HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040561 Ver 3_CAMA Application_20100914X LV-KXA I ./ I 4j;h c) L? -ros Lo k 0 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue James H. Gregson Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary September 13, 2010 MEMORANDUM: L'? C LIf? TO: Cyndi Karoly, Supervisor cr- U 401 Oversight & Express Permits Unit "`P < 2010 Division of Water Quality-Surface Water Protect ??pppp DENR - WATEROUALITy ?W ANDS AND 5TORUYVATER BRANCH FROM: Doug Huggett, NC DENR-DCM Major Permits Coordinator 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 (Courier 11-12-09) SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge & Fill Major Permit Application Review Applicant: Village of Bald Head Island/Dredging Project - (c/o: C. Peck) Project Location: At the mouth of Bald Head Creek, South & West Beaches, in the Village of Bald Head Island, Brunswick Co. Proposed Project: Applicant is proposing a beach nourishment project for the Village of Bald Head Island utilizing dredged material from the mouth of Bald Head Creek Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by October 11, 2010. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project contact Heather Coats (910)796-7424, when appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557--3421 Phone: 252-808-28081 FAX: 252-247-3330 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 A16rrnatve Acton Employer NorthCarohna Naturldy DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 2. 3 4. 5 APPLICANT'S NAME: Village of Bald Head Island Creek Dredging Project, c/o Calvin Peck LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: The project site is located at the mouth of Bald Head Creek, South Beach and West Beach, in the Village of Bald Head Island, Brunswick County. Photo Index - 2006: 11-6178 (Oceanfront) 2000: 11-104 (Oceanfront) 1998: 7-128 (Oceanfront) State Plane Coordinates - GPS File: Q081910A X:2301863 Lat: 33°52' 13.75404"N INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA / D&F Y: 45366 Long: 78°00'20.67160"W INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 8/19/10 Was Applicant Present - No PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 9/9/10 Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Village of Bald Head Island Classification From LUP - No Classification /Medium Density Residential 1 &2/ PUD (B) AEC(s) Involved: OH, EW, PTA (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - N/A Planned - N/A (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Commercial and Residential structures and accessways Planned - Beach Fill Project (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: 2'- 8'/year Source - LTAASCR 1998 Update 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Vegetated Wetlands (coastal) (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands - (shallow 21.34 acres Up to 12.4 bottom) acres (C) Other (Highground) Up to 10.3 acres (D) Total Area Disturbed: -44 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA/SB Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing a beach nourishment project for the Village of Bald Head Island, utilizing dredged material from the mouth of Bald Head Creek. Bald Head Island Creek Dredging Project, c/o Calvin Peck Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bald Head Island is part of an island group known as Smith Island, located at the confluence of the Cape Fear River and Atlantic Ocean between Fort Fisher and Oak Island/Caswell Beach. The island is accessed by private boat or a private ferry service from Southport. The project site begins approximately 1,350' south of the marina entrance channel on West Beach of Bald Head Island and terminates on the eastern end of South Beach, a distance of approximately 20,350' from the marina entrance channel, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean and Cape Fear River, in the Village of Bald Head Island, Brunswick County. To find the project site, travel approximately 700' south from the Bald Head Island ferry terminal to the parking area. The project site begins approximately 300' south from the parking area and extends along the beach south and east to Snowy Egret Trail. The project site is adjacent to residential properties. The project site is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the south and east, the Cape Fear River to the west and Smith Island to the north. The highground portion of the property is vegetated primarily American Beach Grass (Ammophila breviligulata) and Sea Oats (Uniola paniculata). The annual erosion rate for the Village ranges from 2'-8'/year per the Division of Coastal Management's 1998 Annual Erosion Rate maps and the Declaratory Ruling approved by the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) on June 24, 2009. The 100-year storm recession line within the Ocean Erodible Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) is predicted to be 270'. The portion of the project on West Beach is located within the Inlet Hazard Area. The West and South Beach sites fall within the project boundaries of the beach fill project authorized under State Permit #67-09, issued to the Village of Bald Head Island on May 27, 2009 and modified on September 2, 2009 to allow for an early start date within the sea turtle moratorium. This project placed approximately 1.5 million cubic yards of material on West & South Beach. The project was completed around March 9, 2010. The South Beach portion of the project also falls within the USACE Wilmington Harbor Sand Management Plan project, which authorizes the placement of material excavated from the federal navigation channel on South Beach at