HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC 109 (8)FW: R-2568C Page 1 oft FW: R-2568C Euliss, Amy Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 1:41 PM To: Carrillo, Sonia Can you add this to the pre-app file for R2568C? Thanks. Amy -----Original Message----- From: Euliss, Amy Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 3:27 PM To: Mellor, Colin Subject: RE: R-2568C I left you a voicemail, but I'm about to head out for the.day. I'll be in the office tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully we can catch up to discuss this further. I'm okay with what you've proposed, for now. However, if LEDPA is one of the new location alternatives, then I believe a quantitative analysis will be warranted. Amy -----Original Message----- From: Mellor, Colin Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 11:56 AM ' To: Euliss, Amy Cc: Gurganus, Stephen J (Steve) - HEU; Ford, Tris B; Rhea, Vincent J; Wrenn, Brian; Pflaum, James R Subject: R-2568C Amy I just got an email string from James Pflaum regarding R-2568C ICE issues. In them you mention that after reading the DEIS you requested NCDOT to provide a screening of the ICE's for each of the Alternatives, and then later say a quantitative analysis will be necessary for all alternatives. I briefly read the 2007 ICE and want to make sure I understand your concerns. While the report does acknowledge some complimentary land development near proposed intersections, particularly toward Forsyth County, it also cites slow population/job growth (Dell has since left town), lack of water and sewer, as well as local and state land use regulations,* to moderate any project stimulated growth. A good portion of the study area is WSWS IV, and Phase II rules should be in effect for at least Forsyth County if not some of Davidson County too. However, I think you are correct to question the water and sewer expansion plans and while the answer to your question was "No", I think this question warrants some additional investigation. Further, the 2007 ICE does'not conform to our current format/expectations and lacks in the cumulative effects discussion, especially considering completed sections of the project to the south. I have talked to Steve Gurganus and Tris Ford with HEU and we believe that a Technical Memo type update, applying our ICE screening matrix to each of the proposed Alternatives, should provide you withan adequate level of information to aid your LEDPA decision. Once LEDPA is chosen we can reconvene and determine what additional study may be needed on the preferred alternative. Please let me know if you think this is a good approach or if there's something I'm https://mail.nc.gov/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAADMSzLcd9 W2TJHI4°/`2bm... 6/6/2011 FW: R-2568C Page 2 of 2 missing here. Thanks Amy. Colin Colin Mellor NCDOT - PDEA, Natural Environment Unit (919) 707-6139 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. https://mail.nc.gov/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAADMSzLcd9 W 2TJHI4°/u2bm... 6/6/2011