HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC 43 (5)f i ARMPI R,-oo AP RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of New Bern has been advised that the North Carolina Department of Transportation ("DOT") proposes that the only intersection in the NC Highway 43 Connector project ("Project") is to be constructed as a "left-over" or "Super Street" design; and, WHEREAS, the location of the Project is consistent with the City's thoroughfare plan and, additionally, is being constructed pursuant to the determination by the Governor and the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Transportation to provide access as an economic incentive to the BSH factories and warehouse sites; and, WHEREAS, the Project principally will serve local traffic and is not reasonably expected to be used by a substantial volume of non-local traffic as any substantial volume of future "through traffic" will use the US Highway 17 Bypass which is to be constructed by DOT just to the west of the location of the Project; and, WHEREAS, the City of New Bern expected and has requested of DOT a full- movement intersection with signalization at the Project intersection, which intersection would be consistent with the New Bern thoroughfare plan, the extension of Elizabeth Avenue, the need to divert local traffic from Glenbumie Road, to reduce increasing traffic and pedestrian safety concerns for H J McDonald Middle School, the necessity to provide access to existing extensive development to the west of Glenburie Road, and to facilitate anticipated development on both sides of the Project; and, WHEREAS, Weyerhaeuser Company is the owner of the tract of land adjoining and to the west of the Project, which property currently is being used for timber operations; and, WHEREAS, Weyerhaeuser and the City of New Bern have expressed serious concerns about the safety of the proposed "Super Street design" and the "design speed" set forth by DOT as sixty (60) miles per hour; and, WHEREAS, in the event a full-movement signalized intersection for any reason might prove inadequate at a later date, a change to the intersection at such time could be effected without additional right of way acquisition and at minimal cost; and, WHEREAS, local legislators have expressed in writing to DOT their opposition to the proposed "Super Street" intersection design at this location; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen of the City of New Bern, after consideration and review of the matter, believes that DOT planners have not adequately taken into :onsideration the direct and secondary impacts on "local users" of the proposed Project with -espect to traffic volume, source of users nor the needs of the public to be affected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND REQUESTED BY THE BOARD DF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW BERN THAT THE NORTH CAROLINA )EPARTMENf OF TRANSPORTATION CONSTRUCT THE SUBJECT PROJECT 18" DAY OF SEPTEMBER, NTERSECTION AS A FULL-MOVEMENT INTERSECTION WITH SIGN ALIZATION. 3UL-1$-2007 16:45 ALDERMEN JULIUS C. PARHAM, JR. ROBERT G. RAYNOR, JR. MACK L 'MA)C FREEZE JOSEPH E_ MATf1NGLY. JA. VARDARA LEE DANA E. OUTLAW CITY OF NEW BERN Cat# Of Pan (150 t4ree (9m Wits of Norte{ Carolina .eritugt FOUNDED 1710 Phone: (252) 838-4000 P.0- Box 1129 ,Wtfa Pern,,NGI.28553-1129 July 18, 2007 Mr. Lynda Tippett North Carolina Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Dear Mr. Tippett: P.01/02 TOM BAYL.ISS, III MAYOR WALTER B- HARTMAN. JR. CITY MANAGER VICXtE H. JOHNSON CITY CLERK MARY 8. MURAGL1A FIR€CTOR OF FINANCE I am writing on behalf of the City of New Bern to express the City's concern that the North Carolina Department of Transportation is proposing a "left over" (also referred to as a "Michigan Super Street") intersection rather than a full movement intersection with signaiization on the NC 43 Connector project. The City of New Bern's 1993 Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan and 2005 NC 43 Connector and. Land Use Development Plan recommends the connection of Elizabeth Avenue to the Highway 43 Connector (aka Bosch Blvd Ext'd). Each of these plans forecasts commercial and industrial land uses surrounding the intersection of Elizabeth Avenue and Highway 43 as well as a large concentration of residential development to the east. It was anticipated in the development of these plans that the intersection would be a full movement intersection with signalization. A full movement configuration versus a "left over" would encourage local traffic to use Highway 43 in order to access Highway 70 and thus alleviating the already overburdened Glenburnie Road, which involves tight residential streets and a school zone. A "left over" configuration will increase travel distances and travel times of the residents of the large residential area to the east in order to access Highway 70. Further and more importantly, the "left over" configuration will make movements for multi axle commercial and industrial vehicles more difficult and dangerous for both the commercial and industrial vehicles as well as passenger cars around the commercial and industrial vehicles during such maneuvers, In addition, once the Highway 17 Bypass is completed, the Highway 43 Connector will accommodate generally only local traffic. The City believes that while it is important to make sure the road will accommodate through traffic, it is equally if not more important to be certain the road will safely sustain the local commercial and industrial traffic which will utilize the road on a daily basis. $tri>stxcg fur Pxcetlencz P" JOL-18-2007 16:46 CITY OF NEW BERN July 18, 2007 Page 2 CITY OF NEW BERN P.02/02 In summary, we are strongly requesting the North Carolina Department of Transportation to help us benefit the residents of New Bern and the drivers of our local streets with a fall movement intersection that will reduce their travel distances, travel times, and delays as well as providing for the safety of those vehicles turning left and those wishing to travel straight through the intersection. Yours very truly, Walter B. Hartman, Jr. City Manager ell cc: Cam McRae Marvin Blount Taylor Downey TOTAL P.02 QCraben Countp RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Craven County Board of Commissioners has been advised that the North Carolina Department of Transportation ("DOT') proposes that the only intersection in the NC Highway 43 Connector project ("Project") is to be constructed as a "left-over" or "Super Street" design; and, WHEREAS, the location of the Project is consistent with the City's thoroughfare plan and, additionally, is being constructed pursuant to the determination by the Governor and the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Transportation to provide access as an economic incentive to the BSH factories and warehouse sites; and WHEREAS, the City of New Bern and Craven County have requested of DOT a full-movement intersection with signalization at the Project intersection, which intersection would be consistent with the New Bern thoroughfare plan, the extension of Elizabeth Avenue, the need to divert local traffic from Glenbumie Road, to reduce increasing traffic and pedestrian safety concerns for H J McDonald Middle School, the necessity to provide access to existing extensive development to the west of Glenburnie Road, and to facilitate anticipated development on both sides of the Project; and WHEREAS, Weyerhaeuser, the City of New Bern, Craven County and local legislators have expressed serious concerns and opposition to the proposed "Super Street" intersection design at this location and believes that DOT planners have not adequately taken into consideration the impact on "local users" of the proposed Project with respect to traffic volume, source of users nor the needs of the public to be affected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and requested by the Craven County Board of Commissioners that the North Carolina Department of Transportation construct the subject Project intersection as a full-movement intersection with signalization. Adopted this l' day of October, 2007. Chairman Johnnie ampso , Craven County Board of Commissioners Gwendolyn M. Bryan, Cler V10 the Board !'iU :ommittn Chairman J. Toy Smith. Jr. W.rd.nd Smith, P.A. Craven/ Pam I ico/Jones I,ee Kyle Allen Commiss,n<r, Craven Coumr TMrw 11.ylisa, III itt T t ti C M.,." City at New Be. rn ee ranspor omm on a Hardd Bli.v,d Manager, Craven County Ti. Buck Manager, Pomlko C ,Sr. i RqBrirson Sr. RESOLUTION Commissioner, Pomlko County Daniel T. DaBow Red,ed WHEREAS, the City of New Bern has advised the Committee that J. W. Freeman Manger, City d Havelock the North Carolina Department of Transportation ("DOT') proposes that Writer B. ll.rtman. Jr, ManWr, City of New Ilan the only intersection in the NC Highway 43 Connector project ("Project") is Robert L Mattocks, 11 J..kn car a oil C. to be constructed as a "left-over" or "Super Street" design; and Larry P. Meadows MuurCoady WHEREAS, the location of the Project is consistent with the Served, M. P.H. LL Governor, State nr North Cardin thoroughfare plan of the City of New Bern and, additionally, is being Lonnie E. Pridgea Jr. Loank Pridgen Red Estate constructed pursuant to the determination by the Governor and the Jnn Prtstm Senator, 2nd District Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Transportation to provide Liu Rowe-Ralk C.R ra Entrepnaeari.l De.ebpitmW access as an economic incentive to the BSH factories and warehouse sites; J. Ilw dd Talton Retired and, J..eph E. Tlnnes Jewph F. Thomas Develwmna It WHEREAS, the Project principally will serve local traffic and is Alice Underhill Rep,vxrwwi e, J,d Dhnid not reasonably expected to be used by a substantial volume of non-local Wiliam L Waimrtight Representative, 12th District traffic (as might be the case if a southern leg of NC Highway 43 were to be J.awh F. Witti. CtW..a.Jwn Canty Commksiaaen constructed to connect with US Highway 17--a project which is not Invitees: contained in the DOT TIP nor for which there is any funding by DOT); and, Mkhad W. Avery M. Com. Dav. City d New B. substantial volume of future "through traffic" WHEREAS an Ba®garduer, Je., Da.M L , y Director of P nrdoy Coven Comity Marvin K. Blamtt,111. EM. will use the US Highway 17 Bypass which is to be constructed by DOT just Member, N.C. Dep. ef Tremporutkn Jemes Creech to the west of the location of the Project; and, Ch.i,maa Craven Rey Airport Arch. James T. Da,* III WHEREAS, the City of New Bern expected and has requested of Exec. Mr. Crown Coumy Ftx, nk Dndopmera C.=mioo DOT a full-movement intersection with signalization at the Project Roy Fugk Ennoank Davekper, Jmrn Cnnty intersection, which intersection would be consistent with the New Bern John Moran Mel.ysw Highway 17 Aataciadw thoroughfare plan, the extension of Elizabeth Avenue, the need to divert Tykr Harris Commtmity Planning Liaison rapidly growing local traffic from Glenburnie Road, pedestrian safety Lauren L Hillman U.S. Fared Service concerns for McDonald Middle School, the necessity to provide access to C. L (NaT) Lassiter, Jr., P.E N.C. DOT Division Engirccr existing extensive development to the west of Glenburnie Road, and to ca.. W. McRae Member, NC Dept. af Tnm a n facilitate anticipated development on both sides of the Project; and, t S... L t-T tm. Susan e. Tho Swiss E Faecntirt Dfrtetor, S Swig Bear, im WHEREAS, Weyerhaeuser Company is the owner of the D.,del v.we,e Tramprntlm 7 tract of land adjoining and to the west of the ProIjectr which property Rate 867 P.O. Boa 86 do W.,d .nd Smith, P.A. New Gera NC 285634867 currently is being used for timber operations; and, Ph.. (M) 672.5400 Far(252)672-5677 RESOLUTION September 6, 2007 Page 2: WHEREAS, Weyerhaeuser and the City of New Bern have expressed serious concerns about the safety of the proposed "Super street" design and the "design speed" set forth by DOT as sixty (60) miles per hour; and, WHEREAS, in the event a full-movement signalized intersection for any reason might prove inadequate at a later date, a change to the intersection at such time could be effected without additional right of way acquisition and at minimal cost; and WHEREAS, local legislators have expressed in writing to DOT their opposition to the proposed "Super Street" intersection design at this location; and, WHEREAS, the Committee, after consideration and review of the matter, believes that DOT planners have not taken into proper consideration the actual nature of the proposed Project with respect to traffic volume, source of users nor the direct and secondary impacts upon and needs of the public to be primarily affected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND REQUESTED BY THE COMMITTEE THAT THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONSTRUCT THE SUBJECT PROJECT INTERSECTION AS A FULL-MOVEMENT INTERSECTION WITH SIGNALIZATION. The foregoing resolution being unanimously passed by the Committee at its meeting on September 4, 2007. CRAVEN/PAMLICO/JONES ;ANSPORTITION COMMITTEE JTS:crc NBMAIN\740381\1 cc: Mr. Lyndo Tippett, Secretary, NC Department of Transportation Mr. Cameron W. McRae Mr. Marvin K. Blount, III, Esq. Members C/P/J Transportation Committee Craven County City of New Bern Senator Jean R. Preston Representative Alice G. Underhill Representative William L. Wainwright Craven N O R T H C i A qm?lty September 11, 2008 The Honorable William Wainwright North Carolina House of Representatives 300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 301 F Raleigh, NC 27603-5925 Dear Speaker Wainwright: The property owned by Weyerhaeuser, often referred to as the Craven 30 Property, is adjacent to the intersection of US Highway 70 and Highway 43 Connector. Weyerhaeuser has a design that reflects proposed business, commercial and residential zoned properties on the subject property. The location of this property is positioned to allow large retail establishments often referred to as "boxes" to locate on subject property. Because of service roads parallel to US 70 in James City and Havelock, this property may be one of the few pieces of real estate in Craven County that is positioned to be considered as a prime commercial property. Without a full movement intersection the public using those establishments on subject property will have to make very unfamiliar turning maneuvers on this super street design roadway. The Craven County Committee of 100 agrees with the City of New Bern and Craven County leadership to oppose a super street design and allow a North Carolina Department of Transportation designed full movement intersection with signals at the proposed intersection. Sincerely, 911C. y Chairman cc: Taylo`r-Downey, Troy Smith, Joe Thomas 00 Industrial Drive a Craven Comely Committee of 1.00 New Bern, NC 28562 o 252-6:33-5300 o Fax: 252-633-3253 o Email: cravenedc@cconnect.net