HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990231 Ver 2_Report_20110203u ' PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES WWA PROJECT No. 210039.00 1 CHOWAN FIVER ANALYSIS FOR 1 1 1 r4UCarq PLATE MILL PO Box 4119 Lynchburg VA 24502 Phone: 434-316-6080 NUCOR STEEL - HERTFORD MILL HERTFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA October 20, 2010 Prepared by. W- ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS ASSOCIATES www v^msociates.net North Carolina Finn License No. G3594 20, / ??ry M ???IIIIIII//,/ \\ N C ARO ? ? •'0?•? S,O/IjR• 9 i 0,377053 i??iBFRT IF 3040 Avemore Square Place Charlottesville, VA 22911 Phone: 434-984-2700 i PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES M V C O R WWA PROJECT NO. 210039.00 PLATE MILL CHOWAN RIVER ANALYSIS B®? o FOR ?' ? -°s'gN9s9TFR? NUCOR STEEL - HERTFORD MILL 'n R HERTFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA i OWES S October 20, 2010 037053 _ F. WN???\\?? Prepared by. w'? ENGINEERS am SURVEYORS PLANNERS ASSOCIATES PO Box 4119 www.wwassociates.net 3040 Avemore Square Place North Carolina Firm Charlottesville, VA 22911 Lynchburg VA 24502 License No. G3594 l ' Phone: 434-316-6080 Phone: 434-984-2700 LA TABLE OF CONTENTS im Page SECTION 1 - Introduction 1.1 Background ................................................................................................... . 1-1 1.2 Scope of Document ....................................................................................... . 1-1 SECTION 2 - Chowan River Analysis 2.1 Chowan River Basin Description .................................................................. . 2-1 2.2 Water Use ...................................................................................................... . 2-2 2.2.1 Factors Affecting Water Demand ...................................................... . 2-2 2.2.2 Total Water Use in Basin .................................................................... 2-2 2.2.3 Local Water Supply Plans ................................................................... 2-2 2.2.4 Self-supplied Use ................................................................................ 2-3 2.2.5 Registered Water Withdrawals ........................................................... 2-4 2.3 Water Availability .......................................................................................... 2-4 2.4 Impact Analysis ............................................................................................. 2-5 SECTION 3 - Salt Water Intrusion ................................................................................. 3-1 SECTION 4 - Approach and Sweep Velocities .............................................................. 4-1 SECTION 5 - Summary and Recommendations 5.1 Summary ........................................................................................................ 5-1 5.2 Recommendations .......................................................................................... 5-1 APPENDICES Tab Raw Water Intake Study (WW Associates) ........................................................................A Aquatic Resources, LLC Fish Study dated July 6, 2010 Johnson Screens Quotation Site Visit Report/Telephone Logs River Flow Data Analysis ...................................................................................................B Registered Water Withdrawals ........................................................................................... C Local Water Supply Plans ...................................................................................................D Hertford County, North Carolina i Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background The Nucor Steel, Hertford Mill manufactures steel plate, which requires water for cooling and process applications. Currently, Nucor uses groundwater wells as their raw water source. Recent testing has indicated an increased amount of chloride ions in this well water. Nucor Steel has determined that an alternate source of water from the Chowan River should be investigated. WW Associates was retained to conduct this investigation and to design an intake system and pipeline to transport the raw water to an existing storm water pond. A raw water screen intake study previously completed by WW Associates is provided in Appendix A for reference and addressed the following design considerations: ¦ Nucor Requirements ¦ Environmental Considerations ¦ Screen Types ' Siting ¦ Facility Layout ¦ Raw Water Pump Station ¦ Nutrient Sensitive Waters Construction of a raw water intake structure is proposed in the Chowan River to provide raw water for process and cooling for Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill. The system would consist of pile supported cylindrical intake screens with an air-burst backwash system, water intake piping, a raw water pump station, a transmission line from the raw water pump station to Storm Water Pond No. B 1, a stormwater pond pump station, and a water treatment facility. The intake would be designed to operate in conjunction with the water treatment facility for approximately 8 hours per day to produce 1 mgd of treated water. 1.2 Scope of Document The purpose of this intake study is to provide a preliminary site assessment and data search to develop the criteria necessary to determine the feasibility of the project and Hertford County, North Carolina 1-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 1.0 Introduction im design constraints. This report provides an analysis and comment on three components required for the design of the raw water intake: • An analysis of the Chowan River Basin is presented that compares current and proposed water withdrawals from the basin. ¦ The potential for salt-water intrusion will be discussed. Sweep and approach velocities for the intake structure will be discussed. Hertford County, North Carolina 1-2 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 2.0 Chowan River Analysis 2.1 Chowan River Basin Description The Chowan Basin in North Carolina is the lower quarter of a larger basin that drains 4,973 square miles, mostly in southeastern Virginia. The Chowan Basin is divided into the Meherrin River and Chowan River sub-basins. The merging of the Nottoway and Blackwater Rivers at the Virginia-North Carolina state line forms the Chowan River. These two rivers drain 2,460 square miles of land south and southeast of Petersburg, Virginia. The lower 487 square miles of the total 1,637 square miles of the Meherrin River sub-basin are in North Carolina. The Meherrin River joins the Chowan River north of Winton, NC and then continues south to merge with the Albemarle Sound near Edenton, NC. The Chowan Basin is part of the Albemarle-Pamlico estuarine system, the second largest estuarine system in the United States. Figure 2-1 Hertford County, North Carolina 2-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 2.0 Chowan River Analysis 2.2 Water Use 2.2.1 Factors Affecting Water Demand This basin is populated by less than 1% of North Carolina's residents. It contains all or part of 19 municipalities and five counties. From 1990 to 1997 only two of the five counties had a population increase (Chowan and Gates). The basin is sparsely developed with only 3% of land area classified as "urban/build up" in the 1997 Natural Resource Conservation Service assessment. This assessment classified 87% of the area of the basin as cultivated cropland or forest. Overall demand for water increases during the growing season, especially in agricultural areas and in communities where irrigated residential landscaping is popular. 2.2.2 Total Water Use in Basin The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) 1995 summary of water use estimated total water use in the basin at 12.6 million gallons per day (mgd), with about one quarter coming from surface water sources. Total basin population was estimated at 54,250, with total residential water demand estimated at 3.9 mgd. About half of the residents were served by public water systems. Overall, public water systems supplied 3.1 mgd from ground water for both residential and non-residential uses. The remaining residential water demand was met by 1.5 mgd of self-supplied ground water. No surface water was used to meet residential demand in North Carolina. 2.2.3 Local Water Supply Plans Units of North Carolina local government that supply or plan to supply water to the public are required to develop a Local Water Supply Plan (LWSP). The Division of Water Resources (DWR) reviews LWSPs and maintains a database of the LWSP information. This summary is based on data contained in the 1997 LWSPs. LWSPs were submitted by 21 water systems using water from this basin. (Chowan County had not submitted a 1997 LWSP, so its 1992 LWSP data was used in these summaries.) These Hertford County, North Carolina 2-2 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake WIA 2.0 Chowan River Analysis basin pumped 5.6 mgd of ground water to supply customers in 1997. The total available capacity for these systems, as reflected in their combined 12-hour yields, is 13.6 mgd. Heavy ground water pumping in southeastern Virginia has caused a decline in water levels over most of the North Albemarle area. Much of this decline in water level is due to withdrawals by Union Camp Corporation in Franklin, Virginia. Gates County has reported a rate of decline of about two feet per year in their water supply wells. 2.4 Impact Analvsis River flow data has been collected from available USGS stations within the basin. The summary of this data presented in Appendix B illustrates flow conditions for the Chowan and its major tributaries. To understand the impacts of the proposed Nucor withdrawal, we must first evaluate current withdrawals. In 1997, the State of North Carolina reported a total registered withdrawal volume of 43.536 mgd. This is equivalent to approximately 0.012% of the average 3,600 mgd flow in the Chowan River near Winton, NC. The addition of the proposed 3 mgd withdrawal by Nucor increases total withdrawals in the basin to 46.536, or 0.013% of the average daily flow. The 3 mgd withdrawal itself will account for 0.001% of the average daily flow in the Chowan River near Winton. The North Carolina Division of Water Resources projects a 16% increase in demand for water within the basin by the year 2020. When Nucor's 3 mgd withdrawal is included in this projection, a total use of 49.5 mgd is projected, or 0.014% of the average daily flow. Evaluation of impacts during low flow conditions is somewhat subjective due to the flow characteristics of the estuary. Flow data compiled in Appendix B illustrates both positive and negative flows of considerable volume due to tidal influences. While the rivers flow rate may approach zero as it changes from positive to negative, its volume would remain apparently constant. Hertford County, North Carolina 2-5 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake q JA XX" 3.0 Salt Water Intrusion As indicated in Section 1 of this report, the Chowan River is characterized as an estuary. The confluence of the river with the Albemarle-Pamlico is approximately 31 miles down stream from the Nucor facility and 70 miles inland of Oregon Inlet. This is the river's closest connecting point to the open ocean. The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) indicates lunar tidal influence at Oregon Inlet varies up to 2 feet. Tidal flux within the Chowan due to lunar and wind influence are reported at one and four feet respectively. The USGS also reports directional reversal of flow as far as 78 miles upstream of the Albemarle Sound near Franklin, VA. While intrusion of salt water into the estuary is reported to be infrequent, the potential for its occurrence does exist. A typical chloride concentration of less than 50 mg/L is provided by USGS. The highest recorded concentration near Winton, NC occurred in December 1958 when a maximum chloride concentration of 398 mg/L was recorded three months after Hurricane Helen swept the coast of North Carolina, Based upon the information provided, WW Associates recommends maintaining the currently available groundwater wells for use as a backup water source during saltwater intrusion events. The existing groundwater supply piping at the facility will be connected to the new raw water piping and valved to allow easy switchover during these events. Hertford County, North Carolina 3-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 4.0 Approach and Sweep Velocities E As indicated in the Raw Water Screen Intake Study, we understand that there are no published design criteria for intake screens in North Carolina. Approach and sweep velocities are typically used as design criteria for intake screens. Approach velocity is defined as the water velocity vector measured perpendicular to the screen face as water passes through the screen mesh. Sweep velocity is defined as the water velocity vector component parallel and adjacent to the screen face. These criteria have been established to minimize impacts to indigenous aquatic life. Design Criteria for Fish Screens in Virginia: Recommendations Based on a Review of the Literature, published by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) in April 1999, recommends a maximum approach velocity of 0.25 ft/s, with sweep velocities equal to or greater than the approach velocity to ensure aquatic life is protected. Johnson Screens, the intake screen manufacturer, has indicated it uses this approach velocity criteria as its slot velocity for intake screens in Virginia. Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act requires a maximum "through-the screen" velocity of 0.5 ft/s for cooling water intakes at electrical power plants. As previously stated in this report, both lunar and wind influenced tides are a reality within the Chowan River. When these tidal influences combine with changing inflow, the potential for stagnation occurs. An average velocity for the Chowan at the U.S. Highway 17 Bridge near Edenhouse was reported to be 0.29 ft/s in 1977. This velocity is based upon an average cross sectional area of 136,300 fe and a flow of 40,000 ft3/sec. While this location is approximately 30 miles down stream from the Nucor facility, it provides a base reference for potential velocities near the intake structure. Unfortunately, the age of the cross-sectional information may not make it suitable for use today. The passage of time and hurricanes, most recently Isabel, may have resulted in changes to the channel geometry since this study was done in the 1970s. Johnson Screens, the intake screen manufacturer, has indicated that it has provided intake screens for a number of raw water intakes in North Carolina. Johnson Screens has based its previous North Carolina screen designs on the 0.5 ft/s velocity criteria presented in Hertford County, North Carolina 4-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 4.0 Approach and Sweep Velocities Section 316(b). However, to ensure a conservative design with minimal impact to aquatic life, we recommend using the 0.25 ft/s approach velocity criteria accepted in Virginia. Hertford County, North Carolina 4-2 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 5.0 Summary and Recommendations 5.1 Summary An analysis of the Chowan River in Hertford County, North Carolina was conducted for Nucor Steel Inc. This analysis reviewed river flow data and withdrawal impacts, the potential for salt water intrusion, and required approach and sweep velocities for a raw water intake. Information was collected from Nucor, as well as state and federal government agencies. Based upon the available data, the following conclusions can be drawn: • Current and project registered daily raw water withdrawals from the Chowan River basin in North Carolina account for less than 0.02% of the river's average daily flow near Winton, NC. ' The Chowan River is a tidally influenced estuary from its confluence with the Albemarle Sound, and extending upstream beyond the Virginia / North Carolina State line. Both lunar and wind influences are present. • The potential for salt-water intrusion does exist, and is heightened during hurricane season. • Protection of aquatic resources requires the consideration of approach and sweep velocities, as well as an appropriately sized mesh opening. Intake screens with 1 mm (0.039-inch) openings and designed for a maximum 0.25 ft/s approach (slot) velocity addresses these requirements. 5.2 Recommendations Given the conclusions drawn above, WW Associates can make the following recommendations: Proceeding to the design phase of the project. • A current analysis of the chloride concentration should be conducted to verify the accuracy of the data previously reported by USGS in 1977. Additional analysis is recommended to determine the chloride concentration that will require a Hertford County, North Carolina 5-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 5.0 Summary and Recommendations im temporary switchover from the raw water intake to the existing groundwater well system. Hertford County, North Carolina 5-2 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake Appendices Tab Raw Water Intake Study (WW Associates) ........................................................................A Aquatic Resources, LLC Fish Study dated July 6, 2010 Johnson Screen Quotation Site Visit Report/Telephone Logs River Flow Data Analysis ...................................................................................................B Registered Water Withdrawals ........................................................................................... C Local Water Supply Plans ...................................................................................................D Hertford County, North Carolina WWA Project No. 210039.00 ii Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill River Analysis - Raw Water Intake Appendix A to WW ASSOCIATES RAW WATER INTAKE STUDY -j Hertford County, North Carolina WWA Project No. 210039.00 A Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill River Analysis - Raw Water Intake PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES WWA PROJECT No. 210039.00 October 20, 2010 Prepared by: RAW WATER SCREEN INTAKE STUDY FOR NUCOR STEEL - HERTFORD MILL HERTFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1"'r1uCc3Fq PLATE MILL wENGINEERS SURVEYORS W21 PLANNERS ASSOCIATES PO Box 4119 Lynchburg VA 24502 Phone: 434-316-6080 3040 Avemore Square Place Charlottesville, VA 22911 Phone: 434-984-2700 www.wwassociates.net North Carolina Firm License No. C-3594 TABLE OF CONTENTS im Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECTION 1 - Introduction 1.1 Background ............................. ....................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Scope of Services .................... ....................................................................... 1-1 SECTION 2 - Existing Conditions 2.1 Nucor Requirements ............... ....................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Environmental Considerations .......................................................................2-1 2.3 Screen Types ........................... ....................................................................... 2-2 2.4 Siting ....................................... ....................................................................... 2-3 2.5 Facility Layout ........................ ....................................................................... 2-4 2.6 Raw Water Pump Station ........ ....................................................................... 2-6 2.7 Nutrient Sensitive Water ......... ....................................................................... 2-7 SECTION 3 - Summary 3.1 Recommendations ..........................................................................................3-1 APPENDICES Tab Aquatic Resources, LLC Fish Study, dated July 6, 2010 ...................................................A Johnson Screen Quotation ................................................................................................... B Site Visit Report/Telephone Logs .......................................................................................C Hertford County, North Carolina i Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study r1 Executive Summary IVA A raw water intake structure will be constructed in the Chowan River to provide raw water for process and cooling for the Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill facility. The structure will consist of pile-supported cylindrical intake screens with an air-burst backwash system, water intake piping, a raw water pump station, and transmission piping to transfer raw water from the pump station to either Stormwater Pond B 1 or a new water treatment plant. The intake will be designed to operate in conjunction with the new water treatment plant to produce 1 mgd of process water over an 8-hour period. The purpose of this intake study is to provide a preliminary site assessment and data search to develop the criteria necessary to determine the feasibility of the project and the design constraints. This report addresses environmental considerations, intake screen types, layout and site recommendations. Additional evaluations are provided in a report entitled Chowan River Analysis for Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill concerning gauged river flow data and cumulative effect of the new intake in relation to other intake structures in Chowan River Basin. Hertford County, North Carolina E-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study 1.0 Introduction ED 1.1 Background The Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill facility manufactures steel plate. The plate mill uses water for cooling and process applications. Currently, Nucor uses underground wells as its raw water source. Testing has indicated an increased amount of chloride ions in this well water. Nucor Steel has therefore determined that an alternate raw water source from the Chowan River should be investigated. WW Associates was retained to conduct this investigation and to design an intake system and piping system to transport the raw water to an existing stormwater pond at the facility. WW Associates scope of services is as follows: 1.2 Scone of Services Phase 1 1. Field Investigation 1.1 Field investigation of the site was performed during the initial site visit to assess the existing conditions of the site and to determine what factors may influence location of the intake structure. 1.2 Site drawings and maps, including topographic mapping, underwater contour data, dock and stormwater detention pond as-built drawings if available, will be collected to aid with the conceptual layout of the intake structure and related improvements. 1.3 Information, including existing reports, personnel input, and additional documentation will be collected to aid with the conceptual layout of the intake structure and related improvements. 2. Raw Water Intake Conceptualization Hertford County, North Carolina 1-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study 1.0 Introduction 2.1 The recommended location for the intake will be identified. 2.2 Applicable guidelines for design of intake structures will be discussed. 2.3 It is our understanding that there are no published design criteria for intake screens in North Carolina. Therefore, general design guidelines for intake screens in Virginia will be utilized. Considerations for layout of the intake include: ¦ Screen design criteria and construction guidelines. ¦ Screen location and orientation. ¦ Screen mesh size, shape, and material. ¦ Approach velocity and minimum screen area. ¦ Sweeping velocity. ¦ Cleaning. ¦ 1 mgd intake capacity. 2.4 The effects of nutrient sensitive water on intake structure operation will be evaluated. 2.5 Existing gauged riverflow data will be collected. The effect of the proposed intake during normal and low flow conditions and the cumulative effect of the proposed intake in relation to other intake structures in the Chowan River Basin will be evaluated based on existing riverflow data. The potential for saltwater intrusion into the intake will also be evaluated based on existing riverflow data. 3. Report Preparation Hertford County, North Carolina 1-2 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study 1.0 Introduction 3.1 A report detailing the findings of the Raw Water Intake Conceptualization will be prepared. The gauged river flow data is currently being evaluated. Results of this evaluation are summarized in a separate WW Associates report entitled Chowan River Analysis for Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill. Hertford County, North Carolina 1-3 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study W.A XzrM 2.0 Existing Conditions 2.1 Nucor Requirements Nucor currently withdraws process water from its groundwater well system at the rate of approximately one million gallons per day (mgd). This water is pumped to a holding pond. Water is drawn from this holding pond, treated, and added as make-up water to the cooling water and process water systems. Future requirements indicate a need for new process water at the rate of one mgd over an 8-hour period. The presence of chloride ions in the well water may indicate salt water intrusion into the groundwater source, rendering it unsuitable for Nucor's needs. Based on this information, Nucor is investigating the Chowan River as a fresh water source. Analysis furnished by Nucor Steel has indicated that the Chowan River water is suitable chemically for Nucor's needs with traditional water treatment technologies. 2.2 Environmental Considerations Two environmental considerations are important in the design of a water intake facility. The first consideration concerns the protection of fish in the Chowan River from excessive mortality loss during egg and larvae stages. Studies have been conducted to assess the requirements for water intake structures in regarding the protection of fish. One report, Design Criteria for Fish Screens in Virginia: Recommendations Based on a Review of the Literature, published in April 1999 by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF), contains significant background information and recommendations for the design of water intake structures in freshwater Virginia locations. This study reviewed information on 104 fish species for eggs, 58 for pro-larvae, 51 for post-larvae, and 56 for juveniles. This study contained the following recommendations: • Mesh opening - 1 mm (0.039-inch) • Approach velocity - 0.25 feet per second Approach direction oriented perpendicular to stream flow Hertford County, North Carolina 2-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study 2.0 Existing Conditions • Sweeping velocity equal to or greater than approach velocity • Provision of a backwash system for cleaning the screen. A second study, Distribution of Anadromous Alosa spp. (Clupeidae) Eggs and Larvae in the Vicinity of the NUCOR Facility, Chowan River, North Carolina in 2010, prepared by Aquatic Resources, LLC, dated July 6, 2010, addresses those fish species found in the Chowan River at the Nucor port site. A copy of this study is provided in Appendix A for reference. A review of this study indicates that all the species found at the Nucor site were included in the report referenced in the paragraph above. This study further indicated that the majority of Alosa eggs were captured from the lower water column, one meter above the substrate, and the majority of Alosa larvae were taken from the upper one meter of water column. To minimize impact on fish, the study recommends locating the water intake between these two strata. The second consideration concerns the protection of the screen from damage by debris. Debris floating downriver can strike and damage the intake screens unless the screens are shielded from the debris. This shielding can be accomplished by installation of piles upstream from the water intake. The piles will keep debris from striking the water intake. The water intake can also be protected by locating it away from the water surface and the streambed, the two locations most prone to debris occurrence. 2.3 Screen Tvnes Screen types are discussed in the VDGIF report Design Criteria for Fish Screens in Virginia: Recommendations Based on a Review of the Literature. Screen types can be placed in one of two categories: moving or fixed. The two most common moving screens are the vertical traveling screen and the rotating drum screen. These moving screens are both suited for those situations requiring large withdrawal volumes. Since the withdrawal rates for the Nucor mill are relatively low, and considering the mechanical Hertford County, North Carolina 2-2 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study 2.0 Chowan River Analysis im systems supplied 5.4 mgd of water to 41,851 persons. Table 2-1 summarizes the LWSP population served with water from this basin and water use for 1997. Table 2-1 1997 LWSP System Water Use from Chowan Basin (mgd) LWSP Residential Non-Residential) Total Sub-Basin Population Use Use Use* Meherrin River 1 11,061 1 1.03 1 0.56 1 1.6 Total 41,851 3.5 1.4 5.3 *Total use also includes unaccounted-for water and system process water Residential demands dominated water use in these systems requiring 67% of total demand while non-residential use accounted for 26% of total demand and 7% was unaccounted-for water. Water systems that get water from this basin are expecting their service populations to grow by about 16% to 48,580 by 2020. Water demand for these systems is projected to grow about 21% to 6.4 mgd over the same period. In the 1997 LWSPs, only one of the 20 systems using water from this basin reported that their peak demands will exceed their water treatment capacity by 2010. 2.2.4 Self-Supplied Use The USGS estimated that self-supplied users, excluding power-generating facilities, accounted for 9.4 mgd of the 12.6 mgd total of water used from this basin, as shown in Table 2-2. Agriculturally associated uses dominated the self-supplied water use. Irrigation (50%) and livestock (33%) together accounted for 83% of self-supplied water. Domestic uses accounted for 15% while commercial and industrial uses each accounted for about 1% of self-supplied water use. Table 2-2 summarizes water uses by sub-basin and specific uses as well. Hertford County, North Carolina 2-3 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 2.0 Chowan River Analysis im Table 2-2 1995 USGS Estimated Self-supplied Water Use (mgd) Sub-basin Domestic Livestock Industrial Commercial Irrigation Total Chowan River 0.78 1.85 0.03 0.02 3.47 6.15 Meherrin River 0.68 1.30 0.02 0.03 1.26 3.29 Basin Total 1.46 3.15 0.05 0.05 4.73 9.44 2.2.5 Registered Water Withdrawals Anyone withdrawing 1.0 mgd or more of surface or ground water for agricultural uses or 100,000 gallons per day for other uses is required to register that withdrawal with DWR. Registered withdrawals in this basin are summarized in the Table 2-3. Table 2-3 Registered Water Withdrawals for 1999 S b b i Agricultural Non-agricultural Total u - as n # mgd # mgd # mgd Chowan River 24 24.929 2 2.1 26 27.042 Meherrin River 12 16.494 0 0 12 16.494 Total 36 41.436 2 2.1 38 43.536 Both registered non-agricultural water withdrawals in the basin were for industrial uses. All of the 36 registered agricultural water withdrawals were for irrigation purposes. 2.3 Water Availability Local Water Supply Plans indicate that none of the water systems in these sub-basins withdraw surface water as a source of supply. Eighteen of the LWSP systems in the Hertford County, North Carolina 2-4 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 2.0 Existing Conditions and electrical requirements for moving screens, these screen types will not be considered further. The second screen category is the fixed screen. Fixed screens can be used for the withdrawal rates required for the Nucor mill. Fixed screens typically are constructed in one of two configurations. The first of these, known as a stationary screen, consists of a flat screen in front of the intake. This is a relatively simple design, but can be difficult to keep clean of debris. A cleaning mechanism, such as mechanically driven brushes, may be necessary to clean the screen. The second configuration consists of stationary cylinder screens. This configuration is also relatively simple, and has the advantage of being easier to keep clean than the stationary flat screen. The screen is constructed of Type 304 stainless steel and is typically cleaned by air backwash. Debris lifted off the screen surface is transported downstream. The design also creates a natural fish bypass system. Catalog information on this type screen is included in Appendix B for reference. 2.4 Siting The water intake facilities will require some maintenance and inspection. Construction of the pipeline transporting water to the stormwater pond will require access for construction equipment. An area providing these features is the existing port and port road. As shown in Figure 2-2, the upstream side of the port road is open and has the space required for the pump station. This side of the road also is available for the pipeline construction. The opposite side of the road is already occupied by the stormwater pump station and stormwater pipeline. Hertford County, North Carolina 2-3 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study t 2.0 Existing Conditions Zz 2.5 Facility Layout The intake screen can be located on the shore side of the barge dolphins as indicated in Figure 2-3. Based on record drawings provided by Nucor, the water depth at this location is approximately 15 feet, deep enough to allow the intake screen to be below the surface layer and above the bottom layer per the recommendations discussed in the Aquatic Resources study. The water depth closer to shore is not adequate, and the intake screen would be subject to damage from vessels if located further from shore. An alternate intake screen location could be considered downstream of the barge dock behind existing barge dolphins. The intake screen and offshore pipeline will be supported on steel H-piles. Steel H-piles will also be used as barriers to protect the intake screen from damage from debris. A 3- inch airburst pipe will be located on the downstream side of the water intake pipe, allowing the water intake pipe to protect the smaller air pipe from damage from debris. The airburst backwash system creates a violent turbulent action on the water surface in the immediate vicinity of the intake screens. Figure 2-4 shows this turbulence at the Appomattox River Water Authority in Chesterfield County, Virginia. A warning system consisting of signs and horns will be required to protect boaters in the immediate area when the backwash system operates. Hertford County, North Carolina WWA Project No. 210039.00 2-4 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill Raw Water Screen Intake Study Figure 2-1: Upstream Side of Barge Dock Figure 2-2: Upstream Side of Port Road CHOWAN RIVER DOLPHIN WALKWAY H NEW BARRIER PILES NEW INTAKE SCREEN (TYP OF 2) - WINCH PLATFORMS BARGE DOCK NEW 24" RAW WATER INTAKE PIPE NORMAL _ WATERLINE NEW RAW WATER PUMP STATION No. 1 NEW 18" RAW WATER - TO STORMWATER POND B1 OR NEW WATER TREATMENT PLANT ?Q Elf Q 00 a_ ll? STORMWATER PUMP STATION 2.0 Existing Conditions The water intake screen size will be a function of the required flow rate and slot velocity. An individual intake screen will be 27 inches in diameter, 84 inches long, with a 20-inch pipe discharge. A quotation prepared by Johnson Screens for the screening equipment is included in Appendix B of this report for reference. The intake screens are often designed in multiple configurations. Two screens will yield a rate of 1 mgd over an 8- hour period. Two screens also allow some flexibility if a screen has to be removed from service for maintenance or repair. The two screens will be connected to a common supply header pipe sized to minimize friction losses. The size of the supply header piping will likely be 24-inch diameter. The supply header piping will terminate at a new raw water pump station located onshore on the upstream side of the port road. 2.6 Raw Water Pump Station The raw water pump station will include multiple constant speed vertical turbine pumps connected to a steel piping header with discharge gate and check valves. A wetwell will be located below grade as a suction well for the vertical turbine pumps. We recommend that the pump motors, controllers, and electrical power supply, as well as the airburst Hertford County, North Carolina 2-6 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study Figure 2-4: AR WA Raw Water Intake - Airburst 2.0 Existing Conditions system for the intake screens, be located inside a building enclosure to protect the equipment from the elements and to minimize the potential for freezing. 2.7 Nutrient Sensitive Water We understand that the Chowan River is considered nutrient sensitive water. We do not believe this condition will have a significant impact on the design and operation of the new raw water intake. Potential biological growth on the intake screen will be controlled with the operation of the airburst system. Hertford County, North Carolina 2-7 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study 3.0 Summary 3.1 Recommendations WW Associates recommends constructing a raw water intake facility with a 1 mgd capacity based on 8 hours of normal operation. Specific recommendations regarding the intake screen system are summarized in the following paragraphs. Two stationary cylindrical screens are the recommended screen choice, with an airburst backwash system. The screen features include 1 mm (0.039-inch) mesh openings, a maximum slot velocity of 0.25 feet per second, and an approach direction perpendicular to the stream flow. The screens will be located on the shore side of the barge dolphins, approximately 80 feet from shore, on the upstream side of the port road. The intake screen will be located approximately five feet above the river bottom to comply with the elevation recommendations discussed in the Aquatic Resources study. The airburst piping will be located on the downstream side of the intake pipe. The intake screens and piping will be supported on steel H-piles. The intake screens will discharge into a 24-inch raw water supply header connected to an on-shore raw water pump station. The pump station will be equipped with a building housing multiple vertical turbine pumps and the airburst backwash system associated with the intake screens. Hertford County, North Carolina 3-1 Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study Appendix A (Raw Water Screen Intake Study) im AQUATIC RESOURCES, LLC FISH STUDY DATED JULY 6, 2010 Hertford County, North Carolina A Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study Distribution of Anadromous Alosa spp. (Clupeidae) Eggs and Larvae in the Vicinity of the NUCOR Facility, Chowan River, North Carolina in 2010 Stephen McIninch, PhD Greg Garman, PhD Aquatic Resources, L.L.C. 2711 Buford Road; Box 233 Richmond, Virginia 23235 July 6, 2010 f Background The Albemarle Sound, and the Chowan River in particular, historically supported a substantial commercial fishery for anadromous (migratory) clupeid fishes, including American shad (Alosa sapidissima), hickory shad (A. mediocris), blueback herring (A. aestivalis), and alewife (A. pseudoharengus) (Hightower et al. 1996; Carmichael 1999). The Chowan River contributed up to 95 percent of the total Alosa catch from the Albemarle Sound as recently as 1969 (Pate 1973). Estimates of annual recruitment averaged 28 million fish in the Chowan River from 1972-1985, but have since declined to around 4 million fish (Carmichael 1999). As a result, spawning stock biomass has declined from 14.6 million pounds in 1972 to 1.3 million pounds in 1998 (Carmichael 1999). Excessive exploitation, accompanied by poor recruitment, has significantly reduced abundance of anadromous clupeid fishes throughout North Carolina coastal waters during the last 15 years (Carmichael 1999). The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) developed a river herring management plan for the Chowan River in 2000. By 2001, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources developed habitat protection plans for North Carolina's coastal watersheds to protect and restore economically important marine and estuarine fisheries. Loss of spawning and nursery areas represents a significant threat to fishery habitats within the Chowan River system (Noble et al. 2001). Even if exploitation is reduced significantly, Alosa population growth will be constrained until recruitment of juvenile clupeids, together with the condition and abundance of spawning and nursery habitats, improves significantly (Hightower et al. 1996; Carmichael 1999; Noble et al. 2001). Distribution of Anadromous Clupeid Fishes in the Chowan River One historical DMF study identified adult blueback herring spawning activity in the Chowan River at Tunis (SSR 1402) in April 1979, while river herring and American shad larvae were collected within Spikes Creek and Barnes Creek in May 1979 (Johnson et al. 1981). Creed (1985) collected adult blueback herring at Williams' Fishery, near the junction of the Meherrin and Chowan rivers, during April 1980 and 1981. American shad juveniles were noted from the Meherrin River in September 1982 and blueback herring juveniles in August-October 1983 (DMF unpubl. data). More recently, juvenile blueback herring, hickory shad (Alosa mediocris), and American shad were captured at Tuscarora Beach, located just upstream from the Nucor plant, in September 1995, June 1999, and July-August 2001, respectively (DMF unpubl. data). Historically, adult clupeids were collected in April and May from the Chowan River and its tributaries, and juveniles were captured from June to October. The relative abundance of juvenile clupeids throughout the Chowan River (Meherrin River to Arrowhead Beach) has declined substantially from 1972 to 2001 (Carmichael 1999). Limited spawning and nursery areas for anadromous clupeids exist in the river reach from Winton to Pilands Crossroads, especially near Tuscarora Beach. Biologists note that successful recovery of Alosa populations is dependent primarily upon improved recruitment of juvenile clupeids, and may be hindered by traditional-style industrial water intakes, discharges, degraded water quality, and the modification or loss of spawning and nursery habitats (Rulifson 1994; Carmichael 1999; Noble et al. 2001). In 2003, NUCOR contracted with Aquatic Resources, LLC to conduct monitoring for early life history stages of Alosa spp. in the vicinity of the plant. Collections during the Spring and early Summer, 2003 with standard gear and methods included eggs and larvae of blueback herring, alewife, and American shad. Study Objective This report describes the temporal and spatial distribution of early life history stages (eggs and larvae) of anadromous clupeid fishes (Alosa spp.) in the Chowan River, specifically in the vicinity of the NUCOR facility, Hertford County, North Carolina, during the period April-May, 2010. A secondary objective is to compare 2010 results to collections made by similar methods in the same locations during Spring, 2003. Methods Conical ichthyoplankton nets (1-m length; 0.5-m diameter; 500 micron mesh) were fitted with lightweight sample buckets and deployed in passive sets. Plankton nets were deployed at fixed locations and depths for 15 minute intervals, retrieved, and the contents of the net and bucket were preserved in 5% buffered formalin with Rose Bengal stain. Samples were processed in the laboratory by examination for eggs and larvae under a dissection microscope (x20). All recovered Alosa (target) eggs and larvae were identified to species using published taxonomic criteria and preserved in 70% ETOH. Eggs and larvae from non-alosine fishes were enumerated and identified to genus, where feasible. All samples were archived in 70% ETOH following processing. Samples were collected along two transverse (i.e., perpendicular to the channel) transects: a.) adjacent to a proposed intake location at the NUCOR facility (N36° 21' 46.6" and W76° 47' 24.0") and b.) approximately 1-km upstream of NUCOR (N36° 22' 19.2" and W76° 50' 54.3"). At each transect, North and South Margin sites and Channel sites were established using differential GPS, based on pre-determined depth criteria (< 3 m for Margin; > 7 m for Channel). At Margin sites, nets were fished 1-m below the surface and 1-m above the river substrate. At Channel sites, an additional mid-water net was deployed, for a total of three synoptic samples at each Channel location (see image below). The vertical arrangement of nets at both Margin and Channel locations ensured that the distribution of eggs and larvae throughout the water column was sampled adequately, i.e., results were representative of the entire water column. Collections were made approximately weekly for 8 weeks beginning 2 April and ending 31 May, 2010. A total of 112 collections, representing all sampling locations combined, were processed (Appendix A). Diagram depicting deployment of 0.5-m conical ichthyoplankton nets in the Chowan River, North Carolina. Refer to text for a more detailed explanation of sampling methods and locations ```Concrete Block Results Water temperatures during the study period ranged between 10° and 25° C. A total of 141 eggs and larvae (all species combined) were captured during 8 sampling dates reported herein. This number is substantially lower than total numbers collected in 2003 (McIninch and Garman 2003), in part because the 2010 study was more limited in scope and duration. Alosa spp. eggs and larvae accounted for 62 percent of the 2010 catch (n= 88); all four alosine species, including American shad, hickory shad, blueback herring, and alewife, were represented in collections. In contrast, collections in 2003 were dominated numerically by alewife (A. pseudoharengus) and no hickory shad were collected. Fishes represented by non-target eggs and larvae in 2010 included white perch, striped bass, gizzard shad, largemouth bass, inland silverside, and the families Cyprinidae and Catostomidae. Summaries of target (alosine) egg and larval fish collections are presented as Figures 1-3. A complete record of all catch data is presented in Appendix A. Temporal distribution The first captures of target species were made during the 2 April, 2010 collection and included both blueback herring and American shad. Target species densities were highest on 9 April (Figure 1) and declined thereafter. No target species were represented in any collections after 5 May, 2010. Results-including the relatively small number of eggs (cp. larvae) collected-suggest that spawning by alosines in this reach of the Chowan River began before the first collection date in 2010. A previous and comparable study in the same Chowan River locations (McIninch and Garman 2003) collected alewife eggs and larvae as early as 26 March, 2003 and other alosine taxa as late as 12 June, 2003. Spatial distribution Just over half (50.8 %) of all Alosa spp. eggs were captured at the upstream location; 49.2 % were taken from the downstream (Intake) transect (Figure 1). Roughly equivalent proportions of target eggs and larvae were collected from Margin versus Channel habitats (Figure 2). This distribution pattern is similar to the results of the 2003 study in the same locations. Vertical distribution A majority of target eggs and larvae were collected from the lower water column (1-m above the substrate; Figure 3). The substrate-oriented (benthic) nets accounted for 55.1 O/C of all Alosa eggs and larvae captured in 2010 in both Margin and Channel habitats. The relatively higher densities of eggs and larvae in benthic nets was most pronounced during the initial sampling dates, when the eggs of target species were more common in collections. Eggs of Alosa spp. are strongly to moderately demersal (i.e., negatively buoyant) and are, therefore, typically associated with benthic habitats. Conclusions Based on the current study, relatively few alosine eggs or larvae (<9 % of total Alosa spp. catch) were collected in the vicinity of the NUCOR facility and the proposed intake location (south margin) during the period April-May, 2010. It is likely, however, that target species were actively spawning prior to the first 2010 sampling event. These results are consistent with 2003 findings for the same locations. Although impingement and entrainment mortality of target eggs and larvae will be influenced by the design, location, and operation of the proposed intake structure, this study suggests that the potential for intake-related mortality in Alosa spp. early life history stages during the April-May period is relatively low for the NUCOR south margin location, based on the relative spatial distribution of the most vulnerable life stages in 2003 and 2010. Specifically, these results suggest that a non-benthic (i.e., > 1 meter off the bottom) placement of the proposed intake would minimize impingement and entrainment of alosine eggs and larvae. r? i? ?•...., Lvviui %-a?v????a locations during the period April-May, 2010. A more detailed description of collection locations is provided in the text. locations and associated with specific riverine habitat types. Sampling ?waslconducted a during the period April-May, 2010. A more detailed description of collection locations and habitats is provided in the text. ?l Figure 3. Vertical distribution of alosine eggs and larvae at two Chowan River, North Carolina locations during the period April-May, 2010. A more detailed description of collection locations and depths is provided in the text. Literature Cited and Related Publications Baker, W.D. 1968. A Reconnaissance of Anadromous Fish Runs into the Inland Fishing Waters of North Carolina. Completion Report for Project AFS-3, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Raleigh, NC. Blackford, C.M. 1916. The shad - a national problem. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 46:5-14. Boreman, J. 1981. American Shad Stocks Along the Atlantic Coast. Laboratory Reference Document No. 81-40, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole Laboratory, MA. Carmichael, J. 1999. Status of Blueback Herring in the Chowan River, North Carolina, 1972- 1998. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City. Chowan River Basinwide Water Quality Plan, May 2002. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh. Chowan River Juvenile Alosa Abundance Data, 1972-2001. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City. Crecco, V.A., and M. Gibson. 1990. Stock Assessment of River Herring from Selected Atlantic Coast Rivers. Special Report No. 19, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Washington, DC. Creed, R.P. Jr. 1985. Feeding, diet, and repeat spawning of blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis, from the Chowan River, North Carolina. Fishery Bulletin 83(4):711-716. Everett, G. 1983. The Impact of Pulp Mill Effluent on the Chowan River Herring Fishery. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh. Hightower, J.E., A.M. Wicker, and K.M. Endres. 1996. Historical trends in abundance of American shad and river herring in Albemarle Sound, North Carolina. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16(2):257-271. Holland, B.F., H.B. Johnson, and M.W. Street. 1975. Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Northern Coastal Area, North Carolina. Progress Report for Project AFCS-11, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City. McIninch, S. and G. Garman. 2003. Distribution of Alosa spp. Eggs and Larvae in the Vicinity of the NUCOR Facility, Chowan River, North Carolina. Final Report to NUCOR, Aquatic Resources, Richmond, Virginia. Johnson, H.B., and ten co-authors. 1981. Biology and Management of Mid-Atlantic Anadromous Fishes Under Extended Jurisdiction. Special Scientific Report No. 36, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City, and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point. Pate, P.P., Jr. 1973. Age and size composition of commercial catches of blueback herring and alewife in Albemarle Sound, NC, and its tributaries. Pages 560-569 in A.L. Mitchell, editor. Proceedings of the 27 Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners, Columbia, SC. Roelofs, E. W. 1951. The edible finfishes of North Carolina. Pages 109-140 in H.F. Taylor, editor. Survey of Marine Fishes of North Carolina. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. Rulifson, R.A. 1994. Status of anadromous Alosa along the east coast of North America. Pages 134-158 in J.E. Cooper, R.T. Eades, R.J. Klauda, and J.G. Loesch, editors. Anadromous Alosa Symposium, Tidewater Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. Schaaf, W.E. 1998. Status of the Blueback Herring (Alosa aestivalis) in the Chowan River, North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City. Smith, W.B. 1963. Survey and Classification of the Chowan River and Tributaries, North Carolina. Final Report for Project F-14-R, Job 1-F, North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission, Raleigh. Street, M.W. Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas. GIS layer and metadata. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City. Winslow, S.E. 1994. American shad fisheries of North Carolina with emphasis on the Albemarle Sound area. Pages 72-80 in J.E. Cooper, R.T. Eades, R.J. Klauda, and J.G. Loesch, editors. Anadromous Alosa Symposium, Tidewater Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. --------- 1995. North Carolina Alosid Management Program. Completion Report for Project AFCS-47, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City. --------. 1998. North Carolina Alosid Management Program. Completion Report for Project NA560- FAO 125, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City. Winslow, S.E., and six co-authors. 1983. North Carolina Anadromous Fisheries Management Program. Completion Report for Project AFCS-16, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Marine Fisheries, Morehead City. Appendix A. Results of ichthyoplankton sampling at two Chowan River, North Carolina locations during the Spring and early Summer, 2010. Specific sampling locations are provided in the text. The following codes are used in the tables that follow: YS=yolk sac larva, PYS=post-yolk sac larva. Date Site Location Samaie Species Number Staae North Menidia 2-Apr-10 INTAKE Margin Surface beryllina 1 YS Bottom Alosa aestivalis 1 PYS South INTAKE Margin Surface No fishes 0 Bottom Alosa aestivalis 1 PYS Morone americana 1 YS INTAKE Channel Surface No fishes 0 Midwater No fishes 0 Bottom Alosa aestivalis 3 PYS North UPRIVER Margin Surface No fishes 0 Bottom Alosa aestivalis 1 PYS Alosa sapidissima 1 YS South Margin Surface No fishes 0 Bottom Alosa aestivalis 1 PYS Channel Surface Alosa aestivalis 2 PYS Midwater Alosa aestivalis 1 PYS Moxostoma sp. 1 YS Bottom Alosa aestivalis 1 PYS Date Site 16-Apr- 10 INTAKE INTAKE Location Sample Species North Margin South Margin INTAKE Channel North UPRIVER Margin South UPRIVER Margin UPRIVER Channel Alosa Surface sapidissima Bottom Alosa aestivalis Number Staae Surface Alosa aestivalis 1 + 1 Morone Bottom americana Notemigonus Surface No fishes Midwater Alosa aestivalis Notemigonus Bottom Morone saxatilis Surface Alosa mediocris Bottom Alosa aestivalis Morone americana Surface No fishes Bottom Alosa mediocris Alosa aestivalis 1 + 1 Morone Surface americana Midwater Alosa aestivalis 4+1 Morone americana Bottom Alosa aestivalis Morone americana 1 PYS 2 PYS YS + PYS 1 YS 1 PYS 0 2 PYS 1 PYS 2 PYS 1 PYS 1 PYS 1 egg 0 1 PYS egg + YS 1 PYS YS + PYS 1 1 YS 2 PYS Date Site Location Sample Species 23-Apr- 10 North INTAKE Margin Surface No fishes Bottom Morone saxatilis South INTAKE Margin INTAKE Channel Surface No fishes Bottom Alosa aestivalis Morone saxatilis Surface No fishes Midwater Alosa aestivalis Morone saxatilis Bottom No fishes North UPRIVER Margin South UPRIVER Margin UPRIVER Channel Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes Alosa Surface sapidissima Alosa aestivalis Bottom No fishes Surface No fishes Midwater Morone saxatilis Bottom No fishes Number Stage 0 1 YS 0 1 egg 1 YS 0 1 PYS 3 YS 0 0 0 2 YS 1 PYS 0 0 1 YS 0 Date Site Location Sample Species Number Stage 12-May- 10 North INTAKE Margin Surface No fishes 0 Bottom No fishes 0 South INTAKE Margin Surface No fishes 0 Bottom No fishes 0 INTAKE Channel Surface No fishes 0 YS + Midwater Dorosoma 1 +4 PYS Bottom No fishes 0 North UPRIVER Margin Surface No fishes 0 Bottom No fishes 0 South UPRIVER Margin Surface No fishes 0 Bottom Micropterus 1 YS UPRIVER Channel Surface No fishes 0 YS + Midwater Dorosoma 6+7 PYS Bottom Dorosoma 1 PYS unident. 1 PYS Date Site Location Sample Species 21-May- 10 North INTAKE Margin Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes South INTAKE Margin Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes INTAKE Channel Surface No fishes Midwater No fishes Bottom Dorosoma North UPRIVER Margin Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes South UPRIVER Margin UPRIVER Channel Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes Surface No fishes Midwater No fishes Bottom No fishes Number Staae 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 YS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Date Site Location Sample Species 31-May- 10 North INTAKE Margin Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes South INTAKE Margin Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes INTAKE Channel North UPRIVER Margin South UPRIVER Margin UPRIVER Channel Surface No fishes Midwater No fishes Bottom No fishes Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes Surface No fishes Bottom No fishes Surface No fishes Midwater No fishes Bottom No fishes Number Staae Appendix B (Raw Water Screen Intake Study) mmmm? JOHNSON SCREENS QUOTATION Hertford County, North Carolina B Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study Jason Clark From: Watson, Mark E (Johnson Screens) [Mark.Watson@johnsonscreens.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 11:45 AM To: jclark@wwassociates.net Cc: Cook, Linda S; Rzeznik, Larry; Steve Rea Subject: Nucor Steel - 0.25 fps option Attachments: Water Process Master Install List.xls; Johnson Screens - Intake Sketch - Chowen NC - 0.25 fps option.doc; Hydroburst Selection Chart - Horz 60 - 400 Gal.pdf Jason - As we discussed - attached is our install list. You can sort by state and see that we have many NC installations and that they are all based on 0.5 fps maximum slot velocity as previously proposed. Just for comparison - this job sized for 0.25 fps (which is a Virginia standard) would be (2) T-27HC screens (see attached) and they would cost about $8,400 each. The Hydrobrust would get larger also and would need to be a 120 gallon reciever and 3 inch air lines and would be about $26,000. Thanks - Mark Mark Watson Johnson Screens 508-347-9309 CONFIDENTIAL & PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION The information contained in this message is privileged, confidential, and protected from disclosure. This message is intended for the individual or entity addressed herein. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message, and then delete it from your system. The sender totally disclaims, and will not accept, any responsibility or liability for the unauthorized use, or the consequences of any unauthorized use, of this communication or message. 1 c a) ti E N -1 i- O a) ? U N .? N 00 N CA N c 0 U J 0 0 Q OD O N _C O M O O L N () t U N I a) rn c cc _O m _c •L -F+ a) U U O O .V N y j CO a i N N a) O c LL. 0 N N co U Q ^ ? C a) .O a) U E a) ca c c ?0 ..c C: O NO N c 0 co c a) ? U z N c cu o m ? Y U (Q c E x cu N !Z tn N O I I A U _O a) 0 c LM a) 0 CL r ) O - ? II (O CO to N U) O a) ? II C +. Ca m _•2CO O O M I- ? fB a) E II E 0 a) f? co CL W Q E C N L U U) O y Ic O c N Q Q Hydroburst Selection Chart 60 = 400 Gallon Horizontal Air Receiver i =R OUTLET I P;;? FLANGE ASSEMBLY oaa ®ao 000 6.00 --I ?--- C --? Outlet Model # Flange Size 60H* 2" 80H 2" Dimension "A" 47.63" " Dimension "B" 56.50" " Dimension "C" 33.00" Dimension "D" 20.00" D ted t** BS M 62.63 56.50 20.00" 20.00" BS 120H " " 200H 3" 65.00 " 60.50 " 24.00" 24.00" BS 240H T 74.00 " 66.50 " 30.00" 30.00" 18.00" 1200 BS 400H 4" 83.75 92 " 66.50 " 30.00" " 30.00" 18.00" 1300 LBS Air Compressor Rotated 90 dearees for Modal A .00 nH 72.50 36.00 36.00" 21.00" 1800 LBS ?sumacea vveignt based on 7 Valve Hydroburst System - Add 50 Ibs for each additional valve Component Description Main Air Receiver 200 PSIG MWP Air Compressor 5 HP (10 HP for Model 400H ) Less Than 15 Minute Recharge Control Panel NEMA 4 Valve Assembly Ball Vale - 1" & 1.5" Size Butterfly Vale - 2" to 4" Size Manifold Assembly 1, 2, 3 or 4 Vale Specifications Johnson Intake Screens - Nucor Steel Page 1 of 4 Section 1 - General 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: A. This section of the specifications covers the furnishing and installation of the Johnson Intake Screens and appurtenances as shown on the drawings and specified herein. B. The following items are a part of this section and shall be furnished by one manufacturer to ensure a properly designed and integrated intake system. (2) Johnson Intake Screen assemblies of all-welded continuous slot Vee-Wire® construction. 2. Johnson Hydroburst® System for air flushing of screen surface for debris removal. (Section 4) 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. The entire intake screen system shall be furnished by a single manufacturer who shall comply with the following: The equipment manufacturer must maintain an ongoing quality assurance program, including ISO-9000 certification. All welders must maintain certification to ASME Section IX. Copies of certifications shall be provided upon request. The single manufacturer supplying this equipment must be able to furnish proof of over (100) installations and (20) years of manufacturing equipment of similar technology. 1.03 SUBSTITUTIONS: A. Manufacturers other than that which is specified and/or not meeting EVERY provision of the specification shall be required to submit a complete and detailed PRE-QUALIFICATION PACKAGE to the engineer at least (15) days prior to the bid. Any PRE-QUALIFICATION PACKAGE must contain as a minimum: 1. Detailed layout drawings 2. Supporting flow distribution data via a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis. 3. Weld certifications 4. Evidence of a recognized ongoing quality assurance program. 5. Detailed component specifications and catalog cuts as required. 6. Detailed list of ALL VARIATIONS required from the original design, referencing appropriate sections of the specifications and locations on the drawings. 7. Full installation reference list of at least (50) customers that includes similar proposed equipment. B. Manufacturers qualifying will be recognized by addendum a minimum of (5) days prior to the bid. Contractors shall include all costs associated with any redesign required with their bid. Page 2 C. Manufacturers not meeting this specification in EVERY WAY or are not PRE-QUALIFIED and approved by the engineer as outlined above will not be considered for use in this project. Section 2 - Products 2.01 GENERAL: A. All system components and equipment utilized in the intake screen system, including the system described in Section 1.01 shall be furnished as a complete integrated system by one manufacturer; Johnson Screen, New Brighton, MN. 2.02 CAPACITY A. The intake assembly capacity shall be 1 MGD (over 8 hours) at a maximum through-slot velocity, as a result of water withdrawal, of 0.25 feet per second. The corresponding average through-slot velocity shall be 80% - 90% of the maximum velocity. At this flow rate the pressure drop through the entire intake assembly shall be approximately 0.12 psi at the rated flow. The hydraulic design of this system is based on this maximum headloss - screens that exceed this headloss are not acceptable. The manufacturer's clean screen assembly headloss must be stated in the bid documents. B. The total intake assembly capacity of 1 MGD (over 8 hours) shall be handled by (2) Johnson Screens Model T-27HC intake tee screen assemblies. C. Evidence of the intake assembly capacity and flow distribution shall be able to be provided by a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis, supplied by the manufacturer. Any proposed alternates MUST provide a CFD to support the flow distribution claims. The CFD Analysis Method must be verified by actual physical testing. 2.03 STRENGTH A. The intake assembly shall be designed to withstand a differential hydrostatic collapse pressure of 15 feet of water. B. Design stress used for determining strength of the assembly shall be no more than 90% of the published yield strength of the material used. Strength calculations verifying compliance with these criteria shall be provided upon request. 2.04 CONSTRUCTION A. The intake screen surface wire shall be Johnson Screens Vee-Wires number 63. B. The surface wire, support beam and stiffener structure shall be an all-welded matrix designed to provide the specific strength with minimal interference with the through screen flow pattern. C. End plates and tee body shall be a minimum of 0.15 inches thick. All structural butt welds shall be full penetration fillet welds and shall be the thickness of the thinner component. 2.05 SLOT OPENING SIZE A. The screen slot size shall be 0.039 inches. B. Slot size shall be controlled and continuously monitored during manufacture. 1. For slot openings of 0.040" through 0.100" the mean slot size shall be within +/- 0.002" with a standard deviation no greater than 0.002" throughout the assembly. 2. For slot openings greater than 0.100" the mean slot size shall be within +/- 0.003" with a standard deviation no greater than 0.003" throughout the entire assembly. 2.06 MATERIALS A. The main outlet flange shall mate with a 20 inch flange with a flange pattern equal to AWWA C-207, Table 1, Class D. B. The Hydroburst air connection (based on a maximum of 100 feet of airline run) shall mate with a 3 inch flange with a flange pattern equal to AWWA C-207, Table 1, Class D. C. The intake screen material shall be manufactured of 304 stainless steel material. Page 3 Section 3 - Screen Submittals 3.01 SCREEN SUBMITTALS A. Upon request, the intake screen manufacturer shall submit: 1. Drawing(s) showing screen diameter, screen length, assembly length, interface dimensions for outlet and air backwash dimensions, materials of construction and assembly weight. 2. Weld Certifications. 3. Evidence of a statistical control program. 4. Provide supporting flow distribution data where calculation methods are verified by physical flow distribution tests. Section 4 - Hydroburst® Air Backwash System 4.01 GENERAL A. The intake screen supplier shall provide, as part of the overall intake screen system, an air backwash system designed to remove debris from the screen surface by delivering a suitable volume of compressed air to the inside of the screen body. The exiting air shall scour the screen surface to maintain adequate design flow and through slot velocity characteristics. 4.02 PRODUCTS A. The Hydroburst air backwash system shall consist of an integrated system of compressor, receiver tank, valves and control panel. All components shall be skid or tank mounted and arrive on site ready to operate. Any system provided requiring field assembly and not ready to operate shall not be acceptable. 1. The compressor shall be a reciprocating type and shall be sized to recover from each backwash in 15 minutes. 2. The receiver shall be a 120 gallon receiver, ASME coded for 200 psig, sized for the system piping and to displace THREE SCREEN VOLUMES of air AT THE SCREEN during a backwash to provide suitable debris removal and cleaning. Two of three volumes shall be delivered in the first second of the backwash cycle. 3. The receiver shall be equipped with a 4 inch isolated pressure gauge, safety valve and automatic drain valve. 4. The system shall include two (2) 3 inch butterfly valve rated at 200 psi with standard ANSI class 125/150 flanges. There shall be one valve per screen and shall be sized to match the tank flange and the backwash piping. B. Automatic Operation: (Optional) 1. The above butterfly valve(s) shall be provided with a pneumatic actuator with direct mounted solenoid valves, position indicator and position switches. 2. The system shall include a suitably sized air receiver interconnected and charged by the main receiver to allow valve operation. 3. A NEMA 4 control panel shall be included that will contain as a minimum, the motor starter for the compressor, control power transformer and a PLC or relay logic to perform the specified control functions. 4. The controls shall allow timed automatic or manual initiated air cleaning cycles. A cycle consists of cleaning all intake system screens. 5. The control system included shall allow a full week duration of programmed Hydroburst cycles. C. Interconnecting piping between the intake screen assembly and the Hydroburst System is by others. All interconnecting wiring to automated valving and power connections is done by others. 4.02 SUBMITTALS and MANUALS Page 4 A. Included in the intake screen submittals shall be all associated Hydroburst equipment catalog information, system sizing criteria and drawings. All dimensional and operational information will be provided. All interconnecting wiring and piping information will be included. B. Six (6) Copies of an Intake System with a Hydroburst System Standard O&M Manuals shall be provided. Additional copies shall be priced at $100 per copy. * * * End of Section * * * Appendix C (Raw Water Screen Intake Study) SITE VISIT REPORT/TELEPHONE LOGS Hertford County, North Carolina C Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 Raw Water Screen Intake Study DOCUMENTATION FORM Date: July 28, 2010 To: File From: Jason A. Clark, P.E. Subject: Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill Raw Water Intake Hertford County, North Carolina VWVA Project No.: 210039.00 W.j ZMW ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS ASSOCIATES I spoke with David Cox, Technical Guidance Supervisor for NC Wildlife Resource Commission (www.ncwildlife ora), on Wednesday, July 28 concerning the intake design at Nucor Steel. The following items were discussed: 1. David indicated there is not a regulatory requirement for an articulating intake. According to him, he was discussing ideas with Nucor personnel and Fritz Rohde for an intake that would fluctuate with the river level. David's concern was with seasonal variations in river level and ensuring the intake would not have an adverse impact on fish larvae typically located close to the water surface. 2. I explained that a fish study had been performed and that we were proposing a fixed intake located approximately 5 feet above the river bottom in accordance with the study's recommendations. David stated that if the data shows the intake elevation is not a problem for surface larvae, then the issue would no longer be a concern. 3. David also indicated that our primary point of contact with his organization will be Maria Dunn, Permit Coordinator, in their Washington, NC office (Telephone: 252-948-3916, E- Mail: maria.dunn@ncwildlife or). Maria was apparently unable to attend the previous Nucor meeting, and David was filling in for her. P.O. Box 4119 ¦ Lynchburg, VA 24502 ¦ Telephone (434) 316-6080 ¦ Fax (434) 316-6081 ........................................... - Lynchburg ¦ Charlottesville ?l SITE VISIT REPORT Date: March 5, 2004 Subject: Nucor Steel - Hertford Chowan River Raw Water Intake Preliminary Engineering Report Field Investigation WWA Project No.: 204032.01 W ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS ASSOCIATES On Friday, 5 March 2004, Jim McGill from WW Associates, Lynchburg, Virginia, conducted a field investigation at the Nucor Plate Mill, Hertford County, North Carolina. The field investigation was a part of an engineering study concerning the feasibility of constructing a raw water intake on the Chowan River. The primary contacts at the Nucor mill were Terry Hairston, the Environmental Manager, Lester Hart, Maintenance Manager, and Chuck Ruffing, Construction Coordinator. The purpose of this investigation was multifold. The following items were included in the agenda: • Discuss the project requirements with Nucor personnel. • Visit the dock area and review possible locations for an intake facility. • Collect drawings, reports, and other data helpful in developing the intake design. • Gain a better knowledge of Nucor's use of the process and cooling water system. Terry Hairston stated that the preferred location for the intake facility was at the existing barge unloading port facility. This location offers the advantages of already having the access road and available space for an intake facility. We visited the barge unloading port facility, assessing the possible locations for an intake system, and taking several photographs of the area. We also obtained copies of drawings and the geotechnical report for the dock construction. Page I of 2 The upstream side of the barge unloading dock was determined to be the best location for an intake facility since there was room for the facility and for a discharge pipeline running along the west side of the port road from the intake facility to the existing stormwater pond. The east side of the road already has a pipeline running alongside. The flow rates needed by Nucor are as follows: • Current: 1 MGD • Future: 2 MGD 0 Ultimate: 4 MGD We visited the Water Treatment Plant and reviewed water usage and treatment processes with the plant operator using the SCADA system. Water is taken from the stormwater pond, treated, and used for process and cooling water. The water from the stormwater pond is added to water in the existing system as make-up. Page 2 of 2 Appendix B 2W II RIVER FLOW DATA ANALYSIS Hertford County, North Carolina B Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake C O a E O U C? ^C ? ?" CCI Q a? O ir. Q O U w M W Z M Z Z LO O ?t ti co O LO r? O Z N Cl W \ O c- M O O O \ O \ Q w N (D Cl) 00 - r M LO 00 O O C o J 00 V M LO C m U) D U ? o c 'a _ U N N Ix Z M " S W J fl- M o E 3 m Z J O LO IT (0 I M O ? O O d m (n N O O ? O 0 M O M O C:l rn J M 00 N 00 N `- O c o L W O d (Y) LO o w U Q 00 0 2 T o ? o o ? N X M H N 0. 0 0 Z N (0 co p u) O O V- m 0) rn Z Z O CO O c- O 0) a `O >Q> > O M LQ M r r O OD M o\0 ?- 2 o O Z d M LO LO E 2 o U > ? w o L_ f0 1? ? N Q O Y j YU ? 16 C W Z LO Q' W N p 0) O O C*j C) O p N N o c i C) C:) r o i O 0 :3 i z W (n O U) (? \ co ? N P,: n r p 04 af0i co Z Q J) N ? O O CL N O o > 2 O_ Q O Y O m W O ?Z O rn jp m N W Y o o o rn N O 0 A) Z N O _ C) N CO 6 00 ? O O O \ p O O N a Q LL (D N CMO N N 00 O m o 7 ( n O O rn N gW 0 _ ° mZ Y Q O p v? O O U c ' O v Q O O >, N Z O L L p 8 O Q Q 0 rn a) -0 a d 0 U) O- ? m W T n U O ; O U 0 _ O 3 . " a U ` 0 "a .3; O "a Q a- Q Q' t Q o W' 0 7 Q/ U O O d' N tf rna Z 2 p M Ix N 15 m N 0 c N W > . N O Q C Q FL- L Q n H U Appendix C REGISTERED WATER WITHDRAWALS Hertford County, North Carolina C Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill W WA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 4 Your query returned 17 results Registration #: > 0375_0001 Owner: STUART PIERCE FARMS, INC. Facility Name: Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 0.729 MGD Registration #: >.0104-0002 , Owner: BRINKLEY FARMS, INC. Facility Name: Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Source Type(2): LAKE OR POND Registration #: > 0-04z.Q001 Owner: BRINKLEY FARMS, INC. Facility Name: BAUGHAN FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Source Type(2): LAKE OR POND Other Source(2): STREAM Registration #: > 0015-0004 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: BEASLEY FARMS Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: BERTIE Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.152 MGD Registration #: > 0104-0002 Owner: BRINKLEY FARMS, INC. Facility Name: CJ FARM NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES - WATER SUPPLY PLANNING Updated ; Water Withdrawal Registration Page 2 of 4 Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Use Type(l): IRRIGATION Source Type(l): STREAM Source Type(2): LAKE OR POND Registration #: > 9_Q15-0005 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: COWAN FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Use Type(l): IRRIGATION Source Type(l): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.872 MGD Registration #: > 0196-0001 Owner: UNITED PIECE DYE WORKS - P.D. ACQUISTION Facility Name: EDENTON FACILITY Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: CHOWAN Use Type(l): INDUSTRIAL Source Type(l): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 0.820 MGD Registration #: > 0054-oa04 Owner: GILLAM FARMS Facility Name: SURE FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Use Type(l): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 0.461 MGD Registration #: > 0015-0011 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: LIBERTY HILL Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: CHOWAN Use Type(l): IRRIGATION Source Type(l): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 0.008 MGD Registration #: > 0015-0001 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: OAKLAND FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: BERTIE Use Type(l): IRRIGATION Source Type(l): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.872 MGD Registration #: > 0_15710 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: POWELL FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Water Withdrawal Registration Page 3 of 4 County: CHOWAN Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.872 MGD Registration #: > 0015-0009 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: PRUDEN FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.440 MGD Registration #: > 0015-0003 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: QUARTER FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: BERTIE Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.152 MGD Registration #: > M5--Q-0-0-1 Owner: PERRY & PERRY INC. Facility Name: SAUNDERS FARM PUMPS Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: BERTIE Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 3.729 MGD Registration #: > 90150008 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: SHARP FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: CHOWAN Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.584 MGD Registration #: > 0054-0005 Owner: GILLAM FARMS Facility Name: WICCACON FARM Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(1): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.440 MGD Registration #: > 0015-0007 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: WILLIAMS FARMS Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) County: HERTFORD Water Withdrawal Registration Use Type(1): IRRIGATION Source Type(],): STREAM Avg. Daily Withdrawal for 1999: 1.872 MGD Page 4 of 4 site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Pagel of 2 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION Registration #: 0375-0001 Owner: STUART PIERCE FARMS, INC. Facility Name: N/A Contact: PATE PIERCE Address: 107 DT ROAD State: NC Phone: 252-332-5333 W'IT DRAWAL Title: N/A City: AHOSKIE Zip: 27910 Fax: 252-332-8662 Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: AHOSKIE CREEK County: HERTFORD Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 10 0.729 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 10 0.729 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0.000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 10 0.729 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 0.729 million gallons per day ............ ........ _........ _.... Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 0.973 million gallons per day ___-------.-........ _...... ..__.._..... . -.._ Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.440 million gallons per day IRMATITON WORKSHEET How many days For days irrigated, how For days irrigated, how Average Daily Month did you irrigate many acres per day did many inches per day were Withdrawal for Dal in each month? you irrigate on average? applied on average? Used (in gallons) Jan 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Water Withdrawal Registration Page 2 of 2 Feb 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Mar 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Apr 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 May 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Jun 10 45.00 0.60 0.730 Jul 10 45.00 0.60 0,730 Aug 10 45.00 0.60 0.730 Sep 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Jun 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Nov 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Jun 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Average Daily Amount 0.730 for All Days Irrigated Acres Inches Gallons Pumped Maximum Irrigation in a 45.00 0.80 0.973 Single Day 1999 Daily Irrigation Capacity 50.00 0.80 1.081 site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 2 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3556 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION iGENML INFORMATION Registration #: 0104-0002 Owner: BRINKLEY FARMS, INC. Facility Name: CJ FARM Contact: L. M. BRINKLEY, JR. Title: PRESIDENT Address: 445 JACKIE BRINKLEY RO AD City: AULANDER State: NC Zip: 27605 Phone: 252-345-7951 Fax: 252-345-1379 WTHDRAWAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Type of Source(2): LAKE OR POND Name of Water Source: AHOSKIE CREEK, DUG POND County: HERTFORD Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 0 0.000 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 0 0.000 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0.000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 0 0.000 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 0.000 million gallons per day .... ..... _........ _........._ ..................... . ... .. Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.100 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 2.200 million gallons per day It'J'1TiIDRt'aWA .. Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGA'T'ION Type of Source(1): N/A Water Withdrawal Registration Name of Water Source: N/A County: HERTFORD Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 0 0.000 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 0 0.000 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0.000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 0 0.000 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 0.000 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 2.200 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.100 million gallons per day Page 2 of 2 site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION +GENML INFORMi271ON Registration #: 0104-0001 Owner: BRINKLEY FARMS, INC. Facility Name: BAUGHAN FARM Contact: L. M. BRINKLEY, JR. .................................................................................................. Title: ..................... PRESIDENT ............................................................................. ............... Address: 445 JACKIE BRINKLEY ROAD City: AULANDER State: NC Zip: 27805 Phone: 252-345-7951 Fax: 252-345-1379 W?i- DRAWAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Type of Source(2): LAKE OR POND Name of Water Source: WELL, POND, AHOSKIE CREEK County: HERTFORD Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 01000 Jul 0 0.000 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 0 01000 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0,000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 0 0.000 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 0.000 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.500 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 2.000 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERA. INEDI'tMA110N Registration*: 0015-0004 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: BEASLEY FARMS Contact: RANDY MIZELLE Title: MANAGER Address: P.O. BOX 38 City: COLERAIN State: NC Zip: 27924 Phone: 252-356-2679 Fax: 252-356-1234 WITHDRAW Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: CHINKAPIN SWAMP County: BERTIE Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 16 1.152 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 16 1.152 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 16 1.152 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 4 1.152 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.152 million gallons per day ............. .... .... ........ ..__..-._ _._...... Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.152 million gallons per day _.._............ ......... ......._ Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.152 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page I of 2 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENE AL INFORMA110M Registration #: 0104-0002 Owner: BRINKLEY FARMS, INC. Facility Name: CJ FARM Contact: L. M. BRINKLEY, JR. ............................................... .. .. . .. Title: ....... ............. ........ PRESIDENT ...._............._.............. ......... .. .. .. ...... .. Address: 445 JACKIE BRINKLEY ROAD City: AULANDER State: NC Zip: 27805 Phone: 252-345-7951 ........... ........ ................ ...... ........................._ Fax: 252-345-1379 ...................... WTHDR AWAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Type of Source(2): LAKE OR POND Name of Water Source: AHOSKIE CREEK, DUG POND County: HERTFORD Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 0 01000 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 0 0.000 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0.000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 0 0.000 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 0.000 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.100 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 2.200 million gallons per day VVMID1 AWAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): N/A Water Withdrawal Registration Name of Water Source: N/A County: HERTFORD Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Page 2 of 2 Avg. Daily Withdrawal Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days (MGD) Month Days (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 0 0.000 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 0 0.000 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0.000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 0 0.000 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 0.000 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 2.200 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.100 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mali Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION Registration #: 0015-0005 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: COWAN FARM Contact: RANDY MIZELLE Title: MANAGER Address: P.O. BOX 38 City: COLERAIN State: NC Zip: 27924 Phone: 252-356-2679 Fax: 252-356-1234 WITHDRAWAL Type of Water Use(S): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: STONEY CREEK County: HERTFORD Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 16 1.872 Feb 0 01000 Aug 16 1.872 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 16 1.872 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 4 1.872 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.872 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.872 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.872 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 2 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GEt MAL INFORMA11ON' Registration #: 0196-0001 Owner: UNITED PIECE DYE WORKS - P.D. ACQUISTIO N Contact: HAROLD W. LLOYD JR. Address: 125 DYE PLANT ROAD State: NC Phone: 252-221-4121 Facility Name: EDENTON FACILITY Title: TECHNICAL MANAGER City: EDENTON Zip: 27932 Fax: 252-221-4577 WITH DRAWAL Type of Water Use(1): INDUSTRIAL SIC Code: 2269 Type of Source(1): STREAM ------------- Name of Water Source: CHOWAN RIVER County: CHOWAN Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 22 1.030 Jul 18 0.720 Feb 23 1.000 Aug 26 0.780 Mar 28 0.850 Sep 26 0.850 Apr 25 0.750 Oct 24 0.790 May 23 0.750 Nov 21 0.780 Jun 26 0.750 Dec 17 0.820 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 0.820 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.350 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.500 million gallons per day DISCHARGE Type of Discharge(1): NPDES DISCHARGE Permit #: NCO003867 Type of Discharge(2): LAND APPLICATION Permit #: WQ0000800 Water Withdrawal Registration Name of receiving water body: CHQWAN RIVER County: CHQWAN Sub-basin: CHQWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Discharge by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Discharge Month Days Avg. Daily Discharge (MGD) (MGD) Jan 22 1.030 Jul 18 0.720 Feb 23 0.480 Aug 26 0.780 Mar 28 0.850 Sep 26 0.850 Apr 25 0.750 Oct 24 0.740 May 23 0.750 Nov 21 0.780 Jun 26 0.750 Dec 17 0.820 Avg. daily discharge for all days discharged: 0.820 million gallons per day Max. daily discharge during year: 1.350 million gallons per day Daily discharge capacity of facility: 1.500 million gallons per day Page 2 of 2 site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION Registration #: 0054-0004 Owner: GILLAM FARMS Facility Name: EURE FARM Contact: WILEY B. GILLAM III Title: OWNER Address: P.O. BOX 367 City: HARRELLSVILLE State: NC Zip: 27842 Phone: 252-356-2874 Fax: 252-356-2951 WTIVIDT WAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: WICCACON RIVER County: HERTFORD Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 0 0.000 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 0 0.000 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0.000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 0 0.000 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 0.461 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 0.461 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 0.461 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL 1NFORMA110h1 Registration #: 0015-0011 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: LIBERTY HILL Contact: RANDY MIZELLE Title: MANAGER Address: P.O. BOX 38 City: COLERAIN State: NC Zip: 27924 Phone: 252-356-2679 ........................ ..................................................... Fax: ............... 252-356-1234 .......................................................... WITi"1DRAWAL Type of Water Use(i): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: CHOWAN RIVER County: CHOWAN Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 16 01008 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 16 0.008 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 16 0.008 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 01000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 4 0.008 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used. 0.008 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 0.008 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 0.008 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION Registration #: 0015-0001 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: OAKLAND FARM Contact: RANDY MIZELLE Title: MANAGER Address: P.O. BOX 38 City: COLERAIN State: NC Zip: 27924 Phone: 252.356-2679 Fax: 252-356-1234 VWHDRAWAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: LOOSING BRANCH County: BERTIE Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 18 1.872 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 18 1.872 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 18 1.872 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 01000 Nov 0 01000 Jun 0 0.000 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.872 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.872 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.872 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION Registration #: 0015-0010 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: POWELL FARM Contact: RANDY MIZELLE ............. . .............. ...... .... .............. ....--.._......__... Title: . -............_....... MANAGER _.................................................................. Address: P.O. BOX 38 City: COLERAIN State: NC Zip: 27924 Phone: 252-356-2679 Fax: 252-356-1234 VVIT II)RAWAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: DEEP SWAMP BRANCH ...1-1- .......................... County: CHOWAN Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0,000 Jul 16 1.872 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 16 1.872 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 16 1.872 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 4 1.872 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.872 million gallons per day .. ............................. . Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.872 million gallons per day --..-- ---.........-_.- ............. ............................... .. Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.872 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page I of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION Registration #: 0015-0009 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: PRUDEN FARM Contact: RANDY MIZELLE Address: P.O. BOX 38 State: NC Phone: 252-356-2679 WIMD32 WAL Title: .................... MANAGER ................. .................... ... ................... ............ . City: COLERAIN Zip: 27924 ----- ------------ - -------- Fax: ............ 252-356-1234 .......................................... ................................. Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: DEEP SWAMP BRANCH County: HERTFORD Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0,000 Jul 16 1.440 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 16 1,440 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 16 1.440 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 4 1.440 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.440 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year., 1.440 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1,440 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENEP,AL INFORMA110 N Registration #: 0015-0003 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: QUARTER FARM Contact: RANDY MIZELLE Title: MANAGER Address: P.O. BOX 38 City: COLERAIN State: NC Zip: 27924 Phone: 252-356-2679 Fax: 252-356-1234 1il DRAWAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: CHOWAN RIVER County: BERTIE Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0,000 Jul 16 1.152 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 16 1.152 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 16 1.152 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 01000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 4 1.152 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.152 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year. 1.152 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.152 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of) North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION Registration #: 0265-0001 Owner: PERRY & PERRY INC. Facility Name: SAUNDERS FARM PUMPS Contact: N. F. PERRY JR. Title: PRESIDENT Address: P.O. BOX 125 City: COLERAIN State: NC Phone: 252-356-2926 MMDRAWAL Zip: 27924 Fax: 252-356-4464 Type of Water Use(I.): IRRIGATION Type of Source(s): STREAM Name of Water Source: CHOWAN RIVER County: BERTIE Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 01000 Jul 15 4.054 Feb 0 01000 Aug 5 3.243 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0.000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 5 3.243 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 3.729 million gallons per day ........._.__......... .............. _....... ......... Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 4.054 million gallons per day --.1- .........___.._..._?......__.?__._.._ -- Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 4.054 million gallons per day IRRIGATION WORKSHEET How many days For days irrigated, how For days irrigated, how Average Daily Month did you irrigate many acres per day did many inches per day were Withdrawal for Da) in each month? you irrigate on average? applied on average? Used (in gallons) Jan 0 0100 0.00 0.000 Water Withdrawal Registration Page 2 of 2 Feb 0 0.00 0100 0.000 Mar 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Apr 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 May 0 0.00 0.00 01000 Jun 5 120.00 1.00 3.243 Jul 15 150.00 1.00 4.054 Aug 5 120.00 1.00 3.243 Sep 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Jun 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Nov 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Jun 0 0.00 0.00 0.000 Average Daily Amount 3.730 for All Days Irrigated Acres Inches Gallons Pumped Maximum Irrigation in a 150.00 1.00 4.054 Single Day 1999 Daily Irrigation Capacity 150.00 1.00 4.054 site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION Registration #: 0015-0008 Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: SHARP FARM Contact: RANDY MIZELLE Title: MANAGER Address: P.O. BOX 38 City: COLERAIN State: NC Zip: 27924 Phone: 252-356-2679 Fax: 252-356-1234 VffTF) RAW Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: WICCACON RIVER County: CHOWAN Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 16 1.584 Feb 0 0,000 Aug 16 1.584 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 16 1.584 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 4 1.584 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.584 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.584 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.584 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of I North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENE ML INFOR MA110N Registration #: 0054-0005 Owner: GILLAM FARMS Facility Name: WICCACON FARM Contact: WILEY B. GILLAM ....._.. ..................................................................... III Title: ......................... OWNER ........................................................... Address: P.O. BOX 387 City: HARRELLSVILLE State: NC Zip: 27942 Phone: 252-356-2874 .................... .............._....................................... Fax: ......._.................... 252-356-2951 .............................................................. . Wi'f°1n92, WAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: WICCACON RIVER County: HERTFORD Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 0 0.000 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 0 0.000 Mar 0 0.000 Sep 0 0.000 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 0.000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 0 0.000 Dec 0 0.000 Aug. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.440 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.440 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.440 million gallons per day site maintained by Water Withdrawal Registration Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919) 733-4064 - Fax: (919) 733-3558 - Web: www.ncwater 1999 WATER WITHDRAWAL REGISTRATION GENEML INFORMATION Registration*: 0015-0007 - - - - ------- ----- ----- Owner: BEASLEY FARMS INC. Facility Name: WILLIAMS FARMS Contact: RANDY MIZELLE ........................................... . .............. ....... .. Title: ...................... MANAGER .........--....................._....---..................._.............._ _ .......... _ . ... . . . Address: P.O. BOX 38 City: COLERAIN State: NC Zip: 27924 Phone: 252-356-2679 Fax: 252-356-1234 WITHDRAWAL Type of Water Use(1): IRRIGATION Type of Source(1): STREAM Name of Water Source: WICCACON RIVER County: HERTFORD Description of Location: Average Daily Withdrawal by Month: Sub-basin: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal Month Days Avg. Daily Withdrawal (MGD) (MGD) Jan 0 0.000 Jul 16 1.872 Feb 0 0.000 Aug 16 1.872 Mar 0 0,000 Sep 16 1.872 Apr 0 0.000 Oct 0 01000 May 0 0.000 Nov 0 0.000 Jun 4 1.872 Dec 0 0.000 Avg. Daily Withdrawal for all days used: 1.872 million gallons per day Max. Daily Withdrawal During Year: 1.872 million gallons per day Daily Withdrawal Capacity of Facility: 1.872 million gallons per day site maintained by Appendix D LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLANS Hertford County, North Carolina D Nucor Steel - Hertford Mill WWA Project No. 210039.00 River Analysis - Raw Water Intake 1997 Local Water Supply Plan Data for the Chowan River (04-1) Basin Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org LWSP Systems Serving Chowan River (04-1) Water System County A OSKIE Hertford gUJ_ANDE Bert?o BERTIE CO Be jUp RWS COFI LD e o d EDENTON Chowan TAE CO Gates gA;TESVILLE Gates HERTFORD_._CQ Hartford POWELLSVILLE Bet g RICH SQUARE Northam Mio-NA Hertford Totals: 1997 1997 Average Sub-Basins in Population Daily Service Area Water Use (in MGD) 4,562 0.703 CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1,366 0.155 CHOWAN RIVER (04-1), ROANOKE RIVER (14-1) 6,076 0.294 ROANOKE RIVER (14-1), CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 417 0.040 CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 5,475 0.803 CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 8,840 0.806 CHOWAN RIVER (04-1), ALBEMARLE SOUND (12-1) 383 0.045 CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 650 0.172 MEHERRIN RIVER (04-2), CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 672 0.066 CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) ROANOKE RIVER (14-1), MEHERRIN RIVER (04-2), CHOWAN 1,050 D.142 RIVER (04-1) 822 0.185 CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 30,313 3.411 Go Back tom. inj enu 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AULANDER (04-08-015) Page 1 of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR AULANDER (Information in this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERA! INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: AULANDER 1-B. PWS ID#: 04-08-015 Status of 1997 Plan: ADOPTEE 1-C. River Basin Name: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) , ROANOKE RIVER (14-1) 1-D. County: BERTIE 1-E. Contact: TOMMY HALE Title: WATER/WASTEWATER OPERATOR 1-F. Address: PO BOX 100 City: AULANDER State: NC Zip Code: 27805 1-G. Phone: 252-345-0596 1-H. Fax: 252-345-1316 1-I. E-mail: TOWN D ULANDER(@COSTALNOM 1-3. Type of Ownership: MUNICIPALITY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 1,366 Seasonal: N/A 2-0. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 57.000 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.155 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 542 0.141 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 34 0.006 0 01000 (3) Industrial 1 0.004 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 3 0.001 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (Ca) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.141 0.006 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.152 0.155 0.003 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.158 0.373 May 0.142 0.241 Sep 0.163 0.248 Feb 0.132 0.185 Jun 0.151 0.386 Oct 0,144 0.221 Mar 0.141 0.239 Jul 0.198 0.361 Nov 0,174 0.275 Apr 0.141 0.284 Aug 0.170 0,402 Dec 0,173 0.268 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: 2-F, largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use GOLDEN PEANUT COMPANY 010060 „_ I- . . .r . n r...nnn. nn n1r rii nlnnnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AULANDER (04-08-015) Page 2 of 5 COOKE MOTOR COMPANY 0.0050 FAMILY DINER 0.0040 EASTERN FUELS 0,0030 STEPHENSON'S LAUNDROMAT 0.0020 JERNIGAN CLEANERS 0.0010 Largest User Note: 2-G. thru 2-H. Water Sales to Other Water Systems: NONE SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. thru 3-E. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems: NONE 3-F. Ground Water Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name Well Casing Depth Well Pump Avg. Daily Max. D 12-Hr Daily Output R No rof Depth Depth Int Dia. Death ay Meter? Supply or Well (ft') (ft') Top Bottom (in.) (ft) MGD # of MGD (MG) Capacity Tyofe E (ft.) (ft.) Days MGD Facility 2 396 396 173 396 8 145.0 Y 0.097 215 0.171 0.234 0.468 R R 3 221 221 145 162 12 140.0 Y 0.109 323 0.180 0.252 0.504 R R Type of Facility: R = Raw Wate r Pumps, T = Treatment Facilities, M = Transmission Main, D = Distribution System, 0 = Oth er R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Ground Water Note. 3-6. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 0.486 Million Gallons 3-H. Are ground water levels monitored? Y How often? WEEKLY 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? N 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-1K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.275 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A . Average Daily W astewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan 0.326 Apr 0,194 Jul 0,213 Oct 0.060 Feb 0.192 May 0.027 Aug 0,245 Nov 0.096 Mar 0.044 Jun 0.143 Sep 0.070 Dec 0.089 4-13. Was tewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits NPDES or Permitted Design Avg. Annual Land Capacity C Daily Name of Sub-Basin Application Dec. 31, 1997 (MGD) Discharge Receiving Stream Permit Number (MGD) (MGD) . , - , ! 1r 1 11 nnnnn.l nn n1 G- r11 0 /n rlr1A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AULANDER (04-08-015) Page 3 of 5 WQ0000777 0.341 0.341 0.120 FT. BRANCH/AHOSKIE CHOWAN RIVER CREEK (04-1) Wastewater Note: 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 560 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 0 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? Y Please Explain: Within next 5 yrs the Town of Aulander is planning to extend sewer to South Aulander and Millennium in Hertford County. SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 11.50 Miles 5-B. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 12 6 b % of lines 1 % 94 % 0 % 0 % 5 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? N Linear feet replaced: 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? N Linear feet added: 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? MONTHLY 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? Y How often? QUARTERLY 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? N 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? Y What type of equipment or methods are used? Fisher XLT-20 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? Y 5-Q. Is finished water output metered? Y 5-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? Y 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 100 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? 5 years 5-1.1. What type of rate structure is used? FLAT RATE 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? N # of meters 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 . . . .n . II 1 11 ^-An w nn n1 e r 11 0 11Wnnn 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AULANDER (04-08-015) SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 1,366 1,450 1,500 1,550 Seasonal Not Applicable Population Note: 7-8. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.141 0.144 0.146 0.148 (2) Commercial 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 (3) Industrial 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.005 (4) Institutional 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 (5) Backwash 0.000 0.000 01000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 (7) Service Area Demand 0.155 0.159 0.163 0.166 Projected Service Area Demand Note: Page 4 of 5 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies Source or Facility Name PWSID Source Type Additional Supply (MGD) Year On-line R or E Aulander 04-08-015 ground 0.864 R R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Future Supply Note: 7-E. What is the Total Amount of Future supplies available for Regular Use? 0.864 MGD 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 0.486 0.486 0.486 0.486 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5) Total Available Supply 0.486 0.486 0.486 0.486 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.155 0.159 0.163 0.166 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.155 0.159 0.163 0.166 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 31.90/a 32.7% 33.5% 34.2% . .. ... . . . , 11 , 1 )p 7 /i._._ n.Yn AnA nn Ale c /1 o le's nn n 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AULANDER (0408-015) Page 5 of 5 (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 80% (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 System Notes: Usage of water does not exceed 80% of demand 8-B. Will demand exceed 800/h of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? N If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? No plans for Interconnecting but plans are In effect to have generators at well sites for emergency use. 8-E. Has this system participated In regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: n/a SECTION 9. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? N 9-B. with a leak detection program? N 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? Y 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? Y 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? Y 9-17. with a capacity development plan? Y 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? Y 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? N 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: Financial Problems. The Town of Aulander needs for new storage or more storage to be able to meet the need of future growth for Aulander from Nucor Steel MITI In Roanoke-Chowan area. The Town will possibly need to dig a new well In the Future. Get i992,Local Water Sup& Plar?for HULA iDER Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for AULANDER Sub ..... . . . . - + I - 1 11 -AAA na n1 f- C/10111r11)A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for BERTIE CO RWS (04-08-085) Page 1 of 6 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR BERTIE CO RWS (Information in this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: BERTIE CO RWS 1-B. PWS ID#: 04-08-085 Status of 1997 Plan: ADOPTEC 1-C. River Basin Name: ROANOKE RIVER (14-1) , CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: BERTIE 1-E. Contact: RICKY SPIVEY SR Title: WATER DEPT SUPERVISOR/OPERATOR 1-F. Address: PO BOX 487 City: WINDSOR State: NC Zip Code: 27963 1-G. Phone: 252-794-4427 1-H. Fax: 252-794-5327 1-1. E-mail: RKSPIVEYSR@A0LjC_0 1-3. Type of Ownership: COUNTY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 6,076 Seasonal: NIA 2-5. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 107.280 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.294 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 2,392 0.227 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 8 0.004 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 0 0.000 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 4 0.013 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.227 0.004 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.244 0.294 0.050 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.227 0.418 May 0.314 0.494 Sep 0.326 0.439 Feb 0.217 0,291 Jun 0.276 0.439 Oct 0.378 0.752 Mar 0.217 0.276 Jul 0.356 0,811 Nov 0,309 0.452 Apr 0.236 0.300 Aug 0.349 0.596 Dec 0,311 0.416 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use BERTIE HIGH SCHOOL 0.0090 . - . . . - . . .n . n e+ A^A nn nnc GH 0/?1!\!1A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for BERTIE CO RWS (04-08-085) LEA LUMBER CO 0.0030 SOUTHWESTERN MIDDLE SCHOOL 0.0030 COLERAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 0.0010 ADAM LAUNDRYMAT 010010 WILLOUGHBY TRAILER PARK 0.0010 ASKEWVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 0.0010 Largest User Note: 2-G. Water Sales to Other Water Systems Water Supplied to, Average Daily Amount Contract Amount Pipe Size(s) R Water System PWSID MGD # of Days MGD Expiration Date Inches or E HARRELLSVILLE 04-46-040 0.000 0 10/14/2016 6 E POWELLSVILLE 04-08-040 0.000 0 07/11/2015 6 E WINDSOR 04-08-010 0.000 0 0.500 09/12/2016 6 E WINDSOR 04-08-010 0.000 0 0.500 11/10/2014 6 E R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Water Sales Note: 2-H. What Is the Total Amount of Sales Contracts for Regular Use? 0.000 MGD SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems Water Supplied By: Average Daily Amount Contract Amount R Pipe Size(s) Inches or Water System PWSID MGD # of Days MGD Expiration Date E HARRELLSVILLE 04-46-040 0.000 10/14/2016 6 E POWELLSVILLE 04-08-040 0.000 07/11/2015 6 E WINDSOR 04-08-010 0.000 0.500 09/12/2016 6 E WINDSOR 04-08-010 0.000 0.500 11/10/2014 6 E R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Water Purchase Note: 3-E. What is the Total Amount of Purchase Contracts available for Regular Use? 0.000 MGD Page 2 of 6 3-F. Ground Water Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name or Well Casing Depth Well Pump ? i t Avg. Daily Max. Day 12-Hr S l Daily Output R No. of Depth Depth D h Meter a. Dep upp y or Well (ft-) (ft-) Top Bottom (in.) (ft,) # of (MG) Capacity Type E (ft.) (ft.) MGD Days MGD MGD Facility ASKEWVILLE 345 340 312 345 8 345.0 Y 0.045 283 0.103 0.094 0.094 0 R 5 HARRELL 3B 412 412 228 402 10 402.0 Y 0.055 98 0.140 0.144 0.144 0 R . .. ... . I • , • 11 1 i ir. .. ..._1. /1 ------ ^17n AAA AO Ane c/1 0 /1)PVXA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for BERTTE CO RWS (04-08-085) Page 3 of 6 HARRELL 4 409 377 289 399 10 399.0 Y 0.128 193 0.453 0.317 0.317 0 R HECKSTALL 367 340 322 355 10 355.0 Y 0.092 364 0.537 0.288 0.288 0 R 2 SPIVEY 1 365 340 326 351 10 351,0 Y 0,092 338 0.247 0.288 0.288 0 R Type of Facility: R = Raw Water Pumps, T = Treatment Facilities, M = Transmission Main, D = Distribution System, O = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Ground Water Note: 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 1.131 Million Gallons 3-H. Are groundwater levels monitored? Y How often? MONTHLY 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? N 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 1.000 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan Apr Jul Oct Feb May Aug Nov Mar Jun Sep Dec 4-B. Wastewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits: NONE 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 0 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 2,250 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? N Please Explain: SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 116.00 Miles 5-6. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 6-8 2-12 % of lines 0 % 0 % 2 % 0 % 98 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 19977 Y Linear feet replaced: 11,000 5-113. Were any new water mains added in 1997? N Linear feet added: 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? MONTHLY 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? Y How often? ANNUAL 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? N 5-1111. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? N What type of equipment or methods are used? 5-J. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N . .- . , ,n 1 ,. .'./".n AAA nn nnC rJi oIrl ArlA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for BERTIE CO RWS (04-08-085) Page 4 of 6 Please Explain: 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? Y 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? Y S-Q. Is finished water output metered? Y 5-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? Y 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 20 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? 25 years 5-U. What type of rate structure is used? INCREASING BLOCK 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? N # of meters 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 6,076 7,346 8,870 10,644 Seasonal 6,076 7,346 8,870 10,644 Population Note: 7-B. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.227 0.367 0.444 0.532 (2) Commercial 0.004 0.005 0.010 0.015 (3) Industrial 0.000 0.000 0.000 01000 (4) Institutional 0.013 0.015 0.015 0.015 (5) Backwash 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 (7) Service Area Demand 0.294 0.447 0.539 0.642 Projected Service Area Demand Note: 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies Source or Facility Name PWSID Source Type Additional Supply (MGD) Year On-line R or E Well 7b 04-08-085 ground 0.252 1998 R Well6 04-08-085 ground 0.252 1998 R Well 8 & 9 04-08-085 ground 0.504 2000 R . ... - . i. .....+A.,. nn nnr C11 0 1n nnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for BERTIE CO RWS (04-08.085) Page 5 of 6 R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Future Supply Note: 7-E. What is the Total Amount of Future Supplies available for Regular Use? 1.008 MGD 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 1.131 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 (b) Total Available Supply 1.131 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 (6) Service Area Demand 0.294 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.294 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 26.0% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 80% (MGD) 0.000 2000 2010 2020 0.000 01000 0.000 1.131 1.131 1.131 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.008 1.008 1.008 2.139 2.139 2.139 2000 2010 2020 0.447 0.539 0.642 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,447 0.539 0.642 21.0% 25.0% 30.0% 0.000 0.000 0.000 System Notes: Population growth Is do to county wide system growth. Per capital water use was 37 gpd pc In 1997. (50 gpd pc will be used in the future.) 8-B. Will demand exceed 80% of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? N If yes, what are your plans for Increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? Y If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? Y If yes, please describe: Bertle has connected with other systems 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: DEH water usages reports, SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? Y 9-8. with a leak detection program? N 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? N 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? N 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N 9-F. with a capacity development plan? N 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? N 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? Y 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed Improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: Need Flnanclal assistance for water line extension /.! /AAnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for BERTIE CO RWS (04-08-085) Page 6 of 6 Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for BERI'IE CO RWS 5utimil: 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for COFIELD (04-46-030) Page 1 of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR COFIELD (Information in this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 1-A. Water System: COFIELD 1-B. PWS ID#: 04-46-030 1-C. River Basin Name: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: HERTFORD 1-E. Contact: DEWEY BURKE Title: MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1-F. Address: PO SOX 99 City: COFIELD State: NC Zip Code: 1-G. Phone: 252-358-8611 1-H. Fax: 252-358-0367 1-I. E-mail: 1-3. Type of Ownership: MUNICIPALITY 05/18/2004 Status of 1997 Plan: COMPLETEC 27922 TOWNOFCOFIELD aQCOASTAL.NET SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 417 Seasonal: N/A 2-B. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 14.510 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use In 1997: 0.040 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 171 0.022 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 4 0.001 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 2 0.001 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 3 0.000 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.022 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.040 0.016 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.040 0.047 May 0.041 0.049 Sep 0.041 0.042 Feb 0.041 0.064 Jun 0.040 0.043 Oct 0.038 0.041 Mar 0.040 0,042 Jul 0.041 0.046 Nov 0,040 0.045 Apr 0,039 0.044 Aug 0.042 0.043 Dec 0.037 0,045 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use PURDUE GARAGE 0.0008 r 11 n inns e 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for CORELD (04-46-030) WILLIAM INDUSTRIAL 0.0004 SPIVEY'S ENTERPRISES 0.0002 DUCK THRU 0.0002 ST. PAUL HOLINESS CHURCH 010001 Largest User Note: 2-G. thru 2-H. Water Sales to Other Water Systems: NONE Page 2 of 5 SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. thru 3-E. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems: NONE 3-F. Ground Water Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name Well Casing Depth Well Pump Avg. Daily Max. 12-Hr Daily Output R No rof Depth Depth Dia. Int Death Meter? Day Supply or Well (ft-) (ft-) Top Bottom (in') (ft.) MGD # of MGD (MG) Capacity Tofe E (ft.) (ft.) Days MGD Facility 001 226 206 206 226 6 147.0 Y 0.021 365 0.045 0.065 0.065 0 R 002 417 397 397 417 6 210.0 Y 0.019 365 0.033 0.072 0.072 O R Type of Fa cility: R = Raw Wate r Pumps, T = Treatment Facilities, M = Transmission Main, D = Distribution System, 0 = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Ground Water Note: 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 0.137 Million Gallons 3-H. Are ground water levels monitored? N How often? 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? N 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.008 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan Apr Jul Oct Feb May Aug Nov Mar Jun Sep Dec 4-B. Wastewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits: NONE 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections Wastewater Wastewater Avg. Daily Amount Discharged or Discharger Receiver Received Contract Maximum (MGD) Name PWSID Name PWSID MGD # of Days ..- . .. 11 . 1 it 1 11 n- A A i nnn f11 [111%AfXA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for COFIELD (04-46-030) COFIELD 04-46-030 WINTON 04-46-020 0.042 365 Page 3 of 5 0.040 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 170 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 10 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? N Please Explain: SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 5.00 Miles 5-B. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 4 2-4 % of lines 60 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 40 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? N Linear feet replaced: 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? N Linear feet added: 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? QUARTERLY 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? Y How often? QUARTELRY 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? Y 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? N What type of equipment or methods are used? 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? Y S-Q. Is finished water output metered? Y 5-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? Y 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 80 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? 19 years 5-1.1. What type of rate structure is used? FLAT RATE 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? N # of meters 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round Seasonal 417 427 438 445 Not Applicable . 11 n--A-. II inn r. /I nvn AAA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for COFIELD (04-46-030) Population Note: 7-B. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.022 0.024 0.024 0.025 (2) Commercial 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 (3) Industrial 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 (4) Institutional 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5) Backwash 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.016 0.017 0.017 0.018 (7) Service Area Demand 0.040 0.043 0.043 0.044 Projected Service Area Demand Note: Page 4 of 5 7-C. is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies: NONE 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.137 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 0.000 01000 0.000 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5) Total Available Supply 0.137 0.137 0.137 0.137 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.040 0.043 0.043 0.043 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 01000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.040 0.043 0.043 0.044 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 29.0% 31.0% 32.0% 32.0% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 80% (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 System Notes: 8-B. Will demand exceed 800/a of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? N If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? N If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? NOT NECESSARY - YIELD SUFFICIENT FOR FUTURE DEMAND 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: 92 LWSP, DEH monthly usage reports, monthly sewer billing reports, water billing reports , i, n In n n A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for COMELD (04-46-030) Page 5 of 5 SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? Y 9-13. with a leak detection program? Y 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? N 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? N 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N 9-F. with a capacity development plan? N 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? N 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? N 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: Considering an elevated storage tank and replacing 2-inch water lines with 6-Inch lines. Cofield had to lower Intake In well one. Get 1992 Local Water Supply Plan for COFIELD Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for COFIELD ?5ubmlt 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for POWELLSVILLE (04-08-040) Pagel of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR POWELLSVILLE (Information In this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: POWELLSVILLE 1-8. PWS ID#: 04-08-040 Status of 1997 Plan: ADOPTEE 1-C. River Basin Name: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: BER-RE 1-E. Contact: HELEN CAMPBELL Title: TOWN CLERK 1-F. Address: PO BOX 22 City: POWELLSVILLE State: NC Zip Code: 27967 1-G. Phone: 252-332-5933 1-H. Fax: 252-332-8126 1-I. E-mail: OP WELSV@ALBEMARLE,CO-K 1-3. Type of Ownership: MUNICIPALITY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 672 Seasonal: N/A 2-B. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 24.090 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.066 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 255 0.042 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 1 0.001 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 0 0.000 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 1 0.002 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.042 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.045 0.066 0.021 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.044 May 0.047 Sep 0.050 Feb 0.044 Jun 0.046 Oct 0.046 Mar 0.046 Jul 0.047 Nov 0.041 Apr 0.047 Aug 0.048 Dec 0.040 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use C J WHITE MIDDLE SCHOOL 0.0020 ,. ,,, -?- -- --- nQ nnn V1 Qi')nf)A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for POWELLSVILLE (04-08-040) RED APPLE MARKET Largest User Note: 0.0010 2-6. thru 2-H. Water Sales to Other Water Systems: NONE SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. thru 3-E. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems: NONE 3-F. Ground Water Page 2 of 5 Withdrawals Facility Limiting Name Well Casing Screen Depth Well Pump Intake Avg. Daily Max. Day 12-Hr Daily Output R or Depth Depth No. O f Dia. h Meter? Supply (MG) T e or E (ft.) (ft-) Well (in.) (ft.) Top Bottom MGD # of MGD Capacity of (ft.) (ft,) Days MGD Facility 1 400 125 125 270 6 Y 0.033 366 0.072 0.072 0.072 0 R 2 400 125 125 270 6 Y 0.033 366 0.072 0.072 0.072 0 R Type of Facility: R = Raw Wate r Pumps. T = Treatment Facllilles, M =Transmission Main, D = Distribution System, 0 = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Ground Water Note: 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 0.144 Million Gallons 3-H. Are groundwater levels monitored? N How often? 34. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? Y 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.000 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan Apr Jul Oct Feb May Aug Nov Mar Jun Sep Dec 4-B. Wastewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits: NONE 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 0 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 257 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? N Please E=xplain: , . , „ ^"4 AnA nn ^An c/toinnr%A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for POWELLSVILLE (04-08--040) Page 3 of 5 SECTION S. WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What Is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 7.00 Miles 5-B. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 6 % of lines 0 % 0 0 % 0 % 100 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? N Linear feet replaced: 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? N Linear feet added. 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? MONTHLY 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? N How often? 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? N 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? Y What type of equipment or methods are used? 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? N 5-Q. Is finished water output metered? N 5-11. Do you have a meter replacement program? N 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 2 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? years 5-U. What type of rate structure is used? FIAT RATE 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? N # of meters 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 672 656 634 611 Seasonal Nat Applicable Population Note: 7-B. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.042 0.041 0.040 0.038 (2) Commercial 01001 0.001 0.001 0.001 . 11 1 1 11 1 11 nnn LnA nn ^An c11 n1,iAAA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for POWELLSVILLE (04-08-040) Page 4 of 5 (3) Industrial 0.000 01000 0.000 0.000 (4) Institutional 01002 0.002 0.002 0.002 (5) Backwash 01000 0.000 01000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.021 0.020 0.020 0.020 (7) Service Area Demand 0.066 0.064 0.063 0.061 Projected Service Area Demand Note: 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies: NONE 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 0,144 0.144 0.144 0.144 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5) Total Available Supply 0.144 0.144 0.144 0.144 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.065 0.064 0.063 0.061 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.065 0.064 0.063 0.061 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 45.1% 44.4% 43.6% 42.4% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 80% (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 System Notes: 8-B. Will demand exceed 80% of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? N If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: N/A SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? Y 9-0. with a leak detection program? Y 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? N 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? N 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N r 11 n ?nnn n 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for POWELLSVILLE (04-08-040) Page 5 of 5 9-F. with a capacity development plan? N 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? N 9-W. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? N 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: Get 1992 Local Water ply Plan for POWELLSVILLE Get DEN-Public Water Supply Section data for POWELLSVILLE . . .- , I- . r. .+....-. -- -.n Z' 11 ri lfl INAA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for WINTON (04-46-020) Page 1 of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www,ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR WINTON (Information in this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: WINTON 1-B. PWS ID#: 04-46-020 Status of 1997 Plan: ADOPTED 1-C. River Basin Name: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: HERTFORD 1-E. Contact: BOBBY DARDEN Title: TOWN ADMINISTRATOR 1-F. Address: PO BOX 134 City: WINTON State: NC Zip Code: 27986 1-G. Phone: 252-358-3041 1-H. Fax: 252-358-3273 1-I. E-mail: town haalE winto0jLc.com 1-1. Type of Ownership: MUNICIPALITY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 822 Seasonal: N/A 2-8. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 67.630 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.185 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 406 0.109 0 01000 (2) Commercial 14 0.006 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 11 0.026 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 33 0.018 4 0.001 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.109 0.006 0.026 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.160 0.185 0.025 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.133 0.205 May 0.139 0.196 Sep 0.132 0.164 Feb 0.139 0,157 Jun 0.145 0.176 Oct 0.137 0.203 Mar 0.384 0.760 Jul 0.155 0.200 Nov 0.128 0,179 Apr 0.462 0.710 Aug 0.146 0.255 Dec 0.125 0.175 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use EASCO ALUMINUM CORP 0.0259 ... 11 + , tr ill ....r%17MAr%A Ar nnn C/101nnAA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for WINTON (04-46-020) Page 2 of 5 HERTFORD CO 0.0094 ELK'S NATIONAL SHRINE 0.0057 TOWN & COLLEGE CLEANERS 0.0022 C S BROWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 0.0017 RED APPLE MARKET 0.0013 S & D TOURS 0.0011 METHODIST HOME FOR BOYS 0.0006 SYLVIA HALL HOME FOR ADULTS 0.0006 Largest User Note: 2-G. thru 2-H. Water Sales to Other Water Systems: NONE SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. thru 3-E. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems: NONE 3-F. Ground Water Withdrawals Facility Limiting Name Well Casing Screen Depth Well Pump a Avg. Daily Max. Day 12-Hr Daily Output R or Depth of Depth Dia. De th Meter? Supply (MG) pe T or E (ft-) We (ft.) Top Bottom (in.) (ft) MGD # of MGD Capacity o (ft.) (ft.) Days MGD Facility 1 374 21 354 374 8 62.0 Y 0.030 340 0.213 0.310 0.310 0 R 2 398 197 340 354 10 59.0 Y 0.086 336 0.710 0.403 0.403 0 R 3 415 395 395 415 10 62.0 Y 0.065 337 0.760 0.432 0,432 0 R Type of Facility: R = Raw Water Pumps, T = Treatment Facilities, M = Transmission Main, ? = Distribution System, O = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergen cy Use Ground Water Note: 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 1.145 Million Gallons 3-1-1. Are groundwater levels monitored? N How often? 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? U 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.200 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION Average Daily Discharge Jan 0.266 Feb 0.258 Mar 0.276 4-A. Average Daily W Average Daily Discharge Apr 0.259 May 0.284 Jun 0.282 astewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Discharge Jul 0.266 Oct Aug 0,267 Nov Sep 0.253 Dec Average Daily Discharge 0.270 0.263 0.249 . - , I ,r 1 11 .-.n/YnAnA A/_ nnn C11 O11)nnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for WINTON (04-46-020) Page 3 of 5 4-B. Wastewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits NPDES or Permitted Design Avg. Annual Nameof Land Capacity Daily Receiving Capacity Sub-Basin Application D Discharge Stream ec. 31, 1997 (MGD) Permit Number (MGD) (MGD) LAND MEHERRIN RIVER (04- WQ0001602 0.235 0.235 0.266 APPLICATION 2) Wastewater Note: 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections Wastewater Wastewater Avg. Daily Amount Discharged or Contract Maximum Discharger Receiver Received (MGD) Name PWSID Name PWSID MGD # of Days COFIELD 04-46-030 WINTON 04-46-020 0.042 365 0.040 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 418 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 53 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? Y Please Explain: The Town will expand WWTP In next 2 years If Hertford Co receives bid for private federal prison; If not, WWTP will be expanded to accommodate future growth In users (industrial and residential). SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 12.00 Miles 5-B. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (ICI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 6 .75 6 % of lines 40 % 0 % 0 % 15 % 45 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? N Linear feet replaced: 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? N Linear feet added: 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? SEMI-ANNUAL 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? N How often? 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? N 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? N What type of equipment or methods are used? 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: S-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? N 5-Q. Is finished water output metered? Y 5-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? N 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 35 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? 25 years 5-U. What type of rate structure is used? DECREASING BLOCK 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? Y # of meters 2 .. .n . , 11 n.^AAA Ai nnn c/IolnnnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for WINTON (04-46-020) 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N * of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 822 797 781 762 Seasonal Not Applicable Population Note: 7-13. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.109 0.106 0.104 0.101 (2) Commercial 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 (3) Industrial 0.026 0.027 0.032 0.037 (4) Institutional 0.019 0.019 01019 0.019 (5) Backwash 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 (7) Service Area Demand 0.185 0.1B3 0.186 0.188 Projected Service Area Demand Note: Page 4 of 5 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies: NONE 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 1.145 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 (5) Total Available Supply 1.145 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 (6) Service Area Demand 0.185 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 2000 2010 2020 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.145 1,145 1.145 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.145 1.145 1.145 2000 2010 2020 0.183 0.186 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for WINTON (04-46-020) (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand (10) Demand as Percent of Supply (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 800/o (MGD) System Notes: Page 5 of 5 0.185 0.183 0.166 0.188 16.0% 16.0% 16.0% 16.0% 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8-13. Will demand exceed 80% of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? If yes, what are your plans for Increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water In an emergency? N If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? There are plans to extend the Town's water lines as part of an USDA funded project. If Hertford Co extends their water system as planned, the Town of Winton's system can become interconnected with 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: Water Usage Reports, Water Billing Reports SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? N 9-13. with a leak detection program? Y 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? N 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? N 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N 9-F. with a capacity development plan? N 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? Y 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? N 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: Future needs of the Winton WS Included replacing old water meters and cutoff valves. The Town also may need to accommodate future Industries that can potentially spin-off from the recently announced steel mill locating close to Winton. The Town of Winton now has three certified water system operators to manage the system. Get 1992 Local Water Suppy?lan -for WII TON Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for WINTON . • II . • .n , H Ann AnA A/ A^f% C110Pl AnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for RICH SQUARE (04-66-020) Page 1 of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR RICH SQUARE (Information in this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: RICH SQUARE 1-B. PWS ID#: 04-66-020 Status of 1997 Plan. COMPLETES 1-C. River Basin Name: ROANOKE RIVER (14-1) , MEHERRIN RIVER (04-2), CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: NORTHAMPTON 1-E. Contact: FRANCES FUTRELL Title: CLERK 1-F. Address: PO BOX 336 City: RICH SQUARE State: NC Zip Code: 27869 1-G. Phone: 252-539-2315 1-H. Fax: 252-539-3945 1-I. E-mail: N/A 1-3. Type of Ownership: MUNICIPALnY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 1,050 Seasonal: N/A 2-B. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 52.070 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.142 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 434 0.100 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 25 0.002 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 1 0.001 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 1 0.010 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (a) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.100 0.002 0.001 0.010 0.027 0.000 0.140 0.142 0.002 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.128 0.129 May 0.128 0.129 Sep 0.173 0.175 Feb 0.146 0.148 Jun 0.133 0.134 Oct 0.133 0.134 Mar 0.126 0.127 Jul 0.132 0.133 Nov 0.167 0.169 Apr 0,127 0.128 Aug 0.130 0.130 Dec 0.170 0.172 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use NORTHAMPTON CO-RICH SQUARE 0.0270 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for RICH SQUARE (04-66-020) Page 2 of 5 ROANOKE VALLEY NURSING HOME 0.0100 MYLCRAFT MFG. 0.0010 Largest User Note: 2-G. Water Sales to Other Water Systems Water Supplied to: Average Daily Amount Contract Amount Pipe Size(s) R or Water System PW5ID MGD # of Days MGD Expiration Date Inches E NORTHAMPTON CO - RICH SQUARE 04-66-055 0.027 365 11/01/1998 6 & 8 R R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Water Sales Note: RICH SQUARE AS OF 11/1/1998 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY WILL NOT BE PURCHASING WATER FROM THE TOWN. 2-H. What is the Total Amount of Sales Contracts for Regular Use? 0.027 MGD SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-0. thru 3-E. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems: NONE 3-F. Ground Water Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name Well Casing Depth Well Pump Avg. Daily Max. 12-Hr Daily Output n a Day R pth Meter? Supply Na raf Depth Depth Dia. Ty e MG or E o f ) Capacity Well (ft-) (ft-) Top Bottom (in.) (ft.} MGD # of MGD ( (ft.) {ft.} Days MGD Facility 1 300 N 0.071 346 0.002 0.012 0.120 0 R 2 300 200 209 293 N 0.075 365 0.002 0.012 0.120 O R Type of Facility: R = Raw Water Pumps, T = Treatment Facilities, M = Transmission Main, D = Distribution System, O = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Ground Water Note: CASING, SCREEN AND PUMP INTAKE DEPTHS ARE UNKNOWN. WELL DIAMETER ARE ALSO UNKNOWN. AVERAGE DAILY WITHDRAWALS WERE ESTIMATED. FACILITY LIMITING DAILY OUTPUT IS 12 HOUR SUPPLY. 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 0.240 Million Gallons 3-H. Are ground water levels monitored? Y How often? BY STATE 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? Y 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.200 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan 0.030 Apr 0.080 Jul 0.060 Oct 0.070 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for RICH SQUARE (04-66-020) Feb 0.070 May 0.050 Aug 0.080 Nov Mar 0.090 Jun 0.080 Sep 0.090 Dec 4-13. Wastewater Discharge and/or land Application Permits NPDES or Permitted Design Avg. Annual Name Land Capacity Capacity Daily Receiving n Application Dec. 31, 1997 (MGD) Discharge Stream Permit Number (MGD) (MGD) NCO025437 0.150 Wastewater Note: 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE Page 3 of 5 0.080 0.080 Sub-Basin 0.070 BRIDGERS CREEK ROANOKE RIVER (14- 1) 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 461 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 0 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? N Please Explain: SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES S-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 10.00 Miles Size Range (inches) of lines 5-8. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) 4-6 6 4-12 45 % 25 % 0 % 0 % 30 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? N Linear feet replaced: 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? Y Linear feet added: 2,650 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? QUARTERLY 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? N How often? 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? N 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? N What type of equipment or methods are used? 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? N 5-Q. Is finished water output metered? 5-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? N 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 5-T. How old are the oldest meters In the system? years 5-Il. What type of rate structure is used? DECREASING BLOCK 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? N # of meters S-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD rl+nlnnnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for RICH SQUARE (04-66-020) Page 4 of S SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PR03ECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 1,050 1,000 950 900 Seasonal Not Applicable Population Note: 7-B. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.100 0.090 0.080 0.070 (2) Commercial 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 (3) Industrial 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 (4) Institutional 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 (5) Backwash 01000 0.000 01000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.002 0.000 01000 0.000 (7) Service Area Demand 0.115 0.103 0.093 0.083 Projected Service Area Demand Note: 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies: NONE 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 01000 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (S) Total Available Supply 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.115 0.103 0.093 0.083 (7) Sales Contracts 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 01000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.142 0.103 0.093 0.083 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 59.0% 43.0% 39.0% 35.0% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 80% (MGD) 0.000 01000 0.000 0.000 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for RICH SQUARE (04-66-020) Page 5 of 5 System Notes: FUTURE SALES CONTRACTS WE WILL NOT BE SELLING WATERTO NORTHAMPTON COUNTY AFTER 11/1/1998. 8-13. Will demand exceed 80% of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? N If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? Y If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: SECTION 9: TECHNICAL. ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? N 9-13. with a leak detection program? N 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? N 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? N 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N 9-F. with a capacity development plan? N 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? N 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? N 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: The Town will not be selling water to Northampton County which is our largest customers as of 11-1-98 Get 1992 Local Water Sappy Plan for R-M SQUARE Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for RICH SQUARE rSubmif 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for HERTFORD CO (04-46-045) Page 1 of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR HERTFORD CO (Information in this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: HERTFORD CO i-B. PWS ID#: 04-46-045 Status of 1997 Plan: COMPLETEC 1-C. River Basin Name: MEHERRIN RIVER (04-2), CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: HERTFORD 1-E. Contact: DOUG BRINKLEY Title: RURAL PUBLIC WORKS MGR. 1-F. Address: PO BOX 116 City: WINTON State: NC Zip Code: 27986 1-G. Phone: 252-358-7867 1-H. Fax: 252-358-7806 1-I. E-mail: N/A 1-3. Type of Ownership: COUNTY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 650 Seasonal: N/A 2-B. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 41.220 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.172 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 0 0.117 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 0 0.007 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 0 0.000 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 0 0.010 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Total Average Use 0.177 0.007 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.194 0.172 0.000 Water Use Note: NUMBER OF METERED CONNECTIONS IS UNKNOWN. UNACCOUNTED FOR WATER IS UNKNOWN. 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan May 0.075 0.422 Sep 0.185 0.436 Feb Jun 0.084 0,531 Oct 0.196 0.320 Mar Jul 0.170 0.628 Nov 0.217 0.286 Apr Aug 0.182 0.319 Dec 0.247 0.399 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: SYSTEM CAME ON LINE IN MAY. 2-F. Largest Water Users: NO DATA 2-G. thru 2-H. Water Sales to Other Water Systems: NONE 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for HERTFORD CO (04-46-045) SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems Water Supplied By: Average Daily Amount Contract Amount R Pipe Size(s) Inches or Water System PWSID MGD # of Days MGD Expiration Date E AHOSKIE 04-46-010 0.002 150 6 R R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Water Purchase Note: COST IS $1.87 PER 1,000 GALLONS. 3-E. What is the Total Amount of Purchase Contracts available for Regular Use? 0.002 MGD 3-F. Ground Water Page 2 of 5 Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name Pump Max. Daily Output ut Well Casing Depth Well Avg. Daily 12-Hr Y P or Depth Depth Dia. Intake Meter? Day Supply Weof (ft.) (ft-) Top Bottom (in.) Depth MGD # of MGD (MG) Capacity Type (ft.) (ft.) Days MGD Facility 1 320 272 272 283 10 108.0 Y 0.360 0.360 O 2 335 278 278 325 10 92.0 Y 0.188 104 0.422 0.360 0.360 O 3 343 298 298 333 10 63.0 Y 0.191 113 0.531 0.360 0.360 0 Type of Facility: R = Raw Water Pumps, T =Treatment Fa cilities, M = Transmission Main, D = Distribution System, O = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergen cy Use Ground Water Note: 0=12 HOUR SUPPLY. 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 1.080 Million Gallons 3-1-1. Are groundwater levels monitored? Y How often? NO SET TIME 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? Y 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.000 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan Apr Jul Oct Feb May Aug Nov Mar Jun Sep Dec 4-B. Wastewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits: NONE 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE Average Daily Discharge R or E R R R 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 0 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 0 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for HERTFORD CO (04-46-045) Page 3 of 5 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? N Please Explain: SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES S-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 86.50 Miles 5-B. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 2-12 % of lines 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 100 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced In 1997? N Linear feet replaced: 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? Y Linear feet added: 456,720 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? N How often? S-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? Y 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? N What type of equipment or methods are used? 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: System brand new 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation Information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N S-P. Is raw water metered? Y 5-Q. Is finished water output metered? N 5-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? N 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? 1 years S-U. What type of rate structure is used? DECREASING BLOCK 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? N # of meters 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 650 1,350 1,500 1,700 Seasonal Not Applicable Population Note: httn•//river phnr ctnta nr me/rai_ihin/fnvUVPh Pva/r /fnv.uRh/l?x,cn97?ntld_d?i_f)d? 5/1 R/7Md 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for HERTFORD CO (04-46-045) 7-13. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.177 0.367 0.408 0.462 (2) Commercial 0.007 0.015 0.017 0.019 (3) Industrial 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 (4) Institutional 0.010 0.021 0.023 0.026 (5) Backwash 0.000 01000 0.000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (7) Service Area Demand 0.194 0.404 0.448 0.508 Projected Service Area Demand Note: Page 4 of 5 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? Y If yes, please explain: This system Is under Its first year, many changes are anticipated. 7-D. Future Supplies: NONE 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 1.080 1.080 1.080 1.080 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 0.000 01000 0.000 (5) Total Available Supply 1.082 1.082 1.082 1.062 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.194 0.404 0.448 0.508 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 01000 0.000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.194 0.404 0.448 0.508 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 18.0% 37.0% 41.0% 47.0% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 80% (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 System Notes: 8-B. Will demand exceed 800/4 of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? N If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? N If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: NONE SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for HERTFORD CO (04-46-045) Page 5 of 5 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? Y 9-B. with a leak detection program? N 9-C, with a demand management or water conservation program? N 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? N 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N 9-F. with a capacity development plan? N 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? N 9-1-11. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? N 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: NO COMMENT. Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for HERTFORD CO ?Submll 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATESVILLE (04-37-010) Page I of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR GATESVILLE (Information In this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: GATESVILLE 1-B. PWS ID#: 04-37-010 Status of 1997 Plan: COMPLETEC 1-C. River Basin Name: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: GATES 1-E. Contact: C H CARTER III Title: WATER MANAGER 1-F. Address: PO 80X 357 City: GATESVILLE State: NC Zip Code: 27938 1-G. Phone: 252-357-1036 1-H. Fax: 252-357-0013 1-I. E-mail: N/A 1-3. Type of Ownership: MUNICIPALITY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 383 Seasonal: N/A 2-B. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 16.000 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.045 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 151 0.039 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 20 0.005 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 0 0.000 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 0 0.000 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.039 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.044 0.045 0.001 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan May Sep Feb Jun Oct Mar Jul Nov Apr Aug Dec Avg Daily/ Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use GATES CO FARM SERVICE 0.0012 1 11 A In nn A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATESVILLE (04-37-010) GATES CO VIDEO PLUS Largest User Note: 0.0010 2-G. thru 2-H. Water Sales to Other Water Systems: NONE Page 2 of 5 SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems Water Supplied By: Average Daily Amount Contract Amount R Pipe Size(s) Inches or Water System PWSID MGD # of Days MGD Expiration Date E GATES CO WS 04-37-020 0.045 365 6 R R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Water Purchase Note: 3-E. What is the Total Amount of Purchase Contracts available for Regular Use? 0.045 MGD 3-F. thru 3-I. Ground Water Supplies: NONE 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.000 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan Apr Jul Oct Feb May Aug Nov Mar Jun Sep Dec 4-8. Wastewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits: NONE 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 0 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 171 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 30 years? Please Explain: N/A SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 4.10 Miles 5-13. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATESVTLLE (04-37-010) Page 3 of 5 (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Other Size Range (inches) 8,10 8 4,6 % of lines 22 % 0 % 2 % 0 % 76 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? N Linear feet replaced: 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? Y Linear feet added: 100 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? 90 DAYS S-P. Does this system have a valve exercise program? N How often? 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? N 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? Y What type of equipment or methods are used? Same as county 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: S-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: S-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? 5-Q. Is finished water output metered? Y 5-11. Do you have a meter replacement program? Y 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 27 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? 26 years 5-U. What type of rate structure is used? FLAT RATE 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? N # of meters 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 383 408 450 475 Seasonal Not Appllcable Population Nate: 7-13. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.039 0.039 0.040 0.041 (2) Commercial 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.006 (3) Industrial 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (4) Institutional 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5) Backwash 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 (7) Service Area Demand 0.045 0.045 0.046 0.047 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATESVILLE (04-37-010) Page 4 of 5 Projected Service Area Demand Note: 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies: NONE 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 01000 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5) Total Available Supply 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.045 0.045 0.046 0.047 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.045 0.045 0.046 0.047 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 100.0% 100.0% 102.0% 105.0% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 800/o (MGD) 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.014 System Notes: We close our two wells and purchase water from the county system because of high testing cost. These wells are still in good condition for future use If needed. 8-13. Will demand exceed 80% of available supply before the year 2020? N S-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water In an emergency? Y If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? N 9-13. with a leak detection program? Y 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? Y 9-F. with a capacity development plan? 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? 9-7. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATESVILLE (04-37-010) Page 5 of 5 needs: Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for GATESVILLE ,Sutittlti I I 1 1 . . I I II 1 I I I 1 If /119/1 n n A n /'1 f1 1 A 1 I. - I- ^ I1 A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATES CO (04-37-020) Page 1 of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR GATES CO (Information In this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: GATES CO 1-0. PWS ID#: 04-37-020 Status of 1997 Plan: ADOPTEC 1-C. River Basin Name: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) , ALBEMARLE SOUND (12-1) 1-D. County: GATES i-E. Contact: HENRY FURE Title: WATER SUPERVISOR 1-F. Address: PO BOX 148 City: GATESVILLE State: NC Zip Code: 27938 1-G. Phone: 252-357-1240 1-H. Fax: 252-357-0073 1-I. E-mail: N/A 1-3. Type of Ownership: COUNTY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 8,B40 Seasonal: N/A 2-B. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 294.140 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.806 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 3,130 0.615 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 2 0.022 0 0.000 (3) Industrial a 0.000 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 5 0.017 0 0.000 (S) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.615 0.022 0.000 0.017 0.090 0.000 0.746 0.806 0.060 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.705 0.912 May 0.808 1.106 Sep 0.894 1.021 Feb 0.658 0.889 Jun 0.974 1.354 Oct 0.876 1.040 Mar 0.669 0.796 Jul 0.990 1,346 Nov 0.741 0.832 Apr 0.693 0.790 Aug 0.939 1.045 Dec 0.707 0.841 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use CHOWAN CO 0.0500 1,}{,,.11a- ??,.,, ,?.+?--.,,,i..,.::,:. '2-7 rnn cn0 111 AnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATES CO (04-37-020) GATESVILLE 0.0480 DOWN EAST 0.0129 NC DEPT OF CORRECTIONS 0.0103 INDIAN NECK FARM 0.0090 SOUTHERN PINE MHP 0.0088 WAYNE PYRUM 0.0047 GATES CO HIGH SCHOOL 0.0042 WILLIAM ROUNTREE 0.0030 GATES CO BUCKLAND SCHOOL 0.0026 Largest User Note: 2-G. Water Sales to Other Water Systems Water Supplied to: Average Daily Amount Contract Amount Pipe Size(s) R Water System PWSID MGD # of Days MGD Expiration Date Inches or E CHOWAN CO 04-21-015 0.050 304 6 R GATESVILLE 04-37-010 0.048 365 6 R R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Water Sales Note: 2-H. What is the Total Amount of Sales Contracts for Regular Use? 0.098 MGD SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems Water Supplied By: Average Daily Amount Contract Amount R Pipe Size(s) Inches or Water System PWSID MGD # of Days MGD Expiration Date E CHOWAN CO 04-21-015 0.000 0 6 E PERQUIMANS 04-72-025 0.000 0 6 E R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Water Purchase Note: 3-E. What is the Total Amount of Purchase Contracts available for Regular Use? 0.000 MGD 3-F. Ground Water Page 2 of 5 Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name Well Casing Depth Well Pump Intake Avg. Daily Max. Day 12-Hr Daily Output or Depth f Depth Meter? Dia. Supply T Wel[ (ft') (ft') Top Bottom (In') (ft) MGD # of MGD (MG) Capacity ype (ft,) (ft,) Days MGD Facility 1 420 400 400 420 12 195.0 Y 0.219 365 0.360 0.720 R 2 400 220 220 230 12 165.0 Y 0.276 365 0.468 0.936 R 3 375 345 345 375 12 140.0 Y 0.311 365 0,662 1.296 R Type of Facility: R = Raw Water Pumps, T = Treatment Facilities, M = Transmis sion Main, D = Distribution System, 0 = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use .. 11 . , , . . 11 , 1 ,I. 1 H - A^A .1 rs Il /,A rl,n1l1! R or E R R R 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATES CO (04-37-020) Page 3 of 5 Ground Water Note: 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 1.490 Million Gallons 3-H. Are ground water levels monitored? N How often? 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? N 3-3. Water Treatment Plants Water Treatment Plant Name Permitted Capacity (MGD) Source(s) GATES CO WP 0.000 Ground water Treatment Plant Note: 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.500 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan Apr Jul Oct Feb May Aug Nov Mar Jun Sep Dec 4-13. Wastewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits: NONE 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 0 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 3,132 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? N Please Explain: SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 315.00 Miles 5-13. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 4-6 2-12 % of lines 0 % 0 % 1 % 0 % 99 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? N Linear feet replaced: 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? N Linear feet added: 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? N How often? 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? N How often? 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? N 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? N What type of equipment or methods are used? 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 1,++-./1,7......,1,.,. ,+.,+......,. 1.... 1--1- .....,.L. --1-- Ir .... -1-11....._n'71) AnA 1?y nnn C11n1nnnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATES CO (04-37-020) Page 4 of 5 S-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N S-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N S-P. Is raw water metered? N S-Q. Is finished water output metered? Y S-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? N 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 5-T. How old are the oldest meters In the system? 18 years 5-U. What type of rate structure is used? DECREASING BLOCK 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? N # of meters 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 8,840 9,459 9,743 10,717 Seasonal Not Applicable Population Note: 7-B. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.615 0.710 0.730 0.805 (2) Commercial 0.022 0.030 0.040 0.050 (3) Industrial 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (4) Institutional 0.017 0.020 0.030 0.040 (5) Backwash 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 (7) Service Area Demand 0.714 0.830 0.880 01985 Projected Service Area Demand Note: 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies: NONE 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS It Ann AnA nrr nnn rl.n1-A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for GATES CO (04-37-020) Page 5 of 5 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 1.490 1.490 1.490 1.490 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5) Total Available Supply 1.490 1.490 1.490 1.490 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.714 0.830 0.880 0.985 (7) Sales Contracts 0.098 0.060 0.080 0.100 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.812 0.890 0.960 1.050 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 54.0% 60.0% 64.0% 70.0% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 800/b (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 System Notes: 8-B. Will demand exceed 80% of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? N If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? &D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? Y If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: NONE SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? N 9-13. with a leak detection program? N 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? N 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? N 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N 9-F. with a capacity development plan? N 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? N 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? N 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: In the very near future we plan to construct a 300,000 gallon overhead tank. This will Increase our storage capacity plus Insure a more even pressure. Geii992 Local Water Supply Plan for GATES CO Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for GATES CO Submlt_? _1_11__._?^Met.nA '117 nnn a/1nlei nnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for EDENTON (04-21-010) Page 1 of 6 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone: (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR EDENTON (Information In this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: EDENTON 1-B. PWS XD#: 04-21-010 Status of 1997 Plan: ADOPTEE 1-C. River Basin Name: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: CHOWAN 1-E. Contact: ANNE-MARIE KNIGHTON Title: TOWN MANAGER 1-F. Address: PO BOX 300 City: EDENTON State: NC Zip Code: 27932 1-G. Phone: 252-482-7352 1-H. Fax: 252-482-0690 1-I. E-mail: ANNE-MARIE. KNIGHTONC?NCMAIL.NET 1-3. Type of Ownership: MUNICIPALITY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 5,475 Seasonal: N/A 2-B. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 293.100 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.803 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 1,454 0.412 0 0.000 (2) Commercial 420 0.076 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 45 0.087 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 25 0.046 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.412 0.076 0,087 0.046 0.003 0.020 0.643 0.803 0.160 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.645 0.747 May 0.604 1.099 Sep 0.799 0.997 Feb 0.621 0.815 Jun 0.891 1.323 Oct 0.783 1.131 Mar 0.618 0,738 Jul 0.913 11085 Nov 0.747 0.846 Apr 0.812 0.812 Aug 1.014 1.183 Dec 0.693 1.216 Avg Daily/ Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use MOORE CO. 0.0717 + , „ r + , , , . + , n + l ` + It n -+n A n • /? + n + n r 11 n !n ^^ A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for EDENTON (04-21-010) SEABROOK 0.0238 CHOWAN HOSPITAL 0.0226 GEORGE ]ONES 0.0166 EDENTON PRIMETIME 0.0110 COMMERCIAL READY MIX 0.0093 BRITTHAVEN 0.0057 TAVEL HOST INN 0.0056 EDENTON CHOWAN SCHOOLS 0.0045 BURGER KING 0.0032 Largest User Note: 2-G. Water Sales to Other Water Systems Water Supplied to: Average Daily Amount Contract Amount Pipe Size{s) R or Water System PWSID MGD # of Days MGD Expiration Date Inches E CHOWAN CO WATER 04-21-015 0.011 91 10 E R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Water Sales Note: 2-H. What is the Total Amount of Sales Contracts for Regular Use? 0.000 MGD Page 2 of 6 SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. thru 3-E. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems: NONE 3-F. Ground Water Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name or Well Casing Depth Well Pump Intake Avg. Daily Max. Day 12-Hr Daily Output R No. of Depth Depth Dia. Depth Meter? Supply or Well (ft.) (ft-) Top Bottom (in.) # of (MG) Capacity Type f E (ft,) (ft,) MGD Days MGD o MGD Facility BEAVER 260 200 210 255 10 140 0 Y 0.277 365 0.725 0.363 0.725 R R HILL-3 FREEMASON 272 200 212 267 10 100.0 Y 0.262 365 0.634 0.317 0.634 R R - 1A VIRGINIA 358 140 219 355 10 80.0 Y 0.264 365 0.720 0.360 0.720 R R ROAD -2 Type of Facility: R = Raw Water Pumps, T = Treatment Facilities, M = Transmission Main, D = Distribution System, 0 = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Ground Water Note: 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 1.040 Million Gallons 3-H. Are ground water levels monitored? Y How often? MONTHLY 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? Y 3-3. Water Treatment Plants Water Treatment Plant Name Permitted Capacity (MGD) Source(s) • , • Ir ni n1/L c11a111nf%A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for EDENTON (04-21-010) BEAVER HILL WATGER PLANT 0.000 GROUND WATER FREEMASON WATER PLANT 0.000 GROUND WATER Treatment Plant Note: 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.850 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan 0.936 Apr 0.742 Jul 0.523 Oct Feb 0.924 May 0.727 Aug 0.592 Nov Mar 0.914 Jun 0.519 Sep 0.531 Dec 4-B. Wastewater Discharge and/or Land Application Permits NPDES or Permitted Design Avg. Annual Name of Land Capacity Capacity Daily Receiving Application Dec. 31, 1997 (MGD) Discharge Stream Permit Number (MGD) (MGD) NPDES0007552 0.020 0.020 0.020 FILBERT CREEK WQ0004332 1.076 1.076 0.663 LAND APPLICATION Wastewater Note: 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE Page 3 of 6 Average Daily Discharge 0.511 0.513 0.524 Sub-Basin CHOWAN RIVER (04- 1) CHOWAN RIVER 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 2,000 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 0 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 30 years? Y Please Explain: The treatment plant Is at 75% capacity, plans are to expand Sprayfields. SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 35.00 Miles 5-B. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 2-12 2-12 2 2,6 of lines 0 % 50 % 35 % 10 0/0 5 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? Y Linear feet replaced: 3,500 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? N Linear feet added: 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y How often? MONTHLY 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? N Wow often? 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? N 5-H. Has water pressure been Inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? Y What type of equipment or methods are used? Monthly records comparing total water pumped/total water billed . .. .,. , . , . Ir , .l..lr_____ __1_11------ nr/nAnA n1 nln c11017nnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for EDENTON (04-21-010) Page 4 of 6 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-1L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N . Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? Y 5-Q. Is finished water output metered? Y 5-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? Y 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 75 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? 5 years 5-U. What type of rate structure is used? DECREASING BLOCK 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? Y # of meters 25 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 5,475 5,768 5,941 6,119 Seasonal Not Applicable Population Note: 7-B. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 (1) Residential 0.412 0.433 0.441 (2) Commercial 0.076 0.079 0.081 (3) Industrial 0.087 0.092 0.093 (4) Institutional 0.046 0.048 0.049 (5) Backwash (6) Unaccounted-for water (7) Service Area Demand Projected Service Area Demand Note: 0.020 0.021 0.021 0.160 0.168 0.171 0.800 0.840 0.856 2020 0.455 0.083 0.096 0.050 0.022 0.176 0.882 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? N If yes, please explain: 7-D. Future Supplies Source or Facility Name PWSID Source Type Additional Supply (MGD) Year On-line R or E New Well 04-21-010 ground 0,020 2000 R R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use ,.. ,,, , . . i . , Ir t ._._/_.lr_______t/t____._n-InhnA n? non rMCJlnnnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for EDENTON (04-21-010) Page 5 of 6 Future Supply Note: 7-E. What is the Total Amount of Future Supplies available for Regular Use? 0.200 MGD 7-F. Future Sales Contracts: NONE SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 1.040 1.040 1.040 1.040 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (4) Future Supplies 0.000 0.200 0.200 0.200 (5) Total Available Supply 1.040 1.240 1.240 1.240 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.800 0.840 0.856 0.882 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.800 0.840 0.856 0.882 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 77.0% 68.0% 69.0% 71.1% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 80% (MGD) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 System Notes: 8-e. Will demand exceed 80% of available supply before the year 2020? N 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? N If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? S-D. Does this system have an Interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? Y If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: N/A SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? N 9-13. with a leak detection program? N 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? N 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? N 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N 9-F. with a capacity development plan? N 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? N 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? Y 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: Town has applied for loan from State for Clean Water Revolving Fund, to help finance upgrade needed to Beaver Hill WTP as well for Installation of new well near Beaver Hill Treatment Get 1992 Local Water Supply Plan for EDENTON 11 , , r • , • it 1 / it 1 H ^/^AnA ny nin r11nlnnn A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for EDENTON (04-21-010) Get DEN-Public Water Supply Section data for EDENTON Submit Page 6 of 6 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AHOSKIE (04-46-010) Page 1 of 5 North Carolina Division of Water Resources - Water Supply Planning Section 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 - Phone, (919)733-4064 Fax: (919)733-3558 Web: www.ncwater.org 1997 LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR AHOSKIE (Information In this LWSP may be corrected or updated at any time by the water system or NCDWR) Part 1: Water Supply System Report for 1997 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 05/18/2004 1-A. Water System: AHOSKIE 1-B. PWS ID#: 04-46-010 Status of 1997 Plan: ADOPTEC 1-C. River Basin Name: CHOWAN RIVER (04-1) 1-D. County: HERTFORD 1-E. Contact: BRYAN LEWIS Title: ASST DPW 1-F. Address: PO BOX 767 City: AHSOKIE State: NC Zip Code: 27910 1-G. Phone: 252-332-5165 1-H. Fax: 252-332-1643 1-1. E-mail: N/A 1-3. Type of Ownership: MUNICIPALITY SECTION 2: WATER USE INFORMATION 2-A. Population Served in 1997: Year-Round: 4,562 Seasonal: N/A 2-0. Total Water Use for 1997 including all purchased water: 256.490 Million Gallons 2-C. Average Annual Daily Water Use in 1997: 0.703 MGD 2-D. Average Annual Daily Water Use by Type (MGD) Metered Connections Non-Metered Connections Type of Use Number Average Use Number Estimated Average Use (1) Residential 2,122 0.495 8 0.000 (2) Commercial 257 0.069 0 0.000 (3) Industrial 33 0.022 0 0.000 (4) Institutional 103 0.086 0 0.000 (5) Sales to other Systems (6) Backwash (7) Subtotal (8) Avg. Annual Daily Water Use (9) Unaccounted-for Water Water Use Note: Total Average Use 0.495 0.069 0.022 0.086 0.000 0.000 0.672 0.703 0.031 2-E. Average Daily and Maximum Day Water Use by Month (MGD) Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Use Use Use Use Use Use Jan 0.706 0,846 May 0.775 1.076 Sep 0.714 0.807 Feb 0.724 0.878 Jun 0.828 1.232 Oct 0.633 0.726 Mar 0.724 0.849 Jul 0.740 1.049 Nov 0,571 0.741 Apr 0,712 0.796 Aug 0.749 0,909 Dec 0.559 0,955 Avg Daily/Max Water Use Note: 2-F. Largest Water Users and their Average Annual Daily Use (MGD) Water User Average Daily Use RC HOSPTIAL 0.0332 .. ,,, , , • In , . ,r , n ---A-1 AI nyn rhn/nnnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AHOSKIE (04-146-010) KERR IND. 0.0244 GUARDIAN CARE 0.0191 RC HOUSING AUTHORITY 0.0158 HERTFORD CO SCHOOLS 0.0103 THETFORD PROPERTY 0.0090 PACEMAKER PROP (AHOSKIE INN) 0.0077 TOMAHAWK MOTEL 0.0065 ACADEMY ST CAR WASH & LAUNDRY 0.0056 TANDEM INC (MCDONALDS) 0.0029 Largest User Note: 2-G. thru 2-H. Water Sales to Other Water Systems: NONE Page 2 of 5 SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. thru 3-E. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems: NONE 3-F. Ground Water Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name Well Casing Depth Well Pump Intake Avg. Daily Max. Day 12-Hr Daily Output R or f Depth Depth Dia. I Meter? supply (MG) T e or E Well (ft.) (ft-) Top Bottom ( n') (ft) MGD # of MGD Capacity of (ft.) (ft.) Days MGD Facility 01 453 268 268 448 10 188.0 Y 0.076 365 0.720 0.324 0.648 R R 02 267 166 166 262 8 120.0 Y 0.041 365 0,173 0.087 0.173 R R 03 200 180 180 200 10 140.0 Y 0.175 365 0.468 0.234 0.468 R R 03A 145 132 132 142 6 120.0 Y 0.050 365 0.111 0.050 0.111 R R 04 213 162 162 182 10 145.0 Y 0.362 365 0.433 0.215 0.433 R R Type of Facility: R = Raw Wate r Pumps, T = Treatment Facilities, M = Transmission Main, D = Distri bution System, O = Other R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Ground Water Note: 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 0.910 Million Gallons 3-H. Are ground water levels monitored? N How often? 3-I. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? Y 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.850 Million Gallons SECTION 14: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGR) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan 0.476 Apr 0.810 Jul 0.748 Oct 0.785 ... I . . . In . I In I If -^A^ A A/ ^IA !/I nInn AA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AHOSKIE (04-46-010) Page 2 of 5 KERR IND. 0.0244 GUARDIAN CARE 0.0191 RC HOUSING AUTHORITY 0.0156 HERTFORD CO SCHOOLS 0.0103 THETFORD PROPERTY 0.0090 PACEMAKER PROP (AHOSKIE INN) 0.0077 TOMAHAWK MOTEL 0.0065 ACADEMY ST CAR WASH & LAUNDRY 0.0056 TANDEM INC (MCDONALDS) 0.0029 Largest User Note: 2-G. thru 2-H. Water Sales to Other Water Systems: NONE SECTION 3: WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 3-A. thru 3-C. Surface Water Supplies: NONE 3-D. thru 3-E. Water Purchases From Other Water Systems: NONE 3-F. Ground Water Withdrawals Screen Facility Limiting Name Well Casing D epth Well Pump Intake Avg. Daily Max. Day 12-Hr Daily O utput R or No. of Depth Depth Dia. i Meter? supply (MG) T pe or E well (ft.) (ft.) Top Bottom ( n.) (ft) MGD # of MGD Capacity o (ft.) (ft.) Days MGD Facility 01 453 268 268 448 10 188.0 Y 0.076 365 0.720 0.324 0.648 R R 02 267 166 166 262 8 120.0 Y 0.041 365 0.173 0.087 0.173 R R 03 200 180 180 200 10 140.0 Y 0.175 365 0.468 0.234 0.468 R R 03A 145 132 132 142 6 120.0 Y 0.050 365 0.111 0.050 0.111 R R 04 213 162 162 182 10 145.0 Y 0.362 365 0.433 0.215 0.433 R R Type of Facility: R = Raw Wate r Pumps, T = Trea tment Fa cilities, M = Transmis sion Main, D = Distribution System, O = Oth er R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Ground Water Note: 3-G. What is the Total 12-Hour Supply of all wells available for Regular Use? 0.910 Million Gallons 3-H. Are ground water levels monitored? N How often? 34. Does this system have a wellhead protection program? Y 3-3. Water Treatment Plants: NONE 3-1K. What is the system's finished water storage capacity? 0.850 Million Gallons SECTION 4: WASTEWATER INFORMATION 4-A. Average Daily Wastewater Discharges (MGD) Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Jan 0.476 Apr 0.810 Jul 0.748 Oct 0.785 11 . _ , . , ,n , , In 1 11 -.^A^A A? -I^ Z' /In In nnA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AHQSKIE (04-46-010) Page 3 of 5 Feb 1.107 May 1.244 Aug 0.958 Nov 0.504 Mar 0.955 Jun 1.070 Sep 0.299 Dec 0.236 4-B. Wastewater Discha rge and/or Land Application Permits NPDES or Permitted Design Avg. Annual Land Capacity Capacity Daily Name of Sub-Basin Application Dec. 31, 1997 (MG©) Discharge Receiving Stream Permit Number (MGD) (MGD) IRRIGATION LAND CHOWAN RIVER WQ 0003885 0.901 0.901 0.825 APPLICAITON (04-1) Wastewater Note: 4-C. Wastewater Discharge Interconnections: NONE 4-D. Number of sewer service connections: 2,236 4-E. Number of water service connections with septic systems: 24 4-F. Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years? Y Please Explain: Wooten Co. of Raleigh, NC has preliminary plans to expand existing WWTP tp 1.0 mgd or better. Contact Person : Ford Chambllss (Wooten Co.) 919-828-0531. SECTION 5: WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 5-A. What is the estimated total miles of distribution system lines? 35.00 Miles 5-B. Primary Types and Sizes of Distribution Lines Asbestos Cement Cast Iron Ductile Iron Galvanized Iron Polyvinyl Chloride Other (AC) (CI) (DI) (GI) (PVC) Size Range (inches) 6-8 6-8 2 2-16 Q/o of lines 45 % 39 % 0 % 1 % 15 % 0 % 5-C. Were any lines replaced in 1997? Y Linear feet replaced: 10,000 5-D. Were any new water mains added in 1997? Y Linear feet added: 500 5-E. Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants? Y Haw often? SEMI-ANNUAL 5-F. Does this system have a valve exercise program? N How often? 5-G. Does this system have a cross-connection control program? Y 5-H. Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system? N Please Explain: 5-I. Does this system have a leak detection program? N What type of equipment or methods are used? We do not have a formal leak detection program; however, we have a Fisher Mod XLT 20 leak detector. 5-3. Has water use ever been restricted since 1992? N Please Explain: 5-K. Does this system have a water conservation plan? N 5-L. Did this system distribute water conservation information in 1997? N 5-M. Are there any local requirements on plumbing fixture water use which are stricter than the NC State Building Code? N Please Explain: 5-N. Does this system have a program to encourage replacement or retrofit of older, higher water-use plumbing fixtures? N 5-0. Does this system have a water shortage or drought response plan? N 5-P. Is raw water metered? Y 5-Q. Is finished water output metered? Y S-R. Do you have a meter replacement program? Y 5-S. How many meters were replaced in 1997? 250 5-T. How old are the oldest meters in the system? 20 years 5-U. What type of rate structure is used? DECREASING BLOCK 5-V. Are there meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, which are not billed for sewer services? Y # of meters 48 5-W. Does this system use reclaimed water or plan to use it within the next five years? N # of . , . Ir , I Ir III ... ^-rIAAA Al '111A crtninnAA 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AHOSKIE (04-46-010) Page 4 of 5 connections MGD SECTION 6: SYSTEM MAP (On file with NCDWR) Part 2: Water Supply Planning Report for 1997 SECTION 7: WATER DEMAND PROJECTIONS 7-A. Population to be Served 1997 2000 2010 2020 Year-Round 4,562 5,435 5,545 5,624 Seasonal Not Applicable Population Note: 7-B. Projected Avg. Daily Service Area Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Residential 0.495 0.579 0.591 0,602 (2) Commercial 0.069 0.090 0.092 0.093 (3) Industrial 0.022 0.025 0.025 0.026 (4) Institutional 0.086 0.106 01108 0.110 (5) Backwash 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (6) Unaccounted-for water 0.031 0.016 0.017 0.017 (7) Service Area Demand 0.703 0.816 0.832 0.849 Projected Service Area Demand Note: 7-C. Is non-residential water use expected to change significantly through 2020 from current levels of use? Y If yes, please explain: Planned annexation 7-D. Future Supplies: NONE 7-F. Future Sales Contracts Water Supplied to: Contract Amount and Duration Pipe Size(s) Inches R or E System Name PWSID MGD Year Begin Year End HERTFORD CC) RURAL WATER 04-46-045 0.009 1998 2 R R = Regular Use, E = Emergency Use Future Sale Note: 7-G. What is the Total Amount of Future Sales Contracts for Regular Use? 0.009 MGD SECTION 8: FUTURE WATER SUPPLY NEEDS 8-A. Avg. Daily Demand as Percent of Supply Available Supply (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (1) Existing Surface Water Supply 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) Existing Ground Water Supply 0.910 0.910 0.910 0.910 1 .. 11 1 1 . . , . 7• I r. I J M 1 11 ^-^ A A A A/ n t n r 11 n I- n- A 1997 Local Water Supply Plan for AHOSKIE (04-46-010) Page 5 of 5 (3) Existing Purchase Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 01000 (4) f=uture Supplies 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (5) Total Available Supply 0.910 0.910 0.910 0.910 Avg. Daily Demand (MGD) 1997 2000 2010 2020 (6) Service Area Demand 0.703 0.816 0.832 0.849 (7) Sales Contracts 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (8) Future Sales Contracts 0.009 0.009 0.009 01009 (9) Total Avg. Daily Demand 0.712 0.824 0.841 0.857 (10) Demand as Percent of Supply 78.0% 91.0% 92.0% 94.0% (11) Additional Supply Needed to Maintain 800/6 (MGD) 0.000 0.120 0.141 0.162 System Notes: See Attachment, 9-3 8-e. Will demand exceed 800/b of available supply before the year 2020? Y 8-C. Are peak day demands expected to exceed the water treatment plant capacity by 2010? If yes, what are your plans for increasing water treatment capacity? 8-D. Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency? Y If not, what are you plans for interconnecting? 8-E. Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning? N If yes, please describe: 8-F. List the major water supply reports or studies used for planning: Water Use Reports, local billing reports, and local water & sewer expansion studies. SECTION 9: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS Is technical assistance needed: 9-A. to develop a local water supply plan? N 9-8. with a leak detection program? Y 9-C. with a demand management or water conservation program? Y 9-D. with a water shortage response plan? Y 9-E. to identify alternative or future water supply sources? N 9-F. with a capacity development plan? Y 9-G. with a wellhead or source water protection plan? N 9-H. with water system compliance or operational problems? N 9-I. with Consumer Confidence Reports? Y 9-3. Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.), or your ability to meet present and future needs: See Attachment 1 Cgt 1992 Local Water Supply Plan for AHQSKIE Get DEH-Public Water Supply Section data for AHOSKIE Submit;: biro-//rlwr.Plmr.Ctatn nr, ins/noi-hin/foxweh Px?/r. /fnxwah/lwcn97?^Od-r1?-f11() S/i RIIMM