HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201617 Ver 1_ePCN Application_20201218DWR mrlslon of Water Resources Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form October 26, 2020 Ver 3.3 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* r Yes r No Is this project a public transportation project?* C Yes r No Change only if needed. BIMS # Assigned 20201617 Is a payment required for this project?* r No payment required r Fee received r Fee needed - send electronic notification Reviewing Office * Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 Information for Initial Review 1a. Name of project: Stony Brook Business Center 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* Deborah Shirley 1b. Primary Contact Email:* dshirley@sandec.com Date Submitted 12/18/2020 Nearest Body of Water Marsh Creek Basin Neuse Water Classification QNSW Site Coordinates Latitude: Longitude: 35.817800-78.591201 Pre -Filing Meeting Information ID# 20201617 Pre -fling Meeting or Request Date* 10/27/2020 Attach documentation of Pre -Filing Meeting Request here:* DWR Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form.pdf Version#* 1 What amout is owed?* IT $240.00 r $570.00 Select Project Reviewer* Stephanie Goss:eads\sagoss 1c. Primary Contact Phone:* (919)846-5900 Version 1 51.88KB A. Processing Information C^U County (or Counties) where the project is located: Wake Is this a NCDMS Project r Yes r No Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes r No la. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: * Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) r Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?* r Yes r No 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? W Nationwide Permit (NWP) r Regional General Permit (RGP) r Standard (IP) 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? r Yes r No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: W 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit r Individual Permit 39 - Commercial/Institutional Developments le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: r 401 Water Quality Certification - E)press r Riparian Buffer Authorization 1f. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? r Yes r No Acceptance Letter Attachment 1h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? r Yes r No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? r Yes r No B. Applicant Information 1d. Who is applying for the permit? r Owner W Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* r Yes r No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Worthy Holdings LLC 2b. Deed book and page no.: Book: 012943 Page: 02226 2c. Responsible party: M. Carter Worthy, Manager 2d.Address * r Yes r No r Yes r No Street Address P.O. Box 30636 Address tine 2 aty Raleigh Postal / Zip Code 27622-0636 2e. Telephone Number: (919)961-3595 2g. Email Address:* bpittman@bobbitt.com 3. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 3a. Name: Blair Pittman 3b. Business Name: Bobbitt Construction 3c.Address Street Address 600 Germantown Road Address tine 2 city Raleigh Postal / Zip Code 27603 3d. Telephone Number: (919)851-1980 3f. Email Address:* bpittnian@bobbitt.com 4. Agent/Consultant (if applicable) 4a. Name: Deborah Shirley 4b. Business Name: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 4c.Address Street Address 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104 Address Line 2 City Raleigh Postal / Zip axle 27615 4d. Telephone Number: (919)846-5900 4f. Email Address:* dshirley@sandec.com Agent Authorization Letter* SEC Agent Authorization Form Applicant.pdf C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (i appropriate) 1c. Nearest municipality/ town: Raleigh 2. Project Identification State / Rovince / Rion NC Country USA 2f. Fax Number: Slate / Frovince / t3gion NC Country USA 3e. Fax Number: State / Rovince / Region NC Country USA 4e. Fax Number: (919)846-9467 270.02KB 2a. Property Identification Number: 1725123772 & 1725127740 2b. Property size: +/- 5.45 acres 2c. Project Address Street Address 3010, 3030 & 3050 Stony Brook Drive Address Line 2 aty Raleigh Postal / Zip Code 27604 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Marsh Creek 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* C; NSW 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Neuse 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030202010804 4. Project Description and History State / Province / Region NC Country USA 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* Existing conditions onsite consists primarily of heavily wooded land. There is a total of one (1) wetland (W1) onsite and one perennial stream feature (SA), and one pond (Pond 1) just south of the southern property boundary. General land use in the vicinity of the project is predominately commercial and residential developments. Stony Brook Drive bounds the property to the North. 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes r No r Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) USGS.pdf 2.73MB 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) SS.pdf 909.39KB 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: Approxmately 0.46 acres 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: Approximately 170 LF 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of this project is to construct a commercial business development and necessary infrastructure. 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The overall project consists of the construction of a commercial development, including but not limited to roads, parking, commercial structures, utilities and stormwater control measures. Specifically, there is one (1) fill area that impacts wetlands. Equipment typically used for construction and earthwork such as backhoes, bulldozers, excavators, graders, pavers etc. will be utilized for this project. 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. StonyBrook-00.1-Ex. Conditions.pdf StonyBrook-C3.0-Grading Plan.pdf WETLAND IMPACT EXHIBIT - EX3.pdf 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* r Yes r No Comments: 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* r Preliminary r Approved (- Not Verified r Unknown r N/A Corps AID Number: SAW-2020-00152 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? 601.77KB 798.21 KB 332.96KB r Unknown Name (if known): Steven Ball Agency/Consultant Company: Other: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 5d. List the dates of the Corp jurisdiction determination or State determination if a determination was made bythe Corps or DWR USACE: Site visit and field determination made by Lyle Phillips on February 27, 2020. Received concurrence email on September 22, 2020. NCDWR: Site visit and buffer determination made by Stephanie Goss on February 4, 2020 (NBRRO #20-016). 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload RE_ Stony Brook Drive (SAW-2020-00152).pdf 101.04KB 3030 Stonybrook Drive Buffer letter.pdf 345.39KB 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* r Yes r No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed projector related activity? It is my understanding that there are no intended future phases beyond the property boundaries shown. Therefore, no additional NWP, Regional General Permits, or IP are anticipated. D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): W Wetlands r Streams -tributaries ❑ Buffers r Open Waters r Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts 2a1 Reason (?) 2b. Impact type * (?) 2c. Type of W.* 2d. W. name * 2e. Forested * 2f. Type of 2g. Impact Jurisdicition*(?) area* ff�] Lot fill P Bottomland Hardwood Forest W1 Yes Both 0.076 (acres) 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.000 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.076 2h. Comments: E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.076 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: S&EC completed a wetland delineation and Neuse River Buffer evaluation for the entire property in order to identify natural resources so that impacts could be avoided & minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Impact 1 is proposed permanent wetland fill for lot development. This impact is necessary to provide minimum paving width necessary to access the rear of the proposed building and truck turn -around. Retaining walls were utilized to minimize proposed wetland impacts on the south and south-west side of the building. Riparian buffer impacts have been avoided by utilizing a retaining wall. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Silt fencing will be installed around the perimeter of the site and run-off will be diverted via diversion ditch to a sediment basin. Silt fence outlets will be used above the wetland and include a 10'x5'x3' excavated stilling basin behind the stone for additional protection from sediment. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? r Yes r No 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: There are no proposed stream impacts onsite and permanent loss wetland impacts are less than 0.10 acre. Impacts have been avoided to the maximum extent practicable. Therefore compensatory mitigation in the form of mitigation payment has not been proposed. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? r Yes r No What type of SCM are you providing? r Level Spreader r Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) r Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) W Other SCM that removes minimum 30% nitrogen r Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer Diffuse Flow Documentation Stony Brook - Post -Construction Drainage Area Map - DA2.pdf 458.59KB 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* r Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? r Yes r No 2c. Does this project have a stormwater management plan (SMP) reviewed and approved under a state stormwater program or state -approved local government stormwater program? r Yes r No r WA - project disturbs < 1 acre 2d. Which of the following stormwater management program(s) apply: W Local Government r State Local Government Stormwater Programs W Phase II W NSW r USMP r Water Supply Please identify which local government stormwater program you are using. City of Raleigh Comments: All post -development stormwater run-off is collected and routed away from wetlands, this run-off is routed through a proposed constructed wetland which releases away from the wasting wetlands G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* r Yes r No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? * r Yes r No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* r Yes f• No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. We have reviewed the "Draft Internal Policy, Cumulative impacts and the 401 Water Quality Certification and Isolated Wetlands Programs" document prepared by the NC Division of Water Quality on April 10, 2004, version 2.1. The draft states that many private developments are unlikely to cause cumulative impacts, including projects such as urban in -fill, most residential subdivisions and small commercial developments as well as agricultural and silvicultural operations. The Stony Brook Business Center project is a commercial development. Additionally, the project is located within the city of Raleigh ETJ, therefore the adjacent properties that have potential for development will have the following regulations to protect downstream waters: 1) the Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Protection regulations, these regulations require limited development within the riparian buffer area, in addition Best Management Practices may be required that control nitrogen if diffuse flow cannot be achieved; 2) the Phase II NPDES Stormwater Permit Program, this program includes permitting requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in addition to post -construction stormwater management requirements. We anticipate that the DWR Will advise us if any additional information is needed. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* r Yes r Nor WA 4b. Describe, in detail, the treatment methods and dispositions (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project. If the wastewater will be treated at a treatment plant, list the capacity available at that plant. Non -discharge wastewater will be generated and then treated at the Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility Plant. This plant has a capacity of 75 MGD. 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* r Yes f• No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* r Yes r No 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* r Yes r No r Unknown 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? r Yes r No 5f. Will you cut anytrees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? r Yes r No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? r Yes r No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?' r Yes r No 51. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? (- Yes r No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? The NC Natural Heritage Programs Data E)plorer Map was used to search for elemental occurrences of federally protected species listed within and within 1-mile of the project boundaries. It was determined based on the search that there are no elemental occurrences that are listed as federally Threatened/Endangered within or within 1-mile of the project boundaries. References: NC Natural Heritage Program. 2020. Geographic Information System (GIS) data. NCDNCR, Raleigh, INC. Available at http://wm.nenhp.org/. (Accessed: October 27, 2020). Consultation Documentation Upload 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* r Yes r No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* The NOAA Habitat Conservation/Habitat Protection: National Marine Fish Service; Essential Fish Habitat Mapper website was referenced. No Essential Fish Habitat was identified near the project. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* r Yes r No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* The NC State Historic Preservation Office HPOWEB GIS Service interactive map was referenced on October 27, 2020, no historic listings or study list entries or determined eligible listings were identified within the property boundaries. Additionally, no structures ebst within the property boundaries. 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* r Yes r No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* The NC Flood Risk Information System Floodplain Mapping Program was referenced and confirmation from the project engineer. Miscellaneous Comments Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. Signature u * R By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Deborah E. Shirley Signature Date 12/18/2020 Project Name/Description: Date: 10/26/20 Environmental Consultants, 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite t04, Raleigh, NC 27615 • Phone; (919) 846-5900 sandec.com AGENT AUTHORIZATION Stony Brook Business Center S&EC Project 4 14062 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Attn: Lyle Phillips Field Office: Regulatory Field Office I, the undersigned, authorizes S&EC, as my agent, to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of a permit or certification and any and all associated standard and special conditions. This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. PARCEL INFORMATION: Parcel Index Number(s) (PIN): 1725-13-12-3772; 1725-13-12-7740 Site Address: 3030 and 3050 Stony Brook Rd. City, County, State: Raleigh, Wake County NC APPLICANT INFORMATION: Name: Blair Pittman Mailing Address: 600 Germantown Rd., Raleigh NC 27603 Telephone Number: 919-851-1980 Email: bpittman(cDbobbitt.com Blair Pittman Applicant (please print) 40 Applicant Signature Date 10/26/20 We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge, _ •- ! - Lo C lot,M �ApC2 - 'f� CeC2 eC Wo • v 402 N :- N rn - eC2 %• M M a A4 r - '• CM f C eC2 - eC2 ApC2 > pQ pC2 O - �-� A.Me CeB AV pD r' Au�l � CeB Pc C J ApC2 f CeC2 ApB2 `~ P Wy � A � A �� 4 ApC2 Ap p ; CM �IPv4 w 1 i CeB2 t NC nter for e gip Project Number: Map Title: N 14062.W1 0 500 1,000 Project Manager: Figure 2- Soil Survey/ I I I I I I I I I SB Stonybrook Drive, Feet Scale: 1500' Wake County, NC " = • Date: Source: Wake County Soil Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11 /12/2019 Survey Sheets 49 & 50 8412 Falls of Neu eRoad, Su e104 Raleigh,NC 27615•Phone (919)846-5900•Fax (919)8469467 amdeecom W a RI 0LD UF�ALoE 2 STARMOUNT 'DR TO Lai o 4 CL- W 7-R.4 4,/CA, RD a OOK DR R s�� m o ��ygT�R A �/ A i� OO- (51 Pond 1 a j r Z / C PL'A RAC -SIGH BLVD NET_D R O1- SKYCREST DR DOGWOOD DR � J c �Q z c, NC Centerrtor Ceograpb:c.6nformation & nal Project Number: Map Title: N 14062.W1 0 1,000 2,000 Project Manager: Figure 1- USGS Map I i i i I i i i I SB Stonybrook Drive, Feet Scale: 1 1000' Wake County, NC " = • Date: Source: 2019 NC Raleigh Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11 / 1 2/2 0 1 VA 9412 FA, of Na,- RoA. Sure 104, Rnleigh. NC 27615 • Ph.- (919) 846-5900 • Fay (919) 846-946 East Quad -, CB : 223.90 INV INV: 220.09' 0.1% ANNUAL FEMA / FLOOD LIMIT ZONE "X" / / I � MAP # 3720-1725-OOJ DATED MAY 2, 2006 B -Mtlr _ C j I N : 211 —8' 8 "PVC ntIT:21� \ �� v\RE�7 64 MH CO RIM: 225.83' I 6 / /MORE / i� = X8 _� OUT:218.60' /_77� _ x� / l � �sE� M H 1% FUTURE / / Y. 5' Co �� co RIM:225.05 CONDITIONS ANNUAL FEMA / /` C0 / , i \ NI— NCO= E `\ �_ �/ SIDE �� IN: 214.99' 8 FLOOD LIMIT ZONE "X" // ` / 30— �� ` LK METAL _ MAP # 3720-1725-OOJ ` N��� 21 —/PE ^ O�� DATED MAY 2, 20106 / / ` ��` ` d- m a / I / �230 \� .� x c-) o NOT ACCESSIBLECB TOP: 215.44'� / INV:211.93' TOP:215.36' PK 0, ACCESk 00000 213.34'00, 1 2 UT:201.6 / / / / / \ / / / / / , �N \ \ \ \ — X� _Icy, \ / \ \ \ Wetland W1 .~�N 22a f �E �Eh_ U v� /W LAND I ACT \ \ \ — rn — / �X _U� T I I I I \ \ —� 2 2 5 —� / / / / / j / \ \ z of / \ I \ / \ /LLJ LAJ 215 vo4 EIP Vlrl \ T:206.81' RIM:216.44' — Q INN .208.2 ' EIP �S Q :::;LALE H IN(SE): 208.76' CONTRO / A/ SANITARY SEWER EASEMEN OUT:207.85' �31 B.M. 1982,M PG. 1155 E(x):2,18' N/F 50.NUSERIVER /I - - � � � - DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC. \215 BUFFER / / D.B. 15289, PAGE 2437 N/F I PIN# 1725.17-22-0334 YES COMPANIES EXP KEY, LLC ZONED: IX-3 \� D.B. 16494, PAGE 2221 USE: UTILITY — �\ � B.M. 1982, PAGE 1155 I� PIN# 4922 ZONED: MH �� LF ��� EX p0N9 USE: MOBILE HOME PARK 0E- �\ 1 EIP FOUND 7.1' SOUTH WEST OF EX. POND Stream A \ PROPERTY CORNER Pond 1 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L-1 N 82`51'06" E 59.49' L-2 S 03`02'50" W 16.37' L-3 N 79`54'10" W 92.56' L-4 S 77`18'50" W 82.00' L-5 N 37`21'10" W 1 115.00' CURVE TABLE CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING C-1 0.52' 403.00' 0.52' N 52`41'03" E C-2 345.54' 403.00' 335.05' N 77`17'02" E C-3 103.00' 593.19' 102.87' N 32`23'22" W N/F DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC. D.B. 15289, PAGE 2437 PIN# 1725.17-22-0334 12"METAL PIPE DESIGN 12, M� MH RIM: IN:2 OUT NOTES 1. BOUNDARY, SURVEY, AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CAWTHORNE, MOSS & PANCIERA, P.C. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, C-1525, 333 S. WHITE STREET, WAKE FOREST N.C., 27588, (919) 556-3148 LEGEND Property Line Right -of -Way Line Easement Line GAS GAS GAS Gas Line Water Line Sanitary Sewer P P P Phone Cable ----------- Storm Drainage _E—E E— Subsurface Transmission Lines Chain Link Fence - — — — — — — — — — - Edge of Pavement Curb and Gutter O Ex. iron pipe/rod or nail DB Deed Book ❑ Ex. concrete monument PB or BM Plot Book / Book of Maps 0 New iron pipe N/F Now or formerly O Calculated point Pg. Page © Cable pedestal SF Square feet ❑T Telephone pedestal Ac. Acres ❑E Electric pedestal RM Right-of-way ❑F Fiber-optic marker NCSR North Carolina State Route ❑S Traffic signal box NCDOT North Carolina Dept. of Transportation 0 Water meter RM Right-of-way "Cf Fire hydrant Ex. Existing D4 Valve (water or gas) RCP Reinforced concrete pipe Sanitary sewer manhole PVC Polyvinyl chloride pipe O Sanitary sewer cleanout (M) Measured E] Storm curb inlet (P) Platted Drainage inlet (w/ grate) (D) Deed �D Storm drain manhole C-Q) Utility pole Lamp post Signal pole J. Guy wire g Sign post DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION " REVISIONS No. DATE DESCRIPTION REV. BY 0 w w co w cr co c� J a U z 0 J_ D Co z 0 U) W H H Co Co O Co O N O N 0 H 2 0 a O U O U O w 1 C.0 � N � O (6 � C O O O (O ' U (D 11 t -0 Z N rn s � o 0' U E 0 X LL 1 o � M ; 0 O O CD COORDINATOR: Blair Pittman DRAWN BY: Jason Galloway CHK BY: BPP Q� W Uj U Cn U) LU Z Q WZC/) > _ J ::D — 0�O W o o. �e < Ov 00= � 0 �NN C)f W O. >_ O 7 L 0= zVJ���^^ V Oo LU '^ _j U) O M � 24 X 36 1"=40' PROGRESS 20-0161 EXISTING CONDITIONS C0.1 GENERAL NOTES: GRADING PLAN 5' CITY OF RALEIGH UTILITY PLACEMENT EASEMENT 20' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ASPHALT PAVING 3"-S9.5B SURFACE COURSE ON 8" ABC (TYP) LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVING 2" S9.5B ON 6" ABC (TYP HATCH) 0.1% ANNUAL FEMA FLOOD LIMIT ZONE "X" MAP # 3720-1725-OOJ DATED MAY 2, 2006 00004 HANDICAP PARKING AND gR0 ?01 SI) \ LOADING AREA. MAX 2% SLOPE - ANY DIRECTION / S\0 6p' N�\�Neo<� ' � FzI�N �P 2 _ WON 60 E E S ®� 1% FUTURE / CONDITIONS ANNUAL FEMA FLOOD LIMIT ZONE "X" // / �✓ MAP # 3720-1725-OOJ SEE SHEET C3.1 FOR DETAILED GRADING PAVEMENT DESIGN FOR DRIVEWAY IN PUBLIC ROW 3" S9.5A ON 8" CABC (LAID IN TWO LIFTS) CITY OF RALEIGH CURB RAMP (TYP OF ALL NEW DRIVEWAYS) PAINTED CROSS WALK 5% MAX LONGITUDINAL SLOPE, 2% CROSS -SLOPE 24" CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER S _ _ _ _ �7 o E �_ ft-ftft 0 X 5, C NC� SIpEWq�K� DATED MAY 2, 2006 ` // �' • '' � �J \ ' s � / 0000' 17 NOT ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP �- aa�l TOP:215.44' / B PAINTED �ROSS WALK �, ' 0 CB TYPTHOTH ES / \ i Ex 5' OCOC NC�� 01 INV.211.93' / T P:215.36' / �� O / 5L MAX LONGI(�SS-SLUDINAL E SI / I LOPE, % CRIOSS-SLOPE r � (DIRECT�NAL TYPE) / / ' '� <• p / � /� SP�K /S•. � y / CURB RAMP (CURB TIGH:Qj LOTCO 2 �\ 7' C/CRETE `" N PB9POSE6 4ILDING\ SIDEWALK I / / f24,5 5F\ HANDICAP PARKING AND , �rFE 2?��•0� LOADING AREA. MAX 2% / , / \ _ / / _o I SLOPE - ANY DIRECTION \ \ \ Wz / � 22 0 CURB RAMP �, / / / / \ \ \ \ \ SIDD-EEWWAL � TE Q W��/ / � (CURB TIGHT) � 6" THICK 10' WIDE c� pl� � / y N 6. v LOT 1 CONCRETE APRON \ / / �\ \ \ Q - / - TREE CONSERVATIO 30 R P\ - PROPOSED ±24,500 BUILDING 2� \-� %- AREA -APPROXIMATE FIFE 222.50 L pozzle\ I \ N / 224 6" THICK-10' WIDE cu N / �� / COid&RETE APRON r� / Ex. E �X �RCP Z m OD dONSTRU\ �\ I WETLAND I \ 0 \� 13.00 N I \\P 214.25 \ 2Q., \ / / 22�TREE _CONSERVATION / AREA IP \ EIP \ • / 222 1Ca 6� NSTORMWATER \ACCESS \ \ \ \ TWW22222.00 S -3C?- w EASEMENT SEGMENTAL BLOCK \ \ / / CIPy RETAINING WALL. \ // �4NE PLAN BY OTHERS \ x 211 5 R/ E(x)_2,121,317. 8' NEOSE RIVE / � 21 50 50FFER / N /F 4' CHAINLINK FENCE -VINYL COATED BLACK / COMBINATION SILT/TREE YES COMPANIES EXP KEY, LLC (TYP. AT TOP OF RETAINING WALL) / PROTECTION FENCE D.B. 16494, PAGE 2221 (TYP) B.M. 1982, PAGE 1155 CLASS I RIP -RAP APRON PIN# 1725.17-11-4922 C) IP 8'x16'x22" THICK ° ZONED: MH \<\��� GE OF EX. PON USE: MOBILE HOME PARK EIP FOUND 7.1' SOUTH WEST OF EX. POND \ \ \ PROPERTY CORNER �o D.B. 15289, PAGE 2437 PIN# 1725.17-22-0334 _o N L-3 J 24" CONCRETE CURB N 83`12'10" - SEGMENTAL BLOCK AND GUTTER �. RETAINING WALL. PLAN BY OTHERS ASPHALT PAVING / 3"-S9.5B SURFACE EXISTING 30' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT COURSE ON 8" ABC B.M. 1982,M PG. 1155 (TYP) N/F DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC. D.B. 15289, PAGE 2437 PIN# 1725.17-22-0334 I ZONED: IX-3 USE: UTILITY DESIGN DEVELOPMENT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1. BOUNDARY, SURVEY, AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CAWTHORNE, MOSS & PANCIERA, P.C. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, C-1525, 333 S. WHITE STREET, WAKE FOREST N.C., 27588, (919) 556-3148 2. WET POND TO RETAIN STORMWATER RUN-OFF TO PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS FOR THE 1 YEAR, 2 YEAR, & 10 YEAR STORM EVENTS. DRY DETENTION TO PROVIDE NITROGEN REMOVAL, BASED ON CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, PER STORMWATER MANUAL; AND THE MOST CURRENT VERSION OF THE NCDENR BMP MANUAL ORIGINALLY DATED 2007. 3. THE REFERENCED BMPS SHOWN AND LOCAL ORDINANCES IMPOSE CERTAIN CONTINUING INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE REPAIR AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS UPON THE OWNER, AFTER INITIAL CERTIFICATION OR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. THESE PLANS DO NOT INCLUDE ANY RESPONSIBILITY ON THE PART OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH THOSE REQUIREMENTS ON THE OWNER'S BEHALF. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES MAINTAIN ADEQUATE SAFETY MEASURES, ACTIVITIES, AND BARRICADES FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL PERSONS ON OR ABOUT THE LOCATION OF THE SITE. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 7. GRADING MORE THAN ONE ACRE WITHOUT AN APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN IS A VIOLATION AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. 8. TREE PROTECTION FENCING MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBANCE AND SHALL INCLUDE WARNING SIGNS POSTED IN BOTH ENGLISH AND SPANISH, AS FOLLOWS: "NO TRESPASSING/TREE PROTECTION AREA/PROHIBIDO ENTRAR/ZONA PROTECTORA PARA LOS ARBOLES." 9. GRADING BEYOND THE DENUDED LIMITS INDICATED ON CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS IS A VIOLATION AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. 10. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND STORM STRUCTURES ARE SHOWN PER SURVEY DATA AND ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE TO FIELD VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION AND DEPTH OF EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CALL UTILITY LOCATOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. 11. ALL SIDEWALKS, STOOPS, TERRACES AND OTHER PAVED AREAS SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS) AT 2%(MIN). 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN EACH DITCH IN AN UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION AND SHALL REMOVE FROM THESE AREAS ALL DEBRIS, LOGS, TIMBER, TRASH, JUNK AND OTHER ACCUMULATIONS. 13. TOPSOIL STRIPPED FROM THE SITE IS TO BE STOCKPILED AND USED FOR BACKFILLING ALL LANDSCAPE ISLANDS, BEDS AND LAWN AREAS. TOPSOIL IS TO BE SPREAD TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST 6" AS SOIL IS AVAILABLE. 14. ALL AREAS NOT COVERED WITH PAVING, GRAVEL, BUILDING OR PLANTING BEDS SHALL BE SEEDED AS SHOWN IN THE SEEDBED PREP. AND SEEDING SCHEDULE NOTES. (SEE THE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR SPECIFIC LAWN AREAS) 15. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE PERFORMED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. PRELIMINARY SCM SIZING SIMPLE METHOD DRAINAGE AREA: t3.5 AC IMPERVIOUS: t3.0 AC (85.7%) IA = .857 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT (Rv) = 0.05 + 0.9 X IA = 0.05 + 0.9 X 0.857 = 0.82 DESIGN VOLUME (DV) = 3630 X DESIGN DEPTH X Rv X DRAINAGE AREA = 3630 X 1.0 X 0.82 X 3.5 AC = 10,418 CIF VOLUME PROVIDED = 10,532 CIF • 20 40 :• 120 REVISIONS No. DATE DESCRIPTION REV. BY 0 0 0 0 o U o w N � 0 m� C U (D Z N rn c o' o 0-- U -0') J ao�E 0 X LL 0 0 m c , 8 `n CD o rn o rn F OORDINATOR: Blair Pittman L DRAWN BY:son Galloway E BY: BPP 01!� ui ui U U) ui Z Q WZ ::D > -i 0�O Ov 00= � 0 �NN L.L O co7 7L O = z n r�v V, Oo Lo U) cm) 24 X 36 ill =40' PROGRESS 20-0161 GRADING PLAN �C30 S UTH w PROPERTY ` 5102 �Sf 1yV �� LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION WETLAND IMPACT 1 PERMANENT WETLAND FILL 3300 SF IMPACT PROPOSED RETAINING WALL 220 I T L-1 (r V NT T) EXISTING WETLANDS AREA OF WETLAND IMPACT LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION ON -SITE WETLANDS • 50 100 200 300 STONY BROOK FLEX 3010, 3030, 3050 STONY BROOK DRIVE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA EX3 BOBB/TT COPYRIGHT (C) 2020 BOBBITT DESIGN BUI 1 "=100'@11 X17 BOBBITT DESIGN BUILD, INC. 600 GERMANTOWN ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27607 PH. (919) 851-1980 FX.(919) 851-1982 E-MAIL. design@b,bbift o WWW. BOBBITT. COM Finn Li, #D-0191 INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Deborah Shirley From: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 7:47 AM To: Steven Ball Subject: RE: Stony Brook Drive (SAW-2020-00152) Attachments: Wetland Sketch Map.pdf Steven, Based on my site visit on 02/27/2020 the Corps concurs with the delineation within the red outlined "Property Boundary" depicted on the "Wetland Sketch Map" attached. It may take 90-120 days for the issuance of a written jurisdictional determination. The delineation may be used for planning and permitting purposes, should a permit be required the JD can be issued and the time of permit verification. AID for the project is SAW-2020-00152. I have attached the delineation for reference. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Lyle Phillips Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 25. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0. Thank you for taking the time to visit this site anc complete the survey. -----Original Message ----- From: Steven Ball <sball@sandec.com> Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 3:45 PM To: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Stony Brook Drive (SAW-2020-00152) Lyle, did I ever send you the updated map for this site? Can you send me the confirmation email on this? Steven Ball, RF, PWS NC Registered Forester #1723 Professional Wetland Scientist #2732 Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 Mobile-919-691-2114 Off ice-919-846-5900 Visit us at Sandec.com -----Original Message ----- From: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phil Iips@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 10:15 AM To: Steven Ball <sball@sandec.com> Subject: RE: JD Site Visits - 12420 Victory Church Rd (SAW-2020-00122) and Stony Brook Drive (SAW-2020-00152) Sounds good. See you then/there. G. Lyle Phillips Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 25. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil -----Original Message ----- From: Steven Ball [mailto:sball@sandec.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 10:05 AM To: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: JD Site Visits - 12420 Victory Church Rd (SAW-2020-00122) and Stony Brook Drive (SAW- 2020-00152) Hey Lyle, I could probably do the 27th at 10 if that's cool. Maybe we shoot for the Victory Ch Rd site first and take if from there. Steven Ball, RF, PWS NC Registered Forester #1723 Professional Wetland Scientist #2732 Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 Mobile-919-691-2114 Off ice-919-846-5900 Visit us at Sandec.com -----Original Message ----- From: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phil Iips@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 9:50 AM To: Steven Ball <sball@sandec.com> Subject: JD Site Visits - 12420 Victory Church Rd (SAW-2020-00122) and Stony Brook Drive (SAW-2020-00152) Steven, I would like to take a look at the sites referenced above and have the following availability for a site visit. We can take a look at both the same day. These projects have been assigned to an action ID, SAW-2020-00122 (Victory Church Rd) and SAW-2020-00152 (Stony Brook Drive). Please reference these numbers in future correspondence. Feb 20th - at 1000am Feb 25th - at 1100am Feb 27th - at 1000am Please let me know a date and time that works best for you. If none of these work please let me know. G. Lyle Phillips Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 25. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil ROY COOPER Covcrnnr MICHAEL S. REGAN Secvetary S. DANIEL SMITH Director Stony Brook Drive Flex Development Attn: Carter Worthy 127 W. Hargett Street, Suite #500 Raleigh, NC 27601 NORTH CAROLtNA Environmental Quality February 4, 2020 Subject: Buffer Determination letter NBRRD #20-016 Wake County Determination Type: Buffer Intermittent/Perennial ® Neuse (15A NCAC 2B .0233) ❑ Tar -Pamlico 05A NCAC 213 .0259) ❑ Intermittent/Perennial Determination (where local buffer ordinances apply) ❑ Jordan (15A NCAC 213 .0267) (governmental and/or interjurisdictional projects) Project Name: 3030 Stonybrook Drive Address/Location: 3030 Stonybrook Drive, Raleigh, NC Stream(s): UT to Marsh Creek Determination Date: February 4, 2020 Staff: Stephanie Goss Stream E/l/P* Not Subject Subject Start@ Stop@ I Soil Survey USGS To o A X Throughout Property X X Pond 1 X X X *E/1/P= Ephemera!/intermittent/Perennial Explanation: The stream(s) Iisted above has been located on the most recent published NRCS Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina and/or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 1:24,000 scale. Each stream that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined to not be at least intermittent or is not present. Streams that are checked "Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be at least an intermittent stream. There may be other streams located on the property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers. 0-0 North Carolina Department of fnvh unmental Quality Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive R�feigh, Natft Carolina?1b09 3030 Stonybrook Drive Wake County February 4, 2020 Page 2 of 2 This on -site determination shall expire rive (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWR may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) days of date of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing. Ifsending via US Postal Service: c/o Karen Higgins; DWR - 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit; 1617 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.): Karen Higgins; DWR - 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit; 512 N. Salisbury Street; Raleigh, NC 27604. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, unless an appeal is requested within sixty (60) days. This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919)-554-4884. If you have questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact Stephanie Goss at (919)791- 4256. Sincerely, icottVinson, Regional Supervisor Vinso Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ cc: RRO DWR File Copy Steven Ball via e-mail at shallftsandec,com DRAINAGE AREA 1 FI RAINPOINT AOF ALGE AAYSIS ED5/oN6agRgOo�ExTs°N�= ! FA G��Eowc R/w �� z, A FIT DRAINAGE AREA 2 �� OT 2� v C// TO POND RO 424, 6 LDING ZO �L \� II ±2a,TDos coNeeavnnoN �� �— 22o reen a C DUKENENERGY _� 5 Y°SA PROGRESS, INC WETLAND ri ry WETLAND 50 0v ` ' D.B. 15289, PAGE 2437 ��\\\�✓� I 21 tREE 10N/ ` M ✓ PINK iT25.1T-22-0334 ® STROP �� PREP LEENIGT VAVA — E M 1" M „ss �W \ \ guFF DUKE ENERG N RPROGRESS, INC �C' \ // N/F 2437 PIA' iT2891 PAGE 0334 �9G ly YES COMPANIES EDP KEY, LLC ZONED:%-3 D.R. 16494, PAGE 2221 USEUTILITY : \��� "'ES 1925�1 PA 1E 4922 , \ /o SD BUEFE ZONED:MIT SOUTH WF ST F POND EOM OF CY- P USE: MOBILE HOME PARK DRAINAGE AREA 2 BYPASS POND DRAINAGE AREA 2 POINT OF ANALYSIS POST -DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA 1: 0.24 AC DRAINAGE AREA 2: TO WETLAND: 3.79 AC BYPASS WETLAND: 1.44 AC 0 50 100 200 300 mmmmmmili 1 "=100'@11 X17 STONY BROOK FLEX 3010, 3030, 3050 STONY BROOK DRIVE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA DA2 BOBB/TT I COPYRIGHT OC 2020 BOBBITT DESIGN BUI BOBBITT DESIGN BUILD, INC. 600 GERMANTOWN ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27607 PH. (919) 851-1980 FX.(919) 851-1982 EYE AIL dAsig,@bobbitt— WWW.BOBBITT.COM Finn Lic #D-0191 INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ID#* 20201617 Version* 1 Regional Office * Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 Reviewer List* Stephanie Goss Pre -Filing Meeting Request submitted 10/27/2020 Contact Name* Deborah Shirley Contact Email Address* dshirley@sandec.com Project Name* Stony Brook Business Center Project Owner* Bobbitt Construction (Attn: Blair Pittman) Project County* Wake Owner Address: Street Address 600 Germantown Road Address Line 2 aty State / Province / Pegion Raleigh NC Postal / Zip axle Country 27603 USA Is this a transportation project?* r Yes r No Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: * 401 Water Quality Certification - F 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular Express * Individual Permit F Modification F Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* C Yes (-- No Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? Stephanie Goss Please give a brief project description below.* The project is located at 3030 and 3050 Stony Brook Drive and is approArnately 4.07 acres. The purpose of the project is to construct a commercial development, specifically two (2) commercial structures, roads, utilities and stormwater control measures. Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting. 10/28/2020 10/29/2020 10/30/2020 11 /2/2020 11 /3/2020 Please attach the documentation you would like to have the meeting about. StonyBrook-C3.0-Grading Plan.pdf 798.21 KB pdf only By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: This form completes the requirement of the Pre -Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. 1 understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre -filing meeting request. 1 also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty -day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty -day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. Signature Submittal Date 10/27/2020