HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000446_Min Control Measres_20201218NPDES PHASE II Minimum Control Measure 1: Public Education & Outreach Implementation Objectives • Meet public education and outreach goals for compliance with the Apex NPDES Phase II stormwater permit. • Educate citizens, developers, businesses, and students on a variety of stormwater topics related to protecting water quality. • Raise public perception of the role of local government in environmental protection. Strategy • Implement a multi -layered educational campaign targeting Apex citizens and customers, developers and contractors, businesses, and students with effective print and electronic messages throughout the year. Target Audiences • Town of Apex citizens and customers • Town of Apex developers and contractors • Town of Apex businesses • Town of Apex students Implementation • Public Events Stormwater staff host an educational booth at multiple annual Town public events to reinforce educational ideas on a variety of stormwater topics through posters, brochures, and giveaways: o Apex Peak Fest (annual event each May) o Apex Pig Fest (annual event each June) o Apex Night Out (annual event each October) o Jazz Fest (annual event each October) Apex also hosts several NC State stormwater continuing education workshops each year. • Stormwater Survey The purpose of the Town stormwater survey is to gauge citizen awareness and understanding of water quality issues related to stormwater runoff. Establishing a citizen baseline awareness is key in assisting Town staff in focusing future stormwater education and outreach initiatives. The first survey was completed in 2013. Staff will repeat the survey every few years to measure the effectiveness of these initiatives in protecting surface water quality in Apex. T6 Last updated:,10/26/2018 • Educational Brochures Stormwater staff have developed educational brochures on a variety of topics available to Apex target audiences: o Composting n Residential Yard Waste o Cross -Connection Control o Water Conservation o Illicit Discharge _} Watershed Protection o Residential Recycling • Utility Bill Mailings A NewsPeak newsletter was published annually up until 2017. The publication was sent to all Apex citizens and customers through utility bill mailings. The newsletter was published by the Public Works Department and a variety of stormwater topics were always included. A general Town information monthly publication is under consideration for the future by Town administrative staff to replace the NewsPeak publication. Town stormwater staff plan to submit seasonal stormwater education topics to be published in this proposed monthly mailing. In addition, stormwater education hot topics are included each year in the annual Drinking Water CCR as well as the annual Wastewater CCR published and sent out to all Apex citizens and customers through bill mailings. • Clean Water Education Partnership (CWEP) Apex continues its membership in CWEP, a cooperative effort of 35 partners that include local governments, State agencies, and nonprofit organizations to protect water quality in the Neuse and Cape Fear River basins. The main goal of CWEP is to educate a large audience on stormwater pollution prevention through radio and TV campaigns. Reaching such extensive audiences through mass media would be cost -prohibitive for Apex to try to accomplish alone. Apex has been an active member of this partnership since 2004. • Town of Apex website www.a exnc.or Stormwater staff keeps educational information updated continuously on the Town website. The stormwater specific webpage includes separate informational pages on: o NPDES Phase II o Jordan Lake Rules o Riparian Buffers o Storm Drain Marking Program o Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) o Stormwater Drainage Inventory Program o Stormwater Tips o Swift Creek TMDL • Stormwater Hotline A stormwater hotline (Water Resources Department main number, 919-362-8166) is heavily advertised on the Town of Apex website and on educational brochures as the number for citizens and customers to call regarding stormwater concerns or suggestions. Town stormwater staff respond to each call and conduct field visits as necessary concerning all aspects of the stormwater program in Apex. s CIO &A' Last updated:10/26/2018 Currently all stormwater education and outreach materials distributed in Apex through the stormwater hotline, the Town website, utility bill mailings, and at public events are published in English; however, CWEP does run radio and television stormwater educational spots in Spanish. • Business Outreach One of the Town's Water Resources Specialists is responsible for educating businesses on improper hazardous waste disposal, grease management, and the illicit discharge program. There is an open line of communication between this position and Town stormwater staff, especially in the case of identifying and reporting illicit discharges at local businesses. Town stormwater staff share all stormwater educational publications with the Specialist for use in the field as needed. Last updated:10126/2018 NPDES PHASE II Minimum Control Measure 2: Public Involvement & Participation Implementation Obiectives • Meet public involvement and participation goals for compliance with the Apex NPDES Phase II stormwater permit. • Encourage Apex citizens and customers and students to participate in programs and activities to raise stormwater pollution prevention awareness. • Encourage citizens and customers to give feedback to Town stormwater staff on the stormwater program. Strategy • Advertise avenues for Apex citizens and customers and students to become involved in the Town stormwater program either by volunteer participation or by giving feedback to help improve the program. Target Audiences • Town of Apex citizens and customers • Town of Apex students Implementation • Storm Drain Marking Program The Town has implemented an active storm drain marking program since 2007. The program is heavily advertised on the Town of Apex website. Historically volunteer participation has been seasonal, with the majority of events taking place in the spring and summer months. The drains are marked with hard plastic that are watershed specific stating that no dumping is allowed and that the drain flows to a specific creek. • Big Sweep This Wake County program is heavily advertised on the Town of Apex website. The Town is always looking for volunteers to organize and lead the events. The Town serves more in a support role by advertising the event, providing supplies, etc. • Citizen Input Citizen input regarding the Town of Apex stormwater program is solicited on the Town of Apex website. Citizens are encouraged to provide input on local stormwater issues and on the stormwater program in general through an online form. Currently, the Town feels the online feedback option provides an adequate forum for the solicitation of stormwater program feedback. Organizing a volunteer citizen panel to physically meet and discuss the stormwater program regularly may become necessary in the future as stormwater issues become more prevalent and Town stormwater staffing levels are increased. The Last updated:10/26/2018 Town also solicits citizen input through the stormwater survey documented with MCM #1. • Stormwater Hotline The Town of Apex actively promotes and maintains the Water Resources Department main number (919-362-8166) as a hotline to route parties interested in public involvement and participation to the correct staff member. Last updated:10/26/2018 NPDES PHASE II Minimum Control Measure 3: Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Implementation Objectives • Meet illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) goals for compliance with the Apex NPDES Phase II stormwater permit. • Detect and eliminate illicit discharges within Town limits. • Educate Town employees, citizens, and businesses about the hazards associated with illicit stormwater discharges and the detrimental effects to surface waters. • Encourage Town employees, citizens, and businesses to report illicit discharges observed in the field. Strategy • Expand the scope of those able to identify and report illicit discharges observed in the field through a strong public education program targeted at Apex employees, citizens, and businesses. Continue to task Town stormwater staff to identify potential problem areas and conduct dry weather flow inspections on a routine basis for each watershed. Target Audiences • Town of Apex employees • Town of Apex citizens and customers • Town of Apex businesses Implementation • Standard Operating Procedures The Town of Apex drafted a set of IDDE Standard Operating Procedures in 2008 (revised 2013) in order to systematically address illicit discharges and connections in the Town Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). • IDDE Ordinance The Town of Apex adopted an Illicit Discharge ordinance in 2008 making illicit discharges illegal within Town corporate limits. This ordinance also provides the means to enforce upon violators as required. • IDDE Reporting An Illicit Discharge hotline (Water Resources Department main number, 919-362-8166) is heavily advertised on the Town of Apex website and on IDDE brochures as the number to call for employees, citizens and customers, and businesses to report observed illicit discharges. Each reportable incident is investigated in the field by Town stormwater staff. Tracking forms are completed and photographs are taken as part of the investigation. Town staff Last updated: 10/26/2018 follow-up with violators as required to resolve the illicit discharge event. Tracking all IDDE incidents allows Town staff to notice any trends and to target repeat violators with further educational efforts. • _MS4 Mapping An MS4 map showing all stormwater drains, lines, manholes, outfalls, culverts, and SCMs is maintained and regularly updated by the Town. The most recent version of the map is available for download on the Town website. • Dry Weather Flow Inspections The Town of Apex has a systematic procedure for conducting dry weather flow field observations in accordance with written procedures for detecting and removing the sources of illicit discharges. Tracking forms have been developed to inventory dry weather flow inspection occurrences and findings. • Staff Training Stormwater staff routinely trains relevant field staff on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination and on Good Housekeeping practices including Stormwater Pollution Prevention. Training was first conducted in 2007 and takes place annually. The goal is to ensure new employees are trained and that existing employees are refreshed on the topics covered every other year. Employees in the following departments attend the training: Water Resources, Public Works & Transportation, Electric, Facility & Fleet, and Parks & Rec. • Business Outreach One of the Town's Water Resources Specialists is responsible for educating businesses on improper hazardous waste disposal, grease management, and the illicit discharge program. There is an open line of communication between this position and Town stormwater staff, especially in the case of identifying and reporting illicit discharges at local businesses. Town stormwater staff share all stormwater educational publications with the Specialist for use in the field as needed. • Household Hazardous Waste Program Through the Town website, citizens and customers, businesses, and students are educated on Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) disposal. The