HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070812 Ver 1_13 Feb 2005 Transmission Line and Project Facility Habitat Assessment, Draft Report (2)_20080502Yadkin Project
FERC No. 2197
FERC No. 2197
Prepared for
Yadkin Division
293 NC 740 Highway
Badin, NC 28009-0576
Prepared by
25 Nashua Road
Bedford, NH 03110
February 2005
Transmission Lines
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................ iv
1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1
2.0 BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................1
3.0 STUDY AREA ..........................................................................................................................3
4.0 STUDY PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES ..............................................................................3
5.0 STUDY METHOD ...................................................................................................................3
6.0 SUMMARY OF EXISTING INFORMATION .....................................................................9
6.1 DAM FACILITIES ...............................................................................................................9
6.2 TRANSMISSION LINE CORRIDORS .....................................................................................9
7.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS .....................................................................................................9
7.1 DAM FACILITIES ...............................................................................................................9
7.2 TRANSMISSION LINE CORRIDORS ...................................................................................10
8.0 EFFECTS OF PROJECT OPERATIONS ON HABITAT ................................................19
9.0 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................21
10.0 REFERENCES CITED .........................................................................................................21
APPENDIX A: List of rare threatened and endangered species for Yadkin Project search
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List of Figures
Figure 1. Locus of Yadkin Project ............................................................................... .........................2
Figure 2. Cover type map of powerlines and the adjacent reservoirs ......................... ......................... 4
Figure 3. High Rock Reservoir dam facility ............................................................... ......................... 5
Figure 4. Tuckertown Reservoir dam facility ............................................................. ......................... 6
Figure 5. Narrows Reservoir dam facility ................................................................... ......................... 7
Figure 6. Falls Reservoir dam facility ......................................................................... ......................... 8
List of Tables
Table 1. List of plant species observed on Falls and Narrows powerlines during 2004 field
surveys. Species names in bold type indicate RTE species ...............................................11
Table 2. Wildlife species or their sign observed in the 2004 Narrows and Falls
transmission line surveys ....................................................................................................18
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The Transmission Line and Project Facility Habitat Assessment Draft Study Report presents the
results of a survey of vegetation cover types and wildlife habitat quality of Yadkin Project lands,
including two transmission line sections. The study was conducted by Normandeau Associates, Inc.
(NAI) as part of the FERC relicensing process for the Yadkin Project. The study was conducted in
accordance with the Final Study Plan that was developed by Yadkin in consultation with the
Wetlands, Wildlife and Botanical Issue Advisory Group (IAG). Specific objectives identified in the
Final Study Plan included:
¦ Identify vegetation cover types and wildlife habitat types in the vicinity of Project
transmission lines, dams and powerhouses.
¦ Evaluate effects of transmission line and facility operation and maintenance on vegetation
cover and wildlife habitat.
¦ Identify opportunities for wildlife habitat enhancements on Yadkin Project lands.
The Study Area for this assessment includes the Falls and Narrows transmission corridors
(approximately 4.4 miles) and lands in the vicinity of the four dams and powerhouses including
parking lots and access roads.
A preliminary delineation of vegetation cover types was made using aerial photographs taken July 28,
2003 and was verified in the field during three reconnaissance-level surveys conducted between April
and October 2004. During the field surveys NAI biologists reviewed vegetation cover types and
wildlife habitat quality and also inventoried representative areas as to species, structure and
composition. All of the dam-related facilities and both transmission line corridors were visited one or
more times during the field surveys. An evaluation was completed of wildlife habitat quality and use
by birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians within representative areas.
Results of the surveys showed that the vegetation found on Project lands around the dams and
powerhouses and in the transmission line corridors is managed by APGI through a combination of
logging to remove tree fall risk, and mowing and herbicides to maintain visibility, appearance and
facility access. As a result, the predominant vegetative cover type found in these areas is a mixture of
grasses and shrubs. Around the dams and powerhouses, most lands are open areas used for parking
and vehicle access. These areas offer relatively low quality habitat for wildlife. Common vertebrate
wildlife using these areas include small mammals and small birds, including migratory songbirds.
Species likely to be encountered include Gray Squirrel, moles, shrews, lizards, snakes, Carolina
Chickadee, Blue Jay, and Cardinal.
The Falls and Narrows transmission line corridors are predominantly rolling upland. Scattered rock
outcrops and boulders are evident within the transmission line corridors. The vegetation found within
the cleared portion of the corridors is generally a mix of herbaceous and shrub species. Grasses,
sedges, and regenerating tree species are all common. For the most part, species which are adapted to
direct sunlight and generally droughty conditions are dominant, while on either side of the
transmission line corridors, where trees provide some shading, there is a narrow band in which
species that prefer partial shade and more moisture grow. Several small, mostly intermittent streams
drain from the transmission line corridors to the Narrows, Falls or Tillery reservoirs, and both the
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Falls and Narrows transmission line corridors cross narrow coves of their respective reservoirs which
support a narrow fringe of scrub-shrub habitat. In addition, the Falls transmission line crosses two
narrow wetland areas, a wet meadow, in which water is at or near the surface but rarely ponds, and an
emergent marsh, in which the water ponds for a sufficient time to support aquatic species. The latter
"ephemeral pool" is important habitat to many amphibian species such as salamanders and frogs
which use them for breeding.
The Falls and Narrows transmission line corridors add to the diversity of habitat within the area that
otherwise is characterized by large blocks of woodland, sections of which are under silvicultural
management. The mix of herbaceous and shrub habitat abutting timber stands provide structure
(vertical and horizontal complexity), an important habitat element for wildlife usage. Because of this
habitat diversity, many vertebrate species use the transmission line corridor environment including
neotropical migratory birds, resident songbirds and game birds, birds of prey, large and small
mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Reptiles find particular value in the "solar window" provided by
forest openings of the kind maintained in transmission line corridors.
Vegetation within the transmission line corridors and Project Lands associated with the dam facilities
are maintained by APGI at specific height limits, depending on location. APGI's maintenance
program utilizes herbicide treatments as the major method of control, with mowing or brush cutting
used where appropriate. Herbicides applications are not made within 100 feet of the reservoirs.
Along the transmission lines, the treatment objectives are to maintain vegetation height while
minimizing adverse impacts on sensitive habitats and desirable species such as cedar and dogwood,
which will not interfere with the line. By means of spot applications, spray drift to non-target species
and soil is kept to a minimum. In sensitive areas such as wetlands, the herbicide Habitat® is used,
which is approved for use in wetlands when there is no ponded water. Herbicides are generally
applied with either backpack sprayers or from a truck by means of a 600-foot hose. A drift control
agent is added to the mix when there is wind and applications are discontinued when wind speed
exceeds approximately 10 mph. Herbicides are not applied during rainfall.
