HomeMy WebLinkAbout20042019 Ver 3_More Info Received_20110411A Mcmillan, Ian From: John C Weaver Ucweaver@usgs.gov] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 10:56 AM To: Chris huysman Cc: Steve Tedder; Curtis Weaver; Jeanne C Robbins; Rose D Pinnix; James C Finnerty Subject: Invoice attached ... Fw: Low-flow characteristics for unnamed tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek in Harnett County Attachments: Bill for Collection Huysman 2011O4111O2113617.pdf Mr. Huysman, Follow-up to last Friday's email transmission concerning the low-flow estimates for an unnamed tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek in Harnett County, the email is being re-sent with the PDF invoice file attached at the end of the message. Thank you for your patience. Please let me know of any questions you have concerning this information. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 571-4043 H Fax: (919) 571-4041 Mobile: (919) 830-6235 E-mail address --jcweaver@usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.wateLusgs.gov/ ----- Forwarded by John C Weaver/WRD/USGS/DOI on 04/11/2011 10:48 AM ----- From John C Weaver/WRD/USGS/DOI To "chris huysman" <chris.huysman@wetland-consultants.com> Cc Steve Tedder"' <tedderfarmconsulting@gmail.com>, Jeanne C Robbins/WRD/USGS/DOI@USGS, Curtis Weaver <jcweaver@usgs.gov>, Rose D Pinnix/WRD/USGS/DOI@USGS, James C Finnerty/WRD/USGS/DOI@USGS Date: 04/08/2011 03:19 PM Subject Low-flow characteristics for unnamed tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek in Harnett County Mr. Huysman, Forwarded below are low-flow estimates provided in response to a recent request you made concerning an unnamed tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek in Harnett County. In completing the estimates earlier this week, I requested the development of an invoice for $250 that was to be attached at the end of this message. Given the focus on preparations in anticipation of a possible federal government shutdown, the invoice has not been developed. I will follow up with another email containing an invoice at a later date. In the meantime, the low-flow estimates are being provided for your use and assessment as needed. Thank you for your patience. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 571-4043 // Fax: (919) 571-4041 Mobile: (919) 830-6235 E-mail address -- jcweaver@usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ .USGS science forachanging world U.S. Geological Survey North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Date: April 8, 2011 To: Mr. Chris Huysman Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants P.O. Box 1492 Sparta, North Carolina 28675 Dear Mr. Huysman, In response to your inquiry about the low-flow characteristics for a location on an unnamed tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek in Harnett County (station id 0210338840, drainage area 0.35 sqmi), the following information is provided: A check of the low-flow files here at the USGS North Carolina Water Science Center does not indicate a previous determination of low-flow characteristics for the point of interest identified in your email dated March 4, 2011. No USGS records of discharge are known to exist for your point of interest, and streamflow data is very limited in this part of Harnett County. There are records of miscellaneous measurements at a downstream USGS partial-record site on South Prong Anderson Creek near Lillington (station id 02103390, drainage area 7.57 sqmi) in vicinity of your point of interest. However, all but two of two of the measurements are crest-stage gage measurements used for flood-frequency analysis. The two remaining low-flow measurements are both zero flow, made during the month of September in 1954 and 1968. Where no or insufficient data is available for a low-flow analysis, a determination of low-flow characteristics is based on assessment of low-flow yields at nearby locations where such statistics have previously been determined. The low-flow characteristics that are provided have been computed by correlating the runoff characteristics of a nearby stream in vicinity of the request site. Please note the flow estimates do not account for the presence of any diversions or regulation, present or future, which may occur upstream of the request site. Previously published low-flow information for streams in your area of interest... The most recent low-flow information published for streams in Harnett County is in a basinwide low-flow report completed in 2001. It is USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4094, "Low-flow characteristics and discharge profiles for selected streams in the Cape Fear River Basin, North Carolina, through 1998 " (Weaver and Pope, 2001). An online version of the report is available through http://nc.water.usgs.gov/reports/wriO14094/. The report provides the low-flow characteristics (based on data through 1998) for continuous-record gaging stations and partial-record sites within the Cape Fear basin. The report also provides low-flow discharge profiles (7Q10, 30Q2, winter 7Q10, and 7Q2) for the Cape Fear River and selected tributaries within the basin. Considering the above information, please be aware of the following: The data provided in the above referenced report are based on periods of record ending in advance of the drought conditions that have occurred since publication of the report. In some North Carolina basins, the low-flow conditions observed during the recent droughts (1998-2002, 2007-09, 2010-11) have resulted in lower low-flow statistics. No formal statewide investigation has been completed to document the changes in low-flow statistics since the droughts. However, where updated analyses have been completed for selected stations, the changes in pre-drought versus updated 7Q10 discharges have shown varying percentage changes of decline. For instance, at a nearby long-term continuous-record gaging station on Flat Creek near Inverness in Hoke County (station id 02102908, drainage area 7.63 sqmi, records since June 1968), the 7Q10 declined about 31 percent between the 1998 and 2010 climatic years. Note: The climatic year is the standard annual period used for low-flow analyses at continuous-record gaging stations. It runs from April 1 through March 31 and is designated by the year in which the period begins. For example, the 2010 climatic year is from April 1, 2010, through March 31, 2011. Several pieces of information to consider... (1) A drainage area of 0.35 sqmi was determined for your point of interest on the tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek. (2) Streamflow data and, correspondingly, low-flow characteristics that would be based on such data are very limited in your area of interest. In Table 1 of the above referenced report, there are three nearby sites in vicinity of your point of interest for which low-flow discharge estimates are provided. Expressing these estimates as low-flow yields (again, flow per square mile of drainage area, or cfsm) provides some indication of the yield ranges that could potentially be applicable to your point of interest. The 7Q10 low-flow yield range is from about 0.01 to 0.10 cfsm (with an average of about 0.07 cfsm). The 30Q2 low-flow yield range is from about 0.10 to about 0.33 cfsm (with an average of about 0.23 cfsm). (3) As plotted on Plate 1 of the above referenced report, the Anderson Creek basin is located across the boundary between Hydrologic Areas 3 (Sand Hills) and Hydrologic Areas 1 and 2 (Coastal Plain sandy and clay soils). There are regional low-flow relations available for HA3, but none available for HA1 and HA2. While the basin for your point of interest appears to be within HA3, the occurrence of two historical discharge measurements at zero flow raises some question as to the exact nature of the soils in the basin. (4) Mean annual runoff for streams in this area is mapped in the above referenced report as being approximately 1.2 to 1.3 cfsm. Putting together the above pieces of information... Applying the above ranges in low-flow yields (in item #2) to a drainage area of 0.35 sqmi results in following low-flow estimates: 7Q10 = 0 to 0.04 cfs (average 0.02 cfs) ==> use zero flow (see comment below) 30Q2 = 0.04 to 0.12 cfs (average 0.08 cfs) Applying the yield for mean annual runoff (item #4) to the drainage area results in an estimated average discharge of about 0.4 to 0.45 cfs. Given the very low range in estimated 7Q10 discharge combined with (1) recognition of the two historical measurements at zero flow at the downstream partial-record site and (2) recognition of the declines in low-flow statistics following the recent drought episodes, it is my judgment that the appropriate 7Q10 estimate for your point of interest is very likely zero flow. A charge of $250.00 for accessing and processing information has been assessed to partially offset these costs. An electronic invoice covering processing costs for these data is attached to this email as a PDF file. Instructions for sending your payment are shown on the invoice. This information is considered preliminary and subject to revision pending further analysis as further data were to become available, and is made available through our cooperative program of water-resources investigations with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact me at the phone number listed below. Thank you. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 571-4043 H Fax: (919) 571-4041 Mobile: (919) 830-6235 E-mail address -- jcweaver@usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ From "chris huysman" <chris.huysman@wetland-consultants.com> To John C Weaver"' <jcweaver@usgs.gov> Cc Steve Tedder<tedderfarmconsulting@gmail.com> Date 03/14/2011 03:46 PM Subject RE: Initial USGS response concerning low-flow inquiry ... Re: 7Q10 Request, UT South Prong Anderson Creek, Harnett County, NC Curtis, Thanks for your time on this matter. Please proceed with the formal study. Below is my contact information for billing purposes. Chris Huysman Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants PO Box 1492 Sparta, NC 28675 336 / 406-0906 From: John C Weaver [maiIto: jcweavembusgs.gov] Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 20116:39 PM To: chris huysman Cc: Curtis Weaver Subject: Initial USGS response concerning low-flow inquiry ... Re: 7Q10 Request, UT South Prong Anderson Creek, Harnett County, NC Chris, In response to your inquiry about the flow statistics (7Q10, mean annual flow) for a location on an unnamed tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek in Harnett County, the following initial response is provided: A check of the low-flow files here at the USGS North Carolina Water Science Center does not reveal any previous determination for your point of interest. A rough delineation of the drainage basin (using mapping software) upstream from your point of interest indicates the drainage area to be in range of 0.3 to 0.4 sqmi. A preliminary assessment of available information at nearby locations where low-flow estimates were published in a basinwide low-flow report for the Cape Fear River basin (Weaver and Pope, 2001; available online at http://nc.water.usgs.gov/reports/wri014094/) leads me to believe a 7Q10 estimate for your point of interest is likely zero flow. The mean annual flow yield for this area is estimated between 1.2 and 1.3 cubic feet per square mile drainage area (cfsm). Once a more firm drainage area is determined, it can be applied to this yield range to estimate the mean annual flow. The yield values were obtained from plate 2 included in a statewide low-flow report by Giese and Mason (1993, available online at http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/#search:advance/page=1/page size=100/series cd=WSP/report number=24030). Please understand this information is based on a preliminary assessment. Further analyses are needed to confirm the initial assessment, and a fee of $250 per site is required for completion of a more in-depth assessment and formal determination of estimates. If you want us to complete a more in-depth assessment, please let me know and we'll proceed from there. The assessment would be completed within four weeks, and the response would be made via email with an invoice attached to the email message. Hope this information is helpful. Please call if you have questions. Thank you. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 571-4043 H Fax: (919) 571-4041 Mobile: (919) 830-6235 E-mail address -- jcweaver@usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ From "chris huysman" <chris.huysman@wetland-consultants.com> To <jcweaver@usgs.gov> Date 03/04/2011 11:35 AM Subject: 7Q 10 Request, UT South Prong Anderson Creek, Harnett County, NC Curtis, Thanks for your time. The site is in Harnett County NC along a tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek. In decimal degrees- 35.2746888 N 78.9647223 W Many thanks, Chris Huysman Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants PO Box 1492 Sparta, NC 28675 336 / 406-0906 6