HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051283 Ver 2_Triage Comments_20070411DWQ~ ~ L~•D ~ ~ ~2 ~ ~ ~V'tt~ Date t l l I I ~ b~~ Plan Detail7neomplet® ~ - [j Pleaso provide a location map for the project. 0 Who Roviewed: ~ t'~~ "`- Please show alI stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank•stabilization on the sitoplan. • Please show aII wetland impacts including fi11 slopes on the site plan. az~ u.~- ~' ~• 'v.~ .l~a,~ ,~ Please indicato alI buffer impacts on the sits plan. • ^ Pisses indicate proposed lot layout as overlays an the eito plea. ~~ ^ .Please indicate the location of the protected buffexa as mverl'ays on the site plan. ' ^ Ploasa locate a1I isolated. or non-isolated wotlanda, •strsams and other wateas of the State as avalays on the sits plan. ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passages ^ Please locate any plaaned•aewer Lines on the site plan. • ^ Pleaso provide the location of any proposed stonnwater management practicoe ae required by ('1C ^ Please provide detail for the stormwa#a managarn~t practices ea required by (3C • • ^ Please specify rho percent of prgicet iinpaoredousnees area based on the estimated builtrout conditions: . ^ Please ind{cato all stormwatea~o~.11s on the site p1ai1. . ^ Plea'so'indieate the diflbse Sow provision measures do the site plan. ^ Please indicate whethec'•c-r not the propoded impacts alroady boars cor~ductod. • • Avoidance,and/or 11~Iinimization i'~fot Providi+d . ~ . . ~] • The labeled as on rho plena does not appear is be necessary. Please ~eli:ninate the . or provide additional ' information~ea to why t~tt~aoessary for this~project.: . • '(] Thies Office beliex~es that the labeled on the plans as. saes be moved. or reoonfigurod to avoid rho inspects to the ' . Ploaga revise tho pleas to avoid thq impaota. . . •• ^. • This't3ffice believes• that the . .labeled on tho plans as• can be moved or reconfigured to :minimize tlao ixnpaets tQ tho ' . Pleaso revise tho plane to minimize the impaats. • . ^ The stormwater discharges at the location on the pleas labeled will.not provide diffWse flow thmugh the buffer because ' ~ . Please xeviae the plans end providq ealculatione to •show that di8iase'flow w411 be.echieved tihmugh the enttrebuiicer. If it • - is not possible to achieve dit~Use Sow throagh.the onttre buffer ~the~i it may bo aecessary to'provide atormwater management • practices that rarnove nutrtents:b~ore the stormwater can be discharged through the.buSrr. ~ . .. . ' ~~ .. Other •- ~ • ^•. The application fee wee insuffieiont~because.over' 1S0 foot of stroam and/or over 1 acre of wetlaad'impacts were requested. Please . ' . provide g . • This additional fee must be receivo~ before your application can be reviewed. • .~ .. • . ~ ^ Please comp;ieto Section(s) on the application. - . ~ ~ '' • ~ ^ Please provide a signed copy of rho application.' ^ Plaaseprovide ~copips of the application, . copies ofthe sitoplans and other sapportirig informaiioa - { _ ^ • Pleasaeubmit electronic CpiD fllos showing ~ :.via: cinall to ian.mcmillan®nomeil,net and CD: • • , • ,~ ~ ' Mitigation ' • ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. ~ Please provide'a cpmparsatory mitigation plan, The ~' . plan must conform•tn tharequirements in 15 A NCAC 2H :OSOO~and must be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ~ . ^ Please indicate ~which'404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ' . .` Y `„ ' ~~ ~