Historically, the Falls and Narrows transmission line corridors have been maintained to a cleared
width of approximately 100-150 feet. In a recent initiative to improve safety and enhance
transmission line reliability, APGI recently cleared the Falls transmission line to an average width of
200 feet. This clearing activity resulted in some short-term impacts to vegetation. In the long-term,
the widening of the transmission line corridor can be expected to add additional mixed grass and
shrub habitat for wildlife use. A similar widening of the Narrows transmission line is scheduled to
occur in 2005.
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Transmission Lines Draft
Alcoa Power Generating Inc. (APGI) is applying to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a
new license for the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project. The Project consists of four reservoirs (High Rock,
Tuckertown, Narrows, and Falls, Figure 1), dams, and powerhouses located on a 38-mile stretch of
the Yadkin River in central North Carolina. The Project generates electricity to support the power
needs of Alcoa's Badin Works and its other aluminum operations, or is sold on the open market.
Because the FERC project boundary generally follows the normal full pool elevation of the
reservoirs, Project Lands at the Yadkin Project are generally limited to small areas of land around the
dams, powerhouses and two transmission corridors. The two transmission corridors, Narrows and
Falls, are Project-dedicated lines that remain within the Yadkin Project Boundary.' The two
transmission lines that will remain part of the hydroelectric project include the approximately 2.7-
mile Falls, and 1.7-mile Narrows transmission line corridors. The Narrows Line has a four-circuit
13.2 kV transmission line extending from Narrows Dam to the Badin Substation and the Falls Line
has a single-circuit 100 kV transmission line extending from Falls Dam to the Badin Substation. The
purpose of this study was to evaluate wildlife habitat conditions on Yadkin Project lands, including
the areas around the dams and powerhouses and along the two transmission line corridors, and to
assess potential impacts on habitat from the maintenance and operation of these facilities. In pursuing
this objective, this study considers where necessary the broader area adjoining the Project Lands,
much of it Yadkin property, the use or attributes of which may affect or be affected by activities
undertaken within or upon the Project Lands.
As part of the relicensing process, APGI prepared and distributed, in September 2002, an Initial
Consultation Document (ICD), which provides a general overview of the Project. Agencies,
municipalities, non-governmental organizations and members of the public were given an opportunity
to review the ICD and identify information and studies that were needed to address relicensing issues.
To further assist in the identification of issues and study needs, APGI formed Issue Advisory Groups
(IAG) to advise APGI on resource issues throughout the relicensing process. Through meetings,
reviews and comments, the IAGs assisted in developing the Study Plans for the various resource
issues, and will further review and comment on the findings resulting from the implementation of the
study plans. The Transmission Line and Project Facility Habitat assessment was guided by the
Wetlands, Wildlife and Botanical JAG which was interested in the effects of transmission lines and
dam related facilities on vegetation cover and wildlife habitat under existing conditions, assessing
how these resources could be affected by existing Project operations including the ongoing
maintenance required for Project facilities. The study also examines any changes that may occur as a
result of altered Project operations, if proposed. This report presents the findings of this investigation,
following implementation of the Final Study Plan, dated June 2003.
' By order dated July 15, 2003 FERC approved a request by Yadkin to remove several other high voltage
transmission lines from within the FERC boundary as they had become part of the interstate transmission
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Figure 1. Locus of Yadkin Project.
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The Study Area for this assessment includes the Falls and Narrows transmission corridors and Project
Lands within the vicinity of the four dams and powerhouses (Figures 2-6). The combined length of
the two transmission corridors is approximately 4.4 miles. The review included the maintained
corridor plus an additional area extending 50 feet beyond on either side. Other Project Lands under
the present review included the cleared land and facilities in the immediate area of the four dams,
including parking lots and access roads.
On March 13, and April 25, 2003 the Wetlands, Wildlife and Botanical IAG met and discussed
objectives for the transmission line and project facility habitat study. Over the course of those
discussions the following objectives were identified for the Transmission Line and Project Facility
¦ Identify vegetation cover types and wildlife habitat types in the vicinity of transmission lines,
dams and powerhouses.
Evaluate effects of transmission line and facility operation and maintenance on vegetation
cover and wildlife habitat.
¦ Identify opportunities for wildlife habitat enhancement on Yadkin Project Lands.
A review was completed of existing information available for the two transmission lines and Project
Lands associated with the four dams, which included previous material generated during the re-
licensing process (Yadkin Inc, 1999; Alcoa Power Generating Inc, 2002) and interviews with key
personnel knowledgeable about the vegetation management program (Hunsucker 2004; Olson 2004,
Wright 2004).
A preliminary delineation of cover types, using stereo-paired aerial photographs taken July 28, 2003,
was completed and field-verified during three reconnaissance-level surveys conducted between April
and October 2004. Three NAI senior biologists participated, and for several days respectively during
each season, they were joined by a local botanist, Peter Diamond, from the North Carolina Zoological
Park in Asheboro. Additional field surveys, specifically for reptiles and amphibians, were conducted
during June through August by Mark Lewis, also of the North Carolina Zoological Park. Diamond
and Lewis conferred with NAI at other times as well, both in print and in person. The field surveys
reviewed questionable areas identified in the aerial photo review and also inventoried representative
areas as to species, structure and composition. All dam-related facilities and both transmission line
corridors were visited one or more times during the field surveys. An evaluation was completed of
wildlife habitat quality and use by birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians within representative
Surveys for rare, threatened and endangered (RTE) species on the transmission line corridors were
conducted during the ground-truthing work using the Final RTE list developed by the IAG for RTE
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i i ° =aoF ?a?H
•Palrimervatle ! ll 9i ;
Figure 2. Cover type map of powerlines and the adjacent reservoirs.
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Transmission Lines
Normal Full Reservoir Elevation 623.9 ft
1 ?
Survey of 50' swath
outside of development
Survey of 50' swath
loutside of development
Normal Full Reservoir Elevation 564.7 ft \
----- Full Pond Field Survey Areas Around High Rock
FERC Project Boundary Dam and Powerhouse
Fence Yadkin Project
- - - - 50' Perimeter
H-H+ Railroad Tracks
® Land impacted by 0 50 100 150 250 a
Dam Facilities ennngww?
Figure 3. High Rock Reservoir dam facility.
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05 5
Transmission Lines
\ Survey of 50'smth
outside of development
Normal Full Reservoir Elevation 564.7 ft
This area inspected
visually from footpath
DAM . /
Normal Full Reservoir Elevation 509.8 ft
Survey of 50'swath
beyond dam sWCtures
----- Full Pond Field Survey Areas Around Tuckertown
FERC Project Boundary Dam and Powerhouse
Fence Yadkin Project
}}{-?? Railroad Tracks
- - - - 50' Perimeter a 75 150 225 375 H
® Land Impacted by
Dam Facilities
Figure 4. Tuckertown Reservoir dam facility.
