersheds with the exception of the Neuse subwatershed. In the Neuse subwatershed, where the Craven 30 development is proposed, loading rates equivalent to the maximum allowed under the Neuse Rules were assumed. Weyerhaeuser Corporation, which is developing the Craven 30 project, has expressed their intention of using the maximum offset payment permitted. The modeled rates assume aworst-case scenario that the offset payments will not result in implementation of stonnwater best management practices within the project study area. Reductions in nitrogen loading will be accompanied by reductions in TP and TSS (NCDWQ, 2004 and 2005). A concomitant reduction of 30 percent in both constituents is assumed and implemented in the model simulations. However, further TSS reductions are predicted based on the Coastal Stormwater Rule described below. The Coastal Stormwater Rule TSS reductions took precedence where it applied. An additional feature of the Neuse rules requires no net increase in peak flow leaving a newly developed site compared to predevelopment conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm. This feature was not explicitly incorporated into the model simulation for two reasons. Since most BMPs convert little runoff to infiltration, mitigating peak flows will have little impact on long-term runoff rates or volumes. In addition, BMPs for water quality provide some control of peak flow, so some of this required control is considered implicitly. In all three land use scenarios, a 50-foot buffer on all perennial and intermittent streams identified on the USGS-based stream coverage was classified as urban greenspace. 5.7.2 Coastal Stormwater Rule As explained in Section 2.1.3, the Coastal Stormwater Rule passed in January 2008 requires control of the first one and a half inches of rainfall and removal of 85 percent of the annual TSS load from new developments with more than 24 percent impervious cover. Control of the first one and a half inches of rainfall was factored into this study because the rule is meant to detain runoff to mitigate peak stream flow. The SCS Curve Number Method NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 43 ICI Water Quality Report (see Section 6), which estimates total runoff, was altered to reduce precipitation by 1.5 inches where the CAMA rules applied. The 85 percent TSS removal requirement of this regulation was incorporated into the modeling analysis by reducing the sediment accumulation rate on new land uses (not existing as of 2008) with assumed impervious cover greater than 24 percent. This applies to commercial, industrial, and high- and very high- density residential land uses. The TSS removal requirement was applied by multiplying the accumulation rates for these land uses by 0.15. This assumes that nearly all TSS is transported in the first 1.5 inches of rainfall. Over the course of the 11-year precipitation record used for this study, only 2 percent of the days had more than 1.5 inches of rain. Furthermore, it seems reasonable to expect nearly all of the accumulated TSS to be washed off the landscape with this amount of rain. 5.8 Model Implementation Individual model runs were conducted for the Build and No Build scenarios in the seven subwatersheds using the input files for transport, nutrients, and sediment. The model input files are provided in Appendix A. The same weather file was used in all model runs. ~6 Model Results and Discussion 6.1 Hydrology The GWLF hydrology inputsfrom the 2006 Stantec ICI study were used for this analysis because the hydrologic calibration was accepted by NCDWQ. Components of the hydrologic cycle illustrated in Figure 4.2.1 include precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, and deep groundwater seepage. In eastern North Carolina, rainfall typically ranges from 112 to 152 cm (44-60 in). Evapotranspiration (ET), runoff (surface and subsurface) and deep groundwater outflow range from 81 to 102 cm (32-40 in), 30 to 51 cm (12-20 in), and 3 to 5 cm (1-2 in), respectively (Evans et al., 2000). A comprehensive study of hydrology of forested lands in eastern North Carolina found that annual outflow or runoff from forested sites ranged from 17 to 45 percent of rainfall (Chescheir et al., 2003). Runoff from the most undeveloped subwatershed in the model simulations, Rocky Run, comprised 39 percent of the water balance over the simulation period for the No-Build Scenario. ET comprised 59 percent of the water balance, lower than the typical range of 67 to 73 percent cited by Evans et al. (2000). The lower percentage of ET is likely due to the greater amount of development compared to the typical mass balance described in Evans et al. (2000). Urbanization is accompanied by a decrease in vegetation available to produce evapotranspiration as well as a greater proportion of surface runoff (versus subsurface runoff in shallow groundwater). For the study area as a whole, ET and runoff were 46 and 53 percent of total rainfall for the No Build Scenario. ' The seasonal change in hydrologic conditions in the Rocky Run subwatershed is shown in Figure 5.1.1. As expected, evapotranspiration decreases in winter due to lower temperatures and ~ dormant vegetation resulting in a higher proportion of runoff. ' NC 43 Connector March 201 I Page ~ 44 ' ICI Water Quality Report 20 18 16 --~-Precipitation (cm) f Evapotranspiration (cm) Subsurface Runoff (cm) $Surface Runoff (cm) ~TOtal Runoff (cm) 14 12 ~ 10 8 6 4 2 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Figure 6.1.1 Mean Monthly Water Balance for the Rocky Run Subwatershed (No Build Scenario, from NCDOT, 2006) 6.2 Pollutant Loading Results The model was run for seven subwatersheds for the Build and No Build scenarios and produced loading predictions for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and sediment. The annual loads from each drainage area and for each pollutant were summed over the 11-year modeling period. The results are shown in Tables 6.1.2, 6.1.3, and 6.1.4; and Charts 2, 3, and 4. Table 6.1.2 11-Year Total Nitrogen Loads lMal for all Drainage Areas Subwatershed No Build Alternative Build Alternative Percent Change over No Build Caswell Branch 32.3 32.3 0% Dee Branch 52.3 54.8 4.8% Ha ward Creek 10.2 10.8 5.9% Neuse River 123.2 126.4 2.6% Rock Run 34.9 36.4 4.3% UT to Wilson Creck 50.5 52.5 3.0% Wilson Creek 135.9 137.9 1.5% TOTAL 439.3 450.6 2.6% NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 45 ]CI Water Quality Report i~ ' Chart 6.1.1 Table 6.1.3 11-Year Total Phosphorus Loads (Mel for all Drainaee Areas Subwatcrshed No Build Alternative Build Iternative Percent C-hange over No Build Caswell Branch 6.6 6.6 0% Dce Branch 10.2 10.5 2.9% Ha and Crcck 2.3 2.4 4.3% Neuse River 23.4 23.5 0.4% Rock Run 6.9 7.3 5.8"/0 UT to Wilson Creek 11.4 11.7 2.6% Wilson Creek 24.9 25.1 0.8"/0 TOTAL 85.7 87.1 1.6% ,' NC 43 Connector ' ~ ICI Water Quality Report March 2011 Pagc46 Chart 6.1.2 rthf'H1. } ~N i ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~.' 4{G.wy~ . . T~ alPhospFiorus Loadsfor'aII Subwateesfieds ` , ~ K ~ «^~, .t:; ~~. ,~ _ "`,'has - ~' =_>o- g, s ,`. a. - z 0,- j> ~ Neuse -~ROc River e ~~.t'~ r e ~ ~ J ''~ ~$ ~~,~,~~ NoHBuild Alterriativ~ V 4 hYy ~~ ~ ~ - ,, wuson ,-.Creek i _. +:i^, Table 6.1.4 11-Year Total Sediment (TSSI Loads (Mel for all Drainaee Areas Subwatershed No Bu l'd Alternative Build Alternative Percent C-hange over No Build Caswell Branch 514.7 514.7 0% Dee Branch 621.9 520.3 -16.3% Ha and Crcek 130.5 130.7 0.2% Neusc Rivcr 1139.8 1187.8 4.2% Rock Run 743.6 646.0 -13.1°/n UT to Wilson Creek 480.9 455.4 -5.3% Wilson Crcek 1635.2 1629.2 -0.4% TOTAL 5266.6 5084.1 -3.6% NC 43 Connector March 201 I Pagc ~ 47 ICl Wa[cr Quality Repor[ Chart 6.1.3 This analysis projects slight nutrient load increases in the Build Scenario beyond the No Build Scenario of 1 to 3 percent over nearly 14,000 acres in the modeled drainage areas. TN loading increased by 2.6 percent, while TP loading increased by 1.6 percent. The nutrient load increases are the result of land uses with somewhat higher impervious cover in the Build Scenario than the No Build Scenario (see Appendix B for projected land use differences). The subwatersheds that had the highest differences in total nitrogen loading between the Build and No Build scenarios are Hayward Creek (5.9 percent), Deep Branch (4.8 percent), and Rocky Run (4.3 percent). The remaining subwatersheds had differences of 3 percent or less. The higher total nitrogen loading in Hayward Creek was the result of less than 10 hectares being developed as commercial land (Build) instead of medium high density residential ]and (No Build). in Deep Branch, the higher nitrogen load was due to a 143-hectare difference in high density residential (Build) versus medium-high density residential (No Build). This was also the case in Rocky Run where approximately 150 hectares were assumed to be high density residential in the Build scenario and medium-high density residential in the No Build scenario. Developed land has higher nutrient loading than less developed land (i.e., lower impervious cover percentages) because there are more nutrient sources (e.g., pets, vehicles, lawn fertilizer) and more direct delivery (i.e., less infiltration, more runoff). Sediment (TSS), however, declined in several drainage areas as a result of the Coastal Stormwater Rule requiring an 85 percent reduction in TSS loading on all new development with greater than 24 percent impervious cover. Cumulative sediment loading decreased by 3.6 percent in the Build Scenario compared to the No Build Scenario. NC 43 Connector March 201 I Page ~ 48 ICI Water Quality Report As a result of the Coastal Stormwater Rule requirements (see Section 5.8.2), model predictions show reductions in TSS loading compared to slight increases in nutrient loading. Whether these reductions are realized is dependent upon enforcement of the regulations. Assessing the effectiveness and enforcement of the regulation is outside of the scope of this study. Any practices used to decrease TSS loading would likely.also reduce nutrient loading, particularly phosphorus since it is frequently sediment-bound. 6.3 Nitrogen Loading to the Neuse River Estuary Given concerns about water quality in the Neuse.River estuary, it is important to consider how the predicted increase in nitrogen loading predicted by the GWLF model compares to the cumulative nutrient loading to the Neuse River estuary. Total nitrogen is the limiting nutrient to algal growth in the estuary and is subject to an EPA-approved Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). The TMDL for total nitrogen is 8,388 kilograms per day (6.75 million pounds per year) (NCDENR, 2001). The ICI model results in Mg over an 1 l-year period were converted to kg per day and compared to the estuary inputs. Table 6.3.1 shows the results. Table 6.3.1 Pro'ect Area Nitro en Loadin as a Percents a of Nitro en Loading to Estuary Scenario TN units Build 450.6 M No Build 439.3 M ~qµy y Build 112.2 k d No Build 109.4 k d Build 1.338 % of TMDL to estua No Build 1.304 % of TMDL to estua The loading from the ICI study area amounts to roughly 1.3 percent of the loading to the estuary. The nitrogen load difference between the Build and the No Build (2.6 percent) appears to be inconsequential in terms of estuarine water quality, but the increase in load from either scenario above existing conditions from may have an effect on estuarine water quality. NC 43 Connector March 201 I ICI Water Quality Report Pagc~49 7 Stream Erosion Risk Analysis Land development adds impervious cover to a watershed, which increases the volume and decreases the delivery time to the stream network. As a result, high stream flow events increase in Frequency and magnitude, which resu]ts in stream channel erosion. To assess the potential for stream channel erosion as a result of constructing the NC 43 Connector, an analysis using the SCS Curve Number Method was performed (SCS, 1986). The method and results are outlined below. 7.1 Method The Curve Number Method estimates drainage area-wide runoff following a rainfall event. The approach uses three equations. First, runoff retention is approximated for each land use using: S„ _ (1,000/CN„) - 10 Where Su =retention on land use u and CN„ =curve number for land use u. The curve numbers used for this analysis are the same as those shown in Table 4.3.2. The runoff contributed by each land use in a drainage area is estimated using: Where Q„ =flow volume contributed by land use uand P =rainfall. ' The total flow volume for each drainage area is estimated by summing Q„ for each land use. Three storm events were used in the analysis: the 24-hour storm occurring with a frequency of one, five, and ten years. The rainfall totals for these storms are 3.49, 5.49, and 6.54 inches, respectively. Which storm has the greatest potential for channel erosion depends on whether a floodplain bench is present and, if so, the elevation of the bench. In general, however, higher precipitation results in greater channel erosion potential. This exercise factored the requirement of the CAMA stormwater management rules requiring the control of the first 1.5 inches of rainfall for new developments with more than 24 percent impervious area. Though eventually nearly all of this runoff would enter the stream network, the peak flows, which typically have the biggest effect on channel erosion, would be reduced. Therefore, the SCS estimate for total runoff was altered slightly by reducing precipitation by 1.5 inches in the calculations. 7.2 Results The Curve Number Method was applied to the seven subwatersheds for both the Build and the No Build scenarios. The results for the 1-year (Table 7.2.1, Chart 5), 5-year (Table 7.2.2, Chart 6), and 10-year (Table 7.2.3, Chart 7) storm events show that the Build scenario would decrease runoff volume by 1 to 3 percent depending on whether the 1-, 5-, or 10-yr 24-hour storm is NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 50 ICI Water Quality Report considered. The Build scenario has 3 percent less runoff volume than the No Build Scenario for the 1-year storm; 1.5 percent less For the 5-year storm; and 1 percent less than the 10-year storm The 1-year storm is frequently the event that stormwater BMPs are designed to control since it happens more frequently and will flush a high percentage of pollutants from the landscape into the stream network. Table 7.2.1 Storm Flow Volumes fm31 for the 1-Year. 24-Hour Storm tl acre-font=1233.5 m31 ~Subw~ate~rshed~ ~1~'o'~}Bui1~d~Alte'"r'~ alive _ ~Buil°d~Alteinativ ~P,er` ent~Chane'1'over~No Build>=" Caswell 49,653 49,653 0.0% Dee 53,431 46,426 -13.1 Ha ward 7,414 7,513 1.3% Neuse 82,918 87,541 5.6% Rock 52,347 45,788 -12.5% UT Wilson 31,080 30,839 -0.8% Wilson 79,758 77,747 -2.5% Total 356 600 345 506 -3.1 Chart 7.2.1 too;ooo ;; 80,000 d ~ .60,000 ~. , '40,000' ~'~ . ~ . ~ 20;000 ..