HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110260 Ver 1_More Info Received_20110323C_ T c I,V? itu,ti?u.? r. -I EA 1.:1-11 & SAr FIN February 16, 2011 Mr. Andrew Williams Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Raleigh Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 C c71?E S c;? The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Environment, Health & Safety 1120 Estes Drive Ext., CB# 1650 Cha el Hill, North Carolina 27599-1650 Reference: Response to January 18, 2011 Notice of Incomplete Application SAW-2010.01840 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Orange County North Carolina Dear Mr. Williams: fit- Oat?o C0..r o lama- ? Dr A'?% MA R`?' 1 The following responses and attached documentation are provided to address the remarks contained in your January 18, 2011 Notice of Incomplete Application pertaining to the Individual Permit Application for Carolina North. Each United States Army Corp of Engineers' (USACE) remark is provided in italics and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's (UNC-CH or University) response follows: Remarks 1. Your application states that there may be a need for temporary impacts at Wetland C and Wetland F. Please clearly indicate if there will be temporary impacts at these sites, and, if so, the total amount of temporary impacts. Also, please provide any revised drawings indicating the location and amount of temporaryfill (impacts). Finally, you should include a restoration plan for any temporaryfills (impacts). The temporary impacts referenced in the Individual Permit (IP) application at Wetlands C and F are associated with the proposed installation of a electrical and telecommunications duct bank to provide power and telecommunications to existing University facilities. The proposed duct bank is a separate and complete project that will extend a duct bank from the substation at Homestead Road and Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (MLK, Jr. Blvd.) to existing University facilities on Airport Drive. The portion of this lame that is located on the Carolina North (CN) property was described in the IP application for reference only. The proposed duct bank is being permitted separately and a Preconstruction Notification form for a Nationwide Permit 12 will be submitted to the USACE in the near future. 2. Based on a review of your application, you propose impacts to 8 jurisdictional stream channels. In order to minimize degradation of water quality, flow within these channels should be diverted around the work (fill) area during construction. Please provide additional details regarding your proposed method of stream diversion. If you plan to use temporary coffer dams, please be aware that coffer dams are considered as temporary fill and update/adjust your application and plans accordingly. Please include a restoration plan for any temporaryfills. } During construction activities that impact streams, pump arounds will be used to divert water around work areas. UNC-CH anticipates using sand bags to create temporary dams upstream of the work areas. A properly sized pump and associated hose will transport the volume of flow in a creek from above the sand bag dam to an area downstream of the in-stream work, allowing the work to be conducted in relatively dry conditions. Upon completion of work in a stream, the sand bag dam will be removed. This technique will be used on large and small streams by using pumps and hoses that are sized to accommodate the flow characteristics of a particular stream. 3. On plan sheet C-14 please indicate the location of the proposed duct bank. Also, please show the location of the proposed duct bank on any of the other large scale plan sheets, if applicable. As requested, Figure C-14 has been revised to show the Estes Drive duct bank and associated utility pad location. Please remove the original version of Figure C-14 from the IP application, and replace it with the attached Figure C-14, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. 4. On plan sheet C-9, please indicate if the proposed fill is temporary or permanent. If it is temporary, please include a restoration plans. Also, if it is a temporary impact ill), no compensatory mitigation is required, provided the impact area is returned to pre- construction contours. The crossing of Bolin Creek is not a temporary or permanent impact. Riprap will be placed over the pipe and will fill the trench, with the top of the riprap at the pre-construction elevation of the stream substrate. The fill is shown because the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) considers riprap placed in a stream a permanent impact regardless of the final elevation of the riprap. Therefore, this impact was shown as a permanent impact in the application. Figure C-9 has been revised. Please replace Figure C-9 with the attached revised Figure C-9, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. 