HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201515_Merger Process Documentation_20110816~~ >~.~. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE GOVERNOR ~~~~fR-6-~~C~ AUG 0 3 7011 ®~~ EUGENE A. CONTI, JR. SECRETARY July 29, 2011 Ronnie Smith US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office 69 Dazlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 38403 Q~'~~oe~o auc r s 20» D ~war~auatm Siq{~~&LWCH Dear Mr. Smith: SUBJECT: SECTION 404- NEPA MERGER PROCESS Application for a Department of the Army (DOA) Permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to dischazge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States to widen NC 87 from the Elizabethtown Bypass to US 74-76, Bladen and Columbus Counties, North Carolina WBS Element 34466.4.1 TIP Project R-2561 The following application, including separate attachments for (1) ENG Form 4345 and (2) mailing list (labels), is submitted for your consideration. As you aze awaze, this project was selected for treatment under the Merger process. At this juncture, the Regulatory Division has provided concurrence with Purpose and Need (CP 1), and with the selection of Detailed Study Alternatives (CP 2 and 2A). A State Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) has been prepared and is being distributed with this application. The following information is a summary of relevant project details and is being provided to assist in the Section 404 regulatory review of the project. This letter and attachments, along with the previously distributed SDEIS, should provide sufficient information for the issuance of a Public Notice for the project. Please issue yow public notice at the earliest opportunity so that we can jointly proceed toward selecting the LEDPA (least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative which meets the purpose and need of the project) following analysis of public input. Once the LEDPA is selected and approved, efforts will be undertaken to further minimize impacts to wetlands and riparian buffers in the LEDPA corridor and to propose suitable compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Ms. Kim Gillespie, PE, at (919) 707-6023 or Ms. Amy James at (919) 707-6129. Sincerely, Grego rpe, Ph. ,Manager Project Dev opment and Environmental Analysis Branch CC: `Scott McLendon, USACOE, Wilmington (Cover Letter Only) Mason Herndon, NCDWQ (7 copies) Renee Gledhill-Eazley, HPO (if applicable) Travis Wilson, NCWRC Chris Militscher, USEPA Gary Jordan, USFWS Ron Sechler, NMFS Jessi Baker, NCDMF Art McMillan, PE, Highway Design Jay Bennett, PE, Roadway Design Greg Perfetti, PE, Structure Design David Chang, PE, Hydraulics Phil Hams, PE, Natural Environment Unit Greg Bums, PE, Division 6 Engineer Rob Hanson, PE, Project Development Jay McImiis, PE, Project Development Joel Strickland, RPO Coordinator, Mid-Cazolina RPO Don Eggert, RPO Coordinator, Cape Fear RPO APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMR OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 (33 CFR 325) EXPIRES: 31 Au ust 2012 Public reporting burden for this cdlection of infomtation rs estimated to average 11 hours per response, indutling the time for reviewing insWCtions, searching existing data sources, gathering arld maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the cdlectiort of information. Send commends regarding this burden estimate a arty dher asDeU of this ml~ction of information, indudirg suggestions (or reducing this burden, fo Deparhnertl of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Diredorate, Irdartation Managemerrt Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, ~ Papertwrk Redudion Projed (0710.0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be wbject m any penalty for failing to comply with a wlledion of irdornation if it does no[ display a curten0y valid OMD contrd number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of tftose addresses. Completed applications must be submitted fo the DistriG Engineer having judsdidion over the location of the proposed adivily. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authodties: Rivers and Harbors Ad, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water AU, Sedion 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanduades Ad, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Rnal Rule 33 CFR 320.332 Prindpal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit Routine Uses: This Information may be shared with the Department o(Justice and other federal, state, and kxal govemmerd agendas, end the pubfic and may he made avadade as pan of a public notice as required by Federel law. Subrussion d requested information is vduntary, however, rt information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor ran a pernit be Lsuted. One set of original drawings or good reprodudble copies whiff show the bcation and charader oT Ote proposed activity must be attached to Ws appliption (see sample drawings and ins Wdions) and be submi0ed to the District Engineer having judsdidion over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is ml canpleted in full tall be relumed. '- (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) L APPLICATION NO. 2 FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECENED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLEZE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPLICANTJ 5. APPLICANT'S NAME: 8. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND TITLE (an agent rs not required) Frst- Greg Middle- Last- 7Aorpe First- Middle- Las[- COmpary- NC oeM.Or Tronapptetlon-Pmiact oevebpmantd Fnvbomnemel Anefysh Cornpany- E-mail Address- a9meePle~amor.yd. EanailAddress- 8. APPLICANTS ADDRESS. 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS Address - 1540 Mad Service Center Address - Ciry- rweidn State- NC Zip- aesatsae Country- US4 City- State- Zip- Country- 7. APPLICANTS PHONE NOs. W/AREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. WlARF11 CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 919.707.6000 STATEMENT OF AUTHORfZAT/0N i t. I hereby auNorize, - to act in my behaN as rtry agent in the processing of tttis applip0on and to famish, upon request, supplemental mfomration in support of this pern0 appliralion_ APPLICANTS SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see xmmdiasl TIP Project R-2561 (NC 87 Widening from Elizabethtown Bypass to US 74-76, Bladen & Columbus Cos.)', WBS 34466.4.1 13_ NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (4 ayptiodel 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (a ~piadel Hammond Creek, Beaverdam Creek, and other streams Andress 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT LaglWe:'N LmngiWde: 'W Ciry- Stale- Zry- 16-OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (sce x¢vurlions) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality SecOon - Township - Rance - 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE See attached vicinity map ENG FORM 4345, SEPT 2009 EDmoN of ocrzlxw is oasolFTE Proponr.M: cECw-oR 18. NaWre of Activity (mewmuonmgakd. Yrtluoe aA teaNes) Widen NC 87 to a multi-lane facility from the Elizabethtown Bypass to US 74-76. 19. Pmjed Purpose (oesmee art rmsm«qupose Mtlie palaet. see iisVUCtimsl The purpose of the proposed project is to improve mobility and reduce travel time along the NC 87 corridor between Elizabethtown and US 74-76. USE BLOCKS 20-23IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reasan(s)for Discharge Fill material for highway construction. 