HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070812 Ver 1_08 Fish Sampling Work Plan (2)_20080502FISH SAMPLING WORK PLAN NARROWS RESERVOIR BADIN, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for Alcoa, Inc. 2300 N. Wright Road Alcoa, Tennessee 37701 December 14, 2007 Project Number: 20500252.00001 FISH SAMPLING WORK PLAN NARROWS RESERVOIR BADIN, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Alcoa, Inc. 2300 N. Wright Road Alcoa, Tennessee 37701 December 2007 URS Corporation 1000 Corporate Centre Drive Suite 250 Franklin, TN 37067 Project #20500252.00001 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Site History ................................................................................................................. 1-1 2 Fish Tissue Monitoring .......................................................................................................2-1 2.1 Fish Tissue Monitoring ................................................................ ............................... 2-1 2. 1.1 General Approach ............................................................... ...............................2-1 2.2 Sampling Site Selection ............................................................... ............................... 2-1 2.3 Field and Laboratory Methods ..................................................... ...............................2-2 2.3.1 Sampling Method ............................................................... ............................... 2-2 2.3.2 Sample Identification .......................................................... ...............................2-3 2.3.3 Analytical Methodology ..................................................... ...............................2-3 2.3.4 QA/QC ................................................................................ ...............................2-4 Decontamination Procedures ............................... ............................... 2-4 Sample Custody ................................................... ............................... 2-5 Sample Shipping .................................................. ............................... 2-5 2.3.5 Derived Waste Management .............................................. ............................... 2-5 3 Reporting Schedule .............................................................................................................3-1 3.1 Reporting and Schedule .............................................................................................. 3-1 4 References ............................................................................................................................4-1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Site Location Figure 2-1 Fish Sampling Locations APPENDICES Appendix A BHE Environmental Analytical Data Appendix B Quality Assurance/Quality Control i S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc UM SECTIONONE Introduction 1.1 SITE HISTORY Alcoa Power Generating Inc. (APGI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alcoa Inc. (Alcoa) operates four hydroelectric developments, the High Rock, Tuckertown, Narrows and Falls developments, which are located on a 38-mile stretch of the Yadkin River. Narrows was the first of the Project developments to be built (Figure 1-1). In the early 1900s, the Southern Aluminum Company, a subsidiary of L'Aluminum Francaise, constructed two bypass tunnels on the east side of the Yadkin River to divert water around a planned Narrows Dam and Powerhouse construction site. A large amount of rock spoil from the tunnels construction was piled along the southeastern side of the Powerhouse. Southern Aluminum Company was sold to Alcoa in November 1915, who completed the Narrows Dam and Powerhouse by June 1917. The rock spoil from the tunnels construction currently sits on a bedrock ridge, which creates a semi-isolated cove directly in the mouth of the bypass tunnels. This cove is located approximately 35 feet below the Powerhouse, and is bordered by a shear rock face cliff on the north, a nearly vertical bluff on the east, and by the bedrock ridge that forms the peninsula on the western edge. The water surface area of the cove is approximately 0.15 acres. The peninsula is comprised of exposed metavolcanic bedrock ridge and tunnel construction spoil consisting of large boulders and cobbles. Very little sediment or soil is found on the peninsula. In the areas where sediments/soils are present heavy vegetation has grown. During the nearly 90 years of operation of the Powerhouse, various materials have fallen from the Powerhouse onto the peninsula below. Materials such as sandblasting grit, electrical equipment, broken glass, metal, brick and other miscellaneous rubble are found in a debris pile at the base of the Powerhouse adjacent to the cove. In 2001, two small electrical capacitors were discovered in the debris pile. These electrical capacitors were removed by APG for offsite disposal. The electrical equipment, metal and brick debris likely came from prior construction work on the Powerhouse. APG's best estimate is that the capacitors were used as auxiliary electrical equipment during the period between the 1940s and 1970s. The structure where the capacitors were located was removed sometime between 1973 and 1975. Alcoa believes that the capacitors were discarded during this time period. APG bases this estimate upon reviews of engineering drawings and employee interviews. Investigative activities were conducted at the Site in three phases (November 2001, February 2003, and August 2005). Shield Engineering, Inc. ("Shield") of Charlotte, North Carolina managed all activities conducted in November 2001, and documented activities in an internal Alcoa report dated January 9, 2002. Engineering Inc. managed investigation activities conducted in February 2003 and August 2005. The complete results of these three phases are documented in the report, "Investigation Summary Report", Alcoa Power Generating, Inc. - Yadkin Division Narrows Dam Powerhouse (Engineering, Inc. 2006). A brief summary of each phase is presented below. 1-1 S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc UM SECTIONONE Introduction Soil samples collected at the Site in November 2001 indicated that concentrations of total PCBs in excess of 50 milligrams per kilogram ("mg/kg") were detected in two of the fourteen soil samples. On February 24, 2003, Engineering Inc. personnel mobilized to the site to collect additional sediment, soil, and surface water samples. A total of five sediment samples, one soil sample and a single composite water sample were collected during this investigation. PCB concentrations were less than 50 mg/kg in sediment and soil samples and the surface water was non-detect for PCBs. On August 25, 2005, Engineering Inc. personnel collected sediment and soil samples to further define the horizontal and vertical distribution of impacted materials. A total of three sediment samples were collected from the floor of the cove and nine soil samples were collected from the debris pile and peninsula. Total PCBs concentrations in excess of 50 mg/kg were not detected in any of the sediment or soil samples. In summary, sediments impacted by PCBs and are generally localized to the submerged sediment fan of the debris pile immediately east of the Powerhouse covering a surface area of approximately 870 square feet. Laboratory results from sediment samples indicated no concentrations of total PCBs in excess of 50 mg/kg. Soils impacted by PCBs are generally localized to the debris pile immediately east of the Powerhouse covering a surface area of approximately 3,200 square feet. Laboratory results from soil samples indicated total PCBs in excess of 50 mg/kg in three of the twenty-four soil samples collected. Concentrations of total PCBs in soil samples greater than 50 mg/kg ranged from 59 mg/kg to 140 mg/kg. In September 2007, BBE Environmental (BBE) was contracted by Alcoa to collect additional sediment samples from the cove which is adjacent to the area where PCBs were detected in soils. BBE Environmental collected two sediment samples which were subsequently analyzed for select PCB congeners, dioxin and furans. The data indicated that sediments contained detectable levels of PCBs and dioxins. Analytical results are included in Appendix A. In cooperation with the State of North Carolina, Alcoa contracted URS Corporation to prepare a Work Plan detailing the procedures for obtaining fish samples to evaluate if PCBs and dioxins detected in sediments are also detectable in biological tissue immediately below the Narrows Dam. Based on the findings of the sediment analyses, a limited number of PCB and dioxin congeners were detected. 1-2 S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc UM SECTIONONE Introduction These included: PCBs Dioxins 77-TeCB 2,3,7,8-TCDD 123-PeCB 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 118-PeCB OCDD 114-PeCB 2,3,7,8-TCDF 105-PeCB 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 126-PeCB 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 167-HxCB 1,2,3,4,7, 8-HxCDF 156,157-HxCB 1,2,3, 6,7, 8-HxCDF 169-HxCB 2,3,4, 6,7, 8-HxCDF 180,193-HpCB 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 170-HpCB 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 189-HpCB 1,2,3,4,7, 8,9-HpCDF OCDF The objective of this investigation is to evaluate whether these congeners have accumulated in fish tissue. This Work Plan details the activities related to fish tissue collection and analytical requirements. 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A i ,.,rte ; it ,4: �i�i �t7/34'S�aNT IrU:r/ - - �' Drawn By: Title: Site LOCationTDH Figure 1-1 Revision Date: 10/17/07 Source: SECTIONTWO Fish Tissue Monitoring 2.1 FISH TISSUE MONITORING The objectives of the proposed fish tissue sampling event are to: 1) Determine if PCB and dioxins congeners detected in sediments in the Narrows Cove have been released and subsequently have accumulated in fish collected adjacent to the Narrows Cove; 2) Determine if PCB Aroclors are detected in fish tissue samples; and 3) Determine if the concentrations of PCB and dioxins congeners and PCB Aroclors detected in fish tissue samples collected adjacent to the Narrows Cove are comparable to background levels detected in tissues collected from an upgradient area not influenced by the site. 2.1.1 General Approach The fish tissue sampling will include collecting a bottom feeding species from an area adjacent to the Narrows Cove as well as from a reference location in a northeastern arm of Badin Lake. The target species will be channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). These fish represent bottom- dwelling species which are commonly included in state and federal monitoring programs as "worst-case" species representative of bioaccumulation; an important game species and assumed to be utilized for human consumption below the Narrows Dam. Ten discrete samples (fish) will be collected from each sampling location and submitted for PCB and dioxin congener analyses. In addition, largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and a representative sunfish species (Lepomis sp.) will be collected, processed and shipped to the analytical lab and archived until results of the channel catfish tissue analyses have been reviewed. The archived tissue will be analyzed if warranted. If the target species are not present in the sampling site, alternative species will be selected based upon trophic level and feeding regime. Surrogate species for channel catfish may include common carp (Cyprinus carpio), bullhead (Ameiurus sp.) or redhorse (Moxostoma sp.). If largemouth bass are not readily collected, an alternative species such as crappie (Pomoxis sp.) or walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) may be collected and archived. If sunfish are not present, a representative species will be identified based upon field observations. 2.2 SAMPLING SITE SELECTION Ten (10) individuals of each of the three target species will be collected from two sites which are presented on Figure 2-1. These locations include the following: 1) A 0.5 mile stretch of the Yadkin River downstream of the Narrows Dam. The Study Area is in the immediate vicinity of the Narrows Cove where previous sediment investigations indicated detectable concentrations of PCB and dioxin congeners. The site was expanded beyond the cove to increase the likelihood of collecting the target species based on habitat as well as to include the main stem of the Yadkin River which is more representative of the exposure pathway to recreational users. 2-1 S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc UM SECTIONTWO Fish Tissue Monitoring 2) The northeastern arm of Badin Lake (Background Area). This area is located up gradient and uninfluenced by the site. If the target species are not encountered then alternative species will be collected as discussed in Section 2.1.1. 2.3 FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS 2.3.1 Sampling Method The primary fish collection device will be a boat-mounted electrofishing unit. The electrofishing unit consists of a dual aluminum booms extending approximately 5 feet off the bow of the boat. An umbrella array of stainless steel electrodes is attached to each boom and positioned so that it enters the water at a depth less than 2 feet. The boom is connected with electrical cables to a commercial electrical fish shocking unit (Smith-Root 1.5 KVA Electrofishers or equivalent), which produces an electrical field varying from 175 volts at 1 amp to 400 volts at 6 amps. The unit is powered by a portable gas generator. Two to three people are needed to operate the boat- mounted electrofishing unit. One person operates the motor and steers the boat while the other person(s) operate(s) the electrofishing unit. Fish are immobilized by the current and are retrieved with a dip-net for processing. Channel catfish are benthic dwellers and therefore may not be readily collected using electrofishing techniques; therefore additional passive methods may be required for this target species. Additional methods of collection that may be used include gill nets, hoop and fyke nets and trotlines. Gill nets are entangling methods of collection, and high mortality may result from these methods. Fish traps may also be utilized for fish sample collection, particularly since the target species is a bottom dweller and the sample period is winter. Fish may be in lower water at this time of year a more difficult to collect compared to spring and summer. The selectivity of each method is dictated by the bait used, mesh size, and/or throat diameter of the trap. Target fish will be measured, weighed, scaled (largemouth bass, sunfish), skinned (channel catfish), sexed, filleted, tagged, wrapped in clean aluminum foil, placed in a plastic bag and packed in a cooler for shipping. Filets will be taken from the fish according to approved EPA methods (USEPA 2000). Left filets and right filets will be wrapped individually. The left filet will be analyzed initially and right filets will be archived and potentially used for future analyses if warranted. The minimum size requirement for the target species will be 300 mm for channel catfish, 360 mm for largemouth and 200 mm for sunfish discrete samples. If sunfish are not of sufficient size to yield the minimum tissue weight (100 g), then composite samples will be processed. Composite samples will be from identical species and consist of 5 individuals within 75% of the largest to smallest specimen by total length. All equipment used to filet and prepare samples for analysis will be decontaminated in accordance with QA/QC procedures as detailed in Section 3.3.4. Clean knives and cutting boards will be used for each fish processed. 2-2 S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc SECTIONTWO Fish Tissue Monitoring 2.3.2 Sample Identification The following sample identification system will be used for fish tissue samples collected during the fish monitoring program. SS-FS-##-QC SS = Sample Site BLREF = Badin Lake (Reference), and FRMZ = Fall Reservoir, Monitoring Zone FS = Fish Species CCF = Channel Catfish, and LMB = Largemouth Bass, and SF = Sunfish (possible BG=bluegill, GSF=green sunfish, etc) ## = Sequential sample interval number for tissue samples QC = QC designation 0 = Normal field sample, 1 = Field duplicate, 3 = MS/MSD, and 5 = Equipment blank Fish samples will be shipped on dry ice under chain of custody via overnight carrier to Pace Analytical located in Green Bay, Wisconsin. 2.3.3 Analytical Methodology Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners and Aroclors will be analyzed using Method 1668 and SW846 Method 8082. Dioxin congeners will be analyzed by Method 1613A. Pace Analytical located in Green Bay, Wisconsin will be the primary laboratory which will prepare the homogenized tissue and provide Pace Analytical of Minneapolis, Minnesota an aliquot for extraction and analysis of the dioxin and PCB congeners. The transfer of the homogenized matrix will be under strict chain of custody procedures and documentation will be provided to URS on the day of shipment. Samples will be analyzed within 14 days from the date of extraction. A complete description for these methods including extraction, lipid analysis and target analytes are included in Section 5 of the QAPP. Laboratory standard operating procedures are included in Appendix B of the QAPP. Only those congeners identified in sediments as identified in Section 1.1 will be included in the final report. 2-3 S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc SECTIONTWO Fish Tissue Monitoring 2.3.4 QA/QC Three types of QA/QC samples will be collected to meet the project DQOs described in the QAPP. QA/QC samples will be collected only for samples undergoing chemical analysis. • Field/Equipment Rinsate Blanks A blank prepared in the field using water provided by Pace Analytical. The water is poured over/through sampling equipment which has been previously decontaminated. The blank water is then collected into sample bottles and analyzed for the chemicals of interest. The purpose of this blank is to ensure that field conditions and/or equipment are not introducing chemicals to the samples. • Field Duplicates A duplicate sample prepared in the field and sent to the laboratory for analysis. The results will provide some indication of the homogeneity of the sample medium and the precision of the field sampling and laboratory sample analysis. Accurate field notes will ensure that each duplicate can be matched to its corresponding investigatory sample. • Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSDs) A `MS' is a subsample of an investigatory sample to which the laboratory adds a spike containing analytes at known concentrations prior to extraction/analysis of the sample to assess the effect of sample matrix on the extraction and analysis methodology. The MSD is another subsample from the original investigatory sample (subsampling performed at the laboratory) which is similarly spiked. Field duplicates, MS/MSDs, and rinsate blanks will be collected at the frequency shown in the table below for each parameter class of interest. Decontamination Procedures Field QA/QC procedures include decontamination of processing equipment. Sampling equipment will be cleaned on-site prior to use for processing fish samples. The decontamination process includes the following: • Wash and scrub with low phosphate detergent; • Tap water rinse; • Deionized water rinse; • An isopropanol rinse; S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc 2-4 * which ever is less SECTIONTWO Fish Tissue Monitoring • Deionized water rinse; • Air dry; and • Wrap in aluminum foil. Sample Custody Procedures to ensure the custody and integrity of the samples begin at the time of sampling and continue through transport, sample receipt, preparation, analysis and storage, data generation and reporting, and sample disposal. Field personnel shall maintain Chain of Custody records for all field and field QC samples. All sample containers will be sealed in a manner that will prevent or detect tampering if it occurs. The Chain of Custody for each sample cooler will be placed in a sealable plastic bag and taped to the inside of the sample cooler lid prior to transporting the samples to the laboratory. The following minimum information concerning the sample shall be documented on the laboratory Chain of Custody form: • Unique sample identification; • Sample type; • Place, date, and time of sample collection; • Number of containers/analytical fractions per sample; • Designation of MS/MSD; • Analyses required; • Custody transfer signatures and dates and times of sample transfer from the field to transporters and to the laboratory or laboratories; and • Bill of lading or transporter tracking number (if applicable). Sample Shipping All sample coolers will be sealed in a way that will prevent tampering or provide direct evidence in the event of tampering. A signed and dated custody seal will be placed on each cooler and will then be sealed with packing tape. Address labels and shipping documentation will be affixed to all coolers prior to shipment. Samples for the sampling event are not expected to be classified as hazardous. 2.3.5 Derived Waste Management Decontamination water and all solid waste (i.e., nitrile gloves, aluminum foil, plastic sheeting.) will be handled and disposed of in accordance with the Alcoa onsite procedures. Biological waste (fish remains) will be disposed at each of the respective sampling locations by sinking offal s. 2-5 S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc UM Title: Fish Sampling Locations Drawn By: TDH Figure 2-1 Revision Date: 10/17/07 Source: SECTIONTHREE Reporting and Schedule 3.1 REPORTING AND SCHEDULE The fish sampling event will be conducted upon approval of the Work Plan. Analytical results and data validation of the results will be completed within 60 days following completion of the field sampling event. A draft report summarizing the field sampling activities and analytical data will be completed within 90 days following completion of the field activities. The report of results will include only those PCB and dioxin congeners detected in sediments as listed in Section 1.1. S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc 3-1 SECTIONFOUR References Engineering, Inc. 2006. Investigation Summary Report. Alcoa Power Generating, Inc. - Yadkin Division. Narrows Dam Powerhouse. Houston, Texas USEPA. (2000). Guidance of Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories. Volume I. Fish Sampling and Analysis. Third Edition. Washingtion D.C.: Office of Water. L i ) ?D' S:\2007\Alcoa\Badin\Workplan\Draft Final Workplan\Draft Final Workplan 121407.doc 4-1 APPENDIX A BHE Environmental Analytical Data SGS Environmental Services Method 1613 S-9 BHE Environmental Analvtical Data Rnmmnrv Cheet Analyte Amount RL RT Ratio Qualifier W/O (pg/g) (min.) 2,3,7,8-TCDD 21.1 1.00 31:26 0.77 Q 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD ND 5.00 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD ND 5.00 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD ND 5.00 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD ND 5.00 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 63.2 5.00 40:17 1.05 OCDD 553 10.0 44:41 0.90 2,3,7,8-TCDF 48.5 1.00 30:47 0.80 Q 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 5.83 5.00 33:26 1.59 Q 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 15.7 5.00 34:02 1.58 Q 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 8.59 5.00 36:08 1.29 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF ND 5.00 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF ND 5.00 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF ND 5.00 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 22.4 5.00 39:02 1.05 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF ND 5.00 OCDF 81.2 10.0 44:57 0.90 Total TCDDs 23.4 1.00 Q Total PeCDDs ND 5.00 Q Total HxCDDs 17.6 5.00 Total H CDDs 120 5.00 Total TCDFs 228 1.00 Q Total PeCDFs 111 5.00 Q Total HxCDFs 44.3 5.00 Total H CDFs 64.3 5.00 WHO-2005 TEQ (ND=O) 32.7 WHO-2005 TEQ ND='/z 36.8 Client Information Sample Information Project Name: Narrows Cove Matrix: Sediment Sample ID: S-9 Weight / Volume: 17.45 grams Solids / Lipids: 68.0 % Original pH : NA Laboratory Information Batch ID: WG14466 Project ID: G679-176 Sample ID: G679-176-1D Filename: a17sep07a-5 Collection Date/Time: 06-Sep-07 12:47 Retchk: al7sep07a-1 Receipt Date: 08-Sep-07 10:30 Begin ConCal: a17sep07a-1 Extraction Date: 12-Sep-07 Analysis Date: 17-Sep-07 14:15 Initial Cal: m1613-071007a 1 /2 SGS Environmental Services Method 1613 S-9 BHE Environmental Labeled Standard Expected Amount (ng) Measured Amount (ng) Percent Recovery (%) RT (min.) Ratio Qualifier Extraction Standards 13012-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2 1.78 89.1 31:25 0.78 Q 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 2 1.58 79.2 34:12 1.57 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 2 1.89 94.5 36:50 1.27 13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 2 1.81 90.6 36:55 1.26 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 2 1.76 87.9 40:16 1.06 13C12-OCDD 4 3.11 77.8 44:40 0.90 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF 2 1.85 92.6 30:46 0.79 Q 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 2 1.57 78.4 33:26 1.59 Q 13C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 2 1.44 71.9 34:01 1.59 Q 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 2 1.81 90.6 36:07 0.52 13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 2 1.77 88.3 36:13 0.53 13C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 2 1.79 89.3 36:43 0.53 13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 2 1.76 88.1 37:30 0.53 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 2 1.70 84.8 39:01 0.46 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 2 1.61 80.4 40:56 0.45 Cleanup Standard 37C14-2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.4 0.376 94.0 31:26 Q Iniection Standards 13C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD 2 30:53 0.79 Q 13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 2 37:11 1.25 Client Information Sample Information Project Name: Narrows Cove Matrix: Sediment Sample ID: S-9 Weight / Volume: 17.45 grams Solids / Lipids: 68.0 % Original pH : NA Laboratory Information Batch ID: WG14466 Project ID: G679-176 Sample ID: G679-176-1D Filename: al7sep07a-5 Collection Date/Time: 06-Sep-07 12:47 Retchk: al7sep07a-1 Receipt Date: 08-Sep-07 10:30 Begin ConCal: al7sep07a-1 Extraction Date: 12-Sep-07 Analysis Date: 17-Sep-07 14:15 Initial Cal: m1613-071007a Analyzed by: Reviewed by: Date: WLbol Date: Form Version.[ 1613_HRMS 12_v5.05]Repor 2/2 TCDF Confirmation - Method 1613 S-9 BHE Environmental Analvtical Data Summarv Sheet Analyte Amount (Pwg) Adj. RL WHO RT (min.) Ratio Qualifier 2,3,7,8-TCDF 52.8 0.843 20.60 0.80 Labeled Spiked RT Ratio Qualifier Standard Amount n min. Extraction Standards 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF 2.00 20.59 0.79 Client Information Sample Information Project Name: Narrows Cove Report Basis: Dry Matrix: Sediment Sample ID: S-9 Weight / Volume: 17.45 g Solids / Lipids: 68.0 % Original pH : NA Laboratory Information Batch ID: WG14466 Project ID: G679-176 Instrument: hrms3 Sample ID: G679-176-1D Filename: c25sep07a-11 Collection Date/Time: 09/06/07 12:47 Retchk: c25sep07a-2 Receipt Date: 09/08/07 10:30 Begin ConCal: c25sep07a-1 Extraction Date: 09/12/07 Analysis Date/Time: 09/25/07 12:56 Initial Cal: mcf-c041807a Analyzed by: T-P Reviewed by: 01 . Date: AA. ISO Date: o2J SGS Environmental Services Method 1613 5-10 BHE Environmental Analvtieal natn Snmmarv Sheet Analyte Amount RL RT Ratio Qualifier (Pg/g) (Pwg) (min.) 2,3,7,8-TCDD 15.6 1.00 31:36 0.79 Q 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD ND 5.00 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD ND 5.00 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD ND 5.00 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD ND 5.00 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 35.2 5.00 40:21 1.04 OCDD 224 10.0 44:46 0.89 2,3,7,8-TCDF 37.6 1.00 30:59 0.79 Q 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 8.33 5.00 33:31 1.56 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 28.3 5.00 34:07 1.56 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 55.5 5.00 36:19 1.25 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 25.3 5.00 36:24 1.25 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 10.6 5.00 36:57 1.27 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 17.6 5.00 37:42 1.26 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 44.9 5.00 39:06 1.06 Q 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 18.3 5.00 41:01 1.06 OCDF 23.6 10.0 45:03 0.89 Total TCDDs 29.1 1.00 Q Total PeCDDs 4.32 5.00 Q Total HxCDDs 30.4 5.00 Total H CDDs 71.3 5.00 Total TCDFs 213 1.00 Q Total PeCDFs 93.4 5.00 Q Total HxCDFs 220 5.00 Total H CDFs 97.1 5.00 Q WHO-2005 TEQ (ND=O) 40.1 WHO-2005 TEQ (ND=%) 43.3 Client Information Sample Information Project Name: Narrows Cove Matrix: Sediment Sample ID: S-10 Weight / Volume: 16.95 grams Solids / Lipids: 70.7 % Original pH: NA Laboratory Information Batch ID: WG14466 Project ID: G679-176 Sample ID: G679-176-21) Filename: a17sep07a-6 Collection Date/Time: 06-Sep-07 13:10 Retchk: a17scp07a-1 Receipt Date: 08-Sep-07 10:30 Begin ConCal: a17sep07a-1 Extraction Date: 12-Sep-07 Analysis Date: 17-Sep-07 15:03 Initial Cal: m1613-071007a 1/2 SGS Environmental Services Method 1613 5-10 BHE Environmental Labeled Standard Expected Amount (ng) Measured Amount (ng) Percent Recovery (%) RT (min.) Ratio Qualifier Extraction Standards 13CIZ-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2 1.90 95.1 31:35 0.78 Q 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 2 1.90 95.0 34:17 1.58 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 2 1.67 83.7 37:02 1.26 13C1z-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 2 1.77 88.4 37:07 1.25 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 2 1.77 88.6 40:20 1.05 13C12-OCDD 4 3.10 77.6 44:45 0.90 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF 2 1.82 91.2 30:58 0.80 Q 13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 2 1.78 89.0 33:31 1.57 13C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 2 1.68 84.1 34:06 1.59 13CI2-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 2 1.76 87.9 36:18 0.53 13CI2-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 2 1.68 84.0 36:24 0.53 13C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 2 1.70 85.2 36:57 0.53 13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 2 1.48 73.9 37:42 0.53 13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 2 1.47 73.7 39:06 0.45 Q 13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 2 1.64 82.2 40:60 0.46 Cleanup Standard 37C14-2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.4 0.395 98.7 31:36 Q Infection Standards 13C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD 2 31:01 0.79 Q 13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 2 37:24 1.25 Client Information Sample Information Project Name: Narrows Cove Matrix: Sediment Sample ID: 5-10 Weight / Volume: 16.95 grams Solids / Lipids: 70.7 % Original pH : NA Laboratory Information Batch ID: WG14466 Project ID: G679-176 Sample ID: G679-176-21) Filename: aI7sep07a-6 Collection Date/Time: 06-Sep-07 13:10 Retchk: al7sep07a-1 Receipt Date: 08-Sep-07 10:30 Begin ConCal: al7sep07a-1 Extraction Date: 12-Sep-07 Analysis Date: 17-Sep-07 15:03 Initial Cal: m1613-071007a Analyzed by: 7vP Review ed by: Date: y4ni,o7 Date: g e Fonn Version:[] 613_HRMS12 v5.05iReE 212 TCDF Confirmation - Method 1613 5-10 BHE Environmental Analvtical Data Summarv Sheet Analyte Amount (Pwg) Adj. RL (Pg/g) RT (min.) Ratio Qualifier 2,3,7,8-TCDF 29.9 0.835 20.69 0.78 Labeled Spiked RT Ratio Qualifier Standard Amount n) (min.) Extraction Standards 13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF 2.00 20.67 0.80 Client Information Sample Information Project Name: Narrows Cove Report Basis: Dry Matrix: Sediment Sample ID: S-10 Weight / Volume: 16.95 g Solids / Lipids: 70.7 % Original pH : NA Laboratory Information Batch ID: WG14466 Project ID: G679-176 Instrument: hrms3 Sample ID: G679-176-21) Filename: c25sep07a-12 Collection Date/Time: 09/06/07 13:10 Retchk: c25sep07a-2 Receipt Date: 09/08/07 10:30 Begin ConCal: c25sep07a-1 Extraction Date: 09/12/07 Anal sis Date/Time: 09/25/07 13:20 Initial Cal: mcf-c041807a Analyzed by: ?v*-l Reviewed by: Date: 01.2.5 rn Date: 9 o? PCB Congener Results by Method 1668A Client Project ID: Client Sample ID Narrows Cove S-9 Laboratory Information Sample Information Lab Project ID: G679-176 Matrix: Sediment Lab Sample ID: G679-176-1H Amount: 0.0220 g Dilution factor: 1 pH: NA Collection Date/Time: 06-Sep-07 12:47 Solids/Basis: 68.0 / Dry Receipt Date/Time: 08-Sep-07 10:30 QC Batch ID: WG14471\14471 Extraction Date/Time: 14-Sep-07 Filename: bl7sep07a-10 Analysis Date/Time: 17-Sep-07 20:01 ConCal: bl7sep07a-1 RRT Std: bl7sep07a-2 Initial Cal: ml668a-b032707c Analyte Amount EDL RT Ratio Qualifier (Congener#) (pg/g) (pg/g) # # 81-TeCB ND 6626 U 77-TeCB 30100 7523 27:02 0.82 123-PeCB 6720 706 29:45 1.64 118-PeCB 563000 777 30:10 1.59 114-PeCB 7870 756 30:52 1.75 105-PeCB 216000 827 31:46 1.58 126-PeCB 14600 938 36:12 1.49 167-HxCB 37100 376 38:59 1.17 156,157-HxCB 95600 422 40:39 1.25 169-HxCB ND 405 U 180,193-HpCB 406000 1543 42:50 1.04 170-HpCB 213000 2067 44:42 1.04 189-H CB 6900 435 49:36 1.08 Recovery Information Labeled Amount Measured Percent RT Ratio Qualifier Standard Spiked Amount Recovery n n) % # min. # # Extraction Standards (25-150%) 13C-81-TeCB 2.00 1.82 91.2 26:17 0.79 13C-77-TeCB 2.00 1.74 87.2 27:01 0.77 13C-123-PeCB 2.00 1.82 91.2 29:42 1.68 13C-118-PeCB 2.00 1.67 83.3 30:08 1.60 13C-114-PeCB 2.00 1.77 88.5 30:51 1.57 13C-105-PeCB 2.00 1.71 85.6 31:44 1.59 13C-126-PeCB 2.00 1.85 92.4 36:09 1.60 13C-167-HxCB 2.00 1.67 83.7 38:58 1.35 13C-156,157-HxCB 4.00 3.43 85.7 40:39 1.26 13C-169-HxCB 2.00 1.71 85.6 45:37 1.29 13C-189-H CB 2.00 1.53 76.6 49:35 1.06 Cleanup Standards 13C-111-PeCB 2.00 1.95 97.5 27:07 1.57 13C-178-H CB 2.00 2.11 105 35:12 1.04 Injection Standards 13C-52-TeCB 2.00 16:07 0.78 13C-101-PeCB 2.00 23:41 1.55 13C-138-HxCB 2.00 34:30 1.25 13C-194-OcCB 2.00 52:54 0.87 Analyzed By: _me Date: Zq-,oA1 Reviewed By: Date: Page 1 of 1 PCB Congener Results by Method 1668A Client Project ID: Client Sample ID Narrows Cove 5-10 Laboratory Information Sample Information Lab Project ID: G679-176 Matrix: Sediment Lab Sample ID: G679-176-2F Amount: 0.0200 g Dilution factor: 1 pH: NA Collection Date/Time: 06-Sep-07 13:10 Solids/Basis: 70.7 / Dry Receipt Date/Time: 08-Sep-07 10:30 QC Batch ID: WG14471\14471 Extraction Date/Time: 14-Sep-07 Filename: bI7sep07a-11 Analysis Date/Time: 17-Sep-07 21:03 ConCal: bl7sep07a-1 RRT Std: bl7sep07a-2 Initial Cal: ml668a-b032707c Analyte Amount EDL RT Ratio Qualifier (Congener#) (pg/L) (pg/L) # # 81-TeCB ND 1564 U 77-TeCB 18000 1794 27:01 0.78 123-PeCB 43700 1291 29:44 1.60 118-PeCB 4520000 1337 30:09 1.59 E 114-PeCB 103000 1352 30:51 1.57 105-PeCB 1780000 1489 31:44 1.61 126-PeCB 29200 1653 36:12 1.63 167-HxCB 201000 812 38:58 1.30 156,157-HxCB 728000 994 40:38 1.25 169-HxCB ND 893 U 180,193-HpCB 775000 1431 42:48 1.04 170-HpCB 564000 1917 44:40 1.02 189-H CB 19700 1187 49:35 1.06 Recovery Information Labeled Amount Measured Percent RT Ratio Qualifier Standard Spiked Amount Recovery n (n) % # min. # # Extraction Standards (25-150%) 13C-81-TeCB 2.00 1.64 82.1 26:16 0.78 13C-77-TeCB 2.00 1.63 81.7 26:59 0.77 13C-123-PeCB 2.00 1.69 84.5 29:41 1.60 13C-118-PeCB 2.00 1.64 81.8 30:07 1.57 13C-114-PeCB 2.00 1.68 84.2 30:50 1.63 13C-105-PeCB 2.00 1.66 83.2 31:42 1.59 13C-126-PeCB 2.00 1.75 87.6 36:08 1.57 13C-167-HxCB 2.00 1.63 81.3 38:56 1.29 13C-156,157-HxCB 4.00 3.30 82.5 40:37 1.25 13C-169-HxCB 2.00 1.66 83.0 45:35 1.30 13C-189-H CB 2.00 1.48 73.8 49:32 1.06 Cleanup Standards 13C-111-PeCB 2.00 1.78 89.2 27:05 1.58 13C-178-H CB 2.00 1.97 98.5 35:10 1.07 Iniection Standards 13C-52-TeCB 2.00 16:07 0.76 13 C-101-PeCB 2.00 23:40 1.53 13 C-13 8-HxCB 2.00 34:29 1.26 13C-194-OcCB 2.00 52:52 0.89 Analyzed By: U E Date: Z?pQr] Reviewed By: Date: Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX B Quality Assurance Project Plan QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN NARROWS RESERVOIR BADIN, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for Alcoa, Inc. 2300 N. Wright Road Alcoa, Tennessee 37701 December 6, 2007 Project Number: 20500252.00001 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN NARROWS RESERVOIR BADIN, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Alcoa, Inc. 2300 N. Wright Road Alcoa, Tennessee 37701 URS Corporation 1000 Corporate Centre Drive Suite 250 Franklin, TN 37067 Project #20500252.00001 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Purpose and Scope ......................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Sampling Design ......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Analytical Methods ..................................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 Project Schedule .......................................................................................................... 1-2 2 Project Organization and Responsibility ..........................................................................2-1 2.1 Alcoa ...........................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 URS Corporation .........................................................................................................2-1 2.2.1 Subcontractors ...................................................................................................2-1 Analytical Laboratory .........................................................................2-1 3 Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives ................................................................3-1 3.1 Precision, Accuracy, Representativeness, Completeness, and Comparability ...... ...... 3-1 3.1.1 Precision ...................................................................................................... ...... 3-1 3.1.2 Accuracy ...................................................................................................... ...... 3 -2 3.1.3 Representativeness ...................................................................................... ...... 3-3 3.1.4 Completeness ............................................................................................... ......3-3 3.1.5 Comparability .............................................................................................. ...... 3-3 3.2 Method Detection Limits, Reporting Limits, and Instrument Calibration Requirements for Quali ty Control ................................................................................................................. ......3-4 3.2.1 Method Detection Limits ............................................................................. ...... 3-4 3.2.2 Reporting Limits .......................................................................................... ......3-4 3.2.3 Instrument Calibration ................................................................................. ...... 3-4 3.3 Laboratory Elements of Quality Control ............................................................... ...... 3-4 3.3.1 Laboratory Control Sample ......................................................................... ...... 3-5 3.3.2 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate ......................................................... ...... 3-5 3.3.3 Surrogate Compounds ................................................................................. ...... 3-5 3.3.4 Retention Time Windows ............................................................................ ......3-6 3.3.5 Method Blank .............................................................................................. ......3-6 3.4 Field Collection Methods of Quality Control ....................................................... ...... 3-6 3.4.1 Equipment Blank ......................................................................................... ...... 3-6 3.4.2 Field Duplicates ........................................................................................... ...... 3-7 3.5 Quality Control Procedures ................................................................................... ......3-7 3.5.1 Holding Time Compliance .......................................................................... ...... 3-7 3.5.2 Confirmation ................................................................................................ ......3-7 3.5.3 Standard Materials ....................................................................................... ...... 3-8 3.5.4 Supplies and Consumables .......................................................................... ...... 3-8 4 Sampling Procedures ..........................................................................................................4-1 4.1 Field Sampling ............................................................................................................4-1 EM i 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. 1.1 Sample Containers .............................................................................................4-1 4.1.2 Sampling Volumes and Preservation Requirements, Holding Times ...............4-1 4.2 Sampling Handling and Custody ................................................................................4-1 5 Definitive Data Analytical Methods and Procedures ......................................................5-1 5.1 Preparation Methods ................................................................................................... 5-1 Method SW-3540C - Soxhlet Extraction .................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Analytical Methods .....................................................................................................5-1 5.3 Laboratory Data Qualifiers ......................................................................................... 5-9 6 Data Reduction, Review, Verification, Reporting, Validation and Recordkeeping ..... 6-1 6.1 Data Review, Validation, and Reporting Requirements for Definitive Data .............. 6-1 6.2 Quality Assurance Reports .......................................................................................... 6-5 6.3 Hard Copy Data Reports and Archiving ..................................................................... 6-5 6.4 Project Data Flow and Transfer .................................................................................. 6-5 6.5 Recordkeeping ............................................................................................................ 6-5 7 Project Audits and Training ..............................................................................................7-1 7.1 Project Audits ..............................................................................................................7-1 7.2 Training .......................................................................................................................7-1 8 Corrective Actions ..............................................................................................................8-1 9 References ............................................................................................................................9-1 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 - Statistical Calculations Table 5-1 - Extraction Procedures Table 5-2 - Analytical Procedures Table 5-3 - Detection Limits Table 5-4 - Quality Control Limits Table 5-5 - Laboratory Data Qualifiers Table 6-1 - Validation Data Qualifiers Table 6-2 - General Validation Flagging Conventions Table 6-3 - Validation Flagging Conventions for Organic Methods APPENDICES Appendix A - Pace Analytical SOPS and Quantitative Limits EM QAPP.doc S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - ii SECTIONONE Introduction Alcoa's Badin Works is located on Highway 740 in Badin, Stanly County, North Carolina (Figure 1-1). The Badin Works occupies 123 acres of land and the fenced, active part of the site is about 90 acres. In addition, Alcoa Power Generating Inc. (APGI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alcoa Inc. (Alcoa) operates four hydroelectric developments, the High Rock, Tuckertown, Narrows and Falls developments, which are located on a 38-mile stretch of the Yadkin River. Narrows was the first of the Project developments to be built, and was completed in 1917. Narrow's Dam consists of a main dam section and a bypass spillway section. In September 2007, BHE Environmental was contracted by Alcoa to collect sediment samples from the cove which is adjacent to the area where elevated levels of PCBs and dioxins were detected in soils. BHE Environmental collected two sediment samples which were subsequently analyzed for select PCB congeners, dioxin and furans. The data indicated that sediments also contained detectable levels of PCBs and dioxins. In cooperation with the State of North Carolina, Alcoa contracted URS Corporation to prepare a Work Plan detailing the procedures for obtaining fish samples to evaluate if PCBs and dioxins are detectable in biological tissue immediately below the Narrow's Dam. 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The objectives of the proposed fish tissue sampling event are to: 1. Determine if PCB congeners and Aroclors and dioxins congeners are detectable in fish tissue collected adjacent to the Narrow's Cove; and 2. If PCBs and dioxin are detected in fish tissue samples, are the concentrations comparable to levels detected in tissues collected from the representative reference area. 1.2 SAMPLING DESIGN A description of the sampling design can be found in Sections 2.0 of the Work Plan. 1.3 ANALYTICAL METHODS The analytical methods for this field investigation are presented in the following table (Table 1- 4 Table 5-. Analytical Methods Analytical Method Analytes Method 1613 Dioxin Congeners Method 1668 PCB Congeners SW-846 Method 8082 PCB Aroclors 1-1 S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONONE Introduction 1.4 PROJECT SCHEDULE The fish sampling event can be conducted upon approval of the Work Plan and receipt of the Scientific Collection permit as required by the State of North Carolina. The initial sampling event will tentatively be completed in December 2007. Analytical results and data validation of the results will be completed within 45 days following completion of the field sampling event. The draft report summarizing the field sampling activities and analytical data will be completed within 60 days following completion of the field activities Project Organization and Responsibility UM 1-2 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONTWO Project Organization and Responsibility The Project Team for the MNRPP will consist of the following: • Alcoa. • URS Corporation (MNRPP Consultant); • Relevant Subcontractors. The role of each of these entities is discussed in the following sections. 2.1 ALCOA Overall administrative control of the M?yRPP will be the responsibility of the Alcoa Project Manager, Mr. Robert Prezbindowski. He will be the only point of contact between Alcoa and the regulatory agency. In addition, he will act as the primary point of client contact for URS Corporation. In this role, he will be responsible for final approval of the Work Plan and technical and administrative procedures, as well as ensuring that the necessary arrangements are made to facilitate implementation of the fish sampling activities. 2.2 URS CORPORATION The Consultant will be URS Corporation (URS), who will perform the investigative activities and will be responsible for the execution of the Work Plan. The URS Project Manager will be Mr. Todd D. Hunt, who will oversee the implementation of the project through the field investigation stages. He will directly manage budgets and project milestones, as well as be the main point of contact with Alcoa during field activities. URS QA/QC Manager in charge of data validation will be Mr. Peter Ciarleglio, Senior Chemist. 2.2.1 Subcontractors Subcontractors will report directly to the URS Project Manager and will be responsible for ensuring that all equipment and procedures are in accordance with established standards. Analytical Laboratory Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners and Aroclors will be analyzed using Method 1668 and SW846 Method 8082. Dioxin congeners will be analyzed by Method 1613A. Pace Analytical located in Green Bay, Wisconsin will be the primary laboratory facility which will prepare the homogenized tissue and provide Pace Analytical of Minneapolis, Minnesota an aliquot for extraction and analysis of the dioxin and PCB congeners. The transfer of the homogenized matrix will be under strict chain of custody procedures and documentation will be provided to URS on the day of shipment. Analytical laboratory testing for this project will be under direct contract with URS Corporation and the URS Project Manager will handle all coordination duties. Tod Noltemeyer will serve as the Laboratory Project Manager (LPM) for the project as well as the coordinator between the primary and secondary locations. 2-1 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - EM QAPP.doc SECTIONTHREE Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives The LPM will be the liaison to URS Project Manager, personnel and laboratory staff. In addition, the LPM will assign specific duties for this project to the laboratory staff and provide orientation of the staff to project-specific Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) needs and requirements. The LPM will also ensure that laboratory-specific procedures and internally prepared plans and reports meet project QA requirements. The LPM will serve as the liaison between the laboratory project staff and other internal or external organizations, and will also ensure that the laboratory's performance meets the requirement of the project's contract. Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) specify the data type, quality, quantity, and uses needed to make decisions and are the basis for designing data collection activities. 3.1 PRECISION, ACCURACY, REPRESENTATIVENESS, COMPLETENESS, AND COMPARABILITY Data quality elements include precision, accuracy, representativeness, completeness, and comparability. The basis for assessing each of these elements of data quality is discussed in the following sections. Precision and accuracy QC limits for each method and matrix are identified in Section 5.0. 3.1.1 Precision Precision measures the reproducibility of measurements. It is strictly defined as the degree of mutual agreement among independent measurements as the result of repeated application of the same process under similar conditions. Analytical precision is the measurement of the variability associated with duplicate (two) or replicate (more than two) analyses. This is accomplished in the laboratory by calculating the RPD between lab duplicate samples, or the RPD between laboratory generated MS/MSD samples. The laboratory control sample (LCS) is used to determine the precision of the analytical method. If the recoveries of analytes in the LCS are within established control limits (CLs), then precision is within limits. In this case, the comparison is not between a sample and a duplicate sample analyzed in the same batch, rather the comparison is between the sample and samples analyzed in previous batches. Total precision is the measurement of the variability associated with the entire sampling and analysis process. It is determined by analysis of duplicate or replicate field samples and measures variability introduced by both the laboratory and field operations. Field duplicate samples and matrix duplicate spiked samples are analyzed to assess field and analytical precision, and the precision measurement is determined using the relative percent difference (RPD) between the duplicate sample results. The formula for the calculation of precision is provided in Table 3-1 as RPD. For replicate analyses, the relative standard deviation (RSD) is determined. The formula for the calculation of RSD is provided in Table 3-1. The required level of precision differs according to the method, and is designated in the accuracy and precision tables or text in Section 5.0. 3-1 S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONTHREE Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives 3.1.2 Accuracy Accuracy is a statistical measurement of correctness and includes components of random error (variability due to imprecision) and systemic error. It therefore reflects the total error associated with a measurement. A measurement is accurate when the value reported does not fall outside of established Control Limits (CL) around the true value or known concentration of the spike or standard. Sample matrix accuracy is determined by comparing the percent recovery of analytes spiked into actual samples as a matrix spike, or matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) to a control limit. Analytical method accuracy is measured by comparing the percent recovery of analytes spiked into an LCS of the same matrix as the samples, to a CL. Analysis of performance evaluation (PE) samples is also used to provide additional information for assessing the accuracy of the analytical data being produced. The laboratory may be required to periodically analyze or produce results from an unknown PE sample of the same matrix as the samples for this project. Both accuracy and precision are calculated and the associated sample results are interpreted by considering these specific measurements. The formula for calculation of accuracy is included in Table 3-1 as percent recovery (%R) from pure and sample matrices. Accuracy requirements are listed for each method in Section 5.0. TABLE 3-1 STATISTICAL CALCULATIONS Statistic Symbol Formula Definition Uses Mean X n x, Measure of central Used to determine average =r tendency value of measurements n Standard z (x - X) Meas re of relati e Used in calc latin S , u v g u Deviation (n _ 1) scatter of the data variation of measurements Relative Relative standard Used to assess precision for Standard RSD (S / X) x 100 deviation, adjusts for replicate results, calibration Devaition magnitude of response factors observations Percent %D x1 ? X2 x 100 Measure of the difference of two Used to assess acceptability Difference x, observations of continuing calibration Relative (X X2 Q ' - z 100 Measure of variability Used to assess total and Percent RPD x (X X )/2) + that adjusts for the i f d analytical precision of Difference z ' magn tu e o duplicate measurements observations Percent O X X e X100 Recovery of spiked compound in sample Used to assess matrix Recovery true matrix effects and total accuracy Correlation R see SW-8000B section Evaluation of "goodness of Coefficient 7.5.3 fif' of a regression line Coefficient of see SW-8000B section Evaluation of "goodness of Determination COD 7 5 3 fif' of a polynomial equation x = Observation (concentration) n = Number of observations UM 3-2 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONTHREE Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives 3.1.3 Representativeness Objectives for representativeness are defined for each sampling and analysis task and are a function of the investigative objectives. Representativeness is achieved through use of the standard field, sampling, and analytical procedures. Representativeness is determined by appropriate program design, with consideration of elements such as proper sampling locations, procedures, and target species. Decisions regarding sample locations and the statistical sampling design are documented in Section 3.3 of the Work Plan. 3.1.4 Completeness Completeness is calculated for the aggregation of data for each analytical group measured for any particular sampling event or other defined set of samples (e.g., by site). Completeness is calculated and reported for each analytical method or group (i.e., Methods 1668a and 1613) and sample matrix (i.e., fish tissue). The number of valid results divided by the number of possible individual analyte results, expressed as a percentage, determines the completeness of the data set. For completeness requirements, valid results are all results not qualified with an "R" flag (see Section 6.0 for an explanation of validation flagging criteria). For any instances of samples that could not be analyzed for any reason (holding time violations in which resampling and analysis were not possible, spoiled samples, etc.), the numerator of this calculation becomes the number of possible results minus the number of possible results not reported. The formula for calculation of completeness is presented below: /o o number of valid (i.e.,: non - R flagged) results completeness = x 100 number of possible results 3.1.5 Comparability Comparability is the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another data set. The objective for this QA/QC program is to produce data with the greatest possible degree of comparability. The number of matrices that are sampled and the range of field conditions encountered are considered in determining comparability. Comparability is achieved by using standard methods for sampling and analysis, reporting data in standard units, normalizing results to standard conditions, and using standard and comprehensive reporting formats. Complete field documentation using standardized data collection forms will support the assessment of comparability. Analysis of PE samples and reports from audits will also be used to provide additional information for assessing the comparability of analytical data produced among subcontracting laboratories. Historical comparability will be achieved through consistent use of methods and documentation procedures throughout the project. UM 3-3 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONTHREE Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives 3.2 METHOD DETECTION LIMITS, REPORTING LIMITS, AND INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALITY CONTROL 3.2.1 Method Detection Limits The method detection limit (MDL) is the minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. The laboratory will establish MDLs for each method and analyte for every instrument the laboratory plans to use for the project. The laboratory will revalidate these MDLs at least once per twelve month period. The laboratory will provide the MDL demonstrations both at the beginning of the project (i.e., before project samples are analyzed) and upon request. Results less than or equal to the MDL will be reported as the MDL value and flagged with a "U" (see Section 5.0). Laboratories participating in this work effort will demonstrate the MDLs for each instrument, including confirmatory columns, method of analysis, analyte, and matrix (i.e., biota) using 40 CFR Part 136 Appendix B. 3.2.2 Reporting Limits The laboratories participating in this work effort shall compare the results of the MDL demonstrations to the reporting limits (RLs) for each method that is listed in Section 5.0. The MDL may not be more than one-half the corresponding RL. For organic analyses, the laboratories shall also verify RLs by including a standard at or below the RL as the lowest point on the calibration curve. All results shall be reported at or above the MDL values; however, for those results falling between the MDL and the RL, a "J" flag shall be applied to the results, indicating that such values are estimated (see Section 5.0). No results shall be reported below the MDL. 3.2.3 Instrument Calibration Analytical instruments will be calibrated in accordance with the analytical methods. All analytes reported will be present in the initial and continuing calibrations, and these calibrations will meet the acceptance criteria specified in Section 5.0. All calibration criteria will satisfy Methods 1668 and 1613 at a minimum. Multipoint calibrations will contain the minimum number of calibration points specified in the method with all points used for the calibration being contiguous. The only exception to this rule is that a standard that has been statistically determined as being an outlier can be dropped from the calibration, providing any method requirement for a minimum number of standards is met. 3.3 LABORATORY ELEMENTS OF QUALITY CONTROL This section presents QC requirements relevant to analysis of samples that will be followed during all analytical activities laboratories producing definitive data. The purpose of this QC program is to produce data of known quality that satisfy the project objectives and that meet or exceed the requirements of the standard methods of analysis. This program provides a UM 3-4 S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONTHREE Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives mechanism for ongoing control and evaluation of data quality measurements through the use of QC materials. Adequate tissue will be provided for laboratory control samples to be analyzed. The type of QC samples and the frequency of use of these samples are discussed below and in the method- specific subsections of Section 5.0. 3.3.1 Laboratory Control Sample The LCS will in general be spiked with representative analytes being reported for the method, at a level less than or equal to the midpoint of the calibration curve for each analyte. (The midpoint is defined as the median point in the curve, not the middle of the range). The LCS will be spiked in accordance with SOPS included in Appendix A. The LCS will be carried through the complete sample preparation and analysis procedure. The performance of the LCS will be evaluated against the QC acceptance limits given in the tables in Appendix A. Whenever an analyte in an LCS is outside the acceptance limit, corrective action will be performed. After the system problems have been resolved and system control has been reestablished, all samples will be reanalyzed for the out-of-control analyte. When an analyte in an LCS exceeds the upper control limit (UCL) or lower control limit (LCL) and no corrective action is performed or the corrective action was ineffective, the appropriate validation flag, as described in Sections 6.0, will be applied to all affected results during data validation. 3.3.2 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate An MS and MSD is an aliquot of sample spiked with known concentrations of surrogate analytes as specified in each analytical method. The spiking occurs prior to sample preparation and analysis. Each analyte in the MS and MSD will be spiked at a level less than or equal to the midpoint of the calibration curve for each analyte. The MS/MSD is used to document the bias of a method due to sample matrix. Thus, for biota samples, laboratories will use the same filet for the parent sample, the MS sample, and the MSD sample, if sufficient volume/weight exists. The laboratory will select the samples for MS/MSDs randomly. MS/MSD results are used to document potential matrix effects associated with a site. The MS/MSD results and flags will be associated or related to samples that are collected from the same site from which the MS/MSD set was collected. One MS/MSD analysis will be performed for every twenty tissue samples (or 5%), or part thereof. The performance of the MS and MSD is evaluated against the QC acceptance limits given in the tables in Section 5.0. If either the MS or the MSD is outside the QC acceptance limits, the analytes in all related samples will be qualified according to the data flagging criteria in Sections 6.0 during data validation. 3.3.3 Surrogate Compounds The lab will add surrogate compounds as appropriate for Method 8082 to each sample prior to extraction, to monitor recovery efficiency throughout the analytical process. Surrogates must meet method criteria, or else corrective action is required by the lab. Specific criteria are provided in Section 6 for the analyses to be used for this project. 3-5 S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONTHREE Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives 3.3.4 Retention Time Windows Retention time windows are used in GC and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis for qualitative identification of analytes. They are calculated from replicate analyses of a standard on multiple days. The procedure and calculation method are given in SW-846 Methods 8000B and 8082 (USEPA 1996). When the retention time is outside of the acceptance limits, corrective action will be performed. After the system problems have been resolved and system control has been reestablished, all samples will be reanalyzed since the last acceptable retention time check. If corrective actions are not performed, the appropriate validation flag, as described in Sections 6.0, will be applied to the sample results during data validation. 3.3.5 Method Blank A method blank is an analyte-free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in sample processing. The method blank is carried through the complete sample preparation and analytical procedure. The method blank is used to document contamination resulting from the analytical process. A method blank will be included in every analysis batch. The presence of analytes in a method blank at concentrations equal to or greater than the RL indicates a need for corrective action. Corrective action will be performed to eliminate the source of contamination prior to proceeding with analysis. After the source of contamination has been eliminated, all samples containing the analyte found in the method blank above the RL will be reprepared and reanalyzed. No analytical data will be corrected for the presence of analytes in blanks. When an analyte is detected above the MDL in the method blank and in the associated samples and corrective actions (for samples above the RL) are not performed or are ineffective, the laboratory will apply the appropriate qualifier (Section 5), and the appropriate validation flag, as described in Section 6.0, will be applied to the sample results during data validation. 3.4 FIELD COLLECTION METHODS OF QUALITY CONTROL 3.4.1 Equipment Blank Equipment blanks are used to assess the effectiveness of equipment decontamination procedures. An equipment blank is a sample of ASTM Type II reagent grade water poured into or over the sampling device, collected in a sample container, and transported to the laboratory for analysis. The frequency of collection for equipment blanks is 1 per week or 1 per 20 samples/ matrix, whichever is less, as specified in Subsection 2.3.4 of the Work Plan. Equipment blanks will be collected immediately after the equipment has been decontaminated. Equipment blanks will be collected in sample containers appropriate for an aqueous matrix, and preserved in accordance to the pertinent analytical method. The blank will be analyzed for all laboratory analyses requested for the environmental samples collected at the site. 3-6 S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONTHREE Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives When an analyte is detected in the equipment blank the appropriate validation flag, as described in Section 6.0, may be applied to sample results from samples collected with the affected equipment, based on professional judgment during the validation process. 3.4.2 Field Duplicates A field duplicate sample is a second sample collected at the same location as the original sample. Duplicate samples are collected simultaneously or in immediate succession, using identical recovery techniques, and treated in an identical manner during storage, transportation, and analysis. The sample containers are assigned a unique identification number in the field. Duplicate samples will be designated based on recovered tissue volume sufficient to run two analyses on one fillet will be submitted. Duplicate sample results are used to assess precision of the sample collection process. The frequency of collection for field duplicates will be 10%. Field duplicates with quantifiable results that exceed the QC criteria will be flagged as indicated in Section 6.0 3.5 QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES 3.5.1 Holding Time Compliance Sample preparation and analysis will be completed within the method-required holding times. The holding time for a sample begins at the time of sample collection. The preparation holding time is calculated from the time of sample collection to the time of completion of the sample preparation process as described in the applicable method, prior to any necessary extract cleanup and/or volume reduction procedures. If no preparation (e.g., extraction) is required, the analysis holding time is calculated from the time of sample collection to the time of completion of all analytical runs, including dilutions, second column confirmations, and any required reanalyses. In methods requiring sample preparation prior to analysis, the analysis holding time is calculated from the time of preparation completion to the time of completion of all analytical runs, including dilutions, second column confirmations, and any required reanalyses. If holding times are exceeded and the analyses are performed, the results will be flagged during validation according to the procedures described in Section 6.0. Holding time variances will also be discussed in the lab case narrative supplied with the data package. 3.5.2 Confirmation Quantitative and qualitative confirmation of results at or above the RL for samples analyzed by GC will be completed within the method-required holding times. For GC methods, a second column will be used for confirmation, at least for all positive results. The only exception would be for Method 8082 PCB analysis, and then only if one Aroclor is present and the pattern can be clearly recognized. The result from the primary column/detector is the result that will be reported. 3-7 S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONTHREE Quality Program and Data Quality Objectives 3.5.3 Standard Materials Standard materials, including second source materials, used in calibration and to prepare samples will be those normally used by the analytical laboratory. The laboratory, however, is responsible for maintaining standard accuracy and traceability in accordance with good laboratory practice. The standard materials will be current, and the lab will insure that all expiration dates are current for all standard materials. Expired standard materials shall be either revalidated prior to use or discarded. Revalidation may be performed through assignment of a true value and error window statistically derived from replicate analyses of the material as compared to an unexpired standard. The laboratory shall label standard and QC materials with expiration dates. A second source standard will be used to independently confirm initial calibration. A second source standard is a standard purchased from a different vendor than the vendor supplying the material used in the initial calibration standards. The second source material will be used for the continuing calibration standards or for the LCS. 3.5.4 Supplies and Consumables The laboratory will inspect supplies and consumables prior to their use in analysis. The materials description in the methods of analysis will be used as a guideline for establishing the acceptance criteria for these materials. Purity of reagents will be monitored by analysis of LCSs. An inventory and storage system for these materials will ensure use before manufacturers' expiration dates and storage under safe and chemically compatible conditions. UM 3-8 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONFOUR Sampling Procedures 4.1 FIELD SAMPLING The field sampling procedures for collecting samples and sampling methods are included in Section 2.0 of the Work Plan. 4.1.1 Sample Containers Fish tissue samples will be wrapped in aluminum foil, and sealed inside plastic bags for shipment to the lab. 4.1.2 Sampling Volumes and Preservation Requirements, Holding Times This QAPP only addresses the analysis fish tissue for PCB congeners and Aroclors by Methods SW-846 8082 and 1668, respectively. Dioxin congeners will be analyzed using Method 1613. The sampler shall attempt to obtain at least 100 grams of fish fillets for each sample collected. This will be sufficient filet material for the lab to perform multiple analyses, if required. All fish are to be packaged as indicated below, and placed on ice in a cooler so as to maintain the temperature at 2-6 degrees centigrade until the samples arrive at the lab. Samples will be frozen upon receipt at the lab, and extraction holding time shall not exceed one year. Analysis holding time after extraction shall not exceed 40 days. 4.2 SAMPLING HANDLING AND CUSTODY Procedures to ensure the custody and integrity of the samples will begin at the time of sampling and continue through transport, sample receipt, preparation, analysis and storage, data generation and reporting, and sample disposal. Records concerning the custody and condition of the samples will be maintained in field and laboratory records. URS will maintain Chain-of-custody (COC) records for all field and field QC samples. A sample is defined as being under a person's custody if any of the following conditions exist: (1) it is in their possession, (2) it is in their view, after being in their possession, (3) it was in their possession and they locked it up or (4) it is in a designated secure area. The following information concerning the sample will be documented on the COC: • Unique sample identification for each container • Date and time of sample collection • Source of sample (including name, location, and sample type) • Preservative used • Analyses required • Name of collector • Custody transfer signatures and dates and times of sample transfer from the field to transporters and to the laboratory or laboratories • Bill of lading or transporter tracking number (if applicable) All samples will be uniquely identified, labeled, and documented in the field at the time of collection in accordance with Subsection 2.3.2 of the Work Plan. UM 4-1 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONFOUR Sampling Procedures Samples collected in the field will be transported to the laboratory or field testing site as expeditiously as possible. The samples will be packed in ice or chemical refrigerant to keep them cool during collection and transportation. During transit, it is not always possible to rigorously control the temperature of the samples. As a general rule, storage at low temperature is the best way to preserve most samples. A temperature blank (a VOC sampling vial filled with tap water) will be included in every cooler and used to determine the internal temperature of the cooler upon receipt of the cooler at the laboratory. If the temperature of the samples upon receipt exceeds the temperature requirements, the exceedance will be documented in laboratory records and discussed with URS. The decision regarding the potentially affected samples will also be documented. Once the samples reach the laboratory, they will be checked against information on the COC form for anomalies. The condition, temperature, and appropriate preservation of samples will be checked and documented on the COC form. The occurrence of any anomalies in the received samples and their resolution will be documented in laboratory records. All sample information will then be entered into a tracking system, and unique analytical sample identifiers will be assigned. A copy of this information will be reviewed by the laboratory for accuracy. Sample holding time tracking begins with the collection of samples and continues until the analysis is complete. Samples not preserved or analyzed in accordance with these requirements will be resampled and analyzed. Procedures ensuring internal laboratory COC will also be implemented and documented by the laboratory. Specific instructions concerning the analysis specified for each sample will be communicated to the analysts. Analytical batches will be created, and laboratory QC samples will be introduced into each batch. While in custody of the laboratory, samples will be stored in a limited-access, temperature- controlled areas. Refrigerators, coolers, and freezers will be monitored for temperature 7 days/week. The fish tissues will be frozen on receipt at the laboratory. The acceptance criterion for the temperatures of the freezers is less than 0°C. All cold storage areas will be monitored by thermometers that have been calibrated with a NIST-traceable thermometer. As indicated by the findings of the calibration, correction factors will be applied to each thermometer. Records that include acceptance criteria will be maintained. Samples for volatile organics determination will be stored separately from other samples, standards, and sample extracts. Samples will be stored after analysis until disposed of in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Disposal records will be maintained by the laboratory. SOPS describing sample control and custody will be maintained by the laboratory. Copies of the SOPS provided by Pace Analytical, Inc are included in Appendix A. UM 4-2 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Section 5.1 briefly describes the preparation methods. Section 5.2 contains subsections for each analytical procedure. Each subsection contains the following information: 5.1 PREPARATION METHODS Extraction and digestion procedures for biota matrices for Methods 1668 and 1613 are part of the Analytical Method, and are presented in the SOPS for these methods included in Appendix A. Extraction and digestion procedures for the Method 8082 biota matrices presented in this section are outlined in Table 5-1. TABLE 5-1 EXTRACTION AND DIGESTION PROCED URES Method Parameter SW-3540C Soxhlet extraction. Method SW-3540C - Soxhlet Extraction Method SW-3540C will be used to extract the PCBs from biota tissue for the Method 8082 analyses. Method SW-3540C is an automated Soxhlet extraction. The Soxhlet extraction process ensures intimate contact of the sample matrix with the extraction solvent. 5.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners and Aroclors will be analyzed using Method 1668 and SW-846 Method 8082, respectively. Dioxins will be analyzed using Method 1613. The following tables present the PCB congeners and/or Aroclors which will be reported by the analytical laboratories (Table 5-1). Table 5-1. PCB Congeners and Aroclors for Methods 1668 and 8082. Method 1668 PCB Congener/Aroclor Congener Number CAS Number 2-MoCB 1 2051-60-7 3-MoCB 2 2051-61-8 4-MoCB 3 2051-62-9 2,2'-DiCB 4 13029-08-8 2,3-DiCB 5 16605-91-7 2,3'-DiCB 6 25569-80-6 2,4-DiCB 7 33284-50-3 2,4'-DiCB 8 34883-43-7 2,5-DiCB 9 34883-39-1 2,6-DiCB 10 33146-45-1 3,3'-DiCB 11 2050-67-1 U MQAPP.doc S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 5-1 SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Table 5-1. PCB Congeners and Aroclors for Methods 1668 and 8082. Method 1668 PCB Congener/Aroclor Congener Number CAS Number 3,4-DiCB 12 2974-92-7 3,4'-DiCB 13 2974-90-5 3,5-DiCB 14 34883-41-5 4,4'-DiCB 15 2050-68-2 2,2',3-TrCB 16 38444-78-9 2,2',4-TrCB 17 37680-66-3 2,2',5-TrCB 18 37680-65-2 2,2',6-TrCB 19 3 8444-73 -4 2,3,3'-TrCB 20 38444-84-7 2,3,4-TrCB 21 55702-46-0 2,3,4'-TrCB 22 38444-85-8 2,3,5-TrCB 23 55720-44-0 2,3,6-TrCB 24 55702-45-9 2,3',4-TrCB 25 55712-37-3 2,3',5-TrCB 26 38444-81-4 2,3',6-TrCB 27 38444-76-7 2,4,4'-TrCB 28 7012-37-5 2,4,5-TrCB 29 15862-07-4 2,4,6-TrCB 30 35693-92-6 2,4',5-TrCB 31 16606-02-3 2,4',6-TrCB 32 38444-77-8 2',3,4-TrCB 33 38444-86-9 2',3,5-TrCB 34 37680-68-5 3,3',4-TrCB 35 37680-69-6 3,3',5-TrCB 36 38444-87-0 3,4,4'-TrCB 37 38444-90-5 3,4,5-TrCB 38 53555-66-1 3,4',5-TrCB 39 38444-88-1 2,2',3,3'-TeCB 40 38444-93-8 2,2',3,4-TeCB 41 52663-59-9 2,2',3,4'-TeCB 42 36559-22-5 2,2',3,5-TeCB 43 70362-46-8 2,2',3,5'-TeCB 44 41464-39-5 2,2',3,6-TeCB 45 70362-45-7 2,2',3,6'-TeCB 46 41464-47-5 U MQAPP.doc 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 5-2 SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Table 5-1. PCB Congeners and Aroclors for Methods 1668 and 8082. Method 1668 PCB Congener/Aroclor Congener Number CAS Number 2,2',4,4'-TeCB 47 2437-79-8 2,2',4,5-TeCB 48 70362-47-9 2,2',4,5'-TeCB 49 41464-40-8 2,2',4,6-TeCB 50 62796-65-0 2,2',4,6'-TeCB 51 68194-04-7 2,2',5,5'-TeCB 52 35693-99-3 2,2',5,6'-TeCB 53 41464-41-9 2,2',6,6'-TeCB 54 15968-05-5 2,3,3',4'-TeCB 55 74338-24-2 2,3,3',4'-TeCB 56 41464-43-1 2,3,3',5-TeCB 57 70424-67-8 2,3,3',5'-TeCB 58 41464-49-7 2,3,3',6-TeCB 59 74472-33-6 2,3,4,4'-TeCB 60 33025-41-1 2,3,4,5-TeCB 61 33284-53-6 2,3,4,6-TeCB 62 54230-22-7 2,3,4',5-TeCB 63 74472-34-7 2,3,4',6-TeCB 64 52663-58-8 2,3,5,6-TeCB 65 33284-54-7 2,3',4,4'-TeCB 66 32598-10-0 2,3',4,5-TeCB 67 73575-53-8 2,3',4,5'-TeCB 68 73575-52-7 2,3',4,6-TeCB 69 60233-24-1 2,3',4',5-TeCB 70 32598-11-1 2,3',4',6-TeCB 71 41464-46-4 2,3',5,5'-TeCB 72 41464-42-0 2,3',5',6-TeCB 73 74338-23-1 2,4,4',5-TeCB 74 32690-93-0 2,4,4',6-TeCB 75 32598-12-2 2',3,4,5-TeCB 76 70362-48-0 3,3',4,4'-TeCB 77 32598-13-3 3,3',4,5-TeCB 78 70362-49-1 3,3',4,5'-TeCB 79 41464-48-6 3,3',5,5'-TeCB 80 33284-52-5 3,4,4',5-TeCB 81 70362-50-4 U MQAPP.doc 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 5-3 SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Table 5-1. PCB Congeners and Aroclors for Methods 1668 and 8082. Method 1668 PCB Congener/Aroclor Congener Number CAS Number 2,2',3,3',4-PeCB 82 52663-62-4 2,2',3,3',5-PeCB 83 60145-20-2 2,2',3,3',6-PeCB 84 52663-60-2 2,2',3,4,4'-PeCB 85 65510-45-4 2,2',3,4,5-PeCB 86 55312-69-1 2,2',3,4,5'-PeCB 87 38380-02-8 2,2',3,4,6-PeCB 88 55215-17-3 2,2',3,4,6'-PeCB 89 73575-57-2 2,2',3,4',5-PeCB 90 68194-07-0 2,2',3,4',6-PeCB 91 68194-05-8 2,2',3,5,5'-PeCB 92 52663-61-3 2,2',3,5,6-PeCB 93 73575-56-1 2,2',3,5,6'-PeCB 94 73575-55-0 2,2',3,5',6-PeCB 95 38379-99-6 2,2',3,6,6'-PeCB 96 73575-54-9 2,2',3',4,5-PeCB 97 41464-51-1 2,2',3',4,6-PeCB 98 60233-25-2 2,2',4,4',5-PeCB 99 38380-01-7 2,2',4,4',6-PeCB 100 39485-83-1 2,2',4,5,5'-PeCB 101 37680-73-2 2,2',4,5,6'-PeCB 102 68194-06-9 2,2',4,5,'6-PeCB 103 60145-21-3 2,2',4,6,6'-PeCB 104 56558-16-8 2,3,3',4,4'-PeCB 105 32598-14-4 2,3,3',4,5-PeCB 106 70424-69-0 2,3,3',4',5-PeCB 107 70424-68-9 2,3,3',4,5'-PeCB 108 70362-41-3 2,3,3',4,6-PeCB 109 74472-35-8 2,3,3',4',6-PeCB 110 38380-03-9 2,3,3',5,5'-PeCB 111 39635-32-0 2,3,3',5,6-PeCB 112 74472-36-9 2,3,3',5',6-PeCB 113 68194-10-5 2,3,4,4',5-PeCB 114 74472-37-0 2,3,4,4',6-PeCB 115 74472-38-1 2,3,4,5,6-PeCB 116 18259-05-7 U MQAPP.doc 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 5-4 SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Table 5-1. PCB Congeners and Aroclors for Methods 1668 and 8082. Method 1668 PCB Congener/Aroclor Congener Number CAS Number 2,3,4',5,6-PeCB 117 68194-11-6 2,3',4,4',5-PeCB 118 31508-00-6 2,3',4,4',6-PeCB 119 56558-17-9 2,3',4,5,5'-PeCB 120 68194-12-7 2,3',4,5,'6-PeCB 121 56558-18-0 2',3,3',4,5-PeCB 122 76842-07-4 2',3,4,4',5-PeCB 123 65510-44-3 2',3,4,5,5'-PeCB 124 70424-70-3 2',3,4,5,6'-PeCB 125 74472-39-2 3,3',4,4',5-PeCB 126 57465-28-8 3,3',4,5,5'-PeCB 127 39635-33-1 2,2',3,3',4,4'-HxCB 128 38380-07-3 2,2',3,3',4,5-HxCB 129 55215-18-4 2,2',3,3',4,5'-HxCB 130 52663-66-8 2,2',3,3',4,6-HxCB 131 61798-70-7 2,2',3,3',4,6'-HxCB 132 38380-05-1 2,2',3,3',5,5'-HxCB 133 35694-04-3 2,2',3,3',5,6-HxCB 134 52704-70-8 2,2',3,3',5,6'-HxCB 135 52744-13-5 2,2',3,3',6,6'-HxCB 136 38411-22-2 2,2',3,4,4',5-HxCB 137 35694-06-5 2,2',3,4,4',5'-HxCB 138 35065-28-2 2,2',3,4,4',6-HxCB 139 56030-56-9 2,2',3,4,4',6'-HxCB 140 59291-64-4 2,2',3,4,5,5'-HxCB 141 52712-04-6 2,2',3,4,5,6-HxCB 142 41411-61-4 2,2',3,4,5,6'-HxCB 143 68194-15-0 2,2',3,4,5',6-HxCB 144 68194-14-9 2,2',3,4,6,6'-HxCB 145 74472-40-5 2,2',3,4',5,5'-HxCB 146 51908-16-8 2,2',3,4',5,6-HxCB 147 68194-13-8 2,2',3,4',5,6'-HxCB 148 74472-41-6 2,2',3,4',5',6-HxCB 149 38380-04-0 2,2',3,4',6,6'-HxCB 150 68194-08-1 2,2',3,5,5',6-HxCB 151 52663-63-5 U MQAPP.doc 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 5-5 SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Table 5-1. PCB Congeners and Aroclors for Methods 1668 and 8082. Method 1668 PCB Congener/Aroclor Congener Number CAS Number 2,2',3,5,6,6'-HxCB 152 68194-09-2 2,2',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 153 35065-27-1 2,2',4,4',5',6-HxCB 154 60145-22-4 2,2',4,4',6,6'-HxCB 155 33979-03-2 2,3,3',4,4',5-HxCB 156 38380-08-4 2,3,3',4,4',5'-HxCB 157 69782-90-7 2,3,3',4,4',6-HxCB 158 74472-42-7 2,3,3',4,5,5'-HxCB 159 39635-35-3 2,3,3',4,5,6-HxCB 160 41411-62-5 2,3,3',4,5',6-HxCB 161 74472-43-8 2,3,3',4',5,5'-HxCB 162 39635-34-2 2,3,3',4',5,6-HxCB 163 74472-44-9 2,3,3',4',5',6-HxCB 164 74472-45-0 2,3,3',5,5',6-HxCB 165 74472-46-1 2,3,4,4',5,6-HxCB 166 41411-63-6 2,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 167 52663-72-6 2,3',4,4',5',6-HxCB 168 59291-65-5 3,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 169 32774-16-6 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-H CB 170 35065-30-6 2,2'3,3',4,4',6-HpCB 171 52663-71-5 2,2',3,3',4,5,5'-HpCB 172 52663-74-8 2,2',3,3',4,5,6-HpCB 173 68194-16-1 2,2',3,3',4,5,6'-HpCB 174 38411-25-5 2,2',3,3',4,5',6-HpCB 175 40186-70-7 2,2',3,3',4,6,6'-HpCB 176 52663-65-7 2,2',3,3',4',5,6-H CB 177 52663-70-4 2,2',3,3',5,5',6-HpCB 178 52663-67-9 2,2',3,3',5,6,6'-HpCB 179 52663-64-6 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-H CB 180 35065-29-3 2,2',3,4,4',5,6-HpCB 181 74472-47-2 2,2',3,4,4',5,6'-HpCB 182 60145-23-5 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-HpCB 183 52663-69-1 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-H CB 184 74472-48-3 2,2',3,4,5,5',6-HpCB 185 52712-05-7 2,2',3,4,5,6,6'-HpCB 186 74472-49-4 U MQAPP.doc 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 5-6 SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Table 5-1. PCB Congeners and Aroclors for Methods 1668 and 8082. Method 1668 PCB Congener/Aroclor Congener Number CAS Number 2,2',3,4',5,5',6-HpCB 187 52663-68-0 2,2',3,4',5,6,6'-H CB 188 74487-85-7 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-HpCB 189 39635-31-9 2,3,3',4,4',5,6-HpCB 190 41411-64-7 2,3,3',4,4',5',6-H CB 191 74472-50-7 2,3,3',4,5,5',6-HpCB 192 74472-51-8 2,3,3',4',5,5',6-HpCB 193 69782-91-8 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-OcCB 194 35694-08-7 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-OcCB 195 52663-78-2 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6'-OcCB 196 42740-50-1 2,2',3,3',4,4',6,6'-OcCB 197 33091-17-7 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6-OcCB 198 68194-17-2 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6'-OcCB 199 52663-75-9 2,2',3,3',4,5,6,6'-OcCB 200 52663-73-7 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6'-OcCB 201 40186-71-8 2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-OcCB 202 2136-99-4 2,2',3,4,4',5,5',6-OcCB 203 52663-76-0 2,2',3,4,4',5,6,6'-OcCB 204 74472-52-9 2,3,3',4,4',5,5',6-OcCB 205 74472-53-0 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-NoCB 206 40186-72-9 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6,6'-NoCB 207 52663-79-3 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6,6'-NoCB 208 52663-77-1 DeCB 209 2051-24-3 Method 8082 Aroclor 1016 NA 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1221 NA 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1232 NA 11141-16-5 Aroclor 1242 NA 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1248 NA 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1254 NA 11097-69-1 Aroclor 1260 NA 11096-82-5 Abbreviations DeCB = decachlorobiphenyl NoCB = nonachlorobiphenyl DiCB = dichlorobiphenyl OcCB = octachlorobiphenyl HpCB = heptachlorobiphenyl PeCB = pentachlorobiphenyl HxCB = hexachlorobiphenyl TeCB = tetrachlorobiphenyl MoCB = monochlorobiphenyl TrCB = trichlorobiphenyl NA = Not Applicable U MQAPP.doc S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 5-7 SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Dioxin congeners will be analyzed using Method 1613. The following table presents the congeners which will be reported by the analytical laboratory (Table 5-2). Table 5-2 Analyte for Method 1613A CDDs/CDFs CAS Number 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1746-01-6 Total TCDD 41903-57-5 2,3,7,8-TCDF 51207-31-9 Total-TCDF 55722-27-5 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 40321-76-4 Total-PeCDD 36088-22-9 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 57117-41-6 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 57117-31-4 Total-PeCDF 30402-15-4 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 39227-28-6 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 57653-85-7 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 19408-74-3 Total-HxCDD 34465-46-8 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 70648-26-9 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 57117-44-9 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 72918-21-9 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 60851-34-5 Total-HxCDF 55684-94-1 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 35822-46-9 Total-HpCDD 37871-00-4 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-H CDF 67562-39-4 112,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 55673-89-7 Total-HpCDF 38998-75-3 OCDD 3268-87-9 OCDF 39001-02-0 Abbreviations CDD = Chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins CDF = Chlorinated dibenzofurans HxCDD = Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin HpCDD = Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin HpCDF = Heptachlorodibenzofuran HxCDF = Hexachlorodibenzofuran OCDD = Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin OCDF = Octachlorodibenzofuran PeCDD = Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin PeCDF = Pentachlorodibenzofuran TCDD = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin TCDF = Tetrachlorodibenzofuran 5-8 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONFIVE Analytical Methods and Procedures Methods 1668 and 1613 have their own specific QC criteria hard written into the method. The laboratory will adhere to the specific requirements of those methods. Method 8082 in part uses control limits generated by laboratory for various QC parameters. A complete description for these methods is included in Pace Analytical, Inc SOPS (Appendix A). Acceptance criteria for the accuracy of spiked analyte and surrogate recoveries (if applicable), and the acceptance criteria for the precision of matrix, field, and laboratory duplicate recoveries are also provided in Appendix A. 5.3 LABORATORY DATA QUALIFIERS The laboratory shall in general qualify data using the CLP Statement of Work Qualifiers. They may, at their option use additional lab qualifiers, or use different lab qualifiers if that is their practice, provided that a full key to the qualifiers is provided in the data package. At minimum, the lab shall qualify the data for the occurrences listed in Table 5-5 below, for each method where applicable. Table 5-3. Laboratory Data Qualifiers. Qualifier Description U The analyte was analyzed for, but not detected. The associated numerical value is at or below the MDL. J The analyte was presumptively identified above the MDL but the associated numerical value is below the RL. R Data was rejected by the lab due to an uncorrectable major QC problem B The analyte was found in an associated blank, as well as in the sample. M A matrix effect was present. (Failure of MS/MSD recovery or RPD) N This flag indicates presumptive evidence of a compound detected on only one column. Not required if Aroclor pattern is clearly identifiable. P This flag is used for a pesticide/Aroclor target analyte when there is greater than 25% difference for detected concentrations between two GC columns. E This flag identifies compounds whose concentrations exceed the upper level of the calibration range of the instrument for that specific analysis. D This flag is used for all compounds quantified from an analysis at a secondary dilution factor. This result replaces corresponding "E" qualified result, if above the dilution adjusted reporting limit, and all QC parameters are acceptable. UM 5-9 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONSIX Data Reduction, Review, Verification, Reporting, Validation and Recordkeeping The data reduction, review, reporting, and validation procedures described in this section will ensure (1) complete documentation is maintained, (2) transcription and data reduction errors are minimized, (3) the data are reviewed and documented, and (4) the reported results are qualified, if necessary. Laboratory data reduction and verification procedures will ensure the overall objectives of analysis and reporting meet method and project specifications. 6.1 DATA REVIEW, VALIDATION, AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR DEFINITIVE DATA MDLs and sample results will be reported to one decimal place more than the corresponding RL, unless the appropriate number of significant figures for the measurement dictates otherwise. Fish tissue sample analyses will have results reported on a wet weight basis. RLs for minority constituents in highly contaminated samples may be adjusted for dilutions. In each laboratory analytical section, the analyst performing the tests will review 100% of the definitive data. After the analyst's review is complete, 100% of the data will be reviewed independently by a senior analyst or by the supervisor of the respective analytical section using the same criteria. The definitive data methods are identified in Section 5.2. The calibration, QC requirements, corrective action requirements, and flagging criteria required for definitive data are shown in the tables in Section 5.2 and summarized in Tables 5-2 and 5-3. The flagging criteria will be applied when acceptance criteria are not met and corrective action was not successful or corrective action was not performed. Laboratory data qualifiers will be added or, if applied by a software package, reviewed by the laboratory supervisor of the respective analytical section, after the first and second level of laboratory data reviews have been performed. Analytical batch comments will be added to the first page of the definitive data report packages to explain any nonconformance or other issues. Data validation will be performed by a URS Senior Chemist. The lab must furnish a full Level IV data package in "Contract Laboratory Program (CLP)-like" format, which includes all relevant CLP raw data and summaries, and a case narrative describing any QC variance encountered during the analyses. This format should be in both hard copy and Adobe acrobat (pdf) format. In addition, the lab must provide electronic data deliverables (EDDs) in summary format that is sufficient to contain both lab and field IDs for all samples, the results with units designated, all MDL and RL values, sampling and analytical dates and times, and any dilution or analytical batch information required to trace the results to the raw analytical data. Table 6-1 is a list of the validation qualifiers that will be applied to the data. This list is consistent with the National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review (USEPA 1999). 6-1 S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONSIX Data Reduction, Review, Verification, Reporting, Validation and Recordkeeping Table 6-1. Interpretive Data Qualifiers Qualifier Description U The analyte should be considered not detected at the reported value for the reasons discussed in the validation report. This is distinct from the laboratory U or BQL qualifiers, which means that the analyte was simply not detected. J For the GCMS data the identification of the analyte is acceptable, but quality assurance criteria indicate that the quantitative values may be outside the normal expected range of precision, i.e., the quantitative value is considered estimated. For non-MS data, both the presence and quantitation of the compound is uncertain. N There is presumptive evidence that the analyte is present, but it has not been confirmed. The analyte is "tentatively identified". There is an indication that the reported analyte is present, however, all quality control requirements necessary for confirmation were not met. This is applicable to pesticide and PCB data. R Data are considered to be rejected and shall not be used. This flag denotes the failure of quality control criteria such that it cannot be determined if the analyte is present or absent from the sample. Resampling and analysis are necessary to confirm or deny the presence of the analyte. C This flag is most often used in conjunction with pesticides/PCB data. The analyte is determined to be present and the presence has been confirmed by GUMS. UJ This is a combination of the U and J flags. The analyte is not considered to be present. The reported value is considered to be an estimated limit of detection. JN A combination of the J and N flags. The analyte is tentatively identified and the value preceding the JN is estimated. DUP For this report, this flag designates a quantifiable field duplicate result that did not meet QAPP RPD criteria. In general, data will be validated using the National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review (USEPA, 1999) with changes and allowances made to conform to SW-846 methodology (USEPA 1996). Tables 6-2 and 6-3 contain examples of validation actions and qualifiers based on the most common QC variances. U MQAPP.doc S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 6-2 SECTIONSIX Data Reduction, Review, Verification, Reporting, Validation and Recordkeeping Table 6-2 General Validation Flagging Conventions QC Requirement Criteria Fla Fla Applied To Holding Time Time exceeded for J for detected results, R All analytes in the sample extraction or analysis for non-detected results o%R > UCL J for the positive results The specific analyte in all LCS oR < LCL / J for the positive results, samples in the associated UJ for the non-detects analytical group %R<10% R for all UJ if <5X blk The specific analyte in all Method Blank Analyte detected >_ J if <10X, except for samples in the associated MDL known lab contaminants analytical group with . results above the MDL The specific analyte in all Analyte detected >_ samples with the same Equipment Blank MDL Judgement sampling date as the equipment blank with results above the MDL Results >RL AND DUP for the positive The specific analyte in all Field duplicates RPD outside CL results samples collected on the R for the nondetects same sampling date MS or MSD %R >UCL J, UJ, depending on The specific analyte in all OR violation, detection in samples collected from the MS/MSD MS or MSD %R <LCL sample, R if minimum same site as the parent OR criteria (>10% recovery) sample MS/MSD RPD >CL not met Sample Preservation/ Preservation/Collection R, J, or UJ for all results, All analytes in the sample Collection requirements not met based on judgment <2°C or >6°C or as J for the positive results Sample Storage required UJ or R for the All analytes in the sample nondetects U MQAPP.doc S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 6-3 SECTIONSIX Data Reduction, Review, Verification, Reporting, Validation and Recordkeeping Table 6-3. Validation Flagging Conventions for Organic Methods. QC Requirement Criteria Fla Fla Applied To Initial Five Point Response or R The specific analyte in all samples associated Calibration (GC and Linearity criteria with the initial calibration HPLC methods) not met Initial Five Point SPCC or CCC R All analytes in all samples associated with the Calibration(GC/MS criteria not met initial calibration methods) Linearity criterion R The specific analyte in all samples associated not met with the initial calibration Initial Daily CL exceeded J, UJ, or R The specific analyte in all samples associated Calibration (Judgment) with the initial calibration verification Verification (GC, GCMS, and HPLC methods) Calibration CL exceeded with Jfor the The specific analyte in all samples associated Verification (GC and positive bias positive results with the calibration verification HPLC methods) CL exceeded with Jfor the The specific analyte in all samples associated negative bias positive results with the calibration verification UJ or R for the nondetects Retention Time Retention time of R The specific analyte in the sample analyte outside of established retention time window Surrogates More than one J for the positive All analytes in the sample associated with the surrogate %R results surrogate, unless the extract was diluted by a >UCL factor of four or greater due to high analyte OR J for the positive concentration or interference More than one results surrogate %R UJ for the non- <LCL detects OR R for all results Any surrogate recovery <10% Second Not performed N, except All affected analytes _RL Column/Second Method 8082, Detector Confirmation distinct Aroclor (GC and HPLC Agreement between pattern methods) results not within All affected analytes ±40% JN All affected analytes ND on second UJ column URS will review and validate the entire definitive data report package, and with the field records, apply the final data qualifiers for the definitive data. A validation report will be provided as an Appendix to the final report. The validation report will contain complete explanations for the 6-4 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - UM QAPP.doc SECTIONSIX Data Reduction, Review, Verification, Reporting, Validation and Recordkeeping issuance of any validation qualifiers, and also contain complete tables documenting all validation qualifiers issued, along with a summary of the reason for each. URS, as a part of the validation report, will catalog and assess any deviations from the QAPP, will determine finally whether the DQOs have been met, and calculate data completeness for the proj ect. 6.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORTS The laboratory QA staff will issue QA reports to laboratory management, laboratory supervisors, and task leaders. These reports will describe the results of QC measurements, performance audits, systems audits, and confirmation sample comparisons performed for each sampling and analysis task. Quality problems associated with performance of methods, completeness of data, comparability of data including field and confirmatory data, and data storage will be documented with the corrective actions that have been taken. 6.3 HARD COPY DATA REPORTS AND ARCHIVING Complete laboratory electronic data files (pdf format) will be included as an Appendix to the final project report deliverable. Hardcopy and electronic data will be archived in project files and on electronic archive tapes for the duration of the project or a minimum of 5 years, whichever is longer. 6.4 PROJECT DATA FLOW AND TRANSFER Data flow from the laboratory and field to the project staff and data users will be sufficiently documented to ensure the data are properly tracked, reviewed, and validated for use. 6.5 RECORDKEEPING The laboratory will maintain electronic and hardcopy records sufficient to recreate each analytical event conducted. The minimum records the laboratory will retain include (1) COC forms; (2) initial and continuing calibration records, including standards preparation traceable to the original material and lot number; (3) instrument tuning records (as applicable); (4) method blank results; (5) IS results; (6) surrogate spiking records and results (as applicable); (7) spike and spike duplicate records and results; (8) laboratory records; (9) raw data, including instrument printouts, bench work sheets, and/or chromatograms with compound identification and quantitation reports; (10) corrective action reports; (11) other method and project required QC samples and results; and (12) laboratory-specific written SOPS for each analytical method and QA/QC function in place at the time of analysis of project samples. UM 6-5 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc SECTIONSEVEN Project Audits and Training 7.1 PROJECT AUDITS Laboratory or field audits may be conducted during the course of this project. Audits, external or internal, that reveal noncompliance or deviations with regard to field activities or laboratory methods and procedures will be addressed in writing by URS with corrective actions and a time frame for implementation of the corrective actions. 7.2 TRAINING Training will be provided to all project personnel in compliance with the Health and Safety Plan. Documentation of this training will be maintained in the project file. U MQAPP.doc S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 7-1 SECTIONEIGHT Corrective Actions Corrective actions, if necessary, will be completed at once if acceptance criteria are not met. If a corrective action was not successful or corrective action was not performed, the appropriate flagging criteria will be applied. Problems requiring corrective action in the laboratory will be documented by the use of a corrective action report. The QA coordinator or any other laboratory member will initiate the corrective action request in the event QC results exceed acceptability limits or upon identification of some other laboratory problem. Corrective actions will include reanalysis of the sample or samples affected, resampling and analysis, or a change in procedures, depending upon the severity of the problem. U MQAPP.doc 5:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - 8-1 SECTIONNINE References USEPA. (1999). SW-846 Third Edition, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Update IIIB.. Solid Waste. Washington D. C.: USEPA. USEPA. (1999). USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review. EPA-540/R-99-008 (PB99-963506). USEPA. 1996. SW-846 Third Edition, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Update IIIB. Available online at http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/test/up3b.htm. USEPA. 1999. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review. EPA-540/R-99-008 (PB99-963506). October 1999. 9-1 S:1200-AAlcoalBadinlWorkplanlDraft Final WorkplanlAppendix B - QAPP1Appendix B - QAPP.doc Appendix A Pace SOP for PCB Analysis and Detection Limits ii z, ace Analytical i QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL Quality Assurance/Quality Control Policies and Procedures Revision 11.0 Pace Analytical Services - Minnesota 1700 Elm Street SE, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-607-1700 CO R 1-0 RAT F., APPROV A]. ..Avvi: A. Vtiri(krl oom Prc- s icicikl, C F0 1700 f:Lrti StTCEt SF., Soli . 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (61') 6017-1700 Brad A- Mectdow: DjIV(`.J(Mr (.16' QillgilY, ?.if?.Jy, ?Itt({ I C'.Vhr ok).gy 1700 Elrii Sir-eel .SE, Suxe 200 Mimicapolis, NIN 55414 (f612) 60-J-1700 Bale C 2002 - 2007 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. This Quality Assurance Manual may not be reproduced, in part or in full, without written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Whether distributed internally or as a "courtesy copy" to customers or regulatory agencies, this document is considered confidential and proprietary information. Any printed documents in use within a Pace Analytical Services, Inc. laboratory have been reviewed and approved by the persons listed on the cover page. They can only be deemed official if proper signatures are present. This is COPY# 17 distributed on 16NOV2007_ by MRO and is CONTROLLED or X UNCONTROLLED. Quality Assurance Manual aceI't ,1'Irfi]alytica/ Revision: 11.0 y c 1 Page 2 of 73 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES - MINNESOTA LOCAL APPROVAL This €idxR.esrac Ott laa 1. eat a1+p'm t1 t1>. Quality =sttrama lWla ru a1, el i'ee ire a i indheated lxy the fallowing signatuir is l? ? 4 1 Laboratory ocncral A'la?ftger Date 612-(>07-6354 Laboi ry 1?cgiosial Quality Manager Date 012-619-4104 Laboratory t: uality Manavf-r Tate 612-0117-6352 I,ahoratory ° zelinic aI DiivcIiir - Chctni.try Date 612-607-6506 L Laboratory ' .chnic:al Director - Dioxin Date. 612-607-03387 - "44 Laboratory T?,,cbnicid Dii-emor - Air D tto 012-607-6386 ceAnalytical Table of Contents Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 3 of 73 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .................................................................. 5 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO PASI .................................................................................................. .......................... 5 1.2 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ................................................................................................. .......................... 5 1.3 QUALITY POLICY STATEMENT AND GOALS OF THE QUALITY SYSTEM ......................... .......................... 5 1.4 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES CORE VALUES ................................................................. .......................... 5 1.5 CODE OF ETHICS .............................................................................................................. .......................... 6 1.6 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ................................................................................................ .......................... 6 1.7 LABORATORY ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................ .......................... 7 1.8 LABORATORY JOB DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................... .......................... 8 1.9 TRAINING AND ORIENTATION .......................................................................................... ........................ 11 1.10 LABORATORY SAFETY ....................................................................................................... ........................ 12 1.11 SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY .................................................................................... ........................ 13 2.0 SAMPLE CUSTODY ........................................................................................................................................14 2.1 SAMPLING SUPPORT .................................................................................. ............................................... 14 2.2 PROJECT INITIATION ................................................................................. ............................................... 14 2.3 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY ................................................................................. ...............................................14 2.4 SAMPLE ACCEPTANCE POLICY ................................................................. ............................................... 15 2.5 SAMPLE LOG-IN ......................................................................................... ............................................... 16 2.6 SAMPLE STORAGE ..................................................................................... ............................................... 17 2.7 SAMPLE PROTECTION ............................................................................... ............................................... 18 2.8 SUBCONTRACTING ANALYTICAL SERVICES ............................................... ............................................... 18 2.9 SAMPLE RETENTION AND DISPOSAL .......................................................... ............................................... 19 3.0 ANALYTICAL CAPABILITIES ...................................................................................................................... 20 3.1 ANALYTICAL METHOD SOURCES .............................................................................................................. 20 3.2 ANALYTICAL METHOD DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................. 20 3.3 ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION ........................................................................................................ 20 3.4 DEMONSTRATION OF CAPABILITY (DOC) ................................................................................................. 20 3.5 REGULATORY AND METHOD COMPLIANCE .............................................................................................. 21 4.0 QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................... 22 4.1 DATA INTEGRITY SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................ 22 4.2 METHOD BLANK ....................................................................................................................................... 22 4.3 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE ............................................................................................................ 23 4.4 MATRIX SPIKE/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE (MS/MSD) ......................................................................... 24 4.5 SURROGATES ............................................................................................................................................ 24 4.6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE ................................................................................................................................. 25 4.7 INTERNAL STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................. 25 4.8 FIELD BLANKS .......................................................................................................................................... 25 4.9 TRIP BLANKS ............................................................................................................................................ 25 4.10 LIMIT OF DETECTION (LOD) ................................................................................................................... 25 4.11 LIMIT OF QUANTITATION (LOQ) ............................................................................................................ 26 4.12 ESTIMATE OF UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................................... 26 4.13 PROFICIENCY TESTING (PT) STUDIES ..................................................................................................... 26 4.14 ROUNDING AND SIGNIFICANT FIGURES ................................................................................................... 27 ceAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 4 of 73 5.0 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL ............................................................... 28 5.1 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 28 5.2 DOCUMENT CHANGE CONTROL ............................................................................................................... 29 6.0 EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT TRACEABILITY .......................................................................... 30 6.1 STANDARDS AND TRACEABILITY ............................................................................................................. 30 6.2 GENERAL ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION PROCEDURES ...................................................... 30 6.3 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION PROCEDURES .................................................................................. 33 6.4 INSTRUMENT/ EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................... 34 7.0 CONTROL OF DATA ....................................................................................................................................... 36 7.1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS PROCESSING ......................................................................................................... 36 7.2 DATA VERIFICATION ................................................................................................................................. 36 7.3 DATA REPORTING ..................................................................................................................................... 37 7.4 DATA SECURITY ........................................................................................................................................ 38 7.5 DATA ARCHIVING ...................................................................................................................................... 38 7.6 DATA DISPOSAL ........................................................................................................................................ 38 8.0 QUALITY SYSTEM AUDITS AND REVIEWS ........................................................................................... 39 8.1 INTERNAL AUDITS .................................................................................................................................... 39 8.2 EXTERNAL AUDITS .................................................................................................................................... 40 8.3 QUARTERLY QUALITY REPORTS .............................................................................................................. 41 8.4 ANNUAL MANAGERIAL REVIEW .............................................................................................................. 41 9.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION ................................................................................................................................. 42 9.1 CORRECTIVE ACTION DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................. 42 9.2 CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLETION ......................................................................................................... 42 10.0 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................. 45 11.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 51 12.0 REVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 52 ATTACHMENT I ................................................................................................................................................... 55 ATTACHMENT IIA ............................................................................................................................................... 57 ATTACHMENT IIB ............................................................................................................................................... 58 ATTACHMENT III ................................................................................................................................................ 59 ATTACHMENT IV ................................................................................................................................................ 62 ATTACHMENT V .................................................................................................................................................. 63 ATTACHMENT VI ................................................................................................................................................ 67 ATTACHMENT VII ............................................................................................................................................... 70 ATTACHMENT VIII ............................................................................................................................................. 71 Quality Assurance Manual aceI'l ,1'?nal y}ica f Revision: 11.0 y c I Page 5 of 73 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE "Working together to protect our environment and improve our health" Pace Analytical Services Inc. - Mission Statement 1.1 Introduction to PASI Pace Analytical Services, Inc. (PASI) is a privately held, full-service analytical testing firm operating a nationwide system of laboratories. PASI offers extensive services beyond standard analytical testing, including: bioassay for aquatic toxicity, air toxics, industrial hygiene testing, explosives, high resolution mass spectroscopy (including dioxins, furans and coplanar PCB's), radiochemical analyses, product testing, pharmaceutical testing, field services and mobile laboratory capabilities. PASI has implemented a consistent Quality System in each of its laboratories and service centers. In addition, the company utilizes an advanced data management system that is highly efficient and allows for flexible data reporting. Together, these systems ensure data reliability and superior on-time performance. This document defines the Quality System and QA/QC protocols. Our goal is to combine our expertise in laboratory operations with customized solutions to meet the specific needs of our customers. 1.2 Statement of Purpose To meet the business needs of our customers for high quality, cost-effective analytical measurements and services. 1.3 Quality Policy Statement and Goals of the Quality System The PASI management is committed to maintaining the highest possible standard of service for our customers by following a documented quality system. The overall objective of this quality system is to provide reliable data through adherence to rigorous quality assurance policies and quality control procedures as documented in this Quality Assurance Manual. All personnel within the PASI network are required to be familiar with all facets of the quality system and implement these policies and procedures in their daily work. This daily focus on quality is applied with initial project planning, continued through all field and laboratory activities, and is ultimately included in the final report generation. PASI management demonstrates its commitment to quality by providing the resources, including facilities, equipment and personnel to ensure the adherence to these documented policies and procedures and to promote the continuous improvement of the quality system. All PASI personnel comply with all current applicable state, federal, and industry standards (such as the NELAC and ISO 17025 standards). 1.4 Pace Analytical Services Core Values • INTEGRITY • VALUE EMPLOYEES • KNOW OUR CUSTOMERS • HONOR COMMITMENTS • FLEXIBLE RESPONSE TO DEMAND • PURSUE OPPORTUNITIES • CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE eAnalytical 1.5 Code of Ethics PASI's fundamental ethical principles are as follows: Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 6 of 73 Each PASI employee is responsible for the propriety and consequences of his or her actions. Each PASI employee must conduct all aspects of Company business in an ethical and strictly legal manner, and must obey the laws of the United States and of all localities, states and nations where PASI does business or seeks to do business. Each PASI employee must reflect the highest standards of honesty, integrity and fairness on behalf of the Company with customers, suppliers, the public, and one another. Strict adherence by each PASI employee to this Code of Ethics and to the Standards of Conduct is essential to the continued vitality of PASI. Failure to comply with the Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination and referral for civil or criminal prosecution where appropriate. An employee will be notified of an infraction and given an opportunity to explain, as prescribed under current disciplinary procedures. 