Years 2 and 4 of a 6-year cycle. South Beach last received sand from the federal project in 2007. West Beach was also nourished in 2006 under State Permit 62-05, issued to the Village of Bald Head Island on April 28, 2005 (Federal Permit 198000291). State Permit 62-05 authorized the excavation of approximately 40,000 cubic yards of material from Bald Head Creek, which was then deposited on West Beach. State Permit 409-95, issued to the Village of Bald Head Island, authorized nourishment of a portion of South Beach. A minor modification of the permit was granted on 7/7/95, by means of a CRC variance, for installation of the sand groin field on South Beach (Federal Permit #199404687). The proposed borrow area site is located at the mouth of Bald Head Creek. Bald Head Creek is located north of Bald Head Island marina, east of Fort Caswell. Current water depths range from approximately -1.9' to -7.81' NGVD 29. Sediments collected via Vibracore samples were shown to have an overall Unified Soils Classification System (USCS) designation of SP, although the core designated as BHC-08- 07 revealed a layer of SC sediments (described as fine muddy sand, with mud layers at base) beginning at an approximate elevation of -6' NGVD 29. The Village of Bald Head Island Land Use Plan does not include the dry sand beach in its classifications; however, the adjacent upland areas of this project are classified as Medium Density Residential 1 & 2 and PUD. The waters of the project site are classified as SA & SB by the NC Division of Water Quality. The NC Division of Marine Fisheries has NOT designated this area of the Cape Fear River and Atlantic Ocean as a Prima Nursery Area, and the waters are open to the harvesting of shellfish. Village of Bald Head Island Creek Dredging Project, c/o Calvin Peck Page Three PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant is proposing a single-event beach nourishment project for the Village of Bald Head Island. The project is intended as a measure to address critical erosion in addition to the ongoing federal project. Three disposal/ beach fill sites have been identified, and as proposed, the actual site utilized would be chosen based on need at the time of the project. West Beach has been deemed as the highest priority due to chronic erosion in the area. The proposed fill area would measure approximately 3,600' in length if placed on South Beach, or 2,150 linear feet if placed on West Beach, or 1,400 linear feet if placed at Row Boat Row. As proposed, this project would either pump an approximate gross volume of 100,000 cubic yards of sand on South Beach, 50,000-75,000 cubic yards onto West Beach, or a maximum of 25,000 cubic yards onto Row Boat Row beach. While the project is proposed as a one-time event, the applicant has stated that it is anticipated that future dredging will likely be requested under a modification of the permit every 3-5 years. It is further stated that it is recognized that future events would be dependent on borrow site recovery. The applicant also states pre- and post-project benthic monitoring would be performed at the borrow site and would continue annually for three years. The applicant states that they would dredge up to 100,000 cubic yards of material from the mouth of Bald Head Creel to a design depth of -6' MLW (-7.81' NGVD29). The material would be dredged with a 16" hydraulic cutterhead dredge and pumped via pipeline onto the beach. The pipeline would be located on the dry sand beach except at the marina entrance channel, where it would submerged under the channel. The applicant states no excavation is proposed within the entrance channel associated with the pipeline placement. Please refer to the Environmental Assessment prepared by Land Management, Inc. for further details concerning this project. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The proposed dredging would result in the removal of approximately 21.34 acres of shallow bottom. The projected 100,000 cubic yards of excavated material would result in the fill of a maximum of 10.3 acres of upper beach (above NHW) and 12.4 acres of intertidal area and near-shore shallow bottom, if the material were placed on South Beach. If the sand were placed on West Beach, approximately 4.2 acres of land would be filled above NHW and 2.7 acres of beach fill would occur below MHW. If the sand were to be placed at Row Boat Row, it is estimated that approximately 2.7 acres of upper beach would be filled and 1.8 acres would be impacted below NHW. The dredging and beach fill would result in temporary turbidity, and should be timed so as to avoid peak periods of biological activity, thereby minimizing long-term impacts to fauna. Submitted by: Heather Coats Date: September 10, 2010 Office: Wilmington EWA ?? NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue, Govemor James H. Gregson, Director Dee Freeman, Secretary Date July 20, 2010 Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Village of Bald Head Island Mailing Address: PO Box 3009 Bald Head Island, NC 28461 I certify that I have authorized (agent) Land Management Group, Inc to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct (activity) Bald Head Creek dredge project at (my property located at) shoal at mouth of Bald Head Creek This certification is valid thru (date) July 20, 2011 ?