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NCG500077_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (3)
DMSION OF WATER QUALITY J�rlyy 15, 1998 MEMORANDUM JUN. 1998 To: Dave Goodrich Through: Matt Matthews f" E,;* .if From: Melissa Rosebrock Subject: JPS Converter and Industrial Corporation-Lincolnton Biocide/Chemical Treatment Use NPDES No. NCG500000 Lincoln County JPS Converter and Industrial Corporation has submitted Spectrus biocides OX103 and NX102 for approval. Data submitted by the facility and chemical supplier concerning dosage rates, degradation, system volume, average daily discharge, toxicity of the active ingredient(s) and/or breakdown products, and minimum stream flow have been reviewed. While performing our review, we noted several discrepancies. I have been in contact (by phone) with the chemical supplier several times over the last three to four months in an attempt to clarify concerns regarding the submittal. To date, we have not received appropriate documentation. Items which need clarification are outlined below: Permit number NCG500077 Biocide worksheet is submitted for OX 103 only, while the cover letter requests approval for OX 103 and NX102 Cover letter requesting approval refers to facility as permit number NCG50000 Biocide worksheet for OX103 was signed in 1995, with only the trade name corrected with "white -out" Half-life documentation was not included for OX103 Aquatic Toxicology data submitted (see MSDS) for OX103 does not match that which is on the worksheet Permit number NCG50000 Biocide worksheet is submitted for NX102 only, while the cover letter requests approval for NX102 and OX103 Biocide worksheet for NX102 was signed in 1994, with only the trade name corrected with "white -out" Half-life documentation was not included for NX 102 Aquatic Toxicology data submitted and active ingredients listed (see MSDS) for NX102 does not match that which is on the submitted worksheet Submitted worksheet utilizes an older version of Biocide Form 101 (7/92) rather than the most recent version (2/95) Due to the many errors, questions and discrepancies noted on this submittal, we are unable to recommend approval for either of these biocides for use at JPS Converter - Lincolnton. If there are questions concerning this review please contact me at (919)733-2136. Attachments cc: Rex Gleason-MRO Central files REGISVED BetmDearborn Water Management Group March 3, 1998 Ms. M. Melissa Rosebrock North Carolina Department of Environmental, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Reference: JPS - Lincolnton Dear Melissa: BetzDearborn Inc. Water Management Group Carolinas District 7092 Howard Street, Suite B Spartanburg, SC 29303-2057 864 591-0880 800 476-2412 800 468-7194 Fax Fax #919-733-9959 Attached are the worksheets and MSDS sheets for the biocide products for JPS - Lincolnton - NPDES # NC - G 500000. Spectrus NX102 which replaces Entec 345A in name only. Spectrus OX103 which replaces Entec 367 in name only. These products are identical to the products that the plant has been permitted to use. We only had a name change. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, BetzDearborn, Inc. Water Management Group C L� L�-) �-� Rick Wirth Account Manager RW/tb Enclosures Shaping the Future of Water & Process Treatment BIOCIDEJCHEMtCAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET•FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface 'Naters =f North Carolina. This woricsheet musj be completed separately for each biocida.f product in use. This workSheet is :o bi returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. Facility Name BPS Converter NPDES # NC G 500000 _ County Lincoln Receiving Stream _� �10 0 (cfsl (All above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water oco A.D.D. = _0.020 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. (A.D.D.) x 100 IWC = (7Q 10 x 0.646) + (A.D.D.) ( 0 )(0.646) + ( } 100 % This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low 11ow conditions. What is the name of the whole product Chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in =ar, �p2�.livr,. *c4,,,l rA(jcZ*See bottom of page for two ingredients. ?lease list the active ingreoients and percent composition: 5.0% °�o DBNPA (2,2-Dibromo-3-Nitrilo ro iona ' Sodium Bromide 1.0% % Dibromoacetonitrile .25% Monobromo-3-Nitrilopropionamide .25% % 2,2-Dibromo ro anediamide .25% °�°ofepagettom Note: If ingredients contain the metals copper, chromium, cr zinc, also complete page a :41' What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whom product used per day. D.R.= 454 grams/day D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 1 *Polyethylene Glycol 30% Water 63.25% acttrty Name: JPS Converter NpDES #: NC G 500000 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) volume= 0.0292 million gallons 7.5-8.5 What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? It unknown, enter NIA. _ What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? It unknown, assume no decay (O.K.=0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the naif life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to'degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. - 0.08 Days The decay rate is equal to H L. X 0.69 . 8.625 _.Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. A� D D) ( 0.020 } 1. 309 D.F. _ (Volume) * (D.K.} _ { 0.0292 ) * ($.625 ) = — Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: (D.R.} _ ( 454 ) = 0.44 rrtg�t Dischg Conc. _ (D.F,)(voiurne)(3785) { 5.3G9 ) Q.0292 } (3 7 8 5 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) LDischg. Conc.)_ x 0.44 1 x ( 100 ) _ 0.44 mgrl 100 - 100 Receiving Stream Concemrauor Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units ShOUld t in mg/l). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test Duration LC50 rnYj'l) Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay 9.2 Daphnia Magna 48 hr. Static Acute Bioassay 11.2 _ D.E.I. Form 101 (7/92) 1 =acdity Name: JPS Converter NPDES 4: NC G 500000 Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: Enter the LCSO: 9.2 ;f the had life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LCSO = 0.46 mg/i It the half life (H.L.) is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Umitation = 0.01 x LC50 = mg/l Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this b:anW 0.46 rrig/liter From Part 11 enter the receiving stream concentration: 0.44 mglliter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocid= is unacceptable for use. r�LO VCR 47"'f Name (Pnrn) ° 'j Signatur� Date Person in Responsible Charge D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 acility Name: JPS Converter NPOES #: NC G 500000 Supplementpf MetelS Analysis if copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worKsheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FM and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal Chemical Formula Mglecular Wei Formula Vskilat Soncentraticn in Tocida EXAMPLE Copper CuSO4.5H2O 63.546 g/mola 249.680 9/mols 0.2 % None Dosage rate of Blocide (DR) (from page 1): DR = grams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): A00 = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Blocide: OR ( crams/day) grams/million gallons DC = AAIDE)= ( million gallons/day) Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): CC (µg/I) = DC (grams/million gal) x 1 x810s / ug/I 3.785 x 10 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal In the metal -containing compound (MF): M( grarnsrmolel MF = FW = ( grams/mole) _ Calculate the fraction of metal In the biocidal compound (BF): BF = MF x MCC "e1 _ x % _ 100 (100) Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M=DCXSF= ug/Ix ug/I Calculate the Instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: IWC f% IMC = M x 100 = ug/l x 100 _ ugtl Regulated limitation of metal (from below): ug/I GeneralNC tatutes 15A NCAC 28.0211 define: Copper- 7 µgil water quality action level' Ztnc- 50 µg/I water quality action level' Chromium- 50 µg/I water quality standard ('Values which exceed action levels must be addressed directly by aquatic toxicity testing.) D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 4 BETZDEARBORN MATERIAL Bed -Dearborn SAFETY DATA SHEET FFECTIVE DATE: 17-SEP-1997 'RINTED DATE: 21-OCT-1997 1) CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: SPECTRUS NX102 PRODUCT APPLICATION AREA: BIOCIDE COMPANY ADDRESS: Betz Water Management Group, Division Betz Laboratories, Inc. 200 Witmer Road Horsham PA 19044 Information phone number (Z15) 773-6269 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE (HEALTH/ACCIDENT): (800)-877-1940 (USA) 2) COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Information for specific product ingredients as required by the U.S. OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD is listed. Refer to additional sections of this MSDS for our assessment of the potential hazards of this formulation. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS: CAS# CHEMICAL NAME 10222-01-2 DBNPA (2,2-DIBROMO-3-NITRILOPROPIONAMIDE) Corrosive (eyes); potential sensitizer 7647-15-6 SODIUM BROMIDE Irritant No component is considered to be a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or the Occupational Safety and Health for at OSHA thresholds for carcinogens. PAGE 1 CONTINUED PRODUCT NAME: SPECTRUS NX102 EFFECTIVE DATE: 17-SEP-1997 3) HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW DANGER Severe irritant to the skin. Potential skin sensitizer. Corrosive to the eyes. Mists/aerosols may cause irritation to upper respiratory tract. DOT hazard is not applicable Emergency Response Guide is not applicable Odor: Amine; Appearance: Yellow, Liquid Fire fighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus(full face -piece type). Proper fire -extinguishing media: dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam or water POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS ACUTE SKIN EFFECTS: Primary route of exposure; Severe irritant to the skin. Potential skin sensitizer. ACUTE EYE EFFECTS: Corrosive to the eyes. ACUTE RESPIRATORY EFFECTS: Mists/aerosols may cause irritation to upper respiratory tract. INGESTION EFFECTS: May cause gastrointestinal irritation. Very large doses may cause diarrhea, depression, colic and death. May also cause severe allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. TARGET ORGANS: Repeated skin contact may cause sensitization. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED: Not known. SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: Causes redness or itching of skin, possibly leading to burns (dependent on the length of exposure). PAGE 2 CONTINUED 'RODUGT NAME: SPEGIIKU5 NA1UZ FFECTIVE DATE: 17-SEP-1997 1) FIRST AID MEASURES SKIN CONTACT: Remove clothing. Wash area with large amounts of soap solution or water for 15 min. Immediately contact physician. EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eye with water for 30 minutes continuously - imperative. Immediately contact physician for additional treatment. INHALATION: Remove victim from contaminated area. Apply necessary first aid treatment. Immediately contact a physician. INGESTION: Do not feed anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsive victim. Do not induce vomiting. Immediately contact physician. Dilute contents of stomach using 3-4 glasses milk or water. 5) FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Fire fighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (full face -piece type). EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam or water HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Thermal decomposition (destructive fires) yields elemental oxides. FLASH POINT: > 20OF SETA(CC) 3) ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PROTECTION AND SPILL CONTAINMENT: Ventilate area. Use specified protective equipment. Contain and absorb on absorbent material. Place in waste disposal container. Flush area with water. Spread sand/grit. Neutralize with soda ash. DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS: Water contaminated with this product may be sent to a sanitary sewer treatment facility,in accordance with any local agreement,a permitted waste treatment facility or discharged under a permit. Product as is - Dispose of in approved pesticide facility or according to label instructions. 7) HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: Acidic. Corrosive(Eyes). Do not mix with alkaline material. STORAGE: Keep containers closed when not in use. Do not store at elevated temperatures. 'AGE 3 CONTINUED PRODUCT NAME: SPECTRUS NX102 EFFECTIVE DATE: 17-SEP-1997 8) EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE LIMITS CHEMICAL NAME DBNPA(2,2-DIBROMO-3-NITRILOPROPIONAMIDE) PEL (OSHA): NOT DETERMINED TLV (ACGIH): NOT DETERMINED MISC: Note- manufacturer's recommended exposure limit: 2 mg/m3(ceiling)-for powder. SODIUM BROMIDE PEL (OSHA): NOT DETERMINED TLV (ACGIH): NOT DETERMINED ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Adequate ventilation to maintain air contaminants below exposure limits. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Use protective equipment in accordance with 29CFR 1910 Subpart I RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: A RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM THAT MEETS OSHA'S 29 CFR 1910.134 AND ANSI Z88.2 REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FOLLOWED WHENEVER WORKPLACE CONDITIONS WARRANT A RESPIRATOR'S USE. USE AIR PURIFYING RESPIRATORS WITHIN USE LIMITATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EQUIPMENT OR ELSE USE SUPPLIED AIR -RESPIRATORS. If air -purifying respirator use is appropriate, use a respirator with organic vapor/acid gas cartridges and dust/mist prefilters. SKIN PROTECTION: nitrile gloves-- Wash off after each use. Replace as necessary. EYE PROTECTION: splash proof chemical goggles 9) PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Specific Gray. (70F) 1.155 Freeze Point (F) < -30.00 Viscosity (cps 70F) 62 Odor Appearance Physical State Flash Point (F) pH As Is (approx.) Evaporation Rate (Water=l) NA = not applicable ND = not determined Vapor Pressure (mmHG) Vapor Density (air=1) Solubility (water) Amine Yellow Liquid > 200 2.5 ND PAGE 4 CONTINUED SETA (CC) 24.0 < 1.00 100.0 PRODUCT NAME: SPECTRUS NX102 EFFECTIVE DATE: 17-SEP-1997 10) STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable under normal storage conditions. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. INCOMPATIBILITIES: Above 120 deg. C bromine, cyanogen bromide and dibromoacetonitrile are formed. May react with bases or strong oxidizers. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Thermal decomposition (destructive fires) yields elemental oxides. BETZ INTERNAL PUMPOUT/CLEANOUT CATEGORIES: "B" 11) TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Oral LD50 RAT: Dermal LD50 RABBIT: Inhalation LC50 RAT: Skin Sensitization G.PIG: NOTE - 50-. Solution of Skin Sensitization HUMAN: NOTE - 0/26 Positive Ames Assay BACTERIA: Non -Ames Mutagenicity >1,000 mg/kg >2,000 mg/kg >2,000 ppm/6hr POSITIVE active ingredient: 7/10 sensitized NEGATIVE from 1,250 ppm aqueous DBNPA (active) NEGATIVE NEGATIVE NOTE - CHO/HGPRT; Micronucleus Test; Rat Hepatocyte unscheduled DNA repair PAGE 5 CONTINUED PRODUCT NAME: SPECTRUS NX102 EFFECTIVE DATE: 17-SEP-1997 12) ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY Rainbow T 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay LC50: 9. g/L No E Level: 7.2 mg/L Fathead Minnow 96 Hour Static Renewal Bioassay LC50: 35 mg/L No Effect Level: 12.5 mg/L Daphnia magna 21 eDayo -Thru Life -Cycle Chronic Bioassay EC50 Reproductig/L Reproduction NO mg/L Daphnia ma�,48 Hour Static Renewal Bioassay LC50: j 15 mg/L No Effe Level: 10.6 mg/L Bluegiil S! fi h 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay _URLCSA�,mg/L Sheepsh,,eaaG�l nnow 96 LC50/'28,mg/L BIODEGRADATION COD (mg/gm): 990 TOC (mg/gm): 340 BOD-5 (mg/gm): 0 BOD-28 (mg/gm): 160 Hour Static Acute Bioassay 13) DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS If this undiluted product is discarded as a waste, the US RCRA hazardous waste identification number is Not applicable. Please be advised; however, that state and local requirements for waste disposal may be more restrictive or otherwise different from federal regulations. Consult state and local regulations regarding the proper disposal of this material. PAGE 6 CONTINUED 3RODUCT NAME: SPECTRUS NX102 FFECTIVE DATE: 17-SEP-1997 14) TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT HAZARD: Not Applicable UN / NA NUMBER: Not applicable DOT EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE #: Not applicable 15) REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA: This is an EPA registered biocide and is exempt from TSCA inventory requirements. CERCLA AND/OR SARA REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ): No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds FIFRA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 34571-10-3876 SARA SECTION 312 HAZARD CLASS: Immediate(acute); Delayed (Chronic) SARA SECTION 302 CHEMICALS: No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds SARA SECTION 313 CHEMICALS: CAS# CHEMICAL NAME RANGE 10222-01-2 DBNPA 2.0-5.00-. (2,2-DIBROMO-3-NITRILOPROPIONAMIDE CALIFORNIA REGULATORY INFORMATION CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT (PROPOSITION 65) CHEMICALS PRESENT: No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds MICHIGAN REGULATORY INFORMATION No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds "'AGE 7 CONTINUED PRODUCT NAME: SPECTRUS NX102 EFFECTIVE DATE: 17-SEP-1997 16) OTHER INFORMATION NFPA/HMIS CODE TRANSLATION Health 3 Serious Hazard Fire 1 Slight Hazard Reactivity 0 Minimal Hazard Special NONE No special Hazard (1) Protective Equipment B Goggles,Gloves (1) refer to section 8 of MSDS for additional protective equipment recommendations. CHANGE LOG MSDS status: PAGE 8 EFFECTIVE DATE REVISIONS TO SECTION: 15-SEP-1997 17-SEP-1997 12 SUPERCEDES ** NEW ** 15-SEP-1997 aDi� LJ E En tec - AQUATIC TOXICITY DATA - Betz Entec 345A Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 9.2 mq/l. Daphnia magna 48 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 11.2 nglL The active ingredient in 5�+.�; Nx+�� degrades rapidly in aqueous, alkaline systems (particularly above pH 4,0) to yield predominantly dibromoacetic acid which is approximately 100 times less toxic than the original active ingredient, dibromonitrilopropionamide. Hydrolysis of DBNPA ultimately forms carbon dioxide, ammonia and bromide ions via the following sequence of degradation products: dibromoacetonitrile, dibromoacetamide, dibromoacetic acid, glycolic acid and oxalic acid. DBNPA reacts rapidly with various ions such as bisulfite to form cyanoacetamide. Decomposition under the influence of sunlight also leads to the formation of cyanocetamide. Contact with soil organisms degrades DBNPA. A detailed discussion on the rates and products of DBNPA decomposition may be found in J. Agr. Food Chem., Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 838 - 42, 1973, by J. H. Exner et: al. Tests performed in accordance with criteria set forth in the "Practice for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests with Fish, Macro inver-tebrates, and Amphibians" (ASTM Standard E729-88). 03/30/95 16:44 NGG 500077 Facility Name: JPS Converter Cor t NPDES t#; NC 810CIOEICHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 9 The followin calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the SWaters � be North Carolina This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidai product in use. This returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. Facility Name JPS Converter Cor orat'on NPDES n NC NGG 500077 Outfall #� County Lincoln 0 cfs) ReceivingSueam Unnamed tributary to Lithia Branc 7o10 (All above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling"systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 0.0141 (in M.G.D.) WC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (I above. (A.D.D.) X 100 _ (0.0141) X 100 _ 100 f11VC (7Q10)(0. 6) + (A.D.D) — ( 0 )(0.646) + (0.0141 This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? Betztiecrtlr.. Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: 92.5 % 1-Bromo-3-Chloro-5 5-Dimeth d t 7.5 % Inert Inciredients What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to maximum grams of whole product used in a 24hr period. D.R.— 23.5 grams/24hr period Please note, fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The formula foconversion Q. A. lbs. X specific gravity product Grams of product = fluid oz. of product X L alq... �� X 1 lb. 128 fl. oz. 1 gal. water D.E.M. Form 101 (2J95) 1 03i30 '95 16:49 03/30/95 16:44 U DZIL, r.1N1Lv. a11v Facility Name: NPDES #: NC Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown. holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.0336 million gallons What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. 7.5-8.5 What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the hatf life (Halt Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of Its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = 0.04 Days The decay rate is equal to 1 X 0.69 = 17.25 =Decay Rate (D.K.) H.L. Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This Is the first order loss coefficient. A.D.D. 0141) 17.66 D.F. _ (Volume) (D.K.) _ (0.0336 ) + ( 17.25) _ Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: 23.56 (O.R.) ( ) = 0.0104 mg/l Dischg Cont. _ (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) ' ( 17.66 ) ( 0.0336 ) (3 7 8 5 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Discho. Conc.) x (IWC%) (0.0104 ) x 100 ) _ 0.0104 mg/I 100 100 Receiving Strsam ConcentraWn III. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Rainbow Trout Fathead Minnow Daphnia magna LC50(mrA 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay .87 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay 2.2 4E hr. Static Acu Rioas D.E.M. Form 101 (2J95) 2 03/30 '95 16:49 Ua/JU/Va— Facility Name: NPOES #: NC Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: Faster the LC50: 0.46 If the half life (H.L) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x I = = 0.023 mg/I It the half life (H.L) is greater than or equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place In this blank: 0.023 mg/liter From Part 11 enter the receiving stream concentration: 0.0104 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated Ilmitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. Fl o,y d ,D C10 nl/ n✓q e- r Name (Print) . Person in Responsible Charge Helen R. Cerra Person Completing This worksheet (If pltfwent From Above) Betz Entec, Inc. 20C Witmer Road Horsham, PA 19044 3 ,3r s Date 3/28/95 `—� Data D.E.M. Form 101(2/95) 3 03/30 '95 16:49 03/30/95 16:45 Ty BETZ ENTEC. INC. tODU/007 Facility Name: NPDES #: NC Supplemental Metals Analv8f$ If copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worksheaL A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in ttte biocide. Metal Chemical Formula Molecular Weight of Metal Formula Weight Concentration_ in Biocide EXAMPLE Copper CUS04.5H20 63.:46 g/mole 249.680 g/mole 0.2 None Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): DR = grams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Biocide: Ix _ DR _ ( grams/day) _ gramstmillion gallons ADD - (_million gallonsiday) - Convert DC to mlcrogram s/liter (ppb): DC (µg/1) = DC (grams/million gz) x 1 x 106 4q/q 99A 3.785 x 106 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): MN ( grams/mole) MF Z. FW = ( _grams/mo8e) _ Calculate the fraction of metal in the biocidal compound (BF): SF = MF x MCC (%) 100 s�o (100) - Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M=DCxBF= _ .fox ugA Calculate the Instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: IMC = M x IWC N x % 100 100 Regulated limitation of metal (from below): ug/I NC eneral Statutes 15 28.0211define: Copper- 7 µg/l water quality action level* Zino- 50 µgli water quality action level' Chromium- 50 µgA water quality standard ('Values which exceed action levels must be addressed directly by aquatic toxkity testing.) D.E.M. Form 101 (2J95) 4 03/30 '95 16:49 bt ' LUtARgUKN MATERIAL S Bit �,���„�0,,,� SAFETY DATA SHEET EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-OCT-1997 PRINTED DATE: 21-OCT-1997 1) CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: SPECTRUS OX103 PRODUCT APPLICATION AREA: BIOCIDE COMPANY ADDRESS: Betz Water Management Group, Division Betz Laboratories, Inc. 200 Witmer Road -Horsham PA 19044 Information phone number (�15) 773-6269 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE (HEALTH/ACCIDENT): (800)-877-1940 (USA) 2) COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Information for specific product ingredients as required by the U.S. OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD is listed. Refer to additional sections -of this MSDS for our assessment of the potential hazards of this formulation. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS: CAS# CHEMICAL NAME 16079-88-2 1-BROMO-3-CHLORO-5,5-DIMETHYLHYDANTOIN Oxidizer; irritant (eyes and skin) No component is considered to be a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or the Occupational Safety and Health ,administration at OSHA thresholds for carcinogens. PAGE 1 CONTINUED EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-OCT-1997 3).HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW DANGER Moderately irritating. May be corrosive in contact with moist skin. Severe irritant to the eyes. Dusts cause irritation to the upper respiratory tract. DOT hazard: Oxidizer Emergency Response Guide #35 Odor: Halogen; Appearance: White, Tablets Fire fighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus(full face -piece type). Proper fire -extinguishing media: Flood with water. Use of CO2 or foam may not be effective. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS ACUTE SKIN EFFECTS: Primary route of exposure; Moderately irritating. May be corrosive in contact with moist skin. ACUTE EYE EFFECTS: Severe irritant to the eyes. ACUTE RESPIRATORY EFFECTS: Dusts cause irritation to the upper respiratory tract. INGESTION EFFECTS: May cause severe irritation or burning of the gastrointestinal tract. TARGET ORGANS: No evidence of potential chronic effects. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED: Not known. SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: May cause redness or itching of skin. PAGE 2 CONTINUED EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-OCT-1997 4).FIRST AID MEASURES SKIN CONTACT: Remove clothing. Wash area with large amounts of soap solution or water for 15 min. Immediately contact physician. EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Immediately contact a physician for additional treatment. INHALATION: Remove victim from contaminated area. Apply necessary first aid treatment. Immediately contact a physician. INGESTION: Do not feed anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsive victim. Do not induce vomiting. Immediately contact physician. Dilute contents of stomach using 3-4 glasses milk or water. 5) FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: - Fire fighters should wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (full face -piece type). EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Flood with water. Use of CO2 or foam may not be effective. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Thermal decomposition (destructive fires) yields elemental oxides. FLASH POINT: > 20OF > 93C P-M(CC) MISCELLANEOUS: Oxidizer UN1479;Emergency Response Guide #35 6) ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PROTECTION AND SPILL CONTAINMENT: Ventilate area. Use specified protective equipment. Contain and absorb on absorbent material. Place in waste disposal container. Product releases chlorine when wet. Spill residue may be neutralized with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS: Water contaminated with this product may be sent to a sanitary sewer treatment facility,in accordance with any local agreement,a permitted waste treatment facility or discharged under a permit. Product as is - Dispose of in approved pesticide facility or according to label instructions. PAGE 3 CONTINUED EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-OCT-1997 71 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: Oxidizer. Avoid all contact with reducing agents, oils, greases, organics and acids. STORAGE: Keep containers closed when not in use. Keep dry. Do not store at high temperature or near oxidizables or combustibles. 8) EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION CHEMICAL NAME EXPOSURE LIMITS 1-BROMO-3-CHLORO-5,5-DIMETHYLHYDANTOIN PEL (OSHA): NOT DETERMINED TLV (ACGIH): NOT DETERMINED MISC: Note- manufacturer's recommended exposure limit: 0.2 mg/m3. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Adequate ventilation to maintain air contaminants below exposure limits. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Use protective equipment in accordance with 29CFR 1910 Subpart I RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: A RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM THAT MEETS OSHA'S 29 CFR 1910.134 AND ANSI Z88.2 REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FOLLOWED WHENEVER WORKPLACE CONDITIONS WARRANT A RESPIRATOR'S USE. USE AIR PURIFYING RESPIRATORS WITHIN USE LIMITATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EQUIPMENT OR ELSE USE SUPPLIED AIR -RESPIRATORS. If air -purifying respirator use is appropriate, use a respirator with acid gas cartridges and dust/mist prefilters. SKIN PROTECTION: gauntlet -type rubber gloves, chemical resistant apron-- Wash off after each use. Replace as necessary. EYE PROTECTION: airtight chemical goggles PAGE 4 CONTINUED EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-OCT-1997 9) PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Density 60.000 lb/cu. Vapor Pressure (mmHG) Freeze Point (F) NA Vapor Density (air=1) Freeze Point (C) NA Viscosity(cps 70F,21C) NA o Solubility (water) Odor Halogen Appearance White Physical State Tablets Flash Point P-M(CC) > 20OF > 93C pH 5o Disp. (approx.) 4.7 Evaporation Rate (Ether=l) < 1.00 NA = not applicable ND = not determined 10) STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable under normal storage conditions. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. INCOMPATIBILITIES: Slowly releases halogen gases when contaminated with moisture. May react with alkalies, acids, organics or reducing agents. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Thermal decomposition (destructive fires) yields elemental oxides. BETZ INTERNAL PUMPOUT/CLEANOUT CATEGORIES: 1,811 'AGE 5 CONTINUED < 1.0 < 1.00 0.1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-OCT-1997 11) TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Oral LD50 RAT: 578 mg/kg NOTE - 600 mg/kg per alt. source; dehalogenated byproduct Rat Oral LD50: >4,000 mg/kg Teratology RAT: NOTE - Dehalogenated byproduct study had terata (secondary) at maternal toxic doses Reproductive Toxicity RAT: 4,500 mg/kg/day NOTE - Dehalogenated byproduct study had no adverse reproductive toxicity Dermal LD50 RABBIT: >2,000 mg/kg NOTE - Alternate source concurs Inhalation LC50 RAT: 1.88 mg/L/4hr NOTE - >3.2 mg/L/4hr at 100 ppm (no deaths) per alternate source Skin Irritation Score RABBIT: 6.1 NOTE - 6.98 per alternate source; reversible; dehalogenated byproduct score: 0.8 Eye Irritation Score RABBIT: 103 NOTE - 14 Day-irreversible-max.at day 3; dehalogenated byproduct score: 12.8-reversible 90 Day Feed Study RAT: NOTE - Dehalogenated byproduct 90-day oral LD50: >2,000 mg/kg/day Skin Sensitization G.PIG: POSITIVE NOTE - Buehler Test; dehalogenated byproduct was negative in Buehler Test Ames Assay BACTERIA: NEGATIVE NOTE - +/- Metabolic activation; dehalogenated byproduct: negative Non -Ames Mutagenicity YEAST: NEGATIVE NOTE - Dehalogenated byproduct negative for: Mouse Lymphoma, SCE, Cell transformation °AGE 6 CONTINUED EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-OCT-1997 12) ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY Rainbow Trout 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay LC50: .94 mg/L No Effect Level: .54 mg/L Fathead Minnow 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay LC50: 2.43 mg/L No Effect Level: 1.83 mg/L Daphnia magna 48 Hour Static Acute Bioassay 507:4 ;� Level: .32 mg/L Sheepshead Minnow 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay LC50: 21.6 mg/L No Effect Level. 12.1 mg/L BIODEGRADATION COD (mg/gm): 920 TOC (mg/gm): 250 BOD-5 (mg/gm): 6 BOD-28 (mg/gm): 11 13) DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS If this undiluted product is discarded as a waste, the US RCRA hazardous waste identification number is D001=Ignitable. Please be advised; however, that state and local requirements for waste disposal may be more restrictive or otherwise different from federal regulations. Consult state and local regulations regarding the proper disposal of this material. 14) TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT HAZARD: UN / NA NUMBER: DOT EMERGENCY RESPONSE SAGE 7 Oxidizer UN1479 GUIDE #: 35 CONTINUED EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-OCT-1997 15) REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA: This is an EPA registered biocide and is exempt from TSCA inventory requirements. CERCLA AND/OR SARA REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ): No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds FIFRA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 5185-420-3876 SARA SECTION 312 HAZARD CLASS: Immediate(acute); Fire SARA SECTION 302 CHEMICALS: No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds SARA SECTION 313 CHEMICALS: No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds CALIFORNIA REGULATORY INFORMATION CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT (PROPOSITION 65) CHEMICALS PRESENT: No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds MICHIGAN REGULATORY INFORMATION No regulated constituent present at OSHA thresholds 16) OTHER INFORMATION NFPA/HMIS CODE TRANSLATION Health 2 Moderate Hazard Fire Slight Hazard Reactivity Slight Hazard Special OXY DOT or NFPA Oxidizer (1) Protective Equipment C Goggles,Gloves,Apron (1) refer to section 8 of MSDS for additional protective equipment recommendations. CHANGELOG EFFECTIVE DATE MSDS status: 06-OCT-1997 ?AGE 8 REVISIONS TO SECTION: SUPERCEDES w* NEW w` - A Q U A T I C T O X I C I T Y D A T A - Betz Entec 367 Fathead Minnow 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 2.25 mg/L Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 0.87 mg/L Daphnia magna 48 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 0.46 mg/L Betzi'Ic-'--., tio&is a pelletized form of 1-Bromo-3-Chloro-5, 5-Dimethylhydantoin. The material is a slow -release halogen donor which also dissolves slowly. The rate of solution is influenced by the surface area of the product, the water temperature and the rate with which water flows over the pellets or tablets. Relatively simple devices are used to feed the product. I���ieoft,ur,� s�r�,y1 cx,o� exhibits a toxicity which is characteristic of halogens. The material is usually fed at substoichiometric levels, and no free -available halogen is present in the tower blowdown. When the bromine and chlorine are released, the remaining molecule is 5,5-Dimethylhydantoin. Acute toxicity studies with fathead minnows have shown that this material is nontoxic at a concentration of 8000 mg/L. Testing for active hydantoin is relatively simple. Any standard test for free -available chlorine will rapidly strip off any bromine or chlorine which is still attached to the molecule. This makes it possible to detect bromine expressed as available chlorine or chlorine itself. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director May 5, 1995 Mr. Reggie Deaton JPS Converter & Industrial Corp. Boger City Plant Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Dear Mr. Deaton: ffl�.'�VA �EHNF1 N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, & NATURAL RESOURCES MAY 9 WS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MOORESVILLE REGIGNAL OFFICE Subject: Biocide Approval Pdrmit: NCG500077 Lincoln County The Aquatic Toxicology Unit has reviewed your request to use the compound Betz Entec 367 in your cooling water system and has deemed it acceptable at the stated rates and application levels. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Susan Robson at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, . Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / I MEMORANDUM: To: Susan Robson April 20, 1995 Through: Matt MaE-iews '0 � AW From: Melissa Rosebrock Subject: JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. -Boger City Plant Use of Bixides NPDES No. NCG500077 (formerly NC0004871) Lincoln County 11.C. DEFT. nF I�ONAJE T, HE4i_TT-1 UI2AL RES;.,S, OURC APR 26 1995 DIVISION OF ENVIROKIENTAL MANAGEMENT MOORESVILll JU19mL Oulu JPS Converte_ and Industrial Corp. has submitted Betz Entec 367 for approval. Data submittee by the subject facilin- concerning the dosage rate of the compound, system volume, average daily discharge, toxicity of the active ingredients and/or breakdown products, and minimum stream flow ha-,-_ also been reviewed a -id evaluated. Calculations Summarized on the accompanying worksheet predict that the use of Betz Entec 367 at the stated dosage rite and discharge conditions will not result in toxic impact to aquatic life in the receiving stream. Th_refore, the use of this product as a biocide at JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. is deemed acceptable. If there are q-.:estions regarding this review please contact me at (919) 733-2136. Attachments cc: Central files JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. BIOCIDE WORKSHEET PERMITn NCG500077 (formerly NC0004871) RECEIVING STREAM_ LIT to Lithia Branch 7Q10 (cfs): 0.00 I.W.C.%: 100.00 PRODUCT: Betz Entec 367 ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 92.5% 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin HALF LIFE (DAYS): 3.04 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: 0.0105 LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L): 3.46 DEGRADATION FACTOR: 17.670 DECAY RATE: 17.2500 APPLICATION FACTOR: 0.050 DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): 23.50 AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): 3.0141 INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: 0.010 VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): 3.0336 REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.023 PASS/FAIL: PASS State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 4, 1995 MEMORANDUM To: Melissa Rosebrock, Aquatic Toxicology From: Susan Robson, Permits and Engineering r Subject: Request for Biocide Review JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. Lincoln County N-PDES: NCG500077 AM C)EHNFi Aaached please find Biocide 101 Worksheets and supporting information for the subject facility. We are requesting that you review and comment on these worksheets. Thank you for your help in this matter. 4p Fp s199s "bee P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10r% post -consumer paper ` �.y 3,,�• V': Ali JPSCONVERTER AND INDUSTRIAL CORP. BOGER CITY PLANT March 31, 1995 Ms. Suzan Rcnson NCD=HN=_ NPD S =ermit Group P. =ox 29535 Raleig'- NC 27626-0535 REF: JPS Converter & Industrial Corp. Boger City Plant Lincoln Coun-y Li ncolnton NC COC NCG 500077 Dea= M_. Robson: Please -find enclosed form 101 work sheet for Betz Entec 367 biocide. We hereby request approval to use Betz Ent=c �67 as a biocide. If there are any questions do not hes-ta_e to call (704) 735-2581. Since -rely, Reggie Deaton, Cerica_ Contol Officer CC: S ::i Griggs - Greenville SC TRD/kw- N 2130 E. '•!.-\IN ST. • P.O. BOX 658 • LINCOLNTON, N.C. 28092 • (704) 735-2581 • FAX (704) 735-2581 03/30/95 16:44 V BETZ ENTEC, INC. 0 003/007 Facility Name: JPS Converter CoroQration NPDES #: NC_ NGG 500077 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged n the surface waters of North Carolina This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with-caloulations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name JPS Converter Corporation NPDES tt NC NGG 500077 Outfall # County Lincoln 0 Receiving Stream Unnamed tributary to Lithia Branch 7QI0 (cfs) (All above information supplied cy the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Daily Discharge (AL.D.) volume of the water handling systems tc the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 0.0141 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. (A.D.D.) X 100 (0.0141) X 100 100 % ANC ' 77Q10)(0.646)+(A.D.D) — ( 0 )(0.646) + (0.0141 This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during l;-w flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole croduct chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Pag1? Betz Entec 367 Please list the active ingredien and percent composition: ` 1h dant^i 92.5 1-Brornc-3-Chloro-5 5-�Jimethv�� Inert Ingredients 7.5 What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be conveded to maximum grams of whole product used in a 24hr period. D.R.- 23' S gr-ams/24hr period Please note, fluid ounces (a volume) must be converted to grams (a mass). The t:rmula for this conversion is: Grams of product = fluid oz. of oroduct X 1 gal. water X 8 34 ibs. X specific aavity of product X 4559 Q 128 fl. oz. 1 gal: water 1 lb. D.E.M. Form 101 (2/95) 1 03/30 '95 16:45 03/30/95 16:44 `8 BETZ ENTEC, INC. 1@ 004/007 Facility Name: NPDES 4: NC Estimate total volume of the wafer handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.0336 million gallons What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter NIA. 7.5-8.^ What Is the decay rate (D_K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product a degrade to half of its original concentration). please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = 0.04 pays %' eJ�l j;;G� Ujiu.ttte� The dewy rate is equal to H. X 0.69 = 17.25 =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. A.D.D. .0141) 17.66 D.F. _ (Volume) (D.K') _ (0.0336 ) + ( 17.25) _ Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: 23.56 Dischg Conc. = (D.R.) _ ( ) = 0 ^0104 mgA (D.F.)(Volume)(3735) ( 17.66 ) ( 0.0336 ) (3 7 8 5 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Dlschg. Conc.) x (IWC%l (0.0104 ) x ( 100 ) _ 0.0104 mg11 100 - 100 AecaMng Stream C-mcentration Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for -me whole product according to the folloMng columns. (Note that unite should be in mg/l). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test Duration LC50 (MTI Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay .87 Fathead Minnow 96 hr. Static Acute Sioassay 2.25 Daphnia magna 48 hr. Stati-c Acute B1oas5iiY -46 D.E.M. Form 101 (2195) 2 ORAO ' A5 1 F : dq 03/30/95 16:45 a BETZ 24TEC, INC. Q 005/007 , Facility Name: NPDES #: NO Choose the lowest LG50 listed above: Enter the LC50: 0.46 If the half life (H.L) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC-1-0 = 0.023 mgA If the half life (H.L) is greater than cr equal to 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x L EO = mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated li,-nitrtian from the caiculadons immediately above and place In this blank: 0.023 mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 0.0104 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. F1 o yal D C/ow,:✓T er fume (PdM) 1 0 Person in Responsible Char Helen R. Cerra Person CompLuting This 4k6waet (If Different From #bare) Betz Entec, Inc. 20C Witmer Road Horsham, PA 19044 s Date 3/28/95 Date D.B.M. Fo= 101(2/95) 3 03/30 '95 16:49 03/30/95 16:45 %Y BETZ ENTEC, INC. Q1006/007 Facility Name: NPDES #: NC $ e!3tal Metals Analysis If copper, zinc, cc chromium are present in the proposed biocidai compound, complete th* worksheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide, last the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal C:�emical Formula Molecutr Weight Formula Weight Qoncentra-6on_in Biocide EXAMPLE Capper ,uSO4r5H2D 63.i46rmole 249.680glmOle 0.2 None Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): DR = grams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallonsiday Discharge Concentration (DC) of Siocide: DC _ DR _ ( grams/day) _ crams/million gallons ADD — (_million gallons/day) Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): DC (µg/I) = DC (grams/million ga=) Y 1 x 106 µg/a = ugll 3.785 x 106 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): MF = HMV — rams/mole _ FAN ( grams/mote) Calculate the fraction of metal in the blocidal compound (BF): SF = MF x MCC - x (100) Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (Mt); M = DC x BF x Calculate the Instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: IMC = M x im % ug/l x o = �1 100 100 Regulated limitation of metal (from below): ug/I NC 69neral Statutes 15 2B.0211 de ne: Copper- 7 49/1 water chilly action level' Zino- 50 µfill water quality action level" Chromium- 50 49A water gLo1iry standard ('Values which exceed action levels must be addressed direcdy by aquatic tmicity tasting.) T.E.M. Forin 101 (2/95) 4 03/30 ' 95 16 : -'9 04 19/95 16:48 V BETZ E\TEC, INC. 2 003%003 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: NI. Melissa Rosebrock Company: North Carolina DNR Phone: Fax: 919-733-9959 From: Helen Cerra Company: Betz Phone: 2,15-773-6303 Fax: 2, 5-675-4023 Date: 04/19/95 Pages including this 3 cover page: Comments: Melissa, I hope this information is adequate for evaluating bcth JPS Converter and Cone Mllls (Florence Plant), 0 4/19/9 5 1b:41 "a April 17, 1995 Ms. M. Melissa Rosebrock North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Nalural Resources Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Dear Melissa: Attached is aquatic toxicity data for Betz Entec 367. bntec Betz Entec Inc. 200 Wit rr. r 1iu-.: HonOom, PA 7>r '-;)998 2I5 674 C100 215 675 'OZ3 At this time, I am unable to senc half-life data for Betz Entec 367. Howe:=r, this letter will document our discussion Dn March 27, 1995, regarding the ha =-i fe of Betz Entec 367. You agreed to a half-life of 0.04 days. Should I acquire ha'-*iTe data for Betz Entec 367, 1 will forward it to your office. Sincerely, BETZ ENTEC, INC. �i Helen R. Cerra Environmental and Regulatory Affairs Manager H RC/lg Attachment 9 -4tas;l auLaoluo ,W RUL,�olgo algpllpip sz passaadxe auLwoaq ;oa;ap o, algLssod ZL sa>,a.0 sLg1 "@tn:)alow eqI oI Pa43PIIP M 4S sL qo LqM au Lao tqo aG au Lwoaq Su? 110 d Lals � LPp de,a t t lm au lao' go a teP l LenF-aaa4 �'alduLs XIGAL4Plaa sL ULaIu2Pfiq -nL 'JP .IOJ 6uL?.sal ao} qsaq pappu:Is �cuy� v6u' 0008 40 �,LaalPw 5Lgj 42gq UMogs anPg sMouuLW ppag'�pl uol�Va4u90uoo 2 ;: otxoluou st pfXT sl alnloDuLULPa44 qqM salpn4s fi4LoL-oI aanoy 'Ulolupr5L uUagM •umopmoLq Aamo4 aqs uL ;uasa.Ad pasPa�a aae 2lLaG'ga p ua6olpq atrplL2np-aaa� ou Pup °slanaL oLalawoLgoLozsgns Iv pad fitlpnsn sL LrLaa pw aql `•su?fiol � jo oL slaa �tapgG sL goLgM iCJLDLXoI oa4u3 ,;onperd aq; paa G_ pasn ;qx' saoLnap eLdWLs �l-AL4et98 's+alq?4 ao s�atlad aano stool; aa;rM. g0LgM, q;LM a;Pa agI Put a�^I2.�aduJa; aaTpm aqq gonpoid �o 29JP aoesans aqI .Cq paouanLIUL sL uo;lr•lo5 io a?Pa agl •fiLmOLs sanlos.Lp ostp gz):gN, aouoP u9601Fq asPalaa-moLs P sL LPLaaIPu agl uLolu2pL<lt�qla'wL0-= `9-oaolg0-s-owoa8-j ;o wjo3 pazLlallad F s: ras oa?u� z�a8 q/6w OZ 050- 1/6w w0 050- l/6w L8'0 050- l/6w SZ-z 0c0- �iP55POl� a�no Gt'}P�S 'ag 96 �casseois a?n3u oL�2Is aq 8ti ,�PssPOLS a1nDV GL1P1S •-�q 96 fCpsspoiS a_no oL4e1S 'aq 96 L9£ oaju0 ZJOB -vltlfl 1 1 10I XOl 0 I ivn0v- w MDUUL�IA pYausdaagS eUbPw PLugdep znoal MogULP6 ,•.ODU LNl P2eg42 j n 4f-:OT CR/RT:YfI N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTA,- & NATURAL RESOURCT$%" DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEC 6 19od December 1, 1994 DIVISION GF ENVIRCN,%liENTRL .'Ay- * MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE To: `Susan Robson Through: Matt Matthews n^ From: Melissa Rosebrock Wl� Subject: JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. -Boger City Plant Use of Biocides NPDES No. NCG500077 (formerly NC0004871) Lincoln County JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. initially submitted Betz Entec biocide products 365 and 367 for approval. Since the initial submital, the facility has requested that we disregard the review for 367. The facility has now submitted Betz-Entec 345A for review. Data submitted by the subject facility concerning the dosage rate of the compounds, system volume, average daily discharge, toxicity of the active ingredients and/or breakdown products, and minimum stream flow have also been reviewed and evaluated. Calculations summarized on the accompanying worksheet predict that the use of Betz Entec 365 and Betz Entec 345A at the stated dosage rates and discharge conditions will not result in toxic impact to aquatic life in the receiving stream. Therefore, the use of these products as biocides at JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. is deemed acceptable. If there are questions regarding this review please contact me at (919) 733-2136. Attachments cc: ex Gleason-MRO Central files s JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. BIOCIDE WORKSHEET PERMIT#: NCG500077 (formerly NC0004871) RECEIVING STREAM: UT to Lithia Branch 7Q10 (cfs): 0.00 I.W.C.%: 100.00 PRODUCT: Betz Entec 365 ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 20% 2,2,-Dibromo-3-nitrilo-propionamide HALF LIFE (DAYS): LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L) DECAY RATE: DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): 0.08 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: 0.1108 3.30 DEGRADATION FACTOR: 9.310 8.6250 APPLICATION FACTOR: 0.050 114.00 0.02 INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: 0.111 0.0292 REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.165 PASS/FAIL: PASS 7Q10 (cfs): 0.00 I.W.C.%: 100.00 PRODUCT: Betz Entec 367 ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 5% 2,2,-Dibromo-3-nitrilo-propionamide 1% Sodium bromide HALF LIFE (DAYS): LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L) DECAY RATE: DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): 0.08 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: 0.4412 9.20 DEGRADATION FACTOR: 9.310 8.6250 APPLICATION FACTOR: 0.050 454.00 0.02 INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: 0.4412 0.0292 REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.4600 PASS/FAIL: PASS November 15, 1994 Ms.TAelissa Rosebrock State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-6445 Dear Melissa: Re: JPS Converster Corporation Boger City, NC General Permit #NC G500000 Enclosed is a biocide worksheet for Betz Entec 365. O [:gff/ 7 Entec Betz Entec Lu. 200 Witmer Road Horsham, P.9 19044-0998 215 674 9200 (2 Xi ' U3 215 675.102 i Fax As we discussed during our conversation today, I have used a half-life of 0.08 days. This product is very similar to a biocide that was previously approved in July, 1994. I have attached aquatic toxicity data and a product fact sheet for Betz Entec 365. 1 have also attached aquatic toxicity data for Betz Entec 367. The worksheet for this biocide has been sent under previous cover. Since this is not a permit renewal, your immediate review is very much appreciated. Sincerely, BETZ ENTEC, INC. Helen R. Cerra Environmental and Regulatory Affairs Manager HRC/Ig Attachments 0. Rainbow Trout Bluegill Sunfish Daphnia magna Fathead Minnow Sheepshead Minnow , - A Q U A T I C T O X I C I T Y D A T A - Betz Entec 365 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 5.0 mg/L 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 6.5 mg/L 48 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 3.3 mg/L 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 6.8 mg/L 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 7 mg/L The active ingredient in Entec 365 degrades rapidly in aqueous, alkaline systems (particularly above pH 4.0) to yield predominantly dibromoacetic acid, which is approximately 100 times less toxic than the original active ingredient, dibromonitrilopropionamide. Hydrolysis of DBNPA ultimately forms carbon dioxide, ammonia and bromide ions via the following sequence of degradation products: dibromoacetonitrile, dibromoacetamide, dibromoacetic acid, glycolic acid and oxalic acid. DBNPA reacts rapidly with various ions such as bisulfite to form cyanoacetamide. Decomposition under the influence of sunlight also leads to the formation of cyanoacetamide. Contact with soil organisms degrades DBNPA. A detailed discussion on the rates and products of DBNPA decomposition may be found in J. Agr. Food Chem., Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 838-42, 1973, by J. H. Exner et al. - a A Q U A T I C T O X I C I T Y D A T A - Betz Entec 367 Fathead Minnow 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 2.25 mg/L Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 0.87 mg/L Daphnia magna 48 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 0.46 mg/L Sheepshead Minnow 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 20 mg/L Betz Entec 367 is a pelletized form of 1-Bromo-3-Chloro-5, 5-Dimethylhydantoin. The material is a slow -release halogen donor which also dissolves slowly. The rate of solution is influenced by the surface area of the product, the water temperature and the rate with which water flows over the pellets or tablets. Relatively simple devices are used to feed the product. Entec 367 exhibits a toxicity which is characteristic of halogens. The material is usually fed at substoichiometric levels, and no free -available halogen is present in the tower blowdown. When the bromine and chlorine are released, the remaining molecule is 5,5-Dimethylhydantoin. Acute toxicity studies with fathead minnows have shown that this material is nontoxic at a concentration of 8000 mg/L. Testing for active hydantoin is relatively simple. Any standard test for free -available chlorine will rapidly strip off any bromine or chlorine which is still attached to the molecule. This makes it possible to detect bromine expressed as available chlorine or chlorine itself. Ffl[�ff� ENTEC... H O R S H A M, PENNSYLVANIA 1 9 0 4 4 product facts BETZ ENTEC° 365 • Easy -to -feed liquid product • Nonfoaming • Mild oxidizing compound • Does not harm tower wood • Fast acting — can be detoxified • Hydrolyzes to form essentially nontoxic by- products • Compatible with Betz Entec corrosion inhibitors DESCRIPTION AND USE BETZ ENTEC 365 aids in the control of bacterial, fungal and algal slimes in evaporative condensers, heat ex- change water systems, commercial and industrial cool- ing towers, influent systems such as flow through, Infilco units, filters, lagoons, etc., industrial scrubbing systems and brewery pasteurizers. The product may also be applied to once -through and closed cooling systems, cooling ponds, canals and lagoons. BETZ ENTEC 365 is registered for use in air washer systems. It is also effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, fungi, and yeasts that may deteriorate metal- working fluids that contain water. TREATMENT AND FEEDING REQUIREMENTS Proper treatment levels for BETZ ENTEC 365 depend on factors such as the severity of the problem and conditions particular to a given installation. The product should be used in accordance with the label instructions and control procedures BETZ ENTEC, INC. establishes for a specific application. In use concentration, the blended product is compatible with the usual corrosion inhibitors. However, it should not be mixed with other chemicals prior to introduction into the water being treated. GENERAL PROPERTIES 2, 2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide ............... 20% Inert ingredients .............................. 80% EPA Registration Number ............... 3876-95-34571 Appearance ........................... yellow liquid Density(60F) ..................... 