HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190230_Meeting Minutes_20110112s 4 ?V *kvolst °>> STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ^W'?4 BFVF.RLY EAVES PERDUE EUGENE A. CONTI, JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Matthew W. Potter Project Planning Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: R-2582/R-2584 Concurrence Point 3 Continued and 4A Merger Meeting Minutes, Widening of US 158 from the 1-95/NC 46 Interchange West of Garysburg to the Murfreesboro Bypass, Northampton County; WBS Element 34472.1.1 A Concurrence Meeting was held on October 19, 2010 in the Transportation Building Board Room in Raleigh. In attendance were: Bill Biddlccome Gary Jordan Kevin Hart David Wainwright Renee Gledhill-Earley Travis Wilson Jerry Jennings Ronnie Keeter Jerry Snead Charles Cox Rob Hanson Kristine O'Connor Matthew Potter Tris Ford Vanessa Patrick Shane Peterson John Merritt Chris Rivenbark Mark Staley MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) NC Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) NC State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) NCDOT-Division 1 NCDOT-Division 4 NCDOT-Hydraulics NCDOT-PDEA NCDOT-PDEA NCDOT-PDEA NCDOT-PDEA NCDOT-PDEA-HEU NCDOT-PDEA-HEU NCDOT-PDEA-HEU NCDOT-PDEA-NEU NCDOT-PDEA-NEU NCDOT-PDEA-REU TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET WEBSI7E: RALEIGH NC 27601 www.ncdot.org/doh/Preconstruct/Pe/ Bryan Key Jason Moore Robert O'Dell Neb Bullock W.M. Petit Chris Rountree Ann Whitley NCDOT-Roadway Design NCDOT-Roadway Design NCDOT-Roadway Design NCDOT-Structures NCDOT-TIP Unit Peanut Belt RPO Peanut Belt RPO This was the fifth meeting in the NEPA/404 Merger Process for R-2582/R-2584. The purpose of the meeting was to finish concurrence on Point 3 by choosing the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) and to discuss Point 4 Avoidance and Minimization. Concurrence Point 3 (cont.) Bill Biddlecome opened the meeting with an introduction of attendees. Matthew Potter gave an overview of TIP Project R-2582/R-2584 via PowerPoint presentation. Matthew briefly reviewed the purpose and need, and the alternatives carried forward from the previous Concurrence Point 3 meeting held on March 26, 2009. Matthew noted that the NCDOT had made some minor changes in the alignment of the two remaining Jackson Bypass Alternatives. Northern Jackson Bypass was shifted to the north at its intersection with NC 305 to reduce impacts to the Jackson Historic District. Extended Northern Jackson Bypass was shifted to the south at its egress from existing US 158 to minimize wetland impacts. Matthew noted that the NCDOT held an additional Public Hearing in the Town of Jackson on July 19, 2010. Approximately 114 citizens attended the Hearing and approximately 150 written comments were received following the hearing. A vast majority of the comments were opposed to the Northern Jackson Bypass and preferred the Extended Northern Jackson Bypass due to proximity to town. Matthew discussed the impacts of each alternative and noted that wetland impacts associated with the Extended Northern Jackson Bypass resulted in 23.5 acres of wetland impacts, with 10 acres being high quality wetlands and 9.5 acres being medium quality wetlands. While the Northern Jackson Bypass impacts 10.4 acres of wetlands, with only 0.1 acres of high quality wetlands and 5.3 acres of medium quality wetlands. Matthew informed the team that even with these impacts the NCDOT still recommended that the Extended Northern Jackson Bypass be carried forward as the preferred alternative. This recommendation is based in large part on the comments received from the community following the latest public hearing, but also in part the fact that the Extended Northern Jackson Bypass is also the least costly and would provide approximately 1.3 minutes in travel time savings. Bill Biddlccome stated that based on his and USACE's standpoint the communities concerns with cohesiveness is not enough to warrant an alternative with double the wetland impacts, given the disparity in High Quality impacts between the Extended Northern Jackson Bypass and the Northern Jackson Bypass. He also questioned how the project would impact the cohesiveness of the community. Matthew noted that the majority of the county offices are located in the northern section of Jackson and that most of the people that work there live in the downtown Jackson area. ---_ _. Ann Whitley alsunvted-thaTthe-counties-Cultural-Wellness center is locatcd-in-the- northern part of Jackson and ultimately would like to sec a bikeway to connect it to downtown Jackson. She also expressed concerns with the safety of adding a bike lane through the interchange if the Northern Jackson Bypass was selected. Bill Biddlecome noted that the Extended Northern Jackson Bypass would fragment wildlife by segmenting a large tract of woodlands in that area. Both Gary Jordan and Travis Wilson agreed with this comment and stated their preference for the Northern Jackson Bypass. Bill noted that the original reason for revising these alignments was due to impacts to the Jackson historic district, which have been greatly reduced. Based on concessions that the team has made on other sections of this project and allowing alternatives with higher impacts, he would like to see the Northern Jackson Bypass selected as the LEDPA. Matthew stated that while the Extended Northern Jackson Bypass was the NCDOT's preferred alternative, this was based mainly on public comment and that ultimately the NCDOT is ok with choosing the Northern Jackson Bypass as the LEDPA based on the wetland impacts associated with each alternative. Jerry Jennings agreed that the NCDOT's preference was based on public comment and cost, but ultimately the Division is ok with either alternative. At this point the team concurred with Northern Jackson Bypass as the final alternative to be included in the LEDPA. The final LEDPA for this project is as follows; • Garysburg Southern Bypass 1 (Segments Al, B2, B3) • Northern Jackson Bypass (Segments Cl, E2, E3) • Faison's Old Tavern Northern Bypass 2 (Segments F2, F6, 1710) • Conway Northern Bypass 2 (Segments G1, G6, G7, H1). Concurrence Point 4A Matthew continued into discussion about Avoidance and Minimization. He noted the following as measures the NCDOT has taken to avoid and minimize impacts; • Dropped Garysburg Northern Bypass to avoid adverse and disproportionate impacts to the minority/ low income Garysburg Community, • Dropped Old Jackson Bypass due to High Wetland and Relocation Impacts, Dropped South ern Jac son Bypass due to Iinpacts on Historic P-ropertics and the - -- Jackson Community, • Widening on Existing through Garysburg, Jackson, Faison's Old,ravem, and Conway were dropped from consideration due to anticipated community/ relocation impacts to each of the surrounding communities, • Conway Southern Bypass I and 2 were dropped from consideration due to high wetland impacts, • Extended Northern Jackson Bypass corridor and alignment shifted south to avoid WA 22, WA 85, WB44, WB 45, and WB 46, Northern Jackson Bypass corridor and alignment shifted north to minimize impacts to the Jackson Historic District, 3:1 slopes will be used in wetland areas to minimize impacts. Additionally Matthew reviewed each wetland and stream site along the proposed corridor to determine what, if any, proposed measure had been taken to avoid or minimize impacts to reach resource. Please see attachment for a list of Avoidance and Minimization efforts for each environmental resource site. Bill Biddlecome noted that the main points from Avoidance and Minimization should be put into the new format that the USACE is using for Concurrence Point 4A. The main points he noted were; • 3:1 slopes within wetland areas, • Bridging of High Quality Wetland systems, • Shifting alignments to reduce impacts, • Use of Half-Cloverleaf interchanges to reduce impacts, • 90 degree crossing at streams. Matthew stated that he would finish the form as requested by the USACE and that Concurrence Point 4A would be finalized through email correspondence. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (919) 733-7844, ext. 227 or at mwootter a ncdot.gov. Avoidance & Minimization Measures (Wetland & Stream Sites) Wetland/ Wetland Stream Segment Stream Impacts Impacts Avoidance & Minimization Identification (Acres) (Feet) Widening on north side of NC 46 to Al SA 01 129 reduce impacts to Historic Oak Grove ..._ _Ba tist_Church._........