• z° - 70 Property Owner Sign tWe Date 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-33301 Internet: www.necoastaimanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Afrmia6ve Aclion Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Bald Head Creek Dredge Project Biological Monitoring Plan - May 2010 Village of Bald Head Island Background Benthic fauna are often utilized as a potential indicator of biological health in marine/estuarine communities - particularly in response to natural or human-induced perturbations. Characteristics of benthic infauna or epi-fauna that make them particularly well-suited for such studies include: (1) low motility; (2) close association with sediment substrates; and (3) importance in transfer of energy to higher trophic levels (Alphin 2009). As the frequency of federal and non-federal beach nourishment projects have increased, there has been a greater level of focus on evaluating the degree of impact of these projects on the biological communities at both the borrow site and the nourishment site. Prior studies have focused principally on the macroinvertebrate population recovery of the nourished beachfront. The results of these studies have varied widely due to a number of influencing factors. In general, it has been demonstrated that there is an abrupt decline in benthic populations immediately following nourishment due to physical burial and/or displacement. Recovery may then occur over a period of months to one year depending on the degree of sediment matching of the fill material relative to the native beach (Van Dolah et al. 1994; Jutte et al. 1999; Berquist 2008). Less information is available regarding the biological recovery of the borrow site. Benthic regeneration in these areas will be influenced by the following: (1) the composition of the surficial sediments left in place post-excavation; (2) the physical recovery or rate of infilling of the site; (3) the water quality overlying the sediment interface; and (4) the proximity of intact populations available for recolonization of the excavated area. The following monitoring plan provides methodology for determining the response and recovery of benthic populations at both the subtidal borrow site and the nourished beachfront. It employs a Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) design in order to document changes of the project areas to relatively undisturbed reference areas (Berquist 2008). Both the impact and the reference areas .. ??. Biological Monitoring Plan 1 Bald Head Creek Dredge Project , Village of Bald Head Island will be sampled pre- and post-construction in order to evaluate the immediate response of the benthos and the longer-term recovery of these populations. Benthic Monitoring of Borrow Site In an effort to document the impacts on, and recovery of, benthic infaunal communities and sediment characteristics in the sediment borrow area, pre- and post-construction sampling of benthos will be conducted. The pre-construction sampling event will be conducted in the early fall (September or October) prior to the dredging of the targeted borrow site. Benthic invertebrates populations at the borrow site will be sampled using a 'petit' ponar grab at representative locations along two (2) transect lines across the portion of the shoal to be dredged (refer to Figure 1). Six (6) sampling locations (with two replicates at each location) will be collected and transported to a qualified laboratory for fixation. A total of twelve (12) samples will be collected across the shoal during each sampling event. Additional samples will be collected along a representative shoal to the north of the borrow site for a controllreference site. The reference transect will consist of three (3) sampling locations. Two (2) replicates will be collected at each location. The total number of reference samples to be collected will be six (6) per year. All benthic samples will be fixed in 10% buffered formalin (formaldehyde derivative) solution with rose Bengal dye added and later transferred to a 70% isoproponol preservative for storage. Both replicates will be sorted and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible (generally species) and counted. Species list and mean abundances will be compiled. Additional statistical analyses may be performed for species richness and diversity. Diversity will be calculated using the Shannon Weiner Diversity Index. Post-construction monitoring will occur on an annual basis in the early fall (September or October) for a period of three years. Biological Monitoring Plan { 2! Bald Head Creek Dredge Project Village of Bald Head Island Literature Cited Alphin, T.D. 2009. Benthic Faunal Communities associated with the Mason Inlet Relocation Project Year 6 Post-Construction (December 2007) - Summary of Findings. Unpublished Report. 26 pp. Berquist, et al. 2008. Change and Recovery of Physical and Biological Characteristics at Beach and Borrow Areas Impacted by the 2005 Folly Beach Renourishment Project. SC. Technical Report No. 102. Prepared by the Marine Resources Division, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Charleston, SC for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District. 112 pp. Jutte, P.C. and R.F. Van Dolah. 1999. An assessment of benthic infaunal assemblages and sediments in the Joiner Bank and Gaskin Banks borrow areas for the Hilton Head Beach Renourishment Project. Final Report - Year 1. Prepared by the Marine Resources Division, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for Olsen Associates, Inc. and the Town of Hilton Head Island. Van Dolah, R.F et al. 1994. Environmental evaluation of the Folly Beach Nourishment Project. Final Report. Prepared by the Marine Resources Division, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Charleston, SC for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District. 155 pp. Biological Monitoring Plan Bald Head Creek Dredge Project Village of Bald Head Island "'1111 "i '.Y PHOTO DAIS: MX 200 e r ossockft, Ina. 4438 Herschel Sheet Legend 1oclaonvft, FL 32210 (904) 387-6114 Benthic Monitoring Site COA NM 1468 LMG DMANAGEMENTGROUP., I LAN E-11 10W 0-1-11-s Post Ofllos Box 2522 SCALE 7?:7 0 150 - 300 FEET NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION proms a" r+.lWm t» mm Eked clack Dmlo N„ Figure 1. Benthic Monitoring Sites Project Narrative Project: Bald Head Creek Dredging Project Applicant: Village of Bald Head Island Revised September 9, 2010 Proposed Project The Village of Bald Head Island (Village) proposes to excavate a 21.34 acre site located at the mouth of Bald Head Creek. The purpose of the project is to provide supplementary sand to critical areas of the beachfront documented to exhibit acute erosion and shoreline recession. According to the bathymetric survey (October 2008), depths of the proposed dredge area range from -1,9 ft NGVD to -7.81 ft NGVD. The design depth of excavation is -6 ft MLW (-7.81 ft NGVD). The target volume for excavation for the dredging event is 100,000 cy. The borrow area presently contains up to 145,000 cy, mol. The proposed project represents a sand back-passing operation. The principal disposal site for the sand is West Beach (since this area does not receive sand through the federal Sand Management Plan (SMP) of the Wilmington Harbor Deepening Project). The proposed nourishment sites are described in more detail below. It should be noted that the applicant seeks authorization for the dredge and nourishment of a one- time event. Should future shore protection needs arise that warrant a similar type and level of response (e.g. placement of up to 100,000 cy +/-), then the Village may request authorization for future implementation subject to regulatory agency review and approval at that time. The project is proposed to occur during the acceptable environmental window of November 15 to April 1. However, the project may qualify for use in response to an emergency condition if it is deemed consistent with 15A NCAC 07H .2501 or NCAC 07H .1700 or other applicable law. The 21.34 acre borrow site will be excavated using a small (16") hydraulic cutterhead dredge. All material will be pumped to the beachfront location(s) via pipeline. A booster pump may be required. The pipeline corridor will be located above the MHWL, seaward of the vegetation line and submerged at the Bald Head Creek Marina entrance channel so as not to impede navigation. Note that there will be no excavation associated with the placement of the pipeline. Beach grading will be completed with a bulldozer. RECEIVED The three potential nourishment sites (based upon need for sand) are outlined below. DCM WILMINGTON, NC SEP 0 9 2010 Nourishment Site A: West Beach Based upon prior experience, a 2,150 ft. ± segment of the West Beach shoreline is considered to be the highest priority fill placement site. Under most circumstances, the required fill volume would range between 50,000 and 75,000 cubic yards. The entire West Beach fill site faces the Cape Fear River. As such, West Beach littoral processes are highly influenced by storms, ship wake, riverine currents, channel dredging events, etc. The proposed beach construction project at this location will potentially impact approximately 4.2 acres of land above the existing mean high water and up to 2.7 acres of land below mean high water - 1 - along West Beach. Site specific dimensions will vary according to the level of erosion present at the time of nourishment but are estimated not to exceed 2,150 ft in width by 140 ft in length by the project engineer. Nourishment Site B: South Beach A 3,600 ft. long segment of South Beach lies in close proximity to the federal navigation project - nominally between sand tube groins 1 and 10. This segment of oceanfront shoreline represents the area of most critical erosion on Bald Head Island and also represents the section of Bald Head Island most rapidly affected by bi-annual navigation channel maintenance operations. This site has become an increasing priority for nourishment given the deteriorating conditions of the beachfront. Within this shorefront segment lies a sand bag revetment intended to protect the island roadway, evacuation route, utilities, etc. There are presently no other sand resources available on-island for addressing such a scenario. Sand placement at Site B would necessitate the use of a booster pump in the transfer of material from Bald Head Creek to the oceanfront shoreline. The anticipated sand volume, if available, would be up to 100,000 cubic yards. The proposed beach construction project at this location will potentially impact approximately 10.3 acres of land above the existing mean high water and up to 12.4 acres of land below mean high water along South Beach. Site specific dimensions will vary according to the level of erosion present at the time of nourishment but are estimated not to exceed 3,600 ft in width by 275 ft in length by the project engineer. Nourishment Site C: Row Boat Row This 1,400 ft. segment of riverfront shoreline lies downdrift (i.e. northward) of the entrance to the Bald Head Island Marina. Sand fill requirements at this location would not exceed 25,000 cubic yards. Row Boat Row is presently the recipient of small quantities of sand routinely dredged from the marina entrance channel (ref. CAMA Permit No. 208-86). Site C is deemed to be the lowest priority fill site, however, sand placement requirements could increase based upon the success of certain planned modifications to the two (2) entrance structures which stabilize the entrance to the marina in order to allow for unimpeded ferry service between the island and the mainland. The proposed beach construction project at this location