10.5 pounds/gallon pH (undiluted) .......................... less than 7.0 cr D 0 M ``; 10 J a x a[i t• 4 pH 1L Graph showing the relationship between the half-life of BETZ ENTEC 365, temperature (°C) and pH. If retention time is insufficient, BETZ ENTEC 365 can be detoxified with BETZ ENTEC 733. Requirements are 1.0 ppm BETZ ENTEC 733 for each ppm BETZ ENTEC 365. PFC 365 8801 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed informa- tion relative to this product is available upon request. PACKAGING INFORMATION BETZ ENTEC 365 is blended as a liquid, and is supplied in 30-ga►Ion (114-liter), bung -type, nonreturnable steel drums. Approximate neLweight-275 pounds (125 kilograms) per drum. The product should be stored at moderate temperatures and protected from freezing. If frozen, thaw completely and mix thoroughly prior to use. FREIGHT CLASS Compounds, Industrial Water Treating, Liquid Item 50227, Class 60 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is ,o be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. 1. Facility Name JPS Converter ,A#1r w006N 5 NPDES # NC NC G500000 County Lincoln Receiving Stream 7010 0 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body A.D.D. = 0.020 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC _ (A.D.D.) x 100 _ ( .020 ) X 100 (7Q 10 x 0.646) + (A.D.D.) — ( 0 ) (0.6 4 6) + ( .020 ) 100 This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. I. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I Betz Entec 365 Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: DRIvpA 2 2-Di bromo-3-Ni tri l opropi onami dO) 20 ° Note: If ingredients contain the metals copper, chromium, or zinc, also complete page a, Suooiemental Metals Ana vs,s What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole product used per day. D.R.= 114 grams/day D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 1 JPS Converter acility Name: NPDES #: INC G500000 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding I on size, etc.) Volume= 0. 65 million gallons a ac) �l Wf at is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown. enter N/A. 7.5-8.5 What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = 0.08 Days 8.625 =Deca Rate (D.K. The decay rate is equal to H L. X 0.69 = Y ) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. D.F. _ (A.Du.DD.) + (D.65 K.) = (0.05( 0.0.020 ) + (8.625 ) _ Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: 114 Dischg Conc. = (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) (9.012 ) (0.05165 Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) q_012 = 0.065 mg/I )(31785) (Dischq. Conc.) x (IWC%) ( 0.065 ) x ( 100 = 100 - 100 0.065 mg/I Receiving Stream Concentration III. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the followinc columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test Duration LC50 (mg1) Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay 5.0 Bluegill Sunfish Daphnia magna Fathead Minnow Sheenshead Minnow 96 hr Static Acute Bioassay 48 hr. Static Acute Bioassay 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay 6.5 33 6.8 7 0 D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) Facility Name: NPDES #: NC Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: Enter the LC50: 3.3 If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = 0.165 mg/I If the half life (H.L.) is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this bank: 0.165 mg/liter =,om Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 0.065 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. Name (Print) Signature Date Person in Responsible Charge D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 Facility Name: NPDES #: NC Supplemental Metals Analysis If copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worksheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal compound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula weight (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal Chemical Formula Molecular Weight of Metal Formula Weioht Concentration in Biocide EXAMPLE - Copper CuSO4.5H2O 63.546 g/mole 249.680 g/mole 0.2 % None Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): RM rams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Biocide: DR ( arams/day) grams/million gallons DC = ADD — ( million gallons/day) Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): DC (µg/I) = DC (grams/million gal) x 1 x1 06 µq/q = ug/I 3.785 x 106liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): MN ( arams/mole) MF = FW = ( grams/mole) Calculate the fraction of metal in the biocidal compound (BF): BF=MFxMCC°o _ 100 X (100) _ Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M = DC x BF = ug/I x ug/I Calculate the instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: IMC = M x IWC (%) = ug/I x 100 100 Regulated limitation of metal (from below): ug/I NC GeneralStatutes 15A NCAC 213.0211 define: Copper- 7 µg/I water quality action level' Zinc- 50 µg/I water quality action level' Chromium- 50 µg/I water quality standard ('Values which exceed action levels must be addressed directly by aquatic toxicity testing.) D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 4 ENE, BETZ Betz Entec Inc. 200 Witmer Road Horsham, PA 19044-0� November 9, 1994 215 674 9200 215 675 4023 Fax a Ms. Melissa Rosebrock 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-6445 Dear Ms. Rosebrock: Re: JPS Converter Corporation �Z Boger City, NC General Permit # NCG500000 �� 1T �n Enclosed is a biocide worksheet for Betz Entec 367. We are anxious and eager to apply this biocide at the subject account. Your expeditious review is most appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact me at (215) 674-9200. Sincerely, BETZ ENTEC, INC. d Helen R. Cerra Environmental and Regulatory Affairs Manager H RC/Ig Attachments BIOCIDEJCHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for eacn biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. b I. Facility Name J P S Converter Corporation NPDES # NC 0004871 - r`.niinty Lincon Receiving Stream Unnamed tributary to Lithi a. Branch 70100 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water cca,, A.D.D. = .020 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. (A.D.D.) x 100 ..020 ) X 100 IWC = (7Q 10 x 0.646) + (A.D.D.) — ( 0 ) (0.6 4 6) + (.020 ) 100 170 This value (11,VC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. il. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment prcposea for use in the discharge identified in Part Betz Entec 367 Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: 1-Bromo-3-Chloro-5,5-Dimethylhydantoin 92.5 Inert Ingredients 7.5 Note: If ingredients contain the metals cooper, chromium, or zinc, also complete page 4, Suoolemental Metals Ana s = What feed cr dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole proauct usea per day. D.R.= 3.98* grams/day *D.R. based on 0.2 ppm maximum free -available halogen residual expressed as C12. D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 1 =acm1v Name: NPDES #: NC Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.05165 million gallons h`Q J What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. 7.5-8.5 What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = 0. 02Z Days The decay rate is equal to 1 H.L. X 0.69 = 34.5 =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. D.F. _ (A.D.D.) + (D.K.) ( .020 ) + (34.5 ) = 34.89 (Volume) (.05165 ) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: (D.R.) ( 3. 98 ) _ .0005 ma l Dischg Conc. = (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) (34.89 ) (.05165 ) (3 7 8 5 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Dischg. Conc.) x (IWC°o) (.0005 ) x ( 100 ) _ 100 100 .0005 mgil Receiving Stream Concentration Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should bE in mg/I). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test Duration LC50 (mg,l) Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay .87 Fathead Minnow 96 hr Static: Acute R-Ioassay 2.20 Daphnia magnna 48 hr �tatir AriitP Nioassa,�C .46 D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) =acility Name: ;NPDES #: NC Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: Enter the LC50: 0.46 If the haft life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = 0.023 mg1l If the half life (H.L.) is greater than 4 days or unknown. perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = mg/l Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this bank: 0.023 mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 0.0005 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocids is unacceptable for use. Helen R. Cerra Name (Print) Environmental & Regulatory Affairs Manager November 2, 1994 Signature Date Person in Responsible Charge D.E.M. Form 101 (7i92) 3 aciiity Name: NPDES #: NC Supplemental Metals Analysis If copper, zinc, or chromium are present in the proposed biocidal compound, complete this worksheet. A separate form must be used for each metal and/or metal comoound present in the biocide. List the metal, its chemical formula, molecular weight (MW), formula we!ent (FW), and the concentration of the metal compound in the biocide (MCC). Complete a separate form for every metal present in the biocide. Metal s EXAMPLE Copper None Chemical Formula Molecular Weight of Metal =ermula Weight Concentration in Biocide CuSO4.5H2O 63.546 g/mole 249.680 g/mole 0.2 0% Dosage rate of Biocide (DR) (from page 1): DR = grams/day Average Daily Discharge (ADD) (from page 1): ADD = million gallons/day Discharge Concentration (DC) of Biocide: DR ( arams/day) grams/million gallons DC = ADD -million ( million gallons/day) Convert DC to micrograms/liter (ppb): � �o DC (µg.,l) = DC (grams/million gal) x 1 x ug/q = ug/I 3.785 x 100 liters/million gal. Calculate the fraction of metal in the metal -containing compound (MF): 1VIVY ( crams/mole) MF = _ ( crams/mole) Calculate the fraction of metal in the biocidal compound (BF): MCC (°0) _ BF=`.1Fx 100 a, x (100) _ Calculate the concentration of metal in the discharge (M): M = CC x BF = ug/l x ug/I Calculate the instream metal concentration (IMC) at low -flow conditions: IMC = M x IWC (%) = ug/ _ 100 I x 100 ug/I Regulated limitation of metal (from below): ug/I NC Generai Statutes 15A N AC 23.0211 define: Copper- 7 µg/l water quality action level' Zinc- 50 µg/1 water quality action level' Chromium- 50 µg/I waver c::a;ity standard ('Values which exceed action levels must be acdressed directly by aquatic toxicity testing.) D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 4 ll/,Ie/ID4 16:14 ROGER CITY PLANT NO.019 001 11/10/d9 1D.aV- _L BETZ hN'1'hU, 1NC. LC001/009 SIOCIDEICHEMlCAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FOAM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any blocidal products uitlmatety discharged to the SUH&cie-Naterg Of North Caroling, This worksheet must be completed separately for each blacloal product in use. This worksheet is ;o bi ,etumed �Wth all appropriate data entered Into the deslgnated areas with calculations p0ormed as indicated, raellity Name J P S Converter Corporation NPDES # NO W 0_0045ZI County Lincon Receiving Slream Unnamed tributary tq Lithi a 0 Brang� 7010 (cfaI (All above information suppilea by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Dolly 01�charge (A,D.D,) volume of the water handiing systems,to the receiving water xc A,D,D, . .020 (in M,G,D.) Please Calculate the Instrearn Waste Concentration (IWC in paresnt) of this disonarge using the data enterso above, A,b.D,) x 100 In ' (7 Q 10 x 0. 