HomeMy WebLinkAbout20072163 Ver 2_More Info Received_20110519HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC.
P.O. Box 400, 266 Old Coats Road
Lillington, NC 27546-0400
Phone (910) 893-8743 / Fax (910) 893-3594
18 May 2011
Mr. Ian McMillan
DWQ 401 Wetlands Permitting Unit
1650 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 D
Reference: Riverwood Commons (aka Lillington Commercial)
Harnett County, North Carolina
USACE Action ID SAW-2007-00907 MAK 2011
DWQ Project # 07-2163 ?NR
1-W-effa - i7VA7 R
Dear Mr. McMillan,
We received notification in a letter dated 25 April 2011 that the processing of the permit
application for the above referenced property has been placed on hold pending submittal of
additional information. The BMP Supplement Forms for each proposed best management
practice that will be used on the site are attached. A digital copy has also been emailed to
Annette Lucas. We trust that the information provided satisfies the request and that the
permitting process can proceed as soon as possible.. If you have any questions or need additional
information, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
?MccH..a Z. 1f¢wc0...lr
Krissina B. Newcomb
Project Environmental Scientist I
CC: Stafford Land Company
Soil Science Investigations • Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting
-1 1
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
?;his farm mia / be photoco;tied far use o an on iara3
4 t `?
3 f ,
1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, i!ldl ".i<itia], etc-. who owns the ?r
-- - - - - - - '?? fan i'
2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance):
3. Mailing; Address for person listed in item 2 above-
City-.SOUTHERN PINES State:NC Zip:28,387
Phone: (919 ) 577-6870 Fax: 919 ) 577-6892
Email:staffordlandco emtaaramail_c°oni
#. Project Name (subdivision. facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with projoc t n<iume on
plans, specifica Lions, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.):
5. Uwati€an of Project: (street address):
b. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection):
7. Latitude:35.43 Longitucte-778(..... of projcxc_t
ll. Contact person who can answer questions about the projoct:
Name:P. LAI`s; PABST PE T°lc plionr Numher: (919 2 154-799C) Email,danf??s ?aulcfin zitar r one
1. Speci4, whether project is (chec-k cane): EN€ w FjFoll; Vval ElModification
Form SW -1ti1 cr ton &07 Page 1 cat4
_'. If this application is being; suI),) r? j,I os Lit, V,k'. U,; I or modification to ail erxistinf, I+?rniat, I --f tlt?y
xisting, * permit number N/A ,: nd its lssctt> dote if kmo :'
3, Specify the type of proje- t (check one):
?Low r.)c?nsity Zl--iii,h De=nsity Qf*trcievt>Id71 +;t n. Permit FlUniversal SKV 00ther
=1. Additional Pr-oj(?ct F(',l;ik0u1en1s (Check applicable blanks):
[ICAMA Major- ZSedimentaLion/ Erosion Control E404/401 Permit j]NPDES Storinwater
Information on required state pertains can be obtained by contacting; the Customer Service Center at
1-87 -623-6748.
1. In the spate: provided below, sumnwzr ei bow storm water %U b e treraLed. Also attach a detailed narrative
(one to two pages) describing stores water management for the project ,
1 Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the CAPE FEAP River basin-
3. Total Site Area: 7.55 acres 4. Total Wetlands Area: 0.443 acres
5. 1(11)` Wide Strip of Wetland Area: N /A acres (not applicable if no zvellands exist on site)
f+. Total Project Arva":7.55 acres 7. Project Built Upon Area:54.42
8. How many drainage areas does the project have?]
9. Complete the following; information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the
project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below.
Bassin `Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2
Receiving Stream Nance CAPE FEAR RA ER
Stream Class & Index No. WS-IV 18-00.5)
Drainage Area (so 3,Z16,254
Existing; Impervious* Area (so 1,092,78
Proposed Ifnpenvious*Area (so 165,746
% Impervious* Area (total) 38-89%
Impervious Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2
On-site Buildings (sf) 51,215
On-site Streets (so 11,307
On-site Parking, (sf) 71 I,531
On-site Sidewalks (so
Odwr on-Site (sf)
tiff- ai (";i) 1,079,47
Total (sl): 1,:58,532
In:r,cmians area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited Llo, buildings, roads, purl-ing areas,
lks, gr0714 QrMg, eft.
"'T otai project area shall he caleulaatrd based on tyre current policy regarding inclusitrn c)t'we dean s trr the Intilt upon
,ua percentage ralculation,
1~orin SWU-101 Version 8.07 11 i ' c, S.1
10. 1 iovti ?°4t tlno off-sitc 1Inr,, ,jour lip tvd oi?ovc da_ rr v.-° ,I I 'JT ^ t',' t?
One of the follcawiril; r?^?lrirtion.s,ir!d prof(,, tine (`c3vt nariLft ire roquir,,d to be recorded foT all
outparc els and Murk, di -. ?.lopnient prior to tlii,, "Jr of .iny 1,3t. IlII?t 4rz??s "arv sil;nifi(-ar?tly, a table= hstin?; c.i, h
lot nuinlvr_, Size' and thc, allowable built-upon,iro,j for ?,,ic°`h last must he pf, wided as wl attac hmelit.
Forni f l"PC-1 High Density Comnierciaal Subdivisions
Fornn DRPC-2 Hiph Density I eveloprnents with Outf) ar, oi-,
Forin DRPC-3 High Deta,rty R,'s€c eiitia.l Subdivj,,v) ass
Forni DRPC-4 1.1w Dei ir- (7ofnincr, I'd llbdivv;ii'41'
Forni DRPC-S Low Dcw a Posi&nti,al Sultdtti'i ie rt
Forni DRPC-ii Low Den?if v Resitlt,ritual Subciivisi as with Curb Outlets
By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this
project shall include all the applicable items required in the above form, that the covenants will be binding
on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants
cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the
sale of any lot.
The applicable state stormwater management permit supple=ment form(s) listed below must be submitted for
each BM P specified for this project. Contact they SLomiwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 7_1V5083 for they
status and availability of these forms.
Forin Sl I-t.()%,' L)??nsity !'ow FI'nsity Supplement
Forin SW401_t urb Outlet Svsloni C iirh Oudet Systei n Supplenient
Form SW401:-t„irl-Site Systenn off-Site Svstein Supplement
Fenn Sty 401-Wet Detention Basin Wet Detention Basin Supplement
Form SW401-Infiltration Basin Infiltration Basin Supplement
Forni SVi 401-lnfil.trabon Trench Underground Infiltration Trench Supple r ne nt
Form SW401`-Bioretention Cell Bioretention Coll Supplenient
Forni Sdh401-Leval Spreader Level pre adrrf Filter Strip/Pestenred Riparian Buffer Supplerne3nt
Form 5W401-INvIland C onstruct-J Wodand Supplennent
Forni SW401-Graswd Swale (.I ci t';I ?ti^ :i I ' SU pI?1i'rnc n$
Form SW4(Tl-Sand Filter Sand Fifty -Stirrlowont
Fonli $W(J-101 Versiort 8 07 Page , ur"-t
Vi. StJIIMI'I AI- ttt Q)L l)lr"''Nil7NNTS
Only complete application packages will be accepted arccf r,? iewecl v th.e Division of Water Quality
(DV IQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package
should be submitted to the appropriate Db1'Q Office. (Appz-opriil r office may N, found by locating project on
the interactive online map at
Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space
provided next to each item.
• Original and one copy of the `itormwater Management Permit Application Form ?
• Original and one copy of the Deed Restrictions It; Protective Covenants harm
• Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) and O&h,,l agree,mem(s) for each BMP
• Permit application processing f(T of '$0305 (S40)1 for Express) p,yable tr NCD- ENR
• Calculations detailed narrative description of stormw,iteer trc?.atnient /inanEigement
• Copy of any applicablc3 soil report' f`
luciir?k;: ? S>
• Throe copies of plans and specification (scale=d, `it,nod cC dated), in,
- Development/Project, name
- Engineer and firm
- Legend
- North arrow
- Scale
- Revision number It: date
Mean high water line
- Dimensioned property/project boundary
-1A)cation map with named streets or NCSR numbers
- Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations
- Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures
- Wetlands delineated, or a notes on plans that none exist
Existing drainage (including tiff-site), drainage} easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations
- Drainage areas delineated
- Vegetated buffers (where rrowrod)
If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm :so that they may provide inforination on your
behalf, please complete this section.
Designated agent (individual or firm):_,.
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: Fax:
1, (print or type natne of person listed in General Information, iftin ) ROBERT STAFFORD _
certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and
that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the rewired deed restrictions
and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A
NC AC ?l
Form SN L1-t01 Version S.07 R)'-1- 4 e,)` 4
BMP Supplements
==enrril haumb-
%K "F% E -
WE 11; `,.) ; PPS EM 6 T
This form must be filled out printed and submitted
The Required Items Checklist (Bart ill) must be printed, filled out acrd submitted along with all the required information.
Project name Lillington Commercial
Contact name P Darr Pabst, PE
Phone number 9%&5A.7990
Date December 4, 2007
Drainage area number 1
Site Characteristics
Drainage area 69,260 #t=
Impervious area 54,886 #7
Percent impervious 79,2%%
Design rainfall depth 1.0 Inch
Peak Flow Calculations
Does this project require prelpost control of the 1-yr 24-hr peak
N (' or fJ)
1»yr, 24-hr runoff depth in
1-yr, 24-hr intensity inlhr
Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Osec
Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff 6sec
Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control ft hiec
Storage Volume: Nan-SR Waters
Design volume (temporary pool volume) 4,444 ft' OK
Depth of temporary pooliponding depth (D%,,,) 9 in OK
Drawdown time 150 days OK
Diameter of orifice - 1.25 in OK
Coefficient of discharge (CD) used in orifice diameter
calculation 0.60 (unitess)
Driving head (H.) used in the orifice diameter calculation 0.250 tl O
Storage Volume: SR Waters Parameters
1-yr. 24-hr depth in
Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft
Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff fe
Minimum volume required fc
Volume provided ;
Surface Areas of Wetland Zones
:surface Area of Entire Welland to P24 + I
Shallow Land 2 7?4 { Cik:
The shall,, land percentage is
Shallow Water
2:7 ? t. `
Form SW 401-rWedand-Rev:7 Pans I and ti. Project Design Summary, Page f e 3
r `ermil Numbr-f
The shallow water percentage is
Deep Fool
Korebay portion of deep pool (pretreatment)
The forebay surface area percentage is,
Non-forebay portion of deep pool
The non-forebay deep pool surface area percentage. is
Total of wetland zone areas
Add or subtract the following area from the zones
Topographic Zone Elevations
Temporary Pool
Shallow Land (top)
Permanent Pool
Shallow Water (top)
Deep Pool (tap)
Most shallow print of deep poxors bottom
Deepest point of deep pool`s bottom
Design must meet one of the following two options:
This design meets Option #1,
Deep pod is 6inches below SLWT, If yes:
SLWT (Seasonally Low Water Table)
This design meets Option 2.
Has a clay liner
If yes:
Depth of topsoil above clay liner
Topographic Zone Depths
Temporary Pool
Shallow Land
Permanent Pool
Shallow Water
Deep Pool (shallowest)
Deep Pool (deepest)
Planting Plan
Are cattails included in the planting plan?
Number of Plants in planting plan recommended:
Herbacious f4inch diameter)
Shrubs/small trees (1 gallon or larger)
Trees (1.5" dbh)
Number of Plants in planting plan provided (several species of
each plant type are recommended)'
Herbaclous (flinch diameter)
Shrubs/small trees (1 gallon or larger)
Trees (1.5" dbh)
Additional Information
Can the design volume be contained?
Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly
distributed through a vegetated filter?
What is the length of the vegetated filter?
Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow?
Are calculations for supporting the design volume provided in the
Is BMP sized to handle all runoff from ultimate build-out?
716 ft` OK
692 ft` OK
6,924 ft' OK
162.75 frnsl
162.00 fmsl
161.50 frnsl
159.50 fmsl
159.50 sl
N (Y or N)
4 in
9 in OK
6 in OK
24 in K
24 in OK
N (Y or N) OK
214 OK.
144 OK.
35 OK
Y (Y or N) OK
N (Y' cr N) s r :, a, s ; rc
0 ft
N (YorN) r,
Y (Y or N) OK
Y (Y or N) OK:
Form SW401-WeVard-E2av.t Part,. ! and rr. Projed Design Summary, Page 2 o.1
s the lP located in a recorded drainag-asement with a
recorded amass easement to a public ; o' Way (HOVk )`
The length to dtfi ratio is 3 4 aT
Approximate wetland let g$ 154''0 ft
Approximate wret; n, w d; 45 0 ft
This approx surface area ?F vv.: r rber of SgUare
Appr,. xi 'fat: s , fd::> ar;;a ws; ng a.-'d wndtn provided 6,930 h` tit of the enure we',;ar,cis ,?4 , , ., re?,, rted above
Will the wetland be staUtzed within 14 days of construction? Y (Y or N) O
f `c 40'1-WeUnd-Rev.1 ?arty I e ")C-wg : Summary Vapt 3 of w
Permit No.
(to be provided by L5WO)
Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package
will result In a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project... Initial in the space
provided to indicate the following design requirements have been meet. If the applicant has designated an agent, the age -0 ra? irni al
If a requirement has not been met, attach justification.
Initials Page/ Plan
Sheet No.
G " :3.C 1, Plans (1" - W or larger) of the entire site showing:
Design at ultimate build-out.
- Off-site drainage (if applicable),
- Delineated drainage basins (include Rational G coefficient per basin),
Wetland dimensions (acid length to width ratio),
- Pretreatment system,
- Maintenance access,
- Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW).
- Overflow device, and
- Boundaries of drainage easement
" If l 2. Plan details (1' = 50' or larger) for the wetland showing:
Wetland dimensions (and length to width ratio)
Pretreatment system,
- Maintenance access,
- Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW),
Design at ultimate build-out,
- Off-site drainage (if applicable),
Overflow device, and
- Boundaries of drainage easement.
3. Section view of the wetland (1" = W or larger) showing:
C' _ c#. 2 - Side slopes, 3:1 or lower
- Wetland layers
All wetlands: Shallow land depth, shallow water depth, deep pool depth
Option 1, no clay liner: SLWT depth
Option 2, clay liner Depth of topsoil on top of liner, liner specifications
4, A detailed planting plan (1" = 24' or larger) prepared by a qualified individual showing
A variety of suitable species (not including cattails),
- Sizes, spacing and locations of plantings,
Total quantity of each type of plant specified,
A planting detail,
- The source nursery for the plants, and
- Fertilizer and watering requirements to establish vegetation,
i 5. A construction sequence that shows how the wetand will be protected from sediment until the entire
- drainage area is stabilized.
6, The supporting calculations (including drawdown cai-'ulat. oris
l r e' ... 7. A copy of the signed and notarized inspection and in , ; agreement.
-Wetland-Revl mart ill, page 1 of 2
?_ 8 '-'?f
This form must be filed out, printed and submitted.
The Required Items Checklist (Part ill) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all the required information.
Project name Lillington Commercial
Contact name P, Dan Pabst, PE
Phone number 919:8543990
Date December 4, 2007
Drainage area number 2
[l. t?ESICN jt FC}W AnON
Site Characteristics
Drainage area 60,113 Itz
Impervious area 48,352 f
Percent impervious 80,4%%
Design rainfall depth 1.0 inch
Peak Flow Calculations
Dries this project require prelpost control of the 1-yr 24-hr peak
flow? N (Y or N)
1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth in
1-yr, 24-hr intensity in/hr
Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft?tsec
Post development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft'/sec
Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control Osec
Storage Volume: Non-SR Water's
Design volume (temporary pool volume) 3,857 fill OK
Depth of temporary pooltponding depth (D,, ;,) 9 in OK
Drawdown time 330 days OK
Diameter of orifice 1.25 in OK
Coefficient of discharge (C@ used in orifice diameter
calculation 0.60 (unftess)
Driving head (HJ used in the orifice diameter calculation 0.250 ft OK
Storage Volume: SR Waters Parameters
1-yr, 24-hr depth in
Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft)
Post-development l-yr, 24-hr runoff W
Minimum volume required fl=
Volume provided fl'
Surface Areas of Wetland Zones
Surface Area of Entire Welland 5.578 ff' OK
Shallow land 1,989 fr ox
The shallow land percentage is. 36'
Shallow water 2,213 W 01`
Form SVll401-Wetland-Rev.I Rirt. 4-5 is Profc,a+ t;'•c _agr, Summary, Page I of 3
The shallow water percentage is 41%
Deep Pool
Forebay portion of beep pool (pretreatment) 808 ftz OK
The forebay surface area percentage is` 14%
Non-forebay portion of deep pool 508 ft's OK
The non-forebay deep pool surface area percentage is 9%
Total of wetland zone amass 5,578 ft' OY,
Kidd or subtract the following area from the zones 0 00 ft`
Topographic Zone Elevations
Temporary Pool
Shallow Land (top) 168,75 fmsl
Permanent Pool
Shallow Wafer (top) 168.00 fmsl
Deep Pool (top) 167,50 fmsl
Most shallow point of deep pool's bottom 165.50 fmsl
Deepest point of deep pool`s bottom 165.50 fmst
Design must meet one of the following two options:
This design meets Option #1,
Deep pool is 6inches below SLWT,1f yes: N (y or N)
SLWT (Seasonally Low Water Table) fmsl
This design meets Option #2,
Has a clay liner Y
If yes-
Depth of topsoil above clay liner 4 in
Topographic Zone Depths
Temporary Pool
Shallow Land 9 in OK
Permanent Pool
Shallow Water 6 in OK
Deep Pool (shallowest) 24 in OK
Deep Pool (deepest) 24 in OK
Planting Plan
Are cattails included in the planting plaP7 (Y or N) OK
Number of Plants in planting plan recommended
Her'bacious (4 Inch diameter) 153
Shrvbslsmall trees (1 gallon or larger) 112
Trees (1.5" dbh) 28
Number of Plants in planting plan provided (several species of
each plant type are recommence)
Herbacious (flinch diameter) 168 OK
Shrubs/small trees (1 gallon or larger) 112 OK
'frees (1,5' dbh) 28 OK
Additional Information
Can the design volume be contained? Y (Y or N) 01F
Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly
distributed through a vegetated otter? N (Y or N)
What is the length of the vegetated titter?
ff ?; • ,- , 1
€-r ,
Does the design use a level spreader to evenly distribute flow? N ('Y or N)
Are calculations for suppoding the design volume provided in the
aPplicatirrn? Y ('r
or N) OK
Is BMP sized to handle all runoff from ultimate build-out? Y (Y of N) Ot<
Form SW401-Wetland-Rey,1 Pars I and 11, Project Dr--,ig , Summary, Pape ? of 3
is the BMP loraied n a recorded drainage easarv,:' wit. a
recorded access eas> a pubtw Rjght of +A a; !' 01 tr' OK
The length width ri:?,., ts: 50 1 Approximate wetfa- d length 164,0 fit
Approximate wetland width 33.0 If
This approx
Approximate surfer $ a ea using #errgth and width provided X12 tt, surface area is within this umper of
feet of the entire wetland surface area reports c 4:; e
NO the wetland ;=e stvb,i;,ed wbin 14 days of construction' Y (Y or N) ONE
IN401-Wenand-Res ! Pa. _ s &ummary. Page 3 01 3
Permit Nt"__
(to be pro od.-I d
Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package
will result in a request for additional information. This will delay f=inal review and approval of the project. Initial in the space
provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met lithe applicant has designated an agent, the agent m? i . 1 below
If a requirement has not been met, attach justification.
Initials Paget Plan
Shoot No.
1. Plans (1' 50' or larger) of the entire site showing:
5% f - Design at ultimate build-out,
s° Z - gaff-site drainage (if applicable),
- Delineated drainage basins (include Rational coefficient per basin),
- Wetland dimensions (and length to width ratio),
_ Pretreatment system,
- Maintenance access,
- Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW),
- Overflow device, and
- Boundaries of drainage easement.
74 C I 2. Plan details (1' = 50' or larger) for the wetand showing:
~+, 2 - Wetland dimensions (and length to width ratio)
- Pretreatment system,
Maintenance access,
Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW),
- Design at ultimate build-out,
- Off-site drainage (if applicable),
Overflow device, and
Boundaries of drainage easement.
i 1
3. Section view of the wetland (t' = 2Q' or larger) showing:
-Side slopes, 3:1 or lower
- Wetland layers
All wetlands: Shallow land depth, shallow water depth, deep pool depth
Option 1, no clay liner: SLWT depth
Option 2, clay liner: Depth of topsoil on top of liner, liner specifications
4. A detailed planting plan (1' = 20* or larger) prepared by a qualified individual showing:
A variety of suitable species (not including cattails),
Sizes, spacing and locations of plantings,
- Total quantity of each type of plant specified,
A planting detail,
- The source nursery for the plants, and
Fertilizer and watering requirements to establish vegetation.
r 5. A construction sequence that shows haw the wetland will be protected from sediment untii the entire
_ ? drainage area is stabilized.
6. The supporting calculations (including drawdown calculations),
_ 7. A copy of the signed and notarized inspection and maintenance agreement.
SW 1-Wtetiand-Rev.1 Dart II .
P39e i rs`2
- r e .1 r,
This form must be fled out: printed and submitted.
The Required Items Checklist (Part Ill) mast be printed, fitted out and submitted along with all the required irtformarbon
Project name Liifington Commercial
Contact name P. Dan Pabst, PE
Phone number 919.854.7990
Date December 4, 2007
Drainage area number 3 mmY
Site Characteristics
Drainage area 56,628 ft'
Impervious area 46,174 fix
Percent impervious 81.5% %
Design rainfall depth 1.0 inch
Peak Flow Calculations
Does this project require pre/post control of the 1-yr 24-hr peak
tow? N (Y or N)
1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth in
1-yr„ 24-hr intensity in/hr
Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff fi%ec
Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ffs/sue
Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak control fto/sec
Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters
Design volume (temporary pool volume) 3,699 ft3 OK
Depth of temporary poollponding depth (D ) 9 in OK
Drawdown time 3:50 days OK
Diameter of orifice 1.25 in OK
Coefficient of discharge (Cl)) used in orifice diameter
calculation 0.60 (unitlsss)
Driving head (H#) used in the orifice diameter calculation 11250 ft OK
Storage Volume: SR Waters Parameters
1-yr. 24-hr depth in
Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff ft'
Post-development 1-yr. 24-hr runoff ft
Minimum volume required
volume provided ft
Surface Areas of Wetland Zones
Surface Area of Entire Wetland 5.198 ft" OK
Shallow Land 2,030 ft` OK
The shallow land percentage is, 39%
Shallow Water 2,132 ftj OK
Form SW401- eitanclAvi t Part ! and N, Project Wn Summary, Page 1 a' 3
Pesrs?sa rdurraiw?- _
(.o be '. _
The shallow water percentage is 41%
Deep Pool
Forebay portion of deep pool (pretreatment) 603 ft` GK:
The forebay surface area percentage is, 12%
Non-forebay portion of deep pool _ 433 ft' OK,
The non-forebay deep pool surface area percentage is 8%
Total of wetland zone a eas 5,198 ft' OK
Add or subhact the following area from the zones 0-00 ft`
Topographic Zone Elevations
Temporary Pool
Shallow Land (top) 162.75 finsl
Permanent Pool
Shallow Water (top) 162.00 fmsl
Deep Pool (top) 161,50 fmsl
Mast shallow point of deep pool's bottom 159,50 #msl
Deepest point of deep pool's bottom 15950 fmsl
Design must meet one of the following two options:
This design meets Option #1,
Deep pool is 6inches below SLWT, if yes;
N (Y or N)
SLWT (Seasonally Low Water Table) fmsl
This design meets Option #2,
Has a clay liner Y
If yes.
Depth of topsoil above clay liner 4 in
Topographic Zone Depths
Temporary Pool
Shallow Land in OK
Permanent Pool
Shallow Water 6 in OK
Deep Pool (shallowest) 24 in OK
Deep Pool (deepest) 24 in OK
Planting Plan
Are cattails included in the planting plan's N (Y or N) OK
Number of Plants in planting plan recommended:
Herbacious (4 inch diameter) 156
Shrubs/small trees (1 gallon or larger) 104
Trees (1.5" dbh) 26
Number of Plants in planting plan provided (several species of
each plant type are recommended):
Herbacious (flinch diameter) 156 OK
Shrubs/small trees (1 gallon or larger) 104 OK
Trees (1,5" dbh) 26 OK
Additional Information
Can the design volume be contained? Y (t'` or N) Dl
Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly "
distributed through a vegetated frlter?
(y N) ; 'Z rw
E_ t, " t r, :_ 1, t . t", h < _, ,
?, ?,6 A, s . r: L) b l i
What is the length of the vegetated filter? 0 It
Does the design use a level spreader to every distribute flow? td
(Y or N)
Are calculations for supporting ft design volume provided in the
applation7 Y (Y or fl) Oh
Is P sized to handle all runoff from ultimate build-outt Y (Y o? N) K
f=orm SVV401-WeWnd-Rev.1 Parts and It. Project Dewq t Summary, Page 2 of 3
Is the P located }n a recorded d 4 nacge sement ,?, ,' a
reded access easement to a put!ic of A,.,
The length to width ratio is O
Approximate wetland length
W C)
App oximate wetland width
This approx. surface area is within this number of square
roximate surf?° are using lang'tt and tu;dti presroriderl feet of the entire wetand surface area reported above;
a' t' ;AAard ti.. stahii, e within 14 days of construction-7 y (Y or N) OK
be by '1`
'lease indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package
will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space
provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below,
If a requirement has not been net, attach justification.
Initials Paget Plan
Sheet No.
1, Plans (I'- 50' or larger) of the entire site showing:
- Design at ultimate build-out,
- ? - Off-site drainage (if applicable),.
- Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin).
- Wetland dimensions (and length to width ratio),
- Pretreatment system,
- Maintenance amass,
- Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW},
- Overflow device, and
- Boundaries of drainage easement.
1 C_ t 2. Plan details (1 ` = 50' or larger) for the wetland showing:
_cl, 2_ - Wetland dimensions (and length to width ratio)
- Pretreatment system,
Maintenance access,
- recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW),
- Design at ultimate build-out,
Off-site drainage (if applicable),
- Overflow device, and
- Boundaries of drainage easement
4? , _( 3. Section view of the wetland (I" 20' or larger) showing;.
`. - Side slopes,. 3.1 or lower
Wetland layers
All wetlands- Shallow land depth, shallow water depth, deep pool depth
Option 1, no clay liner: SLWT depth
Option 2, clay liner-, Depth of topsoil on top of liner, liner specifications
4. A detailed planting plan (1 ° = 2p' or larger) prepares) by a qualified individual showing:
A variety of suitable species (not including cattails),
- Sizes, spacing and locations of plantings,
Total quantity of each type of plant specified,
A planting detail.
The source nursery for the plants, and
- Fertilizer and watering requirements to establish vegetation.
. E 5. construction sequence that shows haw the wetland will be p fete teJ from sediment until the entire
-. l . ? drainage area is stabilized
6. The supporting calculations (including drawdown caknuh.ihms).
7. copy of the signed and notarized inspection a, € a
,^;?r ?nG£? agreement.
5V;F4- i '.. - J'1C ?r+
Pelt 113, page 1 or 2
'a, --Rev ? F'ar'
? . ;?3e?fsy LJ31???
.. P? Ef-,E
This form roust be filled out printed and submitted.
The Required Items Checklist (fart 111) must be printed, fitted out and submitted along with all of the required information.
Project name Lillington Commercial
Contact name f'. Dan Pabst PE
Phone number 919.8543990
Dwe December 4, 2007
Dminage area number 4
Site Characteristics
Drainage area 50,359 ft?
Impervious area 25,663 ft2
Percent impervious 51,0% %
Design rainfall depth 1.0 inch
Peak Flow Calculations
Is prelpost control of the 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow required?
1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth
1-yr, 24-hr intensity
Pre-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow
Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flaw
PrelPost 1-yr, 24-hr peak control
Storage Volume: Non-SR Waters
Design volume
Ponding depth of water
Ponding depth of water
Surface area of the top of the bioretention cell
-or- Radius
Storage Volume: SR Waters
1-yr, 24-hr depth
Pre-development 1-yr. 24-hr runoff
Post-development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff
Minimum volume required
Volume provided
Soils Report Summary
Drawdown time, ponded volume
Drawdown time, to 24 inches below surface
Drawdown time. total
in-situ soil.
Soil type
Soil perrmeabili4,
Panting media soil,
Soil type
Soil permeability
1 C POSW#0i-8ioretenfion-Rea.; 9
N (Y or N)
.. ft.'tsec
2,148.0 ft`r
12 inches
1.00 fl
2,233.0 fe
87 ft
25 ft
6 tit OK
24 hr OK
30 hr
.?.._.___.. ilrr
rats aril 11. Design summary. Page 1 gf 3
* Sand (by weight'
Tines (by weight)
* Organic (by weight)
Phosphorus Index (P Index)
Basin Elevations
Temporary pool elevation
Planting elevation (top of the mulch)
Bottom of the cell
Planting depth
Depth of mulch
SHWT elevation
Tutal 0%
164 fmsl
163 Imsl
160 fmsl
4 inches
157 fmsl
Are underdrains being installed? Y f or N)
How many clean out pipes are being installed? 3
What factor of safety is used for sizing the underdrains? (Sep:
BMP Manual Section 12.3,6)
Additional distance between the bottom of the planting media and
the bottom of the cell to account for underdrains 1 ft
Bottom of the cell required 159 fmsI
Distance from bottom to SNWT 2 ft
Type of bioretention cell (answer *r to only one of the two
following questions).
Is this a grassed cell? N (Y or N)
Is this a cell with treeslshrubsl Y (Y or N)
Planting Plan
Number of bee species 3
Number of shrub species 3
Number of herbaceous groundcover species 3
Additional Information
Does volume in excess of the design volume bypass the
bioretention cell? (Y or N)
Does volume in excess of the design volume flow evenly
distributed through a vegetated filter? Y ((or N}
What is the length of the vegetated filter? 30 ft
Does the design use a morel spreader to evenly distribute flow? N (Y or N)
Is the BMP located at least 30 feet from surface waters (50 feet K
SA waters)? (1 or N)
is the BMP located at least 100 feet from water supply wells? Y (Y or )
Are the vegetated side slopes equal to or lees than 3:1? Y (Y or N)
Is the BMP located in a receded drainage easement with a
receded access easement to a public Right of Way (ROW)? Y (` or N)
Inlet velocity (from treatment system) 1 ft/sec
is the area surrounding the cell likely to undergo development in
the futures l (Y or N)
Are the slopes draining to the bioretent?an greater than 20%? (Y or t,)
Is the drainage area permanently stabTzed % Y (Y or N)
Pretreatment Used
(Indicale Type Used with an ""A° in the shaded cell)
Gravel and grass
(Vinches gravel followed by 3-5 ft of grass) ?
Grassed swale X
Farms c£it-&oietenuon-Rev .I
OK media depth
PxrU and IL Design Summary, Page 2 of .s
t t
lp. REQURM ITEM CHECKLIST __..?..._ .... __ _^1
Please inchoate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documerrWon can be found. An incomplete submittal package
will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project, lr4ai in the space
provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met ti the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below
if a requirement has not been met, attach justification.
Pagel Plan
Initials Sheet No.
I. Plans (t" -50' or larger) of the entire site shoving
Design e4 uifimaae build-out
v_ Off-site drainage (9 appNc"),
Detineared drainage basins (include Rations C coefficient per basin),
Cell dimensions,
Pretrreaht+ent system,
High flow bypass system,
Maintenance amass,
- Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW),
Clean out pipe locations,
Overflow device, and
Boundaries of drainage easanent
?I 2. Plan details (1" = 30' or lamer) for the fuoretenbon calf shomng-
Cell dimensions
Pretre rent system,
High flow bypass system,
Maintenance access.
- Recorded drainVe easement and public right of way (ROW),
Design at uitirrdit build-out,
Off-situ drainage (if applicable).
Glean out pipe locations,
Overflow device, and
Boundaries of drairmp easement
' fit, Z 1 Section view of the barreention cell (1" = 20' or larger) showing:
Sate slopes, 3:1 or tower
Underclrain system (if appfrcabie). and
Saviterrlion cad layers (ground level end slope, pre4reatment ponuting depth, mulch depth, fig media
dept,. washed send, fated fabric (or choking stores d ), 057 stone, underdnei€rs (d applicable),
%MT level(s), and overflow stnrltre)
4. A sods report thad is based upon an actual field invesigabon, sod beings, infiltration tests. The
results of the soils report must be ver ied in the field by DWO by oornpleting & submitting the sills
investigation request form. County sad neaps are not an acceptable source of saris information. Ad
elevations shad be in feet mean sea level (fmsl). Results of sob tests of both the planting sal aid the in
sol must include:
Sod permw,
$oO composition (% sand, % fines, % organic), area
5. A detailed planting plan (1' = 2f)' or larger) prepared by a qualified individual showing.
A variety of suitable species,
Sizes, spacing and lorations of plantings.
Total quantity of each type of Plent sprain,
A planting detail,
The source nursery for the plants, and
Fertili.er end ` requiremetds to establish vegetation watering 6. An assurance, that the installed system will meet
design specifications upon Mail operation once the
Pr m complete and the entire drainage area is stet&ed
7. A construction sequence that sterns how the bioretention call will be protected from sediment unfit the
entire drainage area is stab zed.
B The supporting calculations (including unt afmr: calcuiations, if applicable),
p. 4 copy of the signed and not ed inspection and maintenance (AM) agreement
10 A copy of the deed restriction
... a iJ!. is e ,