HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141169 All Versions_EPA Review of Final EIS_20110816 J~~SED a1grFS m A UNITED STATES ENVIRO L PROTECTION AGENCY E ~ ~ REG ON 4 $ ~ = ATLANTA FEDERAL CENTER ° ~q 'h ~ 61 FORSYTH STREET ~ ra° ' ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8960 August 16, 2011 Dr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Cazolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 SUBJECT: State Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed US 17, Belgrade to New Bem Bypass, Onslow and Jones Counties, North Cazolina; TIP Project No.: R-2514BCD Dear Dr. Thorpe: The U.S. Envirorunental Protection Agency Region 4 (EPA) has reviewed the subject document and is commenting consistent with Section 309 of the Clean Air Act and Section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA. 'The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is proposing to construct and improve US 17 between Belgrade and the New Bern Bypass to a 4-lane, median-divided facility on mostly new location in Onlsow and Jones Counties. The proposed improvements to the US 17 facility aze approximately 21 miles in length. The R-2514A project of US 17 widening between Jacksonville and south of Belgrade was completed several yeazs ago under an Environmental Assessment (EA) issued in 1999 and a Finding of No Significant Impact (EONS)) in 2000. This expressway project represents the southern terminus of the R-2514BCD project. The northern ternunus of the R-2514BCD project connects to R-2301, the New Bem Bypass. The proposed project has been in the NEPA/Section 404 Merger process since August of 2001. Concurrence Point 2, Detailed Study Alternatives to be Carried Forward for the B/C/D sections was signed on August 22, 2001. Concurrence Point 2A Bridging and Alignment Review was signed on February 22, 2007. Concurrence Point 3, the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Altemative (LEDPA) for the C/D sections was signed on June 19, 2008. The B section azound Maysille was elevated to the Merger Management Team by several Merger agencies. EPA essentially abstained from concurrence on the CP 3 LEDPA of the Revised Altemative 2A on May 25, 2010. Concurrence Point 4A Avoidance and Minimization measures were signed on April 16, Internet Address (URL) • htip:nwww.epa.gov RecycledlRecyclaDle • Printed vrith Vegelaole Oil Based Inks an Recycled Paper (Minimum 30Yo Postconsumer) 2009, September 17, 2009, and April 12, 2011. EPA provided detailed comments on the State DEIS in February of 2005. EPA's detailed review comments on the State FEIS aze provided in Attachment A. Mr. Christopher Militscher will continue to work with you and other agencies on the continued environmental coordination activities for this project, including the hydraulic and permit review concurrence points. Please provide a copy of the Record of Decision (ROD) when it becomes available and feel free to contact Mr. Militscher of my staff at (919) 856-4206 should you have speciffc questions concenung EPA's comments. Sinc~e~r~ely',^ V V~,I~~~ Heinz J. Mueller, Chief NEPA Program Office Cc: W. Biddlecome, USACE D. Wainwright, NCDENR G. Jordan, USFWS T. Wilson; NCWRC S. Sollod, NCDCM w/Attachment A Attachment A State FEIS Detailed Review Comments US 17 Belgrade to New Bem Bypass Onslow and Jones Counties R-2514BCD Stream and Wetland Imvacts The total jurisdictional wetland and stream impacts for the B/C/D sections comprising preferred alternatives 2A, 3 and 4D are 70.5 acres and 3,403 lineaz feet. The proposed new location bypass alternative around Maysville will require a new crossing of the White Oak River. The White Oak River is listed in the Nationwide Rivers Inventory as potentially eligible as a Wild and Scenic River. The proposed new location bypass alternative around Pollocksville will require a new crossing of the Trent River. Specific wetland systems and other key environmental features are identified in Figures 3-14, pages I and 2. According to Section 3.5.3 of the FEIS, There are no Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), or 303(d) listed streams in the project study azea. The FEIS states on page xviii that 5.7 acres of the 70.5 acres of impacted jurisdictional wetlands are high quality wetlands. Pages 3-60 and 3-61 of the FEIS - identify that two methods of rating wetlands were performed by the NCDOT. However, the multi-agency supported North Carolina Wetlands Assessment Methodology (NCWAM) was not used to provide these wetlands ratings as described on the aforementioned pages or in Table 4-14. Table 4-14 provides the generally less comprehensive Division of Water Quality (DWQ) ratings. The FEIS stresses the efforts to minimize impacts to high quality wetlands (e.g., Page 4-48). EPA notes that the impact per mile for this proposed project is approximately 3.3 acres of wetlands per mile or an estimated three times the average facility typically designed for an `Eastern' Merger project. Considering that approximately 1/3 of the project length (C Section) is widening along an existing corridor and that there are . several long bridges spanning rivers and associated floodplains and wetlands for new location sections, the higher than average jurisdictional impacts from the proposed project continue to be an envirorunental concern. EPA is also concerned that the impacts to all jurisdictional wetlands in the project study area, regardless of assigned or estimated .... , . quality, are important for flood storage values and maintaining long-term water quality. The low-lying coastal azeas of North Cazolina have previously seen historic losses to ..wetlands through agricultural, silvicultural and development activities. A new location bridge for Alternative 2A over the White Oak River is 1,160 feet in length with another 100-foot bridge for a tributary to the White Oak River. Table 4-12 of the FEIS identifies that the NCDOT hydraulic requirement at the White Oak River crossing for Alternative 2A is 135 feet. Anew location bridge for Alternative 4D over the Trent River is 1,180 feet in length.. Table 4-12 of the FEIS identifies that the NCDOT hydraulic requirement at the Trent River crossing for Alternative 4D is 290 feet. The location of the new crossing at the White Oak River continues to be an environmental concern to EPA and requests that Best Management Practices (BMPs) be applied to the greatest extent practicable, including the stringent requirements for native vegetation replanting, invasive plant species controls, soil erosion and sedimentation controls, and long-term stormwater management measures. Section 404 avoidance and minimization measures for the preferred alternatives (Sections B and D only) aze included on pages 4-53 to 4-56, Table 4-12, and in Appendix A.1 concurrence forms. EPA concurred on these avoidance and minimization efforts for these two sections of the proposed project with a `minor' exception noted herein. EPA believes that a `reduction' of the median width to 46 feet for the new location bypasses does not fully represent a minimization measure to jurisdictional resource impacts. The US 17 Strategic Highway Corridor is both an expressway or freeway designed facility and a transportation justification for an expanded median beyond the standard or typical 46-foot median width was not provided in the DEIS or FEIS. EPA notes that at the time of this FEIS review, avoidance and minimization measures for Section C of the project has not been completed by the NEPA/Section 404 Merger Team. The Concurrence Point 4A meeting has been scheduled by NCDOT for August 18, 2011. EPA requests that the Record of Decision (ROD) reflect the avoidance and minimization commitments following this Merger Team meeting. . An Individual Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is required due to the unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional resources. Compensatory mitigation for jurisdictional impacts is discussed on pages 4-56 and 4-57 of the FEIS. NCDOT has not • identified any potential on-site mitigation opportunities at this time. NCDOT proposes to ... utilize the Croatan Wetland Mitigation Bank (CWMB) under an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the USACE, NCDOT and the U.S. Forest Service .. (USFS). Compensatory mitigation not satisfied through the CWMB instrument is . proposed through the NCDENR's Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). EPA ' ,requests that all on-site mitigation opportunities identified by NCDOT be also . coordinated with the EPA's Merger Team representative. EPA has water quality concerns regazding the potential `hydraulic trespass' issues ~. associated with roadside ditches and keeping development stormwater separated from roadway stormwater and allowing for proper retention and treatment prior to dischazge to the receiving waters (including E. co/i bacteria). Due to the groundwater elevations in much of the project study azea,.the coral nature of much of the project study area, the .. .. predominant sandy soils and their reliance on shallow groundwater for drinking water sources, EPA requests that NCDOT also consider these important issues in the final environmental commitments for the proposed project. EPA also notes the potential impacts to floodplains identified in Table S-2. Approximatelytwenty-one (21) miles of potentially new impervious surface with miles of roadside ditches, not including new 2- lane service roads,:represents apotentially significant long-term impact to surface and shallow groundwater sources in the project study azea. EPA does not fully concur with the statement regazding private wells not immediately involved in the project right of way under Section of the FEIS ("...are not likely to sustain serious impact.'. There are no NCDOT supporting studies or evidence from other completed US 17 improvement .projects presented in the FEIS along coastal North Carolina that help to confirm this opinion. There are other published studies that indicate that development, historic over- use by certain industries, other human activities such as agriculture and prolonged droughts along the coast of North Cazolina have had some potential impact to shallow drinking water sources. Please see some relevant references at the end of Attachment A. Other Natural Resource Impacts The impacts to terrestrial forest communities aze not specifically identified in Table S-2, Impacts Summary Table in the FEIS. This table does reflect that there will be. a total of 35.1 acres of direct impact to Croatan National Forest. This is the only national forest in eastern N.C. and one of only two near the Atlantic coast (Francis Marion National Forest in South Cazolina is the other one). Croatan National Forest represents a unique and significant Federal resource to the State of North Carolina and impacts to the forest should be minimized to the extent practicable. EPA notes the information concerning Croatan National Forest on page 4-37 of the FEIS, as well as on Huffman State Forest. From Table 4-11, the prefeaed alternatives for the three sections have a total impact to 221 acres of terrestrial forests. EPA notes the discussion conceming animal passage measures on page 4-46 of - -the FEIS as well as the commitment to constmct a wildlife underpass between Croatan National Forest and undeveloped areas adjacent to Huffrnan State Forest_to the west of . ..... US 17. EPA strongly supports this transportation safety measure and the environmental commitments with other resource and permitting agencies. ..:. EPA notes the.coordination and effect determinations summarized in Table 4-15 .for the 15 Federally-listed Threatened or Endangered Species potentially in the project study area. Human Resource Impacts - - ,Residential relocations for Alternatives 2A, 3 and 4D total 46 from Table S-2. .. - - : r There are no identified business relocations for any of the sections. Of the 46 residential .relocations identified in this table, 34 residential dwellings aze inhabited by minority . - -. _ : ~. families as discussed on page 4-7. An Environmental Justice (EJ) evaluation is presented .. , .in the FEIS on pages 4-1 l and 4-12. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) will .. .. .. potentially need to consider this information and evaluation in its permit decision for this 'state-funded project under Executive Order 12898. The NCDOT has determined that the -preferred alternative does not represent a disproportionate and adverse impact to minority or low income populations. The FEIS identifies that two minority population centers in Maysville and Pollocksville were avoided by the new location bypasses. Information .. :concerning EJ community outreach activities is also presented in the FEIS. Impacted noise receptors for the three sections of the proposed project tota1233. EPA recommends full consideration of noise barriers and other abatement measures to address these substantial impacts. Total farmland impacts of 1,378.4 acres are identified in Table S-2. Most, if not all, of the farmlands were evaluated and rated as being under the NRCS criteria for being classified as prime farmlands. The FEIS does not identify any Voluntary Agricultural Districts being impacted from the proposed project. EPA recommends that NCDOT continue working with local farmers on access and other compensafion issues. EPA notes the cultural resource effects in Table S-2 and in other sections of the FEIS. There are 3 `no effect properties', 2 `no effect historic districts', 3 `no adverse effect properties', and 1 identified azcheological site. EPA acknowledges that this is a State-funded project and that Section 4(f) of the USDOT Act of 1966 does not apply. There is one identified hazardous material site in Section 2A of the proposed project. NCDOT indicates that Indirect and Cumulative effects are expected to be minimal in the project study and planning azeas. EPA has environmental concerns regarding direct and indirect water quality issues relating to this project and requests a copy of a quantitative analysis for review and comment. Web based references: http://nc.water.us s. ov/projects/9SY11/ htto•//www ncwater orp,~Reports and Publications/GWMS Reports/Network Annual R eports/fv2009-10 network ann report.pdf http://www,ncwater.orgBducation and Technical Assistance/Ground Water/Publicatio ns/ htto://nc.water.usas. ov/reports/fs24196/ 'I htto://ddr.nal.usda:gov/bitstream/10113/18023/1/IND21987472 pdf http://www.aewt.ore/info/bacteria.htm httn://h2o.enrstate.ncus/ewp/documents/SouthemCoastalReport pdf