HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC205200_ESC Approval Submitted_20210111=ff-- 2t7 ` !� 6
230 Government Center Drive, Suite 160, Wilmington, NC 28403
P, (910) 798-7139 1 F: (910) 798-7051 ) NHCgov.com
Jim lannucci, RE, CIFM, County Engineer
November 9, 2020
Live Oak Crossroads, LLC
5 Allen Avenue,
Manchester, MA 01944
RE: Grading Ferm t #46-17 Revision #1, Crossroads *a independence
Dear Mr. Dean Scarafoni:
This office has reviewed the revised erosion and sedimentation control plan. We find the plan to
be acceptable and hereby issue this land -disturbing permit with permit modifications. Please read the
permit conditions carefully, return the sinned blue original to our office and keep the corny for your
records. A copy of the enclosed land -disturbing permit must be posted at the job site. This letter gives
the notice required by GS 113A 61.1(a) and Chapter 23 Article VI Section 23-250 (a) and Article VIII Section
8.21 of our right of periodic inspection to insure compliance with the approved plan.
As of April 1, 2019, all new construction activities are required to complete and submit an
electronic Notice of Intent (eNOI) form requesting a Certificate of Coverage (COC) under the NCGO10000
Construction General Permit. The COC must be obtained prior to the commencement of any land -
disturbing activity on the above named project, according to State Stormwater requirements. The NO[
form may be accessed at deq.nc.gov/NCG07.. Please direct questions about the NOI form to Annette Lucas
at Annette.lucas@ncdenr.gov or Paul Clark at Paul.clark@ncddenr.g_ov. After you submit a complete and
correct NO[ Form, you will receive a fink with payment instructions for the $100 annual permit fee. After
the fee is received, you will receive the COC via email. The $100 fee will be charged annually until the
project receives a final land -disturbance inspection. Once the project is stabilized and receives the final
land -disturbance inspection, you should file a Notice of Termination (NOT) with the State to final out the
A copy of the enclosed land -disturbing permit, a copy of the approved erosion and sedimentation
control plan as well as any approved deviations, the NCC01 permit, a copy of the Certificate of Compliance
(COC), records of inspections made during the previous 12 months and a rain gauge must be posted at
the job site as required by 15A NCAC 48 .0118(a), the NCGO1 permit, Chapter 23 Article VI Section 23-
248(o) and Article VIII Section 8.19(o).
The land disturbing fee of 7384 is due to be paid, to my attention, prior to issuance of any
Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion.
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A preconstruction meeting is optional prior to land -disturbing activity on this project. Please
contact me at (910) 798-7139 if you would like to schedule this meeting in our office. If you choose not to
have a preconstruction meeting, you must contact us with the date the land -disturbing activity will take
place onsite and again once the initial erasion control measures are installed.
New Hanover County's Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program is performance-orlented,
requiring protection of existing natural resources and adjoining properties. If, following the
commencement of this project, it is determined that the erosion and sedimentation control plan is
inadequate to meet the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina
General Statutes 113A-51 through 66), and the New Hanover County Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Ordinance, Chapter 23 Article VI Section 23-248 (f) and Article Vlll Section 8.19 (f), this office may require
revisions to the plan and its implementation of the revisions to ensure compliance with the Act and
This land -disturbing permit will expire within 1 year following the date of approval, if no land -
disturbing activity has been undertaken, as required byChapter 23 Article VI Section 23-247(d) and Article
Vill Section 8.18 (d). if no activity takes place within one year after work has begun onsite, the permit will
expire. Please contact this office to reactivate a permit that has expired.
Acceptance and approval of this erosion control plan is conditioned upon your compliance with
Federal and State water quality laws, regulations and rules and local city or county ordinances or rules.
This land -disturbing permit approval does not supersede any other permits or approvals. It is the owner's
responsibility to have all the permits and approvals that are required, prior to beginning construction.
Please note this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information provided in the
Financially Responsibility Form, which you provided. You are requested to file an amended form if there
is any change in the information included on the form.
Your cooperation is appreclated,
Beth Easley Wetheril I
NHC Soil Erosion Specialist
Enclosures: Land -Disturbing Permit
NPDES NCG01 Fact Sheet and Monitoring Form
cc: Brian Chambers Senior Planner, City of Wilmington
Phillip Norris PE, Norris & Tanstall Consulting Engineers, PC
Permit CAP #46-17
Revision #1
LNDP 20-00114
Permit for a Land -Disturbing Activity
New Hanover County
Department of Engineering
230 Government Center Drive - Suite 160
Wilmington, North Carolina 28403
(910) 798-7139
As authorized by the New Hanover County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance
This permit issued to Live Oak Crossroads LLC authorizes the development of 18.46 acres of land at 3802 —
3906 Carolina Beach Road for Crossroads @Independence in New Hanover County. This permit issued on August 31,
2018 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawings, all applicable regulations and special
conditions and notes set forth below. Any Plan modifications must be approved bv this office orlor to field
It is understood by the applicant that a representative of New Hanover County's Engineering Department
may inspect the site at any time following the issuance of this Permit. A copy of the approved Soil Erosion
Control Plan as well as any approved deviations, this permit, a rain gauge, a copy of the NCG01 permit, a copy of
the Certificate of Coverage (COC) from the State and copies of the Combined Self -Monitoring and Self -Inspection
Reports must be available at all times at the site.
Failure to execute the provisions of this permit and the approved Soil Erosion Plan, or any other provisions
of the New Hanover County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, may result in immediate legal
action by the County to the limits prescribed by the Ordinance. if the measures outlined on the approved Soil
Erosion Control Plan and this Permit prove insufficient, additional Erosion Control measures can and will be
required which in turn will be considered provisions of this Permit. This Permit does not preclude any other
permits or approvals necessary for beginning or completing this development. Approval of an erosion control
plan is conditioned on the applicant's compliance with Federal and State laws, regulations and rules. It is the
Permittee's responsibility to obtain all necessary permits and approvals.
*All the soil erosion control measures will be installed as the site is cleared and maintained throughout
construction. These include a construction entrance, barricades or construction at all other entrances, silt fences, inlet and
outlet protection, a 3:1 sloped 10 feet wide bottom Ditch #1 with its slopes and bottom immediately sodded or lined prior
to any rain event and wire backed silt fence on either side of the top of the slopes, a concrete washout, and immediate
construction of the sediment basin, its slopes and outlet structure with a 6 inch Faircloth skimmer with a 5.6-inch orifice.
Note: A construction sequence must be approved priorto any disturbance in the existing ditch or installation of the 2 60
inch pipes. All disturbed area between the existing 54-inch pipe and the 2 60 inch pipes will be immediately lined and
armored with rip rap and wire backed silt fence will be installed adjacent to the rip rap prior to any rain event. By pass
pumping may be required during clearing until the 2 60 inch pipes are installed
"Revision #1 approved 11/9/20 includes silt fence with wire backing on both sides of the ditch that will be piped during
the clearing phase of construction, until the bypass pumping and pipe installation takes place. All dewatering will be
done as to not cause turbidity. Flocculants may be required. Additional silt fence may be required adjacent the other
(Continued) - Page Two
Permit GP ##46-17
Revision #1
LNDP 20-00114
RJW work at the wetlands. All slit fences will be shifted toward the LOD or vice versa and all NCG01 regulations apply.
*Tree Removal Permits and/or Approvals are required from the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County
priorto issuance of the land disturbing -permit and clearing of the site.
*Silt fence stakes must be steel and will be placed six feet apart without wire reinforcement or eight feet apart
with wire reinforcement. Silt fence is not allowed as inlet protection.
*This permit does not preclude any permits or approvals which may be necessary such as City of Wilmington or
New Hanover County, NCDEMLR, C.A.M.A., and/or the US Army Corps. of Engineers, DENT Solid Waste or any
other agencies.
*No sediment shall leave the site in suspension of water.
*If plan revisions are necessary you must submit a copy to this office for approval rp for to any field changes.
*If soil is brought onto this site or removed from this site, it must come from or be taken to an approved or
permitted site, to be identified to this office Rrior to being brought onsite or removal from the site.
*All City and/or County and State drainage and stormwater requirements will be adhered to.
*If these measures fail to adequately control erosion, more restrictive measures will be required.
*If any phase of grading ceases for more than 90 calendar days, the site will be temporarily stabilized.
*All slopes must be stabilized within 21 calendar days of any phase of activity.
The approval of an erosion control plan is conditioned on the applicant's compliance with Federal and State
Water Quality laws, regulations and rules.
*Note the required rates for seed, lime, fertilizer and mulch in your seeding specifications.
*Enclosed is a Combined Self -Monitoring and Self -inspection Form that meets the requirements of bath the
NPDES Stormwater Permit for Construction Activities, NCG 010000 reporting and the Land Resources Self -
Inspection Program that satisfies the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. These are
mentioned below with specific requirements for each program. These reports are the responsibility of the
property owner. They require a rain gauge onsite, inspections and reporting every 7 calendar days and within
24 hours of every 1.04nch rain per 24-hour period and at specific phases of construction. Additional copies of
this Combined Construction Inspection Report can be found at htt ortal.ncdenr.or web it erosion .
Reports must be available onsite at all times. If you have questions, please contact New Hanover County
Engineering (910) 798-7139 or the Land Quality Section at the NCDEMLR Regional office at (910) 796-7215.
*Note the NPDES Information from the State for sites disturbing 1 acre or more and the reporting
requirements. All NEW projects permitted after August 3, 2011 mast include the following surface water
withdrawal locations and stabilization requirement designations on the plan in order to qualify for coverage
under the most recent NPDES Construction General Permit. All settling basins must have outlet structures that
withdraw water from the surface, with the exception of basins or traps that have a drainage area of less than 1
acre. The NPDES permit also requires ground cover within 15 calendar days on disturbed flat areas and ground
cover within 7 calendar days on all areas within HQW Zones, perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes
and all slopes steeper than 3.1. Exceptions include slopes that are 10 feet or less in length and not steeper than
2:1 which must be stabilized within 14 calendar days and slopes greater than 50 feet which must be stabilized
within 7 calendar days. It requires inspections of all erosion control measures and reporting every 7 days and
within 24 hours of every 1.0-inch rain event in a 24-hour period. This permit also includes other new
requirements which are listed in the text of the NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit for Construction Activities,
which is included with the original copy of each land -disturbing permit.
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Permit GP 46-17
Revision #1
LNDP 20-00114
*dote the land Resources Self Inspection Program Requirements. This program is separate from the NP®ES
reporting and requires inspection and documentation after each phase of construction. These phases include.
Installation of perimeter erosion control measures, Clearing: and Grubbing of existing ground cover, Completion
of any phase of grading of slopes or fills, Installation of storm drainage facilities, Completion of construction or
development, Establishment of permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion and any Deviation from
the approved plan.
*Pre -construction meetings are optional. Contact Beth E. Wetherill at (910) 799-7139 to set up a meeting prior
to land -disturbing activity onsite. If you do not: choose to have a preconstruction meeting prior to starting work
on site, you should contact ass when activity begins and again when the initial measures have been installed.
This Permit will expire one year from date of issue
if no construction activity begins on site. This permit
may not be amended or transferred to another party
without approval of this office.
Beth E. Wetherill, C.P.E.S.C. AJ^ f
Sofl Erosion Specialist/New Hanover County
Acknowledgment of receipt of Permit
By (please print'
�e=� Signature