HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201283 Ver 1_SAW-2015-02646--Ms. Lori Tollie--RFAI Final 13 Jan 2021_20210114DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 January 14, 2021 Regulatory Division Action ID: SAW-2015-02646 Ms. Lori Tollie Duke Energy 411 Fayetteville Street, Mail Code NC14 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Dear Ms. Tollie: Please reference your Individual Permit application for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to permanently discharge dredged or fill material into 2,861 linear feet of stream channel associated with landfill expansion, the West Ash Basin (WAB), Borrow Area 1, and Borrow Area 6, and 0.73 acre of wetlands, associated with landfill expansion, and Borrow Area 1. The project is part of Duke Energy’s phase out of wet coal ash handling, required by the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 (CAMA-14), at the Roxboro Steam Electric Plant located near Semora, in Person County, North Carolina. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Corps) advertised your proposal by public notice dated December 4, 2020. Comments in response to the notice were received from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR). As we have similar concerns pertaining to avoidance and minimization associated with the proposed project, please provide written responses to comments 1 through 8 from the NCDWR Request for Additional Information. In addition, the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR), United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and United States National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) also commented and their comments are provided for your review. In addition, a total of 100 emails or comment letters were received, along with six individuals commenting by telephone. Ninety commenters raised concerns for their property’s proximity to Borrow Site 1 or Borrow Site 2. Ninety-three commenters raised concerns for aesthetic, recreational, and property value impacts that the proposed project would have upon their properties. Seventy commenters requested that buffers be increased in width. Eighty-six commenters requested a public hearing be held to inform the public and receive feedback. Thirty-nine commenters raised concerns for impacts to Hyco Lake due to the direction of groundwater flow across the project, impacts to water tables, and impacts to private wells. Eighty-three commenters raised concerns for impacts to water quality and aquatic and terrestrial life. Fifty-one -2- commenters requested additional detail regarding off -site alternatives considered, including beneficial uses of the material along with the utilization of existing landfills. Thirty-seven commenters raised concerns for noise, traffic, and vibration impacts associated with the project. Thirty-five commenters expressed concern for soil erosion and shallow bedrock in portions of the borrow areas. Thirty-five commenters raised concerns for species protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, as well as species protected by the State of North Carolina. Twelve commenters requested accurate information regarding the volume of soil needed for the project. Thirty-six commenters raised concerns for air quality and the hours of work for this project. Thirty-three commenters requested information regarding restoration/reclamation of borrow sites once complete. Thirty-four commenters requested a more concise timeline for the project. Sixty-nine commenters raised concern for impacts to local economies and tax revenues due to recreational impacts. Sixty-seven commenters requested permanent conservation easements be placed on several borrow areas. Twenty-two commenters noted a lack of public engagement and requested an opportunity to engage via public outreach. One commenter voiced support for the project and urged expedience. Three commenters requested the permit be denied or tabled. One commenter stated that they are considering legal action against the project. Three commenters referenced high cancer rates among the residents of McGhees Mill Road and requested additional information about water testing, distribution, and if these concerns would extend elsewhere because of the project. Two commenters requested well water testing be conducted and guidance on substances/potential contaminants that should require analysis. One commenter (McGhees Mill Road) requested a buy-out of their property. The comments received are enclosed for your information and to provide you with the opportunity to address any of the stated concerns. Further, on February 6, 1990, the Department of the Army (DA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) establishing procedures to determine the type and level of mitigation necessary to comply with Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. This MOA provides for first, avoiding impacts to waters and wetlands through the selection of the least damaging, practical alternative; second, taking appropriate and practical steps to reduce impacts on waters and wetlands; and finally, compensation for remaining unavoidable impacts to the extent appropriate and practical. To enable us to process your application, in compliance with the MOA, we request that you provide the following additional information: -3- A. Permits for work within wetlands or other special aquatic sites are available only if the proposed work is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. Please furnish information regarding any other alternatives, including upland alternatives, to the work for which you have applied and provide justification that your selected plan is the least damaging to water or wetland areas. For example, please address other alternatives, such as industrial solid waste landfills, close in place/cap in place, materials/products use, and other “beneficial use”/structural fill projects. i. See also comment 1 in the NCDWR request for additional information; B. It is necessary for you to have taken all appropriate and practicable steps to minimize losses of Waters of the U.S., including wetlands. Please indicate all that you have done, especially regarding development and modification of plans and proposed construction techniques, to minimize adverse impacts. i. You need to quantify temporary and permanent impacts to streams and wetlands. Also, please provide the method by which you quantified these impacts. Note that compensatory mitigation will be required for such impacts resulting in a loss of hydrology and therefore aquatic function, typically at a 2:1 ratio unless otherwise justified based on resource quality through the completion of the appropriate functional assessment, such as the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method or North Carolina Stream Assessment Method . ii. See also comments 2 through 8 in the NCDWR request for additional information; C. The MOA requires that appropriate and practicable mitigation will be required for all unavoidable adverse impacts remaining after the applicant has employed all appropriate and practicable minimization. The Corps does not typically accept phased mitigation, but we understand this project may require some flexibility. Please expand on your plan to mitigate for the projected, unavoidable loss of waters or wetlands and the projected timelines for acquiring mitigation. Include in your response a more detailed analysis of how much material will be needed, and how much is available on each borrow site under consideration. -4- i. Please note that evaluation of responses to item B.i above may affect compensatory mitigation requirements. D. In addition, an adjacent property owner did not receive the postcard announcing the Public Notice and requesting comment. The property was identified on the map of adjacent properties provided, but the owner’s name and address were not in the list submitted for our mailing. i. Please review the list of owners against the targeted properties and provide a statement as to whether other intended recipients did not receive the notice. Additionally, the following items must be resolved prior to continuing to process your permit request: 1) Please copy the Corps on your response to NCDWR’s Request for Additional Information letter dated January 4, 2021; 2) Please provide the Corps your responses to the public comments received; 3) Please note that responses to the questions above may prompt additional information requests to allow full evaluation of the proposed project. The above requested information is essential to the expeditious processing of your application. Please forward this information to us within 30 days of your receipt of this letter. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact me at (919) 554-4884 extension 35 or Christopher.D.Hopper@usace.army.mil. Sincerely, Scott C. McLendon Chief, Regulatory Division Enclosures Copies Furnished w/enclosures: -5- Mr. Richard Harmon Wood E&IS 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Ste 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Copies Furnished w/o enclosures: Mr. Todd Bowers Permit Review Specialist Wetlands Regulatory Section U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region IV Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr. Rick Trone Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 512 N. Salisbury Street, Ste 942-F Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617