6 4 + (A, 5,D,) (.020 X 1001 ( 0 )(0-646) + (.020 ) Thla value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream duringllaw few coneltions. What Is the name of the whole product chemical treacnant proposed for use in the OlacMarge idenimea tr, Par Betz Entec 367 Please list the active Ingredlents and percent composition; 1-Bromo-3-Chloro-5,6-Dimethylhydantoin 92.5 % Inert Inoradient s- �^ °1e % Note., it Ingr4dlems COntai) the. metals Copper, chromium, or time, a.ee camplatm Paso a, n I a T I mix - I What feed er doegge rate (C.R.) Is useo i' this applicaticn? The Units must t:a conv�rted to grama at whais product used per day. D.R.■ 3.98* -- grams/day *D.R. based on 0.2 ppm maximum free -available halogen residual expressed as C12. D,E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 11/ Lo/Oy 1a. nu y --__ __._. =acai!av Name: BPS Convet•ter NPOES 0: NC 13500000 Ssti,rate total volume of the water haandilrtg system norwoon entry of blocidal product and NPDES d!3cna3rge point. On an attached shoat please pravida juatfficatlon for this estimate (system volume, average cyeles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, eto.) Volume• 0.05165 million gallons What Is the pH of the handling system prior to blocide addition? If un,4nown, enter NIA. 7.5-8'5 a What Is the decay rate (DX) of the product? If unknown, asauma no dotty (DA -0) and pmesed to asterisk. 'f'he degradation must be stated at pH level within /2 pH stasrdaard unit within handling system. Enter Ina Wait life ;Haft Life is the time required for the initial prodL:t toydegrade to ha:f of its original concentration), = ease provide copies of the scurcels of this data. H,L. %v 0.08 Qaya The decay rate is equal to H�L X 0.69 $.626 -Decay Rate (O.K.) Calculate degradation factor:(D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. A.D.Q. ( ""L 012 (Volume) (0.05165 ) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration; 14 lWg Conn, - (a,R.) C W 0.065 mil (D.F,)(Volurne;(~3785) ( 9.012 ) {0.06166 } { 0 } Calculate concentration of bipcide instrearn during ow flow canditions, (Recelving Stream Concentration) cOischa, cone) x (IWCPIgl ( 0.065 „1 9 f 100 ) 0.065 mgn 100 - 100 4oniving Stream Concentration ill, Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns, (Note that units shou:c t in mq/q, please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test auraton Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay Bluegill Sunfish 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay Daphnia rnagna 46 hr. Static Acute Bioassay Fathead Minnow 96 .r,r. Static Acute Sioassay Sheepshead Minnow 96 hr. StA:I; Acute BiIlaasay D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 2 LC50 (mg^) 5.0 6.5 11/12/94 1s:16 BOGER CITY PLRNT Nu.b1'-4 a'it ++1..v10V AV. j 1- l3ETZ EINTEC, INC. OOT/009 Iaciiity Name : JPS Converter ,Npp; NC ig3 *G500000 Choose the lowest LC50 I18160 above: Enter the LC50: 3.3 It the haft life (H.L.) la lees thar, 4 days, perform the tollowing calculation, Regulated Limitation ■ 0.03 x LCSO 0.165 MWI f fhe half life (H.L.) Is greater inan 4 days or unknown, perform the following 041Culatlon. Regulated Limitation - 0,01 x LC50 m i Choosy the appropriate regulated limitation Irom the calculations Irnmediateiy above and place In this blank: 0.165 mg/ilter From Part II eater the receiving stream concentration; 0.065 ��,mfl�llter IV, Analysis. it the reC@IvInq stream concentration is greaser than the calculated reguAteo iimitatlon, then this biocide Is unacceptable for use. r Name (Prtntl Zuc Spnature Dale Person In Re:.ponsible Charge D.E.M. Forty. 101 (7/92) 3 11 i 12/94 _ G ; 17 BOGER C I TY PLANT NO. 019 008 1.1/18/a4 10,az 'Q b6i'L L"NIV— 1NU. 4009/002 SIQCIDElCHEMiCAL TREATMENT WCaKSHEET•FOAM 101 T,he following calculations are to be parformaa on any blociaa! :roducts ultimately dlsoharged to the surface waters of '.ottrt Carolina, his worksheet must he completed separately for each biocidai product in use. This workshest is to bi returnea jith all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculltlons performed as indicated. Paoiltty Name JP5 Converter NPDES # NC NC G500000 County Lincoln Receiving alreom 7Q1 G 0 (ofe) (All above information suppiiea by the f01visiom of Environmental Management) What Is the Aver8ge [)ally Dipcharge (A,D.D,) volume of the water handifnQ eyatarrt: tQ thr rouiving water ood' A.D.D.. 0.020 (in M,(3.D,) Please calculate the instream Waste Concentration OWC In peroRnt) of this discharge using the data entered above, x 100 .020 X 100 IWC (7 10 x + (A. D.) 0 )(0.640) .020 100 % This value (IWC) represents the waste tc^tcentratio n to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. What !s the name of the whgie product chemical treatmant proposed for use in the discharge Idrntified in Pan Betz Entec 365 Please list the active ingraelents and percent camposRion; nanlpa j2.2�Di romo- -N qx��-�,�j�a1 20 % Ye Now if ingrodients Contain the metals GQpPgr, c,,�roRTium, or zinc, a110 complete page 4, lideienvial h�1Qt�I�.An v� what Iced or dosage rate (DA) is usso'n this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole product used per day. D P 114 gramsrday 10.E,M, form 101 (7/92) 0 11/10/�!+! la:Jl %i aai�. L:�iLt+r 1+�.+• ��•vr•.vvv _.• ?ac;lity Name: JPS Converter-- NPOES e� NC 0004871 Estimate total volume of the water hsnaling system between entry of blo:idal product and NPCIES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, ete.) Volume. 105165 miillon gallons gist Is the pH of the handling system prior to dlocide addition? If unknown, enter WA, What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume r,,o cecuy (D.K.■o) and proceed to averlsk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/7 pH standard unit within handling System. Enter the halt life (Half Life is the time required for the Initial product tadegrade to half Qf Ita original concentration). Please provide oopies of the eouroe8 of this data. H.L. ■ 0.02 pays The decay rate is equal to H- - K 0,69 34.5 •Decay Rate (OX) Calculate degraeation factor (O,F,), This is the IV order loss coelicient. D.F. (Vo me) + AK.) ( .0516502Q ) + ( 34.5 ) ■ 34.59 Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: rn a Dlschg Canc. ■ - - '- .0005 mgN (D.F•);Volume)(3785) ( 34.89 ) (.051b5 (3 y 6 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instrearn during low flow conditions. (Recelving Stream Concentration) tDischQ, Gonc.l x 0WCY.1 ,_j&005 ;_ x ( 100 .0005 mgrl 100 100 Receiving stream catteeAtrailar Calculate regulated limitation, List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to she following columns. (Note that units should n In mgii), Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Orgarw Test Duration LCW (inyt) Rainbow Trout 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay Fathead Minnow 25 _ 4 f�C. Starir Ar i+. rri0dS&Lg_= Daohfli� magna R t,r Static snits Bioasra%i 066 D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 11/ 18/G4 16: 16 BOGER CITY PLANT NO. ©19 005 �1005/OOD 11�1r5�a4 je:sl � � 8b1�+ �1418L. 11�L. =acility Name:. JPS Converter NPDES #, NC nnnaazY Choose the lowest LC50 116140 above: Inter the LC50: 0.46 If the hag life (H.L,) is lose than 4 days, perfomn the following calculation, Regulated Unlltation ■ 0.05 x LC50 - Q.C23 — mg1l If tie half life (H.L.) Is greater tnAn 4 days or unknown, perform thf following calculation. Regulated Umitation ■ 0,01 x L050 mpr*l Choose the appropriate rrgulated firnitatlon from the cslewlatians Immediately above and plat* In thil bank; 0,023 mg/llter Frorrf Part It ont9r the recafvino stream conerrtuatlon: 0.000$ mgmter IV, Anaiyais. !f the receiving stream concentratlon is greater thin tha calculated ragulated Ilmltatlon, then this blocietr is unacceptable fgr use. p � �r Natrre (Pont) Dr�e Person In Responsible Charge D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 i 1/219,11,94 17:15 SC-113ER C.7� F'LkIT I Cl. Cl 71 lb ZL?— Y3;.r�- FAX PAGE JPS CONVERTER & INDUSTRIAL CORP. PAGE(S) BOGER CITY PLANT LINCOLNTON, N.C. 28092 TELEPHONE 704— 735— 2581 - FAK 704-736-1808 OF A:FA.NFM,WK3 TO: AT: M AT: CC: AT: REFERENCE: MESSAGE: A�/ z9 FROM: DATE: LOCAL COPIES: 11:29/' 4 17: 1 BOGER C'7 T`i' PLANT HO. 037 002 +r•V9 ! BETZ ENTEC, INC. 2 006/00 BIOC3�f"1CHlwMICAL TFIPATMFNT *RKSHEET-pORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any blocidal products uJtlmotely d?80harged to the surlace waters of Ncnh Carolina. This workshoet must he completed separately for each bioeidai product In woo, This worxsnaat is to t returned wiih all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated Facility Nara JPS COnver NPO ES * NO N C 6 . S-D66-7 7 County Lincoln Receiving Stream ,T lAnAt-:a rQy)Lh -- ,7010 0 (cfs) All above Information sUpplled by the !Division of Environmental Management) What I8 the Average Daily Clachuan2e (A.O.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water Doc A.D.O. - 0-02�, (in M,a.[).) Please calcuiate the Instrearn Waste Concentration (IWC In pgrcant) of this discharge using the cata enterab above. A.D.Q. x 100 (7 I x 4 '+ (A ) 100 _% ( 0.2 X 100 (o �(0, 6 4 6) + This value (IWC) represents the w€fate concentration to the recelving stream during low flow conoitions. i, What is the name of the whole product chemical trsatmr3nt proposed for use in the discharge identifloo in -art Betz Entec 345A *See bottom of page for two _ingredients, Please list the active ingreglents and percent composhicin: OSNPAs2,2-Dibromo-3-Nitriloar__ooionamide) 5.0X a, Sodium Bromide 110% `% 01bromoacetonitrile „ 251 % Monobromo-3-Nitriloprop'lonamide 25% y, 262-01bromoprovangdiartif_cie .25% %*N bottom o page Note: If ingredients contain tho meals copper, chmmiurm. er zinc, also complete pegs 4, „"I9men!2Malmo en . v!1 What faed or dosage rate (O.R,) Is used in lhls application? The untta must be oanveRad to g�Ama of whole product used per day. DAM +454 gram$, day D.E.M. Fo= 101 (7/92) *Polyethylerue Glycol Water 309 63.25% 11r29i94 16 BOGER C"TY PLANT NO. F37 00s C002/uuo 14/29/94 17:06 n 1--.-• .- _. . 41 : JPS Converter 'Vp0jS 0: NC G 500000 aci<<ty Nam$ Estimate total volurr.9 of the water hanoling,aYstem detween entry Ot blocidal product and NPDES discharge Point. On an attached sheet please provides Iustificsdon for tnis estimate (system volume, average Cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon 50, etc.,) volume. 0.0292 million gallons 7' What is !r,e pH of the handling syst�sm Prior to bi"'cla addition? if unknown, enter NIA. What is the decay rate (O.K•) of the product? if unknown, assume no decay (D.K,•0) and proceed to asterisk, The degmdatlan must ae stated at pH Ievei within 1 /2 pH standard unit within handling sy stem. Enter the hail life (Hail je Is the time required tot the initial product 101"aegrada to halt of its original Concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data H.L.- 0.08 0aya The decay rate is equal to HX 0.61, ■ 8,625 ■laecay Rate (O.K.) Calculate dearadatlon factor (D.F.Y. Tills Is the first order loss coefficient. A D t 0.020 r 9.309 C.F. • (vat' lu + (D.K.) ■ 0.0292 + Calculats Steady State Discharge Concentration: 454 0.44 m�i D.R Discrtg Cona. (p,F )(volurne)(3785) ( 9. Q9 ; 0.0292 ) (3 7 8 5 ) Calculate concentration of blocide instream during low flow condltlone. (Receiving Stream Concentret(an) t o 44 , 100 mg� �D(scna. Gong,)_ x (iWC°/,1 x 0.44 100 I '� 00 RICIMnp Stream Canc�niretio� �I. Calculate regulated (Imitation. Liar ail 'LC50 data available for till? whcle product accc^aing to the following colurnn5. (Nate that units should t in m 1). Pieaaa provide coplea ol'thd sources of this data. To Duration t,C50 (mG'tf 96 hr. Static Acute,Sioassay 9.2 _ ehms- 48 hr. Static Acute Bioassay 11,2 Organism rainbow Trout Daphnia magna D.E m. Form 101 (7/92) 2 11 i'29/ 94 1 ^r : 16 EiOG=P C :: TY PLANT NO. 037 r 11/ LM/ }!4 11 : UO 7.i' tsr,'1L �ii125t,'1N4:. 009/008 =acdity Name: JPS Converter NPOES 0: NC G 500000 Choose the lowest LCSO Ilsteo above: Enter the LC50: 9.2 _ :f the half life (H,L.) Is fuss than 4 days, peHarrn the following calCulatfgn. Regulated Limitation • 0.05 x LCSO a 0,46 mWl If the had Iife (H.L.) Is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Urnitatlon - 0,01 x LC50 ■ mglI Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations Irrmedfately above and place in this b:ank: 0.46 m8/liter ?ram Part 11 enter the receding struAm canaentration: 0.44 mg;;ifer IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is grotar than the calculated regulate# HrMatlon, ,!+rn this blocids Is unacceptable for use, Name ( rn) SJgr�u Data Person in Responsible Charge D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) V 1 11/Lb/W4 1f:UI xx iSlSiL 8PI1L'l., 1PlG. WUVD/VVO 4. Rainbow Trout Daphnia magna M -AO-VATIC TOXICITY DATA - I$etx €Oteg 345A 96 hr. Static Acute Bioassay LC50 9.2 mg/L 48 hr. Static Acute Sioassay LC50 11.2 mg/L The active ingredient in Entac 34EA degrades rapidly in aqueous, alkaline systems (particularly above pH 4.0) to yield predominantly dibromoacetic acid which is approximatel,yy 100 times less toacic than the original active ingredient, dibromonitrilopropionamide. Hydrolysis of QBNPA ultimately forms carbon dioxide, ammonia and bromide ions via the following sequence of degradation products: dibromoacetonitrile, dibromoacetamide, dibromoac.etic acid, glycolic acid and oxalic acid. OBNPA reacts rapidly with various ions such as bisulfite to form cyanoacetamide. Decomposition under the influence of sunlight also leads to the formation of Cyanocetamide. Contact with soil organisms degrades QBNPA. A detailed discussion on the rates and products of QBNPA decomposition may be found in J. Agr, Food Chem., Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 838 - 42, 1973, by J, H. Exner et _id., Tests performed in accordance with criteria set forth in the "Practice for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests with Fish, Macro invertebrates, and Amphibians" (ASTM Standard E729-88), DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT February 16, 1993 Memorandum To: Susan Robson From: D. Rex Gleason Prepared By: Kim H. Colson K�'i/X�-_ Subject: JPS Converter and Industrial Corp. NPDES Permit No. NC0004871 Lincoln County, NC This Office has reviewed the request for coverage of the subject facility under General Permit NCG500000. It is recommended that the facility be covered by the General Permit. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please advise. James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary d ✓� f N rth Carolina ECEIVED R N.C. Dept. of EHNR %oV 3 n 1992 \Kinston -Salem Regional Office State o 0 h and Department of Environment, oEnvironmental Management al Resources Divisionf rth Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 512 No Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Acting Director 0 November 25, 1992 \ I b � l At^ Mr. Samuel H. Griggs JPS Convertor and Industrial Corp. 33 Stevens St. P. O. BOX 208 �. G DEpT. Of, NATURAL Greenville, SC 29602 RESOURCES AND COMMUN13-y pl.,NELOPNMNT Subject: NPDES:Renewal Application NC0004971 JPS Convertor and In ,uN-r� .0 � dr-Gounty -- co �.. N Dear Mr. Griggs: VVISIOII you about the response to YOORE UE REx6011AL 0FHCF this letter is to inform y Per our conversation on November 16, 1992, estion for using sodium sulfite to dissipate your biocide approval request. We have reviewed your Bugg and have agreed to that procedure providd you and also provide monitoring data tion of the the remaining halogen1 the sodium sulfite to the waste stream methods you will use to apply showing that it will completely reduce the residual halogens. a while, our policy on low -flow streams Even though you have been utilizing these biocides forinto since your last issued permit. Thus, the use of such biocides in facilities discharging has changed such streams has been made more restrictive. have uestions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Robson at (919) 733-5083. If you Q Sincerely,, Coleen Sulling, P.E. Supervisor, NPDES Group A. �ObiQ�i ��sz✓ C? Regional Office �� �' gi Unit Permits and En neering TN k,I Central Files L? D t Regional Offices I':•f Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville 919/896-7007 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/571-4700 919/946-648] 919/395-3 M!_ Pollution Prevention Pays I: P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 fa An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer . ,,>...r ,.., ... .... ;, . , ;;.., ; .. ;... ..; .,.art r•, !.� nr, ...,e . � ■ IW 6tl. 1113 f S3 ty 6 J1 .1`-) 1.1j � % J i'3 • 0 0 3 YA, tI (1 VV a 03.1.Va (0V 01•1A aV - t NJ 11 J V(a I n :%�I a 3J1. VV0G. .Nit ,:)/ UFVJ'.., "I -..,I 1,*, j IV -1. ivuY o g :*..j iie� -I -I I :1.3 l % V ff, 6 S' -vi i 0 (�Y,! -6 (G) ( nI ruN1 "QI iun IV-Yv 0 J 1( V itr 1In f 't ..V,;j (. I) 0j 1-I-kTJ.1 J jt C, t. ty %G IV e.) ig di At. V aI-N -iI LA I. I ztl (I (V v I V f1UR1 N C V 1.-3 f*l01.:, A 1 w ;J I Ail -:'' N-J t.i, A k, :I A.1 a.. C.1 A r V C, c jj.,.j •a A V V4 1.3 v I i or, 1 6 13 1 J. . ' 1P - 3 ...... 0j wIi -,I G 62IA (I I-% V J X.1 . e In LA—6. G CI A WK) D 'JVC) %• Aa N V HL V U i � V a. I .. I V 0 1:A. i'.) N 6/ %4 .31. i f:CIA ".1 V,::I,..l V G. A "D "I :I I CS V.I. ..3 6 C, V •vi V (s "i 9 1 1 1-4 0. N V v V C Q 8 Cj I G. 0 W fil % I �J 0-1 '.) := a THIS .:I J V - ` I 1.3VIN" 3 "-1 A N, k;j I.. 0 v vr I L) K r ) .1() V 0...., 14 J.S C.T () t.rjA ".3k ...,.- -, .1I . J J"s .1. T. o cl T z (Y) INJ C, I it I V -I IJ v ) A .% %Iv TW.• I V N 0.-, 'IA 3 1 "Ll 3; 'A 0.1. A.I. I'A s V tv 4 . 0,1' 0 f. I w 1413 . .... ... .. V.�j 3 q cl N 113 1 V V.I. V (1 9 I a i (I C.1 N 3 -:41 9 '�J V ty G % (I �A it Cj ".3 %J V t�.j J PZ) jo ,3/` D U 9 i �:� 3 )'(*Y 0. r.) 0 o 1-1.1. V 1.1 1. 1,41 G V V 9 N .3 !IV j, j 8 C), I Ulcl N, V "i I Cl 0,,*., 63 'D 0`3 �J A V :1� 6 6 1 G T e.11 if, .) , 1 � I ": it c I C, rl f 'Y"t f'l S I. 0. C; IV C IN I I in -I I GI I., - f 11 It I v4 I 6 0 0 C, IN! ( :-I IN I r 3V0l" G'(oo (I CA IN, f �a o f'N "Y 6 6 CI C" S'A (I'A i'-J (a it R) N -D "If 0 N1 1 13: f AN V 6 N JPS CONVERTER AND INDUSTRIAL CORP. BOGER CITY PLANT January 7, 1993 H- C. Jlk:. i . Of' r(,a'ruttAk. RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ms. Susan Robson .��N 1 1 i993 NC Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh NC 27611 EMIR OF 1?;1/ ;rH-;T'TAL i tk !! !EMT NUORES IUI E GEG1601 OFFICE RE: JPS Converter & Industrial Corp. Boger City Plant NPDES: NC 0004871 Lincoln County Dear Ms. Robson: This letter is in response to your letter of November 25, 1992, concerning biocide usage and assurance of depletion of any residual chlorine in the discharge to the creek. We have been monitoring for residual chlorine routinely for more than two years and have maintained residuals of less than 0.01 mg/liter. We propose to add a sodium or sodium bisulfite solution to our discharge at a concen- tration sufficient to distroy any residual chlorine. We will maintain a daily log indicating the pumping rate and assuring that sufficient solution is available to be pumped. The completed system will be installed by February 1, 1993. If you have any questions concerning this please let me know. Sincerely, L7�L `,,- � U Emmett W. Eagle, Plant Manager CC: Sam Griggs/Greenville SC Mooresville Regionald Office EWE/kwm 2130 E. MAIN ST. 9 P.O. BOX 658 • LINCOLNTON, N.C. 28092 • (704) 7 35-2581 • FAX 170.3) 735-2581 ppppppp � EFFLUENT OCT 1 5 N PDES PERMIT NO: 'QC ;, 7 0'? �? % DISCHARGE NO: MONTH: YEAR:,. FACILITY NAME: Belding Hausman Inc. CLASS: I COUNTY: L ncol nton OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): 12; ,zk Sa; Q. GRADE: T CERTIFIED LABORATORY: Belding Hausman Inc. CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: Earl Proctor Mad original ar.d one copy to I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT ATT Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO ©� Division of Environmental Management N C Department of NRCD ` \ PO Box 27687 THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Raleigh North Carolina 27611 j( Sianaturr of ao rotor in resnansible charge ii ��r�rrrr���rr'trrrrr ©rr�rrrri�r�r�r��N�ir �rr�rrrr��r���®rrrr Eirrrrr�rr�r�rrrrr�r r rrr oar■ rrrrrrrr■rrrrrrri rrrr�rrrr o�■ r�rrrrr�rrrr�rrirrr �rr�rrrr����r�r rrrr■�i mrr�rr��rr��rirrrrir� rrrrr� rrrrrr�r�r��r�r�r rr�r mr�rrrrrrr■rr�rrrrir��r■r r�r■rr�r mrr���r���rrr�r rrr ®r�rrr�rrrrrrrr�rrrr�ir___11 MIME m�r�rr����rr�rrrr rrrrr ®+rrrrrr�����r�rr■rrrr� ---_�r�rr m�rrrr�r���rrr�r ri�rr� m�rrrrrr�rr�� rrrrr�r�r ©�rrrrrrr��rrrrrrirrrrr rrrr�r �rrrrr■�r�r��r�r�r �rrr 11 some e =1 M- M r���rr���� r.. �rr�rrrr� mr���trrrirr�rr�rrrr �r�r�rrrrr� rr�rr�� mrr�r�rrrrirrr�r■rrr�r rrr�ii mrir�rrrrr���r� ■rrr�r �rrr�rr�rr�rrrrrrr��� � rr ��rr�rr��rrrrrrr rrrrr r�rr���rrrrrrr�rrr. r�rr���■r�rrrir r�rr'� V C.NI I- V l III Al R- I 1 I I I O't Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements = ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) I certify that this Report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: ----------------------- Signature of Permittee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 ?CBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max. flow during 24-hr. period 003nn Dissolved 1)00;25 Total K4eldahl 01037 Nexaval-nt n1105 Total A!,-nin= 50048 ?-i.a. flow during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BOD_ 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Cooper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 3r 30 Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. OCI 9 Luv! UIv ...., "x %,lUALITY PPP- a50007:7 DISCHARGE MC), 001 MONTH: Pot . YEAR: 01 PLITPYNAPAME:�Rel di ncr Hausman Tn . C04JNTY:Llnco1n STREAM: Boa r Creek 50 yds. Above Eff STREAM' Roger Creek 50 yds Below Eff Upstream �......................iiii Belo - ��0®�®®• • iiii am iiMiiiiii IIMMii iiii MiMiiiiiiiii ®iiiiiiiiiii ®iiiiiiiiiii OMMMMMMMMM ®iMiiiMMMMMM BMMMMMMMMM ®iiiiiiiiiii MMMMMMMMMM 1101MiiiIMiINIMii �i 0 Niiiiiiiiii =M iiii iiiiiiiiiii �i =iiiMiii nMMMM HIM i�iiiiiiiii viiiiii iiiiii MMMi MMi -urn, . , , , ,-. i LOCATION: Outlet Boger City Downstream Enter Puromettu Code above Name and Units Belo- ®�®®• • iiii ■ MMMMiiiiii HIM!i MiMMMMM iiiiiiiiiii iMMMMMMMMMi iiiiiiiiiii IMM MMMMiMIMi iiiMMiiiMMIM! iiiiiiiiiii i�iM iiIMM `may, nC1 9 2001 �J to.. I _., —,,% ITY CENTRAL. FILES