HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171157 Ver 1_Year 1 Monitoring Report_2020_20210114ID#* 20171157 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 01/14/2021 Mitigation Project Submittal-1/14/2021 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* O Yes a No Type of Mitigation Project:* rJ Stream r Wetlands [Buffer ❑ Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Matthew Reid Project Information .................................................................................................................................................................. ID#:* 20171157 Existing ID� Project Type: r DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Shake Rag County: Madison Document Information Email Address:* matthew.reid@ncdenr.gov Version: * 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Plans File Upload: Shake Rag_100018_MY1_2020.pdf 16.43MB Rease upload only one RDF of the complete file that needs to be subrritted... Signature Print Name:* Matthew Reid Signature:* MONITORING YEAR 1 ANNUAL REPORT Final hif I''• +r SHAKE RAG MITIGATION SITE Madison County, NC DEQ Contract No. 7190 DMS Project No. 100018 USACE Action ID No. SAW-2017-01570 DWR Certification No. 17-1157 French Broad River Basin HUC 06010105 Data Collection Period: June 2020 — October 2020 Draft Submission Date: November 25, 2020 Final Submission Date: January 8, 2021 PREPARED FOR: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street; 3,a Floor Raleigh, NC 27603 % �6_ 11�0 WILDLANDS January 8, 2021 Mr. Matthew Reid Project Manager NCDEQ— Division of Mitigation Services 15 Buckhorn Gap Road Biltmore Lake, NC 28715 RE: Shake Rag Mitigation Site — Monitoring Year 1 Report Response to DMS Comments French Broad River Basin — CU# 06010105 — Madison County DMS Project ID No. 100018 Contract # 7190 Dear Mr. Reid: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) has reviewed the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) comments from the Draft Monitoring Year (MY) 1 report for the Shake Rag Mitigation Site. DMS' comments are noted below in bold. Wildlands' responses to those comments are noted in italics. DMS comment: Project Overview: Third paragraph discusses pre -construction conditions that can be found in Table 6 of Appendix 2. Table 6 in Appendix 2 is the Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table and represents current conditions at the site. Perhaps Table 11 in Appendix 4 was the table WEI was referring to in the text. Please revise as necessary. Wildlonds response: Yes, Table 11 in Appendix 4 is the correct reference. The text in Section 1 has been updated. DMS comment: Stream Assessment: The last sentence on page 1-3 notes that Shake Rag Reach 5 and UT8 are expected to have wider flood prone widths and entrenchment ratios greater than 2.2. Please add "As noted in the approved mitigation plan" or something similar to this sentence. Also, it should be noted that only Shake Rag Reach 5 was discussed in the mitigation plan. Wildlonds response: Text was added to Section 1.2.3 to clarify this statement. DMS comment: Stream Areas of Concern: Please add a short discussion regarding the number of structures and extent of the repairs that took place for both the Summer 2020 and November 2020 repairs. Wildlonds response: Text was added to Section 1.2.5 to describe the repair activities that took place in 2020. The earlier repair occurred in the Spring of 2020 rather than the Summer of 2020 and has been corrected in the report. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 WILDLANDS DMS comment: Monitoring Year 1 Summary: The report indicates that there are isolated areas of structure piping on the site. Are these new piping structures after the repairs? How many and what locations? Please show these piping structures on the CCPV. If these problem areas do not exist anymore, please remove statement. Wildlonds response: Text was added to Section 1.3 discussing the few isolated areas of concern that currently remain on the Site. DMS comment: Table 2: Please include Stream Repair Maintenance: Summer 2020 to the table or add Summer 2020 to existing Stream Repair Maintenance entry. Wildlonds response: As noted above, the earlier repair occurred in the Spring of 2020, and this has been added to Table 2. DMS comment: CCPV: The report (section 1.2.5) indicates that the areas of concern noted on the CCPV were repaired in November. If this is the case, please update the CCPV Legend to "Structure Issue — Repaired Nov. 2020" or something similar. It appears to the reviewer that these are current and ongoing problems. If there are known problem areas that developed after the repair or remain on - site, please mark those with a different symbol. Wildlonds response: Since these areas of concern were repaired and no longer of issue, they were removed from the CCPV mops and associated stability tables. DMS comment: Tables 6b, 6c and 6d: These tables should represent what is currently on the ground and match what is shown on the CCPV. Are the numbers shown in the "Engineered Structures" category calculated using what was repaired or are these different problem areas? Please update as necessary along with CCPV. Wildlonds response: Tables 6b, 6c, and 6d hove been updated to represent what is currently o known stream stability issue. As stated above, oll repaired areas hove been removed from the CCPV mops, and only current issues remain. DMS comment: Cross -sections: The cross-section graphs show adjustment from MYO through MY1. The area received several significant storms this fall and the exaggerated vertical scale can often times be misleading with such small channels. Please be prepared to answer questions regarding the cross - sections during the 2021 Credit Release Meeting. Wildlonds response: Additional text has been added to Section 1.2.3 to better clarify how slight changes in bank height on very small streams tend to exaggerate ratio comparisons. Wildlonds will be prepared to answer questions during the 2021 Credit Release Meeting regarding the cross-section dimensions for the Site's small channels. Electronic Support Files: DMS comment: The draft support files are correct. Please update the files with any changes made while addressing comments and include with final submittal. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 k rw WILDLANDS E N G I N E E R I N G Wildlands response: The electronic files have been updated as needed for the final submittal. One (1) hard copy of the Final Monitoring Report and a full electronic submittal has been mailed to your home address. Please contact me at 828-545-3865 if you have any questions. Sincerely, #"W- A /Ax— Jake McLean Project Manager jmclean@wildlandseng.com Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 PREPARED BY: W WILDLANDS E N G I N E E R N G Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: 704.332.7754 Fax: 704.332.3306 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) implemented a full -delivery stream mitigation project at the Shake Rag Mitigation Site (Site) for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Mitigation Services (DIMS). The project restored, enhanced, and preserved a total of 9,273 linear feet (LF) of perennial and intermittent stream in Madison County, NC. The Site is located within the DIMS targeted watershed for the French Broad River Basin Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 06010105110020 and the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Subbasin 04-03-04. The project is providing 6,655.600 stream mitigation units (SMUs) for the French Broad River Basin HUC 06010105 (French Broad 05). The watershed has a long history of agricultural activity and most of the stressors to stream functions are related to historic and current land use practices. Prior to construction, the major stream stressors for the Site were livestock trampling and fecal coliform inputs, stream bed incision and bank scour, a lack of stabilizing stream bank and riparian vegetation, and ditching and/or piping from agricultural activities. The effects of these stressors resulted in degraded water quality and habitat throughout the Site's watershed when compared to reference conditions. The project approach for the Site focused on evaluating the Site's existing functional condition and its potential for recovery and need for intervention. The project goals defined in the mitigation plan (Wildlands, 2019) were established with careful consideration of 2009 French Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) goals and objectives to address stressors identified in the watershed. The established project goals include: • Improve stream channel stability, • Exclude livestock from stream channels, • Reconstruct channels and flood -prone areas with appropriate geomorphology, • Improve in -stream habitat, • Reduce sediment and nutrient input from adjacent cattle pastures and unpaved roads, • Restore and enhance native riparian and upland vegetation, and • Permanently protect the Site from harmful uses. The Site construction and as -built surveys were completed between December 2019 and February 2020. Monitoring Year (MY) 1 assessments and site visits were completed between June and November 2020 to assess the conditions of the project. Overall, the Site has met the required stream, vegetation, and hydrology success criteria for MY1. The overall average planted stem density for the Site is 522 stems per acre and is on track to meet the MY3 requirement of 320 stems per acre. Geomorphic surveys indicate that cross-section bankfull dimensions closely match the baseline monitoring with some minor adjustments, and streams are functioning as intended. At least one bankfull event was documented on UT1 Reach 2 and UT2 Reach 2 since the completion of construction. The MY1 visual assessment identified a few areas of concern including populations of invasive plant species and a few isolated areas of structure piping and bank scour are still noted on the Site. Wildlands will continue to monitor these areas, and an adaptive management plan will be implemented as necessary throughout the seven-year monitoring period to benefit the ecological health of the Site. Shake Rag Mitigation Site IiW Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report -FINAL SHAKE RAG MITIGATION SITE Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW.....................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives............................................................................................1-1 1.2 Monitoring Year 1 Data Assessment.................................................................................1-2 1.2.1 Vegetation Assessment.............................................................................................1-2 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern and Management Activity.............................................1-3 1.2.3 Stream Assessment...................................................................................................1-3 1.2.4 Stream Hydrology Assessment..................................................................................1-4 1.2.5 Stream Areas of Concern and Management Activity...................................................1-4 1.3 Monitoring Year 1 Summary.............................................................................................1-5 Section 2: METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................2-1 Section 3: REFERENCES.................................................................................................................3-1 Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL ii APPENDICES Appendix 1 General Figures and Tables Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Figure 2 Project Component/Asset Map Table 1 Mitigation Assets and Components Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Information and Attributes Table 5a-b Monitoring Component Summary Appendix 2 Visual Assessment Data Figure 3.0 — 3.4 Current Condition Plan View Maps (Key — Sheet 4) Table 6 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 7 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Stream Photographs Vegetation Plot Photographs Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 8a-b Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 9 CVS Permanent Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 10a-b Planted and Total Stem Counts Appendix 4 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 11a-b Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 11c Reference Reach Data Summary Table 12a-b Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross -Section) Table 13a-h Monitoring Data — Stream Reach Data Summary Cross -Section Plots Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Appendix 5 Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 14 Verification of Bankfull Events Stream and Crest Gage Plots Monthly Rainfall Data Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL iii Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The Shake Rag Mitigation Site (Site) is located in Madison County approximately 19 miles north of Asheville and 4 miles northeast of the town of Mars Hill in the French Broad River Basin HUC 06010105110020 and NCDWR Subbasin 04-03-04 (Figure 1). Located in the Blue Ridge belt within the Blue Ridge physiographic province (NCGS, 1985), the project watershed is dominated by agricultural and steep forested land. In general, the Site encompasses three primary drainage areas that are comprised of smaller valleys. The three primary drainage areas are Shake Rag Branch (SRB), UT1, and UT6. All project stream reaches within these drainages originate from steep, forested headwater valleys before transitioning to open pastureland situated in wider valley bottoms further downstream. Shake Rag Branch's valley begins as a steep, colluvial, V-shaped valley, which gradually widens into a moderately confined alluvial bottom as it moves downstream. UT1A, UT3, UT4, and UT8 have steep valleys with much broader valley bottoms, while UT1, UT2, UT5, UT6, and UT7 flow through steep, colluvial, V-shaped valleys for their entire length in the project area. Shake Rag Branch drains 163 acres, UT1 drains 70 acres, and UT6 drains 43 acres of rural land. Prior to construction activities, the Site was in hay production in the valley bottom, with cattle grazing along valley side slopes and access to the steeper forested areas. Riparian buffers were absent except in the steepest upper portions of the site. The streams throughout the Site were in various stages of impairment related to the current and historical agricultural uses. Many of the streams were buried in rock -lined channels or pipes approximately 50 years ago. Pre -construction conditions are outlined in Table 4 of Appendix 1 and Table 11 of Appendix 4. The final mitigation plan was submitted and accepted by DIMS in January of 2019 and the IRT in March of 2019. Construction activities were completed in January 2020 by Baker Grading & Landscaping, Inc. Kee Mapping & Surveying, PLLC. completed the as -built survey in February 2020. Planting was completed following construction in the January 2020 by Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. A conservation easement has been recorded and is in place on 18 acres. The project is providing 6,655.600 stream mitigation units (SMUs) for the French Broad River Basin HUC 06010105 (French Broad 05). Annual monitoring will be conducted for seven years with close-out anticipated to commence in 2027 given the success criteria are met. Directions and a map of the Site are provided in Figure 1 and project components are illustrated for the Site in Figure 2. 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives The Site is providing numerous ecological benefits within the French Broad River Basin. The project goals were established with careful consideration to address stressors that were identified in the RBRP (EEP, 2009). The following project specific goals and objectives outlined in the mitigation plan (Wildlands, 2019) include: Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL 1-1 Goals Objectives Reconstruct stream channels slated for restoration with stable Improve the stability of stream channels. dimensions and appropriate depth relative to the existing flood - prone area. Add bank revetments and in -stream structures to protect restored/enhanced streams. Exclude livestock from stream channels. Install livestock fencing and watering systems as needed to exclude livestock from stream channels and riparian areas. Daylight buried or piped streams, remove man-made Reconstruct channels and flood prone areas impoundments, and restore historic valley profiles. Reconstruct with appropriate geomorphology. stream channels with bankfull dimensions and construct flood - prone areas consistent with reference reach findings. Install habitat features such as cascading riffle -pool sequences, Improve instream habitat. lunker logs, and brush toes on restored reaches. Add woody materials to channel beds. Construct pools of varying depth. Remove online farm pond. Construct one step -pool conveyance BMP to treat contributing Reduce sediment and nutrient input from 17-acre drainage area that is subject to nutrient and fecal adjacent cattle grazing areas and unpaved coliform loading from cattle. Relocate unpaved roads outside of roads. riparian corridor. Grade and plant forested buffer with native vegetation. Convert active hay fields and cattle pasture to forested riparian Restore and enhance native riparian and buffers along all Site streams, which will slow and treat runoff upland vegetation. from adjacent agriculture before entering streams. Protect and enhance existing forested riparian buffers. Treat invasive species. Permanently protect the Site from harmful Establish a conservation easement on the Site. Exclude livestock uses. from Site streams. 1.2 Monitoring Year 1 Data Assessment Annual monitoring for MY1 was conducted between June and October 2020, with hydrology data collected between February and October 2020, to assess the condition of the project. The stream, vegetation, and hydrologic success criteria for the Site follows the approved success criteria presented in the Shake Rag Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2019). 1.2.1 Vegetation Assessment Vegetation plot monitoring is being conducted in post -construction monitoring years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Permanent plots are monitored in accordance with the guidelines and procedures developed by the Carolina Vegetation Survey-EEP Level 2 Protocol (Lee et al., 2008) and the 2016 USACE Stream and Wetland Mitigation Guidance to assess the vegetation success. A total of 5 permanent vegetation plots were established within the project easement area. All of the permanent plots were established as either a 10 meter by 10 meter square plot or 5 meter by 20 meter rectangular plot. In addition, 4 mobile vegetation plots were established in monitoring year 1 throughout the planted conservation easement Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL 1-2 to evaluate the random vegetation performance for the Site. These plots will be subsequently reestablished in different random locations in monitoring years 2, 3, 5, and 7. Mobile vegetation plot assessments will document stems, species, and height using a circular or 100 meter square/rectangular plot. The final vegetative performance standard will be the survival of 210 planted stems per acre in the planted riparian areas at the end of the required seven-year monitoring period. The interim measure of vegetative success for the Site will be the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of MY3 and at least 260 stems per acre at the end of MYS. The MY1 vegetation survey was completed in October 2020, resulting in an average planted stem density of 522 stems per acre for all monitored permanent and mobile vegetation plots. The Site is on track to meet the interim MY3 requirement of 320 planted stems per acre, with all plots (100%) individually exceeding this requirement with densities ranging from 445 to 607 stems per acre. In the permanent vegetation plots, there was a survival rate of about 93%. American beech (Fagus grandifolia) had the highest mortality rate of the species planted in open planting areas. Approximately 76% of the planted stems in permanent plots are thriving with a vigor of 3 or greater indicating that they have good or better plant health and damage is rare. Only about 3% of the monitored stems were documented with a vigor of 1 and are unlikely to survive through the following year. This low vigor rating is likely due to damage from suffocation from dense herbaceous vegetation, dry soil conditions, deer browsing, and/or other unknown factors. Please refer to Appendix 2 for vegetation plot photographs and Appendix 3 for vegetation data tables. 1.2.2 Vegetation Areas of Concern and Management Activity MY1 visual assessments indicate that some invasive plant populations are present within the conservation easement. Invasive species found on the Site include multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), princess tree (Paulownia tomentosa), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), and silver grass (Miscanthus sinensis). Many of these invasive plant areas had previously been treated before construction but re - sprouted during MY1. Adaptive management activities will occur in MY2 to treat invasive plant areas, as needed. Overall, the herbaceous cover is becoming well established throughout the site and wetland vegetation has filled in nicely in wet seeps preventing the potential for rills or gullies to form. Only a couple of small areas of poor herbaceous cover were noted on steeper slopes along UT3 and Shake Rag Branch. A few small areas of mowing overreach were observed inside the easement. They were primarily noted at the corners of a couple internal crossings on Shake Rag Branch Reach 5 and UT4. Wildlands has notified the landowners of the mowing error and will install additional posts if deemed necessary to prevent any additional encroachment. These vegetation areas of concern are documented on Table 7 and shown on the Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Figures 3.0— 3.4 in Appendix 2. 1.2.3 Stream Assessment Riffle cross -sections on the restoration and enhancement I reaches should be stable and show little change in bankfull area, maximum depth ratio, and width -to -depth ratio. All riffle cross -sections should fall within the parameters defined for the designated stream type. If any changes do occur, these changes will be evaluated to assess whether the stream channel is showing signs of instability. Indicators of instability include a vertically incising thalweg and/or eroding channel banks. Remedial action would not be taken if channel changes indicate a movement toward stability. As noted in the approved Mitigation Plan (Wildlands, 2019), Shake Rag Reach 5 is expected to have wider flood -prone widths and entrenchment ratios greater than 2.2. This is also evident for UT8 due to the existing landforms. Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL 1-3 Morphological surveys for MY1 were conducted in October 2020. Cross-section survey results indicate that channel dimensions are stable and functioning as designed on all restoration and enhancement I reaches with minimal adjustments. Minor changes occurring within some cross -sections include localized downcutting, narrowing of riffles, and alluvial deposition at the top of bank. Vegetation that has become established and sediment deposition along the banks have raised the lower bank elevations, thus increasing the low bank height ratio slightly at cross-section 1 along UT1 Reach 2 and cross-section 2 along UT2 Reach 2. The difference between the low bank height and bankfull max depth for both cross -sections is less than 0.1 feet; therefore, slight changes in bank heights on very small streams tend to exaggerate ratio comparisons and is not a sign of instability. Cross-section 8 is representative of a few isolated areas of riffle scour and channel downcutting along Shake Rag Branch. See Section 1.2.5 for further discussion about stream areas of concern along Shake Rag Branch. Reachwide pebble counts along all restoration and enhancement I reaches indicate maintenance of coarser materials in riffle features and finer particles in the pool features. Please refer to Appendix 2 for the visual stability assessment tables, CCPV Figures 3.0 — 3.4, and reference photographs, and Appendix 4 for the morphological tables and plots. 1.2.4 Stream Hydrology Assessment Automated pressure transducers were installed to documenting stream hydrology and used on mitigation reaches that implement restoration and/or enhancement level I approaches throughout the seven-year monitoring period. Henceforth, these devices are referred to as "crest gages (CG)" for those recording bankfull events and "stream gages (SG)" for those recording baseflow. Bankfull Events At the end of the seven-year monitoring period, four or more bankfull flow events must have occurred in separate years within the restoration reaches. A total of 5 CGs were installed along restoration and enhancement I reaches. In MY1, at least one bankfull event was recorded on UT1 Reach 2 and UT2 Reach 2. At as -built, the pressure transducers in the CGs were programmed to record data every 2 hours. However, this interval was most likely too long to capture all bankfull events in the steep and flashy project streams. Therefore, the interval that the pressure transducers record data has been reprogrammed to 30 minutes going forward. Baseflow Monitoring Consistent flow must be documented in the restored intermittent channel (UT8) at the Site. Under periods of normal rainfall, stream flow must be documented to occur every year for at least 30 consecutive days during the seven-year monitoring period. An automated SG was installed within the upper third of UT8 to monitor baseflow. On UT8, 289 consecutive days were documented in MY1 indicating that this channel exceeded the success criteria for intermittent channels. Please refer to Appendix 5 for hydrology summary data and plots. 1.2.5 Stream Areas of Concern and Management Activity MY1 stream and visual assessments revealed stream areas of concern that include localized instances of structure issues and stream bed instability. In February 2020, several large storm events caused some grade control structures to experience piping around rock sills, bank scour, and riffle downcutting along Shake Rag Branch, UT2, UT3, and UT4. The first round of repairs was completed in Spring 2020 and addressed 3 major instances of rock step structure instability, 7 instances of bed scour, and 2 instances of bank scour. In November 2020, a few additional repairs were completed and included 2 instances of rock step structure piping and 5 instances of bed instability. Repair activities consisted of re -grading bank scour, adding riffle material, reinforcing some boulder structures, and plugging piping at boulder Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL 1-4 steps to improve the grade control in the streams. A few minor stream areas of concern remain on the Site and are noted on the CCPV figures. Currently, these areas are not negatively impacting stream function or stability; however, they will continue to be monitored in future years for signs of instability. Please refer to Appendix 2 for stream stability tables and CCPV Figures 3.0 — 3.4. 1.3 Monitoring Year 1 Summary Overall, the Site has met the required stream, vegetation, and hydrology success criteria for MY1. The overall average planted stem density for the Site is 522 stems per acre and is on track to meet the MY3 requirement of 320 stems per acre. Geomorphic surveys indicate that cross-section bankfull dimensions closely match the baseline monitoring with some minor adjustments, and most of the streams are functioning as intended. At least one bankfull event was documented on UT1 Reach 2 and UT2 Reach 2 since the completion of construction. The MY1 visual assessment identified a few areas of concern including populations of invasive plant species and a few isolated areas of structure piping and bank scour are still noted on the Site. Wildlands will continue to monitor these areas, and an adaptive management plan will be implemented as necessary throughout the seven-year monitoring period to benefit the ecological health of the Site. Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL 1-5 Section 2: METHODOLOGY Geomorphic data were collected following the standards outlined in The Stream Channel Reference Site: An Illustrated Guide to Field Techniques (Harrelson et al., 1994) and in the Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook (Doll et al., 2003). All Integrated Current Condition Mapping was recorded using a Trimble handheld GPS with sub -meter accuracy and processed using Pathfinder and ArcGIS. Stream gages were installed in riffles and monitored quarterly. Hydrologic monitoring instrument installation and monitoring methods are in accordance with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 2003) standards. Vegetation monitoring protocols followed the Carolina Vegetation Survey-EEP Level 2 Protocol (Lee et al., 2008). Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL 2-1 Section 3: REFERENCES Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley, J., Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003. Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Harrelson, Cheryl C; Rawlins, C.L.; Potyondy, John P. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. Retrieved from: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-lev1- 2.pdf North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services. 2009. French Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities. North Carolina Climate Retrieval and Observations Network of the Southeast Database (NCCRONOS). 