21. Type(s) of Maledal Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Artaunt in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards 22. Surface Area in Aces of We[IaMs or Other Waters Filled (see usWCbars) Aces See attached informatlon Or Liner Feet 23. Description of Avadance, Minim¢ation, arxf Compensation (sea Mwcaons) See attached information 24. Is Arry Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes ~ No ~ IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25. Addresses of Adjanirg Properly Owners, Lessees, Efc., Whose Property Adjoins th Waterbody lrc rtne than ran ee eneerm oars, pease amM a sipplerrmnW ustl. Address- See attached mailing labels City- Stale _ Zip _ 26. Lot of Odrer Cer65cations or ApprovaL4Denials Received hwn other Federal, Smte, a Local Agendas (ar Wok DesrnLed m This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED ' Would inchMe but is rrot restdcted to zanirg, buildorg, and flood plain permits 27. Applimtion is hereby made Tor a permit or permits to authorize Me work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is tmlplete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to tmdedake the work described herein or am acting as the duty au0adzed agent of the aPPlicant. ~q`'~ C///~//~~T OF APPLI ANT ~ DA E SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The eppl ~ must be sgned y th~n who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applirsrd) or it may be signed M e duty euthorizad agent if the statemerd in lock 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any depertrnenl or agency of the United States knowingly and willfulty falsifies, conceals, a covers up any trick, sdteme, ar disguises a material fad or makes any false, fictitious a fiaudukm[ statements or representations or makes or uses arty false writing or document knowing same to cortlain arty false, fictitious or fraudulent s~lements or ertfry, shag be fined rrot more than $10 000 or impdsoned rtot mae than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, SEPT 2009 R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 1 of 28 NC 87 WIDENING FROM THE ELIZABETHTOWN BYPASS TO US 74-76 BLADEN AND COLUMBUS COUNTIES TIP PROJECT R-2561 INTRODUCTION The proposed project involves the widening of NC 87 from the Elizabethtown Bypass to US 74-76 in Bladen and Columbus counties. An alternative being considered is widening NC 87 from the Elizabethtown Bypass to NC 11 and then widening NC 11 from NC 87 to US 74-76. The proposed widening is included in the 2009-2015 North Cazolina State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The location is shown in Figure 1. NEPA/404 MERGER PROCESS DOCUMENTATION The project is state funded and is subject to the North Cazolina Environmental Policy Act. The meeting for Concurrence Point 1 was held on May 24, 2007. May 22, 2008 was the meeting date for Concurrence Point 2. Two meetings were held for Concurrence Point 2A. The first meeting was a field meeting on August 31, 2010. The second meeting was held on November 9, 2010. Concurrence was reached on Purpose and Need and Alternatives to be Carved Forward for Detailed Study (Concurrence Points 1, 2) at their prospective meetings. Concurrence on Bridging Decisions (Concurrence Point 2A) was reached at the November meeting. Due to additional knowledge acquired at the field meeting, the Alternatives to be Carried Forward for Detailed Study were revised. Concurrence was met for Concurrence Point 2 (revised) at the November meeting. PROJECT PURPOSE AND NEED The purpose of the proposed project is to improve mobility and reduce travel time along the NC 87 corridor between Elizabethtown and.US 74-76. The proposed project is intended to address the following needs: o NC 87 provides regional connectivity between the Fayetteville area and the southern North Carolina coast. The proposed project is a component of the NC Strategic Highway Corridors Program, which is focused on upgrading and preserving North Carolina's existing transportation system. As part of the Strategic Highway Comdors Program, the proposed project will improve access to and from the Wilmington metropolitan area. The proposed NC 87 Improvements are part of the North Cazolina Intrastate System, which was enacted by the Highway Trust Fund Act of 1989 to provide high-speed, safe travel service throughout the state. The subject section of NC 87 is the only remaining two-lane section of the intrastate corridor between I-95 and US 74-76. o NC 87 is an important route iri support of Fort Bragg. NC 87 between Fort Bragg and the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point is a major connector on the R-256], July 2011, Merger Application Page 2 of 28 nationally designated Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET). The STRAHNET is a system of roads deemed necessary for emergency mobilization and peacetime movement of heavy armor, fuel, ammunition and other commodities to support US military operations. Even though heavy equipment is primarily deployed by rail, highways play a critical role. The implementation of recommendations contained in the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission (WRAC) Final Report (WRAC, 2005) will mean an influx of personnel and equipment into Fort Bragg and surrounding azea. The. Comprehensive Regional Growth Plan for the Fort Bragg Region (BRACRTF, 2008) predicts that military investment will increase the region's population by an additiona140,815 people by 2013. o Without improvements, portions of NC 87 within the study azea will operate at or above capacity in the design yeaz 2035. The 24-mile section of NC 87 from NC 87 Business to NC 11 currently operates at level of service (LOS) C. The six-mile section from NC 11 to US 74-76 operates at LOS D. Without improvements, existing NC 87 from Elizabethtown to NC 11 will operate at LOS D in the yeaz 2035. NC 87 from NC 11 to US 74-76 will operate at LOS E in 2035. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 3 of 28 COST ESTIMATES AND SCHEDULE Cost estimates for each TIP project section are presented in Table 1 below. The project is scheduled to begin right of way acquisition in State Fiscal Yeaz 2013 and construction in State Fiscal Year 2015. Table 1 Section Cost Estimates SECTION DESCRIPTION COSTS PER SECTION Section Construction Utility Right of TOTAL Project Section Highway Length Cost Re]ocation Way COST mi) millions (millions) millions) (millions) SECTIONS COMMON TO BOTH ALTERNATIVES A (Elizabethtown Bypass to SR 1730 NC 87 13.12 $49.63 $8.93 $11.94 $83.62 (Elwell Fe Rd)) B (SR 1730 in Bladen County to NC 87 10.47 $37.12 $6.78 $11.88 $66.25 NC 11 in Columbus County C (NC 11 to NC 87 15.14 $70.90 $5.63 $22.44 $114.11 US 74-76 C (NC 87 to NC 11 4.78 $7.69 $1.77 $19.05 $33.29 US 74-76) ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED No-Build Alternative The No-Build Alternative would forego improvements to existing NC 87, with the exception of regulaz maintenance activities. This alternative would avoid any adverse environmental impacts or residential relocations. However, adverse social and economic effects aze likely to result from increased congestion and accident potential. Portions of NC 87 will operate at or above capacity by the year 2035. The No-Build Alternative would not satisfy the purpose of and need for the proposed project, and was therefore eliminated from further study. Preliminary Study Alternatives Transportation System Management Transportation System Management (TSM) improvements involve increasing the available capacity of the facility within the existing right of way with minimum capital expenditures and without reconstructing the existing facility. Items such as the addition of turn lanes, striping signing, signalization, and minor realignments aze examples of R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 4 of 28 TSM physical improvements. Traffic law enforcement, speed restrictions, access control, and signal timing changes aze examples of TSM operational improvements. Although signal improvements are being included in the design of the proposed build altematives, TSM improvements alone would not adequately address design year traffic demand and will therefore not satisfy the purpose of and need for the proposed project. Travel Demand Management Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies include staggered work hours, flex-time, ridesharing, and high occupancy vehicle (HOB lanes. The NC 87 corridor serves rural, regional traffic and does not experience heavy commute patterns chazacteristic of more urbanized comdors. Employment destinations, with the exception of the paper plant in Riegelwood, are scattered and fairly small. Therefore, it is not expected that adjustments to work schedules, ridesharing, or flex-time would substantially reduce peak hour traffic volumes throughout the entire length of NC 87 within the project limits. The TDM alternative does not adequately address design yeaz traffic demand and will therefore not satisfy the purpose of and need for the proposed project. Alternate Modes of Transportation Alternate modes of transportation include bus, rail-passenger service, or bicycle/pedestrian facilities. The project study azea is not currently served by mass transit, rail, or a commuting corridor for bicycle and pedestrian activity. This is due to the lack of demand, dispersed residential azeas, diffused employment centers, and diversity of trip origins and destinations. In addition, many major employment centers aze located in neighboring Cumberland, New Hanover and Robeson counties. This altemative does not accommodate design yeaz traffic demand and will therefore not satisfy the purpose of and need for the proposed project. New Location Alternative A preliminary build alternative was developed that proposed to widen existing NC 87 from the Elizabethtown Bypass to the town of Carvers and then continue south on new location to US 74-76 west ofNC 11. This alternative was studied after it was suggested at a Citizens Informational Workshop in 2006. After a preliminary traffic analysis, it was determined that improvements would still be required on existing NC 87 to accommodate projected traffic volumes through the Riegelwood area. In addition to increased cost and higher impacts, the new location altemative would not meet the purpose of and need for the proposed project and was not tamed forwazd for additional study. Improve Existing Facilities Alternafive The build alternatives discussed below would improve existing NC 87 from atwo-lane, undivided roadway to a four-lane, median-divided roadway from the Elizabethtown Bypass to US 74-76. This altemative would meet the purpose of and need for the proposed project. R-2561, July 201 I, Merger Application Page 5 of 28 Preliminary Widening Alternatives Figure 2 shows the two preliminary widening altematives developed for the proposed project. These preliminary widening alternatives all involve widening existing NC 87 and/or existing NCI 1 to a four-lane, median-divided roadway with modified superstreet configurations (restricting left toms from side streets and driveways). Alternative A (NC 87) -Widen existing NC 87 from Elizabethtown Bypass to US 74-76 This alternative would create afour-lane divided facility with right-in/right-out access at all sidestreets and driveways with the exception of SR 1817 (Riegelwood Plant Road). This road serves as the Riegelwood Paper Plant entrance. Afull-movement, signalized intersection allowing left-turns will be provided at this location due to the high number of trucks and constrained right of way. Two interchanges aze also proposed for this alternative. The first would be at the existing intersection of NC 87 with NC 11. The second interchange is proposed at the intersection of NC 87 with US 74-76. Alternative B (NC 87/NC 11) -Widen existing NC 87 from Elizabethtown Bypass to NC 11 west of Riegelwood then widen NC 11 to US 74-76 (Route NC 87 onto existing NC 11) This alternative would create afour-lane divided facility with right-in/right-out access at all sidestreets and driveways. NC 87 would be re-routed down the current NC 11 alignment to US 74-76. Two interchanges aze proposed for this alternative. The first would be at the existing intersection of NC 87 with NC 11. The second interchange is proposed at the intersection ofNC 11 with US 74-76. Widening scenarios for Alternative A and Alternative B -Options for adding a median and additional lanes to a two-lane roadway usually involve widening to one side or the other. In the case of a very long project, the optimal alignment can change as the surrounding conditions change along the roadway corridor. To account for this factor, the project was divided into 22 sections with both east and west side widening scenarios. The sections vary in length and were developed to group azeas with potential impacts and to create breaks at logical transition points (i.e. curves in the existing road where the preliminary build altematives' designs could more easily transition from east to west or west to east). Figure 2 shows the sections for the Preliminary Alternatives overlain on the study area. A lazge portion of the proposed project (NC 87 from the Elizabethtown Bypass to NC 11) is common to both preliminary build alternatives. As shown in Table 2, impacts for each section were tabulated with both east and west widening scenarios. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 6 of 28 Table 2 Preliminary Build Alternatives Comparison SECTION DESCRIPTION NATURAL RESOURCES RELOCATIONS ALTERNATIVE WOULD REQUIRE RIGHT OF WAY FROM: Section Hwy ' Section Length mi Wetland Impacts ac) Stream Impacts ft Home Business Historic Property Park Church Cemetery School SECTIONS COMMON TO BOTH PRELIMINARY BUILD ALTERNATIVES I East NC 87 0.80 6 I West NC 87 0.80 7 2 East NC 87 5.87 6.59 997 4 West NC 87 - 5.87 11.77 988 t 1 1 3 East NC 87 0.98 0.30 195 West NC 87 0.98 0.41 287 4 East NC 87 1.29 0.80 250 I West NC 87 1.29 1.30 465 2 1 5 East NC 87 0.94 1.44 .125 2 West NC 87 0.94 2.13 304 4 6 East NC 87 1.09 2.79 West NC 87 1.09 1.85 1 7 East NC 87 1. ] 8 2.84 683 West NC 87 1.18 1.88 115 2 8 East NC 87 1.93 2.08 240 1 0 West NC 87 1.93 2.22 1,038 I 9 East NC 87 0.62 ~ 1 1 West NC 87 0.62 0.01 ~ 0 0 10 East NC 87 0.98 0.24 425 1 West NC 87 0.98 0.30 519 1 1 1 1 I East NC 87 L34 0.97 185 4 West NC 87 1.34 0.13 8 12 East NC 87 3.21 0.71 1,150 3 1 West NC 87 3.21 3.61 1,463 4 13 East NC 87 1.90 0.65 3 West NC 87 1.90 1.00 89 ]0 14 East NC 87 1.46 1.39 531 9 West NC 87 1.46 2.00 142 5 15 East NC 87 1.18 3.37 500 15 . West NC 87 I.IS 3.86 789 14 SECTIONS SPECIFIC TO ALTERNATIVE A 16 East NC 87 2.23 1.65 140 8 West NC 87 2.23 0.28 155 IS 17 East NC 87 1.59 0.11 210 6 2 I West NC 87 1.59 0.13 102 9 2 1 I 1 18 East NC 87 2.14 1.83 1,265 6 1 - West NC 87 2.14 1.89 525 6 SECTIONS SPECIFIC TO ALTERNATIVE B 19 East NC 1] 0.82 2.54 1,013 13 West NC 11 0.82 3.33 750 13 20 East NC 11 1.52 265 2 1 West NC 11 1.52 0.01 135 3 21 East NC 11 1.89 756 7 West NC 11 1.89 0.92 756 10 22 East NC 11 0.55 3.29 1,711 IS 1 West NC 11 0.55 7.06 2,014 17 1 --- R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 7 of 28 Both Altemative A and Alternative B were selected for detailed study. Based on . anticipated impacts, the following widening scenarios were carved forward for detailed study: Sections 1 through 6 -East side widening was carried forwazd. Section 7 -Both east side and west side widening were carried forwazd. Sections 8 through 10 -East side widening was carried forward. Section 11 -Both east side and west side widening were cazried forwazd. Sections 12 and 13 -East side widening was carried forwazd. Section 14 -West side widening was carried forwazd. Sections 15 through 17 -East side widening was carried forward. Section 18 -West side widening was carried forwazd. Sections 19 through 22 -East side widening was tamed forward. The Merger Team agreed on the selection of these widening scenarios for detailed study at a Merger Team Meeting held on May 22, 2008. DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES The two preliminary build alternatives retained for detailed study aze described below and shown in Figure 2. Most of the widening scenarios retained for Alternatives A and B would widen to the east; however, there also were segments where widening scenarios to either side were retained for further study. Each detailed study alternative is proposed as a four-lane, median-divided roadway with a 46-foot grass median and 8-foot grass shoulders (4-foot paved). A 23-foot median is proposed through Riegelwood with Altemative A. Both detailed study alternatives include interchanges at NC 87 and NC 11 and at the south terminus at US 74-76. The approximate length of the project is 30 miles. Each alternative will be presented to the public at a public hearing for citizen comment. Tables 3 and 4 on the next two pages provide a comparison of the widening scenarios and construction cost estimates for Alternatives A and B, respectively. s ~ ro ;a tlw0 N (D l/~ 00 ~ ~r ~ I i N N N C7 ~-' ~-' ~-' '~ ~ "" W "" N r p ~p oo J O~ In A W N .-~ ~ N N rJ O ~O ~ oo J O~ to S A n ~ a m m m m ~ a ~ m m m ~ ~ m m m ~ m m m m Q m r ~ m m m m ~ o' cn P1 y N h O y ~ y ~ y f fi y ~ V~ f/~ N ~ 1% p ~ y N y f/1 y N N ~ !/i y V1 y fA O ^~ n i V UI r.' ` n » N H ( /~ w rr y ` » / rr n H H rr ti e+ ~+ ~ ry 'r ti ~-r n ti ~ ~ b ' b z Z 'z zz z z z ZZ Z Z Z Z 'z z p O ~ Z z z Z ~ z z z ~ Z n lz (~ n C1 (~ (~ C] C'1 n n (~ n n C1 (~ C7 C'1 x oa (~ n (~ (~ ~ oo (~ (] ( r p Z 10 ~ r n n O 00 00 00 w n a J o0 J 00 J 00 00 J J 00 J 00 ~] 00 J 00 00 J J 00 J 00 J 00 J 00 J 00 ~] 00 ~] ~G O Y ~ t J J J J ~ O m ~ n a ~ n ~ v, ~ q y O ~ y OO y O n i ~ . v ~ o. O .+ r I 0 0 n'1 ~ N .+ U N IJ r .-~ ~y «7 .~ ? r ~D W N r .-' lJ W O ~p O O~ r ~O !-~ !--~ r .+ ^~' O O ~O .J IJ O ~p Vi 00 O 00 ~ C+ N iii \ 'x to U 00 b n N 0 N ~ \ .~ A b W Oo 'rV Q~ O ~ A A Oo N W Oo 00 ~O A ~O oo ~l O "YYb s ,, ~ yzy ~ ~ -1 ~ ~ t~i ~ ~ ~ A '? ~ ~ w w ~ , ~~~---fff A Oi O W O O O A ? v 0 O 0 W O N A O W N W O~ IN IJ G A O O N t/~ N A W Oo W Oo O O ~l O i.n )O V~ O O h ti W IJ W A r N .A ~ ~ N b oo r~ J ~O ~D T W W O O In W N W r ~O ~ O b ~ O N J m ~ ~ v y R ~ ~ ~ g g w p -" J J ~ U J W ~ O ~ ~ ~p ~ N O~ oo J ~ O ? A m rn A J Oo O W Oo W oo Vi A O N J to O A ~--` - J W A O ~ d _ n p ~ Oo N N W ~ W In O~ T W A to J In O T N . V] J IJ W n O O e' x x ~ ~ N W N ~ ~ ~ O\ ~ ~ A U N m u .-. O .- .+ O O A W O to ~O ~ ry u. ~- m O n N W W O N T N J O~ O ~+ W ~ 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 O O N O O O ~ r~-i ° W z y x N s ~ 0 0 ' 0 0 . d o -~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ro ~ .a-3 0 0 0 0 gi p ~ ~ ! G \ A C 5 ~ ~ d ~ ` ° ~ y 7p to W N ~ ~? p W N ~ N p~ ~ N ~ O O Vi N w ~ a~ .- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '~7 0 N N O ~ A W A E W A W U U O ~ J ,N„ O N y ~ ~ U O A ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ in in J .• ~ A in b ~ . 