~ ~. Runoff Predictions for.l-Year 24-Hour Storm usingSCS m ~ ` ~' 'Curve Number Method' Caswell Deep Hayward Neuse Rocky UT Wilson Wilson ^NO=BUiIdAlterna[ive~ ^~BUild'Alternative NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page 51 ICI Water Quality Report Table 7.2.2 Storm Flow Volumes m3 for the for the 5-Year, 24-Hour Storm lacre-foot=1.233.5 m3) Subw,atershed No Build Alternative Build Alternative Percent Chan a over No Build Caswell 95,915 95,915 0.0% Dee .109,634 101,454 -7.5% Ha and 18,065 18,354 1.6% Neuse 168,989 174,694 3.4% Rock 114,371 106,412 -7.0% UT Wilson 74,705 75,01 I 0.4% Wilson 165,861 164,119 -1.1% Total 747 540 735,958 -].5"/" Chart 7.2.2 Table 7.2.3 Storm Flow Volumes m3 for the for the l0-Year, 24-Hour Storm lacre-foot=1.233.5 m3) Subw,atershed No Build Alternative Build Alternative Percent Chan a over No Build Caswell 121,1 12 121,112 0.0% Dee 140,822 132,361 -6.0% Ha ward 24,229 24,592 1.5% Neuse 216,369 222,343 2.8% Rock 149,726 141,442 -5.5% UT Wilson 99,933 100,447 0.5% Wilson 213,981 212,366 -0.8% Total 966172 954,663 -1.2% NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 52 ICI Wa[er Quality Report Chart 7.2.3 Runoff Predictions for 10-Year 24-Hour Storm using SCS ' Curve Number Method - ` zso,ooo ~ ~ ~ f zoo,ooo tsa,ooo ~ ~,. ' ~ too,ooo o so,ooo I c I ~ I ~ o _-~' :~ .Caswell Deep •Hayward;.'~ Neuse . Rocky - UT Wilson Wilson ^ No-Build Alternative'^ Build Alternative 8 Conclusions The GWLF model was applied to analyze the impacts on water quality from land use changes predicted to occur with the construction of the NC 43 Connector (TIP Project No. R-4463). This analysis projects nutrient load increases in the Build Scenario beyond the No Build Scenario of 1.6 percent for phosphorus and 2.6 percent for nitrogen over 13,627 acres in the modeled drainage areas. The nutrient load increases are the result of more urbanized land uses (i.e., higher impervious percentages) in the Build scenario compared to the No Build scenario (see Table 5.2.2 and Appendix B). These land use changes have less effect on storm runoff, where 1 to 3 percent less runoff is expected in the Build Scenario as a result of the Coastal Stormwater Rule requirements for control of the first 1.5 inches of rainfall on developments with 24 percent impervious cover or higher. Similarly, sediment (TSS) declined in many drainage areas as a result of the Coastal Stormwater Rule requirement of an 85 percent reduction in TSS loading from all new development with greater than 24 percent impervious cover. In all drainage areas combined, TSS loading was 3.6 percent lower in the Build scenario than the No Build one. Nutrient accumulation rates are subject to the Neuse Rules and were treated accordingly in the modeling (see Section 5.7.1). Since most existing development within the study area occurred before 1998, all existing development was assigned loading rates shown in Table 5.6.2. Rates for future residential and nonresidential development were determined using the iterative process described in Section 5.5.5 targeting TN export rates of 6.5 and 4.4 kg/ha/yr for nonresidential and residential land uses, respectively. These export rates are based on an approximation of the percent of the time that land developers in New Bem choose to use the payment offset provision in the regulations rather than implementing best management practices to achieve the loading limits. Meadows (2006) suggests that use of the offset provision occurs 15 and 50 percent of the time for residential and commercial development, respectively. These rates were applied to land use in all subwatersheds with the exception of the Neuse subwatershed. In the Neuse subwatershed, where the Craven 30 development is proposed, NC 43 Connector March 2011 Page ~ 53 ICI Water Quality Report loading rates equivalent to the maximum allowed under the Neuse Rules were assumed. Weyerhaeuser Corporation, which is developing the Craven 30 project, has expressed their intention of using the maximum offset payment permitted. The modeled rates assume aworst- case scenario that the offset payments will not result in implementation of stormwater best management practices within the project study area. Reductions in nitrogen loading will be accompanied by reductions in TP and TSS (NCDWQ, 2004 and 2005). A concomitant reduction of 30 percent in both constituents was assumed and implemented in the model simulations. However, the Coastal Stormwater Rule TSS reductions took precedence where it applied since that reduction is 85 percent. The subwatersheds that had the highest differences in total nitrogen loading between the Build and No Build scenarios are Hayward Creek (5.9 percent), Deep Branch (4.8 percent), and Rocky Run (4.3 percent). The remaining subwatersheds had differences of 3 percent or less. The higher total nitrogen loading in Hayward Creek was the result of less than 10 hectares being developed as commercial land (Build) instead of medium high density residential land (No Build). In Deep Branch, the higher nitrogen load was due to a 143-hectare difference in high density residential (Build) versus medium high density residential (No Build). This was also the case in Rocky Run where approximately 150 hectares were assumed to be high density residential in the Build scenario and medium high density residential in the No Build scenario. The nutrient loading increases beyond the existing land use may cause some eutrophication of the local streams. The differences between the Build and No Build are relatively small, though greater eutrophication could occur in the Build scenario in some instances. This would entail increased vegetative growth, both in the water column as algae and on the substrate as periphyton, and more dynamic dissolved oxygen levels. Dissolved oxygen would be higher during photosynthesis and lower as algae die or respire at night. In-stream monitoring maybe conducted to observe algal growth and dissolved oxygen levels. ' In terms of potential cumulative effects, the loading from the subwatersheds in this study over the 11-year model runs are predicted to contribute 11.3 Mg (2.6 percent) more total nitrogen and 1.4 Mg (1.6 percent) more total phosphorus under the Build scenario than the No Build scenario. ' These differences are equivalent to 2.81 kg/day of total nitrogen and 0.35 kg/day of total phosphorus from the entire study area. The total nitrogen delivered to the estuary from the project subwatersheds is roughly 1.3 percent of the TMDL to the Neuse River estuary, or 8,388 ' kg/day (see Section 6.3). The nitrogen load difference between the Build and the No Build appears to be inconsequential, but the increase in load from either scenario above existing conditions from may have an effect on estuarine water quality. ' To summarize, localized water quality impacts to smaller streams in the project area (e.g., Hayward Creek, Deep Branch, and Rocky Run), such as eutrophication, may occur if R-4463 is ' constructed and the projected development occurs. However, similar changes in water quality in the Neuse River estuary do not appear to be likely because the incremental increase in nutrient loading between the Build and the No Build Scenarios (2.6 percent) is relatively small. ~' 11 NC 43 Connector ' ICI Water Quality Report March 2011 Page~54 9 References Avery, M. 2005. New Bern Department of Planning. Personal communication. October 2010. Beaulac, M.N. and K.H. Reckhow. 1982. An Examination of Land Use and Nutrient Export Relationships. Water Resources Bulletin, 18: 1013. 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Raleigh, North Carolina. ' United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1983. Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Volume 1. Water Planning Division, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. ' - 2001. PLOAD version 3.0, An ArcView GIS Tool to Calculate Nonpoint Sources of Pollution in Watershed and Stormwater Projects. United States Environmental Protection 1 Agency, Washington, D.C. United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1994. National Wetland Inventory (NWI). United States Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. ' ht~t ://www.nwi.fws.eov/index.html - 2010. Endangered, Threatened, and Candidate Species and Federal Species of Concern ' by County in Craven County, North Carolina. Website viewed on December 17, 2010: httn://www.fws.eov/nc-es/es/count, r.html. ' Weyerhaeuser on file with USAGE, 2009. Plat and signed tearsheets documenting results of wetland surveys for the Craven 30 North development project, June 2009. 1 NC 43 Connector ' ICI Water Quality Report March 201 I Pagc~58 Appendices Appendix A. Model Input Files Appendix B. Baker Projected Land Use by Subwatershed Page ~ A 1 Appendix A. Model Input Files Nutrient Files for all subwatersheds except Neuse Nutrient.dat 1400 300 0.3 0.07 1 10 12 0.19 0.006 1.94 0.175 0.2 0.0065 0.23 0.007 0.2 0.0065 0 0 0.19 0.006 0.055 0.0203 0.191 0.029 0.055 0.0203 0.158 0.025 0.063 0.026 0.219 0.037 0.061 0.026 0.214 0.037 0.0619 0.028 0.061 0.028 0.0515 0.0064 0.0532 0.0231 0.201 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2.5 1.6 0.4 FOR ROW RVL RVLe UGR W AT WET COM COMB OFF OFFe RHH RHHe RLL RLLe RMH RMHe ROAD RVH RVHe Page ~ A2 Nutrient Files for Neuse Build and NoBuild only Nutrient.dat 1400 300 0.3 0.07 1 10 12 0.19 0.006 0.2 0.0065 0 0 0.19 0.006 0.079 0.0203 0.191 0.029 0.079 0.0203 0.158 0.025 0.094 0.026 0.219 0.037 0.09 0.026 0.214 0.037 0.083 0.028 0.242 0.04 0.0515 0.0064 0.08 0.0231 0.201 0.033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2.5 1.6 0.4 FOR , UGR W AT WET COM COMB OFF' OFFe RHH RHHe RLL RLLe RMH RMHe ROAD RVH RVHe Page ~ A3 Sediment.dat (for TSS loading from urban land uses) 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.375 0 2.5 0 0.33 0 2.2 0 0.39 0 2.58 0 1.27 0 1.81 0 1.59 0 2.27 0 1.75 0 0.55 0 3.65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOR ROW RVL RVLe UGR WAT WET COM COMB OFF OFFe RHH RHHe RLL RLLe RMH RMHe ROAD RVH RVHe Page ~ A4 Transport Files Caswell Build Trans rt.dat 4 11 0.22 0.005 10 0 0 0.245 19 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.609 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.609 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.609 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.609 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.609 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.609 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.609 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.607 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.607 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.607 