will potentially impact approximately 2.7 acres of land above the existing mean high water and up to 1.8 acres of land below mean high water along Row Boat Row. Site specific dimensions will vary according to the level of erosion present at the time of nourishment but are estimated not to eJVdW,GQt }iV*dth by 140 ft in length by the project engineer. OCM WILMINC-; -,. ; nIC. SEP 0 9 ZQ1U Existing Conditions The project site is located in Brunswick County, NC at the confluence of Bald Head Creek and the lower Cape Fear River as depicted on the Cape Fear and Kure Beach USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangles. Bald Head Creek is an estuarine tidal creek located along the northwestern side of Bald Head Island in Brunswick County, NC. Bald Head Island's east and south shorelines (East Beach and -2- South Beach, respectively) front the Atlantic Ocean. The western shoreline (a.k.a. West Beach) is located immediately adjacent to the Cape Fear River entrance. The immediate project area is situated near the mouth of BHC, approximately 1,600 feet north of the entrance to Bald Head Marina. The proposed project is located in the Cape Fear River Subbasin 03-06-17 (Hydrologic Unit 03030005). Waters in the vicinity of the proposed project are classified as Class SA; HQW by the Environmental Management Commission (EMC). According to Division of Water Quality, SA waters are suitable for shellfishing for market purposes; however, the NC Division of Environmental Health classifies the upper reaches of Bald Head Creek as prohibited for shellfishing. The lower reaches in the vicinity of the proposed excavation are presently classified as approved. The upper reaches of Bald Head Creek, approximately 9,500 linear ft upstream of the proposed project, are designated as Primary Nursery Area (PNA) by the NC Division of Marine Fisheries. There are no jurisdictional wetlands (as regulated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act or the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act) within the project area. The island's east and south shorelines, or "East Beach" and "South Beach", front the Atlantic Ocean. The west shoreline, or "West Beach", fronts the Cape Fear River entrance. The Village of Bald Head Island is a residential community with a mix of single- and multi-family dwellings constructed over the last 3 to 4 decades. The island is accessible to the public by means of a passenger ferry which operates between Southport (on the mainland) and an on-island marina basin. The Cape Fear River Entrance, over one mile in width, separates Bald Head Island from Oak Island (or Caswell Beach) which is located immediately to the west. Presently, the South Beach shorefront of Bald Head Island is the recipient of beach quality material excavated during channel maintenance of the Wilmington Harbor Navigation Project. Sediment quantities placed average 2M cubic yards ± over a six-year period. To date the disposal material is placed as beach fill along the high erosion South Beach shoreline. This plan does not address the need for sand on West Beach, nor does it adequately or fully mitigate the loss of sand from the western shoreline of South Beach. In addition portions of South Beach are particularly susceptible to erosion during repeated four-year gaps in the cycle or during periods in which federal appropriations are insufficient to initiate dredging of the Bald Head Shoal, Smith Island, and Bald Head-Caswell sections of the federal entrance channel. Note that the latter scenario is likely to occur during the next planned federal maintenance event originally scheduled for the winter of 2010/2011. -While the channel reach adjacent to Bald Head Island is typically included within the scheduled harbor maintenance, reduced federal funding will restrict the channel areas that can be maintained. As a result, the next maintenance event (and thus federal nourishment on Bald Head via the SMP) may very well be delayed until 2011/2012. On May 27, 2009, the Village received a CAMA Major Permit (No. 67-09) (DA Permit Number 2007-02699) for a private large scale fill project intended to supplement the federally sponsored Wilmington Harbor Sand Management Plan (SMP) beach disposal events. In light of the accelerated erosional losses to the beach profile, the Village requested and received a permit modification to initiate dredge mobilization on October 15, 2009. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC SEr 0 9 2010 -3- While the purpose of the project is to provide for a supplemental source of beach quality sand for those areas of the shoreline susceptible to acute erosion, the Village recognizes the important secondary benefit of improved navigation in the vicinity of the creek mouth as a result of the proposed dredging. Sediment transport processes at the creek mouth have resulted in continual shoaling and spit formation which are deemed impactive to navigation access to and from over sixty (60) existing slips within the creek. The Bald Head Island Public Safety Chief has confirmed that use of the creek is restricted with limited to no access during mid to low tidal stages, ultimately affecting safe ingress and egress for recreational boaters as well as response times for rescue vessels. Proposed Monitoring In addition to the on-going biological monitoring associated with the previously authorized beach restoration project (outlined above), the Village will be monitoring the Bald Head Creek borrow site both pre- construction and post-construction. The monitoring will include benthic infaunai sampling/identification and bathymetric surveys. Pre-construction benthic sampling will be conducted in the early fall, prior to the dredging of the target borrow site. A reference area (located north of the proposed borrow site) will also be sampled for benthic infauna. Post-construction benthic monitoring will continue post-construction once annually for a period of three years. Bathymetric surveys documenting physical recovery of the borrow site will be conducted immediately post-construction, Year 1 post-construction, and Year 3 post-construction. In addition, a physical survey will be conducted prior to any future maintenance request to facilitate agency review and authorization of a permit modification. A copy of the biological monitoring plan of the borrow site is included with this submittal. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON. NC s 0 9 2010 -4- DCMMP-1 Off- OSlol v 3 APPLICATION for Major Development Permit (last revised 12/27/06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Project Name (if applicable) Village Of Bald Head Island, N.C. Bald Head Creek Dredging Project Applicant 1: First Name MI Last Name Attn: Calvin Peck Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name N/A N/A If additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. Mailing Address PO Box City State Village Manager 3009 Bald Head Island NC ZIP Country Phone No. FAX No. 28461 -7000 USA 910 - 457 - 9700 ext. 910 - 45 7 - 6206 Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP N/A N/A N/A N/A- Email cpeck@villagebhi.org 2. Agent(Contractor Information Business Name Land Management Group, Inc. Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name Jenny Johnson Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Christian Preziosi Mailing Address PO Box City State 2522 Wilmington NC ZIP Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 28402 910 - 452 - 000 1 ext. - ext. FAX No. Contractor # 910 452 0600 Street.Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email I i i I a os m9rouP.net; cPrez m9rouP.net 11ohnson@ @ <Form continues on back> OC?11 WILMINGTON, NC Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3. Project Location County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd. # Brunswick N/A N/A Subdivision Name City State Zip N/A Village of Bald Head Island NC 28461- 7000 Phone No. Lot No. (s) (if many, attach additional page with list) 910 - 457 - 9700 ext. N/A, , a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Cape Fear Bald Head Creek, Cape Fear River c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. ®Natural []Manmade []Unknown Cape Fear River e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ®Yes ?No work falls within. Bald Head Island 4. Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) 2,150'- West Beach; N/A 3,600'- South Beach; 1,400'- Row Boat Row; see attachment 1 c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or N/A, NWL (normal water level) (If many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) N/A ?NHW or ?NWL e. Vegetation on tract Salt-tolerant vegetation. In general, all work will be performed seaward of any major vegetated duneline f. Man-made features and uses now on tract (1) Residential/resort community/dune field (2) Uses-recreational ?" S h 1 ` E V 1) ee attac ment ? g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adoacent to the proposed project site. AU t3 G 2 7 2010 Residential community; marina; infrastructure (roads etc.); dune preservation zones U C;M iLMINGTON, IN h. How does local government zone the tract? L Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? N/A (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) ?Yes ?No ®NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ?Yes ®No k. Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. ®Yes ?No ?NA If yes, by whom? Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc 1. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ?Yes ®No ?NA National Register listed or eligible property? 2 2 -aa1 ?3?ya . "i-FSS-a RC ,A-1)T vw r,. .....W.-.as'I ran a9SmeIt r, 4 z Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) <Form continues on next pago APPLICATION for Major Development Permit m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? ?Yes ®No (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? ?Yes ®No (iii) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? ?Yes ®No (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. N/A o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. N/A p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. N/A 5. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ?Commercial ®Public/Government ?Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. Recreational beach and navigation of Bald Head Creek c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. Hydraulic dredge will excavate sand. Hydraulic pipeline and booster pumps will pump material directly to nourishment site. Dozer will push sand along shoreline. d. List all development activities you propose. Excavation of Bald Head Creek for beach nourishment purposes. Nourishment of West Beach, South Beach or Row Boat Row for storm protection and recreational public use e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? both f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? see attachment 1 ?Sq.Ft or ®Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ®Yes ?No ?NA that the public has established use of? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. Dredge effluent during construction will return to adjacent receiving body after exiting temporary alongshore toe dike. A temporary toe dike is intended to influence beach sediment placement process and reduce turbidity. i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ?Yes ®No ?NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity, cein udie ?Yes []No ®NA '6 Y: j. Is there any mitigation proposed? ?Yes ?No ®NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. AG 7 2010 ?i w..80 ?131i .- 1-38 ;.. ° W, - ,? .. . >, m-Vn 5 -- ,Itx i?? Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of 4) <Form continues on back> APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6. Additional Information In addition to this completed application form, (MP-1) the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete. Items (a) - (1) are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties, e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. f. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name Bald Head Island, Limited Phone No. Address 4097 Spring Island Okatie, SC 29909 Name see attachment 1 Phone No. Address Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. See attachment 1 for list of previous permits h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. i. Wetland delineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), if necessary. If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge; J 4aAl Date Print Name ejlr) t ? LAff) V/.? " ? i v Signature O " .y '%A tea' Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ®DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ?DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts ?DCM MP-3 Upland Development A6 J` 2010 ?DCM MP-4 Structures Information Form DCM MP-2 EXCAVATION and FILL (Except for bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or fill activities. All values should be given in feet. Access Other Channel Canal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock (excluding (NLW or Breakwater shoreline NWL) stabilization) Length N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Width N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Avg. Existing N/A N/A N/A N/A NA NA N/A Depth Final Project N/A N/A N/A N/A NA NA N/A Depth 1. EXCAVATION [] This section not applicable a. Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b. Type of material to be excavated. cubic yards. predominantly medium-grained, moderately well sorted Up to 100,00 cubic yards sands c. (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands/marsh d. High-ground excavation in cubic yards. (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), N/A or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ?CW ?SAV ?SB ?WL ®None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: N/A 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL []This section not applicable a. Location of disposal area. b. Dimensions of disposal area. West Beach, South Beach, Row Boat Row West Beach - 2,150'x 140'; South Beach - 3,600'x 275'; Row Boat Row - 1,400'x 140' c. (i) Do you claim title to disposal area? ?Yes ?No ONA (ii) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. e. (i) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ?CW ?SAV ?SB ?WL ®None (ii) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas: N/A d. (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ®Yes ?No ?NA (ii) If yes, where? West Beach, South Beach, Row Boat Row (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? ®Yes ?No ?NA (ii) If yes, how much water area is affected? West Beach - 2.7 acre; South Beach 12.4 acre; Row Boat Row 1.8 acre ?? t 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION ?This section not applicable (If development is a wood groin, use MP-4 - Structures) a. Type of shoreline stabilization: []Bulkhead ?Riprap []Breakwater/Sill ®Other: Beach fill c. Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL: landward 120' e. Type of stabilization material: medium grained, moderatley well sorted sands g. Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level. Bulkhead backfill N/A Riprap N/A Breakwater/Sill N/A Other N/A i. Source of fill material. shoal adjacent to mouth of Bald Head Creek b. Length: See item 2(b) Width: d. Maximum distance waterward of NHW or NWL: 155' f. (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months? ®Yes ?No ?NA (ii) If yes, state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount information. h. Type of fill material. medium grained, moderately well sorted sands 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES ®This section not applicable (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. (i) Will fill material be brouoht to the site? ?Yes ?No ?NA b. (i) Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), if yes, (ii) Amount of material to be placed in the water (iii) Dimensions of fill area (iv) Purpose of fill submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ?CW ?SAV ?SB ?WL []None (ii) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas: 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion b. What type of construction equipment will be used (e.g., dragline, controlled? backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? temporary toe-dike Hydraulic dredge; beach grading by dozers, etc. c. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? d. (i) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project ?Yes ONo ?NA site? ?Yes ?No ®NA (ii) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented. (ii) If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize N/A environmental impacts. Limited construction window C Z On Iectiu?l (? 1I?A5h-- 04"Prt ?' ?/d ifr 3 ( ' Applr ant Na Date Bald Head Creek Dredging Project 292 1110- Applicant Sig ture Project Name P 3 - f? a d ??vv ?I?r? A. t i-4,l uw. u, 4?1"" T1?17_ kt4ARfIC ICEIII I MMSH & HIGHLAND pRE I /ES t? .yI IEGEND S.11 M-? I. cokt , 7 i ?'w +rrf 6t .?a By B?Id HL.d 161s..d Co.v ,,? ?, I ,. 1. ,/l .......>.. . ,..,.. ,? • ti5?f7 8Ce'fr_,,i BALD HEAD ISLAND CCIII CAROLINA CAPE FEAR CORPORATION - SOUTHPORT, N.C. I LJ L_J I ® =CIEI 1 NORTH F C: AUG .2 2010 i?2 9jT.+ sll+?''T 1?b APPLICANT: VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND BALD HEAD CREEK DREDGING SITE WEST BEACH BEACH .. - i BRa YR_--`? ? SOUTH BEACH u3 AN BALD HEAD ISLAND RENOURISHMENT F ,. 14 16 SITES " 9 - ?ti DRL ./ I I L CAPE HATTERA5 1T OCEAN DATE: - APR 2009 oisen associates, inc. BALD HEAD CREEK oRA,BY: Q° -? 4438 Herschel Street DREDGING PROJECT ML Jacksonville, FL. 32210 CO 387-6114 PROJECT LOCATION SHEET - : • ' •COA No. 1468 1 of 9 0 P NOT APPLICANT: VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND olsen t associates, inc. 4438 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32210 (904) 387-6114 COA No. 1468 BALD HEAD CREEK DREDGING PROJECT BEACH RENOURISHMENT SITES A,B,C VILLAGE OF BALD HEAD ISLAND Sand Management Plan Renourishment Site Priorities: SITE A - Highest SITE B - Post -Storm Emergency (Only) SITE C - Lowest DCNI W1y NGTON, NC SCALE 0 600 1200 FEET MAR 2010 ML SHEET 2 of 9 41 n a 00 y ? ? ? I , 4 1 r J UL 2 S 2010 JLW { / 1b, O / =SOP / i i i 5 f. PHOTO DATE MAY 2008 SCALE %u7 0 500 1000 FEET NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION _q olsen BALD HEAD CREEK APR 2009 aSSOCiOTES, inc. DRAWN BY: p ° 4438 Herschel Street DREDGING PROJECT Jacksonville, FL. 32210 ML (904) 387-6114 SHEET COA NO. 1468 BEACH RENOURISHMENT SITE A 3 of 9 -� olsen associates, inc. 4438 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32210 (904) 387-6114 COA No. 1468 a s Vl§ a DATE: BALD HEAD CREEK APR 2009 DREDGING PROJECT l?y L 9 AdODRAWN 6Y: ML LOCATION OF SAND PLACEMENT BEACH RENOURISHMENT SITE B SHEET T of 9 for- to q-_ +r ? ? 0 175 350 FEET NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION SURVEY: McKIM AND CREED r DATE: :- Olsen BALD HEAD CREEK MAR 2010 `?- associates, inc. DREDGING PROJECT DRAWN BY s 4438 Herschel Street ' { "' • IVIL Jacksonville, FL. 32210 (904) 387-6114 CREEK SITE CONDITIONS & SHEET COA No. 1468 BEACH RENOURISHMENT SITE C 5 of 9 =3 O O GR L/ Q U ANG. O n '�', a . �G O O G 7 � j J\ 0 m Cr 1 0 MHW� r6 9�G•A NG � �' I z � h o I O \ Z � U 0 u I z cDM O Z m O� M (G cO .n = ,,. ,. 000R ' .. o N N 6 r LIJ z Air - U Ur CO 00 (D Cj ti LL AL O Z o m coL0 C0 CI) is �vot Q QZ��oo ? / 7X:`,ui W Z Q ,. « i 150 "400 FEET m NGVDWROFON§TRUCTION, associates, inc. BALD HEAD CREEK MAR 2010 �� -- 4438 Herschel Street DREDGING PROJECT JUL J Lji DRAWN BY: Jacksonville, FL. 32210 ML (904) 387-6114 SHEET COA No. 1468 EXCAVATION AREA Z U Q W Q 1_ W C— Z W O _ cocA --, �O 0� o � " � w LLJ ov WSo U J W J � �n J � U 2 U F- J � d� + X WO � O O m CO � N = Q 0 LU W_ O U- X �� Of C CL �� M Cn N O O m (D E M d } L O � f— M J J O Cu N N CM l.L a � O 00 M L J O V NO � mo N W Cf Z � W o N � Z C 6q Lq © � i W Q � LUN p + + o Z J W 2 N Z H LL I— N o N 04 Q 2 > � -j C �22(�JJ m H Z 11 N 00 00 O CO CC d' N O N tD 00 O Q r � Z (GAON-1-A) uoi1ena13 0 0 LU .:,. ... .> ..,ii Q Z DATE: =:-=b Olsen BALD HEAD CREEK APR 2009 associates, inc. DREDGING PROJECT DRAWN BY: 4438 Herschel Street ML Jacksonville, FL. 32210 (904) 387-6114 TYPICAL WEST BEACH AND SHEET �,• COA No. 1468 ROW BOAT ROW FILL TEMPLATE(S) 7 or 9 Q W_ W O J � d } f— J J l.L a � J � mo N W Cf � W � Z i W Q � Z J W 2 z W 2 =m V) W R F :) V) O z W Ix zZ w -- 2 0 > > 0 w Z ?° m? m z -- Q l z M 0 0 Q Z Q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o I I p N I I > Q I I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Lu = U Q I I w CL I I / co Z I I 2 F- I I cc? F' °w I I / Lr) I 1 ? in I 1 I D 0 I I w / I I . ? I 0 1 I I I O N +i I I ? ? Q LL U _ I /I O z ? w I > I O a ? I I = ? I I I I I \ I I I I I ?? I I I I I I 1 I I I I o6 W I I I I ? F- I I Q J I ?I C) CC D + I '" I I 1 MADN-laaA U01jena13 OSL OOL OS9 009 a, OSS H m m OOS o G1 U OSti ;a N 0 OOt, O OSE OOE OSZ F- Z w w 2 Z u) a H OOZ cUQ O Q w z w w w ooh xorj OST wow P= L m }oCZE, Z Zo F?- w OOZ ?Z 0 w 0 F- d w ? w OS w OQ Y In m Z 0 °o? 0 w 0 0.F-w r ? Ij ? i?'1? ' N la's NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION -? olsen 4 ° associates, inc. 4438 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL. 32210 (904) 387-6114 COA No. 1468 BALD HEAD CREEK DREDGING PROJECT SOUTH BEACH FILL TEMPLATE(S) (TYP) DATE: APR 2009 DRAWN BY ML SHEET 8 OF 9 +q +3 +5 MHW )+2.5) FT-NGVD) +4.32 FT MLW Q +2 _ +q +I +3 0 +2 m I -7.81 FT-NGVD MLW )-1.81 FT-NGVD) 0.0 +m FT MLW Q 1 < EXISTING CONDf ION (OCT 08) o ,3 ? I O a -2 z -6 6.0 FT MLW EXCAVATE -a -7 CREEK - -5 F -9 ' 6 -7 IIE fG ,? K S - - -10 _ ..-.. ... ....:. :. .:. ...:...... _ _ - - - to - -12 8 S 3 8 S 2 8 S R 8 S 3 8 8 R 8 9 N N N M 'l < e < .t] v> d -O O n n c0 c0 ro P P O O O N 8 3 N SECTION Y-Y': EXCAVATION AREA EXISTING CONDITION (OCT 08)? +q +5 +3 MHW (+2.51 FT-NGVD) +4.32FTMLW V a +2 _ +I +3 Q 0 0.0 NGVD j+1.81'MLW) Q +2 m m +1 < 1 MLW 1-1.81 FT-NGVD) 0+0FTMLW Q U' - 0 Z -2 3 2 Z z -q ... _ .'.`ANGLE OF ,_ \ \ EXCAVATE .0 FT MLW , ' "- '" _4 < -6 REPOSE \ w -7 _ -- •` -5 -7 9 _ - N PTH' DESIG DE - '- - - ' "- - - - -8 _ 0 "- -1 - Efo nT?:_ 0 12 ? S 8? £Z 3 8 S R? 8? S? 8 m S? DISTANCE ALONG SECTION (FT) SECTION Z-Z': EXCAVATION AREA APPROXIMATE AL DATU FEET T S ID M ) ( MHHW +2.82 FT MHW +2.51 FT (NAVD 88) (+1.1 FT) MTL +0.35 FT NGVD 29 0.00 FT MLW -1.81 FT MLLW -1.98 FT SECTION LOCATIO NS: SEE SHEET 6 NOT FOR PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION DATE: Olsen BALD HEAD CREEK MAR 2010 associates, inc. DREDGING PROJECT DRAWN BY: a 4438 Herschel Sheet ML FL 32210 k ill J sonv . ac e, BORROW SITE EXCAVATION (904) 387-6114 SHEET COA No. 1468 TYPICAL SECTIONS 9 OF 9