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20201420 Ver 1_Riparian Buffer Authorization Request_20201211
A0 WithersRavenel 10 Our People. Your Success. December 11, 2020 NC -Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Attn: Mr. Paul Wojoski 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Re: Raynor Road Subdivision - Buffer Authorization Application Garner, Wake County W R #02190124.00 Dear Mr. Wojoski, On behalf of Clayton Properties Group, Inc., we are requesting a Buffer Authorization from the NCDWR for 5,189 sq ft of permanent riparian buffer impacts and 900 sq ft of temporary riparian buffer impacts for construction of a sewer crossing, a water line crossing and SCM outfalls associated with construction of the Raynor Road Subdivision. Please note that there are no proposed impacts to onsite jurisdictional wetlands and streams, and therefore 404/401 permits are not required. The proposed Raynor Road Subdivision is ±77-acres in size and is situated on a larger ±85-acre parcel (PIN: 1639583019) located at 5901 Raynor Road in Garner, Wake County (Lat: 35.667124°N; Long:-78.545109°W). The project is located in the Neuse River basin (HUC: 03020201) and onsite waters drain to White Oak Creek (Stream Index: 27-43-11; Surface Water Classification: C;NSW). Proposed Project The purpose of the proposed project is to construct a residential subdivision to meet the existing and growing demand for residential housing in Garner. The proposed project consists of the construction of a mixed density subdivision with both single family and townhome lots, and associated infrastructure, including internal roads, utilities (water/sewer), stormwater management and greenway trails. The proposed subdivision will be located on ±77-acres within the larger ±85-acre parcel (PIN: 1639583019). The eastern ±8-acres of the parcel are encumbered by future 1-540 alignment as show in the Overall Impact Map exhibit. Proiect History The USACE issued an Approved Jurisdictional Determination for the project site (AID#SAW-2018- 02003) as documented in an email from the USACE dated 3/3/2020 which has been attached to this application. ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. NCDWR issued a Buffer Determination Letter for the project site on 8/6/2018 (NBRRO #18-250), which has been attached to this application. Proposed Impacts The proposed impacts consist of 5,189 sq ft of permanent impacts to riparian buffers (Z1: 3,031 sq ft; Z2: 2,158 sq ft) and 900 sq ft of temporary riparian buffer impacts (Z1: 682 sq ft; Z2: 218 sq ft). The entire 30 If utility easement will be mowed/maintained in perpetuity. The proposed sewer crossing (Impact 1) is a perpendicular crossing with less than a 40 If wide construction corridor with a permanent maintenance corridor equal to or less than 30 ft wide, which is classified as "Deemed Allowable". SCM #1 will have two outfalls which are connected to a splitter box. During normal rain events, SCM #1 will outfall through the 4" DIP which will flow into a level spreader and vegetated filter strip (Impact 3) at nonerosive flows. During heavy rain events, SCM #1 will also outfall through the high flow bypass into a riprap dissipator which will dissipate velocity prior to discharging into White Oak Creek. SCM #1 is a wet detention pond which will provide 30% nitrogen removal. Due to the overall density of the proposed project and the SCM discharging directly into White Oak Creek, additional treatment through a level spreader and vegetated filter strip was included in the design to provide additional nitrogen removal of 51%. The level spreader and vegetated filter strip have been designed to meet design requirements of NC Stormwater Design Manual. The proposed outfalls are classified as "Allowable Upon Authorization". The proposed water line along Raynor Road will be installed via bore and jack and will result in temporary buffer impacts for the bore pit and receiving pits only. The riparian buffer is located within the maintained ROW and the buffers consists of mowed grass and weeds. Upon completion of installation of the water line, the temporary impact areas for the bore and receiving pits will be restored to preconstruction grades and seeded with grass to restore the buffers to their existing condition. The temporary impacts for the water line installation are classified as utility -non -sewer underground lines perpendicular crossing that disturbs less than 150 If which is classified as "Deemed Allowable". Avoidance and Minimization The project has been designed to avoid all impacts to onsite wetlands and streams. Riparian buffer impacts have been minimized to only those necessary for construction of infrastructure. The proposed sewer crossing has been designed to minimize impacts by crossing the buffer perpendicularly and will be an aerial crossing over the stream to avoid stream impacts. The proposed outfalls for SCM #1 have been designed to cross the buffer perpendicularly. Additionally, the riprap disspator swale and vegetated filter strip have been designed to stop at the top of bank of White Oak Creek to avoid stream impacts. The water line has been designed to cross the buffers perpendicularly and will be installed below White Oak Creek via bore and jack to avoid stream impacts. Page 2 of 3 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. Mitigation All proposed buffer impacts are classified as "Deemed Allowable" and "Allowable Upon Authorization" and therefore buffer mitigation is not required. The current request is for 5,189 sq ft of permanent riparian buffer impacts and 900 sq ft of temporary riparian buffer (see the attached maps and PCN for details). Please feel free to call if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely WithersRavenel Troy Beasley Senior Environmental Scientist Attachments: • PCN Form • Agent Authorization • USGS Quad Map • Wake County Soil Survey • NCDWR Buffer Determination Letter • USACE Email Confirming JD Issued for Project • Impact Maps Page 3 of 3 Buffer Authorization Application Form 15ANCAC 02B .0233 (8)(b), .0243 (8)(b), .0250 (11)(b), .0259 (8)(b), .0267 (11)(c), .0607 (e)(2) Buffer Authorization Online Fo Update 10/23/2018 Original Submittal 12/11/2020 A. Owner/Applicant Information General Information Primary Contact Email:* tbeasley@withersravenel.com Rease list the contact person's en -ail for questions or payrrent on this project if needed. Who is submitting the application?* r Owner W Applicant other than Owner r Agent Is there an agent working on this application r Yes but not submitting it? r No 1. Property Owner Information: la. Name on Recorded Deed:* 1b. Responsible Party: 1c. Mailing Address:* 1d. Telephone:* 919-901-2595 Alice H & Elmo T Williams Trust (for Corporations) Street Address 5813 Raynor Road Address Line 2 aty State / Rovince / Fbgion Garner NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 27529 US le. Email Address:* bclark@mungo.com 2. Applicant's Information (if different from owner): 2a. Name: Adam Speiran 2b. Company Affiliation: Clayton Properties Group, Inc. 2c. Mailing Address: Street Address 2521 Schieffelin Road Address Line 2 Suite 116 aty Apex Rbstal / Zip Code 27502-4400 2d. Telephone: 919-901-2595 2e. Email Address: bclark@mungo.com State / Rovince / Fegion NC Country US 2f. Attach a signed and dated copy of the authorization granting the applicant owner approval. An agent authorization form is acceptable. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Access Authorization_Ovmer_Williams Trust.pdf 85.47KB FDF only 3. Agent Information: 3a. Name: 3b. Company Affiliation: 3c. Mailing Address: Street Address Address Line 2 City State / R ovine / Region Fbstal / Zip Code Country 3d. Telephone: 3e. Email Address: 3f. Attach a signed and dated copy of the agent Click the upload button or drag and drop files hereto attach docurrent authorization form. PDFCnly B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information la. Name of Project:* Raynor Road Subdivision (Subdivision, facility, or establishrrent narre) 1b. Is this a publicly -funded transportation project?* r Yes r No 1d. Subdivision Name: le. Nearest Garner Municipality: 1f. Property Size: 77.00 acres 1g. County (or Counties) where the project is located:* Wake 1h. Property ID# Date of Purchase 1639583019 3/7/1996 Tax RN or Parcel id 11. Deed Information Type of Book Book#11 Page# Deed 06878 0102 Map 1j. Attach a copy of the recorded map that indicates when the lot was last platted. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Parcel -Owner Exhibit.pdf 614.34KB IDF only 1k. How would you like to provide the Latitude and Longitude information?* r Address Lookup r Manually Address Lookup Street Address 5901 Raynor Road Address Line 2 City State / Province / Ibgion Garner North Carolina Pbstal / Zip Code Country 27511 United States Latitude * 35.667124 Longitude *-78.545109 11. Is the project located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties? r Yes t: No 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* White Oak Creek (Stream Index: 27-43-11) 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water:* C; NSW 2c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property:* 4,100 (linear feet only) 3. Project Description: 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The project site consists primarily of undeveloped woodlands, agricultural fields, a residence and other barns/structures associated with the historic use of the property as a horse farm. The general land use in the vicinity consists of forest land, agricultural and residential land use. 3b. Attach an 8 % x 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the site. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Wake Co Soil Survey Exhibit.pdf 214.54KB FDF only 3c. Attach an 81/z x 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey Map depicting the project site. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent USGS Location Exhibit.pdf 367.13KB USGS Quad Exhibit.pdf 218.66KB FDF only 4. Proposed Activity Provide a detailed description of the proposed activity including its purpose and include the type of equipment to be used:* The purpose of the proposed project is to construct a residential subdivision to meet the existing and growing demand for residential housing in Garner. The proposed project consists of the construction of a mixed density subdivision with both single family and townhome lots, and associated infrastructure, including internal roads, utilities (water/sewer), stormwater management and greenway trails. Traditional commercial construction equipment and techniques will be used to construct the proposed project. Attach a site plan as applicable to the project: aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent 2.0 OVERALL SITE PLAN.pdf 2.36MB Raynor Rd SD Buffer Impact Maps.pdf 6.25MB R7F only 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have jurisdictional wetlands or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property/project (including all prior phases) in the past?* c 5b. Who did the determination on the jurisdictional areas? A Who did the determination?IF List name if known DateIF Attach Corps Samantha 08/29/2019 EMAIL USACE 171.0.. Dailey (%rre if [Town) Confirmation of AJD 2020-03- 03.pdf pdf onN State (%rre if known) 08/06/2018 2018-08-09 4.43M. DWR Determination Rcvd 5901 Raynor Road, Garner.pdf pdf only *** Please include the date of the determination and upload a copy of the determination. Comments: The USACE issued an Approved Jurisdictional Determination for the project site (AID#SAW-2018-02003) as documented in the attached email from the USACE. NCDWR issued a Buffer Determination Letter for the project site on 8/6/2018 (NBRRO #18-250), which has been attached. 6. Project History 6a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* r Yes � rv� 7. Future Project Plans ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7a. Is this project a phased project?* r Yes r No C. Proposed Impacts Inventory Buffer Impacts Project is in which protected Basin?* r Neuse River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0233) r Catawba River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0243) r Randleman Lake Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0250) r Tar -Pamlico River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0259) r Jordan Lake Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0267) r Goose Creek Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0606 & 15A NCAC 02B.0607) Individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. Site# - Reason Stream Name Buffer Impact* Impact Type * Zone 1 Zone 2 Impact 1 - Perp White Oak Permanent Exempt 1,919. 1,320. Sewer Crossing Creek (P) 00 00 Nep label (e.g. F oad Perm or Terrp Square Square Crossing 1) Feet Feet Impact 2 - White Oak Permanent Allowable 675.00 421.00 Stormwater Outfall Creek (P) Square Square - High Flow FermorTerrp Feet Feet Bypass Nep label (e.g. Fbad Crossing 1) Impact 3 - White Oak Permanent Allowable 437.00 417.00 Stormwater Oufall Creek (P) Square Square - Level Perm or Terrp Feet Feet SpreaderNFS Nbp label (e.g. Fbad Crossing 1) Impact 4 - Water White Oak Temporary Exempt 682.00 218.00 Line Crossing Creek (T) Square Square Nbp label (e.g. Fbad Fermor Terrp Feet Feet Crossing 1) Total Zone 1 Impacts: 3,713.00 Total Zone 2 Impacts: 2,376.00 Total Buffer Impacts: 6,089.00 Comments: R The proposed impacts consist of 5,189 sq ft of permanent impacts to riparian buffers (Z1: 3,031 sq ft; Z2: 2,158 sq ft) and 900 sq ft of temporary riparian buffer impacts (Z1: 682 sq ft; Z2: 218 sq ft). The entire 30 If utility easement will be mowed/maintained in perpetuity. The proposed sewer crossing (Impact 1) is a perpendicular crossing with less than a 40 If wide construction corridor with a permanent maintenance corridor equal to or less than 30 ft wide, which is classified as "Deemed Allowable". SCM #1 will have two outfalls which are connected to a splitter box During normal rain events, SCM #1 will outfall through the 4" DIP which will flow into a level spreader and vegetated filter strip (Impact 3) at nonerosive flows. During heavy rain events, SCM #1 will also outfall through the high flow bypass into a riprap dissipator which will dissipate velocity prior to discharging into White Oak Creek. SCM #1 is a wet detention pond which will provide 30% nitrogen removal. Due to the overall density of the proposed project and the SCM discharging directly into White Oak Creek, additional treatment through a level spreader and vegetated filter strip was included in the design to provide additional nitrogen removal of 51%. The level spreader and vegetated filter strip have been designed to meet design requirements of NC Stormwater Design Manual. The proposed outfalls are classified as "Allowable Upon Authorization". The proposed water line along Raynor Road will be installed via bore and jack and will result in temporary buffer impacts for the bore pit and receiving pits only. The riparian buffer is located within the maintained ROW and the buffers consists of mowed grass and weeds. Upon completion of installation of the water line, the temporary impact areas for the bore and receiving pits will be restored to preconstruction grades and seeded with grass to restore the buffers to their e)asting condition. The temporary impacts for the water line installation are classified as utility -non -sewer underground lines perpendicular crossing that disturbs less than 150 If which is classified as "Deemed Allowable". D. Impact Justification and Mitigation .............................................................................. 1. Avoidance and Minimization la. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project.* The project has been designed to avoid all impacts to onsite wetlands and streams. Riparian buffer impacts have been minimized to only those necessary for construction of infrastructure. The proposed sewer crossing has been designed to minimize impacts by crossing the buffer perpendicularly and will be an aerial crossing over the stream to avoid stream impacts. The proposed outfalls for SCM #1 have been designed to cross the buffer perpendicularly. Additionally, the riprap disspator swale and vegetated filter strip have been designed to stop at the top of bank of White Oak Creek to avoid stream impacts. The water line has been designed to cross the buffers perpendicularly and will be installed below White Oak Creek via bore and jack to avoid stream impacts. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Silt fencing and sediment & erosion control measures will be installed prior to construction. Access during construction will occur within uplands. E. Diffuse Flow Plan la. What type of SCM are you providing?* W Level Spreader W Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) f Wetland Swale (higher SH T) r Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer V Other SCM that removed minimum of 30% nitrogen 1b. Describe how diffuse flow will be maintained:* SCM #1 is a wet detention pond that will provide 30% nitrogen removal. Due to the overall density of the proposed project and the SCM discharging directly to White Oak Creek additional treatment through a level spreader and vegetated filter strip was included in the SCM #1 design to provide additional nitrogen removal of 51 % The level spreader and vegetated filter strip has been designed to meet design requirements of the NC Stormwater Design Manual. 1c. Diffuse Flow Documentation*(lick the upload button ordrag and drop files here toattach docurrent 17 - SCM #1 - Wet Pond Design.pdf 168.13KB PDF only F. Supplementary Information Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? r' Yes c No Violations 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .1300), DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards, or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0200)? r, (-. ivy 2b. Is this an after -the -fact buffer authorization application? C C Nu G. Additional Information Please upload any additional information you would like the Division to consider during application review. Additional Attachments: Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Cover Letter.pdf 137.81 KB FEF only Additional Comments: H. Sign and Submit By digitally signing below, I certify that: o I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; o I agree that submission of this form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act) o I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); o I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the application form." Print Name: * Troy Beasley - Authorized Agent Signature U Submission Date: 12/11/2020 (Auto populated field) Initial Review Is this accepted into the review process?* Is this project a public transportation project?* ID#* Version:* Select Reviewer: Select Reviewing Office* Has payment been received?* O Yes O No O Yes O No 20201420 1 Stephanie Goss:eads\szgoss Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 C No Payment Needed r Fee Received r Need Fee - send electronic notification -0 WithersRavenel N. Our People. Your Success. AUTHORIZATION FOR PROPERTY ACCESS The undersigned owner(s), Alice H. Williams & Elmo T. Williams Trust, do(es) hereby authorize WithersRavenel, Inc. to access the ±84.9-acre parcel (PIN: 1639583019) located at 5901 Raynor Road in Garner, Wake County, North Carolina for the purpose of environmental regulatory agency review (US Army Corps of Engineers, NC Division of Water Quality, NC Division of Coastal Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, local Municipalities, etc.) and approvals (i.e. wetland delineation, stream/buffer determination, environmental permitting, etc.) at the request of the contract purchaser. This authorization does not bind the current property owner(s) to financial responsibility for services rendered on the subject property by WithersRavenel, Inc. This agreement shall continue in effect until completion/termination of the purchase contract for the subject property. Date: Contract Purchaser's Agent Info: Signature of Owner(s): WithersRavenel, Inc. Name - Print Title 115 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Signature Tel. (919)-469-3340 Mailing Address City State Zip Phone: Email: 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 t: 919.469.3340 1 f: 919.467.6008 1 www.withersravenel.com I License No. C-0832 Asheville I Cary I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Wilmington •, ��� GRAPHIC SCALE 1 0 250 500 1 inch = 500 ft. A#A Au o LoC WMC2 w ly1 mm 2 ,1 r 0C �9;0 Lo B wo . �1 ApC I PROJECT BOUNDARY I PARCEL BOUNDARY WgA I 1 C _ f ApC r ,AJ f I YY aC s t O �z- - I t LHe IN APB2 �. r . c All J Bz A RAYNOR RD SUBDIVISION WAKE CO. SOIL SURVEY (1970) \/ WithersRavenel SHEET87Engineers IPlannersISurveyors GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA GRAPHIC SCALE ~~ a 4 70 �j�URN Rp 0 1000 2000 w 146- w n ❑ FR PQ "war��F� t - M 1 inch = 2000 ft. �rPq�y I� WA7ERFlEID DR- �H yu 7p C, � �.c MCXSTEEC LN r v rowErs Rp �9 o PROJECT - h a �` LOCATIONLu 1 aso w�rwA[N °R tti�a� `� 6 A 3 wyl� ❑ � f Ley EsroHoiaa Fp 0199 � - aso o OLD CASCADE DR M p /3 b .. /f PECAN CN / f _cAiirau sT F ti n - WiNSTQ�: rD RAYNOR RD SUBDIVISION 40 WithersRavenel USGS QUAD (2019) -GARNER I/ Engineers l Planners l Surveyors GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA _• %-'� ll 11 ff GRAPHIC SCALE 0 250 500 1 inch = 500 ft. am_ JIT � i IN- 5 r � � � •.tom • `I PROJECT BOUNDARY i �•' PARCEL BOUNDARY N '• 11 73 --�Y S i. ERUSGS QUAD (2019) GARNER AYNOR RD SUBDIVISION 410 WithersRavenel - GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I 1 I/ Engineers PlannerslSurveyors PIN:1639583019 PIN Ext: 000 Real Estate ID: 0077347 Map Name: 1639 02 Owner: ELMO T WILLIAMS TRUST WILLIAMS, ALICE H Mail Address 1: 5813 RAYNOR RD Mail Address 2: GARNER NC 27529-9460 Mail Address 3: Deed Book: 010404 Deed Page:01591 Deed Acres: 84.9 Deed Date:8/27/2003 Building Value: $506,208 Land Value: $1,649,040 Total Value: $2,155,248 Biling Class: Business Description: TRB STURDIVANT LAND & BUBM1996 BM1996 -300 Heated Area: 6123 Street Name: RAYNOR RD Site Address:5901 RAYNOR RD City: Planning Jursidiction: GA Township: St. Mary's Year Built: 1913 Sale Price: $0 Sale Date: Use Type: SINGLFAM Design Style: Conventional 0 425 850 1,700 ft I I I I I I I 1 inch = 800 feet Disclaimer iMaps makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. However, the maps are produced for information purposes, and are NOT surveys. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data therein, its use,or its interpretation. . .'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'L \ \ V,,,,,,,,,,,,,\ C. I'. .'�.'--..-..�-- 'Mt' _o� /.. Y.. 1. 1. 1 . /L .....1.\I I l RESIDENTIAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS PHASE TOTAL PROVIDED CUMULATIVE TOTAL PHASE 1 169 DWELLING UNITS (2 SPACES PER UNIT) 338 338 TOWNHOME GUEST PARKING (145 UNITS @ 1 SPACE PER 4 UNITS) 37 37 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 375 375 PARKING PROVIDED: ON LOT (SINGLE FAMILY AND TOWNHOMES) 338 338 ON STREET (PARALLEL AND/OR PARKING LOT) 12 350 AMENITY CENTER LOT (RESIDENTIAL GUEST PARKING) 25 375 AMENITY CENTER LOT (NOT COUNTED TOWARDS RESIDENTIAL PARKIN 16 N/A TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 375 375 PHASE 2 83 DWELLING UNITS (2 SPACES PER UNIT) 166 504 TOWNHOME GUEST PARKING (62 UNITS @ 1 SPACE PER 4 UNITS) 16 53 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 182 557 PARKING PROVIDED: ON LOT (SINGLE FAMILY AND TOWNHOMES) 166 541 ON STREET (PARALLEL AND/OR PARKING LOT) 20 561 TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 186 561 PHASE 3 56 DWELLING UNITS (2 SPACES PER UNIT) 112 616 TOWNHOME GUEST PARKING (0 UNITS) 0 53 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 112 669 PARKING PROVIDED: ON LOT (SINGLE FAMILY AND TOWNHOMES) 112 673 ON STREET (PARALLEL AND/OR PARKING LOT) 4 677 TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 116 677 PHASE 4 21 DWELLING UNITS (2 SPACES PER UNIT) 42 658 TOWNHOME GUEST PARKING (0 UNITS) 0 53 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 42 711 PARKING PROVIDED: ON LOT (SINGLE FAMILY AND TOWNHOMES) 42 719 ON STREET (PARALLEL AND/OR PARKING LOT) 5 724 TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 47 j 724 -� SHEET2.2 MULTI -USE TRAIL 11 / — —A DR �I I 6'CONCRETE -................................. ',�JAIN MULTI -USE TRAIL ..... STREET C PROPOSED /:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.: BOUNDARY / ��...................... .......��................ I .....`\.................. I I , �....... �—.... . \ I fi \ :.:. 5' SIDEW LK ALONG MULTI -USE ��.......:. R NOR RD. I � ,°� II ' ' � TRAIL �I \................ ............ — ALLEY 24' B-B / EXISTING �— I (TYP) / / BOUNDARY :.: ....... / I I / I , 24' X 9' PARALLEL PARKING (TYP) / 1................. / IPHASE 2 .................. y oo I n e 3 I MULTI -USE ..... .......... 0 x U z w z 0 0 BUILDING SETBACKS SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED (FRONT LOADED) FRONT SETBACK 20' MIN SIDE SETBACK S MIN, 10' AGGREGATE CORNER SIDE SETBACK 8' MIN REAR SETBACK 15' MIN SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED (REAR LOADED) FRONT SETBACK S MIN SIDE SETBACK S MIN, 10' AGGREGATE CORNER SIDE SETBACK 8' MIN REAR SETBACK 4' WITH DETACHED GARAGE 20' WITHOUT DETACHED GARAGE TOWNHOME UNITS (REAR LOADED) FRONT SETBACK S MIN SIDE SETBACK 0' MIN, 5' MIN END UNITS CORNER SIDE SETBACK 8' MIN REAR SETBACK 4' WITH DETACHED GARAGE 20' WITHOUT DETACHED GARAGE E o U Vi c p C y W > 3 > N CM ru V) W O U Q ry U_ LArc) ' V M CM v1 T 10 v, N 01 QJ Ln Ln C4 N LLJ z z U a) x x Y JFAFLn U Z O V) > M� W Z Q Lu Q 0 v I.NNf� ry O Z NNQ W V / J NQ Lu O Job No. Drawn By 02190124 W R Date Designer 4/03/20 WR 0p0000000000000 o��NCAR�� °° o,0000„o °°° ° ��oF Ess� ��°°�� P�IDIY IJOT APMOVEDo FCC o 0 °C �� ° o�00000��° 00 °0p000000000000 Revisions 1 REVISED PER 1ST 7/31/20 TOWN COMMENTS 2 REVISED PER 2ND 9/18/20 TOWN COMMENTS ROW DEDICATION GRAPHIC"'LE Sheet No. 00 2.0 .......... 1 inch 11 a VICINITY MAP 111=50001 MAP C - _ l � l/ � �l \� � // I . / /%F - _ � — / �// /ii//% ti ti�5 �: -• �\\ II I I I ///( (I(`� _ \��\\ \ I(� � Il ((( �(( 875�\\\\<\\((� NJII�IK/ o � ,,, SITE TYBOUNDARY �I I / I PROPER FUT� MINI PARK 1 <vw¢cr (hare c, FP,arH. „ / (WET MAP B _- �J, 'P _ I -' STREET — , ,l a � --. AMENIITWIlt /--� � ALLEY 5 WITH KIOSK I4 0 , NI J - / w r/� 9 oo 0 0 0 0© a o,,, , ,i,e •i, ,, a rz e ee e a a a' a ©� r Q MINI PARK 2� 0 0 0 w / I1 Q %ff� w ALLEY 1 �dw 11 1 (/{ \ \\ z / ' MAP D (Il\\\ \( I ✓ / I cj \\ I I F \ l / \ � 1 � ) �- / �%;, \� \� � ��\��� �% _ _ � ii/ice// �)lI l l � —All I),,/ ( \ 1), � —��\\\I I ) \\\�����/ \ �� /�/�(/(/I\��`�I II`\\—�� 1 I/ //l/III f\�\ \ \\� a > ,i.b11,rI I, ((( �=-- � ���\11 ==f _—� l�\\III `I���I ll\` III sue,=—__=/�\�\l\�����\������—�i> i��!�/�/��/���/j/j/� ����i%%% GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 150 300 600 / i I III / \ �1 \ \\\ \ I I _ ��\\\ �\ /) /i \\\ 1 inch = 300 ft. \` IMPACT SPECIFICATION OVERALL BUFFER IMPACT SUMMARY TEMPORARY PERMANENT 30' ZONE 1 20' ZONE 2 30' ZONE 1 20' ZONE 2 (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) 1 SEWER CROSSING 1919 0.044 1320 0.030 2 RIP -RAP DISSIPATOR 675 0.015 421 0.010 3 LEVEL SPREADER/ VEGETATED FILTER 437 0.010 417 0.010 4 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS 682 0.016 218 0.005 - - - 3,031 0.070 2,158 0.040 N° Revision Dat B Designer Seale \/ WithersRavenel III WR AS NOTED sneer eo. J[Dn By WR Date 12-7-2D2D RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION OVERALL BUFFER IMPACT MAP I/ 15MaerslPDiversl ,27511 A hed<ed By ]ob No. 115 MacKenan Drive 3 Cary, INCNC 27511 WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLNA t:919.469.3340license #:C-0832 Iwww.withersraveneLcom Cn Cn EXISTING � — ' \ \ SEWER \ SS 30' COR PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER I — EASEMENT (BM 2006, PG 2655) —242— I � / \ \ 2A2 G _ _ 1 — — _ J � EXISTING GRAVEL ,—� iSS� \ \1 �\� \ H1A I /---'241//// ss— EXISTINGRIP RAP SS �— — _ i / / / 30' CITY OF RALEIGH IMPACT #1 4�� f / / PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT / , UTILITY EASEMENT SEWER CROSSING — //// �// 50' NEUSE RIPARIAN \ ZONE 1 - 1919 SF I ZONE 2 BUFFER \\ ZONE2-1320SF/ IMPACT LEGEND PERMANENT ZONE1 NEUSE RIVER 30' BUFFER PERMANENT ZONE 2 NEUSE RIVER 20' BUFFER TEMPORARY ZONE1 NEUSE RIVER 30' BUFFER TEMPORARY ZONE 2 NEUSE RIVER 20' BUFFER 30' NEUSE RIPARIAN \ ZONE 1 BUFFER \ \ \ \ 50' TOWN OF GARNER GREENWAY co EASEMENT AND 50' NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER OFFSET FROM THE NORTHERN 0 PER BM 2002, PG. 1294 (NO DEED FOUND) NO OR FORMERLY —242 / / III IIII /x \\ \ \� WHITE OAKASS0,CI TES DB\\ BM 2p06, PG. 2k5 BM 015,PG. 21 \ PIN:�1730-50-362 WHITE OAK CREEKPROPERTY _� \ AERIAL SANITARY / \`% \\\ BOUNDARY \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ SEWER CROSSING NO STREAM IMPACT TOP OF BANK y v v \ v TOP OFBANK,, • \\ 50' NEUSE RIPARIAN \ \ w,` /PSG \ / ZONE 2 BUFFER 30' NEUSE RIPARIAN ZONE 1 BUFFERco VA \\ �I dp — — — — — J i `n I \ / / FEMA FLOOD WAY \ \ \ \ GRAPHICSCALE 30 0 15 30 60 i I I \A V 1 inch = 30 Ft. Nal Revision I Date I Bv Illn,,j, Scale 111 410 p WR AS NOTED WItCrS RaV2n2 J��N s,eet uo. LDrw'BYB WR Date 12-7-2020 RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION BUFFER IMPACT MAP 10 EngfieersIPlannersISurveyors y ]ob No. 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA t:919.469.334011lcense#:C-0832Iw—withersraveneLcom FEMA FLOODWAY �4_ �rn \ �245 — RIP -RAP \ DISSIPATOR ^ \ 2q6— PROPOSED 30' GREENWAY \ — _ EASEMENT (TYP.)_ PROPOSED 10' \ \\ \ \ SCM MAINTENANCE -,GREENWAY (TYP.) EASEMENT 250 HIGH FLOW \ BYPASS 250 / PROPERTY L // ♦� f �� BOUNDARY ✓ / Q \ //� IMPACT #2 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT \\ _ RIP -RAP DISSIPATOR —> ZONE 1-675SF �ZONE 2-421SF \ \ \ \ IMPACT #3 \ \ PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT LEVEL SPREADER/VEGETATED FILTER STRIP NZONE 1 - 437 SF ZONE2-417SF TOP OF BANK \ \ � I� Fir ♦ ���� \� ♦� M LEVEL SPREADER/ `♦ \ pL \ 1 \ \ \ VEGETATED FILTER STRIP IMPACT LEGEND PERMANENT ZONE1 NEUSE RIVER 30' BUFFER PERMANENT ZONE 2 NEUSE RIVER 20' BUFFER TEMPORARY F-1 ZONE1 NEUSE RIVER 30' BUFFER TEMPORARY ZONE 2 NEUSE RIVER 20' BUFFER _ \ I \x V I \ 240 \ w V A A� \ �\ ���` �� /�/��► ��A� L \ \1 \I 50'100-YEAR �.� // �`•��,�\ 1 I FLOODPLAIN BUFFER vlF / SCM#1/ (WET POND) 1 � ,/ r / / / � Aso / I \ \ \ \ I � I � � \ \// � �� ` / • J � o \ �� \ 50' NEUSE RIPARIAN , / I / / \ \\ 100-YEAR \ �\ \ ZONE 2 BUFFER FLOOD ZONE \ / I 30' NEUSE RIPARIAN ZONE 1 BUFFER I FEMA FLOODWAY / _ \ GRAPHIC SCALE I ( / _ 1 / 30 0 15 30 60 1 inch = 30 Ft. Revision Date B Designer 5eae \/ WithersRavenel WR AS NOTED s,eet uo. �1By WR °ate12-7-2020 RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION BUFFER IMPACT MAP 1/Eng;neersIPlannersISurveyors C ked By ]ob No. 115 A cKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA t:919.469.334011icense#:C-0832I w—withersravenel.com \ \ \ \ \ �> I \ \ \\ \ �\ IMPACT #4 \ _ \ \ \ \\ \ i \ a TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION \ \ \ \ \ \\ ACCESS BORE AND JACK I ZONE 1-682SF ZONE 2-218SF r 30' NEUSE RIPARIAN ZONE 1 BUFFER \\\\ \\ \ > PROPERTY / ' \ \\ \ \ / / \ BOUNDARY �\ / \ \ / 50' NEUSE RIPARIAN � � I TOP OF BANK ZONE 2 BUFFER 20' X 15' 1 \ RECEIVING PIT\�� I ` IMPACT LEGEND PERMANENT ZONE1 NEUSE RIVER 30' BUFFER PERMANENT ZONE 2 NEUSE RIVER 20' BUFFER TEMPORARY ZONE1 NEUSE RIVER 30' BUFFER TEMPORARY ZONE 2 NEUSE RIVER 20' BUFFER \ NOW OR FORMERLY 20" STEEL ENCASEMENT TO BE CITY OF RALEIGH INSTALLED BY BORE AND JACK WHITE OAK CREEK PUMP STATION No STREAM IMPACT PARCEL / / DB 12224, PG. 149 N�/ �� \ \ \\\ ` \ \ j / / PIN: 1639-39-8793 PROPERTY \/ / / / NCDOT PERMANENT UTILITY & UTILITY ✓ �\ \ / / TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS \ BOUNDARY \i / � EASEMENT \ /� \\ \ \\ \ / / / DB 17600, PG. 216 /�� / ticb 30' X 20' / BORE PIT ID 12" DIP WL NOW OR FORMERLY (TYP) / \ \ \ \ L J / RICHARD L. HAYES jtia �0/ / / — _ / \ \ \ \ `\\\\ \ and wife SOPH IA HAYES ESTATE FILE 17-E-0082 DB 17600, PG. 216 EXISTING ROW / \ \ \ / / / APRIL COURT - LOT 1 \ _ I BM 1966, PG. 157 \ \\ °o PIN:1639-49-2632 J GRAPHICSCALE 30 0 15 30 60 \ —252— \ i \ \\ / / � 1 inch = 30 Ft. T No. Revision Date 3v llln,,i,n,, Scale \/ Withers Rave n e l WR AS NOTED s,eet uo. Drawn By WR Date 12-7-2020 RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION BUFFER IMPACT MAP 1/ Engineers I Planners I Surveyors D Checked By ]ob No. 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA t:919.469.334011icense#:C-08321 www.withersravenel.com I I / / -\\�\ / / / /// , - I / =—� - �r/moo/���/�//��\�?,�S%�� VICINITY MAP I �� / I - r / / -��- ' \ , =� III Ill � ��/� � 1"=50001 _ \\� / (/ ' /=�5��_�///l�/�i250�5 = �i/�////�!/�i� •�880 �O�/�i///i/mo�rce/�/\ 1 \I1I \I \I�l\\ I1I1I lI II/ \I i \\ r2e\\\�\\(i /� l�lM�� jo/ �� lull ///� _oyo�// IIII\\ M \� ,�I SITE 1 / / ( f i PROPERTY BOUNDARY \ � (\`� / -cam ` � r S I r // / � //// i- \ ✓ // /� 32 . \ �� / 1MINI PARK I .I—K xv _ IV v _- - SCM#1��- �(WETPOND)I MAP F STREET I(�l � AMENITY SITE -4� i � � L; WITH KIOSK °¢� Y7 r��` I ALLEY' J 31it _ .--� ri _ MINI PARK 3 a / / / � � -�i 11 ITT i• 1 1 � ^` .e 4 � �w�' � � SCM #2 � A L (wErPOND� 1V vil I l I r ✓ ��� �� I Illy II o s o 9 9 0 0 0 0 o j , ALLEY 1 / z -- = __ r \ /I / V/ MAP G \ — \\ \ \ oe� �5 1 /�� / )I \\ ✓/�//i r%� / >���i />> �ii'�/ // /�i �i � l /) \\\\'Il/IIIIIII� t /� I1�\� /�(�� )%X\ Y// GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 150 300 600 xx 1 inch = 300 ft. / J /l / j \ \\\ �> �\ \�=�= Jj �l \\`\\` , �(/ �1jJ �- U Revision Date B Designer Scale ; \/ WithersRavenel WR AS NOTED sneer no. Drawn By WR Date 12-7-2020 RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION OVERALL STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACT MAP I/ EngneersPlannersSurveyors E Checked By ]ob No. 115 MacKenao Drive I Cary, NC 27511 WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA t: 919.469.3340 1 license #:C-08321--ithersraveneLcom _ CnCn EXISTING \ SEWER MH=-----243—� 30' COR PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER (BM206, PG 265) -242- IMPACT LEGEND PERMANENT WETLANDS TEMPORARY WETLANDS PERMANENT STREAM (NO FUNCTIONAL LOSS) II PERMANENT STREAM (FUNCTIONAL LOSS) TEMPORARY STREAM � — 241 GRAVEL � — I � i�S� ) 1 \ I , _\ I H 1A � / / — — — /��/�/✓ — ' SS / \ EXISTING RIP � RAP I 1� o� / GH \2g� C 30' CITY OF RAL / UTILITY EASEMENT ZONE 2 BUFF ER \\ L 30' NEUSE RIPARIAN \ \ ZONE 1 BUFFER 50' TOWN OF GARNER GREENWAY c EASEMENT AND 50' NEUSE RIVERco / / I \ RIPARIAN BUFFER OFFSET FROM THE NORTHERN BANK OF WHITE OAK CREEK PER BM 2002, PG. 1294 (NO DEED FOUND) NO OR FORMERLY WHITES OAK ASS CIATES -242 \ I / / /// //// i \ \ \ \ BM 2p06, PG. 2k5 BM �015, G. 2/ \ WHITE OAK CREEK —� 1\ \ l \ �\ ` PIN:1730-50-3621� � A PROPERTY \ AERIAL SANITARY % 1\\\ BOUNDARYol \ l \ \ \ ?40, SEWER CROSSING \ �NOSTREAM IMPACT N �l l `(\ / / l6 ✓� /� / / %/// I / — �\ % \\\ TOP OF BANK \ \ \ \ \ \ lq v v \ v C TOP OF BANK ;0I# \ < ♦ \\ v co I \ ���� co 50' NEUSE RIPARIAN \ _ / ZONE 2 BUFFER 30' NEUSE RIPARIAN ZONE 1 BUFFER ` \\ \\` ai dip dP /------J/ /� i "' i \ F MAFLOODWAY -\\ GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 �A V 1 inch = 30 Ft. \ � / Revision Date 3v I I Designer Scale \/ Withers Rave n e l WR A212.2R RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACT MAP 1p FNo Drawn By Date Engineers I Planners I Surveyors Checked By ]ob No. 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 tmi WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA t: 919.469.3340 1 license #: C-0832 I w—withersravenel.com SCALE: 1" = 50' HORIZ. 1 " = 5' V E RT. 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12-50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 AERIAL SEWER OUTFALL Nol Revision Date I 3v Designer 5cae \/ Withers Rave n e l WR AS NOTED s,eet uo. Drawn By WR Date 12-7-2020 RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACT MAP 1/ Eng;neersIPlannersISurveyors F-1 Checked By lob No.11 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA t: 919.469.3340 1 license #: C-0832 I www.withersravenel.com \ 30' NEUSE RIPARIAN ZONE 1 BUFFER \\\\ \\ \ > PROPERTY / BOUNDARY �\ / TOP OF BANK \ \ 50' NEUSE RIPARIAN ^ I j / IMPACT LEGEND ® PERMANENT WETLANDS ® TEMPORARY WETLANDS PERMANENT STREAM (NO FUNCTIONAL LOSS) PERMANENT STREAM (FUNCTIONAL LOSS) TEMPORARY STREAM ZONE 2 BUFFER \ ( 1 / / \ RECEIVING PIT NOW OR FORMERLY 20" STEEL ENCASEMENT TO BE / // \\� \ RFF�\ / ' \' y0, CITY OF RALEIGH INSTALLED BY BORE AND JACK I 1 ////� �� ` \\\ \ / ^ / / 2 / NO STREAM IMPACT / / \\ / / � / WHITE OAK CREEK PUMP STATION 1 ✓ \ \ / \ \ J \ �— — / / \ \ / / / \/ / / / 5 / PARCEL J \ \ _ / 1 / / DB 12224, PG. 149 // j\\ \\\ i \\\�\\ \ /\ // PIN: 1639-39-8\3 / � � \ \ \\\ \\ \ '� �� / / PROPERTY \ \ / / / / NCDOT PERMANENT UTILITY & UTILITY ✓ �\ \ \ \ / \ / TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS 5�' \ BOUNDARY \i / EASEMENT-,, /� \ \ \ \ \ , /� / / DB 17600, PG. 216 /2 / rob/ X\ BORE PIT 12" DIP WL NOW OR FORMERLY (TYP) RICHARD L. HAYES ��0/ and wife SOPH IA HAYES ESTATE FILE 17-E-0082 \ DB 17600, PG. 216 EXISTING ROW / \ \ \ / / / APRIL COURT - LOT 1 \ _ I BM 1966, PG. 157 °o J \ \ \ \ S 0 \ \ \\\ � I r � PIN: 1639-49-2632 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 —252— \ \ \ / / / 1 inch = 30 Ft. No. Reis;°n Date I By Illin—i—r Scale III\I/ Withers Rave n e l WR AZ'2o2R RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACT MAP 1� GNo Drawn By Date Engineers Planners Surveyors Checked By ]ob No. 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA t:919.469.334011icense#:C-08321 w—withersraveneLcom 255 255 250 EXISTING GRADE CENTER 250 EXISTING OFFSET GRADE 24'LEFT 245 245 240 240 235 ................ ..... .......... 235 .. .. 230 12"DIP WATERLINE ±54' - 20" STEEL ENCASEMENT TO BE INSTALLED BY BORE AND JACK 230 3 BED MIN OF COVER STREAM FROM cy 00 CD Lc) N rn 0 in N Lc)I- 00 of cy) N 1— of v N 11+00 11-50 12-E00 12-E50 13-E00 WHITE OAK CREEK STEEL ENCASEMENT INSTALLATION BY BORE AND JACK SCALE: 1" = 50' HORIZ. 1 " = 5' VERT. No. I Revision Date 3v Designer 5cae \/ Withers Rave n e l WR AS NOTED s,eet uo. D rawn By WR Date 12-7-2020 RAYNOR ROAD SUBDIVISION STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACT 1/ Engineers I Planners I Surveyors G-1 Checked By ]ob No.11 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 WR 02190124 GARNER WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA t:919.469.334011icense#:C-0832 I www.withersravenel.com 1%WithersRavenet Our PeopLe. Your Success. Pond Design Project Name: Raynor Road City/State: Garner, North Carolina Project #: 02190124 Date: 10/9/20 SCM #1 - Stormwater Wet Pond Design Table 1: Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing (Adapted from Driscoll, 1986,' Piedmont and Mountain Impervious 10 SA/DA Table (Adapted Permanent 3.0 4.0 0.51 0.43 from Driscoll, 1986) Pool Depth 0.37 0.30 0.27 0.25 20 0.84 0.69 0.61 0.51 0.44 0.40 30 1.17 0.94 0.84 0.72 0.61 0.56 40 1.51 1.24 1.09 0.91 0.78 0.71 50 1.79 1.51 1.31 1.13 0.95 0.87 60 2.09 1.77 1.49 1.31 1 1.12 1.03 70 2.51 2.09 1.80 1.56 1.34 1.17 80 2.92 2.41 2.07 1.82 1.62 1.40 90 3.25 2.64 2.31 2.04 1.84 1.59 100 3.55 2.79 2.52 2.34 2.04 1.75 Source: NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual Minimum Design Criteria C-3 Wet Pond (4.18.2017) SCM #1 Drainage Area Information Total Drainage Area = 43.65 acres Total Impervious Area = 24.12 acres Impervious Surface Area = 55.26 SCM #1 Normal Pool Information Avg Depth = 4.50 ft Normal Pool Elevation = 245.5 SA/DA ratio = 1.53 From Table 1 Main Pool SA Provided = 35905 sq. ft. DA x SA - DA ratio 0.824 acres Minimum pond surface area (SA) _ 100 SA = 29009 sq. ft. 0.666 acres SCM #1 Water Quality Information JUsing "Simple Method" Runoff Volume Calculations described by Schueler (1987) Rv =0.05+0.::X,:] Where: Rv = Runoff coefficient I = Percent impervious Rv = 0.55 in/in Total runoff volume from 1-inch precipitation: Runoff Volume (S) = Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area S = 86723 cu. ft. 1.991 acre-ft Water Quality Pool Elev = Overflow Elev = toraRe Volume Provided = 247.16 ft 247.25 ft 91762 cu. ft. 2.107 acre-ft Page 1 of 1