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20070218 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070418
..BLUE RIDGE C O M P A N I E S, I N C. Development Construction Management April 16, 2007 Cyndi Karoly 401 Oversight 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Re: Alexandria Park Apartments Oak Hollow Lake[030608, 17-(3.3), WSIV] Dear Ms. Karoly: In response to your letter dated March 5, 2007, we have included the additional information requested. In addition, please find the attached construction drawings and applicable wet detention pond worksheets. We propose two wet detention ponds to achieve nutrient removal and capture sediment from the impervious surfaces, including the road crossing. I trust this information satisfies your request and we look forward to your approval of this project. J inc ely, i Grdich 5826 Samet Drive • Suite 105 • High Point, NC 27265 • v.336.889.1500 • f.336.889.1501 OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form maybe photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance): u~1~.1STot'1i-~2, t.1~•MJ'P~fdZ.- t d~kiJO~i~.3~ 1~. 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: SBZL ~~~'( pi~1,J~ ~•y,~l'I~ ~oS City: ~llctta pbty'( State: rl~, Zip: 2?3.1~'S Telephone Number: ('b3 V ) ~8 $g ~ 1511-- 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name -should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): , Au~~t~F-~A- piia¢•t+~. ORD~R.t+~1 S 5. Location of Project (street address): - , r„ .~ ~~ _;~~,; City: t~t,e~tJl 'p4.~'C County: 4JluPotUp 6. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): p~rax~w~,14tG-u.l~ ~'t•5 Ft S~'~ Ptr+an. Z•4~. t~Yt~-S~Tto.~ ~. 7. Latitude: 3t,',a1•~4" Longitude: '19~~g`2S~ of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project Name: SIEVE. v~3 ~ p.:-• Telephone Number: ('S'jb ) 812- ~$OC l~CC• 3~° II. PERMIT INFORMATION: / 1. Specify whether project is (check one): / New Renewal Modification Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 1 of 4 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number (!~A and its issue date (if known) 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Density ~ High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requ/irements (check applicable blanks): CAMA Major / Sedimentation/Erosion Control /404/401 Permit / NPDES stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748. III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project . ML 'pto~C ~fll,.~,dio~ g~'L~C.~s 4S T~tK w.i~l~Q Fi•1 ~- SCt.'X~~• C~~tc,N4„»' ~~Zk.~ JMD 'mat "~'tt~K~C? Ys~r '~ C.'t•~ M~ iL'"C~-'~. t~ ~S 2. stormwater runoff from this project drains to the ~{~ fem. River basin. 3. Total Project Area: Z'0S•QO acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: 4l• ~ 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 'L 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name vt 'v ~- t~~ "'~ 01~ S~ ~''~`~ Receiving Stream Class ~.1. ~3, vJS-1~ • ~?s•3 vJ5- lJ Drainage Area • I,(, pti, 0.1 Pt• Existing Impervious* Area ,p,.~ It. 2.1 lac. Proposed Impervious*Area 5 , (~ i -~„ ~.. oo kt, % Impervious" Area (total) ~, •oS Ic. • (t,~ •L '~ ~ • 1'3 ~.• (S'1. l '( • Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On-site Buildings 1 • ar 7 ~,. t .~, Iwc.- On-site Streets ,a IV ~~ o,e~ I„~,. On-site Parking t •-t ~ ~, i , ~„ On-site Sidewalks o • S 1 1•C• o• 3~ k Other on-site 1,1,E 1~,, Off-site a.~' ~1C,. Z,.1~! -•~, Total: q, •ess ~,, Total: 4.1'~i k.• * Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 2 of 4 How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? Ut*r ~G tlltrtl r''~tc`!l ~1~5 ~ P~~le-.1l~~~- t ~o¢.wt.p={I,oJ IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number as issued by the Division of Water Quality. These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No more than square feet of any lot sha116e covered by structulrs or impervious materials. Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. 3. Swales shall not 6e filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. 4. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runofffrom outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. These connections to the stormwater control system sha116e performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. Contact the stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Form SWU-102 Form SWU-103 Form SWU-104 Form SWU-105 Form SWU-106 Form SWU-107 Form SWU-108 Form SWU-109 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Infiltration Basin Supplement Low Density Supplement Curb Outlet System Supplement Off-Site System Supplement Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Neuse River Basin Supplement Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4 VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Init'als • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form ~ • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of $420 (payable to NCDENR) C • Detailed narrative description of Stormwater treatment/management ~' • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. Designated agent (individual or firm): c.p'( Es„-4t.S~Rt~ S SJR.J~ttJ~ ; n3C (~i'~' v.X~+S[i•• ~ P~ Mailing Address: 4d °Q "M ~ll~ StR~'f City: 4lttttl~ 'R~~'( State: ~~. Zip: Z7't6'S Phone: (?i'3~• ) X12- 28og E1tC. 3to VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION Fax: ('~3tr ) ~ i'L ^ 4Ci ~ o I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) uiQ.kStop~. t• W~~R• certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 ~ /1 Signature:. 7. Date: 7' • ~• ~ 7 Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 Permit No. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality (to be provided by DWQ) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form maybe photocopied for use as an original DW Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: A~xeaJvQ.~P~ POt~.k. AdPA~cttw-Qti.1'C~ Contact Person: ~w~ 4yotca.~ Phone Number: (33l.) X89 ~ tSIZ For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: 1 ,. elevations Basin Bottom Elevation Q~Z ft. Permanent Pool Elevation ®~'1 ft. Temporary Pool Elevation $•Lq ft. (floor of the basin) °~ (elevation of the orifice) ;,~: (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) ~~"~` areas Permanent Pool Surface Area ~2 ~{r13 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 9~`t+ ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area ~.oS ac. (on-site and ofd=site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 31 ~ S9~ cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume , 21., 9 ~'1 cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume tS . ~ 1'1 cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SAlDAI Diameter of Orifice Design Rainfall Design TSS Removal 2 ~.zIS z.o ~.o (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) in. (2 to S day temporary pool draw-down required) in. 85 % (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 4 Footnotes: 1 When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. 2 In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90%TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85%TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials S~G-J a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). S~CW b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. St~,J c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. SG~,1 d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. c~-wJ e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow calculations) SG,J f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. StW g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. s~WJ h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). ~,! i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. S'wJ j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. 5'~ k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. Cw~w~„ a~c+At~ ~artc~. -ce tssw+.x~ d~- &.x~D-~ Cpi~ S'G~ 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. Stt~.J m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) A'does 0 oes not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) 0 does A'does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 • Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). 'The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 4 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 4 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) 0 Permanent Pool Elevation $~'1 Sediment Re oval El. $43 ---- 75 0 __________ Sediment Removal Elevation $~ 75% Bottom Ele ation ~~ % ------------------------------------------- ---o - Bottom Elevation 8~Z- 25 /o FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: u~-¢~s ~~ o~a3~- C"e~-c. W~4~2~ ~~d..~ ~l.C Title: L~K.S'~teuk, ru.- Address: ~8zt, ~•.`'t ~~ ~ s~~'c+5 t~ acq~l 'P~c31. ~1 c. -t.~(zt.5 Phone Signat Date: ~• 5.0 7 Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, ~b•G.~ct ~ ~ , a Notary Public for the State of J/o,-f~, G~.r o 1; .. ~ , County of ~ a v : ~ s o ~ , do hereby certify that G hr: sfo pie ~ 7 Du, >, ba ,~ personally appeared before me this 5 day of 1lpr: I boa 1 .and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ~. ~~+ ~ ~jes ~' .~, s ~ ~Q7~`~ ~u A 4 =' ~~ A~~„1C t.~ d P P ® ~ ~~ pyd~Yd3 Pd tt LL {1~,~ SEAL My commission expires ~ 0 ' 7 ' D ~ Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT, STORMWATER, AND EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS FOR ALEXANDRIA PARK APARTMENTS NC HWY 68 & WHITES MILL ROAD HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA DEVELOPER/ OWNER: Blue Ridge Companies, Inc. 5826 Samet Drive Suite 105 High Point, North Carolina 27265 (336) 889-1512 CPT Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 3935 Brian Jordan Place -Suite 137 • High Point, NC 27265 • Phone (336) 812-8800 • Fax (336) 812-8780 _. "~;:{ t 1 u 1 1 1 J 1 1 SITE LOCATION USGS MAP SOILS SURVEY MAP 1IrB t -Tic_- - - _ 1 Deep River t s _ MOB _ AOS j SITE) 1+r1D REF: 501L SIAVEY OF 501L TYPES: GUILFORD COUNTY, NG Gh Cheiaacla sandy loan UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EnS Enon fine sandy loan, 2 to 6 percent slopes SOILS CONSERVATION SERVICE EnD Enon fine sandy loam, 10 to 15 percent elopes DECEMBER 141'17 EN61NEERIN6 AND SURVEYING, INC. ALL.XANPRIA PAR`-< APA,- bNTS D LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTIN6 SOIL- 5UPZVEY' MAP 4400 TYNIN6 STREET 6U1� i '��®UNi�', NC�5 H16H POINT, NORTH CAROLINA 27265 PHONE: (336) 812-8800 — FAX: (336) 812-8780 SCALE: I"=1000' (D 1 t 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 STORM DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS CPT Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 3935 Brian Jordan Place, Suite 137 ' High Point, N.C. 27265 ~ TABLE 1. INPUT 1 1 1 Location: Hi h Poin t, North Ca rolina Duration: 2 yr in 100 yr in) Source 5 min 0.47 0.82 NOAH H dro 35 15 min 0.92 1.71 NOAH H dro 35 60 min 1.59 3.30 NOAH H dro 35 24 hr 3.50 7.50 USWB TP 40 TABLE 2. DEPTH -DURATION -FREQUENCY Duration H-1 * 2 yr in 5 yr (in) 10 yr in 25 yr in 50 yr in 100 yr in 5 min * 0.47 0.54 0.60 0.69 0.75 0.82 10 min 0.74 0.87 0.97 1.12 1.23 1.35 15 min * 0.92 1.10 1.22 1.41 1.56 1.71 30 min 1.25 1.53 1.74 2.03 2.26 2.49 60 min * 1.59 1.99 2.27 2.67 2.99 3.34 2 hr ~' 1.80 2.26 2.58 3.04 3.40 3.76 3 hr * 2.01 2.53 2.89 3.41 3.82 4.22 6 hr * 2.55 3.22 3.69 4.36 4.88 5.40 12 hr * 3.02 3.83 4.40 5.20 5.83 6.45 24 hr ~` 3.50 4.44 5.10 6.04 6.77 7.50 From Eqs. lll-(7-3), p.lll-(4-5), stormwater Managemenr: voi.