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.607 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.607 11.8 0 0.16 FOR 35.45 75 0.00006 ROW 1.7 87 0.00079 UGR -127.84 82 0.0002 WAT 116.04 98 0 MINE 125.23 86 0 COM 57.73 95 0 COMB 8.11 95 0 OFF 0.28 93 0 RLL 10.41 81 0 RLLe 7.7 81 0 RMH 1.35 84 0 RMHe 1.55 84 0 ROAD 11.82 93 0 RVH 97.89 88 0 RVHe 4.76 83 0 Page ~ AS i~ Caswell No Build Trans rt.dat 4 11 0.22 0.005 10 0 0 0.245 19 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.609 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.609 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.609 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.609 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.609 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.609 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.609 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.607 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.607 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.607 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.607 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.607 11.8 0 0.16 FOR 35.45 75 0.00006 ROW 1.7 87 ~ 0.00079 UGR 127.84 82 0.0002 WAT 116.04 98 0 MINE 125.23 86 0 COM 57.73 95 0 COMB 8.11 95 0 OFF 0.28 93 0 RLL 10.41 81 0 RLLe 7.7 81 0 RMH 1.35 84 0 RMHe 1.55 84 0 ROAD 11.82 93 0 RVH 97.89 88 0 RVHe 4.76 83 0 Dee Build Trans rt.dat 6 9 0.18 0.005 10 0 0 0.233 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 i Page ~ A6 , Apr 0.639 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.639 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.639 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.639 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.639 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.639 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.639 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.639 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.639 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.639 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.639 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.639 11.8 0 0.16 FOR 255.17 73 0.00002 ROW 0.4 85 0.00122 RVLe 0.12 73 0.00008 UGR 20.59 80 0.00018 WAT 3.42 98 0 WET 6.67 83 0 MINE 119 86 0 COM 23.3 94 0 COMB 46.24 94 0 OFF 118.31 90 0 OFFe 3.33 90 0 RHH 140.93 82 0 Rlle 1.33 83 0 RMH 2.34 83 0 ROAD 41.83 91 0 Dee NoBuild Trans rt.dat 6 9 0.18 0.005 10 0 0 0.233 17 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.699 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.699 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.699 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.699 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.699 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.699 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.699 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.699 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.699 9.8 0 0.16 Page ~ A7 tan 0.699 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.699 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.699 11.8 0 0.16 FOR 255.17 73 0.00002 ROW 0.4 85 0.00122 RVLe 0.12 73 0.00008 UGR 20.59 80 0.00018 WAT 3.42 98 0 WET 6.67 83 0 MINE 119 86 0 COM 21.24 94 0 COMB 46.24 94 0 OFF 118.31 90 0 OFFe 3.33 90 0 RLL 0.07 83 0 RLLe 1.33 83 0 RMH 145.33 80 0 ROAD 41.83 91 0 Ha and Build Trans rt.dat 4 9 0.63 0.005 10 0 0 0.318 12.9 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.708 12.8 1 0.28 May ' 0.708 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.708 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.708 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.708 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.708 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.708 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.708 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.708 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.708 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.708 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.708 11.8 0 0.16 RVL 17.37 76 0.0004 RVLe 0.26 64 0.0004 UGR 4.98 77 0.0002 WET 25.87 78 0 Page ~ A8 , COM 15.53 92 0 COMB 7.54 92 0 OFF 14.47 90 0 OFFe 0.01 87 0 RHH 57.2 79 0 RHHe 0.01 57 0 RMH 2.55 75 0 RMHe 10.26 69 0 ROAD 6.12 89 0 li Ha and NoBuild Trans rt.dat 4 9 0.63 O.OOS 10 0 0 0.318 12.9 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.708 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.708 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.708 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.708 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.708 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.708 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.708 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.708 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.708 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.708 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.708 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.708 11.8 0 0.16 