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Transmission Lines Draft
Normal Full Reservoir Elevation 509.8 it
Visual inspection
from East end of d
Survey of 50'swath \
outside of development
/ Survey of bo
horelines b
/ t
\ l
o \ ll I
rrnal Full Reservoir Elevgtio 332.8 ft
/ I
I (/ 1 \
/ I
/ I
O 1 j
O I - l
---- Full Pond Field Survey Areas Around Narrows
FERC Project Boundary Dam and Powerhouse
Roads Yadkin Project
--?-- Fence
- - - - 50' Perimeter
® Land Impacted by 0 100 200 400e
Dam Facilities
Figure 5. Narrows Reservoir dam facility.
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05 7
Transmission Lines
Normal Full Reservoir Elevation 332.8 ft
Survey of both
shorelines by boat
----- Full Pond Field Survey Areas Around Falls Dam
FERC Project Boundary and Powerhouse
-x- Fence Yadkin Project
---- 50' Perimeter
® Land Impacted by o W 100 ieo 250 n
Dam Facilities ITTTTSE?
Figure 6. Falls Reservoir dam facility.
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05 8
Transmission Lines Draft
Species (Normandeau 2004). The list is provided in Appendix A. Scheduling of the field surveys
throughout the growing season ensured that all plant species on the search list could be encountered,
if present, in a reasonably detectable and identifiable condition during at least one life-history stage.
Observations of listed animal species also benefited from the same dispersed effort, as each species'
behavior changed from season to season. The relatively large number of listed plant species, many
with specialized habitat needs and markedly seasonal manifestations, required the continued services
of the local botanist to help refine the survey team's search patterns.
For the purpose of this review the Project Lands include the associated powerhouses, access roads,
and parking lots associated with the four dams. The fenced-in area associated with each dam facility
is approximately 1-2 acres in size. Access roads distributed along the length of both transmission line
corridors are gated to control public access.
The length of the transmission line corridor from the Badin Works is approximately 2.7 miles to the
Falls Dam and 1.7 miles to the Narrows Dam. The historic width of the cleared corridor for both
transmission lines ranged from 100 to 125 feet. The corridor widths are currently being expanded to
an approximate total width of 200 feet to minimize the chance of tree falls causing power outages
(Olson 2004). Widening along the Falls corridor was 90% complete by Fall 2004. Widening in the
Narrows corridor is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2005.
The Project Lands in the immediate area of the dam facilities include the access road and parking
facilities. These areas are fenced to a gated entrance. The vegetation is managed in the immediate
area of the parking lots and along the fence lines through a combination of mowing and herbicide to
maintain visibility and access. Vegetation is virtually absent within the substations and their fence
lines, and shrub and herbaceous vegetation dominate immediately adjacent to the dam buildings and
parking areas.
The cleared lands at the dam facilities are generally open areas used for parking and vehicle access.
These areas offer relatively low quality habitat for wildlife. Common vertebrate wildlife using these
areas includes small mammals and small birds, including migratory songbirds. Species likely to be
encountered include Gray Squirrel, moles, shrews, lizards, snakes, Carolina Chickadee, Blue Jay, and
Cardinal. Within the substation limits, vegetation has been eliminated and the area fenced to
discourage use by wildlife.
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Transmission Lines Draft
The major cover type within the Falls transmission line corridor is shrubby grassland bordered by
woodland, with the exception of a segment that crosses a maintained golf course. The Narrows
transmission line corridor is also shrubby grassland bordered by woodland except for the westernmost
slope adjoining the town of Badin, where the land has been maintained as turf grass. There are two
distinct habitats within the transmission line corridors: terrestrial shrub/grassland and freshwater
shrub-scrub/emergent wetland.
The Falls and Narrows transmission line corridors are predominantly rolling upland, the Falls having
generally steeper slopes. Scattered rock outcrops and boulders are evident within the transmission line
corridors. The terrestrial shrub/grassland habitat has a moisture gradient as a result of aspect and
shade effects from adjacent woodlands. Species adapted to direct sunlight and generally droughty
conditions are dominant, while an edge effect is apparent on either side of the transmission line
corridors along a narrow band in which can grow species that are adapted to partial shade and more
moisture. In addition, north-facing slopes also favor species that prefer moister, cooler habitats.
Several small, mostly intermittent streams drain from the transmission line corridors to the Narrows,
Falls or Tillery reservoirs, depending on location.
The vegetation is generally a mix of herbaceous and shrub species as summarized in Table 1.
Common species include the following: bush clovers (Lespedeza spp.), beard grasses (Andnopogon
spp.), sedges (Canex spp.), foxtail grasses (Setania spp.), Meadow Fescue (Festuca elation), Small
White Aster (Aster vimineus), Ragweed (Ambrosia antemisiifolia), St. Johnsworts (Hypenicum spp.),
Lobelia spp., black-eyed susans (Rudbeckia spp.), goldenrods (Solidago spp.) and panic grasses
(Panicum spp.) in the herbaceous layer, with regenerating Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), Water Oak
(Quercus falcata), Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata), and Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in the
shrub layer. Vine species are also common, including greenbrier (Smilax spp.) and rose (Rosa spp.).
Species diversity is enhanced by relatively shady north-facing slopes and by bordering trees that
shade a narrow band on either side of the transmission line corridor. Species that commonly occur
along either edge of the transmission line corridor include Black Cherry (Prunus serotina), Poison Ivy
(Rhus radicans), Black Oak (Quercus velutina), Red Maple (Acer rubrum), serviceberry
(Amelanchier spp.), Sassafras (Sassafras albidum), and Deciduous Holly (Ilex decidua).
Both the Falls and Narrows transmission line corridors cross narrow coves of their respective
reservoirs. The dominant wetland classes, using the US Fish and Wildlife Service cover type classes
(Cowardin et al. 1979), include a narrow scrub-shrub wetland fringe, which borders the Narrows
segment, and on the Falls transmission line corridor, two narrow, headwater emergent wetland
swales. One headwater wetland is a wet meadow, in which water is at or near the surface but rarely
ponds, and the other an emergent marsh, in which the water ponds for a sufficient time to support
aquatic species. The emergent marsh may meet the criteria of an ephemeral or seasonal pool, which
dries out periodically and therefore is fishless or contains few or occasional fish (Center for Reptile
and Amphibian Conservation and Management 2004). Ephemeral pools are an important habitat, as
many amphibian species such as Spotted and Marbled Salamanders (Ambystoma spp.) and Upland
Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata) are highly dependent on them for breeding.
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Transmission Lines
Table 1. List of plant species observed on Falls and Narrows powerlines during 2004 field
surveys. Species names in bold type indicate RTE species.
Cleared Upland
Aesculus sylvatica
Agalinis purpurea
Ailanthus altissima
Alisma subcordatum
Allium sp.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Ambrosia sp.
Ambrosia trifida
Amianthemum muscaetoxicum
Amorpha schwerinii
Andropogon (Schizachyrium) scoparius
Andropogon elliottii
Andropogon ternarius
Andropogon virginicus (A.glomeratus)
Antennaria plantaginifolia
Antennaria sp.
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Apocynum cannabinum
Aristida sp.
Aristida sp.
Artemisia vulgaris
Asclepias tuberosa
Asclepias verticillata
Asparagus ofcinalis
Asplenium platyneuron
Aster cf. vimineus
Aster novae-angliae
Baccharis halimifolia
Bidens aristosa
Botrychium sp.
Bromus tectorum
Campsis radicans
Carex digitalis
Carex squarrosa
Cassia (Chamaecrista) nictitans
Cassia obtusifolia
Castilleja coccinea
Ceonothus americanus
Chamaecrista (cf. Cassia)
Chasmanthium latifolium
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
Cimicifuga racemosa
Cirsium vulgare
Clitoria mariana
Coreopsis verticillatum
Cratageus crusgalli
Croton glandulosa
Crotonopsis sp.
Cunila oreganoides
Cynodon dactyloides
Cleared Upland
Allium sp.
Andropogon (Schizachyrium)
Andropogon spp. bluestem grass species
Apocynum cannabinum
Asclepias verticillata
Aster novae-angliae
Coreopsis major
Short-beard Plume
Erianthus brevibarbis Grass
Erianthus contortus
Eupatorium aromaticum
Small Dog-fennel
Eupatorium capillifolium Thoroughwort
Eupatorium serotinum
Gnaphalium sp. Cudweed species
Hypericum prolificum
Hypericum punctatum
Lespedeza spp.
Lespedeza cuneata Chinese Bush Clover
Lonicera japonica
Monarda fistulosa
Oxalis violacea
Panicum anceps Beaked Panic Grass
Pass flora incarnata
Phlox cf subulata
Pycnanthemum sp.
Schizachyrium (cf.
Andropogon) scoparium
Senecio sp.
Smilax rotundifolia
Sorghastrum nutans Indian Grass
Tridens jlavus Purple-top
Vaccinium arboreum
Valerianella radiata
Ailanthus altissima
Cercis canadensis
Ligustrum sinense
Pinus virginiana Scrub Pine
Prunus serotina Black Cherry
Viburnum prunifolium
Asplenium platyneuron
Carya glabra Pignut Hickory
Lonicera x Bella
Piptochaetium (cf. Stipa)
Polypodium virginianum
Quercus alba White Oak
Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak
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Table 1. (Continued)
Cyperus ovularis
Danthonia spicata Spiky Oat-grass
Daucus carota
Desmodium sp. (not orbiculata)
Dichanthelium lanuginosum
Dichanthelium sp.
Duchesnea indica
Eragrostis hirsuta
Erechtites hieracifolia
Erianthus brevibarbis
Bent-awn Plume
Erianthus contortus Grass
Erigeron philadelphicus
Daisy Fleabane
Erigeron spp. species
Eupatorium aromaticum
Small Dog-fennel
Eupatorium capillifolium Thoroughwort
Eupatorium hyssopifolium
Eupatorium rotundifolium
Eupatorium rugosum
Euphorbia sp.
Festuca elation Meadow Fescue
Festuca myuros
Galactia volubilis
Galium sp.
Gelsemium sempervirens
Geranium cf. virginianum
Gnaphalium obtusifolium
Gnaphalium purpureum
Helianthus atrorubens
Helianthus laetiflorus
Hieracium spp. Hawkweed species
Houstonia caerulea
Houstonia purpurea
Hypericum gentianoides
Hypericum hyperzcoides
Hypericum mutilum
Hypericum prolificum
Hypericum punctatum
St. Johnswort
Hypericum spp. species
Hypericum stragalum
Hystrix patula (Elymus hystrix)
Ilex laevigata
flex opaca
Kuhnia eupatorioides
Lactuca sp.
Lathyrus sp.
Chinese Bush
Lespedeza cuneata Clover
Lespedeza procumbens
Lespedeza virginica
Leucanthemum vulgare
Liquidambar styraciflua
Lobelia cf spicata
Lobelia inflata
Lobelia puberula
Quercus stellata
Rhus aromatica
Stipa avenacea
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Vaccinium arboreum
Needle Grass
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Table 1. (Continued)
Lonicera japonica
Lonicera x Bella
Heller's Birdsfoot
Lotus helleri Trefoil
Mecardonia acuminata
Melia azedarach
Melinis mutica
Microstegium vimineum
Miscanthus sinensis
Monarda fistulosa
Nandina domestica
Oenothera fruticosa
Oxalis sp.
Violet Wood
Oxalis violacea Sorrel
Panicum anceps
Panicum clandestinum
Panicum depauperatum
Panicum distans
Panicum sp.
Paspalum boscianum
Paspalum cf. laeve
Paspalum sp
Pass flora incarnata
Phlox sp.
Phyllanthus sp.
Phytolacca americana
Pinus echinata
Pinus taeda
Pinus virginiana
Piptochaetium (cf. Stipa)
Plantago aristata
Plantago virginica
Polygala curtisii
Polygala nuttallii
Prunella vulgaris
Pteridium aquilinum
Pueraria lobata (P. montana)
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Pyrrhopappus carolianus
Quercus falcata
Rhynchosia tomentosa
Rhyncospora sp.
Robinia hispida
Rosa carolina
Rubus argutus
Rudbeckia fulgida
Rudbeckia hirta Coneflower
Ruellia caroliniana
Pursh's Wild
Ruellia purshiana Petunia
Rumex sp.
Salvia lyrata
Schizachyrium (cf.Andropogon in part)
Schrankia microphylla
Scirpus cyperinus
Scleria sp.
Senecio smallii
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Table 1. (Continued)
Senecio sp.
Bristle Grass
Setaria spp. species
Sisyrinchium sp.
Smilax hispida
Solanum carolinense
Solidago canadensis Canada Goldenrod
Solidago erecta
Solidago nemoralis
Sorghastrum eliottii
Sorghastrum nutans
Sorghum halepense Johnson Grass
Staphylea trifolia
Stipa (Piptochaetium) avenacea
Stylosanthes bijlora
Styrax americana
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Tephrosia hispidula
Tragia urticifolia
Trichostema dichotoma Blue-curls
Tridens jlavus Purple-top
Tripsacum dactyloides
Ulm us alata
Valerianella sp.
Verbascum sp.
Verbena brasiliensis
Verbesina occidentalis Crownbeard
Verbesina virginica
Wetland 1
Acer rubrum
Perennial Bent-
Agrostis perennans grass
Arthraxon hispidus Hairy Joint-grass
Aster puniceus
Bidens aristosa
Boehmeria cylindrica
Carex baileyi
Carex tribuloides
Cyperus strigosus
Dichanthelium sp. 1
Witch Grass
Dichanthelium sp. 2 species
Festuca elatior
Glyceria sp.
Helenium autumnale
Juncus coriaceus
Juncus effusus Smooth Rush
Lespedeza cuneata
Liquidambar styracijlua
Lobelia cardinalis
Lobelia puberula
Lonicera japonica
Microstegium vimineum
Mimulus ringens
Oxalis violacea
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Pinus taeda
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05 14
Transmission Lines
Table 1. (Continued)
Platanus occidentalis Sycamore
Polygonum sagittatum
Prunus serotina
Rhyncospora sp.
Scirpus sp.
Scirpus polyphyllus Leafy Bulrush
Typha latifolia
Ulmus rubra
Verbesina occidentalis
Wetland 2 (vernal pool/headwater stream)
Alisma subcordatum
Carex baileyi
Carex lupulina Hop Sedge
Witch Grass
Dichanthelium sp. 2 species
Diodia virginiana
Eleocharis sp.
Hypericum mutilum
Juncus sp.
Leersia oryzoides Rice Cutgrass
Microstegium vimineum
Panic Grass
Panicum large species
Polygonum sp.
Rhyncospora corniculata Beakrush
Scirpus sp.
Scirpus cypermus Woolgrass
Smilax glauca
Edge of clearing
Acer rubrum
Ailanthus altissima
Amelanchier sp.
Asplenium platyneuron
Cercis canadensis Redbud
Clitoria mariana
Coreopsis major
Diospyros virginiana Persimmon
Gaylussacia frondosa Dangleberry
Hypericum stans
Ilex decidua
Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar
Liquidambar styracijlua
Lonicera japonica
Magnolia grand flora
Melia azedarach
Pinus echinata
Prunus serotina Black Cherry
Quercus phellos
Quercus velutina Black Oak
Robinia cf pseudoacacia
Sassafras albidum
Toxicodendron radicans
Viburnum prunifolium
Vitis rotundifolia
Woodsia obtusa Cliff Brake
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05 15
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Table 1. (Continued)
Acer rubrum
Acer saccharum leucoderme
Aesculus sylvatica Painted Buckeye
Alnus serrulata
Amelanchier arborea
Botrychium dissectum
Carya glabra Pignut Hickory
Carya ovata
Carya tomentosa
Celtis occidentalis
Celtis tenuifolia
Chrysogonum virginianum
Clematis cf. viorna
Cornus jlorida Dogwood
Crataegus cf crusgalli
Fraxinus americana
Houstonia purpurea
Hypericum fruticosum
flex laevigata
flex decidua
flex opaca
Juglans nigra
Ligustrum japonicum
Liquidambar styracijlua Sweet Gum
Liriodendron tulipifera
Microstegium vimineum
Morus rubra
Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum
Oxalis venosa
Oxydendrum arboreum
Panicum clandestinum
Pinus echinata Shortleaf Pine
Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine
Pinus virginiana Scrub Pine
Platanus occidentalis
Polypodium virginianum
Polystichum acrostichoides
Prunus serotina
Quercus alba White Oak
Quercus coccinea
Quercus falcata Southern Red Oak
Quercus marilandica
Quercus nigra
Quercus prinus (Q. montana) Chestnut Oak
Quercus rubra
Quercus stellata Post Oak
Quercus velutina
Styrax grandifolia
Thalictrum thalictroides
Ulm us alata
Vaccinium arboreum
Viburnum rufidulum
Viburnum dentatum
Vitis rotundifolia
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Common species within the wet meadow wetland include sedges (Carex spp.), rushes (Iuncus spp.),
mannagrasses (Glyceria spp.), bulrushes (Scirpus spp.), Narrow-leaved Cattail (Typha angustifolia),
Upland Bentgrass (Agrostis perennans), and Arrow-leaved Tear-thumb (Polygonum sagittatum).
Common species within the emergent marsh, where water ponds periodically, includes Woolgrass
(Scirpus cyperinus), Short-bristle Beakrush (Rhynchospora corniculata), Rice Cutgrass (Leersia
oryzoides), and Water Plantain (Alisma subcordatum). Red Maple (Acer rubrum), American
Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), Brookside Alder (Alnus serrulata) and Sweet Gum (Liquidambar
styracifua) are common shrub-scrub species fringing the marsh edge.
There are three readily distinguishable woodland cover types bordering the transmission line
corridors: mixed hardwood, mixed hardwood/softwood, and softwood stands. Typical hardwood tree
species include White Oak (Quercus alba), Scarlet Oak (Quercus coccinea), Southern Red Oak
(Quercus falcata), Blackjack Oak (Quercus marilandica), Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), Sweet
Gum, Painted Buckeye (Aesculus sylvatica), Pignut Hickory (Carya glabra), Shagbark Hickory
(Carya ovata), and Mockemut Hickory (Carya tomentosa). The softwood stands, which include those
under silvicultural management, include Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata),
and Scrub Pine (Pinus virginiana).
Invasive species observed within the dam facility lands and transmission line corridors include
Chinese Bushclover (Lespedeza cuneata) in relatively open, dry sites and Nepalese Browntop
(Microstegium vimineum) in relatively moist ones. The highly disturbed vegetation surrounding dam
facilities is dominated by primarily woody or climbing invasives: Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus
altissima), Kudzu (Pueraria lobata (P. montana)), Japanese Privet (Ligustrum japonicum), Wisteria
spp., and climbing roses (Rosa spp.).
The Falls and Narrows transmission line corridors add to the diversity of habitat within the immediate
area. Both transmission line corridors cross large blocks of woodland, sections of which are under
silvicultural management. The mix of herbaceous and shrub habitat provides additional structure
(vertical and horizontal complexity), an important habitat element (Conner and Dickson 1997;
DeGraaf and Rudis 1986). Many vertebrate species use the transmission line corridor environment as
a necessary or preferred part of a larger home range or territory. These include neotropical migratory
birds, resident songbirds and game birds, birds of prey, large and small mammals, reptiles and
amphibians. Reptiles find particular value in the "solar window" provided by forest openings of the
kind maintained in transmission line corridors. The discovery of Six-lined Racerunner lizards
(Cnemidophorus sexhneatus) in the Falls transmission line during the survey may indicate that this
heat-loving species is taking advantage of basking opportunities not easily available otherwise in the
study area. The presence of Timber Rattlesnake (a Special Concern species in NC - see following
paragraph) in the Falls transmission line may also owe much to the same opportunity for efficient
thermoregulation (Lewis 2004). Table 2 provides a summary of species observed during the
transmission line corridor field review.
Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species
Lotus helleri and Ruellia purshiana, both of which are listed by the state as Significantly Rare, were
identified in the Falls transmission line corridor east of Falls Rd. The natural habitat of both species
includes open-canopy forest, but wildfire suppression in the Project Area probably affords them less
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05 17
Transmission Lines Draft
Table 2. Wildlife species or their sign observed in the 2004 Narrows and Falls transmission
line surveys.
Common Name Scientific Name Narrows Falls
Blue jay Cyanocitta cristata x
Bluebird, eastern Sialia sialis x
Chickadee, Carolina Poecile carolinensis x
Crow, American Corax brachyrhynchos x
Cuckoo, yellow-billed Coccyzus americanus x
Eagle, bald Haliaeetus leucocephalus x
Flycatcher, Acadian Empidonax virescens x
Flycatcher, great crested Myiarchus crinitus x
Goldfinch, American Carduelis tristis x
Hawk, red-tailed Buteo jamaicensis x
Hummingbird, ruby-throated Archilochus colubris x
Indigo bunting Passerina cyanea x x
Kingfisher, belted Ceryle torquata x
Tanager, summer Piranga rubra x x
Thrush, wood Hylocichla mustelina x
Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus x x
Tufted titmouse Baeolophus bicolor x
Turkey Meleagris gallopavo x
Vireo, red-eyed Vireo olivaceus x x
Vulture, black Coragyps atratus x x
Vulture, turkey Cathartes aura x x
Warbler, black and white Mniotiha varia x
Warbler, magnolia Dendroica magnolia x
Warbler, parula Parula Americana x
Warbler, pine Dendroica pinus x
Warbler, prairie Dendroica discolor x
Warbler, prothonotary Protonotaria citrea x
Woodpecker, red-bellied Melanerpes carolinus x
Wren, Carolina Thyothorus ludovicianus x x
Fence lizard Sceloporus undulatus x
Racerunner, six-lined Cnemidophorus sexlineatus x
Skink, ground skink Scincella lateralis x
Snake, black racer Coluber constrictor x
Snake, eastern hognosed Heterodon platyrhinos x
Snake, rat Elaphe obsolete x
Snake, ringneck Diadophis punctatus x
Snake, timber rattler Crotalus horridus x
Snake, worm Carphophis amoenus x
Turtle nest Emydidae x x
Turtle, box Terrepene Carolina x x
Egg masses Rana clamitans x
Green frog Acris crepitans x
Northern cricket frog Hyla crucifer x
Spring peeper Hyla versicolor x
S. gray treefrog Acris spp. x
Cricket frog chorusing x
Salamander tadpoles x
Toad tadpoles x
Toad, American Bufo americanus x
Red Squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus x
Rodent Cricetidae x
White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginicus x
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Transmission Lines Draft
opportunity than previously for widespread persistence outside the managed clearings characteristic
of power transmission systems. Both species are relatively short and weak-stemmed and appear to do
best in relatively dry sites, where drought-hardy and taller plants (e.g. Andropogon virginicus,
Apocynum cannabinum) may be present but discontinuous in cover. Transmission lines maintain
linear openings of varying soil moisture as they cut across a landscape's heights and hollows,
exposing the primarily herbaceous community to sun at every angle for differing lengths of time.
Conditions favorable to a great diversity of light-demanding herbaceous plant species therefore may
be found within these artificial landscape features. Continual human disturbance of such features,
however, does not necessarily work to the benefit of some rare species. For instance, neither
population of L. helleri and R. purshiana could be found in autumn following their initial discovery in
June, due to disturbance during maintenance and widening of the transmission line corridor.
However, both species are perennial and will likely resprout next year, and in the long term, may
actually benefit from the widening of the transmission line corridor.
Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) was the only target animal species on the RTE list observed
during the 2004 surveys. One gravid female was found in the Falls Dam transmission line corridor,
east of Falls Road. This observation confirms anecdotal reports of other rattlesnake sightings in the
vicinity of the Falls Dam transmission line as a result of logging operations carried out during the
summer and autumn of 2004 (Olson 2004).
Rattlesnakes overwinter in a hibernaculum, which typically consists of deep outcrop fissures and
boulder piles with a southern aspect. Several instances of this resource occur within or adjacent to the
transmission line. Sunny locations near a rattlesnake hibernaculum provide the animals each spring
with an important means of elevating body temperature efficiently after their period of winter
quiescence. This opportunity for efficient thermoregulation is particularly important for gravid
females, whose young develop faster and emerge sooner if provided with an optimal basking
environment. The young may also benefit by increased food availability and cover in the open
habitats within the right-of-way. A gravid female basking in the transmission line right-of-way
probably indicates the presence of a hibernaculum in close proximity, one which the same female is
likely to use for the duration of her life, especially with the continued availability of optimal basking
locations (Lewis 2004).
The larger of the two emergent wetlands that cross the Falls Dam transmission line affords potentially
suitable habitat for the two target amphibian species, Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum) and
Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum). Although no salamander egg masses were
observed there during 2004, one unidentified salamander larva was observed in October 2004.
Confirmation of the presence of these salamander species requires revisitation of the wetland during
winter or early spring to detect breeding activity. Set in an upland environment remote from the
reservoirs, however, this wetland faces no impact from water-level management changes.
The transmission line corridors and Project Lands associated with the dam facilities are maintained by
APGI primarily to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the Project. Most of these areas have
maintained vegetation heights within specific limits, depending on location. As a result of this
vegetation management program, wildlife habitat is affected. The program utilizes herbicide
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Transmission Lines Draft
treatments as the major method of control, with mowing or brush cutting used where appropriate.
Herbicides are not allowed within 100 feet of the reservoir.
The management program within Project Lands includes application of herbicides to maintain bare
ground in gravel areas and along fence lines, with a first application in March and a follow-up
application in July (Wright 2004). Depending on weather conditions, a third treatment may be applied
later in the summer. Herbicides are rotated with a mix of three types of chemicals: contact herbicide
(e.g. Roundup® or Krenite®), pre-emergent herbicide (e.g. Oust®), and postemergent herbicide (e.g.
Arsenal®). A fourth herbicide, Habitat, is used in the vicinity of the emergent wetlands.
Typically, vegetation is managed within the transmission line corridors by the application of
herbicides, generally on a 3-year rotation within each corridor (Wright 2004). Additional treatments
may be requested by APGI when the need arises. The treatment objectives are to maintain vegetation
height while minimizing adverse impacts on sensitive habitats and desirable species such as cedar and
dogwood (Juniperus and Cornus spp. respectively), which will not interfere with the line. By means
of spot applications, spray drift to non-target species and soil is kept to a minimum. Two mixes are
used depending on the vegetation present. For control of hardwood species and shrubs a mix of
Roundup® and Arsenal® with a surfactant is applied. The herbicide treatment used for softwoods is
Krenite® with a surfactant. In sensitive areas such as wetlands, the herbicide Habitat® is used, which
is approved for use in wetlands when there is no ponded water.
Herbicides are applied with either backpack sprayers or from a truck by means of a 600-foot hose. A
drift control agent is added to the mix when there is wind and applications are discontinued when
wind speed exceeds approximately 10 mph. Herbicides are not applied during rainfall.
Off-road vehicle use is restricted by gates at most access points on the transmission line corridors,
which helps prevent soil erosion and adverse impacts on wildlife. The access roads and parking areas
to all dams are paved, which reduces erosion into the reservoirs.
APGI is currently in the process of expanding the corridor width on both of the Project transmission
lines. This expansion is being done to improve system safety and reliability. Expansion of the
transmission lines involves clearing trees and other woody vegetation from approximately 25-50 feet
on either side of the existing corridor. This work was completed on the Falls transmission line in
2004 and is scheduled to occur on the Narrows transmission line in 2005. Once this initial
transmission line widening is completed, there are no proposed or anticipated changes in Project
operation that will affect the transmission line corridors or the maintained lands at the dams. Timber
harvesting associated with the current transmission line corridor expansion and nearby lands has had
temporary impacts on soils and vegetation due to the operation of heavy equipment. But in the long-
term, it is anticipated that the expanded corridors will benefit game species such as White-tailed Deer,
Turkey and Bobwhite as well as some non-game species. A widened transmission-line corridor,
especially one that has been recently cleared, may reduce or eliminate the crossing movements of
some animals (e.g. small birds and mammals) that now may include both forested edges in one
territory. However, most of the impacts to many area-sensitive species with a need for large, intact
forest have already occurred, since much of the adjoining forest managed for timber production.
Before that, forested land was fragmented by agriculture, more intensively than it is now. Area-
sensitive species would have undergone the preponderant impacts of forest fragmentation centuries
ago, and more recently at the time the original transmission lines were cut out of the newly
regenerating forest.
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Transmission Lines Draft
The current vegetation management program used by APGI for maintenance of its transmission lines
and project facilities utilizes herbicides appropriate to the control of target species and sensitive
environments. Continued facility maintenance using appropriately selected and applied herbicides
should have no adverse impacts on the use of these areas by wildlife. However, to ensure that the
desired effects are being achieved, the program should be periodically reviewed to ensure that adverse
impacts are avoided. Such a review could, for example, reassess application methods and herbicide
use near water bodies, and RTE species. In addition, APGI should consider some modifications to
its routine maintenance operations to better protect existing habitats and species of importance. For
example, logging equipment could be routed around sensitive habitats such as wetlands and rare and
endangered species habitats. An upland buffer could be maintained around wetlands in which
motorized vehicles are prohibited. Crossings of wetlands could be at established points using best
management practices to control sediment and erosion. Such management guidelines for generally
enhancing wildlife habitat as well as the known RTE species occurring on the Falls powerline should
be developed with consultation with experts in those species.
The continued operation and maintenance of the Yadkin Project facilities and reservoirs will not
impact the habitats associated with the Falls and Narrows transmission line corridor, and maintained
lands associated with the four dams. The current expansion of the Falls and Narrows Transmission
corridors will result in an increase in shrubby grassland habitat in an area dominated by woodland.
The use of herbicides in vegetation management should be periodically reviewed to ensure that
impacts to rare and endangered species habitats and wetlands are minimized, and herbicide selection
follows the approved label guidelines.
ALCOA Power Generating Inc.2002., Yadkin Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2197-NC, Initial
Consultation Document. September. Yadkin Division, Badin, North Carolina.
Center for Reptile and Amphibian Conservation and Management. 2004. Available at
http://herpcenter.ipfw.edu/ (accessed 24 November 2004).
Conner, R.N. and J.G. Dickson. 1997. Relationships between bird communities and forest age,
structure, species composition and fragmentation in the west Gulf Coastal Plain. Texas
Journal ofScience. 49(3) Supplement: 123-138.
Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and
Deepwater Habitats of the United States. US Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79/31.
Washington D.C.
DeGraaf, R.M. and D.D. Rudis. 1986. New England wildlife habitat, natural history and distribution.
USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NE-108.
Hunsucker, Ken. 2004. Pers. Comm. ALCOA, Badin, North Carolina.
Lewis, M. 2004. RTE Species Survey - Yadkin Project: Reptiles & Amphibians. Undated letter
report to Normandeau Associates, Inc. North Carolina Zoological Park, Asheboro, NC. 3 pp.
Normandeau. 2004. Rare, Threatened and Endangered (RTE) Species Survey Report. Prepared for
Alcoa Power Generating Inc., Badin, NC.
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05 21
Transmission Lines
Olson, Marshall. 2004. Pers. Comm. ALCOA, Badin, North Carolina.
Wright, Byron. 2004. Pers. Comm. NaturChem, Lexington, South Carolina.
Yadkin, Inc. 1999. Application for Commission Authorization to amend Project License, Project No.
2197-038, December. Badin, North Carolina.
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05 22
Transmission Lines
List of Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species
for Yadkin Project Search
Transmission Line Draft 2/17/05
Appendix Table 1. Final List of Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species for Yadkin Project Search for Terrestrial and Wetland
Species only, Including Insects. Birds and Aquatic Wildlife were handled by others.
Scientific Name Common Name Source State* Federal* County Habitat Notes
Amorpha schwerinii Piedmont indigo-bush 1 SR-T M, R, S, Dd dry forests
Aster georgianus Georgia aster 1,2 T Cl M, R, S, Dd open woods and roadsides
Aster mirabilis Piedmont aster 1 SR-T S rich slopes and bottomlands
Baptisia alba Thick-pod white wild indigo 1 SR-P M, S open woodland clearings
Baptisia albescens Thin-pod white wild indigp 1 SR-P M, R, S open woodland clearings
Cardamine dissecta Dissected toothwort 1 SR-P M, R, Dd rich woods, bottomlands
Carex impressinervia Ravine sedge 1,2 SR-T FSC M wet forests
Cirsium carolinianum Carolina thistle 1 SR-P M, R forests, disturbed areas, basic soils
Helenium brevifolium Littleleaf sneezeweed 1 E M, R bogs, seeps, riverbanks
Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's sunflower 1, 2, 3 E E M, R, S, Dd open woods and roadsides
Plantago cordata Heart-leaf plantain 1 E Dd beds of small, slate-bottomed perennial streams
Porteranthus stipulatus Indian Physic 1 SR-P M, Dd forests and open woods, mainly over mafic rocks
Solidago plumosa Yadkin River goldenrod 1,2 E FSC M, S riverside rocks
Solidago radula var. radula Western rough goldenrod 1 SR-P S dry woodlands over mafic rocks
Ambystoma talpoideum Mole salamander 1 SC M, R fish-free semipermanent woodland ponds
Anemone berlandierz Southern anemone/thimbleweed 1 SR-P M, R, S thin soils around rock outcrops
Carex bushii Bush's sedge 1 SR-P R open wet areas
Collinsonia tuberosa Piedmont horsebalm 1 SR-P M rich hardwood forests
Corynorhinus rafinesquii Rafinesque's big-eared bat * * * E FSC old buildings, hollow trees, caves, mines, near water
Crotalus horridus Timber rattlesnake 1 SC M, S, Dd rocky, upland forests
Fothergilla major Large witch-alder 1 SR-T M, S dry ridgetop or bluff forests
Gomphus abbreviatus Spine-crowned clubtail 1 SR M rivers
Gomphus fraternus Midland clubtail 1 SR S rocky rivers
Hemidactylium scutatum Four-toed salamander 1 SC M wetlands in hardwood forests
Hexalectris spicata Crested coralroot 1 SR-P S, Dd, D dry or mesic woods on basic soils
Quercus austrina Bluff oak 1 SR-P M bluff and bottomland forests
Ruellia purshiana Pursh's wild-petunia 1 SR-O M glades, woodlands over mafic/calcareous rocks
Spartina pectinata Freshwater cordgrass 1 SR-P M freshwater marshes
Stachys sp I Yadkin hedge nettle 1 SR-T M sandy edges of forested floodplains
Tradescantia virginiana Virginia spiderwort 1 SR-P M rich woods on circumneutral soils
Verbena rzparia Riverbank vervain 1,2 SR-T FSC S habitat not known
Transmission lines
Echinacea laevigata Smooth coneflower 1, 2, 3 E-SC E M glades and open areas over mafic rocks
Gnaphalium hellerz var hellerz Heller's rabbit tobacco 1 SR-P M, R, Dd dry woodlands, openings, glades over mafic rocks
Helianthus laevigatus Smooth sunflower 1 SR-P M, R, S shaly open woods and roadsides
Appendix Table 1. (Continued)
Scientific Name Common Name Source State* Federal- County Habitat Notes
Lotus helleri Carolina birdfoot-trefoil/Heller's trefoil 1,2 SR-T FSC R, S, Dd, D open woods over clay soils, roadsides
Parthenium auriculatum Glade wild quinine 1 SR-T M glades and openings over mafic rocks
Arabis missouriensis Missouri rockcress 1 SR-P S thin soils around basic rock outcrops
Aster laevis var concinnus Narrow-leaf aster 1 SR-P S forests, woodland borders over mafic rocks
Baptisia minor Prairie blue wild indigo 1 T S glades and open forests on basic soils
Clemmys muhlenbergii Bog turtle 2,3 T T/SA Dd bogs, wet pastures
Cyperus houghtonii Houghtons umbrella sedge 1 SR-P dry soil
Desmodium ochroleucum Cream ticktrefoil 1,2 SR-T FSC D sandy/rocky woodland openings
Dicanthelium annulum Ringed witch grass 1 SR-P dry, sandy or rocky woods, borders of thickets
Dodecatheon meadia var meadia Eastern shooting star 1 SR-P S, Dd rich rocky woods over mafic or calcareous rocks
Erynnis martialis Mottled duskywing 1 SR M upland woods, needs Ceanothus americanus
Fixsenia favonius ontario Northern oak hairstreak 1 SR M dry oak-dominated woods
Gomphus consanguis Cherokee clubtail 1 SR D spring-fed streams
Helenium pinnatifidum Dissected sneezeweed 1 SR-P R savannahs and open mucky sites
flex amelanchier Sarvis holly 1 SR-P M blackwater swamps and riverbanks
Isoetes piedmontana Piedmont quillwort 1 T R granite flatrocks and diabase glades
Isoetes virginica Virginia quillwort 1,2 SR-L FSC R upland depression swamp forests
Juglans cinerea Butternut 2 FSC S coves, stream benches, rock ledges
Lilium canadense ssp editorum Red Canada lily 1 SR-P S bogs, wet meadows
Lindera subcoriacea Bog spicebush 1,2 E FSC M streamhead pocosins, white cedar swamps, bogs
Masticophis flagellum Coachwhip 1 SR S dry sandy woods, pine/oak sandhills
Matelea decipiens Glade milkvine 1 SR-P S, Dd thin woodlands over mafic or calcareous rocks
Minuartia unifiora Single-flowered sandwort 1 E R granite flatrocks
Oxypolis ternata Savanna/Piedmont cowbane *** FSC wetlands, wet swales, bogs
Pellaea wrightiana Wright's cliff-brake 1 E-SC S rock outcrops, mafic or with nutrient-rich seepage
Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus Northern pinesnake 1,2 SC FSC M dry, sandy woods, pine/oak sandhills
Platanthera integra Yellow fringeless orchid 1 T R savannas
Portulaca smalhi Small's portulaca 1 T R granite flatrocks and diabase glades
Puma concolor couguar Eastern cougar 1, 2, 3 E E M needs open forest
Quercus prinoides Dwarf Chinquapin oak 1 SR-P S dry, rocky slopes
Rhus michauxii Michawes sumac 1, 2, 3 E-SC E D sandhills, sandy forests, woodlands and edges
Silphium terebinthinaceum Prairie dock 1 SR-P D diabase glades, open/semi-open areas, mafic rocks
Sistrurus miliarius Pigmy rattlesnake 1 SC M pine flatwoods, pine/oak sandhills
Solidago ptarmicoides Prairie goldenrod 1 E R diabase glades
Appendix Table 1. (Continued)
1 NC Natural Heritage Program County lists updated May 2003,
NHP List of Rare Animal Species 2001, and NHP list of Rare Plant Species, 2002
2 US Fish & Wildlife Service North Carolina County lists updated 2/2003
3 US Fish and Wildlife Service TESS State list updated 2/2004
* based on NCNHP County lists updated May 2003
** based on USFWS County lists updated 2/2003
*** State and/or Federally listed but not found in counties
CI = Consideration for listing- no protected status
E = Endangered
E/PT = Endangered Potentially Threatened
E-SC = Endangered but available commercially
FSC = Federal Special Concern - no protected status
SC = Special Concern
SR = Significantly Rare
SR-L = Significantly Rare Limited
SR-O = Significantly Rare Other
SR-P = Significantly Rare Peripheral
SR-T = Significantly Rare Throughout
T = Threatened
T/SA = Threat. due to Similarity of Appearance -
no effect on land-management activities by private landowners
S Stanly
R Rowan
M Montgomery
Dd Davidson
D Davie
Expert Reviewers
Dr. Alan Weakley, Curator, UNC Herbarium, Chapel Hill, NC
Dr. Moni Bates, NC Plant Conservation Program
Dr. Peter Diamond, NC Zoological Park, Asheboro, NC
Sarah McRae, Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, NC
Dr. Mary Kay Clark, NC Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC
Mr. Mark Lewis, NC Zoological Park, Asheboro, NC
Dr. Dennis Herman, NC Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC