HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110762 Ver 1_Finding of No Significant Impact_20110815DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY UNITED STATES FLEET FORCES FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE TARGET PADS AND SUPPORT AREAS OF THE NAVY DARE COUNTY BOMBING AND ELECTRONIC COMBAT RANGE, NORTH CAROLINA Pursuant to Council of Environmental Quality Regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 1500-1508) implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and in accordance with the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Instruction 5090.1 C, the Department of the Navy gives notice that an Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared and that an Environmental Impact Statement is not required for the Improvements to the Target Pads and Support Areas of the Navy Dare County Bombing and Electronic Combat Range (Navy Range). The Dare County Bombing and Electronic Combat Range is a U.S. Air Force (USAF)-owned weapons range located on the Dare County peninsula in the coastal plain of northeastern North Carolina. It is used jointly by the USAF and the Navy. It has been operational since 1965 and has been owned by the USAF since 1978. Of the 46,621 acres of the Dare County Bombing and Electronic Combat Range, the Navy utilizes the northern half, and the Air Force utilizes the southern half. The Navy's impact area, referred to as the "keyhole" due to its shape, comprises approximately 2,500 acres and is used by the Navy to train tactical air crews to deliver air-to- ground munitions. The proposed action is to improve or restore the surface area of the Navy Range by increasing the hardened surfaces. The proposed action will be achieved through the implementation of the preferred alternative which will restore/expand 10 target pads, create/restore associated target access roadways, and establish a 2-acre maintenance area and a 2-acre storage area. The proposed action will allow the Navy to continue to access and maintain targets, improve the Navy's ability to recover expended munition, and improve operational safety and fire breaks. The proposed action is necessary to meet the Navy's obligations to train naval forces for combat under Title 10 U.S.C. Section 5062. The Environmental Assessment considered the following alternatives to achieve the proposed action: No Action Alternative - Under the No-Action Alternative, target pad expansions and the construction of range support areas would not be completed. Range management actions and storage of equipment and surplus targets would not be altered. Alternative 1 (Preferred Alternative) - Alternative 1 encompasses the restoration and expansion of current target pads, the establishment of new target pads for targets placed directly on native wetland vegetation, improvement and creation of associated target access roadways, the expansion of the maintenance area and the creation of an equipment storage area. Approximately 8.5 acres of wetlands will be filled as a result of implementing Alternative 1. Fill material (such as dirt and/or sand free of contaminants/debris from a commercial borrow Pagel of 3 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE TARGET PADS AND SUPPORT AREAS OF THE NAVY DARE COUNTY BOMBING AND ELECTRONIC COMBAT RANGE, NORTH CAROLINA site), geotextile material, and gravel will be layered to construct the target pads, roadways, and range support areas. Alternative 2 - Under this alternative, target pads will be established or expanded to a distance that will enable nearly total recovery of all spent munitions. Target access roadways and range support areas would be expanded as discussed in Alternative 1. In total approximately 15.5 acres of wetlands will be filled as a result of implementing Alternative 2. The preferred alternative will have no significant impact upon geology and soils, recreational use, socio-economics, transportation, or land use. There will be no disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations, nor any disproportionate environmental health or safety risks to children. Navy Dare County Bombing and Electronic Combat Range is part of a larger, 46,621 acre U.S. Air Force weapons range and has been an operational range since 1965. Surrounding land is generally undeveloped, zoned for conservation, and includes the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. There will be no significant effect on any historic resources. No historic buildings or archaeological sites exist in the project area. In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the Navy consulted with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office which concurred with the Navy's determination of no effect on historic and archaeological resources. The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources concurred with the Navy's determination on November 9, 2010. There will be no significant impact upon any federally listed threatened or endangered species, critical habitat, or other protected species. Species of concern may be present on the Range as detailed in the environmental assessment. However, no species or critical habitats are found within the project area; as such, no adverse impacts are expected. There will be no significant adverse effect to any population of migratory bird species as listed under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. Part 703). No impacts to any populations of Bald Eagles, as listed under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, are likely to occur as a: result of the proposed action. There will be no significant impacts to air quality. Dare County Bombing range is located within a designated attainment area for all six National Ambient Air Quality Standard criteria pollutants and is therefore exempt from the general conformity analysis. Short-term construction emissions will result from construction vehicles, equipment, and associated fugitive dust. Total emissions of criteria pollutants are well below the de minimis levels used to gauge and minimize regulated air quality impacts in nonattainment areas. There will be no significant impacts to water resources. Best management practices and engineering controls (e.g., silt fences, booms, and wet suppression) will be implemented during construction and post-construction phases to minimize impacts from soil erosion, sedimentation, storm water run-off, and fugitive dust. Dare County Bombing range is comprised of 99% wetland. Approximately 8.5 acres of wetland will be filled as a result of the proposed action. However, the Navy will obtain a permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and a state Page 2 of 3 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE TARGET PADS AND SUPPORT AREAS OF THE NAVY DARE COUNTY BOMBING AND ELECTRONIC COMBAT RANGE, NORTH CAROLINA certification under Section 401 before beginning construction and will mitigate wetlands impacts at a ratio greater than 1:1 by purchasing credits through an offsite wetlands mitigation bank. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers acted as a cooperating agency in preparation of the Environmental Assessment. There will be no significant impacts to the coastal zone. After consultation with applicable North Carolina agencies, the Navy determined the proposed action is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with North Carolina's coastal zone enforceable policies. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management concurred with the Navy's determination on December 1, 2010. Based on information gathered during the preparation of the EA, the Navy finds that the proposed action will not have a significant impact on the environment. The EA and FONSI prepared by the Navy addressing this action may be obtained from: Ms. Kelly Proctor (Code EV22), Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic, 6506 Hampton Blvd., Norfolk, Virginia 23508; or by phone at (757) 322-4686. A limited number of copies of the EA are available to fill single copy requests. _S iq t( Date J.W. MURPHY Deputy Chief of Staf for Fleet Readiness United States Fleet Forces Command Page 3 of 3