~ Urban Hydrology. B. H. Bradford, N. S. Grigg, L.S. Tucker TABLE 3. INTENSITY -DURATION -FREQUENCY i 1 1 Duration 2 yr in/hr 5 yr in/hr 10 yr in/hr 25 yr in/hr) 50 yr in/hr 100 yr in/hr 5 min 5.64 6.54 7.22 8.24 9.04 9.84 10 min 4.41 5.22 5.81 6,69 7.38 8.07 15 min 3.68 4.38 4.90 5.65 6.25 6.84 30 min 2.50 3.07 3.47 4.06 4.52 4.98 60 min 1.59 1.99 2.27 2.67 2.99 3.30 2 hr 0.90 1.13 1.29 1.52 1.70 1.88 3 h r 0.67 0.84 0.96 1.14 1.27 1.41 6 hr 0.42 0.54 0.61 0.73 0.81 0.90 12 hr 0.25 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.49 0.54 24 hr 0.15 0.19 0.21 0.25 0.28 0.31 Intensity =Depth /Time 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Storm DraineBe Desimn Data Sheet Pipe-Sizing Table for Conventional Method Project Alexandria Park Apartments Location: High Point, N.C. Storm Frequency: 10 Year Description: Sturm Drainage Draining to Wet Detention Pond # 1 Computed By: STW Date: 11/29/06 Checked By: Revised: 1/ 19/07 Location Area Tc C Intensity Q=CIA n Pi Dtheo. Size Vfull Inv. In Inv. Out HW JD From To Sub Total min in hr cfs Slo Le in in ft sec ft ft CB #1 EX SDMH 0.25 0.25 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.44 0.013 0.0630 I1 6.05 15 13.19 --- 879.3 0.54 EX SDMH SDMH #2 --- 0.25 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.44 0.013 0.0560 219 6.19 18 14.05 --- 878.4 <0.50 SDMH #2 CI #3 --- 0.25 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.44 0.013 0.0670 I5 5.98 18 15.37 866.1 (EX 18' RCP) 865.3 <0.50 CI #3 CI #5 0.24 0.49 5.00 0.80 7.22 2.83 0.013 0.0100 31 11.00 16 5.94 864.3 864.1 0.61 DI #4 CI #5 1.36 1.36 5.00 0.80 7.22 7.86 0.013 0.0100 39 16.13 18 5.94 --- 864.2 1.20 CI #5 CB #6 0.25 2.10 5.00 0.80 7.22 12.13 0.013 0.0320 56 15.26 24 12.86 863.8 (CI #3) 863.3 0.98 863.8 (DI #4) CB #6 CH #8 0.07 2.17 5.00 0.80 7.22 12.53 0:013 0.0050 138 21.88 24 5.09 861-5 861.0 0.99 YD #7 CB #8 0.14 0.14 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.81 0.013 0.0100 49 6.87 S 3.46 --- 863.5 --- CB #8 CB #10 0.30 2-61 5.00 0.80 7.22 15.08 0.013 0.0050 90 23.45 30 5.90 860.3 (CB #6) 859.8 0.76 863.0 (YD #7) DI #9 CH #10 0.25 0.28 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.62 0.013 0.0190 112 7.90 15 7.25 -- 865.5 0.57 CB #10 CB #14 0.44 3.33 5.00 0.80 7.22 19.23 0.013 0.0050 199 25.69 30 5.90 859.3 (CB #8) 859.1 0.90 863.4 (DI #9) Dl #l l DI #12 0.7fi 0.76 5-00 0.80 7.22 4.39 0.013 0.0840 57 8.70 15 15.24 -- 869.5 1.08 DI #12 CB #14 0.52 1.28 5.00 0.80 7.22 7.39 0.013 0.0100 186 15.76 18 5.94 864.7 864.5 1.14 YD # 13 CB # 14 0.10 0.10 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.58 0.013 0.0110 35 5.95 8 3.63 -- 863.7 --- CB # 14 CB # 17 0.55 5.26 5.00 0.80 7.22 30.38 0.0 i3 0.0050 187 30.50 36 6.66 858.1 (CB # 10) 857.6 0.90 862.6 (DI #12) 863.3 (YD #13) DI #15 CB #16 0.26 0.26 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.50 0.013 O.OlOD 67 8.67 IS 5,26 --- 862.4 0.54 CB # 16 CB # 17 0.21 0.47 5.00 0.80 7.22 2.71 0.013 0.0100 60 10.83 15 5.26 861.5 861.3 0.78 CB #17 CB #27 0.47 6.20 5.00 0.80 7.22 35.81 0.013 0.0060 50 31.35 36 7.30 856.6 (CB #14) 856.4 1.01 860.7 (CB #16) YD # 18 CB # 19 0.12 0.12 5.00 D.80 7.22 0.69 0.013 0.0110 114 6.37 8 3.63 --- 863.5 --- CB #19 CB #22 0.38 0.50 5.00 0.80 7.22 2.89 0.013 0.0160 56 10.15 15 6.65 862.2 861.6 0.80 YD #20 DI #21 0.13 0.13 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.75 0.013 0.0100 154 6.69 8 3.46 --- 862.9 --- DI #21 CB #22 0.16 0.29 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.68 0.013 0.0100 95 9.03 IS 5.26 861.3 860.7 0.58 CB #22 CB #23 0.34 1.13 5.00 0.80 7.22 6.53 0.013 0.0110 i7 14.78 18 6.23 560.7 (CB #19) 859.5 1.03 859.7 (DI #21) CB #23 CB #26 0.18 1.31 5.00 0.80 7.22 7.57 0.013 0.0100 121 15.90 18 5.94 859.3 859.1 1.16 YD #24 DI #25 0.17 0.17 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.98 0.013 0.0100 89 7.39 8 3.46 --- 861.8 --- DI #25 CB #26 0.06 0.23 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.33 0.013 0.0100 64 8.28 IS 5.26 860.9 860.3 0.52 CH #26 CB #27 0.32 1.86 5.00 0.80 7.22 10.74 0.013 0.0060 125 19.96 24 5.57 857.9 (CB #23) 857.4 0.88 859.6 (DI #25) CB #27 CB #30 0.33 8.39 5.00 0.80 7.22 48.4b 0.013 p.0050 144 36.33 36 6.66 856.1 (CB #17) 855.9 1.29 856.7 (CB #26) DI #28 DI #29 0.11 0.11 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.64 0.013 0.0300 100 5.11 15 9.1 L --- 861.2 <0.50 DI #29 CB #30 0.19 0.30 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.73 0.013 0.0100 85 9.15 15 5.26 858.2 858.0 0.59 CB #30 FES #31 0.43 9.12 5.00 0.80 7.22 52.68 0.013 0.0100 58 32.92 36 9.42 855.1 (CB #27) 847.6 1.40 857.1 (DI #29) CPT Engineering and Surveying, Inc. Page 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Description: Storm Drainage Draining to Wet Detention Pond #2 Location Area Tc C Intensity Q=CIA n Pie Dtheo. Size Vfull Inv. In Inv. Out HW/D From To Sub Total min in hr cfs Sloe Len in in ft sec ft ft CI #32 EX YI 0.07 0.07 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.40 0.013 0.0830 30 3.56 15 15.14 --- 870.5 <0.50 DI #33 DI #34 0.22 0.22 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.27 0.013 0.0100 150 8.14 15 5.26 --- 863.9 0.50 DI #34 CB #35 0.13 0.35 5.00 0.80 7.22 2.02 0.013 0.0100 59 9.69 15 5.26 862.4 862.2 0.65 CB #35 CB #39 0.01 0.36 5.00 0.80 7.22 2.08 0.013 0.0100 149 9.80 15 5.26 861.6 861.4 0.66 YD #36 CB #39 0.03 0.03 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.17 0.013 0.0160 110 3.53 6 3.61 --- 863.5 --- CI #37 CI #38 0.63 0.63 5.00 0.80 7.22 3.64 0.013 0.0100 30 12.08 15 5.26 --- 861.0 0.95 CI #38 CH #39 0.53 1.16 5.00 0.80 7.22 6.70 0.013 0.0100 133 15.19 18 5.94 860.7 860.5 1.05 CB #39 DI #40 0.49 2.04 5.00 0.80 7.22 11.78 0.013 0.0050 157 21.38 24 5.09 859.9 (CB #35) 858.6 0.94 861.7 (YD #36) 859.1 (CI #38) D[ #40 CB #46 0.14 2.18 5.00 0.80 7.22 12.59 0.013 0.0050 74 21.92 24 5.09 857.8 857.6 1.00 CB #41 CB #42 0.20 0.20 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.16 0.013 0.0150 85 7.28 15 6.44 --- 861.6 <0.50 CB #42 CB #46 0.73 0.93 5.00 0.80 7.22 5.37 0.013 0.0170 129 12.66 15 6.85 860.3 860.1 1.29 i YD #43 CB #46 0.03 0.03 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.17 0.013 0.0100 99 3.86 6 2.85 --- 860.7 --- CB #44 CB #45 0.15 0.15 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.87 0.013 0.0100 50 7.05 15 5.26 --- 853.6 <0.50 CB #45 CB #46 0.02 0.17 5.00 0.80 7.22 0.98 0.013 0.0100 54 7.39 15 5.26 853.1 852.9 <0.50 CB #46 DI #47 0.37 3.68 5.00 0.80 7.22 21.26 0.013 0.0050 190 26.67 30 5.90 857.2 (DI #40) 851.1 0.97 857.9 (CB #42) 859.7 (YD #43) 852.3 (CB #45) DI #47 CB #48 0.17 3.85 5.00 0.80 7.22 22.24 0.013 0.0060 67 26.22 30 6.46 850.1 850.0 1.02 CB #48 CH #56 0.36 4.21 5.00 0.80 7.22 24.32 0.013 0.0050 187 28.05 30 5.90 849.6 849.5 1.09 CB #49 DI #50 0.34 0.34 5.00 0.80 7.22 1.96 0.013 0.0100 49 9.59 15 5.26 --- 861.3 0.64 DI #50 DI #51 0.17 0.51 5.00 0.80 7.22 2.95 0.013 0.0100 135 11.16 15 5.26 560.8 860.6 0.81 DI #51 CB #52 0.13 0.64 5.00 0.80 7.22 3.70 0.013 0.0100 123 12.16 15 5.26 859.2 859.0 0.96 CB #52 CB #53 0.14 0.78 5.00 0.80 7.22 4.51 0.013 0.0120 105 12.65 15 5.76 857.7 857.5 1.12 CB #53 CB #56 0.61 1.39 5.00 0.80 7.22 8.03 0.013 0.0330 115 13.00 18 10.78 856.2 855.2 1.24 EX C[ CB #54 3.04 3.04 5.00 0.80 7.22 17.56 0.013 0.0270 15 18.10 24 11.82 850.7 850.6 1.30 CB #54 CB #55 --- 3.04 5.00 0.80 7.22 17.56 0.013 0.0090 22 22.24 24 6.82 550.2 850.0 1.30 CB #55 CB #56 0.08 3.12 5.00 0.80 7.22 18.02 0.013 0.0060 54 24.23 30 6.46 849.8 849.3 0.86 CB #56 DI #57 0.31 9.03 5.00 0.80 7.22 52.16 0.013 0.0050 15 37.35 36 6.66 848.5 (CB #48) 848.0 1.40 851.4 (CB #53) 849.0 (CB #55) DI #57 DI #58 0.06 9.09 5.00 0.80 7.22 52.50 0.013 0.0050 90 37.44 36 6.66 847.9 847.8 1.40 DI #58 FES #59 0.04 9.13 5.00 0.80 7.22 52.73 0.013 0.0060 31 36.24 36 7.30 847.3 847.2 1.40 Description: Off-site drainage from Lot 3 (PB 97 PG 109) and Lot X (church properly) to by-pass site Location Area Tc C Intensity Q=CIA n Pie Dtheo. Size Vfull Inv. In Inv. Out HW/D From To Sub Total min in hr cfs Slo Len th in in ft sec ft ft DI #60 SDMH #61 2.03 2.03 5.00 0.80 7.22 11.73 0.013 0.0120 34 18.11 24 7.88 861.4 (EX 18" RCP( 559.3 0.94 SDMH #61 FES #62 4.79 6.82 5.00 0.80 7.22 39.39 0.013 0.0110 73 29.00 36 9.88 858.9 (DI #60) 856.8 1.09 860.5 (EX 30" RCP( CPT Engineering and Surveying, Inc. Page 2 Description: Culvert under private drive Location Area Tc C Intensity Q=CIA n Pi Dtheo. Size Vfull Inv. In Inv. Out HW/D From To Sub Total min in hr cfs Slo Le in in ft sec ft ft Inlet Outlet 8.26 8.26 5.00 0.80 7.22 47.71 0.013 0.0110 53 31.16 36 9.58 845.0 844.4 1.30 Description: Off-site drainage from the north side of Whites Mill Road to by-pass site Location Area Tc C Intensity Q=CIA n 1'i Dtheo. Size Vfull Inv. In Inv. Out I-IW/D From To Sub Total min in hr cfs Slo Le in in ft sec ft ft SDMH #63 SDMH #64 8.90 8.90 5.00 0.80 7.22 51.41 0.013 0.0050 60 37.15 36 6.66 847.6 846.0 1.40 SDMH #64 SDMH #65 --- 8.90 5.00 0.80 7.22 51.41 0.013 0.0050 233 37.15 36 6.66 845.7 845.6 1.40 SDMH #65 FES #66 --- 8.90 5.00 0.80 7.22 51.41 0.013 0.0060 50 35.90 36 7.30 844.4 844.3 1.40 CPT Engineering and Surveying, Inc. Page 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18o to, o00 168. 8,p00 EXAMPLE I ~) (^L ) (3) 6. is6 6 000 0.4L IeeMr (S.S t«t) , 000 4 0.120 ct• S. 144 , 6. 4,000 ~ + M'11 t32 o t«t 4 3,000 cl+ L.s t.a S. . 12o al :.1 ~.. 000 2 4 , pJ L.! 7.~ • 3' 108 'o le («r 96 t ~~ 3. 800 _ _ ~ „ 2 84 600 / 500 // Q 2. 72. 4410 / ~ ~ _ 300 P`~ Ey~ ~ l.5 z w ./~ ¢ 60 0 200 ~ ~ ' r.S Z ~. / W 0 34 ~ d 0 . d ~ ~ y~ 100 = > 48 / o: EO = ~ ~ x 60 a r.o v ~• 42 ~ ~ SO HW ENTRANCE CA E t 0 ~ ~ 40 L p S TYPE W . .9 ~ 38 30 r1j s~eore Np •It~ < Meftr4tt Q •9 ~ 'a 33 g0 r3) areow •rM with ~ 30 (3J 6reore ob .8 ~roJ~ctlM Y7 10 .7 >t4 a .7 Q Te •so ecde (Lt er (3j orojoet S horlsoateilY to ecol• (Ij,tMola 21 4 •se strolOAt I~cline~ Ifne tAr«oA 0 uC d scoloe, K n~eree •s ,6 -tieetrsrN. 3 18 >i: S. 4. 3. 2-" 1.4 t.0 .9 .8 .6 .s r.o r~ NEADWQTER DEPTH FOR HEADWATER SCALES 28.3 CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS RfY1SED MAY 1464 WITH INLET CONTRt3L sutttzw or ru~ue ROAIit .aa rsss . '~tesrr~t 6i`~atex• ~;e~r~~~c~c~,ti 1 1 1 1 1 i t EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN OUTLET PROTECTION Sediment Basin Design Project: Alexandria Park Apartments Computed By: STW Date: 12/15/06 Location: High Point, N.C. Checked By: STW Revised: 02/05/07 Developer. Blue Ridge Companies, Inc. Design Criteria: Settling Efficienry Criteria: Design Storm 10 yr Design Storm 10 yr Rational Runoff Coef£ 0.50 Rational Runoff Coef£ 0.50 Intensity 5.81 in/hr (Tc= 10 min,) Intensity 5.81 in/hr (Tc= 10 min.) Weir Coefficient 2.5 Height Over Weir 1 ft 1 1 Bottom Bottom Top Top Side- Weir Basin Drainage Denuded Sediment Basin Width Length Depth Width Length slope Length Number Area (Acres) Area (Acres) Volume ft. ft. ft. ft ft. ft. R aired Provided 1 3.44 3.44 12,384 13,589 See Grading Plan 3 See Grading Plan 2 5 2 4.38 4.38 15,768 17,609 See Grading Plan 3 See Grading Plan 2 5 3 7.70 7.32 26,352 27,417 See Grading Plan 3 See Grading Plan 2 9 10-year Bottom Bottom Top Top Side- Basin Drainage Peak Inflow Surface Area Width Length Depth Width Length slope Number Area (Acres) (cfs) S . ft. ft. ft. ft. ft ft. Re aired Provided 1 3.44 9.99 4,347 5,467 See Grading Plan 3 See Grading Plan 2 2 4.38 12.72 5,535 7,251 See Grading Plan 3 See Grading Plan 2 3 7.70 22.37 9,730 12,736 See Grading Plan 3 See Grading Plan 2 Basin #k Elevation Area s Volume c Total Volume cf) 1 850 3,621 852 4,823 8,444 853 5,467 5,145 13,589 2 849 4,546 850 5,390 4,968 852 7,251 12,641 17,609 3 846 5,048 848 10,667 15,715 849 12,736 11,702 27,417 Appendices ~? _; ~ ~.... vJID'~ m °l~ k'z3~ ~ 4ti~c.at~ S ° 18 K cis s i W P~1h~' a n ~~ +- a~ ~ _N Cn d (LS a 0 ate,=o•4 Discharge (ft3/sec) Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (TW < 0.5 diameter). Rcv. 123 8.06.3 Appendices ~, _r ~: Pfa' OrPttc~J vJ ~q'~l :. 9 ~x 23 kptLo~J 'Ca{ l c.ka..9~ ~ s ! ~', ~ 1 ~ ~~ i Qt PQ~&' Z n ~T Discharge (ft3/sec) N N r d (>3 Q. O Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (Tw < 0.5 diameter). Rcv. 1293 8.06.3 ~ippendices r~~ LZ~13V'~9~~ Cnro~ v.~~p~ ~ Q`x 23` ?t~~ 4s.f l ~ 18" ~n_ ~T 2 1 m N 7 Q Cif Q O 1000 Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from around pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (TW < 0.5 diameter). 12cv. 12,93 8.06.3 3 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 Discharge (ft3/sec) Appendices ~:,. Q~a~.3 ~(t ~.w3~ z ~ $ " 3 0 ~ iii n~ ~ ~~,, ,,iii ~ j' I' !~~ Outlet W = Do + La g ;f;..;~~ ~:~~ II ~ i~ diameter (Do) ~ ~ ~ j ~ it I ~ ! ~.~ ~ j,. ~ ; ~, 80 ~ ~,~ T ilwater < 0.5Do I ,I ~ ~I ~ , ~~~IIIIII i ! I I 'lip I!i! ~~~ ~~~~. '' .~ ',~. 10 l7 50 100 Discharge (ft3/sec) a~ 2 N Q (~ Q lr O 1 ~ .~~, ~.:o '1-.:.! 0 1000 Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (TW < 0.5 diameter). ~Ppto60 ,~~; ~ ` I `r0 ~ j ~i I~:! lil I ` erg ~i , (~ l,l:l~~ I (~~ 5Q ,1 I JII ' ~ ~ t Irlj 1~ ~ ` \~~\ i f ~ l i l l'l~lll~l ,iil ill~~il iil it Rcv. 12!93 g.0 ~.3 Appendices GV L~~~ ~ ~ 3 L ~~ ~~ I pcpc~e..l c.E~4"~l t ZOO ~,J 'w-l c tc,r,)SS S t t ~e.t~•+5 ~ ~ Pf~AeP zn ~T 4 3 m 2 N Q ctS _Q (r O 1 ~ ~~~~.~, Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (TW < 0.5 diameter). Rcv. 12x93 8.6.3 Discharge (ft3/sec) 4 "1 7 t c:{S 1 1 ~~ 1 i 1 1 1 1 tmp#4.txt culvert Calculator Entered Data: Shape .. ..... ................. Number of~Barrels ............... Solving for ..................... chart Number .................... Scale Number ................. Chart Description ............... ENTRANCE Scale Deccription ............... Overtopping. ..................... Flowrate ........................ Manning's n ..................... Roadway Elevation ............... Inlet Elevation ................. outlet Elevation ................ Diameter ........................ Length ....................... Entrance~LOSS ............ ..... Tailwater ....................... Circular 1 Headwater 1 1 CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT; NO BEVELED RING SQUARE EDGE ENTRANCE WITH HEADWALL off 47.7100 cfs 0.0130 857.0000 ft 845.0000 ft 844.4000 ft 3.0000 ft 53.0000 ft 0.0000 0.1000 ft Computed Results: Headwater ....................... 848:8588 ft Inlet Control slope .~ ......................... 0.0113 ft/ft velocity ........................ 10.7663 fps Messages: Inlet head > Outlet head. Computing Inlet Control headwater. solving Inlet Equation 26. Solving Inlet Equation 28. Headwater: 848.8588 ft Page 1 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN e A~U+x~JbWt~' PDI~-1~ P+F~~ ~J ~o Q a. o U as ~ ~ N .c c u.! P 1 L s 1 wIL'S. Q81&~itte%-1 4a~.3D I~tenS st'~r wcvft~oJ :..1c ~M1~ 4~ ~ vJact,S~. W~+-~.~-- ¢,~oc+p ~~I.ut+l t~~'t ~ J ~.. vJ0-'~+hA~7 ~. ~1c. r.1~,l..aM1 I.Mu'x ~lpt'J c~i.~t I.t/~ kcl~* (vurx. 'P,.iA. ~ S~ `l~ ~Y ~~ d 7L~ E.n~ - Er.1o~1 'Gtr ~ypti„~~t.okF~ ~ 2~L~~• yro~'a Gv.n - ~-.1~ ti~J-~ ~M.icy ~.oP~w ~ to - tS ~~• 'S~~=S ~Q~"Mt~~' ~ioV~-~t~QaJr~'S 'r c~rtE~•1A~t..D ~ t.. E~.1~ ~ ~Yt+Et d~A 'Ta+'C.P~I.-~'brt~ klC..'W~ ~ 23 Ewa A't.- ~us~ '. -[s~c.~. A. Cc.d(~ = -~.4~iq ac,.> ~ yo-r~. Cc~+rS~.~d oa-o~.~ -c'~st ~ (~'t vJ ='ro.stt Ac,.~ ~ ~o-w` (c.A~~oc.•o~, .~_ ~aoc y"'4i~tJ~~ ~rW?+M~ ~ _ o5~,,tiw~ Rx~ ~~~ I_' Im envious Surface Area Allocation Area Existing. ISA' Net ISA AlfowedZ Max. ISA Allowed Proposed fSA Lot Y: (Zoning Tract A) Tier 3 Tier 4 1.260 Ac. 1.229 Ac. 0.19 Ac. 0.16 Ac. 0.37 Ac. 0.53 Ac. 0.56 Ac. 0.69 Ac. 0.72 Ac. 0.80 Ac. LOt W: (Zoning Tract B) Tier 3 Tier 4 17.694 Ac. 2.817 Ac. 0.50 Ac. 0.52 Ac. 6.02 Ac. 1.15 Ac. 6.52 Ac. 1.67 Ac. 6.36 Ac. 1.56 Ac.3 Development Total:4 Tier 3 Tier 4 18.954 Ac. 4.046 Ac. 0.69 Ac. 0.68 Ac. 6.39 Ac. 1:68 Ac. 7.08 Ac. 2.36 Ac. 7.08 Ac. 2.36 Ac. Total 23.000 Ac. 1.37 Ac. 8.07 Ac. 9.44 Ac. 9.44 Ac. Notes: 1. 100% of the existing iSA is grandfathered and added to the net ISA allowed. 2. The net ISA is the area within each respective tier minus the existing ISA within that tier times the maximum percentage ISA of that tier. 3. Includes proposed public road and sidewalk. 4. The development total is for Lots Y and W. i Stormwater Management Summary Site Area' 23.000 Ac. Existing ISA 1.37 Ac. Proposed ISA 9.44 Ac. WET C3ETEN7"IUN PQN~ ' #'I On-Site D.A. to Pond #1 9.13 Ac. Off-Site D.A. to Pond #1 0.53 Ac. otai D.A. to Pond #1 9.66 Ac. OnSite ISA draining to Pond #1 3.82 Ac. Future OnSite ISA draining to Pond #1 1.69 Ac.2 Off-Site ISA drainin to Pond #1 0.44 Ac.~ Total ISA draining to Pond #1 6.05 Ac. Max. ISA Per Pond Desi ns 6.28 Ac. 65.0% INET DETENTION PONQ #2 OnSite D.A. to Pond #2 7.67 Ac. Off-Site D.A. to Pond #2 3.06 Ac. otal D.A. to Pond #2 10.73 Ac. On-Site ISA draining to Pond #2 4.00 Ac. Off-Site ISA drainin to Pond #2 2.13 Ac.S Total ISA draining to Pond #2 6.13 Ac. Max. ISA Per Pond Designs 6.44 Ac. 60.0% Notes: 1. The site area is the total development area for Lot Y (commercial site) and Lot W (apartment site). 2. Pond #1 has been designed to treat 1.69 Ac. ISA from Lot Y (commercial site). ' 3. Off-site ISA to Pond #1 includes approximately 0.44 Ac. from Eastchester Drive (NC Hwy 68). 4. Max. ISA per the pond design is the ISA within the pond's drainage area. 5. Off-site ISA to Pond #2 includes approximately 1.44 Ac. from Lot 3 (PB 97 PG 109) and approximately 0.69 Ac. from Whites Mill Road. 1 1 ii 1 Alexandria Park Apartments Wet Detention Pond #1 Date: December 8, 2006 Revised: April 16, 2007 Summary of Results Pre-Development Post Development Peak Flow Peak Flow Post Development Design Storm (cfs) (cfs) W.S. Elevation 10-year 24.42 20.13 850.69 100-year 45.41 57.02 851.85 Alexandria Park Apartments Wet Detention Pond #2 Summary of Results Date: December 11, 2006 Revised: April 16, 2007 Pre-Development Post Development Peak Flow Peak Flow Post Development Design Storm (cfs) (cfs) W:S. Elevation 10-year 24.24 9.85 850.04 100-year 42.77 34.76 851.43 1 1 1 ~~ 3. Genera} a. Basin shape should nunimize dead storage areas and short circuiting. Length to width ratios should be 3:1 or greater. (Barfield, el al., 1981, pp. 426,429; Florida DEP, 1982, pg. 6-289). b. ff the basin is used as a sediment trap during construction, all sediment deposited during construction must be removed before normal operation begins. c. Aquatic vegetation should be included for a wetland type detention basin (Maryland DNR, March 1987; Scheeler, 1987, Chapter 4 and 9). A minimum ten foot wide shallow sloped shelf is needed at the edge of the basin for safety and to provide appropriate conditions for aquatic vegetation (Scheeler, 1987). This shelf should be sloped 6:1 or flatter and extend to a depth of 2 feet below the surface of the permanent pool (Shaver and Maxted, DNREC, 1994). A list of suitable wetland species and propagation techniques are provided in Scheeler (1987) and Maryland DNR (1987). d. An emergency drain (with a pipe sized to drain the pond in less than 24 hours) should be installed in all ponds to allow access for riser repairs and sediment removal (Scheeler, 1987}. Table 1:1 Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio For Permanent Pool Sizing For 85 °k Pollutant Removal Efficiency in the Piedmont °,b Impervious Cover 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 20 0.97 0.79 0.70 O.S9 0.51 0.46 0.44 30 1.34 1.08 0.97 0.83 :70 0.64 0.62 40 1.73 1.43 .2 1.05 0.90 0.82. 0.77 50 2. 1.73 1:50 1.30 1.09 1.00 0.92 60 2.40 2.03 1.71 LS1 1.29. 1.18 1.10 70 2.88 2.40 2.07 1.79 1.54 1.35 1.26 80 3.36 2.78 2.38 2.10 1.86 1.60 1.42 90 3.74 3.10 2.66 2.34 2.11 1.83 1.67 Notes: Numbers given in the body of the table are given in percentages. Coastal SA/DA ratios can be obtained from the local DWQ Regional Office. J 1 1 1 1 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN WET DETENTION POND #1 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tabte of Contents Table of Contents i ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... Pre.10 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Watershed....... Pre100 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.02 ********************** RAINFALL DATA ******~**************** 7ypeII 24hr.... Pre.10 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 3.01 TypeII 24hr.... Pre100 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 3.03 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* TC (PRE)........ Tc Calcs ........................... 4.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS **********s********** POND #1 (PRE)... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 5.01 ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ******************** PRE-DEV......... Pre.10 SCS Unit Hyd. Summary .............. 6.01 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents (continued) ii PRE-DEV......... Pre100 SCS Unit Hyd. Summary .............. 6.02 S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed Fite.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-PRE.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID HP.RNQ HP Storms Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF File RNF ID Pre.10 5.1000 Synthetic Curve SCSTYPES TypeII 24hr Pre100 7.5000 Synthetic Curve SCSTYPES TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Uhit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (True= HYG Truncation: Btank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Storage Node ID ------------- Type ---- ---- Event ------ ac-ft Trun ---------- -- *OUTLET JCT 10 1.648 *OUTLET JCT 100 3.052 PRE-DEV AREA 10 1.648 PRE-DEV AREA 100 3.052 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond hrs cfs #t ac-ft --------- -------- -------- --------- 12.0240 24.42 12.0240 45.41 12.0240 24.42 12.0240 45.41 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765} Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26!2007 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr Fite.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-PRE.PPW Storm... TypelI 24hr Tag: Pre.10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms Storm Tag Name = Pre.10 Description: 10-Year, 24-Hour Data Type, File, ID Synthetic Storm SCSTYPES.RNF TypelI 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 5.1000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vot Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft ----------------- ---- ---------- -- --------- -------- --------- Outfatt OUTLET JCT 1.648 12.0240 24.42 PRE-DEV AREA 1.64$ 12.0240 24.42 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 100 yr File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 NETWORK 5UMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) ' DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms Storm Tag Name = Pre100 Description: 100-Year, 24-Hour - - -- ---------- ---------------- ---------------------------------- --- Data Type, Fite, ID = Synthetic Storm - SCSTYPES.RNF TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 7.5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs En d= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL ac_ft Trunk hrs Node ID Type cfs ft -- - --------- --- - Outfall OUTLET JCT 3.052 -- --- 12.0240 --- --- ---- -- 45.41 PRE-DEV AREA 3.052 12.0240 45.41 t 1 1 S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 1 1 1 1 Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 3.01 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre.10 Event: 10 yr Fite.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTY PES.RNF Title... 10-Year, 24-Ho ur Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre.10 CUMULATIVE RAINF ALL DEPT HS (in) Time ~ Output Time incr ement = .1000 hrs hrs ~ Ti me on left represents time for first value in each row. .0000 ~ .0000 .0052 .0103 .0156 .0208 .5000 ~ .0262 .0315 .0370 .0424 .0480 1.0000 ~ .0536 .0592 .0649 .0706 .0764 1.5000 ~ .0823 .0881 .094.1 .1001 .1061 2.0000 ~ .1122 .1184 .1245 .1308 .1371 2.5000 ~ .1435 .1498 .1563 .1628 .1694 3.0000 ~ .1760 .1826 .1893 .1961 .2029 3.5000 ( .2098 .2166 .2236 .2306 .2377 4.0000 r .2448 .2520 .2593 .2667 .2742 4.5000 ~ .2818 .2895 .2973 .3052 .3132 5.0000 ~ .3213 .3295 .3378 .3462 .3548 5.5000 ( .3634 .3721 .3809 .3898 .3989 6.0000 ~ .4080 .4172 .4266 .4360 .4455 6.5000 ~ .4552 .4649 .4748 .4847 .4948 7.0000 ~ .5049 .5152 .5255 .5360 .5465 7.5000 ~ .557Z .5679 .5788 .589$ .6008 8.0000 ~ .6120 .6235 .6355 .6480 .6610 8.5000 ~ .6745 .6885 .7030 .7181 .7336 9.0000 ~ .7497 .7660 .7823 .7987 .8150 9.5000 ~ .8313 .8480 .8656 .8839 .9031 10.0000 ~ .9231 .9441 .9663 .9898 1.0145 10.5000 ~ 1.0404 1.0679 1.0975 1.1291 1.1628 11.0000 ( 1.1985 1.2377 1.2817 1.3307 1.3845 11.5000 ~ 1.4433 1.5649 1.8072 2.1970 2.8961 12.0000 ~ 3.3813 3.4780 3.5631 3.6365 3.6983 12.5000 ~ 3.7485 3.7915 3.8319 3.8697 3.9048 13.0000 ~ 3.9372 3.9676 3.9966 4.0241 4.0502 13.5000 ~ 4.0749 4.0984 4.1208 4.1422 4.1626 14.0000 ~ 4.1820 4.2007 4.2190 4.2370 4.2546 14.5000 ~ 4.2719 4.2888 4.3054 4.3215 4.3374 15.0000 ~ 4.3529 4.3680 4.3827 4.3972 4.4112 15.5000 ( 4.4249 4.4382 4.4512 4.4638 4.4761 16.0000 ) 4.4880 4.4997 4.5112 4.5226 4.5339 16.5000 ~ 4.5451 4.5561 4.5670 4.5778 4.5884 17.0000 ~ 4.5989 4.6093 4.6196 4.6297 4.6397 17.5000 ~ 4.6496 4.6594 4.6690 4.6785 4.6879 18.0000 ( 4.6971 4.7062 4.7152 4.7241 4.7328 18.5000 ~ 4.7414 4.7499 4.7582 4.7665 4.7746 19.0000 ~ 4.7825 4.7904 4.7981 4.8057 4.8131 19.5000 ( 4.8205 4.8277 4.8347 4.8417 4.8485 20.0000 ~ 4.8552 4.8618 4.8684 4.8750 4.8815 20.5000 ~ 4.8880 4.8945 4.9010 4.9074 4.9139 21.0000 ~ 4.9202 4.9266 4.9329 4.9392 4.9455 21.5000 ~ 4.9518 4.9580 4.9642 4.9704 4.9766 22.0000 ~ 4.9827 4.9888 4.9949 5.0010 5.0070 ' S/N: 621605B06A8F PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 1 Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 3.02 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre.10 Event: 10 yr Fite.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTYPES.RNF Title... Storm... 10-Year, 24-Hour TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre.10 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPT HS (in) ' Time hrs ~ Output Time increment = ~ Time on left represents time for .1000 hrs first value in each row. 22.5000 ~ 5.0130 5.0190 5.0249 5.0308 5.0368 23.0000 ~ 5.0426 5.0485 5.0543 5.0601 5.0659 23.5000 ~ 5.0716 5.0774 5.0831 5.0887 5.0944 24.0000 ~ 5.1000 i 1 1 f S/N: 62160S606ASF CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 1 Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 Page 3.03 Event: 100 yr Fite..., C:\HAE STAD\PPKW\RAI NFALL\SCSTYPES.RNF Title... 100-Ye Storm... TypeTI ar, 24-Hour 24hr Tag: Pre100 CUMUL ATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in ) Time ~ hrs ~ Outpu Time on left t Time incr represents ement = .1000 time for first - hrs value in __- -- each row. -_ --_-- _--- -I---- .0000 ~ .5000 ~ 1.0000 ~ 1.5000 ~ 2.0000 ~ 2.5000 ~ 3.0000 ~ 3.5000 ~ 4.0000 ~ 4.5000 ~ 5.0000 ~ 5.5000 ~ 6.0000 ~ 6.5000 ~ 7.0000 ~ 7.5000 ~ 8.0000 ~ 8.5000 ~ ---.0000__--_ .0385 .078$ .1210 .1650 .2110 .2588 .3085 .3600 .4144 .4725 .5344 .6000 .6694 .7425 .8194 .9000 .9919 _--0076-_-- .0464 .0871 .1296 .1741 .2204 .2686 .3186 .3706 .4257 .4846 .5472 .6136 .6837 .7576 .8352 .9169 1.0125 ---.0152 __-_ .0544 .0954 .1384 .1832 .2299 .2784 .3289 .3813 .4372 .4968 .5602 .6273 .6982 .7728 .8512 .9345 1.0339 0229 .0624 .1039 .1472 .1924 .2394 .2884 .3392 .3922 .4488 .5092 .5733 .6412 .7128 .7882 .8673 .9529 1.0560 0306 .0706 .1124 .1561 .2016 .2491 .2984 .3496 .4032 .4606 .5217 .5866 .6552 .7276 .8037 .8836 .9720 1.0789 9.0000 ~ 1.1025 1.1265 1.1505 1.1745 1.1985 9.5000 ~ 10.0000 ~ 1.2225 1.3575 1.2471 1.3884 1.2729 1.4211 1.2999 1.4556 1.3281 1.4919 10.5000 ~ 11.0000 ~ 11.5000 ~ 12.0000 ~ 1.5300 1.7625 2.1225 4.9725 1.5705 1.8201 2.3013 5.1147 1.6140 1.8849 2.6577 5.2398 1.6605 1.9569 3.2309 5.3478 1.7100 2.0361 4.2590 5.4387 12.5000 ~ 13.0000 ~ 13.5000 ~ 14.0000 ~ 14.5000 ~ 5.5125 5.7900 5.9925 6.1500 6.2822 5.5758 5.8347 6.0270 6.1775 6.3071 5.6352 5.8773 6.0600 6.2045 6.3314 5.6907 5.9178 6.0915 6.2309 6.3552 5.7423 5.9562 6.1215 6,2568 6.37$5 15.0000 ~ 15.5000 ~ 16.0000 ~ 6.4013 6.5072 6.6000 6.4235 6.5268 6.6172 6.4452 6.5459 6.6341 6.4664 6.5645 6.6509 6.4871 6.5825 6.6675 16.5000 ~ 17.0000 ~ 17.5000 ~ 6.6839 6.7631 6.$377 6.7001 6.7784 6.8520 6.7162 6.7935 6.8662 6.7320 6.8084 6.8801 6.7477 6.8231 6.8939 18.0000 ~ 6.9075 6.9209 6.9341 6.9472 6.9600 18.5000 ~ 19.0000 ~ 6.9727 7.0331 6.9851 7.0447 6.9974 7.0560 7.0095 7.0672 7.0214 7.0781 19.5000 ~ 7.0889 7.0995 7.1099 7.1201 7.1302 20.0000 ~ 20.5000 ~ 21.0000 ( 7.1400 7.1883 7.2356 7.1498 7.1978 7.2450 7.1594 7.2074 7.2543 7.1691 7.2168 7.2636 7.1787 7.2263 7.2728 21.5000 ~ 7.2821 7.2912 7.3004 7.3094 7.3185 22.0000 ~ 7.3275 7.3365 7.3454 7.3544 7.3632 S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 1 Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 Page 3.04 Event: 100 yr Fite.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTYPES.RNF Titte... 100-Year, 24-Hour Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPT HS (in) Time ~ Output Time increment = hrs ~ Time on left represents time for .1000 hrs first value in each row. 22.5000 ( 7.3721 7.3808 7.3896 23.0000 ~ 7.4156 7'.4243 7.4328 23.5000 ~ 7.4583 7.4667 7.4751 7.3983 7.4414 7.4834 7.4070 7.4498 7.4918 24.0000 ~ 7.5000 1 1 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 4.01 Name.... TC (PRE) Fite.... F:\PR0IECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-PRE.PPW Title... Tc (Pre) TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ......................................................................... Tc (Pre) Segment #1: Tc: TR-55 Sheet Description: Sheet Ftow Mannings n .1500 Hydraulic Length 167.00 ft ' 2yr, 24hr P 3.5000 in Slope .030000 ft/ft Avg.Vetocity .23 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .2001 hrs Segment #2: 7c: TR-55 Shallow Description: Shallow Conc Ftow ( Hydraulic Length 517.00 ft Slope .068000 ft/ft Unpaved Avg.Vetocity 4.21 ft/sec Segment #2 Time: .0341 hrs 2342 hrs Total Tc: i _ _ _~_ _ n u 1 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: O1/26J2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 4.02 Name.... TC (PRE) File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-PRE.PPW Title... Tc (Pre) Tc Equations used.,. ___= SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow ______________________________________________ Tc = (.007 ((n * Lf)**0.8)) / ((P**.5) * (Sf**.4)) Where: Tc = Time of concentration, hrs n =Mannings n Lf = Ftow length, ft P = 2yr, 24hr Rain depth, inches Sf = Slope, ft/ft ___= SC5 TR-55 Shallow Concentrated Flow _______________________________ Unpaved surface: V = 16.1345 * (Sf**0.5) Paved surface: V = 20.3282 * (Sf**0.5) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600sec/hr) Where: V =Velocity, ft/sec Sf = Slope, ft/ft Tc = Time of concentration, hrs Lf =Flow length, ft S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 5.01 Name.... POND #1 (PRE) File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CAICS\POND1- PRE.PPW Title... Pond #1: (Pre-developed) RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Pond #1: (Pre-developed) ---------------------------------- ------ --------- ------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Woods good hydrologic condition 70 4.960 70.00 Grass, good hydrologic condition 74 2.930 74.00 Impervious Areas 98 .490 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 8.380 73.04 (73) 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 Type.... SCS Unit Hyd. Summary Page 6.01 Name.... PRE-DEV Tag: Pre.10 Event: 10 yr Fite.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre.10 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 5.1000 in Rain Dir = C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\ Rain Fite -ID = SCSTYPES.RNF - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ HYG File - ID = P1-PRE.HYG - PRE-DEV Pre.10 Tc = .2342 hrs Drainage Area = 8.380 acres Runoff CN= 73 Computational Time Increment .03123 hrs Computed Peak Time 12.0243 hrs Computed Peak Ftow = 24.44 cfs Time Increment for HYG Fite = .0167 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 12.0239 hrs Peak Ftow, Interpolated Output = 24.42 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ------------------- ID:Pond #1 (Pre) CN 73 Area = 8.380 acres 5 = 3.6986 in 0.25 = .7397 in Cumulative Runoff ------------------- 2.3591 in 1.647 ac-ft HYG Volume... 1.648 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .23424 hrs (ID: Tc (Pre)) Computational Incr, Tm = .03123 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46% under rising limb) K 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 40.53 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .15616 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .62464 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .78080 hrs 1 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 _ Type.... SCS Unit Hyd. Summary Page 6.02 Name.... PRE-DEV Tag: Pre100 Event: 100 yr Fite.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-PRE.PPW Storm... TypelI 24hr Tag: Pre100 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Mm STORM EVENT: 100 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 7.5000 in Rain Dir = C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\ Rain Fite -ID = SCSTYPES.RNF - TypeII 24hr r Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ HYG Fite - ID = P1-PRE.HYG - PRE-DEV Pre100 ~ Tc = .2342 hrs Drainage Area = 8.380 acres Runoff CN= 73 Computational Time Increment - .03123 hrs Computed Peak Time = 12.0243 hrs Computed Peak Ftow = 45.44 cfs 'r Time Increment for HYG File = .0167 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 12.0239 hrs Peak Ftow, Interpolated Output = 45.41 cfs • _ DRAINAGE AREA ,.~ ID:Pond #1 (Pre) CN = 73 - Area = 8.380 acres S = 3.6986 in ~ 0.25 .7397 in `- Cumulative Runoff ------------------- ra 4.3696 in 3.051 ac-fit .~ HYG Volume... 3.052 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ~- ***** UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** +~ Time Concentration, Tc = .23424 hrs (ID: Tc (Pre)) Computational Incr, Tm = .03123 hrs = O.Z0000 Tp ~ Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46% under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = Z/(1+(Tr/Tp)) _ Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) .. Unit peak, qp = 40.53 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .15616 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .62464 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .78080 hrs ~. w 5/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:23:00 Date: 01/26/2007 1 1 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN WET DETENTION POND #1 r oa~x~.yoe-~,o. Lek, ~t~~S ~- ~u n. 0 n. o U a~ a~ .~ c `w ~ . ~~u1 ,~+o,,S '~-notes e~,~¢_ '~ ~ ytaoaCµ+W0~8R.. ~.tpre~~-'~ s 9~ 4oJt7 ~.1be~s` ODD- s. 9. t.L bc.. ~'SC~ i~ o3e~J~,'to ~•1~ ~ 3.42 As.. arc. - y'~ tSA- +~5 "~° F~.~p ~"t G o •'~~ /'~..~ -c.ortb~.~ t~y~'s. p~d4.3wJt~, 'tw ~x.7~,y ~ik.. (, ~ ~, . o s JMC.~. '~• !"~,, Cd/~ Ir~ 't. PEA i..( t.e_ S k.. . ~z.~ ~~. 4.~~• k.. 1 i~ 1 i~ 1 1 r pE~atc~ wJp sow- irS'(. ~~. Z „ -'WNtQ~d¢•f .ybp!-w~.~b~ s~pWAGe!!"~ 1 .: pt~~a !~-- O~~~j '~+ ~aJp ~- ~ a 4.1'1 lK.• Pfed~G~ 0.5 Atr i+-1 c~~• SkQ~'~'l 4-`'~- ~~ Dt.S'T ~a•~s Aa•r~ ~bs ~~, &1"r~/a'. ~4~is544 'Sf'~P~-~~ ~ ~''t j t'L. i..t ~ ~ ~h, 829 c.~ Pte') C~Ai11.3Dtu8 li?.~ s 9.t4a Q'UA~A~.°J o.1~S k.• -J c~ pE '>-°a+~'~ Sts'+ ~- -43a•.. 'J~.1D ~par.sM~•~ (, o. ~ti5 Ati• t~ ~k ~. 444. ~-~~dc3.SLo ''~ ~~- ~~, t F'G t sz.,~.;, ~ _ 43$3 ~ A~i~Exp~,lr~Dr t~ k. 1Rpa't,µ~s.~5 onJQ ~sf~ p~¢.SAr - 1.tt Ac... q,L4 k- . ' . ~,n,~.S p~--a cot. ~5 ?• ~~ `~~va ~ ~..Z~s~1• R~,~Q.tttt~j 'y3R~',Ot~Et p¢,gl~ ~ ~9.4c M-•~Lz.tcS'1~~ o •tl4 Pc. oct. q ~3•w ~- c.~w17C~Lc~. R.Jw~aGG- 4TR.a~ ~'` R.P~~1td+~.t-- ~ -- a. 43S '~ ~ ~J vJaJ ~ ~ t'~ ~v pP- t2 ~2 w) ?~1 t 2t ~ Z C ? °K' w~xa+3o~ ~~'` .n CPS 2~~ OtO•• O~IIGt4~.+ ~.. ` ~ z «~ v 4 dr .,,, ' c°' T s Z A ~' ~ ~ G~ a '~ 8w 1re~ p.~P'L4~~~~2 T , 3''l~,1'tL ,mac.. ~, 3.T try S i l t r r 1 1 1 t t 1 1 L! WET DETENTION POND #1 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN ROUTING Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 ********************** MASTER SUMMARY **********ss*:******** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... Dev.10 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Watershed....... Dev100 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.02 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* HP Storms....... Design Storms ...................... 3.01 ********************** RAINFALL DATA ********:************** TypelI 24hr.... Dev.10 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 4.01 TypeII 24hr.... Dev100 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 4.03 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ****s**************** POND #1 (POST).. Runoff CN-Area ..................... 5.01 ***:******************* POND VOLUMES *********************** POND #1......... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 6.01 S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 t 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents (continued) ii ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* OUTLET DEVICE... Outlet Input Data .................. 7.01 *********************** POND ROUTING *********:************* POND #1......... Pond E-V-Q Table ................... 8.01 POND #1 OUT Dev.10 Pond Routing Summary ............... 8.02 POND #1 OUT Dev100 Pond Routing Summary ............... 8.03 S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying. Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID HP.RNQ HP Storms Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF File RNF ID ------------ ------ ---------------- -------- ---------------- Dev.10 5.1000 Synthetic Curve SCSTYPES TypeII 24hr Dev100 7.5000 Synthetic Curve SCSTYPES TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Storage Node ID--------- Type Event ---ac=ft-- Trun *OUTLET JCT 10 2.248 *OUTLET JCT 100 4.045 POND #1 IN POND 10 2.706 POND #1 IN POND 100 4.521 POND #1 OUT POND 10 2.248 1.216 POND #1 OUT POND 100 4.045 1.667 POST-DEVELOPED AREA 10 2.706 POST-DEVELOPED AREA 100 4.521 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond ---hrs--- --cfs--- ---ft--- ---ac_ft- 12.0741 20.13 12.0240 57.02 11.9238 50..31 11.923$ 82.11 12.0741 20.13 850.69 12.0240 57.02 851.85 11.9238 50.31 11.9238 82.11 S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Name.... Watershed Page 2.01 Event: 10 yr File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW Storm.,. TypeI2 24hr Tag: Dev.10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) ' DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms Storm Tag Name = Dev.10 Description: 10-Year, 24-Hour ----------- ------------- ---------------- ' ---------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm Storm Frequency = 10 yr SCSTYPES.RNF TypeII 24hr Total Rainfall Depth= 5.1000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL -hrs--- Trun_ ac_ft Type ID Node --cfs--- ---ft---- -- --- --------- - - Outfalt OUTLET JCT 2.248 - 12.0741 20.13 ' POND #1 IN POND 2.706 POND #1 OUT POND 2.248 11.9238 12.0741 50.31 20.13 850.69 POST-DEVELOPED AREA 2.706 11.9238 50.31 u i ' S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 bate: 04/16/2007 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 100 yr File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) ' DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms ' Storm Tag Name = Dev100 Description: 100-Year, 24-Hour ----------- ------------- ---------------- ' ---------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm Storm Frequency = 100 yr SCSTYPES.RNF TypeII 24hr Total Rainfall Depth= 7.5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs En d= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL hrs--- Truny ac_ft Type ID Node --cfs--- ---ft---- -- --- --------- - - Outfall OUTLET JCT 4.045 -- 12.0240 57.02 POND #1 IN POND 4.521 11.9238 82.11 POND #1 OUT POND 4.045 12.0240 57.02 851.85 POST-DEVELOPED AREA 4.521 11.9238 82.11 L 1 u G 1 1 ' S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 ii n 1 1 u 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 3.01 Name.... HP Storms File.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\HP.RNQ Title... Alexandria Park Apartments NC Hwy 68 & Whites Mill Road Blue Ridge Companies, Inc. Pond #1 (Post-developed) DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms Storm Tag Name = Dev.10 Description_-10_Year_-24_Hour----------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm SCSTYPES.RNF TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 5.1000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev100 Descriptian~-100=Year_-24_Hour---------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm SCSTYPES.RNF TypeIl 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 7.5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 i! i7 n 1 1 ~~ 1 i Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 4.01 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAI NFALL\SCSTY PES.RNF Title... 10~-Year, 24-Hour Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 CUMUL ATIVE RAINF ALL DEPTHS (in ) Time ~ Outpu t Time incr ement = .1000 hrs hrs ~ Ti me on left represents time for first value - ---- in each row. ------------- ---------i------ .0000 ----------- .0000 ----------- .0052 -------------- .0103 - - .0156 .0208 .5000 ~ .0262 .0315 .0370 .0424 .0480 1.0000 ~ .0536 .0592 .0649 .0706 .0764 1.5000 ~ .0823 .0881 .0941 .1001 .1061 2.0000 ~ .1122 .1184 .1245 .1308 .1371 2.5000 ~ .1435 .149$ .1563 .1628 .1694 3.0000 ~ .1760 .1826 .1893 .1961 .2029 3.5000 ~ .2098 .2166 .2236 .2306 .2377 4.0000 ~ .2448 .2520 .2593 .2667 .2742 4.5000 ~ .2818 .2895 .2973 .3052 .3132 5.0000 ~ .3213 .3295 .3378 .3462 .3548 5.5000 ~ .3634 .3721 .3809 .3898 .3989 6.0000 ~ .4080 .4172 .4266 .4360 .4455 6.5000 ~ .4552 .4649 .474$ .4847 .4948 7.0000 ~ .5049 .5152 .5255 .5360 .5465 7.5000 ~ .5572 .5679 .5788 .5898 .6008 8.0000 ~ .6120 .6235 .6355 .6480 .6610 8.5000 ~ .6745 .6885 .7030 .7181 .7336 9.0000 ~ .7497 .7660 .7823 .7987 .8150 9.5000 ~ .8313 .8480 .8656 .8839 .9031 10.0000 ~ .9231 .9441 .9663 .9898 1.0145 10.5000 ~ 1.0404 1.0679 1.0975 1.1291 1.1628 11.0000 ~ 1.1985 1.2377 _1.2817 1.3307 1.3845 11.5000 ~ 1.4433 1.5649 1.8072 2.1970 2.8961 12.0000 ~ 3.3813 3.4780 3.5631 3.6365 3.6983 12.5000 f 3.7485 3.7915 3.8319 3.8697 3.9048 13.0000 ~ 3.9372 3.9676 3.9966 4.0241 4.0502 13.5000 ~ 4.0749 4.0984 4.1208 4.1422 4.1626 14.0000 ~ 4.1820 4.2007 4.2190 4.2370 4.2546 14.5000 E 4.2719 4.2888 4.3054 4.3215 4.3374 15.0000 ( 4.3529 4.3680 4.3827 4.3972 4.4112 15.5000 ~ 4.4249 4.4382 4.4512 4.4638 4.4761 16.0000 ( 4.4880 4.4997 4.5112 4.5226 4.5339 16.5000 ~ 4.5451 4.5561 4.5670 4.5778 4.5884 17.0000 ~ 4.5989 4.6093 4.6196 4.6297 4.6397 17.5000 ~ 4.6496 4.6594 4.6690 4.6785 4.6879 18.0000 ~ 4.6971 4.7062 4.7152 4.7241 4.7328 18.5000 ~ 4.7414 4.7499 4.7582 4.7665 4.7746 19.0000 ~ 4.7825 4.7904 4.7981 4.8057 4.8131 19.5000 ~ 4.8205 4.8277 4.8347 4.8417 4.8485 20.0000 E 4.8552 4.8618 4.8684 4.8750 4.8815 20.5000 ~ 4.8880 4.8945 4.9010 4.9074 4.9139 21.0000 ~ 4.9202 4.9266 4.9329 4.9392 4.9455 21.5000 ~ 4.9518 4.9580 4.9642 4.9704 4.9766 22.0000 ~ 4.9827 4.9888 4.9949 5.0010 5.0070 5/N: 621605B06A8F PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 fl 1 1 1 1 Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 4.02 Name.... TypelI 24hr Tag: Dev.10 Event: 10 yr Fite.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTYPES.RNF Title... 10-Year, 24-Hour Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in) Time ~ Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs ~ Time on left represents time for first value in each row. 22.5000 ~ 5.0130 5.0190 5.0249 5.0308 5.0368 23.0000 ~ 5.0426 5.0485 5.0543 5.0601 5.0659 23.5000 ( 5.0716 5.0774 5.0831 5.0887 5.0944 24.0000 { 5.1000 5/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 1 1 1 1 ~I n Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 4.03 Name.... TypeiI 24hr Tag: Dev100 Event: 100 yr File.... C:\HAE STAD\PPKW\RAI NFALL\SCSTY PES.RNF Title... 10!0-Ye ar, 24-Hour Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 CUMULATIVE RAINF ALL DEPTHS (in) Time { Output Time incr ement = .1000 hrs hrs { Time on left represents time for first value in each row. .0000 { .0000 .0076 .0152 .0229 .0306 .5000 ( .0385 .0464 .0544 .0624 .0706 1.0000 { .0788 .0871 .0954 .1039 .1124 1.5000 { .1210 .1296 .1384 .1472 .1561 2.0000 { .1650 .1741 .1832 .1924 .2016 2.5000 ( .2110 .2204 .2299 .2394 .2491 3.0000 { .2588 .2686 .2784 .2884 .2984 3.5000 { .3085 .3186 .3289 .3392 .3496 4.0000 { .3600 .3706 .3813 .3922 .4032 4.5000 { .4144 .4257 .4372 .4488 .4606 5.0000 { .4725 .4846 .4968 .5092 .5217 5.5000 { .5344 .5472 .5602 .5733 .5866 6.0000 { .6000 .6136 .6273 .6412 .6552 6.5000 ( .6694 .6837 .6982 .7128 .7276 7.0000 { .7425 .7576 .7728 .7882 .8037 7.5000 { .8194 .8352 .8512 .8673 .8836 8.0000 { .9000 .9169 .9345 .9529 .9724 8.5000 { .9919 1.0125 1.0339 1.0560 1.0789 9.0000 { 1.1025 1.1265 1.1505 1.1745 1.1985 9.5000 { 1.2225 1.2471 1.2729 1.2999 1.3281 10.0000 { 1.3575 1.3884 1.4211 1.4556 1.4919 10.5000 { 1.5300 1.5705 1.6140 1.6605 1.7100 11.0000 { 1.7625 1.8201 1.8849 1.9569 2.0361 11.5000 { 2.1225 2.3013 2.6577 3.2309 4.2590 12.0000 { 4.9725 5.1147 5.2398 5.3478 5.4387 12.5000 { 5.5125 5.5758 5.6352 5.6907 5.7423 13.0000 { 5.7900 5.8347 5.8773 5.9178 5.9562 13.5000 { 5.9925 6.0270 6.0600 6.0915 6.1215 14.0000 { 6.1500 6.1775 6.2045 6.2309 6.2568 14.5000 { 6.2822 6.3071 6.3314 6.3552 6.3785 15.0000 { 6.4013 6.4235 6.4452 6.4664 6.4871 15.5000 { 6.5072 6.5268 6.5459 6.5645 6.5825 16.0000 { 6.6000 6.6172 6.6341 6.6509 6.6675 16.5000 { 6.6839 6.7001 6.7162 6.7320 6.7477 17.0000 { 6.7631 6.7784 6.7935 6.8084 6.8231 17.5000 { 6.8377 6.8520 6.8662 6.8801 6.8939 18.0000 { 6.9075 6.9209 6.9341 6.9472 6.9600 18.5000 { 6.9727 6.9851 6.9974 7.0095 7.0214 19.0000 { 7.0331 7.0447 7.0560 7.0672 7.0781 19.5000 { 7.08$9 7.0995 7.1099 7.1201 7.1302 20.0000 { 7.1400 7.1498 7.1594 7.1691 7.1787 20.5000 { 7.1883 7.1978 7.2074 7.2168 7.2263 21.0000 ( 7.2356 7.2450 7.2543 7.2636 7.2728 21.5000 { 7.2821 7.2912 7.3004 7.3094 7.3185 22.0000 { 7.3275 7.3365 7.3454 7.3544 7.3632 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 ~'~ 1 1 1 1 Ir, LEI Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 4.04 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 Event: 100 yr File.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTYPES.RNF Title... 100-Year, 24-Hour Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in) Time ~ Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs ~ Time on left represents time for first value in each row. 22.5000 ~ 7.3721 7.3808 7.3896 7.3983 7.4070 23.0000 ~ 7.4156 7.4243 7.4328 7.4414 7.4498 23.5000 ~ 7.4583 7.4667 7.4751 7.4834 7.4918 24.0000 ~ 7.5000 5/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 1765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 5.01 Name.... POND #1 (POST) Fite.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1- POST.PPW Title... Pond #1 (Post-developed) RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Pond #1 (Post-developed) ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------ Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surfac:e Description CN acres %C %UC CN Impervious Areas 98 6.050 98.00 Open space, good condition 61 3.610 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 9.660 84.17 (84) S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 i i Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 6.01 Name.... POND #1 File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW Title... Pond #1 Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (acres) (acres) ----------- (ac-ft) ---------- (ac-ft) ------------- ----------- 847.00 ---------------------- ----- .2850 ----- .0000 .000 .000 848.00 ----- .3090 .8908 .297 .297 849.00 ----- .3330 .9628 .321 .618 850.00 ----- .3580 1.0363 .345 .963 852.00 ----- .4090 1.1497 .766 1.730 853.00 ----- .4360 1.2673 .422 2.152 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Area1*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 =Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 5/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 7.01 Name.... OUTLET DEVICE File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW Title... Outlet Structure REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 847.00 ft Increment = .50 ft Max. Elev.= 853.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ~***********~*s****~*~*****************~*~*~** ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft User Defined Table ST ---> TW .000 853.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... OUTLET DEVICE File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW Title... Outlet Structure OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = ST Structure Type = User Defined Table ------------------------------------ ELEV-FLOW RATING TABLE Elev, ft Flow, cfs --------- --------- 847.00 .00 847.50 .07 848.00 .10 848.50 .12 849.00 .15 849.50 3.35 850.00 9.18 850.50 16.73 851.00 25.66 851.50 36.22 852.00 66.37 852.50 102.07 853.00 142.56 Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Page 7.02 51N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~i t 1 1 Type.... Pond E-V-Q Table Page 8.01 Name.... POND #1 File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW LEVEL POOL ROUTING DATA HYG Dir = F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ Inflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #1 IN Dev.10 Outflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #1 OUT Dev.10 Pond Node Data = POND #1 Pond Volume Data = POND #1 Pond Outlet Data = OUTLET DEVICE No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev = 847.00 ft Starting Volume = .000 ac- ft Starting Outflow = .00 cfs Starting Infiltr. _ .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= .00 cfs Time Increment = .0167 hrs Elevation Outflow Storage Area Infilt. Q Total 25/t + 0 ft cfs ac_ft acres cfs cfs ---cfs-- ---- ------- 847.00 ------- -- .00 -- - .000 ---- --- .2850 ---- ---- .00 ---- ----- .00 -- .00 847.50 .07 .145 .2969 .00 .07 210.86 848.00 .10 .297 .3090 .00 .10 430.37 848.50 .12 .454 .3209 .00 .12 658.57 849.00 .15 .618 .3330 .00 .15 895.47 849.50 3.35 .787 .3454 .00 3.35 1144.42 850.00 9.18 .963 .3580 .00 9.18 1405.06 850.50 16.73 1.145 .3704 .00 16.73 1676.49 851.00 25.66 1.334 .3831 .00 25.66 1958.38 851.50 36.22 1.528 .3959 .00 36.22 2251.14 852.00 66.37 1.730 .4090 .00 66.37 2572.89 852.50 102.07 1.938 .4224 .00 102.07 2909.77 853.00 142.56 2.152 .4360 .00 142.56 3261.22 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Name.... POND #1 OUT Tag: Dev.10 File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ Inflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #1 IN Dev.10 Outflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #1 OUT Dev.10 Pond Node Data = POND #1 Pond Volume Data = POND #1 Pond Outlet Data = OUTLET DEVICE No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS -------g- -------- Startin WS Elev ---------------- = 847.00 ft Starting Volume - .000 ac-ft Starting tlutflow = .00 cfs Starting Infiltr. _ .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= .00 cfs Time Increment = .0167 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflaw = 50.31 cfs at 11.9238 hrs Peak Outflow = 20_13 -cfs at 12.0741 hrs -------------------- -- ------------------- Peak Elevation = --- 850.69 ft Peak-Storage_=___---- _--1_216 -ac_ft_----_-__!_-__--__ MA55 BALANCE (ac-ft) - ------ ------------------ - + Initial Vol = .000 + HYG Vol IN 2.706 - Infiltration = .000 HYG Vol OUT 2.248 - Retained Vol = .458 Unrouted Vol = - 000 ac-ft (.003% of Inflow Volume) J 1 Page 8.02 Event: 10 yr t S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Page 8.03 Name.... POND #1 OUT Tag: Dev10O Event: 100 yr File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND1-POST.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ Inflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #1 IN Dev100 Outflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #1 OUT Dev100 Pond Node Data = POND #1 Pond Volume Data = POND #1 Pond Outlet Data = OUTLET DEVICE No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev 847.00 ft Starting Volume = .000 ac-ft Starting Outflow = .00 cfs Starting ]:nfiltr. _ .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= .00 cfs Time Increment = .0167 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow = 82.11 cfs at 11.9238 hrs Peak Outflow = 57.02 cfs at ------------- 12.0240 hrs ------------ ------------------ Peak Elevation ---------- = 851.85 ft Peak_Storage_=____ ______1_667_ac_ft____'_ ____________ MASS BALANCE (ac-f t) ----- ------------------ + Initial Vol = --- .000 + HYG Vol IN = 4.521 - Infiltration = .000 - HYG Vol OUT = 4.045 - Retained Vol = .476 r Unrouted Vol = - 000 ac-ft (.008% of Inflow Volume) r~ 1 r S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- H ----- HP Storms... 3.01 ----- 0 ----- OUTLET DEVICE... 7.01 ----- P --~--- POND #1... 6.01, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03 POND #1 (POST)... 5.01, 4.01, 4.03 ----- W --~--- Watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.OZ 1 1 1 1 A-1 S/N: 6Z1605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:02:09 Date: 04/16/2007 1 ~~ 1 1 0 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN WET DETENTION POND #1 POND VOLUMES PERMANENT WATER QUALITY SURFACE AREA TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE PROVIDED au:xP~-1t~tA~ mac. Pt>~Q~N~{S i a. c 0 a ~a T fn ~~ ~~ ~w 1 1 1 s 1 i 1 1 1 vt~ c>~K~'~-"iC~a~.l Peyc.k~ pbe,,~c~~• pe~~p+t .. ~..~ -t---...~_ - ~ aa~a ~~ arc. ~s~a e~&~ 3i 1~F ~4 39 t? ~~ ss t 3 ~_ x.$42. ~a.~.a~y 3 say s F 1 9~g~ ~s, gc~t ,roc } -4~ ~zg ~. ok.. __.- flc `. aF -cr~i U6r~~d y~i-+~a-'~ sv-ctOce~ ,r~t~.c.t.. ~E. ~sta~ us s~ ~~a~P~ ota~s~} ~.w~ PlbiintiP+.~fs-3t "~ srmgtif+43~' t't_._-dal t~ic3 ~~14 Sea~3U-~i tt,1.•~ ze4 "t. .... •? l ~ArZ i q 8{~ a~'~ 1.^5Sv S~eoQ ~ ~ ~~3$3 NF p1c~. ~ tlspat~ a.~pe~ ;-. o ~S u.~~' P+~- R~~-- ~'J ~ ~ ~1, o (-a~1 as- of w aStto~cy5 ,~.~.~"'~ pioat., t~i.~ z 4r.~ .r-= pd.E~tO~~~-' PAc~c.- pr~ngrCK~€p,S 1 SSS a .~ ~.. c~ ~~ ~~ .~ v~L ~-'4~ Pa.! 4 ~,~cs.3 - P~U ~l _r.,.~ . '~ w {M17A~ Y VrYMir',7 ~ t ~`~ Y~ I tFrM.~c1~R.~ u~i1a+~l.~- .~c,.~v~ C~t4+J@~a mow. ~.C~a ~.~~ ------ ~r'2 y24~ 3 $~ 6 t34~9 i°+.4 3 ~ 1'` ~7 ~. 'L`,9e"1 ~ 'j 2Z.~2L'1 ~ ~.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 P $~'v '~'~~'~ $d 3 5 S2~r ~~ ~ c.5~ ~~ q dR 1 sd',1 ,zdt3 ~. ~~ __- ~Z '~.S[o Sdc3 3 t'I'~ $d~ ~4t~ ~~G --- 55[~ .~.~,~y~ ~ab~ ~~ -S~~ te~sz- 3't ~sq~ ~- ,~,.~. Cam-) 'L~Sdt Z. 3s~s ~~&3- 1 r .] i 1 i 1 1 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN WET DETENTION POND #Z PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... Pre.10 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Watershed....... Pre100 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.02 ********************** RAINFALL DATA ****************~~***** TypeII 24hr.... Pre.10 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 3.01 TypeII 24hr.... Pre100 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 3.03 *********s************ TC CALCULATIONS ********************* TC (PRE)........ Tc Calcs ........................... 4.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* POND #2 (PRE)... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 5.01 ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ******************** PRE-DEV......... Pre.10 SCS Unit Hyd. Summary .............. 6.01 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:34:35 Date: 01/26/2007 Table of Contents ~~ Table of Contents (continued) PRE-DEV......... Pre100 SCS Unit Hyd. Summary .............. 6.02 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:34:35 Date: 01/26/2007 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr Fite.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-PRE.PPW Storm... TypelI 24hr Tag: Pre.10 i NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank-None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR~Left & Rt) `' DEFAULT Design Storm Fite,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms Storm Tag Name = Pre.10 -------- 24_Hour- 10_Year_ Description+ ------------- ---------------- - - - Data Type, Fite, ID = Synthetic Storm SCSTYPES.RNF TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth = 5.1000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL -Trun_--hrs--- ac_ft Type ID Node --cfs--- ---ft---- - --- --------- - - Outfall OUTLET JCT 2.501 12.1910 24.24 PRE-DEV AREA 2.501 12.1910 .24.24 1 i S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:34:35 Date: 01/26/2007 L Type.... Name.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 Page 3.04 Event: 100 yr File.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTYPES.RNF Title... Storm... 100-Year, 24-Hour TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPT HS (in) Time hrs ~ Output Time increment = Time on left represents time for i .1000 hrs first value in each row. ------------- --- -- 22.5000 ---- - ---------------------------- ~ 7.3721 7.3808 7.3896 ------------ 7.3983 - 7.4070 23.0000 ~ 7.4156 7.4243 7.4328 7.4414 7.4498 23.5000 ~ 7.4583 7.4667 7.4751 7.4834 7.4918 24.0000 I 7.5000 i~ f Y S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Por.dPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:34:35 Date: 01/26/2007 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 5.01 Name.... POND #2 (PRE) File.... Title... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-PRE.PPW Pond #2: (Pre-developed) RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Pond #2: (Pre-developed) w 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Woods,good hydrologic condition Grass, good hydrologic condition Impervious Areas Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN --- ---- 70 --------- 4.830 ----- ----- --- 70.00 74 3.300 74.00 98 2.600 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 10.730 78.01 (78) 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:34:35 Date: 01/26/2007 1 Type.... SCS Unit Hyd. Summary Page 6.01 Name.... PRE-DEV Tag: Pre.10 Event: 10 yr File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre.10 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 5.1000 in Rain Dir = C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\ Rain File -ID = SCSTYPES.RNF - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear ' HYG Dir = F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ HYG File - ID = P2-PRE.HYG - PRE-DEV Pre.10 Tc = .5342 hrs Drainage Area = 10.730 acres Runoff CN= 78 Computational Time Increment = .07122 hrs ~, Computed Peak Time 12.1787 hrs Computed Peak Ftow 24.31 cfs Time Increment for HYG File .0167 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 12.1909 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output 24.24 cfs _________________pRAINAGE AREA =____________ ------------------- ID:Pond #2 (Pre) CN 78 Area = 10.730 acres S = 2.8205 in 0.25 = .5641 in Cumulative Runoff ------------------- 2.7968 in 2.501 ac-ft HYG Volume... 2.501 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .53416 hrs (ID: Tc (Pre)) Computational Incr, Tm = .07122 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46% under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 22.76 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .35610 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = 1.42442 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.78052 hrs ' S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:34:35 Date: 01/26/2007 1 1 1 Type.... SCS Unit Hyd. Summary Page 6.02 Name.... PRE-DEV Tag: Pre100 Event: 100 yr File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 100 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 7.5000 in Rain Dir = C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\ Rain Fite -ID = SCSTYPES.RNF - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type =Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ HYG Fite - ID = P2-PRE.HYG - PRE-DEV Pre100 Tc = .5342 hrs Drainage Area = 10.730 acres Runoff CN= 78 Computational Time Increment = .07122 hrs Computed Peak Time = 12.1787 hrs Computed Peak Ftow = 42.95 cfs Time Increment for HYG File .0167 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 12.1909 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output 42.77 cfs DRAINAGE AREA ID:Pond #2 (Pre) CN = 78 Area = 10.730 acres S = 2.8205 in 0.25 = .5641 in i ~l Cumulative Runoff ------------------- 4.9308 in 4.409 ac-ft HYG Volume... 4.409 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .53416 hrs (ID: Tc (Pre)) Computational Incr, Tm = .07122 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46 under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491). Unit peak, qp = 22.76 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .35610 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = 1.42442 hrs Total unit time, Tb = 1.78052 hrs t 5/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:34:35 Date: 01/26/2007 1 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- P ----- POND #2 (PRE)... 5.01 PRE-DEV Pre.10... 6.01, 6.02 ----- T ----- TC (PRE)... 4.01, 3.01, 3.03 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02 a-1 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 10:34:35 Date: 01/26/2007 1 r 1 1 J ii 1 1 1 1 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN WET DETENTION POND #2 1 ~xn- ~~- 'cw~txStS I~~ ~a 0 ~c n o U a0 i ~ ~ a~ c .~ w P 1 1 -, J '~ v~sC q~tbs(w~.1 ~J4 ~~ - Pa-~'~' 2 oap~a~s9 IaQ+C~ z , o.~ ~ k- ai -yt~ ~ ~" tiR~N.3 t~ ~•+ tip ~' ~t.. ~ 4.0o pc,. ~tidt~ c'yD~ t~./a~t.3 ~ '*~- '~O ~- Z ~- t. t 3 Ac. •(. c7b oPiaL~JuJt~, 'v° 'l~Jp 1~~..•c,,, + ~.t" t... ~~ -e. S•1. ~ f~' ~ 0,-13 k- rx~t~~ w~++,3a.x,, -c. ~ ~ ti. ~ ~.~d k- Atoatu o~ S k • i.,.S t~ 5~"+->a'~l pde. p~e+~t-`•' tx~'~:~ <m tiS A~• K,l~ bc,. ~t.'l?d ~.)C~-,s~.~ ~t~. ~L J ~ ~t+t.. ~~, t~0 ~XL~pu„ ~ ARC, z t o:'~S de.. -~+~`~ pb~p oRltt~ MG.h4 Ce,t'1,'S }t•ts,~~ea.~~.t•.'13 k-~Ce~3,SGc'~'~A~-~„ 4 ~i,lt'~ wa~ s ~g~~~ ~' D~KOaJpR~D, C~~- t~D+~C1v~'jS ~' ~a 0 ~.. v ~~ ~~ ~~ .~ c ~W 1 1 vJ~t c~c~rwJ w-.~ 3~~khl - i~--~n'~-'t. -tam tSP vc~rJt~ ~ taJO ~'t• ~ (..t3 Ac.• ~~ t ~ pCtto~tt,1~ r.~ -c,o ,'~,~ +b ~ ~ t.. t 3 A~c. = s?. l 'L r,,•Z3 -.c,. • ~ - o~ s, t~,J ~o r~o~ c~ %• t~ ~'~t~A Z.a3 ~t. _.____ o : us aR., ocz ,,.~ 8'i ~ c.oJtFd~.., e~i~- pap,,,,, ~" cr.0~tc~F~~-y tx~ ~ 0.05 ~ o, 0c9 CZ vJ~J ~ fit" ~R.u~COa> t2. t'i v,.1~J Z ~. t 4 8° ~" /at~EkO~.)o~zt~P- pIOQGIC.. v~tt"i o~CSnta.~ poJq o~,u~ -'P~1t> ~ 2 ~ _ SIDE dF ~'~- ~.1D~-fi~-y oR~ccE..~ . tb~.Po~ R~ c~+pa+Joowa '. 2-5 c~~ 0. ~ '(i t~Z "ll C2,.S(~2>Z _ o,o'3L~ i 'S0~ .~- t TL zA _~ Cj a~ (o.~a~,o.o34t) c~3 ti~ T d ~z$3, 851 ~-• '= 3.3 ~S STAGE-DISCHARGE FOR OVERFLOW WEIR Project: Alexandria Park Apartments Location: Wet Detention Pond #2 NC Hwy 68 & Whites Mill Road ' High Point, N.C. Developer: Blue Ridge Companies ' Input Data: Overflow Weir #1 Overflow Weir #Z ' Cw= Elev.= 3.00 in. 849 Spillway crest Cw= 3.00 in. Elev.= 850.5 Spillway crest L= 3 ft., Weir length L= 12 ft., Weir length Water Quality Release (orifice) D= 2.5 in. Elev.= 847 Invert elev. of release Cd= 0.60 Orifice Coefficient Emergency Spillway Dam Overtopping ' Cw= 3.00 in. Cw= 3.00 in. Elev.= 0 Emerg. spillway crest Elev.= 853 Top of dam L= 0 ft., Weir length L= 237 ft., Weir length Sta a Increment g 0.50 ft. ' 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 Stage WQ Weir #1 Weir #2 Combined Principal Emergency Dam Total release Weir Spillway Spillway Overtopping Outflow [ft.] [cfs] [cfs] [cfs] - _ [cfs] [cfs] [cfs] [cfs] [cam] 847.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 847.50 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 848.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.16 848.50 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.19 ' 849.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.23 849.50 0.25 3.18 0.00 3.18 3.44 0.00 0.00 3.44 850.00 0.28 9.00 0.00 9.00 9.28 0.00 0.00 9.28 850.50 0.30 16.53 0.00 16.53 16.84 0.00 0.00 16.84 851.00 0.32 25.46 12.73 25.46 25.78 0.00 0.00 25.78 851.50 0.34 35.58 36.00 36.00 36.34 0.00 0.00 36.34 852.00 0.36 46.77 66.14 66.14 66.50 0.00 0.00 66.50 852.50 0.38 58.93 101.82 101.82 102.20 0.00 0.00 102.20 853.00 0.40 72.00 142.30 142.30 142.70 0.00 0.00 142.70 853.50 0.41 85.91 187.06 187.06 187.48 0.00 251.38 438.85 854.00 0.43 100.62 235.72 235.72 236.15 0.00 711.00 947.15 854.50 0.45 116.09 288.00 288.00 288.45 0.00 1306.19 1594.64 1 855.00 0.46 132.27 343.65 343.65 344.11 0.00 2011.01 2355.13 1 1 1 1 l 1 WET DETENTION POND #2 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN ROUTING 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents 'i ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 *************** NETWORK SUMMARIES (DETAILED) *************** Watershed....... Dev.10 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.01 Watershed....... Dev100 Executive Summary (Nodes) .......... 2.02 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* HP Storms....... Design Storms ...................... 3.01 ********************** RAINFALL DATA *********************** TypeII 24hr.... Dev.10 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 4.01 TypeII 24hr.... Dev100 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 4.03 *****:**************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* POND #2 (POST).. Runoff CN-Area ..................... 5.01 *********************** POND VOLUMES *********************** POND #2......... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 6.01 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 Table of Contents Table of Contents (continued) 11 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* OUTLET DEVICE... Outlet Input Data .................. 7.01 *****~***************** POND ROUTING ~****~***********:***** POND #2......... Pond E-V-Q Table ................... 8.01 POND #2 OUT Dev.10 Pond Routing Summary ............... 8.02 POND #2 OUT Dev100 Pond Routing Summary ............... 8.03 S/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-POST.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Starm File, ID HP.RNQ HP Storms Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF File RNF ID ------------ ------ ---------------- -------- ---------------- Dev.10 5.1000 Synthetic Curve SCSTYPES TypeII 24hr Dev100 7.5000 Synthetic Curve SCSTYPES TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Storage Node ID ------- Type Event ---ac_ft-- Trun *OUTLET JCT 10 2.202 *OUTLET JCT 100 4.153 POND #2 IN POND 10 2.833 POND #2 IN POND 100 4.816 POND #2 OUT POND 10 2.202 1.417 POND #2 OUT POND 100 4.153 2.195 POST-DEVELOPED AREA 10 2.833 POST-DEVELOPED AREA 100 4.816 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pand ---hrs--- cfs ft ---ac=ft- 12.1409 9.85 12.0741 34.76 11.9238 53.01 11.9238 88.30 12.1409 9.85 850.04 12.0741 34.76 851.43 11.9238 53.01 11.9238 88.30 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed Event: 10 yr File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-POST.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms Storm Tag Name = Dev.10 Description: 10-Year, 24-Hour --------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm Storm Frequency = 10 yr ------------- SCSTYPES.RNF ---------------- TypeII 24hr Total Rainfall Depth= 5.1000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs En d= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL -Node-ID--------- Type ---ac_ft--Trunk--hrs--- --cfs--- ---ft---- Outfall OUTLET JCT 2.202 12.1409 9.85 ' POND #2 IN POND 2.833 POND #2 OUT POND 2.202 11.9238 12.1409 53.01 9.85 850.04 POST-DEVELOPED AREA 2.833 11.9238 53.01 i u 1 t S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed Event: 100 yr File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-POST.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) i DEFAULT Design Storm File,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms Storm Tag Name = Dev100 Description: 100-Year, 24-Hour --------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------- Data Type, File, ID Synthetic Storm Storm Frequency = 100 yr SCSTYPES.RNF TypeII 24hr Total Rainfall Depth 7.5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs En d= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node Trun_ hrs ID Type ac=ft cfs ft - - --------- --- -- Outfall OUTLET JCT 4.153 -- --- 12.0741 ---- -- --- --- 34.76 POND #2 IN POND 4.816 POND #Z OUT POND 4.153 11.9238 12.0741 88.30 34.76 851.43 POST-DEVELOPED AREA 4.816 11.9238 88.30 1 t ,' S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Design Storms Name.... HP Storms Fite.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\HP.RNQ Title... Alexandria Park Apartments NC Hwy 68 & Whites Milt Road Blue Ridge Companies, Inc. Pond #2 (Post-developed) DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = HP.RNQ HP Storms Page 3.01 Storm Tag Name = Dev.10 Description__10_Year~_24_Hour___-r-_--_____^_______________`__________ Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm SCSTYPES.RNF TypeTI 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 5.1000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = Dev100 Description__100_Year__24_Hour________________________________^____-__ Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm SCSTYPES.RNF TypeIl 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 7.5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24..0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs J 51N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 ~YNe.... ~yi~~~~e~ ~~ ~umu~a~ ivC vcN~n Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 ~ age -. Event: 10 yr File.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAI Title... 10-Year, 24-Hour NFALL\SCSTY PES.RNF Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 CUMUL ATIVE RAINF ALL DEPTHS (in ) Time ~ Output Time incr ement = .1000 hrs hrs ~ Ti me on left represents time for first value in each row. ' ---------i------ .0000 ----------- .0000 ----------- .0052 -------------- .0103 ------- .0156 ------------- .0208 .5000 ~ .0262 .0315 .0370 .0424 .0480 1.0000 ~ .0536 .0592 .0649 .0706 .0764 1.5000 ~ 2.0000 ~ .0823 .1122 .0881 .1184 .0941 .1245 .1001 .1308 .1061 .1371 2.5000 ~ .1435 .1498 .1563 .1628 .1694 3.0000 ~ .1760 .1826 .1893 .1961 .2029 3.5000 ~ .2098 .2166 .2236 .2306 .2377 4.0000 ~ .2448 .2520 .2593 .2667 .2742 4.5000 ~ .2818 .2895 .2973 .3052 .3132 5.0000 ~ 5.5000 ~ .3213 .3634 .3295 .3721 .3378 .3809 .3462 .3898 .3548 .39$9 6.0000 ~ .4080 .4172 .4266 .4360 .4455 6.5000 ~ .4552 .4649 .4748 .4847 .4948 7.0000 ~ 7.5000 ~ .5049 .5572 .5152 .5679 .5255 .5788 .5360 .5898 .5465 .6008 8.0000 ~ .6120 .6235 .6355 .6480 .6610 8.5000 ~ .6745 .6885 .7030 .7181 .7336 9.0000 ~ 9.5000 ~ .7497 .8313 .7660 .8480 .7823 .8656 .7987 .8839 .8150 .9031 10.0000 ~ .9231 .9441 .9663 .9898 1.0145 10.5000 ~ 1.0404 1.0679 1.0975 1.1291 1.1628 11.0000 ~ 1.1985 1.2377 1.2817 1.3307 1.3845 11.5000 ~ 1.4433 1.5649 1.8072 2.1970 2.8961 12.0000 ~ 3.3813 3.4780 3.5631 3.6365 3.6983 12.5'000 ~ 13.0000 ~ 3.7485 3.9372 3.7915 3.9676 3.8319 3.9966 3.8697 4.0241 3.9048 4.0502 13.5000 ~ 4.0749 4.09$4 4.1208 4.1422 4.1626 14.0000 ~ 4.1820 4.2007 4.2190 4.2370 4.2546 14.5000 ~ 15.0000 ~ 4.2719 4.3529 4.2888 4.3680 4.3054 4.3827 4.3215 4.3972 4.3374 4.4112 15.5000 ~ 4.4249 4.4382 4.4512 4.4638 4.4761 16.0000 ~ 4.4880 4.4997 4.5112 4.5226 4.5339 16.5000 ~ 4.5451 4.5561 4.5670 4.5778 4.5884 17.0000 ~ 4.5989 4.6093 4.6196 4.6297 4.6397 17.5000 ~ 4.6496 4.6594 4.6690 4.6785 4.6879 18.0000 ~ 18.5000 ~ 4.6971 4.7414 4.7062 4.7499 4.7152 4.7582 4.7241 4.7665 4.7328 4.7746 19.0000 ~ 4.7825 4.7904 4.7981 4.8057 4.8131 19.5000 ~ 4.8205 4.8277 4.8347 4.8417 4.8485 20.0000 ~ 20.5000 ( 4.$552 4.8880 4.8618 4.8945 4.8684 4.9010 4.8750 4.9074 4.8815 4.9139 21.0000 ~ 4.9202 4.9266 4.9329 4.9392 4.9455 21.5000 ~ 4.9518 4.9580 4.9642 4.9704 4.9766 22.0000 ~ 4.9827 4.9888 4.9949 5.0010 5.0070 1 S/N: 621605B06A8F PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 4.02 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTYPES.RNF Title... Storm... 10-Year, 24-Hour TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPT HS (in) Time hrs ~ Output Time increment = ~ Time on left represents time for .1000 hrs first value in each row. 22.5000 ~ 5.0130 5.0190 5.0249 5.0308 5.0368 23.0000 ~ 5.0426 5.0485 5.0543 5.0601 5.0659 23.5000 ~ 5.0716 5.0774 5.0831 5.0887 5.0944 24.0000 ~ 5.1000 1 1 t 1 s 5/N: 621605B06A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 Page 4.03 Event: 100 yr File.... C:\HAE STAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTY PES.RNF Title... 100-Ye Storm... TypeII ar, 24-Hour 24hr Tag: Dev100 CUMULATIVE RAINF ALL DEPTHS (in ) Time ~ hrs i Output Time incr Time on left represents ement = .1000 time for first hrs value in each row. ---_ --- --- .0000 ~ .0000 .OD76 .0152 .0229 .0306 .5000 ~ .0385 .0464 .0544 .0624 .0706 1.0000 ( .0788 .0871 .0954 .1039 .1124 1.5000 ~ .1210 .1296 .1384 .1472 .1561 2.0000 ~ 2.5000 ( .1650 .2110 .1741 .2204 .1832 .2299 .1924 .2394 .2016 .2491 3.0000 ~ .2588 .2686 .2784 .2884 .2984 3.5000 ~ .3085 .3186 .3289 .3392 .3496 4.0000 ~ 4.5000 ~ .3600 .4144 .3706 .4257 .3813 .4372 .3922 .4488 .4032 .4606 5.0000 ~ .4725 .4846 .4968 .5092 .5217 5.5000 ~ .5344 .5472 .5602 .5733 .5866 6.0000 ~ .6000 .6136 .6273 .6412 .6552 .` 6.5000 ~ .6694 .6837 .6982 .7128 .7276 7.0000 ~ .7425 .7576 .7728 .7882 .8037 7.5000 ~ 8.0000 ~ .8194 .9000 .$352 .9169 .8512 .9345 .8673 .9529 .8836 .9720 8.5000 ~ .9919 1.0125 1.0339 1.0560 1.07$9 9.0000 ~ 1.1025 1.1265 1.1505 1.1745 1.1985 9.5000 ~ 10.0000 ~ 1.2225 1.3575 1.2471 1.3884 1.2729 1.4211 1.2999 1.4556 1.3281 1.4919 10.5000 ~ 1.5300 1.5705 1.6140 1.6605 1.710D 11.0000 ~ 1.7625 1.8201 1.8849 1.9569 2.0361 11.5000 ~ 12.0000 ~ 2.1225 4.9725 2.3013 5.1147 2.6577 5.2398 3.2309 5.3478 4.2590 5.4387 12.5000 ~ 5.5125 5.5758 5.6352 5.6907 5.7423 13.0000 ~ 5.7900 5.8347 5.8773 5.9178 5.9562 13.5000 ~ 5.9925 6.0270 6.0600 6.0915 6.1215 14.000D ~ 6.1500 6.1775 6.2045 6.2309 6.2568 14.5000 ~ 6.2822 6.3071 6.3314 6.3552 6.3785 15.0000 ~ 15.5000 ~ 6.4013 6.5072 6.4235 6.5268 6.4452 6.5459 6.4664 6.5645 6.4871 6.5825 16.0000 ~ 6.6000 6.6172 6.6341 6.6509 6.6675 16.5000 ~ 6.6839 6.7001 6.7162 6.7320 6.7477 17.0000 ( 17.5000 ~ 6.7631 6.8377 6.7784 6.8520 6.7935 6.8662 6.8084 6.8801 6.$231 6.8939 18.0000 ( 6.9075 6.9209 6.9341 6.9472 6.9600 18.5000 ~ 6.9727 6.9851 6.9974 7.0095 7.0214 19.0000 ~ 7.D331 7.0447 7.0560 7.0672 7.0781 19.5000 ~ 7.0889 7.0995 7.1099 7.1201 7.1302 20.0000 ~ 7.1400 7.1498 7.1594 7.1691 7.1787 20.5000 ~ 21.0000 ~ 7.1883 7.2356 7.1978 7.2450 7.2074 7.2543 7.2168 7.2636 7.2263 7.2728 21.5000 ~ 7.2821 7.2912 7.3004 7.3094 7.3185 22.000D ~ 7.3275 7.3365 7.3454 7.3544 7.3632 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Name.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 Page 4.04 Event: 100 yr File.... C:\HAESTAD\PPKW\RAINFALL\SCSTYPES.RNF Title... Storm... 100-Year, 24-Hour TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPT HS (in) Time hrs ~ Output Time increment = on left represents time for Time i .1000 hrs first value in each row. --- -- 22.5000 - - ---- ~ 7.3721 7.3808 7.3896 7.3983 7.4070 23.0000 ( 7.4156 7.4243 7.4328 7.4414 7.4498 I 23.5000 ~ 7.4583 7.4667 7.4751 7.4834 7.4918 24.0000 ~ 7.5000 1 1 1 1 S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 5.01 Name.... POND #2 (POST) File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2- Title... Pond #2 (Post-developed) POST.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA . . ................ Pond•#2 (Post-developed) ................ .... . .. ......... . .... . ......................... ' ---------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN Impervious Areas 98 acres 6.130 %C %UC CN 98.00 Open space, good condition 61 4.600 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 10.730 82.14 (82) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 1 1 r~ 1 t S/N: 621605B06A8F PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 6.01 Name.... POND #2 File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-POST.PPW Title... Pond #2 Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (acres ) (acres) --------------- - (ac-ft) ------- (ac-fit) --------------- ----------- 847.00 ------------ ----- --------- .3780 - - .0000 .000 .000 848.00 .4530 1.2448 .415 .415 849.00 _=_=_ .4910 1.4156 .472 .887 850.00 ----- .5300 1.5311 .510 1.397 852.00 ----- .6150 1.7159 1.144 2.541 853.00 ----- .6610 1.9136 .638 3.179 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Metho d for R eservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (E L2-EL1) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.( Area1*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of t he increment Areal,Area2 =Areas computed for EL1, EL2, r espectively ' Volume = Incre mental volume between EL1 and EL2 r S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Name.... POND #2 OUT Tag: Dev.10 File.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-POST.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev.10 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ Inflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #2 IN Dev.10 Outflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #2 OUT Dev.10 Pond Node Data = POND #2 Pond Volume Data = POND #2 Pond Outlet Data = OUTLET DEVICE No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev = 847.00 ft Starting Volume = .000 ac-ft Starting Outflow = .00 cfs Starting Infiltr. _ .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= .00 cfs Time Increment = .0167 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY ,~ Peak Inflow = 53.01 cfs at 11.9238 Peak Outflow = 9.85 cfs at 12.1409 -------------- hrs hrs ---- ----------------------------------- Peak Elevation = 850.04 ft Peak_Storage____________1_417_ac_ft______________ ____ MA55 BALANCE (ac-ft) ------------ + Initial Vol -------------- = .000 + HYG Vol IN = 2.833 - Infiltration = .000 - HYG Vol OUT = 2.202 - Retained Vol = .631 Unrouted Vol = - 000 ac-ft 1 i (.010% of Inflow Volume) Page 8.02 Event: 10 yr 5/N: 621605606A$F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 1 Type.... Pond Routing Summary Name.... POND #2 OUT Tag: Dev100 Page 8.03 Event: 100 yr Fite.... F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\POND2-POST.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Dev100 LEVEL POOL ROUTING SUMMARY HYG Dir = F:\PROJECTS\424-04\CALCS\ Inflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #2 IN Dev100 Outflow HYG file = P1-POST.HYG - POND #2 OUT Dev100 Pond Node Data = POND #2 Pond Volume Data = POND #2 Pond Outlet Data = OUTLET DEVICE No Infiltration INITIAL CONDITIONS Starting WS Elev 847.00 ft Starting Volume = .000 ac-ft Starting Outflow = .00 cfs Starting Infiltr. _ .00 cfs Starting Total Qout= .00 cfs Time Increment - .0167 hrs INFLOW/OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY Peak Inflow = 88.30 cfs at 11.9238 hrs Peak Outflow = 34.76 cfs at 12.0741 --------------------- hrs ---- ---------------------------- Peak Elevation = 851.43 ft Peak-Storage-_----------2_195-ac_ft-----------^-- ---- MASS-BALANCE-(ac_ft) + Initial Vol + HYG Voi IN - Infiltration - HYG Vol OUT - Retained Vol Unrouted Vol 1 .000 4.816 .000 4.153 .663 -.000 ac-ft (.007% of Inflow Volume) S/N: 621605606A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- H ----- HP Storms... 3.01 ----- 0 ----- OUTLET DEVICE... 7.01 ----- P ----- POND #2... 6.01, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03 POND #2 (POST)... 5.01, 4.01, 4.03 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 2.01, 2.02 A-1 S/N: 621605806A8F CPT Engineering & Surveying, Inc. PondPack Ver. 7.5 (765) Compute Time: 16:17:38 Date: 04/16/2007 r_~ 1 WET DETENTION POND DESIGN WET DETENTION POND #Z POND VOLUMES fl t PERMANENT WATER QUALITY SURFACE AREA TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE PROVIDED A.t~xo~.tr-'n1,A etc. ~S .~ ~.. ~,, ~~ :.. ~ a~ a~ c. 'cb :~ u i v3L't A~ T8v'l~t+•.1 Pe..Sc~ t~ 14++.i -'~7'~ z. ?_ s~k~.l t~ d . ~. _____.~ gyp. Csc $,~rz. zt~31 3~ 3~-g 8 ~4 552.0 ~ws Cts-1 z5~ 8 3t~ Cc¢ 9'LI $ ca,.,YtOo,~ a.S '4J1~ G~CbQyp~, t~7~..Yr c.~cr.SST7R.1~~~•..t ~3 z~g~ ~z- z~~ ~.sa~ • .... ~ vim. ~ $~3 Za~,e __--__-- ~, 093 ~- 7 ~,e ti g ~ ®~.. ~t ~~ ~se~wy ,,,ycve,~+c•9 ~+a.~. c~'atres3~t) a,o,~,,,,,~,. ~.- ~..dv. ~ a~.~. s c~a~ ~ ~~ a~ ~cu~ "-P. ~ -c,41~. s'~ `? 9,48$ ~ c~ 1 ~~~ +A~c~tc._. D~''CS ,,.n~2 pso~1'~+y ~a~ ~ vaP~L ca.~--~, c~..ctic~ a.3~ ~ a ~dZ .a ~,~C,dR,~ t Zc.~i.tti ~. ~gc~q,~ ~ ~~ ______ ~ i~ti ~$ ~9~zz 8~ z.l3K~ G-~.6'A, pR5~. C~~ ~Z. 44sd~ ~3 s~s~ $d~ 71gq e~~ ~a~o ~~ i~z1. Fe¢,.4v~*-~~ ~` gd2 ~3 ~~ $~~ a~ c~~ ~~~ ~~) ~$o~ zo SSE _ 3 ~ ~ cis ~ ?'' '-Z. S g. vF ptt._. ~=`-~- ~,og4' c.4~4 tZ cs9 t3 4ei ~~ ~~ ~ C c6-~ tt 3~ t~~ s§~ star ~ ~