HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070661 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070418r DW~~ Z~v 7 U to (o I • Date .`'~ _ ~ ~ . -o ~~ Who Roviewed: l~. ! ~ ~ ~M '~ t ' Plan Detaill'ncomplete - . ^ P~base provido a loaa#ion map for tho project. ^ Please show alI stream impacts including alI fill slopos, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the sito plan. ~ • ^. Please show ail wetland impacts including fill slopos on the site plan. [~ Please indicato alI buffer impacts on the site plea. P~e;•r,s~ c~ '~ `~-~~• zs~ ~- . ~ Lv -4-e. z ^ Please indiaate proposed lot layout as ovarlays on the site plea. . ^ . PIease indicate the lacatign of the protected buffare as a~verlays oa the site plan. ^ Please Locate a1I isolated ornon-isolated wotlanda, •stroams and other avatars of the State as overlays on the site plan, r ~~ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatio life passage. ~- 6~'`~~ C ~ ~e,-} ~ -' s r~ c ° `"' r~ e. ~-.'~ ~ '. ""' ~~ ~ t .. oc~ ~„r ^ Please locate any planned•aewer lines on the site plea. ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practices as required by t3C . ^ Please provide detail for the stormwater management practices as required by QC • . ^ Please specify tiie percent of project iinporviousness area based on the eadmated built-out conditions: ^ e• indicate all stormwatal~,oi}tfalle on the site plait. ~ . • Ploamo'lndioate the diflbse flow provlsioa measures do the site plan. ^ Please indicate whetheC•ar not theproposod impaats already been co~}ductod. • • Avoidance•and/or A~inimization i~ot Provided ~ ' • • • The labeled as _~•_ on the plans does not appear m bo necessary. Please eliminate the . or provide additional • information•as to valiy it is niacess~y for this project. , • .'^ This Office believes that the ~ labeled on the plans as can be moved. or reoonfigurod to avoid the impacts to the . Ploasp revise the plans to avoid thQ impacts.. • , , •~ ^, • This'Ofllce beliovea~ that the . •labeled on the plans as~ caa bo moved or recan$gured to :minimize the irnpaots tP the • . Please revise the pleas to minimize the impacts. ~ . The stormwata discharges at the location on the plans laboiod wilt.not prrovide ~dii~so flow through the buifac boeause . Please xevlse the plans sad provide oaleulations to show that dii~liae'8ow will be achieved iihrough the entirebuffot: If it is notpossible m achiove•difivse flov~ through.the entire bui~or'then'it may be nooessary to' provide stormwater managemGat • practices that remove nutrients :boitore the stormwator can be discharged through the. buffer. ` . . Oilier ~ ; ~ • ~ ~ • • ^. The applics+#ion fee wee insuiisoiont~becauso over 150 feet of stream and/or.ovar 1 acre of wotisad'impacts were regnosted. Please • provide ~ .' 'This additional fee must be recxdvec~ before your application caa be reviewed. • • ^ Please compi:~o Soction(a) on the application. - ^ Pleaseprovide a signed Dopy of the appHoation.' ^ Please provide _, copies of the application, , copies of •the site pleas and other suppording information: ' ,, _ ^ • Please submit electronic Cp,D files showing ;.via einaid to ien.mamillan(~nomdil.not and CD: • Mitigation ~ .. ,• • ' • ~ ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this projdct.'Pleaso provide•e compensatory mitigation plan, The plan must conform•to tharequiraments in 15 A NCAC 2H :OSOO~and mush be appropr•Iato to the typo•of Impacts proposed. ^ Please indicate~whioh 404 Pemnit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ' . • j ~ P f _ ~- , ...k S ~.L..'Q Yl'\ ~ 'F!-~{ _' • 1~'', i 1 ~.. ~ ~~ e.,. ~~.. ,~ ~ Q ~C.~ ~ l ~l ,s~ ~ ~~` ~^`{ ~, `) ~- - y c!. y( ~ ~..: x f. _. t ^} r =' - A..k f.&-~, `: ~ ° .. ~ !f e + ,. x ~~. ~ .....C i"~-~__ ~.,~.:~ 15~ ~ ~'~_~~" ~ n ~...~ ;~ . 1 b ~. ~ lei ti .~~-~ ~ ~ - .. ; ~ - . ,~ ~ r , ~ 6 ( r / ~. I ~., ~ ~ ~ Er~{~I~CY..'~'~ ~f ~' : C'C.. i ^.~., !:J~;`"Re~ L, dth"7.[ ~ ~la.1 ,~af<