1.6 Standards of Conduct 1.6.1 Data Integrity The accuracy and integrity of the analytical results produced at PASI are the cornerstones of the company. Lack of data integrity is an assault on our most basic values and puts PASI and its employees at grave financial and legal risk. Therefore, employees are to accurately prepare and maintain all technical records, scientific notebooks, calculations and databases. Employees are prohibited from making false entries or misrepresentations of data (e.g., dates, calculations, results or conclusions). Managerial staff must make every effort to ensure that personnel are free from any undue pressures that may affect the quality or integrity of their work; including commercial, financial, over- scheduling and working condition pressures. 1.6.2 Confidentiality PASI employees must not (directly or indirectly) use or disclose confidential or proprietary information except when in connection with their duties at PASL This is effective over the course of employment and for a period of two years thereafter. Confidential or proprietary information, belonging to either PASI and/or its customers, includes but is not limited to test results, trade secrets, research and development matters, procedures, methods, processes and standards, company-specific techniques and equipment, marketing and client information, inventions, materials composition, etc. 1.6.3 Conflict of Interest PASI employees must avoid situations that might involve a conflict of interest or appear questionable to others. The employee must be careful in two general areas: • Participation in activities that conflict or appear to conflict with PASI responsibilities. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 7 of 73 Offering or accepting anything that might influence the recipient or cause another person to believe that the recipient may be influenced. This includes bribes, kickbacks or illegal payments. Employees are not to engage in outside business or economic activity relating to a sale or purchase by the Company. Other questionable activities include service on the Board of Directors of a competing or supplier company, significant ownership in a competing or supplier company, employment for a competing or supplier company or participation in any outside business during the employee's work hours. 1.6.4 Compliance All employees are required to read, understand and comply with the various components of the standards listed in this document As confirmation that they understand this responsibility, each employee is required to sign an acknowledgment form annually that becomes part of the employee's permanent record. Employees will be held accountable for complying with the Quality Systems as summarized in the Quality Assurance Manual. 1.7 Laboratory Organization The PASI Corporate Office centralizes company-wide accounting, business development, financial management, human resources development, information systems, marketing, quality, safety, and training activities. PASI's Director of Quality, Safety & Technology is responsible for assisting the development, implementation and monitoring of quality programs for the company. See Attachment IIB for the Corporate Organizational structure. Each laboratory within the system operates with local management, but all share common systems and receive support from the Corporate Office. A General Manager (GM) supervises each regional laboratory. Some operations may have an Assistant General Manager (AGM) in situations where the General Manager is responsible for multiple laboratory facilities and is not necessarily in the facility on a regular basis. Quality Managers (QM) at each lab report directly to their General Manager (or Assistant General Manager) but receive guidance and direction from the Director of Quality, Safety & Technology. The General Manager bears the responsibility for the laboratory operations and serves as the final, local authority in all matters. In the absence of the General Manager (and an Assistant General Manager), the Quality Manager serves as the next in command. He or she assumes the responsibilities of the GM until the GM is available to resume the duties of their position. In the absence of the GM and QM, management responsibility of the laboratory is passed to the Technical Director - provided such a position is identified - and then to most senior department manager until the return of the GM or QM. The most senior department manager in charge may include the Client Services Manager or the Administrative Business Manager at the discretion of the General Manager. A Technical Director who is absent for a period of time exceeding 15 consecutive calendar days shall designate another full-time staff member meeting the qualifications of the technical director to temporarily perform this function. The laboratory General Manager or Quality Manager has the authority to make this designation in the event the existing Technical Director is unable to do so. If this absence exceeds 65 consecutive calendar days, the primary accrediting authority shall be notified in writing. The Quality Manager has the responsibility and authority to ensure the Quality System is implemented and followed at all times. In circumstances where a laboratory is not meeting the established level of quality or following the policies set for in this Quality Assurance Manual, the Quality Manager has the authority to halt laboratory operations should he or she deem such an action necessary. The QM will immediately communicate the halting of operations to the GM and keep him or her posted on the progress of corrective INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 8 of 73 actions. In the event the GM and QM are not in agreement as to the need for the suspension, the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Quality, Safety and Technology will be called in to mediate the situation. Under the direction of the General Manager, the technical staff of the laboratory is generally organized into the following functional groups: • Organic Sample Preparation • Wet Chemistry Analysis • Metals Analysis • Volatiles Analysis • Semi-volatiles Analysis • Radiochemical Analysis • Product Testing • Equipment Maintenance • Microbiology Appropriate support groups are present in each laboratory. The actual organizational structure for PASI - Minnesota is listed in Attachment IIA. In the event of a change in General Manager, Quality Manager or Technical Director(s), the laboratory will notify its accrediting authorities and revise the organizational chart in the Quality Assurance Manual (QAM) within 30 days. For changes in Department Managers or Supervisors or other laboratory personnel, no notifications will be sent to the laboratory's accrediting agencies; changes to the organizational chart will be updated during or prior to the annual review process. Changes or additions in these key personnel will also be noted by the additional signatures on the QAM Local Approval page. In any case, the QAM will remain in effect until the neat scheduled revision. 1.8 Laboratory Job Descriptions 1.8.1 General Manager Oversees all functions of the operations. Authorizes personnel development including staffing, recruiting, training, workload scheduling, employee retention and motivation. Prepares budgets and staffing plans. Monitors the Quality Systems of the laboratory and advises the Quality Manager accordingly. Ensures compliance with all applicable state, federal and industry standards. 1.8.2 Quality Manager 1. Oversees the laboratory Quality Systems while functioning independently from laboratory operations. Reports directly to the General Manager or Regional Quality Manager. 2. Monitors Quality Assurance policies and Quality Control procedures to ensure that the laboratory achieves established standards of quality. 3. Maintains records of quality control data and evaluates data quality. 4. Conducts periodic internal audits and coordinates external audits performed by regulatory agencies or client representatives. 5. Reviews and maintains records of proficiency testing results. 6. Maintains the document control system 7. Assists in development and implementation of appropriate training programs. 8. Provides technical support to laboratory operations regarding methodology and project QA/QC requirements. 9. Maintains certifications from federal and state programs. 10. Ensures compliance with all applicable state, federal and industry standards. 11. Maintains the laboratory training records. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ceAnalytical 1.8.3 Technical Director Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 9 of 73 1. Monitors the standards of performance in quality assurance and quality control data 2. Monitors the validity of analyses performed and data generated. 3. Reviews tenders, contracts and QAPPs to ensure the laboratory can meet the data quality objectives for any given project 4. Serves as the general manager of the laboratory in the absence of the GM, AGM and QM. 5. Provides technical guidance in the review, development and validation of new methodologies. 1.8.4 Administrative Business Manager 1. Responsible for financial and administrative management for the entire facility. 2. Provides input relative to tactical and strategic planning activities. 3. Organizes financial information so that the facility is run as a fiscally responsible business. 4. Works with staff to confirm that appropriate processes are put in place to track revenues and expenses. 5. Provide ongoing financial information to the General Manager and the management team so they can better manage their business. 6. Utilizes historical information and trends to accurately forecast future financial positions. 7. Works with management to ensure that key measurements (mileposts) are put in place to be utilized for tread analysis-this will include personnel and supply expenses, and key revenue and expense ratios. 8. Works with General Manager to develop accurate budget and track on an ongoing basis. 9. Works with entire management team to submit complete and justified capital budget requests and to balance requests across departments. 10. Works with project management team and administrative support staff to ensure timely and accurate invoicing. 1.8.5 Client Services Manager 1. Oversees all the day to day activities of the Client Services Department which includes Project Management and, possibly, Sample Control. 2. Responsible for staffing and all personnel management related issues for Client Services. 3. Serves as the primary senior consultant to clients on all project related issues such as set up, initiation, execution and closure. 4. Performs or is capable of performing all duties listed for that of Project Manager. 1.8.6 Project Manager 1. Coordinates daily activities including taking orders, reporting data and analytical results. 2. Serves as the primary technical and administrative liaison between customers and PASI. 3. Communicates with operations staff to update and set project priorities. 4. Provides results to customers in the requested format (verbal, hardcopy, electronic, etc.). 5. Works with customers, laboratory staff, and other appropriate PASI staff to develop project statements of work or resolve problems of data quality. 3. Responsible for solicitation of work requests, assisting with proposal preparation and project initiation with customers and maintain client records. 4. Mediation of project schedules and scope of work through communication with internal resources and management. 5. Responsible for preparing routine and non-routine quotations, reports and technical papers. 6. Interfaces between customers and management personnel to achieve client satisfaction. 7. Manages large-scale complex projects. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 10 of 73 Supervises less experienced project managers and provide guidance on management of complex projects. Arranges bottle orders and shipment of sample kits to customers. Verifies login information relative to project requirements and field sample Chains-of- Custody. 1.8.7 Project Coordinator Responsible for preparation of project specifications and provides technical/project support. Coordinates project needs with other department sections and assists with proposal preparation. Prepares routine proposals and invoicing. Responsible for scanning, copying, assembling and binding final reports. Other duties include filing, maintaining forms, process outgoing mail, maintaining training database and data entry. 1.8.8 Department Manager/Supervisor 1. Oversees the day-to-day production and quality activities of their assign department. 2. Ensures that quality assurance and quality control criteria of analytical methods and projects are satisfied. 3. Assesses data quality and takes corrective action when necessary. 4. Approves and releases technical and data management reports. 5. Ensures compliance with all applicable state, federal and industry standards. 1.8.9 Group Supervisor/Leader Trains analysts in laboratory operations and analytical procedures. Organizes and schedules analyses with consideration for sample holding times. Implements data verification procedures by assigning data verification duties to appropriate personnel. Evaluates instrument performance and supervises instrument calibration and preventive maintenance programs. Reports non-compliance situations to laboratory management including the Quality Manager. 1.8.10 Laboratory Analyst Performs detailed preparation and analysis of samples according to published methods and laboratory procedures. Processes and evaluates raw data obtained from preparation and analysis steps. Generates final results from raw data, performing primary review against method criteria. Monitors quality control data associated with analysis and preparation. This includes examination of raw data such as chromatograms as well as an inspection of reduced data, calibration curves, and laboratory notebooks. Reports data in LIMS, authorizing for release pending secondary approval. Conducts routine and non-routine maintenance of equipment as required. Performs or is capable of performing all duties associated with that of Laboratory Technician. 1.8.11 Laboratory Technician 1. Prepares standards and reagents according to published methods or in house procedures. 2. Performs preparation and analytical steps for basic laboratory methods. 3. Works under the direction of a Laboratory Analyst on complex methodologies. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 11 of 73 4. Assists Laboratory Analysts on preparation, analytical or data reduction steps for complex methodologies. 5. Monitors quality control data as required or directed. This includes examination of raw data such as chromatograms as well as an inspection of reduced data, calibration curves, and laboratory notebooks. 1.8.12 Sample Management Personnel 1. Signs for incoming samples and verifies the data entered on the Chain-of-Custody forms. 2. Enters the sample information into the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for tracking and reporting. 3. Stages samples according to EPA requirements. 4. Assists Project Managers and Coordinators in filling bottle orders and sample shipments. 1.8.13 Systems Administrator or Systems Manager 1. Assists with the creation and maintenance of electronic data deliverables (EDDs). 2. Coordinates the installation and use of all hardware, software and operating systems. 3. Performs troubleshooting on all aforementioned systems. 4. Trains new and existing users on systems and system upgrades. 5. Maintains all system security passwords. 6. Maintains the electronic backups of all computer systems. 1.8.14 Safety/Chemical Hygiene Officer Maintains the laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan. Plans and implements safety policies and procedures. Maintains safety records. Organizes and/or performs safety training. Performs safety inspections and provides corrective/preventative actions. Assists personnel with safety issues (e.g. personal protective equipment). 1.8.15 Regional Quality Manager 1. Oversees the laboratory Quality Systems of multiple laboratories or service centers while functioning independently from laboratory operations. Reports directly to the General Manager. 2 Monitors Quality Assurance policies and Quality Control procedures to ensure that the laboratories achieves established standards of quality. 3 Maintains records of quality control data and evaluates data quality. 4 Conducts periodic internal audits and coordinates external audits performed by regulatory agencies or client representatives. 5 Maintains the document control system 6 Assists in development and implementation of appropriate training programs. 7 Provides technical support to laboratory operations regarding methodology and project QA/QC requirements. 8 Maintains certifications from federal and state programs. 9 Ensures compliance with all applicable state, federal and industry standards. 9.8 Training and Orientation Each new employee receives a five part orientation: human resources, ethics and data integrity, safety, Quality Systems, and departmental. The human resources orientation includes benefits, salary, and company policies. All records are stored with Human Resources. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ceAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 12 of 73 The ethics and data integrity training covers the obligations of each employee to ensure the defensibility of laboratory data. Employees are provided with general policies related to ethics in the laboratory and specific examples of improper practices that are unacceptable in any PASI facility. The employee is trained to make the right decisions with regards to laboratory practices and where to go for answers in circumstances where they may be unclear as to the correct protocol. The safety orientation includes an in-depth review of the PASI Chemical Hygiene Plan/Safety Plan, which are consistent with the requirements of OSHA's Hazard Communication Program (29 CFR 1910.1200) and other pertinent regulations. The Quality Systems orientation provides the new employee with information through an introduction to the Quality Assurance Manual and SOPS, acceptable record keeping practices, and the individual's responsibility to data quality. Quality Systems training is reinforced with the new employee as specific topics are covered during the departmental or analytical method training. Quality Systems training will address policies and practices that ensure the quality and defensibility of the analytical data. These topics include but are not limited to traceability of measurements, method calibration, calibration verification, accuracy, precision and uncertainty of measurements, corrective actions, documentation and root cause analysis. The new employee's Department Supervisor provides the employee with a basic understanding of the role of the laboratory within the structure of PASI and the basic elements of that individual's position. Supervised training uses the following techniques: • Hands-on training • Training checklists • Lectures and training sessions • Method-specific training • Conferences and seminars • Short courses • Specialized training by instrument manufacturers • Proficiency testing programs. Group Supervisors/Leaders are responsible for providing documentation of training and proficiency for each employee under their supervision. The employee's training file indicates what procedures an analyst or a technician is capable of performing, either independently or with supervision. The files also include documentation of continuing capability (see Section 3.4 for details on Demonstration of Capability requirements). Training documentation files for each person are kept in a central location. All procedures and training records are maintained and available for review during laboratory audits. These procedures are reviewed/updated annually by lab management. Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-020 Orientation and Training Procedures or its equivalent revision or replacement. 9.9 Laboratory Safety It is the policy of PASI to make safety and health an integral part of daily operations and to ensure that all employees are provided with safe working conditions, personal protective equipment, and requisite training to do their work without injury. Each employee is responsible for his/her own safety by complying with established company rules and procedures. These rules and procedures as well as a more detailed description of the employees' responsibilities are contained in the corporate Safety Manual and Chemical Hygiene Plan. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE eAnalytical 9.10 Security and Confidentiality Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 13 of 73 Security is maintained by controlled access to laboratory buildings. Exterior doors to laboratory buildings remain either locked or continuously monitored by PASI staff. Keyless door-lock combinations (and computer access codes/logins) are changed periodically. Posted signs direct visitors to the reception office and mark all other areas as off limits to unauthorized personnel. All visitors to the facility must sign the Visitor's Logbook maintained by the receptionist. A staff member will accompany them during the duration of their stay on the premises unless the GM, QM or TD specify otherwise. In this instance, the staff member will escort the visitor back to the reception area at the end of his/her visit where he/she signs out. The last staff member to leave their department for the day should ensure that all outside access points to that area are secure. Additional security is provided where necessary, e.g., specific secure areas for sample, data and client report storage, as requested by customers or cases where national security is of concern. These areas are lockable within the facilities, or are in secure offsite storage. Access is limited to specific individuals or their designees. Security of sample storage areas is the responsibility of the Sample Custodian. Security of samples and data during analysis and data reduction is the responsibility of Group Supervisors. Security of client report archives is the responsibility of the Client Services Manager. These secure areas are locked whenever these individuals or their designees are not present in the facility. Access to designated laboratory sample storage locations is limited to authorized personnel only. Provisions for lock and key access are provided. No samples are to be removed without proper authorization. If requested by client or contract, samples are not to be removed from secure storage areas without filling out the associated internal Chain-of-Custody records. Standard business practices of confidentiality are applied to all documents and information regarding client analyses. Specific protocols for handling confidential documents are described in PASI SOPS. Additional protocols for internal identification of samples and data by number only are implemented as required under contract-specific Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs). All information pertaining to a particular client, including national security concerns will remain confidential. Data will be released to outside agencies only with written authorization from the client or where federal or state law requires the company to do so (i.e. federal or state subpoena). INTRODUCTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE eAnalytical 2.0 SAMPLE CUSTODY 2.1 Sampling Support Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 14 of 73 Each individual PASI laboratory provides shipping containers, sample containers (including applicable chemical preservatives), custody documents, and field quality control samples (e.g., trip blanks) to support field-sampling events. Guidelines for sample container types, preservatives, and holding times for a variety of methods are listed in Attachment VIII. Note that all analyses listed are not necessarily performed at all PASI and there may be additional laboratory analyses performed that are not included in these tables. PASI - Minnesota may provide pick-up and delivery services to their customers when needed. 2.2 Project Initiation Prior to accepting new work, the laboratory reviews performance capability. The laboratory establishes that sufficient resources (personnel, equipment capacity, analytical method capability, etc.) are available to complete the required work. The client needs and data quality objectives are defined and appropriate environmental test methods are assured to meet client's requirements by project managers or sales representative. Project Managers review laboratory certifications. Members of the management staff review current instrument capacity, personnel availability and training, analytical procedures capability and projected sample load. Management then informs the sales and client services personnel whether or not the laboratory can accept the new project via written correspondence, email, and/or daily operations meetings. The laboratory maintains records of all such reviews, including discussions with customers. Routine analytical project documentation of quotes, notes, dates, initials and/or recordings is maintained in a project folder by project management. Conditions for new and more complex contracts are determined by the General Managers and sales representatives. Quality Management is consulted on technical requirements and operations staff provides input on volume capacities. Evidence of these reviews is maintained in the form of awarded Request for Proposals (RFPs), signed quotes or contracts, and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database. If a review identifies a potential mismatch between customer requirements and laboratory capabilities and/or capacities, Pace will specify its level of commitment by listing these exceptions to the requirements within the RFP, quote or contract. 2.3 Chain-Of-Custody A chain-of-custody (COC) (see Attachment VII) document provides the legal documentation of samples from time of collection to completion of analysis. Importance is stressed on completeness of COCs. PASI has implemented Standard Operating Procedures to ensure that sample custody traceability and responsibility objectives are achieved for every project. Field personnel or client representatives complete a chain-of-custody form for all samples. Samples are received by the laboratory accompanied by these forms. If sample shipments are not accompanied by the correct documentation, the Sample Receiving department notifies a Project Manager. The Project Manager then obtains the correct documentation/information from the client in order for analysis of samples to proceed. SAMPLE CUSTODY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 15 of 73 The sampler is responsible for providing the following information on the chain-of-custody form: • Client project name • Project location or number • Field sample number/identification • Date and time sampled • Sample type (matrix) • Preservative • Requested analyses • Sampler signature • Relinquishing signature • Date and time relinquished • Sampler remarks (if applicable) • Custody Seal Number (if applicable) • Regulatory Program Designation • The state where the samples were collected to ensure all applicable state requirements are met • Turnaround time requested • Purchase order number The record is filled out completely and legibly with indelible ink. Errors are corrected by drawing a single line through the initial entry and initialing and dating the change. All transfers of samples are recorded on the chain-of-custody in the "relinquished" and "received by" sections. All information except signatures is printed. Additional information can be found in SOP S-MN-C-001 Sample Management or its equivalent revision or replacement. 2.4 Sample Acceptance Policy In accordance with regulatory guidelines, PASI complies with the following sample acceptance policy for all samples received. If the samples do not meet the sample receipt acceptance criteria outlined below, the laboratory is required to document all non-compliances, contact the client, and either reject the samples or fully document any decisions to proceed with analyses of samples which do not meet the criteria. Any results reported from samples not meeting these criteria are appropriately qualified on the final report. All samples must: • Have unique client identification that are clearly marked with durable waterproof labels on the sample containers and that match the chain of custody. • Have clear documentation on the chain of custody related to the location of the sampling site with the time and date of sample collection. • Have the sampler's name and signature • Have the requested analyses clearly marked • Have clear documentation of any special analysis requirements (data deliverables, etc.); • Be in appropriate sample containers with clear documentation of the preservatives used. • Be correctly preserved unless method allows for laboratory preservation. • Be received within holding time. Any samples with hold times that are exceeded will not be processed without prior client permission. • Have sufficient sample volume to proceed with the analytical testing. If insufficient sample volume is received, analysis will not proceed without client approval. SAMPLE CUSTODY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 16 of 73 Be received within appropriate temperature ranges - not frozen but <6°C (See Nle i) unless program requirements or client contractual obligations mandate otherwise (see Note z) The cooler temperature is recorded directly on the COC and the SCUR. Samples that are delivered to the lab immediately after collection are considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chilling process has been started, for example by the arrival of the samples on ice. If samples arrive that are not compliant with these temperature requirements, the client will be notified. The analysis will NOT proceed unless otherwise directed by the client. If less than 72 hours remain in the hold time for the analysis, the analysis may be started while the client is contacted to avoid missing the hold time. Data will be appropriately qualified on the final report. Note 1: Temperature will be read and recorded based on the precision of the measuring device. For example, temperatures obtained from a thermometer graduated to 0.1°C will be read and recorded to f0.10C. Measurements obtained from a thermometer graduate to 0.5°C will be read to f0.50C. Measurements read at the specified precision are not to be rounded down to meet the <6°C limit (i.e. 6.2°C rounded and recorded as 6°C). Note 2: Some microbiology methods allow sample receipt temperatures of up to 10°C. Consult the specific method for microbiology samples received above 6°C prior to initiating corrective action for out of temperature preservation conditions. Upon sample receipt, the following items are also checked and recorded: • Presence of custody seals or tapes on the shipping containers • Sample condition: Intact, broken/leaking • Sample holding time • Sample pH when required • Appropriate containers Samples for drinking water analysis that are improperly preserved, or are received past holding time, are rejected at the time of receipt, with the exception of VOA samples that are tested for pH at the time of analysis. Additional information can be found in SOP S-MN-C-001 Sample Management or its equivalent revision or replacement. 2.5 Sample Log-in After sample inspection, all sample information on the chain-of-custody is entered into the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). This permanent record documents receipt of all sample containers including: • Client name and contact • Client number • Pace Analytical project number • Pace Analytical Project Manager • Sample descriptions • Due dates • List of analyses requested • Date and time of lab receipt • Field ID code • Date and time of collection • Any comments resulting from inspection for sample rejection SAMPLE CUSTODY ceAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 17 of 73 All samples received are logged into the LIMS system within one working day of receipt. Sample login may be delayed due to client clarification of analysis needed, corrective actions for sample receipt non- conformance, or other unusual circumstances. If the time collected for any sample is unspecified and Pace is unable to obtain this information from the customer, the laboratory will use 00:00 as the time sampled. All hold times will be based on this sampling time and qualified accordingly if exceeded. The Laboratory Information Management System (EPIC Pro) automatically generates a unique identification number for each sample created in the system. The LIMS sample number follows the general convention of 10-XXXXX-YYY. The 10 represents Minnesota as the laboratory location. The 5 digit "X" number represents the project number followed by a 3 digit sample number. The project number is a sequential number that is assigned as a new project is created. The sample number corresponds to the number of samples submitted by the client. In addition to the unique sample ID, there is a sample container ID that consists of the sample number, the container type (ex. BP IU), and bottle 1 of Y. Together the sample LIMB number and sample container ID number create a unique barcode encryption that can be linked to the sample analysis requested by the client. This unique identification number is placed on the sample container as a durable label and becomes the link between the laboratory's sample management system and the client's field identification; it will be a permanent reference number for all future interactions. Sample labels are printed from the LIMS system and affixed to each sample container. Samples with hold times that are near expiration date/time may be sent directly to the laboratory for analysis at the discretion of the Project Manager and/or General Manager. Additional information can be found in SOP S-MN-C-001 Sample Management or its equivalent revision or replacement. 2.6 Sample Storage 2.6.1 Storage Conditions Samples are stored away from all standards, reagents, or other potential sources of contamination. Samples are stored in a manner that prevents cross-contamination (e.g. volatile samples are stored separate from other samples). All sample fractions, extracts, leachates and other sample preparation products are stored in the same manner as actual samples or as specified by the analytical method 2.6.2 Temperature Monitoring Samples are taken to the appropriate storage location (ambient, refrigerator, freezer) immediately after sample receipt and check-in procedures are completed. All sample storage areas are located in limited access areas and are monitored to ensure sample integrity. The temperature of each refrigerated storage area is maintained at <6C unless state or program requirements differ. The temperature of each freezer storage area is maintained at <0°C unless state or program requirements differ. The temperature of each storage area is monitored and recorded each workday. If the temperature falls outside the acceptable limits, the following corrective actions are taken and appropriately documented: • The temperature is rechecked after two hours to verify temperature exceedance. Corrective action is initiated if necessary. • The Quality Manager and/or laboratory management are notified if the problem persists. • The samples are relocated to a proper environment if the temperature cannot be maintained after corrective actions are implemented. SAMPLE CUSTODY eAnalytical • The affected customers are notified. • Documentation is provided on analytical report. 2.6.3 Hazardous Materials Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 18 of 73 Pure product or potentially heavily contaminated samples are tagged as "hazardous" or "lab pack" and are stored separately from other samples. 2.6.4 Foreign/Quarantined Soils Depending on the soil disposal practices of the laboratory, foreign soils and soils from USDA regulated areas are segregated. The USDA requires these samples to be incinerated or sterilized by an approved treatment procedure. Additional information can be found in SOP MN-Q-253 Procedure for Handling of USDA Regulated Soils or its equivalent revision or replacement. 2.7 Sample Protection PASI laboratory facilities are operated under controlled access to ensure sample and data integrity. Visitors must register at the front desk and be properly escorted. Samples are removed from storage areas by designated personnel and returned to the storage areas, if necessary, immediately after the required sample quantity has been taken. Upon client request, additional and more rigorous chain-of-custody protocols for samples and data can be implemented. For example, some projects may require complete documentation of sample custody within the secure laboratory. Additional information can be found in SOP S-MN-C-001 Sample Management or its equivalent revision or replacement. 2.8 Subcontracting Analytical Services Every effort is made to perform chemical analyses for PASI customers within the laboratory that receives the samples. When subcontracting to a laboratory other than the receiving laboratory (inside or outside the PASI network) becomes necessary, a preliminary verbal communication with an appropriate laboratory is undertaken. Customers are notified in writing of the lab's intention to subcontract any portion of the testing to another laboratory. Work performed under specific protocols may involve special considerations. Prior to subcontracting samples to a laboratory outside Pace Analytical, the potential sub-contract laboratory will be pre-qualified by verifying that the subcontractor meets the following criteria: • All certifications required for the proposed subcontract are in effect, • Sufficient professional liability and other required insurance coverage is in effect, and • Is not involved in legal action by any federal, state, or local government agency for data integrity issues and has not been convicted in such investigation at any time during the past 5 years. The contact and preliminary arrangements are made between the PASI Project Manager and the appropriate subcontract laboratory personnel. The specific terms of the subcontract laboratory agreement include : Method of analysis Number and type of samples expected Project specific QA/QC requirements SAMPLE CUSTODY eAnalytical • Deliverables required • Laboratory certification requirement • Price per analysis • Turn around time requirements Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 19 of 73 Chain-of-custody forms are generated for samples requiring subcontracting to other laboratories. Sample receiving personnel re-package the samples for shipment, create a transfer chain-of-custody form and record the following information: • Pace Analytical Laboratory Number • Matrix • Requested analysis • Special instructions (quick turn-around, required detection or reporting limits, unusual information known about the samples or analytical procedure). • Signature in "Relinquished By" All subcontracted sample data reports are sent to the PASI Project Manager. Any Pace Analytical work sent to other labs within the PASI network is handled as subcontracted work (also known as inter-regional) and all final reports are labeled clearly with the name of the laboratory performing the work. Any non-NELAC work is clearly identified. PASI will not be responsible for analytical data if the subcontract laboratory was designated by the Client. Additional information can be found in SOP S-MN-C-004 Subcontracting Samples or its equivalent revision or replacement. 2.9 Sample Retention and Disposal Samples (and sample by-products) must be retained by the laboratory for a period of time necessary to protect the integrity of the sample or sample by-product (e.g. method holding time) and to protect the interests of the laboratory and the client. Unused portions of samples are retained by each laboratory based on program or client requirements for sample retention and storage. The sample retention time is a minimum of 45 days from receipt of the samples. Samples requiring storage beyond this time due to special requests or contractual obligations will not be stored under temperature controlled conditions unless the laboratory has sufficient capacity and their presence does not compromise the integrity of other samples. After this period expires, non-hazardous samples are properly disposed of as non-hazardous waste. The preferred method for disposition of hazardous samples is to return the excess sample to the client. If it is not feasible to return samples, or the client requires PASI to dispose of excess samples, PASI will arrange for proper disposal by an approved contractor. Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-S-002 Waste Handling and S-MN-C-001 Sample Management or their equivalent revisions or replacements. SAMPLE CUSTODY eAnalytical 3.0 ANALYTICAL CAPABILITIES 3.1 Analytical Method Sources Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 20 of 73 PASI laboratories are capable of analyzing a full range of environmental samples from a variety of matrices, including air, surface water, wastewater, groundwater, soil, sediment, biota, and other waste products. The latest valid edition of methodologies are applied from regulatory and professional sources including EPA, ASTM, USGS, NIOSH, and State Agencies. Section 11 (References) is a representative listing of general analytical protocol references. PASI discloses in writing to its customers and regulatory agencies any instances in which modified methods are being used in the analysis of samples. In the event of a client specific need, instrumentation constraint or regulatory requirement, PASI laboratories reserve the right to use valid versions of methods that may not be the most recent edition available. 3.2 Analytical Method Documentation The primary form of documentation of analytical methods is the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). SOPS contain pertinent information as to what steps are required by an analyst to successfully perform a procedure. The required contents for the SOPS are specified in the company-wide SOP for Preparation of SOPS (ALL-Q-001), or equivalent revisions or replacements. The SOPS may be supplemented by other training materials that further detail how methods are specifically performed. This training material will undergo annual, documented review along with the other Quality System documentation. 3.3 Analytical Method Validation In some situations, PASI develops and validates methodologies that may be more applicable to a specific problem or objective. When non-standard methods (e.g. methods other than EPA, NIOSH, ASTM, AOAC, etc.) are required for specific projects or analytes of interest, or when the laboratory develops a method, or modifies a standard method, the laboratory validates the method prior to applying it to client samples. Method validity is established by meeting criteria for precision and accuracy as established by the data quality objectives specified by the end user of the data. The laboratory records the validation procedure, the results obtained and a statement as to the usability of the method. The minimum requirements for method validation include determination of the limit of detection and limit of quantitation, evaluation of precision and bias, and evaluation of selectivity of each analyte of interest. Additional information can be found in SOP MN-Q-252 Methods Validation and Modification Studies, or equivalent revisions or replacement. 3.4 Demonstration of Capability (DOC) Analysts complete an initial demonstration of capability (IDOC) study prior to performing a method or when there is a change in instrument type, personnel or test method (when a defined `work cell' is in operation, the entire work cell must meet the criteria). The mean recovery and standard deviation of each analyte, taken from 4 replicates of a quality control standard is calculated and compared to method criteria (if available) or established lab criteria for evaluation of acceptance. Each laboratory maintains copies of all demonstrations of capability and corresponding raw data for future reference and must document the acceptance criteria prior to the analysis of the DOC. Demonstrations of capability are verified on an annual basis. Alternative demonstration of capability procedures may be used for IDOC for methods that don't lend themselves to the "4 replicate" approach. For methods that only measure precision, the precision of four laboratory duplicate pairs will be assessed. The relative percent differences must be within the method ANALYTICAL CAPABILITIES eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 21 of 73 acceptance limits. For procedures like TCLP or SPLP, the analyst will demonstrate making the buffered solution and tumbling process. The trainer or supervisor will sign-off on demonstration of capability of the tumbling process. Additional demonstration of capability requirements will be specified in Section 14 - Method Performance of the applicable SOP. For Continuing Demonstrations of Capability, the laboratories may use Performance Testing (PT) samples in addition to the IDOC procedures or requirements provided in Section 14 of the applicable analytical sops. Pace Analytical utilizes a peer review system for data review and approval. The data review staff are qualified to validate data conversion, transcription, and reporting in addition to assessing deviations from the standard operating procedures. The data review staff are familiar with the analytical method procedures with documentation maintained in their training files. The data reviewers also utilize a method specific checklist which contains the quality control acceptance criteria. Deviations from the standard operating procedure are documented on the checklist by the analyst. Further data review guidance is provided in SOP MN-L-132 Data Reduction, Validation and Reporting in the Environmental Lab. Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-020 Orientation and Training Procedures, or equivalent revision or replacement. 3.5 Regulatory and Method Compliance PASI understands that expectations of our customers commonly include the assumption that laboratory data will satisfy specific regulatory requirements. Therefore PASI attempts to ascertain, prior to beginning a project, what applicable regulatory jurisdiction, agency, or protocols apply to that project. This information is also required on the Chain-of-Custody submitted with samples. PASI makes every effort to detect regulatory or project plan inconsistencies, based upon information from the client, and communicate them immediately to the client in order to aid in the decision-making process. PASI will not be liable if the client chooses not to follow PASI recommendations. It is PASI policy to disclose in a forthright manner any detected noncompliance affecting the usability of data produced by our laboratories. The laboratory will notify customers within 30 days of fully characterizing the nature of the nonconformance, the scope of the nonconformance and the impact it may have on data usability. ANALYTICAL CAPABILITIES eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 22 of 73 4.0 QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES 4.1 Data Integrity System The data integrity system at PASI provides assurances to management that a highly ethical approach is being applied to all planning, training and implementation of methods. Data integrity is crucial to the success of our company and Pace Aanalytical is committed to providing a culture of quality throughout the organization. To accomplish this goal, PASI has implemented a data integrity system that encompasses the following four requirements: 1. A data integrity training program: standardized training is given to each new employee and a yearly refresher is presented to all employees. Key topics within this training include: o Need for honesty in analytical reporting o Process for reporting data integrity issues o Specific examples of unethical behavior and improper practices o Documentation of non-conforming data that is still useful to the data user o Consequences and punishments for unethical behavior o Examples of monitoring devices used by management to review data and systems 2. Signed data integrity documentation for all employees: this includes a written quiz following the Ethics training session and written agreement to abide by the Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct explained in the employee manual 3. In-depth, periodic monitoring of data integrity: including peer data review and validation, internal data audits, proficiency testing studies, etc. 4. Documentation of any review or investigation into possible data integrity infractions. This documentation, including any disciplinary actions involved, corrective actions taken, and notifications to customers must be available for review for lab assessors and must be retained for a minimum of five years. PASI management makes every effort to ensure that personnel are free from any undue pressures that affect the quality of their work including commercial, financial, over-scheduling and working condition pressures. Corporate management also provides all PASI facilities a mechanism for confidential reporting of data integrity issues that ensures confidentiality and a receptive environment in which all employees are comfortable discussing items of ethical concern. The anonymous message line is monitored by the Corporate Director of Quality, Safety and Technology who will ensure that all concerns are evaluated and, where necessary, brought to the attention of executive management and investigated. The message line voice mail box is available at 612-607-6427. 4.2 Method Blank A method blank is used to evaluate contamination in the preparation/analysis system. The method blank is processed through all preparation and analytical steps with its associated samples. A method blank is processed at a minimum frequency of 1 per preparation batch. In the case of a method that has no separate preparation step (e.g. volatiles), a method blank is processed with no more than 20 samples of a specific matrix performed by the same analyst, in the same method, using the same standards or reagents. The method blank consists of a matrix similar to the associated samples that is known to be free of the analytes of interest. Laboratories will characterize a representative matrix as "clean" if the matrix contains contaminants at less than ''/z the laboratory's reporting limit. Each method blank is evaluated for contamination. The source of any contamination is investigated and documented corrective action is taken when the concentration of any target analyte is detected above the reporting limit and is greater then 1/10 of the amount of that analyte found in any associated sample. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 23 of 73 Corrective actions include the re-preparation and re-analysis of all the samples (where possible) along with the full set of required quality control samples. Data qualifiers must be applied to any result reported that is associated with a contaminated method blank. Deviations made from this policy must be approved by the Quality Manager prior to release of the data. 4.3 Laboratory Control Sample The Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) is used to evaluate the performance of the entire analytical system including preparation and analysis. An LCS is processed at a minimum frequency of 1 per preparation batch. In the case of a method that has no separate preparation step (e.g. volatiles), an LCS will be processed with no more than 20 samples of a specific matrix performed by the same analyst, in the same method, using the same standards or reagents. The LCS consists of a matrix similar to the associated samples that is known to be free of the analytes of interest that is then spiked with known concentrations of target analytes. The LCS contains all analytes specified by a specific method or by the client or regulatory agency. In the absence of specified components, the lab will spike with the following compounds: For multi-peak analytes (e.g. PCBs), a representative standard will be processed. For methods with long lists of analytes, a representative number of target analytes may be chosen. The following criteria is used to determine the number of LCS compounds used: o For methods with 1-10 target compounds, the lab will spike with all compounds o For methods with 11-20 target compounds, the lab will spike with at least 10 compounds or 80%, whichever is greater o For methods with greater than 20 compounds, the lab will spike with at least 16 compounds. The LCS is evaluated against the method default or laboratory-derived acceptance criteria. Method default control limits will be used until the laboratory has a minimum of 20 (preferably greater than 30) data points from which to derive internal criteria. Any compound that is outside of these limits is considered to be `out of control' and must be qualified appropriately. Any associated sample containing an `out-of-control' compound must either be re-analyzed with a successful LCS or reported with the appropriate data qualifier. For LCSs containing a large number of analytes, it is statistically likely that a few recoveries will be outside of control limits. This does not necessarily mean that the system is out of control, and therefore no corrective action would be necessary (except for proper documentation). NELAC has allowed for a minimum number of marginal exceedances, defined as recoveries that are beyond the LCS control limits (3X the standard deviation) but less than the marginal exceedance limits (4X the standard deviation). The number of allowable exceedances depends on the number of compounds in the LCS. If more analyte recoveries exceed the LCS control limits than is allowed (see below) or if any one analyte exceeds the marginal exceedance limits, then the LCS is considered non-compliant and corrective actions are necessary. The number of allowable exceedances is as follows: • >90 analytes in the LCS- 5 analytes • 71-90 analytes in the LCS- 4 analytes • 51-70 analytes in the LCS- 3 analytes • 31-50 analytes in the LCS- 2 analytes • 11-30 analytes in the LCS- 1 analyte • <I I analytes in the LCS- no analytes allowed out) DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 24 of 73 A matrix spike (MS) can be used in place of a non-compliant LCS in a batch as long as the MS passes the LCS acceptance criteria (this is a NELAC allowance). When this happens, full documentation must be made available to the data user. If this is not allowed by a client or regulatory body, the associated samples must be rerun with a compliant LCS (if possible) or reported with appropriate data qualifiers. Deviations made from this policy must be approved by the Quality Manager prior to release of the data. 4.4 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) A matrix spike (MS) is used to determine the effect of the sample matrix on compound recovery for a particular method. The information from these spikes is sample or matrix specific and is not used to determine the acceptance of an entire batch (see LCS). A Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) set is processed at a frequency specified in a particular method or as determined by a specific client. This frequency will be specified in the applicable method SOP or client QAPP. In the absence of such requirements, an MS/MSD set is routinely analyzed once per every 20 samples per general matrix (i.e. soil, water, biota, etc.) per method. The MS and MSD consist of the sample matrix that is then spiked with known concentrations of target analytes. Lab personnel spike client samples that are specifically designated as MS/MSD samples or, when no designated samples are present in a batch, randomly select samples to spike that have adequate sample volume or weight. Spiked samples are prepared and analyzed in the same manner as the original samples and are selected from different customers if possible. The MS and MSD contain all analytes specified by a specific method or by the client or regulatory agency. In the absence of specified components, the lab will spike with the same number of compounds as previously discussed in the LCS section. The MS and MSD are evaluated against the method or laboratory-derived criteria. Any compound that is outside of these limits is considered to be `out of control' and must be qualified appropriately. Batch acceptance, however, is based on method blank and LCS performance, not on MS/MSD recoveries. The spike recoveries give the data user a better understanding of the final results based on their site-specific information. A matrix spike and sample duplicate will be performed instead of a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate when specified by the client or method. Deviations made from this policy must be approved by the Quality Manager prior to release of the data. 4.5 Surrogates Surrogates are compounds that reflect the chemistry of target analytes and are typically added to samples for organic analyses to monitor the effect of the sample matrix on compound recovery. Surrogates are added to each client sample (for organics), method blank, LCS and MS prior to extraction or analysis. The surrogates are evaluated against the method or laboratory-derived acceptance criteria. Any surrogate compound that is outside of these limits is considered to be `out of control' and must be qualified appropriately. Samples with surrogate failures are typically re-extracted and/or re-analyzed to confirm that the out-of-control value was caused by the matrix of the sample and not by some other systematic error. An exception to this would be samples that have high surrogate values but no reportable hits for target compounds. These samples would be reported, with a qualifier, because the implied high bias would not affect the final results. Deviations made from this policy must be approved by the Quality Manager prior to release of the data. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL Quality Assurance Manual aceI'l ,1'?nal y}ica f Revision: 11.0 y c I Page 25 of 73 4.6 Sample Duplicate A sample duplicate is a second portion of sample that is prepared and analyzed in the laboratory along with the first portion. It is used to measure the precision associated with preparation and analysis. A sample duplicate is processed at a frequency specified by the particular method or as determined by a specific client. The sample and duplicate are evaluated against the method or laboratory-derived criteria for relative percent difference (RPD). Any duplicate that is outside of these limits is considered to be `out of control' and must be qualified appropriately. Deviations made from this policy must be approved by the Quality Manager prior to release of the data. 4.7 Internal Standards Internal Standards are method-specific analytes added to every standard, method blank, laboratory control sample, matrix spike, matrix spike duplicate, and sample at a known concentration, prior to analysis for the purpose of adjusting the response factor used in quantifying target analytes. At a minimum, the laboratory will follow method specific guidelines for the treatment of internal standard recoveries as they are related to the reporting of data. Deviations made from this policy must be approved by the Quality Manager prior to release of the data. 4.8 Field Blanks Field blanks are blanks prepared at the sampling site in order to monitor for contamination that may be present in the environment where samples are collected. These field quality control samples are often referenced as field blanks, rinseate blanks, or equipment blanks. The lab analyzes these field blanks as normal samples and informs the client if there are any target compounds detected above the reporting limits. 4.9 Trip Blanks Trip blanks are blanks that originate from the laboratory as part of the sampling event and are used to monitor for contamination of samples during transport. These blanks accompany the empty sample containers to the field and then accompany the collected samples back to the lab. These blanks are routinely analyzed for volatile methods where ambient background contamination is likely to occur. 4.10 Limit of Detection (LOD) PASI laboratories are required to use a documented procedure to determine a limit of detection (LOD) for each analyte of concern in each matrix reported. All sample-processing steps of the preparation and analytical methods are included in this determination. For any test that does not have a valid LOD, sample results below the lowest calibration standard cannot be reported. The LOD is initially established for the compounds of interest for each method in a clean matrix with no target analytes present and no interferences at a concentration that would impact the results. The LOD is then determined every time there is a change in the test method that affects how the test is performed or when there has been a change in the instrument that affects the sensitivity. The LOD is, at a minimum, verified on an annual basis. If required by client or accreditation body, the LOD will be reestablished annually for all applicable methods. Unless otherwise noted, the method used by PASI laboratories to determine LODs is based on the Method Detection Limit (MDL) procedure outlined in 40 CFR Part 136, Appendix B. Where required by regulatory program or client, the above referenced procedure will be followed. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 26 of 73 Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-004 Method Detection Limit Studies or its equivalent revision or replacement. 4.11 Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) A limit of quantitation (LOQ) for every analyte of concern must be determined. For PASI laboratories, this LOQ is referred to as the PRL, or Pace Reporting Limit. This PRL is based on the lowest calibration standard concentration that is used in each initial calibration. Results below this level are not allowed to be reported without qualification since the results would not be substantiated by a calibration standard. For methods with a determined LOD, results can be reported out below the LOQ but above the LOD if they are properly qualified (e.g. J flag). There must be a sufficient buffer between the LOD and the limit of quantitation (LOQ). The LOQ must be higher than the LOD. To verify the LOQ, the laboratory will prepare a sample in the same matrix used for the LCS. The sample will be spiked with target analytes at the concentration(s) equivalent to or less than the PRL(s). This sample must undergo the routine sample preparation procedure including any routine sample cleanup steps. The sample is then analyzed and the recovery of each target analyte determined. The recovery for each target analyte must meet the laboratories current control limits. Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-004 Method Detection Limit Studies or its equivalent revision or replacement. 4.12 Estimate of Uncertainty PASI laboratories can provide an estimation of uncertainty for results generated by the laboratory. The estimate quantifies the error associated with any given result at a 95% confidence interval. This estimate does not include bias that may be associated with sampling. The laboratory has a procedure in place for making this estimation. In the absence of a regulatory or client specific procedure, PASI laboratories base this estimation on the recovery data obtained from the Laboratory Control Spikes. The uncertainty is a function of the standard deviation of the recoveries multiplied by the appropriate Student's t Factor at 95% confidence. Additional information pertaining to the estimation of uncertainty and the exact manner in which it is derived are contained in the SOP MN-Q-255 or its equivalent revision or replacement. The measurement of uncertainty is provided only on request by the client, as required by specification or regulation and when the result is used to determine conformance within a specification limit. 4.13 Proficiency Testing (PT) Studies PASI laboratories participate in the NELAC-defined proficiency testing program. PT samples are obtained from NIST-approved providers and analyzed and reported at a minimum of two times per year for the relevant fields of testing per matrix. The lab initiates an investigation whenever PT results are deemed `unacceptable' by the PT provider. All findings and corrective actions taken are reported to the Quality Manager. A corrective action plan (including re-analysis of similar samples) is initiated and this report is sent to the appropriate state accreditation agencies for their review. PT samples are treated as typical client samples, utilizing the same staff, methods, equipment, facilities, and frequency of analysis. PT samples are included in the laboratory's normal analytical processes and do not receive extraordinary attention due to their nature. Comparison of analytical results with anyone participating in the same PT study is prohibited prior to the close of the study. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 27 of 73 Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-010 PE/PT Program or its equivalent revision or replacement. 4.14 Rounding and Significant Figures In general, the PASI laboratories report data to no more than three significant digits. Therefore, all measurements made in the analytical process must reflect this level of precision. In the event that a parameter that contributes to the final result has less than three significant figures of precision, the final result must be reported with no more significant figures than that of the parameter in question. Rounding PASI-Minnesota follows the odd / even guidelines for rounding numbers. If the figure following the one to be retained is less than five, that figure is dropped and the retained ones are not changed (with three significant figures, 2.544 is rounded to 2.54). If the figure following the ones to be retained is greater than five, that figure is dropped and the last retained one is rounded up (with three significant figures, 2.546 is rounded to 2.55). If the figure following the ones to be retained is five and if there are no figures other than zeros beyond that five, then the five is dropped and the last figure retained is unchanged if it is even and rounded up if it is odd (with three significant figures, 2.525 is rounded to 2.52 and 2.535 is rounded to 2.54). Significant Digits Unless specified by federal, state or local requirements or on specific request by a customer, PASI- Minnesota reports all analytical results to 3 significant digits, regardless of the magnitude of the value reported. PASI-Minnesota follows the following convention for reporting to a specified number of significant figures. Unless specified by federal, state or local requirements or on specific request by a customer, the laboratory reports: Values > 10 - Reported to 3 significant digits Values < 10 - Reported to 2 significant digits DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL 1!;ace 5.0 Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 28 of 73 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL 5.1 Document Management Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-002 Document Management. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. has an established procedure for managing documents that are part of the quality system. The list of managed documents includes, but is not limited to, Standard Operating Procedures, Quality Assurance Manuals, quality policy statements, training documents, work-processing documents, charts, posters, memoranda, notices, forms, software, and any other procedures, tables, plans, etc. that have a direct bearing on the quality system. A master list of all managed documents is maintained at each facility identifying the current revision status and distribution of the controlled documents. This establishes that there are no invalid or obsolete documents in use in the facility. All documents are reviewed periodically and revised if necessary. Obsolete documents are systematically discarded or archived for audit or knowledge preservation purposes. Each managed document is uniquely identified to include the date of issue, the revision identification, page numbers, the total number of pages and the issuing authorities. For complete information on document numbering, refer to SOP S-ALL-Q-003 Document Numbering. As an alternative to the hard copy system of controlled documents, secured electronic copies of controlled documents may be maintained on the local or wide-area network (LAN or WAN). These document files must be read-only for all personnel except the Quality Department and system administrator. Other requirements for this system are as follows: • Electronic documents must be readily accessible to all facility employees. • Electronic documents must explicitly indicate that copies are not to be printed from the electronic file. All hardcopy SOPS must be obtained from the Quality Assurance Department. 5.1.1 Quality Assurance Manual (QAM) The Quality Assurance Manual is the company-wide document that describes all aspects of the quality system for PASL The base QAM template is distributed by the Corporate Quality Department to each of the regional Quality Managers. The regional management personnel modify the necessary and pennissible sections of the base template and submit those modifications to the Corporate Director of Quality for review. Once approved and signed by both the CEO and the Director of Quality, the General Manager, Quality Manager and Technical Director(s) sign the Quality Assurance Manual. Each regional Quality Manager is then in charge of distribution to employees, external customers or regulatory agencies and maintaining a distribution list of controlled document copies. The Quality Assurance Manual template is reviewed on an annual basis by all of the PASI Quality Managers and revised accordingly by the Director of Quality, Safety and Technology. 5.1.2 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) SOPS fall into two categories: company-wide documents (starting with the prefix ALL-) and facility-specific documents (starting with the individual facility prefix). The purpose of the company-wide (ALL) SOPS is to establish policies and procedure that are common and applicable to all PASI facilities. Company-wide (ALL) SOPS are document- controlled by the corporate quality office and signed copies are distributed to each of the regional Quality Managers. The regional management personnel sign the company-wide (ALL) SOPS. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 29 of 73 The regional Quality Manager is then in charge of distribution to employees, external customers or regulatory agencies and maintaining a distribution list of controlled document copies. Regional PASI facilities are responsible for developing facility-specific SOPS applicable to their respective facility. The regional facility develops these facility-specific SOPS based on the corporate-wide (ALL) SOP template. This template is written to incorporate a set of minimum method requirements and PASI best practice requirements. The regional facilities may add to or modify the corporate-wide (ALL) SOP template provided there are no contradictions to the minimum method or best practice requirements. Facility-specific SOPS are controlled by the regional Quality Manager according to the corporate document management policies. SOPS are reviewed every year at a minimum (a more frequent review may be required by state or federal agencies or customers). A review of the document does not necessarily constitute a re- issue of a new revision. Documentation of this review and any applicable revisions are made in the last section of each SOP. This provides a historical record of all revisions. All copies of superseded SOPS are removed from general use and the original copy of each SOP is archived for audit or knowledge preservation purposes. This ensures that all PASI employees use the most current version of each SOP and provides the Quality Manager with a historical record of each SOP. Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-001 Preparation of SOPS or its equivalent revision or replacement. 5.1.3 Other Documentation Additional documents such as Forms and Spreadsheets are controlled through the document management system. 5.2 Document Change Control Changes to managed documents are reviewed and approved in the same manner as the original review. Any revision to a document requires the approval of the applicable signatories. After revisions are approved, a revision number is assigned and the previous version of the document is officially retired. Copies may be kept for audit or knowledge preservation purposes. All controlled copies of the previous document are replaced with controlled copies of the revised document and the superseded copies are destroyed or archived. All affected personnel are advised that there has been a revision and any necessary training is scheduled. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL Quality Assurance Manual 1'!;a'ce I'l, nal tica J Revision: 11.0 y c I Page 30 of 73 6.0 EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT TRACEABILITY Each PASI facility is equipped with sufficient instrumentation and support equipment to perform the relevant analytical testing or field procedures performed by each facility. Support equipment includes chemical standards, thermometers, balances, disposable and mechanical pipettes, etc. This section details some of the procedures necessary to maintain traceability and perform proper calibration of instrumentation and support equipment. 6.1 Standards and Traceability Each PASI facility retains all pertinent information for standards, reagents and chemicals to assure traceability to a national standard. This includes documentation of purchase, receipt, preparation and use. Upon receipt, all purchased standard reference materials are recorded into a standard logbook or database and assigned a unique identification number. The entries include the facility's unique identification number, the chemical name, manufacturer name, manufacturer's identification numbers, receipt date and expiration date. Vendor's certificates of analysis for all standards, reagents, or chemicals are retained for future reference. Subsequent preparations of intermediate or working solutions are also documented in a standard logbook or database. These entries include the stock standard name and lot number, the manufacturer name, the solvents used for preparation, the solvent lot number and manufacturer, the preparation steps, preparation date, expiration dates, preparer's initials, and a unique PASI identification number. This number is used in any applicable sample preparation or analysis logbook so the standard can be traced back to the standard preparation record. This process ensures traceability back to the national standard. All prepared standard or reagent containers include the PASI identification number, the standard or chemical name, the date of preparation, the date of expiration, the concentration with units, and the preparer's initials. This ensures traceability back to the standard preparation logbook. If a second source standard is required to verify an existing calibration or spiking standard, this standard is purchased from a different supplier. If no second source is available, a second standard from a different lot may be purchased from the same supplier if the lot can be demonstrated as prepared independently from other lots. Additional information concerning standards and reagent traceability can be found in the SOP S-ALL-Q- 025 Standard and Reagent Preparation and Traceability or its equivalent revision or replacement. 6.2 General Analytical Instrument Calibration Procedures All types of support equipment and instrumentation are calibrated or checked before use to ensure proper functioning and verify that the laboratory's requirements are met. All calibrations are performed by, or under the supervision of, an experienced analyst at scheduled intervals against either certified standards traceable to recognized national standards or reference standards whose values have been statistically validated. Calibration standards for each parameter are chosen to establish the linear range of the instrument and must bracket the concentrations of those parameters measured in the samples. The lowest calibration standard is the lowest concentration for which quantitative data may be reported. Data reported below this level is considered to have less certainty and must be reported using appropriate data qualifiers (e.g. J flag) or explained in a narrative. The Minnesota Department Health requires that the reporting limit be verified upon initial calibration and monthly there after. The reporting limit verification must be within f 40% of the true value of the reporting limit standard. The reporting limit may need to be adjusted accordingly to meet this criteria.. The highest calibration standard is the highest concentration for which quantitative data may be reported. Data reported above this level is considered to have less certainty and must be reported using appropriate data qualifiers (e.g. E flag) or explained in the narrative. Any specific method requirement for number and type of EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT TRACEABILITY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 31 of 73 calibration standards supersedes the general requirement. Instrument and method specific calibration criteria are explained within the specific analytical standard operating procedures for each facility. Instrumentation or support equipment that cannot be calibrated to specification or is otherwise defective is clearly labeled as out-of-service until it has been repaired and tested to demonstrate it meets the laboratory's specifications. All repair and maintenance activities including service calls are documented in the maintenance log. Equipment sent off-site for calibration testing is packed and transported to prevent breakage and is in accordance with the calibration laboratory's recommendations. In the event that recalibration of a piece of test equipment casts doubt on the validity of test results already transmitted to the client, the client is notified in writing by the laboratory within 3 business days from the time of discovery. This allows for sufficient investigation and review of documentation to determine the impact on the analytical results. Instrumentation found to be consistently out of calibration is either repaired and positively verified or replaced. Raw data records are retained to document equipment performance. Sufficient raw data is retained to reconstruct the instrument calibration and explicitly connect the continuing calibration verification to the initial calibration. 6.2.1 General Organic Calibration Procedures Calibration standards are prepared at a minimum of five concentrations for organic analyses. Results from all calibration standards must be included in constructing the calibration curve with the following exceptions: • The lowest level calibration standard may be removed from the calibration as long as the remaining number of concentration levels meets the minimum established by the method and standard operating procedure. For multi-parameter methods, this may be done on an individual analyte basis. The reporting limit must be adjusted to the lowest concentration included in the calibration curve. • The highest level calibration standard may be removed from the calibration as long as the remaining number of concentration levels meets the minimum established by the method and standard operating procedure. For multi-parameter methods, this may be done an individual analyte basis. The upper limit of quantitation must be adjusted to the highest concentration included in the calibration curve. • Multiple points from either the high end or the low end of the calibration curve may be excluded as long as the remaining points are contiguous in nature and the minimum number of levels remain as established by method or standard operating procedure. The reporting limit or quantitation range, which is appropriate, must be adjusted accordingly. • Results from a concentration level between the lowest and highest calibration levels can be excluded from the calibration curve for an acceptable cause with approval from the responsible department supervisor if the results for all analytes are excluded and the point is replaced by re- analysis. Re-analysis must occur within the same 12 hour time time period for GC/MS methodologies and within 8 hours of the initial analysis for non-GC/MS methodologies. All samples analyzed prior to the re-analyzed calibration curve point must be re-analyzed after the calibration curve is completed. Initial calibration curves are evaluated against appropriate statistical models as required by the analytical methods. Curves that do not meet the appropriate criteria require corrective action that may include re-nrnning the initial calibration curve. All initial calibrations are verified with a standard obtained from a second manufacturer or second lot from the same manufacturer if the lot can be demonstrated as prepared independently from other lots prior to the analysis of samples. Sample results are quantitated from the initial calibration unless otherwise required by regulation, method, or program. EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT TRACEABILITY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 32 of 73 The calibration curve is periodically verified by the analysis of a mid-level continuing calibration verification (CCV) standard during the course of sample analysis. Calibration verification is performed at the beginning and end of each analytical batch (except if an internal standard is used only one verification at the beginning of the batch is needed), whenever it is expected that the analytical system may be out of calibration, if the time period for calibration has expired, or for analytical systems that contain a calibration verification requirement. This verification standard must meet acceptance criteria in order for sample analysis to proceed. In the event that the CCV does not meet the acceptance criteria, a second CCV may be injected as part of the diagnostic evaluation and corrective action investigation. If the second CCV is acceptable, the analytical sequence is continued. If both CCVs fail, the analytical sequence is terminated. All samples analyzed since the last compliant CCV are re-analyzed for methodologies utilizing external calibration. When instruments are operating unattended, the autosamplers may be programmed to inject consecutive CCVs as a preventative measure against CCV failure with no corrective action. In this case, both CCVs must be evaluated to determine potential impact to the results. A summary of the decision tree and necessary documentation are listed below: • If both CCVs meet the acceptance criteria, the analytical sequence is allowed to continue without corrective action. (The 12 hour clock begins with the injection of the second CCV.) • If the first CCV does not meet the acceptance criteria and the second CCV is acceptable, the analytical sequence is continued and the results are reported. • If the first CCV meets the acceptance criteria and the second CCV is out of control, the samples preceded by the out of control CCV must be re-analyzed in a compliant analytical sequence. • If both CCVs are out of control, all samples since the last acceptable CCV must be re-analyzed in a compliant analytical sequence. Some analytical methods require that samples be bracketed by passing CCVs analyzed both before and after the samples. This is specific to each method but, as a general mle, all external calibration methods require bracketing CCVs. Most internal standard calibrations do not require bracketing CCVs. Some analytical methods require verification based on a time interval; some methods require a frequency based on an injection interval. The type and frequency of the calibration verifications is dependent on both the analytical method and possibly on the quality program associated with the samples. The type and frequency of calibration verification will be documented in the method specific SOP employed by each laboratory. 6.2.2 General Inorganic Calibration Procedures The instrument is initially calibrated with standards at multiple concentrations to establish the linearity of the instrument's response. A calibration blank is also included. Initial calibration curves are evaluated against appropriate statistical models as required by the analytical methods. The number of calibration standards used depends on the specific method criteria or client project requirements, although normally a minimum of three standards is used. The ICP and ICP/MS can be standardized with a zero point and a single point calibration if: • Prior to analysis, the zero point and the single point calibration are analyzed and a linear range is established, • Zero point and single point calibration standards are analyzed with each batch • A standard corresponding to the Reporting Limit/LOQ is analyzed with the batch and meets the established acceptance criteria • The linearity is verified at the frequency established by the method or manufacturer. EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT TRACEABILITY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 33 of 73 All initial calibrations are verified with a standard obtained from a second manufacturer or second lot from the same manufacturer if the lot can be demonstrated as prepared independently from other lots prior to the analysis of samples. Sample results are quantitated from the initial calibration unless otherwise required by regulation, method, or program. During the course of analysis, the calibration curve is periodically verified by the analysis of calibration verification standards. A calibration verification standard is analyzed within each analytical batch at method/program specific intervals to verify that the initial calibration is still valid. The CCV is also analyzed at the end of the analytical batch A calibration blank is also analyzed with each calibration verification standard to verify the cleanliness of the system. All reported results must be bracketed by acceptable CCVs and CCBs. Instrument and method specific calibration acceptance criteria are explained within the specific analytical standard operating procedures for each facility. Interference check standards are also analyzed per method requirements and must meet acceptance criteria for metals analyses. 6.3 Support Equipment Calibration Procedures All support equipment is calibrated or verified at least annually using NIST traceable references over the entire range of use. The results of calibrations or verifications must be within the specifications required or the equipment will be removed from service until repaired. The laboratory maintains records to demonstrate the correction factors applied to working thermometers. Prior to use on each working day, balances, ovens, refrigerators, freezers, and water baths are checked in the expected use range with NIST traceable references in order to ensure the equipment meets laboratory specifications. 6.3.1 Analytical Balances Each analytical balance is checked and calibrated annually by a qualified service technician. The calibration of each balance is checked each day of use with weights traceable to NIST. Calibration weights are ASTM Class 1 (replaces Class S designation) and are re-certified annually against a NIST traceable reference. Some accrediting agencies may require more frequent checks. If balances are calibrated by an external agency, verification of their weights must be provided. All information pertaining to balance maintenance and calibration is recorded in the individual balance logbook and/or is maintained on file in the Quality department. 6.3.2 Thermometers Certified, or reference, thermometers are maintained for checking calibration of working thermometers. Reference thermometers are provided with NIST traceability for initial calibration and are re-certified, at a minimum yearly with equipment directly traceable to NIST. Working thermometers are compared with the reference thermometers annually according to corporate metrology procedures. Each thermometer is individually numbered and assigned a correction factor based on the NIST reference source. In addition, working thermometers are visually inspected by laboratory personnel prior to use and temperatures are documented. Laboratory thermometer inventory and calibration data are maintained in the Quality department. EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT TRACEABILITY eAnalytical 6.33 pH/Electrometers Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 34 of 73 The meter is calibrated before use each day, and once after each four hours of continuous use using fresh buffer solutions. 6.3.4 Spectrophotometers During use, spectrophotometer performance is checked at established frequencies in analysis sequences against initial calibration verification (ICV) and continuing calibration verification (CCV) standards. 6.3.5 Mechanical Volumetric Dispensing Devices Mechanical volumetric dispensing devices including bottle top dispensers, pipettes, and burettes, excluding Class A volumetric glassware, are checked for accuracy on a quarterly basis. Non-Class A glassware and disposable pipettes must be calibrated once per lot prior to first use. The accuracy of glass microliter syringes is verified and documented prior to use. Additional information regarding calibration and maintenance of laboratory support equipment can be found in SOP ALL-Q-013 Support Equipment. 6.4 Instrument/ Equipment Maintenance The objectives of the Pace Analytical maintenance program are twofold: to establish a system of instrument care that maintains instrumentation and equipment at required levels of calibration and sensitivity, and to minimize loss of productivity due to repairs. The Laboratory Operations Manager and department manager/supervisors are responsible for providing technical leadership to evaluate new equipment, solve equipment problems and coordinate instrument repair and maintenance. The analysts have a primary responsibility to perform routine maintenance. To minimize downtime and interruption of analytical work, preventative maintenance is routinely performed on each analytical instrument. Up-to-date instructions on the use and maintenance of equipment are available to staff in the department where the equipment is used. Department manager/supervisors are responsible for maintaining an adequate inventory of spare parts required to minimize equipment downtime. This inventory includes parts and supplies that are subject to frequent failure, have limited lifetimes, or cannot be obtained in a timely manner should a failure occur. All major equipment and instrumentation items are uniquely identified to allow for traceability. Equipment/instrumentation are, unless otherwise stated, identified as a system and not as individual pieces. The laboratory maintains equipment records that include the following: • The name of the equipment and its software • The manufacturer's name, type, and serial number • Approximate date received and date placed into service • Current location in the laboratory • Condition when received (new, used, etc.) • Copy of any manufacturer's manuals or instructions • Dates and results of calibrations and next scheduled calibration (if known) • Details of past maintenance activities, both routine and non-routine • Details of any damage, modification or major repairs All instrument maintenance is documented in maintenance logbooks that are assigned to each particular instrument or system. EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT TRACEABILITY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 35 of 73 When maintenance is performed to repair an instrument problem, depending on the initial problem, demonstration of return to control may be satisfied by the successful analysis of a reagent blank or continuing calibration standard. The entry must include a summary of the results of that analysis and verification by the analyst that the instrument has been returned to an in-control status. In addition, each entry must include the initials of the analyst making the entry, the dates the maintenance actions were performed, and the date the entry was made in the maintenance logbook, if different from the date(s) of the maintenance. Any equipment that has been subjected to overloading or mishandling, or that gives suspect results, or has been shown to be defective, is taken out of service and clearly identified. The equipment shall not be used to analyze client samples until it has been repaired and shown to perform satisfactorily. EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT TRACEABILITY Quality Assurance Manual aceI'l ,1'?nal y}ica f Revision: 11.0 y c I Page 36 of 73 7.0 CONTROL OF DATA Analytical results processing, verification and reporting are procedures employed that result in the delivery of defensible data. These processes include, but are not limited to, calculation of raw data into final concentration values, review of results for accuracy, evaluation of quality control criteria and assembly of technical reports for delivery to the data user. All analytical data undergo a well-defined, well-documented multi-tier review process prior to being reported to the customer. This section describes procedures used by PASI for translating raw analytical data into accurate, final sample reports and PASI data storage policies. 7.1 Analytical Results Processing When analytical, field, or product testing data is generated, it is either recorded in a bound laboratory logbook (e.g. Run log or Instrument log) or copies of computer-generated printouts are appropriately labeled and filed. These logbooks and other laboratory records are kept in accordance with each facility's Standard Operating Procedure for documentation storage and archival. The primary analyst is responsible for initial data reduction and review. This includes confirming compliance with required methodology, verifying calculations, evaluating quality control data, noting discrepancies in logbooks and as footnotes or narratives, and uploading analytical results into the LIMS. The primary analyst then compiles the initial data package for verification. This compilation must include sufficient documentation for data review. It may include standard calibrations, chromatograms, manual integration documentation, electronic printouts, chain-of-custody forms, and logbook copies. Some agencies or customers require different levels of data reporting. For these special levels, the primary analyst may need to compile additional project information, such as initial calibration data or extensive spectral data, before the data package proceeds to the verification step. 7.2 Data Verification Data verification is the process of examining data and accepting or rejecting it based on pre-defined criteria. This review step is designed to ensure that reported data are free from calculation and transcription errors, that quality control parameters are evaluated and that any discrepancies are properly documented. Analysts performing the analysis and subsequent data reduction have primary responsibility for quality of the data produced. The primary analyst initiates the data verification process by reviewing and accepting the data, provided QC criteria have been met for the samples being reported. Data review checklists are used to document the data review process. The primary analyst is responsible for the initial input of the data into the LIMS. The completed data package is then sent to a designated qualified reviewer (this cannot be the primary analyst). The following criteria have been established to qualify someone as a data reviewer. To perform secondary data review, the reviewer must : 1. Have a current Demonstration of Capability (DOC) study on file and they have an SOP Acknowledgment form on file for the method/procedure being reviewed.; ors" N't' 2. Have a DOC on file for a similar method/technology (i.e. GC/MS) and they have an SOP Acknowledgment form on file for the method/procedure being reviewed; or. see Note 3. Supervise or manage a Department and have an SOP Acknowledgment form on file for the method/procedure being reviewed; or CONTROL OF DATA eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 37 of 73 4. Have significant background in the department/methods being reviewed through education or experience and have an SOP Acknowledgment form on file for the method/procedure being reviewed Note: Secondary reviewer status must be approved personally by the Quality Manager or General Manager in the event that this person has no prior experience on the specific method or general technology (i.e. GUMS). This reviewer provides an independent technical assessment of the data package and technical review for accuracy according to methods employed and laboratory protocols. This assessment involves a quality control review for use of the proper methodology and detection limits, compliance to quality control protocol and criteria, presence and completeness of required deliverables, and accuracy of calculations and data quantitation. The reviewer also validates the data entered into the LIMS. Once the data have been technically reviewed and approved, authorization for release of the data from the analytical section is indicated by initialing and dating the data review checklist or otherwise initialing and dating the data. The Operations or Project Manager examines the report for method appropriateness, detection limits and QC acceptability. Any deviations from the referenced methods are checked for documentation and validity, and QC corrective actions are reviewed for successful resolution. 7.3 Data Reporting All data segments pertaining to a particular PASI project number are delivered to the Client Services Department (Project Manager) for assembly into the final report All points mentioned during technical and QC reviews are included in a case narrative if there is potential for data to be impacted. Final reports are prepared according to the level of reporting required by the client. A standard PASI final report consists of the following components: 1. A title which designates the report as "Final Report", "Laboratory Results", "Certificate of Results", etc. 2. Name and address of laboratory (or subcontracted laboratories, if used). 3. Phone number and name of laboratory contact where questions can be referred. 4. A unique number for the report (project number). The pages of the report shall be numbered and a total number of pages shall be indicated (usually in the cover letter). 5. Name and address of client and name of project (if applicable). 6. Unique identification of samples analyzed (including client sample numbers). 7. Identification of any sample that did not meet acceptable sampling requirements (from NELAC or other governing agency), such as improper sample containers, holding times missed, sample temperature, etc. 8. Date and time of collection of samples, date of sample receipt by the laboratory, dates of sample preparation and analysis, and times of sample preparation and analysis when the holding time for either is 72 hours or less. 9. Identification of the test methods used. 10. Identification of sampling procedures if sampling was conducted by the laboratory. 11. Deviations from, additions to, or exclusions from the test methods. These can include failed quality control parameters, deviations caused by the matrix of the sample, etc., and can be shown as a case narrative or as defined footnotes to the analytical data. 12. Identification of whether calculations were performed on a dry or wet-weight basis. 13. Reporting limits used. 14. Final results or measurements, supported by appropriate chromatograms, charts, tables, spectra, etc. 15. A signature and title of person accepting responsibility for the content of the report (can be an equivalent electronic identification) and date report was issued. 16. A statement clarifying that the results of the report relate only to the samples tested or to the samples as they were received by the laboratory. 17. If necessary, a statement indicating that the report must not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. 18. Identification of all test results provided by a subcontracted laboratory or other outside source. 19. Identification of results obtained outside of quantitation levels. CONTROL OF DATA eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 38 of 73 Any changes made to a final report shall be designated as "Revised" or equivalent wording. The laboratory must keep sufficient archived records of all lab reports and revisions. For higher levels of data deliverables, a copy of all applicable raw data is sent to the client along with a final report of results. When possible, the PASI facility will provide electronic data deliverables (EDD) as required by contracts or upon client request. Client data that requires transmission by telephone, telex, facsimile or other electronic means undergoes appropriate steps to preserve confidentiality. Additional information on data reduction and validation can be found in SOP MN-L-132 Data Reduction, Validation and Reporting, or equivalent replacement 7.4 Data Security All data including electronic files, logbooks, extraction/digestion/distillation worksheets, calculations, project files and reports, and other information used to produce the technical report are maintained secured and retrievable by the PASI facility. 7.5 Data Archiving All records compiled by PASI are maintained legible and retrievable and stored secured in a suitable environment to prevent loss, damage, or deterioration by fire, flood, vermin, theft, and/or environmental deterioration. Records are retained for a minimum of five years unless superseded by federal, state, contractual, and/or accreditation requirements. These records may include, but are not limited to, client data reports, calibration and maintenance of equipment, raw data from instrumentation, quality control documents, observations, calculations and logbooks. These records are retained in order to provide for possible historical reconstruction including sampling, receipt, preparation, analysis and personnel involved. NELAP-related records will be made readily available to accrediting authorities. Access to archived data is documented and controlled by the Quality Manager or a designated Data Archivist. Records that are computer-generated have either a hard copy or electronic write-protected backup copy. Hardware and software necessary for the retrieval of electronic data is maintained with the applicable records. Archived electronic records are stored protected against electronic and/or magnetic sources. In the event of a change in ownership, accountability or liability, reports of analyses performed pertaining to accreditation will be maintained by the acquiring entity for a minimum of five years. In the event of bankruptcy, laboratory reports and/or records will be transferred to the client and/or the appropriate regulatory entity upon request. 7.6 Data Disposal Data that has been archived for the facility's required storage time may be disposed of in a secure manner by shredding, returning to customer, or utilizing some other means that does not jeopardize data confidentiality. Records of data disposal will be archived for a minimum of five years unless superseded by federal, contractual, and/or accreditation requirements. CONTROL OF DATA eAnalytical 8.0 QUALITY SYSTEM AUDITS AND REVIEWS 8.1 Internal Audits 8.1.1 Responsibilities Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 39 of 73 The Quality Manager is responsible for designing and/or conducting internal audits in accordance with a predetermined schedule and procedure. Since internal audits represent an independent assessment of laboratory functions, the auditor must be functionally independent from laboratory operations to ensure objectivity. The auditor must be trained, qualified and familiar enough with the objectives, principles, and procedures of laboratory operations to be able to perform a thorough and effective evaluation. The Quality Manger evaluates audit observations and verifies the completion of corrective actions. In addition, a periodic corporate audit will be conducted by the Director of Quality, Safety & Technology and/or designee. The corporate audits will focus on the execution of the Quality System as outlined in this manual but may also include other quality programs applicable to each laboratory. 8.1.2 Scope and Frequency of Internal Audits Internal systems audits are conducted yearly at a minimum. The scope of these audits includes evaluation of specific analytical departments or a specific quality-related system as applied throughout the laboratory. Examples of system-wide elements that can be audited include: • Quality Systems documents, such as Standard Operating Procedures, training documents, Quality Assurance Manual and all applicable addenda • Personnel and training files. • General laboratory safety protocols. • Chemical handling practices, such as labeling of reagents, solutions, standards, and associated documentation. • Documentation concerning equipment and instrumentation, calibration/maintenance records, operating manuals. • Sample receipt and management practices. • Analytical documentation, including any discrepancies and corrective actions. • General procedures for data security, review, documentation, reporting and archiving. • Data integrity issues such as proper manual integrations. When the operations of a specific department are evaluated, a number of additional functions are reviewed including: • Detection limit studies • Internal chain-of-custody documentation • Documentation of standard preparations • Quality Control limits and Control charts Certain projects may require an internal audit to ensure laboratory conformance to site work plans, sampling and analysis plans, QAPPs, etc. A representative number of data audits are completed annually. The report format of any discrepancy is similar to that of other internal audits. QUALITY SYSTEM AUDITS AND REVIEWS eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 40 of 73 The laboratory, as part of their overall internal audit program, ensures that a review is conducted with respect to any evidence of inappropriate actions or vulnerabilities related to data integrity. Discovery of potential issues are handled in a confidential manner until such time as a follow up evaluation, full investigation, or other appropriate actions are completed and the issues clarified. All investigations that result in finding of inappropriate activity are documented and include any disciplinary actions involved, corrective actions taken, and all appropriate notifications of customers. 8.1.3 Internal Audit Reports and Corrective Action Plans Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-011 Audits and Inspections. A full description of the audit, including the identification of the operation audited, the date(s) on which the audit was conducted, the specific systems examined, and the observations noted are summarized in an internal audit report. Although other personnel may assist with the performance of the audit, the Quality Manager writes and issues the internal audit report identifying which audit observations are deficiencies that require corrective action. When audit findings cast doubt on the effectiveness of the operations or on the correctness of validity of the laboratory's environmental test results, the laboratory will take timely corrective action and notify the client in writing within 3 business days, if investigations show that the laboratory results may have been affected. Once completed, the internal audit report is issued jointly to the Laboratory General Manager and the manager(s)/supervisor(s) of the audited operation at a minimum. The responsible manager(s)/supervisor(s) responds within 14 days with a proposed plan to correct all of the deficiencies cited in the audit report. The Quality Manager may grant additional time for responses to large or complex deficiencies (not to exceed 30 days). Each response must include timetables for completion of all proposed corrective actions. The Quality Manager reviews the audit responses. If the response is accepted, the Quality Manager uses the action plan and timetable as a guideline for verifying completion of the corrective action(s). If the Quality Manager determines that the audit response does not adequately address the correction of cited deficiencies, the response will be returned for modification. To complete the audit process, the Quality Manager performs a re-examination of the areas where deficiencies were found to verify that all proposed corrective actions have been implemented. An audit deficiency is considered closed once implementation of the necessary corrective action has been verified. If corrective action cannot be verified, the associated deficiency remains open until that action is completed. 8.2 External Audits PASI laboratories are audited regularly by regulatory agencies to maintain laboratory certifications, and by customers to maintain appropriate specific protocols. Audit teams external to the company review the laboratory to assess the existence of systems and degree of technical expertise. The Quality Manager and other QA staff host the audit team and assist in facilitation of the audit process. Generally, the auditors will prepare a formalized audit report listing deficiencies observed and follow-up requirements for the laboratory. In some cases, items of concern are discussed during a debriefing convened at the end of the on-site review process. The laboratory staff and supervisors develop corrective action plans to address any deficiencies with the guidance of the Quality Manager. The Laboratory General Manager provides the necessary resources for staff to develop and implement the corrective action plans. The Quality Manager collates this information QUALITY SYSTEM AUDITS AND REVIEWS eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 41 of 73 and provides a written report to the audit team. The report contains the corrective action plan and expected completion dates for each element of the plan. The Quality Manager follows-up with the laboratory staff to ensure corrective actions are implemented. 8.3 Quarterly Quality Reports The Quality Manager is responsible for preparing a quarterly report to management summarizing the effectiveness of the laboratory Quality Systems. This status report will include: • Results of internal systems or performance audits • Corrective action activities • Discussion of QA issues raised by customers • Results of third party or external audits • Status of laboratory certifications • Proficiency Testing Study Results • Results of internal laboratory review activities • Summary of holding time violations • Method detection limit study status • Training activity summary • SOP revision summary • 3P Implementation summary (internal program) • Other significant Quality System items The Corporate Director of Quality, Safety & Technology utilizes the information from each laboratory to make decisions impacting the Quality Systems of the company as a whole. Each General Manager utilizes the quarterly report information to make decisions impacting Quality Systems and operational systems at a local level. Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-014 Quality System Review or its equivalent revision or replacement. 8.4 Annual Managerial Review A managerial review of Quality Systems is performed on an annual basis at a minimum. This allows for assessing program effectiveness and introducing changes and/or improvements. The managerial review must include the following topics of discussion: • Policy and procedure suitability • Manager/Supervisor reports • Internal audit results • Corrective and preventative actions • External assessment results • Proficiency testing studies • Sample capacity and scope of work changes • Client feedback, including complaints This managerial review must be documented for future reference by the Quality Manager and copies of the report are distributed to laboratory staff. The laboratory shall ensure that any actions identified during the review are carried out within an appropriate and agreed timescale. QUALITY SYSTEM AUDITS AND REVIEWS eAnalytical 9.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 42 of 73 During the process of sample handling, preparation and analysis, certain occurrences may warrant the necessity of corrective actions. These occurrences may take the form of analyst errors, deficiencies in quality control, method deviations, or other unusual circumstances. The Quality System of PASI provides systematic procedures for documentation, monitoring and completion of corrective actions. This can be done using Pace's LabTrack system that lists among other things, the deficiency by issue number, the deficiency source, responsible parry, root cause, resolution, due date, and date resolved. 9.1 Corrective Action Documentation The following items are examples of laboratory deviations or non-conformances that warrant some form of documented corrective action: • Quality Control data outside of acceptance criteria • Sample Acceptance Policy deviations • Missed holding times • Instrument failures (including calibration failure) • Sample preparation or analysis errors • Sample contamination • Errors in client reports • Audit findings (internal and external) • Proficiency Testing (PT) sample failures • Client complaints or inquiries Documentation of corrective actions may be in the form of a comment or footnote on the final report that explains the deficiency (e.g. matrix spike recoveries outside of acceptance criteria) or it may be a more formal documentation (either paper system or computerized spreadsheet). This depends on the extent of the deficiency, the impact on the data, and the method or client requirements for documentation. The person who discovers the deficiency or non-conformance initiates the corrective action documentation on the Non-Conformance Corrective/ Preventative Action report and/or LabTrack. The documentation must include the affected projects and sample numbers, the name of the applicable Project Manager, the client name and the sample matrix involved. The person initiating the corrective action documentation must also list the known causes of the deficiency or non-conformance as well as any corrective/preventative actions that they have taken. Preventive actions must be taken in order to prevent or minimize the occurrence of the situation. In the event that the laboratory is unable to determine the cause, laboratory personnel and management staff will start a root cause analysis by going through an investigative process. During this process, the following general steps must be taken into account: defining the non-conformance problem, assigning responsibilities, determining if the condition is significant, and investigating the root cause of the nonconformance problem. General non-conformance investigative techniques follow the path of the sample through the process looking at each individual step in detail. The root cause must be documented within LabTrack or on the Corrective/Preventative Action Report. After all the documentation is completed, the routing of the Corrective/Preventative Action Report and /or LabTrack will continue from the person initiating the corrective action, to their immediate supervisor or the Project Manager and finally to the Quality Manager, who is responsible for final review and signoff of all formal corrective/preventative actions. 9.2 Corrective Action Completion CORRECTIVE ACTION eAnalytical 9.2.1 Quality Control outside of acceptance criteria Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 43 of 73 The analyst that is generating or validating Analytical data is responsible for checking the results against established acceptance criteria (quality control limits). The analyst must immediately address any deficiencies discovered. Method blank, LCS or matrix spike failures are evaluated against method, program, and client requirements and appropriate footnotes are entered into the LIMS system. Some deficiencies may be caused by matrix interferences. Where possible, matrix interferences are confirmed by re-analysis. Quality control deficiencies must be made known to the client on the final report for their review of the data for usability. If appropriate, the supervisor is alerted to the QC failure and if necessary a formal corrective action can be initiated. This may involve the input of the Quality Manager or the General Manager. The department supervisor and/or Operations Manager are responsible for evaluating the source of the deficiency and for returning the analytical system to control. This may involve instrument maintenance, analytical standard or reagent evaluation, or an internal audit of the analytical procedure. See applicable analytical SOPS for further guidance on QC acceptance criteria. 9.2.2 Sample Acceptance Policy deviations Any deviation from the Sample Acceptance Policy listed in this Manual must be documented on the Chain-of-Custody or other applicable form by the sample receiving personnel or by the Project Manager. Analysts or supervisors that discover such deviations must contact the sample receiving personnel or appropriate Project Manager so they can initiate the proper documentation and client contact. If a more formalized corrective action must be documented, the Quality Manager is made aware of the situation. The client is notified of these deviations as soon as possible so they can make decisions on whether to continue with the sample analysis or re-sample. Copies of this documentation are included in the project file. 9.2.3 Missed holding times In the event that a holding time requirement has been missed, the analyst or supervisor must complete a formal corrective action form. The Project Manager and the Quality Manager must be made aware of these hold time exceedances. The Project Manager must contact the client for appropriate decisions to be made with the resolution documented and included in the client project file. The Quality Manager includes a list of all missed holding times in their Quarterly Report to the corporate office. 9.2.4 Instrument Failures In the event of an instrument failure that either causes the necessity for re-analysis or questions the validity of generated results, a formal corrective action must be initiated. The analyst and supervisor evaluate any completed data for validity and usability. They are also responsible for returning the instrument to valid operating condition and for documenting that the system is in control (e.g. acceptable calibration verification). CORRECTIVE ACTION eAnalytical 9.2.5 Sample Preparation or Analysis errors Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 44 of 73 When there is an error in the preparation or analysis of samples, the analyst evaluates the impact on the usability of the analytical data with the assistance of the supervisor or manager. The affected samples will be re-processed or re-analyzed under acceptable conditions. In the event that no additional sample is available for re-analysis, the client must be contacted for their decision on how to proceed. Documentation may take the form of footnotes or a formal corrective action form. 9.2.6 Errors in client reports When an error on the client report is discovered, the Project Manager is responsible for initiating a formal corrective action form that describes the failure (e.g. incorrect analysis reported, reporting units are incorrect, reporting limits do not meet objectives). The Project Manager is also responsible for revising the final report if necessary and submitting it to the client. 9.2.7 Audit findings The Quality Manager is responsible for documenting all audit findings and their corrective actions. This documentation must include the initial finding, the persons responsible for the corrective action, the due date for reporting back to the auditing body, the root cause of the issue, and the corrective action taken to resolve the findings. The Quality Manager is also responsible for providing any back-up documentation used to prove that a corrective action has been completed. 9.2.8 Proficiency Testing failures Any PT result returned to the Quality Manager as "not acceptable" requires an investigation and applicable corrective actions. The operational staff is made aware of the PT failures and they are responsible for reviewing the applicable raw data and calibrations and list possible causes for error. The Quality Manager reviews their findings and initiates another external PT sample or an internal PT sample to try and correct the previous failure. Replacement PT results must be monitored by the Quality Manager and reported to the applicable regulatory authorities. 9.2.9 Client Complaints Project Managers are responsible for issuing corrective action forms for client complaints. As with other corrective actions, the possible causes of the problem are listed and the form is passed to the appropriate analyst or supervisor. After the corrective actions have been listed, the Project Manager reviews the corrective action to determine if the client needs or concerns are being addressed. Additional information can be found in SOP S-ALL-Q-012 Corrective Action/Preventative Action Process. CORRECTIVE ACTION eAnalytical 10.0 GLOSSARY Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 45 of 73 3P Program The Pace Analytical continuous improvement program that focuses on Process, Productivity and Performance. Best Practices are identified that can be used by all PASI labs. Accuracy The agreement between an observed value and an accepted reference value. Accuracy includes a combination of random error (precision) and systematic error (bias) components that are due to sampling and analytical operations; a data quality indicator. Aliquot A portion of a sample taken for analysis. Analyte The specific chemical species or parameter an analysis seeks to determine. Batch Environmental samples that are prepared and/or analyzed together with the same process and personnel, using the same lot(s) of reagents. A preparation batch is composed of one to 20 environmental samples of the same NELAC-defined matrix, meeting the above-mentioned criteria and with a maximum time between the start of processing of the first and last sample in the batch to be 24 hours. An analytical batch is composed of prepared environmental samples (extracts, digestates or concentrates) that are analyzed together as a group. An analytical batch can include prepared samples originating from various environmental matrices and can exceed 20 samples. Blank A sample that has not been exposed to the analyzed sample stream in order to monitor contamination during sampling, transport, storage or analysis. The blank is subjected to the usual analytical and measurement process to establish a zero baseline or background value and is sometimes used to adjust or correct routine analytical results. Blind Sample A sample for submitted for analysis with a composition known to the submitter. The analyst/laboratory may know the identity of the sample but not its composition. It is used to test analyst or laboratory proficiency in the execution of the measurement process. Calibration To determine, by measurement or comparison with a standard, the correct value of each scale reading on a meter, instrument, or other device. The levels of the applied calibration standard must bracket the range of planned or expected sample measurements. Calibration Curve The graphic representation of known values, such as concentrations for a series of calibration standards and their instrument response. Chain-of-Custody A record that documents the possession of samples from the time of collection to (COC) receipt in the laboratory. This record generally includes the number and type of containers, mode of collection, collector, time of collection, preservation, and requested analyses. Confirmation Verification of the identity of a component through the use of an alternate scientific approach from the original method. These may include, but are not limited to: • second-column confirmation • alternate wavelength • derivatization derivative • mass spectral interpretation • additional cleanup procedures Contract Required Detection limit that is required for EPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) contracts. Detection Limit (CRDL) Contract Required Quantitation limit (reporting limit) that is required for EPA Contract Laboratory Quantitation Limit Program (CLP) contracts. (CRQL) Comparability An assessment of the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another. Comparable data are produced through the use of standardized procedures and techniques. GLOSSARY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 46 of 73 Completeness The percent of valid data obtained from a measurement system compared to the amount of valid data expected under normal conditions. The equation for completeness is: % Completeness = (Valid Data Points/Expected Data Points)* 100 Calibration Verification The process of verifying a calibration by analysis of standards and comparing the results with the known amount. Control Chart A graphic representation of a series of test results, together with limits within which results are expected when the system is in a state of statistical control (see definition for Control Limit) Control Limit A range within which specified measurement results must fall to verify that the analytical system is in control. Control limit exceedances may require corrective action or require investigation and flagging of nonconforming data. Corrective Action The action taken to eliminate the causes of a nonconformity, defect, or other undesirable situation in order to prevent recurrence. Corrective and The primary management tools for bringing improvements to the quality system, to Preventative Action the management of the quality system's collective processes, and to the products or (CAPA) services delivered which are an output of established systems and processes. Data Quality Objective Systematic strategic planning tool based on the scientific method that identifies and (DOQ) defines the type, quality, and quantity of data needed to satisfy a specified use or end user. Data Reduction The process of transforming raw data by arithmetic or statistical calculations, standard curves, concentration factors, etc., and collation into a more usable form. Demonstration of A procedure to establish the ability of the analyst to generate acceptable accuracy. Capability Detection Limit (DL) General term for the lowest concentration or amount of the target analyte that can be identified, measured and reported with confidence that the analyte concentration is not a false positive value. See definitions for Method Detection Limit and Limit of Detection. Document Control Procedures to ensure that documents (and revisions thereto) are proposed, reviewed for (Management) accuracy, approved for release by authorized personnel, distributed properly and controlled (managed) to ensure use of the correct version at the location where the prescribed activity is performed. Dry Weight The weight after drying in an oven at a specified temperature. Duplicate or Replicate The identically performed measurement on two or more sub-samples of the same Analysis sample within a short interval of time Environmental Sample A representative sample of any material (aqueous, non-aqueous, or multimedia) collected from any source for which determination of composition or contamination is requested or required. Environmental samples can generally be classified as follows: • Non Potable Water ( Includes surface water, ground water, effluents, water treatment chemicals, and TCLP leachates or other extracts) • Drinking Water - Delivered (treated or untreated) water designated as potable water • Water/Wastewater - Raw source waters for public drinking water supplies, ground waters, municipal influents/effluents, and industrial influents/effluents • Sludge - Municipal sludges and industrial sludges. • Soil - Predominately inorganic matter ranging in classification from sands to clays. • Waste - Aqueous and non-aqueous liquid wastes, chemical solids, and industrial liquid and solid wastes Equipment Blank A sample of analyte-free media used to rinse common sampling equipment to check effectiveness of decontamination procedures. Field Blank A blank sample prepared in the field by filling a clean container with reagent water and appropriate preservative, if any, for the specific sampling activity being undertaken. GLOSSARY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 47 of 73 Field Measurement Determination of physical, biological, or radiological properties, or chemical constituents that are measured on-site, close in time and space to the matrices being sampled/measured, following accepted test methods. This testing is performed in the field outside of a fixed-laboratory or outside of an enclosed structure that meets the requirements of a mobile laboratory. Holding Time The maximum time that samples may be held prior to preparation and/or analysis as defined by the method. Homogeneity The degree to which a property or substance is uniformly distributed throughout a sample. Initial Calibration The process of analyzing standards, prepared at specified concentrations, to define the (ICAL) quantitative response relationship of the instrument to the analytes of interest Initial calibration is performed whenever the results of a calibration verification standard do not conform to the requirements of the method in use or at a frequency specified in the method. ILT Instructor Led Training Internal Standards A known amount of standard added to a test portion of a sample as a reference for evaluating and controlling the precision and bias of the applied analytical method. Intermediate Standard Reference solutions prepared by dilution of the stock solutions with an appropriate Solution solvent. Laboratory Control A blank sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with known amounts Sample (LCS) of analytes or a material containing known amounts of analytes. It is generally used to establish intra-laboratory or analyst-specific precision and bias or to assess the performance of all or a portion of the measurement system. Sometimes referred to as Laboratory Fortified Blank, Spiked Blank or QC Check Sample. Limit of Detection An estimate of the minimum amount of a substance that an analytical process can (LOD) reliably detect An LOD is analyte and matrix specific and may be laboratory- dependent. Limit of Quantitation The minimum levels, concentrations or quantities of a target variable (e.g. target (LOQ) . analyte) that can be reported with a specified degree of confidence Laboratory Information A computer system that is used to maintain all sample information from sample Management System receipt, through preparation and analysis and including sample report generation. (LIMS) LMS Learning Management System Lot A quantity of bulk material of similar composition processed or manufactured at the same time. GLOSSARY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 48 of 73 Matrix The component or substrate that contains the analyte of interest. For purposes of batch and QC requirement determinations, the following matrix distinctions are used: • Aqueous or Non-Potable Water: any aqueous sample excluded from the definition of Drinking Water matrix or Saline/Estuarine source. Includes surface water, groundwater, effluents, and TCLP or other extracts. • Drinking Water: any aqueous sample that has been designated a potable or potentially potable water source. • Saline/Estuarine: any aqueous sample from an ocean or estuary, or other saltwater source. • Non-aqueous liquid: any organic liquid with <15% settleable solids. • Biological Tissue: any sample of a biological origin such as fish tissue, shellfish or plant material. Such sample can be grouped according to origin. • Solid: includes soils, sediments, sludges, and other matrices with >15% settleable solids. • Chemical Waste: a product or by-product or an industrial process that results in a matrix not previously defined • Air and Emissions: whole gas or vapor samples including those contained in flexible or rigid wall containers and the extracted concentrated analytes of interest from a gas vapor that are collected with a sorbent tube, impinger solution, filter, or other device. Matrix Spike (MS) A sample prepared by adding a known quantity of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate of target analyte concentration is available. Matrix spikes are used to determine the effect of the matrix on a method's recovery efficiency. (sometimes referred to as Spiked Sample or Fortified Sample) Matrix Spike Duplicate A second replicate matrix spike prepared in the laboratory and analyzed to obtain a (MSD) measure of precision of the recovery of each analyte. (sometimes referred to as Spiked Sam le Du licate or Fortified Sample Duplicate) Method Blank A sample of a matrix similar to the batch of associated samples (when available) that is free from the analytes of interest and is processed simultaneously with and under the same conditions as samples through all steps of the analytical procedures: and in which no target analytes or interferences are present at concentrations that impact the analytical results for sample analyses. Method Detection Limit One way to establish a Limit of Detection (LOD); defined as the minimum (MDL) concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix containing the analyte. Performance Based An analytical system wherein the data quality needs, mandates or limitations of a Measurement System program or project are specified and serve as criteria for selecting appropriate test (DBMS) methods to meet those needs in a cost-effective manner. Precision The degree to which a set of observations or measurements of the same property, obtained under similar conditions, conform to themselves. Precision is usually expressed as standard deviation, variance or range, in either absolute or relative terms. Preservation Refrigeration and/or reagents added at the time of sample collection (or later) to maintain the chemical and/or biological integrity of the sample. Proficiency Testing A means of evaluating a laboratory's performance under controlled conditions relative to a given set of criteria through analysis of unknown samples provided by an external source. Protocol A detailed written procedure for field and/or laboratory operation that must be strictly followed. Quality Assurance A formal document describing the detailed quality control procedures required by a Project Plan (QAPP) specific project. Quality Assurance (QA) An integrated system of activities involving planning, quality control, quality assessment, reporting and quality improvement to ensure that a product or service meets defined standards of quality with a stated level of confidence. GLOSSARY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 49 of 73 Quality Control (QC) The overall system of technical activities whose purpose is to measure and control the quality of a product or service so that it meets the needs of users. Quality Control Sample A sample used to assess the performance of all or a portion of the measurement system. QC samples may be Certified Reference Materials, a quality system matrix fortified b s ikin , or actual samples fortified b spiking. Quality Assurance A document stating the management policies, objectives, principles, organizational Manual structure and authority, responsibilities, accountability, and implementation of an agency, organization, or laboratory, to ensure the quality of its product and the utility of its product to its users. Quality System A structured and documented management system describing the policies, objectives, principles, organizational authority, responsibilities, accountability, and implementation plan of an organization for ensuring quality in its work processes, products (items), and services. The quality system provides the framework for planning, implementing, and assessing work performed by the organization and for carrying out required QA and QC. Random Error The EPA has established that there is a 5% probability that the results obtained for any one analyte will exceed the control limits established for the test due to random error. As the number of compounds measured increases in a given sample, the probability for statistical error also increases. Raw Data Any original factual information from a measurement activity or study recorded in a laboratory notebook, worksheets, records, memoranda, notes, or exact copies thereof that are necessary for the reconstruction and evaluation of the report of the activity or study. Raw data may include photography, microfilm or microfiche copies, computer printouts, magnetic media, including dictated observations, and recorded data from automated instruments. If exact copies of raw data have been prepared (e.g. tapes which have been transcribed verbatim, dated and verified accurate by signature), the exact copy or exact transcript may be submitted. Reagent Grade Analytical reagent (AR) grade, ACS reagent grade, and reagent grade are synonymous terms for reagents that conform to the current specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society. Reference Standard A standard, generally of the highest metrological quality available at a given location, from which measurements made at that location are derived. Reporting Limit (RL) The level at which method, permit, regulatory and client specific objectives are met. The reporting limit may never be lower than the Limit of Detection (i.e. statistically determined MDL). Reporting limits are corrected for sample amounts, including the dry weight of solids, unless otherwise specified. There must be a sufficient buffer between the Reporting Limit and the MDL. Representativeness A quality element related to the ability to collect a sample reflecting the characteristics of the part of the environment to be assessed. Sample representativeness is dependent on the sampling techniques specified in the project work plan. Sample Delivery Group A unit within a single project that is used to identify a group of samples for delivery. (SDG) An SDG is a group of 20 or fewer field samples within a project, received over a period of up to 14 calendar days. Data from all samples in an SDG are reported concurrently. Sample Tracking Procedures employed to record the possession of the samples from the time of sampling until analysis, reporting and archiving. These procedures include the use of a Chain-of-Custody Form that documents the collection, transport, and receipt of compliance samples to the laboratory. In addition, access to the laboratory is limited and controlled to protect the integrity of the samples. Sensitivity The capability of a method or instrument to discriminate between measurement responses representing different levels (concentrations) of a variable of interest Standard A substance or material with properties known with sufficient accuracy to permit its use to evaluate the same property in a sample. GLOSSARY eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 50 of 73 Standard Blank A calibration standard consisting of the same solvent/reagent matrix used to prepare the calibration standards without the analytes. It is used to construct the calibration curveb establishin instrument background. Standard Operating A written document which details the method of an operation, analysis, or action Procedure (SOP) whose techniques and procedures are thoroughly prescribed and which is accepted as the method for performing certain routine or repetitive tasks Stock Standard A concentrated reference solution containing one or more analytes prepared in the laboratory using an assayed reference compound or purchased from a reputable commercial source. Surrogate A substance with properties that mimic the analyte of interest It is unlikely to be found in environmental samples and is added to them for quality control purposes. Systems Audit An on-site inspection or assessment of a laboratory's quality system. Traceability The property of a material or measurement result defining its relationship to recognized international or national standards through an unbroken chain of comparisons. Training Document A training resource that provides detailed instructions to execute a specific method or job function. Trip Blank This blank sample is used to detect sample contamination from the container and preservative during transport and storage of the sample. A cleaned sample container is filled with laboratory reagent water and the blank is stored, shipped, and analyzed with its associated samples. Uncertainty The parameter associated with the result of a measurement that characterized the Measurement dispersion of the values that could be reasonably attributed to the measurand ( i.e. the concentration of an analyte). WBT Web based training GLOSSARY Quality Assurance Manual aceI'l ,1'?nal y}ica f Revision: 11.0 y c I Page 51 of 73 11.0 REFERENCES • "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act." Federal Register, 40 CFR Part 136. • "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes: Physical/Chemical Methods." SW-846. • "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA 600-4-79-020, 1979 Revised 1983, U.S. EPA. • U. S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Organic Analysis • U. S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Inorganic Analysis • "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater." Current Edition APHA-AWWA-WPCF • "Annual Book of ASTM Standards", Section 4: Construction, Volume 04.04: Soil and Rock; Building Stones, American Society of Testing and Materials. • "Annual Book of ASTM Standards", Section 11: Water and Environmental Technology, American Society of Testing and Materials. • "NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods", Third Edition, 1984, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. • "Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Finished Drinking Water and Raw Source Water' U. S. EPA, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory - Cincinnati (September 1986). • Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements, Taylor, John K.; Lewis Publishers, Inc. 1987 • Methods for Non-conventional Pesticides Chemicals Analysis of Industrial and Municipal Wastewater, Test Methods, EPA-440/1-83/079C • Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) Procedures Manual, HASL-300, US DOE, February, 1992. • Requirements for Quality Control of Analytical Data, HAZWRAP, DOE/HWP-65/R I, July, 1990. • Requirements for Quality Control of Analytical Data for the Environmental Restoration Program, Martin Marietta, ES/ER/TM-16, December, 1992. • Quality Assurance Manual for Industrial Hygiene Chemistry, AIHA, 1988 • National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference, Constitution, Bylaws, and Standards. Most recent • ISO/IEC 17025:2005, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. REFERENCES Quality Assurance Manual 'l, nal tica J Revision: 11.0 1'!;a'ce Analytical` y c I Page 52 of 73 12.0 REVISIONS The PASI Corporate Quality and Safety Manager files both a paper copy and electronic version of a Microsoft Word document with tracked changes detailing all revisions made to the previous version of the Quality Assurance Manual. This document is available upon request. All revisions are summarized in the table below. Document Number Reason for Change Date Quality Assurance Overall conversion to template format Removed all references to Addenda. September 17', Manual Revision 11.0 Changes required based on conversion are not explicitly noted unless change 2007 represents a significant policy change. SECTION 1: Add comment to address continuous improvement to quality system. Changed statement of purpose in Section header to "Mission Statement". Added requirements for appointment when Technical Director absent. Added requirements for notification to AA's and updates to organizational charts when management changes. Added Client Services Manager job description. SECTION 2: Changed temperature requirements to "Not Frozen but <6°C". Added flexible section concerning default sampling time in absence of client specified time. Added flexible section to address sample and container identification by the LIMS. Changed sample retention requirement to 45 days from receipt of samples. Added comment allowing for storage outside of temperature controlled conditions. SECTION 3: Inserted allowance for use of older methods. Changed references to work processing and training documents to allow for use of LMS and other types of training media. Inserted allowance for alternative DOCs where spiking not possible. SECTION 4: Inserted reference to Anonymous Message line. Inserted reference to the use of default control limits. Inserted allowance for release of data without corrective action for obvious matrix interferences. Inserted reference to the treatment of internal standards. Inserted allowance for use of MDL annual MDL verification in lieu of full 40 CFR Part 136 annual MDL studies. Inserted general procedure for LOQ verification SECTION 5: Added general process for approval and use of QAM template. Removed specific reference of Work Process Manuals. Left flexible section to include all other controlled documentation. SECTION 6: No changes noted. SECTION 7: Added qualifications for secondary reviewers. SECTION 8: Changed frequency listing for Corporate Audits. SECTION 9: Changed references from QA Track to Lab Track - left flexible to REVISIONS eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 53 of 73 Document Number Reason for Change Date accommodate information still in QA Track. SECTION 10: No changes noted. SECTION 11: No changes noted. ATTACHMENTS: Standardized format for Attachments. Quality Assurance Throughout the document, Pace was replaced with PASI or in some cases June 20th, 2006 Manual Revision 10.0 with Pace Analytical. Also, corrections were made to wording, grammar, spelling, and formatting. SECTION 1: Updated the PASI mission statement Deleted Financial Responsibility, Drug-Free Workplace, Non- Harassment, Proper and Professional Conduct, Protection of Property, and Communication sections. Added Assistant General Manager/ Operations Manager, Technical Director, Administrative Business Manager, Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Field Analyst, Laboratory Technician & Field Technician job descriptions Added detailed Chain of Command to Laboratory Organization section Updated the Training and Orientation section to reflect current practices Deleted a portion of the Laboratory Safety section and added a reference to the Safety Manual and Chemical Hygiene Plan. SECTION 2: Switched the order of Chain of Custody and Sample Acceptance Policy sections Added details of project review documentation to Project Initiation section Added steps to sample log in SECTION 3: Deleted reference to local addenda for company wide SOPS Rearranged sentences Added "PASI will not be liable if the client chooses not to follow PASI recommendations" to the Regulatory and Method Compliance section. SECTION 4: Added details to the documentation of review or investigation of possible data integrity. Corrected wording in Method Blank section Deleted from LCS/LCSD section an out-of-control statement that said affected samples associated with a failing LCS must be re-analyzed SECTION 5: Added "Electronic documents must be readily accessible to all facility employees" to Documents Management section Updated the Standard Operating Procedure section to describe the new PASI corporate SOP Templates and distribution. SECTION 6: Re-organized & re-named sections Updated the interpretation of the Calibration Verification policy Added clarification to the definition of the Second Source Standard Revised Single Point Calibration procedure to address NELAC requirement REVISIONS eAnalytical Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 54 of 73 Document Number Reason for Change Date Incorporated Spare Parts into Instrument/ Equipment Maintenance SECTION 7: Updated Analytical Results Processing section to clarify data documentation policy. Deleted "All data that are manually entered into the LIMS is reviewd at a rate of 100%" and deleted the use of checklists statement from Data Verification section Integrated paragraphs for better flow Deleted item # 15, "If required, a statement of the estimated uncertainty of the test results." from the Data Reporting section Added Data Security section to describe PASI data security practices Added fire, flood, and vermin protection requirement to Data Archiving section Added statement to Data Archiving section describing that NELAP related records are available to accrediting authorities. Added Data Disposal section SECTION 8: Deleted first paragraph stating that Pace labs are subject to internal and external audits and reviews. Added description of PASI internal audit program and investigations Added requirement that corrective action be taken and client notified within 3 days if audit findings show that test results may have been affected Updated requirement for manager(s)/supervisor(s) to respond to audit findings with a plan to correct all deficiencies within 14 days. Statement included that allows Quality Manager to grant additional time for response. Added to Annual Managerial Review section that "The laboratory shall ensure that any actions identified during the review are carried out within an appropriate and agreed timescale." SECTION 9: Added documentation requirement for reporting discovery of deficiency or non-conformance, must be documented "on the Non-Conformance Corrective/ Preventative Action report and/or QA Trak." Added "Preventative actions must be taken in order to prevent or minimize the occurrence of the situation." Added a paragraph to describe the new PASI Root Cause Analysis procedure. SECTION 10: Added the following definitions: Contract Required Detection Limit (CRDL), Contract Required Quantitation Limit (CRQL), Corrective and Preventative Action (CAPA), Non Potable Water (to Environmental Sample definition), Intermediate Standard Solution, Quality Control Sample, Stock Standard, Uncertainty Measurement, Working Standard Solution, SECTION 11: Added ISO/IEC 17025:2005 reference Appendix: Added Appendix L Quality Control Calculations REVISIONS eAnalytical ATTACHMENT I Quality Control Calculations PERCENT RECOVERY (%REC) %REC = (MSConc - SampleConc) * 100 True Value NOTE: The SampleConc is zero (0) for theLCS and Surrogate Calculations PERCENT DIFFERENCE (%D) %D - MeasuredValue - True Value *100 True Value Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 55 of 73 where: TrueValue = Amount spiked (can also be the CF or RF of the ICAL Standards) Measured Value = Amount measured (can also be the CF or RF of the CCV) PERCENT DRIFT CalculatedConcentration - TheoreticalConcentration %Drift = * 100 TheoreticalConcentrtion RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE (RPD) (RI -R2)1 RPD = 100 (Rl+R2)/2 where: RI = Result Sample 1 R2 = Result Sample 2 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT (R) N ?W,.*(X,.-X)*(Y,.-T) CorrCoeff = C W,. * (X; -X)2 ? * C?W. * (Y,. -T )2? With: N Number of standard samples involved in the calibration i Index for standard samples Wi Weight factor of the standard sample no. i Xi X-value of the standard sample no. i X(bar) Average value of all x-values Yi Y-value of the standard sample no. i Y(bar) Average value of all y-values aceAnalytical? ATTACHMENT I (CONTINUED) Quality Control Calculations (continued) STANDARD DEVIATION (S) S (X, - x)2 " = (n -1) where: n = number of data points X; = individual data point x = average of all data points AVERAGE( i Y xi X= n=1 n where: n = number of data points X; = individual data point RELATIVE STANDARD DEVIATION (RSD) RSD = S *100 X where: S = Standard Deviation of the data points 7 = average of all data points Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 56 of 73 aceAnalytical? ATTACHMENT IIA Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 57 of 73 PASI - MINNESOTA ORGANIZATIONAL CHART f 2aceAnalytical' dive Business Manager General Manager Jessica Lewis Sarah Cherney Director of Quality, Safety & Training Brad Meadows Client Services Supervisor CSS Aileen Van Bergen Sample Receiving CST2 Henry Fritchman CST1 Matthew Iniguez CST1 Cory Lund CST1 Andy Pritchett CST1 Joanne Richardson CST1 Yeng Thao Air Lab LM Amy Peterson Air - 1039 LA2 Heather Green LT3 Bryan Rector LA2 Laurel Weinkauf Date Sarah Cherney, General Manager Last Revised: October 10, 2007 *Lead Analyst **Safety Officer Administrative Support SC2 Michel Gabel SC2 Emily Michels (T) I I Regional Sales Manager Mike King Client Services Manager Technical Sales Manager Michelle Kruse TSM Chris Bremer Air Technical Director Project Management Project Coordinator pM3 Daryl Pete son PM3 Diane Anderson PC Nate Habte PM3 Carol Davy PC Sylvia Hunter SAE M Ch i ti PM3 Norm Hoffa PC Allison Puckett ary r s e PM1 Paul Kirchberg PC Julie Thieschafer SAE Kan Hermansen NAM Geoff Pellechia PM1 Colin Schutt SAE J ff S ith PM3 Carolynne Trout e m PM3 Scott Unze Building Maintenance Lab Technical Manager Courier BS Bob Wilkins LTM Brian Pike CST1 Shawn Davis Upper Midwest Region Quality Assurance Manager II Julie Trivedi I Quality Assurance Manager I Melanie Ollila** SC2 Madolyn Elias QAA Charity Nowlan Organic Lab Inorganic Lab Dioxin Lab LM Pam Olah I LS3 Ed Kehoe VOrganic Lab Semivolatile Organic Lab Dan Tocko LS1 Adam Haugerud Metals -1020 GCMS -1034 GCMS -1030 LT3 Linda Brown LA2 Tom Mellem Prep -1035 LT2 Carin Curtis LA2 Julie Brenner LT2 Irina Petrakova LT2 Diana Brusky LT2 Mike Heckman LT2 Anna Hallberg LA2 Bob Schnobrich LT2 Peter emas LA2 Janielle Ward LA1 Kristen Pierce LT2 Ken Hoelscher LA3 Matt Hogenson GC-1033 GCILC-1031 Wet Chem -1021 LA2 Nicole Herried LT1 Paul Huelsman-Voyer LA2 Roberta Provost LA1 Nelima Kerre LT2 Jed Levitt LT2 Chris Reindl LA1 Kelly Lightner * LT3 Noel Sigler* LA1 Andrea Opland LT3 Matthew Streit Organic Prep -1032 Analytical -1035 LT2 Rachel Dugan LA1 Ayokosok Enow LA1 Jessica Heinecke LA1 Brandon Gaylord LA1 Jessica Johnson LA3 Steve Hannan LT2 Laramie Roecker LA3 Barb Larka LT3 Fong Thao LA3 Chuck Sueper LT2 Meng Thao LA3 Sue Thorson SM Dave White Minnesota Laboratory aceAnalytical? Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 58 of 73 ATTACHMENT IIB PASI - CORPORATE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Chief Fxecutive Officer Administrative Assistant Director of Training General Manager Lab Ops General Manager MNField Chief Operations Vice President, Sales Director Quality, Chief Financial Officer & Marketing Safety, Technology Officer General Manager Director of North Carolina Labs Corporate Marketing Corporate Quality hiformation Manager Manager Technology General Manager Green Bay Lab Regional Sales General Manager Managers Indianapolis Lab Director of Human Resources General Manager Kansas Lab Purchasing General Manager Mmn ota Lab General Manager New Orleans Lab General Manager Pennsylvania Labs General Manager Puerto Rico Lab aceAnalytical? ATTACHMENT III PASI - MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT LIST Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 59 of 73 MODEL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER NUMBER DETECTORS ANALYSIS GC/MS/VOA Hewlett-Packard 5890 PID/FID T03/AIR GC/MS/VOA Agilent 6890/5973 MS T014/TO15 GC/MS/VOA Hewlett-Packard 5890/5972 MS T014/TO15 GC/MS/VOA Hewlett-Packard 6890 / 5973 MS SW8260 GC/MS/VOA Hewlett-Packard 6890 / 5973 MS SW8260 GC/MS/VOA Hewlett-Packard 6890 / 5973 MS SW8260 GC/MS/VOA Agilent 6890 / 5973 SW8260 GC/MS/VOA Hewlett-Packard 6890 / 5973 MS SW8260 GC/MS/VOA Agilent 6890/5973 MS 524.2 GC/MS/VOA Agilent 6890/5973 MS T014/TO15 GC/MS/SMVOA Hewlett-Packard 5890 / 5972 MS BNA GC/MS/SMVOA Hewlett-Packard 6890/5973 MS SIM,agList, cPAH GC/MS/SMVOA Hewlett-Packard 5890 8270 SIM GC/MS/SMVOA Agilent 6890/5973 MS SIM,agList, cPAH GC/MS/SMVOA Agilent 6890/5973 MS PCDD/PCDF GC/MS/SMVOA Agilent 6890/5973 MS BNA GC PETROLEUM RELATED VOLATILES Hewlett-Packard 5890 PID/FID BTEX GC PETROLEUM RELATED VOLATILES Hewlett-Packard 5890 PID/FID BTEX GC PETROLEUM RELATED VOLATILES Hewlett-Packard 5890 PID/FID T03/AIR GC PETROLEUM RELATED VOLATILES Agilent 6890/1888 TCD/FID Headspace GC PETROLEUM RELATED VOLATILES Hewlett-Packard 5890 TCD/FID Fixed Gases GC PETROLEUM RELATED SMVOA Hewlett-Packard 5890 FID DRO GC SMVOA Hewlett-Packard 5890 DUAL ECD PCB GC SMVOA Hewlett-Packard 6890 DUAL ECD Pest/PCB GC SMVOA Hewlett-Packard 6890 FID DRO HPLC Hewlett-Packard 1100 Series UV/FL/MS PAH ICP Perkin-Elmer Optima 3300DV SCCD Metals ICP Perkin-Elmer Optima 4300DV SCCD Metals ICP/MS Perkin-Elmer ELAN9000 MS Metals MERCURY ANALYZER Perkin-Elmer FIMS 100 Spectrometer Mercury 2eAnalytical? Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 60 of 73 AUTO ANALYZER Konelab 20 Spectrometer Anions ION CHROMATOGRAPH Dionex DX5000 Conductivity Anions OVEN Tempcon N8620-10 NA Preparation OVEN Lab Line Imperial II NA Preparation OVEN Despatch NA NA AIR OVEN VWR 1370F NA General OVEN Precision STM135 NA General OVEN Thelco 130DM NA General OVEN Baxter DK63 NA HRMS OVEN Fisher Scientific 650G NA % moisture OVEN Fisher Scientific 550-126 NA General INCUBATOR Fisher Scientific 307 NA BOD INCUBATOR VWR 2020 NA BOD TURBIDITY HF Scientific Micro 100 NA Turbidity TURBIDITY HF Scientific Micro 100 NA Turbidity AUTOCLAVE Heinicke Co. Sterilquick NA Autoclave AUTOCLAVE Market Forge Sterilmatic NA Autoclave CENTRIFUGE Becton Dickenson Compactll NA HRMS HIGH RESOLUTION MASS SPECTROMETER MicroMass Ultimas MS PCDD/PCDF HIGH RESOLUTION MASS SPECTROMETER MicroMass Ultimas MS PCDD/PCDF HIGH RESOLUTION MASS SPECTROMETER VG AUTOSPEC MS PCDD/PCDF HIGH RESOLUTION MASS SPECTROMETER MicroMass AUTOSPEC MS PCDD/PCDF DISSOLVED OXYGEN METER YSI 5000 NA BOD ION ANALYZER Orion EA 940 NA pH ION ANALYZER Orion EA 940 NA fluoride, pH pH METER Orion 290A NA pH CONDUCTIVITY METER Oakton RS232/CON 110 Probe - 1 D7 specific conductivity COD REACTOR Bioscience NA COD MICROWAVE EXTRACTION UNIT Milestone Ethos E NA Dioxin MIDI DISTILLATION UNIT Env. Express Pace # 19582 CN, NH3, phenols MIDI DISTILLATION UNIT Env. Express Pace # 19604 CN, NH3, phenols METALS MICROWAVE DIGESTOR CEM Corporation MDS-2100 NA Metals Dig METALS HOT BLOCK Env. Express SC 154 NA Metals Dig METALS HOT BLOCK Env. Express SC 154 NA Metals Dig METALS HOT BLOCK Env. Express SC 154 NA Metals Dig SONICATOR Misonix XL 2020 NA 3550 2eAnalytical? Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 61 of 73 SONICATOR Misonix XL 2015 NA 3550 SONICATOR Misonix 3000 3550 SONICATOR Misonix 3000 3550 DENVER MAXX BALANCE Denver Instrumentation MXX-212 NA NA A&D BALANCE A&D FX 3200 Soil Prep BALANCE A&D FX 4000 NA BALANCE Mettler AJ100 NA BALANCE A&D FX-3200 NA MilliQ Purification System MilliQ MiIIiQUV plus NA aceAnalytical? ATTACHMENT IV PASI - MINNESOTA Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 62 of 73 aceAnalytical? ATTACHMENT V PASI - MINNESOTA SOP LIST Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 63 of 73 SOP Title SOP Number Determination of Methane, Ethane, and Ethene in Air Modified TO-3 S-MN-A-002 Analysis of Air Samples for Volatile Organic Compounds b Gas Chromato rah /PID-FID method TO-3 S-MN-A-003 Cleaning, Certification, Leak Checking and Preparation for Shipment of SUMMA Passivated Canisters S-MN-A-004 Determination of Fixed Gases in Air b Modified 3C S-MN-A-005 Methane, Ethane, Ethene, and Propane in Water by GCFID mod. 3810 and RSK 175 S-MN-A-007 Sample Preparation and Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Ambient Air using High Volume Polyurethane Foam S-MN-A-010 Analysis of Whole Air Sample for Volatile Organic Compound by GC/MS EPA T015/TO14 S-MN-A-013 Analysis of Whole Air Sample for Volatile Organic Compound by GC/MS EPA T015-SIM S-MN-A-014 Operation and Maintenance of the Perkin Elmer ELAN 6000 ICP-MS S-MN-BE-004 Sample Management S-MN-C-001 Bottle Order Database S-All-C-002 Bottle Preparatation S-MN-C-003 Internal Chain of Custody S-MN-C-005 Subcontracting Samples S-MN-C-004 Preparing Waste for Shipment S-MN-C-703 Preparation and Analysis of Samples for the Determination of Dioxins and Furans by USEPA Method 8290 S-M N-H-001 Preparation and Analysis of Samples for the Determination of Dioxins and Furans using USEPA Method 1613B S-M N-H-002 Preparation and Analysis of Samples for the Determination of 2,3,7,8-TCDD using USEPA Method 1613B, Drinking Water S-MN-H-003 Percent Lipids Determination S-MN-H-004 Preparation and Analysis of Samples for the Determination of PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs by modified USEPA Method 23, T09, or NY State Guidelines S-MN-H-005 Preparation and Analysis of Samples for the Determination of Dioxins and Furans by USEPA Method 8280 S-M N-H-007 Method 1668, PCB Congenger (WHO List) S-MN-H-009 Method 1653, Chorinated Phenols S-MN-H-010 Preparation and Analysis of Samples for the Determination of Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners by USEPA Method 1668A S-MN-H-014 Preparation and Analysis of Samples for the Determination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Congeners S-MN-H-016 RapidScreen Analysis of Samples for PCDDs and PCDFs S-MN-H-017 Determination of Anions by Ion Chromatography S-MN-I-301 Measurement of Solids in Water and Wastewater S-ALL-I-014 Measurement of pH in Water, Soil, and Waste S-ALL-I-015 TCLP/SPLP S-MN-I-312 Inductive) Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy RCRA S-MN-I-313 Water Extraction of Soil S-MN-I-334 Hardness b Calculation S-MN-I-338 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) S-MN-I-348 COD-Titrimetric, Low Level S-MN-I-351 2eAnalytical? Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 64 of 73 SOP Title SOP Number Phenols S-MN-1-354 Oil & Grease - 1664 S-MN-1-357 Hexavalent Chromiumin in Water, Wastewater, and Soil S-MN-1-358 Mercury im Liquid and Solid/Semis-Solid Waste S-MN-1-359 Alkalinity, Titrimetric S-MN-1-365 Total Cyanide in Water S-MN-1-366 Percent Solids Moisture S-MN-1-367 Digest Procedure for Aqueous Samples to be Analyzed b Induct Coupled Plasma SW-846 S-MN-1-458 Metals Preparation for Solid samples, Wipes and Filters S-MN-1-460 Fluoride in Water and Wastewater S-MN-1-470 Chemical Oxygen Demand COD in Water, Wastwaters and Industrial Wastes S-MN-1-472 Total Phosphorus in Water S-MN-1-473 Specific Conductivity S-MN-1-474 Total Cyanide in Soil S-MN-1-476 Ortho Phosphorus S-MN-1-477 Particulate Matter PM10 (Method 5 in the Atmosphere S-MN-1-484 Settleable Solids S-MN-1-486 Analysis of Air Samples b EPA Method 29 S-MN-1-487 Metals Analysis by ICP/MS - Method 6020 and 200.8 S-MN-1-492 Standard Test Method for Screening Apparent Specific Gravity and Bulk Density Waste S-MN-1-493 Determination of Total Recoverable Phenolics b Flow Injection Colorimet S-MN-1-494 Operation and Maintenance of the MDS-2100 Microwave S-MN-1-499 Turbidity in Water S-MN-1-501 Chlorine, Total Residual in Water S-MN-1-502 Use and Maintenance of the Konelab S-MN-1-507 Determination of Nitrate/Nitrite in surface and wastewaters by Flow Injection Analysis with the Konelab (Low Flow Method) S-MN-1-508 Determination of Chloride by Konelab S-MN-1-509 Determination of Sulfate b Konelab S-MN-1-510 Determination of Ammonia b Konelab Analysis, Colorimetr S-MN-1-511 Determination of Nitrite b Konelab S ectro photometric Method S-MN-1-514 Amenable Cyanide and Weak Dissociable Cyanide in Water S-MN-1-515 Paint Filter Liquids Test S-MN-1-516 Mercury in End Caps and Glass Samples S-MN-1-517 Gravimetric Determination of Oil and Grease b SPE S-MN-1-520 Determination of Perchlorate by IC S-MN-1-521 Cyanide Extraction Procedure for Solids and Oils S-MN-1-522 Preparation of Aqueous Samples for ICPMS Analysis by Method 3030C S-MN-1-523 System Security and Integrity S-ALL-IT-001 Back U Policy S-ALL-IT-002 Data Archiving S-MN-L-106 Reagent Water Quality S-MN-L-110 Generation of EDD S-MN-L-112 Handling and Analysis of North Carolina Samples S-IVIN-L-1 13 Preventative, routine, and non-routine maintenance S-MN-L-114 Common Laboratory Calculations and Statistical Evalation of Data S-MN-L-125 Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting in the Env Lab S-MN-L-132 2eAnalytical? Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 65 of 73 SOP Title SOP Number Out of Specification Investigation S-MN-L-133 Syringe Technique S-MN-L-139 Procedure for Handling Aqueous Organic Extractable Samples Containing Sediment S-MN-L-142 Total Coliform Bacteria S-MN-MB-001 Fecal Coliform by MF S-MN-MB-002 Heterotro hic Plate Count S-MN-MB-003 Total Coliform Bacteria b MF S-MN-MB-005 Sample Container Sterility Verification S-MN-MB-006 Method For Sonicator Tuning S-MN-0-414 Determination of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil (8310) S-MN-0-419 The Determination of Specific Aromatic Compounds and Gasoline Range Organic in Water S-MN-0-427 Analysis of Polychlorinated Bi hen Is in Oil, Soil, Water, Wipe and Air Matrixes S-MN-0-432 Extractable Base/Neutral and Acid Organic Compounds in Liquid, Solid, and TCLP Matrices by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Capillary Column Technique S-MN-0-436 Determination of Pol nuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water 8310 and EPA 610 S-MN-0-449 Cleaning Glassware in the Organic Laboratory S-MN-0-465 Determination of Diesel Range Organics in Water (Wisconsin modified DRO) S-MN-0-466 Determination of Diesel Range Organics in Soil (Wisconsin modified DRO) S-MN-0-467 Determination of Or ano hos horus Pesticides in Water and Soil MN.De t.of AG list 1 S-MN-0-471 The Determinaiton of Specific Aromatic Compounds and Gasoline Range Organics in Soil S-MN-0-487 Determination of Diesel Range Organics In Water & Soil SW8015 (Modified) S-MN-0-489 Determination of Acid Cleanup of PCB Extracts S-MN-0-494 Sonication Extraction Technique SW3550 for Base/Neutral and Acid Compounds S-MN-0-495 Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction SW3520 for Base/Neutral and Acid Compounds S-MN-0-496 Spike Verification in the Organic Prep Lab S-MN-0-497 Preparation of Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate for Extraction Purposes S-MN-0-500 Nitrogen Evaporation Technique S-MN-0-503 Sample Concentration Technique S-MN-0-504 Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction SW3520 for Pol aromatic Hydrocarbons b 8270-SIM S-MN-0-506 8270-L Extractable Base/Neutral and Acid Organic Compounds in Water and Liquid Matrices by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique w/Selective Ion Monitoring S-MN-0-507 Solvent Exchange into Hexane S-MN-0-509 Sample Conversion to Acetonitrile S-MN-O-510 Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Method 8260 S-MN-0-521 Purgeable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Water (8015 Mod / CA LUFT/ NWTPH/OA-1) S-MN-0-525 Copper Cleanup Procedure for Pesticides and Polychlorinated Bi hen Is S-MN-0-527 Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds b GC/MS Method 624 S-MN-0-529 Extractable Base/Neutral and Acid Organic Compounds in Liquid by EPA Method 625 S-MN-0-532 Analysis of Air samples by GC/MS - Method TO-13 S-MN-0-534 Continuous Liq/Liq extraction for Method 8270C (Dual pH) by SW 3520C S-MN-0-539 Soxhlet Extraction for PAH Analysis b GC/MS:SIM S-MN-0-540 Volatiles Sample Com ositin Procedure S-MN-0-541 Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Water Method 524.2 S-MN-0-546 Extraction and Analysis of PCBs From Acid-Soluble Solids-Eastman Method S-MN-0-548 Extractable Base/Neutral and Acid Organic Compounds in Liquid b EPA Method 525 S-MN-0-549 Low Level Extractable Base/Neutral and Acid Organic Compounds by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique S-M N-O-552 Sample Management S-MN-C-001 2eAnalytical? Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 66 of 73 SOP Title SOP Number Bottle Pre aratation S-MN-C-003 Internal Chain of Custody S-MN-C-005 Subcontracting Samples S-MN-C-004 Preparation of SOPs S-ALL-Q-001 Document Management S-ALL-Q-002 Document Numbering S-ALL-Q-003 Method and Instrument Detection Limit Studies S-ALL-Q-004 Purchasing of Laboratory Supplies S-AII-Q-005 Receipt and Storage of Laboratory Supplies S-ALL-Q-006 Laboratory Documentation S-ALL-Q-009 Performance Evaluation (PE)/Proficiency Testing PT Program S-ALL-Q-010 Audits and Inspection S-ALL-Q-011 Corrective Action/ Preventative Action Process S-ALL-Q-012 Support Equipment S-ALL-Q-013 Quality System Review S-ALL-Q-014 Manual Integrations S-ALL-Q-016 Subcontracting Samples S-ALL-Q-017 Monitoring Storage Units S-ALL-Q-018 Training Procedures S-ALL-Q-020 Sub-Sampling (Sample Homogenization) S-ALL-Q-021 3P Program: CIP S-ALL-Q-022 Standard and Reagent Pre artion and Traceability S-ALL-Q-025 Use and Operation of Lab Track System S-ALL-Q-028 Precision and Accuracy Measurement, Evaluation, and Trend Assessment S-MN-Q-205 Control of Hazardous Energy Program - Lockout/Ta out S-MN-Q-249 Method Validation and Modification Studies S-MN-Q-252 Procedure for Handling of USDA regulated soils S-MN-Q-253 Laboratory Spreadsheet Validation S-MN-Q-254 Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty S-MN-Q-255 Hazard Assessments S-ALL-S-001 Waste Handling S-ALL-S-002 aceAnalytical? ATTACHMENT VI PASI - MINNESOTA CERTIFICATION LIST Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 67 of 73 State Agency Program Cert # Alabama Dept of Environmental Dioxin-DW 40770 Mg mt Alaska Dept. of Environmental Contaminated Sites UST-078 Conservation (6010B, 6020, 82608, PCBs, PAHs) Alaska Dept. of Environmental Dioxin-DW MN64-07 Conservation Arizona Dept of Health Dioxin-DW, WW, HW AZ0014 Services Arkansas Dept of Environmental Dioxins 88-0680 Quality California Dept of Health Dioxin-DW, WW, HW 01155CA Services Envir-DW, WW, HW Colorado Dept. of Public Health Dioxin-DW Pace Analytical & Environment Connecticut Dept of Public Health Dioxins PH-0256 Delaware Health & Solical Dioxin-DW Services EPA Region 5 Water Division Dioxin-DW WD-15J EPA Region 8 Water Division Dioxin-DW 8TMS-Q Florida (NELAP) Dept of Health E87605 Services Diox-DW, WW, HW, Air Envir-DW, WW, HW, Air Georgia Environmental Dioxin-WW, HW via E87605 Protection Division NELAP Georgia Dept of Natural Dioxin-DW 959 Resources Guam Guam EPA Dioxin-DW Pace Analytical Idaho Dept. of Health & Dioxin-DW Pace Analytical Welfare Hawaii Dept of Health Dioxin-DW SLD ILLA ILLA ISO 17025 1706.01 Illinois Illinois EPA Dioxin-DW, HW, WW via 200011 NELAP Indiana Dept of Health Dioxin-DW via EPA C-MN-01 Region 5 Iowa Dept.of Natural Envir.-DW, WW, UST 368 Resources aceAnalytical? Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 68 of 73 Kansas Dept of Health and Dioxin-DW E-10167 Environment Envir-DW, WW, HW Kentucky Dept of Environmental Dioxin-DW 90062 Protection Louisiana Department of Dioxin-WW, HW, Air 3086 Environmental Quality Louisiana Department of Health Dioxin-DW LA050005 and Hospitals Maine Dept of Human Dioxin-DW via EPA 2007029 Services Region 5 Maryland Dept. of Heath and Dioxin-DW 322 Mental Hygiene Michigan Dept. of Public Health Dioxin-DW 9909 Minnesota Dept of Health Envir-DW, WW, HW 027-053-137 Dioxin-DW, WW, HW Mississippi Dept. of Health and Dioxin-DW Pace Environmental Control Nebraska Dept. of Health & Dioxin-DW Pace Human Services. Nevada Health Division Dioxin-DW, WW MN_00064_2000_72 New Jersey Dept of Environmental Dioxin-DW, WW, HW MN002 Protection Envir-WW, HW, Air New Mexico NM Environment Dept. Dioxin-DW Pace Drinking Water Bureau New York Dept of Health Dioxin-DW, WW, Air 11647 Envir-Air North Carolina Dept of Environment, Envir-WW, HW 530 Health and Natural Resources North Carolina State Public Health Dioxin-DW 27700 Laboratory North Dakota Dept of Health and Envir-DW, WW, HW R-036 Consolidated Labs Ohio Ohio EPA Dioxin-DW via EPA 4150 Region 5 Oklahoma Dept of Environmental Dioxin-DW D9921 Quality Envir-HW 9507 Oregon ELAP Dioxin-DW, WW, HW, Air MN200001 Enviro: Air Pennsylvania Dept of Environmental Dioxin-DW, WW, HW 68-00563 Protection Envir: DW, WW, HW aceAnalytical? Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 69 of 73 Saipan (CNMI) Div. Of Environmental Dioxin-DW Pace Analytical Quality South Carolina Dept. of Health and Dioxin-DW, WW, HW 74003001 Environmental Control Texas Department of Health Dioxin-DW, WW, HW T104704192-07-TX Tennessee Dept of Health Dioxin-DW 2818 Envir-DW Utah Department of Health Dioxin-DW, WW, HW ID# PAM Account# 6126071700 Virginia Dept of General Dioxin-DW 251 Services Washington Dept of Ecology Dioxin-DW, WW, HW C754 Envir-DW, WW, HW Wisconsin Dept of Natural Dioxin-DW, WW, HW 999407970 Resources Envir-DW, WW, HW West Virginia Dept of Health and Dioxin-DW 9952C Human Resources aceAnalytical? ATTACHMENT VII PASI - CHAIN OF CUSTODY Q? E 7 U O N a Ul U_ C Q O H U LL 0 Z a U w U Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 70 of 73 0 (NIA) ? J 7?eiul eeldmeS ? O w Z r z WuJ I-P-0 PaJ-s Apoj"o b ? a 1- L " (NiA) 0 aol uo pani,aoad au"01,0 lenpisab m dwa ? a 3 , l Oo a > O o _ W w Z Q J ? N y LL H Q ? d F _ (fi Z W L I N _ 3 a D G - ? ? LL a Q I f N 'A i ;sel sisAleuv t m JaN10 louey;aW W ?OiS?N a m H02N 10H o ° Q QJNH E U E - ?OSIH a Qv = =m 2 panaasaaduN o F - o SJdNIb1N00 d0# N011031100 IV &A-Ii -TdkVS w, y N a z ?Q z z - U W x JO w Q 4 ? m E Q c (dW00=0 BVHS=S) 3d:.13ldWVS z (iiai o?sepo?pilen easy 3000XI IVk a` 0 E E m °- ???LLVJio ?¢?o E Sao o a[nO QIo a ? LL m z E CL - ?QO U - - E H y - in s Eo c? a ¢ E - # I N311 N m w m n m m 2 7 ?2 Quality Assurance Manual ;a',e I'lnalytical ` Revision: 11.0 Page 71 of 73 ATTACHMENT VIII METHOD HOLD TIME, CONTAINER AND PRESERVATION GUIDE PASI - MINNESOTA Parameter Matrix Container Preservative Max Hold Time 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 90/40 Days 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD Water 90/40 Days Acidity Water 14 Days Alkalinity Water 14 Days Al ha Emitting Radium Isotopes Water HN03 180 days Anions by IC, including Br, Cl, F, N02, N03, S04 Water Br, Cl, F, S04 (28 Days) N02, N03 48 Hours Aromatic and Halogenated Volatiles Soil 5035 vial kit 14 days Aromatic and Halogenated Volatiles Water HCl, Na2S203 14 Days Bacteria, Total Plate Count Water Na2S203 24 Hours Base/Neutrals and Acids Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 14/40 Days Base/Neutrals and Acids Water HCl, Na2S203 7/40 Days Base/Neutrals, Acids & Pesticides Water HCl, Na2S203 7/30 Days BOD/cBOD Water 48 hours BTEX/Total Hydrocarbons Air Summa Canister 14 Days BTEX/Total Hydrocarbons Air Tedlar Bag 48 Hours CARB 429 HRMS PAH Water 1 Liter 1 Yearto Extraction' CARB 429 (HRMS PAH) Solid 4 or 8 oz. Jar 1 Year to Extraction' CARB 429 HRMS PAH Tissue 4 or 8 oz. Jar 1 Year to Extraction' Chloride Water 28 Days Chlorinated Herbicides Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 14/40 Days Chlorinated Herbicides Water HCl, Na2S203 14/28 Days Chorine, Residual Water Analyze within 15 minutes COD Water H2SO4 28 Days Color Water 48 Hours Condensable Particulate Emissions Air Solutions 6 Months Cyanide, Reactive Water 28 Days Cyanide, Total and Amenable Water NaOH 14 Days, 24 Hours if Sulfide resent Diesel Range Organics Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 14/40 Days Diesel Range Organics Water 7/40 Days Dioxins & Furans Air PUF 30/45 Days EDB & DBCP Water HCl, Na2S203 14 Days Explosives Water 7/40 Days Explosives Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 14/40 Days Coliform, Fecal SM9221 D Water 100mL 10% sodium thiosulfate 6 hours Coliform, Total SM9223B Water 100mL 10% sodium thiosulfate 24 hours Ferrous Iron Water Immediate Flashpoint/Ignitability Water 28 Days Fluoride Water 28 Days Gamma Emitting Radionuclides Water HN03 180 days Gas Range Organics Water HCI 14 Days Gasoline Range Organics Soil 5035 vial kit 14 days Gross Alpha (NJ 48Hr Method) Water HN03 48 Hrs Gross Alpha and Gross Beta Water HN03 180 days Haloacetic Acids Water NH4CI 14/7 Days Hardness, Total CaC03 Water HN03 6 Months Hexavalent Chromium Water 24 Hours Hydrogen Halide & Halogen Emissions Air Solutions 6 Months Lead Emissions Air Filter/Solutions 6 Months Low Level Mercury Water BrCI 90 days (if preserved and oxidized) Mercury Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 28 days Mercury Water HN03 28 Days Metals Air Filters 6 Months Metals Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 6 months Metals (and other ICP elements) Water HN03 6 Months Methane, Ethane, & Ethene Water HCI 14 Days Methane, Ethane, Ethene Air Summa Canister 14 Days 2eAnalytical? / ---- Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 72 of 73 Parameter Matrix Container Preservative Max Hold Time Methane, Ethane, Ethene Air Tedlar Bag 48 Hours Method 23/TO9 Air Sampling Head 30 Days to Extraction' Method 1631 E Water 500mL Glass Performed in the lab Oxidized in bottle within 28 days. Nitrogen, Ammonia Water H2SO4 28 Days Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Water H2SO4 28 Days Nitrogen, Nitrate Water 48 Hours Nitrogen, Nitrate & Nitrite Water H2SO4 28 Days Nitrogen, Nitrite Water 48 Hours Nitrogen, Organic Water H2SO4 28 Days Non-Methane Organics Air Summa Canister 14 Days Non-Methane Organics Air Tedlar Bag 48 Hours Odor Water 24 Hours Oil and Grease/HEM Water H2SO4 28 Days Organchlorine Pesticides and PCB's Water HCI, Na2S2O3 7/40 Days Organochlorine Pesticides & PCBs Air PUF 7/40 Days Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's Water HCI, Na2S2O3 7/40 Days Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 14/40 Days Or ano hos horous Pesticides Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 14/40 Days Organo phosphorous Pesticides Water HCI, Na2S2O3 7/40 Days Oxygen, Dissolved Probe Water Analyze within 15 minutes Paint Filter Liquid Test Water N/A Particulates Air Filters 6 Months Permanent Gases Air Summa Canister 14 Days Permanent Gases Air Tedlar Bag 48 Hours H Water Analyze within 15 minutes Phenol, Total Water H2SO4 28 Days Phosphorus, Orthophosphate Water Filter within 15 minutes, Analyze within 48 Hours Phosphorus, Total Water H2SO4 28 Days Pol nuclearAromatic Hydrocarbons Air PUF 7/40 Days Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Soil 8 oz Glass Jar 14/40 Days Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Water HCI, Na2SZO3 7/40 Days Radioactive Strontium Water HNO3 180 days Radium-226 Radon Emanation Technique Water HNO3 180 days Radium-228 Water HNO3 180 days Silica, Dissolved Water 28 Days Solids, Settleable Water 48 Hours Solids, Total Water 7 Days Solids, Total Dissolved Water 7 Days Solids, Total Suspended Water 7 Days Solids, Total Volatile Water 7 Days Specific Conductance Water 28 Days Stationary Source Dioxins & Furans Air XAD Trap 30/45 Days Stationary Source Mercury Air Filters 6 Months, 28 Days for Hg Stationary Source Metals Air Filters 6 Months, 28 Days for H Stationary Source PM10 Air Filters 6 Months Stationary Source Particulates Air Filter/Solutions 6 Months Sulfate Water 28 Days Sulfide, Reactive Water 28 Days Sulfide, Total Water NaOH,ZnOAc 7 Days Sulfite Water Analyze within 15 minutes Surfactants Water 48 Hours Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Water H2SO4 or HCI 28 Days Total Organic Halogen (TOX) Water 14 Days Tritium Water HNO3 180 days Turbidity Water 48 Hours Uranium Radiochemical Method Water HNO3 180 days Volatiles Air Summa Canister 14 Days Volatiles Air Tedlar Bag 48 Hours Volatiles Air Summa Canister 14 Days Volatiles Air Tedlar Bag 48 Hours Volatiles Air Summa Canister 14 Days Volatiles Soil 5035 vial kit 14 days Volatiles Water HCI, Na2S2O3 14 Days 2eAnalytical? / ---- Quality Assurance Manual Revision: 11.0 Page 73 of 73 Parameter Matrix Container Preservative Max Hold Time Volatiles Water HCI, Na2S2O3 14 Days 7 un reserved Volatiles Water HCI, Na2S2O3 14 Days WIGRO Water 3 40 ml vials HCI 14 Days WIGRO Solid 5035 vial kit See Note 14 Days WIDRO Water 1 Liter HCI 7 Days to Extraction' WIDRO Solid Tared 4 oz. Jar 14 Days to extraction' 1614 Water 1 Liter 1 Year to Extraction' 1614 Solid 4 or 8 oz. Jar 1 Year to Extraction' 1614 Tissue 4 or 8 oz. Jar 1 Year to Extraction' 1653 Water 2 L pH<2 H2SO4 30 Days to Extraction; 30 days to analysis 1668 Water 1 Liter 1 Year to Extraction' 1668 Solid 4 or 8 oz. Jar 1 Year to Extraction' 1668 Tissue 4 or 8 oz. Jar 1 Year to Extraction' 8015 McOH, Eoh Water 3 40 ml vials HCI 14 Days 8280 Water 1 Liter 30 Days to Extraction' 8280 Solid 4 or 8 oz. Jar 30 Days to Extraction' 8290 Solid 4 or 8 oz. Jar 30 Days to Extraction' 8290 Water 1 Liter 30 Days to Extraction' 8290 Waste 2 oz 30 Days to Extraction' 40 Days from Extraction to Analysis. (EPA 1613, W1 DRO) 45 Days from Extraction to Analysis (SW8290, 1668, 8280 and Method 231T09) Note: 5035 kit contains 2 vials water, preserved by freezing or 2 vials aqueous NaHSO4 preserved at 4°C and 1 vial McOH preserved at 4°C and 1 vial unpreserved at 4°C. aceAnalytical " www.pace/abs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Phone: 612.607.1700 Fax: 612.607.6444 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Preparation and Analysis of Samples for the Determination of Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners by USEPA Method 1668A SOP NUMBER: EFFECTIVE DATE: SUPERSEDES: S-MN-1-1-014-Rev.08 Date of Final Signature MN-1-1-014-rev.7 APPIV) AL { QuaJity Manager Tate ANNUAL REVIEW SIGNATURES BELOW INDICATE NO CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE SINCE APPROVAL. SOP IS VALID FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF LAST SIGNATURE. Signature Signature Title Title Date Date ©2002- 2007, Pace Analytical Services, Inc. This Standard Operating Procedure may not be reproduced, in part or in full, without written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Whether distributed internally or as a "courtesy copy" to clients or regulatory agencies, this document is considered confidential and proprietary information. Any printed documents in use within a Pace Analytical Services, Inc. laboratory have been reviewed and approved by the persons listed on the cover page. They can only be deemed official if proper signatures are present. This is COPY# 7 distributed on 16NOV2007 by __AO and is CONTROLLED or X UNCONTROLLED. S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Table of Contents 1. PURPOSE ...............................................................................................................................1 2. SCOPE AND APPLICATION .............................................................................................1 3. SUMMARY OF METHOD ..................................................................................................1 4. INTERFERENCES ................................................................................................................1 5. SAFETY ..................................................................................................................................2 6. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................3 7. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DISTRIBUTION ....................................................................3 8. SAMPLE COLLECTION, PRESERVATION AND HANDLING ..................................3 9. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ...........................................................................................4 10. REAGENTS AND STANDARDS ........................................................................................6 11. CALIBRATION .....................................................................................................................9 12. PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................11 13. QUALITY CONTROL ........................................................................................................29 14. METHOD PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................32 15. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT ....................................32 16. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................33 17. TABLES, DIAGRAMS, FLOWCHARTS, APPENDICES, ADDENDA ....................... 33 18. REVISIONS ..........................................................................................................................33 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 1 of 63 1. PURPOSE To describe the standard operating procedure for the preparation, analysis, processing and reporting of samples for the determination of chlorinated biphenyls using USEPA Method 1668A. 2. SCOPE AND APPLICATION Method 1668, Revision A (1668A) is for determination of chlorinated biphenyl (CB) congeners in water, soil, sediment, biosolids, tissues, and other sample matrices by high resolution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). The CB congeners that can be determined by this method are the 12 PCBs that have been designated as toxic plus the remaining 197 CBs, approximately 125 of which are sufficiently resolved by this method to be reported as individual congeners. Approximately 70 congeners are reported as mixtures of co-eluting isomers. PCB toxicity equivalents can also be determined and the total amount of each homologue by level of chlorination can be estimated. See Attachment 3 for the full list of congeners. 3. SUMMARY OF METHOD Stable isotopically labeled analogues of 27 of the PCBs are added to each sample. Samples containing course solids are prepared for extraction by grinding or homogenization. Water samples are extracted in separatory funnels. Soils and other finely divided solids are extracted using Soxhlet extraction apparatus. Tissue samples are mixed with anhydrous sodium sulfate, and extracted in a Soxhlet extractor. After extraction, a labeled cleanup standard is spiked into the extract prior to cleanup steps. Sample cleanup steps may include back extraction with acid and/or base, as well as silica gel, florisil, gel permeation and activated carbon chromatography. After cleanup, extracts are spiked with isotopically labeled recovery standards that are used to measure the portion of labeled analogues that survived the extraction and cleanup processes. The extracts are the analyzed by HRGC/HRMS to determine the concentrations of PCBs. 4. INTERFERENCES 4.1 Most samples analyzed for PCB content contain other organic compounds that will interfere with or contaminate the mass spectrometric instrumental system. Therefore, after initial extraction, extracts are taken through the enrichment steps outlined in the "Extract Enrichment" section of this procedure. Performance of the optional enrichment steps is determined based on the extract appearance or the initial analytical results. 4.2 Matrix interferences may be caused by contaminants co-extracted from the sample and will vary considerably from source to source. 4.3 Some samples may contain levels of interfering compounds which overload the analyte enrichment columns. Consult senior analytical personnel for alternate procedures should this occur. 4.4 Rigorous glassware cleaning techniques must be used and method blank data must be monitored to evaluate the effectiveness of the glassware cleaning techniques. 4.5 HPLC grade solvents should be used for extractions. Solvents having new lot numbers should be screened for contamination prior to use by analyzing a solvent blank by the applicable analytical methods. 4.6 Raw data from all blanks, samples, and spikes are evaluated for interferences. Determine if the source of interferences is in the preparation and/or cleanup of the samples and take corrective action to eliminate the problem. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 2 of 63 4.7 If chromatographic interferences are present, the height from the smaller signal of the pair is used along with the theoretical ratio to determine the height of the second ion. These values are then used to calculate the estimated maximum possible concentration. 4.8 Some interference may be reduced by analysis of a dilution of the extract. 4.9 Clean up of tissue samples - The natural lipid content of tissue can interfere in the analysis of tissue samples for chlorinated biphenyls by overwhelming the capacity of the chromatographic columns used for cleanup of the sample extracts. Lipids must be removed by acid washes or by the anthropogenic isolation column procedure followed by gel permeation chromatography. 5. SAFETY 5.1 The toxicity or carcinogenicity of each reagent used in this method has not been fully established. Each chemical should be regarded as a potential health hazard and exposure should be as low as reasonably achievable. Cautions are included for known extremely hazardous materials 5.2 Each laboratory is responsible for maintaining a current awareness file of OSHA regulations regarding the safe handling of the chemicals specified in this method. A reference file of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be made available to all personnel involved in the chemical analysis. The preparation of a formal safety plan is also advised. 5.3 MSDS sheets are located at the front desk and should be consulted prior to handling samples and standards. 5.4 Only highly trained personnel thoroughly familiar with handling and cautionary procedures and who understand the risks associated with this procedure will handle all PCB standards. 5.5 Neat PCBs require the use of respirators and are not to be handled in the laboratory. 5.6 Protective equipment must be worn when working with standards or samples under this procedure. This includes safety glasses, laboratory coat, and throwaway plastic gloves. Plastic sleeves, aprons and other protective equipment are also readily available if needed. All steps of this procedure must be performed in a properly operating fume hood except those noted. 5.7 All personnel performing any part of this procedure must be properly trained in removing contaminated materials and properly disposing of them. This includes an awareness of personal hygiene as it pertains to the laboratory, personal actions as they affect coworkers, etc. 5.8 All samples analyzed at the Minneapolis chemistry facility are held until analytical results have been reported. Samples containing PCBs above the allowable levels are labeled, segregated, and disposed of by personnel trained in handling toxic waste. Similarly grossly contaminated waste items including pipette tips and other laboratory equipment are segregated, collected in lined waste containers, properly labeled, and disposed of in accordance with hazardous waste regulations. 5.9 Laboratory staff will wipe down a representative area of specified fume hoods at least annually using pre- sterilized gauze and hexane. These wipes will be analyzed according to this method to ensure that good laboratory practices are observed at all times. The results of the wipes will be archived for reference. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 3 of 63 6. DEFINITIONS 6.1 Definitions are located in the Glossary section of the PASI Quality Manual. 7. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DISTRIBUTION 7.1 Personnel 7.1.1 All personnel involved with sample preparation and analysis are responsible for adherence to this SOP. A controlled copy will be available for review and consultation within the area methods manual. 7.1.2 Personnel are responsible for ensuring that any deviations to this SOP are reported to the laboratory manager. 7.2 Laboratory Manager 7.2.1 The laboratory manager is responsible for ensuring adherence to this SOP and will receive a controlled copy of this SOP. 7.2.2 The laboratory manager is responsible for performing a biennial review of the SOP and reporting any required revisions to the Quality Assurance Office. 7.3 Quality Assurance Office 7.3.1 The QA Office is responsible for conducting laboratory audits to monitor adherence to this and other SOPS. Results of the audit will be reported to Management. 7.3.2 The QA Office is responsible for ensuring that all revisions to the SOP are implemented. 7.3.3 The QA Office is responsible for maintaining the original and complete distribution records. 7.4 Revisions 7.4.1 This SOP will be reviewed on an annual basis at a minimum, and any required revisions will be incorporated. 8. SAMPLE COLLECTION, PRESERVATION AND HANDLING 8.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION 8.1.1 Sample size - One liter of water samples containing less than or equal to 1% solids should be extracted in separatory funnels. Aqueous or solid samples containing greater than 1% solids should be considered as solids and sufficient volume extracted to provide a dry weight of 10 grams (except for tissue samples and other samples noted to be reported on an as received basis). One-gram aliquots are typically extracted for waste samples and samples suspected to contain high analyte levels. One hundred milligram aliquots are typically used for oil-based samples, and 100 mL for milk samples. 8.2 SAMPLE PRESERVATION AND HANDLING Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 4 of 63 8.2.1 Collect samples in glass containers following conventional sampling practices. 8.2.2 Maintain aqueous samples at 4°C ± 2°C under darkness from the time of collection until extraction. If residual chlorine is present in aqueous samples (from chlorinated sources), add 80 mg sodium thiosulfate per one liter of water. 8.2.3 Preserve aqueous samples to pH 2-3 with sulfuric acid. 8.2.4 Tissue and other solid samples are stored frozen at <-10°C under darkness. 8.2.5 All sample extracts are stored at <-10°C until analysis. 8.3 HOLDING TIMES 8.3.1 There are no demonstrated maximum holding times associated with the CBs in aqueous, solid, semi-solid, tissue or other sample matrices. If stored in the dark at 0-4 C and preserved as given above (if required), aqueous samples may be stored for up to one year. Similarly, if stored in the dark at <-10°C, solid, semi-solid, multi-phase, and tissue samples may be stored for up to one year. Sample extracts may also be stored for up to one year in the dark at <-10°C. 8.4 CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION OF SAMPLES 8.4.1 Samples are to be rejected if information allowing determination of the applicable test and client information cannot be obtained. 8.4.2 If sample integrity has been compromised, the client must be contacted for instructions and permission to proceed with analysis. The client's comments and instructions are documented as part of routine laboratory policy. 9. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 9.1 Sample bottles - 1 Liter glass amber bottles for liquids, which contain less than 1% solids; 500 mL wide mouth (or smaller) glass amber bottles for solid and sludge. All bottles are purchased pre-cleaned from the vendor. If glass amber bottles are not available, samples shall be protected from the light. All bottles should have Teflon lined caps. Laboratory cleaned bottles may be substituted for pre-cleaned bottles. Bottles should be detergent washed, then solvent rinsed and baked at 450°C for a minimum of one hour. 9.2 10 mL open top glass vials 9.3 2 dram vials with Teflon-lined screw caps 9.4 Reacti vial - 2 mL borosilicate glass 9.5 1 Liter graduated cylinder 9.6 Balances - 0.01g and 0.0001g 9.7 Drying oven 9.8 Soxhlet extraction apparatus Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 5 of 63 9.9 Thimble, 33 x 90 mm to fit Soxhlet 9.10 Heating mantle 9.11 Beakers, 50, 250, 500, 2000 Ml 9.12 Stainless steel spatulas 9.13 Assorted syringes and/or Eppendorf digital pipettes 9.14 Filtration apparatus 9.15 Glass chromatographic column - 5 3/4" disposable Pasteur pipets 9.16 40 mL vial with caps 9.17 60 mL vial with caps with septa 9.18 Glass funnel, 125-250 mL 9.19 Glass fiber filter paper (Whatman GF/D or equivalent) 9.20 Centrifuge apparatus - capable of rotating 500 mL centrifuge bottles or 15 mL tubes at 5000 rpm minimum 9.21 Disposable Pasteur pipettes 9.22 Disposable serological 10 mL pipettes 9.23 500 mL Kuderna Danish (KD) concentrator apparatus 9.24 Teflon boiling chips - pre-rinsed with methylene chloride 9.25 Water bath, ultrasonic 9.26 Desiccator 9.27 Nitrogen evaporation system with variable flow rate 9.28 Volumetric flasks - 5 mL, 10 mL, 15 mL, 20 mL, 25 mL and 100 mL 9.29 Teflon tape 9.30 Low volume autosampler vial with crimp caps 9.31 Sodium hydroxide - reagent grade. Dissolve 40 g NaOH in 1L reagent water. 9.32 Potassium Phosphate - reagent grade - Dissolve 68.05 g KHZPO4 in 1 L reagent H2O 9.33 Sulfuric acid - reagent grade (sp gravity 1.84) Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 6 of 63 9.34 Silica gel -chromatographic grade, 60-100 mesh 9.35 Celite - reagent grade 9.36 Anhydrous sodium sulfate - Rinse with methylene chloride (20 mL/g) and bake at 130°C for 1 hour minimum. Store baked anhydrous sodium sulfate in oven until use. Cool prior to use. 9.37 Carbon (AX-21 or equivalent) 9.38 Solvents - Acetone, toluene, hexane, cyclohexane, nonane, methanol and methylene chloride. All solvents must be distilled in glass and pesticide grade. 9.39 Alumina - activity grade 9.40 White quartz sand 60/70 mesh 9.41 Diatomaceous earth 9.42 Reference matrices 9.42.1 Reagent water 9.42.2 Playground sand or similar material which is free of target compounds; may be prepared by extraction with methylene chloride and/or baking at 450°C for 4 hours. 9.42.3 Corn oil, tested to be analyte free 9.42.4 Filter paper - Gelman type A or equivalent 9.42.5 Mineral Oil 9.42.6 Milk, whole 9.43 Individual standards prepared as described in the "Procedure" section of this SOP. 9.44 Micromass Ultima Autospec Double Focusing High Resolution GC/MS 10. REAGENTS AND STANDARDS 10.1 Standards and working solutions are prepared from or compared to certified standards or purchased as certified premixed standards. All standards are valid for 1 year from date opened (or prepared). All standards are stored in glass bottles and stored at <-IOoC. Standards may be re-verified by comparison to a valid native analyte solution. The final concentrations determined for any solution being re-verified must meet the continuing calibration limits for the analytes in that solution and are valid for 1 year from the date of verification. 10.2 The preparation of standards and working solutions is thoroughly documented in the appropri ate standards notebook. Such documentation allows the traceability of each solution to a certified, purchased solution. 10.3 Preparation of native (unlabeled) stock solutions Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 7 of 63 10.3.1 Native Toxics/LOC stock solution -Prepare to contain the native Toxics and LOC CBs at the concentrations shown in Table 3, or purchase Accu-Standard M1668A-C-NT-LOC-WD-GCPC or equivalent. If additional CBs are to be determined by isotope dilution (e.g. 170 and 180), include the additional native compounds in this solution. 10.3.2 Native 209 CB congener stock solutions (These five solutions contain the CB isomers necessary to calibrate the SPB-octyl column. If a column other than SPB-octyl is used, mixtures must be prepared that will allow separation of all 209 congeners on that column). For the SPB-octyl column, prepare the five solutions with the congeners listed in Table 4 at the concentrations shown in Table 3 or purchase Accu-Standard M-1668A-1, M- 1668A-2, M-1668A-3, M-1668A-4, M-1668A-5, or equivalent. 10.3.3 Combined 209-congener stock solution -Combine equal volumes of the five standards in the above section (2) to form a stock solution containing all 209 CB isomers at 0.5-1.5 µg/mt. 10.3.4 Sonicate solutions for five minutes and transfer into clean, labeled vials. Identification should include: ID#, log #, vial numbers, preparation date and preparer's initials. 10.3.5 Seal with Teflon tape, mark the meniscus (now and after each use) and store in the standards freezer. 10.3.6 Record all standard preparation information in Dioxin Standard Notebook. 10.4 Preparation of Labeled Compound Stock Solutions 10.4.1 Labeled Toxics/LOC/Window-defining stock solution - Prepare in nonane at the concentrations shown in Table 3 or purchase Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (CIL) EC-4977 or equivalent. If additional CBs are to be determined by isotope dilution (e.g. 170 and 180), include the additional labeled compounds in this solution. 10.4.2 Labeled cleanup standard stock solution - Prepare labeled CBs 28, 111, and 178 in nonane at the concentrations shown in Table 3 or purchase CIL EC-4978 or equivalent. 10.4.3 Labeled injection internal standard stock solution - Prepare labeled CBs 9, 52, 101, 138, and 194 in nonane at the concentrations shown in Table 3 or purchase CIL EC-4979 or equivalent. 10.4.4 Sonicate each solution for five minutes and transfer into clean labeled vials. Identification should include: ID#, log #, vial numbers, preparation date and preparer's initials. 10.4.5 Seal with Teflon tape, mark the meniscus (now and after each use) and store in the standards freezer. 10.4.6 Record all standard preparation information in Dioxin Standard Notebook. 10.5 Preparation of calibration standards 10.5.1 Standards for initial calibration (ICAL solutions CS-1 through CS-5) - The compounds contained in these solutions are shown in Table 5. These solutions should be purchased as CIL EC-4976 or equivalent. Alternatively, the solutions of native and labeled congeners from sections C and D can be combined and diluted to produce the calibration solutions shown in Table 5. The CS-3 solution (CIL EC-4976-3) is used for calibration verification. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 8 of 63 10.5.2 Diluted individual congener solutions - The five solutions from section C-2 are diluted mixed with labeled standards and then analyzed individually. They allow the establishment of retention time and other data for each of the 209 congeners on the SPB-octyl column. The elution order of the congeners present in each solution is given in Table 4. The five solutions of diluted standards are made by combining an aliquot of one of the native stock solutions (from C-2) with the labeled Toxics/LOC /window defining stock solution (D-1), the Labeled cleanup standard stock solution (D-2) and the Labeled injection internal standard stock solution (D-3), to produce concentrations of 100ng/ml for the labeled compounds and 25, 50, and 75 ng/ml for the MoCB- TrCB, TeCB-HpCB, and OcCB-DeCB congeners respectively as shown in Table 3. 10.5.3 Diluted combined 209 congener solution - (combines all 209 congeners with the labeled standards to allow single point calibration of the congeners which are not included in the 5-point calibration, and also establishes average response factors for co-eluting isomers) - Mix an aliquot of the combined 209 congener solution (C-3) with aliquots of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining stock solution (D-1), the Labeled cleanup standard stock solution (D-2) and the Labeled injection internal standard stock solution (D-3) to produce the same concentrations as in the individual mix solutions in E-2 above. 10.5.4 Sonicate for five minutes and transfer each solution into pre-rinsed vials labeled with ID#, log #, preparation date, and preparer's initials. 10.5.5 Seal with Teflon tape, mark the meniscus (now and after each use) and store in the standards freezer. 10. 5.6 Record all standard preparation information in Dioxin Standard Notebook. 10.6 Preparation of spiking solutions 10.6.1 Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution (used for determining initial and ongoing precision and recovery). Dilute the Native Toxics/LOC stock solution (C-1) with acetone to produce a concentration of the Toxics at 1 ng/ml as shown in Table 3. When 1 ml of this solution is spiked into the IPR or OPR and concentrated to a final volume of 20 uL, the concentration in the final volume will be 50 ng/ml. Prepare only the amount necessary for each sample batch. 10.6.2 Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution (spiked into each sample as well as blanks and spikes to measure recovery). Dilute the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining stock solution (D-1) with acetone to produce a concentration of the labeled compounds at 2 ng/ml, as shown in Table 3. When 1 ml of this solution is spiked into an IPR, OPR, blank or sample and concentrated to a final extract volume of 20 ul, the concentration in the final extract will be 100 ng/ml. Prepare only the amount necessary for each sample batch. 10.6.3 Labeled cleanup standard spiking solution (spiked into each extract prior to cleanup to measure the efficiency of the cleanup process). Dilute the Labeled cleanup standard stock solution (D-2) in methylene chloride to produce a concentration of the cleanup standards at 2 ng/ml, as shown in Table 3. When 1 ml of this solution is spiked into a sample extract and concentrated to a final volume of 20 µl, the concentration in the final extract will be 100 ng/ml. Prepare only the amount necessary for each sample batch. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 9 of 63 10.6.4 Labeled injection internal standard spiking solution (added to each concentrated extract prior to analysis). Dilute (1:25) the Labeled injection internal standard stock solution (D-3) in nonane to produce a concentration of the injection internal standards at 200 ng/ml (a 1:5 dilution of the level shown in Table 3). When 10 µl of this solution is spiked into a 20-µ1 extract, the concentration of each injection internal standard will be nominally 100 ng/ml. 10.7 Accuracy and stability of the standard solutions 10.7.1 A QC check sample should be obtained from a source independent of the calibration standards to verify the accuracy of the determination. Alternately, the spiking solutions should be compared to standards from a different source to verify their continuing accuracy. II. CALIBRATION 11.1 Establish the operating conditions necessary to meet the retention time (RT) and relative retention time (RRT) requirements for the CBs listed in Table 2. 11. Suggested GC operating conditions: Injector temperature Interface temperature Initial temperature Initial time Temperature program Final time 270°C 280°C 140°C 2 minutes 150°C @ 15°C/min, hold 6 min, then 280°C @ 2.5°C/min 6 minutes The GC conditions may be optimized for compound separation and sensitivity. Once optimized, the same GC conditions must be used for analysis of all standards, blanks, IPR and OPR standards, and samples. 11. 1.2 Retention time calibration for the CB congeners Separately inject each of the diluted individual congener solutions (E-2). Establish the beginning and ending retention times for the scan descriptors in Table 7. Scan descriptors other than those listed in Table 7 may be used provided the MLs in Table 2 are met. The absolute retention time of CB 209 should exceed 55 minutes on the SPB-octyl column; otherwise, the GC temperature program must be adjusted and this test repeated until the minimum retention time criterion is met. If a GC column other than the SPB-octyl column is used, a similar minimum retention time specification must be established for that column so that interferences that may be encountered in environmental samples will be resolved from the analytes of interest. This specification is considered to be met if the retention time of CB 209 is greater than 55 minutes on the alternate column. It is anticipated that the minimum retention time for CB 209 will be reduced to 45 minutes in the next method revision. It is acceptable to adopt the revised time immediately upon promulgation. Inject the diluted combined 209-congener solution (E-3). Adjust the chromatographic conditions and scan descriptors until the congeners elute within the acquisition windows, and the following column performance specifications are met if an SPB octyl column is used: GC resolution of all Toxic congeners except 156 and 157 GC resolution of 156/157 from all other congeners Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 10 of 63 GC resolution of congeners 34 and 23 GC resolution of congeners 187 and 182 Congeners 156 and 157 elute within 2 seconds Confirm that the group switch times occur when no congeners are eluting 11.1.3 Mass spectrometer resolution Using PFK, tune the mass spectrometer to approximately 10000 resolving power (10% valley) at any significant PFK fragment in the range of 300-350. The amount of PFK should be adjusted so that the amplitudes of all lock masses monitored are less than 10% of full-scale deflection of the instrument. Obtain a selected ion current profile (SICP) at the two exact masses specified in Table 7 for each native congener and labeled standard. Because of the extensive mass range covered in each function, it may not be possible to maintain 10000 resolution across the entire range. Therefore, resolution must be at least 8000 throughout the mass range and must be 10000 resolution in the center of the mass range for each function. 11.2 Calibration Standards Acceptance Criteria 11.2.1 Standards must meet the following requirements before analyzing samples. Ratios for the calibration standards should be within 15% of theoretical values (Table 8). Values outside of the 15% limit may be accepted. However, the potential impact of the variation shall be discussed in the narrative of the report. Any outliners are also flagged in AutoPro. Initial calibration relative standard deviations must be less than 20% for the native isomers with a corresponding internal standard. The remaining native isomers and the labeled isomers do not have a required range. However, relative standard deviations of less than 30% should be targeted for these compounds. The diluted combined 209-congener solution is also analyzed at the time of initial calibration and each analysis shift to generate response factors and retention time ranges for the remaining native isomers. A continuing calibration standard (VER) is analyzed at the beginning of each day and must yield response factors within 30% (native isomers), 50% (internal standards) and -40% to +30% (cleanup standards) of the initial calibration. Each compound in the VER must be present with a signal to noise ratio of at least 10. All peaks for a given PCB level of chlorination must elute within the window(s) set up for that particular class (determined from the window defining mix, which contains first and last eluting isomers). Native compounds must elute within the expected elution time relative to the elution times of the corresponding internal standards. Column performance specifications must be met. For the SPB Octyl column they are: Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 11 of 63 Retention time for PCB 209 > 55 minutes (maybe revised down to 45 minutes upon next method revision). PCB isomers 34 and 23 must be resolved, isomers 187 and 182 must be resolved, isomers 156 and 157 must co-elute. These criteria apply to the analysis of the 209 PCB solution. 12. PROCEDURE 12.1 PREPARATION PRIOR TO SAMPLE EXTRACTION 12. 1.1 Aqueous samples containing one percent solids (or less) are extracted in separatory funnels. 12.1.2 In samples expected or known to contain high levels of the PCBs, the smallest sample size representative of the entire sample should be used, and the extract should be diluted, if necessary. 12.1.3 Determination of Percent Solids Weigh 5-10 g of sample to three significant figures into a tarred weighing vessel. Dry overnight (minimum of 12 hours) at 110 ± 5°C and cool in a desiccator. Reweigh. % Solids = Wt dried sample (g) x 10 - Wt wet sample (g) Data are recorded electronically and printed out as needed. 12.1.4 Soxhlet/Dean Stark Glassware Pre-extraction Place 30-40 mL of toluene in the extractor and 200-250 mL in the flask along with approximately 5-8 Teflon boiling chips. Pre-extract the glassware by heating the flask until the toluene is boiling. When properly adjusted, 1-2 drops of toluene per second will fall from the condenser tip into the receiver. Extract the apparatus for 3 hours minimum (typically overnight). After pre-extraction, disassemble the apparatus. Refill with 200-250 mL fresh extraction solvent. Extraction Vessel Pre-extraction (MAE) Place 50 mL of toluene in the clean MAE cell with wellon tube. Pre-extract the apparatus using the following program: 10 min ramp time, 115° C, 1000W 45 min extraction time, 115° C, 1000W 5 min cool time, 0° C, OW 10 min vent Note: These conditions can be further optimized through method development testing 12.1.5 Aqueous Sample Preparation (<1% Solids) Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 12 of 63 Mark the original level of the sample on the sample bottle for later determination of sample volume. Weigh the sample in the bottle to ± 1 g on a top loading balance. Record this weight. Spike 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution into the bottle. Cap the bottle and mix by carefully shaking for 2 minutes. Allow to equilibrate for 1-2 hours with occasional shaking. For each sample or sample set (up to 20) to be extracted during the same twelve-hour shift, place two 1.0 L aliquots of reagent water in clean 1 L Erlenmeyer flasks. One additional aliquot of reagent water may be used if a duplicate OPR sample is requested. A matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate may be extracted along with the sample set (up to 20 samples). If they are requested, place the two 1.0 L aliquots of client-supplied duplicate water samples in clean 1 L Erlenmeyer flasks. Spike 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution into one reagent water sample. This aliquot will serve as the blank. Spike 1 mL of Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution into the remaining reagent water aliquot(s). This (they) will serve as the ongoing precision and recovery spike(s) or OPR(s). Spike 1 mL of Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution into the client-supplied duplicate water samples (if supplied and requested). These samples will serve as the matrix spike/spike duplicate samples. Assemble a Buchner funnel and a vacuum adapter on top of a clean 1 L Erlenmeyer flask. Apply a vacuum to the flask and pour the entire contents of the sample bottle through a glass fiber filter in the Buchner funnel, swirling the sample remaining in the bottle to suspend any particulate. Rinse the bottles with three 60 mL portions of methylene chloride, pouring each portion through the filter. Samples containing no particulate need not be filtered; instead, quantitatively transfer the samples to separatory funnels. Treat the QC samples in the same manner as the field samples. If filtered, rinse any particulate off the sides of the Buchner funnel with small quantities of methylene chloride. Weigh the empty sample bottle on a top loading balance to ± 1 g. Determine the weight of the sample by difference and note the weight on the extraction preparation sheet. Save and extract the filter, particulate and filtrates as described below. Preparation of Aqueous Samples containing >1% solids Weigh a well-mixed aliquot of each sample sufficient to provide 10 g of dry solids (based on the solids determination described above) into a clean beaker, pre-extracted thimble or glass jar. In certain cases, i.e., sludge or waste matrices, this amount maybe modified to a smaller aliquot to provide more workable extracts. Spike each sample with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 13 of 63 For each sample or sample set (up to 20) to be extracted in the same twelve hour shift, weigh two 10 g aliquots of clean sand and place each aliquot into a Soxhlet thimble. If an additional OPR is requested, include an additional aliquot of reference matrix material. (Sand is pre-extracted prior to use.) A matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate may be extracted along with the sample set (up to 20 samples). Place the appropriate weight of client-supplied duplicate samples into clean beakers or glass jars. Spike one reference sample with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. This aliquot will serve as the method blank. Spike the other aliquot(s) with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. This (they) will serve as the OPR(s). Spike the client-supplied duplicate samples with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. These samples will serve as the matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate set (if required). If sample flows easily, assemble a Buchner funnel and a vacuum adapter on top of a clean 1 L Erlemneyer flask. Apply a vacuum to the flask and pour the aliquot through a glass fiber filter in the Buchner funnel, swirling the sample remaining in the bottle to suspend any particulate. Rinse the bottle 3 times with 60 mL of reagent water pouring each aliquot through the filter. The sample may otherwise be separated using a centrifuge, and the liquid fraction decanted. With this procedure, the correct sample amount is first transferred into a different container for centrifuging. After centrifuging, the entire solid portion is mixed with sodium sulfate and transferred to a Soxhlet extraction thimble, as described for solid sample preparation. filtered or centrifuged, rinse any particulate off the sides of the Buchner funnel or sample container with small quantities of methylene chloride. Save and extract the filtrates as described below. (If greater than 100 mL of water is present, extract it in a separatory funnel and combine with the solid extract, otherwise discard aqueous phase.) 12.1.6 Preparation of Multiphase Samples Spike an appropriately sized aliquot of the sample with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. For each sample or sample set (up to 20) to be extracted in the same eight hour shift, weigh two 10 g aliquots of clean sand and place each aliquot into a Soxhlet thimble. If an additional OPR is requested, include an additional aliquot of reference matrix material. (Sand is pre-extracted prior to use.) A matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate may be extracted along with the sample set (up to 20 samples). Place the appropriate weight of client-supplied duplicate samples into clean beakers or glass jars. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 14 of 63 Spike one reference sample with 1 mL of Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. This aliquot will serve as the method blank. Spike the other aliquot(s) with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. This (they) will serve as the OPR spike(s). Spike the client-supplied duplicate samples with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. These samples will serve as the matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate set (if required). Pressure filter the sample, blank and OPR spike aliquots through Whatman GF/D glass fiber filter paper. If necessary, centrifuge these aliquots for 30 minutes at greater than 5000 rpm prior to filtration. Discard aqueous phase. (If aqueous phase is 50 mL or greater, a separatory funnel extraction is performed and the extract is combined with the extract form the solid portion.) Remove any non-aqueous liquid (if present) and reserve for recombination with the extract of the solid phase. Prepare the filter papers of the sample and QC aliquots for particle size reduction and blending. Prior to spiking, samples with particle size greater than 1 mm are subjected to grinding, homogenization, or blending. The method of reducing particle size to less than 1 mm is matrix dependent. In general, hard particles can be reduced by grinding with a mortar and pestle. Softer particles can be reduced by grinding in a Wiley mill or meat grinder, by homogenization, or by blending. The grinding, homogenization, or blending procedures should be carried out in a glove box or fume hood to prevent particles from contaminating the work environment. Tissue samples, certain papers and pulps, slurries and amorphous solids can be ground in a Wiley mill or heavy-duty meat grinder. In some cases, reducing the temperature of the sample to freezing or to dry ice or liquid nitrogen temperatures can aid in the grinding process. 12.1.7 Preparation of Solid Samples by ASE (Optional) Attach and tighten bottom cap onto ASE extraction cell, and insert cellulose extraction filter. Seat filter firmly into bottom of tube. If sample appears wet add sufficient sodium sulfate to the 10 g dry weight sample aliquot to make it free flowing. Add the sample into extraction cell. If the sample appears oily, check with the client to confirm using a smaller sample size of 1-3 grams. Spike the sample aliquot with 1 mL the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. For each sample or sample set (up to 20) to be extracted in the same twelve-hour shift, weigh two 10 g aliquots of clean sand and place each aliquot into an extraction vessel. If an additional OPR is requested, include an additional aliquot of reference matrix material. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 15 of 63 A matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate may be extracted along with the sample set (up to 20 samples). Place the appropriate weight of client-supplied duplicate samples into clean beakers or glass jars. Spike one reference sample with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. This aliquot will serve as the method blank. Spike the other aliquot(s) with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. This (they) will serve as the OPR spike(s). Spike the client-supplied duplicate samples with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. These samples will serve as the matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate set (if required). Place loaded ASE cells into slots in the top tray of the ASE. Place labeled 60 mL vials with septa caps into the corresponding slots in the bottom tray. UNLOCK TRAYS AND TURN NITROGEN SUPPLY ON BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO MOVE TRAYS! Only label the vials in the area shown on the diagram in the ASE operator's manual. Verify that the rinse vials are not full, the solvent waste vial is not full, and the solvent reservoir has sufficient solvent mixture for the sample set that is to be run. Check that there is sufficient Nitrogen pressure for the entire run, also. Load the correct method into the ASE, and run a few rinse cycles to ensure a clean system. Press the start button to begin the run. After the ASE has completed the sample extractions, unlock the trays and remove the vials for spiking with surrogate and clean-up steps. Remove the cells and disassemble them. CELLS WILL BE VERY HOT WHEN THEY COME OUT OF THE OVEN! Send the tubes and caps to the dish room for cleaning, and sonicate the frits, PEEK seals, thread inserts, and snap rings in toluene. Re-assemble cells when parts are cleaned and rinsed and store with the caps on the tubes to prevent thread damage. 12.1.8 Preparation of Soil/Solid Samples by Soxhlet or MAE Weigh a 10-gram aliquot (dry weight) of the homogenized sample, place into a Soxhlet thimble and cover with glass wool and sand. If the sample material is wet, dry it by mixing with extracted anhydrous sodium sulfate until free flowing before adding to the Soxhlet thimble. Mix sample and sand well. If the sample will be extracted using Soxhlet Dean- Stark apparatus (with toluene), no sodium sulfate should be added. Spike the sample aliquot with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. For each sample or sample set (up to 20) to be extracted in the same twelve-hour shift, weigh two 10 g aliquots of clean sand and place each aliquot into a Soxhlet thimble. If an additional OPR is requested, include an additional aliquot of reference matrix material. A matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate may be extracted along with the sample set (up to 20 samples). Place the appropriate weight of client-supplied duplicate samples into clean beakers or glass jars. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 16 of 63 Spike one reference sample with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. This aliquot will serve as the method blank. Spike the other aliquot(s) with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. This (they) will serve as the OPR spike(s). Spike the client-supplied duplicate samples with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. These samples will serve as the matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate set (if required). Prior to spiking, samples with particle size greater than 1 mm are subjected to grinding, homogenization, or blending. The method of reducing particle size to less than 1 mm is matrix dependent. In general, hard particles can be reduced by grinding with a mortar and pestle. Softer particles can be reduced by grinding in a Wiley mill or meat grinder, by homogenization, or by blending. The grinding, homogenization, or blending procedures should be carried out in a glove box or fume hood to prevent particles from contaminating the work environment. Tissue samples, certain papers and pulps, slurries and amorphous solids can be ground in a Wiley mill or heavy duty meat grinder. In some cases, reducing the temperature of the sample to freezing or to dry ice or liquid nitrogen temperatures can aid in the grinding process. 12.1.9 Preparation of Milk and Milk Product Samples Accurately measure a 100 mL aliquot of milk and transfer to a 2-liter separatory funnel. Spike the sample aliquot with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. For each sample or sample set (up to 20) to be extracted in the same eight hour shift, measure two 100 mL aliquots of de-ionized water into clean separatory funnels. If an additional OPR is requested, include an additional aliquot of the reference matrix material. A matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate may be extracted along with the sample set (up to 20 samples). Place the appropriate weight of client-supplied duplicate samples into 2 Liter separatory funnels. Spike one reference matrix material with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. This aliquot will serve as the method blank. Spike the other aliquot(s) with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. This (they) will serve as the OPR spike(s). Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 17 of 63 Spike the client-supplied duplicate samples with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. These samples will serve as the matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate set (if required). 12. Preparation of Tissue Samples If the sample is supplied as whole fish or fillets, grind the sample using a meat grinder or blender. Homogenize the portions of the fish requested by the client. Archive 4-8 ounces of the homogenized material in case additional testing is required. Discard the remainder. Weigh a 10-gram aliquot of the homogenized sample into a clean beaker. Mix in enough extracted anhydrous sodium sulfate to dry the sample (usually approximately 20-40 grams) and allow to equilibrate. If the sample will be extracted using Soxhlet Dean-Stark apparatus (with toluene), no sodium sulfate should be added. Quantitatively transfer the sample into a clean Soxhlet thimble and top with extracted glass wool. Spike the sample aliquot with the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. For each sample or sample set (up to 20) to be extracted in the same twelve-hour shift, weigh two 10 g aliquots of corn oil solution and place each aliquot into a Soxhlet thimble. If an additional OPR is requested, include an additional aliquot of reference matrix material. A matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate may be extracted along with the sample set (up to 20). Place the appropriate weight of client-supplied duplicate samples into Soxhlet thimbles Spike one reference sample with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution. This aliquot will serve as the method blank. Spike the other aliquot(s) with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. This (they) will serve as the OPR spike(s). Spike the client-supplied duplicate samples with 1 mL of the Labeled Toxics/LOC/window defining standard spiking solution and 1 mL of the Native Toxics/LOC standard spiking solution. These samples will serve as the matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate set (if required). Store any remaining sample in the freezer at <-10°C. If the sample will be extracted using Soxhlet Dean-Stark apparatus (with toluene), no sodium sulfate should be added. 12.2 SAMPLE EXTRACTION 12.2.1 Filtrates Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 18 of 63 Quantitatively transfer the filtrate into a separatory funnel with three 20 mL rinses of McC12. by shaking the separatory funnel, venting any back pressure. If an emulsion layer forms, allow it to dissipate, or use mechanical or chemical (salt, heat ,etc.) means to break the emulsion. Once the emulsion is broken, continue the extraction. After the extraction allow the layers to separate. Remove the methylene chloride layer. Repeat the extraction two times with fresh 60 mL aliquots of methylene chloride, combining the three solvent portions. Transfer the methylene chloride through a 10 cm plug of sodium sulfate and glass wool to a pre-extracted Kuderna Danish concentrator. Set aside for addition of filter and particulate extract (if applicable) or concentrate to approximately 1 mL using KD and N-evap apparatus and proceed with sample cleanup. 12.2.2 Sludge or Samples with >1% solids Load the wet sample aliquot into the thimble and mix with enough anhydrous sodium sulfate to dry the sample. Use a similar approach for the filter and particulate sample from a filtered sample aliquot. Alternatively, the extraction can be completed by substituting sand for the sodium sulfate and fitting the Soxhlet with Dean-Stark apparatus. Place the thimble into the toluene charged (300 mL) Soxhlet apparatus. Add any non-aqueous liquid from the multiphase samples to the Soxhlet thimble and cover the thimble with glass wool. Extract the sample: If necessary, adjust the reflux rate to match the rate of percolation through the sand and silica beds until water removal lessens the restriction of toluene flow. Check the apparatus for foaming frequently during the first two hours of extraction. If foaming occurs, reduce the reflux rate until foaming subsides. If applicable, drain the water from the receiver at 1-2 hours and 8-9 hours, or sooner if the receiver fills with water. Reflux the sample for a minimum of 16 hours. Cool and disassemble the apparatus. Remove the distilling flask, rinse the receiver with small portions of toluene and add to the flask. Cool and place a pre-rinsed Snyder column on the 500 mL round bottom flask for concentration. The extract can otherwise be quantitatively transferred to a K-D flask and concentrated on a steam bath. Concentrate to approximately 10 mL. Remove and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Rinse Snyder column down into the flask with three 2 mL portions of hexane. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 19 of 63 If, based on the appearance (cloudy or emulsive) or color (not clear) of the extract, the extract requires acid washes, combine with the filtrate extract in a 500 mL separatory funnel or a 40 mL vial. Rinse the flask and KD with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the separatory funnel. Proceed to sample cleanup. If acid washes are not required, transfer the extract through a drying column containing a 10 cm plug of glass wool and sodium sulfate, and combine with the filtrate portion of the extract (if applicable). Rinse the flask with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the drying column. Concentrate to 1 mL using KD and N-evap apparatus and proceed with sample cleanup. 12.2.3 Filters and Filter Particulate Mix the filter and particulate with anhydrous sodium sulfate and load into the thimble, add a fresh charge of toluene (300 mL) to the Soxhlet apparatus. Alternatively, the extraction can be completed by substituting sand for the sodium sulfate and fitting the Soxhlet with Dean-Stark apparatus. Add any non-aqueous liquid from the multiphase samples to the Soxhlet thimble and cover the thimble with glass wool. Extract the sample: If necessary, adjust the reflux rate to match the rate of percolation through the sand and silica beds until water removal lessens the restriction of toluene flow. Check the apparatus for foaming frequently during the first two hours of extraction. If foaming occurs, reduce the reflux rate until foaming subsides. If applicable, drain the water from the receiver at 1-2 hours and 8-9 hours, or sooner if the receiver fills with water. Reflux the sample for a minimum of 16 hours. Cool and disassemble the apparatus. Remove the distilling flask and rinse the receiver with small portions of toluene and add to the flask. Cool and place a pre-rinsed Snyder column on the 500 mL round bottom flask for concentration. The extract can otherwise be quantitatively transferred to a K-D flask and concentrated on a steam bath. Concentrate to approximately 10 mL. Remove and allow cooling for 5 minutes. Snyder column down into the flask with three 2 mL portions of hexane. If, based on the appearance (cloudy or emulsive) or color (not clear) of the extract, the extract requires acid washes, combine with the filtrate in a 500 mL separatory funnel or a 40 mL vial. Rinse the flask and KD with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the separatory funnel. Proceed to sample cleanup. acid washes are not required, transfer the extract through a drying column containing a 10 cm plug of glass wool and sodium sulfate, and combine with the filtrate portion of the extract (if applicable). Rinse the flask with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the drying column. Concentrate to 1 mL using KD and N-evap apparatus and proceed with sample cleanup. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 20 of 63 12.2.4 Soil/Solid Samples Place the prepared sample in the thimble into the Soxhlet extractor. The Dean-Stark attachments maybe utilized in place of the sodium sulfate drying step. Add 300 mL of toluene and reflux for a minimum of 16 hours. Cycle at a rate of three cycles per hour. If applicable, drain the water from the receiver as needed. Cool and place a pre-rinsed Snyder column on the 500 mL round bottom flask for concentration. The extract can otherwise be quantitatively transferred to a K-D flask and concentrated on a steam bath. Concentrate to approximately 10 mL. Remove and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Rinse Snyder column down into the flask with three 2 mL portions of hexane. If, based on the appearance (cloudy or emulsive) or color (not clear) of the extract, the extract requires acid washes, transfer the extract to a 500 mL separatory funnel or a 40 mL vial. Rinse the flask and KD with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the separatory funnel. Proceed to sample cleanup. If acid washes are not required, transfer the extract through a drying column containing a 10 cm plug of glass wool and sodium sulfate, and combine with the filtrate portion of the extract (if applicable). Rinse the flask with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the drying column. Concentrate to 1 mL using KD and N-evap apparatus and proceed with sample cleanup. Solids, Filters, Sludge or Samples with >1% solids (MAE) Add 50 ml of toluene to the reference cell with spiked sample. Note: Alternate extraction solvents may be used pending method development studies. Recondition the reference cell cover with the tool provided and then apply the cover onto the cell. Add the reference cell to a reactor holster. Remove the TFM sealing valve from the safety valve (cap) by unscrewing it. Remove the protection foil from the safety valve (cap). Slide the thermo well through the opening in the center of the protection foil and move the foil to the top of the thermo well. Introduce the thermo well into the cell cover. The top of the thermo well should sit flush with the cell cover. Hand-tighten the safety valve (cap) onto the reactor holster making sure the fit is snug. Add 50 ml of toluene to the other cells containing spiked samples. Note: Alternate extraction solvents may be used pending method development studies. Recondition the cell caps with the tool provided and then apply each cap onto the cell. Add each cell to a reactor holster. Make sure that the TFM sealing valve is in tightly screwed into place over a clean undamaged protection foil. Hand-tighten the safety valve (cap) onto the reactor holster making sure the fit is snug. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 21 of 63 Plug in the temperature probe to the microwave unit and snake the probe through the port at the top of the unit. The shrink-wrapped black tubing along the length of the probe should fit into the split conical polypropylene piece. This split conical piece should fit into the port at the top of the unit. Introduce the probe to the reference rotor fitting the PEEK knob at the top of the fiber optic body snugly into the opening on the top of the reference safety valve (cap). Place the sealed reference reactor connected to the temperature probe into port 1 of the rotor body. Add the remaining sealed reactors to the rotor body in a manner where the vent ports on the safety valve are facing away from the other reactors. Apply the rotor body top over the cells making sure it fits securely. Close and lock unit door. Turn the unit power on and make sure that the vents are switched to the on position. Choose the appropriate extraction profile using the touch screen unit. Profile should operate under the following conditions: 10 min ramp time, 115° C, IOOOW 45 min extraction time, 115° C, I OOOW 5 min cool time, 0° C, OW 10 min vent Note: These conditions can be further optimized through method development testing. Ensure that twist function is activated, QP is set to 100%, and verify that the rotor will twist in with normal motion without kinking or tangling the temperature probe. Ensure that starting QP reading is below 20%. If above 20% additional venting of unit may be necessary. Push start and begin extraction. Record extraction temperature-time profile in a logbook. After venting allow reactors to cool to room temperature. Use pressure relief pin on each reactor and remove safety valves (caps) and cell covers. Decant and filter solvent into a round bottom flask. Rinse each cell 3 times with 15 ml's of hexane and pour rinsate through filtrate and into the round bottom flask. Using snyder columns concentrate extract to approximately 5 ml. Rinse Snyder column down into the flask with three 2 mL portions of hexane. Note: Concentration step can be further optimized through method development testing. Transfer each concentrated extract into a 40 ml vial. Rinse the round bottom flask with approximately 5 ml of hexane and transfer the rinsate into the 40 ml vial. Repeat the rinse and transfer step two additional times. Proceed to extract enrichment. If, based on the appearance (cloudy or emulsive) or color (not clear) of the extract, the extract requires acid washes, transfer the extract to a 500 mL separatory funnel or a 40 mL vial. Rinse the flask and KD with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the separatory funnel. Proceed to sample cleanup. If acid washes are not required, transfer the extract through a drying column containing a 10 cm plug of glass wool and sodium sulfate, and combine with the filtrate portion of the extract (if applicable). Rinse the flask with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the drying column. Concentrate to 1 mL using KD and N-evap apparatus and proceed with sample cleanup. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 22 of 63 12.2.5 Water Samples Add 100 mL of methylene chloride to the sample bottle, cap and shake for 60 seconds to rinse the inner surface. Transfer the solvent to the separatory funnel containing the sample and shake vigorously for two minutes, with frequent venting. Allow the phases to separate for 10 minutes. If the emulsion between layers is greater than one-third of the volume, apply mechanical techniques to complete separation. Pass the solvent layer through glass chromatography drying column that contains a pre- rinsed glass wool plug and 5 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate into a K-D flask. Repeat the extraction twice more with fresh 100mL portions of methylene chloride and transfer as described above. Discard the water down the drain, flushing with running water, Rinse empty separatory funnel three times with fresh 20 mL aliquots of methylene chloride and pass each aliquot through the column. Combine the extracts and rinsates into the K-D flask. Add a pre-rinsed boiling bead and concentrate on steam bath to between 5 and 10 mL. DO NOT CONCENTRATE TO DRYNESS. Allow to cool 10 minutes. Rinse the Snyder column and KD twice with 5 mL portions of hexane and concentrate to 1 mL on the N-evap. Determine the original sample volume by weighing the sample bottle before and after extraction, and by filling the sample bottle with water to the mark. Record weight to the nearest 5 mL. Proceed to the sample cleanup steps. 12.2.6 Milk and Milk Product Samples Add 300 mL of 1.5M potassium oxalate solution and 600 mL of de-ionized water to each sample in the separatory funnel. Gently shake the separatory funnel for 8-10 minutes. Add 150 mL of 1:1:1 ethanol/ether/hexane to the sample and shake gently for 3-4 minutes. Allow the layers to separate 15-20 minutes. Collect the milk (bottom layer) and emulsion layers in a clean 2 L beaker. (The emulsion layer can be reduced by adding small volumes (10-30 mL) of the 1:1:1 solvent mixture to the separatory funnel after separation of the layers.) Transfer the clear organic layer directly to a Kuderna-Danish concentrator and set aside. Transfer the milk and emulsion back to the separatory funnel and repeat the extraction two more times. Combine the organic layers to the K-D flask and save the emulsion layer in a 500 mL separatory funnel. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 23 of 63 After the final extraction, rinse the 2 L separatory funnel with 60 mL of the 1:1:1 solvent mixture and add to the K-D flask. Concentrate the extract to 2 mL and allow to cool. Quantitatively transfer the extract into the separatory funnel containing the emulsion and add 80 mL hexane. Perform the acid washes and cleanup as described. For milk samples, acid cleanup is not considered optional. NOTE: The first acid wash should not be shaken. Slowly pour the first 50 mL of sulfuric acid into the separatory funnel and allow to separate for 15 minutes. Drain the acid and perform the remaining washes in the normal manner. 12.2.7 Tissue Samples Place the loaded thimble into the Soxhlet apparatus. Add 250 mL of hexane/methylene chloride (1:1 v/v) and reflux for a minimum of 16 hours. Cool and place a pre-rinsed Snyder column on the 500 mL round bottom flask for concentration. The extract can otherwise be quantitatively transferred to a K-D flask and concentrated on a steam bath. Concentrate to approximately 10 mL. Remove and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Rinse Snyder column down into the flask with three 2 mL portions of hexane. Perform the acid washes and cleanup as described. For tissue samples, acid cleanup is not considered optional. NOTE: The first acid wash should not be shaken. Slowly pour the first 50 mL of sulfuric acid into the separatory funnel and allow to separate for 15 minutes. Drain the acid and perform the remaining washes in the normal manner. If acid washes are not required, transfer the extract through a drying column containing a 10 cm plug of glass wool and sodium sulfate, and combine with the filtrate portion of the extract (if applicable). Rinse the flask with hexane (3 x 30 mL) and add to the drying column. Concentrate to 1 mL using KD and N-evap apparatus and proceed with sample cleanup. Alternatively, the sample can be extracted using Soxhlet Dean-Stark apparatus and toluene. No sodium sulfate is used with this option. If requested, percent lipid determinations are performed on a separate aliquot of the sample material following SOP MN-H-004 or equivalent replacement. 12.2.8 Oil Samples Oil samples are not extracted. The samples are processed directly through extract enrichment procedures in section 12.3 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 24 of 63 12.3 Extract Enrichment 12.3.1 Back Extraction with Acid - Microscale NOTE: This enrichment step is optional. It is used on extracts based on appearance and color. If the extract is cloudy, emulisive, or multi-layered, this back extraction is employed. It is also used when the extract is not clear or if the sample appears particularly dirty (i.e. multi-layer, sludge-like) or contains various organic materials (i.e. milk, fish, vegetation, etc.). Most samples undergo this procedure. Quantitatively transfer H2O and soxhlet extracts with 15 mL of hexane to 40 mL vials. Extracts obtained using the ASE method should be concentrated to almost dryness (-1mL) and 15 mL of hexane added. Partition the extract against 2-3 mL concentrated sulfuric acid. Shake for two minutes with periodic venting into a hood. Remove and discard the acidic bottom layer. Emulsions may be broken down by mechanical or chemical means. Repeat, the acid washing, until no color is visible in the aqueous layer, to a maximum of four washings. Acid waste is collected, and then stored in labeled containers for disposal. Use caution when handling. Repeat step, but substitute buffer solution (100 mL 0.5 M KHZPO4 and 31 mL of 1M NaOH). Repeat the buffer washing until the total number equals total number of acid washing. Concentrate extacts to approximately 1 mL on the N-evap and proceed with column cleanup. DO NOT ALLOW THE EXTRACTS TO GO TO DRYNESS! 12.3.2 Back Extraction with Acid - Macroscale NOTE: This enrichment step is optional. It is used on extracts based on appearance and color. of the extract is cloudy, emulsive, or multi-layered, this back extraction is employed. It is also used when the extract is not clear or if the sample appears particularly dirty (i.e. multi-layer, sludge-like) or contains various organic materials (i.e. milk, fish, vegetation, etc.). If back extraction is not performed, ensure that the samples are spiked with 1 mL of the Labeled cleanup standard spiking solution prior to column chromatography. Spike the separatory funnel with 1 mL of the Labeled cleanup standard spiking solution if not already added. Quantitatively transfer and partition the extract in 50 mL concentrated sulfuric acid. Shake for two minutes with periodic venting into a hood. Remove and discard the aqueous bottom layer. Emulsions may be broken down by mechanical or chemical means. Repeat until no color is visible in the aqueous layer, to a maximum of four washings. Acid waste is collected, then stored in labeled containers for disposal. Use caution when handling. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 25 of 63 Partition the extract against 50 mL of the 5%(w/v) sodium chloride solution in the same way as with acid. Discard the aqueous layer. Pour the extract through a drying column containing 7 to 12 cm of anhydrous sodium sulfate and a pre-rinsed glass wool plug. Rinse the separatory funnel with three 20 mL portions of hexane and add to the column. Collect the extract in a 500 mL KD evaporator flask. Add 1 to 2 clean boiling chips to the receiver and attach a three ball macro Snyder column. Preset the column by adding approximately 1 mL of hexane through the top. Place the KD apparatus in a hot water bath so the entire lower rounded surface of the flask is bathed in steam. Adjust the vertical position of the apparatus and the water temperature as required to complete the concentration in 15 to 20 minutes. At the proper rate of distillation, the balls of the column will actively chatter but the chambers will not flood. DO NOT ALLOW THE EXTRACT TO GO TO DRYNESS. When the liquid has reached an apparent volume of 1 mL, remove the KD apparatus from the steam bath and allow to drain and cool for at least 10 minutes. Remove the Snyder column and rinse the flask and its lower joint into the concentrator tube with 1-2 mL of hexane. Remove the concentrator tube from the apparatus, concentrate to approximately 1 mL on the N-evap and proceed with column cleanup. Silica Column Vertically clamp a disposable glass column, 12 mm ID x 35 cm. Rinse three times with 5 mL hexane, air dry, and place a pre-extracted silanized glass wool plug into bottom. Pack the column in the following order (bottom to top): 1 g neutral silica, 2 g basic silica, 4 g acidic silica and 2 g neutral silica. Between each layer, tap the column to settle the silica. Wet column with 10 mL hexane after the basic silica layer is added. Plug the end of the column with a septa when it starts dripping. Check the column for channeling. If channeling is observed, discard the column. DO NOT allow the column to go dry. Spike the extract with the cleanup standard, if it has not already been added. Quantitatively transfer the sample extract onto the column using 2-2 ml rinses of hexane. Break off the tip of the column containing the septum. Elute the column with 90 mL hexane. Collect the eluant in a 100 mL beaker. Dirtier samples may be processed through a larger scale version of this column. The column is prepared as above except using a 15 mm ID column packed with (bottom to top): I g silica gel, 4 g basic silica gel, l g silica gel, 8 g acid silica gel, 2 g silica gel and 4 g granular anhydrous sodium sulfate. This column is washed with 50 mL hexane and eluted with 200 mL hexane. Larger scale silica columns may also be used so long as sufficient hexane is used to elute all PCB isomers. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 26 of 63 Oil samples are typically diluted IOx in hexane and are processed through a silica column prepared in a modified TurboVap concentrator tube (the nipple has been snapped off). Prepare as above, except layer using 10 g silica gel, 10 g basic silica gel, 10 g silica gel, 50 g acidic silica gel, 10 g silica gel and 10 g sodium sulfate. This column is washed with 50 mL hexane and eluted with 300 mL hexane. Especially dark samples can be processed through a column using 1.5X the amounts indicated and elute with 350 mL hexane. Concentrate the extract to approximately 1 mL using KD, N-evap apparatus or ambient air conditions if further cleanup is required. Otherwise, proceed to final transfer, as described below. Note: Most samples are cleaned up using only acid washes and the multi-layer silica column. An equivalent silica column may be substituted so long as the data meet method requirements. Problematic matrices (i.e., adipose tissue, waste samples, etc.) may be processed by mixing up to 100 grams of acid silica into the sample extract. The extract should then be processed through the above silica column. 12.3.3 Florisil Column (Optional) Prepare a column (same dimension as alumina column) by inserting a silanized, pre- extracted glass wool plug. Add 1.5 g of activated Florisil topped with a 1 cm layer of anhydrous sodium sulfate. Pre-elute the column with 20 mL of methylene chloride, followed by 10 mL of hexane. Discard eluants. Quantitatively transfer the extract to the top of the column with 2 mL of hexane. Elute the column with 100 mL of ether:hexane (6% v/v) in hexane. Collect this fraction in a pre-rinsed 100 mL beaker. Concentrate under a gentle stream of nitrogen to less than 5 mL. Proceed to final extraction preparation. 12.4 Final Extract Preparation 12.4.1 Extract Transfer Concentrate the extract under a gentle stream of nitrogen to a volume of less than 1 mL. Do NOT blow the sample so the portions of the solvent "ride" up the sides of the glass vial. Add 10 µL of nonane to an autosampler vial to act as a keeper solvent. A volume of 40 µL of nonane may otherwise be used for the keeper solvent to help achieve good recoveries of low boiling analytes. Quantitatively transfer the extract to the autosampler vial. Rinse the original vial with less than 1 mL of methylene chloride/hexane (60:40 V:V). Transfer rinsate to the autosampler vial. Repeat rinse of the autosampler vial with two additional aliquots (<1 mL) of methylene chloride. Then blow down the extract to the level of the keeper solvent. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 27 of 63 Add the 10 µL of recovery standard to the extract and cap. Vortex each sample vial. Transfer the extracts to the analytical laboratory for analysis. Extracts should be stored in the dark at < -10°C. 12.5 Instrument Maintenance 12.5.1 There is no set schedule for the maintenance listed in this section. It is performed on anas needed basis. Regular preventative maintenance is performed by Pace Analytical's service engineer. 12.5.2 The rough pump oil should be changed if the pump fails to produce a vacuum lower than 10-' mbar or if the pump oil becomes excessively dark. To do so, turn off the ion gauge, isolate and turn off the diffusion pump and allow it to cool. When the diffusion pump is cool, isolate and turn off the rough pump. Now drain the oil into a waste container and recap the drain. Add oil up to the full line and turn on the pump. When the gurgling sound stops, open the valve to pump on the instrument. After several minutes, turn on the diffusion pump. Wait another 30-45 minutes and turn on the ion gauge. Repeat at 15 minute intervals as needed to activate the gauge. If it is a source linked pump, the source will need to be evacuated. 12.5.3 When the carrier gas, helium, pressure gets below 500 psi, the tank should be replaced. 12.5.4 The chromatographic column used for these analyses is the SPB Octyl in a 30 meter length. As with any column, these will degrade in time. Once this degradation reaches the point where EPA Method 1668A criteria are not met, the column needs to be replaced. Note: The column is very susceptible to damage by oxygen. Care should be taken to ensure column temperatures are reduced when performing any GC or injector maintenance procedures. 12.5.5 GC septa should be changed daily, batch inlet septa should be changed weekly. 12.6 Sample Analysis 12.6.1 After calibration and column performance have been established, (per Quality Control Section Guidelines) any spikes are typically analyzed. A blank must be analyzed between calibration standards and client samples. Introduce PFK into the batch inlet and tune the instrument to a resolution of 10,000 (M/AM, 10% valley) using a PFK peak within the analysis mass range (Typically m/z 331). 12.6.2 Typical Operating conditions include: Trap current: 500 pA Electron Energy: 32 ± 5 eV Source Temperature: 280 °C Emission/Trap Ratio: < 3 Accelerating Voltage: 8000 eV 12.7 Data Processing 12.7.1 The raw data files are imported into the AutoPro data processing program for integration. Information on how to use AutoPro is available in the AutoPro manual that can be accessed on the HRMS group computers. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 28 of 63 12.7.2 Calibration analyses are used both to determine response factors and to set retention time criteria. These criteria must be met before sample analyses are performed. 12.8 CALCULATIONS 12.8.1 The PCB isomers (native or labeled) are quantified by comparison of their responses to those of the corresponding/appropriate labeled standard. Relative response factors are calculated from analyses of standard mixtures containing representatives of each of the PCB congener classes at five concentration levels, and each of the internal and recovery standards at one concentration level. The PCB response factors are calculated by comparing the sum of the responses from the two ion masses monitored for each chlorine congener class to the sum of the responses from the two ion masses of the corresponding isotopically labeled standard. The formula for the response factor calculation is: Rf = Aa x s As x Qa where: Rf = Response factor Aa = Sum of integrated areas for analyte Qs = Quantity of labeled standard As = Sum of integrated areas for labeled standard Qa = Quantity of analyte 12.8.2 The levels of PCBs in the samples are quantified using the following equation: C= Anx is AisxWxRf where: C = Concentration of target isomer An = Sum of integrated areas for the target isomer Qis = Quantity of labeled internal standard added to the sample Ais = Sum of integrated areas for the labeled internal standard W = Sample amount Rf = Response factor 12.8.3 A method detection limit (MDL), based on the signal to noise ratio of the noise level of the ion of interest versus the appropriate standard, may be calculated for each sample and isomer. The equation used for calculating the MDL is: MDL=HnxQis x2.5 HisxWxRf where: MDL = Method Detection Limit Hn = Sum of noise heights for target isomer Qis = Quantity of labeled internal standard added to the sample His = Sum of signal heights from labeled internal standard W = Sample amount Rf = Response factor Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 29 of 63 Note: If a signal is present which does not meet the ion ratio requirement but is greater than 2:5:1 S/N, the 2.5 factor is omitted for that ion mass. 12.8.4 The Estimated Method Limits (EMLs) have been set to 500 pg/sample and are used as reporting limits provided that the signal to noise based limits, calibration range and freedom from laboratory background levels support this limit. These levels will be reported as PRLs (Practical Reporting Limits). Analytes in diluted extracts may be reported down to the concentration equivalent to the low calibration point of the method (a 25x dilution). 12.8.5 The recoveries of the internal and cleanup standards are calculated using the following equation: %R = Ais x Qrs x 100 Rfr x Ars x Qis where: %R = Percent recovery of labeled internal or cleanup standard Ais = Sum of integrated areas of labeled internal or cleanup standard Qrs = Quantity of recovery standard Ars = Sum of integrated areas of recovery standard Rfr = Response factor of the specific labeled internal or cleanup standard relative 13. QUALITY CONTROL 13.1 The quality of the sample processing steps and instrument performance are monitored on a routine basis. The procedures and criteria are summarized below. 13.1.1 Internal standards are spiked into each sample prior to extraction in order to monitor the level of recovery, which is achieved for each individual sample. Acceptable recoveries range from 25 to 150% for the internal standards unless a deviation is due to variation in instrument response as a result of analytical interferences. Acceptable recoveries for cleanup standards range from 30 to 135%. If selected recoveries are outside the target range, the results may be discussed in the narrative of the report or the samples may be re-analyzed after dilution or re-extraction. 13.1.2 Prior to each analysis, the resolution of the mass spectrometer is verified to be 10,000 or greater. Due to the mass range monitored, a resolution of as low as 8,000 is acceptable so long as the resolution at the mid point of the mass range is 10,000 or more. Hardcopies of the reference peaks are printed at the beginning and end of each analytical shift (as staffing permits). The resolving power of the SPB Octyl (or equivalent) chromatographic column is checked daily by analyzing the 209-congener mix standard. 13.1.3 Initial calibrations are generated by analyzing standard solutions containing target native and labeled PCB compounds. Response factors are calculated and averaged for each compound. These averages are used for quantification and for comparison to the daily continuing calibration. The relative standard deviation for each native compound must be 20% or less. A continuing calibration standard is analyzed at the beginning of each 12-hour shift on days when initial calibrations are not performed. The initial calibration is considered to be valid when the native analyte response factors from the continuing calibration analysis agree to within ± 30% (50% for internal standards, -40% to +30% for cleanup standards) of the average from the initial calibration. The response factors for analytes not included in the continuing calibration solution are determined daily by the analysis of the diluted 209 congener solution. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 30 of 63 13.2 Samples are queued as discussed in the data processing section of this SOP. In order for a peak to be accepted as a PCB isomer, the following criteria must be met: 13.2.1 Isotope ratios must be within 15% of the corresponding standard. 13.2.2 The signal to noise of the peak versus the background noise must be >2.5:1 (10:1 for calibration standards). 13.2.3 The peak elutes within the retention time determined from the analysis of the column performance window mix standard. 13.3 Data Acceptance/Rejection Criteria and Corrective Action 13.3. Extraction Corrective Action If a laboratory error occurs during the extraction process that results in the loss of an extract prior to final concentration and transfer of the sample, a new aliquot may be re-extracted and added to the original batch. The new aliquot must be set up within 24 hours for the set up of the first sample in the extraction batch or it must be put into a new batch. This may include a QC aliquot. Make note of any error and corrective action on the extraction sheet. Include times of laboratory error and re-set up of the aliquot. 13.3.2 Method Blank One method blank is typically prepared with each twenty samples of any given matrix. A method blank or solvent blank must be analyzed between standards and samples to demonstrate lack of PCB carryover. If the blank contains PCBs within the reporting range for the method, find and correct the source of the problem. If the contamination appears to be instrument related, correct the problem, analyze a solvent blank, and reanalyze the method blank before proceeding with samples. If the contamination appears to be from the extraction or enrichment steps, the analysis of samples may continue. If the sample shows similar contamination that could potentially bias the sample results (sample level < IOx blank level) it should be re-extracted, if possible. The presence or absence of high levels of other isomers should also be considered when determining a course of action. All associated sample results will be qualified for blank contamination when any analyte is detected in the method blank at 10% of more of the sample concentration. 13.3.3 Laboratory Control Spike One laboratory control spike is prepared with each batch of 20 samples of any given matrix. If matrix spikes are not prepared with a batch of 20 samples, a second LCS will also be included. Acceptable recoveries of the native PCB analytes in the spiked samples range from 50 to 150% for natives, 30 to 140% for internal standards and 40 to 125% for cleanup standards. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 31 of 63 NOTE: Recoveries of up to 3 native analytes outside the acceptable range do not invalidate the data but provide information, which is used by the laboratory to monitor recovery trends and to assure optimization of the method. Affected data will be qualified with a detailed explanation of data impact in the narrative section of the final report or the samples will be re-extracted and reanalyzed. Accuracy of the standard spiking solutions should, at a minimum, be verified semi-annually by comparison of the solutions to certified native materials obtained from a second source or batch. 13.3.4 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix spike samples should be prepared with each batch of 20 or fewer samples. If prepared, the recoveries of the native PCB analytes in the spiked samples should fall within the OPR acceptance ranges if not affected by levels or interferences present in the sample material. NOTE: Recoveries of selected analytes outside the acceptable range do not invalidate the data but provide information, which is used by the laboratory to monitor recovery trends and to assure optimization of the method. This is particularly true of MS/MSD recoveries where native PCBs are subject to the affects of the sample source. 13.4 REPORTING AND REVIEW 13.4.1 Reports are prepared using previous reports as templates and making modification as appropriate. The amount of information included with the report is determined based on the client requirements. 13.4.2 Units/Significant Figures Values within the calibration range are reported to three significant figures. Values below the calibration range should be reported to two significant figures. Aqueous samples are routinely reported in units of pg/L or ng/L and solid matrices are reported in ng/Kg. Other matrices are reported in units specific to instrument sensitivity and extraction capability and can be provided upon request. 13.4.3 Data Qualifiers/Flags The information typically reported is summarized below. Base Report Case Narrative including client name, address, and project information, introduction, sample information and discussion of results. Copies of chain of custody documents and analytical requests. Data summary tables (sample and QC analysis results) Full Report Those items listed in base report summary. Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 32 of 63 Methodology, example calculations, QA/QC summary. Raw data including sample, QC sample and standards. Selected ion current profiles (chromatograms). Communications records. Extraction and login forms. Instrument resolution checks. Calibration Results. 13.4.4 Those items included in the report may be tailored to the clients requirements and may not fit into the above stated categories. 13.4.5 Levels of Review Each sample work-up must be rechecked for work-up and header information accuracy. The results of this review are recorded on the raw data sheet. All data generated during analysis are peer reviewed prior to inclusion in the final report. The final report is reviewed by the project manager. Initial and Continuing Calibration standard data are stored in a QA notebook located near each instrument. After reporting, the complete project file is archived in the chemistry archive. 14. METHOD PERFORMANCE 14.1 There are several requirements that must be met to insure that this procedure generates accurate and reliable data. A general outline of requirements has been summarized below. Further specifications may be found in the Laboratory Quality Manual and specific Standard Operating Procedures. 14.1.1 The analyst must read and understand this procedure with written documentation maintained in his/her training file which is located in the QA Office. 14.1.2 An initial demonstration of capability (IDC) must be performed per SOP ALL-Q-20 or equivalent. A record of the IDC will be maintained in his/her file with written authorization from the Laboratory Manager and Quality Manager. Results are stored in the QA office. 14.1.3 An annual minimum detection limit (MDL) study following SOP ALL-Q-004 or equivalent will be completed for this method and whenever there is a major change in personnel or equipment. Results are stored in the QA Office. 14.1.4 Periodic performance evaluation (PE) samples are analyzed to demonstrate continuing competence per SOP ALL-Q-010 or equivalent. Results are stored in the QA office. 15. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 15.1 The quantity of chemicals purchased is based on expected usage during its shelf life and disposal cost of Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 33 of 63 unused material. Actual reagent preparation volumes should reflect anticipated usage and reagent stability. 15.2 The Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) requires that laboratory waste management practice be consistent with all applicable rules and regulations. Excess reagents, samples and method process wastes are characterized and disposed of in an acceptable manner. For further information on waste management consult SOP ALL-S-002, Waste Handling or equivalent replacement. 16. REFERENCES 16.1 USEPA Method 1668, Revision A: Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in Water, Soil, Sediment and Tissue by HRGC/HRMS (December 1999). 17. TABLES, DIAGRAMS, FLOWCHARTS, APPENDICES, ADDENDA 17.1 Attachment # 1: PCBExtraction Worksheet 17.2 Attachment 42: Full Validation Checklist 17.3 Attachment 43: Method 1668A Tables 18. REVISIONS Revision Change Date MN-H-014-Rev.3 Reformatted to conform to current corporate requirements. 18-Nov-04 Definitions removed and Analytical Definitions SOP cited. Reflux time changed from 16-18 hours to read "a minimum of 16 hours". LCS and MS requirements clarified. MN-H-014-Rev.5 Added method required sample preservation to section 8. 18-May-05 MN-H-014-Rev.6 10.1 Changed reverification criteria to be calibration limits. 11-Apr-06 Corrected compound. 12.6.1 - PFK for PFTBA/HA and 331 for 364 Updated Attachment #1 to current revision of form. Labeled Tables, #1, #3, #4 MN-H-014-Rev.7 12.3 Changed to define microscale 28-Jul-06 Changed 45% to read -40% to +30% Table 4 place A2 cont. and B2 cont. on second page. S-M N-H-014- Rev.08 Added Congener reference table to section 2 19Sep2007 Added "Refill with fresh extraction solvent" Removed statements from,,, and Added Oil prep procedure to 12.2.8 and Added Extraction Corrective Action to section 13 Corrected spacing and formatting Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 34 of 63 ATTACHMENT #1: Example PCB Extraction Worksheet DIOXIN EXTRACTION WORKSHEET F..ri..'cf fir rr r1y--r':fr:-r rl Extract;Dn Bench: Setup ey Extrac lan Start IMarr!mal: Extradlon ErA IDaterrlmal: client (s) Extract Solvents T ou e^e L•:- - -lexane Lot= McCL Lot R Acid Base -1.30, ?',J-er Sclnm Stand arils 1,terral St-d vl-?7 Recnre-? OU eT? Ca rbon: Silica: %jeL.ra: Elat:: ; Bm10-- ._71 -_-4 Alumi^a: Jiexal? Lot- Method EPA 8290 Method [813 TOO Method 23 1668 1868-2096:=' Ea:.l= Matrix PLJP XAD Solid Water Tissue Other JLrnd Tculene Lc- R Ta" a Batch. 50`.b Gat:!-; R I_ xa = LoWr N..rrk ;}' I P843 1 1 _ _ SaPll l? 1 I -I Full -Ba7[le '/YS. ? E 1 nT .9{Yttla?.1r+lL? q 1 y. a I tik?yP II i I I I - y I I a I I ? RS _ u r2 I ?Gle®8'r L" i L----a Sol I Cmnrents 21_ ? I I I I ? _ _ I I I I I -,- T --- RI I I I I I 71 -T------ r- - --- - - --- -? --- r---- ---- ?---- I I i I I I I I ? _ I I I I I I 131 I 1 I I I I I I I ? I I I --I -- I -' I I - I I r- - 12 i I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I ?1------ r- ?- _4 _4 ---? - - - ---? - ; - - s- - ; ---- - --- ; ---- --- ? 11 1 - I? I __ I ?I _ ?? I I 1 Iv I ?_ ?- 1$I I I I I I 1a1 I I I I I 21 I I I I I I 1 I ? I I I I I I I I I I 'Witness I e _ I Extracts Relinj: fished By: ceived By: Gate: Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 35 of 63 ATTACHMENT #2 Full Validation Package Checklist Text Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Case Narrative Tables Chain of Custody Copy of Airbill "Blackout" Sheet Extraction Sheet Copy Moisture Sheet Copy HRMS Logbook Page Copies HRMS Resolution Check Copies (If Requested) Sample Results Blank Results Spike Results MS/MSD Relative Percent Difference Results Calibration Results Sample Chromatograms Sample Raw Data Standard Chromatograms Standard Raw Data Blank Chromatograms Spike Chromatograms Blank Raw Data Spike Raw Data Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 36 of 63 ATTACHMENT #3: Method 1668A Tables Table #1: Analyte List CB congener 1 IUPAC number CAS registry number Labeled analog IUPAC analog CAS registry number 2-MoCB 1 2051-60-7 1'C12-2-MoCB2 1L 234432-85-0 3-MoCB 2 2051-61-8 4-MoCB 3 2051-62-9 1'C12-4-MoCB2 3L 208263-77-8 2,2'-DiCB 4 13029-08-8 1'C12-2,2'-DiCB2 4L 234432-86-1 2,3-DiCB 5 16605-91-7 2,3'-DiCB 6 25569-80-6 2,4-DiCB' 7 32284-50-3 2,4'-DiCB 8 34883-43-7 2,5-DiCB 9 34883-39-1 1'C12-2,5-DiCB4 9L 250694-89-4 2,6-DiCB 10 33146-45-1 3,3'-DiCB 11 2050-67-1 3,4-DiCB 12 2974-92-7 3,4'-DiCB 13 2974-90-5 3,5-DiCB 14 34883-41-5 4,4'-DiCB 15 2050-68-2 1'C12-4,4'-DiCB2 15L 208263-67-6 2,2',3-TrCB 16 38444-78-9 2,2',4-TrCB 17 37680-66-3 2,2',5-TrCB' 18 37680-65-2 2,2',6-TrCB 19 38444-73-4 1'C12-2,2',6-TrCB2 19L 234432-87-2 2,3,3'-TrCB 20 38444-84-7 2,3,4-TrCB 21 55702-46-0 2,3,4'-TrCB 22 38444-85-8 2,3,5-TrCB 23 55720-44-0 2,3,6-TrCB 24 66803-45-9 2,3',4-TrCB 25 66823-37-3 2,3',5-TrCB 26 38444-81-4 2,3',6-TrCB 27 38444-76-7 2,4,4'-TrCB' 28 7012-37-5 1'C12-2,2',4-TriCB5 28L 208263-76-7 2,4,5-TrCB 29 15862-07-4 2,4,6-TrCB 30 35693-92-6 2,4',5-TrCB 31 16606-02-3 2,4',6-TrCB 32 38444-77-8 2',3,4-TrCB 33 38444-86-9 2',3,5-TrCB 34 37680-68-5 3,3',4-TrCB 35 37-680-69-6 3,3',5-TrCB 36 38444-87-0 3,4,4'-TrCB 37 38444-90-5 1'C12-3,4,4'-TrCB2 37L 208263-79-0 3,4,5-TrCB 38 53555-66-1 3,4',5-TrCB 39 38444-88-1 2,2',3,3'-TeCB 40 38444-93-8 2,2',3,4-TeCB 41 52663-59-9 2,2',3,4'-TeCB 42 36559-22-5 2,2',3,5-TeCB 43 70362-46-8 2,2',3,5'-TeCB' 44 41464-39-5 2,2',3,6-TeCB 45 70362-45-7 2,2',3,6'-TeCB 46 41464-47-5 2,2',4,4'-TeCB 47 2437-79-8 2,2',4,5-TeCB 48 70362-47-9 2,2',4,5'-TeCB 49 41464-40-8 2,2',4,6-TeCB 50 62796-65-0 2,2',4,6'-TeCB 51 68194-04-7 2,2',5,5'-TeCB' 52 35693-66-3 13C12-2,2',5,5'-TeCB4 52L 208263-80-3 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 37 of 63 2,2',5,6'-TeCB 53 41464-41-9 2,2',6,6'-TeCB 54 15986-05-5 1'C12-2,2',6,6'-TeCB2 54L 234432-88-3 2,3,3',4'-TeCB 55 74338-24-2 2,3,3',4'-TeCB 56 41464-43-1 2,3,3',5-TeCB 57 70424-67-8 2,3,3',5'-TeCB 58 41464-49-7 2,3,3',6-TeCB 59 74472-33-6 2,3,4,4'-TeCB 60 33025-41-1 2,3,4,5-TeCB 61 33284-53-6 2,3,4,6-TeCB 62 54230-22-7 2,3,4',5-TeCB 63 74472-34-7 2,3,4',6-TeCB 64 52663-58-8 2,3,5,6-TeCB 65 33284-54-7 2,3',4,4'-TeCB' 66 32598-10-0 2,3',4,5-TeCB 67 73575-53-8 2,3',4,5'-TeCB 68 73575-52-7 2,3',4,6-TeCB 69 60233-24-1 2,3',4',5-TeCB 70 32598-11-1 2,3',4',6-TeCB 71 41464-46-4 2,3',5,5'-TeCB 72 41464-42-0 2,3',5',6-TeCB 73 74338-23-1 2,4,4',5-TeCB 74 32690-93-0 2,4,4',6-TeCB 75 32598-12-2 2',3,4,5-TeCB 76 70362-48-0 3,3',4,4'-TeCB1•6 77 32598-13-3 1'C12-3,3',4,4'-TeCB2•' 77L 105600-23-5 3,3',4,5-TeCB 78 70362-49-1 3,3',4,5'-TeCB 79 41464-48-6 3,3',5,5'-TeCB 80 33284-52-5 3,4,4',5-TeCB6 81 70362-50-4 1'C12-3,4,4',5-TeCB' 81L 208461-24-9 2,2',3,3',4-PeCB 82 52663-62-4 2,2',3,3',5-PeCB 83 60145-20-2 2,2',3,3',6-PeCB 84 52663-60-2 2,2',3,4,4'-PeCB 85 65510-45-4 2,2',3,4,5-PeCB 86 55312-69-1 2,2',3,4,5'-PeCB 87 38380-02-8 2,2',3,4,6-PeCB 88 55215-17-3 2,2',3,4,6'-PeCB 89 73575-57-2 2,2',3,4',5-PeCB 90 68194-07-0 2,2',3,4',6-PeCB 91 68194-05-8 2,2',3,5,5'-PeCB 92 52663-61-3 2,2',3,5,6-PeCB 93 73575-56-1 2,2',3,5,6'-PeCB 94 73575-55-0 2,2',3,5',6-PeCB 95 38379-99-6 2,2',3,6,6'-PeCB 96 73575-54-9 2,2',3',4,5-PeCB 97 41464-51-1 2,2',3,4,6-PeCB 98 60233-25-2 2,2',4,4',5-PeCB 99 38380-01-7 2,2',4,4',6-PeCB 100 39485-83-1 2,2',4,5,5'-PeCB3 101 37680-73-2 13C12-2,2',4,4',5'-PeCB4 101L 104130-39-4 2,2',4,5,6'-PeCB 102 68194-06-9 2,2',4,5',6-PeCB 103 60145-21-3 2,2',4,6,6'-PeCB 104 56558-16-8 13C12-2,2',4,4',6,6'-PeCB2 104L 234432-89-4 2,3,3',4,4'-PeCB3,6 105 32598-14-4 13C12-2,3,3',4,4'-PeCB' 105L 208263-62-1 2,3,3',4,5-PeCB 106 70424-69-0 2,3,3',4',5-PeCB 107 70424-68-9 2,3,3',4,5'-PeCB 108 70362-41-3 2,3,3',4,6-PeCB 109 74472-35-8 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 38 of 63 2,3,3',4',6-PeCB 110 38380-03-9 2,3,3',5,5'-PeCB 111 39635-32-0 13C12-2,3,3',5,5'-PeCB? 111L 235416-29-2 2,3,3',5,6-PeCB 112 74472-36-9 2,3,3',5',6-PeCB 113 68194-10-5 2,3,4,4',5-PeCB6 114 74472-37-0 13C12-2,3,4,4',5-PeCB? 114L 208263-63-2 2,3,4,4',6-PeCB 115 74472-38-1 2,3,4,5,6-PeCB 116 18259-05-7 2,3,4',5,6-PeCB 117 68194-11-6 2,3',4,4',5-PeCB3.6 118 31508-00-6 13C12-2,3',4,4',5-PeCB? 118L 104130-40-7 2,3',4,4',6-PeCB 119 56558-17-9 2,3',4,5,5'-PeCB 120 68194-12-7 2,3',4,5',6-PeCB 121 56558-18-0 2,3,3',4,5-PeCB 122 76842-07-4 2',3,4,4',5-PeCB6 123 65510-44-3 13C12-2',3,4,4',5-PeCB? 123L 208263-64-3 2',3,4,5,5'-PeCB 124 70424-70-3 2',3,4,5,6'-PeCB 125 74472-39-2 3,3',4,4',5-PeCB3.6 126 57465-28-8 13C12-3,3',4,4',5-PeCB2•7 126L 208263-65-4 3,3',4,5,5'-PeCB 127 39635-33-1 2,2',3,3',4,4'-HxCB3 128 38380-07-3 2,2',3,3',4,5-HxCB 129 55215-18-4 2,2',3,3',4,5'-HxCB 130 52663-66-8 2,2',3,3',4,6-HxCB 131 61798-70-7 2,2',3,3',4,6'-HxCB 132 38380-05-1 2,2',3,3',5,5'-HxCB 133 35694-04-3 2,2',3,3',5,6-HxCB 134 52704-70-8 2,2',3,3',5,6'-HxCB 135 52744-13-5 2,2',3,3',6,6'-HxCB 136 38411-22-2 2,2',3,4,4',5-HxCB 137 35694-06-5 2,2',3,4,4',5'-HxCB3 138 35065-28-2 13C12-2,2',3,4,4',5'-HxCB4 138L 208263-66-5 2,2',3,4,4',6-HxCB 139 56030-56-9 2,2',3,4,4',6'-HxCB 140 59291-64-4 2,2',3,4,5,5'-HxCB 141 52712-04-6 2,2',3,4,5,6-HxCB 142 41411-61-4 2,2',3,4,5,6'-HxCB 143 68194-15-0 2,2',3,4,5',6-HxCB 144 68194-14-9 2,2',3,4,6,6'-HxCB 145 74472-40-5 2,2',3,4',5,5'-HxCB 146 51908-16-8 2,2',3,4',5,6-HxCB 147 68194-13-8 2,2',3,4',5,6'-HxCB 148 74472-41-6 2,2',3,4',5',6-HxCB 149 38380-04-0 2,2',3,4',6,6'-HxCB 150 68194-08-1 2,2',3,5,5',6-HxCB 151 52663-63-5 2,2',3,5,6,6'-HxCB 152 68194-09-2 2,2',4,4',5,5'-HxCB3 153 35065-27-1 2,2',4,4',5',6-HxCB 154 60145-22-4 2,2',4,4',6,6'-HxCB 155 33979-03-2 13C12-2,2',4,4',6,6'-HxCB2 155L 234432-90-7 2,3,3',4,4',5-HxCB6 156 38380-08-4 13C12-2,3,3',4,4',5-HxCB? 156L 208263-68-7 2,3,3',4,4',5'-HxCB6 157 69782-60-7 13C12-2,3,3',4,4',5'-HxCB? 157L 235416-30-5 2,3,3',4,4',6-HxCB 158 74472-42-7 2,3,3',4,5,5'-HxCB 159 39635-35-3 2,3,3',4,5,6-HxCB 160 41411-62-5 2,3,3',4,5',6-HxCB 161 74472-43-8 2,3,3',4',5,5'-HxCB 162 39365-34-2 2,3,3',4',5,6-HxCB 163 74472-44-9 2,3,3',4',5',6-HxCB 164 74472-45-0 2,3,3',5,5',6-HxCB 165 74472-46-1 2,3,4,4',5,6-HxCB 166 41411-63-6 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 39 of 63 2,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB6 167 52663-72-6 13C12-2,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB7 167L 208263-69-8 2,3',4,4',5',6-HxCB 168 59291-65-5 3,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB3.6 169 32774-16-6 13C12-3,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB2' 169L 208263-70-1 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-HpCB3 170 35065-30-6 2,2',3,3',4,4',6-HpCB 171 52663-71-5 2,2',3,3',4,5,5'-HpCB 172 52663-74-8 2,2',3,3',4,5,6-HpCB 173 68194-16-1 2,2',3,3',4,5,6'-HpCB 174 38411-25-5 2,2',3,3',4,5',6-HpCB 175 40186-70-7 2,2',3,3',4,6,6'-HpCB 176 52663-65-7 2,2',3,3',4',5,6-HpCB 177 52663-70-4 2,2',3,3',5,5',6-HpCB 178 52663-67-9 13C12-2,2',3,3',5,5',6-HpCB5 178L 232919-67-4 2,2',3,3',5,6,6'-HpCB 179 52663-64-6 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-HpCB3 180 35065-29-3 2,2',3,4,4',5,6-HpCB 181 74472-47-2 2,2',3,4,4',5,6'-HpCB 182 60145-23-5 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-HpCB 183 52663-69-1 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-HpCB 184 74472-48-3 2,2',3,4,5,5',6-HpCB 185 52712-05-7 2,2',3,4,5,6,6-HpCB 186 74472-49-4 2,2',3,4',5,5',6-HpCB3 187 52663-68-0 2,2',3,4',5,6,6'-HpCB 188 74487-85-7 13C12-2,2',3,4',5,6,6'-HpCB2 188L 234432-91-8 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-HpCB6 189 39635-31-9 13C12-2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-HpCB2' 189L 208263-73-4 2,3,3',4,4',5,6-HpCB 190 41411-64-7 2,3,3',4,4',5',6-HpCB 191 74472-50-7 2,3,3',4,5,5',6-HpCB 192 74472-51-8 2,3,3',4',5,5',6-HpCB 193 69782-91-8 2,2',3,3',4',5,5-OcCB 194 35694-08-7 13C12-2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-000B4 194L 208263-74-5 2,2',3,3',4',5,6-OcCB3 195 52663-78-2 2,2',3,3',4',5,6'-OcCB 196 42740-50-1 2,2',3,3',4',6,6'-OcCB 197 33091-17-7 2,2',3,3',4',5,5',6-OcCB 198 68194-17-2 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6'-OcCB 199 52663-75-9 2,2',3,3',4,5,6,6'-OcCB 200 52663-73-7 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6'-OcCB 201 40186-71-8 2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-OcCB 202 2136-99-4 13C12-2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-OcCB2 202L 105600-26-8 2,2',3,4,4',5,5',6-OcCB 203 52663-76-0 2,2',3,4,4',5,6,6'-OcCB 204 74472-52-9 2,3,3',4,4',5,5',6-OcCB 205 74472-53-0 13C12-2,3,3',4,4',5,5',6-OcCB2 205L 234446-64-1 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-OcCB3 206 40186-72-9 13C12-2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-NoCB2 206L 208263-75-6 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6,6'-OcCB 207 52663-79-3 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6,6'-OcCB 208 52663-77-1 13C12-2,2',3,3',4,5,6,6'-NoCB2 208L 234432-92-9 DeCB3 209 2051-24-3 13C12-DeCB2 209L 105600-27-9 1. Abbreviations for chlorination levles MoCB = monochlorobiphenyl DiCB = dichlorobiphenyl TrCB = trichlorobiphenyl TeCB = tetrachlorbiphenyl PeCB = pentachlorobiphenyl HxCB = hexachlorobiphenyl HpCB = heptachlorobiphenyl OcCB = octachlorobiphenyl NoCB = nonachlorobiphenyl DeCB = decachlorobiphenyl 2. Labeled level of chlorination (LOC) window defining congener 5. Labeled clean-up standard 3. Nat'l Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) congener of interest 6. World Health Organization (WHO) toxic congener 4. Labeled injection internal standard 7. Labeled analog of WHO toxic congener Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 40 of 63 4 W W W W W W W W W W W N N N N N N N N N N N N N n p E W A N Qi A V J u00 O ,O U rNw r A ? V' ? '? ? 4 A W N ? y 7 n 00 n N d p ?. n' s ° ti C' ? c o a r; o ? a n A ? ? , , , ? ? ? , ? ? a D N in es w il v A d d A A A A 7 W W - w ? ? 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C m? 0 Q Q 5 r . o 9 Ls7 e m N W N N N N N N + O O O 0 0 2 1 1 r ? n r y y, Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 47 of 63 1D OO W 00 00 OO 00 DD 00 00 GO W 00 OO 00 J J tit tit J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J p C} C ' a O O ?O +D O ID ?D ?D J O-4 b O O W Ib ?D 0 ?1 0 ?D ? ?D S O W ?L N J N J J W^ 00 ^ J J J A W Oo Oo ut W Oo N DD Z u, A Ut W O? ? IO 00 D O ri E N O ? ? ? W 10. ?p o r w w VI a kr' e C. a o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 a m w 00 00 00 00 00 00 O0 00 00 m av o0 00 00 OO o0 "? ae K lq v. ut u, ut U N N N N N N N N N n +D ?O 'O 'O IO G ?D +O 'C' "P w w DO m OO a0 o0 oo Do oO ZI r o r r r-? r r r r r r c- r r r r o r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ? w Cn A u, J u, J u, A ut w u, W u, N ul N ?n N A O A ID A t0 A ?D A 00 A J v. ut u. N Ul .. ?n 0 Vl 0 u 0 VI 0 VI 0 A ?O A ? 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C o g $ ? m = y i A A 3 0 ? d n to ?n G O 0 ? 0 0 ? ? R e r r? Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 49 of 63 o x M4 ; r 1- 4 9 y a C y o J. ?0. ,y Lys' N ? CC y C n 0. p O o r' ?• ?, 0. 0 n ? a v, ? ? w o. O N y (D .?+ ar G co N ?o a ? ?mb ro °a?° c 4P a ? o »' ., o a ? a c? Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 50 of 63 Table #3: Spike Amounts and Solution Concentrations Solution Concentrations CB congener Stock (tg/mL) Spiking (ng/mL) Extract (ng/mL) Native Toxics/LOCI 1 20 1.0 50 3 20 1.0 50 4 20 1.0 50 15 20 1.0 50 19 20 1.0 50 37 20 1.0 50 54 20 1.0 50 77 20 1.0 50 81 20 1.0 50 104 20 1.0 50 105 20 1.0 50 114 20 1.0 50 118 20 1.0 50 123 20 1.0 50 126 20 1.0 50 155 20 1.0 50 156 20 1.0 50 157 20 1.0 50 167 20 1.0 50 169 20 1.0 50 188 20 1.0 50 189 20 1.0 50 202 20 1.0 50 205 20 1.0 50 206 20 1.0 50 208 20 1.0 50 209 20 1.0 50 Native congener mix stock solutions2 MoCB thru TrCB 2.5 TeCb thru HpCB 5.0 OcCB thru DeCB 7.5 Labeled Toxics/LOC/window-defining' 1L 1.0 2.0 100 3L 1.0 2.0 100 4L 1.0 2.0 100 15L 1.0 2.0 100 19L 1.0 2.0 100 37L 1.0 2.0 100 54L 1.0 2.0 100 77L 1.0 2.0 100 81L 1.0 2.0 100 104L 1.0 2.0 100 105L 1.0 2.0 100 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 51 of 63 Solution Concentrations CB congener Stock (tg/mL) Spiking (ng/mL) Extract (ng/mL) 114L 1.0 2.0 100 118L 1.0 2.0 100 123L 1.0 2.0 100 126L 1.0 2.0 100 155L 1.0 2.0 100 156L 1.0 2.0 100 157L 1.0 2.0 100 167L 1.0 2.0 100 169L 1.0 2.0 100 188L 1.0 2.0 100 189L 1.0 2.0 100 202L 1.0 2.0 100 205L 1.0 2.0 100 206L 1.0 2.0 100 208L 1.0 2.0 100 209L 1.0 2.0 100 Labeled clean-up4 28L 1.0 2.0 100 111L 1.0 2.0 100 178L 1.0 2.0 100 Labeled injection internals 9L 5.0 200 100 52L 5.0 200 100 l O 1L 5.0 200 100 138L 5.0 200 100 194L 5.0 200 100 Diluted combined 209 congener6 Solution Concentrations (µg/mL) Standard Native Labeled Native Congeners MoCB thru TrCB 50 TeCB thru HpCB 100 OcCB thru DeCB 150 Labeled Toxics/LOC/window-defining 100 Labeled Cleanup 100 Labeled Injection internal 100 Stock solution: Section 7.8.1; Spiking solution: Section 7.11 Section Stock solution: Section 7.9.1; Spiking solution: Section 7.12 Stock solution: Section 7.9.2; Spiking solution: Section 7.13 Stock solution: Section 7.9.3; Spiking solution: Section 7.14 Section Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 52 of 63 Table #4: Native CB Congener Stock Solution Solution identifier A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 Accu-Standard part number M-1668A-1 M-1668A-2 M-1668A-3 M-1668A-4 M-1668A-5 2 7 13 25 1 10 5 17 21 3 9 12 29 69 4 6 18 20 47 15 8 24 46 42 19 14 23 65 64 16 11 28 59 70 37 30 22 40 102 54 27 39 67 97 43 32 53 76 115 44 34 51 80 123 74 26 73 93 134 56 31 48 84 131 77 33 62 101 163 104 36 71 112 180 98 38 68 86 125 35 58 116 110 50 61 109/107 126 45 55 154 155 52 60 147 138 49 94 140 169 75 100 146 188 41 91 141 189 72 121 164 202 57 90 158 205 63 99 182 208 66 108/109 174 206 79 117 173 209 78 111 193 81 107/108 96 118 103 114 95 150 88 145 89 135 92 149 113 139 83 132 119 165 87 168 85 137 82 160 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 53 of 63 A2 cont. B2 cont. 120 128 124 162 106 157 122 184 105 186 127 187 152 185 136 181 148 192 151 197 144 199/201 143 203 142 133 161 153 130 129 166 159 167 156 179 176 178 175 183 177 171 172 191 170 190 201/200 204 200-199 198 196 195 194 207 Totals 83 54 29 15 28 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 54 of 63 Table 5. Concentration of CB congeners in calibration and calibration verification standards Solution concentration (ag/mL) CB congener IUPAC' CS-0.2 (Hi sens)2 CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 (VER) CS4 CS-5 Native Toxics[LOC 2-MoCB 1 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 4-MoCB 3 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,2'-DiCB 4 0.2 LO 5.0 50 400 2000 4,4'-DiCB 15 0.2 LO 5.0 50 400 2000 2,2',6'-TrCB 19 0.2 LO 5.0 50 400 2000 3,4,4'-TrCB 37 0.2 LO 5.0 50 400 2000 2,2',6,6'-TeCB 54 0.2 L0 5.0 50 400 2000 3,3',4,4'-TeCB 77 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 3,4,4',5-TeCB 81 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,2',4,6,6'-PeCB 104 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,3,3',4,4'-PeCB 105 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,3,4,4',5-PeCB 114 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,3',4,4',5-PeCB 118 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2',3,4,4',5-PeCB 123 02 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 3,3',4,4',5-PeCB 126 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,21,4,4',6,6'-HxCB 155 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,3,3',4,4',5-HxCB 156 01 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,3,3',4,4',5'-HxCB 157 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 167 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 3,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 169 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,2',3,4',5,6,6'-HpCB 188 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-HpCB 189 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,21,3,3',5,5',6,6'-OcCB 202 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,3,3',4,4',5,5',6-OcCB 205 0.2 LO 5.0 50 400 2000 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-NoCB 206 0.2 1.0 5.0 50 400 2000 2,2',3,3',4',5,5',6,6'-NoCB 208 0.2 LO 5.0 50 400 2000 DeCB 209 0.2 L.0 5.0 50 400 2000 Labeled ToxicifLOC/window-defining 13C,2-2-MoCB 1L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C12-4-MoCB 31, 100 100 100 100 100 l00 "C12 2,2'-DiCB 41, 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C12-4,4'-DiCB 15L 100 100 100 100 100 l00 "C12-2,2',6'-TrCB 19L 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C12-3,4,4'-TrCB 37L 100 100 100 100 100 100 11C,z 2,2',6,6'-TeCB 54L 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C12-3,31,4,4'-TeCB 77L 100 100 100 100 100 100 '3C12-3,4,4',5-TeCB 81L 100 100 100 100 100 100 `Q, 2,2',4,6,6'-PeCB 104L 100 100 100 100 100 100 11C12-2,3,3',4,4'-PeCB 105L 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C,,-2,3,4,4',5-PeCB 114L 100 100 100 l00 100 100 "C,Z 2,3',4,4',5-PeCB 118E 100 100 100 l00 100 100 "C,2-2',3,4,4',5-PeCB 123L 100 100 100 l00 l00 100 "C,2-3,3',4,4',5-PeCB 126E 104 106 100 lp0 l00 100 91 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 55 of 63 Solution concentration (ng lmL) CB congener IUPAC' CS-0.2 (Hi sens)z CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 (VER) CS-4 CS-5 "C12-2,2',4,4',6,6'-HxCB 155L 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C12-2,3,3',4,4%5-HxCB 156L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C12 2,3,31,4,4',5'-HxCB 157L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C12-2,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 167L 100 100 100 100 100 100 " C,Z 3,3',4,4',5,5'-HxCB 169L 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C,2-2,21,3,4',5,6,6'-HpCB 188L 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C12-2,3,3',4,4',5,5'-HpCB 189L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C12-2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-OcCB 202L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C,Z 2,3,3',4,4',5,5',6-OCCB 205L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C,2-2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-NoCB 206L 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C,2-2,2',3,3',4',5,5',6,6'-NoCB 208L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C,2-DeCB 209L 100 100 100 100 100 100 Labeled clean-up 13C,2-2,4,4'-TrCB 28L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C,= 2,3,3',5,5'-PeCB 1111- 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C12-2,2',3,3',5,5',6-HpCB 178L 100 100 100 100 100 100 Labeled injection internal 15C12 2,5-DiCB 9L 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C13 2,2',5,5'-TeCB 52L 100 100 100 100 100 100 "C12-2,2',4',5,5'-PeCB 1011, 100 100 100 100 100 100 13C1z 2,2',3',4,4',5'-HxCB 138L 100 100 l00 100 100 i00 13C12 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-OcCB 194L 100 100 100 100 100 l00 Suffix "L" indicates labeled compound Additional concentration used for calibration of high sensitivity HRGCIHRMS systems Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 56 of 63 n N N N N N N W W W N N N w W W W W W N W N N N N n n A A A w W yy w i.? ?"'? w w N W N N N N N l.J A W N N w N n n n _ n lA ln A " t^ A ?^ to in A A " ?" A A A A W A A - 41 -' A W A W A '.? j A W '^' N A W A W ?3 N w ? W T A a N d N N b N Qs ? in T to C Or O in in R Qt tn Cn %n ln ? ..- ? A H . T Oi A A A A ? Q? a A ? N ? A A N ? A N N A N ? --3 ? - C? ^3 :? ? .-? A O O ? ? t7 z Z ? O ] O ? ? x ? ? k ? ?.+? ro M ro U ^d V? 'e ? ro ? 'c H ^? ? y :3 y A C7 C7 ? ? f9 c? ^? n [9 n c? ? ?i ci c? c? c? O c? n n n n n ?! n ii n w ? iS n r c? fC n R n t9 n N c? c`? R c? f7 n r'? c? n i? c c ta sa ta o? o? oo oo m o? m ?a m v? ou w m m ao m m m m m m m to m m oo m m m m m m m ~ 00 J J to A w J ?O Vi A r W r ^ N O N O N O N O N O .-• GV .-. VO .-. Q? Oi In Ln ... Z- N N .r E .-. - O O ? v ?' A W ?' ? ' ? W - C t? r r t-' r r ,p ? a u N ?o oa ?n ? ? a v? o? w oo A U A - -? ? 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Scan descriptors, levels of chlorination, m/z information, and substances monitored by HRGCIHRMS Function and chlorine level mlz mlz type mlz formula Substance Fn-1; Cl-1 188.0393 M 12C12 H9 35C1 Cl-1 CB 190.0363 M+2 12C 12 H, 3701 Cl-1 CB 200.0795 M "Ci2 H, 35C1 i3C12 Cl-1 CB 202.0766 M+2 13C12 H9 37c1 '3012 Cl-1 CB 218.9856 lock C, F9 PFK Fn-2; C1-2,3 222.0003 M 12C12 Hg 35012 0-2 PCB 223.9974 M+2 '2012 Hs 350137 Cl C1-2 PCB 225.9944 M+4 12C12 H8 37C12 CI-2 PCB 234.0406 M 13012 H, 35012 "C12 CI-2 PCB 236.0376 M+2 13C12 H, 35C1 37 Cl "C,2 CI-2 PCB 242.9856 lock C6 F9 PFK 255.9613 M 12C12 H7 35C13 CI-3 PCB 257.9584 M+2 12012 H, JSCIz 3701 Cl-3 PCB Fn-3 255.9613 M 17C12 H, 35013 CI-3 PCB CI-3,4,5 257.9584 M+2 12C12 HT 35012 37G Cl-3 PCB 259.9554 M+4 12C12 H7 35C137C12 G-3 PCB 268.0016 M 13C12 H7 35C13 "C12 CI-3 PCB 269.9986 M+2 13C12 H7 3512 37C1 13C12 CI-3 PCB 280.9825 lock C6 1711 PFK 289.9224 M 1X12 H6 35C1 CI-4 PCB 291.9194 M+2 12C12 H6 35C13 3701 Cl-4 PCB 293.9165 M+4 12C12 H6 35C12 37012 G-4 PCB Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 59 of 63 Function and chlorine level mlz mlz type mlz formula Substance 301.9626 M 13012 H' -Cl4 130,2 C1-4 PCB 303.9597 M+2 13012 H6 35C13 "Cl 13C12 CI-4 PCB 323.8834 M 12C12 H5 35C15 C1-5 PCB 325.8804 M+2 12C 12 H5 "Cl, "CI C1-5 PCB 327.8775 M+4 "C, H5 35C13 3X12 Cl-5 PCB 337.9207 M+2 13012 H5 35C14 37CI 13012 Cl-5 PCB 339.9178 M+4 13012 H5 35C13 37CI, 13C12 0-5 PCB Fn-4 289.9224 M 12012 H6 35C+14 CI-4 PCB C14,5,6 291.9194 M+2 12C12 H6 35C13 3701 Cl-4 PCB 293.9165 M+4 12012 H6 35C12 37C12 CI-4 PCB 301.9626 M+2 13CI2 H6 35C13 3701 13`-+12 C1-4 PCB 303.9597 M+4 13C12 H6 35C12 37.12 13012 CI-4 PCB 323.8834 M 12C12 H5 35C15 0-5 PCB 325.8804 M+2 12C12 H5 35C14 37CI C1-5 PCB 327.8775 M+4 12012 H5 35C13 37012 CI-5 PCB 330.9792 lock C7 F15 PFK 337.9207 M+2 13C12 H5 35C14 37CI 13C12 CI-5 PCB 339.9178 M+4 13C12 HS -"Cl, 37C12 13012 CI-5 PCB 359.8415 M+2 13CI2 H4 35C15 37CI 0-6 PCB 361.8385 M+4 13C12 H4 35C14 37012 CI-6 PCB 363.8356 M+6 13C12 H4 35C13 37CL C1-6 PCB 371.8817 M+2 13C12 H4 35cl5 37CI 13C12 C1-6 PCB 373.8788 M+4 13C 12 H4 35C14 37CI, 13C12 C1-6 PCB Fn-5 323.8834 M 12C12 H5 35C15 CI-5 PCB 96 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 60 of 63 Function and chlorine level mlz mlz type mlz formula Substance C1-5,6,7 325.8804 M+2 1X12 HS 35C14 37CI CI-5 PCB 327.8775 M+4 12C12 HS 31CI3 37CI, CI-5 PCB 337.9207 M+2 13012 H5 35CI4 37CI 13012 0-5 PCB 339.9178 M+4 nC12 H5 35C13 37011 13C12 CI-5 PCB 354.9792 lock C9F13 PFK 359.8415 M+2 12012 H4 35CI5 3701 CI-6 PCB 361.8385 M+4 12C12 H4 35C14 37C12 CI-6 PCB 363.8356 M+6 12c12 H4 35C13 37 C13 CI-6 PCB 371.8817 M+2 13012 H4 35C15 37a 13C12 Cl-6 PCB 3718788 M+4 13012 H4 35cL 37CI, 13012 CI-6 PCB 393.8025 M+2 12012 1-13 35CI6 3701 C1-7 PCB 395.7995 M+4 12012 H3 35C15 37C12 CI-7 PCB 397.7966 M+6 12C12 H3 35CI4 37C13 CI-7 PCB 405.8428 M+2 13C12 H3 33q 37CI 13C12 C1-7 PCB 407.8398 M+4 13C12 H3 35{.15 37012 130,2 C1-7 PCB 454.9728 QC C11 Fl7 PFK Fn-6 393.8025 M+2 12C12 H3 35CI6 3701 CI-7 PCB C1-7,8,9,10 395.7995 M+4 12C12 H3 35C15 37011 Cl-7 PCB 397.7966 M+6 1X12 H3 35c14 37013 CI-7 PCB 405.8428 M+2 13012 H3 35CI6 37CI 13C12 C1-7 PCB 407.8398 M+4 13C12 H3 35015 37c12 13012 0-7 PCB 427.7635 M+2 12CI2 H2 35CI7 37CI 0-8 PCB 429.7606 M+4 12012 H2 35016 37C12 CI-8 PCB 431.7576 M+6 12C12 H2 35c15 37CI3 CI-8 PCB 97 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 61 of 63 Function and chlorine level m/z m/z type m/z formula Substance 439.8038 M+2 13 C,2 H2 35C1, 3701 1}C12 C1-8 PCB 441.8008 M+4 13C32 H2 MCI, 37CI, 13C12 C1-8 PCB 442.9728 QC C,o F,3 PFK 454.9728 lock C„ F,3 PFK 461.7246 M+2 12012 H, 35C18 37C1 CI-9 PCB 463.7216 M+4 12C12 HI 3501, 37C1, CI-9 PCB 465.7187 M+6 12012 H, 75016 37013 CI-9 PCB 473.7648 M+2 13C12 H, 35CI8 3701 13012 Cl-9 PCB 475.7619 M+4 13012 Hl 3517 37C12 13012 Cl-9 PCB 495.6856 M+2 13012 H4 35C4 37C1 C1-10 PCB 497.6826 M+4 12012 3501$ 37012 C1-10 PCB 499.6797 M+6 12012 35017 77C13 C1-10 PCB 507.7258 M+2 13C12 H4 35CI8 3701 13012 Cl-IO PCB 509.7229 M+4 13012 H4 35CI8 37c12 13012 CI-10 PCB 511.7199 M+6 1512 H4 35018 37014 13012 CI-10 PCB 1. Isotopic masses used for accurate mass calculation 1H 12C 13c 3501 37cl 19F 1.0078 12.0000 13.0034 34.9689 36.9659 18.9984 98 Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 62 of 63 7'aN0 S. II1??=ka3 Lom aFund aiir-c rm IILtq and . IJA:'t? chimine MGM I 111-T{ tat inn" rwrlo rLl'in ? ? Th lImd rmtic 1.1! Lamy Qc 11wir ? ?lti TIppcv Q(' Ihwil 4 rRll I N On- 2jqm 14'1 .2 OFI 1 f rfr-XV i 1 4'I I '+ IJ. ? I r' 1 411 U.76 I A) ??? ???II? ? T1 1. ? f I I..? 1•f? ??.511 wto fl. "I 0.Y° Determination of PCBs Congeners by 1668A Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Date: Upon Final Signature S-MN-H-014-Rev.08 Page: 63 of 63 Table 9. Suggested Sample Quantities to be Extracted for Various Matrices' Sample matriX2 ?Xample Percent solids Phase Quantity extracted Single-phase Aqueous rinkin water 73roundwater <1 -3 1000 ml: reated wastewater olid soil om st X20 Solid log sh Organic Waste solvent Waste oil <1 Organic 10 g r anic polymer issue ish i O 10 uman adipose - rgan c g ulti- hase i uid/Solid queous/Solid et soil ntreated effluent i ested municipal sludge 1-30 Solid 10 g iiter cake -per pulp Organic/solid ndustrial sludge 1 100 B th 10 it waste - o g I uidlLi uid queous/organic n- process effluent ntreated effluent <1 Organic 10 g rum waste queouslorganiclsolid ntreated effluent >1 O i & lid 10 rum waste rgan c so g 1. The quantity of sample to be extracted is adjusted to provide 10 g of solids (dry weight). One liter of aqueous samples containing one percent solids will contain 10 grams of solids. For aqueous samples containing greater than one percent solids, a lesser volume is used so that 10 grams of solids (dry weight) will be extracted. 2. The sample matrix may be amorphous for some samples. In general, when the CBs are in contact with at multi-phase system in which one of the phases is water, they will be preferentially dispersed in or adsorbed on the alternate phase because of their low solubility in water. 3. Aqueous samples are filtered after spiking with the labeled compounds. The filtrate and the materials trapped on the filter are extracted separately, and the extracts are combined for cleanup and analysis. aceAnalytical'N I www.pacelabs.com i STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1241 Bellevue Street Green Bay, WI 54302 Phone: 920 469 2436 Fax: 920 469 8827 Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography Reference Methods: SW-846 Method 8082 SOP NUMBER: EFFECTIVE DATE: SUPERSEDES: S-GB-0-026-Rev. I Date of Final Signature GB-0-026-Rev.0 APPROVAL / G A 0 7 Nils Melberg, General Manager Date Arthur F. Lautenbach, Quality Manager SNI,6-7 Date © 2002-2007, Pace Analytical Services, Inc. This Standard Operating Procedure may not be reproduced, in part or in full, without written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Whether distributed internally or as a "courtesy copy" to clients or regulatory agencies, this document is considered confidential and proprietary information. Any printed documents in use within a Pace Analytical Services, Inc. laboratory have been reviewed and approved by the persons listed on the cover page. They can only be deemed official if proper signatures are present. This is COPY# 16 distributed on J 1//Z /17 by 4 4`" and is CONTROLLED or X UNCONTROLLED. S-GB-0-026-Rev. I Table of Contents 1. Purpose ....................................................................................................................................3 2. Scope and Application ...........................................................................................................3 3. Summary of Method ..............................................................................................................3 4. Interferences ...........................................................................................................................3 5. Safety .......................................................................................................................................4 6. Definitions ...............................................................................................................................4, 7. Responsibilities and Distribution ..........................................................................................5 8. Sample Collection, Preservation and Handling ..................................................................5 9. Reagents and Standards ........................................................................................................5 10. Equipment and Supplies ...................................................................................................6 11. Calibration ..........................................................................................................................7 12. Procedure ............................................................................................................................9 13. Quality Control ...............................................................................................:................12 14. Method Performance .......................................................................................................14 15. Pollution Prevention and Waste Management ..............................................................14 16. References .........................................................................................................................14 17. Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, Appendices, Addenda etc ...........................................15 18. Revisions ...........................................................................................................................17 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev. l File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 3 of 18 1. Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to determine the concentration of PCBs in water, soil, sediment, waste, and biological samples in accordance with SW846 Method 8082. Samples for analysis are prepared by SW846 Method 3510C, 3540C, 3541, 3545, 3550B and 3580A. 2. Scope and Application 2.1 This method is used to determine the concentration of PCBs in extracts prepared from water, soil, sediment, waste, and biological samples. A list of the Aroclors routinely analyzed, their CAS numbers and Pace Reporting Levels (PRLs) are shown in Section 17, Table A. PRLs are subject to change based on current analytical system performance and actual sample matrices. 2.2 This procedure is restricted to use by, or under the supervision of, analysts experienced in the use of gas chromatograph/electron capture detection (GC/ECD) systems and interpretation of complex chromatograms. Each analyst must demonstrate the capability to generate acceptable results with this method to be considered qualified to report sample results 3. Summary of Method 3.1 Sample extracts are prepared for analysis by the appropriate sample preparation method. The procedures for extract preparation are described in separate SOPs. A volume of sample extract is injected into a GC and compounds in the effluent are detected by an ECD based on an operating program set up to achieve optimum separation and quantitation of target analytes. 3.2 Retention time windows, in combination with characteristic elution patterns from a dual-column analysis, are used in the identification of PCBs as Aroclors. 3.3 PCBs are quantified as Aroclor mixtures by comparison of their ECD response on a single column with a calibration curve(s) constructed from the response(s) of authentic standards. 3.4 Results are reported in parts per billion (µg/kg or µg/L). Soil and sediment sample results are corrected for moisture and reported on a dry weight basis. Biological results are reported based on wet weight, or "as is" basis. 4. Interferences 4.1 Method interferences may be caused by contaminants (primarily phthalate esters) in solvents, reagents, glassware and other sample processing hardware that leads to discrete artifacts and/or elevated baselines. Phthalate esters are common contaminants that result from contact with flexible plastics. Contact with common plastics or rubber products must be avoided. Lab ware should be constructed of glass, stainless steel, or PTFE, must be thoroughly cleaned and dried prior to use, and should be rinsed with the appropriate solvent immediately before use. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev. l File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 4 of 18 4.2 Elemental sulfur is a common environmental contaminant in many soil, sediment and leachate samples, producing a broad peak that will confound analysis of early eluting analytes. Sulfur may be removed from extracts by treatment with elemental mercury, copper powder, or similar procedure described in a separate SOP. 4.3 Waxes, lipids, and other similar high molecular weight materials may be co?extracted from samples typically resulting in baseline elevation during GC analysis. These interferences may be removed by sulfuric acid clean up and/or column chromatography cleanup using Florisil or gel permeation chromatography (GPC), all of which are described in separate SOPs. Other halogenated pesticides and similar industrial chemicals, which can interfere with analytes of interest, may be removed by these procedures as well. 4.4 All solvents, reagents, glassware, and sample processing hardware must be routinely demonstrated to be free from interferences under the conditions of the analysis by monitoring method blanks and taking corrective action as required. 5. Safety 5.1 The toxicity, or carcinogenicity, of many chemicals used in this method has not been precisely defined; each chemical should be treated as a potential health hazard, and exposure to these chemicals should be minimized. Each analyst is responsible for maintaining awareness of OSHA regulations regarding safe handling of chemicals used in this method. Reduce exposure by the use of gloves, lab coats and safety glasses. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) are on file in the laboratory and available to all personnel. 5.2 Take precautions when handling samples. Samples should always be treated as potentially hazardous. The use of personal protective equipment (gloves, lab coats and safety glasses) is required when handling samples. 5.3 A reference file of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) is made available to all personnel involved in the chemical analysis, and is located at the front desk. A formal safety plan has been prepared and is distributed to all personnel with documented training. 5.4 PCBs have been tentatively classified as known or suspected human or mammalian carcinogens. Primary standards of these toxic compounds should be prepared in a hood. 6. Definitions 6.1 All applicable definitions can be found in Section 10.0 of the PASI Quality Manual. 6.2 Extract - A solution of contaminants extracted and concentrated from a sample. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Analysis of PCBs by GC Date: May 3, 2007 S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 Page 5 of 18 7. Responsibilities and Distribution 7.1 Analyst - Any analyst using this procedure is responsible for reading, understanding and following this SOP. Any deviation from this SOP must be reported to the appropriate Supervisor. The analyst must make their recommendations for changing the SOP to their supervisor or the QM in writing. 7.2 General Manager - The General Manager must ensure that all analysts are properly trained and qualified to use this procedure. The General Manager is also responsible to ensure that the SOP is followed. The General Manager is responsible for reviewing the SOP and communicating recommended changes to the QM. 7.3 Quality Manager (QM) - The QM is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the SOPs and the associated good laboratory practice. The QM will participate in the revision of the SOP and make sure it is current. The QM will review and approve all SOPS. 7.4 Distribution - The official version of this SOP is the signed hardcopy version found in the laboratory. A copy of the SOP shall be kept in the appropriate department for reference. 7.5 Revision - This SOP will be reviewed every two years at a minimum. It will also be revised as needed if procedures or methods change. 8. Sample Collection, Preservation and Handling 8.1 General Procedures - Procedures for sample collection, preservation, and handling are described in the separate sample preparation SOPS. 8.2 Holding Times 8.2.1 Water Samples - Samples must be extracted within 7 days of collection. 8.2.2 Soil, Solid, and Other Waste Samples - Samples must be extracted within 14 days of collection. 8.2.3 Biological Samples - Samples remain frozen for up to one year or longer per client request prior to extraction; typical extraction hold times do not apply. 8.2.4 Extracts - Extracts must be analyzed within 40 days of preparation. 8.3 Sample Storage - Store all samples and extracts in the dark at 4 ± 2°C. Biological samples must be stored at or below 0°C until extracted. 9. Reagents and Standards 9.1 Solvents - Hexane and acetone, pesticide grade (Section 17, Table B). All solvents are stored at room temperature and environmental conditions. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 6 of 18 9.2 Analytical Standards - Prepared from stock standard solutions and are required for initial calibration and continuing calibration checks (Section 17, Table Q. The following describes the contents of each type of solution: 9.2.1 Calibration and Calibration Check Standards- Five concentration levels of calibration solutions are prepared containing equal amounts of Aroclors 1016 and 1260 (combined in the same solution named AR1660 throughout this document), as well as the surrogates decachlorobiphenyl (DCB) and 2,4,5,6- tetrachloro-m-xylene (TMX). A single point calibration standard is required for the other Aroclor mixtures preferably at the mid-point level of the AR1016/1260 curve. A calibration check solution (ICV) is also prepared at the mid-level concentration of AR1016/1260 from second source materials. 9.2.2 Surrogate Standard Spiking Solution - contains decachlorobiphenyl (DCB) and 2,4,5,6-tetrachloro-m-xylene (TMX) and is spiked into all samples prior to extraction. 9.2.3 Matrix Spiking Solutions - contain an Aroclor mixture that is spiked into all appropriate QC samples (LCS, MS, and MSD) prior to extraction. The Aroclor(s) spiked and/or spike amounts may be adjusted when prior knowledge of the type or concentration of Aroclor(s) present in the sample matrix is known, or to comply with project requirements. 9.3 Preparation of Analytical Standard Solutions - Standards are prepared from commercially available stock solutions. The sources of the stock solutions, recipes for preparing dilutions and working standards, and concentrations in all solutions are shown in Section 17, Table D. All standards are prepared in hexane and stored in amber vials with PTFE-lined screw caps at 4 °C or colder. 9.4 Stability of Analytical Standards - Stock solutions of Aroclor mixtures must be replaced within 1 year of preparation. All dilutions and working standard solutions must be replaced within 6 months of preparation or sooner if the standards show signs of degradation. As each standard from the vendor is opened, record all pertinent information in the stock standard logbook. Record all standard preparations in the working standard logbook 10. Equipment and Supplies 10.1 Instrumentation 10.1.1 GC -Hewlett Packard (HP) 5890 equipped with dual ECDs or HP 6890 equipped with dual gECDs. 10.1.2 GC Autosampler - HP 7673A (5890) or HP 7863 (6890). 10. 1.3 GC Columns - Two of the following capillary columns may be used: RTX CLPesticides I, 30m x 0.32mm I.D. (Restek) Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Analysis of PCBs by GC Date: May 3, 2007 S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 Page 7 of 18 RTX CLPesticides II, 30m x 0.32mm I.D. (Restek) D13- 1701, 30m x 0.32mm I.D. (J&W Scientific) DB-5, 30m x 0.32mm I.D. (J&W Scientific) 10. 1.4 Data Processor - TurboChrom IV or HP ChemStation. 10.1.5 Printer - HP LaserJet 5Si or equivalent. 10.2 Glassware and Materials 10.2.1 Gastight Syringes - any size ranging from 10µL to 1000µL (Hamilton series 1000 or equivalent) 10.2.2 Autosampler Vials - 1.8mL with crimp caps 11. Calibration 11.1 Initial Calibration (ICAL) 11. Analysis of Standards The initial calibration includes analysis of a five-point calibration curve of AR 1660 at concentrations of 0. 1, 0. 3, 0.5, 0.8, and 1.0µg/ml,, which includes TMX and DCB at concentrations of 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0. 1, and 0.15µg/mL respectively. Inject a single point standard of Aroclors 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, 1262 and 1268 at 0.5µg/mL. Other calibration ranges may be substituted to meet expected concentrations of samples to be analyzed. If historical data indicates a specific Aroclor is present, a five point initial calibration may be performed for the Aroclor of concern instead of using the AR 1660 mixture. A minimum of five (preferably seven) peaks must be selected for each Aroclor. The peaks chosen for quantitation should be at least 25% of the height of the largest peak in each Aroclor and should have minimal co- elution with the peaks of other Aroclors. 11. 1.2 Retention Time (RT) - Retention time windows are used for compound identifications in samples. The RT for all components in all standards must be within the windows specified for both columns. Make at least three injections of all analytes of interest over a 72- hour period. Record the retention time for each selected peak for each Aroclor mixture, to three decimal places. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for each peak. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev. l File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 8 of 18 The width of the retention time window is defined as± 3 standard deviations of the mean established. The minimum retention window will be + 0.03 minutes. Establish the center of the RT window for each Aroclor mixture and surrogate using the absolute RT from the calibration verification standard at the beginning of the analytical shift. Optionally, the Initial Calibration RT windows may continue to be used as long as method criteria are met. For samples run during the same shift as an initial calibration, use the RT of the mid-point standard in the Initial calibration as the center of the RT window. 11. 1.3 Response Factors (RF) - Individually tabulate the area responses for each of the five or more peaks selected for each Aroclor versus concentration of the five-point calibration standards for each GC column. Calculate RF for each peak using the following equation: fix Cx Where: A,,= Total area of analyte response. C,? = Concentration of the analyte in the solution (µg/mQ. 11. 1.4 Acceptance Criteria - The percent relative standard deviation (%RSD) of the five calibration factors for each peak of each Aroclor, (1016 and 1260) along with the surrogates must be < 20%. If this is the case, linearity can be assumed, and the average RF can be used for quantitation. If the %RSD is >20%, a linear calibration curve may be used if the correlation coefficient is > 0.99. The results for both columns must meet calibration acceptance criteria. 11.2 Calibration Verification 11.2.1 Initial Calibration Verification (ICV)- In order to consider the initial calibration acceptable, an ICV standard must be analyzed. The ICV standard must be from a second source stock and meet the same criteria as the continuing calibration verification standard before the initial calibration may be considered valid. 11.2.2 Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) -A midpoint calibration check standard must be injected at the beginning and end of each 12-hour analysis period, and at intervals of not less than once every 20 samples, for calibration verification. If the response factor (area/concentration) of the check standard deviates by more than 15% from the initial average response factor, the calibration is considered out of control and analysis must be stopped. 11.2.3 Acceptance Criteria - The percent difference (%D) is determined for every analyte and must be within ±15% of the calibration curve. Calculate %D for each peak using the following equation: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev. I File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 9 of 18 R2)X100 %D = (Ri R-i J Where: R, = Mean Response factor from the ICAL R2 = RF calculated from the CCV First determine whether the average %D for all of the peaks for each specific Aroclor with a five-point calibration is < 15%. Each individual Aroclor must be evaluated separately. For example, the average %D for all of the peaks used for quantitation of AR1016 must be _< 15%. If the Aroclors themselves are acceptable, evaluate the %RSD for each surrogate. If the %D is < 15% for each individual Aroclor and surrogate, the continuing meets the acceptance criteria. If the ending calibration verification standard exceeds 15%D criteria on the high side (i.e., an increase in sensitivity) samples that had no Aroclors detected do not need to be reanalyzed. If the continuing calibration standard criterion is exceeded on the low side (i.e., a drop in sensitivity), all samples analyzed since the last acceptable CCV must be re-analyzed. 11.2.4 All samples must be bracketed by acceptable calibration verifications on both columns. Perform corrective action such as injection port or column maintenance. Prior to the analysis of any subsequent samples acceptable calibration verification must be established. In the event that this cannot be achieved, a new initial calibration must be performed. 12 Procedure 12.2 Sample Preparation - All sample extracts and standard solutions must be allowed to warm to room temperature before analysis. 12.3 GC/ECD System Preparation - Verify instrument parameters as set up for current operating conditions. 12.3.1 GC Column Conditions Carrier Gas UHP Helium Flow Rate 3.4 mL/min. Make-up Gas UHP Nitrogen Flow Rate 35.0 mL/min. Detector Temp. 300°C Injector Temp. 205°C Injection Splitless 12.3.2 GC Temperature Program Initial Temp. 110°C Initial Time 1.5 min. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 Rate 1 20.00°C/min. Final Temp.1 140°C Final Time 1 0.00 min. Rate 2 11.00°C/min. Final Temp. 2 280°C Final Time 2 5.00 min. Rate 3 20.00°C/min. Final Temp. 3 300°C Final Time 3 3.00 min. File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 10 of 18 12.4 Batch Sequence - Generate a sequence to run a batch of samples and the associated quality control samples. 12.4.1 Initial Calibration - For example, the batch for initial calibration should include the following: Series of 2-3 Primes Solvent Blank (Hexane) AR1660-1 (0.1µg/mL) AR1660-2 (0.3gg/mL) AR1660-3 (0.5µg/mL) AR1660-4 (0.8µg/mL) AR1660-5 (1.0µg/mL) Solvent Blank (Hexane) AR1660-3 ICV 12.4.2 Sample Analysis - For example, the typical batch for analysis of PCBs should include the following: AR1660-301 CCV (0.51tg/mL) (20 samples or 12-hour period) Method Blank Laboratory Control Spike Samples Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Duplicate Sample(s) AR1660-302 CCV (0.5µg/mL) 12.5 Load Autosampler - Load the autosampler with the appropriate primes, solvent blanks, standards and samples for the batch as it was created. 12.6 Analyze Samples - Analyze all standards, quality control samples, and environmental samples. 12.6.1 The method blank and LCS extracted along with the samples should be analyzed on the same instrument as the samples. 12.6.2 If the analyst determines that interferences could be removed by sulfuric acid cleanup and/or sulfur removal, then the analyst will perform the necessary cleanups and re-analyze the samples. The blank and LCS will also undergo the same cleanups and be re-analyzed. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev. l File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 11 of 18 12.7 Qualitative Analysis of Results 12.7.1 Identification To be identified as an Aroclor, peaks present in a sample extract must fall within the established retention time window for a specific Aroclor. Once the Aroclor pattern has been tentatively identified, compare the responses of 3 to 10 major peaks in the single-point calibration standard for that Aroclor with the peaks observed in the sample extract. Overlay comparison of sample chromatograms with standard chromatograms may be required to clearly identify patterns. Since the chromatograms for many Aroclor mixtures overlap, the presence of multiple mixtures may complicate their quantitation. Also, environmental "weathering" of PCBs may complicate reliable identification and quantitation. 12.7.2 Confirmation Confirmation is generally required using a second GC column of dissimilar stationary phase. When dual-column analysis is performed for confirmation, the same initial and continuing calibration criteria apply to both columns. If analyte concentrations are sufficient, identifications may be confirmed by GC/MS by analyzing the same extract by SW846 Method 8270. Since Aroclors provide distinct multiple peak patterns which may be identified by an experienced analyst, confirmation on the second column may be based upon pattern recognition. 12.8 Calculate Results 12.8.1 The amount of Aroclor is calculated using the individual response factor (single point) for each of the 7 characteristic peaks chosen for quantitation of that specific Aroclor. If Aroclor 1016 and/or 1260 is being quantified use the average response factor from the AR 1660 curve. Use the single point response factor from the initial calibration for all other Aroclors. Surrogates are quantified based on the average response factors for TMX and DCB analyzed with the AR1660 curve. A concentration is determined using each of the characteristic peaks and then those 7 concentrations are averaged to determine the on-column concentration of that Aroclor. 12.8.2 If the initial on-column result of a sample extract exceeds the calibration range, the extract must be diluted and re analyzed. All dilutions should keep the response of the major constituents in the upper half of the linear range of the curve. The GC data system will calculate concentration of each parameter as µg/nil, on-column in the extract. Concentrations in samples are then calculated based on sample size, total volume of the final extract, any dilution factor, and any correction factor. Water and Water-Miscible Waste Samples Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 12 of 18 Final Concentration (uglL) (C. XDFXUfXV ) (Vixv ) Where: Cx = On-column concentration in extract (µg/ml,). DF = Dilution factor. Uf = Correction factor. Vt = Volume of final extract (µL). Vi = Volume injected (µL). V. = Volume of water sample extracted (mL)., Waste and Biological Samples Final Concentration /g _ (CxXDFXUfXV) (,ug g) (VXWSXS) Where: C, = On-column concentration in extract (µg/mL). DF = Dilution factor. Uf= Correction factor. Vt = Volume of final extract (µL). Vi = Volume injected (µL). W, = Weight of sample extracted (g). S = Percent Solids (biological samples not corrected for percent solids). 12.9 Quality Control Results - Calculate recoveries for the surrogates in all samples; spiked analytes in LCS and MS/MSD samples; and Relative Percent Differences (RPD) for duplicate and MS/MSD samples. 13 Quality Control 13.3 Calibration Checks 13.3.1 ICAL - If initial calibration criteria are not met, check standards preparation procedure for errors. Prepare new standards as required and re-run the calibration. 13.3.2 Continuing Calibration Verification - If the CCV criteria are not met, check system parameters, identify and correct likely causes, and rerun the check. An acceptable check is required to report sample results for the applicable batch. 13.4 Surrogate Recoveries - Surrogate compound(s) must be added to all samples, spikes, control samples and method blanks, prior to analysis as indicators of method accuracy. Laboratory-based accuracy limits should be used for acceptance criteria. If these criteria are not met, check system parameters, identify and correct likely causes, and re-run the samples. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 13 of 18 13.4.1 If both surrogate recoveries fail this criterion, re-extraction of the sample may be necessary. If surrogate recoveries are higher than the acceptance criteria and target compounds are less than the reporting limit, the results may be reported with an appropriate footnote. If recoveries appear out of control due to sample matrix, report the results with an appropriate footnote. 13.4.2 One surrogate is allowed to be outside of the control limits. For instance, if an interfering peak obscures one surrogate, then that one surrogate may be excluded. The surrogate is considered diluted out and not evaluated when the dilution performed brings the theoretical on-column concentration below the concentration of the low standard in the initial calibration curve. 13.5 Method Blank -The method blank must not contain analyte responses at or above the reporting limit. If the results are not acceptable, re-analyze the method blank. If the problem persists, conduct maintenance to clean the analytical system. An acceptable method blank is required to report sample results for the applicable batch. 13.5.1 The method blank must meet the surrogate limits. If the blank fails this criterion, all of the associated samples, matrix spikes and laboratory control spikes will be evaluated and a corrective action will be determined. 13.5.2 If the blank contains any analyte of interest above the reporting limit, all of the associated samples, matrix spikes, and laboratory control spikes must be re- extracted unless the sample concentration is greater than 20X the amount found in the blank or the analyte is not detected in an associated sample. For Wisconsin projects this criteria will be "Above the LOD". 13.6 LCS Recoveries - One LCS must be analyzed with each batch of 20 samples. Laboratory-based accuracy limits should be used to for acceptance criteria. An acceptable LCS is required to report sample results for the applicable batch. 13.6.1 If the laboratory control spike does not meet the recovery criteria, the results of all QC performed with the batch will be evaluated by the analyst. Corrective actions include re-extraction of the samples or reanalysis of the extracts. 13.7 One LCSD must be analyzed with each batch of 20 samples if inadequate sample is available to perform a MS/MSD. Laboratory-based accuracy limits should be used to for acceptance criteria. An acceptable LCSD is required to report sample results for the applicable batch. 13.8 MS/MSD Recoveries - One MS/MSD pair should be analyzed with each batch of 20 samples. Laboratory-based accuracy limits should be used to for acceptance criteria. The sample use for the MS/MSD pair is either determined by the client or selected at random from client samples as sample volume allows. 13.8.1 If a matrix spike recovery fails this criterion, the recovery of the other spiked sample in the MS/MSD pair should be evaluated. If recovery failures are duplicated then the sample matrix is suspected as the problem and the data should be flagged and the failures discussed in the sample narrative. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev. l File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 14 of 18 13.9 Duplicate and MS/MSD RPDs - Five percent of all environmental samples should be analyzed in duplicate. A MS/MSD pair is also an acceptable duplicate analysis. If results are not acceptable, check for possible sample preparation problems and re- analyze if needed. Report the results with an appropriate data qualifier. 14 Method Performance 14.3 There are several requirements that must be met to insure that this procedure generates accurate and reliable data. A general outline of requirements has been summarized below. Further specifications may be found in the Laboratory Quality Manual. 14.3.1 The analyst must read and understand this procedure with written documentation maintained in his/her training file. 14.3.2 An initial demonstration of capability (IDC) must be performed per ALL-Q- 020, Training Procedures. A record of the IDC will be maintained in his/her QA file with written authorization from the Laboratory Manager and Quality Manager. 14.3.3 An annual method detection limit (MDL) study will be completed per ALL-Q- 004, Method Detection Limit Studies, for this method and whenever there is a major change in personnel or equipment. The results of these studies are retained in the quality assurance office. 14.3.4 Periodic performance evaluation (PE) samples are analyzed per ALL-Q-010, Proficiency Testing Program, to demonstrate continuing competence. All results are stored in the QA office. 15 Pollution Prevention and Waste Management 15.3 The quantity of chemicals purchased is based on expected usage during its shelf life and disposal cost of unused material. Actual reagent preparation volumes reflect anticipated usage and reagent stability. 15.4 Excess reagents, samples and method process wastes are characterized and disposed of in an acceptable manner. For further information on waste management consult the current version of ALL-S-002, Waste Handling. 15.5 The laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan/Health and Safety Plan contains additional information on pollution prevention. 16 References 16.3 USEPA, SW-846, Method 8082, "Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Gas Chromatography", December 1996. 16.4 USEPA, SW-846, Method 800013, "Determinative Chromatographic Separations", December 1996. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev. I File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 15 of 18 16.5 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP ALL-0-003/ALL-GB-0-003, "Separatory Funnel Extraction of Water Samples for Semivolatile Analysis" and "Separatory Funnel Extraction of Water Samples for Semivolatile Analysis Green Bay Addendum". 16.6 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP ALL-0-005/ALL-GB-0-005, "Ultrasonic Extraction of Solid Samples for Semivolatiles Analysis" and "Ultrasonic Extraction of Solid Samples for Semivolatiles Analysis Green Bay Addendum". 16.7 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-031, "Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs". 16.8 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-040, "Extraction of Wipes and Oil for PCB Analysis". 16.9 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-041, "Extraction of PCBs Using the Automated Soxhlet". 16.10 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-032, "Gel Permeation Chromatography". 16.11 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-034, "Sulfuric Acid Cleanup". 16.12 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-035, "Mercury Cleanup for the Removal of Sulfur from PCB Samples". 16.13 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-036, "Florisil Cleanup for PCBs". 16.14 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-038, "Silica Gel Cleanup of Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs". 16.15 Pace Analytical Services, Inc - Green Bay, SOP GB-0-039, "Copper Cleanup for the Removal of Sulfur from PCB Samples". 17 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, Appendices, Addenda etc. 17.3 Table A. Reporting Limits for PCBs. Arodor CAS # Water PRL Soil PR1. Biota PRL AR1016 12674-11-2 1.0 50 50 AR1221 11104-28-2 1.0 50 50 AR1232 11141-16-5 1.0 50 50 AR1242 53469-21-9 1.0 50 50 AR1248 12672-29-6 1.0 50 50 AR1254 11097-69-1 1.0 50 50 AR1260 11096-82-5 1.0 50 50 AR1262 37324-23-5 1.0 50 50 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 16 of 18 AR1268 11100-14-4 1.0 50 50 17.4 Table B. Solvents. Reahent Puritv Manufacturer Vendor Cataloo YY Hexane NS Grade Burdick & Jackson MG Scientific B&J-217-4 Acetone Pesticide Grade Burdick & Jackson MG Scientific B&J-010-4 17.5 Table C. Standard Stock Solutions. 17.6 Standard (?'oncentration 3lanufacturer Cataloo # Pesticide Surrogate Mix 200µg/mL each in Acetone Restek Corporation or 32000 equivalent Aroclor 1016 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32006 equivalent Aroclor 1221 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32007 equivalent Aroclor 1232 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32008 equivalent Aroclor 1242 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32009 equivalent Aroclor 1248 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32010 equivalent Aroclor 1254 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32011 equivalent Aroclor 1260 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32012 equivalent Aroclor 1262 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32409 equivalent Aroclor 1268 Mix 1000µg/mL in Hexane Restek Corporation or 32410 equivalent Aroclor 1016 1000µg/mL in Isooctane Supelco or equivalent 4-8097 Aroclor 1260 1000µg/mL in Isooctane Supelco or equivalent 4-4809 17.7 Table D. Preparation of Analytical Standard Solutions. Standard or 1olumc of Final Volume Final Analctical Standard Stock Solution Standard or S' Solvent Concentration Expiration Datc t'scd Stuck Used t cd 1MX/L)Cb Mock Solution Pesticide luuu[tL 2umL of iuµgimL i year from date of Surrogate Mix Hexane preparation AR1221 Stock Solution Aroclor 1221 Mix 1000µL IOmL of 100pg/mL I year from date of Hexane preparation AR1232 Stock Solution Aroclor 1232 Mix 1000µL IOmL of 100µg/mL 1 year from date of Hexane preparation AR1242 Stock Solution Aroclor 1242 Mix 1000µL l OmL of 100µg/mL 1 year from date of Hexane preparation AR1248 Stock Solution Aroclor 1248 Mix 1000µL l OmL of 100µg/mL 1 year from date of Hexane preparation AR1254 Stock Solution Aroclor 1254 Mix 10001tL l OmL of 100µg/mL 1 year from date of Hexane preparation AR1262 Stock Solution Aroclor 1262 Mix 1000µL IOmL of 100µg/ml- 1 year from date of Hexane preparation AR1268 Stock Solution Aroclor 1268 Mix 1000µL l OmL of 100µg/mL 1 year from date of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 17 of 18 Hexane preparation AR1660 Stock Solution Aroclor 1016 Mix 1000µL each IOmL of 100µg/mL each 1 year from date of Aroclor 1260 Mix Hexane preparation AR1660 ICV Stock Aroclor 1016 1000µL each IOmL of 100µg/mL each I year from date of Solution Aroclor 1260 Hexane preparation AR1221-3 Calibration AR1221 Stock AR1221 IOOmL of AR1221 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 500µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 500µL 0.05gg/mL AR1232-3 Calibration AR1232 Stock AR1232 IOOmL of AR1232 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 500µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 500µL 0.05µg/mL AR1242-3 Calibration AR1242 Stock AR1242 I OOmL of AR1242 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 500µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 500µL 0.05µg/mL AR1248-3 Calibration AR1248 Stock AR1248 I OOmL of AR1248 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 500µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 500µL 0.05µg/mL AR1254-3 Calibration AR1254 Stock AR1254 IOOmL of AR1254 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 500µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 500gL 0.05µg/mL AR1262-3 Calibration AR1262 Stock AR1262 I OOmL of AR1262 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 500µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 500µL 0.05µg/mL AR1268-3 Calibration AR1268 Stock AR1268 IOOmL of AR1268 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 500µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 500µL 0.05µg/mL AR1660-1 Calibration AR1660 Stock AR1660 I OOmL of AR1660 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 100µL Hexane 0.1ltg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 100µL 0.01 µg/mL AR1660-2 Calibration AR1660 Stock AR1660 IOOmL of AR1660 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 300µL Hexane 0.3µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 200µL 0.02µg/mL AR1660-3 Calibration AR1660 Stock AR1660 200mL of ARI660 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 1000µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 1000µL 0.05µg/mL Standard or Vulunic of Final % olumc Anat}tical Standard Stock Solution Standard or & SUlccot Final Expiration Datc Concentration I set] Stock t sed Used AR1660-4 Calibration AR166U Stock AR1660 1 UUmL of ARI66U 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 800µL Hexane 0.8µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 1000µL 0.10µg/mL AR1660-5 Calibration AR1660 Stock AR1660 I OOmL of AR1660 6 mo. from date of Standard Solution 1000µL Hexane 1.0µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 1500µL 0.15gg/mL AR1660-3 ICV AR1660 ICV AR1660 100mL of AR1660 6 mo. from date of Calibration Standard Stock Solution 500µL Hexane 0.5µg/mL preparation TMX/DCB Stock TMX/DCB TMX/DCB Solution 500µL 0.05µg/mL 18 Revisions Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Analysis of PCBs by GC S-GB-0-026-Rev.1 File: S-GB-0-026Revl.doc Date: May 3, 2007 Page 18 of 18 Revision Number Reason for Change Date GB-0-026-Rev.0 First Issue. 23May2006 Changed references of "Assistant General Manager" to "General GB-0-026-Rev.1 Manager." Added references to SW846 prep methods. Added 03May2007 references to prep and cleanup SOPs. Added references to Ar1262 and Ar1268 in ICAL. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1241 Bellevue Street ace Analytical M Green Bay, WI 54302 www.pacelabs.com Phone: 920.469.2436 l Fax: 920.469.8827 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs Reference Methods: SW-846 Method 3540C SOP NUMBER: EFFECTIVE DATE: SUPERSEDES: GB-0-031-Rev.0 Date of Final Signature KM-0-001-Rev.0 APPROVAL qXA ?? d Nils Melberg, Genera anager Date Arthur F. Lautenbach, Quality Manager a I C- 16-7 Date © 2002 - 2007 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. This Standard Operating Procedure may not be reproduced, in part or in full, without written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Whether distributed internally or as a "courtesy copy" to clients or regulatory agencies, this document is considered confidential and proprietary information. Any printed documents in use within a Pace Analytical Services, Inc. laboratory have been reviewed and approved by the persons listed on the cover page. They can only be deemed official if proper signatures are present. ` This is COPY# G distributed on Bl fIL/C? by 4,;:L- This is CONTROLLED or x UNCONTROLLED. GB-0-031-Rev.0 Table of Contents 1. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Scope and Application ..............................................................................................................3 3. Summary of Methods ................................................................................................................3 4. Interferences .............................................................................................................................. 3 5. Safe ......................................................................................................................................... 3 6. Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 4 7. Responsibilities and Distribution .............................................................................................. 5 8. Sample Collection, Preservation and Handling ........................................................................5 9. Equipment and Supplies .......................................................................................................... ..5 10. Reagents and Standards ........................................................................................................... ..6 11. Calibration ............................................................................................................................... ..7 12. Procedure ................................................................................................................................. ..7 13. Qualily Control ........................................................................................................................ ..9 14. Method Performance ............................................................................................................... 10 15. Pollution Prevention and Waste Management ........................................................................ 10 16. References ............................................................................................................................... 10 17. Tables Diagrams Flowcharts, Attachments, Appendices, Etc .............................................. 11 18. Revisions ................................................................................................................................. 11 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs GB-0-031-rev.0 1. Purpose File: GB-O-031Rev.0.doc Date: February 08, 2007 Paae 3 or 11 1.1 The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe the extraction of homogenized biological tissue and plant samples compliant with SW-846 Method 3540C for Organochlorine pesticide and/or PCB analysis. 2. Scope and Application 2.1. This procedure is applicable to extraction and concentration of Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs from homogenized biological tissue and plant samples. Extracts may be prepared by this method for analysis by several chromatographic methods including, but not limited to, SW-846 Methods 8081A and 8082. 2.2. The policies and procedures contained in this SOP are applicable to all personnel involved in the preparation of extracts for chromatographic analysis. 3. Summary of Methods 3.1. Approximately 20 grams of homogenized tissue or plant sample is mixed with sodium sulfate and extracted with methylene chloride for a minimum of 16 hours in a soxhlet extractor. The methylene chloride extracts are then concentrated, exchanged to hexane (dependent upon further extract cleanup) and concentrated to a volume of 10 mL. 4. Interferences 4.1. Interferences may be introduced into sample extracts by contaminants in solvents, reagents, glassware, and any other material that comes in contact with the sample or extract during extract preparation. These interferences must be closely monitored by analyzing Method Blank samples and taking corrective action as required. 4.2 Interferences co-extracted from samples will vary considerably depending on the source of the material. Contaminants that may interfere with the analysis may be removed from the extracts using any combination of cleanups including, but not limited to Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), Florisil column cleanup, Florisil cartridge cleanup, and Silica Gel Separation. These cleanup procedures are described in separate SOPs. 5. Safety 5.1. The toxicity or carcinogenicity of each reagent used in this method has not been fully established. Each chemical should be regarded as a potential health hazard and exposure should be as low as reasonably achievable. Cautions are included for known extremely hazardous material. 5.2. A reference file of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) is made available to all personnel involved in the chemical analysis, and is located at the front desk. A formal safety plan has been prepared and is distributed to all personnel with documented training. 5.3. The use of personal protective equipment (gloves, lab coats and safety glasses) is required when handling samples. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs GB-0-031-rev.0 6. Definitions File: GB-O-031Rev.0.doc Date: February 08, 2007 Paae 4 or 11 6.1. Refer to Section 10.0 of the most current version of the Pace Quality Manual for the terms used at Pace Analytical. When definitions are not consistent with NELAC defined terms, an explanation will be provided in this SOP. 6.2. Duplicate Sample - A second aliquot of the same environmental sample analyzed in the same manner as the original sample in order to evaluate precision. 6.3. Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) - A blank matrix sample spiked with a known concentration of analytes of interest. The material is from a second source (not from same as calibration material). Laboratory accuracy is evaluated using the LCS. Refer to the determinative SOP for corrective action and contingencies for handling out of control data. 6.4. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) - A system for transferring, processing, storing, and reporting analysis results. 6.5. Lot - A quantity of bulk material of similar composition processed or manufactured at the same time. 6.6. Matrix Spike (MS) - An aliquot of an environmental sample spiked with known quantities of specified target compounds and subjected to the entire sample preparation and analysis procedure. The analysis results from a matrix spike sample are compared to results from an unspiked aliquot of the same sample to determine recovery of the spike from the sample matrix. Refer to the determinative SOP for corrective action and contingencies for handling out of control data. The sample used for the MS/D pair is either determined by the client or selected at random from client samples as sample volume allows. 6.7. Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) - A second aliquot of the sample that is treated the same as the original matrix spike sample. The relative percent difference between the matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate is calculated and used to assess method precision. Refer to the determinative SOP for corrective action and contingencies for handling out of control data. 6.8. Method Blank (MB) - A blank sample prepared in the laboratory containing all reagents and internal standards and is carried through the entire analytical procedure. The method blank is used to evaluate laboratory background and contamination. Refer to the determinative SOP for corrective action and contingencies for handling out of control data. 6.9. Method Detection Limit (MDL) - The minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. MDLs are determined by analyzing replicate spike samples prepared by the lab and taken through all preparation and analysis steps of the method. The method detection limit is calculated using the appropriate Student's t-parameter times the standard deviation of a series of spiked samples. MDL study information is located in the quality assurance office. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory File: GB-0-0311tev.0.doc Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs Date: February 08, 2007 GB-0-031-rev.0 Page 5 or 11 7. Responsibilities and Distribution 7.1. Analyst - Any analyst using this procedure is responsible for reading, understanding, and following this SOP. Any deviation from this SOP must be reported to the appropriate supervisor. The analyst must make their recommendations for changing the SOP to their supervisor or the QM in writing. 7.2. General Manager - The General Manager has overall responsibility for ensuring that SOPS are prepared and implemented for all activities appropriate to the laboratory. The General Manager must ensure that all analysts are properly trained and qualified to use this procedure. The General Manager is also responsible to ensure that the SOP is followed. The General Manager is responsible for reviewing the SOP and communicating recommended changes to the QM. The General Manager shall review and approve all SOPS. 7.3. Quality Manager (QM) - The QM is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the SOPS. The QM shall participate in the revision of the SOP and make sure it is current. The QM shall review and approve all SOPS. 7.4. Distribution - The official version of this SOP is the signed hardcopy version found in the laboratory. A copy of the SOP shall be kept in the department for reference. 7.5. Revision - This SOP shall be reviewed every two years at a minimum. Independent of the minimum review frequency, revisions shall be incorporated as needed if procedures or methods change. 8. Sample Collection, Preservation, and Handling 8.1. The homogenized samples must be kept frozen in glass jars. 8.2. Extracts should be stored at 4°t2°C in the dark in Teflon-sealed containers until analysis is complete. The sample extracts must be analyzed within 40 days from extraction. 9. Equipment and Supplies 9.1. Soxhlet extractors: 55 mm inner diameter X 340 mm length holding cell with heaters and cold water condensers 9.2. Concentrator tubes: Kuderna-Danish, 10 ml, graduated (Kontes K-570050-1025 or equivalent) 9.3. Evaporation flasks: Kuderna-Danish 500 ml (Reliance G-9601-001 or equivalent) 9.4. Snyder columns: Kudema-Danish, three-ball macro (Kontes K-503000-0121 or equivalent) 9.5. Culture tubes: 15 ml and 9 ml with Teflon-lined screw cap 9.6. Boiling chips: Teflon or pre-rinsed silicone carbide 9.7. Sodium Sulfate (Na2SO4): Preheated at 400°C for 4 hours in a crucible to remove Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs GB-0-031-rev.0 contaminants File: GB-0-031Rev.O.doc Date: February 08, 2007 Paae 6 or 11 9.8. Water bath: Heated, with concentric ring cover, capable of temperature control within +5°C. The bath should be used in a hood. 9.9. Syringes: 250-1000µL Gastight syringes (Hamilton 1000 series or equivalent) 9.10. Beakers: 250 mL 9.11. Erlenmeyer flasks: 500 mL 9.12. Glass wool 9.13. Stainless steel spatulas 9.14. Analytical balance: Capable of weighing 300g+ 0.01g 9.15. Disposable Pasteur pipettes 10. Reagents and Standards 10.1. Methylene chloride, pesticide grade 10.2. Acetone, pesticide grade 10.3. Hexane, pesticide grade 10.4. Surrogate spiking solution: See Table 1 for standard preparation. 10.5. Matrix spiking solution: Dependent upon analysis requested. See Table 1 for standard preparation. Table 1 Standard Stock Standard Conc. Amount Final Solvent Final Used Volume Used, Conc. Surrogate spiking solution TMX (Tetrachloro-m-xylene) 200gg/mL 10 mL 1000 mL Acetone 2.01ig/mL and DCB Decachlorobi henyl PCB Matrix Spike One of either Aroclor 1016, 1000 gg/ml 1000 gL 200 mL Acetone 5.0gg/mL 1242, 1248, 1254, or 1260 Pesticide Matrix Spike Custom Pesticide Mix A and Custom Pesticide Mix B 5.0 - 50 gg/ml 2000 gL each of Mix A and 25 mL Acetone 0.4- 4.0gg/mL Mix B Toxaphene Matrix Spike Toxaphene Mix 1000 gg/ml 2500 gL 50 mL Acetone 50.0gg/mL Historical data or requirements of specific projects may determine the analytes and concentrations added to the sample spikes. Custom Pesticide Mix A contains alpha-BHC, gamma-BHC, Heptachlor, Endosulfan I, Dieldrin, Endrin, 4,4'-DDD, 4,4'-DDT, and Methoxychlor. Custom Pesticide Mix B contains beta-BHC, delta-BHC, Aldrin, Heptachlor epoxide, alpha-chlordane, gamma-chlordane, 4,4'- DDE, Endosulfan II, Endrin aldehyde, Endosulfan sulfate, and Endrin ketone. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs GB-0-031-rev.0 11. Calibration File: GB-0-031Rev.O.doc Date: February 08, 2007 Page 7 or 11 11.1 The analytical balance used during this procedure must be calibrated prior to use each day. Refer to the current revision of Support Equipment (ALL-Q-013) for how to calibrate a balance. 12. Procedure 12.1. Extraction 12.1.1. Attach Soxhlet extractors (55 mm i.d. X 340 mm length) to 500-mL Erlenmeyer flasks with ground glass joints. 12.1.2. Add two plugs of glass wool to each extractor, one to cover the bottom to prevent sample from entering the solvent return arm and the other to cover the top of the sample. 12.1.3. Add 300 mL of glass-distilled Methylene chloride to the Erlenmeyer flask, along with about five boiling chips. Attach the Erlenmeyer to the Soxhlet extractor. 12.1.4. Attach the extractors to the condensers in the fume hood. 12.1.5. Adjust the temperature so the extractors cycle at a rate of 12 to 15 cycles/hour. 12.1.6. Allow the extractors to rinse for 4 hours, then shut off the heaters and allow them to cool. 12.1.7. Remove the condensers and drain all the solvent remaining in the extractors into the Erlenmeyer flask. 12.1.8. Discard the solvent and add new boiling chips to Erlenmeyer flask. 12.1.9. The extractors are now ready for the samples. 12.1.10. Weigh 20g of sodium sulfate into a 250-mL beaker; this will represent the method blank. Weigh 20g of the control matrix into a second 250-mL breaker; this will be used for the control spike. Weigh 20g samples into separate 250-mL beakers. Record the actual weight in the extraction logbook. 12.1.11. Add 40g of anhydrous sodium sulfate to each beaker and mix. More sodium sulfate may be necessary: when a sufficient amount has been added, the sample will appear granular. 12.1.12. Place the beakers in a fume hood and let them dry, stirring occasionally. 12.1.13. Remove the top glass wool plug from the Soxhlet extractors that have been pre- rinsed. 12.1.14. Transfer the entire sample from the beaker to the extractor and place the glass wool plug on top. The sample level in the extractor should not exceed the top of the solvent return arm; this will keep the entire sample immersed in solvent during the extraction process. Rinse the sample beaker with McC12 and add to the top of the Soxhlet extractor. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory File: GB-O-031Rev.0.doc Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs Date: February 08, 2007 GB-0-031-rev.0 Page 8 or 11 12.1.15. Add 500 gL of the 2.0 gg/mL surrogate spiking solution to all samples, laboratory control spikes, matrix spikes, and method blanks. (The amount of surrogate spiking solution added may need to be adjusted for the final volume of the sample extract.) 12.1.16. Add the appropriate amount of Matrix Spike solution(s) to the laboratory control spikes and matrix spikes. This will depend upon the analytes of interest and project specific requirements. (The amount of matrix spike solution added may need to be adjusted for the final volume of the sample extract.) For pesticide analysis add 1000 gL of the 0.4 - 4.0 gg/mL Pesticide Matrix Spike solution. For PCB analysis add 1000 gL of the 5.0 gg/mL PCB Matrix Spike solution. For Toxaphene analysis add 800 gL of the 50 gg/mL Toxaphene Matrix Spike solution. Additional compounds which may be added include 2,4-DDT, 2,4-DDD, 2,4-DDE, Hexachlorobenzene, Pentachloroanisole, Oxychlordane, Trans- nonachlor, Cis-nonachlor, and Mirex. 12.1.17.Add 350 mL of glass-distilled methylene chloride to each Soxhlet extractor. 12.1.18.Attach the condensers and set the temperature so that the extractors cycle at a rate of 12 to 15 cycles per hour. 12.1.19.Let the extractors cycle for 16 hours. 12.1.20.After 16 hours shut off the heating elements and allow the samples to cool. 12.1.21.Rinse the extractor with about 50 mL of Methylene chloride and drain it into the collection Erlenmeyer flask. 12.1.22.Drain all solvent remaining in the extractor into the Erlenmeyer flask. 12.2. Concentration 12.2.1. Assemble a K-D concentrator by attaching a 10-mL concentrator tube to a 500 mL evaporative flask. Other concentration devices or techniques may be used in place of the K-D if equivalency is demonstrated for all analytes of interest. 12.2.2. Pour the extracts into the K-D concentrators. Rinse the Erlenmeyer flasks with 20 to 30 mL of methylene chloride to complete the quantitative transfer. 12.2.3. Add one or two clean boiling chips to the evaporative flasks and attach a three- ball Snyder column. Place the K-D apparatus on a hot water bath (100°C to 105°C) so that the concentrator tube is partially immersed in the hot water and the entire lower rounded surface of the flask is bathed with hot water and the entire lower rounded surface of the flask is bathed with hot vapor. Adjust the vertical position of the apparatuses and the water temperature as required to complete the concentration in 10 to 15 minutes. At the proper rate of distillation, the balls of the column will actively chatter but the chambers will not flood with condensed solvent. When the apparent volume of liquid reaches 5 to 10 mL, remove the K-D apparatus. Allow it to drain and cool for at least 10 minutes. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory File: GB-0-031Rev.O.doc Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs Date: February 08, 2007 GB-0-031-rev.0 Page 9 or 11 12.2.4. Adjust the volume to 10 mL using methylene chloride. 12.2.5. Samples that are to be analyzed for PCBs only will require the extracts to be exchanged to hexane. For these extracts, add approximately 50 ML of hexane to the K-D apparatus and continue concentration to a volume of 4-6 mL. Remove the K-D apparatus from the water bath and allow it to drain and cool for at least 10 minutes or until extracts have cooled to air temperature. Adjust the final volume to 10 mL using hexane. 12.3. Extract Cleanups 12.3.1. Lipid Determination: One milliliter of the extract is used to determine the percent lipids using SOP KM-L-003-Rev.0. The remaining nine milliliters should go through the following cleanups necessary for the required analysis. 12.3.2. GPC Cleanup of Extracts: Sample extracts requiring pesticide and PCB analysis should have contaminants removed using gel permeation chromatography. This cleanup is not necessary for samples requiring only PCB analysis because the Florisil column cleanup procedure is validated specifically to remove contaminants from the PCBs. 12.3.3. Florisil Column Cleanup of Extracts for PCBs: Extracts requiring only PCB analysis should be cleaned using column chromatography with Florisil. 12.3.4. Florisil Cartridge Cleanup for pesticides: Extracts requiring pesticide analysis may be cleaned using Florisil cartridge cleanup. 12.3.5. Silica Gel Separation of Pesticides and PCBs: Extracts which are to be analyzed for both pesticides and PCBs may have the PCBs separated from the majority of the pesticides using column chromatography with silica gel. Extracts may be screened prior to this cleanup to determine if PCBs will cause a problem with the identification of pesticides in the extract. If PCBs are not present, or present at levels which will not interfere with pesticide analysis, this cleanup is not necessary. 13. Quality Control 13.1 One method blank is extracted per 20 samples OR per extraction batch, whichever is more frequent. The method blank should be blank sodium sulfate or an analyte-free biota matrix such as tuna fish for animal extractions or alfalfa for plant analyses. 13.2 A laboratory control spike is extracted per 20 samples OR per extraction batch whichever is more frequent. Control spikes are usually prepared using analyte-free tuna fish for animal analysis or alfalfa for plant analyses. The control spike is fortified with a representative list of the analytes of interest. 13.3 A matrix spike and a matrix spike duplicate must be performed for every 20 samples when appropriate sample volume is present, otherwise a laboratory control spike duplicate will be performed. Matrix spikes are used to indicate matrix effects on the analysis of the analytes of interest. The sample used for the MS/D pair is either Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory File: GB-O-031Rev.0.doc Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs Date: February 08, 2007 GB-0-031-rev.0 Page 10 or 11 determined by the client or selected at random from client samples as sample volume allows 13.4 Surrogate standards must be added to all samples, laboratory control spikes, matrix spikes, and method blanks prior to extraction. Surrogates are used to monitor the efficiency of the method on each sample and possible matrix related effects. 13.5 All quality control samples (MB, LCS, MS, MSD, and duplicate samples) must be analyzed by the same determinative methods as the samples in the batch. The acceptance criteria and corrective actions are described in the determinative method SOPS. 14. Method Performance 14.1 There are several requirements that must be met to insure that this procedure generates accurate and reliable data. A general outline of requirements has been summarized below. Further specifications may be found in the Laboratory Quality Manual. 14.2 The analyst must read and understand this procedure with written documentation maintained in his/her training file. 14.3 An initial demonstration of capability (IDC) must be performed per All-Q-020, Training Procedures. A record of the IDC will be maintained in his/her QA file with written authorization from the Laboratory Manager and Quality Manager. 14.4 An annual method detection limit (MDL) study will be completed per ALL-Q-004, Method Detection Limit Studies, for this method and whenever there is a major change in personnel or equipment. The results of these studies are retained in the quality assurance office. 14.5 Periodic performance evaluation (PE) samples are analyzed per ALL-Q-010, PE/PT Program, to demonstrate continuing competence. All results are stored in the QA office. 15. Pollution Prevention and Waste Management 15.1 The quantity of chemicals purchased is based on expected usage during its shelf life and disposal cost of unused material. Actual reagent preparation volumes reflect anticipated usage and reagent stability. 15.2 Excess reagents, samples and method process wastes are characterized and disposed of in an acceptable manner. For further information on waste management consult the current version of ALL-S-002, Waste Handling. 15.3 The laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan/Health and Safety Plan contains additional information on pollution prevention. 16. References 16.1. USEPA, SW-846, Method 3540C, "Soxhlet Extraction", December 1996. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. - Green Bay Laboratory Extraction of Biological Samples for Organochlorine Pesticides/PCBs GB-0-031-rev.0 17. Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, Appendices, etc. Not Applicable 18. Revisions File: GB-O-031Rev.0.doc Date: February 08, 2007 Page 11 or 11 Document Number Reason for Change Date Converted SVO 60 Rev 1 to new format. KM-0-001-rev.0 January 20, 2005 Incorporated associated cleanup method references. Converted to Green Bay SOP GB-0-031-rev.0 Update General Manager and Quality Manager February 08, 2007 Added correct SOPs to Sections 11, 14, 15 Section 13.3 Added procedure for selecting MS/MSD Method Detection Reporting Limits Method 1668A ceARalyticalry ; nelac s ( /?A? Tissue Analyte Method Detection Limit (pp0 Reporting Limit (ppt) LCS Criteria Lower Control Limit (%) LCS Criteria Upper Control Limits (%) % RPD Limit PCB-1 7.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-2 18.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-3 5.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-4 22.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-5 14.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-6 6.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-7 7.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-8 22.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-9 5.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-10 17.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-11 77.2 155 50 150 30 PCB-12/13 16.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-14 7.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-15 25.7 52 50 150 30 PCB-16 14.0 50 50 150 30 PCB-17 14.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-18/30 18.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-19 5.4 50 50 150 30 PCB-20/28 65.0 130 50 150 30 PCB-21/23 25.8 54 50 150 30 PCB-22 29.1 60 50 150 30 PCB-23 4.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-24 6.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-25 7.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-26/29 21.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-27 6.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-31 52.6 106 50 150 30 PCB-32 10.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-34 5.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-35 7.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-36 4.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-37 36.8 75 50 150 30 PCB-38 5.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-39 6.4 50 50 150 30 PCB-40/41/71 71.6 150 50 150 30 PCB-42 35.3 75 50 150 30 PCB-43 18.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-44/47/65 97.8 200 50 150 30 PCB-45/51 25.7 55 50 150 30 PCB-46 28.7 60 50 150 30 PCB-48 36.2 75 50 150 30 PCB-49/69 61.3 125 50 150 30 PCB-50/53 41.8 90 50 150 30 Pace Analytical Services 1 1700 Elm Street I Minneapolis, MN 55414 1 (612) 607-1700 1 (612) 607-6444 (fax) I wvvw.pacelabs.com Method Detection Reporting Limits Method 1668A 1--!2WAr1aMkar nela Tissue Analyte Method Detection Limit (pp0 Reporting Limit (ppt) LCS Criteria Lower Control Limit (%) LCS Criteria Upper Control Limits (%) % RPD Limit PCB-52 81.4 165 50 150 30 PCB-54 5.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-55 22.0 50 50 150 30 PCB-56 28.8 60 50 150 30 PCB-57 26.4 55 50 150 30 PCB-58 7.0 50 50 150 30 PCB-59/62/75 64.7 130 50 150 30 PCB-60 20.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-61/70/74/76 92.8 200 50 150 30 PCB-63 9.4 50 50 150 30 PCB-64 59.1 120 50 150 30 PCB-66 70.9 150 50 150 30 PCB-67 13.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-68 9.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-72 11.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-73 17.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-77 5.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-78 6.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-79 13.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-80 17.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-81 3.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-82 14.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-83 22.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-84 19.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-85/116/117 23.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-86/87/97/108/119/125 52.0 110 50 150 30 PCB-88/91 14.4 50 50 150 30 PCB-89 6.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-90/101/113 93.6 200 50 150 30 PCB-92 12.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-93/98/100/102 94.1 200 50 150 30 PCB-94 14.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-95 11.6 180 50 150 30 PCB-96 16.0 50 50 150 30 PCB-99 23.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-103 16.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-104 4.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-105 26.2 55 50 150 30 PCB-106 20.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-107/124 43.6 100 50 150 30 PCB-109 11.3 70 50 150 30 PCB-110/115 79.8 160 50 150 30 PCB-111 8.3 50 50 150 30 Pace Analytical Services 1 1700 Elm Street I Minneapolis, MN 55414 1 (612) 607-1700 1 (612) 607-6444 (fax) I wvvw.pacelabs.com Method Detection Reporting Limits Method 1668A /?ZAnWkar Tissue nelac = Analyte Method Detection Limit (pp0 Reporting Limit (ppt) LCS Criteria Lower Control Limit (%) LCS Criteria Upper Control Limits (%) % RPD Limit PCB-112 16.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-114 6.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-118 38.9 80 50 150 30 PCB-120 10.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-121 9.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-122 18.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-123 5.0 50 50 150 30 PCB-126 22.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-127 17.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-128/166 14.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-129/138/163 29.7 60 50 150 30 PCB-130 15.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-131 14.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-132 20.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-133 9.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-134/143 17.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-135/151 52.1 105 50 150 30 PCB-136 18.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-137 12.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-139/140 55.9 115 50 150 30 PCB-141 23.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-142 21.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-144 34.9 70 50 150 30 PCB-145 8.1 50 50 150 30 PCB-146 14.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-147/149 75.9 160 50 150 30 PCB-148 10.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-150 11.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-152 10.0 50 50 150 30 PCB-153/168 58.6 120 50 150 30 PCB-154 9.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-155 4.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-156/157 13.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-158 8.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-159 12.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-160 17.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-161 17.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-162 4.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-164 21.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-165 17.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-167 7.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-169 6.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-170 13.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-171/173 19.1 50 50 150 30 Pace Analytical Services 1 1700 Elm Street I Minneapolis, MN 55414 1 (612) 607-1700 1 (612) 607-6444 (fax) I wvvw.pacelabs.com Method Detection Reporting Limits Method 1668A Tissue n(1?20AWWRI- Analyte Method Detection Limit (pp0 Reporting Limit (ppt) LCS Criteria Lower Control Limit (%) LCS Criteria Upper Control Limits (%) % RPD Limit PCB-172 14.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-174 17.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-175 16.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-176 6.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-177 12.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-178 9.4 50 50 150 30 PCB-179 12.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-180/193 35.5 75 50 150 30 PCB-181 13.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-182 17.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-183/185 20.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-184 8.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-186 9.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-187 23.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-188 8.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-189 5.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-190 8.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-191 11.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-192 13.3 50 50 150 30 PCB-194 23.0 50 50 150 30 PCB-195 11.0 50 50 150 30 PCB-196 17.2 50 50 150 30 PCB-197/200 29.1 60 50 150 30 PCB-198/199 21.6 50 50 150 30 PCB-201 9.4 50 50 150 30 PCB-202 11.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-203 10.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-204 16.9 50 50 150 30 PCB-205 8.5 50 50 150 30 PCB-206 14.7 50 50 150 30 PCB-207 8.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-208 5.8 50 50 150 30 PCB-209 10.7 50 50 150 30 Pace Analytical Services 1 1700 Elm Street I Minneapolis, MN 55414 1 (612) 607-1700 1 (612) 607-6444 (fax) I wvvw.pacelabs.com