HHW disposal webpage defines household hazardous waste and lists examples. Strategies to reduce the amount of household hazardous waste are also discussed. The address, directions, and hours of operation of the nearest HHW collection facility (South Wake Solid Waste Management Facility) are also listed on the webpage. These same HHW educational themes are also presented in periodic utility bill mailings and in educational brochures distributed at public events and to local businesses. Last updated: 10/26/2018 NPDES PHASE II Minimum Control Measure 4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Controls Implementation Obiectives • Meet construction site runoff goals for compliance with the Apex NPDES Phase II stormwater permit. • Reduce sediment in stormwater runoff from construction sites. Strategy • The Town relies on its locally delegated Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control (S&E) program and the DEQ general stormwater permit for construction activities to satisfy the requirements of this minimum control measure. Target Audiences • Town of Apex developers • Town of Apex citizens Implementation • S&E Ordinance The Town adopted a Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control ordinance in 1997 giving Apex the authority to enforce upon violators as required. The ordinance has been updated through Town Council adoption over the years in order to remain compliant with the latest State rules and laws. • S&E Construction Sequence Proper erosion control measures are required for every construction site in Town regardless of the project size, including single family residences. For sites exceeding 20,000ft2, an approved erosion control plan is required by the Town. The S&E Construction Sequence is maintained on the Town of Apex website and updated regularly in order to guide developers through the construction process in Town. • S&E inspections A Senior Engineer within the Water Resources Department is responsible for implementation of the Town S&E program. All construction site inspection documentation is maintained by the Senior Engineer and his staff. • NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit for Construction Activities The NCGO10000 permit is administered by the State and establishes requirements for construction site operators to control construction site waste that may cause adverse Last updated: 10/26/2018 impacts to water quality. The Town distributes this general stormwater permit information to developers when issuing a letter of Plan Approval for a particular site. • S&E Hotline An S&E hotline (Water Resources Department main number, 919-362-8166) is heavily advertised on the Town of Apex website and on educational brochures as the number for citizens and customers to call regarding observed erosion and sedimentation problems. The Senior Engineer and his staff respond to these S&E calls and conducts follow-up field visits as required. Last updated:10/26/2018 NPDES PHASE II Minimum Control Measure 5: Post -Construction Stormwater Management Implementation Objectives • Meet post -construction stormwater management goals for compliance with the Apex NPDES Phase 11 stormwater permit. • Ensure post -construction stormwater controls are in place and routinely maintained in order to minimize negative impacts to water quality. Strategy • Post -construction stormwater runoff are controlled to the maximum extent practicable through a robust stormwater ordinance, buffer program, and structural BMP program. Target Audiences • Town of Apex developers • Town of Apex citizens and customers Implementation • Stormwater Ordinance (UDO Section 6.1) The Town of Apex has adopted a watershed protection ordinance to ensure the availability of public water supplies at a safe and acceptable level of water quality and to minimize sedimentation of streams. The latest revisions were completed in 2013. The most recent version can always be found on the Town of Apex website. The executed ordinance is kept in the administrative offices of the Town Clerk. • Riparian Buffers Section 6.1.11 of the watershed protection ordinance discusses riparian buffer requirements within Apex corporate limits. There are 100' buffers on perennial streams consisting of 3 zones: o Zone 1— 30' from top of bank o Zone 2 — 20' from end of Zone 1 o Zone 3 — 50' from end of Zone 2 There are 50' buffers on intermittent streams consisting of 2 zones: o Zone 1— 30' from top of bank o Zone 2 — 20' from end of Zone 1 Apex has jurisdiction over all riparian buffers outside of Zones 1 and 2 of streams in the Neuse river basin. Within the Neuse basin, DWQ regulates Zones 1 and 2 and Apex regulates Zone 3 (where applicable). Apex regulates all zones of stream buffers in the Last updated: 10/26/2018 corporate limit areas within the Jordan Lake basin. A table of uses allowed within riparian buffers is given on page 12 of UDO Section 6.1. A "No Practical Alternatives" form is required to be submitted to the Town by anyone undertaking uses in Apex -regulated riparian buffers designated as "allowable" or "allowable with mitigation" in the table of uses. If mitigation is required, a "Buffer Impact Justification and Mitigation" form must also be submitted to the Town. • Stormwater BMPs Section 6.1 of the Town UDO provides the Town legal authorityto require structural BMPs on all development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than 1 acre and exceeds 12% built -upon area. The Town has adopted the DWQ BMP Manual as its official BMP design guidance document and every required structural BMP must be designed in accordance with the manual. DWQ BMP supplement forms are also a required submittal with engineer calculations. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) agreements are required on all structural BMPs. Links to the BMP Manual and supplement forms as well as links to downloadable O&M agreements are maintained on the stormwater page of the Town of Apex website. Upon installation of a structural BMP and submittal of certified as -built drawings by the engineer, the Environmental Programs Manager or his designee inspects the BMP for compliance with approved construction plans and issues a final approval letter once satisfied. Town BMP as -built supplement forms are required with as -built submittals. The forms are a checklist format, requiring the engineer to certify that all aspects of the structural BMP were installed per approved construction drawings. These forms are available for download on the Town of Apex website. BMP inspection reports are required to be submitted by the BMP owner to the Town on an annual basis beginning one year from the date of approval of certified BMP as -built drawings. The reports must be sealed by a registered North Carolina engineer, landscape architect, or land surveyor. Town of Apex stormwater staff complete the annual inspections for Town -owned BMPs. Links to downloadable BMP inspection forms are maintained on the stormwater page of the Town of Apex website. A spreadsheet log is maintained by Town stormwater staff to track annual inspection due date compliance. NOV letters and Civil Penalty Assessments are issued to non -compliant BMP owners as necessary. As of December 2015, there are 260 constructed structural stormwater BMPs in Town that are inspected on an annual basis. Town stormwater staff maintain a comprehensive database inventory of structural BMPs in Town as well as an updated map of the location of all structural BMPs in Town. Last updated:10/26/2018 NPDES PHASE II Minimum Control Measure 6: Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Implementation Obiectives • Meet Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping goals for compliance with the Apex NPDES Phase II stormwater permit. • Minimize stormwater pollution from municipal operations. • Maintain baseline environmental assessment reports for each municipal operation facility describing stormwater pollution potential. • Train Town employees on Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping (as well as IDDE) on a recurring basis. Str_ ateg • Educate Town field employees on Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping and how it relates to our stormwater program. Manage municipal facilities such that stormwater pollution potential is minimized. Target Audience • Town of Apex employees Implementation • Facility Inspections Baseline facility inspections were completed for all municipal facilities and are ongoing as new Town facilities are put into operation. Baseline reports were written for each facility based on field inspections documenting the potential for stormwater pollution. Each facility is inspected annually to ensure that stormwater pollution potential is still being minimized. Records are kept within the CityWorks program for all inspections. • Staff Traininp, Stormwater staff routinely trains relevant field staff on Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination and on Good Housekeeping practices including Stormwater Pollution Prevention. Training was first conducted in 2007 and takes place annually. The goal is to ensure new employees are trained and that existing employees are refreshed on the topics covered every other year. Employees in the following departments attend the training: Water Resources, Public Works & Transportation, Electric, Facility & Fleet, and Parks & Rec. Street Sweeping Program The purpose of the Town Street Sweeping Program is to improve the overall appearance and functionality of Apex roadways and the Apex stormwater drainage system. A Last updated: 10/26/2018 program summary was developed by Town staff that includes a street sweeping map as well as the documentation form used to report on quantities of material collected from Town/State roads and parking lots. American Road Conservation, LLC has been the Town contractor since 2013. Storm Drain Maintenance Program The Town of Apex IDDE Ordinance requires that a standard storm drainage catch basin cleanout schedule and maintenance program be established and adopted by the Town to ensure that water quality is adequately protected. Storm drains in Town are systematically inspected and cleaned out as necessary in order to maintain an inventory of stormwater infrastructure condition and to ensure that blockages and flooding are reduced to the maximum extent practicable. Collected debris is taken to the C&D Landfill on Highway 55. Approximately 10% of the system is inspected annually. Inspections follow an SOP and are documented within Cityworks. • Spill Response Spill response procedures are maintained by each individual municipal facility as required according to what materials are stored. • Used Oil Recycling All used oil collected from municipal vehicle maintenance operations is collected and recycled. In addition, a 250-gallon used oil tank is kept outside the fence line of the Public Works Warehouse facility for residents to dispose of used oil from their personal vehicle maintenance operations. Approximately 2,000 gallons of used oil is recycled on an annual basis. • Fertilizer Application Management Municipal employees and contractors are properly trained for all pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer application. All contractors working for the Town are required to have current permits and certifications for this application. Vehicle & Equipment Cleaning Currently all Town trucks and equipment are washed at the state-of-the-art, NPDES- compliant vehicle washing bay located at the Public Works facility at 105 Upchurch Street. Last updated: 10/26/2018