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19961019 Ver 2_401 Application_20110315
i s .. qL,P-1o\q va March 14, 2011 DWQ 401 Oversight/express review permitting 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Dear Sir: Please accept this letter as a chain of events leading up to our request for a Shoreline stabilization permit for the entire shoreline. On November 29, 2010, at approximately 7:30 P.M. a fire burned three (3) boathouses, docks, and damaged wooden sea walls located in the back o the cove located (reference: Turner beach lots # 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 and 81) owned by Bob M. Williamson, Scott & Suman Lankford, Reed & Beth Patty, and (Wayne & Sue Parker lot 75 wooden seawall only). The water level was down approximately ten feet at the time. The next morning I notified Mr. Jeremy Thigpen of Progress Energy of the fire. We discussed the urgency to remove all debris and clean up before the water was schedule to begin rising 5 ft. on 12-7-10. The next day (12-01-10) both Mr. Jeremy Thigpen and Mr. Eric Rouse arrived and viewed the damage. Again we discussed the damage; and how to proceed with the clean up and debris removal. How to gain access to the lake was a point of discussion. A decision to use Progress energy land for access was the logical thing to do. Both Jeremy and Eric agreed that we should arrange to have all debris removed ASAP and we could request permits later. They also, advised me to contact the NC Department of Culture Resources for permission to proceed with the clean up and removal of debris, both Sonny Tyson & Robert Gallagher (lake contractors) provided the phone number and contact information. I call Mr. John Minze 12-2-10, we discussed our fire and the urgency to proceed with the removal and debris clean up before the water started to return to the normal lake level and followed up the phone call with an email. I received a return email (copy attached) from Mr. Minze that stated consider this email as "notice to proceed" with the construction process. I had contacted Mr. Jamey Moore, of Moore's Grading about the removal and debris clean up. The next day Moore's grading arrived, clearing the road and delivered the gravel. J? R Pg 2 The weather changed turning very cold and wet. It was several days later when the gravel was placed on the access road. When the weather cleared the work started in 4 days all debris was removed and an erosion control screen was installed (picture enclosed). Due to adverse weather, the project was on hold several weeks. After the weather improved, I contacted Mr. Eric Rouse of Progress Energy and asked what action was required to proceed with the project. Mr. Rouse advised me that I must receive a permit from your office before we could proceed with rebuilding the three boathouses. Should you have any questions please give me a call. Respectively, R 0. 411,ie,,? Bob M. Williamson CHECK ENCLOSED: Phone fax email 704-985-4426 704-474-4916 bw533@carolina.rr.com Uaxe: l n€lrsoay, Uecemoer E, ZU . U i Z:o , ran From: Mintz, JO!YI <j&,ri.mintz@ncdcr.gov> To: bw533@caroiina.rr.corn <bw533@carolina.rr.com> Cc: david.thigpen@pgnmaii.com <david.thigpen@pgnmaiE.com> CFIi'IIPt^f' Pr-- nnat nnelQP frP anrf riPi'3rIC rarrlnvai iSU.U ...iici ZIA, YUU LUi . L.:e i_._o_ i:..! iUil L : 1 i'. .- i ! . ,.._g JS- tr re 11 d_ he t'_^_"Ee boa' ? houses -^ l. cLULite that were cC _T'__ -r P1EaSE COQ"=Q2r the ?.-'scil a 'r+,C_ Co? `rY ? =i ??S.^.\ied r?iy ??rE. i? you h3 a<V "Z1eSt-...'_-=S J LO .?roceed" wit ? -h2 construction DrOCESS. p ease feel free to zonract me. DeSDectfu=_. ohn Mint Assistant State Archaeologist- re ? p ace ent o= the John J. Mintz Assistant State tirchaeoioa - E-Mai_ to and from me, 'r?c=nec__-' of subsect to C .,_ 'earth Carolina -u.,_. .a_,. the _ ?_onsact_on o_ ?uriic business, is w Pe cords cords Law and ,la?' be d1Jl.loJEv to .? tyy, .i -rd' Lar,.i8S.----- Oriq na Message----- ron: Sent: Thursday, T Thursday December +J^ 20_0 1-2:44 P?': To: Mintz, Jorn Cc: Sub=ect: boat ouse fire and debris r_-,, _ Dear Mr. dint AS we discussed tr__s mo:rny b,. W-gerency to c-ear p and rebuilds 3 "'c::i.5t1nG boat '0iiSeS ",-^}.!!OP_8 the a burned ear • 3er th.S w We _T.eEt With Pl;r. - - 2@':. ?erealy Thigpen and Mr. Er1C Rouse O and discussed the urgency .o remove e all debri _ rograss _nergy yesterday to no _ rthE wate r beg-4n _ _a the lake level is return •.+i:. =S_-~ - _ d feet on 12-7-"r .. We understand your retur ° n T ,- - "=a-= „? - Serve as a 11 clean DrOC ni - up and reb--14ld of _ _ 3 Noa:_ t - C2 `O ?eG a_?