0. m n '~ ro w W 6 n O ~ ~ O O O O O N ~ O~ N W ~ ~ J ~ ~ O N O O O b W ~O 4i J G '- w ro m U O~ r O~ O J W ~ m ~ A ~., ~ O ~ 'i7 ~ ~D A U m W ~ N ~ O N b Q A U O T W N N N O O C1 a w N O W bq 69 VJi J U W J VNi T W ~ ~O J J U U ~ (~ O 69 J ~.-. ? ~ IJ O N W b w A J O W ~ ~ N U '". U J ~O U U U U U O O U U U ~ In U O ~ O ~"~ ~ ~. O d A d a C a ~ ~ d A W A N n O ^O W O N O M ti N C ~~ N O b b w O R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 9 of 28 Table 4 Detailed Study Alternatives Cost Estimates SECTION DESCRIPTION COSTS PER SECTION Sections Highway Section Length (mi) Construction Cost (millions) Utility Relocation (millions) Right of Way (millions TOTAL COST millions) SECTIONS COMMON TO BOTH ALTERNATIVES 1-6 East NC 87 10.97 $41.40 $8.19 $10.80 $60.39 7 East NC 87. 1.18 $4.70 $0.10 $0.40 $5.20 7 West NC 87 1.18 $4.65 $0.10 $0.53 $5.28 8-10 East NC 87 3.53 $12.90 $2.34 $2.23 $17.47 11 East NC 87 1.34 $4.65 $0.84 $2.15 $7.64 11 West NC 87 1.34 $4.60 $1.92 $2.68 $9.20 12-13 East NC 87 5.11 $17.80 $2.44 $5.08 $25.32 14 West NC 87 1.46 $5.30 $0.72 $2.50 $8.52 SECTIONS COMMON TO ALTERNATNE A ONLY 15* East NC 87 4.51 (A-1) $19.30 $1.275 $5.48 $26.05 16-17 East NC 87 3.82 $13.80 $2.78 $8.68 $25.26 18* West NC 87 6.81 $37.80 $1.57 $8.28 $47.65 Cost Ran a for Alternative A ow/Hi b; in mullions) $223.48/$225.11 SECTIONS COMMON TO ALTERNATNE B ONLY 19-22* East NC 11 4.78 (B-1) $7.69 $1.766 $19.05 $97.72 Cost Ran a for Alternative B ow/Hi h; in millions) $222.24/$223.88 *Sections IS & ] 9 include the proposed interchange at NC 87 & NC 11. Sections 18 & 22 include interchanges at US 74-76. Structures, There aze 11 major structures (structures lazger than 72 inches in diameter) proposed for Alternative A and 9 proposed for Alternative B. The locations of major drainage structures aze shown in Figure 3 and summarized in Table 5 on the nextpage. Additional stream crossings requiring structures less than 72 inches in diameter aze considered minor drainage structures and will be identified during the final design phase of the project. The NEPA/404 Merger Team concurred, with three abstentions, on bridge lengths at a meeting held on November 9, 2010. Representatives of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Environmental Protection Agency, and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission abstained because they believed additional bridge lengths should be provided for wildlife passage at Hammond Creek and Livingston Creek. The US Fish and Wildlife Service and NC Wildlife Resources Commission had requested that 30 feet be provided under' the bridges from the top of the stream bank to the toe of the end slope of the bridges. NCDOT typically provides ten feet between the top of the bank and the toe of the slope. NCDOT agreed to lengthen the bridges by ten feet to provide 15 feet between the top of the bank and the toe of the slope. NCDOT will continue to examine appropriate bridge lengths at Hammond Creek and Livingston Creek. - R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 10 of 28 s Table 5 Proposed Structures for Detailed Study Alternatives Proposed Structure' Site Stream Existing Structure East West Hammond Bridge # 14, Replace with dual bridges 1 Creek B1 'ty ' (40' x 210', 36' x 210') 28 x 180 2 Drunken Run Double RCBC Extend culvert w/Yx7'x9S' S'xTx70' (inlet) Yx7'x12S' (outlet) S'xTx13' (outlet) Single RCBC Extend culvert w/]0'x7'x114' 3 Donoho Creek 10'xTxSO' (inlet), 10'xTx132' (outlet) 4 Carvers Creek Triple RCBC Replace w/10'x14'x1S0' 10' x 12' x SS' triple RCBC Double RCBC Extend culvert w/10'x9'x10' Extend culvert w/10'x9'x90' S Plummets Run 10'x9'x80' (inlet), 10'x9'x90' (outlet) (inlet), 10'x9'x10' (outlet) extension (outlet) 7 Bridge Branch Single RCBC ' ' ' Extend culvert w/10'x8'x20' ' ' ' Extend culvert w/10'x8'x70' ' ' ' x8 x9S 10 (outlet) (inlet), 10 x8 x90 (inlet), 10 x8 x10 (outlet) 8 Beaverdam Double RCBC Extend culvert w/8'x9'x10' Creek 8'x9'x50' (inlet), 8'x9'x80' (outlet) 9 Weyman Triple RCBC Replace w/8'x14'x260' Replace w/8'x14'x2SS' Creek 10' x 12' x SS' triple RCBC triple RCBC 10 Weyman Double RCBC Replace with dual bridges Replace with dual bridges Creek . 12'x12'x47' (48' x 100') (48' x 100') Livingston Bridge # 14, Replace with dual bridges ~ ~ I 11 Creek Columbus County, (36' x 210') ~ 6 Steep Run 7'x7'x6S' with (inlet), 7'x7'x14' extension Extend culvert w/7'x7'x82' Tx10'x20' (sheathing), TxTx100' (inlet), TxTx30' (outlet) 28 x 180 NOTES: 11 Recommended stmcture dimensions show eas[em scenarios for Sites 2, 4, & 10 are likely to require headwall work at opposite culvert ends. Traffic Operations Segment traffic capacity analyses were conducted for the following sections: l) NC 87 from NC 87 Business to NC 11; 2) NC 87 from NC 11 to US 74/76; and, 3) NC 11 from NC 87 to US 74-76. A total of fifty-two intersections along NC 87, NC 11, and US 74-76 were also analyzed, two of which are signalized. 2035 Build Traffic Projections The projected 2035 traffic volumes (vehicles per day) for Alternative A and Alternative B aze shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. R-2561, July 201 I, Merger Application Page 11 of 28 2035 Build Capacity Analysis The results of the segment analysis indicate that Alternatives A and B would operate at LOS C or better in 2035. In the Altemative B (NC 87/NC 11) scenario, the unimproved two-lane section of existing NC 87 from NC 11 to US 74-76 would operate at LOS D in 2035. Figures 4 and 5 show the 2035 LOS segment analysis results for Alternative A and Altemative B, respectively. The locations of any intersections projected to operate below a LOS D in 2035 aze shown in these figures as well. Alternafive A Intersection Analysis -All intersections within the limits of Alternative A, and along NC 11 between NC 87 and US 74-76, would operate at a LOS D or better. Ramp intersections at the interchanges of NC 87 and NC 11 and NC 87 and US 74-76 would operate at LOS C or better. Alternative B Intersection Analysis - As with Alternative A, all intersections within the limits of Alternative B would operate at a LOS D or better, with provision of a signal at , the NC 11 (rerouted NC 87) intersection with SR 1740 (Old Lake Road). Eight unsignalized intersections and one signalized intersection along existing NC 87 south of NC 11, primarily in the Riegelwood azea, would operate at an unacceptable LOS if Altemative B is constructed. Figure 4 shows LOS for signalized intersections and segments. These intersections would not be part of the rerouted NC 87 along the current NC 1 I alignment; however, the unacceptable LOS indicates that improvements would still be necessary through the Riegelwood segment of existing NC 87. Ramp intersections at the interchanges of NC 87 and NC 11 and NC 11 (rerouted NC 87) and US 74-76 would operate at LOS D or better. WATERS OF THE U.S. SURFACE WATERS Streams Sixty-eight jurisdictional streams, both perennial and intermittent, were identified in the project azea. Table 6 depicts these streams on the next two pages. The streams are shown in Figure 6. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 12 of 28 Table 6 Jurisdictional Cha"racteristics of Water Resources in the Project Area Stream ID Stream Name ~ Channel Width ft Bank Hei ht ft) Substrate 1 UT [o Brown's Creek 5.0 2-3 sand/silt ].5 UT to Brown's Creek 2.0 1 sand/graveVclay 2 UT to Hammond Creek 3.5 2-4 sand/silUmud 3 il'I' to Hammond Creek 4.0 6 sand/sildmud 4 iJT [o Cape Feaz River 4.0 3 sand/gravel 5 Hammond Creek 80.0 6 sand/silt 6 Cameron Creek 4.0 2-3 sand/gravel 7 UT to White's Creek 3.0 2-3 sand/ ravel 8 LJT [o White's Creek 3.0 3 sand/gravel 9 UT to White's Creek 3.0 . 2 sand/mud 9.5 UT to White's Creek 2.0 2~ sand/mud 10 UT to White's Creek 3.0 1-2 sand/sildmud 11 ~ Drunken Run 4.0 3 sand/gravel 12 UT to Drunken Run 2.5 1.5 sand/sildmud 13 UT to Drunken Run 2.5 0.5-1 sand/silUmud 14 Donoho Creek 5.0 2 sand/ ravel 15 iTT to Donoho Creek 2.0 8 sand/cla 16 iJ'C to Donoho Creek 4.0 6-8 sand/graveUcobble 17 UT to Donoho Creek 3.0 3 sand/sildmud 18 Carvers Creek 37.0 4 sand/ avel 19 I1T' to Carvers Creek 3.0 1 sand/silt 20 UT to Carvers Creek 3.0 2 sand/silt 21 UT to Carvers Creek 3.0 2 sand/sil[ 22 UT to Carvers Creek 3.0 3-8 silUmud 23 UT to Carvers Creek 2.0 1 sand/gravel 24 UT to Carvers Creek 3.0 2-3 sand/silt 25 UT to Plummers Run 3.0 1-2 sand/silt 26 Plummers Run 30.0 3-4 sand/silUmud 27 il'I' to Plummers Run 3.0 2 sand/sildmud 28 LTT to Ca a Fear River 6.0 2-4 sand/gravel/silt 29 iTT to Ca a Fear River 6.5 5 sand/gravel 30 UT to Ca e Fear River ~ 3.0 I-1.5 sand/graveUsilt 31 UT to Ca a Fear River 2.0 I-1.5 sand/graveUsilt 31.5 Ste Run 70.0 4 sand/mud 32 iTC to Ca a Fear River 2.0 1.5 sand/sil[ 33 UT to Ca a Fear River 4.0 2-3 sand/ aveUsilt 33.5 il'T to Ca a Fear River 3.0 1-2 sand/silt 34 iJ'T to Ca a Fear River 5.0 2-3 sand/ aveUsilt 34.5 UT to Beaverdam Creek 5.0 2 silUmud 35 UT to Beaverdam Creek 3.0 4 sand/silUmud 36 UT to Beaverdam Creek 6.0 3 sand/silUmud 37 UT to Beaverdam Creek 4.0 2 sand/ ravel 37.5 il'I' to We an Creek 8.0 2~ mud/silt 38" We an Creek 3.0 3 sand/silUmud SB LTT to We an Creek 2.0-3.0 1.0 sand 39 iJ1' to We an Creek 4.0 1-2 sand/silt 40 iJ'I' to We an Creek 3.0 0.5-1 sand/silt R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 13 of 28 Stream ID Stream Name Channel Wid[h ft) Bank Hei ht ft) Substrate ' 41 Double Branch 3.0 3 sand/silt 42 LJT to Double Branch 3.0 3 sand/silUmud 43 LIT to Livingston Creek 5.0 3-4 silUmud 44 UT to Livingston Creek 3.0 0.5 sand/sildmud 45 Livingston Creek 34.0 6-10 sand/mud 45.5 UT to Livin ston Creek 13.5 6 sand/mud 46 Lindscomb Branch 10.0 2-3 sand 47 UT to Lindscomb Branch 4.0 1 sand/mud 48 LiT to Lindscomb Branch 5.0 1-2 sand/mud 49 UT to Lindscomb Branch 3.0 1-2 sand/silUmud 50 UT to Lindscomb Branch 3.0 1-3 sand/sIlUmud 51 [J'f to Lindscomb Branch 4.0 4 graveUsand/silUmud 51.5 UT to Lindscomb Branch 4.0 4 sand/silUmud 52 UT to Hall Branch 5.0 1-2 sand/silUmud 53 UT to Hall Branch 6.0 1-2 sand/silUmud 53.5 UT to Hall Branch 8.0 2-3 sand/silUmud 54 Hall Branch 15.0 2-3 sand/silUmud 54.5 UT to Hall Branch 7.0 0.5-6 sand/silUmud 55 L1T to Turner Branch 4.0 4 sand/sildmud 55.5 ' iJT to Tumer Branch 6 4 sand/silUmud 56 UT to Weymans Creek 2.0 1-3 sand/silUmud NOTE: Weytnan Creek exhibits swamp-like chazacteristics in the azea surrounding the existing NC 87/NC 11 intersection. Streams SA & SB were identified during the 2010 NRTR addendum. Ponds There aze thirty-six man-made lakes or ponds within the project study azea. Several of these ponds have jurisdictional connections to Waters of the Unites States, which are described in the following section. Ponds within the study area aze shown in Figure 6. Wetlands The field assessment of the project study area identified 153 wetland systems. The locations of these wetlands aze shown in Figure 6. Table 7 lists information about the jurisdictional wetlands within the project study area. R-2561, July 201 I, Merger Application Page 14 of 28 Table 7 Jurisdictional Characteristics of Wetlands in the Project Area Wetland ID Cowardin Classification Association Wetland Type Wetland Rating Score Al PFO2Hb Riverine Swamp Forest -Beaver 68 A2 PSS1A Riverine Freshwater Marsh 62 B PFOlA Non-Riverine Hillside Seepage 28 C PFO2A Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 19 D PEM1A Non-Riverine FreshwaterMazsh 50 E N/A Non-Riverine Lineaz Wetland S0 F PSS1Ud Non-Riverine Headwa[erDepression ~ 25 G PSS1C Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 25 H PFO4A Non-Riverine Wefland Flat/Swamp Forest 41 I PFO4A Non-Rivetine Headwater Depression 18 J PSS1C Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 11 K PFO4A Non-Rivetine Headwater Depression 28 L PFO4A Non-Rivetine Wetland Flat 25 M- PFO4B Non-Riverine Hillside Seepage 32 N PFO3B Non-Riverine Hillside Seepage 29 O PFOI/4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 26 P PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 20 Q-1 N/A Non-Riverine Lineaz Wetland 27 Q-2 PEMIH Riverine Ephemeral Wetland 27 R PFOl/4Hh Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 41 S ~ PFOI/4Ah Non-Riverine Headwa[erDepression 22 T PFO4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 36 U PFOl/4B Non- Riverine Hillside Seepage 40 V PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest -Cypress/Gum 82 W PFO4C Riverine Swamp Forest 24 X PFOI/4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 33 Y PFO1/4F Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 42 Z PFO1/4F Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 47 AB PFOlA Riverine Bottomland Hazdwood Forest 65 AC PFO1/4F Riverine Swamp Forest 37 AD PFOl/4F Riverine Swamp Forest 68 AE PFO1/4F Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 57 AF PFOlA Riverine Bottomland Hazdwood Forest 69 AG PFO1/4F Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 31 AH N/A Non-Riverine Linear Wetland 27 AJ PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 41 AK PSS1A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 30 AL PFO1/4F Non-Riverine " Headwater Depression 38 AM PSS1A Non-Riverine Ephemeral Wetland 32 AN PFOlA Riverine Bottomland Hazdwood Forest 79 AO PFOI/4B Non-Riverine Hillside Seepage 24 AP PSS4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 38 AQ PFOlA Riverine Bottomland Hazdwood Forest-~ 45 R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 15 of 28 Wetland ID Cowardin Classification Association Wetland Type Wetland Rafing Score AR PFOI/4B Non-Riverine Hillside Seepage 30 AS PFOl/4B Non-Riverine Old Pond -Drained 16 AT PSS4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 21 AU PSS4A Non-Riverine Wetland Fla[ 21 AV PFOI/4B Non-Riverine Old Pond -Drained 18 BG PFO4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 16 BH PFO4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 19 BI-I PFOIA Riverine BottomlandHazdwoodForest 24 BI-2 PFOIA Riverine ~BottomlandHardwoodForest 57 BJ PSS1/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 56 BK PSS1/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 24 BL N/A Non-Riverine Linear Wetland 28 BM PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 48/37 BN PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 52 BO PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 63 BQ PFOlA Riverine Bottomland Hardwood Forest 55 BR-1 PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 20 BR-2 PFOIA Riverine Bottomland Hardwood Forest 42 BS PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 49 BT PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 49 BU PFOI/4A Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 18 BV PSS]/4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 21 BW PSSI/4A Non-Riverine Old Pond -Drained 16 BX PSS1/4A Non-Riverine. Headwater Depression 16 BY PSS1/4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 29 BZ PSS1/4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 16 CA PSS1/4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 25 CB N/A Non-Riverine Linear Wetland 16 CC PFOI/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 34 CD N/A Non-Riverine Linear Wetland 28 CF PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 34 CG PAB3H Riverine ~ ~ Swamp Forest 83 CH PAB3H Riverine Swamp Forest 89 CI PSS1A Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 17 CJ undetermined Non-Riverine undetermined 17 CK PFO1/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 21 CL PFOIA Riverine Bottomland Hardwood Forest 45 CM N/A Non-Riverine Linear Wetland 16 CN PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 22 CO PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 17 CP-1 PFOI/4A Non-Riverine - Headwater Forest 31 - CP-2 PFO1/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Fores[ 17 CP-3 PFO1/4A Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 63 CP-3• undetermined Riverine HeadwaterForesUNon-tidal Freshwater Marsh 63 CQ PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest -Cypress/Gum 82 R-2561, July 2011_, Merger Application Page 16 of 28 Wetland ID Cowardin Classification Association Wetland Type ~ Wetland hating Score CQ* PFO6F Riverine Riverine Swamp Forest 82 CR PFOl/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 37 CT PFOl/4A Riverine Swamp Forest NR CU PSS4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 16 CV PFOl/4A Riverine . Swamp Forest 64 CW-1 PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 34 CW-2 N/A Non-Riverine Lineaz Wetland 28 CX -PSS4A~ Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 16 CY PSS4A Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 16 CZ PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 17 DA PFO3A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 16 DB PF04A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 25 DC PFOl/4A Non-Riveiine Swamp Forest 25 DD PF04A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 25 DE PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 25 DF N/A Non-Riverine Lineaz Wetland 28 DG PSSl/4A Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 18 DH PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest - Cypress/Gum 65 DI PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 30 DJ PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest - Cypress/Gum 68 DK PFO6F Riverine ,Swamp Forest - Cypress/Gtun 87 DL PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest - Cypress/Gum 87 DM PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest - Cypress/Gum 83 DN PFOIA Riverine Bottoniland Hazdwood Forest 44 DO PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest - Cypress/Gum 83 DP PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest - Cypress/Gum - 67 DQ PEM1A Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 27 DR PFO1/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 40 DR PFOI/4A Riverine Riverine Swamp ForesU Non-Tidal Freshwater Mazsh 40 DS-1 PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest ~ 40 DS-2 PSS1A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 45 DS-3 PSS1A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat NR DT PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 28 DU PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Swamp Forest 16 DV-1 PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest-Cypress/Gum 62 DV-2 N/A Non-Riverine Lineaz Wetland 44 DV-3 PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 11 DV-4 PSS1A Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 78 DV-5 PSS1A Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 25 DV-6 PFO1/4A Riverine Headwater Forest 60 DW-1 PFOl/4A Riverine Ephemeral Wetland 59 DW-2 PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Depression 19 DX PFOI/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 70 DY PFOl/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 70 DZ PFOlA Riverine Bottomland Hazdwood Forest 63 R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 17 of 28 Wetland ID Cowardin Classification Association Wetland Type Wetland Rating Score EA PFO1/4A Riverine Swamp Forest 63 EB N/A Riverine Linear Wetland 84 EC-1 PFOIA Riverine BottomlandHazdwoodFores[ 84 EC-2 PFOIA Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 29 EC-3 PFOIA Non-Riverine Ephemeral Wetland 20 ED PFOl/4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 21 EE PFO4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 35/39 EF PFO4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 31 EG PFO4A Non-Riverine Wetland Fla[ 11 EH-1 PFO4A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 19 EH-2 PSS1A Non-Riverine Wetland Flat 16 EH-3 N/A Non-Riverine ~ Lineaz Wetland 10 EI-1 PFO4A ~ Non-Riverine HeadwaterFores[ 62 EI-2 N/A Non-Riverine Lineaz Wetland 16 EJ PFO6F Riverine Swamp Forest -Cypress/Gum 75 EK PFO4A Non-Riverine Ephemeral Wetland 23 EL PFO4A Non-Riverine Headwater Forest 35 WA undetermined Riverine Headwater Forest 47 WB undetermined Riverine Headwater Forest 41 WC undetermined Riverine Bottomland Hazdwood Forest 20 WD undetermined Riverine Riverine Swamp Forest 49 *These wetlands were identified during the 2010 NRTR addendum. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page l8 of 28 SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED IMPACTS Tables 8 and 9 present estimated impacts to surface waters of the detailed study alternatives. Table 8 Project Effects on Streams SECTIONS HIGHWAY SECTION LENGTH cMn STREAMS (LINEAR FT) SECTIONS COMMON TO BOTHBUILD ALTERNATIVES 1-6 East NC 87 10.97 1,923 7 East NC 87 1.18 840 West NC 87 1.18 355 8-10 East NC 87 3.53 1,172 11 East NC 87 1.34 844 West NC 87 1.34 463 12-13 East NC 87 5.11 1,465 14 West NC 87 1.46 .166 SECTIONS SPECIFIC TO ALTERNATIVE A 15 East NC 87 1.18 875 16-17 East NC 87 3.82 361 18 West NC 87 2.14 2,035 Impact Range for Alternative A (Low/High) 8,400/9,270 SECTIONS COMMON TO ALTERNATIVE B 19-22 East ~ NC 11 4.78 2,721 Impact Range for Alternative B(Low/High) 7,850/8,720 NOTES: Sections 15 and 19 include the proposed interchange at NC 87 and NC 11. Sections 18 and 22 include interchanges at US 74-76. Floodplain impacts are based on proposed constmction limits plus an extended 25-foot boundary to account for mechanized clearing. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 19 of 28 Table 9 Project Effects on Wetlands SECTIONS HIGHWAY SECTION LENGTH (n'In WETLANDS (AC) SECTIONS COMMON TO BOTH B UILD ALTERNATIVES 1-6 East NC 87 10.97 15.66 7 East NC 87 1.18 4.83 West NC 87 1.18 2.35 8-10 East NC 87 3.53 2.93 11 East NC 87 1.34 1.23 West NC 87 1.34 0.36 12-13 East NC 87 5.11 3.28 14 West, NC 87 1.46 2.47 SECTIONS SPECIFIC TO ALTERNATIVE A 15 East NC 87 1.18 3.01 16-17 East NC 87 3.82 1.00 18 West NC 87 2.14 7.86 Im act Range forAlternative A (Low/High) 37.4/40.8 SECTIONS COMMON TO ALTERNATIVE B 19-22 East NC 11 4.78 7.00 Impact Range for Alternative B (Low/High) 36.4/39.7 NOTES: Sections 15 and 19 include the proposed interchange at NC 87 and NC I1. Sections 18 and 22 include interchanges at US 74-76. ~ Floodplain impacts aze based on proposed construction limits plus an extended 25-foot boundary to account for mechanized clearing. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 20 of 28 WETLAND AND STREAM MITIGATION Avoidance and Minimization of Impacts During the development of detailed study alternatives, efforts were made to avoid stream and wetland impacts to the extent possible. Due to the amount of streams and wetlands adjacent to or crossed by the existing facility, total avoidance of surface waters and wetlands by this project is not feasible. Impacts to streams and wetlands will be considered in the selection of the preferred alternative for the project and additional minimization measures will be evaluated as the project progresses. Compensatory Mitigation of Impacts The NCDOT will investigate potential on-site stream and wetland mitigation opportunities once a final decision has been rendered on the location of the preferred alternative. If on-site mitigation is not feasible, mitigation will be provided by North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). The final determination regazding any mitigation requirements rests with the USACE and the NC Division of Water Quality. BUFFER AREAS/IMPAIRED WATERS Bladen County requires a minimum 30-foot vegetative buffer for all development along all perennial waters. In the case of road crossings, buffer encroachment is considered an exception where no practical alternative exists. Widening existing NC 87 would encroach on perennial stream buffers; however, widening is the only practical alternative. NCDOT will comply with Bladen County buffer regulations, including the utilization of stolmwater best management practices. Waters in the project study azea aze not subject to any NC Division of Water Quality riparian buffer rules. There aze no impaired waters listed under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. FLOODPLAINS The floodplain azeas in the vicinity of the stream crossings aze rural. All of the alternatives will cross floodplains. Table 10 on the next page shows anticipated floodplain impacts for each widening scenario being carried forwazd for detailed study. The proposed project will not affect any FEMA buy-out properties. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 21 of 28 Table 10 Anticipated Floodplain Impacts of Detailed Study Alternatives SECTIONS HIGHWAY SECTION LENGTH (MI) FLOODPLAINS (AC) SECTIONS COMMONTO BOTHBUILD ALTERNATIVES 1-6 East NC 87 10.97 12.7 7 East NC 87 1.18 1.5 West NC 87 1.18 0.9 8-10 East NC 87 3.53 9.3 11 East NC 87 1.34 2.9 West NC 87 1.34 0.0 12-13 East NC 87 5.11 0.0 14 West NC 87 1.46 0.0 SECTIONS SPECIFIC TO ALTERNATIVE A 15 East NC 87 1.18 0.2 16-17 East NC 87 3.82 0.0 18 West NC 87 2.14 20.5 Im act Range for Alternative A(Low/High) 43.6/47.1 SECTIONS COMMON TO ALTERNATIVE B 19-22 East NC 11 4.78 0.7 Impact Range for Alternative B (Low/High) 23.7/27.1 NOTES: Sections 15 and 19 include the proposed interchange at NC 87 and NC 11. Sections 18 and 22 include interchanges at US 74-76. Floodplain impacts are based on proposed constmction limits. The NCDOT Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to determine if a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and a subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (CONK) are required for the project. If required, the Division Resident Engineer will submit sealed as-built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon project completion certifying the project was built as showri on construction plans. NCDOT will coordinate with FEMA and local authorities in the final design stage of the project to ensure compliance with applicable floodplain management ordinances. RARE AND PROTECTED SPECIES Federally-Protected Species As of May 26, 2011, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists ten federally-protected species for Bladen and Columbus Counties. Biological conclusions for federally-protected species are shown in Table 11 on the next page. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 22 of 28 Table 11 Federally-Protected Species in the Project Area Scientific Name Common Name Connty' Federal Status Biological Conclusion Alligator mississippiensis American alligator B/C T (S/A) N/A Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker B/C E No Effect Schwalbea americana American chaffseed B E No Effect Acipenser brevirostrum Shortnose sturgeon B/C E No Effect Lindera melissafolia Pondbeiry B E No Effect Lysimachia asperulaejolia Rough-leaved loosestrife B/C E No Effect Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle B/C N/A N/A Mycteria americana Wood stork C E No Effect Menidia extensa Waccamaw silverside C T No Effect Thalictrum cooleyi Cooley's meadowrue C E No Effect • ' C -Columbus County, B - Bladen County • z N/A=not applicable. T'he bald eagle was removed from the federal list of Tlueatened and Endangered species on August 8, 2007. A Biological Conclusion is no[ required under Endangered Species Act Section 7 provisions. • "T (S/A)" denotes Threatened due to similarity of appearance (a species that is threatened due to similarity of appearance with another listed species and is listed For its protection). • "E" denotes Endangered (a species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range). The American alligator is listed as Threatened Due to Similarity of Appearance, and is therefore not protected under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. No survey is required for this species. Foraging habitat for post-breeding wood stork does exist within the Columbus County section of the project study area. Surveys for foraging individuals or colohies of wood stork were conducted on September 17, 2007 by searching all areas of suitable habitat within the project study area. The survey resulted in no findings of word stork. Furthermore, a majority of the areas where wood stork would be found Were visited in late June 2007 during surveys for Cooley's meadowrue, and none were observed. Therefore, it can be concluded that this project will have "no effect" on the wood stork. Suitable habitat for nesting and/or foraging of RCW occurs at four sites within the project study azea, and suitable foraging habitat occurs at two locations within the project study area. Based on NHP element occurrence data, RCW are not documented to occur within three miles of the project study azea. Systematic surveys completed May 23-25 and June 26-28, 2007 resulted in no cavity sightings. Surveys for suitable nest cavity sites outside of the project study azea (within 0.5 miles) were conducted between July 12 and October 5, 2007 and resulted in no cavity sightings. Therefore, it can be concluded that this project will have "no effect" on the red-cockaded woodpecker. Suitable habitat does occur within the project study area and there aze four records for shortnose sturgeon in the Cape Feaz River in 1993 in the Riegelwood vicinity. Livingston Creek is 80 feet wide at the crossing within the project study area and therefore maybe suitable for spawning runs. Weyman Creek is also fairly wide and may R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 23 of 28 provide suitable spawning habitat at the NC 87 crossing, located approximately 3.5 miles north of Riegelwood. It is not expected that shortnose sturgeon can pass through Lock and Dam No. 1 on the Cape Fear, and therefore the river and its tributaries upstream of that point have not been considered as suitable habitat. Correspondence from the NC Division of Marine Fisheries, dated April 16, 2009, states that the shortnose sturgeon would not be found in Livingston and Weyman Creeks as faz upstream as the NC 87 crossing. It is concluded that this project will have "no effect" on the shortnose sturgeon. Suitable habitat for American chaffseed does occur in one location within the project study azea, and a historical record exists 2.5 miles southwest of the project study area. Surveys for the species were conducted on May 23-25, 2007. No American chaffseed was found. Therefore this project will have "no effect" on the American chaffseed. There are four specific locations within the Columbus County section of the project study azea that provide suitable habitat for Cooley's meadowrue. Surveys were conducted June 26-28, 2007. No Cooley's meadowrue was found. Therefore, this project will have "no effect" on Cooley's meadownxe. There are numerous azeas with suitable habitat for pondberry within the Bladen County section of the project study azea. Systematic surveys for the species were conducted June 5-8 and June 26-28, 2007. No pondberry was found. Therefore, this project will have "no effect" on pondberry. No suitable habitat for Waccamaw silverside exists in the project area. The project study azea is located entirely within the Cape Feaz River Basin, while the Waccamaw silverside is an endemic species restricted to Lake Waccamaw and the Waccamaw River within the Lumber River Basin. Therefore, this project will have "no effect" on the Waccamaw silverside. The bald eagle was declared recovered, and removed (de-listed) from the USFWS Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species effective August 8, 2007. The bald eagle remains federally-protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Species Act. It was determined that potential nesting and foraging habitat for bald eagle occurs along sections of the Cape Feaz River within 1.5 miles of the project study area. A nest survey was conducted in February 2007; no nests were found within 1.5 miles of the project study azea. ht addition, the adjacent forests were searched for nests in Apri12007 and no nests were found. Therefore, it can be concluded that this project will not adversely affect the bald eagle. Federal Species of Concern Forty-nine Federal Species of Concern (FSCj are listed for Bladen and Columbus Counties. There aze four plants and one animal FSC species documented to occur within orie mile of the project study area based on NHP element occurrence data. The species documented aze the spring-flowering goldenrod, sandhills milkvetch, savanna indigo- bush, venus flytrap, and southern hognose snake. The first three listed aze within the project study azea. The hognose record is in the central azea of the corridor and is R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 24 of 28 historic, the indigo (destroyed) and goldenrod (historic) records are along the easternmost section of US 74-76. During the field investigation a new population of sandhills milk- vetch (FSC, State Threatened) was discovered within the Bladen County section of the project study area, and shell material of the Eastern Creekshell (NC Significantly Rare) was found within the Bladen County section of the project study azea along the shore of Carvers Creek. CULTURAL RESOURCES The proposed project is subject to North Carolina General Statute 121-12(a), and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. Historic Architectural Resources The USACE requested that NCDOT investigate the entire length of the project and submit the results to the USACE and State Historic Preservation Office (HPO). NCDOT surveys of the project study azea and individual evaluations of the structures were undertaken in 2009 and 2010. It was determined that the project study azea contains two properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and eight properties eligible for listing on the NRHP. These properties aze shown on Figure 7. The HPO concurred with these findings on December 20, 2010. The potential effect of the proposed project on historic azchitectural resources will be evaluated in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The USACE, in coordination with North Carolina HPO, will review the preliminary design of this project in relation to the location of each historic azchitectural property. Based upon this review, the USACE will determine the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the project and the project effects on each listed property. Once these effects aze determined, they will be described in the final environmental document for this project. Properties Listed on the National Register It is anticipated no right of way or easements will be required from the Mount Horeb Presbyterian Church and Cemetery. NC 87 will be widened to the east in this section and the preliminary design for the project does not encroach on the property. The.Carver's Creek Methodist Church is located on the west side of NC 87 and the widening is proposed on the east side along this segment of the project. The preliminary alignment has been set so that the construction will not impact the property. However, there is a pipe under NC 87 at the northeast corner of this property. When the project is constructed there will most likely be temporary construction impacts at the end of the pipe which will be within the historic boundary. Other than temporary construction impacts at the northeast comer, no other direct impacts to the property are anticipated. Properties Eligible for the National Register The McDonald-Russ House is located on the east side of NC 87. Although NC 87 is being widened predominately to the east in this section of the project, the proposed R-2561, July 201 I, Merger Application Page 25 of 28 widening has been shifted to the west in the immediate vicinity of this property. This alignment shift avoids impacting the McDonald-Russ House and causes no net increases in impacts to other environmental concerns. It is anticipated no right of way or easements would be required from this property. The Carvers Creek AME Zion Church is located east of NC 87, approximately 1,200 feet from NC 87 at the end of SR 1731 (Carvers Creek Church Road). The National Register eligible boundaries include SR 1731 from the existing right of way for NC 87 to the church property. NC 87 will be widened to the east in this azea, and the SR 1731 intersection with NC 87 will be improved with the project. This construction will occur within the portion of the eligible boundaries within existing right of way for SR 1731. No right of way or easements will be required from church-owned property. The Love House, located on the west side of NC 87, is currently unoccupied and heavily overgrown. NC 87 will be widened to the west side in this area. The proposed widening will require the removal of the house. Widening on the east side through this section was considered but eliminated from consideration because widening to the east would result in an additional four residential relocations and an additional 1201ineaz feet of stream impacts. The former Weyman Methodist Church is located just southeast of the proposed NC 87/ NC 11 interchange.' Right of way will be acquired from the northwest corner of the property, but the church building itself will not be directly impacted. The main property is set back from NC 87 and accessed by a long driveway. Widening along NC 87 will require re-construction of the driveway entrance. The Wesley United Methodist Church is located on the east side of NC 87. The preliminary alignment through this section impacts both sides of NC 87. Right of way will be acquired from this property, but the alignment does not require the removal of the church building. However, the property will be altered by ditch reshaping and slope work. It is anticipated no right of way or easements will be required from the properties for Spring Hill, Christ the King Catholic Church, and Acme Presbyterian Church. The Spring Hill property lies approximately 2,100 feet west of NC 87 on SR 1726 (Lloyd Road). NC 87 will be widened to the east in the section containing the remaining two properties. Archeological Resources An intensive archaeological survey will be initiated within high probability areas after the preferred alternative (Concurrence Point 3) is selected. The USACE and HPO will coordinate regarding the effects of the project on any archaeological resources that are recommended eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The final environmental document for this project will discuss the effects of the project on azchaeological resources. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 26 of 28 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Twenty-four possible UST facilities, six automotive repair facilities, one UST recycling facility, one metal fabrication facility, and one automobile junkyazd were identified within the proposed project corridor. Potential project effects on these properties are presented in Table 12 below and on the next page. Soil and groundwater assessments will be performed on any potentially contaminated properties from which right of way will be required. This assessment will be performed after the selection of the preferred alternative and prior to right of way acquisition. Table 12 Project Effects on Potentially Contaminated Properties Section Site Type UST Facility Anticipated Impacts Anticipated No. ID Severity 18 I UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system. 18 2 Machine Shop N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system 18 3 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system 18 - 4 UST 0-Ol 1388 Petroleum contaminated Low soils from former UST s stem 18 5 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from former UST. 17 6 UST 0-011688 Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system 17 7 UST 0-002328 Petroleum contaminated Low 'soils from Former UST s tem 17 8 UST N/A Petroleum wntaminated Low - soils from UST s stem 17 9 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system ' 17 10 Auto Junk N/A Oil, batteries, antifreeze, Low Yazd tires, etc. 17 ] 1 Auto Repair N/A Petroleum contaminated Low Garage soils from auto repair business 16 12 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low ' soils from former UST s stem 16 13 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST s stem 22 14 Auto Repair N/A Petroleum contaminated Low Gazage soils from auto repair business and in-ground h dmulic lift. R-2561, July 201 I, Merger Application Page 27 of 28 Section Site Type UST Facility Anticipated Impacts Anticipated No. ID Severity 22 15 Machine Shop N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from former UST system 21 16 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST 5 stem 21 17 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system 20 18 Truck Repair N/A Petroleum contaminated Low Garage ~ soils from truck repair business 14 19 UST 0-012155 Petroleum contaminated Low soils from former UST s stem l4 20 UST 0-012154 Petroleum contaminated Low soils from former UST stem 14 21 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST s stem 13 22 ~ UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST s stem 13 23 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST s stem 12 24 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system 1l 25 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system 4 26 UST 0-023743 Petroleum contaminated Low soils from former UST s stem 4 27 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST s stem 2 28 Industrial N/A Petroleum contaminated ~ Low soils from UST tank rec clin 2 29 UST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system 2 30 UST N/A ~ Petroleum contaminated Low soils from UST system 1 31 AST N/A Petroleum contaminated Low soils from waste oil AST. There is the possibility unregulated USTs, such as farm tanks or home heating oil tanks, may exist in the proposed right of way. Any unregulated tanks will be identified during right of way acquisition. R-2561, July 2011, Merger Application Page 28 of 28 LOGICAL TERMINI/INDEPENDENT UTILITY The proposed project has logical termini and independent utility. The project involves widening atwo-lane road into afour-lane divided facility. The project limits aze limited to the work necessary to widen the road and for all approach work to tie back into existing roadways. The proposed project will not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements in the area. This project would be a reasonable expenditure of capital even if no additional transportation improvements in the area were made. WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS No federally or state designated Wild and Scenic Rivers occur within the project study azea. Therefore, the project will not impact any Designated Wild and Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90-542, as amended). ~, rke \J \ f/o rsesh oe 'Lake Nhite Oak Jones Lako 12 ~ St, Pk _~ -w~ ~lin~\ ~ 4 \ ~~ 5 \ ibe town*i _ I1 oro 4 .. ~ 2A 101 8 Ammo Lisbon Columbus and Bladen Counties Clar project Location ql 4~ (~ `;'I Kerr ; ~8 Bay Tree ' t`. i rke. /trk`c~ ~,~ Ivanhoe i~ ~, 15 `rS+ngletorv Lake } ~t\P,. / i' EeSt. Pk. 1\1 ' Y i ~~l 2~0 . ~~ ~~ Cr ~~~ ~ Atkinson ~~ 53 `~ ~ ~,o -------}~owa n~ ~~,, Q~ a 19 ~ ~"-~~~.; Moore., Kelly 5 ~ X14 'y Not. Ba i j2 211 c Carve S r~~ ~•w ~, a c ~ a'e C oi4 ~a Q ~6 ~ °4 4$ • hty\ co~hri- . \, 8 3 ,~ Ha9lsboro j8 s+ 16 Whiteville s 5 Lake Waccamaw ;Brunswick Lake !! i5 luncil E\as A~ nrrr;= .~ 14 ~ Bolton ~ainaw 2, Lock 4 ~ No. r 6 11 ,•' ~. _ cadia _ r ,~ Sandyfieid, ~O 6 Freem l ~Iwood ~~ .~•~i mei Noa ~i n ueico ia~~ Sandy,Creek 1 Mac NC 87 Improvements from US 74 in Columbus County to the Project Vicinity Elizabethtown Bypass In Bladen County NTS TIP No. R-2561 Figure 1 /lo esho ~ Ammon 'Lake t 1 Nhite Oak r LADE JOIi ES Laka t'2 LAK~E~S ~ St. Pk ' ~~ ~ ^, ~lin~ ~' 5 O a`t ribethtown* 2 .+ i 1 2/1 701 oro g Lisbon '4 3 Clarkton g uetway G a rl Legend 3 Q 0 Alternative A s ^:,~ ~ AlternetFve 6 o v' I I ~~ o 5 ~. < ~.'_~ ~ 8 Bap Tree Lakes e_ ~Si~igfetary L ,~ it$f. Pk. 19 1 ly p11 Carver +~ ~ 2jJ .,~.`eja coi4 • men ~ ~ C: on ~. ~ 648 00`' . `n~ `• Ftallsboro .j$ 15 ~Wt~itev~lle 4 " Wacca ;Brunswick 0 Tomahawk C,"'~ Kerr ~ 15 Ivanhoe \rtG ^`,~'~ / ie !~ 8 i i i cC ' Atkinson 11 ~` ~ Rowan \'~, ro 4 '`\ ;\f ` ~': elly 5 \ 53 Q :5. ~ _ .~.~ A \ Z~'• Lock 1'~ ~ ~ 2i!o t I~Mo. 1 li ~. luncil E\as Arcadia Sa ~ 3 «~~ ° Balton w' keel lWaccamam id field ~ a~~iegelwood .,.~ . ;''°~~ cme-' 30 a ,~ ,,.~ ,. ~ Freeman Delco ~4 Sandy.Creek t ! Maco 3 `'~ NC 87 Improvements Study Area and ' from US 74 - 76 in Columbus County to the Preliminary Alternatives a~d Elizabethtown Bypass in Bladen County NTS tea. 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