2020. State Climate Office of North Carolina. Version 2.7.2. Station ID Mars Hill 2.2 SSE, NC. Accessed October 2020. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DIMS), June 2017. DMS Annual Monitoring and Closeout Reporting Template. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DIMS), June 2017. DMS Stream and Wetland Mitigation Plan Template and Guidance. North Carolina Division of Water Resources. 2011. French Broad Basinwide Water Quality Plan. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), 2015. Surface Water Classifications. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2009. French Broad River Basin Restoration Priorities. North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS), 1985. Geologic Map of North Carolina: North Carolina Survey, General Geologic Map, scale 1:500,000. https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land- resources/north-carolina-geological-survey/ncgs-maps/1985-geologic-map-of-nc4 Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169-199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Pagosa Springs, CO: Wildland Hydrology Books. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), October 2016. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDENR-DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. Wildlands Engineering, Inc (Wildlands), 2019. Shake Rag Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan. DIMS, Raleigh, NC. Wildlands Engineering, Inc (Wildlands), 2020. Shake Rag Mitigation Site As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report. DMS, Raleigh, NC. Shake Rag Mitigation Site Monitoring Year 1 Annual Report - FINAL 3-1 APPENDIX 1. General Figures and Tables - Project Location Hydrologic Unit Code (14-digit) DMS Targeted Local Watershed Or 0 3� At P 06010105130010 MOUNTAINS ....�r�� f(C4ip 06010105110040 ,r i WOITM Laurel Countr Club IL l 06010105110030 The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees/contractors involved in the development, oversight,and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted with in the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activites requires prior coordination with DMS. % 2" - lwww W ILDLANDS E"CCINFt RING danI 10 a 06010108080030 �.1 06010108080020 Z� 06010105110020 060101 I 06010108080010 ' {»�IV 06010105110010 Directions to Site: From Asheville: Head north on 1-26 W towards Mars Hill. Take exit 9 and turn right on US-19 N/US-23A N towards Burnsville/Spruce Pine and continue for 3 miles. Turn left onto Shake Rag Road and continue for about 1 mile onto the Site. 06010105080020 0 1 2 Miles Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 i "Alk Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Madison County, NC 0 250 500 Feet Figure 2 Project Component/Asset Map I i I i I Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 W ILDLANDS rk� Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 ENC�INEER4NG Madison County, NC Table 1. Mitigation Assets and Components Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Project Project Area/Reach Existing Footage 1 (LF)or Acreage Mitigation PlanMitigation Footage/ Acreage Category Components Restoration Level Priority Level Mitigation Ratio (X:1) As -Built Footage/ z Acreage Comments Shake Rag Branch R1 312 312 Cold Preservation N/A 10.000 312 N/A Shake Rag Branch R2 175 175 Cold Enhancement II N/A 2.500 175 N/A Shake Rag Branch R3 1,451 1,393 Cold Restoration P1 1.000 1,391 N/A Shake Rag Branch R4 385 385 Cold Enhancement I N/A 1.500 385 N/A Shake Rag Branch R5 1,216 1,134 Cold Restoration P1, P2 1.000 1,134 N/A UT1 R1 934 907 Cold Enhancement 11 N/A 2.500 907 N/A UT1 R2 255 278 Cold Enhancement I N/A 1.500 278 N/A UT1A 100 100 Cold Enhancement 11 N/A 2.500 100 N/A UT2 R1 164 164 Cold Enhancement 11 N/A 2.500 164 N/A UT2 R2 296 304 Cold Restoration P1 1.000 304 N/A UT3 R1 426 426 Cold Enhancement 11 N/A 2.500 426 N/A UT3 R2 1,387 1,019 Cold Restoration P1 1.000 1,019 N/A UT4 910 930 Cold Restoration P1 1.000 930 N/A UT5 483 439 Cold Enhancement 11 N/A 2.500 444 N/A UT6 707 673 Cold Enhancement 11 N/A 2.500 670 N/A UT7 428 428 Cold Preservation N/A 10.000 428 N/A UT8 210 206 Cold Restoration P1 1.000 206 N/A Project Restoration Level Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non -Riparian Wetland Coastal Marsh Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-Riv Restoration N/A N/A 4,986.000 N/A N/A N/A N/A Re-establishment N/A N/A N/A N/A Rehabilitation N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement N/A N/A 442.000 Enhancement II N/A N/A 1,153.600 Creation N/A N/A N/A N/A Preservation N/A N/A 74.000 N/A N/A N/A Totals N/A N/A 6,655.600 N/A N/A N/A N/A Notes: 1. Some or all of SRB Reach 3, UT3 Reach 2, UT4, and UT8 were previously buried in rock -lined channels or pipes. Reported exiting lengths are estimates based upon land owner communication, remote sensing, and field verification to approximate the subsurface location and alignment. 2. The Site contains 12 internal easement crossings. This value excludes the affected length of proposed stream centerline within each crossing. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 ReportActivity or Institution Date Data Collection Complete N/A Completion or Delivery May 2017 404 Permit June 2019 June 2019 Mitigation Plan February- October 2018 March 2019 Final Design - Construction Plans June 2019 June 2019 Construction July 2019 - January 2020 January 2020 Bare root and live stake plantings for reach/segments December 2020 December 2020 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0) December 2019 - March 2020 April 2020 Stream Repair/Maintenance Spring 2020 & November 2020 November 2020 Year 1 Monitoring Stream Survey October 2020 November 2020 Vegetation Survey October 2020 Year 2 Monitoring Stream Survey Vegetation Survey Year 3 Monitoring Stream Survey Vegetation Survey Year 4 Monitoring Stream Survey Vegetation Survey Year 5 Monitoring Stream Survey Vegetation Survey Year 6 Monitoring Stream Survey Vegetation Survey Year 7 Monitoring Stream Survey Vegetation Survey Table 3. Project Contact Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 0 - 2020 Designers Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Jake McLean, PE, CFM 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.332.7754 Construction Contractors Baker Grading & Landscaping, Inc. 1000 Bat Cave Road Old Fort, NC 28762 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. PO Box 1197 Freemont, NC 27830 Seeding Contractor Baker Grading & Landscaping, Inc. Seed Mix Sources Baker Grading & Landscaping, Inc. Nursery Stock Suppliers Bare Roots Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. Live Stakes Herbaceous Plugs Monitoring Performers Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Monitoring, POC Kristi Suggs 704.332.7754 Ext. 110 Table 4. Project Information and Attributes Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Project Name Shake Rag Mitigation Site Madison County rmation Project Area (acres) 18.000 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 35' 52' 41"N 82° 29' 47"W Planted Acreage (Acre of Woody Stems Planted) 9.5 Physiographic Province Blue Ridge River Basin French Broad USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 06010105 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 06010105110020 DW R Sub -basin 04-03-04 Project Drainage Area (acres) 70 (UT1), 163 (Shake Rag Branch), 43 (UT6) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area <1% (UT1), <1% (Shake Rag Branch), <1% (UT6) 2011 NLCD Land Use Classification dh Parameters UT1: Forest (95%),Pasture/Hay (5%), Shrubland (0%), Urban (0%) Shake Rag Branch: Forest (49%), Pasture/Hay (49%), Shrubland (1%), Urban (1%) UT6: Forest (99%), Pasture/Hay (1%), Shrubland (0%), Urban (0%) Reach Summary Information Shake Rag Branch RI R2 R3 R4 IRS UT3 UT4 UT7 RI R2 UT8 Length of reach (linear feet) - Post -Restoration 312 175 1,391 385 1,134 426 1,019 930 428 206 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Confined Moderately confined Confined Confined N/A Confined N/A Drainage area (acres) 10 26 76 77 163 1 12 38 1 32 1 13 19 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral P P P p p I P p P P P NCDWR Water Quality Classification WS-11; HOW Morphological Description (stream type) - Pre -Restoration A4a+ A4a+ A4/B4a A4 A4a+/B4a A4a+ Morphological Description (stream type) - Post -Restoration A4a+ A4a+/B4a A4/B4a A4/B4a A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a A4/B4a Evolutionary trend (Simon's Model) - Pre- Restoration I VI II/III V/VI III/IV/V VI II/III/IV II 1 II FEMA classification None Parameters UTl R1 R2 907 278 Confined Moderately confined 38 70 P P A4a+ A4a+ A4a+ A4a+/B4a VI V/VI •r1c, Applicable? UT1A UT2 RI 100 164 Confined Moderately Confined 6 29 P P WS-11; HOW A4a+ A4a+/B4a A4a+ A4a+/B4a I VI None • • Resolved? R2 304 Confined 31 P A4a+ A4a+/B4a II/III UT5 444 Moderately confined 18 P B4a B4a VI UT6 670 Moderately confined 1 25 P B4a B4a VI Supporting Documentation Length of reach (linear feet) - Post -Restoration Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, unconfined) Drainage area (acres) Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral NCDWR Water Quality Classification Morphological Description (stream type) - Pre -Restoration Morphological Description (stream type) - Post -Restoration Evolutionary trend (Simon's Model) - Pre- Restoration FEMA classification Regulation Waters of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes USACE Action ID# SAW-2017-00100 Waters of the United States -Section 401 Yes Yes DW R# 17-1157 Division of Land Quality (Erosion and Sediment Control) Yes Yes NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit NCG010000 Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Document in Mitigation Plan Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion Document in Mitigation Plan Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance No N/A N/A Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A Table Sa. Monitoring Component Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Shake Rag Branch, UT3, UT4, UT8, and UT7 Quantity / Length by Reach Shake Shake Shake Shake Shake Parameter Monitoring Feature UT3 UT3 Frequency Notes Rag Rag Rag Rag Rag UT4 UT8 UT7 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Dimension Riffle Cross -Section N/A N/A 2 1 1 N/A 1 1 1 N/A Year 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 1 Pool Cross -Section N/A N/A 1 0 1 N/A 1 1 0 N/A Pattern Pattern N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Substrate Reach Wide (RW) N/A N/A 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW N/A 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW N/A Year 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 3 Pebble Count Hydrology Crest Gage (CG) and N/A N/A 1 CG N/A 1 CG 1 CG 1 SG N/A Semi -Annual 4 or/Stream Gage SG CVS Levi Mobile Vegetation N/A 7 (4 permanent, 3 mobile) N/A Year 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 5 Visual Assessment Yes Semi -Annual Exotic and Nuisance Vegetation A Semi -Annual 6 Project Boundary Semi -Annual 7 Reference Photos Photographs 21 Annual Notes 1. Cross -sections were permanently marked with rebar to establish location. Surveys include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, edge of water, and thalweg. 2. Pattern and profile will be assessed visually during semi-annual site visits. Longitudinal profile was collected during as -built baseline monitoring survey only, unless observations indicate widespread lack of vertical stability (greater than 10% of reach is affected) and profile survey is warranted in additional years to monitor adjustments or survey repair work. 3. Riffle 100-count substrate sampling were collected during the baseline monitoring only. A reachwide pebble count will be performed on each restoration or enhancement I reach during subsequent monitoring years for classification purposes only. 4. Crest gages and/or stream gages will be inspected and downloaded quarterly or semi-annually, evidence of bankfull events will be documented with a photo when possible. Transducers, if used, will be set to record stage once every 2 hours. The proposed gage on UT8 will be used for the sole purpose of documenting consecutive flow - an alternative proven method (e.g. game camera) may be used if agreed by I RT to be sufficient to demonstrate this requirement. 5. Both mobile and permanent vegetation plots will be utilized to evaluate the vegetation performance for 2% of the open areas planted acreage. Permanent vegetation monitoring plot assessments will follow CVS Level 2 protocols. Mobile vegetation monitoring plot assessments will document number of planted stems and species using a circular or 100 m2 square/rectangular plot. Planted shaded areas will be visually assessed. 6. Locations of exotic and nuisance vegetation will be mapped. 7. Locations of vegetation damage, boundary encroachments, etc. will be mapped. Table 5b. Monitoring Component Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 UT1, UT1A, UT2, UT5, and UT6 Quantity / Length by Reach Parameter Monitoring Feature UT1 UT1 Reach UT2 Reach UT2 Reach Frequency Notes UT1A UT5 UT6 Reach 1 2 1 2 Dimension Riffle Cross -Section N/A 1 N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A Year 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 1 Pool Cross -Section N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A Pattern Pattern N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Profile Longitudinal Profile N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Reach Wide (RW) Pebble Substrate N/A 1 RW N/A N/A 1 RW N/A N/A Year 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 3 Count Crest Gage (CG) and/or Stream Hydrology N/A 1 CG N/A N/A 1 CG N/A N/A Semi -Annual 4 Stream Gage (SG) Vegetation CVS Level 2/Mobile Plots 2 (1 permanent, 1 mobile) N/A N/A Year 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 5 Visual Assessment Yes Semi -Annual Exotic and Nuisance Semi -Annual 6 Vegetation Project Boundary Semi -Annual 7 Reference Photos I Photographs 1 9 Annual Notes: 1. Cross -sections were permanently marked with rebar to establish location. Surveys include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, edge of water, and thalweg. 2. Pattern and profile will be assessed visually during semi-annual site visits. Longitudinal profile was collected during as -built baseline monitoring survey only, unless observations indicate widespread lack of vertical stability (greater than 10% of reach is affected) and profile survey is warranted in additional years to monitor adjustments or survey repair work. 3. Riffle 100-count substrate sampling were collected during the baseline monitoring only. A reachwide pebble count will be performed on each restoration or enhancement I reach during subsequent monitoring years for classification purposes only. 4. Crest gages and/or stream gages will be inspected and downloaded quarterly or semi-annually, evidence of bankfull events will be documented with a photo when possible. Transducers, if used, will be set to record stage once every 2 hours. The proposed gage on UT8 will be used for the sole purpose of documenting consecutive flow - an alternative proven method (e.g. game camera) may be used if agreed by IRT to be sufficient to demonstrate this requirement. 5. Both mobile and permanent vegetation plots will be utilized to evaluate the vegetation performance for 2% of the open areas planted acreage. Permanent vegetation monitoring plot assessments will follow CVS Level 2 protocols. Mobile vegetation monitoring plot assessments will document number of planted stems and species using a circular or 100 m2 square/rectangular plot. Planted shaded areas will be visually assessed with permanent vegetation photo points along UT5 and UT6. 6. Locations of exotic and nuisance vegetation will be mapped. 7. Locations of vegetation damage, boundary encroachments, etc. will be mapped. APPENDIX 2. Visual Assessment Data 0 300 600 Feet Figure 3.0 Current Condition Plan View Map (Key) I i I i I Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 WILDLANDS , Monitoring Year I-2020 E�N1 N 6�RI NC Madison County, NC WILDLANDS ENOI NEERING Figure 3.1 Monitoring Plan View Map 0 100 200 Feet Shake Rag Mitigation Site "16- DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Madison County, NC zo m 1• 'Conservation Easement `-- Internal Culvert Crossing ®Existing Wetland Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Stream Enhancement 11 Stream Preservation Not For Credit Stream --As-built Alignment Deviation -- --Top of Bank Structures QQ Reach Break 0 Photo Point(PP) + Barotroll (BT) + Crest Gage (CG) Cross Section (XS) Permanent Vegetation Plots (VP) - MY1 =Criteria Met Mobile Vegetation Plots (MP) - MY1 O Criteria Met Vegetation Areas of Concern - MY1 =Multiflora rose =Silver grass Tree of heaven Bare/poor herbaceous cover Stream Areas of Concern - MY1 • Structure issue ,%,00 a �, 12 •� how - ♦/ b 914�0 1 �,, oy �., ► �} 1 1 0 � "?;�06� �� ► �y914,501 1 +50 0 � ► 1 1 P3 •�� ice. � �- . o'` �� ► '� ! � 1 ` •� 1309 A ► 1 nze A i ` 5,310+00 ► � 1 �� ` •• • 1 '`i 00 / 1 \ I 9+51 1 ` � :VNL/ UU ` %Z 5 ► 1 0p\ Te 2600 �2�xso Bank instability Figure 3.2 Monitoring Plan View Map 0 150 300 Feet Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 WILDLANDS , r N GI N E E R I N G Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Madison County, NC , • s ' 'Conservation Easement L—: Internal Culvert Crossing Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Not For Credit Stream Non -Project Streams ----Top of Bank Stormwater BMP Structures QQ Reach Break 0 Photo Point (PP) + Crest Gage (CG) + Stream Gage (SG) Cross Section (XS) `"*SO 1 1 1 Y \ 1 1 1 924+0 1� 1 j � 1 0 �� \ ► g24+50 �, ♦ `` � 1 ' lYlYf17 ,♦' �p 95+50 0 0 ` s/ r 1 1 I J26+00 �J 1-4807+00 'r801+54 `.� g2e±50 `' ♦ % i +00 1 1 1 ♦ ) 1 104+00 1 1 Q 918+50 1 1 j1 1 , MP1 _+929+00 1 1 ` 1-1929+50 1 `,0yx5p % p30+00 I t� j 11 I ,� 1 30+5p 11 1 '�406+501 ' 1 �' ' ♦♦ 41 / ,'9 / 37%00 / �4407+00 1 , ♦ 4937+50 / I :�000 41 SO �gx5p � 1 �-L33+oo / 4l +p0 ' ' •'' � / 0 / ' ,, ,! 633+50 / r ► ♦ 34+00 / ► r ' 1 / ♦ �3qx ► 1_�35+00 � � 1 I `• 1,h35x50 ! ' 1 I ► ' "r 1 1 ,,�q36+00 ► I 1 ; 1 ►'' 1 �-536+50 ! , \ 1 1 1 I ` 1 1 Permanent Vegetation Plots (VP) - MY1 ' ' ' 1 =Criteria Met 9J7+00 a Mobile Vegetation Plots (MP) - MY1 O Criteria Met937+50 / Vegetation Areas of Concern - MY1 i ,' / Tree of heaven ; ; Bare/poor herbaceous cover 1/B "«°o / Easement encroachment a3e��o Stream Areas of Concern - MY1 • Structure issue ! ' ' ► ON WILDLANDS , ENGINEERING Figure 3.3 Monitoring Plan View Map 0 100 200 Feet Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Madison County, NC 2-7� 1­' L—:Conservation Easement Internal Culvert Crossing ®Internal Waterline Crossing ® Existing Wetla nd Stream Enhancement II Not For Credit Stream Non -Project Stream ----Top of Bank 0 Photo Point (PP) Vegetation Areas of Concern - MY1 Tree of heaven ON WILDLANDS , ENGINEERING 0 75 150 Feet I i I i I -ems s -�J, 4 ee* Ise= j��t . Q" Figure 3.4 Monitoring Plan View Map Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Madison County, NC Table 6a. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Reach: UT1 Reach 2 Assessed Length: 278 Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation I. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% Degradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 1 1 100% 1. Bed' 3. Step Pool Condition Depth Sufficient 0 0 N/A Length Appropriate 0 0 N/A 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) N/A N/A N/A Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) N/A N/A N/A Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% 0 0 100% modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% I. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 2 2 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 1 1 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 1 1 100% Structures' Bank erosion within the structures 3. Bank Protection extent of influence does not exceed 2 2 100% 15%. Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 1 1 100% baseflow. 'Cascading riffle sections evaluated as one riffle under the bed category and as grade control under the engineered structures category. Table 6b. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Reach: UT2 Reach 2 Assessed Length: 304 Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation I. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 2 2 100% I.Bed' 3. Step Pool Condition Depth Sufficient 2 2 100% Length Appropriate 2 2 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) N/A N/A N/A Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) N/A N/A N/A Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% 0 0 100% modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% I. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 5 6 83% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 3 4 75% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 3 4 75% Structures' Bank erosion within the structures 3. Bank Protection extent of influence does not exceed 5 6 83% 15%. Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 4 4 100% baseflow. 'Cascading riffle sections evaluated as one riffle under the bed category and as grade control under the engineered structures category. Table 6c. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Reach: UT3 Reach 2 Assessed Length: 1,019 Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation I. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 2 2 100% I.Bed' 3. Step Pool Condition Depth Sufficient 5 5 100% Length Appropriate 5 5 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) N/A N/A N/A Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) N/A N/A N/A Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% 0 0 100% modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% I. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 8 9 89% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 6 7 86% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 6 7 86% Structures' Bank erosion within the structures 3. Bank Protection extent of influence does not exceed 8 9 89% 15%. Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 7 7 100% baseflow. 'Cascading riffle sections evaluated as one riffle under the bed category and as grade control under the engineered structures category. Table 6d. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Reach: UT4 Assessed Length: 930 Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation I. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 3 3 100% I.Bed' 3. Step Pool Condition Depth Sufficient 13 13 100% Length Appropriate 13 13 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) N/A N/A N/A Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) N/A N/A N/A Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% 0 0 100% modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% I. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 17 18 94% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 15 16 94% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 15 16 94% Structures' Bank erosion within the structures 3. Bank Protection extent of influence does not exceed 17 18 94% 15%. Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 15 15 100% baseflow. 'Cascading riffle sections evaluated as one riffle under the bed category and as grade control under the engineered structures category. Table 6e. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Reach: UT8 Assessed Length: 206 Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation I. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 16 16 100% I.Bed 3. Step Pool Condition Depth Sufficient 16 16 100% Length Appropriate 16 16 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) N/A N/A N/A Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) N/A N/A N/A Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% 0 0 100% modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% I. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 16 16 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 16 16 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 16 16 100% Structures' Bank erosion within the structures 3. Bank Protection extent of influence does not exceed 16 16 100% 15%. Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 16 16 100% baseflow. 'Excludes constructed riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 6f. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Reach: Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 Assessed Length: 1,391 Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation I. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 3 3 100% 1. Bed' 3. Step Pool Condition Depth Sufficient 7 7 100% Length Appropriate 7 7 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) N/A N/A N/A Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) N/A N/A N/A Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 1 11 99.6% 0 0 99.6% and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% 0 0 100% modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 1 11 99.6% 0 0 99.6% I. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 10 10 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 10 10 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 10 10 100% Structures' Bank erosion within the structures 3. Bank Protection extent of influence does not exceed 10 10 100% 15%. Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth>_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 7 7 100% baseflow. 'Cascading riffle sections evaluated as one riffle under the bed category and as grade control under the engineered structures category. Table 6g. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Reach: Shake Rag Branch Reach 4 Assessed Length: 385 Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation I. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 1 1 100% 1. Bed' 3. Step Pool Condition Depth Sufficient 7 7 100% Length Appropriate 7 7 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) N/A N/A N/A Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) N/A N/A N/A Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% 0 0 100% modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% I. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 8 8 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 8 8 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 8 8 100% Structures' Bank erosion within the structures 3. Bank Protection extent of influence does not exceed 8 8 100% 15%. Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 7 7 100% baseflow. 'Cascading riffle sections evaluated as one riffle under the bed category and as grade control under the engineered structures category. Table 6h. Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Reach: Shake Rag Branch Reach 5 Assessed Length: 1,134 Major Channel Category Channel Sub -Category Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -Built Number of Unstable Segments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjust %for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation I. Vertical Stability Aggradation 0 0 100% (Riffle and Run units) Degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition Texture/Substrate 57 57 100% I.Bed' 3. Step Pool Condition Depth Sufficient 59 59 100% Length Appropriate 59 59 100% 4. Thalweg Position Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) N/A N/A N/A Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide) N/A N/A N/A Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting 1. Scoured/Eroded simply from poor growth and/or scour 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and erosion Banks undercut/overhanging to the 2. Bank extent that mass wasting appears likely. 2. Undercut Does NOT include undercuts that are 0 0 100% 0 0 100% modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% I. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 59 59 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 59 59 100% 3. Engineered 2a. Pi Piping P g Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. 59 59 100% Structures' Bank erosion within the structures 3. Bank Protection extent of influence does not exceed 59 59 100% 15%. Pool forming structures maintaining 4. Habitat —Max Pool Depth : Bankfull Depth >_ 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at 59 59 100% baseflow. 'Excludes riffles since they are evaluated in section 1. Table 7. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Planted Acreage 9.5 Mapping Number of Combined % of Planted Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold (acres) Polygons Acreage Acreage Bare Areas' Very limited cover of bath woody and herbaceous material 0.1 2 0.03 0.3% Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 5, or 7 stem count Low Stem Density Areas 0.1 0 0.0 0.0% criteria. Total 2 0.0 0.3% Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor 0.1 0 0.0 0.0% monitoring year. Cumulative Total 2 0.0 0.3% Easement Acreage 18.0 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold (SF) Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of Easement Acreage Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or paints (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1000 11 0.3 1.6% Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or paints (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). none 8 0.03 0.2% 'Areas mapped with bare area are less than 0.1 acres. Stream Photographs MY1 Photo Point 1— UT1 Reach 1, view upstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 1— UT1 Reach 1, view downstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 2 — UT1 Reach 1, view upstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 2 — UT1 Reach 1, view downstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 3 — UT1A, view upstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 3 — UT1A, view downstream (1010612020) 1 1 1ti a k N V. 'Ay P � I 4 F s g�,r a � � a n i � � '_ � �, •�� a .pro`-. fi w�;. �nrH :.� ��x,t .� Ax-��q r �A Pv I -.s �'"`�''. Ssk: I,y� Ate✓ ' r.,:J .�, . t '!- �kk}y.: f •'` ` +5., � 'M', d ��-!; Photo •. . 1 1. I I Photo •. .• 1 1. 1 1 5 T l I U r XV OW ', 1 — ✓a" - ! pf- mr r ,� �7 tea.: '� Photo Point 7 — UT3 Reach 1, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 7 — UT3 Reach 1, view downstream (1011512020) 1 E7 Photo Point 8 — UT3 Reach 2, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 8 — UT3 Reach 2, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 9 — UT3 Reach 2, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 9 — UT3 Reach 2, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 10 — UT3 Reach 2, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 10 — UT3 Reach 2, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 11— UT4, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 11— UT4, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 12 — UT4, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 12 — UT4, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 13 — UT4, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 13 — UT4, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 14 — UT8, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 14— UT8, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 15 — UT7, view upstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 15 — UT7, view downstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 16 — SRB Reach 1, view upstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 16 — SRB Reach 1, view downstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 17 — SRB Reach 2, view upstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 17 —SRB Reach 2, view downstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 18 — SRB Reach 3, view upstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 18 — SRB Reach 3, view downstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 19 — SRB Reach 3, view upstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 19 — SRB Reach 3, view downstream (1010612020) 1 Photo Point 20 — SRB Reach 3, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 20 — SRB Reach 3, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 21— SRB Reach 3, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 21— SRB Reach 3, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 22 — SRB Reach 3, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 22 — UT3 Reach 2, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 22 — SRB Reach 3, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 23 — SRB Reach 4, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 23 — SRB Reach 4, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 27 — SRB Reach 5, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 27 — SRB Reach 5, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 28 — UT6, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 28 — UT6, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 29 — UT6, view upstream (1011512020) 1 Photo Point 29 — UT6, view downstream (1011512020) 1 Vegetation Plot Photographs MY1 Permanent Vegetation Plot 1— (1010812020) 1 Permanent Vegetation Plot 2 — (1010812020) 1 Permanent Vegetation Plot 3 — (1010812020) 1 Permanent Vegetation Plot 4 — (1010812020) 1 Permanent Vegetation Plot 5 — (1010812020) 1 Mobile Vegetation Plot 1— North view — (1010812020) 1 Mobile Vegetation Plot 2 — North view — (1010812020) 1 Mobile Vegetation Plot 3 — North view — (1010812020) I Mobile Vegetation Plot 4 — North view — (1010812020) I APPENDIX 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 8a. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Permanent Vegetation Plot MY3 Success Criteria Met (Y/N) Tract Mean 1 Y 100% 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y Table 8b. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Mobile Vegetation Plot MY3 Success Criteria Met (Y/N) Tract Mean 1 Y 100% 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y Table 9. CVS Permanent Vegetation Plot Metadata Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Database Name cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.5.0 Shake Rag MY1.mdb Database Location L:\Active Projects\005-02164 Shake Rag\Monitoring\Monitoring Year 1\Vegetation Assessment Computer Name MIMI-PC File Size 73781248 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Proj, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY ------------------------------------- Project Code 100018 Project Name Shake Rag Mitigation Site Description Stream mitigation site located in Madision County, NC River Basin French Broad River Basin Length(ft) 9,273 LF Stream -to -edge Width (ft) 3-8 Area (sq m) 38445 Required Plots (calculated) 5 Sampled Plots 5 Required Plots (calculated) 5 Sampled Plots 5 Table 10a. Planted and Total Stem Counts Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Current Permanent Vegetation Plot Data (MYI 2020) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Permanent Plot 1 Permanent Plot 2 Permanent Plot 3 Permanent Plot 4 Permanent Plot S PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acernegundo Boxelder Tree 10 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Fagus grandifolia American Beech Tree 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 1 1 6 4 4 11 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Nysso sylvatica Black Gum Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercusalba White Oak Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 Quercusfalcata ISouthern Red Oak ITree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercusrubra I Red Oak ITree 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Stem count 14 14 19 14 14 21 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 25 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 Species countl 8 1 8 1 8 7 1 7 1 7 8 1 8 1 8 7 1 7 1 7 7 7 8 Stems per ACRE 1 567 1 567 1 769 567 1 567 1 850 526 1 526 1 526 1 567 1 567 1 567 607 607 1 1012 Permanent Vegetation Plots Annual Mean orpmr Scientific Name Common Name Species Type MY1 (2020) MYO (2020) PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acernegundo Boxelder Tree 10 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 10 10 10 12 12 12 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 Fagus grandifolia American Beech Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 7 7 7 7 7 7 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 12 12 24 12 12 12 Nysso sylvatica Black Gum Tree 7 7 7 8 8 8 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 10 10 10 10 10 10 Quercusalba White Oak Tree 4 4 4 4 4 4 Quercusfalcata Southern Red Oak Tree 6 6 6 1 1 1 Quercusrubra Red Oak ITree 10 10 10 15 15 15 Stem count 70 70 92 75 75 75 size (ares) 5 5 size (ACRES) 0.124 0.124 Species count 10 1 10 11 10 10 10 Stems per ACRE 567 1 567 745 607 607 607 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems Table 10b. Planted and Total Stem Counts Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Current Mobile Vegetation Plot Data (MYI 2020) Annual Mean Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Mobile Plot 1 Mobile Plot 2 Mobile Plot 3 Mobile Plot 4 MY1 (2020) MYO (2020) PnoLS PnoLS PnoLS PnoLS PnoLS PnoLS Acernegundo Boxelder Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 2 2 2 7 6 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 3 3 Fagus grandifolia American Beech Tree 3 1 4 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 1 2 3 1 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 3 1 4 7 Nysso sylvatica Black Gum Tree 2 1 3 8 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 1 1 4 5 11 9 Quercusalba White Oak Tree 3 Quercusfalcata ISouthern Red Oak ITree 1 1 1 3 Quercusrubra I Red Oak ITree 4 1 2 1 8 17 Stem count 11 11 11 13 46 54 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 4 4 size (ACRES) 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.099 0.099 Species countl 6 7 5 6 9 8 Stems per ACRE 1 445 445 445 526 465 546 Overall Annual Mean Scientific Name Common Name Species Type MY1 (2020) MYO (2020) PnoLS PnoLS Acernegundo Boxelder Tree Betula nigra River Birch Tree 17 18 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 6 3 Fagus grandifolia American Beech Tree 5 6 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 10 8 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Tree 16 19 Nysso sylvatica Black Gum Tree 10 16 Platanusoccidentalis Sycamore Tree 21 19 Quercusalba White Oak Tree 4 7 Quercusfalcata ISouthern Red Oak ITree 9 1 Quercusrubra I Red Oak ITree 18 32 Stem count 116 129 size (ares) 9 9 size (ACRES) 0.222 0.222 Species countl 10 10 Stems per ACRE 1 522 580 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P-all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems APPENDIX 4. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 11a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 UT1 Reach 2. UT2 Reach 2. UT3 Reach 2. UT4 Pre -Restoration Condition Design As-Built/Baseline Gage UT1 Reach 2 UT2 Reach 2 UT3 Reach 2 UT4 UT1 Reach 2 UT2 Reach 2 UT3 Reach 2 UT4 UT1 Reach 2 UT2 Reach 2 UT3 Reach 2 UT4 Min Max Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min I Max Min Max Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) N/A 5.3 3.1 4.5 N/A' 5.5 5.5 5.9 6.1 4.7 3.2 6.0 6.7 Floodprone Width (ft) 15.7 21.6 7.2 N/A' 8 15 8 12 8 13 9 1 13 10 10 13 11 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.8 0.5 0.5 N/A' 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.0 1.3 1.0 N/A' 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.6 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft2) 4.3 1.6 2.3 N/A' 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.4 1.2 0.6 1.9 2.3 Width/Depth Ratio 6.4 6.0 9.1 N/A' 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 18.4 16.9 18.4 19.7 Entrenchment Ratio 3.0 7.0 1.6 N/A' 1.4 1 2.2 1.4 1 2.2 1.4 1 2.2 1.4 2.2 2.1 3.1 2.1 1.6 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 2.7 N/A' 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 100 6 75 N/A' --- --- --- --- 64.0 67.4 61.8 71.7 Profile Riffle Length (ft) N/A Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.096 0.252 0.063 1 0.152 0.043 0.176 0.057 0.171 0.080 0.241 0.078 0.266 0.015 1 0.339 0.037 0.292 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.4 --- 1.2 N/A' 0.8 1.8 0.7 1.3 0.8 1.4 0.8 1.4 0.4 1.8 0.7 1.7 0.5 2.1 0.7 2.0 Pool Spacing (ft) 9 28 --- 8 16 N/A' 8 17 6 14 6 1 15 9 18 7 20 7 22 5 36 14 34 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/A N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Radius of Curvature (ft) N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Meander Length (ft) N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Meander Width Ratio N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% N/A SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/l3 /Be% Die/Das/Dso/Daa/Des/D1oo 0.5/15-20/100/ 300-400/>1400 0.25/0.7/5.5/ 15/250 20-25/45/75/ 150/270 i N/A 0.3/2/12.8/90/ 180/512 0.4/4/25.4/99.5/ 202.4/>2048 0.3/0.73/7.1/ 155.5/315.2/512 0.3/1.34/20.7/ 154.8/272.5/512 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftZ1 2.6 3.3 4.1 2.8 3.8 3.3 4.1 2.8 2.0 1.8 3.7 2.3 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 311 366 428 322 99 90 181 112 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mZ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) N/A 0.11 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.06 0.05 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% <1% <1% Rosgen Classification A4a+ A4a+ A4a+ N/A' A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a A4a+/B4a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 8.1 7.4 8.3 N/A1 6.4 7.2 8.1 6.7 5.3 4.8 7.6 5.9 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 35 12 19 N/A1 13 14 19 16 6 3 21 14 Q-NFF regression (2-yr) --- --- --- --- Q-USGS extrapolation (1.2-yr) 16 9 10 9 --- --- --- --- Max Q-Mannings 44 12 19 --- --- 12 19 N/A1 Valley Slope (ft/ft) 0.1262 0.1520 0.1757 0.1102 0.1164 0.1659 0.176 0.1102 --- --- --- --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 255 296 1,3871 9101 278 304 1,019 930 278 304 1,019 930 Sinuosity 1.05 1.01 1.03 N/A' 1.03 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.03 1.07 1.05 1.02 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.1200 0.1500 0.1700 N/A1 0.1130 0.1550 0.1650 0.1080 0.1279 0.1592 0.1643 0.1093 1. Some or all of UT3 Reach 2 and UT4 had been previous buried in rock -lined channel or pipes so cross-section data could not be collected. Reported lengths are estimates based upon land owner communiction, remote sensing, and field verification. 2. Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and 3-type channels SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 11b. Baseline Stream Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 UT8, Shake Rae Branch Condition DesignPre-Restoration Parameter Gage UT8 Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 Shake Rag Branch Reach 4 Shake Rag Branch Reach 5 UT8 Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 Shake Rag Branch Reach 4 Shake Rag Branch Reach 5 UT8 Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 Shake Rag Branch Reach 4 Shake Rag Branch Reach 5 Min Max Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min I Max Min Max Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) N/A N/A' 3.3 5.1 6.7 5.2 5.8 7.2 8.8 5.3 5.2 1 5.5 7.6 8.1 Floodprone Width (ft) N/A' 25 15 9 7 11 8 1 13 10 1 16 12 19 36 10 19 46 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) N/A' 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) N/A' 0.9 0.9 1.5 0.5 0.6 1.4 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.8 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft2) N/A' 1.7 2.9 5.0 1.9 2.4 3.6 5.1 1.4 1.6 1.7 4.0 3.5 Width/Depth Ratio N/A' 6.2 9.0 9.0 15.0 14.0 15.0 15.0 19.9 16.6 17.5 14.6 18.4 Entrenchment Ratio N/A' 7.5 2.9 1.3 1.4 1 2.2 1.4 2.2 1.4 2.2 1.4 2.2 6.8 1.8 1.9 2.5 5.8 Bank Height Ratio N/A' 1.1 1.0 3.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) N/A' N/A' --- 10-20 --- --- --- --- 24.7 75.9 84.1 72.7 101.2 Profile Riffle Length (ft) N/A Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.045 0.161 0.064 TO.166 0.065 0.120 0.040 0.123 0.012 0.151 0.052 T 0.421 0.038 0.094 0.040 1 0.143 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) N/A' --- --- 1.8 0.7 1.3 0.8 1.4 1.0 1.8 1.2 1 2.0 0.7 1.4 0.4 2.2 0.8 1.9 0.8 2.4 Pool Spacing (ft) N/A' --- --- 7 1 18 8 18 9 17 11 25 11 1 31 5 18 8 51 9 86 7 47 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/A N/A' N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Radius of Curvature (ft) N/A' N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/A' N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Meander Length (ft) N/A' N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Meander Width Ratio N/A' N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/A' N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ N/AZ Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% N/A SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/l3 /Be% D16/D35/D50/D84/D95/D100 N/A1 N/A1 --- 1-2/8-9/10-20/ 90-100/180 0.1/0.3/5.7/ 35.5/78.3/180 0.3/2/14.6/ 110.1/207.2/512 0.3/1.3/14.6/ 105.8/237.7/512 0.4/1.6/21.1/ 157.9/243.4/512 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ft2 --- 3.2 --- 2.4 --- 3.2 --- 2.4 1.2 2.5 1 2.6 2.4 1.8 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 357 --- 288 60 122 1 126 120 86 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mZ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) N/A 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.24 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.25 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.25 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% <1% <1% Rosgen Classification N/A1 A4a+ A4/134a A4 A4/134a A4a+/B4a A4/B4a A4/B4a A4/B4a A4a+/B4a A4/B4a A4/134a Bankfull Velocity (fps) N/Al 9.6 8.1 6.8 5.5 7.1 6.8 6.6 4.2 6.1 1 6.2 6.6 5.4 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) N/Al 16 23 34 10 17 24 34 6 10 1 11 26 19 Q-NFF regression (2-yr) --- --- --- --- Q-USGS extrapolation (1.2-yr) 6 10 17 29 --- --- --- --- Max Q-Mannings --- 16 24 34 N/Al 16 24 34 Valley Slope (ft/ft) 0.0901 0.1317 0.0976 0.0685 0.0901 0.1523 0.0832 0.0685 --- --- --- --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 2101 1,4511 385 1,216 206 1,393 385 1,134 206 1,345 385 1,134 Sinuosity N/A1 1.03 1.07 1.04 1.06 1.03 1.08 1.01 1.06 1.03 1.08 1.01 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) N/A1 0.1275 0.0913 0.0659 0.0850 0.1360 0.0770 0.0660 0.0761 0.1341 0.0775 0.0660 1. Some or all of SRB Reach 3 and UT8 had been previous buried in rock -lined channel or pipes so cross-section data could not be collected. Reported lengths are estimates based upon land owner communiction, remote sensing, and field verification. 2. Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and 3-type channels SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 11c. Reference Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Parameter Gage Ironwood Tributary UT to So uth Fork Fishing Creek Reference UTto Austin Branch (upstream) Reach Data UT to Austin Branch (downstream) UT to Gap Branch UT to Hampton Creek Min I Max Min I Max Min I Max Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) N/A 5.0 4.1 6.7 6.2 6.2 6.8 Floodprone Width (ft) 10 7 18 27 21 12 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.2 1.0 1.0 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 2.7 1.8 3.6 4.4 3.8 4.6 Width/Depth Ratio 9.1 9.3 12.8 8.8 10.1 10.0 Entrenchment at 4.3 3.4 1.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50(mm) 0.9 1.2 59 59 19 Coarse gravel Profile Riffle Length t --- --- --- -- --- --- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) --- 0.0240 0.2 000 0.0810 0.2900 0.0250 0.0730 0.0110 0.1400 0.0500 0.1000 Pool Length (ft) --- --- --- --- --- --- Pool Max Depth (ft) N/A --- --- 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.3 Pool Spacing (ft) --- 6 32 10 17 14 31 18 27 11 19 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Be twit t -- --- --- Radius of Curvature (ft) --- --- --- --- --- Rc/Bankfull Width(ft/ft) N/A --- --- --- Meander Length ft --- --- --- -- --- --- Meander Width Ratio --- --- --- --- --- Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 N/A 0.26/0.5/0.91/19/ 97/128 0.1/0.3/1.2/11/ 24/64 11/42/59/130/ 170/256 11/42/59/130/ 170/256 0.4/8/19/102.3/ 257/>2048 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftz Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) N/A 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.12 0.04 0.25 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) --- --- --- Rosgen Classification A5a+ B5a A4/134a A4/B4a A4/B4a A4/B4a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 4.9 4.1 7.3 6.2 5.0 6.6 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 13 8 26 27 19 31 Q-NFF regression (2-yr) Q-USGS extrapolation(1.2-yr) Q-Mannings Valley Slope (ft/ft) 0.1418 0.1025 0.1000 0.0480 --- 0.0840 Channel Thalweg Length ft --- --- --- --- __ Sinuosity 1.2 1.25 1.00 1.20 --- 1.10 1.20 Water Surface Slope ftft --- --- --- --- __ Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.1139 0.0815 0.0986 0.0400 0.0680 0.0650 SC: Silt/Clay 10.062 mm diameter particles (---): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 12a. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross -Section) Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Dimension and Substrate Base UT1 MYl Reach 2 MY2 Cross -Section MY3 MY4 1, Riffle MY5 MY6 MY7 Base UT2 MYl Reach 2 MY2 Cross -Section MY3 MY4 2, Riffle MYS MY6 MY7 Base UT3 MYl Reach 2 MY2 Cross -Section MY3 MY4 3, Riffle_ MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation 2709.81 2709.77 2738.54 2738.65 2617.65 2617.72 Low Bank Elevation 2709.81 2709.86 2738.54 2738.74 2617.65 2617.60 Bankfull Width (ft) 4.7 5.0 3.2 3.0 6.0 3.7 Floodprone Width (ft) 10 13 10 12 13 12 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.6 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 1.2 1.6 0.6 0.8 1.9 1.4 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 18.4 15.4 16.9 10.7 18.4 9.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 2.1 2.6 3.1 4.1 2.1 3.3 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio Dimension and Substrate 1.0 Base 1.2 UT3 MY1 Reach 2 MY2 Cross -Section MY3 MY4 4, Pool MY5 MY6 MY7 1.0 Basel 1.3 UT4 MYl Cross MY2 -Section MY3 5, Riffle MY4 MYS MY6 MY7 1.0 Base 0.8 MY1 UT4 Cross MY2 -Section MY3 6, Pool MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation 2616.07 2616.04 2503.27 2503.37 2499.51 2499.56 Low Bank Elevation 2616.07 2616.04 2503.27 2503.23 2499.51 2499.56 Bankfull Width (ft) 5.4 4.2 8.3 7.5 5.9 5.2 Floodprone Width (ft) --- --- 14 13 --- --- Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.8 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.2 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 4.0 2.1 4.3 3.1 4.4 4.1 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 7.3 8.3 16.2 17.8 7.9 6.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio -- --- 1.7 1.7 --- --- Bankfull Bank Height Ratio -- --- 1.0 0.8 --- --- Dimension and Substrate Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation 2520.23 2520.23 Low Bank Elevation 2520.23 2520.23 Bankfull Width (ft) 5.3 4.2 Floodprone Width (ft) 36 37 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.3 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.5 0.5 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 1.4 1.4 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 19.9 12.8 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 6.8 8.6 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 "MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. 2Cross-section dimensions updated in MYl. Table 12b. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross -Section) Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Dimension and Substrate Shake Base Rag Branch MYl Reach MY2 3 MY3 Cross -Section MY4 MYS 8, Riffle MY6 MY7 Shake Base Rag Branch MY3 Reach MY2 3 MY3 Cross -Section MY4 MY5 9, Riffle MY6 MY7 Shake Base Rag Branch MY3 Reach MY2 3 MY3 Cross -Section MY4 MYS 10, Pool MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation 2632.06 2631.95 2621.09 2620.96 2620.50 2620.23 Low Bank Elevation 2632.06 2631.95 2621.09 2620.96 2620.50 2620.23 Bankfull Width (ft) 5.2 3.1 5.5 4.8 4.0 4.0 Floodprone Width (ft) 10 11 10 9 --- --- Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.1 1.0 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 3.0 2.8 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 16.6 5.8 17.5 13.6 5.3 5.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 1.9 3.6 1.8 1.9 --- --- Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 --- --- Dimension and Substrate Shake Base Rag Branch MYl Reach MY2 4 MY3 Cross -Section MY4 11, MY5 Riffle MY6 MY7 Shake Base Rag Branch MYl Reach MY2 5 MY3 Cross -Section MY4 MYS 12, Riffle MY6 MY7 Shake Base Rag Branch MYl Reach MY2 5 MY3 Cross -Section MY4 MYS 13, Pool MY6 MY7 Bankfull Elevation 2530.35 2530.43 2500.82 2500.82 2500.20 2500.12 Low Bank Elevation 2530.35 2530.36 2500.82 2500.82 2500.20 2500.12 Bankfull Width (ft) 7.6 7.8 8.1 8.0 7.2 7.1 Floodprone Width (ft) 19 16 46 46 --- --- Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.1 1.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.9 1.9 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area (ft) 4.0 3.4 3.5 3.5 8.1 8.9 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 14.6 18.0 18.4 18.2 6.4 5.7 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 2.5 2.1 5.8 5.7 --- -- Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 --- --- 'MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. Table 13a. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 LIT1 Reach 2 in Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle 7(ft) Bankfull Width4.7 5.0 Floodprone Width (ft)10 13 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.3 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.4 0.6 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 1.2 1.6 Width/Depth Ratio 18.4 15.4 Entrenchment Ratio 2.1 2.6 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.2 Dsa (mm) 64.0 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.080 0.241 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.4 1.8 Pool Spacing (ft) 7 20 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/Al Radius of Curvature (ft) N/Al Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/Al Meander Length (ft) N/Al Meander Width Ratio N/Al Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% Dis/Das/Dsa/Dsa/D9s/Dion 0.3/2/12.8/90/ 180/512 0.4/18.4/34.8/87.7/ 143.4/512 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftz 2.0 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 99 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 0.11 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% Rosgen Classification A4a+/B4a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 5.3 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 6.4 Valley Slope (ft/ft) --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1 278 Sinuosityl 1.03 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 1 0.1279 'Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and B-type channels 2MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 13b. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 LIT2 Reach 2 Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width7(ft) 3.2 3.0 Floodprone Width (ft) 10 12 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.2 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.3 0.4 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 0.6 0.8 Width/Depth Ratio 16.9 10.7 Entrenchment Ratio 3.1 4.1 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.3 Dsa (mm) 67.4 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.078 0.266 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.7 1.7 Pool Spacing (ft) 7 22 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/Al Radius of Curvature (ft) N/Al Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/Al Meander Length (ft) N/Al Meander Width Ratio N/Al Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% Dis/Das/Dsa/Dsa/D9s/Dion 0.4/4/25.4/99.5/ 202.4/>2048 0.7/10.2/33.9/105.6/ 158.4/512 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftz 1.84 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 90 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area ISM) 0.05 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% Rosgen Classification A4a+/B4a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 4.8 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 3.0 Valley Slope (ft/ft) --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1 304 Sinuosityl 1.07 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 1 0.1592 'Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and B-type channels 2MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 13c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 LIT3 Reach 2 in Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle 7(ft) Bankfull Width6.0 3.7 Floodprone Width (ft)13 12 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.3 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.6 0.6 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 1.9 1.4 Width/Depth Ratio 18.4 9.7 Entrenchment Ratio 2.1 3.3 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 0.8 Dsa (mm) 61.8 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.015 0.339 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.5 2.1 Pool Spacing (ft) 5 36 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/Al Radius of Curvature (ft) N/Al Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/Al Meander Length (ft) N/Al Meander Width Ratio N/Al Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% Dis/Das/Dsa/Dsa/D9s/Dion 0.3/0.73/7.1/ 155.5/315.2/512 1.5/10.4/35.4/121.2/ 179.7/512 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftz 3.68 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 181 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 0.06 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% Rosgen Classification A4a+/B4a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 7.6 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 21.0 Valley Slope (ft/ft) --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1 1,019 Sin u osityl 1.05 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 1 0.1643 'Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and B-type channels 2MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 13d. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 LIT4 ir Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width7(ft) 8.3 7.5 Floodprone Width 14 13 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.5 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.8 0.7 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 43 3.1 Width/Depth Ratio 16.2 17.8 Entrenchment Ratio 1.7 1.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 0.8 Dsa (mm) 71.7 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.037 0.292 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.7 2.0 Pool Spacing (ft) 14 34 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/Al Radius of Curvature (ft) N/Al Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/Al Meander Length (ft) N/Al Meander Width Ratio N/Al Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% Dis/Das/Dsa/Dsa/D9s/Dion 0.3/1.34/20.7/ 154.8/272.5/512 0.4/5.0/10.7/120.7/ 169.2/256 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftz 2.28 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 112 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 0.05 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% Rosgen Classification A4a+/B4a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 5.9 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 13.6 Valley Slope (ft/ft) --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1 930 Sin u osityl 1.02 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 1 0.1093 'Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and B-type channels 2MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 13e. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 LIT8 ir Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width7(ft) 5.3 4.2 Floodprone Width 36 37 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.3 0.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.5 0.5 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 1.4 1.4 Width/Depth Ratio 19.9 12.8 Entrenchment Ratio 6.8 8.6 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 Dsa (mm) 24.7 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.012 0.151 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.7 1.4 Pool Spacing (ft) 5 18 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/Al Radius of Curvature (ft) N/Al Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/Al Meander Length (ft) N/Al Meander Width Ratio N/Al Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% Dis/Das/Dsa/Dsa/D9s/Dino 0.1/0.3/5.7/ 35.5/78.3/180 SC/0.4/18.3/53.4/ 79/362 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftz 1.23 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 60 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area ISM) 0.03 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% Rosgen Classification A4/64a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 4.2 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 6.0 Valley Slope (ft/ft) --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1 206 Sinuosityl 1.06 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 1 0.0761 'Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and B-type channels 2MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 13f. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width7(ft) 5.2 5.5 3.1 4.8 Floodprone Width 10 9 11 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.3 0.4 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.6 0.6 0.8 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 Width/Depth Ratio 16.6 17.5 1 5.8 13.6 Entrenchment Ratio 1.8 1.9 3.6 1.9 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 Dsa (mm) 75.9 84.1 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.052 0.421 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.4 2.2 Pool Spacing (ft) 8 51 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/Al Radius of Curvature (ft) N/Al Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/Al Meander Length (ft) N/Al Meander Width Ratio N/Al Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% Dis/Das/Dsa/Dsa/D9s/Dino 0.3/2/14.6/ 110.1/207.2/512 0.4/18.4/34.8/87.7/ 143.4/1024 Reach Shear Stress (Competency)lb/ftz 2.5 2.6 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 122 1 126 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 0.06 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% Rosgen Classification A4a+/B4a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 6.1 6.2 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 10 11 Valley Slope (ft/ft) --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1,345 Sinuosity 1.03 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.1341 'Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and B-type channels 2MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 13g. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Shake Rag Branch Reach 4 in Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle 7(ft) Bankfull Width7.6 7.8 Floodprone Width19 16 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.5 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.9 0.6 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 4.0 3.4 Width/Depth Ratio 14.6 18.0 Entrenchment Ratio 2.5 2.1 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 0.9 Dsa (mm) 72.7 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.038 0.094 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.8 1.9 Pool Spacing (ft) 9 86 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/Al Radius of Curvature (ft) N/Al Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/Al Meander Length (ft) N/Al Meander Width Ratio N/Al Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% Dis/Das/Dsa/Dsa/D9s/Dino 0.3/1.3/14.6/ 105.8/237.7/512 0.7/10.2/33.9/105.6/ 158.4/512 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftz 2.4 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 120 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area ISM) 0.12 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% Rosgen Classification A4/64a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 6.6 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 26 Valley Slope (ft/ft) --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1 385 Sinuosityl 1.08 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 1 0.0775 'Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and B-type channels 2MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Table 13h. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Data Summary Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Shake Rag Branch Reach 5 I I I I I r I Min I Max Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 8.1 8.0 Floodprone Width (ft) 46 46 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.8 0.9 Bankfull Cross -sectional Area (ft) 3.5 3.5 Width/Depth Ratio 18.4 18.2 Entrenchment Ratio 5.8 5.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 Dsa (mm) 101.2 Profile Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.040 0.143 Pool Length (ft) Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.8 2.4 Pool Spacing (ft) 7 47 Pool Volume (ft) Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) N/Al Radius of Curvature (ft) N/Al Rc/Bankfull Width (ft/ft) N/Al Meander Length (ft) N/Al Meander Width Ratio N/Al Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% Dis/Das/Dsa/Dsa/D9s/Dion 0.4/1.6/21.1/ 157.9/243.4/512 0.5/3.7/11/61.2/ 113.8/180 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib/ftz 1.8 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 86 Stream Power (Capacity) W/mz Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area ISM) 0.25 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate (%) <1% Rosgen Classification A4/64a Bankfull Velocity (fps) 5.4 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 19 Valley Slope (ft/ft) --- Channel Thalweg Length (ft) 1,134 Sinuosity 1.01 Bankfull/Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.0660 'Pattern data is not applicable for A -type and B-type channels 2MY1-MY7 Bank Height Ratio is calculated based on the As -built (MYO) cross -sectional area as described in the Standard Measurement of the BHR Monitoring Parameter document provided by the NCIRT and NCDMS (9/2018). The remainder of the cross-section dimension parameters were calculated based on the current low bank height. SC: Silt/Clay <0.062 mm diameter particles ( --- ): Data was not provided N/A: Not Applicable Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 1-UT1 Reach 2 111+70 Riffle 2712 2711 x 0 w 2710 2709 5 10 15 20 25 Width (ft) MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — —MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 1.6 x-section area (ft.sq.) 5.0 width (ft) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 0.6 max depth (ft) 5.2 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 15.4 width -depth ratio 12.8 W flood prone area (ft) 2.6 entrenchment ratio 1.2 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 2-UT2 Reach 2 203+69 Riffle 2741 2740 x c 2739 0 m- w w 2738 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2737 10 15 20 25 30 Width (ft) MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — — MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 0.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) 3.0 width (ft) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 0.4 max depth (ft) 3.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 10.7 width -depth ratio 12.1 W flood prone area (ft) 4.1 entrenchment ratio 1.3 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 3-UT3 Reach 2 312+06 Riffle 2619 2618 x------- - - - - -- - - --------- - - - - -- - --------- - - - - -- c 0 w 2617 2616 15 20 25 30 35 Width (ft) MYO (2/2015) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — —MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 1.4 x-section area (ft.sq.) 3.7 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.6 max depth (ft) 4.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 9.7 width -depth ratio 12.4 W flood prone area (ft) 3.3 entrenchment ratio 0.8 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 4-UT3 Reach 2 312+14 Pool 2619 2618 2617 c 0 2616 w w 2615 2614 15 20 25 30 35 40 Width (ft) -MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) -Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 2.1 x-section area (ft.sq.) 4.2 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 0.9 max depth (ft) 5.0 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.4 hydraulic radius (ft) 8.3 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 5-UT4 405+41 Riffle 2505 2504 x c °---------------------------- - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - - -- w 2503 2502 20 25 30 35 Width (ft) MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — —MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 3.1 x-section area (ft.sq.) 7.5 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.7 max depth (ft) 7.8 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.4 hydraulic radius (ft) 17.8 width -depth ratio 13.0 W flood prone area (ft) 1.7 entrenchment ratio 0.8 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 6-UT4 405+74 Pool 2503 2502 2501 c 0 2500 w w 2499 2498 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Width (ft) -MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) -Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 4.1 x-section area (ft.sq.) 5.2 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.2 max depth (ft) 6.0 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.7 hydraulic radius (ft) 6.7 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 7-UT8 801+30 Riffle 2522 2521 x c 0 w 2520 2519 20 25 30 35 40 Width (ft) MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — —MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 1.4 x-section area (ft.sq.) 4.2 width (ft) 0.3 mean depth (ft) 0.5 max depth (ft) 4.7 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 12.8 width -depth ratio 36.6 W flood prone area (ft) 8.6 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 8-Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 915+97 Riffle 2634 2633 x c 0 w 2632 2631 15 20 25 30 35 Width (ft) MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — —MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 1.6 x-section area (ft.sq.) 3.1 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) 3.7 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.4 hydraulic radius (ft) 5.8 width -depth ratio 11.0 W flood prone area (ft) 3.6 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 9-Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 916+73 Riffle 2623 2622 x c 0 w 2621 2620 10 15 20 25 30 Width (ft) MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — —MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 1.7 x-section area (ft.sq.) 4.8 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.6 max depth (ft) 5.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.3 hydraulic radius (ft) 13.6 width -depth ratio 9.1 W flood prone area (ft) 1.9 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 10-Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 916+79 Pool 2623 x c 2621 0 w w 2619 10 15 20 25 30 Width (ft) -MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) -Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 2.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) 4.0 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.0 max depth (ft) 4.8 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.6 hydraulic radius (ft) 5.7 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 11-Shake Rag Branch Reach 4 924+84 Riffle 2533 2532 x c 2531 0 w 2530 2529 15 20 25 30 35 40 Width (ft) MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — —MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 3.4 x-section area (ft.sq.) 7.8 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.6 max depth (ft) 8.1 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.4 hydraulic radius (ft) 18.0 width -depth ratio 16.4 W flood prone area (ft) 2.1 entrenchment ratio 0.9 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 12-Shake Rag Branch Reach 5 929+35 Riffle 2502 2501 x c 0 w 2500 2499 25 30 35 40 45 Width (ft) MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) Bankfull Floodprone Area — — —MYO BKF Area Elevation Bankfull Dimensions 3.5 x-section area (ft.sq.) 8.0 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.9 max depth (ft) 8.3 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.4 hydraulic radius (ft) 18.2 width -depth ratio 46.1 W flood prone area (ft) 5.7 entrenchment ratio 1.0 low bank height ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Cross -Section Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site NCDMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Cross -Section 13-Shake Rag Branch Reach 5 929+40 Pool 2502 2501 x c 2500 0 w w 2499 2498 20 25 30 35 40 45 Width (ft) -MYO (1/2020) +MY1 (10/2020) -Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 8.9 x-section area (ft.sq.) 7.1 width (ft) 1.3 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 8.4 wetted perimeter (ft) 1.1 hydraulic radius (ft) 5.7 width -depth ratio Survey Date: 10/2020 Field Crew: Wildlands Engineering View Downstream Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 UT1 R2, Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 10 12 12 12 Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 1 1 13 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 2 2 15 Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 2 17 `7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 6 7 7 24 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 3 4 4 28 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 28 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 28 Fine 4.0 5.6 28 Fine 5.6 8.0 28 JQ� Medium 8.0 11.0 28 �jQ�P Medium 11.0 16.0 2 3 5 5 33 Coarse 16.0 22.6 2 3 5 5 38 Coarse 22.6 32 5 3 8 8 46 VeryCoarse 32 45 12 4 16 16 62 VeryCoarse 45 64 4 6 10 10 72 Small 64 90 7 6 13 13 85 Small 90 128 5 3 8 8 93 �N� coy Large 128 180 4 2 6 6 99 Large 180 256 99 Small 256 362 99 me Small 362 512 1 1 1 100 11 Medium 512 1024 100 IMLarge/Very Large 1 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK 113edrock 1 2048 >2048 100 Total SO 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 0.4 D35 = 18.4 D50 = 34.8 D. = 87.7 1395 = 143.4 D100 = 512.0 UT1 R2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble gp er Bedrock 70 e 60 0 50 40 u 30 u w 20 a �7 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) - MYO-01/2020 f MY1-10/2020 UT1 R2, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 e 70 m 60 a 50 R 40 � 3 30 v > 20 v 10 0 0 oy o o' ti g0 5� �ti yti nL p ti' S' titi' ti ti 3 5 10 do bo Particle Class Size (mm) MYO-01/2020 ■ MYI-10/2020 Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 UT2 R2, Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 4 4 4 Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 2 2 6 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 3 5 5 11 Medium 0.25 0.50 3 3 3 14 `7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 4 5 5 19 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 5 6 6 25 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 25 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 1 26 Fine 4.0 5.6 26 Fine 5.6 8.0 3 3 3 29 JQ� Medium 8.0 11.0 2 6 8 8 37 �jQ�P Medium 11.0 16.0 1 2 3 3 40 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 4 44 Coarse 22.6 32 4 1 5 5 49 VeryCoarse 32 45 6 6 6 55 VeryCoarse 45 64 8 3 11 11 66 Small 64 90 7 6 13 13 79 Small 90 128 7 4 11 11 90 �v� coy Large 128 180 5 3 8 8 98 Large 180 256 1 1 1 99 Small 256 362 99 Be Small 362 512 1 1 1 100 NOEDRO!C6K Medium 512 1024 100 IM Large/VeryLarge/Very Large 1024 2048 100 113edrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 50 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 0.7 D35 - 10.2 D50 = 33.9 D. = 105.6 1395 = 158.4 D100 = 512.0 UT2 R2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 Silt/Clay Sand TM Gravel Cobble Bedrock 80 er 70 e 60 0 50 E 40 u 30 u w 20 a 10 4441, 0 ITE 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) - MYO-01/2020 f MY1-10/2020 UT2 R2, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 e 70 m 60 a 50 R 40 � 3 30 v > 20 10 0 0 oy o o' tig0 ti' S' titi' ti ti 3 5 10 do bo Particle Class Size (mm) MYO-01/2020 ■ MYI-10/2020 Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 UT3 R2, Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 4 4 4 Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 1 1 5 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 1 6 Medium 0.25 0.50 1 2 3 3 9 `7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 1 1 10 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 9 11 11 21 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 21 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 21 Fine 4.0 5.6 2 2 2 23 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 4 4 27 JQ� Medium 8.0 11.0 3 7 10 10 37 �jQ�P Medium 11.0 16.0 2 2 2 39 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 7 7 46 Coarse 22.6 32 3 3 3 49 VeryCoarse 32 45 3 2 5 5 53 VeryCoarse 45 64 5 1 6 6 59 Small 64 90 11 2 13 13 72 Small 90 128 9 5 14 14 86 �N� coy Large 128 180 7 2 9 9 95 Large 180 256 1 1 1 96 Small 256 362 3 3 3 99 Be Small 362 512 1 1 1 100 11 JOEflRUCK Medium 512 1024 100 IM Large/VeryLarge/Very Large 1024 2048 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 51 50 101 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 1.5 D35 = 10.4 D50 = 35.4 D. = 121.2 1395 = 179.7 D10, = 512.0 UT3 R2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 Silt/Clay and Gravel Cobble Bedrock 80 er 70 e 60 0 50 E 40 u 30 u w 20 a — 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) — MYO-01/2020 f MY1-10/2020 UT3 R2, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 e 70 m 60 a 50 R 40 � 3 30 v > 20 v 10 0 ti g0 5� �ti yti nL p 0 oy o o' ti' S' titi' ti ti 3 5 10 do bo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO-01/2020 ■ MYI-10/2020 Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 UT4, Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 8 10 10 10 Very fine 0.062 0.125 10 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 2 2 12 ,pC�o Medium 0.25 0.50 1 7 8 8 20 `7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 1 1 2 2 22 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 5 6 11 11 33 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 33 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 33 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 2 3 3 36 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 1 3 3 39 JQ� Medium 8.0 11.0 5 7 12 12 51 Medium 11.0 16.0 3 2 5 5 56 Coarse 16.0 22.6 1 4 5 5 61 Coarse 22.6 32 61 Very Coarse 32 45 4 1 5 5 66 Very Coarse 45 64 1 1 1 67 Small 64 90 5 2 7 7 74 Small 90 128 9 3 12 12 86 �N� Coe Large 128 180 7 4 11 11 97 L a r g e 180 256 3 3 3 100 Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 NOEDRO!C6K Medium 512 1024 100 IM Large/VeryLarge/Very Large 1024 2048 100 JBedrock 1 2048 1 >2048 100 Total 50 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 0.4 D35 = 5.0 D50 = 10.7 D. = 120.7 1395 = 169.2 D10, = 256.0 UT4, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 Silt/Clay and Gravel Cobble 80 er BeI 70 e 60 0 50 E 40 u 30 u w 20 a 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) - MYO-01/2020 f MY1-10/2020 UT4, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 e 70 m 60 a 50 R 40 � 3 30 v > 20 v 10 0 0 oy o o' ti g0 5� �ti yti nL p 0 ti' S' titi' ti ti 3 5 10 do bo Particle Class Size (mm) MYO-01/2020 ■ MYI-10/2020 Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 UT8, Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 12 14 26 26 26 Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 2 3 3 29 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 3 4 4 33 Medium 0.25 0.50 3 3 3 36 `7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 4 4 40 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 1 1 41 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 41 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 41 Fine 4.0 5.6 41 Fine 5.6 8.0 2 2 2 43 JQ� Medium 8.0 11.0 1 1 1 44 �jQ�P Medium 11.0 16.0 2 1 3 3 47 Coarse 16.0 22.6 3 6 9 9 55 Coarse 22.6 32 2 3 5 5 60 VeryCoarse 32 45 12 6 18 18 78 VeryCoarse 45 64 7 5 12 12 90 Small 64 90 6 2 8 8 98 Small 90 128 98 �N� coy Large 128 1 180 98 Large 180 256 1 1 1 99 Small 256 362 1 1 1 100 me Small 362 512 100 11 Medium 512 1024 100 IMLarge/Very Large 1 1024 2048 100 $FflRUCK Bedrock 1 2048 >2048 100 Total 50 51 101 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16= Silt/Clay D35 = 0.4 D50 = 18.3 D. = 53.4 1395 = 79.0 D100 = 362.0 UT8, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 — 90 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble gp er Bedrock 70 e 60 0 50 40 u 30 u w 20 a 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) — MYO-01/2020 f MY1-10/2020 UT8, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 e 70 m 60 a 50 R 40 � 3 30 v > 20 v 10 1 0 0 oy o o' �o .L0 ti p 5� �ti yti nL p co ti' S' titi' ti ti 3 5 10 do bo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO-01/2020 ■ MYI-10/2020 Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 SRB R3, Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 10 12 12 12 Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 1 1 13 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 2 2 15 Medium 0.25 0.50 2 2 2 17 `7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 6 7 7 24 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 3 4 4 28 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 28 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 28 Fine 4.0 5.6 28 Fine 5.6 8.0 28 JQ� Medium 8.0 11.0 28 �jQ�P Medium 11.0 16.0 2 3 5 5 33 Coarse 16.0 22.6 2 3 5 5 38 Coarse 22.6 32 5 3 8 8 46 VeryCoarse 32 45 12 4 16 16 62 VeryCoarse 45 64 4 6 10 10 72 Small 64 90 7 6 13 13 85 Small 90 128 5 3 8 8 93 e Large 128 180 4 2 6 6 99 Large 180 256 99 Small 256 362 99 Small 362 512 99 NOEDRO!C6K Medium 512 1024 1 1 1 100 IM Large/VeryLarge/Very Lar e 1024 2048 100 113edrock 2048 1 >2048 100 Total so 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 0.4 D35 = 18.4 D50 = 34.8 D. = 87.7 1395 = 143.4 D100 = 1024.0 SRB R3, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 — 90 Silt/Clay III Sand Gravel Cobble Bedrock Sp er 70 e 60 0 50 40 u 30 u w 20 a 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) — MYO-01/2020 f MY1-10/2020 SRB R3, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 e 70 m 60 a 50 R 40 � 3 30 v > 20 v 10 0 0 0 oy o o' ti' S' titi' ti ti ti 3 5 10 do bo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO-01/2020 ■ MYI-10/2020 Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 SRB R4, Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 4 4 4 4 Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 2 2 6 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 3 5 5 11 Medium 0.25 0.50 3 3 3 14 `7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 4 5 5 19 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 5 6 6 25 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 25 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 1 26 Fine 4.0 5.6 26 Fine 5.6 8.0 3 3 3 29 JQ� Medium 8.0 11.0 2 6 8 8 37 �jQ�P Medium 11.0 16.0 1 2 3 3 40 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 4 44 Coarse 22.6 32 4 1 5 5 49 VeryCoarse 32 45 6 6 6 55 VeryCoarse 45 64 8 3 11 11 66 Small 64 90 7 6 13 13 79 Small 90 128 7 4 11 11 90 �N� coy Large 128 180 5 3 8 8 98 Large 180 256 1 1 1 99 Small 256 362 99 Small 362 512 1 1 1 100 Medium 512 1024 100 IM Large/VeryLarge/Very Large 1024 2048 100 BEDROCK JBedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 50 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 0.7 D35 - 10.2 D50 = 33.9 D. = 105.6 1395 = 158.4 D100 = 512.0 SRB R4, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 Silt/Clay and Gravel Cobble 80 er Bedrock 70 e 60 0 50 E 40 u 30 u w 20 a 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) - MYO-01/2020 f MY1-10/2020 SRB R4, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 e 70 m 60 a 50 R 40 � 3 30 v > 20 10 0 h ti ti °� A [o 'b y1 y�o C� .�'L p5 rak �o .L0 p 5� �ti yti nL p 0 0 oy o o' ti' S' titi' ti ti ti 3 5 10 do bo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO-01/2020 ■ MYI-10/2020 Reachwide Pebble Count Plots Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 SRB R5, Reachwide Diameter (mm) Particle Count Reach Summary Particle Class Class Percent min max Riffle Pool Total Percentage Cumulative SILT/CLAY Silt/Clay 0.000 0.062 2 1 3 3 3 Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 1 2 2 5 Fine 0.125 0.250 2 2 2 7 Medium 0.25 0.50 5 5 10 10 17 `7 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 1 1 18 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 10 11 11 29 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 29 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 4 4 8 8 37 Fine 4.0 5.6 1 2 3 3 40 Fine 5.6 8.0 1 5 6 6 46 JQ� Medium 8.0 11.0 2 2 4 4 50 �jQ�P Medium 11.0 16.0 6 4 10 10 60 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 8 8 68 Coarse 22.6 32 2 2 4 4 72 VeryCoarse 32 45 2 3 5 5 77 VeryCoarse 45 64 6 2 8 8 85 Small 64 90 5 1 6 6 91 Small 90 128 4 2 6 6 97 �v� coy Large 128 180 2 1 3 3 100 Large 180 256 100 Small 256 362 100 Small 362 512 100 18013edrock Medium 512 1024 100 Large/VeryLarge/Very Lar e 1024 2048 100 2048 >2048 100 Total so 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 0.5 D35 = 3.7 D50 = 11.0 D. = 61.2 1395 = 113.8 D100 = 180.0 SRB R5, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble 80 er Bedrock 70 e 60 0 50 E 40 u 30 v u w 20 a 10 0 11E] 11 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) - MYO-01/2020 f MY1-10/2020 SRB R5, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100 90 80 e 70 m 60 a 50 R 40 � 3 30 v > 20 v 10 0 ti g0 5� �ti yti .LDS p 0 oy o o' ti' S' titi' ti ti 3 5 10 do bo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO-01/2020 ■ MYI-10/2020 APPENDIX 5. Hydrology Summary Data and Plots Table 14. Verification of Bankfull Events Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Monthly Rainfall Data Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 Shake Rag 30-70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall in 2020 10 9 8 7 c 6 c 0 m 5 .n 4 a` 3 2 1 0 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Date Mars Hill 2.2 SSE -30th Percentile -70th Percentile 2020 rainfall collected by NC CRONOS Station, Mars Hill 2.2 SSE 30th and 70th percentile rainfall data collected from WETS station Marshall, NC Recorded Gage Events Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 2711.0 2710.5 2710.0 x 2709.5 w 2709.0 w m 3 2708.5 2708.0 2707.5 2707.0 Crest Gage #1- UT1 Reach 2 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 m m o. > c 75 on n u > u O 0 Rainfall — Crest Gage #1- UT1 Reach 2 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — • • Bankfull 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 c 4.0 w c oc 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Recorded Gage Events Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 2740.0 2739.5 2739.0 2738.5 w 2738.0 w 3 2737.5 2737.0 2736.5 2736.0 Crest Gage #2 - UT2 Reach 2 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 a m m o. c 75 on n > u Rainfall — Crest Gage #2 - UT2 Reach 2 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — • Bankfull 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 c 4.0 w 2.0 1.0 0.0 Recorded Gage Events Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Crest Gage #3 - UT3 Reach 2 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 2619.0 8.0 2618.5 7.0 2618.0 6.0 2617.5 5.0 c w 2617.0 - 4.0 w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w c io 3 2616.5 of0[ 3.0 2616.0 2.0 2615.5 1.0 2615.0 AL 11111 0.0 c a n c 75 on n > u Rainfall — Crest Gage #3 - UT3 Reach 2 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — • Bankfull Recorded Gage Events Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Crest Gage #4 - UT4 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 2504 8.0 2504 7.0 2503 6.0 2503 5.0 a 2502 — 4.0 `w w c m 3 2502 oc 3.0 2501 2.0 2501 1.0 LA 2500 IL�Aj0.0 c a n c 75 m n > u Rainfall — Crest Gage #4 - UT4 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — • Bankfull Recorded Gage Events Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Stream Gage #5 - UT8 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 2529.0 8.0 289 days 2528.5 7.0 2528.0 6.0 2527.5 5.0 — w 2527.0 w 4.0 w c io 3 of0[ 2526.5 3.0 2526.0 2.0 2525.5 1.0 2525.0 Lid0.0 1 L�i c a n c 75 on n > u O Z Rainfalliiiiiiiiiiiiiii— Stream Gage #5 - UT8 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — • Bankfull Recorded Gage Events Shake Rag Mitigation Site DMS Project No. 100018 Monitoring Year 1 - 2020 Crest Gage #6 - Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 Monitoring Year 1- 2020 2622.0 8.0 2621.5 7.0 2621.0 . —. —. —. —. —. —. —. —. —. —. —. — .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 6.0 2620.5 5.0 w 2620.0 — 4.0 w w c io 3 2619.5 of0[ 3.0 2619.0 2.0 2618.5 1.0 ]:�A2618.0Lid 0.0 c a n c 75 on n > u iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRainfall — Crest Gage #6 - Shake Rag Branch Reach 3 Water Depth — — Thalweg Elevation — . • Bankfull