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SW8041030_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20200601
HARVELL AND COLLINS. P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1107 RR OE,S STRI'E'i' LT MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINJA 29557 TELEPHONE (252) 726-%5() FA CUMIL.E (252n 7274�w� Ju e VIA zlest onic mail .:;rani a .Stenhuws North Carolina DEQ Wilmington -DOT Project Coordinator PECEIVEP Email: joanne.steenhui.sOncdenr.gov RE: Our File: 20-125 JUN 012020 Our Client: R-ichard:--hoq^aette File Fatter: Property Dispute Gear Ms. Steenhuis : We represent Richard Choquette regarding an ongoing property dispute in Onslow County. The disp+)te concerns, a t::rg zther things, the development of a neighborinq track of and, ta't:a.t in�r approximately 23.88 acres, adjacent to the Trail.wood subdivisioz, located in Hubert, North Zarolina. The tract was -recently purchased by Daniel Cohn. The tract -s conrro;-Ily known as 136 Trallwood Drive, Hubert, North Caxo; na, 28539, and is i-,i,--ntAfLed by the Onslow County Tax Office with PIN #5336^312''6s, I understand that m::•ch of the tract cAr.sists of undevelopable wetlands. The access point to this tract is within the Traiiwood subdiv_sion, between lots 75 and 76. Lot 75 is owned bar Mr. Choquette, and is cormor ly ,known as 13 E T rai 1wood Dr., H::ber t, North Carolina, 28539, and is identified by the Onslow C.aarty Tax Office with PIN #533603220405. A copy of the map �� the subdi;risi_on has been included within this correspondence =or your reference. I understand that at present the Trallwood Subdiv..a Sion i.s the holder of Stcrmwater Management .Permit No. SW8 44103o. Curre :tTy, that stormwater rranagernent p1ar its wcrkirq. That Said, m y client has advised me cf k:is ouncer ns that the proposed development of the tract above poses a threat to the conrir_ied operatior: and functionality of the str.T Water p1a.n. muc of �he affected are: that posed stor- water vunof . _sS, e3 ...3 1-- cated de -sac adjoining `heze properties. When the M~- and the Perm-L..:ieCl htract remzairiej p.:.Gr': was %.. '1.li•.. il.L11.l.',kJI!i;..,Ir1 Page Two Joanne Steenhuis June 1, 2020 land was conformed to remove water consistent with the manage meat Flan, and much of water waa directed onto this indeve-7 ored tract through ditches and a curb •o.itlet system. I understand that at the time the State StormwaCer Management permit was acg,.irea,the Permittee was James E. McCotter, manager of Swans Builders, 1.- , which was also the owner of the tract in question. I have been provided with a copy of _ state Management Permit, which I have included with this correspondence, along with current applications for construction with 0-nsl:aw '.ounty for the neighboring tract. I do not, however, have a copy of the. attachments that were incorporated into the issaed perm—ft. We:._have. se rio.,s concerns that the proposed construct -an 1n the subject tract_by Mr. Cohn will be non -compliant with thw st-ox'M water management p_ ar. or wil�. render the nc;, r ' - p A^ o-�pl.ia t, thus posing a threat tc the nanagercent plan of the subdivision, a-':.l clientel property ir. particular. In connection with, this matter, I am seeking the production of all record: rain taJ ned by your office which were generated or filed in connect:;.on with the. applications Submitted for the Storm .eater Permit detailed above. Should you have any questions, concerns, or problems of any kind., please contact me immediately. Best regards. Sincerely yours, :far el K. Morris SKMlrw E„cl os ::res I State Stormwater Managernere, Systems Permit No. SW8 041 Cf30 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT LOW DENSITY DEVELOPWNT WITH A CURB OUTLET SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations PERNSSION lS HERE13Y GRANTED TO Traiihvaod ,Section /// hltOA Inc. Tra&,00d Section ill Tradwood Onve, Swansboro TownshiA Onsiow County FOR THE operation aril maintenance of a 25% low densihi subdivision with a curb outlet system to compliance with the proviso of 15A NCAG H ,1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormvweW,rules) and the droved stormwater management plans and specifications , andother supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit The Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the following spec conditions and limitations: 1. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. The project is permed for 43 lots, each limited to a maximum of 9,363 square feet of built -upon area, as defined by the stormwater rules, and as indicated in the approved plans.. CAMA regulations may reduce the buiti-upon area for those lots rin the AEC. 2. The overall tract built upon area percentage for the project must be malritained at 25%, per the requirements of Section fOO5 of the sformwater rules,. 3. This project proposes a curb outlet system. Each designated curb outlet svmle or 100` vegetated area shown on the approved plan must be maintained at a minimum of 1i}0' long, maintain 5:1 l-I:V) side sh+opes or flatter, have a hongrtudinat slope rio steeper than 5 the flow from a 10 year storm in a nQn-erosive rr nner, rrtar€ntarn a dense �ted covers and be located in either a dedicated common area or a recorded rainage easement. 4. No pi mg shalt be allowed except those minimum amounts necessary to direct runof�beneath an impervious surface such as a road or under driveways to provide access to lots. 5. Runoff conveyances other than the curb outlet system swales, such as perimeter dimbes. must be vegetated with side slopes no super than 3:1 {H V}. 6. Approved plans and specifications for ejects covered by this permit are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. Pam 7of5 State Sto rnwater Management Systems P=A No. S1l f$ fi41 QN 1. Curb outlet swailes! v tail areas and r vegetated conveyances srral4 be constructed in th;1r e. . and be operational for their intended use prior to the construction any ilt-upon surface, per the approved pins 2.. The permittee shall at all times proves the operation and rwir4enance necessary to operate the permitted stormwater- management systems at optimum offic cy to include- Inspectionsa. Irections b. Sediment removal. C. Mow+ and reyegetat ng of the side slopes. d. Irn reperr of eroded areas. B- Maintenance of side stapes in accordance with approved pig and S QEr1S. f, Cleaning and repair of catch basin grates. flumes, piping, and the flow spreaft mechanism, The permittee small submit to the Director and shall have r�eived val for ri�rised plans, tiers, and calculations prior to consbuiki�rl, o�r arly below: ficaticrn thapproved plans, including, but not limited to, three listed Flo a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size. b Project nerve channgge. Or Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or adchtion to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area. a. Further subdivision* acquisition or sale of the proje# area. The project area is derhed as all property owned by the permittee, for whiff Sedimentation and Erasion Control Plan approval was sought. f. Filling in, piping, or altering any vegetative ronveyarme shown on the approved plan. 4. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. . The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built -upon area dues not exceed the allowable built -upon area. Once the lot transfer is complete, the bit -upon area may not be revised wftou# towel from the Division ofiVifaier Quality, and responsibility formeeting the bu-upon area limit is transferred to the indivic#ual pip owner, provided that the pemAtlee has compiled wttn the requirernents of ion 0.12 of this permft. 6. The permittee must certify in writing tiro# the project's storrnwater controls, and impervious surhaces have been constructed vvithin substantial intent of t;te be d oplans n the Ce s hepermittee+`ation from the shall submit the roved plans must Dhftion within 30 days of completion of the Certifreation to the l� pry 7. The permittee shall submit all informakon requested by the Director or his representative. within the time frame specified in the written information request. g. Each lot in the subdivision covered by this permit will maintain a minanum 30 mat wide vegeLitim buffer between all impervious areas and surface wags. 9. AN roof drains must terminate at least 30' from the Mean Koh Water mark. 10. Dead restrictions are r poi this permit by reference and must be recorded with the Officer f the of Deeds prior to the sale of any lot. State Stormwater Managetners Systems Permit No. SKIS 041030 11. Recorded deed restrictions must include, at a minimum, the following statements related to stormwater management: a. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance Witt, State Stormwater Management Permit Number 041030, as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. b The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the Stormwater Management Permit. C. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under therm. d. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. e. Al bon of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. The maximum built upon area per lot is 9,363 square feet. This allotted amount includes any bcrdt-upon area constructed within the lot propefty boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures., asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina, driveways, and parking areas. but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pods. g. FMing in, piping or al%ring any 3-1 vegetated conveyances (ditches, males, etc,) associated with the development except for average driveway crossings, is prohibited by any persons. h. FiUin in, ping or altering an designated 5-1 curb outlet Swale or vege ted area associated with the development is prohibited by any persons. i. A 301 vegetated buffer must be maintained between all built -upon area and the Mean High Waiter line of surface waters.. j. AS roof drains shall terminate at Wad 30` from the Mean High Water mark. k. Each designated curb outlet swwate or 100' vegetated area shown on the applan must be maintained at a rrrinimum of 100` tong, miuritain 5• (H-N) side scopes or flatter, have a longitixlinal slope no steeper than 5°,+6, carry the flow from a 10 year storm in a non -erosive manner, maintain a devise vegetated cover, and be located in either a dedicated common area or a recorded draiinage easement. 12 The permittee must submit a copy of the recorded deed restrictions within 30 days of the date of recording.. 13. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice. the permittee shalt submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 14. Prior to transfer of ownership, the swales must be inspected and determined to be in compliance with the permit Any deficiencies will be repaired or replaced prior to the transfer.. Pang 4 of 5 State Stomw aW KUMagemerit System earnut_NO, §Mzloga 1f. The final plats far the prat willbe recorded showing all required Swale easements aW common areas, to accordance with the approved plans. Ill. GENERAL. CONDITIONS 1. Failure to abide b the conditions and Itmitations contained in this perm t may sect the Perm= to an enforcement arfi+on by the Division of Water Quality, in ac=dance with North Camtina General Statutes 143-215.8A to 143-215.6C_ 2. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until revolted or terminated. 3. The Permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terr*wded for cause. The fling, of a request for a permit modification,r+ revocation and uance, or terfn>tnabon dries not stay any permt condit n. 4. The issuance of this parr * does not prohibit the Ckrector from mope ' and mcdil`yin9 the Parrott, revoking and rearsuing the permit, or �errninatirt�e .permit as allowed by the laws, rubes, and regulations oiurtalned in 15A #te North Cat!olir�a Adrnkttiatra�ive Cade. S��r 2H,1 OCiC1; and � CaiiroCrta +General '143-215.1 et_ al_ S. The permit is not. transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. The t)tre may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit to change the name and incorporate such other is as may lam: necessary, A formal permit tran f�er request must be to the Division of Water Oust' aea red by the appropriate fee, documentation from both parties invvlv�, andc�sup matenais as may be appropriate. The awl of this request will be c eonskh� on its merits, and may or may riot bee= The perm�ee is responsible for oom� with all 1he terms arrd ions of this permit until the Dhnsion droves the permit transfer. 6. The issuance of this permit does riot preclude the permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances imposed other r+€ernment tcies (kxW. state and federal) which have �tion. if any of se permit or aWrovals result in revisions to the plans, a permit rncxtifiGation must be subm 7. =PeZhitteeogrants permission to DENR Staff to enter the property during ours for the purposes of inspecting the storrnwater control system and its' txxr�porants. S. The permitteo shall notify the Division Of Water Quality of any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 clays: Permit Issusd this the 1P day of March 2010. NORTH CAROL INA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Exrector N i:« of Water By Authority .the Envirortmental Management Corrinjission Page 5 of 5 ONSLOW COUNTY 234 NW Corridor Boulevard Jacksonville, NC 2aS401930) 455-3661 Iswit Permu NC RBLO-2020-00368 Permit type: ft5identiai wilding Wurk Ciau7}7caWan. Residential Modular Horne PlR7kC Starc+s; Expiration:11/Z4/2020 Location Address Parcel Number 138 TRAILWOOD OR, HUBERT, NC 28539 1306-32.1 I Future Homes Applicant ri & H Electric. Service Inc. Bectrlcal contractor 2075 Freedom Way, HUBERT, NC 28539 1_0 wittle Nine RD, Morehead City, NC 28557 (91D)577-6402 service@futurehomesnc.corn (252)222-4405 hheif%ct-,e@baft rr com Future Homes General Contractor Dustin Joseph. Kennedy Mechanical Contractor 1075 Freedom Way, HUBERT, NC 28S39 1"14 River Wining Road Parkway, Jacksonville. NC 28540 (910)577-6402 service@futurehomesnc.com (910)34C-7061 kennedvsservicing@gmailcom Simpsons Plumbing Plumbing Contractor (910)298-5837 Description Construct SFD 00 Inspection Requests: Vatuatwn: $333,973. 8uiidfne1910j 455-3661 or Total5ol Feet: 2,713A0 Environmental HeaFth (910) 93&5$51 May 28, 2020 234 NW Corridor Boulevard Jacksonville, NC 28540 Page 1 of 2 e ma No. RBL-2020-00368 ONSLOW COUNTY s JP+e+►nit Type: �esidenaal Building 2B4 NW Corrtdor SouW ard +wksornrl NC y , • 2'8S�Iol'910)4ss 3 ;� Class Jlcotian; R4sldentiai Modular Home �perrn;E 5vatus. Issued Ftaes Amount GC-HQA*0wr&rsRecoVasyfund .Afro Si Ott GC -Name Owners Reemwy Fund - Pat+ $9.t1it Rei-de"wid-na • I1Aodaiar S6" a urrnc4 • 2an4II S50.flC Tatd: 57os ae issue [late: 05/29/2020 j Expiration: 11/24/2020 P"PINI is Aral Pskd TOW Fees $t7tlll." Visa $706 B6 Amount ihW. $ir-aO Available intspectionw- Ins ction 1VR Compfkv" Building 520 lns on comolianceElectr.cai $25 Inspec'lws Compliance Food 535 'ns cticip Compliance Gas and F:;el 540 (rdnectior Comphance Mechanical 545 Inspection Compliance Plumbing 550 Inwction Cornpliance7oning 2020 inspection Flood Founda#an 6W 1. e�ion Footing I 200 roundation mspft%on Spy Marriage Wall Inspection 2S0 Iusugh-In Electrical 455 Rough4n Framing 466 trtspection Rough-fn Go.& Fuel 490 Insvection Rough -in Mechanical 475 Inspection Rough -in Plumbing 480 1 on Setback InspWian 53 Undergro•,md Elea ;cai 210 Inspection underground Wastewater 220 inspection Llnderground Water 225 Supply Inspection Permisskm to Enter land. i certify that ': am ai thorizea to grant, and do in tact grant permission to Onstow County "riming ar:d Development employees and their agents, to enter on the p vlaerty noteo on the ansaw County perM for the purpose of mspev..clns. Permit Expiration In accordance with. G5153A-358, building permits expire six morltfxs "after the date of issuance if the war# authored by the permit has not commenced., or "after aommencemenj., the work is discontinued !or a period of 12 mor:hs". i hereby acknowledge that I have read this permit and state that the above %formation is correct, and agree to comply with a ' ordinances and state and federal laws, replating. activttks covered by this permit Residential Code Admirimtrator Jonathan Briggs (910) 455.3661 Caimmarraal - Deputy Director: Jessica Rhue 910) 455-3661 May 21L 2020 Date May X 2020 2V NW Corridor l3ouw and Jadcwvife, NC 28W Fie 2 of 2 ll�\ CU! �al TT RM ZONING PE_ r a� Applicant: Property Address: Zoning Permit: Parcel #: Authorized Use:. Zoning District Fu=e Domes 139 TRAILWOOD DR, HUBERT, TIC 29539 ZVP-1-020-00719/RBLD-2020-003 68 1301i-32.1 cnnouct SM R-15 SETBACKS: (Front)25 (Rear)15 (Side) 8 (Side Street) Zoning ConditioniStandards: You must call to schedule a Zoning Final Compliance inspection prior to your final building compliance :nspe;s'ivns. The roving officer will check for these items: I- Posted address number(s) 2- Changes to the building footprint (additions, porches) 3- In manufactured home parks, i & 2 and underpinning 4- For commercial projects, 1 & 2 and required site improvements (buffers, narking, si.gnage, landscaping) 5- Accessory Structures 400 sq feet and greater require the footings to be dug before a zoning setback inspection Is conducted. b- Accessory structures less than 400 sq feet must be 5 feet from side and rear property lines, '- It ib the responsibility of the property owner to have their property tirWa indicated (flagged, staked, spray painted,. etc). If the line is not marked the setback inspection cannot take place. 8- Onslow County reserves the right to request the applicant provide a survey for any setback measurement that is within question of being compliant. 4- If the location of the accessory structure does not match what is shown on the approved site plan. It is an automatic failed inspection and the applicant is requiredto resubmit a revised site plan before the setback inspection may take place. I understand that I have made the decision to indicate the location cf my aLcegsoty structure (LFM TFLAN 400 SQ FEET, MUST BE .5 FT FROM PROPERTY LINE) with a marking that is not permanent. If I fail to place my accessory structure within the footprint indicated by my placed markings then I am 3ubjcet to enR rcement by Onslow County Planning & Development and must relocate thr stnacture to comply with the approved setback. Zoning Official , ,�, Dater May 21a, 2020 This zoning permit Shall become invalid six months after the above date if work is not initiate-3 or it work is suspeni abandoned for a period of six months. Any changes in proposed plans, which are unauthorized, shay render this pen and void. ` ChtsloN Cuuttlr ffeaait$ Dtieprtrltn�tt 234 Nordni at C'mrilnr BI I Plane: f9E 919-5851 Fiv (910)989-5819 I RO v EM E.1�1� Y" ERNiil.T (OS 130A-338) A building permit eannet be issued with eal} sit Improvement Perrult Expiation. Valid Jmr 5 Yeas from 11v Dame of Isumi c j33:2i`30N Owner: COON UANIfii, r & MI:I ISSA is Addre%-. 139 TRAII:WtXID DR. 11110i4f. NC" 28534 SubdWlshar Proposedtw: Single I-.pnilaRosi3ericc Location. 138 TrAh"ituE Dr. SystemType : V System Uescription- Drip S*-stein Isttluent Pump Lot Number: settiam, Part: TA act: PermiiNNO: UUP=2iJ'_1r-f:00:'9 SydentClassifteation: s. SyAmi with DRIP Fseflipgafly design flaw: 4 BE ORI) W-480 GPD( 8 PERSONS MAX Phase: System Enlbruishou: 3200 sq ft. arumbie drip :system fbr initial and mV* "SYMEM MUST BE DESIONE U 13Y A CER111.1 W) DESIGNER Ok PRO 1 SSION At. I•.NWX FLR AND M—Hm in fink) o('i•ii) f i). R APPROVAL PRIOR 10 ISSI.'E 01' CA** LTAM: II. IS Sp&sq.. fL Water Supply-' ftblii i'SII;id %11? ACJ 111) Phi i1-.S _- ' "f � FOR ALIV'1:.1; AI. PI:,IAMI T C ONO II I l(:ANS Signed Fly: Erin Move �� � " (• � Daw. 03 ISiZO". j The sasrur��x Of1h0lierWINI AV At thra" C404010ltesdth ! 4*arssnnr in my n.si-gaim.We s rke rraatant' �l iNl+er yk rraaZ.- i iw veramr IvW r 3 i-expur.;ebk.rr.r. e�wrc k M rrlr A p Nita x1nv swing In-ifrc s or 9J elmp Awr nwor "nrs ?iris p rMj fc :rjrnj&j to +'iriYettttltnr .f rit s:AV pA , i,Ae . r jira ig4rl+:ass r<s.+ chmtgv r. 7Eus lmaravM*1 Perruit ahuh n(s be Octed i* a t ar rnr ►rerWap of AL, site 7744Fjt not u sableor to rartitairurree Inn A; fa»t isivea of i/u Lan, u/ #I?q preys/ Owner: VA eA650k G_ nr, Address! 4. Location: -rras iu-i-ce-1 D r- PLOT PLAN SCALE' I inch =5 feet SYKMM1rYPF' _ Fitter nag k'.� .tom C! -- LIAR C`" Sq FT 3200 LFN;t=AR PEE T HOFWN:ES: TRF.NC H Vi'llM.REPAIR ARPA: _� .-.. _. Fi:i'T t'31ti t-L• tiTFEt la=?�1tta.1�:.C�f.F ADDENDUM TO PERMIT # PAGE _�_OF, _ ADDITIONAL PERM IT CONDITION:S: 1 . m nos park or dnve on any part ur system or rc%air n e.:2. i]e not add at ttsaove soil, or oilrcrwrsc alter the Lc :a tLc,4ge: io- septic syum ko moon and repair area witlwut p.tor apnr3v41'r-!A gnslow ^ouni Stivitonmental lkatth. Doiny so m r%--ult+a - t`utsina ice or permit tevtication. Nitniantuwt trcrtch aggregate shall be coveted what getnexbte Ster fabric, straw, untreated paper or outer approved mawn.ih lvricr r; first. cover. backfdling. D o.not ivamit system under wet conditions. !toe► used to stet absorption systems shall be ctc.:n, w nited gtx crushed shine and gtsdod or size in accordatvice wait v:xs mmttmrs 3. 4, 5, 57. or ti of 4114 14 D-448 (standatdstzts :!'w s!a 4W ep::,; t*iucti is hers}>i• atlt,pted by reference in accordartrt: aid: ti.'� ia'• i{� 1•F tit• Laounreatmimn of aggtegtue siai sh.sit ss aEaa:u4c upon inquest. Adlttra too mi!ritc•:m sctbtck requioemcnts as arttod in ;L,tta :9" and I911 orbs` I.axa and Ruler j1K er�C°=reat.itpt:.art4.r�:y.�:�`: S.jSj& ,f; tret4ir 1:. G.S. Chatrtr:: tUA} ueie�; : �amMi c n pica d tit rhrshemtit Atltr.:mp tanks shalt be tested for ;eater tightness. Sehtie tanks stay be subject to a water tightaass test. I his septic tank is da4 ped to recuivc sewape v austc%avt sutler gravaty Now !towewcr, ifs system sattjec: t* L� c i _: t'_:uab a,. Code is used ti tamp aw sewage !tv :he sel:; is twikr the scwagr shai: lie :educed m gra�uy nee tnrtniern Caw by a; ;two _d :acav a: �'ac inlet of the sip" talk System tmmpnaeuts reptasent apptazimme c ewi dnly. ilia coatramor;rAw !Ing the kclan pow !:� lrsy.aa;tiF r:sir tr.:xat.tutvn.;.�• •:n , v dw proper grade is Maintained. tknsr:xv is3naneo *ribe opsoukri _vrmi . r contract fnr opctat, ro and nowro ntsxce sirs.: tx execute..i iraweari Asa s; car:; .ttmsr stud m: JRi: as rctiuinpi m areletc6ance wtrtt ltni 4'1G �(ct, v,..t .a �tuthottas.c to wriErrrg by rite raanufacturet tQ +:perarc mvu muramat lhtm �s'eut, .A ectrdittett ofthe oparatusa permit shall be &K a convw rot 4eration twd mxrionaita with an 9RC. aha'1 mrtxt in etfect for aslaas as dig - VIEW is io MAW t» use. . Suttntit dewice ads; ,cod gxrcuicaestts for the irtapeesd mvheurfa.a anaemic tip � syattsrc. hi! aparant siw4 ba ak:sigtted by :+ lxofes aeginact rx curt ad dassq ' !roans and spma6cadm is sW be paVatod, rc.-:even turd apl ::n is ac0oWitiat vaith Rubes .14!9(o)amd: [). 13. system sbrat iw t+essgmed and :n caved :« xca.taxs: ugh ai cosalitam :oquitcd indu: .Vpht::raie m wt iim;; wall:•wrta s j%cm appros tis. Tilt eytttem skit W. msiatlec by a : n .N luf *Ah(ti=d Li writing 4 :he manufactwer, who, 4.15 ;m-irate :Ire rastatlstrci with the Limper and rt<anufaEturer's tiold mpreaent4%, Tito manuFactura's field represenodim arse ritat4. aw N:& prov tie mitten conCtrourron of !licit accep arzo of im system rn.dalh tur: pnv. m op-- patch sstrmres. FOR DWELL ING t +if1' AAS1•LW.91 PR SYST KMS ON IA' - ihiswrs!rug:r:::;x°>t�ta;tica'st�:!:r::+,. e:.iknut:t'Yr fbcdr.otf shimis is bedtootrts at sleWnr ticrmt oit rat builwa iloor ; .'an approve¢ by uraittnv 0ourity C&* enforcement No other robin or space may be relabeled a s badroan, --;ad w a bedrorrn. or converted o tie mist without ones apMval from Umdow ,'ouaiy Em•rtraruiem al 7I'Alth A praeons!nrctian wtl.asnce sbx2 wo ra ptu*c ;4zor to begraair'. any sire modrSr s to �arisuuuiva s f ;I s.trua:era Sat'403ce 131:p 5; tine ar+}i.�a.s siuv?I ue etter::l.J #� ii,e .>:meiicar atttka-i*ed system desiper, Ameriei+r at:titotised mwatiar; vtd tho'acai :taahu 4aparestat, Tim hccnsod sot: seienuit wu:stt taecr, d professional ta,bmoarsi i� etso be prate+:iF aw ppt owc 15. A rVxr4W ,.+X „r deed 1941 r a:p altar: be cubmined :o rr art:n uaut al Slcaith aeruon i4 e'r; 0rA:atr ouiaty Fruits ;)Gparwwrq PAIO-1w tsst,m:_e of the i aaatrucrr'.a h:tthoriznuon 16. An APPR©vED ammwatc plan r tati be sa-uitticd tin ►he Enviteamente itwib Section oo the tlnslow county Health Mpattntmet PRIOR to issurineo of a Cansktrct:gym Aurtponrtttmn. Addendum to Pmnit # 144205—t.Gb `7i Page _, of „ ,; _ SPECIAL CUh1IiI'I7 1, System design, including calculations, detail sheets, and drawings will. be required to be submitted to the Onslow County Health Dqmt=t by a Certified Designer or PmfeWo:W Engineer PRIOR Teti► issuance of Consuwuon AudwOza iwL 2. Pre -construction meeting with the Environmental Health Section of the Onslow County Health Department, septic wntractor, and owners, ill occur before installation. 3. In Aeeordw= with 15A NC AC 1 SA .1970 (m), the owner shall provide the Onslow County Health Department documentation that a contract for operation and maintenance of the system is in glace with either the manufacturer, manufacturer's representative, or with a certified operator authorized in writing by the manufacturer or.manu&etumes representative to operate the system, PRIt)R TO issuance of Construction Authorization. Onslow County Health Department 234 Northwest Corridor Blvd ' Jacksonville, North Carolina 28540 Phone: (910) 938-5951 Fax (910) 989-5819 trr+ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION (GS 130A-336) (Reavired for Bud!}eE>t Permit) i l US ALa 111011MATION FOR WASTF RA11 F R SN S r!-M CONS IRI lCrION SU ALL BE VA1.10 FORA 1314 C1i) r<, UAL V.) TM.. PFRIM OF VMAXTY OF 1']IF IMPRok iNtl'NT Prtt*lrl. Owner: C.Of IN DANIEL F & A11-1 ISSA F Address: .138IR-MI.1 0013DR, lit R Rr. V: 28531# Subdh Won: Bloc).: Propo►ed Use: Stnttla F&niil% Rja'Jert:.e Location: 0b ThuIA.W Dr System* Typts Sysfean tlacrfpdM Drip 5yst t. Faluum Pump Lot Number: seetwo.. Park Tratt P:nnit%-3: HICA-200-.41195 Syean ('tassiafrcatiop: a..y xti, m +� itlt 1 tR1!' i'ialx*swi Fatdft'/Dai]Y desip flow; 41*.URVOIIW, 480 GPD' 8 P'EMUM MAX Sys llafarmaties: 3:t:►0 sy ft. ate mbic drip system for initial od r pvir •►Sa AT'IACIIED VVRC-RI IF" DRIP DES' ION SCAB! 17TI70 BY 01 NE Yt3L.".%4 Ri.1IS" L.TAR tt. 13 ttp&iiq it. U ater Supply : P,. bs w Septic Teak Size : I MO g�tlhmi Pump Tank Size: N:.1 fralitms N"itkadea Ares 3200b4. tt, Ne of Lives. to be dasigned Trwteb Beffom Depth: 3" Grease Trap Size: N. A g.tllom Nitrit'teattton Linear Feet: I.W. Wt. it Lint Length: to hn :m,iLmvJ Phan+;: Lien 1%idth: % l P (SLY Ar'1;�►VHbDP.•-U&,�.. / - of 2rx _.__.._.__r{.�!t 1tJI1111ONM FI.RM1r i ti1� �lIICt'NS Stgrted By Lho k1slye -- — Uate: t15 tt l 302'o hut torn *carom if the sit., pit w. plat %imir k :« .R .iwn *rJ:titrrF. :: rw?:r.-,1 CO MT &M-e with thv lrruaf!:#M •.i iim Lm s alpd ttttle3.11 r ';a'N rage Th amen aml J' i 9p m i .itW ':) the v:aw Cfxn rt, j imm jwrlw, uidfaN.rdF,vn reYti +reARC4ta r1t ►tk a'x : i0Srt. ; yS.'- . t 9t� . �JS . l il.ifr I9J.' f O Y and �'ySv ..n m;,-, rem-( THE ISSUANCE OF THIS C..4.. Dogs VAT M.N.i`I ITUTF. AN ONSLOW COUNTY WARRkN'I V OR GVMtANTEE OF THE Fl; NC`i'iONALITY OF f itE WASTEWATER Sy4'f uNt (Wtlw COW13 Iieaith Uqurtment �, ' .3'i 1ur#tarnt (iur;,#ur ail►,i <'�F ixk�tJltitii4�. (anrtb f.t1t'ui�ua �Li.'��! P6ow,1910) 918-5$51 1".1►: (9101499-3819 IEMCP'.k OWES- [ENT PERMIT. (GS (30A.336) A buW&ng Pervert CaoW be roved with only on Impmemamt Permit F:xpiratfi�r 1`.113J a.,r y Ys:;.r, I�1�ti1 i'hL 1T.uu a1'I><:uwncr iJ= ,a ?t1�4i 0%na; VOI IN iiANII-I. I • he Stfa.i51.1 C Addreu: 138 1({,tiiMIXIDDRA RIRI. N;C' 28.134 Strbdtsiptm Lot Number. seetwo.. BbcL•: Part: Traet: Proposed 4se: single Fa r0% Residowc L.ocad w 13P I4W1%oW Fb' 3,vsutm Type: V !stem Cbmiticbtion: L S4stcm %..:h DRIP dtso wi System. Descriptiao; Drip !►,-sr rra, l:ti! uou Pump F*tftMONY dwip flm- 'I BE:(*UU.W4W tst'ty s NL SX Pl1w e: System Ish w Wow. 32OU bq, It armerobic dttp s}si an for initial wW mFwr 00SYSTI-M MUS F' Br. tIkSIC:aFtl NY A VF.ii l Li''1kU DFSKAI R 01! 1111 t1 t;S ON.-U !=:'. ITNI:I R A%I J yi Bw f n n tow LD F tR APMO'v ►I. MOR TO ISAR, t'. t it- t"-A •s LT.AR : #.I S gpd. 1. ti. V1 atsr Supply Pubh, 1:St.1 M'i WIH.1,1Pr1�i1:� Imo. [sriA 1htc ► .. � uso: 43: 25i2GZo t!6Jc':d?YA�4a'«.!rrl7lt�'1K7tf�'1�J1[%J1:1Y{••7{1�i11'�ftfr:�i%F.�'�alrjA(yrrF rll lPw+�'�A'i•a'ie"d'siA'S.•r'a'i17�1:•itr�i:� �.t::t%]Y'�ti'rg7:1� e�7��1�7Ytl7N ll���•r .i4 ra .y_.rfs!!+�t A� .'�$ti/i�R,� h r1!7. r iy°NIIC �+A'a'MNtel �'cA1+t'.4 N irlN'�"Nry rha'rr rp,�en'tl4Yflti i;14Y (+.•ran l :.� trn.•j : tr.; '►Y�k,rt/�,+r� 0111;" +rt.' J"h��A pi -if .. v the .JJs)i1lf .'r /♦'yi ).niwtn xfl:rr;dl.:lAllt Jill es-ei•.14'd Ai aJ1,40;'p'SNp u�ry,•.'�Ir�.,•!-'aik''?ra" :/It! kfY911f 7i .wN I', i Ir / ' %. J, a'. +tii•M({tiAtAk�'i7rl. s`.7+'ilT:l�itil.+#4!.•;e:"k' ta>. + :'�Ai i�iatar,ja':�e•v.fXr ;>4".rMrrnf iln.i I:ir>y�i .Jitrr 1.. IMt� .e,vrdtrrfrrl.t r,� ;Ir;. �,r.�.l.r Owner: -Du t 6 -v �I ck Address: "Tra; \wr ierA *Location: )3.T7_f-a.I%4,.eJ Dt PLOT PLAti SCALE: I inch —50 xct — VA TYPY. %R11IM11", g$Q, Flb AR FEFT CIL,; ME A XWTH LACH TRV41 i 13CM ON4 TROW14WItylit'. ET W;UNI.S ADDENDUM I0PERMIT #t; ADDn'10.\ALKRMII CONDITION 2. o.,w swi, ZU 4%43 A a 3. ma 5. whirl as :4W* akvWdm4 mtctva;` I. I; S ftti 1s- 14 �0 �)mtlwmwmtv dwuAo ,:,t w,:4 .t W. W�ALIA A&am m.'.nnj-.m OrAft %cqnm_-Amft..m 0-Im m Vtk All 7. bo 4ubjiw, to a w 4w ugLvou Itit Ilm sou.; tu& :& d=Apdd w ocatur Aamr%= A"j nn MW ct dw svjr ua 9. WtWacw muo am (W mwm.)" f".f.sumAtom 0 A=L *a r.40 Oak 4 maommuez 10. ?-!a 10 UWW.;t W ft L%M*..Z k!W. i Wt-,�.I ';,jF PC, s."wvAazt " be em-anda %Kwt" i-;etwe., and c i 1-1 WU2 .fi wuutV. by ehs To=uF&zavr Im 4arjo &.1 imam k sto "IsiWA"W48 wtdl!m SRC skolil ='LL.- I Voc, Ul, 36 tWgjm the sysAm ;a to iemam in use md tht Jutm-t-�.; �A' ., �,; .. .._ I tr ML,�Iej ot-.-g! - , mo W'Temwl, mwmd Ad 4pp.?V;�. Alm 16yi. 12. A.a �vl 3 io WWW-1.4 *0 CfAV4.,Wn x,th qW sv.dnts mad IMA&AWN ". 6M mweatim', fidd rq-rm=*% ft cd:ift,,r2*r 4W pruvi& wrath mitmooll Atelf amplauct offtw storm lk1swiatim poor tz TmAbin pawkt B. J.% C. as bc zo_",f cc Btapinb sftru :c tra; am PLA:i �mvwmd guy" is wsjul pr-.,t NW(mal fim, 1).]Aow 14. t-z tr. mi-r, I!Tiu a:, v,Av" 'No moze "I be aw-t*ci oa -.m Amcm&v a..w.;�,j Imparmto ttc avmw tall sciep" =J 1rfixed 1'r2fa"aaw evosom "m also be pxcw"t. as aWtiubm dfod M4 :(Mfj.jjj"", '._'C IPJ6Milted tlath Std'Ult e [he V"'. IRKIR It) U- o�ozm t "t 1U,.—, 16. 0 Amit"anti-v, Addendum to permit # Pap _,� of , SPECIAL CONDMOINS S} sxen3 desioL xrirlttdittg, calculations. dt:tail shet .and dram ngs will be rctluir%:l ttx be submitted to the Ores ttw County 1 lath iATwupent by a Certified De igtier or Prof mil Engineer PRJOR TO isbwwc of Ccw tm-tion Authurirati in. ' Pro -construction meeting %ith dw Em ironmental 1 tealth Section of the Onslo 4 County Health Delmimrn, scptic wrimactur. and owmer& snail occur before - installation. 3. In Accordance with 15 A:tiCfW I SA .1970 (m). the ow mn shall provide the Onslow Ccninty l h-alth Depakmnent dtvurt mitatiun that a contract far opera ion and maintenance of the hN stem is in Islam with either the manulkturcr. manu6ctur s nprescntative. or with a 4:ertified oWraEter wahorizxJ in writing by the marutA tuner or manufacturer's reprewntative to operate the system. PRIOR TO issuonce of C onstruction Authorization. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HFAI.TI I ON -SITE WASTEWATER SECTION SOB -BITE EVALUATION for ON -SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM '&z 1 oe I Proreo ID UNSLOW l-:t)UKIY OVVNatyt V'�. �C, APPLICANT: _ .�'.►�'- - �i ." _� - _ ADDRESS' _ " s . vAI'FUC kION DATE: ���;� I)+� IE EVAI.l;A1'T.Ii � • 41 PROPOSED FACILITY.'PROPOSED DESIGN FLOW (:1949): _'� '�� Pit(ii'RS i'7►" SII.I : �i LOCATION OF SITE: Ito ry RFCORi E33 WATER SUPPLY: ❑ Private is Public ❑ Well Spring ❑ Other EVAGUArJONMETH.OD:1KAugerBoring Pit LXt 'TYPE OF WASTEWATER.% Sewage ❑ Industri9 Pnxm Li Mixed P R SOIL MORPHOLOGY i O YHER 01 F (.1941) i PROFILE FACTORS L .1940 I LAND- HORI- — - •- - 1941 .1941 .1942 1 E R SC'AIP'E I MITION/ ZON DEPTH STRUCTURL' CONSIST) NCE SOIL .1943 1956 .1944 i PROFtt"- RESTR CLASS # SLOPE'f+ t TEXTVRE 'ViMRALOGY WETNESS/ COLOR SOIL � SAPRO DEPTH i CLASS HORIE I ati LT 4 it aL NC F -7!">I'S 7. i `� • .. + I DESCRUMON INITIAL SYSTEM REPAIR SYSTFti1 AvailableSpare(.1y4�1 a SI!!-t_1..ASS!}I(.X110N1.19481 -- _ - System Tyros) ,r Cx '4fv _ . , . i Site LTAR (';3 #. ' f:omment& .�..../w '� 4 i �� �� �' t z ,� ��. 1 �� � � � t. � .'�'. ���� � �� :�; ��.�M