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413147_Well Construction - GW1_20130429
t74/ Ll/ 1t71.5 t7J: 4 Jit7.J1 .11 :Z AQUA WELL PALL t7 t NONRSIDENTIALWELJ. CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of F,nvoonmcnt and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # � I 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Weil Contra or (Individual) Name A 64, Loa LA)tti I A-q Well Contractor - nw Name /,..> b Street Address C.., ir City or Town (alt©) Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT* OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMITInf appiic e) SITE WELL ID Stir applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring Cl Municipal/Public 0 IndustrlaVCommerc►ial Ci Agricultural 0 Recovery 0 Injection 0 IrrigationO Other p pet use) DATE DRILLED Ii~/3 4. WELL LOCATION: 21- 0 itio (met Name. Numbers, Community. Subdtvision. Lot No., Pam, Zip Code) 11/ • State Zip Code CITY: (A),144 COUNTY TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (coed( expropriate box) O Slope CI VVlley 5Fat cote Daher LATITUDE ,°A' DMS OR 3x.xxxxXXXXX DD LONGITUDE °je ' 41 DMS OR Zumwalt& DD Latitude/longitude source: BPS QTopograpftic maP (location of well must be shown on a USGS two map andettached to this km if not using GPS) 6. FACILITY (Marne of the business where the well le located.) Facility Name Street Address City or Town Facility 100 (If applicable) Stale Zip Code Contact Name MaMn6 Address City of Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number i. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 3r b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES p NO 01%., c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: )— (Use `+' if Above Top of Casing) rr. Jr 41.3147 d. TOP OF CASING I9,IFT. Above Land Surface' `Top of casing terrnknebed atlor below land surface may require : a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. . e. YIELD Wpm): � = METHOD OF TEST 'IA- t. DISINFECTION: Type - - ._.. Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top 8ottont Top Bottom : Top _ Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Olsnister Weight Material TOP BOttorn_241. Ft. Saikto et TopBottom Ft, TopBottom Ft, 8, GROUT: Depth Materiel Method Top 6 Bolton a b . FI, 1'� C.f2c1A TopBottomY Ft , . Top._._.... BottomFL, 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Blot Site Medici Top„ c 4 Boitont , , FLI rry In, C dd In, 4 c7-, • ToP____.- Bottom`_____ Ft—Jn, __,___ In, : Top Bottom_ Ft. In, in. : 10. SANWGRAVEL PAC1: Depth Site Material Top BottomFt. Top Bottoms Ft._,,,,,,,,,_ Top Bottom_ __ _ Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description �t a 9P-41/4 / Ir , / / / 12. REMARKS; c_9.A.r., 5 S4 4111111110 NFORM ON. RE719G2613 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THNe WU. WAS CONSTAUCTEO N AcOORO NCE Wrh4 15A PI:/.c 2C. WELL CONSTRUMICN STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS SEEN • DED TO THE WEL/ OWNER. R. SIGNMr UR Asc- C . TIRED WELL CONTRACIV PRINTED NAME OF - RSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: bivision of Water Quality - information Processing, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699.16 1, Phone : (919) 80743U0 RECEIVED 04-21-` 12 20:17 FROM- 9103133102 TO- I'IC DENS P&S Form GW-lb Rev. 2/09 PAA7/17112