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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001863_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (15)435 Williams Court, Suite 100 40 Baltimore, N1D 21220 SYNAGRO"'O zcr--i ;711 nts /DWR FEBRUARY 26, 2019 NCDEQ Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: 2018 Annual Report for Permit No. WQ0001863 Dear NCDEQ: WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Synagro is submitting one copy and one electronic copy of the above referenced report on behalf of the City of Mount Holly, NC. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Danny Jackson at (704) 827-4261 or Adam Brigman at (704) 650-4341. Sincerely, k�' Derrick Shivar Environmental- Compliance Manager Enclosures . cc: Danny Jackson, City of Mount Holly Adam Brigman, Synagro YOUR PARTNER FORA CLEANER, GREENERWORLD City of Mount Holly, NC RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM Permit No. WQ0001863 2018 ANNUAL REPORT City of Mount Holly, NC Residuals Land Application Program 2018 Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Certification Form and Annual Operations Summary 2. Annual Residual Sampling Summary Forms, Residuals Analyses, & SAR Calculation Pages 3. Annual Land Application Field Summary Forms 4. TCLP Analysis 5. Pathogen Reduction/Vector Attraction Reduction 6. Soil pH & Lime Application Records 7. Soil Analyses SECTION 1 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit #: W00001863 County Gaston Year 2018 Facility Name (as shown on permit) Mount Holly WWTP & WTP NPDES No. NCO021156 & 01-36-020 Land Application Operator Synagro Phone# (336) 998-7150 Land application of residuals as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year? X YES NO. If NO, skip PartA, and Part Band proceed to Part C. Also, if residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A — Residuals Application Summary: Total number of application fields in the permit: 22 Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: 14 Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: 207.03 Total number of acres utilized for land application during the year: 218.65 Part B — Annual Compliance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2018 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality X YES NO. If no, please provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1. Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis was performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6. The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (Applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7. All general requirements as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8. All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .I I I I were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11. Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receiving residuals, as specified in the permit. 12. No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C — Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including th possi i ity of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Danny Jackson, City Manager 113— 1q Permittee Name d Title ( pe or print) Signat re Pe Date 7,0 �I�u)I ignatu • of Preparer* Date Signa e and Appl e Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from ermittee and Preparer) *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) 2018 ANNUAL OPERATIONS SUMMARY - LAND APPLICATION IN NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC ■IOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID MONTHNEAR March 2018 May 2018 June 2018 August 2018 December 2018 YEARLY TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT 892,800.00 G 117, 800.00 G 409,200.00 G 787,400.00 G 688,200.00 G 2,895,400.00 G DRY TONS UNIT 71.85 D 7.66 D 26.62 D 60.72 D 40.18 D 207.03 D DRY METRIC TONS 65.17 6.95 24.14 55.09 36.45 187.80 1 /28/2019 SECTION 2 ANNUAL RESIDUALS SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding Annual Report. Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed than those required to be summarized on this form. Permit Number: WQ0001863 Facility Name: MOUNT HOLLY, NC NPDES# : NCO021156 or WQ# (residual only) WWTP Name: MOUNT HOLLY WWTP Residuals Analysis Data Product Type Date Sampled (grab) or Date Composited Percent Solids AEDLIQ 01/15/18 AEDLIQ AEDLIQ. 03/21/18 06/19/18 1.93 1.56 1.85 Laboratory Waypoint Analytical Virginia Inc. SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. AEDLIQ 10/01/18 1.40 PARAMETERS (mg/kg dry weight) Arsenic <3 18 <5 <5 Cadmium <2 P / <-15—7 <1 J<0.4 <1 Mercury <0.4 / <116 ITV 0.0149 Chromium 154 120 J 169 4.78 Copper 359 390 487 11.2 Lead 10.8 « 0� a 9.99 � <3 Molybdenum Nickel <5 12.6 <42� 5.02 <120 16.1 <2.5 <2.5 Selenium <5 � J <6�<5 <5 Zinc 650 620 769 18.7 Total Phosphorus 12000 14000 14200 269 TKN 73200 69000 71500 176000 Ammonia -Nitrogen 10800 6100 28000 22100 Nitrate and Nitrite <23 38 <2. 42 573 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." X (SIGNATURV DF PREPARER) Date Z - 2- Z% DENR FORM RSSF (5/2003) Printed: Wednesday - February 6, 2019 at 08:55:38 for: 1701 01 ANNUAL RESIDUALS SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding Annual Report. Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed than those required to be summarized on this form. Permit Number: WQ0001863 Facility Name: MOUNT HOLLY, NC NPDES# : NCO021156 or WQ# (residual only) WWTP Name: MOUNT HOLLY WWTP Residuals Analysis Data r/ Product Type AEDLIQ AEDLIQ Date Sampled (grab) or 01/15/18 03/21/18 Date Composited Percent Solids 1.93 1.56 PARAMETERS (mg/kg dry weight) Laboratory Waypoint Analytical Virginia Inc. SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. AEDLIQ AE LIQ 06/19/18 10/01/18 1.85 1.40 Aluminum 9390 9600 8530 231 Calcium 8180 7100 9330 224 Magnesium 2340 2900 3130 55.7 pH 7.38 7.14 7.40 7.50 Potassium 2940 4800 3070 <50 Sodium 5150 8100 5320 <250 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Date 2 /2"/ � (SIGNATURE NR - Data Not Reported or Data Not Required DENR FORM RSSF-B (7/2002) Printed: Wednesday - February 6, 2019 at 08:59:57 for: 1701 01 Page: 1 of 2 Report Number: 18-016-0202 Account Number: 00015 Submitted By: Adam Brigman Send To: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville, NC 28134 Lab Number: 58078 Sample Id : Mt Holly 1 of Total Solids Moisture * Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Total Potassium Total Sulfur Total Calcium Total Magnesium Total Sodium Total Iron Total Aluminum Total Manganese Total Copper Total Zinc Ammonia Nitrogen Organic N Nitrate+Nitrite-N (D 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Waypoint Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL Project: Mt Holly REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 1/16/2018 06:30:00 Date Received: 01/16/2018 00:00 Date Reported: 01/23/2018 RESULT RESULT QUANTITATION METHOD 1.93 19300 100.0 JM 01/16/201815:00 SM-254OG 98.06 100.0 JM 01116/201815:00 SM-2540G 7.32 73200 50.0 R D 01/17/2018 08:15 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN 1.20 12000 100 MOS 01/17/201816:07 6010C 0.29 2940 100 MOS 01117/201815:07 6010C 1.20 12000____ _100—__ MOS 01/17/201815:07— 6010C- 0.82 8180 100 MOS 01/17/201815:07 6010C 0.23 2340 100 MOS 01/17/201815:07 6010C 0.52 5150 100 MOS 01/17/201815:07 6010C 6110 100 MOS 01/17/201815:07 6010C 9390 100 MOS 01/17/201815:07 6010C 210 5.00 MOS 01/17/201815:07 6010C 359 5.00 MOS .01/17/201815:07 6010C 650 5.00 MOS 01/17/201815:07 6010C 1.08 10800 50.0 R D 01/17/2018 08:.15 SM-4500-NH3C 6.24 62400 50.0 01/17/2018 08:15 CALCULATION <23.0 23.0 MMT 01/18/2018 08:53 4500NO3F-2011 All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. �« imp G� t)trrreporls and tellers are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or olber public announcements without obtaininrd our prior written authorization. Pauric McGroary Agronomist Page: 2 of 2 Report Number: 18-016-0202 Account Number: 00015 Submitted By: Adam Brigman Send To: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville, NC 28134 Waypoint 0 (D ANALYTICAL Project: Mt Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Lab Number: 58078 REPORT OFANALYSIS Date Sampled: 1/15/2018 06:30:00 Date Received: 01/16/2018 00:00 Sample Id : Mt Holly 1 of 4 Date Reported: 01/23/2018 --------- «.uu z.uu MOS 01/17/2018 15:07 6010C Total Chromium 154 5.00 MOS 01/17/2018 15:07 6010C Total Nickel 12.6 5.00 MOS 01/17/2018 15:07 6010C Total Lead 10.8 5.00 MOS 01/17/2018 15:07 6010C Total Arsenic <3.00 3.00 MOS 01/17/2018 15:07 6010C Total Mercury <0.400 0.400 MOS 01/22/2018 15:35 SW-7471 B Total Selenium <5.00 5.00 MOS 01/17/2018 15:07 6010C pH * 7.38 1.00 R D 01/17/2018 08:15 9045D Total Molybdenum <5,00 5.00 MOS 01/17/2018 15:07 6010C Comments: NC CERT#257, SC CERT#9300 7001 SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis, Our reports andletters are forthe exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole orpart, nor may any reference be made how« m` 610wr to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, orother public announcements without obtaining ourpdor wrilten authorizafion. Pauric McGroary Agronomist WASTEWATER SAMPLE: TkAAN Way pohit 7621 Wlutepiuc Road Richmond VA 23237 Tcl: 804-743-9,1011 DY Account tE IIIIIIIillllllll IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII QG 0� 20182 Svnanro Central LLC/ MT Holly 14:18:01 Mr Hnllv MSitofner+lnf Sub'mItted, BY I (� Q h'1 ri ' ►rvl GUi �. _. �- • - ) �uPY: l o � !/! Gl �•2 Vt�-/'G� 127ol l qa c , CAI ,� . �leu, P; :11� AVG 28134 Prdject, LQ -)7U I Phone: 70 �- G b O- `i 3 Z'l I Fax: E-mail: Cp b Sample Information Lab Number Collection Information Container Information Please Write in Desired Tests Sample ID (Lab Use Only) Type Date Time Number �'�Z 5Q3 N'l'�dl of Bottles Type Volume rl I mt, No If Me Seri d t� Glass So oz �( �( U.� I y l� Composite I�l�/f 6 ('3o"r its 'Plastic —p it x x 61r qt < y _ Grab _ Glass _ oL _ Composite Plastic --Pint — t. — Grab Composite _ Glass Plastic o` pint t _ Grab Composite _ Glass Plastic _ o7 —pint t Relinquished By: (Signature) Date Time Received By: Date Time (Signature) 1b Test Available Nitrogen Series: Total Kjeldahl, Ammonium, Nitrate &Organic Nitrogen, Special Instructions or Remarks Phosphorus (total, orthor), POMSSILim, Sulfate -Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Iron, Aluminum, �/ �n C /' `GJt[���✓Yk Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Mercury, Lead, Selenium, Silver. Nickel. Acidity (Total), Alkalinity (Total), Biochemical Oxygen _/� Demand (5 days), Boron, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Chloride, Conductance (Specific), Hexavalent Chromium, Oil and Grease (EPA), pH, Phenol, Solids (Dissolved, Suspended, Total, Volatile) Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) / I a Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 1701-01-AEDLIQ-NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY 1/15/2018 1/1/2018-3/31/2018 1.7900 DIGESTED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x % Solids) = 100 = (5150 x 1.9300) _ 100 = 99.395 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (8180 x 1.9300) + 100 = 157.874 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (2340 x 1.9300) _ 100 = 45.162 Na meq = Na mg/1 _ Molec.Wgt.Na = 99.395 _ 23 = 4.32152 Ca meq = Ca mg/1 _ Molec.Wgt.Ca = 157.874 _ 20 = 7.8937 Mg meq = Mg mg/1 _ Molec.Wgt.Mg = 45.162 _ 12 = 3.7635 SAR = Na meq - SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 4.32152 _ SgrRoot[0.5(7.8937+3.7635)] = 1.79001 Printed: 2/6/2019 Page 1 10:14 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mount Holly Project Number: 50-1701 Lot Number:TC21067 Date Completed:06/06/2018 Revision Date: 06/05/2018 NEW 06/06/2018 9:40 AM Approved and released by: Project Manager: Lucas Odom 4 MiAM TNI ACCREDITED `AeORAY��J The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 7 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: TC21067 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPs), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPs or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all solid sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. The pH analysis associated with the sample(s) in this report was/were performed after the method recommended 15 minute holding time. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 7 Client:Synagro Description: MOUNT HOLLY 2 OF 4 Date Sampled:03/21/2018 0730 Date Received:03121/2018 Laboratory ID:TC21 Matrix: Solk % Solids: 1.56t Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (% Solids) SM 2540G 1 03/21/2018 2118 HRJ 67593 1 350.1 (Ammonia - N ) 350.1 5 03/28/2018 1318 DMA 68028 1 (Nitrate - N ) 9056A 1 03/28/2018 0629 HKL 68009 1 (Nitrite - N ) 9056A 1 03/28/2018 0629 HKL 68010 1 (pH) 9045D 1 03/22/2018 1439 KNF 67673 1 (Phosphorus) 365.1 2 03/22/2018 1639 DMA 03/22/2018 1130 67619 2 351.4 (TKN) 351.2 1 03/30/2018 1610 DMA 03/30/2018 1037 68335 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOCI Units Run % Solids SM 254OG 1.56 % 1 Ammonia - N (gas diffusion) 350.1 6100 320 mg/kg 1 Nitrate - N (soluble) 9056A 38 13 mg/kg 1 Nitrite - N (soluble) 9056A 310 13 mg/kg 1 pH 9045D 7.14 su 1 Phosphorus 7723-14-0 365.1 14000 640 mg/kg 1 TKN 351.2 69000 1600 mg/kg 2 ICP-AES Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3050B 6010D 1 03/27/2018 1519 CJZ 03/24/2018 1212 67745 2 3050B 6010D 1 04/26/2018 1657 CJZ 04/24/2018 1140 70177 CAS Analytical -Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL �� Units Run luminum 7429-90-5 6010D 9600 % 1200 450 ` mg/kg 1 Arsenic 7440-38-2 6010D 18 J ! 45 15 mg/kg 1 Cadmium 7440-43-9 6010D ND ! 15 3.8 mg/kg 1 Calcium 7440-70-2 6010D 7100 J l 15000 1900 1 mg/kg 1 Chromium 7440-47-3 6010D 120 ' 30 7.5 j mg/kg 1 Copper 7440-50-8 6010D 390 30 13 mg/kg 1 Iron 7439-89-6 6010D 5600 300 140 mg/kg 1 Lead 7439-92-1 601OD ND f 30 13 mg/kg 1 Magnesium 7439-95-4 6010D 2900 J 'i 15000 1900 // mg/kg 1 Manganese 7439-96-5 6010D 120 y 45 18 /{ mg/kg 1 Molybdenum 7439-98-7 6010D ND i 42 11 / mg/kg 2 Nickel 7440-02-0 6010D ND 1 120 31 mg/kg 1 Potassium 7440-09-7 6010D 4800 J 15000 1900, mg/kg 1 Selenium 7782-49-2 6010D ND 60 24 mg/kg 1 Sodium 7440-23-5 6010D 8100 J \15000 190p mg/kg 1 Zinc 7440-66-6 6010D 620 \ 150 37 mg/kg 1 0 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range NO = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis :aly Environmental Services, Inc. i Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 7 Client: Synagro Description: MOUNT HOLLY 2 OF 4 Date Sampled:03/21/2018 0730 Date Received:03/21/2018 Run Prep Method 1 7471 B CVAA Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst 7471 B 1 03/27/2018 2108 SLS Laboratory ID:TC21067 Matrix: Solid / % Solids: 1.56i Prep Date Batch 03/27/2018 1849 67978 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range ND = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GG columns exceeds 40 % H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aaly Environmental Services, Inc. ':I Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 7 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 5 of 7 os m CD SHRALYChaim of GUsfody Record CD o' is CO �CD z HUM CD m syl l agro N N n F ,AddrFw °— p TZIA LnammerIlwy LT .Mate._ 1p.Gode - -. — _ c�i Prujt,ct �la��+q x � � � FrcJecl r4rintce, P.0 NI n170 ! Shealy Environmental Ser-�jces, Inc. 1 CB Vantage Point Clmre Olest Columbia, South Carolina 29172 Telephone No. (803) Fax 140. (803) 799-9 i 11 Ropori to Cant.- 9— A M Bflgrnar. Telephone rdo., F2X Nn.; cnrtil (70t-�3g ;.'Ai; � :iUfigrrsz�ryra+,r,,.rorn L Urp es. a. HNOS 7. Naol; �. NaCLir&nA §_HO. 3, FI2c04 13. Iti'a. Thin. 5`- �rt+latrl.". bn V7 (c ontaa-Grs .nr,:arl I sample ma/ ba C'rrle I Time r0msin_4 on o;ie@iraa) CD io 0 /ice it a x 0 W O V M � J N (D 'G N n C I no am:.rvand7nrF rgLjfedfpizl:.h arPM'1rrrq;l1-ed rof exMdhd TAT) ^Sample DiSpcsal` lPhasu swirl) ❑ Ratum to wli©nt 1715 pusal by LP,G ;RRolinquicievi 6.�Irna ZZ'rtgEished !ty Ir,x� r�_._ PgOirenents (P} a;e Soacity) .?ec"N'M I)y P--,t:iwul by Number Payra Numbered can:aina13 eote_ Pa>serr�,li•ru TW O67 Flammabre FSKin Itrl:enL U: Mmn ;?TT I" 11441 'd qa' 4 Date Flrne 4, boralar+ 1 a � .. 1 °x5' `�'} Uath NOW Pali sarnpdes ara ret ned for six weeks from receipt uroless other IA5 USE OWI.Y P0C-- 'I nn—t-O arran ements are made Race:.'ad nn Ivs i :h=.k} 2fY El N F1I-Peat/ 1 f . (,a a Blank ®N rracFn'e Gate t7',-7 2012 U) m C X z 9T M z r Cn MT N n M z 0 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Slmnly����cu-sm:atal5crrices, fv,G Pkt�men; N�snhr 61 LdUe! BL'- ] 2 Nr. 1 nrt EiRcti v e Unit 12-KIWN l8 Sample Receipt Cheddist {S.R ') Client: Cuulor 111spectcd b};'dt;tG; C-OL'.: ! -Z"- i ' I ,�� Lot. 0: Meatlsofreceip(: JZ 51;�51 IUClicnt ❑ UPS ❑FedF.s LICfther:_ - D YcS1 -1 1. t' me ctxslody Seals present or tho woler? E]Yesl DiNa 7NIA 2. Ifolrstcd m-lix Yitnv P3'L:s :nt. were they intactandunbmil, ? {?II Strip ID: Chlorine Strip TD- Cooler ID r 0r{gtlal tenipcmttlrc upon rccsript r 1Derived (Caerected) temperature upon receipt: h'tettiod: QTetnpelraiure thank []Against 1 oulcs 1R Gxrtl ID: j- tit Gun C.-tirr cdcu Faotor: (::'a °C h4cthod ofcoalunt; I -wet Icu 0 Iee Packs C) DTy Tcc J None _ U Yes I� Nu Nel -- if ienipc'awrc of any cooler exceeded 6.0°C_, was Prc jest Nf naser Notificd? PM leas Kirtificd by: phone r email , fase-to-facie (circl-e one). ❑ Yes u Nc, ,n 4. Is the commcrcial courier s packing slip attached to this form? ,Yes CI No J5. V,rerz {?ralx.rcustcr iy pmce.lvte, (relinquishcdfrcecitictid} Colluacd Yes J No G. Were sample ILTS list--d rri the COC? r Z YtS E] No 7. Wurx; sarnpk 113a Iht-:d on a4] sample container-57 ❑ YoR Z Non 3. Nils wilm-d-an date its [tine Iis" on the COC? EI VeR D'tvn Clare & time listed on all SWLnple (ontainers^ Ycs 1-1 No 10. 1)id all container lobe] information (11), date, tine) agree with the ('()C'. OYes ❑ Na I1, Werc tests w 1.� perfortned listed on tha(.:i'1C:? Yc s ©No ' 12. Did all samples anivc in the proper w,tlainets for each test and.'or in good condition (unbroken; ]ids on, ctc,)? Yes n No 13, Was adctlua{estuaple vulucleavailablc? 172'Yes U No 14. Were all samplas rccaivcd within 3,4 thelmlding time or-48 hitun, whichevea-comrs fret? Yes 21 No 15-'Were any sampt,x5 c;fntainern rrlissin 'e,;ccss (circle orte) s x:nples 14ur 115tcd prt C.()C:? Ej Yes i-1 Nu A 16. Far V 6A and KSK-175 samples, weTe habit l05 rrr:: Lot >" 11ea-size" (!4 'ar &0In in did meter) in ally of the VIDA vials? Yes No `NA 17, Wm all DR0ime;als+ttutrient samplcR rev eival al a pH of-. 3? Q Yes ❑ Nu A I S. Were all cyanide swples'r;:eived tit a p-H : 13 and ulfide sarnpl rccciced at a piT - 92 Ycs ❑ No L XNI 119. wcm all xlpplicable. 25 (< C',Jmg�) SurrliWs t1EY-. C rk� t(11J 01 chlorine? L[ Yes 'D No 21NA i 20- Were client rornarkslrc-quests (i.e. aegncstcd diimiuns, NiSgUSE) dzsignation i, etc...} 1-oiTt%1ly cranscribcd fronn the COC into the comment wulion in LI64S" n I C Yes �x'T140 l V: ag t-he nunte number itscd ll;kcra front the container lab.`1? 5rxnple Preservation {Must he : i�rnple[ial for a �y satuplc(G} ircorrec-tly pn~scrrd nr wit1� ne ulsg�ace.) 5amplc�s} __ tiverz rctuivetl ircorrectl}' ()resor:cd and a'zrc adjnstcXl itcc[trdingly in "mplt rir:uiving tyith (ITaSt];, INU_, Eel, Nit(011) using SR k Time 017perservatton. Sum{rle(s} I vverc., rcccivod with bubbles:-6 mix in diamctrr. auiples(f l were received wide TRC> 0.5 mglT. (Tf# I9 is no j and was cjusted aG.^ordingl f�ieT sample receiving'�'ith sodiust� lhio-slilt'atc (7VazS�41� i with 5lxealy IL'1: _ 1 _ SR barcode iaiiots applied by: conlincilts: I f'� 6 czi l Q. c E; :^. -4-1 Jyt,-ri_ t,, CC., C . C i- 1 ' i Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7 of 7 Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 1701-01-AEDLIQ-NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY 3/21/2018 411/2018-6/30/2018 2.5466 DIGESTED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x % Solids) = 100 = (8100 x 1.5600) = 100 = 126.36 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (7100 x 1.5600) _ 100 = 110.76 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) + 100 = (2900 x 1.5600) + 100 = 45.24 Na meq = Na mg/1 _ Molec.Wgt.Na = 126.36 _ 23 = 5.49391 Ca meq = Ca mg/I = Molec.Wgt.Ca = 110.76 = 20 = 5.538 Mg meq = Mg mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Mg = 45.24 _ 12 = 3.77 SAR = Na meq _ SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 5.49391 - SgrRoot[0.5(5.538+3.77)] = 2.54665 Page 1 Printed: 2/6/2019 10:14 (2) WayPA®intN NALYTICAL 6/29/2018 Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville, NC, 28134 Ref: Analytical Testing Report Number: 18-171-0206 Project Description: CITY OF MT. HOLLY 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Dear Wayne Brady: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. received sample(s) on 6/20/2018 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Sub -contracted testing is noted on the Sample Summary Table if applicable. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2012) and NELAC unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as - received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Pam. X 6'_J- Pauric McGroary Agronomist Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA011 Pennsylvania 68-03109 Virginia 460014 Florida E871087 North Carolina 257 South Carolina 93007 "ec Me. 11 t Page 1 of 7 (2) WayPAc�intN NALYTICAL Client: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Project: CITY OF MT. HOLLY Lab Report Number: 18-171-0206 Date: 6/29/2018 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 CASE NARRATIVE TKN (Titration) Method SM-4500-NHXJKN Analyte: TKN QC Batch No: E64653 Analyte was flagged for 0% recovery in the LCS and/or LCSD due to the result being below the MQL. The actual result was XXJ which calculates to a recovery of XX%. Analyte was flagged for 0% recovery in the LCS and/or LCSD . The actual result was .928 which calculates to a recovery of 93%. Sample 61265 (MT. HOLLY 3 OF 4 N+M) QC Batch No: E64653 The MS/MSD recoveries are considered insignificant due to the level of analyte present in the parent sample relative to the spike level . RPD is based on the MS/MSD results and should be evaluated as laboratory duplicates. Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrogen Method SM-4500NO3F Analyte: NO3+NO2-N QC Batch No: E64694/E64656 The MS/MSD recoveries are considered insignificant due to the level of analyte present in the parent sample relative to the spike level . RPD is based on the MS/MSD results and should be evaluated as laboratory duplicates. Solids Total Mercury Analysis - CVAA Method SW-7471 B Sample 61264 Analyte: Hg QC Batch No: E64699 MS/MSD Recovery failed, PDS confirmed matrix interference Page 2 of 7 (2) Waypoint 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL Sample Summary Table Report Number: 18-171-0206 Client Project Description: CITY OF MT. HOLLY Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 61265 MT. HOLLY 3 OF 4 N+M Solids 06/19/2018 06:30 06/20/2018 61265 MT. HOLLY 3 OF 4 N+M Solids 06/19/2018 06:30 06/20/2018 6010D WTN WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certification: #1354 Page 3 of 7 Report Number: 18-171-0206 Account Number: 00015 Send To: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville, NC 28134 Lab Number: 61265 Sample Id : MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 N+M Waypoint(2) ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Project: CITY OF MT. HOLLY REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 6/19/2018 06:30:00 Date Received: 06/20/2018 00:00 Date Reported: 06/29/2018 Total Solids * 1.85 18500 100.0 JM 06/20/2018 15:15 SM-2540G Moisture * 98.14 100.0 JM 06/20/2018 15:15 SM-2540G Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 7.15 71500 50.0 R D 06/21/2018-09:00 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN Phosphorus 1.42 14200 50.0 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD Potassium 0.31 3070 50.0 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD Sulfur 1.15 11500 50.0 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD Calcium 0.93 9330 50.0 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD Magnesium 0.31 3130 50.0 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD Sodium 0.53 5320 250 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD Iron 5930 50.0 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD Aluminum 8530 50.0 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD Manganese 160 5.00 KKM 06/27/201813:44 6010D Copper 487, 2.50 KKM 06/27/2018 13:44 6010D Zinc 769 5.00 KKM 06/27/201813:44 6010D Ammonia Nitrogen 2.80 28000 50.0 JM 06/21/2018 09:00 SM-4500-NH3C Organic N 4.35 43500 50.0 06/21/2018 09:00 CALCULATION Nitrate+Nitrite-N <2.42 2.42 MMT 06/22/2018 09:48 4500NO3F-2011 All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Pauric McGroary Agronomist Page 4of7 Report Number: 18-171-0206 Account Number: 00015 Send To: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville, NC 28134 Lab Number: 61265 Sample Id : MT. HOLLY 3 OF 4 N+M Waypoint(2) ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Project: CITY OF MT HOLLY REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 6/19/2018 06:30:00 Date Received: 06/20/2018 00:00 Date Reported: 06/29/2018 Cadmium <1.00 Chromium 169 Nickel 16.1 Lead 9.99 Arsenic <5.00 Mercury <0.400 Selenium <5.00 pH * 7.4 Molybdenum 5.02 Comments: NC CERT#257 SULFUR AND ORGANIC NITROGEN NOT FOR COMPLIANCE PURPOSES. 1.00 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD 2.50 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD 2.50 KKM 06/27/201813:44 601OD 3.00 KKM 06/27/201813:44 6010D 5.00 KKM 06/27/201813:44 6010D 0.400 MMT 06/22/2018 15:14 SW-7471 B 5.00 KKM 06/27/201813:44 6010D 1.0 R D 06/21/2018 09:00 9045D 2.50 KKM 06/27/201813:44 6010D All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. ?We, r- #1 C 10*4r, Pauric McGroary Agronomist Page 5 of 7 Waypoint-Q) ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Cooler Receipt Form Customer Number: 00015 Customer Name: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Report Number: 18-171-0206 Shipping Method 0 Fed Ex 0 US Postal 0 Lab UPS 0 Client 0 Courier 0 Other: Thermometer ID: Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? 0 Yes 0 No Number of coolers received 1 Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? 0 Yes 0 No Not Required Custody seals intact on sample bottles? 0 Yes 0 No • Not Required Chain of Custody (COC) present? 0 Yes 0 No COC agrees with sample label(s)? 0 Yes 0 No COC properly completed • Yes 0 No Samples in proper containers? 0 Yes 0 No Sample containers intact? 0 Yes 0 No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? • Yes 0 No All samples received within holding time? 0 Yes 0 No Cooler temperature in compliance? 0 Yes 0 No Cooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. 0 Yes 0 No Water - Sample containers properly preserved 0 Yes 0 No N/A Water - VOA vials free of headspace 0 Yes 0 No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs 0 Yes 0 No ® N/A Soil VOA method 5035 — compliance criteria met 0 Yes 0 No 0 N/A F_ High concentration container (48 hr) F_ Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) F_ High concentration pre -weighed (methanol -14 d) F_ Low conc pre -weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) Special precautions or instructions included? 0 Yes • No Comments: Signature: lBrandi Watson Date & Time: 06/20/2018 13:45:33 Page 6 of 7 m cQ ro --It 0 -J 'WASTEWATER sAp�,E TRANSMITTAL r IIIIIIIilllllilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll18 "' °206 � �- 000ls Waypolllt AnalytrCal Svnanro Central LLC! MT Holly 06-20-2018 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond VA 23237 Tel.: 804-743-9401 Fax: 804-271-6446 CITY OF MT. HOLLY 13:44:21 Account # Customer Information Submitted By Charge To t;opy I o /� � I iGt Wl Q 1-s k7116i!P7 %/jQL 2 GL 12-701 �a2, q_ F1 cv` C4 v orlAq 1/4 1 Fbne v ,'Il i Al 2-9134 Project SO-17®9 Phone: 70`1 — 650 — t-1 5 4 Fax E-mail: 0—kJ Sample Information Lab Number Collection Information Container Information Please Write In Desired Tests Sample ID (Lab Use Only) Type Date Time Number Type Volume SL2 H of Bottles M� •l�'Sect n ,1 AM, fLC Il' � �n _Grab � 011tz ��'1 lass dPlastic �j� � oz int —qt �/ L\ �/ /v Y �( �f_Composite - _ Grab _ Glass oz pint — Composite — Plastic t Grab _ Glass Oz Pint — Composite — Plastic t _ Grab _ Glass oz pint FT — Composite — Plastic t P,plin uished By: (Signature) Date Time Received By: (Signature) Date Time /y /. r p Test Available Special Instructions or Remarks Nitrogen Series: Total Kjeldahl, Ammonium, Nitrate & Organic Nitrogen. Phosphorus(total, orthcr), Poatssium, Sulfate -Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Iron, Aluminum, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Mercury, Lead, Selenium, Silver. Nickel. Acidity (Total), Alkalinity (Total), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 days), Boron, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Chloride, Conductance (Specific), Hexavalent Chromium, Oil and Grease (EPA), pH, Phenol, Solids (Dissolved, Suspended, Total, Volatile) Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 1701-01-AEDLIQ-NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY 6/19/2018 711/2018-9130/2018 1.6497 DIGESTED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (5320 x 1.8500) = 100 = 98.42 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x % Solids) = 100 = (9330 x 1.8500) = 100 = 172.605 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (3130 x 1.8500) _ 100 = 57.905 Na meq = Na mg/I = Molec.Wgt.Na = 98.42 + 23 = 4.27913 Ca meq = Ca mg/I = Molec.Wgt.Ca = 172.605 = 20 = 8.63025 Mg meq = Mg mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Mg = 57.905 + 12 = 4.82542 SAR = Na meq _ SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 4.27913 _ SgrRoot[0.5(8.63025+4.82542)] = 1.64975 Printed: 2/6/2019 Page 1 10:15 Waypoint(D ANALYTICAL 10/11/2018 Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville, NC, 28134 Ref: Analytical Testing Report Number: 18-275-0202 Project Description: City of Mt Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Dear Wayne Brady: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. received sample(s) on 10/2/2018 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Sub -contracted testing is noted on the Sample Summary Table if applicable. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2012) and NELAC unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as - received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, P� IV 6&7,- Pauric McGroary Agronomist Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA011 Pennsylvania 68-03109 Virginia 460014 Florida E871087 North Carolina 257 South Carolina 93007 O i t �s Page 1 of 6 (D Waypoint 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446. ANALYTICAL Sample Summary Table Report Number: 18-275-0202 Client Project Description: City of Mt Holly Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 62940 Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Solids 10/01/2018 13:00 10/02/2018 62940 Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Solids 10/O1/2018 13:00 10/02/2018 SM-4500-NH3C WTN 62940 Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Solids 10/01/2018 13:00 10/02/2018 9045D WTN 62940 Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Solids 10/O1/2018 13:00 10/02/2018 4500NO3F-2011 WTN 62940 Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Solids 10/O1/2018 13:00 10/02/2018 6010D WTN 62940 Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Solids 10/01/2018 13:00 10/02/2018 SW-7471B WTN 62940 Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Solids 10/01/2018 13:00 10/02/2018 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN WTN 62940 Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Solids 10/01/2018 13:00 10/02/2018 SM-2540G WTN WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certification: #1354 Page 2 of 6 Report Number: 18-275-0202 Account Number: 00015 Send To: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville, NC 28134 Lab Number: 62940 Sample Id : Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Waypoint.(2) ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Project: City of Mt Holly REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 10/1/2018 13:00:00 Date Received: 10/02/2018 00:00 Date Reported: 10/11/2018 Total Solids * 1.40 14000 100.0 CJR 10/04/2018 13:45 SM-2540G Moisture * 98.60 100.0 CJR 10/04/2018 13:45 SM-2540G Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 17.60 176000 120 CLIP 10/09/2018 13:30 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN Phosphorus 0.03 269 50.0 BKN 10/09/201814:23 601OD Potassium <50.0 50.0 BKN 10/09/201814:23 601OD Sulfur 0.02 232 50.0 BKN 10/09/201814:23 601OD Calcium 0.02 224 100 JTR 10/10/201816:31 601OD Magnesium 55.7 50.0 BKN 10/09/201814:23 601OD Sodium <0.03 <250 250 BKN 10/09/201814:23 601OD Iron 218 50.0 BKN 10/09/201814:23 601OD Aluminum 231 50.0 BKN 10/09/201814:23 601OD Manganese 5.26 5.00 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D Copper 11.2 2.50 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D Zinc 18.7 5.00 BKN 10/091201814:23 6010D Ammonia Nitrogen 2.21 22100 50.0 ZBD 10/08/2018 14:00 SM-4500-NH3C Organic N 15.39 153900 120 10/08/2018 14:00 CALCULATION Nitrate+Nitrite-N 573 4.72 ZBD 10/09/201815:40 4500NO317-2011 All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. B - Analyte detected in blank H - Beyond Holding Time Pow« - / P 60w Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or part, nor may any reference be made Pauric McGroary to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Agronomist Page 3 of 6 Report Number: 18-275-0202 Account Number: 00015 Send To: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville, NC 28134 Lab Number: 62940 Sample Id : Mt Holly 4 of 4 N&M Cadmium Chromium Nickel Lead Arsenic Mercury Selenium pH Molybdenum Comments: Waypoint(D ANALYTICAL Project : City of Mt Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Date Sampled: 10/1/2018 13:00:00 Date Received: 10/02/2018 00:00 Date Reported: 10/11/2018 <1.00 1.00 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D 4.78 2.50 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D <2.50 2.50 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D <3.00 3.00 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D <5.00 5.00 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D 0.0149 0.0144 KKM 10/05/2018 12:52 SW-7471 B <5.00 5.00 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D 7.5 JSL 10/08/2018 08:50 9045D <2.50 2.50 BKN 10/09/201814:23 6010D All values are on a dry weight basis except as noted by asterisk. Detection limit on all N series is on a wet basis. B - Analyte detected in blank H - Beyond Holding Time Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. ?We, C. X C 110*4r, Pauric McGroary Agronomist Page 4 of 6 Waypoint(2) ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Cooler Receipt Form Customer Number: 00015 Customer Name: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Report Number: 18-275-0202 Shipping Method 0 Fed Ex 0 US Postal 0 Lab UPS 0 Client 0 Courier 0 Other: Thermometer ID: Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? • Yes 0 No Number of coolers received 1 Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? 0 Yes 0 No Not Required Custody seals intact on sample bottles? 0 Yes 0 No Not Required Chain of Custody (COC) present? 0 Yes 0 No COC agrees with sample label(s)? • Yes 0 No COC properly completed 0 Yes 0 No Samples in proper containers? 0 Yes 0 No Sample containers intact? • Yes 0 No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? 0 Yes 0 No All samples received within holding time? 0 Yes 0 No Cooler temperature in compliance? 0 Yes 0 No Cooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. • Yes 0 No Water - Sample containers properly preserved 0 Yes 0 No N/A Water - VOA vials free of headspace 0 Yes 0 No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs 0 Yes 0 No ® N/A Soil VOA method 5035 — compliance criteria met 0 Yes 0 No • N/A F_ High concentration container (48 hr) F_ Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) F_ High concentration pre -weighed (methanol -14 d) F_ Low conc pre -weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) Special precautions or instructions included? 0 Yes ® No Comments: Signature: lBrandi Watson Date & Time: 10/02/2018 12:37:21 Page 5 of 6 .WASTEWATER SA 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111111as 02 2018Z Svnaaro Central LLC/ MT Holly City of MI Holly 12:34:09 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond VA TN -customer inlu1.1.I,aU — /� J (? Submitted By Charge To / IU rvl 13n MaP7 r0 (-QA-4reL� 12701 Gac �� Fly l dF pf'n e ;1 Le All— 2-191311 roject. 5O'I1oi Phone: /Qq _ �i.5©_'q5Ll I Fax: Q PS vccount # �� C��®D� A Copy To E-mail: l� h !�,` � , � r•�„_,. , Sample Information Lab Number Collection Information Container Information Please Write in Desired Tests Sample ID (Lab Use Only) Type Date Time Number Type Volume �I L 2 �� 5 /(/ try, Jr —7— of Bottles M4' Hcllt 1/Crab / Glass oz I°''N v —Composite I �( /%� I'U�P"" tit Plastic �fnt ��// X �/ � C1� �( X, Grab Glass — oz — Composite _ — Plastic pint t _ Grab Glass — oz — Composite _ Plastic —pin` t _ Grab Glass — oz — Composite _ Plastic —pint — I qt Received %/ //y t � �> I `V Test Available Nitrogen Series: Total Kjeldahl, Ammonium, Nitrate & Organic Nitrogen. Phosphorus(total, orthor), Poatssium, Sulfate -Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Iron, Aluminum, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Mercury, Lead, Selenium, Silver. Nickel. Acidity (Total), Alkalinity (Total), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 days), Boron, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Chloride, Conductance (Specific), Hexavalent Chromium, Oil and Grease (EPA), pH, Pheriol, Solids (Dissolved, Suspended, Total, Volatile) Date Time Special Instructions or Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 1701-01-AEDLIQ-NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY 10/1/2018 10/1/2018-12/31/2018 0.4570 DIGESTED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x % Solids) = 100 = (250 x 1.4000) = 100 = 3.5 Ca mg/1 = (Ca mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (224 x 1.4000) _ 100 = 3.136 Mg mg/1 = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (55.7 x 1.4000) = 100 = 0.7798 Na meq = Na mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Na = 3.5 _ 23 = 0.152174 Ca meq = Ca mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Ca = 3.136 _ 20 = 0.1568 Mg meq = Mg mg/1 _ Molec.Wgt.Mg = 0.7798 _ 12 = 0.0649833 SAR = Na meq _ SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 0.152174 _ SgrRoot[0.5(0.1568+0.0649833)] = 0.456973 Printed: 2/6/2019 Page 1 10:15 SECTION 3 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: HULETT OWNER: RIVER TAW FARMS PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 34.28 SITE #: NC CL 00012 FIELD# : CL 00012 0001 OPERATOR: TRAVIS JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 51.20 ACRES PERMITTED: 51.20 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - % Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN Total I Per Acre DATE or MONTH Solids Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (pp-) Crop Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 5/23/18 117,800.00 (G) 2300.7811 1.56 0.150 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 69,000. p 6,100.00 p 38.00 p 21958 FESCUE May-18 117,800.00 (G) 2,300.781 6/5/18 99,200.00 (G) 1937.500 1.56 0.126 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 69,000. p 6,100.00 p 38.00 p 21958 I FESCUE 6/6/18 93,000.00 (G) 1816.406 1.56 0.118 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 69,000. p 6,100.00 p 38.00 p 21958 I FESCUE 6/7/18 93,000.00 (G) 1816.406 1.56 0.118 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 69,000. p 6,100.00 p 38.00 p 21958 I FESCUE 6/8/18 86,800.00 (G) 1695.313 1.56 0.110 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 69,000.p 6,100.00 p 38.00 p 21958 li FESCUE 6/9/18 37,200.00 (G) 726.563 1.56 0.047 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 69,000.p 6,100.00 p 38.00 p 21958 FESCUE Jun-18 1 409,200.00 (G) 7,992.188 1 oun uanons/AC: lU,LYZ.Y / TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annuallbs/acre 29 0.024 0.020 0.161 0.522 0.040 0.002 0.056 0.161 0.080 0.83Q 18.75 Cumulative Ibs/acre 0.024 0.020 0.161 0.522 0.040 0.002 0.056 0.161 0.080 0.830 Permit PAN Limit (Ibs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 141 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 k 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID g (SIGNATURE OfLAND APPL DATE I V p.. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified persor evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields v FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: GREG SPRINGS SITE #: NC GA 00041 FIELD# : GA 00041 0001 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S):* See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: MADISON PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 3.49 OPERATOR: GREG SPRINGS CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 3.40 ACRES PERMITTED: 3.40 Page: 1 Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - ��" Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN DATE or MONTH Total Per Acre Solids Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop 3/15/18 43,400.00 (G) 12764.706 1.93 1.027 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<I/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p7�1 24143 FESCUE Mar-18 43,400.00 (G) 12,764.706 1 Mal Va11[1nJ/1AE;_. Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Cubic Yds/Ac: 0.00 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 50 0.006 0.004 0.316 0.738 0.022 <.001 0.010 0.026 0.010 1.336 24.66 Cumulative Ibs/acre 0.015 0.010 0.954 2.267 0.091 0.002 0.026 0.069 0.026 3.715 Permit PAN Limit (]bs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop ; 149 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit Ibs/acre g ( ) 36.6 34 8 \ 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 v �' r MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID 11�,_ - x G - - ( NAT F LAN LIER) DATE "I certi , under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: GREG SPRINGS SITE #: NC GA 00041 FIELD# : GA 00041 0006 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S):* See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 14.47 OPERATOR: GREG SPRINGS CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 8.90 ACRES PERMITTED: 8.90 Page: 1 Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - or or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) Cond. Precip, cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN DATE or Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop MONTH Total Per Acre Solids 3/15/18 179,800.00 (G) 20202.247 1.93 1.626 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 03F17T7. 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 FESCUE Mar-18 179,800.00 (G) 20,202.247 1 Total Gallons/Ac: 20,202.25 Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Cubic Yds/Ac: 0.00 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 79 0.010 0.007 0.501 1.167 0.035 0.001 0.016 0.041 0.016 2.114 39.02 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.071 0.045 5.887 11.895 0.688 0.024 0.161 0.571 0.120 17.995 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop '� 183 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X (SIGNATURE O AND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: GREG SPRINGS SITE M NC GA 00041 FIELD# : GA 00041 0010 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S):* See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 12.97 OPERATOR: GREG SPRINGS CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 7.90 ACRES PERMITTED: 7.90 Page : 1 Lime Applied *** Date::T Lbs/Ac DATE or allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) oYO Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (pprn) Crop MONTH Total Per Acre Solids 3/15/18 68,200.00 (G) 8632.911 1.93 0.695 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 FESCUE 3/16/18 93,000.00 (G) 11772.152 1.93 0.947 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 FESCUE Mar-18 1 161,200.00 (G) 1 20,405.063 Total Gallons/Ac: 20,405.06 Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Cubic Yds/Ac: 0.00 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 79 0.010 0.007 0.506 1.179 0.035 0.001 0.016 0.041 0.016 2.135 39.41 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.043 0.028 3.845 7.683 0.439 0.016 0.108 0.377 0.075 11.532 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop �" 04 q FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 TT 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC W WTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X 2 �� (SIGNATU F LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: GREG SPRINGS SITE #: NC GA 00041 FIELD# : GA 00041 0014 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S):* See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 12.48 OPERATOR: GREG SPRINGS CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 6.80 ACRES PERMITTED: 6.80 Page: 1 Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN DATE or Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop MONTH Total Per Acre Solids 3/16/18 155,000.00 (G) 22794.118 1.93 1.834 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 FESCUE Mar-18 155,000.00 (G) 22,794.118 1 1 Total Gallons/Ac: 22,794.12 Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Cubic Yds/Ac: 0.00 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg M6 Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual Ibs/acre 89 0.011 0.007 0.565 1.317 0.040 0.001 0.018 0.046 0.018 2.385 44.03 Cumulative Ibs/acre 0.056 0.037 4.911 9.885 0.556 0.019 0.134 0.460 0.097 15.136 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop , 185 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X 2A� / 9 (SIGN URE OF APPLI DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: LLOYD OWNER: DAVID ALLEN PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 18.18 SITE #: NC GA 00045 FIELD# : GA 00045 0001 OPERATOR: DAVID ALLEN CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 17.00 ACRES PERMITTED: 17.00 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or MONTH Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (pprn) Crop Total I Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate ** Rate Nitrite 8/27/18 93,000.00 (G) 5470.588 1.85 0.422 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE HAY 8/28/18 74,400.00 (G) 4376.471 1.85 0.338 MHAEDL DRY 0-<I/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE HAY 8/29/18 68,200.00 (G) 4011.765 1.85 0.309 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE HAY Aug-18 235,600.00 (G) 13,858.824 I VLa ij,000.oc TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre - 5 g 0.011 0.002 0.361 1.041 0.021 <.001 0,011 0.034 0.011 1.644 30.36 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.045 0.025 3.055 6.953 0.360 0.010 0.072 0.257 0.068 10.889 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 176 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 W._._.. m 1339.0 267.9 15.0 1 #_..... # 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X (SIGNA-rURE OF J PA PLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL OWNER: JENNY SHANK PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 16.74 SITE #: NC LT 00044 FIELD# : LT 00044 0001 OPERATOR: LEE SHANK CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 15.65 ACRES PERMITTED: 15.65 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or MONTH Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total I Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 8/18/18 62,000.00 (G) 3961.661 1.85 0.306 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE PASTURE 8/20/18 99,200.00 (G) 6338,658 1.85 0.489 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<I/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE PASTURE 8/21/18 55,800.00 (G) 3565.495 1.85 0.275 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<I/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE PASTURE Aug-18 217,000.00 (G) 13,865.814 1 'A -al Mallullb/11C. 1J,003.01 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 5 g 0.011 0.002 0.362 1.042 0.021 <.001 0.011 0.034 0.011 1.645 30.38 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.011 0.002 0.362 1.042 0.021 <.001 0.011 0.034 0.011 1.645 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 209 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 € 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL= MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X (SIGNATURE O APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 S FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: TONY JONES SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0001 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S):* See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 12.97 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 11.80 ACRES PERMITTED: 11.80 Page: 1 Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) oho Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop MONTH Total Per Acre Solids 3/19/18 24,800.00 (G) 2101.695 1.93 0.169 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 I FESCUE 3/23/18 31,000.00 (G) 2627.119 1.93 0.211 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 I FESCUE 3/24/18 105,400.00 (G) 8932.203 1.93 0.719 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 FESCUE Mar-18 161,200.00 (G) 13,661.017 Total Gallons/Ac: 13,661.02 Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Cubic Yds/Ac: 0.00 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 53 0.007 0.004 0.339 0.789 0.024 <.001 0.011 0.028 0.011 1.429 26.39 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.069 0.042 5.174 9.423 0.637 0.019 0.108 0.440 0.107 14.709 Permit PAN Limit (Ibs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 1 ", a Y 167 FD Cumulative Pollutant LoadingRate Limit lbs/acre ( ) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X (SIGNATU AND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, un er penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL OWNER: TONY JONES PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 23.53 SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0002 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 45.20 ACRES PERMITTED: 45.20 Page: 1 Lime Applied *** Date Lbs Ac DATE or allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total Per Acre I MONTH Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 12/7/18 179,800.00 (G) 3977.876 1.40 0.232 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 176,00(p 22,100.00 p 573.00 p 57793 FESCUE PASTURE 12/8/18 161,200.00 (G) 3566.372 1.40 0.208 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<I/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 176,00(p 22,100.00 p 573.00 p 57793 FESCUE PASTURE 12/27/18 62,000.00 (G) 1371.681 1.40 0.080 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 176,00(p 22,100.00 p 573.00 p 57793 FESCUE PASTURE Dec-18 1 403,000.00 (G) 8,915.929 Total Gallons/Ac: 8,915.93 TOTALS As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annuallbs/acre 60 0.005 0.001 0.005 0.012 0.003 <.001 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.019 0.28 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.367 0.075 6.021 30.640 2.071 0.065 0.344 1.386 0.167 37.562 1 . ___, 7 - 711 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 149 FD Cumulative Pollutant LoadingRate Limit Ibs/acre ( ) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 ' ' 15.0 � 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X. (SIGNATURE OF LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: TONY JONES SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0003 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S):* See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 9.98 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 9.90 ACRES PERMITTED: 9.90 Page: 1 Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm ) Crop p Total Per Acre MONTH 3/19/18 86,800.00 (G) 8767.677 1.93 0.706 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 FESCUE 3/23/18 18,600.00 (G) 1878.788 1.93 0.151 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<I/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 I FESCUE 3/24/18 18,600.00 (G) 1878.788 1.93 0.151 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 FESCUE Mar-18 124,000.00 (G) 12,525.253 1 otal Gallons/Ac: 12,525.25 Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Cubic Yds/Ac: 0.00 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annuallbs/acre 0.006 0.004 0.310 0.724 0.022 <.001 0.010 0.025 0.010 1.310 24.19 49 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.075 0.046 5.626 10.242 0.691 0.021 0.119 0.489 0.117 15.838 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) Ist Crop/2nd Crop 3 167 „I FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 f' 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 a. MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X (SIGNATUR&OF LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR= Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: TONY JONES SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0004 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 16.65 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 19.40 ACRES PERMITTED: 19.40 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or MONTH Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (pp-) Crop Total Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 12/26/18 161,200.00 (G) 8309.278 1.40 0.485 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 22,100.00 p 573.00 p 57793 FESCUE PASTURE 12/27/18 124,000.00 (G) 6391.753 1.40 0.373 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2"SUR 0.5 T3176,00(p 6,00(p 22,100.00 p 573.00 p 57793 FESCUE PASTURE Dec-18 285,200.00 (G) 14,701.031 rotal Gallons/Ac: 14,701.03 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual Ibs/acre 99 0.009 0.002 0.008 0.019 0.005 <.001 0.004 0.004 0.009 0.032 0.46 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.145 0.074 4.587 40.531 1.672 0.085 0.461 1.555 0.167 37.068 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop i 148 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (Ibs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 r 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID Xx;v / 0 ,2111117 (SIG ATU O D APPLIER) DATE "I certi under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: LLOYD OWNER: TONY JONES PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 15.31 SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0005 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 7.90 ACRES PERMITTED: 7.90 Page Lime Applied *** Date +_Ibs/Ac DATE or MONTH allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Solids Dry Tons per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total I Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 8/14/18 99,200.00 (G) 12556.962 1.85 0.969 MIIAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE PASTURE 8/15/18 99,200.00 (G) 12556.962 1.85 0.969 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE PASTURE Aug-18 1 198,400.00 (G) 25,113.924 I otal Gallons/Ac: 25,11392 As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN TOTALS: Annuallbs/acre 105 0.019 0.004 0.655 1.887 0.039 0.002 0.019 0.062 0.019 2.980 55.02 Cumulative Ibs/acre 0.056 0.023 3.042 5.987 0.320 0.009 0.068 0.254 0.068 9.149 Permit PAN Limit (Ibs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 139 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (Ibs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500,0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X (SIGNAT�UOF LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = pp- or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: TONY JONES SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0007 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: PACOLET PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 10.52 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 7.00 ACRES PERMITTED: 7.00 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ae DATE or allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) oho Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total I Per Acre MONTH Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 8/15/18 6,200.00 (G) 885.714 1.85 0.068 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE HAY 8/16/18 49,600.00 (G) 7085.714 1.85 0.547 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE HAY 8/17/18 55,800.00 (G) 7971.429 1.85 0.615 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE HAY 8/18/18 24,800.00 (G) 3542.857 1.85 0.273 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 71,500. p 28,000.00 p 2.42 p 27052 FESCUE HAY Aug-18 1 136,400.00 (G) 19,485.714 Total Gallons/Ac: 19,485.71 As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN TOTALS: Annuallbs/acre 81 0.015 0.003 0.508 1.464 0.030 0.001 0.015 0.048 0.015 2.312 42.69 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.045 0.023 2.944 5.828 0.339 0.011 0.065 0.277 0.065 8.569 _. Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 182 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (Ibs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X ll c (SlGNATI,RE OF LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: TONY JONES SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0008 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S):* See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 5.49 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 6.60 ACRES PERMITTED: 6.60 Page: 1 Lune Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner- or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) 0 Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN DATE or Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop MONTH Total TP7rAcre Solids 3/23/18 68,200.00 (G) 10333.333 1.93 0.832 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 73,200. p 10,800.00 p 23.00 p 24143 FESCUE PASTURE Mar-18 68,200.00 (G) 10,333.333 r total Gallons/Ac: 1U,333.33 Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Cubic Yds/Ac: 0.00 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual Ibs/acre 40 0.005 0.003 0.256 0.597 0.018 <.001 0.008 0.021 0.008 1.081 19.96 Cumulative Ibs/acre 0.071 0.045 5.425 9.866 0.670 0.021 0.114 0.476 0.112 15.164 l; ••,•„ Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 a 89.0 171 2500.0 FD Cumulative Pollutant LoadingRate Limit lbs/acre ( ) MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X/2��7 __, /I (SIGNATU OF LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2019 SECTION 4 MSU101mor M-41WROtdhiENf>AL TLCf1N0.LQG1f!5, Inc Aresfb,tiral L.sbara ashes February 01, 2018 Adam Brigman Synagro, NC 28134 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 TEL: 704-752-8673 FAX: 704 752 8736 RE: Mt Holly Dear Adam Brigman: Sununit Environmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: Order No.: 18010671 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. received 1 sample(s) on 1/16/2018 for the analyses presented in the following report. There were no problems with the analytical events associated with this report unless noted in the Case Narrative. Quality control data is within laboratory defined or method specified acceptance limits except where noted. If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call the laboratory. Sincerely, #, f MI-11 Jennifer Woolf Project Manager 3310 Win St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Arkansas 88-0735, California 07256CA, Colorado, Connecticut PH-0108, Delaware, Florida NELAC E87688, Georgia E87688, Idaho OH00923, Illinois 200061, Indiana C-OH-13, Kansas E-10347, Kentucky (Underground Storage Tank) 3, Kentucky 90146, Louisiana 04061, Maryland 339, Minnesota 409711, New Hampshire 2996, New Jersey OH006, New York 11777, North Carolina 39705 and 631, North Dakota R-201, Oklahoma 9940, Oregon OH2O0001, Rhode Island LA000317, South Carolina 92016001, Texas T104704466-11-5, Utah OH009232011-1, Virginia VELAP 9456, Washington C891 Page 1 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Case Narrative fTS-10MMIT 3310 Win St. 5hdirlRt7tlh1EN7'r1L u4:Cd®LQGI , tic_ Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 ` O#: 18010671 ,fir,_aiytrssl Lffharafories TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: Date: 2/1/2018 CLIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly WorkOrder Narrative: 18010671: This report in its entirety consists of the following documents: Cover Letter, Case Narrative, Analytical Results, QC Summary Report, Applicable Accreditation Information, Chain -of -Custody, Cooler Receipt Form, and other applicable forms as necessary. All documents contain the Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc., Work Order Number assigned to this report. Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc., holds the accreditations/certifications listed at the bottom of the cover letter that may or may not pertain to this report. State Certificates and Scopes of Accreditation are attached as applicable. Results provided in this report for any parameter not listed on the Scope of Accreditation should be considered "not certified." The information contained in this analytical report is the sole property of Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. and that of the customer. It cannot be reproduced in any form without the consent of Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. or the customer for which this report was issued. The results contained in this report are only representative of the samples received. Conditions can vary at different times and at different sampling conditions. Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. is not responsible for use or interpretation of the data included herein. All results for Solid Samples are reported on an "as received" or "wet weight" basis unless indicated as "dry weight" using the "-dry" designation on the reporting units. This report is believed to meet all of the requirements of the accrediting agency, where applicable. Any comments or problems with the analytical events associated with this report are noted below. Analytical Sequence QC Notes: mb-30518 tclp-svoc-cpest_tclp(8081): The TCLP Pesticide Method Blank (Batch 30518) exhibited high recovery for Surrogates: DCB and TCMX: the MB was ND for all analytes of interest. lcs-30518 telp-svoc-cpest_tclp(8081): The TCLP Pesticide LCS (Batch 30518) exhibited high recovery for Surrogates: DCB and TCMX: The LCS Exhibited recoveries within the acceptance limits for all analytes of interest. Original Page 2 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, In Qualifiers and Acronyms fm SugWraff 3310 Win 6 FrWIRONhIENTAL 1'f-"tJOLCMES, INN Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 4421 WO#: 18010671 itr3iytic'31%h�a'att%{fie. TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.' (330) 253-446 Website: htty:// Date: 2/1/2018 These commonly used Qualifiers and Acronyms may or may not be present in this report. Qualifiers U The compound was analyzed for but was not detected. J The reported value is greater than the Method Detection Limit but less than the Reporting Limit. H The hold time for sample preparation and/or analysis was exceeded. D The result is reported from a dilution. E The result exceeded the linear range of the calibration or is estimated due to interference. MC The result is below the Minimum Compound Limit. * The result exceeds the Regulatory Limit or Maximum Contamination Limit. in Manual integration was used to determine the area response. d Manual integration in which peak was deleted N The result is presumptive based on a Mass Spectral library search assuming a 1:1 response. P The second column confirmation exceeded 25% difference. C The result has been confirmed by GUMS. X The result was not confirmed when GUMS Analysis was performed. B/MB+ The analyte was detected in the associated blank. G The ICB or CCB contained reportable amounts of analyte. QC-/+ The CCV recovery failed low (-) or high (+). R/QDR The RPD was outside of accepted recovery limits. QL-/+ The LCS or LCSD recovery failed low (-) or high (+). QLR The LCS/LCSD RPD was outside of accepted recovery limits. QM-/+ The MS or MSD recovery failed low (-) or high (+). QMR The MS/MSD RPD was outside of accepted recovery limits. QV-/+ The ICV recovery failed low (-) or high (+). S The spike result was outside of accepted recovery limits. Z Deviation; A deviation from the method was performed; Please refer to the Case Narrative for additional information Acronyms ND Not Detected RL Reporting Limit QC Quality Control MDL Method Detection Limit MB Method Blank LOD Level of Detection LCS Laboratory Control Sample LOQ Level of Quantitation LCSD Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QCS Quality Control Sample CRQL Contract Required Quantitation Limit DUP Duplicate PL Permit Limit MS Matrix Spike RegLv1 Regulatory Limit MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate MCL Maximmn Contamination Limit RPD Relative Percent Different MinCL Minimum Compound Limit ICV Initial Calibration Verification RA Reanalysis ICB Initial Calibration Blank RE Reextraction CCV Continuing Calibration Verification TIC Tentatively Identified Compound CCB Continuing Calibration Blank RT Retention Time RLC Reporting Limit Check CF Calibration Factor DF Dilution Factor RF Response Factor This list of Qualifiers and Acronyms reflects the most commonly utilized Qualiflers and Acronyms for reporting. Please refer to the Analytical Notes in the Case Narrative for any Qualifiers or Acronyms that do not appear in this list or for additional information regarding the use of these Qualifiers on reported data. Original Page 3 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Workorder asumpArt 3310 Win St. t VIRONPa7Et•,�AL#9P30LG'1_5, t aG Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Sample Summary dnwryff of Ls borain de t TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: 01-Feb-18 CLIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly Lab SampleID Client Sample ID Tag No Date Collected Date Received Matrix 18010671-001 Mt Holly TCLP 2018 1/15/2018 6:30:00 AM 1/16/2018 10:05:00 AM Sludge Page 4 of 26 SUMMIT Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. DATES REPORT ENV190NIIENT L TSvWJOLOGISS, III.._ Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 ' tltTitt{rPtcat #:,�ut7rt3fot-iPs TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Name Leachate Date Prep Date Analysis Date 18010671-OOIA Mt Holly TCLP 2018 1/15/2018 6:30:00 AM Sludge Ignitability of Solids (SW-846: 1030) 1/25/2018 1:00:00 PM pH (SW9045D) 1/17/2018 3:19:00 PM Reactive Cyanide (9014/ 1/19/2018 4:48:00 PM Reactive Sulfide (9034)/ 1/19/2018 4:48:00 PM TCLP Herbicides Analysis (SW1311/81/22/2018 6:00:00 PM 1/23/2018 11:30:00 A 1/26/2018 5:33:00 PM TCLP Mercury Analysis (SW1311/7471/22/2018 6:00:00 PM 1/23/2018 11:10:00 A 1/23/2018 2:13:00 PM TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/601011/22/2018 6:00:00 PM 1/23/2018 12:00:27 PM 1/23/2018 8:40:48 PM TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8(1/22/2018 6:00:00 PM 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis 1/22/2018 6:00:00 PM 1/24/2018 7:00:00 AM 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM (SW1311/8270) TCLP Volatiles Analysis 1/22/2018 4:00:00 PM 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM Original Page 5 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. qt 3310 Win St. +FUVIRt3NMEN` ALTECI-1 OLi3GIES, VIC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 raiyrti a3 ? x arsi rle= TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: httD://www.settekcom Analytical Report (base report) WO#: 18010671 Date Reported: 2/1/2018 CLIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Tag Number: Matrix: SLUDGE Collection Date: 1/15/2018 6:30:00 AM Lab ID: 18010671-001A Project: Mt Holly Client Sample ED Mt Holly TCLP 2018 Analyses Result RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID SW7470A SW7470A Analyst: EAM TCLP MERCURY ANALYSIS (SW1311/7470) TCLP Mercury ND 0.00500 mg/L 1 1/23/2018 2:13:00 PM TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID SW6010D SW3010A Analyst: KMS TCLP METALS ANALYSIS (SW1311/6010) TCLP Arsenic(As) ND 1.25 mg/L 1 1/23/2018 8:40:48 PM TCLP Badum(Ba) ND 12.5 mg/L 1 1/23/2018 8:40:48 PM TCLP Cadmium(Cd) ND 0.250 mg/L 1 1/23/2018 8:40:48 PM TCLP Chromium(Cr) ND 0.500 mg/L 1 1/23/2018 8:40:48 PM TCLP Lead(Pb) ND 1.25 mg/L 1 1/23/2018 8:40:48 PM TCLP Selenium(Se) ND 0.125 mg/L 1 1/23/2018 8:40:48 PM TCLP Silver(Ag) ND 1.25 mg/L 1 1/23/2018 8:40:48 PM TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID SW8270D SW3510C Analyst: BJH TCLP SEMI-VOLATILES ANALYSIS (SW1311/8270) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0800 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 0.0400 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM o-Cresol ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM m/p-Cresol(s) ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Cresols, Total ND 4.00 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.0160 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.0400 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Hexachloroethane ND 0.0800 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Nitrobenzene ND 0.0800 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Pentachlorophenol ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Pyridine ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 38.7 10 - 109 %Rec 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Surr: PhenoW6 19.2 10 - 109 %Rec 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 75.4 19 - 120 %Rec 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 46.2 10 - 120 %Rec 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 67.2 22 - 117 %Rec 2 1/24/2018 7:33:00 PM Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded M Manual Integration used to determine area response MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. N Tentatively identified compounds ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit Original R RPD outside accepted recovery limits RL Reporting Detection Limit Page 6 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Analytical Report SUSK10iffit 3310 Win St. lStfliiQhlhiEN'I',1L�_Ctt€dr]Lr��Jrs,Wr, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 (base report) ra.};tics l f_r xat��rl TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: httn.•// Date Reported: 2/1/2018 CLIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Tag Number: Matrix: SLUDGE Collection Date: 1/15/2018 6:30:00 AM Lab ID: 18010671-OOIA Project: Mt Holly Client Sample ID Mt Holly TCLP 2018 Analyses Result RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID TCLP SEMI-VOLATILES ANALYSIS (SW1311/8270) Surr: p-Terphenyl-d14 73.9 TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID TCLP PESTICIDES ANALYSIS (SW1311/8081) Chlordane, total ND Toxaphene ND Endrin ND gamma-BHC ND Heptachlor ND Heptachlor epoxide ND Methoxychlor ND Surr: TCMX 87.9 Surr: DCB 73.7 SW8270D SW351OC Analyst: BJH 34 - 116 %Rec 2 1 /24/2018 7:33:00 PM SW8081 Analyst: JBN 0.0100 mg/L 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM 0.0200 mg/L 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM 0.00100 mg/L 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM 0.00100 mg/L 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM 0.00100 mg/L 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM 0.00100 mg/L 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM 0.00100 mg/L 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM 10 - 119 %Rec 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM 10 - 119 %Rec 1 1/26/2018 4:11:00 PM TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID TCLP HERBICIDES ANALYSIS (SW1311/8151) 2,4-D ND 1.00 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 d Surr: DCAA 69.2 20 - 140 TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID TCLP VOLATILES ANALYSIS 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 1,2-Dichloroethane ND MEK ND Benzene ND Carbon tetrachloride ND Chlorobenzene ND Chloroform ND Tetrachloroethene ND Trichloroethene ND Vinyl chloride ND SW8151A SW8151A Analyst: JBN mg/L 1 1/26/2018 5:33:00 PM mg/L 1 1/26/2018 5:33:00 PM %Rec 1 1/26/2018 5:33:00 PM SW8260B SW1311M Analyst: MES 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.250 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 0.0200 mg/L 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded M Manual Integration used to determine area response MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. N Tentatively identified compounds ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit P Second column confirmation exceeds �-� Permit Limft=:5 Original R RPD outside accepted recovery limits RL Reporting Detection Limit Page 7 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. Analytical Report t:tb4rIFi0R0ett=,WrALTEtJ*J0Lrt1F5,tnc Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 (base report) in iytir<al L IaAr sd 5 TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: htto:// Date Reported: 2/1/2018 CLIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Tag Number: Matrix: SLUDGE Collection Date: 1/15/2018 6:30:00 AM Lab ID: 18010671-001A Project: Mt Holly Client Sample ID Mt Holly TCLP 2018 Analyses Result RL Qual Units D>F' Date Analyzed TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID TCLP VOLATILES ANALYSIS Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.3 Sum Dibromofluoromethane 99.3 Surr: Toluene-d8 98.0 RCI-SOLID-W/ IGNITABILITY1030 REACTIVE CYANIDE (9014/ Cyanide, Reactive ND RCI-SOLID-W/ IGNITABILITY1030 IGNITABILITY OF SOLIDS (SW-846: 1030) Ignitability non-flammable RCI-SOLID-W/ IGNITABILITY1030 PH (SW9045D) pH 7.2 RCI-SOLID-W/ IGNITABILITY1030 REACTIVE SULFIDE (9034)/ Sulfide, Reactive ND SW8260B SW1311M Analyst: MES 70 - 130 %Rec 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 70 - 130 %Rec 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM 70 - 130 %Rec 10 1/23/2018 4:16:00 PM Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected P Second column confirmation exceeds R RPD outside accepted recovery limits SW9014 Analyst: MS 0.500 mg/Kg 1 1/19/2018 4:48:00 PM SW1030 Analyst: AJT 1 1/25/2018 1:00:00 PM SW9045D Analyst: DHC s.u.@18.9C 1 1/17/2018 3:19:00 PM SW9034 Analyst: MS 25.0 mg1Kg 1 1/19/20184:48:00 PM E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine area response N Tentatively identified compounds O RSD is greater than RSDlimit PL Permit Limit Original RL Reporting Detection Limit Page 8 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Accredltatic sumfArr 3310 Win St. FS�IRONi,9�kJi'AL3�t t edr9Lt;i, i t4 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Analyten-t --g- .drraitntral Lzborfiot'fer: TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 1E Website: http://N 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 State: NW Project: Mt Holly Program Name: NC WW SCM Sample ID Matrix Test Name Analyte Status 18010671-OOIA Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge Sludge NC WW SCM A Accredited Ignitability of Solids (SW-846: 1030) pH (SW9045D) Reactive Cyanide (9014/ Reactive Sulfide (9034)/ TCLP Herbicides Analysis (SW 1311/8151) TCLP Herbicides Analysis (SW1311/8151) TCLP Herbicides Analysis (SW1311/8151) TCLP Mercury Analysis (SW1311/7470) TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) TCLP Senu-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) TCLP Senu-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) NC WW SCM U Unavailable Ignitability Hydrogen Ion (pH) Cyanide, Reactive Sulfide, Reactive 2,4,5-TP 2,4-D DCAA Mercury Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Selenium Silver 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'- Decachlorobiphenyl Chlordane, total Endrin gamma-BHC Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Methoxychlor Tetrachloro-m-xylene Toxaphene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2-Fluorophenol A A U U A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Original 41. Page 9 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Accreditation Program Stsmiolut 3310 Win St. Anal teS Report i R-WIRONid1ENMILTIEEC €dv6L,QnIE5, IRC, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Y P R3nHa vtlNaf Lsboxalorie,- TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 State: NW Project: Mt Holly Program Name: NC WW SCM Sample ID Matrix Test Name Analyte Status 18010671-OOIA Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 2-Methylphenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 3,4-Metlrylphenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Cresols, Total A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Hexachlorobenzene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Hexachlorobutadiene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Hexachloroethane A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Nitrobenzene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Nitrobenzene-d5 A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Pentachlorophenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Phenol-d6 A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) p-Terphenyl-d14 A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Pyridine A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis 1,1-Dichloroethene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis 1,2-Dichloroethane A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis 2-Butanone A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis 4-Bromofluorobenzene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Benzene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Carbon tetrachloride A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Chlorobenzene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Chloroform A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Dibromofluoromethane A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Tetrachloroethene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Toluene-d8 A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Trichloroethene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Vinyl chloride A NC WW SCM A Accredited NC WW SCM U Unavailable Original # 1 Page 10 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY /fly /f A 7� �7 REPORT y T PO T TdSummmor 3310 Win St. 1. U 1V11� 1L yld I R �`� It 1 E'dVAROW1 04TAI ar--CW4GL0GI=_w, iNIC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 18010671 nail tfcr� La �zreAacar2es TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 30508 Sample ID Ics 6111 20PPB SampType: LCS TestCode: tclp-voc-mstr Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79763 -lient ID: LCSS Batch ID: 30508 TestNo: SW8260B SW1311M Analysis Date: 1/23/2018 SegNo: 1387689 4nalyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua] 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0226 0.00500 0.0200 0 113 79.4 131 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0190 0.00500 0.0200 0 95.1 73.6 137 MEK 0.0919 0.0250 0.100 0 91.9 55.1 163 Benzene 0.0197 0.00500 0.0200 0 98.7 73.1 132 Carbon tetrachloride 0.0195 0.00500 0.0200 0 97.3 63.7 139 Chlorobenzene 0.0183 0.00500 0.0200 0 91.7 72.3 139 Chloroform 0.0200 0.00500 0.0200 0 99.9 79.3 129 Tetrachloroethene 0.0189 0.00500 0.0200 0 94.3 56.2 187 Trichloroethene 0.0191 0.00500 0.0200 0 95.3 64.1 138 Vinyl chloride 0.0211 0.00200 0.0200 0 106 22.1 147 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51.6 50.00 103 80.4 126 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.6 50.00 101 70.3 125 Surr: Toluene-d8 48.7 50.00 97.3 82 117 Sample ID mb-30508 SampType: MBLK TestCode: tclp-voc-mstr Units: mg/L Prep Date: 1/22/2018 RunNo: 79763 client ID: PBS Batch ID: 30508 TestNo: SW8260B SW1311M Analysis Date: 1/23/2018 SegNo: 1387696 knalyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0500 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0500 MEK ND 0.250 Benzene ND 0.0500 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitation limits M Manual Integration used to determine MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit Original P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Page 11 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY REPORT summlar 3310 Win St. ENIVIROWAGNTAL TECI— MOLOGIES; AINC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 18010671 AnuTlrPtc.�1' Larp!'Atot-It: TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: ham:// 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 30508 Sample ID mb-30508 SampType: MBLK TestCode: tclp-voc-mstr Units: mg/L Prep Date: 1/22/2018 RunNo: 79763 client ID: PBS Batch ID: 30508 TestNo: SW8260B SW1311M Analysis Date: 1/23/2018 SegNo: 1387696 analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.0500 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0500 Chloroform ND 0.0500 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.0500 Trichloroethene ND 0.0500 Vinyl chloride ND 0.0200 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 497 Surr: Dibromofl uorom ethane 498 Surr: Toluene-d8 494 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds 500.0 99.3 70 130 500.0 99.6 70 130 500.0 98.8 70 130 B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Page 12 of 26 �� Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY REPORT 3310 Win St. 'Es EPZVIRC WAZ-:NTA1. TICWJOLOGILS, WC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 .1wr,,rlyG'r.-ai L3boraavra€ TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchED: 30508 Sample ID 18010656-00laMS SampType: MS TestCode: tclp-voc-mstr Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79761 'lient ID: BatchQC Batch ID: 30508 TestNo: SW8260B SW1311M Analysis Date: 1/23/2018 SegNo: 1387669 knalyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua] 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.188 0.0500 0.200 0 94.0 39.9 160 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.204 0.0500 0.200 0 102 42.5 157 MEK 1.26 0.250 1.00 0.401 86.0 16.6 227 Benzene 0.184 0.0500 0.200 0 92.1 38.1 155 Carbon tetrachloride 0.197 0.0500 0.200 0 98.4 40.8 162 Chlorobenzene 0.190 0.0500 0.200 0 95.2 35.7 168 Chloroform 0.194 0.0500 0.200 0 97.2 18.3 199 Tetrachloroethene 0.190 0.0500 0.200 0 94.8 10 261 Trichloroethene 0,195 0.0500 0.200 0 97.4 23.8 175 Vinyl chloride 0.189 0.0200 0.200 0 94.3 10 165 Surr:4-Bromofluorobenzene 467 500.0 93.5 84.6 130 Surr: Dibromofl uorom ethane 517 500.0 103 71.4 127 Surr: Toluene-d8 479 500.0 95.9 74.6 127 Sample ID 18010656-00laMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: tclp-voc-mstr Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79761 'lient ID: BatchQC Batch ID: 30508 TestNo: SW8260B SW1311M Analysis Date: 1/23/2018 SegNo: 1387670 knalyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua] 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.186 0.0500 0.200 0 93.0 39.9 160 0.188 1.07 25 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.209 0.0500 0.200 0 105 42.5 157 0.204 2.66 25 MEK 1.35 0.250 1.00 0.401 94.4 16.6 227 1.26 6.41 25 Benzene 0.181 0.0500 0.200 0 90.4 38.1 155 0.184 1.81 25 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitation limits M Manual Integration used to determine MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit Original P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Page 13 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. summogr 3310 Win St. eWlR0WPoIZMTAl-TECHNOLOGITSS,WC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 �ri1•t11 Laa'atct'ie TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: QC SUMMARY REPORT WO#: 18010671 01-Feb-I8 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchlD: 30508 Sample ID 18010656-00laMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: tclp-voc-mstr Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79761 client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: 30508 TestNo: SW8260B SW1311M Analysis Date: 1/23/2018 SegNo: 1387670 \nalyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua[ Carbon tetrachloride 0.194 0.0500 0.200 0 97.2 40.8 162 0.197 1.12 25 Chlorobenzene 0.189 0.0500 0.200 0 94.6 35.7 168 0.190 0.685 25 Chloroform 0.198 0.0500 0.200 0 99.0 18.3 199 0.194 1.73 25 Tetrachloroethene 0.187 0.0500 0.200 0 93.6 10 261 0.190 1.22 25 Trichloroethene 0.194 0.0500 0.200 0 97.0 23.8 175 0.195 0.360 25 Vinyl chloride 0.187 0.0200 0.200 0 93.4 10 165 0.189 1.01 25 Surr:4-Bromofluorobenzene 464 500.0 92.8 84.6 130 0 25 Surr: Dibromofluorom ethane 521 500.0 104 71.4 127 0 25 Surr: Toluene-d8 484 500.0 96.9 74.6 127 0 25 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Page 14 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc.sug—AMIT 3310 Wig: St. QC SUMMARY REPORT '.�Iret�tarlratT�L#+rJt fkasiF., 3itt Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 18010671 TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 30522 TCLP Mercury ND 0.00200 TCLP Mercury 0.00411 0.00200 0.00400 0 103 80 120 TCLP Mercury 0.00539 0.00200 0.00400 0 135 75 125 S TCLP Mercury 0.00511 0.00200 0.00400 0 128 75 125 0.00539 5.33 20 S Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitation limits M Manual Integration used to determine MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit Original P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Page 15 of 26 MSUMMIT Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. QC SUMMARY REPORT EN%alFtOWACNTAI TE"?JCL GIES, ift�C Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 •'lrtrrlPttcnf Laboratoaae:� TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: htta.// 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 30522 Sample ID 18010789-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: HG_TCLP(74 Units: PPM Prep Date: 1/23/2018 RunNo: 79771 Client ID: Batch= Batch ID: 30522 TestNo: SW7470A SW7470A Analysis Date: 1/23/2018 SegNo: 1387928 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitation limits M Manual Integration used to determine MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected Original P O RSD is greater than RSDlimit P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Page 16 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY REPORT r*tVIR0t0.1FWTA1. TEC9 NOLOGIES, fmc. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 m9'summior 3310 Win St. WO#: 18010671 04l�rrf�Plcn.f L'shciratot'It�{ TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID• 30543 2,4-D ND 1.00 0 0 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 0 0 d Surr: DCAA 363 500.0 72.6 20 140 2,4-D ND 1.00 0.500 0 81.1 62.6 125 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 0.500 0 83.6 52.5 128 Surr: DCAA 432 500.0 86.3 20 140 2,4-D ND 1.00 0.500 0 81.5 37 105 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 0.500 0 81.5 38 106 Sum DCAA 399 500.0 79.8 20 140 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitation limits M Manual Integration used to determine MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit Original P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Page 17 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY REPORT slitamlir 3310 Win St. EP,"0,730WF,1ZWTAL iSCW40L0G4ES: INIC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WOM 18010671 .ratytlea,i Catapraiarle TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX- (330) 253-4489 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 30543 Sample ID 18010671-001amsd SampType: msd TestCode: tclp-svoc-her Units: mg/L Prep Date: 1/23/2018 RunNo: 79954 Client ID: Mt Holly TCLP 2018 Batch ID: 30543 TestNo: SW8151A SW8151A Analysis Date: 1/26/2018 SegNo: 1393405 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua[ 2,4-D ND 1.00 0.500 0 83.3 37 105 0 0 30 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 0.500 0 85.0 38 106 0 0 30 Surr: DCAA 423 500.0 84.5 20 140 0 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Page 18 of 26 SUMMITSummit Environmental Technologies, vie. 3310 Win St. QC SUMMARY REPORT ENVIRON&IFNTALTEC+e 40LOG iES, iN'C Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 WOM 18010671 Irra'(lIticaf CaborafuOeiF TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: htto.• 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R79S62 Sample ID LCS-R79562 SampType: LCS TestCode: pH_011(9045 Units: s.u.@19.7C Prep Date: RunNo: 79562 -lient ID: LCSW Batch ID: R79562 TestNo: SW9045D Analysis Date: 1/17/2018 SegNo: 1381356 4nalyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual pH 7.0 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds 7.0 0 101 90 110 B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Page 19 of 26 SUMMINt Summit Envir•onrnental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. QC SUMMARY REPORT ENVIRROW IENTA TEC€HWLOG1E-5,]NC 1:nalyi,'cai L3ooratc+,rie� TEL: Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R79728 Sample ID MB-R79728 SampType: MBLK TestCode: Cyanide,Rea Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79728 Client ID: PBW Batch ID: R79728 TestNo: SW9014 Analysis Date: 1/1912018 SegNo: 1386705 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Cyanide, Reactive ND 0.500 Sample ID LCS-R79728 SampType: LCS TestCode: Cyanide,Rea Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79728 Client ID: LCSW Batch ID: R79728 TestNo: SW9014 Analysis Date: 1/1912018 SegNo: 1386707 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Cyanide, Reactive 0.997 0.500 1.000 0 99.7 85 115 Sample ID 18010675-001AMS SampType: MS TestCode: Cyanide,Rea Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79728 Client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: R79728 TestNo: SW9014 Analysis Date: 1/1912018 SegNo: 1386710 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Cyanide, Reactive 1.10 0.500 1.000 0 110 81.3 118 QMR Sample ID 18010675-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: Cyanide,Rea Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79728 Client ID: Batch= Batch ID: R79728 TestNo: SW9014 Analysis Date: 1/19/2018 SegNo: 1386711 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua[ Cyanide, Reactive 1.03 0.500 1.000 0 103 81.3 118 1.103 7.23 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitation limits M Manual Integration used to determine MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits 5 R Original Page 20 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY REPORT ffJ summur 3310 Wig: St. ENVIRM-PAENTAI. TECHUCLOGIES: imc Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 18010671 ArrafIffIvaX Laboratories TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: htto:// 01-Feb-I8 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R79728 Sample ID 18010675-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: Cyanide,Rea Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79728 client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: R79728 TestNo: SW9014 Analysis Date: 111912018 SegNo: 1386711 4nalyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua] NOTES: The Sample MS and MSD exhibited a high RPD; The MS and MSD exhibited passing recoveries individually; The parent sample is ND. QualiFers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Page 21 of 26 M'SUHM111 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. QC SUMMARY REPORT r=NVIRONNIGNTAL TpC9N0LGG4E9, N.0 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 18010671 .Kr;fiilrriCar Lrrcorrmtw'Ita�" TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R79777 Sulfide, Reactive ND 25.0 Sulfide, Reactive 4620 25.0 4800 0 96.2 85 115 Sulfide, Reactive 4660 25.0 4800 0 97.1 75 125 Sulfide, Reactive 4560 25.0 4800 0 95.0 75 125 4660 2.17 30 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Analyte detected below quantitation limits M Manual Integration used to determine MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit Original P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Page 22 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc.MQC SUMMARY REPORT SUMIWIT3310 Win St. ENVIROtdFAEItTAL TrjClitJOLGGirS, !NC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 .J;r4aflrL'caf taSarAtraTle5: TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R79777 Sample ID 18010675-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: Sulfide,React Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 79777 client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: R79777 TestNo: SW9034 Analysis Date: 1/19/2018 SegNo: 1388151 4nalyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua] Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Page 23 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc.PE sumfort 3310 Win St. QC SUMMARY REPORT ENVIRONNICNTAI. ifCW40L461SS, !O C Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Ar;afyUctal Lsboratar e,� TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.• (330) 253-4489 WO#: 18010671 Website: http•// 01-Feb-18 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R79884 Sample ID LCS-R79884 SampType: LCS TestCode: Ignitability_S Units: Prep Date: RunNo: 79884 ;lient ID: LCSS Batch ID: R79884 TestNo: SW1030 Analysis Date: 1/25/2018 SegNo: 1391034 analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua[ Ignitability 6.22 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds 7.240 0 85.9 70 B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit 130 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Page 24 of 26 i i 190MMIT ENVIRONMENTAL -TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 3310 iHin Sxrsi �InitOs,�Ohb 44223 DC�QACOC338 Ray.6. Effaa i?. Dato:121 28115 Analysis Request /.Chain of Custody For Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. use only Page 1 df 1 Page 25 of 26 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. SUMMIT 3310 Win St. f. 1�IR6-t1PdEN'fA.L''r='�#:hiFJLdG1E5, ihG- Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Sample Log -In Check List IrrrA-Paryrtiral LabayaiorJes TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: http://www.settekeom Client Name: SYN-NC-28134 Work Order Number: 18010671 RcptNo: 1 Logged by: Christopher Livengood 1/16/2018 10:05:00 AM Completed By: Christopher Livengood 1/16/2018 3:10:22 PM Reviewed By: Jennifer Woolf 1/26/2018 6:37:55 PM '^ Chain of Custody 1. Is Chain of Custody complete? Yes d❑ No ❑ Not Present ❑ 2. How was the sample delivered? UPS Loq In 3. Coolers are present? Yes ❑d No ❑ NA ❑ 4, Shipping container/cooler in good condition? Yes d❑ No ❑ Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Present ❑d No. Seal Date: Signed By: 5. Was an attempt made to cool the samples? Yes ❑d No ❑ NA ❑ 6. Were all samples received at a temperature of >0° C to 6.0°C Yes 91 No ❑ NA ❑ 7. Sample(s) in proper container(s)? Yes ❑d No ❑ 8. Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? Yes ❑d No ❑ 9. Are samples (except VOA and ONG) properly preserved? Yes d❑ No ❑ 10. Was preservative added to bottles? Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑d NA 11. Is the headspace in the VOA vials less than 1/4 inch or 6 mm? Yes ❑ No ❑ No VOA Vials 12. Were any sample containers received broken? Yes ❑ No ] 13. Does paperwork match bottle labels? Yes No ❑ (Note discrepancies on chain of custody) 14. Are matrices correctly identified on Chain of Custody? Yes 0 No ❑ 15. Is it clear what analyses were requested? Yes 0 No ❑ 16. Were all holding times able to be met? Yes No ❑ (If no, notify customer for authorization.) Special Handling (if applicable) 17. Was client notified of all discrepancies with this order? Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑d Person Notified: �� Date By Whom: Via: ❑ eMail ❑ Phone ❑ Fax ❑ In Person Regarding: Client Instructions: j 18. Additional remarks: Cooler Information Cooler No I Temp °C I Condition I Seal Intact I Seal No I Seal Date Signed By 1 12.6 Page 26 of 26 SECTION 5 ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Mount Holly WQ Permit Number: WQ0001863 WWTP Name: Mt Holly WWTP NPDES Number: NCO021156 Monitoring Period: From 01/01/2018 To 03/31/2018 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2/13 (Alk Treatment) Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density X Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion If nnnlirnhle +n niternn+ive nerfnrmerl !(7ncc A nr Clace Rl rmmnlr+n +hP fnllnwina mnni+nrina Aa+a- Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density No. of Frequency Sample Analytical Excee- of Type Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dences Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 6eh MPN Coliform power per gram MPN/g Quarterly Grab SM9221C of total solids CFU 510,000 519,919 540,000 CFU/g 0 Quarterly Grab SM9222D 1000 MPN per gram of total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate option/alternative performed: Option/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 Option/Mt. 3 Option/Mt. 4 (VS reduction) (40-day bench) (30-day bench) X (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Alt. 5 Option/Alt. 6 Option/Mt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (14-Day Aerobic) (Alk Stabilization) (Drying — Stable) (Drying — Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an _ explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." DotrK-Shoudt Division Manager Wastewater Prepa ame an Title (ty or print) 2-rZ�i 9 gnature f Preparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) 4 y `i- NC Certification No. 402 Case Narrative , 1"1MIFull Service Analytical & NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 01/15/2018 C' Environmental Solutions SC Certification No. 99012 ���3�s�' LABORATORIES INC. k' Synagro Adam Brigman 12701 Lancaster Hwy. Pineville, NC 28134 Project: 2018 Production Project No.: Mt. Holly Lab Submittal Date: 01/11/2018 Prism Work Order: 8010142 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Narrative Notes: This report contains a total of 4 pages. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Cara C. Rusmisell Project Manager Data Qualifiers Key Reference: Reviewed By Cara C. Rusmisell Project Manager BRL Below Reporting Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240M - Charlotte, NC 26224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 -Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 1 Of 1 ®marm..: Sample Receipt Summary Full-SeMce R x I Environmental Solutions al Solutions 01/15/2018 Ft; �� L460RATORIEg ING ((44 C Prism Work Order: 8010142 r13 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Mt Holly 1 of 4 8010142-01 Solid 01/11/18 01/11/18 Mt Holly 1 of 8010142-02 Solid 01/11/18 01/11/18 Mt Holly 1 of 4 8010142-03 Solid 01/11/18 01/11/18 Mt Holly 1 of 4 8010142-04 Solid 01/11/18 01/11/18 Mt Holly 1 of 4 8010142-05 Solid 01/11/18 01/11/18 Mt Holly 1 of 4 8010142-06 Solid 01/11/18 01/11/18 Mt Holly 1 of 4 8010142-07 Solid 01/11/18 01/11/18 Samples were received in good condition at 4.8 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529.6364-Toll Free Number: 1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 2 of 10 f,�'Nfi r . to BORATORIES, INC. NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Client Name: Synagr0 Sample Date/Time Collected: Sample Date/Time Submitted: Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions 449 Springbrook Rd. P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 Fax: 704/525-0409 Project Name: City of Mt. Holly 1-11-18 07:15 Project ID: Mt. Holly 1 of 4 1-11-18 09:50 C®C Group: 8010142 �msmFecal Sample ID Client Sample ID o m ormra In Solids(cfu/g) SM9222 D Reporting Limit % Solids SM2540 G Analysis Date/Time 8010142-01 Mt. Holly 1 of 4 510000 A 510000 1.96 1-11-18 11:17 8010142-02 Mt. Holly 1 of 4 520000 A 520000 1.93 1-11-18 11:17 8010142-03 Mt. Holly 1 of 4 540000 A 540000 1.85 1-11-18 1117 8010142-04 Mt. Holly 1 of 4 520000 A 520000 1.94 1-11-18 11:17 8010142-05 Mt. Holly 1 of 520000 A 520000 1.93 1-11-18 11:17 8010142-06 Mt. Holly 1 of 520000 A 520000 1.94 1-11-18 11:17 8010142-07 Mt. Holly 1 of 510000 A 510000 1.97 1-11-18 11:17 Geometric Mean Calculation: - Prism Sample ID: 8010142 Geometric Mean: 519919 A cfu/g Reporting Limit: 519919 Note: All results are reported on a dry -weight basis. A: The result is less than the reporting limit. At the request of the client, the value reported equals the value of the reporting limit. / Data Reviewed By: Pr jict Manager: C. RUsmisell Review Date: 1-15-18 Approval Date: 1-15-18 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD • y ' Full -Service Analytical & y t rry y'f Environmental Solutions PAGE ` OF QUOTE # TO ENSURE PROPER BIILL�L�9G: ^'r_ J �0''• -'.`• YEG NO ,'•N/A `✓ ,- ,.. rSamples INTACT upon arrival? :`, ;_ • � �- LABORATORIES, INC. 449 Springbrook Road • Charlotte, NC 28217 Phone 7041529-6364 Fax: 704/525-0409 Client Company Name: _5 J/a,-r-c Report To/Contact Name: r p /d elo Re r; c,.W+ c 11 Reporting Address: 12, 701 -4n —crsA-14c.,,�: �rnPtrille: APc � 1B)'3�i Project fume: 64` - G"r 1 Kq-• H0/ f Short Hold Analysts: ( (No) UST Project: (Yes) (NO) *Please ATTACH any project specific reporting (QC LEVEL I II III IV) provisions and/or OC Requirements Invoice To: f�tgOf r Address: Phone: Al Fax (Yes){N�): Purchase Order No./Billing Reference TO DE FILLED IN BY CLIENT/SABIiiPLING PERSONNEL �— Emali Address: ' t r c; ,n�a•� Syr . cc., r. Requested Due Date ❑ 1 Day ❑ 2 Days ❑ 3 Days ❑ 4 Days ❑ 5 Days Certification: NELAC DOD FL NC EDD Type: PDF I/ Excel Other "Working Days" ❑ 6-9 Days ❑ Standard 10 days El Rush Work Must BePre- Site Location Name: (t (y Ur /r ni pproved Samples received after 14:00 will be processed next business day. SC OTHER N/A Site Location Physical Address: Turnaround time is based on business days, excluding weekends and holidays. Water Chlorinated: YES_ NO_ (SEE REVERSE FOR TERMS & CONDITIONS REGARDING SERVICES RENDERED BY PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. TO CLIENT) Sample Iced Upon Collection: YES NO TIME MATRIX SAMPLE CONTAINER ANALYSIS REQUESTED PRISM CLIENT DATE COLLECTED (SOIL, PRESERVA- REMARKS LAB SAMPLE DESCRIPTION COLLECTED MILITARY WATER OR *TYPE NO. SIZE TIVES/////// ID NO. HOURS SLUDGE) SEE BELOW IvWqa)( FvP1 i I l � `� ' S L I vz C) Fea, I cyz 1; i ( Z =t'o r,1r� rt cry d L A Zr I u,�� G� 7 ,, 2 - S 0_5 77 6 0� 7 07 Sampler's Signature / Sampled By (Print Name) A r) i'FG Irt-i. Affiliation Upon relinquishing, this Chain of Custody is your authorization for Prism to proceed with the analyses as requested above. Any changes must be submitted in writing to the Prism Project Manager. There will be charges for any changes after analyses have been initialized. . Relinquished By: (Signature), �'- Received By: (Signature) Date Military/Hours Additional Comments ;SRe Arrrval� Ti n - f Relinquished By: (Signature) Received By: (Signature) Date - •Sf(e,Departure) I mnO:,. Relinquished By: (Signature) Received For Prism Laboratories By: D t - •. _ �•�4111cage , Method of Shipment: NOTE: ALL SAMPLE COOLERS SHOULD BE TAPED SHUT WITH CUSTODY SEALS FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE LABORATORY. COC Group No. SAMPLES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST COC UNTIL RECEIVED AT THE LABORATORY. .rp `.,� R oll 1 � tj ❑ Fed Ex ❑ UPS ❑ Hand -delivered ❑ Prism Field Service O Other NPDES: UST: GROUNDWATER: DRINKING WATER: SOLID WASTE: R❑CRA: CERCLA LANDFILL OTHER: ❑NC❑SC El NC ®SC El NC ❑SC ❑NC ❑SC Ea NC ❑SC NC®SC ❑NC ❑SC ❑NC ❑SC ❑NC ❑SC *CONTAINI PE CODES: A = Amber C = Clear G= Glass P = Plastic; TL = Teflon -Lined Car = Volatile Organics Analysis (Zero Head Space) IKIA.I_ Im PA PROM PT•ACCLI RATE -RELIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWN%'.P:%RLABS.CUNI REPORT OF ANALYSES Attn: ADAM BRIGMAN SYNAGRO 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE, NC 28134- PROJECT NAME: JAN 18 DATE: 02/22/18 SAMPLE NUMBER- 130324 SAMPLE ID- MT HOLLY 1 OF 4 SAMPLE MATRIX- SO DATE SAMPLED- 01/11/18 TIME SAMPLED- 0715 DATE RECEIVED-- 01/11/18 SAMPLER- AB RECEIVED BY- DJ TIME RECEIVED- 0910 DELIVERED BY- AB TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 1 of 1 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS 30 DAY BENCH SCALE TEST VAR 01/11/18 1230 RE ATTACHED LABORATORY DIRECTOR P.U. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC' 25241-1453 Phone: (704) 588-8333 • Fax: (704) 538-83 3i PLLF;Z PROM PT•ACCU RATE- RELIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWW.PARLAS.S.COM 30 ®ay Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test Percent Volatile Solids Reduction SYNAGRO • s MT HOLLY 1 OF 4 130324 • 01 /11118 o 02/09/18 Start: End: TS O 0.1603 0.1505 TS% 1.53% 1.55% VS () 0.1294 0.1190 VS% 80.72% 79.07% I N 0.00372 OUT 0.00342184 FSVR (Mass Balance) 8.01% FSVR (Van Kleeck 9.77% FSVR (Mass Balance) <15% YES FSVR (Van Kleeck) <15% YES P.O. Box 411483 * Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 0 Fax: (704) 588-833' PLIR PROMPT' ACCURATE- RELIABLER LA-BOATORIES, INC W W W.PARLABS.COM Collected D.O. Crucible Tare Wt (g) Sample(g) Oven Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Dried Wt(g) Furnace Temp "C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Burned Wt(g) TS% VS% 30 ®ay Bench Scale Extended Aeration Teat VAK option 3, rercent voiame aouas Keouction SYNAGRO MT HOLLY 1 OF 4 130324 01/11/18 02/09/18 As Received Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 01/11/18 01/12/18 01/19/18 01/26/18 02/02/18 02/09/18 5.98 6.14 6.31 7.01 7.08 X2 X6 X1 X24 X1 X2 25.0673 24.3094 20.5154 21.2200 20.5157 25.0680 35.9189 34.7867 38.6312 31.7722 33.0179 34.7766 105 106 105 106 106 105 01/11/18 12:50 01/12/18 15:45 01/19/18 16:00 01/26/18 16:15 02/02/18 15:40 02/09/18 11:00 01/12/18 11:00 01/15/18 09:00 01/22/18 08:50 01/29/18 09:30 02/05/18 10:00 02/12/18 08:45 25.2874 24.4697 20.7908 21.3814 20.7120 25.2185 550 550 550 550 550 01/15/18 14:40 01/22/18 13:00 01/29/18 14:00 02/05/18 16:00 02/12/18 11:50 01/15/18 15:15 01/22/18 14:25 01/29/18 15:15 02/05/18 17:20 02/12/18 13:10 24.3403 20.5705 21.2532 20.5566 25.0995 2.03% 1.53% 1.52% 1.53% 1.57% 1.55% 80.72% 79.99% 79.43% 79.16% 79.07% y 0.003719812 x 0.000888271 TS () 0.1603 VS (g) 1 0.1294 Volatile Fraction In: 1 0.52758 P.O. Box 411483 a Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588.8333 • Fax: (704) 588-8333 0.003421841 x 0.000905781 TS () 0.1505 VS g) 0.119 Volatile Fraction Out: 1 0.5 0013 aLASORAR CHAIN OF CUSTODY TORrEs.INc. PAR Laboratories, Inc Phone (704) 588-8333 Fax (704) 588-8335 Shipping: Mailing: 2217 Graham Park Drive PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories, Inc. and the North r-,..,r— no—t—f of nnri Nnhval Racni ir—c Company Name (billing) Comments/ Special Instructions Clarifier Effluent provided in the event that SYNAGRO CENTRAL Address the sample needs to be reduced to below 12701 LANCASTER HWY 2% solids. City, State 8 zip code PINEVILLE NC 28134 Point of Contact 8 Telephone Number ADAM BRIGMAN 704-650-4341 Sample Taken By: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME k1g17l rf. � k? ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTING? YES t// NO *Sample Type: DW WW GWMW HW Soil other r/ Sample Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C **Field Preserved: Yes V No Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No n/a Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (Y/N): Dechlorination Necessary (Y/N): Client Sample I.D. (Sample Location / Number) Comp Grab Preserv. Set Up Date/Time Collection Date/Time Analyses Requested 30 - Dq y n Relinquished by' Date/Time Receive Mb t atei I Ime Relinquished by: Date/Time Received by: Date/Time ' C=Composite G=Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Mount Holly WQ Permit Number: WQ0001863 WWTP Name: Mt Holly WWTP NPDES Number: NCO021156 Monitoring Period: From 04/01/2018 To 06/30/2018 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2B (Alk Treatment) Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density X Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion If annlirahle to alternative nerformed (Class A nr Class Rl romnlete the following mnnitnrinu data - Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density No. of Frequency Sample Analytical Excee- of Type Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dences Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 61h MPN Coliform power per gram MPN/g Quarterly Grab SM9221C of total solids CFU 670,000 706,727 750,000 CFU/g 0 Quarterly Grab SM9222D 1000 MPN per gram of total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate option/alternative performed: 0 tion/Alt. 1 Option/Alt.2 Option/Alt.3 Option/Alt.4 (VS reduction) (40-day bench) (30-day bench) X (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Alt. 5 Option/Alt. 6 Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (14-Day Aerobic) (Alk Stabilization) (Drying — Stable) (Drying — Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Doug Shoudt Division Manager Wastewater Prep ame and itle (typ or print) 2-�Z-rq Signature of reparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) f'[P R, ISM - N7 LA001WORIES WG Synagro Adam Brigman 12701 Lancaster Hwy. Pineville, NC 28134 NC Certification No. 402 Full -Service Analytical & NC Drinking Water Cart No. 37735 Environmental Solutlons SC Certification No. 99012 Project: 2018 Production Lab Submittal Date: 03/21/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030318 Case Narrative 03/23/2018 This data package contains the analytical results for the project Identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Narrative Notes: This report contains a total of 4 pages. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Cara C. Rusmisell Project Manager Data Qualifiers Key Reference: Reviewed By Cara C. Rusmisell Project Manager BRL Below Reporting Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference * Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 r :p\//�' Full-Sorvlce Analytical8 �''h'• IS , V , I Environmental Solutions '�-��-•'- �uli�n4mat b rr:c Sample Receipt Summary 03/23/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030318 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Mt. Holly 2 of 4 -1 8030318-01 Solid 03/21/18 03/21/18 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 - 2 8030318-02 Solid 03/21/18 03/21/18 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 - 3 8030318-03 Solid 03/21/18 03/21/18 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 - 4 8030318-04 Solid 03/21/18 03/21/18 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 - 5 8030318-05 Solid 03/21/18 03/21/18 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 - 6 8030318-06 Solid 03/21/18 03/21/18 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 - 7 8030318-07 Solid 03/21/18 03/21/18 Samples were received in good condition at 3.0 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525.0409 tiiLABORATORIES,.INC. NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Client Name: Synagro Sample Date/Time Collected: Sample Date/Time Submitted: Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions 449 Springbrook Rd. P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 Fax: 704/525-0409 Project Name: Mount Holly 3-21-18 07:30 Project ID: Mount Holly 2 of 4 3-21-18 09:20 COC Group: 8030318 rism Sample ID Client Sample ID Fecal Coliform in Solids(cfu/g) SM9222 D Reporting Limit % Solids SM2540 G Analysis Date/Time 8030318-01 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 730000 A 730000 1.37 3-21-18 10:27 8030318-02 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 710000 A 710000 1.40 3-21-18 10:27 8030318-03 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 690000 A 690000 1.44 3-21-18 10:27 8030318-04 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 700000 A 700000 1.43 3-21-18 10:27 8030318-05 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 670000 A 670000 1.49 3-21-18 10:27 8030318-06 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 750000 A 750000 1.34 3-21-1810:27 8030318-07 Mt. Holly 2 of 4 700000 A 700000 1.43 3-21-18 10:27 Geometric Mean Calculation: Prism Sample ID: 8030318 Geometric Mean: 706727 A cfu/g Reporting. Limit: 706727 Note: All results are reported on a dry -weight basis. A: The result is less than the reporting limit. At the request of the client, the value reported equals the value of the reporting limit. I� Data Reviewed By: . (I� Project Manager: C. Rusmisell Review Date: 3-23-18 Approval Date: 3-23-18 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. Full -Service Analytical & CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PiR 1ISM I Environmental Solutions PAGE OF(— QUOTE # TO ENSURE PROPER BILLING: noonnrorties Inc /�f r- 449 Springbrook Road - Charlotte, NC 28217 Project Name: , ' L6�hl Phone 704/529-6364 • Fax: 704/525-0409 Short Hold Analysis: a (No) UST Project: (Yes) (NO) `Please ATTACH any prod ct specific reporting (QC LEVEL 1 11 111 IV) Client Company Name: S ?nG 'r Report To/Contact Name: _�'� ttfh provisions and/nnorhhQ��,,C--Requi�em,ents �p��� Invoice To: Ar-ear Reporting Address: � �� i1.L1 A; Address: Samples INTACT upon arrival? Received ON WET ICE? PROPER PRESERVATIVES indicated? Received WITHIN HOLDING TIMES? CUSTODY SEALS -INTACT? VOLATILES reed WIOUT HEADSPACE? PROPER CONTAINERS used? TEMP: Therm ID:I&-Z- Observed: �YENO NIA °C 1 Corr: Phone: Zul L ' /U S �f Fax (Yes),( o}/:s Purchase Order No./Billing Reference TO BE FILLED IN BY CLIENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL Email Address: n ? Requested Due Date ❑ 1 Day ❑ 2 Days ❑ 3 Days ❑ 4 Days ❑ 5 Days q Certification: NELAC DoD FL NC EDD Type. PDF_Excel Other yp "Working Days" ❑ 6-9 Days ❑Standard 10 days ❑ Rush work Must Be ` Pre -Approved Site Location Name:. C f k ? JM &%s.T /-zt7 ' � Samples received after 14:00 will be processed next business day. SC OTHER N/A Site Location Physical Address: Turnaround time is based on business days, excluding weekends and holidays. Water Chlorinated: YES_ NO (SEE REVERSE FOR TERMS & CONDITIONS REGARDING SERVICES RENDERED BY PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. TO CLIENT) Sample Iced Upon Collection: YES NO CLIENT DATE TIME COLLECTED MATRIX (SOIL, SAMPLE CONTAINER PRESERVA- / ANALYSIS REQUESTED ✓ f REMARKS PRISM LAB SAMPLE DESCRIPTION COLLECTED MILITARY WATER OR TIVES /ID ////// HOURS SLUDGE) SEE BELOW NO. SIZE �1 NO. tGfe�% zo t 3 1- l d 7; 30 a Pf I b? 1 C� >°c r` rV7 7.3 2 2 w ��► �. ' y Ts. 7r 7 I 7: 6 I 'eS_ 7'y2 I ,� %:`'f 7 VJ I I I PRESS DOWN I yN `-f FI Sampler's Signature Sampled By (Print Name) 1 Affiliation Upon relinquishing, t1�1h of Custody is your authorization for Prism to proceed with the analyses as requested above. Any changes must be submitted in writing e mProject Manager. There will be charges for any changes after analyses have been initialized. Relinquis o By: (Signature) - o Received By: (Signature) Date Military! ours Additional Comments: {Site Arrival Time: Relinquished By: (Signature) Received By: (Signature) Date Site Departure Time: Relinquished By: (Signature) Receive rPnsm Latmratodos Br, Dal ,} �� v� /V 3—G - 7 iXJ Field Tech Fee: Mileage: Method of Shipment: NOTE: ALL SAMPLE COOLERS SHOULD BE TAPED SHUT WITH CUSTODY SEALS FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE LABORATORY. COG Group No. SAMPLES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST COG UNTIL RECEIVED AT THE LABORATORY. /y�� n ❑ Fed Ex ❑ UPS ❑ Hand -delivered O Prism Field Service ❑ Other Qt/ i/Jq DRINKNG SOLID CERCLA LANDILL 1❑ NC •� CI NC ❑ S01 ❑ NC El SC ElNOCU ❑ SCTER: ❑ NC SCATER: ❑ NC DASC'E I O ❑ SC ❑ NC ❑ SC I ❑ NCFCISC El NC ❑ SC ❑ El ❑ ❑ 't^t^i 'CONTAIN 'PE CODES: A = Amber C = Clear G= Glass P = Plastic; TL = Teflon -Lined Cal A = Volatile Organics Analysis (Zero Head Space) A& P PROM PT- A CC U RATE -RE LIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWWPARLABS.COiNi REPORT OF ANALYSES Attn: ADAM BRIGMAN SYNAGRO 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE, NC 28134- PROJECT NAME: MAR 18 DATE: 05/07/18 SAMPLE NUMBER- 131040 SAMPLE ID- MOUNT HOLLY SAMPLE MATRIX- SO DATE SAMPLED- 03/21/18 DATE RECEIVED- 03/21/18 SAMPLER- AB RECEIVED BY- DJ TIME RECEIVED- 0940 DELIVERED BY- AB TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 1 of 1 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS 30 DAY BENCH SCALE TEST VAR 03/21/18 1330 RE ATTACHED LABORATORY DIRECTOR P.O. Box =411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1=483 Phonc: (704) 588-8333 • Fax: (704) 588-8335 PA CCIJRATE•RELIABLE LABOR-ATORIES, INC WWW. PARLABS. COM 30 ®ay Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test Percent Volatile Solids Reduction Start: End: TS (g) 0.1466 0.1202 TS% 1.54% 1.53% VS (g) 0.1235 0.0954 VS% 84.24% 79.37% y Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0129941 0.0121397 x Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.00243051 0.0031558 FSVR (Mass Balance) 6.59% FSVR (Van Kleeck) 6.56% FSVR (Mass Balance) <15% YES FSVR (Van Kleeck) <15% YES P.O. Box411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 0 Far: (704) 588-8335 PiIR PRO h1PT• ACCURATE - RELIAS LE LABORATORIES, INC W W W.PARLABS.COM 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test VAR Ontinn 3 Percent Volatile Solids Reduction CUENT'NAMEs I ' • ,SAMPLE. ID: ISAMPLE'#: .START DATE. 'END DATE: As Received Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 Collected 03/21/18 03/21/18 03/28/18 04104/18 04/11118 04/18/18 D.O. Crucible Tare Wt (g) Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Liquid Sludge W1 (g) Oven Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Dried Sample Wi + Tare Wt (g) Dried Sludge Wt (g) Fixed Solids Wt (g) Furnace Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Burned Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Volatile Solids Wt (g) TS% VS% 2.88 2.97 3.15 3.26 3.69 X6 X6 X11 X16 X2 X6 24.3069 24.3069 21.0369 23.1836 25.0626 24.3065 33.8112 33.8112 31.4934 33.6861 35.1581 32.1650 9.5043 9.5043 10.4565 10.5025 10.0955 7.8585 106 106 105 106 106 105 03/21/18 13:50 03/21/18 13:50 03/28/18 04/04/18 04/11/18 04/18/18 03/22/18 14:00 03/22/18 14:00 03/29/18 04/05/18 04/12/18 04/19/18 24.4535 24.4535 21.1937 23.3401 25.2150 24.4267 0.1466 0.1466 0.1568 .0.1565 0.1524 0.1202 0.0231 0.0248 0.0269 0.0288 0.0248 550 550 550 550 550 03/22/18 00:00 03/29/18 04/05/18 04/12/18 04/19/18 03/22/18 00:00 03/29/18 04/05/18 04/12/18 04/19/18 24.3300 21.0617 23.2105 25.0914 24.3313 0.1235 0.1320 0.1296 0.1236 0.0954 1.54% 1.54% 1.50% 1.49% 1.51 % 1.53% 84.24% 84.18% 82.81 % 81.10% 79.37% yf Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge at Start of Test 0.0129941 yb Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at End of Test 0.0121397 xf Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge at Start of Test 0.0024305 xb Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at End of Test 0.0031558 TS (g)1 0.1466 TS () 0.1202 VS (g) 1 0.1235 VS (g) 1 0.0954 Volatile Fraction In: 0.54701 Volatile Fraction Out: 0.51876 P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588.8333 • Fax: (704) W-8335 1 ,r LLABORR CHAIN ®F CUSTODY ATORIES.hvc. PAR Laboratories, Inc Phone (704) 588-8333 www.par/ Fax (704)-588-8335 Shipping: Mailing: 2217 Graham Park Drive PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that ail information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories. Inc. and the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Company Name (billing) Comments/ Special Instructions SYNAGRO CENTRAL Clarifier Effluent provided in the event that Address the sample needs to be reduced to below 12701 LANCASTER HWY 2% solids. City, State It zip code PINEVILLE NC 28134 Point of Contact & Telephone Number ADAM BRIGMAN 704-650-4 41 Sample ,Q, Taken By: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME / (F" &:�'-`W`7 ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTING? YES NO 'Sample Type: DW WW GWMW HW soil other Sample Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C "Field Preserved: Yes No Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No n/a Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (Y/N): Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): Client Sample I.D. Sample Location / Number) Comp Grab Preserv. Set Up Date/Time Collection DateTme nalyses Requested ��cunyuwncv may. aver rnie necery oy uate/ 1 lme Relinquished bgy% Datemme Received by: / Date/Time I ' C=Composite G=Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Mount Holly WQ Permit Number: WQ0001863 WWTP Name: Mt Holly WWTP NPDES Number: NCO021156 Monitoring Period: From 07/01/2018 To 09/30/2018 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. l/A (time/temp) Alt. 2B (Alk Treatment) Alt. 31C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density X Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion If annlicahle to alternative nerformed (Class A or Class R) cmmnlete the fallowinu mnnitorinp data: Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density No. of Frequency Sample Analytical Excee- of Type Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dences Analysis Fecal 2x10to the 6th MPN Coliform power per gram MPN/g Quarterly Grab SM9221 C of total solids CFU 89,000 161,837 1,000,000 CFU/g 0 Quarterly Grab SM9222D 1000 MPN per gram of total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate option/alternative performed: Option/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 Option/Alt. 3 Option/Alt. 4 (VS reduction) (40-day bench) (30-day bench) X (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Mt. 5 Option/Alt. 6 Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (14-Day Aerobic) (Alk Stabilization) (Drying — Stable) (Drying — Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X_ reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Doug Shoudt Division Manager Wastewater Pnrepareame "Titlepe or print) Z-f2-1 e� Signature (' Preparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mt. Holly Biosolids Project Number: 50-1701 Lot Number:TF19052 Date Completed:06/27/2018 s 06/27/2018 1:52 PM Approved and released by: Project Manager: Lucas Odom d M ACCREDITED DOD ELAP `geOflA'[0�— The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 12 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: TF19052 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. Geometric Mean 161,837 Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111, Page 2 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:TF19052-001 Description: MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 FECAL Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:06/19/2018 0645 % Solids: 1.96 06/20/2018 1821 Date Received:06/1912018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9221 C E-2006 1 06/22/2018 2218 SA1 06/19/2018 2250 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run Fecal Coliform (Class B MPN) SM 9221C E- 100000 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range ND = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Daly Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 20 MPN/g 1 Page 3 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:TF19052-002 Description: MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 FECAL Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:06/19/2018 0645 % Solids: 1.93 06/20/2018 1821 Date Received:06/19/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9221C E-2006 1 06/22/2018 2218 SA1 06/19/2018 2250 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run Fecal Coliform (Class B MPN) SM 9221C E- 300000 20 MPN/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range ND = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ialy Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of f 2 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:TF19052-003 Description: MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 FECAL Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:06/19/2018 0645 % Solids: 2.25 06/20/2018 1821 Date Received:06/19/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9221 C E-2006 4450 06/22/2018 2218 SA1 06/19/2018 2250 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run Fecal Coliform (Class B MPN) SM 9221C E-20 ND LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range ND = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis :aly Environmental Services, Inc. i Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 89000 MPN/g 1 Page 5 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: TF1 9052-004 Description: MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 FECAL Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:06/19/2018 0645 % Solids: 2.23 06/20/2018 1821 Date Received: 06119/2018 Inorganic non-metals -Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9221 C E-2006 4500 06/22/2018 2218 SA1 06/19/2018 2250 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run Fecal Coliform (Class B MPN) SM 9221C E-20 ND LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range ND = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 90000 MPN/g 1 Page 6 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:TF19052-005 Description: MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 FECAL Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:06/19/2018 0645 % Solids: 1.88 06/20/2018 1821 Date Received: 0611912018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9221 C E-2006 1 06/22/2018 2218 SA1 06/19/2018 2250 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run Fecal Coliform (Class B MPN) SM 9221C E- 1000000 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantilation of compound exceeded the calibration range NO = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Daly Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 20 MPN/g 1 Page 7 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: TF19052-006 Description: MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 FECAL Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:06/19/2018 0645 % Solids: 1.82 06/20/2018 1821 Date Received:06/19/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9221 C E-2006 5400 06/22/2018 2218 SA1 06/19/2018 2250 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run Fecal Coliform (Class B MPN) SM 9221C E-20 ND 110000 MPN/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantilation of compound exceeded the calibration range NO = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 8 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: TF19052-007 Description: MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 FECAL Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:06/19/2018 0645 % Solids: 1.97 06/20/2018 1821 Date Received:06119/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9221C E-2006 5400 06/22/2018 2218 SA1 06/19/2018 2250 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ Units Run Fecal Coliform (Class B MPN) SM 9221C E-20 ND 110000 MPN/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range ND = Not detected at or above the LOQ N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 9 of 12 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 10 of 12 rnm C CD < m m `< ' m d = 0= Steak+ Crrfilcrlrnental Services, inc. Chain of CrlStody.RL.CorCi , �la�'�ant� e �Li 1i J l'JV o = llEstt,ciu:ttbl,, So>_'fh •br�Pollna ��•17'7. Co Tale pIicna �Jo. (-ECJ3) 701,37 00 RIX P,10..(D CD(fiC3� CDCO)Snnarr- t:iap0r re, Gs,ntacr enal�r (Printad N;,rr�n} S, Y g - Adam-'Iftnan ?m �dErrgmait o c=i Il`riv rya •f nrcphcm- No. ! rnx Nn, ? Eir. W, '�lafni.': hia- r �i SE.�4:�F 1 j r= r nan4cs� nagrn.cnn: Prwerrativo ��- 0 t-cn'it n Hrnirc:ttiarler �. hta.C•Y.+Zn& U. H C L ;�lr II J {:r�`-i .'uCd 3 N`` t- RaThlo. N P-Jeri Numba, 1FC Namber f 0 ^ i 7v I .P3 11"H711x wa^5n?r-M I7; Dcsc'yptorl -j ' - i 0 {G talnery for r_t:h r arrl le May be 1 S p rJ C3`7a C' CD CD - UQ X CoCb O O M V I CD S2S2G - e 'I� N .Wou(:� 7tre R=r,'r�sl {P%7L f5c '� Fp aal,tqulr•.6 tcrEy,edbc6 TAT Sanlo Disposal QC Requlrsn�ht3 ( gsiyj _r.-lard �A114h (=l:asIIn"pxlr [v, CRcturn :0 Clinnt [i 13 ral tp' Lab rllnqulshe>iv— ;.t� ^ t., s MID r�.:. 1i1Ct6: /zi'! F.clt9taicS are rm' -11 -a fnrsix w0aks f;^om raaelpt unless Irf NQmd,er r,'uuiu I•la. Page Numbar or - Cc. ; alne 3 pnFJa II G[I �II�I f IU��I�Ell��t11>I��II�I� TH 9052 L.1V :� Fsrnnrata �ShS (ir;:ant 5:7. Tl rma - la. LapOr'ateryy60 `I LAB USE ONLY Rgalpt;.Rsmp r:ut_i:ad rat Ica{Cle•:I`} II_jy l-1hl I�Ice ?.jh{ _ F-'FBdivH ntEu H-2i•20'1i m r z T� X Z 9 Z r U) m 0 Z 0 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 3h; r 17 Eak-kcnmenial 5ervi:*3, [no. Rqc i of rJ: cu [ Nunel-w- UF710190-11 i I11R-; ,, D'aec: 4iv:•�ti l Sample Receipt C'hec4�->.<st (S'R(j �r � Client: XaL i )-_... Cooler Inspected by,'date_ L �.�'+�' h•IeHrts of rccei Sl2sl OClieitt ❑ ITS 0FcdF-K !]Ottller. -VWc—rcciistodv ❑ Yes I FD\1 1, seals present on tht: cooler? I7 Yes I ❑ No I El NA 12, If custody seats were pi-esetd, ,vwv chi;� is tact and ut.broken? rH Strip ID: _ Chlorine Strip 1D.- Coca] cr II) r igir I temperature upon receipt ,•• Derived (Corrected) t: rnperaturc upon receipt: -- r �= — I4 crhrxl: [TI'emperature airk ❑Against ]Bottles IR Cruri Ti3: M riot) Corroction F&tor. — °C J+letlicd of caoJ antr t_` tii`et Ir ❑ Ia c Packs ❑ Dn� Ice ❑ Node ❑ Yc` ❑ No ` _;. If teiriperat❑mr of any cooler exceeded 6.11T, %vas Projcct Manager N6titied? PNI t�;as Notified by: phone ; entail I face -to -dice (circle urat). ❑ Yes ID No :: 4. is the colnmeacial courier's pocking slip attached to t]lis form.? j Yrs EJ No 5. Were propea• custody prr)"dun:s (.Clinquisliedrieceive(1) Jolloned? i A Yes _I No � 6. Were samp]c IDs listed on the COC`? Yes ❑ No V 7. Wem s�"plt: IDs listed on all sain- le cnntainca-s? F. es ❑ No S. W:s cullcetion date & time listed on the CDC? as ❑ leer 9. Was e:arllcctim dr:tc & time listed on all sample containers" Yr;s ❑ No 10. Did all cortainer label information (7D, date, �rt:c Mth the COC7 cs ❑ No 11. l& ere tests to be performed Iistcd an the CO' Laf5r'cs ❑Teo 12. Did all samples arrivr in the proper containei5 ii)r mQh test andiar in'Ig d eaindition (unbroken, lids nn, es,-.)? _ Yea 0 Na 13. Vti'as adequate sample vnh me available.'? �— CCa ❑ No 14, Were all sarnples received within 14 the holding tierce or 48 hours, whichever corner first? Yes _ e n I5. WerC any samples contains; migningeoxcm foirci,: olio) Samples Nei: listed on C+ C'? ❑ Yes n No 16. )For 1'{}q and RSIs-1 5 samples_ vver�e bubbles prescnl>"pea-sine" (° "rig 6mrn in di an7 ACT) in any of lho VOA .dals? -re Y cs Ll No 1 NA 17. We all DRCIImetalsr'ntrtricnt sainples teceiver3 at sa pN of ❑ 'Yes El -No 'A 18, Wt;re all cyanide samples received aL a pK > 121 and sulfide samples received at a pH = 97 J 'Yes ❑ No p_<A 13, W= all applicable �iH_r TICNicyanidc,phenolr£r25 t;-� 0.5mg.1) satnptcs free, of residual chlorine? ' Yes Elr' No � _A 20. R'ere clieait retnrar•ks?reyue:;t5 (i.c, r--quesred dilutions,1k4SeNJSD designations, etc...) wrrectly transcribed fi-on3 die CUC irrtt) a1v comment section in I.TVS? i i ❑ Yes .' IjI41 121. WQS the gLkUtc number used Taken from the oontaii)er label? i ruple Preservation (Must be C❑mpl it-41 for any sample) incoriee(iy F•rc:scrvcd or with arnple(s) i ,ample rcm. iving with line of pmsery 4ion — wcn,'receitied incorrectly presuT-ecd rind HNO3, IICI, NaQi1) using Siff Ai adjusted accordin-ly 1ISainple(s) _were received +Kith btrblrlrs,'-6 mm in diwneter. 11 arnplcs(sj ��' Ijufited.accordingly in sample rece lmraona ]flbcls applied by: C:orntrents: were aecoi,--ed ,.vith TRC - UJ nig/J sodium thiosulfate(Na,S,03) with Shealy ID: 5 Date: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 9 is ► o ) and were Page 12 of 12 Im PLL PROMPT•ACCU RATE -RE LIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWW.PARL ABS.COl REPORT OF ANALYSES Attn: ADAM BRIGMAN SYNAGRO 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE, NC 28134- PROJECT NAME: JUN 18 DATE: 07/18/18 SAMPLE NUMBER- 131868 SAMPLE ID- MT. HOLLY 3RD EVENT SAMPLE MATRIX- SO DATE SAMPLED- 06/05/18 TIME SAMPLED- 0600 DATE RECEIVED- 06/05/18 SAMPLER- AB RECEIVED BY- CT TIME RECEIVED- 0650 DELIVERED BY- AB TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 1 of 1 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS 30 DAY BENCH SCALE TEST VAR 06/05/18 1315 RE 5.48 LABORATORY DIRECTOR`-`— P.O. Box =411483 • Charlotte. NC 252=41-1453 Phone: (70 4)5SS-S333 • 1-:ix: (704) 383-8333 Mh PbkF;Z PROMPT -ACCURATE -RE LIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWW.PARLABS.COM 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test Percent Volatile Solids Reduction SYNAGRO MOUNT HOLLY 3RD EVENT 131868 06/05118 07/03/18 Start: End: TS ) 0.1514 0.1413 TS% 1.44% 1.38% VS 0.1234 0.1134 VS% 81.51 % 80.25% y Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0117171 0.0110737 x Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0026587 0.0027245 FSVR Mass Balance 5.55% FSVR (Van Kleeck) 5.48% FSVR Mass Balance) <15% YES FSVR (Van Kleeck) <15% YES P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 • Fax: (704) 588-8335 • fi PLIR PROMPT. ACCURATE• RELIABLER LABOATORIES, INC W W W.PARLASS.COM Collected D.O. Crucible Tare Wt (g) Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Liquid Sludge Wi (g) Oven Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Dried Sample Wi + Tare Wt (g) Dried Sludge Wt (g) Fixed Solids Wt (g) Furnace Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Burned Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Volatile Solids Wt (g) TS% VS% 30 ®ay Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test VAR nntinn 3 Parcant Vnlatile Solids Reduction SYNAGRO r MOUNT HOLLY 3RD EVENT iSTART,DATE:06106/18 131868 jwlsMlP 07/03/18 As Received Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 narnariR nafnrtiR nrmwiR nwiwiA 06/26/18 07/03/18 3.08 3.37 4.09 4.33 5.10 X17 X17 X16 X8 X17 X28 21.2169 21.2169 22.6938 24.7188 21.2182 21.0968 31.7485 31.7485 32.9089 34.6988 31.4018 31.3373 10.5316 10.5316 10.2151 9.9800 10.1836 10.2405 106 106 105 106 106 107 06/05/18 13:15 06/05/18 13:15 06/12/18 08:45 06/19/18 09:00 06/26/18 09:15 07/03/18 09:00 06/06/18 12:50 06/06/18 12:50 06/13/18 09:00 06/20/18 08:50 06/27/18 09:30 07/04/18 09:30 21.3683 21.3683 22.8348 24.8545 21.3557 21.2381 0.1514 0.1514 0.1410 0.1357 0.1375 0.1413 0.0280 0.0273 0.0263 0.0268 0.0279 550 550 550 550 550 06/06/18 14:00 06/13/18 11:50 06/20/18 13:40 06/27/18 15:00 107/05/18 08:45 06/06/18 15:15 06/13/18 12:10 06/20/18 14:50 06/27/18 16:00 07/05/18 09:05 21.2449 22.7211 24.7451 21.2450 21.1247 0.1234 0.1137 0.1094 0.1107 0.1134 1.44% 1.44% 1.38% 1.36% 1.35% 1.38% 81.51 % 80.64% 80.62% 80.51 % 80.25% yf Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Feed) yb Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at Start of Test 0.01 17171 Sludge at End of Test 0.0110737 Xf Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge Xb Mass Fraction o1 Fixed Solids in Liquid (Bottom) at Start of Test 0.0026587 Sludge at End of Test 0.0027245 TS ) 0.1514 TS 0.1413 VS (g 0.1234 VS (g) 0.1134 Volatile Fraction In: 1 0.56 1 Volatile Fraction Out: 1 0.58152 P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 0 Fax: (704) 588-8335 PAR LABORATORIES, INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY PAR Laboratories, Inc Phone (704) 588-8333 Fax (704) 588-8335 Shipping: Mailing: 2217 Graham Park Drive PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories, Inc. and the North 1�.....1:.... n.......i.......1 of 0n.4.nn.. --1 -4 kl. #... �I 0- -- Company Name (baling) Comments/ Special Instructions Clarifier Effluent provided in the event that SYNAGRO CENTRAL Address the sample needs to be reduced to below 12701 LANCASTER HWY 2% solids. City, State Et:zip code PINEVILLE NC 28134 Point of Contact E* Telephone Number ADAM BRIGMAN 7047650-4341 Sample Taken By: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTING? YES V NO 'Sample Type: DW WW tl GWMW HW soil other Sample Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C "Field Preserved: Yes No Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No nla Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (Y/N): Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): I(®tit Sample l 0 Sample Location /Number) - Comp Grab Presery Set Up: ' 17aterrlme Collection Datemriie Anajysbs, equested `_ - n rr ! f /,��• 1 (�I11 �rCl ��%EJ G b/ �'(7Q �V CI�V1� � o l2j %326f c'1 Relinquished, y: Da err'me 5 �;3� Receiv try: Dater ime -S- a6-0 Relin b . at /Time Received by: Daterrime C=Composite G=Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Mount Holly WQ Permit Number: WWTP Name: Mt Holly WWTP NPDES Number: Monitoring Period: From 10/01/2018 To 12/31/2018 WQ0001863 NCO021156 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2B (Alk Treatment) Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density X Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion if annlicahle to alternative nerfnrmed (Class A or Class R) emmnlete the follnwina mnnitnrina data - Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density No. of Frequency Sample Analytical Excee- of Type Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units deuces Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 61h MPN Coliform power per gram MPN/g Quarterly Grab SM9221 C of total solids CFU 50,335 218,572 8,822,323 CFU/g 1 Quarterly Grab SM9222D 1000 MPN per gram of total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate option/alternative performed: 0 tion/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 Option/Alt. 3 Option/Alt. 4 (VS reduction) (40-day bench) (30-day bench) X (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Alt. 5 Option/Alt. 6 Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (14-Day Aerobic) (Alk Stabilization) (Drying — Stable) (Drying — Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X_ reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an _ explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Doua Shoudt Division Manaeer Wastewater Preparer e and 'tle (typ 'br print) k ignature Q P parer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mt. Holly Biosolids Project Number: 50-1701 Lot Number:T126040 Date Completed:10/02/2018 10/02/2018 4:12 PM Approved and released by: Project Manager: Lucas Odom TNt A C C A ED IT ED I�eORATO� oa—CD�_ The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 12 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: T126040 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. Geometric Mean 218,572 Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:T126040-001 Description: Mt. Holly 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:09/26/2018 0700 % Solids: 1.71 09/27/2018 2242 Date Received: 09126/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 09/27/2018 2033 SA1 09/26/2018 1940 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 8822323 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aaly Environmental Services, Inc. i Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:TI26040-002 Description: Mt. Holly 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:09/26/2018 0700 % Solids: 1.99 09/27/2018 0312 Date Received: 09126/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 09/27/2018 2033 SA1 09/26/2018 1940 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <50335 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ialy Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:TI26040-003 Description: Mt. Holly 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:09/2612018 0700 % Solids: 1.71 09/27/2018 0312 Date Received:09/26/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 09/27/2018 2033 SA1 09/26/2018 1940 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 175583 * 20 col/g 1 Footnote(s): * SM 9222D-2006 (MF) 24 hr 503 NC - Fecal Coliform (MF): result is considered estimated LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ialy Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 5 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:T126040-004 Description: Mt. Holly 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:09/26/2018 0700 % Solids: 0.634 09/27/2018 2242 Date Received:09/26/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 09/27/2018 2033 SA1 09/26/2018 1940 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 157729 * 20 col/g 1 Footnote(s): * SM 9222D-2006 (MF) 24 hr 503 NC - Fecal Coliform (MF): result is considered estimated LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holdina time W = Reoorted on wet weight basis .aly Environmental Services, Inc. i Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 6 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:T126040-005 Description: Mt. Holly 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:09/26/2018 0700 % Solids: 0.924 09/27/2018 2242 Date Received:09/26/2018 Inorganic non-metals "Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 09/27/2018 2033 SA1 09/26/2018 1940 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <108225 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:T126040-006 Description: Mt. Holly 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:09/26/2018 0700 % Solids: 0.939 09/27/2018 2242 Date Received:09/26/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 09/27/2018 2033 SA1 09/26/2018 1940 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <106485 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis .aly Environmental Services, Inc. i Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 8 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:T126040-007 Description: Mt. Holly 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:09/26/2018 0700 % Solids: 1.19 09127/2018 0312 Date Received:09/26/2018 Inorganic non-metals Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 09/27/2018 2033 SA1 09/26/2018 1940 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 168152 * 20 col/g 1 Footnote(s): * SM 9222D-2006 (MF) 24 hr 503 NC - Fecal Coliform (MF): result is considered estimated LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis mly Environmental Services, Inc. I Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 9 of 12 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 10 of 12 �c) CD os m m M ro < - EnviroJ7merii:af Servtcp,s, t Cl301r1 of CustodV fiecorrf10E3 `/Qrtage Poirt Drive o d l�rest Ca urnsaie, Sou-,h Csr�ifna 20972 CD < m T�tlei pane Nn. (3!3j 79-1.97,10 F_x ha. {BC;s; 791-Ji I * R. Iab.cant E eporr Eo'. ontecl CD m `}'It metro Sampler { rfed PJ11htj ridalr. A ratan Ir',darr rlipm-,r, o p Addltts 5 -ttl°phone No, i Fa.Y No. i F.Ci6J� 1270; L-acnforMVy waybill No. 3 ;-70tip tti1r 1) :2b nrnr_nt'Tjsynaprc,CA,II Cliy Sfata Zip ^ode PfLSeIVatIVR ca Pinevillu h1C 73t 1, U=r a. 4. FAQs 7. NoOF Tlam> 2. }+'ati ;''S14 5, f J L n~i IPrnjectK;xnber F.GNurr'arg, . Nletrix o z=amrJe IL'; CvScrlpGlir � � � ;fhntaf�: s for bads ianpfu , au bo r m ' jr� .i'li ��st° 'r7IE � r' oon:t:n� rtn ene I:�te, _ o �- r• fir. CD � x N � � C 3. NTIMbOr Face _ 6oL'lr3 _ T126040 Lao ;nwr:d� qr. ioe1 cd (a9a'1�4apprrsav rcacva6i:r -d c7AT1 •3ampie Di�ne.�al QG Requlr=olitc (Plraza Specfy) Paaebi�; i ire:! 1°ntJlic lion srAad �.°5h � i m 8 ec [JhJGrnHa= rcl ` FlwrnmrthL; �� e p `Yr ❑ I atom to i:I Cnf �' Q15r b?I.1k' Lab Julc;. Irri :nt 5linnrule,k;I bft'esnjrp%r (�C°loan I ttrkncs�'rn � E73Ur Trrl qr ,} '1, I�afr'al�n,d1Y ! I Catty Time :IlnquiaFed �} i 1 : ICil G Lf %' • - �' _ f Date T rnr, r �, kece?/oi b• nu; l f G ar•_11slt�Abq rt* irUl_r J /lfi:!3� _ ��1 �.1n� c4 3_ t?e ..h'ad � i a Ilnqui3h®� �y - s Data Time Il r� Data Time }-` L3rbcrtcyRceai'.ed'Y o D,-' U :Imo rr� 1Jotc-',Il sa!nptes nr> aetafn d far sixuvnaks frat.t raaFiW, urtiess outerILAB WE ONLY dJ.'art' e�ttrtnfti aa'c aTlade 'O netoiptTc:rlp. Trn rp. t3lrtn}: Receed n i (t h=alc} f'f N _ Izu Fany a MG__Rmn MAI zz 9 m z r m n z 0 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Shay I3JJVi1Q11U)UJILJI SCraLMS, Inc Page 1 rr I Uacpm, w Numbun IErm-c Zi Sllml.-yu D ::, 9?1f3i18 Sample Receipt Checklist (,SRC) Client: gt•jM'aA.-ro. __— Cu,lcrJnspcetedby.(}ate:J-IILl , _d.,-j J.ot0;77_r,)((_,gb deans crCleceipl: SESI Gj Client L-t UPS I] FedRv f] Othei C Yes No 1. 5; lei e Custody s '118 presrmt on the cooler'? Yes ❑ No NA 2. IT clistudy ssals wctz preserlt, were they intact mid unbroken? 'pl-i Sttip 113: Ctrheriru: Strip TD; _..... Te:,wd by:^ Ori+inal temperature upon rcccipt? D;:rivcd (Corrected) umperawre upnn rectipl: %Solid Snap -Cup ID! �4ethad:. Trmprrrrrturc. Inn:; ❑.gams: Bottles IR C'rurt ID: � IR Oin Correction Factor: n- °C ',4erhod of coolant: ZJ We-t Ice ❑ kv Pucks ❑ Dl • lcc ❑ done ❑ S. If li;mperawre of tiny cooler exceeded 60''C, was Project Nluougcr Notified? PNJ was Notified by: phone:.+ email .+ ftiee-to-face (61vie (wo), LI Yes ❑ No VNA 4. Is the commercial courier's packing slip attached to this fora,? V.)cs ❑ Nn s- %I/em proper custody pr°c-4CIU S (re]inyui�hrrb'rcx civcd) folloi�'cd'? ff Ycs ❑ t%,o 6, We= .-ample Ills listed on the COC? Y,5s ❑ NO 7. WeJ)e sample lUs listed on all sample, c..olltalllus ? Il Yesf G No S. Was coll"fion date & time listed on the C OC T I -vcs Cr No 9. Was collect,on date & timc listed un all sample containers? Yes I� No 16. Did all container label hifoinnadon (Ii7r date, time) anpree with the COC2 j Yes No 11. 'r>lrLrd lL$Is In be performed listed on The COC? tr 3'e5 L Nu l2' Did all samplestrr-i ve in the prnpce ccrnn,incr for caell test :tntL'4C ing oo d candition (Iln 7roken, fads oil, 00.)? t YL•; J No 13, Wes udzc1tlatc sample volume available? Yes I] No 14. Were all sarnllles T=viv::d 'milhin Vi tha holding time. or 48 hours, whichever conies first? ❑ Yes 15. Were uny =triples conwiners missingfexcess (circle orie) samples Not listed on COC? I }':s ❑ <Jo P�lrl 16. For VOA and RSK-175 swnples, were bubbles pre-sent=�"pc�I-size°` (W'or 6mm in diameter) in any of [he VOA ,pia ]s? 71 Yes Nu N 17. Wem , it DROAnc_lalsrnutrient sAlllPles received at a P1I of <: 2? Yes ❑ No l�1NA IS. Weree all cvaalde samples rr�.ivtd w n pH ­ 12 and sulfide samples received at,, pH > 9? ❑ Yes f_-9 Na �NA 19. IXere a a licable NTAyril-MIc hnidol hmol,'625 (-. 4.5ing'Li s"i io' frvu of res]dual Pl' }'P P r;hlorine? Yes ida 'L NA 2 0. Were client ren,arkstrcglresm (i.e. reVested diluticum M3,citi4SD dcsiLma ions, etc..,) correctly irwscribed from the COC uito the comment seLdUn in UNIS? U Yes No 21. Was the quote number listed on the Lnnudner lobi]? tf }yes, Quote; Sample Prescrvation (.Must be completed tar may sarnple(s) incorrc;:tly preserved 4r w-th headspace.) Sample(,) ____were rece7a•ed incorrectly prescrved and wem; adju%Md acr:ordin xly in sample receiving With in of circle one: H2SO4, 14NO.;, NCI, Nn014 u:;ing SR 0 Time of presermi]on _.- If More the r ant' preserva[iti c is nr~cdc•l, plwase riots in The curry rents helativ. Samples) were r&,eiyed with bubbles >6 niLit In di: peter. s .E; Ples,$) _. wcm received with TRC> 0.5 m&'L (Iftt19 is no) and were adjusted accordingly in sample r=Uiving with sodium thiosnloate (Na2S,01 ) with Slrealp lla: SR Lai -rode laheN applied by, _ �-.� � - — Dale: Comments: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 12 of 12 pil PROM PT•ACCU RATE -RE LIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWNV.PARLABS.00M1I REPORT OF ANALYSES A t, 1, n : ADAM BRI GMAN SYNAGRO 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE, NC 28134- PROJECT NAME: SEP 18 DATE: 11/28/18 SAMPLE NUMBER- 133504 SA14PLE 7D- MT. HOLLY SAMPLE MATRIX- SO DATE SAMPLED- 09/26/18 DATE RECEIVED- 09/26/18 SAMPLEI:- AB RECEIVED BY- DJ TIME RECEIVED- 1255 DELIVERED THY- AB TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 1 of 1 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS 30 DAY BENCH SCALE TEST VAR 09/26/18 1445 RE 2.54 % LI>50RATORY DIRECTOR ' ` - - r_:: �•�•--� P.O. Box 411483 ^ Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 • Fax: (704) 588-8335 PbLF;Z PROMPT- ACCURATE• RELIA9LE LA�BOR.ATORIES' INC WWW. PARLABS. COM 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test Percent Volatile Solids Reduction CLIENT'NAME: -___-- 'SAMPLE ID: ' • 'SAMPLE#: ,START DATE: ' END DATE_ _ Start: End: TS () 0.1569 0.1531 TS% 1.54% 1.54% VS (g) 0.1243 0.1184 VS% 79.22% 77.34% y Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0122365 0.0119238 x Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0032093 0.0034946 FSVR Mass Balance) 2.56% FSVR Van Kleeck) 2.54% FSVR (Mass Balance) <15% YES FSVR (Van Kleeck) <15% YES P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) SSS-8333 • Pax: (704) 588-8333 PiIR PRO MPT•ACCU RATE RELIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWW.PARLABS.COM Collected D.O. Crucible Tare Wt (g) Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Liquid Sludge WI (g) Oven Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Dried Sample Wi + Tare Wt (g) Dried Sludge Wt (g) Fixed Solids Wt (g) Furnace Temp °C DatelTime In Date/Time Out Burned Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Volatile Solids Wt (g) TS% VS% 30 ®ay Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test VAR C)ntinn 3 Percent Volatile Solids Reduction ;CLIENT NAME: ' • SAMPLE IDs _ • 'SAMPLE # T J START DATE- ENA DATE �� As Received Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 ng/2a/1R ng12s/18 10/03/18 10/10/18 10117/18 10/24/18 4.06 5.18 5.55 6.07 6.13 X16 X16 X25 18 X31 X28 22.6936 22.6936 21.4460 23.0238 22.0992 21.0970 32.8517 32.8517 31.5266 33.1753 32.0940 31.0267 10.1581 10.1581 10.0806 10.1515 9.9948 9.9297 107 107 105 106 105 106 09/26/18 14:45 09/26/18 14:45 10/03/18 09:15 10/10/18 08:50 10/17/18 09:50 10/24/18 10:40 09/27/18 13:50 09/27118 13:50 10/04/18 09:00 10/11/18 08:45 10/18/18 10:00 10/25/18 11:00 22.8505 22.8505 21.5975 23.1744 22.2500 21.2501 0.1569 0.1569 0.1515 0.1506 0.1508 0.1531 0.0326 0.0318 0.0320 0.0324 0.0347 550 550 550 550 550 09/27/ 18 16:00 10/04/18 12:10 10/11 /18 11:20 10/18/18 13:15 10/25/18 15:00 771 09/27/18 17:05 10/04/18 13:15 10/11 /18 13:00 10/18/18 14:20 10/25/18 16:15 22.7262 21.4778 23.0558 22.1316 21.1317 0.1243 0.1197 0.1185 0.1184 0.1184 1.54% 1.54% 1.50% 1 1.48% 1.51 % 1.54% 79.22% 79.01 % 78.75% 78.51 % 77.34% yf Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Feed) yb Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at Start of Test 0.0122365 Sludge at End of Test 0.0119238 Xf Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge Xb Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Bottom) at Start of Test 0.0032093 Sludge at End of Test 0.0034946 TS (9)1 0.1569 TS () 0.1531 VS () 0.1243 VS (g) 0.1184 Volatile Fraction In: 1 0.51442 P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC28241.1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 • Fax; (704) 588-8335 a z Volatile Fraction Out: 1 0.50221 PAIR CHAIN OF CUSTODY LABORATORIES. INC. PAR Laboratories, Inc Phone (704) 588-8333 Fax (704)•588.8335 Shipping: Mailing: 2217 Graham Park Drive PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on Nis Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories. Inc. and the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Company Name (billing) Comments/ Special Instructions SYNAGRO CENTRAL Clarifier Effluent provided in the event that Address the sample needs to be reduced to below 2% solids. 12701 LANCASTER HWY City, State & zip code PINEVILLE NC 28134 Point of Contact ti Telephone Number ADAM BRIGMAN 704-650-4341 Sample �j�; Taken By: SIGNATURE 7 )c PRINTED NAME 14 Ct1!'CC�C)177 ` ARE SAMPLES FOR STATEfor EPA REPORTING? YES NO "Sample Type: DW Ww GWMW HW soil other Sample Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: o C "Field Preserved: Yes /No Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No n/a Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (Y/N): Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): Bent sample I.D. Sample Location / Number) Comp Grab Preserv. Set Up Date/Time Collection Daterrime nalyses equested /b'l`l. Noll 30 -�r�h ,/ r�ennqursneo uy�� �/ water r rmi e. Relinquished Date/Time meceivea o}r Received by: uarer I Ime _ Date/Time ' C=Composite G=Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste SECTION 6 Agricultural Lime Application Log Year: 2018 Project: Mount Holly 50-1701 Field Grower Soil Lime Require Tons/Acre Date Total (state -county -site -field) �H from soil anal sis A lied A lied Acres NC-CL-12-01 RiverTaw 5.7 0.7 Ton/Acre NC-GA-41-01 Greg S rin F 5.9 0.5 Ton/Acre 1.0 ® 3.4 NC-GA-41-06 Greg Springs 6.9 0 Ton/Acre 10.0 0 8.9 NC-GA-41-10 11 Greg S rin s 6.7 0 Ton/Acre I0.0 0 7.9 NC-GA-41-14 11 Greg S rin s 6.8 0 Ton/Acre I0.0 0 6.8 NC-GA-45-01 David Allen 6.2 0 Ton/Acre 0.0 0 17.0 NC-LT-44-01 11 Lee Shank 6.2 0 Ton/Acre 0.0 15.7 NC-LT-46-01 11 Tony Jones 6.5 0 Ton/Acre 10.0 0 11.8 NC-LT-46-02 11 Tony Jones 6.2 0 Ton/Acre 0.0 45.2 NC-LT-46-03 11 Tony Jones 5.7 0.5 Ton/Acre NC-LT-46-04 11 Tony Jones 6.2 0 Ton/Acre 10.0 19.4 NC-LT-46-05 Tony Jones 5.4 1.3 Ton/Acre NC-LT-46-07 Tony Jones =J 1.0 Ton/Acre 1.5 ® 7.0 NC-LT-46-08 11 Tony Jones 6.3 0 Ton/Acre # lime has been ordered but not spread SECTION 7 NCDA&CS comic Division Phone: (919) 733-2655 Website: www.nca...,-,v/agronomi/ Report No. F _ __ 3L037057 Yaco2 Predictive Client: Synagro Advisor: �4PG¢��u�ruae e 12701 Lancaster Hwy S F Soil Report Mehlich-3 Extraction Pineville, NC 28134 M Sampled County :Cleveland t� ��,• Links to Helpful Information Sampled: Not Provided Received: 06/12/2018 Farm: NC-CL-12 Completed: 06/18/2018 Client ID: 449334 Advisor ID: Sample ID: 12-01 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients (lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P205 K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 - Fescue/OGrass/Tim, M 0.7 120-200 70 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2- Test Results [units - WN in g/cnr ; CEC and�la•in m\eq/100 cm3; NO3-N in mg/dm3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH 1 P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.46 1.06 6.7 71 2.0 5.7 r 30 57 46 21 30 98 76 47 47 44 0.1 1 1 _North Carolina .;;.2 1'17 t3l Tobacco Trust Fund Commission Reprogramming of the laboratory -information -management system that makes this report possible is being funded through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. - Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture NCDA&CS r,u -comic Division Phone: (919) 733-2655 Website: www.ncL-..„,)v/aaronomi/ Understanding the Soil Report: explanation of measurements, abbreviations and units Recommendations Lime If testing finds that soil pH is too low for the crop(s) indicated, a lime recommendation will be given in units of either ton/acre or Ib/1000 sq ft. For best results, mix the lime into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil several months before planting. For no -till or established plantings where this is not possible, apply no more than 1 to 1.5 ton/acre (50 Ib/1000 sq ft) at o time, even if the report recommends more. You can apply the rest in similar increments every six months until the full ra is applied. If MG is recommended and lime is needed, use dolomitric lime. Fertilizer Recommendations for field crops or other large areas are listed separately for each nutrient to be added (in units of lb/acre unless otherwise specified). Recommendations for N (and sometimes for B) are based on research/field studies for the crop being grown, not on soil test results. K-1 and P-1 values are based on test results and should be > 50. If they are not, follow the fertilizer recommendations given. If Mg is needed and no lime is recommended, 0-0-22 (11.5% Mg) is an excellent source; 175 to 250 lb per acre alone or in a fertilizer blend will usually satisfy crop needs, SS-1 levels appear only on reports for greenhouse soil or problem samples. Farmers and other commercial producers should pay special attention to micronutrient levels. If $, pH$, $pH, C or Z notations appear on the soil report, refer to $Note: Secondary Nutrients and Micronutrients. In general, homeowners do not need to be concerned about micronutrients. Various crop notes also address lime fertilizer needs; visit Recommendations for small areas, such as home lawns/gardens, are listed in units of Ib/1000 sq ft. If you cannot find the exact fertilizer grade recommended on the report, visit fsfind information that may help you choose a comparable alternate. For more information, read A Homeowner's Guide to Fertilizes Test Results The first seven values [soil class, HM%, WN, CEC, BS%, Ac and pH] describe the soil and its degree of acidity. The remaining 16 [P-1, K-I, Ca%, Mg%, Mn-1, Mn-All, Mn-AI2, Zn-I, Zn-AI, Cu-I, S-1, SS -I, Na, ESP, SS -I, NO3-N (not routinel available)] indicate levels of plant nutrients or other fertility measurement. Visit Report No. F _ _ _ 5L037057 Page 2 of 2 Report Abbreviations Ac exchangeable acidity B boron BS% % CEC occupied by basic cations Ca% % CEC occupied by calcium CEC cation exchange capacity Cu-I copper index ESP exchangeable sodium percent HM% percent humic matter K-1 potassium index K20 potash Mg% % CEC occupied by magnesium MIN mineral soil class Mn manganese Mn-All Mn-availability index for crop 1 Mn-AI2 Mn-availability index for crop 2 Mn-I manganese index M-O mineral -organic soil class N nitrogen Na sodium NO3-N nitrate nitrogen ORG organic soil class pH current soil pH P-1 phosphorus index P205 phosphate S-1 sulfur index SS-1 soluble salt index WN weight per volume Zn-AI zinc availability index Zn-I zinc index Page 1 of 1 Report No: 18-072-8665 Account No: 46441 Advisor: Synagro Central LLC/ Charlotte Adam Brigman 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville NC 28134 WaypointCW ANALYTICAL Client: David Allen NC-GA-44 City of Mount Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 .. Farm: NC-GA-45 Date Received: 03/13/2018 Date of Report: 02/08/2019 Lab No Field /D Sample ID Soil Class HM% W1.V pH Ae P-1 K-1 S-I Mn-1 Zn-1 Zn-Al Cu-1 CEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N 24369 45-01 MIN 6.2 0.9 6 16 37 2000 - 70 70 100 714 88 63 21 2.3 0.2 Crop Recommendations: Rec Uom Lime (t/acre) N W P2O5 K2 S Mn Mn-A/ Zn Cu B Mg Last Crop 1- Fescue. Hay lb/acre , 0:0 150 131 109 20 0 1214. 0 0 0 0 Test result units = CEC and Na in meq/100cm3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; W/V in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines, Analysis Page 1 of 1 Report No: 18-072-9664 Account No: 46441 Advisor: Synagro Central LLC/ Charlotte Adam Brigman 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville NC 28134 Waypoint. ANALYTICAL Client: Greg Springs NC-GA-41 City of Mount Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Farm: NC-GA-41 Date Received: 03/13/2018 Date of Report: 12/31/2018 Lab No Field ID Sample ID Soil Class HM% W/V pH Ac P-1 K-1 S-1 Mn-/ Zn-1 Zn-Al Cu-1 CEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N 24365 41-01 MIN 5.9 1.7 113 117 31 138 475 475 210 10.0 83 57 18 1.2 0.1 Crop Recommendations: 1- Fescue Hay _ Rec Uom Ib/acre Lime (f/acre) 0.5 N 150 P205 0 K20 0 S 20 Mn 0 Mn-Al 101 Zn' 0 Cu 0 B- 0 - Mg 0 Last Crop 24366 41-06 MIN 6.9 0.1 87 17 40 81 380 380 330 9.7 99 71 26 1.6 0.2 Crop Recommendations: 1- Fescue Hay Rec Uom lb/acre Lime (Vacre) 0.0 N 150 P205 0 K20 107 S 20 Mn 0 Mn-Al 52 Zn 0 Cu 0 B 0 Mg 0 Last Crop 24367 41-10 MIN 6.7 0.5 75 18 40 156 395 395 320 10.1 96 67 26 1.6 0.2 - -- — - - - --- - Crop Recommendations: 1- Fescue Hay - _ Rec Uom lb/acre Lime (t(acre) 0.0 N 150 P205 0 K20 104 S- 20 Mn 0 Mn-AI 100 Zn 0 Cu 0 B 0 Mg 0 — - -- Last Crop 24368 41-14 MIN 6.8 0.3 70 18 33 156 383 383 305 10.2 97 71 25 1.2 0.1 Crop Recommendations: 1- Fescue Hay Rec Uom lb/acre Lime (t/acre) 0.0 N 150 P205 0 K20 104 S 20 Mn 0 Mn-Al 98 Zn 0 Cu 0 B 0 Mg 0 Last Crop Comment: Test result units = CEC and Na in meq/100cm3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; WN in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines, Analysis prepared by: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Report No: 18-354-0572 Account No: 46441 Advisor: Synagro Central LLC/ Charlotte Adam Brigman 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville NC 28134 Waypoint.0 a ANALYTICAL Client: Lee Shank Mt Holly Synagro 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Farm: Date Received:12/20/2018 Date of Report: 12/31/2018 ab No Field ID Sample ID Soil Class HM% WN pH Ac P-1 K-1 S-1 Mn-I Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-1 CEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N ?9761 LT-44-01 MIN 6.2 0.7 44 65 29 119 65 65 115 5.7 87 63 17 1.9 0.1 Comment: Test result units = CEC and Na in meq/100cm3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; WN in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines, Analysis prepared by: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Report No: 18-073-9915 Account.No: 00015 Advisor: Synagro Central LLC/ MT Holly Wayne Brady 12701 Lancaster Highway Pineville NC 28134 Waypoint. ANALYTICAL Client: Toney Jones NC-LT-46 Mt Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Farm: NC-LT-46 Date Received: 03/14/2018 Date of Report: 12/31/2018 Lab No Field ID Sample ID Soil Class HM% W/V pH Ac P-1 K I S-1 Mn-/ Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-1 CEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N 25764 46-01 MIN 6.5 0.4 15 15 50 231 55 55 200 5.5 93 75 14 2.5 0.1 _______ _.___ _ Crop Recommendations: 1- Fescue Hay ____ Rec Uom lb/acre Lime (t/acre) 0.0 _ _ N 150 _ PZ 05 105 KZ D Ill ____ S 20 _ Mn 0 Mn AI 148 Zn 0 Cu 0 B 0 Mg 0 — ----- ---- --- Last Crop 25765 46-03 MIN 5.7 0.9 4 14 100 581 35 35 100 4.3 80 55 21 2.8 0.1 Crop Recommendations: 1- Fescue Hay Rec Uom lb/acre Lime (t/acre) 0.5 N 150 P205 137 K2 114 S 20 Mn 0 Mn-AI 370 Zn 0 Cu 0 B 0 Mg 0 Last Crop 25766 46-08 MIN 6.3 0.6 37 12 29 150 93 93 205 5.3 90 72 14 2.1 0.1 Crop Recommendations: 1- Fescue Hay - Rec Uom Ib/acre Lime (t/ecre) 0.0 N _^PZOs 150 51 K20 119 S 20 Mn 0 Mn-AI 102 Zn 0 Cu 0 B 0 Mg 0 Last Crop Comment: Test result units = CEC and Na in meq/100cm3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; WN in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines, Analysis prepared by: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Report No: 18-354-0576 Account No: 46441 Advisor: Synagro Central LLC/ Charlotte Adam Brigman 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville NC 28134 Waypointal- ANALYTICAL Client: Tony Jones Mt Holly Synagro 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Farm: NC-LT-46 Date Received: 12/20/2018 Date of Report: 12/31/2018 Lab No Field ID Sample ID Soil Class HM% W/V pH Ac P-I K-1 S-1 Mn-1 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 CEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N 09767 LT-46-05 MIN 5.4 2.5 26 130 166 69 200 200 255 8.9 72 44 20 1.2 0.1 09768 LT-46-07 MIN 5.5 2.3 38 149 73 113 203 203 345 8.9 74 45 19 1.4 0.1 09769 LT-46-02 MIN 6.2 0.5 21 16 35 463 68 68 155 3.8 88 62 22 2.3 0.1 09770 LT-46-04 MIN 6.2 0.5 21 15 27 506 68 68 160 3.9 86 60 22 2.2 0.1 Comment: Test result units = CEC and Na in meq/100cm3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; WN in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines, Analysis prepared by: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. 435 Williams Court, Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21220 SYNAr-nRO REeEivebmc FEBRUARY 20, 2020 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE NCDEQ Division of Water Resources(�1C��C� Information Processing Unit `\iI rC�lr�C� 1617 Mail Service Center p`c� 2.o Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 F�8 e Re: 2019 Annual Report for Permit No. WQ0001863 Dear NCDEQ: Synagro is submitting one copy and one electronic copy of the above referenced report on behalf of the City of Mount Holly, NC. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Danny Jackson at (704) 827-4261 or Adam Brigman at (704) 650-4341. Sincerely, Derrick Shivar Environmental Compliance Manager Enclosures cc: Danny Jackson, City of Mount Holly Adam Brigman, Synagro YOUR PARTNER FORA CLEANER, GREENERWORLD City of Mount Holly, NC RESIDUALS LAN® APPLICATION PROGRAM Permit No. WQ0001863 2019 ANNUAL REPORT City of Mount Holly, NC Residuals Land Application Program 2019 Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Certification Form and Annual Operations Summary 2. Annual Residual Sampling Summary Forms, Residuals Analyses, & SAR Calculation Pages 3. Annual Land Application Field Summary Forms 4. TCLP Analysis 5. Pathogen ReductionNector Attraction Reduction 6. Soil pH & Lime Application Records 7. Soil Analyses SECTION 1 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit #: WO0001863 County Gaston Year 2019 Facility Name (as shown on permit) Mount Holly WWTP & WTP NPDES No. NC0021156 & 01-36-020 Land Application Operator Synagro Phone# (336) 998-7150 Land application of residuals as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year? X YES NO. If NO, skip PartA, and PartB and proceed to Part C. Also, if residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A — Residuals Application Summary: Total number of application fields in the permit: 16 Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: I 1 Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: 328.82 Total number of acres utilized for land application during the year: 191.30 Part B — Annual Compliance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2019 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water QualityX YES NO. If no, please provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1. Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis was performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6. The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (Applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7. All general requirements as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8. All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .I I I I were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11. Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receiving residuals, as specified in the permit. 12. No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C — Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and be 'ef, true, accurate, and complete. am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including th possi lity of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." � /j Danny Jackson, City Manager / \& „VVV / .4 t ,1—Z '.V t Permittee__Name and Title (type or print) Signa e e Data 'Si re o eparer Date Signa of Land Appli Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) 2019 ANNUAL OPERATIONS SUMMARY - LAND APPLICATION IN NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID DRY METRIC MONTHNEAR AMOUNT UNIT DRY TONS UNIT TONS February 2019 235,600.00 G 15.72 D 14.25 March 2019 489,800.00 G 32.67 D 29.64 April 2019 967,200.00 G 55.64 D 50.48 June 2019 539,400.00 G 31.03 D 28.15 July 2019 241,800.00 G 25.91 D 23.51 September 2019 731,600.00 G 78.42 D 71.14 November 2019 1,165,600.00 G 89.43 D 81.11 YEARLY TOTAL 4,371,000.00 G 328.82 D 298.28 1/30/2020 SECTION 2 V ANNUAL RESIDUALS SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding Annual Report. Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed than those required to be summarized on this form. Permit Number: WQ0001863 Facility Name: MOUNT HOLLY, NC NPDES# : NCO021156 or WQ# (residual only) WWTP Name: MOUNT HOLLY WWTP Residuals Analysis Data Product Type Date Sampled (grab) or Date Composited Percent Solids AEDLIQ AEDLIQ 01/03/19 04/30/19 PARAMETERS (mg/kg dry weight) Laboratory PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICE INC. SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. AEDLIQ AEDLIQ 07/10/19 10/09/19 1.60 1.38 2.57 Arsenic <30 <4.4 <9.6 Cadmium <3 1.1 <2.4 Mercury <0.31 <1.3 <0.72 Chromium 255 150 140 Copper 540 440 370 Lead <15 11 <8.6 Molybdenum <15 <8.8 <19 Nickel 18.5 14 <20 Selenium <30 <7.2 <16 Zinc 731 780 670 Total Phosphorus 12200 24000 13000 TKN 59100 82000 46000 Ammonia -Nitrogen 8090 7500 11000 Nitrate and Nitrite <121 <19n 39ti -5-3 , 1.84 <5.3 <1.1 <1 250 660 15 <9 22 <8.2 1200 15000 77000 9700 110 t37D I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." X DENR FORM RSSF (5/2003) Date ANNUAL RESIDUALS SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding Annual Report. Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed than those required to be summarized on this form. Permit Number: WQ0001863 Facility Name: MOUNT HOLLY, NC NPDES# : NCO021156 or WQ# (residual only) WWTP Name: MOUNT HOLLY WWTP Residuals Analysis Data Laboratory PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICE INC. SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. Product Type AEDLIQ AEDLIQ AEDLIQ AEDLIQ Date Sampled (grab) or 01/03/19 04/30/19 07/10/19 10/09/19 Date Composited Percent Solids 1.60 1.38 2.57 1.84 PARAMETERS (mg/kg dry weight) Aluminum 14500 20000 15000 20000 Calcium- 11400 10000 9000 14000 Magnesium 3070 3700 2600 3300 pH 7.30 7.20 7.50 7.50 Potassium <15000 4800 3300 2700 Sodium <15000 8300 5400 8500 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system - designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." X (SIG OF PREPARER) NR - Data Not Reported or Data Not Required Date DENR FORM RSSF-B (7/2002) Printed: Saturday - February 1, 2020 at 13:56:30 for: 1701 01 (�IaneAnalyfical" 5 January 22, 2019 Adam Brigman Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 RE: Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 DearAdam Brigman: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on January 03, 2019. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current, applicable TNI/NELAC standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. Revised Report. The sample was redigested and reanalyzed for metals. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 64 - Lord Patton 1(828)254-7176 Project Manager Enclosures cc: Lysa Finnerty, Synagro PICCRF�� s� `9e ,RAZO�J REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 1 of 16 (�71acieAnalytical" Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Charlotte Certification IDs 9800 Kincey Ave. Ste 100, Huntersville, NC 28078 Louisiana/NELAP Certification # LA170028 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37706 North Carolina Field Services Certification #: 5342 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 12 Asheville Certification IDs 2225 Riverside Drive, Asheville, NC 28804 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87648 Massachusetts Certification #: M-NC030 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37712 CERTIFICATIONS South Carolina Certification #: 99006001 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87627 Kentucky UST Certification #: 84 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460221 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 VirginiaNELAP Certification #: 460222 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 2 of 16 aceAnalytical Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 Lab ID Sample ID 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 1OF4 N+M Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Method Analysts Analytes Reported Laboratory EPA 601OD SH1 14 PASI-A EPA 7471 B RDT 1 PASI-A SM 2540G-2011 KDF 1 PASI-C ASTM D2974-87 KDF 1 PASI-C EPA 9045D SMK 1 PASI-A SM 271 OB-2011 EWS 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Mod. CJH1 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 Rev 2.0 1993 MFO 1 PASI-A EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 MFO 3 PASI-A EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 MFO 1 PASI-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 3 of 16 lacmnalyticalo ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 Sample: MT. HOLLY 10F4 N+M Lab ID: 92412758001 Collected: 01/03/19 08:30 Received: 01/03/19 12:56 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight' basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 601 OD Preparation Method: EPA 3050E Aluminum 14500 mg/kg 300 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7429-90-5 M1 Arsenic ND mg/kg 30.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-38-2 Cadmium ND mg/kg 3.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-43-9 Calcium 11400 mg/kg 300 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-70-2 Chromium 255 mg/kg 15.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-47-3 Copper 540 mg/kg 15.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-50-8 Lead ND mg/kg 15.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7439-92-1 Magnesium 3070 mg/kg 300 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7439-95-4 Molybdenum ND mg/kg 15.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7439-98-7 Nickel 18.5 mg/kg 15.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-02-0 Potassium ND mg/kg 15000 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-09-7 Selenium ND mg/kg 30.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7782-49-2 Sodium ND mg/kg 15000 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-23-5 Zinc 731 mg/kg 30.0 1 01/17/19 08:28 01/18/19 11:19 7440-66-6 7471 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7471 B Preparation Method: EPA 7471 B lercury ND mg/kg 0.31 1 01/04/1919:56 01/07/1911:02 7439-97-6 2540G Total Percent Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OG-2011 Total Solids 1.6 % 0.000010 1 01/03/19 17:14 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 98.4 % 0.10 1 01/03/19 17:05 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045D pH at 25 Degrees C 7.3 Std. Units 0.10 1 01/07/19 15:09 H3 Plant Available Nitrogen Analytical Method: SM 271 OB-2011 PlantAvailable Nitrogen 19300 mg/kg 0.12 1 01/08/19 11:27 N2 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Mod. Preparation Method: EPA 350.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Mod. Nitrogen, Ammonia 8090 mg/kg 518 1 01/05/19 09:48 01/05/19 13:14 7664-41-7 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Preparation Method: EPA 351.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total 59100 mg/kg 1970 1 01/07/19 11:53 01/08/19 01:30 7727-37-9 353.2 Nitrogen, NO2/NO3 Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Preparation Method: EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 ND mg/kg 121 1 01/04/19 00:02 01/04/19 02:46 Nitrogen, Nitrate ND mg/kg 121 1 01/04/19 00:02 01/04/19 02:46 14797-55-8 Nitrogen, Nitrite ND mg/kg 60.3 1 01/04/19 00:02 01/04/19 02:46 14797-65-0 365.1 Phosphorus, Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Preparation Method: EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Dl,,)sphorus 12200 mg/kg 470 5 01/04/19 18:56 01/05/19 04:32 7723-14-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 16 5aceAnalytical" QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 QC Batch: 450852 Analysis Method: EPA 7471 B QC Batch Method: EPA 7471 B Analysis Description: 7471 Mercury Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 METHOD BLANK: 2466307 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Mercury mg/kg ND 0.0060 01/07/1910:16 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2466308 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Cone. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Mercury mg/kg 0.083 0.068 82 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2466309 2466310 MS MSD 92412774001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Parameter Units Result Cone. Cone. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Qual .Aercury mg/kg ND 0.053 0.053 0.021 0.016 40 30 75-125 27 M1,R1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 5 of 16 (�5a'cmnalydca( QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 QC Batch: 452988 Analysis Method: EPA6010D QC Batch Method: EPA 3050B Analysis Description: 6010 MET Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 METHOD BLANK: 2475518 Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 Parameter Units Matrix: Solid Blank Reporting Result Limit Analyzed Aluminum mg/kg ND 10.0 01/18/1911:12 Arsenic mg/kg ND 1.0 01118/1911:12 Cadmium mg/kg ND 0.10 01/18/1911:12 Calcium mg/kg ND 10.0 01/18/1911:12 Chromium mg/kg ND 0.50 01/18/1911:12 Copper mg/kg ND 0.50 01/18/1911:12 Lead mg/kg ND 0.50 01/18/1911:12 Magnesium mg/kg ND 10.0 01/18/1911:12 Molybdenum mg/kg ND 0.50 01/18/1911:12 Nickel mg/kg ND 0.50 01/18/1911:12 Potassium mg/kg ND 500 01/18/1911:12 Selenium mg/kg ND 1.0 01/18/1911:12 Sodium mg/kg ND 500 01/18/1911:12 inc mg/kg ND 1.0 01/18/1911:12 Qualifiers LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 2475519 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits Aluminum mg/kg 500 489 98 80-120 Arsenic mg/kg 50 42.9 86 80-120 Cadmium mg/kg 50 45.6 91 80-120 Calcium mg/kg 500 486 97 80-120 Chromium mg/kg 50 48.5 97 80-120 Copper mg/kg 50 48.6 97 80-120 Lead mg/kg 50 44.7 89 80-120 Magnesium mg/kg 500 457 91 80-120 Molybdenum mg/kg 50 49.2 98 80-120 Nickel mg/kg 50 46.5 93 80-120 Potassium mg/kg 500 ND 96 80-120 Selenium mg/kg 50 41.2 82 80-120 Sodium mg/kg 500 478J 96 80-120 Zinc mg/kg 50 43.6 87 80-120 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Qualifiers MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2475520 2475521 MS MSD 92412758001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Qual Aluminum mg/kg 14500 14500 15300 35700 36200 145 142 75-125 1 M1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 6 of 16 5aceAnalyfical (� QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2475520 MS 92412758001 Spike Parameter Units Result Conc. MSD Spike Conc. 2475521 MS Result MSD Result MS % Rec MSD % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Qual Arsenic mg/kg ND 1450 1530 1240 1310 85 85 75-125 5 Cadmium mg/kg ND 1450 1530 1330 1400 91 91 75-125 5 Calcium mg/kg 11400 14500 15300 26000 26600 100 100 75-125 2 Chromium mg/kg 255 1450 1530 1670 1740 97 97 75-125 4 Copper mg/kg 540, 1450 1530 2000 2090 101 101 75-125 4 Lead mg/kg ND 1450 1530 1310 1370 89 89 75-125 5 Magnesium mg/kg 3070 14500 15300 16700 17300 93 93 75-125 4 Molybdenum mg/kg ND 1450 1530 1430 1510 98 98 75-125 5 Nickel mg/kg 18.5 1450 1530 1370 1430 93 93 75-125 5 Potassium mg/kg ND 14500 15300 18100 18700 99 98 75-125 4 Selenium mg/kg ND 1450 1530 1180 1240 80 81 75-125 5 Sodium mg/kg ND 14500 15300 22300 22800 97 96 75-125 2 Zinc mg/kg 731 1450 1530 2000 2100 87 89 75-125 5 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 16 (�5a'cmnalytkalo QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 QC Batch: 450688 Analysis Method: ASTM D2974-87 QC Batch Method: ASTM D2974-87 Analysis Description: Dry Weight/Percent Moisture Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2465713 92412623001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Percent Moisture % 24.5 24.7 1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2465714 92412474001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Percent Moisture % 80.4 80.4 0 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 8 of 16 aceAnalytical QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 QC Batch: 450994 Analysis Method: EPA 9045D QC Batch Method: EPA 9045D Analysis Description: 9045 pH Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2466932 92412757001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers pH at 25 Degrees C Std. Units 5.8 5.8 1 H3 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 9 of 16 IeAnalytical www.pacelabs.ccm QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 QC Batch: 450952 Analysis Method: EPA 350.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Mod. QC Batch Method: EPA 350.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Mod. Analysis Description: 350.1 Ammonia Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 METHOD BLANK: 2466776 Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/kg LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2466777 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/kg Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Matrix: Solid Blank Reporting Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers ND 10.0 01/05/1913:00 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers 500 503 101 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2466778 2466779 MS MSD 92412682001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec .Limits RPD Qual litrogen, Ammonia mg/kg 2720 1840 1840 4440 4510 93 97 90-110 2 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 10 of 16 lacmnalydcalo Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 QC Batch: 451040 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 METHOD BLANK: 2467104 Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/kg QUALITY CONTROL DATA Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Analysis Description: 351.2 TKN Matrix: Solid Blank Reporting Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers ND 50.0 01/08/19 01:17 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2467105 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/kg 1000 926 93 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2467106 2467107 MS MSD 92409974001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. . Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Qua] litrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/kg 241 768 848 942 983 91 88 90-110 4 H1,M1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an aItem ate unit is presented to the right of the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 11 of 16 IeAnalytical Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 QC Batch: 450721 QC Batch Method: EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 METHOD BLANK: 2465789 Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Nitrate mg/kg Nitrogen, Nitrite mg/kg Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 mg/kg QUALITY CONTROL DATA Analysis Method: EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Analysis Description: 353.2 Nitrate + Nitrite Matrix: Solid Blank Reporting Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers ND 2.0 01/04/19 02:33 ND 0.99 01/04/19 02:33 ND 2.0 01/04/19 02:33 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2465790 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Nitrate mg/kg 14.6 14.6 100 90-110 Nitrogen, Nitrite mg/kg 9.7 9.7 100 90-110 Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 mg/kg 24.4 24.3 100 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2465791 2465792 MS MSD 92412476001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen, Nitrate mg/kg 123 27.1 27.3 272 283 175 213 90-110 4 M1 Nitrogen, Nitrite mg/kg 15.8 18.1 18.3 58.1 54.7 162 141 90-110 6 M6 Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 mg/kg 138 45.3 45.6 330 338 169 184 90-110 2 M6 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 12 of 16 leAnalytical Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 QC Batch: 450867 QC Batch Method: EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 METHOD BLANK: 2466387 Associated Lab Samples: 92412758001 Parameter Units Phosphorus mg/kg QUALITY CONTROL DATA Analysis Method: EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Analysis Description: 365.1 Phosphorus, Total Matrix: Solid Blank Reporting Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers ND 1.9 01/05/19 03:36 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2466388 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/kg 48.1 44.5 93 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2466389 2466390 MS MSD 92412682001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Qual 'hosphorus mg/kg 13000 205 205 12800 12400 -77 -289 90-110 3 M6 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01 /22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 13 of 16 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 laneMalXicalo Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALIFIERS Project: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 Pace Project No.: 92412758 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG —Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis ofAcrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI - The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES PASI-A Pace Analytical Services -Asheville PASI-C Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte ANALYTE QUALIFIERS H1 Analysis conducted outside the EPA method holding time. H3 Sample was received or analysis requested beyond the recognized method holding time. M1 Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. M6 Matrix spike and Matrix spike duplicate recovery not evaluated against control limits due to sample dilution. N2 The lab does not hold NELAC/TNI accreditation for this parameter but other accreditations/certifications may apply. A complete list of accred itatio ns/ce rtifi cations is available upon request. R1 RPD value was outside control limits. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 01/22/2019 03:06 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 14 of 16 leAnalytical o QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: Pace Project No.: City of Mt.Holly 50-1701 1/3 92412758 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 10174 N+M EPA 3050E 452988 EPA 601 OD 453121 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 1OF4 N+M EPA 7471 B 450852 EPA 7471 B 450907 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 1OF4 N+M SM 2540G-2011 450819 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 1OF4 N+M ASTM D2974-87 450688 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 10174 N+M EPA 9045D 450994 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 1OF4 N+M SM 2710E-2011 451237 92412768001 MT. HOLLY 1OF4 N+M EPA 350.1 Rev 2.0 1993 450952 EPA 350.1 Rev 2.0 1993 450956 Mod. Mod. 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 1OF4 N+M EPA 351.2 Rev 2.0 1993 451040 EPA 351.2 Rev 2.0 1993 451164 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 10174 N+M EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 450721 EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 450728 92412758001 MT. HOLLY 1OF4 N+M EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 450867 EPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 1993 450908 Date: 01/22/2019 03:06 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 15 of 16 CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY Analytical Request Document Analj4icalo Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT - Complete all relavent fields 92412755 Company: SYNAGRO Billing Information; Mary Brewer: 284 Boger rd, Macksville NC27028 Address: 12701 Lancaster HW, Pineville NC, 28134 ContalnerPreserva ReportTo: Adam Brigman ( EmaIlTo: I.. A L.... 11 Preservative Types: (1) nitric acid, (2) sulfuric add, (3) hydrochloric add, (4) sodium hydroxide, (5) zinc acetate, (6) methanol, (7) socilum bisulfate, (8) sodium thlosultate, (9) hixane, (A) ascorbic acid, (B) ammonium sulfate, (C) ammonium hydroxide, (0) TSP, (U) UnpreservEd, (a) Other Copy To: Lysa Finnerty ( Site Collection Info/Address: Analyses n J.- Customer Project Narhe/Numbe State: county/City: Time 7cne Collected: 1701 6A 1 /VC )PT I ]MT [ ]CT ]ET �i "A CUIVe X=: ilqnbLt�u7x p3apsen. Wit Phone.'704-650-4341 Site/Facility ID 4: Compliance Monitoring? IX Yes No NC I Sc Y. N: Ilk" N .R Collected By (print): Adam Brigman Purchase Order #: DW PWS 10 9: Quote H: DW Location Code: V - Co II aturI.'rum ­dDate Re ulmd: Immedlatel Packed cnIce : 4 7— VAYJ ix ]Yes I IN. N sample [RS06hK.'_ Rush: Field Filtered (if applicable): JX] Dlspose as appropriate I Retum Same Day Next Day Yes ]No Z (n ]Archive: 2 Day 3 Day [ ]4Day [ ]SDay Z a) —6 I ]Hold: (Expedite Charges Apply) Analysis: J— Z C/5 CU. Matrix Codes (insert in Matrix box below): Drinking Water [DW), Ground Water (GM, Wastewater (WW), Product (P), Soil/Solid (SQ, Oil (OL), Wipe (WP), Air (AR), Tissue (TS), Bioassay (B), Vapor (VI, Other (OT) :_P CT 0 Matrix • Comp/ Grab Collected (or Composite Start) Composite End Res Cl R of Ctns Customer Sample ID Date Time Date Time :D (D IV+M SL A16 X X X X Customer Remarks I Special Conditions) . /V oz"9h ca", I i—n k by/Company: Hazards: 'N.6lne Radchem )icrqiin O.-N50 Y IReceive ICOMPW (Sign e) 1/s/N hx% 1. 2 JDate/nme: ' lReciilved by/Company: (Signature) Relinquished by/Company: (Signature) IDate/nme: I I Received by/Company: (Signature) T�_' R I Date/nme: Date/Tlme: able X N. esiBUal -h-1 -P . . ......... r A`BStrn0Ii1Xempdraiurd.1nfo:-.. e Y v Ae6eived: -Y NA Coo m-Re4.eipt Jer J C t661e'r%1-.-Theini:Coii. :FA*Etor:. oc -cool:iir" I OC cbmmants ecdhf6&`.Y, NX Ts.ot be � WOH .:JPage of. Page 16 f 16 Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) all Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 1701-01-AEDLIQ-NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY 1/3/2019 1/1/2019-3/31/2019 4.0697 DIGESTED LIQUID Na mg/1= (Na mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (15000 x 1.6000) _ 100 = 240 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x % Solids) = 100 = (11400 x 1.6000) _ 100 = 182.4 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (3070 x 1.6000) _ 100 = 49.12 Na meq = Na mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Na = 240 + 23 = 10.4348 Ca meq = Ca mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Ca = 182.4 = 20 = 9.12 Mg meq = Mg mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Mg = 49.12 + 12 = 4.09333 SAR = Na meq _ SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 10.4348 _ SgrRoot[0.5(9.12+4.09333)] = 4.05968 Page 1 Printed: 2/1 /2020 13:57 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mt. Holly Project Number: 50-1701 Lot Number:UD30072 Date Completed:05/10/2019 05/10/2019 3:40 PM Approved and released by: Lab Director - Greenville: Lucas Odom R� pCCAWAB 19e0RA1��, A C CA C fl oo—�— The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 7 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: UD30072 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported.on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. The pH analysis associated with the sample(s) in this report was/were performed after the method recommended 15 minute holding time. Metals by ICP Due to the matrix, the initial sample amount used for the following sample deviated from the standard procedure: UD30072-001,due to low % solids the initial amount of these samples were 4 times the standard procedure. The LOQ has been adjusted accordingly. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 7 Client:Synagro Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 N&M Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 Date Received:04/30/2019 Laboratory ID:UD30072-0 Matrix: Solid % Solids: 1.38 05/f j Inorganic i non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 2 (% Solids) SM 2540G 1 05/02/2019 0027 KFE 15395 1 350.1 (Ammonia - N ) 350.1 5 05/01/2019 1419 DMA 15286 1 (Nitrate - N) 9056A 1 05/06/2019 2243 HKL 15882 2 (Nitrite - N) 9056A 1 05/08/2019 0924 HKL 16168 1 (pH) 9045D 1 05/02/2019 2251 HET 15537 1 (Phosphorus) 365.1 10 05/02/2019 1013 DMA 05/01/2019 1217 15297 1 351.4 (TKN) 351.2 1 05/02/2019 1151 DMA 05/01/2019 1721 15334 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run % Solids SM 254OG 1.38 % 2 Ammonia - N (gas diffusion) 350.1 7500, 360 190 mg/kg 1 Nitrate - N (soluble) 9056A 30 (11,500 14 1.8 mg/kg 1 Nitrite - N (soluble) 9056A 14 1.4 mg/kg 2 pH @ 21.7 ° C 9045D 7.2 su 1 Phosphorus 7723-14-0 365.1 24000 3600 720 mg/kg 1 TKN 351.2 82000 1800 1800 mg/kg 1 CVAA Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 7471 B 7471 B 1 05/02/2019 1701 JMH 05/02/2019 1353 15424 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run ^^ercury 7439-97-6 7471E ND 5.5 1.3 mg/kg 1 ICP-AES Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3050B 601OD 1 05/09/20191316 JCF 05/06/2019 1057 15558 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Aluminum 7429-90-5 601OD 20000 350 130 mg/kg 1 Arsenic 7440-38-2 6010D ND 13 4.4 mg/kg 1 Cadmium 7440-43-9 6010D 1.1 J 4.4 1.1 mg/kg 1 Calcium 7440-70-2 6010D 10000 4400 550 mg/kg 1 Chromium 7440-47-3 601OD 150 8.8 2.2 mg/kg 1 Copper 7440-50-8 601OD 440 8.8 4.0 mg/kg 1 Iron 7439-89-6 6010D 9600 88 40 mg/kg 1 Lead 7439-92-1 6010D 11 8.8 4.0 mg/kg 1 Magnesium 7439-95-4 6010D 3700 J 4400 550 mg/kg 1 Manganese 7439-96-5 6010D 170 13 5.2 mg/kg 1 Molybdenum 7439-98-7 6010D ND 35 8.8 mg/kg 1 Nickel 7440-02-0 6010D 14 J 35 9.3 mg/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Dut of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis My Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 7 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UD30072-001 Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 N&M Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 % Solids: 1.38 05/02/2019 0027 Date Received:04/30/2019 ICP-AES Jun Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3050B 601OD 1 05/09/20191316 JCF 05/06/2019 1057 15558 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Potassium 7440-09-7 6010D 4800 4400 550 mg/kg 1 Selenium 7782-49-2 601OD ND 18 7.2 mg/kg 1 Sodium 7440-23-5 6010D 8300 4400 550 mg/kg 1 Zinc 7440-66-6 6010D 780 44 11 mg/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL (j=\Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis 1 —,aaly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 7 jc) m=r CD <v ' m o0 Of 3 usfod�r ,�carr# r (D o� ;v m m He r. 2 slragrc �CD m n Addror<:: c� 5 927115 . rilC=alp r;'�a�� O o I[ q i'Int+ar0 1JC r713 m U) F'r•. ac.[ L.9rt1D c ill-t • � ?ralact N::rrtbar N 70 j o SA)(Crm[aine fc: ^.1 J astmpk lira; he V 1;:71Tj1?'Llc'• kir`l One Ilnaj -4 o O l -n ro m rD o rn w OF-- V J � CD N C w N N Q C) 0 3 1f Shealy Er-Mror et,taJ Service`-. Ir:c. 108 Vantage PClllt Grva 'rhlest GolliMbla, soul l earot6;e129172 Tefopharip ,Vo. (1803) ?91-8'�'-Q F;x IVp. (803) 791=,?,1 i herrylab,arm I1?dpai In Cuntart .. d3nl Criwnan 110,'r?z=;'e Mc. r <<x No.., i=rnaU i7�W .fiK ]-03?4) I 3hri[lrtsrlasynsglx,.cag1 'Y. Unp ut, 4. I-INO3 7..Na4F �I•Js:Oligiri 1 5. HC1_ f� S. hit iv 1 G, Na ttu 1brr - Clatrix u -rq n De1L TICKA'. +1°! D�4•'1 I '�4^N ;, (p iJ rlrrixidTiir;n R-w,h d (Prbrl:,t � aV:, r •uh _ -ii F' y diol r 2.1.4i'1 �8.,unplelaisp•_sr0l tul°'T" DC RU3'1 SMEe 5pzifa) ❑ Mkurn (v CL'Aal F + ?.irgUish:b4 b j; ;4UmplerLe DispoF f, L f "I) Dot- imc 2 fi�Tuch� by _ 4 NO. -+ F{2t�UIra.T.•:?':i� 5� IBa:rc 3j7:4lfif� F'ii":.;FRJIa , ❑:1d3nr ®reiur,d h1 J A—L V/1 rlfJ� saJ�zpfes are rOtkunAri, fiorsfx srreeks From rewetM gnJGER othor TkEu•5= Onl-CCI'J3S e;, [ce (CJIa¢k; Number No. �iMM3er !>`Cantain6rs ?oit'9 P+a.9,VguVa [11�ypfgNIijji<. ilj. 072 ua 70 narnn-;lad L Lylknarn7 Tinlu x p I IME TTMe k Tem Idnk [; ❑ Ira Fac< n . Y Qra s I u =[i iCI1+e Data ! ri. r119 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Sim- Envimnsncutal sm vires, roc Fkull cm NL-n6;- Mit1}71 SC-14 Paz* I or i '4RMPle RCCCII7t 1[':heck1l iist (SRi_irecr:tic¢l�ce:5;�118 Client: 5pliagro - cooler ras ecterl h JHtc: M62 it,1GJ] }Ltt 9: UM0071 --� N tvns of receipt: ® SFtiI j] Client jl UJ'S- ❑ Vcs 0 NR ?. �;i4'1'C custad}' :v 8Js')rrscnt on the Cooley? — Yes Nu 11r12. IfcusrorlV seals were resent, weae lhcv int: ct and ienbrokcn? pH Strip TT?: NA Chlorine Ntl-jp ID; NA Tested by, NA Driginal remNrattu'e upon rc%xipt /Derived (Corrected) Golttrierniure uliou receipt °�,,5r�]id Snag. Cup 1D.- 19-611 3.6 13.f rC NA ,'NA '-C NA ,INA oC NA ,1iA ::t. — 111cthod; �Ternperature- Bltink []Against BoUlus JR C�tln Ib: _3 I12 Gun C or€ectinn Facwr_ 0 ° [w1, thnd oc)laat: 0 W'ct Ice. Q Jce P;mk-s ❑ Dry Ice Yes ❑ No ® 1A 3. If tcinperaturc of any cooler excccdcd (j.f?"(;, was Project manaro Noti fed? - PINT was Nkitifacd by_ Phone.," email l face-to-flx-z (circI a onc). Q Ycs - QNo ON.A 4. Is the rOrnmercial courier's packing slip attached to Ehis fc. 1? I� 'rk, M ltiu ere proper cusuidy proccdurm (rolingrnWwdireanived) fatlowc:V Yesa No 6. W'ere sumplc IDs. listed ore Lho COC9 ® Yess Q N-0 7. Wi,.re sample. lD.i lis#cd on tll sample c--antairlera7 Yes Q No S. Was orrlreetion daLu & time listed oil ths. (:Or? Yes El Nu 9. Was collection date& titre lis#cd On all salirPl[ 4antatnels7 i Yr:s Q N(l ifi- Did all container lrlbe•1 ir,$rmat+on (10, date, l[me) agree witlt ncc C:(1C? ® Y Q Nn ] I . 'dNcre l rs tri be pc-Tl!bmled liaced on the CC)C? 0 12. Did all samples alrivc In t11e proper e4intniners fbr cacti test and/or in goad condition (unbroken, lids on, ctc.),? _ Yes C1 No 13. bras adeg(eate sample volume amailablc7 I� Yes Q NO ZNo 14- Were. all sampi:-4 reaeiVed vrjthin °6 t[ze lialiring tinge ur 18 hnlres, whichcv:r eomes f;rsC`, Q Yes ] 5. let'(.re anV .."—Iles conOliuers missfn&Y'excess (circle onc) samples, Nni listed on (,,()(_? F-1 Yes, QNu ZqA ,16. For V0.1 and RSK-175 sainitles, were bubbles present -"pca-size"r)r l$ITLn1 It diatTleter) 3n an}' Of the V0 A vials? 0 Ye$ No NA 17. Were all DTZ0.-'rnctHJs,: iutrieLr:t sarnplcs reccivcd :K a pH or-: 27 Q tires 0 No NA t R. Were all cymliAQ sa1Ti l:s receivr d at a aE) ? 12 and sulf'jdc sain lCs received a> a 9? Y r ❑ No pH .- O NA 19_ W'cle all applicaolc tN11V'TK.Nicyani chew, G25 - 6.3mn+7.) sael0r?lr s tl'ee of residual El Yes Q Nsi ®lar4 20. e,'ere client rernarjc5ij';tlLt-;sts (l.c. requestcd •:1rPutians, NT&-MSD dcsig,Iations, etc...) camolly transcribed from the CoC inm the corl1mcnt seal on in LIMS 7 El Yes No: 2 ]. 14"a5the aa6L nutttbcr listosi nn 111e contaialcr lahal? If yes, C)utite r NA Sample Freservolion (Must be completed for any sar>Itple(s) inco- rrcct� Iv preserved or with hcadspacc:,) Sariple(s)yi ,vera received inoo:rc�r1}• preserved and .vPre a�jusied ac:cordin�r}• in samplc ret ivi11g with `try uiL of circle or1c; H2SC74, HNO3,1.1C1, N-101-1 usuie, SR 9 NA Tien: of pre;vmti(iri NA If More than One prescrvative is riumled_ plewc ino(c in the 4omment$ faelot�'. Swuplr(s) NA r5ceivcd wilh bubbles >6 mitt in digrnelor. SarnRlcs(s) NA _ were lviceiVed with TRC: ? 0.5 m� C -gr , { 1Fr19 isrrv) and were acliustrd ac trrc[ingiy' in plc rC i:ing wilt sadiarn IhioSu. l HtC (Na,S 0,z) with Mealy JD: NA SR barcocde lnbeLs applied, tiv: ETD Date. 4130119 C=LTLen Ls: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7 of 7 Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 1701-01-AEDLIQ-NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY 4/30/2019 4/1/2019-6/30/2019 2.1087 DIGESTED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x % Solids) = 100 = (8300 x 1.3800) = 100 = 114.54 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (10000 x 1.3800) = 100 = 138 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (3700 x 1.3800) _ 100 = 51.06 Na meq = Na mg/I = Molec.Wgt.Na = 114.54 _ 23 = 4.98 Ca meq = Ca mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Ca = 138 = 20 = 6.9 Mg meq = Mg mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Mg = 51.06 — 12 = 4.255 SAR = Na meq -= SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 4.98 _ SgrRoot[0.5(6.9+4.255)] = 2.10867 Printed: 2/1/2020 Page 1 13:57 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mt. Holly Project Number: 50-1701 Lot Number:UG10025 Date Completed:07/25/2019 07/25/2019 3:48 PM Approved and released by: Lab Director - Greenville: Lucas Odom �a A ACCREDITED 9eORPf� oa�— The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 7 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: UG10025 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. The pH analysis associated with the sample(s) in this report was/were performed after the method recommended 15 minute holding time. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 7 Client:Synagro Description: Mt Holly 3 of 4 N&M Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0815 Date Received:07110/2019 Laboratory ID:U Matrix: S, % Solids: 2 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (% Solids) SM 2540G 1 07/11/2019 0054 KFE 22171 1 350.1 (Ammonia - N ) 350.1 10 07/15/2019 1322 DMA 22538 1 (Nitrate - N ) 9056A 1 07/18/2019 1615 SLU 23173 2 (Nitrite - N ) 9056A 1 07/25/2019 0618 GMH 23699 1 (pH) 9045D 1 07/14/2019 1519 HET 22490 1 (Phosphorus) 365.1 10 07/11/2019 1830 DMA 07/09/2019 1315 21965 1 351.4 (TKN) 351.2 1 07/18/2019 1446 DMA 07/16/2019 1821 22774 Parameter CAS Analytical Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run % Solids SM 254OG 2.57 % 1 Ammonia - N (gas diffusion) 350.1 11000, 390 200 mg/kg 1 Nitrate - N (soluble) 9056A � '3 7.8 0.95 mg/kg 1 Nitrite - N (soluble) 9056A f 14, 7.8 0.75 mg/kg 2 pH @ 21.7 ° C 9045D �7:5 su 1 Phosphorus 7723-14-0 365.1 13000 1900 390 mg/kg 1 TKN 351.2 46000 970 970 mg/kg 1 CVAA Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 7471 B 7471 B 1 07/16/2019 1218 TJW 07/15/2019 1835 22366 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Uercury 7439-97-6 7471E ND 3.0 0.72 mg/kg 1 ICP-AES Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3050B 601OD 1 07/11/2019 2310 KSH2 07/11/2019 1220 22233 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Aluminum 7429-90-5 601OD 15000 770 290 mg/kg 1 Arsenic 7440-38-2 6010D ND 29 9.6 mg/kg 1 Cadmium 7440-43-9 6010D ND 9.6 2.4 mg/kg 1 Calcium 7440-70-2 6010D 9000 J 9600 1200 mg/kg 1 Chromium 7440-47-3 6010D 140 19 4.8 mg/kg 1 Copper 7440-50-8 6010D 370 19 8.6 mg/kg 1 Iron 7439-89-6 6010D 8100 190 87 mg/kg 1 Lead 7439-92-1 601OD ND 19 8.6 mg/kg 1 Magnesium 7439-95-4 6010D 2600 J 9600 1200 mg/kg 1 Manganese 7439-96-5 6010D 160 29 11 mg/kg 1 Molybdenum 7439-98-7 6010D ND 77 19 mg/kg 1 Nickel 7440-02-0 6010D ND 77 20 mg/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis !aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 7 Client:Synagro Laboratory I D: UG1 0025-001 Description: Mt Holly 3 of 4 N&M Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0815 % Solids: 2.57 07/11/2019 0054 Date Received:07/10/2019 ICP-AES un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3050B 601OD 1 07/11/2019 2310 KSH2 07/11/2019 1220 22233 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Potassium 7440-09-7 6010D 3300 J 9600 1200 mg/kg 1 Selenium 7782-49-2 6010D ND 38 16 mg/kg 1 Sodium 7440-23-5 6010D 5400 J 9600 1200 mg/kg 1 Zinc 7440-66-6 6010D 670 96 24 mg/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Dut of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 7 Chain I Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 5 of 7 os m(D <� v� m DO m (D L CD 0 -. m i2PGQT2i ow CDC CD lien( m y iitit?'eSv o E 1.27C1 l,lluc93,Rr L-PA'Y ICY SEeE:10 =ip l:uv? a cyille rac 413G cn E'roirid Hume `-4 Project hr,.-nEer p J�f Ntll'iU" r 0 8� araK!a JU r �uscdr�lan ach sarr�ple rnily c0lltyrj_.J c;a ane llrlo) ata r 0 "� 1rU 4' 7r�ru�J±1 m b fy � CD Cn Q V � � t C (D ffl N U O 3 r Shealy GJ1l+!l Oi1Mont@I UGr Yices, [.'10. 4�fE.S Ci71JiIt�G �: 4OLM CHM11na 2G I 1'2 T elapnanN o�I�_ � 0�3 ?g��gi0� Pax No. -- vtw.v hraJWJet- om h^ G+Cantu-jcE Sernral4r(Hr;tledNerrgp qrn. Brigmr�rl S:;larr_ l3r gmmn Te lephune tJo_ i ra7 hJo. ! �meil. 6rs�syhlll �Jo. f717�•S5q-+13d1) i ebr!_•tnan�ait"agra_ar.�r; pi Nsenr7rf'}� ," 2. Na.714+Zmk E.HOL 'r 3. W2804 N• NaTV, , tS �1Z€iTIX k.+ Yurn.a;,uurircreRaS�led{ifiur �bap�* c❑Imluirc3fbrtxp=er YTr.T,� aamp� I� p p 41 I' I I j j QC Roqulrcynurds (PI-SE9 4pur y1 PDWr :ile —� d r 1. F:€•F:•:.a(�Jshcttf hg-� r . J3eturr. 1 [xj rq;pasal by Lab `]Mcf,i ']Frrlsa � — Wo 1. R}?.?:P.iv d by 3. Rolin) jlstad' q Dais li(La f 2 i U E F0 i. RC.inyuish�d L+y J}et= ..f Tkna ` tiuoe}reC By a7. � — Note: Aff samples ua � Thre HI are r�tu]IZC[i fC}i S]K �Art�2E`.`� fYorJl CEGE�+�;� unlr3$g 4�18r� Lr(O.lJ3� ONLY arran en 31A5 ®re rlmaclo IR.ecatvad al�lus (ehN* N um bot' QUO% Nu -I n, 1 N� �t7aero� Con[.:i_�era Pruerouii(rE 1„ G 10025 rw� Dakin inpam. A .j r.rAT,p; ,Terra-�raaf ErTro11';�G2fFltiR-?i-?nil - SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Shealy t n irccrolenla9 S� ices_ foe. ; Pub I ai I L�cu:nai;Nainbcr.hlL�ri7BC-I� 7•:I140?e bI ie: 812.+2gis Sample Receipt ChUldist (SRC) ClieriL SLr r. r' � -- _ C:c�alc�r [n� eotad by. dale• 0'rn ; 711tJ.+'l9 Lat Y: UG 10035 mcons ofrccci t: iEsl d C1[cnt ❑ UPS ®FedEx C7cdicr: yes rj 'Jo 1. Wem custody seal-, present on 11j4 uodcf? I A If cus[od • coals -were lomsunt, were the intacr and unhroke n? pI-I Strip ID: NA i lllarinc Strip 10; NA- _ Tessin b _ Urigicta[ tcniperature upon rr..ceipt J Dtor]vcd (ColreCt2d) tolliperatum upon tvceipt. %Soli;1 Snap -Cur ID: 11-1070 1 3.7 i3.7 -C NA ,Nk "C NA ,+i\A °C NA iNA cC A6clttod: ®'Cetriperllttu•e Blank E1A9ailtst 1'otdes IR Our] ID.- (I IR (3un Correction Factor: 0 1C:. A4etliod orcooln t: 0 -14et Ice ❑ 0� ' ke 0 Nona i r Q' Icyl i"ac[cs 'do O NA ' l.f tcmpea�tuln_ of any confer exceeded 5.0°C, was Projuct;vlw)apr Nlot[fierl? FE] Yr, El ! P141 8•� ' N'o .S NUtlllf*d by. p,:atle, urnnll } f'rIOC-CU-face (Ci'Cle:0118). NA 4- Tv tale commercial couriers packing sl[pat:Rcil.ed to lhia forts? Q]' Yes _ (] Nn S. Were pro}a�r auslnriy' pra:.edasres (rululquishcd•�i•ceAived) fullotiectl° ® Yes ❑ No G. Wcra sample ]D3s listed ou. ON COC? 7. Were sample IDs listcd on all sam le aantasincrs? ffYesE 8- +,t'as collection date &. tittle [aAcd on the COC'? 9. Was coltectiorr daa,Q &time listcd on all sartiple c6nluirtcrs? 10. Did all comalacr IaLel info,ranatioa5 ID dote time) ) agree with (he CO4'. 0 Yes E No I I _ M--rc mso; to bo performed listed on, do COC? IZI Yes ha 12. D[ri ;,ill samples arrive iu the proper cortluincts for each test alldlor in good rmlitioil j (unbroken, lids ott, etc)? 'I cs ❑ No 13. `may adequate Sample volume flat [lable? ye�, T'o I4. Vs'e1-c all sanlpies received wi[hin Y: the holding time or 4-9 hours, whichever comes first Yea ho ] 5. V" era any sans iCy coniaine± tttissit>g1e,' uss (circle tint.) sans les Not fisted on coc? El Yes ® ND 13 NA 16. For V4 A and RSK-1?$ Kinples, were bubbles prasenl > `lac, -size" ('1'°or 61nin in dianu �jn any of lite. VOA vials' ❑ YeN Na VJ NA 17. DR0 ,'mctals/n utri=I: slant;[es rcceiv ed at a pH of < 2? 1'cs ❑ 1sPa GZI ]sPA ! S. 'eta all cyaoidc sErutp[cs rece[tiOd at a pF[ � 1? and Sull'idc sans .les received at a pH r 9 ❑ Yars ® No Z NA 19.1Ta'ero a 1 applicab e Nllz,"[ IGI�I/t +aniderla euolit �5 (< 0.5M tB) same?L!,q rr7c- of residual Chlorine? Ycs ®-No [, j NA �0. )Were client »anuks,-'reque;;l.-1 (i.C. mquestcd diluliuns, MS/NTSD dkigrlations, etc...) Carree dy trau-wrtbed froin did COC. 111to IElr; goTrjment 5CGI i011 I[t ] I rIS'? EEI Yee - a �i. 'a4'aS the quote number listed un the Cianitaincr Inbel? If yes, Chime: 4 NTA ;am PIE! Preservation ([Must be cotrlplcted for any satnplefs'r incorrectly preserved car with ltaadspace.) ,amplc(s) NA _wrm received incorrectly preset ved Hid ware adjusted Eamordh 1 Sample teeei4•inewillt NA m.Lofcircle rant:: IP2S0�I, HwCl3, Ht�l, �laC3T[ ca33rg Sty Nil imc ofltre5crvaiinrt NA , If1ttrra: lh,-n one pta3C1Na1ive is needed, please note in the comrjIonts below, Satnplc(s) NA %were recuJvcd wirh bubbles--6 ram in diameter. Shn1UlPS(S) NA vvere received with "l Kc > 0.5 ing L (If A'l9 is Ito and V,•ere ldjusted agcordingly in sarlaplz racciving �vitla sodiurn lbiostllt'a[e ( a;!520j) with Sbcnly ID, KA SR bar-code labels atomic+ by: MIN Dare: 7il0119 — CcsmrtbznJ s; - Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7 of 7 Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 1701-01-AEDLIQ-NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY 7/10/2019 711/2019-9/30/2019 2.0615 DIGESTED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x % Solids) + 100 = (5400 x 2.5700) + 100 = 138.78 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (9000 x 2.5700) _ 100 = 231.3 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) = 100 = (2600 x 2.5700) + 100 = 66.82 Na meq = Na mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Na = 138.78 _ 23 = 6.03391 Ca meq = Ca mg/I = Molec.Wgt.Ca = 231.3 + 20 = 11.565 Mg meq = Mg mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Mg = 66.82 = 12 = 5.56833 SAR = Na meq _ SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 6.03391 _ SgrRoot[0.5(11.565+5.56833)] = 2.06155 Printed: 2/1 /2020 Page 1 13:57 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mt. Holly Project Number: 50-1701 Lot Number:UJ09103 Date Completed:10/22/2019 w 10/23/2019 1:32 PM Approved and released by: Lab Director - Greenville: Lucas Odom PCCRFO���G 2"SQ ARAB N ACCREDITED `AeORAiO�DDDELAP — The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 7 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: UJ09103 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. The pH analysis associated with the sample(s) in this report was/were performed after the method recommended 15 minute holding time. Metals by ICP Due to the matrix, the initial sample amount used for the following sample deviated from the standard procedure: UJ09103-001. Due to low % solids, the initial amount of these samples were 3 times the standard procedure amount. The LOQ has been adjusted accordingly. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 7 I Client:Synagro t Laboratory ID:Ii Description: 4 of 4 N+M Matrix: S, Date Sampled:10/09/2019 0900 % Solids: 11 Date Received:1010912019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 2 (% Solids) SM 2540G 1 10/11/2019 0117 MOM 31713 1 350.1 (Ammonia - N ) 350.1 10 10/18/2019 1617 DMA 32376 1 (Nitrate - N) 9056A 1 10/16/2019 1831 SLU 32380 2 (Nitrite - N) 9056A 1 10/17/2019 2107 SLU 32509 1 (Phosphorus) 365.1 10 10/14/2019 1841 DMA 10/14/201.9 1302 31918 1 (Soil pH meas) 9045D 1 10/15/2019 2036 HET 32128 2 351.4 (TKN) 351.2 1 10/22/2019 1438 HKL 10/18/2019 1654 32537 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOCI DL Units Run % Solids SM 2540G 1.84 % 2 Ammonia - N (gas diffusion) 350.1 9 -0D 540 280 mg/kg 1 Nitrate - N (soluble) 9056A 11 a- 27 1.3 mg/kg 1 Nitrite - N (soluble) 9056A � 11 1.0 mg/kg 2 Phosphorus 7723-14-0 365.1 15000 2700 540 mg/kg 1 Soil pH measured in water @ 19.1 ° C 9045D 7.5 su 1 TKN 351.2 77000 1400 1400 mg/kg 2 CVAA Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 7471 B 7471 B 1 10/15/2019 1002 KSH2 10/14/2019 1440 31613 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Mercury 7439-97-6 7471B ND 4.2 1.0 mg/kg 1 ICP-AES Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3050B 6010D 1 10/16/2019 1757 LLL 10/11/2019 1019 31612 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Aluminum 7429-90-5 6010D 20000 360 140 nrl 1 Arsenic 7440-38-2 601OD ND 14 5.3 mg/kg 1 Cadmium 7440-43-9 601OD ND 4.5 1.1 mg/kg 1 Calcium 7440-70-2 6010D 14000 4500 560 mg/kg 1 Chromium 7440-47-3 601OD 250 9.0 2.3 mg/kg 1 Copper 7440-50-8 601OD 660 9.0 4.1 mg/kg 1 Iron 7439-89-6 6010D 13000 90 41 mg/kg 1 Lead 7439-92-1 6010D 15 9.0 4.1 mg/kg 1 Magnesium 7439-95-4 6010D 3300 J 4500 560 mg/kg 1 Manganese 7439-96-5 6010D 360 14 5.3 mg/kg 1 Molybdenum 7439-98-7 6010D ND 36 9.0 mg/kg 1 Nickel 7440-02-0 6010D 22 J 36 9.5 mg/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL -- Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis :aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 7 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UJ09103-001 Description: 4 of 4 N+M Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:10/09/2019 0900 % Solids: 1.84 10/11/2019 0117 Date Received:10/09/2019 ICP-AES un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3050B 601OD 1 10/16/2019 1757 LLL 10/11/2019 1019 31612 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Potassium 7440-09-7 601OD 2700 J 4500 560 mg/kg 1 Selenium 7782-49-2 6010D ND 18 8.2 mg/kg 1 Sodium 7440-23-5 601OD 8500 4500 560 mg/kg 1 Zinc 7440-66-6 6010D 1200 45 11 mg/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 7 Chain Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 5 of 7 c) 0 c 3 7 w N S11-1HEALY Chain Of Custody Record � "p, Pprrak"M Ly fl%ft $dvb vwte rcr-106.1 al SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC, 106 Van age Paint Drivo a West Columbia, sc 219172 Telephone No, 1303-791-970re Pwrl\lo.803-791,9111 vAv,v.shc,4r1ab,coni Rapar. to TO ArwJ e,7 X, Va rf Cc FT7 'Taws Ara and 7-Ame fkquked (nur far snalpt Mposaj 0 J?UshR:':Imito vu't o- f. LLqL- rimi Rc.rk"-,qcti5W TMS a Hejx'xFtdhF)Uw I;y DWO 7k?19 RL Voft?: Ail __.�._ samples are rata4tied for four gregkjq FforjT rece{vt yRfess other armng*rnerifa am made. DISMIMMON., RWE& M-1 vv.,R&,,a-) Ja 4.-t-"Mx'!y gt� ggawppp'k "-qpj fcap Pic--, &TM Ly Ppwft� Hazard WLmUk-aftc% r 0j, LAb aNin-Hazard I Hzmmabl* 11Shin 0ftnt OFdscr, C1 W14- 2. Rerovrqpy 4. UrbWqNry rol LAB USE QVI.Y HbMpqd 'v] Ax wn- e� a-e ftok Number 7 19 3 9 0 UJO913 LPG f—a r-- ...- SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. $h�181:lkt•iaonnunrzlSul Yicrs,ir,_•. Ynac ;61'i D--1 NumbcvMEN 15U,1'I F.I.rxltt'vL'ah:R•:f.?QI.� Sill pt,la Receipt Checklist ('SRC`} lic,r— S`n,. -��-- Cooler IrLipectcd byl€late u47h+ ,' ]0?U�J,'!g i.or-t: UAY-fl!03 gleans ofrcccipt: S-rSI [j Clietlt U UPS 0 h'udEx D (1rbcT Ej YesML]NO !. wera ratstod}+ seal~ pr-acnt on iliv cooler^r Yes e ley 2_ Ff custody r uuls a c;e prernt, •trttz dery inf.3Cr altd urtbztaktill? - pH 5 trip ILo_ NA Chroritte Strip ID: NA _ Tested by; Nil — :rit irtai telnperiturn, Upon n=vipt ? Derived ((-:or Fettled) tCMP8ratu7rc upon nut:ipt %golid Crlap-Cult ir): 14-161 2_5 12.5 rC NA ''N- A, cC NA ; NA_°C NA ;NA tte �1ethntl: Z Tetlireraturc l3Esn11; [1Againsl BmIes IR CTun !D_ ? II; Gun Conwtion 1-actor, 0 0c iethr d €tt CUU1anl: ®ZT4r't Tc`. Ll is Packs ❑ DIV Iou None N® L teanp�r3tnra , fan-Y wore,t;rdcd 6.0C, was PFoct�1. nag sd?°es N.A "1g PM eras Iti od Eetl hy^ Phone i en -jail ! rac"U-ice (circle ow. Yes ❑' No ® NA 4- Is the c miunercial uciwji r°s packing slip attarbcsl to tllis farm? Vj Ycs C] K1n S.[�l7ctcpropeecnstieUlyPrarCc�luFs (ruliltgnislleLG`rereir�d} fr�llnuci"? 1 'sr�+ ❑ No 6, 1t.•'ese sample IL't, listcd on the COC 9 ® 5'es 0 No ?. I''Vere s implc 1Dn 3istesr1 on all surnplr. ccnitainm? Yes ❑ Ni o S. Was r llcodon date & ihne. listed on tliti mc,,? lees 11 No 9. Was collection datc & tine listcd M1 all samp[c OMIAinrss? Yes No tG. Did tsll cott[ainer label hifa Tmattion (1D: date,, tisnep al,rcc with Lha C:()C;' Yes No 11 ° Were tests to be parfornted listed on fit (.0t.7? 21 ire ❑ No [2, Did fill s:t11ple;5 arrive- in dw proper coFatainors for eauh test andiar in goad oundition (unbrnkou, lids on, cic,l° 0 'tis CJ 13- Vtius adegaulo sample t•nh,mo availilble? Yc: ri o 14. L; = all satnples received vrithin :� the Holding tinta or 49 hdxFTM, t�liiuher er lirsR, L7 1'cs J ldo comes 1S. Were amp saniFdes containers nti.sitlg?excu�.s (circle fiaca satuples Not listed ttn C C? `os No NA 16. I'Dr �.0 L uml RSK-175 samples, werr. babbles present:x"p a -size" 4,,"cr tjm[Y4 in clisstri[�tei ill ariw° of the V0A i�ial3'� L-1 it 3 4 R'A 17, 'v rl,3 uEl l_)R(y1raVl BI81`[llDC37e rt[ SaDYpI Fr?t rived at pH of ?? L 11 y" fir ®-NA 18., Werc 911 C. �ndu sate l' 11�CC1Yt3Cl rtt 9 ? 1? and sulfitit- Yteti ON.1 pH mmples recol cd at a �Ti > 0 NA 1$. 1Verc rill applicable NIfI-;� KN.�c}�nidelpllcno '6?S (_: {l.5utg,'I,) s�rnples Crc4 of'r�,idlustl �,,,' ❑ N¢ ®JINI.,kl2tt.1'r'crt: elicru. rcmt r12s."rtcllrests (i-a- rxlnested CUtions, N+ISMSD de�ignatiotts: etc,.corrt:ctty [rancGa;bcd li-oul the COC into the corrrmcr,t sectidirl in 1LIIv V Yes b.To2.1 ° 'Was the note rttiml,cr listcd on the containur label? if yes, LFu�[e 1F Net �arnple P,"cssa'Yatit,n (Aiusl be comp[eiyrll'or any �amplc(sj inr:rrirectl�; prtscxt�cd or'x�th [tea;lsl�etce.l sr�gtle(s) NA wcrc receivtxl in^orrectly prescrved3 and were adj�js(cd &cc, 7'Mmple recoiviFlt; with N'A mL of Cir:le tmo: H2SO4, HNO3, IICI, NaGlli LvjinE 31t,1 NA lens• of presctvatialt NA . If more than one preservative is needed, plense now: in the r.oawicwsbelt-w. NA v,ern J)&: ive;i vdtEi bubbles .•6 Fnm :n diatt_etcr. `'' ' we_a rertfv, 1 mvith TRC = 0.5 n3grL (1f. 19 t.s fgo ) arlcl were accordingly in sample rcxmriving with sodlium Lbiosulfate (Na 5,03) i0h Shealy ID, NA b;Lrrode labels applied t }y: JSR CVerlmcnts_ Dale: l [L•'Ug! t 9 Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7 of 7 Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 1701-01-AEDLIQ-NC MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY 10/9/2019 101112019-12131/2019 2.2705 DIGESTED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (8500 x 1.8400) + 100 = 156.4 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (14000 x 1.8400) = 100 = 257.6 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) _ 100 = (3300 x 1.8400) t- 100 = 60.72 Na meq = Na mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Na = 156.4 = 23 = 6.8 Ca meq = Ca mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Ca = 257.6 + 20 = 12.88 Mg meq = Mg mg/I = Molec.Wgt.Mg = 60.72 = 12 = 5.06 SAR = Na meq + SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 6.8 _ SgrRoot[0.5(12.88+5.06)] = 2.27045 Printed: 2/1 /2020 Page 1 13:57 SECTION 3 Q ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: HULETT OWNER: CEDAR LAKE FARMS PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 135.36 SITE #: NC CL 00012 FIELD# : CL 00012 0001 OPERATOR: CHARLIE JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 51.20 ACRES PERMITTED: 51.20 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) oho Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN Total I Per Acre DATE or MONTH Solids per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Ni items 6/20/19 86,800.00 (G) 1695.313 1.38 0.098 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p 530.00\p 26630 FESCUE PASTURE 6/21/19 86,800.00 (G) 1695.313 1.38 0.098 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p 530.00 p 26630 FESCUE PASTURE 6/24/19 105,400.00 (G) 2058.594 1.38 0.118 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p 530.00 p 26630 FESCUE PASTURE 6/26/19 99,200.00 (G) 1937.500 1.38 0.112 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p 530.00 p 26630 FESCUE PASTURE 6/27/19 68,200.00 (G) 1332.031 1.38 0.077 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p p 26630 FESCUE PASTURE 6/28/19 93,000.00 (G) 1816.406 1.38 0.105 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p '530.00 530.00 p 26630 FESCUE PASTURE Jun-19 539,400.00 (G) 10,535.157 7/1/19 130,200.00 (G) 2542.969I 2.57 0.273 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p 9.00 p 16139 FESCUE PASTURE 7/2/19 111,600.00 (G) 2179.688 2.57 0.234 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p 39.00 p 16039 FESCUE PASTURE Jul-19 241,800.00 (G) 4,722.657 5 . � 9/3/19 37,200.00 (G) 726.563 2.57 0.078 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p 16039 FESCUE PASTURE 9/4/19 105,400.00 (G) 2058.594 2.57 0.221 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p /10,'-00 39.00 p 16039 FESCUE PASTURE 9/5/19 136,400.00 (G) 2664.063 2.57 0.286 MI-IAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p 39.00 p 16039 FESCUE PASTURE 9/6/19 130,200.00 (G) 2542.969 2.57 0.273 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p 39.00 p 16039 FESCUE PASTURE 9/9/19 105,400.00 (G) 2058.594 2.57 0.221 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p 39.00 p 16039 FESCUE PASTURE 9/10/19 49,600.00 (G) 968.750 2.57 0.104 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p 39.00 p 16039 FESCUE PASTURE 9/11/19 105,400.00 (G) 2058.594 2.57 0.221 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p 39.00 p 16039 FESCUE PASTURE 9/12/19 62,000.00 (G) 1210.938 2.57 0.130 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 46,000. p 11,000.00 p .00 16039 FESCUE PASTURE Sep-19 731,600.00 (G) 14,289.065 42),�J FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: CEDAR LAKE FARMS SITE #: NC CL 00012 FIELD# : CL 00012 0001 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: HULETT PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 135.36 OPERATOR: CHARLIE JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 51.20 ACRES PERMITTED: 51.20 Page : 2 Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) oho Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN DATE or Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop MONTH Total I Per Acre Solids Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 1 otal UalIons/Ac: 29,546.8N As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN TOTALS: Annual lbs/acre 98 0.044 0.011 0.752 2.041 0.048 0.005 0.088 0.098 0.074 3.676 82.07 Cumulative Ibs/acre 0.069 0.031 0.913 2.564 0.089 0.007 0.144 0.259 0.154 4.506 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 132 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 ; 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X 120 (SIGNATURE AND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg * * Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: GREG SPRINGS SITE #: NC GA 00041 FIELD# : GA 00041 0001 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: MADISON PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 6.54 OPERATOR: GREG SPRINGS CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 3.40 ACRES PERMITTED: 3.40 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN DATE or per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop MONTH Total I Per Acre Solids Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate N 4/1/19 55,800.00 (G) 16411.7651 1.38 0.944 MIIAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p 530.00 p/ 26630 FESCUE HAY Apr-19 55,800.00 (G) 16,411.765 11/7/19 43,400.00 (G) 12764.7061 1.84 0.979 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p (110`.00 p,-) 21150 FESCUE HAY Nov-19 1 43,400.00 (G) 12,764.706 1 q Total Gallons/Ac: Total Wet Tons/Ac: 29,176.47 v.w As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN TOTALS: Annual lbs/acre 100 0.019 0.004 0.773 2.124 0.050 0.004 0.034 0.070 0.030 3.824 74.71 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.034 0.015 1.727 4.391 0.141 0.007 0.060 0.139 0.055 7.539 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop r 146 a q FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (Ibs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 1 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC W WTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID xx;�2 (SIGNATURE O AND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY. NC OWNER: GREG SPRINGS SITE #: NC GA 00041 FIELD# : GA 00041 0006 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 22.00 OPERATOR: GREG SPRINGS CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 8.90 ACRES PERMITTED: 8.90 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN Total I Per Acre DATE or MONTH Solids Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite�� 4/1/19 167,400.00 (G) 18808.989 1.38 1.082 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p SC 30.00T")26630 FESCUE HAY Apr-19 167,400.00 (G) 1 18,808.989�-p -� 11/7/19 136,400.00 (G) 15325.8431 1.84 1.176 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p J"10- 0 p 25150 I FESCUE HAY 11/11/19 24,800.00 (G) 2786.517 1.84 0.214 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p ; 110.00,"p "r 21150 FESCUE HAY Nov-19 161,200.00 (G) 18,112.360 Total Gallons/Ac: Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Cubic Yds/Acm 36,921.35 0 00 As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN TOTALS: Annuallbs/acre 128 0.024 0.005 1.020 2.787 0.066 0.006 0.044 0.091 0.038 5.024 �93.65 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.095 0.051 6.907 14.682 0.753 0.030 0.205 0.662 0.158 -- 23.018 r - Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop I 179 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 I i 375.0 89.0 2500.0 9 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID DATE is document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." ed %=percent p=ppm ormg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 n, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 SUMMARYANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL OWNER: GREG SPRINGS PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 9.28 SITE #: NC GA 00041 FIELD# : GA 00041 0010 OPERATOR: GREG SPRINGS CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 7.90 ACRES PERMITTED: 7.90 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or MONTH allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or'Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total I Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 4/1/19 24,800.00 (G) 3139.241 1.38 0.181 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p 530:00 p 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/2/19 86,800.00 (G) 10987.342 1.38 0.632 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p t 530.00 p 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/3/19 49,600.00 (G) 6278.481 1.38 0.361 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p \530.00j; 26630 FESCUE HAY Apr-19 1 161,200.00 (G) 20,405.064 i orai vauons/Ac: Total Wet Tons/Ac: 2U,4U.-J.Ub TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 63 0.010 0.003 0.352 1.033 0.026 0.003 0.021 0.033 0.017 1.832 56.36 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.053 0.031 4.197 8.716 0.465 0.019 0.129 0.410 0.092 13.364 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 187 FD Cumulative Pollutant LoadingRate Limit lbs/acre ( ) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 � � 375.0 89.0 1 2500.0 , MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID x (SIGNATURE OF L ER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: GREG SPRINGS SITE #: NC GA 00041 FIELD# : GA 00041 0014 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 15.46 OPERATOR: GREG SPRINGS CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 6.80 ACRES PERMITTED: 6.80 Page Lime Applied *** Date LbsAc Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - % Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN Total I DATE or Solids Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop MONTH Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 4/1/19 24,800.00 (G) 3647.059 1.38 0.210 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p p 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/2/19 62,000.00 (G) 9117.647 1.38 0.525 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p t/530.00 1� 530.00 p 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/3/19 49,600.00 (G) 7294.118 1.38 0.420 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p ''530.0_0_p 26630 FESCUE HAY Apr-19 136,400.00 (G) 20,058.824 I1/7/19 99,200.00 (G) 14588.2351 1.84 1.119 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p ; 110.0d p 25150 FESCUE HAY Nov-19 99,200.00 (G) 14,588.235 1 I Total Gallons/Ac: 34,647.06 Total Wet Tons/Ac: Total Pubic Vds/Ar- n nn TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annuallbs/acre 118 0.022 0.005 0.906 2.493 0.059 0.005 0.040 0.082 0.035 4.487 88.99 Cumulative ]bs/acre 0.078 0.042 5.817 12.378 0.614 0.024 0.174 0.542 0.132 19.623 Permit PAN Limit (Ibs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop ; 177 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (Ibs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 s MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID x (SIGNATURE OF LAND R) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate : Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 k Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL OWNER: TONY JONES PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 10.35 SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0001 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 11.80 ACRES PERMITTED: 11.80 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or MONTH allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Solids Dry Tons per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 4/11/19 86,800.00 (G) 7355.932 1.38 0.423 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p /530.00 p� 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/17/19 93,000.00 (G) 7881.356 1.38 0.454 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p 530.00 p 26630 FESCUE HAY Ap,19 1 179,800.00 (G) 15,237.288 ' Total (gallons/Ac: Total Wet Tons/Ac: 15,237.29 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 47 0.008 0.002 0.263 0.772 0.019 0.002 0.015 0.025 0.013 1.368 42.09 Cumulative Ibs/acre 0.076 0.044 5.437 10.195 0.656 0.022 0.123 0.465 0.119 16.077 J Permit PAN Limit (Ibs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 182 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (Ibs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X (SIGNATURE OF L APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 FACILITY NAME : MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: TONY JONES SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0002 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 64.24 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 45.20 ACRES PERMITTED: 45.20 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) oho Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN Total DATE or Solids Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (pp ) Crom p MONTH Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate" Rate Nitrite 2/14/19 99,200.00 (G) 2194.690 1.60 0.146 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 59,100. p 8,090.00 p 121.00 p 19469 FESCUE PASTURE 2/15/19 136,400.00 (G) 3017.699 1.60 0.201 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 59,100. p 8,090.00 p 121.00 p 19469 FESCUE PASTURE Feb-19 1 235,600.00 (G) 5,212.389 _ 11/11/19 155,000.00 (G) 3429.204 1.84 0.263 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p 0.00 p 25150 I FESCUE PASTURE 11/18/19 55,800.00 (G) 1234.513 1.84 0.095 MHAEDL MOIST "0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p 0.00 p 21110 FESCUE PASTURE 11/19/19 117,800.00 (G) 2606.195 1.84 0.200 MHAEDL MOIST "0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p 0.00 p 25150 FESCUE PASTURE 11/20/19 173,600.00 (G) 3840.708 1.84 0.295 MHAEDL MOIST "0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p .00 p (ov, 25150 FESCUE PASTURE 11/21/19 . 130,200.00 (G) 2880.531 1.84 0.221 MHAEDL DRY "0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p000 21150 FESCUE PASTURE Nov-19 632,400.00 (G) 13,991.151 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME : MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL OWNER: LTJ PROPERTIES LLC PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 64.24 SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0002 OPERATOR: LTJ PROPERTIES LLC CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 45.20 ACRES PERMITTED: 45.20 Page: 2 Lime Applied *** Date Lb,/A, Gallons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) Dry Site Inches Appli- Vola- Miner - % Tons Cond. Precip. cation tili- ali- Ammonia Nitrate PAN Total I Per Acre DATE or MONTH Solids Per Residual Dry, Wet, Past 24 Method zation zation TKN Nitrogen and (ppm) Crop Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 1 Mal Uauuus�t-�c: Total Wet Tons/Ac: m,.«..1 �..L:.. V.1../A ... 1 Y,LUJ.J4 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annuallbs/acre 68 0.032 0.004 0.714 1.793 0.043 0.002 0.030 0.060 0.038 3.085 40.69 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.400 0.079 6.735 32.432 2.114 0.067 0.373 1.446 0.205 40.647 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop ! 137 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID T z Lwi z� X (SIGNATURE OF LAND 4PLI R) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC OWNER: TONY JONES SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0003 RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 9.28 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): ACRES UTILIZED: 9.90 ACRES PERMITTED: 9.90 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs Ac DATE or MONTH allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) oho Solids Dry Tons per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrpte�..^ 4/3/19 31,000.00 (G) 3131.313 1.38 0.180 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p f�530.00 p� 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/4/19 62,000.00 (G) 6262.626 1.38 0.360 MHAEDL DRY 0-<I/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p i 530.00 P k 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/11/19 43,400.00 (G) 4383.838 1.38 0.252 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p ", 530.00 p ,- 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/17/19 24,800.00 (G) 2505.051 1.38 0.144 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<I/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p 530.00 Xp 26630 FESCUE HAY Apr-19 161,200.00 (G) 16,282.828 -I-U5b i otai liattons/AC: Total Wet Tons/Ac: 16,282.N:5 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 50 0.008 0.002 0.281 0.825 0.021 0.002 0.016 0.026 0.013 1.462 44.98 Cumulative ]bs/acre 0.083 0.049 5.907 11.066 0.712 0.024 0.135 0.515 0.130 17.300 j — Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 183 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 IS 0 € _ s 375.0 89.0 2500.0�— MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X 21,1126�1 (SIGNATURE OF LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or m&g ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL OWNER: LTJ PROPERTIES LLC PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 17.60 SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0004 OPERATOR: LTJ PROPERTIES LLC CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 19.40 ACRES PERMITTED: 19.40 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or MONTH allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) % Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm ) crop Total Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite�� 11/21/19 43,400.00 (G) 2237.113 1.84 0.172 MHAEDL DRY "0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p g 110'00 p ri 25150 FESCUE PASTURE 11/22/19 186,000.00 (G) 9587.629 1.84 0.736 MHAEDL DRY "0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 77,000. p 9,700.00 p 110.00 p� 25150 FESCUE PASTURE Nov-19 229,400.00 (G) 119824.742 t, Total Gallons/Ac: Total Wet Tons/Ac: 11,824.74 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual lbs/acre 46 0.010 0.002 0.454 1.198 0.027 0.002 0.016 0.040 0.015 2.177 27.22 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.155 0.076 5.041 41.728 1.700 0.087 0.477 1.595 0.181 39.246 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) Ist Crop/2nd Crop 126 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0— 375.0 89.0 2500.0 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X (SIGNATURE OF LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ -Injection, SURIN -Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL OWNER: TONY JONES PERMIT #: WQ0001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 6.07 SITE #: NC LT 00046 FIELD# : LT 00046 0008 OPERATOR: TONY JONES CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 6.60 ACRES PERMITTED: 6.60 Page Lime Applied *** Date Lbs/Ac DATE or MONTH allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or% Wet Tons (WT) (specify) Solids Dry Tons Per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past 24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total I Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite__\ 4/3/19 31,000.00 (G) 4696.970 1.38 0.270 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p /530.00 p \ 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/4/19 49,600.00 (G) 7515.152 1.38 0.432 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p { 530.00 p 26630 FESCUE HAY 4/11/19 24,800.00 (G) 3757.576 1.38 0.216 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 82,000. p 7,500.00 p �53, 0 00 pfr 26630 FESCUE HAY Apr-19 1 105,400.00 (G) 15,969.698 Total Gallons/Ac: Total Wet Tons/Ac: 15,969.70 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annuallbs/acre 49 0.008 0.002 0.276 0.809 0.020 0.002 0.016 0.026 0.013 1.434 44.11 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.079 0.047 5.701 10.675 0.690 0.023 0.130 0.502 0.125 16.598 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop 187 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit (lbs/acre) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 C MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC WWTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X � zo (SIGNATURE OF LAND APPLIER) DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required %= percent p = pp- or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM FACILITY NAME: MOUNT HOLLY, NC PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES: CECIL OWNER: DEAN S. CONNELL PERMIT #: W00001863 ANNUAL DRY TONS APPLIED: 32.68 SITE #: NC MG 00037 FIELD# : MG 00037 0001 OPERATOR: DEAN S. CONNELL CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY (NON-503): RESIDUAL SOURCE(S): See list at bottom of report ACRES UTILIZED: 20.20 ACRES PERMITTED: 20.20 Page Lime Applied *** Date . Lbs Ac DATE or MONTH allons (G) or Cubic Yards (CY) or Wet Tons (WT) (specify) 00 Solids Dry Tons per Residual Site Cond. Dry, Wet, Inches Precip. Past24 Appli- cation Method Vola- tili- zation Miner - ali- zation TKN Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate and PAN (ppm) Crop Total I Per Acre Acre Source Moist Hours * Rate** Rate Nitrite 3/8/19 124,000.00 (G) 6138.614 1.60 0.410 MHAEDL MOIST 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 59,100. p 8,090.00 p 121.00 p 19469 FESCUE PASTURE 3/18/19 223,200.00 (G) 11049.505 1.60 0.737 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 59,100. p 8,090.00 p 121.00 p 19469 FESCUE PASTURE 3/19/19 142,600.00 (G) 7059.406 1.60 0.471 MHAEDL DRY 0-<1/2" SUR 0.5 0.30 59,100. p 8,090.00 p 121.00 p 19469 FESCUE PASTURE Mar-19 1 489,800.00 (G) 24,247.525 Total Gallons/Ac: Total Wet Tons/Ac: 24,247.52 TOTALS: As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P PAN Annual Ibs/acre 63 0.097 0.010 0.825 1.747 0.049 0.001 0.049 0.060 0.097 2.365 39.47 Cumulative lbs/acre 0.202 0.046 5.349 10.419 0.587 0.020 0.154 0.483 0.187 14.957 Permit PAN Limit (lbs/acre) 1st Crop/2nd Crop I f , 145 FD Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Limit lbs/acre ( ) 36.6 34.8 1339.0 267.9 15.0 375.0 89.0 2500.0 1 MHAEDL = MOUNT HOLLY, NC W WTP AEROBICALLY DIGESTED LIQUID X 2/lam/moo (SIGNATURE OF L APPLI DATE "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." N/A = Not Applicable NR = Not Reported or Not Required % = percent p = ppm or mg/kg ** Volatilization Rate: Surface 0.5, Injection/Incorporation 1.0 * Application Method: SUR - Surface, INJ - Injection, SURIN - Incorporation *** See Site pH & Lime Application Records Section of Report for Fields where Lime is to be applied in 2020 SECTION 4 P Stll?f?tiPalcilT 1L'$d C1ub*1€}1 ii ^i, INC Arli-ity0cal Laboraroneg January 21, 2019 Adam Brigman Synagro, NC 28134 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 TEL: 704-752-8673 FAX: 704 752 8736 RE: Mt Holly Dear Adam Brigman: Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: Order No.: 19010438 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. received 1 sample(s) on 1/9/2019 for the analyses presented in the following report. There were no problems with the analytical events associated with this report unless noted in the Case Narrative. Quality control data is within laboratory defined or method specified acceptance limits except where noted. If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call the laboratory. Sincerely, Jennifer Woolf Project Manager 3310 Win St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Arkansas 88-0735, California 07256CA, Colorado, Connecticut PH-0108, Delaware, Florida NELAC E87688, Georgia E87688, Idaho OH00923, Illinois 200061, Indiana C-OH-13, Kansas E-10347, Kentucky (Underground Storage Tank) 3, Kentucky 90146, Louisiana 04061, Maryland 339, Minnesota 409711, New Hampshire 2996, New Jersey OH006, New York 11777, North Carolina 39705 and 631, North Dakota R-201, Oklahoma 9940, Oregon OH2O0001, Rhode Island LA000317, South Carolina 92016001, Texas T104704466-11-5, Utah OH009232011-1, Virginia VELAP 9456, Washington C891 Page 1 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Case Narrative native SUMMIT 3310 Win St. ERV11101 eIrENTAL TEC4iN0LQC:,lF , INC, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 19010438 Amai vtical Labonvort&r TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: Date: 1/21/2019 DENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly WorkOrder Narrative: 19010438: This report in its entirety consists of the following documents: Cover Letter, Case Narrative, Analytical Results, QC Summary Report, Applicable Accreditation Information, Chain -of -Custody, Cooler Receipt Form, and other applicable forms as necessary. All documents contain the Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc., Work Order Number assigned to this report. Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc., holds the accreditations/certifications listed at the bottom of the cover letter that may or may not pertain to this report. State Certificates and Scopes of Accreditation are attached as applicable. Results provided in this report for any parameter not listed on the Scope of Accreditation should be considered "not certified." The information contained in this analytical report is the sole property of Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. and that of the customer. It cannot be reproduced in any form without the consent of Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. or the customer for which this report was issued. The results contained in this report are only representative of the samples received. Conditions can vary at different -'mes and at different sampling conditions. Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. is not responsible _Dr use or interpretation of the data included herein. All results for Solid Samples are reported on an "as received" or "wet weight" basis unless indicated as "dry weight" using the "-dry" designation on the reporting units. This report is believed to meet all of the requirements of the accrediting agency, where applicable. Any comments or problems with the analytical events associated with this report are noted below. Analytical Sequence Sample Notes: 19010438-OOIA SVOC-BNA_TCLP(8270d): Possible low bias for Pyridine due to low recovery in CCV; Reporting Limit Check shows adequate instrument sensitivity for reporting purposes. 19010438-OOIA SVOC-BNA TCLP(8270d): Sample exhibited low recovery of Surrogates: 2- Fluorophenol, Phenol-d6 possibly due to matrix effect. Analytical Sequence QC Notes: ccv 250 18712 re svoc-cPEST_npw(8081): CCV exhibits high recovery for endrin. All samples are ND CCV 40ng 14287 SVOC-MSTR S(8270): The CCV (Batch R93442) exhibited high recovery for Hexachlorobutadiene and Pentachlorophenol. The associated samples are ND for the analytes with high Original Page 2 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. Case Narrative mS+lt?0NMl 5-MTAL'rEC J0I- 47, s, INC, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 w04: 19010438 - 417.-T'yilcal LaboralorioG TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: Date: 1/21/2019 LIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly recoveries. CCV 40ng 14287 SVOC-MSTR_S(8270): The CCV (Batch R93442) exhibited low recovery for Pyridine. Possible low bias for Pyridine due to low recovery in CCV; Reporting Limit Check shows adequate instrument sensitivity for reporting purposes. MB-35513 SVOC-BNA_TCLP(8270): MB-35513 exhibited low recovery of Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol. MB-35513 SVOC-BNA_TCLP(8270): Possible low bias for Pyridine due to low recovery in CCV; Reporting Limit Check shows adequate instrument sensitivity for reporting purposes. LCS-35513 SVOC-BNA_TCLP(8270): LCS-35513 exhibited low recovery of Surrogate: 2- Fluorophenol. LCS-35513 SVOC-BNA_TCLP(8270): Possible low bias for Pyridine due to low recovery in CCV; Reporting Limit Check shows adequate instrument sensitivity for reporting purposes. Original Page 3 of 28 Sununit Environmental Technologies, In Qualifiers and Acronyms summ1mr 3310 Win S �tlrlt?O T L iLG71&VOLCyG3;S INC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 442� WO#: 19010438 4-,Tafytlaal Laboratarf& TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-445 Date: 1/21/2019 Website: hqp.- These commonly used Qualifiers and Acronyms may or may not be present in this report. Qualifiers U The compound was analyzed for but was not detected. J The reported value is greater than the Method Detection Limit but less than the Reporting Limit. H The hold time for sample preparation and/or analysis was exceeded. Not Clean Water Act compliant. D The result is reported from a dilution. E The result exceeded the linear range of the calibration or is estimated due to interference. MC The result is below the Minimum Compound Limit. * The result exceeds the Regulatory Limit or Maximum Contamination Limit. in Manual integration was used to determine the area response. d Manual integration in which peak was deleted N The result is presumptive based on a Mass Spectral library search assuming a 1:1 response. P The second column confirmation exceeded 25% difference. C The result has been confirmed by GUMS. X The result was not confirmed when GC/MS Analysis was performed. B/MB+ The analyte was detected in the associated blank. G The ICB or CCB contained reportable amounts of analyte. QC-/+ The CCV recovery failed low (-) or high (+). R/QDR The RPD was outside of accepted recovery limits. QL-/+ The LCS or LCSD recovery failed low (-) or high (+). QLR The LCS/LCSD RPD was outside of accepted recovery limits. QM-/+ The MS or MSD recovery failed low (-) or high (+). QMR The MS/MSD RPD was outside of accepted recovery limits. QV-/+ The ICV recovery failed low (-) or high (+). . S The spike result was outside of accepted recovery limits. W Samples were received outside temperature limits (0' — 6° C). Not Clean Water Act compliant. Z Deviation; A deviation from the method was performed; Please refer to the Case Narrative for additional information Acronyms ND Not Detected RL Reporting Limit QC Quality Control MDL Method Detection Limit MB Method Blank LOD Level of Detection LCS Laboratory Control Sample LOQ Level of Quantitation LCSD Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QCS Quality Control Sample CRQL Contract Required Quantitation Limit DUP Duplicate PL Permit Limit MS Matrix Spike RegLvl Regulatory Limit MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate MCL Maximum Contamination Limit RPD Relative Percent Different MinCL Minimum Compound Limit ICV Initial Calibration Verification RA Reanalysis ICB Initial Calibration Blank RE Reextraction CCV Continuing Calibration Verification TIC Tentatively Identified Compound CCB Continuing Calibration Blank RT Retention Time RLC Reporting Limit Check CF Calibration Factor DF Dilution Factor RF Response Factor This list of Qualifiers and Acronyms reflects the most commonly utilized Qualifiers and Acronyms for reporting. Please refer to the Analytical Notes in the Case Narrative for any Qualifiers or Acronyms that do not appear in this list or for additional information regarding the use of these Qualifiers on reported data. Original Page 4 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Workorder m9summrr 3310 Win St. NVIR0Nra wTALTLC 11.N0LQGIES, IN 0 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Sample Summary t IMIlIff"cal L,?b ratar{as TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: 21-Jan-19 CLIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly Lab SampleID Client Sample ID Tag No Date Collected Date Received Matrix 19010438-001 Mt Holly 1/7/2019 10:02:00 AM 1/9/2019 10:20:00 AM Sludge Page 5 of 28 SuinrnitEnvironnsentalTechnologies,Inc DATES F 'ORT SUMMIT3310 Win Si 1�4rlbtt7Nd1+1� •�T�L Pc�tti a, PICA Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 eIngfytienP Laborasonos TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Wehsite: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Name Leachate Date Prep Date Analysis Date 19010438-OOIA Mt Holly 1/7/2019 10:02:00 AM Sludge Ignitability of Solids (SW-846: 1030) 1/11/2019 11:00:00 AM Paint Filter Free Liquids Test (SW-846 1/9/2019 3:15:00 PM 9095) pH (SW9045D) 1/10/2019 3:52:16 PM Reactive Cyanide (9014/ 1/14/2019 11:38:00 AM Reactive Sulfide (9034)/ 1/14/2019 11:08:00 AM SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors 1/10/2019 9:30:00 AM 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM TCLP Herbicides Analysis (SW1311/81/9/2019 6:00:00 PM 1/11/2019 5:00:00 PM 1/18/2019 4:18:00 PM TCLP Mercury Analysis (SW1311/7471/9/2019 6:00:00 PM 1/10/2019 12:45:00 PM 1/10/2019 5:42:00 PM TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010:1/9/2019 6:00:00 PM 1/10/2019 11:45:00 A 1/11/2019 3:05:24 PM 17 TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8(1/9/2019 6:00:00 PM 1/11/2019 11:45:00 A 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM r7 TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis 1/9/2019 6:00:00 PM 1/14/2019 10:45:00 A 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM (SW1311/8270) Td TCLP Volatiles Analysis 1/9/2019 6:00:00 PM 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM Original Page 6 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Analytical Report summilt 3310 Win St. Cka�lt?t7tJh1} tJl',4L��c?�r9c]4etIS, t`, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 (base report) A mtti11'tical TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: http://` Date Reported: 1/21/2019 'LIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Tag Number: Matrix: SLUDGE Collection Date: 1/7/2019 10:02:00 AM Lab ID: 19010438-001A Project: Mt Holly Client Sample ID Mt Holly Analyses Result RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID SW7470A SW7470A Analyst: DNS TCLP MERCURY ANALYSIS (SW1311/7470) TCLP Mercury ND 0.00500 mg/L 1 1/10/2019 5:42:00 PM TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID SW601OD SW3010A Analyst: EAM TCLP METALS ANALYSIS (SW1311/6010) TCLP Arsenic(As) ND 0.500 mg/L 1 1/11/2019 3:05:24 PM TCLP Barium(Ba) ND 5.00 mg/L 1 1/11/2019 3:05:24 PM TCLP Cadmium(Cd) ND 0.100 mg/L 1 1/11/2019 3:05:24 PM TCLP Chromium(Cr) ND 0.200 mg/L 1 1/11/2019 3:05:24 PM TCLP Lead(Pb) ND 0.500 mg/L 1 1/11/2019 3:05:24 PM TCLP Selenium(Se) ND 0.0500 mg/L 1 1/11/2019 3:05:24 PM TCLP Silver(Ag) ND 0.500 mg/L 1 1/11/2019 3:05:24 PM CLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID SW8270D SW3510C Analyst: BJH i CLP SEMI-VOLATILES ANALYSIS (SW1311/8270) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0800 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 0.0400 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM o-Cresol ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM m/p-Cresol(s) ND 0.200 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Cresols, Total ND 4.00 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.0160 QC+ mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.0400 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Hexachloroethane ND 0.0800 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Nitrobenzene ND 0.0800 mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Pentachlorophenol ND 0.200 QC+ mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Pyridine ND 0.200 QC- mg/L 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Surr: 2-Fluorophenol 7.60 10 - 109 S %Rec 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Surr: Phenol-d6 8.76 10 - 109 S %Rec 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Surr: Nitrobenzene-d5 64.5 19 - 120 %Rec 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Surr: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 15.3 10 - 120 %Rec 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 65.1 22 - 117 %Rec 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM Qualifiers: Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded M Manual Integration used to determine area response MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. N Tentatively identified compounds ND Not Detected 0 RSD is greater than RSDlimit P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit Original R RPD outside accepted recovery limits RL Reporting Detection Limit Page 7 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Analytical Report m9summmor 3310 Win St. ef§t4+Ifs�tJi�11�1T,�Lzt?tccatic;��.,,r,4c. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 (base report) Af7dr(YUC12/ LaboraxoH&e TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: http:/ Date Reported: 1/21/2019 'LIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Matrix: SLUDGE Lab ID: 19010438-OOIA Project: Mt Holly Client Sample ID Mt Holly Tag Number: Collection Date: 1/7/2019 10:02:00 AM Analyses Result RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID TCLP SEMI-VOLATILES ANALYSIS (SW1311/8270) SW8270D SW3510C Analyst: BJH Surr: p-Terphenyl-d14 99.8 34 - 116 %Rec 2 1/15/2019 11:03:00 PM NOTES: Possible low bias for Pyridine due to low recovery in CCV; Reporting Limit Check shows adequate instrument sensitivity for reporting purposes. Sample exhibited low recovery of Surrogates: 2-Fluorophenol, Phenol-d6 possibly due to matrix effect. SVOC PCB (8082) 7-AROCHLORS SW8082 SW3550C Analyst: PGP Aroclor 1016 ND 0.00600 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM Aroclor 1260 ND 0.00600 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM Aroclor 1221 ND 0.00600 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM Aroclor 1232 ND 0.00600 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM Aroclor 1242 ND 0.00600 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM Aroclor 1248 ND 0.00600 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM Aroclor 1254 ND 0.00600 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM Total PCBs ND 0.00600 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 12:28.-00 PM Surr: DCB 100 10 - 165 %Rec 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM Surr: TCMX 72.5 10 - 139 %Rec 1 1/14/2019 12:28:00 PM TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID SW8081 SW3510C Analyst: MES TCLP PESTICIDES ANALYSIS (SW1311/8081) Chlordane, total ND 0.0250 mg/L 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM Toxaphene ND 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM Endrin ND 0.00500 QC+ mg/L 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM gamma-BHC ND 0.00500 mg/L 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM Heptachlor ND 0.00500 mg/L 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM Heptachlor epoxide ND 0.00500 mg/L 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM Methoxychlor ND 0.00500 mg/L 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM Surr: TCMX 22.6 10 - 119 %Rec 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM Surr: DCB 35.3 10 - 119 %Rec 10 1/16/2019 11:04:00 AM Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded M Manual Integration used to determine area response MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. N Tentatively identified compounds ND Not Detected 0 RSD is greater than RSDlimit P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit Original R RPD outside accepted recovery limits RL Reporting Detection Limit Page 8 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Analytical Report SUMMINt 3310 Win St. �A l'IRONh1@idTAL3EC%fS<!O!_CPf;I�$, wC, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 (base report) Arrfi .rMcal Latioralows TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: Date Reported: 1/21/2019 :LIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Matrix: SLUDGE Lab ID: 19010438-001A Project: Mt Holly Client Sample ID Mt Holly Tag Number: Collection Date: 1/7/2019 10:02:00 AM Analyses Result RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID TCLP HERBICIDES ANALYSIS (SW1311/8151) 2,4-D ND 1.00 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 Surr: DCAA 72.6 20 - 140 TCLP METALS, VOC, BNA, PEST, HERB -SOLID TCLP VOLATILES ANALYSIS 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 1,2-Dichloroethane ND MEK ND Benzene ND Carbon tetrachloride ND Chlorobenzene ND Chloroform ND Tetrachloroethene ND Trichloroethene ND Vinyl chloride ND Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99.3 Surr: Di brom ofluorom ethane 95.2 Surr: Toluene-d8 100 RCI-SOLID-W/ IGNITABILITY1030 REACTIVE CYANIDE (9014/ Cyanide, Reactive ND PAINT FILTER FREE LIQUIDS TEST (SW-846: 9095) Free Liquid fail RCI-SOLID-W/ IGNITABILITY1030 IGNITABILITY OF SOLIDS (SW-846: 1030) Ignitability non-flammable SW8151A SW8151A Analyst: MES mg/L 1 1/18/2019 4:18:00 PM mg/L 1 1/18/2019 4:18:00 PM %Rec 1 1/18/2019 4:18:00 PM SW8260B SW1311 M Analyst: RMT 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.250 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.0500 m mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.0500 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 0.0200 mg/L 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 70 - 130 %Rec 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 70 - 130 %Rec 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM 70 - 130 %Rec 10 1/10/2019 2:42:00 PM SW9014 Analyst: MS 0.495 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 11:38:00 AM SW9095 Analyst: DHC 1 1/9/2019 3:15:00 PM SW1030 Analyst: AJT 1 1/11/2019 11:00:00 AM Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected P Second column confirmation exceeds R RPD outside accepted recovery limits E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine area response N Tentatively identified compounds 0 RSD is greater than RSDlimit PL Permit Limit Original RL Reporting Detection Limit Page 9 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Analytical Report summlar 3310 Win St. 1fi1'II}t�IVIYt>i•ITA.L€C±��+o4ctc;�zS,th1�. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 (base report) AnrityYlcal Laborworics. TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.• (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: Date Reported: 1/21/2019 'LIENT: Synagro, NC 28134 Matrix: SLUDGE Lab ID: 19010438-001A Project: Mt Holly Client Sample ID Mt Holly Tag Number: Collection Date: 1/7/2019 10:02:00 AM Analyses Result RL Qual Units DF Date Analyzed RCI-SOLID-W/ IGNITABILITY1030 SW9045D Analyst: VVK PH (SW9045D) pH 6.9 s.u.@20.00 1 1/10/2019 3:52:16 PM RCI-SOLID-W/ IGNITABILITY1030 SW9034 Analyst: MS REACTIVE SULFIDE (9034)/ Sulfide, Reactive ND 25.0 mg/Kg 1 1/14/2019 11:08:00 AM Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected P Second column confirmation exceeds R RPD outside accepted recovery limits E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine area response N Tentatively identified compounds 0 RSD is greater than RSDlimit PL Permit Limit Original RL Reporting Detection Limit Page 10 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Accreditation Program MSUMMIT 3310 Win St. Anal teS Report ¢ 1rIRC�NPe1> T•1Tr�L$z 9 i�C56Ci4aiZ5,IrIC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 Y p ARrifytkt?! Laborawt'w TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: http://Wivw.settek.cont 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 State: NW Project: Mt Holly Program Name: NC_WW_SCM Sample ID Matrix Test Name Analyte Status 1901043 8-001 A Sludge Ignitability of Solids (SW-846: 1030) Ignitability A Sludge Paint Filter Free Liquids Test (SW-846: 9095) Free Liquid A Sludge pH (SW9045D) Hydrogen Ion (pH) A Sludge Reactive Cyanide (9014/ Cyanide, Reactive U Sludge Reactive Sulfide (9034)/ Sulfide, Reactive U Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'- A Decachlorobiphenyl Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Aroclor 1016 A Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Aroclor 1221 A Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Aroclor 1232 A Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Aroclor 1242 A Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Aroclor 1248 A Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Aroclor 1254 A Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Aroclor 1260 A Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Tetrachloro-m-xylene A Sludge SVOC PCB (8082) 7-Arochlors Total PCBs A Sludge TCLP Herbicides Analysis (SW1311/8151) 2,4,5-TP A Sludge TCLP Herbicides Analysis (SW1311/8151) 2,4-D A Sludge TCLP Herbicides Analysis (SW1311/8151) DCAA A Sludge TCLP Mercury Analysis (SW1311/7470) Mercury A Sludge TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) Arsenic A Sludge TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) Barium A Sludge TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) Cadmium A Sludge TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) Chromium A Sludge TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) Lead A Sludge TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) Selenium A Sludge TCLP Metals Analysis (SW1311/6010) Silver A Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'- A Decachlorobiphenyl Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW 1311/8081) Chlordane, total A Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) Endrin A Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) gamma-BHC A Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) Heptachlor A Original # 1 Page 11 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Accreditation Program m9 SUMMIT3310 Win St. Analp tes Report _NRIIf?L�Nh.1Et-ITAL �iFC9��t(31-i?C�lGS, 1r-4 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 J p rinalj Irtica} Ldborator/&s TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: http://www.settek.coni 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 State: NW Project: Mt Holly Program Name: NC_WW_SCM Sample ID Matrix Test Name Analyte Status 19010438-001A Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) Heptachlor epoxide A Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) Methoxychlor A Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) Tetrachloro-m-xylene A Sludge TCLP Pesticides Analysis (SW1311/8081) Toxaphene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 2,4,6-Tribromophenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 2-Fluorobiphenyl A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 2-Fluorophenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 2-Methylphenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) 3,4-Methylphenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Cresols, Total A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Hexachlorobenzene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Hexachlorobutadiene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Hexachloroethane A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Nitrobenzene A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Nitrobenzene-d5 A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Pentachlorophenol A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Phenol-d6 A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) p-Terphenyl-dl4 A Sludge TCLP Semi-Volatiles Analysis (SW1311/8270) Pyridine A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis 1,1-Dichloroethene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis 1,2-Dichloroethane A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis 2-Butanone A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis 4-Bromofluorobenzene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Benzene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Carbon tetrachloride A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Chlorobenzene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Chloroform A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Dibromofluoromethane A Original # 1 Page 12 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Accreditation Program Oro. - UMMIffir3310 Win St. Anal teS Report ENrVI T0fJMr-I,JTAL �icr[.t Gt S, fP 4 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 y p AgaJytJ J Laboratories TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 State: NW Project: Mt Holly Program Name: NC_WW SCM Sample ID Matrix Test Name Analyte Status 19010438-001A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Tetrachloroethene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Toluene-d8 A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Trichloroethene A Sludge TCLP Volatiles Analysis Vinyl chloride A Original # 1 Page 13 of 28 1Ar Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY Rl,JL)ORT ffJ:&UMM3310 Win St. E Mr1i10 J1.1EITML TEECTINO4oGtZS, ItIC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 ,�kr7�Ft;�'.f/e�1 LtllatxJ�tt�rd�+s WO#: 19010438 TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 35455 Sample ID MB-35455 SampType: MBLK TestCode: TCLP-voc-ms Units: mg/L Prep Date: 1/9/2019 RunNo: 93248 Client ID: PBS Batch ID: 35455 TestNo: SW8260B SW1311M Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1902259 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.00500 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.00500 MEK ND 0.0250 Benzene ND 0.00500 Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.00500 Chlorobenzene ND 0.00500 Chloroform ND 0.00500 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.00500 Trichloroethene ND 0.00500 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00200 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 48.0 Surr: Di brom ofl uorom ethane 48.0 Sum Toluene-d8 48.0 50.00 95.9 70 130 50.00 95.9 70 130 50.00 95.9 70 130 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank E Value above quantitation range H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded 7 Analyte detected below quantitation limits M Manual Integration used to determine MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. ND Not Detected O RSD is greater than RSDlimit P Second column confirmation exceeds PL Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Page 14 of 28 Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY 7� l)ORT L&UNkMIT 3310 Win St. 11.. �7 i i11� 1 ��t�liiU:tJP.1rSJ7�L'>riCtrt�cat t3 :� , J11J:C Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Aj7vidcaf LaLi ra,forio TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 ;, Website: htto:// 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 35458 Sample ID MB-35458 SampType: MBLK TestCode: SVOC-PCB_ Units: mg/Kg Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93274 Client ID: PBS Batch ID: 35458 TestNo: SW8082 SW3550C Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1902113 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua] Aroclor 1016 ND 0.00600 0 0 Aroclor 1260 ND 0.00600 0 0 Aroclor 1221 ND 0.00600 0 0 Aroclor 1232 ND 0.00600 0 0 Aroclor 1242 ND 0.00600 0 0 Aroclor 1248 ND 0.00600 0 0 Aroclor 1254 ND 0.00600 0 0 Total PCBs ND 0.00600 0 0 Surr: DCB 35.2 33.40 105 10 165 Surr: TCMX 24.1 33.40 72.1 10 139 m Sample ID LCS-35458 SampType: LCS TestCode: SVOC-PCB_ Units: mg/Kg Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93274 ;lient ID: LCSS Batch ID: 35458 TestNo: SW8082 SW3550C Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1902114 analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Aroclor 1016 0.140 0.00600 0.165 0 84.7 31.1 130 Aroclor 1260 0.174 0.00600 0.165 0 105 38.4 130 Total PCBs 0.314 0.00600 0.330 0 95.1 36 130 Surr: DCB 34.9 33.40 104 40.6 130 Surr: TCMX 23.9 33.40 71.5 28.2 130 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 15 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits m Original UMSummit Environmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. QC SUMMARY Fri A OR nsa PN.4rl`Z014NIEWAL 7c m Bt C cb � ,.]t` Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Anj.iydcaf L,aberrotarlos TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 35458 Sample ID 19010442-001AMS SampType: MS TestCode: SVOC-PCB_ Units: mg/Kg Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93274 Client ID: Batch= Batch ID: 35458 TestNo: SW8082 SW3550C Analysis Date: 1/1012019 SegNo: 1903335 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Aroclor 1016 0.931 0.898 0.988 0 94.2 1 165 Aroclor 1260 1.09 0.898 0.988 0 110 1 158 Total PCBs 2.02 0.898 1.98 0 102 1 153 Surr: DCB 120 200.0 59.9 11.9 124 Surr: TCMX 59.9 200.0 29.9 32.6 105 S Sample ID 19010442-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: SVOC-PCB_ Units: mg/Kg Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93274 Client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: 35458 TestNo: SW8082 SW3550C Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1903336 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Aroclor 1016 1.04 0.898 0.988 0 105 1 165 0.931 11.1 30 Aroclor 1260 1.19 0.898 0.988 0 120 1 158 1.09 8.87 30 Total PCBs 2.23 0.898 1.98 0 113 1 153 2.02 9.92 30 Surr: DCB 120 200.0 59.9 11.9 124 0 0 Surr: TCMX 79.8 200.0 39.9 32.6 105 0 0 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 16 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine 0 RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY iWx'ORT um M-i it 3310 Win St. ENVIR4J4JM5NTALTZdIENOC2[ GMS,.iao Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Are .tyl/ �I:L stat tiles TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: hQ:// 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 35459 Sample ID MB-35459 SampType: MBLK TestCode: HG_TCLP(74 Units: PPM Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93323 Client ID: PBS Batch ID: 35459 TestNo: SW7470A SW7470A Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1903301 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua] CLP Mercury ND 0.00200 Sample ID LCS-35459 SampType: LCS TestCode: HG_TCLP(74 Units: PPM Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93323 Client ID: LCSS Batch ID: 35459 TestNo: SW7470A SW7470A Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1903302 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual TCLP Mercury 0.00439 0.00200 0.00400 0 110 80 120 Sample ID 19010394-001AMS SampType: MS TestCode: HG_TCLP(74 Units: PPM Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93323 Client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: 35459 TestNo: SW7470A SW7470A Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1903305 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual TCLP Mercury 0.00445 0.00200 0.00400 0.0000500 110 75 125 Sample ID 19010394-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: HG_TCLP(74 Units: PPM Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93323 Client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: 35459 TestNo: SW7470A SW7470A Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1903306 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual TCLP Mercury 0.00441 0.00200 0.00400 0.0000500 109 75 125 0.00445 0.903 20 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 17 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY iLui�ORT 3310 Win St. ERVIltOUtolENTAL MCHN It i'� :i ,.ING Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Aia.d'ytlt ai ioraTEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.• (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly Patch)m: 35459 Sample ID 19010394-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: HG_TCLP(74 Units: PPM Prep Date: 1/10/2019 RunNo: 93323 Client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: 35459 TestNo: SW7470A SW7470A Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1903306 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 18 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY RiL JL ORT Lwummllr 3310 Win St. �c ENWIi OWAII':NTAL Ti:.MIN01.051 ;, 114C Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 19010438 i1i7�1, [deg 1.L�1ar��rt�c�� TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 35523 2,4-D ND 1.00 0.500 0 78.4 43.8 130 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 0.500 0 62.9 51.5 ill Surr: DCAA 357 500.0 71.4 34.2 150 2,4-D ND 1.00 0 0 d 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 0 0 Surr: DCAA 320 500.0 64.0 20 140 2,4-D ND 1.00 0.500 0 100 37 105 W 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 0.500 0 89.8 38 106 W Surr: DCAA 567 500.0 113 20 140 W Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 19 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY 7�ZT T l)Ol�Z it 3310 Win St. tQ S V 1�11V1AR i i`L i� �ITihJPa1;ri1r�L cce�Wr4[�ta.�,, its' Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Aia�zt';� 6cal' LabaraS00'es TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: hitp:// 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: 35523 Sample ID 19010307-001amsd SampType: MSD TestCode: tclp-svoc-her Units: mg/L Prep Date: 1/11/2019 RunNo: 93601 Client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: 35523 TestNo: SW8151A SW8151A Analysis Date: 1/18/2019 SegNo: 1914646 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual 2,4-D ND 1.00 0.500 0 83.7 37 105 0 0 30 W 2,4,5-TP ND 0.500 0.500 0 71.5 38 106 0 0 30 W Surr: DCAA 453 500.0 90.6 20 140 0 W Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 20 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Q!�'� SUMMARY A 17 �T T. 1�07�'�' LWumm-11 3310 Win St. 1. S7 V lrll- R i itL R EN%(l120t•11o1r-MTAL E c�&N�°•1€7t Ch+�l��$, ;ttC. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 � [1:e�1' Lrrfacr�lc�tlns TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchlD: R93258 Sample ID LCS-R93258 SampType: LCS TestCode: pH_Oil(9045 Units: s.u.@21.9C Prep Date: RunNo: 93258 Client ID: LCSW Batch ID: R93258 TestNo: SW9045D Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1901827 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual pH 7.0 7.0 0 99.7 90 110 Sample ID CHECK 7 SampType: LCS TestCode: pH_Oil(9045 Units: s.u.@21.9C Prep Date: RunNo: 93258 Client ID: LCSW Batch ID: R93258 TestNo: SW9045D Analysis Date: 1/10/2019 SegNo: 1901844 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua[ pH 7.0 7.0 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds 0 100 90 110 J B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 21 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original g'i M Sunsmit Environmental Technologies, Inc.ILI, ', M". �� SUMMARY �i'®RT 3310 Win St. t�14Pti�OtJPttsTL'cINe�t,cts, la Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 ��,i`;,°tlel Ltriyrdast3t+�, TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R93297 Sample ID LCS-R93297 SampType: LCS TestCode: Ignitability_S Units: Prep Date: RunNo: 93297 Client ID: LCSS Batch ID: R93297 TestNo: SWI030 Analysis Date: 1/11/2019 SegNo: 1902691 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Ignitability Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds 7.240 0 112 70 130 B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 22 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine 0 RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original + Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY Tt�-JL'®RT frLD-Umm-lor 3310 Win St. C�w4+I C5tJtdCt1T,4L �'�.Ctaii4l [sGI S, IpZG Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Anrr }ytic,af L aborolo6es TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly Batchll): R93390 Sample ID 19010535-01AMS SampType: MS TestCode: Cyanide,Rea Units: mg/Kg Prep Date: RunN-o: 93390 Client ID: Batch= Batch ID: R93390 TestNo: SW9014 Analysis Date: 1/14/2019 SegNo: 1906045 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Cyanide, Reactive 8.98 0.490 10.00 0 89.8 81.6 122 Sample ID 19010535-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: Cyanide,Rea Units: mg/Kg Prep Date: RunNo: 93390 Client ID: Batch= Batch ID: R93390 TestNo: SW9014 Analysis Date: 1/14/2019 SegNo: 1906046 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Cyanide, Reactive 9.09 0.495 10.00 0 90.9 81.6 122 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page.23 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine 0 RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc.M"Dum_ QC SUMMARY T��'ORT Mw1mr, 3310 Win St. Etgti7,U.tdh9�:17T�L1f3%1eL+rlra.11 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 19010438 �n.:lyL'�Lr�tadtd�e TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: hgp.• 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R.93390 Sample ID LCS SampType: LCS TestCode: Cyanide,Rea Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 93390 Client ID: LCSW Batch ID: R93390 TestNo: SW9014 Analysis Date: 1/14/2019 SegNo: 1906029 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit Highl-imit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qua] Cyanide, Reactive 9.57 0.490 10.00 0 95.7 85 115 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 24 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY %X ORT Laummist 3310 Win St. Eh^4+l TOIVAENTAL �—ECH OLOGIZS, WC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 WO#: 19010438 Ar7tt.?y0caf-aboraisartr+� TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R93465 Sample ID 19010535-001AMS SampType: MS TestCode: Sulfide,React Units: mg/Kg Prep Date: RunNo: 93465 Client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: R93465 TestNo: SW9034 Analysis Date: 1/14/2019 SegNo: 1908916 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC LowLimit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Sulfide, Reactive 4210 25.0 4800 0 87.7 80 120 Sample ID 19010535-001AMSD SampType: MSD TestCode: Sulfide,React Units: mg/Kg Prep Date: RunNo: 93465 Client ID: BatchQC Batch ID: R93465 TestNo: SW9034 Analysis Date: 1/14/2019 SegNo: 1908917 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Sulfide, Reactive 4320 25.0 4800 0 90.0 80 120 4210 2.58 30 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 25 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine O RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. QC SUMMARY Kiu,20RT ffJ:&UJVkM11t 3310 Win St. PW112[ N&IENTAL T-ECTIN .Lco-,IE_5,-llae Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Aj7ja y0cn.?.Labcrosari as TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX- (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19010438 Website: 21-Jan-19 Client: Synagro, NC 28134 Project: Mt Holly BatchID: R93465 Sample ID MB-R93465 SampType: MBLK TestCode: Sulfide,React Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 93465 Client ID: PBW Batch ID: R93465 TestNo: SW9034 Analysis Date: 1/14/2019 SegNo: 1908902 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Sulfide, Reactive ND 25.0 Sample ID LCS-R93465 SampType: LCS TestCode: Sulfide,React Units: mg/L Prep Date: RunNo: 93465 Client ID: LCSW Batch ID: R93465 TestNo: SW9034 Analysis Date: 1/14/2019 SegNo: 1908903 Analyte Result PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HighLimit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPDLimit Qual Sulfide, Reactive 4620 25.0 4800 0 - 96.2 85 115 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds Maximum Contaminant Level. H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. P Second column confirmation exceeds B Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J Analyte detected below quantitation limits ND Not Detected PL Permit Limit Page 26 of 28 E Value above quantitation range M Manual Integration used to determine 0 RSD is greater than RSDlimit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Original OC-QACOC338 Rev.4.1 Ellwlive Dote: I I/17U2018 ffq S U &I &%IV Analysis Request / Chain of Custody ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Far Summit Environmental Technol 3210 YA. S '—' ogles, Inc, use only oo�o VF11lio ON- 44223 Find us at; wwwsettek.eo>n SET WO No.: ,,, III L � 0 (ti i 2 Client Name E h PO Pro]eMldenttMntton,my y f 65 .7 1 e a „a IF� d = G p° a a M rt p o AnalytiestParemete]sandUMetfhodsJ Client Address Cricai rnone IReport 70 �-1 - 6 E - '13"11 ProjectAddress W f- C — 1 U - Q ` 3 �1 a,— A ° d 3 U a. To A Clam Bc mel l) Cont i Person ({ e-, �'IEf.h PO q QuolaNamber Cllcat li snn l Address o-b rjgmQkAr0 . Lon1 PWS m Facility ID - i 70) Sampled ffrfnlNameand ide Ibnotrrrc) A440f Reportlag/AteredltationRequlrement! jOhloVAP Q OEPA Pb, Cu Prinking Water Compliance Other Complionce(List Slatdprogram): For D W only, results have o by the Lb. If yes, lab tee may apply ed to state Y ❑ N 0 Sample PointTD Sampietdentllleatian Date CelUded Time Collected >M� Moil 20!qcy R ed by: Date Time Received by: Date Time Notes / Comments: 5�5 Was sutiicicsu vahone provided to run QC: YES / NO Cooler YES / NO Othcr, p ReF Temp: Ice: ES NO / melted Received In Lab by: late Time Carrier Rush Requested: Day(s) Must be approved by Lab Manager Legend: PrestMlrves: I-13NO3, 2-I-g04, 3-}ICI, 4-Zinc Acetate, 5-NaOH, 6-EDA, 7-nonc, 8-other (spcci$od in comments) Refer to lab's terms and conditions at Pagel of 1: Page 1 of 1 Page 27 of 28 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. SUMMIT 3310 Win St. ENIVIROtIMENTAL S[�9ttuc�I x�G�M�, iNC, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Sample Log -In Check List AIJVtkrt/c:;l C°ab0ra10F16s TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: htto:// Client Name: SYN-NC-28134 Work Order Number: 19010438 RcptNo: 1 Logged by: Rachel Thomas 1/9/2019 10:20:00 AM Completed By: Christopher Livengood 1/9/2019 2:09:02 PM Reviewed By: Jennifer Woolf 1/9/2019 6:10:34 PM Chain of Custody 1. Is Chain of Custody complete? Yes No ❑ Not Present ❑ 2. How was the sample delivered? UPS Log In 3. Coolers are present? Yes 0 No ❑ NA ❑ 4, Shipping container/cooler in good condition? Yes ❑d No ❑ Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Present �/❑ No. Seal Date: Signed By: 5. Was an attempt made to cool the samples? Yes V No ❑ NA ❑ 6. Were all samples received at a temperature of >0° C to 6.0°C Yes ❑d No ❑ NA ❑ 7, Sample(s) in proper container(s)? Yes 0 No ❑ 8, Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? Yes d❑ No ❑ g, Are samples (except VOA and ONG) properly preserved? Yes ❑d No ❑ 10. Was preservative added to bottles? Yes ❑ No ❑ NA d❑ NA 11. Is the headspace in the VOA vials less than 1/4 inch or 6 mm? Yes ❑ No ❑ No VOA Vials d❑ 12. Were any sample containers received broken? Yes ❑ No d❑ 13. Does paperwork match bottle labels? Yes d❑ No ❑ (Note discrepancies on chain of custody) 14. Are matrices correctly identified on Chain of Custody? Yes W No ❑ 15. Is it clear what analyses were requested? Yes W No ❑ 16. Were all holding times able to be met? Yes d❑ No ❑ (If no, notify customer for authorization.) Special Handling (if applicable) 17. Was client notified of all discrepancies with this order? Yes ❑ No ❑ NA d❑ Person Notified: �— Date r— By Whom: p Via: ❑ eMail ❑ Phone ❑ Fax ❑ In Person Regarding: Client Instructions: 18. Additional remarks: Cooler Information Cooler No I Temp °C I Condition Seal Intact I Seal No Seal Date Signed B 1 15.5 1 Good Not Present Page 28 of 28 SECTION 5 ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Mount Holly WQ Permit Number: WQ0001863 WWTP Name: Mt Holly WWTP NPDES Number: NCO021156 Monitoring Period: From 01/01/2019 To 03/31/2019 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2/13 (Alk Treatment) Alt. 31C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density X Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion if annlienhle to alternative nerfnrmed Wlass A nr C'lass Rl emmnlete the fnllnwina mnnitnrina rinfn- Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density No. of Frequency Sample Analytical Excee- of Type Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units deuces Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 611 MPN Coliform power per gram MPN/g Quarterly Grab SM9221C of total solids CFU 61,671 88,049 316,336 CFU/g 0 Quarterly Grab SM9222D 1000 MPN per gram of total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate option/alternative performed: Option/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 Option/Alt. 3 Option/Mt. 4 (VS reduction) (40-day bench) (30-day bench) X (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Alt. 5 Option/Alt. 6 Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (14-Day Aerobic) (Alk Stabilization) (Drying— Stable) (Drying — Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Doug Shoudt Division Manager Wastewater Prepar me rtd Title (type or print) nature reparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mt. Holly Biosolids Project Number: 50-1301 Lot Number:UA03048 Date Completed:01/08/2019 .�; 01 /09/2019 10:51 AM Approved and released by: Lab Director - Greenville: Lucas Odom P«R� Ili A V RB ACCREDITED `geORAro —�— oon DAP The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 12 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: UA03048 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. Geometric Mean Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UA03048-001 Description: Mt. Holly 1 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:01/03/2019 0815 % Solids: 1.55 01/03/2019 2342 Date Received:0110312019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 01/04/2019 2304 AMR 01/03/2019 2157 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <64433 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = DetectionLimit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Daly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UA03048-002 Description: Mt. Holly 1 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:01/03/2019 0815 % Solids: 1.55 01/03/2019 2342 Date Received:01103/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 01/04/2019 2304 AMR 01/03/2019 2157 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <64725 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GG columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Daly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory I D: UA03048-003 Description: Mt. Holly 1 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:01/03/2019 0815 % Solids: 1.59 01/03/2019 2342 )ate Received:01/03/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 01/04/2019 2304 AMR 01/03/2019 2157 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <62869 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Daly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 5 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UA03048-004 Description: Mt. Holly 1 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:01/03/2019 0815 % Solids: 1.58 01/03/2019 2342 Date Received:01103/2019 Inorganic non-metals 'un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 01/04/2019 2304 AMR 01/03/2019 2157 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <63239 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL '- — Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 105 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 6 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UA03048-005 Description: Mt. Holly 1 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:01/03/2019 0815 % Solids: 1.58 01/03/2019 2342 Date Received: 01 /03/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 01/04/2019 2304 AMR 01/03/2019 2157 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 126831 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis _.iealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UA03048-006 Description: Mt. Holly 1 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:01/03/2019 0815 % Solids: 1.58 01/03/2019 2342 Date Received: 01/03/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 01/04/2019 2304 AMR 01/03/2019 2157 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 316336 0 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quanlilation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis _.:ealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 8of12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UA03048-007 Description: Mt. Holly 1 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:01/03/2019 0815 % Solids: 1.62 01/03/2019 2342 Date Received:01103/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 01/04/2019 2304 AMR 01/03/2019 2157 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <61671 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 9 of 12 Chain c: ,Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 10 of 12 j� oC mCD v m o m o.3 Chain of Custo -13 w CD m aVnagiv Addrp:;:; o c'7 i�7C'r E: wcasb 4" t _ 4Vy q St 'U , 7zp Cx_ _iii Pinrnr:'r:6 h1�, �?.81�6 n rrojecti�l rn�q +� ` N lumber uCii'it:jC!0� 4sscrlltt4;�t: �vrenix°Her fuss f sal r.te!lraybe c»tuiquu an Olin line) co - v �!. b -n X QQ _ 9 Co _ o O V iD to N G N 1 Q —JIII— O ShealyFflvironmentaf Servicea, Irtc. ' �QC.�OTatijoB FOIt1t Cr1Vr, ��+ Record '0f$yt COiL!MUM, -SOUK I Cam frin. U't?= Ts�lephalat ivy. ;say ?e�-�':�a� Fax No. ,80$:I 79'1-9111 '.tw•a.shFal�'lab,c�nt R=plid tC Gantaet Adnill 9rigmgn Tdephanr) Na. ' Fex No.I l=rru ll i704-b50-42�7 j 1 al �ri�rRsF•�y.'v y;�,r;Ur„ I. Jnpree. . HhJu3 i, MEZ;H NIeGN,ZnA h, hl 6. L!E JT jD. G dumber rCaL aljt,: 'rime _r�y�r I t1V451 5' R :rr" hrc.u:d r °itu H; rll,irec {I ' 1:: I%b tp4rOQ;Ri Pru •td rar.a . 3rc I d —,AT) - -�elinqulE'wr?.1.�?�ntrpk_•rf f� P.a!IngU:ashegfep— l'l� wte C,spofa! Ptah or, to Caen; r D#c3al av Lat: Time —� n 11 � S% � T!me f 6 �S D cAnt',?f�r Ck IIl[iA'11'5rile�i AdEm a r man . '+L'elyb.Ti hda. N Urtl bOr ? ?J urlrn5er of Canta��;,ars Come, _Prergely111v,. � 1� 1-11 11 01ff l M, l i, LIA031048 ::cI I q rirtlrnen;9 f'laas48vsclf;} •Nr ;ibl='r12�ard Id,�n[tic4lon r�'cat tasr3 []?'IamrrmblA E.Min'frii.:nl r 3- Roas;v�'t tlq ache: �.It sarnpfrs -are rafa.i 'for -six .VL,01. frorn�reciPt artless otttcr LA, R us. 0 a n aments made h1 Y b; I�C:C©iVEl en Ica Ctatu T_•ne I` r DUB Tirra n= r TJme M^[•al • Tempn . Tern,', R'zF7( td [ iGo PA,;� 1 G ��rr:�ta'e bafa OEi-2.•.•�4'2 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Sh:aly FRNIWnrilwal 3ccvlee4, In•.4 Pee I of t Documtat Nurnbor. hAF.YJUI ipc:- 11 ELYceLI Ve i�ox &•�P?0 L's Sample Receipt Checklist (SRQ Client-_ l kr- Cwler Inspecicd byrdate; ip 1 � Lo> _ ��ti'�? Means of eipt: FzSESI M �1 Client ❑ 4'PS ❑ FcdEx ❑ other_ ❑ Yes No I I.'a1,= custody seats present on trae cooler? rl Yes Ea Ito r4 2. If custody scgls were prescLLt, were ffit-y intact, kind unbroken? ti Strip ID; _-_ C31loritaa Strip ID; _ .__ "Tested by: Origioul. to upon receipt +' Derived (Correvted) terlllaC iuru upon raccipt: %Solid Snap -.Cup ID: {mperature f'-i114t� -1 eail}rL'C81rarG )�Q 71: ❑ i TilnSt J Oit1PS IR C'ruai IJ�: �' IR Gun Cormctirm factor: j'C:' -- -- h-Ictilodort"coclant; IT %IIau ❑ 1cePacks ❑ DrvIce+ El None } r N°° I i 3. If bemperuLure of jinn cooler exceeded 6.43C, was Nof ece Iwlaayage'r Nr[M'LG l^ Phf ivas; Notified by: phone.f email; + face-to-face (circie. one). I❑II f❑ —E L r No L--iWA 4. Is the countrenial cots jex,s p3ckbig slip ajjUG114d t4] this form? - es U Into 5. Were propQr custody procedures (rel nquishede'received) followed? `r:s ❑ Na 6. Were sample IDs listed on the coc? I,r. Yos ❑ No 17. 'Wert samp[o IDs listed on all sample containers? es n N- o 8. Wir; cellcction d:te. & time l.istgcl on the coc? V-a ❑.No, 9. Was Collection dalu k. time listed on all sample contaitten? k� s ❑ h'o 10. Did all container label illronriation (U), Llate, tine) a -6e wllh the C4C yes ❑ No 11. Were tests to be pertplmt4 list ,, on the Co(:? 5 r Y es ❑ Nt� 12. Did all sarrgalcs alTivc in the proper eontaincls fbr each test ana-'or in }rood ce?nditiotl (unbroken, lids on, etc.)? Yes ❑ No 13. Was adequane sampic voltune avaitable? cs L� NT. 14. Were all samples received wiLI)irL V2 the hotding tirne or4it hours, whichever cr7Lr1Cs. Cirsl? Yes I � c, 15. Viicrc alu}-.swn Ie;.s containers missing'excess (eircl-ono) samples pq t listed D7 CSC" Yes :-1 No 2-NA 16- For VOA and RSI -115 sampin- wcr: babbles present >"pea -size'' (Vi"oC 6atlnl in tllart UfCr-) in any of the VOA ,IaM [] Yes . No NA 17, Wt= all mples received at a pH of < 2? El 'Yes ❑ No . .........-.. 18, %Vea a all cynnidc st nPIes receivM at s p"ai > 12 and su.Lri lt� sllmpks received. at V1-I -3 9? 0 Yes r No 19. Were all app ica a 1 k1.j'TKMvyuTiidcrphvnnll625 (<0 Srn6E:) samples free r]IFrLnitltlsel chlorine'? ❑ Yos ❑ No [gyp, 20, W'cro client remarkVmquwt-s (Le. requested dilutions, NIS." ISD designations, etc...j' currectly transcribed frpm the COC i11to th+; comment section ELI LINTS? 'las Ve 21. IWI.5 tiic quotes numl]er lisLccl r)n the coattainer label? _Ifyes, Quote 4 Sample Preser nation (h f1I.4t he wilapl"atd for arty stlrnpic(s) incerreerly prrsc-rwed or with heudsplcc j rEtP1eks) _- were received incomctlyllrzwaved andwer: adjtustcd accol-dingly s,ampic rcoeiving vvidl rnL of circle oire:11-290 1, RN03, IICI, Na0H using SR 9 nle of pruscnration , if inure tharl onr; preservative i-5 Deeded, plena note hi lice comments 1,210 w. were received wiib babbles ,6 min is attuncter, tsJ _-.- -- were receiver] with TRC? 0.5 rtln}I. (If #19 is real) a»cf wa�a; aGLCl'a iDol}` iq 5iS711}IUr CCl4ina14'lCilsodillm t111Osulft7BC (l�la2S O � WIt11 Silea1y ED_ Nimode labels zpplied by: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 12 of 12 p AM PROM PT•ACCL.I RATE- RELIABLE LABORATORIES., INC www.P.XRLABS.CONI r'.EPc1RT OF AN1-.1_•Y:-E:- Attn: ADAM BRIGMAN SYNAGRO 12701 LANCASTER. HWY PINEVILLE, NC 28134- P30j' CT NAME: J Ai`1 19 DhTE: 'J2; i 3/19 SAMPLE NUMBER- 1 3,150 1 SAMPLE ID- CI'r'r ,_F i'fii'. HOLLY i OF' 4 DATE SAMPLED- DATE RECEIVED- 01 /03/ 19 SAMPLER AB TIME RECEIVED-" 1340 DELIVERED BY- AF", Page 1 of 1 ANALYSIS 30 DAY BENCH SCALE TEST SAMPLE MATRIX- SO TIME SAMPLED- 0830 RECEIVED BY- DJ TYPE SAMPLE- Grab ANALYSIS METHOD DATE 'TIME BY RESULT UNITS VAR 01/n/19 1E;10 RE 3.39 LABORATOR`_ DIRECTOR 2217 Graham Park Drive • Charlotte. NC 28273 Phone: (704) 588-8333 • Pax: (704) 588-8335 PA PROM PT•ACCU RATE- RELIABLE LABORATORIES INC WWW.PARLASS.COM 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test Percent Volatile Solids Reduction SYNAGRO CITY OF MT HOLLY 1 OF 4 134501 � s 01/31/19 Start: End: TS () 0.1625 0.1638 TS% 1.67% 1.63% VS ( 0.1275 0.1270 VS% 78.46% 77.53% y Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0130870 0.0126411 x Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0035925 0.0036629 FSVR Mass Balance) 3.44% FSVR (Van Kleeck) 3.39% FSVR (Mass Balance) <15% YES FSVR (Van Kleeck) <15% YES P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 0 Fax: (704) 588-8335 PAR PROMPT- ACCURATE• R ELIAS LE LABORATORIES, INC W W W.PARLABS.COM Collected D.O. Crucible Tare Wt (g) Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Liquid Sludge Wt (g) Oven Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Dried Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Dried Sludge Wt (g) Fixed Solids Wt (g) Furnace Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Burned Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Volatile Solids Wt (g) TS% VS% 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test vHK upuon 3, Percent volatile JOilas rceauctlon SYNAGRO m CITY OF MT HOLLY 1 OF 4 134501 a 01/03/19 0 0 01/31/19 As Received Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 nafnarlq n41na11q n111n11q n1/17119 M/24/19 01131119 .;F 4.68 5.10 5.93 6.11 6.69 X29 X29 X31 X32 X2 X7 20.1060 20.1060 22.1002 24.4284 25.0654 19.2827 29.8485 29.8485 31.8701 34.3355 35.1293 29.3293 9.7425 9.7425 9.7699 9.9071 10.0639 10.0466 106 106 106 105 106 106 01/03/19 16:00 01/03/19 16:00 01/10/19 09:30 01/17/19 08:50 01/24/19 10:00 01/31/19 11:20 01/04/19 14:50 01/04/19 14:50 01/11/19 10:00 01/18/19 09:10 01/25/19 10:00 02/01/19 11:00 20.2685 20.2685 22.2626 24.5940 25.2325 19.4465 0.1625 0.1625 0.1624 0.1656 0.1671 0.1638 _ 0.0350 0.0361 0.0370 0.0374 0.0368 550 550 550 550 550 01/04/19 16:30 01/11/19 13:40 01/18/19 12:30 01/25/19 12:15 02/01/19 14:00 01/04/19 17:20 01/11/19 14:45 01/18/19 13:50 01/25/19 13:10 02/01/19 15:05 20.1410 22.1363 24.4654 25.1028 19.3195 0.1275 0.1263 0.1286 0.1297 0.1270 1.67% 1.67% 1.66% 1.67% 1.66% 1.63% 78.46% 77.77% 77.66% 77.62% 77.53% yf Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Feed) yb Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at Start of Test 0.0130870 Sludge at End of rest 0.0126411 Xf Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge Xb Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Bottom) at Start of Test 0.0035925 Sludge at End of Test 0.0036629 TS () 0.1625 TS () 0.1638 VS (g) 0.1275 VS (g) 1 0.127 Volatile Fraction In: 0.46982 P.O. Box 411483 o Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704)588.8333 • Fax:(704)588-8335 Volatile Fraction Out: 1 0.47564 PAR CHAIN OF CUSTODY LA6oRATORIES,INC. PAR Laboratories, Inc Phone (704) 588-8333 Fax (704)-588-8335 Shipping: Mailing: 2217 Graham Park Drive PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories. Inc. and the North ('-- i. rlena —f nF C—i--m I.I —H Mn1,—I Racni— Company Name (billing) Comments/ Special Instructions Clarifier Effluent provided in the event that SYNAGRO CENTRAL Address the sample needs to be reduced to below 12701 LANCASTER HWY 2% solids.. City, State rx zip code PINEVILLE NC 28134 Point of Contact t3 Telephone Number ADAM BRIGMAN 704-650-4341 Sample Taken By: SIGNATURE / C PRINTED NAME Ala Q< r-'Gm�,r ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPAREPORTINNG? YES NO *Sample Type: DW WW GWMW HW Soil other Sample Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C **Field Preserved: Yes 'Ao 4/Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No n/a Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (YIN): Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): Client Sample I.D. Sample Location / Number) Comp Grab Preserv. Set Up Daterrime Collection DateMme Analyses Requested �-1 a l' so FO, t/ 13� 9 �:30 30 �%./ Oe,17 7? � Q� Ketln Ua[er I Ime RCI:eIVCO y vafcr r uuc /</ vI03'� 3 d Res d by: DateMme Received by: DateMme li i C=Composite G=Grab DW=-Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Mount Holly WQ Permit Number: WQ0001863 WWTP Name: Mt Holly WWTP NPDES Number: NCO021156 Monitoring Period: From 04/01/2019 To 06/30/2019 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2/13 (Alk Treatment) Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density X Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying ' Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion If Anniienhi P. to alternative nerfnrm Pd Wince A nr ('lace R) rum nla4a *h. fnllm.,— —4-- — .7..4— Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density No. of Frequency Sample Analytical Excee- of Type Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units deuces Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 6th MPN Coliform power per gram MPN/g Quarterly Grab SM9221 C of total solids CFU 72,005 97,746 146,103 CFU/g 0 Quarterly Grab SM9222D 1000 MPN per gram of total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate option/alternative performed: 0 tion/Alt. 1 Option/Alt.2 Option/Alt. 3 Option/Alt. 4 (VS reduction) (40-day bench) (30-day bench) X (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) Option/Alt. 6 (Alk Stabilization) Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (Drying — Stable) (Drying — Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification inclding fine and imprisonment." Doug Shoudt Division Manager Wastewater Prepar a e and Title (type or rint) i Signa re of reparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mt. Holly Project Number: 50-1701 Lot Number:UD30045 Date Completed:05/07/2019 05/07/2019 4:23 PM Approved and released by: Lab Director - Greenville: Lucas Odom PC ARAB `e0RAS0 ACCREDITED oo—�— The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 12 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: UD30045 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. Geometric Mean 97,746 Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UD30045-001 Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 % Solids: 1.38 05/01/2019 0118 Date Received:04130/2019 Inorganic non-metals tun Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 05/01/2019 2330 MDD 04/30/2019 1954 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 145180 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis mly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 12 Client: Synagro Laboratory ID: UD30045-002 Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 % Solids: 1.39 05/01/2019 0118 Date Received:04/3012019 Inorganic non-metals tun Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 05/01/2019 2330 MDD 04/30/2019 1954 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <72005 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL : Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory I D: UD30045-003 Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 % Solids: 1.37 05/01/2019 0118 Date Received:04/30/2019 Inorganic non-metals ;un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 05/01/2019 2330 MDD 04/30/2019 1954 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 73105 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL : Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis saly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 5 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UD30045-004 Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 % Solids: 1.37 05/01/2019 0118 Date Received:04/30/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 05/01/2019 2330 MDD 04/30/2019 1954 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 146103 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ?aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 6 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UD30045-005 Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 % Solids: 1.36 05/01/2019 0118 Date Received:0413012019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 05/01/2019 2330 MDD 04/30/2019 1954 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 73314 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation 8 = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis !aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7of12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UD30045-006 Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 % Solids: 1.38 05/01/2019 0118 Date Received:04/30/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 05/01/2019 2330 MDD 04/30/2019 1954 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 72727 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 8 of 12 Client: Synagro Laboratory ID: UD30045-007 Description: Mt. Holly 2 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:04/30/2019 0730 % Solids: 1.40 05/01/2019 0118 Date Received:04130/2019 Inorganic non-metals tun Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 05/01/2019 2330 MDD 04/30/2019 1954 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 143195 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 9 of 12 Chain i Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 10 of 12 jc) S �(D v� m w :3 (a< (D -0 � r �, Shealy Environmental Services, Jr,(,-, 106 Vant,, — Point Drivo G,lr e otr Wert CoUr.151a, South ca nOna 29'72 (D m 'eVwxhca} �. Client Rapo-rtte• C•2r.:act !Snlnpl=:f cpar d Name), m `�° rt _ Adsln yr; t 7rn, ir` i a 2rigm r c ET o Ad -Sr-- Tetjpi:cra No. Fa c Nc. hr717i1 IVt"ati'h1.11 h1a, 1 127d•I LPacasler 1.11hY i i R4 a5b•4849;� r" 2bd fl ran(�E.,nr:prG.�x'fSI o: l%ji• ,Sutra IT�o ��ode I, by-;3ESUt9fiV+3 F�l�rpv e UC i20134 ila. unprze. 4, FIRM ;'. Na0r Npfnjr_.aNarr� S , r•iiC7,UTnr, d. HvL ! I SM}4 B. Na 7hic. rev Projacz Numi=c: xP3.0 Numbe- +�i P4ia;tlk O u ,A ni pi-. rD : ❑eacrjpC T d r v .nitn'e1rtF.ff� (nr kd'.11@ $til@L +: T3'' `�2 '�"+ "' t }�r •' e+ m � p S L' lr: �r116^ i Gar 1S'Ai }7 Uy U L combined -m ans Itnej V All p1 .d - 9 / w - va x CD a 0 I I V N CD N o S mAreune7hs.ZegLirt ,Pm. rNbar.P;cw.'riloppiredfur=prdhvrTATI SamplaDiupm;l u;7Requirairfi^as(pleaseS-x-clt'} "�sSlbi� v:er,,J v 'Fxj!?uSB f?IUM aGE iifJ • _ Roiurn 6u CIiunf Dia_csal kp Cab Y F"CT�f �P�isd r wllf OL;-7e .:-d by S=m filer Wi Ar � I Irne li. F,uauidad try Iq R=_I1nqui2F'.=_d t•q V--A-ti Cks'p Timmf Z I,ec(ioiM bye„ Helinru; ; ai b�, F r I yw�y- D-a'.0 / Time .3. Fincv0f by Pai.0 T rta 4- I.rIh=r.Mv RqG. Note: rtlf samples am returrje;3 for Ax weeks fra 77.recclpt ualless +@t7 E IU;5 uwe DINL'Y arrangomarrs are maoca fiec&eti cm Ic.; fCnec.Ij Number '.�uulp Nu. 93�r. p h5}rribcr rf Cc,, i£alnem U030046 U10 nFkrnmable r_15kin 7rran# re s @ f a F e -7 S T.TL 3 r t- 45C= - fyi R,,celpt Temp, N 1 Iw.: ?nd; I '?• Ll-� o �F. 3rn C r Eafatr.-v8 -DatP. (� 'J7.7171 :J do M r /z T\_ z M z 1 cn M n n SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Shealy Envif n.11c11r81 szrACc$ lnc". 1':CgU I Or L Do:.umcmt Numtcr w11;DO I BC-.4 C;i:cctivc Tait : 8P2o201 S Sample Receipt checklist (SR Cliem: SYNAGRO Cooler hispectEA byldate: LKH / 04-3020l9 Lot ir: UD30045 Mcarts ofrcccipt: `,j SESI 0 Client E] UPS ❑ FcdEx ® Other: ❑ ye"4 0 NO I 11. Were custody seals present on the cooleO Yes Np 0 NA 12, If csustody suaal3 were prusuni, weru LhLy intact and unbrok n? pH Strip ID: NA Chlorilic Strip ID; NA Tested 1ry: NA OTi heal temperacilr� upon l9a eiPt+'�3 (Correure;t) lemp:a�rture 1ljt7ra receipt %Solid Snap -Cup ID: 19-61 L 3,6 t3,61 =C NA INA c NA ; NA 'C Nil ;NA °C Method: jITemperature Blank []Agains" Botdes 1R (hurl iD- a I.R Cur+ Cormclian ra tor: 0' =C [ letliod of coolant: 0 Wet lee 0 Ice Packs El Dry Mt; ® Naiie _._ ❑ if temneratllrr: arany C04.11er vw.P Rvd 6A°C, was Prnicct Manngcr 'Notified? PIVI vas Notified b}r_ phone.+'email,+face-ta-facel'circ_leanel. ❑ Ycs 0 No O NA 4. is the cammnicrcial courier's packing slip attached to hits for1117 Yes ❑ Nu 5_ Were proper custody prmvdulr frefinaltiislleu`reCeivcd} Iblluwt d? I71 Yes No 6. Wetc sample 1Ds listed on the COC? ® Ycsj ❑ No 7. Wert�sornplu ID3i Lisicd on all samptocontaincr3? 0 Yes ❑ Nn S. Was collection date & time listed on the CQC? ® Yes ❑ No 9. Wus collection date & time listed on all sample containers? ® Y6.5 El 'No 10. Did all writaiour label informti Jur; (1D, date, lime) a with the COC? Yes D No 11, we[%e tent., to lie 1lerfnriried listed nri tha CAC:? � Yes ®Na 12, Did all samples arrive in the proper containem for each Le,t UFLdi >r in gosul condilion (unbroken, lids on, etc.)? r ® Yes ❑ No 13. was adequate sample volume availab] c? 9 Yes Q No 1-1. Wore all samplers receiver) within Vi the holding (illle or 49 hours. tvhidic!yer comes first) ❑ Yes No P5. Wgle any samples eonminets rnis9in&xcess (circle. ant~) samples Not Usled on COC? ® Yei! ® NO 0 NA lin 16. Fcm VOA nn,I RSh-175 sa.mplcs, �Arrc. Bubbles present }"pea -size" ('•d*'or fimm in diai�ictcr) aLnyofdie VDA vkAs" ® Yes No ONTA 17_ Were all ata p Ot'<22 ❑ fires 0 No ® NA ;IS- Weie all cyanide swipk:; mct:ivc(J tit a pHl 3 124 and sulfide gamplec received at a 1,11 _} 9" ❑ YesNn ®�A 19. ))Were ail applicableNf%;, TKN1cyanide�pheno1!625 (<:0.5mtr}I.) s;impls_s fray? of residual Chlorine? 1:1 es No ®NA 2f)- Were client mnarksarequestsfi.e. requested dilutions, WSAISD itesignalious, etc:..,} correctly transcribed from the COC into the curnment section in LiMS7 ❑ Yr No ? I, NVas he quote number listed on the container labol? If vcs Qaotc ' NA Sample )?'reservation (i w5t be complotael for any salliple(s) incorrectly paesertoa or %vitl'i ficu lspam.) Sampic(s) NL A were received hicorrectly Imserved ar d wur a pLl3'eCd 8CC�71'dCn�IV in sarnplo mocjving with NA mL of c jicle olte: W/.SO4, HN'03, HCI, NaOH usinG Slt # NA isle cif presorvtlliUrr NA If more than one preserw.ive. is needed. please note in the cam.-nent5 help►+-, Sample(S) NA _ were rrccivL 1 with bubbJes >6 tarn in diameter, Samples(s) NA 1vare received ►vith TRC - 0.5 rnEjL (if in 9 is na) and wee m atlJusted acoxdhigly in sample mewing willL sodium thiasulfate with Shealy 1D; NA SR harcodc labels applied by: JSH Dam_ 04-10-2019 Comments, Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 12 of 12 n 4 0 pbkR PROM PT•ACCU RATE -RELIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWW.1'A Rt.ABS.00i1,1 REPORT OF ANALYSES Attn: ADAM BRIGMAN SYNAGRO 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE, NC 2$134- PROJECT NAME: APR 19 DATE: 06/07/19 SAMPLE NUMBER- 135690 SAMPLE ID- MT HOLLY 30 DAYBENCH SAMPLE MATRIX- SO DATE SAMPLED- 04/30/19 DATE RECEIVED- 04/30/19 SAMPLER- AB RECEIVED BY- RE TIME RECEIVED- 1006 DELIVERED BY- AB TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page 1 of 1 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS 30 DAY BENCH SCALE TEST VAR 04/30/19 1310 RE 1.08 % LABORATORY DIRECTOR 2217 Graham Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704) 588-8333 • Fax: (704) 588-8335 PA&R PROM PT -ACCURATE- RELIABLE LABORATORIES, INC WWW. PARLAE3S. COM 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test Percent Volatile Solids Reduction SYNAGRO MOUNT HOLLY 135690 o • 04/30/19 Start: End: TS 0.1387 0.1479 TS% 1.43% 1.44% VS () 0.1062 0.1112 VS% 76.57% 75.19% y Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0109482 0.0108289 x Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0033504 0.0035739 FSVR Mass Balance 1.08% FSVR Van Kleeck) 1.08% FSVR Mass Balance <15% YES FSVR (Van Kleeck) <15% YES P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1433 Phone:(704) 588-8333 • Fax: (704) 588-8335 I PLkR PROMPT • ACCURATE- RELIABLE LABORATORIES, INC W W W.PARLABS.COM 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test VAN upuon 3, l-ercem voiame aoiias Keaucuon SYNAGRO ® MOUNT HOLLY 135690 04/30/19 a 05/28/19 As Received Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 Collected 04/30/19 04/30/19 05/07/19 05/14/19 05/21/19 05/28/19 D.O. Crucible Tare Wt (g) Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Liquid Sludge W1 (g) Oven Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Dried Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Dried Sludge-Wt (g) Fixed Solids Wt (g) Furnace Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Burned Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Volatile Solids Wt (g) TS% VS% 4.38 4.60 4.81 5.07 5.36 X10 X10 X15 X31 X13 X11 22.7074 22.7074 23.1830 .20.1017 21.8732 21.0376 32.4076 32.4076 33.5650 32.4876 32.2210 31.3064 9.7002 9.7002 10.3820 12.3859 10.3478 10.2688 105 105 106 105 106 106 04/30/19. 13:10 04/30/19 13:10 05/07/19 10:00 05/14/19 09:40 05/21/19 10:00 05/28/19 09:00 05/01/19 13:05 05/01/19 13:05 05/08/19 10:10 05/15/19 09:50 05/22/19 10:15 05/29/19 09:15 22.8461 22.8461 23.3304 20.2788 22.0191 21.1855 0.1387 0.1387 0.1474 0,1771 0.1459 0.1479 0.0325 0.0353 0.0428 0.0355 0.0367 550 550 550 550 550 05/01/19 15:55 05/08/19 13:50 05/15/19 13:40 05/22/19 14:00 05/29/19 12:50 05/01/19 17:00 05/08/19 14:10 05/15/19 14:50 05/22/19 15:10 05/29/19 13:05 22.7399 23.2183 20.1445 21.9087 21.0743 0.1062 0.1121 0.1343 0.1104 0.1112 1.43% 1.43% 1.42% 1.43% 1 1.41% 1 1.44% 76.57% 76.05% 75.83% 75.67% 75.19% yf Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Feed) yb Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at Start of Test 0.0109482 Sludge at End of Test 0.0108289 Xf Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge Xb Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Bottom) at Stan of Test 0.0033504 Sludge at End of Test 0.0035739 TS (9).0.1387 TS ( 0.1479 - VS () 1 0.1062 VS () 1 0,1112 Volatile Fraction In: 0.53545 Volatile Fraction Out: 0.52215 P.O. Box 411483 • Chulotte, NC 28241.1483 Phone: (704)588.8333 0 Fax:(704) 588-8335 L R LABORATORIES. . INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY PAR Laboratories, Inc Phone (704) 588-8333 Fax (704) -588-8335 Shipping: Mailing: 2217 Graham Park Drive PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories. Inc. and the North CMrnli— rinnnrf—nf of P—immmantni and Nnhi-I P—ir— Company Name (billing) Comments/ Special Instructions Clarifier Effluent provided in the event that SYNAGRO CENTRAL Address the sample needs to be reduced to below 12701 LANCASTER HWY 2% solids. City, State Ft zip code PINEVILLE NC 28134 Point of Contact li Telephone Number ADAM BRIGMAN 704-650-4341 Sample Taken By: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTING? YES _VNO 'Sample Type: DW vVW _l GWMW HW soil Other Sample Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C "Field Preserved: Yes No ✓Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes _No _ n/a Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (Y/N): Dechlorination Necessary (Y/N): Client Sample I.D. Sample Location ! Number) Comp Grab Preserv. Set Up Dateffime Collection Daterrime Analyses Requested All , f -(o 0(1 30 OCA &-Pic h ✓ y �0//9 �0 �� s� I �1�1�t Sc��e Relinquished b uate/ l Ime Keceivea p . .r,_;- water i lme qbo'd6 RelinquiSAW I Date Ime Received by: Daterrime C=Composite G=Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Mount Holly WQ Permit Number: WQ0001863 WWTP Name: Mt Holly WWTP NPDES Number: NCO021156 Monitoring Period: From 07/01/2019 To 09/30/2019 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2B (Alk Treatment) Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/1) (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density X Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion If nnnlienhle to alternative nerfnrmed (Class A nr Class R) rmmnlete the fnllnwina mnnitnrinv dntac Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density No. of Frequency Sample Analytical Excee- of Type Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units deuces Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 61h MPN Coliform power per gram MPN/g Quarterly Grab SM9221 C of total solids CFU 57,767 58,874 62,520 CFU/g 0 Quarterly Grab SM9222D 1000 MPN per gram of total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate option/alternative performed: Option/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 Option/Alt. 3 Option/Alt. 4 (VS reduction) (40-day bench) (30-day bench) X (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Alt. 5 Option/Alt. 6 Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (14-Day Aerobic) (Alk Stabilization) (Drying — Stable) (Drying — Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement to 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Doug Shoudt Division Manager Wastewater Prepar a e and Ti (type or print) i v Si ature o reparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Synagro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: City of Mt. Holly Project Number: 50-1301 Lot Number:UG10023 Date Completed:07/18/2019 07/18/2019 3:28 PM Approved and released by: Lab Director - Greenville: Lucas Odom 2� pCCff�c�' O A ACCREDITED �9e0R,---IDODELAP-- The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 12 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Lot Number: UG10023 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. Geometric Mean Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UG10023-001 Description: 3 of 4 Fecal Mt Holly Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0810 % Solids: 1.60 07/11/2019 0054 Date Received:07/10/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 07/12/2019 0110 MDD 07/10/2019 2121 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <62520 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Daly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 12 Client: Synagro Laboratory ID: UG10023-002 Description: 3 of 4 Fecal Mt Holly Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0810 % Solids: 1.71 07/11/2019 0054 Date Received:07/1012019 Inorganic non-metals tun Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 07/12/2019 0110 MDD 07/10/2019 2121 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <58394 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UG10023-003 Description: 3 of 4 Fecal Mt Holly Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0810 % Solids: 1.72 07/11/2019 0054 Date Received:0711012019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 07/12/2019 0110 MDD 07/10/2019 2121 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <57984 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 5 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UG10023-004 Description: 3 of 4 Fecal Mt Holly Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0810 % Solids: 1.71 07/11/2019 0054 Date Received:07110/2019 Inorganic non-metals Win Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 07/12/2019 0110 MDD 07/10/2019 2121 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <58620 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 6 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UG10023-005 Description: 3 of 4 Fecal Mt Holly Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0810 % Solids: 1.70 07/11/2019 0054 Date Received:07110/2019 Inorganic non-metals ;un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 07/12/2019 0110 MDD 07/10/2019 2121 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <58734 20 col/g 1 LOCI = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis !aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7 of 12 Client: Synagro Laboratory ID: UG10023-006 Description: 3 of 4 Fecal Mt Holly Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0810 % Solids: 1.72 07/11/2019 0054 Date Received:07110/2019 Inorganic non-metals un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 07/12/2019 0110 MDD 07/10/2019 2121 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <58234 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 8 of 12 Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UG10023-007 Description: 3 of 4 Fecal Mt Holly Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:07/10/2019 0810 % Solids: 1.73 07/11/2019 0054 Date Received:07/1012019 Inorganic non-metals tun Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 07/12/2019 0110 MDD 07/10/2019 2121 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <57767 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis ealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 9of12 Chain i Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 10 of 12 �c) o=r mCD v v� � m s co O O JT £JS c� 0.3 o ;v m m IIP.;If Z EYf2�ro (M 0 0 12701 LnacasDs.,- li%kr°C c �ItSr �ilare IP CCde' Pinevi--- ag F.� 2F'3•t CO Prc-'ert Nn =nif:ut Merrbar m ae:npin IDf :)e5zdp1lall w ,L�n.ainels feOV filt p1,= T,3% be GcrTtbiniti or aria Ille:t o It -n w a) CD _ O W O V N � C N N N U 0 3 Shealy Envfcon-rnent@i SP-rvl ^es, !roc. y'Record '-I n Poh, t bb'e-Z Columbia Sautl� c;s: olina �917� TNephane N10. f8W',• ; 91-9 00 Fax i\lo. (802) PrNtr,shes 15 jab.00lat ReF4ft10 Oanl t 8; npler xutm ert�:rtan Mani Br(gr•;1,g j �'eferiteYlc t+fc. i Fax NO. r Erre=' 4F49•t:�•.2�1;;1�t 1 a - 'r'1d}'tYlll \'�i. bri9:ran�y-y�rr�r9;.om i . Unprar. 4. H' m 7, NaOFI 2- NQ1OFV.2.i 1 5, 1ICL r Hi�C9 ai.Na-hfa. �Cttmher eft: d ` U U� Tineo [i C-',ra UVd IN1V S n w � 4 tf tiiA�r n c r u �. TPAfCLzrdli,,tE•i6C1.2Yed,,n'I3.:IECt;Ji4'Yr"rTa n3ifL'imt, rot exFCCIIEd iAil .�.'9�.��S�g iJIRJ3ll u"FBI •. r I —I � sxlrld [�Ru';tI;PY'<v ugeey!I � J ;r �n ❑ I-C'um to •11i"t QC f aquir. aunts ([-lease i] bfanasar tipccifpj P•nf"..He x . ��IlnyL. J bg; t',r..fawn _ by Lab DPoed snl OFte f Tlrleef.Riv wi ^iinqu}ghad by q f f• C 6� C P.eln7,1- '-, : b;, ❑[tte ' �. Riv.d by Da'.e rme Nv�•�: r EE sarnpfos are r$f41nad Tor six tive&ks from racei])t Urliess pZ[]4r ariran+�ernents ire merle fLr r USE�--r- Par elv an is f {Cf eck} '' i D rlY FEs_K Number n' UG10023 Wa r f%' pw .4 7Lr 111 HFU-rnabre �S►:irl Irrt nt Ul1vmw., Ligt� ilra�` — -{ (a f ys' DELL.. Time AID- j 35 Date ir[la i; Temp. Tarl�S. T _ n ffleciPwa 17aIr: SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Sheulr Fnvlronlro=:l I Ssrn:ca, ji�a DocumaTA NimUkT_ riGOpIAC-F- i Ps�r. I •�i' I rrroctiLnn IL: N")jiDIS Saimple Receipt Checklist (SRC5 t;l3ert: ynas;ro Coiner ln5 ected by,datc: LTD i 7110119 Lot tom: LICsIOD?; MuHns nfreceipt, SESI ❑ Client Q UPS 0 laedF.x Q Othtr; — Yes Nn t_ Wcna custody seals present. on the cooky? Yes r10 f4rA 2_ If etrstadv seals were pt-esea4 w'cre t[leY intact and urlbrnkell7 H Strip [D: ttiA Chlorine Strip 1173; NA TmCd by:7tiA 101ij-,Inal temperature ❑por receipt J D;rived (Cnmcud) temperature upnn receipt %Solid Snap-t71tp ID; 19-1020 17 �`a.7 IC NA 'o'NA °C NA DNA oC 14A ,NA :{ 14?eC6od: J Tempiranu Blank ®A ainst f Ottles ift tiun ID, 6 _ Ik c Jan Correction Factor: 0 :]c i twiethni of coolcut1: ® 'et Ice ❑ [rzu I'aam Q Dr.. Iti-- El None ❑ Yes ❑ o . It temperanire of:tny cooler excccded 6.01C. was Proiect. hlana;er lwot[tied? ' I'M was T�otified by: phone 1 etreo-iil face-t(,-fagc (circle Ono). ❑ Yes Q Na d\lA q. is lhuminmercial c.ollder's pl;cking.slip attached to [his form? Ye, +y ry No S. Were a proper cu.,Iody procedures (ralin.luishedh-recived) fol lowed`i Yes 7~Tir 6,Jerc sample if].s listed un tits CQC? i ® y; Q N4r 7. Were santiple IDy listed on all sample enntainees? I i YM 'WL."; eollectian date & tir[1e l istcd on the C OC? Y Nn 9. ' as collection rlate Ac rime listed tIn Hil samP[e wlntainerw? YUS Q iJo 10_ Did all co,tlaincr laher information (11), date, time) aegr•ee ,With the COC° ® Y651 Q No 11. Wurc tests ro L,c ero�rrmcc[ lisred nn the L'QC ; — Yes Ll n 12. Did rll samples urivc in the. Propea• curanincrs fet' each test mza('ar in t:r(f ronditiart (unhalkcn, lids on, etc.)? ®Yas EI No 13. V�'a ; adn�uaie samp le vL`Iurnc avaiJalb[o? Yes ❑ No 14. Wer,e,,,ll sainplesreceivail s.•ithin'r'a the. holriing tulle or43 hours, uvhichcuercomas first?! Yes No IS. Were any ma—'— enntainers n�issiar� taccss (circJt• orle) sarnocs Not listed on CC)(}? ® Yes Q lti°v O NA 16. T'orV0A and RSK-]?.5 samples; wope bubbles prefiurtt'},pea-siz-0" ('r'W%ar 6mni in (fiainct; ) in 2TlY of the VOA; vials? ® Yes El Na N—A 17. tiWere kill 131104accals4lulrimit 5111e to received ata pH L)F--2? Q Yes �NL 0 ®N.q 1 s. ti4'erc all cyanide samples received nt a l-1 :: 12 and sWftdc samples received nt a Id > 9? 0 Yes MNo [DNA Iy We're all ap�,lical,le. H,TI{jyfclratSidr�`[,lienolr'ti'?5 {�� 0.5m'WLi salnfiles Urce ofresi ul chlorine? Yes [] hie ] NA 20. tVere client rctm:Rrksrreque5ts (i.e. mquested dilution.g, h4S+[�9SD tlrsignadens, etc...) ' correctly trail wribcd ti'o:tr the CDC into the comment section in LFINIS7 Q Yes NO 3 J . 'Jr'as titre note awnbcr listed ca the conlniner label? If ties, Quote # NA ir¢ple Pt-eatiation (Must be completed for any sample(,;) incorrer;lly preservesi (jr witli ttc•adspsceQ Sarnplr (s) 1`dfi. were received incormctly pr+escrvied atttd were aijusrW acco;clin ' y in samplo receiving -.with NA ML of circle one; 112SO4, H O:-'P, HC'J, NaOEJ usiiro SKr NA Titrtn of trae,ervation h[!t If moit Ihnn one preservative is needed, Please notr in the comments_ below, i Sample(,) HA ware e�x Ned with blffblus>6 mm in diameter. Satttp:esj ac 1�1A were received with `Fit s -x 0.5 mkjl. (If t 19 is ►to j and avr-m justetl accotYlinglp• in sample receiving.witb sodiurtl thic�ullaW(N-,L2320D'-With ShCaly ID_ NA _ SR barcode labels applied by: I MIJ Dare: W10,•19 Cnm Wiest ls; Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 12 of 12 PLI PRO MPT- ACCU RATE- RELIABLE LAB 0P-A'r0P,IES.7 INC WW%V.PARLABS.00M REPORT OF ANALYSES Attn: ADAM BRIGMAN SYNAGRO 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVTLLE, NC 28134- PROJECT NAME: JUL 19 DATE: 08/30/19 SAMPLE NUMBER- 136518 SAMPLE !D- HOLLY "I OF 4 DATE SAMPLED- 07/17/19 DATE RECEIVED- 0'7/18/19 SAMPLER- AB TIME RECEIVED- 0845 DELIVERED BY- AB Page I of 1 ANALYSIS 30 DAY BENCH SCALE TEST A N A T,'--'S 1 S MIE 11-10D DATE TIME BY SAMPLE MATRIX- SO TIME SAMPLED- 1000 RECEIVED BY- RE TYPE SAMPLE- Grab RESULT UNITS VAR 07/18/19 RE 3.87 %- T,ASOR.7,'rORY D T R "-CTC','R 2217 Graham Park Drive - Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704) 588-8333 - Fax: (704) 588-8335 PLLF;Z PROM PT•ACCU RATE• RELI A BLE LABORATORIES, INC WWW.PARLASS.COM 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test Percent Volatile Solids Reduction SYNAGRO MT HOLLY 3 OF 4 136518 • 07/18/19 r � • 08/15/19 Start: End: TS () 0.1849 0.1854 TS% 1.92% 1.91 % VS ) 0.1414 0.1370 VS% 76.47% 73.89% y Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0146819 0.0141100 x Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.00451671 0.0049849 FSVR (Mass Balance) 3.91 % FSVR Van Kleeck 3.87% FSVR Mass Balance <15% YES FSVR (Van Kleeck) <15% YES P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) S88-8333 0 Fax: (704) 588-8335 PAR PROMPT' ACCURATE- RELIABLE LABORATORIES, INC W W W. PARLABS.COM 30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test VAR Ontinn 3 Percant Volatile Snlids Reduction CLIENT NAME: ' • SAMPLE 10 _ IVIT HOLLYOF 4 START DATE* LEND D6TE: As Received Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 Collected 07/18/19 07118119 07126/19 08/01/19 08108119 08/15119 D.O. Crucible Tare Wt (g) Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Liquid Sludge Wt (g) Oven Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Dried Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Dried Sludge Wt (g) Fixed Solids Wt (g) Furnace Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Burned Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Volatile Solids Wt (g) TS% VS% 2.18 3.34 3.57 3.72 4.30 X23 X23 X29 X27 X5 X14 21.9000 21.9000 20.1068 17.4229 20.5168 20.9054 31.5309 31.5309 30.5067 27.0493 30.3203 30.6148 9.6309 9.6309 10.3999 9.6264 9.8035 9.7094 106 106 107 105 106 106 07/18/19 10:50 07/18/19 10:50 07/25/19 09:15 08/01/19 10:00 08/08/19 08:50 08/15/19 08:45 07/19/19 11:00 07/19/19 11:00 07/26/19 09:00 08/02/19 09:45 08/09/19 09:00 08/16/19 09:10 22.0849 22.0849 20.3034 17.6068 20.7040 21.0908 0.1849 0.1849 0.1966 0.1839 0.1872 0.1854 0.0435 0.0478 0.0449 0.0468 0.0484 550 550 550 550 550 07/19/19 16:10 07/26/19 14:50 08/02/19 13:45 08/09/19 14:00 08/16/19 14:20 07/19/19 17:05 07/26/19 16:00 08/02/19 14:50 08/09/19 15:05 08/16/19 15:30 21.9435 20.1546 17.4678 20.5636 20.9538 0.1414 0.1488 0.1390 0.1404 0.1370 1.92% 1.92% 1.89% 1.91% 1.91% 1.91% 76.47% 75.69% 75.58% 75.00% 73.89% yf Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Feed) yb Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at Start of Test 0.0146819 Sludge at End of Test 0.0141100 Xf Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge Xb Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Bottom) at Start of Test 0.0045167 Sludge at End of Test 0.0049849 TS () 0.1849 TS () 0.1854 VS () 0.1414 VS () 1 0.137 Volatile Fraction In: 0.39828 Volatile Fraction Out: 0.38686 P.O. Box 411483 • Charlotte. NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 0 Fax: (704) 588-8335 q CHAIN ®F CUSTODY ATORIES.INC. L PAR Laboratories, Inc Phone (704) 588-8333 Fax (704)-588-8335 Shipping: Mailing: 2217 Graham Park Drive PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories. Inc. and the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources. C N b'II.- ompany ame (t tng) Comments/ Special Instructions SYNAGRO CENTRAL Address 12701 LANCASTER HWY City, State It zip code PINEVILLE NC 28134 Point of Contact t-s Telephone Number ADAM BRIGMAN 704-650-4341 Sample Taken By: SIGNATURE -- Clarifier Effluent provided in the event that the sample needs to be reduced to below 2% solids. PRINTED NAME ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTINCy? YES 1/ NO "Sample Type: DW WW GWMW HW Soil Other Sample Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C "Field Preserved: Yes No Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No n/a Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (Y/N): Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): Client Sample I.D. Sample Location / Number) Comp Grab Preserv. Set Up Date/Time Collection Date/Time Analyses Requested /%'li, I le lj� 3aFN 30 Gat 9&0 Vtv;� 7ly �o Cyy r�cuuyuiancu u uarel l lrne by: Dated" e 71.tte etlE IN - �� 07 r-�) f) � Relinquishe y DateTme Received by: Da e/Time C=Composite G=Grab DW=Drinking Water WW=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste 6 ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Mount Holly WQ Permit Number: WQ0001863 WWTP Name: Mt Holly WWTP NPDES Number: NCO021156 Monitoring Period: From 010/01/2019 To 12/31/2019 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A• Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2B (Alk Treatment) Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density X Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens If applicable to alternative per (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion - --- - - Parameter - - Allowable Level in Sludge — a1 " GUiu .- hue lUllUW1R momrorin Pathogen Density aara: No. of Frequency Sample Analytical Excee- of Type Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dences Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 61h MPN Coliform power per gram MPN/g Quarterly Grab SM9221C of total solids X.. CFU 53,014 60,122 109,836 CFU/g 0 Quarterly Grab SM9222D 1900 MPN per gram of total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total e bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) - Please indicate option/alternative performed: 0ption/Alt. 1 (VS reduction) Option/Mt. 2 (40-day bench) Option/Alt. 3 Option/Mt. 4 (30-day bench) X (Spec. 02 uptake) Option.Wt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) Option/Mt. 6 (Alk Stabilization) Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (Drying — Stable) (Drying — Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Doug Shoudt Division Manager Wastewater Prepar ame and Title (type or print) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) .0 Signature o reparer* Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) *Prep4eris• ea. fia%0,CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15ANCAC 2T.1102 (26) Date '_J _ * �I �•, i � )-'A dJ . L! !— Ar 'tea . Synalglro 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville, NC 28134 Attention: Adam Brigman Project Name: Mt Holly 50-1701 Project Number: 50-1701 Lot Number:UJ09071 Date Completed:10/11/2019 10/16/2019 2:54 PM Approved and released by: Lab Director - Greenville: Lucas Odom �pCCRE���A AMAB :#. C4BORA'[ ACCREDITED DOD VAP The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 1 of 13 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Synagro Loft Number: UJ09071 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary " following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. Geometric Mean 60,122 Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 2 of 13 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Sample Summary Synagro Lot Number: UJ09071 Sample Number Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 001 4 of 4 Fecal Solid 10/09/2019 0900 10/09/2019 002 4 of 4 Fecal Solid 10/09/2019 0900 10/09/2019 003 4 of 4 Fecal Solid 10/09/2019 0900 10/09/2019 004 4 of 4 Fecal Solid 10/09/2019 0900 10/09/2019 005 4 of 4 Fecal Solid 10/09/2019 0900 10/09/2019 006 4 of 4 Fecal Solid 10/09/2019 0900 10/09/2019 007 4 of 4 Fecal Solid 10/09/2019 0900 10/09/2019 (7 samples) Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 3 of 13 Inorganic non-metals Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UJ09071-001 Description: 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:10/09/2019 0900 % Solids: 1.83 10/10/2019 0042 Date Received:10/09/2019 un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 10/10/2019 2051 AMR 10/09/2019 2103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <54600 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 4 of 13 Inorganic non-metals Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UJ09071-002 Description: 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid ite Sampled:1010912019 0900 % Solids: 1.81 10/10/2019 0042 e Received:1010912019 in Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 10/10/2019 2051 AMR 10/09/2019 2103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 55203 20 col/g 1 wu = Limit of Uuantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL it of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis , y Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 5 of 13 Inorganic non-metals Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UJ09071-003 Description: 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:10109/2019 0900 % Solids: 1.87 10/10/2019 0042 -,te Received:10109/2019 un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 10/10/2019 2051 AMR 10/09/2019 2103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <53573 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis _..__., ...... ...... ...... _-...-- ..._. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 6 of 13 Inorganic non-metals Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UJ09071-004 Description: 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:10/09/2019 0900 % Solids: 1.89 10/10/2019 0042 )ate Received:1010912019 un Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 10/10/2019 2051 AMR 10/09/2019 2103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- <53014 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL " - Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. i ub Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 7 of 13 Inorganic non-metals Client:Synagro Laboratory ID:UJ09071-005 Description: 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid ate Sampled:10/09/2019 0900 % Solids: 1.82 10/10/2019 0042 ite Received:1010912019 in Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 10/10/2019 2051 AMR 10/09/2019 2103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 109836 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL Jut of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 8 of 13 Inorganic non-metals Client:Synagro Laboratory ID: UJO9071-006 Description: 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid )ate Sampled:10/09/2019 0900 % Solids: 1.84 10/10/2019 0042 ate Received: 10109/2019 Lin Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch I (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 10/10/2019 2051 AMR 10/09/2019 2103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 54463 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40% J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL " - Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis aly Environmental Services, Inc. 1ot3 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 9 of 13 Inorganic non-metals Client: Synagro Laboratory ID: UJ09071-007 Description: 4 of 4 Fecal Matrix: Solid - ate Sampled:10/09/2019 0900 % Solids: 1.80 10/10/2019 0042 to Received:10109/2019 Lin Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Fecal Colifo) SM 9222 D-2006 1 10/10/2019 2051 AMR 10/09/2019 2103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Fecal Coliform-MF SM 9222 D- 55451 20 col/g 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit ND = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and> DL Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis oiicaly Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www, Page 10 of 13 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 11 o_ -- C) 0 -n x 0 t (D w 0 3 eoll"IN Oak Of Cuslody.Record CNIVIO A I t,,.* "A fl;.o ff Or bo CAI ljyp &'s) SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 106 Vantago Polfft Bravo - 'Afest C-blumbila, sc .25i772 Telephone No. SM791-0,700 r7ax No. B03-791-9111 spal M. -d ----------- V, P, Joy ORD —1 &smftb.fft-pwp, Mmn,!fe.,d -1 Fhrim&lp. 4r.4 M L ilrd Dy Tjq, e Rdvl W, j�T% ri%,41's L, b _ns i Thim., TXM M1189: Aff sa-molipo are rc,,,Uj,,36d for four DwAnR fmm, recso;pf, l6rje. 1"'Him & rp;.,LrBfuTJ it j�6,9�"y polb Sawl4); t,)M-FWLDC&,rlr Car" -xi CA 0 USS ONI edfc—/ Rm-silmdonhm �cqpa N U tin ber 71911-0 UJI09071 Qc- r*q4krromwig ('spnwjJj pate Der roul RW.w-rpTgpqA JA'jrI—. rlrNlfc,-,bsf.' P-A0,133 Mlrechft,e Dam,. Of,,O. i -),) P4 : M SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICEIS2_1 C. 17 Sllne En..imi'mcc-11:11 55;mvicen, Ine. Pagu E ; A 13Ut:UZ1W1dXuinLq:-,7 MECOISO-14 Sa-t-uple Receipt Cheeldist (SRQ El.-DoJvu Mtv: 9.11'21.A5 ,0;6riL- FYnigml Cooler luspecced `%N e IWA19 UIL 4: V cans cftwciPt: 21 SE El CliMil Other; Ej UPS 11 FmEx E ye`- i P1 No N'Vpm, awd-ity.-ic als Twc.4cnL an Ow mole-T? —,-,,Fr FTYirane en �tb& se-als -were rjyase�-it, w(1 ere , �(%y -t nad unbrok? pRStrip ID; N A ChlorinG Strip ID: NA 'Icsmd by:. Original lum-pem4w; upon m-wipt! Durlx-d (Coiw=d) 1,rvmperajrjjv- upon ro=ipt 1,4c Solid Barak —Cup 17D, il—AY61 4.5 i4.5 ;:C, NA IN.4,L tpC- T.-,1A k�C ,Nek . NA !NA vDc_ 11�w i'� Nfefh6d, 0 Temp--zrawre Blank ®A iziiist Bottle-9 IPk Gun I D; 5 IR Gwri Corrccmior, Faj;-tor; 0 ac kleibod ofunolanf: ®Wet Tc� 0 Tw- Parks r] T),y 11kv EJ Nonw- Ycs NW O-N.. 3. ine-ntpe-MLU.rk-� Of MY L!4J*ttr tfxL-!.U--d--d 45,0'42, PTxjjf4U', )rjEfln4j''QC Nj1U6fwj? - PM was NfLiriel", bv: phorr� .1 &tvail J r:L0e-V!,-rzL,--e (Cikpin rnc)- 7 YGS- ON o VNA�+ L% the waniviercial. vov6w"s P Rjag slip atta IjCt4 sip tIi!5 lkni? Yc.-, El No! EO �1. wm);� pravicr Gus: dy procoamms (i.c.linquishodhecoNed) foRm-mO V1 Ycs El ND' 0. ljUMP4G TD% last w DR Lhu COO yes [AqDl somplo WIS RAc-d ron qu sample gentpinor-l? 0 Yes IIND 'W2 X. L c 3 11U C I E ki-n d2i It & i hm tt I i s x Mi c-Ti I I i v: C 0 G? El Ycs 91-NoI 19, 9R.,Ms QuIx:47(vil rkLu & time thaw an all samptu oDntaftims? Ycs 0 ND 1 I141. Did All iriforolation CID, date., ffi11,6) agreewith dieccjc? V1 Yus LIM4 LVjur6 lastsul bapcTfi)miqd1iqk7d on tbe.,COG? 21 yes DINo 12. Did all samples arrive inthe rot mob 6--st AiEld"Or to good C-Onditimn roke ti, iid3 or fl, Q. I c YeN U. RmRlq yoknie avalkble'? —Y, FE Nm l k. Were all] samples recelved wiffiiti V?. LE.,e.holdinZ dime t3j-49 houn,, wbi how-ronipiz-5 flu-w —Ins 1 ills L-5. Vveco any.3wrLptes coj1W.2-11erS flli ;giljE;:'Qee*o (6r-;;!1u avui-.) saTiplc%ti Not 1i%[j2d cm Yc-s No 0 NA Pi. ForNTIA ajidRSK-M Anmples,were babble prascz)t;,`pca-sj7W- 6ninlin d "ainater) in any of flie VQA 6@20 ay —es -Iq-0 —N.L 17. wc," al", DR.Gliwilsfawrivin sainples received at 3pli of Y.s MR-M —1-1 —ff1x I.B. Were all tipanidle san-Lpleg ruceived at zplf > 62 aial sAffdr, 8nTnplaq -raa-L;VC !dAt a PH 9? El Yes 0 NQ ®NA L 9. "Wur.p-al, ap-p-Hicable N13j(1KN1cyanidia4ipheuo 25 qEi es free chlorine? YCLI Ellmrt 0 =4.1 (3 -8, %"Aare elletit rem3wk,:,-rE!qLPesLq (i.e. tequested dfludmsl M-SiNTSD dmigna6loki5, ow-.) ,rrectly bmiscrib2d frotm the COC into, the a "Lm(-,n( secti.Q& in f-IMS? El Ym I VJ No 21. Was the q theta itarnb er I i,;te d, o,,i the e onjaip e-r I -;%bcl? It ycL% 0 uotti Pr NA Samplef-Inservation (Milst k completcd fbr any sample(s) itizorrectly preserved at with bonldspawj $aIllpie(q) -KA weir: mQcivcd hic.,orrccdy prcscrved and w,--jv ad.1tisted acoordingEy irs mmpk rvw: jju7 witti NA mUu-IFcim,[-. oncy MS04,RN-03, HUI, NaUl-I iisiiig Sit tl NA Tim,! vElpruscu-jaijor, NA If unorc thLan one pr-csa-va1hre is necded. plewc: note hi the r-mritneaits E einw. Sample(s) WA w--rt; nxxiiroawitb b;6blom; 6-6 mni in diamcta-. Salt rples(s) NA wvrt- -ecuiwRl'imi 1h'TRfC '- 03 w&111 - (if 0 1 tj -05 fOO '� F4111w, CE�2-7— ailjmuqtad aDcorangly €a sampl-- recehing, with sncfluin Nwsulltarp, (Nh,,�, ) With Shk.-,jjy NIA ;;R baroode I-at-vaL- LIppIted DMIN Date_ 10A)WO Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 Page 13 of 13 P AEL UR PROM PT•AC CURATE -RE LIABLE J_,A_B®P_A-F0FUF".S, IWC \VWlV.PARLABS.00M REPORT OF ANALYSES Attn: ADAM BRIGMAN SYNAGRO 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE, NC 28134- PROJECT NAME: OCT 19 DATE: 12/09/19 SAMPLE NUMBER- 137485 SAMPLE ID- MT. HOLLY 4 OF 4 SAMPLE MATRIX- SO DATE SAMPLED- 10/28/19 TIME SAMPLED- 1000 DATE RECEIVED- 10/30/19 SAMPLER- AB RECEIVED BY- DJ TIME RECEIVED- 1025 DELIVERED BY- AB TYPE SAMPLE- Grab Page. 1 of 1 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS METHOD DATE TIME BY RESULT UNITS 30 DAY BENCH SCALE TEST VAR 10/30/19 RE 1.04 o LABORATORY DIRECTOR - - ' =•-' _ 2217 Graham Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704) 588-8333 = Fax: (704) 588-8335 a PA PROMPT- ACCU RATE- RELIABLE WWW.PARLABS.COM Solids30 Day Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test Percent Volatile Reduction Start: End: TS O 0.1598 0.1855 TS% 1.82% 1.82% VS ) 0.1223 0.1405 VS% 76.53% 75.74% y Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid Sludge 0-01392951 0.0137814 x Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid Sludge 0.0042711 0.0044140 FSVR Mass Balance) 1.06% FSVR Van Kleeck) 1.04% FSVR (Mass Balance) <15% YES FSVR (Van Kleeck) <15% YES P.O. Box 411483 * Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Phone: (704) 588-8333 i Fax: (704) 588-8335 r PLIR PRO MPT• ACCU RATE, R ELIAS LE LABORATORIES, INC W W W. PARLABS.COM Collected D.O. Crucible Tare Wt (g) Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Liquid Sludge W (g) Oven Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Dried Sample W + Tare Wt (g) Dried Sludge Wt (g, Fixed Solids Wt (g; Furnace Temp °C Date/Time In Date/Time Out Burned Sample Wt + Tare Wt (g) Volatile Solids Wt (g) TS% VS% 30 ®ay Bench Scale Extended Aeration Test VAN uption 3, Nercent Volatile jowl Keauction SYNAGRO MT HOLLY 4 OF 4 137485 10/30/19 11/27/19 As Received Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28 10/30/19 10/30/19 11 /06/19 11/13119 11 /20/19 11127/19 3.60 4.93 5.41 5.71 5.89 X28 X28 X11 X9 X16 X20 21.0987 21.0987 21.0367 21,5208 23.1838 15.0166 29.8786 29.8786 30.3560 31.2021 32.0543 25.2115 8.7799 8.7799 9.3183 9.6813 8.8705 10.1949 105 105 107 106 106 107 10/30/19 14:50 10/30/19 14:50 11/06/19 08:40 11/13/19 09:00 11/20/19 08:50 11/27/19 08:25 10/31/19 14:30 10/31/19 14:30 11/07/19 08:30 11/14/19 09:05 11/21/19 08:55 11/28/19 08:30 21.2585 21.2585 21.2091 21.6970 23.3461 15.2021 0.1598 0.1598 0.1724 0.1762 0.1623 0.1855 0.0375 0.0407 0.0419 0.0389 0.0450 550 550 550 550 550 10/31/19 16:20 11/07/19 09:55 11/14/19 14:30 11/21/19 15:00 12/02/19 15:50 10/31/19 17:25 11/07/19 11:00 11/14/19 15:40 11121 / 19 16:05 12/02/19 17:00 21.1362 21.0774 21.5627 23,2227 15.0616 0.1223 0.1317 0.1343 0.1234 0.1405 1.82% 1.82% 1.85% 1.82% 1.83% 1.82% 76.53% 76.39% 76.22% 76.03% 75.74% yf Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge at Start of Test 0.0139295 A Mass Fraction of Volatile Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at End of Test 0.0137814 Xf Mass Fraction of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Feed) Sludge at Start of Test 0.0042711 Xb Mass FraLton of Fixed Solids in Liquid (Bottom) Sludge at End of Test 0.0044140 TS (g) 0.1598 TS (g) 0.1855 VS (g) 0.1223 VS (g) 0.1405 Volatile Fraction In: 0.42049 Volatile Fraction Out: 0.41615 P.O. Box 411483 a Charlotte, NIZ 28241-1483 Phone: (704)588-8333111Fax: (704) 588-8335 a a'. - PAR CHAIN OF CUSTODY L4 SOR4 TORIES. INC- PAR Laboratories, Inc Phone (704)588-8333 Fax (704)-588-8335 Shipping: Mailing: 2217 Graham Park Drive PO Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories, Inc. and the North !•...,.i:..., fl.....,.A...nn, of Cn..irnnmcn Fir anA Rl�t, ir�l rJncnirnec Company Name (billing) Comments/ Special Instructions Clarifier Effluent provided in the event that SYNAGRO CENTRAL Address the sample needs to be reduced to below 12701 LANCASTER H1NY 2% solids. City, State rt zip code PINEVILLE NC 28134 Point of Contact ti Telephone Number ADAM BRIGMAN 704-650-4341 Sample '`' yy�� Taken By: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME /�-(JCl1'1 ARE SAMPLES FOR STATE or EPA REPORTING? YES NO *Sample Type: DW WW GWMW HW soil Other Sample Temp at time of sampling: ° C Sample Temp upon receipt: ° C **Field Preserved: Yes No Teflon Liner/Zero Headspace: Yes No n1a Residual Chlorine checked at time of sampling (Y/N): Dechlorination Necessary (YIN): Client Sample I.D. (Sample Location ! Number) Comp Grab Preserv. Set Up DateTme Collection DateTme Analyses Requested ��1 ��o<< 3� r� n A ���1P 16- tieunqursnea by: �/ � Z�r e• rcecervpaoy. - vare�rme� Relinquished v �DatefFime Received by: DatefRme C=Composite G=Grab DW=Drinking Water UWV=Wastewater GWMW=Groundwater Monitoring Well HW=Hazardous Waste C SECTION 6 Agricultural Lime Application Log 2019 Project: Mount Holly 50-1701 Field 11 Grower =SoilJ Lime Requirement Tons/Acre Date Total (state -county -site -field) 11 ®H from soil anal sis A lied A lied Acres NC-CL-12-01 11 RiverTaw 6.4 0 Ton/Acre 0.0 0 51.2 NC-GA-41-01 I Greg S rin s 5.61 0.3 Ton/Acre NC-GA-41-06 11 Greg S rin s 5.7 0.2 Ton/Acre NC-GA-41-10 11 Greg S rin s 5.6 0.3 Ton/Acre 1.0 ® 7.9 NC-GA-41-14 11 Greg S rin F-5-5--11 0.3 Ton/Acre NC-LT-46-01 Tonv Jones 6.6 0 Ton/Acre 0.0 0 11.8 NC-LT-46-02 Tony Jones 6.5 0 Ton/Acre I0.0 45.2 NC-LT-46-03 Tony Jones--]6.51 0 Ton/Acre 0.0 0 9.9 NC-LT-46-04 Ton Jones I6.41 0 Ton/Acre 0.0 19.4 NC-LT-46-08 Ton Jones 6.5 0 Ton/Acre I0.0 0 6.6 NC-MG-37-01 11 Dean Connell 6.1 0 Ton/Acre 0.0 0 20.2 # lime has been ordered but not spread SECTION 7 Page 1 of 1 Report No: 20-017-1175 Account No: 11010 Advisor: Synagro-LEWA (52-0174) Adam Brigman. 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville NC 28134 Waypo'16 ANALYTICAL Client: Rivertow Mt. Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Farm: NC-CL-12 Date Received: 01/17/2020 Date of Report: 01/20/2020 Lab No Field ID Sample ID Soil Class HM% WIV pH Ac P-1 K-1 S-1 Mn-1 Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-1 GEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N 25214 12-01 MIN 1.2 6.4 0.5 21 131 37 213 80 80 120 5.8 91 48 30 1.3 0.1 Comment: Test result units = CEC and Na in meq/100cm3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; WN in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines. Analvsis oreoared bv: Wavooint Analytical Virginia. Inn. Page 1 of 1 Report No: 20-021-1028 Account No: 46441 Advisor: Synagro Central LLC/ Charlotte Adam Brigman 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville NC 28134 Waypoeint. ANALYTICAL Client: Greg Springs Mt Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 Farm: NC-GA-41 Date Received: 01/21/2020 Date of Report: 01/24/2020 Lab No Field ID Sample ID Soil Class HM% W/V pH Ac P-I K-1 S-1 Mn-I Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-1 CEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N 03201 41-01 MIN 1.0 5.6 0.7 66 11 46 75 78 70 2.9 76 49 24 1.3 0 03202 41-06 MIN 1.0 5.7 0.6 66 10 40 63 83 60 2.9 78 52 23 1.6 0 03203 41-10 MIN 0.8 5.6 0.7 92 12 .35 69 123 80 2.9 75 50 22 1.2 0 03205 41-14 MIN 0.9 5.5 0.7 45 12 35 63 50 35 2.6 75 49 22 2.2 0.1 Comment: Test result units = CEC and Na in meq/100cm3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; WN in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines, Analysis prepared by: Waypoint A Page 1 of 1 Report NW 20-021-1020 Account No: 46441 Advisor: Synagro Central LLC/ Charlotte Adam Brigman 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville NC 28134 Waypoi t ANALYTICAL Client: Toney James Mt. Holly 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointa nalytica Farm: NC-LT-46 Date Received: 01/21/2020 Date of Report: 01/22/2020 Lab No Field ID Sample ID Soil Class HM% W/V pH Ac P-1 K-1 S-1 Mn-I Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-1 CEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N 03179 46-01 MIN 2.1 6.6 0.4 15 27 64 106 98 98 240 7.0 95 72 20 1.4 0.1 03180 46-02 MIN 2.3 6.5 0.3 16 17 87 150 75 75 130 4.5 94 59 32 1.3 0.1 03181 46-03 MIN 2.2 6.5 0.4 11 18 96 144 68 68 130 4.9 92 58 31 1.2 0.1 03183 46-04 MIN 2.3 6.4 0.4 24 17 85 200 95 95 125 4.7 92 59 30 1.4 0.1 03184 46-08 MIN 1.9 6.5 0.5 17 25 62 113 100 100 235 7.0 92 71 18 1.4 0.1 Comment: /I Test result units = CEC and Na in meq/100cm3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; WN in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines, Analysis prepared by: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. Page 1 of 1 • Report No: 20-017-1173 Waypoint 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Account No: 11010 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL Advisor: Synagro-LEWA (52-0174) Client: Dean Connell Farm: NC-MG-37 Adam Brigman Mt. Holly 12701 Lancaster Hwy Pineville NC 28134 Date Received: 01/17/2020 Date of Report: 01/20/2020 Lab No Field ID Sample ID Soil Class HM% W/V pH Ac P-1 K-1 S-1 1fin-1 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 CEC BS% Ca% Mg% ESP Na SS-1 NO3 N 25211 37-01 MIN 1.3 6.1 0.6 26 76 29 194 93 93 80 4.4 87 53 24 1.7 0.1 Comment: Test result units =. CEC and Na in meq/1000m3; NO3 N in mg/dm3; W/V in g/cm3 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification #257, Analysis and fertility recommendations shown on this report are performed in accordance within NCDA guidelines, Analysis prepared by: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc.