HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100586 Ver 2_Records Request_20110421O's ?5?Ja STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY OF WAKE ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 11 EHR 1254 M. A. ALEXANDER 111, Petitioner, } RESPONDENT'S FIRST SET OF V. ) REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION, } WRITTEN INTERROGATORIES, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL ) DOCUMENTS, and REQUEST FOR RESOURCES, DIVISION OF WATER ) ENTRY UPON PREMISES QUALITY, ) Respondent. ) To: M. A. Alexander III 312 Homestead Drive Cary, NC 27513 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to N.C. R. Civ. P. 26, 33, 34, and 36, and 26 N.C. Admin. Code 3.0101 (General) and 3.0112 (Discovery) ("Rule .0101" and "Rule.0112"), Respondent requests that Petitioner M. A. Alexander III ("Petitioner") admit the truth of the matters set forth in the following request for admissions, answer the following interrogatories, provide such information as is available to the Petitioner in writing and under oath, produce the documents hereinafter requested, and penmit entry upon the designated land or property in the possession of Petitioner. Pursuant to Rule .0112, Petitioner must within fifteen (15) days of receipt of these discovery requests: (1) move for relief from the requests; (2) provide the requested information, material or access; or (3) offer a schedule for reasonable compliance with the requests. Respondent specifically requests pursuant to N.C. R. Civ. P. 26(c)(3) that Petitioner supplement his responses to these discovery requests to include information acquired after service of the responses up to the time of hearing. DEFINITIONS As utilized herein, the "Division," "DWQ" or "DENR" shall refer to the Division of Water Quality of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural. Resources, its officials, employees, agents and representatives. 2. As utilized herein, "Petitioner" shall refer to M. A. Alexander 111, and his present and former employees, agents and representatives. 3. As utilized herein, "Mitchell Environmental Consulting" shall refer to Steve Mitchell Environmental Consulting, and its present and former employees, agents and representatives. 4. As utilized herein, "Property" shall refer to the property on Yeargan Road, Wake County G1S PIN 1711-05-2372, that is located in the Town of Garner, to Wake County, North Carolina, and that is the subject of this contested case. 5. As utilized herein, "Feature A" shall refer to the channel on the Property that is the subject of this contested case, the channel being labeled as "A" on the map accompanying the determination letter dated August 23, 2010 from the Director of DWQ. b. As utilized herein, `Buffer Rule' shall refer to the Neuse River Basin Buffer Rule, codified at 15A N.C. Admin. Code 2B .02' )3. 7. As utilized herein, "document" shall mean all items subject to discovery under N.C. R. Civ. P. 34, including, but not limited to, any written or recorded material of any kind, including the originals and all non-identical copies, whether different fi-om the originals by reason of any notation made on such copies or otherwise; notations of any sort of conversations, 2 telephone calls, meetings or other communications; all graphic or oral records or representations of any kind; and mechanical or electronic records or representations of any kind including tapes, cassettes, disks or records. 8. As utilized herein "person" or "persons" shall mean any individual; sole proprietorship; partnership; foundations; trust; corporation; division; firm; business entity; joint venture; federal; state; county or city government; federal; state; county or city agency; or any other entity; agency; committee or commission; incorporated or unincorporated association; organization or group. 9. As utilized herein "you" or "your" mean M. A. Alexander 111, and his present and former employees, agents and representatives. 10. As utilized herein "identify" or its conjugates, when used in reference to a person, means to provide the person's full name, present residence and business address, telephone numbers, job title and description, and present employer. 11. As utilized herein "identify" or its conjugates, when used in reference to a document, means to provide the title of the document, a summary of its contents, identify the author, identify anyone who made a notation on the document or who signed or initialed the document, identify the addressee and all other persons receiving copies of the document, give the date of the document or, if it has no date, the date the document was prepared, provide the location of the original of the document and all copies and the name, present address and position of the person or persons having present custody, provide whether it has been destroyed, and if so, with regard to such destruction provide the date of destruction, the reason for destruction, and the identity of the person who destroyed the document. 3 12. As utilized herein "identify" or its conjugates, when used in reference to an oral communication, means to state the form of the communication, e.g., remark, statement, telephone conversation, face-to-face conversation, person-to-person conversation, etc.; the date of the communication; the identity of the parties to the communication; the substance of the communication; and the identity of the persons in whose presence the communication was made or who otherwise overheard the communication. 13. As utilized herein "identify" or its conjugates, when used in reference to an act or acts means to state the date of the act, the time of day at which it occurred, the location of the act, what was said and done, and by whom, and all persons present when the act occurred. 14. As utilized herein "describe" or "explain" or their conjugates mean to provide a narrative statement of the matter in question, identify sources of information relating to the matter, identify persons involved or who have knowledge of the matter, state the substance of each person's knowledge, summarize the actions of each person who participated in the matter, and identify documents. 15. With respect to words used in these discovery requests that are not specifically defined above, please note that the words used in the following requests for admission numbered 19 through 37, inclusive, that also appear on DWQ's stream identification forms have been chosen based on their meaning in DWQ's stream identification forms and their associated manuals. All other words have been chosen for their common meaning. Please resolve any doubt you may have about the meaning of a word in favor of an interpretation that gives reasonable meaning to the discovery request. 4 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS If you cannot fully answer any interrogatory or part thereof, you should answer to the extent possible and state the reason for your inability to provide a complete answer. If you cannot provide the exact information requested, provide your best approximation of the information requested. If information is being withheld in response to an interrogatory on a claim of privilege, please identify the circumstances that you contend support such a claim. If a document requested is being withheld on the basis of a claim of privilege or attorney work product, please identify the document that is being withheld and describe the circumstances that you contend support such a claim. 4. You may produce a document for inspection and copying pursuant to Rule 33(c) of the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure in lieu of describing the document in the manner described above in Definitions. If you elect to produce documents, mark each document that you produce with the number of the interrogatory or production request to which the document corresponds. Whenever documents are requested, the request includes all documents in the possession, custody or control of your present and former- trustees, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, officials, and unless privileged, your attorneys. If a document that would have been responsive to this request has been destroyed or discarded, please provide the date of the document or, if it has no date, the date the document was prepared; a description of the form of the document (e.g., letter, memorandum, etc.) and the 5 number of pages in the document; the document's title, if any; a general description of the document's contents; the identity of the document's author; the identities of the addressee and all other persons receiving copies of the document; the identity of the document's last known custodian; the document's last known location; and the date the document was destroyed or discarded and the reason the document was destroyed or discarded. 7. Produce each document in its entirety, without abbreviation or expurgation. 8. Produce the documents in the form in which they are kept in the usual course of your business. 9. Mark each document that you produce with the number of the interrogatory or request for production to which the document corresponds. 10. The interrogatories are continuing in nature until the date of the hearing and you are required to serve supplemental answers as additional information becomes available to you. REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION 1. Admit that on or around January 25, 2008 you requested that staff of DWQ's Raleigh Regional Office make an on-site determination regarding whether Feature A existed as surface waters for purposes of the Buffer Rule. RESPONSE: 2. Admit that on or around February 20, 2008, Ms. Lauren Witherspoon (maiden name Cobb) of DWQ's Raleigh Regional Office made an on-site determination at the Property regarding whether Feature A existed as surface waters for purposes of the Buffer- Rule. RESPONSE: 3. Admit that you received a copy of DWQ's determination letter dated February 22, 2008. RESPONSE: 4. Admit that DWQ's determination as described in the letter dated February 22, 2008 was correct. RESPONSE: 5. Admit that you hired Mitchell Environmental Consulting, among other things, to evaluate whether Feature A existed as surface waters for purposes of the Buffer Rule. RESPONSE: 6. Admit that Mitchell Environmental Consulting informed you that Feature A existed as a stream for purposes of the Buffer Rule. RESPONSE: 7 7. Admit that via letter dated May 19, 2005 and received by DWQ on or around July 21, 2010, you referred your dispute over DWQ's on-site determination on or around February 20, 2008 to the Director of DWQ. RESPONSE: 8. Admit that on or around August 18, 2010, Ms. Amy Chapman of DWQ's Central Office visited the Property. RESPONSE: 9. Admit that you received a copy of the DWQ Director's determination letter dated August 23, 2010. RESPONSE: 10. Admit that the DWQ Director's determination as described in the letter dated August 23, 2010 was correct. RESPONSE: 11. Admit that via letter dated January 31, 2011, you referred your dispute over DWQ's determinations to the Director of DWQ. RESPONSE: 12. Admit that on or around February 11, 2011, Mr. ]an McMillan and Ms. Periann Russell of DWQ's Central Office visited the Property. RESPONSE: 13. Admit that you received a copy of the DWQ Director's determination letter dated February 15, 2011. RESPONSE: 8 14. Admit that the DWQ Director's determination as described in the letter dated February 15, 2011 was Correct. RESPONSE: 15. Admit that Feature A conveys water for at least part of the year. RESPONSE: 16. Admit that Feature A conveys water in the winter and spring. RESPONSE: 17. Admit that Feature A conveyed water for at least part of the year before the mid- 1960s. RESPONSE: 18. Admit that Feature A is a well-defined channel. RESPONSE: 19. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of a continuous bed and bank. RESPONSE: 20. Admit that Feature A shows strong evidence of a continuous bed and bank. RESPONSE: 21. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of sinuousity. RESPONSE: 9 22. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of in-channel structure. RESPONSE: 23. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of a difference in particle size between the stream substrate and surrounding upland soils. RESPONSE: 24. Admit that there is at least some evidence that a relic floodplain exists adjacent to Feature A. RESPONSE: 25. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of depositional bars or benches in the streambed. RESPONSE: 26. Admit that Feature A shows at least moderate evidence of depositional bars or benches in the streambed. RESPONSE: 27. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of recent alluvial deposits. RESPONSE: 28. Admit that there is at least some evidence that Feature A exists in a natural valley. RESPONSE: 10 29. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of groundwater flow or discharge. RESPONSE: 30. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of flowing water in the channel in mid-summer through early fall. RESPONSE.,: 31. Admit that Feature A shows only weak evidence of leaf litter in the channel. RESPONSE: 32. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of sediment on plants or debris in the channel. RESPONSE: 33. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of organic debris lines or piles in or near the channel. RESPONSE: 34. Admit that Feature A shows soil-based evidence of a seasonal high water table. RESPONSE: 35. Admit that Feature A shows at least some evidence of redoxinorphic features. RESPONSE: 36. Admit that Feature A shows no evidence of fibrous roots in the streambed. RESPONSE: 37. Admit that Feature A shows no evidence of rooted upland plants in the streambed. RESPONSE: 38. Admit that Feature A is not an entirely man-made channel. RESPONSE: 39. Admit that Feature A has at least some of the hydrological characteristics commonly associated with the conveyance of water. RESPONSE: 40. Admit that Feature A has at least some of the biological characteristics commonly associated with the conveyance of water. RESPONSE: 41. Admit that Feature A has at least some of the physical characteristics commonly associated with the conveyance of water. RESPONSE: 42. Admit that Feature A is an on-site channelization or relocation of a stream channel. RESPONSE: 43. Admit that Feature A is at least an intermittent stream. RESPONSE: 12 44. Admit that the 1970 Soil Conservation Service map of Wake County is the most recent version of the Wake County soil survey map prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture for purposes of the Buffer Rule. RESPONSE: 45. Admit that Feature A is approximately shown on the most recent version of the Wake County soil survey map prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. RESPONSE: 46. Admit that the 1998 version is the most recent version of the Lake Wheeler 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) quadrangle topographic map prepared by the United States Geologic Survey for purposes of the Buffer Rule. RESPONSE: 47. Admit that Feature A is approximately shown on the most recent version of the Lake Wheeler 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) quadrangle topographic map prepared by the United States Geologic Survey. RESPONSE: 48. Admit that immediately downstream of the Property there is a stream that is at least intermittent for purposes of the Buffer Rule. RESPONSE: 49. Admit that the contents of the DWQ stream form filled out by Mr. Steve Mitchell on or around 7/8/2010 are correct. RESPONSE. l? INTERROGATORIES Identify the person or persons answering or assisting with answering these discovery requests and identify the request that each person answered or assisted in answering. 2. If you cannot answer any of the requested admissions, then as to each such requested admission, set forth in detail the reasons why you cannot truthfully admit or deny the matter- (identifying facts, persons and documents as required by the Definitions and Instructions preceding this request). 3. For each request for admission that you have denied, in whole or in part, state the following: (a) The basis for your denial; (b) All facts supporting your denial; (c) The identity of all persons known to have knowledge of such facts; and 14 (d) The identity of all documents that contain information pertaining to such facts. 4. Identify each person who has knowledge of this case that you or your attorneys expect to call as a witness at the contested case hearing. As to each person, describe: (a) the substance of the expected testimony of the witness; (b) the person's relation to Petitioner; (c) a summary of the witness' qualifications that make him or her competent to testify on the matters outlined in subpart (a) above. 5. With respect to each person you or your attorneys expect to call as an expert witness at the hearing to be held on this matter, please provide the following information: (a) Identify each such person; 15 (b) For each person identified, describe the subject matter about which the expert is expected to testify; (c) For each person identified, describe the substance of the facts and opinions about which the expert is expected to testify; (d) For each person identified, describe the grounds for each opinion identified in response to subsection (c) of this interrogatory. (e) Identify any and all documents that contain information pertaining to such expert testimony. 6. Provide the date on which you terminated business with Spangler Environmental, Inc. 16 7. Provide the date on which you hired Steve Mitchell Environmental Consulting. With regard to your Petition's contention that DWQ's determination that Feature A is subject to the Buffer Rule deprived Petitioner of property, provide the following information: (a) State the legal and factual basis for your contention; (b) Identify by name and address all persons known to you to have knowledge of these facts; (c) Identify any and all documents that contain information pertaining to such facts; 10. With regard to your Petition's contention that DWQ acted erroneously in determining that Feature A is subject to the Buffer Rule, provide the following information: (a) State the legal and factual basis for your contentions, including a specific description of the erroneous action. 17 (b) Identify by name and address all persons known to you to have knowledge of such facts; (c) Identify any and all documents that contain information pertaining to such facts. 11. With regard to your Petition's contention that DWQ acted arbitrarily or capriciously in determining that Feature A is subject to the Buffer Rule, provide the following information: (a) State the legal and factual basis for your contentions, including a specific description of the arbitrary and capricious action; (b) Identify by name and address all persons known to you to have knowledge of such facts; 18 (c) Identify any and all documents that contain information pertaining to such facts. 11. What are your plans for the Property? 12. Who has approached you about purchasing the Property since 2007, and what have they required regarding Feature A? 13. Identify all documents relied upon or consulted by you in preparing your responses to the above requests for admissions or interrogatories. PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Produce all documents identified in the above interrogatories or consulted in preparing your responses to the above requests for admissions and interrogatories. 19 2. Produce the resume of each expert witness identified in your response to the foregoing interrogatories. 3. Produce any and all reports prepared by expert witnesses that you intend to.,u.5_..,? trial. 4. Produce all data and reports not already submitted to Respondent relating to whether Feature A is subject to the Buffer Rule_ 5. Produce any and all photographs, drawings, maps, plans or other graphical representations of the Property between January 1, 2008 and today's date. 6. Produce any and all data and reports prepared by your past or present consultants, engineers, or contractors relating to Feature A. 7. Produce all aerial photographs of the Property in your possession, custody or control. 8. Produce the 2007 version of the Wake County soil survey map prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. 9. Produce the 2002 version of the Lake Wheeler 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) quadrangle topographic map prepared by the United States Geologic Survey. 10. Produce any documentation evidencing that you have an ownership interest in the Property. 11. Produce all exhibits you intend to introduce into evidence or use at hearing. 20 REQUEST FOR ENTRY UPON PREMISES You are requested to permit DWQ staff, its representatives and experts, to enter upon the Property for the purpose of inspection and measuring, surveying, photographing, testing, and sampling the Property. DWQ requests that the entry on the Property take place on May 10, 2011 beginning at 1:30 p.m., or at some other mutually agreeable date and time within thirty (30) days of this request. This the 20th day of April, 2011. ROY COOPER ATTORNEY GENERAL By: Wr'enda E. Menard Assistant Attorney General State Bar No. 35445 North Carolina Department of Justice Environmental Division Post Office Box 629 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-0629 (919) 716-6600 ATTORNEY FOR RESPONDENT Keith Karlsson Certified Legal Intern under the Supervision of Brenda E. Menard, Assistant Attorney General pursuant to 27 N.C. Admin. Code 1 C.0200 21 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify the foregoing RESPONDENT'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REQUESTS was served on the Petitioner electronic mail and by United States Mail, First Class and addressed as follows: Cathy Cralle Jones, Esq. Law Offices of F. Bryan Brice, Jr. 5 W. Hargett St., Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27601 cathy@attybryanbrice. coin ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER This the 20th day of April, 2011. ROY COOPER ATTORNEY GENERAL By: 6ut'.!a . A? Brenda E. Menard Assistant Attorney General