_ Widening on north side of NC 46 to WA 01 0.4 reduce impacts to Historic Oak Grove Baptist Church WA 03 0.1 None SA 02 192 None WA 04 0.1 None Widening to the south side of NC 46 WA 09 0.2 avoids impacts to WA 08 B2 SA 04 156 None WA 07 2.1 None SB 02 261 Maintained 90° crossing Half-Cloverleaf interchange build on south side of US 158/ US 301 to W13 02 0.1 minimize impacts to WB 02 and WB 03 Half-Cloverleaf interchange build on south side of US 158/ US 301 to B3 WB 02 2.3 minimize impacts to WB 02 and WB 03 Half-Cloverleaf interchange build on south side of US 158/ US 301 to WB 03 1 minimize impacts to WB 02 and WB 03 SB 01 1075 None WB 04 3.3 None New alignment avoids impacts to WB O6 I.1 SB 03 Widening on south side of US 158 to SB OS 228 minimize impacts to SB 07 Widening on south side of US 158 to WB 08 0.7 minimize impacts to WB 08 and S13 07 Wetland/ Wetland Stream Segment Stream Impacts Impacts Avoidance & Minimization Identi5cation (Acres) (Feet) C1 WB 14 0 Widening on south side to avoid im acts to WB 14 WB 11 1 1 Widening on north side of US 158 to minimize im acts to_WB 1.1 Widening on south side of US 158 to WB 12 0 minimize impacts to WB 12 and WB 13 Widening on south side of US 158 to WB 13 0.1 minimize impacts to WB 12 and WB 13 WB 17 0.1 Widening on south side of US 158 to minimize impacts to WB 17 WB 18 2.2 None SB 11 222 None E2 WA 20 0.2 Widening on south side of US 158 to minimize impacts to WA 20 WA 21 0.8 None WB 95 0.9 None Lnpacts are due to longer radius of WB 92 1.4 curve to limit impacts to Historic Mowfield Property WB 19 0.1 None SB 15 196 Additional bridge on south side of US 158 to minimize impacts WB 21 0.1 None Widening on south side of US 158 to WB 20 0.1 avoid impacts to WB 20 and P 7 SB 16 1149 None Wetland/ Wetland Stream Segment Stream Impacts Impacts Avoidance & Minimization Identification (Acres) (Feet) Impacts are due to shift in corridor and E3 WB 23 1.7 alignment to reduce impact to Jackson Historic District Impact avoided by shift in corridor and ............ ._._ SB 19 0 ali ent to reduce impacts to Jackson Historic District A 1295-ft bridge will be used to WB 25-27 0 minimize impacts W13 94 0.3 Shift to south to minimize impacts WA 94 1.1 None WA 92 0.2 None F2 WA 92 1.8 None Widening on north side of US 158 to WA 93 0.8 minimize impacts to WA 93 SA 90 221 None SA 25 175 None WA 46 0.5 None Widening on north side of US 158 to WA 47 0.2 minimize im acts to WA 47 F6 WA 42 _ 1.4 None SA 29 238 None New alignment is to the south to WA 43 0.3 minimize impacts Crossing is approximately 90° and at WA 53 1.4 narrowest point Crossing is approximately 90° to SA 30 236 minim ze impacts WA 54 6.7 None Segment Wetland/ Stream Identification Wetland Impacts (Acres) Stream Impacts (Feet) Avoidance & Minimization F6 (Cont.) SA 35 222 None WA 55 0.6 None SA36 345 Half-Cloverleaf Interchange on cast side of SR 1344-to reduce iin acts SA 37 238 Half-Cloverleaf Interchange on east side of SR 1344 to reduce impacts WA 56 0.3 None F10 WA 57 2 New alignment crosses southern portion to minimize impacts WA 58 0.7 New alignment crosses southern portion to minimize impacts SA 39 217 New alignment crosses southern portion to minimize impacts WA 59 4.6 None SA 42 32 New alignment crosses southern portion to minimize impacts SA 41 272 Crossing is approximately 90° to minimize impacts SA 43 242 None SA 44 500 None SA 45 290 None SA 46 283 None WA 60 0.1 None G1 WA 61-62 0.5 Crossing is approximately 90° and at narrowest point WA 63 0.9 Crossing located at narrowest point WA 65 0.2 New alignment crosses northern portion to minimize impacts WA 67 0.1 New alignment is to the south to minimize impacts WA 68 2.9 None WA 70-72-73 5.4 Crossing shifted to the south SA 52 279 None SA 50 330 None SA 53 308 None Wetland/ Wetland Stream Segment Stream Impacts Impacts Avoidance & Minimization Identification (Acres) (Feet) G6 WA 75-76 0.8 New alignment crossing is approximately 90° to minimize impacts New alignment crossing is SA 54 321 approximately 90° to minimize impacts New-alignment crosses-southem WA 77 (1-24) 1.3 portion to minimize impact New alignment crosses southern WA 77 (25-56) l portion to minimize impact SA 58 281 None SA 56 51 None SA 57 43 New alignment crosses southern portion to minimize impact SA 60 42 None SA 61 113 None G7 SB 35 181 None WB 75 0-1 None Widening on southern side of US 158 WB 76 0.1 to minimize impacts to WB 76 Widening on southem side of US 158 WB 83 0.1 to minimize impacts to WB 83 Widening on southern side of US 158 SB 64 74 to minimize impacts WB 82 0.1 None Widening on southern side of US 158 H1 WB 84 0.1 to minimize impacts to WB 84 and Historic Francis Parker House W13 85 0 None 1// 0 a January 12, 201 1 Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Agreement Widening of US 158; TIP #11-2582 & R-2584, Northampton County, Division I Concurrence Point 4A "Avoidance and Minimization Project Name & General Description: Widening of US 158 from the I-95 / NC 46 Interchange West of Garysburg to the Murfreesboro Bypass, Northampton County, Division 1; TIP Project R-2582 & R-2584. 404 Avoidance and Minimization Measures In an effort to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and streams associated with the LEDPA (Garysburg Southern Bypass 1, Northern Jackson Bypass, Faison's Old Tavern Northern Bypass 2, and Conway Northern Bypass 2), NCDOT has proposed to implement one or more of the following measures: [ X ] Bridging (KB 15) with 120-ft bridge and (WB 25/ WB 27) with 1295-ft bridge. Estimated impacts avoided or minimized: Stream - (196 feet), Wetlands - (6.2 acre). [ X ] Steeper side slopes in jurisdictional areas (e.g., 3:1 fill slopes). Estimated impacts avoided or minimized: 5.6 acre . [ X j Horizontal or vertical alignment shifts to avoid or minimize jurisdictional areas: General location(s) along the project corridor: WA 08, WB 08, WB 14, WB 11, WB 12, WB 13, WB 17, WA 20, WB 20. WB 94, WA 93, WA 47, WA 43, WA 53, WA 57, WA 58, WA 61, WA 62, WA 63. WA 65. WA 67, WA 70-72-73, WA 77(1-24), WA 77(25- 56), WB, 76, WB 83, and WB 84. [ ] Reduced median widths (NCDOT typical vs. proposed): [ ] Reduced shoulder widths (NCDOT typical vs. proposed): [ I Construction of retaining walls: General location(s): [ X ] Other proposed design changes (e.g., Flyovers; SPUIs, Compressed diamonds, Equalizer pipes, etc.) Two half-Cloverleaf interchanges will be utilized to minimize impacts to (WB 02, WB 03) and (SA 36. SA 37 Estimated impacts avoided and minimized: Stream-(809 feet), Wetlands- 5.6 acre). Other Measures to Avoid and Minimize Impacts to the Human and Natural Environment NCDOT has also documented the following measures to avoid and minimize impacts to the human and natural environment associated with the LEDPA, as appropriate: [ ] Specific Section 401 water quality measures: (e.g., Stormwater basins, Hazardous Spill Basins, Pre-formed scour holes, Energy dissipators, etc.) [ X ] Measures to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to historic properties (Describe): Northern Jackson Bypass was shifted to the north to minimize impacts on the Jackson Historic District. The project will widen on the south side of US 158 to minimize impacts on the Historic Francis Parker House. R-2582 & R-2584 Page] of2 January 12, 2011 [ ] Measures to avoid or minimize residential or business relocations (Describe): [ ] Measures to avoid or minimize other human resource impacts (e.g., Noise abatement walls, Cemeteries, Schools, Churches, Community facilities, Parks, etc.) [ X ] Control of access issues (Describe): All sections on new location will include full control of access to minimize indirect impacts. [ X ] Other environmental commitments or proposed measures (Describe resource and avoidance and minimization effort) Archeological surveys will be completed on the LEDPA. Impacts to any archeological sites eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places will be minimize through'possible data recovery excavations The Project Team Members listed below have concurred with the avoidance and minimization measures, for the proposed project, as stated above. US Army Corps of Engineers Bill Biddlecome DATE US Fish & Wildlife Service Gary Jordan DATE NC Division of Water Quality David Wainwright DATE NC Division of Marine National Marine Kevin Hart DATE Ron Sechler DATE Wildlife Resources Commission Travis Wilson DATE Environmental Protection Agency NC Department of State Historic Preservation Chris Militscher Matthew Potter DATE Renee DATE R-2582 & R-2584 Page 2 of 2