_^_ _ S uses. TKe also St_nG that in t!'_c even-, ?a' 'der we discover an a c aeo' cal ,qat ` Ti ?° ? duar_ n _,__s clean _ ^rcceSS we 4a4 , stogy:, a' _ Work and nc-4 =V ,'? y 1- -our Cr=,Cea$ SOC^ r _ _ oSS_w_e. CoPYright ® 2010 Road Runner Holding Co. LLC Advertise with Us i Web Privacy Policy ( Privacy Policy { Sign Up for Road Runner 1 of 1 12/21, 17, � ..}cif': `-•+ew�����+� �, wy� '4. �.tt r' j:14 },' ��� e . � ♦ 11 _ s I Ifti r t� � $a, v Yt i' _ e r i � a ,u: . � � v. ' � � �, � .... _ - ' ."s"��'--tri• The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Please provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non-refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $240.00 for impacts of to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $570.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. Applications should be sent to: Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 1. Applicant Information Owner/Applicant Information Name: BOBM. 4114414rMso4l Jo7f7Y alle" r oo AD 44:4-w-",* 4,4 2 /"8' 5? ? Sasi.ss? L y, -koGg, O /0 7!3 W &LgAp- e ,& RD •Yi.E'wo?D A- C API AF Rip BE?7f P.¢77`Y Y773 w? ci w OW e,49 .vo ew/v0 ,dG ?P y 9' Telephone Number: 70¢ - f -44L;-6 Fax Number: 70¢- 47¢? 01P/ E-mail Address: 94/S'35R-CAA04M 0,19."Ai 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Fax Number: s II. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. Location County: ,?W/y Nearest Town: ??/?ll?Od>0 Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): rVAlfrAr iTS? 7j- 76-77-7 Directions to site please include road numbers, landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary if an adequate vicinity map is included): 2. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: 3. Property size (acres):4or[-A*. 77 ?ZH -y78 y<7? • (9???jD?g/ "X4, 4. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): GWo rzearx - 5. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: 97,,,JtS1L/Z.tlTO?f' 6. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: 71_04;hl IMIC 7. Amount of impact (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the y normal pool lake level in square feet or acres: r?7 FT 8.a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal poolllake level and 50 feet land-ward in square feet or acres: 597 Fr 8.b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees for instance): 7.1VO S Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agentignaturetis vali"ly if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Ivvrwuoa niementary ,?cnool to 1 U /55 Willow Oak Rd, Center, NC 28128 - Google Maps Page 2 of 2 z Norwood Elementary School 400 South Main Street, Norwood, NC 28128 - (704) 474-3126 1 Head southeast on US-52 S toward Crawley Ave go 1.4 mi hbU:.t 2 miss tota ..4 r 2. Turn !eft at N Carolina 731 E go 0.8 mi 131 t?M tai=.i.2 „ f; 3. Turn left at Fork Rd go 0.2 mi Abo. :.Jtai 2. ri: 4. Take the 1 st right onto Piney Point Rd go 1.1 mi ° „. „ " 5. Turn left at Willow Oak Rd go 0.2 mi €otai 3.1 i 6. Take the 1st right to stay on Willow Oak Rd go 0.7 mi P, bojt 2' mi ^.s.:v:a .. rts 10755 Willow Oak Rd, Center, NC 28128 `uS° lr2 CttGn %r%3 -u E:/ `J h - Cf?";?;rt?f s ,, , CIse s_ X`U0 c? . _: v ati ?r c,' et u;:se :t.n ti 0 S :G Q,ifc"" TrO-I! L," _°_.C.. aSUiiS. 3'•? l'C,..,,. ° .. .i.i :e ..,_v. ,:t-.,g. j. . v.. Fnuts i .,s..., d;. Sig::'., 03 J:?r.? t'..es y ?4?. tiig OU'; Directions weren't right? Please find your route on maps.go0 lle.com and click "Report a problem" at the bottom left. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s d&saddr=Norwood+Elementary+School,+So... 3/1/2011 mrwooa t iementary School to 10755 Willow Oak Rd, Center, NC 28128 - Croogle Maps Page 1 of 2 { j Directions to 18755 Willow Oak Rd Center NC k2 28128 4.4 rni - about 9 reins ' Save trees.. Go green!/'-''. y. a L 0 FC J s ly r" __.-_..__._ 011 Google - Map data ©2011 Googie ,u S, http://maps.google.com/maps?f-d&source=s_d&saddr--Norwood+Elementary+School,+So... 3/1/2011 Q zze -?, d!"!/rte ? ^ - .-r..' ?„_ M. J 5 ? F ?•' /? a?= 00 :Z5 C, ?.Z 4 _ 14, \? _ z -NE 46 LLJ S' `^ 7) Z) TZ z Q f, "Y1 ti LL - 1 ^ i? Z -' ZL U \ V ? ? CS Oo >- I ?` 04 - -- - ~ I ZR4 i ntt n ( ' I ' ? f i ? ? I 1 I { 1 ?A 1 1 ??I r t S r N n .t y C q n• n CD C n O N v- CD •J CD K 0 CD O C CD 1 CD C CD O O O (D l? n ^O N N t? N O N 6 3 X0'3 - a _ z ge X sa am - m s" sz _ z $ 8 m r -a ? _ A 1?? z m ? = d Q p m . p P° om `? 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