HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110517 Ver 1_Application_20110623~- ~ ~ ~o~~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA µ~,, Of 1 Z~I1 `/~~S ~ST~RO!/q(/ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~~,,~ qq BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE EUGENE A. CONTI, JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY May 25, 2011 Ms. Lori Beckwith US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 ®~ 1 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Subject: Nationwide Permit #14 SR 1735 Briar Creek Road State Project No. 130.081095 (DWQ Minor Permit Fee $240) Rutherford County, NC Deaz Ms. Beckwith: I have enclosed astraight-line diagram with erosion control plan, a PCN application for NWP #14, and a vicinity map relative to the proposed secondary road project on SR 1735 Briar Creek Road, Rutherford County, NC. We propose to replace/extend four pipe culverts on UT's to Brier Creek. Brier Creek is classifed as trout waters by DWQ. Total permanent stream impacts will be 72 linear feet due to extension of culvert length to meet safety standard for a paved roadway. A temporary impervious dike or pump-azound operation will be used for dewatering during removal and installation. The UT's are 1-3 feet wide, respectively with gravel/sand/silt subsfiate. Existing channel morphology will be maintained upstream and downstream of the culvert. The culverts will be placed below existing streambed elevation whenever possible. Riparian vegetation will be reestablished along disturbed areas associated with the culvert extensions. Stormwater will be diverted through grass-lined ditches or vegetated buffers prior to entering streams. No effect on federally listed species (threatened or endangered) or their habitats is anticipated. Division Thirteen Office Post Office Box 3279 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: 828/251-6171 Office of the Division Engineer Fax: 828/251-6709 www.ncdot. gov/d oh/operations/d ivisionl3 Ms. Lori Beckwith Page -2 SR 1735, Rutherford County May 25, 2011 As a part of the 401 Certification process, a copy of the application will be forwazded to the NC State Historic Preservation Office as required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and GS 121-12(a). By copy of this letter, we request David McHenry, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Coordinator, to comment directly to the Corps concerning the permit request. A trout buffer variance will be required for the project. By copy of this letter, we are asking Ed Ingle, Area Roadside Field Operations Engineer, to comment on the above project. Brier Creek is classified trout. A trout buffer vaziance will be required for the project. By copy of this letter, I am forwazding four (4) copies of the application package to Brian Wrenn, NC Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetland Unit and an additional copy to Mike Parker, NC DWQ Asheville Regional Office for review and comment. Please chazge the application fee of $240.00 to WBS element # 130.081095. Please forwazd comments directly to the Corps with copy to Division 13 Environmental Officer. Your eazliest consideration for this request would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or information needs, please contact me at (828) 251-6171. Sincerely, p ~~,~ Roger D. Bryan Division 13 Environmental Officer Enclosures cc: J.J. Swain, Jr., P.E. D.R. McNeal, P.E. Ed Ingle, CPESC David McHenry Mike Pazker Brian Wrenn i f ~ ~ ®1 I OF N! a T~c~ >_ ~l~ O T Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWO project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: X Section 404 Permit Section 10 Permit ^ 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? X Yes ^ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): X 401 Water Quality Certification -Regular ^ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ^ 401 Water Quality Certification -Express ^ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ^ Yes X No For the record only for Corps Permit: ^ Yes X No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. ^ Yes X No 1g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1h below. ^ Yes X No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ^ Yes X No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: SR 1735 Briar Creek Road 2b. County: Rutherford 2c. Nearest municipality /town: Golden Valley 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: 130.081095 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): N/A 3d. Street address: N/A 3e. City, state, zip: N/A 3f. Telephone no.: N/A 3g. Fax no.: N/A 3h. Email address: N/A Page 1 of 11 PCN Form -Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Versicn 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: North Carolina Department of Transportation 4b. Name: J.J. Swain, Jr., P.E., Division Engineer 4c. Business name (if applicable): N.C. Department of Transportation 4d. Street address: 55 Orange Street, P.O. Box 3279 4e. City, state, zip: Asheville, NC 28802 4f. Telephone no.: 828-251-6171 4g. Fax no.: 828-251-6394 4h. Email address: rdbrvanCrDncdot.aov 5. AgenUConsultant Information (if applicable) Sa. Name: N/q Sb. Business name (if applicable): N/A 5c. Street address: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A Sf. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 11 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1 a . Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b . Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.52914° N Longitude: 81.69978°W 1c . Property size: 9.8 acres 2. Surtace Waters 2a . Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to proposed project: Brier Creek (C, Trout) 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: C, Trout 2c. River basin: Broad 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Existing gravel secondary road 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0.0 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 500 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: Increase the typical section and pave the secondary road 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Grade, drain, base and pave the roadway. Replace and extend four existing culverts on jurisdictional streams. Equipment used will include excavators, trucks and graders, 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: Non-blue line streams, Field evaluated by NCDOT ^ Yes X No ^ Unknown 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? ^ Preliminary ^ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): N/A Agency/Consultant Company: Corps Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. See Sb below. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifcations been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past? ^ Yes ^ No ^ Unknown 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ^ Yes X No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 11 PCN Form- Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ^ Wetlands X Streams -tributaries ^ Buffers ^ Open Waters ^ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number - Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWO -non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora W1 ^ P ^ T ^ Yes ^ Corps ^ No ^ DWO W2 ^ P ^ T ^ Yes ^ Corps ^ No ^ DWO W3 ^ P ^ T ^ Yes ^ Corps ^ No ^ DWO W4 ^ P ^ T ^ Yes ^ Corps ^ No ^ DWO WS ^ P ^ T ^ Yes ^ Corps ^ No ^DWQ W6 ^ P ^ T ^ Yes ^ Carps ^ No ^ DWO 2g. Total wetland impacts 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ -non-404 width (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? , other) (feet) feet) S1 X P ^ T Pipe Culvert UT1 to Brier Creek X PER X Corps 1 20 ^INT X DWQ S1 ^ P X T Dewatering UT1 to Brier Creek X PER X Corps 1 50 ^INT X DWO S2 X P ^ T Pipe Culvert UT2 to Brier Creek X PER X Corps 2 18 ^INT X DWQ S2 ^ P X T Dewatering UT2 to Brier Creek X PER X Corps 2 50 ^INT X DWO S3 X P ^ T Pipe Culvert UT3 to Brier Creek X PER X Corps 3 24 ^INT X DWO S3 ^ P X T Dewatering UT3 to Brier Creek X PER ^INT X Corps X DWQ 3 60 S4 X P ^ T pipe Culvert UT4 to Brier Creek X PER X Corps 1 10 ^INT X DWO S4 ^ P X T Dewatering UT4 to Brier Creek X PER X Corps 1 60 ^INT X DWQ Page 4 of 11 PCN Form -Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 72 perm/220 temp 3i. Comments:72 feet of permanent and 220 feet of temporary impacts. 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individual) list all o en water im acts below. 4a. Open water impact number- Permanent (P) or Tem ora T 4b. Name of waterbody (if applicable) 4c. Type of impact 4d. Waterbody type 4e. Area of impact (acres) 01 ^P^T 02 ^P^T 03 ^P^T 04 ^P^T 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If and or lake construction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. Pond ID number Sb. Proposed use or purpose 5c. Wetland Impacts (acres) 5d. Stream Impacts (feet) Se. Upland (acres) of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 5f. Total 5g. Comments: Sh. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ^ Yes ^ No If yes, permit ID no: Si. Expected pond surface area (acres): Sj. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: Page 5 of 11 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If an im acts re uire miti anon, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ^ Neuse ^Tar-Pamlico ^ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ^ Catawba ^ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number - Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Tem ora im act re uired? B1 ^P^T ^Yes ^ No 62 ^P^T ^Yes ^ No B3 ^P^T ^Yes ^ No 6h. Total buffer impacts 6i. Comments: Page 6 of 11 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. Minimum pipe length used to obtain needed typical section, alignment and shoulder width for safety. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. N/A 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ^ Yes ^ No To be determined by Corps 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ^DWQ ^ Corps 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? ^ Mitigation bank ^ Payment to in-lieu fee program ^ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-Ileu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. ^ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ^ warm ^ cool ^cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 7 of 11 PCN Form- Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) -required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ^ Yes X No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank , permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 8 of 11 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a . Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? ^ Yes X No 1 b . If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: ^ Yes ^ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a . What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A 2b . Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? X Yes ^ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, na rrative description of the plan: The project will use BMP's to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) in compliance with NCDOT's NPDES Permit No. 000250 Post Construction Stormwater Program. ^ Certified Local Govemment 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? X DWQ Stormwater Program ^ DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? NIA ^ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ^ NSW apply (check alt that apply): ^ USMP ^ Water Supply Watershed X Other: N/A 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ^ Yes ^ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ^ Coastal counties 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply ^ HOW ^ ORW (check all that apply): ^ Session Law 2006-246 X Other: N/A 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ^ Yes ^ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ^ Yes ^ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ^ Yes ^ No Page 9 of 11 PCN Form- Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the ®Yes ^ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ^Yes ®No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ^Yes ^ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surtace Water or Wetland Standards, ^Yes ®No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ^Yes ®No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ^Yes ®No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater enerated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. g N/A Page 10 of 11 PCN Form- Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) Sa. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ^ Yes ®No habitat? Sb. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act i ? ®No ^ Yes mpacts Sc. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. ^ Raleigh ^ Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? NC Natural Heritage distributionlhabitat mapping, field survey 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ^ Yes ®No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? Current Maps/Database 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation t t ^ Yes ®No s a us (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? Current maps. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in aFEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ^ Yes ®No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: Sc. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? Current FEMA Maps Roger D. Bryan 5/25/2011 --~~ ApplicanVAgent's Printed Name plicant/Agent's gnature Date (Agent's signature is valid only rf an authorization letter from the applicant is rovided. Page 11 of 11 i f // ~.,,. ~ ~~ ' ./ n I l,.,,. , ~ ' .:~~"~-y ~-_ ~ , ~' Y .. `,.~, f Pleas ~ f=~ ~f/ • t,~ r~'f ~"r'~_ - .~ ~ , ti t i+ `End Protect ,''_ ~ ~ J J 1 ~ ... .. /' ~'~ • t t '~ 1 ~l. ~ 1 't I 4 ~ ~ r '1 F' .'.'~'\.I. } (1 ~.: , rte 4 :' I eti >d t ~ d, : ~. ~ d ~ ' ~ ~` , 4 r ~ ` ~ - ~`'f - ~ ~ t t ~j {~ r ` 1 ~ ~r y~ . ,_ - - t w ~JI k ~~ V ~ t ~ ~ r fr',~. tf = 1 ~~,i ~ ~: ~ t ~ p~ ~..~. • (1JJ.'~ l : ~ ~ '- ,. ~~ f ff ~ ~ t :, i ~~ ~ .~' y'~ /~~~ r ~ ~ ~ 7,' / , i/ .._~ ~ ~ :;~ ~`" ~ 1rY!~,% ate 3' _. p Y °:- , ~ ; ~,~.'~ t ~"i I F~~ / , 1 ! ~ -,.•. • ~i ~ i y'/ i t t 1 ~ f t + off / tF ~ / J - _. ( ~)yl i rt ~' J ~ l '.,, t1` ~ ,1,-~ ri - .' i . J e t 1 1 ? ~~( . ~ i f .,.+FJ`~ -`~'.,..r,~.~ ° '+•.. ti i f_ -~ y ~7 r r ~ , .. F~.. ~r ~..~ ~' t y!~ ~ ~ ~ !te°~'_ t ~ _;J '' ~-- °~4., fir- l .,~__... .. _ ~ 1 A 3 / y +`' ' ~.+^'_"' " " V. ~~ ~ +' ~, 't, ~t f'r $Ite 2 ~ r%°•. f~~' r k i . ~ F t ,• t ~ .-~ ' ti. t !r f `f /~. ~ /164 r `~ t ^l i ". ".~.. -~ t = f ~ 1 5.,}'_l y ff ~, Y Y t - l..rr'~ / ,.' f~!'r`F~f ~ ~ ^~\,~+`4~~,~ tr + r~ ~' ~ %-~ ~'. - ,,..,rf~~ rte V f d ~~ i '~ ~ y. ((~'y e " ' + i ~ 7 '~ '~ fi ~ 1J~, ~: s ~~~ ,a ~ --:~ t~ `:. _ ~ tl• ~ Site 1 ? ~'. f r' ~ '.~,, , . .• t . • :,r Begin ProJecC :~ 4tY - ~~ ~ ~. =.Tr { .-~~' - ~ 5f ~_ ~ ~5... .' ~ ~ ~. : _fy'--~,,---_~ '~,l~-'''~ ~ ,,- a s c~?tit - f ,t Name: BENN KNOB Location: 035.5402901 ° N 081.6982478° W Date: 5/25/2011 Caption: SR 1735 Briar Creek Road Scale: 1 inch equals 1000 feet Rutherford County, NC Figure 1. SR 1735, Site 1, Station 7+00, UTl to Brier Creek, Rutherford County, NC. Figure 2. SR 1735, Site 2, Station 24+75, UT2 to Brier Creek, Rutherford County, NC. Figure 3. SR 1735, Site 3, Station 64+00, U73 to Brier Creek, Rutherford County, NC. Figure 4. SR 1735, Site 4, Station 82+00, U74 to Brier Creek, Rutherford County, NC. SECONDARY ROAD PAVING PROJECT SHEET 1 OF 33 COUNTY: Rutherford TOWNSHIP: Golden Valley PROJECT: SR 1735, Briar Creek Rd. LENGTH: 9,456 feet, 1.79 miles WORK TYPE: grade, drain, base, pave, erosion control RURAL PRIORITY #: g F LOCATION: From SR. 1733, thence for 1.79 miles SUBD/RESID. PRIORITY #: WBS ELEMENT NO: 13C.pgIoYS CONSTRUCTION W. O. NO. DATE: 3/1/2011 SCALE: 1"=50' DRAWN BY: DGM NOTES AND PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO STRAIGHT LINE DIAGRAM 1. Assigned right of way agent needs to verify all property owners. Property owners shown on the straight line diagram are taken from tax maps only. 2. Fences to be moved off the right of way and reset off right of way by the Department of Transportation crews. Any new materials, posts, wire, etc.. to be supplied by the property owner. 3. Existing asphalt or concrete drives to be tied in with asphalt if the existing driveway is within 20 feet of proposed centerline. See any exceptions on straight line diagram. 4. Driveway pipes to be furnished and installed as needed by Department of Transportation crews in existing driveways. 5. Existing water lines, sewer lines, drain lines, etc., under road project to be adjusted by Department of Transportation as needed during construction. Property owners to supply all materials and release Department of Transportation from any liability. 6. Underground utility lines to be located by owner. Lines to be adjusted by owner as needed, otherwise retain. 7. Note proposed right of way markers shown on straight line diagram. 8. Please inform property owners that cuts and fills could exceed proposed right of way. 9. The erosion plan should be used for erosion control purposes only. ~j~S/OG~ ~~v~G! ;.. D ~ ~~~ ~oo~' Page 1 ~" L(7 / ~ ~%Cf S; ~, ~c,~+c 2 t:~p~"tt ~IA~~,L ~l 1/w 5' A. FILL SLOPE B. SHOULDER SLOPE C. DITCH SLOPE D. CUT SLOPE SR 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 2 OF 33 RUTHERFORD COUNTY TYPICAL SECTION 4 5' 9' 9' i~PER FT. SLOPE 2 :1 1' PER FT. 1%:1 R/W 3' 3' ~6'-~ I:I SLOPE ABC COMPACTED ABC LOOSE TONS (DRIVES) STONE BY TONS (INTERS.) TONS (ROAD) TONS (TOTAL) SHEET 3 OF 33 ~1 FULL SUPERELEVATlON FULL SUPERELEVAT[ON SEC-i ION - EE 2/3 SUPERELEVATION - 2/3 SUPERELEVATION P. C. OR P. T. SECTION - DD SUPERELEVATiON = NORMAL CROWN NORMAL CROWN __ SECTION - CC LEVEL~O- NORMAL CROWN SECTION - BB _ NORMAL CROWN NORMAL CROWN SECTION - AA STANDARD METHOD FOR OBTAINING SUPERELEVATION 2 LANE PAVEMENTS Ideally. 2/3 of superelevation is obtained at P. C. or P. T. as shown on Section - DD Example: if maximum superelevation is +.06 -.06.the superelevation at the point of curve or point of tangent is +.04 -,1~J4 .a6 x z/3 = .ea Superelevation for 18'Povement .02 0.4' E.P. to E.P. .04 0.7' E.P, to E.P. .06 1.1' E.P. to E.P. •O$ 1.4' E.P, to E.P. Normal Crown - 0.2 1 EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEET Sheet 4 of 33 Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt fences and temporary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary stone ditch checks shall be installed as soon as ditch line is established. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. Temporary rock silt checks (type B) will be spaced as required by percent of grade as described on page VI-16 in the Erosion And Sedimentation Guidelines. No. 5 stone, or equivalent, will be used in conjunction with temporary rock silt check Type-B in locations where water is leaving the project or entering a pipe. For silt basin size see attached plans. Basins are to be cleaned out when half full. Per permit conditions for Corps of Engineers and the Wildlife Resources Commission, all pipes in streams 48" or greater must be buried 12" below streambed elevation. Pipes less than 48" must be buried with 20% of the - diameter below streambed elevation. Sheet 5 of 33 PIPE INSTALLATION NOTES 1) Install erosion control devices. 2) Remove material and existing pipe while limiting, as much as possible, material and sediment from entering the stream and/or escaping from project. 3) Prepare pipe foundation while again taking care to limit, as much as possible material and sediment from entering the stream and/or escaping from project. Where possible, new grade will be below existing streambed. If needed, bedding material will be clean stone. 4) Place the new pipe and compact backfill. 5) Install slope protection on outlet and inlet ends of pipe. Also complete installation of erosion control measures and perform maintenance as needed on existing measures. 6) Establish permanent vegetation as soon as possible. :. :cbt.~..:.~.._ .. ,.._._.,. ... DESIGN FOR SILT BASIN SHEET ~oF~ 1800 CUBIC FEET PER ACRE 1 CHECKED EVERY STORM EVENT AND CLEANED OUT WHEN HALF FULL NOT TO SCALE ~~ MIN ~ 2' SILT BASIN - 1 l S. B. 7 ) Min, >-- ly Y- :1 SILT BASIN - 2 (S. B. 14 ) >- MIN 2 2• I ~- "ss;`. . ~~ ~~ >- MIN 28 SILT BASIN - 4 (S. B. 28 ) SILT BASIN - 3 l S. B. 21 ) ER O S I O N CONTROL SHEET 7OF33 -~ DE T ~ I ~ S AND SP E C I F IC~TIDNS S td. ~.63e.m3 1630.05 1605.01 16z2.e1 1630.01 163a.ez 1633.01 1633.02 1634.e1 1634.02 1635.01 1635.82 Descrt ton Temporary Sr1t Drtch Temporary Drversron Temporary Srlt Fence Temporary Slope Drarn Srlt Basrn Type A Srlt Basin Type B Temporary Rock Silt Check Type A - Temporary Rock Silt Check Type B - Temporary Rock Sedrment Dam Type A - Temporary Rock Sedrment Dam Type B - Rock Pipe Inlet Sedrment Trap Type A - Rock Prpe Inlet Sedrment Trap Type B - 1636.01 Rock Srlt Screen 1630.04 Strllrng Basrn Rock In1Pt SPdrmPn Tr~n 1632.01 Type A 1632.02 Type B 1632.03 Type C 868.01 Rrp Rap Prpe Outlet Energy Drsrpator Ditch Lrner Prpe Outlet or Inlet Stabrlrzatron Envrronmentally Sensrtrve Area Sumhnl rso i0 0 0 Ao 0 oho o,ooo 0 0 B °U~ ago 00pO0 000000 0 A o^g - OR - A oooaoo 000000 0 0 0 B oDo - OR - B S 000000 000000 0 o a 0 C o ~0 - QR - C 0 0 77Ji7l7777 RR\l\\/ D SHEET 8 OF 33 ~ ROCK SILT CHECKS - OUTLET OF PIPE (WIDTH OF ROCK AT THE OUTLET END TO BE 3 TIMES THE DIAMETE OF THE PIPE AND TAPERED INTO EXISTING DITCH) MIN, S~ I ~~+ 18' CSP RR 18 MIN. 6' ExisTir+c oiTa -@m r 24' CSP RR 24 MIN. EXISTING DITCH ~~,5' 30' CSP RR 30 MIN. EXISTING DITCH g' 36' CSP RR 36 M~ II' EXISTING DITCH 10.5' 42' CSP RR 42 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR.i735 BRIAR CREEK R0. SHEET 9 OF 33 JAMES O.OEVINEY, MAX 0. DEVINE Y, & .; ~ 1~\) ROBERT M. DEV[NEY "'P~ D8. 634, PG. 216, '94 838 MORIAH SCHOOL R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 4>i~zrs' 0.2 MI. TO SR. 1736 . _~ :BEGIN PROJECT:,Si BEGIN PROPOSED ;2 STA• 3+50 MgTCH LINE W ~~~ o,~ I ~~ ~~ I DI / I DI ~ ~ ~~ ','wrP~ ~~, / `myQ,. oQ ,0. QP `0 / / 5R' ~~ 3/ E 0+00 ~. SR. 1733 i' R/W LT. & RT. ^T / A rs9' I-2 RD. ;~ I 3 '. ~. 2 I+21 PED 16'RT. EXISTING 50' X 24' CSP ~n,~iirvt, K/W u~'+ ea>oce _ 0.6 MI. TO I • zle ri rvci eN0 C~ w ~Y tt aw u ¢¢ m~ RUTHERFORO COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 10 OF 33 ~TC,4 7 ,@~.~ , /b~^, ~ ~~ JAMES O.OEVINEY, MAX D. DEVINEY, & ~~~ ROBERT M. DEVINEY _ 1J~ ICJ DB. 634, PG. 216, '94 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 c70a1538-9071 6 5 j ... >x5 7 Gvr'' ~- .~ EXISTING 1 40' X 18' CSP 4 RUiHERFORO COUNTY SR.I735 BRIAR CREEK R0. SHEET 11 OF 33 _1 MATCH LINE STA. 11+50 ~ ~ I 1 ~Kx a~ 29b JAMES 0. DEVINEY, MAX 0. DEVINEY, & I ROBERT M. DEVINEY ._ DB. 634, PG. 216, '94 ~k~Y 838 MOR[AH SCHOOL RD. ~,p63' CASAR, NC. 28020 Q'~s,~ (704) 538-9071 ~3 .5' W F~ WJ x of ~I Y W wl u al m ~~ EXISTING DRAIN T/0 Ri, i EXISTING 26' X 18' CSP sW k9~.kc ~ V w P `~ ~iM1'f y W K 2 1'1 ,~ MATCH LINE STA. 7+50 10 9 8 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET l2 OF 33 1 MATCHH LINE STA. 15+50 'M i 3x12z3~- i~P`~ psius -~ ate' a°i i JAMES 0. DEVINEY, - MAX D. DEVINEY, & Wqn,~ a ~~;~7 ROBERT M. DEVINEY ~ -- J~~ D8. 634, PG. 216, '94 ~RM 838 MOR[AH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 c7Oal 538-9071 12+78 P.P. 4 S'L T. ~j3 / \ K `Q. O ~~~ of ~~ ~I w cn m p D n m m ~I 0 I I/ I ~ ~ ~I~ iPr ~ a u J m MATCH LINE STA, I + 3~~`1~9'Wt~ EXISTING _ 28' X 18' CSP IS 14 13 12 «,_.. RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 13 OF 33 19 18 JAMES 0. DEVINEY, MAX D. DEVINEY, & O ROBERT M. DEVINEY DB. 634, PG. 216, '9a 838 MORIAH SCHOOL CASAR, NC. 28020 (704) 538-9071 17 16+82 P,P. 26'LT. 16 ;: :r:. . .~ rT A IQ+nn ' RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK R0. SHEET 14 OF 33 MA rON C IN E STA• 23+p0 23 Ioo~ m ~. / N EXISTING _ 24' X 18' CSP O MAX D. DEVWE.Y I `" m O8. 531, PG. 705, '88 838 MORTAR SCHOOL RD. I CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 I 22 N p ~/. ~ ro ~ W i Im ~ MAX D. DEVINEY ~ -- ~ DB. 531, PG. 705.'88 p 838 MORTAR SCHOOL R0. n CASAR, NC. 28020 R m p m (704)538-9071 31x9 k5~ ~r ~'~` ti ~ 7y~~~ a EXISTING ti ~ '" m 30' X 18' CSP SF~ \\3•~2~5 i PaB ~ ASJN3 ~ \\ ¢ v o 2.8' 2 JAMES O. DEVINEY, a \o~ a ° ROBERT M. DEVINEY,& a o `"i \ A ~ O MAX D. DEVINEY ' ~, \ \~a ~ DB. 427, PG. 692, 81 .. 838 MORTAR SCHOOL R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 19+99 P•P• 20 25'RT (704) 538-9071 I ~~ . \ I IDD~• I ~ P~ \ I I - I I a n s JAMES 0. DEVINEY, n x MAX D. DEVINEY, & " I t~ ~.~ ~ ROBERT M. DEVINEY MATCH L NE S TA. 9+00 D8. 634, PG. 216, '94 C: ~`;- +y -~ RUTHERFORp COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET l5 OF 33 MATCHI L/INE STA. 26+50 fl I (Ga i -~ ~ / MAX D. DE NE.Y 4~i~~3~4 O D8. 531, PG. 05, '88 R~ N ~ 838 MOR[AH CHOOL RD. ~ CASAR, NC. 28 0 ~ (7041538-9071 a boo ~~ ~ I ~t ~Pe`" Q Y W W ~ \0P ~m I d U ~ `, ~ \x / _Q / \ I Q1 n ~ I ~. A 26 /~a ~( ~~(l /~ / 25 EXISTING 32' X 24' CSP O MAX O. OEVINEY OB. 531. PG. 705, '88 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 Sr~~~ 24 23 .,~ RUTHERFORO COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 16 OF 33 29+30 P.P. II A 32'L T. 28+80 END WELL HOUSE 27'L T. 28+74 BECIN WELL HOUSE 28'L T. 28+67 END HEDGE 24'LT. 28+27 TREE 36'L T. 28+06 BEGIN HEDGE 31'L T. 27+94 TREE 2 7.5' L T, O MAX D. DEVINEY DB. 531. PG. 705. '88 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704) 538-9071 I~~ -+• ~% J HOUSE ~~+v ~~N~ S~ P P~ CN ~~ \~.~ ~P~ ~ ~ I I LOG a`P I I ~ --~ I ^r // a I \ a ~a'/ G j0' ~ I ^ ~ I w D 1 n m ~ ~ ~ r^~- l I I, I ~ 4xly,3. Ty~ ~ ~MjN . ~ 7 i o ~xd x3' Tync.B ' ~ns7~ L 29+81 TREE ~ O 16'RT. tT0 BE CUTI 29+IS 16'RT. 29+10 28' R T. 28+57 19'RT. TREE (TO 8E CUiI PED 29 TREE (TO BE CUT) O MAX D. DEVINEY 27+67 P. P. 4'RT. (MOVE) Extsrlrvc Z4' X 18' CSP i 08. 531. PG. 705, '88 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 c.,(p ~~ ewe i i _ Pm>l S mPn MATCH LINE STA. 26+Sn 28 7 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR, 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET t7 OF 33 cTA ~+50 33+41 TREE 17'RT. (TO BE CUT1 33 IAA 2°rb 32+28 TREE 18'RT, fT0 BE CUT1 5 - $Tk.ELEC.FENCE 3 2 O MAX D. DEVINE.Y DB. 531, PG. 705, '88 838 MORTAR SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 O MAX D. DEVINEY 08. 531, PG. 705, '88 838 MORTAR SCHOOL R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 31+34 TREE 16'RT. (TO 8E CUT) 31+23 WEII 3 35'RT. 31+20 PED 30'RT, 30+58 TREE i5'RT. RO BE CUTI 30+23 FREE IS'RT. (TO BE CUT) 30+08 P. P. 30 IS'RT. RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 18 OF 33 JAMES 0. DEVINEY, ROBERT M. DEVINEY, 8 ~~ MAX D. DEVINEY ~/ OB. 427, PG. 692,'81 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 O MAX D. DEVINEY ExISTING DRAIN T/0 LT. t MA MATCH LINE ST A. 37+50 f~ I 1 k~ 1A - 1~ , A 1 \P 0 ~ 1 ~1 ~_. \!a. I I ~, %~ D8. 531, PG. 705, '88 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 LINE STA. 33+ O M, 0. DEVINEY LUMBER CO., INC. 7 ~~~~~ 1 ~° ~\ ~I 36 ~~ MAX O. DEVINEY DB. 846, PG. 334, '04 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. casAR, Nc. zaeze (704)538-9071 3 ~~ DB. 531, PG. 705, '88 _. 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-907] 35 ~ c~ '~r~ 6 ti ~ 34+BO E.I.P. 53.8'RT. \ 34+47 PED 'v 13.5'RT, (MOVE) 34 1 M. 0. DEVINEY LUMBER CO., INC 38+58 SURVEY MARKER CODE 13.7'L 7. 4010 (NEED OFFSET) JAMES 0. DEVINEY, ROBERT M. OEVINEY, & O MAX 0. DEVINEY DB. 427, PG. 692, '81 -~ 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. ' CASAR, NC. 28020 c704)538-9071 OB. 846, PG. 334, '04 838 MORIAH SCHOOL R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK R0. SHEET 19 OF 33 M~~ti , J T ~ 9j%SO i / ~ ~~r ~ ~~ . / ~/~~ f ~-, I ~I I ~I j ~ m~ ~, ,. ~~ w~9~~ ~ ~c(2.3 4bl, Y° ~TPcg ~'~"' 9 0 .~--- ~ I l= l ~~J~ P/ ~I 1\ 1\ ~m~ ~ °~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ \. O M. 0. DEVINEY LUMBER CO., INC. 39 D8. 846, PG. 334, '04 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704) 538-907] 38 x ~~1Si;.,:.. RUTHERFORO COUNTY SR, 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 20 OF 33 1 ExISTiNG DRAIN T/0 LT MATCH LINE STA. 45+50 yxlZx3 ~ I w x 45 JAMES O.OEVINEY, MAX D. DEVINE Y. & ROBERT M. DEVINEY O c/o M. O. DEVINEY LUMBER CO., INC. :~ DB. 749, PG. 308, '00 838 MOR[AH SCHOOL R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 3K°~,K37 t T~,,~, g ~.~, EXISTING DRAIN T/0 RT. 44 ~~~m ~ 4 3 M. 0. OE VINEY LUMBER CO., INC. OB. 846, PG. 334, '04 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RO. CASAR, NC. 28020 1704)538-9071 42 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 21 OF 33 49 `. lot 1°~ JAMES 0. DE VIP MAX D. DEVINEI ROBERT M. DE V: c/o M. 0. DEVI<` DB. 749, PG. 30E 838 MORIAH SC CASAR, NC. 2802 (704)538-9071 48 M. 0. DEVINEY LUMBER CO., INC. D8. 846. PG. 334, '04 838 MORIAH SCH00~ RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 47 46 i~ RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 22 OF 33 ~~ MATCH LINE STA. 5 m N 9 A 9 J m D m m I U1 x m :~'~ JAMES 0. DEVINEY, MAX 0. DEVINEY, & ROBERT M. DEVINEY ~~ c/o M. O.OEVINEY LUMBER CO.. INC. ~~ DB. 749, PG. 308, '00 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 ).07 ¢~ 2 W nl 53+79 P.P. 22'RT. "~~' 53 O M. 0. DEVINEY LUMBER CO., INC. OB. 846, PG. 334, '04 \ 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 ENtP• ,ej ~/ ~~ `,~. ._ ~'~ k3 52 51 50 yo` 1m t•~ '4':a 1 _.` 1 /STA. EQUALITY: I MATH ~iN STA. 57+04.18 BACK = I E STA. 56+76.48 AHEAD / W U W ~ U Q / Y O / m m // ~~.,,,~ I I ~P~'. JAMES 0. & w COLLETTE W. DEVINEY I lU pB. 299, PG. 374, '67 ~ 638 MORTAR SCHOOL RD. I a CASAR, NC. 28020 m (704) 538-9071 ~ Ir~i n ~.~ ~ IN II c'~ ~ \ JAMES 0. DEVINEY, \\ MAX 0. DEVINEY. & ROBERT M. DEVINEY ' c/o M. 0. DEVINEY LUMBER CO., INC. OB. 749, PG. 308, '00 838 MORTAR SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704) 538-9071 e9 X99 S TA m\ O pl 1 I If ~~' ~.- RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK Rp. SHEET 23 OF 33 57+00 AHEAD 57+00 BACK 56 O M. 0. DEVINEY LUMBER CO., [NC. OB. 846, PG. 334, '04 838 MORTAR SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 55 ~~~-~\~ 54 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR.t735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 24 OF 33 JAMES 0. & COLLETTE w.DEVWEv D8. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORTAR SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 I MATCH LINE S TA. 61+pp C ~ ~ W ~ Y I u W I a ¢ m I I m I I I I 61 60 I IN I Y O W Y li ~ ~ 2.5 Q u m ~ I I I i ~\ i ~ , O M. 0. DEVINEY LUMBER CO.. INC. 59 ~~T r ~1~~~ ~~y~ DB. 846, PG. 334, '04 838 MORTAR SCHOOL R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 17041538-9071 58 ,~ ~l JAMES 0. & COLLETTE W. DEVINEY RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. ' SHEET 25 OF 33 O~ h~P 90 ~~~`~ ~ ~l~tii4 3 ~ 6 5 ~P ~ ~ \\~ S, f \ -r ir~+ XISTING ~ ~ \ ~~}5~36' X 24' CSP 6 q /nom p JB_ vgCq ', O ~ pp yQI OI l `-[i~l~ ~7~ cgFFf ~Fl- Y 6 CV / W ~ ~ `~ ~\ ~ ~~ 60 2 tY O8. 299, PG. 374, '67 ~~ /~ ~n/ ~38 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. /fl`/ / 63 ASAR, NC. 28020 / 1704)538-9071 3 ~ / 2~ o O M. O.DEVINEY LUMBER CO..INC. a° 2 5, ob OB. 846. PG. 334, '04 ~ ,~ 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. a / / ~ CASAR, NC. 28020 v l,tJ ~ ~/ c70ai 538-907] ~~ ~ I ~ 62 3 a k9u I I Y~L D I I EXISTING I 24' X l8' CSP x - G,. =iLa3 r I ( ~B m I ~ MATCH LINE STA. 61+00 6I RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 26 OF 33 JAMES O.~ O COLLETTE w. OE VINE DR. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORIAH SCHOOL CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 ~~ i ATCH LINE STq, 69+p0 69 I I ~ y ~ ~ a~ I I I I I 1 68+08 P.P. 6 8 I I 27'R T. I~ 67+90 G.W. J 29'RT. Y I W U ~¢ I a a~ .STEEL POST FENCE _:~ ,,..: ;::... . s .1.7.E .::a£a~",=:" 67 v M. 0. DEViNEY LUMBER CO., WC. 2.5 2 5 ~ O 08. 846. PG. 334, '04 m ° 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. ~ CASAR, NC. 28020 I I (704)538-9071 66 '~ 1 ` ~~ _. 1~ 1~ pTCH `INE S1 A• 65+OD 65 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR, 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 27 OF 33 ,~ JAMES 0. & O COLLE7TE W.DEVINEY 08. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 MATCH LINE ST A. 73+00 ( 72+93 P.P. 10'R T. (MOVE) m I ua my nD I ~xm F I ~ ~ PR-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ N D v I m Ip I~ m ~x I 'III I •° I A I ~ aD~ l~ I~~I TCH LINE ST 6AE ST 9 73 72 JAMES 0. & O COLLETTE W. OEVINEY OB. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORIAH SCHOOL R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 ~, 71 / ~ M. 0. OEVINEY LUMBER CO., INC. DB. 846. PG. 334, '04 69 ;.;.. , JAMES 0.8 O COLLETTE W.DEVINEY OB. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 3w x9wk~ l MATCH LIN MATCH L RUTHERFORO COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK R0, SHEET 28 OF 33 STA. 76+50 4 riZ~ 3 Ty~s R,~s~.,us A. 73+00 76 75 JAMES 0. & ~ ~ - ~~ COLLETTE W. OEV[NEY ~~ D8. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 lW / e-- 74 73 y TC y ~~~ - \~\ /// \I 1 / IWI /~ col / of / ~~ ~~ I / ~ ~~ I IRON POST FENLE \ ~ I w w JAMES 0. & X u COLLETTE W. DEYWEY ~ D8. 299, PG. 374, '67 ~ Im I 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. ~ CASAR, NC. 28020 n (7041538-9071 ~ I ~@/ 78+02 P. P. ~ I 21'L T. ~~ E I -o 0 ~~ w P~ w~ ~ ~~ ~ P 4 `(~~~n ~d \ \ V EXISTING ~~ \\ \ DRAIN T/0 LT. \ \ R ~) 1 S~ ~\\ Ci RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK R0. SHEET 29 OF 33 80 79 JAMES 0. & O COLLETTE W. DEVINEY DB. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 c70a1538-9071 78 77 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 30 OF 33 1 JAMES O.DEVWEY, ROBERT M. DEVINEY, & ~~ MAX D. DEVINEY ~~ DB. 389, PG. 517, '77 838 MOR[AH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 M~~N I ~ ~ Tq 8Sxp0 ~~ I ~ ~ ~~ IA Intl D .~ JAMES 0. & O COLLETTE W. DEVINEY D8. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 EXISTING DRAIN T/0 LT. e; ~J A .:~ ~x~' p!!~~ 1~ ~\ ~e~ \~ ~~ ' i O JAMES 0. DEVINEY, ROBERT M. DEVINEY,& MAX D. DEVINEY DB. 389, PG. 517, '77 838 MORIAH SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC, 28020 17041538-9071 7 ~~ Q--- JAMES 0. & O COLLETTE W. DEVINEY 08. 299, PG. 374, '67 838 MORIAH SCHOOL R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 E ~ ~j~}Sl A/5 lTYP~ d jG~~ C,n P 85 84 ~/ 83 EXISTING DRAIN T/0 RT. S~~P ~ 8 2 ;~ EXISTING ~ 05ot~J^'vx 18" CSP I ~~ 8 i ,~ ~o ,~ 3~ RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 31 OF 33 MATCH LINE S TA, 89+00 f ~ ~~ l ~O ~ 89 88 JAMES 0. DEVINEY, ROBERT M. DEVINEY,& .~.~\ MAX D. DEVINEY OB. 389. PG. 517, '77iJ OB. 389, PG. 517, '77 838 MORTAR SCHOOL RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 (704)538-9071 ~s ;a: f t 3 W"q~ ~ `~ L ~ 7 ~x~t3 ~~~~ l ® G(Jj ~ ~~ O JAMES 0. DEVINEY, / / ~1./PT~JS ROBERT M. DEVINEY, & ~ MAX D. DEVINEY I I - OB. 389, PG. 517,'77 838 MORTAR SCHOOL R0. I ~ 1 CASAR, NC. 28020 (7041538-9071 ATCH LINE STA. 85+00 87 85+98 8.6 18.4'R T. 85 RUTHERFORD COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 32 OF 33 1 MA1CH LINE S1 A. g3 O MOUNT PLEASANT CHURCH O8. AD, PG. 1!30,'93 440 BRIAR CREEK R0. CASAR, NC. 28020 / ~//, RETAINING WALL 93 ~ ~ ~ /moo. 9 2 ~~~ / 91+93 BEGIN CROSS-TIE ~P/ 11.7'RT. TIMBERS W/ RIPRAP /~ p ? ~`P/ f7 EXISTING 4' DRAIN ,~^"' / J °~ BLACK PLASTIC PIPE ~~/ ~ Ibo ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 3~ NORMA SMITH SAIN I~ ~ Q ~ ~ 06. 805, PG. 550, '02 rJ~t 1835 BESS CHAPEL CHURCH RD. / o Z,S~/ 2 •5 o CHERRYV[LLE.NC.28021 4,k 6~'~ ~~ ~ n041 435-2832 9o~z9 P P 'f9~ ll ~ EXISTING ~~ ~ 90 JAMES O. DEVINEY, \ ~ ROBERT M. DEVINEY, & \ 0 O DB x389 DPG I5E7, '77 \\ ~~ ~ OO 838 MOR[AH SCHOOL R0. \ ~p~X CASAR, NC. 28020 ~ -~ (7041 538-9071 '~P• ~ 89 J NORMA SMITH SAIN O8. 805, PG. 550. '02 1835 RESS CHAPEL CHURCH RD. CHERRYVILLE, NC. 28021 (704)435-2832 ENO PROJECT STA. 94+56 ~ SR. 17 END PROPOSED 22.5' R/W LT. END PROPOSED 22.5' R/W RT. ~~ ASPR. 94+23 TREE ENTR. 31'L T. \ ) SIGN / // ~/ ASPH. PARKING 93+66 ' TREE ~ 54 L T. ~ 93x45 P,P. 1 35' L i. Y O MOUNT PLEASANT CHURCH 08. AD, PG. 1130, '93 440 BRIAR CREEK RD. CASAR, NC. 28020 II ~~-~ ~1 o~ 1°'~~ o- zl \\ ~~ S',9\ \\~\ s \ \~~ 9 9 \ \~9 F~ \ O I I J / // ~/ !/ \ RUTHERFORO COUNTY SR. 1735 BRIAR CREEK RD. SHEET 33 OF 33 NORMA SMITH SAIN DB. 805, PG. 550. '02 1835 BESS CHAPEL CHURCH RD. CHERRYVILLE. NC. 28021 c7041435-2832 94+59 G.W. 25'RT. 94+52 G.W. -~. ~ ^ 39'RT. /~ 94x46 P.P. I 25' R T. ~/ ?\ O 1 Y eN'C~\ q MOUNT PLEASANT CHURCH 94 \ DB. AD, PG. 1130, '93 ~ 93`63 END CROSS-TIE \ 17.7'R T, TIMBERS W/ RIP RAP -0 440 BRIAR CREEK RD. \ q CASAR, NC.28020 - s ~ per/ RETAINING WALL z 3 !~ ~2•`' 93 L M f.:.:.. STATE OF NORTH GAII~.tNA ~~~ ~' Si 2 ti DfiPA~iT1iyEPfT OF TRANSPORTATION Tl ~.~, C~~~ ~d DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS IY^ ~~]y :,_h HIGHWAY BUILDING PREPARED BY SDK DAR '~LL srA ~~' P. O. BOX 28201 CHECKED oY DAT6 8TR .LEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 27611 i ~ ~ ~ - --a- ~ . ! - ' - --- -' --~-----~ - ' ~-~ i - , ~~--~ __ ,: _, 2 ~. '/z x (~o~'~ 7od ' -:_ 21.0'QQQ..~ ~ . , ~ ~ i - 3._ 5 o1J._x.~ oQ'-- ~ - '~ 25s~ ~Qo_~~L '_-; : - '~2 x_ I'Od'zc' Sv_P:'_ ~ 2~~f~D ~~r~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ -- - 1- _I_ I so-o i - ,I .=~~esw,~,,: 3 . ~: _ ,°~I oU~rr ~ ~:,` J~~ ~ ... , ,.0'". ~~ 9 ~ l^ 1 ~ i • asa acme f - ` •... _ .I ~ •~ ~RUTHERFOR~UNTY ~.'°'°' ' '~ ~. i .~ ~' ~-~ - 't O U N T Y ;,, I f - ~ ~ _ _G ~ es, n~, ~ , ~ !\1\l ~~ nOG. ~.~ 1 ~ nJ' ' >~ ~ ~~ res, crm cvs 0 ~ roar. ~~. "~ y ~ ~ I ea2~ nu ~ \ ts~x ~~ w' _ I n]] , i j ~ s x'l~. roo` ~ ~ -~V)xe';~ •-~/ =Je"`~ In. L i py~/ . l 4 '~Ir:. `~- ~~ Ire" I i ~ ~ ~ r „ \ ,/ 1 1515 ' ! CNSIYrY'F. O ~ - " % _ I 3 ~ ~nz] ¢ee ~1 ~ - ~ ro . / o not (•~ 2 ~ y ~ J~ ~ trt] ~~ / I'!22 n.~ ~,1-,~" I r)99 J • lOOarG0O ~ ,,pp,, .` o . ~ ~ moa 1. era ~ , ne ]° ~ nee ~ / no, nz1 e1x ~" ~ I ~,J _ • 7 • nle' )mss ////jjj(~~~~....~ `~ ,~1rOS VOd Ile , _ .~% ;, ~ \ •- --~_ I / OOr IU5 )IS' VI. IrI ~ \~'' feO1 Sq /' n. I + \ ' vice n.r ` noz Ft rm Isere d`" / ~ /, •sse Illnoe~ ,,\ nS /mien rv{ \. ~m-~ veel } - lies J1 , Noon ~(' Z _ ~ ;~ l nsc ' n96 n5~ I S ~~ sso~-? sic .Ira ~ I'lo -~ • ~ SR. 1735, Briar Creek Rd.:- - o I Begin project at survey station 0+00 in the center of SR. 1733, thence in a northwesterly direction for a distance of 9,456 feet, ~~- ~ ~~ 1.79 miles, to the end of project at survey station 94+56 in the --; "; - ~ ... ~ center of SR. 1735. - .r ~1> I ~ ~ e l 'er nss l - ~I . ' - i ne• - I ~.•'' - e \ nos ' a~ _ n9•• ~'' ,' d +.'~ gee. t r>e ne -r _ _ u<c . ~ r~.rR p{y I ~ 1~