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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001863_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (6)1 is J U N 1 1 2014 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources., Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III 1 Governor r,:_,,,7 Secretary QUALITY June 9, 2014 Mr. James Friday — Utility Director City of Mount Holly 400 East Central Avenue OFFICE Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 Subject: Permit No. WQ0001863 Correction City of Mount Holly 503 Residuals Land Application Program Gaston County Dear Mr. Friday: It has been brought to our attention that the first page of Permit WQ0001863, issued on September 23, 2011 to the City of Mount Holly, contains an error. The following correction has been made to the first page: The date of permit expiration has been changed from November 30, 2015 to November 30, 2014. Please replace the first page of existing Permit No. WQ0001863, issued September 23, 2011, with the corrected first page, attached herewith. If you need additional information concerning this permit correction, please contact David Goodrich at (919) 807-6352 or at Sincerely, zorhoma Reeder, Director Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Enclosure cc: Gaston County Health Department �M� _ ooresville: Regional -_Office Water-Quality,.Regional.Operations Section Permit File WQ0001863 _ _ - Notebook File WQ0001863 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North.Carolina 27699-1636 Phone: 919-707-86001 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — Made in part by recycled paper NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH LAND APPLICATION OF CLASS. B RESIDUAL SOLIDS PERMIT (NON -DEDICATED) In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO The City of Mount Holly Gaston County FOR THE continued operation of a residuals management program for the City of Mount Holly and consisting of the land application of Class B residuals generated by the approved facilities listed in Attachment A to the approved sites listed in Attachment B with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the application received August 4, 2011, and in conformity with other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. The use and disposal of residuals are regulated under Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 503. This permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with the federal regulations. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, 2014, shall void Permit No. WQ0001863 issued December, 2005 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. SCHEDULES 1. At the time of permit issuance, Field NC-LT-43-04 had been recently cleared. The Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified via email or telephone, (704) 663-1699, at least 48 hours prior to conducting initial land application on .this field so that staff can verify that a cover crop has been established. 2. No later than six months prior to the expiration of this permit, the Permittee shall request renewal of this permit on official Division forms. Upon receipt of the request, the Division will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will renew the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Please note Rule 15A NCAC 02T .0105(d) requires an updated site map to be submitted with the permit renewal application. 3. The permittee shall be in full compliance with the regional office notification requirements established in Condition III.3. within 90 days of permit issuance. 4. The permittee shall be in full compliance with the signage requirements established in Condition II1.13. within 180 days of permit issuance. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 1 of 12 II. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The subject residuals management program shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so there is no discharge to surface waters, nor any contravention of groundwater or surface water standards. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions due to improper operation and maintenance, the Permittee shall immediately cease land applying residuals to the site contact the Mooresville regional office's Aquifer Protection Section supervisor, and take any immediate corrective actions necessary. 2. This permit shall -not relieve the Permittee of their responsibility for damages to groundwater or surface water resulting from the operation of this residuals management program. 3. Only residuals generated by the facilities listed in Attachment A are approved for land application in accordance with this permit. 4. Only the sites listed in Attachment B are approved for residuals land application. 5. Pollutant concentrations in residuals applied to land application sites listed in Attachment B shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (i.e., dry weight basis) or Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): Parameter Ceiling Concentration (milligrams per kilogram) CPLR (pounds per acre) Arsenic 75 36 Cadmium 85 34 Copper 4,300 1,338 Lead 840 267 Mercury 57 15 Molybdenum 75 n/a Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 7,500 2,498 The Permittee shall determine compliance with the CPLRs using one of the following methods: a. By calculating the existing cumulative level of pollutants using actual analytical data from all historical land application events of residuals, or b. For land where residuals application have not occurred or for which the required data is incomplete, by determining background concentrations through representative soil sampling. 6. Residuals that are land. applied shall meet Class B pathogen reduction requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 (a) and (c). Exceptions to this requirement shall be specified in Attachment A. 7. Biological residuals (i.e. residuals generated during the treatment of domestic or animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater, and as identified in Attachment A) that are land applied shall meet one of the vector attraction reduction alternatives in 15A NCAC 02T .1107(a). Exceptions to this requirement shall be specified in Attachment A. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 2 of 12 Am4 JA� NCDENit North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Governor Mr. James Friday — Utility Director City of Mt. Holly 400 East Central Avenue Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 Thomas A. Reeder Director December 31, 2013 Natural Resources John E. Skvarla, III Secretary JAI 0 9 2,114 Subject: Attachment B Certification Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly 503 Residuals Land Application Program Gaston County: Dear Mr. Friday: d+;�ripv�f In' accordance with a permit modification request received, 4i *t,P T^ - r'-lam on October 21, 2013, and subsequent additional information received December 23, 2013, we are forwarding herewith a modified Attachment B, certified December 31, 2013, to the City of Mt. Holly for the subject residuals land application program. This certification is being issued to modify Attachment B by modifying Site NC-LT-46-2 from 44.6 acres to 45.2 acres; by modifying Site NC-LT-46-4 from 8.2 acres to 19.4 acres; and by adding new land application sites NC-LT-46-01 (11.8 acres), NC-LT-46-03 (9.9 acres), NC-LT-46-05 (7.9 acres), NC-LT-46-06 (5.4 acres), NC-LT-46-07 (7.0 acres), and NC-LT-46-08 (6.6 acres). New Site NC-LT-46- 08 is composed of a portion of Site NC-GA-42-05, which was removed from the permit by way of the Attachment B (modified) certification issued on July 26, 2013. All of these changes -together result in an increase of 60.4 acres, changing the total acreage from 247.8 acres to 308.2 acres. Please replace the existing Attachment B of Permit No. WQ0001863 that was previously certified on July 26, 2013, with this modified Attachment B, and attach accompanying Figures 1 through 5. Note that it is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that a complete permit is created by inserting this modified Attachment B and the accompanying five Figures into Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on September 23, 2011. This modified Attachment B shall be effective from the date of certification; shall void Attachment B of Permit No_ WQ0001863 that was previously certified on July 26, 2013; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein and well as those specified in the above - referenced permit. If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this certification or modified Attachment B are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of the certification. This request shall be in the form of a written WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6464 t FAX: 919-807-6496 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Mr. James Friday December 31, 2013 Page 2 petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact David Goodrich by telephone at (919) 807-6352 or via e-mail at Sincerely, ior Thomas A. Reeder cc: Gaston County Health Department Permit File WQ0001863 Notebook File WQ0001863 ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites City of Mt. Holly Certification Date: December 31, 2013 Permit Number: WQ0001863 Version: 2.3 Field/ Site Owner Lessee County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Dominant Soil Series Footnote NC-GA-41-01 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'45" 81001'55" 6.80 Madison NC-GA-41-06 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'51" 81001'52" 14.30 Cecil NC-GA-41-09 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 3501739" 81001'53" 13.50 Cecil NC-GA-41-10 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'48" 81001'37" 17.50 Cecil NC-GA-41-14 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'42" 81001'42" 9.70 Cecil NC-GA-44-01 George B. Allen Gaston 35023'59" 81019'48" 6.90 Wedowee NC-GA-44-02 R-Anell Housing Group George B. Allen Gaston 35023'52" 8101991" 18.90 Appling NC-GA-44-03 R-Anell Housing Group George B. Allen Gaston 35023'41" 81019'35" 37.50 Cecil NC-LT-43-01 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'30" 80059'50" 11.20 Cecil NC.-LT-43-02 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'35" 80059'46" 21.00 Cecil NC-LT-43-03 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'47" 80059'56" 11.00 Cecil NC-LT-43-04 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'36" 80059'41" 6.00 Pacolet NC-LT-46-01 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'32" 81002'27" 11.80 Cecil NC-LT-46-02 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'42" 81002'06" 45.20 Cecil NC-LT-46-03 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'22" 81002'5i" 9.90 Cecil NC-LT-46-04 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'29" 81002'07" 19.40 Cecil NC-LT-46-05 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'56" 81001'52" 7.90 Lloyd NC-LT-46-06 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'50" 81000'50" 5.40 Pacolet NC-LT-46-07 Tony Jones Lincoln 35026'35" 81000'29" 7.00 Pacolet NC-LT-46-08 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'21" 81002'28" 6.60 Cecil NC-MG-37-01 Dean Connell Mecklenburg 35017'50" .80059'22" 20.70 Cecil Total 308.20 Page lof 1 Topographic Ala :f — ' _ - � v •� ,�-- ; r t' � � ter ,\_., �=1 77 1. .. \,��. � \ ~'may •• ' I ` 1, � � . - � ± \ ��� -. \ �� � is � � -� `— •, � ' ----�\ l s 1 \• . V` '1 rV - Ij' 1 r,f .\ i � \ l.t�t � r� k .E?• ` l� F �{f^ 'l�\ 1.^,_ �_ yI 1� r� t���^ \,'` ' 1\ y...�1,('` tip. \�• - /r� Y -had.-. < W6 I •r+ f^ �^j •• `��: .4-_ ``�,\/ .�i � ram. J 1 0:• i \J -- -------- FIGURE 1 CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM LINCOLN COUNTY WQ0001863 LOCATION MAP FOR f�-1;4 /. ; ic3 - 1� .-.}i:. �_ 1 : i SITES NC-LT-46-01 THROUGH 46-08 Site: NC-L T —46 (all locations approximate) 1 inch = 9, 600 feet t Legend FIGURE 2 Stream Surface Water ApplicationArea 0 OnSiteHouse x - x - Fence ® OffSiteHouse PropertyLine = Outbuilding Site. NC-LT46; Fields 1, 3, 8 On Site Well SoilDescription Unsuitabie 0 23( CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM LINCOLN COUNTY WQ0001863 DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-LT-46-01, 46-03 & 46-OP P Appucarion Ared ivid �.+7d �yh f� 4Y J,r, (I(ti#.dt:'`'., _' Blxr=i;�:,skyFtf) 1 ii�r'"Y�`c�atvA ti.�fl �rf�&4',� `' ,+y� `3`��0.g Zlw d ?`,�i i �'k4�r [J�',.(/r�-4S c'.r��i a��>•, ��� `G'si�f3��;i�gae>)A pt1 .� k�+MJ,� J ''*`'',. '4SF ?1 t??K+va J:� Ejr Y 3 '3' i j� P ,11 ft'T.e '.�m.t�'�fi..ref'1f''xi- �> ti:�. .t� sk+' JSs'�T �gY "r -, V' �-tu4�'; tr� •act t v���'>�.5 0'' aTq 6 "~+fir �tr*;+�+' s1' �r' vs+: �-a'ra tFi�� E stF 'Si x�rS� �a ' `A {,r e` :. ptZ,,tFr"' t"wJ`'Y, a4ixif{11y� - ?C rr r'i•' ..c xy r ?i ii� tF: r1.. r2 N; �i „ ,h'i t.l 1 e(' Y° 9 i >• 4... "tir[t '"it .Fart .p;x S d ��.5{�4.'e 'r- �' T�� ( ! �3.'v, 'trey -.1 r ! ! d ..4 �'` ^f*`',}I✓^r F` t h i � t t � L� T Y � 1^ r v�i.. t r r Tl � 1`Y t i1 r` fi T'�l i�Y�(��r Legend FIGURE 3 Stream ApplicationArea � On Site Well The c CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY eithe LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SurfaceWater [� OnSiteHouse SoilDescription w1ec1 LINCOLN COUNTY x — x - Fence ® OffSiteHouse The J Unsuitable WQ0001863 PropertyLine u Outbuilding hefty: perir� DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-LT-46-02, 46-04 &_ 46-05 Site: NC -LT 46; Fields 2, 4-5 ° . 2� ,:` . R_. _ 4 r P Legrend - - - Stream ApplicationArea SurfaceWater El OnSiteHouse x — x - Fence OffSiteHouse PropertyLine Outbuilding Site: NC-LT--469 Field 6 OnSiteWell O SoilDescription Unsuitable CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM LINCOLN COUNTY WQ0001R63 DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-LT-46-06 Feet n FENNUMIRWEPPM ,. .� Legend Drain ApplicationArea Stream OnSiteHouse SurfaceWater F OffSiteHouse x — x - Fence Outbuilding L° J PropertyLine "Q, OnSiteWell Site: NC-LT@46; Field 7 SoilDescri tion 9 inch = 660 feet p (all locations approximate) ® Unsuitable The compliance boundary is established at eith— irn f—i frnn, 11— .n i,4,. ,I, a FIGURE 5 w T CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY b LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM p LINCOLN COUNTY 0 230 WQ0001863 DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-LT-46-07 284 Boger Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: 877.267.2687 Fax: 336.998 .8450 December 20, 2013 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Water Resources, Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 I.3 D EC 2 3 2013 ;sources _ �r t�G Lrtf�if? tIR© Re: Land Application of Residuals Program Permit Modification City of Mount Holly - Permit #WQ0001863 Dear Ms. Schutte: On behalf of the City of Mt Holly, Synagro Central, LLC is submitting this response to a request for additional information regarding our application for modification of the referenced permit. The request for additional information was in an email sent by David Goodrich today (a "hard copy" of that email follows this page). As requested, I have enclosed revised form RLAP, form LASC, and the site summary. Additionally, I have enclosed revised application area maps for the affected fields. I have not enclosed revised topographic and soil maps, as the acreage change only amounted to a total of 1.6 acres. The revisions on the soil and topographic maps are too insignificant (at the scale used) to justify printing new copies. However, if you deem it necessary, let me know and I will supply revised copies. Regarding the access issues listed, these are operational issues that will be worked through by the landowner and/or Synagro. I do concur that it should be documented that there are issues with some of the fields. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at (336)971-9085 or via e-mail at 7Si cerel , ric Thompson Soil Scientist/Technical.Services Specialist Thompson, Eric rom: Goodrich, David <> went: Friday, December 20, 2013 07:46 To: Thompson, Eric Cc: Schutte, Maria Subject: Additional Information Requested for the City of Mt. Holly Land Application Permit WQ0001863 Attachments: WQ0001863 Mount Holly Permit Modification. Mr. Thompson, A recent field visit was performed by our Regional Office, and we are requesting additional information regarding some of the application areas. Please furnish us with site detail maps which include the following buffers, and make any resulting adjustments in acreage to the RLAP Form, the LASC Form, and the Site Summary Sheet before January 21, 2014. NC-LT-46-07 — a buffer is needed for a ditch, on the West side of the property, that turns North and leads to stream. Field NC-LT-46-02 —There are off -property Log Cabin/Homes that need a buffer. There is also an on -site depression/eroded area that could funnel residuals into buffers and drop-off at a wooded area —this could also be a hazard for LA vehicles — unless the farmer can repair or grade this area. Homes and this depression are located at the North side of field 2 and the buffer for the homes may encompass the depressed area. The areas affected may be large nough to alter the acreage of this field. Fields NC-LT-46-02 & NC-LT-46-01— There is a well House across road on property that is still owned by the farmer, located west of Field 2 and North of Field 1. The required buffer is unlikely to change the acreage of these fields. There are also some potential access issues to address with the land owner —for fields 5 (overgrown) and 7 (treacherous access across stream). If any of these changes are not needed, please explain the situation in your response. Thank you. Regards, David Goodrich Division of Water Resources III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Residuals Processing Facility's physical address: 201 Broom Street City: Mt Holly State: NC Zip: 28120 Coordinates: Latitude: 35' 17' 37" Longitude: 810 00' 28" Datum: NAD 83 Level of accuracy: Second Method of measurement: MAP 2. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: Gaston 3. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: Designation Name Affiliation Certification Number ORC Ralph Douglas City of Mount Holly LA14746 Back -Up ORC Mike Moretz City of Mount Holly LA989274 Additional Back -Up ORCs (if applicable) —�— -- If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test: 7_7 4. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available NitrojZen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 910 dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year 41.75 52.50 37,993 47,776 Five -Year Maximum Adjusted 61.26 72.01 55,746 65,528 b. Land Application Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation 0 Row Crops 0 Hay 143.9 i Pasture 255.2 Total: 399.1 Methods Surface 399.1 Incorporation or Injection 0�' Total: 399.1 FORM: RLAP 08-11 Page 2 of 5 LAND APPLICATION SITE CERTIFICATION Applicant's name: City of Mount Holly Land application sites currently certified: 355.4 net acres and Total to be certified: 399.1 net acres. I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B): Status Code Site/Field ID Landowners O Lessees or Operator(s) O Net Acres County �' Crop(s) s PO Predominant Soil Series Name b Mapping Unit or Rep. Slope` N NC-LT-46-01 Tony Jones same 11.8 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 M NC-LT-46-02 Tony Jones same 45.2 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 N NC-LT-46-03 Tony Jones same 9.9 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 M NC-LT-46-04 Tony Jones same 19.4 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 N NC-LT-46-05 Tony Jones same 7.9 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Lloyd LdC2 N NC-LT-46-06 Tony Jones same 5.4 Lincoln Fescue(hay) Pacolet PeB2 N NC-LT-46-07 Tony Jones same 7.0 Lincoln Fescue(hay) Pacolet PeB2 M NC-LT-46-08 Tony Jones same 6.6 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 a Status Code for land application sites are: ♦ N (New) ♦ R (Renewed) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ T (Transferred) ♦ D (Deleted) b Soil Series Name (i.e. Appling, Cecil, etc.) `Mapping Unit must be consistent with those used in the County Soil Survey (i.e. for a 2-8% slope Cecil in Anson County the mapping unit is CeB2) H. WATERBODY AND CLASSIFICATIONS INFORMATION (See Instruction C): Site/Field ID Latitude Longitude Location Datum Location Method Code Location Accuracy Waterbody Subbasin and Stream Index No. Current and Proposed Class NC-LT-46-01 350 24' 32" 810 02' 27" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-1-(1) C NC-LT-46-02 350 24' 42" 810 02' 06" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-(0.5) C NC-LT-46-03 350 24' 22" 810 02' 51" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-1-(1) C NC-LT-46-04 350 24' 29" 810 02' 07" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-(0.5) C NC-LT-46-05 350 24' 56" 810 OF 52" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-(0.5) C NC-LT-46-06 350 24' 50" 810 00' 50" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-(0.5) C NC-LT-46-07 350 26' 35" 810 00' 29" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-3 C NC-LT-46-08 350 24' 21" 810 02' 28" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-1-(1) C Note: Please keep the site information (I.) and waterbody information (II.) of the same field on the same page. FORM: LASC 08-11 Page 1 SITE SUMMARY City of Mount Holly W00001863 Site ID: NC-LT-46 Owner: Tony Jones Address: 1418 Nature Preserve Rd Denver, NC 28037 Phone: 704-483-1600 Operator: Same Lincoln Co. Estimated RYE -based Applicable Annual PAN Fields Acres Crop(s) (LB/AC/YR) Predominant Latitude/ Soil Series Longitude (map unit) (D M S) 1 11.8 Fescue ha 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 32 N 81 02 27 W 2 45.2 Fescue (pasture) 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 42 N 81 02 06 W 3 9.9 Fescue ha 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 22 N 81 02 51 W 4 19.4 Fescue (pasture) 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 29 N 81 02 07 W 5 7.9 Fescue ha 176 Lloyd LdC2 35 24 56 N 81 01 52 W 6 5.4 Fescue ha 188 Pacolet PeB2 35 24 50 N 81 00 50 W 7 7.0 Fescue ha 188 Pacolet PeB2 35 26 35 N 81 0029 W 8 6.6 Fescue ha 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 21 N 81 02 28 W TOTALS 113.2 Notes: Date: 12/20/13 The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. 1.r I Legend Stream ApplicationArea SurfaceWater ® OnSiteHouse x - x - Fence ■ OffSiteHouse PropertyLine 0 Outbuilding Site: NC-LT-46; Fields 1, 3, 8 1 inch = 660 feet (all locations approximate) On Site Well The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application O SoilDescription area or50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. ® Unsuitable The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. Feet 0 230 460 920 1,380 1,840 Legend 1 inch = 660 feet (all locations approximate) —— - Stream ApplicationArea % On Site Well The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application Surface Water 0 OnSiteHouse O SoilDescription area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. x — x - Fence ■ OffSiteHouse ® Unsuitable The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary and the PropertyLine Outbuilding perimeter of the residuals application area. Feet Site: NC-LT-46; Fields 2, 4-5 0 230 460 920 1,380 1,840 LNE IX Legend — — Drain ApplicationArea - - - Stream ■ OnSiteHouse SurfaceWater ■ OffSiteHouse x - x - Fence Outbuilding Propertyt_ine % OnSiteWell Site: NC-LT-46; Field 7 1 inch = 660 feet O SoilDescription (all locations approximate) ® Unsuitable The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. Feet 0 230 460 920 1,380 1,840 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: November 8, 2013 To: ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS X Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Rick Bolich, RRO-APS From: David Goodrich, Land Application Unit Telephone: (919) 807-6352 E Mail: david. oodrich e,ncderingov ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Morella Sanchez King, WiRO-APS ❑ Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS Fax: (919) 807-6496 ';, i i € NOV 1 3 2013 A. Permit Number: WQ0001863 B. Owner: City of Mount Holly C. Facility/Operation: City of Mount Holly 503 Land Application Program ❑ Proposed X Existing X Facility D. Application: X Operation 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND)or5I Injection ❑ UIC - (5A7) open loop geothermal For Residuals: X Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal X 5-03 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New X Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: n I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Attached, you will find all infonnation submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: X Return a Completed APSARR Form. - Please comment ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: Date: FORM: APSARR 07/06 Page 1 of 1 Central Files: APS SWP 11/07/13 Permit Number WQ0001863 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type Non -discharge In review Major modification Permit Type Version Permit Classification Land Application of Residual Solids (503) D Individual Primary Reviewer Permit Contact Affiliation david.goodrich Eric Norman Thompson Coastal SW Rule 284 Boger Rd Mocksville NC 270287619 Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name Major/Minor Region City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Minor Mooresville Program Location Address County 201 Broom St Gaston Mount Holly NC 28120 Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Owner Name Owner Type City of Mount Holly Government - Municipal Owner Affiliation Danny Jackson City Manager PO Box 406 Dates/Events Mt Holly NC 28120 � m I Scheduled I Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 12/28/89 10/27/13 Regulated Activities Requested/Received Events Wastewater treatment and disposal RO staff report received Water treatment, surface water RO staff report requested Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin NCDENR North .Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs Pat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder Governor Director November 7, 2013 James Friday — Utilities Directory City of Mount Holly 400 East Central Avenue Mount Holly, NC 28120 Dear Mr. Friday: Resources John E. Skvarla, III Secretary Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Land Application of Residual Solids (503) System Gaston County The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting documentation received on October 21, 2013. Your application package has been assigned the number listed above, and the primary reviewer is David Goodrich. Central and Mooresville Regional Office staff will perform a detailed review of the provided application, and- may contact you with a request for additional information. To ensure maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division of Water Resources requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please note that processing standard review permit applications may take as long as 60 to 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, plQase contact David Goodrich at (919) 807-6�52 or i Sincerely, for Jon Risgaard Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Supervisor cc: N oc r ille'Wegi no al'(3f ride Eric Thompson — Synagro Central, LLC, 284 Boger Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 Marshall Puryear — Synagro Central, LLC, 284 Boger Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 Permit File WQ0001863 WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919.807-64641 FAX: 919-807-6496 Internet: http://i)ortal.nodenr.oralweb/wg An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer October 18, 2013 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section �C / 2.1 @ , Land Application Unit A�1!%'9r�j 1636 Mail Service Center ApOtOO-0- � Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 `s `� � Re: Land Application of Residuals Program Permit Modification City of Mount Molly - Permit #WQ0001863 Dear Mr. Risgaard: On behalf of the City of Mt Holly, Synagro Central, LLC is submitting this application for modification of the referenced permit. Listed below are the requested modifications to the existing permit: Vi 1. Delete NC-GA-42-05. A portion of this field (6.6 net acres) to be modified/renamed to site NC-LT-46 as field 8. (cumulative loadings enclosed). 2. Add field 1 to NC-LT-46 (11.8 net acres) 284 Boger Road 3. Modify field 2 of NC-LT-46 from 44.6 acres to 46.6 acres and field 4 from Mocksville, NC' 27028 8.2 acres to 19.4 acres. Total area for both fields is currently listed as 52.8 877. 267. 2687 acres. Our new maps indicate 66.0 acres. This amounts to an increase of 336.998.8450 20 percent (this acreage increase occurs due to the use of GIS with an improved mapping base). Field 4 increased a larger proportion due to a different field boundary between the two fields (new boundary is about 600 feet to the west of the current boundary). The current boundary is shown on the map in the wrong location. . 4. Add field 03 to NC-LT-46 (9.9 net acres) 5. Add field 05 to NC-LT-46 (7.9 net acres) 6. Add field 06 to NC-LT-46 5.4 net acres 7. Add field 07 to NC-LT-46 (7.2 net acres) p' Please note that no changes have occurred in the treatment, testing and monitoring, handling, land application methods, or any other aspect of residuals X9management. Refer to the table of contents for complete documentation of attachments. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel flee to contact me at (336)971-9085 or via e-mail at �E Sincerely, EBVEDfDENRI OCT 2 I zu., /KTho Epson Aquifer Protection Section Soil Scientist/Technical Services Specialist Cc: James Friday / City of Mt Holly Utilities Director Attachments 'I abRe of Contents Title ]residuals Land Application Program ]Form Site (Deletion Sheet Land Application Site Certification County Manager Notification Cover Letter County Manager Notification Attachment form Residuals Source Facility Summary Site Location Map Site Specific information Site Summary Sheet Landowner Agreement Vicinity, Topographic, Application Area, and Soil Maps Soils Evaluation (as required) Soil Scientist and Agronomist ]Deports Residuals Land Application Program Form OF W A7FR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources r Division of Water Quality RESEDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM FORM: RLAP 08-11 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: City of Mount Holl Applicant type: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporation ❑ General Partnership r] Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal _❑ State Municipal ❑, County Signature authority's name per 15A NCAC 02T .0106: James Friday Title: Utilities Director Applicant's mailing address: 400 East Central Avenue City: Mount Holly State: NC Zip: 2 8120-.. Telephone number: (704 827-3931 Email Address: C IVEQ'D fi 2. Consultant's name: Synag_ro Central, LLC License Number (for P.E.): i fii63f s'ld OCT 21 Affiliation: ❑ On Staff ❑ Retained (Firm: ) Consultant's mailing address: 284 Boger Road City: Mocksville State: NC Zip: 27028- Telephone number: (336)998-7150 Email Address: ethompsonna, 3. Agronomist's name: Marshall PuryearLicense Number. I Affiliation: ❑ N/A M On Staff ❑ Retained (Firm: ! ) Agronomist's mailing address: 284 Boger Rd City: Mocksville State: NC Zip: 27028= Telephone number: (434) 738-8002 Email Address: 4. Soil Scientist's name: Eric Thompson License Number: 1238 Affiliation: ❑ N/A ® On Staff ❑ Retained (Firm: �) Soil Scientist's mailing address: 284 Boger Road City: Mocksville State: NC Zip: 27028; Telephone number: (336) 971-9085 Email Address: 5. Fee submitted: $395.00 (See Instruction B) II. PERMIT INFORMATION: Aquifer protection Section 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, modified, renewed permit 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: Permit number: WQ0001863 Date of most -recently issued permit: September 23, 2011 Date of most -recently certified Attachment A (if different than the permit): September 23, 2011 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B (if different than the permit): September 23, 2011 FORM: RLAP 08-11 Page 1 of 5 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Residuals Processing Facility's physical address: 201 Broom Street City: Mt Holly State: NC Zip: 28120; Coordinates: Latitude: 35' 17' 37" Longitude: 810 00' 28" Datum: NAD 83 Level of accuracy: Second Method of measurement: MAP 2. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: Gaston 3. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: Designation Name Affiliation Certification Number ORC Ralph Douglas City of Mount Holly LA14746 Back -Up ORC Mike Moretz City of Mount Holly LA989274 Additional Back -Up ORCs (if applicable) ---- --- If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test: ! 4. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrogen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 910 dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year 41.75 52.50 37,993 47,776 Five -Year Maximum Adjusted 61.26 72.01 55,746 65,528 b. Land Application Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation 0 _ Row Crops 0 Hay 144.1 Pasture 256.6 Total: 400.7 Methods Surface 400.7 Incorporation or Injection 0 Total: 400.7 I FORM: RLAP 08-11 Page 2 of 5 c. Residuals Land Application Summary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Application Rate (lbs PAN/ac yr) Acres Required Using First -Fear PAN Concentrations Acres Required Using Five -Fear Maximum Adjusted PAN Concentrations Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection 50 759.9 955.5 1114.9 1310.6 100 379.9 477.8 557.5 655.3 150 253.3 318.5 371.6 436.9 200 190.0 238.9 278.7 327.6 6. If applicable, provide a plan and a schedule to resolve any known issues that would prevent land application of the proposed residuals due to the violation of NorthCarolina Administrative Code (e.g. not enough storage, not enough land, vector reduction practices not in place, etc.): i 7. Specify type of residuals program (See Instruction F): 0 Non -dedicated 0. Dedicated If Dedicated, specify the following (check all that apply): Residuals program contains_ any land application site(s) that receives residuals at rates or frequencies greater than agronomic rates, explain; 0 Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that is used primarily for residuals disposal, and agricultural crop production is of secondary importance, explain; I 'El Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that receives residuals through fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through a fixed supply system, explain; IV. RESIDUALS SOURCE INFORMATION: (Not required if no new, renewed, or modified residuals source) Complete and submit the following Residuals Source Certification and all associated documentation. I Residuals Source Certification V. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION: (Not required if no new, renewed, or modified land application site) Complete and submit the following Land Applications Site Certification and all associated documentation. = nw, Land Application Site Certification. doc FORM: RLAP 08-11 Page 3 of 5 Applicant's Certification (signing authority must be in compliance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106): ie applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without oper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 15A NCAC 02T .0105. ® Yes p No, Explain; I (Signature Authority's NafnE attest that this application for C i' — PLEASE PRINT) /(Facility Name) (Title) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Quality may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an inunediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Quality should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-215.6A and §143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine --t to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. r Signature: r!r _- Date: A1-1 HMO FORM: RLAP 08-11 Page 5 of 5 Site Deletion Sleet Sites/Fields Proposed for Deletion (October 2013) City of Mount HoViy - ResWuais Land Application program Permit # W00001863 Net Site I® Field(s) Landowner Lessee Acreage Gaston County NC-GA-42 5 Charles M. Killian (same) 16.70 TOTAL 16.70 CUMULATIVE METAL LOADINGS (LBS/ACRE) AS OF 10/2/2013 The Cumulative metals for this report come from LTD Period Table records (i.e. a Monthly Report has been produced and the loadings have been archived to History In cases where a trace metal lab result was Not Reported to Synagro or tracking of the metal loading was Not Required the loading on the report is displayed as "NR" Date Field ID Last Applied As Cd Cr Cu Pb Hq Mo Ni Se Zn NC-GA-00042-0-0005 10/2011 1.3658 0.1551 6.9203 22.9750 3.0841 0.1087 0.6201 15.1413 0.1626 63.2239 Page: 1 of 1 10/2/2013 Land Application Site Certification 1LA L ,,.b 'PLI CATffON SITE CERTIFICATION ION Applicant's name: City of Mount Holly Land application sites currently certified: 355.4 net acres and Total to be certified: 400.7 net acres. I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B): Status Code" Site/Field ID Landowners () Lessees or Operator(s) () Net Acres County tY s Crop(s) P() Predominant Soil b Series Name Mapping Unit or Rep. Slope` N NC-LT-46-01 Tony Jones same 11.8 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 M NC-LT-46-02 Tony Jones same 46.6 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 N NC-LT-46-03 Tony Jones same 9.9 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 M NC-LT-46-04 Tony Jones same 19.4 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 N NC-LT-46-05 Tony Jones same 7.9 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Lloyd LdC2 N NC-LT-46-06 Tony Jones same 5.4 Lincoln Fescue(hay) Pacolet PeB2 N NC-LT-46-07 Tony Jones same 7.2 Lincoln Fescue(hay) Pacolet PeB2 M NC-LT-46-08 Tony Jones same 6.6 Lincoln Fescue(pasture) Cecil CeB2 'Status Code for land application sites are: o N (New) o R (Renewed) c M (Modified) ® T (Transferred) o D (Deleted) b Soil Series Name (i.e. Appling, Cecil, etc.) 'Mapping Unit must be consistent with those used in the County Soil Survey (i.e. for a 2-8% slope Cecil in Anson County the mapping unit is CeB2) II. WATERBODY AND CLASSIFICATIONS INFORMATION (See Instruction C): Site/Field ID Latitude Longitude g Location Datum Location Method Code Location Accuracy Waterbody Subbasin and Stream Index No. Current and Proposed Class NC-LT-46-01 350 24' 32" 810 02' 27" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-1-(1) C NC-LT-46-02 350 24' 42" 810 02' 06" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-(0.5) C NC-LT-46-03 350 24' 22" 810 02' 51" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-1-(1) C NC-LT-46-04 350 24' 29" 810 02' 07" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-(0.5) C NC-LT-46-05 350 24' 56" 810 01' 52" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-(0.5) C NC-LT-46-06 350 24' 50" 810 00' 50" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-(0.5) C NC-LT-46-07 1350 26' 35" 810 00' 29" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-2-3 C NC-LT-46-08 350 24' 21" 810 02' 28" NAD 83 MAP Nearest Second (03-08-33) 11-119-1-(1) C Note: Please keep the site information (I.) and waterbody information (II.) of the same field on the same page. FORM: LASC 08-11 Page 1 County Manager Notification Cover Letter County Manager Notification Attachment form Residuals Source Facility Summary Site Location Map 284 Boger Road Moc6ille, NC 27028 Phone: 877. 267.2687 336.998.8450 October 2, 2013 W. Tracy Jackson Lincoln County Manager 115 West Main Street Lincolnton, NC 28902 ATTENTION: Mr. Jackson REFERENCE: MODIFICATION OF PERMIT NO. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly Land Application of Residual Solids Permit Dear Mr. Jackson: Synagro is submitting, on behalf of the City of Mount Holly, an application to the State of North Carolina's Department of Environment and Natural Resources to modify the City's residuals land application permit. Listed below are the requested modifications to the existing permit as they pertain to land application sites in your county: o Adding acreage to the site NC-LT-46 (45.3 net acres) This letter and state form (Form CMNA) are being sent to you in accordance with the riles and regulations mandated by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The enclosed form should contain all of the information that is necessary to inform you of the requested modification. However, if you require additional information or have further questions about the included information, please contact me immediately. My contact information is included below. Sincerely, J ri ho pion Soil Scientist/Technical Services Manager Synagro Central, LLC (336) 971-9085 Enclosures: CMNA form, Site Certification form, Residuals Source Summary, Watershed map Residuals Land Application Program Notification tee October 1, 2013 To: Name of County Manager: W. Tracy Jackson Complete mailing address : 115 West Main Street City: Lincohiton State: N.C. Zip: 28902 County where land application sites are located: Lincoln From: Applicant's name: City of Mount Holly Contact person and title: James Friday, Utilities Director Complete mailing address: 400 East Central Avenue City: Mount Holly Telephone number: (704) 827-3931 State: N.C. Zip: 28120 E-mail address: Subject: Notification of residual land application proposal This is to notify you that the Applicant listed above will be submitting an application to the Division of Water Quality for the land application of residual solids to sites located in your county. During this review, the Division will ensure that all federal and state regulations are enforced. Please forward this letter and its associated attachments to the appropriate Department within your County (i.e., Health or Environmental Health Department and Planning Department). More information of the land application sites included in this application will be available at the following ision of Water Quality Regional Office: Name of appropriate regional office: Mooresville Regional Office Complete mailing address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 City: Mooresville Telephone number: (704) 663-1699 State: NC Zip: 28115 E-mail address: Expected date of application submission: 10-15-2013 Should you desire to comment on this application, please do so no later than 30 calendar days following the expected application submission date. If you have any questions or comments about this notification, or if you would like more information, please contact the Aquifer Protection Supervisor of the appropriate regional office at the telephone number provided above. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Enclosures: Source Facility Summary Land Application Site Summary Maps FORM: CMN 08-11 Page 1 of 1 RESIDUALS SOURCE FACILITY SUMMARY Applicant's name: City of Mount Holly Status Code' Facility Permit Holder Facility Name County Permit Number Maximum Dry Tons Per Year Current n Proposed (N/A) City of Mount Holly Mt. Holly WTP Gaston 01-36-020 130 (no change) (N/A) City of Mount Holly Mt. Holly WWTP (Equalization Basin Only) Gaston NCO021156 280 (no change) (N/A) City of Mount Holly Mt. Holly WWTP Gaston NCO021156 500 (no change) a Status Code for source facility are: ♦ N (New) ♦ R (Renewed) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ D (Deleted) b The amount of residuals currently permitted for distribution, land application, or disposal (Le, not applicable to new facility). SUMMARY FOR FORM: RSC 08-11 Page 1 Steelman's Ace Hardware Inc 5431 US Highway 158 Advance, NC, 27006-6908 360064-B001 10/02/2013 02:22:18 PM --------------- Sales Receipt -------------- Product Sale Final Description Oty Price First -Class Parcel 1 $2.07 (Scheduled Delivery Day Friday 10/04) (LINCOLNTON, NC 28092) (Weight:O Lb 1.45 Oz) (@@Label #:) (9500 1214 4471 3275 0002 61) USPS Tracking 1 $0.90 Total $2.97 Credit Card $2.97 @@For tracking or inquiries go to or call 1-800-222-1811. Thank you! Bill#: 1-14447-1-1886290-2 Clerk: JENNIFER All sales final on stamps and postage. English Customer Service USPS Mobile i USPS. fod s Ick Tools Track Ship a Package Send Mail Enter up to 10 Tracking #: Find Find USPS Locations Buy Stamps Schedule a Picku , TM Calculate a Price Tracking Find a ZIP Codel" Hold Mail Change of Address I Tracking Number: 9500121444713275000261 Scheduled Delivery Day: October 4, 2013 I Product 01 Tracking Information Postal Product: Features: First -Class Mail® USPS Tracking- i Register / Sign In Search or Track Packages Manage Your Mail Shop Business Solutions Customer Service > Have questions? We're hereto help. DATE & TIM E STATUS OF ITEM LOCATION' October 3, 2013 ,10A0 Delivered LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 am October 3, 2013 , 9:21 am Sorting Complete LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 October 3, 2013 , 6:50 am Arrival at Post Office LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 October2, 2013 Depart USPS Sort GREENSBORO, NC 27498 Facility October 2, 2013 , 8:58 pm Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility GREENSBORO, NC 27498 October2, 2013, 2:21 pm Acceptance ADVANCE, NC 27006 i Track Another Package What's yourtracking (or receipt) number? I j Track It LEGAL ON USPS.COM Privacy Policy > Government Services > Terms of Use > Buy Stamps & Shop > FOIA > Print a Label with Postage > No FEAR Act EEO Data) Customer Service) Delivering Solutions to the Last Mile > Site Index > Copyrights) 2013 USPS. All Rights Reserved. ON ABOUT.USPS.COM About USPS Home > New Broom > USPS Service Alerts > Forms & Publications > Careers > Avail2ble Options Email Updates OTHER USPS SITES Business Customer Gateway > Postal inspectors > Inspector General > Postal Explorer > Site Specific Information Site Summary Sheet Landowner Agreement Vicinity, Topographic, Application Area, and Soil Maps Soils Evaluation (as required) SITE SUMMARY City of Mount Holly W00001863 Site ID: NC-LT-46 Owner: Tony Jones Address: 1418 Nature Preserve Rd Denver, NC 28037 Phone: 704-483-1600 Operator: Same Lincoln Co. Estimated RYE -based Applicable Annual PAN Maids Acres Cmn(sl (LBIACIYR) Predominant Latitude/ Soil Series Longitude (man unit) (D M S) 1 11.8 Fescue ha 209 Cecil (CeB2) 35 24 32 N 81 02 27 W 2 46.6 Fescue (pasture) 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 42 N 81 0206 W 3 9.9 Fescue ha 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 22 N 81 02 51 W 4 19.4 Fescue (pasture) 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 29 N 81 02 07 W 5 7.9 Fescue ha 176 Lloyd LdC2 35 24 56 N 81 01 52 W 6 5.4 Fescue ha 188 Pacolet PeB2 35 24 50 N 81 00 50 W 7 7 2 Fescue ha 188 Pacolet PeB2 35 26 35 N 81 0029 W 8 6.6 Fescue ha 209 Cecil CeB2 35 24 21 N 81 02 28 W TOTALS 114.8 Notes: Date: 10/08/13 The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. OV , cR State of North Carolina QG Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LAND OWNER AGREEMENT FORM: LOA 08-11 Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit the Land Application Unit (LA U) web site at: http://portal.ncdenr. ofplweb/wq/aps/lau General — This document is an agreement between the Applicant and land owner(s) of residuals receiving sites for land application of Class B residuals (may include water treatment plant or other type residuals) in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T A 100. Do not submit this agreement for review without a corresponding application form (FORM: RLAP 08-11). Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation listed below. A. Land Owner Agreement (FORM: LOA 08-11): ❑ Submit the completed and appropriately executed Residuals Source Certification (FORM: LASC 08-11) form. Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ❑ Prepare a separate agreement for each set of land application sites that are owned or operated by an entity other than the Applicant. ❑ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed agreement must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY OWNED LAND ____ undersigned land,9wner or his representative Applicant's name: �i hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached setback maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Lease (yes/no) Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use of Crops Residuals Source (optional) Special note (no-till/over-seed/ pasture) 1J6-L, yG� - 3 The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the (Division's permit for the residuals land application program and be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOA 08-11 Page 1 of 3 I. STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional residuals application contracts or agreements with another permitted entity for the site(s) specified by this Agreement. 2. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) to a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The landowner or his representative shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement until all of the site restrictions (under Section II) are met. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Land Application Unit, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 5. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. In addition, the current landowner shall give a notice to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied at the land application site(s). 6. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 7. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals permit prior to commencement of any residuals land application event and a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 8. If the soil pH of the land application site(s) is not maintained at 6.0 or greater, sufficient amounts of lime shall be applied to achieve a final soil pH of at least 6.0, unless an agronomist provides information indicating that the pH of the soil, residuals and lime mixture is suitable for the specified crop. 9. The landowner or his representative and the Permittee will agree on residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns, results of soil samples, and the permitted application limits. 10. The landowner or his representative will provide the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 11. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 12. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee, the landowner, or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 13. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to; enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the permit; establish monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the permit; copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of the permit; take necessary leachate, surface water, groundwater, or soil samples during the term of, and '12 months after termination of, this Agreement. ESTRICTIONS: 1. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 2. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period- following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 3. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. 4. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residuals/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for a 14- month period following a residuals land application event. 5. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for a 20-month period following a residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 6. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for a 38-month period following a residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 7. Turf grown on land where residuals are applied shall not be harvested for a 12-month period following a residuals land application event. III. ALTERNATIVES FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS INSIDE THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY: (please check one) 15A NCAC 02L .0107(d) prohibits water supply wells within the compliance boundary. However, 15A NCAC 02T .0105(h) allows the compliance boundary to be placed closer to the waste disposal area, such that the water supply well is situated outside of the compliance boundary provided the groundwater standards can be met at the newly -established compliance boundary. Please mark one of the following; n/Al compliance boundary is needed for field(s) ID: w - L7- q% �) (Please include the rationale for the requested re -location of the compliance boundary and attach a map showing the newly proposed compliance boundary to the application package) ❑ A re -defined compliance boundary is not needed for this site. IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FIELD TRANSFER: (if needed) ] The land application field(s) ID: . is currently permitted under another residuals land application program; Permit Number WQ: The land owner hereby acknowledge that by signing this agreement, he/she is requesting that the field(s) be removed from the previously permitted residuals land application program and transferred into the new program; (Name of the new program) FORM: LOA 08-11 Page 2 of 3 Landowner's Certification: I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations, restrictions, alternatives for water supply wells inside the compliance boundary, acknowledgement of field transfer, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. V--,Landowner name: n yhlnSS /�� Address: l q l �AJ4-w %2C P2,- 12Vr X?04A IS City: 6rShy6),-,- State: f j 6 Zip: 20 b 3-7 Phone: 7a q - E-mail / Date: 6 M6 l Z 3 NORTH CAROLINA, 1, W 6otAj COUNTY I, Qr 6 r ¢o n/Il�fa p.l , a notary public of Okvl County, North Carolina, certify that 04 yn Ic 9, 1) v personally ap eared before me this day, and being duly sworn, stated that in his presence manlA) 5 sign (acknowledged the execution of) the foregoing instrument. — WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the ay of d O r , 2013 Notary Public C My commission expires WH I y , 20 IIlo . 8 IM OF MOM MA EVDAME CMWN:1 Lessee's/Operator's Certification: I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to, abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: Address: City: Phone: Signature: Permittee's Certification: I certify that I have read Signing official name: State: E-mail address: Date: Zip: and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signature: ALA Date: v/ �/1 3 FORM: LOA 08-11 Page 3 of 3 Site: NC-LT-46 (all locations approximate) 1 inch = 7,500 feet • M w t lh(1 �J-` � 1 � `• • �� fir .. ,/,J'�r ' • j1{ � l l ; l 4 � � N 785 17 • l ,� r � i 1 - ' � � ! ;ems 755 1.41 `. 11 • I � \ - � I �.�Vl/ � >. CO 713 ` � / I �/f � ��; ��"� !� ,! 1 "':. _- f ���7Y VC )� ^14r: �V�. "''.';-•r'"'�"� �r `�w'�� Site: NC-LT-46 (all locations approximate) 1 inch = 1,600 feet 0, Legend 1 inch = 660 feet (all locations approximate) - - - Stream ApplicationArea % On Site Well The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application SurfaceWater ® OnSiteHouse O SoilDescription area or50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. x — x - Fence ■ OffSiteHouse Unsuitable The review boundary is established midway between the com liance bounds and the ® PropertyLine 0 Outbuilding Site: NC-LT-46; Fields 1, 3, 8 p rl' perimeter of the residuals application area. Feet 0 230 460 920 1,380 1,840 61, WA Legend - Stream ApplicationArea SurfaceWater ® OnSiteHouse x - x - Fence ® OffSiteHouse ® PropertyLine Outbuilding Site: NC-LT-46; Fields 2, 4-5 1 inch = 660 feet (all locations approximate) On Site Well The compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residuals application O SoilDescription area or50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. Unsuitable The review boundary is established midway between the compliance boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. Feet 0 230 460 920 1,380 1,840 c ` C 1 41 ` r .' -1�°! OId,P.I , -� r �♦ .... "`Y a +. ! .:x -., ..:. ♦i^,. 4ta��?* y �•A � a `� Fla, ' �, A���� Ok fq y, ✓ t lue: ty�+v ✓ . i'. �;} 4 -i, .�_' 'may .+e.�. y'yy ♦ SA .yI ^E'� a ,. • r� : � Y �' °� & ',. � ""•9 !' E YYY'h �"" +..., �, r. � 1�'r k: Y � �' I f Y �.� 1, •. ��k s��y J�k u J H ! { �`i a ` �-A' T♦S�t,.x � .raJ7�_ ��'' �.e ..: fir.-:#,. ";'� ;�' � �, � a 4 r!�• Y' i ti Y Y CJ SurfaceWater x — x - Fence PropertyLine . NC-LT-46; Fie n� Site: NC-LT-46 (all locations approximate) - 1 inch = 1,600 feet SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET S Project: Site: tel: ?a�,;: Field: �� N S YNAGR A Residuals Management Company Landowner: Sample #: Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: 4(61 e SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A 11 A —cam PROFILE D Depth to SHWT:?-I° Depth & type of restrictive layer: -�t Slope (%): °-- Mottles/ Redox. features Soil Series:�'�P�'�, Mottles/ Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Redox. features Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Legend 7ov+i vro s Sand I Loam si Silt c Clay Described By: Date: 6. Structure Grade Structure Type 1 Weak gr Granular abk 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk, 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive o�lllr, SYNAGR ss Project: LJi, Site:✓�� {�`_ Field: Acres (gross): Acres (net): A Residuals Managemens Company _ s Landowner: f) Sample #: Slope: �`- Crop: SOIL PIS®FILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A AeYyyY) �11YY J'7 u��/I4'�r ,I C.rrr� A �) • � �/ � I"i G� 33Y 9�.J9 •18 `�``4`` ,,t}}:+ (�/� Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: j r Soil Series:_ Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE E Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: (Votes: Described By: Date: t:P; Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive o.. Project: ��IIIra S YNAGN A Residuals Management Company Landowner: L� L"t, E``£ Site: °`s+y ;, Field: °°a Sample #: Acres (gross): Acres (net): SOIL PR®FOLE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A S" "i ve". a�'S}g`d'yyJ �n/p`• ; :� � .9t _py� fA�: ") �i ���P"S" ft d: ,�P / (Votes: Legend Depth to SHWT: � -o Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series::�lr�uu"� Slope: Mottles Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: e0I� Described By: X ° Date:', Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: Site: - ti (-, Acres (gross): Landowner: Ae, Field: Sample #: Acres (net): Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTQNS SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company Slope: IS', Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A ,�- f �V t1? AP e —1 S� 4r �Arz 4'. �f, 46 Q, Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series:,® Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Date: Lind Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam .2 Moderate PI Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained C Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SYNAGP\O- SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: LAO--, Landowner: Site: O-W-, Field: Sample #: A Residuals Management Company Slope: 1 Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: 'RL';%5-e, SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A qh, Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: SoilSeries: Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: :9 co I Dt Described By: D a* t e: 9 Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand I Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate P1 Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive O,# S YNAGR SOH DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: a 1•-J,� T', t r" Site: Acres (gross): A Residuals Management Company Landowner:G�''G� c Field: n Sample #: Slope: 4- Acres (net): Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A /Nr " d--& g � /f� �,� � / y �r y ' 61 Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: r ' .a Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE D Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: 11 yy Described By: Date: Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive NCDA&CS / - - omic Division Phone: (919) 733-2665 Website: w w - Report No. —"" 3-SL005854 Client. Tony Jones Advisor. Synagro Predictive 1418 Nature Preserve Trl. 12701 Lancaster Hwy. Denver, NC 28037 Pineville, NC 28134 �r,._} , ®fl ���® Mehlich-3 Extraction County: Lincoln Sampled: 09/14/2012 Received: 09/20/2012 completed: 09/24/2012 Farm: PERMITTING Links to Helpful Information Sample ID: 01 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients (lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 - Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.4 120-200 100 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2- Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.0 120-200 '100 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results [units - W/V in g/cO; CEC and Na in meq/100 crrr3; NO3-N in mgldrrr3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-I Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.41 1.01 8.9 87 1.2 5.7 16 28 60 25 129 504 319 319 108 108 220 0.1 1 Sample ID: 03 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients (lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O P/1g S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 - Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.4 120-200 140 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2- Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.0 120-200 140 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results [units - W/V in g/cO; CEC and Na in meq/100 crrr3; NO3-N in mg/drrr3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WIV CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.27 1.00 8.1 88 1.0 5.6 2 23 58 29 202 558 352 352 59 59 81 0.2 2 Sample ID: 05 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients (Ib/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 - Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.4 120-200 90 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2- Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.0 120-200 90 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results [units -WIV in g/cO; CEC and Na in meg1100 cm3; NO3-N in mglda]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-I Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-I Na' ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.56 1.16 7.8 83 1.3 5.7 21 35 58 23 85 431 276 276 127 127 226 0.1 1 North aroi fna -. ToLm co Trkj%t V harl L' Mitiattwkls is Reprogramming of the laboratory -information -management system that makes this report possible is being funded through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. - Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture ML;L)A&L;b Anrnnomic Division Phone: (919) 733-2665 Website: w1NW-n, Report No. c" 13-SL005854- Tony Jor.__ Page 2 of 3 Sample ID: 06 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients (lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P205 K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 - Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.0 120-200 100 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2- Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.0 120-200 100 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results [units - W/V in g/crrP; CEC and Na in meq/100 cm ; NO3-N in mg/dO]: Soil Class.: Mineral HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.36 1.06 7.6 89 0.8 6.1 17 28 61 27 41 502 316 3,16 102 102 159 0.1 1 Sample ID: 07 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients (lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P205 K20 Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 - Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.0 120-200 90 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2- Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.0 120=200 90 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results [units - W/V in g/cO; CEC and Na in meq/100 cO; NO3-N in mg/drrr3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-i Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.32 0.96 5.8 82 1.0 5.9 21 31 60 19 68 1361 834 834 75 75 141 0.1 2 NGDA&CS "----lomic Division Phone: (919) 733-2665 liWebsite: wain^, Report No. cv43-SL005854 Tony Jorivo Understanding the Soil Report: explanation of measurements, abbreviations and units Recommendations Lime If testing finds that soil pH is too low for the crop(s) indicated, a lime recommendation will be given in units of either ton/acre or Ib/1000 sq ft. For best results, mix the lime into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil several months before planting. For no -till or established plantings where this is not possible, apply no more than 1 to 1.5 ton/acre (50 Ib/1000 sq ft) at one time, even if the report recommends more. You can apply the rest in similar increments every six months until the full rate is applied. If MG is recommended and lime is needed, use dolomitric lime. Fertilizer Recommendations for field crops or otherlarge areas are listed separately for each nutrient to be added (in units of lb/acre unless otherwise specified). Recommendations for N (and sometimes for B) are based on research/field studies for the crop being grown, not on soil test results. K-1 and P-1 values are based on test results and should be: > 50. If they are not, follow the fertilizer recommendations given. If Mg is needed and no lime is recommended, 0-0-22 (11.5% Mg) is an excellent source; '175 to 250 lb per acre alone or in a fertilizer blend will usually satisfy crop needs, SS-1 levels appear only on reports for greenhouse soil or problem samples. Farmers and other commercial producers should pay special attention to micronutrient levels. If $, pH$, $pH, C or Z- notations appear on the soil report, refer to $Note: Secondary Nutrients and Micronutrients. In general, homeowners do not need to be concerned about micronutrients. Various crop notes also address lime fertilizer needs; visit, Recommendations for small areas, such as home lawns/gardens, are listed in units of Ib/1000 ft. If you cannot fired the exact fertilizer grade recommended on the report, visit www.ncagrgov/agronomi/obnart4.htm#fs to find information that may help you choose a comparable alternate. For more information, read A Homeowner's Guide to Fertilizer. Test Results The first seven values [soil class, HM%, W/V, CEC, BS%, Ac and pH] describe the soil and its degree of acridity. The remaining 16 [P-I, K-I, Ca%, Mg%, Mn-I, Mn-All, Mn-AI2, Zn-I, Zn-AI, Cud, S-I, SS -I, Na, ESP, SS -I, NO3-N (riot routinely available)] indicate levels of plant nutrients or other fertility measurement. Visit www.ncagrgov/agronomi/uyrst.htm for more information. Page 3 of 3 Report Abbreviations Ac exchangeable acidity B boron BS% % CEC occupied by basic cations Ca% % CEC occupied by calcium CEC cation exchange capacity Cu-I copper index ESP exchangeable sodium percent HM% percent humic matter K-1 potassium index K2O potash Mg% % CEC occupied by magnesium MIN mineral soil class Mn manganese Mn-AI1 Mn-availability index for crop 1 Mn-AI2 Mn-availability index for crop 2 Mn-I manganese index M-0 mineral -organic soil class N nitrogen Na sodium NO3-N nitrate nitrogen ORG organic soil class pH current soil pH P-1 phosphorus index P2O5 phosphate S-1 sulfur index SS-1 soluble salt index Wlv weight per volume Zn-AI zinc availability index Zn-I zinc index Report (dumber EasternLaboratories, Inc. 12-261-0631 Page: 1 of 27621 99,A&L Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271-6446 Account Number 00015 wwuvaleastern,com Send To: SYNAGRO CENTRAUMT HOLLY WAYNE BRADY 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE , NC 28134 :submitted By: WAYNE BRADY Purchase Order: Report Date : 9/27/2012 Client: PERMITTING 250-1701 MT HOLLY Date Received : 9/17/2012 TONY JONES RE -PORT OF ANALYSIS Mercury Molybdenum, Extractable MEHLICH 3 HG MEHLICH 3 MO Lab No Sample ID ppm Sample Date and Time 00599 1 < 0.400 0.600 00600 3 < 0.400 < 0.100 00601 5 < 0.400 < 0.100 00602 6 < 0.400 < 0.100 Rwf�a m� G� Pauric McGroary Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted Report Number 12-261-0631 Page: 2 of 2 Account Number 00015 Send To: SYNAGRO CENTRAUMT HOLLY WAYNE BRADY 12701 LANCASTER HWY PINEVILLE , NC 28134 Client: PERM ITTING250-1701 MT HOLLY TONYJONES Lab No Sample ID Sample Date and Time 00604 7 DA&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271-6446 RE -PORT OF ANALYSIS Mercury Molybdenum, Extractable IVIEHLICH 3 HG iV1EHLICH 3 MO ppm < 0.400 < 0.100 Method Reference: Mehlich, A. 1984. Mehlich 3 soil test extractant. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 25:1409-1416. USEPA, SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Ed. Current Revision Submitted By: WAYNE BRADY Purchase Order: Report Date : 9/27/2012 Date Received : 9/17/2012 pofic- me Pauric McGroary Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted Soil Scientist and Agronomist Deports CITE' OF 1V1I®YTNT HOLLY WQ#0001863 SOIL SCIENTIST CERTIFICATION This is to certify that soil and site evaluations (listed below) were conducted on the proposed application sites for the City of Mount Holly by Synagro Central, LLC. The evaluations consisted of hand auger borings and descriptions of the soils on the application sites; collection of soil fertility samples using standard soil sampling methods; location of property lines, residences, wells, and surface water features; identification of required buffer areas, and generation of application area maps. All hand auger borings included in this package were either performed by me or under my direct supervision. NC-LT-46 L 3, AGRONO MIST REPORT Synagro Central, LLC is operating a land application program for the recyclingibeneficial reuse of residuals produced by The City of Holly Spring's wastewater and water treatment plants. The agronomist report is submitted as a crucial step in the review of potential receiver sites for the program. Several factors should be taken into consideration in deterinining a site's suitability to receive residuals. These factors are: o Site Investigation ® Topography o Soils o Residuals Characteristics and Loading Rates o Crop Management Site Investigation The site investigation consisted of a physical observation of each proposed site in which the following parameters were evaluated: CD Soil Characteristics © Slope o Cropping Systems • Location of Property Lines a Location of Residences m Location of Wells and Surface Water Features Site specific information is enclosed for each site evaluated. Application area maps delineating the proposed application areas within each field are also enclosed. Topography The slopes of each field were evaluated during the site investigation. Slopes for the individual fields range from 0 to 10 percent for surface application and 0 to 18 percent for sub -surface injection. Areas with excessive slopes have been eliminated from the application areas. Soils Soil fertility samples were collected from each field and were analyzed for standard soil fertility parameters and regulated metals content. Soil testing of the sites included in this application indicates that the soil pH is moderately acidic on some sites. The pH of these sites will be adjusted by the addition of agricultural lime in order to achieve optimal crop production. The lime recommendations are generally made based on raising the pH to a minimum of 6.0. Residuals Characteristics and Loading Rates Residuals samples are collected as required on "Attachment A" and analyzed by an independent laboratory. The residuals analysis report and calculations indicate that they are non -hazardous and non -toxic. Both the soils and the crops should be able to assimilate the proposed loadings of liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, and salts known to be in the residuals. This assessment is based on the residuals analysis provided, planned application rates, proper crop management guidelines, and adherence to permit requirements. On an annual basis, nitrogen is considered to be the most limiting characteristic of these residuals. However, soil tests should be reviewed annually. Crop Management Based on the site and soil evaluations, crop nutrient requirements and the nutrient content of the residuals, all sites should readily assimilate the residuals. However, crop rotations and management practices should be evaluated prior to each application to account for any changes in crop management and land use objectives. Site -specific cropping patterns are discussed further in the Site Descriptions contained in the Site Summary Sheet. Crop management guidelines that will be of importance for these -sites will include: © timing of application events with plant nutritional needs and periods of plant dormancy © split applications to prevent hydraulic overloading or nutrient leaching o . performance of proper stabilization methods to fit crop and soil needs e maintenance of suitable vegetative cover on current agricultural sites o incorporation or injection of residual solids on fields that have a potential for flooding © maintenance of proper vegetative cover on more sloping areas with runoff potential o proper coordination between application events and crop harvest Land application should provide an environmentally acceptable means of beneficial reuse of the residuals, provided all the parameters of the agronomist report and the requirements of the permit are followed. �(�f� 1F%1 (/� /j1(! Marshall Puryear Agronomist NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder John E. Skvarla, IIL,._,.._____ _ Governor Acting Director Scrleary �!;!? �L July 26,2013 JUL 3 1 � 1 Mr. James Friday — Utility Director g �� City of Mt. Holly P.O. Box 406 Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 Subject: Attachment B Certification Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Gaston County Dear Mr. Friday: In accordance with a permit modification request received from the Town of Dallas on April 9, 2013, and subsequent additional information received July 19, 2013, we are forwarding herewith a modified Attachment B, certified July 26, 2013, to the City of Mt. Holly for the subject residuals land application program. This certification is being issued to modify Attachment B by removing the land application sites NC-GA-42 from the City of Mt. Holly residuals land application program per the land owner request to transfer these fields to the Town of Dallas residuals program (WQ0020912). Please replace the existing Attachment B of Permit No. WQ0001863 that was previously certified on September 23, 2011, with this modified Attachment B. Note that it is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that a complete permit is created by inserting this modified Attachment B into Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on September 23, 2011. This modified Attachment B shall be effective from the date of certification; shall void Attachment B of Permit No. WQ0001863 that was previously certified on September 23, 2011; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein and well as those specified in the above - referenced permit. If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this certification or modified Attachment B are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon. written request within 30 days following receipt of the certification. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-64641 FAX: 919-807-6496 Intemet: http:tlportal.ncdenr.orgiweblwglaps An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer One Naturally Mr. James Friday July 26, 2013 Page 2 If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact Chonticha McDaniel by telephone at (919) 807-6337 or via e-mail at Sincerely, I Thomas A. Reeder cc: Gaston County Health Department ___ Se _Mooresville Regional Office =Aquifer Protection.ction7 APS Permit File WQ0001863 Notebook File WQ0001863 0 0� ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites City of Mt. Holly Certification Date: July 26, 2013 Permit Number: WQ0001863 Version: 2.2 4 Field/ Site Owner Lessee County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Dominant Soil Series Footnote NC-GA-41-01 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 3501745" 81001'55" 6.80 Madison NC-GA-41-06 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'51" 81001'52" 14.30 Cecil NC-GA-41-09 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'39" 81001'53" 13.50 Cecil NC-GA-41-10 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'48" 81001'37" 17.50 Cecil NC-GA-41-14 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'42" 81001'42" 9.70 Cecil NC-GA-44-01 George B. Allen a Gaston 35023'59" 81019'48" 6.90 Wedowee NC-GA-44-02 R-Anell Housing Group George B. Allen Gaston 35023'52" 81019'31" 18.90 Appling NC-GA-44-03 R-Anell Housing Group George B. Allen Gaston 35023'41" 81019'35" 37.50 Cecil NC-LT-43-01 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'30" 80059'50" 11.20 Cecil NC-LT-43-02 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'35" 80059'46" 21.00 Cecil NC-LT-43-03 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'47" 80059'56" 11.00 Cecil NC-LT-43-04 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'36" 80059'41" 6.00 Pacolet NC-LT-46-02 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'30" 81002'05" 44.60 Pacolet NC-LT-46-04 Tony Jones Lincoln 35024'39" 81002115" 8.20 Pacolet NC-MG-37-01 Dean Connell Mecklenburg 35o17'50" 80059'22" 20.70 Cecil Total 247.8 Page 1 of 1 a HIC ENIZ FILE North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Mr. James Friday — Utility Director City of Mt. Holly P.O. Box 406 Mount Holly, North Carolina 28120 Dear Mr. Friday: Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director September 23, 2011 }i 1 � 9'` yr. .,�.:...-...,......... ......,.......__r A SEP 3 0 2011 r Subject: Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly Land Application of Class B Residuals (Non -Dedicated) Gaston County In accordance with your permit major modification request received August 4, 2011, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0001863, dated September 23, 2011, to the City of Mt. Holly for the continued operation of the subject residuals management program. Modifications to the subject permit are as follows: • The permit format has been updated to be consistent with 15A NCAC 02T .1100, and the most current permit template for land application of residuals. • Three new land application sites have been added: NC-GA-44 (3 fields), NC-LT-43 (4 fields), and NC-MG-37 (1 field). • One new field has been added to site NC-GA-41 (Field 01). • Nomenclature of existing field names have been revised on Attachment B. On August 5, 2009, Session Law 2009-406 and 2010-177, was enacted by the General Assembly and signed into law. The Act extends the expiration date of certain government approvals and permits. Non -discharge permit WQ0001863, issued by the Division of Water Quality falls within the scope of this Act and is therefore being extended until November 30, 2014. Please note per your permit, a renewal application must still be submitted six months in advance of the extended expiration date. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, 2014, shall void Permit No. WQ0001863 issued December 6, 2005, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements listed in Attachments A and B. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information shall result in future compliance problems. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-60481 Customer Service: 1-87 7-623-6748 IT�� 01'aci Internet: An Equal Opportunity l A{iirmative Action Employer X " " Mr. James Friday September 23,201 l-, _ Page 2 of 2, Please note that on September 1, 2006, North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 02T — Waste not Discharged to Surface Waters was adopted. Accordingly, this permit incorporates the requirements of these rules. Please take the time to review this permit thoroughly. Pay special attention to the following permit conditions that are new or revised since the last permit issuance: ➢ :Condition 1.1. — Requires that regional office staff be notified prior to initial land application on field NC-LT-43-04, so that establishment of a cover crop can be verified. i ➢ Condition II.8. - Setbacks from land application areas to site features have been updated as required by 15A NCAC 02T .1108. ➢ Condition 111.4. — Requires the Permittee to maintain an Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T .1110. ➢ Condition I1I.6. — Requires that a copy of this permit and a copy of the O&M Plan be maintained at the land application sites during land application activities. ➢ Condition III.11. — Lists conditions under which land application shall not occur. ➢ Condition 111.12. — Contains requirements for public access restrictions to land application sites. ➢ Condition III.13. —Contains signage requirements for public access control. If any parts, requirements or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, the Permittee has the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Lori Montgomery at (919) 715-6187 or cc: Sincerely, �r C014/H. Sullins Gaston County Health Department Lincoln County Health Department Mecklenburg County Health Department O d rest il�le io' x a . J� icIe;_r'1gui- er .rotacf � eet' Eric Norman Thompson, LSS (284 Boger Road, Mocksville, NC 27028) Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Permit File WQ0001863 Notebook File WQ0001863 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH LAND APPLICATION OF CLASS B RESIDUAL SOLIDS PERMIT (NON -DEDICATED) In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO The City of Mount Molly Gaston County FOR THE continued operation of a residuals management program for the City of Mount Holly and consisting of the land application of Class B residuals generated by the approved facilities listed in Attachment A to the approved sites listed in Attachment B with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the application received August 4, 2011, and in conformity with other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. The use and disposal of residuals are regulated under Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 503. This permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with the federal regulations. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, 2015, shall void Permit No. WQ0001863 issued December, 2005 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. SCHEDULES 1. At the time of permit issuance, Field NC-LT-43-04 had been recently cleared. The Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified via email or telephone; (704) 663-1699, at least 48 hours prior to conducting initial land application on this field so that staff can verify that a cover crop has been established. 2. No later than six months prior to the expiration of this permit, the Permittee shall request renewal of this permit on official Division forms. Upon receipt of the request, the Division will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will renew the permit for such period of time and_ under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Please note Rule 15A NCAC 02T .0105(d) requires an updated site map to be submitted with the permit renewal application. 3. The permittee shall be in full compliance with the regional office notification requirements established in Condition III.3. within 90 days of permit issuance. 4. The permittee shall be in full compliance with the signage requirements established in Condition 1II.13. within 180 days of permit issuance. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 1 of 12 H. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The subject residuals management program shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so there is no discharge to surface waters, nor any contravention of groundwater or surface water standards. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions due to improper operation and maintenance, the Permittee shall immediately cease land applying residuals to the site contact the Mooresville regional office's Aquifer Protection Section supervisor, and take any immediate corrective actions necessary. 2. This permit shall not relieve the Permittee of their responsibility for damages to groundwater or surface water resulting from the operation of this residuals management program. 3. Only residuals generated by the facilities listed in Attachment A are approved for land application in accordance with this permit. 4. Only the sites listed in Attachment B are approved for residuals land application. 5. Pollutant concentrations in residuals applied to land application sites listed in Attachment B shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (i.e., dry weight basis) or Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): Parameter Ceiling Concentration (milligrams per kilogram) CPLR (pounds per acre) Arsenic 75 36 Cadmium 85 34 Copper 4,300 1,338 Lead 840 267 Mercury 57 15 Molybdenum 75 n/a Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 7,500 2,498 The Permittee shall determine compliance with the CPLRs using one of the following methods: a. By calculating the existing cumulative level of pollutants using actual analytical data from all historical land application events of residuals, or b. For land where residuals application have not occurred or for which the required data is incomplete, by determining background concentrations through representative soil sampling. 6. Residuals that are land applied shall meet Class B pathogen reduction requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 (a) and (c). Exceptions to this requirement shall be specified in Attachment A. 7. Biological residuals (i.e. residuals generated during the treatment of domestic or animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater, and as identified in Attachment A) that are land applied shall meet one of the vector attraction reduction alternatives in 15A NCAC 02T .1107(a). Exceptions to this requirement shall be specified in Attachment A. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 -Page 2 of 12 8. Setbacks for land application sites shall be as follows: Setback by application type (feet) Setback Description Vehicular Irrigation Surface Surface Injection / Application Application corporation Habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or not to be maintained as 400 400 200 art of the project site Habitable residence or places of public assembly owned by the Permittee, the owner of the land, or the 0 200 0 lessee/operator of the land to be maintained as part of the project site Property lines 50 150 50 Public right of way 50 50 50 Private or public water supply 100 100 100 Surface waters (streams — intermittent and perennial, 100 100 50 perennial waterbodies, and wetlands) Surface water diversions (ephemeral streams, 25 100 25 waterways, ditches) Groundwater lowering ditches (where the bottom of 25 100 25 the ditch intersects the SHWT) Subsurface groundwater lowering system 0 100 0 Wells with exception to monitoring wells 100 100 100 Bedrock outcrops 25 25 25 Top of slope of embankments or cuts of two feet or 15 15 15 more in vertical height Building foundations or basements 0 15 0 Water lines 0 10 0 Swimming pools 100 100 100 Nitrification fields 0 20 0 9. Land application areas shall be clearly marked on each site prior to and during any residuals application event. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 3 of 12 10. Bulk residuals and other sources of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) shall not be applied in exceedance of agronomic rates. Appropriate agronomic rates shall be calculated using expected nitrogen requirements based on the determined Realistic Yield Expectations (RYE) using any of the following methods: a. Division's pre -approved. site specific historical data for specific crop or soil types by calculating the mean of the best three yields of the last five consecutive crop harvests for each field. b. North Carolina Historical Data for specific crop and soil types as provided by North Carolina State University Department of Soil Science ( A copy shall be kept on file and reprinted every five years in accordance with Condition IV.7. c. If the RYE cannot be determined using methods (a) or (b) above, the Permittee may use the RYE and appropriate nutrient application rates reported in any of the following documents: i. Crop management plan as outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. ii. Waste Utilization Plan as outlined by the Senate Bill 1217 Interagency Group - Guidance Document: Chapter 1( docs.html). iii. Certified Nutrient Management Plan as outlined by the Natural Resources Conservation Services (MRCS). These plans must meet the USDA-NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Standards( d. If the RYE and appropriate nutrient application rates cannot be determined, the Permittee shall contact the Division to determine necessary action. 11. When residuals are land applied to grazed pasture, hay crop realistic nitrogen rate shall be reduced by 25% in accordance with the USDA-NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Standards. 12. If land application sites are to be over -seeded or double -cropped (e.g., bermuda grass in the summer and rye grass in the winter with both crops to receive residuals), then the second crop can receive an application of PAN at a rate not to exceed 50 pounds per acre per year (lbs/ac/yr). This practice may be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested or grazed. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no additional PAN shall be applied. 13. Prior to land application of residuals containing a sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of 10 or higher, the Permittee shall obtain and implement recommendations from at least one of the following: the local Cooperative Extension Office; the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; the Natural Resource Conservation Service; a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist; or an agronomist. The recommendations shall address the sodium application rate, soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.), or a mechanism for maintaining site integrity and conditions conducive to crop growth. The Permittee shall maintain written records of these recommendations and details of their implementation. 14. The compliance boundary residual land application sites shall be specified in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0107(b). These sites were individually permitted on or after December 30, 1983; therefore, the compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residual land application area, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residual land application area. An exceedance of groundwater standards at or beyond the compliance boundary is subject to remediation action according to 15A NCAC 02L .0106(d)(2) as well as enforcement actions in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C. Any approved relocation of the COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY will be noted in Attachment B. 15. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0108, the review boundary shall be established midway between the compliance boundary and the residual land application area. Any exceedance of groundwater standards at the review boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0106. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 4 of 12 III. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The residuals management program shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. The program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent any contravention of surface water or groundwater standards. 2. The Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699, and the appropriate local government official (i.e., county manager, city manager, or health director) shall be notified at least 48 hours prior to the initial residuals land application to any new land application site. Notification to the Aquifer Protection Section's regional supervisor shall be made from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 3. The Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified via email or telephone, (704) 663=1699, at least 24 hours prior to conducting any land application activity. Such notification shall indicate, at a minimum, the anticipated application times, field IDs, and location of land application activities. If it becomes necessary to apply to additional fields due to unforeseen events, the Regional Office shall be notified prior to commencing the application to those fields. 4. The Permittee shall maintain an approved Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T .1110. Modifications to the O&M Plan shall be approved by the Division prior to utilization of the new ,plan. The O&M Plan, at the minimum, shall include: a) Operational functions; b) Maintenance schedules; c) Safety measures; d) Spill response plan; e) Inspection plan including the following information: i. Names and titles of personnel responsible for conducting the inspections; ii. Frequency and location of inspections, including those to be conducted by the ORC, and procedures to assure that the selected location(s) and inspection frequency are representative of the residuals management program; iii. Detailed description of inspection procedures including record keeping and actions to be taken by the inspector in the event that noncompliance is observed pursuant to the noncompliance notification requirements under the monitoring and reporting section of the permit; f) Sampling and monitoring plan including the following information: i. Names and titles of personnel responsible for conducting the sampling and to ii. Detailed description of monitoring procedures including parameters to be monitored; iii. Sampling frequency and procedures to assure that representative samples are being collected. Fluctuation in temperature, flow, and other operating conditions can affect the quality of the residuals gathered during a particular sampling event. The sampling plan shall account for any foreseen fluctuations in residuals quality and indicate the most limiting times for residuals to meet pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements (e.g. facilities that land apply multiple times per year but have an annual sampling frequency, may need to sample during winter months when pathogen reduction is most likely to be negatively affected by cold temperatures). WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 10,1116 Page 5 of 12 5. Upon the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission's (WPCSOCC) classification of the facility, the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operators as back-up ORCs in accordance with 15A NCAC 08G .0201. The ORC or their back-up shall visit the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 08G. 0204, or as specified in the most recently approved O&M plan (i.e., see Condition III. 4.), and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 08G. 0204. For more information regarding classification and designation requirements, please contact the Division of Water Quality's Technical Assistance & Certification Unit at (919) 733-0026. 6. When the Permittee land applies bulk residuals, a copy of this permit and a copy of O&M Plan shall be maintained at the land application sites during land application activities. 7. When the Permittee transports or land applies bulk residuals, the spill control provisions shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. 8. Residuals shall not be stored at any land application site, unless written approval has been requested and received from the Division. 9. When the Permittee land applies bulk residuals, adequate measures shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into surface waters. 10. When the Permittee land applies bulk residuals, a suitable vegetative cover shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are applied in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or an agronomist and as approved by the Division. 11. Bulk residuals shall not be land applied under the following conditions: a. If the residuals are likely to adversely affect a threatened or endangered species listed under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act or its designated critical habitat; b. If the application causes prolonged nuisance conditions; c. If the land fails to assimilate the bulk residuals or the application causes the contravention of surface water or groundwater standards; d. If the land is flooded, frozen or snow-covered, or is otherwise in a condition such that runoff of the residuals would occur; e. Within the 100-year flood elevation, unless the bulk residuals are injected or incorporated within a 24-hour period following a residuals land application event; f. During a measurable precipitation event (i.e., greater than 0.01 inch per hour), or within 24 hours following a rainfall event of 0.5 inches or greater in a 24-hour period; g. If the slope is greater than 10% for surface applied liquid residuals, or if the slope is greater than 18% for injected or incorporated bulk liquid residuals; h. If the soil pH is not maintained at 6.0 or greater, unless sufficient amounts of lime are applied to achieve a final soil pH of at least 6.0, or if an agronomist provides information indicating that the pH of the soil, residuals and lime mixture is suitable for the specified crop. Any approved variations to the acceptable soil pH (6.0) will be noted in this permit; i. If the land does not have an established vegetative cover unless the residuals are incorporated or injected within a 24-hour period following a residuals land application event; j. If the vertical separation between the seasonal high water table and the depth of residuals application is less than one foot; k. If the vertical separation of bedrock and the depth of residuals application is less than one foot; WQ0001863 Version 2.1 She]] Version 101116 Page 6 of 12 1.. Application exceeds agronomic rates. 12. The following public access restrictions apply to residual land application sites: a. Public access to public contact sites (e.g., golf courses, parks, ball fields, etc.) shall be restricted for 365 days after a residuals land application event; b. Public access to non-public contact sites shall be restricted for 30 days after a residuals land application event. 13. Public access controls shall include the posting of signs with a minimum area of 3 square feet (e.g., 1.5' x 2'). Each sign shall indicate the activities conducted at each site, permit number, and name and contact information, including the Permittee or applicator's telephone number. Signs shall be posted in a clearly visible and conspicuous manner at the entrance to each land application site during a land application event, and for as long as the public access restrictions required under 111.12 apply. 14. The following harvesting and grazing restrictions apply to residual land application sites after each land application event: Harvesting and Grazing Description Restricted Duration Animals shall not be allowed to graze during land application activities and restricted period. Sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing to 30 days prevent access after each land application event. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for: 30 days Turf grown on land where residuals have been applied shall not be harvested for: 12 months Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) 14 months shall not be harvested for: When the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil, food crops with harvested parts below the land 20 months surface (e.g., root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for: When the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil, food crops with harvested parts below the land 38 months surface shall not be harvested for: 15. The Permittee shall acquire from each landowner or lessee/operator a statement detailing the volume of other nutrient sources (i.e., manufactured fertilizers, manures, or other animal waste products) that have been applied to the site, and a copy of the most recent Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for those operations where a NMP is required by the US Department of Agriculture — National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or other State Agencies. The Permittee shall calculate allowable nutrient loading rates based on the provided information and use appropriate reductions. For the purpose of this permit condition, a Crop Management Plan (CMP), Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) or Certified Nutrient Management Plan (CLAMP) shall also be considered a Nutrient Management Plan. 16. No residuals shall be land applied unless the submitted Land Owner Agreement Attachment (LOAA) between the Permittee and landowners or lessees/operators of the land application site is in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the permit expiration date, and shall be renewed during the permit renewal process. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 7 of 12 IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REOUIREMENTS 1. Any Division required monitoring (including groundwater, plant tissue, soil and surface water analyses) necessary to ensure groundwater and surface water protection shall be established, and an acceptable sample reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Residuals shall be analyzed to demonstrate they are non -hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The analyses [corrosivity, ignitability, reactivity, and toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)] shall be performed at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and the Permittee shall maintain these results for a minimum of five years. Any exceptions from the requirements in this condition shall be specified in Attachment A. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (the regulatory level in milligrams per liter is in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Barium (100.0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) Benzene (0.5) 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Endrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) Chlordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) in -Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxychlor (10.0) 2,4-D (10.0) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) Once the residuals have been monitored for two years at the frequency specified in Attachment A, the Permittee may submit a permit modification request to reduce the frequency of this monitoring requirement. In no case shall the monitoring frequency be less than once per permit cycle. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 8 of 12 3. An analysis shall be conducted on residuals from each source generating facility at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and the Permittee shall maintain the results for a minimum of five years. The analysis shall include the following parameters: Aluminum Mercury Potassium Ammonia -Nitrogen Molybdenum Selenium Arsenic Nickel Sodium Cadmium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) Calcium Percent Total Solids TKN Copper pH Zinc Lead Phosphorus Magnesium Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) 4. Residuals shall be monitored for compliance with pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and at the time indicated in the sampling and monitoring sections of the approved O&M plan. The required data shall be specific to the stabilization process utilized, and sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the Class B pathogen reduction requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 (a) and (c), and one vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 (a) shall be met. Any exceptions from the requirements in this condition shall be specified in Attachment A. An annual representative soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each land application site listed in Attachment B on which a residuals land application event will occur in the respective calendar year. This analysis shall be in accordance with the "Guidance on Soil Sampling" located in the Sampling Instructions section of the NC. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services' website ( The Permittee shall maintain these results and a description of the sampling methodologies used to determine soil fertility for a period of no less than five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. At a minimum, the Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include the following parameters: Acidity Exchangeable Sodium Percentage Phosphorus Base Saturation (by calculation) Magnesium Potassium Calcium Manganese Sodium Cation Exchange Capacity Percent Humic Matter Zinc Copper pH 6. Laboratory parameter analyses shall be performed on the residuals as they are land applied, and shall be in accordance with the monitoring requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0505. 7. The Permittee shall maintain records tracking all residual land application events. At a minimum, these.records shall include the following: a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number as listed in Attachment B); d. Approximate areas applied to (acres); e. Method of land application; WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 9 of 12 f. Weather conditions (e.g., sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.); g. Predominant Soil Mapping Unit (e.g., CbB2); h. Soil conditions (e.g., dry, wet, frozen, etc.); i. Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; j. Nitrogen Application Rate based on RYEs (if using data obtained from the North Carolina State University Department of Soil Science Website, the printout page shall be kept on file and reprinted every five years); k. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, cubic yard per acre, dry tons per acre, or wet ton per acre; 1. Volume of animal waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or wet tons per acre; in. Volume of soil amendments (e.g., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or wet tons per acre; and n. Annual and cumulative totals in dry tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (e.g., if applicable), annual and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal (e.g., shall include, but shall not be limited to, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. 8. Three copies of an annual report shall be submitted on or before March I". The annual report shall meet the requirements described in the Instructions for Residuals Application Annual Reporting Forms. Instructions for reporting and annual report forms are available at, or can be obtained by contacting the Land Application Unit directly. The annual report shall be submitted to the following address: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 9. Noncompliance Notification The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the land application program resulting in the land application of significant amounts of wastes that are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a release of material to surface waters. c. Any time self -monitoring indicates the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit limitations. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, rendering the facility incapable of adequate residual treatment. e. Any spill or discharge from a vehicle or piping system during residuals transportation. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 , Shell Version 101116 Page 10 of 12 Any emergency requiring immediate reporting (e.g., discharges to surface waters, imminent failure of a storage structure, etc.) outside normal business hours shall be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at telephone number (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368, or (919) 733-3300.Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee shall provide adequate inspection and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the subject facilities and shall be in accordance with the approved O&M Plan. 2. Prior to each bulk residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport and application facilities to prevent malfunctions, facility deterioration and operator errors resulting in discharges, which may cause the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health or a public nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log that includes, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken. The Permittee shall maintain this inspection log for a period of five years from the date of inspection, and this log shall be made available to the Division upon request. 3. Any duly authorized Division representative may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the land application sites or facilities permitted herein at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records required to be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may collect groundwater, surface water or leachate samples. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Failure to comply with the conditions and limitations contained herein may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143- 215.6A to 143-215.6C. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the residuals land application events are not carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the permit application and other supporting documentation. 4. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other jurisdictional government agencies (e.g., local, state, and federal). Of particular concern to the Division are applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 02B .0200; erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCGO10000; any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 02B .0200 and 02H .0500; and documentation of compliance with Article 21 Part 6 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. 5. In the event the residuals program changes ownership or the Permittee changes their name, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. This request shall be made on official Division forms, and shall include appropriate documentation from the parties involved and other supporting documentation as necessary. The Permittee of record shall remain fully responsible for maintaining and operating the residuals program permitted herein until a permit is issued to the new owner. WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 11 of 12 6. This permit is subject to revocation or unilateral modification upon 60 days notice from the Division Director, in whole or part for the requirements listed in 15A NCAC 02T .0110. Unless the Division Director grants a variance, expansion of the permitted residuals program contained herein shall not be granted if the Permittee exemplifies any of the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0120(b). The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the annual fee accordingly shall be cause for the Division to revoke this permit pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T .0105(e)(3). Permit issued this the 23`d day of September, 2011 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION '/Y qlc' Teen . Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0001863 WQ0001863 Version 2.1 Shell Version 101116 Page 12 of 12 ATTACHMENT A - Approved Residual Sources City of Mount Holly Certification Date: September 23, 2011 Permit Number: WQ0001863 Version: 2.1 Maximum Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring for Approved Owner Facility Name County Permit Biological Dry Tons Frequencyfor Frequency for Frequency for Pathogen & Mineralization Number Residuals Per Year � Non -hazardous z Metals and 3, 5 Vector Attraction Rate Characteristics Nutrients Red uctionS4,5,6 City of Mt. Holly Mt. Holly WTP Gaston 01-36-020 No 130 Annually Annually Annually 0.40 City of Mt. Holly Holly W WTP (E ualizatiou Basin only)Gaston li NC0021156 Yes 280 Annually Annually Annually 0.40 City of Mt. Holly Mt. Holly W WTP Gaston NC0021156 Yes 500 Annually 4 X Year 4 X Year 0.30 To 910 1. Maximum Dry Tons per Year is the amount of residuals approved for land application from each permitted facility. 2. Analyses to demonstrate that residuals are non -hazardous (i.e., TCLP, ignitability, reactivity, and corrosivity) as stipulated under permit Condition IV.2. 3. Testing of metals and nutrients as stipulated under permit Condition IV.3. 4. Analyses of pathogen and vector attraction reductions as stipulated under permit Condition IVA. 5. Monitoring frequencies are based on the actual dry tons applied per year using the table below, unless specified above. Dry Tons Generated short tons per ear Monitoring Frequency Established in 40 CFR 503 and 15A NCAC 02T .1111 <319 1/Year =>319 - <1,650 I/ Quarter (4 times per year) =>1,650 - <16,500 1/60 Days (6 times per year) =>16,500 1/month (12 times per year) 6. Water Treatment Plant residuals are exempt from meeting the vector attraction reduction requirements in Condition IVA, provided they are not mixed with residuals that have been generated during the treatment of domestic wastewater, the treatment of animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater. The Water Treatment Plant residuals must be treated and processed in a manner as to not meet the definition of "Biological Residuals" as defined in 15A NCAC 02T .1102(6). 7. The Division understands that the equalization basin is cleaned once every five to seven years. The entire 280 dry tons per year of residuals that accumulate in the basin (i.e., 56 dry tons per year during a Five year permit cycle) may be removed and land applied during a single calendar year, with no subsequent land application events during the remainder of the permit cycle. Residual sample(s) and verification of compliance with the pathogen reduction and vector attraction requirements of the residuals shall be taken/performed separately from those taken lbr/performed on the residuals generated by the activated sludge process in the year(s) that land application occurs. The Permittee shall take care to lake representative sample(s) of the accumulated residuals to account for any variability in location and depth within the basin. If no land application events occur during a required sampling period (e.g. no land application occur during an entire year when annual monitoring is required), then no sampling data is required during the period of inactivity. The annual report shall include an explanation for missing sampling data. Those required to submit the annual report to EPA may be required to make up the missed sampling, contact the EPA for additional information and clarification. Page I of I THIS PAGE BLANK ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites City of Mt. Holly Certification Date: September 23, 2011 . Permit Number: WQ0001863 Version: 2.1 Field/ Site Owner Lessee County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Dominant Soil Series NC-GA-41-01 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35°17'45" 8VO1'55" 6.80 Madison NC-GA-41-06 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35°17'51" 8l°01'52" 1.4.30 Cecil NC-GA-41-09 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35°17'39" 81001'53" 13.50 Cecil NC-GA-41-10 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35°17'48" 81001'37" 17.50 Cecil NC-GA-41-14 E. Gregory Springs Gaston 35017'42" 81001'42" 9.70 Cecil NC-GA-42-01 Charles M. Killian Gaston 35023'58" 8lo02'57" 33.30 Cecil NC-GA-42-02 Charles M. Killian Gaston 35024'03" 81003'06" 30.10 Cecil NC-GA-42-04 Charles M. Killian Gaston 35o24'12" 81°02'38" 12.30 Cecil NC-GA-42-05 Charles M. Killian Gaston 35°24'09" 81o02'27" 16.70 Cecil NC-GA-42-06 Charles M. Killian Gaston 35°24'0l" 81002'29" 15.20 Cecil NC-GA-44-01 George B. Allen Gaston 35023'59" 8l°19'48" 6.90 Wedowee NC-GA-44-02 R-Anell Housing Group George B. Allen Gaston 35023'52" 81°19'31" 18.90 Appling NC-GA-44-03 R-Anell Housing Group George B. Allen Gaston 35°23'41" 81°19'35" 37.50 Cecil NC-LT-43-01 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'30" 80°59'50" 11.20 Cecil NC-LT-43-02 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'35" 80059'46" 21.00 Cecil NC-LT-43-03 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35°25'47" 80059'56" 11.00 Cecil NC-LT-43-04 Gary Duckworth Lincoln 35025'36" 80°59'41" 6.00 Pacolet NC-LT-46-02 Tony Jones Lincoln 35'24'30" 81°02'05" 44.60 Pacolet NC-LT-46-04 Tony Jones Lincoln 35°24'39" 81'02'15" 8.20 Pacolet NC-NiG-37-01 Dean Connell Mecklenburg 35°17'50" 80°59'22" 20.70 Cecil Total 355.40 Page 1 of 1 N U e fn -7, ,v o A 7 HE )V 4", Xl. Tr t W. il f AS, .0 67 11V—s v ........... f�z bII X� 0 p: ....... .. .... . Ok" Kountai"n .-Is a( O�V mv� q . A ; . t.:J. -RA Phs C114, Uffi. 14 1..T 1� aou S, Vi,-xi? v 7 . I fabi :,o i -7, U is 7 gpt.CIT R 57, ", Matti UB3% (Ifl-:, q 7 u 1 11 gr 7 J) v - to r Ks�, d .1 TO� A) 0 Rai�/.Oy�arvod 0� 4W �i J11JIL "Affl, NZ ti - 14) n 1!4 R �.o USGS Mount Holly and Mountain Island Lake North Carolina 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle SCALE: V = 2000. City of Mout Holly Site CHECKED BY: Land Application Program Vicinity DF AWN BY: BRANCH RTB Mount Holl), )VTP. Map DATE: RESI Jun-04 & DU4LS PrqjectNo. SOILS, LLC 1 2003-39 a.. IN IK ��J Itltl.+,•'�i /�,7.. ;7 r UG3J". "'+�L's'L� II t,�t+� r+k�l!t tr s••--^.�`Cl,i'J��� !f �;J �i�`f;' :��� F1 C\ p l '} r i`�ItY2$` • �c I} ��•- t .' , I I r j r ` r I / ' \ rl tiAldgur,.�cCh 1/ \ /R A- f I I `r a' 1 DD4,�(70D AVC 4 ✓•"'/ /• rJ .. \k { j+%/�'',,• �ir, "Y + t �w -'I" \ (`t5 1's/ �t\,Ir .•a. +�. 2i J / v f .,.. :.+i 1�:.Y 4 j 1 •�,'�i:^1•r "�Q"y n-v\.+ Vi , 77+.� �•ll 'F' r \- `� i . d� I �r "d,• \' /,�,5, ,R ,� vt'w v, tR� to '�yI^+R, q.•-". u��GG /ys Y�1\ �- )J,+r• r-�k 7Ir, Y.0 1 V�'+",. 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Vicinirn DRAWN BY: P,TB BRANCH DATE: RESIDUALS Mount dolly NirWTP and Equalization Basins Map Jun-04 & S©£LS, LLC Project No. 2003-39 No SYNAGAO VICINITYMAP A Residuals Management Company COUNTY: Gaston OWNER(S): Greg Springs NC-GA-41 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP GII ....... ... A Rr.ddaah AlanaKemrat C vzpan� 0\TNER(S) Greg Springs SCALE: Piz 1625 ft SITE/FIELD(S) NC-GA-4.1 Fields 01, 06,09,10,14 CONTOUR INTERVAL: 10 t '17 N � '� � 1. -�,, � �: ;{ .;. �. �♦. JS P1�tJ7id`i/.b'!D(�{rilFr7�:�1��1 �C5{.3if:�jfi�lp) Owner: Greg Springs NC-GA-41 ScaEe: I" = 660' Field # 6, 9� 10., 14, & 15 - > STREAM CK) DC DRAIN SURFACE WATER FENCE STORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE Total Acres: See Summary CiD APPLICATION AREA HOUSE ❑ OUTBUILDING 0 WELL SOBL DESCRIPTION �Q\ Y` SWBMMINC POOL Net Acres: See Summani PRIVATE ROAD, FORESTED AREA UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR BNCORPORATFON 9-12% SLOPE SYNAGR VICINITYMAP A Residuals Management Compatq COUNTY: Gaston OWNER(S): Bennett Allen NC-GA-44 SYNAGRO TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A Residuals Management Company OWNER(S) Bennett Allen / R-Annell Housing Group SCALE: 1 "z 1625 ft SITE/FIELD(S) NC-GA-44 Fields 1 - 3 CONTOUR INTERVAL: 10 APPLICATION AREA MAP 14- 0 U. ,, SYNAG A Krsiduah Afaijf eve mt Cgmjh nr � e . a,(l 4 Owner: Bennett Allen NC-GA-44 Scale: V = 660' Field # 1— 3 Total Acres: See Summary Net Acres: See Summary . _ > STREAM DRAIN OSURFACE WATER x FENCE OSTORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE Ci:) APPLICATION AREA =_______= PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING ® UNSUITABLE 0 WELL Q SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR fill INCORPORATION P SWIMMING POOL 8-12% SLOPE 1'111, SYNAGKO VICINITYMAP A Residuals Management Company COUNTY: Lincoln OWNER(S): Gary Duckworth NC-LT-43 S 11'VAGP,..,O TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OWNER(S) Gary Duckworth SCALE: A Residuals Management Company 1 "'Z 1000 ft SITE/FIELD(S) NC-LT-43 Fields 1 - 4 CONTOUR INTERVAL: 10 011/� SYNAGRO APPLICATION AREA MAP Owner: Gary Duckworth NC-LT-43 Scale: 1" = 660' Field # 1 - 4 Total Acres: See Summary Net Acres: See Summary STREAM APPLICATION AREA = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = PRIVATE ROAD —� DRAIN ® HOUSE FORESTED AREA CDSURFACE WATER ❑ OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE -X X FENCE WELL STORAGE AREA QQ SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOP. 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PRICE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY POST OFFICE BOX 406 MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA 28120 Subj ect: Dear Mr. Price: Attachment B Certification Dee Freeman Secretary 11 Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Gaston County I In accordance with the letter received on October 5, 2009, requesting correction of the Attachment B; we are forwarding herewith a modified Attachment B, certified October 29, 2009, to the City of Mount Holly for the subject residuals land application program. This certification is being issued to correct Attachment B by correcting the acreage for field MH06-02 to 44.6 acres and field MH06-04 to 8.20 acres. The existing maps are correct only the acreage listed in Attachment B is being corrected. Please replace the existing Attachment B of Permit No. WQ0001863 that was "previously certified on December 6, 2005, with this modified Attachment B. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that a complete permit is created by inserting this modified Attachment B into Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on December 6, 2005, and making sure to retain any vicinity and buffer maps for existing land application sites. This modified Attachment B shall be effective from the date of certification; shall void Attachment B of Permit No. WQ0001863 that was previously certified on December 6, 2005; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein and well as those specified in the above - referenced permit. As always, remember to take the time to review this modified Attachment B thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been changed since the last certification. Note that this modified Attachment B is hereby incorporated by reference into Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on December 6, 2005. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-60481 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: Nortl-iCarolina An Equal Opportunity 1 A#r`umaiive Action Employer Mr. Donald R. Price October 29, 2009 Page 2 If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this certification or modified Attachment B are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of the certification. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Ed Hardee by telephone at (919) 715-6189 or via e-mail at Sincerely, J U/ or Coleen H. Sullins cc: James Friday, Utility Director, City of Mount Holly Gaston County Health Department Lincoln Co= Health Department r�Qressll I ega, +a Gfa ce.iafe Pr t_cctiou Section Permit File WQ00018 LAU Files ATTACHMENT B -Approved Land Application Sites Permit Number: WQ0001863 Version: 2.00 City of Mount Holly (-ifir of Mni int Hnlly Racirii ink I nnri Annlicatinn Prnoram Field/Zone Id Landowner Lessee/Operator County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Applicable Restriction in Condition IVA. MH 01-06 Sp rings, III Thomas W. Gaston 35°17'51" 81001'52" 14.30 GW-A MH 01-09 Springs, III Thomas W. Gaston 35017'38" 81001106" 13.50 GW-A MH 01-10 Springs, III Thomas W. Gaston 35017'45" 81001'33" 17.50 GW-A MH 01-14 Springs, III Thomas W. Gaston 35017141" 81001'43" 9.70 GW-A MH 02-0 a Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35023'58" 81002'57" 33.30 GW-A MH 02-02 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024103" 81003106" 30.10 GW-A MH 02-04 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'12" 81002'38" 12.30 GW-A MH 02-05 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'09" 81002'27" 16.70 GW-A MH 02-06 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'01" 81002'29" 15.20 GW-A Total for County 162.60 MH 06-02 Jones, Tony Lincoln 35024'39" 81002'15" 44.60 GW-A MH 06-04 Jones, Tony Lincoln 35024'30" 81002'05" 8.20 GW-A Total for County 52.80 Total 215.40 aWithin 30 calendar days of the issuance of this permit, the Permittee shall submit upsated cumulative loading rates (CPLRs) for this land application site as was required by the permit renewal application forms. Mail two copies of the updated CPLR information or a statement that certifies that the site has never been used to the NCDENR-DWQ, Aquifer Protection Section, Land Application Unit, LAU Residuals Program Coordinator, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. Permit No. WQ0001863 Page 1 of 1 Certification Date October 29, 2009 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources December 6, 2005 MR. DONALD R. PRICE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY POST OFFICE BOX 406 MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA 28120 Dear Mr. Price: fa im k, P,E;, Director_-;-- 0iv ibn WJer Quality `I 111 N � 200 � s C D E N R - Aquifer Subject: Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Gaston County In accordance with the permit renewal and modification application package received on December 23, 2004; the amended permit modification application package received on September 23, 2005 and October .13, 2005; as well as the additional- information received on October 14, 2005; November 8, 2005; and November 10, 2005; we are forwarding herewith a renewed and modified Permit No. WQ0001863, dated December 6, 2005, to the City of Mount Holly for the subject residuals land application program. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, 2010; shall void Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on December 28; 1999 and subsequently corrected on February 12, 2001 and November 8, 2002; and, shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Make note of this permit's expiration date and the fact that a permit renewal application is due to the Division of Water Quality (Division) no later than six months prior to that date (i.e., see Condition VI. 7.), as the Division does not send reminders to apply for permit renewal. It should be noted that the package to apply for this permit modification and renewal was submitted after the expiration date of the previous issuance of this permit (i.e., a complete package was received on December 23, 2004 versus an expiration date of November 30, 2004). A request to extend the previous issuance of this permit until December 31, 2004 was made to and granted by the Division; however, this request was not received until November 22, 2004, which was almost six months after a permit renewal application package was due. The Permittee should make a better effort to monitor permit expiration dates in the future to avoid potential enforcement action for failing to submit a timely renewal as well as operating the residuals land application program without a valid permit. This permit approves the continued operation of the residuals land application program for another five-year cycle. Several previously -permitted land application sites (i.e., Site Nos. 04, 07, 08, 13, GD Field Nos. 01 through 09, MH 02-03, MH 03-01, and MH 03-03), which totaled 159.10 net acres in Gaston. County are not being renewed for continued -use.. The remaining previously -permitted land application sites are being renewed; however, this permit reflects a change in the site identification numbering method for some of the renewed sites (i.e., Site Nos. 06, 09, 10, and 14 are now referred to as Site Nos. MH 01-06, MH 01-09, MH 01-10, and MH 01-14, respectively) as well as a his permit reflects a change in ownership -of these same sites (i.e., from John S. Springs Estate to Thomas W. Springs, III.). NorthCarolina Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: ht1p:// 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Donald R. Price December 6, 2005 Page 2 This permit is also' being modified to approve 52.80 net acres of additional land application sites to the residuals land application program. The sites (i.e., Site Nos. MH 06-02 and MH 06-04) are located in Lincoln County and were previously approved to receive residuals through the City of Belmont's residuals land application program (i.e., formerly Site Nos. Bt6-02 and Bt6-04 in Permit No. WQ0003281). These sites are transferred with some modifications that are now reflected in this permit including a change in ownership (i.e., from Mr. North Jones to Mr. Tony Jones) as well as acreage changes resulting from more accurate area determination methods (i.e., net increase in acres when totaled across both sites). With the additions and deletions, this program now has a total of 215.40 net acres of land available for residuals application. As always, remember to take the time to review this permit thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been added, changed, or deleted since the last issuance. Pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. Of particular interest to you may be the following: ♦ Condition II. 13.: This condition requires that residuals be land applied at rates that are agronomically justifiable. As the volume of land applied residuals approaches the maximum allowed under this permit, the Division is concerned that the Permittee may not have the capacity and flexibility in this residuals land application program, as currently approved, to meet this condition in years that the equalization basin at the Mount Holly WWTP is cleaned out. The Permittee may want to keep track and monitor applications carefully and account for nitrogen carryover in land application sites that are used repeatedly in successive calendar years. The Perrnittee may want to review the capacity and flexibility of its program and make future adjustments if the land applied volume of residuals increases during this permit cycle in order to avoid the potential to contravene surface water and groundwater quality standards. ♦ Condition III. 5.: From reviewing the sampling/monitoring plan that was presented in your permit renewal/modification application package as well as the data submitted in the annual report for the 2004 calendar year, the Division questions whether sufficient and appropriate data is being gathered to demonstrate complete compliance with this permit as well as 40 CFR Part 503 with respect to type, number, and timing of the samplinghnonitoring completed. Some examples include: ✓ Because the equalization basin at the Mount Holly WWTP is not an aerobic or anaerobic digester, 40 CFR §503.33 (b)(1) (i.e., 38 percent volatile solids reduction) cannot be used to demonstrate the residuals' compliance with a vector attraction reduction alternative. Per guidance published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, credit for volatile solids reduction may only be taken in the residuals treatment process and not in the wastewater treatment process. For this reason, it is not correct to sample the wastewater that is influent to the equalization basin and then compare the resultant volatile solids fraction to that of the residuals in the bottom of the basin. Based on a review of this package, the Division's opinion is that residuals from the basin must either be injected (i.e., 40 CFR §503.33 (b)(9)) or incorporated (i.e., 40 CFR §503.33 (b)(10)) in order to meet the vector attraction reduction requirement in this permit and the federal regulations. ✓ If the two aerobic digesters at the Mount Holly WWTP are being operated in parallel and if residuals are being removed and land applied from both digesters, in a. single calendar year, it may be necessary to sample/monitor both digesters. This is especially vital for ensuring compliance with the pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements, as performance may vary across digesters. Mr. Donald R. Price December 6, 2005 Page 3 ✓ The Permittee may want to consider monitoring the volatile solids fraction of the residuals that are influent to the aerobic digesters at the Mount Holly WWTP more often that immediately prior to a land application event in order to ensure that the final "snapshot" is truly representative of the volatile solids loading that the digesters receive during the monitoring period. In this way, the Permittee may ensure complete compliance with the 38 percent volatile solids reduction requirement in a more process - oriented fashion. The Division recommends that the residuals sampling/monitoring plan be reviewed and adjusted so that potential future enforcement action may be avoided. There are several technical guidances and operator tools available that may be of interest; and your land applier's technical consultant or your inspector at the Aquifer Protection Section of the Division's Mooresville Regional Office may be of assistance to you as well. ♦ Footnote c. of Attachment A: Because this data was not included with the permit renewal/modification application package as was requested, this footnote condition requires that certain analytical results for the residuals from the equalization basin at the Mount Holly WWTP be submitted to the Division for review. The residuals may not be land applied until the receipt of the analytical results and approval of the residuals acceptability for land application is, provided to the Permittee in writing. ♦ Footnote a. of Attachment B: This footnote condition requires that updated cumulative pollutant loading rate (CPLRs) information for Site No. 02-01 or, alternately, a statement that certifies that this site has never been used for residuals land application be received by the Division within 30 calendar days of this permit's issuance. This information was not provided with the permit renewal/modification application package, as is required by the form instructions. If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please ontact Ms. Shannon Mohr Thornburg by telephone at (919) 715-6167 or via e-mail at shannon.thombur, Sincerel for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Mr. Robert T. Branch, L.S.S., Branch Residuals & Soils, L.L.C. Mr. Dennis Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Gaston County Health Department Lincoln County Health Department r- _ W-oresville Regional Office- Aquifer Protection_ Section_ Technical Assistance and Certification Unit APS Central Files APS Files LAU Residuals Program Coordinator NORTH CAROLINA . ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (503) PERMIT In accordance with theprovisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other -applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO City of Mount Holly Gaston County FOR THE continued operation of a residuals land application program for the City of Mount Holly and consisting of the land application of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified . Attachment A to, the. land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B with no discharge of wastes . to surface waters,' pursuant to , the permit renewal and modification application package received on December 23, 2004; the amended permit modification application package received on September 23, 2005 and October 13, 2005; as well as the additional information received on October 14, 2005; November 8, 2005; and November 10, 2005, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit." This permit . shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, 2010; shall void Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on December 28, 1999 and subsequently corrected on February 12, 2001 and November 8, 2002; and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The residuals"land application program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non discharge system to prevent the,, discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils of the land application' sites fail to assimilate the residuals. adequately and maybe rescinded unless' the land application sites are maintained and operated in ,a _manner .that will protect the assigned. water quality standards of the surface waters and groundwater. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface waters or groundwater resulting from the operation of this -residuals land application program. 4. In the event that the residuals land application program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease land applying residuals to the site, contact the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division of Water Quality's (Division) regional office, and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division. No residuals other than those generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall be approved for land application in accordance with this permit. 6. The pollutant concentrations in any residuals that are land applied to any land application site shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (i.e., dry weight basis): Parameter Ceiling Concentration milli rams per kilo ram) Arsenic 75 Cadmium 85 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 .Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 7. When residuals are land applied under the conditions of this permit, the Class A pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one of vector attraction . reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33 shall be met. Additionally, an evaluation shall be performed that demonstrates the residuals' ability to comply with this requirement. Upon request, a copy of this evaluation, including all test results and calculations, shall be submitted. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A shall not be required to comply with the specified pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Only the land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit are approved for residuals land application. 9. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landowners and lessees or operators of any land application sites listed in the most recently - certified Attachment B of this permit not owned by the Permittee are in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and shall be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. 2 10. The appropriate local governmental official (i.e., county manager; city manager, etc.) shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event to any new land application site. In addition, the appropriate county manager's office shall be notified prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new site so that they will be aware that residuals land application activities have commenced on the site. 11. The Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional office shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new land application site.. Such notification to the Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor shall be made during normal office hours (i.e., from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.) between Monday and. Friday, but excluding State Holidays. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage,, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at H. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The facilities and land application sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times f 2.J Upon classification of the residuals land application program by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the program. The operator shall hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the program by the WPCSOCC. The Permittee shall also designate a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0202. No residuals shall be stored at any land application site at any time, unless written approval has first been requested and obtained from the Division. 4. A copy of this permit shall be maintained in all manned equipment at the land application sites when residuals are being land applied during the life of this permit. A spill prevention and control plan shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. When land applying residuals to any land application site, the following buffer zones shall be maintained at all times: 400 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application methods; however; the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional office in Attachment B of this permit; b. 200 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for subsurface application methods; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional office in Attachment B of this permit; c. 100 feet from any public or private water supply source, waters classified as SA or SB, and any Class I or Class 11 impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water for both methods; d. 100 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for surface application; e. 50 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for subsurface application; f. 50 feet from property lines for both surface and subsurface application methods; g. 50 feet from public right of ways for both surface and subsurface application methods; h. 10 feet from upslope interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both surface and subsurface application methods; and i. 