HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081555 Ver 2_More Info Received_20110218 (18)Strickland, Bev From: Steenhuis, Joanne Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 3:09 PM To: Mcmillan, Ian Cc: Strickland, Bev Subject: FW: Revisions to Shelter Creek Quarry Does DWQ # 08 1555 Attachments: Response to USACE RFAI 12-17-10 v5.pdf; Addendum Attachment 10 - Quarry Wetland Impact Spreadsheet 2-17-11.pdf From: Dana Lutheran [mailto:dlutheran@segi.us] Sent: Thursday, February 17, 20114:00 PM To: Ronnie D SAW Smith; Steenhuis, Joanne Cc: David Syster Subject: Revisions to Shelter Creek Quarry Docs have attached the revised 12-17-11 letter ( this would be version 5). The revisions are in blue and underlined. I also updated and attached the Addendum Attachment 10 - Shelter Creek Quarry Spreadsheet. I sent the revised mitigation map via email earlier today. I believe I have made all of the corrections necessary, but if you find something else, please call as soon as possible. I would like to ensure that you guys have everything you need prior to the weekend. Dana 5r-6i Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 Phone: 910.452.2711 Fax: 910.452.2899 Mobile: 910.228.1841 PREPARED BY: SEGi SHELTER CREEK QUARRY WETLAND SUMMARY SPREADSHEET Revised 2/17/11 WETLAND AREA SIZE (AC) SIZE (SF) IMPACT AREA ** TYPE NON-RIPARIAN IMPACTS RIPARIAN IMPACTS PHASE 404 WET 401 WET 404 MIT 401 MIT TOTAL MIT A 7.2 313,632.0 7.2 Swamp Forest + IA A 0 Y B 0.8 34,848.0 0.8 Wet Flat + IA Y C 3.8 165,528.0 3.8 Wet Flat + I;a Y D 5.9 257,004.0 5.9 Pocosin + IA Y E 0.24 10,454.4 0.24 Bottomland Hardwood Forest • IB Y F 1.4 60,984.0 1.4 Wet Flat + IB 1 Y G 0.7 30,492.0 0.7 Wet Flat + IB Y H 1.56 67,953.6 1.56 Wet Flat + IB V L Y 1 0.5 21,780.0 0.5 Bottomland Hardwood Forest • IB A Y 1 0.11 4,791.6 0.11 Wet Flat + IA V L Y K 0.16 6,969.6 0.16 Wet Flat + IA V L Y AA 1.2 52,272.0 1.2 Freshwater Marsh + ILA A Y BB 0.54 23,522.4 0.54 Wet Flat + ILA V L Y CC 0.24 10,454.4 0.24 Cypress Swamp + ILA V L Y DD 4.9 213,444.0 4.9 Cypress Swamp + ILA A Y EE 5.3 230,868.0 5.3 Cypress Swamp + IIA A Y FF 3.4 148,104.0 3.4 Non-riverine Swamp + IIB A Y GG 1.48 64,468.8 1.48 Bottomland Hardwood Forest • IIB A Y HH 1.75 76,230.0 1.75 Bottomland Hardwood Forest • IIB A Y 11 0.31 13,503.6 0.31 Bottomland Hardwood Forest • IIB A Y -jj-- 9-24 10,4544 9:99 N KK* 2.12 92,347.2 0.11 Bottomland Hardwood Forest • IIB A Y LL 4-4& 64 468 8 9 99 N , . : MM 1.86 81,021.6 1.86 Bottomland Hardwood Forest • IIB A Y NN 0.11 4791.6 0.11 Swamp Forest • IIB A Y 00 0.12 5,227.2 0.12 Swamp Forest • IIB A Y PP 0.03 1,306.8 0.03 Swamp Forest • IIB A 0 Y TOTAL 45.73 1,991,998.8 43.72 37.21 6.51 41.11 2.61 41.11 2.61 SF 1,904,443.2 1,620,867.6 283,575.6 1,790,751.6 113,691.6 1,790,751.6 113,691.6 1,904,443.2 * DENOTES ONLY A PORTION OF THE AREA IS TO BE IMPACTED. ** DENOTES NEW COLUMN STRIKETu wont GH INDICATES THE ENTIRE AREA HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM IMPACTS. ITALICS DENOTE CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL. Denotes the impact has been revised to reflect the NWP impact of 0.102 AC Page 1 PREPARED BY: SEGi SHELTER CREEK QUARRY WETLAND SUMMARY SPREADSHEET Revised 2/17/11 WETLAND TYPE BEING IMPACTED ACRES Swamp Forest 7.46 Bottomland Hardwood Forest 6.25 Pocosin 5.9 Wet Flat 9.07 Freshwater Marsh 1.2 Non-riverine Swamp 3.4 Cypress Swamp 10.44 TOTAL 43.72 Mitigated Riparian Wetlands (AC) = 6.51 Mitigated Non-Riparian Wetlands (AC) = 37.21 Non-riparian Wetlands with NWP (AC) 0.10 Total Mitigated Wetlands (AC) = 43.82 *404 Wetlands to be Mitigated (AC) = 41.11 **401 Wetlands to be Mitigated (AC) = 2.61 *404 Impacts permitted with NWP 0.10 Total Wetlands to be Mitigated (AC) = 43.82 *to be mitigated at a 1:1 impact-to-mitigation ratio, by way of creation/restoration at the Croomsbridge Road site and payment to the NCEEP **to be mitigated for at 2:1 impact-to-mitigation ratio. The first part will be carried out by with creation/restoration efforts on the Croomsbridge Road Site, while the second half of the 2:1 ratio will be mitigated with preservation on the Croomsbridge Road site. Page 2 ,5outkern Lnvironmcntal Group, Inc. 53 15 South College Roan, Suite F- - Wilmington - NC - 2841 2 rhone: ? 10.452.271 1- rax: ? 