5. Figure A-22 indicates a number ofproposed utility lines. Please indicate if these proposed lines connect to existing utilities or to'other proposed utilities. Figure A-22 has been revised to show the locations of the existing utilities to which the proposed utilities will connect. The proposed utilities and their connections are described below. Proposed Utifi Lines Connection to Existing Utility Lines Water All proposed water lines will connect to existing Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) water mains. Sanitary Sewer All proposed sanitary sewers will connect to existing OWASA sanitary sewer interceptors. Sanitary Sewer Scalping All proposed sanitary sewer scalping force mains will connect to Force Main existing OWASA sanitary sewer interceptors. Natural Gas The proposed natural gas line will connect to the existing PSNC Energy gas pipeline. (Note: The full extent of existing PSNC Energy infrastructure in the vicinity of CN is not shown on Figure A-22. Only the existing PSNC Ener as pipeline located on the Page 2 of 8 CN roperty is shown on Figure A-22. Electric -- Estes Drive The proposed electric duct bank located north of Estes Drive will extend to existing Duke Energy electric transmission lines to provide redundant feeds at a future time. (Note: The full extent of existing Duke Energy infrastructure in the vicinity of CN is not shown on Figure A-22. Only the existing electric transmission line located on the CN property and the existing line that will be tied into perpendicular to Estes Drive are shown on Figure A-22. The revised map does not depict the proposed electric and telecommunication infrastructure that is currently under design by the University and described below. Proposed UtiH Lines Connection to Proposed Utility Electric and The proposed electric and telecommunications duct bank Telecommunications - extending to Homestead Road is part of a single and complete Homestead Road project that will extend a duct bank from the substation at Homestead Road and MLK, Jr. Blvd. to the University facilities on Airport Drive. The portion of this line that is located on the CN property is shown for reference. The proposed duct bank is being permitted separately. Please remove the original version of Figure A-22 from the IP application, and replace it with the attached Figure A-22, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. 6. The portion of stream 14A that is proposed for impacts was determined to have minimal aquatic function and therefore, the Corps will not require compensatory mitigation for impacts to that portion of stream. However, in Table D-2, you have excluded the 178 linear feet of impaeff-to stream 14A from the total amount of impacted streams. Please revise this table, as well as other portions of the application where the 178 linear feet of impacts to stream 14A has been omitted. As requested, Table D-2 and other portions of the application have been revised. The IP application indicates both on page 46 and in Table D-2 that 174 linear feet of Stream 14A will be unavoidably impacted (not 178 linear feet as described in USACE Remark 6). As described below, the 174 linear feet of unavoidable impact to Stream 14A was added to the previous totals. Table D-2 has been revised and 174 linear feet of unavoidable impact was added to the previous total of 378 linear feet, for a revised total stream impact of 552 linear feet. Please remove the original version of Table D-2 from the IP application, and replace it with the attached Table D-2, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. Please remove the original version of Page 46 and replace it with the attached replacement page, dated 2/16/201, Revision 1 in the footer of the page. Figure A-21 was revised to correct the previous total of 158 linear feet to 332 linear feet of total stream impact. Please remove the original version of Figure A-21 from the IP application and replace it with the attached Figure A-21, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. Page 3 of 8 Table D-3 was revised to correct the previous total of 378 linear feet to 552 linear feet of total stream impact. Please remove the original version of Table D-3 from the 1P application, and replace it with the attached Table D-3, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. Table D-5 was revised to correct the previous total of 203 linear feet to 377 linear feet of total stream impact. Please remove the original version of Table D-5 from the IP application, and replace it with the attached Table D-5, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. Table D-7 was revised to correct the previous total of 204 linear feet to 378 linear feet of total stream impact. Please remove the original version of Table D-7 from the IP application, and replace it with the attached Table D-7, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. Table D-10 was revised to include stream 14A in the table. The previous of 247 linear feet of total impact to streams was revised to 421 linear feet of total impact to streams. A note was added to the table explaining the jurisdictional status of Stream 14A and that no mitigation required for impact to Stream 14A. Please remove the original version of Table D-10 from the 1P application, and replace it with the attached Table D-10, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. Table D-11 was revised to include stream 14A in the table: The previous of 347 linear feet of total impact to streams was revised to 521 linear feet of total impact to streams. A note was added to the table explaining the jurisdictional status of Stream 14A and that no mitigation is required for impact to stream 14A. Please remove the original version of Table D-11 from the IP application, and replace it with the attached Table D-11, February 16, 2011, Revision 1. In the report section of the IP application, Page 31 of the report was revised to correct Table D-3. Please remove the original version of Page 31 and replace it with the attached replacement page, dated February 16, 2011, Revision 1 in the footer of the page. In the report section of the IP application, Page 37 of the report was revised to correct Table D-5. The second paragraph of the text on Page 37 was revised to change the text "...203 linear feet of stream..." to "...377 linear feet of stream..." Please remove the original version of Page 37 and replace it with the attached replacement page, dated February 16, 2011, Revision 1 in the footer of the page. In the report section of the IP application, Page 53-54 of the report has been revised. The table (D-10) showing stream impacts was revised to include Stream 14 A. Stream 14A was inserted in the table. The previous total of 247 linear feet of streams was revised to 421 linear feet of total impact to streams. A note was added to the bottom of the table. Please remove the original versions of Page 53-54 and replace it with the attached replacement pages, dated February 16, 2011, Revision l in the footer of the page. In the report section of the 1P application, Page 55-56 of the report has been revised. Table D- 11 was revised to include Stream 14 A. Stream 14A was inserted in the table. The previous total of 347 linear feet of streams was revised to 521 linear feet of total impact to streams. A note was added to the bottom of the table. Please remove the original version of Page 55-56 and replace it with the attached replacement pages, dated February 16, 2011, Revision 1 in the footer of the page. Page 4 of 8 7. Your application does not indicate ifyou plan to construct rip rap dissipation at the proposed stream culvert modification sites. In many cases, the North Carolina Division of Land Quality will require dissipation pads as part of the sediment and erosion control plan. Please provide a brief discussion regarding the design of the proposed culverts and if there is a need for any dissipation pads. Specifically, you must indicate if it has been designed in accordance with the current North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. This manual can be found at the following website: http://www.dlr.enr.state.nc.us/pa?ublications.htin We recommend that you coordinate your design with the North Carolina Division of Land Quality. If you do plan to construct rip rap dissipation pads, please update the application and plans to indicate the proposed amount of rip rap at each impact location. The North Carolina Division of Land Quality requirement for dissipation pads has been reviewed and is discussed below. Figure C-6 has been revised to show the riprap dissipation pad. The impacts have not changed as a result. With one exception (Stream 14A) discussed below, the proposed stream culvert modification sites involve upstream extensions to existing culverts under North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) roads. The current North Carolina Division of Land Quality Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual (Manual) states that dissipation pads are required if the velocity increases as compared to existing conditions. The Manual calculates velocity as a function of pipe cross-sectional area and discharge. The University assumes that the culverts proposed for extension were designed per NCDOT standards and therefore considered build-out land use in the calculation for discharge through the culverts. Additionally, the University committed in the DA with the Town of Chapel Hill to control peak discharge rates for the 1-year, 2-year, 10-year, 25-year and 50-year, 24-hour design storms. Therefore, it is assumed that culvert design discharge rates will not change. Since the discharges and cross-sectional areas for the NCDOT culverts will not change, the velocities will not increase. When these design assumptions are applied, no riprap dissipation pads are required at the proposed upstream culvert extension sites. The proposed culvert to convey Stream 14A under the proposed railroad spur, shown in Figure C-6, is the only culvert that is not an upstream extension to an existing NCDOT culvert. The calculation methods from the current Manual were used to determine the required length of a rip rap dissipation pad for this culvert. The addition of a dissipation pad at the proposed crossing of Stream 14A did not increase the impact length previously calculated. Figure C-6 has been revised to show this dissipation pad. Please remove the original version of Figure C-6 from the 1P application, and replace it with the attached Figure C-6, February 16, 2011 Revision 1. 8. Please be aware that all authorized culverts must be installed to allow the passage of low stream flows and the continued movement offish and other aquatic life as well as to prevent headcutting of the streambed. For all box culverts and for pipes greater than 48 inches in diameter, the bottom of the pipe must be buried at least one foot below the bed of the stream unless burial would be impractical and the Corps of Engineers has waived this requirement. For culverts 48 inches in diameter or smaller, the bottom of the pipe must be buried below the bed of the stream to a depth equal to or greater than 20 percent of the diameter of the culvert. For each proposed culvert extension, please indicate if how you plan to meet these requirements. If you do not propose to meet these requirements, please indicate how the Page 5 of 8 proposed impacts will allow the passage of low stream flows and the continued movement of ,fish and other aquatic life. The culvert burial requirements described in Remark 8 above will be met for the one proposed new culvert. At all of the proposed culvert extensions, the requirements will be met where possible and practicable. For sites not meeting the requirements for burying the inverts, the proposed extensions will continue to pass low stream flows and will not restrict the movement of fish and other aquatic life more than the current conditions. The one proposed new culvert will convey Stream 14A under the proposed railroad spur (see Figure C-6 in the EP application). All of the proposed culvert extensions occur on the upstream sides of existing NCDOT culverts and are discussed below. If the existing culvert meets the pipe burial requirements described in Remark 8, the proposed upstream culvert extension will meet these requirements as well. This applies to the following proposed upstream culvert extension sites at Stream 2 and Crow Branch where the existing culverts have buried inverts at the upstream and downstream ends. Figure Stream Road Existing Culvert Existing Upstream & Downstream Invert Conditions C-10 Stream 2 Estes Drive Extension 8 foot x?-6 foot box Buried below stream invert (Perennial) at Seawell School culvert Road C-15 Crow Branch MLK Jr., Blvd. 8 foot x^-4 foot box Buried below stream invert Perennial culvert In cases where the existing culvert invert was placed at the existing channel invert on the upstream end at Streams 1, 4, 8, and 13, meeting the culvert burial requirement will not be practicable and the inverts of the proposed culvert sections will need to match the existing upstream inverts. Since the streams are low gradient, it is unlikely that the requirement for burying could be met by installing the upstream culvert extension at a low slope. Replacing the entire pipe is beyond the scope of the University project and is not considered a practicable alternative for these existing NCDOT culverts. Though not meeting the requirements for burying the invert, the proposed upstream extensions to existing NCDOT culverts will continue to pass low stream flows, will not restrict the movement of fish and other aquatic life more than the current conditions. This applies to the following proposed culvert extension sites with existing upstream inverts that are at grade and not buried. Figure Stream Road Existing Existing Existing Downstream Culvert Upstream Invert Condition Invert Condition C-5 Stream 8 Seawell School Road, 36 inch At grade At grade (Intermittent) south of Homestead Reinforced Road Concrete Pie (RCP) C-8 Stream 4 Seawell School Road, 42 inch At grade -8 inch drop off to rip Intermittent west of Hanover Bituminous rap dissipation ad Page 6 of 8 Place Coated Corrugated Metal Pipe C-13 Stream I Estes Drive 24 inch RCP At grade Drop off into channel (Intermittent) Extension, west of (not measured). After Facilities Drive 30 feet, the channel enters 950 feet of storm drain. C-14 Stream 13 Estes Drive, east of 24 inch RCP At grade Not assessed - on (Perennial) MLK Jr., Blvd. private property and not visible from road 9. For all proposed fills, please provide the proposed source of the fill material, including a description of the type, composition and quantity of material. The source of fill proposed for all construction activities will be generated from cut on site or by importing clean fill material from off site. Under either scenario, the fill will be clean and free of deleterious substances. Composition of the fill will vary slightly, but will generally consist of 40 percent sand, 40 percent silt and 20 percent clay. If you have any questions regarding this information or need additional information, please contact me at (919) 962-9752 or Ms. Jill Coleman at (919) 843-3246. Sine rely, Sharon A. Myers, L. G. Environmental Compliance Officer cc: Ms. Jill Coleman Dr. Daniel Elliott Ms. Mary Beth Koza Mr. Ian McMillan Mr. Kevin Nunnery Mr. Bruce Runberg Ms. Anna Wu Attachments: Figure A-21, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Figure A-22, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Figure C-6, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Figure C-9, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Figure C-14, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Table D-2, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Table D-3, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Table D-5, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Table D-7, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Table D-10, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Table D-11, February 16, 2011, Revision I Revised Page 31, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Page 7 of 8 y Revised Page 37, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Revised Page 46, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Revised Page 53-54, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Revised Page 55-56, February 16, 2011, Revision 1 Page 8 of 8 s 0 J loc. 1 L ' . • L Lu tin Jr gtvd ther King Mar .?•?• '? LJ','. ? 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N N 0 0 d O • Table D-2 Carolina North Impacts to Wetlands and Streams Outside of the Development Footprint • • Impacts to Wetlands Outside the Development Footprint Wetland Acres Mitigation Ratio A 0.099 1:1 X 0.143 2:1 2 0.005 2:1 3 0.011 2:1 T (5) 0.014 2:1 6 0.037 2:1 17 0.023 2:1 18 0.065 2:1 TOTAL 0.397 Acres Impacts to Streams Outside the Development Footprint Stream Linear Feet Mitigation Ratio 1 31 2:1 2 27 2:1 5A* 100 2:1 8 47 2:1 13 60 2:1 14A 174** 2:1 14B 20 2:1 Bolin Creek 21 2:1 Crow Br (Wetland A) 72 2:1 TOTALS 552 * stream 5A was classified as "isolated" by regulatory agencies ** 174 If of stream, classified as "unimportant" by regulatory agencies, no mitigation required February 16, 2011: REVISION 1 • Table D-3 Summary of Impacts -Alternatives Analysis Carolina North Alternative 1 Alternative 2 No-Build Impacts to streams 552 feet 4,968 feet 7,500 feet 0 feet Impacts to wetlands 2.5 acres 2.7 acres 2.6 acres 0 acres Impacts to Jordan Lake Buffers 0.9 acres 9.6 acres 2.6 acres 0 acres • • February 16, 2011: REVISION 1 • Table D-5 Summary of Impacts for Carolina North - Avoidance and Minimization IMPACT TABLE PLAN WETLAND (acres) STREAM (linear feet) 1998 4.83* 9,714* 2000 3.56* 5,212* 2001 4.77* 9,312* 2004 1.53* 1,767* 2007 2.95* 807* Revised 2007 (on 947 acre site only) 2.32 377 (Summary of Figures A-16 through A-21 impacts) *Does not include impacts to wetlands and streams due to required off-site infrastructure improvements (see Sections 8.2 and 8.3 and Appendix A, Figure A-4 for information regarding total impacts, on and off site.). • • February 16, 2011: REVISION 1 i Table D-7 Stream Impacts Within the Approximately 947-acre Carolina North Boundary • Stream Length ft Im act (ft) Bolin Creek 6,821 0 Crow Branch 5,508 72 1 325 32 3 425 0 4 370 0 5A 245 100 5B 125 0 8 494 0 12A 232 0 14A 2,546 174* 16 1,881 0 19 449 0 20 247 0 21 131 0 22 932 0 23 1,086 0 24 1,312 0 25 1,017 0 26 2,057 0 27A 1,823 0 27B 1,054 0 Totals 29,079 378 *classified as unimportant, by USACE February 16, 2011: REVISION 1 T NOISIAM :TTOZ'9T Aaenagaj 806'£t,Z$ = 21 idne + Wb3HIS + GNVIAM 14101 suo ileln:)Ie:) eaae as;;nq lenpinipui ao; xipuaddy ui sain2i; of aa;ai aseald ** 6LZb£$ ltS'T£ TLT'Z OL£'6Z vedwi jau :1d1Ol8nS 88Z'9E$ 008'LE OZt'ST 089'ZZ uoljeaolsai weaals aol }ipaao L9S'99$ Tt,E'69 T6Z'LT OSO'ZS uolle8ilp paalnba.i lejol L9S'99$ i LL8'8Z LZS'TT OSE'LT Ltpz pedwi lejol Zt8'8T$ Zt,9'Z TTZ'S ZL (d puellaM) y:)uea9 MoaO St,6'9$ SOZT 608't TZ Naaa0 u1.109 OZ 8 tit 'vTb'ET$ ST6'T OOL'E 09 ET Lt,0'ST$ 66L'Z SZ8'E Lt, 8 6t,E'ZT$ 996'Z 508'Z LZ Z }s/96'$ T:S'T wee ilS Is00 uol3e8ljIW Z auoZ T auoZ pedual ** spedw l aa}ln8 alel uep.ior paalnbaa uolle8lllua ou-30ysnAq juejaodwlunpue bMa JN Aq leaawayd3 se paleu8lsap lauuey:)* ZL6'99T$ TZb 1t11O18nS ZL9'8t,$ ttT T:Z ZL (d puellaM) gouea8 MoJD 96T't,T$ Zt, T:Z TZ Naaa0 ullo8 OZS'ET$ 0t, T:Z OZ 8 VT 0$ 0 b'/N tLt *`d VT 09S'Ot,$ OZT T:Z 09 ET ZLL'TE$ P6 T:Z Lt, 8 ZSZ'8T$ I t's T:Z LZ Z II/8£ £$ $ (1I) Iso0 uolleslllW I;IW oljea uol;e pedual weaals sweaalS 8S9'917$ OSL'0 Z aseyd aol a:)ueleq £55'ST$ OSZ'O }u@wAed T aseyd a01 Ilpaa:) OTZ'Z9$ 000'T ane SZ• ixau ayj of do papuno.i 9017'09$ TL6'0 TZ8'0 iviol8nS L80'8$ OET'O T:Z S90'0 8T Z98'Z$ 9t,0'0 T:Z EZ0'0 LT t,09't,$ t,LO'O T:Z LEO-0 9 ZbL'T$ 8Z0'0 T:Z t,TO'0 (S)1 69E'T$ ZZ0'0 T:Z TTO'O E t,8S'SE$ ZLS'O T:T ZLS'0 917' 6ST'9$ 660'0 T:T 660'0 d 9 o B ISO:) uoRe8I VV !le2I uo!}e Wy I ? ?edw I puel3aM s puel}aM V algel 1:)e wl puelloM pue weOJIS 41JON eulloae0 :Z aseyd OT-a algel 0 0 0 T NOISIAM :TTOZ'9T Aaenagaj TZb'8Stb$ = 2l3jjn9 + IMd381S + ONV113M 14101 suo ilelnilei eaje ja}4nq I enpinipui joj xipuaddV ui sainSi; oijapi aseald ** MIS$ TL6'tbS 9£8'9 S£T'8b pedwl lau :it11O18ns 88Z'9E$ 008'LE OZT'ST 089'ZZ uoileaolsai weaals ao} llpaa:) 09068$ TLL'Z6 9S6'TZ ST8'OL uoile8ilp paalnbai lelol 090'68$ ZbZ'8£ LE9't T S09'EZ Lb£ pedwl lelol ZT8'8T$ Zti9'Z TITS ZL (V puellaM) yaueas nnoa0 Sti6'9$ SON 608'T TZ laaa0 ullo9 OZ 8 VT tiTti'ET$ ST6'T OOL'E 09 ET Lb0'ST$ 66L'Z SZ8'E Lb 8 E6ti'ZZ$ OTT'E SSZ'9 OOT *S 6tiE'ZT$ 996'Z S08'Z LZ Z 11/9 6'$ T:S'T T:£ (11) weaa lsoO uolleall!W Z auoZ T auoZ pedwl lS **sl:)edwl aa}}n8 alel uep.ior paalnbaa uolleSlllw ou-30ySnAq luelaodwlun pue bMa Aq leaawaydl se paleu8lsap lauuey0** wea.ils palelosl* ZLS'b£Z$ V69 TZS iviolans ZL9'8ti$ ttT T:Z ZL (V puellaM) y:)uea8 nnoa0 96T'tiT$ Zb T:Z TZ jawo ullo8 OZS'ET$ Oti T:Z OZ 8 bT 0$ 0 V/N bLT **V t7T 09S'Oti$ OZT T:Z 09 ET ZLL'TE$ V6 T:Z Lt, 8 009'L9$ ON T:Z OOT *S ZSZ'81$ tiS T:Z LZ Z 11/8 ££$ i1 (}l) ISO:) uolle'll o!3e2I uolle 13!W pedw I uaeaalS sweaalS spuellam pajelosi MILT$ OSL'Z Z aseyd ao} aaueleq £SS'ST$ OSZ'0 lu@wAed T aseyd a01 llpaaO 0£9'98T$ 0001£ ane SZ• lxau ayl of do papunoi SSZ'£LT$ S8CZ LOb'Z S1V1O1 L80'8$ OET'O T:Z S90'0 8T Z98'Z$ 9ti0'0 T:Z EZ0'0 LT ti09'ti$ 17L0'0 T:Z LEO-0 9 ZtiL'T $ 8Z0'0 T:Z VT0'0 (S)1 69E'T$ ZZ0'0 T:Z TTO'O E b8S'SE$ ZLS'O T:T ZLS'0 8V TL8$ bTO'O T:T VT0'0 VV EZS'SL$ VTZ'T T:T t,TZ'T Z L80'8$ OET'0 T:T ET'0 A S9b'L$ OZT'O T:Z 90'0 *8X TTT'E$ OSO'0 T:Z SZO'0 *VX Z6L'LT$ 98Z'0 T:Z Et T'0 *X 6ST'9$ 660'0 T:T 660'0 V ei3e/O TZ,zg$ 8 ISO:) uo }e81; W ollea uolle 13IW l?edw I puellaM spuellam 8 algel lie wl PUellaM pue weaalS 41JON eulloae0 :Z aseyd TT-4 algel 0 0 0 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 0 Table D-3 Summary of Impacts -Alternatives Analysis Carolina North Alternative 1 Alternative 2 No-Build Impacts to streams 552 feet 4,968 feet 7,500 feet 0 feet Impacts to wetlands 2.5 acres 2.7 acres 2.6 acres 0 acres Impacts to Jordan Lake Buffers 0.9 acres 9.6 acres 2.6 acres 0 acres Table D-4 Summary of Criteria - Alternatives Analysis Adequate Acreage - supports Access to Public Site within 2 mile 50 year growth plan Transportation radius of Main Campus Alternative 1 V Alternative 2 V V Carolina North J Property No-build University needs space to n/a n/a Alternative grow, therefore not a viable alternative is • Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. February 16, 2011 Revision 1 Page 31 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 7.0 Avoidance and Minimization 0 7.1 1990's through 2007 Carolina North Planning Efforts Planning efforts for the Carolina North campus were initiated in the late 1990s. The entire parcel was assessed in the early planning efforts. The University contracted with Johnson, Johnson and Roy, Landscape Architects (JJR) and Parson Brinkerhoff, Engineers (PB) to assess the development potential of the Horace Williams Airport parcel and the Mason Farm parcel. The report was submitted to the University in September, 1998. The report states that "...it proved difficult to define the specific uses that might be needed at the Horace Williams property over the next 30-50 years. As a result, it was determined that general use districts should be defined, each containing a similar range of possible uses to maintain the necessary flexibility for future University decision-making." In the following discussion of avoidance and minimization of impacts, the wetland and stream information, (see Figure 3, Streams and Wetlands) was overlaid on each of the master plan documents (see Figures A-16 through A-21). The acreage of wetlands and linear footage of streams which would have likely been impacted with implementation of each master plan was calculated. For purpose of this discussion, impacts outside of the Carolina North boundary were not addressed due to the fact that earlier master planning efforts did not address off site road and utility infrastructure improvements • The 1998 Plan, evolved from the early planning process (see Appendix A, Figure A-16). Because the 1998 Plan is a diagrammatic representation of onsite vehicular circulation and parcels proposed for development, it is difficult to determine the actual impact to wetlands and streams that would have occurred with implementation of this plan. However, for the purpose of this document, an estimate was made. The estimate was made by overlaying the wetland and stream mapping on the 1998 Plan and assuming a potential development scenario. With implementation of the 1998 plan, approximately 4.83 acres of wetlands and 9,714 linear feet of stream would have been impacted. In 2000, University officials worked extensively with the University's new planning consultant, Ayers Saint Gross to develop a concept master plan using the JJR Report as a basis, for the highest and best use of the Horace Williams property. The goal was to fulfill the strategic vision over the near term (10 - 20 years) and long term (100 years). The work one this concept master plan helped establish more specific concepts of design for a type of mixed-use, innovative research park and academic campus that could be created at the property. This plan was also a diagrammatic representation of onsite vehicular circulation and parcels (see Appendix A, Figure A-17). With implementation of the 2000 concept plan, approximately 3.56 acres of wetlands and 5,212 linear feet of stream would have been impacted. The TOCH approved its Land Use Ordinance in 2001, which would have allowed the University to develop all of the acreage except the former landfill as single and multi-family residential or sell the property to a residential developer (see Appendix A, Figure A-18). If the parcel had been Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. 12/23/2010 Page 32 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 0 7.4 Avoidance and Minimization - Summary of Impacts for Carolina North These refinements to the 2007 Carolina North Plan resulted in additional avoidance to 0.63 acre of forested wetland and 604 linear feet of stream. This plan revision took into account the forest ecology of the entire approximately 947 acre parcel and the value of headwater and perennial streams • 0 With implementation of the revisions to the 2007 Plan, 2.32 acres of wetland and 377 linear feet of stream within the Carolina North parcel boundary will be unavoidably impacted with development of the project (see Appendix A, Figure A-21). Table D-5 Summary of Impacts for Carolina North - Avoidance and Minimization (Summary of Figures A-16 through A-21 impacts) IMPACT TABLE PLAN WETLAND (acres) STREAM (linear feet) 1998 4.83* 9,714* 2000 3.56* 5,212* 2001 4.77* 9,312* 2004 1.53* 1,767* 2007 2.95* 807* Revised 2007 (on 947 acre site only) 2.32 377 *Does not include impacts to wetlands and streams due to required off-site infrastructure improvements (see Sections 8.2 and 8.3 and Appendix A, Figure A-4 for information regarding total impacts, on and off site.). Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. February 16, 2011 Revision 1 Page 37 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 8.0 Impacts to jurisdictional Wetlands and Streams 0 8.1 Introduction The narrative description for unavoidable impact to jurisdictional wetlands and streams is divided into two sections; those within and those outside of the development footprint. This section on unavoidable impact to wetlands and streams provides a clear example of the University's continuing efforts at avoidance and minimization. A concerted effort by the University and its planning team resulted in no impact to streams within the development footprint. By tightly clustering proposed development on existing disturbed areas and the closed landfill, all wetland impacts are to low quality wetlands having a mitigation ratio of 1:1. The University made certain design assumptions when evaluating the impacts to wetlands and/or streams. For example, where a fill slope is required for the improvement, a 15 foot area beyond the toe of the fill slope is assumed to be included within the construction limits. This approach should allow sufficient flexibility to build the project, and protect adjacent areas. 8.2 Impacts to Wetlands Within the Development Footprint There are no impacts to streams within the development footprint of the Carolina North 50-year plan. Unavoidable impacts to wetlands are described below and overview of impacts can be seen in Appendix A, Figure A-4. Detailed figures in Appendix C are referenced below, and an index map for the figures referenced in this section is located in Appendix C, Figure C-1. The • acreage of wetland that falls within the construction limits is considered impacted. Wetlands AA, Y and Z Impacts (see Appendix C, Figure C-3) These three wetland areas are located in close proximity to the each other and on the closed pre-regulatory municipal landfill's soil cap (see Appendix A, Figure A-4). Wetland Y is an emergent and scrub/shrub wetland. Wetlands Z and AA are forested wetlands. Field indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology developed due to differential settling of waste under the landfill cap. Vegetation is hydrophytic, with Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum) the dominant herbaceous species. In North Carolina, this herbaceous, grass-like species is considered an invasive species. Wetlands AA, Y and Z all receive polluted ground water and leachate from the pre-regulatory municipal landfill and contain high concentrations of iron bacteria. Roads, buildings and parking are proposed for this portion of the site. Earthwork and installation of required infrastructure are necessary to develop the campus consistent with the Project Description, Purpose and Need (see Section 1.2). The Wetland Y impact is 0.130 acre, Wetland Z is 1.214 acres, and Wetland AA impact is 0.014 acre, with the total impact equaling 1.358 acres. • Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. 12/23/2010 Page 38 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 Table D-2 Carolina North Impacts to Wetlands and Streams Outside of the Development Footprint 0 Impacts to Wetlands Outside the Development Footprint Wetland Acres Mitigation Ratio A 0.099 1:1 X 0.143 2:1 2 0.005 2:1 3 0.011 2:1 T (5) 0.014 2:1 6 0.037 2:1 17 0.023 2:1 18 0.065 2:1 TOTAL 0.397 Acres Impacts to Streams Outside the Development Footprint Stream Linear Feet Mitigation Ratio 1 31 2:1 2 27 2:1 5A* 100 2:1 8 47 2:1 13 60 2:1 14A 174** 2:1 14B 20 2:1 Bolin Creek 21 2:1 Crow Br (Wetland A) 72 2:1 TOTALS 552 * stream 5A was classified as "isolated" by regulatory agencies ** 174 If of stream, classified as "unimportant" by regulatory agencies, no mitigation required Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. February 16, 2011 Revision 1 Page 46 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 feet of perennial stream is proposed for unavoidable impact with construction of the improvements is Bolin Creek (see Appendix C, Figure C-9) This perennial stream flows through the portion of the Carolina North property that will remain undeveloped. The stream flows off site to the southeast and through a culvert under Estes Drive Extension (see Appendix A, Figure A-3). This unavoidable impact is due to the water and wastewater infrastructure connection from Carolina North to the OWASA system. Sanitary sewer scalping force mains are proposed to carry wastewater from the existing OWASA Bolin Creek interceptor to the proposed Carolina North reclaimed water production plant. A sanitary sewer pump station is needed for the force main and the site was selected to avoid and minimize impacts to streams and buffers. The proposed location is south of Bolin Creek, north of the railroad tracks, and west of Estes Drive extension. The property is owned by OWASA and is flatter than the land north of Bolin Creek. This location avoided impacts associated with the pump station, though an unavoidable impact to cross the stream will be necessary. 21 linear feet of perennial stream is proposed for unavoidable impact with construction of the improvements. The table below details unavoidable impacts to wetlands and streams outside the development footprint. This table can also be found in Appendix D, Table D-2. Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. 12/23/2010 Page 45 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 Phase 2 (2016-2051) Impacts associated with the remainder of the proposed 50-year Carolina North development (See Figure E-1 in Appendix E). The USACE is currently reviewing a position paper from UNC-CH related to mitigation for wetlands that occur on the former municipal landfill. UNC-CH believes that these wetlands are part of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) program and, as such, impacts to them should not require mitigation. Until there is a determination regarding the status of these wetlands, mitigation costs for Phase 2 cannot be finalized. The attached tables summarize impacts and associated mitigation in two different ways, one with the landfill wetland impacts excluded and one with the landfill wetland impacts included. A: Landfill wetland impacts excluded (Please see Phase 2, Table A, below and in Appendix D, Table D-10.) The University is proposing unavoidable impacts to 0.821 acre of jurisdictional wetlands and 247 linear feet of jurisdictional streams. The USACE requires mitigation for these impacts. In addition, the University is proposing to impact 28,877 square feet (0.66 acre) of Jordan Lake buffers. The DWQ requires mitigation for the Jordan Lake buffer impacts. Total impacts in Phase 2A are 0.821 acre of wetlands, 247 linear feet of streams, and 28,877 • square feet (0.66 acre) of Jordan Lake buffers. Phase 2: Carolina North Stream and Wetland Impacts Table A (Table D-10) Wetlands W tl d Impact Mi i i i Mitigation Cost e an (ac) t gat on Rat o $62,210 /acre A 0.099 1:1 0.099 $6,159 AB 0.572 1:1 0.572 $35,584 3 0.011 2:1 0.022 $1,369 T (5) 0.014 2:1 0.028 $1,742 6 0.037 2:1 0.074 $4,604 17 0.023 2:1 0.046 $2,862 18 0.065 2:1 0.130 $8,087 SUBTOTAL 0.821 0.971 $60,406 rounded up to the next .25 acre 1.000 $62,210 credit for Phase 1 payment 0.250 $15,553 balance for Phase 2 0.750 $46,658 • Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. February 16, 2011 Revision 1 Page 53 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 Streams Stream Impact Miti ti R ti Mitigation Cost (If) ga on a o $338 /If 2 27 2:1 54 $18,252 8 47 2:1 94 $31,772 13 60 2:1 120 $40,560 14 A* 174 N/A 0 $0 14 B 20 2:1 40 $13,520 Bolin Creek 21 2:1 42 $14,196 Crow Branch (Wetland A) 72 2:1 144 $48,672 SUBTOTAL 421 $166,972 *Channel designated as Ephemeral by NC DWQ and Unimportant by USACE-no mitigation required 1 Jordan Lake Buffer Impacts ** Impact Zone 1 (ft) Zone 2 (ft) Mitigation Cost Stream (If) 3:1 1.5:1 $.96/sf 2 27 2,805 2,966 $12,349 8 47 3,825 2,799 $15,047 13 60 3,700 1,915 $13,414 14 B 20 Bolin Creek 21 1,809 1205 56,94 Crow Branch (Wetland A) 72 5,211 2,642 $18,812 total impact 247 17,350 11,527 28,877 $66,567 total required mitigation 52,050 17,291 69,341 $66,567 credit for stream restoration 22,680 15,120 37,800 $36,288 SUBTOTAL: net impact 29,370 2,171 31,541 $30,279 ** please refer to figures in Appendix C for individual buffer area calculations TOTAL WETLAND + STREAM + BUFFER = $243,908 B: Landfill wetland impacts included (Please see Phase 2, Table B, below and in Appendix D, Table D-11.) The University is proposing to impact 2.179 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and 247 linear feet of jurisdictional streams. The USACE requires mitigation for these impacts. In addition, the University is proposing to impact 0.228 acre of isolated wetlands, 100 linear feet of isolated stream and 38,242 square feet (0.88 acre) of Jordan Lake buffers. The DWQ requires mitigation for the isolated wetland, isolated stream and Jordan Lake buffer impacts. Total impacts in Phase 2B are 2.407 acres of wetlands, 347 feet of stream and 38,242 square feet (0.88 acre) of Jordan Lake buffers. • Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. February 16, 2011 Revision 1 Page 54 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 • Phase 2: Carolina North Stream and Wetland Impacts Table B (Table D-11) • • Wetlands W tl d Impact Mi i i R i Mitigation Cost e an (ac) gat t on at o $62,210/acre A 0.099 1:1 0.099 $6,159 X* 0.143 2:1 0.286 $17,792 XA* 0.025 2:1 0.050 $3,111 XB* 0.06 2:1 0.120 $7,465 y 0.13 1:1 0.130 $8,087 Z 1.214 1:1 1.214 $75,523 AA 0.014 1:1 0.014 $871 AB 0.572 1:1 0.572 $35,584 3 0.011 2:1 0.022 $1,369 T (5) 0.014 2:1 0.028 $1,742 6 0.037 2:1 0.074 $4,604 17 0.023 2:1 0.046 $2,862 18 0.065 2:1 0.130 $8,087 TOTALS 2.407 2.785 $173,255 rounded up to the next .25 acre 3.000 $186,630 credit for Phase 1 payment 0.250 $15,553 balance for Phase 2 2.750 $171,078 * isolated wetlands Streams Stream Impact Miti ation Rati Mitigation Cost (If) g o $338/lf 2 27 2:1 54 $18,252 5* 100 2:1 200 $67,600 8 47 2:1 94 $31,772 13 60 2:1 120 $40,560 14 A** 174 N/A 0 $0 14 B 20 2:1 40 $13,520 Bolin Creek 21 2:1 42 $14,196 Crow Branch (Wetland A) 72 2:1 144 $48,672 SUBTOTAL 521 694 $234,572 *isolated stream **Channel designated as Ephemeral by DWQ and Unimportant by USACE-no mitigation required Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. February 16, 2011 Revision 1 Page 55 Carolina North Individual Permit Application - December 2010 Jordan Lake Buffer Impac ts" Impact Zone 1 (ft) Zone 2 (ft2) Mitigation Cost Stream (If) 3:1 1.5:1 $.96/If 2 27 2,805 2,966 $12,349 5* 100 6,255 3,110 $22,493 8 47 3,825 2,799 $15,047 13 60 3,700 1,915 $13,414 14 B 20 Bolin Creek 21 1,809 1205 $6,945 Crow Branch (Wetland A) 72 5,211 2,642 $18,812 total impact 347 23,605 14,637 38,242 $89,060 total required mitigation 70,815 21,956 92,771 $89,060 credit for stream restoration 22,680 15,120 37,800 $36,288 SUBTOTAL: net impact 48,135 6,836 54,971 $52, ** please refer to figures in Appendix C for individual buffer area calculations I TOTAL WETLAND + STREAM + BUFFER = $458,421 J • • Prepared by: Biohabitats, Inc. February 16, 2011 Revision 1 Page 56