RVL 17.37 7S 0.0004 RVLe 0.26 64 0.0004 UGR 4.98 77 0.0002 WET 25.87 78 0 ~ COM 5.79 92 0 COMB 6.2 92 0 OFF 14.47 90 0 OFFe 0.01 87 0 RHH 57.74 79 0 RHHe 1.34 S7 0 RMH 11.75 75 0 RMHe 10.26 69 0 ROAD 6.12 89 0 Page ~ A9 1 Neuse Build Trans rt.dat 4 14 0.14 0.005 10 0 0 0.215 17.4 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.504 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.504 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.504 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.504 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.504 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.504 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.504 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.504 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.504 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.504 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.504 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.504 11.8 0 0.16 FOR 11.66 75 0.00018 UGR 59.27 69 0.0002 WAT 178.55 98 0 WET 19.67 83 0 MINE 13.62 86 0 COM 174.14 95 0 COMB 80.08 94 0 OFF 43.34 92 0 OFFe 46.01 91 0 RHH 133.85 84 0 RHHe 99.05 80 0 RLL 0.04 83 0 RLLe 0.03 83 0 RMH 3.64 83 0 RMHe 4.67 84 0 ROAD 95.22 92 0 RVH 150.12 87 0 RVHe 38.84 83 0 Page ~ A10 , Neuse NoBuild Trans rt.dat 3 14 0.14 0.005 10 0 0 0.215 17.4 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.566 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.566 13.7 1 0.28 tun 0.566 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.566 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.566 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.566 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.566 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.566 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.566 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.566 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.566 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.566 11.8 0 0.16 UGR 46.61 67 0.0002 WAT 178.55 98 0 .WET 25.18 83 0 MINE 13.62 86 0 COM 142.12 94 0 COMB 80.38 94 0 OFF 22.59 92 0 OFFe 46.31 91 0 RHH 254.64 84 0 RHHe 99.05 80 0 RLL 0.04 83 0 RLLe 0.03 83 0 RMH 3.64 83 0 RMHe 4.67 84 0 ROAD 62.18 92 0 RVH 133.34 87 0 RVHe 38.84 83 0 Page ~ Al 1 Rock Build Trans rt.dat 4 9 0.16 0.005 10 0 0 0.224 17.3 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.877 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.877 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.877 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.877 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.877 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.877 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.877 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.854 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.854 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.854 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.854 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.854 11.8 0 0.16 FOR 506.27 76 0.00003 ROW 27.32 87 0.00139 UGR 49.35 79 0.0002 WET 0.3 83 ~ 0 COM 1.94 92 0 COMB 4.45 92 0 OFF 6.47 88 0 OFFe 5.57 88 0 RHH 218.56 81 0 RMH 13.01 72 0 RMHe 58.72 66 0 RML 26.43 74 0 ROAD 14.69 88 0 Rock NoBuild Trans rt.dat 4 9 0.16 0.005 10 0 .0 0.224 17.3 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.892 12.8 1 0.28 Page ~ A12 ' May 0.892 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.892 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.892 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.892 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.892 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.892 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.869 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.869 9.8 0 0.16 tan 0.869 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.869 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.869 11.8 0 0.16 FOR 506.27 75 0.00003 ROW 27.32 87 0.00139 UGR 49.35 79 0.0002 WET 0.3 83 0 COM 1.94 92 0 COMB 4.45 92 0 OFF 6.47 88 0 OFFe 5.57 88 0 RHH 64.86 78 0 RMH 166.71 78 0 RMHe 58.72 66 0 RML 26.43 74 0 ROAD 14.69 88 0 UT to Wilson Build Trans rt.dat 3 11 0.21 O.OOS 10 0 0 0.241 14.6 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.614 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.614 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.614 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.614 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.614 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.614 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.614 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.614 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.614 9.8 0 0.16 Page ~ A13 tan 0.614 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.614 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.614 11.8 0 0.16 UGR 28.39 66 0.00017 WAT 18.08 98 0 WET 41.04 80 0 COM 47.07 94 0 COMB 25.77 93 0 OFF 1.68 92 0 OFFe 0.19 82 0 RHH 238.65 82 0 RHHe 106.1 62 0 RMH 0.17 80 0 RMHe 1.1 77 0 ROAD 57.54 89 0 RVH 83.9 85 0 RVHe 19.02 82 0 UT to Wilson NoBuild Trans rt.dat 3 11 0.21 0.005 10 0 0 0.241 14.6 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.641 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.641 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.641 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.641 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.641 13.2 1 ~ 0.28 Sep 0.641 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.641 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.641 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.641 9.8 0 0.16 tan 0.641 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.641 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.641 11.8 0 0.16 UGR 28.39 66 0.00017 WAT 18.08 98 0 WET 42.02 80 0 COM 37.45 93 0 Page ~ A14 'COMB 25.77 93 0 OFF 1.68 92 0 OFFe 0.19 82 0 RHH 249.3 81 0 RHHe 106.11 62 0 RMH 50.6 83 0 RMHe 1.1 77 0 ROAD 43.58 88 0 RVH 45.41 85 0 RVHe 19.02 82 0 Wilson Build Trans rt.dat 3 9 0.14 0.005 10 0 0 0.212 15.7 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.541 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.541 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.541 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.541 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.541 13.2 1 0.28 Sep 0.541 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.541 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.541 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.541 9.8 0 0.16 tan 0.541 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.541 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.541 11.8 0 0.16 UGR 154.28 80 0.00017 WAT 0.07 98 0 WET 8.35 78 0 COM 84.43 93 0 COMB 149.37 93 0 OFF 4.38 90 0 OFFe 73.5 91 0 RHH 236.02 83 0 RHHe 252.47 73 0 ROAD 137.28 91 0 RVH 96.23 86 0 RVHe 11.69 80 0 Page ~ A 15 Wilson NoBuild Trans rt.dat 3 10 0.14 0.005 10 0 0 0.212 15.7 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 0.566 12.8 1 0.28 May 0.566 13.7 1 0.28 Jun 0.566 14.2 1 0.28 Jul 0.566 14 1 0.28 Aug 0.566 13.2 1 0.28 ,Sep 0.566 12.2 1 0.28 Oct 0.566 11.2 1 0.28 Nov 0.566 10.2 0 0.16 Dec 0.566 9.8 0 0.16 Jan 0.566 10 0 0.16 Feb 0.566 10.8 0 0.16 Mar 0.566 11.8 0 0.16 UGR 151.9 79 0.00015 WAT 0.07 98 0 WET 8.35 78 0 COM 54.03 92 0 COMB 149.37 93 0 OFF 4.38 90 0 OFFe 73.5 91 0 RHH 269.64 83 0 RHHe 252.47 73 0 RMH 93.08 83 0 ROAD 125.13 90 0 RVH 14.46 86 0 RVHe 11.69 80 0 Page ~ A16 ' Appendix B. Baker Projected Land Use by Subwatershed Land Use hectares Caswell No Build Build Deep No Build Build Hayward No Build Build Neuse No Build Build COM 57.73 57.73 21.24 23.30 5.79 15.53 142.12 174.14 COMB 8.11 8.11 46.24 46.24 6.20 7.54 80.38 80.08 FOR 35.45 35.45 255.17 255.17 - - - 11.66 MINE 125.23 125.23 119.00 119.00 - - 13.62 13.62 OFF 0.28 0.28 118.31 118.31 14.47 14.47 22.59 43.34 OFFe - - 3.33 3.33 0.01 0.01 46.31 46.01 RHH - - - 140.93 57.74 57.20 254.64 133.85 RHHe - - - - 1.34 - 99.05 99.05 RLL 10.41 10.41 0.07 0.07 - - 0.04 0.04 RLLe 7.70 7.70 1.33 1.33 - - 0.03 0.03 RMH 1.35 1.35 145.33 2.34 11.75 2.55 3.64 3.64 RMHe 1.55 1.55 - - 10.26 10.26 4.67 4.67 RML - - - - - - - - ROAD 11.82 11.82 41.83 41.83 6.12 6.12 62.18 95.22 ROW 1.70 1.70 0.40 0.40 - - - - RVH 97.89 97.89 - - - - 133.34 150.12 RVHe 4.76 4.76 - - - - 38.84 38.84 RVL - - - - 17.37 17.37 - - RVLe - - 0.12 0.12 0.26 0.26 - - UGR 127.84 127.84 20.59 20.59 4.98 4.98 46.61 59.27 WAT 116.04 116.04 3.42 3.42 - - 178.55 178.55 WET - - 6.67 6.67 25.87 25.87 25.18 19.67 Total 607.87 607.87 783.06 783.06 162.15 162.15 1,151.8 1,151.8 Page ~ A 17 Baker Projected Land Use by Subwatershed Land Use hectares Rocky No Build Build UTWilson No Build Build 'Wilson No Build Build COM 1.94 1.94 37.45 47.07 54.03 84.43 COMB 4.45 4.45 25.77 25.77 149.37 149.37 FOR 506.27 506.27 - - - - MINE - - - - - - OFF 6.47 6.47 1.68 1.68 4.38 4.38 OFFe 5.57 5.57 0.19 0.19 73.50 73.50 RHH 64.86 218.56 249.30 238.65 269.64 236.02 RHHe 0.00 0.00 106.11 106.10 252.47 252.47 RLL - - - - - - RLLe - - - - - - RMH 166.71 13.01 50.60 0.17 93.08 - RMHe 58.72 58.72 1.10 1.10 - - RML 26.43 26.43 - - - - ROAD 14.69 14.69 43.58 57.54 125.13 137.28 ROW 27.32 27.32 - - - - RVH - - 45.41 83.90 14.46 96.23 RVHe - - 19.02 19.02 11.69 11.69 RVL - - - - - - RVLe - - - - - - UGR 49.35 49.35 28.39 28.39 151.90 154.28 WAT - - 18.08 18.08 0.07 0.07 WET 0.30 0.30 42.02 41.04 8.35 8.35' Total 933.08 933.08 668.69 668.69 1,208.07 1,208.07 Page ~ A18 Proiected Land Use in All Subwatersheds Combined No Build Hectares COM 324.42 COMB 320.53 FOR 796.90 MINE 257.85 OFF 168.18 OFFe 128.90 RHH 896.18 RHHe 458.97 RLL 10.52 RLLe 9.06 RMH 472.47 RMHe 76.30 RML 26.43 ROAD 305.36 ROW 29.43 RVH 291.11 RVHe 74.31 RVL 17.37 RVLe 0.38 UGR 429.65 WAT 316.18 WET 108.39 Total 5,514.72 Build Hectares COM 408.25 COMB 321.57 FOR 808.55 MINE 257.85 OFF 188.92 OFFe 128.61 RHH 1,025.20 RHHe 457.63 RLL 10.52 RLLe 9.06 RMH 23.07 RMHe 76.30 RML 26.43 ROAD 364.51 ROW 29.43 RVH 428.14 RVHe 74.31 RVL 17.37 RVLe 0.38 UGR 444.69 WAT 316.18 WET 101.91 Total 5,514.72 Difference 21% 0% 1%' 0% 11% 0% 13% 0% 0% 0% -1283% 0% 0% 16% 31% 0% 0% 0% 3% 0% -6% 0% Page ~ A 19