10.452.2899 - nmaii: o{fice@s,i.us 17 December 2010 Electronic Mail Mr. Ronnie Smith US Army Corps of Engineers - Regulatory Division 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Ronme.D.Smitlik,usace.armv.mil Re: Shelter Creek Quarry Individual Permit (v.5) USACE AID #: SAW-2008-01720 DWQ Project #: 08-1555 Dear Mr. Smith, IS EGI Project: 06-010.01 Thank you for taking the time to meet with Mr. David Syster and myself, to discuss the Shelter Creek Quarry Individual Permit Application, currently under review by the USACE and DWQ. During our meeting, the USACE stated a mitigation proposal was needed to complete IP application. This letter serves to provide the required information outlined at that meeting as well as the preliminary mitigation proposal. 1. An updated "Milestone Map" that illustrates wetland impacts anticipated to take place within 5 years of the mitigation site's commencement date, as well as a commencement date, for the mitigation work; Previously, SEGi submitted a milestone map that illustrated no wetland impacts within the first five years. Since that submittal, that has changed. The Applicant believes approximately 7.97 AC of wetlands would be impacted within the first five years. The table below provides the acreages for the impact areas. For locations of the impact areas, please see Attachment 1 - Cursory Wetland Determination and Proposed Mitigation. Impact Area Wetland Impact Acreage within First 5 Years Type (404, Isolated) A 1.4 404 B 0.8 404 C 3.8 404 J 0.11 Isolated K 0.16 Isolated AA 1.2 404 DD 0.49 404 Total 7.96 Total Mitigated Acreage fable 1. Proposed wetland impacts to take place within S years 2 A LIDAR exhibit that illustrates historic wetland areas within the Croomsbridge property; Please see Attachment 1 - Cursory Wetland Determination and Proposed Mitigation. 3. NCEEP costs for 2:1 and 1:1 mitigation-to-impact ratios, available NCEEP sites and/or private mitigation banks within the HUC and, if any, the dates of credit availability for those sites; NCEEP There are four (4) NCEEP sites located within the project HUC follows (see Attachment 2 - NCEEP Mitigation Projects within Project HUC 03030007). They are as follows: Haw's Run (PID 92154); Wallace Deer Club - Blanchard Tract (PID 92155); Wallace Deer Club - Swinson Tract (PID 92103); and Wallace Deer Club - Tract 3-5 (PID 719). According to Ms. Kelly Williams, with the NCEEP, as soon as a mitigation site is approved, credits become available for that site. Thus, credits area available for all of the aforementioned mitigation sites. Currently, the NCEEP In-Lieu Fee Schedule reflects the following fee per unit (AC), in the Higher Fee HUs: Riparian Wetlands - $62,210/AC and Non-Riparian - $44,883/AC. The NCEEP only sells credits in 1/4 AC increments. To mitigate through the NCEEP, a 2:1 mitigation-to-impact ratio would be required for those impacts proposed to take place within 5 years and a 1:1 mitigation-to-impact ratio for the remainder. Hofmann Forest Wetland Mitigation Bank This private mitigation bank is located within 50 miles of the project site, but it is not located within the same HUC or drainage basin (see Attachment 3 - Hofmann Forest Vicinity Map). Hofmann Forest only offers non-riparian mitigation credits. Thus, any riparian wetland impacts would need to be offset using the NCEEP. Hofmann Forest has been completed and credits are available. The credits are issued upon request and the fee mimics the NCEEP's ILF schedule. However, Hofmann Forest does not limit the credits to be sold in 1/4 AC increments. Because the mitigation bank is located outside the projects HUC, the mitigation- to-impact ratio would increase to 3:1 for impacts proposed to take place within the first five years and 2:1 for impacts proposed to place five years out. Mitigation Cost Analysis through the NCEEP and Hofmann Forest Based on the current NCEEP ILF schedule, the Applicant would expect to pay the following cost for mitigation credits through the NCEEP and the Hofmann Forest: NCEEP Time Line Habitat (Riparian /Non-riparian) Mitigated Impact Acreage NCEEP Credits AC Cost Within 5 years (2:1) NR 5.96 12.0 $538,596.00 Outside 5 years (1:1) NR 28.54 28.75 $1,290,386.25 R 6.51 6.75 $419,917.50 Total 41.01 47.5 $2.248.889.75 HOFMANN FOREST Time Line Type (Riparian /Non-riparian) Mitigated Impact Acreage Hofmann Forest Credits AC Cost Within 5 years (3:1) NR 5.96 17.88 $802,508.04 Outside 5 years (2:1) NR 28.54 57.08 $2,561,921.64 R (NCEEP) 6.51 6.75 $419,917.50 Total 41.01 74.98 $3,784,347.18 Table 2. Cost comparison between the NCEEP and the Hofmann Forest Wetland Mitigation Bank 4. A comprehensive cost analysis for applicant responsible mitigation that should include, but is not limited to; the cost of land, machinery, vegetation, environmental work (GPS of wetland line, etc.), survey work (drawings), hydric material, labor, etc.; Applicant responsible mitigation is anticipated to cost approximately $940,000. Below, you will find a breakdown of costs associated with the proposed permitt ee responsible mitigation project: Land $250,000 Engineering $10,000 Surveying $20,000 Wetland Consulting $30,000 Soil & Erosion Control $25,000 Monitoring $25,000 Total Mitigation Cost $1,106,857 A 20% contingency buffer added to the Total Mitigation Cost elevates the potential cost of the mitigation project to $1. _ million. 5. Include permittee responsible, alternative, mitigation site information, and why they were not practicable; Four (4) sites were considered in the search. Site selection was ranked and identified based upon criteria that consider the potential for success, location within the project's drainage basin, replacement values, anticipated long-term viability, feasibility, and cost. Each site is discussed below: Alternative Site I Shaw Highway Site: At more than 1200 AC, this site was too large for the scope of the Applicant's mitigation project. The current landowner was not interested in subdividing the parcel and has since gone under contract by a third party. Therefore, this site is not a practical alternative. Alternative Site 2 3600 Acre Davis Farm Tract: As with the Shaw Highway Site, this site was too large for the scope of the project and the landowner was not interested in subdividing. Therefore, this site is not economically feasible. Alternative Site 3 23 Acre Hwy 53 Site: On its own, this site is not large enough produce the acreage necessary to offset the wetland impacts associated with mining project, and the Applicant was unable to secure land contiguous to the site. In addition, based on SEGi's field observations, the site would be difficult to establish hydrologic conditions necessary to meet the criteria. Therefore, this site is not a logistically, practicable alternative. Alternative Site 4 Croomsbridge Road Site: The 158-acre site is situated adjacent to the North East Cape Fear River. A cursory of the property indicates approximately 85.0 AC of wetlands exist within the parcel boundaries (see Attachment 1 - Cursory Wetland Determination and Proposed Mitigation). The tract exhibits characteristics similar to that of the Quarry site. For instance, the two sites occupy a nearly identical landscape position, in relation to their respective waterway; both are similar in related soil types; and the two sites appear to be almost identical in vegetation composition and succession. In addition, the two sites are both subject to the same seasonal overbank flooding events, from their adjacent watercourse. Based on the comparison of the two tracts and the cost of the land, the Croomsbridge road appears to be the most practicable alternative. 6. The relation between the mitigation site and the Shelter Creek Quarry (e.g., location within the flood plain, soils, etc.); and Please see item 45, Alternative Site 4, above. 7. The mitigation-to-impact ratio will be 1:1 for wetland impacts proposed to take place 5 years out from the commencement date of the mitigation work. Impacts to wetlands within the first 5 -years shall be offset with a mitigation-to-impact ratio of 2:1. If additional wetland impacts, above that stated within the mitigation proposal, become necessary within the first 5 years, a modification to the permit would be required prior to impacts taking place. Provide preliminary mitigation proposal, which should include but is not limited to an area map that depicts location, acreages, type of mitigation to occur (e.g., enhancement, restoration, creation, etc.) and type of habitat proposed, brief planting plan, monitoring plan and success criteria. In total, the impact of 43.72 AC of wetlands (including both 404 and 401 jurisdictional wetlands is necessary to facilitate the continued operation of the Shelter Creek Quarry. The Applicant has agreed to mitigate for 41. 43.82 AC of the impacted wetlands (total wetland impacts, minus acreage of --functionally, low value" wetlands). Please see Attachment 4 - Shelter Creek Quarry Wetland Summary Spreadsheet for acreage calculations, including acreages for impacts to riparian and non-riparian wetlands. With that said, for impacts proposed to take place within the first five years, the Applicant has agreed to At the Croomsbridgc Road site, the Applicant's proposes to create/restore/enhance 41.78 AC of wetlands (see Attachment 1 - Cursory Wetland Determination and Proposed Mitigation Map v.5). 7 In conjunction with the payment to the NCEEP and the creation/restoration/enhancement activities, the Applicant also proposes to place the entire site into preservation. The Applicant and SEGi feel the proposed mitigation plan is sufficient to offset temporal and permanent impacts to wetlands and will result in no net loss of wetlands. The proposed Success Criteria for wetland success will be based on the presence of the three criteria described in the 1987 USACE Wetland Delineation Manual'. The mitigation site will be deemed successful once it meets the three wetland parameters outlined in the manual and as further described in below: Vegetation Vegetative data will be gathered including survival data of the planted specimens and the presence of nuisance species. Species diversity and composition will be noted. For success criteria to be met, we would expect a survival rate of 320-planted trees per acre after 2 years, and 260 trees per acre after 5 years. No one species should account for more than 20% of the composition. Any areas that do not meet these requirements will be spot-planted. Hydrology Hydrologic monitoring within the site will consist of determining the water level at various locations across the site to verify the presence of wetland hydrology during the growing season. Monitoring wells will be installed to a depth of 20 inches and will be sealed with sand and bentonite. These wells will take a daily reading of the water table depth and this data will be processed into graphs and plotted against National Weather Service rainfall data for the area. Success criteria of the hydrologic parameter requires the site to exhibit one or more of the primary indicators; or two or more, of the secondary indicators of hydrology as outlined in the 1987 Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Manual, for twelve percent of the growing season, under normal conditions (e.g. normal rainfall, normal temperatures, etc..). Soils Soils will exhibit soil profiles typically found in wetlands. A comprehensive mitigation plan will be submitted to the USACE for approval. Upon said approval, implementation of the mitigation plan will begin. Note: wetland impacts will not take place until commencement of the mitigation project. SEGi understands that our submittal and your acceptance of the enclosed information is all that remains to complete the Individual Permit Application. Should I have forgotten anything or you deem additional information is necessary, please feel free to email me at dlutheran(i)scgi.us or contact me at 910.452.2711. As always, thank you for your continued time and assistance with this project. Sincerely, Dana A. Lutheran Project Manager Enclosures: Attachment 1 - Cursory Wetland Determination and Proposed Mitigation Map vt%5 Attachment 2 - NCEEP Mitigation Projects within Project HUC 03030007 Attachment 3 - Hofmann Forest Vicinity Map Attachment 4 - Shelter Creek Quarry Wetland Summary Spreadsheet (2-17-11) Attachment 5 - Milestone Wetland Impact Plan Cc: Ms. Joanne Steenhuis - DWQ WiRO (Hand Delivery) Mr. K-, _ - Client {U' Mr. Stephen Rynas - DCM, CAMA Consistency Coordinator (Electronic Mail) 'US Army Corps of Engineers. Regulatory Guidance Letter, No. 02-02. Subject: Guidance on Compensatory Mitigation Projects for Aquatic Resource Impacts under the Corps Regulatory Program Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899.