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, groundwater drainage systems, and surface drainage ditches for both surface and subsurface application methods. Some of the buffers specified above may not have been included in previous permits for this residuals land application program. However, any land application sites that are listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit, but were approved with different buffers shall be reflagged to comply with these buffers. 6. Maximum slope for land application of residuals shall be 10 percent for surface application methods and 18 percent for subsurface application methods. 7. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each land application site prior to and during a residuals land application event. The metal loading rates on any land application site shall not exceed the following Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): Parameter CPLR (kilograms per hectare)(pounds CPLR per acre) Arsenic 41 36 Cadmium 39 34 Copper 1,500 1,338 Lead 300 267 Mercury 17 15 Molybdenum n/a n/a Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 2,800 2,498 9. An acceptable pH shall be maintained in the soil, residuals, and lime mixture, greater than 6.0, on all land application sites onto which residuals are land applied to ensure optimum yield for the crops specified in Condition II. 13. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. iI 10. Should any of the residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit contain a_ high salt content (i.e., high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of five or higher), the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) or other method as approved by the Division, using the results from the annual soils analysis as required by this permit, shall be monitored on all of the land application sites. The local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina -licensed Soil Scientist, or other agronomist shall review the results and make recommendations regarding soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.) or other ameliorative mechanism for maintaining the integrity of the site in terms of suitability for land application of residuals and maintaining conditions conducive to crop growth. The. Permittee shall implement such recommendations accordingly and shall maintain written records of each monitoring event that includes details of the sites covered and rate of soil amendment application. 11. Prior to land applying residuals to any land application site -that has previously received or is intended to receive animal waste (e.g., poultry litter, etc.) or other source of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, etc.) in the future, the Permittee shall obtain information pertaining to the volume and analysis of the applied waste/nutrients from the landowner and/or lessee/operator of the site. The Permittee shall be responsible for verifying the volume of residuals that may be land applied to the site such that the plant available nitrogen (PAN) loading rate for the specified crop (i.e.,-see Condition II. 13.) shall not be exceeded by all of the sources of PAN applied. Should the maximum PAN loading rate be met or exceeded, then no additional residuals shall be land applied to the site. 12. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in Condition II. 13., shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are land applied in accordance with. the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist and as approved by the Division. 5 13. Residuals and other sources of PAN shall be land applied to all land application sites at agronomic rates in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. Under no circumstances shall the following PAN loading rates land applied to any site exceed the following for the specified crops: PAN PAN Crop (pounds per Crop (pounds per acre per year) acre per year) Alfalfa 200 Forest (Hardwood or Softwood) 75 Bermuda Grass 220 Milo 100 (Hay or Pasture) Blue Grass 120 Small Grain 100 (Wheat, Barley, or Oats) Corn 160 Sorghum or Sudex 180 (Grain) (Pasture) Corn 200 Sorghum or Sudex 220 (Silage) (Silage) Cotton 70 Soybeans 200 Fescue 250 Timothy, Orchard, or 200 Rye Grasses The Permittee shall apply for and receive a modification of this permit before land applying residuals on any land application site that is to be established in a crop other than those listed above. A maximum PAN loading rate for the desired crop shall be approved with the permit modification. If the land application sites are to be overseeded (e.g., bennuda grass in the summer and rye grass in the winter with BOTH crops to receive residuals), then the second crop shall receive an application of PAN at a rate of no greater than 50 pounds per acre per year. This practice shall be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no residuals shall be land applied to these sites because the PAN will essentially be returned to the soil. Residuals shall not be land applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 14. Animals shall not be grazed on any land application site for 30 days after any residuals land application event. Sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each event. 15. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops that do not come in contact with the e residuals shall not be harvested for 30 days after any residuals land application event. 16. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the - land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) shall not be harvested for 14 months after any residuals land application event. I.T. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land (i.e., root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for 20 months after any residuals land application - event when the residuals -remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. " 18. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after any residuals land application event when the residuals. remain on the land surface forJess than four months prior, to incorporation into the soil. 19. Turf shall not be harvested for one year after any residuals land application event. 20. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into any surface waters. . 21. Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from 'carrying any land applied or stored residuals into any surface waters. 22. Surface -applied residuals . shall be plowed or disced within .24 hours after land application on land application sites with no cover crop established. 23. For land application sites that are prone to flooding or within the' 100-year flood elevation, residuals shall be land applied only during periods of dry weather., The residuals shall be incorporated into the soil within 24 hours after land application. 24. Residuals shall not be land applied during inclement weather or until 24 hours following a. rainfall, event of 0.5-inch or greater in 24 hours. Any emergency residuals land application measures shall first be approved in writing by the Division. 25. Residuals shall not be land. applied to: any land application site that is flooded, frozen, or snow-covered. - 26. -. Appropriate measures shall be .taken to control public access to the land application, sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residuals land application event. , Such controls. may. include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. HI. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (i.e., including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure protection of the environment shall be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 7 2. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most -recently - certified Attachment A of this permit shall be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non- hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). A corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity analysis as well as a Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated 'by each residuals source - generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analyses shall be' performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If -residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facitify afe land app` lied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit, the analyses shall be required for each residuals land application event. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Barium (100.0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0). Benzene (0.5) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Endrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) Chlordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxychlor (10.0) 2,4-D (10.0) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) After the residuals have been monitored as specified above for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to request a reduction of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per permit cycle. An analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analysis shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, an analysis shall be required for each residuals land application event. The analysis shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following parameters: Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Arsenic Cadmium Calcium Copper Lead Magnesium Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate -Nitrite. Nitrogen Percent Total Solids pH Phosphorus Potassium Selenium Sodium Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Zinc Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) After the residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility have been monitored for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to reduce the frequency of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of this monitoring be less than once per year when a residuals land application event . of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facility occurs during that year. 4. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit shall be monitored for compliance with Condition I. 7. The monitoring shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and data to verify pathogen and vector attraction reduction of the residuals shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The required data shall be specific to the stabilization process utilized, but also shall Ue sufficient to demonstrate clear compliance with the Class A pathogen reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen reduction requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b) as well as one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification statements concerning compliance with pathogen reduction requirements, vector attraction reduction requirements, and management practices shall be completed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit by the proper authority or authorities, if more than one is involved (i.e., either the person who prepares the residuals, the person who derives the material, or the person who applies the residuals). Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from Condition I. 7. in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required ,,."to comply with this monitoring requirement. 5�" Labora ry a aJ, ses as equir_ed Uy�Cotidit :ori TLI _ ' , oridf i i III. 3:; and -Condition III.�4' shall beLpgrfom ed/gathei ed on Ile reszd-the_yar_e�-:to ,be,_land applied. Furthermore, analytical determinations made pursuant to the monitoring and reporting requirements of this permit shall be made by a laboratory certified by the Division for the required parameter(s) under 15A NCAC 2H .0800 or 15A NCAC 211.1100. 0 6. Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all residuals land application events. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number); d. Method of land application; e. Weather conditions (i.e., sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.); f. Soil conditions (i.e., dry, wet, frozen, etc.); g. Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; h. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, dry tons per acre, or kilograms per . hectare; i. Volume of animal waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); j. Volume of soil amendments (i.e., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); and k. Annual and cumulative totals of dry tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (i.e., if applicable), annual and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal (i.e., shall include, but shall not be limited to, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, . and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. 7. A representative annual soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each land application site on which a residuals land application event in the respective calendar year has occurred or is to occur, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Acidity Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (by calculation) Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Cation Exchange Capacity Manganese Potassium Copper Percent Humic Matter Sodium Base Saturation (by calculation) pH Zinc 8. Three copies of all required monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in Condition III. 1., Condition III. 2., Condition III. 3., Condition III. 4., Condition III, 5., Condition III, 6., and Condition III. 7. shall be submitted annually on or before March 1st of the year following the residuals land application event to the following address: NCDENR-DWQ Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 10 9. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Aquifer Protection Section of the Division's Mooresville Regional Office at telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the residuals land application program that results in the land application. of significant amounts of residuals that are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the residuals land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. c. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the residuals land application program has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the program system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the residuals land application program incapable of adequate residuals treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. Occurrences outside of normal business hours (i.e., from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays, except State Holidays) may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at one of the following telephone numbers (800) 662-7956, (800) 858- 0368, or (919) 733-3300. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS 1. Land Application Site Requirements: a. Each land application site identified with a GW-A in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table greater than three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application events may occur on these sites throughout the year. b. Each land application site identified with a GW-B in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table between one and three feet below the land surface. - Residual land application events on these sites shall be prohibited from December through March, inclusive. No residuals shall be land applied to these sites when the vertical separation between the depth of residuals land application and the water table is less than three feet. The actual water table depth for seasonally -restricted soils shall be verified by soil borings within 24 hours prior to any residuals land application event that occurs from April through November, inclusive. The number of borings advanced shall be sufficient to characterize water table conditions across the land application site adequately. Any open borings shall be properly filled with native soil, prior to the residuals land application event, to decrease the chance of any residuals contaminating the groundwater. 11 2. Applicable Boundary Requirements: a. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for residuals land application programs is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L (i.e., "Groundwater Classifications and Standards"). The Compliance Boundary for each land application site is established at either 250 feet from the residuals land application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residuals land application. area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action according to 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(2). b. The REVIEW BOUNDARY shall be established around each land application site midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals land application area. Any exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at the Review Boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(1). Additional Requirements: a. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. V. INSPECTIONS Prior to each residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport, and application facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of five years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division or other permitting authority, upon request. 2. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application sites_ or facilities at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit shall become voidable unless the residuals land application events are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the supporting materials, and in the manner approved by the Division. 2. This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the application and other supporting data. 3. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A through § 143-215.6C. 12 4. The annual administering and compliance fee shall be paid by the Permittee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit, as specified by 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCGO10000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 213 .0200 and 15A NCAC .0500. 6. This permit may be modified, revoked, and/or reissued to incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division deems necessary in order to protect the environment and public health adequately. 7. The Permittee, at least . six months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Division shall review the adequacy of the facilities and residuals land application program described therein, and if warranted, shall extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. This permit shall not be automatically transferable. In the event that there is a desire for the residuals land application program to change ownership or to change the name of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division documentation from the parties involved and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. Permit issued this the sixth day of December, 2005. NORTH AL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0001863 13 ATTACHMENT A - Approved Residuals Source -Generating Facilities Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Hotly City of Mount Holly Residuals Laud Application Program Owner Facility Name County Permit Number Issued By Is 503? Maximo in 1 Monitoring r fTJ/ Monitoring Approved Dry Tons Frequency for Frequency for Mineralization Per Year Condition 111. 2. Condition I11.3. and Rate - Condition I11. 4. City of Mount Holly Mount Holly WTP Gaston 01-36-020 DEH non 503 130.00 Annually Annually' 0.40 City of Mount Holly Mount Holly WWTP (Equalization Basin only)n Gaston NC0021156 DWQ 503 280.00 Annually` AtuwaN 0.40 City of Moment Holly Mount Holly WWTP Gaston NC0021151 DWQ 503 500.00 Annually 4 X year ' 0.30 Total 910.00 Provided that the residuals generated from this residuals source -generating facility are not mixed with any other residuals authorized by this permit, this facility shall be exempt from complying with the performance standards stipulated in Condition I. 7. as well as the monitoring and reporting requirements stipulated in Condition III. 4. t, The Division understands that the equalization basin is cleaned once every five to seven years. The entire 280.00 dry tons per year of residuals that accumulate in the basin (i.e., 56.00 dry tons per year during a five-year permit cycle) may be removed and land applied during a single calendar year, with no subsequent land application events during die remainder of the permit cycle. Residual sample(s) and verification of compliance with the pathogen reduction and vector attraction requirements of the residuals shall be taken/perfomted separately from those taken for/performed on die residuals generated by the activated sludge process in the year(s) that land application occurs. The Pernittee shall take care to take representative sample(s) of the accumulated residuals to account for any variability in location and depth within die basin. ` Prior to land applying any residuals from this residuals source -generating facility, the Petrittee shall conduct corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity analyses of the residuals. No residuals from this facility shall be land applied until the analytical results are provided to and acknowledged in writing by the Division. Two copies of the analytical results shall be sent to the NCDENR-DWQ, Aquifer Protection Section, Land Application Unit, c/o LAU Residuals Program Coordinator, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. Permit No. WQ0001863 Page 1 of 1 Certification Date: December 6, 2005 ,• N g, �♦� =� ��;, - .`r 4u-- `G;:-�1 - 1•.,.1. :� s�j`�;'�; ilt '� ^�. �Fs3 s /f o e t„ 1 F.4.. f' ``. . �t` �`'t , \� ...�./a!� 3), i rl,i- 1 !•¢ �r i ''' !r .t'' ,� ��"\I • � �' s a4 `c { ' fs � J> �t / / '' ty `. 95D � /�/ 3 � ^'` •� ,fi ��. f {4-: f��•t ,�a. � r � ,j ;�{ ({7 � � ,,;`w..✓ � ( *nf/7'4t �ss-�ti J,�S''- ,1:�, !4. Rf � h �Z `��'� �'�- tt , f k i. 1�f ,1�t--,- tl' l{� s \• �`� ,� ��_/�r t( �{ nit Lr 4 is I�ti� �; �,r.•-;� ;. ,�1. � it..�;Z'� '3i<t � � �'�,�i r`�( i• t .,,1 Y ,`<: � - ��' r. •`•' ; � �.. y , i / + ( ? 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'J I' 0 1 ,� t ST,i•\Y.. r r \ r. r'i^ ./' t ;1 rJ r ) 1 Itr^�tClF /1 ` C l '� fr' yr r �^\\.'� t- i i \ i - t lNfii'v( / .. yfr�)(�:/ `JtVY'` i ,S ., r i•' mac..] L � ✓lj -f f (a, t� \ \f '�V.� 4� +I '� 1�`'� r .`•L ? .J �t�l,�, � } i �(� �. •, � si,g�h' \ � i. 1 t ; s i �,t rrt���l , ��'�'t�F�+,�,�) 4��r--� r'- �'�'�..�.r�: � � ' ti/� pe ��`•--� _. .. •�.l .. _ .,., t:. ;�.�• USGS Mount Holly and Mountain Island Lake North Carolina 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle SCALE: P = 2000' City of Mout Holly Site CHECKED BY: Land Application Program Vicinity DRAWN BY: RTB BRANCH Mount Holly WTP Map RESIDUALS DATE: Jun-04 & SOILS, LLC Project No. 2003-39 N E��•--�. .. i :: t _� t '�y„ � ♦pia ��� t� ) x r t • i' yy.. t �f �� 4 t ; / ' _..�, ,p 1 a; :. •,, I-�,,"�.,'�. �'.l��^�K _'�,14:-''j�'.`,l1� `�iS'r�'i s;x'x;,�. `•\ \CL.r,).r� /l r'f*�.1 1- �`� i 4A ..,r• �,., i?Iiiti� �• ,� \.! _ ���-• .. ;'�, rti -� � � } �`��;� � i % .: }-•r�-ti; •;♦: w 1 i ` f ` I �? ! .' i ' r ,4 i i. zr Ana `TNff 1 '� F c F, -�i •c ,x ti. 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Gaston 3501751" 8100V52" 14.30 GW-A ' MH 01-09 -Springs, III, Thomas W. Gaston 3501738" 81001'06" 13.50 GW-A MH 01-10 Springs, 111, Thomas W. Gaston 3501745" 81001'33" 17.50 GW-A MH 01-14 Springs, I11, Thomas W. Gaston' 3501741" 81001'43" 9.70 GW-A MH 02-01a Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35023'58" 81002'57" - -33.30 GW-A MH 02-02 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'03" 81 °03'06" " 30.10 GW-A MH 02-04 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'12" 81002'38" 12.30' GW-A MH 02-0 Killian,"Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'09" 81002'27" 16.70 GW-A MH 02-06 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'01" 81 °02'29" 15.20 GW-A Total or County Gaston 162.60 MH 06-02 Jones, Tony Lincoln 35024'39" 81002'15" 8.20 GW-A MH 06-04 Jones, Tony Lincoln 35024'30" 81002'05" 44.60 GW-A Total or Co 11ty Lincoln 52.80 Total 215.40 a Within 30 calendar days of the issuance of this permit, the Permittee shall submit updated cumulative pollutant loading rates (CPLRs) for this land application site, as was required by the,permit renewal application, forms. Mail two copies of the updated CPLR information or a statement that certifies that the site has never been used to the NCDENR-DWQ, " Aquifer Protection Section, Land Application Unit, LAU Residuals Program Coordinator, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. Permit No. WQ0001863 Page I of 1 Certification Date: December 6, 2005 1/n�7} ��*.r vI "gyp' S��\'-_ ,�7. _c-�rP •.J ��/. .•.us 1 �a nC-P v /iR✓ n I ' °Mfg ' li a'_ \ V--J.'/1 .1Ep"a' �r �tt� _��."�1f��.._l.!'r 'y ' ' ) -_a � _ 21 (. ` I . `a=` ♦ r \}°I� '/ 1 Irls,n Creck Y % u / \ \9 / �L I = / i , \)S '� '' GO All coA4oiyp ~ 9\� - �n ',.;y \'�;�_` `\ / I �v,J _J t. Jrl c�,�►<. `.� I•;- it 111111 ry</'rs�"1 lw ♦ - f7N / ' rN - 4 I , I I 'r , • ( � � JEl�k I`'; , .7: h fPv'� '�•_-•1� � [liT ,rz'� / ',(�� o/ `,, c�°°e �\ 1 s � T 91e r.f'e� '�.{•'� t ,.r� \ l� � �I-.- J�/ 73 I .f ,IT"Va .f .\_`RU .".•.:•�``vl .;`� Cali16 9e• /e .Re n I _ 1 /° /x \ ;=r lur l: is rn.r, [_ �1.: ��' = �� l' `'1: ; - �. 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't w a{,'. ,(9( SCALE: I"=2 miles City of Mout Holly Site CHECKED BY: Land Application Program Vicinity DRAWN BY: RTB - .BRUNCH Charles Killian Farm C �i� e Jultl C2, Map DATE: RESIDUALS Jun-04 & SOILS, LLC Project No. 2003-39 ® Dwelling ® Structure (Barn) d Pond ® Well Buffer Area W Wet Area Legend NIA Wooded Area - • - -® Drainageway _= Access Road _ — — Property Line x-x-x Fence 0 Hand Auger Boring r AJ� 1 1 !/ t J / •� !.! Q \ / _1 ._ �_I �^ I••°``� `Jl''' 1 Li` M1Il , �J Go G •.'4�^ I,,� r�_ P Ar y :t I -^cn p✓J '. .:�- �EdF f�._ I\�•.)l Z 5;:.�, p ErxEr ! ` •I, w �� TNnNDEF Ra I ^•� J � l: 11 \-. I•� \ Fti,,.. ��� /r nyle • �� Y J ' i •, �-• /'`Z. J-err +Ee "• Iz \��' )� I j 16r. L t",1,- • L� ) ?.. 1 ...�rl'C 3,ci°PO 73 ~ jocNf 1 `J<°� �• E 1. .sl.Y`'!�-•!. = n<!/. / 7 \ . sNDs ii mnd \'•-' -^,. r? \) q�'rrt''a� H lxC ° F n s -_ /'� a» , s '� ' ___-J, � _. 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Esof ua160 '� 1f �'p •�,, j P wln 1%[y�ake /r/ai0= la -' '� �I`•�p0���o e 1 Y/ /` C �,1. s{D�,e nSnc`••` i.,<_ SSS \ it r _�. 1 ,1 �6'I' •)� / r.,. �_we .(�r,.R( f���'{o. .. (.0, SCALE: I rr 2 miles City of Mout Holly Site CHECKED BY: Land Application Program Vicinity DRAWN BY: RTB 13RANCFi Tony Jones Farm S;k C. Mai Q��? Map �A rE: RESIDUALS Jun-04 & SOILS, LLC Project No• 2003-39 covizz Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources December 6, 2005 MR. DONALD R. PRICE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY POST OFFICE BOX 406 MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA 28120 Dear Mr. Price: l _Kr i%W-K1J i!ek, P.E., Director I . `�,Divis;on Q� Water Quality 2006 E > Pf Subject: Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Gaston County . In accordance with the permit renewal and modification application package received on December 23, 2004; the amended permit modification application package received on September 23, 2005 and October .13, 2005; as well as the additional information received on October 14, 2005; November 8, 2005; and November 10, 2005; we are forwarding herewith a renewed and modified Permit No. WQ0001863, dated December 6, 2005, to the City of Mount Holly for the subject residuals land application program. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until �FMTFFT ?Fr 3(],,, -0 Or'- shall void Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on December 28, 1999 and subsequently corrected on February 12, 2001 and November 8, 2002; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Make note of this permit's expiration date and the fact that a permit renewal application is due to the Division of Water Quality (Division) no later than six months prior to that date (i.e., see Condition VI. 7.), as the Division does not send reminders to apply for permit renewal. It should be noted that the package to apply for this permit modification and renewal was submitted after the expiration date of the previous issuance of this permit (i.e., a complete package was received on December 23, 2004 versus an expiration date of November 30, 2004). A request to extend the previous issuance of this permit until December 31, 2004 was made to and granted by the Division; however, this request was not received, until November 22, 2004, which was almost six months after a permit renewal application package was due. The Permittee should make a better effort to monitor permit expiration dates in the future to avoid potential enforcement action for failing to submit a timely renewal as well as operating the residuals land application program without a valid permit. This permit approves the continued operation of the residuals land application program for another five-year cycle. Several previously -permitted land application sites (i.e., Site Nos. 04, 07, 08, 13, GD Field Nos. 01 through 09, MH 02-03, MH 03-01, and MH 03-03), which totaled 159.10 net acres in Gaston County are not being renewed for continued use.. The remaining previously -permitted land application sites are being renewed; however, this permit reflects a change in the site identification numbering method for some of the renewed sites (i.e., Site Nos. 06, 09, 10, and 14 are now referred to as Site Nos. MH 01-06, MH 01-09, MH 01-10, and MH 01-14, respectively) as well as a his permit reflects a change in ownership of these same sites (i.e., from John S. Springs Estate to Thomas W. Springs, III.). No thCarolina �atura!!y Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper : s•:�3 Mr. Donald R. Price December 6, 2005 Page 2 This permit is also being modified to approve 52.80 net acres of additional land application sites to the residuals land application program. The sites (i.e., Site Nos. MH 06-02 and MH 06-04) are located in Lincoln County and were previously approved to receive residuals through the City of Belmont's residuals land application program (i.e., formerly Site Nos. Bt6-02 and Bt6-04 in Permit No. WQ0003281). These sites are transferred with some modifications that are now reflected in this permit including a change in ownership (i.e., from Mr. North Jones to Mr. Tony Jones) as well as acreage changes resulting from more accurate area determination methods (i.e., net increase in acres when totaled across both sites). With the additions and deletions, this program now has a total of 215.40 net acres of land available for residuals application. As always, remember to take the time to review this permit thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been added, changed, or deleted since the last issuance. Pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. Of particular interest to you may be the following: ♦ Condition II. 13.: This condition requires that residuals be land applied at rates that are agronomically justifiable. As the volume of land applied residuals approaches the maximum allowed under this permit, the Division is concerned that the Permittee may not have the capacity and flexibility in this residuals land application program, as currently approved, to meet this condition in years that the equalization basin at the Mount Holly WWTP is cleaned out. The Permittee may want to keep track and monitor applications carefully and account for nitrogen carryover in land application sites that are used repeatedly in successive calendar years. The Permittee may want to review the capacity and flexibility of its program and make future adjustments if the land applied volume of residuals increases during this permit cycle in order to avoid the potential to contravene surface water and groundwater quality standards. ♦. Condition III. 5.: From reviewing the sampling/monitoring plan that was presented in your permit renewal/modification application package as well as the data submitted in the annual report for the 2004 calendar year, the Division questions whether sufficient and appropriate data is being gathered to demonstrate complete compliance with this permit as well as 40 CFR Part 503 with respect to type, number, and timing of the sampling/monitoring completed. Some examples include: ✓ Because the equalization basin at the Mount Holly WWTP is not an aerobic or anaerobic digester, 40 CFR §503.33 (b)(1) (i.e., 38 percent volatile solids reduction) cannot be used to demonstrate the residuals' compliance with a vector attraction reduction alternative. Per guidance published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, credit for volatile solids reduction may only be taken in the residuals treatment process and not in the wastewater treatment process. For this reason, it is not correct to sample the wastewater that is influent to the- equalization basin and then compare the resultant volatile solids fraction to that of the residuals in the bottom of the basin. Based on a review of this package, the Division's opinion is that residuals from the basin must either be injected (i.e., 40 CFR §503.33 (b)(9)) or incorporated (i.e., 40 CFR §503.33 (b)(10)) in order to meet the vector attraction reduction requirement in this permit and the federal regulations. ✓ If the two aerobic digesters at the Mount Holly WWTP are being operated in parallel and if residuals are being removed and land applied from both digesters in a single calendar year, it may be necessary to sample/monitor both digesters. This is especially vital for ensuring compliance with the pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements, as performance may vary across digesters. Mr. Donald R. Price December 6, 2005 Page 3 ✓ The Permittee may want to consider monitoring the volatile solids fraction of the residuals that are influent to the aerobic digesters at the Mount Holly WWTP more often that immediately prior to a land application event in order to ensure that the final "snapshot" is truly representative of the volatile solids loading that the digesters receive during the monitoring period. In this way, the Permittee may ensure complete compliance with the 38 percent volatile solids reduction requirement in a more process - oriented fashion. The Division recommends that the residuals sampling/monitoring plan be reviewed and adjusted so that potential future enforcement action may be avoided. There are several technical guidances and operator tools available that may be of interest, and your land applier's technical consultant or your inspector at the Aquifer Protection Section of the Division's Mooresville Regional Office may be of assistance to you as well. ♦ Footnote c. of Attachment A: Because this data was not included with the permit renewal/modification application package as was requested, this footnote condition requires that certain analytical results for the residuals from the equalization basin at the Mount Holly WWTP be submitted to the Division for review. The residuals may not be land applied until the receipt of the analytical results and approval of the residuals acceptability for land application is provided to the Permittee in writing. ♦ Footnote a. of Attachment B: This footnote condition requires that updated cumulative pollutant loading rate (CPLRs) information for Site No. 02-01 or, alternately, a statement that certifies that this site has never been used for residuals land application be received by the Division within 30 calendar days of this permit's issuance. This information was not provided with the permit renewal/modification application package, as is required by the form instructions. If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please Thornburg by telephone at (919) 715-6167 or via e-mail at shannon.thornbur Sincerely/./ Lor Alan W cc: Mr. Robert T. Branch, L.S.S., Branch Residuals & Soils, L.L.C. Mr. Dennis Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Gaston County Health Department Lincoln County Health Department Mooresville Regional Office - Aquifer Protection Section Technical Assistance and Certification Unit APS Central Files APS Files LAU Residuals Program Coordinator Ms. Shannon Mohr 7 Klimek, P.E. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (503) PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO City of Mount Holly Gaston County FOR THE continued operation of a residuals land application program for the City of Mount Holly and consisting of the land application of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A to the land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the permit renewal and modification application package received on December 23, 2004; .the amended permit modification application package received on September 23, 2005 and October 13, 2005; as well as the additional information received on October 14, 2005; November 8, 2005; and November 10, 2005, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, 2010; shall void Permit No. WQ0001.863, `issued on December 28, 1999 and subsequently corrected on February 12, 2001 and November 8, 2002; and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The residuals land application program shall be effectively maintained and operated as.a non - discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils of the land application sites fail to assimilate the residuals adequately.and may be rescinded unless the land application sites are maintained and operated in a manner that will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and groundwater. I The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface waters or groundwater resulting from the operation of this residuals land application program. 4. In the event that the residuals land application program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease land applying residuals to the site, contact the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division of Water Quality's (Division) regional office, and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division. No residuals other than those generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall be approved for land application in accordance with this permit. The pollutant concentrations in any residuals that are land applied to any land application site shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (i.e., dry weight basis): Parameter Ceiling Concentration (milligrams per kilo ram) Arsenic 75 Cadmium 85 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 7. When residuals are land applied under the conditions of this permit, the Class A pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one of vector attraction . reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33 shall be met. Additionally, an evaluation shall be performed that demonstrates the residuals' ability to comply -with this requirement. Upon request,. a copy of this evaluation, including all test results and calculations, shall be submitted. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A shall not be required to comply with the specified pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Only the land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit are approved for residuals land application. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landowners and lessees or operators of any land application sites listed in the most recently - certified Attachment B of this permit not owned by the Permittee are in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and shall be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. 2 10. The appropriate local governmental official (i.e., county manager, city manager, etc.) shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event to any new land application site. In addition, the appropriate county manager's office shall be notified prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new site so that they will be aware that residuals land application activities have commenced on the site. 11. The Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional office shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new land application site.. Such notification to the Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor shall be made during normal office hours (i.e., from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.) between Monday and Friday, but excluding State Holidays. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The facilities and land application sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. Upon classification of the residuals land application program by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the program. The operator shall hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the program by the WPCSOCC. The Permittee shall also designate a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0202. 3. No residuals shall be stored at any land application site at any time, unless written approval has first been requested and obtained from the Division. 4. A copy of this permit shall be maintained in all manned equipment at the land application sites when residuals are being land applied during the life of this permit.. A spill prevention and control plan shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. When land applying residuals to any land application site, the following buffer zones shall be maintained at all times: a. 400 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application methods; however; the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Aquifer Protection Section of the. appropriate Division's regional office in Attachment B of this permit; b. 200 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for subsurface application methods; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division's regional office in Attachment B of this permit; c. 100 feet from any public or private water supply source, waters classified as SA or SB, and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water for both methods; d. 100 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for surface application; e. 50 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters. and any other lake or impoundment for subsurface application; f. 50 feet from property lines for both surface and subsurface application methods; g. 50 feet from public right of ways for both surface and subsurface application methods; h. 10 feet from upslope interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both surface and subsurface application methods; and i. 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, groundwater drainage systems, and surface drainage ditches for both surface and subsurface application methods. Some of the buffers specified above may not have been included in previous permits for this residuals land application program. However, any land application sites that are listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit, but were approved with different buffers shall be reflagged to comply with these buffers. 6. Maximum slope for land application of residuals shall be 10 percent for surface application methods and 18 percent for subsurface application methods. 7. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be .clearly marked on each land application site prior to and during a residuals land application event. 8. The metal loading rates on any land application site shall not exceed the following Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): Parameter CPLR. (kilo rams er hectare) CPLR founds per acre) Arsenic 41 36 Cadmium 39 34 Copper 1,500 1,338 Lead 300 267 Mercury 17 15 Molybdenum n/a n/a Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 2,800 2,498 9. An acceptable pH shall be maintained in the soil, residuals, and lime mixture, greater than 6.0, on all land application sites onto which residuals are land applied to ensure optimum yield for the crops specified in Condition II. 13. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. 10 10. Should any of the residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit contain a high salt content (i.e., high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of five or higher), the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) or other method as approved by the Division, using the results from the annual soils analysis as required by this permit, shall be monitored on all of the land application sites. The local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina -licensed Soil Scientist, or other agronomist shall review the results and make recommendations regarding soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.) or other ameliorative mechanism for maintaining the integrity of the site in terms of suitability for land application of residuals and maintaining conditions conducive to crop growth. The Permittee shall implement such recommendations accordingly and shall maintain written records of each monitoring event that includes details of the sites covered and rate of soil amendment application. 11. Prior to land applying residuals to any land application site -that has previously received or is intended to receive animal waste (e.g., poultry litter, etc.) or other source of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, etc.) in the future,.the Permittee shall obtain information pertaining to the volume and analysis of the applied waste/nutrients from the landowner and/or lessee/operator of the site. The Permittee shall be responsible for verifying the volume of residuals that may be land applied to the site such that the plant available nitrogen (PAN) loading rate for the specified crop (i.e., see Condition II. 13.) shall not be exceeded by all of the sources of PAN applied. Should the maximum PAN loading rate be met or exceeded, then no additional residuals shall be land applied to the site. 12. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in Condition II. 13., shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are land applied in accordance with the crop .management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist and as approved by the Division. 61 13. Residuals and other sources of PAN shall be land applied to all land application sites at agronomic rates in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. Under no circumstances shall the following PAN loading rates land applied to any site exceed the following for the specified crops: PAN PAN Crop (pounds per Crop (pounds per acre per year) acre 'per.year) Alfalfa 200 Forest 75 (Hardwood or Softwood) Bermuda Grass 220 Milo 100 (Hay or Pasture) Blue Grass 120 Small Grain 100 (Wheat, Barley, or Oats) Corn 160 Sorghum or Sudex 180 (Grain) (Pasture) Corn 200 Sorghum or Sudex 220 (Silage) (Silage) Cotton 70 Soybeans 200 Fescue 250 Timothy, Orchard, or 200 Rye Grasses The Permittee shall apply for and receive a modification of this permit before land applying residuals on any land application site that is to be established in a crop other than those listed above. A maximum PAN loading rate for the desired crop shall be approved with the permit modification. If the land application sites are to be overseeded (e.g., bermuda grass in the summer and rye grass in the winter with BOTH crops to receive residuals), then the second crop shall receive an application of PAN at a rate of no greater than 50 pounds per acre per year. This practice shall be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no residuals shall be land applied to these sites because the PAN will essentially be returned to the soil. Residuals shall not be land applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 14. Animals shall not be grazed on any land application site for 30 days after any residuals land application event. Sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each event. 15. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops that do not come in contact with the residuals shall not be harvested for 30 days after any residuals land application event. 16. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) shall not be harvested for 14 months after any residuals land application event. 6 17. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land (i.e., root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for 20 months after any residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 18. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after any residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 19. Turf shall not be harvested for one year after any residuals land application event. 20. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into any surface waters. 21. Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any land applied or stored residuals into any surface waters. 22. Surface -applied residuals shall be plowed or disced within,24 hours after land application on land application sites with no cover crop established. 23. For land application sites that are prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, residuals shall be land applied only during periods of dry weather. The residuals shall be incorporated into the soil within 24 hours after land application. 24. Residuals shall not be land applied during inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of 0.5-inch or greater in 24 hours. Any emergency residuals land application measures shall first be approved in writing by the Division. 25. Residuals shall not be land applied to any land application site that is flooded, frozen, or snow-covered. 26. Appropriate measures shallbe taken to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. III. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (i.e., including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure protection of the environment shall be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 7 2. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most -recently - certified Attachment A of this permit shall be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non- hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). A corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity analysis as well as a Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated 'by each residuals source - generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analyses shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on_file _by the Permittee for a minimum of eve years,_ If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facihty� are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit, the analyses shall be required for each residuals land application event. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified _Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Barium (100.0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) , Benzene (0.5) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Endrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) Chlordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxychlor (10.0) 2,4-D (10.0) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) After the residuals have been monitored as specified above for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to request a reduction of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per permit cycle. An analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analysis shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, an analysis shall be required for each residuals land application event. The analysis shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following parameters: Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Arsenic Cadmium Calcium Copper Lead Magnesium Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate -Nitrite. Nitrogen Percent Total Solids pH Phosphorus Potassium Selenium Sodium Total Kj el dahl Nitrogen Zinc Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) After the residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility have been monitored for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to reduce the frequency of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of this monitoring be less than once per year when a residuals land application event of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facility occurs during that year. 4. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit shall be monitored for compliance with Condition I. 7. The monitoring shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and data to verify pathogen and vector attraction reduction of the residuals shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The _.�._ required data shall be specific to the stabilization process utilized, but also -shall be sufficient to demonstrate clear compliance with the Class A pathogen reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen reduction requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b) as well as one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification statements concerning compliance with pathogen reduction requirements, vector attraction reduction requirements, and management practices shall be completed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this pen -nit by the proper authority or authorities, if more than one is involved (i.e., either the person who prepares the residuals, the person who derives the material, or the person who applies the residuals). Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from Condition I. 7. in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. Laboratory analyses as required by Condition III. 2., Condition III. 3., and Condition III. 4. shall be performed/gathered on the residuals as they are to be land applied. Furthermore, analytical determinations made pursuant to the monitoring and reporting requirements of this permit shall be made by a laboratory certified by the Division for the required parameter(s) under 15A NCAC 2H .0800 or 15A NCAC 2H .1100. 6 Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all residuals land application events. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number); d. Method of land application; e. Weather conditions (i.e., sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.); f. Soil conditions (i.e., dry, wet, frozen, etc.); g: Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; h. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, dry tons per: acre, or kilograms per hectare; i. Volume of animal waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); j. Volume of soil amendments (i.e., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); and k. Annual and cumulative totals of dry tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (i.e., if applicable), annual and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal (i.e., shall include, but shall not be limited to, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, . and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. A representative annual soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each land application site on which a residuals land application event in the respective calendar year has occurred or is to occur, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years.. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Acidity Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (by calculation) Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Cation Exchange Capacity Manganese Potassium Copper Percent Humic Matter Sodium Base Saturation (by calculation) pH Zinc Three copies of all required monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in Condition III. 1., Condition III. 2., Condition III. 3., Condition III. 4., Condition III, 5., Condition III, 6., and Condition III. 7. shall be submitted annually on or before March 1 st of the year following the residuals land application event to the following address: NCDENR-DWQ Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 10 Noncompliance Notification: The Pennittee shall report by telephone to the Aquifer Protection Section of the Division's Mooresville Regional Office at telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the residuals land application program that results in the land application. of significant amounts of residuals that are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the residuals land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. c.. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the residuals land application program has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the program system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the residuals land application program incapable of adequate residuals treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. Occurrences outside of normal business hours (i.e., from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays, except State Holidays) may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at one of the following telephone numbers (800) 662-7956, (800) 858- 0368, or (919) 733-3300. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS Land Application Site Requirements: a. Each land application site identified with a GW-A in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table greater than three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application events_ may occur on these sites throughout the year. b. Each land application site identified with a GW-B in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table between one and three feet below the land surface. - Residual land application events on these sites shall be prohibited from December through March, inclusive. No residuals shall be land applied to these sites when the vertical separation between the depth of residuals land application and the water table is less than three feet. The actual water table depth for seasonally -restricted soils shall be verified by soil borings within 24 hours prior to any residuals land application event that occurs from April through November, inclusive. The number of borings advanced shall be sufficient to characterize water table conditions across the land application site adequately. Any open borings shall be properly filled with native soil, prior to the residuals land application event, to decrease.the chance of any residuals contaminating the groundwater. 11 2. Applicable Boundary Requirements: - a. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for residuals land application programs is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L (i.e., "Groundwater Classifications and Standards"). The Compliance Boundary for each land application site is established at either 250 feet from the residuals land application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residuals land application. area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action according to 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(2). b. The REVIEW BOUNDARY shall be established around each land application site midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals land application area. Any exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at the Review Boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(1). Additional Requirements: a. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. V. INSPECTIONS Prior to each residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport, and application facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to . the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of five years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division or other permitting authority, upon request. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application sites. or facilities at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit shall become voidable unless the residuals land application events are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the supporting materials, and in the manner approved by the Division. 2. This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the application and other supporting data. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A through § 143-215.6C. 12 4. The annual administering and compliance fee shall be paid by the Permittee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause -the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit, as specified by 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that.may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCGO10000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 213 .0200 and 15A NCAC .0500. This permit may be modified, revoked, and/or reissued to incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division deems necessary in order to protect the environment and public health adequately. The Permittee, at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Division shall review the adequacy of the facilities and residuals land application program described therein, and if warranted, shall extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. This permit shall not be automatically transferable. In the event that there is a desire for the residuals land application program to change ownership or to change the name of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division documentation from the parties involved and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. Permit issued this the sixtlyday of December, 2005. NORTH CARQt&4A ENVI OhI,MJENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0001863 13 ATTACHMENT A - Approved Residuals Source -Generating Facilities Permit No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly City ofhfount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Owner Facility Name County Permit Number IssuedBy Is 503? Maximum Dry Tons Per Year Monitoring Frequency for Condition III. 2. Monitoring v Frequency for Condition III. 3. and Condition 111. 4. Approved Mineralization Rate City of Mount Holly Mount Holly WTP Gaston 01-36-020 DEH non 503 130.00 Annually Annually' 0.40 City of Mount Holly Mount Holly WWTP (Equalization Basin only) b Gaston NC0021156 DWQ 503 280.00 Annually' Atmuall 0.40 City of Mount Holly Mount Holly WWTP Gaston NC0021156 DWQ 503 500.00 Annually 4 X yeai 030 Total 910.00 \_ ' Provided that the residuals generated from this residuals source -generating facility are not mixed with any other residuals authorized by this permit, this facility shall be exempt from complying with the performance standards stipulated in Condition 1. 7, as well as the monitoring and reporting requirements stipulated in Condition III. 4. b The Division understands that the equalization basin is cleaned once every five to seven years. The entire 280.00 dry tons per year of residuals that accumulate in the basin (i.e., 56.00 dry tons per year during a five-year permit cycle) may be removed and land applied during a single calendar year, with no subsequent land application events during the remainder of the permit cycle. Residual sample(s) and verification of compliance with the pathogen reduction and vector attraction requirements of the residuals shall be taken/perforted separately front those taken for/performed on the residuals generated by the activated sludge process in the year(s) that land application occurs. The Permittee shall take care to take representative sample(s) of the accumulated residuals to account for any variability in location and depth within the basin. Prior to land applying any residuals from this residuals source -generating facility, the Pernittee shall conduct corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity analyses of the residuals. No residuals from this facility shall be land applied until the analytical results are provided to and acknowledged in writing by the Division. Two copies of flue analytical results shall be sent to the NCDENR-DWQ, Aquifer Protection Section, Land Application Unit, c/o LAU Residuals Program Coordinator, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. Permit No. WQ0001863 Page 1 of I Certification Date: December 6, 2005 USGS Mount holly and Mountain Island Lake North Carolina 7.5 Minute Topographic vua(trangle SCALE: 1 . = 2000' City of Mout Holly CHECKED BY: - Land Application Program DRAWN BY: RTB �R`9'N� Mount Holly WTP SIDUAI.S N. 20V 39 Site Vicinity Map ' N U+11 �' , 5.% � �� ? i '.1 _,�� • � -' r�, � r \ r>7 11 , �� ! f ha .r 1 'ti: 1 � ::`�` ' ��• ZO 1 ' �•. � � 1>112iiY$ / �7. % i rti � .rsf,. /•' )����,,;� 1 r•t _.. f ' grs�rvtt60 AVc RN", !,�i �r -., j.�� Etc s.� a �i \- r •'• u 1 4 1 �z ti rA M c ✓ !! * r r:fif tyJ c• .. n\_,\\ ��/,•' t k1.0�/ .1 � Y i ,.> y , h 1{ y JG' :� �U .���`..u' 1 ♦��\�\�' j�¢ r a •J o _.Z� , fWTj '•:E; �'" vc^i r .` ! i :.,vrt� -•.,� ��: �r yt\ ;`�:i9 ; , ;1 �'.•~; `J'S%i;=s__ �\ r". r T`•t�t \� y%' 'r\ ../, tv�.�,_ ; i 5 "r� �1. \`J '� ;�r.� ir, i } i ti,� �. �f\t : I',� F�'L�iY�,aOd ,'•`Y / rr `� f i V t ) ! z �.,�; �" - •+ 4t r/�'�, �4t1 IJT, ;�.. q„`�� '�'�,``\. 3�\ x�'l �(�i�f--+��7 ` ���27� illi/.,'r.. �r/,��. 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Y"C T1, jfr x651 S �;r \ N. , �..i-�- : 7 _�-, "!�; r nr-� r :(1 �,�•—�-! �,� r'?C;� , r` •. %`fit { �'�.�%r`} - _ r i ' f. + I•.. r T � :: , ; . / , ',,,, .: ;:� • ,,: • ..�� s j •; ' 1, I )/ v<+ _ �� :, , , ��t• — `c- ,. — — r —. v J �t �/' \ �• * J ~ r I , , t ✓ /+I 1. ! :rl � �..., � • 3 'I " EJ -r.—I- "1 e� , // fi !' _ .4 _ i t c T film- �1 .� � 7 � • i . ! , } , ; j' / " i J i J' , t �" r t,y,✓ 5% �%J`/` �t T��ry �` ',•, i %i }r r�; ._., %� ,;':%. r f!� I c' ::'r ,� .)i r�;i\_ i �G�- '�` �r � L �\y-r. +3p, il•`- ,f + �f 5. `� s •J,. ,'r •� r'l I 'Iy �, is •:` q f.; .(- '��.'. IUSGS Mount Holly North Carolina 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle SCALE: 1 ^ = 2000' City of Mout Holly Site CHECKED BY: Land Application Program Vicinity DRAWN BY: R•TB BRANCH Mount Holly WWTP and Equalization Basins Map RESIDUALS DATE: Jun-04 & SOILS, LLC Prom[ No. 2003-39 ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Permit No. 1,VQ0001863 City of Mount Holly City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Site/Field ID Landowner Lessee/Operator County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Applicable Restriction in Condition IV. 1. MH 01-06 Springs, III, Thomas W. Gaston 35017'51" 81001'52" 14.30 GW-A MH 01-09 Springs, III, Thomas W. Gaston 3501738" 81001'06" 13.50 GW-A MH 01-10 Springs, III, Thomas W. Gaston 35017'45" 81001'33" 17.50 GW-A MH 01-14 Springs, III, Thomas W. Gaston 35°17'41" 81001'43" 9.70 GW-A MH 02-0la Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35°23'58" 81°02'57" 33.30 GW-A MH 02-02 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'03" 81°03'06" 30.10 GW-A MH 02-04 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'12" 81002'38" 12.30 GW-A MH 02-05 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'09" 81 °02'27" 16.70 GW-A MH 02-06 Killian, Sr., Charles M. Gaston 35024'01" 81002'29" 15.20 GW-A Total or County Gaston 162.60 MH 06-02 Jones, Tony Lincoln 35024'39" 81002'15" 8.20 GW-A MH 06-04 Jones, Tony Lincoln 35024'30" 81002'05" 44.60 GW-A Totalfor Couig Lincoln 52.80 Total 215.40 a Within 30 calendar days of the issuance of this permit, the Permittee shall submit updated cumulative pollutant loading rates (CPLRs) for this land application site, as was required by the permit renewal application forms. Mail .two copies of the updated CPLR information or a statement that certifies that the site has never been used to the NCDENR-DWQ, Aquifer Protection Section, Land Application Unit, LAU Residuals Program Coordinator, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. Permit No. WQ0001863 Page 1 of 1 Certification Date: December 6, 2005 SCALE: j 2 miles City of Mout Holly Site CHECKED BY: Land Application Program N Vicinity D1L4`°D1 BY: RTB BRANCH John Springs Farm �i;i , t0 01) Map RESIDUA LS I lA'1'F- ... .. C�tr �, r r ., V..iw N. I 'lnn7 ]O I SCALE: j" 2 miles CHECKED BY: DIUWN BY: RTB DATE: t..o_Eld N S.'vOHM.1:'J,� n 1 ( aRILL o (1 r_'��•i �. y 1 \ j`:PSE Y r ' � {( C. r , W."r T-r .�:�yc 'qr4. � I lai.[sW°f • �'\_. ...::.:� _.�Y CY[-, a % QL ri •16_ _- I Lija 73 _ _ _mac• _/� l'' ��\ A'; `•If, InU r Ford I +l.�.jX .. sites ' SS / ' t � n ��,r t rn s`s`i �nn•I\'i- - - _.— __.° � . _taW.:,•ula _I_.1-: _ _ �,' "CO v: ;CA TON CO >rWI1 �� ]6i: . _nl`[t:ir Q\err,) ,1 Luele I i" V- Ferry � I �� .JL, •'`:il a �, 9 si.Rsn<r� I \}s\\1_\dril:. ✓`, r ._- --rG— A . a - nr� w huM.Eom '/ -�J r a r !`• �(/`I` .IN •Sg, .', J a` �� --ia%;�-`� j".; '- 1 - ,::.� . , r•( CL.S_ �li%/ `"cfii,.r: '.Cj •,, r: �k.� .i ' r-��. I ' ?jhr _.'�9 '. .+'„�, •''�: r. .\G. � •r q�i�2/��Zi �'Ilr /-;0'7�s.,� � ✓ �;M6un W:'F 1.b5�= ' .v. J�Or SN •-C� �C etrorrb*� `-. H Il � L I �..�'T� 1•' _-�: I,� 1 - _- - ....=ry AhYne � Gt a. \,'� `1-l�_\L J �"' som t�� •q \, ' : ,b•. i ••5t9. \ l�r_' ,;': \NoRh , _ eo_' ''Belm3 nt: `• . �Q j ::,4 t :'�p°�'; ! rrl yry. ." :j �'' _:;!• i`,Ll�- ,�.; (-�r�l'. _ rp'oa � - 17P_ aw-Creek 1 {� l � �. \'• .` p� \ JRFECI:On• :` CaL9W6d �� r I. % Y : '. .<t• �. :'Y .t - - Tn�J.11le i.. �,'�.a .� •3t`i� 'r: e( �`,o!•. i I. :chi:n"�.%.. �' - ` Ej f 1. � '\°j 9e. // I rya.`•-rn(ul.� E.Wr••.y''. .-L_JI`./�-•+� 1 _79 �sof-�_. t--sa+ t.n - "_'-k1 f8 � / '� �i Net' i4[EE[g � I %t .>• �.` r l-hh .+:� pr Belmon 29 Ir�mo w'll.V tfio Cr- ..t,- - -E` A�`: ��,".J I,'�.�`�--kl•• �fi°"ra f '�;•y�`�,' s.. ,.,.. `a,, Ln,�;�ier.�'.,1 1 /7l`i', City of Mont Holly Site Land Application Program Vicinity BRANCH Charles Killian Farm � 5'\ e- JJ�N\ 0Z) Map RESIDUALS Project No. 2003-39 & SOILS, LLC 1" 2 miles CHECKe IS 13 DRANVIIT 8Y RTB rG0 r l iCj \ FIS GI�,.F�:,'./t 2. P GE fl �,� \ Ali `i •'- (.SJ`�. •^,wK -lfit+''�•Y; _: rLv � 1 7377 0 11 '1 •_ 04GOLN COt '"' • 't ; i ;'•� ^i, -'tea. _-- — •�. GASTON CO r ji '.7 (1v� G ° _ )1 / 0— �All h tD F.rry / �� i''' - .P •.emu A� av ' �. ( • ~E�<L'•ao I // tyy �+'��`. .��, � i,-� C env /�' 1 ��� ilnn t ake iii �\ \ ttr W / �1 i.``r s �� 16 -°i` r' "'`xNr .�-ems a I :'.' _ 7'`� 'Wr }1 i � . �.l G, � + `�>,\I�/•�7. %`,�����-��'-,�� ��` ;°^fit.%'y'l�" ' `�� �_�•VI , '� " a ,p aDit'',!' &d f l Mou'aur xi•?�' 7ii '-r 27 �l ,sIT' .: _'i y \ ' +\�. ,• 1 �'� ,l Hon _ �:.i:F /s eoo 9 .�.-.F:'�'"S`A*r't-.�'_-Ar!_-/ ,-� �r� • y / ',�1 `/�If ,'\�tnyT 1 ,I �-�_. �: •\ ' "D_;-T�-tee`-- \J-rx North/ o \•\"* ��� iF' 1 ,p .a�. .. Belmont �1 d ly ttc+t CaWWb7h -I u `t .°i j1} y, `1..a.`y�: •.9 �o--,i -_^� '`n':`` ':i � ,. �. �� (1:w Abbrl �/J)� f _ � �7"'d l�• lit - (l�} •ti w•rnEa.�;.?I �0.r {��.. � ����.[� ! '•, Imo_ � i - � to ,,. _.�'I '.� � "� .. �'�[blJ. '��`1� '�[�1_ _; )l • - I- 1- / 77II ( 1 Belfnont'vi > ar.. he•b l,�Q. I 29 74 i X. s onw ti `t�Ft..� r' `Z._"corsD, fi•, a r, So h . -Belmonlr� mod, �� i,� Ii//\��[fP D z��i �•._I; ...fir `I ,).�. PIZ �f ;r;smmm^NN'^ s I it �i [w AA jr �'�� ...•.rn. — ''\�[.�I, Ii�SI)'t',I/ 1 ,pl 1� L�.`Oxt I [ - City 01 Mont Holly Site Land Application Program Vicinity BRANCH Tony Jones Farm (SA E: MO Map kRESIDUALS tc.-.TT o T T d Project No. 2003-39 OF W ArF9 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary y North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources InD A reurn November 23, 2005 IM NOV 2 9 2005 MR. DONALD R. PRICE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY DWQ C POST OFFICE BOX 406 MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA 28120 Subject: Permit No. WQ0001863 Temporary Approval City of Mount Holly City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Gaston County Dear Mr. Price: On November 9, 2005, the Division of Water Quality (Division) received an e-mail request from Mr. Dennis Key of Southern Soil Builders, Inc. regarding the above -referenced permit. Specifically, in this request, Mr. Key described the Permittee's current situation with respect to its residuals land application program and requested the Division's consideration to approve a temporary increase in the maximum allowable volume of residuals from the Mount Holly Water Treatment Plant (WTP) that may be land applied over that which is allowed by Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on December 28,1999 and subsequently corrected on February 12, 2001 and November 8, 2002, on a temporary basis only. This request for temporary approval has come about because no residuals were removed from the Mount Holly WTP and land applied during the 2004 calendar year. Mr. Key's e-mail states that residuals were not managed from this residuals source -generating facility because of the "lack of permitted [land application] sites"(i.e., it should be noted that no effort to increase the availability of permitted land application sites was made until the end of the 2004 calendar year). For this reason, there is now a surplus of stored residuals requiring removal from the facility and land application under the conditions of this permit. The request proposed that the maximum allowable volume of residuals that may be land applied be increased to 260 dry tons per year (i.e., currently permitted at -130 dry tons per year) for the 2005 calendar year only. Based on the residuals analysis presented in the permit renewal/modification application package received on December 23, 2004, the design capacity of residuals land application program appears to be sufficient to handle the increased volume of residuals to be land applied. In addition, Ms. Ellen Huffman of the Aquifer Protection Section of the Division's Mooresville Regional Office, was consulted about the request on November 16, 2005 and concurred with the issuance of this temporary approval.. As such, under these very special circumstances and with significant reservation, the Division will allow the temporary increase in the maximum allowable volume of residuals that may be removed from the Mount Holly WTP and land applied as requested. This temporary approval shall be valid until December 31, 2005. NorthCarolIna �atrrrall� Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service , Internet: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Donald R. Price November 23, 2005 Page 2 . ° Note that .all othi r conditions and limitations of Permit No.' WQ0001863, issued on December. 28, 1999 and s4 bsequently corrected on February 12, 2001 and November 8, 2002, as :well as any --future eversion of Permit No. WQ0001863 issued in response to the permit "renewal/ odif�calon application package received by the Division on December 23, 2004 shall be 1 °valid grid binding'to these' temporary residuals land application activities. Be aware that this approval is a one-time ocdurrence in that more than the currently -permitted maximum allowable volume of residuals from:theMount Holly WTP may not be land applied once this approval expires (i.e., on •D"cember-31.; 2005)-unlegs a.formal permit modification is sought from and approved by the Division. The Division urges the Permittee not only to review its residuals management program for adequacy with respect to design capacity and applicability, but also to reflect on its residuals management priorities to ensure that such emergency situations do not occur in the future. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact Ms. Shannon Mohr Thornburg via telephone at (919) 715-6167, or through e-mail at Sincerely, G or Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Gaston County Health Department Mr. Robert T. Branch, L.S.S., Branch Residuals & Soils, L.L.C. Mr. Dennis Key,_ Southern Soil Builders, Inc. UMs. Ellen -Huffman, Mooresville Regional -Office _f_fic_e - Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files - Permit WQ0001863 Appligvition NIS). WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals Land A... �4 Subject: Application NoW000-1.863 C f`1Vlount Holly Residuals Land Application Program) From: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <> Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 12:09:30 -0500 To: Bob Branch <> CC:,, Ellen Huffman <> I:0% Obviously, I have come full circle as how to handle this permit renewal/modification application package. The monitoring issues that I described to you on the telephone will be addressed in the permit cover letter. But, there are some issues that I do need in order to process the permit. Please address the following items as soon as possible to facilitate that process: Form RSCA (WWTP): * Please confirm that the reported results for the Lindane from the TCLP should be <0.04 mg/L and not >0.04 mg/L (i.e., see Item II.3. b.). It appears as if this is a typographical error. Form RSCA (WTP): * Please provide the PWSS facility identification number for the Mount Holly WTP (i.e., see Item I. 2.). Form LASCA: * Item I. 1. on Page 3 of 3 lists Site No. MH 03-02 as one of the land application sites that are being requested for deletion from the program. From reviewing the existing permit for this program, there is no Site No. MH 03-02 currently approved. There is a Site No. MH 03-03 in the existing permit that is neither indicated in Item I. 1. as being intended for renewal or deletion. Could this be the site that is requested for deletion as opposed to Site No. MH 03-02 (i.e., simply typographical error)? * The existing permit for this program, lists Site No. MH 02-03 among the approved land application sites. Item I. 1. does not list this site as either being intended for renewal or deletion. The Division assumes that it is intended for renewal, as it is listed in Form RWSCA as well as Form LOAA and revised maps are provided. Please confirm and provide relevant information (i.e., landowner, operator/lessee, county, net acres, predominant soil series, and soil CEC) accordingly. * Please confirm that Site Nos. MH 01-06, MH 01-09, MH 01-10, and MH 01-14 as listed in Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 are the same as Site Nos. 06, 09, 10, and 14, as listed in the existing permit. * Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 lists MH 01-14 as having 21.1 net acres while the existing permit indicate that this land application site only has 9.7 net acres. Please clarify if this site is intended to be modified as well as renewed. Note that this may be a typographical error, as Site No. GD-01, which is proposed for deletion, has 2 1. 1 net acres and is listed immediately below Site No. 14 in the existing Attachment B. * Based on the information above, the Division calculates the total certifiable net acreage for this program to be 235.0 and not 226.8. Please confirm. * The existing permit required that Site No. MH 02-03 be cleared, grubbed, and established with an appropriate cover crop prior to land application. Please clarify whether or not this condition was ever complied with. The Division is trying to determine whether or not the compliance condition should be 1 of 2 i in12005 1:23 PM Application 1l'0. WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals Land A... continued in the renewed and modified permit. * The existing permit lists the landowner for Site No. MH 01 as the John S. Springs Estate. Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 states that the land application site is owned by John Spring. The Form LOAA for the site lists "E. Gregory & Sarah Springs - Thomas Springs" as the landowner and is signed by Thomas W. Springs, III alone. Please clarify the ownership issue for the Division. * The existing permit for the City of Belmont (i.e., Permit No. WQ0003281) lists Site Nos. Bt 06-02 and Bt 06-04 as being owned by North Jones with Tony Jones as lessee/operator. Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 lists these land application sites, which will be renamed Site Nos. MH 06-02 and MH 06-04 when transferred, as owned and operated by Tony Jones. Please confirm that a change of ownership has occurred or that Tony Jones has power of attorney for North Jones when it comes to making decisions about this property. * Please provide the CPLRs for Site Nos. ME 02-01 and 02-03 or a statement that these land application sites have not received residuals. This information, which is required as part of the permit renewal process, was not included in the application package. Thanks, Shannon Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental Engineer Land Application Unit Aquifer Protection Section NCDENR-DWQ Telephone: (919) 715-6167 Fax: (919) 715-0588 shannon.thornburg((D,ncmai Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. 1C 130 Raleigh, NC 27604 2 of 2 11/7/2005 1:23 PM Application No ' . WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals Land A... Y Subject: Application No. WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program) From: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <> Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 12:09:30 -0500 To: Bob Branch <> CC:,, Ellen Huffinan <> Obviously, I have come full circle as how to handle this permit renewal/modification application package. The monitoring issues that I described to you on the telephone will be addressed in the permit cover letter. But, there are some issues that I do need in order to process the permit. Please address the following items as soon as possible to facilitate that process: Form RSCA (WWTP): * Please confirm that the reported results for the Lindane from the TCLP should be <0.04 mg/L and not >0.04 mg/L (i.e., see Item II. 3. b.). It appears as if this is a typographical error. Form RSCA (WTP): * Please provide the PWSS facility identification number for the Mount Holly WTP (i.e., see Item I. 2.). Form LASCA: * Item I. 1. on Page 3 of 3 lists Site No. MH 03-02 as one of the land application sites that are being requested for deletion from the program. From reviewing the existing permit for this program, there is no Site No. MH 03-02 currently approved. There is a Site No. MH 03-03 in the existing permit that is neither indicated in Item I. 1. as being intended for renewal or deletion. Could this be the site that is requested for deletion as opposed to Site No. MH 03-02 (i.e., simply typographical error)? * The existing permit for this program, lists Site No. MH 02-03 among the approved land application sites. Item I. 1. does not list this site as either being intended for renewal or deletion. The Division assumes that it is intended for renewal, as it is listed in Form RWSCA as well as Form LOAA and revised maps are provided. Please confirm and provide relevant information (i.e., landowner, operator/lessee, county, net acres, predominant soil series, and soil CEC) accordingly. * Please confirm that Site Nos. MH 01-06, MH 01-09, MH 01-10, and MH 01-14 as listed in Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 are the same as Site Nos. 06, 09, 10, and 14, as listed in the existing permit. * Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 lists MH 01-14 as having 21.1 net acres while the existing permit indicate that this land application site only has 9.7 net acres. Please clarify if this site is intended to be modified as well as renewed. Note that this may be a typographical error, as Site No. GD-01, which is proposed for deletion, has 21.1 net acres and is listed immediately below Site No. 14 in the existing Attachment B. * Based on the information above, the Division calculates the total certifiable net acreage for this program to be 235.0 and not 226.8. Please confirm. * The existing permit required that Site No. MH 02-03 be cleared, grubbed, and established with an appropriate cover crop prior to land application. Please clarify whether or not this condition was ever complied with. The Division is trying to determine whether or not the compliance condition should be 1 of 2 11/16/2005 9:57 AM Application No. WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals Land A... continued in the renewed and modified permit. * The existing permit lists the landowner for Site No. MH 01 as the John S. Springs Estate. Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 states that the land application site is owned by John Spring. The Form LOAA for the site lists "E. Gregory & Sarah Springs - Thomas Springs" as the landowner and is signed by Thomas W. Springs, III alone. Please clarify the ownership issue for the Division. * The existing permit for the City of Belmont (i.e., Permit No. WQ0003281) lists Site Nos. Bt 06-02 and Bt 06-04 as being owned by North Jones with Tony Jones as lessee/operator. Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 lists these land application sites, which will be renamed Site Nos. MH 06-02 and MH 06-04 when transferred, as owned and operated by Tony Jones. Please confirm that a change of ownership has occurred or that Tony Jones has power of attorney for North Jones when it comes to making decisions about this property. * Please provide the CPLRs for Site Nos. MH 02-01 and 02-03 or a statement that these land application sites have not received residuals. This information, which is required as part of the permit renewal process, was not included in the application package. Thanks, Shannon Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental Engineer Land Application Unit Aquifer Protection Section NCDENR-DWQ Telephone: (919) 715-6167 Fax: (919) 715-0588 shannon.thornburg a, Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. 1C 130 Raleigh, NC 27604 littp:// 2 of 2 11/16/2005 9:57 AM Re: Application No. WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals La... Subject: Re: Application No. WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program) From: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <> Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 14:10:10 -0500 To: Bob Branch <> CC:,, Ellen Huffinan <> - I made a mistake in the e-mail below. I missed that Site No. 02-03 was listed as intended for deletion from the program in Form LASCA. This means that the revised net acreage for the entire program should be 215.4 (and not 235.0 as I previously indicated). I apologize for the confusion, Shannon Shannon Mohr Thornburg wrote: no Obviously, I have come full circle as how to handle this permit renewal/modification application package. The monitoring issues that I described to you on the telephone will be addressed in the permit cover letter. But, there are some issues that I do need in order to process the permit. Please address the following items as soon as possible to facilitate that process: Form RSCA (WWTP): * Please confirm that the reported results for the Lindane from the TCLP should be <0.04 mg/L and not >0.04 mg/L (i.e., see Item II. 3. b.). It appears as if this is a typographical error. Form RSCA (WTP): * Please provide the PWSS facility identification number for the Mount Holly WTP (i.e., see Item I. 2.). Form LASCA: * Item I. 1. on Page 3 of 3 lists Site No. MH 03-02 as one of the land application sites that are being requested for deletion from the program. From reviewing the existing permit for this program, there is no Site No. MH 03-02 currently approved. There is a Site No. MH 03-03 in the existing permit that is neither indicated in Item I. 1. as being intended for renewal or deletion. Could this be the site that is requested for deletion as opposed to Site No. MH 03-02 (i.e., simply typographical error)? * The existing permit for this program, lists Site No. MH 02-03 among the approved land application sites. Item I. 1. does not list this site as either being intended for renewal or deletion. The Division assumes that it is intended for renewal, as it is listed in Form RWSCA as well as Form LOAA and revised maps are provided. Please confirm and provide relevant information (i.e., landowner, operator/lessee, county, net acres, predominant soil series, and soil CEC) accordingly. * Please confirm that Site Nos. MH 01-06, MH 01-09, MH 01-10, and MH 01-14 as listed in Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 are the same as Site Nos. 06, 09, 10, and 14, as listed in the existing permit. 1 of 3 11/16/2005 9:57 AM Re: Application No. WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals La... * Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 lists MH 0 1- 14 as having 2 1. 1 net acres while the existing permit indicate that this land application site only has 9.7 net acres. Please clarify if this site is intended to be modified as well as renewed. Note that this may be a typographical error, as Site No. GD-01, which is proposed for deletion, has 21.1 net acres and is listed immediately below Site No. 14 in the existing Attachment B. Based on the information above, the Division calculates the total certifiable net acreage for this program to be 235.0 and not 226.8. Please confirm. * The existing permit required that Site No. MH 02-03 be cleared, grubbed, and established with an appropriate cover crop prior to land application. Please clarify whether or not this condition was ever complied with. The Division is trying to determine whether or not the compliance condition should be continued in the renewed and modified permit. * The existing permit lists the landowner for Site No. MH 01 as the John S. Springs Estate. Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 states that the land application site is owned by John Spring. The Form LOAA for the site lists "E. Gregory & Sarah Springs - Thomas Springs" as the landowner and is signed by Thomas W. Springs, III alone. Please clarify the ownership issue for the Division. * The existing permit for the City of Belmont (i.e., Permit No. WQ0003281) lists Site Nos. Bt 06-02 and Bt 06-04 as being owned by North Jones with Tony Jones as lessee/operator. Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 lists these land application sites, which will be renamed Site Nos. MH 06-02 and MH 06-04 when transferred, as owned and operated by Tony Jones. Please confirm that a change of ownership has occurred or that Tony Jones has power of attorney for North Jones when it comes to making decisions about this property. * Please provide the CPLRs for Site Nos. MH 02-01 and 02-03 or a statement that these land application sites have not received residuals. This information, which is required as part of the permit renewal process, was not included in the application package. Thanks, Shannon Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental Engineer Land Application Unit Aquifer Protection Section NCDENR-D WQ Telephone: (919) 715-6167 130 Fax: (919) 715-0588 shan non.tho rnburg(a,ncmail.n et Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental Engineer Land Application Unit Aquifer Protection Section NCDENR-D WQ Telephone: (919) 715-6167 Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. 1 C Raleigh, NC 27604 Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. I 130 2 of 3 11/16/2005 9:57 AM Re: Application No. WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals La... Fax: (919)715-0588 stiannoii.thornburg(c), Raleigh, NC 27604 http://l12o.enr.state. n c. us/ndpu 3 of 3 1.1/16/2005 9:57 AM Clarifying Additional Information Needed Re: Application No. WQO... Subject: Clarifying Additional Information Needed Re: Application No. WQ0001863 (City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program) From: Shannon Mohr Thornburg <> Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 16:33:55 -0500 To: Bob Branch <> CC:, Ellen Huffinan <> I:•i�i Obviously, I have come full circle as how to handle this permit renewal/modification application package. The monitoring issues that I described to you on the telephone will be addressed in the permit cover letter. But, there are some issues that I do need in order to process the permit. Please address the following items as soon as possible to facilitate that process: Form RSCA (WWTP): * Please confirm that the reported results for the Lindane from the TCLP should be <0.04 mg/L and not >0.04 mg/L (i.e., see Item II.3. b.). It appears as if this is a typographical error. Form RSCA (WTP): * Please provide the PWSS facility identification number for the Mount Holly WTP (i.e., see Item I.2.). Form LASCA: * Item I. 1. on Page 3 of 3 lists Site No. MH 03-02 as one of the land application sites that are being requested for deletion from the program. From reviewing the existing permit for this program, there is no Site No. MH 03-02 currently approved. There is a Site No. MH 03-03 in the existing permit that is neither indicated in Item I. 1. as being intended for renewal or deletion. Could this be the site that is requested for deletion as opposed to Site No. MH 03-02 (i.e., simply typographical error)? * Please confirm that Site Nos. MH 01-06, MH 01-09, MH 01-10, and MH 01-14 as listed in Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 are the same as Site Nos. 06, 09, 10, and 14, as listed in the existing permit. * Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 lists MH 01-14 as having 21.1 net acres while the existing permit indicate that this land application site only has 9.7 net acres. Please clarify if this site is intended to be modified as well as renewed. Note that this may be a typographical error, as Site No. GD-01, which is proposed for deletion, has 21.1 net acres and is listed immediately below Site No. 14 in the existing Attachment B. * Based on the information above, the Division calculates the total certifiable net acreage for this program to be 215.4 and not 226.8. Please confirm. * The existing permit lists the landowner for Site No. MH 01 as the John S. Springs Estate. Item I. 1. on Page 2 of 3 states that the land application site is owned by John Spring. The Form LOAA . for the site lists "E. Gregory & Sarah Springs - Thomas Springs" as the landowner and is signed by Thomas W. Springs, III alone. Please clarify the ownership issue for the Division. 1 of 2 11/16/2005 9:58 AM Clarifying Additional Information Needed Re: Application No. WQO... * The existing permit for the City of Belmont (i.e., Permit No. WQ0003281) lists Site Nos. Bt 06-02 and Bt 06-04 as being owned by North Jones with Tony Jones as lessee/operator. Item 1. 1. on Page 2 of 3 lists these land application sites, which will be renamed Site Nos. MH 06-02 and MH 06-04 when transferred, as owned and operated by Tony Jones. Please confirm that a change of ownership has occurred or that Tony Jones has power of attorney for North Jones when it comes to making decisions about this property. * Please provide the CPLRs for Site No. MH 02-01 or a statement that these land application sites have not received residuals. This information, which is required as part of the permit renewal process, was not included in the application package. Thanks, Shannon Shannon Mohr Thornburg, Environmental Engineer Land Application Unit Aquifer Protection Section NCDENR-D WQ Telephone: (919) 715-6167 130 Fax: (919) 715-0588 shannon.thornburgCa),ncmaiLnet Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Physical Address: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Room No. I Raleigh, NC 27604 http://h2o.enr.state. nc,us/ndpu 2 of 2 11/16/2005 9:58 AM BRANCH RESIDUALS & SOILS, LLC 311 B South Westgate Drive • Greensboro, NC 27407 PHONE (336) 510-0340 • FAx (336) 510-0341 October 7, 2005 NCDENR -Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section Non -Discharge Permits 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 D [EC�CE0MIE OCT 17 24O5 NC DENR MRO DWQ - Aquifer Protection Attention: Ms. Shannon Thornburg Reference: MODIFICATION OF PERMIT NO. Q040186 Y City of Mount Holly Residual Solids Management Program BR&S Job No. 2004-39 Dear Mrs. Thornburg: As a follow-up to my September 2005 letter, I have included the completed watershed classification, received soil samples and modified LASCA to add the two new fields for Mount Holly. Soil samples for these sites show slightly elevated pH but no nutrient or metal problems due to previous applications. Please contact us immediately if you require additional information or have questions in the review of the permit application. Sincerely, Robert T. Branch, L. S. S. Project Manager cc: Mr. Dennis Key — Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Mr. Bernard Eller, Public Works Director City of Mount Holly, North Carolina State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION ATTACHMENT FOR RESIDUALS PROGRAMS (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all'the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of thisform, visit our web site at: INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare the attachment form with the requested information for each location where the residuals program activities are planned to occur within a particular regional office county coverage. ✓ Additional copies of Page 2 of 2 of this attachment form may be used if necessary. ✓ Use a portion of an 8.5-inch by 11-inch copy of the portion of a 7.5-minute USGS Topographic Map to identify the location where the residuals program activities are planned to occur as well as the closest downslope surface waters as clearly as possible. Each map portion must be labeled with the map name and number, the identified location, and be of clear and reproducible quality. ✓ Latitudes and longitudes must reported as being based on either the NAD 27 or the NAD 83 data systems. ✓ Acceptable methods of determining location latitudes and longitudes and their corresponding codes are as follows: ♦ Address Matching (ADD) ♦ Digital or Raw Photo Extraction (EXT) ♦ Aerial Photography with Ground Control (AER) ♦ Geodetic Quality GPS Survey (GEO) ♦ Cadastral Survey (SUR) ♦ LORAN-C Navigation Device (LOR) ♦ Conversion from Coordinate Plane (CP) ♦ Navigation Quality GPS (GPS) ♦ Conversion from Township -Section -Range (TSR) ♦ Remote Sensing (RS) ♦ Conversion from Universal Trans Merc (UTM) ♦ Zip Code Centroid (ZIP) ♦ Map Interpretation by Digital or Manual Extraction (MAP) ✓ Location accuracy must be provided to the nearest unit (e.g., nearest second, tenth of a second, etc.). C. Mail or fax the attachment form and the map portions to the appropriate regional office for review and to obtain the waterbody and classification information. ✓ A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at: ✓ The Division will not consider this attachment form to be complete until it is completed by the appropriate regional office. To: Regional office: NCDENR-DWQ Mooresville Regional Office Address of regional office: 919 North Main Street City: Mooresville Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 State: NC Zip: 28115 Please provide me with the waterbody name(s), stream index number(s), . and currendproposed classification(s) of the surface waters that are closest to and downslope from the location(s) where the proposed residuals program activities are planned to occur, as identified on the attached map segment. i - Signature of regional office staff: !"' Date: FORM:. RWSCA 02/02 i ` 4 � .� ., f `t �' J%� Pagdl oft r X Attachment Order 3-a r, Location County Lattitude Longitude Location Location Location Waterbody Subbasin and Current and ID Datum Method Accuracy Stream Index No. Proposed Class Code (To Be Completed By (To Be Completed By DWQ) DWG MH 6-2 Lincoln 35024' 39.41" N 81002' 15.47" W NAD 27 MAP f 1 " ` ' ` btb 33 11-119 2- _. WS IV MH 6-4 Lincoln 350 24130.4611 N 810 02' 05.34" W NAD 27 MAP f 1 " CTB 33 11-119-2-4 WS IV *** END OF FORM RWSCA 02/02 *** FORM: RWSCA 02/02 Page 2 of-2 Attachment Order 3-a State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LAND APPLICATION SITE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORMMAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://` INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ For new residuals land application programs or renewed residuals land application programs, submit the requested information for all land application sites to be certified for this residuals land application program. ✓ For modified residuals land application programs in which any new/transferred land application sites or modification to the certified land application sites are proposed, submit the requested information for only those land application sites that are new/transferred or affected by the proposed modification. ✓ All forms and guidance documents referred to in this attachment form may be downloaded from the web site at Land Application Site Information: ✓ Additional copies of Page 2 of 2 of this attachment form may be used if necessary. ✓ The status of the land application site with respect to this residuals land application program must be provided in the table in Item I. 1. The status categories and their corresponding codes are as follows: ♦ New (N) ♦ Renewed (R) ♦ Modified (M) ♦ Transferred (T) ✓ If this is the first time that an application package is being submitted using Form NDRLAP, then a Watershed Classification Attachment for Residuals Programs (Form RWSCA) must be completed for all existin land application sites. ✓ For each land application site with a status code of N attach the following in the order specified: ♦ Attachment Order 3: Land Application Site Certification Attachment (Form LASCA). ➢ Attachment Order 3-a: Watershed Classification Attachment for Residuals Programs (Form RWSCA). ➢ Attachment Order 3-b: County Manager Notification Attachment (Form CMNA). ➢ By Land Application Site. ■ Attachment Order 3-c: Landowner Agreement Attachment (Form LOAA). ■ Attachment Order 3-d: Buffer Waiver Agreement Attachment (Form BWAA). ■ Attachment Order 3-e: An updated vicinity/buffer map that meets all of the criteria in the latest version of the document entitled "Guidance for the Preparation of Vicinity/Buffer Maps for North Carolina Residuals Permitting Programs: ' ■ Attachment Order 3-f. A soils and agronomic evaluation that meets all of the criteria in the latest version of the document entitled "Guidance for the Preparation of Soils and Agronomic Evaluations for North Carolina Residuals Permitting Programs." ✓ For each land application site with a status code of R, attach the following in the order specified: ♦ Attachment Order 3: Land Application Site Certification Attachment (Form LASCA). ➢ By Land Application Site: ■ Attachment Order 3-c: Landowner Agreement Attachment (Form LOAA). ■ Attachment Order 3-d: Buffer Waiver Agreement Attachment (Form BWAA). ■ Attachment Order 3-e: An updated vicinity/buffer map (i.e., see above for criteria guidance). ■ Attachment Order 3-g: An updated accounting of the land application site's cumulative pollutant loading rates (CPLRs) that are required by the permit of the residuals land application program from which the site is being transferred. B. ✓ For each land application site with a status code of M contact the appropriate Division's regional office to determine attachment requirements. ✓ For each land application site with a status code of T, attach the following in the order specified: ♦ Attachment Order 3 through 3-f: Everything required for land application sites with a status code of N. ➢ Attachment Order 3-g: An updated accounting of the CPLRs (i.e., see above for criteria guidance). FORM: LASCA 02/02 Page I of 3 Attachment Order 3 Applicant's name: City of Mount Holl Check all that apply: ❑ NEW RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ® RENEW RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ® ADD ® DELETE this/these land application site(s) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with this/these land application site(s) currently certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ OTHER Explain: Land application sites currently certified: 321.7 net acres and proposed for certification: 52.8 net acres. Total to be certified: 226.8 net acres. Approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 % agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites. I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Complete the following table with the requested information: Status Code. Site/Field ID Landowner(s) Leasee(s) or -Operators County Net Acres Predominant Soil Series Soil CEC R MH 1-6 John Springs John Springs Gaston 14.3 Cecil 15 R MH 1-9 John Springs John Springs Gaston 13.5 Cecil 12.9 R MH 1-10 John Springs John Springs Gaston 17.5 Cecil 11.5 R MH 1-14 John Springs John Springs Gaston 21.1 Cecil 13 R MH 2-1 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 33.3 Cecil 10.8 R MH 2-2 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 30.1 Cecil 10.4 R MH 2-4 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 12.3 Cecil 8.3 R MH 2-5 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 16.7 Cecil 10.2 R MH 2-6 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 15.2 Cecil 5.8 A MH 6-2 Tony Jones Tony Jones Lincoln 8.2 Pacolet Variant 11.4 A MH 6-4 Tony Jones Tony Jones Lincoln 44.6 Pacolet Variant 11.7 D 4 John Springs John Springs D 7 John Springs John Springs FORM: LASCA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3 I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 2. Complete the following table with the requested information: (continued from previous page) Status Code Site/Field ID Landowner(s) Leasee(s) or Operators County Net Acres Predominant Soil Series Soil CEC D 8 John Springs John Springs D 13 John Springs John Springs D GD-01 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-02 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-03 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-04 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-05 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-06 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-07 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-08 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-09 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D MH 02-03 Charles Killian Charles Killian D MH 03-01 Gary Neal Allen Gary Neal Allen D MH 03-02 Gary Neal Allen Gary Neal Allen FORM: LASCA 02/02 *** END OF FORM LASCA 02/02 *** Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3 Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Web Site: NCDA&CS 10/3/2005 ronomist Comments The heavy metal report is found on a separate page. Using Melilich 3 as a soil test extractant, background levels of these metals typically seen in NC soils when analyzed are as follows: arsenic (As)- 5.0 ppm, cadmium (C(l)- 0.2 ppm, chromium (Cr)- 0.3 ppm, lead (Pb)- 4.0 ppm, nickel (Ni)- 0.7 ppm, & selenium (Se)- 0.2 ppm (FY2003-2005). Although the above metals here are not believed to pose a concern for plant growth, continue to monitor these and note where elevated above background levels. Grower: Jones, Tony 1418 Nature Preserve Trail Denver, NC 21117 Soil Test Report rarm: cr.RvtNr. N r REs1DENTs FOR OVER 60 YEARS Lincoln County Report No: 05755 Copies To: Branch, Bob Branch, Bob Branch Res. & Soil 311 B South Westgate Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Phosphorus level is low in sample MI6-4. Note the fertilizer recommendations. The pH level in these samples is high enough to limit the availability of some essential plant nutrients especially micronutrients such as iron and manganese. See NOTE $ for additional information. Tissue sampling is encouraged to monitor nutritional status of these crop and to provide additional information and recommendations. Brenda R. Cleveland, Agronomist Fiel&lnformation:. Applied Lime :Recommendations Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime P205 MH6-2 1st Crop: Fes/OG/Pim,M 0 120-200 20-40 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M 0 120-200 20-40 K20 Mg S 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ctt 0 0 Zn B 0 .0 0 .0 Mn pH$ pH$ See Note 12 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac p H P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) Zn-1 Zn-AI MIN 0.56 1.12 11.4 92.0 0.9 6.5 50 126 62.0 24.0 1021 622 622 302 .302 Ctt-I 569 S-1 61 SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na 0.0 Field Information Applied Lime Recommendations Sample No. ' Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime NP205 MH6-4 1st Crop: Fes/OG/Pim,M 0 120-200 100-120 K20 Mg S 0 0 0 Cu ' 0 Zn B 0 .0 Mn pH$ See Note 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/Tim,M 0 120-200 100-120 0 0 0 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI MIN 0.66 1.17 11.7 96.0 0.5 6.7 15 269 64.0 20.0 1156 700 70.0 144 144 Cu-I 253 S-I 48 SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na 0.0 NWARS A&onoariic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Web Sate:' www ncagr coan/agronomi/ Pg Heavy Metal Soil Vest Report Jones, Tony Report #: 05755 1418 Nature Preserve Trail Denver, NC 28037 MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Lincoln County Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testine Of Ni P b Se Cr As Al Fe Sample Cadntiium Nickel Lend Selenium Chromium Arsenic Aluminium Iron ID------------------------------------------------------------------------------mq/dm3 (ppm)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MH6-2 0.10 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.00 1,020.00 88.70 MI6-4 0.10 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.00 1,116.00 62.00 Report Number: A&L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC. 2005-R265-110 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 AL Account # 46368 @Po Send To: BRANCH RESIDUALS & SOILS LLC 311 B S WESTGATE DR GREENSBORO, NC 27407 Date of Report: 09/27/2005 Page: 1 Grower: TONY JONES TOTAL SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT Samples Submitted By: BRANCH RESIDUALS & SOILS Date Received: 09/21/2005 Date of Analysis: 09/22/2005 ,. 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S•.-:^ ..'G �. ie^ _ tE.3G, e.A .r.:.:., . :. i i :� .:. w.,.. ,, n i:! ,. :.. j. , 't" _.. ;� � F,•,.� . .., ,.- .. � _+Numbers .... _ _ � .. _ : .. � 9F.,9 � r< ,, ., �_.. i :r �r , �.. � „1�..a' . ...fin. �.�.es..�%,..»,.� ..a,..H a.: ,..,. �; ...,;,"h... ,,.., , a,.S +a. _. , ... r..i �?; ,..9�?�n,...; �� „�.:, 9;.._s a ..9.,.8.,� .r`�•• i . -.o¢ . _ s% . „� . �,...9� rf . $,a,l:, , s,.,. ,� ,r,. 7. .�,� , .1F'{��. MH6-2 12655 MH6-4 12656 .>. .., r.:{. 'T ..., F .,.€....,a _„ _., Ui .. ... r i ... ..�... .,.. {...., a. s.°w r, ,...., ,.. .., �- .,.:i., � : ,... e, s. <-� _..,L.:� :., z. s-,:; 4, ..e... .. .ts r. a '1. r ,...;~ � ..Y ♦. � , :� .. .s.3 C S .§� .•r...%a ''(i ,3.,... ,: .. .....:: v: � .�v}'1-c4 ,l it.<.J:� f. � '>. { >, .,Sam e.< ":» .E .,,. ,..i .'N , _ Ef � Y.•-i .,,M�I ..,. .,u. ,, m u � ss,.6: ,<x_.� t... a, .1 a.....:.t ..< . :...: J.,,.x : <^n S. �4'.•3 � _.. � 'F «5..: :..fu, s.,c ... . +if �� __ �. rxi...i s.. _..,t._ ... �.. , � -i.U.,.y-:':, n,x.,.-i't,.e. ., a. r�c.:,. t, t �`� , , ,•:r:t: ,. � ;,, r„{. '. ��{E : i - ,, , R: .,� ,c(Smbus �� ...... t.. s ,� • �:�de m ,f•::, :.f'. �4;. a .,_ a. >r. _ . � ., ,.,, .ai . s,,, r A � ..a . .. ,,..,, #, .. � .. ,., --� �R ,:.c;� ...,•. . . , „iw �#,,. , ,.,... .. M,.t.,.;, � t � a !� S... r. ":: a"! t t. f •',W nk SJ' .: .� ... ..,..,k.x, ., :. .« ,.. r,,,• . v� ....« w-.�. ,.... e.,.. ,. ,P. .?....:. ,w .i ,...:,,. f. iF.� .r� ..Y .e� .. ;.. .s,t a, ...>s<'ti. .,. ...0 ..� , , - MI6-2 <0.01 < 1 MI6-4 <0.01 < 1 MEHLICH EXTRACTION This report applies to the sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a maximum of thirty days after testing. A & L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC. by: Our reports and letters are for the exclusive end confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced In whole or In part, nor may any reference be made to the Cam' work, the results, or the company In any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Paul C. H. Chu BRANCH RESIDUALS & SOILS, LLC 311 B South Westgate Drive • Greensboro, NC 27407 PHONE (336) 510-0340 • FAx (336) 510-0341 September 20, 2005 NCDENR -Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section Non -Discharge Permits 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attention: Ms. Shannon Thornburg REOVED/DENR/DWO AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION, SEP 2 3 2005 Reference: MODIFICATION OF PERMIT NO Qfl9fl1':853 City of Mount Holly Residual Solids Management Program BR&S Job No. 2004-39 Dear Mrs. Thornburg: Branch Residuals & Soils, LLC is under contract with Southern Soil Builders, Inc. to provide assistance in the preparation of a land application permit renewal and modification for the City of Mount Holly. During the execution of our duties, there was a miscommunication regarding the fields to be included in the Mount Holly Land Application Program. 'I supplied information to you in December 2004 regarding Field MH6-1 and MH6-. These fields were previously in the Belmont Program. Directly across a farm road are field, MH6-2 and MH64 that should have been added. I have prepared maps, and revised forms to account for this problem. I will also send an updated watershed classification form for the two additional fields as soon as it is completed by Ellen Huffrnan. Also soils samples have been sent and will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive them. I apologize for this correction and I hope this will not cause a problem with the review of this permit. Please contact us immediately if you require additional information or have questions in the review of the permit application. Sincerely, D 2 Wa OCT 17 2005 Robert T. Branch, L. S. S. Project Manager' DWO -Aquifer Pro ection cc: Mr. Dennis Key — Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Mr. Donald R. Price, Public Works Director City of Mount Holly, North Carolina Ms. Ellen Huffinan,— Mooresville Regional Office :F _ :.� .ars;a:a F 3. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrogen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 910 dry tons per year. PAN First - Year Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection 35.81 42.08 1 32,591.56 38,295.56 Five Year Maximum Adjusted 52.82 59.09 1 48,064.47 1 53,768.47 b. Land Application Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation 0.00 Row Crops 0.00 Hay 174.00 Pasture 52.80 Total: 226.80 Methods Surface 226.80 Incorporation or Injection 0.00 Total. 226.80 Restrictions Year -Round 226.80 Seasonal 0.00 Total: 226.80 C. Residuals Land Application Summary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the Assumed Acres Required Using Acres Required Using Application Rate First -Year PAN Concentration Five -Year Maximum Adjust PAN abs PANIac yr) Concentrations Incorporation or Incorporation or Surface Injection Surface Injection 70 465.59 547.08 686.64 768.12 150 217.28 255.30 320.43 358.46 250 130.37 153.18 192.26 215.07 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 4 of 5 Attachment Order 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LAND APPLICATION SITE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORMMAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USEAS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. ✓ For new residuals land application programs or renewed residuals land application programs, submit the requested information for all land application sites to be certified for this residuals land application program. ✓ For modified residuals land application programs in which any new/transferred land application sites or modification to the certified land application sites are proposed, submit the requested information for only those land application sites that are new/transferred or affected by the proposed modification. ✓ All forms and guidance documents referred to in this attachment form may be downloaded from the web site at http:/ B. Land Application Site Information: ✓ Additional copies of Page 2 of 2 of this attachment form may be used if necessary. ✓ The status of the land application site with respect to this residuals land application program must be provided in the table in Item I. 1. The status categories and their corresponding codes are as follows: ♦ New (N) ♦ Renewed (R) ♦ Modified (M) ♦ Transferred (T) ✓ If this is the first time that an application package is being submitted using Form NDRLAP, then a Watershed Classification Attachment for Residuals Programs (Form RWSCA) must be completed for all existing land application sites. ✓ For each land application site with a status code of N attach the following in the order specified: ♦ Attachment Order 3: Land Application Site Certification Attachment (Form LASCA). ➢ Attachment Order 3-a: Watershed Classification Attachment for Residuals Programs (Form RWSCA). ➢ Attachment Order 3-b: County Manager Notification Attachment (Form CMNA). ➢ By Land Application Site: ■ Attachment Order 3-c: Landowner Agreement Attachment (Form LOAA). ■ Attachment Order 3-d: Buffer Waiver Agreement Attachment (Form BWAA). ■ Attachment Order 3-e: An updated vicinity/buffer map that meets all of the criteria in the latest version of the document entitled "Guidance for the Preparation of Vicinity/Buffer Maps for North Carolina Residuals Permitting Programs." ■ Attachment Order 3-f A soils and agronomic evaluation that meets all of the criteria in the latest version of the document entitled "Guidance for the Preparation of Soils and Agronomic Evaluations for North Carolina Residuals Permitting Programs." ✓ For each land application site with a status code of R, attach the following in the order specified: ♦ Attachment Order 3: Land Application Site Certification Attachment (Form LASCA). ➢ By Land Application Site: ■ Attachment Order 3-c: Landowner Agreement Attachment (Form LOAA). ■ Attachment Order 3-d: Buffer Waiver Agreement Attachment (Form BWAA). ■ Attachment Order 3-e: An updated vicinity/buffer map (i.e., see above for criteria guidance). ■ Attachment Order 3-g: An updated accounting of the land application site's cumulative pollutant loading rates (CPLRs) that are required by the permit of the residuals land application program from which the site is being transferred. ✓ For each land application site with a status code of M contact the appropriate Division's regional office to determine attachment requirements. ✓ For each land application site with a status code of T, attach the following in the order specified: ♦ Attachment Order 3 through 3-f: Everything required for land application sites with a status code of N. ➢ Attachment Order 3-g: An updated accounting of the CPLRs (i.e., see above for criteria guidance). FORM: LASCA 02/02 Page I of 3 Attachment Order 3 Applicant's name: City of Mount Holl Check all that apply: ❑ NEW RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ® RENEW RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ® ADD ® DELETE this/these land application site(s) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with this/these land application site(s) currently certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ OTHER Explain: Land application sites currently certified: 321.7 net acres and proposed for certification: 52.8 net acres. Total to be certified: 226.8 net acres. Approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 % agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites. I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Complete the following table with the requested information: Status Code Site/Field ID Landowner(s) Leasee(s) or Operators County Net Acres Predominant Soil Series Soil CEC R MH 1-6 John Springs John Springs Gaston 14.3 Cecil 15 R MH 1-9 John Springs John Springs Gaston 13.5 Cecil- 12.9 R MH 1-10 John Springs John Springs Gaston 17.5 Cecil 11.5 R MH 1-14 John Springs John Springs Gaston 21.1 Cecil 13 R MH 2-1 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 33.3 Cecil 10.8 R MH 2-2 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 30.1 Cecil 10.4 R MH 2-4 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 12.3 Cecil 8.3 R MH 2-5 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 16.7 Cecil 10.2 R MH 2-6 Charles Killian Charles Killian Gaston 15.2 Cecil - 5.8 A MH 6-2 Tony Jones Tony Jones Lincoln 8.2 Pacolet Variant A MH 6-4 Tony Jones Tony Jones Lincoln 44.6 Pacolet Variant D 4 John Springs John Springs D 7 John Springs John Springs FORM: LASCA 02/02 Page 2 'of 3 Attachment Order 3 I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 2. Complete the following table with the requested information: (continued from previous page) Status Code Site/Field ID Landowner(s) Leasee(s) or Operators County Net Acres Predominant Soil Series Soil CEC D 8 John Springs John Springs D 1 13 John Springs John Springs D GD-01 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-02 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-03 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-04 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-05 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-06 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-07 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-08 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D GD-09 Gary M. Duckworth Gary M. Duckworth D MH 02-03 Charles Killian Charles Killian D MH 03-01 Gary.Neal Allen Gary Neal Allen D MH 03-02 Gary Neal Allen Gary Neal Allen FORM: LASCA 02/02 *** END OF FORM LASCA 02/02 *** Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3 TONY JONES FARM TRACT MH6 SOILS AND AGRONOMY REPORT There are two fields in this tract, Fields 2 and 4. This farm is located near the intersection of June Dellinger Road and Hines Creek Circle, southwest of Lowesville. These fields are transfers from the Belmont Land Application Program (formerly (BT6-2 and BT64) where they have received applications previously. Both fields are utilized as fescue pasture and have some areas that are not suitable due to slope but have been adequately buffered for inclusion as year round fields. Field investigations performed by a BR&S soil scientist concurred for the most part with the mapping published in the Lincoln County Soil Survey. Both fields are mapped as Cecil and Pacolet soils. My investigations and soil profile descriptions concur with the soil survey. Detailed soil profile description from the investigation have been attached. Soil samples have been sent to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture NCDA for analysis and will be reported as soon as they are received. These fields should receive nitrogen applications in accordance with the rates specified in the standard DWQ permit shell. Soil Scientist / N �1 �'. ; i 1: t } � ( I ""` if1 �..'�,,, � 1i.;�'t i `�` t` '•' ` �''` \lyt.�'����� a x:r t r 11 3 � �r�r A`J i 1 I .��\•� J } E f 1, \ �� \\ L 5 r r' • 7 / / r % I l N. -70 IDA Q _ep 795 :'� - �.. \) r % (J /r.._. L- , '«\`�\QY \J• :� /rill C � y a. `-� \' ,(`� ��\,� \! • 1�;, +. f i; \ __^�`>' e} ..t"� { .,r -•.: \ __. / ' I ' (�- �, �.~%'' �J ,, i� 2 - cam•. l� - t , ''• .,.. /" ._� � �; / `n ,i '�� rill ZZ72' _ JiJ r ;tt�l?B� Lowelle jjj - 1 �. • r MH6 4 \ C. - - yr 57, i f //// ,t l:%,• l j `l,-! � t - \:�..,� / f �r L\ f ,, •qa:l .,Cmtanea r! ',���t' _ •tom �; , 4, � � �( ;� ,/. ,��r--l� f�1( ;�� ff:�f-��..f•� �� •} � ��� .;f 6�6_ ? �' l r` r✓�, `�..�`%� • /f ` -;1 i;_ ��\ _'� -_ ^r 1. � t ! � /�:� ., �..,\ i `•.•�� � /Y,. \ �^ � •,,,: r�' �1- ."+i ; r'f ° `�'�i ,i i(l \ : / t � • i�G..` cC�:\ .1 , r/ I'.t ' i"r,"`-+.._1' r'"� `-�,'•�-;.....-.i rrr,,- !� , , t .."" 82 1 USGS Lowesville, North Carolina 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle SCALE: 1 ° = 2000' City of Mount Holly USGS CHECKED BY: Land Application Program Topo DRAWN BY: RTB BRANCH Tony Jones Farm Map DATE: RESIDUALS Sep-05 & SOILS, LLC Project No. 2004-39 1 KALE: P = 2000 ;NECKED BY: DRAWN BY: RTB DATE: cl— ne BRANCH & SOILS, LLC Project No. City of Mount Holly Soil Land Application Program Survey Tony Jones Farm I Map 2004-39 WE zo If of X, 4ZK'4, f e i, i 1 4% .T. �­.4jej -4k, LN', 4 i ko" F,2:llEWN1!1 iter - to m Lo a EL LQ I' W A J H M J H W z w Ld 0 En t9 V (n tb N to m Lo cn m Tr m m N O't m 11 LO m Annual Land Application Field Summary Form PLEASE KVW A COPY of TM EL AML FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND allMUr rM FOR EACH AP33LEAiION PELD. PLACE A'NA MA BLANK OR BOX WHEN 1107 APP "IME FACILITY NAME: City of Berrnant OWNER : North Jones TOTAL DRY TONS APPLIED (ANNUAL). 66.709 PERMIT #: WQ0003281 OPERATOR: Tony Jones 8 iTE ST 6-4 MELD Y CATIDN EXCHANGE CAPACITY {non as rayu Ieted faolllttot Only) NA ACRES PaitwrED: 49.3 ACRES u71LIZO. 49.3 Oarmw for O,mlt Yaft faptdh! R repof1ho br morm knP thus ddy mcords on tat Data Or Month Total per Aar► Dry Tensper Aem RttLtual Bauros %7oado eratec Dt Houses Averwl NlnrrWtamn Rsla ►vanan Mkhod (eaaracaarade I grhrs R9M Netnan. anon aef WILt.,yotl Clop 42002 370,800 7515 1.13 WWTP 3.6 30% surface 0 dFy fescue 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 a 0.00 0 10.00 D TeWa: Anauat Cu,rulauat Lime Ileatlon LATE I LEIVACRE PermitLlmK(tba wjelyeer)-1atCrop f2ndOmp PamM3dCumula¢yePDllufanlLeedingRat®(l6slwra) 35 34 NA. 1 1338 12871 15 16 374 1 89 1 2498 X (SIGNATURE OF LAN of [ew,th DATE tAr ")tWil undtr pensityat dooumeetwas prapored undar my dlreaflon orauparvisIon In aeaordtaoewltliaapatemdesign* aaaws,thatallquallNedpencanelproporlygaHteradandevaluatadtheinlelmatlen aubmlfied. I am aware thAtthom its elgnlEoant pentlnesfer aubmitttng Was IrMarmatleA, lneluding the peealbllRy of ftnot and Imprltoemortt ror knowing vlalatloms." 0 m m CC) ram- L0 CrI LO m m M u0 rN-I m r9 CV al m I— LO r9 Annual Land Appitcation Field Summary Pori IFLMO ME A wpyoF im BLANK FORM TO BE COMKIlMD AND gLBMrrrEn FOR EACH APPLICATION FIELD. PLACHA ZYA' IN A BtAM on BOX W MUn APPL MIJ! FACILITY NAME: city of Belmont OWNER: NorEtl Jones TOTAL DRY TONS APPLIED (ANNElAL): 2.95 PERMIT #:11Y40403291 OPERATOR: Tony Janes SITE # ST $•2 FIELD 0 CATIDN EXCHANGE CAPACITY {non 603 regulet#d fOCIIIt100 only I NA ACRES PERRITTE0t a AOREA IITILIzBDt DsleO:9anFtMhHporA1— petIlselduelloum 7..— %Sea&Hate: Do Mn&1d11d RG APPTaaen NatLkesrae a R nePanM Or montl, peep nnsT+ a'Lo.n fl luratRN. 6kI W,1 Crop 0 dry fescueb 2002 19.500 S900 0.00 0.00 D.59 D 0 W WTP 3.$ 3D% surface 0.00 0 0.00 fl.ob • 0.0D 0.00 0.00 0.011 0 0 b 0 0 0 -• 0.00 0 A nn 1 0 ewu o As Cd I Cr Co za Pb Hy -- _ No NI _ NI.__ _ 8!.... Ta"I" Armual 18 CumutattvD Pont Limit jibalmetflo4 - 1 at Crop I 2nd Cf*p permuted oumuiedht3 Polluterd LOadlrg Rate (Ibslscro) �-3 (SIGNATURE OF D ER) DATE { DaAI(jilliCar pinslty ,thstilds daounteat was prapaad undsrmy direction ofsuparvlslon In tocotdaneewlih a system designed to tesurN that all quallned personnel praparly gathered and ertlualad Ihs lnlbrmatlan submy submitted. I am awasbatthers ars signinasnl panstiroa (orsubn iging (etas Inlorntstlon, including the possibilityarnnas and ImprlsondtentlarkeawinD vlolattans." SOIL EVALUATION FORM JjjoOpMil�B ANCH RESIDUALS & SOILS, LLC South Westgate Drive - Greensboro, NC 27407 PONE (336) 510-0340 — FAX (336) 510-0341 Project Name City of Mount Holly Project Number 2004-39 Owner Tony Jones Tract/Site MH 6 Operator Tony Jones Field 2 Slope 0-4 Sample No. 2 Crop Fescue 1�'oritia� �#elith '�extu.: Color : �truc4ure �o�s�s�ene: ::: :::s:�llottl.. s..............................................................:.:.......................:.. meu is Ap 0-4 SCL 7.5 YR 4/4 wk med gr fr n/a Btl 4-24 CL 2.5 YR 4/6 mod med sbk fi n/a Bt2 24-31 C 2.5 YR 4/6 mod med sbk fi n/a BC 31-36+ CL 5 YR 4/6 wk med sbk fi 7.5YR 4/4 Additional Comments Depth to Apparent Water Table (in.) >36+ Depth to Seasonal Water Table (in. >36+ Depth to Restrictive Horizon (in.) >36+ Type of Restrictive Horizon n/a Boring needed prior to application: no Attached map with boring location no Most Closely Related Soil Series Pacolet Variant Discussion of Site lJlsllli�l AJ - rj// ✓as�v . �... ...v ..... SOIL EVALUATION FORM BRANCH RESIDUALS & SOILS, LLC 311 B South Westgate Drive - Greensboro, NC 27407 PHONE (336) 510-0340 —FAX (336) 510-0341 Project Name City of Mount Holly . Project Number Owner Tony Jones Tract/Site Operator Tony Jones Field Slope 0-4 Sample No. 4 Crop 2004-39 MH6 4 Fescue ePtl;efiuifeoor..: Structurecnsasleuc ..............1�1uts..:.:.:.:.:...::...............:.....:vfaius,..:.:.:.:.:.:...:...: Ap 0-6 It. SCL 7.5 YR 4/4 wk med gr fr n/a Btl 6-21 CL 2.5 YR 4/6 mod med sbk fi n/a Bt2 21-42 C 2.5 YR 4/6 mod med sbk fi n/a BC 42+ CL 2.5 YR 4/8 wk med sbk fi 5YR 4/4 Additional Comments Depth to Apparent Water Table (in.) >36+ Depth to Seasonal Water Table (in. >36+_ Depth to Restrictive Horizon (in.) >36+ Type of Restrictive Horizon n/a Boring needed prior to application: no Attached map with boring location no Most Closely Related Soil Series Pacolet Variant Discussion of Site Good Year round site 0 1150 �� Signed ,�'` �;,�� �__--r�•- Date 9/16/2005 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT -- ---- Date:04/23/05 County: GASTON To: Aquifer Protection Central Office Permittee/Owner: Mount Holly Central Office Reviewer"'Shinnon horii�iu Application No.: W0001863 L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): ❑ New ❑ Renewal ® Renewal with mod. ❑ Minor Modification ❑ Major Modification ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon ® Land Application of Residuals ® Attachment B included ® 503 regulated ❑ 503 exempt ❑ Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed -loop Groundwater Remediation ❑ Other Injection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. a. Date of site visit: 04/l 1105 b. Person contacted and contact information: Bob Branch, Branch Residuals 336/510-0340 c. Site visit conducted by: Ellen Huffman d. Inspection Report Attached: ❑ Yes or ® No. 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: Facilities physical address for the WWTP and the WTP were not included in the application. a. Location: b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude: . Longitude: e. Regulated Activities / Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): For Disposal and Injection Sites: See Application (If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information applies to copy and paste a_ new section into the document for each site, or attach additional pages for each site a. Location(s): b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude: Longitude: AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT II. RENEWAL AND MODIFICATIONAPPLICATION Application No.: WQ0001863 Mt. Holly, NC Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities 1. Are there appropriately certified ORCs for the facilities? ® Yes or ❑ No. Operator in Charge: Dennis Key Certificate #:13532 Backup- Operator in Charge: David Key Certificate #: 23629 2. Is the design, maintenance .and operation (e.g. adequate aeration, sludge wasting, sludge storage, effluent storage, etc) of the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ® Yes or ❑ No. 3. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc) maintained appropriately and adequately assimilating the waste? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 4. Has the site changed in any way that may affect permit (drainage added, new wells inside the compliance boundary, new development, etc.)? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain: 5. Is the residuals management plan for the facility adequate and/or acceptable to the Division? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 6. Are the existing application rates still acceptable? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 7. Is the existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ®N/A. 8. Will seasonal or other restrictions be required for added sites? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ N/A If yes, attach list of sites with restrictions (Certification B?) 9. Are there any buffer conflicts (treatment facilities or disposal sites)? ❑ Yes or 0 No. If yes, please attach a map showing conflict areas or attach any new maps you have received from the applicant to be incorporated into the permit: 10. Is the description of the facilities, type and/or volume of waste(s) as written in the existing permit correct? Yes or ❑ No. If no, please explain: 11. Were monitoring wells properly constructed and located? ❑ Yes or ❑ No ® N/A. 12. Has a review of all self -monitoring data been conducted (GW, NDMR, and NDAR as applicable)? ® Yes or ❑ No ❑ NIA. Please summarize any findings resulting from this review: _ 13. Check all that apply: ® No compliance issues; ❑ Notice(s) of violation within the last permit cycle; ❑ Current enforcement action(s) ❑ Currently under SOC; ❑ Currently under JOC; ❑ Currently under moratorium. 14. Have all compliance dates/conditions in the existing permit, (SOC, JOC, etc.) been complied with? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Determined ® N/A.. If no, please explain: 15. Are there any issues related to compliance/enforcement that should be resolved before issuing this permit? ❑ Yes or ® No ❑ N/A. If yes, please explain: AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT r, EVALUATIONANDRECOMMENDATIONS Application No.: WQ0001863 'Mt. Holly, NC L Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application.: The application requests fields to be deleted, transferred (and renamed), and renewed. The MRO has made these changes in BIMS. BIMS was also updated to include soils series and latitude and longitude. Fields previously numbered BT 6-1 and BT 6-3 are now named MH 6-1 and M116-3 respectively. 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet - if needed information is available. N/A 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes ® No. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: None. 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: None. 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: None. ?. Recommendation: ® Issue ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ❑ Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; ❑ Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny, please state reasons: 8. Signature of report preparer(s): Signature of APS regional super Date- ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS None ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Permit Number: W00001863 City of Mount Holly City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Field/Zone Id Owner April 2006 Lessee County Latitude Lonaitude Net Acreage MH 01-06 John S S rin s Estate Gaston 35°17'50" 81001152" 14.30 MH 01-09 John S Springs Estate Gaston 35°17'38" 81001'51" . 13.50 MH 01-10 John S Springs Estate Gaston 35°17'44" 81001'33" 17.50 MH 01-14 John S Springs Estate Gaston 35°17'41" 81*01'43" 9.70 MH 02-01 Killian, Charlie M Gaston 35°23'57" 81002'56" 15.20 MH 02-02 Killian, Charlie M Gaston 35°24'03" 81003'05" 30.10 MH 02-04 Killian, Charlie M Gaston 35'24'11" 81002137" 12.30 MH 02-05 Killian, Charlie M Gaston 35°24'08" 81002'27" 16.70 MH 02-06 Killian, Charlie M Gaston 35°24'01" 81 °02'29" 15.20 MH 06-01 (prevoiusely BT-6-1) Jones, North Jones, Tony Gaston 35°24'17" 81024'21" 21.40 MH 06-03 (reviousely BT 6-3) Jones, North Jones, Tony Gaston 35°24'21" 81 °02'21" 25.30 Total For County Gaston 191.20 z AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORIVIAND NARECEIVE6URCEs Date: March 28, 2005 MAR 3 0 2005 To: ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stel RMV3Q-&R8GIONAL OFFICE 1AndrewPitrier M_R_O �5 ❑ Sherri Knighb$FQMWATER SECTION ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: Shannon Mohr Thornburg , Land Application Permitting and Compliance Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6167 Fax: (919) 715-0588 E-Mail: shannon.thornburg( A. Permit Number: 'W00001863-- ._ B. Owner: Citv of Mount Holly C. Facility/Operation: City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program ❑ Proposed ® Existing ❑ Facility ® Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ❑ UIC - (5QW) closed loop water only geothermal For Residuals: ® Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ® 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ® Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: c0 Me tiirria�Complefed�o� APS SRRI? ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. +�tAtfachAttachmentB�=for�Certificationliy<the LAPCU ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO*. * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits, reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. i RO-APS Reviewer: Date: FORM: APSARR 09/04 Page 1 of 1 Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 03/28/05 Permit Number W00001863 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category Status Project Type Non -discharge In review Renewal with major mod Permit Type Version Permit Classification Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Individual Primary Reviewer shannon.thornburg Permitted Flow Facility Facility Name City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Location Address PO Box 406 Mount Holly NC 28120 Owner Permit Contact Affiliation W Nichols, II PO Box 406 Mount Holly NC Major/Minor Region Major Mooresville County Gaston Facility Contact Affiliation 28120 Owner Name Owner Type City of Mount Holly Government - Municipal Owner Affiliation David Kraus 131 S Main St Mount Holly NC 28120 Dates/Events Scheduled Orig issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 12/28/89 12/23/04 egulated Activities Wastewater treatment and disposal Water treatment, surface water Outfall NULI Waterbody Name Requested/Received Events RO staff report received RO staff report requested Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin NC DEPT. OP ENVIRONMENT AND NATRUE VD URCES EE MAR 3 0 2005 MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DW&GROUNDWATER SECTION 03/28/05 �pF W A TFRQ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Cn r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources .� Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director T , Division of Water Quality NC DEPT. OF tivv,myi,uv,a1w i AND NATURAL P4 SOUP,,,ES RECEIVED April 14, 2005 APE� 1 9 ZUGS David Kraus City of Mount Holly MOORESVILLE REGUNAI. OFFICE 131 S. Main Street DV VQ-GROUNDtN1ATER SECTION Mount Holly, NC 28120 Subject: Return of Fee, Application No. WQ0001863 City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Gaston County Dear Mr. Kraus: Please find enclosed your check submitted with the above referenced permit application The Division has since received a check for the appropriate amount and returning your original fee. If you have any question regarding this letter, please feel free to contact the Aquifer Protection Section at 919-733-3221. PLEASE REFER TO THE PROJECT NAME AND DATE SUBMITTED WHEN INQUIRING ON ANY MATTERS IN QUESTION. Sincerely, for Kit IColson, X.E. Supervisor cc: Mooresville Regional Office, Waier_Quality-Section Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. LAU Return Check File Permit Application File WQ0001863 NorthCarolina Naturally Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources December 13, 2004 MR. DONALD R. PRICE, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF MOUNT HOLLY POST OFFICE BOX 406 MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA 28.120 Subject: Dear Mr. Price: - Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Permit Na W ;CI�?1?#013 REnewal Deadline cteilsfon�Appro�aL-g- City of Mount Holly City of Mount Holly Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Gaston County On November 22, 2004, the Division of Water Quality (Division) received an e-mail correspondence from Mr. Bob Branch of Branch Residuals & Soils, L.L.C., who is a technical consultant to the City of Mount Holly's residuals management firm, Southern Soil Builders, Inc., regarding the above -referenced permit. Specifically, in this correspondence, Mr. Branch requested that the City of Mount Holly be granted until December 31, 2004 to submit a pennit renewal application package. The existing permit, which was issued on December 28, 1999, expired on November 30, 2004. Condition VI. 7. of this permit requires that pen -nit renewal be requested no later than 180 calendar days prior to permit expiration. The requested extension is hereby granted. The City of Mount Holly shall now submit the permit renewal application package no later than close of business on by December 31, 2004. Land application events may continue under this extended perniit; however, note that all other conditions and limitations of Permit No. WQ0001863, issued on December 28, 1999, shall be valid and binding. Please be aware that nothing in this correspondence should be construed as removing the City of Mount Holly from the responsibility for complying with its permit in fiull or as exempting it from potential enforcement action as a result of the failure to submit a timely renewal application (i.e., 180 calendar days prior to permit expiration) or requesting an extension prior to that time period. The Division does appreciate that the request for extension was made prior to the permit actually expiring. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at (919) 715-6167 or via e-mail at Sincerely, Ynnon Mohr Thornburg Environmental Engineer Land Application Unit cc: Mr. Robert T. Branch, L.S.S., Branch Residuals & Soils, L.L.C. Mr. Dennis Key, Southern Soil Builders, Inc. Mr. Andrew P.itner, Mooresville Regional Office - Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files - Pen -nit File WQ0001863 Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Internet: h�:,' 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 One NorthCarolina ,Naturally Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Fax (919)715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper