HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS 70i Department of Environment and Natural Resources Project Review Form Project Number. 11-0114 County: Carteret and Beaufort Date Received: 10/23/2010 Due Date: 11/29/2010 Project Description: Scoping - Replace existing two-lane US 70 Bridge over North River with a structure similar in length and width along a new alignment immediately to the north of the existing structure. is Pro-lect IS being reviewe d as indicated below: Regional Office Regional Office Area In-House Review _ Asheville ? Air _ Soil & Water ? Marine Fisheries Fayetteville ? Water ? Coastal Management Water Resources _1 Mooresville ? Aquifer Protection Wildlife ? Environmental Health Raleigh ? Land Quality Engineer ? Wildlife - DOT - Solid Waste Mgmt ? Washington ? Forest Resources _ Radiation Protection ?,_ Wilmington _ Land Resources _ Other ? Parks & Recreation Winston-Salem Water Quality I - ?? _ Water Quality -.DOTJ Air Quality Sign-Off/Region: Date: IIn-House Reviewer/Agency: (check all applicable) No objection to project as proposed. f/No Comment'q't"` _ Insufficient information to complete review _ Other (specify or attach comments) I f:? ou have any questions, please contact Melba McGee, Environmental Coordinator at Melba.McGeennedenr.pov V ?avo? o???iry 0 ?Rg?N U.S. Department or Homeland Security United States Coast Guard Commande, United Stales Coast Guard ::. fifth Coast Guard District 431 Crawford Street Portsmouth. Va. 213704-5004 Staff Symbol: (dpb) Pnone: (757) 398-6557 Fay;: (757) 398-6334 Email: Sandra. S. MottCusca.rra Iii 91 OCT 11 2010 PRELLTITNARYPUBLICNOTICE 5-1200 TO TMOM IT AI- Y C0A'C /YR. : The purpose of this notice is to notify mariners, ad-jacent property owners, and government agencies that the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes plans for a replacement blid,,te to be constructed across navigable waters of the united States. WA TERKAYAM) LOCATIOV North River, at mile 6.0, alonru US 70 in Beaufort, Carteret County, NC. V CHAK4CTER OF WORK. NCDOT proposes to replace the existing two-lane US 70 Bridge over North River with a structure similar in length and width along a new alignment immediately to the north of the existing structure. The existing structure provides a maximum horizontal waterway opening of approximately 24 feet along with a maximum vertical watenvay opening of approximately S feet, above mean high water. Since this area is recreation in nature, NCDOT does not propose to use pier protection for the interior bents located in the water. The type of vessel information needed includes the vessel types that transit the waterway, commercial or _ a Noah usage, llelgil?, craft, leIi?tli, bean-L, tC?Iliia-E, and iiiO?iiirl` iOCatiiiri5 In 1lviui River. Please submit the attached form in response to this preliminary public notice. The information gathered as a result of this preliminary public notice will assist the US Coast Guard in determining adequate minimum horizontal and vertical clearances for the proposed fixed-span bridge alternative crossing North River. It is requested that the Coast Guard be provided with navigational information such as the sizes and types of vessels presently owned and operated on North River as they relate to the proposed vertical and horizontal clearances. SOLICIT4TION OF COMMEVTS: It is further requested that mariners and adjacent property owners express their views frorn a navi-ational standpoint, in writing, on the proposed project giving sufficient detail to establish a clear understanding of their reasons for support of or opposition to this project. Comments will be received for the record at the office of Commander (dpb), Fifth Coast Guard District, 4) 1 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, Virvirlia 23704-5004 through NOV 11 2010 Jr L'1 LL .J ? i? r? WAV1?RLY u . GRF'GORl', .TR.j Chief. Bridrc Administration Br?znch? By direction of the Commander Fifth Coast Guard District US 70 Bridle North River Preliminar.N Public Notice Response Form It is requested that anyone having an interest in tl-iis proposed project, from the standpoint of navigation, submit vessel information, comments, and recommendations on this form to the Office of Commander (clpb), Fifth Coast Guard District, 431 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004 by Vessel Information Please provide all requested information: Vessel Type I Use - Commercial or Recreational Vessel Height Draft Length Beam TotulaRe Mooring Location Name (Optional): Address (Optional): Phone (Optional): Comments and Recommendations: U.S. Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard Commander United gates Coast Guars ?::iftn Coast Guard District 431 Cranrford Street Portsmouth, Va. 23704-5004 Staff Symboi. (dpb) Phone."757)398-6557 =:3x (757) 398.0334 ;::mail Sandra. S.Elliott@uscg.pt--` 16-? y 1 OCT 11 2010 PRELLWAARFPUBLICNOTICE 5-1200 TO W110.11 IT MAY CONCL-RN: The purpose of this notice is to notify mariners, adjacent property owners, and government agencies that the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes plans for a replacement bridge to be constructed ;across navigablc waters of the United States. HA TERIVA YJAD LOG1 TION: North River, at mile 6.0, along US 70 in Beaufort, Carteret County, NC. CHARACTER OF f['ORI:: NCDOT proposes to replace the existing two-lane US 70 Bridge over North River with a structure similar in len(-gli and width along a nc%v alignment immediately to the north of the existing structure. The existing structure provides a maximum horizontal watenvay opening of approximately 24 feet along with a maximum vertical watenvay opening of approximately 8 feet, above mean high water. Since this area is recreation in nature, NCDOT does not propose to use pier protection for the interior bents located in the water. The type of vessel information needed includes the vessel types that transit the waterway, commercial or i icaiiui:Eii usag.-, height, drafi, length, beam, tonnace, and imiooi-in locaiiGris in Nol h River. Please submit the attached form in response to this preliminary public notice. The information Lathered as a result of this preliminary public notice will assist the US Coast Guard in determining adequate minimum horizontal and vertical clearances for the proposed fixed-span bridge alternative crossing North River. It is requested that the Coast Guard he provided with navigational information such as the sizes and types of vessels presently owned and operated on North River as they relate to the proposed vertical and horizontal clearances. SOLICIT4TY0.,N OF C01IMEAY_ : It is further requested that mariners and adjacent property owners express their views from a navigational standpoint, in writing, on the proposed project giving sufficient detail to establish a clear understanding of their reasons for support of or opposition to this project. Comments will be received for the record at the office of Commander (dpb). Fifth Coast Guard District, 411 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, Vir(nnia 23704-5004 through . NOV 11 2010 i ,a - WAVERLY W. GREGORY, 7R.I Chief, Brah-,c Administration Bzlmch, By direction of the Commander- Fifth Coast Guard District US 70 Brid2e North R1VC1, Preliminary Public Notice Response Form It is requested that anyone having an interest in this proposed project, from the standpoiru of navitgation, submit vcssel information, comments, and recommendations on this form to the Office of Commander (dpb), Fifth Coast Guard IDistrict, 431 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004 by Vessel Information Please provide all requested information: i Vessel Type Use - Commercial or Recreational Vessel Height Draft Length Beam Tornna2e Mooring Location j Name (Optional): Address (Optional): Phone (Optional): Comments and Recommendations: U.S. Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard Commander Unitr:d States Coast Guard Fifth Coast Guard District 431 Crawford Street Portsmouth. Va. 3704-5004 Staff Symbol: (dob) Phone (757) 398-6557 Fax: (757) 398-6334 Email. Sandra.S.ElliottCa)uscgjrPtf- 1()5O1 OCT 11 2010 PRELIMI,' AR)' PLBLIC,V0TICE 5-1200 TO WHOM 1 T AIA Y C 0.-VCL_-R 1•: The purpose of this notice is to notify mariners, adjacent property owners, and government agencies that the North Carolina Department of'Transportation (NCDOT) proposes plans for a replacement bridge to be constructed across navigable waters of the Unitcd Stales. HATERHAY.4M) L0C4T10A`: North River, at mile 6.0, alono US 70 in Beauiitrt, Carteret CountN. NC. C1I.4R_4CTER OF «'ORK. NC'DOT proposes to replace the existing two-lane US 70 Bridgc over North River with a structure similar in length and width along a new alit-nment immediately to the north of the existing structure. The existin(T structure provides a maximum horizontal waterway opening of approximately 24 feet along with a maximum vertical waterway opening of approximately 8 feet, above mean high water. Since this area is recreation in nature, NCDOT does not propose to use pier protection for the interior bents located in the water. The type of vessel information needed includes the vessel types that transit the waterway, commercial or iL ieailGii:i1 usage, height, draft, length, beam, tonnage, and mooring locatiGns in Ncnmh River. Please submit the attached form in response to this preliminary public notice. The information gathered as a result of this preliminary public notice will assist the US Coast Guard in determining adequate minimum horizontal and vertical clearances for the proposed fixed-span bridge alternative crossing North River. It is requested that the Coast Guard be provided with navigational information such as the sizes and types of'vessels presently owned and operated on North River as they relate to the proposed vertical and horizontal clearances. SOLICIT4 770NOF COr1 MEXTS: It is further requested that mariners and adjacent property owners express their views from a navigational standpoint, in writing, on the proposed project ?givim, sufficient detail to establish a clear understanding of their reasons for support of or opposition to this project. Comments will be received for the record at the office of Commander (dpb), Fifth Coast Guard District, 4;1 Crawford Street, Portsmouth. Vir?(inia 23704-5004 throu,oh . N01/ 11 2010 r ^ YJ. , - f- i. Obi{ WA ? V E1) ?L1' Vl'.GREGOp.Y, .TIv.i Chief, Rridue Administration Bt<anch/ By direction of the Commander ?-? l'i('th Coast Guard Districa US 70 I3ridge North River Preliminary Public Notice Response Forni It is requested that anyone having an interest in this proposed project, from the standpoint of navigation, submit vessel information, comments, and recommendations on this florin to the Office of Commander (dpb). Fifth Coast Guard District, 431 Craxwford Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004 by Vessel Information 7 Please provide all requested information: Vessel Type Use - Commercial or Recreational Vessel Heinht Draft j r Length I Beam I Tonnaue I MoorinL, Location I ` Dame (Optional): Address (Optional): Phone (Optional): Comments and Recommendations: 2 U.S. Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard 431 CraA+ Drc Street Portsmouth. 'va 23704-5004 Staff Syrnm!: (dpb) Phone {757; 398-6557 Fa):: (7571 395-0334 Email: Sandra.S.Eliiott4)(Isro.rR+} Io51)1 OC T 11 2010 PRELllfl,N',-IR )' PC,,BLIC' A,"OTICE 5-1200 TO J1 11011 IT 11-1 )'('O.\'('E- RA: The purpose of this notice is to notify mariners. adjacent property owners, and government agencies that the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes plans for a replacement bridge to be constructed across navigable waters of the 1lnitcd States. WATER11:4Y.4,W) LOC4TIO.V: North River, at mile 6.0, along US 70 in Beaufort, Carteret Count. ' -C. CH.4RAC'TER OF 147ORh: NCDOT proposes to replace the existing two-lane US 70 Bridge over North River with a structure similar in lenmh and width along a new alignment immediately to the north of the existing structure. The existing structure provides a maximum horizontal ,, atel-way opening of approximately 24 feet along with a maximum vertical waterway opening of approximately S feet, above mean high water. Since this area is recreation in nature, NCDOT does not propose to use pier protection for the interior bents located in the water. The type of vessel information needed includes the vessel types that transit the waterway, commercial or , tationLi usage. hciglht, draft, length, beam, tonnage, and inooi-in-, locations In rvoi ui River. Please submit the attached form in response to this preliminary public notice. The information gathered as a result of this preliminary public notice will assist the US Coast Guard in determining adequate minimum horizontal and vertical clearances for the proposed fixed-span bridge alternative crossing North River. It is requested that the Coast Guard be provided with navigational information such as the sizes and types of'vessels presently owned and operated on North River as they relate to the proposed vertical and horizontal clearances. SOLICIT A T10'1' OF C'041,1EA'T S: It is further requested that mariners and adjacent property owners express their views from a navigational standpoint, in writing. on the proposed prc>_ject giving sufficient detail to establish a clear understanding of their reasons for support of or opposition to this project. Comments will be received for the record at the office of Commander (dpb), Fifth Coast Guard District, 431 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704-5004 through NOV 11 2010 J? 4` F kC Y r_?'J o v'j?.? fl CDmrnande? United States Coast Guard Fifin Coast Guard Distr ct V4'AVERL4' NA. GREGORY, .1R.' Chief, Bridge .Administration Minch,, BN, direction of the Commander Fifth Coast Guard District LIS 70 Bridle North River Preliminary- Public Notice Response Form It is requested that anyone having an interest in this proposed project, from the standpoint of navigation, submit vessel information, comments, and recommendations on this form to the Office of Commander (dpb), Fifth Coast Guard District, 431 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, VA 1-3704-5004 by Vessel Ini'ormation 1 - Please provide all requested information: Vessel Type Use - Commercial or Recreational Vessel HeILht Draft i Length Beam ToiuiaLe Mooring Location Name (Optional): Address (Optional): Phone (Optional): Comments and Recommendations: