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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001863_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (12)State of North Carolina Department of Environment, u��,lth Ona Nlo+Urul Roczoi irr,eS I I V lA 1 1 1 I lA I I N I V U� l Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor G, Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director V' I ") MR EDDIE NICHOLS CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY PO BOX 406 MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA 28120 Dear MR NICHOLS: i "DE fF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTI-, & NATURAL RESOURCES Nov a 1994 November 3, 1994 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL NAIIAGENENI MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Application No. WQA001863 A Sludge/WWTP Sludge=Land Application Gaston County The Division's Permits and Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on November 1, 1994. This application has been assigned the number listed above. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE WATER QUALITY NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRES ON THIS PROJECT. Your project has been assigned to Randy Kepler for a -detailed engineering review. Should there be an questions concerning your project, the reviewer will contact you with an additional. information leatr. Be aware that the Division's regional office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Supervisor or a Procedure Four Evaluation for this project, prior to final action by the Division. - If you have any questions, please contact Randy Kepler at (919) 733-5083. Cdlyn cCaskill Supervisor, State Engineering Review Group cc: ``1GIooresville-Regional-Officb-Q�-GSr� ,.l_ �1C Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS SOLIDS RENEWAL APPLICATION SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes No X If Yes, SOC No. - To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: Randy Kepler Date: May 24, 1995 NON -DISCHARGE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION COUNTY: Gaston Permit No. WQ0001863 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: City of Mount Holly Post Office Box 406 Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 2. Date of investigation: 05-17-95 3. Report Prepared By: Samar Bou-Ghazale, Env. Engineer I 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Mr. David Motil, Fir. Calvin Schiemiann, both with Bio-Nomic Services, Inc., (704) 529-0000; Mr. W.E. Nichols, Public Works Director with the City of Mount Holly, (704) 827-4261. 5. Directions to Site: Multiple sites, please refer to application for directions relative to specific site(s). 6. Size ('Land available for expansion and upgrading): Multiple sites, please refer to permit application package for size information relative to each site. 7. Topography (relationship to 100 year flood plain included): The topography of the sites are suitable for surface application with slopes less than 10%. However, one portion of proposed site MH 2-2 is in the 100 year flood plain. Attach a U.S.G.S. map extract and indicate facility site. Please refer to application package for coordinates information for -each specific site. USGS Quad No.: USGS Name: Latitude: Longitude: 8. Any buffer conflicts with location of nearest dwelling and water supply well: Yes X No If Yes, explain: Two old 4. wells located on field TJ-9 and field MH 2-2 were not buffered. 9. Watershed Stream Basin Information: Refer to Application a. Watershed.Ciassification: Refer to Application b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Catawba and 03-08-36 C. Distance to surface water from disposal system: Refer to application package PART II - DESCRIPTION OF WASTES AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume: MCD (Design Capacity) Residuals: 217 tons/year of sludge generated from the City of Mount Holly's Wastewater Treatment Plant. ID. T•ypes and quantities of industrial wastewater: Approximately 2.20 MGD of dyeing and finishing wastefIUw generated from textile industries, 0.18 MGD of metal finishing wastewater and 0.15 MGD of organic process synthetic fiber wastewater (Industrial wastewater represents approximately 700 of the current 4.0 MGD WWTP capacity.) C. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): in development: approved: X should be required: not needed: 2. Treatment Facilities N/A a. What is the current permitted capacity of the facility? iv / A b. Wiiat is the actual treatment capacity of the current facility (design volume)? N/A C. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: N/A d. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: N/A 3.- Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: a. If Residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Non -Discharge Permit Staff Report Version 10192 Page 2 Permit No.: WQ0001863 Residual Contractor: Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. Telephone Number: (704) 542-0000 b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP: X PFRP: Other: c. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (specify): 4. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet): 5. SIC Code(s) : N/A Wastewater Code(s) of actual wastewater, not particular facilities, i.e., non -contact cooling water discharge from a metal plating company would be 14, not 56. Primary: N/A Secondary: N/A Main Treatment Unit Code: N/A PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds (municipals only)? N/A 2. Special monitoring requests: N/A 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) N/A Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction 4. Other Special Items: N/A PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The City of Mount Holly was issued Permit No. WQ0001863 for land application of municipal sludge generated from the Mount Holly Non -Discharge Permit Staff Report Version 10192 Page 3 wastewater treatment plant. The City requests a permit modification to include an additional 334.1 acres (gross) to accommodate an additional 216 tons per year of sludge generated at the wastewater facility. An on -site investigation was performed by staff of this Office, including the Groundwater Section. The investigation revealed two wells located on fields TJ-9 and MH 2-2 that were not buffered. A portion of field MH 2-2 is located in the 100 year. flood plain; it is recommended that no biosolids be applied on this portion of the site during the months November through April. Field GD-10 is to be deleted from consideration per applicant's request. Borings of the sites revealed that the seasonal high water table is below 40 inches deep. Pending final review and concurrence by the State Review Group and the Groundwater Section, it is recommended that the subject request for Permit modification be approved provided that adequate buffers in fields Ti-9 and MH 2-2 are submitted and approvea. Signature of F6�pFyt Preparer Water Quality/I�Zgional Supervisor Date Non -Discharge Permit Staff Report Version 10192 —1.. " 8 Page 4 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. Eddie Nichols, Director of Public Works City of Mt. Holly P.O. Box 406 Mt. Holly, NC 28120 Dear Mr. Nichols: 4 J70LA �< < dope OL 1� IFEHNF 1 N.C. DEPT, OF tNVIR©NMENT, HRALTft; May 30, 1995 NATURAL, RE30��#1$�E� 440V a 11995 ,., ...j_ r. T �t1t,:i�;�.'a; E?�UlR,7fir�rE�t,lAE-�Ait�GEt�E�"d Subject: Application No. WQ0001863 Additional Information Request City of Mt. Holly Land Application Modification Gaston and Lincoln County The Permits and Engineering Unit has completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application. The following items must be addressed before we can complete our review: Please provide a signed land owners agreement for the Lake Norman Quarry/Gary Duckworth site.. A copy of the agreement is attached. Refer to the subject permit application number when providing the requested information. Please submit two (2) copies of all information to my attention at the address below. Also, please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before June 29, 1995 will subject your application to being returned as incomplete, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0208. If you have any questions on this matter, please call me at (919) 733-5083 ext. 544. Sincerely, Randy L. Kepler Environmental Engineer State Engineering Review Group cc:-, Mooresville Regional. Office,.Water_Quality Bib-Nomic Services, Inc. (attachment included) Permit File WQ0001863 P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 , FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina N.G. DEiT. or' I)cp:trtmctli of Etl�'iromilent, Health, :tnd Natural l:csottrccs L1PT?RONiViENT, �iEALT 1; Division of �n�ininmcnt:al .�ianascmcnt e NATURAL RESOURCES Non-Discharrc. Pc.ntiit Applica!ion 1'l107-0001'1L•U 1:01; t1S1: AS AN'On"1GhYAL) 6 1994 I 'PION, OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS AND APPLICA INFORINI 'LION: ; CITY OF MT. HOL-L._ YILsr__-- f ,, �� 1 . /applicant (coteoration, indi�'idual,or other ): ______ :.. • �2. Print Owncrs or Signing Official's Nanic. and Title (the person % ho is legally responsiblc for the facility and its compliance): MR. EDDIE NICHOLS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR - 3. Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 406, 1315 S. MAIN City: MT. HOLLY State: N.C. Zip: 28120 Telcphot1c No.: ( 704 ) 827- 4261 4. Application Date: 10-17-94 5. Fec Submitted: S 300.00 6. Name, address & county of facility where sludge orrgi-nated. Should be referenced on any plans/specs., analytical results, Land Owner Agr$enlents, etc.: END OF BROOME ST_ MT HOT T Y, N C 2 8 1 9 fl_- County GASTON 7. County (s) There GASTON AND sludge will be land applied: -WAKE 8. Latitude: -- 35° 15' 55" _ -, Longitude 810 0(,' 2 R of land For multiple sites attach a listing of the silts and a latitude and longitude for each. 9. Owner and address of lands where sludge will be land applied. For multiple sites attach a listing: SEE ATTACHED FORM: LARS 4/91 Page 1 of 25 Il. PE1,1V11T INFCtl:MATWN: � , Nei. i��ill be cote feted by D -- 1 . I clnllt P -----� 1 T � nC\i'; —X rGnC\Va]*j _ lil(?(lifil�-:'•Ii0il. 2. Specify \\ ilct le. project is: --- -- *If rcnc;val, complete only sections I,. 111 land owner agreement, si: a: tore (on ps_ 24). Submit only pis. 1, " 19, 20, 21, 22, and 24 (orighs! and c..opics of each). Engineer signalurcnot required for rc;ne.-wal- 3. if this application is being submitted as a result of a renewal or modificsion tc. 3I1 existing iianh list the existing jKrmh number _WQOOQ1863and issue datc_6726-199.2 4 - . pecify whcthcr the applicant is X-_-- public or III. PERMIT FEI? INFORMATION: 1 . Number of 'l'otal Acres on which residual solids arc; proposed to be land applied undc•.r the authority of this permit (include both land currently peniutted and proposed lands)_ 366.5 acres 2. The permit processing fee should be as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5). IV. SITE INFORMATION: 1 , A vicinity Inap must be attached. This Inap nitlst sllo�,y the location of each s'.tc In relation to at least two geographical references (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.). — 2. For all new or modified sites, a detailed site location map must be attached. This neap must be drawn to scale with topographical contour intervals not exceeding tell feet or 25% of total site relief (whichever is more descriptive) and showing the property lines; all existing wells, all surface waters and drainage ways and all dwellings within 5-00 feet of the land application areas; and all buffers. Note: At least the following buffers must be maintained. If residuals are sprayed on the sites, larger buffers may be required: sludglnn a)�-1ADfe:;l from any:iilbltfll)l(, iC;$1(iCi;CC for :,Ui-1i:C_ e � 'tpl)' 200 feet from any habitable residence for subsurface sludge ivecnon. b) 100 feet between the disposal area and any public or private water supply including wells. 2 of 25 APPLICATION AREA[ACRES] SITE NO. OWNER/LESSEE (EXCLUDING BUFFERS) 4 JOHN SPRINGS 5.0 5 JOHN SPRINGS 5.5 6 JOHN SPRINGS 14.3 7 JOHN SPRINGS 3.2 8 JOHN SPRINGS 8.0 9 JOHN SPRINGS 13.5 10 JOHN SPRINGS 17.5 13 JOHN SPRINGS 6.9 14 JOHN SPRINGS 9.7 1b RANKIN/BUMGARDNER 11.8 2 RANKIN/BUMGARDNER 18.5 4 RANKIN/BUMGARDNER 3.0 5 RANKIN/BUMGARDNER 3.0 1b SHURRIL/BUMGARDNER 25.0 3 SHURRIL/BUMGARDNER 11.1 2b CURRENCE/BUMGARDNER 11.7 1L FORNEY RANKIN 3.3 6 FORNEY RANKIN 3.3 GD-1 GARY DUCKWORTH 21.1 GD-2 GARY DUCKWORTH - 11.6 GD-3 GARY DUCKWORTH 3.1 GD-4 GARY DUCKWORTH 6.2 GD-5 GARY DUCKWORTH 2O.4 GD-6 GARY DUCKWORTH 2.2 GD-7 GARY DUCKWORTH 3.8 TJ.-1 TONY JONES 6.6 TJ-2 TONY JONES 16.0 TJ-3 TONY JONES 9.6 TJ-4 TONY JONES 25.0 TJ-5 TONY JONES 8.6 TJ-6 TONY JONES 45.0 TJ-7 TONY JONES 13.0 TOTAL AVAILABLE ACRES 366.5 REALEST FOR ]AND APPLICATION OF SLUDGE land Tredtmenc Pci-mir. liolder: CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. Address; P.O. BOX 406 1315 S. MAIN ST. Contact Person: MR. HDDIE NICHOLS Owner:. Operator: Address; �0 klgl� f� Address: Phone: C7�T 112 �/� �� s Phone: ASGS Farm ID4; J fy:.r��. N•�,.b�r Fiold Information: -Acre 4, - 6,7,8;9,,10,,13,14 83.6 Crop or ro of ! otz In consideration of tho benefits conFarred to the Owner or operator: 1, Owner or Operator Agrees to adjust the soil PH to 6.5 prior to sludge application hi,d to cn&intnin treated land at a soil p1{ of 6.5 greater at the awner'n or operatorfe expense, or 2, Owner or operator agrees �U to permit livestock to graze on ereaGtzd land far 30 days in t.he- case of beef stock and 60 days in t1•te case of dairy scock- 3. For a period orb months from of rite last dndate.o% land 8pplieatioapplicationsludge, tlla owner or op&Tatar agrees not to plant on troACed lacid or permit direct contact with tratitcd soils, any food crop& that art normally, usually, or habitually consumed raw by humans. 4 , •_CITY OF MT. HOLLY N . C . which has previously been sampled,agrees testedro andapply pe mittvdlude for RppliCation by the division of Environmental Management., S- CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. to laud A -;Srees to sample rhC soil prior farmer, and st-at.c, pplication and .. submit tilt roil fertility results to the Division of Environmental Managcniclit Permits and Engineering Unit , P.O. Box 27657 Raleigh, NC 27611-76S7 STIPULATIONS: 1. Tllc landowner or his representative hereby author i7CS the PCI1111IICC, County and State Officials or their representatives to insl)cct each p::rc.c.l of property prior to, during, and after sludge or residual appllc.ation and to established I11onl[Orlllg facilities on or near ti)c application site as rcqulrecl 1))' the slucl`;c or rc sldu<tl lane application permit. 2. 'rl)e landowner or his representative authorizes the PCrII)MCC, County and State officials or their representatives to ulkC necessary soil, surface and ground watca samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after tcnlllnation of, this Agreement. 3. `rile Permitter- will provide each landowner or hi s.represcnlative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environnlerltal Management corn mence-nicri t of sludge or residual (DEM) for the land described above putt° vil delineate ma mum application rates, application. The NCDEHNR-DEM p limitations and other restrictions prescribed by tile laws and regulations. 4. The Pezmittec has provided the landowner or his represcntative with information and data concerning the program for land application of sludge or residuals to privately owned lands Which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge and a application methods and schedules for typical l cropping OF du It erns a>Tondescnption of tile, equipment used by the Perm[ttee for s g 5. The Permitter- will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to sludge or residual application. Sludge may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.5 provided a sufficient amount of lime. is also allplicd to achieve a final pH of the lime, sludge/residual and soil mixture of at least 6.5. 7. The landowner of his representative will inform the Permitter- of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the Pelrnittee to amend this Agreement and schedule apphcadons at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM permit, the owner or his representative and 111c Pernllttcc Till determine SiUdgL/ICSi U41 al)p' "loll r<tcs and-(:hC'Cil:1Cti I);?Se(I c)n crc)t) t)a Items and the results of soil samples. No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (18) months following sludge application. 20 of 25 :i .-_. CO%vnC: Or ccssors Sn21: ncnt IM a perloa 0, C:L'iltCt^. i 1ST months lrOm L._ sl ludic a2t,iicauon. ,ate MCasu:cs r,.st i C - 4:c:: t��' ;he i'tr ntct to co:t::,': _CZCSS ;o the :ncl 2,mc2tion sites during act1v c sue use and for the sludacirestdual appncauon. Such controls 11101 �ic�ts j-la:c2ang the acu,, I s bc:nc conducad at cacti site. Jucc::ic siudgc/residual applicauon area boundancs shall be 011 cacn t,:C PC=. nc_- nnor to and during siudcc application i Should the landowncr or his rcprescntativc lcasc or othcrw�tsc ; c:' :t :'ilc use of 111c ible to insure rile thud party land by a third parry, the landowncr shall be respons .3m-ccs and complies with the terms and conditions of this Ag7cc:nc"L 1 3_ The existing lessee; if any, of the site agrees, by cxccution of this Agrccmcnt. to comply with all provisions of this Agreement_ 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agttcmcnt. 15. Animals should not be grazed on sludge/residual applicd lands within a thirty (30) day pcn' od following the sludge application. Application sites that arc to be uscd for grazing shall have fencing that will be uscd to prevent access dunng these periods after each application_ 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shall bc'g'-,'cn by the ctuTcnt landowncr to the new landowncr that gives full details of -thc materials applicd or incorporated at each site. — 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or rcprescntativc of the Division of Environmental Managcmcnt may, upon presentation of crcdcntials, knot and inspcct any property, prcmiscs or place on or related to, the Vaplicaaon s3tc and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of deterrnlnto co pliance with this permit; may inspcct or copy any records that must be kcpf" pc�, c''Icrms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water. or lcachatc. 18. Owner/Operator agrees NOT to enter into any other land application program agreements without giving prior notice to the permitee. IlltitllllLlllll[I11Illlllllllllllllilllll[llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll1111111 RESTRICTIONS: LAND OWNER: JOHN S. SPRINGS OPERATOR: N/A ADDRESS: 400W. CATAWBA AVE- ADDRESS:___ MT. HOLLY N.C. 28120 PHONE 1: 704-827-2676 PHONE 21 of 25 6, CITY OF MT. HOLLY..N.C. agrees to supply the farmer and state information pertaining to the total nutrient; and meCels loading lime and supplemental fertilizer requirements, and total sludge application, ApDlicanv: Owner: te: Oper4tor : ate; CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. Name: MR. EDDIE NICHOLS Title: PUBLIC WORKS _DIRECTOR Data: 10-17-94 0 �Filtc6au •;� / 600 • y r 1 716 •, 4, / ^ • ti.+ ell �y "� Wa e �• ^' ' ' �,. q„ s o sal 4 '9 ..i. _ •,-'65'T," r •.f •`11. �I `az ,p-' *N�� "�. K��~�1 ..—� /� /�a `I,� I � /, tj ll l ~j•A§ 60,1 —100 . � � /� �\ '•� i �� -fir._ `-` f1- -_ � " •�, � � c se age -=•mil �� ' ---.,. •.� ¢s.: , 8�8��.. • Jloom L S C A L E: NOT TO SCALE j PROJECT USGS Quad Sheet JOB N0: 4116-89-605 Mount Holly, N.C. Quadrangle John Springs Farm FIG NO'. 2 'aston Coun v SME—b AGREE MI NT FOR TUT, LAN—D iAPPLiCATION Oi= "NASTE SLUDGE. TO PRIVATE LANDS Pcrnu[tcc:______CTTy Qg ._MT HOLLY N C----------- Contact Pcrson:MR_ EDDIE NICHOLS / PUBLIC WORKS --DIRECTOR Address of Penllitk:e.: P_o._BOX 406 131 S. MAIN ST. MT. HOLLY N.C. 28120 List of Sludges or residuals to lx applied to these lands: CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. WWTP - PERMIT# W90001863 Site ID Number: JEAN CANTRELL RANKIN FARM Held Number: P, P, 4 , &5 ___ .... . Location of Land to be used for sludge or residual application (include map for each SEE ATTACHED MAP Owner of Property used for sludge or residual application: JEAN CANTRELL RANKIN — Lessee of Property (if appropnatc): DONALD BRUMGARDNFR - Land use or dropping patterns: HAY AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Intended use or disposition of crops: LIVESTOCK FEED The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. hereinafter referred to as the PemZittce, to apply the above listed sludges or residuals upon the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as. ggven belov.,. The l,tndov.•rcr car ilis receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied sludge or residuals while the Pcrrnj[tee receives, in consideration, tlic use of the land described above for the disposal of digested sludge or residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of F-nvironmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his rcprescma6vc and the Pcrmittee agTee to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such ume as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modifies or cancels this Land owner's AUccment . 19 of 25 Division of Environ'8rital Managcilicnt Permits and Engineering Unit P.O. Box 276V ' .. Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 IIIIIIIIIIIIII[l![lllillllllllll(illllllllllltlillllll11111111IIltllill[IlI(lII1lIlililll(111111[lllll(l[III[1[lllll STIPULATIONS 1 _ Zllc landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Pcnlvt(ce, Cottrior tonty � Statc Officials or their representatives to inspect each part:cl of property p during, and after sludge or residual application and to established monitoring ite as required by the sludge or residual land faciliacs on or near the application s application pemmit. 2 The landowner or his representative authorizes the Pcnl,ittec, County and State Officials or their representatives to uike necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after temunation of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittce will provide each landowner or iris represcnuttivc with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health wid Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of sludge or residual application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 4_ The Pez,nittee has provided the landowner or his represcnuttive with information and data concerning the program for land application of sludge or residuals to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge application methods and schedules for typical o PresidtlaltapplicLn aticmnaescnption of the equipment used by the Permittce forsludge, 5. The Pemutjee will furnish each landowner or his representative ���th a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to sludge or residual application. Sludge may be applied to sites will, a pH of less than 6.5 hren ided a sufficient :mount of lime is also ahplicd to "chlr..vca final pH of the lime, sludge/residual and soil mixture of at least G.S. 7. The landowner of his representative will inform the Permittce of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each lantin season to enable the Permittce to amend this. Agreement and schedule applirztions at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM per,nit, the owner or his representative and the Permittce Vi"ill determine sludge/residual application rates and schedules based on crap patterns and the results of soil samples. S. No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (18) months following sludge application. 20 of 25 �o�� cr or -:� __ .:t'tt�cs or successors s -:o�atons of :c n `_ :,ail rctmcnt for per:o; o; c:ir::ccn months from <,ludac aoolicanon. a:c t-�casures rnus: .�c +:c:: u.c c.....ttcc :o co"'.__cccss :o tt1C at;artcation sties dunnt, act;vc site use and for tht �� •::Onlil (1C:=0�7 ;ollowinr sludt'_cirestdual application. Such controls III as :.. :c ;::c p osrtn� o: SIM-,s t,-ja:caang the acnviucs bc:nc conauc:cd at cacti site. 1 . Sncc::tc siu& c/residual application area houndancs shall be .:c ;,, �c� 011 cacI c Trttttc- nor to and dtuZns sludgc applicanon. 12 Should the landowner or his representative Iease or othcr%X.'tsc , c=I the use Of tttc land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to Insure the third pane am-ccs and complies with the terms and conditions of this Ao-ccmcnt. 1 3. The cxisting lessee, if any, of the site agrccs, by execution of this ?.grccmcnt, to comply with all provisions of this Agrrccmcnt. 14. This Agmcment shall be binding on the grantecs, the successors and assigns of the parucs hereto with mfercnce to the subject matter of this Agiccmcnt. 15. Animals should not be grazed on sludgc/residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the sludgc application. Application sites that arc to be uscd for grazing shall have fencing that will be uscd to prevent access dunng thcsc periods after each application_ 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shall bc'givcn by the current landowncr to the new landowncr that gives full details of -the materials applied or incorporated at each site. _ 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or rcprescntativc of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspcct any property, premises or place on or related *, the �pplicaaon 93ic and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of dctcrmin1DY- compliznce'0"th this permit; may inspcct or copy any records that must be kcpt'��c�,�hc' terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water. or lcachatc. 18. Owner/Operator agrees NOT to enter into any other land application program agreements without giving prior notice to the permitee. Illll(IIIILIIIl1I[II[(llllllllllllllllllllllll[illllllilllllllllll111lIIllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111 RESTRICTIONS: LAND OWNER: ADDRESS: PHONE 1: 9EAN CANTRELL RANKIN OPERATOR: DONALD R. BRUMGARDNER ADDRESS: PHONE 1: 21 of 25 { Illlllllltt111liiIDll!!ll111t11QQ1111dl1i1llt61illtlllii1111111li[111l{lillilllll6illllllllllftlld!!!1{1lllllllitld "V6 read this load o Cni W4 do Way gwt p=ission to the Ac= io VPIp tludge/residusl to mr lar4s U tpoc Land 0wnet NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY, • • • - • official my =uwiwon Lxpir�ss � • � � i Md vw9Wi 4XtM= aog do bW*Y"to AW& by the DM 1 o n L j 11 a hsve rdd city land ems: mPuLtioru gild neariai�a as �R and doy a�`°�'�1,�� i br ch. WEGS-Agro r• - ,� • At�y ].y1 'r( J npJ��r4' • � Y/j;/J�{�j'�(�7i �4.qf� ti � �, � ' j q�' 1:��✓r?•'• �rr•• .. ffy t y � ��)j . � �._ ,h'i21a�•� �l�lll L'� 11 I, 1. .� ,I, 1 ' ��ti/1. (^jy� ► , /' J! '( j 1 �Zy,~ •1 ,! ff,L 1 ` .;%� . i �f ••� �, L� �'' �? ( •f .hh,• i FIELD 3 yl • �: f'; 1 •1' ;'� 'r .FIELD 2 r.rf ` f k, x/^Y1 SrS , xf ;. �� �•y �yl _ S. I �� •v I Y� �J ✓t' T �� :�) �l!,'� (r P /1��.,1,�'. J(J ;!t�; ;�'� Y'r I J itr. �1}� '�+7•.. I�I 01- r r f) 3 jj ' } J • ' - , • I� ��.������, � `.•''�• NOUSELA�y� •` HOUSE 4 -d? It n :.1 r,`- °' C FIELD 1 Ile LY HOUSE - of 3 !'/'l�, }LYt, •r .lY�.ti.�' .•� f,}y�1(])( ` fly �1-w, �' (IT,'��'rf� �::�.� /� I'�, �• '� FIELD 5� '� �• '�yr,� c� •*' w, cl's FIELD 4 r, f�.: y •+_ PIC . iJ.r t�P: �Jr � � s1�Si^, ' �.. _ f 1 ' • `'` J , r � f . ( ,� �`if py - � � i 0 J E C T S C A L E: 1"=660' (approx. ) :in / iiumgardner Farm J 0 0 NO'.REw A 123 Holly Sludge FrojPct F IG NO'. ASCS Nnpp 1nR f �1 517 FIELD 2 o � `FIELD 3 _ FIELD 1 y� FIELD 4 ' FIELD 5 114 .�:, � \ � r •„ ,may _1. L.��'�� � `'cr't�' ° �� . ^,- - �- -■i ��' �% � � � 1"'' a vfy'1 � `p '7 "F- y_ S ,Tt - -J �,,,� Nk �- ,� � tY/ ter• ;t- .-�'s.Cr.�`•Yf Z. E C T SCALE* 1"-2000' (;FFrox. ) pyZ A 123 In / Bu=gardrle: Farm J08 NO. A011Y Sludge Project F16. NO Fields 1,2,3,4,5 AGI-'-EFOR TIC LAND �APPL.iCATION OF WASTE SLUDGE TO PRIVATE LANDS Pcrnuttce: CITY OF MT. HOLLY N. C . Contact Person: MR- EDDIE NICHOLS / PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Address of PCn1111Ic.C: P.O. BOX 406 131 S. MAIN ST. MT HOLLY N.C. 28120 _----- List of Sludf,eS or residuals to be applied to these lands: CITY OF MT. HOLLY WWTP - PERMIT# WOO 001863 Site ID Number: J:B: - SHURRIL FARM Field Number: 1, & 3b Location of Land to be used for sludge or residual application (include map for each site):___.__._ SEE ATTACHED MAP Owner of Property used for sludge or residual application: J.B. SHURRIL Lessee of Property (if appropriate): N/A _ Land use or cropping patterns: HAY AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Intended use or disposition of crops: LIVESTOCK FEED The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. hereinafter refcned to as the Permiucc to apply the above listed sludges or residuals upon the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as. given lrlo%v. The l; ncl� . ner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the• nutrient value of dic applied sludge or residuals while the Pemvttee receives, in consideration, die, use of the land described above for the disposal of digested sludge or residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permitter- agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modiiIcs or cancels this Land owner's Agreement . 19of25 Di.Ision of Environmental Management Permits and Engineering Unit , P.O. Box 27697. Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 I (i[1(ltlllllll[Il[l(tlllllllllll(ill[tIlilllilllllfll(llll[Ill1(lllll(llllilltill[1lllllllillll(lllltllilll11111111( STIPULATIONS: 1 _ 'hlic lando«Ricr or his representativeauthorizes the. Periimittee, Couhereby rnty iand State Officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property p or to, during, and after sludge or residual application and to cstablishcd monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the sludZc or residual land application permit. 2 hiie landowner or leis represcntativc authorizes the Pcmmittcc, County and State Officials or their represent<itives to uike necessary soil, surface acid ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after tcnninauon of, this Agreement_ 3. Time Perttec will provide each landowner or his.represcntalive with a copy of the mi land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of sludge or residual application. The NCDEHINTR-DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 4. The Permittec has provided the landowner or his representative uials toformrivuatelinon yd data concerning the program for land application of sludge or restP owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge application inethods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and.a. description of the equipment used by the Permittec for sludge or residual application. 5. The Pcrmittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to sludge or idual application. Sludge may be -applied resto sites with a pH of less than 6.5 provided a suf icicnt :::,Ti>'•.; ; lime is nlso applied to ach,icvc a final pH of the lime, sludge/residual and soil mixture of at least 6.5. 7. The landowner of his represcntative will inform the Permittec of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable time Permittec to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCD mine DEM permit, the owner or his representative and the Per mitter- will determine sludge/residual application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 8. No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (18) months following sludge application. 20 of 25 \� P1'1—!( 1 1UaN Ui tt: s�i . •L :':%.G- =. t-N11 ^CO�t'ncr Or o; SaCCCSSOTS 51131; =n�:Stons ��1 '-cz:mcni :Or a pCr1oJ 01 C:L'n.'•Ccn. 1 I�i months from ir.t <.lud�C aDDlicanon. -1C3su:cs must be :2I,cn-bv 1nC PC7111CC 1,0 C011: CCCS� 10 1I'C. 3D7ncaiion sltcs during activc site use and for 111C C�n:C :(� 1L`i S1Lr 0l sludgoresldual application. Such controls '112N. t •` s1�11s ma:caang the acm ies bent conduc:cd at C3Ch SIIC. 1 . :cc �11 ca`'' Socc::ic siudgc/residual application area boundaries shall be a:r 1'c=. ricc pnor to and durm- siudgc applicanon. ] Should the landowner or his rcprescntativc Iease or otherwise �c.'"::t the use of the land by a third parry, the landowncr shall be responsib'tc to insure the third Part`• asTrccs and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agrccmc:ll_ 13. -Ihe existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this AUccmcnl, to comply with all provisions of this Agncmcnt_ 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with rcfercnce to the subject matter of this Agreement. 15. Animals should not be grazed on siudgc/residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the sludge application. Application sites that arc to be uscd for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these pcnods after each application. 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shall bc,givcn by tllc current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of -thc materials applied or incorporated at each site. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, inter and inspcct any property, premises or place on or related to-�thc �pplicatZone and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determinlag compliance lth this per-mit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kcpt'44c�,9` ccrms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or lcachatc. 18. Oyler/Operator agrees NOT to enter into any other Lana application program agreements without giving prior notice to the permitee. IllliIII1111111111111111ItIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111►lllilllllllllllll111111111,111111111111111[lllllll111 RESTRICTIONS: LAND OWNER: ADDRESS: PHONE /: J.B. SHURRIL OPERATOR: DONALD R. BRUMGARDNER ADDRESS: PHONE 1: 21 of 25 lltt{111111111Lfill [fit Iit1111111llit{tlllll11111{{11111I11111111ilittlllil111111111111lit ilillllllll{1I111111111111 1 hAve read this Land OwW1 aptcraccnt and dv twxthY gram p.=L'sSion tp dx. P WITn ,d uo apply sIud9calm Idual io my UxAs as ipoeifled h Land Owner NORTH CAROLD 4A, Uja,/k COUNTY, 1, the undersignui NoMy Public, do hercby certify that •cy /3 5 L 10-1 i 100Ar,LAC 1jyM!p-0kArr- rz ®wee Dais permnally appc-as before the this day end acknowlodgod the due cxxuuoa of the forgoing trtiffiCE1L � . ?� 9 VATNESS my hand and official seal this :� _ day of WOO My Cevur��s�on [x?Ira 1-21-93 hl"tad tWt lgod PWnc'jjVMr=t u►d do hw-by Lave W abido by the sc VA&dow and rtvtrk s as sppeWad h t4L L..cssoc Y}atc 1. l�/4 l (�t/��il have road this WLd owP,&; n do y a,&= to abide by the v pulzp'pM and resuiaioru as gwcifiC4 tw'oh PcsmittQo Vey In 01 —:` ''•'-.u�° � 1. �. 'r' •, �.?" 61 Ire �'� , • HOUSE FIELD 2 FIELD 3-'� 10.4 -� - FIELD 1l'£` rI� w J l - - :- ; -, `fi; �,�.�•r�=�`_,�as��7�� ;��<Tr.`."_ 1 �' j�r'����f�,-r � - ,�: - � r,,• F .�-- -r:- ' r��� . � , may' � ' ' � . G' . ; `"l�,•x� . 4�-1ECT it / But:gardner Farm t. Holly Sludge Project SCALE: 1"-"0' (approx• ) JOB NO: REW A 123 Fig w) • ASCS tdanni.,o _CT / Buegardner Farm nUily Sludge Project S C ALE: 1"71000' ("Prox. ) JOB NO . REW A 123 F1Go. NO: Fields 1,2,3 `"•4t V-41-A14.-ALL-4-%44 'VL441 1'l%4_v ♦aa-v tv AGREEML.NT FOR TI-IE LAND APPLiCATION OF WASTE SLUDGE TO PRIVATE LANDS Permiacc: CITY OF MT _ HOLLY N _ C . Contact Person: MR. EDDIE NICHOLS / PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Address of Permittcc: P.O. BOX 406 131 S. MAIN ST. MT. HOLLY N.C. 28120 List of Sludges or residuals to be applied to these lands: _. CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. WWTP - PERMIT# WQ0001863 Site ID Number: FRANCIS L. CURRANCE FARM Field Number: 2 b Location of Land to be used for sludge or residual application (include map for each SEE ATTACHED MAP Owner of Property used for sludge or residual application: FRANCIS L. CURRANCE Lessee of Property (if appropriate): DONALD R. BUM GARDNER Land use or cropping patterns: HAY AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Intended use or disposition of crops: LIVESTOCK FEED The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits MT. HOLLY N.C. hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply the above listed sludges or residuals upon tic land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as. &, ven belov.. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use- of the nutrient value of the applied sludge or residuals while the Perrrtittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of digested sludge or residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modifies or cancels this Land owner's Agreement . 19of25 Division of Environrricntal Managc'mctit Permits and Engineering Un' mi; P_0_ Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-76S7 TIPULATIONS: l . bite landowner or his representative llcreby authoriz.cs the Pcrnlittec, County and Statc Officials or their rcpresent2tivcs to inspect each of property prioo, r t during, and after sludge or residua] application and to established monitoring facilities on or near rile application site as rcquucd by the sludge or residual land application pcmlit. 2 The landowner or his representative autholizcs the 1'cnll1ttec, County and State Officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, suria�c and ground water samples during the term of, and [\Yclve (12) months after te.nlunanon of, thts Agreement. 3. The Pcrmittee will provide each landowner rhirepeioftLnvirovc }nmel°t, Healtpy of h land application issued by tDepartment and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commerlcctncllt of sludge or residual t will delineate maximum application rates, application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permi limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 4. The Pezmittee has provided the landowner or his represcntanve WI residuals to and data concerning the program for land application of sludge or re P owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of tile- sludge, sludge application methods and schedules for typi dl e or reside ltapplicati-onterns and.a. aescnption of the equipment used by the Permlttee for sludge 5. The Pem- ttee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to sludge or residual application. Sludge may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.5 provided'a sufficient amot:n: c,�lirIl is also r.nplic�d to achieve a final pH of the lime, sludge/residual and soil mixture of at least 6.5. 7. The landowner of his representative will inform rile Pernlittce of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM permit, the owner or his representative and the Pernlittcei v ll der ne ttcr sludge/residual application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 8. No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (18) months following sludge application. 20 of 25 °r -:� : �resc^t�tl�cs or s�cccssors Sasii :ac _ -o�"lslons 01 :acnl ;or pCno° of c:En1cC:: 1 :S1 monul% irnnl Slud�c �^�iicanon. MCaSu:CS MLIS1 'TIC :'_E:Cn b\' MC PC :NICE :O C0:1::: ;ant; a �11C3IlOn S11CS dui 3C11�•c slit use anci for 111E ;Otlln pC^CU ;,�ilo�L 1nE sludaureslaua[ application. Sllcn conlrols Ill:` : u` L 2)Ost'n� o' sim-,s 1,naicanne tllc acnVitics bcine conduc:cd at each slit. i 1 . Socc:iic siudQC/restdual applicauon area boundancs shall be C` on cacil t ,c Pc=ucc unor to and du,,.nv sfudt'c 20plic2non. i Should the landowner or his representauvc Icasc or olhcrv,1Sc ac- :t the use of the land by a third party, the landowncr shall be responsible to insure the third pang' agncs and complies with the terms and conditions of this Maze ncnt_ 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site at=rccs, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement_ 14. This Agrecment shall be binding on the grantees. the successors and assigns of the rtie pas hcrr-to m with rcfettttce to the subject atter of this Agreement_ 15. Animals should not be grazed on sludgc/residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the sludge application. Application sites that arc to be used for gr=ng shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after each application_ 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shall bc'givcn by the clement landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of -thc materials applied or incorporated at each site. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or rcprescniativc of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, *enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to-, the VvDlicaidon Rate and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of dctcrmllita� compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kcpt'-u.4c�,c' terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or lcachatc. 18. Owner/Operator agrees NOT to enter. into any other land application program program agreements without giving prior notice to the permitee. Illlllillll.11llllllllll[IIIIlIII1IIlil[Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll[l►ill(ill[Il111l11I1111lllilllll111lllllllllll RESTRICTIONS: LAND OWNER: FRANCIS L. CURRANCE ADDRESS: PHONE 1: OPERATOR: DONALD R. BRUMGARDNER ADDRESS: PHONE 1: 21 of 25 IIIIII[1[[lI1IIIIII 1lIIIIIIIII 11111411III11111l1l11lIII(11lIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIII III IIIIitI1IIIII1111t1IIIIHlll111t1111 1• Fro-e,, J, C drre A ea. have mad tech laud owmes ap t<gncot and do hutby grant pamissioa to the Pc mittec to apply siudgc vaidus! to my Itads ss tpoaiod htmiq_-/- Mid Ownar Date NORTH CA.ROLMA, __ (U U-b� COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby ctrafy that F/I nei f C�rrere,, _ %�d �u UIf► )-in or Q.,.i �u � Ou/e N _v ppictt''Sonally appe=rd before me this cry and a6mow1cd%cd the duo execution of the forgoing instilment_ W4US my hand and official seal this d'� 1S day of 4� 19- 'IT 6-� .R_ _ t cpiirs hQSIIRY * T w -, H L 09 r k l . �yM��o�Jn r two read this Lod ow Ael avemw►l aM do hereby av= to abida by the sdpaladants and ctta iciloat as specified haekL 1.cslaec j-lS-y> D:tc I�M/¢� Q i ✓ �t% _ have tasd. W d ov�s h Y a�vt u� ibidc by the rtipulatioas and res�ictierts � specified haeltt Patmittoa "' Sato � s ?�1��y �♦{�, �„C Il 1. ,- ..• .�''``.�T. a'�i�-1♦�• ,may t •t -� FIELD 1 FIELD 2 . _ � k� • �- -•.- ham; ?�" '• - � ', . AOU S E ` •, ti -sue �• . - :. JAI FIELD r •' Cl 3� .. o S.R. 1924 41 f M-1 41 n,�:-.y`t.rYi••7•T'. \ _ .. }Y-✓'�,*--ii-♦ •� Rl t`. `ti►r.C'�• �_ ♦ �T �' Z ♦�.�`�tij.w T. �. \t ' , sir\`� ' V'i J E C T nce / Bur-gardner Faro Holy Sludge Project _ 1 AA R0- RN -� is 3ib-�'i`' SCALE. 1��=550` (aPProx.) J 0 B NO . ,EW A 121 FIG. NO. ASCS Mapping �V �b .J FIELD 3 J E C T ince / Buzgardner Far-m olly Sludge Project AGREET\4ENT FOR THE LAND.'APPI:ICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE TO PRIVATE LANDS PerTliltec: CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.-C. Contact Person: MR- EDDIE NICHOLS / PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Addiess of Jlcn lttc.c: P.O. BOX 406 131 S. MAIN ST. MT HOLLY N.C. 28120 List of Sludgcs or residuals to be applied to these lands: -_---- - CITY OF MT_ HOLLY N.C. WWTP - PERMIT# WQ0001863 Site ID Nunibcr: FORNEY A. RANKIN FARM I=icld Numbcr: 1,. &6 b Locaoon of Land to be used for sludge or residual application (include map for each site): -____ SEE ATTACHED MAP Owner of Property used for sludge or residual application: FORNEY A. RANKIN _ Lessee of Property (if appropriate'): NI/A Land use or cropping patterns: HAY AND PASTURE PRODUCTON Intended use or disposition of crops LIVESTOCK FEED The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits CITY OF MT_ HOLLY N.C. hereinafter referred to as the Permittee to apply the above listed sludges or residuals upon the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as. liven blow. The landowner or his represcntativc receives, in considcra"o:;, full use of the nutrient value of the applied sludge or residuals while the Pemvucc receives, in consideration, the use of the. land described above for the disposal of digested sludge or residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his, representative and the Permit= agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modifies or cancels this Land owner's Agreement . 19of25 1\UL11i .,1U1,J11 v� -- - - Division of Environmental 14anagcniclit 1'crnuts and Engineering Unit ; P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7657 (I(ill[llllltl[!1[lltllllililllllltl[1111t11111111111111111111[llflllllll[llllllllllllllllllllllilill[ll(Il(llli(tll STIPULATIONS: aulhoIiZcs tllc PCnllittee, County and 1 _ Tlic landovnicr or his representative hereby tier to, State Officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of properly p during, and after sludge or residual application and to establisllcd monitoring e or residual land facilities on or near the application site as required by the sludg application pcmlit. State 2. "llic landowner or his representative autholizS1`tllcFY soi11su1{ace o, d grounty ad to Officials or their representatives to take 11 � cmonths after termination of, this samples during the term of, and t%kelve (1-) Agreement. y of tile, 3. The PcIM cc will provide each landownerofhhis.loftLnvirotnmer°t, Health land application permit as issued by the N.C. and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management , or residual (DEM) for the land described above prior to�o de criccril ineate cnt maxoifmum sludapplication rates, application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permit limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. d 4. The Pezmittee has provided the landowner or Ills representative residuals to data concerning the program for land application of sludge or P owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of t11e sludge, sludge application methods and schedules for typical cropping ualt Pns. an ionda aescription of the equipment used by the Permittee for sludge o 5. `I11e Pemuttee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of cacti soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to sludge or residual application. Sludge may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.5 prcrl ided a sufficient amount of lime. is also applied to achieve a final pH of the time, sludge/residual and soil mixture of at least G.S. 7. T}le landowner of his representative will infoml the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns s}lo�� n above prior to each planting season to enable the Pemuttcc to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM penl>it, the owner or his representative and the PCrnllltee Till determine sludge/residual applicauoil rates and schedules based on crap patterns and the results of soil samples. 8. No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (18) months following sludge application. 20 of 25 :c nZO\l nC` O. .. :� r :C^.S�ll\'CS O: S IC�LSSOiS S��i _ :'.OSS �c icnl 1-0, a pc—oa of c:tn:ccn ;Sl n;onins from 'luduto the c sooiicanon. cccs5 -1c�su:ts mull be :�kc`: 1'\' Inc Pc :ilicc "t �� ; ;oath pc � ,<<, ^sic - l� 3CS1\'C S11C L'SC and for 1hC t:`-i'• C- )osn1 O1 [ano � cation sacs during ;; �• ;,... c.c ��itl�j�t'li1L• sluduc;reslaual appilcauon. Such conuois . slMis una.canna the aCn\zties bent' conduc:Ca at C3clt S11C. V tcd on cscn 1 SncC:iic siudt'_c/residual applic a°nnarsluduanplicatiohall ix c:c S1lC ` �. i;iC PC'ZMtte prior LO aria - - the USC O( 1hC 1 '.Should the landowncr arc landowncrtshall lbcsrespons bic o insure the third party land by a third parry, the c"ncnt- agccs and complies With the tams and conditions of this P on of 3 this Agrccmcnl. to cxist 1The lessee, if any, of the site aerccs, by cxccuu I comply with all provisions of this Agreement_ hall be binding on the grantccs, the successors and assigns of the I 14. This Agrccmcnt s cmcnt. panics hereto with reference to the subject matter Of this Agri (30) cd on sludgclresidual applied lands within a thirty lication sites that arc to be u$ed for 15. Animals should not be graz g pp these periods day period following the slud e application. App grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during after each application_ vcn by the current I wrier that gives full details of -thc materials applied or 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new ow,ncr, a notice shall landowner to the new landowner = ` iat each site. incorporated the Division of to cc, or rcprescntativc °f enter and 17. Any duly authorized officer, cmp upon rescntat. n of crcdcrinalsion s3Zc and Environmental Management may, lace on or related to-4ehc wpp remises or p compliaflCc.'4Jtth this inspect any property, p of c,• avid facility at any reasonable rime an r he Purpohat mnustcbc lkcPt`"d��c water, sr - permit; may inspect or copy Y oundwatcr, surface conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of gT 1 or lcachatc_ l$. Owner/Operator agrees NOT to enter into any Other land application ivin riot notice t0 Che peL-mitee. program agreements without g g P llliillllllllillllllllllll►Illlliill llllllllllllllllllillIII till llll111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliill1l11 RESTRICTIONS: LAND OWN -ER: FORNEY A. RANKIN OPERATOR: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: PIlOtTE � = PHONE 1: 21 of 25 III IItIIII 11I11111111111111{IIIIItI{I1111llltitllllll1ItIfIIIt11111111111111111fill 1111111111111111111111 M1111111 a^ k w have toad this land o agmeme t �„a do rar►t ion to Pumlaaa io apply sludge/midtul to my lands as spw 1 l.�Kl V Wncr Data NORTH CAROLINA, (���%4, COUNTY, 1, the Undersigncd Notary Public do hart falzv /�Ga Nk�tv y certify that �_ personally appeared before ma that day and acknowledged the dua execution of the forgoing uuw=ont_ WnWJFSS my hand and official seal this ap 7k V'�'� ,••••••• •r0 .4ly ► CCxnm ssi4� ZKpSr�t 1.21.9i t1, r v OUP J11111111t1��11 .day of t< haL" read this lattid oy mces ag mw=t and do harby a&= to abide by tho Wpulations a+nd v=aicx.lotls as spocc:i&d herein, DAt4 1 1114L have read thla tsnd Qwne?s 7t id d0 y apfcc to abide by the sapuladotu and ":evictions a$ rpoocified heroin. PetuatLoa 1 Date FIELD 2 y�3 c T. HOUSE �f1 �� ., {�• ,:�:� CA FIELD S - - • -,, FIELD 1�`{-'y'..: ((�y FIELD 6 9 01- 100 rt qp � ' Y- �,�.•. • ;,.. .. � . � � �. � 1. � • �' . .7!-i $cam. �•�'!�!� ..-� sY{' ' . f �D� � v �"r_i fc-.+4� �f � Y iey Rankin Farm t. Holly Sludge Project tv {t` t �,I � 0 ,f P��_ f-y `L. �y`t •.Zf �� .M ..F _ s, n _ , AGREEMENT FOR TI-fE LAND'APPL,ICATION OF WASTE SLUDGE TO PRIVAI E LANDS O MT HOLLY N C Pcrnuttcc: CITY F - - Contact Pcrsort: MR. EDDIE NICHOLS/ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Address of 11erinittc:c.: P.O. BOX 406 131 S. MAIN ST. MT. HOLLY N-C. 28120 List of Sludges or residuals to lx applied to these lands: CITY OF MT HOLLY WWTP- PERMIT# WQ0001863 Site ID Number: GARY DUCKWORTH FARM. -- Field Number: GD-1 THRU GD-7 Location of Land to be used for sludge or residual application (include map for cacti site):____.__ SEE ATTACHED MAP -- Owner of Property used for sludge or residual application: GARY DUCKWORTH _- Lessee of Property (if appropriate): N/A Land use or cropping patterns: HAY AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Intended use or disposition of crops: LIVESTOCK FEED The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C_ hereinafter refcrrc d to as the Pemuttec, to apply the above listed sludges or residuals upon tic land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as . given bclo%,,. Tic ]ando%,.-acr or his representative rc ceives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of dic applied sludge or residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the. disposal of digested sludge or residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permiucc agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modiitcs or cancels this Land owner's Agreement . 19of25 \1)UkI aI —�I Division of Environmental Management PCrmfts and Engineering Unit . P.O. Box 27687 " Raleigh, NC 27611-76S7 Iltlllltlllllll[1[I1111111I1t111[1(Illllllilllllill(illllltll([Illllllillitl11111I1111111111illlllllillllllillllllll STIPULATIONS: authorizes the. Pennittce, County and 1. The lando;vner or his representative hereby prior to, State Officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property during, and after sludge or residual appl�reoiredlby tlreto ttlludlg oied mocsid al land facilities on or near the applications as qu application permit. 2 "lire landowner or his representative authorizes thcSo l'surface aUdtgrourand id water Officials or their representatives to take n � c nor tlr5 after tcrznination of, this samples during the term of, and t\velve (12) Agreement. py of tile 3. The Pcrmfttee will provide each landowner of Ills .a to en tTof L'~n~nvironmenot, Health land application pennit"as issued by the N.C. p artd Natural Resources (NCD aboT e) Division to con�menceoinent of slnmental udge ortr residual (DEM) for the land described p application. The NCDEHI\TR-DEM permit will tdllaws amaximum regulations. applicatfon rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by c 4. The Pezmittee has provided the landowner or his representative ` du1alsf toprivately d data concerning the program for land application of sludge or residuals owned lands which includes an analysis of al cropping ping pattnts of ernslaada description of application methods and schedules for typical P the equipment used by the Permfttee for sludge or resfdual application. 5. The Pennfttee will furnish each landowner or Ills representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. ior to udge, or 6. the site shall be adequately limed two a plioiledlof at Ica to sites wi l� a pH of leesslthan 6 5 residual application. Sludge m } applied provided a s fficrcni ;:rno.;nt of hmc. is a1soapplied to a final pH of the lane, sludge/residual and soil mixture of at leas or 7. The landowner of his representative1 nfo g pill ar tternsshowoshownf any abovetoseach modifications to the intended use and PP planting season to enable the Peuttee to amend this Agreement and schedule m applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM pennit, the owner or his ion rates land sctive hedules basedd the ton`crolp patternsandthe sludge/residual applrca results of soil samples. S. No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (18) months following sludge application. 20 of 25 L -k\D aPPL1CATIO\ OF RESj1DL'.kL SOLDS. PAGE -'1 (-.91) 9 The landowner or ! is reDresentanves or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Ai!rec:ncm for a period of e:ghtc= t S) months from the cafe of the most recent sludge application. 10.Appropnate measures must be taken by tl�le Pemtittet to conuol Dubiic access to the land application sites during active site use and for the eightee^ t 18) month period following sludge/residual application. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicanng the activities being conducted at each site. 11. Specific sludgelresidual application area boundaries shall be cicariv marked on each site by the Pc=nec prior to and during sludge application. 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 15. Animals should not be grazed on sludge/residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the sludge application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after each application. 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shall ,b-" given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details OA&-tnaterials applied or incorporated at each site. = 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of ,the Division of Environmental Management mav, upon presentation ;of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related k the application site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determirtutg compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept -.under t7ae terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 18. Owner/Operator agrees NOT to enter into any other land application program agreements without giving prior notice to the permitee. ll1I111111111111111111't1111111It1t11l1lltllll11111111111111111I111l1111111111111111111111111t1111111111111111111111[ RESTRICTIONS: LAND OWNER: l..Alf -0u,�KWOAT?q ADDRESS: 951 . Pwy I% lb�-ANt.Fq, n1.c • 291(04 PHONE # : (`704 ) �LO.'7 - 9205 OPERATOR: N/iq ADDRESS: PHONE #: 21 of 25 L -ND APPL!C..T1ON OF RESIDL'.-�LL. SOLIDS PAGE 19 l •' III III Ifill III IfIIIIIIIIIIIII111i11111111111111111111111111I11I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 v..`^-62ve read this land owners atrreemcnt and do hereby grant permission to the Permiae,4-L to apply sludgeirestduai to my lands as specified herein. �- - " Land Owner Zi16/L?Z Date NORTH CAROLINA, jak . COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day_ and acknowledgcd the due execution of the forgoing instrument. V;=S S my hand and official seal this /D .z A day of Oa a L� , 19 q 2 NOT4R%Yk6V4 .IC Iv�rrfiYsYos��x- >es 5L712 7 0 •'`;� ¢ :• t4o-Mgy r r COL �%flags I� have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date I. �� /". ?/? C'F/e have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby ag to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Permittee Date 22 of 25 \. O si r r r7 aw FIELD GD-3 j FIE •' : \ i FIELD GD-5 �; �.: r�J �• _.� ems• � �� � _��\. .;-� � � /'; - � _.� ' FIELD GD - - FIELD GD- 1^ FIEL GD-7 IN / '� l �i>e? : ��t 7B` 'Lo�cQSville � - � � � • � ? . - - y r SCALE: _'-005 1584-9 tPROJECT J08 HO' ' 1.77__U7TT 1_and Aonlication lds �, 4_� c 1 G t�0 : Fie� - Lowesville, and Lake Norman South, N-C• Quads- (7.5 Min.) AW, 1r, fZ4 J-1 f4-. • s rx `4 -xl & < �If -FIELD GD-2 J- FIELD GD 3 i3 e 36 GD-5` jtj GD-1 Ft <4 of ItA FIE 4' FIE D GD-7 �-pOW FIELD GD-4 Q. FIELD G D -6 Fu q P, 4LN' 0, K—HEL 9-� IL S C ALE: 6 �60' �3� �0" 1PROJECT JOB NO: 1584-92-005 . Holly Land Application ,--ry Duckworth Fa rrr. F1G. t4o: ASCS N�n� AGREET\4IENT FOR TIC LAND APPLICATION Or WASTE SLUDGE TO PRIVATE LANDS Pcrmirtcc: CITY OF MT. HOLLY N.C. — Contact Pcrson: MR. EDDIE NICHOLS / PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR _ Address of Pcnnittc.c: P.O. BOX 406 131 S. MAIN ST. MT HOLLY, N.C. 28120 - - -- List of Sludges or residuals to k- applied to these lands-. CITY OF MT HOLLY WWTP — PERMIT# WQ0001863 Sitc ID Numbcr: TONY JONES FARM Field Numbcr: TJ-1 THRU TJ-7 Location of Land to be used for sludge or residual application (include map for each SEE ATTACHED MAP Owner of Properly used for sludge or residual application: NORTH JONES Lessee of Property (if appropriate): N/A Land use or cropping patterns: HAY AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Intended use or disposition of crops: LIVESTOCK FEED The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits CITY OF MT. HOLLY, N.C. hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply the above listed sludges or residuals upon the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as . given bclow. The landov. ncr or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of th", nutrient value of the applied sludge or residuals while the Pcn-nittec receives, in consideration, dic use of the land described above for the disposal of digested sludge or residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application pet-mit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned . land owner or his representative and the Permiucc agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modif-ics or cancels this Land owner's Agreement . 19of25 Division of EnvI-onmental Management Pcmuts and Engineering Unit P_O. Fox 276£7 * - Raleigh, ivC 27611-7687 [I[Il1[111llll[II[Illtlllllllllll[lll(illlll{IIII1{Illlllillllt([Illlll[llull(lt{1lllltll(llill[ll[Ill[[llllll[I11[ STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the I'cnnittee, County and State Officials or their represcnta.tives to inshect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after sludge or residual application and to cst blished nlonitonng ication site as required by the sludge or residual land facilities on or near the appl application permit. 2. 'hhc landowner or his representative authotir_es the 1'cnmlittec, County and State Officials or their representatives to u ke necessary soil, surface and ground wale., samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after tenllination of, this Agreement. 3_ The Permittee will provide each landowner or his.representative with a copy of the land application issued by the N.C. Departrnent of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHI�R) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of sludge or residual application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by time laws and regulations. 4. The Peztnittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of sludge or residuals to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the sludge, sludge application inethods and schedules for typical cropping patterns acida descnption of the equipment used by the Permittee for sludge or residual application. 5. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of time results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to sludge or residual application. Sludge may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.5 provided a sufficient amount of hrlle is also applied to achic final pl' of the lime, sludge/residual and soil mixture of at least 6.5. 7. The landowner of his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the Pemmittee to amend this. Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM pcnnit,.the owner or his representative and the Permittee Till determine sludge/residual application rates and schedules based on crap patterns and the results of soil samples. 8. No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (18) months following sludge application. 20 of 25 L-%`"D �PPLICA-110� OF RESIDUAL. SOLIDS PAGE :1 (4/91) a. The landowner or is representatives or successors shail adhere to the provisions of this Ap-rct-ment for a period of e:ghtecn t 1S) months from the date of the most recent sludgc application. 10.Aopropriate measures must be taken by tie Per:nittee to control public access to the land appiication sites during active site use and for the eighteen t IS) month period following sludgc/residual application. Such controls may include the posting of signs incicanng the activities being conducted at each site. 1 1. Specific sludge/residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site by the Perminee prior to and during sludge application. 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 15. Animals should not be grazed on sludge/residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the sludge application. Application sites that arc to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after each application. 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shalL,bp-A* given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of`the _materials applied or incorporated at each site. c YFi� . ;.i. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative ef-.-the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation= of '-crddentials.' enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related � .the application iite and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determttung compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept -:ender the ter,:.s and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water. or lcachate. 18. Owner/Operator agrees NOT to enter into any other land application program agreements without giving prior notice to the permitee. lllillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII111l1lllll111111I111111111111111111111Illllllll1111lllilllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111 RESTRICTIONS: LAND OWNER: /VOAT14 J0n1E5 OPERATOR: ToNU in&iE-5 ADDRESS: ADDRESS: PHONE #: PHONE #: 21 of 25 �AND APPLIC.=,TION OF RESHDU.'LL SOLIDS PAGE =^ f-4/911 IIIII1ll11111I111111111i1111111111111111111till III 1111111111111111111111I111lIIIIlillllllillll11ll1lllil111111111111 /1JQa �cNES lave read this land owners acrtemcrit and do hereby grant tssion to the Pe.-mtttee to apply sludgurestdual to my lands as specified herein. -7 - Land Owner z/ 2- Date NORTH CAROLINA, 1/), A0 COUNTY, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that A( WTli 70n/E5 personally appeared before :ne this day and acknowled zed the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this C l day of 19 92 NOTj%QV1F414*..IC Iv�q oa C e 5 217 9r7 — p. ••��: t-=ARY of iof fe% I have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date I lj, F. 3A K E P have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby ag- : to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. PC=' ttee Date 22 of 25 40. ( _ \ `,� :�-' }�i • ' /j — µ 1. Hilt L _ X. J - FIELD �TJ-6 �� -- FIELD TJ-7 >J=� • FIELD TJ-1 ^� •/ ,: ,/ '% - ` FIELD TJ-5 FIELD TJ-2 FIELD TJ-4 � . - •`:..\�_ FIELD TJ-3 =�='.^ . ON C°.• • , \'� -- � i _� yr �\ `S6/��i _ � -1s,� ut. C• 00 n�, /� ; Lam � _ • ' • ' � ! r Y ' • (' _ / � M1 - '/ -- 1 PROJECT Holly Land A-plication ___iy Jones Farm -92-005 1564 T-s ._'ate (x ....� . , • i • i y'cY2* i L y 1 WEleld Lowesville, N.C. Quad. (7.5 Min.) e' �� �; .y�: Name and Complete Address of Engineenng t-urn: 7.71r11 s 6124 BRA 28211_ CHARLOTTE State: N. C. Zip. City: Telephone No. 7.04-364:— -2796 Professional Engineer's Certification: I , attest that tills application for has been revte%ved by me and is accurate 't the and complete to the best.of my. knowledge. I further attest h' t tletr bt ttion - Althoug11C best of my hcertain proposed design has been prepared in accordance ���th the I 1 portions of this submittal package may have been developed b c rcotherc�cd Professionals, material and have these materials under my signature and seal signifies that1 I judged it to be consistent with the proposed. design. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Registration No. Print Name of Engineer Seal and Signature (specify date): Applicant's Certification: I MR D EDIE NICHOLS attest that this application for LAND APPL = e 1-understand has been reviewed by me and is accurate and co Hopi ctompto lleted and that if ll reqt of uired support►ng that if all required parts of this application information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Date Signature THE -COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE_', INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO T11E FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA pNISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT.., . WATER QUALITY SECTION PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 919/733-5083 24 of 25 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 • Fax (704) 529-1648 May 23, 1995 Mr.. Randy Kepler North Carolina Department of Environmental Management .Water Quality Section Permits & Engineering Unit .P.O. Box- 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626=0535 RE: Mt. Holly, NC, Land Application Site Addendum Permit NO. WQ 0001863 .Dear Mr. Kepler: R, 3 �90Vit` li +.L Ili I;;�I V Ft.p On. May 17, 1995, a site review of the above referenced sites was. conducted Mr. .Shmar Bou-Ghazale and Mr. Robert Krebes (Mooresville Regional WQ Office). During the review, an abandoned ,.wel.l was identified on the Tony Jones Farm, Field TJ-9, and another abandoned well identified on the Charlie M. Killian Sr.: Farm, Field MH .2-.2. ...Each of these wells require a 100 ft. buffer which decreases the, net acres in each field by 0.7 acres. In compliance with Mr. Bou-Ghazale's site review comments, five copies -of the following materials are enclosed to reflect the net -- acreage change in .each field and the location .of the abandoned wells. . Total acres for each farm and total acres for the addendum also reflect -the 0.7 acre change in the two fields. .1- FARMER -.LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY (List of -all --farms. Immediately follows Table of Contents) 2..FARMER LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY (Summary for each farm; Tony Jones and :Charlie Killian) 3. Map: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - FIELD FEATURES (Map for each field. Shows location'of :abandoned well,. marked .by "H" and.. colored orange) Please call if you have any questions. or need additional information. A Carylon Company Mr. Randy Kepler North Carolina Division of Environmental Management page 2 Sincerely, Calvin Calvin A. Schiemann ...Agronomist Enclosures: l 'ors".a� Daui.d Motil MRDERNR-....REV MT. HOLLY, NC -.ADDENDUM FEBRUARY 1995 FARMER - LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY ACRES FARMER FIELD LANDOWNER GROSS. NET Tony Jones TJ-8 North Jones 31.5 27.2 TJ-9 North Jones 20.8 19.3 TJ-.10 Tony Jones 3.4 3..0 TOTAL 55.7 49.5 Gary Duckworth GD-8 Gary Duckworth 10.5 10.5 .GD-9 Gary.Duckworth .11.9 11.9 GD-10 21.4 21.4 TOTAL 43.8 43.8 Roy Stilwell MH 1-1 Dennis D. Sifford 23.3 16.6 MH 1-2 Dennis D. Sifford .28.2 28.2 TOTAL 51.5 44.8 Charlie M. Killian Sr. MH._2-1 Charlie.Killian Sr. 38.1 3.3.3 MH 2-2 Charlie Killian Sr. 31.4 30.1 MH _2 - 3 ..Charlie . Killian .S r . .19. 6 .19. 6 __._..... MR 2-4 Charlie Killian Sr. 12.6 12.3 ...MH 2-5 Charlie .Kill ian Sr. .17.4 16.7 & Melanie Jones _ MH 21.6 Charlie Killian Sr.- ..16.2 . ..15.2 & Charles Killian Jr.. TOTAL 135.3 127.2' .-Continued next page FARMER -.LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY.: PAGE 2 FARMER FIELD LANDOWNER Gary Neal_ Allen MH 3-1 Gary.Neal.All.en MH 3-3 Gary Neal Allen TOTAL James Henkle MH 4-1 James Henkle TOTAL GRAND TOTAL .:MHFRMSUM. ACRES ..GROSS NET 14.0 14.0 11.6 11.6 .25.6 .25.6 22.2 2.2.2 22.2 22.2 334.1 313.1 ....-HARMER - LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY ACRES .FARMER FIELD LANDOWNER GROSS ..NET Tony Jones TJ-8 North Jones _. 31.5 27.2 . TJ-9 North Jones 20.8 19.3. TJ-10 Tony Jones 3.4. 3.0_ TOTAL 55.7 49.5 SOIL TYPES Field TJ=8 Field TJ-9 Field.TJ-10 PeB2 MdB2 CcB2 PeC2 MdC2 PeC2 CeB2 MdC2 All fields of Lincoln County Soil Survey. ..MHFRMSUM.ALL �` 2 \{ ����/����� ' \\.� �!\�'� /� . �� g�f, ,}I �£:� ����� !y � : � � 3 � 9 `� a� " .�! \� � � r � AW%ee� d!%�� `ƒ� � /; � :: y� � / � � � / \ ���.\���!ƒ RJ;.: � 22 .�� � !~'���w��:} /\' 4� �� %& w�� �'2 ��: :��� � \ . /� ¢r y, e �/� f,� 2 , \�Jt k/ � /%\� � %./ � .� � a 225��� /� `} � ' &� 2�� %� � ! : 6 \�� FARMER - LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY - FARMER FIELD Charlie M. Killian Sr. MH 2-1 MH 2-2 MH 2-3 MH 2-4 MH 2-5 .Field MH 2-1 . CeB2 PaD CH Co WkD Map 1 Gaston Ca. MH 2-6 ACRES LANDOWNER GROSS NET Charlie Killian S-r. 3.8.1 33.3 Charlie Killian Sr. 31.4 30.1 Charlie Killian Sr.. 19.6. 19.6- Charlie Killian Sr. .12.6 12.3 Charlie Killian Sr.. 17�4 16.7 & Melanie Jones Charlie Killian Sr. -16.2 15.2 & Charles Killian Jr....- TOTAL 135.3 127.2 1. SOIL TYPES Field MH 2-2 CeB2 PaE Co 'CH Field MH 2-3 CeB2 PeC2 MdC2 Map 1 Gaston CO. . Map 7 Lincoln Co. -Field MH .,.2-4 -.-Field MH. 2-5 Field MH_-2-6 _ CeB2 CeB.2 CeB2 WkD PaD2 MdC2 WkD Map 1 Gaston Co. Map 1 Gaston Co. Map 1 Gaston Co. Map 7 Lincoln Co'._-!_ Map 7 Lincoln Co. The Gaston/..Lincoln .County line passes. thr.ough,.Fi.elds .MH.,2-4 and MH .2-5. :MHFRMSUM.ALL ��JJ /per' '" r 3' � ,{�•' '�`�` �+� �'•��`�� • t '� ;�' 1 ,�,..,w..Y• , r� 'r'S' �{� a,..' '� � e a'Z:•.t nit i � ••a �• iur (� ( 'ti: r x "� ia° 13s ��' {ice .,,� ,t+.rrr�: r • • � ._ '•4 \. AL raw Y i • :K � �'..t�v c7 4> ,. 3.• �t,,`y -4 �"4•�WY �"T. � . 1� -' i . �+ �yr�`%r `.E z. � s. y.. _ , J a y E tt t IV - . �' ' I . •f i�f 'A>.� 1 ^' i 1 `t 1'�� :'"�i�Y J Jy '^' fii�y_..r'. ��yt z•4 c f � � � »��L- ;,ts ..i . •� Alb �C ' • � • jam{ W19' TV r :{� s' A V�1 �''�$'rv4 � .c ,.. ! ~.�` +•� _ } r `� y M t� •. � �.0 �S� 5 � t t i. Yam' \�j,� S'•.' I al 7CJ '�'. y 44�i ��� .Yr. �� • � �P "d; �i'�, t ,..` � t� ai.. K "`���..YY�R., _ � f `' p Y �y •. x4 s-';�°` �'`{s,fi- 7� �.a 7 r� r.ia ):r ��u� ..�s� ,.•4ti fr I.. t •i`" t ~`�.c .��" iX r r r ,� f� - a- �f"r.3 i :..,/r.�.y'�y� �. 1 �, :.��,�e��sa;'J+�'Jt t���t.i C•+• V.�,+►�CY�. �� � T`d�r�'� ; r•�_~ W '�, l .'�F;`�� ..+•.S' �4`' `zCti••ad`i R• t `�.-'ITY a 7t "'ems. a�•:..wl,d" .�r 3'g�Gt�•�•�s vr. • ",7���{,t`c^x"..� ,r+l� t � 1 '� 'f�` �� r �-,S .i: . �. ✓-0+� .�, � e, •� ���'"'�'{ 1 ��t� arc rd .� �, '� �; +Y. -' ' � � � �" �'Ec'!� . `� �Ty✓ ^ f'"y`Y �,,,,,y, r'Pi �sq ,y��":•'U� '�! � 1 : r� t"7w 'J c y w .a���.,�„.�, .'`'''" �} �.,,_,�q"• ,;•.r M1•✓ `"zr::�: �l �^,,.� ''..fir �. sriaa r � i ��7�+ti I.��s.',�Lt. - 2� ,f.• 39 \ �'u.���� C � ..0 `.r.l.F �.eb��}F�7•T•1r_ ZL. Y �.�1y� � '.� 'I'll :. •s ,�'�++ t. . AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - FIELD FEATURES Hoijse/well Soil Boring A&kFielc? Number (orange 0-(yellow) (,yellow) WBuffer Area Field Border (red) (yellow) Water (stream or pond) (blue) L11,,r lit IM, kMi AA 5 Jai' r, tJ 0 ,c4r 6 MT. HOLLY, NC - .ADDENDUM FEBRUARY 1995 FARMER - LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY ACRES FARMER FIELD LANDOWNER GROSS NET Tony Jones TJ-8 North Jones 31.5 27.2 TJ-9 North Jones 20.8 19.3 .TJ-10 Tony Jones 3.4 3.0 TOTAL 55.7 49.5 Gary Duckworth -GD-8 Gary Duckworth 10.5 10.5 GD-9 Gary.Duckworth 11.9 11.9 GD-10 21.4 21.4 TOTAL 43.8 43.8 Roy Stilwell MH 1-1 Dennis D. Sifford 23.3 16.6 MH 1-2 Dennis-D. Sifford 28.2 .28.2 TOTAL 51.5 44.8 Charlie M. Killian Sr. MH 2-1 Char.lie.Killian Sr. 38.1 .3.3.3. MH 2-2 Charlie Killian Sr. 31.4 30.1 MH .2-3 Charl.i-e Killian .Sr. 19.6 .19.6 MH 2-4 Charlie Killian Sr. 12.6 12.3 MH 2-5 Char.lie Killian Sr. 17.4 16.7 & Melanie Jones _ MH .2-.6 ..Charlie Killian.Sr. 16.2 ..15.2 & Charles Killian Jr.. TOTAL" 135.3 _-127.2 FARMER - LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY.: PAGE 2 FARMER Gary Neal. Allen James Henkle :.MHFRMSUM._ ACRES FIELD LANDOWNER .GROSS .NET MH .3-1 Gary.Neal .Allen 14.0 14.0 MH 3-3 Gary Neal Allen 11.6 11.6 TOTAL 25.6 .25.6 MH 4-1 James Henkle 22..2 2.2.2 TOTAL 22.2 22.2 GRAND TOTAL 334.1 ..313.1 FARMER Tony Jones ......_FARMER -.LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY FIELD LANDOWNER TJ-8 North Jones TJ-9 North Jones TJ710 Tony Jones TOTAL --ACRES GROSS NET 31.5 27.2 . 20.8 19.3. 3.4. 3.0 - 55.7 49.5 SOIL TYPES Field TJ-8 Field TJ-9 Field.TJ-.10 PeB2 MdB2 CcB2 PeC2 MdC2 PeC2 CeB2 MdC2 All fields on- map 7 of Lincoln County Soil Survey. .:MHFRMSUM...ALL- ���,�������} \/ }\� / �7�� � / � »���z� ..%�� �.�aAa FARMER - LANDOWNER - FIELD SUMMARY ACRES FARMER FIELD LANDOWNER GROSS NET Charlie M. Killian Sr. MH 2-1 Charlie Killian Sr.. 38.1 MH 2-2 Charlie Killian Sr. 31.4 MH 2-3 Charlie Killian Sr.. 19.6. MH 2-4 Charlie Killian Sr. 12.6 MH 2-5 Charlie Killian Sr.. 17.4 .Field MH 2-1 .. CeB2 PaD CH Co WkD Map 1 Gaston -Co. & Melanie Jones MH 2-6 Charlie Killian Sr. .16.2. & Charles Killian Jr. - TOTAL 135.a ...SOIL TYPES ..Field MH 2-2 .CeB2 PaE Co CH . Field MH 2-3 CeB2 PeC2 MdC2 Map 1 Gaston CO. Map 7. Lincoln Co. _._Field -MH .2-4 _ _,._Field MH. 2-5 . -:.Field MH .2-6 33.3 30.1 19.6 12.3 16.7 15.2 127.2 .C.eB2 -CeB2 CeB2 WkD PaD2 MdC2 WkD :Map 1 Gaston Co,. Map 1.Gaston Co. Map L Gaston Co._ Map 7 Lincoln. Co.-, Map_:7 Lincoln -Co. The Gaston/..Lincol.n ,.County line passes. through ,.Fi.el.ds .MH,-..2-4 and MH .2-5. :MHFRMSUM.ALL em � ," a s•r? � 'i "�' y, ? rc.. Nam^ / ,aa„�r r '}s`F� �. i.- r 1F"�- :�',a.: _..2 Si�•1 t . 4 ��j1 �• F C:t�� �• Y tz � 4� f, �.f � •c ys. � L' a �. ?� c r 3�1 ;.� .,. • � �� 1 At ..� � yY f. -i�w •'C.�d„. ,s.:� �'^4 � sp,�.,y i•'`d•- f F�, --y� �`f, r�. ���.• '_•,r�,�1��-� 'Y,t`t�y {.r. t •y"` raR" 'w9 rNy !y _V r . -rr' A +��s. d ! / 'yam;_ • yi? ? 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' + ;. r `_� jar{ �r ly r t`• ,,,j •'yY:�s.Y-,� 3$+�a.ryS>r�"+'� ��:.� ;tom _ L 1j s.= .1•}Lp�„,r�.y.aLt t'T ..F �i"°• ab'Y Y V�.�A��'. 3ita - �v +O�,�, �s R`' trr st�,.g ''tY��t •� ..- �r''� �izr .,+yY✓x"�S -tom qt� �� ie:: r ': ht `tk,����„'�'°" *t' -NN _`+.Y-,ti.e All .� A-'J _-`,� ,�Ayd .,4 : f ;''i' r'!1- .'+•ram' 3 R, 1•-yq^. ,.; t •t " ,\ - "(, s-i �, `'-a, `� `rt'`'$ - y : `t xY,r 'f[r3 T`- $ �" a �� ; �.Ir',E•. ��"f•�' _ � .� — �" � S t1' i-' f �;r rR - S�r}7'. +.- �, �'.t <?L k • � - , i •"' }} �i�_ _ `(}. S $*�t'4-- . 7 ,.f- v r{ ��,.'� i� . +-"%'«_�,{ 1a j .. 'S+'1' w1 w �dp •s Y t�+3'P b@� � '�3'� /.7�" Y � r � y •, ' �, . p'st "�-iN � 3 � z J C '�I t T iw M, r,., �'. ¢"`' ,fit „a.-,t',"SJ-�t SYr'-'lj•..�v s .. ft' a Y + �„ 7 .!. '� }� .. �7eo" z t'�df-•+:i.W S�e�. ate,,,. v. ��s! ;�1:�e�,,�^C' f`..L°a'�• �-1 a� `� �trr���'� r- k a. . r 3.z}• -� ��f. ^��.,� i '. � `4� K�^��� G... �, •1> Tt.— � +� d Rom°= jr .,C_ �. ','yam` a.. 7 . "y'' �; s• '�, ^ZF`ir? M - : 7'"r`i. J i+� "3a s?r !` ' y� �+�"�Y ��t ��q tit• t. 3;tiJpaa�e n�Y t�' >< �".� � Y4 w.yy �r y �� 'j?•'� ° 5'r"-sr�R� p 'N y t �"�"�" F' i'a"T' . Y:''r' -i _ ��' - �' h j� •� '+' F� �'.r k>• '1!x' _ — R%<r 1F ' �„3, Y '� �n:11",a:F �?`� tn•. r- � i iekn a• b Na,,e�, „�-S„�'^� ,s.s_ �. , i,,.,i�., �, gi.. a ! 1 �i F,"y:- , �2,� r«: 4 3�1�:'• ,� x . ,g��b•.�� �r C`�^•ny�� ��41 � f �� t� � � ., � T�j�r ' ����� 'r^ �ar ty�FT�k ,5yY.sSy e.>-x�g x" "*} IN 4 `Y a•t Sty � � SI �t+�'�� �- t r.�• w �'� p��t.,p �, „���*.'S` °� by �''�.'� �' �� • � * T�YS�x.ti � °y.,3� .� ,:,<,.�- Y4'`cy.raa. � +•" `�' .„ yak :�1'M .y „Z�'*4 -. � �� r 7 '7 � r.. ,. rx t�`�:A � i � r ` � t.+'. a�.�"i' t r-'.:ti .. - ,i' ._ - ..Qe A .,'�'��... r �•.R: S�v;�{ , �:.� ;X - . _ _ . �. � Ri � .:f s�. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - FIELD FEATURES �f{ouse/well Soil Boring Field Number (orange (yellow) iyellow) WBuffer Area Field Border (red) (yellow) Water (stream or pond) (blue) T Engineer Planners Sun?eyor January31, 1995 ?�.C. Der' Permits and Engineering Unit DEM P. O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 RE: Mount Holly Water & Sewer Improvements W00008098 Mount Holly, Gaston County, North Carolina WKD #93065.10 Dear Sir: JLIL A -? I, John W. McLaughlin, P. E., as the duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe periodically the construction of the referenced project, involving 1,429 LF of 8", 6,011 LF of-: 12", 4,600 LF of 15" and 2,773 LF of 16" gravity sewer, hereby state that to they, best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used by a site representative,', under my direct supervision in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. - Sincerely, W. K. DICKSON,,"O., INC. Jo aughlin, P. E. Registration No. 14272 JWM/dgm cc: Mr. Eddie Nichols 1924 Cleveland Avenue Other Offices: Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Atlanta, GA 704 334-5348 Asheville, NC FAX 704 334-0078 Raleigh, NC Columbia, SC H CAR01 14 •• ....•• �G �4 ,�i.fmMl;.P`'`�. The Division of Environmental Management hereby acknowledges receipt and acceptance of this Engineers Certification It - 4% aL) To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: Randy Kepler i SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: No Date: November 17, 1994 NON -DISCHARGE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County: Gaston MRO No.: 94-227 Permit No. WQA001863 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: City of Mount Holly Land Application of Sludge Post Office Box -406 Mount Holly, N.C. 28120 2. Date of Investigation: N/A 3. Report Prepared By: Michael L. Parker, Environ. Engr. II 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Mr. Eddie Nichols, (704) 827-4261. 5. Directions to Site: The directions to all of the land application sites can be found in the report submitted by the City for this renewal. 6. Disposal Site(s), List for all disposal sites: N/A Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site on map. Topographic maps to all of the disposal sites can be found in the report submitted by the City. 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): 366.5 acres are included for renewal (this is a reduction from the currently permitted acreage). The acreage permitted for the Yates Springs Farm is not included in the Permit renewal. 8. Topography (location map or topographic indicating relationship to 100 year flood plain included): None of the application sites are located within the 100 year flood plain and, therefore, are not restricted to a seasonal application. 9. Any buffer conflicts with location of nearest dwelling and water supply well? All applicable buffers are maintained. ,a 0 Page Two 10. Watershed Stream Basin Information: a. Watershed Classification: WS-IV b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Catawba 030836 C. Distance to surface water from disposal system:. Varies, depending on specific sites (see attached topographic maps). PART II - DESCRIPTION OF WASTES AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume: N/A Residuals: 1151 dry tons per year. b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: N/A C. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): N/A. 2. Treatment Facilities a. Current permitted capacity of the.facility: NIP, b. Actual treatment capacity of the facility (design volume): N/A c.. Description of existing or substantially constructed WWT facilities: N/A 3. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: a. . Residuals Stabilization: PSRP 4. Treatment Plant Classification: Less Than 5 Points; No Rating (include rating sheet). N/A 5. SIC Code(--): N/A Wastewater Code(s): N/A Main Treatment Unit Code: N/A DART .III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds (municipals only)? N/A 2. Special monitoring requests: None at this time 3. Important SOC/JOC or Compliance Schedule Dates: N/A 4. Air Quality and/or Groundwater concerns or hazardous materials utilized at this facility that may impact water quality, air quality, or groundwater? No AQ concerns nor are hazardous materials present in the sludge. GW concerns should be incorporated in the Permit upon reissuance. Page Three PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The City of Mount Holly has requested Permitwal of the requested during Peripit. The two (2) modifications permitted this renewal is the deletion andtthehe achange il of ntheapermittee from under the Yates Springs Mount Holly. S&ME to the City Prior to the deletion of Part IV,ocuation1tooo�from he theGWsection Permit, the City must Provide d that any wells located near the aabdonit should e rtperlyladjacentcated abandoned. All to Duckworth fields No. 2 & 3 have other conditions as contained in the existing Perm remain in effect. Pending a technical review1nisareGommendPdtthatEtheand Permit concurrence by the GW section, be renewed as requested. Signature of Report Preparer Date Water Qua Regional Supervisor 4Dae4 ALp State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Albert F. Hilton, Regional Manager William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT October 19, 1990 Mr. Ed Nichols Public Works Director City of Mount Holly Post Office Box 406 Mount Holly', North Carolina 28120 Subject: WQ0003444 Land Application of Sludge Mount Holly Water Treatment Plant Gaston County, NC Dear Mr. Nichols: In a telephone conversation with Mr. Michael L. Parker with this Office on May 22, 1990 you indicated that you were interested in combining the subject water treatment plant sludge disposal program with your existing wastewater treatment plant sludge disposal program (WQ0001863). At your request the renewal of the subject Permit was placed on hold until the City's sludge disposal consultants could provide the necessary information to modify the wastewater treatment plant's sludge disposal permit. In a follow-up conversation on August 28, 1990 you again indicated to Mr. Parker that a modification request to incorporate the two permits would be forthcoming. As of the date of this letter, no modification request has been received. It is the intent of this Office to make recommendations for renewal of the subject Permit within 30 days from the date of this letter unless a modification request is received during this time. Any modification request received after Permit reissuance will require the submittal of a new processing fee of $400.00 (new processing fee effective October 1, 1990). If, for any reason, additional time is necessary to complete the modification request, please advise this Office in writing. 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, N.C. 28115 • Telephone 704-663-1699 • FAX 704-663-6040 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Ed Nichols Page Two October 19, 1990 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Parker or me. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Mr. John Seymour MLP:se PERMIT !,PPLICATION STATUS P r o j e c t Name Permit No.: W HIR0 No. Date Application Received: -5V/ i f(� I Completeness of Application Package: Yes Date of Investigation: / / f6 Date SR Submitted for Reviet-a: Information Requested Date Person Telephone Info. Rqst. Contacted Rqst• F«+J �ca�EFl= No—Z Date Recvd. Other: `n{^y►pp' ( �� / v/ CO RDSOURC SNA'tITRAL n, `'(\i o �/� � • ,�" �� , ;,,2,; m . -�` _ 1� � ^ITT' MAY 0 3 1990 DIVISION pF State of North Carolina MOORS SVIlErrr�,Enra1 1E 6«1Exr Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources REGIONAL OFFICE Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Date: 19 1 Director ✓rr ": k f /Z t ; SUBJECT: Application No. WQ �--- Z. r Dear f J The Divisions Permits and, Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on �` , 19 , ' . This application has been assigned the number shown above. Please refer to this number when making inquiries on this project. Your project has been assigned to '-_.r ` .- for a detailed engineering review. A technical acknowledgement will be forthcoming. If this acknowledgement is not received within thirty (30) days, please contact the engineer listed above. Be aware that the Divisions regional office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Super- visor or a Procedure Four Evaluation for this project, prior to final action by the Division. If you have any questions, please call the review engineer listed above at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely Donald Safrit, P.E.' Supervisor, Permits and Engineering CC: Regional Supervisor Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer North' Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources DEM USE ONLY f ! Environmental Management Commission Permit Number: :t ON -DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION --� 7 in with NC General -Statutes -Chapter. 143, Article 21 t County: tj 5 , '%✓ accordance Applicant (ni)e of board, individual, or others): ,rl Application Date: Project (name of city, village, town, sanitary district, establishment): FOR: N`• Brief Project Description: E1 1Von-Discharge Treatment/Disposal Facilities r J 7 !'. L / i_I r9. fy ' /fir , --. / J'/ . � , • y 1.r ❑ Pretreatment Facilities •/" f ,E W ❑ Sewer Collection System (private) e ❑ Extension of Sewer Systems (public) 'ij a � °yr�Yi � 0 > c [:]-Sludge Disposal ❑ Spray Irrigation' 14 NATURE OF WASTEWATER: ❑ Domestic Sewage+ - El" Sludge/Industrial Waste = - Estimated Completion Date: ❑ Other Waste From (sewers, pretreatment plant): Serving (city, institution, industry): Into (name of treatment plant): Average Daily Gallons Sewage or Waste Flow: At (location of plant): (NPDES No.) NCOO Name and Complete i Address of Engineering Firm: ",L)> /4 ' ' ' ' r, ' Zip Code: �) 1. y _. , n ✓ n �! r' / , ; , ! : /,: '�` N. ! Telephone No. Applicant assures that proposed works will be constructed, supervised, operated and maintained in accordance with approved plans and specifications or approved changes thereto. Mailing Print Name: i -- ! C' a) Address: Title: 1 -'f r% �.,' ;7,9 I % r% �-,-,�/'r l Zip Code: .7 Signature: �- Telephone No. - INSTRUCTIONS: I. Fill-in All Spaces: if not -applicable,, enter N/A. 2.Secure appropriate signature (mayor/city manager for municipality, chairman for sanitary district board, owner/proper official of corporation, or legally constituted board or commission in charge of proposed works). A letter of authorization is required from proper official if design engineer or other agent signs application. 3.Submit to Division of Environmental Management, Permits and Engineering Unit, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611 the original and ALL carbon copies of the application, 3 sets of finalized plans, specifications and other supporting data as required by Com- mission nuies, ana permit ree. rians ana specmcanons must oe signea ana seaien oy a regesteren Toren q'aronna engineer. FOR ASSISTANCE, CALL THE STATE CENTRAL OFFICE (919) 733-5083, PERMITS &.ENGINEERING UNIT, OR: Asheville (704) 251-6208 Fayetteville (919) 486-1541 Mooresville (764) 663-1699 Winston-Salem (919) 761-2351 59 Woodfin Place Suite 714 Wachovia Bldg. 919 North Main Street 8025 North Point Boulevard Asheville, NC 28802 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Raleigh (919) 733-2314 Washington (919) 946-6481 Wilmington (919) 256-4161 3800 Barrrett Drive 1424 Carolina Avenue 7225 Wrightsville Avenue P.O. Box 27687 P.O. Box 1507 Wilmington, NC 28403 Raleigh, NC 27611 Washington, NC 27889 DIMS 9J OF ENVqRONMENTAi. Air. Greg young, City manager city of mount Molly P.O. Box 406 131 South 11ain Street Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 Dear Aar. `ioung: C. R Dgpr b� Ar cQnrntU�i oR s .4 DvR �lVl�IJN OF ML'�jQESd/(� YI IiDN�?FfiTq( r, �, ,, December 22, 19; 1 f RfGlrJ/yhL Offi6'f..; T SUBJECT: permit No. 7071 City of nount 8.olly Water Treatment Plant Alvah Sludge handling Facilities Gaston County in accordance with your application received November 4, 1981, we are forwardin- herewith Permit go. 7071, dated December 22, 1981, to the City of 11otrat Rolly for the construction anti opera ion of tree subject axon-disel. ge type waste treatment facilities. This permit shall be effective from tine date of issuance until January 1, 1985, and s)aall ba subject to the coadi.tiona and limitations as spacifiad theraia. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained iu this permit are unacceptable to you, you have tue right to an adjudicatory hearing before a heari:ag officer upon, written demand to Cite Director within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit, identifying the specific issues to be contended. unless such demand is made, this permits shall be final and binding. 0ae(1) set of approved plans and specifications is baying forwarded to you. If you have any questions or aeed additional information concerning this matter, please contact fir. Roger L. Coats, telephone number 919/733-7120. Sincerely yours, C;ri0ina] Signed By N. LEFLFEIv 1"1 , J ?,Robert F. Helms Director cc: Gaston County Health Department Willis/O'Brien & Gera / �fr. w, Fleming, Jr. V ?Mooresville Regional Supeivvisor Yiooresville Regional Office Manager NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALE I GH P E R M I T For the Discharge of Sewage, Industrial Wastes, or Other Wastes In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO City of Mount Holly Gaston County FOR THE construction and operation of a 0.49 MGD non -discharge type wastewater treatment facility consisting of two (2) 1.25 MG settling/storage alum sludge lagoons, a 250 GPM supernatant return pump station with dual pumps, approximately 835 lineal feet of 6-inch supernatant force main and all associated piping, valves, and appurtenances to serve the Mount Holly Water Treatment Plant, and the discharge of the alum sludge by tanker truck into -the City of Mount Holly's existing waste - treatment plant, pursuant to the application received November 4, 1981, and in conformity with the project plans, specifications, and other supporting data, subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and considered a part of this Permit. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until January- 1, 1985, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are `on.tructad in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and other supportin- data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and vol.ime of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be adequately treated in the City of Mount Holly's Wastewater Treatment Plant prior to being discharged into the receiving stream. City of Mount Holly Gaston County Page Two 5. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by this Department. 6. Solids, sludges, or other,pollutants removed or resulting from the wastewater treatment process shall be contained and disposed of in such a manner as to prevent any contamination of the surface or ground waters of the State. 7. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. 8. Upon the availability of a municipal or regional sewerage collection system, the subject pump and haul facilities shall be abandoned, and all wastewater discharged into the municipal or regional sewerage system. 9. Satisfactory controls shall be provided to contain the accidental discharge or spillage of hazardous or toxic substances either stored or being used in the pretreatment facilities on project site. 10. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this Permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if indicated, will extend the Permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limit- ations as it may deem appropriate. 11. Freeboard in the settling/storage alum sludge lagoons shall not be less than one foot at any time. Permit issued this the 22nd day of December, 1981. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MAiNAGE'NT COMMISSION Original Signed By W. LEE FLEMINI G, JR. Robert F. Helms, Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit: No. 7071 DIVISIaN OF i}iV1R0N)1EPTAL MANAG21ENT Mr. Greg Young, City manager City of Mount Holly P.Q. Box 406 131 South lain Street Houat Molly, North Carolina 28120 ECEIVED d VWN OF ENVIRONMEMUL NAM DEC 14 1990 Dacemher 22, 1981 SUBJECT s permit wo . 7071 City of Hount dolly Water Treatment Plant Alum Sludge Handling Facilities Gaston County Dear mar. Young,,, In.accordance with your application received govember 4, 1981, we are forwarding herewith permit No. 7071, dated ,member 22, 1961, to the City of Mount Uoily for the construction and oparat;iou of the subject nma-discharge type waste'treatmeat facilities. This permit sue= be Offective gram the date of 3aaraaxuces until January 1, 1985, and shall be subject to the con4i.tions and limitations as specified therein. If any parts, requ%ements, or limitations contained in this parfait are uuaaceptable to you, you have tiia right to an adjudicatory hearing before .a heasiag officer upon written demand to the Director within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit, identifying the specific issues to be contended. Unless such dasaand is made, this permit shall be .final and binding. one(1) set of approved plane and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you have any 4uestioas or used additional information concerning this matter, pieasa contact Mr. Roger L. Coats, telephone number 919/733-7124. sincerely yours, Original Signed By W. LEr FLE DING, JR, Bert F.:ieims i9irector cc: canton county health Department Willis/011rien a Gore / Mr. W. Lea Fleasing, Jr. V Moreavill.e Regional Supervisoa Xoorwevill.e Regional Offlea agar NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH P E, R M I T For the Discharge of Sewage, Industrial Wastes, or Other Wastes In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO City of Mount Holly Gaston County FOR THE construction and operation of a 0.49 MGD non -discharge type wastewater treatment facility consisting of two (2) 1.25 MG settling/storage alum sludge lagoons, a 250 GPM supernatant return pump station with dual pumps, approximately 835 lineal feet of 6-inch supernatant force main and all associated piping, valves, and appurtenances to serve the Mount Holly Water Treatment Plant, and the discharge of the alum sludge by tanker truck into -the City of Mount Holly's existing waste- water treatment plant, pursuant to the application received November 4, 1981, and in conformity with the project plans, specifications, and other supporting data, subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and considered a part of this Permit. This Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until .January 1, 1985, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and other supporting data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 4. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be adequately treated in the City of Mount Holly's Wastewater Treatment Plant prior to being discharged into the receiving stream. City of Mount Holly Gaston County Page Two 5. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the Permittee shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by this Department. 6. Solids, sludges, or other pollutants removed or resulting from the wastewater treatment_ process shall be contained and disposed of in such a manner as to prevent any contamination of the surface or ground waters of the State. . 7. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. 8. Upon the availability of a municipal or regional sewerage collection system, the subject pump and haul facilities shall be abandoned, and all wastewater discharged into the municipal or regional sewerage system. 9.' Satisfactory controls shall be provided to contain the accidental discharge or spillage of hazardous or toxic substances either stored or being used in the pretreatment facilities on project site. 10. The Permittee,- at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this Permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if indicated, will extend the Permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limit- ations as it may deem appropriate. 11. Freeboard in the settling/storage alum sludge lagoons shall not be less than one foot at any time. Permit issued this the 22nd day of December, 1981. NORTH C9ROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Original Signed By v W. LEE FLEMING, A Robert F. Helms, Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. 7071 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Linda Diane Long, Regional Manager DIVISION czg�z& Oak OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 11, 1995 Mr. W. E. Nichols, II Public Works Director City of Mount Holly Post Office Box 406 Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 Subject: Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly Gaston County, NC Dear Nichols: Our records show that Permit No. WQ0001863 was issued on June 29, 1995 for the land application of sludge generated by your wastewater treatment facility. The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of the Permit and the liabilities in the event of failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit. If you have not already done so, it is requested that you and other appropriate employees thoroughly read the Permit. The Permit sets forth specific performance standards, operation and maintenance requirements, monitoring requirements, including annual reporting and groundwater monitoring activities to be performed by the Permittee, plus general conditions applicable to non -discharge permits. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit subjects the Permittee to enforcement action pursuant to Section 143-215.6 of the North Carolina General Statutes. A civil penalty of up to $10,000 per violation may be assessed for such violations. Please note that the subject Permit expires on February 29, 2000. Part VI, No. 8 of the Permit requires that a renewal request be submitted at least six (6) months prior to expiration. Also the Permit is non- transferable until such time that the Permittee has requested a name change to the new Permittee. As mentioned previously, the purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of your Permit. Please read the Permit and contact this office at 704/663-1699 in Mooresville if you have any questions or need clarification. We look forward to providing any assistance. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor MLP:al 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Telephone 704-663-1699 FAX 704-663-6040 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper e%t -.. p r, June 19, 1995 EDDIE NICHOLS MT.HOLLY, CITY-ALLUM SG LAGOO PO BOX 406 MOUNT HOLLY, NC 28120 SUBJECT: PERMIT NO. WQ0003444 MT.HOLLY, CITY-ALLUM SG LAG00 GASTON COUNTY Dear Permittee: Our files indicate that the subject permit issued on 4/05/91 expires on 3/31/96. We have not received a request for renewal from you as of this date. A renewal request shall consist of a letter requesting renewal and completion of the enclosed application, submitted in triplicate. A processing fee must be submitted with the request. Please find attached a copy of the 15 NCAC 2H .0205(c) regulations. The processing fee for your facility is based on the design or permitted flow, whichever is appropriate, listed in the first four categories of facilities. Sludge renewals are based on total acres of land permitted. If the facility covered by this permit contains some type of treatment works, a narrative descripton of the sludge management plan that is in effect at the facility must be submitted with the application for renewal. The Environmental Management Commission adopted revised rules on October 1, 1990 (attached), requiring the payment of an annual fee for most permitted facilities. You will be billed separately for that fee (if applicable), after your permit is approved. Please be advised that this permit must not be allowed to expire. If the renewal request is not received within 180 days prior to the permit's expiration date as required by 15 NCAC 2H .0211, you will be assessed an automatic civil penalty. This civil penalty by North Carolina General Statute may be as much as $10,000 per day. If a permit renewal request is not received 180 days before permit expiration, a civil penalty of at least $250 will be assessed. Larger penalties may be assessed depending 1 .-"A: _ 'r Page 2 on how late the request is made. In addition, any permit renewal request received after the permit's expiration date will be considered as a new application and will be required to pay the higher permit application fee. The letter requesting renewal, along with a completed Non -Discharge Permit application and appropriate standard fee, should be sent to: Permits and Engineering Unit Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 The check should be made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR). If you should have any questions or need any additional information regarding this matter, please contact me at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, 0riginal5igned 'By Angela Y. Griffin for Carolyn McCaskill, Supervisor State Engineering Review Group cc: Mooresville_Regional Office __ Permits and Engineering Unit Central Files �o® Environmental Waste Recycling, Inc. June 8, 1995 Mr. Mike Parker Mooresville Regional NCDEHNR P. 0. Box 950 Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Parker: N.C. ?r?'1.OF "i & ni yR.: L R!-_'' OURC3F JUN 1 2 1995 DIVISIOIN 0C �:N`Vlh'*kILhi�,� <+IOO,'ESVI' .F. tRIGION"AL G? iME We have the contract to haul and land apply the sludge for Hoechst Celanese in Mount Holly. We have received a permit amendment, and plan to haul Friday, June 9th, weather permitting. One of the stipulations of the permit is that we notify the Regional DEHNR office prior to initial application of sludge. Please feel free to call our office with any questions or comments. Sincerely, cv-��� ctj� Teresa Ellis Director of Administration -� 149 Yadkin Valley Road . Advance, NC 27006 • (910) 998-8184 • FAX (910) 998-2495 Printed on Recycled Paper State of North Carolina , Pam. C Department of Environment �;�'► MV;rrr, m,krz,10 'A and Natural Resources & '°' ' ls. ;�Outtciil • Division of Water Quality l/ DER 23 1998 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary qtP:0 rr.. ENV ultmia � . A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Dir ctorJj6V xxjc mr g S4CDENR O` NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF I I� ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES August 10, 1998 VI` Mr. W.E. Nichols, II, Public Works D' ctor City of Mount Holly P.O. Box 406 Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 Dear Mr. Nichols: Subject: Application No. WQ0001863 WWTP A Sludge Gaston County The Division's Permits and Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on August 10, 1998. This application has been assigned the number listed above. Your project has been assigned to Ms Joni Cardin for a detailed engineering review. Should there be any questions concerning your project, the reviewer will contact you with a request for additional information. Be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Supervisor or a Procedure Four Evaluation for this project, prior to final action by the division. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Joni Cardin at 919/733-5083, ext. 509. If the engineer is unavailable, you may leave a message on their voice mail and they will respond promptly. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely, ` V i Mr. Kim H. Colson, P.E. Supervisor, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit cc: �o©resvi'1'le Regiona' `' ice'Wate uality 0(�191'r1c���y SCV1� 8- Bio Nomic Services, Inc. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Od o I�pq o 3 �S �o�o—�ay0�� f 000 a 1,�3 -'6 D 5 A�e3 mc 114we.Cw mmmI.BiuAlaw.', �'c�'.%jbr"� SEP 23 1998 91WONJ U. vlwtt APPLICATION FOR PERMIT MODIFICATION LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL. SOLIDS CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA NON -DISCHARGE PERMIT NO. WQ0001863 Prepared For: City of Mount Holly P.O. Box 406 Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 Prepared By: Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. 516 Roundtree Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 July 1998 V 0 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 • Fax (704) 529-1648 July 29, 1998 N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Permits and Engineering Unit Post Office Box 29535 (27626-0535) 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attention: Mr. Kim Colson Reference: MODIFICATION OF NON -DISCHARGE PERMIT NO. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly Dear Mr. Colson: Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. is under contract with the City of Mount Holly to manage their land application of residual solids program. Bio-Nomic wishes to modify non -discharge Permit No. WQ0001863 on behalf of the City of Mount Holly to add the City of Mount Holly Water Treatment Plant (WTP) residual solids as an additional source. Operating procedures will involve the land application of the City of Mount Holly Wastewater and Water Treatment Plant residual solids onto the previously permitted fields in Permit No. WQ0001863. Permitted additional annual residual volumes are 130 dry tons of WTP to be land applied. This source was previously permitted under permit number WQ0003444 and requested to be added to WQ0001863. Please contact us immediately if you require additional information or have questions in the review of the permit modification. Sincerely, Bio-Nomic Services, Inc.. oa'zc Z�61 11106� David Motil Land Application Services Manager Enclosure: Permit Package, $400.00 Modification fee cc: Mr. W.E. Nichols, II, Public Works Director City of Mount Holly A Carylon Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Title ' I LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS APPLICATION FORM II RESIDUAL SOLIDS ANALYSIS REPORT SECTION I LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS APPLICATION FORM State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 44 Division of Environmental Management �'°� Non -Discharge Permit Application Form, (THIS FORMMAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE ASAN ORIGINAL) LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS' � �`-� This application is intended for residuals which will be regulated under 40 CFR ParC503 L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicant's name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): City of Mount Holly 2. Print Owner's or Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Mr. W.E. Nichols II Public Works Director 3. Mailing address: Post Office Box 406 , 131 South Main City: Mount Holly State: North Carolina Zip: 28120 Telephone Number: 7( 04) 827-4261 4. Application Date: July, 1998 5. Fee Submitted: $ 400.00 [The permit processing fee should be as specified in 15A NCAC 211.0205(c)(5)] 6. Specify whether these residuals will be land applied to: X agricultural lands, forest, public contact sites, reclamation sites; (Please be advised, if these residuals will be distributed for lawn or home garden use, the application for the "DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS" should be completed rather than this application.) 7. If the alternative for residual disposal consists of "surface disposal" as defined under 40 CFR Part 503, please complete the application titled "SURFACE DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS." Please identify if there is any storage of residuals in a surface impoundment or disposal thru landfilling. Explain: For Class B Residuals (or Class A Residuals to be land applied on a dedicated site), please specify the number of acres on which residual solids are to be land applied under the authority of this permit: proposed in this application: NIA acres; total (current and proposed): N/A acres 9. County(ies) where residuals will be land applied: Gaston and Lincoln II. PERMIT INFORMATION 1. Application No. (will be completed by DEM): *Addition of Water Treatment Plant 2. Specify whether project is: new; renewal*; X* modification * For renewals, complete all sections included in the application, in addition, please submit updated cumulative loadings for the ten (10) pollutants and updated owner's agreement for each site. 3. If this application is being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number W00001863 and its issue date June 29, 1995 FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 1 of 18 III. FACILITY INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. Name of facility where residuals are generated or prepared: City of Mount Holly WTP 2. Facility permit number: NCO084689 facility permit holder: City of Mount Holly 3. Specify whether facility in Section III.1 is owned by: federal; private; state; X local government. 4. Specify facility design flow: 2.0 MGD; facility average daily flow. 1.5 MGD; Type of residual storage: Lagoons , Volume of residual storage: 1.5 MG , Length of residuals storage at facility: >120 days (the Division requires a minimum 30 days storage in units that are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc.); Maximum storage time of residuals between application events: >120 days. Estimated volume of residuals: 130 (dry tons/yr.); 5. Are there any other storage facilities, other than the above, currently on site: Yes; X No. If Yes, please identify: 6. Facility contact (person familiar with residuals preparation): Eddie Nichols 7. Facility contact's telephone number. ( 704 ) 827-2939 Water Plant 827-0730 8. Location of treatment facility: Mount Holly, North Carolina State; Gaston County 9. Mailing address: City of Mount Holly WWTP, Broome Street, Mount Holly. NC 28120 10. Latitude: 350 16' 00" Longitude: 810 01' 00" 11. Specify the source of the residuals: treatment of domestic wastewater, treatment of industrial wastewater, other (explain): X — addition of water treatment plant Attach an explanation of either the treatment process, manufacturing process, or how the waste is generated, Provide full and complete details of the entire process. 12. Does the facility which generates the residuals have an approved pretreatment program? _ Yes; X No. This includes facilities which are classified as a "Class r' facility (any publicly owned treatment works required, under 40 CFR 403.8, to have an approved pretreatment program or any facility treating domestic sewage that is classified as "Class r' by the appropriate Federal or State authority). IV. RESIDUALS INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. Information for Hazardous Waste (RCRA) Determination. The information requested on the limitations specified below pertain only to those residuals that are generated from a municipal wastewater treatment facility with industrial contribution or active pretreatment program and from any other treatment facility with wastewater sources that include industrial sources. a. Are any of the residuals covered by this application listed in 40 CFR 261.31-261.33? list the number(s): Yes; X No. If Yes, b. Do the residuals exhibit any of the four characteristics defined by 40 CFR 26131-261.33? Yes; X No. Attach laboratory results for the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses, Reactivity, Ignitability, and Corrosivity for each residual. Note: If the following constituent levels (as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses) are exceeded in the residuals or if the pH of the residual is not within the range listed below, the residual is by definition a Hazardous Waste. Chemical analyses must be made to Minimum Detection Levels. FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 2 of 18 ' PPM PPM Arsenic 5.0 Barium 100.0 Benzene 0.5 Cadmium 1.0 Carbon tetrachloride 0.5 Chlordane 0.03 Chlorobenzene 100.0 Chloroform 6.0 Chromium 5.0 o-Cresol 200.0 m-Cresol 200.0 p-Cresol 200.0 Cresol 200.0 2,4-D 10.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.7 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 Endrin 0.02 Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) 0.008 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.5 Hexachloroethane 3.0 Lead 5.0 Lindane 0.4 Mercury 0.2 Methoxychlor 10.0 Methyl ethyl ketone 200.0 Nitrobenzene 2.0 Pentachlorophenol 100.0 Pyridine 5.0 Selenium 1.0 Silver 5.0 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 Toxophene 0.5 Trichloroethylene 0.5 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 Vinyl chloride 0.2 pH (2:1 vol./wt.): >2.0 s.u. - <12.5 s.u. NOTE: IF ANY OF THE RESIDUALS MEET THE DEFINITIONS OF A HAZARDOUS WASTE, AS NOTED IN EITHER "A" OR "B" ABOVE, A PERMIT CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR THAT RESIDUAL AND IT SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THIS APPLICATION. 2. For each residual, please attach a complete chemical analysis of the material. This analysis must be comprehensive enough to completely characterize the residual and must be based upon a review of the process that generates the material. If the facility that will generate the residual is not yet in operation, the characterization must be based on similar existing facilities and projection based on the type of facility. The analysis must include a minimum of the following parameters and any other known and suspected contaminants that are tributary to the system. Arsenic Molybdenum Cadmium Nickel Chromium Selenium Copper Zinc Lead Aluminum Mercury Ammonia -Nitrogen Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Potassium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Sodium % Total Solids TKN PH Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) 3. Wastewater residuals shall not be applied to the land if the concentration of any pollutant in the residuals exceeds the ceiling concentrations specified in the table below. Specify the pollutant concentration of these residuals (attach lab analysis): *Reference Appendix I - Residual Solids Analysis Pollutant Pollutant Ceiling Concentration (mg/kg) Dry Weight Basis Pollutant Concentration (mg/kg) Dry Weight Basis Arsenic 75 35.32 Cadmium 85 <1.0 Chromium 3000 221.0 Copper 4300 123.0 Lead 840 72.0 Mercury 57 <0.1 Molybdenum 75 --- Nickel 420 10.0 Selenium 100 0.91 Zinc 7500 91.0 FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 3 of 18 V. PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 503, a residual cannot be land applied if it does not meet one of the following alternatives for Class B pathogen reduction. N/A Please specify a, bl, b2, b3, b4, b5 or c from below (submit all lab analysis, test results and calculations): at least seven residuals samples should be collected at the time of use and analyzed for Fecal coliforms during each monitoring period. The geometric mean of the densities of these samples will be calculated and should be less than 2,000,000 most probable number per gram of total dry solids, or less than 2,000,000 Colony Forming Units per gram of total dry solids. b. the residuals must be treated by one of the following "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP). 1. Aerobic Digestion - residuals are agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions for a specific mean cell residence time and temperature between 40 days at 20°C and 60 days at 15°C. 2. Air Dj3dp - residuals are dried on sand beds or on paved or unpaved basins for a minimum of three months. During two of the three month, the ambient average daily temperature is above 0°C. 3. Anaerobic Digestion - residuals are treated in the absence of air for a specific mean cell residence time and temperature between 15 days at 35°C to 55°C and 60 days at 20°C. 4. Composting - using either the within -vessel, static aerated pile, or windrow composting methods, the temperature of the residuals is raised to 40°C or higher for five days. For four hours during the five days, the temperature in the compost pile exceeds 55°C. 5. Lime Stabilization - sufficient lime is added to the residuals to raise the pH of the residuals to 12 after two hours of contact. The residuals shall be treated by a process that is equivalent to a "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP), as determined by the permitting authority, based on an evaluation of the recommendations provided by the Pathogen Equivalency Committee. 2. In addition, when residuals are being land applied, at least one of the following vector attraction reduction requirements (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, or j) described below must be met. N/A Specify the letter(s) of the vector attraction reduction requirement that have been met (submit lab results, test results and calculations). Any variation of the below must be described in full detail and attached. a. Aerobic or Anaerobic Digestion -The mass of volatile solids are reduced by at least 38%. Volatile solids reduction is measured between the residuals, prior to stabilization, and the residuals ready for use or disposal. This criterion should be readily met by properly designed and operated anaerobic digestors, but not as readily met by aerobic digestors. Treatment facilities with aerobic digestors may need to meet the vector attraction reduction requirement through 18c or 18d. b. Anaerobic Digestion - If 38% volatile solids reduction cannot be achieved, vector attraction reduction can be demonstrated by further digesting a portion of the previously digested residuals in a bench scale unit for an additional 40 days at 30°C to 37°C. If, at the end of the 40 days, the volatile solids are reduced by les than 17%, vector attraction reduction is achieved. c. Aerobic Digestion - If 38% volatile solids reduction cannot be achieved, vector attraction reduction can be demonstrated by further digesting a portion of the previously digested residuals that have a solids content of 2% or less in a bench scale unit for an additional 30 days at 20`C. If, at the end of the 30 days, the volatile solids are reduced by less than 15%, vector attraction reduction is achieved. d. Aerobic Digestion - The specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) shall be equal to or less than 1.5 milligrams of oxygen per hour per gram of total dry solids at 20°C. e. Aerobic Processes - The temperature of the residuals for at least 14 days shall be greater than 40°C. During this time, the average temperature shall be greater than 45°C. f. Alkaline Stabilization - The pH of the residuals is raised to 12 or higher by alkali addition and, without the addition of more alkali, remains at 12 or higher for 2 hours and then at 11.5 or higher for an additional 22 hours. FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 4 of 18 g. Dndpg (stabilized solids) -The total solids of residuals that do not contain unstabilized solids, and which are generated in a primary wastewater treatment process, shall be equal to or greater than 75%. Blending with other materials is not allowed to achieve the total solids percentage. h. Drying (unstabilized solids) -The total solids of residuals that contains unstabilized solids, and which are generated in a primary wastewater treatment process, shall be equal to or greater than 90%. Blending with other materials is not allowed to achieve the total solids percentage. i. Injection - Liquid residuals are injected below the land surface, with no significant amount of residuals present on the land surface after 1 hour, unless the residuals are Class A for pathogen reduction. In this case, the residuals shall be injected within 8 hours after being discharged from the pathogen treatment process. j. Incorporation - Residuals that are surface land applied shall be incorporated into the soil within 6 hours of application, unless the residuals are Class A for pathogen reduction. In this case, the residuals shall be incorporated within 8 hours after discharge from the pathogen treatment process. VL RESIDUALS TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION: 1. How will the residuals be delivered to the application sites (leak -proof trucks, etc.)? Leak Proof Tankers 2. What type of equipment will be utilized for land application? 5,000 gallon Calumet Liquid Spreader or 2,000 gallon Ag Chem Spreader 3. How will the application of the residual be controlled to ensure that there is proper distribution over the site? Sneed and width of spreading pattern 4. Will the land application operation utilize a contractor who specialized in Residuals Management or will the permittee manage the program? X Contractor, Permittee. If a contractor is utilized, provide the name of the firm, a contact, address, and telephone number. Bio-Nomic Services, Inc 516 Roundtree Road David Motil 704-529-0000 Charlotte, NC 28217-2153 VILSITE EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDED LOADING RATES: N/A NO NEW SITES The following sites are to be used for land application under this permit application [please attach map(s), see La.]: Application Area Maximum Site No. County Owner/Lessee [acres] slope (excluding buffers) (in percent) Note: If more than ten (10) sites are to be covered by this application, please attach a form listing all of the sites along with the information listed below. a. A vicinity map must be attached. This map must show the location of each site in relation to at least two geographical references and major intersection (numbered roads, named streams/rivers, etc.). FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 5 of 18 b. For all new or modified sites, a detailed site location map must be attached delineating both total and buffered acres. This map must be drawn to scale with topographical contour intervals not exceeding ten feet of 25% of total site relief (whichever is more descriptive) and showing the property lines; all existing wells, all surface waters and drainage ways and all dwellings within 500 feet of the land application areas; and all buffers. Note: At least the following buffers must be maintained. If residuals are sprayed on the sites, larger buffers may be required: 1. 400 feet from any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or which is to be sold for surface residual application, 200 feet from any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or which is to be sold for subsurface residual injection. 2. 100 feet between the disposal area and any public or private water supply source, all streams classified as WS or B, waters classified as SA or SB and any Class I or Class Il impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking watent 3. 100 feet between any surface residual application area and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way, 50 feet between any subsurface residual injection area and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way.T 4. 50 feet between the residual application area and property lines for both surface and subsurface application (if the original permit was issued with the buffer distance to property line as 100 feet, updated maps must be submitted and new acreage delineated for the buffer to be reduced). 5. 10 feet between the disposal area and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions (upslope). 6. 25 feet between the disposal area and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions (downslope). 7. 25 feet between the disposal area and any groundwater lowering and surface drainage ditches. j SPECIFY THE NAME OF AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE CLOSEST DOWNSLOPE SURFACE WATERS (as established by the Environmental Management Commission) TO THE LAND APPLICATION SITE(S). USE THE ATTACHED INFORMATION SHEET (PAGE 9 OF 18) TO OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION. Note: The maximum slope for land application of residuals is 10% for surface application and 18% for subsurface application. 2. For each land application site, attach a soil evaluation by a soils scientist (the evaluation must be signed by the soil scientist) which addresses soil color, the depth, thickness and type of restrictive horizons; the presence or absence of a seasonal high water table or bedrock within three vertical feet of the deepest point of residual application; pH and cation exchange capacity. If the depth to either groundwater or bedrock is less than three feet, please also attach a demonstration, using predictive calculations or modeling methods acceptable to the Director of the Division of Environmental Management, that the use of this site will not result in the contravention of classified groundwater standards as contained in NCAC 2L .0200. In no case shall the separation be less than one foot. This report must be signed by the soil scientist and submitted with application. 3. For each site, please attach a project evaluation conducted by an agronomist including recommendations concerning cover crops and their ability to accept the proposed loading of liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, salts and any other contaminant known to be in the residual. A part of the agronomist's recommendations must be a crop management plan. This plan must determine the crops to be grown on the site(s), when they should be grown and how they should be harvested and marketed. This report must be signed by the agronomist and submitted with application. 4. Attach a representative soils analysis of each site. The soils analysis shall include the following parameters, along with any other significant parameter that has been shown to be contained in the residual: Standard Soil Fertility Test (which PH Phosphorus Potassium includes): Acidity Calcium Manganese Magnesium Zinc Copper % Humic Matter Sodium Cation Exchange Capacity Base Saturation (by calculation) And the following Metals: Arsenic Lead Nickel Cadmium Mercury Selenium Chromium Molybdenum 5. In order to assist DEM in the review of the proposed loading rates, please complete the calculations contained in the attachment titled "Calculations Work Sheet" (beginning on Page 11 of 18). If more than one residual is to be covered by this permit, additional worksheets must be attached. FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 6 of 18 VIIL GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Five (5) complete copies of the permit application and five (5) copies of all required supporting information, including cover letters must be submitted or the application package will be returned as incomplete. Please explain how access to the land application sites, by both people and animals, will be controlled following the application of residuals: Existing fences and Rural area a. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application sites within 30 days after the application of residuals. Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the land application sites during the active site use and for 12 months following the last application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at the site. 3. Please explain th procedures that will be used to establish and maintain the buffers during the application process (i.e. will the sites be flagged): Pin Flags 4. Please attch an executed "Agreement For the Land Application of Residuals to Private Lands" for each land application site that is not owned by the applicant. A copy of the DEM approved form is attached. If the applicant wishes to use a different form or a modified form, prior approval must be received from DEM. 5. Each application site must be assigned a site identification number. 6. Attachments may be utilized to provide the information that is requested in this application form; however, if attachments are utilized, their location should be so indicated on the application form. All attachments must be numbered to correspond to the individual parts of the application that require the attachment. If the attachments are part of a larger document, a table must be provided that lists the locations of the required information. Applicant's Certification: I, W.E. Nichols, II, Public Works Director , attest that this application for Modification of Non -Discharge Permit # W00001863 has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature f��`l- Ae Date r-j^—.5 Y THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 733-9919 FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 7 of 18 Instructions: Processing of this application will not be initiated until five (5) copies of all of the following items have been submitted in addition to five (5) copies of the completed application form. If any of the below items have been excluded from the package, please explain. 1. Is a general location map included: NOTE ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 N/A YES or NO X ADDITION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT 2. Is a site map (drawn to scale) included which delineates total and buffered acres and shows all property lines, buffers, existing wells within 500 feet, topography, drainage features, and any surface waters? YES or NO X 3. Is a vicinity map enclosed which clearly indicates the project's location with respect to State roads and named Surface waters? YES or NO X 4. Is a signed soil scientist report included which defines the following: a) field descriptions of texture, color, and structure, b) depth and thickness of soil horizons, c) presence of any restrictive soil horizons or layers, d) depth to seasonal high water table, e) the hydraulic conductivity, f) recommended loading rate for the site, YES or NO X 5. Is a signed agronomist's report included which identifies the crop and loading recommendations for N-P-K? YES or NO X 6. Is the Crop Management Plan included in the application package? YES or NO X 7. Has the Land Owner's agreement been completed and signed? YES X or NO Existing Sites 8. Appropriate fee in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5)-(eff. February 1, 1993): New Applications, Modifications or Late Renewals $400.00 Timely Renewals without Modifications $250.00 YES X or NO 9. Five (5) copies of all reports, evaluations, agreements, supporting calculations, etc. must be included as a part of the application package. FORM: LABS 02/95 Page 8 of 18 This form must be completed by the appropriate Regional Office and included with the submission of the application package. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT N/A ADDITION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land application activities will be located, you are required to submit this form, with items 1 through 8 completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by 11" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the subject surface waters. You must identify the location of the facility and the closest down slope surface waters (waters for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map copy. The application may not be submitted until this form is completed and included with the submittal. 1. Applicant (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, or other): 2. Name and Complete Address of Applicant: City: State: Telephone Number: ( ) 3. Project Name: 4. Volume of residuals to be land applied: 5. Name of closest surface waters: 6. County(s) where land application site is located: 7. Map name and date: 8. Applicant Signature: TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Zip: dry tons per year Please provide me with the classification of the watershed where these land application activities will occur, as identified on the attached map segment: Name of surface waters: Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Proposed Classification, if applicable: Signature of regional office personnel: Date: FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 9 of 18 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGIONAL OFFICES (12/94) Asheville Regional WQ Supervisor 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 251-6208 Fax (704) 251-6452 Washington Regional WQ Supervisor Post Office Box 1507 Washington, NC 27889 (919) 946-6481 Fax (919) 975-3716 Avery Macon Beaufort Jones Buncombe Madison Bertie Lenoir Burke McDowell Camden Martin Caldwell Mitchell Chowan Pamlico Cherokee Polk Craven Pasquotank Clay Rutherford Currituck Perquimans Graham Swain Dare Pitt Haywood Transylvania Gates Tyrell Henderson Yancy Greene Washington Jackson Hertford Wayne Hyde Fayetteville Regional WQ Supervisor Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 486-1541 Fax (910) 486-0707 Anson Moore Bladen Robeson Cumberland Richmond Harnett Sampson Hoke Scotland Montgomery Mooresville Regional WQ Supervisor 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 Alexander Mecklenburg Cabarrus Rowan Catawba Stanly Gaston Union Iredell Cleveland Lincoln Winston-Salem Regional WQ Supervisor 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (910) 771-4600 Fax (910) 771-4631 Alamance Rockingham Alleghany Randolph Ashe Stokes Caswell Surry Davidson Watauga Davie Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford Raleigh Regional WQ Supervisor Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 571-4700 Fax (919) 571-4718 Chatham Durham Edgecombe Franklin Granville Halifax Johnston Lee Nash Northampton Orange Person Vance Wake Warren Wilson Wilmington Regional WQ Supervisor 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Brunswick New Hanover Carteret Onslow Columbus Pender Duplin FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 10 of 18 CALCULATIONS WORK SHEET This work sheet is designed to assist the Division of Environmental Management in reviewing this application as expeditiously as possible. Its preparation in a complete and accurate manner is critical to this review. For permits that cover multiple sources of residuals or different residuals from the same source, use additional work sheets. A. List the specific residual that is covered by these calculations (place or process of origin) City of Mount Holly WTP What are the total dry tons of this residual to be land applied each year? Total Dry Tons = Gallons of Residuals * % Solids * 8.34 lbs./gallon produced annually 100 2,000 lbs./ton Total Dry Tons = 1,500,000 * 2.08 * 8.34 lbs./gallon 2,000 lbs./ton = 131 Dry Tons per year If the quantity of residual will vary significantly or if there will be a larger initial application, please attach a detailed explanation and provide calculations for each variation. B. Complete the following calculations to establish the portion of the residual that is made up of the various parameters: % Total Solids = 2.08 * SEE NEXT SHEET (PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CONSTITUENTS ARE TO BE IN TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS) PARAMETER m _ % Solids(Decimal) = m (dry wt x 0.002 = lbs./dry ton Arsenic = x 0.002 Cadmium = x 0.002 = Chromium = x 0.002 = Copper = x 0.002 = Lead = x 0.002 = Mercury = x 0.002 = Molybdenum = x 0.002 = Nickel = x 0.002 = Selenium = x 0.002 = Zinc = x 0.002 = Ammonia-N = x 0.002 = Calcium = x 0.002 = Magnesium I= x 0.002 = NO3-NO2N = x 0.002 = Phosphorus = x 0.002 = Potassium = x 0.002 = Sodium = x 0.002 = TKN = x 0.002 = FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 11 of 18 CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Water Treatment Plant Date Sampled: July 07,1998, Permit No. WQ0001863 2.08 %Solids XI Nitrogen (TKN) 1.350 13,500.00 27.000 Phosphorus 0.200 2,000.00 4.000 Potassium 0.050 500.00 1.000 PAN (injected)* 0.503 5,030.00 10.060 PAN (surface)* 0.433 4,330.00 8.660 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.140 1,400.00 2.800 Calcium 0.680 6,800.00 13.600 Calcium Carb. Eq. --- -- --- Magnesium 0.080 800.00 1.600 Sodium 0.040 400.00 0.800 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N + Nitrite N 0.00 0.000 Manganese --- 409.00 0.818 Chloride --- 4,054.00 8.108 Iron --- -- --- Aluminum --- 153,700.00 307.400 Arsenic 75 35.32 0.071 Cadmium 85 0.00 0.000 Chromium 3000 221.00 0.442 Copper 4300 123.00 0.246 Lead 840 72.00 0.144 Mercury 57 0.00 0.000 Molybdenum 75 --- --- Nickel 420 10.00 0.020 Selenium 100 0.91 0.002 Zinc 7500 91.00 0.182 A&L Eastern Agricultural Labs # RI 86-052 *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: 0.503 % (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: 0.433 % (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. Page 1 7/20/98 C. Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) calculations and land application area requirements: CONSTITUENTS M - DRY WEIGHT TKN J 13,500 AMMONIA-N 1,400 NO3-NO2-N 0 1. Mineralization Rate (MR) 30 % (These values can be established for the specific residual or default values can be used for domestic wastewater treatment residuals. If actual values are established, attach the documentation. The default values are as follows): Unstabilized Primary and Secondary Residuals 40% Aerobically Digested Residuals 30% Anaerobically Digested Residuals 20% Composted Residuals 10% (If the default values are used, attach an explanation as to why the specific chosen default value is appropriate.) 2. Complete the following calculations for the application method proposed (Please note, the Mineralization Rate [MR] should be utilized in the following calculations as a decimal): PAN for Surface Application SEE PREVIOUS SHEET PAN = [(MR) X (TKN - NH3)] + .5 X (NH3) + (NO3-NO2-N) 5� PAN=[0,3 X( 13.5oo - L, f00 )]+.5x( I,--(oo )+ .00 :'t3-so x a600 l'�J PAN = 8.66 PPM Dry Weight PAN for Subsurface Application PAN = [(MR) X (TKN - NH3)] + (NH3) + (NO3-NO2 N) PAN=[ X( - )]+( )+ PAN = PPM Dry Weight 3. Total PAN to be land applied per year Total dry tons of residual to be land applied per year: 130 Total PAN in pounds = (PAN in mg/kg Dry Weight) X 2000 Pounds / Ton per dry ton 1,000,000 = (PAN in PPM Dry Weight) X 0.002 It 0J0,0-10 8.66 Pounds/Dry Ton/Year Total PAN in pounds = (PAN in Pounds / Dry Ton) X Total tons of residual to be land applied 8.66 X 130 1,126 Pounds/Year Due to the fact that organic nitrogen is mineralized slowly over time, the amount of nitrogen that comes available in years following the initial application must be taken into consideration when calculating application rates for the subsequent years. This being the case, please attach an evaluation of this factor and its impact on loading rates. Show the adjusted PAN for at least five years. The maximum adjusted annual PAN is 1,739 Pounds/Year. FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 12 of 18 Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina RESIDUAL PAN CALCULATION CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY TKN= 13,500 mg/kg NH3= 1,400 mg/kg NO3-NO2-N= 0 mg/kg Min Rate= 0.30 PAN= [min.rate (TKN - NH3) + 0.5 (NH3) + NO3-NO21 * 0.002 0.30 12,100 700 0.00 PAN= 8.66 LBS/DT Calculate residual nitrogen for years 2,3,4 and 5 following the initial application to determine the amount of PAN/DT remaining. 2ND YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (1st year org. - N 2nd year min. - N] * 0.002 0.15 12,100 3,630 PAN= 2.54 LBS/DT remaining from 1st year application 3RD YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (2nd year org. - N 3rd year min. - N] * 0.002 0.08 8,470 1,271 PAN= 1.15 LBS/DT remaining from 1st year application 4TH YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (3rd year org. - N 4th year min. - N] * 0.002 0.05 7,200 576 PAN= 0.66 LBS/DT remaining from 1st year application 5TH YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (4th year org. - N 5th year min. - N] * 0.002 0.03 6,624 331 PAN= 0.37 LBS/DT remaining from 1 st year application Residual PAN from years 2 thru 5 after the initial application = 4.72 Lbs/Pan/DT 4. Crop information on nitrogen uptake per year (Division (Provide for the Crops Crop(s) Recommendations) Specified) PAN pbs./acrelyear) PAN pbs./acrelyear) Alfalfa 200 - Bermuda Grass (Hay, Pasture) 220 220 Blue Grass 120 Corn (Grain) 160 160 Corn (Silage) 200 200 Cotton 70 70 Fescue 250 250 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 Milo 100 100 Small Grain (Wheat, Barley, Oats) 100 100 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture) 180 Sorghum, Sudex (Silage) 220 Soybeans 200 200 Timothy, Orchard, & Rye Grass 200 Please provide the basis for the uptake rates used if different than Division Recommendation: 5. Total acres needed to land apply the pounds of available nitrogen calculated above Total acres needed = Maximum total pounds of plant available nitrogen (PAN) Pounds of nitrogen needed for crop* 1,753 / 100 = 17.53 Minimum acres needed based on most restrictive PAN = 17.53 acres * This value must be the value for the crop to be grown that has the lowest nitrogen uptake rate per acre. If there are various crops that will noly be utilized for certain sites, please attach the calculations for each site and determine the total needed acres using the format outlined below. D. Calculate the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) (** This section must be completed in mg/l, to convert: mg/kg X % solids [as a decimal] = mg/1 **) SAR = Na Milli Equivalent - 10.5 (Ca Milli Equivalent + Mg Milli Equivalent)]0*5 CONCENTRATION (mg/1) - Equivalent Weight = Milli Equivalents of Ion SODIUM (Na) 8.32 (mg/1) - 23 = 0.362 CALCIUM (Ca) 141.44 (mg/1) - 20 = 7.072 MAGNESIUM(Mg) 16.64 (mg/1)- 12 = 1.387 SAR = 0.176 FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 13 of 18 If calculation sheets are being completed for more than one residual or site, please attach a summary sheet that brings the results of all the calculations sheets to one point. E. Determine the Site Life for this land application site: The lifetime pollutant loadings shall not be exceeded. The site life is determined by calculating the number of years that the site can receive the residual without exceeding the lifetime pollutant loadings. The site life calculations will be based on the most restrictive crop plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement specified and the maximum dry tons or residuals to be land applied annually. Therefore, in the table below the Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year will be calculated as: 1. Most restrictive crop based on the plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement: Small Grain Associated plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement: 100 (lbs./acre/year) 2. Minimum acres needed based on most restrictive PAN (as found in C.5 above): 17.53 acres 3. Dry Tons of Residuals to be land applied per year: 130 dry tons per year 4. Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year = Dry Tons/Year of Residuals to be land applied Minimum number of acres required for land application Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year = 7.42 If any of the application sites are to be loaded at greater than the rate specified above, please specify the loading rate and explain: Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year (different from above) _ Explanation: In the table below, the highest annual loadin (Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year) specified above, will be multiplied by the lbs./dry ton of each pollutant as found in B above. The Site Life can then be determined by: Site Life (Years) = Allowable Lifetime Loadings (lbs./acre) Projected Pounds to be Applied/Acre/Year Pollutant Tons of Residuals to be Applied per Acre per Year lbs./dry ton of each pollutant (as found in Part B above) Projected Pounds to be Applied/Acre /Year Allowable Lifetime Pollutant Loadings (lbs./acre) Site Life (Years) Arsenic 7.42 * 0.071 = 0.5268 36 = 68 Cadmium * 0.000 = 0.0000 34 = N/A Chromium * 0.442 = 3.2796 2,677 = 816 Copper * 0.246 = 1.8253 1,388 = 760 Lead * 0.144 = 1.0685 267 = 250 Mercury * 0.000 = 0.0000 15 = N/A Nickel * 0.020 = 0.1484 374 = 2,520 Selenium * 0.002 = 0.0148 89 = 6,013 Zinc * 0.182 = 1.3504 2,498 = 1,850 Compare the nine (9) pollutants above and determine which pollutant will result in the shortest life for this site. The Limiting Pollutant is Arsenic The Site Life is 68 years. FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 14 of 18 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS TO PRIVATE LANDS Permittee: City of Mount Holly Contact Person: Eddie Nichols, II, Public Works Director Address of Permittee: P.O. Box 406, Mount Holly, NC 28120 List of residuals to be applied to these lands: City of Mount Holly WQ0001863 Gaston County Site ID Number: Field Numbers: Location of Land to be used for residual application (include map for each site): Owner of Property used for residual application: Lessee of Property (if appropriate): Land use or cropping patterns: Fescue, Bermuda, Hay. Pasture. Row Crops Intended use or disposition of crops: Livestock feed, Market sale The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits City of Mount Holly hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply the above listed residuals onto the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as given below. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of digested residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modifies or cancels this Land owner's Agreement. Notification of cancellation of this agreement shall be immediately forwarded to: Division of Environmental Management Permits and Engineering Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 15 of 18 STIPULATIONS: The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representative to inspect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after sludge or residual application and to establish monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the residual land application permit. 2. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and groundwater samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of residual application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 4. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of residuals to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the residual, residual application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for residual application. 5. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residual application. Residuals may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.0 provided a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residual and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 7. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residual application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 8. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the permit. 9. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of the most recent residual application. 10. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the twelve (12) month period following residual application. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 16 of 18 11. Specific residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) prior to and during sludge application. 12. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assignees of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 15. Animals should not be grazed on residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the residual application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after each application. 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a permit modification must be requested and obtained from the Division of Environmental Management. The request shall contain appropriate fees and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at each site. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the application site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 18. The land owner shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional wastewater residual sources other than the residuals specified by this permit, is prohibited. RESTRICTIONS Land Owner: Address: Phone * Operator: Address: Phone* FORM: LARS 02195 Page 17 of 18 1 1, have read this land owners agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. Land Owner Date NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 19 NOTARY PUBLIC My commission Expires SEAL: I, have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date I, have read this land owners agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Permittee Date FORM: LARS 02/95 Page 18 of 18 1 0 SECTION II RESIDUALS ANALYSIS REPORT CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Water Treatment Plant Date Sampled: July 07, 1998 Permit No. WQ0001863 2.08 %Solids . ...... .... ....... .... =ME .. .......... ....... ...... ........... ................. .. I - ........... . ......................... . ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... N. ... ......... .... . ........ .. ........ ) ......... ..... ........ .. ... . ..... ... . ..... Nitrogen (TKN) 1.350 13,500.00 27.000 Phosphorus 0.200 2,000.00 4.000 Potassium 0.050 500.00 1.000 PAN (injected)* 0.503 5,030.00 10.060 PAN (surface)* 0.433 4,330.00 8.660 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.140 1,400.00 2.800 Calcium 0.680 6,800.00 13.600 Calcium Carb. Eq. --- - --- Magnesium 0.080 800.00 1.600 Sodium 0.040 400.00 0.800 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N + Nitrite N --- 0.00 0.000 Manganese --- 409.00 0.818 Chloride 4,054.00 8.108 Iron --- --- --- Aluminum --- 153,700.00 307.400 Arsenic 75 35.32 0.071 Cadmium 85 0.00 0.000 Chromium 3000 221.00 0.442 Copper 4300 123.00 0.246 Lead 840 72.00 0.144 Mercury 57 0.00 0.000 Molybdenum 75 --- --- Nickel 420 10.00 0.020 Selenium 100 0.91 0.002 JZinc 7500 91.00 0.182 A&L Eastern Agricultural Labs# RI 86-052 *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: 0.503 % (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: 0.433 % (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. Page 1 7/20/98 A & L EASTERN- AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, r 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 - m FAx No, (804) 271-6446 : FS186-052 ACCOUNT 45671 ='PAGE. 1 m - REPORT NUMBER 0 - A BIO-NgMIC S£FiVICESr INC. CITY OFMT HOLLY NC W.T.P BIO-N!)MIC SERVICESy INC, 516 ROUNDTREE ROAIi CHARLOTTE NC 28217 0) B.I.USOLI-DS• ANALYSIS REPORT Lo RATE SAMPLED. ." t_kR NE3M)ttER=..43265 DATE RECEIVED 06/29/98.':..: m -FD " _" CITY OF. MT" FJOLLY " DATE REPORTED . 07/07f98-: ,.= DETECTION RESULT RESULT ANALYSIS :.-P68AMETER t :G > (MG/KG) -(MG/KG) ANALYST DATE METHOD REFERENCE ---------------- -------- -_ . -- ... ------- ------- ------------------- - _ F SOLIDS (AS IS) 2.08 20800" i00 KCS 06/29/98 SM 2540E ;�..T,..�IITfiOGEN(Tli1V) 1.35 13500 - . 104 KCS 06/30/98 EPA 351.3 - o PWQSFHORU$ 0e20 .2000 100 KM 06/30/98 EPA 365.4 0 r,c 3 " F'a- ASSIUM 0.05 500. 100 -JCM 0-6/30/98 SW 846-6010 0 UL UR _ 1e49 14900 100 L JCM 06/30/98 SW 846-6010 s>. CRLCIUM 0.168 6800 100' JCM 06/30/98 SW 846-6010 " M rG�IESIUM 0008 800 100'..- :JCM 06/30/98 SW 846-6010 -. :. SODIUM.: 0.04 400 100 JCM 06/30/98 SW 846•-6010 IRON" 25100 1 JCM 0.6/30/98 SW 846-6010 s A*CUMINUM 153700 10 JCM 06/30/98 SW 846-6010 `MANGANESE 409 1 : ,JCM 0,6/30/98 SW 846-6010 COPPER. 123 1 JCM 06/30/98 SW 646-6010 ZINC' 91 1 JCM 04/30/98 SW 846-6010 AMMONIA�-NITROGEN 0.14 1400 100 KCS 06/30/98 EPA 350.2 ~' NO3- NO2 NITROGEN NO 10 KCS 06/30/98 SM 4 i00--NO3 1= c(q)MIUM ND 1 DCH 06/30/98 SW 846-7131A RMIUi'f ' 221 5 JCM 06/30/98 SW 846-6010 ' �.nNT6KEL 10 5 JCM 06/30/99 SW 846-6010 D m ALL VALUES ARE ON A DRY WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTEDb' N q6a46V,CHU C. NORMAN JOKES _. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and oonil dential use of aUr clients, and may not he reproduced in whole or In part, nor may any reference be moo to the work, the results, or the company in sny advortising, nevrs relsom, or other public an noun come nts without obtaining our prior written authorization. Copyright 1%77 i m .J `:- A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. ►r 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond'- Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401Lo J( Fax No. (804) 271-6446 U m -R186-052 ACCOUNT 45671 PAGE 2 CS)REPORT NUMBER BIO-NOMFC SERVICES, INC. CITY OF MT HOLLY NC W.T.P UIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC- 516 ROUNDTREE ROAD CS' CHARLOTTE NC 20217 BIOSOLIIIS ANALYSIS REPORT m DATE SAMPLED A ':-LAS--NUMBER =. 43265 DATE REC81VED 06/29/98 CID SAMPLE ID = CITY OF MT HOLLY DATE REPORTED 07/07/98 DETECTION RESULT RESULT LIMIT ANALYSIS PARAMETER- < Y. ) (MG/KG) (MG/KG) ANALYST DATE METHOD REFERENCE --------- ------- ---------, LEAD 72 5 .JCM 06/30/98 SW 846-6010 0 .ARSENIC 35#32 0'4 KM 07/01/98 SW 846-7061-A 0 `f `= 1•fEfiCUFtY i�lU 0.1, KM 07/01/98 SW- 846-7471A 0 0.1 KM 07/01/98 SW 846-7.74.1A SELENIUM P}I:.(STA.UNITS,AS IS). 6.20 RD 06/30/98 EPA 1$0.1 ,+^ CALCIIJt� C�ARBbNATE F_0 ND 100. LDR 06/30/98 AOAC 955,01 �•'::;. VOLATILE SOLIDS 32. S4 325400 100 KCS 06/30/98 SM 25406 dRaANIC NITROGEN 1.20 .12000 :. 100 DCN .06/30/98CALCULATION - r*1 m w ALL*VRL.UES ARE ON A DRY WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED:' . •A L C. CHU CYPNORM6N JOKE i.. Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and oantidentfal use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the -% - f State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Govemor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director post @fi oa.4a , of +pagm FaX N�R..76731 a' l3 I VJ 'Pc � 1D7 1 11, , �fom Fnone# t rq-�3.5-50e3X,`53 February, 12, 2001 MR. W.F. NICROLs, II, PUBLzc WORK &URIE (HEVIRONWIEN CITY OFMOUNT 14OLLY AP43 b�'MJr.C POST CFF']CEBox 406` f.IJ0 R!---'-M.D.§ '='.::�0i��iie�4(,} 1- �u�E-: MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLING 28 �- - 140, V ` Subject. F FEB 1 0 2002 Dear Mi. Nichols: �/a, i e, � OW Permit No. W} @@d ffl66� rtj`7i r-cli n Cikyof i1t�?nt 1Qll;; f Pp eat Land.._Appli�a Ttlot:e�ii�l frotz�lt . Llr' ,rt[nertof �FV'a�f�i Gaston Couniy In accordance with a written request received on February 1, 2001 ftozfi Mr. Christopher Edmonds, an agronomist with Bio-Nomic Services, Inc_, we are forwarding herewith a corrected pace 1, Page 9, and Page 10 of Permit No. WQ0001863, issued December 28, 1999, for the subject residuals Iaild application program Note that we have also included a buffer map for the John S, Springs Estate .land application Site with this correspondence. The .following coz7-ectio77s have been made to the perup [- The land application sites owned by the estate of John S. Springs were previously permitted to receive residuals from the City of Mount Holly. However, these land application sites were accidentally otaikt+✓d in the permit renewal application package that was submitted to and approved by the Division of Water Quality (Division) in late 1999. Bio-Nomic Services, Ijac_, actinc on the City of Mount Dolly's behalf, is now asking that the subject land application sitesbe per nutted to receive residuals under the conditions and .Limitations of this permit. Bio-Nonlic Services, Inc. has provided a properlyexecuted landowner agreeiment for and a buffer map Of the subject .land application sites. In addition, results of soil samples taken .from the subject land application sites were provided for the Division's review. No cumulative pollutant loading data was provided, as Bio-Nomic Services, Iuc_ is not aware of any residuals land application activity that .has zakea place on the subject land application sites since the inception of the Cry of Mount Holly's residuals land application program. As all of the submitted documentation appears to be in order, the land application sites owned by the estate of John S. Springs may receive residuals under the conditions and limitations contained in taus permit. As a .result of this approval, the program description included on Page 1 of the permit has been amended to allow land application of residuals generated by th. e City of Mount Holly to a total of 321.7 acres of land :in Gaston and .L.tnCOID COUnties (i.e., irigreased, from. 243.6 acres). Likewise, Condition VI. 4, oo page 9 of th.e permit has been corrected to Iist the application areas for the land application sites owned by the estate of John S, Springs, and the total acres available for residuals land application as 321.7 acres as described above. .A, new Page 10 of the pet alit has also been prepared, but note that no correctlorIs have been .made to the content of the condhions contained on this page (i_e_, only formatting changes)_ 1317 fNlail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 278'99-1617 Telephone (919) 733-6c83 f=ax (919) 715-6048 An Equal OpportunityAffimlative Acti9n Employer 50% recycled/101A post -consumer paper RZ/13/2001 19:14 919-715-6048 DWQ NON DISCHARGE ER PAGE ©4 This permit is not autornatically transferable- In the event that there is a desire for the facilities to change ownersllip or a name change of the Pert.uttee, a formal permit request mus[ be submitted to the Division accompanied by :an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. ' 4 The following are approved sites for residuals application (see attached rnapjs]): Site No, Application Area [acres] Ow er/Lessae(elcludxn bu ers) 4 John S. Springs Estate (Rebecca S. Kaylor-, Administrator) 5-06. John S. Springs Estate (Rebecca S. Kaylor, Administrator) 14.3 7 John S- Springs Estate (Rebecca S. Kaylor, Administrator) 3.2 8 John S. Springs Estate (Rebecca S. Kaylor, Administrator) 8.0 9 John S. Springs Estate (Rebecca S. Kaylor, Administrator) 13.5 10 John S. Springs Estate (Rebecca S..Kaylor, Adxninistratoz) 17,5 13 John S. Springs Estate (Rebecca S- Kaylor, Ad.miniattator) 6,9 14 John S. Springs Estate (Rebecca S. Kaylor, Administrator) 9.7 GD-1 Gary M. Duckworth ?1.1 GD-2 Gary M. Duckworth 11.6 GD-3 Gary M. Duckworth 3.1 GD-4 Gary M. Duckworth 6-2 GD-5 G Gary M. Duckworth 20_4 GD-6 Gary M. Duckworth 2. GD-7 Gary M. Duckworth 3-8 GD-8 Gary M. Duct, -worth IU.S GD-9 Gary M- Duckworth Z 19 MH 2-1 Charlie M- Killian Sr- 33.3 NM3"Z ' Charlie .lV,i- Killian Sr.3.1 MH 2-3 Charlio M. JS .illian Sr. 19.6 MR 2-4 Charlie M- Killian Sc- 12.3 1�<IH Z-5 Charlie M. Killian Sr. & Melanie Jones 16.7 M 12-6 Charlie M. Killian Sr. & Charles Killian Jr. 15.2 MH 3-1 MH 3-3 Gary Neal Allen 14.0 Gary Neal Allen - 11.6 TOTAL AVAILABLE ACRES 321.7 e Residuals shall not be. applied on tis field until trees and scrub are removed and a suitable Ground cover has been established. Failure to abide by the'conditloxts and Umitation_s contained in this permit traay subject the Permittee to au en-fozcement action by the Division irz accordance wirh North Carolina General Statute I43-215.GA to 143-215.6C. The an-MM administering and complialjce fee must beinbe billed by the DivFailure to pay paid by the PerTittee within thiriy (30) clays after g Division- action to revoke this Peramt as specified by 151�FCACfee ae7ordingiy may cause the Division to initiate 1� .0_05 (c)(4). RIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 • Fax (704) 529-1648 January 22, 2002 Mr. Don Price Utilities Director City of Mount Holly 131 South Main Street Mount Holly, NC 29120 Reference: 2001 Land Application Annual Report City of Mount Holly Permit No. WQ0001863 Dear Mr. Price, Enclosed you will find the 2001 Annual Report for the City of Mount Holly. This data includes: A) certification form, B) residual sampling summary form and analysis, C) TCLP analysis, D) field summary reports, E) annual pathogen and vector attraction reduction monitoring, F) soil analysis reports and G) field application summaries. Please note that the permit holders signature is required on the certification, pathogen and vector and residual sampling summary forms in this report. After you have signed these forms, please forward three (3) copies to the following address: NCDENR/DWQ/Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 If there is any further information required or questions regarding this land application program please contact our office at (704) 529-0000. Sincerely, Bio- is Services, Inc. David Motil Land Application Services Manager Enclosure(s) A Carylon Company 2001 Annual Report Facility: Mount Holly WWTP Broome Street Mount Holly, NC 28120 Phone: (704) 827-4261 NPDES # NCO021156 WWTP NPDES # NCO084689 WTP NC Permit # WQ0001863 Responsible Official: Mr. Jeff Fritts Deputy Public Works Director City of Mount Holly P.O. Box 406 Mount Holly, NC 28120 Phone: (704) 827-2133 Additional Preparer/Applier: Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. 516 Roundtree Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Phone: (704) 529-0000 2001 Dry Metric Tons 383.5 WWTP & WTP 2001 Dry Tons 422.7 WWTP & WTP TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NO. TITLE A Certification Form B Residual Sampling Summary Form C TCLP Analysis D 2001 Application Summary and Field Loading Rate Reports E Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Monitoring F Soil Analysis Reports G Field Application Summaries Annual Land Application Certification Form Permit Number: W00001863 County: Gaston Year: 2001 Facility Name (as shown on permit): City of Mt. Holly Land Application Operator: Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. Phone # (704) 529-0000 Land Application of residuals as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year % YES — NO. If NO, skip Part I and Part II and proceed to the certification. Also, if residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part I • Total number of application fields in permit: 38 • Total number of fields land application occurred during the year: 10 • Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: 386.1 WWTP & 36.6 WTP • Total number of acres land application occurred during the year: 154.9 ��ri Part II �' \ Facility was compliant during the calendar year 2001 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-12 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. % YES_NO. IF NO, PLEASE PROVIDE WRITTEN DESCRIPTION WHY THE FACILITY WAS NOT COMPLIANT, THE DATES, AND EXPLAIN CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN. 1. Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis was performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis was performed and three copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6. The facility did not exceed any of the pollutant Concentration Limits in Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 503.13 or the Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2 of CFR part 503.13 (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7. All general requirements in 40 CFR part 503.12 and management practices in 40 CFR Part 503.14 were complied with. (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities) 8. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 9. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and recommendations. 10. Vegetative cover as specified in the permit was maintained on this site and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the crop management plan. 11. No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 12. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. KI CERTIFY, UNDER PENELTY OF LAW, THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE, AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINES AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING VIOLATIONS." Don Price, Utilities Director Permittee Name and Title Signature of Preparer Date (if different from Permittee) Note: Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (if different from Permittee and Preparer) Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. DWQ FORM CF (10/94) Annual Residual Sampling Summary' Form Attach this form to the corresponding laboratory analysis. Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed than those required to be summarized on this form. Permit Number: WQ0001863 Laboratory: A&L Eastern Labs Facility: City of Mount Holly NPDES # NCO021156 or WQ # (residual only facilities) WWTP Name: Mount Holly WWTP Residual Analysis Data Date Sampled (grab) or Date Composited 2122/01 5/2101 9/5101 10/16/01 Percent Solids 3.80 2.73 3.14 2.58 Parameters (mq/kq dry weight) Arsenic 1.43 1.71 1.66 1.44 Cadmium 3.80 3.10 5.00 4.40 Copper 31.00 366.00 351.00 333.00 Lead 3.17 30.00 32.00 29.00 Mercury 14.00 1.64 1.54 1.29 Molybdenum 14.00 5.00 7.00 0.00 Nickel 193.00 191.00 140.00 132.00 Selenium 2.28 1.41 3.49 2.41 Zinc 1,500.00 1,610.00 1,350.00 1,290.00 TKN 55,800.00 59,000.00 51,000.00 53,700.00 Ammonia -Nitrogen 11,600.00 13,900.00 15,000.00 9,800.00 Nitrate -Nitrogen 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 00-,g (Signature of Preparer) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." DEM FORM SSF (10/94) CITY OF MOUNT MOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: WWTP Permit No: WQ0001863 Date Sampled: February 22, 2001 3.80 % TS Paraaner ......................................................::................. ................................................. ....... :............. iWegl,funds Y.� n ........... :::::::::::.::::.. Nitrogen (TKN) 5.580 55,800.000 111.608 Phosphorus 1.670 16,700.000 33.400 Potassium 0.300 3,000.000 6.000 AN (surface)* 1.906 19,060.000 38.120 Ammonia Nitrogen 1.160 11,600.000 23.200 Calcium 6.850 68,500.000 137.000 Calcium Carbonate Eq. 8.710 87,100.000 174.200 Magnesium 0.350 3,500.000 7.000 Sodium 0.770 7,700.000 15.400 Sulfur 1.500 15,000.000 30.000 Nitrate N / Nitrite N 0.000 0.000 Manganese 256.000 0.512 Chloride ---- ---- Ceu►C..:' Iron 8,460.000 16.920 CglHg. Aluminum 11,700.000 23.400 75 Arsenic 1.430 0.003 85 Cadmium 3.800 0.008 ------ Chromium ------ ------ 4300 Copper 382.000 0.764 840 Lead 31.000 0.062 57 Mercury 3.170 0.006 75 Molybdenum 14.000 0.028 420 INickel 193.000 0.386 100 ISelenium 2.280 0.005 7500 jZinc 1,500.000 3.000 A&L Report No.: RU35-249 R � m i aree ; *Determination of Surface Application of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + 0.5 (Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = mg/L PAN N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as 0 for calculation purposes. R035-249 REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • RichnidRa Virginia 23237 - (804 43-9401 ACCOUNT R 45671 Fax NoP(SJE) 27i-6446 � 8I0-HOMIC SERVICES, INC. 516 ROUNDTREE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28217 LAB NUMBER = 40718 SAMPLE ID = MT HOLLY MT HOLLY T rr SLUDGE ANALYSJSS REPORT' r DETECTION RESULT RESULT ANALYSIS PARAMETER ( X ) (MG/KG) (MG/kG) ANALYST DATE TIME DAVID MOTEL DATE SAMPLED 02/22/01 DATE RECEIVED 02/23/01 DATE REPORTED 02/27/01 METHOD REFERENCE SOLI-DS(AS IS) 3.80 38000 100 3Gi1,. 02/23/01 16:00 Sib 25400 NITR 9GEN(TKN) 5.50 55800 100: JG.N' 02/2.6/01 11:00 EP 1 351.3 PHOE 'HORUS 1.67 16700 10,0•` :: JAM' 0/2.001 13:00 Sm 846-6010B POTi 1SIUM _ 0.30 3000' 1'00`:� 3 N"`. 0�2%26/OE 13:00 SW'_ 846-60L06 CALC :UM 1.50. 15000 10'0.2 , ;�...:' J-��N . � 0,/26l01 13:00 SW $46-60108 6.85 68500 t0,0"�'. ':' J:L'�(r' 0;2�26/01 13:00 SW 846-60108 t,....., . ..., 4 . MAGN -SIUM 0.35 3500 190' '`:,: 3G;M' 02J26/01 13:00 SW 846-60106 SODIJM 0.77 7700 10e aCH.02/26/01 13:00 5H 846-60108 IRON 8460 1 JCH: 02./26/01 13:00 SW 846-6010H RLUMINUM 11700 10 J1 M:` 02/26/01 13:00 SW 846-60106 MANGANESE 256 1 JC_M` 02/26/01 13:00 SH 846-60106 COPPER 3B2 1' JG1i 02/26/01 13:00 Sw 846-60100 ZINC 1500 1 JCK' 02/26/01 13:00 SW 846-60106 AMMONIA -NITROGEN 1.16 11600 100 aCN 02/26/01 11:00 EPA 350.2 1103-NO2 NITROGEN ND 10 JCM 02/26/01 14:00 SK 4500-NO3 F CADKIUM 3.8 1 JCM 02/26/01 13.-00 SIB B46-6010B ;NRDMIUM 596 5 JCM 02/26/01 13:00 SW 846-60106 1ICKEL 193 5 aC16 02/26/01 13:00 SW 846-(.OIOB ILL VALUES RE ON A DRY WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTE. - V �If U C R 'AN �NES ou r reports and letters are for the excfusrve and confidential use of our clients nd may not be reproduced in white or in part, mr may any reference be made loth ►work. Ina results, or the co.ropany in ary advertising. news release, or other p .lic announcements without obtaining cur prior written aulhorizallon Cooyrigh! 197; A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 R035-249 Fax Na.P pg) 271-6446 �. ACCOUNT R 45E71 ' REPORT NUMBER BID-NOMIC SERVICES, INC_ MT HOLLY VMTP DAVID MOTIL 516 ROUNDTREE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28217 SLUDGE ANALYS_IB. REPORT DATE SAMPLED 02/22/01 LAB NUMBER = 4071B DATE RECEIVED 02/23/01 SAMPLE ID = MT HOLLY DATE REPORTED 02/27/01 RESULT RESULT LI1�.�.�. ANALYSIS PARAMETER ( X I (No/kG) (NO/Kg): ANALYST DATE TIME METHOD REFERENCE LEAD 31 5 JCM 02/26/01 13:00 SN 846-6010B ARSENIC 1.43 0.2 KM 02/26/01 15:00 SW 846-70i1A MERCURY 3.17 0.2 KM 02/26/01 15:00 SM 846-74'1A SELENIUM 2.28 0.1 KM 02/26/01 15:00 sm 846-77,.LA PH SSTD.UNITS'-AS IS) 8.10 RD 02/26/01 12:00 EPA L50.1 CALCIUM CARBOiATE EQ 8.71 87100 100* LDR 02/26/01 13:00 AOAC 955.01 VOLATILE SOLIIS 67.80 678000 t00 DCH 02/26/01 15:00 SM 25400 ORGANIC NITROLEN 4.42 44200 L00 DCH 02/26/01 CALCULATION MOLYBDENUM 14 5 3CM 02/26/OL 13:00 SN 046-6010B ALL VALUES ARE ON A IRY WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED.4, o PA4J CHU C. NOR;MRM 1 !I'S Our reports rd letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be re x uced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the wo(k, the r tilts. or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announoemen tvithoul obtaining our prlor written authorization. co PYr 0 r hi 1977 m CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: WWTP Permit No: WQ0001863 Date Sampled: May 2, 2001 2.73 % TS ............................... MO.'a>ramefe ......; €:€. e ,::a:.r...€ > 'ecght Q undsC o Nitrogen (TKN) 5.900 59,000.000 118.000 Phosphorus 1.660 16,600.000 33.200 Potassium 0.350 3,500.000 7.000 AN (surface)* 2.048 20,480.000 40.960 Ammonia Nitrogen 1.390 13,900.000 27.800 Calcium 9.350 93,500.000 187.000 Calcium Carbonate Eq. 13.420 134,200.000 268.400 Magnesium 0.350 3,500.000 7.000 Sodium 0.800 8,000.000 16.000 Sulfur 1.340 13,400.000 26.800 Nitrate N / Nitrite N 0.000 0.000 Manganese 247.000 0.494 Chloride ---- ---- ont;,, on 6,380.000 12.760 „x{14g1llg''' Aluminum 12,800.000 25.600 75 Arsenic 1.710 0.003 85 Cadmium 3.100 0.006 ------ Chromium ------ ------ 4300 Copper 366.000 0.732 840 Lead 30.000 0.060 57 Mercury 1.640 0.003 75 Molybdenum 5.000 0.010 420 Nickel 191.000 0.382 100 Selenium 1.410 0.003 7500 JKinc 1,610.000 3.220 A&L Report No.: R126-186 *Determination of Surface Application of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + 0.5 (Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = mg/L PAN N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as 0 for calculation purposes. A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whilepine Road • Richmo�id,. Virginia 23237 (804) 743-94 Fax Mo8( 4}.271-6446 R126-1BG ACCOUNT N 45671. A�1Rr _ r.1 REPORT NUMBER s.t BID-NOM I C SERVICES, INC. MT:. HOLLY NWTP 516 ROUNDTREE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28217 -Y :ANALYSIS ROOT LAB NUMBER = 41973 SAMPLE ID = MIT HOLLY WWTP MOTIL DATE SAMPLED 05/02/01 DATE RECEIVED 05/07/01 DATE REPORTED 05/09/01 r A. DETEi7sP! RI:SULT RESULT LI ( ;... RMALYSIS PARAMETER ! % ) (MG/K6) (MG/ II1 : At�FiYST DATE TIME METHOD REFERENCE 30LIDS(AS IS) 2.73 27300 100 JCM 05/07/01 16:00 SM 25400 4ITROGEi1(TKN ) 5.90 59000 100 JCN 05/09/01 16:00 EPA 351.3 a PHDSPHORUS 1.66 166DO 100 JGN 05/08/01 13:30 SW 846-GOIOB POTASSIUM 0.35 3500 100 JCN 05/08/01 13:30 Sig! 846-6010B SULFUR 1.34 13400 100 JCM 05/08/01 13:30 SW 846-6010B (n ti CALCIUM 9.35 935DO 100 JCN 05108 /01 13:30 SW 846-6010B MAGNESIUK 0.35 3500 100 JCN 05/08/01 13:30 514 846-60103 m SODIUM 0.80 8000 100 13c" 05/08/01 13:30 SW 846-60109 Q1 IRON 6380 1 JCM 05/D8/01 13:30 SW 846-60109 a4-UMINUM 12800 10 JCM 05/08/01 13:30 SW 846-60109 .MANGANESE 247 1 JCM 05/08/01 13:30 914 846-60100 COPPER 36G 1 Jcm 05/08/01 13:30 SW 846-60109 ZINC 1610 1 JCM 05/08/01 13:30 SW 846-6010B AMMONIA -NITROGEN 1.39 13500 100 JCK 05/08/01 15:30 EPA 350.2 NO3-NO2 NITRDGEN ND 10 JCN 05/08/01 15:00 SH 4500-NO3 F EPIDNIUM 3.1 1 JCK 05/08/01 13:30 SW 846-6010B NICKEL 191 5 JCM -05/06/01 13:30 SW 846-6010B LEAD 3D 5 Jcm 05/08/01 13:30 SW 846-E0108 ALL VRLUES ARE' ON A Gi2Y WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED. �aONES P .CHUNORMAN Our repors and IOLeis are 'or the exclusive and conildenlal use of air clients; and may not be repioduced in whole or In part, not may any reference be made to the o ;vc•r. Il,a rvsutrs. or -hr• •:onrc,sny n an•r .dver.isina, news relaaaa, or other pubfe announcamenta wilhoul obtaining our prior written autharization. Copyrig-.t 1977 y : A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. � 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 Fax No (804) 271-6446 R126-10 ACCOUNT 0 45671 PAGE 2 AtL REPORT NUMBER BIO-ND14IC SERVICES, INC. N.T HOLLY WWTP DAVID MOTIL 516 ROUNDTREE RD CFIARLDT'fE NC 20217 ANALYSIS REPORT LAB NUMBER = 41973 SAMPLE ID = MT HOLLY WWTP DETECTION RESULT RESULT LIMIT ANALYSIS PARA14ETER -----••-------------- ( G ) -------- (MG/KG) ------- (i4BM0 ANALYST ------- DATE --------- TIME ----- ARSENIC 1.71 0.2 °:'F KM 05/09/01 16:00 MERCURY 1.64 0.2 KH 05/09/01 16:00 SELENIUM 1.41 0.1- KM 05/09/01 16:00 PH (STD.UNITS.AS I6) 9.00 RD 05/08/01 11:00 CALCIUM CARBONATE .E© 13.42 134200 100 LDR 05/08/01 14:00 VOLATILE SOLIDS G4.48 644800 100. OCH 05/00/01 16:00 ORGANIC NITROGEN 4.51 45100 100 DCH 05/08/01 . MOLYBDENUM 5 5 acm 05/08/01 13:30 DATE SAMPLED 05/02/01 DATE RECEIVED 05/07/01 DATE REPORTED 05/09/01 METHOD REFERENCE ------------------------ Sw B46-7061A Sw 046-7471A SW 846-7741A EPA 150.1 AOAC 955.01 SM 25406 CALCULATION SW 846-GOIDO ;.ALL VALUES ARE ON A DRY WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED. �-- 4AL U MKNORMnN J ES Ou• •epors and bi'mrs are tot the exclt.sive and confidential use of our dlaals, and may not be reproduced in whole or in pert, ncr may any refers nce w made to Ins c '.�nr T-W results. • . -I-r.= com3any iq any ad:enising_ nevrs►elease. or other public announcements wllhout obtaining our primwritten authorization. Cc•pogltl ld'? a CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: WWTP Permit No: WQ0001863 Date Sampled: September 5, 2001 3.14 % TS 'aarame>" 9 . €.: is DW�agfi .... ' .......... `autasr , .. Nitrogen (T .N) 5.100 51,000.000 102.000 Phosphorus 1.630 16,300.000 32.600 Potassium 0.180 1,800.000 3.600 PAN (surface)* 1.830 18,300.000 36.600 Ammonia Nitrogen 1.500 15,000.000 30.000 Calcium 10.590 105,900.000 211.800 Calcium Carbonate Eq. 18.130 181,300.000 362.600 Magnesium 0.330 3,300.000 6.600 Sodium 0.490 4,900.000 9.800 Sulfur 1.390 13,900.000 27.800 Nitrate N / Nitrite N 0.000 0.000 Manganese 223.000 0.446 Chloride ---- ---- +Gen x :.: xkxyr Iron 11,200.000 22.400 Aluminum 16,700.000 33.400 75 Arsenic 1.660 0.003 85 Cadmium 5.000 0.010 ------ Chromium ------ ------ 4300 Copper 351.000 0.702 840 Lead 32.000 0.064 57 Mercury 1.540 0.003 75 Molybdenum 7.000 0.014 420 Nickel 140.000 0.280 100 Selenium 2.490 0.005 7500 Zinc 1,350.000 2.700 A&L Report No.: R244-240 *Determination of Surface Application of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + 0.5 (Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = mg/L PAN N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as 0 for calculation purposes A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 R244-240 ACCOUNT R 45671 PAGE 1 REPORT NUMBER - OCT 01 206l BID-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. MT HOLLY H)ITP V 516 ROUNDTREE RD Nwwww-•••-`a•w��'+ ,CHARLOTTE NC 28217 ANALYSIS REPORT LAB NUMBER = 44032 SAMPLE ID = MT HOLLY WNTP RESULT RESULT PARAMETER ( X ) (MG/KG) SOLIDS(AS IS) NITROGEN(TKN) PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM SULFUR CALCI-UM MAGNESI-UM SODIUM IRON ALUMINUM MANGANESE COPPER ZINC AMMONIA-NITROGE NO3-NO2 NITROGE CADMIUM NICKEL LEAD DETECTION LIMIT ANALYSIS (MG/KG) ANALYST DATE TIME ID MOTIL DATE SAMPLED 09/05/01 DATE RECEIVED 09/25/01 DATE REPORTED 09/28/01 METHOD REFERENCE ------------------------ 3.14 31400 100 JCM 09/25/01 15z0Q SM 25406 5.10 51000 100 KCS 09/26/01 15:00 EPA 351.3 1.63 16300 100 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-60100 0.18 1800 100 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-6010B 1.39 13900 10.0 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-60100 10.59 105900 100 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-GOIGB 0.33 3300 100 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 84fi-6010B 0.49 4900 100 JCM 09/26/O1 15:30 SM 846-6010B 11200 1 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-60108 16700 10 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-60108 223 1 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM B46-6010B 351 1 aCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-6010B 1350 1 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-60100 N 1.50 15000 100 KCS 09/26/0.1 12:00 EPA 350.2 N ND 10 LDR "09/26/OI 13:30 SM 4500-ND3 F 5.0 1 aCM 09/26/01 1500 SW 846-60100 140 5 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-6010B 32 5 JCM 09/26/01 -15:30 S!( 846-6010B ALL VALUES ARE ON A DRY WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED. PAUL C. H. CHU _ O MAN JONES IN Our reaons and letters are for tho excusive and confidential use of our ct ents, and may not be reproduoed in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the e work. the •eVJts, o• the o:)Tpany in ary advwlising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior wAtun hT1 aitharizatron. Copyrigt 19w A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES INC. �m 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804} 271-6446 R244-240 ACCOUNT N 45671 PAAGE 2 REPORT NUMBER BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. 516 ROUNDTREE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28217 LAB NUMBER.= 44032 SAMPLE ID = MT HOLLY WW TP MT RDLLY MWTP ANALYSIS REPORT DAVID MOTIL DATE SAMPLED 09/05/01 DATE RECEIVED 09/25/01 DATE REPORTED 09/28/01 DETECTION RESULT RESULT LIMIT ANALYSIS PARAMETER I X ) ' (MG/KO.) (M6/KG) ANALYST DATE TIME METHOD REFERENCE a r ARSENIC 1.66 0.2 KM 09/26/01 15:00 S" 846-7061A ° MERCURY 1.54 0.2 KM 09/26/61 16:00 SW 846-7471A a SELENIUM 2.49 0.1 KM 09/26/01 15:00 SM 846-7741A PH (STO-UNITS,AS IS) 10.90 RD 09/26/01 12:00 EPA 150.1 CALCIUM CARBONATE E$ 18.13 181300 100 LDR 09/27/01 15:00 AOAC 955.OL y VOLATILE SOLIDS 60.94 609400 100 DCH 09/26/01 15:30 SM 25406 ORGANIC NITROGEN 3.60 36000 100 DCH 09/26/01 CALCULATION MOLYBDENUM 7 5 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 SM 846-6010E m ALL VALUES ARE ON A DRY WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED. &a oJ4,V-4- .9 PRUL H. CHU RMAN 30NES Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and conlidenlial use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole o! in part, nor may any reference be made to the c c wo(k the INSUI!5. or!hp ctrrnpany in any adverlisir•g, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written auttrorization. fopyrghl 1977 CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: WWTP Permit No: WQ0001863 Date Sampled: October 16, 2001 2.58 % TS .............. arametex .. .......................::....:..::::::...............:................. y We�gT i klturint b .. x` Nitrogen (TKN) 5.370 53,700.000 107.400 Phosphorus 1.790 17,900.000 35.800 Potassium 0.300 3,000.000 6.000 PAN (surface)* 1.812 18,120.000 36.240 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.980 9,800.000 19.600 Calcium 9.040 90,400.000 180.800 Calcium Carbonate Eq. 16.250 162,500.000 325.000 Magnesium 0.390 3,900.000 7.800 Sodium 0.730 7,300.000 14.600 Sulfur 1.450 14,500.000 29.000 Nitrate N / Nitrite N 45.000 0.090 Manganese 210.000 0.420 Chloride ---- ---- ;;„gu Iron 10,100.000 20.200 tlVNIN,Aluminum 14,300.000 28.600 75 Arsenic 1.440 0.003 85 Cadmium 4.400 0.009 ------ Chromium ------ ------ 4300 Copper 333.000 0.666 840 Lead 29.000 0.058 57 Mercury 1.290 0.003 75 Molybdenum 0.000 0.000 420 Nickel 132.000 0.264 100 Selenium 2.410 0.005 7500 inc 1,290.000 2.580 A&L Report No.: R280-242 *Determination of Surface Application of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + 0.5 (Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = mg/L PAN N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as 0 for calculation purposes. P280-242 A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whilepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. 8041 271-64 -� ACCOUNT N 45671 P GE L Iftller_,r REPORT NUMBER BIO-NOMEE SERVICES, INC. MT HOLLY 1 DAVID NOTIL AfL 516 ROUNDTREE RD -CHARLOTTE NC 28217 NC CERT M257 ANALYSIS REPORT DATE SAMPLED 10/16/01 LAB NUMBER = 44339- DATE RECEIVED 10/19/01 SAMPLE ID = NT HOLLY NMTP DATE REPORTED 10/23/01 ra a� U w DETECTION m RESULT RESULT LIMIT ANALYSIS M PARAMETER ( % ) (MG/KG) (MG/ -KG) ANALYST DATE TIME METHOD REFERENCE _ ___________________ --- ------------ _....__-- ------------ ----- -----------_------------ 0 z, SOL.IOS(AS IS) 2.85 28500 100 JCM 10/19/01 16:00 SIN 25406 NITROGEIlITKN> 5.37 53700 104 KCS 10/22/01 14:00 EPA 351.3 P° PHOSPHORUS 1.79 17900 100 JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SR 846-6010B POTASSIUM 0.30 3000 100 3CM 10/22/01 15400 SH 846-6010B SULFUR 1.45 14500 100 JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SM 846-6010B CALCIUM 9.04 90400 100 JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SM 846-6010B co MAGNESIUM 0.39 3900 too JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SM 846-6010B m SODIUM 0.73 7300 L00 JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SM 846-60100 -1 IRON 10100 1 JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SM 846-60108 4 ALUMINUM 14300 10 JCH 10/22/01 15:00 SM 846-GOIOB "'MANGANESE 210 1 JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SM 846-6010B o COPPER 333 1 JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SM 846-6010B `- ZINC 1290 1 JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SN 846-6D109 'J.AMMONIA-NITROGEN 0.90 9B00 100 r`'KC5. 10/22/01 13:15 EPA 350.2 NO3-NO2 NITROGEN 45 10 LDR 10/23/01 14:00 SM 4500-NO3 F CADMIUM 4.4 1 JCM 10/22/01 L5:00 SW 846-60100 CD CD NICKEL 132 5 JCN 10/22/01 L5:00 5W 846-6010B c LEAD 29 5 JCM 10/22/01 L5:00 SN 846-60108 oALL VALUES ARE ON A DRY MEI647 BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED. PIL4.H CH C. ZIRMAN ON C+ Our reporls and letters are for The exclusive and conlidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the CD Mrk. the resents. or 1',e rni, o part' in any ndv� tisl.�o. news rerease, or other public announcements without rblairing our prior written authorization. Copyright 1977 .-r A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whilepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 s Fax No. (B04) 271-6446 R260-242 ACCOUNT # 45671 PAGE 2 14tL REPORT NUMBER go BID-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. MT HOLLY NWTP DAVID NOTIL 516 ROUNDTREE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28217 NC CENT U257 ANALYSIS REPORT LAB NUMBER = 44339 SAMPLE ID = MT HOLLY WWTP m a� U DETECTION RESULT RESULT LrHIT u' PARAMETER ( X I (NG/KG1 (i1B/i(a) ___------------------ -------- ------- -------- e 0 ARSEIVZC 1.44 0.2 MERCURY 1.29 0.2 SELENIUM 2.41 0.1 PH 45TO.UNITS,AS IS) 9.40 CALCIUM CARBONATE EQ 16.25 162500 100 VOLATILE SOLIDS 60.42 604200 100 ORGANIC NITROGEN 4.39 43900 100 m MOLYBDENUM No 5 a, N V O N w a; 0 z ANALYSIS ANALYST DATE TIME DATE SAMPLED 10/16/01 DATE RECEIVED 10/19/01 DATE REPORTED 10/23/01 METHOD REFERENCE ------------------------ - Kit 10/22/01 16:00 SW 846-7061R KM 10/22/01 16:00 SM 846-74710 KM 10/22/01 16:00 SM 846-7741A RD 10/22/01 12s00 EPA 150.1 LOR 10/23/01 13:00 AOAC 955.01 DCH 10/22/01 16:00 SM 25406 DCH 10/22/01 CALCULATION JCM 10/22/01 15:00 SW 046-601DB 0 c ALL VALUES ARE ON A DRV WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED. N RPAUL C. 14. CHU C. OR N J S N 0 u - roporis and letters are lar the eMcsusi le anc confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole ai in part; nor may any reference be mane to the 0 rrork. rt•g resul-s" cr the con,cany in any advsrtsing. noxs release" or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Cap yrigttt 1977 .-t WATER TREATMENT PLANT Annual Residual Sampling Summary Form Attach this form to the corresponding laboratory analysis. Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed than those required to be summarized on this form. Permit Number: WQ001863 Laboratory: A&L Eastern Labs Facility: City of Mount Holly NPDES #: NC0084689 or WQ # (residual only facilities) WWTP Name: Mount Holly WTP Residual Analysis Data Date Sampled (grab) or Date Composited 9/5/01 Percent Solids 1.74 earameters (mg/kg ary weight "11 MR Total Phosphorus (Signature of Preparer) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." DEM FORM SSF (10/94) CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: WTP Permit No: WQ0001863 Date Sampled: September 5, 2001 1.74 % TS aramefel...I ::: ::.:....::::.:::;::.:::;:.::::::::.::::::::::::.. ;1:::::::::::.::. ........................................................................ :::::::::.::::.:.:..::::::::::::......::::::....... :::: ..... :::; �Y�e� hiro�rinci .,. ;::;.;..;:.:.:.:.::::. :::€€: :::::: `'a€€€€€ €b; ... :::.::::. ........... Nitrogen (TKN) 1.720 17,200.000 34.400 Phosphorus 0.410 4,100.000 8.200 Potassium 0.070 700.000 1.400 PAN (surface)* 0.431 4,310.000 8.620 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.290 2,900.000 5.800 Calcium 0.170 1,700.000 3.400 Calcium Carbonate Eq. 0.000 0.000 0.000 Magnesium 0.140 1,400.000 2.800 Sodium 0.020 200.000 0.400 Sulfur 1.040 10,400.000 20.800 Nitrate N / Nitrite N 0.000 0.000 Manganese 395.000 0.790 Chloride ---- ---- ::. .............. .s '€€ Iron 21,100.000 42.200 Aluminum 144,900.000 289.800 75 Arsenic 43.650 0.087 85 Cadmium 3.000 0.006 ------ Chromium ------ ------ 4300 Copper 164.000 0.328 840 Lead 0.000 0.000 57 Mercury 0.000 0.000 75 Molybdenum 5.000 0.010 42 Nickel 17.000 0.034 100 Selenium 2.120 0.004 7500 Zinc 105.000 0.21011 A&L Report No.: R244-239 *Determination of Surface Application of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + 0.5 (Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = mg/L PAN N.D. (Not Detected) or < detection limits are listed as 0 for calculation purposes. A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 ft 14 R244-239 RCCOUNT N 45671 PAGE 1 REPORT NUMBER 121 BID-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. 516 ROUNOTREE RD -CHARLOTTE NC 20217 LAB NUMBER = 44031 SAMPLE I0 = MT HOLLY ALUM MT NOLLV ALUM ANALYSIS REPORT VID MOTIL DOTE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED DATE REPORTED 09/05/01 09/25/01 09/28/01 DETECTION RESULT RESULT LIMIT ANALYSIS PARAMETER ( % ) (MG/KG) (lia/KG) ANALYST DATE .TIME METHOD REFERENCE SOLIDS(AS IS) 1.74 17400 100 JCM 09/25/01; 15:00. SK 25400 X NITROGEH(TKN) 1.72 17200 100 KCS 09/26/61 13:00 EPA 351.3 0 PHOSPHORUS 0.41 4100 100 JCM 09/26/O1 15:30 Sit 846-60108 POTASSIUM 0.07 700 100 JCM 09/26/61 15:30 Sli 846-60108 SULFUR L.04 10400 100 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 Sll 846-60108 y CALCIUM 0.17 1700 100 JCM 09/26/01 15;30 am 846-60LOB MAGNESIUM 0.14 1400 100 JCK 09/26/01 15i30 am 846-GOLOO m SODIUM 0.02 200 100 JCM 09/26/OL 15:30 am 846-60LOB IRON 21100 1 JC11 09/26/01 15:30 Si! 846-60LOS ALUMINUM 144900 10 JCM 09/26/OL L5:30 am 846-60108 MANGANESE 395 1 JCM 09/26/01 L5:30 Sit 846-6010B COPPER 164 1 JCII 09/26/01 15:30 Sii 846-6010B ZINC 105 1 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 Bw 846-60106 AMMONIA -NITROGEN 0.29 2900 100 KCS 09/26/01 L2:00 EPA. 350.2 NO3-NO2 NITROGEN NO 10 LOR 09/26/01 13:30 SH 4500-HO3 F CADMIUM 3.0 1 JCK 09/26/01 15:30 Sit 846-GOIOB I(NICKEL 17 5 JCM 09/26/01 15:30 Sk 846-GOIOB EAD ND 5 JcM 09/26/01 15:30 Si! 846-6010B HLL VALUES ARE ON A DRY HEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED. PAUL C. H. CHU N R ES Our repots and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use cf our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole ar in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results. or the company in any advenicing, rews release, or other public announcements vrithouf obtaining our prior written authorization. Copyright 1977 °G f' A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 . (804) 743-9401 Fax No. ( 04) 271-6446 R244-239 ACCOUNT N 45671 PAGE 2 IQ tL REPORT NUMBER @90 010—NOMIC SERVICES, INC. NT HOLLY ALUM DAVID M OTIL 516 ROUNOTREE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28217 ANALYSIS REPORT LAB NUMBER = 44031 SAMPLE ID = MT HOLLY ALUM DETECTION RESULT RESULT LIMIT ANALYSIS PARAMETER ( 2 ) ' (KG/KG) (MG/KG) ANALYST BATE TIME DATE SAMPLED 09/05/01 DATE RECEIVED 09/25/01 DATE REPORTED 09/28/01 METHOD REFERENCE. ------------------------ ARSENIC 43.65 0.2 KM 09/26/0t 15000 SM 846-706tA MERCURY ND 0.2 KH 09/26/01 16:00 SM 846-7471A SELENIUM 2.12 0.1 KH 09/26/01 15a00 SN 846-77410 PH (STD.UNITS,AS IS) 6.00 RD 09/26/OL 12:00 EPA 150.1 CALCIUM CARBONATE EQ ND L00 LDR 09/27/OL 15:00 AOAC 955.01 VOLATILE SOLIDS 30.51 305100 LOO BCH 09/26/01 15:30 SM 25400 ORGANIC NITROGEN 1.44 14400 100 DCH 09/26/01 CALCULATION MOLYBDENUM 5 5 1101 09/26/01 15:30 Sit 846-60LOB ALL VALUES ARE ON A -DRY WEIGHT BASIS EXCEPT AS NOTED. PAUL C. H. CHU C. 24RHMES Our repor[s and [oilers are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the wok the results, of the company in any advertising. news release. or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Copyrig-t 1977 03/05/•2001 6i0N 10:16 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 10002 WJ VJIUA vat tJ rn i.Jt ,>}/a.=..�-viy�ou n.»uyo ram... ...,� , ,,,, �• — TEST AMER I CA INC ANAYLT I CAL REPORT 2950 Foster Creighton Drive Nashville, Tes3n,essee 37204 ++ Original report and a copy of the chairs of custody will follow by mail. 8I0-NOMICS SERV., YIWC. 2102 DAVID MOTIL 516 ROUNDREE RD, Lab Number., 01-A24239 CHARLOTTE, NC 28217 3,�mple iD=„'.'FIOLLY WDOTP Date Collected: 2/23/01 Project- Time Collected: 12:^- Project Name: Date Received: 2/24/01 Sampler: J'TROMPSON Time Received: 9:00 State Certification z 387 Sample Type: L�qu.i.d waste Report Quen pis enalYte Result Untr3 limit Lsmlt Factor Date Time AnelyST Method Butch *cEN AdL rs�tl' i9TRY PBAbKzrM+ Reactive Cyanide NO mg/xg 50.0 50.0 1 3/ 1/01 23:25 Nardceatla 617-846 9225 Reactive Sulfide NO ms/kg 100. 100, 1 31 1/01 23:35 8ardcastle s0.846 9225 S3altability Nos' IGNITAME UP TO 20OF 2/27/01 17,00 J.Z ree 101cm 968 nbrracivity nal corrosive 3/ 1101 14:00 J.Tyred 1110 3028 Reactivity reGults determined from total d4l4rllnation WhOdS 9012 A. 9034. TCIp Results Matrix Spike i Analyze Result leers Rel Limit Recovery (9) ptts Time Analyst retl-Ad QC E_ Ar7eniG c 0.100 mg/1 5.0 97 2/27/ol 19.31 G-Robinsca 60109 59 snsSum < 1.00 mt/l 100 100 7r17/01 19131 4.Ito bIrs.= 8010E 59 cadmium t U.1U0 mg/l 1.0 95 2/27/01 19:31 c.xobltvon 6010E 59 Oxromium ■ 0.500 mg/1 5-U 95 2/27/01 19:31 a. Robinson 6010E 59 teed 0.500 eur;l 5.0 98 2/27/01 19:31 G.Rebihaen 40101 59 Mercury c 0-0100 mg/l 0.20 116 3/ 2/01 10:13 N.khotI 7470A 67 ftlenlvm c 0.300 Ta/,l 1.0 108 2/27/01 19t3J C.lobl�on 60)OH 59 Silver a 0.100 mg/1 3.0 97 2/z7/01 19'31 c.Robi== 60305 39 gene < 0,200 aq/1 0.5 68 3/ 2/01 16:11 A. Peeples 6260 3011 carbon teaachlorida O.z00 mg/l 0.5 90 3/ 2/01 16:12 A. Pboplas 8260 3011 Chlorobenzene * 0,200 3g/1 100 94 3/ 2/01 16:12 A. Peeples 8260 301I Zloroform < 0.200 M9/1 6.0 b6 3/ 2/01 16:12 A. Peeples 9260 3011 1,2•Dichloroetb=4 c 0.200 mg/1 0.5 90 3/ 2r01 16:12 A. Pteplcs 8260 3011 1. 1 .0ichlorcethene 0.200 w/1 0.7 76 3/ 2/01 16:12 A. Ptcples 8260 3011 Met1ylCr11yl1aar0ne : 1.00 and/1 100 123 3/ 2/01 16.12 A. Peeples 8260 3011 T6Tr4;h1osoatnCne a 0.200 mg/1 0.7 U 3/ 2/01 16:12 A. Paeples U60 3011 Triehlornethene ! 0.200 ZZ/1 0-5 Be 3/ Vol 16.12 A. Peeples 8260 3011 2:0'd 2:L06 7162 VOL 170 dJIN3Wb iS31 Z0:60 Z00Z-so-duw 03/05!2001 HON 10:16 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 03/03/01 VO: 9j Y17 LJf specsdll:ceu AS,oy:f vie v5+—rnn ,"Uyc a u, & —sWW -w M152 AMWCA INC ANAYLTI= P&FORT 2960 FO%Ier Creighton Drive Nashville, Te=i see 372M -* Origlr:al report and a copy or the chain or custody v111 follow by c:eil, =Q-NCMICs RUV., INC. 2102 UVID mom 516 AOUNFItF.E Rp- Lab Warm: 01.A24239 CHAPS OITE, NC Z8217 S®mple ID: Mr. HOLLY %WT? Project. project Name: Sampler: J.-.HoMPSON state Certification: 387 TCLF Results Date Collected; 2/23101 Tim Collected: 12:00 Date 8erelved. Z/Z4/01 I1me Received: 9:00 Sample I,/.Pe: Lquid %Rate Matrix Spike ASelyte Result Unite Reg limit Recovery (X) Date Tine ADAlyet method qc match vieyl Chloride c 0.200 Kg/1 0.2 72 Cresols 0.0120 mg/1 290 73 1,4-0lchlorohenzene C 0,01G0 m8/), 7.5 77 2,4-Diilitrotaluene a 0.01CO mg/1 0.13 76 Hexac-Iorabenzene 0.0100 mg/1 0.13 54 Hexchior-1,3-butadlen 0,0100 mg/1 .015 76 Hezgcoroetissg < U.O100 m8/1 3.0 70 Nitrobenzene c 0.0100 mg/l 2.0 78 Pentachlorophca:ol < 0.0100 mg/1 100 76 Pyridine < 0.0100 m5/1 5.0 77 2,h,5 TYiehlarophonol a 0.01m MU/1 400 78 2,A,6-Trichlocophenal s 0.0100 mg/l 2.0 73 Qllordane a 0.0003 mg/1 0.030 IV Z.A.D r 0,100 MC/1 10.0 ' 61A Eadrin a 0.0005 mg/1 o.02 128 Haptachlor 0.0005 Ms/1 0.U08 92 LindAne : O,CM mg/1 0.4 113 w thosychlar c 0.0005 mg/1 1010 110 Taxaphwe c o_0100 ws/1 0-50 84 811vex < 0.01CO m5/1 1,0 65 Heprechl9i epoxide a 0.0005 mg/1 0.008 102 TW Extroctson Aiiiated Zero Headw,aee Extractiaa Initiated Pro _ Plot detRcred at the report limit. netrix Spike Recovery Lot• =p at:alytes repertea f3mn Batch QC TC R prepartion follow method 1311, SU-SA6 Revision 3. Flash point /igaisatrility reported to t12 neereet 10 deg P. 3/ 2/01 16:12 A. Peoples 8260 30" 3/ 1/01 19:56 J.Got % BZ70 1500 3/ 1/01 19:54 .7.Gott 8270 1500 3/ 1/01 19:54 .7.cot% 8270 1500 3/ 1/01 19:54 J.Got t 8270 15M 3/ 1/01 19:5G I.Cort 827o 15M 3/ 1/01 19:54 J,Got : 8270 1500 3/ 1/01 0:54 J.cot t 6270 1500 3/ 1/01 19:54 J.Got t 8270 1500 3/ 1/01 19:5r+ J.Gott 3270 1500 3/ 1/01 19:54 J.Gott 8270 150D 3/ 1/01 19:5A 7.Got t 8170 15M 3/ 2/01 14:57 ]1. Hunt 8051A 687 3/ 2/01 15:06 R. Hunt 8151A 2534 3/ 2/01 1G:57 R. Hunt 8081A 687 3/ Vol 14:57 R. Hant 8061A 687 3/ 2/01 14:57 %. Hunt 6981A 667 3/ 2/01 14:57 R. H:mt 8061A 667 3/ Z/Ol 14:57 R. Hunt $091A 687 3/ 2/01 15:06 R. Mat 6151A 2531, 3/ Vol 14:57 R. Hunt 80814L 687 2/26/01 16:00 K. 8teiart 1311 9351 2/26/Ol 16iC0 K. Stetidrt 1311 9351 t7e , d 2406 Z62 b0G 1-10 U01 �1 4H 1S31 TO:60 T002-SO-HbW 4. MAR-05-2001 09:02 TEST AMERICA CLT 704 392 9073 P.05 'sFsgq lgbieft un v ve palxodea 53TwuJ TTP -sum TU31s 43W +(ao;Y30gvl apT!SlTlo d3anaDag � 'I91 'OT '7L vvc="77T0 •mr -. •n* •ftZ a;eprralo�T�T;ngTa•sS1lC 'UST 'EZ 97 zm-ssns lead 771 - 'TT eg Tuu9gd0w07gTAL•9'7'Z•3 97I - 'C:T 'gR TBuggdolottT3-Z 2 59 'OT I '76 Sp j=Bvd-zzw gTT �� 'Ot 74 7TP ti4*>8•L•SSTIs '9E1 - '01 ov TA-RAIgManT3.7--- OZt '9T au:,=mgo] 3 LN'3311m 'S9 'T6 839-9 '771T5 TOA 6ZT • 169 6UT ep —nTaa ''mac ooA 9ET tL 66 9p lrx.r'T •a7ns eon aSCIDg �a63gS �L3aroaeH Y a1SBoS7 s UIS[ SaSga.1 G TOILZR TA O•T Zm •UO5 S,yx tr= OT5E wovhw r To/Lb/z Tm o•OT Tm oOi sap?aTUSId dl=L OIS£ Avsgox•O 10/LZ/7. Tm 0015 TM 0.5 %aPTBFgtaH d= Pai3aN 4DATBUY WTd. Olio 11A 3a6S1a3 p01033yrs Sa30wend TDA/3E --------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- vied UOTIm.7jua sIdum9 •---- ---------------------- eam- pmbT•I :Oda w[fts LQE :�Y3eaj�s»a0 a1v 3g 00.6 :wTaoag am[i Noukou-L' :7egdm®S TO/7Z/Z :pan?a3ag a;pp :Omw 130rold W47 :paIDDIT02 imEt '43QLOZ4 10fzre :palaaTTop alga Mis ;"WIN -at #Tdaes LINZ on lizzo•I m enny-TO :7aq=N qvl '0H ffSlI2m)i 915 1ILLWA aree0 ZOTZ 'ONI ' •n= =MR-0I9 •TTWT A noTT03 ITT& AP03M 70 vtaga cr41 70 ddaa o Pw 334dtQ TOUTIT20 __ mnz aassauuai 'arTwgfN 9nss0 70asod 046Z ygod32i 't�JT•L'Li9ni9 OfiI eoi� TMT --:SdcRV na�rrml�adc rc•f Nd Fh'dn TA/F.n/F0 nw..An•►� ,.. �Fo� v..�_�� r00p1 983TAJ8S OTMO T-OTU 8r9T US VOL Yid LT:OT Nd TOOZ/SO/SO 03/05/2001,MON 10:17 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services U 005 03/03/02 (le: 4.1 PH LS1 bPVCIa11zea Assdys r1a VOL—rSIA r®ye 2 u1 b 04-04uu 'TEST AID = INC: AtCA=_C&L REPORT 2960 Foster Creighton Drive Nash,Alle, Tennessee 372W. .E •+ OrlHlnol report and a coPY of the chain of custody -ill folla- by mail. 310-M gCS SIIty-. INc. 2102 D4� MOTLL SIG aOUNDM Ap. Lab Number: 01-A24239 CHA91=, NC 28217 Sample ID: K AOLLX VOTP Date Collected: Z/23/01 Project: Time Collected,- 12:00 Project Naze. Dote Received: VZO/01 Sampler: J.THorT50N Tum Seceived: 1,00 8eera mortification: 387 Sample Typo: Liauld oa ate These results relate only to the items tested. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and with permission of the laboratory. Report Approved By: Report Date: 3/ 3/01 Paul E. Lane, Jr., Lab Director Gail A. Lage, Technical Serv, Michael H. Dunn, M.S., Technical Director Glenn L. Dorton, Technical Serv, Johnny A. Mitchell, Dir. Technical Serv. ICelly S, Comstock, Technical Serv, Eric S. Smith, Assistant Technical Director. ^^--].a A. Langford, Technical Serv. Laboratory Certification Number: 387 m 90'd £L®6 E6£ b0L 15�1 20:60 T00ir-50-adW WATER TREATMENT PUTT 10/02(2001 TUE 09:58 FAX 704 529 1848 13lo-Vomic services LoUUL Test4merica ANALYTICAL REPORT BIO-NOMICS SERV., INC. 2102 DAVID MOTIL 516 ROUNDREE RD. CHARLOTTE, NC 28217 Project: Project Name: MT.HOLLY-ALUM Sampler: JOHN THOMPSON Lab Number: 01-A134339 Sample ID: MT.HOLLY ALUM SLUDGE Sample Type: Solid waste Site ID., Date Collected: 8/31/01 Time Collected: Date Received: 9/25/01 Time Received: 9:00 Report Quan Dil Analyte Result Units Limit Limit Factor Date Time Analyst Method Batch *GENERAL CHEMISTRY PARAMETERS* Reactive Cyanide ND mg/kg 50.0 50.0 1 9/28/01 12:30 S. Prayter SA-846 8339 Reactive Sulfide ND mg/kg 100. 100. 1 9/28/01 12:30 S. Prayter SR-846 8339 Corrosivity NOT CORROSIVE 9/27/01 16:12 T. Beverly 1110 9550 Ignitability NOT IGNITABLE UP TO 20OF 9/27/01 8:47 _ T. Beverly 1010M 8610 TCLP Results matrix Spike Analyse Result Units Reg Limit Recovery M Date Time Analyst Method QC Batch -------------------------- ----------- ------ ----- ............--------- --------------- ------ ........ Arsenic < 0.100 mg/l 5.0 106 9/28/01 12:31 Rob Hunt 6010E 9363 Barium < 1.00 mg/1 100 101 9/28/01 12:31 Rob Hunt 6010E 93.63 Cadmium c 0.100 mg/l 1.0 99 9/28/01 12:31 Rob Hunt 6010E 9363 Chromium < 0.500 mg/1 5.0 101 9/28/01 12:31 Rob Hunt 6010B 9363 1484 a 0.500 mg/l 5.0 101 9/28/01 12:31 Rob Hunt 601.0R 9363 Mercury < 0.0100 mg/1 0.20 90 9/28/01 15:41 A. Choate 7470A 9056 Selenium < 0.100 mg/l 1.0 116 9/28/01 12:31 Rob Hunt 60103 9363 Silver < 0.100 mg/l 5.0 101 9/28/01 12:31 Rob Hunt 60105 9363 Benzene < 0.100 mR/l 0.5 104 9/29/01 1:32 A. Peeples 8260 842 Carbon tetrachloride < 0.100 mg/1 0.3 106 9/29/01 lt32 A. Peeples 8260 842 Chlorobenzene < 0.100 mg/l 100 104 9/29/01 1:32 A. Peeples 8260 842 Chloroform 0.100 mg/1 6.0 Ho 9/29/01 1:32 A. Peeples 82'60 842 1.2-Dichloroethane < 0.100 mR/l 0.5 92 9/29/01 1:32 A. Peeples 8260 842 Sample report continued . . . 2960 FUSTLR UNIUKTON DKIVE / NANNVILLE.TN 37204 / 615-726-0177 / FAX: 615-726-0954 / 800-765-0980 .LU/ UL/ GUU1 lUn UU; 00 rr-& ! U% JbD Lu4u LiV-1Y V1LL11. JCl Y11.00 TestAmerica I N C O 1 f 0 R A T E D ANALYTICAL REPORT Laboratory Number: 01-A134339 Sample ID: MT.HOLLY ALUM SLUDGE Project: Page 2 TCLP Results Matrix Spike Analyre Result Units Reg Limit RCoovcry (Z) Date Time Analyst Method QC Datch ------------------------------------- ------ .......... ------------ --------- .....---------- -------------- 1,1-Dichloroethene < 0.100 mg/1 0.7 100 9/29/01 1:32 A. Peeples 8260 842 Methylethylketone. < 0.500 mg/1 200 87 9/29/01 1:32 A. Peeples 8260 842 Tatrachlproethene < 0.100 mg/l 0.7 118 9/29/01 1:32 A. Peeples 8260 842 Trichloroethene < 0.100 mg/l 0.5 104 9/29/01 1:39 A. Peeples 8260 842 vinyl Chloride < 0.100 mg/1 0.2 112 9/29/01 1:32 A. Peeples 8260 842 Cresols a 0.0500 mg/1 200 43 9/30/01 10:22 M. Cobb 8270 1484 1,4-Dichlorobenzene < 0.0100 mg/1 7.5 52 9/30/01 10:22' M. Cobb 8270 1484 2,4-Dinitrotoluene < 0.0100 mg/1 0.13 70 9/30/01 10:22 M. Cobb 8270 1484 Hexachlorobenzene 0.0100 mg/1 0.13 64 9/30/01 10:22 H. Cobb 8270 1484 Haxchlor-1,3-buradien < 0.0100 mg/l 0.5 52 9/30/01 10:22 M. Cobb 8270 1494 Hexachlorcethane < 0.0100 mg/l 3.0 52 9/30/01 10:22 M. Cobb 9270 1484 Nitrobenzene < 0.0100 mg/1 2.0 56 9/3U/01 10:22 M. Cobb 3270 1484 Pentachlorophenol < 0.0500 mg11 100 60 9/30/01 10:22 H. Cobb 8270 1484 Pyridine < 0.0100 418/1 5.0 38 9/30/01 10:22 M. Cobb 8270 1484 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol < 0.0500 mg/1 400 72 9/30/01 10:22 M. Cobb 8270 1484 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol < 0.0500 mg/1 2.0 70 9/30101 10:22 M. Cobb 8270 1484 Chlordane < 0,0005 mg/1 0.030 113 9/28/01 21:18 M. Cauthen 8081A 837 2,4-D < 0,100 mg/l 10.0 65 9/29/01 15:32 M. Cauthen 8151A 1517 Endrin < 0.0005 mg/l 0,02 40 9/28/01 21:18 M. Cauthen 8081A 837 Heprachlor < 0.0005 mg/l 0.008 43 9/28/01 21:18 M. Cauthen 8081A 837 Linden < 0.0005 mg/1 0.4 42 9/Z8/01 21:18 M. Caurhen 8081A 837 Methoxychlor 0.0005 mg/l 10.0 40 9/28/01 21:18 x. Cauthen 8061A 837 Toxaphene < 0.0100 mg/1 0.50 113 9/28/01 21.18 M. Cauthen 8081A 837 Silvex 0.0100 mg/1 1.0 96 9/29/01 15:32 M. Cauthen 8151A 1517 Heptachlor epoxide < 0.0005 mg/l 0.008 43 9/28/01 21:18 M. CauLhen 8081A 837 TCLP Extraction Initiated 9/26/01 12:43 J Campbell 1311 7723 Zero Headspace Rxtraction Initiated 9/26/01 12:43 J Campbell 1311 7723 ND - Not detected at the report limit- Tlatrix Spike Recovery for TCLk analytes reported from Batch Qc TCLP prepartion follows methnd.131), SW-846 Revision 3. Plash point/ignitability reported to the nearest 10 deg F. Sample report continued . . . 2960 F05TER CREIGHTON DRIVE / NASIIV[LLL.TN 37204 / 615-726-0177 / FAx: 615-726-0954 / $00-765.0980 lU/UL/LUUl IUL UJ:00 rAA /U4 D44 L040 JCl"V.LU=b �vvx TestAmerica ANALYTICAL REPORT Laboratory Number: 01-A134339 Sample ID: MT.HOLLY ALUM SLUDGE Project: Page 3 ------------------------------------- ----- Sample Extraction Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wt/Vol Parameter Extracted Extract Vol ---------------- -------------------- Date Time -------- ----- Analyst ---------- Method --------- TCLP Herbicides 5.0 ml 5.00 ml 9/28/01 D.Yeage-r 3310 TCLP Pesticides 100. ml 10.0 ml 9/27/01 D.Yeager 3510 TCLP BNA's 400. ml 1.0 ml 9/28/01 D.xesger 3510 Surrogate % Recovery Target Range VOA Surr 1,2-DCA-d4 99. 68. - 143- VOA Surr Toluene-d8 103. 78, - 127. VOA Surr, 4-BFB 97. 73. - 127, BHA Surr-Mitrobenzcne-d5 76. 20. - 118. BHA Surr-2-Fluorobiphenyl 64, 18. - 116. BHA Surr-Terphenyl-d14 90. 10. - 119. BHA Surr-Phenol-d5 46, 10. - 69. BHA Surr-2-Fluorophenol 64. 10. - 148. BHA Surr-2,4,6-Tribromophenol 92, 17. - 155. pest surr-TCMS 52. 10. - 159- surr-Dibutylchlorendate 54. 10, - 117. Burr-DCAA 48. 10, - 158. f - Recovery outside Laboratory historical or method prescribed limits. All results reported on a vet weight basis - Sample report continued . . . 2960 POSTER CRUMITON Nivr / NASHVMLE,TN 37204-/ 615-726.0177 / FAx: 615-726-0954 / 800-705-0980 10/02/2001 TUE 09:59 FAX 704 529 1648 Blo=Nomic Services L(J_.J vuo Tul-%stlimerica ANALYTICAL REPORT Laboratory Number: 01-A134339 Sample ID: MT.HOLLY ALUM SLUDGE Project: Page 4 These results relate only to the items tested. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and with permission of the laboratory. Report Approved By: 4..�r� 4—C.c% Report Date: 10/ 1/01 Paul E. Lane, Jr., Lab Director Gail A. Lage, Technical Serv. Michael H. Dunn, M.S., Technical Director Glenn L. Norton, Technical Serv. Johnny A. Mitchell, Dir. Technical Serv. Kelly S. Comstock, Technical Serv. Eric S. Smith, Assistant Technical Director Pamela A. Langford, Technical Serv. Laboratory Certification Number: 387 End of Sample Report. 2960 FOSTER CREWRITIIN DRIVE / NASHVILLE.TN 37204 / 615.726-0177 / FAx: 615.726-0954 / 800-765-0980 Permit # WQ 0001863 City of Mount Holly RESIDUALS APPLICATION 2001 SUMMARY ................................... ........ ....... ................ _N% .......... N .. ................. .......... .... . .... .. ............... ......... .............. - .......... ............. ........... ......... N.. .................... Mfl WRIM, ..... ......... ... ........................... . 5 RA= N. ...... ...... .. ....... ...................... ............ . .. -1 5� .. .0 .... ....... ...... AP ...... . N ....... N INM ..... X.xx ........ N. WON ... ......... .. ... . Charlie Killian Site MH 2 1 2Q"1WW 33.3 78,000 9.0 73.25 3Qt-01WW 396,500 52.0 01WTP 273,000 19.6 2 2Qt-01WW 30.1 663,000 75.6 102.81 4 3Qt-01WW 12.3 130,000 17.0 57.15 1 130,000 9.5 5 16.7 156,000 20.4 48.53 -3Qt-OIWW 01WTP 104,000 - 7.5 John Springs Site is JS-6 lQt-oiww 10.3 91,000 14.4 82.72 4Qt-OIWW 78,000 9.3 is-8 lQt-oiww 4.6 52,000 8.2 68.24 is-9 1Q"1ww 13.5 409,500 64.9 204.02 4Qt-OIWW 71,500 7.7 JS-10 4Qt-OIWW 17.5 377,000 40.6 84.08 JS-13 lwlww 6.9 169,000 26.8 147.91 JS-14 lQt-oiww 9.7 110,500 17.6 157.79 4Qt-OIWW 221,000 23.8 Totals 11/14/2001 FIELD LOADING REPORTS BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: Charlie Killian, Sr. OPERATOR: Charlie Killian, Sr. RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Permitted Acres: 3330 Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 80_59 E 1?7( 1I.Ii..........:....i5i :;.. s...:..., f ..,..,. ............... ............. .. ; ,: t1......., ............... L]TII, ED ,.... ., lrfJ ,.. ;GALLONS ,. G AGfi ........., It ,...,..,<.............,,.,....,,.... «., n � .. .,.... ',.PE& kCCRE .. .. Afi eta(s bai ; ::::::::..:::::.;;::::::::.::::;;:::;:;:;: catiiei�s bxla5 ....� „<als...., Pl► „ ,.,.,8.,.. ,,.. 14Ib..,... lei...,.. Sb Sri .. PJtil�i P I 2Qt-99W 33.30 604,500 18,153 2.61 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.71 10.61 15.14 3.13 SITE!gb _. 20t-99WW 33.30 71,500 2,147 3.34 0.30 0.00 0.00 2.02 0.25 0.00 0.00 1.56 0.00 9.75 13.05 93.52 16.03 MH2 2Qt-0IWW 33.30 78,000 2,342 2.73 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.87 11.06 8.96 1.89 3Qt-01WW 33.30 396,500 11,907 3.14 1.56 0.01 0.02 1.10 0.10 0.01 0.02 0.44 0.01 4.21 57.10 50.86 5.62 OIWTP 33.30 273,000 8,198 1.74 0.59 0.05 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.12 5.09 4.84 0.83 Annual Totals Cumulative Totals 747,500 22,447 - 2.42 0.06 0.02 1.49 0.12 0.01 0.03 0.56 0.01 5.21 73.25 1 64.66 1 8.34 - - - 0.06 0.02 4.16 0.68 0.01 0.03 2.21 0.01 15.66 -1 - I - Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 1 267 15 - 374 1 89 1 2,498 250 Permit Limit (Lbs/Ac/Yr) X U�-- (Signature of Land Applier) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lime App. Date Lbs/Ac 2001 650 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: Charlie Killian, Sr. OPERATOR: Charlie Killian, Sr. RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 75_55 pxLXa13:::;::::::.:,pA1....., :;::::: ;. :: ....................::.... "..N.. .............. ... 61G>Z1> ., UnLILED. .. ....r9 fd1 ::::;,:;::.:.::. ,yCiAI::iANS PER ACRE - Yc la TS ; . A1E1Y 3 PER At RE ....... Aa .... G'd Cn Y _ .... )4is ::;Pb..... d 6alae :::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::;,s;.;:ce::::a:a;.a.::,e:a;:: B 1410 Ni 6e............'I... ttFl%pGf., i {� ) 2 1998 - -- - - - 1.17 0.03 4.70 0.75 0.16 0.09 0.98 0.15 12.13 - - - zSITENQi 2Qt-99W 30.10 812,500 26,993 2.61 2.94 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.71 15.76 15.14 3.13 MH2 2Qt-99WW 30.10 1 266,500 8,854 3.34 1 1.23 0.00 0.00 2.02 0.25 0.00 0.00 1.56 0.00 9.75 53.51 93.52 16.03 2Qt-OOWW 30.10 338,000 11,229 3.21 1.50 0.01 0.01 0.94 0.11 0.01 0.04 0.79 0.01 5.04 66.45 43.80 10.20 2Qt-01WW 30.10 663,000 22,027 2.73 2.51 0.01 0.02 1.84 0.15 0.01 0.03 0.96 0.01 8.08 102.81 83.33 17.57 Annual Totals Cumulative Totals 663,000 22,027 - 2.51 0.01 0.02 1.84 0.15 0.01 0.03 0.96 0.01 8.08 102.81 83.33 17.37 I - - - 1.18 0.05 10.15 1.57 0.18 0.15 4.37 0.16 35.71 - - - Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 1 267 1 15 - 374 1 89 1 2,498 11 250 Permit Limit (Lbs/Arfyr) ' Data from 1998 Annual Report x oo- X,� -� ///, /, , (Signature of Land Applier) G ' Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lhne App. Date Lbs/Ac Jun-00 450 May-O 1 650 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: Charlie Killian, Sr. OPERATOR: Charlie Killian, Sr. RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Permitted Arreve 1230 Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 26_45 ..s ..,..... ....... .... ln".'�"'....... ..........•............. .. ...,.:, :.., .......M •..................... W,.... , .,yy ,ncis 3#Gl .?crclrn .:: e: , yyr�{r��y, ...., J4�41.�1+( .,,..,.......... . , N :..:.P. , c�u,r o ,� .....::.:::: I. .. . 7,af�,.+rtt4lk]C., ......... sACRE.,..,.i3:.,.:.sPERAGRE �..> ......... .. , '...,, ..,..!.i{2147.1 ..... ..... .: .{{... :. �. u�..:=,.....,..,,....;:::: ...................................................................:1:IC47�lL, .,,...,. ..,...As... ,,.,...ed..,,.,......L'u ..,....,, x..::::ss..:::;.::.: ......., .....,... . Ph, tt9iRti .. "914. ...:.s.s:s::....;s.::sa:.:.s::s.:.;s;:;::::;.:;a::::::s:.::::::^ .. ......,.. .....,... ......... .., 1VIo .,,. «.....IVt.,..., .,.. ,. Se...,.. .....: ... EEeEEEZimEEez. :..:...r.:r::. ....A!4N1��IKY. s�... , .: , ...,PAil1s..::: :.:0? T{ ::. 4 1998" - - ----- - -- 0.84 0.03 4.89 0.79 0.03 0.11 1.15 0.03 13.40 - - - SiTE's1lQiss` 2Qt-99W 12.30 65,000 5,285 2.61 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.71 3.11 15.14 3.13 MH2 2Qt-99WW 12.30 1 110,500 8,984 3.34 1.25 0.00 0.00 2.02 0.25 0.00 0.00 1.56 0.00 9.75 54.38 93.52 16.03 2Qt-OOWW 12.30 227,500 18,496 3.21 2.48 0.01 0.02 1.55 0.17 0.02 0.06 1.30 0.01 8.33 109.86 72.42 16.86 3Qt-01WW 12.30 130,000 10,569 3.14 1.38 0.00 0.01 0.97 0.09 0.00 0.02 0.39 0.01 3.73 50.51 44.99 4.97 01WTP 12.30 130,000 10,569 1.74 0.77 0.07 0.01 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.16 6.64 6.31 1.08 Annual Totals Cumulative Totals 21,138 - 2.15 0.07 0.02 1.22 0.09 0.00 0.03 0.41 0.01 3.89 57.15 51.30 6.05 L!!L01 - - 0.92 0.06 10.33 1.61 0.05 0.20 4.51 0.05 36.08 11 - - - Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 267 1 15 1 - 1 374 1 89 1 2,498 250 Permit Limit (Lbs/Ac/Yr) • Data from 1998 Annual Report x / O�- (Signature of Land Applier) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lime App. Date LbslAc Jun-00 700 Sep-01 500 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: Charlie Killian, Sr. & Melanie Jones OPERATOR: Charlie Killian, Sr. RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Permitted Acres: 16.70 Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 27_89 a: ..]f......: :...,,. x................... ....... „ „......,,..,.....,....„.,.::::::::::.: 111� :c€1�>�rtP1+7it?RE.. ED:..GALLONS,..;;., " ::::.:..s.;z::.r: „ ��f�� „ ,.„,.,,.„.. ,..,.,.,,::...,„„...........„.,.,.....,,.,,.,..............._, :ir �s..,,, ,,,..,„....... „., ......, ,: „1)pIN! Uh1 ......................„ PIIi iCGl2L, „„„,,,,.,.,,..,.,,,..,,,,.....„ „„ " �l2eta�s ba. .................a.,..,...,.,.........,,..,,...,„,...,........... .. „"• ; „ I�itttrJent�.�ibs�ac) : ,.. „„ „cd„ „:: .,;1' 1416 :Ni88E:.. „ ..s...... ,,.. ::. +'ii.::s, P it :..„ ...�e...txw1.38`sEE Essl£ cE3"s:9; iN 5 1998• - - - - - 1.18 0.04 5.42 1.12 0.03 0.09 10.65 0.03 16.10 - - - .. &ITp Nf1..... 2Qt-99W 16.70 182,000 10,898 2.61 1.19 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.71 6.38 15.14 3.13 MH2 2Qt-99WW 16.70 195,000 11,677 3.34 1.63 0.00 0.00 2.02 0.25 0.00 0.00 1.56 0.00 9.75 70.91 93.52 16.03 2Qt-0OWW 16.70 201,500 12,066 3.21 1.62 0.01 0.01 1.01 0.11 0.01 0.04 0.85 0.01 5.44 71.77 47.30 11.02 3Qt-01WW 16.70 156,000 9,341 3.14 1.22 0.00 0.01 0.86 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.34 0.01 3.29 44.65 39.77 4.39 O1WTP 16.70 104,000 6,228 1.74 0.45 0.04 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.10 3.88 3.69 0.63 Annual Totals Cumulative Totals j 260,000 1 15,569 - 1.67 0.04 0.02 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.36 0.01 3.39 L483 43.46 5.02 - - - 1.23 0.07 10.11 1.87 0.05 0.15 13.50 0.04 35.39- - - Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 1 267 1 15 - 374 1 89 1 2,498 250 Permit Limit (Lbs/AdYr) • Data from 1998 Annual Report Crop: Fescue (Signature of Land Applier) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Lime App. Date Lbs/Ac Jun-00 500 Sep-01 450 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: John Springs OPERATOR: John Springs RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Permitted Acres: 10.30 Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 22_76 1 1 1 1 f i •1 • 1 1 1 1 11 ��� 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1• 1 1 1• � 1 1 • •• 1 1 1 : 111 ®�� 1 11 1 1 � 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 � 1 11 �� 11 aa�- 1 1 1 1 �� 1 1 1 1• � 1 1 � �a� Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 1 267 1 15 1 — 1 374 1 89 1 2,498 11 250 Permit Limit (Lbs/ActYr) X A6111a- (Signature of Land Applier) — Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lime App. Date Lbs/Ac Feb-01 244 Oct-01 260 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 Annual Totals 52,000 11,304 — 1.79 0.01 0.01 1.37 0.11 0.01 0.05 0.69 0.01 5.37 8.24 59.79 10.74 Cumulative Totals — — — 0.01 0.01 1.37 0.11 0.01 0.05 0.69 0.01 5.37— E I - - Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 36 2,498 250 Permit Limit (Lbs/AcfYr) 34 1,338 267 15 — 374 89 (Signature of Land Applier) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lime App. Date Lbs/Ac Feb-01 312 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: John Springs OPERATOR: John Springs RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Permitted Acres: 13.50 Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 72_63 i o • w, Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 1 267 1 15 1 - 1 374 1 89 1 2,498 11 250 JP.,nilt Limit (Lbs/Ac/Yr) D from 1994 Annual Report (Signature of Land Applier) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lime App. Date Lbs/Ac Mar-00 1,000 Feb-01 838 Oct-01 200 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: John Springs OPERATOR: John Springs RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Permitted Acres: 17.50 Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 40_60 91 1 1• •• t 1. 1 t i' •- 111 �a® 1 1 1 1 ®� 1 1 1 11 � 1 1 � ��� Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 1 267 1 15 1 — 1 374 1 89 1 2,498 11 250 iPermit Limtt (Lbs/Ac/Yr) X / b (Signature of Land Applier) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lime App. Date Lbs/Ac Od-01 750 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: John Springs OPERATOR: John Springs RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Permitted Acree_ 6.90 Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 26_77 i Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 1 267 1 15 1 -- 1 374 1 89 1 2,498 250 Permit Limit (Lbs/Ac/Yr) Data from 1994 Annual Report (Signature of Land Appli&) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lime App. Date I Lbs/Ac Mar-00 750 Feb-01 676 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Field Loading Rate Report PERMIT # WQ0001863 OWNER: John Springs OPERATOR: John Springs RESIDUAL SOURCE: City of Mount Holly Permitted Acres: 9.70 Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual) 41_32 t e e t e Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate (lbs./acre) 1 36 1 34 1 1,338 1 267 1 15 1 - 1 374 1 89 1 2,498 11 250 IP..It Limit (Lbs/Ac/Yr) • Data from 1994 Annual Report (Signature of Land Applier) Date "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Crop: Fescue Lime App. Date Lbs/Ac Mar-00 900 Feb-01 315 Oct-01 800 Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form Facility Name City of Mount Holly Permit Number. W00001863 WWTP Name City of Mount Holly NPDES # NCO021156 Monitoring Period: From 01/01/01 To 12/31/01 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32) — Please indicate level achieved. and alternative performed Class A Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Alternative 5 Alternative 6 Class B X Alternative 1 X Alternative 2 Alternative 3 If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process To Significantly Reduce Pathogens" X Aerobic Digestion Air Drying Anaerobic Digestion Composting X Lime Stabilization If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Parameters Allowable Pathogen Density Number of Frequency Sample Analytical Level in Sludge Exceedences of Analysis Type Technique Minimum Average Maximum Units Fecal 2 x 106 MPN per Coliform gram of total solids or 2 x 106 CFU per gram of total solids 1000 MPN per gram of total solid (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 bacteria (in grams total solid lieu of fecal (dry weight) coliform Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33) — Please indicate option performed Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6 X Option 7 Option 8 Option 9 Option 10 Certification Statement (please check the appropriate statement) X "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one of both of the requirements) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Don Price Utilities Director Preparer Name and 'tle (type or prixlt) &2- Signature of Preparer Date David W. Motil Lpd Applications Services, Mgr. L Ap tier Nance p e) (typ o7pt) i / gnature of Land A er (if applicable) Date 12/0,5/2001-WED 13:33 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-lTomic Services Dec 05 01 10:35a 10002 p. MT.HOLLY WASTE TREATMENT LIME ADDITION TO SLUDGE TANK'S DATE TANK # 2 OPERATOR W.HAMPTON TIME Y l A •14A.flA Tim;: s-alPM OPER: H_HAMPTON YMIC eiw� P H OF SLUDGE AFTER ADDING 4.,5 GALLONS OF LIME 8,9 TEMPERATURE OF SLUDGE= 11.8 c 8.90 - .39 = 8.51 CORRECTED PH OF SLUDGE , DATE 1/11/01 TIME 1015 AM OPER : H. HAMPTON P H OF SLUDGE AFTER ADDING 4,500 GALLONS OF LIME 10.50 lEMPERATUR@ OF SLUDGE= 11.2 c 10.50 - .42. 10.08 CO C D PH OF SLUDGE DATE TIME ' � OPER : T STILWELL it POF SLUDGE AFTER ADDING �4,500 GALLONS OF LIME 12.35 TEMPERATURE ®F SLUDGE= 12 c 12.35 - .39 =11.96 BATE OPER : T. STILWELL PH OF SLUDGE AT 4.25 PM 1 x.41 TEMP = 12 c 12.41-.39 DATE 1/12101 TIME: 2:3o PM OPER : J.HAAS PH OF SLUDGE AT 2:30 PM = 12.26 TEMP = 13 C 12.26 - .361 '�`� ' P H OF SLUDGE ON 1/11/01 WAS 12.41 AND TEMPERATURE WAS 12 c CORRECT P H OF SLUDGE WAS 12.41 - .39=12.02. P H ON 1112/01 WAS 12-26 AND THE TPUPFRAnIRF WAS 13e WITH CORRECTED P H BEING 12.26 - .36 LWWWA 12/65/2001: WED 13:33 F.kX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services IM003 Dee a5 01 10:35a P.2 MT.HOL.I.Y WASTE TREATMENT LIME ADDITION TO SLUDGE TANK'S DATE 4123/01 TANK # #2 OPERATOR 1. Stilwell TIME 0730 Nxte 4/23101 Time = 1 Z:au pm P N OF SLUDGE AFTER ADDING 4,500 GALLONS OF LIME 1z.54 TEMPERATURE OF SLUDGE= 18 c 12.64,21=12.33 CORRECTED PH OF SLUDGE 12.33 PM OF SLUDGE AT 2;39 WAS 12.50 AND TEMPERATURE 18 C / 12.50-.21=12.29 P OF SLUDGE O Z4/01 AT 10:30 WAS 12.25 AND TEMPERA RE WAS 19 C 12/0'5/2001•NED 13:33 F.kX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services Aoc 05 01 10:36a 10004 P.3 MT.HOLLY WASTE TREATMENT LIME ADDITION TO SLUDGE TANK'S DATE 8/21101 TANK # 2 OPERATOR T.Jonas TIME 8.00AM J- 3121101 9AM p H OF SLUDGE AFTER ADDING 4,500 GALLONS OF LIME 8.14 TEMPERATURE OF SLUDGE= 29 C + Az &-nobat+"ren PH CIF SLUDGE 8.14 + .12 = 8.26 at74/n4 +2 NeoN 5/22101 9:43 AM PH OF SLUDGE AFTER ADDING 4,500 GALLONS OF LIME 12.20 TE TURE OF SLUDGE--28 C + .09 CORRECTED PH OF SLUDGE 12.20 + .09 =12.29 e174tn4 7•eK AM PH OF SLUDGE = 10.94 TINPERATURE OF SLUDGE = 29 C +- .12 10.94 + .12 -11.06 8127101 10: AM PH OF SLUDGE AFTER ADDING 4,500 GA ONS OF LIME ■ 11.92 TEMPERATURE OF SLUDGE m 30 C + .1S CORRECTED PH OF SLUDGE= 11.92 + .15 a 12.07 PH OF SLUDGE AFTER 2 HOURS =11.95 TEMPERATURE OF SLUDGE = 30 C 11.96 + ,15 =12.1 IV28101 8:00 AM PH OF SLUDGE AFTER ADDITIONAL 22 HOURS = 11:42 TEMPERATURE OF SLUDGE = 29 C + .12 11:42 + .12 = 11.54 APPROXIMATELY 22,500 GALLONS OF LIME,WAS USED TO RAISE PH OF 850,00 DALLONS OF SLUDGE 1V05/200'1 DYED 13:34 FAX 704 529 1848 Bio-Nomic Services 121005 AAc 05 01 10:3E2 P.4 MT.HOLLY WASTE TREATMENT LIME ADDITION TO SLUDGE TANK'S DATE 1018/01 TANK # 1 OPERATOR T-Jonas TIME 0830 Im"s 4 wotm .4 ntatnl 1130 ffSLUDGE AFTER ADDING 4,500 GALLONS OF LIME 11.25 ATURE OF SLUDGE° 24 c TED PH OF SLUDGE 11.25 -.03 =11.22 4otatol 1400 PH OF SLUDGE AFTER ADDING 4,500 GALLONS OF LIME 12.12 TEMPERATURE OF SLUDGE= 24 C CORRECTED PH OF SLUDGE 12.12 - .03 - 12.09 at 1530 PH OF SLUDGE AT 1730 = 12.06 AT 24 c CORRECTED PH = 12.06 - .03 =12.03 iot9tel REPORTNUMBER R128-127 4= A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURALIA00RATORIE 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Vi.-r9ihja'23237 - (804) 743- CD C> Fax No- (804) 27-1-6446 MAY i 4 SEND 8I0_p4ol,41C SERVICES INC TO: 516 ROUNDTREE RD - CHARLOTTE NC 28217 DATE OF REPORT 05/09/2001 PAGE ORGANIC MATTE R LAD ENF Htjf48FR MH-2-1 12011 3.4 108H 16 L MH-2-2 12012 3.5 L09M 21 M c4ARL It KILLIAN GROWER: Soll�. ISAEPORT X.62 VH 860 N 31 : ' - IT. 33 M 2-1i-:�-45 151 .!VH 1100 H TR PERCENT BASE SATURATION • WE N -Nr % V., Mli-2-1 5.3 2.1 8.9 33 11.13.9 V 42 H 36 MH-2-2 4.3 16.4 71.6 1.8 5.9 41 V 111 . 9:.'V 37 H 45 0 Values on this report represent the plant available nutrients in the soll. Explanation of symbols: Values are expressed as % (percent), ppm (parts. per nr4lito .p), qr- jWA , (pounds per acre). Rating alter each value: VL (Very Low), L (Low), M (Medium), H (High), VH (Very,;.11 -'h) ENPI - Estimated Nitrogen Release. C.E.C. - Cation Exchange Capacity.' To convert to lbs/A, multiply the results in ppm by 2, See the back of This renorl! for row(ov-,inn f-aninr- -inrf mnrn riofalled Information. 46058 SUBMITTED BIO-'NOMIC SERVICES INC By: Q DATE RECEIVED 05/07/2002 DATE OF ANALYSIS 05/08/2001 co ;- ODIUPH ACID11TV CE.C. 6 pv- C.", I TES'. : iPOIL -T1 BUFFER * 'me 00 IV. M 1. , OH INDEX -14d, OD9 me QM 009 32 VL 6.4 6.87 0.6 6.7 31 VL 45. 6 6.88 0.5 7-7 w II 0 ti D 'OFMo. !-t,-40R6WISOLUBLE CHLORIDE ME MOLYB-* -Pm I SALTS — CL DENYU MO Ul n MATE ,CU -RA WE rz— RATE ppm RATE PPM: RATE 3.7 VH 0.5 L 0.3 V- 0.4 3.1 VI 0.4 L 0.4 V[ 0.4 Ths eeAll 113'ayss It) thil sawlal's" leslad. Samples are relained a 4nax, no days atisf ZOSI 09. Sad Anallisis prepared by: A & V1117ERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATOIFUES, INC, P by 0 REPORT NUMBER R269-072 G A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORI 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 74: Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SEND 510-NOMIC SERVICES INC CHARLIE KILLIAN TO: GROWER: 516 R011NDTREE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28217 e7cnFGLPnpT 09/27/200L PAGE 1 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT r c c •r ti 1 �C� a C ..----~""M456 # 46058 u SUBMrrTED gI0-NOMIC By: SERVICES INC a 7 N C DATE RECEIVED 09/25/2001 DATE OF ANALYSIS 09/26/2001 _..._. -.-• s.s `� ...... OFiQANr,¢'.NATTkR = „ iAF!;+E Ph 15633 3.9 117H 23 M 26 M 89 M 172 VH 93t1 M 2�1 VL 6.0 6.81 1.2 7.6 MH-2-1 MH-2-4 15634 4.4 128H 52 VH'. 85 VH 48 VL 97 M 1000 H 39 VL_ 6.1 6.83 1.0 7.1 1414-2-5 15635 3.1 105M 41 VH, 66 VH .32 VL 59 L 706 H 34 VL 6.0 6.85 0.8 5.0 FEFiCENTAW SATURATION. `,ice =ti#IJI B_ !�' t ' c4L� t'K : Fae 1 co:r:�N�p ?i a ,` Fi(1TE ppfrt . r; c 9L . r _ �tp��d�, _ .sp�.sipprri :r 3.0 18.9 61.4 1.2i15.4 22 V 11.8 V41 48 H 746 H ILIA 3.3 Vi 0.5 L 0.3 V _�?9T 0.2 11 MH-2-1 MH-2-4 L_7 11.4 70.7 2.4 13.7 37 V 20.6 Vi 34 H 54 V4 5_7 Vi 0.7 M 0.5 L 0.2 11 MH-2-5 1.6 9.9 70.1 3.0 15.4 24 V 17.4 V1 26 H 34 H 5.4 Vi 0.5 L 0.4 V 0.2 It Values on this report represent the plant available nutrients in the soil. i.. Explanation of symbols: Values are expressed as % (percent), ppm (parts per rrlillion), or Ibs/A (pounds per acre). Rating after each value: VL (Very Low), L (Low), M (Medium), H (High), VH (Very High). ENR- Estimated Nitrogen Release. C.E.C. -Cation Exchange Capacity. To convert -to lbs/A, multiply the results in ppm by 2. See The hark of rhk vonnr► fnr rnnr.nrrinr f +rinrr and rn,r- rinl-rif. ri inTnrmal;nn This lava,, spp b lha zmpla(s) laslud. SamplN are reMnoa a M.Wrnam al dayo oflu lasliing. Soil Analysis prepared by: A RN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. Aid J S an Jones REPORT NUMBER A&L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R295-027 7621 Whiiefte Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 one ACCT # 46058 SAMPLES SEND 13I0-NOMIC SERVICES INC JOHN SPRINGS To: SYUBMITTED BIO-NOMIC SERVICES INC �aowER. 516 ROUNDTREE RD CHARLOTTE NC 28217 2i rJ 244� �� ATE RECEIVED 10/ 19/2001 DATEOFREPOAT 10/23/2001 PAGE 1 SOIL ANALYSIS:A O T ATE OF ANALYSIS 10/22/2001 t•-. ; PN _ ,°,lECjpjR':�� ,'�' tr.�`�=t. U ., "•a^ry+ rh•IISD ry �y'i� _ {�.•',!. is MH-JS-6 06824 5.3 140ii 52 VH 90 VH 1:7.'`l° LH 319 VH . 1230 M 44 VL 6.8 1�0. 3 `. 9.7 MH-JS-9 J 06825 2.7 96M 15 L 26 M• .-3-t VL 184 VH 750 H '27 VL 7.2 0.0 5.5 0 M"-JS-10 06826 2.7 96M 11 L IS L '53. L 199 VH 740 M- '�21 VL •: 6..7 ' 6 9t? n cb 3 .° :;f..�5.a MH-JS-14 06827 4.4 128H 41 VH 66 VH 4-3 VL 203 VH:. `: 990 H 3 VL 6.8 0.2 y7.I u co m r- •'1 `` . qui?LIE ''U pEA ...'.PERCENTBASE.SATlrRA710N;:} '`.�' `°`n?. S�Ntli;ij'roe... K INq Ca Na ,H' r." ,Np , F - - ;i'$ORS?N �:.- SOLUBLE : •.CHL'OA� .: Y OLy , _ SALTS r. �„r:•. .4EIiU40 "t " 8Y .'i•: , c % %' m =: y.: t '. w Y. 9ry H'f p(i�':."•RATE melcmRATE ppm•.'�±11TETWin. *RATE ,c; MH-JS-6 4.7 27.3 -63.2 2.0 2.9 24 V 15.0 Vil 40 H 49 H 6.9 Vil 0.7 M 0.6 L 0.5 MH-JS-9 1.8 27.9 68.2 2.1 0.0 27 Vill1.9 Vil 37 H 35 H 3.3 V11 0.3 VI.O.3 V <.2 car.' MH-JS-10 2.3 28.4 63.3 1.6 4.5 22 V11 6.6 H 58 Vil 21 H 4.4 Vil 0.4 L <.3 V <.2 MH-JS-14 1.6 23.8 69.7 2.0 2.9 20 V1122.7 V 52 V11 43 H 6-6 V 0.6 M 0.3 V1. 0.2 0 0 o Values on this report represent the plant available nutrients in the soil. N Explanation of symbols: Values are expressed as % (percent), ppm (parts per million), or IbsJA (pounds per acre). Ttds report appiles to the sampla(s) Waled. Samples aro roulned a naairnum at i" drys altar tesling. soil AnWyalsprepared by: Rating after each value: VL (Very Low), L (Low), M (Medium), H (High), VH (Very Hlgh). L STERN All INC. ENR - Estimated Nitrogen Release. C.E.C. - Cation Exchange Capacity. �IAIIRMM!In. CD To convert to Ibs/A, multiply the results in ppm by 2. See the hark of this rP»nrf (nr rnn..nrcz;nn tar►nra -1n4 mnro r-IM- on In/nrrnafinn C. Nor an ones 02/13/2001'TUE 10:25 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services @i003 Y..'. BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Speciaraing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte. North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job:. Ak Applicator No.: Operator. Farmer Name: � Y- Date Z_ 0 Weather Condit(ons Site Conditions (Dry, Moist, Wet) CROP Grand Total Gallons: - r gin p.0 r� ►a. Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub-SurfaCe q ` 02/13/2001_'TUE 10:26 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services Z1005 Y` .. 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. SPec�a/izing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte. North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job: —A--djz4 Aaa...— Applicator No.: —i!r-_ 441 Operator: Farmer Name: Date 'Z9 S' Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface g 02/13/2001 TUE 10:26 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 10006 Y. B10-NOMIC SERVICE', �.r.� Specializing in today's needs for environrtlental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job: _t_ht2�_�_ �11/ e Applicator No.: Operator: #/' S�ln G Farmer Name; —.. S ' _ Date __ _�.4�JV Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface 02/-13/2001 TUE 10:26 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services Q UU7 Y,. BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job: -ya-.4 OV Applicator No.: �, Operator: Farmar Name:: _ � Date — �L —1 Feld No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Usea Surface/ Sub -Surface 02/13/2001 TLiE 10:26 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmentar pruiec(lon. 516 Roundtree Road - Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 Applicator No.: Operator: __ +Af._�)i(/)Ld' APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: pcz/.,'j� Date ��f/O r/1 _ Field No! GE" ;. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface .. ,ow) 02/28/2001 WED 12:10 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 10005 B10-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in rodays needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtrce Road - Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job:. //r'_ _140V - - - ___ - - Applicator No.: Operator. Farmer Name: Date_ Q� Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons T Weather Conditions Site Conditions (Dry, Mast, Wet) CROP Grand Total �y3 aac� Gallons: J Temper�re •� neserw mw pestzah�s. Field No: Gallons" Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface s. Boo y. s 05/16/2001: WED 11:11 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services [a003 Y> B10-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. _ Specializing in foday's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road - Charlotte, Norm Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: �l 4-444— Date —Z/--'q D � J ./ ii • .. Trailer No. Loads ToW Gallons Z a d� B Weather Conditions Site Conditions (Dry, Moist, Wet) CROP Grand Total Gallons: 15-/ 600 T..w..=. •P ,Rr,,uu pW24"M S 'v Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub- urface 05/16/2001'WED 11:11 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services [a 004 Y. 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 . (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: C Date Trailer No. bads Total Gallons weather Conditions Site Conditions (0q, MoLst. Wet) CROP Grand Total I Gallons: Teffows n •► W RaMW pM 24 HM Q Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface 05/1'6/2001'WED 11:11 FAX 704 529 1648 Bib-Nomic Services 0006 7 B10-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. I 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: Date i Applicator . o Trailer No. 7 Loads 1 Total Gallons eo Weather Conditions S=�Ioet) ( CROP �a Grand Total Gallons: TOMPM a� • F oZ ,wa Oast 7a HR Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface >44 ���s� 05/16/2001 WED 11:12 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 10007 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 616 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, Norm Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT .. -9 Applicator No., Operator Farmer Name: Date Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons ��2— 7 2-1 .. Weather Conditions Site Conditions Moist, Wet) CROP Grand Total Gallons: Ta"W10r. •F Iwnw1 I(Dry, pM14Hn. 55 6) Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface 4944 166 060 w - � 05/16/2001,WED 11:12 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 10 UUS Y` BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in todays needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 it A.. Operator APPLICATOR REPORT L V Farmer Name: Date Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub-Surfaco e0co33 09/21'/2001 FRI 17:27 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services Q 007 a af .. 13I0-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Speciallmng in todays needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road . Charlotte. North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 52M000 APPLICATOR REPORT Applicator Operator: Farmer Name: Date eel D / Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons 5®O' ` ✓ Q Weather Conditions (� Conditions 'L Mast. Wet) CROP Grand Total Q� Q Gallons: f � �?• t •� w� orwa�►aa. J Reid No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface !'/4-1 09/21/2001 FRI 17:27 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in toda)es needs for environmental protection. !` 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529.0000 APPLICATOR REPORT 4?'atz lewLY .fob: —L,J—_ADI)e r IV, . Applicator No.: Operator... _.. Farmer Name: Dt® jlu � I 9-K)t 421 008 Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons — / t t eather Conditions ons �• 6t, CROP Grand Total Gallons: `� 0 r«y.w.. F �rw. prt]tIMI 1 L Feld No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface d; 09/21/2001 FRI 17:27 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services IM009 �ZrZ'f TrAk-1 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specialiting in today's needs for environments! protection. M` 516 Roundtree Road - Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: Date I — SO `0 1 Job: Applicator No.: 1-. t`- d-g � Operator poi Uj -- Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons TL- q � Weather Condiitions Site Conditions (Dry. Molst, wet) CROP Grand Total ry Gallons: 1 F pwtt�Nv� Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface •� r R, 09/21/2001 FRI 17:27 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 10010 '-SestR.y 'TeAl-y >,P,4L C BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in todays needs for environmental protection. 616 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: � v/lE. Date f .... Job; y � f�� Applicator No.: /& Operator:~-- Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons 3q000 ago eattter Conditions ndltlons wet) CROP Grand Total Gallons: M-PWA%M WAMEWN, pad 34MM Field No: i3allons Net. Acres Acres Used Surfaco/ Sup -Surface I 09i21/200,+ FRI 17:28 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services 2012 00 : �., SI0-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. ^� Speciarming in todays needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtme Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job: - i Appllcat o.: Operator: Farmer Name: Date O� r Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons 2 ®4 a eallier Conditions Sit Conditions Wet) CROP Grand Total Gallons: �f *�� a.r.. Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface 0- I-qlfteWS 09/2t/2001 'FRI 17:28 F_I 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services Q 013 B10—NOMIC SERVICES, INC. do Specializing In today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Aoundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 Job: Applicator No.:1-- Operator: APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: Dated -G i wje-41� �� �+TN�jalzj pl Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons 6 HAA -~... t r &' �l 16 I Weather Conditions site nditions �) CHOP Grand Total Gallons: C) T.�wn . r+� Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ ub-Surfacejatocn M. Z. 0.9/21/2001 FRI 17:28 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services-77 _ 0 014 EIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. r -- Speclalong in today's needs for environmental protection- 616 Roundtree Road - Charlotte, North Carolina 25217-2133 • (704) 529.0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job: M-T 11�_ Applicator No.:.T�-ram Operator: Farmer Name: l Date Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons ati ob - 0 1 eather Conditions Site Conditions (Dry. Moist wet) CROP Grand Total 0 Gallons: ; of v. wu Tow sA+ -� Ly'� �� r Feld No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface -a 09/21/2001-FRI 17:28 FAX. 704 529 1648 Bio-Noinic Services 10 015 -�- A` 7, Zit Sp," Rry Ilk SIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Y�. Speclal&ng In today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road - Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job:G,�l Applicator No. Operator. Farmer Name: Date --91-. Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons 5�aa a 3 loq5o Bather Cendatians efilwConditiorm lst, Wet) CROP Grand Total Gallons: / 17 T-.Pw-ftM RsNa+ Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface �/ 09/21/2001,FRI 17:26 FAX 704 529 1648 ' Bio-Noinic Services 0 005 I ".� 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. SpecialFzing in todays needs for environmental protection. ^� 516 Roundtree Road - Charlotte, North Carolina =17.2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: 4461 C Date /fir -- - Job: Applioato o.: Operator Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons :nap A eetfter Conditions Site Conditions (Dry, �t, wag CROP Grand Totalq Gallons: ,-W-n.. � r� d dr fr Feld No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface offlo-1 eal0 09i21/2001 'FRI 17:26 F.k.T 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Ser"vices --- - a O03 Y... 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental prorection. 518 Roundtree Road • Charlotte. North Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job: Applicator No.. ..... Operator: 7. a Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons - 7-2,2• LV Tr - Weather Conditions S' a Condkions Wet) CROP Grand Total Gallons: Q ••pwasswm �+• Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface lU/14/2001 1'UE 12:37 rAA. 7U4 5ZU 1646 bio-,Nom1C Jervlces U U') i Y' 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Farmer Name: Date ..�/ railer No. Loads Total Gallons 51 AAA 7` I Weather Conditions Conditions O(D Moist, wet) CROP Grand Total //��/C� Gallons �O`O�j �W r mp�mew nch ma.Yms �esc� T Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface S 87 s 10/16/2001 T,UE 12:08 FAX 704 528 11548 t310-Nomic bervices BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Job. Applicator No.: Operator: Farmer Name: Date Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons r'2 z �o 3 Bather Conditions Site Conditions (Dry, Moist, wet) CROP Grand Total / 40IC Gallons: tamp.r.w. •� ttar�r aax�taa G6 0 Field No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub-Surface.- p 7 /. lU/ZJ/LUUl , UA 10;Ul rAA !U4 D44 1040 D1U-LVUILLlI: atirvxuub BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 • (704) 529-0000 APPUCATOR REPORT Applicator No., Farmer Name: Date <f) Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons 7! boo 2 7I o O Weather Conditions Site Conditions (Dry. MWst, Wet) CROP Grand Totes' ©� r GallanS: Q rap.r"h F neiwlWwm p d2401 a Feld No: Gallons Net. Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface 10/2?4/2001 %)iON 15: 02 FAX 704 529 1648 Bio-Nomic Services lQ 004 BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 4 516 Roundtree Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 APPLICATOR REPORT Z.-aA&%, Farmer Name:/ Date ���7,41_ Trailer No. Loads Total Gallons 74 D 7 �7 - 6d Bather Conditions Site Conditions (Dry, Most. Wet) CROP Grand Total Gallons: b �0®«.ar. F „ � RW24Hro. Field No: Gallons Net, Acres Acres Used Surface/ Sub -Surface COPY SYNAGRO SYNAGRO - A Residuals Management Company Residuals Management Comprmy r OF W ATFR. State of North Carolina QG Department of Environment and Natural Resources j r- Division of Water Quality Pr O � Aquifer Protection Section Regional Staff Report September 1, 2011 To: Aquifer Protection Section Central Office Attn: Lori Montgomery From: Ellen Huffman Mooresville Regional Office I. GENERAL SITE VISIT INFORMATION 1. Was a site visit conducted? ® Yes or ❑ No a. Date of site visit: 08/19/2011 b. Site visit conducted by: Ellen Huffman c. Inspection report attached? ❑ Yes or ® No Application No.: W00001863 Permittee:City on Mounty holly, Gaston County e. Person contacted: Wayne Brady, SYNAGRO contact information: (980)522-6231 f. Driving directions: Multiple sites. See application. II. PROPOSED FACILITIES FOR NEW AND MODIFICATION APPLICATIONS SIM This section has been deleted III. EXISTING FACILITIES FOR MODIFICATION AND RENEWAL APPLICATIONS 1. Are there appropriately certified Operators in Charge (ORCs) for the facility? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ORC: Brad Anthony Certificate #:993124 . Backup ORC: Mike Moretz Certificate #:989274 2. Are the design, maintenance and operation of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 3. Are the site conditions (e.g., soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect the permit (e.g., drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 5. Is the residuals management plan adequate? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 6. Are the existing application rates (e.g., hydraulic, nutrient) still acceptable? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Are there any setback conflicts for existing treatment, storage and disposal sites? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, attach a map showing conflict areas. 9. Is the description of the facilities as written in the existing permit correct? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, please explain: FORM: APSRSR 04-10 Pagel of 3 September 1, 2011 Application No.: W00001863 10. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 11. Are the monitoring well coordinates correct in BIMS? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A 12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (e.g., NDMR, NDAR, GW)? ® Yes or ❑ No Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: Annual report for 2010 reflects compliance. 13. Are there any permit changes needed in order to address ongoing BIMS violations? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 14. Check all that apply: ® No compliance issues ❑ Notice(s) of violation ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under JOC ❑ Currently under SOC ❑ Currently under moratorium Please explain and attach any documents that may help clarify answer/comments (i.e., NOV, NOD, etc.) 15. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit been satisfied? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® N/A If no, please explain: 16. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes ®No❑N/A If yes, please explain: IV. REGIONAL OFFICE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes or ® No 9aa If yes, please explain: 2. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request: None. 3. List specific permit conditions recommended to be removed from the permit when issued: None. 4. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules recommended to be included in the permit when issued: Condition Reason For site NC-LT-43 field 4 Field recently cleared. Cover crop (listed as Fescue) not yet established. Need to have regional staff physically verify cover crop before I" application is allowed. 5. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office ❑ Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information ® Issue ❑ Deny (Please state reasons: ) September 1, 2011 FORM: APSRSR 04-10 Page 2 of 3 Application No.: W00001863 6. Signature of report preparer: Ellen Huffman ws�+W Aso d erMd,ewrd�:, Signature of APS regional supervisor: Andrew Pitner DN: m=Md wPmv, a.o llWRRPS.em k ndnny mer�n<d ,gw.o 5 Daie:3011.W3d 16:C1ABUG'OM Date: 8/30/11 V. ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS Please note that the soils report for NC-GA-44 does not agree with soils map. The soil scientist that described this soil type stated that he checked multiple areas of the field to try to find the mapped soil type but, could not. There is a question regarding the ownership name on field NC-GA-4 I site. Thomas Springs (the father) is listed in BIMS. Thomas has since passed away. Greg Springs (son) inherited the land. Unsure of what is actually on the deed. The contractor is in process of verification of this and will get back to MRO asap. MRO has added Greg Springs to the BIMS database to be prepared for the change. Also note that MRO had already entered all the field data in BIMS for the attachment B for this application. FORM: APSRSR 04-10 Page 3 of 3 Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor MCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director August 10, 2011 I James Friday City of Mount Holly P.O. Box 406 Mount Holly, NC 28120 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Gaston Dear Mr. Friday: Dee Freeman Secretary 7L_ r,a.), AUG 12 201 The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on 08/04/2011. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by Lori Montgomery. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete ;sponse to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact Lori Montgomery at 919-715-6187, or via e-mail at If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to h":// PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sin "rely, -VJ J for Jon �/ LAU Supe isor cc: Mooresville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section; C. Wayne Brady II (Synagro Technologies Inc., 12701 Lancaster Hwy., Pineville, NC 28134) Permit Application File WQ0001863 AQUIFER, PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733.3221 1 FAX 1: 919-715-0588 FAX 2 919-715-60481 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www, An Equal Gppertuniry ; Arnrmaiive Aciion.=mployer V' �Y 4 � � l e r .�„" r•. �� x.. ,� 4� r �� �.� OW) SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company August 1, 2011 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 RECEIVED 1 DENR I DWQ AQJIFFR'PROTFUION SECTION ,AUG 0 4 2011 da @ U . AUG 1 1 2011 c..`' ti! i Vi Re: Land Application of Residuals-Progra_gi Permit Modification City of Mt. Holly - Permit N,�RB Dear Mr. Risgaard: Synagro Central, Inc., (Synagro) on behalf of the "City of Mt Holly" is submitting the attached application for modification. Listed below are the requested modifications to the existing permit: 3 -ANC-MG 37ld} Chang Olt�s>�NC=CA�41 1. MH 01-06 to NC -GA- 1-06 o l �a 2. NM-01-09 to NC-GA-41-09 3. MH-01-10 to NC-GA-41-10 ✓ Iti 4. MH-01-14 to NC GA-41-14 �j P� d ��riarlget�. U1��v 1�tL�cJ� 4 1 MH 02-01 to NC GA-42-01 2., NM-02-02 to NC-GA-42-02 3. MH-02-04 to NC-GA-42-04 0 4. MH-02-05 to NC-GA-42-05j' r/ 5. MH-02-06 to NC-GA-42-06 �MO�ta>NC�IaT 46.,E ✓ ' 1 MH 06-02 to NC LT 46-04 � �U 2. MH-06-04 to NC-LT-46-02 The current Attachment B has the acres backward. On the current \/ Attachment B the acres for MH-06-02 reads 8.2 net acres. MH-06- 0 04 reads 44.6 net acres. This is backwards. The Site/Field name / change above should correct this so that NC-LT-46-04 will be 44.6 v Q net acres and NC-LT-46-02 will be 8.2 riet•acres based on how we have been reporting it. r' ' ~� 12701 Lancaster Highway, Pineville, NC 28134 • Ph: (704)'�752-8673 • Fax: (704) 752'41J' ­ { RECEIVED I DENR I OVU AQUIFFR•PROTF(:TIOR OsECTION .AUG.® 4 2011 Please note that no changes have occurred in the treatment, testing and monitoring, handling, land application methods, or any other aspect of sludge rri thagement. Please refer to the table of contents for complete documentation of attachments If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at (704) 752-8673 ext. 15 or via e-mail at Sincerely, C. Wayne Brady, II Technical Services Manager Cc: James Friday / City of Mt Holly Utilities Director attachments i L f Table of Contents Section 1 Non -dedicated Residuals Land Application Programs Form 2 Land Application Site Certification Attachment 3 Watershed Classification Attachment 4 County Manager Notification Attachment 5 Site Specific Information Lincoln County Gary Duckworth NC-LT-43 (New Site) Gaston County Greg Springs NC-GA-41 (Old MR-01 to change name & add field) Gaston County George Bennett Allen NC-GA-44 (New Site) Site Summary Landowner Agreement Vicinity Map Topographic Map Aerial Reference Map Application Area Map Soil Map Soil Description Sheet Soil Test Report Site Summary Landowner Agreement Vicinity Map Topographic Map Aerial Reference Map Application Area Map Soil Map Soil Description Sheet Soil Test Report Site Summary Landowner Agreement Vicinity Map Topographic Map Aerial Reference Map Application Area Map Soil Map Soil Description Sheet Soil Test Report 6. Soils and Agronomic Evaluation 7. Existing Permit Mecklenburg County Dean Connell NC-MG-37 (New Site) Site Summary Landowner Agreement Vicinity Map Topographic Map Aerial Reference Map Application Area Map Soil Map Soil Description Sheet Soil Test Report State of North Carolina RECEIVED IDENR/DWQ , JIFFR'PROTFrTION SECTION Department of Environment and Natural Resources AUG 0 4 2011 Division of Water Quality NON -DEDICATED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAMS (FORM: NDRLAP 070807)- (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: 1. OWNERSHIP INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether the process facility is owned by: ❑ County; ❑ Federal; ® Municipal; ❑ State; ❑ Non -Government. (to be completed by DWQ) 2. Owner's name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.) City of Mt Holly Mailing address: P.O. Box 406 City: Mount Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Physical address: 400 East Central Ave. City: Mount Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 822-2114 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 822-2523 E-mail address: 3. Signing official's name and title: (See Instruction A) James Friday Utility Director Mailing address: same as above City: Physical address: same as above City: Telephone number: ( ) State: State: E-mail address: Zip: Zip: Facsimile number: ( ) II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for: ❑ new, ® modified, ❑ renewed permit (check all that apply). 2. Fee Submitted: $ $245.00 (See Instruction B) 3. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: Permit number WQ0001863 Most recent issuance date November, 8th, 2005, and the expiration date November 30, 2011. Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: December 6, 2005 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: December 6, 2005 FORM: NDRLAP 070807 Page 2 of 6 Attachment Order I Check all that apply to the requested permit modification: ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for existing residuals source-generating'facility(ies) certified. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE residuals source -generating facility(ies) to/from those certified. ® INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the acreage associated with land applications site(s). ® ADD ❑ DELETE land application site(s) to/from those certified. ® OTHER. Explain: Rename existing sites & fields Ill. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: Gaston 2. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: Gaston 3. County(ies) where land application sites are located: Lincoln. Gaston, Mecklenburg 4. Program contact person and/or consulting firm who prepared application: C. Wayne Brady 11 Mailing address: 12701 Lancaster Hwy. City: Pineville State: NC Zip: 28134 Physical address: same as above City: State: Zip: Telephone number: ( 704 ) 752-8673 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 752-8736 E-mail address: 5. Who will be responsible for the day -today management of the residuals land application program: ❑ Permittee or ® residuals management firm. If a residuals management firm, complete the following: Firm contact person and title: Todd Larson, Senior Operations Manager Firm name: Synagro Technologies Inc. Mailing address: 12701 Lancaster Hwy City: Pineville State: NC Zip: 28134 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 752-8673 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 752-8736 E-mail address: FORM: NDRLAP 070807 Page 3 of 6 Attachment Order 1 6. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: Designation Name. Affiliation Certification Number ORC Brad Anthony City of Mt Holly 993124 Back -Up ORC Mike Moretz City of Mt Holly 989274 Additional Back -Up ORCs if applicable) If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test: 7. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrogen Summary. Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 910.0 dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year 47.54 53.81 11,885 13,453 Five -Year Maximum Adjusted 74.32 80.59 18,580 20,147 b. Land Anolicadon Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation 0 Row Crops 0 Hay 112.0 Addition of 12.8 acres Pasture 242.4 Addition of 126.2 acres Total. 354.4 Methods Surface 354.4 Incorporation or Injection 0 Total. • 354.4 Restrictions Year -Round 354.4 Seasonal 0 Total: 354.4 FORM: NDRLAP 070807 Page 4 of 6 Attachment Order 1 c. Residuals Laid Application Sumnrary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Application Rate (lbs PANlac yr) Acres Required Using First -Year PAN Concentrations Acres Required Using Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN Concentrations Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection 50 237.7 269.1 371.6 402.9 100 118.9 134.5 185.8 201.5 150 79.2 89.7 123.9 134.3 200 59.4 67.3 92.9 8. If applicable, provide a plan and a schedule to resolve any known issues that would prevent land application of the proposed residuals due to the violation of North Carolina Administrative Code (e.g. not enough storage, not enough land, vector reduction practices not in place, etc.) ***FORM: NDRLAP CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE*** FORM: NDRLAP 070807 Page 5 of 6 Attachment Order 1 Applicant's Certification: RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ AQUIFFR-PROTFrTIOAI SECTION ,AUG,-0 4 201i The applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals,have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overAk"Wices=under Rule- 2T .0105. ❑ Yes ® No, Explain; 1, James Friday , attest that this application for modification of The City of Mt Holly's Land Application Permit #W00001863 to add acreage has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: I understand that the Division of Water Quality may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Quality should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A and § 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: 7 // THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION LAND APPLICATION UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: By Courier/Special Delivery: 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-3221 FORM: NDRLAP 070807 Page 6 of 6 Attachment Order 1 WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION ATTACHMENT (FORM: WSCA 10-06) Applicant's name: City of Mt Holly W00001863 Site/Field ID County Latitude Longitude Location Datum Location Method Code Location Accuracy Waterbody Subbasin and Stream Index No. Current and Proposed Class GA-41-W;' Gaston 351745 810155 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Fites Creek 11-121-(1) v' WS-IV GA-44-01 VGaston 35 23 59 811948 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Beaverdam Cr.11-129-9-(0.3) C GA-44-02 V Gaston 35 23 52 811931 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Beaverdam Cr.11-129-9-(0.3) C GA-44-03 Gaston .352341 811935 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Beaverdam Cr.11-129-9-(0.3) C LT-43-01 Lincoln 35 25 30 80 59 50 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Johnson Creek 11-113-(1) WS-IV LT-43-02 Lincoln 35 25 35 80 59 46 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Johnson Creek 11-113-(1) WS-IV LT-43-03 Lincoln 35 25 47 80 59 56 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Johnson Creek 11-113-(1) WS-IV LT-43-04 Lincoln 35 25 36 80 59 41 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Johnson Creek 11-113-(1) WS-IV MG-37-01 V Mecklenburg 351750 80 59 22 NAD 27 MAP SECOND Long Creek 11-120-(2.5) WS-IV L Of b)AWE- �l�/T'�/ �" , attest that this attachment form has been b prepared y m e and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this attachment are not completed and that if all required upporting information is not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date -7 �� /S FORM: WSCA 10-06 Page 5 of 5 Attachment Order 3- Applicant's name: City of Mt Holly W00001863 Check all that apply: ❑ NEW RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ❑ RENEWED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ® ADD ❑ DELETE this/these land application site(s) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with this/these land application site(s) currently certified. ❑ OTHER Explain: Land application sites currently certified: 215.4 net acres and Total to be certified: 139.0 (215.4 + 139.0 = 354.4) net acres. I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Complete the following table with the requested information: Status Code ° Site/Field ID Landowner(s) Lessee(s) or Operator(s) Net Acres County Crop(s) Predominant Soil Series Name* Mapping Unit or Rep. Slope ** N GA-41-01 Greg Springs Greg Springs 6.8 Gaston Fescue Lloyd LdB2 2 -8% N GA-44-01 George Bennett Allen George Bennett Allen 6.9 Gaston Fescue Wedowee WeD 6- 15% N GA-44-02 George Bennett Allen George Bennett Allen 18.9 Gaston Fescue Appling A B 6-15% N GA-44-03 George Bennett Allen Geor a Bennett Allen 37.5 Gaston Fescue Cecil CdB2 2-8% N LT-43-01 Gary Duckworth G ary Duckworth 11.2 Lincoln Fescue Cecil CdB2 2-8% N LT43-02 Gary Duckworth Gary Duckworth 21.0 Lincoln Fescue Cecil CdB2 2-8% N LT43-03 Gary Duckworth Gary Duckworth 10.0 Lincoln Fescue Cecil CdB2 2-8% N LT43-04 Gary Duckworth Gary Duckworth 6.0 Lincoln Fescue Pacolet PeC2 8-15% N MG-37-01 Dean Connell Dean Connell 20.7 Mecklenburg Fescue Cecil CdB2 2-86/o 'Status Code for land application sites are: s N (New) ♦ R (Renew) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ T (Transferred) * Soil Series Name (i.e Cecil) ** Mapping Unit must be consistent with those used in the County Soil Survey (ie for a 2-8% slope Cecil in Anson County the mapping unit is Ce132) FORM: LASCA 070807 Page 3 of4 Attachment Order 3 S Y NA G PO A Residuals Management Company July 12, 2011 Mr. Harry L. Jones, Sr., Manager Mecklenburg County Government Center 600 East 41h Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Dear Mr. Jones: Please find enclosed a County Manager Notification Attachment for 20.7 additional acres of land in Mecklenburg County that Synagro is submitting to NC DENR/DWQ for approval into The City of Mt Holly's land application of residuals program (Permit No. WQ0001863). If you have any questions regarding the addition of this land, please call me at 704-752- 8673, ext. 10. Thank you, C. Wayne Brady II Technical Services Manager 12701 Iancascer Highway, Pineville, NC 28134 • Ph: (704) 752-8673 • Pax: (704) 752-8736 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality COUNTY MANAGER NOTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: Irnp://po► tol.►rcde►u.o► a%reh/wq/nps/!au INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPI 1 ANT• A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (FORM: NDRLAP or DRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each county in which the land application sites for which the applicant is seeking certification are located. C. Under 15A NCAC 0213.0212, no new permitted sites for land application of residuals are allowed within the critical watersheds areas. It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure that the proposed land application sites are not located within these areas. ✓ For more information regarding Water Supply Watershed Protection Program, please call (919) 807-6370 or visit the website at: ✓ Attach watersheds critical areas maps for each county to this form. The map must include location of the proposed land application sites and clearly show that the proposed fields are not located within the critical areas. DWQ's Water Supply Watersheds Critical Areas maps may be downloaded from the website at: http•//portal ncdenr ora/web/wg/swphvs/wswp/rnaoss. D. Mail the attachment form, a copy of the completed Watershed Classification Attachment (form WSCA), and maps to the appropriate county manager by certified mail with a return receipt requested. ✓ The most current publication of the Directory of State and County Officials may be downloaded from the web site at: ✓ Fill out regional office information (item C.) under the Instructions to the county manager/official section. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at: http://portal.ncdenr.orp-/web/wg/home/ro. E. Attach an 8.5-inch by 11-inch copy of the return receipt to the back of this attachment form prior to submission of the application to the Division for review. To: County where land application sites are located: Mecklenburg Name and complete address of county manager: Mr. Harry L. Jones, Sr. Government Center 600 East 4 h Street City: Charlotte State: NC Zip: 28202 A. This is to notify you that the applicant listed in Item I(1) of this attachment form will be submitting an application for the land application of residual solids to land in your county to the Division for review. During this review, the Division will ensure that all federal and state regulations are enforced. B. Please forward this attachment form and its associated maps to an appropriate Department within your County (i.e., Health or Environmental Health Department and Planning Department). FORM: CMNA 090814 Page 1 of 2 Attachment Order 3-b C. More information of the land application sites included in this application will be available at the following location no later than the listed expected application date: Name and complete address of appropriate regional office: NCDENR Mooresvile Regional Office 610 E. Center Ave City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 737-3498 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 Expected date of application submission: July 181h 2011 Actual date of application submission (to be completed by DWQ): Deadline for county manager response (to be completed by DWQ): D. Should you desire to comment on this application as it relates to your interests, please do so no later than 30 calendar days following the expected application submission date. If you have any questions or comments about this notification or if you would like more information, please contact the Aquifer Protection Supervisor of the appropriate regional office at the telephone number provided above. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. FORM: CMNA 090814 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-b 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: City of Mt Holly 2. Signing official's name and title: James Friday Utility Director 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: City of Mt Holly 400 East Central Ave City: Mt Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 827-3931 Facsimile number: ( ) E-mail address: 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and consulting firm who prepared application: Synagro Central 12701 Lancaster Hwy City: Pineville State: NC Zip: 28134 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 752-8673 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 752-8736 E-mail address: 11. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, ® modified, and/or ❑ renewed permit. 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide: the permit number W00001863 the most recent issuance date November 10'h 2005 . and the expiration date November 30`h 2013. Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: December 6`h 2005 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: December 6`h 2005 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION 1. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: Gaston 2. Purpose of the residual source -generating facilities (check all that apply): ® treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial mixed with domestic wastewater, and/or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: 1. 3. Are land application sites currently certified for this residuals land application program in this county: ❑ yes ® no. If yes, provide the total number of acres (i.e., excluding buffers) that are certified: acres (approximate percentages: % forested, % agricultural, and % reclamation sites). 4. This application, if approved by the Division, will certify 20.7 additional acres (i.e., excluding buffers) in this county for this residuals land application program (approximate percentages: % forested, 100 % agricultural, and % reclamation sites). *** END OF FORM: CMNA *** FORM: CMNA 090814 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-b �OM-W-W-969ZOL 1djeoeH wnp8 olisewo(] t,00Z keruqej 'L LOC UMOA Sd 6E59.929L 0000 UhO VIOL 1 69pi GqAMW04 AWMJ) 1 : j"wnN eiowv -a so'k ri 011:1 J A MAIL )onQAU % *(i*ao [3 11ovi painsul E3 esjpua4oj9Wtoj idl000H wrqeH C3 pejemBau [3 new ssejdx3 13 IRW PGWPeaW oft -wn c ON :MOIGq SMpp8 A-A118p JGjU8 '83A 11 sGA 13. 6 t well wog U'aJOJPP sswMe-Ammial' sl '01 keAm 10 Pei I s X, o :.o;pe.ssejppvq1?jIjv -L -smWiad eovds'-,q'ju.c!j4' 9Vuo"J0 'oboldipfu sig-jo MoB'q 914 04 P—MO M41:43MV N -hoA bipeo ato wrijqj,ue6 ed*jet os-'` GSJGAGJ GLIJ UO SSWPPB PUB 8WBU Jhdk&d m .Pejisep si Ajopmea Pezomabim v well moo o ejeldws r, pue IZ- I L swell, oteldwC) . .1 ­ . IV. , . - , _!�, o , 1 1111111111111111111 IVIIII 11 If 111111111 Ill xoq sl4j, uUM4.1Z Puie Issaippe loweu jnoA julid GsBG1d :JGPUOS T rLm '9RW-LS C13BNn MECKLENBURG COUNTY N°C. pISITI Or SENSITIVITY MR9U4UT -- ' 5 ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY MAP 2010- - LEGEND _ ` i�c`.�iro' : ' � -` � y _ � •�:": �, t. ,•--.."f ; . �'_ yj`�yjr�'V' S +��e :'i�; `,r �.�^^-'� 1 i 1-iF `'l i' IS. 11 / 'h •1 '� ` j, --'+Yc Fv/a lnsrM. '.1 • :y.. '. }' r_ �,_ , I L 'i �� iL /� W l ..,._-rran mlv,ar•. 1, `r'Yn, r 'k" � - . t f:. :r � �� -" �� a.. -!- .:,_"' <..� _ _ !_ ._.3-�'J+�` ,. ''_�-`,Pr�,y�..,.% •-'-w.,s\+'w. ._.—.w..-� .... ._.! 1 1 ` ^� �.�,.,� rrr�'ru�, � -`� � �'�• � /� r] � -.e-� � _ �\ 11 _ fr •' r.�\ NC-MG-37 iPi�' Yj %, \, cR i '✓J �i �y�`:ue'_" J. � 1' `1' ``? "� %' .. `. � 'sir i �'"`,J � I, -• �a.,,,..m: rt..a.9, w,a, L.., tnmvl `. i 1 �fR-^.�.:ie�f, � � \• L-.`7 ""2"°" T•w.v 2mw rw:,r, 20.7 ACRES `i ! ! . 0 1 r �i' ,� y [f l I e ,r" .r,rr .=1•.a.P.u.. 'P �^'f V _ 1 � ./` \ \'`^ ,.1' • . E �; ® AOPC: NYP,P-ew.Sa�14N r AlAf ;` �l f1^ -. "��GPr.4r,euAG<f+' •�-i' _may-.� � �l \f\ `` ��°V�ra•���'.r.(o� - Y' a,+vrrPLrem9 JP1" ! iZ �\r.+ .r�s.. .•f' *_ _ _ � `e ' �.. ! !y° r----`�'!r/� z •� � e;.n(r ac ``,• eP: :::+"�.......�.... y �. i ✓ `c y d d .: -..1.. � y �' 'S^ 9': '• ; f 1•' ..� .,�... • ;.,!'' His,{ �, i, --i'-- .�..` f �.' „ti:...� �.' a _._!_, t � r _ �r•� �-,.,, tom, �„ ""' I._-,��„ maxis? J N." ! / Asti;' + 5 , • �' �; • f e f =� i!`.. I: `.�t_�- � ,.,,I--b`� tkstiv �'.s," t .�. �' � � •.�, 4 �. .ill `r SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company July 12, 2011 Mr. George A. Wood, Manager Lincoln County 115 West Main St. Lincolnton, NC 28092 Dear Mr. Wood: Please find enclosed a County Manager Notification Attachment for 48.2 additional acres of land in Lincoln County that Synagro is submitting to NC DENR/DWQ for approval into The City of Mt Holly's land application of residuals program (Permit No. WQ0001863). If you have any questions regarding the addition of this land, please call me at 704-752- 8673, ext. 10. Thank you, C &C4, C. Wayne Brady II Technical Services Manager 12701 Lancaster Highway, Pineville, NC 28134 9 Ph: (704) 752-8673 9 Fax: (704) 752-8736 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality COUNTY MANAGER NOTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: hup.-IIoortal.► edennorgAveblialapsRau INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT* A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (FORM: NDRLAP or DRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each county in which the land application sites for which the applicant is seeking certification are located. C. Under 15A NCAC 0211.0212, no new permitted sites for land application of residuals are allowed within the critical watersheds areas. It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure that the proposed land application sites are not located within these areas. ✓ For more information regarding Water Supply Watershed Protection Program, please call (919) 807-6370 or visit the website at: httn:// ✓ Attach watersheds critical areas maps for each county to this form. The map must include location of the proposed land application sites and clearly show that the proposed fields are not located within the critical areas. DWQ's Water Supply Watersheds Critical Areas maps may be downloaded from the website at: htip:Hportal.ncdeiir.oreJweb/wg/s%%,p/ws/wswp/iiiaps. D. Mail the attachment form, a copy of the completed Watershed Classification Attachment (form WSCA), and maps to the appropriate county manager by certified mail with a return receipt requested. ✓ The most current publication of the Directory of State and County Officials may be downloaded from the web site at: htto://www.secreta[ ✓ Fill out regional office information (item C.) under the Instructions to the county manager/official section. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at: http:l/ E. Attach an 8.5-inch by 11-Inch copy of the return receipt to the back of this attachment form prior to submission of the application to the Division for review. To: County where land application sites are located: Lincoln Name and complete address of county manager. Mr. George A. Wood 115 West Main Street City: Lincolnton State: NC Zip: 28092 A. This is to notify you that the applicant listed in Item I(1) of this attachment form will be submitting an application for the land application of residual solids to land in your county to the Division for review. During this review, the Division will ensure that all federal and state regulations are enforced. B. Please forward this attachment form and its associated maps to an appropriate Department within your County (i.e., Health or Environmental Health Department and Planning Department). FORM: CMNA 090814 Page l of 2 Attachment Order 3-b C. More information of the land application sites included in this application will be available at the following location no later than the listed expected application date: Name and complete address of appropriate regional office: NCDENR Mooresvile Regional Office 610 E. Center Ave City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number. ( 704 ) 737-3498 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 Expected date of application submission: July 18'" 2011 Actual date of application submission (to be completed by DWQ): Deadline for county manager response (to be completed by DWQ): D. Should you desire to comment on this application as it relates to your interests, please do so no later than 30 calendar days following the expected application submission date. If you have any questions or comments about this notification or if you would like more information, please contact the Aquifer Protection Supervisor of the appropriate regional office at the telephone number provided above. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. FORM: CMNA 090814 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-b I. GENERAL INFORMATION: I. Applicant's name: City of Mt Holly 2. Signing official's name and title: James Friday Utility Director 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: City of Mt Holly 400 East Central Ave City: Mt Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 827-3931 Facsimile number: ( ) E-mail address: 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and consulting firm who prepared application: Synaaro Central 12701 Lancaster Hwv City: Pineville State: NC Zip: 28134 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 752-8673 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 752-8736 E-mail address: wbrady( II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, ® modified, and/or ❑ renewed permit. 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide: the permit number W00001863 , the most recent issuance date November 10`h 2005__, and the expiration date November 30`h 2013. Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: December 6'h 2005 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: December 6'h 2005 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION 1. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: Gaston 2. Purpose of the residual source -generating facilities (check all that apply): ® treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial mixed with domestic wastewater, and/or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ). 3. Are land application sites currently certified for this residuals land application program in this county: ® yes ❑ no. If yes, provide the total number of acres (i.e., excluding buffers) that are certified: 52.8 acres (approximate percentages: _ % forested, 100 % agricultural, and % reclamation sites). 4. This application, if approved by the Division, will certify 48.2 additional acres (i.e., excluding buffers) in this county for this residuals land application program (approximate percentages: % forested, 100 % agricultural, and % reclamation sites). *** END OF FORM: CMNA *** FORM: CMNA 090814 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-b L -I idleooeH uinted oasswoa too?, Amnjqe:i �98 ULUOA Sd GOW 6KRIes wO4 J&JsuwJJ 9hS9 -92U. 001ID..0e-hG:'1T0?- 7 , ; uagwnN elolvV RA D (esd a4le) &Ijemea Psiopmw D IRW pamsul 0 esjpu94-aV4 -1 zdl--U -r49H 13 PeLlaROGH D PW naxt)a C3 PW PGVWPli� eft eoj&ie� -C IA-5 ON 13 :moleq S—ppB A-AIIGP JOIUG'S3,k M GRA E3 1, L uJ9M UJ04 4UG-MP SS -PPS AA)MRP Sl kOA110C) 10 819CI 'o (GUNN P9jqUd) Aq POA1809U- 'S ! V - /') x IUGBV 0 v , e1nitS "V a of paemppv GPIUV -sliwied coeds q.Zua4 eLp uo jo l000ldilow 041 ;o )IoBq 941 of pm sly; qoBUV 0 -noA of pjeo eLp wnlej.ueo.em jeLp.os ewoAaj 941 uo smppe pue awou jnoA tuPd m .Pajisep si Awmea Potomsea-ji q'wem 6491*66,69v. *c* pug V L sujqll,,pj9jdwoCj n 9 ICI o-e -?rl /- -n--Tre31j A-vW -,e'z.IS-M-2^W 10e.-Cl QY-9Y� 5 xoq qlSMttdlZ PUB Issaippe lewou snort jupd GSBGld :JGPuGS -'o S31VLS 03ANn LINCOLN COUNTY, N.C. DNISION OF WATER OUALRY ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY MAP 2010 ' G 1 1 .. , L.`, I + 1 � � � A�r��-.� �r.��� ��k..b Vn✓j(p d%'i� Yi.'�."+i,� ''N I r� +� i\`g� ,. .� I �( r� 1 ( ! t1J yY�,',y, .,.. _4, a e •� If j��) � � I � � ;-xShT ~'.I ��' ` /'r 1• � !,M1 _ 1 � \�? \, °I � y3 �1-"5 "°�. NC—LT-43 48.2 ACREStiff I �� � . �' `� �� ,e. • � �.. f ,_..� S� �� sir E ,•�.�-��-.. r f r' \\S � `� ... �1��`��3� �r`~Y � �11� � � ~� �� � 1 tlr �.•.� � � - f �'� I 'lf it �.•,' / �,'s . fi ��\ 1 �, ` ` ��\ g Yx ! xP, Ear 1Y` Jr �T.� tF��� Ra L r�ia.'!"� •. \ 1 I ,pr W .,.•r r f � i ^r S 1'_L.. �1!�.ucaFmvn <a ..�! LEGEND n--. NW�rgMlwa.el •'- �Nmeere�' IuwnaE) w-raafmwr n .�GafaDNbhn �cwa wsvNaan ...1- rb oy, yam�ma. zaa -� NNex.D,rniwZm�°ii 63 ?Awrtrp M avna wM taw Icrtw1 Npe OufRx Weartae°INOt'r) WearS�l�N'�IxNH PreNeae4H Lw..awe b • Su,1u• wwr eeN. B N)Ce1 WeaM+aNbb pYrwr) ® Nwes N'M.+'aar•YI, lMep1 GE °emx w,nxn o.,nn — Aimery MGm^'! weaas,..l �, uwww w,nane luW61 e�a .L°rya wvran ar ®usam can? I.� saprs�°roNa 0 0.5 1 2 3 N._..... N i�.i1��Mllea SYNAGP-,t4,0 A Residuals Management Company July 12, 2011 Jan Winters, Manager Gaston County 128 West Main Ave. Gastonia, NC 28053 Dear Mrs. Winters: Please find enclosed a County Manager Notification Attachment for 70.1 additional acres of land in Gaston County that Synagro is submitting to NC DENR/DWQ for approval into The City of Mt Holly's Land Application of Residuals Program (Permit No. WQ0001863). If you have any questions regarding the addition of this land, please call me at 704-752- 8673, ext. 15. Thank you, C. Wayne Brady II Technical Services Manager 12701 Lancaster Highway, Pineville, NC 28134 9 Ph: (704) 752-8673 • Fax: (704) 752-8736 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality COUNTY MANAGER NOTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MA Y BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our oveb site at. hupJ/portal.ncderu•.ore/►veblt!Ula s/!au INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (FORM: NDRLAP or DRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each county in which the land application sites for which the applicant is seeking certification are located. C. Under 15A NCAC 0213.0212, no new permitted sites for land application of residuals are allowed within the critical watersheds areas. It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure that the proposed land application sites are not located within these areas. ✓ For more information regarding Water Supply Watershed Protection Program, please call (919) 807-6370 or visit the website at: http://portal.ncdenr.orJweb/wg/swp/ws/wswp. ✓ Attach watersheds critical areas maps for each county to this form. The map must include location of the proposed land application sites and clearly show that the proposed fields are not located within the critical areas. DWQ's Water Supply Watersheds Critical Areas maps may be downloaded from the website at: http://portal.ncdenr.ora/web/wq/swp/ws/wswp/mae. D. Mail the attachment form, a copy of the completed Watershed Classification Attachment (form WSCA), and maps to the appropriate county manager by certified mail with a return receipt requested. ✓ The most current publication of the Directory of State and County Officials may be downloaded from the web site at: httl2:// ✓ Fill out regional office information (item C.) under the Instructions to the county manager/official section. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at: http://portal.ncdenr.ore/web/woome/ro. E. Attach an 8.5-inch by 11-inch copy of the return receipt to the back of this attachment form prior to submission of the application to the Division for review. To: County where land application sites are located: Gaston Name and complete address of county manager: Jan Winters 128 West Main Ave City: Gastonia State: NC Zip: 28053 A. This is to notify you that the applicant listed in Item I(1) of this attachment form will be submitting an application for the land application of residual solids to land in your county to the Division for review. During this review, the Division will ensure that all federal and state regulations are enforced. B. Please forward this attachment form and its associated maps to an appropriate Department within your County (i.e., Health or Environmental Health Department and Planning Department). FORM: CMNA 090814 Page I of 2 Attachment Order 3-b C. More information of the land application sites included in this application will be available at the following location no later than the listed expected application date: Name and complete address of appropriate regional office: NCDENR Mooresvile Regional Office 610 E. Center Ave City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 737-3498 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 Expected date of application submission: July 18`h 2011 Actual date of application submission (to be completed by DWQ): Deadline for county manager response (to be completed by DWQ): D. Should you desire to comment on this application as it relates to your interests, please do so no later than 30 calendar days following the expected application submission date. If you have any questions or comments about this notification or if you would like more information, please contact the Aquifer Protection Supervisor of the appropriate regional office at the telephone number provided above. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. FORM: CMNA 090814 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-b 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: City of Mt Holly 2. Signing official's name and title: James Friday_ Utility Director 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: City of Mt Holly 400 East Central Ave City: Mt Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 827-3931 Facsimile number: ( ) E-mail address: 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and consulting firm who prepared application: Synagro Central 12701 Lancaster Hwy City: Pineville State: NC Zip: 28134 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 752-8673 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 752-8736 E-mail address: wbrady( II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, ® modified, and/or ❑ renewed permit. 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide: the permit number W00001863 the most recent issuance date November IQ'h 2005 , and the expiration date November 30'h 2013. Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: December 6`h 2005 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: December 6`s 2005 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION 1. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: Gaston 2. Purpose of the residual source -generating facilities (check all that apply): ® treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial mixed with domestic wastewater, and/or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ). 3. Are land application sites currently certified for this residuals land application program in this county: ® yes ❑ no. If yes, provide the total number of acres (i.e., excluding buffers) that are certified: 162.6 acres (approximate percentages: _ % forested, 100 % agricultural, and % reclamation sites). 4. This application, if approved by the Division, will certify 70.1 additional acres (i.e., excluding buffers) in this county for this residuals land application program (approximate percentages: % forested, 100 % agricultural, and % reclamation sites). *** END OF FORM: CMNA *** FORM: CMNA 090814 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-b I I UNITED STATES OMAV49kOWIR 1 !: "S:: •: < • Sender. Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • �YAM-6&0 C/ C. w,r��- �k,aaylG �.�-,��u�� r✓L a g i 3 y J •1•r itllllllllll lillitllllllllillllllllll ill t till till ttltl itl it ttl ►AIII A. Signature III Complete Rims 1. 2, and 3 Also comPlele O Agent i item 4 ff Restricted Delivery Is'desired. X ❑Addressee ■ Print your name and address on the reverse _ Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by ■ Attach thlicard'to the back of the mailplece, or on the front It, space permits. D. Is de di Rem 17 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 1. Article Addressed to: C-J�sWVJ C �8 WESItV G�lSiU Iu,T/J�� 2. Article Number + 1 (rrensf& from service W)W PS Form 3811, February 2004 :�r • 7 3. Toe tied Mail l] Express Mall gegistered C] Return Receipt for Merchandise ; Insured Man C3 C.O.D. `? jcJ-�(�� 4. Restricted Delivery? (Ex" Fee) ❑ Yes 7011 0470 01100 7626:6553 Domestic Return Receipt 102595.02-M-1540 z L4ZTr)1U nni IKITV Ki n lb�l k NC-GA-44 V1 63.3 ACRES 1,N /A DMSMN OF WATER QUALITY ImNVIKUNMI=N IAL bt:NbI I IV IN NC-GA-41 6.8 ACRES IS 47 " - - - - - - - - - - - LEGEND W4. Www WM4 RON: Site ID: Owners Name: Address: Phone: Operator: 1 Total Fields%, Acres SITE SUMMARY TOWN OF MT HOLLY Mt. Holly. NC �yz.. NC-GA-41 Greg Springs 427 S. Main St Mt Holly NC 28120 704-678-0000 C fk, Same as above Estimated Applicable Predominant Latitude & Acres Cronts1 Slone RIM Soil Series Lonnitude 4?I , 6.8 6.8 Fescue 2 - 8 LdB2 Lloyd 35 17 45 N 81 01 55 W 06 15.2 / 14.3 Fescue 2-8 LdB2 Lloyd 35 17 51 N 81 01 50 W 09 17.0 13.5 Fescue 2-8 LdB2 Lloyd 35 17 39 N 81 0153 W 10 20.7 17.5 Fescue 2-8 LdB2 Lloyd 35 17 48 N 1810137 W 14 12.5 9.7 Fescue 2 - 8 Ld132 Lloyd 135 17 42 N 1810142 W TOTALS 72.2 61.8 Notes: Date: 07/12/11 The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. The review boundary is established midway between the compliance ,boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. SYNAGRO VICINITY MAP A Residuals Management Company COUNTY: Gaston OWNER(S): Greg Springs NC-GA-41 S"AGRO A Residival) Alavagemeat Company Nims IN* A I d e' rimate. C h -v­ Nk4 �§22 06 32 10 WT 01 m w a r-o 09 T ni 6 k4a, OWNER(S) Greg Springs SCALE: I ",z 1625 ft SITE/FIELD(S) NC-GA-41 Fields 01, 06, 09, 10, 14 CONTOUR INTERVAL: 10 AERIAL REFERENCE MAP 01 I SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company I COUNTY: Gaston OWNER(S): Thomas/Greg Springs NC-GA-41 11$1 SYNAG 0 APPLICATION AREA MAP ;� ,°se+rr�;-rals A1rnragcr;ta7x Cvrrjrra+ty Owner: Greg Springs NC-GA-41 Scale: I" = 660' Field # 6, 9, 10, 14, & 15 . > STREAM DRAIN SURFACE WATER FENCE STORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE 'Total Acres: See Summary QAPPLICATION AREA ® HOUSE ❑ OUTBUILDING 0 WELL O SOIL DESCRIPTION OSWIMMING POOL Net Acres: See Summary PRIVATE ROAD FORESTED AREA UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION 8-12% SLOPE 1.0f SYNAGRO Soil Map A Reridnalt Management Company OWNER Greg Springs NC-GA-41 FIELDS 1, 6, 9, 10, & 14 COUNTY Gaston SOURCE: Web Soil Survey SCALE: Unknown SOIL SERIES Lloyd state ui ivurtn %_uruunn Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more infornwtion or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: lutp://po►► de►►r.ore/►reb/�cq/anc/lrin INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (FORM: NDRLAP, and FORM: LASCA). Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lesseeloperator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: City of Mt Holly Complete mailing address of applicant: Post Office Box 406 City: Mt Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Telephone number: (_714 ) 822-2939 Facsimile number:( 704 ) 822-2933 E-mail address: hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source• generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (Le., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given In this Agreement: Site/Fleld ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities GA4101, 06 Hay I Pasture Animal Feed, Forage, Fiber City of Mt Holly WWTP / WTP 09,10,&14 The landowner or his representative receives, In consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division's permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 090814 Page I of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I. STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement until all of the site restrictions (under Section III) are met. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Land Application Unit, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, the current landowner shall give a notice to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. Residuals may be applied to the sites with a pH of less than 6 provided that sufficient amounts of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the soil mixture of at least 6.0, or if an agronomist provides information indicating that the pH of the soil, residuals, and lime mixture is suited for the specified crop type. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. . . 18. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 2 of 4 Attachment Order 3-c 11. ALTERNATIVES FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS INSIDE THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY: 15A NCAC 02L .0107(d) prohibits water supply wells within the compliance boundary. However, 15A NCAC 02T .0105(h) allows the compliance boundary to be placed closer to the waste disposal area, such that the water supply well is situated outside of the compliance boundary provided the groundwater standards can be met at the newly -established compliance boundary. Please mark one of the following; ❑ A re -defined compliance boundary is needed for field(s) ID: (Please include the rationale for the requested re -location of the compliance boundary and attach a map showing the newly proposed compliance boundary to the application package) A re -defined compliance boundary is not needed for this site. 111. RESTRICTIONS: 1. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 2. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 3. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. 4. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residuals/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for a 14-month period following a residuals land application event. 5. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for a 20-month period following a residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 6. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for a 38-month period following a residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 7. Turf grown on land where residuals are applied shall not be harvested for a 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Landowner's Certification: I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners 0 that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations, alternatives for water supply wells inside the compliance boundary, and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner name: AC_0/w,.n dire 9 o r• � 94 riPV 5_ J' Landowner address: 'ya 7 .sou -IVA M a; ,,, city: v State: N L Zip: off- Phone: 704 Signature:Date: NOPH CAR0L1NA, 22 e_qL ( 4,k,6,.,,, 5 COUNTY 4 J C4,%— a notary public ofunty, North Carolina, certify that personally appeared befo ay, : g duly sworn, stated that in his presence � �. � (si on o1) the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and o c' .a the 20jL. My commission expires :� i ' f-S:6 FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 3 of 4 Attachment Order 3-c Lessee's/Operator's Certification: I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as r specified herein. Lessee/operator Lessee/operator City: _ moues+ y State: /✓C Phone: 7 D,,`'foo- fr a me- 7 `/ 7GL- Signature: 1eo� Zip: 02 & / a d Date: 3 hy /// 7ittee's Certification: certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signing official e:of Signature: Date: ? l� *** END OF FORM: LOAA *** FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 4 of 4 Attachment Order 3-c SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET SYNAGR A Residnali Managemeni Company Project: a i a, y Landowner: TT� r Site: 1, / Field: ! Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: tiff,' v f SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A A /J-G z-fY,P_ ?/4i t'L /7. ?A 4 W4. _6( ? Depth to SHWT: > `i's Depth & type of restrictive layer: > V$ Soil Series: 1,t nO A Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend 4- Color Structure Mottles Date: 67 #i Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pi Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive ,NCDA&d., -.Aoii#c Division`; ;,: ',Phone: (919)73j'46 5 ,.,Ww.w nchgoic/a.groh-..... gr Report No: 01541 Grower. Springs, Thomas/John/Greg Copies To.- Synagro Central lest Report 427 S. Main St Mount Holly, NC 28120 ��: =, oil SERVING N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEARS Fann: NCGA41 Received: 07/21/2011 Completed: 08/01/2011 Links to Helpful Information Gaston County Agronomist Comments 12 The heavy metal report is found on a separate page. Using Mehlich 3 as a soil test ex1ractant, background levels of these metals typically seen in NC soils when analyzed are as follows: arsenic (As)- 4.5 ppm, cadmium (Cd)- 0.1 ppm, chromium (Cr)- 0.2 ppm, lead (Pb)- 4.2 ppm, nickel (Ni)- 0.8 ppm, & selenium (Se)- 0.2 ppm (FY2005-2007). Although the above metals here are not believed to pose a concern for plant growth, continue to monitor these and note where elevated above background levels. Note any lime and fertilizer recommendations. Deana Myers, Agronomist july29,2011 Field Information t�:--- ' Applie n, Recommendations Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr TIA Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 01 1st Crop: Fes/OG/TimX 0 120-200 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/71niM 0 120-200 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% WIT CEC BS% Ac PH P-1 K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI(l) Mn-AI(2) Zn-1 Zn-Al Cts-1 S-1 SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.41 1.03 12.9 92.0 1.0 6.4 90 98 64.0 25.0 264 169 169 630 630 221 47 0.1 ,,..North Carolina Reprogramming of the laboratory -information -management system that makes this report possible is being funded "V: through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank yonfor using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. - Steve Troxier, Commissioner ofAgriculture Tobacco Trust Fund Commission NWAUS A mic Division -Phone: (919)733-2655 Web Site:',mm 1 Heavy Metal Soil Test Re"bort Report #: 01541 Springs. Thomas/John/Greg 427 S. Main St MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Mount Holly, NC 28120 Gaston County Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Cd Ni P b Se Cr As Al Fe Sample Cadmium Nickel Lead Selenium Chromium Arsenic Aluminum Iron ID -------------mq/dm3 (PPm)------_____ 01 0.20 0.50 6.10 0.00 0.20 0.20 800.50 110.60 Page 1 of Report Number: 11-193-0527 �_� Account Number. 00015 ! vyww� Send To: Synagro Southeast / Mount Holly m WAYNE BRADY 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE NC 28134 Date Received: 07/1212011 Date Of Analysis: 07/13/2011 AFL Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whhepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 ISM) 743.9401 Fax (804) 271-6446 Grower. Submitted By: WAYNE BRADY GREG SPRINGS Farm ID: NC-GA-41 (PERMITTING) 50-1791 MT HOLLY SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT Analytical Method(s): Mehlich 3 Date Of Report: 0711t al I Organic Matter Phosphorus Potassium Magnesium , ;: Calcium Sodium pH '' Acidity C.E.0 Sample ID Lab S4 Rate -ENR tNehlloh 3 Ras®ive _ . K Mg' Ca Na Soil Buffer H Field ID Number.. Ibs/A ; ppm, _ Rate" 'ppm _' .Rate ";ppm .., Rate -ppm . -Rate. ppm :: Rate ppm Rate PH Index meq/100g meq/100g 01 04165 2.3 L 80 100 H 154 H 297 H 1393 M 17 VL 6.4 6.83 1.0 10.9 NC=83 NC=79 _ Percent Base Sat6ratton i _ :. Nitrate- ". Sulfur "Zino:, Manganese , ,Iron Copper Boron Soluble Silts Chloride Aluminum Sample ID Field ID _ K : Mg Ca : Na H ; NON $`' Zn Mn Fe. Cu. B SS CI Al X : X % % X. ppm; Rate ppm ,, Rate ppm "Rate ppm . "Rat® ppm .Rate ppm . Rate ppm Rate mslcm Rate ppm Rate ppm 01 3.6 22.7 63.9 0.7 8.9 9 VL 18.8 VH 66 VH 158 VH 3.8 VH 0.9 M 0.15 VL NC = 23 NC = 470.0 NC = 413 NC = 190.0 Values on this report represent the plant available nutrients In the Explanation of symbols: % (percent), ppm (parts per million), Ibs1A This report applies to sample(s) tested Samples are retained a soil. Rating after each value: VL (Very Low), L (Low), M (Medium), (pounds per acre), ms/crn (milil-nnhos per centimeter), meq/100g maximum of 0" days after testing. c H (High), VH (Very High). ENR - Estimated Nitrogen Release. (milli -equivalent per 100 grams). Conversions: ppm x 2 e Ibs1A, by PAwia C.E.C. - Cation Exchange Capacity. Soluble Salts ms/cm x 640 - ppm. Analysis prepared by: ASL Eastern Laboratories, Irm Pauric McGroary Report Number 11-193-0527 Page: 1 of 1 Account Number 00015 Send To : Synagro Southeast / Mount Holly WAYNE BRADY 12701 L.ANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE , NC 28134 y AFL Eastern Laboratories, Inc. ILI 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond Virginia p rg is 23237 (604) 763.9601 Fax (8041271.6446 Client: NC-GA-41 (PERMITTING)250-1791 MT HOLLY GREG SPRINGS Submitted By: WAYNE BRADY Purchase Order: Report Date : 7/18/2011 Date Received : 7/12/2011 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Total Chromium Total Mercury Total Molybdenum SW 6010C SW-7471B SW 6010C Lab No Sample ID pptn Sample Date and Time 04165 01 31 <0.4 <5 Method Reference: Recommended Chemical Soil Test Procedures for the North Central Region. NCR Research Pub. No. 221 Revised. USEPA, SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Ed. Current Revision por�4 #1 C 10,11rf Pauric McGroary Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted SITE SUMMARY TOWN OF MT HOLLY Mt. Holly. NC Site ID: NC-GA-44 Owners Name: George Bennett Allen (Field 01) Address: 2552 Lincolnton Hwy Cherryville, NC 28021 Phone: 704-435-5345 (H) 704-691-9497 (cell) Operator: Same Estimated Total Applicable Fields Acres Acres R-Anell Housing Group (Fields 02 & 03) 235 Anthony Grove Rd Crouse, NC 28033 704-445-9610 George Bennett Allen Predominant Latitude & Crnnlsl Alnnp 10M Anil Spripc I nnnitnrlo 1 10.0 6.9 Fescue 6 - 15 WeD Wedowee 35 23 59 N 81 19 48 W 2 18.9 18.9 Fescue 6 - 15 ApB Appling 35 23 52 N 81 1931 W 3 40.0 37.5 Fescue 2-8 CdB2 Cecil 1352341 N 181 19 35 W TOTALS Notes: 68.9 63.3 Date: 07/14/11 The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. A SYNAGRO VICINITY MAP A Residuals Afanagement Company COUNTY: Gaston OWNER(S): Bennett Allen NC-GA-44 4UA SYNAGRO TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OWNER(S) Bennett Allen / R-Annell Housing Group SITEXIELD(S) NC-GA-44 Fields 1 - 3 A Residuals Management Company SCALE: 1 = 1625 ft CONTOUR INTERVAL: 10 t , % �_ e RA l'I► .� may} a ,` y - � �,r%�. Yj� 1 y� � " 1. � ,.xe. 9�i"•r't1 � - \ 3' �' �2`''•14, µ � � Lei, r' r � 4 k air S,aa /t•,'.3 !`__ r � a1,,,7 �. i, � r ..i' r .C'x� cieg•�¢ J •S � _p � .., * ?:.5 :'•r �,,f:"'� '.l �ar��e�t ...6ti s � ey r ii � d 'aTt,`a�yi y... `� •;' yy �i i "'•i� .. r? � M, �,b Y�� �., � .f ���+' �I 'ram ,�..� 4. U" a �;.• ,.tea . t t rc t y - APPLICATION AREA MAP EM S'YNAGR- A Kesiduab llJuuag.amvil Cowgwn�, ,o C Owner: Bennett Allen NC-GA-44 Scale: P = 660' Field # 1— 3 Total Acres: See Summary Net Acres: See Summary . > STREAM . -j DRAIN OSURFACE WATER Ix X FENCE STORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE APPLICATION AREA =_______= PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING ® UNSUITABLE 0 WELL Q• SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION ® P SWIMMING POOL 5-12% SLOPE SYNAGKO vnil Man A Residuals Management Company OWNER Bennett Allen NC-GA-44 FIELDS 1 COUNTY Gaston SOURCE: Web Soil Survey -SCALE: Unknown SOIL SERIES Wedowee SYNAGRO Soil Map A Residuals Management Company OWNER Bennett Allen NC-GA-44 FIELDS 2 & 3 COUNTY Gaston SOURCE: Web Soil Survey SCALE: Unknown SOIL SERIES Appling Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT f'771/SFORM IJAYGE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE ASAA1ORIGIN,a1,) The Division of Water Quality (Dk!isl[}ri) Will not consider this attachment fibril to be coinplefe unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all cif (tie required items %rill lead to additional processing and re0ew time for the application. ror alone infol'1116111o11 OI',,Or ail electronic 1'ersiall of (Iris forell, visit Our lveb :5i1z at: INSTRUCTIONS TO 1-14E APPLICANT: A. Attachnicnt Fornt: dy Do not sunlit this attachillenl font for review without its correspi)nding residuals program application fot-ni (FORM: NORL•AP, and FORM: LASCA). ✓ Any changes, to this attachment foil') +011 result in the application package being, returiled. B. Prepare a separate attachrtient fortit for Cacti set of [arid application 01cs that are owlted by a )andos+ner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other tlian the applicant. A copy of the conipleted and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowiler arid the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY OWNED LAND, APPLICATION SITES The undersigned tandowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicants flame: Cny of Nit Holly Complete mailing address of applicant: Post Office Box 406 City: hht ifiolly State: NC Lip: 28120 Telephone number: ( 7.04 ) 922-2939 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 822-2933 E-nail address: hereinafter referred to as the Perntit:tee, to land appiy residuals frvitt the following residuals source. generating faciRty(les) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with file stipulations and restrictions as given ill this Agrvenient: SifelField IIO Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities �f' ��, QF3 & 03 Daly / Pasture Animal Feed, Forage, fitter City OfNit Holly �� li l'P / WTI' The landowner or his represeritativc nectives, in coitcideration., feat tint of the nutrient value of the applied residuals t0iffe file Pertttiftee receives, in c'o£is[41`erafion,, the use cif' f[te [arid application site(s) described above for the digmsal of Elie residuals. This Agreement shaft rieniairl in eft'ect for the length rif fhe Division's permit for the residuals [arid application progrant and shall be rx-new ed each tiitie this permit is r eriewed. The undersigned landowner or Ili§ representative and the Perinfaee ag lee to abide with fire ffiffoss•ing r striefic►tts and stipulaitioew until such tune as written .notif cation, given 3►il czleltelar• daq,s ill advance, rltodifles dr cancels fftis Agmenient. FORM: LOAA 090914 Pale I of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I. STIPULATIONS: l . The landowner or his represent3ti%1C shall not enter into any additional %vaste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating laciliiies specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. I The existing lessee or operator; if any, of the land application sitc(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply With all prOViSiOTIS of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or .his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall Lae binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the suviect matter of this Agreement. S. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to i\►CDENR-DWQ, Land Application Unit. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 7. The Perntinee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. Fit addition, the current landowner shall give a notice to the new landowner that gives full details of' the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). S. The Pertittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods,, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9- The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, linnitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. Residuals may be applied to the sites with a pli of less than 6 provided that sufficient amounts of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the soil mixture of at least 6.0, or if an agronomist provides information indicating that the pH of the soil, residuals, and lime mixture is suited for the specified crop type. l 1. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patters and the results of soil samples, 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patters for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Perrittee to arnend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and .State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land fiO(iIICa110n 511e(S) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21.. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the tern of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 090401 Paue 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-e 11. ALTERNATIVES FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS INSIDE THE COMPLIANCE i3OUNDARY: 15A NCAC 02L .0107(d) prohibits water supply wells within the compliance boundary. However, 15A NCAC 02T .0I05(h) allows the compliance boundary to be placed closer to the waste disposal area, such that the water supl;ly well is situated outside of the compliance boundary provided the groundwater standards can be met at the newly -established compliance boundary. Please marl: one ofthe followirtg; El A re -defined compliance boundary is needed for fields) ID: (Please include the rationale- for the requested re -location of the compliance boundary and attach a map showing the tlevvIv proposed compliance boundary to this agreement prior to obtaining any signatures on this agreement) VA re -defined compliance boundary is not needed for this site. [it. RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: i certify that I and a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application sitc(s) and am authorized to nlake decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation. to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) oil behalf of the deeded landowners. 1 certify that the above -referenced land application site{s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor. or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that i have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations. alternatives for water supply wells inside the compliance boundary, and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Pe)•mittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner name: Lando-wner address: City: >>� i t (' 1 l l State L Photle: zip Signature: . - �; NOkTIl. CAIZOL1NA, l crejc l � bb,rC I, �_ � .1 C� C, c e ef dL . a notate m presence Gea Pie ��j, WITNTESS my h&td and My commission expires �, 20 Lessee'§/1Dlterat or's Cerffit_-ation: Zip: 1. ! [date: —.rl_� ,4 �3f- i ,•3 IeAc L. 3 County, North Carolina, certify that tre this day, and being duly sworn, stated (flat in his eowledged the execution of) the foregoing instrument. 20A. cLilifv that I have. read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as spe.-cited Ilereill. r, Lessee/operator name Lessee/operator address:_ City: Phone: Si -nature: State: zip: Date: Pernti tee's Certification: I rertifv that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. -�— Signing off ial n tile: - J G1-r /_ wee Signature: Date: END OF FORM: LOAA FORM: LOAA 090401 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c - 't eVt lit V146 l/9t®t" Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGRE EMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTz)f'OPfED FOR USE:4S AN ORIGIA1.4L) The Division of 'Water Quatit3- (Division) will not curtsider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follaw the instructions or to submit all of the required items wHI lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more informatiou or for" at, electronic version of this forin, visit over web site at: ,!l.trtlii_'I1.0',:i,: 1'ar c:rlNSilretr INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attacitrttent form for review without its corresponding residuals program application forma (FORM: NDRLAP., and FORM: LASCA). ✓ Any changes to this attachment fOrlal will result in the application package being relumed. B. Prepare a separate attatchnaent form for cacti set of land application sites that are ook�ned by a landowner rind operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) barer than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLEC:ATION OF RESIDUALS TO PREVATELY OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: city of Mt 1401ly Complete mailing address of applicant: Past Office Box 406 Cit3,: hot Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Telephone number: ( 7q ) 822-2939 Facsimile number: ( 704) 822-2933 E-mail address: hereinafter referred to as file Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source - generating facility(lies) onto tite following land appl eation site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer snaps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Slite/Fiicid ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Dispositions of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities GA-44 01, 02, & 03 Hay / Pastnrn-e Animal Deed, Forage, Fiber City of Nit Holly 4Wg3rTP I WTI" Tile landowner or his receives, in can0deratiort, full use of the nutrient value of the- applied' residuals while the Permiftee receives, In consideratiatt, Elie use of the land application site(s) described, above for the disposal of tite residuals. This Agreement shall rentain its effect for the length of the Division's perrttit for the residuals land a-ppEication pmgrarn and shall he renewed each tulle this perrttit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his 'afZ 1 the perf%Ejttee agree (13 Qfaide A4'Lt15 thf- flglle3wing restrictions and stipulations until such time as writteat notification, given 30 calendar days its advant,ce, tttodifnes or cancels this Agreenterti. FORM: LOAA 090914 Pale I of 3 Attachment Order 3-c 1. STIPULATIONS: I. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional .residuals or waste, other than that generated by tite residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit. is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application sitc(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the .landowner or his representative'leme or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) Ly a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the sutiect matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 19 months front the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 0. Notification of cancellation of' this Agreement shall he immediately .io.n.arded to NCDGAIR-DWQ, Land Applicalion Unit, 1636 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, hIC 27699-1636. 7. The Permittee must request and obtaina permit nxtdification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, the current landowner shall give a notice to the net: landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). S. The Perrnittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals lanai application program, including an .analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Perrnittee. 9. The Pennittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the lays and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. Residuals may be applied to the sites with a pH of less than 6 provided that sufficient amounts of lime is also applied to achieve a final pad of the soil mir:ture of at least 6.0, or if an agronomist provides information indicating that the pH of the soil, residuals, and lime mixture is suited for the specified crop type. 11. The Pernlittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Pennittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Pennittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for tale 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application sites) as required by the residuals land application program pennit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose ofdeternlining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundisvate, surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 090401 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-e H. ALTERNA'l BI S FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS INSIDE THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY: 15A NCAC 02L .0107(d) prohibits water supply wells within the compliance boundary. However, 15A NCAC 02T .0105(h) allows the compliance boundary to be placed closer to the waste disposal area, such that the water supply well is situated outside- of the compliance boundary provided the groundwater standards can be met at the newly -established compliance boundary. Please mark one ofthe following: ❑ A re -defined compliance boundary is needed for field(s) ID: (Please include the rationale for the requested re -location of the compliance boundary and attach a map Showing the nelmly proposed compli:mce boundary to this agreement prior to obtaining any signatures on this agreement] .-A re -defined compliance boundary is not needed for this site. 11.1. RESTRICT€ONS: Landowner's Certification: PdI certify that I ant a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and and authorized to —make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(sl on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of tite land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipalityt contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certif}, that I have read this Agreement, understand the. stipulations, alternatives for water supply wells inside the compliance boundary, and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee tcZ land aplily residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. /, Landowner name: Landowner address:_ fW4 It"City: I ?.% ei Si' . State: X, Signature: N01IC TE Cd1ROLL3A, FYI �� �,. bvti-C\ COUNTY Y �24 en C�t`c , a notary public of U�� . t'Je ersonally appeared befor me this presence -f r1 rt : 5 Let h -4tr (signed) (a cwl %VITNESS my hand and official seal, this the da of L—�D— 2V Notary Pubic u My commission expires ,9-2 : F-��p , 20L�c 1✓cssce's/Olzerator's Certification: Zip: -, ��. �'Cf Date: G inty, North Carolina, Certify that ng duly sworn, stated that in his iti9n of) the foregoing instrument. I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name:' F -?' gg,n'o+J C-7 r� - " f Lessee/operator address:.• Cite:, .dt �t State:iZip: Phone: 70 x ASK= Signature: Date: r Permittee's Certification: i I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as Specified herein. Signing official 16 �____- Ot_!_'r_►t1 _____� G' ct Signature: END Of: FORM: LOAA ;:~* Date: FORM: L OAA 090401 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: Nir Site: &4 - 4(q Field: I Acres (gross): Horizon PROFILE A L c PROFILE B Notes: Legend Texture s Sand I Loam si Silt c Clay SYNAGRO, A Residuals Management Company Landowner: Sample #: Acres (net): Crop: gjLyo< SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Slope: _ ? Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles n_ (P s4 71))5YZ !Z4 T A-/6 CLr /��//C 11-1q ZL ,7 -7, s Y✓Z Depth to SHWT: >yR Depth & type of restrictive layer: 5 �8 Soil Series: LJU (bower Horizon Depth Texture Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Described By: Color Structure Mottles Date: r' 1 f Structure Grade Structure Type 1 Weak gr Granular abk 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: Site: Field: Z Acres (gross): Acres (net): N0W SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company Landowner: V��( Sample #: Slope: Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Ho izon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A d• G t e- t- 7,sy/1 s/c. l -10 r1i .�� 34 - 710, r Sr2 s/A_ e 3 S - yg c �ut2 S& Depth to SHWT: >y 6 Depth & type of restrictive layer: `I n Soil Series: U 5ta Q Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend Date: 7 Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: #q� &224 Site: Acres (gross): Field: _3 �)-VN/n YNAGF - A Residual; Management Company Landowner: Sample #: Slope: Acres (net): Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color PROFILE A Ao , -& ow w s/�_ , a-Ig Depth to SHWT: ?vs Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: /'sole Structure �r Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes:, riao „ k &J?AA0•WeY ik Described By: r Ir Legend Texture` Structure Grade s Sand 1 Weak I Loam 2 Moderate si Silt 3 Strong c Clay Mottles Mottles Date: ef711, / i Structure Tvae gr Granular abk pl Platy sbk pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive 0'0 Z£ 9� 5LI SLI 651 651 9£Z 0'IZ 0'£5 99 09 9'5 6'I WE 5'8 96'0 WO NIW vill N-IIN AKOAl I -SS PS I-119 IV-uZ . I-11Z I-11W Ov %vO I X I-d Hd aV %Sg Ogg A/A1 %HH ssv1O 1109 slInsall Isay Zi 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0£-OI OZ-0 OOZ-OZI 0 W`11n.V90/sa:I :doa0 puZ ZI 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0£-0I OZ-0 OOZ-OZI ,L8' W`lujj/OO/sad :dor0 asi co WON aaS uw fl uZ uO S Ow SOUAr 01917 .1v9A do doJO V/d JA ON do 1O 1sv7 TM aldluvS su911npuaTwoaag . aTr pa><Iddd I:_ .:uoRe TIM 0'0 ££ 811 681 68i 9L 9L 66 0.1Z 0'95 09 Z8 9'S 81 0'O8 6'8 L6.0 95'0 NIW vN N-PIN N-£OAF I -SS PS I-119 IV-uZ I-uZ (Z)1V-UHrW1V-UM PAN %v %vO I N I-d Hd OV %Sg '9D A/A1 %Hfl sSV1O 11oS sl�nsag Isay ZI 0 0' 0 0 0 0 Oii-OZ 0 OOZ-OZi 0 W`wij/f)O/sad AwapuZ ZI 0 0' 0 0 '0 0 WOZ 0 OOZ-OZI LL' W`lu!,VJO/sad :dorOlsl ZO a1oN aaS um g uZ uO S 4v 017I SOzd IV 011117 JvaA ,10 40.19 V/d JA ON do lO fsn7 •oN aldlnvS .. , . .; . - 0'0 i OP ON Of 6L 6L £OI 0'£Z 0'09 08 S£ 8.5 L'i 0.98 07i t6'0 WO NIW VAl N-PIN N-£ON I SS I-S I-119 IV-I1Z I-uZ (Z)1V-UM (IO1V-IIM PUM %FM %vO Ey I-d Hd aV 01S8 Ogg A/A1 %HN ssniO lloS sl�nsag Isay ZI 0 0' 0 0 0 0 OZ-0 05-0£ OOZ-OZI 0 W`wij/OO/sa;l :doa0puZ ZI 0 0' 0 0 0 0 OZ-0 05-0£ OOZ-OZI IY W'tujj/90/sad :dojD isl I0 WON aaS my 8 uZ uO S 2Y Ow s0zd AT a11117 .1va f .10 do.[O V/d JA ON d0.1O ?Sv7 -oN aldulvS s :; uo► uPuauluio ag aw�Z.Patiddduoil�ulaojuL:Pj;) J:. OiOZ `i 111117 )sltuouoa3V `sra,(W vuva( •suo►)Lpuawwoaaa razlll)ral pin: awil All, LION •slanal punojSjmq aeogi, palt:Aala ajailm a)ou pup, asatil aolluoui o) anul)uoa `W%oj8 )tmld jol ujaauoa v asod o) panallaq )ou air, way slrlaw anogr ail) tonotl)IV '(LOOZ-SOOZ�LA) wdd Z•O -(aS) uinivalas 7g `wdd 8.0 -(IN) lajawwdd Z'ij -(qd) pral'wdd Z-O -(ao) unuwojtl,)`tudd I'0 -(p9) wniwpra `wdd,S•V -(sV) arllasav :sA%ollq{ sc a.m pazdlrur uatlAI sllos 9N III ilaas Allrald6) slrlaur as -ail) Io slanal punoi2jo-eq'jurpm)n lsal 11051, sr £ tl:)iltlaW Sulsjj 'a8L'd alPJrdas v u0 punoj sl laodaa Ir)aui AArail atij, ZI -- 9 sluaunno:) Isnaouo.&V elunoD uolstig SMA 09 88AO HOA S,LNNISgS 'O'N 9NIAMS o10M/8 1I! V9 9N 7utng sa 1zo71, a lA, i Z08Z 9N ` II."at 10 AMH uo)uloaln7 ZSSZ 11:111Ia0 OJSEUAS :0,1 sa140,9 llauuag/a2aoa!) `ualIV :,19maiO .o soda iiuouoa�v a�Lu�nnwu :a i a auo LS..Q. Al .::.,.559Z= �L�6'T6), � iid ...:. uoisji !a. �iii i��': q, , g nic',Divisio t `Phone:; (919)733 655 ` Web Site wwiv ncagr agconomi/ P ] NCDA&CS 'A Heavy Metal Soil Test Relbort Report #: 02190 Allen, George/Bennett 2552 Lincolnton Hwy Cherryville, NC 28021 MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Gaston County Ouestions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Asironomic Division, Soil Testing 01 Nt P b Se Cr As Al Fe Sample Cadmimit Nickel Lead Selenium Chromium Arsenic Aluminum Irm ID - --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- /diO m n (gyp ttt )---------------=---------------------------------------------------------------- 03 0.10 0.20 5.40 0.10 0.10 0.10' 735.10 143.80 02 0.10 0.20 5.40 0.00 0.10 0.10 742.90 188.60 01 0.10 0.20 5.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 588.80 249.90 Report NumberL AFL Eastem Laboratories, Inc. 10-200-0592 Page: 1 Of 2 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond. Virginia 23237 (604) 743.9401 Fax (804) 271.6446 Account Number m 00015 Send To : Synagro Southeast / Mount Holly WAYNE BRADY 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE , NC 28134 Client; NC-GA-44(PERMITTINGp50-1701 MT HOLLY BENNETT ALLEN Lab No Sample ID Sample Date and Time 04514 1 04515 2 04516 3 Submitted By: WAYNE BRADY Purchase Order: Report Date: 7/22/2010 Date Received : 7/19/2010 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Total Chromium Total Mercury Total Molybdenum SW-80108 SW-7471A SW-6010B ppm 9 < 0.4 < 5 5 < 0.4 < 5 6 < 0.4 < 5 Pam« me 10'r Paudc McGroary Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted Report Number 10-200-0592 Page: 2 of 2 Account Number 00015 Send To : Synagro Southeast / Mount Holly WAYNE BRADY 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE , NC 28134 A&L Eastem Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepinx Road Richmond, Virginla 23237 (804) 743.9401 Fax (804) 2714446 t9 Client: NC-GA-44(PERMITTING)250-1701 MT HOLLY BENNETT ALLEN REPORT OF ANALYSIS Method Reference: USEPA, SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Ed. Current Revision Submitted By: WAYNE BRADY Purchase Order: Report Date: 71=010 Date Received : 7/19/2010 rct�« m` 1141',J`' Pauric McGroary Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted SITE SUMMARY TOWN OF MT HOLLY Mt. Holly. NC Site ID: NC-LT-43 Owners Name: Gary Duckworth Address: 857 S. Hwy 16 Stanley, NC 28164 Phone: 704-827-9205 (home) 704-996-0849 (cell) Operator: Same as above Estimated Total Applicable Fields Acres Acres /v Predominant Latitude & Cron(s) Slone (01.1 Soil Series Lonnitude 01 ✓ 13.6 11.2 Fescue 2-8 CeB2 Cecil 35 25 30 N 80 59 50 W 02 22.3 21.0 Fescue 2-8 CeB2 Cecil 35 25 35 N 80 59 46 W 03 11.0 10.0 Fescue 2-8 Ce132 Cecil 35 25 47 N 80 59 56 W 04 s 15.0 6.0 Fescue 8 -15 PeC2 Pacolet 35 25 36 N 80 59, 41 W TOTALS 61.9 Notes: 48.2 Date: 07/12/11 'he compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals applicatio area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary ind the perimeter of the residuals application area. SYNAGP- 0 VICINITY MAP A Residuals Management Company .4. , }-/l ,'N -.• { r / &" S- 807 150 --I -_-j36 32Ei �g 'rase u vI \ co .2- v .COIN GrO �, e> 1. - r1 � \ + ft 'ulm � a • I �" . a - I L r•.r�✓v`Ven 7 tom;. � irvcr •A<� '�� Ou i ,` ^7'�:� 77 21 a. ' �I ! r ✓ �l caVO` a.`.'i-_ �iii'ac"�`7} r AR \-\ Zs ' ate- [Y x1vM 28e`-/ Jb ♦el/ - - I� I -/.' 74- _73 115 19 ak ap \ gv I f, _ i Vo ?0 _2 NC-LT-43 p Gary Duckworth IS 73 \! ,i}}> \ !i9 r ....J-.• % o'_s �°-^�l, f}���.� _ .y � ` ,b Via"� , I C, s\._ j����'� rk -J �,�,�� '`i COUNTY: Lincoln OWNER(S): Gary Duckworth NC-LT-43 po, SYNAGRO AERIAL REFERENCE MAP A Residuals Management Company COUNTY: Lincoln OWNER(S): Gary Duckworth SYNAGRO kPPLICATION AREA MAP .1 14s,dualy Alana egent Coplip ny Owner: Gary Duckworth NC-LT-43 Scale: 1" = 660' Field # 1 - 4 / Total Acres: See Summary Net Acres: See Summary A Lr yr -r,c wc,e . > STREAM DRAIN OSURFACE WATER # �4 FENCE OSTORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE APPLICATION AREA =_______= PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING ® UNSUITABLE 0 WELL QQ SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION ® P SWIMMING POOL 8-12% SLOPE SYNAGRO Soil Map A Retidnah Management Company 4'4'k. ° r , , '-5•, ' , ih.61:7 ^ 47' ''...,�p<ezZaCI .7 pmt 'gig+ y ' g ! q Q�`i - tw a�'> # '6' �a yM "''°" -_ vim' ' `r �' t. a T � i y. •try" :y� � � a4. � 4 4 t r �� e #�p tt �..; . �%:��`a q � f�:'�'. '• .� ��� + f e`� .�•'' ���•��'� �,k, ;-�Y41 $c.:� Y .� �," '4 s, 03 4 3. 4 EX: I 9S w 31, s } Aa• t .4' . 04` �.. . • ell, t 3 fvu # k n Y Y �: 7 F 1. dG'` t 2♦ �� � � � � x � x� � r � 4. � s t...,......_� "' ". Y - ' .� - ..�_ _= _ - --- •� �:.. � c . ,� _ , Y., 3:, ; 5 .dam . OWNER Gary Duckworth NC-LT-43 FIELDS 1-4 COUNTY Lincoln SOURCE: Web Soil Survey SCALE: Unknown SOIL SERIES Cecil , Pacolet Ota9V U1 INUB ill %_4I ll11114 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MA Y BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For »tore information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: Ir��eh/u cl/rrns/larr INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (FORM: NDRLAP, and FORM: LASCA). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: City of Mt Holly Complete mailing address of applicant: Post Office Box 406 City: Mt Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 822-2939 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 822-2933 E-mail address: hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source. generating facility(les) onto the following land application site(s) (Le., see attached buffer maps) In accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID band Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities LT-43 01 -04 Hay / Pasture Animal Feed, Forage, Fiber City of Mt Holly WW P / 4VrTP The landowner or his representative receives, In consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division's permit for the residuals land applicatio® program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days In advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 090814 Page I of Y Attachment Order 3-c I. STIPULATIONS: I. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by (lie Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application sites) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the. provisions of this Agreement until all of the site restrictions (under Section lit) are met. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Land Application Unit, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, the current landowner shall give a notice to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Pennittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been roost -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. Residuals may be applied to the sites with a pH of less than 6 provided that sufficient amounts of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the soil mixture of at least 6.0, or if an agronomist provides information indicating that the pli of the soil, residuals, and lime mixture is suited for the specified crop type. 11. The Pennittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Pertittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13, The landowner or his representative will furnish the Pennittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Pennittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable die Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Pemiittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that roust be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 18. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 2 of 4 Attachment Order 3-c II- ALTERNATIVES FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS INSIDE THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY: 15A NCAC 02L .0107(d) prohibits water supply wells within the compliance boundary. However, 15A NCAC 02T .0105(h) allows the compliance boundary to be placed closer to the waste disposal area, such that the water supply well is situated outside of the compliance boundary provided the groundwater standards can be met at the newly -established compliance boundary. Please mark one of the following; ® A re -defined compliance boundary is needed for field(s) ID: Please include the rationale for the requested re -location of the compliance boundary and attach a map showing the newly proposed compliance boundary to the application package) A re -defined compliance boundary is not needed for this site. III. RESTRICTIONS: 1. Appropriate measures trust be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the laird application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals laird application event. Such controls may include tine posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 2. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 3. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. 4. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residuals/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for a 14-month period following a residuals land application event. 5. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for a 20-month period following a residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 6. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for a 38-month period following a residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 7. Turf grown on land where residuals are applied shall not be harvested for a 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Landowner's Certification: I certify that 1 am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners ®R that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application sites) on behalf of the deeded landowners. ➢ certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, ➢ certify that 1 have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations, alternatives for water supply wells inside the compliance boundary, and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner name: Landowner I� City: 57ftalz State: Zip: �d1l6 Phone: 4 i Q-)-0S_ ' Signature: Date: NOR�aCAROLINA, COUNTY a notary public of _ ,- bo­County, North Carolina, certify that t•J t sonally appeared before me this day, id being duly swom, stated that in his presence (signed) (acknowled d the execution of) the foregoing instrument. WIT S my ha � 1 � day of , 20 / 4/c 1vly convnission expires FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 3 of 4 Attachment Order 3•c Lessee's/Operator's Certification: X1 certify that 1 have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: Lessee/operator addre: City: Phone: Signature: Permittee's Certifications: State: Zip: Date: 1 certify that 1 have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signing officia na ne: 6Z�t J�irnl�r `� Signature: **« END OF FORM: LOAA Date: FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 4 of 4 Attachment Order 3-c SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: A. Site: Field: Acres (gross): Acres (net): SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company Landowner: ��-tJG%a. /71 Sample #: Slope: Crop: 6-rl_ SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A 6- 5 (112- Zg" -7 r 2-51�Q Depth to SHWT: '> V> Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend Mottles Coa,I,,Anta ��tc� Color Structure Mottles Date: "er Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: k/ f Site: � -L l - y 3 Field: ��Illr SYNAGRO A Reridnah Aianaganent Company Landowner: Sample #: Slope: 2- Acres (gross): I Acres (net): Crop: 4-Iseor", SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A Depth to SHWT: �aqp, Depth & type of restrictive layer: !t4 Soil Series: /' Sf„ Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: , J- Legend Color Structure Mottles Date: /17 h 1/ 1 J Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: M7.dLi,i' 4 Site: LT 5 Field: Acres (gross): Acres (net): YA, SYNAGAO A Re ideals A4lanagemenl Company Landowner: &i91/ Sample #: Crop:«ir SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A r1t A f S-- yl Depth to SHWT: 7 qf, Depth & type of restrictive layer: 7 7 Soil Series: L c,L- Horizon Depth Texture Color PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: L Legend Slope: Z Mottles Structure Mottles Date: !i r?hi Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SYNAGRO SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: (\� r � o� u" Site: Z 1 ' Lj Field: �t Acres (gross): A Residuals Management Company Landowner: e7w t Wd1, Sample #: Acres (net): Crop: -6gC,,u �- SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A _� 110 -2 �l /�- PROFILE E Notes: Legend Texture s Sand I Loam si Silt c Clay Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: 7 Soil Series: Slope: 2 Mottles Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Described By: l Date: o-7 / 9 -�/" Structure Grade Structure Type 1 Weak gr Granular abk 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive NCDAMS`Agronomic Division- '.Phone: (919)733=2655 Web sites waev ni gr govZagrouomi%, .. Report No: 01542 Cromer. Soil Tat Rport Duckworth, Gary C/ODuckworth Farms 857 S Hwy 16 Stanley, NC 28164 Copies To: Synagro Central \ • `"'',�',F+"`' SERVING N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEARS Fans: NC LT 43 Received: 07/21/2011 Completed: 08/01/2011 Links to Helpful Information Mecklenburg County Agronomist Comments t •, The heavy metal report is found on a separate page. Using Mehlich 3 as a soil test enractant, background levels of these metals typically seen in NC soils when analyzed are as follows: arsenic (As). 4.5 ppm, cadmium (Cd)- 0.1 ppm, chromium (Cr)- 0.2 ppm, lead (Pb)- 4.2 ppm, nickel (Ni)- 0.8 ppm, & selenium (Se)- 0.2 ppm (FY2005-2007). Although the above metals here are not believed to pose a concern for plant growth, continue to monitor these and note where elevated above background levels. Note any lime and fertilizer recommendations. Deana Myers, Agronomist uly 29, 2011 Field hd6rmation_ Applied Lime... " commendations Sample No. Last Crop No Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B . Mn See Note 01 1st Crop: Fes/OG/1'im,M AT 120-200 50-70 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M 0 120-200 50-70 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class NM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(l) Mn-AI(2) Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I SS-1 NO3-N NN4-N Na MIN 0.60 0.99 12.2 89.0 1.4 5.8 32 94 56.0 29.0 555 350 350 195 195 147 53 0.1 Field Information, Applied Lime : ' l &imnendatioids ' ' Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N Pa05 K20 Mg S Ca Zn B Mn See Note 02 1st Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M .ST 120-200 30-50 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M 0 120-200 30-50 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI(l) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-Al Cu-1 S-I SS-1 NO3-N NHa-N Na MIN 0.60 0.97 10.9 85.0 1.6 5A 41 90 56.0 25.0 441 282 282 263 263 176 69 0.1 NCDAGS Agroiiomlc Division .Phone: (919)733 '2655 Web site. www.ngc gov/agronomi/ ,Grower•.::,Duckwortb; Gary. .. Report No: 01542 Pg 2 FIe1d.Info>m4tion; Applied'Lime l:8ecommendations ;N; ; Sample No. Last Crop No Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 03 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 2040 0-20 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 20-40 0-20 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HU% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn--' Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS -I NO3-N NNQ-N Na MIN 0.56 0.92 11.9 91.0 1.1 5.9 46 74 67.0 21.0 212 146 146 270 270 212 57 0.1 Field Information , Applied'Lime : RecommeiidatIons _ Sample No. Last Crop AIo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cri Zn B Mn See Note 04 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 120-140 30-50 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 120-140 30-50 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS -I NO3-N NHa-N Na MIN 0.41 1.12 6.7 85.0 1.0 5.9 6 51 59.0 23.0 805 502 502 53 53 96 106 0.1 .North Carolina Reprogramming of the laboratory -information -management system that makes this report possible is being funded :1 through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. - Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture Tobacco Trust Fund Commission KDA&U-&-iomic Division Phone:( 1733-2655 With Site: www:nci Heavy Metal Soil Test Ree(iort Duckworth, Gar, Report #: 01542 C/ODuckworth Farms 857 S Hwy 16 MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Stanley, NC 28164 Mecklenburg County Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing 1 Cd Ni Pb Se Cr As Al Fe Sample Cadmium Nickel Lead Selenium Chromium Arsenic Aluminum Iron ID ----- _ --- ___________--mgldm3(ppm) ____ 04 0.00 0.10 3.50 0.00 0.10 0.20 1.051.00 73.90 02 0.10 0.40 3.00 0.10 0.30 0.10 823.50 106.90 03 0.10 0.20 3.60 0.10 0.20 0.10 692.10 97.50 01 0.10 0.20 3.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 795.90 75.20 Report Number 11-186-0607 Page: 1 of 2 Account Number 00015 teal Send To: Synagro Southeast / Mount Holly WAYNE BRADY 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE , NC 28134 Client: NC-LT-43 (NC PERMITTINGY50-1701 MT HOLLY GARY DUCKWORTH REPORT OFANALYSIS Total Chromium Total Mercury Total Molybdenum SW 601CC SW-7471B SW 6010C ppm 15 < 0.4 < 5 Lab No Sample ID Sample Date and Time 03306 01 03307 02 03308 03 03309 04 LUA&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond. Virginia 23237 (804) 743.9401 Fax (804) 271.6446 26 < 0.4 < 5 17 < 0.4 < 5 12 < 0.4 < 5 Submitted By: WAYNE BRADY Purchase Order:50-1701 Report Date: 7/12/2011 Date Received : 7/5/2011 pwfK e- X 60w r/ Pauric McGroary Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted Report Number 11-186-0607 Page: 2 of 2 Account Number 00015 Send To : Synagro Southeast / Mount Holly WAYNE BRADY 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE , NC 28134 fill A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743.MI Fax (8D4) 271.6446 Client : NC-LT-43 (NC PERMITTING)250-1701 MT HOLLY GARY DUCKWORTH REPORT OF ANALYSIS Method Reference: USEPA, SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Ed. Current Revision Submitted By: WAYNE BRADY Purchase Order: 50-1701 Report Date: 7/12/2011 Date Received: 7/5/2011 Pee. me 10"1 Pauric McGroary Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted IVA SITE SUMMARY TOWN OF MT HOLLY Mt. Holly. NC Site ID: NC-MG-37 Owners Name: Dean Stewart Connell Address: 10812 Rozzelles Ferry Rd Charlotte NC 28214 Phone: 704-737-8796 Operator: Same as above Estimated Total Applicable Fields Acres Acres Cron(s) l l - l�-el � (a •' Predominant Latitude & Slone (%) Soil Series Lonaitude 01 37.5 20.7 Fescue 2 - 8 CeB2 Cecil 1351750 N 1805922 W TOTALS 37.5 20.7 Notes: Date: 07/12/11 The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. SYNAGKO VICINITY MAP A Resduals Management Company Sllb!43 ').To r 14 ..,� � a tuns+` i++�.�.3-; "fro \ .J 1 � ao'/, �/ , _ /<. � � J I i I �1 1A 4`✓ 16 ------ ---- -- SPa � 4- va77 � % NC-MG-37 r F , Dean Connell 6 A IttMunk Y'� f v L1 Tq. Oz N R OR— r ­k f r p Al'k _j lgi 111,1- Is- I F1�7,021 4i 2, - - - '2� R _'jUk '5-5% LL � C41'. 3 F?, a �'Izj 77 M�E -ir I-E Soklilr �4S ; "It J 7y:- 11"-I I A-01q it a. 04, ox �. -4, :"47 -0 -i -, r -14V4 Nki N M R IT O R"T" G HN w y 14. 1 At _4 "' _A ZO 8 _121" X COUNTY: Mecklenburg OVINER(S): Dean Connell NC-MG-37 S"AG�O TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A Residuals Management Campany OWNER(S) _ SITEXIELD(S) Dean Connell NC-MG-37 Field 01 SCALE: 1 "z 1625 ft CONTOUR INTERVAL: 10 Ir '� A d y a , c' .3 ° bpi �• �t:.. >F � f i ti� 4 u r } i1: Uj jt . a 1 �Rs"'� Y � +� � 3 ryM� '�f � � v ,Z' •;°"�S G� i" r ��' r� t $ yyI¢,, ,il j• '�. has v is". M- '' !t" 1Vf � F}r'� I- 4hd��11� r iA iE 7� h k _ f+ ! 9. IF• ."- y �`' g i i 's � '� i 3� � ! f- K ai t ti } �.. �! ; r ir4 v �.� ar, t y Am r, fiM�lr .4. d, 'W..�. *f Ka."w s .. .�•"�'^" . � . s #; 4{ APPLICATION AREA MAP ��111r, SYNAGRO ii Residual.; 111 nageniew cfympnu3 Owner: Dean Connell NC-MG-37 Scale: 1" = 660' Field # 01 Total Acres: See Summary Net Acres: See Summary . > STREAM . > DRAIN OSURFACE WATER x # FENCE -x OSTORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE Ci) APPLICATION AREA =_______= PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING ® UNSUITABLE 0 WELL Q SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION ® P SWIMMING POOL 8-12% SLOPE Soil Map M I SYNAGRO A Residuals Afanagemm Campany OWNER Dean Connell NC-MG-37 FIELDS O1 COUNTY _Mecklenburg SOURCE: Web Soil Survey SCALE: Unknown SOIL SERIES Cecil state ut i'Nurtn o.arullna Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS,AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: lrLrinl.�u_rlr INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Forth: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (FORM: NDRLAP, and FORM: LASCA). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: City of Mt Holly Complete mailing address of applicant: Post Office Box 406 City: Mt Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 822-2939 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 822-2933 E-mail address: hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source. generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities MG-43 01 Hay I Pasture Animal Feed, Forage, Fiber City of Mt Holly WWTP / WTP The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application sites) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division's permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days In advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 090814 Page I of 3 Attachment Order 3-c 1. STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terns and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement until all of the site restrictions (under Section 11I) are met. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Land Application Unit, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, the current landowner shall give a notice to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit, that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. Residuals may be applied to the sites with a pH of less than 6 provided that sufficient amounts of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the soil mixture of at least 6.0, or if an agronomist provides information indicating that the pH of the soil, residuals, and lime mixture is suited for the specified crop type- 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 17. Any drily authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that trust be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 18. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the teen of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 2 of 4 Attachment Order 3-c IL ALTERNATIVES FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS INSIDE THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY: 15A NCAC 02L .0107(d) prohibits water supply wells within the compliance boundary. However, 1 SA NCAC 02T .0105(h) allows the compliance boundary to be placed closer to the waste disposal area, such that the water supply well is situated outside of the compliance boundary provided the groundwater standards can be met at the, newly -established compliance boundary. Please mark one of the following, ❑ A re -defined compliance boundary is needed for field(s) ID: (Please include the rationale for the requested re -location of the compliance boundary and attach a map showing the newly proposed compliance boundary to the application package) A re -defined compliance boundary is not needed for this site. Ill. RESTRICTIONS: 1. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 2. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 3. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. 4. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residuals/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for a 14-month period following a residuals land application event. 5. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for a 20-month period following a residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 6. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for a 38=month period following a residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 7. Turf grown on land where residuals are applied shall not be harvested for a 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Landownees Certification: AI certify that i am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that i am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the _land application sites) on behalf of the deeded landowners. 1 certify that the above -referenced land application site(i) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Purihetrttore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations, alternatives for water supply wells inside the compliance boundary, and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to thePerniittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. ,X Landowner name: D r C0A*Je,U , f eLandowner tx City: Pe, IC Phone: % — 8 7 pC Signature: L NORTH CAROLINA, %yI fit°/r L �✓t`t-( COUNTY 1, �G�v. �' • e re-e-CL a notary public personally a presence P CT -'- WITNESS myhandand offi/cial s4, thi' !i My conunission expires O3'i �� , 20L�._ /Zip: acsoCl r /ate: C6 _.2,0-Iff 'dLL r b County, North Carolina, certify that me thi�jd an being duly sworn, stated that in his qo he execution of) the foregoing instrument. ' , 20A. FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 3 of 4 Attachment Order 3-c Lessee's/Operator's Certification: R2 I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. /C� Lessee/operator name: Lessee/operator address: // J City: ✓State: "/Zip: Phone: / ✓Signature: Dare: Permittee's Certification: MI certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signing official n ie: �6 Signature: *** END OF FORM: LOAA *** Date: 7 FORM: LOAA 090814 Page 4 of 4 Attachment Order 3-c N)III�, SYNAGRO SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: Site: is ' > Field: A Raiditah Management Company 1 Landowner: A�'�'J�-�% - Sample #: Slope: �- Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: aC"06- SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A hp 6-6 St Swz y�6 . r �s �f► -zs 4- 2,s ,fM, 1prAl, rk— s7 c Z "5 i/V `//L , _ -Y9, e _ 2, fy2 144 Depth to SHWT: 1i4, Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: CECt�- Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend Color Structure Date: Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Mottles Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive Dlvlslon` . Plionee;(919)733=2655r ; Web site: www.nng gov%agrono ; '$--;`', Report No: 01540 •..,� n, rower. Connell, Dean Copies To: Synagro Central =� 9. Vest Report 108" Rozzelles Ferry Rd Charlotte, NC 28214 oil SERVING N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEARS Farm: NC MG 37 Received: 07/21/2011 Completed: 08/01/2011 Links to Helpful Information Mecklenburg County Agronomist Comments 12 The heavy metal report is found on a separate page. Using Mehhch 3 as a soil test em-Actant, background levels of these metals typically seen in NC soils when analyzed are as follows: arsenic (As)- 4.5 ppm, cadmium (Cd)- 0.1 ppm, chromium (Cr)- 0.2 ppm, lead (Pb)- 4.2 ppm, nickel (Ni)- 0.8 ppm, & selenium (Se)- 0.2 ppm (Fy2005-2007). Although the above metals here are not believed to pose a concern for plant growth, continue to monitor these and note where elevated above background levels. Note any pme and fertilizer recommendations. Deana Myers, Agronomist ul 29, 2011 .FIeld Infocamatioq; Applied ]Lime Recommendations ;• w .. Sample No. Last Crop No Yr 79A Crop or Year lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 01 1st Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M 0 120-200 50-70 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M 0 120-200 50-70 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 13 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-/ Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI(l) Mn-Al(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-1 SS-1 NO3 N NN4-N Na MIN 0.46 0.93 9.9 89.0 1.1 6.2 32 142 51.0 31.0 636 396 396 284 284 75 41 0.1 North Carolina A Reprogramming of the laboratory -information -management system that makes this report possible is being funded through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. - Steve Traxler, Commissioner of Agriculture I Tobacco Trust Fund Commission NCDA&CS , lmic Divislon ' -Phone: (919)733-2655',",; Weii,site:,,, cagir:com/agroc Heavy Metal Soil Test RelbConnell ort Report #: 01540 , Dean 10812 Rozzelles Ferry Rd Charlotte, NC 28214 MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Mecklenburg County Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Cd Ni Pb Se Cr As Al Fe Sample Cadmium Nickel Lead Selenium Chromium Arsenic Aluminum Iron 1D mq/dm3 (ppm)- ---- 01 0.10 0.20 3.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 679.80 109.50 Report Number 11-186-0606 Page: 1 of 1 Account Number 00015 Send To : Synagro Southeast / Mount Holly WAYNE BRADY 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE , NC 28134 yr ` A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whhepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271.WS Client: NC-MG-37 (NC PERMITTINGY50-1701 MT HOLLY DEAN CONNELL REPORT OF ANALYSIS Submitted By: WAYNE BRADY Purchase Order: 50-1701 Report Date: 7/12/2011 Date Received : 7/5/2011 Total Chromium Total Mercury Total Molybdenum SW 6010C SW-7471B SW Sol cc Lab No Sample ID ppm Sample Date and Time 03305 01 19 < 0.4 < 5 Method Reference: USEPA, SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Ed. Current Revision Pam« If 6awr Pauric McGroary Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted AGRONOMIST REPORT Synagro Central (Synagro) is operating a land application program for the recycling/beneficial reuse of wastewater biosolids produced at the City of Mt Holly. The agronomist report is submitted as a follow up to evaluate proposed sites. Several factors should be taken into consideration in determining a site's suitability to receive biosolids. These factors are: • Site Investigation • Topography • Soils • Biosolids Characteristics and Loading Rates • Crop Management Site Investigation The site investigation consisted of a physical observation of each proposed site in which the following parameters were evaluated: • Soil Characteristics • Slope • Cropping Systems • Location of Property Lines • Location of Residences • Location of Wells and Surface Water Features Site specific information is enclosed for each site evaluated. Application area maps delineating the proposed application areas within each field are also enclosed. Topography The slope of each site was evaluated during the site investigation. The slope for the individual sites range from 0 to 10 percent for surface application and 0 to 18 percent for sub -surface injection. Areas of excessive slope have been eliminated from the application areas. Soils Soil fertility samples were collected from each site and were analyzed for standard soil fertility parameters and regulated metals content. The results of these analyses are behind the Soil Maps for each specific site. Soil testing of the sites included in this application indicates that the soil pH is moderately acidic on most sites and should be adjusted by the addition of lime prior to or during land application activities being performed in order to achieve optimal crop production. The lime recommendations are generally made based on raising the pH to a standard of 6.0. Biosolids Characteristics and Loading Biosolids samples were collected and are analyzed by an independent laboratory. The biosolids analysis report and calculations indicate that the residuals are non -hazardous and non -toxic. Both the soils and the crops should be able to assimilate the proposed loadings of liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, and salts known to be in the residuals. This assessment is based on the current & historical biosolids analysis, the planned application rate, proper crop management guidelines and adherence to permit requirements. Nitrogen is considered to be the most limiting characteristic of these biosolids, however, soil tests should be reviewed annually to identify any changes in the nutrient status of the soil. Crop Management Based on the site and soil evaluations, crop nutrient requirements and the nutrient content of the biosolids, all sites should readily assimilate the residuals, however crop rotations and management practices should be evaluated prior to each application to account for changes in the proposed crop rotation and land use objectives. Crop management guidelines that will be of importance for these sites will be: • timing of application events with plant nutritional needs and periods of plant dormancy, • split applications to prevent hydraulic overloading or nutrient leaching, • performance of proper stabilization methods to fit crop and soil needs, • establishment of suitable vegetative cover, • incorporation or injection of residual solids on fields that have a high incidence of flooding, • maintenance of proper vegetative cover on more sloping areas with runoff potential, and • proper coordination between application events and crop harvesting. Land application should provide an environmentally acceptable means of beneficial reuse of the biosolids provided all the parameters of the agronomist report and the requirements of the permit are followed. C. Wayne B dy II Agronomist CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY SOIL SCIENTIST CERTIFICATION This is to certify that these soil and site evaluations were conducted on the proposed application sites (listed below) for the City of Mount Holly by Synagro Central, LLC. The soil and site evaluations consisted of hand auger borings and descriptions of the soils on the application sites; collection of soil fertility samples using standard soil sampling methods; location of property lines, residences, wells, and surface water features; identification of required buffer areas; and generation of application area maps. All hand auger borings included in this package were either performed by Eric' No. 1 GA-41: field 1 GA-44: fields 1-3 LT-43: fields 1-4 MG-37: field 1 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (503) PEM11T In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as .amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO City of Mount Holly Gaston County FOR TIM continued operation of a residuals land application program for the City of Mount Holly and consisting of .the land application of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in 'the most recently -certified Attachment A to the land application sites listed in the most recently. -certified Attachment B with no dischargeof wastes to surface waters, pursuant, to the permit renewal and modification application package received on December 23,. 2004; the amended permit modification application package received on September .23, 2005 and October .13, 2005; as well as the additional information received on October. 14,2005; November 8, 2005; and November 10, 2005, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications; and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by 'the .Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, .2010; shall void. Permit No. WQQ001863, issued on December 28, 1999 and subsequently corrected on February.12, 2001 and November 8, 2002; and shallbe subject to the following specified conditions and limitations. I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The residuals land application program shall be effectively maintained -and operated as a non - discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils of the land application sites fail to assimilate the residuals adequately and maybe rescinded unless the land application sites are maintained and operated in a manner that will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and groundwater. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface waters or groundwater resulting from the operation of this residuals land application program. 4. In the event that the residuals land application program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease land applying residuals to the site, contact the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division of Water Quality's (Division) regional office, and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division. 5. No residuals other than those generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this pennit.shall be approved for land application in accordance with this permit. 6. The pollutant concentrations in any residuals that. are land applied'to any land application site shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations. (U., dry weight.basis)! Parameter Ceiling. Concentration (milligrains per kilo ram Arsenic 775 Cadmium 85 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 7. When residuals are land applied -under the conditions of this permit, the Class A pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part' 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions .in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one .of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Fart 503.33 shall be met. Additionally, an evaluation shall be performed that demonstrates the residuals' ability to comply -with this requirement. Upon request, a copy of this evaluation, including all test results and calculations, shall be submitted. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A shall not be required to comply with the specified pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. B. Only the land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit are approved for residuals land application. 9. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landowners and lessees or operators of any land application sites listed in the most recently - certified Attachment B of this permit not owned by the Permittee are in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and shall be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. 2 10. The appropriate local governmental official (i.e., county manager, city manager, etc.) shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event to any new land application site. In addition, the appropriate county manager's office shall be notified prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new site so that they will be aware that residuals land application -activities have commenced on the site. 11. The Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional office shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new land application site. Such notification to the Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor shall be made during normal office hours (i.e.,. from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.) between Monday and Friday, but excluding State Holidays. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at http://h' II.. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RE 1:,. The facilities and land application sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. Upon classificatiori of the residuals land application program by. the Water Pollution Control System Operators C.ertificatiori Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the program. The operator shall Fold a certificate of the -type classification assigned to the program by the )ATCSOCC. The Permittee shall also designate a certified back-up operator of the appropriate . type to comply with the conditions of 15ANCAC-8G .0202. 3. No residuals shall be stored -at any land application site at any time, unless written approval. has first been requested and obtained from the Division. .4. A copy of this permit shall be maintained in all manned equipment at the land application sites when residuals are being land applied during the life of this permit. A spill prevention and control plan shall -be all residuals transport and application vehicles. 5. When land applying residuals to any land. application site, the following buffer zones shall be maintained at all times: .a. 400 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application methods; however, .the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100. feet upon written consent of the .owner and approval from the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional office in Attachinent B of this permit; b: 200 feet -from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for subsurface application methods; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of I00 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional -office in Attachment B. of this permit; c. 100 feet from any public or private water supply source, waters classified as SA or SB, and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water for both methods; d. 100 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for surface application; e. 50 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for subsurface application; f. 50 feet from property lines for both surface and subsurface application methods; g. 50 feet from public right of ways for both surface and subsurface application methods; h. 10 feet from upslope interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both surface and subsurface application methods; and i. 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, groundwater drainage systems, and surface drainage ditches for both surface and subsurface application methods. Some of the buffers specified above -may not have been included in previous permits for this residuals land application program. However, any land application sites that are listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit, but were approved with different buffers shall be reflagged to comply with these buffers. 6. Maximum slope for land application of residuals shall be 10 percent for surface application methods and 18 percent for subsurface application methods. 7. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each land application site prior to and during a residuals land application event. 8. The metal Ioading rates on any land application site shall not exceed the following Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): Parameter CPLR (kilogranis per hectare(pounds CPLR pet acre Arsenic 41 36 Cadmium 39 34 Copper 11500 1,338 Lead 300 267 Mercury 17 1.5 Molybdenum n/a n/a Nickel 420 37.4 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 2,80.0 2.498 :7�d 9. An acceptable pH shall be maintained in the soil, residuals; and lime mixture, greater than 6.0, on all land application sites onto which residuals are land applied to ensure optimum yield for the crops specified in Condition H. 13. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. 4 10. Should any of the residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit contain a high salt content (i.e., high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of five or higher), the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) or other method as approved by the Division, using the results from the annual soils analysis as required by this permit, shall be monitored on all of the land application sites. The local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina -licensed Soil Scientist, or other agronomist shall review the. results and make recommendations regarding soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.) or other ameliorative mechanism for maintaining the integrity of the site in terms of suitability for land application of residuals and maintaining conditions conducive to crop growth. The Perminde shall implement such recommendations accordingly and shall maintain written records of each monitoring event that includes details of the sites covered and rate of soil amendment application. 11. Prior to land applying residuals to any land application site that has previously received or is intended to receive: animal waste (e.g., poultry litter, etc.) or other source of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, etc.) in the future, the Permittee shall obtain information pertaining to the volume and analysis of the applied waste/nutrients from the landowner and/or lesseelopeiator of the site. The Permittee shall be responsible for verifying the volume of residuals that may be land applied to the site such that the plant available nitrogen (PAN) loading rate for the specified crop (i&., see Condition II. 13.) shall not be exceeded by all of the sources of PAN applied. Should the maximum PAN loading rate be met or exceeded, then no additional residuals shall be land applied to the site. 12. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in Condition. II. 13., shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are land applied in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the 'Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist and as approved by the Division. 13. Residuals and other sources of PAN shall be land applied to all land application sites at agronomic rates in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. Under no circumstances shall the following PAN loading rates land applied to any site exceed the following for the specified crops: PAN PAN Crop (pounds per Crop (pounds per acre er year) acre per year) Alfalfa 200 Forest (Hardwood or Softwood) 75 Bermuda Grass 220 Milo 100 (Hay or Pasture) Blue Grass B 120 Small Grain Wheat, B.arle , or Oats 100 Corn 160 Sorghum or Sudex 180 (Grain) (Pasture) Corn 200 Sorghum or Sudex 220 (Silage) (Silage) Cotton 70 Soybeans. 200 Fescue 250 Timothy, Orchard, or 200 Rye Grasses The Permittee shall apply for and receive a modification of this. permit before land applying residuals on -any land application site that is to be established in a crop other than. those listed above. A maximum PAN loading rate for the desired crop shall be approved with the permit modification. If the land application sites are to be overseeded (e.g., berinuda grass in the summer and rye Wass in the winter with BOTH crops to receive residuals),. then the second crop shall receive. an application of PAN at a rate of no greater than 50-pound8 .per acre per year. This.practice shall be allowed as long as the. second crop is to be harvested. If the second crop .is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no residuals shall be land applied to these sites because the?AN will essentially be returned to the soil. Residuals shall not be. land applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 14. Animals shall not be gxazed on any land application site for 30 days after any residuals land application event. Sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each event. 15. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops that do not come in contact with the residuals shall not be harvested for 30 days after any residuals land application event. 16. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residuallsoil mixture and are totally above the land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers; squash, etc.) shall not be harvested for 14 months after any residuals land application event. 6 17. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land (i.e., root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for 20 months after any residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior 'to incorporation into the soil. 18. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months. after any residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 19. Turf shall not be harvested for one year after any residuals land application event. 20. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into any surface waters. 21. Adequate procedures shall be provided to 'prevent surface runoff from carrying any land applied or stored residuals into any surface waters. 22. Surface -applied residuals shall be plowed or disced within 24 hours after land application on. land application sites with no cover crop established. 23. For land application sites that are .prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, residuals shall be land applied only during periods of dry weather. The residuals shall be incorporated into. the soil within 24'hours after land application. 24. Residuals shall not be land applied during inclement` weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of .0.54nch or -greater in 24 hours. Any emergency residuals land application measures shall first be approved in writing by the Division. 25. Residuals shall not be land applied to any land application site that is flooded, frozen, or snow-covered. 26: Appropriate measures shall be taken to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residuals land application event. Such controls may include the. posting- of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. III. MONITORING AND REPORTII�'G.REOUIREM NTS 1. Any monitoring (i.e., including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure protection of the environment shall :be established, and an acceptable sampling and repotting scliedule.shall be followed. 2. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most -recently - certified Attachment A of this permit shall be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non- hazardous under -the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). A corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity analysis as well as a Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated 'by each residuals source - generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analyses shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit, the analyses shall be required. for each residuals land application event. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) 1,4 Dichlorobenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Barium (100:0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) . Benzene (0.5) 1,1DMchloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2;4Dinitrotoluene. (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Endrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) Chlordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chloroben2ene (100.0) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5=Trichlorophenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0.) 2,4,6-Trichlorophen0l (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p'Cresol (200.0) Mercury'(0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxychlor (10.0) 2,4-D (10.0) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) After the residuals have been monitored as specified above for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to request a reduction of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per permit cycle. 3. An analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this pen -nit. The analysis shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. if residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, an analysis shall be required for each residuals land application event. The analysis shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following parameters: Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Arsenic Cadmium Calcium Copper Lead Magnesium Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate -Nit rite Nitrogen Percent Total Solids pH Phosphorus Potassium Selenium Sodium Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Zinc Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) After the residuals generated by a particular residuals .source -generating facility have been monitored for two years at the.frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit,. the-Permittee>.may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to reduce the frequency .of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however., shall the frequency of this monitoring be less than once .per year when a residuals land application event of :residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facility occurs during that year. 4. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit shall be monitored for compliance with Condition 1. 7. The monitoring shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and data to verify pathogen and vector attraction reduction of the residuals shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The required data shall be specific to the stabilization process utilized, but also shall be sufficient -to demonstrate clear compliance with the Class A pathogen reduction requirements in 40. CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen reduction requirements and site restrictions in 40. CFR Part -503.32(b) as well as. one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification statements concerning compliance with pathogen reduction requirements, vector attraction .reduction requirements, practices shall be completed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit by the proper authority or authorities, if more than one is involved (i.e., either the person who prepares the residuals, the person who derives the material, or the person who applies the residuals). Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt. from Condition 1. 7. in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. 5. Laboratory analyses as required by Condition III. 2., Condition Ill. 3., and Condition Ill. 4. shall be performed/gathered on the residuals as they are to be land applied. Furthermore, analytical determinations made pursuant to the monitoring and reporting requirements of this permit.shall be made by a laboratory certified by the Division for the required parameter(s) under 15A NCAC 2H .0800 or 15A NCAC 2H .1100. 6. Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all residuals land application events. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number); d. Method of land application; e. Weather conditions (i.e., sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.); f. Soil conditions (i.e., dry,.wet, frozen, etc.); g. Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; h. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, dry tons per acre, or kilograms per hectare; i. Volume of animal Waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); j. Volume of soil amendments (i.e., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons .per acre, dry ton per acre; or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); and k Annual and cumulative totals of dry- tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (i.e., if applicable), annual -and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal. (i.e., shall include, but shall not be limited to, arsenic; cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, . and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. 7. A representative annual soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each land application site on which a residuals land application event in the respective calendar year has occuired or is to occur, -and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The .Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include; but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Acidity Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (by calculation) Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Cation Exchange Capacity Manganese Potassium Copper Percent Humic Matter Sodium Base Saturation (by calculation) pH Zinc Three copies of all required monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in Condition III. I., Condition III. 2., Condition III.3., Condition III. 4., Condition III, 5., Condition III, 6., and Condition HI.7. shall be submitted annually on or before March 1 st of the year following the residuals land application event to the following address:. NCDENR DWQ Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 10 9. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Aquifer Protection Section of the Division's Mooresville Regional Office at telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a, Any occurrence with the residuals land application program that results in the land application of significant amounts of residuals that are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the residuals land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. c. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the residuals land application program has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the program system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the residuals land application program incapable -of adequate residuals treatment. e. :Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. Occurrences outside of normal business hours (i.e., from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays, except State Holidays) may also. be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at one of the following telephone numbers (900) 662-7956, (800) 858- 0368, or (919) 733-3300.. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REOUIRENIENTS 1. Land Application Site Requirements: a. Each land 'application site identified with a GW-A in the most recently -certified Attachment B. of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table greater than three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application .events may occur on these sites throughout the year. b. Each land application site identified with a GW B in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table between one and three feet below the land surface. • Residual land application events on these sites shall be prohibited from December through March, inclusive. No residuals shall be land applied to these sites when the vertical separation between the depth of residuals land application and the water table is less than three feet. The actual water table depth for seasonally -restricted soils shall be verified by soil borings within 24 hours prior to any residuals land application event that occurs from April through November; inclusive. The number of borings advanced shall be sufficient to characterize water table conditions across the land application site adequately. Any open borings shall be properly filled with native soil, prior to the residuals land application event, to decrease the chance of any residuals contaminating the groundwater.. 11 2. Applicable Boundary Requirements: a. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for residuals Iand application programs is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L (i.e., "Groundwater Classifications and Standards"). The Compliance Boundary for each land application site is established at either 250 feet from the residuals land application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residuals land application. area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action according to 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(2). b. The REVIEW BOUNDARY shall be established around each land application site midway between the. Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals land application area. Any exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at the Review Boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(1). 3. Additional Requirements: a. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. V. INSPECTIONS 1. Prior to each residuals land application event, the Pennittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport, and application facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release. -of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date. and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective.actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Petrniftee for a period of five years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division or other permitting authority, upon request. 2. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property., premises, or place on or related to the land application sites or facilities at any reasonable -time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit shall become voidable unless the residuals land application events are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the supporting materials, and in the manner approved by the Division. 2. This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the application and other supporting data. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this 'permit may subject the Permttee to an enforcement action by the Division in: accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-215.6A through §143-21.5.6C. 12 4. The annual administering and compliance fee shall be paid by the Permittee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. ,Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit, as specified by 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). 5. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other .government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 213 .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCG010000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 2B .0200 and 15A NCAC .0500. 6. This permit may be modified, revoked, and/or reissued to -incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division deems necessary in order to protect the environment and public health adequately. 7. The Permittee, at least -six months 'prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Division shall review the adequacy of the facilities and residuals land application program described therein, and if warranted,. shall extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. 8. This permit .shall not be automatically transferable. In the event that there is a desire for the residuals land application program tb change ownership or to change the name of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division documentation from the parties involved and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. Permit issued this the sixtlXday of December, 2005. NORTH CAROWA ENVIYOW. ENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION or Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0001863 13 A3 t`ACHMlINT.A-AnnrovedResidualsSmiece=GcmeTatineFacilities PennitNa. ll'Q0001863 Clty ofdfornrt XoUy C(6i of Alarrnt !lolly Residuals Land Application Program Owner Facility Name County PermitNumbcr Issued By Is5037 Maximum DryTons Per Year Monitoring Frequency far Condition Ol, 2. Monitoring Frequency for Condition ]il. 3. and Conditinn.fll. 4. Approved 111ineratizution Rate city urMounllially Mount HollyWTP Gaston 01-36-020 DBH non503 130.00 Annually Annually' 0.40 City dfMount Holly Mount Bolly WWTP ualiiationBasin onlp a Gaston NCO02I156 DWQ SM 280.OD Annual! Annually 0.40 City, of Mount Holly Mount Holly WWTP Gaston NC0021156 DWQ 503 500.00 Annually 4X year 0.30 Total 910.00 Provided that the residuals generated from this residuals source -generating facility are not mixed with anyother residuals authorized by this permit this facility slinll be exempt front complying with the performance standards stipulated in Condition 1. 7. as well as the monitoring and roporibig requirements stipulated in Condition ill. 4. The Division understands that the equalization basin is cleaned once every Live to seven years. The entire 280.00 dry Was per year of -residuals that accumulate in tlie'basin (i.e.. 56.00 dry tons per year during a five-year permit cycle) may be removed and land applied during a single calendar year. with no subsequent land application events during rite remainder of the permit cycle. Residual sample(s) and verification of compliance with the pathogen reduction and vector attraction requirements of Ott residuals shall be takentilerfamted separately from those taken fodperfonned on Die residuals generated by the aetivated.studge process in the year(s) that land application occurs. The Pemriuce shall'take care to take represedlntive sample(s) of the accumulated residuals to account farany, variability in location and deptit within the basin. ` Prior to land applying any residuals from this residuals source -generating facility, the Peirnittee shall conduct corrosivity,ignitability, and reactivity, analyses of Ote residuals. No residuals front this facility shall be land applied until the analytical results are provided to -and acknowledged in writing by the Division. Two copies of the.analytical results shall be sent to the NCD.BNR-DWQ, Aquifer Protection Section, Land Application Unit, do LAU Residuals Program Coordinator,1636 Mail 'Service, Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. PemtitNo. WQ0601863 Page I -of 1 Certification Datc: December 6, 2005 USGS Mount Holly and Mountain Island Lake North Carolina 75 Minute Topographic Quadrangle SCALE V = 2000' City of Mout Holly Site CHECKED BY: Land Application Program Vicinity DRAWN BY-.' RTB BRANCH Mount Holly %VTP Map RESIDUALS wo rst NIL 2003 39 DA1Es Juo-04 a SOILS, LLC n 1, USGS Mount Holly North Carolina 7,5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle SCAM, V-2000' City ofMoutHolly Site CHECrM BY: ap Land Application Program Viciigity DBt1WNBY- RTB BRANCH Mount Holly VVWTP and Equalization Basins D'lap E J*SOSOILS, ESIDUALS DAProiEet Na 39un-04 LLC 2003 ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Permit No. WQ0001863 City of HOulu Holly City of Mount Yolly Residuals Land Application Program Site/Field ID Landowner LesseelOperator County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Applicable Restriction in Condition IV. 1. MH 01-06 Springs, III, Thomas W. Gaston 3597'51" 81001'52" 14.30 GW-A MH O1-09 Springs; TIT. Thomas W. Gaston 3501738" 8.1°01'06' 13.50 GW-A MH 01-10 Springs. III, Thomas W. Gaston 35017'45" 81°01133" 17.50 GW-A MH O1-14 S rip s, III, Thomas W. Gaston 35°1741" 81001'43" 9.70 GW-A MH 02-01' Killian, Sr. Charles M. Gaston 35023'58" 81002'57'` 33.30 GW-A MH 02-02 Killian Sr, Charles M. Gaston 35024'03" 81003106" 30.10 GW-A MH.02-04 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35°Z4'12" 81°.02'38" 12.30 GW-A MH 02-05 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'09" 81`02'2T' 16.70 OW -A MH 02-06 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 3502,01" 81°02'29" 15.20 GW-A Total for unty Gaston 162.60 MH 06-02 Jones.,7bny Lincoln 35024'39" W0215" 8.20 GW-A MM06-04 Jones, Tony Lincoln 35'24'30" 81002105" 44.60 GW-A Total or Cotinty Lincoln 52.80 Total 215.40 ' Within 30 calendar days of the issuance of this permit, the Permittee shall submit updated cumulative pollutant loading rates (CPLRs) for this land application site, as was required by the permit renewal application forms. Mail two copies of the updated CPLR information or a statement that certifies that the site has never been used to the NCDENR-DWQ, Aquifer Protection Section, Land Application Unit, LAU Residuals Program Coordinator, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. Permit No. WQ0001863 Page 1 of I Certification Date: December 6, 2005 a kz, MY fig. NAW' WA4 W_WM"W_ own 14 M MUM 5--va mA um P ias"dWM.K .V "A p 1, k W_" Rogow 1 Mot, q 1" W", K, fO� rz� A VIAMM w• ,,;A. va rysm -IV4' Nmof NollN.LOEM , , .ZO P _W 0z , U." 'A ED 11N ba V W"t id N"Z15AW -A, Aq Q. -tt� jr I Ml�l 7s.{ 4L tK . dA_ r4l; R.-it iWAT fq U4 J,4. "" �,Qz Q too?, MW -s—KOW&M AO" till tW40. 11W BRANCH IIESICDXTAJLS AL SOILS, LLC % 'I x V .4, f, A ...... T f al •;A I rlro� . f . . . . . . . . . . SCALE V=2milts City of Mont HOHY Sife CHEMD BY. Land Application Program Vicinity DRAWN BY: RT.B CharlesKillian Farm [ c)A it AA 02) Map RESIDUALS DATE Jua-04 S1 SOOTS, LLC ProjMNa 200339 m 504' W w •[f (r� �•��<� °!. �eq ��,si.7 fIrr�''�"s1-'P t� ;a cl .r �r4 etc �k+ F'N •�%'6 t`[ t1 ,qr ; t y . •.•.nt. t":�'4P✓F'�•i^�.� �f�`..4 ._ t t �_.<.�,.: t -�1. �.k+•iSl'C•