HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091095 Ver 1_Emails_20110315' ,~~7 Ridings, Rob From: Ridings, Rob Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:49 AM To: 'Sam my. Wood @raleig hnc. gov' Cc: 'James.F.Shern@usace.army.mil' ' Subject: RE: Jones Sausage Road & Rock Quarry Road Widening Project (WQC 3815) Mr. Wood, These proposed temporary impacts are covered in your 401 Water Quality Certification 3815 issued January 21, 2010. For this proposed work, please pay extra attention to Certification conditions #7, 8, 24, and 38. If you have any questions, let me know. Thank you, Rob Ridings Rob Ridings Transportation Permitting Unit Wetlands & Stormwater Branch, NC Division of Water Quality 919-807-6403 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 rob.ridinesCa ncdenr.eov From: Shern, James F SAW fmailto:James.F.ShernCalusace.army.mill Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 2:02 PM To: Wood, Sammy Cc: Fox, Dean; Johnson, Chris; McGlamery, Skip; Mcmillan, Ian Subject: RE: Action ID: SAW-2009-02262 (Jones Sausage Road & Rock Quarry Road Widening Project) (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO Dear Mr. Wood: Thank you for the timely notification regarding the unforeseen conflicts associated with utilizing trenchless methods to relocate the subject sanitary sewer. You have satisfactorily described why the bore and jack approach is not practicable in this particular case. I will retain the modified plan in the project file to provide explanation during the compliance inspection. You are authorized to install the line using the open cut methods favored by the contractor. I will forward the modified plans you provided me to the DWQ to complete their file and in case they have any additional comments. Jamie Shern Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: t ~_. l . _. http://pert.nwp.usace.army.mil/survey.html Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the surve _ _-__ From: Wood, Sammy fmailto:Sammv.WoodCalraleighnc.gov] Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 12:08 PM To: Shern, James F SAW Cc: Fox, Dean; Johnson, Chris; 'McGlamery, Skip' Subject: Action ID: SAW-2009-02262 (Jones Sausage Road & Rock Quarry Road Widening Project) Dear Mc Shern: Please find attached documentation from the subcontractor on the subject project as it relates to conducting boring operations for the sanitary sewer relocation required by the subject project. Due to slight elevation difference between the top of pipe and the stream bed, the bore will inevitably cause a cave in within the stream and surrounding wetlands. Therefore, we humbly request that we be allowed to open cut the stream and surrounding wet lands to install the proposed sanitary sewer line and backfill to the original natural elevation within the stream. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at 919-996-4059. Respectfully yours, Sammy G. Wood, PE -Project Engineer I/ Ciry ojRaleigh Public Works Department Design/Construction Division 222 W. Hargett Street P. O. Box 590 Ra/eigh, NC 27602 Ojfrce: 919-996-3030 Direct: 919-996-4059 Fax: 919-996- 7168 Wehsite: www.raleiahne.eov Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOLIO Moffat Pipe,_~~~.: A WBE/DBE Company. February 25, 2011 TO: FredSmith Company 6105:"Chapel'l-lilt Rd. Cary; NC 27607 ATTN: John~McGlamery RE: Jones Sausage Rd. Widening and Realignment and Rock Quarry Rd:`Widening, Dart B FrojectNi~mber: PW 2010-OS 1Zequesffor Meeting to discuss Gradity'Sewer7ack and Bore Mr. McGlamery; MoffatPipe; Inc. would like to schedule a meeting with Fred Smith Company and The City of Raleigh Public Works Department to tlisctiss issues regardng'thegravity sewerjack and.bore. N1Pl understands.tNat there maybe restrictions due to permits; however, we would like,to discuss these issues and come up with the best solution that complies with the pemritfing requirements: Below is a list of-the problems thafwe'see and some possible solutions. Problems: l . All_casing cannot be mstalled.by metfiod.of frenchless installation. As shown on sheet U=8 the casing • wilLextend the entire distance betweemmanhole 4 and manhole 8'. 2. Per sheet U-20 the clearance between the top of pipe andstream lied is only 2-3'. This will not allow enough clearance to properly mstap the casing without an impact:omtfiestream. 3. Tfie'proposed grade of the_pipe and unstiitaGle material in'this area prises-problems forinstallation of the casing by method of jack and bore: Solutions• l . In order to install the gravity sewer line by method dfjack and.bore''the casing will need. to be shortened to allow fora bore piton he downstream side;and a; receiyingrpit;on the upstream side. ;fhe'bore pit will.need to be as close to the 'stream bank as possible to protect the existing gravity 'sewer line ariil allow work to;be completed. 2816 Moffat Terrace=/ WakeFore3L,NE27587./ Phone:919,295.4630./~',Fax:~,Q19,29.5.4631 www.moffatpi`pe,com ~. _ .Moffat .Ppe;h~. AWBE/DBECOmpany 3. A. Installing casing by'method of open cut. B. If jack and bore is required the stream will be 6ypasse8to allow installation, however, tke casing will.expose itself duringponstruction and existing material overand around the casing`could itl~ate into the casing during construction: This.will possibly lead to a large void in the stream, which will need to 6e-addressed'; 3. Shortening the casing and/or allowing installation of the casing by method of open cut would increase the quality of the final`product ,Ifyou have any questions or need~clarifcation regarding the problems of solutions above please feel free to contact me.'@lease contact us to schedule an•appointment to discuss these issues. 't'han s, es a DuClau Project Engineer 2816.MoffatTerrace /yWakeForesG,NC27687. /.Phone: 919:295.4630~LFax;9.19:285:4631 wwcu.moHa4pipe_com' i L -~ - _ ' ~CONTRP.CTOR' -!„O~r~r, 'rte TNC. Moffat Pipe, Inc. ~ (n/A~6 ~OUN7~/• 2428 P0012 Road PROJECT LOCATION Raleigh, NC'27610 pRO;IECT NAME '~a"~GrS~ .~w(/3f/ds>~ ~ ~~ ~ 919.327.3612 OfliCe PROJE.C.{T~ N^UMBER /0/~' ~~~ SHEET ~ OF 919;255.6682Fax BV~_,,,1~ ~,y _DATE -2.ZS~.1~ .'_ _ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ : -- - --- ~ - ~ i _ -- ~ ~ ~ _ _ - _ ~ __ ~ - ~ - - i ~_ _ _ __ $ 3 ~ -- ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ 1 ?! i ; , ~ ~~ ~ ~ m. 3 U - - S~. ,c, ~~ t 'h _ _ n rn a i i _ _- ~ ~ N _ 1 1 ~' 'Z tT i r V7 r...... - fr . . Yy ~~ ~~ 9~ ~~ 5 w9 4 ~? Q Q 0 Q6 r i ' /. ,~; .. :~1', ~~11~ "~ .u_ '~' R\~ ~~e A~ ~ ~E< ~tGM SO a nmx3zr ai¢ia