HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070522 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070404~.• • ' ~ . DWQ~ ~ ' O S a~. ~ ~ Date ~ - ~ - ~~ Who Reviewed: ~-f5-~'1 fie.!------ . ~. ~ • Plan Detail7neomplete ~ - • ^ Ptbasa provide a location map~for the projoct. • Please $how alI stroam impacts including all fiII slopes, dissipaters, and bank•stabilization on the site plan. Please show all wetland impacts including fiII slopes on the site plan. - ~~~~ ~~~ ^ Please indicato all buffer impacts on the site plan• ^ Pleaao indicate proposed Iot layout as overlays an the site plan, ~ ~• a ' ~ ~ ~" ~ '~ ^ .Please indicate the looatign of the protocted buffers as mverlays oa the site plan. ~•.~,~, ~ ~ _~ ~~, ~~ . S _ Please locate aII isolated. or non-isolated etla,ads, Darns and other wators of the State as ovorlays on the alto plan. • ~ ~ ~. ^ Please protride cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passages ^ Please locate say planned•sewer lines on tine site plan. • , ^ Please provide fhe location of any proposed stormwatar management practices as required by f}C • rmwata mane ent ractices as ~ b f3C ~• ^ Please provide detail for the sto Bern p ~l~ Y ^ Flease apacify iho perceat of project iinpervlousnees aroa based on the estimated built-out conditions: ^ Please indicate all stormwaizr~,o~}tfalle on the site gl~. L legso•indioate the di~se flow rovlsion moeaures do the site plan, ~ . ^ P •P ^ Please indicate,whothar' or not the kiropoAoii isnpaats aJroady beon co~}ducted. ~ d``• ~ ', ~ ~ S'~ !' S Gam.. . Avoidance•and/or 14f~~t~~f.ton i~Tot Provld~d [] • The Iabelgd as _~ on th®plana does not appear to be necessary. Pleasoeliminate the . or prbvido additional . intbrniatioti~as to why it i8 necessary for this project • .~Q This Office believes that the labeled on iho plans as. Dan be moved, or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the .` .Please revise t3~e plans to avoid thQ impacts.. ~ • • . ^. • This'Otflco bolievea•thet the . •labeled on tho plans ae• can be moved or rocon$gured to ;minimize tho iriapacts tp'thho • . Ploaso ravine tiro pleas to minimize tho impacts. ^ T1~e stormwata discharges at the location on the plans labeled will.not provide difl~so flow through the buffer because ~ . ' ~ . Please Feviae the plans and provldo calculations to show that diflbae•f]ow a9II be achieved t~nough the entirebuifo~•. If it . is not posaiblo m achiove•dif3i~se flour through.the entire buffer'then it nuy be neeessaryto~ provide atormwatar managem~t practices that remove nutrients :before the stormwatcr can bo discharged through. the, b~a•. ` . Oilier ~ ~ , ~ .. ~ ' ^•. Thd application fee was insuffleiont•becauso~ver 1S0 feet of stream and/or.ovar 1 arse ofwctlend'impacts wero requested. Please . provide ~ . ~ This additional fee musf be nxxivoc~ before your application can bo revIowed. • • ^ Please complete Section(s) on the application. - •• •. • ^ Pleasoprovide a signed copy of the application. • • ^ Pleaaeprovide ~ .copipe of the application, . copies of•the siteplans and other supporting information: • _ ^ • Pleacasubmit electronic CAD files showing :•via: ciusld to ian.mcmillan®nonutil,net and C1~ • Mitigation ~ , ~ ~ • • ^ of compensatory mitigation is requirod for this projdct ~ Please pmvide•a cQmpaisatory mitigation plan, The • plan must conform•to tharequiranents in 15 A NCAC 2H .0500 and must be appropr•Iate to the type•of Impacts proposed. Please indioate~whioh~404 PaYnit the USACE would use to authorize this proje#. ~~- .~ .. ~ f~•} ~,~~j , _, • /` • _ ~ ~ ~~